
r«to mtnrt. tnlu *na at VOL. XLV.—No. 341. , GA. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1913. —FOURTEEN PAGES. Dafly u« Samtmy, delivered IIT ewHer. by MODERATOR J. S. LYONS' LEADING FIGURES IN CHARGES BRIBERY CHARGES FALSE FRANK NOTATHON1E TRIBUTE TO ATLANTA. LEADERS OF PAR1Y "Atlanta ^unique She has OF BRIBERY IN PHAGAN CASE DECLARES COL. FELDER; performed a feat that is truly DON'T FEAR BOLT iURSONSHAY remarkable m entertaining simultaneously three large CALLS THEM "FRAME-UP" Presbyterian assen 'jlies She ONJARIFF BILL has come up to everything ex- pected of her and has gone far Affidavits and Alleged Dictagraph Record Are On Night of Murder Prisoner Despite Dispuieting Rumors, bejond the hopes of mam Made Public, Accusing Prominent Lawyer Was Not at Residence, as She hab giver? ti-> the heartiest Situation Over Sugar and He Says He Was, States reception that we ha\e had in Wool Schedules Is Consid- of Offering Bribe of $1,000 to Secretary Feb- Head of Detective Dept \ears Fverything on the pro ered Favorable. gram has been top notch In uary, of Police Department, to Secure Affi- WETNESSES WILL SWEAR tact our superlatives are sim HOT FIGHT EXPECTED davit Made for Police by J. W. Coleman, TO THIS, HE ASSERTS pl\ exhausted in our attempt IN DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS j describe the events here or Stepfather of Mary Phagan, in Regard to Leo Frank Swore at Coroner's t i express our appreciation to Reported That Senator Walsh Felder's Connection With Case. Inquest That He Reached ihe good people of this citv Might Joiii Ransdell and V\ e feel that God has blessed Home at 7:30 O'Clock and the assemblies m this fnendlv i Thornton in Vote Against ALLEGATIONS ARE MADE Did Not Lea\e House and constructive gathering of j Underwood Measure. TO FORESTALL A PROBE torces and our prayer is that "I can prow Ui U I i ink v. i-. not \our citv too ma), be blessed Washing-ton May 23 —Wool and su OF POLICE, SAYS FELDER Ot home durUiR t c f jura <> i -atur ^ai the stumbling bdocka oC the tar- cay night the night of the niuixK-i bv having us in vour midst for iff, held the attention of senate finance that he claimed 1 • w i- I », 11 \\A\ tlicst ten dav= \ es we shall subcommittees and senators in general todt\ the legislative air being filled witnesses to *m<*a.r t > U is. remembci \tldnta a long, long Mayor Woodward Also Dictagraphed, Accord- Such was th startling *>t it* n nt v, ith iiimors of contemplated changes b\ Chief Of Det years. Great interest Conference by A. S. Colyar, -Who Offered paid hr had -x grtd,t *le IS Ml made by Senator >v aian of Monta-n i Him, He Says, Evidence That the Police De- Into the -p-a-pcr" condemning the proposition to put wool I Hill adm l though n «*nd it jand SURS.'- on the 11 ee list which gave partment Is Giving Protection to Disorderly lifts been a Imo*»f as )M f ! to kt (p (vi SAYS MRS. B.N. SPARKS ri^e ti> a report i^at he migrht" join rl»nce out ot thi par «-rt, 1-3 it has with o»rnatoi-s Ranadell and Thornton b* on to gt t hold of i in tht rust of Louisiana and vote against the bill Houses in Atlanta—"I've Done My Duty, It's pla< e \\ ifc of Former Atlanta Man [n that case the senate democratic ( hlct Ijanford t sta.tr -11 put thai he \Iso Disappears and Po- majority being only six the vote on the Up to Grand Jury," Says Lanford. c an f>i o1- P r i a. rut was not at home tariff bill would be a tie nece-sstta* din Ing th* Inns he if. > s he was is lice Seek Her ing the vote of Vice President Marshall Developments came thick and teat yesterday following the, publication the rno**t i'Jipoi t«int nru in i eiCcyd to 1 to pas ? it Should this develop theie A affidavits, charging that Colonel Thomas B Felder—the man who treed thf Phd«*tn nasf t/hat has come from \u»uata ira Ma> 23—(Special ) — drt some democrats w ho belt eve tfliat the det"»itl\e department In s,onu d i> 3 Petween snhs the youns an-d unusual I- prett\ wife of B N Sparks of At t>enatoi Poindexter or w asnington" Charles Morse, and who used the dictagraph on Governor Cole Blease, of I e> f rank hi his statt meiit tt the Innta tol to a kind heart bill This would gd*e Jeewaj for an to secure an affidavit in the Mary Phagan murder cage now held by the e 1 ladj who a.ui oated her on th*. street « la\ night ind did not lea\ e his f thei democrat to desert in the final and Inquired >f her troubles police department, through bribing Seiretary February by the offer of $1,000 rcsidi n p until the following mornins v ote v. iien he a i umpanlod the detectives T le stor> she told was that she had Stinging counter charges that the Atlanta detective department is reek- ht en man led to Sharks whom sho Situation Favorable to the undt i taking establishment to Si.W w^.5 an A. tlantct newspaper rtran ing with graft and corruption were hurled at Chief Newport Lanford by idf>ntlf> th* bod> jf \Iarj, Pha>ga,n three months thit they had come \dministratJon leaders declared to biank a statement ^v as substantiated from her Baltimore home several da\ that the situation relating to the Colonel Felder, who asserts that the affidavits now in the possession of much disputed schedules looked ver> by his mother In la\\ uid father in weeki af?o had left \tlanta and that fa\ orable for the Underwood hill b-ut Lanford are perjured and the charges prompted by the desire to forestall law who stated that the> w ere en she had heen left bj Sparks on a g&g ed i n ii curd ga m p that ni gh t aJi d street coi nei while Sparks ostensibly tih ey look forward to an interesting an investigation of the department tbu,t h rank \\ as in thr nt xt i oom w ent In sea. cil of a position session in the party caucus when the * eai was expressed b> the girl southern and western repi esentati/cs will ha\ e an op^portunitj to make a de MY DUTY HAS BEEN DONE AND IT'S that he i husbajnd had been drugged SEABOARD WAREHOUSES ' H had pract ually no money with term! lied struggle gainst free wool UP TO GRAND JURY, SAYS LANFORD h m she later stated AJter telling and free sugar A rumor that several BURN UP AT SAVANNAH] hej stor> at the home ot tihe ladv of them would unite to remain out of "I have proved Felder to be an attempted briber," said the chief '"My w ho had spoken to her on the street, the cam us was domed bj party lead Savannah G-a Mai -•> —Tine*, sea the gitrl disappeared late la»t night era though one of them declared that duty has been done It's now up to the grand jury to take action " board \tr L«ire iallwa\ delivery ware and has not been located tho-iigrh the he would not Warns benator Walsh houses, on Puet tt( e&t were d^stioy should he determine to stay out if it It also developed that Mayor Woodward has himself been dlctagraphed, 1 pr lice .have made an extended aea/rch ed by flr* tonight with all their con Fffort has been made to locate became apparent that the caucus would NEWPORT this instrument being used on the mayor during the course of a conversa- tents These warehouse*? es lap^d de- Sparks but it Is bhoxtgiht he left the not yield on sugar and wool TAMER L BWAVL.RS structi-on In the disastrous corrflagra. cit> Thursday afternoon. William Whitman, always a leader fTti^J at PoWoe Chief b€ Oetectrtes- tion at the WHH&ms house, held by ihe mayor. Secretary February, of police tion that dfSttcyed the Merchants and of the woolen interests In tariff con M.I n ers wharv PS lait Februaj-j Th c sideratlon had an interesting hour with1 department, A S Colyar, who worked up the affidavits against Felder, and contents were high inflammable and Senator Stone e subcommittee attack- Ed Miles, head of the Miles detective bureau, the flames £a!nf»rt hea.dwa> i apldU ing the. woolen manufactures sched- ttflter the flist blaze was seen at 10 30 TWO DIE IN EXPLOSION ule Mr Whitman declared that the Career of A. S. Golyar Felder says he has viewed with his own eyes a police "graft" list, con- Soon after the nre was discovered an proposed duties on wooJ manufactures explosion WAS ne-ard were 30 per cent less than the rates in taining the names of owners of disorderly houses m the city, which resorts are The erttue tlrt apparat is of the city the Wilson tariff act which he said given police protection In return for money. This, he said, was shown him loughit the flames but could do 1 it- ON SPEDY DESTROYER was supposed to be a free trade bill Reads Like Some Story tie ? ortun itflv the \\Jnd wafa f-oni Senator Jamea ui ged that economic by G C February, stenographer for Chief Lanford, right hand man of that the south tnd t jward the h in-or ind conditions tn production justified a j thus the Hi was pi p\ en ted from Steam Pipe of Stewart Blows difference of 30 per cent at tins time as official spi ea-dinpr The mU i > >f the ware Out During Test—Rescuer compared to conditions when the Wil In the Arabian Nights hou = es was a ^ e thing Miniate w n> n son law was enacted Chief Beavers would not commit himself on the situation that has ihe flit 11 i M ri vt d. o l th* s * nt of it Is Fatally Injured Awaked if fr< e raw wool "mould not developed by the charges of his detective chief and the counter accusations tion mid ft miv n vei be kn how prove beneficial to this Interests Mr I ico and other no-tab-les The follow- The fire or! sr ma-ted rht ont •^ of Whitman «3aid it might eventually \t . Mashvilile Tenn Mav 2 —(Special ) by Colonel Felder He seemed pleased, however, over the result reputed to have ing nlgh.t Colyar gave a theater party, the warehouses * onsi^tt d of in i seel 1 A sa-n Diego Oa,l Mas 23—-Richard Cur present he said his company had on j The criminal taie-c-r of A s Col>ax ne-ous fi ejight < It ntjm j to \ ai i<~ us tis Smith oiler and H F Bock chief hand a large supply of raw wool' rtads like a storj from the Arabian and latfr informe-d the \imierican aon- been obtained by Lanford, and said that he later would fully express his shippers and th s tt K t xceedingl} di' machinist s mate are de-ad and 41ma bought under tariff rates and that he; Nights Probably no m nt tn Tennes- ba-ssadoir that he was ennbarraised by opinion . - flcult to -LStima-te tnt loss It is sa-H Miller oiler who risked his life in in would be at a disadvantage In working j see has inypose^ so suocesbfullv upon the failure of funds to arrive, and se- that it will h. dround the *-0 0 0 mark attemi t to sa\ e Bock Is in a dvinp this ojff whll* other manufacturers; "I cannot talk at this present time," he stated "I would not think it the public and has escaped &o lightly cured fiom him the siim of $10000 He condition tonifrht as the i esult of in were bui ing and manufacturing with went out to take a smoke an the I nittd States toi pedo wool p-urchased on a free of duty basis The son tff Colonel A S Lo3>ar in best." caime back Later he returned $7,600 CUT UP INTO PANTS h.iat il striker Ste art todav H* declared that foreign mamifac- i his day one of th< most pi ominent Ths ir dent oct urrpd 28 miles off turers hae in tht tnpine room blew out The the Vmr ric.au market as soon as the ; People Tired, He says. prei io it, pobolln l 1 fam.il> conn ctlon thit includes On his leturn he-re he stopped over presented to the I i i f tt tns~iu s weie turn IIR 00 levolutions i p oposed bill became a law at McMijinville Tenn and stode a Colonel Felder s announced exposure m i utt tnd the d"&ti ij o of th»_ a-risito-crata of this set > ear s igro and « il lei i f ri mule whi"h hf ro«de into Nashville ot the detective and police department through the •«. atei at the tatp o 2 t, so appealed for an extension of the tion he h us been excep-tionallj fort g e \ f nU t h o u -*a n d it li« selling tht ctiiima,! on the Hay market would be early he said, and exhaust- been (xpla^nrd f th knots an hour The Stewart H the time -hen the schedule shoiild become unate in es-c ^] inj, the la/w ailthoush on Weather Prophecy fisttst of the flotilla Through his father s Influence he ive He will hav e the support of a tht ai etakei th h*. eff ectlv e He urged that the raw various occasions he has done time SHOWERS AND COLDER 1 vyas sent to? the "Vliddle Tennessee In- boy ha^-f I eert v, eai ing" so-rn* c X brother of Miller li^ es at Idaho \ool schedule snould not take effect Hie hcus piabdjbly been a,rrested mo^e wide circle of business men and civic Falls Idaho Smith s home w^as at until three months after the passage' s-ane asylum He fired the asvlum and tapestries as lining for tht i t: c than a s- on of times and for j ears authorities he declared who have The oart tttkei detlirerl h behev • L.ohn 1 epcufe ind Bock lived at Moline of the act and the duties on woolen oc"ieaiped a number of p-ersons being" Alex Harth ill special agent for the —Cloudy Satnrda ; cooler tired of tolerating the situation he tapestries %v ert w orthlt *-*, s h< Illinois Hock had just re enlisted manufactures six months after in or- burned to dt ath Col\air rode a horse ("apt im \I G Mione-t d savs the ac aer to gi\e the trade an opportunity Nashville Thattt-nooga a,nd St, Louis In enat portion* Sunday ffairl warmer. accuses of existing The results h« them ho lie to his %T,ife ^t f s* le t » death in a rraad race to Nashville to woodland s*. * e t > tn i mt< ^,H.! ident u js one fc r \\ hit h no one co ild 11 wot k off goods manufactured un railway did Jit tie else but fcitow his declares will startle the state \vaii n thf fire department for hi ii i ni hi •- n he blani d He mad* an m\ tsti^ati >n ut.i present tariff conditions trail Local Report. Police headquarters is in a ferment Col\ai s othei inJta.blo adventure .nd f ir\\ arded a icpnrt to V\ishin-t_rs exploits stana out as are cit\ hall and political circles. I Beet Sugar Interrfttn was in i egard to the famous MulUtnax FEDERAL POSITIONS &Jbo\e the oil i? s The r*ist of these Lowest temperature 60 Colonel Felder stated at 10 o'clock Henrj T Oxnard recognized as the cais^. in A pick-pocket H M FLAGLER'S FUNERAL was his ii«p< ibon ilion of the son of Highest temperature ...... 6? last night that hundreds of telephone FOR SELLS AND JONES head of the delegation i e-presenting i n-aimed Ka> mond had been arrested MARKED BY SIMPLICITY the beet suiffar Interests atppeared. ' tne la,tc lohn G Cairlis.Ie Having Mean temperature 64 calls from business nJen and influen- Normal temperature 71 Wash! ictmi Ma% 2 I —I ato bt Us and before benator Williams subcommit forged a. check o nhle father at that ht r^ an-d sent to thie p-enttentiary, es- t Rainfall In past 24 hours In 1 69 tial residents had brought him assur- A A I >n s drmocratlc national 23—Simpllc- tee to protest against the proposed caping a few houib Itbtor Colya.r go-t timt the controlling spirit of the old. Excess since 1st of month. In 1 88 ance of support. Chief Lanford was mltteem^ii f om Ti xa« and Ve\v Met itv in nit* rl the funeral of Henr> M sugar schedule He presented the into t-onumunication with the f'der \ashi i lie A men-can Golj ar went west also assured of support from police and Ico respo* ti\ 1\ w HI he ippolnted to Plap^fr tnda\ w hen his bodv wrag laixi case of the beet sugar men at length Mullinax \vho ws>s vefy wealth v and Excess since January 1st in 1 55 and finaJli dntfteo* into Mexico \ other circles federal postt . ns b\ It sid. nt Wilson In a man*) ileiim in the jard of fie maintaining that free sugar would be convinced, him that Raymond and newspaipei reporter boarded the tnain Mr Sells K si ted t 3 be Indian com- t lafflei Memorial church a blow to the Industry in this coun- the chief Tvitness for the prosecution Reports from Various Stations. missioner v-hiie Mr Jones has been TIi< usan Is f nm all parts of Florida try and ino.uiired for the «on of John >j Feldej- Wanted were th same H secured -money selected foi iS'-Kttit ^eoretan of the (wii-ticii ateti In the serv loes at the An Important change in the bill as Cairlitle As the lartter was not aboard, STATIONS AND Tampcratur* frG'm MiuHinav an<3 endeavored to haxe 6Uteof 24 In-. Affidavit, He Says Interloi B th t\ re irtue d n Im the tlurch ind \uwed the bodj as it lay It passed tihe house tt was reported Col>ar s quick mind $z,v. an opportu WBATHHIR. today has been made b\ Senator the witness returned to the penltentle- According to tne charges made by last campaign r stite in the rotund i of the Pom e nitv for a. coup He introduced him 00 d L*eon hotel \\hiih hf > built Back Stones committee in the metal sohed iy here having secured requisition pa- Abilene, clear the detective department Colonel ule Tihej are declared to have de- q«?lf as Carlisle ^ as leceived at Mex Atlanta, cloudy 60 1 69 f the casket towered the roval palms pers f roni Go\ e>rnor McMUWn The 62 04 Felder was anxious to get hold of an L P^oridi on the bif-i In.y a simple cided to put pig Iron and ferro man icr> Cit.} «ith great eclat and i faig- Atlantic City cldy fra,ud leaked out here and a wire 62 74 affidavit secured b> the police from Every o ne Can Afford j bi iicJh of lilips The suard of honor ganese on the free list The XJnder- dinner \\as given In his honor w hich Baltimore, rain 1 28 caused th-e arrest of Colyar In New- 60 64 1 86 J W Coleman father of Che dead \ as mane ip of emplojees of the v.'ood bill levies a 10 per cent duty was attended fey the president of Mex Birmingham, cldy Fresh Vegetables. 3 York He was sentenced to Sing Sing Boston, rain 52 58 66 Slrl, In which he denied that he had 1 lurida ^ a?t C*oast railway Th- on pig iron and 15 per cent on ferro 74 services in the church weie conducted n-aruganese used In the manufacture Brownsville clear 82 00 employed Mr Felder to represent him —if thev }>in h(»m the b the Rev Hr Morpran Ward assla of steel An argument o\ er these Buffalo cldy 50 54 02 In the Investigation of the Phagan tet b> Hr Mac Gojiical rates developed in the house Majority Charleston, cldy 76 80 00 chants ach eirising in toda\ 's Chicago clear 54 56 00 murder, declared he was satisfied with Floral emblems v. e-i r received from Leader Underwood and Representa MAYOR WOODWARD REPORTED the police, and declared that Colonel Constitution T> hn O Rockefeller and other finan- Denver, pt cldy 76 82 00 c ers Continued on Page Two. Duluth cldy 56 00 Felder had made every effort to secure Fresh Georgia Snap Beans a^c Eastport, cldy 44 46 his consent for him to handle the In- ELDER'S DEATH ENDS CAUGHT BY THE DICTAGRAPH Galveston clear 76 00 vestigation of the case and had prom, quart Be Sure and Attend Green Bay, pt cldy 60 64 01 ised to do so without cost to Cole- Fresh Georgia Squash 40 ADVENTISTS' SESSION Hatteras. cldv 72 78 20 map. Fresh Tomatoes ice quart the Hill Climb Helena, cldy 64 72 01 Washington Ma\ 23 —Todav s ses SEEKING POLICE EVIDENCE Jacksonville, rain 74 84 00 Lanford accuses the attorney off hav- Kansas City, clear 64 68 00 slon of the Seventh Day Adventists —this afternoon at Stewart ave- ing striven to .bribe tire chiefs stemtK- Meats, and grcx eries m world s conference at Takonna Park KnosvlUe, cldy 56 62 192 rauher G C Febuarv, with JI 000 f jr nue You'll see a sight worth Louisville, cldy 58 62 00 general, aie ottered at un- "VIr came to an a-brupt end upon the The little dictagraph cunningly hid-.duce him to agree to pay $1000 for the theft of this evidence Affidavits while Many cars of various Memphis, cldy . . 58 60 00 usuallv reasonable announcement of the death of Elder den In Detective Colyar s room In the l certain information In documentary Miami, cldy - .. 78 84 04 supporting I-anford's charges have be-n G A Irwln, of Loma Linda Cal one horsepower are entered Records -Williams House No 2 is said to have, form which Colyar declared was sirffl- Mobile, pt. cldy 70 74 56 made and published. Strong de-n-laJ is Missouri Brand Hams 140 Ib of the patriarchs of the denomina- will be made and broken as caught a conversatkJfl between Mayor i Cient to convict the heads of the nolicp Montgomery, cldy 64 70 62 made of the accusation In full bv Cato tion and an ex patriarch of the co-n- James G Woodward Secretary G C Montreal, cldy. 52 56 00 Meadow Gold Butter 32^0 Ib.. never before Rivalry among the department of corruption Jn receiving nel Felder ference Elder Irwln died suddenlv Febuary of the detective department New Orleans, clear 70 78 01 A S Colyar. Jr , aji adventurer of na- Clean, Crisp Saratoga Potato tcday of heart failure at a local t.a.ni dealers is rather keen, and the and Bjdward Miles, "W ednesday after- money for protections from disorderly New York, rain 60 70 32 houses 74 00 tional note, -w.no is said to have been Chips IDC pkg tariurn -where he had grone upon his drivers of competing cars will noon, between 3 and 4 o clock Oklahoma, clear . 70 arrival to attend the conference All Mayor Had No Money to Gin. PlttaburB, cldy 54 56 48 connected with the Atlanta attorney In No. io Silver Leaf Lard $1.29, business "was laid aside until Sunday give you an exhibition of the Detective Colyar who drew Attor Portland, Oreg, cl'r 70 74 .00 his Blease lnvestigra,tkm. Is an affiant Fresh Lemons isj^c doz. caornin-g power and speed attainable from ney Thomas B Felder into the con- They were the only ones who spoke Raleigh, rain 76 84 02 to a document declaring tfr&t h« was spiracy was also present at the inter- about money. Mayor Woodward said 64 60 Roast Beef nc to 140 Ib. a modern automobile The Au- San Francisco, cleai 00 with Felder when he approached tbu GIBSON AGAIN ON view Colyar sent Miles to the private ' I told them that If they were look- St -Louis, cldy 58 62 01 detective chief's stenographer regard- Pork Roast 150 Ib "feimobile Accessories Association office of Mayor Woodward In the Em-ii ins for money from me I had none to St Paul, clear . 66 ES 00 v 23 —With a Seattle, clear * . - 64 70 .00 Evidence that the attorney was'Turefl leged to have in his possession charg- 24 Ibs. Gold Medal Flour 8?c, complete change of counsel Burton W secure a good position Tomor- what evidence they had to^flve there Spokane, pt cl,dy 78 78 00 ty a room 4n the Williams house £To< 1 Gibson charged with the murder of row, buy a copy bf The Consti- ing police graft would be no trouble getting up thp Tampa, c£cry , . 70 86 .58 2, at Fbrsyth and 'Walton streets, Wea-i You men who Mayor Woodward admitted to The 66 58 .04 Mrs Rosa Szabo, at Greenwood Lake tution and read k)l about the money to extend the* investigation." Toledo, cldy neaday afternoon, ^n J»poi^«? tor a^ ,_ made it. ^ } He charges that Colyar tried , to in- Continued on Page Three, *•£ bun imbliilud In «UrioKTaohii. .-i, < '® IV ._„ NFWSPAPFRRRCH oer acmes t&e conversaupir, a.vernns< ago, said the chief, and showing a de- told him so. He said that cnier i^an- j tacked non-union workmen »t tn« new %e'.ws& in UJB room only flye, iMnateSi cided interest in .the Mary. Phagan ford had offered to employ him to help' vent of tne Perpetual Adoration ' Chief Lanford asserted to a report- mxstery, hinted that ne couW he of •frame-up* against- Felder, and that yesterday. —^m. •—* *i. 1- ct-'jor The Constitution laet night that Lanford intended performing the J valuable aid in the Investigation. Police Say Felder Wanted WHEADOFU.C.T. prejn»tuce- pul>llcatlon at. hCs bribery He was visited personally by Chief 'frame-up.' charges had foiled an effort -he was Lanford. the latter stated, and. salted "It was to see the "graft" list that I matting- to catch the well-known at- Cmei Old Sores Other Remedies Won't Cure to lend assistance in the case. later, went to his room in the" Williams •loyed was wfcat he read in the n«ws- R.-L. Wallis and A. L. Brook, of torney In the act of 'giving money to Lanford declares, he heard rumors of hcute. He and B"«bu«ry showed two State of Georgia. Pulton County: The i vom •noes, no matter at low long »»n41n«. the 'man In possession of the Mary Folder's alleged Connection with the of them to me. One was in the hand- aiffiant. J. W. Coleman and wife, citi- apers. Atlanta, Also Elected Officers _ cured by tf» wonderful, Ol4 reUabl* Dr. I'haean evidence. AffianAi-Limitt huo*» uu»»^ JfOOQ i™ IS Porter'3 Antiseptic Healing Oil. Believes pain suspected man's defense. Colyar. he writing »of Beavers and one of Lanford. zens of Atlanta, Ga., who reside at I4« It had been planned, he said, to I recognized a number of names. They ,nd he appreciates their sympathy for at Columbus Convention. heate at tne same time. 25c, SOc, $1.00. knew, was intimately attached to lim and his broken-hearted wife, but have Felder meet Febuary and Colyar Felder during his dispensary investi- offered to sell 'both to me for 51,000. Lindsay street. at some point either In or near Deca- The affiant is the stepfather of Mary cannot see how they wouia come gation in South Carolina- I told them I did not need them, but .Cohmtiraa. Ga.. -Stay 23.—(Special.)— tur for the tarnln-g over of the de- Feider. referred them to Mr. Miles, of the Phagan. deceased, the child who was employ Colonel Pelder without his The detective chief says knowledge and consent. The two days' session of the GeorKia- sired evidence. As the attorney hand- through a source which he -will not "bureau of Investigation,'-who I thought foully murdered by a hellish brute on . ed over the bribe money, as, proposed. A man met the affiant on the street FHwida division of the United Com- reveal, endeavored to become acquaint- could use them. April 26, 1913. I anford declared, headnuairters detec- "Both Febuary and Colyar declared and offered him one dollar to go upon tr*erclal Travelers came to a close to- ed -with some one connected with the The affiant la in the employ of the the fee of this astute counsel, but ne tives, who would have been eye-wit- detective department who was opposed they did not want to deal with anyone mgbt with a largely attended ball at nesses to the transaction, would In- City of Atlanta In the Sanitary depart- declined to accept it and told tbe par- to I^anford. Febuary, he says, was ap- but me alone. I did not stay In the the Hotel Hacine. stantly have nabbed him. y he had not employed Felder. - proached on the deal of obtaining all room more than live minutes. When ment. At the business session today of- "The plans were to get Felder In evidence possessed they persisted in urging me to pur- The alflant. while at the police sta- Affiant is thoroughly satisfied with Decatur—out in DeKalb county, where the Mary Phagan he great work done 'by Chief of Po- fieers for the ensuing year were elect- by the detectives. chase the 'graft' lists, I left the place. tion, during the coroner's inquest, the he would be given speedy trial and be loe Beavers anji Ohief of DetectivesLan- ed, and PensacoJa, Fla., was selected Febuary. according to Chief Lan- I do not believe they hacl a dictagraph. exact day he does not remember, was place, over BARNES ford and the able men working under as the next meeting dealt with more severely. He had ford. went Immediately to his chief. The manufacturers of that >nstrumen» partly asreed to the meeting. Feb- approached by a man somewhat under them as he believes, as thousands of Gainesville, Ga., the only other con- asking instructions. Lanford ordered would not rent one to such irresponsi- ple-ce. Jacksonville uary would likely have met him there him to confer with Felder regarding ble person.—to blackmailers, in fact. the influence of liquor, and said to the other's do In Atlanta, that they have testarat for the CASH GROCERY thia coming Saturday. Colyar. how- the turning over of the evidence, and affiant. "I am i .working for the law the real murderer In Jail, and the af- Fla., was expected.to ask for the nex ever, grew mad over the delay. He will fixpose Detective*. firm of T. B. Felder, and I would like fiant cannot reconcile himself to the convention, hint did not. The date for to accept any terms named by the at- tmduct of Colonel Felder, who is pos- the (meeting was not fixed. did not agree to the idea of carrying torney, the chief says. to have you go to his office, as he FRESH the scheme to the extent of bribery. "I am going to expose the detective ,ag as a prosecuting attorney and The officers elected were as follows willing to Take Bribe. department, and I won't be long in wants to see you, and I advise you to R. B. Cole, Jacksonville, past sran GEORCIA He thought that the case. In Its pres- "I told Febuary." Lanford asserted, employ him." Affiant said, "No, wanting J5.000 from the people of the ent shape, was ripe enough for prose- doing: it," Colonel Felder added. "It Is city as set out in the afternoon's pa- cottncelor; B. D. Weir. Athens, grand "to Inform Felder that he would be won't go to his office." The Piker counselor; J. M. Kelly, Tampa, grand SNAP cution. willing to sell the Phagan evidence, redolent with vice, and graft and cor- then said, "will you talk to Colonel pers, to bring a noted detective here, "We had a BliKbt tiff with this man. and according to the press of the city, junior counsellor; R. L. Wallis. Atlanta- BEANS and that he was sore on me because ruption. Atlanta has suffered the situa- Felder if I bring him here!" whereupon gland secretary; A. U Brook, Atlanta, As a result, he tipped ivff the paper I forced him to work overtime too large amounts have been subscribed tion long: enough- It is now entirely the affiant agreed to see him. He by people the affiant does not believe grand treasurer; W. L. Stern. Savan- which published the story, and oi.r often, and did not pay him enough. went off and came back in a few mln- plana were rent to pieces thereafter. beyond endurance. The people will .re anxious to prosecute the men under nau, grand conductor; Jd. J. Heinoerg, Also to tell him that, beside the chief, tolerate It no longer. utes with Felder. Colonel Felder then No. 1 Red The grand Jury now has it before it. no one beside himself was able to ob- to employ me to Pensaoola, grand page; J. M. Giddens. "Lanford knew of ray plans along said. "I want you Coluimbus, grand, sentinel. Potatoes, quart It IB a case for them to art. For the tain the evidence, as it was locked in prosecute this case. It will not cost you The affiant means no reflection on 5c present. I'm through. I've done my this line. He knew I waa going to the Press of the city and the citizens The following executive committee- the department vault. reveal him a grafter, a- viper. That's cent, as certain people have work. It's now up to them." •^Colyar. as he once was a confidant of Atlanta who are in favor of justice men-were elected for a term ol two Fresh Georgia why he wanted to forestall my efforts promised to pay me my fee, years: O. P. Byrd, of Atlanta, and J. Hoiv Ijinford b. "That was my flrst plan." he said. of Atlanta, is chairman, was appointed and adventurer asked H.OOO for their "Later, when Lanford opposed me so cooild control the mayor, the criminal ent situation. Saunase. Ib. . .ISc "JONES possession, as stated by the lawyer, vigorously, I became determined to court Judge and Hug-h Dorsey. 'The latest conference I had with to draft an amendanent to the present Fresh Brains, »et . .lOc •hotel law In Georgia providing for the . .SOc he departed. make full exposure of his malpractice. Solicitor Dorsey was at his home Colonel Felder was when he came to Fresh Beef Tontme*, each time, endeavoring to find rest my home last Sunday night to confer creatUMi of a state hotel inspector Beef Hearts, each . .2Oc Colonel Felder In FnoKaa Case. He got wind of it. Probably through! at the Faney Box Sansajge . . . • . .ISc Ever since the Phagan story Colyar. I'm not sure. He learned ot j and /recreation after the morning s upon the Phagan case. As I announced Among the interesting features of ..IBe CASH STORE publicly some time ago, I worked with the day was the jjairade late this after- Svr Ift Plenle Ham, Ib "bi-oke " Colonel Felder has been a it some way. His neck was in jeop- work cwf placing the evidence In the Fine «rape Fmlt. • dominant figure in the investigation. Phagan case before the grand jury. him as I have done witto others inter- noon of She "Babmen of Bagdod." ardy. his Job and reputation In danger, Atxrnt one hundred book part, many of Georgia Peaches. He has a contract showing he He had to employ some means of in- Hugth Dorsey, Jr.. was in his arms at ested in probing the matter. I re- Full line at Vegetables. was retained by two prominent the time and from the lad's continu- ceived wlhat information I could from them in full regalia, while others wore 124 Whitehall tercepting me. And he tried this. very fancy and ludicrous oostu-mes. -business men of the Bellwood What a miserable, stinking farce he ous efforts to express his Joy in taili- them, but kept my own theories and All Goods Sold at Honest Bell Phone M. 428 All. 91 wood mmunity. Stories have been has made of himself and department." ng and cooing, he was as happy at results of investigations to myself. circulated for several days that he having his father with him as the so- "As far as I know, there had never Weights and Measures He also declared that he had posi- been any disturbing iforce In operation was secretly In the employ of Frank, tive evidence that Lanford and a num- licitor was to be at home and away WIB Wtow thrum Dspremon and low Spirits His answer to these rumors is that ber of headquarters detectives had from the strain of work In the case between the city detectives and Colo- The Old Standard K*neral strengthening: tonic, We Deliver nel Felder," he replied to a query on they were circulated by police detec- been moving to frustrate the work ot to which he has devoted his entire time SROTH-B i TAOTSJLESS <*'» TONIC, arouse. 7 EAST MITCHELL tives to distract attention from their Chief C- "W. Tobie, the William J. for weeks. this point. 3i« llv«r driven out Malaria and ftujlaa up the practice of destroying Phagan evi- "I really would prefer not to diSr system. A mire Appetize and aid to diges- Burns man, who Is investigating the "Winy there is no use for me to deny tion. SOc. dence whicih woul«; have been damag- Phagan mystery. The sleuths, he any such remarks as those attributed cuss the matter at all," the solicitor In- Specials for Friday si'sted. "I have no connection with lns to Frank's defense. said, had been already to a large num- to Colonel Felder, and I certainly do The names of Solicitor General ber of witnesses, cautioning them not not wish to express my opinion In the the affair whatever it may be, and I- Hugh M. Dorsey. Mayor James G. to talk to the Burns men, intimating amtter. In fact, I know nothing what- don't care to be drawn into it- I and Saturday Woodward. Police Commissioner Car- that he was secretly operating for ever of the affair except what Is gen- want to devote my entire time and los Mason and Charles O. Jones, pro- Frank. erally known to the public. tihought to the Phagan case and to se- .prietor of the Rex saloon. appear "Colonel Felder never expressed .to curing a conviction of Wie guilty par- in portions of the alleged sworn "Another thing which convinces me FRESH Lanford is employed l>y Frank," said rne any Intention of taking steps ties." dictagraph record attribfued to Felder, "Is a purported confession SIVAP Colonel Felder. He said to a Con- Men's Suits— stitution reporter that during all time shown me by Colyar and Febuary in BEANS Quart of the five-minute interview he >•-'•held' the former's room In the "Williams not house. The confession, they said, had Recent arrivals of large ship- with Colyar and Febuary he did been extorted from the negro, Con- A. S. Colyar Makes Answer Fresh Tomatoes, mention tbe name ot any of these ments of Men's Suits, enable us nally, who*n Lanford has been hold- to show a most complete and va- quart - - • . lOc Already civic and reform organiza- ing illegally ever since his arrest. tions have begun preparing plans for Both Febuary and Colyar admitted To Charges of Col. Felder ried assortment. Men's Suits in Fresh Tomatoes, investigations that will result. But that the confession was forced from even with this new situation, the work the negro and was untrue, but had all the stylish models English basket • • • 40c of fepretin.g. out the Mary Phagan been made to escape the torture to Semi-English and in the more mystery goes vigorously forward hich the detectives had subjected A. S. Colyar, when s*-en last night friends know, he is a past grand mas- him. ter on explanations. The Atlanta 1913 Section Honey 15cc The PInkertons end headquarters l,y H representative of The Atlanta conservative cuts a^re awaiting Fancy Lemons, dozen. -•- -12l/a Constitution, gave out the following Journal, in its Friday afternoon home defectives announced new evidence "Destroy In sr Evidence." your selection here they're in 60c Broom for 29c Friday whU-h is published elsewhera. written statement: edition, published every detail of the 10-lb. Snowdrift 89c Colonel Felder stated last night that "What [ wanted from Colyar. and "1 have just read Colonel T. B. case, with the sworn statements ot a multitude of fancy mixtures Mr, February, Mr. Ozburn, Mr- Gen- 10-lb. Silver Leal Lard $1.28 Chief To-bie. tihe Burns man, will not the prime reason of my visit to the Kelder's card in the bedtime edition be hampered any whatever with the "Williams house, was to procure evi- of Thp Atlanta Georgian, in which he try, Mr. Surles and myself, and I do as also in solid colors at 10-lb. Cottolene ...... $1.16 not care at the present time to dig- 25-lb. sack beat Sugar. .. .$1.17 new tuirn ot affairs, but will continue dence to the effect that I^anford and sees fit to call me, behind my back, The prices all the way from $15 to $40 . Ms operations as industriously as be- his detectives were destroying damapr- a liar and a crook. Knowing the nify this astute politician .with any Daylight 24-lb. sack (Guaranteed) fore. The grand Jury resumes Its in- ing evidence to Frank. This confes- colon*! as I do, and as his Intimate further controversy." Flour 67c vestigation this morning at 10 o'clock. sion, purporting- to be from the Con- Corner When you see our Suits, it'it s 24-lb. sack (Guaranteed) The dictagraph, with which Lanford nally negro, was one of thft" first docu- "toss up" which to buy. You'll Self-Rising Flour 77c charges the attorney was trapped, was ments I was sb^ovvn. Febuary de- Fresh Meats at lowest prices. ingeniously installed In Koom 3- or clared he had formulated it. himself, like ALL of them. Maybe, you will Fresh Dressed Hens and Frys. the William house. It was concealed and that, although it was false, it had Chief Beavers Not Surprised especially favor a nobby English behind the dresser—that Is, the trans- been extracted from the negro and I J mitter—and the wires ran through the would be used by the detectives." model in a very fine OXFORD-GRAY keyhole of Che door connecting Room That James W. Coleman. step- 3" 'with Room 34. In Mils latter apart- father of Mary Phagan had been At Col. Felder's Statements worsted! We have such a one at ment Georgie W. Gentry, connected forced into signing the affidavit ac- $25. Let us show you. •nn»««BBBi^^™i^^^^^^^™«^^^™™~ with the Southern Bell Telephone com- credited to him. was declared by Mr pany a shorthand ex.pert. nc it i Felder, who stated that a number of ported to have threatened. Besides be- harged, with the receivers clapped "T am not surprised," said Chi«f headquarters detectives, including Beavers when luiked to give an expres- ing not nice, he might lay himself ver his ears. Chief T>anford. had gone to ")oth him sion on Colonel T. B. Felder's alleged liajble to prosecution for public inde- ' This Store Closes at 9 p. m. on Saturdays—During What Colonel Kelder is a.ccused of and his wife, and told them that it cency." having desired more than other papers I statement regarding graft and imTO^i- thf Summer Months. they did not deny their association !j rality in the detective department. '1 Further than this. Chief Beavers locked in Lanford'a vault, was a docu- with Felder, th^y would *iuit work on 'am not surprised in the least. maintained the sphinx-like attitude ment purporting to have been attested the investigation of their daughter's "However. I don't think It would be which has characterized him ever since to by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman, murder, and leave her death un- very nice of him to have me ridden a certain memorable occasion when he Sewell's parents of Mary Phagan, who testified Money Saving avenged. through the streets naked, as he Is re- closed the red light district. to the effect that they had never em- "I was not employed by either Mr. nloved the attorney, and had not sanc- or Mrs. Coleman," Mr. Feldor said. Specials tioned Hi is connection with the Investi- street, where a special sermon, will "They only sanctioned my connection r oration and raw material for the In- gation. Colyar. in an affidavit. swears with the case. My real retainers are manufacturer. and be deli ered by the pastor, Drt J. Wade that Felder had offered him $1.000 to dependent steel For Today twelve or more substantial residents tree Hst for that Conkling. A special musical program steal this document. of the Bellwood neighborhood, in which should be on the has also been arranged for this ser- Buy From First Hands and Bleaae to Malt* Statement. Mary Phagan lived. They offered me reason. vice. Typical of the militant reputation he the New York $500. T accepted, and now possess a B. A. I.eveitte. of In the afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, the Save 20 to 5D Per Cent bears. Governor Blease has notified contract signed by A. C. McCall and Merchants' association and S. Christy The Constitution's Augusta correspon- G. H. Bradley, two prominent business York Merchants' memorial day services will be con- on Your Purchases Mead, of the New tinued at the union's lot In Oakland dent that on today he will unloose men of the Bellwood community." * before Senator caustic opinions of Colonel Felder, and L-XCna.uisw. o-l-r-appeare d ' " cemetery. An appropriate program Williams' subcommittee In opposition We Retail at Whole- tell the public of dealings he declares Implored to Take Case. has been arranged for thia occasion, amendment suggested by As- Including: the reading of the death roll SATURDAY sale Prices he had with the Atlanta lawyer during The contract was shown to a re- the the South Carolina dispensary contro- porter for The Constitution. It held sistant Attorney General Dennison by President Jesse W. Armlstead, read- versy It will be recalled that Blease the signature of A. C. McCal] and O. H. and Assistant Sei the Trea- Ing by Dr. Conkllngv musical numbers, Solid carload Fancy Lemons, some time ago issued warning to •Bradley. Mr. Felder named twelve. sury Curtis, whi address by Dr. Jere A. Moore, chap- Little Tender Georgia Snap Beans per Felder that if he ever ventured on or more, men of Bellwood. who, ha secretary ot the treasury power to lain of the union, and the decoratloi re St d said, had Implored him to come into m general Import values. They of the graves. dozen I4lc Carolina ground, he would be ar v, J and tried for mlspractlce to which he the Mary Phagan case. He also stated urged that If such an amendment Is All friends of members of the union Solid carload Pine- that a number of ladies of the city, accepted the rates should be pro- are Invited to attend these services. c is alleged to have resorted In the dls- to day based upon apples, each 7c pensarv investigation. all of whom were socially conspicuous, claimed from day the conditions of the foreign market. Irish Po- Branding the adventurer Colyar as had donated money for his retainance. Quart Solid carload New crook, liar, degenerate and character Colonel Felder's proposed probe of Standardization—the Cole. tatoes, per the police and detective department, 3 of long criminal record. Colonel Felder peck 29c says that during the inve.tlga.tlon In he said, will be relentless and imme- TYPOS TO COMMEMORATE No. 10 Silver' Leaf Carolina he was visited by the man. diate.,, He will have tho support, he Florida Tomatoes, who offered to place in his hands val- declared, of many of the city's leading DECEASED BROTHERS AT THE THEATERS Lard $1.29 per basket I5c uable evidence. Upon Investigating business men and capitalists. Declar- union Meadow Gold Quart Battle Grape Colyar's record. Felder says he found ing that the practices of the detective The Atlanta Typographical ATLANTA it so unsavory that he did not care department are glaring and rotten, All This Week Butter Juice...... -•• 29c will tomorrow pay honor to its MAIS. to use him in any form, but suggested through and through, he Intimates that ceased members. At 11. o'clock the The Missouri Brand that he display the evidence, and If it Atlanta is unconsciously fostering- oil 24 pounds Gold Medal members will attend the Church WEB. Hams, per Ib •.. I9c were available, he would purchase It. police "system" as foul as that prac- Deep Purple Flour 87c Colyar. Felder states, procured three ticed in New York before the famous Our Father (Unitarian), on West Baker 3 SAT. Missouri Brand Tne Rosenthal murder. Miss Billy Lone Co. affidavitLuuiiv of the man. He thrives on such crook- of the detective department for the Coffee <_.«. ISc per Ib. I* 2\f edness as he is striving to practice on past five years. Order from your MM. c DUMEom noun QUALITY grocer today .W« carry Qarhardt & Bros, famous line Colyar's O«fer to Felder. LEADERS OF PARTY of Coffees and have recently installed one Sewell Accusing Colyar of being a character DON'T FEAR- BOLT Crisp, Crusty and Clm of the finest coffee mills in the city. with a criminal v record, a crook, a. DaH, m*'. S =. m. blackmailer and a perjurer. Felder de- Appetizing and Notriltaus > Inht, 7:ai>an«e Commission Go. clares that Colyar came to him several Continued From Page One. ' - Wholesale and Retail, days ago to offer to. obtain tbe re- tlve Pe4mer, of Pennsylvania, main Be mure you get the triple- WYATT'S C. O. D. ported police "graft'* list for Polder's tainin& they should not be freelisted A Trip iojoyvillt •'.• 113-115 Whitehall St. proposed exposure of the detective de- because they were a good source o sealed pacing* Bell Phone 73 S. Pryor Atlanta partment. revenue. The senate subcommittee i. 20 Knit ner» and,. Branch Store 164 Decatur St. '. "'T knew he was crooked and .irre- said *to have reversed this decision M. 4026 WeCeiver 947 sponsible," said tbe attorney. "I had maintaining that they bo*h are prod rill* \ ' dealt with him daring my aispensarr ucta of the United States Steel cor

** y^:-' SaiSss Id >t_».aBBRir<] people of the oily to bring a noted Chief Lanford, so I have been to- j actly that be has absolutely got the WOODWARD REPORTED detective here," formed, that yon told Dorsey Sunday papers that I want. _ _ , — . night that I was the frataer and Febuan '1 will brtag them up and CAUGHT BY DICTAGRAPH let you examine them and see Sf they Febuary and, t^Olyar ( double-Grosser and blackmailer In the GUARANTEE TRUST FARMERS CHEERED FELDERIS CHARGED Swear to Bribe Offer. " state, and you know if you know tbe are what you want In addition to the sworn dicta- | law at all that a blackmailer has to Oolyar Well, I will meet you at Continued From Page One. grapih report the city detectives de- j threaten a man with a crime, and you Bast Lake or Decatur wdth him clare -they have In their possession i know I have not charged you with Felder That isn't necessary at all ward's office In the city hall one day an affidavit sworn to by G C Pebu-1 any crime Ooiyejr Tom Felder, I am not laist -week, according to Frairk Ham- AUDITISORDEREO BY RECENT RAINS WITH BRIBE OFFER going to do anything with these pa- ary Ohief L«anford s secretary and Felder- No, you have been atraig-ht mond, the mayor's sec xitary He ex- •Pe-rs in this city because they can A. S Colyar the private investigator j with me and I will put up a thousand plained that he wanteo"to see the may with Febuary at the alleged luter* dollars to ten cents that I never men- prosecute me and frame mp a lot of or on Important business, and when Thorough Probe of Affairs of Commissioner Conner Re- view which both testify to the of- tioned your name to Dorsey, but he evidence, and swear hells an ice bos fer of a big bribe by Colonel Felder mentioned your name to me Felder Nobody would believ e them informed that he would have to wait ports Plenty of Moisture FORPHAGANPAPERS Ocflyar They can fra^ne up on any- he became impatient, and declared that Company Will Be Made by on Monday nl^ht at Colonel Folder's Colyar If this Is going to get as body office l the Equitable building Into trouble I am not going to have n FeJder "Well now wh>at ttane couW there was more red tsupe in getting to E. C. Metz—To Report for Seed Germination—No Colyar and Febuary declare thaA anvthing to do with it. the mayor than to the president of the I elder told them to and get the Said He Control* Mayor. you see m City Detective Department Febuarj evidence say Ing that he wanted to j Felder Trouble hell "Why J can Well about 2 o clock United States Within Two Weeks. Room for Pessimism. tmpea h both Beavers and Lanford Control the Judge the mayor and Hugh Coiyar Weil I think that would be Coljar left word that he had some Holds Statements Alleging In another affidavit A S CoJyar best, importance e"* idence that he wanted A thorough probe into the affairs Rain in the greater portion of the declares that after this conversation Coljar 'WTiat Judge Febuary Oh' I know it is to give me Ma> or Woodward con- of the Guarantee Trust and Banking state during: the last week has given Attorney Made Attempt to on Monday night he telephoned t,O the Felde^ r Th^_e Judg.,-„„e- o__f the crimina- —l Colyar I am not going to deliver tinued 'I sent out -word, that U he, company was ordered yesterday in an entirely new turn to the outlook home of Colonel T B Felde ^3ea^*the court And J wouldn t do it in an superior court where a receivership for cotton oats and corn and farm Secure Coleman Affidavit. Ho well Mill road telling him he had improper way We can -meet tomorrow at East Lake could not wait to see me to fix a time or Decatur suit has been pending for the past ers generally are In much better received a ne-w bit of evidence and Colyar I wouldn t want you to do when I could se^g- him That was the three weeks when Judge John T Felder Ttaey can Inddot you at East spirits than they were during the receiv ln.g Colonel Felder s reiterated that last I saw or heard of him until Pendleton appointed E C Metz to statf ment that he would pay $1 000 Febuary "Well it is just like this Lake The> can indict you anv where continuance of the dry weather True 9 Wednesday afternoon audit the affairs of the company and there are a few dry spots still re- SAY FELDER OFFERED ii cash for the Coieman affidavit and There is only one cei tain time of day - Did you ever see Coleman make a report to him within two maining according to reports which other papers bearing on the case Col that I can get tho^e papers and 1 Co-lyar No can t inybodj g>et to Police Graft Affidavits. weeks i cached the state department of agri- $1JOOO FOR THE PAPER \ at savs that Colonel Felder was In w *tnt to ca.iiy them around wit see him that I know of I know «. man that was raised up with him in ' I w&b sitting m m> office In the This means that the case which has culture yesterdav particularly In - & anxious to obtain evidence that j Ine Co-bb county or wherever It w-ag h Impiie building Wednesday afteinoon been the subject of a hard fight for southwest Georgria t^ce Webster and v is deroj^itorv to Bea\ ers and Ian Feldei Well you understand 1 was raised and he n ent to see him about three weeks will suffer a two- Sumter counties but seasonable show- loid aon t want the papers unless they art1 when bd Miles came to see me Ho but Colemen wouldn t let him cfiime in week delav before It ls_ resumed It ers have fallen in most localities and 1 he complete dictagraph re-port of evidence enough to put T aiiford and said that Colyar sent him ovei to say Report of Conv ersation Be- Telder Well he told somebody all was staa^d that it would take the the prospect Is largelv improved l r onv ersation of \\ ednesdav niKht Beavers out of business Mow Co y ar that Jie had some affidavits to show auditor at least that much time to s\vorn to by thn expert stenogra about how he happened to sign that If weather conditions continue fav- says v ou say that you hav e got tha,t there was graft in the police de- complete the audit desired tween Col Felder, Secretar> r hei r>eorg-e W Gentry Is as foi affidavit. orable there is every reasonable ex- the papers that will put him out CoUai How was It* partment He suggested that I go A list of questions covering" three lows ~V\ oil Mr Febuary can t y Ou see over to the Williams house with him pectation th at a good average crop Febuary and A b Col\ar ("Noises Interfei ed w Ith sounding typewritten pages was furnished the of cotton will I e produced this year Miles who Is working on this thing and discuss the matter with Colyar Dictagraph Report Is oji dictagraph ) auditor and he has been ordered to which in the opinion of Commissioner for me and give him the papers rpbruar> WeUl -will 2 o elf -ck suit I remember that Secretary Fefau secure answers to these from the Taken Do\vn b> Published in Detail Colyar We don t want to deal with ary was in the room with Colyar wihefi of Agriculture Conner is more to be Following s the dictagraph record books and papers of the organiza- desired than the production of a "Vfiles \ e are dealing with j ou Feldei we entered I am not absolutely cer- tion legcd to hav e been made from th™ That will suit me bumper crop tending to depress tho Colonel Thoni LS B FtldPi — the man Felder Persona?l> I know Miles is Oo-ljai A\ pll I would, suggest that tain but it seems to me that Colyar A particular inquiry will be made convei Cation at Williams House No all right and you can deliver the evi started the conversation by remarking- price who brought the dU tasra-ph bouth and North For=yth street Atlanta we go to Kast Lake into the affairs ot the former organi In regard to the effect of the recent dtncp to Miles Tebu i r\ T am atf raid to fool that Fe had turned up somt, affi zation known as the Guarantee Re- used it wirh "urn telling effect in th* Georgia \V ednesdav May 21 1913 be rains the following statement was (On account of street car passing 111 ound in the city he-re dav its -aga-inst someone* In the police demption company of which Sam E Blease investit,atf i n smith c arolina efn Thomas B Felder G C Febru dictagiaph was indistinct) dpipaxtment He said that thf> showed prepared for The Constitution bv Felde Then is one pla P v ou can Smith president of the Guarantee Commissioner Conner v esterday — has himself 1 e li ta,, HI lie i an 1 i . and A ^ Colyar Colvar What fellows did W ood that hou-sea weie paj ins for pi otection 7 KO whore It will be saf 1 ha.t is the Trus,t and Banking- company, and H S \ «r l l\ai I hav t* been stopping t i ni The- recent rains seem to have been charge of trllt > \\ 11 d i* dsamst ward want to pio&ecute Traii = p "tatlr n club There will be no 1 am not ertaln Coly ir mentioned the Miles are <=aid to have been principal h i off it d f>i for fi\ e v ears general In the northern section ot Felder Lanford and B aveis danger ot an^on s-eetng you up there name of Beavprs or Lanford I am owners It was charged In an amend htm d. «- i II £, t m t n Thon as B I Ider \\ hen T moved the state Indeed all the moisture (On account of noise In loom dicta You are safer there thai said tlhat Febuary had se named the-ro is no danger of anyone intru-ding upon the Guarantee Trust and Bank ' The only danger \o crop conditions offered a bi ib« ot >1 no) in older to vou t Id me th oth p da\ that \oii and he will do just whatever Is ne-ces cured th evidence and that the onlv Colyar I am not going to deliver Ing company in 1907 for ?224 000 and now and for the next month where solicitor general six month* sat 3 on that end of the line them envw here In Atlanta He has thing they were of was that he have aftidav i I ha*,au murder that later when certain stockholders the soil Is In a moist condition Is too after voi were 21 \nd T was reading I olyar \ es' Kot the papers vou want but he detertU»s N \It fil and th it he >npral had to he **5 v ears old uarv being prosecuted 01 indicted or Felder I can get j ou a job a-ny Ut waa sufficient to convict I was stock would be promoted by no rainfall at offe-re t ITI » lib iirv the Th mas B FeMer No The statute put in Jail that is all bull time How in thp hell are they going sui e that tho people of Atlanta would 7 all for the next thirty days chiefs si ict ie would make the has been changed since I was made t olyar \es I understand to know he got the papers' •see to it that he was not discharged ill itor My information today is that sec theft Felder Where did you see 1 an Ool\ ar Nobo<3> know s the oombl $1 ,OOO \V a» FAee-ded. \ •-. l o]\ar The stit ite stated that ford' natioi of th safe but him a>nd tht. Coly a-t said that it would take tions tn south Georgia have not up to Tl rha w ^ ar I \ck «i ui by a de 1 m ist he 25 years of 3Ke and must Colyar I did not see him I beard chief $ 000 to put the deal through I AT THE THEATERS this morning- had rain but it WEE tailed *- [» i o,, p!u t ji t of u b an attornev at the bar of Georgia through Fel>uai*v that h heaid Dorsey 1 el Irr Tbe^ w o> ild not know it pi esumo he mea. it getting- the evi stated that it was cloud\ and con dttlons for rain promising So it la le f 1 i_ n% i al win t ok pu e n for throe years in good standing and make th s statement HP thought that P ebuat j I ia n t supposed that dence 1 told him that 3f It was suf = hoped that the dry sections of south a roon t C th** U 11 » is h us No - ist tike an oath that he will pi ose \ o'u and I w ere good friends and he the thief would take them owl f ch nt to convict I did not think there t all without fear or fa /or would turn jou against me Coljn.1 How Ions wll dt take you Keith Vaudeville. Georgia will get rain today last \\ 1 esd \ i tf r bUven would be any trouble getting tihe Phr i las B Felder To9 t elder He told > ou that Hufeh Dor to exam no the pnck tge** n oney p LS« d up to pay the exrpenses ( «. F \ s (olvar How old are you Col soj told h!m that I told Hugh DorfaCj If eJdei V\ ell it s all owing to the I let them know mighty plain that Phis week s splendid vaudeville bill the state to bring up stands of crops uar\ Ji l 4. 'i (c \ r tli 1 1 i ort h that you were a ci ook and a -framer number of papri a in th^ package the\ w re not going to get •any money •will conclude entertaining at matinee and while it is a little late In the be 49 In season for a full start of the crop INK b i i 1 li i i !j if '% I" ! h >mab B Telder I w 111 a,nd do ible cro'ist i " He is a damnc 1 What time dots the chief leave In tht from me and night performances today and the ai 1 filt t^iai h according to ctoher How old are you* lia.r When did he tell \ou that' Ihe first time I laid my eves on still there Is nothing to be pessimistic commencing with matinee on Monday about True It Is difficult to make a si i ni li C*totee M Febuary I don kn >w whtthoi it Ft buai > H< don t leave down Colyar I was not impressed with him iv » i L IP the expert s t no was*"the first of this w ek oi the J iM there until S oi 9 o clof k Som He talked about g-etting- other affl- there w ill be a new combination of bumper crop of cotton with a latt, if] I Lid \vho is a teihr\\ Mr Crlvar looks of last week a little e-ai Her meat of the time d-avits and mentioned something Keith, vaudeville features that pro-m- j start but a bumper crop of cotton Is ei \X T t»tnt I sltlt f olrtpr than \ ou Colvar ~Y o i tol 1 i if Mondaj thit ihout 3 o elo k about transfer ing them in DeKalb ises to be one of the most magnetic ' not needed Indeed an average crop Is decidedlv better than a bumper f II na Cu la, J. s R Tfld "Well T ha\ e an >o i had taken this do v n in a stair Felder W hich one of those detec county That part of it sounded ri attractions y et seen in this city another gentleman 1 crop and with ideal conditions from c in- j tn\ Int erit w i th ment and had hie J it aw i\ and hit two* down thcie don t llkf him * diculo is to me because a felony Is ; The headline feature will be Naggle Hugh ^orsej told matter where It Is commit Cline the Irish Ciueen the most fa r \\pll erp s the man I was the damnedi bt bl tekm iller and the-m sa\ an thing against him and t< d and I figured that if they were with ease Affidavit Says Felder louis o-f all the old and modei n sing i « mt 1 1 talk to crook he evei saw and tot him not to don t know who it Is unle&s it is Pat g )ing t3 pull off something crook Then the oat crop is larger and Approached Colemans C Fpb 11 \ Nn on know this have in> thing to do with me You told '"'amivhpn they might just as well do it In 1* Ing i_omedtenn-es Miss Cline has stood better throughout the state than ever u Fel iei Hn t there friction between at the head ot her profession longer before The corn acreage Is larger i rPttv ticklish busine me that I anford dictated that state ton as in any other county because the 1 d la FVt i r r ffoi I $1 000 =: Collar T told him last night ment and put it a.\va\ — that Tom somp of them'' laws arr> all the same .nan an 5. one art. this time identified than ever and \ery promising There is a MtatPa tci t nt M_n d bv Mr a id th it t P\ could put him in thp pen! t elder told Dorsey that I was a ci ook Febu-uv You ran hear things like •Apparently Ml lee was not inter i-9 nothing in the outlook to be dis- [ oleiT n tt st pf itl cr with things theatrical V rs J \\ t ntiarv for stealing thesp papers — and a damned liar and a frame ui and that on the outside that we neve«r heai 'Stod in what I said for he left the couraged about ' ii n d m > t h i of Maiv I hiRir In tbK T mmas B Fel^pr Penitentiary a double cross on the insidt but I dcm t think there i room and |n few minutes Colyar Not only are th§ farmers much more (hat ( olon 1 statement thc-\ hfll Thej ran t put T. ou In the penl Felder Don t j on understand L-an i> It Who do vou think u-p and said I II see you tomor "The Deep Putple" cheerful than they were ten days ago, I r Idei a.pj i oar- 1 I ft 0 1 tontia rv is long a-- is ford That was a statement of his it is * (At the Atlanta particularly In the large sections of top-ip-is it th c. i ni st I* i anlc own imagination in ordet to get y ou in Frlder T don t know someboa-v This afternoon the Atlanta will en middle and south Georg-la where com \\ ould not s 1! itor ^onoral Mayor Ts Vot \\ orrled fr r tVu n STJ m_, i r r* Fehua -\ "VN e!l You see T am that frame of mind tow ird me told mo but I am sure there ai e a half Ma\ oi V\ oodw a d sai a that he does tertaln with a 25 cent matinee the plaints of a poor stand were loud ind them i cent t 10 rhlef s stenograph and T write Colyar I do not Know T^anforG dosen *>f them not know whether the dictagraph bill being The Deep Purple \v hlch numerous but the depression of bus! Vftitnt trild htm l Ud mt want e ill these affidavits Felder Let mo tell you Another (Stre t <*ir p-a^sed dirowning the v as w orked on him He declares that "it- h-as scored such a. big hit Miss Billj ness generally which was due to the t » empioj him ind did not v. int to Thomas B Felder Can ouns thing w jpd-s in tho dictagraph > is not w oJ ricd and would nruoh rath IjonS and her associates are praised prevalence of dry weather more than ha.\ P an\ thin^; to do with him man he ti listed all riprbi Colyar Lanford knows that > ou Offered to Pay $1,OOO er ha.ve thp record produced and more for their work in this play than anything else has been greatly re th a,tf rta\ t Ft „ 10-, to explain \ S Colvar Absolutely T would and I have always been good fiiends Colva.r ill a thousand dollars be in anything presented to date It is liev ed and a much more wholesome tlat Mi ni Mts rk t iht. \ll-inta po whatever for Lanford and wa.ildn t t oldoT "V ea rise to fall Next week ohe company ers and business men are buckling 1 f departi i nt t N fellow Miles" I don t think anyone In Atlanta Thorms B Felder Well Vou see talk to him and If I had told him anv CV1 ar I don it want any of that will be seen In. "St Elmo which down to hard work with a view to Affiant is thr o srhl\ '-iti'-f rl witl will believe that I am controlled by Miles is n thp burea i of Investiga thing about yooi he wouldn t tell Ian money was voted the most popular play ever making the current year the most tb p:rpat work *n I \ C h f of Poliu Thomas B Kel-der or anyone else t on and ho has three or four ex foid I could have sal ] all that to FVlrtf r \\fl1 I heve got an ajpipoint Miyor T\ oodward said discussing presented in Atlanta, The company prosperous on the whole Jn Georgia T-.f-a-v.ers anr I t t \ es L-an history ports tn the way of Investigators and T>orsey and he never would hav* men mo-nt with Miles If the papers will I older a statement N"or "will any has been especially well cast for this f>rd and the ah! . s rk r ff i n tioned it to nirn do what jouthiik they will do I will production and is sure to make a. big der t fm and he h pi lev PS as the t! ss like that one believe that he controls Judge Now what T sav to vou Is strictlv Colyar Mr Febuai y will te 1 viu give v(u a thousand dollars for them Roan Soli itor r>orsey or an^v one else hit Miss I/ong and Mr Vail have sands o-f others 1 n \tlanta tl at what he has £.ot to &av CoHar Wo will pet the papers and p-arts that are unusually good and thev have the real m irdeter in jail •onfiriPntifll t>ay before yesterday 1 < (lonel Felder will p/robablv contra "ATlZBath, My Boy" Felder Now I ebuary can get th jse t irn th m ovei t«v Mi Miles But diet that statement. I am sure that every member of the organization is and the aff ant n i t re o t i him aw Woodward 9 \ ^ Colyar You saw Woodward papers can t he damned if I do it in Fulton county he did not gj*e such an utterance seen to advantage Seats are now on self to the conduct t f iloiiel t elder Febua.ry I can onlv get th m A t a der aal for the entire week ^\ ho Is p jslng aq i i ><=euti^ at MondaV* got m\ reasons Asrked to relate the conversation he Tliomas Felder Tes Woodward certain time of the dav and I doi t C >lj ir h id with Colonel Telder Monday aft Can't Be Beat for Corns, Bunions and tr'-nf\ an C olonel Felder came to mv office performances toniigiht will close the RESINOL RELIEVED what I told you. He cant U him he Is po first week of tabloid musical comedy Thomas B Felder T w ill tell vou fishing >i eormthin,-, ike that jixst a id told me that his men in hunting e\ donee in the Phagan case ran i nto at the Bojou The success of the new \\hAt T 1 AT- e hppn doing foi tho last so H hi \n \raI ho could not take one of the other Joyville is a splendid musical tab- s.et thp r\!d^nce or these grafting he was to have the evidence that would I ha,\ sorn<_ I tisiness en little d I ?FV t men from his force to work on the loid with lots of vim and go and the Bfivprs ind T anford and the get those two t hiefb out of rommls Kap.ement.5 tomorrow that will not e-1 and b dv vv hi h L itl graft investigation wtrk of both principals and chorus Is rm " told ITU to seo ATi Miles That si on tht Phagan papers and th Cole low, nnf» get awav long enough to go tine 1 i ut i t 1 i lUh d excellent For one and a ihalf hours b had been w oik in-: on U for a man affilivit Now what h IVP j ou out ther Kvidenee In Documentary. rne so u h tl l n elf m th To show v n ov\ r nscfpntlotis Oh P^Yiavv \ on ran hop T told htm that if the evidence was tht audience are kept in a constant got roar of laughter and applause until [til 1 wh r Mi ATilps s iitho gh he has been , Feibuary I haven t got thpbi pipeis ^ hine and go out there in a positive and sufficient to convict there I stood u H ht it hef n ii\ < fflcn noa.rl\ *>\prv dav he his ' Ihechiefhis the°e papers in a * irge couple of minute wo ild bp no trouble in my opinion i o\ r ITIP itioi pd it to m won t meet anybody in getting up the money He said I w as ti uMt d al th me The mavor pnv el T do not k whtthor he Pelde-r You Carlton G Phillips. durin^ v hich t m I ised — \}*a \ intfd mp to rosPcuto them in R ^pg anj gratt sheets m nrfc I except Miles -ma myself that the- e\ idence was in documentary like you said beamed t 1 nt t K I t) e cO irts T, ittorne\ HI d I told 1 im ne\ ei saw one 1 eb tiO ^o It form and was sufficient to coo vie t Carlton G Phillips aged 1 son of N l had m\ hinds full b it I woul ] Then nnillv I tt i,ht f t Coly -\r You will hav^ to eximine i vvhilo a.p;o 1 oo many cooks spoil j Th it was the substance ol our con Mr and Mrs L, S Phillips died at the h lp Ret n the ildence Miles . \ orsatlon residence o-f his parents on the West nol x> u i liti t \: the pa-per- s after Mr Febuary brinprs t! t hioth W hen your £eyt at e &o tired they u in \ e v esterda afTernoon and T 1-elder Tnat s Ipht | \s to the statement that Charles Hurter road last night at 9 o clock Boon as I s i H ! I them up Tell me this feel like stumps, when they ache so h id i co fere ic w th ut an . .„ arn^ployed by Coleman to work on I oh i ui Well if y o i are In i h ur |< Tones was with Colonel Felder when The funeral will be from the residence that they hurt way up to your heart I foil n u t ilit \it uis ^ It u e think this thln 1 f- it o tvo inrf w ith •) it cillinjr '"^ ' this case^ n supp 0 he came to my office Monday after this afternoon at 3 30 o clock and in tvhcn you shamble your feet along- and few tin s [ T ti t 1 th s pot know later to 1 ty or 1 it seems as though all the misery you n m s T told 5 tm that I co Id .fj / Felder Coleman sa-id this to me o\ ei aid r oon that is not true Colonel Fel termcn-t will be at \Ves>t View slowly lading w i d ir ll )Ut tie eviience Put I sail tils voun^ trn Jirovv r to meet you hoi e der was alone Mr Jones came it t er had has settled In your feet, look month 1 vv i ii 1 m It telv (failed to catch part of conversation *i the happy TI2 man in the picture m doo« t want to lose h s position Then I sa i I Mi Coleman I was in out v ondoi afteiwards T understand that he was fblgned) \ 1 U I ^ r- n 1 si i[ You can be happy-footed Just the \\ f. 11 he sav s tell im for me tha t Mted bv Mr McCall I believe that I elder 1 cant possibly go to Fast | Attending the session of council He Robert Edeson 111 eame This man used TIZ, and no * he herd \v t i u 0 f w H uiv* him a tosltion todav jtis£ w as his name (scraping of feet on came In onlj fot a minute ha no more tender, raw chafed blis- Th s nt IT _ h In c U 1 i \ou can take your man and L.OS Angeles Cal Mav 21 —Robert rt« pro id is the of" he has Mavor flooi Interfered with dictagraph ) I Chailes C Tones of 127 North Pryor Edeson actor is being treated at a tered swollen, tired smelly feet corns. H,esii ol Oint i nt n I 1 \A o Uvard salrl to set J m the evi thor and get the papers in calluses or bunions stud Mr Cole man I w ould like to go so > it 1 street corroborated the last part o: hiospital here for blood poisoning Ede *^jenetratt e\ « i % t iv p the skn us a receipt and As soon as you put your feet In a I n e ind ho wo 11 be prlad to proae in on the prosecution of this <.ase He a fen minutes Mayor Woodward s statement He saic son sustained an injury to his left lee? clearing it ot all in r unt HIM TIZ bath you feel the happiness soak- c itp this 1 un b said I haven t got any money to em the money that he was at the meeting of council at a local theater Tuesday nlg-ht and Ing In aw ay ec ze n i r ts ies 11 g-w Colv ar Well T tell vou ploy i4awyer I sai 1 \oumisunder I elder I told "^ ood ward that I Mondav afternoon and did not speak Nothing else but TIZ can Kive you asis and th i tut ti ns blood ooi«oning developed. \v ilrtn t I toll v o i that this thing stand me It isn t necessu j on t w t uld get the papers that w ould put to Mayor Woodw ard until near the this happy foot feeling Pon t accept pimplfs 11 1 11 tckh w 11 1i st put us In the penitentiary tr-pse two fellows out of business any substitutes. Demand TIZ. Prest lib t t t ti pay me any moncv that has Til been end of the session Thonns B Fold* T a ssu rel rebuairv That is all you want the San t1 elder Coming; Out. Mr A, Coon, 123 W 112 St. New >ers f T L, , , arnnged McCall said. Now you meet 1 York, says * I have tried everything Re ! F iltimore Ml F ri v ou th-tt r nave npipr mentioned us donn there at 4 30 wasn t ft Feb papei s for * T had some business in the mayors room simply because I had been In forme-d by Miles that he ar"> had that could be bought, and spent hun- U\ e\ t \ di upfSlst sells Resin ol i ames of either one of ~vou uary that tbe inque&t was to ]>c held I elder That s all yes office and left council chamber to at dreds of dollars for advice and treat- ment u d R MI l ->fap Collar Well say Dorsey told that afternoon and I went dov?i and tolj-Lr Well vvt, will meet you at tend to It As I was entering the something to offer me that I was In- ment but I finally found relief In a terested In Colyar left saying- that was introduced to Mi Coleman but I I ast Uike at 2 30 mayoi s office I saw Colonel Telder 25-ceirt box of TIZ ' he would see our name on Jones believes-that he was Inveigled or it will be sent j on direct If you COMFORT FOR EVERY MAN we woald I ke to have you look alt r Colyar do w Ifch this matter wish Money back tf TIZ doesn t do the case but I haven t money to em ^ piec^ e of paper for T don t know- I have been drawn Into this affair _nto Co'lyair'is room for the purpose of all we say "Write today to "Walter having hion Involve himself IS WAITING IN BEACON plov anybody with Now I said \Ir whether I will know him or not although I had nothing to do with it Luther Dodge & Co Chicago, I1L, tor If they have the dictagraph reocrd Cole™mn you misapprehend the gentle Felder Wh> you Just met him a Cd Miles -came to me and informed free trial package of TIZ and enjoy SHOES. COME AND SEE, man now he is asklner > ou foi no shoit while ago me tlhiat Coilyar wanted to &r Collar *.es I know but I don t Miles saiid that he fiakl some affidavits y our consent to represent vou Be ki ow whether I would recoprnlze him w hic.h would Interest me I went to t jou write >our name on *t TORTURING YOUR FEET. fore v\e could close the deal tht, euro or n0 so tbe room in the Williams house No 2 ners jury broke up and we all se >a I lece of paper neoft to the city hail Iji the evening I rated Now there *asn t anything slid Felder Well I TV ill write my name a?m no-t sure what da-j, It was but can on a piece of paper so you will know about the reg-ularlty of my employ find ou>t lavtei by refreshing mv mind ment b-ut it was taken for granted him As soon as I can get hold of Colyar was Chere He saJd that he had Colvar I want to put you In prsi Miles I w-lU send him up something which would interest me I Collar Sen-d him up by 4 o clock tJon tvherc you can act v fthout br n,, asked him whiat It was He spoke ing me Into it about m in y and I told Jidjn that he Felder 1 don t h iv e i o sa j you y ivc Dr L M. McGee h*id better i.ee the mayor From standpoint me the papers Or L M McGee died at his residerce He -b5ked me iC the police had not CV ce Beaconize yct&r feet and you will always Colyar If v&u do they will g- ve me in Madrass Gd Thursday evening fol- asked for money and il Chief Beavers hell and yJi know it I «. u l e an lowing a atroke of apoplexy Tre fu h>ad not given me a Taw deal I told McAlpin \t jar Beacons. Remember com- accessory befoi*> the fact f\r nm get ncral will be held in Madrass at 10 him that I did not pay llhe police any fe&table feet often mean good tlngr those papers and giving them to o clrcAc this tnormn£ and interment v ill thing nor did I charge those things you be in Ivewnan Dr McGee Is surviver" against Beavers or any roembetr of the <• -alth. Felder Yo>u violate no law ce depar -r grew appontments Come in today—no time Colvar He has ^^yr^^T^e^ iat^^T^T. ^-HSTt. » moderation n prices better ^-an right now. Felder NTo he h-as nt To abstract All i ita Ga Jai es T M 3f of Craw use telkilng to him He h-a« no confl F.M.HO \:A a lot of framed up documents is no fords\ ille Ga. and three sisters Mrs dience In -me Within -a minute or two of the shops and larceny 1 J Barneld of R *d Oak Ga Mrs M I told Colyar that I had no business CoJjar "Well tell him what you F Wilson and Mist A ndrew McGee of •y 1th him than I had nc^t songiht the Pennsylvania atatio intei view and had visited him in his want to Febuary Felder can y t u \tl .nta bring Miles u-p here to see me7 Can yo-u bring him up at 4 o clock" Felder Yes- All right C Ffrbuary It Is 3 20 now Felder Tell what you are going to HOTEL M ALPIN do about the papers Give Yourself a Treat by Carrying a Bouquet of Flowers Feb-uary Well I put theun back I Herald Squat* •was afraid to deliver these papers to to the BEACON SHOE STORE you In Atlanta. Felder What is that" FIRST CHRISTIAN BIBLE SCHOOL SSB*Neawr than Anything to Breathing SUNDAY MORNING AT 9-30; 17 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Oa. Conld "Frame Him." Colyar He said he was afraid to Help Make Some Soul Happy in One of Atlanta's City give them to you in Atlanta. He will UNION MADE' $3, FOR MEN give them to you at East I^ake or De- Institutions Every One Invited Feeder* . I don'4 Know just •I -

1FWSP4PER • PWSPAPi-RI is receptive with, regard to cookery aa witlf TrtE CONSTITUTION regard to high finance-/ highbrow literature Bcteblluked 18OS. or futurist art. There is nothing small or New News of Yesterday PutlttW Daily. Sunday. Tri-WeeUjr snobbish about the stiuth's gustatory incli- How Federal Credit \Va» The World's A/fysteries nations. But in this section, we venture to e Civil * . boast, you will find more of the original the perpendicular, including' the febrn5c«. It Editor nd Gounl Manafn. Is 26 feet off the perpendicular! W. L. HALSTEAD. American dishes and the American style of By K. J. Edwnrds. (Copyright, 1913. for The Constitution.) ' Another English writer, who visited the 33u*izi*M Mamatfer. cookery than in any _other part of the GEORGIA In the spring" of 1864 a pamphlet was Tower about the middle of the last century, IMr*etorai Clark HoweU, Roby Robinson. country. wrote as follows: "I am as much satisfied Albert Howeil. Jr.. B- R- Black. H, W, Qrady. Where the Old Friend* Uaed to Be, published bearing the title of "Our Burden It has often heen said that the south and Our Strength." The publication became that thls> Tower was built in Its present contained the nation's largest percentage of r. illy a national sensation. Hundreds of form as with any arguments I have read to thousands of copies •were printed, and over the contrary," pure Anglo-Saxon extraction. The influ- He then • refers to the statement of We are in that country that's wonderful to 300,000 were sent to Great Britain and the ences that have militated to keep pure our Messrs. Creasy and Taylor, which was p-u*- see. continent of Europe. In this country men llshed In 1829: "They have shown, to their racial strain—such as isolation, slowness in But still In dreams we're drifting where the who thought themselves well informed about minds, in a very satisfactory way, no doubt, development, the civil war, etc.—have also old friends used to be. our natural resources discovered after read- The old friends who loved us through sweet, that the Tower of Pisa was not built in operated to guard the diet list against for- ing this pamphlet that vthey really knew remembered yeara. a leaning position, as the scaffold holes in- eign influence. As for shortcake? Well, little about the magnitude and the almost cJine Just as the Tower does, and' also that And all that now Is left us Is Memory's grift Inexhaustible nature of the resources of the had The Herald visited Georgia during the of tears, the settlement must have begun to show northern and the western states and terri- itself before the completion, from the at- season just passed it would have seen no tories. The effect of this pamphlet upon tempts that were made to rectify It by IL signs of decadence, either in the luscious Europe was immedi- ANTIQUITY Increasing the height of the columns and product itself or in the native love for it. The mockingbird was singing In the old mul- ately felt by the rep- cornices on the lower side in order to throw resentatives of the gov- As for meats, it is likely the southron berry tree the upper part of the building In the oppo- Yonder, in that country where the old ernment who had been WAS PISA'S TOWER site direction. I observe the same artifice likes his roast and his pork in virtually the commissioned to loffer frjends used to be; in the tower at Bologna." government bonds for BUILT TO LEAN? same style his Cavalier and Huguenot an- The bees were In the blossoms, the larks— The base of the tower has always been Entered at the postofflce at Atlanta as sale abroad. Further- Immersed in water, which 18 one reason for second-class mall matter. cestors liked them—as if fresh from a they winged the loam more, one effect of the its unsteadiness, and it has, no doubt, been There, where the old friends made glad the One of the most curious structures in turning spit, succulent and inviting. And pamphlet was greatly affected at various times by seismic move- POSTAGE RATH*: hearts of home. the world is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. United States and Mexico. where that king of breads, "corn pone," is to depreciate the credit ments. It is stated that Galileo, who swunp of the bonds which No one has ever been able to ascertain his pendulum from the overhanging south 1O to lS-pa»e paper* concerned, it graces today the representa- IIL S3 to 24-pajte paper* tive southern table. Go out on the myriad were offered for sale in whether the Tower was built in Its pres- cornice in 1615, in his experiments to con- . 24 to 36-Pasc paper* r Europe by the Confed- ent inclined position, or whether It has' firm the laws of gravitation, found nine ft« to &ft-pafir« paper* farms and you will find still supreme those The world is rolling f& away and sudden scenes arise erate government. been toppling gradually during the centu- years later that big pendulum reached fur- ther from the base by several inches, but ATLANTA, GA., May 24, 1913. bountiful and well-seasoned vegetable din- That seem to dim a far oft day and sweet. The author of this ries since it was constructed. An Investi- In the meantime there had occurred the ners that used to characterize the ante- serener skies. pamphlet was David gation that was started shortly after the SUBSCRIPTIONS BY MAIL. But Love that ever leads us to God's eternity A. Wells. Its publica- earthquake of 1620. It is also stated that (Payable Invariably in Advance.) helium regime. fall of the famous Campanile of Venice in after the earthquakes of 1834 and 1859 the Dally Still whispers of the old place where the old tion gave him both a Daily and This doesn't mean that we haven't here 1902 has revealed several Interesting facts tower showed a very perceptible Increased Sunday. Only. friends used to be. national and an inter- 12 month. V4.0O and there fallen victims to the delicacies national reputation. He E. J. Edwards. regarding this structure, but even the men Inclination. 2.25 When the Tower of Pisa 'was begun In a month* - ...... • ...... S.—5 and refinements of foreign cuisine. But in became 'one of the leading: economic authori- who performed the task were not able to 1 montb ...... -80 .30 1174, one historian tells us, after the plans 92.0O Off Yonder, ties of the United States and was for a time fathom the mystery of the great Incline of Sl,ND*.Y — Six. months, S1.25» 12 montba, the representative instance the south main- of the architects, Bonnanus, of Pisa, and TR1-WEEKL.*". ou«s jeer ...... 1.00 associated officially with the treasury de- this Tower. tains the sturdiest of American standards William, of Innsbruck, the structure was DAILY ANL> SCNOAY, by carrier dellv. partment at Washington. Afterward Mr. 12c For many years It was supposed that Intended to stand erect. The third story, er*d per week in Atlanta ...... as regards the table. So whenever our Wells was called Intp consultation profes- I'er month ...... - ...... 53c the Tower was founded upon a massive and however, had scarcely been reached when sionally by many of the important corporate Out»4Ue at Atlanta, per %veeK ...... friends of the north, east and west want spacious base, but instead these investiga- It was found to Incline towards the eouth. Per month ...... and railroad Interests of the United States. to sample again a genuine American din- tors found that the real foundation simply "Work was stopped and for nearly a century It was my stood fortune to become ac- ner, let them-catch the nest limited in this consists of a ring of masonry exactly cor- it remained as It was. The five additional J R HOL'LIDAY", Constitution Building. quainted with Mr. Wells in 1873. I had many ' Ad'vortiaing Manager for all territory responding in girth to the huge cylindrical stories, completed In 1350, show a slight In- dole Advertising direction. They'll find it worth the price! conversations with him. Sometimes he seem- outside of Atlanta. mass it bears. In fact, the diameter of the clination of structure in the northerly direc- ed absent-minded and I soon learned that inner ring of foundation Is precisely that tion, and this, added to the fact that the TUe address of the Washington Bureau of this betokened Intense concentration of his of the space inside the Tower. two heaviest bells of the seven in the tower The Constitution Is No. 1727 S street. N. W.. CUBA'S CRISIS. mind on some Important matter. At other This discovery, with the further aston- are hung In the northern side, shows the Mr. John Corrigan. Jr.. staff correspondent, The republic of Cuba probably enters times he was very communicative- I took attempts, that were made In the fourteenth in charge. ishing fact that the foundations are merely upon the critical period of its history with advantage of a time when Mr. Wells seemed three meters beneath the surface, would ap- century to maintain the equilibrium of the the inauguration of Mario G. Menocal as its disposed to chat freely to ask him how he pear to constitute almost incontrovertible tower, If not Its permanent stability. These came to write the pamphlet entitled "Our proof that the Leaning Tower of Pisa was bells wplgh 12,000 pounds, and are named third president. His predecessor, Gomez, Burden and Our Strength." originally built perpendicularly, and that the Assumption and the Crucified Christ. •narrowly grazed forcing:-American interven- "Why," he replied, "that was almost ac- Its leaning propensities, which are becom- There are K°od arguments that would tion by his weakness and inefficiency, and cidental. The writing of it can be directly ing more and more accentuated, are due apipear to sustain both sides fn this con- traced to my business association with Mr. to other causes than the Intention of Its troversy, and the only fact upon which re- the opinion is growing that the next time cent investigators have based their belief NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. George Putnam, the publisher, of New York constructors. our troops go to Cuba it will be on an ex- is that the tower was built crooked unin- Our traveling representatives are A. L. city. When I was a young- man I was for a Its lean has been gradual, though mark- TALBOT and C. G. SMITH. Be sure that pedition of permanent occupation. time in business relations with Mr. Put- ed, within the past hundred years. Two tentionally, as" its moagor f-^mdation would you do not pay anyone else. Whether Menocal can merge all factions I want to leave the trouble of the dusty, nam. He was a very broad-minded and English architects who examined the Tower prove. A learned Frenchman of the six- and give the island a far start on the road driving town— sagacious man. in 1817 noted that It was 12 feet 7 Inches teenth century suggested, and apparently Not responsible for advanced payments I want to be oft yonder where the cork is "Mr. Putnam was Informed that a repre- out of the vertical line, but since that time with seriousness, that the architect was a made to out-of-town local carrier, dealer or to stable government is an unknown quan- going down; sentative of the Confederate government It has Increased more than one foot, be- hunchback and made the tower crooked to agent. tity. He is said to be an excellent admin- For, at my desk, a-wrlting, I hear the rip-. who was living • Holland had written a ing at present 13 feet and 8 inches from resemble himself. istrator, is certainly an adroit politician, pled streams, pamphlet for the purpose of showing that CALIFORNIA SIDELIGHTS. and, not the least important of qualifica- The friendly fish are biting—I "land" 'em In the Confederate cotton bonds were as good my dreams! as gold, since behind every bond was the The ignorant Chinese in Charles Lamb'a tions, has had military experience. It is equivalent amount of cotton. The pamphlet, GEORGIA, ROAD-MAKER GALVESTON also encouraging that he approaches his IT. by implication, Intimated that in thin re- fable burned down the house th.at they By GEORGE FITCH. task with a full knowledge of its difficulties. I want to he off yonder where the world Is spect the Confederate government was very By Philip Weltner, Secretary might enjoy roast pig. If a correspondent Author of "At Good Old SUrash.** of The Boston (M&ss.) Transcript IB cor- At present, as ever since its nominal in- smiling bright. much stronger than the federal government. Association of Georgia. dependence, Cuba has been the stamping And fade away In shadows, or lose myself "Mr. Putnam was greatly concerned when rectly informed, Governor Johnson, ol" Cali- in light; he read this pamphlet. Almost instantly his Georgia has gone Into the business of (Copyright. 1913, for The Constitution.) fornia, is willing to set the house of the ground of differing cliques and of aspiring The green banks of a river, so quiet, cool. mind turned to me. He knew that I had Most cities are like each other, varying nation on fire if he may thereby go to— politicians. The people themselves have and deeo. made a special study of economic questions building roads. It has also gone into the had little or no experience in the arts and And let the nan. tug at my line and wake me and of some of the natural resources of the business of building men. Georgia.-busy only In the luxury of their new hotels an5 the tjen'ate. It is at any rate, according to the size of their census figures and union this authority, the governor's senatorial restraints of self-government. The legacy of from my sleep! northern and western states and territories. at the task of buUdipg roads, can achieve He remembered that I had told him that the the nobler task of building men. The men depots. But Galveston made itself and there ambitions that,provoked the present crisis, unrest and of force which was handed natural resources of the north were sufficient can build the roads, and the building In is no duplicate. Urtle Way-«fde Sermon*. and the story is told as follows: down from the Spanish regime has more to support an army of a million men for ten turn may serve to build the men. Galveston has 37.000 people. It used to In getting out of the wilderness we some- years and without greatly straining the Georgia will never make men by their In California, Ihe politics back of the or less persisted to this day. Each suc- times fly so high that we dun no where to have 38,000. but on September 8, 1900, the agitation for jin anti-alien land law cen- credit of the nation and these resources. wanton humiliation. Stripes will never do ters around the desire ol Governor John- ceeding president has been confronted by light. Gulf of Mexico rose up over it and drowned "Mr. Putnam, therefore, suggested to me it; chains will never do it; the lash will son to rea^'h the United States senate. 6,000 of Its people. The next morning Gal- a patronage problem by the side of which that I write a pamphlet setting forth In de- never do It; the threatening glint ot cold H« will be opposed in tne campaign The easiest thing in the world Is to tell when It opoiis by Francis J. Heney, tie quandaries of the American democrat^ tail what the natural and many of the un- steel will never do it- Such methods may veston was a sog-gy wreck and the nation whose work in. the grait prosecutions In the truth, and the hardest is to keep a lie developed resources of the north were, so build roads. But the builders will be made began collecting enough money to bring the San Francisco he took up when Heuey are negligible. For if the American aspi- going. was shot. U la the belief of Governor rant, however powerful, fails u receive an that in this way I could show that the gov- brutea, both captains and guards and men. survivors to some sate place and let them J i>hnson that the sympathies of Colonel ernment of the United States could rely with Every noble task ennobles the doer. You I don't want to keep company with start a new city. Roosevelt ar*- with Mr. Heney. This appointment, he can either nurse his grouch confidence upon Its unexampled resources w oultl place J ohnsoti at a serious disad- trouble; every time he comes around I've take joy in the Job Into which you liberate The Galveston. folks who were left were vantage should it prove true, and in in private or keep a political hatchet for the maintenance of an army of at least the best that is In you. The secret of build- got a quick engagement with Joy. all people and Instead of being dis- i a.stmK about for an issue to offset this, whetted. But in Cuba the practice has a million men a year. ing men Is to make them love the work In Johnson seized upon the "yellow peril." "I acted at once upon the suggestion. The couraged they got mad. Galveston lies on L.ubor agitators it*d by one of the fans been to fly to arms. This tendency, and It's mighty well that you can't eee ten hand. Do not be skeptical of the possibility implicated in the Mi:Namara affair were work did not require a great deal of labor. a long narrow Island shaped like a hat pin the further tendency to loot the treasury steps ahead of you. for If you could you'd of making "a black nigger" love to sweat renewing their demands that the Jap- I had most of the material ready at hand. at building roads. Let the convict feel that and about as slender. It was so low that anese In California, t-ven though they on the slightest pretext, has mado troubles fall over yourself going back. constitute only a.bmit two pel' cent of "I have been told that when Disraeli, in building well be is building himself, and when there was an unusually high tide, the the population, should b<- excluded from for any man charged with administration. who, with the exception of John Rryce, was the trick is done. sea wandered down the main street and all land holding. Tho governor took up Further complications have been the A Love* Sonar- the only prominent statesman who predicted Governor West, of Oregon, understands called for mail at the postoffice. Galveston rhis issue and the legislature which he ultimate victory for the north, read this dnminates. or rather his fnUoxvins in scarcity of land, great estates being held I. the secret. He writes-, "First, we have given built a sea wall 17 feet high and 17,500 feet that body which is in the majority, start- Bright are the skiee above you pamphlet, he said that it was for the reason the boys a few cents for a good day's work. ed upon its pabsus;^ .H. rigid bill prohibit- long. Then she raised herself up to the top in "cold storage." President Menocal has While I am lonely h^re; set forth in the pamphlet that he was con- AH of our outside men, or 'trusties.' receive In p,' all aliens ineligible to citizenship of the sea wall, twiddled her fingers at the from owning property. The outcry raised pledged himself to attack this abuse. But toil—because I love you. fident that the union armies would ulti- twenty-five cents per day for their labor. A throughout the country and in Japan and Should President Menocal succeed tn Is sweet as rest, my dear. mately be triumphant." little bank account has the significance of a gulf and dared it to come again. How are the earnest protest of Colonel .Roosevelt you going to discourage a town like that? TO Governor Johnson hod the effect of weathering the next year and in bringing certificate of deposit in the great mudLf\ins the original bill. all elements in Cuba to a realization of the IT. bank of, character. Along with the Galveston is little but mighty Important. You, where the kind God pHiea few cents is our honor system. "We pride U'e hope this version is exaggerated. It responsibilities ahead of them, he will have The ships of the earth sneak in behind Peli- is uot reassuring to think that demagogy His roses, rimmed with dew; A Story of the Moment ourselves that sixty per cent of the men can island on which Galveston stands and wrought historically for his country- Doubt I, in the thunder-cities. serving time are out on honor. One of our can reach such sinister extremes that it By WAI/T MASON. load cotton. It takes fifty steamship lines still prevails in America as to the aoility Singing my soul to you. Tbe FamouM prone Poet trusties expressed a sentiment at a little w ill involve the entire nation in trouble to carry away Galveston's cotton. The city of the island ever to govern itself. Meno- dinner, given for the boy a and me, which that may end in war, coat thousands of III. ought to be the guiding star of all our is visited "by more tramps than any other cal 's administration should answer the Open Confession. lives and hundreds of millions of dollars, I may nut ever meet you prison policies: 'The best we can do under city in, the world, but it doesn't mind it. Its all in exchange for a senate seat! The qviestion one way orj;he other. There, where the lilies wait, such circumstances (referring to the honor tramps are tramp steamships and they make And know the necklace of your arms "I have shooting- pains In my diaphragm system) is too little, but under the old her, tonnage figures bigger than those of disparity in the stakes is too tremendous, and a bad taste I n my mouth, and I can't In the starlight, at the gate. regime, guarded by cold steel, the least we any American city except New York. too appalling. But there is the story for see straight," said Quigway, as he drifted could do seamed too much.' " ALSO AN ATLANTA PROBLEM. Galveston has had quantities of history. IV. into the -corner drug store, "and I,want some Out In Oregon they have abolished the what it is worth. "Spotless Town" of familiar memory is It hag been under six flags—Spanish, L,a- In this connection former President But O, that Fate, relenting. m-edicine that will make me as good as new. stripes. Out In Oregon they have abolished to have a rival in "Noiseless Town," and, Might smile upon the strife, Some sort of a spring- tonic. What do you the strap- It is not to be wondered at. And Fltte's black flag, Mexican. Texan. United Roosevelt is completely exonerated from a wonderful to behold, the candidate is to A^nd Love would kiss the dying recommend?" they make good roads. They need not em- States and Confederate—and has dipped Into rather general suspicion that his influence be none other than Chicago, second largest Back to eternal life! "I don't recommend anything," replied ploy human beings to perform the func- four or five wars a little ways. Its citizens has been back ol" the persistency of John- the druggist. "I have a dozen kinds of tions of watch dog. The shot gun is un- have grown rich and when they die they city of the nation. The casual visitor to spring medicines, but they are no good. heard of. A pistol Is more than enough. leave high schools, hospitals, libraries, war son. When the situation assumed a crisis They are composed of cheap rainwater and Chicago who knows the racket-manufactur- In the Life Race. If Georgia would make it worth while monuments and drinking fountains to the In the California legislature, Colonel Roose- a few us-eless drugs. Five cents worth of for a convict to do his best, brutalities town. It has the finest beach In the country ing possibilities of the "Windy City" will In the race of life, lad. If you lose or win, velt was asked the point blank question as sassafras will make three barrels of the would cease. Good will would take the and the climate is so even that the mer- rise up and call these latest crusaders this world's the best world that ever you. ordinary spring medicine, and I consider it piace of hate. Honest work in making: roads chants sell thermometers with the tempera- to how he stood by eastern newspaper men. blessed, but will speculate as to how they wore in. Sweet, even -In sorrow—rising over highway robibery to put such dope in bot- would pave the way to making honest men. ture painted on the class and the citizens He responded that he had protested to will go about performance. The rest of sin, this world's the best world that ever you tleB and sell It for a dollar a throw. You'd don't know the difference. (iovernor Johnson. Whf>n asked for a copy were Jn! better go to the woods and collect a bas- the country is also likely to watch with • * • « * Galveston's six bridges to the main land of what he said, he replied, "That is purely ket full of yarbs and simples, and make ous. Tom see, I have to buy my sulphur were blown away in the great storm, so interest this latest municipal experiment. and syrup from the manufacturers, and I The Fin* Old Cormtry. yo-ur own m-edlclne. A drug store is the she built an isthmus instead. She has 13 a persona] matter between myself and Gov- Chicago's determination grows out of a last place you should g"o to for it." have no way of knowing how badly H's I. square miles, but better than that, she has ernor Johnson; if he cares to give out the "Whait's biting you, anyhow? Have you adulterated. I suppose the sulphur is most- conference recently between council's Bless the fine old country, several square commissioners •who' govern been converted, or Is your reason unseated? ly yellow ochre, and the syrup is largely- correspondence he may do so." Johnson She's com in* right along. the city on the commission plan and save health committee and a delegation of law- If you are insane, your relatives should be pi ne tar. Nowadays a man doesn't know declined to make public Roosevelt's tele- $100,000 a year with which to pay interest yers, doctors, merchants, managers of hos- Music on the highway— notified. 'When a drug-gist talks that way what he's getting. Bo I strongly advise my on the sea wall bonds. grams. H is known, however, that they Hallelula in a song! about his own stock, it Is time to do some- friends not to buy my compound. It might pitaJs and others. The latter represented Galveston is little, but she has demon- constituted an emphatic protest against the thing- Now, come out of your trance and send them to untimely graves, and it cer- to the guardians of the city's health that strated to the world that she can't be lost II. quit fooling. What sort of stuff Is that in tainly wouldn't do them any good. Take proposed action and a stiff warning as to tbe noises made by autos, elevated trains, even when the whole ocean jumps on her. the consequences. Bless the fine old country the large black bottles?" my advice. Mr. Quigway. Go out to the locomotive whistles, river boat sirens, ped- Kvery joyous day. "That's Doctor Ripsaw's Rejuvenator. hedges and highways and gather herbs and dlers and so forth were detrimental to We're slngrin' on the hilltops, It's sold as a apring tonic, and the easy Brasses and twigs and sailings and boll health and business. The committee agreed "Hallelula on the wayl" marks buy-It In great quantities, but they're them down in uure water and then drink THE ANSWER—COME SOUTH. just throwing their money away. It's my the tea." The New York Herald laments that the with them. As a result, old ordinances private opinion that Doctor Ripsaw should "Well, I see you'.re dippy. No sane drug-- regulating the city's noise will be revived be in the penitentiary for selling- such stuff gist would put up such a line of talk when long-continued and increasing tide of immi- By George Matthew gration is uprooting all our old dietary and more stringent new ones enacted. to suffering- bmmanlty. I have heard that a customer comes In. I'll go and buy Power to this movement! It attacks an It costs only 6 cents to make 20 gallons what I want from some druggist -who has standards and replacing them with the pe- of his Rejuvenator, yet he has the gall to his Intellect on straight, but before I go I IP is the Blg-g-est small word to be found -?M culiar tastes of many European countries. evil we had all grown to believe inseparable ask a dollar a bottle. It won't rejuvenate wish you'd tell me what happened to put 1 Jn any Dictionary. IF is the nurdle which "Strawberry shortcake is fading fast away," from cities and one that is becoming each anything but the manufacturer's bank ac- you in this condition." hurls more human beings Into "The Slough I day a more trying problem. And, incident- count- It might as well be recommended "I got most of "my information from yon," of Despond." Disappointment and Failure it mourns, "pork and beans—cooked accord- as a hair restorer, for all the good It will do. Beginning to Worry. remarked the drug-grist. "Ton came In here than any other Barrier. ing to the ancient New England recipe, ally, Atlanta has the same problem to solve. Take my advice and pass It up. Gei yotir- the other evening when I had several cus- "I told him I never wished to nee him IP is primarily destructive rather than again." self a market basket and go to the deep tomers, and you sat on the counter and •with, a little molasses—is following in its constructive. Trivial and innocent in ap- The . government laundry for soiled "And what

.j^agj&j EXERCISES TO BEGIN on Saturday "night. '.May 34. wltfc a N&XT SATURDAY concert by the music and expression IN DOWNPOUR OF RAIN STORES BURNED ! MAY CALL CONVENTION IT PAYS $50,000 OLD DARK? GETS HIS departments, and close Wednesday Locust Grove^, Ga-, 33ay 2S.—(Spe- with the champion debate betwe«nthe c'.aL)—The commencement exerclsafc Pbllosophlan and, the PhilomatSean TO HUFF CREDITORS GRANDSON OUTOFM : Locust Grove institute Trill begin • societies. Me LAID TO REST INTALLAPOOSAFIREi ONW.&A.RA1LR • Every Business House in Mon- Entire Business District of the Chamber of Commerce Commit- Mrs. Jennings and Edison Huff Comes All Way From Chatta- roe Closes During Hours Town Threatened by *Big tee Suggests Gathering of Decline to Accept $6,110 nooga With $40 to Pay $50 Fine Which Governor Commutes. of the Funeral. Midnight Blaze. Representative Men Here. Awarded to Them. Until a short time ago, scarcely By Kmeat Camp. Macon. Ga.. May 23.—(Special.)—TTn- Monroe, Ga,, May 23. — (Special.) — The funeral of B. Sanders Walker. Jr.. one person in a thousand had "who died In Macon Thursday morning after a week's illness caused by his ever tasted a really good soda taking a bichloride mercury taiblet through mistake, occurred from the First Baptist church of Monroe this cracker—as it came fresh and afternoon at 2 o'clock, being conducted fey his pastor, Dr. E, C. Dargan, of crisp from the oven. Macon, and Dr. D. W. Key, pastor of pldly. the First Baptist church of Monroe. burned and the flames attacked the meet with general favor. eight months on the county chain- The funeral party arrived tn a spe- ennings and Edison Huff, chil- Rambo offlon building. but were | While the present lease of the road It was a case of simple larceny cial car over the Ge-oriria railroad at . ureu ul Colonel Huff, have refused to , f , find prevented from does not expire until 1919, nearly six n to them by the just like the hundreds of others that Now everybody can know and 12:30 o'clock, being accompani ""d hy checked thr- acc( ear. Moneyless ana man. A large number of sorrowing a time it seemed tJiat the entire busi- ' of such importance not only to th include interest for the last four yearsA9 , e enjoy the crisp goodness of ness district was threatened. 1 people of Atlanta, but to the state at friendless, the lad went to the gang, friends were gathered at the de-pot in while all of the other amounts apparently forgotten by all the world a downpour of rain awaiting the train's The buildings were occupied by gen- Uirge, that the committee feels that awarded do. This Is the principal eral stor*1, a restaurant, market, etc. j it is not too early to begin a thor- But It was not so. Away up In fresh baked soda crackers with- arrival. point on which Colonel Huff has based Chattanooga, lived old Clint, Allen's The remains of Mr. Walker were es- W. L, Tin nlin Is the heaviest loser.} ough study of the matter with a view to reaching a solution satisfactory to Hi"^-P^-s appeal-. , „„,. grandfather, bent with age and toll corted from the train to the home of with F. I. McMfthan second. McMahan heen pa a out going to the baker's oven. all Interests Involved. Thtt ^rtmmUtee I ** *-T . . .. When news reached him of the boy's his father, B. S. "Walker. Sr.. a short lost his building and entire stock oi •lalbodlerS the today there will be $33.000 left in the Invites other commer distress, he at once began to save his distance away, where they remaine„ d goods. H^ ani *rivB registry of the court In addition to money to pay the fine. At last, with Hun- \ Several people were sleeping in the state to take up the until the funeral at 2 o'clock. Drooiem ana s °jfive and a ha]f acres of Improved prop- great difficulty, he grot together J40, dreds of sympathetic- friends railed at buildings, but all escaped just In time it careful study. erty in South Macon known as the Uneeda Biscuit bring the bak- Statement of Mr. and boarded a train for Atlanta. the ""Walker home to pay a last tribute to be uninjured. Armory property. .Then he found that the fine was The fir was near the tracks of the In a carefully prepared statement of respect e and with J40 he could do nothing. Al- Southern railroad and all trains were which was read at the meeting yes- ery to you. Every business house In the city Amend CIt Charter. most In despair, he at last thought delayed several hours, a number ol terday, the chairman. W. A. Wtmblsh, waj5 closed during the hours of the Ga., May 23.—(Special.) — of Mr. W. D. Greene, to whose family funeral from 2 to 3 o'rlork, and a big them beins forced to remain in the discussed various phases of the prob- yards until the flames abated. les, such, as the proposed extension When the legislature convenes In June he had belonged before the war—-his throng turned out to hear the last own family, in the old negro's mind—• A food to live on. Stamina for work- •ervices In honor of the beloved dead. Plans are already being made for of the road to the sea, the purchase i two amendments to the charter of the rebinMtnjr some of the' houses. The by the state of the A.. B- & A. rail-j city of Macon wHl be offered. These and to htm he presented the case and Floral OfferinftK Pack Church. made his appeal. Mr. Greene at onca ers. Strength for the delicate. Give The floral offerings were exquisite, exact amount of the loss has not been road, the disposition of the Chatta-1 are now under consideration by the terminals the advisability of a [ charter amendment committee of coun- took the matter up with Judge Cal- anfl came from Macon. Atlanta, Mon- determined. but it Is large and not . 1HJUI them to the little folks. Five cents. roe and many other parts of tho state. murh of It . Covered by insurance. long lease with a view to double cil and are being considered favorably, noun, whom he found willing to help, tracking ai^u ^-..w *-- - — ------I but Thpre was such an abundance of the { to reduce a fine once imposed, but the flowers that all of them could not bo a short lease, etc. Mr. Wlmbish said: . election oif eight aldermen from the "This committee has been raised by lty at large and one from each of the two took it up with the governor placed In the church, and many of the Leap Oper Windshield c When the case was explained to him NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY designs were extremely beautiful. the --hamber o>f commerce, not alone | four war-ds. At the present time three the governor willingly commuted the The funeral services were beautiful for safe-guarding the interest of the aldermen are elected from each of the Saves Athens Machinist of Atlanta, but also for promo-tli-g fdur"wards!~ Th"e'dea!re"fr*r~a" change «ne to $40. Old Uncle Clint then gave and Impressive. In his eloquent and up his hoard, got the boy out of the tender peroration Or. Dargan deliv- welfare with respect to the future | has come from the fact that often It As Automobile Explodes disposition and use ot the Western. and,iig not possible to find three men who gang and returned to Chattanooga with. ered a sting"! ng" rebuke to the irre- him last night, grateful beyond his sponsible news-papers which had en- Atlantic railroad. are competent and desire to run for power to express. PLATES Made and Delivered tered thf» Walker home in Its greatest Athens, Ga.. May 23.— (Special.t— "As you are aware, the present lease office from the same ward and !i? Same hour of tfloom and sent out outrage- Yesterday evening, S miles from expires in the vear 1319. ami therefore selecting eight of them from the city | has something lees thi-n six years [at large It Is figured _that the rlty Day DR. E. G. GRIFFIN'S ously false reports in connection wi'th Athens. Paul Keller, a Frenchman, BIG CHAIR FACTORY hia case. macMn ist at a local garage, escaped virhin which to run. The Question of jean the service oC men whose TO GO ON BLOCK AGAIN GATE CITY DENTAL ROOMS Following- the funeral at the church horrible death by a shade of a see- what shall be done with this property knowledge wtW be valuable. the ceremonies wore concluded with a ond and a few fpet. when he made a at the expiration of the li>ase U &t such The other amendment Is for the ap- Flowery Branch, Ga., May 23.—(Spe- 24r It=< extension appealed to council to prevent the was forced Into bankruptcy after op- Sanders \Valjk pr's la.^t visit to Mon- a mass of twisted scrap iron. Only to the sea. Whether the state should I building of a private sewer to thti erating about a month. It has a ca- ir r> n in thp o J r] ?i < .m e May 2". — (Special-) — A trict court, will tomorrow hear the Make Your Trust Estate Absolutely Safe Griffin, CJa.. "Western and Atlantic railroad. SnouM Application was made here today for of Sidney Ijanler. young Walker was wh Irlwind ca npaiffn is now on in application for the appointment of n this extension be built and then leased a charter for the Georgia Packing and s u rr minded by all t hie SP n LI m e n t a 1 1 > 1 Uriffin for j.h? purpose of raising $3,- receiver for the T*. Carte company, o! Stock Yards company, with a capital By Placing Its Administration With the "ar^ *f tmrif a mi ' '* could not operate as a regulator | Odom. An answer has been filed by tender memories that ding to that 000 to organize a b 'tira 01 ird.Ut tlllU „„.„„, _ „„„».,„ *.,,,In.u* _„* Ji«_ *-!,_ .1. . , :__ , of $100,000, with the privilegft of in- loved and historic shrine, and the ga.1 - put It on a sound working basis. against excessive freight rates, for the! the company denying Insolvency and creasing: to $1,000,000. The Incorpora- j Ian t flg-h t he made for life tou-crted a At a meeting of the retail mer- reason that the lessee company would, ' asking for the discharge of the cus- tors are John Ruddle, of Atlanta, and: | undoubtedly, establish the same rates patihetlr chord In the hoa-rts of ITIPII chants' association, when address was todian now In charge of the hooks ot E. W. Gould and L,. L. Gibson, of Macon. Trust Company of Georgia find kin riled a symipathy which has delivered by A. W. McKeand, secretary as those charged by other competing the company. The company expects to do a general lines. L. Carter, the, head of thr» company. swepe, wh^rehe was men was appointed to tako the matter desirable, it is then to be determined tions of south Oeorgia. main plant will be in Macon, but t orn arid re-air e-d. and whpre, after life's In hand and canvass the business v.-hether it should be accomplished by branches may be located elsewhere in Equitable Bldg.. Pryor St. kist chord was severed, hp was hrrwarhl houses of Ortffln. Th« committee IB means of original construction or Drum Corp* to Reunion. the state. baxrk and l«.ld to rest- headed by Mayor J. M. Smith. whether negotiations should be ent&r- Macon. Oa., May 23. — fSpeclal.1 — The Th« first object to which th« board fcdiscrimination 1 - in freifch t rates as practiced against would 'be esaent'la.1 that the eta te» its trip trt the confed prate reunion at Will Jack-son, Sr., one of the wealthiest GRADUATE AT YALE this place by the railroads. should have adequate terminals a.t the Chattanooga. Rpcently the corps gave and most 'prominent citizens of this | port, and that a regular line of steam- a minstrel show from which they city, died late this afternoon • at his I Once you could tell the new New Haven, Tonn.. May 2R.—It costs ships from eastern cities should be cleared $700. $500 of which as used home here. He had toeen in declining a man $4.377 to set a bachelor of arta established or encouraged. j ;n paying for new uniforms. The trip health for some time and returned Sat- f arrival by the creases in his degree at Yale, according to figures ORIGINAL UNCLE SAM "In the event It should be found to Chattanooga will cost a little over urday from Johns Hopkins, where h(i | submitted by the members of the se- ' ' a^ratn Iea.se the property in $600. stayed three montlhs. He is survived clothes. That was before the question, whether this lease should • nior class. The total represents the IS IN ATLANTA AGAIN Two trains will be operated toy his wife, three daughters. Miss Mil- 1 be for a lon-g or a. short term, should ! average spent by the members of th* frorn tnls elty for the rpunlon, the dred Jackson, Mrs. Jamea Baynes, Mrs. day of our 1912 Fiber Ward- Frank S. Col burn, known as the receive careful consideration. Should irtrum and h,1Klfl corpa gpeciai James Reynolds, Jr., and one son, Will class -during thp four undergraduate original Uncle Sam, who spent some years, divided as follows: Ihe lease be made for a short term ftt over the Central of Georgia, and the Jackson, Jr. He was a brother-in-law robe Trunks. They are built time in Atlanta several months ago, a flat rental, as in the past, it could j confederate veterans' special over the of Charles A. and Oscar Davis, of, At- Freshman year. $1.020; sophomore, was again a visitor to this city yes- $1.052; junior. S1,1S«; senior. $1.162. not be expected that the lessee would, southern railway. Both will he well lanta. Funeral arrangements will be to keep out wrinkles. terday after trip through .South j make any very great permanent Im-| flllftd with people from middle and announced later. Georgia and Florida. provements in the property; neverthe- south Georgia. Cuthbert Commencement. "Florida is all right," said Mr. Col- less, a short-term lease had advan- $30 to §87.50 burn, "bait the mosquitoes—well, I'm tages which are obvious. On the Fishermen Return. Those Popular Excursions Outhbert. Oa.. May 23,— (Special.)— mighty K"la.d to be back. other hand, the lessee for a long Mncon, Ga., May 23.—(Special.)—The to Warm Springs via A., B. The season of commencements is well Mr. Culburn looks strikingly like. term mie-ht be required to double- members of the G-ridf ron Fishing club the popular ropre.sonations of Uncle track the line, reduce the grades, j !T ^ under way In this community. The n v returned from thelr trip fo & A., commence Sunday, ROUNTREE TRUNK & BAG CO. two ne-gro colleges closed last week. Sam, and attracts general attention stralg-hten tho curves and otherwise ' Salt Ilia river, reporting an enjoyable May 25. Only $1 round tri^. The graduation of thp class of the wherever hp goes by the resemblance. improve the property, as a part of time. The largest catch during the 77 Wbifeball SL W. Z. TURNER, Hgr. Cuthbert HI prh school will takn place He is on a four years' tour of the the consideration of the lease; and the outing was made by Judge "W. IT. rental mi&ht be adjusted on a gradu- Traan leaves Union Station tomorrow nlprht. at t hp school audi- world, on which hp, startfrt from New Felt on and Carl Kean, who hauled In ated scale of in-cre-ase. A long term torium. T h e i P are fourteen who will York. ,Iune 27, 1011. While on his 182 fish between 5 a. m. and noon. at 8 a. m. receive deplornas this year, being on>i journeys, he supports himself hy sell- lf-a.se has Its corresponding: disad- of the largest classes that have grad- ing- his song. "Down in Panama," It vantages. uated from thp institution. The class is his intention to R-O from here to the "The state owns, as appurtenant to COL. EB. T. WILLIAMS \ banquet w ill be held tonight. Mr. L.yn- confederate -reunion in Chattanooga the Western and Atlantic railroad In Established 1865—EISEMAN BROS., Inc.—Incorporated 1912 wood Jackson being- thp host. Twc next week, and from therf he will take the city of Chattanooga, a large TO SPEAK AT NEWNAN of the recitals of thp pupils of An- in the reunion of the Blue and the amount of valuable property not use- ful for railroad purposes. You should drew college have been held. Gray at Gettysburg In July. Colonel Eb T. Williams, the well- j consider whether this property should known Atlanta lawyer, has been in- j be reserved from the lease, as -well us | vlted to deliver the oration on the REV. JOHN WHITE WILL the use or disposition that should be I occasion of the graduating- exercises of ; Underwood Typewriter made of it. PREACH AT TUSKEGEE j the public schools of Newnan, June 5. ! office can furnish high-grade "With respect to the city of Atlanta, Young Men's Styles! The thirty-second annual commence- suggestions have been made to reserve stenographers. Phone Miss iur nt sermon at Tuske>gee institute, that portion of the property east of Seven of Ameaica's most notable makes to choose Hitt. 'L uske-gee, Ala., Booker T. Washing- Forsyth street for business purposes CONFEDERATE VETER- ton, principal and founder, will be and for civic improvement. This mat- from. All the popularly fashionable models— prt-achea a,t 3 o'clock Sunday after- ter should receive your most earnest ANS—CHATTANOOGA. n con by Re v. Joh n E. W h i't e. pas tor and careful consideration. The N., C. & St. L. Ry. and English, semi-English, Norfolks, conservative modes. of the Second Baptist church. Atlanta. "It is my earnest hope that the work Elegantly tailored, exquisitely finished, made of fine The invitation by Booker T. Wash- of this committee may be conducive W. & A. R. R. will sell round', Ultra-Fashionable ington to l>r. White is in keeping to good results. We should proceed con- trip tickets at REDUCED range of" modish fabrics and novelty weaves, fancy v. ith the long-established custom of servatively, having in view the public mixtures, checks, solids, penciled effects— Engraved Tuskegee institute to have the com- interest and not alone the selfish inter- RATES, ATLANTA TO • mencement sermon P rea-oh ed by a est of the city of Atlanta, although, of ! Wedding Stationery leading white minister. The majority course, the welfare of this city is to CHATTANOOGA AND RE- have been selected from southern di- toe ever kept in mind. At the proper TURN, $3. Tickets on sale We have a new book of vines. Quite a few of the Presbyte- time and in the proper way we may be $15 to $45 engraved wedding invitation rs an commissioners will visit Booker able to invoke the co-operation of May 24 to 28, inclusive, and "W ashington's plant. other organized bodies interested in I f/yr f-roi-na a^liarlnlorl +n «*• samples to show anyone in- the subject, and exert a beneficial In- J . L LlcUIls bCUCQUiea TO 3.T- j terested in the best and fluence in arriving at the best solu- ITVe ChattariOOga before most exclusive styles. Jackson News Notes. Uon of this very important matter." The New Straw Hats You will readily see and Jackson. Ga,. May 23. — (Special.) — noon of May 29, with return appreciate the smoothness Tamp Bar net t, L". C. V., of Jackson. limit June 5? with an exten- In fifty nifty styles, splits, sennits, Bangkoks, French and beauty of the copper have chosen C. Cawthon. S. H. Dr. Strickler Preaches plate engraving, and the ex- May and W. IX Carry as delegates to sion by deposit at Chatta- palms, Panamas— tra fine quality of the stock attend the confederate reunion in Frm Old Pulpit Sunday nooga to June 25,1913. Reg- used. ChattanOo-gra next week. if on. J. Matt McMfc'iael was again At Central Presbyterian ular trains leave Union Pas- $1.50 and Up We don't believe any en- e'ected president of the Butts County senger Station at 8 a. m., graver can equal this work. Sunday Sohool association at the an- 1 We are certain it cannot be nual meeting last Friday at Cedar Dr. G- B. Strickler, the C:entrail8:3e 5 a. m., 4:50 t>. m. and Keck. S. O- Ham wras chosen vice Presbyterian's beloved pastor of for-1Q -rt A -i-i , i* , . j excelled anywhere. rr oside-nt and C. L. Carter, secretary, nier years, will, occupy his old pulpit JoCQU p. HI. Ail tilCSe traiDS HESS SHOES FOR MEN We employ only artists of The place for meeting next year will Sunday morning. Thoug'h It is many carry Pullman parlor cars the best kind for our copper he at Pleasant Grove. years since Dr. Strickler lived and Blucher Oxfords, English last, all leathers. plate work. Every order is Sergeant J. A. McClure was elected labored in Atlanta, he is well known and first-class coaches. The! solicited under the guarantee second lieutenant of the Jackson Rifles here and has hundreds of warm 8:50 p. m. train carries local that no charge will be made at their last meeting to fill* the friends. $5-46—$7 vacancy caused by the resignation *>f He has been a prominent flg-ure

NEWSPAPER ' different groups f onming tableaux, I Mrs. .7. T Allen, Mrs. Holbrook, Mr*. ' the vueit of Mr and Mrs. Josepb AMBASSADOR ARRIVES - ACTION ON STREETJt. R. The -will be led by one of tlie i P D McCarley, Mrs Laden Harris. Mm. Harris in Decatur. ,t nrosst prominent ladles, in the city. as I Homer McAfee, Mrs. McWhorter Mtl- At QUEENSTOWN SERVICE NEXT TUESDAY Mother Goose, and wtil include all the Iner. Mrs Cone Maddox, Mrs. Frit? Mr and Mns 6. H. TJeher leave for Goose family, numerous fairy tales Wagner, Mrs Virgil Sbeppard, Mrs Jo- New York Ttueeday; where they win Queens town, May 23—Walter Hinea Chairman Murphey Candler said yes- and characters from history and ro- seph Eby, Mrs Thomas Beauchamp spend a few days before sailing for Pag-e, United States ambassador to terday that he expected to ha\e some* , maoce and a large miscellaneous col- MJS Stanley Lair, Mrs* Marou*, Mrs BupGipe, on May 31 for a six weeks' va- Great Britain* parried all attempts of thing definite to give out as to tha lection of Indians, fairies, clowns, Fleming, Mrs Whdtfeimui. Mrs St. Elmo caition. newspaper men to obtain an interview- ctfwboys, etc. AM the beautiful ponies Masseng-ale, Mrs 3 M. Arnold, Mrs **• railroad commission's action on tho when he arrived here today from New complaints looking to the betterment in town will be in the march, some George Stockton MI(53 Emily So^sstn ie ill with di^li- wfrtoh Indians astride, and eonne ridden tteo-ia. f Yorlc He contented himself with the of the local street cor service by next try dainty fairies •** remark that his constant endeavor Tuesday The schedules of the differ- After tihe (parade, taxl-eaux will be McMullen-Davison Mr and Mrs L W McMullen an- Misa Alice Vandlver'e brldgre In com- while holding: his office would be to ent lines in tabulated form and the formed by tlie various grroaps one of pliment to Miss Barnes, of Unlontown, "maintain the more than friendly rela- plans of President ArJcwrlght for the the most interesting ttf whicn will nounce the marriage of their daughter, tions between the United States and be the Old Woman in tho Shoe Thds Nannie Virginia, and Mr J G Davl- Pa, will be grtveta Tuesday afternoon Improvement of th« system were placed tr the United Kingdom which had, happi- In the hands of the chairman yester will be presented by Mrs Henry son whwsh took place on Tuesday ly, continued for &uch a long time' day These will be considered at a DeGive in the most artistic and in- evening May 20 at the M-etbodlst Mrs DeveHe, cj Savannah, who has spiring manner, with flftj children of been visiting in. the clt> leaves Mon- The American consul here went on meeting of the commission, and defi- all ages parsonage in East Atlanta, Rev C V day for Augusta board the Baltic and delivered a pack- nite Euctlon will be taken in the ma* Blue Beard and his ten wives has Weathers officiating **• age of dispatches to Ambassador Page ter Tuesday been arranged by Mirs Har\ ie Jond-an Mr^ Frank Pearson will entertain Mrs. Mary Thornton Wins with great care and will prove quite To Mrs. John Wing. next-week for her guest. Miss Boweon, a stunning number Miss Louise Hawkins will entertain of Birmingham and other affairs are The fairies are in charge of Mirs planned Better at luncheon today at her home, the oc- •** "William Nixon Mrs Sherwood Hlg^s, casion a pretty compliment to Mrs Eattag al Lower Cost Contest for Cover Design Mrs William Percy Mrs Albert Alters 1 Mr and Mrs Alex W Smith, Jr, will There to more nutrition in a lOc package of FAUST Mrs Dillon Akers and Mrs He/ward John D Wing , a recent bride The entertain at dinner ton.ght at the - SPAGHETTI than there is in 4 IDs of beel— your Candler party will number eight Driving club In compliment to Mr and doctor will confirm this. Little Orphint \nn!e and the Gob- Mrs Charles T Hoipkl ns, Jr FAUST SPA6HETTI Is extremely rich in MJSS Mrf.rt T 101 i ri of Atlanta has the rianrps of ron test ants w ere not blins has been ajrrins^d b1^ Mrs *•* gluten, the muscle, bone and flesh builder won the $50 pi ize f .>i the best co\ir m id known until after three hours Allan Schoen To Miss Hall. FAUST SPAGHETTI will reduce your meat bill •Vmon^ those entertaining in conupll Mr and Mirs Addj- of Pittsburgr design MIL nil tied ri the contest for of con skin at Ion HIH! voting the prize \Ir«3 \ R Colooixl has ' the 'begspars w ho are the guests of Di and Mrs two-thirds. Wnte for free rectoe book and find out r n til\ went to MISS Thorntons design ment to MibS Muriel Hall whose mar the great variety of appetizing, the Romans H ditior of T < Con^titu all coming to town and v. 11 pies«nt A E "Wheeler will remain until Tues savory dishes that can be made tiOTi to he published by tht Oeoi gia as pi t st ritinc: thi best idea and exe- a large group riage to Mi L,t>uSb Turner will be ai da-v with this nutritious cheap federation in Juno The ( onstitution "ii t ion fm the purpose Mrs Dink ins Mrs Parker Mrs interesting e\ent of the 17th will be ... I food cffered the prize which w a.s planned The design will adorn the first Scab-rook Mrs Owens Mrs Mui ra> Miss Edith Watts Mrs Louis Moeckel Mrs W S Elkin will spend the j and Mrs Lf»ke aire looking a'fler In AS «n and conducted by a committee from pa^e of the Woman s Edition of The Mrs Da.\ id Woodward and Miss Ma- month of June In Kentucky di Turner Mrs Hugh Rowe Is convalescing and A committee appointed by Mrs In Miss Thointon IB the daughter ot be presented by Mrs Viles Mrs •will return home Monday man and an equal number appointed Mi and Mrs H P Thornton, and is Woods-id* and Mrs Gteuise will be *** from the art department of The Con a blight member of this year's class Mis-tress Mary and a number oung To Fisitors. Mr and IMrs William Rawllng leave stltution acted as judges and faith of Carnegie library school She is ladies dressed as flowers Miss Frances Connallj s 5 o clock June 12 to spend the summer In !Cu fully fulfilled their duties There were a lover of art and has studied with a \li Baba and the forty thie\es is in tea yesterday at the Driving; cloib was rope sixteen designs submitted these com view to developing her talent in that dhargie of Mrs J B Hoekaiwav Mrs • ** H I* Collier Mrs Tates and Mrs a pretty compliment to Mrs Frank Ing from all parts of the state and direction Pearsons guest, Miss Boweon of Bir- Mrs W G Chliplev and Mr William Stalling* Chipley will visit lelatives In Pensa- | Mrs - Holleman has a-rran^ed the mingham and to Miss Carolyn King cola rarly In June Mr Saxton Lewis Pied Piper of Hamelin which vtill bo pruest Miss Boyd of NasftvHle The will accompany them a distinct feature partv numbered tw elve and the i Miss Moseley s dancing das« "will casion was quite informal Mr?. Howard Writes for Sun ETtve some character and artistic dances and Miss Anne Grant will also CONFEDERATE VETER- dance To Visitors. Story About Napoleon Murat From 6 to 8 o clock Mrs W J Sp«er In compliment to Mi and Mrs Addy, ANS—CHATTANOOGA. has arranged a country dance, in which of Pittsboirg who are the guests of The N., C. & St. L. Rv. and all the belles and beaux will tafke Dr and Mrs A E Wheeler Mr and part Mrs Bf]\f Nf H >« ird has a The New, "York b in exploited Mrs Mrs \ Irgil Perryman entertained in W. & A. R. R. will sell round] last but not lca*?t Old Mother Grose How iid has recently written for an half pis stoi i th N w. ^ oik sun and her crc?wd i«; In chargp of Miss formally last night Dr and Mrs Wil- trip tickets at REDUCED I ( n the subjrt t of othei publication the story of the 1 of lasr ^ irida Irene TV ight King the lovelj younf? liam Owens will entertain at dinner Vapoleon \ hllU Murat tho son oj 1 onev moon of Mi and Mrs Woodrow RATES, ATLANTA TO daughter of the house with a larg« Sunday night and Mrs Bun Wylie s Va poison s biotnpr to KInpr of WiJ 01 which thev spent at Arden LOW SUMMER RA TES conps of afi»i»tBnts who will produce tea on Monday will be a compliment Naples Tt will b< re ailed that the N < \\-here Mrs Howard now spends CHATTANOOGA AND RE- a nwgnlflcent wP-ectaole -with their to Mrs \ddy and Mrs Paul Seydel of h« b imers CHICAGO $3O CINCINNATI $19.30 5 oung Krfnfhm ti i i irried "Ui^s ( ath feature aJone Man-v other taiblcaux NPW York TURN, $3. Tickets on sale prine Willis of Tdllahassot, 1 loi ida Mrs Howaid is the eldest daughter 1 and features ire being arranged May 24 to 28, inclusive, and and subseqiientl . i fsided thr «• hav of 11 d;~e and Mrs V\ill!am T New wh lien ~w1 111 foe an noun-ced liatte r LOUISVILLE $18 INDIANAPOLIS 522.80 Ing served i ndfi SH?V( ral admimstra n in ind Is one of Atlanta s most Othe-r aznuspmpnts will be pr Atlanta for the marriage of rive Chattanooga before In Florida and while- there learned and was for several years & member the pageant ajnd will answer any In Miss Katharine Rawllng aoid Mr Philip noon of May 29, with return many Interesting fad1- which she of the woman 3 staff of The Atlanta quiries CORRESPONDING RATES TO MANY OTHER POINTS wove Into the human interest story Journal TV Wilcox -which will take place Wed limit June 5, with an exten- nesday e\ening at the home of the For Miss Barnett bude s parents Mr and Mrs William sion by deposit at Chatta- Tickets on Sale Daily—food Returning October 31 Miss ^arah Burnett of Washington Rawling in Druid Hills nooga to June 25, 1913. Reg- Ga. was the guest of honor a.t a oretty Among them will be Dr and Mrs ular trains leave Union Pas- Table d'Hote Dinner and Dance bi Idge party giv en yesterday after Sidney S "Wilcox the groom s parents noon b'v Miss Louise "Mo.sse> at her and his brothers, Messrs Sidney and senger Station at 8 a. m., Best Service to North and Northwest home on North Boul-evaird Vp pie ton Wilcox of New York M 8:35 a. m., 4:50 p. m. and Every Week at Driving Club Pink ro'se'S in ai tlstlc arrangement Pulford of Canada !Mrs J T Wheeler decoiated the house The prls^-s were and Dr George S Kun> and daughter 8:50 p. m. All these trains Lv. Atlanta 7:12 A. M. and 5:10 P. M, Daily silver picture frame and an em- of NCTV ^ork carrv Pullman parlor cars The mmasrenipit f th I if dmont ed The orchesti a win plaj on the broidered hank^rchief The gue=t of Mi sfdnej \V ilcox who will be best and first-class coaches. The Through Sleeping and Dining Cars Trains rl ib I i\ dtc U d IL> «ive ball room porth e\ ery afternoon fl om ho*nor was g'vrn a bo\ of correspond man is making ills home in So a-tt *** of march, every foot of it be- Mother Goose Pageant A Perdue are lending everj effiort is chairman will have e pea-nu-t hunt One of the lars&st and most beautl Mr and Mrs T C Roney of West ing historic. For further in- LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN, VIENNA to'ward ^naking this one of th© m-ost this afternoon on the lawn at Mrs •iieiander Pa who were the guests of f uJ sh-ows e\et e^iv^n in \ tlanta wfH formation, call upon any unique and interesting and varied af Claude Shewma-lce s 606 West Peach Mi and Mrs B M Boy kin during the The Fastest Steamers in the Werld be the al fresco cri\ en \ the Tosep-h fairs It wlU partake of many of the ti ee street Presbj tenan genet a! a&semblj have agent or Haberaham c"hatp etr -D \ R on the features of a society clrcrus re t u i n ed h oroe Maotctania Lusitania afternoon jf May—31 on the ai\ n « f First of eJl will be a baby s-how in *+* C. E. HARMAN, charge of Mrs Dextei Mrs J J OUEENSTOWN, FISHGUARD, LIVERPOOL Mrs Plyde Kins In Dr i d Hills The Miss Bates to Entertain. Mr ajid Mjs A H Alston of \ugus Spaldlng Mrs Lee Lew marl Mrs "^V General Passenger Agent. .r. TMAV SI. 10 A, M. CAMPANIA . JUI.Y 8. 1 A. M. Miss \nnte Bates has issued in vita are the g-ue-sts of Mr and Mrs T CARSIAMA MAY 31, IO A. M. affair has gro^ n to s i h proportions F D> kes and a lairg*> committee JULY IS. IO A. M. Uons to an al fresco party to be gri\en H Alston CAK.ONIA JUKE 1. IO A. M. that It has become nt-ct ssai > to ask \\ hile this most intei est Ing event is at the home of her mother Mrs Eliza *«•* STEAMSHIPS. the loan of tVu fidj ic nt law ns also taking place the pai ad« will be formed * MAURETANIA . JUNE H, I A. at. *MAURETANIA JULY 23, f A. M. All the * 0 mcmb is of tne chajter and w ill circle around the lawn the beth Wtnship Bates on "VI est Peachtrec Mrs M L Stannard has returned to Great Western Railway of England CAMPANIA JUNE !«, 1 A. M. CARMAMIt AUG. 2, IO A. M. Californ a after a \isit to her parents street nex* Friday evening The guest" The Holiday Line Illustrated booklet* ot toun. CARMANIA JUNE S8. 10 A. M CAMPANIA AUG. fl, 1 A. M. Mr and Mrs A Is tot in Decatur ftnd uaeruL Map oc Great Britain—FRE&. will Include about 200 members >f the *** Kateler GOD Agt G01 5th Ave Vew Yi K ( MAURETANIA - JULY 2, I A. M. Alt 13. 5 P. M. school girl and bo> set Mrs B M Bovkin will lea\ e Tune not emit at dneeDBtomi 1 for a visit of several weeks to her Country Fair fathci In San T i inci<^ro \\hile awav ! MADEIRA. GIBRALTAR, GENOA, NAPLES. TRIESTE. HUME The country fail which was to Miss Bo>kin will also visit other points Sailing Hour \aan. See Itinerary. in. v "B IAC been gl\ en \ efaterday afternoon of int ie>st In the west on« MOW xs>-*.i L *. JUNK U CARPATHIA JULY 3 SAXONIA JULY 2B on the lawns of Mrs Pa,i dt c ind Mis t IIA JUMS S4 IVaSKNIA JULY IO PAN'MOMA AUG.. I* Soda Fountain Service ^^-^-*»»»«w>»-viBir_fc' ___ *o*»#*%a^i i Henna tbo World Trlp«, W9S Sp.ul.l llronsa ratt. to EUPt India China. Japan. Manila, Trajlor 19 Ponce de Leon avenue and Mi and Mrs P M" Mead of Merra KOGEKS B .TOY, AGENT i Aaatralla N«w Zealand Sooth Africa. Soutfa America, Icdapendent Tour* In Europe etc. send as postponed on account of the riln Marl I P < -U are the pue^ts of Mr an! rOR ALL LINKB w ill take pld-c*1 this afternoon If th Mi «5 H F Ha\ on ^-prlng sti eet until for Boo^ ^"niniiUf and Orlaotal 8 V Co In the United States Canada. In each Nunnally Store is in charge \v eek \\h n the\ rctui n ho-m Cruises Norway etc 1913 Datee and Itinerary on application tveathe-r permits xt UNION DEPOT TICKET OFFICE., piers Foot W 14th St North River N Y Officpa J4 State St Opp Battery of an expert trained with an eye to I i > iti the\ will is \ ork MAIN BIB,, Picnic Postponed. Chi ago and Ivansa-s Clt\ detail. It is this service that height- The Ponce de L,eon \ven ie Baptist Mrs \rthnr Hood has returned to her undaj school picnic has bp* n posr home in ( uthbert a'tei a i isit to Hr ens the material enjoyment of the poned on account of bhi Inclement R B Ridle\ and famiU weather until a date to be announce1 Davison-Paxon-Stokes Company drink at later Miss 1 ois n ckson >f "\ cTntosh Mi v ho la*? spent the winter in Tennis Tournament Dalton uill be the of MI-s Tm Tennis dub t f Drcatur will Mai thi Bo\ kin Monda hold a tournament this afternoon on ihelr court Mrs TIenr\ 1- arthmin of Clear water I- la \% ill irri\ e June 1 to A Sale of Men's "7 C visit h ei mothei Mrs ^ llle S C an Dinner-Dance dler -Vn informal din net dance will be given this e\enin« at the I"»ri\ ins club Mi s IjOUlso "U attts pntert-aincd $1.OO Shirts at * +J friends Ipformalb it bridge jes Bridge Party for Miss Gray. terdd-i. aftei noon at her home on Mrs Howaid ^.i nolcl entertained de Spring street *** grht ullj at bridge yesterday afternoon 3 4 "Whitehall 33 Peach tree 1O3 Peachtree at her home In TV est t^nd in compli Mr and Mrs C* K A\er will enter- ment to her guest Miss Emma G-ra\ tain the nipmljerj of tl eh bridge club Holding ourselves responsible for all things here put Salnrdav P^ enlng at thoir home on of Savanna-h M^ i tic sti eet down, we greet our men friends this morning, and tell ttiem in The hou = e was a: tistloa-lly decorated *«* ith iuan titles of field da-isiea and Miss y-innj Cook has returned from plain words that we offer today the best shirts we have ever bowls of sweet peas Wai m Spring1? The pi izes were silk stockings guest *** seen for the price. The kind men will buy by the dozen when towels and a. deck of cards Mi= 1 = Reed of Rock Hill S ( they find such as these at 75c.. Both Mrs 4rnold a,nd Miss Gi a> wore as a re ent guest of Ml and Mrs \\ hlte lingerie gowns R B Cunningham in Decatur Most men have individudal shirt ideas. But you will be The guests were Mrs J M Be-asler **• Mi s Charles ^ N"orthen Miss Mar BUI prised to find how nearly these shirts coincide with those paret Northen and Master Charle1 Perfumes A., B. & A. Make Important Northen are spending the week end ideas, in their value and stylei •it Highland farm ^Vhen you want to pick out anything in the Change of Schedules. *** Plain negligees with cuffs attached, made of good Wind- !• flfective Sunday May 25 and daily MHs "V irq^inla Cohen has returned perfume line, come to us. We can please you. tntreaft£i A B & \ liadn No 4 will ti 1 er home In Marietta after a visit sor percale in choice striped effects, and well-selected colors. t i\ \tlanta at 9 00 p m instead of to Miss l^ouioe Colzey in Decatur ] n 1 o p m *** •" We carry full stocks of the best manufacturers of Sleeper to Thomasvllle E\ ery one new, fresh and immaculate. All sizes. Mi and Mrs T W West nnd fam on ind after May 31 "l^per to Brunq this country and abroad. Toilet Waters, Colognes, wick [1\ v, ho hd\e spent the winter in He- fit tir r i u i.cd the past week to their Those who buy them will want more—but these came as Extracts, Bath Ammonia, etc., in all odors, and at home in Valdosta **• a special purchase, and are $1.00 shirts at 75c—we do not all prices. Sachet Powders too, envelopes or bulk. 1 Phone your want ads and Mr ? V alton and Master Tohn "U al- know that we will have more to sell at this price. e plies to Main 5000 or At- to n are the Ducats of Mr and Mrs TOILET GOODS, A FULL SUPPLY. \\ illiam Alden In Decatur Find them today in the— DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED jita 109. Mr and Mrs Scrogglns have re- tuined to their home in Nfew lan after Weak women, who need the help that a good, ^isit to Mr and Mrs M S Moore strengthening tonic will give, should take BEST *** Men's Section, First Floor. Pr and Mrs J S Ba hman ol Crown3 (22 fc ) J3 '«) Bridge worli $d (rtJ Sweetwater Tenn are the guests ai ttill aet teeth $3 OO Mr and Mrs Toseph Harris In De- Flllins oic catur It R Tare allowed 25 miles. All work • •* CARDUI guaranteed a) years, Miss Margaret Sloan is the guest Eastern Painless Dentists of Miss Clemmie Patten in Decatur The Woman's Tonic 38Vj PEACHTREE ST NEAR WALTON **• • Mrs E M Sloan is spending a week It is purely vegetable, and contains no dangerous with relatives In Danburg Va The basis of good bread drugs. Thousands of women have written of the good is good flour. The basis it did them. It is one of our best selling medicines. KODAKS Misses Berta and Frank ie T*homp of a good meal is good TIN I son vt, ill leave soon for a visit to Uncle Sam ^19 Hut Can Be Charlotte N C bread. The Best bread •*• is Uncle Sam Bread-- CALL ON US TODAY ^ plet* atock amateur *npp!.e». Quick zn*JJ aerrfe* f/or mt~of-tnm CBMonMnb Miss Mariam Srmthdeal who has and your grocer sells ill 0caU f*r CataUov «•>* ?rtee I

."SPA.T'FTU III A. ASSEMBLY REPUBLICANS MAY CALL PHILIPPINES EASY DYNAMITE PLANTER ADAMSON ILL HEAD CURRENCY COMMIHEE 100 FEDERALS COMESTO CLOSE PREY FOR THE JAPS PAIDBYpPANY COMMjCECOMMffTEE WEIGHING MANY BILLS AMllBBY REBELS Executi\ e Body Will Decide Col Van Orsdale Believes War Ways and Means Committee Improbable That Effort Will Be Gov Carranza Warns England ^ Whether Time Is Ripe to v Would Likely Result m Tentatively Agree on Num- Made at Present Session to and Prithee Against Negotiate ' Final Session Proves One of Organize for Futtjre Checks Given to F. E. At- the Most Important Held Capture of Islands teaux by American Woolen ber of Chairmanships. Reform Banking Laws ing Loan With Huerta. "W ashlngt-on May 23 —Thie repub Company Introduced by \Vashington, M"ay 23 —Democratic Washington, May 23—In addition to Eagle Pass May 33—In a battle During the Atlanta Con- "V\ hlle he does not anticipate any conducting hearings and digesting the j lican national executive cormmlttee frr mediate -danger from*jjfa Japanese members of the ways and means com- near Sacramento in northeast Mexico, j \ hich meets here tomorrow at the call mittee, it V.AB asserted today have answers to questions which are to be 100 federals were ambushed and killed ference in\asion Colonel J F "|rji Orsdale Stat:ee. propounded to bankers and financial of Charles D Hilles chairman of the C( mmanding Fort McPher&j^n yester- J _ agreed tentatively upon a number of by constitutionalists according to r«» experts the senate banking and cur- ports brought here today by consti- national committee primarily will con dav stated that in the e\entofsucha the committees of the house Boston May 23 — Checks and vouch- recy committee will discuss numerous tutionalist leaderst who are gathering Singing that old familiar h> mn slde-r the ad^ isabillty of coiling an move on the part of Japan the United The immigration committee chair I era for sev eral payments made by the bills proposed to reform the financial across the river from here for a uen~- All bail the power of Jesus name early meeting of the national commit States would find themselves in an manship will be retained by Represen- system of the country before it pre- eirbarrassing situation owing to the \merican Woolen company to Prea- eral military conference Let angels prostrate fall tee to consider pdang for strengthen tative B-urnett, of Alabama. sents a measure to the senate Carveo a former follower of Orozco. f,_ct that they are far from being erick E Atteaux were Introduced by the Presbyterian as^mblj ISA Ing the p-a-rty lines preparatory to the The Interstate commerce committee Chairman Owen and many other lead the federals at Sacramento This prepared for such an emergency the atate this morning at the opening members of the committee are en graced came to a final iosf T irtjiy after next congressional campaign Colonel Van OrsdaJe states it is his will be almost completely changed victory gave the constitutionalists po»- noon in the Baptist Tabernacle Old Before determining to call the conn of today s session of the trial of At- in draw Ing up bills desigmed to alter sesslon of all towns bettv een Castillo bfclief that in case of war with Ja Representative Houston of Tennessee Che currency system and it will be nec- •wounds were healed enmities caused mittee together it will be decided pan the Philippines •would be the first teaux William M. ^ ood and Dennis J and Moncleva Huerta s opponents must drop out to retain the chairman essary for the committee to consider claim also to have captured the cities during the sessions were forgott u v nether the time is ripe for the begin point of attack by the Japs and that Collins Ship of tne cen&us committee, and Rep- aU of them before it settles upon a Che capture and possession of the isl The first of the vouchers showed of Tactatecas Parras a nd San PedTO and the commissioners standing with n ng of organization for the future resentative Smith, of Texas, to keep measure that it can support. It Is re- de Celonlas near Torreon , or whether U might be better to wait an-ds for a time by the forces of Ja- the payment of ?60B to Atteaux for garded as improbable that an effort arms linked together sang ^erse after pan would be Inevitable Japan would his irrigation chairmanship verse while tears dimmed the e> es of until toe present democratic adminis expenses incurred during the Law- will he made at the present session to Ea&le Pass Tex May 23 —In a also be a-ble to maintain a foothold House leaders have made tentative reform the banking laws, hut attention man> t nation has proceeded farther on its 01, the wes-t coast for se\eral months rence strike This was drawn on selections for chairmanships of the fol- statement today during a conference „ This final session was one of the wa> until after the opposition tariff March 22 1912 \nother check for will be focused on the need for more of his military advisers Governor Car- thinks Colonel Van Orsdale and would lowing" committees elastic currency and for mobilization most important held during the as law has been written Into the statutes gi\e the United States great trouble $2 100 was drawn on June 26 this ransa, the Mexican constitutional semblj In the morning a vain at and effect on the country analyzed In dislodging: them Agriculture, Lever South Carolina of reserves so that they can be util- leader announced he had cabled to the tpmpt was made to abolish the position being marked in full tor all claims appropriations Fitzgerald New York ized quickly in case of financial stress prime ministers of England and Called Premature He sugig-eats an enlargement of the Republican leaders are convinced of assistant Merk upon the recommcn Some of the party leaders are firml> si an ding armj the upbuilding- of a to date banking and currency Glass Virginia, France warning them of complications dation of Htattd < lerk Roberts tvho of the mind that the agitation for a i < ser\ e to Ohe standing ai my the ef The vouchers indicated that the District of Columbia Johnson, Kentuc- there is little likelihood or radical leg- If European capitalists negotiate the said that It \vould be in the inteiesta reorganization meeting of the national ficient training of the national guard na> ments were authorized bj Preti ky education Hotoson Alabama foreign islation on currency subjects Huerta loan and pledge customs re- of economj convg" tion this coming fall is prema and the provision of an adequate dent \\ ood Both checks were m affairs Flood Virginia immigration They do not believe serious effort ceipts He cabled that If the constl- Burnett Alabama interstate and for- will be made to provide for guarantee ronftolftdatlon Referred t> re- and it should be chiftU to c >n means of quu kl> rna-king \olunteers idorsed with Atteaux s signature |tutlonallst movement succeeds an at- s dpr the advisability of su h a ton r( ady for active service as a remedy The exhibits were offered in support eign commerce, Adamson Georgia ju- of bank deposits and they hope some tempt by England or France to col- The question of pioi o;,t i nns^'idfl. mention tha" the national con m ttee of the government a claim that the diciary Clayton Alabama labor Ma- sort of central association will be pro- lect this loan mlKht provoke war wi*h tion of the boaid, of ed ation aid the toi the situation would ntd The- ]>ro}? essi\ e \ving Colonel \ an Orsdale dues not be defendants conspired with John J her New York merchant marine Alex- vided. Mexico He asked the ministers to college board tn and GRANTED BY PRESIDENT oprtain members of the hoard of home encp met toda^s in senator C mmins American ^ oolen company s mil lar affairs Jones VUgmla one of the experts o-JT the monetary mlesinns was squashe 1 n the DCr-in commission, sat with the committee- 1 office ajid de ided to ^en<3 a letter to The sta.te attempted *o show that Washington May 23 —President nlnK b v the modpratnr the comimittee asking that the national MORTUARY President \\ood was involved and that men and offered suggestions for ques WJlson today disposed of twenty-eight The committee 01 narrative ornmittee be assembled and setting } the American V, oolen compan> HE WAS DRIVEN MAD tions A final draft will be laid by appeals for clemencv restoring civil tTmruKh its chairman Rev Frederick forth the progressi\p republicans " thi ough "W ood had helped pay the the subcommittee Monday by Chairman rights In.thirteen cases granting two Bander rl^lK ^red n dHti essinpr report view s *LS to reorganization of th« G R Spinks, Greensboro expenses of the conspiracy Owen, who also will draw up a letter pe rdona commuting the sentences of on the religious tendencies of »he parU changes in deles ue reprr<;enta BY GREAT SUCCESS to accompany the list < leensboro G-a May 2«—-(bpeclal ) a<_\en prisoners and denying the aj»- times Some < f the featuies of the tmn methods of handing contests and Papers am Evidence. plications of six report we ^ \n ularmlng lack of other matters The lettei will be sent Ge>oige R Spinks died at his home here Edward B t,>nch paying teller of OF MANY SWINDLES 1 MANY RIVALS BOUGHT UP The five year sentence of Albert famlU worship a dlstrf-s*onK lo-ss n,' to the executive committee addressed th s afteinoon after a shot t attack f the I ederal Trust company of this pneumon i ^s a citizen he was w-et] Shoenle for embezzling- funds of tile church me m^trs in mi cvnorl') th.it to N it onal Chairman Hill s and the cit> where Atteaux had funds on de Chicago May 23 —Government offi BY SHOE MACHINERY CO. Central National bank, of 8t Louis. o\ *»r 4 000 rhurr-hes In the past ecrles members of the cot iliat on cc'mmlt known a.nd his dea.th came as a grtat posit took the stand and identified sho k to his ma.n> friends hei e The ciads have received word of the dealh Mo was commuted to one year and i-astical ear failed t hrfnw; a single tfe expect tne\ ma* he called upon to Atteaux s signature on four or five Boston May 23 —Further evidence a day ' t[ pear before the c i -nmittee further funeial setvit_es will be conducted t> papers which District Attorney J C In London of Louis A Gourdain who of the buying up of rivals and the BOTil t > ( hrlst that the vh te =>Ia\e sw Indled the public out of several Harry T Lee w"ho pleaded guilty to traffic has heco HP appall ng- extend to explain their views moirow bj J ev \\ R Mackd-> from thf Pelletier offered as exhibit Henrj F disappearance of the latter from the Metliodlbt churxh The intei ment v, 11 large fortunes which he squandered abstracting money of the National Ing e\^n into ^ihhath schools anears ago as a suit to dossolve the United Shoe Ma- there Is a tend* i v to suspend mfm tors his rndther Mrs \ntia bpinks and of his five year sentence to a term ietion«rles in discussing the urgent the exhibits were not competent until clerk for the Louisiana State Lottery chinery company bpri not tr n a. hoU des re to ea\e one sister M ss Janie '-pinks of company Gourdain organized a rival of one year and a day snuls h it from mfMcena,r\ motives ' le-in-a nd of t"he pi osre-ss! ves for a na- some connection should be established During the first year of Its exist- The prisoner s father had mortgaged tional con\ ention declared that whpn Greensboro tin ee brothers Charlie between the papers and the alleged concern -which netted him $750 000 It The list >f m nlster*: who di d 1 ir fapinks of Green\llle S C Henry and ence the company bought up nine com- hi*, home and paid off the entire Inf the ja^r \ par "as rr irt b\ stated the time came f >r rporgnnisa-tion th<- conspiracy The district attorney re 1® estimated The money came so panies only two of which are dolngr rt publican parU w ould reoTprmi/e James Spinks of Greensboro amount of Jl 805 under the Impre*- Clerk Roherts and in ippr pnate plied that the papers would speak for fast his mind -was affected and he was business today Seven companies were sJcn that his son would not be prose- itself Senator ^moot was of the themsel'\ es and would show the pay- sent to a hospital for the Insane aftt-r bought up during the second re^r of hvmji suns eeme- niind anrJ there are other paitv cuted Pev T."\ K Tloust n nf ( olumbus Edgar F Williams, Jr ment of money frooi one defendant to driving through New Orleans in a bath which only two now are In operts.tion The president commuted to thirteen leaders In and nut of congress »hr Tdga-r F \\illlams Jr the 1 >ear another robe and attempting to make street Ohin so r^t ir of the p^r nanent com vt ill oppose a nationa-1 con\ entit/n this The government contends thait all of months the five sear sentence impos- mil e ->n \a anc\ ndsijil 1 cl?rd old son of Mr and Mrs &dgd,i F WU Jud^e Crosby admitted the exhibits speeches Later he WAS convicted by these companies were acquired In pur- ed on Silas Rich at Portland Oreg., \ ear la-rrs died Friday morning" at the r&sl with the understanding that they the g-overnment of operating a lot that ri sn rkn f th*> ministerial sup- Smoke Cl*ortng Awnv uance of a plan to monopolize the for falsifying records of the National dence 371 Whitehall street The f i would be competent only in the event tery and ser\ ed a six months sen Bank of Salem Ore pi [r r»em uas mpos^iil i id i the Thprp \<* no law to pre^ ent the shoe machinery business of the coun- Pi ( sh\ t^rlT-n «\^tem ff rhurch R-n\ein neral will take place at 4 30 o clock that some connection between the tence He drifted to Is ew York and try The defense admits the acquisl The trial judge and prosecuting at- suer^p'S-tion*! of such a foolish thing- as this afternoon from the residence and papers and the alleged conspiracy opened what he called a bank which torney said the sentence was exces- Senator Cummins and hds friends pro tion of the companies, but denies the Interment will be at West \Iew should be established by evidence Wa-s a Jotterj scheme He was con plan to monopolize sive Sbow ^on» Call of Mlnlmtr^ I nse said ^enaitor Gollmgor T"he vie ted and served a year on Black ^11 i n T p IMs mo^erl th-it the trot smoke of the last defeat has not vet The district attorney read the pa *n jr duri % tl e nrnini, ear take n r Potts pers to the jury One of them was well s island He showed up next In o eared awiA But it Is a foot thit it R ( Potts af?ed 27 a railroad man Omaha and later in New Orleans where « ej s to rf?^ IT n f it ers the T eces Is cte-aring aw a.v an<1 condHuJns In the the check for $506 drawn on the (li^d at a local sanitarium in this city National Shawmut bank otf Boston he bought 1 ''SO acres of swamp which, cit> of showing their so is tht, call I^«rt\ are rapidl\ improv ing w ithout 1 of thr ninistr> The m tion was < estei 11 * The hod\ \\RB taken to payable to and indorsed by AtteatiK and he converted into 13a 000 oil lots In anv contention There is noth np: to c Chicago he opened the Manhattan Ex adopted Eturkert Simmons chapel and wa signed American Woolen company \V be grained by so unusual a proceeding later carried to his home at Ad airs change ban-k and is said to hav e Bell and Wing \ rising vote was prHen L-r N K \V Currier assistant treasurer as a session of the national convention ville tra H Is survived 1 > his wife turned $5 500 into a million •Rnh^rts 'o thirt\ % ears stated cl ifc th s > et expenses Incurred during the for admission He bought a mansion Power and originality —Cork Examiner. e nbl Farev ell prreetinR^ b\ both N ne he-re w mid indicit whit n M I i \ < K.elle> asro -4 died In I a« rence strike according to the In commls'-fon^rs iinu officers weit rmle be done with respect to call i K scriptlon on it The \oucher ilso boi e in Jollet where the state prison is A great work—Boston Herald M mj hK last Tuosd i\ and the bod'^ located for his wife and purchased Marks of genius constantly—Troy Record. AmonR \t antans filUd upon tn sppak rational cnmm t ce ^ ime faior w -- I ro iRht to \tlanti Pr da> TJ e the words appi oved — \\ illiam M prot os i.l hehe-v ins: that ill the T "\\ ood president ground upon •which to build a private A wealth of ideas.—Boston Transcript. n few partlne words were Ro\ ITu^-h 1 f (rii \vill be held this afternoon v U T ker r> I> | astoi of he ff-st t an* n iw affitTtinp: the parM sht Another exhibit was a check for prison Before work was started on Genuine aspiration and power—Occult Review, England. u 0 lo k from Baieliv & Bran the building the supreme court af- Pr^sh^ (er an < h irt h Het R O F^ir n be rilsrussfd aT th]s t mt ' ome of is li pi I /nttrment w ill bi tn ?2 JOO drawn on the Beacon Trust Astounding fertility.—Eroo&lyn Tones. 1 a--to t No-i th \VPII le PresM te an theso h-ow-oer d sot f ivor i n-nt nna 11 i n j\ »d company Boston on Tune 26 1012 firmed his sentence Near the stars—Portland Oreaoman. 1 He nmrio a sensational escape from rhir^h F" . Ir^A Mote pistrof convention thrs v < ir ^ r \tri ftim pavable to and indorsed bv \tteaux O. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. Publishers, N. Y. Price $Z.5O H-xn s «t pet Iresh\*pnin hurcl- J mins ex pressed the h 1 if f o trht ti jThis check bore the signature of \\ il the "Washington D C asylum in 1908 x and had not since been heard from K Oi r and S M Inman the national committee wnuld hp E V SkiUeran Ham tl Dwellev Tr tieasurer of the called He was unwilUi K to predict T \ "-kill* an a^e b rp pronoun cine: the its action howe\er rosa. d n^ a partj morleratnt s fi al benodlctmn stoke a la i oinii K at tho icsidence _6 Dlvle I The voucher which accompanied the *e\v warm hrai »*d words telllnc: of its convention n t Th^ f uncial will be tii is aft check bore the approval of Mr Wood y>! «s ire f Hri)-, ir \tlan*i and his CM ) n at 1 odotk fi im the residence a nd an inscription on it said In full siln^s at leaxinj, ^no moj f firp-vve ] Inte-jmont w 11 be In Oakland foi all claims to date " oatloiw -, srl\ on hi n i nd he" so em TARIFF AND CURRENCY The district attorney then called M\ was at an end to meet in 1^14 in TO KEEP CONGRESS BUSY W Brown \\ illiam TT I>wellej Tr treasurer of Chlra^n the American "W oolen company and ( ourfp^Iopi \i>pr*-t Inted W ashing ton MH v 2^! —(. o tigress 13 \\ Bronn dgrt 60 died a-t the resi questioned him Mr "Dwelle-v told of Re-sol ti s xpflps^Insr deep ppre too busy with tariff and ctirren v re cUn e 1- Cooper sti eet Friday morn being called into Mr "\Voods office one Ii s at 9 o clo< k The body was re clatln f the ourtes Os. a. orded foi m to plan for a new department nf dav when the latter told him that Miem while i Atl int i werp ad'pted ptibllc works in the >nim n of Speak n \ > d t j G>i eenberg & Bond Co s he had settled In full with Atteaux \t nn tn rno isi 1 r d \ aft r oon h\ the er C lark and \ ee President Marshall ih-dpel and will be sent to Vlexander Mr \\ ood s direction Dwellev made r rthei-n [ r^s,h\ terians --.ifcial nfn to whom the ed i ational committee N l today fotr funeral and Interment out the chock and Boucher That was 1* n w as m d( Pr \ I ere \ Mom of the national drainage congress ap Iff is sur\ ned bj a wife four dauprn tre <1a\ he said on which the com Rev F>unbar r>2r<1pn T K Orr Rv\ pealed toda> Both official? express* 1 tci s an 1 two sons pan\ was pajlner the attorne'\ s in con r r> ^ 1\ nu and other gentlemen of s\ mpat3ij however with the desire < f nee tion with Lawrence strike affairs Atlanta the drainage advocates for RTeater f"d i a phone at yo ir elbow con Atteaiix Offered Ser%lce« Pe^p fchanks were exi>ref r>wellc\ ^was questioned regarding docorrted th**m b-\ Postmasf r MrK e congress can b-e secured if a detailed replies to Slain 5000 or At- the pa\ ment of United Seed accounts ml h s lei ks an<^ tiio pre^s plan is laid before it Fxcept for the purchase of merchant lanta 109. dise D wellej said It was the com panj s rule not to require an Inte n ized account for expenses incurred by anv officer or any regular or special employee of the company The witness said he had known At teaux twenty years He often sa him at the office of the American TV oolen compan> both before and dur ing the sti ike The district attornev endeavored to learn from I>w elle^ when he saw At toiux with relation to the disio\ery of dvnamite at Lawrence on Tanuar\ 20 1912 The witness could not recall the dates of At eaux s call ind fiald that Atteaux mi^ht ha\ e called at the wool en companv s office at that time The witness said that he thought Atteaux was at the company a office about Jan uary 25 ORIENTAL SLAVE GIRLS ARE RESCUED BY POLICE ^ftn Franc sro Maj 23 —£• i\ e orlen You may need this in the night. tal slave girls were rescued toda> f m theii prison on the third floor 1- 3 of an alle% tenement in Chinatown You will find blankets, neatly folded up on the foot of your berth, on after tl e police had battered their the Frisco train to Colorado, so that you can conveniently pull them vay TI !th axes upstairs through a succession of barred and armored over you when the air becomes too cool. doors One of the girls said she was na tHe boi n but the police doubt her After crossing the Mississippi the Frisco train begins to climb. As the story for she could apeak scarcely THESE BOOKLETS a word of English train goes up the mercury goes down, and your ride to Kansas City over All the girls and their duennas TELL OF THE w ere held for deportation the crest of the Ozarks, often calls for blankets. BEAUTIES OF WESTERN 9^~ NORTH CAROLINA BRYAN WILL ADDRESS The Frisco takes the short cut to Colorado, over the Ozarks, and you get Profusely illustrated with views of its far-famed mountain resorts, they will give you AUBURN COMMENCEMENT a graphic idea of that wonderful plateau known as ' ' The Land of the Sky ' ' Before deciding the benefit in beautiful scenery and cool, comfortable riding. where to go thts'summer, read these boo/flels — we will send them to you free In their pages Mobile Ala, May 23 —Secretary of State William J Bryan will deliver th" you will find revealed the most entrancing pleasure district in America — within a day's journey principal address at the Auburn col of eastern, southern or middle-western cities, over the picturesque lines of the lege home coming commencement on Tuesday Over 30 per cent of the grad Thru Sleepers to Colorado uates representing- practically ever> COUTHERN RAILWAY state in the union will be present Gov- The route via Memphis and Kansas City is the high-road from the Southwest to ernor Emmet O Neal will deliver the Premier Carrier of the South address of welcome the commencement Colorado. It is the route of least time and greatest comfort sermon will be by Right Rev Beverly Out-door sport of every kind rules supreme in "The Land of the Sky" — golf, motor- Dardndge Tucker coadjutor bishop c*f \ irginla and the commencement ad The Kansas City-Florida Special is equipped for the comfort of Colorado vacationists. me, ri driving — with canoeing, fishing and bathing in the beautiful mountain lakes. dress by Edward Ala worth Ross, Ph It has splendid electric lighted Pullmans thru from Jacksonville, Atlanta, Birmingham Fine hotel* and private cottage* await yon at Aaheville, Black Mountain, D LL, D of Madison "W is Hendersonville, Brevard, Lake Toxaway, Saioda, Waynesvilie, Tiyon, Flat and Memphis to Kansas City, Denver and Colorado Springs. No change of cars from Rock, Hot Springs, N. C., and other attractive reaorts. Edwin Grim in Bankruptcy. tidewater to Rockies. Also carries modern electric lighted chair cars, and dining can, ^ \ oluntarj petition in bankruptcy For tickets and information, apply to Dept. A. was filed with Depiu ty Clerk Fred serving famous Fred Harvey meals. f?. L. BAYLOR, Division Passenger Agent, r Peachfree Street, Atlanta Beers of the federal court yesterday toy Edwin Stanton Grim The petition- A vacation in Colorado will be profitable in enjoyment and health, and econom- Write or call for the illustrated booklets on "The Land of thcSk\ " Specially reduced" fares for summer er says he is a resident of Lake View Liberal stop-overs Besides America's most charming all-year round vacation district, Southern Railway System J>eKalb cpuntj, and that he Is a barber ical jacott. Railroad fares ara low. Hotel and boarding house ratei are reason- embraces territory ottering unusually remunerative investment in fruit culture, farming and manufacturing working in Atlanta. Tftie schedule of able. Send for beautiful book on Colorado, and information about low fates, - [ assets and liabilities indicate debts amounting to f607 35, -with property A. P. Mythgw^ DfartefcjR>s»enyer Agent, SF4PFR1 »-._ NFWSPAPFKflRCHlV ; eyened tke conjtt ^'l^aR*'•• -v*-Si£*K*£:'iir HbKK hnrltaK -» SBlenatt same. »llow- fpp ® tas tie Cracker* but Wb: Kattezcd Mn- ana received splendid rapport. USES Ail,; SO. IllSfemson Ex-Mercer Twirler Blanks Will Box Jim Flynn Here WHIFFS Crackers in Second Contest; At Auditorium June 13 Will Htetory Repeat. empty 4 REACHB FINALS MIKE FINN'S teams have always Final Game of Series Today looked like pennant winners or con- Lightweights to Meet at San Plays Alfred Kamraer for the tenders In the early part of the season and then slipped as things began to Metropolitan Golf Cham- warm up so-me-what and the other clubs Bj Dick Jem I won. Newton 3; pased ball, Mayer; sacrifice Francisco to Settle the struck their real stride. Maybe this Bradley Hogg, former Mercer uni- hits. Messenger, Wajd, Shanlay. Time, pionship at New York To- year's team, is going to be the excep- versity twirler, pinned it on the Crack- tJnvpires, Breitenstein and Rud- Championship on That tion, but at their present gait it be- ers Friday afternoon, evening the se- derham. day* gins to look like history will repeat ries for his team. Second Date. itself. Hogg was in invincible form, aJ low- The box score: ing but s-ix widely scattered b ingles B'HASI. ab.,r. ft. po. a. Mamtn.Sb 31141 xJ :» o 0 2 o New York, May *23. — The Issue for Pitchers Did It. and smearing the locals with whi_te- Mwsn'r.rf 3 U 1 1 O 4 i i i o t/os Angeles, Gal.. May 23.—A battle the Metropolitan golf championship wash. He was simply unbeatable. The M'Do'd.ab 4 O 1 0 '2 for the lightweight championship be- title will be fougiht owt tomorrow be- THE GULLS' pitchers have been big fellow had everything — spee'd, con- Knis'y.of 4| 0 O 1 O tween Willie Ritchie, the title holder, tween Jerome IX Travers. the p-res- keeping the team. In the pennan-t hunt. trol, nice breaks and a good change M'GH'y.Ib 3O1 50 and Joe Rivers, of this city, to be Mr Bride. If 3 O 1 2 0 ButltT.ss f nt champion, and Alfred D. Kamrper When they started to slip the errtJre of p-ace. iSillfton,*- 2 O 1 7 O Stanley.2h ugrht in San Francisco July 4, was on the Kox Hills Golf course. Travers. team went with them. At that, a re- By way of pas-sing. Hogg has added Carroll, KS :> O O 1 3 Snell.c assured today by announcement of by steady playing, has easily defeated view of the early games of the season some five inches to his stature since \ve Thom*'n.v ,'! 0 0 0 5 Klss'r.'P Klverg' manager. everyone so far op-posed to him. There has been dispute as to who .will show that tine Gulls' twlrlers were last sew him, and a g-ood 40 pounds to Totals 26 6 9 21 9 In the third round today, playing* winning ball games and all owing: the. hia avoirdupois. But it seems to agree TwtRls 2S 1 0 21 II would meet Ritchie, wih'o came to ainst Chisolm Beach, Travors, after opposition nine hits at that. Nothing with him. In fact, he is the ideal Score by inning! R. t^rrns with a San Francisco promoter . . ..000 000 1—1 winning by 7 up and 5 to g-o, played In the world but the good breaks can build for a n-urler. Birmingham . . -- some time ago. Rivers vt'as the first out the bye- holes and made a new ace ount Cor th Is. Paul Musser, who pitched a-gains-t Memphis .. ..000 111 3—6 choice, but he was under agreement amateur competitive record of seventy Hogg, was tou-ched u.p ra-tner lively by __ ___ -a, McGilvray 1, lor the date with a local club. for the course. Vote of Thanks. the Gulls, ten b Ingles bring registered. Thompson" 1, Ward 1. Butler 1; three- For the date with a local club, Later Travers defeated Oswald, off his delivery, clusters coming in base hits, Schweitzer, Ward, Abstain, stife for the bout followed between Kirk-by, fche New Jerse^ state cham- THE OTHTER rlubs fan thank their three innings and producing the neces- Sli a n 1 ey; 3 to! e n b-as es, Messen grer, Mc- the promoters. Ritchie's manager !ia,d pion, fay 2 up In his semi-final match. lucky stars that the Crackers' twirlers sary counters to pa-ck the gaime on. ice. Donald, Kniseley, Clifton. Love, Ward said his man would fight in San Fran- were not going as good as the Gulls'. Early Gam*- Toda "• double play-s, Carroll to M"arcan to cisco only, ajid this left the question IE they had the league would have had "Th Gulls proved better mud horses base on balls, off Thomp- of the champion's opponent up in the to choose up and s-tart over a,gain by tban the Crackers. The field Friday son 3. off Kissinger 2; struck out, by air until today's announcement. tills time. Nothing Sn the world but v as not conducive to very .^ood ball Thompson 4. by Kissinger 6; sacrifice 1 RflDELlAMARNS; p-oor pitching has kept the Crackers playing , yet there have been u lot hits, Clifton, Ix>ve, Snell, Kissinger. from forging to the front, and now worse gaanes of ball than the one Time, 1:50. Umpire. Rudderham and that the hurlers are showing consist- staged Friday. Bu'fitenstein. ently, it will be a matter of but a few But Cor the fact that todey's Ramie SOUTH ATLANTIC COFFEY BESTS FLYNN •wee>ks before someone will be yellinsr. has to be called at 3 o'clock to permit Vols 5, Billies 4. "Head off those Crackers." Watch this the Gulls to catch a train home, for a Scouts 5, Indians 2. .New York, May 23.— -Two heavy- prediction. « game with the Pelicans cm Sunday, the Nashville, Tenn., May 23. —WasTivill e weight boxing matches were staged at chances are tohat the fray would have won the first game o-f the series from Jacksonville, Fla., May 23.—Jackson- Madison Square Garden tonlgrht, TblH Shown It. been pos-tipwned and a double bill slated Montgomery today 5 to 4. W-illlams ville turned the tables oji the Sa.va.a- George Rodel. "the Boer." beating this afternoon. pitched well until the fifth, when he na-h ImJians this afternoon and won BARNEY SHERIOAN, in The Mo- "Soldier" K earns In eight out of ten, Today's battle will start promptly began to weo-Ken. Nashville made an easy vlettory by a score of 6 to 2. rounds, and Jim Cotflfey, "the Dtfbltn bile Register, commrnts on the Oracle- at 3 o'c-lock, and the chances are that five runs off Bag-by in the first four Grovrr, though a little wild, was vetry ers in part a* follows: '"After seeing giant," outpointed Jim Plynn, of Pmeblo, t will be celled art 4:40 to permit the innings, after which he held them hit- effective, and was especially steeudy after a hard session. CoCfey exhibit- all clubs in action, the opinion was Gulls to catch that late afternoon train less. Bagby's home run in the fifth with nven cm ba»es. In the seventh In- ventured In this r-olumn that only ono ning Umpire M-orem had his Hp split ed much cleverness, Flynn at times for home. was one of the longest hits ever made standing still while Coffey rained a club looked dangerous—Atlanta—and The Gulls showed considerable im- in the local park. open by a swtflt Ins'hoot, which was that still Knes. Bill Smith's dub. prove me-nt in their playing o'ver what delivered by Adams. T-h,e dls'tlnet fea- shower of lefts and rights to hfa face Tho box po>ro: and ihead. Klynn did a lot of rushlns though thery dropped four here, will they showed on Thursday. They MONT, ab- r. h.. po. a. NAJ?H. a,b. tu re of th.e grainy was the work of win with t?ood pitching. They seem to looked just as g^ood Friday as the Walker, of 110 CaWa'n.^f Pep Smith for the locals, who delivered and worked mostly for the body, hav- have It now, and notice they're wm- Crackers did on Thursday, but the Wares '"b 30033 L.iml'y.fS a trip-lie and a single and drove in two ing his o,pponent-.jba.oking away during niiiK regularly. The Crackers are over Crackers did not look es bad as they J-antaen, If 31311 Daloy . If runs. the last rounds, but Coffer's cleverness Eilwcrt.S'b 2 O O 2 a P«rry.:tb 41211 at long distance work was too much, their slump and soing' good again. did the day before. Hogs alo0 110—2 5 4 for the western man. Coffey welshed of the I;ist six games, we'd rather s> e Two nice pick-u.ps by Joe A,g~ler on 5 O O 2 3 C3oalby.2b o a^ i Jarkoonvllle. . .000 300 llx—5 9 1 3 poomds and Flynn 191. , the Gulls playing 'em for the balance 8 il 2 2 7 N"oyes,o 4 a In the other bout Kearn» weighed! tbe initial cushion were the only 0104 Batteries—Adams and Geibel; Grover of the wet-k than. Atlanta." thing's that bordered on anything son- 81113 Wlll's.p e-nd Smith. Tlune, 1:45. Umpires, 202 pounds and Rodel 186. Rodel d,e- s-ationa-i in the way of fielding. Rob- Totals 3O 4 6 24 20 Totals 25 5 9 27 » Barr and Mo ran. ipehded on his left hand nearly all Bout Po»tisoned- ertson'p vork In right field, however, Score by innings: R. through the figiht. Kearns knocked was splendid. He ns>Kled fooir flies Rodel down for a count 'of five with a. THE BIC; BATTLE ?vt thf Audito- Montgomery .. ._ .. ..000 021 100—4 ifter ha>rd runa. Kvery chanre he had Nashville 013 100 OOx—5 Foxes 5, Gulls 1. right on the jaw in the second round. rium-Armory between Jim Savage and iva-s a hard one, and every rat-oh was Columbus, Ga., May 23.—In a pitch- At the final toell Kearns' face was .Tim Flynn has hoen postponed until Sum mar?': Krrors, Jantzen 1, Elwert ers' battle between Baker and Kldridge, bnulsed and swollen and his letft «y« .June lH hv tho promoters, owing to nade just when it appeared as 1C the 1, Cailahan 1, -Daley 1, Noyes 1; two- Crackers were g-oinked -bright. Oolumtrae 5, Charleston 1. noon with games as follows: this. Roberts refers to Sheridan fts Musser here handed Jacobsen one South Atlantic L^Hjnrae. Ga, Railway v. East Point, at Bast the "amateur sport writer of The Mo- about his shoulders and he po-led it Lookouts 1, Pelicans 0; Where They Play Today. State Leasae. CLUBS— Won. tx»t P. C. Feint. bile Register," a.nd Barney retorts Brunswick 6, Amea-lcius 0. Savannah ..34 7 .774 safe, two runs clatter! n-g across the Jacksonville 16 15 Sou-thern Shops v. Tech, at Brlabtne. •with "the Crouch of the Southern Pelicans 6, Lookouts 3 Valdoata 1. Way cross 0. .516 Knowing this fellow's -weakness Cordola 5, Thomaavllle Z. Macon 15 15 .500 Manufacturer*, ~!fcague." tiltf Vm, Tige. low curve, It is the height of \ Ch.attar.ooga, Tenn., May 23.—New Southern I^eaeue. Columbus .. * 15 16 .500 I*, p. G. Co. vX Hallett -& Davis. Mobllo Ln Atlanta at Ponce d« Jjeon, Game Charleston 13 17" .433 felly to feed him one in his groove. , Orleans divided, a double-header with caled at 8:OO o'cloclt. National I^eaeue. Albany ...... 8 32 Southern Railway v. Atlanta Na- How Terrible. tlon-al Bank. Clark kept u-p the giood work by ([ Chattanooga today, the locals taking Memphis in Btrmlngibam. Philadelphia 4. CinrfimaU 1. bouncing one off of Welchonce's Nen Orleane In Oho Chtoago-'BoBton. off d«y. Murray Gin Co. v. R«d Seal. C. WEBB Ml RPHY. czar of the Chi- the ifirst in ten innings. 1 to 0, and New Montgom«ry in Nashville. Othera poetpomed. National League. cago Ouhs. threatens to fine any of his Orleans the second, 6 to 3. Swindell Saturday -Afternoon. players who are caught talking base- romping nonie. Won. P- C. Auto Top Co. v. Whittier, at 'Whit- The final tally came in the alxth. and Sommers had a great duel in the Sontb. Atlantic American L«asn«s 20 .741 tier. hall with the scribes. We scribes first game and luck broke against the Maron in Albany. Fhiladei.phla-WajjhineJton, rain. - 19 .613 Faul-et splashed a slew one through ...... , .. .,15 .517 Exposition v. Atlanta Gas Llgrht, at should worry. Let him fine them. Half visitor in the tenth. With one out Char-leston is Oolumbna. Others not «&edul«d. »r the interviews the players never see. -he box and, although Bis-land made a SavaciMth in JactoaonvlllB. St. Loula. ..,. Ifl .516 Exposition. arrv way. so where does Murphy co-mo brave effort, even had he picked it up, Atz fumbled an easy chance, Sommers' Appalachian Leaepae. Chicago .. . 17 .615 Co. K, Fifth Regiment, v. Fulton, at Gene wouJd have beatei the throw to sacrificed, and King dropped a high fly Plttsbnrg .. IS .455 in? No games, rain. Boston .. - 11 .390 Fulton. first. Schmidt sent him to second on safe In left, scoring the only Tun of the NPW York In Boston. Cincinnati .. Boraca. game. Mora was hit hard In the sec- Philadelphia In . •\Vaklnsr Him I P- an infield out. a.nd Stock counted him Chicago In Plttsburg, Cotton State* League* ^i^f&gaa v. Wesley. with a. smasher past third. ond game n nd Evana was effective in St. JjOuSs in Cincinnati (2 game*). M«rldiaa 1, Selma 0. Grant park v. Jonathans. M^rldlaa 4. Selma 0. JOHNNY EVERS has asked for Price and Robertson will probably all but one Inning. Robertson's hit- OMJBS— Won. P. C. Gordon v. McDonald. American Leaeofe. Jacltson 5, Columbus 2. Ptwlladelpnta 20 waivers on Kd Re ill bach, one ot th" be the opposing hurlers this after- ting featuro-d the second game. Columbus 5, Jackeoii L .680 Sunday School. Cleveland In Oblca«o. Cleveland 22 vetr-rtui hurlers on the Cubs' staff. ThlP noon. Peaaacota 2, Clarksdale 0. .647 Capitol View v. Grace, at Stewart First Game. Detroit In St. Ixjuls. Washington 18 .600 is not tVuj first time that waivers have The Bo: Th« b : score: Waebington In Phllaftelphi*. QtUeago .. .. ., .. .. ., ..21 .600 avenue and Dill. boon ask*vl 0:1 the reteran and H may MOBILE—- h. po. N'- O. ab. r. h. po. a. j . h. po. Boston (n N"ew Torlc. Vlrgrinla L,easmi*. St. ZxKii» 16 .422 S. V. D. Fraternity- v. Philips, at be possible that Kvers is only doing Stock, ss. . . - 2 0 Klng.rf 250 Pot«T»burK 12, PortsmoutQ 9. Boston .. ..14 .424 Grant Park. so in wake him up, just as Frank : .VLanush.Sb 5 0 O 0 1 FIi.-lc.2b 20166 3 State Rlchmoad 8, Newport Newa B. Detroit .. ,. ., ..12 22 .364 Starr, 2-b Coyle, Ib 4 O~ 2 T> 0 Roanoke-Norfolk, rain. N*w Yoi* 9 23 College Park v. Central Congrega- Chance dirt a couple of years ago. O 2 0 O Cordel* In TlioniasvlHe- .251 tional, at Machinery Hall, Piedmont >ell, 3b 4. O O I! O sr'd.s. O O Valdosba In Waycanwo. .Ittoo-bsen, cf. - - • . 40130 4 0 O 1 Amcrlous In. Brunswick. Carolina Association. TCrapire State park. A bollnh CommtttNlon. (00-1 0 ) Sn-od'r.lb 4oins Gi««nsboro-Wimston-Sal«n, w«t groom cures— won. . P. C. First Baiptist v. Westminister, at Clark, if • 4 n n 8 r» 4 O O 6 Robertson, rf. . . ELWil's.ss Georgia- Alabama AfhevJH« B, Durham 4. Valdosta 12 .600 Plaza at Piedmont park. THE FANS sh ould rise up in arms if Rohor'n.c 4100 Charlotte 5, RaJedgh 4. Cordate 12 .fiOO Junior Sunday School. ophy oo-mmlsslon over- Paulet, Ib. . . . • Swindell,p 4 0 1 1 3 's,p 2000 Opellka. Thomasville 10 the Chalmers- tr Talladega in A .500 Wesley v. Central Baptist, at Grant his year and hands tho Schmidt, c. . . - • International League. Waycross jo .w» looks Ty Cohb t Totals SR 0 Sx2!> 14 Totals .12 5 30 J Gadsden in N>e Americue S park. pa.lm tn anyone else as being the besc Hogg, P • Toronto 10, Providence 3. .4OO x-Two mil whfti wincing run scored. Brunswick 8 .400 Westminister v. Grace, at Fledmon^ hall player in the -\ tnerican le-a-su •- College Gomes. Montreal 4, Baltimore 3. Totals ( Sfiore by innings : R. Otliers not scheduled. diamond No. 4. Tris Spe-aker sot the trophy last year. .New Orleans ...... 000 000 000 0—0 Yal* nell. in Ithaca. Georgia-Alabama Lcngr Tris Is a fine fe llow, but in all around Prinorloti v. Harvard, in Princeton. Astoury v. Trinity, at old profession^ effectiveness he approaches Cobb just ATLANTA— ah. i-. li. po. a. e. Chattanooga ...... 000 000 000 1 — 1 Drown v. Amiheret. In Providence. American Association. P. C. al diamond. Piedmont park. . :t 0 0 0 0 0 J Summary — Errors, ATX 1, Hendryx 1, Michigan v. Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. St. Paul 7, Toledo 1. .6SS about so closel y as a one -lung auto Long. If Notre Dame v. Army, In West Point. Milwaukee 8. Columbus 5. P .563 " i Flick I, Coyle 1, Gillespio 1, Bommers 1; Talladega .. .. .300 d oe s a s i x. - 1' y ti nd e r , w h S c-h Is some ap - Bailey, rf. Catholic v. GallaiHlet. in Washington. Minneapolis 3. Indianapolis 2. Annteton ., ., ALpermaim 2b . ^ i sacrifice hits, Klbprfeld. Sommers; Louisville 9, Kansas City Q. .50Q pro aching". 0 Oj^ltka .437 c£. J double plays. 1C. Willhims to Atz, Street LiaGrange .. .312 In the FnvorUr. J ! to Flick; Gillospie to Flick to Coyle; College G Bis-land, pa. jstruck out, by Sommrrs ;t, by Swindell Van^erbllt ' JEROME TH VVKRS. the a.mate'Jr Asrler, Ib. - 3. Ti e, Umpires, Wright and EMPIRE STATE LEAGUE golf rha-mp-ion antl winner of the Mot- Graham, o. f Kerin. Federa ropolit.m ~oLf championship twice, Musser, p-. ( Indianapolis 8, OovHicton ItrunswK-k. O, Amerlciia O. land 1, St. Loiris O. SPITTER AFFECTS seem« scheduled to win the event ii^ali: Plttstnirg 7. Chicago 1. this season. If he does so. g-olCers are Totals. . Th<> hox scoi Brunswick, Ga.. May 23. — (Special.) speculatins; as to whether he will r* CllAT. ab. i . - , N. O. a Only thirty men faced Cates tod-ay, and Score by i 2 o At?.,l'l> Texan League. tain the trophy or whether It will have .001 OH 000—i} ' o 3 r, Manush.Sh Brunswick won easily fro-m Americus Dallae 7, Son Antonio •*. to be contested for again. In all. golf 0 11 0 M'l&cy'e.rf by a score of 6 to 0. The locals' south- Beanmon.* 9. F\?rt Worth I. tourneys when a player wins the tro- Atlanta 000 000 000—0 ; 24 H*-nd'x,of 41220 paw struck, out ten men end gave up Houtrton 9, Austin 0. MELLOW AS 2 1 Waco 4. Oalveaton 0. MOONLIGHT. phy three times, it usually goes to him. Summary: Tww-b-aso hits, Graham. 22" Sood'r.lb O 0 10 only three singles. Brunswick, on the Chicago, May 23.—Successive use of But It Is said tha-t according to the Clark: double plays. Stock to Paulet to 4 E.WIll's.ss 1122 other hand, hit the fcalfl for a total Georela-Alabama Lei the sTri-tball has injured Ed Walsh's deed of gift there Is no such provision O'Dell A.lp_e.rmann to Bislami; struck '2 O 1 1 4 Itoh^r-n.c 1352 ol eleven hits, including a triple and digestion and has thus affected his Mor S 0 0 U a 1121 Analston 7, TaUadesa S. In the Metropolitan tourney. ouft. by Muwer 3. by HORK 1: bases on four doubles. Both clubs played good Newnan 9, Gads<3«n 2. condition so that he has not yet biills. "off Musser 3, off Hogg 1: sucri- b-aJi on a wet diamond. ' rain. reached his best form this year, ac- fifp hits, Clark. Starr. Time, 1:45. Toiali- SI :> 8 ^7 lf> | Totals 36 6 12 2113 1 Score by innings: R. Score by innings: R. H E. cording to Dr. James H. Blair, club rnrpires, Hart and Pfenninger. A-menlouH ..... 000 000 000 — 0 3 3 Physicia-n of the Ohica-go Americans. Chat tan no^Ji. 000 000 300—3 Brunswick. . . .221 001 OOx — 6 11 2 New Orleans.. 004 000 020—6 ir» a report made today on the pitch- PUREWHISKY Barons Drop Two. Battr-rles — Ca,tes and Slefert, "Wer- er's condition. WtaJsh is quoted JIE ]5-FOOTERS TO RACE Summa ry—JSrrors, £31ber»feld J, Gil- ner and Me-rrchesteir. TJmfplre, Bejinett. GEORGIA-ALABAMA. Birmingham. Ala., May 2:!. — Hirming- leu pie 3: sacrifice hits, Mclntyre, Ev- saying- his arm Is "far from right," It Is ?ossr*ble 'nst you canncr (I ham lost two games to Memphis this ans; two base hits, L. .Williams, 1£. Wil- [ and attributing his success in the get Cascade in your town. If *• i the scores in favor of the Vnldoatn 1, \Vnyero»s O. Newnan 8, Gndsden 2. game with New Yorfe last Sunday to only for medicinal purposes youj" a ! ternoon, liams. Hendryx; three base hits, Rob- Waycross, G-a., Ma.y 23— (Special.) — Newnan, Ga., May 23. — (Special.) — hit "head work." According to the , FOR MRICA'S CUP visitors being 2 to. 1, and 1. In ertson 2, Street; double plays. Kvans I should have in your home this' I Sellara had Wayrross a-t Jiic mercy to- Newnan made monkeys o-ut of tne doctor, saliva needed for Walsh's di- the first game Foxen was wild, forcing to Snedecor, Klborfeld to Flick; struck day, fa.Tinln£ thirteen and giving up pure whisky of quality. Physi in the run which won the game for leag-ue leaders today, taking: the game gestion has been used on the ball, ciaPB recommend it- Mew York. May 23.—The belief was out, by More 2, by Kvans 5; bases on but two hits, bo-th singles, and VaJ- by the score of 9 to 2. The game was fcut with care the pitcher may be in iMemphis- In' the second, Kissinger balls, off More 1, off Evans 3. Time, dosta won 1 tc» 0. Oes^pite the to/ct that Ca»cmhlIHes 4. Redn 1. the first inning. A double-jhead-er will except statement ra> M'CIl'y.lb 2 I 0 3 O O Philadelphia, May 23.—Philadelphia succession. No-t to be outdone, Sellars be played tomorrow. It was stated, although unofficially, n o son won the third straight g"a.me from fanned three in the" eighth, when It READY FOR BATTLE States law* 01 100 Score By innings: R. H- E. that the competing yachta would b« 211 Cincinnati here today, 4 to 1. The lcx>ked like Waycross might score. Not Oridcai bottiloz bu old Rolf t*A s o a "Waycross player got beyond second, Newnan ..... 610 200 lOx — 9 16 3 75-footers, and that the races would 0 T 1 O 0 1 3 visitors escaped a shutout through a Gadsden ..... 000 000 200 — 2 4 5 Calgary, Alberta, May 23.—Quiet €EO. A. DICKEL & CCu be held under the new rules of the 0 0 home-run drive into the bleachers by and only two got that far. Valdosta's New- York Yacht el'ii-b. An official lone run was a homer over left field Batteries: Lovett and Chase; King, reigned today in the rival camps here Dist&erc, - 1 3 21 17 Totals 2^ 2 6 21 31 Almeida- Beschor, \yfto made a pair Trawlck- and Jorda. statement from the committee in Totals 23 of doubles, was the only man, in ad- fence by Hurley. of Luther McOarty and Arthur Pelky, Nashville, T"-nn. 19 x- Batted f Score by innings: R. H E. the man having closed active training DISTRIBUTORS: charge of the negotiations Is expected dition to Almeida, to get as far AS Anntftton 7, Tolladegn 3, The Chattanooga Distilling | within the next twenty-four hours. Score by innings: R. second base. Valdosta ..... 000 100 000 — 1 8 0 last nl^ht for their heavyweight bout Birmingham .. 010 000 0—1 Waycro&s ..... 000 000 000 — 0 2 2 Anniston. Ala., May 23. — (Special.) — Company. Caatunooga. ' Score by innings: R. H. E, Anniston took an Interesting game here tomorrow. The figrht Is to start Tenn. Memphis 010 010 0—2 Cincinnati , . . 010 000 000—I 7 1 Batteries —Se-llar s and Pierre; "War- at 11:30 a. m.. Mountain time. ^ie Cbas. B'um Con Philadelphia . . 000 010 21x—4 7 0 wick and Wa hoo. Time, 2:00. Um- from' Talladega this afternoon on^ a JactsanvHTe. Fla. Summary: Krrors, McGilvray 1, But- pire, McLaughlln, slow diamond. The features Were Van] Heyman. Chattanoo- Crackers' Daily Hitting. ler 1. Newton 1; throe-base li it, Batteries: Brown, Sugrgs and Clarke; Smith's home run for Talladega and ga. Tenn. richvveitzcr; double plays. Ward to Ab- Brennan and Killtfer. " Time, 1:&). Soldier Kearns Beaten. Wm. Wise Company, Umpires, O'Day and Bmslie. Cortlele S, Thomnsville 3. Henry's star work in left field for An- BlrmlDgnam, Ala. stain; base on balls, off Foxen 6, off ThomasvilTe, G-a.. May 23. — (Special.) niston. Spectators' In overcoats watch- New York. May 23.—George Rodel, Tbe Individ Newton 4; hit by pitched ball, by-Foxen Tn a sp'len-dld pitchers' battle this a-ft- ed the game. To make up for the •the Boer heavyweight fighter^, defeated follow a: 2 (A.bstein and Snell). 'by Newton 1 (Mc- ernoc-n Thomas ville was wars-ted for called game yesterday a double-header "Soldier" Keamns, of Braok'lyn, In a PLAYERS. AB. P. C. Donald) ; struck o-ut by Foxen 5, by th«e sixth -oonsecu'tlve time, Oordele will be played tomorrow. ten-round tbout wfhiicn went th4 limit Ix/rvg . . . - Itll .379 QUESTIONS ANSWERED R. H. E. •here tonig-ht. SlTiMb - - - - 143 .330 taking the game 5 to 3. Elliott, for Score -by innings: W«lehotK« . . ICO the' -locals, let his o-p-p-anients down Talladega- . . . -001 021 OOx 3 170 with three hits, Thomasvi-lle in turn Aipermano . McLoughlin Practices. Under tflils bend, the sportJns editor wiJJ en- Anniston 0*0 021 OOx— 7 11 3 Bis land.. .. S3 getting but four off Gllleapie, Wilkes Antley and Bllllnigsley; THE A., B. & A. CHANGES 97 New York, ifcay 23.—M. E. Mc- deavor to -answer all questions pertaiDlo-g to all Batteries: Bailey .. .. brancbee ol sporte. 'making -three of these. Both pitchers KllUnsworth and Snepnerd. Agler .. .. 142 Lou^hlin, national lawn tennis cham- were wild. Gtillesple hitting flve nat- SCHEDULE. BASEBALL lira ham.. .. 04 pion, arrived here today and imme- Effective Sunday. May.26, A.. B. & Prioc .. .. 36 Dick Jemison. Sporting Kdltor The Consllitt- ters. Five errors fry the Thomasville A., train No. 4 to Brunswick. Way- •_"' TODAY ' ••. Musser .. .. aiately bejgran practice on the west Hon: If a ronnor IB on base and a man at shortstop WOTI the game for Cordele. erosa and Thomasvllle. will leave At- Dunn -• .. 25 .200 side courts, preparatory to the Davis ba-t fouls out, the runner advstoces after the none of the runs being earned. Phone your want ads and lanta at 9:00 p. m. TUT.'H. LEAHT. 11 .176 cup matches against the Australians. oatch, ie he allowed Che advauice, providing he • • i : General Passenger-:Agent... MOBILE vs. ATLANTA .100 1» not thrown oat is bis attemot to advance? Score by innings-; R. H E. Itrady: .. 30, He said" the Australian team is very Cot-dele ;001 300 001—^5 replies to Main 5000 or At- ''' Robe .. .. 2» formidable. C. E. K. Dent .. »„. 3 Thomasville. .030 000 000— * Ponce de Leon Park I $* ?f ^ / f A Jh ^_Fi*.Cf/-,' s.r:,xfiV; iEWSP \PERI "DICK" MANSTON NOW MANY PENSIONERS FAIL Cole-. Policy -is-ServiceT * * " TO CALL FOR MONEY Second Annual Hill Climb WITH THE SOUTHERN Phone your want ads and DELIVERS "WhHe the Ttush of pensioners to r«- ENGRAVING COMPANY ive .raibie night; that his con- B. Berry, R. V. Cobb, Nancy Ader Mr. Slsson receiftly , inede a "war and C. E. Jones. courst last Saturday, and with good Prtxe U*«. j speech." called the Mlsslssippian to dition this momiivg is satisfactory, and weather today, which the weather man the white house and asked him not to The list of prizes are as follows: j that there is no cause for ajumety. A prlmises, It is confidently expected that n.ake another speech that mignt com- FIFTH REGIMENT BAND Silvpr (rup, donated by the Atlanta { ministerial order, isstied today, au- double that number will be on. hand plicate diplomatic negotiations with Here Are All Automobile and Accessory association, j 4)jori^es reopening o>f theaters and today, Jc-j'an or inflame the public mind. Mr. AT PARK TOMORROW for car making fastest time; to be won other ipilaccs of entertainment. THE: ENTRY I..IST. S3sson today disclaimed any intention The patient is at the Acyama palace, There will be a concert by the Fifth Advantages of The complete list of entries and the three times; won 1912 by Pope-Hart- c» making a "war s>ceoh," but attack- on whose immense parade grounds he eigfiimten't Brass band at Grant park events in which they will appear are ford. 1 ei . the position that the treaty-mak- contracted a co-Id while reviewing the tomorrow afternoon, beginning at 3:30 as follows: .Silver cup. donated by E. Rivers Mountain Life ing power superseded the law-ma.'ft- troops !ast Sunday. It toad been ln- o'clock. The money to j>ay for the Even* No. 1. Realty company, for car making fast- ir:g powers of the sovereign states. j > tended to rernova him at once to the ccncert has been 'furnished by the No. Car and Driver. Class. est time In events Nos. 1 and 2; to be Mr. Siseon declared he took his po- | j newer Chyioda palace, but the s. Rooney C involved," bhat he -would tahe it to- i lungs necessitated abandonment of money for concerts the rest of the Disadvantages: 3—Buick, Hugh Moss C AUTOMOBILES. ^a_rd Kng-land, prance, Germany 01 ; the pilan. sununer, the cocmipany will furnish the 4—Studebaker (20) Joe Brown .. C cny other nation and that tt only re- Event No. 1—First prize, silver cup j Sbock to People. balance, and the -pu>blic -will be enter- Event So- 2. el xil red "patience and cool heads Cor ta4ned w^lth free concerts at the park YELLOWSTONE No- Car and Driver. Class. or prize to be selected; second prize, both countries to arrive at an amica- Issuance of the flrst bulletin yes'ter- pair $3.50 gloves, donated by Thirty- day an-nouncing the emperor's illness each Sunday afternoon. 1—Pord. J. I* Alexander C ble, fair and Just settlement of all ' Unless council does aip-proprtate NAT'L PARK 2—Chalmers, Hugh Moss C five Per Cent Automobile Supply com- differences." ce/me as a great s-hc-ck to the people, and as it gained circulation through money for the >puirpose, however, tt is 3—Studebaker, Joe L/undgren .... C pany. Foreign Dictation. nat likely that the 'cxfticerts will be Sumptuous hotels—143 4—Mercer, O. L. McNeil C Kvent No.2—First prize, silver cup, "If any nation," he said, "should extra editions of the newa'patpers, a soo-rowf'Ul hush fell tip-cm the city, and contimiied. As the railroad company miles of coaching over L-—Studeb-aker (20) Louis Sliver- by Atlanta Constitution; second prize, decide that they will dictate to us has defrayed most eft the expenses of Government roads thru man C $15 raincoat, by Johnson -Ge winner our land laws, then we would be un- crowds silently as»enibled in front of the royai palace. Th.e people knelt and rmisic at the ^ark for several sea-eons Event No. 3. company. 'w'orthy of national existence if we past, It is ffaid to be unwilling to carry scenery and wonders No. Car and Driver. Class. Event No. 8—First prize, silver cup, submitted to »uc3i dictation. Does prayed fervently for their sovereign's ap>eedy recovery. ;he burden longer without heJtp from unique in all the world— 1—Pope-Hartford. L. S. Crane.... C by Durham Jewelry company; second anyone claim that this is a declaration the city, g , ,*? *$ 2—Lion, W. J. Ktoddard C prize, barred Triple "E" oil, by. Reed nf war because I announce this truth? The Ginza. the most important thor- , fishing — glorious out- For a number of years Mr. Manston ough'fa;re of the city, which usually is Event No. 4. Oil company. "It Is no declaration of wa,r for the has been working In the various news- door life—healthful No. Car and Driver. Class. Kvent No. 4—First prize, silver cup. United States g-overnment to decline to brilliantly lighted, was dark laa-t even- INSPECTION AT FORT paper engraving plants and his ma.ny ing and 'almost d«sea*t«d. All t • recreation. 1—National. Bruce MrKerall C by Studebaker corporation; second override the rights of a sovereign friends will be glad to know that he MAY BE POSTPONED Personally conducted excur- 2—Pope-Hartford. L. S. Crane.... C prize, two 32x3 '/i Red tubes, by New state at the dictation of a foreign were closed. is again with a commercial shop where Court circles are still In trfflcial sions to and through Yellow- Event Vo. 6—Free for All. South Kubber company. power. If the United States govern- he can handle their work for them as mourning for the Isute Enrperor Mut- It is uncertain this morning whether stone Park (via only line to No. Car and Driver. Class. Event No. 5—First prize,, silver oup, ment should deliver a state over to the he is engaged entirely with commercial the annual Inspection of the United 1 —American. Joseph H. White. . D by Firestone Tire and Rtibfber company; mercies of a flood of aliens from any suhito. The period -does not expire Gardiner Gateway—original work at the Southern, until Joily 30, a year from the d-a/te of :ta-tes troops btationtd at -Fort Me entrance) from Chicago, St. 3—National, Bruce McKerall. ... D second prize. Stewart-Warner speedo- nation, then I maintain that the fed- Sidney Agnelly, of New Orleans, has iPherson will be held this afternoon 3—atudebaker, F. Lundgren D meter model "B," by Stewart-Warner eral government would have prosti- his death. Paul and Minneapolis each also been added to the" working force The young emiperor I-s holding hie or postponed until Monday morning on 4 —Pope-Hartford. L. S. Crane.-.. D corporation. tuted its authority. Is the mere an- of the Southern Engraving company account of the weattier. The inspec- week. Make reservations 5—N'talonaJ, T, A. Fox D nouncement of this principle a decla- own, according to officials at the pal- early. during the post week, and will do the ace. They declared this afternoon that tion was scheduled for 8:30 o'clock this 6—Studebake-r <30) Louis Silver- Frit ate Owners' Can*. ration of war? same work" on the night force that Mr. his proispeots of recovery were moire morning, but was pomponed until this man D "Nothing has been further from my p;vent No. 1—First rize, silver cup, Manaton does on the day crew. Ag- n-opeful. afternoon on account,of wet grounds. Event No. T. by Fisk Rubber company; second mind than to embarrass or to tend nelly while new to Atlanta, has for Jnles-s tlie grounds 'are in condition Low Fares for to render more difficult the peaceful Multitudes of Japanese prayed Nn. far and r>rlvor. prize, half barrel Triple "E" oil, by some time been recognized in the trade th.rog»lns, by labor." sage inquiring after my Indisposition. classes and four teachers to be named John son-tie winner company. W. W. MEAL, Trav. Pass. Agt. Cheap Allen Labor. T express my sincere thanks to your- ater by President Jenkins. Event No. 4, Professional—First 16 North Pryor St. "Many of these large employers of M'AFEE MUST PAY FINE self, government and the peo-ple of the Three new chairs, those of psychol- prize. Goodyear Tire «nd Rubber |^gni- Atlanta, Ga. labor," he said, "would be delighted to United States." ogy, general pedagogy and Sunday pany. two motorcycle tires; second have the federal government, through OR GO TO CHAINGANG i prize, one Troxel saddle, by Blyes- 1 acJiool pedagogy were established, with its treaty-making power, let down the SNAP BEAN FARM MAY one professor Jill ing- all three. The Costs Little to Go Austell company. bars and let the alien come in. "WTi-at Dr. W. W. McAfee, who, for >a num- English department was divided Into would become of the American farmer ber o*f years, has been a druggist and FESTIVAL POSTPONED two Parts, one of rhetoric and Anglo- Officials. if the great corporations of the coun- pharmacist in Atlanta, was sentenced Northern "" Fares Will Be Low Tihi; officials in charge of the meet try ahould buy all tiie best lands and to twelve months in the chaingang or The May festival -which TITOS to have Saxon and tht othe rEnglish litera^- ture. , are as follows: cultivate them with Mongolian, Chi- to pay $1,000. following his conviction been held at Snap Bean Farm this aft- For Summer Outings No action was taken relative to the Technical Committee—Auto mob-lies. nese, Hindu. Japanese and other cheap yesterday in the city criminal court on oon ha^ been p-ostponed on account Pacific Ry in Delightfully Cool consolidation of Wesleyan with I^a- Fred Steel. F. C. Skinner, A. R. Al- charge of selling cocaine illegally. o-f inclement weather, according to the alien labor? Grange and Andrew Female colleges. Ptetortsijtu and Historic Roate to mond ; motorcycled H. Gilbert, Dove "In California individuals and cor- Tt was charged against Dr. McAfee announcement o-f Mrs. Brevard Mont- Pcutamt*Pacific Expo^ San Francisco 19JS North Wylle, W. E. Sciiulenberiger. p-orajtions owning great bracts of land that he sold the fnsiduous drug to g'omery. AJI early da t e, ht> wever, wl 1 i Starters—K. T. McKtnstry. L. S. are cultivating th*m -with Hindustani. Tom Medley, without having first ob- be fixed for the entertainment. Cole ownership—Satisfaction. Collier. Chinese, Mexicans and Japanese. It tained an order or prescription from There will be an ela.bora.te program Referees—Automobiles, W. G. Hum- Is this class of land owners and land regular practicing physician. by hundreds of children. Their exer- Michigan phrey; motorcycle, J. D. fflller. monopolists who are opposed to iIJ Police and detectives have been cises will Include the May pole dance Reduced Fares to Many Resorts JudereB—HL- T. Btoaell. C, L. Elyea, restrictions upon labor Importation working on thi« case for several an-d other drills. Miss Katherine "Vlck- Daily Beginning June 1 Over T. H. Smart, R, S. Abbott. into this country. months, on the claim that the drug- ers -will be crowned queen of t:he M Clerk o-f Course—E- H. EJlleby. "The rioh and the powerful who gist had been violating the law and The songs by the children -will be di- Timers and Umpires—D. T. Bussey, purchase labor will have their for- openly conducting- -the sale of the drug. rected by Miss JSarralson, of the public Pennsylvania-G. R. & I. R. N. Reed, R. J. Slear. tunes vastly Increased by having all Policeman T. O. Sturdivant appeared as schools" mustc department. Through Train Route Gasoline Tester—Bd-y L* Wij^ht, Jr. barriers to cheap labor broken down. the main witness against Dr. McA fee Send request for booklet of 2OO views They know that the quickest and sur- when the case was called before Judge CONFEDERATE VETER "Michigan in Summer" and particulars to est route is through the treaty-mak- Andrew E. Calhoun. C. R. CARLTON ins power because they only deal first ANS—CHATTANOOGA. Traveling Pasaencer Agent vith one man, the president, and on 705 Candler Bldg. Atlanta, Georgia body, two-thirds of the senate. FOUR NURSES GRADUATE The N., C. & St. L. Ry. and jpullman You Need "I don't want this government to be destroyed tb.rou.gih the treaty-mak- AT WESLEY MEMORIAL W. & A. B. B. will sell round YourHealth ing power." Four young women, Miss Carrie trip tickets at REDUCED Crockett Arsenic-Liitoia Springs more than ever right now. Stay Mr. Sisson concluded: MIms, Elliot. Ga.; Miss Annie T^raber. RATES, ATLANTA TO and Baths veil — Drink Sparkling "So, gentlemen of the house. I have Atlanta: Miss Fannie Mary Catrcn. taken this position, not because the Barboursville, Ivy., and Miss Annie May Operwi June 1. Elevation 2, ISO feet. Cures n«rroua Japanese are Involved In this contro- CHATTANOOGA AND RE- prostration, dyspepsia, kldaey dfseaaes. mnlarla. Luckie, Valdosta, Ga., received diplomas versy, but I would take this position rheumitic and skin troubles and female Irregular!^ .from the Norses' Training school of TURN, $3. Tickets on sale ties. I'leara .ind beaytlfies th" complexion- Wrl'e if England, Germany, France or any for booklet. M. O. Thonma. rrp-bett Springs. V-. ether nation on earth were involved." \VesIey Memorial hospital la^t night at May 24 to 28, inclusive, anc 8 o'clock at \V~eslpy MomoriaJ church. The exercises were presided over by for trains scheduled to ar- AM VI WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS ' CREATORS OF WAR SCARE Asa G. Candler. Rev. 1-1. M. DuBose, rive Chattanooga before WEST VIRGINIA KNEMIES OK CIVILIZATION pastor of. First Methodist church of this Elevation 30CO feet. Picturestjuc scenery- Alwayacod. No PI!** or Mosquito**. Detroit, Mich., May 23.—"The man delivered address to the noon of May 29, with return Have set a new standard of "Tire .Value." Every modern convenience. Ideal (or recreation or who, by word or deed, creates bad nurses, while Dr. E. G. Jones, of the ft. Mountain Goll. Tennlo. Rlrffne. Drivine. '" rtorinz, Fishmi, Swimming. Dace- feeling between the United States and medical staff of the hospital, presented limit June 5, with an exten- lajf. Foi inlom»doa address: Japan is an enemy of civilization," de- tne pins to the members of the gradu- sion by deposit at Chatta- Pullman. T|res are of standard material and OEORGC r. ADAMS, «Jlaii'ed James H. Fran-klin, of Boston, ating class, tind Dr. Stewart H. Roberts, WtU* Snfctea. W. »«. Ttock foreign secretary of the American of the medical staff, presented the di- nooga to June 25,1913. Reg- Water \ Baptist Fon-eign Missionary society. In plomas. The musical program con- ular trains leave Union Pas- construction--- fully guaranteed. Made by on address today before the Northern si steel of orchestra selections, a saxo- Thus yon'fl ovoid many diseases which Baptist convention, Secretary Frank- phone solo hy Mrs. Wesley Hirst* senger Station at 8 a. m. lurk in ordinary drinking water. I li-n, discussing a recent tour he made and a vocal solo by J. O. Pitts. one of the country's largest manufacturers, in Japan, said the "Japanese people 8:35 a. m., 4:50 p. m. anc want no trouble with the United States 8:5 m A11 these train Tbe NEW Million Dollar I. H. OEPENHEIM, unless the trouble is forced on them in STOVALL RESIGNS ! ° P- - to meet the demand for a better and cheaper GREENBRIER defense of what they consider their PLACE IN ASSEMBLY\™*?y. Pullman parlor cars na.tiona.1 honor. Open October 1st, 1913 Local WboJ««Je PfcttfliuloM "The Jcupa-nese newsfpa-pers are ab- . and first-class coaches. The solutely fair," said Mir. Franklin, "In Governor "Brown was in receipt yes- Q prri .^ -f-noTTi o-»»-Moct tire. terday of the resignation of Pleasant 8:5O^O0U Pp-. ID- 1X8111 CaiTleS A. Stovall as a representative In the sleeper to leg-lalature from CTiattha.ni county. The ci-r-»-rri/-Yr A T rrrr-» A T-KT Clincher Heavy BORDEN WHEELER SPRINGS HOTEL r<-sig^i«ition is taken to Indicate that l»jf-hjad complained. Tor ' several days past ol'_ asthma and the Want Ads r^S atrkj 1 PILES CURED AT HOME BY presumption is that he had -a, severe at- Smooth as your Skin I tack this afternoon and choked to Examination Allowed on all ' death, HEW ABSORPTION METHOD. Pullman Guarantee _C. 0. D. Shipments 9 ToMam5000orAtlantal09 Lisle 25 Cts. SilkSOCts. 'I He was 5.7 years old and, married; he If In your opinion thi» If you etiKer from bleeding. Itching, blind or In,Shops Everywhere , had been sexton a.bout six years. Pre- protruding Piles, send me jour oddreda, mxA For insertion in the Sunday I vious to that he was a-member of the wilt tell you how to euro yourself at home by Pullman Tire No. — fall* : police force of the city. the new absorption treatment; and will also «ena Constitution, the Standard some of tbls home treatment free for trial, wltl to give It* co»t value In references Cram your own locality lit requested tire •ervtca return It di- Southern Newspaper j GEORGE FROST Bosroh DR. LAVINDER ORDERED Immediate relief and perjnanent core aaaai* Send so money, but tell' otheos of this off«r rect to in «nd we will re- PULLMAN Read by all the TO RETURN TO SAVANNAH Write tivjay to Mrs. IT. Summers, Box P. Notre 8 4 Dame. lad. ' place It, charging only People. Washington, B. C., May 23.—(Spe- for value of service" ob- RUBBER COMPANY clai;>—Or. C. H. I^avinder, of the pub- tained. lic health service, -who -has' been in- 349 Peachtree Street vestigating the FHedmann "cure" has Pullman Rubber Co. been recalled from New York by Dr. ATLANTA, GA. ' Blue, surgeon general, and ordered back to Savannah to continue his In- vestigation Into pellagra. NEWSPAPER! fronting 29.T feet on the south aide of Cast Mitch- tot ra. ti* city 01 Atlanta, ward 9. lanrj tot 209 to satisfy a fl- fa, in favor ot tha city ot bat — on said atr**t according t* «tr%at nom- | »1J9. Alao, at same time and t>tac# tha Marshal Sales. ell street, between Washington street and Central fa. t&0 16ta dfrtrict of DeKalb county. Georgia Atlanta antnst aaJct lot and «gttiatfc *»W bar*, as aftni* jbalng^yafut property is &>• citj foJInwJiw described property to wit A certain I will sell on the flrst Tuesday In 00* W1B avenue and running bade — feet more or IMS in a !rqnt!n&v,89 feet on the ea*t aide ot Flora atreet, G W Green for the proportion of cost of- of Atlanta, Georgia* adjoining, the property ot , city lot ta the city of Atlanta. In ward 30 before tbe City Hsll door corner of Marietta, aout&erly direction, ths bxrac* on «*4d lot known Htween Scott anil La- UVaoce street* and r paving- the roadwny or street proper ft Or- NaabH. and- Turner L*viea *m M tto» .property land lot 11D. In the 14th district of Fulton and Forsytn streets Cor city t«x and street im aa number 73 on aald street according, to street hack 150 feet more or leas In an caaterly leans atreet with chert. Imwtnllr chargeable Georgia, fronting J53 feet on the north fit STRANGLED, proreniem tbe following described property tion the hona* on wjd lot Snown as to aald lot. **» '^ ** Atlanta agabttt •«» lot u« «g»O^ elde ot Aran street hetwea TSiUrphy aad t zmni&ers, the same being- Improved property fn number — on eaid street according to- WUaon and the amid property lor the , Aahby sweets ana running hack 67 feet more to wit i tbe city of Atlanta. Georgia, adjoining the prop- _,^ l.a_ .fron. -- t. o.*f —^ noj^b^ty Direction, the house on [erty of Girls' High school and J A. Smith •treet nojnbcni the mine being improved &142 Also at sams Urns anft . the ftt- Qr len| to a 276- Alao at tame time and place tbe fol Levied on am the property of Joseph Buchmsn to Woperty IB the city of Atlanta. Oeor lowing described property, to wit A osrtaln city aald jot known, a* number — on said atreet lowing described property, to wit A certain city satisfy a fl fa. In favor of the city of Atlanta Ela. adjoin Ing the property of Lomeden. acoordinc to street numbers. The same being lot In the city of Atlanta, ward 7 land lot 117 against aald tot and against said Joseph Bnch Levied on as th« property of Mrs. Jane Nunn 10 improved property tn the cltv of Atlanta Geor SAYS INDICTMENT In tbe Wtfi district ot Fulton county Georgia, I. man for the cost of paring the sidewalk in fro-rt satisfy a n. fa, in favor of the city of Atlanta froatins 31 i 8*a adjoining the property of Smith and fronting 48 feet on the west aide of Rawer street of aald property a&alnat said lot and against said Mra Jane Xnnn Ashby Levied on aa thi property of Mrs between Sail* and Holderoeaa street* and raa for the cost of paTlnc tbe sidewalk la front of back 80 feet" more or less in a westsrly direction . _, - - Al 3 Gurlmonan to satisfy a CL f a In favor ning; "back 198 teet more or less in a westerly «ald property tbe bouse on said lot known, aa number 36 on said i •*•« * 43 fsst on tn« «act ,. of the city of Atlanta, agamst said lot and Grand Jury Is Now Engaged 5032 Also at same tltoe and place the r] between Po» and Harts streeta and ran direction. the boose on satd lot known as num following described property to wit A cer street, according to street ntunben, ths same I •* Tat against said Mrs M 3 Gurtmonan. and the ber 27 on said street according; to street num 5187 Also at same time and place the fol- being Improved property in tbe city of Atlanta, ,,,._^-..bac k .ISO f««t mars or lens la sn easterly salfl property for the cost of curbing the tain city lot In the city of Atlanta, ward on said lot .known as aura in Conducting Investiga- bers tbe vain* being Improved property In tbe 8 land lot 78 In ihe 14th district of FuJton lowing described property to wit A certain city Georgia adiatnlxic Bmnfros and Ingrain Levied [ <"r*csion, uxi sidewalk In front of said property with granite cfty of Atlanta adjoining Manny Levied on as on as ths oroDerty of Sirs, tens MJduw* to sst- 1 "** — °° "I* atreet according to atreet numoora, county Georgia, fronting 60 feet on tbe north ot In the city of Atlanta, ward 2, land fot 43 on as 109 fmm^oc^ jars^ bsu eUarbf Atlanta [ O» «"*« being Improved property in ths city ol tne property of W P Brandt to satisfy 9. fl ta. side of spring street between Jamee and n tho 14th district of Fulton county Georgia, said lot and against Kid Mm. Lena ^?------» Gwgl«---- _ _5^oto^_«a»_propsr^ot_, _ __ r.-,--, — AM.. - . B378 Also at Same time and place the fel tion of the Murder of Mary In tavor of the city of Atlanta against eald lot T uckle streets and running- back 100 teet Irontlng 245 feet on the south aide of-Glenn street ; ( and against said W p Brandt for alt; taxes Between Kent and Grant Btreeta and running ba"t Mlchael for the proportion of coat of paving ley anfl Frye Levied on as tba property of Jo- lowing described property to w!t A certain city more or less hi a northerly direction the aephlne Orr to satisfy a ft fa. In tavor of the j lot tn the rlty of Atlanta In ward 1O land lot 10T for the year 1912. house on eald lot known as number 99 on 121 feet more or less in a southerly di the roadway or street proper of Orleans street J Phagan. rectlon tbe bouse oa said lot inown aa with chert lav^ully chargeable to said lot. city of Atlanta against said lot and against saw I'n" "the' I4t"'-h distric"~* t------of Fulton county Oeorg- U said street according to str»ot number* the Josephine Orr and the eald property for the co*t fronting 60 feet on the north *lde of High street 346 Alao at same time and place the fol same being lmnro\ ed property In the city of number — on said street, according to lowing described propertr to wit A certain city atreet numbers the same being Improved 6161 Also at same time and place, the fol of curbing the sidewalk In front of sold property between Stewart avenue and, T»ft street, and run lot in th* city of Atlanta wmrd 1 land lot 110 Atlanta, Georgia adjoin np the property of property In the city of Atlanta Georgia, nlng back 121 feet more or less in a northerly That the state Jn Us bills of In Jftmos ana W A Health Levied on aa tbe lowing described property to wit A certain ctty direction the house on safd lot knows aa num dlctment for the murder of Alary in the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia adjoining tbe property of Kent and Grant Levied lot In the city of Atlanta In war* 4 land lot 19 fronting 64 feet on the north Bide ot Foundry property of Mm. M F W herr* to satisfy on ae tbe property of W C Lawrem-e to satisfy in the 14th district of Fulton county Gecrgln, 6126 Aeo at aame time and place, the fo her 25 on eald street according to street num Phagan brought separately against street between Chestnut and Dorsay streets and a fl fa in favor of the city of Atlanta against a fl fa In favor of the city of Atlanta against fronting 50 feet on the -went elde of Alaska street lowing described property to wit A certain city hers tbe eame being Improved property In tn« running back 107 feet more or less in a northerly said lot and against said Mrs M F Wberrv lot In the city ot Uianta. la ward 20 land lot ' Leo M Prank and Newt Lee charges for the cost of paving the aJdewalk In front aald lot and againat said W c Lawrence *>r between Highland and Bfct avenues, and running that the girl waa strangled waa learn direction the house on satd lot known as num tbe cost of paving the sidewalk In front ot aa d back 140 feet more or less in a westerly direction. 121 In the 14th district of Fulton county &ear- ber 411 on said street according to street num >C said property property tha bouse on said lot known as number — on aaid | gia&* , fronting CO feet on tbs east side of Evan* property of J F Freeman to satisfy s fl f» ed yesterday afternoon following the j b«rs the same being Improved property In th* street according to Btreet numbers tbe same dr•ive. , between Foe and Harte streets and ru favor of the city if Atlanta against said lot adjournment of the grand Jury, which city of Atlanta adjoining Sclple Levied on as 5083 Also at the same time and place th« nlng back ISO feet more or leas in an vaster y against eald Freeman and the satd 5188 Also at aame time and place the fo! vacant property In tbe city of Atlanta property for the cost of curbing the sidewalk In took up the case at 11 o'clock In the ffi« property at M*rj L. Crawford to satisfy a following- descri'bed propert> to wit A certain owing described propertj 10 wit A certain ci y Georgia adjoining Kopper and Parr Levied on direction the bouso on laid lot iaown aa number cfty lot In the city of Atlanta, ward 6 land lot — on eaid street, accordnlg to street numbers, the front of said property with granite morning and went Into Its details Q fa In favor of tbe city of Atlanta against eaid ot In th« city of Atlanta ward 3 land lot 63 aa the property of Walter Turner to satisfy a fi 'a. lot Bud against said Mary L. Crawford lor city 78 In the 14th district of Pulton county n tbe 14th district of Fulton county Georgia. ID favor of the city of Atlanta agamat said lot same being Improved property in the city of A until 1 45 taxes for the year 1912. Georgia, fronting 100 feet on the west side fronting 224 feet on tie east aide of Hill e treet, and against said Walter Tumor for the propor- lanta, Georgia adjoining the properly ol F P G176 Aleo at aame time and place the f 1 Shortly after the adjournment of the if James street between Spring and between MJJJedge and Glean streets and run tion of cost of paving the roadway or street Co and Ansley Levied on as the property avclng described propertj- to wit A certain city grand Jury Solicitor Hugh M Dorsey 246 Also at same time and place tbe fot itreets and running back 5O feet more or nlns back 52 feet more1 or l«*e In an easterly proper for Alaska street with chert. lawfully J B Thomasgon to satisfy & fl fa In favor lot In the cttv of \tlanta tn ward 5 land lot 111 lowing described property to wit A certain city les<) In a westerly direction the house on of the city of Atlanta against said tot and agolaat expressed himself as well pleased with direction the house on satd lot known as num chargeable to flald lot. In the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia lot In the city of Atlanta ward 8 land lot 105 tJ lot know n aa number on Raid — on said atreet accbrdlng to street num eald J B Thom«Baon and the said property tor fronting 32 f«*t oa the north side of Seal strop the results of the morning session In the ITtb district o( Fulton county Georgia street accord n*r to street numbers the same the same being improved property fn th* 5153 Alao at same time and place the tol the cost of curbing the sidewalk In front ol Mtd between Ua]«stlc and Chestnut streets and run I am well satisfied with results to fronting 40 feet on the efts aide of West Peach being Impro-v edt propert> In the city of At city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property lowing described property to wit A certain ci v property wlt£ granite ning back 100 feet more or less in a northerly tree street between 15th and 16th streets and lanta, peorgla adjoining the propert} of direction tbe bouse on aald lot known as nurrj the present time said the solicitor of Ml Hedge and Dennam Levied, on ew the prop lot in tbe city of Atlanta In ward 4 land Id* 20 1 runntns back 20O fe«t more or leaa In an easterly Spring "Levied on as the property of M s erty of Mrs H c Garrett to satisfy a fl in the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia 5166 Alao at same time and place the fol ber 323 on aald atreet according to street nun when asked how the case waa pro direction the house oa said lot known as num ~ F Wherry to antlafy a fl (b In favor fav< of tbe city of Atlanta agal net said lot and fronting 300 feel on the weSt aide of Cornel i lowing described property to wit A certain ci y bers tbe eame being Improved property in E t ber 759 on safd street according to street num the he is uncertain aa Hard and Fain e tracts and running back rectlon the ouse on s.iid lot known as n im erty In the city of Atlanta Georgia adjolaiofc CL54 Also at same place tlie to curbing the aide walk in front of said property street between Dunn and Munfort streets and to whether or not a conclusion will 86 feet more or lees In a westerly direct on the ber — on said street according to street num the property of Danglln and McWlUlams Lievt^d lowing described property to wit A certain city with granite. running back 125 feet more or less In a northerly house on said lot known as numbers 61 80 on be reached during the dav g session hers Ihe ia tip being lmpro\ed property in on as the property of R L, Ogletree to satisfy a lot In tho city of Atlanta tn ward 4 land lot direction the house on «ald lot known ae cum sa d Btreet according to street numbers the the rlty of Atlanta Gcor# a adj^ nlnir thf> " * ' ' of the city of Atlanta against ' " 14th district of Fulton county Georgia Also at aame tim and placb the fol ber 501 on eaid street accord ne to street num which Is expected to adjourn shortly ie being Improved property In the city cif iperty of alley and Hunman levied on said lot and against said R Ogletroe for the fronting 76 feet the east side of Cornelia lowing deacrlbed ..propert.y wit A certain (Jty bers the same being Improved property In th* after 1 o clock Atlanta adjoining Wllaon Levied on aa tbe prop an the property of D D Elliott to *atls^ cost of paving the sidewalk In front of said prop street between Ezzard and Denton Btreeta an 3 lot In the- cfty of Atlanta, In ward 1 land lot olty of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property Six witnesses were taken before the erty of J L Dunn to satisfy a Q fa In tavor a fl fa. in favor of the city of Atlan a erty running back 100 feet more or leas In an easterly 100 ID tbe 14th district of Fulton county Geor of Bell and Munfort. Levied on aa the property of the city of Atlanta against said lot and grand jury by the solicitor In hla at againat saM lot and against said D D direction, the house on said lot known aa num gla, fronting 109 feet ou tbe east side of Doray of C B Bailey to satisfy a fi ta lo favor of against Bald J L. Dunn for city tajte* for the ber 2» on said street according to street num atreet between Mitchell and Bechwltb streets and th« city of Atlanta against said lot and against tempt to secure indictments The in Plllott Cor the cost of pa\ ins the sidewalk 6191 Also at same time and place the fol r 1911 Sold tor the benefit of Ferry An- In front of said property owing described property to wit A certain city bers tbe aame being Improved property in tn* inning back 100 feet more or less fn an easterly said C 8 Bailey and the said property for the diet men ts were drawn separately but dre WB In the city of Atlanta ward 3 and lot M city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining Ezzard and direction tbe bouse on said lot known as num cofet of curbing the sidewalk in tront of said ix ere presented at the same time Both . the 14th district or Fulton county Georglj Bentley Levied on as the property of W J ber —• on .aid Atreet according to street mm property with granite 16 Ateo at same time and place tho fol 5086 Also at the same ti me and place the men held ar*> charged with mur- the following described property to wit A fronting 34 feet on the north elde of Ormoa.1 Smith to satisfy a fl fa In favor of the city bers tbe same being vacant property In tbe cl y w ng described property Uj »tt A certain city of Atlanta against eaid lot and against said W of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property it 0181 Also at same time and place tbe fol der that being the chargp upon which t in the city of Atlanta ward S land lot 53 srtaln c!t> lot In the city of Atlanta, street between Fraser and Martin street, and ard 4 land lot 11 In thft 14th district running back Ho feet more or leas in a north J Smith for the proportion of cost of paving t « Oater and Mitchell Levied oa as tbe property lowing described property to wit A certain city the coroner s jurv bound th^m over Ihe 14th dlstr ct of Fultnn county G«org a ly direction the house on said lot known ja roadway or street proper of Cornelia street wl i Street satisfy In fa\or jf lot in the city of Atlanta in ward 0 land lot 14 fronting W feet on the east e de of Hill «treet bt T Fulton tyiuntj Georgia fronting 135 feet tn the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia to the grand Jur> n the south elde of Bast avenue b* number 160 on satd street according to street chert lawfully chargeable to aald lot. city of Atlan a againat aid lot and flgainut 1 tw«en Logan street and Glenwood avenue and run said J C Street id property for the renting 150 feet on the south side of Atlanta Wit Dennett Before Jarv *een Patterson and Southern railway and nu-mbera the same being; improved property in and the ning back 200 feet more or l«ss In an easterly he city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the prop- 5 58 Also at same time and place the fol coat of curbing the sidewalk In tract of .venue and between Euclid avenue and Harratoan The •» Itnesses examined were Dr J direction tho house on eald lot known as num running back 120 feet more or less In a treet and running back 150 feet more or leas southprlv d rectlon the house on said lot of Danglon and Smith Levied on a* the lowing described property to wit A certain ci y erty with granite "W Hurt recently elected county phys ber 142 on said street according to street num property of V H Cmsaell to satisfy a fl fa to lot In the city of Atlanta In ward 7 land lot n a southerly direction tbe house on said lot t>er« the aame be ng improved property In the know n as number 293 on aald street accord known as number — on said street according to ician who examined the body before Ing to street numbers the same being tm 'avor of the city of Atlanta against said lot anl 117 In the 14th district of Fulton county Geor 5170 Also at same time and place the tol 1 City of Atlanta adjoining Bennett Levied on aa lowing described property to wit A certain et y street numbers the same being vacant property It was Interred Police Sergeant L. S the property of Mm Isabella McClatn to satisfy a proved property In the cllj of Atlanta G«or against aald V H Cntase-ll for th« cost of pav gia fronting 37 feet on the couth side of Cun ng the sidewalk In front of eald property nlngham street between Aahhy and Hazel atreet.* lot In the city of Atlanta In ward 0 land lot In tbe city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the Dobbs one of the officers who ftrst fl fa. In favor of the city of Atlanta against said «ia adjoinins the property of Ellis and property of Murphy Levied on aa the property lfs r-eviefl on as the property of Mra and rannlaK bark 1-10 feet more or less In s 209 In tbe 10th district of DeKalb county Geor found the body R P Barrett the lot and against said Mrs Isabella McClaJn for souther y direction the house on said lot known gla fronting 00 feet on the east aide of Flora of W A Fincher to satisfy a fl fa la favor ity taxee for th« year 1812 J D-arg to satisfy a fl fa. In favor of 4910 Also at name time and place the fo of the city of Atlanta against said lot and agatn>t machinist v, ho found the evidences rltj of Atlanta against sa d lot an 1 owing described property to wit A certain ci'y iber 2O on said street according to street itreet between Scott and L>a France ctreets and running back 150 feet more or leu In an ea«t said W A Flncher and the said property tor of t ood and hair on a machine in aga nat said Mrs A J Darg for the cost of In the city of Atlanta ward 9 land lot IS lumbers the same being Improved properly la 528 Also at same time and place the tot the Jty of Atlanta Georgia adjoining Chapm. -l erly direction the house on aald lot known as the coet of curbing the sidewalk in Croat of the factor> Boots Rogers in whose lowing described property to wit A certain city paving the sidewalk In front of salt propertj the 14th district of Fulton couatj- Georgia said property with granite fronting 197 feat on the aoutb aide of Hard^a Turmai levied on ae the property of John mmber — on eald etreet according to street num machine the officers rode to the fac lot In the cltj of Atlanta ward 10 land lot 119 ._ Lynch ttsfy a fl fa in favor of the oltc bers the same being Improved property In the In the 14th district of Fulton county Oeorg a .088 Also at same time and place the street between More land and Seaboard avenues r tor\ on the morning the girl was running back 2OS feet more or less In a of Atlanta against said lot and against said John .Ity of Atlanta. Georgia adjoining the prope y 3102 Al&o at sam« time and place the fol fronting 50 feet on the southwest corner of Lamp following described property to w It A cer of Lmndsen Levied as the property of Jane lowing described property to wtt A certain city found and City Detective J N Starnes^ kin and La.tr ton streets and running back tain cfty lot fn the ci > of A Hants ward herly direction the house an said lot known H Lynrh for the proportion of coat of pav i? lumber — on said street according to atreet the roadway or street proper of Cunningham TXunn to satisfy a fi fa In favor of the city of lot In the city of Atlanta word 8, land lot lOo whose names appears as prosecutor on 150 feet more or less In a westerly direction I land lot 10 In the 14th die rlrt of Fulton street with chert lawfully chargeable to said lou Atlanta against said lot and against said Jane In the 17th district of Fulton county Georgia e hoiiBe on aaid lot known as number — on •ounty t **irsla fronting ""0 feet on the south numbers the same being Improved property In ne fronting 75 feet on the west side of Peach-tree both l lls of indictment city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining U e property Vunn and the said property for the ea->L of curl- IcJ etr«et according to street numbers the same aide of Eaet avenue between Randolph and ing the sidewalk in front ot eaW property with Circle between 16th and 17tb. streets and run Dr Hurt stated that he had told th* being vacant property Jn tbe c3tj of Atlanta ad Fortune streets and running- back 1 >O teet Moreland and Taylor Levied on as the prop 51*iO Alflo at same time ttnd place the f>1 lowing described property to wit A certain granite nlng bactf 261 feet more or les* In s westerly grand jury practically what he told the Joining Foster Lex led on as the property of P more or less In a southerly direction the «rty of a 9 Greer Eat to satisfy a fl fa In direction the house on said lot known, as num favor of the city of Atlanta against said lot and rlty lot In the city of Atlanta, In ward 7 land coroner s jury when they were inves F Suddan to satisfy a fl fa In favor ot the house on said lot known as number lj3 5171 Also at same time and place the fol ber — on said street according to street numbers city of Atlanta against eald lot and against ha d on said street according to street numbers against said R S Greer Est for the proportion lot 140 In th« 14th dletrlct of Fulton coim •* the eame being property in the city of t Igating the case He was the flrst of the cost of constructing a sewer a oixg Hardee Ceorgla fronting 50 feet on the east aide of At lowing described property to wit A certain city 1 P F Suddaa for city taxes for the year 1912 (he same being Improved property In tbe city 1 lot tn the city of Atlanta In ward 3 land lot 96 Atlanta, Georgia, adjoining the property of An witness called Friday morning if Atlanta dPorgla adjoin n« the property .treet lawfully chargeable to said 1 t wood! street between Gordon and Oak streets and running back ISO feet more or less In an easterly In the 14th .district of Fulton county Georgia derson and Akers Levied on as the property The other witnesses were Galled upon 529 Also at sairre time and place th« fol ]f Randolph and 8m) tb Levied on as the fronting 56 feet on tba aoutb aide of Gammon of 8 W Sullivan to satisfy a 0 fa In favor lowing described property to wit A certain c ty property of Frank Smith to satlsf> a fi to. 402S Also at sannj time and place the fo! dlrectlo: the house on said lot known as rmm- of the city of Atlanta, against said lot and in the order named and each one was owing described property to wit A certain ci y ber !.» etreet according to street numbers street between Lansing and • req ui red to g-o f n-t o detail as to his ot In the city of Atlanta ward 10 land lot 86 In fa^or of the city of Atlanta against said the city of and running back 159 feet mora or let In against said S W Sullivan and the said prop In the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia lot and against satd Frank 8ml th for the in the city of Atlanta ward 9 land 'ot M tne sa ne hetng Improved property erty for the cost of curbing tJh« aldewalk In front knowledge of the crime. Detective the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia Atlanta adjoining alley and Seawrlgbt southerly direction the house on said lot known fronting 34 feet on the south side or Stephens coat of pav ng the sidewalk in front of said aa number — on said atreet according to street ot said property with granite blame*, was kept In the jury roo-m street between HcDantel and Cunningham streets itlng 125 feet on the west side of Moreland levied iroperty of N B Bledsoe o J «. FULLER City Marshal propertj sa-tl-^fv a f! fa in favor of tho city of Atlanta numbers, the same being Improved property in the seven jninutes longer than any othe and running back 110 feet more or leas in a iue between Hardee and "W ylle streets and running back 200 feet more ; in a Miterly against said Jot anrt against said N B Blfdsoe city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property of witness and p: obably testified in all utherly direction the house on aald lot known 5103 Also at same time and place the Lansing and Milton I«evled on aa the property number — on said street according to street ctlon the house on said lot known as num for tha proportion of coat of paving the roadway about hajf a-n hour following described property to wit A cer ber 07 on eald atreet according to street number* or street proper of Atwood street with cbert. law of Robert Spain to satisfy a fl fa in fat or of the Notice. Lin bers the same being Improved property in tain city lot In the clt^ op Atlanta ward 8 I told them enough bo fill a booik same being Improved property In tbe city ot fully chargeable to aald lot city of Atlanta againat said lot and against Bald the city of Atlanta adjoining Rosser Levied on land lot 105 in the 11 th district of Fulton Robert Spala aafl the «a)d property for the con Office of the Great Southern Accident and h<* remarked on coming1 out, "but iif I as the property ot Joele Shack Jay to «attsfy a Atlanta Georgia -adjoining the property of Ha Fidelity Company March 28 lOIB, county Georgia fronting 75 feet on the weet dee and Evana Levied on ne tbe property of 161 Also at same time and pTmce «i« fot of curbing the sidewalk in front of aaid proper v had been given time to tell all that T S fa In favor of the city of Atlanta against aide of Peachtree Circle between Sixteenth with granite Thla la to notify the public that tbe Great as the property of Jos e ESiockley to satisfy a Robert ^ Greer Est to aatlstj a fl fa in favor lowing described property to wit A certain city Southern Accident and Fidelity Company of know about this oa&e it -would have and Seventeenth etreets and running back of the <-ity of Atlanta against said lot and again t lot In the city of Atlanta !n ward 7 Una lot 140 taxes tor the year 1912, 291 feet more or leas In a westerly direc Atlanta. Ga. has withdrawn from business been enough to fill a IJibra-ry .Id Robert S Grper Fst for the proportion of In ihfl 14th district of Fulton county Georgia 5172 Also at same time and place the fo! tion the house on said lot known as n im lowing described property to wtt A certain citv In the state of Georda. Said Great Sotitasrn V\ ha.t other witnesses the solicitor 4o9 Aleo at eame time and place the fol e cost of constructing a sewer along Moreland fronting 116 feet on tbe east side of Atwood Accident and Fidelity Company has cancelled ber on said street according to street avenue lawfully chargeable to said lot street between Greenefetry and Sells ave lot In the oltj of Atlanta in ward 0 land lot 177 will Gall tod-ay has not been indicated lowing described property to wit A certain city numbers the same being property all policies Issued by It In the state of Geor- lot in the city of Atlanta ward 10 land lot 87 nues and running back 11T fret more or lesa In the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia gia, and. has satlsDod and paid all losses snd b> him His present indication is that in th« city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the 4929 Also at *ame time and plaoe. the fol In an «aut«rly direction the bouse on aald lot fronting 206 toot on the east side of Haas stree In the 14th district ot Fulton county Georgia property of Anderson and Aken Levied on all claims of tts polleyholders In ths state of he intends to secure indictments i* fronting T8 f«et on the northwest corner of owing describad property to wit A certain <-ity known n« number — on said street according to between Metropolitan and Giennwood streets, and Georgia, and on May SO 1013, will make ap Mary and Cunningham streets and running as the property of S W Sullivan to satisfy lot in the city of At anta. ward 9 land lot 14 street being vacant prop running back 100 feet more o leee In an easterly plication Hon. Willia_ ..m. A. Wright, comp poss i b le wi th the use of as f ew -wl t a fl ra In favor of the cltj of Atlanta against a Georgia, adjoining direction the house on aald lot known as num nesses ns possible but to plaice as man/ ba< of Mrs tt D Smith to satisfy a fl fa In — on said street according to street num 3 F S, ETHBR1DGE P favor of the city of Atlanta against said lot ana following described property to wit A cer i. the same being improved property In thfl itreet with chert lawfuly chargeable to aald of tbe city of Atlanta against xald lot and agalri.it J SCOTT TODD JR. "-"Vetary There an*e believf-d to be two reasons against sald« Mrs W D Smith for city («axeB tain city lot in the c ty of Atlanta ward city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property of 6a d Mrs S r Stevens and the said property tor for this First that he na.tura,ll> wishes for the jear 1911 Sold for the beneflt of C E. 5 land lot 111 In the 14th district of Ful rrlfion Levied on as the property of Robert the cost of curbing the aldewalli in front of said to save the members of the grand jury Helmer ton county Georgia fronting "IT feet n the Greer Eat to satisfy a fi fa in favor of tha 5162 Aleo at eame time and place th« fol- property with granite wpst side of Sunset avenne between M«Mrlm <-Ity of Atlanta against aaid lot and agalaflt ffaM lowing described property to wit A certain city Assignee's SaJe. as m uch ti m e as poss i bl e and to save j street and North avenue and running back 100 Robert 8 Greer Est for the proportion of th lot In the flty of Atlanta !n ward 7 land lot 140, Mil Also at same time and place the fol- the state what expense he can an to wit A certain SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE r cost of constructing a eewer along Moreland avo GEORGIA FULTON COUNTY—By virtue of second and most irraport-ant that he the hou«» on said lot known as number o!9 nne lawfully chargeable t-o aaid lot fronting 148 reet on the east ald« of Atwood city lot In the citv of Atlanta in ward T on said street according to street numbers street between Greenaferry and Sello ave land lot 112 in the 14th district of F^ltoa a certain trust deed of assignment executed by feels that he should not show his hand J M Averett to H A Ferris Trustee on tha the same being Improved propertj In the city fS127 Also at same tlmf ariH place the nups and running back 12 fe«t more or less county Georgia fronting' 103 feet on he even before the grand jurv any more of Atlanta Oeorsla adjoining the property In an easterly direction tbe house On said lot north aide of Baring street between Echo 23d day of May A D 1012 and recorded n folio wins do^f-Hi 1 proper! j to wii the Clerk a Office of the Superior Court Fulton than is absolutely necessary of Barnptt Levied on as the property of 10 ri v of Atlant in „„,.. known a* number — on said street according to and Marietta streeti and runnlns hack 15 20 i ctty lot n Ful atreet numbere the «am« being improved property County Georgia, on tbe 25th day of May 1013 Of the twenty th-ree men on the granj F C Flojd to satisfj a fl fa In favor of land lot 108 n the- 14th distrl t of feet more or less In a northerly direction the the cits of Atlanta against said lot and in the of Atlanta. Georgia adjoining Masi house on said lot known aa number —- on In Book £58 Page 823 I offer for «sie the fol j ir> all Hut two were present at the ton county fJeo gla fronting 6O feet on the Levied on at- the property 1 lowing real property against said F C Flovd for the oat of pav th «!ide f N I awn strfpt between Lawn said street according to street numbers The M Beutell who had been excused in Ing the sidewalk In front of said property of C A Tamlson to aaflsfy « fl fa same being \acant property In the city of Parcel No 1 —All of that tract or parcel of M eutell w ho had be**n excused i I Lee streets and runnt K bicK 14. f**«t the city of Atlanta against Bald lot and land lying and being In the 14th district of th re or IP-B* Ini a s uthcrlv direction the Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property of State of Georgia Fulton county the eame beln; order that he might ax-company the Old 279" Alfio at flame tlmn and place the fol BR. d r A Jamison for the proportion of Echo trtreet and Southern railroad Levied ne on said t known as numb » 0" on , „ .. ... tet proper of Atwood part of land lot No 208 and described as fol Guard on its eastern trip and Geor&c low ing described property to wit A cer •fling m i rei>t numhcrs the on as the property of unknown owner to sat street with chert lawfully chargeable to said lows Commencing at a point on the east side Gershon who h&d been excused to go tain clt> lot In th* clt> of Atlanta, ward 1 being improvprt propcrt n th«> olty tsfy a fi fa. favor of tbe city of At- of Paden road at the northwest corner of the 1~0 A so at sfima time and place the fo land lot 109 In the 14th district of Fulton of Atlanta Georgia adjoining alley and Echole lot lanta against lot and against said property of one Mrs Alice Austin deceased to Ivew 'i ork cltj- counti Georg a fronting 81 feet on the eiet known owner and the said property for1 the lowine described propertj to wit A certain city IJe\led on as the property of Mr" ElsiP Beat wife of J N Austin and thence north aloag The grand jury at the hea-ring- was lot In the city of Atlanta ward 1 land lot 84 aide of Lawshee street between O-reeneferry avenue to satisfy H fl fa In favor of the city B163 Also at same time nnd place the fol- cost of curbing- the sidewalk in front of the east Aide of Paden road three hundred an J composed of L, H Beck fore-man F P In the 14th dlstric of Fulton county Goorgta anfl Fair sti-ret and runn ng back BO feet more or Atlanta agalrist salfl lot and against said lowing described property to wit A certain city said property with granite Ove (305) feet to a thirty (30) foot public roid H \ke-rs R R Nash Charles Heinz fronting 4 feet on the nouth side of Drummond less in an easterly dlrortlon the houce on Mrs Flslc Rpalt n for the proportion of coat lot In the city of Atlanta In ward 7 land lot 14< known as South Lincoln avenue thence along said lot known as number — on said Street In the 14th atetrict of Fulton county Georgia, H G HubteLrd J D \VJn-g R. A Red s reel between Ashby and Jeptha streeta anl of paving the r alwa* or street p oper of N Ml_' Also at same time and place the fol the south side of Lincoln avenue in a north according to street numbers the same be- fronting 16R feet on the oast elde of Atwood lowinR described properly to wit A certain easterly direction nine hundred and eighteen ding \ H Kriegs-haber R F Sams running bark 96 feet more or less In a southerly 1th chert lawfull> chargeable to direction the bou^e on pain lot known as num ing impro ed prope t\ In the city of Atlanta nald lot street between Soils and Greenwich avenues and city lot In the city of Atlanta, in ward 0 and one half (018V4) feet to a point on Hie A D \da.i r Si s C Glass T G Bell ber i8 on said strPet ar o d ng to street nunt Georgia adjoining the property of B dgood I runninf? ba k IfJR feet more or lese In an east land lot 13 In the 14th district of Fulton north sldo of the Mason and Turner Ferry road ti 1 fr!y d)reUion the house on said lot, known aa Cephas M Brow n A. L, Guthnmn bcrs the warn* helrifr Improved prope tv (n tbe levied on as the i roporty of HaJ s Oiurc-h to IIS'' Also at «mirw t mp and placo the fn! counts Georgia fronting" 237 feet on the weat th« property of Lincoln Park Land company rilj Of A lanta adjoin ng G ass Levied on id satisfy a fl fa In favor of the cits of At number — on eaid streat ac ordlng to strofl side of S Moreland street between KIrkwood thence south along the line of Lincoln Park "Walker Dunson \\ L Perc> C A. lowing described pTOocrtv to wit A ce tain c ty numbers thp same being Improved property in t*ie propert of Mar ha Frejor Eat to aat sfy * lanta against said lot and against sail Halls lot In the o ty of Atlanta In ward 0 land lot 15 and Wylie streets and running back 133 feet Land company twelve hundred and fifty five Corwles Sol Be-njarmn B F Bell W F fl fa in favor of the city of Atlanta agalim Church for the cost of pa\ ing the sidewalk the city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining Chiles iore or less In a westerly direction the fl 25o) feet to the^property _ J M Averett the 14th district of Fiilton co intv Georgia and Greenwich Levied on an the property of Besaer and Albert Boy lest on aaJd lot and against saM Martha Freyer ffist fat> n r ont of said prr perty fronting 384 feet on (he wesi fllde of Ccipenhfll house on said tor known as number 292 on ) thence west along tbe line of said J M Aver city taxes for the jear 1912 W I* Klker to catisfy a fl fa tn tavor of ths ett s property two hundred and ninety (290) avenue between Carrnel and Dundee streets and said street according to street numbers. Thai.-- - . _. -.. Austin 6090 Aluo at same time and place tho fo! city of Atlanta against said lot and against W same being improved property In the olty of feet to the property m inning bach 180x8^ feet more or leas in a Kiker for the proportion of coat of paving lowing described property to wit A certain city csterly direct-ion the house oa said lot known Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property of j (deceased wife Austin) lot In the city of Atlanta, ward 7 land lot 140 s number SS on s^Id *treot according to street the roadway or street proper of Atwood street Klrtcwood and Martin Levie- - d- "on aa" th- e I' thenc— « north along tfc* east side of In the 14th district of Pulton county Georgia umbers the Game being Improved propertv In with chert lawful!* chargeable to aaid lot. property of Thomas W Martin to satisfy a Mrs, Alice Austin a propel^ seven hundred jmd front nc 121 feet on tha eaat side of Atwood ie city of Atlanta Georgia adjo nlnjc Cornell fl fa in favor of the city of Atlanta asalnst "1'"** ttr*? j™® .lwt. to the ^T**1!!^ co"^ STEEL GAR EQUIPMENT street t .ween Sells street and Greensferry avenue tid Patrick Levied on as the property of W 5164 Also at same time and place the ssld lot and against said Thos V Martin to the said Mrs A««Jft • P SPr^An^a" ™ and mi „ " IOTB or e«B In an Slaughter to satisfy a n fa In favor of thet lowinium*-go described prooertr- y to wit A- -certain iry and the flald property for the co« of curbing along the northJ^w «J ~"'"" ,«t J«>SjP£L easterly direction the house on earn iut KINJWII cltj of Atlanta (spalnst said lot and agalnct 1 lot In the city of Atlanta in ward 6 land lot 70 the sidewalk In front of said property with I <"•** flv« hundred and twenty sight <82S) feet as number on aald street according to street eald W C Slai Rhter for the p oportion of cost j in the 14th dtetrlot of Pulton county Georgja _it(t t to tbe beginning pom n imber«* th- same being \acant property n tha if paving the roadway or street proper of Copcn I front ng 50 feet outh aide of arceham "^ ^ , . __. Parcel No i—All tbia, t tract or parcel of, la id FOR CENTRAL RAILWAY c ty of Atlanta Georgia adj Inlng the property lying and being in the 14th district of originally enue with chert la vfully chargeable treet between Fowler and Venable streets an 1 5111 Also at same time and place the Le fed on - if Jamison and alle- levied on ae the property running back 120 feet more or Jess In a southerly following described property to wil A cer Henry now Fulton county Geors'o Jn land lot No __ _j satisfy a. fl f-- if J T Mang m to aid stree according to street numbers 9 land lot 13 in the 14th district of Pulton e De Laney for c ty taxes said I T Mangu n for the cost of paving the thn same helnp: improved property in toe ctty of known as a part of the Jordan place commen v. Ing desrribod propert to. w. it \ cer county Georgia fronting; 00 feet on the west Ing at tbe northwest corner of said place at s es \Vill Be Put on Between ildewaJk tn (rant of eald property ,ln citv lot in the city of Atlan a in ward Atlanta Georgia adjoining McConneH and Gil side of S Moreland street between KIrkwood mer Levied on aa the property of Charles Tre»d point on the Paden rood oa tbe dividing llaa land lot 15 In the 14th d *trlct of Fulton and "Wylle streets and running back 163 between Mrs Alice Austin a land and nmnlae 49 Also at same time and pla^e tha fol 6091 Also at same time and place the fol county Georgia, fronting 47 feet on the east ..ell to satisfy a fl fa In favor of the city of feet more or less In a westerly direction, the Macon and Atlanta owing described property to wit A certain at y low ng described propertj to wit A certain c ty Atlanta against aaid lot and against eald Charles thence nearly toutb along tba east aide of Padan aide of Copenhill avenue between Arizona and nous* on stfld lot known aa number — on road nine hundred and fifty seven and one half \lacon Ga- Maj '3 —(special >— lot in the cjry of Atlanta ward ~ land lot 140 lot in the. cltj of Atlaata ward 7 land Jot 1*0 Washlta streets and running back IOO f««et Tread veil tor the proportion of coat of paving said atreel according- to street numbers Tho In the 14th district of Fulton count j Georgia in the WUi district of Fnlton county Georgia the roadway or street proper ot Green am street (967%) feet more or less to ths land line of Th t entral of Georgia railway has more or less in an easterly direction tho bouse sam« being- vacant property of J \ Dozter to catisfj a ft fa fa f erty of Sells and Mang im Levied on as the lanta againat aalrl lot and against said T E fn front nf said propertr with granite Johnson and Mrs Austin one thousand sad aer a« thev can be f irnished So nh for the prop* rl nn of ooit o! paving \ ood street between Rosalia street and Soulti ty five il 075) feet more or lew to tha b<2 At the present t mp the Cen al nan of the ell of \tlan a af^lnst said lot and aga p oper y of C A Jamison to satisfy a fl Boulevard and running back 200 feet more or 5114 Also at same < mo an } place the said J A Daz e for clti taxes for [he voar 1 HO 1 fa r of tb«- city of Atlan a against said lot road" iv < streei r er f C penhtll nnlnz point said tract of land being the earn3 or Ij three caches \vhi«_h are of hatf nue with chert lawfully chargeable to less in a eon th erly direction the house on sad oliowlng: described property to wit A certain ^ deeded by R J Stamps to D J Baker B and against said C A Jamison for the cOflt of lot known as number — on said street accord j steel construction rl lot _'Ity lot n th? cIU of Atlan a, in ward 9 deed dated November 2Ut 1374 In the d« *j « Also at Same im« and place the fot pa ing the sidpwalk tn front of eald property ing to street numbers th« same being vacant land lot 13 in the 14th district of Pulton county. •tptlon of said deed the fo lowing errors exln •Some of the new ones w ill be used ow ng d«sc bed propert o w]t A certain 5118 Also at sarre time and place the fol property in the city of Atlanta Georgia adjoin Georgia fronting 100 feet the west side e property is described as being In the 7t tttwe«n Macon and Atl-anta i-ftv lot fn the c tj of Atlanta ward 5 land lot KOtn Also at sa n* time and place the fo] ing the property of Rosalia and Goodwin Levied of S Moraiand atreet between Wylle and 14» IT the l~th dlstrl t of Fulton rounty &eorg a lowing described property to wit A certain c ty lowing described propeny to wit A certain oirftrict of *aid county and should be. the 14th as city lot in the citv of AtJanta Jn ward _ in as tbe property of McLeod and McDowell to Hardee streets and running back 40O feet t* shown by all land adjoining «a!4 place ft-onUng JOO feet on the north aide of Exposition Jot In tho city of Atlanta ward 9 land [ot 20fi satisfy a fl fa fn favor of the city of Atlanta Parcel No, 3—All that tract or parcel of la td street between Hampton an«J Curran afreets ant In the, 15th district of DeKalb county Georgia land lot 74 In the 14th district of Fulton more or less in a westerly direction the house against said lot and against Bald McLeod and Mc- on said lot known as number 14S on Bald r!0K and being In land lot two hundred and running back 28 feet more or less in a northerly fronting 50 Teet on the north sido of LaFranre county Georpia fronting 2Of feet on thp soul t Dowell and the said property for tno coat of ourb- MANY NEW ENTERPRISES side of Jefferson street between Crew and [treet according to street numbers The same ilttht (2O8) In the 14th district of Pulton direc Ion the house on said lot known an num street between Maud street and Wntteford avenu« ng tbe sidewalk tn front of aald property witb ~--«y Georgia described as follows B«gin ber — on aaid street according to street nuan and runn ng back 230 feet more or Ices In a north Washington streeta and running back — feet being Improved property the city of At. PLANNED FOR MOULTRIK re or less In a southerly llrectlon the house granite i lanta, Georgia adjoining tbe property of nn at a point on the north side of Mason al ber* The same hetng iwn>roi«d prope ty in t*>e erly direction the houce on said lot known ai Turner road Shockley to satisfy a ft ta In favor of th« on as the property of Mrs L. G Ha] den t n the 14th dietrict of Fulton county Georgia tne cost of curbing the sidewalk In front of Ing- and will he ent«rtaii*d at a ban anri against said M s A. L Chambers for the CO* ranting 115 feet on the north side of Kalfe <103> feet to the comer of Turne- atreet then *• of paving the sidewalk In front of aaid property city of Atlanta against said lot and aga nat sai sallsfv a f fa In favor of the citj of I property with granite quet by Hon \\ t \ ereen its preai itreet between Season and Cameron streets and northerly along weat aide of Turner atreet one w F Shockley for the eo feet thence uth Jefferson street w Ith chert lawfully chargta city lot in the city of Atlanta, In ward T lated for the 01 ganlzatlon of a cold lot in the city of Atlanta ward 7 land lot 104 SOS5 Also at eame time and place the fol street numbers the eame being vacant property land" lot 1*0, In the 14th district of Fulton undred and sixty (160) feet to the point In the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia lowing described propertf to wit A certain citj able to said lot anln* Being lot J.o 14 (fourteen) In blocK Storage company who wld install a in the city of Atlanta Georgia, adjoining ths county GeoTfflsv fronting- ISO feet on the east >uui» » - fronting 144 feet on the south elde of Greens lot In the ctty of Atlanta ward 8 land lot 53 property at Logan and Buchanan Levied on aa side of Atwood etreex between Seth and three (3) !n the Lincoln Park Slaughter house and cold storage ferry avenue, between Holderness and Atwood Jn the 15th district of Fulton county Georgia 5iae Aleo at same time and place the fol* tha property of S H Ogletree to satisfy a a fa. In 1 per plat It further agreed and as part ft streets and running back SO feet more or less In lowing described property to wit A certain Grestisferry streeta and running back 52 feet tie consideration that this property Is not to b« plant Another enterprise expected to fronting 53 ~ feet on the west side of Parksdale ravof o't the city ol Atlanta against said lot more„ wor ,les_e .I„n „a ___.easterly, „directio„ n ths house "be started In the \ erv near future is a southerlv direction the house on said lot known drive bet* een Maddox and Westminister drives city lot in the cliy of Atlanta n ward 2 ISJH! and against satd S H Ogletrss and the MM j (aid lot known as number — on said street sold to or occupied by negroes. as number — on aaid street according to street and rannlne bock Ilfl feet more or leaa in a west [ot "4 in the 14th district of rultnn county on ToMther wltb all Improvements situated on a crate factor;, property for the cost of curbing the side-walk In according to street numbers The same*' being number* the name being improved property In erly direction the house on said lot known aa Georgia fronting S3 feet on the south aide of front of said properly with granite *,A tn all of the saifl before described trac a A compan% recentlv organized will the city of \tlanta Georgia adjoining the prop number — on said street according to street m Jefferson street between Crew and Waahlng improved ^property In the city of Atlanta »nd narcels of land and same be subject to erty of Holderness and Mckerj Levied on tts here the same belne Improved property tn the ton streets and running bock 100 feet more Georgia, adjoining tho property of Stella and a mortgage of thre*, thousand /$JWOOl_ doltsn - Immediately erect a tanning factory 5122 Also at eame time and place the fol- Morgan Levied on ex the property of C Life Insurance with a capacity of canning two nun the properli of Albe t Hurphv to satisfy * fl fa city of Atlanta Georgia adjoining the property or less in a southerly direction he bot-se on A Jamison to satisfy a t fa. In favor of ths JohO O Hancock Mutt n fa or of the rltv of At anta against said lot of Mitchell and spearman Levied on as th ut March 7 Idle according to atreet *ald C A. Jamison and the said property >perty amou t day This will be readj. ^{n the earlv pavinp the sidewalk n front of said propertj fa*or of the city of Atlanta against said lot and vacant property in thr- cit\ of Atlanta Georgia 121 iu ttia 14th district oC Pulton county, Geor So agnlnet sola J y Maxwell f the cost of pav gla. fronting 50 feet on the west aide of Evana for the cost of curbing the sidewalk In front in. in *11 to about thlrti acres In one tra« fall the growers haMng- pledged them or adjolnint C C B it Co and alley Levied of said property with granite. ng the sidewalk tn front of said property on as the propertj of Mra M J Phillips to drive between Milton and I^anler streets and beSL. «,WHred and aub divided Into lota and par Selves to an increased acreage Tot 50RO Also at same time and place the fol ?° "i- parcel, containing about five acres j lowing described property to wit A certain ct i satiafiy a fl fa. In favor of the city of At- running back 200 feel mors or less tn a westerly r the purpose of supplying the necea lanta, against said lot and against said Mrs direction tbe house on said lot known as num- 5116. Also at same tints and *plaoe ths Trlth the two story eight room house o ot In the city of Atlanta, ward 4 land lot 4T 5167 AlotJ at same time and. place the following described property to wit A cer- Averett on Paden road one lot - • sary \egetables in the 14Eb district of Fulton county Georgia lowing described property to -wit A certain e ty M. J Phillips for the proportion of cott of ber — on said street according to Btrest num- bers the same being vacant property fn tne cltj tain city lot fn tbe city of Atlanta la ward fronting 55 feet oa the southeast comer of Edgo tot In the city of Atlanta, ward » land lot 209 paving the roadway or street proper of Jef 7 land lot 14O In the 14th district of Pul- wood avenue and Jackson street and running back In Ui« iSth district of DeKalb county Georgia fenson street with ch«t» lawfully charge, of Atlanta, Georgia, adjoining ths property o" P p U Co levied on as the property of ton county. Georgia, fronting 121 feet on the — feet more or less In a ooutheasterly direction fronting 1047 feat on the west aide of Candler able to said lot east side of Atwood street, between Sells and Bremen Commencement the house on said lot known ae number 31" 19 on street between DeKalb and McLendon avenue* D E Floyd ta satisfy a fl fa In favor of tb* rfty or Atlanta against Aid lot and against s*l of Tjevled on number — on eaid street according to strwi tain city lot la the city of Atlanta, fn ward , „„„„ - 1913 at 10 a m Ten. Ust church at Rome will preach the aa the property of James Lambrous to satisfy a numbers the *ame being vacant property In the with granite street according to street numbers The eam« 3 land lo 44 In the 14th district of Fulton being vacant property I« the city of ' cash 25 per cent December 15 1913. icon mencernent sermon at the closing f fl fa ti favor of tne city of Atlanta against city of Atlanta Georgia, adjoining the propert, county Georgia fronting: 36 feet on the south *-- - — —*- cent June 15 1»14 and 25 pe- cen exercises pf Bremen High school here aald lot and against said Jamfts Lambroua for of Sweate and McLendon Levied on as the side of Orleans street between Grant and 0124 Also at eajne time and place tbe fol 1914 deferred payments to bear i the coat of paving tbe sidewalk tn front of sail property ot M» D E Morris to satlafy a a (a Bray lea streets and runninfE back 108 feet more n*v e*nt from June 15 1913. It Sunday morning at 11 o clock The ex I propertv in favor of th* city of Atlanta againat said lot or lees in a southerly direction the house w „.=. ... parcels and then as < *rclses, which begran Friday night will and against said Mrff p E Morris for tbe coat on said lot known as number 41 on safd. bids subject to the approval of^ a com* to a close Tuesday morning: when 5091 Alao at •am* time an« plaea. th« fo of paving tbe sidewalk In front of said property street according to street numbers' the same ten youns men and ladies will be givea lowing described property to wit A certain city being improved pr I»t in the citv of Atlanta ward. 2 land lot 77 5185 Also, at same tune anq place, tbe fol lanta, Georgia, adj In the 14th. dlatrtct o2 Fulfcm county. G«r»f»» lovUf dworiMd frfffrOf t* wit. A ottttlB I-ertsd oa M the *. Y .A C \ -** »•*. ^flfe- -1" 'ST-4PFR LATEST REPORTS FROM ALL OF THE MARKETS SPOT COTTON MARKET. Gibert & Clay. . >' Live Stock. Hubbard Bros. & Co. 19.nr.7oHr,. May S3—(Sj-eclai.)—Ben**** .nuy-" M«y- 23 —Hoea — Bcoetou.. J4.00O. ; New York. May 23.—« - mjJbjL, row*. *s.«[email protected]>f-pi. i«a.vj realising sales- prevented ptrdees sftrancins CtttI* — Receipts, 1.5QO. ; steady tMMVee. . market r«stetday. co- the local trade expeotod AUanta .Nominal 11 15-1« ...,. — new Mr*!*, tbe tone beld Tery vteaOy under 8.85: 7«x&s steen. $0.7&3r7.79; stockam and reed- that tba foreign m*flwt« would not toHow *ny B broadened demand. Coop advice* are favor- «r»." 3i.SWfe.00: ca«n uxi MStera, 13.8007.90*~~«r : ^her ad-ranoe. Actlox on this theory ttt«r BULLISH ENTHUSIASM'-able and wlta rains over night in. Georgia, and . *[email protected]. eupplied Ute dennnd. ben«. day's trading on the average of quoted - - . helfen, n thus! asm regarding wheat. The s cents. « values was ne^lible. The list opened M and Indtfto rtwra. $6.26€&SO; oowa end *»...- Total today .. .. 16.533 488^106 market closed heavy at prices vary- ens. $4\[email protected]; C*!TW ta. carload tote, $5.00® fractionally lower. and although do. 0 daya ng from laat nlght'e level to % be- We Offer there was. no pronounced pressure do. Binds September 1 S .474,627 Jowerr^pigs and ilfibt*. ow. Other leading staples all show- Naval Stores. stocks sagged generally during the Export^ — To France, from New Orleans, 634. d net gains—-cor n % to %, oats %@% Savinnah, oa., May 23 > muttons, fore part of the day. Subsequently To Continent — >r*rom CM^erton. S,1O2; New >rleans, 2,140; New York. 26. the market moved upward slowly, Coastwise —Galveeton . 1,830; New Orleans. C»; Mobile. 787 ; Savannati, 877 ; Norfolk. 628; o % @1i and provisions 2^6.<§>G to t i «I«0; reecfpts, 1,171. I Rosin firm; sales. 10O; receipts. 3.4S9. 75; quiet. cancelling the early ioaaes in most Quotationu: B, 34.55; B, $4.*>; £ and F, cases. INTERIOR MOVEMENT. wheat yield In Kansas were 110,000,- :$4.*J5; G. S4.TO; H. $4.To; I. $4.SO; K, *4. There was renewed liquidation in Net Qrosa ftblp- M. $5.30; N. $6.35; window gloss. $6.7O; w 00 to 3 15,000.000 bushels, against a Sheep, some quarters of the list. Pennsyl- MARKETS — Tone. BfJddHn*. Beeelpto. Becetpta. nujnca S«lea. Stock. white, J6.S5. , . 5,000 1,373 1.373 2.221 539 TS.OQft otal of 90,000.000 bushels floured out N. C., May 23.—Sptritt vania declined to 109»4, the low price 2a.—0«±tl*—Receipt s 800. In- Ausuata Steady 12 1-16 32S S2S 930 S02 86,300 arly !n the day by one influential s 36: reoelpta, 5 casks. for the movement. St. T>ouls and San Memphis Quiet 12% 132 231 1.9O4 l.gfflO 58,996 ".- •*•*.• dre»ed bear ud uthority. "Warmer weather north- Rosin ateady. $4,35; receipts. 2O barrels. era $7,7fi@8.«O; eoothern etcera J5.75® Francisco securities continued theii 6t, Ixrata Quiet 12^4 17 60fl *9fi 753 27.630 Tar firm. ?2.2O. cows $4.50®7. »«.i*w precipitate decline. The ftrst prefer- 21» 23« )W« ..... 26,235 west and continued slow merchandim^ Crude taipeatine flrm, $2.50, 43.29 and {3.00. Little Rook .. ., QuJot 11% «B 68 327 24.348 ng trade had effect also on the bear Savannah, Ga., Hay 23.—Turpenbln* firm, 37 . red touched 31 Vi. a decline of nearly Txnilavili* ., .. , mmi 1214 . $8.«OiS.8.52% ; packera and 171 171 3 148 200 ide. Big world shipments .promised. to ST14: eaJes, 835; receipts, 1,171; ehipmenta, 7 points, and tho second preferred GrsacTf I If, 8. C •. . Qal«t 1 1 9J. 659; etocka, 21.4W. ; MSht made wheat longs willing to take 76 ^ ATLANTA declined to 11. a two-point fall. Rostn. flrm; eales. none; reported reoetpta, 2,302 2.973 6,189 3,192 249,897 2.4OO; tvteady The cables reported hesitation in profits. This was done largely at the _.4S9; shipm«nts, S.O44; tttocm. 73,683. Quota- the foreign markets and London sold ixpenae of eleventh hour Investors and tions, A and B, $4.CD; C and D, £4.«O; EX $4.65; ¥4.50^6.50; P, $4.TO; O. $4.75; H. $4.80; I. ?4.90; K. »5.2O; ahont 5.000 shares here on balance velated shorts who for a while car- SL loula. May 23.—Cattle—{RecAdpts 0.700, In- M. 9&.9H; N, 96.39; wiadow glsuis, $8.70; water EootberaH; ateady; eholoe to firm Conflicting reports were received as RANGE IN COTTON OPTIONS. led the market sharply higher. "When .white, $6.S5. hese buyers were supplied, however, '"; good to choice ateem (7.50O to the effect on sentiment abroad ot itdier ateer* *5.75Qi7.60; the notation of the Chinese loan, and prices fell back. limp. . Textaa steeta t5.20(37.75; 1LANGH IN NBTW TOKK COTTOK. RANOB IK NEW OTtLSUUn OOTTOM. Primary receipts of wheat today «rw« and helferfl $4®7. It was assumed .that the influence Treasury Statement. Boss—Receipts 10,000; Jowar; upon the Investment situation was as [ 1 £**t[ J Pr«». 1 J , [I-t«| I Pr«r. were 453,000 bushels; a year ago 306,- | Open Hlfftal Low Sale[ Cloae f Clot*. [Op«n!mni Lowl S-l«l Clove [ do**. 00. Waflbingrton, Maj 23,—The condition Of the indefinite as the New York city bond 1 United States treasury at th« beginning M busl- Robinson- May. . Jii 75)11, 76)11, 68U1-69! 11, 68-70 May . , . 12.52 12.K 12,50 12,50 12.5O-51 Issue hern, tlip direct slimulus hoped | Seaboard clearances of wheat and ~ we today wae: Sheep— Receipts 2.1000; muttons S5@ flour equalled 486.000 bushels. ',i5; yearlings [email protected]; lamba $7®7.85. for having been Imparted In neither, July. . .de Fswiama caaal and public debt were irreRnlar with a downward ten- an overwheltnliig- majority. Tlhere rtPucv. Total sales, par value, 51.450,- Closed ffteady. states would have one- third If-ss to were only two votes agralnst levying Company ell this season than the preceding. the tax. and the school system of 000. Unltf-d statf-s "'s f-oupon dcelln- U find the fnurs coupon % on Packers buying through commission Greensboro will continue as hereto- Country Produce. fore. the latter rec-'dinp: to 114. Later BONDS. Third National Bank Bldg. STOCKS, after early weakness due to a liberal New York, May 23.— Butter unBetWed,- r«- , was bid. octpta, 7,2^8 tubs; creamery extraa, 27^^27%. run of hog's. Fr«v. *> ««i ion Ch-eese ftrm ; receipts, 12,238 boxes: utate HlgH. Ixjw. Close- CtoM. hole rnJlh. fresh ooJored «pecials, I3%@14. Cotton Region Bulletin. Amalpftmated ror>p K2vtt do. 4a, coupon U4^i 4 Artjcl*w. Open. High. l0 July 0014 .W% .89% .f»'> -90 Egffs Grata, 17H: socondir, 13@14. American Tobacco fls "..116 Sept SO V> -SOTi -RO U -SB '^ . SOR6 ^Poultry, nena, 13^3^14; roostere, 1O; duckt,, DlSrHHT. S B- K 111 AnnT. L*x?r>mor]ve. . . 33 33 3'J% 32'* Armour aswi Oo- 4^a 0«t De<- 91*3 -81% -Ol'i .91 VL .91% DRIVINGCLUB May 22. —Butte r lower; Amer. Smelting and Re- Ati-ltleon gen. 4s «4Vi CORN — creamery. fnp . . . . 67\fc 87 67 67 & Ma? ?)7<.4 -WVi .57 W. -T>R .^7% uly 67 J*. .S**1^ -S7"-i .57% .57% rclrgs u hansed; receipts. 38.O21 casce. July 3R\* .381fc .38% -38% .37% Central Leather Eia 93 Vi Sept...... 3714 -3S',i .37% .87% -ST% ST Atlantic Coast Une ". * 122 132 Cbesapoab^ and Ohio 4^a, bid 9S Dec 38\i .80 -38% .38^ - ^ do. oonv, 4^R, bid., , SR PORK — Bethlehem Steel '.."*. 32% 33% c'hioa^o aad Alton 3V-a, tild .^r> May 10.711 Ifl.ftS 19.75 19.95 lfl.72 Coffee. J. H. Hilsman &. Co. j,,i 10. (H) l' 19.57 19. SS 19.67 Brrxtlilvn Rapid Tran. . 92 »1% 01% 91% Chicago. B. and Qulncy joint 4s SH"-i y Sept la-'W 1!>.5O 10.2S 13-47 19.33 New York, May 23.—Coffee futures opened FHONE MAIN 94 rjLnadlan Pacific . . .237% 236% 2S7V* 237',* do. gen. 4s 0^ Steady at unchanged prices to &n a-dvaD(» of 2 rontral leather . . . . 23 22»£ 23% 2ft Chicago, Mil. and 3t. P. cv. 4Vie 101% LARD — points and allowed considerable Snnm«ea durlag Chicago. R. I. and V. R. R. oo . 4s 3S May 11.00 11.10 11. Ml 11. 1O 11.02 (••hei-apeake anil Ohio. . 6514 64% ft"> 65 ulv In 02 10 1)2 lO.flO lO.flO 10.9^i the day on covering and bull support, based on ITU tsreat Western 13% 13% do. rfe. 4s, bid 84 Sept'. . . . .11.00 11.12 10.D7 11.10 11-02smaller estimates ot the ccunlne'l^antoa ciop and Chicago. Mil. and St. Colorado and S. ref. and eit. 4^B. bid:. .. 90^ steadier late cables from Euroite. 1*e eelllng I>el4wa.r« and Hudson cv. 4e, bid 9#Ts S1DKS — Pauf lORtt I0r->i 107 3» 107% May . . . -11.P7 12.00 11.&5 12.00 11.0'J was lass aggressive today, following th« i«t&er JOHN B. WHEAT & COMPANY Chi and North West-l2O% 129% 129% 130 Denver and R!o Grande ref. 5a 7ti a«ti7« liquidation of Tburaday, and th« market Distillers 5s 64 July . . . .11.B2 11.30 11.21 11-30 11.25 CoL Fiwl and Iron . . 31% 31 SI 31 Sept 11.05 11.15 31.05 13.12 11.07 closed steady. Sal« 36.500. May 10.35: July 11.01; Consolidated C«s . . .-L3SH 132% 1K2% 132% Erie prior Hen 4« S3 September 11.20; October 11.21; DeoanrSer and Equitable Building do. gen. 4a 72 V Jamiatry 11.84; Mairoh 11.2T. l»»], and Hudson ', '. !j66% 156% Jf>5 15C 8 do. cv. 4«, series B •• 7OV RECEIPTS AT CHICAGO. ! Spot coKee quiet; Rio sevens 11%; Sarotos foure Iliinots Central lat ref. 4s 90 Rs lima ted ' LXmver and Rio Grand* 17% 17% 13%. Mild ooHoe quiet; Cordova 14@2T. nomi- HIGH GRADE Articles Today. Tomorrow. nal. ton. 1 .XI. DsstSltere' Securities IS 1.1% later. Merc. Martne 4MJe, bid.'. *.". " .'. .. 61 Whit, M 23 ^24 t-l& era $4 franc higher. Blrmin«h-a.j Japan 4M(O. 8O*> 1 Hamburg unchanged to ^4 PCennlg higher. Erie 2SH 3" SSH 28% Kansas City Southern ref. 5s 97 INVESTMENT SECURITIES Rio 25 rois lower a.t 9$57C. Saofios uoohanged. do. 1st pfd 43 43% Lalte Shore &&b. 4a (Iftll) S9% S 3 do. 2nd pM 34% 34% ; ^ * h ^ " '" "* ' *23 000 13 000 Brazlllun port receipt* 11.000, SLgoinait 9,000 Louisville and Nashville nn. 4a, blXl.- -. •• 93 }i last year. Ck-neraa Electric ISO 138% MlsaouH. Kajisaa and Texas lat 4s, bid.. .. 90 Teia» Rnlnfntl. Great Northern, pffl, , .327 12&I& 13O% 127 PHJMART MOVEMENT. Jundiahy receipts 5,OOO agalnet 11,000 last j«ar. Wheat: Receipts, 4S3.OOO. a«aliist 306.000 hurt Today's S^Titoa cabta reixw-t»d marfcet unciianeed. DOS. lM.-re<-. «.««. Great Northern Ore Cer- Missouri Ffcclflc 4a, bid 68 Sao Paulo receipts 4.00O, ofialnat SrOOO yester- AUDIT COMPANY OF THE SOUTH do. conv. 5» R3V- r Illinols Centra! . . . .115 us 114 114% *Shipmcnit3. 4JH.OOO, ojainat 452.000 las* year. day. C. J. METZ, C. P. A., Precldent. National Rys. of Mexico 4^", ofd 81 Corn: Receipts, 347.000, agalnet 288.OO last InterboroiiiTh-Mtst. . . . 14% 14% 14% 14% N«w York Central gen. SMis. bid 84^ district AT«rig««. do. pfd Si 50% 51 51 627-628 Candler Building. ATLANTA. do. {Job. 4s, bid 8S Shipments. 339,000. against S9O,ffl» laat year. rpmo tare. 5 ^ M. Y., N. H. and Hartford cv. 3Xi,s. bid.. 77 "5 T Infer.-Marln*. -ptfd. . , 15 1C Liverpool Grain. CENTTtAI* Norfolk and Western lat ccm. 4a, bid . . . . 92 ItUernatlona] Paper , . J»a^ J>% p r> do. cv. 4s .-30T' Liverpool. May 23.—WSjeat spot easy; No. S International Pump 22% 23 Northern Pacific 4fi 83T Manitoba. 7a e^d; N'o^ 3 do.. 7e 4d. Futures STATION. Grain. atead>-. May. 7a tt%d; July, 7s tt^d; October, Us 5" I* 111 teblgh Valley lSfi'4 1561,4 JW»^ lfW<^4 Oregon Short Ltn« rfdg. 4s **9 rhlcago. May 23- —Cas h : Wheat Xo. S red. a The American Audit Company *wt I .DO I,, and N 133% 132% 133 3 S3 Penn. cv. 3'ia (1915) OTH SI (^S-l OSH • No. 2 hard, 9e%^»* 4 ; No. 1 Corn apot steady; American mixed, new, 5s Trt ' .'«> Minn.. St. p. and San It do. foo. 4e Ofl^ jmnh*>m 02^-^M- No. 2 do.. »1@93; No- * ^d; do. kiln dried. 5s l^d; American mixed, S'ar?^". ".".'- -"I ^ S St. M 131.% 181% 181 1.11 old. 5s 1l^4d; do. via G&lveston, Ss So.. Futures 8v as .-Ml Reading gen. 4s 1MV ftpring. 91Q"lf2", velvet ciiaff, 60®95; aunim, 90"® Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. Mo.. Kan. and Tex, . . 23% 25% 23^4 23% St. Loula and San F*ranclBco fp. 4s GH^ easy; July (Ija Plata), 4s 11%61Mi : F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A., President. >Tatic,nal Blwm t . . . .114% 113% 112% 114 St. Louts South-western con. 4s. btd 78 1- THEO. COCHEU, JR., V. Pres. and Sec'y. — A. F. LAFRENTZ, Treas. Nat tonal Lead 48 4^ Seaboard Air Line adj. 5a. bid 71T Oais. No. 2 white, 42^2*4; Rtandard.. 41Mi@ BRANCHES: Na2n% 1<1O% do. l»t ref. 4fi R9"-' OfiO; -corn 14,000; oats 18,000. BOSTON — Exchange Building. CHICAGO — Marquette Building. . N. T-. Ont. and Western. aST* 2.S% 38% » Soulhern Hailwaj 5s ...103^ T linothy , ?-- W>@6, 65. Sh \ pments: Wheat 32.OOO; corn 44,000; oats WASHINGTON —Colorad o Bulldlnsc- PHIL , 7,000. N'ortl) American 71 77 Union Pacific -ta (W% Pork, £19.9*. St Ijouio, May 23.—Flour firm. BALTIMORE — Kefeer Building. Bank Building. .00 Northern PaoiHc . . .llfi 114% 1.14% 117,% ffl do. cv. 4s -.01 Ijard $H.l" Hay .steady. RICHMOND —America n National Bank IXDNDON.ENGLAND —y . C-, -60 Gresham Pat:)flr Mail oo '* 22 do. 1st and ref. 4s OUA Ri'bs, $11..">[email protected]. Seoelpta: Flour 1O,OOO; irboat 29.000: corn Building. Street. Bank. R-Mtntmutn eratn-es ar« for 22-hour j FV-nnaylvariia . , . .HO 100% 1OO% I1O fnlt«a States Rubber 6a 1O1% Ka-nsas City, May 23, —Oush : Wli«a-t. »&>- 2 73.000; oats 39.000. ATUANTA BRANCH, 1015-17 Fourth National Bank Building. «mllnK at 8 United States Steel Sd 5s 1W& h-ard R7l •Wabash lat and «xt. 4s. bid n« OatH. No. 2 -whJte, 09"•*• 'st 'lx>'uis. May 23.— Oub -B-heat, No. 2, $1.089 "* pai.-h ci-ntwr from the Pullman Pa.lai-« Oar . '. " .* ,..'*. \~^ * f-^ l.OTi; No. 2 ihard, 91(^02. Foreign Finances. received, and the aver- Corn, N-o. 2, 81; No. 2 -wh.lt«, 61^'g^2. Ixtndon, May 23.—Bullion amounting to £35.000 RfHnsbllc Iron aim ^er], 2H * 2i: 23 W "Tl Oatfi. No. 2. 30 ^©.^0%; No. Z white, 42^. as taken Into the Bank of England on batea repomn« 0.10 ro. Th^ Sea Island Cotton. Cin-clnnatl. May 23.— Flour quiet. weather" Is iha at time o Rwk Island Oo. . . ! 1Hi* 17.% JJT^ ]X|| Wheat flrm; No. 2 red $1.05@1,08. do rd Sa^annaih, May 23. —Sea . Island cotton firm „ - P 81 U 30% 31 30% Com firm; No. 2 mixed 5G%©60. St. Louis and San Fran. eitna flne and above, neglected; fancy. 23; ei data Brm; No. 2 mlxad 3S(Qi30^. Atlanta Appraisal Company 2n7^ 1VTU Wtt JVew Orleans Cotton. Money and Exchange. Gould Building Atlanta, Ga. HEURMANS. Southern Railway . . . '^\, 34*4 24^4 24% ll fd t New York, May 26. —O n call steady. 2"^'@G ^. °- ^ "TV; 76% 7«% 77' NBW Orleams. May 23.— The cotton mark**. per cent. Ruling rate and closing 2% ; ottered Metals. Tfr.neesee Topp*r .... ^T^ 35^4 35^- 3^1; HTJW mort«ratflt-tak N«w York, May 23.—Copp«r Srm; fipot and TPXIU. .in-1 Parflo w% 35(J Ing op*rat1ona of buy-ena orf the earlier part o Tl"nw loans It-neuter; 6O days, 3% per c*nt; 00 Comparative Port Receipts. the week. At times some eQiort selling W«B i ( ! May. $15.37. offered; June. $16.00. offered; July. n 1C1 1M 351 rable crop accounts, bu Prime morcan.til« paper, B % JW cent. Follow Electrolytic. Slo.B7<3>MtOO; Ute. J18-OO; caot- 1^. 1 . Realty . „ . ft4% &i% th« bulb of offerings «am« from the long sifle SterUng exchangfl heavy wltte actual boala«oa ines, $15.32. * Friday. i . S. Ruhber . , . , 63 BSJ^4 6S^ 6?% FliKftuationa were narrow ajid at DO time jiA £h (n banJwws' MHs at $4.S3 (or 60-dsay bills and market display tho activity that was seen In th Tin dull: root. t48.GO34T.T5; Ma;. $46.20® 1 "^ «te(tl ' • • - *>% BBTft 6O14 60% at $4.8635 for demand. last half of y«eterday* s fission- Commercial bllfla, $4.S2%. •48.7S; June. $4S.268'4S.6Z; In(Mli 3fm 106 On tlw) opening the tone was stea'dy nnfl prices L«K) cteiiv. $4.20. bid. rih" ^"^ Bar silver 59%- 1 Vlrertnta-Carollna. Cheml- J -* ' % were one point down to one point wp, compared Speltor Quiet. ?5.2O<1« 4O. Mexican dollars. 48. Antlirwny dull; Coohson's, .. 1 •with the final prices of yerterday. Cables were Government bonds weah ; railroad bonds Ir- i.,.7 , 28 26% 2T Z1V. 'better than d-ue. but mins In the eastern half o Iron eaay;' No. 1 nortfrern, ^[email protected]>; ^7a. 2H 2H \ *o* * PM' -V '"' the belt wore regarded as belong very favorab lx>ndon. May 23. —Consol s for money, 7413-16; 2 do., $16.25^17.00; No. 1 eouthem, $16.25w York, May 23. — Tlie cotton se«d oil mar- New York, May 23. — For the week ending to Private rateol discount. 3% per cent. OFTEN ket closed nrm. Spot. 7. OS. bid. May, T-1O® day : Bales 7.20; Jtine, 7.1UBT.14; 1 sold at 7.1O; July, Net receipts at all U. S. ports during 7.lli37.13; A«srust. 7.20«@7.22; September 7 21 Dry Goods. ARISE In the Cotton States ESTIMATED REX'EIPTS S \TVROAY. (JPT.23 ; October. 6.92<^6. A4 ; NOTreraber, 6.5M© Same week laet year 47,76! 6.52; December, 6.41<@*,43. Total receipts since Septcrrrber 1 .. .. 9,474,62 New York. May it. —Tn « primary cotton goods Sales between third and fourth class: 5OO at market was strong throughout the day and trad- T7STABLISHED IN 1865, THE AT- "r^lv'wftnn ^Mpecta l.QOO to l,n, apalnst l.< 7.1O; 500 at 7.11; 3OO at 7.12; 20O Augmst at ing was characterized by an active demand for 7.21; 1OO Septem-b«r at 7.22; 1,000 November at gray goods. Th« Immediate business in silk -C' LANTA NATIONAL BANK is the 6.51. Total exports since September I .. .. 7. 845^93^ goode wns seasonably quiet. DetlTOriw on fa II Total ealea. Ifl.SOO. goods will be lata on lere] as Stock of American afloat for Great N*-w York. Ma.y 23. — Raw sugar steady ; Mtifl- Whenever you'd like to yeaterday's cloeo and durtnK the moralDg there September .. ..' 7.18®7.2O 7!21@7!23 Britain last year 99,000 •covado, 2.77@2-80; centrifugal. 3.2723 The Ib 14 owing atatlstlca on Uia movcmeat of SrenJiom J4 36 &T as to each individual depositor. months. •cotton for the week ending today, were com- Trust Company piled bj the New Vork cotton eichange: If you naven^J a Checking . The policy of this bank is as liberal as London Stock Market. I9IS. of Georgia sound banking will permit; and every 'EutfaaiJa 5 78 2*258 Account, we will be pleased . May 23. —Th e stock market was weak Overland to mills end CamuJa ieil Greenville ..„• 7 g ' j; BUYS AND SELLS patron is accorded courteous treatment th» forenoon, when uncertarinty regatnilng Southern roll! teklnsa {estimated) . . , . »0.000 Greenwood, S. C . . 12 75 fti! •Oie peace negotlailonfl and «aJes to take up new Loss of stock at interior towns .„ .. .. 36.63$ fWlena 36 39 i' to have you start one here.. and careful consideration. iesaefi catieed a general sagging in valu*^. The Ijlttlo Soetc ' .. .. 207 3,575 24,5- High-Grade tone was more cheerful in tfte afternoon and Brought Into eiBbt for rbo troek . . . . QCs006 prices re«TB«red on local covering and freuh Meridian" --".. "1 . *.*. " "".ISO IS *&« S mpport, 7X7TAI* C«OP MOVEWeNT. 311 MontpMncry S94 624 17 923 Anwrl^ securities opened quiet and o frac- Na&hvllle , . . 409 7- Securities Atlanta NatioriiiyBank tion.. fclsber. Realizing: toilowed and most o£ Port rpcel->te 9,468,872 Natchez \\\\ gg ISTATIOIST AL BANK below parity before noon. The clos- the H»t Overland • mills and Canada . . . , 910.321 ywfotsrrj .. .. 113 i jg __ _ f Bank and Corporation Stocks, ing tone wae undecided- SonUiem mill fcafetngp (estimated) . , 2,530. OOO ATLANTA, GA. - \ Resources, *10,000,000i0tt .1 '^ BeouriUes owned qulat nd a frac- Stock at '- Interior towns In excos Rome II '.'. 174 993 7,a Municipal Bonds, Railroad and tion hfejbwr today. ReaWzdng followed. At noon of Septombvr 1 S4I.21S ' lh» market was «ey w*tb prioee ranging from Public Service Corporation ta 54 beJow yoMerdaj''a N«w rort Br*KZs6 1 into aijrbt cbua ftr for Vlctobtttx 9 71 j;30s i Stocks; and -Bonds. . iNEWSPA'FERr lEWSPAPERl FOR SALE>- MISCEL.t.ANEt>l S i SAl,t ALXOMOUILES. ANTE! TANTED SITUATIONS—MALE. WAJiTEP—-HOTTSES AM& AJPTMTa. T HE;—SHORTHAND coDRSt.—FREE BT young man gradu ite of h4gh school Trtth a WANTED—Fur apartSent 2~^or 3 FdItl£\Lls^H^d oT^^ SO SOSfcAEN P4Sb£JNGER Slearna tourlne car first ffrade teachers license alBO 6 years ex A B C of Atflanta lUghbrede. J W Howard 50? Candler Bids 1U09 model good condlt on cheap for ""»h or PRlZfc-S ENTIRE SYSTEM TAUGHT wi l exchange for equity in real estate Qall Ivy nd night classee 01 on to every one No perlenoe office work 3ox 5 care Co-istltutlon. * 4 rooms, modern, in desirable local MERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY ONE fine bar mare and top buggy for sale cheap ATLANTA'S STRIDES T 1 5S12 20 o obdgation Get full tnform&tloa NOW YOUNG MA\ With f ity D, Box 2, care Constitution 11 dealers in ttctory raoqllt typewrlt«rs and ilty broke 27 W Alabama st. 19 v *0~8 Bagwoll Business College 34V- grocery store can E A typewriter supplies. All makes of machines SAFES dies. cabinets, new and second hand, Osgood-Turner Auto Repair Co. treet AtlJJ 1 t"a _ 2 B-4 care Constitution WANTED—REAL ESTATE. rented. Repairing a specialty 48 N Pryor M. Oooltln Bank and OtOco Equipment Company Phone Main 252« THE \\ITH W A.XTFD—Men to work In talc mine* and mill* WANTED—Position by experienced stenograph or [ WE CAN sell promptly several small places rang 123 115 -tjortb. Fryor street. 10 NUF BED CALL AND SSF US. FROM DAY TO DAY at Lhatfiworth Go. Address Oaorcla Talc Com and general office man Beet Atlanta reference | iaf from $1 000 to $5 OOO Have clients who j J ROWN & COCHRAN FURNTTOKEl CO *»- !A>.OB FOR 3ALB-—1C toot DETROIT* canoe Rear 45 uburn Av* Ivy 6210 pany Chatsworth Go or ceorsla Talc Campany Aadrei Box 3 care want Income. Otis & Holttdar 1509-03 Fourth 1) Irlgerators and porch furniture Onr prices ouebloa anie ill* N C. 3 CoaetttuUon Nat 1 Bank bldg M 176 12 l are lower than you will expect to pay Upea «qulpiped with sponsons and VTSB made to order fullj equ pped perfect condition for ,nl<:tt Th«* r>opularU\ of the sriided r > \^ \\ A.\ rv D \ wires for quartette and Engltfih op BOOKKEEPER AND AUDITOR—15 yeora expert accouot 7 South Broad at. perfectly new Price complete ?5O Box E 5 sale $300 cash L ft Hai ,rd 241 Peachtree St. care Constitution. JJJ tn thn nc rth rn t>ai t oT th L o i n era s \tlnnta homp talent oompaiiy tree eoco will straighten out your bookkeeping and Wa Invite oalle and correspoadenoe from ATHCART STORAGE AND TRANSFEH CO Bulck Motor romiranv (AM; nta Brgnca) ^0 c-onlliiue-* to u t r» i*» us i fU ti \ h n l t Wo 1 fair \% f te for application office trouble* trial balances made email seta an> one who wishes to buy sell or exchange jWe move store pack and ahJp household VE CAN save you money aod glv* the beat as OVF 11*12 Cad liar used lery -» \ U **n Drai a rar« onstltutlon 2 tn rer thon ou,,h fa. it-* In tn list >*i tial of boohs written up P O Box 836 Phono Ivy vacant lot* laud suitable for subdivision goods exclusively 6 an MI \ V. go emmem ]oba big p«7" 'Oil _____ . * *n 1466 3510 Atlanta. 1422. cd Owner fd Ing Hi and l eel cheap o of pyoimments ^ rite lor list u may have just the bargain you wish to pur C ft S Sales t-o Atlanta. Ga If qMi<-k turcha-ser J \ Pr tclip' 10 Ra-jatou A * i i\al I eachft. < --tret t rfs A pt •*! If n ikll: Institute Dept 48 D Ho chase or a purchaser for the property you Tp*. ISINFBCTANT3 at thJa nuon of the y*ar ro-a/d e-nd 1 is CH nitr ifi d ( n It *-t"> ti wlah to sell or perhaps we may be able I IJUare essential. TJse C N Disinfectant, 19c to exchange the property you have for eoms | "^^ 25c. 50o and $1 size* at all dragglsts We»t ATLANTA SAFE CO. REPAINTED. or. the han lst>m> •*! re-*idt m *«> in th Rpsp NMBI f partv to travel either sex salary Other property you would prefer Crocfeer Disinfecting Co 28 South Forsyth street. RKMODEUNO repainting and repairing New clt> or \ irlnlfv an I Mpernep Room 4 Hotel ( umbejand 2 WANTED—Position as autnographex or stenograph and necond hand safes DO Madlaon avenue w and assistant bookkeeper by a qualified yo mg Realty Companj 622 Candler bldg. Phone VERNER 3 BARBECUE and Brunswick AUTOMOBILES 4.n indication r>f the -«, tn 1 * f the YES—If ou lave two hondo Prof Q O BraimiQ» Ivy 1161 12 Phone Main 4601 TOPS recovered and reptlred Up bolstering »nd *!11 loa 1 you the barber trade (Its easy > lady with the best o£ references Addreew F 605 "When your cook fells to show cp Delivered everywhere F Blip covers best work moderate prloea. deme-nd fo^r cc mt \ !- >rr" v lev n < lh»,r CA IBS: -au ht i i ha f h<- tfmo of other colleges Com gjj^ggflns'^jgg 5 these hot days, telephone Verner btf* fot R Logan & Co Atla&U- FOVCE DE LEOV AUTO CO roads is the anno m emont ->t a ! nr ft LET US HAVE YOUR ACREAGE—We can hot 2 s. Broa4 st Both phones. C. S. Hulls p ttc ourae and poe lion In our chain ot shop* A-DDRBSsT^G cop}ing and Job stenographic work ONK double head eteam table T-columne flat 52 FONCE DE LEON P1*ACE. ctiase pn Ho^ell Mill rt \.:\ promptly ami accurately done Prices reason It. Bailey A Rowland 111T FourOi NaU IVT__43C9 J 20 $30 Wli> pa* more' Thousanda of our gradw Bank Bldg Main 3217 » ALK S LUNCH ROOM. 142 Peach tree open Bh •Inr machine Bargain Constitution pub C ountT-y Home *»l*e l*ar<. hnntMt ate a running eh ope or making good wages At able Phona ivy 4073 0 all th« time Not large bat «lejtnent place [tshlng Company 19 WE have the following used cars all in A 1 1 !tftrber_ College 10 Eaat ^Mitchell St 2 WE HA\TE clients wanting Invproved city lota Charli si H u m in „ i r-i j < -^ FOUR second hand pool tables Just overhauled condition to offer at very aUractlva price* _-A&EVrS^_AWD^ for Investments &n& homes IAat what you PREMIER 5-PASSLNGE^l 40 H P order 110 Lu.cTtUi street C L. clopo fo cplj 111 ) W Lake st Atlanta phone 340O D J RAY 55 Gl« St Trains Atlanta DUNTUET vaccuro cleaners Cad ~ Ae«n4i i Atlanta and Ala hoo The following schedule figures are UST call 550 either phone to have your AUTOMOBILES HILBURN HOTEL, hold eae> jellP 2OO AustBlI__Biag__ plumbing repaired Plckert Plumbing Com 'accum carpet sweepem C J Co 10 AND 32 WALTON ST ~ ptibli^hpd onlj as information and a-re Fourth National Banh building 19 \\ANTED-5O men J pony 14% East St. REPAINTED. TOR Rcntlerren only center of city nei n-ot guaranteed BROWN BION TOPS recovered and repaired. Wheels, axle* and Crom $3 OO to $lo OO per day EEP your honse painted and tinted, Emhry o* oflce atp oOc 73c ml $1 OO •Dally except Sunday 77^, Whitehall springs repaired High grade work at reason I pa htnsfl St fl Construction Company 318 Fourth Nation able prlcea "bunday Only K al Bank Main 14o5 ONE 8 foot ahowcase 10 foot showcase and other line tixtur supplies la stock in At tN( I \U assistance offered worthy portrait showcasee In »ood condition 90 Central ave JOH% M SMITH for t lis ified l_ ^vn IPO is oper catalogue Matthews A n s Portraits and frames furnished that Atlanta Terminal Station. grr Dr Joseph M Hart do your chiropody 120 122 124 AUBURN AVB mtabli'h jrm a reputation Ga \rt Supply 6140 Main atoib t loroug'hlj 1 mill HF \\ th L \e > Atl-i a_ Ga Atlanta and est Point Railroad Co work We also make a specialty of chll if' \\M eh-all St Atlanta J^ ft dren B hair cutting Sanitary Hair SODA FOUNTS—Bargains In new anss fl atlons wfll II\ T\It i No Arrive From— Depart To— L hand soda fountains easy terms Write tot 13 wan agents to sell our new jook Horrors Parlors, 56% Feaditree st. Ivy 8514 RADIATOR lamps fenders repaired a* goM S\\ e \ o i t ompleu information l envi S p !r " West P t S 1*S am prlcea P O Box_10_2a__AiIanta_ Ga. as tie ft Vlfga all kinds sheet metal work e M-Ufti* Tornado Flood and Fire which Tlslted And if \ >u v. 3h thry will assist most flourishing towns and richest farm U2 •44 West P t 0 5o am •* New Orl-eans S 45 am ELL & MELL general plumbing ami re BBCONT) HAiND SAFES all sizes home safes $15 Wai-lick Bheet Metal Lo _48 Edgewpod 20 repilrlng driving taught IS Col >mbu 10 "0 am 1<> Columbus 6 f> am pairing Repair work a specialty M. up Kails bank and burglar proof bates vajlt > ou in tv i ding \nur want ad to eta m the Lnlted states and laid them to HIGH CLA^S vu'-anlz ns 32x2^ tire retreadaaT m i k ^ It m & t eff c t i \ e 3 alt n utcurtil \ulomobil^ e lit. e Acts of heroism eelf sacrifice i» told 31 Now Or 10 4-> am H Montgom y 0 10 am 1147 Atlanta 2602 doom C J Danlal 416 Fourth Nat Bank^ Bldg ?S 10 tube repairs 20c up -uctioo Company bj eye «Unesses 350 pages many illustration*, *» 25 pm ^0 N«w Orleans 2 OO pm \\ e t^k th it N i lo not unwlt 1 Montg y 1" Cmun-VDuS 4 10 pm TOTHIKG better In town than Canton Lows GEJNBRAL m ere hand la e buslnesu in one of the prire $] OO Greatest opportunity since Titanic ~ 05 pm J Chop Suey and Cafe also serving 25o din beat to-wns In Georgia for sale Apply to SOUTHERN RUBBER CO. tin-.lv a-hn^- e tl Is ph 7 40pm 6" New Orleans 5 20 pm 9i SOUTH FORSVTH 8T 20 ounts arc nened for ads bv phon« Outfits sent tree on receipt of 10 cento for post ^ ners 17>i East Alabama Bt Charleu M Burnett or Chan bar of Commerce age Best terms act at once Be Srst in fleld 11 40 pm 41 \\-est Point 5 45 pm Madison_ Ga, _^ 19 1 1 t -icc-->mmo(4ate > ou Makt. Order outfit from nearest office Ph t) ps Boyd N ALL OCCASIONS hare your work 1"he Solution of Pneumatic Tire r t ** promptl\ afte- public j t ubll=hing Co Atlanta G*. Dallas Tes. Lt < entml of Georgia I by the Sanitary Hair Dressing Parlor- R F JORDAN FURNITURE CO I roubles when 1 11s are pr sented bj- l e Hock Ark 0 Arrive From— Depart 1 Pea 1 ree st Uy J514 1446 AUBURN AVE r s 1 tor and you actommo LbE Vulcorl J Ide on air Thousands ot Savannah 8 00 am RATTI3 & PEFIN1S cigars. Ice cream anl satisfied u; PI I MAN poi Albany 8 OO am ) BELL PHO;NE IVY 4467, Add tiona weight per car 0 to rrUe P O Bux SO4 At 64" am soft drinks 17 South Broad at Both phones 7 pounds ' ie ia guaranteed lo take cars WANTED—GOOD SAT.FS- fi 2n am Macon 12 30 pm 4jl)8 Phono orders delivered ATLANTA PHONE 1800 ot punctures Ii on aloe no acids or other in 6 *> am Maoon 4 OO pm WE carry a £ull lino ot household furniture UAL1TT IS OLR MOTTO We oanr a com tor la I that Is ha •tnfu to rubber The presence of CLASSIFIED AHN lh. cott s ness In ou MAN HANDLE PACK- " _ am 5 30 pm from kitchen to parlor also a complete Una material keeps rubber eoft and pliable. Re- or b> oiur tj pe sami ti -5 am Sa i tali 9 3o pm ' plete line of seeds plants and QotreM Now ot aumrner porch goods, such as porch seta Is he time to beautify your yard*, Mo- duces t re trou Ie 6a per cent and pumping St* ADVERTISING RATES r sample roo In the Klser ING HOUSE LINE. PRE- 10 0 am 8 30 pin porch rockers awlngs porch rugs etc rerrig per cent Price $ uO tn 510 per car motor i Atl otton Inetruc 4 20 pm 10 10 pm Ian Bros 12 S Broad at. orators ice cream freezers and everything In Jio cycles $3 W te tor booklet Insertion line years ful opera t furniture line Call and see us before buying InnerCIonn Hue FER MAN EXPERIENC- "* 1 » pm 11 4 pm LW=, BY INNINGS Southern League in n en of ability write < call Macon 8 10 pm \lba.nj 11 45 i m j ' tall Cohen 77 Peachtree atreat- elsewhere Terms cash or lime 1J Vulconne Company. Uae JQ «chool Cha lotte - C . ED FRESH MEAT, PRO.- Coi~ETUS and salvlaa ,2Oc per dozen ferns, o.n 1 Ortlce Laboratory and Ser^l o Station 30B Pea_h 1 p H -planta reasonable 0 Abbo t alreet near tree Allan ta da. fcO No ad - erttsprnont aecrptod for less Southern Railway HOFMAKFRS C A Stentelt. P O Qus r an twn lines Cou t sev en ordJ VISIONS AND PRODUCL. "Premier Carrier of the South * Achby and Selte Wtat 442 19 SAVE your tiro trouble* and expense by the tafwn and J F Hyodman all from M use of Pun turo Cure We keep the air r j. \\ rds tn each line 11 -iperu«*r staie NOT OVER 35 YEARS Arrival and Depnr lire of Faesfng*r Trains ^tlnnta SOat i«s now together at 110^ V7hltehi.il St. DINING TABLE library table «n ! "-eal^d p n res automatically up to 20- D>ls ontlnuancf of adv ertislng 1 or single and experience The following s hedule flgiiree are published Phone Main 2477 rockers magazi ie rack Iwaok peiny spikes s,hich saves rim cuta and blow- mist lo in writing It v, H not be ist tut Ion OLD. SWIFT & CO. 2 only a« Information an 1 ore not guaranteed HE SOUTHERN BARBER SUPPLY CO all chairs all m!=*i< Hoosie hi i outs by 1 eep HE the air A cept^d b> phone This pro tec t* k first ch No Arrive From— -- - kinds of safety bladea sharpened. 11 . trtgerator chiffon 46 Auhnrn \ e Atlanta and Bainbrldge Oa- vour Interests as v ell as ours hafcer •«i butchei 3fi Blr ham !•> 01 am 3fli N-f-nN>w York 32 15 T btirq avenue Piedmont car to Park Ivane Westminster bldg „ XPW York 00 am 2O0 ( olumbufolumbufll 5 20 am Drive AUiO PUNCTURE CURE CO. 13 Jack ville 3O a 11 lnrinna.tl *i 4O am KNOW THE BEST wig and toupee work NORTH PR'iOR GARAGE Why lea i xillllnery? Bent 4^ Wash ton J2 Ft Valley 30 am Is done by A L Walker Sanitary Hair SODA FOUNT AND HVTLR&S lor f^a p O^utl Factory Atlanta and Bain bridge G« Watch. G1KLS trade on earth. lor Pay* 12 ShTpveport V Blr ham B SO am U dressing parlors 56% Peacbrea at. Ivy &514 complete ready for operation T ilb consK for Traile mark A P C r>on t be fooled. J1OO a month Call or write I* oC ahow cases r-nalris tablpa ole tr f ans *»c $00 vll J 50 am n Chatta fl 4O em 1 Price $* «>0 per wheel $10 per car Phone Ivy i erv 10 Mi Whitehall street 3< IOLINS BOUGHT told and exchanged Ke Price SoOO te m $4* ash anl $10 per moat 5900 30 •1" Torcoa R 10 am 12 R cnmond 6 ^5am pairing a spec I a ty The Old Reliable Violin Phones Ivy 4-£8 _pr Atlanta^-'' _ ] \V \\Tt-l 26 H<-fl n 8 IO am 23 Kan city ~ 00 am V Dealer Mays Badgett 34% Faachtree ..„ „, ..i fcl I f on i lace Call at 1 >O _» New York 11 15 am Ib Brunswick " 4r» am S \L\IA PLANTS [or sale Jor to 3V p METAL WELDING CO. USE THE orth a aii 20 Blr lam H "5O am W HY don t you travel the McFarland dozwn Mrs M L WMtak-r ^1 Avon jvenu AUTOG-ETNOCa WELDING tjOVL-RN VII- \T potdt ons open to women " VTacon ] 040 am JS New York 11 01 am way* It 1» cheaper and better Special Atlanta Ga Hell phone \Vesr 64S ; OX1 \CETYLENE METHOD 1 for i BI I rankUn Institute Dept 60O NK FLY fur rooir boajrd 27 Ft VaJley 10 4T am 40 C harlotte 12 OO n n WE RENT good pianos ?3 per month up W ALTO MOBILE AVC MACHINE WELDING OF WANT AD WAY Pea t tree Uj 144g J ^ August 16th to Great kakec Canada Atlantic soli good plan Of $5 per month tip Good se ALL KINDS. heater N V 3 •>1 Columbus 10 0 am 6 Macrfn 12 2O pm 86 GARVETT___5TREBT FHONB MAIN 8013 IT'S SURE TO PAY wiUi board 706 Peachtree 0 rimJnrNiti ]1 10 am tO V T" rnatfa 3 OO pm TRA LARGiE corner Jot fronting Grant Park WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OF TIRES stenographers Employment 1 eachtrea Ivy 094 L_ JT *iO Blr najn 2 3U pm 19 R r ham 4 10 pm all Improvement* Tenna. *•* Price f6 000. A. AND TUBES 226 PEACHTREE ST FHOV3 men only loae in aJl con J3 rharlotto S "in pm -18 To* coa 4 tO pm X J Mo&s 514 Temple Court b dg ' South Broad Main S85 IVY 5646 __ «0 department * venien-ces 2**.^ Atlanta xi Nelson St 7 "S Macwn 4 00 pm _ r*ol«mbua "> IO pm OU can borrow money on furniturb when IF YOU arty looking Tor eoraetning- in the furnl . "7 Sew York o OO pm 3 Cincinnati "i 10 pm brought to store F A J Loan Company turne line It will pay you to see EM Matthews VULCANIZING THAT LOST ARTICLE L C SMITH &. BROS NICELY ftir rooma with board all conveniencea 1-5 Brunswick 7 >G pm 28 Ft. Valley 20 pm 11 Spring fct Atlanta 21 i 7 Y 121) &. Co We will cave you 25 per c«nt, 23 Eaj,^ PROMPT attention given express chlpmento. San MAY NOT BE FOUND TODAY T\ PE\\ RI1 ER CO 11 Rit-hmond 8 30 pin 2. Heflin ^ 4, pm Alabama St 19 , ders gpeer Vulcanizing Company 100 Spring s' St Kaji Olty 0 2O pm 10 Macon 10 pm A.BAN & SONS 20 W Mitchell wtreet. Sea Atlanta. Ga. 30 Or Tomorrow 01 next week In fact "402 PEACH TREE 44 Wai!h ton & 4> pm us heforJ buying your furniture. Terms to FINE mahogany upright piano can be bought a 121 N Pr>or St Ivy 1949 16 Chatta !» i5 pm great uacrtflce IT Ulten quick pta.no nearly ne^ MAXWELL 4-cyllnder mnaTxrat model Q Sports a month or more may elapse before \»CET>Y fu-nlshed - 19 Onl imlniH IO 2 pm 24 Iaf k \ lie 9 -M> pm Z suit Convenience board Ivy 3157 L. and cool J35O Mahogany Piano care Conslitu man type fully equipped aplendld condition. it turns up A. littlt p^rdisteiicy • b« necessaij Of tt n the article WA.VTEJD—Young rrwn boardws large 14 Clnciunatt 11 OO pm 14 Jack vllle 11 10 pm FOR SALE — CITY REAL ESTATE 241 Peachtree street. 20 retmlns unfound ot t n fear of venrtla f except Sun FOR SAl>E — By owner beat built modern two NEW rubber tires put on your baby carriage Trains marked thus (* Repaired repainted and recovered. Ivy 3078 DBCLIVE IN TIRE and Tube prlcea affective prosecution or hope of a more sat er-" Atpply 141 Highland aveivue Ivy 61ft4 J 7 riallj Central time story 8-room house on the north aide for the day Other traJna run Rober Mitchell 22Q Bflgewood Ave. 18 HLiy 10 Great bargains Write for prtcaa Isfa tor\ reward mas- delay the NICEI Y fuirr room* with board &1I conveniences I Cttj Ticket Ornc« ^o 1 Peach tree St m«n«> Also splendid 5 room modern bungalow McPHJSRisON AUTO TlKS CO restoration Then the btlated close in reasona-_._.b. « rates ,7,3 „E Mitchel,.. l At ( In Fdgowood Phone J M BerrtaAn Ivy 1421 15 Atlanta Ga- ,20 aw ikening of the finder s con FOK SALJi. —On e new six room cottage all mod National Cash Registers sUpnre explains many dela>s ROGM~and board for tour young men May 15 RAILROAD SCHEDULES ern improvements large lot In Decatur GA S35 $50 560 $~5 $100 and up terms easy But i ersistency and C onstitution irivate home 16.1 fou tland Ivy Of~ J ^ddresa Owner care Cnatitutlon 15 THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO \rrtval and Depa rture of Pass-eng'ei «0 North Broad Street wantg will usually recover a lost Trains Atlanta 1* IT Is real estate you want to buy or tell. It Victor JL 1 remaine. article If an honest pei son finds STlTTsOR i 11~A VLISi UE will pay you to see ma A. Grave*. 24 East FOR SALE—One set of Balzac novels 25 vol Mystic The follow in^ <^cthe-diilf RgT-ires arc urnee perfect condition __pall Main 6Sp J 19 It The servicf of The Constitution Fl RM-sS-lrD Tooma and board Tab s board ; Hunter St. U Permanently Located In Atlanta. SITU \ I IONS "WALK. published onl\ as i nformation and ar L,< st and Found Bureau ia ilso en 125 "WEST PE1ACHTRBE ST PEX?IAL RATES Tor cash Situation Wanted ads jTJ 1 EA HTKEb pleasant room baOia "eTectrii not guarantee RARE BARGAIN STEWART & HUNT Hours—10 to " Closed on Fridays listed in behalf of advertisers r PLUMBERS 63 B HtJNTEH, ST 19 Three itie* o c line lt> cents three times l5c Ififht atvti gaa slwpJng P«r* _^______" •Os lj ev p it Sunday ON" ACCOLNT ot leaving city will sell my ele- DEJVBLOPfa personaJ nniffnetiani and psychic , ... ~ } \V 4NTf I I **l Inn hv young rmn steno-hook "^i n gant ne* home beat residence portion ot West E^ery Kind F R I-o- powers lour greatest wish can positively W.JLJ.. PARTI re THt Windsor 110 Uy s now In charge of DC .iU t . M" » kP-jxr (i h flvo years exi>er *>n«> -willtng to Peachtree every modern convenience Must be gan & Co Atlanta. be realized E\ery case guaranteed, 23 la»t M nday^ | ^^ ^ ^ ^^ j BO E_2^ ) 3 an "U«*,i,,™ '^~>tNr M\N wokkeeper oaan e ^rith collese 534 PEACHTREE ST. Arrive From — Export To — NO 156 ST. CHARLES addressii E etc. Prices reasonable work guarau W\NT the public to know thai tiere la a n^jje »elurn , ^iu a n L re,^n iy m ploy«d by large rm-del teed Phone Ivy 7U11 P O Box 836 IS NICFLl furnlehed rooma with board FOR SALE —Beautifu l 7 room bungalow with selling 2o-aia-B who clalmn to ba aallla* fox V can RI e orni«r employ* s rua-m* ae _ten ea_ close Jn Fit sc raid large sleeping porch house scrcenel E Lambert whi b IB not so He Is the flower •i tain, ig dx> nee 7 30 am IO 15 pm ia why we sell cheap rJjief Please bare him arrested and notify V e \rJdrpa D Box o care Const tu or gentle fl 30 am 7 IO pm \V« cr throughout hardwood floors birch doon WE SELL tor cash .rnlshcd i -H llh or nrun-j vt k Southern Wrecliagp Co 114 S Forsyth St 1J> E Lambert BeU^ phone M 4688 J 23 -s\ille tile bath furnace heated *l«t> flre jri«c«» Dera ur si ee< S4 (» H A.N w«T etper pnr^d li the whole Bllghtful no ,n thr^e rooms pretty brick mantel in lar^e $1,170—S E C O N D Mortgage MATERMTY SANlTARltTM—Prlvato refined. e bus w* wanis positio a ono« spot It other boarders Pullman sleeping cars on n KM trains between living ciom other rooms have nice cabinet homelike limited number ot patients eared Cor LOST—Fr a h ci Tiantels House has every modern conven Notes on good Vtlanta mi tion Mre M T Mitchell. 26 Windsor St- 23 onn d *r H, lai-v A.ddrabs Box 6O!) lence and Is located on a n cely elevated lot . Id a I a Don t Read This Georffla Ratlrond proved property B T ,, 44 I air DOJ i, HOSPlTAL^Doll* repaired, eAeepj oy<* ooma with all mod otxJOO feet Co a 10 foot alley This ta a I -U I I • 1 if; po Itto with prl Xo Arrive From — No Depart To— bargain For full particulars see owner who reset all parts furnished 110 mctia ' lome nice tab e board 4 Augusla 12 IO n t lie St Ivy 6570 19 phone MUO ree 85 Luckie stree 3 A»s ista 6 25 am will maka easy terms No 91fl Fourth Na High itreet * Covington 7 3O am 2 \u$ i«ta and liona.1 IJank building Phone Ma n oflS IB • atchn 9,1 Vnion Pt fl W am New lork - ~0 am KDUC 4.TION 4.1^ Oakland City Repair Works I" Plun nJsherJ room w-Jth board gentle 1 ille anil Niinb«f!li Railroad pun ha-*e or Whit SWL.VT PF^i **> a id 30 cents hundred 16 F< L N D \\ Holdc n<-« -«ret. i ioui way to West View \\ A.NT I I o-lilnn . reasonable 11 ^ 3 Pryor street. Atlanta Ijpsve | Arr vc utilc lo exchange the property you have for fleld county . am Realtj Company 622 Candter bldg Phone SWtfc.T at racuve roung Udy ae»)r«« to jet 619 WEST PEACHTREE"" Ol ri nauH H c 1_ am| fl »0 pm Ivj 1161 15 At $7.00 Per Acre carried at once Husband munt ba abl« U LARCt- llgl ro n A wit! or without board prl Kno\^ !!<• ta BHio Hi l«« 7 i>an| 12pm beep tha tiles of Price & Thomas screen* will e 1 > amj Ji 0 pn RICH SULTH OFORQIA do $2 V Pryor st Pnone Ivy 4203 1 vat« 'ami y M t, Corey Ivy 5635 J 7 KnosMll via Carter 1 I II YOU have any vacant prop- Soil dark gray loam ' laj \ I NO \I\N J fron rooms excellent table Kno^%lllo via Catersvllla 1 ) pm 11 15 am especially adapted WllLE TCTsTOCKHOLDP R«—ImportantlnlWTna Murphy accommodation 4 05pm 10 50 an tion will be furntabed 1\ nona Go d Copper M!T L 1 Care Con Few morv table boarders Mrs erty that you want improved, truck !&"mlag cow J M c."\5lemari ^0 Peaohtree 7 and corn and all tora_ rope .nds will ng Companj d e ocLholders by add easing Sax. TJ It r\\ nli^ely fur coan«ctlnp; roo ns i\ ith board Seaboard \lr [ Inp Unllwnj either in white or negro settle- be sell ins 'n a. very short wlille at from $40 UO Littlo R0(.k Ark____ ^ Mrs A _ UTtctlve \p 11 T~ 1913 ment, call Mam 4376 or come an I to SIX) OO per acre There are no better lands Tilt IL^tF to hi c vour rurtalna la No Arrl\c Prom — No Depart To — In Georgia and now if. your cba ice Write or LiMtOE ro nl e j hot r good tab e conw to see us tor parti ulars. W A Baker & 1 ber t ivouJd Hk« per 121 Capitol 11 V*w York <• 2O am 11 S rtning m e SO am let's talk it over W L Merk, LADlb - the sumra^r U f] r suit la Jndtepeasa-ble goo d ref wen c ea 11 Vc-rfolk f 20 am 11 Mempnis 6 30 am Co Land Dealers lllo ItJ Fourth National Ba ik On s Ik HIMHI II •Jp •»' work V«-y reason FtHR square 7 G New York 12 oO im 319 Empire building 15 bldg 1 IS U Washing n b JO am abl prl et W Pi i f tree M Phone Ivy 5S91 2J A ""VEW refined people can get clea rooms wlji 11 PortFm h « 20 am W Monroe ~ OO am FOR SALB—At Hen Person vil I e N C one I the UOH RM flreni or -without board private family brick house 6 Washing n 12 rO pm FOK J^LE--«ORj5E^^ HAVa~^OL ~INOiRO\VN TOE JSAII^S buniwm .rt 10IS (.-en IT Abbe e S C S 1O am - finest mountain resorts In the world a 50 acre corns, *M>re or tired Ceel* II so call anil turr bJ is newJy renovated two doors 'rom ascoJc Tem 6 Memphis 1- -tO m fl Nor oik 12 TO pm farm 20 room furnished honas -»od out bu idlng* "OH, SELL THE pje__ 18 W ^Galn Ivy 6ft42 _ P QNB or the smoothest galted saddie moraa in consult Dr Hanna, expert chiropodist at 8 A, RbLI \BLJ- sob 0 Blrmlng m 12 40 pm 6 Porismoh 12 i« pm Atlanta also *xcell«nt farm horse and BOTeral Price $1O 000 which Is about hair i s actual Clayton Co chiropodists manicuring and halp H is C tntu -v BLAMED THING." ONL front om with board for 22 BirmiriE m 12 10 pm 1 Blrming m 4 IT pm bugs lee Apply at &> b Forsyth st lo value $5 000 cash balance on time Addreaa d easing parlors 36>£ Whitehall straot. Sac an close In all co ienc 5 N«w York 4 -> pm Blrmlng m T Oa pm Owner Box 63 Henderson* lla N C 14 cesj-or- o CU>IQT j. Zahn. Main 176S 23 win 5 "W ashing n 45 pin > Memphis 5 05pm FOR SALE —SEEI > AIVO I»ET STOCK ' A. WALKER 14 A Auburn avenue Pa barked a shin on a rocking 4 m IS Abbe e S C 4 OO pm TO SCREtN~l OOO houaea with Kana Kwallty etpf n-tee pa * MCFI Y fumifiheard Cain •S Portam th 4 "io nm 12 New York s »g pm 12 Norfolk S 55 pm BY OWNER 20 acres on Falrbum car line Kant B nd and Screen Co Mala 62 G B BTWT- I Cal er s lia T o. -• M J Ivy 21K>3 7 1_ Btrming m 8 35 pm 5 room house pasture branch orchard and road 4S< South J3oute%ard 23 cral 3 ears The chair wasn't 2B Monroe 8 00 pm 12 Portsm h 8 55 pm H G HASTINGS & CO. FREE I LI 1STRA.TED BOOK « t abou SOO OOO BEALTlFUL fur front room with dressing room liberal terms get off car at Mnllo-y s W W protected pos tlona In L c ce Tbou&ands needed \.nd there was really no in private adult faml j lose In aJso room loi City Ticket Offlvc , 88 Peachtree St SEEDSMEN FOR THE SOUTH, VealStortewall ACME Hatters have moved to 20 of vacanc Les evt ry j ear Th« a Uls chanco i^en Icrn n excellent leale prices reasonable loom f u it an\\vhere in the j$ l^ast Cain _ Ivy 5o20 L._ 1 16 WEST MITCHELL STREET East Hunter btreet. Old hatb here tor you -?ijre and gren pa> llfeil ne \Vest em and A tlnntlc Railroad. FQH SAX 1C—AU10MOIUL.ES. employment Just aok 'or bo ~ " ~~ FOTjR CITY DELIVERIES DAILY llgation Earl_ Hopk na Wa; house AUBURN HOUSE~ No Arrive From — «?o Depart To — made new 23 NICELY furnished rooms and board 27 An 3 Ntishvme " 10 am 04Ch!cigo 8 OOam NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES. 9 W4JNTF-D—Good tw ^^ *- "HOW?" burn avenue Ivy 4393 7T Rome 10 X* fflm 2 Vash -ills S S3 am A M INMAN PARK AND WEST GOOD USED CARS VIAVI~OFFICES 03 Vashville 11 45 am Q2 Nashville 4 50 pm 201* 10 GR.AXD SLIU3IVG 23 V^ked mother I don't know o£ r AT REASONABLE PRICES I Ll , 549 PEACHTREE 1 Nash^lllo V 3 pro 72 Rome 5 16 pm END, 2PM faHOb-b HALF SOL,i.D St-WED am one \\llO V\antb tO DU\ the, TWO love-y connecting rooms with private baOi *h> Chl<-a«o 7 5O pm 4 Nashville 8 50 pm I »„_ --".pies or vQung men good board 7 BELL PHONE MAIN 2568, ATLANTA Maxwell two cylinder Runabout 50 CENTS and I don t feel like giving ——— 256S flae oottdMion throughout 185 00 At Gwinn s Courier Roadster fulty equippeti it au iv It cost us money and TWO n cely fur large front rooms with TAXICABS VOW IS THE TTME to begin using lice powder, electric light- $275 OO it s aim ist as ^ood as new I w thout board Three minutes walk lo e; liquid lice tillers and disinfectants We carry Buick Model 10 Roa-dater elec ATLANTA SCHOOL OF . | ter ot i 411 con enjjncea Liee B Conkey s and P-mtte IJce. Powders and trie Hglita 350 OO I FtR rooroa comfortable country home model Belle Isle Uqnld LJce Killers Start using either of them Buick Model 38 tour paasens«r PRACTICAL MILLINERY "USE THE j conveniences surrounded by oak grove large now and you will not be bothered with lice and OLDEST and bes ml llnery school In th* «outh newly painted now top Bae mcties auccesstullj taught by corapetant veranda on car line good table " mites !n your poultry houses and on your fowls condition 3wO 00 CONTITUTION'S and butter no children 270 Dec Ivy 5190. Atlanta 1598. this summer Ins rurtora. For termfi and tul! Intormation Ti- \ \\ hitt granite block Maxn ell Roadster Spo-tsroan address Ml» Pboebe Rain 40% Whltelia J CLASSIFIED," IVY HOTEL, 98 IVY ST. SAGO PA1-M BULBS started now will make type Model Q fully equipped street Atlanta. _ electric lights 375 00 pavers at \\ inston Salem AMERICAN _FLJIN_ $1 25 _ u» Phono _4104. large palms Uile season We have all sire WB MAh.S ^Itches trooi mbings53. 51 Op < ^aid pa Other people are buv ^H Ti 4-^TED —MISCELLANEOUS . bulbs Price 15c a pound, two pounds 25c. Maxwell Touring. Model G four 70 iy Peach LTC? street, Mrs. Allle Qallilabo 11 , I ' RTYSTOi P at OHUo Cltv Hotel Beet 42 OO a m^ selling and exchanging tiolal In city Spedal altentmn lo ladles I WANT an fciarly EngilBh buffet 6 dinJiig passenger fulljt equipped 450 00 Cal Ivy 1D66 J_ K C Pay ?5 tor q hours chairs small library table eenne lolaid lln DON T rORGET that we are headquarters for Primo Touring car new top and PRICE" & THOMAS—FLY SCRKJS'VS. through that paper Thev \\ould r^, °"co" '" " " oleum muut to in good Shape and bargain for poultry *eeds poultry remedies drinking oeat covers .. 4fiO 00 PRICfc, &. THOMAS—PL^ C^EtNS. t>pot caah. C A. Malllason Standard Oil Com fourts *oocl hopperB etc. PRICE & THOMAb—FLY bCRBENS. About three months work not he pa\ m^ .^ooil hard earned ; pany IS Thve cara are In eood running coa . NORTH AVE. dftton and worth moro tban the prices PR1CB ^ THOMAS—FLV aCREfc.N3- BUGS CANT 3T4T on plants wtien Bug Death quoted, above PRICE & THOMAS— t-LY ^.CRELNS 7imne\ It i \\ant ids if they clidn t) BETWE..EI N tne Peach trees nicely furnlabei! Mattresses Renovated is used It IB a dry powder put up In G2 V Prior «t Bell Phone 4203 ITT_ 23 Atlantic Bituhthic Co \\ in rgom»_ aad_ exceJlent table ooard. Ivy agOl^^j WB BUY and, steam clean feathers. Meadows ill -omc jjood Herts a dollar, convenient size packages and IB non poisonous It FLY SCRfc-EVS fly screeni tly screena Wood & Rogers Co phones Main 4840 Atlanta can be put on the plants In the morning when BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Ily screens meUl nj <-reetia hardwood Boor* ston Salem, \ C j tr\ it out — LELAND HOTEL 1476 P O Box 5 18 the dew is on or can be put oo. alter the plants b AMERICAN PLAN Plenty of good things to oat hare been sprinkled Price 1 pound package 241 PKACKTRSE STREUT Venetian blinds metal woatuer st-tps fnrnl«he referenced Address P fOt .• tt™ Box -23^ w7 Decatun


oppOBTtrsrrriEs. BISJ.VESS AMD MAU. OKDSU FOR RENTi— STORK*. DIRECTORY. 'NE large, nicely 9 room. Dn aontt Side; Bit HOUBBKEEPTNG rooms, en Smite, two or three, *f: HREB '^aSdBome^ne V'etorSir wS I6ft'"»tr'Nos . BANKRUPT SALE conveniences, does In. - SIX NEW BUNGALOWS £**°*> tor .caah. Masonic Temple building. 213 Bqmtable buUdlng- Bell papnq Mala M2O. * unfarnfahgd. phono Ivj- 42S7-L. T;R. rooms, jerlvala home, all conveniences, hoe FOR RENT—Three-roo— ree-room hirnleheurnsed apcrtment. ^--r EttONKY TO L.OAJS._ ___ and cold baths. ilO E. HiarrH. Ivy 6M9-J. 34 TThb e Werner. 49 Washington, for summer AUTO SERVICE—Pope-Hartfara. whits, dri months. Apply Janitor, or Apt. 18. 88 $2.50 per hour day; $3 per hour—nignit. Beat LOANS —W e placa loan* In any amount Camp Grocery Compoar, 345 Peacbti«« atrevt. fur. front? room, private"fasnily," withTor accommodation. Make appointment In advance. AND on "tmprowS rarm land in Georgia. Tb« A complete ling of fancy srocerieti and fraah wiltbout board, 574 Piedmont. Ivy 3Sff6-U_ 3* NICE. airy. 4-room a?artm«nt. completely ivy 2889^ . **> goathera M«rtjag» Coropaay. Gould meata. We make a specialty of treab vegetable* ONE aioely fur. room for 1 or 2 young men; all fnralabed. In tfce corintfiian, 136 W. PcwoUtre«L WAWTBD—fl.OOO to fS.OOO an first-class real and trolt. O. T. CAMP. Manager. . 115 Ponnwalt at. . -84 Apply Cbarlee P. OloTar Realty Company, 2% "Walton street. S3 DURHAM MOTOR CO. •Mate. Orst mortcage. W. O. Alston. 1219 PAINTS AJVD CREOSOTE STAINS. THH2TE nicely fiiff- or oxOur. room* on atmth side; SIXTEEN BUILDING LOTS TWrtf National Bank bolldlne- 2« *11 conrenlenc**; cloae In. M. COSSrJ. 236 FDR, KITCHENETTE: APT. tor light PIVE and e«v«n-p*88enger car*. Garage, 112 East Ing: no children. M. 18S6-J. 274 Wbltea»Jl. 38 Ellis atroet. Call Bell phone Ivy 2496. day. Cenlnil av*. 3j- Main 4325 nl«ht \ _4O SPECIAL HOME FUNDS MANI:FACTI;KJBKS of high-grade " painea, TWO nioely fur. rooms On sooth side, all con- IN tn« Herbert. 244 Courtltad atreet. ojoee in on TO USffD on Atlanta home or business prop- whlfe lead and creosote a Lain e. Wo make rottlencrs, clos» In. 977 Atlanta. 34 ncrth. aide, «lx rooms and bath, front and back erty, at lowest rate. Money advanced to build- ready mixed paints to order. Corner L.a porches, ateam beat, not water. Janitor service, NEAR BEER LICENSES. , AT AUCTION em, Write or c*JL THTIBE nicely fur, rooms lor light liousekeeplns, rent $42.50; ivfereQces reqalred. Apply Kerbeu-t France and L,t-wry streets. Bell phone. Ivy iso slnele room, 343 S. Pryor St.: reasonable. I HEREBY make application to City Council for 5Sr.:>-J. Atlanta^ Oa. _ 31 Kaleer. 411 Atlanta National Bank bid*. Phone renewal of near beer license tor colored only S. W. CABSON, TWO nicely Cor, rooms, on north aide, all con- Main 270 or Janitor oa premises. SB at 04 DeoBtnr,.St. Ike Morrla. 4,1 THIS AFTERNOON 24 SOUTH BROAD STREET. CO-\THACT|>G. veniences, ctoee In. Main 2-158-J. 34 THREE-ROOM apartment, Data and kitchenette, TWO aincle rooms EOT light Housekeeping, all .close In; all conveniences. Inauire Aipartznent I HEREBY make application to city council "or PARTIES wanting large loans ou busings, prop- conveniences, close In. 273 Whitehall St. 34 , 52 Baet Cain. SS rewawal of near beer llccnoe. whites ooly, at erty, or money to build buaines* houiee on can- 13 N. Bread ut- Juliae Cohen, 41 trot propart?j_olea6o com* In to see u*.' Tho Sler- LET US iSo your cabinet and ecreea work. Inte- TWO 1 Igh t, cool, fur. rooms, c N'S 1, new. attractive 4- room apartment, Saturday,May24,3 P.M. chfclit* anip^SinuIactiirers1 BanBlng and Loan rior and exterior houae pa In tine- Tinting and Conrtlond. Pttono Ivy 5356. nortb side; porches, screens, g»a stove refrlg- I HEJREJBY make application to city council for Company. 2OQ Grant building. Telephone 1*7 glazing a specialty. 110^4 WHltabali st, Ma;a eretor. electric limits. Ivy «S»7. S8 renewal of n«ar beer license, whites only. a£ SMI. 26 TWO nicely fur. apts.. two rooms and kitchenette. BO White hall. Julius Cohen. U IN THE TENTH WARD, on Warner Street and Allene and Wood- I HBRBBY make application to city council AARON HAAS, SO.V & HOWELI*. PARASOLS THRBB light ftousefceeping; rooms, well furnfahed, also one room and kitchenette, cloee In, xnod- LOANS on real estate. We buy purchase money very beat location, to reliable ooupla. Coll Ivy ern, very reasoaable 2t> Courier etreot. 38 for renewal of near-beer Ucense, Cor row Avenues. Just two blocks from the splendid car service to notes. Qalcfc service. 732-734. Candler buiI4- 967-U 34 EAUTlPUlfc sunny. 5-roam apartment, Close In, colored only at 123 & Peters street. B. C. bangles-Repairing and recovering * specialty. 31 Woertz, J*l East Point, College Park and Hapevllle. Also convenient to the jgS; Phone, Irr 4453. _ 26 135 SPRING ST., close to. I have now one 3- eteam heat, hoc water, gas stove, tile bath FQfi. real eaiate loans. ae« W. B. Smith. 788 room apartra«ait furnished find one 3-room epert- tlto porch, sleep-ine porch. See Owmer, 7115 Pe^. E HEREBY make onpllcatlon to city council Stewart Avenue car line. Fourth National Bank building. _ __^_ ~ DIXIE BLUErpRLNT~c6T~ m 1 only^alao^oae^smaU room. Ivy 3086-J. 34 store. Apply Ware & Harper, 725 Atlanta. Na- wholesale only at 132% Marietta street. Terra Park. HauteJBrg. Co. ,_H. E, Woertz, lowest ratea. John Carey. '2 Whitehall «tre«. TWO beautiful oonnertlag, fur. rooms, suitable tions IBankbuIld Ing. M. 1706. o13 Oermanta Savtnga Bank. for light •joueeheepins; also rooms Tor young SEVERAL desirable stores, Pryor and • Peachtr^e I HEREBY make application to city council ONE of Atlanta's best citizens, Mr. I. N. Ragsdale, has developed DTS7~THE FI X KB men. alJ oo-'ivenleDi'es- 4^2 Whitehall st. Main streete: two available June 1, others January. 1 for ri-ncwaJ of near-beer license, for if ~CT~ D ES A VBZV R B. STOVES A.KU RSPRia&fLATOH tLEPAlf lored only at 125 Decatur street. H. E. Woerts. T13JB and monthly loans negotiated on real o«- *We anil second-hand gaa atvvea. 34fiJ-£. M and previous. Size* ranging from 600 to 3.000 this property, sparing neither time nor money to bring this tate. Room 813 Atlanta National Bank Bldg^ We sweep chimneys. FOUR nice!- !ur. rooms on aouuh aide, close In. square feet. See Mr. Wilkinson. As* O. Cftnaler I HEREBY mi»h« application to City Council for 810X57 to lend < Atlanta Phone 2235: Bell Phone Halo 23 all conveniences. Ijj S. Fryor_atreeL. 34 , Agent J22 Candler Gliding. 30 renewal of near beer license for wfaJte only at property to a point of desirability that would make It acceptable McOhee. Jr.. t erw brtck store, up-to-date, next to Jacobs' 344 Oecatua- street. Ouae. Kaufman. _41 REPAIR!*. FInTi^riTcfly furnished rooms for light house- to the better class of citizens for homes. ' Keepine; all conveniences, close in. 201 S. Pharmacy, corner Gordon and L>ee streets. West I HHREBY make, application to City Council tor Forsyth street. 58B3-F Atlanta. 34 .) payments without interest. A small cash payment will be required, COiVi'JH.AC'1' PAlATIfliU FTJR.NISHED ROOMS. Witt connecting bath. 34 FOR RENT FOB SALE. lend on Atlanta real estate; ranging from $100 to $250. This is an unusually easy arrangement OANS — Money o en on a WALL. TIWTI1VG. ON THURSDAY. May 22, at 3:30 p. m., we will sums of $2 000 to J.l.OOO. 6 ce c nt; $2,00, 0 *"*""'" THE PICKWICK FURNISHED HOMK IN ANSL.ET at 7 per cent, anndd ?O-.?SCO-«1.0O0 O to $2.00. 0 at 8 peper acll at auction, three bungalow* on Vaughn that should appeal to every buyer of a home. post. We buy pure-hasp money notes also. Dun- NEW. TEN-STORY, flreproot building. Room! PARK. street, near Whitefora avenue. Also several va- »on i Gay, 409 Equitable building. ____ 26 einglf or «n suite, with bath. 77 F&IrHe St., cant lota In the same neighborhood. Very eoay THE LOTS will be sold on very easy terms, with 6 per cent simple Cartiegte library^ A BEAUTIFUL furnished home for the terms will be offered. Get plats at office. fl" PER CENT LOA~?T3~oiPAt:)arita property. J- R. 1 Natting & Co., 8OI-4 Empire Ltfto buiMfn«. I STOP at O«t» CJiy Hotel. B«wt $2.0O houee la summer months, consisting of 9 ON .VEXT SATURDAY, May 24, we "win sell at interest. • Atlanta. Rooms &0c to $1,00. McaJa 50c- rooms, large sleeping porch, 2 baths auction. Jointly with W. B. Tpsadwell & Co., WEYWAN~& CONNORS, STEEL. MATERIAL. and all conveniences; servant's room the Ragsd-ale property on Warner avenue, Altene THE LOTS lie particularly well, many of them having nice shade. ESTABLISHED 18OO. ces, for gentle and graragre on lot; to a No. I tenant avenue anrf Woodrow avenue, consisting of B!K Mortgage Loans on Real SaUta. __ BAKUGK. e "will name a most reasonable rea- modern buiigotlotrs and sixteen building lots. Thw They will make desirable and valuable home sites. Several of tai. Apply at once. very desirable and attractive property will l>« sold on term* that will put it In th« reach of them have the added value of two street fronts. MONEY TO LOAN. 374 PEACHTKEE everyone. Got plat* giving nil! details Trom LJVRIVE. beautiful, furnished front room with SUBURBAN HOMES. either office Take East Point or College Park cars. Get off at Gammages. all convenlenoee; reasonable rates._^ Ivy 545't PLENTY of 6 and 7 per cent WK HAVE SEVERAL, 6, 7 anfl S-room. modern TOH RENT—Fur. rooms; all oonvenl«ncea. Call NOW Is your chance to secure a nice A big sign will direct you to the property. Get plats from cottage, with all conveniences except houses on tbe north «Id«. with all conveniences, money to lend on improv- Ivr S281 §4 such as furnace heat anrf hardwood floors. Situ- SIGNS *Wx> nicely fur. rooms and board for latlles or gas; most of them have hot and cold ated on nice elavftt«d lota, prices rango from ed property, either straight gcmriemen. Private home. IXcatur "••"'!. 34 water, bath and electric lights, and S5.OOO to $8.500, on good terms. These places nearly all right at grood car service. or monthly 'plan. Also for KtJI'AIftl.NG AJVD FRONT room and board for two or three people, will have to be seen to b« appreciated. Call REFI > 1S *JING ^B* L R N IT UIIE. *Uo lady roommate. 75 Waahineton 9t. 34 Mr. BradBhaw or Mr. Martin. ' W. E. TREAD WELL & CO. 24 SOUTH BROAD STREET, OR purchase money notes. ^Fos- .««% ^^x^^^^p^^**^^- N I* 'BUY rurnlshed room, with board, s^ntle WE HAVE a long- Hat of other houses ON PRYOR STRKET, In the auction wfcere val- SatlBfartK>n jjja rant feed. M. 5111: Atlanta 5850-F. only. MaJn 4781-1.. 72^Washingto n St. of all sizes and prices; we have au- uw *r« ]urni>ing, and not far from Mitchell ter & Robson, 11 Edgewood * tomobiles, surrtes and buggies for the Btreot, a lot at $412.50 a foot. We consider 8 Trinity avenue. Ro thfs a splendid Investment. S«e_Jtfr:__Sadtord. SO: and $1.0O. purpose of showing our property, and Avenue. Ei^kX'TKiC and «a3 fixtures; all new ctjl»3, always take pleasure In doing so. ON ONE OP THE BEST north side street-), a FOSTER & ROBSON T\vo <3'r"zan,tly fur. front rooms, close In. Mra. poem P-room hout« on good lot ror $7,750. plvn lowaat prices. (jueen JJantel ana Tile Co., OU i). FT. Whit*, 11 Cone at. 34 Come to see us. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. ^_^j-j__^^ W Miflietl street Phone M. 681. 31 good bedrooms. Driveway on &Ide ot hous«. TlilB THE^ Respectfully, place IB certainly worth the money. See Mr. »t SO 9. Pryor, ill buy or sell your turnltur-?. WEST PEACHTREE FOSTER & nOBSON. Bra-Uhaw. ___plano.__ _ Phone Bell M. 23O6. 29 A LtiSlNF^hScTAJiJT, deodorant and V«rmjcide"de- PRIVATE HOME—'Bright trout room, beautifully BLroye all maecui. The Pneaolina Manufacturing furnirthed. Price reasonable; wilting distance. Auction Sale of Furniture Company, IU6-A Edgewood e.venue. Mala 2337. FOB REST—UJVriT RMS HBO HO» SES JFOR WEDNESDAYS 10 a. m.. Saturdays 2 p. m., at or Atlanta 3038-A. «1 tvy 5451. ^^ ** »al«« room. 115 South Forsyte street. A. J. TWO nicely fur. rooms; also one fur, light house- fitaw&rt. Prop. J. T Garner. Auftlfneer. 23 L. A Jv «». UAUM A.JMJ It eepin£, w 1th hot aad cold water. 173 SouLh HOMES AND LOTS HL;IAILKI> AND KKFAIIIED. For^Ui. AttaDta 67Q1-M. 34 MEUICAL. " TWO nicely Inr. rooms for light houaekeepinR. FOR RENTl ANSLEY PARK, near Fifteenth Street, a beautiful home, 10 rooms, 2 b"R.""E~DMOND3ON'S Tanay Pennyroyal and C.n- 2+0 Sprfroa St. lvy__ 48W>-J. 34 baths, garage, servant's " house, steam, heated. Price is low. ton Root Pills, a naJe and reliable treatment _Bull.__ Main 1570 • Atlanta __ sToBbT"" (ur. rooms; gentlemen preferred; oloae 566 Central Ave., 8 rooms $25.00 20 Dayton Place, 6 rooms $25.00 tor Irregularities. Trial biipl«. o minutes' walk to city. 306 E. Fair St., 7 rooms $25.00 672 S. Pryor St., 6 rooms $13.10 MYRTLE STRKET, 10 rooms, 2-story, vapor heat, 2 baths, beautiful BO WtlUatna «treot: Atlanta 387O- ,^4 lot, garage, servant's house, etc. Price, $11,500. Terms. BUSINESS AND MAIL S1BTAJL. AND WOOD fRAJIEd. portable gat r unfurnished room. 121 W. 273 Bellwood Ave., 5 rooms- -. .$12.60 DIRECTORY. W. J. Baker Company. Bell phono Ivy . 34 14-A Summit Ave., 7 rooms $25.00 No 811 Empire Li fa Bldff.. A t lanta, ga^ Fairleigh Apartments PEACHTREE STREET LOT, just beyond Brook-wood, 100x435 feet. ^^ t FJL.Y SCHKKNS. rtT3ta'"*'^uVpl 'tesV Vfctures. Frainee. 1S5 SPB I'NG ST.. close i n, J have now on*> This is one of the prettiest residence lots in this section. Price SAMUEJL, O. WAL.KER. 3-room apartment ruanlshed and one 3-rooni L I E B M A N is under the market. Easy terms. 91 North Fry or St. Ivy 5331. cR EEN S" F LY a.ptt.rtroent unfurnished., and several sins'!* rooitiB COME ec« our roll jt-wfty Bcreen, our roHer-be»rilH nicely furnieJied, a£ summer rates. A.ppiy G*or^f REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. screen, our eildlug acreen. nono better. It Hancoi-k. 11an-ag«r. ^ 34 DECATUR, GA., College Avenue, 6-room .bungalow, hardwood floors, all will pay you to e«e our soods and get price*. 17 WALTON STREET. ^17 Kiaer Bldg. Main 1319. Porter Screen Com* AT 1S6 Ijiick-le etreet, one nloely fur. Front conveniences. Lot 56%x250 feet to alley. Price for quick sale, PORTABLE OIL-GAS STOVES r&aka #as from room. Price $*» per monlh._ 34 keroeene oil, 12 parta air. no wli-k. amoke or panv. J J. _Craw[ord._ Agent. I $6,000. Terms. odor. Ideal Steam Cookers corjt all your din- TWO beautifully furnished front, flrat floor HEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE AM_P RENT B.EAL ESTATE—FOR SALE AND RENT ner on one eye. any score. B. 8. Henry. 21M UOJL.U, IlvVKit, JV1CK.KL, AJ\l> rooms; reaso/iabJe; aeJect naighborbood, Whitehall St. Fhonea. Bell 556s. Atlanta_ 2506. ,,31 JCOPJPEH . I'LATING. P6ar.h(rc« (Street. WE ALSO offer a lot in same block 57x260 feet for $1,750. NICEL.Y lur. rroot room (or ooupla or young men. ItKSl HRECTIO> 1»L,A»T. SIMMONS PLATING WORKS close In. nioe, eo«l place. 99 Trinity ava. 102 XCRES ON CHERTED ROAD Se* THE wonder of fc'lowerdom. Conns.* to life and ACTO PARTS, brass beds and ailverware a spe- ;J646_ Atlanta. _. grows within 2O_mLnut.es. Its sweet odor is un- ._cialty._ 125 S. Pryor^ street. Maln^ 1100. 31 FURNI3HED room In prtpate family; private FRONTAGE of over 4,500 feet within 8 miles of Union depot, adjoining: tracts excelled. Price, l?D rents, silver or stamps- The bath. Ivy 2421-1^. IB Bedforfl^PUce. 34 not Cor sale at anything like the figures WP have. Beautiful cottage with Robinson- Fuller Company. 10 IS Atlanta Nation .1'- JEWELER, 50 lar^c oaks surrounding. Cascade road- This land is well elevated and is Banlt. AUanla, t^a, 31 THREE nl«ely fur. moms and board, all conv«n- very fertile. $130 per acre. W. L. & JOHNO. DuPREE ter-cge; clone in. M. 3783-J. 34 irlng. tin Whit "hall. M. 2699. L.AHGE room, handsomely furnished, In privato REAL ESTATE. 501-2 EMPIRE BtTTLDrnG. ^^ FOR EXCHANGE. or-Made" Umbrellas A CIjIENT of ours has a piece of Investment property on Alexander, between BELL PHONE MAIN 3457. ATLANTA 930. BC"Y from makers, all prices and styles, recov- FOR HEXT^-->1 apa.rtm.fnis. 135 Sprirxg Btroci. 34 the Peachtre?a, that she will trade for a home in the nortb side not to ering sad repair) ng: every uinbrtJJa kept !n Ut If •"' exceed ?10,000. What have you to offer? repair true. Phone tor salesman. prompt serv- B. ".'all iv> t»S4l __ THREE ~ROOMS.~suitable for housekeepingf~for" ice. TAYLOR UMBRELLA CO.. couple; connecting privatp bath; every con- WE L.END MONEY ON REAX. ESTATE. 1 ItJ Va Whi tehajl St. 81 DESK SPACE for "re nt, $1^ a mouth. tW6 fem- venience; no children. 308 Rawson, Apart- _ple Court bids- Mala 3191. _ »3 ment_l._ 34 REAL HOMES MOTOUCYCLES AMJ UlCVCI.KS. DK^K SPATE in room 1O7, Temple Court build- NICKL.Y fnr. front room, upatalre, near In. Iv> 1 ing, with use nf plionc, cheap. Appjj- 1OT Tem- E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY NEW 10 -room shale brick home; hardwood floors, 3 baths* all othec conveni- "* *~" ""^jioiroli"YCUE"s--EAVv" "r EHM s""*"""" ** 8 WE.&T ALABAMA. BOTH PHONES 1207. ences. beat part of Ansley Park; lot 75x180 to alley. Will exchange for BICYCL.SS. plp rmnt nuiia^ns^ ._ S3 ELEGANT~~rooniB. 50c" and up per dayT~*2"50 sm all e r horn e. If you want an Ideal home, see this o ne_. _ SXCKL.SIOR motorcyclf^,, rtlgh-giada bicycles; DESK HPACK v.lth u&? or telephone. Apply 533 and up per week. Hot and cold bath a frea. Gate U modern In every way, North Jackson street, half Dlocfe"aooth~"bif complete Una new and us'-d biuycle' ami motur- _£ ^L Hot*'__108^4 South Foreyth St. _S4 ^yclej.; ifornplete a toe It pa ft anJ di'cessiariea; Pojice PeLeqn ave. Will juacrlflce this place. _ _ _ $M~ FISH month. ."j,O<)0 square fpot wart;tioua« TWO nicely furniehed rooms; meals convenlsnt. modern aervit-e depot. Lxiwe«t pi u»a: *asy ie-, ma. EDWIN L. MARLING 9 -ROOM Ponce Del^eon ave. home, near Barnett st Price very reasonableT Aleicnd.er-3e«waia Compjn>. 145-147-l-*9 Ed^e- &pS<-e: vp-D' b'*;*t lo. .i;i«ti f >r tj-aikagu and rail- Cou Id arranse for iigiit house keeping. 10 [ road fat-nuie*- g AtlsiiiU. National BjnU. bnildina. ~ " ~ail "con- M. 1TU5. >(3 •DRL'fD HIL.LP HOMK—On one of tbe best strata Jn Dnild HIJto wo Offer a &-room, two-story __ _ S4 brick residence, rruLgnificent largo lot lor $!•'!. OOO on e«sy terms. U i« one at the most modern KVKMI'LKK FOR CASH. and cam&leie homes in the city. At our price amd terms it Is a pick-up. Spe its at once- $Su*^a?"SVva^toVxbuy*Vtt*\Ve**indtallVn«nr''''Tha THREE rooms completely fur- R. C. WOODBERY & COMPANY FOR RENT—Very desir- ON EIGHTH STREET, ox-erlookin« Piedmont Park, we have two nice grove lota, 50x2OO each, flrat payment ta all we wan:. Only cash furni- nished for light housekeping. HEAL ESTATE AND RENTING, mr« ator« in Atlanta. S6 S. ^orsyth. Cameron able otficcs, single or en eth«E we offer for $1,600 apiece. Tb«w lots lie well and are located In a place where they 803 Empire Life Bldg. Phone, Ivy 4726 e company. 31 AlbO one bedroom. All conven- will grow every day in va]iw. Good terms. suite, outside exposure, steam ON SOUTH AVRNTTE -Near Grant Park, we have a lot SOxtiOO, with a 7-room cottage, that YIXU PL.LMBK11. heat, electric lights, elevator iences. Ivy 7070-}. 37 East n-« offer for ^.'J.OO"; $50O carfi, $25 p«r month, with no loan. For a amalt homi thfl Peachtrefs, 43 roJumbia avenu*; possefcsion 75 feet on good cross street. We can sell this for $185 per front foot, mowers; all our men are skit Jed wJiue experts at Constitution. 33 June I, $40.OO. Pnone jyy y^OS-.L S^ Toe Atlanta Stove Co., 101 N. Forsytu st. Iw and arrange terms. Best proposition on this thoroughfare. 7MO. Sl FOR T— FIJRN- )HEP HOUSES. IXip, RKN"T -lH-«k SPHCC, office m Candler build- ^ CEO. P. MOORE PIEDMONT AVENUE HOME—New brick-veneer home, with . ing. Telephone !*'> o-4117-J. ^_ 33 arenue tor rent from June 1 u> October to re- furnace heat, hardwood floors; and beautiful east-front shaded 5TA**STEAM" C~A R P ET'"C LK AN1 >fG" COM-* ff^K HKXT—TJtnv J.-i.-s«. cxutsifle, beautiful, fur- PAST (INC.) 2T W. Alexander St. Phone Iry Ua:ble party; reiereneeH required; no eme,H chil- diren. Telgpftione Ivy 701-J. M REAL ESTATE AJSID RENTING lot. Price $8,000, on liberal terms. Loan of $4,000, five years, at 41W, Moist and dry denning, tags woven troin gai=. fiya per cent interest. One of the best north side homes you can buy or4*r. 83 Point". liU'ul Itn-atlon tor phytsieian or dciitiet nome on Norm Jackeon, three l>ed rooms, all 10 AUBURN AVENUE office. «pnwn.t i»f fti.*. Kales or dit^play rooms; convoniences; rent reasonable to adult party. for this price. cheap ri'tit ion^' lo.itr Apply to I-'. Poster. 74 FJione IP? 5109. 3fl N. l'rj''>!- Phtme Ivy S»6. __ 33 COOK comfortable Peachtrae home, furnished: ROSWELL ROAD LOT, 65 FEET. and up'to-ilate: modera prtcee: give ua Bve large , bed rooma, upstairs living room. . Means atzvet GOOD PASTCRK of 200 acres in~bot- IN BUCKHEAD, at end of car line, a beautiful, elevated, shady A trlaL Jaotaon A Orr Compa. reception b,^- drawing room and den, dining HARRIS G WHITE >od W. ft A. railroad. Both phonw. SI tom land, near Atlanta. Will care room and kld&ien, two bathe, servant's room and. lot. Price $1,800. $300 cash, 1-2-3 years on balance...... HATTEKS...... for your stock in fine shape; $5 per g«rage. Call Ivy 617. _„„ 30 327 &HANT BUILDING. PHONE IVY 4331. l'"FanJUiia^hVta creaneti ana ^ihauei^, f 1.00. month each head. This beats paying A.NTJL.Y turniabed home on Ponce de Leun psDuna bata cleaaed and »bap«d. 7&C. Cor lent from June 1 to. October to ra- RENTS $68—PRICE $4,750. VnQl DAW band and sweat. SUM. a large feed bill every month. Phone partj-; references required; no small chil- Soft and Btlff bats cleaned, reshaped. SOc. IVTain 2490. Atlanta 2162. 33 Telepbone Ivy 7&1-J. :iti SEVEN HOUSES and one 14-room house, in fourth ward, on Band «w«ata or braldlogs. 2."ic each eilra. FUR. HOUSE c>f 7 rooms lor rent for summer or ACREAGE GSIAir hats, bleacacj and prised. 35c. longer- most desirable part Of Juniper Street; larg-e lot. One-half cash. Ont-of-town ordert giren attention. cool shady. Ivy 6M4-J. 30 HERE Is a tract of 140 acres, on tbe Johnson Perry road, within & short ACME HATTERS. 20 EAST HfXTER ST. Completely fur. 7-r. &. for summer, reference* distance ot Peachtree road and In sight of Silver Lake, for $76.00 per acre. Ball. Main 2391— Phoaea — Atlanta. iHfl. FIVE COTTAGES—187 FEET FRONT. This tract has over a mile of beautiful road frontage, and la In walKlng: dis- required. 98 E. Ga. Ave. Main 417O-U 36 tance of the Oglethorpe university site. It will double in value several JUST OFF MARIETTA STREET; close in. A little money times In the next few years—»2,DOO cash, balance 1. 2 and 3 year*. '*! want to hear testimony to SNT—Modern, north side collage. 6 rooms spent on them and they will bring $10,000. Price $7,500. the value of The Con.-titution as and balh, $30; Immediate possession. Phone HARRIS G. WHITE. Ivy 643'J^ :>7 One-fourth cash. an advertising medium. LOVELV suburban home lor rent. 9 rooms, gar- den and garage, on Walfcer and West View FIVE ELEVATED LOTS. We ran one ad in the classified car line, opposite In man Springe; will rent cbeap columns one time soliciting the iti-5'JS WEST lllth Htroet—Dellg-htful rooms. desirable party. Call Atlanta phone 3674 and ON SOUTH AVENUE, one block of Ormond street car line, GORDON STREET BUNGALOW QiiieL locally, private bathe, exceptional tdbld, ask for McDonald. 37 services of high-grade traveling nvoniwit to subway or eurfru.-^ i-ara _^ S4 ON LOT 60x165 to alley, we have a stone-trimmed bungalow, "" ~ OUR BffiNT lift describes everything for rent. five lots, 25x100 feet, covered with shade. $625 for the five. Call, writ* or phone for oaa. Ivy 3390. salesmen in the southern fieldl Charles P. Glover Realty Company, 2% Walton practically new, with all conveniences. Just as cozy as can be. We received some sixty letters, TWO nlrely fxir. rooms tor light housekeeping street. • 9t This is an exceptional opportunity at $3,750. i:iXi CourtjjuiJ. Call Ivy ^4-'.,')-L. Z4 3ET our Weekly Rent Bulletin. We move ten- coming from Florida, Alabama, ant* renting $12,oO and up FREE. 3se ootloe. AUTOMOBIL TO EXCHANGE. T\VO niL-ely fur. t-onncctins rooms with pri- John J. Woodside. Uie R^ntlac Agenu 12 AU- South Carolina and Tennessee, vatt. port-ti. Ivy 5J22-J. .'iM Spring Street. 34 jurn aveniic. WILLINGHAM REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR A VACANT LOT. Guaranteed in good Condition, and ready t)KL.K.HTF"uii front room, north wide, private «and had over sixty personal calls. v 29 $20~~PJER MONTH—A splendid eix-room' IjouscT 9 AUBURN AVE. REAL ESTATE ROW. home, a 11_ eon veal enoes. l y_^ ^li: 1 n«wly papered and pointed; water, jcas, sewer, for demonstration. Lot must be in desirable section, with con- The high character of those FURNISHED front room, close in tt5 Wood- etc.; 75 yards ot Harrietta street car line to veniences down. * answering the ad indicates clear- ward avenue.___N*1_T54S-;I. 34 Inman Tarda. Ware & Harper, Atlanta Na- ly the character of The Consti- T\VO nicely furntahed rooms on south aide; all tional Ban It building. S? conveniences; rlose In. 6050-A Atlanta. 34 FOR RlfiNT—Hoaaca. «tor«i and apartments, WEST PE/\CHTkEE HURT _Cg.pitol_avenuc. ___^* phones MOP- George P. Mjore. ll> Auburn AT«V THE REGKADING of this thoroughfare is now assured. 301 EMPIRE LIFE BLDG. PHONE IVY 3939. not be fair to let this pass with- ONB nk-ply («r. room, on smith side, all con- OUR weekly rent list «lv«» fall description ~" or We have a fine corner south of Hunnicutt and over 100 feet out writing you." venience. >-In*e in. Main 3SS6-J. 540 White* everything for rent. Call (or one or let ua hall. , 34 mall It to you- P*orrgst a George Aoftlr. deep, at $560 per foot, and most attractive terms. (Letter on file at this office.) CAHiTS KOSHKR hoanling hooee; rur, and un- g-Q K KBJVT—.AfAHTMEMTS. SUBURBAN COTTARV Put it up to The Constitution's dir, rooms fi>r r«n*; all conveniences. 101 E. Sf^EAST^rXlST ^TRBET^^S^roDmanfreVh~\\y^ pa7m7 THE BEST BUY ON THE STREET. Fair street. eurn«>r Capitol^aven-uo. :t7i;j_Atlonta^ ed. clean and m alee repair. $25 jrer month. ON NORTH DECATUR CAR .L.INB. fronting the auto' driveway, very neat Classj|!e one on Park avenue, for $2.65(1* job, 8®f^ "- exchange. -TTftNTSH'SD, 6-roorn fi.parfnient. In College Phone Main 5000 FOR"~ll BXT --TTiTw~rur rooms~lor~l I Bh t~ hoiTc" Park; posseseloo given June 10 or -July 1, for keeping, gas and wa er hr*^> blocks of Term me- or two months; rent very reasonable. Box H. C. BLAKE, Agent, Main 3145. r, or Atlanta 109. •inal Station. 170 Nelsoo street., — 34 •r-I, «are Constitution. Sis See Next Page for Other Classified Ads ATLANTA NAUONAJLi BANE BUHJJINO. \

ejLl**^ iU •> ^l^,^&l NF \VSPAPJ-R! Ni-\VSPAPJ-R COTTON$BKPASXWEEK \ REVIEW OF THE TUARKET \ ^ntbiy Installment* •-«» Outee S»r- Large Acreage Tract at Decalur ''I chases will be • without. Intereset Special Niyticer New York, 3fay 23.—The cotton ma.-r- i The propert«.--*- y -Is. e.- •.new T PRODUCE. ket has shown continued activity today \ subdivision. Improved and placed on Just south of Ithe incorporate limits of pecatur, between Can- by Fidelity Fruit and Produce Com- with prices losing part of yesterday's • the market by I. N. Bagsdale. Tne dler street and thi Orphans' Home road,, we jhave a trapt'of over n*ar, ar South Broad St.J PtDluID FOR TODAY Quotation* on Country Produce; gain under realiizne or a renewal of I lots lie in a pretty and desirable part 200 acres. _ A larg$ portion of this lan,d is beautifully wooded, and, FUNERAL NOTICES. VEGETABLES. bear pressure. The close was steady, j of the city, and have ail modern con- T c •* f r-k l *u r» - * nr--'.without further subdivision, tl^ere is something like 20,000 feet of Fancy, box ...... " . *2-5O fcut at a net decline of 8 to 9 points. i veniences. SE«X,ERN—The Wends ot Mr. E. V The opening was steady at an ad- Tiie property lies two WocU& ea-t In Spite of Drouth Rainfall for street &nd ^ f^tege g^ and water at thd property. This Skillern, Mrs. F. L. Sklllern an4'fam- vance ot 6 points on May. but generally from Gammage crossing, on tne JMMI May Now Only Slightly is. one o'f.the finedf large tracts around Atlanta and is ready for ily, Mr. and -rs. B. H. Levert. an .. .. ,. . [email protected]>0 clearing conditions in the Mississippi j possibly tomorrow is promised At- FORREST AND GEORGE AD AIR alley, while there were further show- ' Warranty Deeds. , avenue. The following- gentlemen will CEU2HT. doieo .! ...... tl.SO lanta, with a return to normal spring SSJ'UDA CELERY ,rs in eastern sections, and there was $1.?5O—Newton S. Thomas please act as p-allbearers and meet at ' weather by Monday. In the mean- POTATOES, reds, buahel. new crap evidently a. considerable dispoaiton to {°a ^*T Barclay & Brandon's, 246 Ivy street, at _ ,_ _,,_ , _ _ __»..__ »«_ii _.^<_,^ i in err jus time the temout the closing fig-uree of same, lot on orth elde Battle | funeral of Mrs. Lucy Grist Kelley this FRI&RS. live. 25c pound; dreased 30o MalH*wson street, i the cool air was only invigorating. (Saturday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock DUCKS. «acb 3Oo last month. Liverpool, however, ap- Hill avenue, 357 feet The final tfeavy rainfall for several MORTGAGE BOND BROKERS EQGB. tr««h. 17©18o peared to be selling considerable July r>lxlT April 1. from Barclay & Brandon's Chapel. 2-U $IT . 8a.raH I. days came Friday mornin.g w:hen .91 Our People Are Always in IheflllarkeJ tvy street. Interment at Hollywood. on this advance, which eased the posi- ^ t ^ ^^side Battle Hill ave Inches poured upon tihe city witihin "Quick Action—No B«d Tape" GRAIN. tion o-f shorts in that delivery and the i Q,[ uatiiewson elr«et, 57x173 feet. May 22. the space of little more than an hour. No. i mixed oata $ -53 market later turned easier on rather a I $ltKK— some to same, lot 3x2U7 feet. April ]2. Bobo and family, and Mr. J. A. Hall Bran 1.40 1U A. Wright to C. R- Jolly, same is 3.10 inches. Bro-wn aborts l.W were within a point or ^wo of the low- j $ and family, arp Invited to attend the pl< The norma-1 or average amount of Tennessee meal 1.88 eat. The weekly figures showed rath-' ^- loberl B. Ridley, Jr,, to Harvey Hill. r&ln that falls in May is 3.40 inches, funeral of Kdffar P. Williams, Jr Georgia meal 1.33 t aide Juniper street, HO feet south DECATUR STREET from the residence, 371 Whitehall er a lighter into-sight movement than j lot 01 so tihat already, despite the extreme ,-,0x140 feet. Hay 15. drouth o-f the earlier part of the street, this afternoon at 4:30. Intor txpectea, bu« ^"^^^.""i-^KiLrS: 2^,-u, -,... «- ... K-«: ment at West View. The follovvlns GROCERIES. small compared Avenue A. 40O teet south of month, practically as much rain as Brick store, large lot 46x180 to alley. Will exchange (Corrected by Oglesby Grocery Company.) siiirlnkage In the world's supply of I et. D«H»mber 3O. 1900. usually falls in May has already come. gentlemen will act as pallbearers and Axle Qtv«sse -Diamond. S1.7B; No, 1 Mlca^ American was relatively light. e* al. to Mary P. Norman. Fa.rmers all over the utate are re- meet ot the parlors of Harry G. Poole $3.23; No. Z KIca. $4.23. j lot on w^-i t.->li3* Avpnn*> A. 40O feet eouth of for other property. Sfi S. Pryor street, at 4 o'clock: Mr. Red Ro<-k G'nser Ate —Quartn , J9.OO; plntB. Johnson r-tu-Pt. 5Oxl40 feet. Marth 2S. joicing in the heavy rains which have S1000; Red Syrup. $1 5O per gallon. , JlO,i;(KJ — \V. W. Ward to CapU«| City R«alty fallen within the past week, and with flias. Conaway. Mr. Guy Blalock, Mr. Che«se- -Alderney, ]Sc. ATLANTA'S STRIDES I <-o-mipany. iot on south west cornei- Battle street K*-\V j impetus added to t-fi« growing1 Walton Bobo and Mr. J. A. Steelc. Tandy —Stick . 6<-; mixed, 7Uc: rhorolate. 12c ami Altnona Pass. 250x8fMj feet : also lot on norih Salt. TOO-lb. bags. 62c; ic* (-ream. SI OO: cirops conditions are becoming more slrle Atlanta avenue, 23ti feet east of W<-Uiog- Iflcal. $1.80; No 3 barrela. $3.00. FROM DAY TO DAY end more favorable. PHILLIPS—The friends of Mr. and Arm and Hammer Sorts— $3 HS; fte^ *oda. 2c ton avonuc. fKtht.'Wl feel; al»o lot on north Rido Baking Powrl*.r— Rum fort, S? T.O; Royal. No. 1. AtUn ta a v&nuiv Ifi" feet west of AH oona Pae«, 201-3 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell Phone Main 888. Mrs. L. S. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. A *-l.ao. Nn. 2. ?5 00 Horsford'a. W £»; Good Continued From Page& Twelve. way. I.. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. w. P. .Luck. 53.73: Surces.*. $1 80. Hough Aider, $1,80; S 1 . T. M. Spi W. K. Tread well mid RALPH CQCHRAN MAKES Brown are invited to attend the fu Beans — Lima. 7 % ; ; NW.VJ . S3.OO. aBt si de Park Lane. Flour— Elegant, J17 5O. Diaminrt. J6.75; Selt- laley Port, TBxflO (-"el. COMMENCEMENT SPEECH neral of Carlton G. Phillips, this after Rlaing. 56-5O; Monoeram. $3 85: Carnation. agent i>f the Western an-d At- May 3. noon at 3:30 from the residence on $5.TS; Golden Grain. *5 28; Biuo Ribbons. 4.83; lantic ra.i troa-d. hcLS bought from the -^General Realty and Dc-witopn: the West Hunter road. Interment at Pancaka, per crate. $a.OO; 'tuckwhaat, J3 OO® Provident Trust Company the large .poral 1< lo K. r. Hot^rtHon. lot on i Ralph O. Cofhran, re-prosi.'iitative- B.R5. i-ee(. 726 Fe«t north ot Ureeinsf' elect from Fulton county, and candi • West View. Carriages will leave the I^rd snd Compound — Cirroleriff. $7.2O: Snow- wood-ed tract of land at the corner of I jiuv-. tJO*LT«W jVet. May I'l- Special Bargains parlors of Harry G. Poole, 96 S. Pryor date for the United States senate tJ drift. oases. $6.00. make White. 8%. Loaf. 13c ilowoll Mill roe-d and the Collier road, $2.100--Bquitabl« l^oan and Sertirlty street, at 2:30.' ba«1e. f.nd diapr-onailly across the former road i to T. M. Mcfntosh. No. 11H' Jon>es a-vt succeed Hoke Smith in 1014, delivered Ink — Per • -ste, Si 20. tro-m the resident- of Smith IX Pick-} IMJ,^1^ June ^>4. • loot. the co-mmenceonent address at the ex- IN International ?>oeh Powder. $4 OO $2.475—Mm. G^rtni-de J. Dickey et al. to Mies ercises closing the public, school at Jelly — 30- 'b palls. $1.35; caaea. 4-ox.. SB. Oft t'tt, and near the T. B. Felder resi- Emily Jelcyt. lot on north eide Tuiodo drlvr. di nee. Thc> consider action Is withheld. Palmetto last nisht. BARCLAY & BRANDON CO. 1.4OO feet northwest of Paoes Ferry rood, WJ5x Palmetto is Mr. Coohran's home town, . . The lot fronts 540 feet on the Gol- 590 r«*et. Hay 27. 1011. Second-Hand Office Furniture Funeral Directors, are now located In Leather— White Oak. 4Oc. lipr roa.d hy 600 foet on HioweLl Mill $1.20O—J. J. W«rt to E. D. Dniwai). lot on and there was a large crowd to hear Mines Me-at - Blue Ribbon. fS 55. him. Mr. Coohra>n emphasied the need | their new home, 246 Ivy street, corner road, a>nn. It is unde-rstood tha.t tery. Aj>ril IO. &.uci street. 200 Ceet from Haynes street. oU 1 Filing Cabinet, letter size, you will do well to see these West 285; Atlanta phone 788. H r Starch 9c; CeJjD-lold starch, $2.65: arhdevemenl is the individual ajid th/ on his new property, which is one of feet front. May 3ft Argo starch. 80r. daily life that he lives." Specials quick. We are "just one minute from everywhere," Sugar — Granulated. $5.35; light brown. 5c: tho prettiest building sites around rt irk brown, -Ic; domtno. 9c. Atlan-tu. LiOBtt I>erdn. so utilize five minutes of your time, one minute each way, AVnnbtnston Street Resale. $3.40O_Mrs. Bll^a T. Boone to. Travelers In- Edgar F, Williams. Harry G. Poole siira.nc« company. No. i»7 Myrtle street. 6«xl50 and three minutes to examine them. But "do it now." Mr.ntpfi-ore Selig, wh-o recently so-ld. Kdgajr F. Williams. 10 rno-nths old, N a client whose n-aone Is trict, 2I0XT8T. feet. A.-pr\\ 4- o'clock. The iftineral 'will be from tho withheld. The consideration in the SI 400—Mrs. Bdn« B. Keen* to W. C. Maul- FOOTE & DA VIES CO. din lot on west sidp Hill etre«t. 2O8 feet noutli residence at 4:30 o'clock this a.fterno->n. 96 S. Pryor Street .MOORE i i"»alo was 5^.^50. of Baea street. 45x100 f*v)t. May 32- fntcpment will be art "West View. Tradu fur Manofactiirluff SltPH. 9600—tMre. A/Jdte L. Undaay to SIra. Mary B. North Pryor St. and Edgewood Ave. There is a proposition now being Brmn. NO. 82 W«5t IMnecntn street. 84x11.') feet. HovtUfaab taken up with the South earn pal 1 ws y May I1 neu neait for the oonstruotion of apiir tracks 1,1OO—Anderfion Bros. Co., et al.. to Mrs. 24ISs, Bag Geld fli e " R McC'lellanii, as guardian, lot on north paraUeUtig" M'a-niretOa Street, *or thf B.ittlr Hill avenue, 204 Teet c»t of Mathew- ATLANTA FLORAL CO. SOS EAST FAIR STREET . . v 1 purpose-of ervcouraginK-the locating of pi a IT. r>l-;lTO feet. May 2O. Flour Tnanufactui ing esta-blis-hnrients aU'TiK siio—-\nd*>rion Bros. & Co., to sam«\ lot the street. Th-y recent stratgntenin^ not-tbpa^t side ftC Gordon roa4. W!) f«t oi' th« street the rectUytnB of tho n-dht of (Jreenisretrry aven«e. 4^x130 feet. 24 Ib. Self av 20. BfcB • 9^1 grade and i>ir« vin-g the street has ' "" #1.100—Sam- «t oil. to me. lot : l IN THIS BXCLUSIVH: RESIDENTIAL SECTION, we have an unusually Rising Flour . ma.<1o of M;tr 'Uii street an idea.] 1-oca- ,0^,.,^ n centre, vK>7 f*«et <«( pretty lot, 120x300, which we can sell for 16,000, on reasonable terms. tion fon such t-nterpnisfs and railway j son pi 51x176 feet. May 2O. Price, location and surroundings considered, this is the cheapest lot In facilities such as a.ru now pro.r>osed are " Atlanta. Fancy Prunes . . 8 l-2c fill that is needed. Bond for Tttlt: The proposition is the construct $lS.005-MrP. Cora W. W-%avw to E. W. O. B. M. GRANT & CO. A HAVE YOU SORE GUM Evap'tad Peaches 8 l-Zc of a doutflP m>ur track from thu main "r^vnP*«£« 'iSl"T£ mUh"^^]^ GRAJSTT BUILDING. lin,p o-f the Southern aft the inieraLK-- rtlrret." r-Ovlfio re*t. Miav 31 blo-n of Simpson street, and the- PXtt*n~ ¥!O,iK10- Maj-tln Xallj estate iby px^outrlxt OK LOOSE TEETH? 1 5c Faultless Corn He A prominent dentist, after years of aion of the tracks for the diistanre of »"•' Mrs. Mary Naliy tor. u DeFoor lot o« experience, tias found a borne remedy a-bDUrt; a block and a half In a westerly ™£Z% 0?° B^rtoT^t^t.81^!^ tS! that will cure Rig-gs' disease, BleedlRfc. Direction. A,pril ^ inflamed and apongy gums, and tighten Today's Auction Snle. .^,j(W»—Mrs. Ajiai? M. Smith to J. T. Ward- loose teetii by rinsing t the- mouttt. J. M. MOORE An Interesting auction saJe sch«>duled la*', tot on west side of Sinclair ^^- 200 COTTAGE on beautiful ST. SIMONS ISLAND. Situated Probably you liave not enjoyed eat- for this aftprnoi/n Is that by W. K. ^ northewt or Colq fifth or one-sixth will turn the trick. MEN 1S8 Je«t north of Merrills avenue, 23x120 feet. il to reject any and aU bld«. and 10 -p*r cant Mtty 21. I offer certain, perma- deposit required to accompany each told- F<» INVESTMENT $10—Piedmont Invostment company to Jvbn 3. iw-nf cures for Ulcera. $875 PER FOOT—PEACHTREE CORNER. further InforroatJon addrea* !<•• AJIeo* ebclrmaa) ON THE NORTH SIDE, a brick: store, three street fronts, rented for three Owens, lot on aouth able of Panoe de lisou ave- Blood Poison, contracted flnanca Commlttea. years at S140. Big lot. Price. $15.500. -with $5,000 cash. If you have that nue, at Intenwrtlon of Southern raWwiay. T3Ox diseases. Vortcocole, Hy- In Georgian Terrace block, at the corner of Third, and nruch cash rou can't place ]t to better advantage. 3TO feet. May 0. drocelo. Nervous Debility Water Supply Worii—Fort CaaweU, N. C.. April and all lately or lons-coa- fronting 50 feet on Peachtree; one of the few corners to be had 28. 1813.—Sealed proposals wiU be received ber% traotoa aieeases ol men. I antil 2 p. m,, May 26, 1813. and tbeo publicly AUBURN AVENUE will cure you or make 300 FEET of a $1.300 value we have a lot 72^x106 for J41Q per front L. Saye to ColonlaU Tyust company, on the street.' In the shadow of the Million-Dollar Georgian Ter- opened, for following project*, bidden beis^ lot west side Sprtag strwet, 138 feel north or no charge, thus proving informed that from these projects the GorernoMOt foot. A small subdivision can be made and the purchaser can double his that my pre&e,u-da.y gcUn- c&sfh payment. The owners will give four bonds for title. See us about this Merrltte avenue, 23x120 fe«t. May 19. race; the New Ponce de Leon, and across from the proposed Win- iatQDds to select one which It will dvclde upon $1,24.«—A. R. Orifflu to Central Bank and UOi; methods are abso- as being the best for the purpose: 1. CotAtruct- Trust tKirpOTirtion, S2S Orew rtreet. |Oac2OO feot. lutely certain. If further ship building. It looks like a good buy. Terms $5,000 cash, balance ing an. 8-inch water mala, pump house, necea- nce May 19, evidence ot my succes« la sary machinery and power transmission llae; i. $-J.-kSO—T. M, Word and Dr. J. W. Hurt to rpquirei.1 i refer lo my Constructing an 8-Inch water main to Southporc " ° TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN [ "nlon la 1 Trust rorrvpany, 26 mr-res i n land lot t-xtraOrtUniw record cf j, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, 6 per cent. s Ida of river, aod furnishing water to South port SECOND FLOOR EMPIRE BUILDING. 2f»i; on th<* dtagona.1 line iH^twcen the goiith- ?ured and aatisfl-ed patients that I have dis- end o! mala; 3. For alt the material, labor, ma- easi an ~ " " ; Sealed proposals will bo received here until 2 I:M PKAOHTREE. ATLANTA 2865. WOMAN SENTENCED sfpck on hand on June 7, 1913, will be sold to the highest biddeft , p, m.. May 2U, 1813,' and then publicly opened, tor constructing .a 400,000-gallon concrete reser- Maeon, Ga.. May 23.— (Special.)— Sealed bids will be received at the office of the referee, anc^ voir. Plans and specifications furnished on de- Mrs. Francis Tedder, formerly of At- > ^-^ will be opened at 11 o'clock on June 10, 1913. Separate bids to:K posit of $5 to guarantee return. For Information Bujlncts Training School In Ik* Sooth. be made on plant, mules and wagons, lumber and material. ' and all necessary papers apply to Jaa. R. Camp' Fulton County Home Builders lanta, who was acquitted there last INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION For further particulars, address' • bell. Constructing Quartermaster. WS'LJj FINANCE your building idea. We*13 belp you secure or pay for the fall of the charge of murdering her BY THE PROPRIETORS IN PERSON. lot you select: we'll draw your plans; we'll build the house. We'll then husband, was today sentenced to serve meet your reasonable requirements for repayment- We are building for scores one year in the penitentiary for pick- JAMES S. FLOYD, Trustee of others—why not for you? ing the pocket of W. F. Kersey several "W : ARE BUIL.LHNG all classes of houses, small and large bungalows and palatial residences. Our different Inspectors, with their respective fore- months ago. Atlanta National Bank WonUYog Like a Winter Home b jn,-n and mechanics are each c-uaUfled for their special class of building: Let The fact that she was recommended •u - show you. to the mercy of the court was all that FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS Fl_0 Rl D A saved her from a longer term. that pradeces an income of £2.000 Mrs. Tedder is alleged to have or more white yon fish «nd trotrt ? Fulton County Home Builders "doped" Kersey and relieved him of 2 lines 3 times 360 A Grapefruit from to On P«sco 5175. E. C. CALL-AWAY. President J. W. WILLS. Secretary. Highlands Hill do this. BENJ. PADGETT. JR.. Superintendent of Construction. TWO unfurnished rooms and ktte&enette. con neetiTig; private fantfly; close In. Ivy S533-J. A sure InTestment In Florida 629-30 CANDLER BUILDING. PHONE IVTT 4674. Orange and Gr^pemflt Groves. WOMAN DROWNS BABY Thlfl Mg company, backed by in The Constitution's Classified large caplcal. te marjcetlng 5-acre AND THEN FIRES HOME grDTfle of Florida Oransea and SUBURBAN HOME rented the rooms. Grapefruit In Pasco cotinqr. Toledo, Ohio, May 23.—Mrs. Jerome Maybe you have rooms that We Want Your Order n«fflfla. NEAR EAST LAKE JITNCTION, between the two car lines, beautiful shaded corner lot. 125x190. with scood 6-room house. One block from school and i Harris drowned her 4-montha-oId son We develop each grovo and«r , In a cistern at her residence today. j would just suit a young couple. expert oana for B?<3 yeans and two churches. Splendid neighborhood. Property advancing rapidly in this turn It over to you. highly devel- section. Price $2,800; $300 to ?500 cash, balance $25 month. i The woman then saturated the bedding Why not let people know about If it's columns, flooring, ceiling, siding, oped, bearing and profitable. Our . with gasoline, locked all doors and aet them? selling plan easy aaid aala fox GEORGIA HOME AND FARM CO. fire to the house. sash, doors, lumber or building material of you., PHONE 1VT 5767. 114 CANDX.EK BtTtLDING. Mrs. Harris and three other chil- 3 lines 3 times 540. W« don't ask yoa to p*y o» dren were within. Eight soldiers broke any description, jye can furnish your needs one penny. Tou are absolutejj in- and extinguished the are. The Phone Main 5000 saicgTjaxdisd. woman is 29 years old. and was dis- Our Mri N«wbonj Is now In or Atlanta 109. as good as any and better than many. ' Atlanta, at 35 Xorib .Poraytn Several first-class applications for money on charged a month ago from a hoapital • frtreet. G-ront building. See him Atlanta property. Will net lender from 7 to for the Insane. at . once for fall particulars. J War Department, IX S. Engineer Office, 8 per cent. { Montgomery, Ala,, May a. 1913.—Sealed pro- .Willingham-Tift Lumber Co. TAMPA BAY UNO CO.' Phone your want ads and poaale for lock gates. fUUne and emptying ! valvefl, j^atQ msomuifertoiB gcflJ, etc., will bo v*/- o. Ai_srroiN replies to Main 5000 or At- received at Oils office .until 12 m., ' June 20, Lee St. and Central of Georgia R. R. - / Atlanta, Ga. I2IC> -Third Na-tlon.l ,(3*nlc BI«IB 1813. and then publicly • opened- • Jntormatlon HAV lanta 109. on application. p«tl X. Brown. M*d, Bngtib •4 t t 'V,