
C.I.D. 11'71• •

CJ.D. ll'rl•

• BIIBBDS, Ouatay BIRTIWI, Dr. Adolr (2nd B41t1on) . FuocS btate - Stewart or ~e Reiab Cardinal and Arabb1abop or Bresleu - Rot lldB. - 88.-Briledl"tuhrer. (Jieichao~ teabn1oi.1 reasons. des Reiohsalhrstaades.) 1nclu4ed tor. c.I.D. 12'718& C. I .D. 12'718& 41ao ln a lea41. peatUoe b tile leloJl ot­ tioe tor raraer• or tbe 1 1aio!lllett.n,•.

B!RE, Otto BlllfiOII,Dr.WaUII" Plenipotentiary or the Foreign Ottice wiUI • • tbe Reich Commi ssi oner 1n the Retberl&nds, Xb11ter ot Kooaaato1 aD4 Labour 1n the (Beauttraater des .iunlrt1gen Alltea beia "'aeoJl GoYen.eat• (~e)- Ju.aior X1ft1- Re1cbsll:o..ts sar 1n den R1ederlanden.) ner1al Dtreotor- 18.- Obertu&Juoer. (Xta­ iller t'ller WirlloJlatl 11114 ArbeU 1ft Ur C.I.D. #27185 Protell:lorallreperaac-X1ft1ahr1ald1ripal). • C.I.D. 11?180

BERGEN, Dr. p. Diego \ BU!', Otbaar German Ambassador to t he Holy See. (Deutscher Botscbatter be1m Vat1kan, ) Ohiet Editor 1 D.A. z. • (Bauptaohr1tt1e1ter 'Deut1oba Al1.. ae1na Zeit~ ) . C.I. D. #27185 O.I. D. #2?1811

BERGER Cbiet ot tbe Central Reich Departaent ot the ss.- Chiet ot t he Bail ..-.s and 11&11 Guards ot the Arllled ss.-ss.- Oruppe~rer - Watten..SS, (Cbet des 88.­ Bauptaat es - Leiter des 88,-Bahn - und Postschutzes.) C. I . D, 12'7185 .. O.I.D. II'Pl80 • fill Ule In r "•'>smllar"..O·-~· '• svm •1a1.._ ot Ule 1a-.ncr •tsella .....f...... ,...., (~elal ...... •••=, ...... ,. '" ...,...p ,...... fi••J ...... ls •• 'tllan .._._.... ,.,- ..., ...). O.I.D. llf111 . .. ·~· ....., .., 1Ml 111 ...... Ocav.l ......

• O,I.D... 111 •


~ural of &qln.. n aa4~ltleatloae 0 o•lJt.G o I 1&97 t • ...., • hDCI'a1allalral, YUh Ule ~Qr•e Jl1&b 0 , (~.._t cr-.e'l!!\1ena4er MUral 111 ...... ft.) t.r Ploalere aa4 ree~a O.K.¥. ). O.I.D. 11'Pl811

Poee1bl7 laepMter~, 1 0 . I . D. ,12'71811

I BLAilOVI!Z1 Jobaftftee BQCM«R, a.tDrlch-.7olwm

~nnaloberet . - 0~4er of an Arw:t ~_..,,. ot lr.n-Le... r ot II.. Cluq •...... ee-111. . OM• r. ....,.atuehnr. C!Wite­ O.I. D. 1&2W rn4er Burpl'lle ehr 111 Br- - Fllehrer 4er 111.,4 ;pe lorteee). ' • O.I.D. 11'Pl811

BLOI(J;, Dr. lurt BOEPPLE, Ezonet Ob.llt or lhe Rt1ob PtQ-11o1ana 1 Ltacu•- i" Uncler-8eoret&l'1 or ltah - Dlputr Cbiet ot Deputr Rtloh Health Leader. (Rtlohlaer~ -Cbe Clo'riMIMDC of the Clcnoe~~aeral tuehrer-8Ct11YertreteD4er Rl1ob... eun4- (Polaft4). (ltaaCell:retaer - ltellnrtre­ b t1htuehrer ) • teiMler Letter 4er B.epenmc 4ee I:Jeaeral­ poe....-.ate). O. I .D. 12111811 O.I.D. II'Pl811

BLUKCJII:Il, Dr. Vlpert y. llO!!! '• lmeC Vllhela

~I'IW\ 11ft1etlr 111 Fifth"". (DIII,Iobtr 8uleUer or all Clel'llafte11Prcc4 - ~Sate lecnt&r7, rontp ottloe - MR. 11.- CJeeaJI4C.r la F11111lu4). •• cpa. (CiaJeltcr 4er ...,,...,,_.,.._ O.I.D. #2'11811 ftlaedoe' - ..._,....,,,.r, ...... ,..lp, &at 11.-Gs..,.ahcbrer). O.I.D. 12'7111 •

• • • ...... r ...... -- art&ee I •••••••••, .. ,_,_ ...... w ...... ll ...... •• till o.-111-G., 1 ua. (tea I'._ - ..., t• "" Oiu ~e& len ·<:r· h11Q) , h r:t• ,.... lllll.-... :: c;--efd~bJ)= ... ll··•!P•· lii'M•)· .... "• ...... t; tMulhiW cor "' ott - Onl'll 111. al • Qallt..S.•,... O.l.D. llilnel Ut..... leiQat•:.=='· ... Cat... Ut~) • 1.. 11• • I I..... 1•111tor t, h11Uk Ia Alit...... _· hien"nnl.) O.l.D. la9181

DAID!, Dr. J:arl

1 Oblot of lhtf of U. OlwleellOI'J .r Ute - 'fbi r.a.bl'lr • Plolllpotntl&I'J-Giaol'll tor Panr I •.u.r .,. u.. War Oalu... t - u..­ Bealtb 1114 •1411&1 loi'YlOOI • OJiel'lhl ...... u ..-.ljl qpoar.o!aNr I Jill. - &ol.U~ fuluoor, Wt-a. (h11oi'Jl~boYOlll&lohtl1'­ loner. (ltabauuor lor PartoUualol • tor 48o J'laelazoon t .4. lallltaote- llD4 GoollD4- •udlocl KlJilotol'l'ato t1aor 41• Rolota.­ heUIWiaon). .,.riol4lpllc).4•• c·.I .D. 18'7188 loliO ft¥1' all pi'&Otllal pui'JIOIII (tbwp blthol'to without tho ottlolal otrlo) Rolota.­ •• • Tt llftlltll'. ,0. I .D. 127180

v. BRAUCHUSCB , Walter (lst Ed1 t1on) r BOUBLI3, Pbillpp . o·eneralfeldmarschallJ_ C, -1n-C., Arm7 - S1noe Chief or tho Ohanooll01'7 ot tho JUohrer ~sB:ckled; successor: tu'l'L!R, (PartY) I llelobololtor I Chlet ot the Partrl1 Oenlorlhlp~0181ttea · f,or thl prO­ C. I .D. #27185 teot~~ ot ••· lltoratlll'l - IJ.-Gruppea­ tubrer ,. 1114ll. (Ohlt 4er lualel 411 J'uob- 1'11'1 - Lotter 411' partolaatllobln Pruor~ k..al111on sua lohUtse dee .,,~lohrlrttawo), ' ~ O.I.D. 127180

B!U.Oin'' 1'1'1h BRAUVJ:ILJ:R, Dr. El'not Gauleltlr and OboJ'pl'allldent Yon O'bor­ Oblet ot tho Forilp Pnu Dept. of the llet:lb lohleelen - 88.-G~'aFP'ntllebrer - KdR . Pl'ea•, Obier or the Proa• Dept. 1n tho Pro­ P1181n4a llln1atl'1 - Junior llllllltlrlal Dlr- O.I.D. 12?1811 . eotor. (Loiter dor Abt. Au1lanc\apl'la1o bela Bolob1pra11eohor und_. der P1'111oabta11unr 1• Rl1oblpropasand&l1n11ter1ua • Xlnlatorlal• 41rl'if!J't) • I O.I.D. 12?1811


BJIIJMI:B BB&fttl:. 11111 C.~ln~o., Ootland. Generalloutnant. (Xll· Ob1ot rlabl1o Prooo011tor to the luprolo ltaer'botehloha'bor 1a RelohakOIIloearl~t Oetland). Oolll't ot Juouoo. (Obone1ohoanwalt u llelobaprloht). C.I.D. 12718& O.I.D. 127180 Clalel "' • '-'• orne• t• hll· haeltnt fll 1M 'ona a ' rtt ,.,lee. ta.l ,, .u.. (J.d...... ,.. ,.... lols.,. .. .u.,,. Hlll1 •• , ..... hrtll). o.J.D. ,.,111 o.J.D. ll'nM

.a. Wal'ft' lal.UleUer - IQI hMJ .r..,. -l.t..l"' Genen""•'•al - o.-in-0. IOI"thft''l o­ OMrp....,.atulu'er. (OMnhr Parhll'loll­ ea84 Gena~~ laYJ. IOMrbetehleballft' 4 .. ter). llarineolleall "PJ10u-n4o 101'4). 0 . I .D. I 2?181 O.J.D. I 2?181

B1JIC'I!IIR, a..- OBRIIfl'"'ll, r?ledrlob x.. ber ot the Anunt OoUilNal - Pzoo.lllnt Clel'll&ll KUl-.17 0 •D4er Bellan4 - 1Jiduetr1ali•t. (XUI].1114 4••. Ru•••WIC•• 4, nleP.P • Corp• Lea4er - 1•. nriq rat.. ). Oorp•. (KUltaerbetehlllhaber lfellUA - Eorp•taehl'er UJ'l) • O.I.D. 12'7181 O.I.D. I 2?181

BUEBLJ:R, Dr. Jo.. t t1nder-Seor•t&1'7 ot St.ah - Pe-ent De­ putr to lhe GoYornor-Oeneral in P-oland - D1reotor ln \he Reioh Bank - Oblet or GOYo~ent. (ltad.. ll:retaer - ltaen41pr ltell•ertreter te• ClenerelgouYemeur• 1n Polen - Reioh•benkdtrettor - Leiter 4er Rtg1erang·4•• Gontral-GouYtrn.. ent•). C.I .D. 127186

BUDOIEL, Jo.. t OIL.l&Z, otto GauleUer an4 Reioh.. tattbalter v.. t.ark • Yloe-Ada11'al • O.-ln-0. Battle~• · (Be• Ohler ot Oi•Ltl A4a1n1•tration ln Lorra1ae - tehleh&ber 4er loblaoht•obltte). IIA. - an4 81,-0bel'p'Uppentuellrer. (Chat der Z1Y1lnrwalhq in Lothrinpn). • O.I. I>. #2?186 O.I .I>. #2?186 Cblet ld.ltor.:~:.x.• ~=- 88,WMk17) - :':.,_.., 88,-8tae1~rt a. ( 'tlobr1Rleiter !!~!!! ~-r;;::::.. WD&1 Schwarae lorpe.~) 'iii:il...... ,.. ~"- &. ~ l:r!'C;:C::F,.. Ia ... ..•• C.I.D. 12'7185 O.I.D. ll'nll.

• DALumB, lturt CQJUM, Beraor IAopoJ4 v. Cblef of the unif-d pollee in the l'rtll14en\ of lbe GeNU Re4 01'011 - IID,­ Relob ll1niat17 of the Interior - Act1nc ~rgc ~11h.lbl'ft O.ael'al. 4er IlltaDtlrle - Reich Protector tar Bob.J.a and lfora'ria - •u. (l'J'tee141at 4ee Dnleobea loten Generaloberat d. Pol1ze1 - 88..-Qberstgrup­ lriUIII), pentUhrer - Jl4R. (Chef der Ordnungs­ pollzei 1m R4!iobla1n1ster1um des Inneren - c. I .D. I 2'P186 Stellv. Reiobsprotektor f. Bohaen UDd aabren.) C. I.D. 12'7185

DABKELIWIN, - OOI'l'I, Dl', Leonardo (1st and 2nd Edition). Uft4er-BIOI'I\&J'1 It Sta•e • Rllob Bealtb Leder - Obllt ot 'be P&l'\11 1 Oealnl. , C.-in-C,, Serbia - D~t. tor Pub11o BeeUb - Lla4er ot all Since replaced byt BADER ldW'I Cure leoleUee - 11.8fbiijiplatue)rir, ( ltut11111'etaer - RlloblpeancUIIUetuehJ'er c . ~.D. #2'7185 lAtter 4 , &IIPlutee t. folk... 111114heU - FUehl'lr Iller latUJ'bellverbaiD4e). O.I.D. 12718&

CRAU~li.AAR, Dr. V, DARRE, Walter (1st and 2nd Edition). Deputy Chief for llil1ta17 Ad.ministration Reich !.linister of Agriculture and Food., etc.­ in Belgium and Northern France - ltriegs­ Since replaced by: BACIE. verwaltungsvizecbef. (Stelly.Mllitarver­ waltungsehef i n Belgien und Nordfranreicb,) c,.r .D. #2'7185

C.I.D. ~185

v. DB!Il, Ritter Adolf CROPP, Dr. Fritz .· Chief ot starr NS. Kotor Corps - Chief of the Department IV in the 'Reich ISI!t-Obergruppentubrer. (Stabscbef des 1Cin1stry or the I nt.erior - ll1n1sterial BBKX.) . Director. (Leiter der Abteilung IV ia Reicbsinnenminister1um - M1n1ster1al­ d1rektor.) C,I,D, 127185 c.I.D. 127185 ~.l.D. 11'1'180 C.I.D. 12'71116

Dn:rJIICB, Otto DCIIUH, MalJ'al - Reich PreiS Chief of the IISDAP.- Press Chief ot the GOYVDMDt - AD!Iela'ecl to -oeecl IIM4er.... bM4 ot State SeOT&t&r7 in the Reich PropqaDda S11i GeNu n'-arlae n ..,, an4 Will KiDistr,r-18.-Dbergruppentubrer - ldR. aow be ,0.-la-0. ot u.e hNaa ...,, (Reichspreasechef d. JSDAP.- Presaechet d. Reicbsregierung - Staatssekretar is (Ottlolal Uallaa la4lo - JaaiiU')' ao, ·~) Re1chsJ1ropagandaa1Dister1um. ) C.I.D. #2'7185

DI ErRICB, Sepp (Josef) . T. DOBBBBIIO, l"reiherr A1exandn D1v1siqnal Co11111ander (Armed SS. ) , General Chief of Protocol in the Foreign Office - Cor onel - 1n-Chiet ot ss. Body Guard Regi­ Gesandter - SS.-Oberfnbrer. (Chef des ment - Senior SS. and Police Leader De­ Protoll:olls ill Auswartigen Alit.) fence Area III ()* SS-Obergrupperu'dbrer - lfdR. (Divisions • 11to11111andeur (Watf en-ss.), General - Kol!!llllln­ C,I. D. 12'7185 deur d. LeibstaDdarte - Boherer BS. und Pol1ze111ihrer 1m Webrkreis III (Berlin.) * *Possibl y replaced in this office. C. I.D. 127185

DILLOARTB DQI.I,)(ARN0 Friedrich • .llqor of Essen - SS . ~bertubrer General-Oberst. (Oberb~germeister von Essen. ) C.I.D. 127185 C.i ~ D. 127185

___ rl-- ~--~~~~- · • v. DITr!ll, 1fult1ng DORPIIULLER, Dr. JU11ua Ch.ief ot the Department 8 (Sea- transport) Reich and Prussian V1nister or Transport in the Reich Vinistr,r or Transport - - Director General of th& Ge:nu.n State Deputy Under-secreta%'7 of State - V1zead­ Railwa;ra. (Reioha- UD4 Preuasischer Vera. m1ral. (Leiter d. AbteU~ s. (Seesob1ff - kebraainister - Generald1rekto~ dar Deutachen $ahrtsamt) 1m Re1o~sverkebrsm1n1ster1um - Retohabahn.) · Onterstaatssekretlr.) C.I . D. 12'71815 C.I . D. 12'7185

I U.._-...,..=f11 ltat! 1n tile llnb\17 ot Labour - .-Obertfllrer. (8taat.. etre 1a Re1ebaar'be1 ta1 allten•.) C.I.D. 11'71115

C.I.D. 12'71115


DlmCIISLER, Dr. Otto Beim'1cb v. !PP, Ritter, Frans X&ver eo.1u1vner oeaerel, Latna -8A.- ) Re1cbele1ter - Chiet ot the Party'• Depart­ Brigade~er. (Oenerallto.-ln&rt Lrttland. aent tor Colonial Pol1C7 - Rf1cbsstetthalter in Bqern - 8A. -O'bergruppentUhrer - JI!UI. C.I.D. #2'71.116 (Leiter d. ltolon1elpol1t1schen Alltes.) C.I.D. 127185

!1!0ELIID, Albreellt, Joact11m ERBACH, Lotte Balle-Kerseburg - Chief ot tJy1 female Labour Service - KdR., PSt. Stabshaupttuhrer1n. (Le1ter1n d. C, I.D. #27185 Dienstaates d. we1bl. Arbe1tsdienstes.) C.I.D. 12~85

EICKE, Theodor ESSER, Hermann Inspector General of Concentration c::rs Under-secretary of State in the Reich and Death Bead formations* - D1v1s1o KinistrY ot Propaganda-K1n1ster ot State Commander ot the Armed SS.- - SS. ­ (retd. ) - 1st Vice-President of the Obergruppen~er. (Inspekteur ~ · Jonzen­ Reichstag - N§zl Party Jleasbel' No. 2. trat1onslager und dar Totenkoptverb&Dde­ (Staatssekretar 1m Reichspropagandaminb.­ General, Watfen-SS. und D1v1s1onsko-=andeur.) terium - Staatsm1n1ster a.D.-1. V1ze­ pras1dent d . Rei chstags - Parteimitglied C. I.D. l27l85 No. 2. ) C.I.D. #2718!5

EIGROBBB, August v . FALK8liBAIJSBll, Alexander

Gauleiter ~ Oberdonau ­ Jl11.1tary eo.ander in Belg1tlll and llorthern SA. -GruppentUhrer - KdR. France - General dar Intanter1e. (lllitlrbeteblababer 1n Belgian uDd llord­ C. I.D. 12'7185 trankre1cb .. ) c.J.D. 12'7185 C.I.D. II'Fllll

v. J'.ADLRAB!R, Dr. Michael (2nd !dit1on) P.18CBIB, Otto Chriatian Cardi nal, Archbishop or .unich - !lot in­ Leader of the Re1ob Corporation or Bant­ cluded. ror technical -reasons. ing (Leiter dar Reiobsgruppe Banl


FIDDIKOW, Hermann . n.rcx, Dr~ l"r1edri~ (lst Edition); Deputy Chief Ed itor wner Angrirr• Industrialist - See Introduoto~ Bote "2". (Stellv. Bauptschrittleiter "Dar Angritr. ") C.I. D. I271Bri C.I.D. 12'7185

' l<'I EBL ER, !tar 1 FRINGS, Joseph (Supple~ent , 2nd Eaition) . Reichsl ei ter - Chief or the Party • s Reich Archbishop of Cologne - Not included for Dept. for Mun1c1pal Policy - CbairJDan or technical reasons. the Congress or German Kunic1pal1t1es - L9rd Mayor of - SS. -Ober gruppan-· C . I . D. #27185 fUhrer - MdR . (Leiter des Hauptamtes t. Kommunalpol1 tik - Px'!!.sident des Deutsch en GlJmeindetages - Oberblirger~~~eister von lAunch en.)

c.I. D. 127185 I

c FISCHBOEK , Dr. Hans FLORIAN, Friedrich !'Carl /1 •• Under-Secreta~ or State. Rei~ Price Gaulei ter v on Dusseldorf - MdR .,PSt. Commi ss i oner - NS!X . - Gruppenrabrer - MdR. (Re.1ohskollllllissar tUr die Preisdberwaobww.) C.I.D. 127185 C. I.D. 127185 Gauleiter 111111 llelobutattbalter ,Daulc­ Weat,reuaeD - 18.~ - 114R., P8t. C.I.D. 12'7111&


FRAlil, Dr. Sana* I"RRCitB, Admal - Qliet or Btatr Sea War tare. OoYernor General ot Pol&Dd - Reichsleiter - Deutecben Seekriess­ lf4R. Reich llillUter without portfolio. (Cbet del ~bee der (Generallollt'erneur in Polen. } leitunc.) D. 27185 *l'ol'llerly, Reieh WillUter without Portfolio, C.I. Leader or tbe ta..,.er's League and Presideot of the Aead~ for G&l'llaD Law. C.I.D. 12'718&

FRANK , 'Karl SeJ'IIIIDD FRI'.rZSCBl'J , Bans Permanent DeputT ot the Reich Protector - Delegate tor the political supervision of 'Senior ss. and Pollee Leader Ptotectortte - the Greater German Wireless.-Klnisterial Und,r-secretary of State -SS.-GruppentUbrer. Director in the Rei ch Propaganda Ki~try - (Standiger Stellvertreter des,Reichsprotek­ Well-known broadcaster - Chief Edit ot tors Soberer ss. ~ Polizeitubrer Protek­ the otticial_Oerman News Service.* ( eaut­ torat.) tragter f.d. pcl1t1sehe Gestaltung des Grossdeutschen Rundtunts, K1n1sterial­ C,I,D. 127185 d1rektor in Propagandu1n1ster1um - Bauptsehriftleiter 'D.B.B."). * Doubtful 1t he still holds this position. C,I.D. 127185

• FRAOENFELDT, Al!'red Eduard FRJBLICB, Xarl, Professor Commissioner General of tbe Crimea - Pre~ident of the Reien Film Chamber. Ma.nager of the Reich Theatre Chamber - (Prisident der Re1cbsf1lmkemmer. ) lldR. (Generalkommisser t . d. Xr1m (Ukraine) . ) C.I.D. #27185 c.r .D. 127185

- FREISLER, Dr. Rollilld* - ) FROIIII, Fritz !"resident of t he Peoples Tr1bwlal - lldR., PSt.1 MADR. (Prasiden~ d. - C. -in-C. ~ Reserve - Volksger1entshores.) lle~~ber of the "IAJ'IIIIIIent Council (Beteh1s­ htber des Ersatzheeres - K1tgl1ed des *Fol'llerly Under-aecretary or State, Reich Rilstungaratu.) llin1stry or J'ustice. C.I.D. 12718& c.r.n. #27185

• Idola... dH C.I.D. 11'71815 liD.

• i. •. Deput)' ot LOIU:II. C.I.D. 12'11815

FOmt, Dr. Walter Oll!:ILIII, Paul Reich Minister ot Bconcalcs - President ot Gauleiter i n Weattalen-~ and ~en­ the Reich Bank - PleDlpoteutiaJ')' General tor Oberbqern - SA. -Oruppenidhrer :..:-..ctR. Econo!Q' - ••ber ot the War Cabinet - let Vice-President or the Reich Chaaber ot CUl­ C.I.D. 12711111 ture. (Relchsw1rtschattaa1Dlater - lle1cha­ bankprlls14ent - Generalbeyolld chtigter t .4. Wirtschatt - JUtglled 4. lfill1st,rrata t .4. Beicbsnrteidigunc - 1 . Vlzepria14ent der Reicbakulturkammer. ) C.I.D. I2718S

.. GLASIIBI!R, Dr• . Heinrich FURTWANGLER , Dr. WilhelDI (2nd Edi tion) . conductor - Not included !or tech­ Reich llanager or Oeraan Broa4casti~­ Famous D1rector General ot tbe Ge~ · ~oa4- nical reasons . castlnc Corporation - 8S .-Obert6hrer. (Re~chsinteDdant 4. Grossdeutschen C. I . D. J1127185 Rundtunks - General41rektor der Beichsrundtunk-Gesellschart.) C. I . D. 127185

• OANZEN)(ULLER, Dr. Albert GIIELIN, Dr . Ulrich Under-secret ary or State in the Reich K1D- Deputy Rei ch Students' Leader. (st,llv. 1stry or Tran3port. SA-Brigadetuehr er Bei cbsstudentenrfthrer.) (Staats)sekretlr 1m Reichsverkehrsmin1s­ ter1UIII. c . r.D. 127185 c.r . D. 127185

GAUS , Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm GODLEWSICI , Deputy Und er- secretary ot State - Chief ot President ot the Central Statistical the Legal Dept. or tbe Foreign Office. Offi ce of the Reich - lfinisterlalrat (Unter staatssekretlr - Leiter dar Recbt£­ (Prls14ent d. Statistischen Relchsamtes. ) * abteilung 1m Auswlrtigen Amt . ) c .r.D. 12'7185 c. r .D. 127185 '

' (C.I.D, 12'1186

C.I .D. 12'118&

• UOIIIIG 1 Bei'MIID OROBB, loaet Reich ..rsbal* - DeaiCDated auoee1aor to R1~1er. Cbai1"11&D of the War Cab1net-ll•ber of the se­ G.ulei~er lolrfaoben-88. -Oruppentllbrer­ cret Cabinet Couno11-Beioh ~D11ter tor Air­ lfdll. 1 PSt. C.-in-C. of the Air Foroe-Prl•e ~D11tar ot -President of the Be1oha~-Truatee c .I. D. 12'7185 tor the Four-Year P1an-Preai4ent ot the Pruas1an State Council-Reich Buntin& llaster-Reloh Chiet Vorester-Bead of the WSeraann oaringw lndus­ trial Conoern-BA.-and 88.-0bergruppentdbter, etc;- (Reiehemarscha~1•-Baobtolger des ~ere­ PrAsident d. ~nisterratea t .d. Re1cllnerte1d1.- ClYer

GROSS , Dr·. Walter GRAWI'l'Z, Dr. Chief ot the Party's Dept. tor Racial Vice-President of the 0el'lllal1 Red Cross­ Polloy-lfdll. (Leiter d. Rassepolitischen Reich ·Medical Ortlotr ot the 88. fond the Amtes dar Partei. ) Po11ce-88.-Gruppantdhrer. (Vi~eprlsident d. Deutschen Roten Xreuees-Reiehsaret, 88 . und C.I.D. 1271815 Polizei,) C. I .D. 127185

·- GRBIFBLT, GRUNDUENS, Gustav (2nd Edition) . Chief of the Central Staft Sect1.on of the Re1.ch Commissioner* tor the Consolidation Famous actor - Not included tor technical ot German Nationhood-BS.-Oruppentdbrer. reasons. (Leiter des Stabshauptamtes beia Re1ohs­ kommissar* t,d, Festigung d Deutschen C.I. D. #27185 Volkstums.) I * 1, e. , ot Billi(LER C.I.D.#27185

,..... GREIS~, Arthur ~UDERIAN. -* Gauleiter und Re1ohsstatthtlter Wartheland­ Genera1oberst Panzertruppen). ss. -und NSFK .-Obergruppentnhrer-MdR. *Presumably without command or retired. C.I.D. 127185 C.I .D. 12'71815 ..

~~-11tcl1ed · dea Otbe1•en !ab1nettaratea­ Be1cbaa1n1ater t. Lutttabrt-Oberbeteblsbaber der Luttwatte-Preu••·l1n1sterpra•Idtnt­ Prls1deot du Be1cb•taces-Beauttracter r-.4. V1er3Jbresplav-Prls14eot 4. PrtUIIilcbtn Staatt rates -Be1che3Aetrae1ster-Be1~•tor•t••1•ter­ Oberster Leiter der Hermann 08r1nc-Wtrke,) *Bicbest rankine officer in tbe Oeraan &raed Forces ("Rencaltester Ottizier").

C.I.D. 1271~

•• ~arc:er:!i~~~;!,~.l: C.I.D. 18'7181

BJ.ASS, B.UDL081R. Dr. Prore••or"*,. . Generaloberat Senior Surceon General-Ins pect or General of ~ Kedioal SerTlce-also co.petent tor C.I.D. #27185 bealtb ae~oes or the 'llllole or the U.d Farces. (Generaloberatabaarzt - Bear e•-,. sanittlta1 nspekteur-.t'Or d&JI geaut e B enita~ ­ .-esen cSer Wehrmaoht zns t~ncS ig. ) *Co-ordinated with COWti und er BRANDT .

BADAKOV~Y , Eugen (let and 2nd Edi ti on) . BANKE, Karl* Reich Br oadcast ing Chief - Since transferred. Gauleiter uncS Oberpr as~dent"von Nieder­ C. I.D. #27185 schlesi en-SS.-Gruppentuhr er -KdR. *Formerly high of fio:l el in Propaganda M.1nis try. C . I . D. #27185

HALDER, Alexander (lst and 2nd Edition) v . BANlii!:KRN, Hermann* Chief of S~aff of the AriiJy - Sacked in General der Iru'anter1e-German K111 tarr Autumn, 1942 end Replaced by: ZEITZLER. Commander in Denmark. (llilltar befehlsbaber in Denemark. ) C. I .D. #27185 *Formerly high official in Propaganda J(1n1s try. C.J: . D. 127185

HAID!l , Dr . BABTJU.NN, Paul Lord K~or of nUsa el dort-SS . -Ober~rer. President of the Reich Theat re Cbamber­ (Ober~rgermei ster von DUsseldorf. ) Proalnent aotor. (PrlsicSent der Rei obs­ tbeaterkamlller - Stastsachauspieler.) C.I.D. 127185 . C.I.D. 127185 Pl'edd•t ot PreU4eat or tbe r.e.au ntr o.,..u,. ab~cte- ..,or~••al (retci.).(Mddnt 4. Deutacbn Oeaellacbaft tr.sOeoJOUUk- C.I.D. 18'1186 Prb14ent 4ea foDa11aD!u claa Deataobt• 1a .&ul&Dd~eaeral•,or a.IJ.

•=vr:.~&;~lred 1'1'011 aw poai uoD-• .. '

C.I .D. ft'/'186

BAILER, Dr. l"rm z Bau>BL, Dr. Leader of the Reich Corporation or eo.n.roe- Oeraan X1n1eter in Dublin (Deutscher Gesandter 88.-0bertUhrer. (Leiter dar Reiohagruppe ln D\lbl1a. ) Bandel. ) C.I.D. 12'7185 C.I .D. #2718ll

HEDDIW, Dr. HEIILEIN, ltonrad Ministerial Director and Chler or the Budget Gauleiter und Be1chsst4tthalter Sudeten­ Dept. in the Belch l.lin1.stry or Finance­ laDd-KdB .-SS .~ruppent'llhrer. Pro!essor. - (M1nister1al-d1rektor und Leiter dar BaushaltJ&btellung 1m Reichstinanzmin1s­ c.r.n. #27185 ter1wa.) C.I. D. #27185

v. BESSEN, Prinz Richard BEDERICB, Karl Heinz . . OberprAs1dent llessen-Nassau-Leader or the Chief or the official Party Censorship tor N~r Corps Group Besse-NS!tlt.-Gruppentdbrer. the protection or Nazi llterature-Ober­ (runrer de: Motorgruppe Hassen. ) d~~nstleiter. (Chef d. parte1amtl1cben ~ungskollllliss1on znm Scbutze des 118.­ C. I.D. 127185 ScbrU'ttums) . c.r.n. 127185

BEISSWEIER, August* RBWEL, Walter Chief' of the Central Education Office (88.) Chief' ot the personal Staff of the Reich -Inspector General or all·German boardlcg Minister tor Foreign A!f'a1rs. Junior schools, particularly those ror prospeotl•e Ministerial Director - SS.Brigadertthrer. Party leaders-SS.-Obergruppen11:lhrer- (Leitar d. pers~nlichen Stebes des MdR. (Leiter des !l'z1ebungshauptamtes dar Re1chsaussena1nisters-K1n1steria1-dirigent.) SS.-Inspekteur aller deutschen Beimschulen, dar Adolt-Bitler-Schulen und dar National­ c.i.n. #27185 polltischen Erz1ehungsansta1ten. ) *Husband of' Frau SCBOLTZ-KLIHl C.I. D. l¥27185 C.I.D. 12'71815

C.I.D. 18'7115

BI!RL, Jtonatautin r liiii!·, lau Reiohslelter-Chiet ot the Reich Labour SerTlce-Under-ator et.r,r ot Sta~e~R . (Rei chsarbei tstabrer-Staataaekretlr.)

C. I . D. ft7185

O. I . D. I 27180

HILDEBRAND'l', Fri edrich IIIJliCJWJD, Gauleiter und Reichsstatthalter Xecklen­ Trte41'1oh burg - SS. -Oberg,ruppen.tiihrer - KdR. • Cleaeral (nak-AI'Ullel'le) - Pree14eat ot Ule Ielah A.R.P. Leape. (Praee14eat C. I . D. 12'7185 411 lalohelllftiiObah~e). O.I.D. 1271811

BILOENFELDT, Erich BI'fLal, Adolf Chiet ot the Party' s Dept. tor Public Wel­ fare-Leader ot NS.PUblic Waltare League- · Lea4er (or ltate · an4 Partr) an4 Reloh OII&D­ Reich Trustee for the 1J1uter Relief Ca­ oeller - hpr.e o-4•r of all l.ne4 pa1gns-Ch1ef of the German Woaen 1 s League­ Poroea - 0.-la-0 . of the l;r87 - -._,.... o-­ Oberbeteblsleiter -SS. -Gr uppenrnhrer-KaR. ua4er or tbe M. - JlclR . (hehrer U11 ....._ (Leiter des Amtes t .Volkswobltahrt -Leitcv St-tea UD4 48r Parte!) Wl4 Relohakan&ler - der NSV . -Reichsbeauttr agter des lfinte rh~s­ Obereter letehlM&tier 4er lfehraaoht - Ober­ werks-Leiter der Deutschen Frauenschatt. ) betehllbaber 4ee Reeree - Obereter 84.­ l'uellru) • C.I. D. o¥27185 C.I.D. 12'7180

EIBRANDT RILL , Dr. * BOIPLI, Bera&llft Acting War-time Leader of t he People '§ Deput;r Oarrpa Leder ot tbe al. Kotor League tor Ge r ~sm Abroad. (lriegs~rer 1 d. Volksbundes rdr das Deutscbtla 1• OOI'PI - lleaMr ot the People • fl'lbllnal - 11111.-0~II'p....,.anaebrer. (ICellYertn­ ).usland VDA . ) . ) ,_..r lOI'PihebNr 481 IIIU. - KU1ll" 481 YolUprlohtellotea). C.I.D. 127185 O.I.D. 18'1181 *See RAUSBOFER lelllel...... t ....lllal ..... ftrel·Wa:U'l.... - ... G.I.D. iiM'nll

BOBRLBIH.. , Adolf (1st and 2nd Edition) Chie~ of B.S. Kotor Corps - Since deceased; Clalat ot ~ 11. Ottlaa tfn' .... All& letU-at - U • ..Orqppellhehl'er, (Cibet successor: !BAOSS. 4aa Aa8aa un4 lla4laft18-Baupt.. tal), C. I . D, #27185 O.I . D. 12'7188

BUIEI, Dr. Ra1nr1ob BOLZ, Earl ll11l11tar1al Dlraotor &D4 Cblat ot tba A4Yar­ Deput7 (and aot1nc) ClualaUar ot J'loul­ tiaina an4 OYer •••• laotlon1 ill the ~epac­ ooa1a - ll4R. - (ltall Y. CPn4 ko.a1••ar- &ll4a ll1n11t1'7 - Praa14ant ot th• Patll1o1t7 1aoha~ Oaula1tar rr.ataft), COWIOU of Geraan fra4a - loonoata a4YUor tor tba (Part7) Oau ..rlln - ll4R, (ll1a1•• O.I . D. 12'7188 ter1al41rektor un4 Ldtar 41r a.uaaa- un4 Aual&ll4aabteUuns 111 Propacan4aain11tar1• - Pra.. ilaat 411 lfarberate 4, Dautaoban 1f1rt­ lohatt - OaiiWi.rteohatt•be ~tar 4 . Gaua• Barllll.) C.I .D. #2'71815

BO!'JI, Bolu.nn r IIUUOIIG, f'r 1a4r 1ob Oh1et Editor ot tba 1 B.L.~ . · Gener aloberlt - 0~ of an Arwourti4 (Raupt­ Arw7 at the loutbem hotor, R&aa1iae ~obr1ttlaitar 4aa 'Berliner Lokal-~ Front. (lo.aan4aur ainer Panaar-Arwaa ,...1s•r•.•) .. auedl1oban Frontabaohftitt, Ru••lan4) .• O.I. D. 12'71815 C.I .D. 12'71815 *Reported retired qr without ooa.an4 .

IFFLAND, Dr. - (1st and 2nd Ed1 t 1on). BOXlCIIIGIII-IIIJDIE, 01~ Y., Chief of Staff female Labour Service - S1noe Geraan llinlaUr 1n Pfn'tup.l. (Dautaobar replacH b71 !ABACB . ..a&ll4tar 11l L11aabon) . C. I , D. 127185 O.I . D, #2'71811 • c.t.D. ft'nee

G.I.D. ltnM


l!i.oSOI"-GIUral ot rorUtleaUoaa, -., Cblaf at l~f at the A1r rCII"tte - Gene­ 1 0 '"' - Geaaral 4. Ploalal"tt. (la- ralabarat. (Generalatallabef dar n1apr). P aur 4er letuSlpnptl l8 O.l.B,) . 0 .I.D. 18'1181 o.x. D. ll'n8l

.rom., Q.tred JAGOW, D1etr1oh Y, . . Ger.an Aabuaa4or 1ft aw.UJ - u.-a.r­ Chief of tho luDroao General ltatt of lbe sruppentuebrer - K4R.t Pis. ( Dautaoha~ ~4 rareea - General 4. £rt1ller1e. O.ean4ter 1n Bu4&peat1 . (Ohef dee lfahrlu.obttllebruJicaatabea). o .:t .D. 12'71811 c .:t .D. 18'1181

._ ·- ~ - --~--~~-~------~-=-----~------

JAGVITZ, D1etr1oh Y. .JOHJT, llal'le 1 Pr.. 14ent ot the Re1oh Ohaaber ot LUe­ ra~ - Prea14ent: ot the O.N~ &ea41a1 ot Pooh - 11.-Gruppentuehrer - Pit: . (Praea14eDt dar Ra1ohll0hr1tttuaakapper - Praea~nt 4er 4eut:aohen D1ohterata4.. 1e ) • • O. I .D . 12718& C.I.D. 1271811

JORIWC, Rudolf .r AJIIC»>, Dr. y. Gauleiter Maldeburt-Anhalt - Rll11ruftll­ Repreeentat:1Ye ot the FOI"tt11ft ottloa praai141Dt Anhalt: - IA.-Oberp'UPpeDf\lel!Hr with t:ha Re1oh Protaotor - OoDaal laa­ eral. (Beautt:rqt:ar 4. kawaertlpn 114R. - "'· Aat:ea bela RelohaproSekSor - Genaral­ o. :t .D. 18'11811 koneal) . C• I . D. 1.2'71811 Cldll II ae D ' ~eett• II .... c.I.D. ....ral-1...... •. -, •.,..,_ ••:e:r.y•llnr- •• - ...... (CIIel lee I ee'nrrhe leP 11att• •.) O.I.D. II'PUI

LliS'l'II ". PlaJ. JUIIIWD, 11aX Plenlpatentiar,r tor Interior A&Dinlstra­ tlon in Dollll&rk - Oller ot Gestapo in Oh1ot 0( tho 0--.M leoUon ot tlhe M. - Copenhacen-88,-BrigaderDbrer. (Beaut­ M.-Grv,wentvohror - X4R, (Ohot 4u Pulb­ traDer r. &acen d, inneren Verwa1tung 111 runce.. tee 4or M.t Beaotaten Dlnetluk-Gestapo Chef in lopen­ h&lon.) O.I.D. 127188 C.I.D. fsr1186

K.ASCRE, S1egtr1ed JtniiOU . - ~an Xlnlster 1n Agrem-SA.-Obergruppen­ Ch1ot· ot ltatt ot tho 1'oahn1oal raor­ rer - ldR, (Deutscher Gesandter in aonoJ Oorpo. (Cbot 4oe ltabea 1a Re1ohl- Acraa.) . .., '1'oobn1aobo lotb1Uo). · c.I.D. 12718& C,I .D. 12718&

JlOOJ, Dr, Rudolf 1 :UUFKANN, ltarl Oh1ot or' tho Departaont v 1n the Beiob X1n- Gauleiter und Re1chsstatthJlter Eamburg­ 1atr7 ol Labour - Proa14ent Of tbo ProYift­ NSKX,-und SS , -ObergruppentOhrer-KdR.­ Oial Labour &xohaftce, Central Ge:ru.117 - Reieh Commissioner for sea- shipping. 811,-Gl'\lppont'wlhrer - 114R. - Oaul.oUor o .h. ( f,d, Seeschitfahrt,) (LaUer 4or Bauptabto1liiJIC V (ArbeUH1n­ eata) 1a Ro1ohatnlalor1u - Praes14ent 4 . E.I,D. 12'71~ Lan4e~bo1tl ..tOI X1ttel4oatsohlan4)~ C.I.D. 12'118&

• Foraed tho t1~1t la&1 Part7 in the ol4 Aua~r1an E-.P1re before 1~1• ; . · ------~----~~- lti!BBBEal, Arno JlniO, Dr. Chief or Statr, RS. P171ng Corps-IISl'lt.­ Lor4 XaJor or . (Ober»>&argel'llllltor Briladet«brer. (Stabsleiter der lorps­ •on Wlon). fl!biouns BBl'!t.) C. I ..D, 1271811 C.I.D, 127185 J

I!:!ITIL, Wllhela y • ltiLLIEIR, llaDhec!

Generaltelda&rSDhall-Ch1et of Bllb CO...Dd Geraan •;::;~::or 1n R~1a - SA.-· ot the .&r.ec! Forces. (Chef des Oberko11111aDdos Oberarup er-lfdR. U>eutsoher der Wehl!aaobt.) • Bot1obafter in BUtarest.) C.I.D. 12'718& . c.r.D. #2'7lae

DllCBER, Dr. Rudolf I l!:l!lLLBR Cbiet Editor w~;z.e (Bauptschr1ftle1ter I Generaloberst. Co..ander of an ~r Jl'leet. RFranltt'Urter Zeitung. ") , C,I.D. #27185 C,I.D. #27185

KEPPLER, Wilbela •. . ~'l'ZIRlER, Karl Under-secretary of 6tate-H1ghest official' ~­ ·General der Flieger - Military Commander J?ert tor German raw and 11Ersatzw mat.er1ii1s · Ukraine. (K111tlrbefehlshaber ln der {Four•Year-Pian)-Ch1et or the Central orr~ce I Ukraine,) ot the Party tor economic pol1cy-Cha1rmatl of the Board or nUII.erQus German 1ndustl!1al con­ C,I,D. #2'7185 cerns•SS • .Gruppentnhrer -MdR. (Staatssekre~lr- Generalsaohverstltnd1ger 1'. deutsche Rob-una I Werkstotre-1m Vierjahresplan-Leiter der Zentralstelle t ,d. wirtlcha.ttspo11t1scbe 1 Organisation der NSDAP.- Vorsitzender d. 1 (oo

-~- -

ltESSI!lLRING ltLEINKANN, Wilhelm (lst and 2nd. Edition).

F1eld-Jlarsba1--Ch1ef of en .Ur Fleet. Onder-secretary of State1. ~'.ransport Ministry - (Oaneralteldmarschall - Beteblshaber e. Since replaced by: GAliZENII'CILLER. . turtnotte.) C.I,D. !1127185 c.r.D. 127185 • •

.J ~. otnoe ... bel4 Mt_.. ., • ...._...,, C.I.D. 12'71815

• •

Aursichtsrates zahlreioher deutscher In­ dustr1eunternehmungen.) c.r . D. t¥27les ~~~______, --~

' 01Mnlober1t. O•l•U• ... ~ ...&a~ •• , ~'"I ••• Web a-~. ..tODel' 111n1De .., "'· •Reported kllled. (lleiall..._,uar r .4. Ullnl~~e.J • c.r.n. ftn• C.I.D. II'Pl•

II'.OCBIR, Dr. Otto ltLI!IIII, Kurt Oe:ran lllnbter in Berne. (Deutscher eo.duioner General lD the t*r&J.ue{zJv~rJ Gesandter in Bern.) 'Zltltecd:r). (Oe~~~t ralk.-.111er, Sabitollir, · Ukraine.) c .I.D. 12'11.85 C.I. D. No. 27185

.. ltLOPl!'IR, Dr. Gerhard KORBER, . Ludwig (1st and 2nd EdiUon) Ullder•eorftal'J' or State in the Clwlo.tl.lrJ President of Theater chamber - Since re­ or the Pa'V-Jxpert- ror CoDitltut!oDal ln. placed by 1 BAR'111ABII; (StaatiSekretir ln 4er PaJ'tet'tandef­ SaohbearheJ.ter 1'tlr staatsreobtUohe PI'.,_.) C.I.D. #27185 C.I.D. 11!7185

., v. KLUGE, · o~nther KORNER, Paul

C. -in-C. of an Army-Generalt'eldmarscball. UDder-secretaiT ot State to the · 'frns~e tor (BeteblshaberJ e. Armee. ) the Four-year Plan--ss.-Obergrnppent'Ubrer­ MdR.PSt. (Staatssekretir beim Beauttragten C.I. D. 127185 t .d. Vlerjahrespla.n . )

KNIPFER , Dr. ltRABZL!IN,• lturt IUnisterial D:lJ'ector in the Re1C!h Air 111n- 1str,r- Inspeotor Gener al ot the Oeraan I.B.P. Chief Editor "Der J.!llr1t1'." (Bauptschrittlei­ League. (111n1sterialdirektor ill Reichalutt­ ter "Der ~ritf. 11) tahrtllinisterium-Inspekteur d. Reichlluttachut bulldes. ) ., C.I .D. ,271815 C.I. D. 127185 CJenu Coulll G-.1 ill Ylell!r. (o-ft..... o-ralko111111l ill Y1CIIIT. ) C.I.D. ll'r181 c.I.D. II'Plee

-~------~ DKBB, Dr. l"riedrlctl ltRUPPit T. BOBL!II und B.ALBACB, Dr. GustaT, Industrialist - See Introductory lfqor or Pr8Jl]dort-Ch1et or the Reich SPCA. Note "2". P8t. (Oberbtlrge!'llle1Jter Toll 'P'l'ant.fUI't a.Jf.­ Leiter des Reichst1erscbutzbundes . C.I. D. 12'71136 C. I . D, #271S:S

ltRITZINUER, Jl'riedr1ch-1fllhelm XUBB, Richard Wi1helm* Under-secretary or State 1.n the Reich Co~sa1oner General in White Hussia • Chancell~ (StaatssekretHr i n dar (Ostland)- XdR. , PSt. (Generalkoaadssar 1n Re1chsll:anzle1. ) Weiasruthenien ~Ostland,) C. I . D, #27185 C.I. D. 12'71136 *Formerly (ab) Gauleiter of Brandenburg ( ) Official in Propaganda i!nistry •

.. ltROOIU.NN, Dr. Vincent Karl v. KUCHLER, Geor g Lord Mayor ot Bamburg-Kember of the Supreme Ganer alfeldmarscball-Commander of an Council of GerliiBn Economies•Xemb9r of the ~ Group. (Befehlshaber e1ner Beeres­ Senate of Bamburg.(Regierender Bftrgeraeister gruppe. ) von Bamb=g-W.tgl1ed des Generalrats aer Deutschen W1rtschart-Kitgl1ed des Senates C.I.D. #27185 der Ransestadt Bam)?urg.) · C.I. D. !1'27185

KRUGER , Fr1edr1ch-1r11helm lttniD'l', Ernst Senior ss. and Poli ce Leader QoTernment Deputy Under secr etary of State- General-Under-secretary or State tor ot Radoa District (Poland) . (Unter­ Security i n the General GovBP.UHnt-General staats~etlr-Gouverneur d . l>istrlltts dar Po11ze1-SS , -Cbergrup~ntahl'er-lldR. , Pat. Radom ~eneralgouvernemen1}~ (B&herer ss. und Po11ze1 er General- gouvernement - Staatssakret r t. Sioberhe1t C.I.D. #27185 1m Generalgouvernement. ) C,I.D. 12'7185

, Cblet Publlo Pl'oaeoutar or tbe PeoPle'• r bl'llla.-1. (~arret•• alt • Yolk.,ft'iob'-llof C.I.D. ft'ne&

, • )

L.UIDFRI!D, Dr. P'Joledrlcb ~. LID, Ritter, Wllbelll*. UDderseoretary ot State 1n the Ministry ot Oeneralteldaarschall. Eoonoaios-PSt. (Staatssekretlr 1a Reiehsw1rtschattSD1n1ster1ua.} •Presu.abl7.without co~ o~ retired. c .r.n. f27le& c.r.D. 1271811 -

LANOE , Dr. 1turt LB!B Mi nisteri al Director, Ministry ot Economies­ General der Artlllerie-Chiet ot'·Ordnance Vice-President ot the Reich"Banlt-MdR. ' Department i n the High Conm•Dd ot the~­ (llin1steriald1rektor im Wirtscbattalli.n1 ster­ Maber ot the Al'll&llent Council. (Chef des ium - Vizeprlsident d, Reichsbank. ) Heereswatfenaates 1111 Oberkommando des Heeres­ Jlitglied des R~tungsrates}. c . r .D. #27185 c.r.D. 12'7185

LASCH, Dr. Karl (1st Edition). LIIIOER, Ru4olt Governor ot Galicia (Poland) - Since r eplaced by: W.ACB'l'ER . Chief Of tbe LabouJo P'J'o11t I 8 Of't'10e for r k'ftl aa4 ~~- CJba1I'QII or tbe c .r.D. #27185 Boar4 or Direotoro, Blink ot Gel'llan La'bov (DAr. ) - M.U.r or tbe loar4 or UJI7 1fti:. ~· t1Na - Deput7 Cbler or JUlUai'J' "asatnrauon 111 Latwta (O.Uuct) - Ober­ bore1CIUleUer. (Leiter 4ea Ant.. Blmkea Alal1 Yere1o1Mrancen, DU. - Yora1tzea4er 4. Yorotaadel 4er Bank dar Deutoohon Arbolt - In Aatalohterat ~1eler Yeraloherwftilt'~rzen ­ IrioaawtrW<una••1•eohet ln Lettlia4). O. I.D. 1271811

LAOTERBACBEB, Hartmann v. LEOPER, - (1st Edition). ,, 0 aulel~er Sudhannover-Braunscbweig­ Acting President ARP. League - Since OberprKsident Hannover-!lonor&1'1. Chief or replaced b7: HIRhCBAUEB, r esp. SAOTIER. S~att, RJ. -55.-Gruppentdbrer. (!hrenstobs­ tiibrer der JB.) C. I . D. 127185 c.r.D. t¥27185 I Jolter ul 'aii'JI'MIUoat llalt.l.oewia- Motela • le&ob act.. , .....-'Od1u1• • ..,.. ·•:re ,, .., b .. - ...... , ...___ w .... O.tloal). O.I.J, ll'rlll

LCIIIIIZ, WuMr Genol'&loberet Oblof ot tbl lor;oUl.. Dt ltatf ot tu loiu Oc.lodODOI' tor tu Oouo114aUGD O.I. D. IJ'P181 o« Gvun laUoldaoo4 - Cllllof of tho ottloo tor hNaD 111DOII'ltloo aM'oa4 - 1148, - H.­ Oberp ..,.~oiii'OI', (LoUOI' 401 Ololo4• 1...-otaDOo 4oo Rotoh•' looaro fuel' 410 root~ 4ol' Deatoobon Yoltotaao I Loltor 4ol' Yolto4outoohon Klttolotollo), C. I .D. 12'P1811

. ,

LIH, llpan4 Vllbola LUDD, llanlu Gonoral-fol4aarooball - 0,-ln-C. of an Geraan KlDlotol' 1n BroUolaYa - la.-oboro­ Ara1 Gro) up. (Beteblobaber olnol' Hooroo­ ~nhobl'ol' - K4R. (Doatlohero Gooan4tero ll'UJIPO• • la Prooo'bal'l) • rorsol'lJ C.-ln-0. laltano ••• LOIBR· C.I.D, 12'7186 I'OpOI'h4 to be ln ebal'p or the loathol'ft' loOtol' or tho Raoe1an Front. • ProoU..blJ without oo.aan4 ol' I'Ot11' O. I.D. 12'Pl86

LUDTKE, - (1st and 2nd Edition) . LI'fzx.uol, Wl 81og1..un4 GeneraJ. d. Infantrie, C.-in-C., Denmark­ Ca.aieoionol' Gonoral, EotOD1a - la,-Gruppon­ ~ince replaced by: BANNEBXEN. tlaolll'u - M4R • .... ('rho naao 1o 00111tlaoo opoU LU'l'DIAIDI ). c.r.D. 1/~185 C.I. D. 12'11811

LOEHR, Aloxandltl'• U!'!BII\, llal'Un Gtnol'alobel'otf A11' roroe - o .-ln-0. Ohler or the Doputoont 'Gti'UDJ' ot loutb Eaot. Wobraaohtbereblababel' lao4- the rol'oir orr1oo - Dopat7 Un4oroo­ 0ot) . Ol'etal'J o lbh. (LoUu 411' .t.bhl­ laq 1Doahoblan41 1a Auowaoi'Upn Aat - •t. o . , lalkoao (e~e LIS!), Unterotaatookl'otael'). 0 . I .D. 12'1186 C.I .D. 12'1186 Cllllet Ill a.n et -. Ill - a.UUlenw - Cllalet et -. '-'7' • 8111 -. kbJo ,.._,, • .... , Nt. (ftah1elter 4er M). ..tnl '-71 tl Dlpl. - ~UIURI'­ M.•'tntarttllt at w- 110. CLRltw ._ rw ~ 1a p ot aa• pUll' (PM ...... , ...... _, ... Dlr). N"'D'·). •s O.l.D. #lnll O.l.D. II'Plll *Gblet et tile M. 11 BUlll', &.he 11 MUJII leeMI'. '

KI"'D'D, Rena-hOJW y • , •s-..... ~oar rroet - Oberbeteblele1ter. ~=.. ~=::.!: :::.::;;'i.'C>. (hsobaenstubl'lr IW'). O.l.D. 12'1181 O,I. D. 12?1U ..

IIIDDLI:, Dr. JUiltDIU, Val41N1' Oblet 14ltor, 1 B.B. Z. • (Balqlttobl'1tt­ "r:.O 0-1tt10Dil' CJiftll'al 1ft lilY (Uia'alai) ,­ le1ter 1 Berl1aer loereen Ze1tanc• - MII'I\ • 11M. (CiifteraJ.k-.1111al' 1ft l1ew ( OII::ra1DI )). 114R.) O.I.D. 12?18& O.I.D. 12?18&

~--~~~~~~~~~------~·~- =-~- ~- ----~-~==~--=-- ~- ~--·~------

KAJlBrJ:LI), Dr. Verner Dlaan::R, Dr. ~to Lebereobt lll.n1eter1al Dil'eotor 111 the Reiob X1n1et~. ot Laboar. (X1n1etll'1al41l'e'ilttor X1D1eter ot State - Obiet' of State Chalt­ 1a Re1o... oe11~ - arbe1tll1n1eter1an). Curator of the Po11t1oal ...- 4-.r (Ber11D) - XADR. (ltaat.ain1eter - O. I . D. 12?18& Chef 4, Prue141a1bn&le1 - lurator 4. Hooheebule rver po11t1lt) ,

•1. e ., Obanoe11~rr of Bead ~f ltate. O. I .D. 12?18&

(».o" "~.,tilt{ iJ, IIEU1UER, Dr . Ernst IWIIRII11 rrua Eriob •· Deputy Chi ef Editor WV.B . " (Stellv.Baupt­ Gineral-te14aal'Hll&ll - o.-in-0. ot all )rchrift1e1ter WVolkiscber Beobacbter. ") &1'111 or ...., IJ'Oup. (Ober'bitehlehaber •. .V.ee o4er Rell'IJCI'~). C. I . D. 127185 O.I.D. 12?18&

I l lllDla'-ial Dlr.n. 1D •• a.lob llliW~ ot Poo4 md Ap-lcnaltwe. (111Bb\er1al- 41Hktor 1alil..,Db\el'1u. ttlr ~ 11111! LudtrlnaCibaft.) C.I.D. 12'7181 C.I.D. lo. 2'718&

Jfl!:fSSIII!:II, Otto

' IIUBLLBR, . Br• ., • SYen Senior as . and Police Leader 1n oocup1ed Serbia- Jf ..ber or the People's Tr1buQal­ Chief !41~r, WB.F.• (Bauptacbrittleiter Oeneral dar Pollzel-88.-0~ergruppantahrar. WHaaburger Pra.denblatt•.) (B&berer 88. und Pollzeifebrer Serbien- 111tgl1ed des Volksger1chtshofes). C.I.D. 1271815 C.I.D. 127185 ·,

J KILCB, Erhard JIUIID~i Dr. !ugen Genera~teldmarabball-Under-secretar.r or Chief editor ot the semi-official weekl:f State. Reich llin1str.r for Air-Member of "Das ""Reich . " (Bauptschl'ittle1tar .,Das the Armament Counc.114oring' s permanent Reich".) deputy tor A.R. P. problems (Staatssekretlr 1m Relchslutttshrt:m1nisterium - 111tgl1ed C.I.D. 1271815 des RGs~srates-O&ring's stlndiger Ver­ treter ttir alle Fragen des ~tts chutzes (seit 16.10.40).) c . I . D.I27185

MODEL, Wal tar JroBS, Dr. Hermann General oberst-C.-in-C. , 9th Army Under secretary of State Reich 111n1stry (Rzhev Sector) . (Oberbetehlshaber 9. tor Bccles1ast1cal .Atta!rs-Acting tor da­ Armee Rschew .) ceased Reich 111n1ster4. (Staatssekretar 1m Re1chsm1n1ster1um t. kirchl1che Angele­ C.I.D. 127185 genheiten-Stellyertreter d . Yerstorbenen Re1c.hsm1n1 star*.) * i.e. , ltarrl. C.I.D. 127185

KOCKEL,• Helmut ILURR, Wilhelm Deputy Reich Youth Leader-Chief ot Starr, Gaula1ter and Re1chsstatthal,;ar • wlirttellberg­ . (Stellv.Reichsj!J8endt&rer Bohenzollern- 88.-0bergruppenf'Ubrer-JfdB., -Stabsleiter der Reichsj!J8endtnhrung) . JIADR . C.I.D. 127185 C.I. D. #1!7185

I IIAGEL, .Dr • .Tacob OB!RO, ltul Albrecl:lt Under-secretary at State& Reich Post 111n1stry. {Staatssekretar 1m Beichs~t­ Senior ss. and Police Leader in occupied m1n1ster1U111.) France - ss.-BricadetUhrer- Oeneralaa3Qr dar Poliza1. (B~erer ss. und Polizeituhrer C. I.D. 127185 in Frankreich.) C. I .D. 12718!5

NEEP', Hermann OBERLINDOBEB, Banns . : ' Chief or the Party's Centl'al Dept. ror-C1v11 Chief of the Party's Central Dept. for Dis­ Servants- Cbie! or- the NS. ; Civil Servants' abled ~oldlers-Leader of the NS. Leaguj! for League-Oberdlenstaleiter-WdR~ (Leitet d. Disabled Soldiers (BBX9V)-SA.-Gruppentahrer­ Bauptamtes rdr Beamte-Reicbsbea.tent'threr. ) Kdn. (Leiter des a&uptamtes tUr Kriegsopt'er­ Re1cbskriegsopferfUhrer,) c.t.D. t¥27185 c.t. D. 127185

NEUMANN, Erich (2nd Edition) . OBNESORGE 1 Dr. Wilhelm

Under-secretary of State, Four-Year-Plan - Reich Post ~nister-NSKK. and NSFK.­ Since resigned. Obergruppentahrer. (Reicbspostminister .) C.I.D. #27185 c . r.D. #27185

OPPERKANN, . ~ald NEUlo!ANN Dr. Bans Bendrik 1 Commissioner General lllkolaSaw (utraine) Deputy to Reich Commissioner, Norway -Leader of qroup 1 liS. Flying COrps- 1'1Sl"lt.­ ('rerboven) -Leader of the Gel'JDaP. Nazi Obergruppentfihrer -MdR. (Generalkommissar 1n Party in No~-ss.-Sturmbanntuhrer. Nlkolajaw (Ukra.ine)-Filbrer der Gruppe 1, (Stellvertreter des Reicbskommissars Nor­ IISFP>.) wegen-Leiter der Landesgruppe Norwegen der AO.) , C.I.D. 1!7185 C.I.D. 127185

f - - --~~~.,...... ,.,.~ ~-==--~~ . .

Oawaa MbaiiMCII' 111 ~-..O..~Jor. sa~.or Ullll•-a..r.'-17 or auu ta •• (O.Ut.oher lotaollaner 111 Mio.) aetob 111allt1'7 or .... Iatertor. (LetteDder ) C.I .D. 18'718& 8teat11ekretb ta Relob81DJ"" •atatert•. C.I.D. line&

-~-·~---~~---~~- -~---=~--=--~~---~- --~~~·~====~~--=--~~-~-- ~~------~------

T, PAPD, Franz PILGER , Bans Oeraan Aabu sador in .lnkara-lldB., IIADR. (Deutscher Botschatter i n ADlmra,) Oeraan Minister t n M chanistan. (Deutscher OesaDdter i n Mgaatatan. ) c .r.D. #27185 C. I . D. 12'7185



PAUL , Else* PLBIGEB, Paul Deputy Reion Women Leader. (Stellvertretende Economic Advisor or South Westphalia­ Re1chsrr auenfUbrerin. ) Kember or the Arma.aent ColfllO U.- (Gauwirt s­ Cbattsberater Westtalen-Sud-Kitgli ed des *See SCBOLTZ-ltLIHit RUstungsrates. ) . C. I . D. #27185 .


PETRI, Leo POENSGEN , Dr. Ernst Chief ot the Command Section ot the General Keml>er or the Armament Council-Prominent SS.-!fember of the People' s Court-88,- industr1al1st. (111 tglied des Riistungsrates­ 0ruppenrttbrer. (Cber d~s Kommandoamtes Fttbrender Industrie1ler. ) der Allgemeinen SS. -Kttglied des Volks­ gerichtshotes. ) c. I .D. #2'7185 C.I.D, #27185

PEUCKERT, Rudolf ("Rudi") . POHL , Oswald , Representative tor all questions of labour* Cb1ef or the Administrati ¥e Office or the in regard to agricultural work and food in­ Gener al SS.-SB.-obergruppenrUhrer. (Chef dustry-Peasant Leader or 1buringia-Chier or t des Verwaltungsamtes der SS. ) the Office for Peasants and the territories in the East in the Bi tler Youth Central c . r . D. #27185 Dir ectorate-Special Delegate of Reich Peasant Leader**Reiobsamtslei ter-Tburingian State Counsellor- SS.-obertUbrer-MdR . (Beauttragter ! . d. Arbeitseinsatz*** i n der Landwirtsoba!t over ==------


und Kri,gsernibrungswirtschatt-Landes­ bauern.Nhrer lbur1r.,;en-F'1lhrer d. Amt_!!s .. "Bauer ntum und Ostland" der Reiehsf"ugendfuhrung -ssonderbeauftragter des Re1ohsbauerntnhrers** -Thur. Staatsrat.) I, *1. e., SAUCXEL **1. e, , BACKE "*1. e,, SA\/CXEL C.I . D. 127185 O,J,D. 117111

11WiTDWOI, BaM A4olt

hnlor II. and Pollot Lta4ezo, Ukralae - Geultlttr UD4 Relohaetattbalter laernttn Gtntzoal 4tr Poll&tl - ll.~rsrupr.~ lbltt Ot 0lY1& A4PlDlttl'&tlon ln tbe l'tl' - K4R . (llothtrtzo 11,- 11114 Pol &tl• •~th-Vtet ot Geraan oocup1t4 ru,oelaY1a tuebrezo ln 4tzo Ukralnt) , 11,-GJ:'Uppellhlibrer, (CIIet 4t1' Zh11Yel'­ walt~ 4er be1etsten Gtblete •on ll'aln o.x.D. #2'1181 UD4 •.saernttn). O,J,D, #2'118&

~URL, Ell11 Bauter, Val ter V1ot-Prtd4tnt ot the Reioh Bank. (V1&t­ 8en1or 88 . an4 Po11oe Leader, Holland - praea14ent 4er Reiohtbank). Oo.e1tt1oner General tor Publ1o hourltr 1n the Ketherlandt - 88,-Gruppentuehrtr - C.I.D. 12718& Generalbutnant (Pollae1L Ulothtrer 88, und Pol1&e1tuebrer, Bolland - a.neralkoe­ elaaar r . d, oettentllohe 81ohe~1t in den N1e4erlanden) . C.I .D. 12718&

RAABE, Profeuor Peter REDIE8Z, WUbele Pret14ent of the Reich Chamber tor Xut1c Ben1or 88. and Po11oe Leader, lonar - Geberal Director or Kueio. (Praet14ent 88. -Obergruppentuebrer - Generalleutnant 4er Re1ohtaue'kk•mmer - Generat.ueik­ (Pol1ae11 - X4R. (Botherer 88, und Po­ dtz'ektor) , l1&e1f'laebrer, Jllorwegen) • C.I. D. #2718& O.I.D. #27181

li£EllER, Dr. Erich RUDER, JCaert Groeea4111ral - C,-1n-C. laY)', (Oberbetahl Oh1et ot the K111tarr A4m1n1etrat1on 1n haber der lrhiiMI'ine) • Be111ua - 88 . -0bergruppentuebrt~l (Uhet 4er K111taerTtl'1faltuns 1n Belgitn). C.I.D. #nl8& O.I.D. I 2'718& ~!_~ll~ ...... , a.... G 1M1Pit• IUIFsl, loUt '• - Clalet fll --·-· (C*ilne1-.a-111• Wll , ua. O.Val Del. ,_. flo ate ... o..ttau- o.r.D. •ae ;:AP ''c·•'• • ,.._., - ote.&l.. e,lelt .. - ,.,. •.. ,._,.,.,,....._..l_.llu&-hMun '1111' her Ll..... - Le1- wrk, DAr.r o.r.D. II'I:LU

T. R!ICBB!IAO, Walter (lilt !d1t1on ) . •. BEB'lB!-nNit, Cecil (2nd !d1t1on) . Generalfeldaarlch~, C;-in-C. ot an ~ German 111niater and Plenipotentiary in Group - Si nce deceased; successor r BOCit. Sopenhqen - Recalled in Autumn 1942. His successor - B!S'l' - 1s J11U ii!n11tor, C. I . D. #27185 only Plenipotentiary. C.I.D. 127185


RCIMJWU), VU.hela BBIDI'rllAUI:R, Allton Cb1et ot &x-SerTioe Ken'• Le-cue - Full Daput7 Onder-eaoratar, ot State in the General (Intant17, retd.) - u.-Ober­ Reioh ll1nllt17 ot Poocl and Acr'ioultva. IP"'IPJ)eD«uehrer - N4R. ( Re 1ohakrieger­ (Untareta&~eirataer 18 Ro1oh8ain1eteriaa tuehror - General 4 . Intanter1e A· D.). tuar Ems~ und Landwirteohatt). C.I.D. #27190 C.I .D. #2'1180

JU:lNIWU>'t, Fr1h BIBBD'l'ROP, .Joaoh18 •. Onder-..orotarr ot State in the Reich llin't Reiob llinieter tor roreilft Atta1re - lleaber ..., ot Finance - ott1o1al Ezpert tor Pro--, ot the Soorat Cabinet'• Council- Ropraeen­ bl••• ot E.plo,.ent (Publ. Vorke) - Jtt1o~ tatiTe of the MIDAP tor aatter1 relating to la»ert tor t1nanoe an4 !aaae in the Chan­ Foreign Polior - 81,-0bergruppantuehrer. oell or)' ot tho Part)' - IIA,-Ob61"81 crpr.ntueh­ (Raichaaa•eenainieter - llitglied del Oeheiaen r er - 11411. (Staateekretur 18 Relo uJ.n1e~ XalU.notterate - Beauttr.. r dar JISDAP tuer . eriua - lao.hbaarboiter t . Frqen dar .t.rbeUI aue1enpol itleoha rrasen) . •boeohattung - Rotorant tuer Pinan&- un4 - 8tauer-pol1tik in dor Parte1 Kan&lei). C.I.D. #27181! C.I.D. #27180

UIJitiftaf, Georg Fran& BIO&taoru, Pre1.hel'l' Woltl'• .... Oeneraloberet - 0 .-in-C. ot an .t.I'IICNre4 •• Oeuraloberet - 0 n""iftc Oenerel ot a 41'117 . (Obarbetehll.haber einar Pan&ar- Boaber Co~l.-. (I nN'1eren4er General .t.l'llee) • elnee Pl1~aorpe - laapttluc&euse) • O.I.D. #2?180 c.r.D. 1271&11

• • lem n Oaaletter aD4 Reteuatattlaal~•, liP-/ Oldea'biii'C - Stooo deeea1ed1 auooo810l'l Cllal.et fit 1M lust"• G nxu - M nhr fit 'l'miiiR, tM .a. s•• 01 su - ca.•-= fit * .. alii OutoU fit Ina _. lhel &lwbt - Ia. C.I.D. 12'718& Cleettaer ._. lsnt"l;!r"••- DtaUet .....Yeret•'s •• s sa •'".. _. - ftM1'r.-'" • ... •a...._ O.I.D. 117181 ..

JLC+'*MI, llelt.atb ....,, heather

Dlreot....O.aaftl ot tba ~Us­ Geaeralollerot (All' Poroo) General ot &. A. Worta - l•ller ot Ulo .t.r- ••• Ooano11 - healJiont u4 Aotln All' Dotoaoo, Reteb. Air llnteti'J. 1Mutrlal1at. (haera141ret­ (Inapothv dar FlU un4 doo tattaoh1ahee 1a tor dor Bor.-m Cloer~....U - 11.. 1 ted Ret.UlutUab.rtatnlatert.) . daa llueatuapratea - NeJuoandar I114aatrt llor). c .r.D. Mae O,I.D. 12'7188

RCIOCEL, lrwtn 1 RIJDI.E,Gerd Cb.lot Genoralteldaaraoball - c .-tn-0. ot Ulo ot tho 8rodoa1Uq Dept. ot the Poretgn 1 1 IIJ otttoe - M4R. (Letter dar Rundtunka'btot­ Anloure4 ~ Chooup Atrlea • (Batehla­ ha'ber dar Jlan&eJ:'1P'UPJ)e AtrU.) • lllftl dao Al&ewurttgen .Aatea). 0 .I .D. 12?188 O.I .D. 1 2'11811

ROSQIBEM, Altrelf RtlliD8fll)f' Gerd ,. . Retohsletter- Ohlot ot the Part7'e ~en,ral Depart.ent eor Porotgn Po1tor • Retoh K1nt­ Gonoralteldaaraohall - 0.-tn-C. Veatern eter tor t he Oooupted Terrttortes tn the Detonooa. (Oberbeteb.laha'ber Veet,) kat - fbi PueJuoar' e fruatee for the aptrt­ tual and tdoologtoal education ot the IC•'bere C.I .D. 12?188 ot the Part7 - lA.- and 88.- O'bel'&I'IIPJ>OII• fuehrer e. K4R . (Letter d, Al&aaonpol1t1aohen Aatea der MBDAP - Retoh..Satater t • .d. Bo­ aet&ten Gebtote 1a Oetan - Boauttracter d . ruohrore t. d. lalerwaob.unc d. geauten geta­ ttgen und wo1tanlohaultob.en Eratehung 4 . MBD~ C.I.D. 12'7188 . I

R0'1'BUBJ:RGER, Dr. Curt JWal1' Generalo'berat - o.-tn-0. ot an &rTf, (Obor­ Un4er-•eoretal'1 ot Btato.~n Ute Retoh 11nt­ 'beteblanaber etnor Araae) , Ot1'1 tor Juttoo. (Btu?ouatur 1a Re~aJu•tt..Sntatertua). O.I.D. #2'71811 O.I.D. #2'71811 Reich 11n11ter w1 thout Portfolio*. .., ... _. ••=a• ~ ,., .. ,...... (Re1ahaain11t er obne portefeu1l1... ) !MeeaUGD- lA.~ -MI., .... , ..,...._ ...... 1 ...... ~Ill= • For.erly Reloh W1n11ter of Bcono.ic• and WleMuatan, ll'al..._. ..a .,. , ,_.I). President ot the BanJr of G-qrJ '" O.I.D. 11?181 nn.. C.I.D. ft7l8!1

SAUCIC!L PJ'1 1 tz SCBAEl"!R, Dr. J' ohann Gauleiter and Reichsatatthalter Tbdrincen - Chief Editor Delesate General for Labour in the Board of of tbe "K.z.• (Hauptscbrift­ the Four-Year-Plan. (In charge of all aan­ lei t er "K"olnische Zei tung". ) power in Uel'll8li,Y and occupied terr1tor1es)­ s~ .-Obersruppent6hrer-MdR. (GeneralbeYoll­ C. O. D. No. 27185 mlchtister f.d. Arbe1tse1nsatz 1m Rahmen des V1erJahresplanes,) C. I . D. 12718!5

I SAU!RBROCB, Dr. Ferdinand (2nd Edition) . SCHAEFFER 1 Dr. Hugo Professor, famous surgeon.-Not included tor • President of the Rei ch Office ror Social technical reasons. Insqrance and tbe Reich Wellare Court*. (PJ'llsident des ReicbSYersicherungs.. tes und C.I.D. #27185 des Re1chsversor gungsger1cbtes*.J *Under M1n1stry of Labour.


SAUKE, Karl SCHELL , Dr. Gustav Adolf* Cbief of Staff of the NS . Flying Corps­ NSFK. -Obersruppenttibrer. (Chef d !JS Stabes Eeich Students• Leader - Leader of the NS. der Korps~rung NSFK . ) Students' League - Oberdienstleiter - ~eader of ss. Corps Area "Alpenland" (W. ) -. C. I.D. 1127185 Gauleiter anO Reichsstatthalter of ­ SS.-BrigadefQhre:.; Genetalmajor der Pol1ze1. (Reicbsstudentenxunrer-Filhrer des IISStB­ ~rer des SS. -Oberabscbnitts "Alpenland. 11 ) *Bas possibly relinquished his SS command, not the rank. C, I.D. #27185

SAOTIER v.~CRIRACH, Baldur* llanaging President of the llenaan AftP I.allgue­ Rei cbsleiter for Educati on or the Youth - G~neralhaupt}uttschutz~rer*- · Gesohatts­ GaUleiter and Reichsstettbalter Wien - KdR. fQhrender ~asident d. Reichsluftschutzbundes. (Re1chsleiter f.d. J'ugenderziehung. ) IRLB . )- C,I, D. 127185 Attl' *e.g •1 lltghest rank in League; untra'ls- lataole. rormerl~ acting. *Formerly Reich Youth Leader. **President, see HinSCHAOBR . C. I . D. 12'718!5 : - ~ -- -~ ------. -- -- ~~

llftllter in uae Paria .._..,. - Dept!ltJ ot Generaloberat - C.-in-<:. or an Anoured &Mta. (Dnualaer GNUAter lD PUla - ~ - W 'er or the Peo,U•• bibanal. StellYertnter 'I"'n &Mta.) (O'berbeteblahaber e1ner Pallaer-.,_.­ llltclied cle• folll:•geriahtlhotea.) C.I.D. 18'71. C,I,D. I2'118S

SCHLOHIIER, Dr, Rainer Saulll'Z, Dr. Rerunn (let !4ition). Reich Dr1111atist - Chief of the Central lntroduotor)" llote Cultural Department of tlle B i cler Youtb - lndustrialbt - See •s•. liead or the 'l'beatl'e D1Yis1on of tbe ll1D1str)" C,I,D, h'7185 of Propaganda. (Reichsdramaturg - Leiter des ~ulturamtes der RJF.- Leiter der Theaterabteil~ des Reicbspropaganda­ lllin1steriuma.) C. I .D. #27185 •

SCHLOT'l'ERER, Dr. Gustav Chief Mil itar.r A.d.C, to Bieler - General­ Chief of the Econollicfa Department of the maj6r, (Chef-Ad3utant d. Webrmacht be1m Ministry for the Occupied Bast - Minis­ Fl!hrer.) . terial Director. (Leiter der Chefgruppe "Wirtscbaftspolitische ~o-operat1on" 1m c . r . D. 14'27185 Reichslllin1ster1um ~r die besetzten Os~gebiete - ll1n1ster1a1d1rektor.) C. I . D. 11'27185

~CHMIDT , Dr. Paul (I). SCHN~ND, Otto Chief of the Press and News Department of the For eign Office - Minister. (Leiter der -Chief of the Fleet. (Flottenchef. ) Presse-und Nachr1chten-Abte11ung des Auswllrtigen Amtes - Gesandter.) C.I.D. 12'7185 c.I. D. ,27185

SCHMIDT, Dr, Paul (II) , sCB8ru~, Heinrich tlinister - Chief of the office of the Reich eo..issioner General, Brest Litowsk, Foreign Mtnister. (Gesandter - Chef des ujeraine - Chief ot tbe 8~ . Group 11Tannen­ Winisterburos 1m Ausw4rtigen Amt.*) berg"* - SA.-obergruppenrunrer - MdR. (Generalka.aiasar1 Brest-Litowak (Ukraine) *This is the famous translator, frequently - Fahrer dar SA. oruppe "Tannenberg•)•. present at important negotiatlona, Be must not be mixed up 'll'ith Dr. Paul Sohmidt • e.g, the SA in . (I). C,I, D. #2718& C, I , D. #27185 Reloh l'aee11 LM4er - c:M•t ot .._11'1 Deft• 111 tbe LaboUI' ProD~. ( Relahatra~rer ott Cllief ot tiM DepartMnt II (Paraonnel) 111 - Lett&rtn dea Praueaa.tea der DAP.) tJie Retch IHD1a~ of tbe In~rtor - •tD1a• ~er1a1 Director. (111D1atertald1relttor unl! • s ee BILO llfF!LDf. Letter dar AbtdlW:W II (Peraoaal) 1a Re1cbe1Dnenwdntateriua.) c .I.D. 12'7111& (;,J.D. 12'718&

~ SCBOL'l'B-IIONTI l«l SCBRA.OER , Dr, Chief or Sta.rr of the c.-in-C. or the Navy­ .President or the Reicb Court ot Labour. ltapit!n-zur-see. (Chef des Stabes beta (.Prlsident des Retehaarbeitsgericbts.) Oberbe.tehlshaber der ltr1egnar1ne.) C.I.D. 127185 C. I .D, 127185

SCBRAJOI , ferdi nand SCHULTZE, Otto Rei ch Craftsmen Leader - Leader of the Retch Generaladllliral Corporation or Craftsmen • SA .-Gruppen!Uhrer - VdR, (Reicbshandwerksmeister - Leiter der Ret cbsgruppe "Handwerk.") C. I .D. #27185 C.I .D. #27185

SCHRODER.. 1 Hans SCHOL.TZE, Dr. Prof essor Walter Chief of the Personnel and Budget Depart­ ClUe! .or the NS. Lecturers' Le~ue. ment of" the Foreign ort1ce-llin1ster1al­ (FUhrer des NS. Dozentenbundes, J D1rector. (Mlnisteria1d1rektor und Leiter der Persona1-und Bausbaltsabteilung 1m Aus­ w1irt1gen Amt.) C. I.D. 127185 C.I.D. K27185


SCH1'1'EDE-COBU!Il, Franz Silm!Rr,- Gauleiter und Oberprasident Pommern- VdR . , Deputy Chief and Treasurer Gf the Technical PSt. l!llergency Corps - llejor-General, Police. (Stellvertretender Leiter & Scbitcmeister der C.I.D. 1271811 Tecbnischen Notbilte.) C.I.D. 12'7185

SCHWERIN v. XRO~IGX, Urat Lutz SIEBERT, Ludwig (2nd Edition) . Reich llinbter or Finance. (Reicnsminbt.r Prime llinister of - President of the der Finanzen.) German Acad1m7, etc. - Since deceased. C. I.D. 127185 C.I.D. #2'7185

s ELD'l'E, Franz* SILEX, Dr. Karl Reich and Prussian Jlinister of !-pbour - SA.- Prominent l ournalistj regular contributor Obergru~pentdhrer - UdR. {Reicb~nd "D.A.Z." {Bekannter ournalist, regel­ Preuss1scher A.rbeitsmlnister.) massiger Mitarbeiter "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung.") C.I.D. #27185 C.I.D. 12'7185 *Formerly Leader or the "Stahlbelm," a semi­ millta:ry conservative organization, db­ solved in 1935.

SBLZNEN, Klaus SiliON , Gus tav Commissioner General 1D Vojepropetrowsk Gaulei~er llosell and - MdR., PSt. (Ukraine) - Reich Stewanl ot the NS. Workshop Cell Organization - Hauptbefehlsleiter - SS.­ C.I. D. #27185 Jlrigadefubrer - lldR. {Generalltommissar in Dnjepropetrowsk (Ukraine) - Reichsobmann NSBO.) '

• Cbiet ot Start ot tba PartT'• Beloh Ol'lanlaer* aDd ot tba OeniiD Labour ~ - Cblaf of Ia n ' 2 n 'w Ia :J•'• ,... ,...._. start, Orcsaat1011 ot Betob rutr 1&111•• - .....,.. ,. Cbiat ... 141111 Dept .. ot aDd Pl-• .. , OaNU ...... · Labour hoot - t'ro.atM tor tile CO-Opal'aU~• O.I.D. II'Plll Sooletla1 owDid liT tba ~ai'MD Labour hoot - Obarbatabl•laSter - 81.~ Obel'tabrar - ~y (Stabalelter des Ra1ahaorcau1.. t1onale1tar .. und der DAF,-8tab•le1ter dar Orcanlaatlon dar RelohiParhltac• "'Leiter da1 Bauutl uDd dar • Zentralltella fUr Flnanzwirtschatt der DAF.­ BeYOllmlob(lctar tUr die Verbraucher- OYer

SOIDlER, Dr. Wut:er von STAQBS, Qaorg (l•t !dition). President or the Supre•e Court ot A~1Dls ­ Vice-President of tbe Retcbstag - Prolldnmt trat1on - !xpert on Constitutional questions banker - sinoe deceased. 1n the Party Chancellory - 58,-0bertubrer. (Pr!sldent des Reiobsverwaltuncsceriontes - C.I.D. 12'718& Sachbearbeiter t. staatsreohtl1ohe P'ragen 1m Stab der Parteikan~lel.) C.I.D. 1271815

-- SPEER, Albert

Re i ch ll1n1ster tor Armaments and Munitions - Acting "Lord MaTor ot Berlln-58~-0bertUbrer. Plenipotentiary General tor Armaments on (Kommissarlscber Oberburgermeister, Berli • ) the Board of t he Four-Year Plan - Chairman ot the Armaments Council - ?leni potentiary Q C.I.D, 127185 General tor Build~ (Party) , Kleotr1c1 ty and· · Water-Power - Chief of tbe Arf111 Workers' Corps (OT . ) - Commander of the NS!lt,-Transport . Brigade and ot t be Transport Fleet •Speer" - ; Insneotor General tor the rebuilding or Berlin - Leader ot the NS . League or German Engineer­ ing - Chief ot the Party's Technical Dept. - over

STIEWE, Dr. Fr1edrich. (2nd Edition) . 8PERRLJ:. auco . CD1et· of CUltural Dept., F.O.-Since re­ Generalteldaarlohal1 - 0.-ln- c., A1r Fleet placed by: TWARDOWSB:I . lo. 3 . (Betehlahaber 4er Lutttlotte 3.) ' C. I.D. 1117185 0. I . D. "#2?186

.. • v. STOBRER, Eberhard BPJWIOER) .Jakob German Ambassador in Madrid. (Deutscher Gauleiter • Raloha1tattha1ter, Heeaen-laaeau Botschatter 1n ~drid,) Prt.e Kin1eter ot Heaee - K4R . (Klo1eter-­ praee14ent von H••••n). C.I.D. 127185 • O.I.D. 12'718& ttt.a. , t.,. . c.I.D. ll'rlae



J . . Cbier of the Dept. "Beauty or Work" or tlle Labour. Front- Re1chsle1ter*, (Re1nhsm1n1fter r. Bewaffnyng & llun1 t1on - Generalttevolllll1chT.1.••-• ter 1' ,d, Rust~saurgaben 1a VierJahresplan - Vcrsitzender des.Rastungarates -General­ bevollmaoh~1gter 1'.4. Bauwesen (RSDAP. ), t . Elektrizitat & Wasserkratt - .Leiter der Organ­ isation RTODT" - FUhrer der RS!X . - Transport­ Brigade "Speer" & der Transporttlotte "Speer" - Generalbau1Dspekteur der Re1cbshauptstadt - FUhrer des "RS. BuDd Deutscher Teebnik" (IIS:!ltfl'.) - Leiter des Bwpte.mtes 1'Ur Te~lili::­ Le1ter des Amtes Sohonhe1t der Arbeit," * (Probably not yet oft1c1ally appointed ity leiter" but certainly acting in this capac • , ~~~~. ~~~~1~~~~------~~------

' . o._ralollerattt Cblot of luff ot tllo ram'. Ielah ~'~'••• Cblor- - Cblot ldUGI' ot tho PaJotJ offlolal 0 Jon AaeDC!J' <•·> - Doput:\7 Qoww-Dt l'l'on PI'oaaala17 reUred Cll' 1111 tllout a Cblor- (Stabaloltor doa JlolCibaproueabota - llaptacbrl nlolter •JatloDalaoSlallatlaabe C.I .D. 18'71811 ""· ~Hpondna• - Stell•. Re1Cibapreuoobet.) •In both capaaltles deput)' to DII!'IliCB, Otto. C.I.D. ft"f1811

STROLIN• , Dr. ltarl SURD, Dr. P'r1edr1oh larl Ma7or ot - President ot tbe Ch1o1' or the lunic1palit1ea· sectlon ot tbe Oeraan OYer seas Intt1 tute - S Reich llnbtlT ot dle Interior - lln1ater~a,.1 J..-Oberpoup­ Director. ILT -Bauptbannttlhrer. (11n1ater.:.» pentnhrer. ( ~erbGrgeraeister •on · Stuttgart - Prbideot des Deutsaben "aiudu.trektor • Leiter der Kc.munal-Abte11UDC Auslandsinatituta (D.t.I) .) ia Reicha1nnen.in1ateriua.) C.I.D 1271811 C.I.D. #27185 .

- " . -~ sr Ucr:ART, Dr. 'lfllhellll SYRUP, Dr. P'l'1edr1 oh Under secretary or State and Chief ot the Under-secretary of State in the Reich Department II of the Centrll.l. Office t or 111n1stry o f Labour' - President of t he Ronr83" in t he Reich llinistry of Intertor - Reich Institute for Un•plOJWent, In­ SS. -GruppentGbrer. (Staatasekretlr 1m surance and Labour Exchange. (Staatssekretar Reicbalnnelllllinisterium & Leiter der Abte1- 1m Reichsarbe1tsm1n1sterium - Prlaident 1ung II der Zentra1abtei1ung Rorwegen. ) der Reicbsanstalt tUr Arbeitsvermittlung & Arbeitslosenversicberung.) C. I . D. #27185 C.I.D. 12'7185


'1'KLSCBOif, Otto . v . ST~lA.G~ , Otto Gauleiter von Ost-Bannover - MdR.,PSt. German llil11;8J7 Commander in !"ranee - General der Intanterie. (lllit&rbefeblsbaber C.I.D. 127185 1D Frankrei ch.) C.I . D. 127185

------==------~' · ------~--·--~---- STifRTz, Ela1l TBRBOV!!H, J'oset . Gauleiter and Ob erprlsident , lark Branden­ Gauleiter •on Essen - Re1ab Commissioner tor burg - MdR . Oocupied Norn;y - OberJ!l'hident der lnlein­ ~rovinz - SS. -Gruppentabrer - ldR.,~t. c .I .D. #27185 {Reicbskommisaar t.d. besetzten norwegisohen Gebiete.) C.I.D. #27185

I aater of o__. 111U~ Mldaiatntloa in of '1M Aoe~~-. tor o..z. r.n - Pr••"•'Rdcb 111n1ater of .JUatlo• - Leider or tbe· ws. Oocnapled 8erb1J - 88.-obertl!brer -1'8t. LaW1•r•' Leque - 81.-Brtcldetilbrer. (PI'IIl­ (Cbet d. 11111t "ernltww tn Ser'blen.) dent der Alrade.ie ttlr Dl~lcbll BMbt - C,I.D. 18?1811 Relablluat1SI1D11tlr - Pabrer de• 18.-Recbta­ nhrerbwll! ••. ) *l"or•rlJ Pree1A!el:lt or the PIOJI].•'• "b1baual. . ••• JI'RIII:ILBR • C.I .D. 1271811

'%ROKAS, GeoJ'I v.TW.lRDOWSXI, Dr. Frit1 Chief or the oOIIIbiDed War Boouollllclf~ n.part-· Junior ·JU.J:Iisterial Direotor, Rnister and menta or the' Supre•e Bllh co... nd and in the Cb.1et or the Department tor Cultural PoliCJ Re1cli IUD1st17 or Jfull1tioru - Keaber or the 1n the l"oreisn Ortioe. (llinisterialdirigent, Armaments Council - lienerlll der Intanterie. Oesandter a: Leite~ d Kulturpoli~scben (Chef d. Alltsgruppe t!Wehrtrirtealldt• ia AbteUung des Auswart1gen8 Amtes •.J · Oberkommando ~er ~ehraacht und 1m Reicbs­ ndni§teriua tllr Rdatung a: MuJ:Iition - llitglied c.I .D. '127185 d. Raatungsrates.) C,I,D. 12'1185

TODT, Dr. Fritz (1st Edi~ion). UIBKRREITBER; Dr • .siegfried Reich Ylnister ·or Munitions, Reichsleiter, Gauleiter and Re1chsstatth.alter Ste1ermal'k - etc,, - Since ~led in accident; successor: Chief of Civil Adm1l'iistrat1on 1n the WOrth SPEEl!. Bast of German Oecupied Yugoslavia - SA.­ Gruppenrdhrer - YdB. (Chef der ZiyilveT­ C.I .D. #27185 wal.tung in der Untersteiermark.) c.r.rr. 127185

TOUSSAINT,- v. ULRICH, K1,lrt Representative of the Armed Forces with the~1 Oberprasident· der· Prov!nz Sachsen- ~st., Reich Protector* - Generall eutnant, (Wehrma~­ MdR.- SA.-ObergruppenfUhrer · ~bevollmllcht1gter beim Reicbsprotektor)* C.I.D. l¥27la5 *Equals C.-in-C., Protectorate. C.I.D. 127185

v. ~SCILU!IIER u. OSJ:EN, Bans UBTBECBT, Dr. Friedricl\ (1st- and tlnd Edition).

Reich Sport Leader - Chiet·or the Ns. ~eioh Superintendent, Party Archives - Sinee re­ Sport League (NSRL.) - President ot the signed. Italo-German Society - Staatssekretlr. - )ldR. SA,-Obergrupp~ntbhrer ~ JB.-Obergebietstnhrer. C.I.D, l¥27185 (Reichssportt~rer - Fahrer des NS. Re1cbs­ bundes r. Leibes~bungen- Prlsident der Deutsch-Italieniscben Gesellschatt.) C.I.D. !¥2'7185 Gauleiter Uld Jletabaata\Uialtw Uppw BaYaria - Since replao.. b,rl OilBLIR. O,I,D. 1271811

VOGL,- WAGNER, Josef (lst Edition). Chie! ot Ar1111stice Colllllission - Gen!12'al der Reich Price Commissioner; Intanterie, (Prlsident der Wa!!enstillstands­ kolllllission,) Gauleiter Sout.h Westphalia - Since re- f!f0~s~oEi c.r.D. 127185 (b) GIESLER 7l C.I.D. 127185 .

VOLLERT, Dr. ErDst. 1 WAGNER, Robert Chief of' the Department .vr {Gel'llllln18m and Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter von Baden - SurvE!Ying) :tn the IU.nistry of Ihterior.­ Chief o!' C1v1l Administration KOR. (Kin1steria1direktor & Leiter der Abte11ung (Chef der Z1vi1verwaltung !m Elsass.) VI (Deutschtum & Vermessungswesen) 1m Re1chsinnenmi~ster1um.) c.r.o. 127185 C.I.D. #27165

w1CHTER, Dr, Otto* WAGNER, Dr. WilP,elm G9,vernor District Galicia - SS.-Brigade­ German .Kin1ster in ¥anchukuo. (Deutscher fUbrer. 1\Gouverneur, Distrikt Galiz1en Ges&Ddter. in llandschukuo.) (Generalgouvernement),) C.I.D. !¥27185 C.I.D. #27185 *In Lwow.

WACHTLER, Fritz WAHL, Karl Gauleiter Gau BayreJ.th - Chief ot-NS'. Gtuleiter von Schwaben - SA. -and SS.-Gruppen­ Teachers' League - KdR. (Reichswalter des f'i»lrer - lldR., IUDR. NS.-Lehrerbundes.) C.I. D. 127185 C,I.D. #27185 «*aleitu lvbeuen - 88.-0rappentiibrer - lldJl., PSt. C.I.D. 117111&

Wl'JIBR, Dr. Medrieb* WBIS!,­ Ch.ief of the DepartMnt III of the 11D1at1'7' Generaloberat. of the Interior - IU.nisterial Director - Reich Veterin&lT. s urceon Leader - 88.­ Bricadetrulr er. (Leiter der Abteil~q III C. I .D. 127185 1m I nnena1n1steriua - Xinisterialdirektor Reiehstierlrstetftbrer.) *One of t be oldest adherents ot Ritler i n Bavaria, ror.erly a not orious Free Corps Leader. C.I.D.#2718!S

WEGENER, Paul* WEISS , ,Wilhelm

Gauleit er lfeser - Ems - ~ei chss tattllal ter Chief ' Edit or "V .B. "- Chief of the Associa­ Old enburg und - SS. -Gruppentrulr er - tion of German Journalists - SA.- and lldR. Nsn.- Obergruppent1'!hr er - XdR. , PSt. (Rauptsehriftleiter WValkiscber Beobacbter"­ *Formerly Deputy Reich Commissioner in Le1ter d. Re1ehsverbandes der Deut sehen Norwa;r . Presse. ) C.I.D. 127185 C.I .D. 127185

v. WSIC3S , Freiherr v. WEIZSACKER , Fre1herr Ernst

Ge~~eraloberst. Under-secreta~ ot Stat e, Foreign Office. (Staatssekretlr 1m~us wartigen Amt . ) C. I .D. *27185 C. I.D. 127185


WEI NREICH, Hans WENDLER , Dr . llrnst German 111nister in Bangkok (Thailand) . Chief of the l'ecbnical EmergenC)' cor ps (Teno) (Deut scher Gesandter in Bangkok.) -Winisteri al Counsellor 1n the 111ni§try or the I nterior - SA.-and SS . -Grup~ntahrer - Generalleutnant (Polizeit-llldR. (Leiter der C. I.D. #27185 Technischen Nothllfe - llinisterial rat i a Reichsm1n1ster1 um d. Innern. ) c.r .D. 127185 .· Oournor, ~tnot eru- (Polaad) - Qliet ot tbe Dep&rtaiDt m in t be Relab ss.-lll'isad•t15hrer. (OouY-v del 1111- ll1nbt17 of Laboar - Reiah !'rultH for trikts Jtruau (Ge!lllnl.Sounrnement) .) LabODr in 'l'bvi1111a. (Leiter der Bauptab­ te11UIII Ill 1a Reichl&l'beitlldn11ter11D1 - · C.I .D. 12'7185 ReichltreubiDder der .Arbe1 t tar 'l'bl!ringen.) C.I.D. 12'7185

WERLIN, Jacob .,.. WIBT!RBBEIII, Gustav* The FUhrer's Inspector-Geperal for Kotor General 4 er Intanterie. Traffic - Ss. -St4ndartentnhrer. (Sl!lllllral­ des Fthrers fbr das ~raftfahr- *Reported to be in charge or staff' work tor wuen.) · the winter Campeisn. C.I.D.#27l85 C.I.D. 127185


zu WIED, Prinz Victor WILLECitE, Dr. B:arl German Minister in Stockholm. (Deutscher President of the Supreme Reich Court Gesandter in Stockholm.) of Economics. (PrKsident des Reichswirt­ scha!tsgerichtes.) C. Io D .12718!!. C. I.D. #27185

--- . WIEDEMANN, Fritz WILLIKENS, Werner ConsUl uener!Ll In 'l'1ents1n. (ueneralkonsul Under-secretar,r of State in- tbe Reich in Tientsin. ) , Ministry or Food and Agriculture-SS:- .. •• Gruppentiihrer - M'dR.,Pst. (Staatssekretar C.I. D. #27185 1m Reicbsministeri um f. Erniihrung & Landwirti­ Schaft.) C.I.D. #27185

-· -· WIE'BL, Emil WINDECKER,- K1nister1a1· D1rector and Chief of the Economic Department of the Foreign Office. Representative of the· Foreign Ot'fice 'IIi tb (lfinisteria.ldirektor & Leiter der Wir~­ the Reich Commissiont!'r for the Ostland­ schaftspolit1schen Abte11ung des Ausw&rtigen Gesandter. (Beauttragter des Auawirtigen Amtes.) Amts beim Reichsko1111111ssar tiir das Ostland. ) C.I. D. #27185 c.I.D. 127185

. , Lord -.ror of ColQinp. (OberbU,.er.elater der Banaeatldt l&la.} *ReJIOl'hd aacked (uncont1r-.d). C.I,D. 12'718& •

WIIISCHUB, Dr. .Toa ef WOBBIUB!f, Dr, !:rut C1~ !ditor •D. A.z.• (econo~ expert) . Deputy Under-secretar,r of State at the· (Scbr1ft1e1ter •Deutsche Allgemeine Ze1- Foreign Office - Cb1et of Political De9t. tUlll. ") (Onterstaatssekretlr 1• Aurwlrt1san A.t,) C.I.D. 127185 c.I.D. !Wll85

- .- ·-· -- WIRSING, ·Dr. G1selher WOHL'l'BAT, Bel11111t Chief Editor "KNN . " (Hauptschr1ftleiter K1n1ster1al Director at the Board or the Rour "MUnch ener Neueste Nacbricbten. ") Year Plan. (K1n1steriald1rektor 1m V1erjahres­ plan.) • C.I.D. 127185 C. I .D. #27185



Generaladm1ra1* - Kember of tbe Armament Chi~f - of Staff of the Reich Leader SS. Counc11* ( Ki~gl1ed des Rustungsrates. ) (Bimml er) - SS . -ObergruppenfUhrer - General (Wafren-SS~)-KdR . (Chef des C. I.D. #27185 Stabes des Re1cbsfUhrers SS. ) *Presumab1y retired; was formerly Supreme C. I .D. l¥27185 Cb~ef of Naval Ordnance and Constructions.


v . WI:J:ZLEBEN, Erwin* WUCElER, Dr. Theodor . K1n1ster1al Director in the Reich Kinistry of Finance - Chief of Custou Administration. *Presumably retired or wi~hout command , u;~t,ster1a1direktor und Leiter der ~ollver­ w ung 1m Re1ebsf1nantatnis~er1um.) C.I.D. l¥27185 c.I.D. 12'7185 .. ". WUBLIS Cll, J'ohD ZIIIlLBR, Professor Molt Representat1Te or the- For eign Office with Pr esident of the Rei ah Cbaaber or P'inll Arts - the Ooyernor - General (Pol alld) - ·111n1star. staatsr at. (Prlei~ent der Rei ahskammer der (Vertreter des Auswlrtigen Amtes beim Bildenden tdbste. ) Generalgouverneur in Polen - Oesandter.) C. I . D. 12'71815 C.I .D. 127185

.. ... WUSTER,- ZIIDIERIWIN, Bans (1st end 2nd Edition) . qhiet ot the Intorlllltion Dept. of the For61gn Acting O"uleiter, Jl'ranoon1a - S1nce replaced Office - Consul~eneral . (Leiter der Intor­ by1 BOLZ. mationsabteilung 1m Auswlrtigen Amt - Oeneral­ konsul.) C.I. D. #27185 C. I.D. 127185

ZANGEN, Wilhelm ZORNER,• Ernst* Leader of the Reich Es tate or Tndustry - Governor of (Poland) - Director General of the Kannesmann Trust - KdR . (Gouverneur, Distrikt Lubl1D (Genera1- Kember of the Arllllllllents Coun011 . (Leiter der gouvernement).) Reichsgruppe~Indus~rie - Generaldirektor~e Kannesmann-Rohrenwerke-111tglied des ~ *Formerly Lord ~or of . 91 rates.) . C. I.D. #27185 C. I.D. #27185

ZEITZLEH, Kurt ZSCillNTSCB, Dr. Werner General d er Intantrie - Chief or Start or the Undersecretary of State 1n the Rei ch c . -in-C., A~. (Ehef des Stabes des 111n1stn- tor Science 1111d Education. (Staats­ Oberbetehlshabers des Haeres. ) sekretlr 1m Re:1ah!ldn1steriua rlfr Wissan­ scbatt, l'lrdehung und Volk!bildung. ) C.I. D. #27185