
Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Wednesday, 21 October 2015] p7730c-7731a Ms Eleni Evangel; Dr Kim Hames

HOPMAN CUP 2016 880. Ms E. EVANGEL to the Minister for Tourism: I was pleased to hear the will again attract some of the biggest names in to WA. Can the minister outline the benefit of this event to the state? Dr K.D. HAMES replied: It was a great pleasure earlier this morning to be at the launch of the Hopman Cup with the famous . It looks like it will be a fantastic event. Once again, Serena Williams will head the American team. There will be great presence from players from very many different countries. There will be two Australian teams. One team will be and Casey Dellacqua—I keep wanting to call her Bevilacqua. Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members, please! I was hoping that the minister would announce that I will be a wildcard in the tournament! Several members interjected. Dr K.D. HAMES: Mr Speaker, I heard that you can play tennis, but I do not think you are quite up to that standard. Casey Dellacqua and Lleyton Hewitt will be playing in the gold team for , and Nick Kyrgios, with a mystery partner who has not been announced yet, will be playing for Australia in the green team. This is a great event for Western Australia, and the state government is very proud to sponsor it. It is not about just creating a great event that the people of Western Australia can enjoy. Our job in Tourism WA is to sell Western Australia overseas. It will be broadcast all over Australia and to more than 170 other countries by 20 different broadcast partners. In between the tennis, visions of all aspects of Western Australia will be shown to other countries. That is what draws people to Western Australia. They look at the tennis, they see the vision of Western Australia and what a great state we have and over they come, so it is critically important for us to get out and do those things. Last year the event and media exposure generated $120 million of expenditure. I am really looking forward to this event. Hopefully, this year Australia will be able to crack getting into the finals but I will certainly be there barracking for them.
