
TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority

Minutes of the Meeting of the above named Council convened by the

Council held in the Oak Room, Thornborough Hall on Monday, 16th March 2020 at 7.00pm.

PRESENT: Cllr Alderson Cllr Beswick Cllr Medley Cllr Sanderson Cllr Spenceley Cllr Walker Cllr Wood District Cllr Amsden District Cllr Sedgwick Clerk- Mrs C Smith Deputy Clerk- Ms R Hurst

20.66 PUBLIC REPRESENTATIONS- Two members of the public raised concerns over the suggested rollout of 5G in the Leyburn area highlighting to the Council the perceived risks posed and put LTC on notice about the introduction of 5G.

Cllr Sedgwick raised concerns over the impact Covid 19 will have on local businesses and asked if the Council would consider working with fitness 4 all gym to allow them organise outside fitness classes upon the Shawl Playing fields.

Action: circulate information to Karin about Covid 19 risk assessment & publicise on website. Future Agenda item to discuss 5G.

20.67 APOLOGIES – Received from Cllr Holder. 20.68 DECLARATION OF INTEREST –Cllr Alderson in item 20.79 as he works for one of the tenants.

20.69 MINUTES OF MEETING- held on Monday 17th February 2020– Approved and signed as a correct record.

20.70 REPORTS a. Leyburn Police Report (Appendix 1). b. Reports from Meetings Attended By Councillors. Cllr Spenceley attended a RDC Planning meeting discussing extending red line outline of villages/towns. Cllr Sanderson reported on the TDY meeting (attended by Cllrs Beswick & Medley) explaining that we have planed daytime entertainment and an open air cinema in the evening and that photos been taken today with the trophy. c. Update from the Leyburn Town Plan Groups. Cllr Alderson reported back that plans have been discussed for the redevelopment of the Shawl Play Park. An online consultation with the public and schools will be carried out to determine what the local community would like to see in the park. d. Update from the Clerk on Upcoming Events. Litter pick Saturday 4th April.

Signed: Date: Page | 11

LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority

20.71 PLANNING PLANNING INFORMATION a. RDC Ref: 18/00690/FULL - Application Withdrawn PROPOSAL Revised Application for Conversion of a Stone Barn Into a Three Bedroom Dwelling incorporating Amendments to the Site Layout and Access arrangements (Retrospective).

LOCATION: Quarry Barn, Moor Road, Leyburn, North , DL8 5LA. b. RDC Ref: 17/00147/FULL - Application Withdrawn PROPOSAL: Full Planning Permission for Conversion of a Stone Barn into a Three Bedroom Dwelling and Detached Garage. LOCATION: Quarry Barn, Moor Road, Leyburn, DL8 5LA.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND DECISIONS – to discuss and take decision on the following applications: c. RDC Ref: 20/00055/FULL Proposal: Full Planning Permission for a Single Storey Extension to Existing Property Location: Cow Close Farm, Leyburn, DL8 5JJ. No objections d. RDC Ref: 19/00842/FULL Proposal: Full Planning Permission for Construction of Two Storey Gable Extension. Location: Woodville, 6 Riseber Lane, Leyburn, DL8 5DF. No objections

20.72 GENERAL POWER OF COMPETENCE- The Town Council hereby confirms we meet the eligibility criteria for adoption of a General Power of Competence as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and SI 965 The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012. We further resolve to adopt a General Power of Competence.

20.73 COVID 19 a. Risk Assessment and business continuity response to Covid19 –The Council discussed this document and resolved to approve the risk assessment (Available on the website). Following the government guidance released today which specifically states  If people CAN work from home, they SHOULD work from home  If staff members or volunteers are higher risk or over 70 they SHOULD NOT be interacting with the public and should be isolating as much as humanly possible  Groups and Clubs SHOULD stop meeting. The following measures were put in place: Thornborough Hall- Bookings of the Oak Room are to be cancelled. Safeguarding Employees- Clerks are to work remotely from home. Caretakers – tenants of the offices are to be restricted to working between 8am and 5.30pm. This will ensure isolated working for both caretakers. Market Superintendent- Has been briefed and issued with hand sanitising gel. If the risk to the Market Superintendent becomes high the council will request that all traders pay in advance by BACS. Market-The Market will resume as normal to provide will needed supplies to the community. Library- The operation of the library will be reviewed weekly. We will try to keep the library open as normal, however to risk to the volunteers must be taken into consideration. Signed: Date: Page | 12

LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority

b. Ratification of the purchase of infection control supplies by the Town Clerk under Financial Regulation 4.5 and that all purchase in connection with the COVID19 outbreak for health and safety is accounted for in a new budget code- the Council approved the purchases made. c. Delegation to the Clerk – The Council declare the current situation as a state of emergency and resolve to extend the delegation of Council decisions to the Clerk (or Deputy if the Clerk is out of action), in consultation with the Chair and Councilors (this is to include the payment of salaries and financial undertakings), during any period of restricted activity declared by the Government in respect of the Covid-19 virus. Such delegation has been put in place to enable the Council to fulfill its responsibilities to its residents.

20.74 BIG SPRING CLEAN 2020 – This event is to be left in place and will be reviewed closer to the time following government guidelines.

20.75 THORNBOROUGH HALL a. Oak Room Charges- The Council reviewed the Oak room hire charges and resolved to keep them the same.

20.76 MARKET a. Rental and electricity charges- The Council reviewed the Market charges and resolved to keep the rental rates the same for the next financial year and increase the electricity charges to cover the projected costs for 2020-21.

The Council also resolved to freeze the back rent for any permanent traders that have to self- isolate due to Covid 19.

20.77 FINANCE a. Effectiveness of internal controls- The Council reviewed the internal control measures resolving that the same practice will continue for 2020-21. b. Internal Auditor- The Council resolved to appoint Mr. Ian Smithson as the internal auditor. c. Clerks salary- The Council resolved to approve adding one salary point to the Clerks salary for success in obtaining The Certificate in Local Council Administration. d. Bank Reconciliation Statement dated 28th February 2020- Approved. e. Budget situation- noted. f. Invoices awaiting payment- approved. g. Payments list approved and receipts list noted.


“That under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information”

The meeting will re-convene after item 20.77 to consider Tenders with the press and public excluded due to the nature of the business being prejudicial under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Signed: Date: Page | 13

LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority

20.79 THORNBOROUGH HALL OFFICE LEASES- The Council discussed the draft leases with Mr Scott clarifying details contained in the new lease.

20.80 TENDERS a. Chapel Flatts Field- The Council resolved to include the maintenance of the first Shawl field within the playpark maintenance tender. b. Kelberdale Toilets SLA- The Council approved the criterion set out in the draft SLA and resolved to present this to RDC with the additions on standards of cleaning from Cllr Waites.

20.81 EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Cllr Wood discussed putting volunteers in place to assist vulnerable people self isolating and informed the Council that people have already come forward willing to help. Cllr Sanderson reported an increase in cars speeding along Harmby Road. Cllr Waites reported street lights out in the RDC car park, that there was still one decommissioned light to be removed and that the markings on the ambulance bay are now faded. Actions: Report Street lights out, pass on concerns over speeding to the police and request a speed check to be carried out. Future Agenda Items: Reinstating the yellow markings on the ambulance bay.

20.82 DATE OF NEXT MEETING; the Council resolved to cancel all council meetings until further notice from Monday due the corona virus outbreak.

Annual meetings will remain until NALC issue further guidance on any government alterations to legislation in response to Covid 19.

Meeting closed By Order of the Council.

Signed: Date: Page | 14

LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority

Appendix 1 Dales Police Crime Report March 2020

The following incidents of note have occurred in the Dales area this month –

Around midday on 18th February a Volvo car parked near Hawes Auction Market was entered and cash and a Makita cordless drill were stolen from within. Please avoid leaving valuables on view in your vehicle.

Overnight on 23rd to 24th February a green Can-Am ‘mule’ type off-road vehicle was stolen from a gamekeeper’s yard in Grinton. Over the following week two more similar ‘mule’ type vehicles were stolen in the Dales, one from Bainbridge, overnight on 24th to 25th February, and one from Agglethorpe in , overnight on 29th February to 1st March. There is believed to be a connection to recent quad bike thefts in Upper Wharfedale and Wensleydale with thieves targeting the area from West Yorkshire. A number of arrests have already been made this year.

Please continue to call the police with sightings of suspicious vehicles and people at the time when you see them. Vehicle registration numbers are invaluable in these reports. Owners of such vehicles please take a few moments to check your security. Where possible lock them away in secure buildings overnight, preferably covered by cctv and alarms. Fitting ‘Tracker’ systems means that if stolen you greatly increase the chances of getting your vehicle back.

Local police continue to patrol remote areas with the valued assistance of rural watch groups.

Overnight on 1st to 2nd March thieves entered a barn at Sharp Hill Farm in Middleham and stole a number of power tools from within. Many are identifiable by being marked with the names Wheeler or Weedall. Please contact police on 101 should you come across these tools.

Sometime in early March a second home property in West Witton was broken into via a rear window. Burglars stole jewelry from within. If you are away overnight please leave signs of occupancy such as timers on lights to put off would-be burglars.

Around 9th March a number of lawful vermin control snares have been damaged in the area of Preston Moor. If you see traps or snares that you are unhappy with, please don’t take the law into your own hands but instead call the police and I will check them to ensure they are compliant with wildlife legislation.

We continue to take reports of a variety of attempted scams to relieve people of their hard earned money. Please be suspicious and remember if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Always be wary of divulging personal information. Don’t be a victim!

Stay calm and wash your hands!

PC Julian Sutcliffe

Dales Neighbourhood Police Team

Signed: Date: Page | 15

LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority

Appendix 2

Leyburn Town Council Covid 19 Risk Assessment

Signed: Date: Page | 16