
Federal Trade Commission Pt. 301

(3) Continuing guaranties filed with cerning express or implied representa- the Commission shall continue in ef- tions of fiber content of articles or con- fect until revoked. The guarantor shall cerning insignificant or inconsequen- promptly report any change in business tial textile content of products. status to the Commission. (b) The prescribed form for a con- (Sec. 4(d), 54 Stat. 1129; 15 U.S.C. 68b(d)) tinuing guaranty is found in § 303.38(b) of this chapter. The form is available PART 301—RULES AND REGULA- upon request from the Textile Section, TIONS UNDER PRODUCTS LA- Enforcement Division, Federal Trade BELING ACT Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580. NAME GUIDE (c) Any person who has a continuing Sec. guaranty on file with the Commission 301.0 Fur products name guide. may, during the effective dates of the guaranty, give notice of such fact by REGULATIONS setting forth on the invoice or other 301.1 Terms defined. document covering the marketing or 301.2 General requirements. handling of the product guaranteed the 301.3 English language requirements. following: 301.4 Abbreviations or ditto marks prohib- ited. Continuing Guaranty under the Prod- 301.5 Use of Fur Products Name Guide. ucts Labeling Act filed with the Federal 301.6 not listed in Fur Products Trade Commission. Name Guide. (d) Any person who falsely represents 301.7 Describing by certain breed names that he has a continuing guaranty on prohibited. file with the Federal Trade Commis- 301.8 Use of terms ‘‘Persian Lamb,’’ sion shall be deemed to have furnished ‘‘Broadtail Lamb,’’ and ‘‘Persian- broadtail Lamb’’ permitted. a false guaranty under section 9(b) of 301.9 Use of terms ‘‘Mouton Lamb’’ and the Act. ‘‘Shearling Lamb’’ permitted. [29 FR 6627, May 21, 1964, as amended at 48 301.10 Use of term ‘‘Broadtail-processed FR 12517, Mar. 25, 1983; 63 FR 7517, Feb. 13, Lamb’’ permitted. 1998; 63 FR 71583, Dec. 28, 1998; 79 FR 32164, 301.11 Fictitious or non-existing des- June 4, 2014] ignations prohibited. 301.12 Country of origin of imported furs. § 300.34 Reference to existing guar- 301.13 Fur products having furs with dif- anty on labels not permitted. ferent countries of origin. 301.14 Country of origin of used furs. No representation or suggestion that 301.15 Designation of section producing do- a wool product is guaranteed under the mestic furs permitted. act by the Government, or any branch 301.16 Disclosure of origin of certain furs thereof shall be made on or in the raised or taken in United States. stamp, tag, label, or other mark of 301.17 Misrepresentation of origin of furs. identification, applied or affixed to 301.18 Passing off domestic furs as imported wool products. furs prohibited. 301.19 Pointing, dyeing, bleaching or other- GENERAL wise artificially coloring. 301.20 Fur products composed of pieces. § 300.35 Hearings under section 4(d) of 301.21 Disclosure of used furs. the act. 301.22 Disclosure of damaged furs. 301.23 Second-hand fur products. Hearings under section 4(d) of the act 301.24 Repairing, restyling and remodeling will be held when deemed by the Com- fur products for consumer. mission to be in the public interest. In- 301.25 Name required to appear on labels terested persons may file applications and invoices. for such hearings. Such applications 301.26 Registered identification numbers. shall be filed in quadruplicate and shall 301.27 Label and method of affixing. contain a detailed technical descrip- 301.28 [Reserved] 301.29 Requirements in respect to disclosure tion of the class or classes of articles on label. or products regarding which applicant 301.30 [Reserved] requests a determination and an- 301.31 Labeling of fur products consisting of nouncement by the Commission con- two or more units.


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301.32 Fur product containing material 301.43 Use of deceptive trade or corporate other than fur. names, trademarks or graphic represen- 301.33 Labeling of samples. tations prohibited. 301.34 Misbranded or falsely invoiced fur 301.44 Misrepresentation of prices. products. 301.45 Representations as to construction of 301.35 Substitution of labels. fur products. 301.46 Reference to guaranty by Govern- 301.36 Sectional fur products. ment prohibited. 301.37 Manner of invoicing furs and fur 301.47 Form of separate guaranty. products. 301.48 Continuing guaranties. 301.38 Advertising of furs and fur products. 301.48a Guaranties not received in good 301.39 Exempted fur products. faith. 301.40 [Reserved] 301.49 Deception in general. 301.41 Maintenance of records. AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 69 et seq. 301.42 Deception as to nature of business. NAME GUIDE

§ 301.0 Fur products name guide.

Name Family -

Alpaca ...... Artiodactyla ...... ...... Lama pacos. Antelope ...... Artiodactyla ...... ...... niger and Antilope cervicapra. ...... ...... ...... Taxida sp. and sp. Bassarisk ...... do ...... ...... astutus. ...... do ...... Ursidae ...... sp. Bear, Polar ...... do ...... do ...... Ursus maritimus. Beaver ...... Rodentia ...... Castoridae ...... Castor canadensis. Burunduk ...... do ...... Sciuridae ...... Eutamias asiaticus. Calf ...... Artiodactyla ...... Bovidae ...... taurus. , ...... Carnivora ...... ...... Caracal caracal. Cat, Domestic ...... do ...... do ...... catus. Cat, ...... do ...... do ...... bengalensis. Cat, ...... do ...... do ...... Lynx rufus. Cat, Manul ...... do ...... do ...... Felis manul. Cat, ...... do ...... do ...... wiedii. Cat, Spotted ...... do ...... do ...... Felis sp. (). Cat, Wild ...... do ...... do ...... Felis catus and Felis lybica. ...... do ...... do ...... jubatus. Chinchilla ...... Rodentia ...... ...... Chinchilla chinchilla. Chipmunk ...... do ...... Sciuridae ...... Tamias sp. ...... Carnivora ...... ...... sp., Viverricula sp., sp., and Paguma sp. Desman ...... Soricomorpha ...... Talpidae ...... Desmana moschata and Galemys pyrenaicus. ...... Carnivora ...... ...... familiaris. Ermine ...... do ...... Mustelidae ...... Mustela erminea. ...... do ...... do ...... Martes pennanti. Fitch ...... do ...... do ...... Mustela putorius. ...... do ...... Canidae ...... vulpes, Vulpes macrotis. Fox, Blue ...... do ...... do ...... Vulpes lagopus. Fox, Grey ...... do ...... do ...... cinereoargenteus and Urocyon littoralis. Fox, Kit ...... do ...... do ...... Vulpes velox. Fox, White ...... Carnivora ...... Canidae ...... Vulpes lagopus. ...... do ...... Viverridae ...... Genetta genetta. ...... Artiodactyla ...... Bovidae ...... hircus. , or its young, ...... do ...... Camelidae ...... Lama guanicoe. the Guanaquito. ...... Rodentia ...... Cricetidae ...... Cricetus cricetus. ...... do ...... Leporidae ...... Lepus sp. and Lepus europaeus occidentalis. ...... Carnivora ...... Canidae ...... Canis aureus and Canis adustus. Jackal, Cape ...... do ...... do ...... Canis mesomelas. ...... do ...... Felidae ...... onca. ...... do ...... do ...... Herpailurus yagouaroundi. ...... ...... ...... Marcopus sp. Kangaroo-rat ...... do ...... ...... Bettongia sp. Kid ...... Artiodactyla ...... Bovidae ...... Capra hircus. ...... Carnivora ...... Procyonidae ...... Potos flavus. ...... Diprotodontia ...... ...... cinereus. Kolinsky ...... Carnivora ...... Mustelidae ...... Mustela sibirica. Lamb ...... Artiodactyla ...... Bovidae ...... aries. Leopard ...... Carnivora ...... Felidae ...... Panthera pardus.


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Name Order Family Genus-species

Llama ...... Artiodactyla ...... Camelidae ...... Lama glama. Lynx ...... Carnivora ...... Felidae ...... Lynx canadensis and Lynx lynx. Marmot ...... Rodentia ...... Sciuridae ...... Marmota bobak. , American ...... Carnivora ...... Mustelidae ...... Martes americana and Martes caurina. Marten, Baum ...... do ...... do ...... Martes martes. Marten, Japanese ...... do ...... do ...... Martes melampus. Marten, Stone ...... do ...... do ...... Martes foina. ...... do ...... do ...... Mustela vison and Mustela lutreola. Mole ...... Soricomorpha ...... Talpidae ...... Talpa sp. Monkey ...... Primates ...... Cercopithecidae ...... Colobus polykomos. Muskrat ...... Rodentia ...... Muridae ...... Ondatra zibethicus. Nutria ...... do ...... Myocastoridae ...... Myocastor coypus. ...... Carnivora ...... Felidae ...... Leopardus pardalis Opossum ...... Didelphimorphia ...... Didelphidae ...... Didelphis sp. Opossum, Australian ..... Diprotodontia ...... ...... Trichosurus vulpecula. Opossum, Ringtail ...... do ...... ...... Pseudocheirus sp. Opossum, South Amer- Didelphimorphia ...... Didelphidae ...... Lutreolina crassicaudata. ican. Opossum, Water ...... do ...... do ...... Chironectes minimus. ...... Carnivora ...... Mustelidae ...... canadensis, Pteronura brasiliensis, and lutra. Otter, Sea ...... do ...... do ...... Enhydra lutris. Pahmi ...... do ...... do ...... Helictis moschata and Helictis personata. Panda ...... Carnivora ...... ...... Ailurus fulgens. Peschanik ...... Rodentia ...... Sciuridae ...... Spermophilus fulvus. Pony ...... Perissodactyla ...... Equidae ...... Equus caballus. ...... ...... Leporidae ...... Oryctolagus cuniculus. ...... Carnivora ...... Procyonidae ...... lotor and Procyon cancrivorus. Raccoon, Asiatic ...... do ...... Canidae ...... procyonoides. Raccoon, Mexican ...... do ...... Procyonidae ...... sp. ...... Artiodactyla ...... Cervidae ...... Rangifer tarandus. ...... Carnivora ...... Mustelidae ...... Martes zibellina. Sable, American ...... do ...... do ...... Martes americana and Martes caurina. Seal, Fur ...... Carnivora ...... Otariidae ...... Callorhinus ursinus. Seal, Hair ...... do ...... Phocidae ...... sp. Seal, Roc ...... do ...... Otariidae ...... Otaria flavescens. Sheep ...... Artiodactyla ...... Bovidae ...... Ovis aries. ...... Carnivora ...... ...... mephitis, Mephitis macroura, Conepatus semistriatus and Conepatus sp. Skunk, Spotted ...... do ...... do ...... Spilogale sp. Squirrel ...... Rodentia ...... Sciuridae ...... Sciurus vulgaris. Squirrel, Flying...... do ...... do ...... Eupetaurus cinereus, Pteromys volans and Petaurista leucogenys. Suslik ...... do ...... do ...... Spermophilus citellus, Spermophilus major rufescens and Spermophilus suslicus. Vicuna ...... Artiodactyla ...... Camelidae ...... vicugna. ...... Rodentia ...... Chinchillidae ...... sp. ...... Diprotodontia ...... Macropodidae ...... Wallabia sp., Petrogale sp., and Thylogale sp. ...... Carnivora ...... Mustelidae ...... Mustela frenata. Weasel, Chinese ...... do ...... do ...... Mustela sibirica. Weasel, Japanese ...... do ...... do ...... Mustela itatsi (also classified as Mustela sibirica itatsi). Weasel, Manchurian ...... Carnivora ...... Mustelidae ...... Mustela altaica and Mustela nivalis rixosa. ...... do ...... Canidae ...... Canis lupus. ...... do ...... Mustelidae ...... Gulo gulo. ...... Diprotodontia ...... Vombatidae ...... Vombatus sp. Woodchuck ...... Rodentia ...... Sciuridae ...... Marmota monax.

[79 FR 30456, May 28, 2014] (1) The term act means the Fur Prod- ucts Labeling Act (approved Aug. 8, 1951, REGULATIONS Pub. L. 110, 82d Cong., 1st Sess.; 15 U.S.C.A. sec. 69; 65 Stat. 179). SOURCE: 17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, unless oth- (2) The terms rule, rules, regulations, erwise noted. and rules and regulations, mean the § 301.1 Terms defined. rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission pursuant to section 8 (b) of (a) As used in this part, unless the the act. context otherwise specifically requires:


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(3) The definitions of terms contained (b) Each and every fur, except those in section 2 of the act shall be applica- exempted under § 301.39, shall be ble also to such terms when used in invoiced in conformity with the re- rules promulgated under the act. quirements of the act and rules and (4) The terms Fur Products Name regulations. Guide and Name Guide mean the reg- (c) Any advertising of fur products or ister of names of hair, fleece, and fur- furs, except those exempted under bearing animals issued and amended by § 301.39, shall be in conformity with the the Commission pursuant to the provi- requirements of the act and rules and sions of section 7 of the act. regulations. (5) The terms required information and [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 79 FR information required mean the informa- 30458, May 28, 2014] tion required to be disclosed on labels, invoices and in advertising under the § 301.3 English language requirements. act and rules and regulations, and such All information required under the further information as may be per- act and rules and regulations to appear mitted by the regulations, when and if on labels, invoices, and in advertising, used. shall be set out in the English lan- (6) The terms invoice and invoice or guage. If labels, invoices or advertising other document mean an account, order, matter contain any of the required in- memorandum, list, or catalog, which is formation in a language other than issued to a purchaser, consignee, bail- English, all of the required information ee, correspondent, agent, or any other shall appear also in the English lan- person, electronically, in writing, or in guage. The provisions of this section some other form capable of being read shall not apply to advertisements in and preserved in a form that is capable foreign language newspapers or peri- of being accurately reproduced for odicals, but such advertising shall in later reference, whether by trans- all other respects comply with the act mission, printing, or otherwise, in con- and regulations. nection with the marketing or han- dling of any fur or fur product trans- § 301.4 Abbreviations or ditto marks ported or delivered to such person. prohibited. (b) The term wearing apparel as used In disclosing required information in in the definition of a fur product in sec- labeling and advertising, words or tion 2(d) of the Act means (1) Any arti- terms shall not be abbreviated or des- cles of clothing or covering for any ignated by the use of ditto marks but part of the body; and (2) shall include shall be spelled out fully, and in any assembled furs, used furs, or waste invoicing the required information furs, in attached form, including mats, shall not be abbreviated but shall be plates or garment shells or furs flat off spelled out fully. the board, and furs which have been dyed, tip-dyed, bleached or artificially § 301.5 Use of Fur Products Name colored, intended for use as or in wear- Guide. ing apparel: Provided, however, That the (a) The Fur Products Name Guide provisions of section 4(2) of the Act (§ 301.0 of this part) is set up in four col- shall not be applicable to those fur umns under the headings of Name, products set out in paragraph (b)(2) of Order, Family and Genus-Species. The this section. applicable animal name appearing in [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR the column headed ‘‘Name’’ shall be 3186, Apr. 14, 1961; 61 FR 67709, Dec. 24, 1996; used in the required information in la- 65 FR 82270, Dec. 28, 2000; 79 FR 30458, May 28, beling, invoicing and advertising of fur 2014] products and furs. The scientific names appearing under the columns headed § 301.2 General requirements. Order, Family, and Genus-Species are (a) Each and every fur product, ex- furnished for animal identification pur- cept those exempted under § 301.39 of poses and shall not be used. this part, shall be labeled and invoiced (b) Where the name of the animal ap- in conformity with the requirements of pearing in the Name Guide consists of the act and rules and regulations. two separate words the second word


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shall precede the first in designating of sheep or top-cross breed of such the name of the animal in the required sheep, having hair formed in flattened information; as for example: ‘‘Fox, knuckled curls with a moire pattern. Black’’ shall be disclosed as ‘‘Black (d) The terms ‘‘Persian Lamb’’, Fox.’’ ‘‘Broadtail Lamb’’, or ‘‘Persian- broadtail Lamb’’ shall not be used to § 301.6 Animals not listed in Fur Prod- describe: (1) The so-called Krimmer, ucts Name Guide. Bessarabian, Rumanian, Shiraz, (a) All furs are subject to the act and Salzfelle, Metis, Dubar, Meshed, Car- regulations regardless of whether the acul, Iranian, Iraqi, Chinese, Mongo- name of the animal producing the fur lian, Chekiang, or Indian lamb skins, appears in the Fur Products Name unless such lamb skins conform with Guide. the requirements set out in paragraph (b) Where fur is obtained from an ani- (a), (b), or (c) of this section respec- mal not listed in the Fur Products tively; or (2) any other lamb skins hav- Name Guide it shall be designated in ing hair in a wavy or open curl pattern. the required information by the true English name of the animal or in the § 301.9 Use of terms ‘‘Mouton Lamb’’ and ‘‘Shearling Lamb’’ permitted. absence of a true English name, by the name which properly identifies such (a) The term Mouton Lamb may be animal in the United States. used to describe the skin of a lamb which has been sheared, the hair § 301.7 Describing furs by certain straightened, chemically treated, and breed names prohibited. thermally set to produce a moisture re- If the fur of an animal is described in pellant finish; as for example: any manner by its breed, species, Dyed Mouton Lamb strain or coloring, irrespective of (b) The term Shearling Lamb may be former usage, such descriptive matter used to describe the skin of a lamb shall not contain the name of another which has been sheared and combed. animal either in the adjective form or otherwise nor shall such description [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR (subject to any exception contained in 3186, Apr. 14, 1961] this part or animal names appearing in the Fur Products Name Guide) contain § 301.10 Use of term ‘‘Broadtail-proc- essed Lamb’’ permitted. a name in an adjective form or other- wise which connotes a false geographic The term Broadtail-processed Lamb origin of the animal. For example, such may be used to describe the skin of a designations as ‘‘Sable Mink,’’ ‘‘Chin- lamb which has been sheared, leaving a chilla Rabbit,’’ and ‘‘Aleutian Mink’’ moire hair pattern on the pelt having shall not be used. the appearance of the true fur pattern of ‘‘Broadtail Lamb’’; as for example: § 301.8 Use of terms ‘‘Persian Lamb,’’ Dyed Broadtail-processed Lamb ‘‘Broadtail Lamb,’’ and ‘‘Persian- Fur origin: broadtail Lamb’’ permitted. (a) The term Persian Lamb may be § 301.11 Fictitious or non-existing ani- used to describe the skin of the young mal designations prohibited. lamb of the Karakul breed of sheep or No trade names, coined names, nor top-cross breed of such sheep, having other names or words descriptive of a hair formed in knuckled curls. fur as being the fur of an animal which (b) The term Broadtail Lamb may be is in fact fictitious or non-existent used to describe the skin of the pre- shall be used in labeling, invoicing or maturely born, stillborn, or very young advertising of a fur or fur product. lamb of the Karakul breed of sheep or top-cross breed of such sheep, having § 301.12 Country of origin of imported flat light-weight fur with a moire pat- furs. tern. (a)(1) In the case of furs imported (c) The term Persian-broadtail Lamb into the United States from a foreign may be used to describe the skin of the country, the country of origin of such very young lamb of the Karakul breed furs shall be set forth as a part of the


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information required by the act in Fur Origin: Russia invoicing and advertising. (f) Nothing in this section shall be (2) In the case of fur products im- construed as limiting in any way the ported into the United States from a information required to be disclosed on foreign country, or fur products made labels under the provisions of any Tar- from furs imported into the United iff Act of the United States or regula- States from a foreign country, the tions prescribed by the Secretary of country of origin of the furs contained the Treasury. in such products shall be set forth as a part of the information required by the [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR act in labeling, invoicing and adver- 3186, Apr. 14, 1961; 61 FR 67709, Dec. 24, 1996] tising. § 301.13 Fur products having furs with (b) The term country means the polit- different countries of origin. ical entity known as a nation. Colo- nies, possessions or protectorates out- When a fur product is composed of side the boundaries of the mother furs with different countries of origin country shall be considered separate the names of such countries shall be countries and the name thereof shall be set forth in the required information in deemed acceptable in designating the the order of predominance by surface ‘‘country of origin’’ unless the Com- areas of the furs in the fur product. mission shall otherwise direct. § 301.14 Country of origin of used furs. (c) The country in which the animal producing the fur was raised, or if in a When the country of origin of used feral state, was taken, shall be consid- furs is unknown, and no representa- ered the ‘‘country of origin.’’ tions are made directly or by implica- (d) When furs are taken within the tion with respect thereto, this fact territorial waters of a country, such shall be set out as a part of the re- country shall be considered the ‘‘coun- quired information in lieu of the coun- try of origin.’’ Furs taken outside such try of origin as ‘‘Fur origin: Un- territorial waters, or on the high seas, known.’’ shall have as their country of origin § 301.15 Designation of section pro- the country having the nearest main- ducing domestic furs permitted. land. (e)(1) The English name of the coun- In the case of furs produced in the try of origin shall be used. Abbrevia- United States the name of the section tions which unmistakably indicate the or area producing the furs used in the name of a country, such as ‘‘Gt. Brit- fur product may be set out in connec- ain’’ for ‘‘Great Britain,’’ are accept- tion with the name of the animal; as able. Abbreviations such as ‘‘N.Z.’’ for for example: ‘‘New Zealand’’ are not acceptable. Dyed (2) The name of the country of origin, Fur origin: Alaska when used as a part of the required in- or formation in labeling shall be preceded Dyed Muskrat by the term fur origin; as for example: Fur origin: Minnesota Dyed Muskrat § 301.16 Disclosure of origin of certain Fur Origin: Russia furs raised or taken in United or States. Dyed China Mink If the name of any animal set out in Fur Origin: China the Fur Products Name Guide or term (3) In addition to the required disclo- permitted by the regulations to be used sure of country of origin the name of in connection therewith connotes for- the country may also appear in adjec- eign origin and such animal is raised or tive form in connection with the name taken in the United States, furs ob- of the animal; as for example: tained therefrom shall be described in Tip-dyed Canadian American Sable disclosing the required information as Fur Origin: Canada having the United States as the coun- or try of origin; as for example: Russian Sable Dyed Persian Lamb


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Fur origin: United States ‘‘tip-dyed’’. The application of dyestuff or to the leather or the skin (known in Mexican Raccoon the trade as ‘‘tipping’’, as distinguished Fur origin: United States from tip-dyeing the hair or fur as above described) and which does not affect a § 301.17 Misrepresentation of origin of change of, nor accentuate the natural furs. color of the hair or fur, shall not be No misleading nor deceptive state- considered as ‘‘dyeing’’. When fluores- ments as to the geographical or zoolog- cent dye is applied to a fur or fur prod- ical origin of the animal producing a uct it may be described as ‘‘brightener fur shall be used directly or indirectly added’’. in labeling, invoicing or advertising (e) The term artificial coloring means furs or fur products. any change or improvement in color of a fur or fur product in any manner § 301.18 Passing off domestic furs as other than by pointing, bleaching, dye- imported furs prohibited. ing, or tip-dyeing, and shall be de- No domestic furs nor fur products scribed in labeling, invoicing and ad- shall be labeled, invoiced or advertised vertising as ‘‘color altered’’ or ‘‘color in such a manner as to represent di- added’’. rectly or by implication that they have (f) The term blended shall not be used been imported. as a part of the required information to describe the pointing, bleaching, dye- § 301.19 Pointing, dyeing, bleaching or ing, tip-dyeing, or otherwise artifi- otherwise artificially coloring. cially coloring of furs. (a) Where a fur or fur product is (g) Where a fur or fur product is not pointed or contains or is composed of pointed, bleached, dyed, tip-dyed, or bleached, dyed or otherwise artificially otherwise artificially colored it shall colored fur, such facts shall be dis- be described as ‘‘natural’’. closed as a part of the required infor- (h) Where any fur or fur product is mation in labeling, invoicing and ad- dressed, processed or treated with a so- vertising. lution or compound containing any (b) The term pointing means the proc- metal and such compound or solution ess of inserting separate hairs into furs effects any change or improvement in or fur products for the purpose of add- the color of the hair, fleece or fur fiber, ing guard hairs, either to repair dam- such fur or fur product shall be de- aged areas or to simulate other furs. scribed in labeling, invoicing and ad- (c) The term bleaching means the vertising as ‘‘color altered’’ or ‘‘color process for producing a lighter shade of added’’. a fur, or removing off-color spots and (i)(1) Any person dressing, processing stains by a bleaching agent. or treating a fur pelt in such a manner (d) The term dyeing (which includes that it is required under paragraph (e) the processes known in the trade of tip- or (h) of this section to be described as ping the hair or fur, feathering, and ‘‘color altered’’ or ‘‘color added’’ shall beautifying) means the process of ap- place a black stripe at least one half plying dyestuffs to the hair or fur, ei- inch (1.27 cm) in width across the ther by immersion in a dye bath or by leather side of the skin immediately application of the dye by brush, feath- above the rump or place a stamp with er, spray, or otherwise, for the purpose a solid black center in the form of ei- of changing the color of the fur or hair, ther a two inch (5.08 cm) square or a or to accentuate its natural color. circle at least two inches (5.08 cm) in When dyestuff is applied by immersion diameter on the leather side of the pelt in a dye bath or by application of the and shall use black ink for all other dye by brush, feather, or spray, it may stamps or markings on the leather side respectively be described as ‘‘vat of the pelt. dyed’’, ‘‘brush dyed’’, ‘‘feather dyed’’, (2) Any person dressing, processing or or ‘‘spray dyed’’, as the case may be. treating a fur pelt which after proc- When dyestuff is applied only to the essing is considered natural under ends of the hair or fur, by feather or paragraph (g) of this section shall place otherwise, it may also be described as a white stripe at least one half inch


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(1.27 cm) in width across the leather and legibly stamp on the leather side of side of the skin immediately above the the pelt and on required invoices relat- rump or place a stamp with a solid ing thereto a lot number or other iden- white center in the form of either a tifying number which relates to such two inch (5.08 cm) square or a circle at records of the processor as will show least two inches (5.08 cm) in diameter the source and disposition of the pelts on the leather side of the pelt and shall and the details of the processing per- use white ink for all other stamps or formed. Such person shall also stamp markings on the leather side of the his name or registered identification pelt. number on the leather side of the pelt. (3) Any person dressing, processing or (k) Any person who possesses fur treating a fur pelt in such a manner pelts of a which are always con- that it is considered dyed under para- sidered as dyed under paragraph (d) of graph (d) of this section shall place a this section after processing or any yellow stripe at least one half inch (1.27 person who processes fur pelts which cm) in width across the leather side immediately above the rump or place a are always natural at the time of sale stamp with a solid yellow center in the to the ultimate consumer, which pelts form of either a two inch (5.08 cm) for a valid reason cannot be marked or square or a circle at least two inches stamped as provided in this section, (5.08 cm) in diameter on the leather may file an affidavit with the Federal side of the pelt and shall use yellow ink Trade Commission’s Bureau of Con- for all other stamps or markings on the sumer Protection setting forth such leather side of the pelt. facts as will show that the pelts are al- (4) In lieu of the marking or stamp- ways dyed or natural as the case may ing otherwise required by paragraphs be and that the stamping of such pelts (i) (1), (2), and (3) of this section, any cannot be reasonably accomplished. If person dressing, processing or treating the Bureau of Consumer Protection is a fur pelt so as to be subject to the satisfied that the public interest will stamping or marking requirements of be protected by the filing of the affi- this paragraph may stamp the leather davit, it may accept such affidavit and side of the pelt with the appropriate advise the affiant that marking of the truthful designation ‘‘dyed’’, ‘‘color al- fur pelts themselves as provided in this tered’’, ‘‘color added’’, or ‘‘natural’’, as section will be unnecessary until fur- the case may be, in such manner that ther notice. Any person filing such an the stamp will not be obliterated or affidavit shall promptly notify the mutilated by further processing and Commission of any change in cir- will remain clearly legible until the cumstances with respect to its oper- finished fur product reaches the ulti- ations. mate consumer. (l) Any person subject to this section (5) Where, after assembling, fur gar- who incorrectly marks or fails to mark ment shells, mats, plates or other as- fur pelts as provided in paragraphs (i) sembled furs are processed or treated and (j) of this section shall be deemed in such a manner as to fall within the to have misbranded such products stamping or marking provisions of this under section 4(l) of the Act. Any per- paragraph, such assembled furs, in lieu of the stamping or marking of each in- son subject to this section who fur- dividual pelt or piece, may be appro- nishes a false or misleading affidavit priately stamped on the leather side as under paragraph (k) of this section or provided in this paragraph in such a fails to give the notice required by manner that the stamp will remain on paragraph (k) of this section shall be the finished fur product and clearly deemed to have neglected and refused legible until it reaches the ultimate to maintain the records required by consumer and will not be mutilated or section 8(d) of the Act. obliterated by further processing. [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR (j) Any person who shall process a fur 3186, Apr. 14, 1961; 34 FR 381, Jan. 10, 1969; 36 pelt in such a manner that after such FR 5689, Mar. 26, 1971; 41 FR 2636, Jan. 19, processing it is no longer considered as 1976; 53 FR 31314, Aug. 18, 1988; 61 FR 67709, natural shall clearly, conspicuously Dec. 24, 1996; 79 FR 30458, May 28, 2014]


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§ 301.20 Fur products composed of normal life and durability of such prod- pieces. uct. (a) Where fur products, or fur mats (b) When damaged furs are used in a and plates, are composed in whole or in fur product, full disclosure of such fact substantial part of paws, tails, bellies, shall be made as a part of the required gills, ears, throats, heads, scrap pieces, information in labeling, invoicing, or or waste fur, such fact shall be dis- advertising such product; as for exam- closed as a part of the required infor- ple: mation in labeling, invoicing, and ad- Mink vertising. Where a fur product is made Fur origin: Canada of the backs of skins, such fact may be Contains Damaged Fur set out in labels, invoices, and adver- tising. § 301.23 Second-hand fur products. (b) Where fur products, or fur mats When a fur product has been used or and plates, are composed wholly or worn by an ultimate consumer and is substantially of two or more of the subsequently marketed in its original, parts set out in paragraph (a) of this reconditioned, or rebuilt form with or section or one or more of such parts without the addition of any furs or and other fur, disclosure in respect used furs, the requirements of the act thereto shall be made by naming such and regulations in respect to labeling, parts or other fur in order of predomi- invoicing and advertising of such prod- nance by surface area. uct shall be applicable thereto, subject, (c) The terms substantial part and sub- however, to the provisions of § 301.14 of stantially mean ten per centum (10 per- this part as to country of origin re- cent) or more in surface area. quirement, and in addition, as a part of (d) The term assembled shall not be the required information such product used in lieu of the terms set forth in shall be designated ‘‘Second-hand’’, paragraph (a) of this section to de- ‘‘Reconditioned-Second-hand’’, or ‘‘Re- scribe fur products or fur mats and built-Second-hand’’, as the case may plates composed of such parts. be. [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 79 FR § 301.24 Repairing, restyling and re- 30458, May 28, 2014] modeling fur products for con- sumer. § 301.21 Disclosure of used furs. When fur products owned by and to (a) When fur in any form has been be returned to the ultimate-consumer worn or used by an ultimate consumer are repaired, restyled or remodeled and it shall be designated ‘‘used fur’’ as a used fur or fur is added thereto, label- part of the required information in ing of the fur product shall not be re- invoicing and advertising. quired. However, the person adding (b) When fur products or fur mats and such used fur or fur to the fur product, plates are composed in whole or in part or who is responsible therefor, shall of used fur, such fact shall be disclosed give to the owner an invoice disclosing as a part of the required information in the information required under the act labeling, invoicing and advertising; as and regulations respecting the used fur for example: or fur added to the fur product, subject, Leopard however, to the provisions of § 301.14 of Used Fur this part as to country of origin re- or quirements. Dyed Muskrat Contains Used Fur § 301.25 Name required to appear on labels and invoices. § 301.22 Disclosure of damaged furs. The name required by the act to be (a) The term damaged fur, as used in used on labels and invoices shall be the this part, means a fur, which, because full name under which the person is of a known or patent defect resulting doing business, and no trade-mark, from natural causes or from proc- trade name nor other name which does essing, is of such a nature that its use not constitute such full name shall be in a fur product would decrease the used in lieu thereof.


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§ 301.26 Registered identification num- site at https://rn.ftc.gov. Unless other- bers. wise directed by the Commission or its (a) Registered numbers for use as the designee, requests made by other required identification in lieu of the means (including but not limited to name on fur product labels as provided email) will not be accepted and ap- in section 4(2)(E) of the Act will be proved. issued by the Commission to qualified [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR persons residing in the United States 3187, Apr. 14, 1961; 48 FR 12516, Mar. 25, 1983; upon receipt of an application duly ex- 63 FR 7517, Feb. 13, 1998; 63 FR 71583, Dec. 28, ecuted on the Commission’s Web site at 1998; 82 FR 43691, Sept. 19, 2017] https://rn.ftc.gov or by such means as the Commission or its designee may di- § 301.27 Labels and method of affixing. rect. At all times during the marketing of (b)(1) Registered identification num- a fur product the required label shall bers shall be used only by the person or be conspicuous and of such durability concern to whom they are issued, and as to remain attached to the product such numbers are not transferable or throughout any distribution, sale, or assignable. resale, and until sold and delivered to (2) Registered identification numbers the ultimate consumer. shall be subject to cancellation if the [79 FR 30458, May 28, 2014] Federal Trade Commission fails to re- ceive prompt notification of any § 301.28 [Reserved] change in name, business address, or legal business status of a person or § 301.29 Requirements in respect to firm to whom a registered identifica- disclosure on label. tion number has been assigned, by ap- (a) The required information shall be plication duly executed in the form and set forth in such a manner as to be manner set out in paragraph (d) of this clearly legible, conspicuous, and read- section, reflecting the current name, ily accessible to the prospective pur- business address, and legal business chaser, and all parts of the required in- status of the person or firm. formation shall be set out in letters of (3) Registered identification numbers equal size and conspicuousness. All of shall be subject to cancellation when- the required information with respect ever any such number was procured or to the fur product shall be set out on has been used improperly or contrary one side of the label. The label may in- to the requirements of the act and reg- clude any nonrequired information ulations, or when otherwise deemed which is true and non-deceptive and necessary in the public interest. which is not prohibited by the act and (c) Registered identification numbers regulations, but in all cases the animal assigned under this rule may be used name used shall be that set out in the on labels required in labeling products Name Guide. subject to the provisions of the Wool (b) The required information may be Products Labeling Act and Textile set out in hand printing provided it Fiber Products Identification Act, and conforms to the requirements of para- numbers previously assigned or to be graph (a) of this section, and is set out assigned by the Commission under such in indelible ink in a clear, distinct, leg- Acts may be used as and for the re- ible and conspicuous manner. Hand- quired name in labeling under this Act. writing shall not be used in setting out When so used by the person or firm to any of the required information on the whom assigned, the use of the numbers label. shall be construed as identifying and [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR binding the applicant as fully and in all 3187, Apr. 14, 1961; 79 FR 30458, May 28, 2014] respects as though assigned under the specific Act for which it is used. § 301.30 [Reserved] (d) Requests for a registered identi- fication number, to update information § 301.31 Labeling of fur products con- pertaining to an existing number, or to sisting of two or more units. cancel an existing number shall be (a) The label shall be attached to and made through the Commission’s Web appear upon each garment or separate


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article of wearing apparel subject to to show the information required under the act irrespective of whether two or the act and regulations. more garments or articles may be sold or marketed together or in combina- § 301.34 Misbranded or falsely invoiced tion with each other. fur products. (b) In the case of fur products that (a) If a person subject to section 3 of are marketed or handled in pairs or en- the Act with respect to a fur product sembles, only one label is required if finds that a fur product is misbranded all units in the pair or group are of the he shall correct the label or replace same fur and have the same country of same with a substitute containing the origin. The information set out on the required information. label must be applicable to each unit (b) If a person subject to section 3 of and supply the information required under the act and rules and regula- the Act with respect to a fur or fur tions. product finds that the invoice issued to him is false or deceptive, he shall, in [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 79 FR connection with any invoice issued by 30458, May 28, 2014] him in relation to such fur or fur prod- § 301.32 Fur product containing mate- uct correctly set forth all of the infor- rial other than fur. mation required by the Act and regula- tions in relation to such fur or fur (a) Where a fur product contains a product. material other than fur the content of which is required to be disclosed on la- [26 FR 3187, Apr. 14, 1961] bels under other statutes administered by the Commission, such information § 301.35 Substitution of labels. may be set out on the same side of the (a) Persons authorized under the pro- label and in immediate conjunction visions of section 3(e) of the act to sub- with the information required under stitute labels affixed to fur products this Act; as for example: may do so, provided the substitute 100% Wool label is complete and carries all the in- Interlining—100% Recycled Wool formation required under the act and Trim—Dyed Muskrat rules and regulations in the same form Fur Origin: Canada and manner as required in respect to or the original label. The substitute label Body: 100% Cotton need not, however, show the name or Lining: 100% Nylon registered number appearing on the Collar: Dyed Mouton Lamb original label if the name or registered Fur Origin: Argentina number of the person who affixes the (b) Information which may be desir- substitute appears thereon. able or necessary to fully inform the (b) The original label may be used as purchaser of other material content of a substitute label provided the name or a fur product may be set out on the registered number of the person mak- same side of the label as used for dis- ing the substitution is inserted thereon closing the information required under without interfering with or obscuring the Act and rules and regulations; as in any manner other required informa- for example: tion. In connection with such substi- Body—Leather tution the name or registered number Trim—Dyed Mink as well as any record numbers appear- [26 FR 3187, Apr. 14, 1961, as amended at 45 ing on the original label may be re- FR 44263, July 1, 1980] moved. (c) Persons substituting labels under § 301.33 Labeling of samples. the provision of this section shall Where samples of furs or fur products maintain the records required under subject to the act are used to promote § 301.41 of this part. or effect sales of fur products, said samples, as well as the fur products [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 79 FR purchased therefrom, shall be labeled 30458, May 28, 2014]


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§ 301.36 Sectional fur products. no way be false or deceptive nor in- (a) Where a fur product is composed clude any names, terms or representa- of two or more sections containing dif- tions prohibited by the act and regula- ferent animal furs the required infor- tions. Nor shall such information or mation with respect to each section representations be set forth or used in shall be separately set forth in label- such manner as to interfere with the ing, invoicing or advertising; as for ex- required information. ample: (b)(1) In general advertising of a group of fur products composed in Dyed Rabbit whole or in part of imported furs hav- Fur origin: France ing various countries of origin, the dis- Trimming: Dyed Mouton-processed Lamb closure of such countries of origin may, Fur origin: Argentina by reference, be made through the use or of the following statement in the ad- Body: Dyed Kolinsky vertisement in a clear and conspicuous Fur origin: Russia manner: Tail: Dyed Mink Fur origin: Canada Fur products labeled to show country of ori- (b) The provisions of this section gin of imported furs shall not be interpreted so as to require (2) The provisions of this paragraph the disclosure of very small amounts of shall not be applicable in the case of different animal furs added to complete catalogue, mail order, or other types of a fur product or skin such as the ears, advertising which solicit the purchase snoot, or under part of the jaw. of fur products in such a manner that the purchaser or prospective purchaser § 301.37 Manner of invoicing furs and would not have the opportunity of fur products. viewing the product and attached label (a) In the invoicing of furs and fur prior to delivery thereof. products, all of the required informa- (c) In advertising of an institutional tion shall be set out in a clear, legible, type referring only to the general na- distinct and conspicuous manner. The ture or kind of business conducted or invoice shall be issued at the time of to the general classification of the the sale or other transaction involving types or kinds of furs or fur products furs or fur products, but the required manufactured or handled, and which information need not be repeated in advertising is not intended to aid, pro- subsequent periodic statements of ac- mote, or assist directly or indirectly in count respecting the same furs or fur the sale or offering for sale of any spe- products. cific fur products or furs, the required (b) Non-required information or rep- information need not be set forth: Pro- resentations appearing in the invoicing vided, however, That if reference is of furs and fur products shall in no way made in the advertisement to a color of be false or deceptive nor include any the fur which was caused by dyeing, names, terms or representations pro- bleaching or other artificial coloring, hibited by the act and regulations. Nor such facts shall be disclosed in the ad- shall such information or representa- vertising, and provided further, that tions be set forth or used in such man- when animal names are used in such ner as to interfere with the required in- advertising, such names shall be those formation. set forth in the Fur Products Name Guide. For example, the kind of adver- § 301.38 Advertising of furs and fur products. tising contemplated by this paragraph is as follows: (a)(1) In advertising furs or fur prod- ucts, all parts of the required informa- X Fur Company tion shall be stated in close proximity Famous for its Black Dyed Persian Lamb with each other and, if printed, in leg- Since 1900 ible and conspicuous type of equal size. or (2) Non-required information or rep- X Company resentations appearing in the adver- Manufacturers of Fine Muskrat Coats, Capes tising of furs and fur products shall in and Stoles


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§ 301.39 Exempted fur products. quirements of the Act and Regulations have been met and to establish a trace- The requirements of the act and reg- able line of continuity from raw mate- ulations in this part do not apply to fur rial through processing to finished products that consist of fur obtained product. The records shall be preserved from an animal through trapping or for at least three . hunting and that are sold in a face-to- face transaction at a place such as a [53 FR 31315, Aug. 18, 1988, as amended at 79 residence, craft fair, or other location FR 30458, May 28, 2014] used on a temporary or short-term basis, by the person who trapped or § 301.42 Deception as to nature of busi- hunted the animal, where the revenue ness. from the sale of apparel or fur products When necessary to avoid deception, is not the primary source of income of the name of any person other than the such person. manufacturer of the fur product ap- pearing on the label or invoice shall be [79 FR 30458, May 28, 2014] accompanied by appropriate words § 301.40 [Reserved] showing that the fur product was not manufactured by such person; as for § 301.41 Maintenance of records. example: (a) Pursuant to section 3(e) and sec- Distributed by llllll tion 8(d)(1), of the Act, each manufac- or turer or dealer in fur products or furs llllll Wholesalers (including dressers, dyers, bleachers and processors), irrespective of whether § 301.43 Use of deceptive trade or cor- any guaranty has been given or re- porate names, trademarks or graph- ceived, shall maintain records showing ic representations prohibited. all of the required information relative No person shall use in labeling, to such fur products or furs in such invoicing or advertising any fur or fur manner as will readily identify each product a trade name, corporate name, fur or fur product manufactured or trademark or other trade designation handled. Such records shall show: or graphic representation which mis- (1) That the fur product contains or represents directly or by implication to is composed of natural, pointed, purchasers, prospective purchasers or bleached, dyed, tip-dyed or otherwise the consuming public: artificially colored fur, when such is (a) The character of the product in- the fact; cluding method of construction; (2) That the fur product contains (b) The name of the animal producing used fur, when such is the fact; the fur; (3) The name or names (as set forth (c) The method or manner of dis- in the Fur Products Name Guide) of tribution; or the animal or animals that produced (d) The geographical or zoological or- the fur; igin of the fur. (4) That the fur product is composed in whole or in substantial part of paws, [61 FR 67710, Dec. 24, 1996] tails, bellies, gills, ears, throats, heads, scrap pieces, or waste fur, when such is § 301.44 Misrepresentation of prices. the fact; (a) No person shall, with respect to a (5) The name of the country of origin fur or fur product, advertise such fur or of any imported furs used in the fur fur product at alleged wholesale prices products; or at alleged manufacturers cost or (6) The name, or other identification less, unless such representations are issued and registered by the Commis- true in fact; nor shall any person ad- sion, of one or more of the persons who vertise a fur or fur product at prices manufacture, import, sell, advertise, purported to be reduced from what are offer, transport or distribute the fur in fact fictitious prices, nor at a pur- product in commerce. ported reduction in price when such (b) The purpose of the records is to purported reduction is in fact ficti- permit a determination that the re- tious.


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(b) No person shall, with respect to a been sheared or plucked, such facts fur or fur product, advertise such fur or may be set out in labels, invoices and fur product with comparative prices advertising. and percentage savings claims except on the basis of current market values § 301.46 Reference to guaranty by Gov- or unless the time of such compared ernment prohibited. price is given. No representation nor suggestion (c) No person shall, with respect to a that a fur or fur product is guaranteed fur or fur product, advertise such fur or under the act by the Government, or fur product as being ‘‘made to sell for’’, any branch thereof, shall be made in being ‘‘worth’’ or ‘‘valued at’’ a certain the labeling, invoicing or advertising price, or by similar statements, unless in connection therewith. such claim or representation is true in fact. § 301.47 Form of separate guaranty. (d) No person shall, with respect to a The following is a suggested form of fur or fur product, advertise such fur or separate guaranty under section 10 of fur product as being of a certain value the Act which may be used by a guar- or quality unless such claims or rep- antor residing in the United States, on resentations are true in fact. and as part of an invoice or other docu- (e) Persons making pricing claims or ment in which the merchandise covered representations of the types described is listed and specified and which shows in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this the date of such document and the sig- section shall maintain full and ade- nature and address of the guarantor: quate records disclosing the facts upon which such claims or representations We guarantee that the fur products or furs are based. specified herein are not misbranded nor (f) No person shall, with respect to a falsely nor deceptively advertised or invoiced under the provisions of the Fur fur or fur product, advertise such fur or Products Labeling Act and rules and regula- fur product by the use of an illustra- tions thereunder. tion which shows such fur or fur prod- uct to be a higher priced product than NOTE TO § 301.47. The printed name and ad- the one so advertised. dress on the invoice or other document will suffice to meet the signature and address re- (g) No person shall, with respect to a quirements. fur or fur product, advertise such fur or fur product as being ‘‘bankrupt stock’’, [79 FR 30458, May 28, 2014] ‘‘samples’’, ‘‘show room models’’, ‘‘Hollywood Models’’, ‘‘Paris Models’’, § 301.48 Continuing guaranties. ‘‘French Models’’, ‘‘Parisian Cre- (a)(1) Under section 10 of the Act any ations’’, ‘‘Furs Worn by Society person residing in the United States Women’’, ‘‘Clearance Stock’’, ‘‘Auction and handling fur or fur products may Stock’’, ‘‘Stock of a business in a state file a continuing guaranty with the of liquidation’’, or similar statements, Federal Trade Commission. When filed unless such representations or claims with the Commission a continuing are true in fact. guaranty shall be fully executed in du- plicate. Forms for use in preparing con- § 301.45 Representations as to con- tinuing guaranties shall be supplied by struction of fur products. the Commission upon request. (a) No misleading nor deceptive (2) Continuing guaranties filed with statements as to the construction of the Commission shall continue in ef- fur products shall be used directly or fect until revoked. The guarantor shall indirectly in labeling, invoicing or ad- promptly report any change in business vertising such products. (For example, status to the Commission. a fur product made by the skin-on-skin (3) The prescribed form for a con- method should not be represented as tinuing guaranty is found in § 303.38(b) having been made by the letout meth- of this chapter. The form is available od.) upon request from the Textile Section, (b) Where a fur product is made by Enforcement Division, Federal Trade the method known in the trade as let- Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, ting-out, or is made of fur which has NW, Washington, DC 20580.


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(b) Any person who has a continuing 303.8 Procedure for establishing generic guaranty on file with the Commission names for manufactured fibers. may, during the effective dates of the 303.9 Use of fur-bearing animal names and guaranty, give notice of such fact by symbols prohibited. 303.10 Fiber content of special types of prod- setting forth on the invoice or other ucts. document covering the marketing or 303.11 Floor coverings containing backings, handling of the product guaranteed the fillings, and paddings. following: ‘‘Continuing guaranty under 303.12 Trimmings of household textile arti- the Fur Products Labeling Act filed cles. with the Federal Trade Commission.’’ 303.13 Sale of remnants and products made (c) Any person who falsely represents of remnants. in writing that he has a continuing 303.14 Products containing unknown fibers. guaranty on file with the Federal 303.15 Required label and method of affixing. Trade Commission when such is not a 303.16 Arrangement and disclosure of infor- fact shall be deemed to have furnished mation on labels. a false guaranty under section 10(b) of 303.17 Use of fiber trademarks and generic the Act. names on labels. 303.18 Terms implying fibers not present. [26 FR 3188, Apr. 14, 1961, as amended at 48 303.19 Name or other identification required FR 12517, Mar. 25, 1983; 63 FR 7517, Feb. 13, to appear on labels. 1998; 63 FR 71583, Dec. 28, 1998; 79 FR 30458, 303.20 Registered identification numbers. May 28, 2014] 303.21 Marking of samples, swatches, or specimens and products sold therefrom. § 301.48a Guaranties not received in 303.22 Products containing linings, inter- good faith. linings, fillings, and paddings. A guaranty shall not be deemed to 303.23 Textile fiber products containing su- have been received in good faith within perimposed or added fibers. the meaning of section 10(a) of the Act: 303.24 Pile fabrics and products composed (a) Unless the recipient of such guar- thereof. anty shall have examined the required 303.25 Sectional disclosure of content. 303.26 Ornamentation. label, required invoice and advertise- 303.27 Use of the term ‘‘All’’ or ‘‘100%.’’ ment relating to the fur product or fur 303.28 Products contained in packages. so guaranteed; 303.29 Labeling of pairs or products con- (b) If the recipient of the guaranty taining two or more units. has knowledge that the fur or fur prod- 303.30 Textile fiber products in form for con- uct guaranteed is misbranded, falsely sumer. invoiced or falsely advertised. 303.31 Invoice in lieu of label. 303.32 Products containing reused stuffing. [26 FR 3188, Apr. 14, 1961] 303.33 Country where textile fiber products are processed or manufactured. § 301.49 Deception in general. 303.34 Country of origin in mail order adver- No furs nor fur products shall be la- tising. beled, invoiced, or advertised in any 303.35 Use of terms ‘‘virgin’’ or ‘‘new.’’ 303.36 Form of separate guaranty. manner which is false, misleading or 303.37 Form of continuing guaranty from deceptive in any respect. seller to buyer. 303.38 Continuing guaranty filed with Fed- PART 303—RULES AND REGULA- eral Trade Commission. 303.39 Maintenance of records. TIONS UNDER THE TEXTILE FIBER 303.40 Use of terms in written advertise- PRODUCTS IDENTIFICATION ACT ments that imply presence of a fiber. 303.41 Use of fiber trademarks and generic Sec. names in advertising. 303.1 Terms defined. 303.42 Arrangement of information in adver- 303.2 General requirements. tising textile fiber products. 303.3 Fibers present in amounts of less than 303.43 Fiber content tolerances. 5 percent. 303.44 Products not intended for uses sub- 303.4 English language requirement. ject to the act. 303.5 Abbreviations, ditto marks, and aster- 303.45 Exclusions from the act. isks prohibited. AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 70 et seq. 303.6 Generic names of fibers to be used. 303.7 Generic names and definitions for SOURCE: 24 FR 4480, June 2, 1959, unless oth- manufactured fibers. erwise noted.


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