
730 Washington Avenue + Carnegie + PA + 15106

E-mail: Rectory: 412-279-4652 holytrinitycarnegie @gmail.com Office Hours: Website: M-W-F 9:00 a.m www.htucc.com to 12:00 p.m. Fax: Facebook: @HolyTrinityUkrainian 412-279-5109 CatholicChurch Pyrohy: Instagram: 412-276-9897 @holytrinitycarnegie

Fr. Jason Charron, Pastor Fr. Ivan Smereka

Fr. Myron Spak


3:00 to 3:45 on Saturday or by appointment

Divine Liturgy

Saturday 4:00 p.m. (Eng.) 8:30 a.m. (Ukr.) and 11:00 a.m. (Eng.)

Diocese of St. Josaphat stjosaphateparchy.com

December 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesdayvember Wednesda 2019y Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Baptism DL at 12pm Pyrohy making Pyrohy making at 11 am DL Emmanuel 8am 8am Moleben St Nicholas at 7pm of Myra DL – 12pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Saint Nicholas Pyrohy DL at 12pm Pyrohy making Pyrohy making Pyrohy making 12 pm Party making 8am Pyrohy making 8am 8am 8am Ridna after 11 am DL 8am shkola ESL Music class 3-9pm Emmanuel concert Maternity of 9am-12pm the holy Anna Moleben at 7pm

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Zorya ESL DL at 12pm performance 9am-12pm here Music class 3-9pm 2pm Emmanuel Choir Practice Moleben 10am at 7pm

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sunday Christmas Christmas, Synaxis DL St. Stephen Before Eve 4pm at 10am Christmas is DL at 9am

Choir Practice Sung Born! 10am Compline 10 am DL Youth Service @ 10:30pm 29 30 31

Sunday after Christmas

December 1, 2019 –

From the Desk of the Pastor… Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever! I would like to spend this week explaining the meaning behind some very ancient Christian symbols. Some of these we have seen before, perhaps some are new. Enjoy!


Among the symbols employed by the early , that of the fish seems to have ranked first in importance. Its popularity among Christians was due principally to the famous acrostic consisting of the initial letters of five Greek words forming the word for fish (Ichthus), which words briefly but clearly described the character of Christ and the claim to worship of believers: "Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς Θεοῦ Υἱὸς Σωτήρ", (Iēsous Christos Theou Huios Sōtēr), meaning, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.[13] This explanation is given among others by Augustine in his Civitate Dei.

Alpha and Omega The use since the earliest of the first and the last letters of the , alpha (α or Α) and omega (ω or Ω), derives from the statement said by Jesus (or God) himself "I am , the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:13, also 1:8 and 21:6).

The ⳨ (from the Greek σταυρός, i.e. ), was first used to abbreviate the Greek word for cross and may visually have represented Jesus on the cross. St. Ephraim in the 4th century explained these two united letters stating that the refers to the cross, and the refers to the Greek word "help" in such a way the symbol expresses the idea that the Cross saves.

Sincerely in Christ, Jason (priest and sinner) Sunday Gospel Reading

Євангеліє святого Луки 18:18-27

18 І запитався Його один із начальників, говорячи: Учителю Добрий, що робити мені, щоб вспадкувати вічне життя?19 Ісус же йому відказав: Чого звеш Мене Добрим? Ніхто не є Добрий, тільки Сам Бог!20 Знаєш заповіді: Не чини перелюбу, не вбивай, не кради, не свідкуй неправдиво, шануй свого батька та матір.21 А він відказав: Усе це я виконав від юнацтва свого!22 Як почув це Ісус, то промовив до нього: Одного тобі ще бракує: Розпродай усе, що ти маєш, і вбогим роздай, і матимеш скарб свій на небі. Вертайся тоді, та й іди вслід за Мною!23 А він, коли почув це, то засумував, бо був вельми багатий.24 Як побачив Ісус, що той засумував, то промовив: Як тяжко багатим увійти в Царство Боже!25 Бо верблюдові легше пройти через голчине вушко, ніж багатому в Божеє Царство ввійти...26 Ті ж, що чули, спитали: Хто ж тоді може спастися?27 А Він відповів: Неможливеє людям можливе для Бога!

Sunday Gospel According to St. Luke 18:18-27

18 And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. 20 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’” 21 And he said, “All these I have observed from my youth.” 22 And when Jesus heard it, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 23 But when he heard this he became sad, for he was very rich. 24 Jesus looking at him said, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 26 Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?” 27 But he said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

Events at Holy

☛As you noticed, we started once again to sing in church “O come , o come Emmanuel”. It means that St.Philip’s Fast (Advent) started. Throughout Advent, there will be Emmanuel Moleben at 7pm every Tuesday. As such, Confessions will start by 6:30 pm before the Moleben service.

☛Christmas Angel project is giving you an opportunity to help people right here in our Carnegie community during this Advent season. You will see a small Christmas tree at the entrance of our church that is covered with “angel cards” of items requested by those in need here in Carnegie. Please buy a gift, wrap it, attach your “angel card” to the wrapped gift and place it under the tree by Friday December 13th. If you have any questions, call Mary Ann Davis 412-708-8003.

☛ Would you be interested in giving your child free voice lessons with a professional here at HTUCC? E-mail Fr. Jason for more information: [email protected]

St. Nicholas celebration here at Holy Trinity auditorium will be on Sunday, December 8th after 11 a.m. Liturgy. A visit from St. Nicholas and lunch will be served. All are welcome!

☛On Sunday December 15th at 2 pm our parish will host Ukrainian female vocal ensemble “Zorya” from Parma, OH with their Christmas concert series. For more information see the flyer at the end of the bulletin and in the foyer of the church.

☛ Congratulations to Bohdan and Fernanda Mykhailiv on the Baptism of their son Stephan. Mnohaya Lita

☛ A big welcome to Joann Thomas! She will start helping Fr. Jason in the parish office Monday, Dec. 2nd. She will be here Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, from 9am- 12pm. God bless you, Joann! ☛New product for Christmas: Prune pyrohy (are very popular).

In order to meet a very high demand for pyrohy before Christmas, we are having one evening session this Wednesday, December 4th at 6 pm to ease work for our regular volunteers. Please consider helping for a couple of hours. Supper and good fellowship will be provided.

Our “Pyrohatory” week is December 9th -13th . We are making them every day that week Monday through Friday starting at 8 am. Please consider coming during that time, especially Monday and Tuesday.

Reminders & Notes

Christmas Poinsettias for the church - We are ordering 8 (10in) at $25 and 36 (8in) at $16 each.

Homemade nut rolls can be picked up Thursday and Friday Dec. 5th and 6th.

☛There are offering envelopes in the church vestibule to list your memorial names and make your donation. The list will be published in our Christmas bulletin. Deadline to submit your names is Friday, December 20th.

☛On Sunday, January 19th, between the two Liturgies, our parish will hold a General Meeting. This is an opportunity to share your ideas about our parish’s future, what is in need of improvement, what is coming along well, what is uncertain, what needs to change, what needs to stay the same. Concerns, ideas, questions, complaints are all welcome. They can be submitted anonymously by being placed in a blank envelope in the collection basket when it comes around during Liturgy. Or, they can be shared at the meeting itself. Further ideas? E-mail [email protected]

☛ Your parish provided a foundation to you in life, providing for your spiritual and moral growth. Please remember our parish in your Last Will & Testament. The wording to do this is as follows: “I give and bequeath to the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church, Carnegie, __% of the residue of my estate [or: the sum of $____].” You can direct your bequest in any way you wish: it can go towards iconography in the church interior, a chandelier for our church, toward missionary activity so that we spread the faith, toward a Catholic educational fund for young women or young men in the parish, toward church gardening expenses, toward the upkeep of our beautiful cemetery, your funds can be designated in any way you wish. Events in our Community ☛University of Pittsburgh Nationality Rooms Open house is on Sunday December 8th, 2019 12pm-4pm. Free admission. There will be Ukrainian pastries for sale.

☛16th annual Cookie Walk at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church hall is on Saturday December 14th 10 am-2pm. For more information see the flyer.

Save the Dates for Ministering in Ukraine Come and serve with the Sisters of St. Basil in their ministry to Ukraine's poor and needy. This coming year’s Basilian Volunteer Program will take place from May 24 to June 14, 2020. These visits to orphanages and psychiatric institutions will include two separate groups to two different regions, one group will travel to eastern Ukraine (Poltava) and one to western Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk, Mukachevo and Drohobych).

For an application and additional information for the Basilian Volunteer Program with the Sisters in Ukraine contact Sr. Ann Laszok, OSBM at [email protected] or 412-260- 1607.


The iconostas, the most prominent and distinctive visual element of the interior of a Byzantine church, offers a theological feast for our eyes. Depending on the number of rows, the iconostas can recapitulate the entire economy of salvation.

The essential row of the iconostas, at floor level, has several features. In the middle of this essential row are the Royal Doors (sometimes called Holy Doors). The priest (or deacon) with the book of the Gospels passes through these doors to proclaim the good news to the faithful. More importantly, it is through these doors that the Savior comes in the for distribution to the faithful: the symbolism is revealing, as the Lamb of God, “who takes away the sin of the world”, comes to us as we “approach with the fear of God and with faith.” On the Royal Doors we see the icon of the Annunciation, depicting Gabriel bringing good tidings of grace to Mary, and icons of the , heralds of the Good News.

The Royal Doors are always flanked on the left with an icon of the , typically depicted holding an infant Christ, the King born in a manger. On the left of the Royal Doors is an icon of Christ, often (but not always) depicted holding an open Gospel Book: the book not only of salvation, but of judgment. Therefore, standing before the Royal Doors, we see that all things take place between Christ’s first and second coming.

Traditionally, at the middle point on each side of the iconostas are the Deacon’s Doors, so called because it is the deacon who most frequently uses them. The ’ Doors normally feature icons of sainted deacons (notably St. Stephen the Protomartyr), or less often, icons of angels.

On a multi-tiered iconostas, above the essential row there can be a row of Deisis icons (with Christ in the middle and Mary, saints, and angels interceding for us in prayer), a row with the icons of the 12 Great Feasts, and rows of Patriarchs (Adam to ) and Prophets (Moses to Christ).

Think of all that happens in front of the iconostas, under the reign of the Pantocrator, in view of our intercessor the Theotokos, and surrounded by the saints: baptisms, marriages, ordinations, anointings, heartfelt repentance, funerals, reception of “the precious, most holy and most pure Body and Blood of our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Look around: “all that was done for us, the cross, the tomb, the resurrection on the third day, the ascension into heaven, the sitting at the right hand, and the second and glorious coming” is there for us to see. Can you see it? (Thank you to Mark Medwig for this four part series!) Icon Coloring for Kids

Weekly Collection Report

Sunday, November 24th, 2019 Sunday regular: $2,334, Candles $161.20, Eparchial $364, Utilities $70, Thanksgiving $139, Entrance of the Theotokos $268, Retirement fund $130, Ukrainian Saints $40, Natalia in Ukraine $92, Vestments $20, Donation in memory of Katherine Volanski $50. Total: $ 3,688.20 Pyrohy: Thanksgiving break Catechism Quote:

Please, pray for these people:

Diana Antoinette Adeline Makar Mike Makar Katherine Volanski Bob Kness Dave Burke Kara Stemplewicz Jim Naddeo Ann Kohl Helen Moskal Christy Colalella Mary Simek Steve Neczipir Don Schultz Harry Kohl Clara Wasylyk Jack Schellhaus Jean Staude Carol Ostaffe Maria Bagmet Laura Boyce John Maslany Mary McLaughlin Helen Popivchak Mark Popivchak Michalina Pituch Lucille Mosur Gabby Blythe Sha Smith Anastasia Chruszcz Josh Carmino Trish Chorba Ray Komichak James McGuire Amy Gentile Esther Koss Tracy Riggle Eric Stehle Sandra Mitchell

Divine Liturgy Schedule 25th Sun. of Pentecost: Week of December 1st

Sat. 11/ 30 25th Sunday After Pentecost 4 p.m. Divine Liturgy for the soul of Danny Pituch, req. by Nick Kotow. (IS) Divine Liturgy for the people. (JC)

Sun. 12/1

8:30a.m. Divine Liturgy for the soul of Roman Nazarewycz (2nd anniversary), requested by his wife Tatianna and family. (IS) 11 a.m. Divine Liturgy for the health and well-being of Eleanor Patross, requested by Sanders and Sgro families. (JC)

Baptism of Stephan Mykhailiv. Mnohaya Lita!

Tues. 12/3 12 p.m. Divine Liturgy for the repose of Stephania Borszcz, requested by Angela Honchar (JC)

26th Sun. of Pentecost: Week of Decmber 8th

Sat. 12/ 7 26th Sunday After Pentecost 4 p.m. Divine Liturgy for the soul of Joseph Zarvis (16th anniversary), requested by Mary Ann Volanski. (IS) Divine Liturgy for the people. (JC)

Sun. 12/8 Feast of Maternity of the Holy Anna

8:30a.m. Divine Liturgy for the health and well-being of Raymond Komichak, requested by S.Zinski and Ukrainian crylos. (IS)

11:00a.m. Divine Liturgy for the soul of Robert McCauley (2nd anniversary), requested by McCauley family. (JC)

January 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesdayvember Wednesda 2019y Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Feast of St. Schedriy Basil and Vechir Circumcision 5:30pm of Our Lord 10am

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sunday Theophany before 10am Liturgy Theophany

Blessing of water & Vespers 7pm 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sunday after Theophany

19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Sunday after Pentecost

26 27 28 29 30 31 32nd The Three Sunday Holy after Hierarchs Pentecost 12pm Liturgy

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church Parish Contacts PAC (Pastor’s Advisory Council): Social Media/Young Mother’s Group: Maryann Davis (contact person) Carola Graefin Vom Hagen (Medwig) 412-708-8003 412-528-1811

Adult Faith Formation: League of Ukrainian Catholics: Fr. Dcn. Myron Spak Nick Kotow 412-303-9086 412-835-8714

Apostleship of Prayer: Annual Picnic Committee: Jean Daniels Andrew Kurzawski 412-276-1735 St. Josaphat Society: CCD Religious Education: Tom Kerchansky Angela Honchar 412-279-5987 412-279-4652 Men Following Christ Group: Safe Environment: Fr. Dcn. Myron Spak Marika Zaliszczuk 412-303-9086 412-215-5372 Diocesan Resource Committee: Youth Group: Zac Sudiak Salvador Ramirez Brambila 412-266-6153 626-483-1844, [email protected] Altar Decorating: Church Lectors: Arlene Esterburg Al Trautman 412-279-4652 (Rectory) 724-695-8137 Ridna Shkola: Music: Olexandra Korenovska Stephen H. Zinski 412-708-1260 412-276-2259 Poltava Dance: Pyrohy Project: Christina Hlutkowsky Ted Sywy 412-980-1993 412-877-6083 Finance Committee: Evangelization & Bible Study: Keith & Mary Reabe, Tom Medwig Men’s: Matthew Ketcham Rectory: 412-279-4652 720-556-7491 Women’s: Hannah Ketcham ’s Review Board-Protection of 402-443-8379 Children: Dr. Justine Perhosky
