Ecol Res (2011) 26: 547–554 DOI 10.1007/s11284-011-0812-9


Jolanta J. Adamczyk Applications of self-organizing map for patterning macrofungal diversity of xerothermic swards

Received: 6 August 2010 / Accepted: 20 January 2011 / Published online: 1 March 2011 The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Macrofungal communities were investigated in 2009). However, gaining knowledge on these associations four associations of xerothermic swards: Festucetum pal- is indispensable because they are seriously threatened in lentis, Origano-Brachypodietum, Adonido-Brachypodie- Poland and other European countries (Olaczek 1998). tum pinnati and Diantho-Armerietum elongatae in a The list of macromycete species found in the swards of the Jurassic area of the Cze˛stochowa Upland (southern Po- Festuco-Brometea class, compiled from literature from land). A total of 47 species were recorded. The self- the latest 50 years, includes only about 40 taxa (Stasin´ska organising map (SOM)—an unsupervised algorithm for 2008). Xerothermic swards are mentioned among habi- artificial neural networks—was used to recognise patterns tats of especial importance in the Habitats Directive in the macrofungal communities of diverse xerothermic (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the swards. Only two associations were mycologically similar: conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and Origano-Brachypodietum and Adonido-Brachypodietum flora). It is a well known fact that xerothermic swards are pinnati. Species with high and significant IndVal (the seminatural and, just for that reason, do not form stable species indicator value) for each investigated phytocoe- communities. They require the constant human activity noses are presented. The presence of macrofungal species afforded by grazing by cattle and mowing (Olaczek 1998). and the participation of indicator species were connected Any attempt to widen our knowledge of xerothermic with habitat factors of plant associations, as documented swards could be useful for their protection. Distinguish- by the IndVal application. In the least fertile phytocoe- ing indicator species of macromycetes for different xero- noses, macrofungal communities were poor with few thermic swards could help us to estimate changes in these indicator species. The more fertile phytocoenoses had ri- plant communities, because fungi react to habitat changes cher and more varied communities of macrofungi with more quickly than plants (Arnolds 1981). higher numbers of indicator species. The ordering meth- Macromycete research on plant communities of ods applied in this study were very effective for analyzing Europe relies mainly on the phytosociological Braun- the macrofungal communities existing in plant associa- Blanquet method (e.g., Ławrynowicz 1973; Wojewoda tions. 1975; Arnolds 1994). Suitable statistical methods, such as DCA, TWINSPAN, and ACC have been applied in Keywords Fungi Æ Xerothermic vegetation Æ only a few studies (e.g., Adamczyk et al. 2004; Fraiture Habitat factor Æ Self-organizing map Æ IndVal 2004). The Braun-Blanquet method proposed for plants permits the abundance and constancy of species at a designated site to be estimated. The method is under- Introduction stood rather as a plant abundance measure, as fruiting body numbers do not give an indication of Macrofungal communities inhabiting plant associations fungus mycelia volume (Fraiture 2008). Beside, the have been the subject of much research but xerothermic carpophores of one species noted on a permanent plot swards have been examined in three localities only could be produced by different mycelia. Therefore, the (Wojewoda 1974, 1975, 1977; Stasin´ska 2005; Adamczyk frequency of macrofungal species is more significant than the number of specimens, because it indicates the occurrence of species in that community. Hence, my J. J. Adamczyk (&) search for a method that will allow an objective analysis Department of Nature Protection, of relationships between macrofungi and plant com- Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, munities of separating species, which is particularly University of Ło´dz´, 1/3 Banacha Str, 90-237 Lodz, Poland E-mail: [email protected] significant for different phytocoenoses. 548

The self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm and the examined: Festucetum pallentis (FP), Origano-Brachyp- IndVal index have not yet been applied to macromycetes odietum (OBr), Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati (AB), communities. In this study, the SOM was used for the and Diantho-Armeriatum elongatae (DA). following reasons: (1) macromycetes community studies The FP association develops on steep, calcareous already published in Poland did not reveal any associ- rocks, where soil occurs only in the interstices between ation between such communities and xerothermic rocks. The soil is rather poor in humus but rich in cal- swards; (2) the availability of very rich data means that cium carbonate (about 7%). The species Festuca pallens, symbols and their codes are usually illegible because Thymus pulegioides, Sedum acre, Galium cracoviense and they overlap (Kruk et al. 2007); and (3) we also cannot Tortula ruralis dominate the floristic composition. The determine from gradient analysis where the border be- coverage of the plant layer is low (about 30%). tween clusters of samples or species is located in multi- The OBr and AB associations develop in soil with a variate space (Cho 1997). well developed humus horizon and calcium carbonate Xerothermic swards are found in Southern and content equal to approximately 8%. The vegetation Southeastern Europe in areas with a warm, dry climate, coverage of this plant association is up to 100%, and it and they also occur extrazonally in places with a par- forms high, colourful swards of several layers. Different ticular combination of orographic, soil and local cli- species of grasses and sedges grow here, e.g., Brachyp- matic factors (Matuszkiewicz 2001). Xerothermic plant odium pinnatum, Festuca ovina, Agrostis canina and species most likely entered Poland during the Elsterian Carex caryophyllea. These phytocoenoses have a dis- glaciation from three directions: from the Hungarian tinctive composition of shrubs and trees, e.g., Juniperus lowland through the Moravian Gate; from the south- communis, Rhamnus cathartica, Corylus avellana and west through Podolye; and from the southeast, i.e., from Sorbus aucuparia. Turingia (Krzakowa and Michalak 2007). In Poland, The DA association occurs on sandy soils that are these rare phytocoenoses are currently situated in poor in calcium carbonate. The vegetation coverage of southern and north-western parts of the country. They this community is high (70–100%). The floristic com- develop in locations characterized by high temperatures position is dominated by Cerastium arvense, Armeria and high calcium carbonate content in the soil. Plant elongata, Dianthus deltoides, Corynephorus canescens, communities developing in such specific biotopic Scleranthus perennis, Festuca rubra and Anthoxanthum conditions are distinguished by characteristic species odoratum (Babczyn´ska 1978). compositions with many rare taxa (Szafer 1977; Matuszkiewicz 2001). The principal aims of this study were (1) to examine Collection of samples the mycological similarity of diverse xerothermic swards, and (2) to determine the indicator species (IndVal) of In four associations of xerothermic swards, ascomycete macrofungi for each xerothermic sward. and basidiomycete macrofungi were observed in a total of 30 permanent plots (the area of each plot was 4–50 m2). The size of plots and their locations were Materials and methods taken from the phytosociological classification by Babczyn´ska (1978) and Babczyn´ska-Sendek (1984). The Study site presence of fungus in each site was examined every 3 weeks on 28 occasions from April to November This study was conducted from 1997 to 2000 and from 1997–2000 and 2002–2003. Herbarium specimens were 2002 to 2003 in a region of the Cze˛stochowa Upland. deposited with the University Herbarium of Ło´dz´. The The Cze˛stochowa Upland is located in southern Poland species nomenclature of Ascomycota followed Dennis and occupies an area of 1,299 km2 (Kondracki 1998; (1978) and Chmiel (2006), and the species nomenclature Dylikowa 1973). The landscape is characterized by of was taken from Wojewoda (2003). limestone rocky crags that often have castle ruins posi- tioned on top of them, as well as numerous caves and erosion valleys. The Mesozoic base of the Cze˛stochowa Statistical data analysis Upland consists of Upper Jurassic limestone covered by Pleistocene deposits (Dylikowa 1973). This area has an An unsupervised algorithm of an artificial neural net- extraordinarily rich and varied flora, including moun- work, i.e., a SOM, was used to recognize patterns in the tain and thermophilic plants, relicts and even endemics; macrofungi in the study area (Kohonen 1982). The e.g., Galium cracoviense, Saxifraga aizoon, Botrychium advantage of this method is that it can be used to lunaria and Anemone sylvestris are found here (Here- effectively analyze complex data sets despite non-linear z´niak 2002, 2004). relationships and non-normal distributions, and it re- The investigated xerothermic swards are situated in sults in a two-dimensional map that is easy to interpret the northern part of the Cze˛stochowa Upland on six (Kohonen 1982). The SOM has proved to be an effective calcareous hills (5045¢07¢¢N1916¢04¢¢E). Four differ- and powerful tool for exploring patterns in species dis- ent associations of semi-natural dry grasslands were tributions, and the structure of communities (Chon et al. 549

1996; Giraudel and Lek 2001; Penczak et al. 2005, 2009; (component planes) produced by the SOM (Lasne et al. Kruk 2006; Lasne et al. 2007; Kalteh et al. 2008; Bedoya 2007; Penczak et al. 2009). et al. 2009). The SOM was simulated and cluster analysis was performed in Matlab (ver. A Kohonen neural network was built of two layers of neurons Results (processing units): an input layer and an output layer. The number of input neurons was equal to the number A total of 47 species of macrofungi were found in the of variables in the data set, i.e., the number of fungal investigated xerothermic swards. The sites richest in species (47). Each input neuron was connected to all of macrofungi were located in the Origano-Brachypodietum the output neurons. During the training process, input (39 species) and Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati asso- neurons transmit signals to the output layer of neurons. ciations (37 species). The poorest sites were situated in The data (47 taxa · 30 sites) were displayed on the input the Festuco pallentis association (13 species) (Table 1). layer of neurons (i.e., processing units) 180 times in the The trained SOM indicated three main clusters of rough training phase, and 660 times in the finetuning sites assigned to the output neurons: (X) A1, A2, A3, phase. Output layers of different sizes were examined A4, B2, B3 and B4; (Y1) B1, C1, C2, D1; and (Y2) C2, step by step from 4 · 4 (16 neurons) to 8 · 8 (64 neu- C3, C4, D2, D3 and D4 (Fig. 1). The clusters X and Y1 rons), and an output layer of 4 · 4 neurons was ulti- were homogeneous within themselves but differed from mately chosen. To finally select a map size, I use the each other, essentially in the character of sites assigned heuristic rule of Versanto et al. (2000): the map unit is to them. Cluster X contains all 15 sites from the FP 5n, where n is the number of training samples. The association (neurons A2, A3, A4); cluster Y1 contains all actual number of neurons should be close to the number 5 sites located in DA. These sites are situated in only one determined by Versanto’s rule, but I have accepted a neuron (C1) and separated by neighboring, wide hexa- slightly smaller map because a 5 · 5 map had many gons B1 and C2 from cluster X and C2 and D1 from empty units, which is not helpful (Ce´re´ghino and Park cluster Y1. Cluster Y2 is less homogeneous because it 2009). contains ten sites of two diverse xerothermic swards: Log transformed and normalized (0–1) numbers of OBr and AB, located in three neurons: D2, D3 and D4. individuals were presented to the neurons in the input The sites of these two associations are mixed in two layer. A batch training algorithm was used, which is neurons, D3 and D4. Only one site, AB81, is situated in significantly faster and does not require specification of neuron D2. The wide neurons separate these sites from any learning rate factor, and the results of the batch cluster X (C3, C4). algorithm are not dependent on the learning order of The IndVal showed the importance of all species of inputs (Park et al. 2006). Generally, the SOM is a robust macrofungi on the SOM (Fig. 2; Table 2). Species with and useful method for ecological studies (Kalteh et al. a high and significant IndVal for cluster X included 2008), and different training functions do not have any spathulata, Hemimycea mairei (P < 0.001) and noticeable effect on its operation (Noori et al. 2010). Geastrum minimum (P < 0.01). The indicator species The map obtained after the training process of the for cluster Y1 included the following: Aleuria aurantia, SOM contained all the macrofungi sites assigned to Coprinus atramentarius, C. comatus, Scleroderma bovi- neurons so that similar sites were located in one neuron sta, S. verrucosum and Vascellum pratense (P < 0.001); or in adjoining neurons, and significantly dissimilar sites Bovista nigrescens and Melanoleuca brevipes (P < 0.01); were in distant neurons (Chon et al. 1996; Park et al. and Bovista graveolens, Lycoperdon molle and Marasm- 2003; Bedoya et al. 2009). To subdivide the output ius oreades (P < 0.05). neurons into different clusters (groups) according to Cluster Y2 was the richest in species with significant their similarity (Bedoya et al. 2009), I used a hierarchical IndVal values and included the following: Agrocybe ped- cluster analysis with the Ward linkage method and iades, A. praecox, Calocybe gambosa, Calvatia utriformis, Euclidean distance measurements. Camarophyllus pratensis, C. virgineus, Hygrocybe persi- To show which cluster of neurons (and their envi- stans, Lycoperdon ericaeum and Tubaria furfuracea ronmental conditions) was most preferred by each spe- (P < 0.001); Crinipellis scabella, Lycoperdon decipiens, cies, the indicator value (IndVal) defined by Dufrene and Marasmius scorodonius and Rickenella fibula (P < 0.01); Legendre (1997) was used. This value was obtained for and Calvatia excipuliformis, Hygrocybe psittacina, Pan- each species from the original untransformed data ma- aeolus fimicola, P. sphinctrinus, Rickenella setipes, Tele- trix (number of individuals) and was attributed to the phora caryophyllea, Volvariella bombycina and V. pusilla clusters distinguished by SOM. The species that pre- (P < 0.05). sented significant values of IndVal in any cluster were then selected using Monte Carlo statistics. The above calculations were made using PC-ORD statistical soft- Discussion ware (MacCune and Mefford 1992). To avoid drawing invalid conclusions, only species having IndVal >25 Macrofungal communities had different species struc- were taken into consideration. IndVals complement the tures in diverse xerothermic swards. The macrofungal information presented on graphs of species importance communities of FP and DA associations were the most Table 1 Frequency of presence of macrofungal species on investigated sites with four different associations of semi-natural dry grasslands 550

Macrofungal species Site

FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP AB AB AB AB AB OBr OBr OBr OBr OBr DA DA DA DA DA 63 66 70 68 74 73 62 64 61 71 69 72 75 65 67 82 85 83 84 81 78 80 77 76 79 89 87 86 88 90

Agrocybe pediades (Fr.) Fayod 00000000000000012221 4 312 0 00000 Agrocybe praecox (Pers.: Fr.) P. Kumm. 00000000000000064332 2 221 0 00000 Aleuria aurantia Fr. Fuck. 00000000000000020020 0 020 2 44322 Arrhenia spathulata (Fr.: Fr.) Redhead 44333333222220043200 0 000 0 00000 Bovista dermoxantha (Vittad.) Toni 44322221110010202210 3 201 0 00000 Bovista graveolens Schwalb 00000000000000013201 2 210 0 22032 Bovista nigrescens Pers.: Pers. 00000000000000000000 2 221 0 33312 Bovista plumbea Per.: Pers. 86443332321111032210 6 544 4 04232 Bovista tomentosa (Vittad.) Que´l. 54332211110110002200 5 444 3 00000 Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk 00000000000000043220 4 223 2 00000 Cavatia excipuliformis (Scop.: Pers.) Perdeck 00000000000000054532 3 323 2 33322 Calvatia utriformis (Bull.: Pers.) Jaap 00000000000000023221 6 866 5 22010 Camarophyllus pratensis (Pers.: Fr.) Kumm. 00000000000000040201 4 233 2 00000 Camarophyllus virgineus (Wulf.: Fr.) Kumm. 00000000000000022220 2 002 2 00000 Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.: Fr.) Fr. 00000000000000000000 0 002 1 44223 Copinus comatus (Mu¨ll.: Fr.) Pers. 00000000000000000000 0 200 0 24210 Crinipellis scabella (Alb. & Schwein.: Fr.) Murrill 14121110998888776661212988141198 6 64443 Cyathus olla (Batsch): Pers. 00000000000000043320 4 423 4 00322 Disciseda candida (Schwein.) C.G. Lloyd 108865544433222254422 5 445 4 34432 Geastrum minimum Schwein. 33222211100000000000 0 000 0 00000 Hemimycena mairei (Gilbert) Singer 43333332222221100000 0 000 0 00000 Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.: Fr.) Kumm. 77554333222222332202 4 223 2 00000 Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.: Fr.) Kumm. 32222221111111203210 2 221 2 00000 Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer 00000000000000020002 3 232 2 00000 Hygrocybe psittacina (Schaeff.: Fr.) Kumm. 00000000000000002200 0 322 0 00000 Hymenoscyphus herbarum (Pers.) Dennis 22100320021002200120 3 230 0 02102 Lycoperdon decipiens Durieu & Mont. 00000000000000000000 4 223 2 00000 Lycoperdon ericaeum Bonord. 00000000000000033222 3 332 2 00000 Lycoperdon lividum Pers. 44332211110002132020 3 322 3 00000 Lycoperdon molle Pers. 00000000000000000000 1 032 0 20220 Marasmius oreades (Bolt.: Fr.) Fr. 00000000000000088665119886109686 Marasmius scorodonius (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. 00000000000000033322 2 434 2 02302 Melanoleuca brevipes (Bull.: Fr.) Pat. 00000000000000022200 4 432 2 64624 Panaeolus fimicola (Fr.) Que´l. 00000000000000044333 0 220 0 00223 Panaeolus foenisecii (Pers.: Fr.) Ku¨hner 00000000000000032202 0 320 1 20221 Panaeolus sphinctrinus (Fr.) Que´l. 00000000000000022202 0 002 2 10002 Psilocybe semiglobata (Batsch.: Fr.) Noordel 00000000000000002000 2 420 3 00222 Rickenella fibula (Bull.: Fr.) Raith 00300020300200344333 2 024 0 00000 Rickenella setipes (Fr.: Fr.) Raith 00000000000000020210 1 000 0 00000 Scleroderma bovista Fr. 00000000000000000000 0 000 0 44223 Scleroderma verrucosum (Bull.): Pers. 00000000000000000000 0 000 0 44543 Thelephora caryophyllea (Schaeff.): Fr. 00000000000000000310 6 648 4 00000 Tubaria furfuracea (Pers.: Fr.) Gillet. 00000000000000032322 2 034 2 00000 Tulostoma brumale Pers.: Pers. 00000000000000034030 0 000 0 00000 Vascellum pratense (Pers.: Pers.) Kreisel 00000000000000000000 0 000 0 55442 Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.: Fr.) Singer 00000000000000010220 1 020 0 00000 Volvariella pusilla (Pers.: Fr.) Que´l. 00000000000000033230 0 000 0 00000

FP Festucetum pallentis, AB Adonido-Brachypodietum, OBr Origano-Brachypodietum pinnati, AD Diantho-Armerietum elongatae 551

4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 B3 X B4 A1 A2 A3 A4 FP65 FP71 FP61 FP63 FP70 A3 FP67 FP72 FP62 FP66 FP73 X A4 FP69 FP75 FP64 FP68 FP74 A1 B1 B2 B3 B4 A2 B2 B1 Y1 C2 C1 C2 C3 C4 DA86 DA89 C1 DA87 DA90 DA88 Y D1 D2 D1 D2 D3 D4 C3 Y1 AB84 Y2 AB81OBr77 AB82 OBr76 C4 OBr79 AB83 OBr78 OBr80 AB85 D3 D4 Y2

Fig. 1 The 30 sites from xerothermic swards assigned to self-organizing map (SOM) neurons. Sites are marked with codes, as explained in Table 1. Distance for clusters on the Ward diagram are marked on the y-axis

Agrocybe Agrocybe Aleuria Arrhenia Bovista Bovista Bovista pediades praecox aurantia spathulata dermoxantha graveolens nigricans Y2, 41*** Y2, 48** Y2, 79*** Bovista Bovista Calocybe Calvatia Calvatia Camarophyllus Camarophyllus plumbea tomentosa gambosa excipuliformis utriformis pratensis virgineus Y2, 41 Y2, 90*** Y2, 55* Y2, 63*** Y2, 80*** Y2, 80*** Y2, 70*** Y2, 77**

Coprinus Coprinus Crinipelllis Cyathus Disciseda Geastrum Hemimycena atramentarius comatus scabella olla candida minimum mairei Y2, 39 Y2, 63** Y2, 43** 90*** Y2, Y2, 100*** Hygrocybe Hygrocybe Hygrocybe Hygrocybe Hymenoscyphus Lycoperdon Lycoperdon conica miniata persistens psittacina herbaceus decipiens ericaeum Y2, 21 Y2, 50* Y2, 61 Y2, 50** Y2, 70*** Y2, 100*** Lycoperdon Lycoperdon Marasmius Marasmius Melanoleuca Panaeolus Panaeolus lividum molle oreades scorodonius brevipes fimicola foenisecii Y2, 42* Y2, 68** Y2, 67**

Panaeolus Psilocybe Rickenella Rickenella Scleroderma Scleroderma Thelephora sphinctrinus semiglobata fibula setipes bovista verrucosum caryophyllea Y2, 29 Y2,40* Y2, 52 Y1, 72*** Y2, 40* 44 Y2, Y2, 61 Y1, 91*** 34 X, Y2,90*** Y2, 70** Y2, 39 Y2, 100*** Tubaria Tulostoma Vascellum Volvariella Volvariella furfuracea brumale pratense bombycina pusilla Y2, 30 Y2, 40* 100*** Y2, Y2, 50* 40* Y2, Y2, 90*** Y2, 100*** Y2, 59** Y2, 51*

Fig. 2 The importance of the macrofungal species in the SOM according to the most activated regions of the SOM and the IndVal index. The left margin of each figure gives an indicator value (IndVal), and its significance level for a given cluster is marked: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 different. The mycobiotes of OBr and AB associations Sites of dense xerothermic swards (OBr and AB) were were very similar (Fig. 1). richest in species of macromycetes. The majority of The FP sites were characterized by very poor species macrofungus species occur on these xerothermic swards composition of macrofungal communities (Table 1). (e.g., Calocybe gambosa, Camarophyllus pratensis, They consist of fungi growing on mosses (Arrhenia spa- C. virgineus, Hygrocybe persistans, Mariasmius oreades, thulata) and grass (Hemimycena mairei), which produce Panaeolus foemisecii) were noted by various authors small fruiting bodies, and some xerophilous species, e.g., (e.g., Arnolds 1981; Gumin´ska 1997; Adamczyk et al. Disciseda candida, Bovista plumbea and B. tomentosa. 2004) from the plant communities of the alliances 552

Table 2 Species distinguished by the IndVal index as significant in self-organizing map (SOM) clusters for xerothermic swards of the Cze˛stochowa Upland. The IndVal value is indicated after the species name



Arrhenia spathulata 63*** Aleuria aurantia 79*** Agrocybe pediades 90*** Geastrum minimum 60** Bovista graveolens 48* Agrocybe praecox 90*** Hemimycena mairei 100*** Bovista nigricans 77** Calocybe gambosa 90*** Coprinus atramentarius 91*** Calvatia excipuliformis 55* Coprinus comatus 72*** Calvatia utriformis 80*** Lycoperdon molle 40* Camarophyllus pratensis 80*** Marasmius oreades 51* Camarophyllus virgineus 70*** Melanoleuca brevipes 68** Crinipellis scabella 43** Scleroderma bovista 100*** Hygrocybe persistens 70*** Scleroderma verrucosum 100*** Hygrocybe psittacina 50* Vascellum pratense 100*** Lycoperdon decipiens 50** Lycoperdon ericaeum 100*** Marasmius scorodonius 67** Panaeolus fimicola 42* Panaeolus sphinctrinus 40* Rickenella fibula 59** Rickenella setipes 40* Thelephora caryophyllea 70** Tubaria furfuracea 90*** Volvariella bombycina 50* Volvariella pusilla 40*

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

Arrhenatherion elatoris and Cynosurion. There are also a poor soils (Babczyn´ska 1978). This habitat is preferred few xerophilous, saprobic species (e.g., Bovista graveo- by typically xerophilous macrofungi (Table 2). Inter- lens, B. tomentosa, Lycoperdon molle) and one mycor- estingly, a majority of indicator species in xerothermic rhizal species, Thelephora caryophyllea. Macromycetes of swards are saprotrophic macrofungi. Only Scleroderma OBr and AB associations contain several species ob- bovista, S. verrucosum and Thelephora caryophyllea are served in steppe habitats, such as Agrocybe pediades, mycorrhizal species. Geastrun minimum and macrofungi Bovista plumbea, Calvatia utriformis and Coprinus com- from the genus Hygrocybe may create symbiotic rela- atus (Kenan and Yuzuf 2002). Macrofungi of the DA tions with trees (Wojewoda 2003), but this has not been association are mainly xerophilous species from the confirmed. One species, Rickenella fibula, parasitizes genera Scleroderma, Bovista, Lycoperdon and Vascellum, mosses (Elborn 2008). while macrofungi from the genus Coprinus were observed The present research on macrofungal communities in many different (natural or anthropogenic) habitats. confirmed the phytosociological differences between the The richness of macrofungal communities in each Festucetum pallentis association and other associations xerothermic sward association and the presence of from the class Festuco-Brometea. The results also indicator species (with significant IndVal) of macrofungi showed that communities of macrofungi with close are connected with different habitat factors in the associations in terms of phytosociology are very similar, investigated phytocoenoses. The Festucetum pallentis e.g., Origano-Brachypodietum and Adonido-Brachypo- association is characterized by a thin humus layer and dietum pinnati. low humidity (Babczyn´ska 1978). These conditions are Thus far, the studies on xerothermic swards (e.g., preferred by a very small group of macrofungal species. Stasin´ska 2005; Wojewoda 1975) have analyzed macro- Most of these species were only found in this association fungi from the mycoenological point of view. These (Adamczyk 2009; Wojewoda 1974, 1975). However, studies did not show the differences between macrofun- Arrhenia spathulata—a species associated with mos- gal communities in different associations of xerothermic ses—was found in a variety of locations. Arrhenia spa- swards. In my work, clustering of macrofungi samples in thulata appears to be a species that grows often on poor xerothermic swards showed clearly that the structure of habitats; e.g., it was noted on mosses in the sandy dunes macrofungal communities depends on the type of plant of Sicily (Lantieri et al. 2008). Two phytosociologically association. Macrofungal communities can be good similar plant associations, Origano-Brachypodietum and indicators of the habitat diversity of these plant associ- Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati, are located in areas ations; they may also be used to identify modified, de- with higher humidity and the richest soils. They are graded and disturbed sites and thus to evaluate preferred by a large group of macrofungi comprising less phytocoenoses. Using the SOM, both ecological assess- specialized species that are found in other plant associ- ments can be conducted easily (Kruk 2006) at various ations. Diantho-Armerietum elongatae occur on sandy, spatial scales. Additionally, the grouping of macrofungi 553 samples by SOM has certain advantages: (1) it does not Chon KH, Park TS, Moon YS, Cha EY (1996) Patternizing com- require a priori knowledge about species requirements; munities by using an artificial neural network. Ecol Model 90:69–78 and (2) it takes into consideration all species. Dennis RWG (1978) British Ascomycetes. Cramer, Vaduz Studies by Magura et al. (2001, 2002) and White- Dufrene M, Legendre P (1997) Species assemblages and indicator house and Bayley (2005) concluded that immobile species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. Ecol organisms are characterized by high and stable IndVal Monogr 67:345–356 values. This pattern was confirmed by the present re- Dylikowa A (1973) Geografia Polski. Krainy geograficzne (in Polish). Pan´stw. Zakł Wyd Szkol Warszawa search. The majority of recognized macrofungal species Elborn SA (2008) Rickenella Raithelh. In: Knudsen H, Vesterholt J (73%) had high IndVal numbers. This suggests a very (eds) Funga Nordica. Agaricoid, boletoid and cyphelloid gen- important role of macrofungi in semi-natural, unstable era. Nordsvamp, Copenhagen, pp 69–70 phytocoenoses, whose existence depends on intensive Fraiture A (2004) Recherches mycocoenologiques dans les cheˆ naies a` charme u Pulmonario-Carpinetum et quelques autres associ- human activity (exploitation as pastures, and mowing of ations forestie` res de haute Belgique. Thesis, Universite´Catho- grasses). The IndVal is a particularly effective tool for lique de Louvin, Faculte´des Sciences ecological bioindication (MacGeoch et al. 2002; Paavola Fraiture A (2008) Mycocoenologie des foreˆ ts de Haute Belgique. et al. 2003; Penczak 2009). The results of the present Bull Soc Mycol Fr 124(3–4):187–261 Giraudel JL, Lek S (2001) A comparison of self-organizing map mycological investigations of xerothermic swards dem- algorithm and some conventional statistical methods for eco- onstrate the value of macrofungi as bioindicators that logical community ordination. 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