Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of a Cdi Injection System Operating on Neat Rapeseed Oil - Feasibility and Operational Studies
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THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A CDI INJECTION SYSTEM OPERATING ON NEAT RAPESEED OIL - FEASIBILITY AND OPERATIONAL STUDIES Michal Tadeusz Bialkowski Submitted for the degree of philosophy on completion of research in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University September 2009 The copyright in this thesis is owned by the author. Any quotation from the thesis or use of any of the information contained in it must acknowledge this thesis as the source of the quotation or information. Abstract This thesis presents the work done within the PhD research project focusing on the util- isation of plant oils in Common Rail (CR) diesel engines. The work scope included fundamental experimental studies of rapeseed oil (RSO) in comparison to diesel fuel, the feasibility analysis of diesel substitution with various plant oils, the definition and implementation of modifications of a common rail injection system and future work re- commendations of possible changes to the injection system. It was recognised that neat plant oils can be considered as an alternative substitute for diesel fuel offering a natural way to balance the CO2 emissions. However, due to the differences between diesel and plant oils, such as density, viscosity and surface tension, the direct application of plant oils in common rail diesel engines could cause degradation of the injection process and in turn adversely affect the diesel engine’s performance. RSO was chosen to perform the spray characterisation studies at various injection pressures and oil temperatures under conditions similar to the operation of the common rail engine. High speed camera, Phase Doppler Anemometry and Malvern laser techniques were used to study spray penetration length and cone angle of RSO in comparison to diesel. To study the internal flow inside the CR injector the acoustic emission technique was applied. It was found that for oil temperatures below 40°C the RSO viscosity, density and surface tension are higher in comparison to diesel, therefore at injection pressures around 37.50 MPa the RSO spray is not fully developed. The spray penetration and cone angle at these spray conditions exhibit significant spray deterioration. In addition to the lab experiments, KIVA code simulated RSO sprays under CR con- ditions. The KH-RT and RD breakup models were successfully applied to simulate the non-evaporating sprays corresponding to the experimental spray tests and finally to predict i real in-cylinder injection conditions. Numerical results showed acceptable agreement with the experimental data of RSO penetration. Based on experimental and numerical results it was concluded that elevated temperature and injection pressure could be the efficient measures to overcome operational obstacles when using RSO in the CR diesel engine. A series of modifications of low- and high- pressure loops was performed and experimentally assessed throughout the engine tests. The results revealed that the modifications allowed to run the engine at the power and emission outputs very close to diesel operation. However, more fundamental changes were suggested as future work to ensure efficient and trouble-free long-term operation. It is believed that these changed should be applied to meet Euro IV and V requirements. ii In memory of my Grandparents: Maria and Tadeusz, to whom I am owe so much. Acknowledgements Completing my PhD was truly a marathon event and I would not have been able to complete this journey without the aid and support of countless people over the past years. However, it is not possible for me to list all the people who encouraged and helped me during my studies and research, but they will be always in my memory. Foremost, I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. Turgay Pekdemir and Prof. Robert L. Reuben from Heriot-Watt University and Prof. Markus Brautsch for their supervision, guidance, encouragement and friendly relationship over the entire period of my Ph.D. Especially, I want to thank my prime supervisor Dr. Turgay Pekdemir for his invaluable support and guidance, which made my thesis work possible. I am very grateful for his patience, motivation, help in correcting the thesis. I warmly thank Dr. David Towers for his valuable and kind advice and for providing the guidance for the PDA system. Also, I want to thank Prof. Guenther Elsbett and all members of the “Eslbett Company” for allowing me to carry out the experimental work in their workshop, providing me with the injection stand and the essential parts of a common rail injection system. I thank them for an excellent, inspiring working atmosphere and deep and sincere care during my work in Thalmaessing. I want to thank present and past members of the Heriot-Watt labs and the workshop for sharing their knowledge, manufacturing of the experimental rigs and providing a great work environment. I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Mrs. A. Blyth, Mrs. M. Thomson, Mr. A. Thomas and all those friends and colleagues who made these years very memorable. I owe massive gratitude to two great men; Dr.Markus Gross and Dr. Krzysztof Nowak for their precious contributions and continuous encouragement as well as professional solidarity. Without your friendship, support and clever ideas my work would be much more difficult. Finally, I thank my Family for building my confidence and the drive for pursuing my PhD. Without them I would never have made it this far. iv Contents Abstract i Acknowledgements iv List of Symbols 3 Glossary 4 List of Figures 5 List of Tables 13 Published papers 15 1 Introduction 16 1.1 Coerced turn into environment? . 16 1.2 Rapeseed oil - the “future” fuel of diesel engines . 20 1.3 Problem description . 22 1.4 Project objectives . 24 1.5 Structure of the thesis . 25 2 Literature review and background knowledge 31 2.1 Plant oils as diesel fuel substitute . 31 2.1.1 Renewable fuels characteristics and plant crops . 33 Chemical structure . 34 Physical and fuel properties . 38 Diesel alternative feasibility . 42 2.1.2 Diesel engines on plant oils . 44 Short- and long-term problems in DI and IDI diesel engines . 46 Engine test operating on plant oils . 49 Use of rapeseed oil . 55 Use of other oils . 61 2.1.3 Feasibility studies and economy benefits . 61 Rapeseed as a new biomass crop . 61 Rapeseed production and supply . 62 v CONTENTS Rapeseed cultivation . 63 Agriculture policy . 64 Yield of rapeseed . 66 Farm production . 66 Rapeseed market . 69 2.2 Diesel injection systems . 70 2.2.1 Diesel engines and injection systems . 71 Diesel engines types . 72 Indirect Diesel Injection Engines (IDI) . 74 Direct Injection (DI) Diesel Engines . 75 2.2.2 Diesel fuel injection systems . 77 In-line fuel injection pump . 78 PE standard in-line fuel injection pump . 78 Control-sleeve in-line fuel injection pump . 79 2.2.3 Distributor fuel injection pumps . 80 Axial-piston distributor pump . 81 Radial-piston distributor pump . 82 2.2.4 Single-plunger fuel injection pumps . 82 PF single-plunger pumps . 83 Unit injector (UI) . 84 Unit pump (UP) . 85 Accumulator injection system . 85 2.2.5 Common-rail Diesel Injection (CDI) . 86 Design and functions . 88 Low-pressure delivery . 90 High-pressure delivery . 90 2.2.6 CDI injection characteristics . 91 Pilot injection . 93 Main injection . 94 Post injection . 95 Influence of high-pressure injection . 96 CDI operating on neat plant oils . 97 2.3 Spray characterisation using optical methods . 98 2.3.1 Background . 99 2.3.2 Spray characterisation . 106 High speed imaging methods . 106 Laser-induced exciplex fluorescence (LIEF) . 108 Spray acquiring using a high speed camera . 109 2.4 Spray droplet sizing using visible laser methods . 110 2.4.1 Spray liquid phase measuring . 111 2.4.2 Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) . 116 2.4.3 Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) . 117 2.4.4 Malvern laser-diffraction . 122 2.5 Acoustic Emission technique . 125 2.5.1 Background . 126 vi CONTENTS 2.6 Spray simulation . 130 2.6.1 Breakup process of fuel jets . 131 2.6.2 Breakup phenomena for high-pressure droplet atomisation . 134 2.6.3 Review of the studies employed KIVA simulation code . 136 2.6.4 Background of KIVA package . 139 Fuel spray breakup in KIVA . 140 The TAB model . 141 Kelvin-Helmholtz breakup analogy . 144 Rayleigh-Taylor breakup analogy . 148 The Droplet Deformation and Breakup model (DDB) . 149 The KH-DDB competition model . 150 2.6.5 Reitz-Diwakar (RD) model . 151 2.6.6 Other KIVA submodes . 152 Turbulence model . 153 Evaporation model . 154 3 Experimental systems 157 3.1 Description of the injection stand . 157 3.2 Common Rail injection experimental system .