

yrreVrryry,-,'y,,,- ' mtirt REGULAR ASTORIA PACKETS. BUSINESS CAEDS. nOTELS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Tri-Week- ly Astorian Regular weekly steamship in San Francisco trade, arrive- - on Tuesday and sails fcaturday, Established in Astoria in 1849. North Pacific Transportation Company. OCCIDENT HOTEL, 1S73 xcl-fa- ir ASTORIA Dee. 0, semi-month- ly bussio Regular Dr. S. Kinsey, S. X. ARR1G0NI Proi'kiktor. NEW GOODS. CHEAP GOODS. and California for ports on Paget bound, Oregon. Tide TJtltle for Astoria. and Sitka, leave at advei tr-c- d dates. -- orth DRUGGIST AXD APOTHECARY, Astoria, I Panne Transportation Lompan:.. ; Astoria, Oregon. tnU C i",;n,i inia. Cn.?! c, mm- - (). S. Is. steauner, arrives BEST FURNISHED, MOST CONVE-nie- nt A, VAN BTJSEH, x from Poitland, Mondavs, Wednesdays and and in every respect popular hotel in J on uaj . AXD FAMILY Oregon. Owing to its location is considered High Lo-.- r Fridays returning alternate PIIYSTCTAXS it Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in Water.! Water . from PUREST DRUGS, Steamers Emma liuywaru, iipu the y y.. I gram Jaum, A Vei-- DeligMfiil Summer Resort. Dec. A. M. I', A. M. 1'. M. ! and Dixie Thompson, in the trade arrive either at day or night. A full stock of ly GENERAL semi-week- fiom Portland. LIQUORS, MERCHANDISE, "7." :. u' J s 4-- io r, irregularlv. YINES AXD i and from Stevens. rt3?Magnificent Suits of Rooms for families. X i) V) Steamer "aruna, to Fort USE, S 4 15 aiz..115 30 10 Unity Tuesdays, FOR MEDICAL Tho table is supplied with tho choicest delica- Cornor of Main and Chenamus streets, ) 4. . :: rms Cape iJiappointment, and io 112; I - MEDICINES, is in...- Oitiivilsivs- - PATENT cies of the season. Wine and Billiard Room - I !..:.L oiJ 10 n 40 4 .".? 11 W c, s.!.."mVr R. Ilobson, Knapp-- TOILET ARTICLES, attached to Hotel. K Q'l Merrimac, Cant. the ASTORIA, OREGON. 11 22 o oil! 0 0 0" logging camps daily toving OILS BRUSHES, ETC., 12 7 05 ( 0 4") 0 .?) ton and various .ii , ve-els- etc. Orders from Country solicited, and 1J 7 4M 7 Till 1 SI 1 v.3, the NOW OFFERING FOR SALE ONE OF ""- C)n tug Capt. Wass, S. N. S 2 2 .- the Uar Steam Astoria, carefully and promptly filled. ARRflGONi, JStho largest and most complete assortments 11.: 8 :i TV lo boat California. io 20 a osi ? 0; : jj and of General Merchandise ever before brought Sloop .Mary il., Capt. Poole.' daily to and Occident Hotel Block, Astoria, to the country, and to buyers from Skipanon. TV". VESSELS OX THE WAY. John Gearhart, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in For Cash will offer the Most Inducements Following! a list of vessels on the way to 'Jimlc IjOtig-- X. 7 A. F. & A. M. Flattering this port, so far as wo have been enabled to COMMISSION MERCHANT, Choice Brand Liquors Regular Communication firct and third Q In tho lino of obtain a record of the same: Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock jf sired, Astoria. The Finest in the Market . i m., at the Hall in Astoria. Members' v Chcnamus Dark Blenheim, from South DRY-GOOD- S, South America. of the Order in good standing are invited to at- Itasca, Rich, from tend. By ordei of the V. M. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CONSTANTLY ON HAND! CLOTHING, American bark Mariano, from S. F. HATS, AND CAPS, Oriilamnic, Conner, from S. F. Which will bo sold in lots to suit purchasers BOOTS AND SHOES Stmr No. 35, I. G. O.F. ! Sch Hera, Miller, from San Francieco. Beaver Z.o'lo Hay, Grain and Feed Gage, from San Francis-co- . FANCY GOODS, Rkt Portland, Meet every thursdav evening. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Groceries, -- W. Yale, from South Am. at 7 o'clock, in the Odd - ellow's Eatlis! ifigs. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Annie fcj . , FLOUK, 1UCON, RAMS, Baths Wen, .. r .V South America corner ot uas anu,1.; onerson SHOULDERS, LAUD, BUTTER, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, Sophia Dee, M'Cau?lin,from ?).fn Members streets, Astoria. of the CHEESE, EGGS, Etc. Colli, ! Sinn S:i"a more, from Pio Janeiro, Sert. 19. Order to By order. X. G, Hot. and Slioiver Baths are invited attend. Con- - A Complete Stock Every Article, "Jr. tons, from South America. Motto "Small Profits on Cash Sales." of Island Belle, signmonts solicited. tf AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, British bsirk Loyal Sam, from Kio .Janeiro. STEAMERS, STAGES AND SLOOPS HAIR DRESSING SALOON. TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. City of Lima, 31 tons, from South America. British bark Loch Dee, Miller, from H. B. ! YM. TJlILEXHAKT .PROriilETOR. BSTGivo mo a call, and bo convinced that 18S days out Nov. 21th. S. AND Parker my goods aro of the best quality, and as cheap L MAIL EXPRESS. as can bo bought any house American bark Gateshead, Lamb, S77 tons, VTS" Special attention paid to LADIES' fcnd of in tho State. Importer and Dealer in CHILD KEN'S 1IAIK CUTTING A. VAN DUSEN. from South America. i to Beacli ! brig Pettis, from Buenos Froiu Astoria Clatson iW" Private Entrance for Ladies 'Wn American Jebara, ! ! Ayres, loading Sept. 1 1th, Headquarters Cal-la- o Fast HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! Wines, Liquors, Cigars TJrt ship Loretta Fish from Shields via Braniel's Coffee Stand e; l.r! days out August 12. a EAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUESDAY, TOBACCO, NOW OPEN. I 13 r VJ ? dU ship Andromeda.? from Melbourn, JL& British J Thursday and Saturday Mornings. GROCERIES, Chenamus Street, Abtorin, Oregon. Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon, via San Francisco, August 11th. Arrive Same Mornings at tho PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc. HPIIE PUBLIC NOW SUPPLIED WITH Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in British bark Sylhet, Liverpool, via Victoria, X a superior quality of Dr; Goods, Clothing, Groceries. Provisions, Notions, to Janion & Rhodes arr latter port Nov. 22d. OCEAN HOUSE, SK3"'7Tolladay's Wharf, Main street, Astoria. British ship George A. Holt, Norton, from GRIMES HOUSE, Hot Coffee, Cakes, Oysters, General Merchandise, Ware, via Xew Zealand, at Lyttleton, July S. SUMMER HOUSE, Ad PigTs-Fee- t, Confectionery, Martincau, i'rl tons And SEA SIDE HOUSE. French brk Moscow. Oregon Bakery! Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Notions, etc. CKOCKERY, GLASSWARE, jwssibly GO days out Oct. 20th. from La Union. HATS AND CAPS, RETURNING Leaves those Houses every Main St.,(Holladay's Wharf,) Astoria, Oregon. jrajTIive me call, at the new Stand, Brown's BOOTS AND SnOES, AXD RIVERS. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, connecting CHARLES BINDER, Pkopkietor. IX PORT with steamer to Portland each way. Building. 082$uf BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &c, Bark Windward, arrived from S. F., 10th. ifcsr Distance twenty-fou- r miles, fare Si .0. BREAD, CAKES, PIES, Which is being offered H. li. PALtlCtilt. Proprietor. C. . FAHI.KMAN". W, H. LAWSOK. Dec. FRESH Pilot Bread, always on hand. Stmr. California, from Sitka, arr 5th. Ckeap POR CASH or PRODUCE ! Ship Powhattan, from S. F.,Xov. 12ih, arriv- PILOTS! A RESTAURANT Parker House, ed 27th. BR $m M$h ggAll the New School Books, that can Cutwaterjvnowlos, from San Francisco, HOTEL AJSTD RESTAURANT. Ship Is kept in connection with tho Bakery, where he had, and a great variety of Stationery M. M. GILMAN, Main Street, Astoria. jiibt received. arrived Nov. 11th. P. JOHNSON, meals can be procured at all hours. Farleman & Lawson, Proprietors jyl tf British ship Prof. Airy, from South America, t5r) Oysters in every stylo in tire season.cf-.'-i II. A. SNOAV, G.REED, AVLMJ LEASED THE ABO E named arrived Xov. 12th. x Ilard-finishc- British bk Mary E. Ray, 45$ tons, from S.F., P. E. FERC1IEN. C.S.WRIGHT,Asent. ! Newly Built, d, and Newly Millinery and Fancy Goods. arrived December 7th. Astoria Bakery Furnished Hotel, Ofi-ip- e propose to conduct in a firvt class British bark Arouco, 002 tons, from Peru iS Corner of Main and Chcnamus and the same streets, Astoria, Oregon. Corner of Main and Cass streets, Astoria. manner. The house will be kept open day and arrived Decemner 7th. night. Xo pains will be spared to insuro the TTfE WTSn TO CALL THE ATTENTION British bark Sidlaw, 499 Ions, from South HENRY JACOBS Pkopihetor. comfort of guest. Y Y of tho Ladies of Astoria and vicinity to Arrived Dec. 7th, Board per week So 00 our now stock of America. George B. ' and Lodging per week 15 00 Sell Win. H. Meyer, Tonimcrcg, from S. P., McEwax, gJREAD, CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD. per day 100 December 27th. J Cakos.Groceries and Provi-iens- of all kinds Single Meal n0 Millinery and Fancy Goods! arrived always on hand. Ship stores furnished. v Navigator, Samonscn,G0 tons, from xw Particular attention will be given to Xorbk fc5fr Boat BuilderASs& supplying balls, parties, etc, with oysters, and Which we offer at reasonable prices. Ladies Rio Janiero. arrived Xov. 25th. on notice. s20tf living at a distance, favoring us with their or- ASTORIA, OREGON. M&. Connected wjth the establishment is a suppers, short Bktn Mclancthon, Patterson, sailed from S. Reading Room. Cigars and Lager Beer served. ders, will find them promptly attended to. P., Nov. 11th, arrived here 21st. TS PREPARED TO CONSTRUCT BOATS G-lob- b H.rvi.reioRRisoft, Haw bark Mattio Macleay, Forbes, 32 days l.b.speddew X of every description, of the best materials, ! from Honolulu, arrived Xov. 21st on short notice, and guarantees to give satis- Astoria Market Hotel, Main street, Astoria, Oregon. s'io British bark Disco, from South America in faction. ikBeforo sending to San Francisco or else- Ciiexam us Street A stoma . Main Street Astoria. ballast, arrived October 20th. where, give me a call. ol itf American ship Akbar, Lamson, 1W5 tons, IIOCSON &AVARREN, FRED COLBERT, Proprietor. Sam. M. Smith from S. F for Cork, via Portland arrived at Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Astoria Dec. 0th. The Steam Tiag TRAVELING PUBLIC AND Cor. First and Ash sts., Portland. British bark Tongov.Ferguson, from Dublin Will leave Astoria every FresSi and Cured Pleats! THE generally will find tho Globe in evo.y ia Adelaide, arrived Dec. 0th. 4J33 TUESDAY and SATURDAY JB utter, Egrs, Cheese, respect worthy of their patronage: DR UGGIST. br-r- Morning, lor per week So 00 French XouVcan St. Michael, Lamee, Hams, Bazon and Lcrd! Board AS JUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK mailed from S. F. Xov. 221, to E. E.Morgan's " and Lodging per week 0' 00 FORT STEVENS, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, 1 00 of ons. Arrived Astoria Dec. Oth. by the day CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, Constantly on hand. Singlo Meal 50 R5T Ships supplied at lowest rate-- . CLEARANCES AND DEPARTURES. And UNITY, E3) The Public aro respectfully invited to PAINTS' OILS, give tho Globe a call, COLBERT, AND - - Carrying Mails, Passengers and Freight. FiiKD sailed. "WELCH'S nl.ltf Proprietor. Kalsomine Putty, Dec. 6th, Str Ajax. Bolles.forSan Francisco. u Other days of the wock she will be ready GOOD SAMARITAN COMPOUND. go anywhere may justify. (Assorted Colors), to that business Is G-lob- e SIIOAL WATER BAY SHIPPING. prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattle For Curing Rheumatism, Oyster Saloon and wood. J . H. D. GRA 1' Agent, Astoria. grains, Felons, Boils, Faint and Whitewash BRUSHES, Nov. 21, Schrs Carolita, Simpson, and Ener- Bruises, Burns, N. ICOEFOED, gy, Jones, both six days from Shoalwater bay, Oregon Steam Navigat'n Co. etc., etc. LAED, OIL, ALCOHOL, with Oysters to Doano & Co., arrived at San (Lato Proprietor of tho Globe Hotel, Asfcorifi.V 1'ranciscQ. A singlo bottlo will cure or prevent day5? of TS NOV PREPARED to servo his any STEAMERS moist excruciating wain, unfre-quent- ly X friends and the public generally witk. Etc, Nov- 21, Thompson, 5 tho and not Kerosene, Turpentine, - Sch Bill the Butcher, save the life of the suffering patient. days from Shoalwater bay, with oysters to S. THE ABOVE LINE Rricc, 1.00 per Bottle. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE I &3TGonuiiTQ Bay Rura."W o2ltf B. Company, arrived San Francisco. at XirILL LEAVE ASTORIA for Portland, l'KBl'ARKl) 1JY Also, GOOD ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER Nov. 21, Sch Louisa Morrison, Poterson, six T three times a week as follows, until fur- Call around at the pld Stand, on Main Bkraat, ther notice. J. WELCH, ASTORIA, Oregon .days from Shoalwater bay, with oysters to and give these articles a trial. o4fcf H. S. Morgan & Co., Tuesdays, ThursdajTs .and Saturdays, Sinister, arrived nt San Francisco. BLACKSMI.THING Nov. 23th, Sch Three Sisters, with oysters to at l o'clock si. in. returning on alternate dayp. J. C. AINSWORTil, President. Shoalwater baj Co,, arrived San Francisco. CARRISIIAPPYTO INFORM Grermania Beer Hall Photographic Artist, FC. old friends and customers, and AND- - Nov. 27th, Sch LouisaMorrison, left S F. for At ihft old Stand, Astoria, Oregpn, bay. only REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN all others who wish to patronize him, Shoalwater that ho has BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, ASTORIA AND CLATSOP. PETER II. POX, Gifts, Toys, and Fancy Goods. S, J. Resinned Business, Chenamus Street, Astoria. V) U. fSanta Glaus' Headquarters), First Carrying the S. Eaiil At TI132 Old Stand, MERCHANT TAILOR Portland, Oregon, litis justieccived direct from The well known sloop ' And is again prepared to do all kinds of Black- Crar f Main and JofferFon streots, Astoria, tho east, an immense stock of new Toys, fancy MAP.Y !!., SiSs. smith work, from making an Anchor Flue, to PUBLIC ARE INVITED to call aai goods, music boxes, albums, dolls, toy books, I'low Main street, Astoria. aulst L W POOLE Master a Shear. THE their orders. LOTUING OF ALL KINDS CUT AND. jdft books, annuals, and nn endless var'ety of Cleaning repairing. articles suited to the holiday trade, which he Leaves Clatsop every Monday, Wednesday made t order. and offers to country merchants, in quantities to and Friday, on arrival of fctages, connecting W. LA3B7 Splendid Lager five Cents a Qiaa, huh, at tho low est cash prices. Send your or- at Astoria with the steamer Dixie Thompson. Free Lunch every Night. ders early. - n22tf Returning, leaves Astoria every Tuesday, ASTORIA i OREGON Thursday and Saturday, connecting with the oclStf ERNST PAPM AH L, TroprUter. Otto Dltfsteb,, Coaches for the Reach. Extra trips made to TTORSE SHOErNG. Blacksmithing, and - - "KTOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon accommodate the traveling public. Jl$-- (General Jobbing done to order, and satis- Uain Street Astoria, Oregon City, Oregon. November 2oth, 167'. faction guaranteed. Horse Shoeing spepially M. JMEYERS' Complaint having been entered at this offico attended to. ocltf PEACIICAL JEWELEE. by Noyes S. Welch against Wra. II. Tackett, TOE CKARTEPv. ASTGK5A BR5W YI his entry. No 1(.?2, for abandpning Homestead Tho fast sailing Sloop AND CLOCKS cleaned and rc-- latod October 13th, 1670, upon the w of sn &1e?A XSTATCIIES RiaLsC ISC7. ALL THE MACHINERY paired in the bett manner, at rooms in of sec 20, and tho vx.6 of nw'4 sec 20, township W. H.TWIZ1IGKT, iS Established HAVINGfor first class work, skillful Brewer Ore-peo- n, Rttaurant. s2bif b north, rango 10 west, in Clatsop county, R M LOWE .Master and using nono but the best quality of materi- iY with a view to tho cancelation of said "V ! als, tho Proprietor is propared to ontry: said parties aro hereby summoned Is now in readiness to Charter for Pleasure Xfmlock TAIIIEY tho I New Tobacco, Cigar Notion to appear atthis oifiee on tho 22d day of J anu-ar-y, Parties, Freight or Passengers. Headquarter CLEINEXWEBEU,) Manufacture IMAGER BESS and 1S74, at ten o'clock a. m., to respond and Corner Main and J efferson streets, Astoria. IL BROWN, JPUOIWKTORS. In any quantity, from a Single Bottle to ft House ! furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban 3T Manufacture all kinds of Leather "SSi BARBEL, AIND PUT IT IP in gbod on doumont, tfWEX WADE, Reenter, for Shipment or Immediate uso. famil- st.y Portlands Oregon, ludl 4w HENRY WARREN, Receiver THE VHOLESALE OYSTER CO. ies and keepers of Public Houses promptly 59 Front and regularly supplied. M MEYER, Prop'r (Opposito Cosmopolitan Hotel.) d. S, Gross, Agent, Administrator's Kotico. Charles H. Bain? TN THE PllOBATE COURT of Wahkiacum Portland, Ohegon. Contractor and Builder, Astoria. F. FERREL.L, T. Dittenhoefer X County, Territory of Wahingkm, before AT 1H E his Hon. oorgo R. Roberts, JirUge; in tho THIS COMPANY IS NOW READY TO Plans, Specifications and Estimates made formerly connected with "Wasserman Jc Co., jjuatter of the ostf Jto of Robei t 1 ry , deceased: from one to one thousand sacks of to Order, on Short Notice. Saw Mills, Is now Opening - --no- Oysters, from their Astoria Steam TO all Wiiom u may concern, grceimg,- Iresh direct native element Is prepared to fill orders for any class of givou ay consideration j three tunes a week; we can furnish all kinds, NE OF THE LARGEST AND MORCTa- - rice is hereby that of work, with promptness. al tt ASTORIA OREGON. 1, , ried assortments of J obaccos, Clears and tho abov? iititied court. John i'if.atiich, r Com-tat- hav--o appointed of es- - y Quantity, at prices Defying o Notions, over imported mto this mar- been administrator the ' now prepared to fill any kind of lankoo of J'ober. 1 ry, deceased, and, as such, petition. Is ket, and takus plcasUr6 in offering the same to- rr IIENEY BERENDES, gen- quire an .iv iuS m.u ua aunibt siu enn rely upon regular ly las old friends, custohiers, and tho trado i,crons Customers- - iistnto. to uresent the sumo to mo with tho i ... . .i . LTIMBBM, erally, at prices,that defy competition. suMUics, cituer m sujismno or storm m i Orders for rroper vouchers thereof, for approval within Fashionable aSer list-- Eloven yoara bueinoss experience in th.em-elv- es Via never Fail, and Always hut the Sea- - On Address, fir months, and anv jiersou knutviug Chcnamus street, Astoria, Oregon. short notico. Portland, htts made him fully familiaY witti -- indooted to.aid enaio are respectfully w?i Through. F. FERRELL, the waited of tho trado of the, .North west'Cpji.-t- ,. lexaofcltd to call find settle wiihout delay.' and therefore hia stock has, Ijeen .epletted Adiuu-trato- G. Y. BARREN & CO,, Manufactures to order tho bopt quality Aetoria Steam Saw Miljfl, J V UN 1'JTZ FATRICH, r. S. " for the trade. ' ' uU-- if . - .Oregon. ""SO oeltf ABtprw, Qynp Cathluu.et, t . T., Dt-c- i, Io7s. di i- oc2t Artoria, of Boots an Shoes Kepairins of all kinds