
C.I.D. 11'71• • CJ.D. ll'rl• • BIIBBDS, Ouatay BIRTIWI, Dr. Adolr (2nd B41t1on) . FuocS btate - Reich Stewart or ~e Reiab Cardinal and Arabb1abop or Bresleu - Rot lldB. - 88.-Briledl"tuhrer. (Jieichao~ teabn1oi.1 reasons. des Reiohsalhrstaades.) 1nclu4ed tor. c.I.D. 12'718& C. I .D. 12'718& 41ao ln a lea41. peatUoe b tile leloJl ot­ tioe tor raraer• or tbe 1 1aio!lllett.n,•. B!RE, Otto BlllfiOII,Dr.WaUII" Plenipotentiary or the Foreign Ottice wiUI • • tbe Reich Commi ssi oner 1n the Retberl&nds, Xb11ter ot Kooaaato1 aD4 Labour 1n the (Beauttraater des .iunlrt1gen Alltea beia "'aeoJl GoYen.eat• (~e)- Ju.aior X1ft1- Re1cbsll:o..ts sar 1n den R1ederlanden.) ner1al Dtreotor- 18.- Obertu&Juoer. (Xta­ iller t'ller WirlloJlatl 11114 ArbeU 1ft Ur C.I.D. #27185 Protell:lorallreperaac-X1ft1ahr1ald1ripal). • C.I.D. 11?180 BERGEN, Dr. p. Diego \ BU!', Otbaar German Ambassador to t he Holy See. (Deutscher Botscbatter be1m Vat1kan, ) Ohiet Editor 1 D.A. z. • (Bauptaohr1tt1e1ter 'Deut1oba Al1.. ae1na Zeit~ ) . C.I. D. #27185 O.I. D. #2?1811 BERGER Cbiet ot tbe Central Reich Departaent ot the ss.- Chiet ot t he Bail ..-.s and 11&11 Guards ot the Arllled ss.-ss.- Oruppe~rer - Generalleutnant Watten..SS, (Cbet des 88.­ Bauptaat es - Leiter des 88,-Bahn - und Postschutzes.) C. I . D, 12'7185 .. O.I.D. II'Pl80 • fill Ule In r "•'>smllar"..O·-~· '• svm •1a1.._ ot Ule 1a-.ncr •tsella .....f. ...... ,...., (~elal ...... •••=, .............. ,. '" ...,...p ,. ......fi••J ....... ls •• 'tllan .._._.... ,.,- ..., ...). O.I.D. llf111 . .. ·~· ....., .., 1Ml 111 ....... Ocav.l ...... • O,I.D... 111 • IIPYAQ, IOall ~ural of &qln.. n aa4~ltleatloae 0 o•lJt.G o I 1&97 t • ...., • hDCI'a1allalral, YUh Ule ~Qr•e Jl1&b 0 , (~.._t cr-.e'l!!\1ena4er MUral 111 ......ft.) t.r Ploalere aa4 ree~a O.K.¥. ). O.I.D. 11'Pl811 Poee1bl7 laepMter~, 1 0 . I . D. ,12'71811 I BLAilOVI!Z1 Jobaftftee BQCM«R, a.tDrlch-.7olwm ~nnaloberet . - 0~4er of an Arw:t ~_..,,. ot lr.n-Le... r ot II.. Cluq •......ee-111. OM• r. ....,.atuehnr. C!Wite­ O.I. D. 1&2W rn4er Burpl'lle ehr 111 Br- - Fllehrer 4er 111.,4 ;pe lorteee). ' • O.I.D. 11'Pl811 BLOI(J;, Dr. lurt BOEPPLE, Ezonet Ob.llt or lhe Rt1ob PtQ-11o1ana 1 Ltacu•- i" Uncler-8eoret&l'1 or ltah - Dlputr Cbiet ot Deputr Rtloh Health Leader. (Rtlohlaer~ -Cbe Clo'riMIMDC of the Clcnoe~~aeral tuehrer-8Ct11YertreteD4er Rl1ob... eun4- (Polaft4). (ltaaCell:retaer - ltellnrtre­ b t1htuehrer ) • teiMler Letter 4er B.epenmc 4ee I:Jeaeral­ poe....-.ate). O. I .D. 12111811 O.I.D. II'Pl811 BLUKCJII:Il, Dr. Vlpert y. llO!!! '• lmeC Vllhela ~I'IW\ 11ft1etlr 111 Fifth"". (DIII,Iobtr 8uleUer or all Clel'llafte11Prcc4 - ~Sate lecnt&r7, rontp ottloe - MR. 11.- CJeeaJI4C.r la F11111lu4). •• cpa. (CiaJeltcr 4er ...,,...,,_.,.._ O.I.D. #2'11811 ftlaedoe' - ..._,....,,,.r, .......,..lp, &at 11.-Gs..,.ahcbrer). O.I.D. 12'7111 • • • • ........ r ......-- art&ee I •••••••••, .. ,_,_ ......w ....... ll ......... •• till o.-111-G., 1 ua. (tea I'._ - ..., t• "" Oiu ~e& len ·<:r· h11Q) , h r:t• ,.... lllll.-... :: c;--efd~bJ)= ... ll··•!P•· lii'M•)· .... "• ......t; tMulhiW cor "' ott - Onl'll 111. al • Qallt..S.•,... O.l.D. llilnel Ut..... leiQat•:.=='· ... Cat... Ut~) • 1.. 11• • I I..... 1•111tor t, h11Uk Ia Alit......._· hien"nnl.) O.l.D. la9181 DAID!, Dr. J:arl 1 Oblot of lhtf of U. OlwleellOI'J .r Ute - 'fbi r.a.bl'lr • Plolllpotntl&I'J-Giaol'll tor Panr I •.u.r .,. u.. War Oalu... t - u..­ Bealtb 1114 •1411&1 loi'YlOOI • OJiel'lhl ....... ... u ..-.ljl qpoar.o!aNr I Jill. - &ol.U~ fuluoor, Wt-a. (h11oi'Jl~boYOlll&lohtl1'­ loner. (ltabauuor lor PartoUualol • tor 48o J'laelazoon t .4. lallltaote- llD4 GoollD4- •udlocl KlJilotol'l'ato t1aor 41• Rolota.­ heUIWiaon). .,.riol4lpllc).4•• c·.I .D. 18'7188 loliO ft¥1' all pi'&Otllal pui'JIOIII (tbwp blthol'to without tho ottlolal otrlo) Rolota.­ •• • Tt llftlltll'. ,0. I .D. 127180 v. BRAUCHUSCB , Walter (lst Ed1 t1on) r BOUBLI3, Pbillpp . o·eneralfeldmarschallJ_ C, -1n-C., Arm7 - S1noe Chief or tho Ohanooll01'7 ot tho JUohrer ~sB:ckled; successor: tu'l'L!R, (PartY) I llelobololtor I Chlet ot the Partrl1 Oenlorlhlp~0181ttea · f,or thl prO­ C. I .D. #27185 teot~~ ot ••· lltoratlll'l - IJ.-Gruppea­ tubrer ,. 1114ll. (Ohlt 4er lualel 411 J'uob- 1'11'1 - Lotter 411' partolaatllobln Pruor~ k..al111on sua lohUtse dee .,,~lohrlrttawo), ' ~ O.I.D. 127180 B!U.Oin'' 1'1'1h BRAUVJ:ILJ:R, Dr. El'not Gauleltlr and OboJ'pl'allldent Yon O'bor­ Oblet ot tho Forilp Pnu Dept. of the llet:lb lohleelen - 88.-G~'aFP'ntllebrer - KdR . Pl'ea•, Obier or the Proa• Dept. 1n tho Pro­ P1181n4a llln1atl'1 - Junior llllllltlrlal Dlr- O.I.D. 12?1811 . eotor. (Loiter dor Abt. Au1lanc\apl'la1o bela Bolob1pra11eohor und_. der P1'111oabta11unr 1• Rl1oblpropasand&l1n11ter1ua • Xlnlatorlal• 41rl'if!J't) • I O.I.D. 12?1811 \ BJIIJMI:B BB&fttl:. 11111 C.~ln~o., Ootland. Generalloutnant. (Xll· Ob1ot rlabl1o Prooo011tor to the luprolo ltaer'botehloha'bor 1a RelohakOIIloearl~t Oetland). Oolll't ot Juouoo. (Obone1ohoanwalt u llelobaprloht). C.I.D. 12718& O.I.D. 127180 Clalel "' • '-'• orne• t• hll· haeltnt fll 1M 'ona a ' rtt ,.,lee. ta.l ,, .u.. (J.d.......... ,.. ,.... lols.,. .. .u.,,. Hlll1 •• , ..... hrtll). o.J.D. ,.,111 o.J.D. ll'nM .a. Wal'ft' lal.UleUer - IQI hMJ .r..,. -l.t..l"' Genen""•'•al - o.-in-0. IOI"thft''l o­ OMrp....,.atulu'er. (OMnhr Parhll'loll­ ea84 Gena~~ laYJ. IOMrbetehleballft' 4 .. ter). llarineolleall "PJ10u-n4o 101'4). 0 . I .D. I 2?181 O.J.D. I 2?181 B1JIC'I!IIR, a..- OBRIIfl'"'ll, r?ledrlob x.. ber ot the Anunt OoUilNal - Pzoo.lllnt Clel'll&ll KUl-.17 0 •D4er Bellan4 - General 1Jiduetr1ali•t. (XUI].1114 4••. Ru•••WIC•• 4, nleP.P • Corp• Lea4er - 1•. nriq rat.. ). Oorp•. (KUltaerbetehlllhaber lfellUA - Eorp•taehl'er UJ'l) • O.I.D. 12'7181 O.I.D. I 2?181 BUEBLJ:R, Dr. Jo.. t t1nder-Seor•t&1'7 ot St.ah - Pe-ent De­ putr to lhe GoYornor-Oeneral in P-oland - D1reotor ln \he Reioh Bank - Oblet or GOYo~ent. (ltad.. ll:retaer - ltaen41pr ltell•ertreter te• ClenerelgouYemeur• 1n Polen - Reioh•benkdtrettor - Leiter 4er Rtg1erang·4•• Gontral-GouYtrn.. ent•). C.I .D. 127186 BUDOIEL, Jo.. t OIL.l&Z, otto GauleUer an4 Reioh.. tattbalter v.. t.ark • Yloe-Ada11'al • O.-ln-0. Battle~• · (Be• Ohler ot Oi•Ltl A4a1n1•tration ln Lorra1ae - tehleh&ber 4er loblaoht•obltte). IIA. - an4 81,-0bel'p'Uppentuellrer. (Chat der Z1Y1lnrwalhq in Lothrinpn). • O.I. I>. #2?186 O.I .I>. #2?186 Cblet ld.ltor.:~:.x.• ~=- 88,WMk17) - :':.,_.., 88,-8tae1~rt a. ( 'tlobr1Rleiter !!~!!! ~-r;;::::.. WD&1 Schwarae lorpe.~) 'iii:il........ ,.. ~"- &. ~ l:r!'C;:C::F,.. Ia ... ..•• C.I.D. 12'7185 O.I.D. ll'nll. • • DALumB, lturt CQJUM, Beraor IAopoJ4 v. Cblef of the unif-d pollee in the l'rtll14en\ of lbe GeNU Re4 01'011 - IID,­ Relob ll1niat17 of the Interior - Act1nc ~rgc ~11h.lbl'ft O.ael'al. 4er IlltaDtlrle - Reich Protector tar Bob.J.a and lfora'ria - •u. (l'J'tee141at 4ee Dnleobea loten Generaloberat d. Pol1ze1 - 88..-Qberstgrup­ lriUIII), pentUhrer - Jl4R. (Chef der Ordnungs­ pollzei 1m R4!iobla1n1ster1um des Inneren - c. I .D. I 2'P186 Stellv. Reiobsprotektor f. Bohaen UDd aabren.) C. I.D. 12'7185 DABKELIWIN, - OOI'l'I, Dl', Leonardo (1st and 2nd Edition). Uft4er-BIOI'I\&J'1 It Sta•e • Rllob Bealtb Leder - Obllt ot 'be P&l'\11 1 Oealnl. General der Flieger, C.-in-C,, Serbia - D~t. tor Pub11o BeeUb - Lla4er ot all Since replaced byt BADER ldW'I Cure leoleUee - 11.8fbiijiplatue)rir, ( ltut11111'etaer - RlloblpeancUIIUetuehJ'er c . ~.D. #2'7185 lAtter 4 , &IIPlutee t. folk... 111114heU - FUehl'lr Iller latUJ'bellverbaiD4e). O.I.D. 12718& CRAU~li.AAR, Dr. V, DARRE, Walter (1st and 2nd Edition). Deputy Chief for llil1ta17 Ad.ministration Reich !.linister of Agriculture and Food., etc.­ in Belgium and Northern France - ltriegs­ Since replaced by: BACIE. verwaltungsvizecbef. (Stelly.Mllitarver­ waltungsehef i n Belgien und Nordfranreicb,) c,.r .D. #2'7185 C.I.D. ~185 v. DB!Il, Ritter Adolf CROPP, Dr. Fritz .· Chief ot starr NS. Kotor Corps - Chief of the Department IV in the 'Reich ISI!t-Obergruppentubrer. (Stabscbef des 1Cin1stry or the I nt.erior - ll1n1sterial BBKX.) . Director. (Leiter der Abteilung IV ia Reicbsinnenminister1um - M1n1ster1al­ d1rektor.) C,I,D, 127185 c.I.D. 127185 ~.l.D. 11'1'180 C.I.D. 12'71116 Dn:rJIICB, Otto DCIIUH, MalJ'al Reichsleiter - Reich PreiS Chief of the IISDAP.- Press Chief ot the GOYVDMDt - AD!Iela'ecl to -oeecl IIM4er.... bM4 ot State SeOT&t&r7 in the Reich PropqaDda S11i GeNu n'-arlae n ..,, an4 Will KiDistr,r-18.-Dbergruppentubrer - ldR. aow be ,0.-la-0. ot u.e hNaa ...,, (Reichspreasechef d. JSDAP.- Presaechet d. Reicbsregierung - Staatssekretar is (Ottlolal Uallaa la4lo - JaaiiU')' ao, ·~) Re1chsJ1ropagandaa1Dister1um. ) C.I.D. #2'7185 DI ErRICB, Sepp (Josef) . T. DOBBBBIIO, l"reiherr A1exandn D1v1siqnal Co11111ander (Armed SS. ) , General Chief of Protocol in the Foreign Office - Cor onel - 1n-Chiet ot ss. Body Guard Regi­ Gesandter - SS.-Oberfnbrer. (Chef des ment - Senior SS. and Police Leader De­ Protoll:olls ill Auswartigen Alit.) fence Area III (Berlin)* SS-Obergrupperu'dbrer - lfdR. (Divisions • 11to11111andeur (Watf en-ss.), General - Kol!!llllln­ C,I. D. 12'7185 deur d. LeibstaDdarte - Boherer BS. und Pol1ze111ihrer 1m Webrkreis III (Berlin.) * *Possibl y replaced in this office. C. I.D.
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