
Nashville Zoo Education Department

Nashville Zoo Jungle Loop Scavenger Hunt Scavenger hunt questions can be answered using the information found on the signs at each exhibit, or by attending a keeper talk.

1. Clouded have the largest (what) of any in proportion to their body size?

2. Where do clouded leopards get their name?

3. To which are red pandas most closely related?

4. What is the status of red pandas?

5. On which island are the ring-tailed lemurs and red-ruffed lemurs found in the wild?

6. Lemurs are classified as what type of primate?

7. What other names does a go by?

8. In how large of a group do ostriches typically live?

9. What is a zebra’s lifespan?

10. Springbok are known for a behavior called “pronking”- what does that mean?

11. In what habitat do bontebok live?

12. How high can an eland jump?

13. What kind of foods do East African Crowned Cranes eat?

*Please note: Printed scavenger hunt pages are not allowed in interactive animal exhibits (i.e. Critter Encounter, Kangaroo, The Shell Station). While these curious may sometimes see paper as a tasty snack, we carefully manage our animals’ nutrition and food intake to keep them healthy and active. Nashville Zoo Education Department

ANSWER SHEET: Nashville Zoo Scavenger Hunt 1. Clouded leopards have the largest (what) of any cat in proportion to their body size? Canine teeth

2. Where do clouded leopards get their name? From the clouded like spots on their coats

3. To which animal are red pandas most closely related? They have previously been classified in the family and the family, but with recent research they have been placed in their own family, .

4. What is the status of red pandas? They are endangered; this is due to human encroachment and destruction of their habitat

5. On which island are the ring-tailed lemurs and red-ruffed lemurs found in the wild? Both species of lemurs are found on the island of Madagascar, off the coast of Africa.

6. Lemurs are classified as what type of primate? Lemurs are classified as a prosimian and are related to monkeys and apes, but in a separate grouping.

7. What other names does a cougar go by? , panther, catamount, painter and mountain .

8. In how large of a group do ostriches typically live? Ostriches live in flocks of 5 to 50, often in the company of other grazing animals.

9. What is a zebra’s lifespan? Zebra can live up to 40 years.

10. Springbok are known for a behavior called “pronking”- what does that mean? When springbok “pronk,” they repeatedly jump up to 9 feet in the air when startled or playing. *Please note: Printed scavenger hunt pages are not allowed in interactive animal exhibits (i.e. Critter Encounter, Kangaroo, The Shell Station). While these curious animals may sometimes see paper as a tasty snack, we carefully manage our animals’ nutrition and food intake to keep them healthy and active. Nashville Zoo Education Department

11. In what habitat do bontebok live? Bontebok live in the coastal plains and savannahs of southern Africa.

12. How high can an eland jump? An eland can jump 8 feet high from a standstill!

13. What kind of foods do East African Crowned Cranes eat? They are generalist feeders- seeds, grasses, insects, and invertebrates.

*Please note: Printed scavenger hunt pages are not allowed in interactive animal exhibits (i.e. Critter Encounter, Kangaroo, The Shell Station). While these curious animals may sometimes see paper as a tasty snack, we carefully manage our animals’ nutrition and food intake to keep them healthy and active.