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April–June 2009 ... 511 Author Index—Volume one hundred eight Abbasi, M., see Khodaparast & Abbasi Afshan, N.S. & A.N. Khalid. New records of Puccinia & Pucciniastrum from Pakistan. 108: 137–146. 2009. Afshan, N.S., see Khalid & Afshan Aksoy, Ahmet, see Halıcı & al. Alvarado, P., see Moreno & al. Antonín, Vladimír, Jiří Polčák & Michal Tomšovský. Hypholoma tuberosum, a new representative of the Czech and Central-European mycobiota. 108: 41–47. 2009. Antonín, Vladimír, Rhim Ryoo & Hyeon-Dong Shin. Marasmioid and gymnopoid fungi of the Republic of Korea. 1. Three interesting species ofCrinipellis (Basidiomycota, Marasmiaceae). 108: 429–440. 2009. Aptroot, André & Kenan Yazici. Opegrapha pauciexcipulata, a new corticolous lichen from Turkey. 108: 155–158. 2009. Aslan, Ali, see Yazici & Aslan Barbero Castro, Mercedes, see Gómez Bolea & Barbero Castro Barreto, Robert W., see Lima & al. Baseia, Iuri G., see Cortez & al. Baseia, Iuri Goulart, see Trierveiler-Pereira & Baseia Bau, Tolgor, see Liu & Bau Bhat, D.J., see Dhargalkar & Bhat Bhat, D.J., see Prabhugaonkar & Bhat Blanco, M.N., G. Moreno, J. Checa, G. Platas & F. Peláez. Taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of Coniophora arachnoidea, C. opuntiae, and C. prasinoides. 108: 467– 477. 2009. Blehert, D.S., see Gargas & al. Bougher, Neale L. Status of the genera Hymenangium and Descomyces. 108: 313–318. 2009. Bougher, Neale L. Two intimately co-occurring species of Mycena section Sacchariferae in south-west Australia. 108: 159–174. 2009. Calonge, F.D., see Suárez & al. Candan, Mehmet, see Halıcı & al. Calatayud, Vicent, see Halıcı & al. Cavalcanti, Laise De Holanda, see Damasceno & al. Cavalcanti, Maria A.Q., see Santiago & al. Cavalcanti, M.A.Q., see Drechsler-Santos & al.
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