

ED 164 352 : SE 026 341

TXTX.E Our heritage of : A Marine Education Infusion Unit. Northern New.England Marine Education Project. INSTITUTrbN Maine Univ., Orono. Coll. of Education. PONS AGENCY[ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC), Rockville,. Md. National Sea Grant Program. PUB DATE Jan 79 AIOTE 64p.; For related documents, see SE 026 336-343; Not available- in hard copy'51.ue to copyright

-restrictions -

EDRS PR-ICE ,:$0.83 Plus -Postage.-HCk--Not-Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Elementary SecondarrEducation; t- Environmentalenvironmental Educatio14, History; *Instructional Materials; *Ocean Engineering; *Oceanology; Science Education; Seamen; Social Sciences; *Transportation "N IDENTIFIERS *Ships ) ABSTRACT - This interdisciplinary unit is designed-to familiarize students with their heritage of ships and their importance today. Each lesson deals with a different type.. Following each lecture or reading, a series of suggested, multidisciplinary activities are suggested. These are intended as.a basis for teacher or student modification or addition. The unit provides a brief history of shipping as it affected New England, relates folklore and traditions stemming from shipping history, discusses powersourdes for each vessel, and relates nautical poetry- and- literature to specific events in shipping history.. The unit deals with modern concepts and considerations of shipping. (Author/RE)

fr Y.

****************tic*************41*************************************** 1 *, * Reproductiens,suppliedbty EDRS are the best that can bemade , * fromthe original document. . % i.-:************************************************************************

t O

Northei-n New England MarineEducatOn Project. ..

College-of Education-

Un-iversity of -Maine at Oro

.z Orono, Maine


-A Marinekducati.on 'Infusion Uni o.




A Maine - New Hampshire Sea GrantProject

Supported in Part by NOAA, Office of Sea Grant

U; S. Department of Commerce and by

The Col lege of Education, Upivers i ty ofMaine

.z , Zarthern New-EnglandMarineEducationProject

Project Staff: ''

John W. Butzow, Project Director . Harry H. Dresser,, Assistant Director Wesley Hedlund, Project Assistant

College'of-Education, UniversityOflit6ipe Orono, Maine

c. , Acknowledgements

This unit was preparedand trial tested 9. school's in Maifleand _ca e New Hampshire during spripg 1978. Eachpf.the units in this M'arine

,Education Program were trialtested in a minimum of five clatsropms

and,were'revtsedasa resultof suggestions by the'dopOerating teachers.

Parts of theseunitS and much .of our workingphiloso0eWas derived

, s from project C.Q.A.S.T. developed at theUniversity ,of Delaware and we

gratefully acknowledge the leadership of Dr.Robert Stegner, director of

the super- project C.O.A.S.T. These materials were trial tested under

visionof former assistant directorDr. Les Picker d were written by

graduate students in education at theUniversity of Maine (Orono) and

cooperating teachers in the schools ofUnion, Maine; Freeport, Maine;

- because and Hampton,,New HampShire. We.call these units - trial unit

we hope you willfry them in yourclassfoqth and modify them-to suit

your situation.

O . John W. Butzow' \project Director January 1979.

No copyright is claimed for thesematerials. You are encouraged to copy and use them as ytudesire.



Trial Edition A

Clams and Other Critters: a'unit on shells (living and non-:. language artsyhome econ- living). Includes crafts,science,` omics, math and other areas(Butzow and` - Jones)

Marine.Art: art and craft activities tobe used in many subject areas (Picker)

setup. 2 The Aquarium: revolves around a freshwater. aquarium. Language arts, math, science, art andothers. (Kilfoyle)

The Beaver: study of.the history, economics andnatural history of the lieaver, Social studies,'Ianguage arts, music, arts,e 'crafts, science, math(DiSilvestro) biology, liter- The. Lobster: explores the economics, history; ature of the lobster. Home economics, art; crafts,science, social studies, literature(Kilfoyle)

Whales acrd Whaling: a complete study ofthe'history, biology and economics of whales and whaling. Language arts, music, math, science, social studies, arts,crafts, ,industrial arts , Picker, Carkin).- of ships, with 6 ' Our Heritageof Ships: surveys the development emphasis on New England. Science, art, music, crafts;liter- -ature, language arts,social studies (Glueck,Butzow)

Ships, Shipping and Waterways: explores ships and seaways today, with emphasis on.New England. Social studies'with excursions into science, arts(Glaeck, Butzow)

. three part, approach 8 Coastal Indians of, Northern. NewEngland: to Indian studies,culminating in an "Indian Dayor Even.ing." Independent study suggested forPart.II. Language,arts, library science, music, art, crafts, socialstudies, marine science, industrial. arts. (Picker,DiSilvestro)

Units are ;available frOM: Northern New England MarineEducation-Project Shibles Hall,' College of Education t University of Maine at Orono Orono, Matti&04469..

lb r.

TITLE: Our heritage of Ships

GRADE LEVEL(S): 6. (can be used 5 through 8)

SUBJECTS: social studies, music, art,`science, language arts, math'

CLASS PERIODS: various (5 -20)

AUTHOR: Glueck (1978) 3

Some Teachers',Comment on

Our Heritage of Ships:

Team teaching was very.successfal i he aspect that students received

the histotical and scientific approc

u chOose !Most of the activities were good:. It tlice to have that many to

'from. '.

11101 Good reaction by Some childrehelectedto make mock birch bark canoes.


Instead of using beef bones formock scrimshaw, weused plaster of

paris for base. Terrific. reaction!

With no gym, a school yard fullof and no blOck and tackle, we

pantomined the chanty Heave Away! This was enjoyable and successful.

The museum trip was a terrificsuccess!




Figure 1. Log & Man

Ftgure... 2.- Canoe parts "*.

Ar!.- Figure 3. Viking Boat

Figure 4: ilaleSecti of.British Vessel (cirCa 1780

Figure 5. Overhead-of Privateer Advertisement

Figure 6. "Constitution"'.

..Figure 71 Half -Section of Wlicaler,

Figure 8. Tea cinder Sail

c Figure)9, "Thomas W. Lawson'

Figure 10. of Ships, I Figure 11.-Types of Commercial Atlantic Fishes

Figure 12.? CoastaUSteamer "Penobscot"

Fjgure 1'5:Walking Beam Instructions


TheAralqings are'prOided 4n theApi,endix_foqour

convenience.- You-may 'copy them for, use asstudent y-, tiandouts, overheadprojection'l arenciesi-or

bulletin board displays. 1' - 5


1 ; Slide 1. Indians from a dugout

Slide2.Viking ship relic

Slide- 3. Santa Maria II

Slide, 4. Santa Maria I I decks ( %Slide 5. En.glish Merchant S,Kip (circa1600)

. Slide, 6. "Great Eastern". r , Slide 7. U.S.S. "Cons ti tut*on"

Slide' 8,. "Charles W.Morgan" and "Wanderer" at anchor

Slide Whalebo t being towed by awhale

Slide 10. Cl ipper "Glory of the Seas"being built

Slide 11. at anchor

STide'12. Downeait "MertieCrow141"

Downeaster "Thomas W.Lalon" Slide1p. - . Slide' pi. "Cora Cressey"_ (Downeasterhulk) .

Slide15. Friendship 'Olive E." . I- Slide, 16. Grand Banks Slide 17. Grandr Banks atspeed "State of Maine" Slide 18. Coastal Walking Beam Steamer driveryf"New Hampshire" S 1 i de 19. Coastal Steamet. ( ropeiler

Slide 20; Lobster boat insort

Slide 21. Herring seiners

*Thoseslides are not included witsthe Our Heritage of Shipsunit. They are available from theetructional SyStems` Center, University of Request the 5-1-ide unit "OurHeritage MaineatOroho,POrono, ME 0 69. and postage. of Ships". Ttiere-i's a mi(q.mal charge for handling

/ 4,

a- r . A 6



Upon completion of thisunitstudents will' Ible to:

Give a brief history of shipswhich have affected New Englanop

-and tell where they could befound,

2.' Relate folklore andtra.dittons-s-temmirigfromthe shiqa studies.

3. Discuss the type of power source usedfor each vessel. eventt in shipping 4.. Relate nautical poetry and literature to specific

history. 1 ships using and sail 5. Identify four different types of \-'

arrangekents as guides.

6..t Be able to describe a primitive marine steamengine and tell how

it operated.

Describe the changes in ship design astheyrelateto the function

of.the vessel.

of commercial if field . Name economically important types

trips were taken, the students willalso be able to;

9. Plan and report on a ferryboat trip; or

10.: Describe or reproduce-the deckarrangements on board, the U.S.S.

Constitution, in Boston Harbor. .

avei)able boat. 11. Plan and report on a visit to an


aft: rear dit=ection on ship'

beam: breadth of ship

: lowest woodenbeam used in schoonerrigging

forwardmost- -par t-of-s hi p

: boom extending from bow of vessel

cutwater: where ships bow meets water k davits: small cranes from which lifeboats hang

forecastle:. storage area in bow of vessel

mast (main, fore, mizzen): upright vertical poles fromCwhich sailshang

port: \left (directional)

sheer: horizontal curvature of a ship's deck

spar: d crosspieCe from which sails hang from masts- , starboard: right (directional) from bow sprit to keel stem: cutwater edge of bow extending

stern: rearmosortion of vessel

yards; spars

'windward: Tide of vessel the wind is hitting

leeward: side of vessel not ill pathof wind

freeboard: amount of between deckand waterline

.keel: midline of ship upon which ribs arefastened small craft oar: , long rowing paddle for propelling

9 J 8


This unit is designedto'familiarize students with our heritage

of ships and its importance td ustoday (see InstructionalObjectives).

It is, intended for the teacher tofollow the chronologicli order, as

presented in the unit. However, presentations reflectingteacher's

preferences are encouraged.

Each ship type is presented as aseparate lesson. Lecture infor-

mation is given for the teacher to presentto the class, or for indi- / v7',.5.1 reading. Drawings and slides are synchronized to the test


Following each' leCture/reading, aseries of suggted multi-

disciplinary activities/projects arelisted. It is not intended for

every activity to bedone by the class. Teacher or student modification

ansi additions are encouraged.

Since students will:_,e.bringingin articles, projects, and file reports concerning the variousship types, it is recommended that

folders be 'set up for future years' use.

Since this is an inter-disciplinaryinfusion unit, no attempt

was madeto include anevaluationcleivice/fcit measuring student learning. unitwas It is suggested that atest'be constructed based onhow the

drawri%from the lecture material . used. Objective questions can be abilities and synthesizing' `content. Questions aimed at reasoning

information are most appropriatefor this unit. Projects andreports

can also be used as abasis for evaluation. 9

Introduction to Unit: 1

, . For thousands of years people all over.theworld ave traded 2 or moved goods overlong distances by. water transport oneither rivers,

lakes, or oceans,.. This is still truetoday even though the types of

-boats and the products they carry-havedramatically changed over, the

automobile and air e for years. While passengers now rely upon the

transport to most areas of theworld, large freight andfuercargoes

still move most effectively over thewaters which cover 4/5 (80%) of

the earth's surface.

Lesson 1 Native Boats in North

Disttibute Drawing.] an& 2.

The first boat - The earliestboats were probably simple logs

which people held onto for supportwhen cr -ossing a body of water. In several order to move their belongingswith them, the people had to lash

logs together with vines or reedswhich grew near the water's edge.

The several logs now formed afloating platform or raft which either

drifted on the water current or waspushed by the person.' In deeper

bodies of water the peoplepushed-against the bottom of thelake'or- # river with long poles whilestanding on the raft. The method of pro7

pulsion remained in themus'eles of the person who owned the boat.

American Indians and'dugout canoes -American Indiansfound

trunk and that by carefully burning justthe inside of a large tree they could sit, scooping out the ashes, theycould make a boat in which .Sharp 7d which would .keep theirbelongings in one place and dry

rocks and-clam shells werecommon tools for'hollowing outer,log.

.(Slide 1) 1,

The was easier to"pushor,paddle than a-raft.and

much easier to steer. .These hollowed treetrunks were very heavy. when

. removed frail the water,'

The-Indians found thatI;irch'bark is .oilyand repella,water

somewhat: By.sewinglbirch ba aroUnd a .wooden frame;they-created a

canoe which was-lighter, watt coof,,and es .long or short aswas'

- required_ bythe builder.Ma0y=,techniques the IncVans used to bend wood ,; for the canoe frame and prepare-fhebarkcovering are

today,to, construct small sail and rowboats.' , While some Indian canoes were used oh the oceanS ore.to help . fragile to-attempt to cross the in` fishing, they were generally too' - . open op,ean nd saw use mostly on rivers and lakes. " Activities:

1. if birch trees grownear the school, show-them to the class.

Caution*Lidents not to strip:off'bark orinjure the tree by cutting,

might have been used to 2. Collect naturally occurring tools.such as

carve a dugout canoe.:Remember,that all such tools'must be natural

occurring and notforged from iron Or steel.

3. Attempt to bend a strip of woodto form a permanent curve such as

one might find, in theframe oaf a birch bark canoe. This is some- . times aided by,steamingthe woodover'water containing piecesof

oyster shell, which facilitates_theprocess.' Try different types " z of wood and have studers chartwhich works bst.

13 f "



trunk suitable for a dugout 4. Weight or estimate the weight of 'a tree

canoe: Estimate the weight of thefinished product.


F. 12

Lesso I Norsemen or Vikings.- ? A,: s ' ,s! : grawing3 came The word-uNorsemqn"'meansPMerl; from the North. 'These men

from what. is now NorW-0andSwedeni.IEUropeand sailed.wobden ships . across the Atlantic Ocean tothisx0ntinent. They landed along the

coast of: and NewEngtand, :the Vikings' left carvings in

, , stone to show they have beenhereand'4,ro:ciaim the-glorious voyages of .. . Stiones," and are found their tribes. These are now cakled the 1,'Ilunl-c

from Nova Scotia toMichrgan,.- The NorsemenAirere excellent sailors who , ,

. navigated using the tun, moon, andstarskvo e maintain their cowse. 1- ..4 % The boats were cal led ,""ancrvere-:powered by' both men rowing, 1 .4, c

: - . k, 'S and by large, colorful sails.

Recently, archaeblogists havesil,estovered the remains of Norse

. .-., ., 4 ships in Europe and are learning many',details Of',Viking customs,

(Slide, religion, andshipbuilding techniques.-d

The vessels were built of overlapp,..irtg-boards,--,pegged and nailed

lailbrsair stept onthe together. They often had no decking and the

open flooring of thehull. 1 Norsemen did not choose tosettle in Nor America; 1?uscientists before bel ieve ;that they visitedhere,many times, hundreds of years

Christopher Columbus' -voyagein 1492.

Activities to model. kits ,of.,..Vikingboats'i4Or students , 1. -Obtain several plastic


. assemble.

I °


1 5 13

2,Tools Brought bythe Vikings

Excavations have shown theVikiqgs to have usediron for their

fools and axes, swords and spears,at a time when other armies. in

% . . the world used metals like copper.andbrays.

Compare a strip of copper-to a stripof iron of s4milarshape a '. . and size.

-=Which bendi more easily?

--If heated with a torch, which meltsfirst? I

'Which one? ,,. - -Does oneproduce a colored flame when heated? 4 cutting the iron ya th the piece of copper. Try cuttingthe

tece .of copper with theiron. )Which is softer?

for several - -Place bothmetals in separate jars of salt-Waten differenceg in color? days. What formscon each piece? Are there

- -Place a, magneton-both pieces. What do you'notice? Which is heavier? - -Weighpieces of the same dimensions.

Look up these words and see howthey apply y-to what yourhave dis-

, covered: malleable, ductile, oxidation, magnetic,density.

What is a chromatograph? Explain .how it is used.

Which' metal, copper or iron, would Stronger armor, more

durable swords and tools?

Why would a Viking use iron to,pegthe boards of his ship a together insteaeof copper?Why was the iron Coveredwith tar

or. tree sap when Used onthe water? r ,#.

S Keeping Afloat

Viking ships #4ere not only, long 'but quite wide. This all d. ,

. them to weather high pitched storm waves at sea, andalso to c rry

large numbers of men and equipment. A boat willonlystay aflot . , ... 0. when i ta hull pushes away an amount of waterthat weighs more than N the boat and its contents. When the cargo land boat begin to.10+ . . re', more than the amount of waterpushed away, heBoat sinks. 'When

a hole Ls put i n theside ,of. a boat, thewgight of the amount of

water Tntering sinks the.bpat. r. .Whe boat- flats by pushin .away an amount ofwater from th

cause the.boatdisplacds the hull i s called displacement,


Try this - 1) Usi modeling clay, reproduce a small model' o

aViking ship: YOu may to use the drawing inthelesSon as

a guide-Make the hull thin enough to be inscale wit the rest

of the boat. Be sure the hull is, long andwide enough to displace'

enough water to keep it afloat. 2) Float then;bdel' in a shallow

pan of water. Begin to fi 11 the hull'with paper clips or,another

the pan' and weigh weight. 3) After' the boat sinks, remove it from

it and its contents . How much does it weigk? 4) Weigh an empty .

cup,Fill the cup with water so it matches;the weight of the boat,

but make up the weight which is paper cupby adding that amount of

5)-.Pour the water into atgraduate,- _ water again to the' total, cotcylinder. How many Milliliters' (ml)is this amount of water?

17 15

4.'.Using the Sun For Telling Time Which direction does the sun rise in?Face that direction.- ..Which is the opposite direction?Where are-northand` south?4 Diagram this on a circle withacross drawn dyer it.

Where is the sun,.in the sky a"t midday?. What happens, to shadows as the sunpalses7oVerhead? Ifa-shadow points westward at sunrise,wher'e will it point just before sunset?

Project:Building a Sundial- g . a) Cut a circle 30 centimeters(cm) in diameter out of plywood or ,heavy cardboard. Cut a right triangle with.a long squarededge of 10 eeptitheters (cm), and a base of 5 centimeters. (cm), out of the samematerial.

c)Fasten the base of the triangle to the exactcenter of the circle.'

d) Place your sundialin an open area wherei t have sun all day, and can remain undisturbed..

5) As the sunpaises overaed,the sHadow. of the triangle will

changeits position on the base:Each daylight hour's shadow casting shOuld be marked on the base wi-th anuuneral.

Sundials were an early attempt ata*standarci measure of time What happens to the shadow of the triangle as theseasons' change?

How accurate a measure oftime,is this,? Mould you be able to use a sundial at night?Why would /this be lessuse ful on the deck of.' eon_with a Clear, sunny.sky? 4 a rolling ship,


V 16

Lesson III Christopher Columbus and 'the NewWorld

lihen Columbus arrived in the New World, he waslooking for a O new route to Lndia onbehalf of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of

had a theory that the ,Spain. Columbus was an Italian navigator who

world was r7und and not continuouslyflat, as one mght'guess by look-.

ing at the horizon. .1 The Spanish gave Columbus three smallships called the Nina,

the Pinta, a Santa Maria for the voyage. These were wooden r vessels powered by ils, with only 1.5 meters of freeboard. Free-

board is the distan e from the ship'smain deck to the waterline,

measured along the ship's hull.

The ships 'each 13ad a main deck wherethe cooking was done,

ts, .(Slide 3), a hold where cargo was kept andwhere the sailors slept,

and a great cabin, high in thestern of the vessel, where the Captain / ends t u/had a sharply lived. The hulls were rounded at the, extreme

pointed prow above thewaterline. These Vesselt were manuverable,

but tended to be slow due to theirbulky hulls. .(Slide 4)

-Santa Maria was later'wecked on areef off Haiti, causing

Columbus to shift his command to thesmaller Nina, Santa Maria

measured about 26 meters long, and-Nina about 23 meters long. t' While Colebus actually landed inthe Caribbean (nearest to

Florida in the U.S.), we rememberhim as the first white man to este-

*blish for explorers, including thosewho visited New England, that a New World New World existed_Most imilortantly; he showed;that the earth. was accessiblewithout falling oft the edge of a flat 17

Activity Reckoning" of a 1. Ded, Reckoning: Ded. Reckoning means "Dedubed

position on a chart. This technique has been usedsince before

Columbus to try to ascertain position on a mapwithout the benefit

drrection by of visual guides. Mariners simply followed a

magn tic compass, and notedthe speed at which they weretraveling.

For instance, a'navigator wouldchange hjs course'by the compass

after tra ring a certain period oftime at a certain speed.' This N. method is inaccurate because itdoes not allow for tidal changes,

ocean currents, or winddirection.

Have children"na:Vigate"a predetermined course,from one

point in the school yard to another,looking straight down at the

. /,. 41. ground, using.a Watch and a simplemagmetic.compass to direct them.

VW Have themhmove at aspeedof approximately one pace meter) every

secOnil (dr as deSired). Make the course 'indirect, but not hazardous.

Example: Tree Navigate due N.E. for 17 IBH paces, at 1 pace/second. N


gox ti

navigate . due North navigate due N:W.,10 paces 8 paces at

1 p6ceJ2, sec. \17- ` -Starting point "A"

20 -18

Foivariat ions in. this exercise:

a: You MbY h to.ptevent-outlide tell-taleinterference from instructor's biasing yourstiident by using a paper bag gr tpght

?'hood"to limit peripheral visron.

, 4 / . bAChange the- time -piece uie8, from a 'watch toes3 minute sand timer,

suchas.ustd fbr Cooking eggs. Thlk_iswhatpeople used before

watches. ) Therefore; use tally c: -Remoter the size of individuals will vary.

and short students.

like a trundel wheel. to guide d. Try using more'accurate measures,

the length of paces.. ./ . / . e. Unexpectedly delay thest udent or alter his directiontslightly

,00. and have him compensate forthe difference.

Relate these experiences to thoseof early sailors in unknown

. oceans, in fogs, sailing formonths without sight of.1(Ind, spouting

unusual sea animals, fearful offalling off the edge of theworld...

2. Celestial Navigation

One_:_of the tools which Columbusused to Iceep,track of his

. . p9ition op. the Atlantic was a quadrant. A quadrant measures



A 19. .


approximate latitude by fixing anangle betweetheNorthorth Star

(Polails) and the center of the earth. A quadrant gets its name.

o earth. from 4 sets of 90arcs in a single great circle about the

Since theceeerof grav4ty does notcRenge positions and they

position of he North Star does notyaryappreciably, the angle

as sighted is determinedby the position'of the' ship The greater .. the angle as asured off the North Star, the closerthe vessel is

) increasing to the North.cle. Degrees of latitudeare measured in , increments f the equator north. The equator is0° latitude, o , while the North Pole is 90 latitude. Each degree of latitude is

subdiVided into smaller units of 60minutes (60'). In southern

latitudes the degrees of latitudeincrease towards t e South Pole. , Instructions for constructing a:quadrant are foUnd on the"next lati.6Aes.for some Maine and New page. Here are some approximate Hampshire Cities:

-' POSITION -NH POSITION %RINE 147°151 Colebrook lirpcw Fort Kent.: CI, .c/46°451 N. Conway 44°0' Presque Isle :. 450.35' Hanover 43°45' Millinocket 45°W.- Laconia 43°30' Dexter 44°55' Concord 43009-' Eastport.

-' '44°45' Porismoutt, 43°05' ; Bangor 4.4040'' Hampton 42°50' Machias. Waterville 43°30', Marichester 42°501' iiiio.. Nashus 42°45' Augusta Lewist&i 44°051' ., NI Rockland 44°0'..i .$ Bath 43°50' 90°M-. 3036,, 46'N Portland \- 1 , Kittery Pt. '43°05'


45°5 4 To Locate the North Star:

Polaris is the first star oI thehandle of the.,"Little Dipper"

the (Ursa Minor) constellation. To locate the North Star, first find

"Big Dipper" (Ursa Major) and use the two stars formingthe side of

the "pot" as guides toward the "LittleDipper" (as in the diagram).

The "Little Dipper" is not alwaysvisable when the "Big'Dipper" is,

but Polaris should be.






04° 4 4W.


24 23

Lesson IVThe British Influence

Distribute Drawing 4

-During the /1600's to the early 1900's Greataritain was the / \,/,--,tstrongest naval power in the world. England',s merchant fleet traded

under the protection of the British 'almost everywhere in the wor . 14 z Navy. Due to this tremendous shippingability, Great Britain estab -..

lished colonies around the world including China,1nd06, North America,

and Australia. Great Britain's control over the oceans was anecessity

since England is an island itself. Since the size of the British Isles 6 was limited, the resourcesof the country were also severely limited.

The ships4f the military and merchantfleet were built in such great

numbers that, the British over-cut theirforests and ran out of wood

needed to continue expanding thefleets. line of the reasons the United .0

States. Navy of 1776 was able to fight theBritish Navy is that the

, British could not rely on new back-upreinfortements. In North America,

there existed plentyoftrees(for the lumber to continue ship building.

After the , when the UnitedStates was recognized as

a nation, ships were builtin Maine, New Hampshire, andMassachusetts,

loaded with lumber and sailed toEngland. In England, the cargo was

first ;Old, and thenthe ship that brought it over. The captain and 4b. crew then returned to the U.S. aspassengers or crew of amerchant.

vessel and repeated the process.

From 1700-1800 a country couldhave everything it wanted's()

long as it controlled the seasof.transport. fOr the British, these

items Were dominated by.gold, copper,silk, spices; tea, and wood.

Some of the early Englishcolo,:7sts werethe Puritans, who . ,

)arrived in what is now Plymouth,Massachtsetts. These people sought 24

neither spices nor gold, but freedom topractice their religion. Th7

sailed in a small merchant vesselnamed the ''''Myflower.7 (Slide. 5) \\,.

The voyage took over 40 days in1620. i All vessels of the'British fleets weresrdli powered until the.

1840's. The earliest steamipowered ship toattempt crossing the

Atlantic Ocean was the Americdn "Savannah"X1819), but the English

t ime'perfecting.the steamship into-an average 66 -*pent a,great deal of

% meters in iepgth until 8, when .the "Great Eastern"(Slide 6) was

built. The,"Great Eastern!, was iron hulled and had twopaddle wheels,

a prOpeller and6 masts with sails. She was over290 meters, long!

Nothing btger had ever been put to sea,and nothing bigger was built

until 1900. Many U.S. cities were anxious tobe the terminal city for

the hugeship. One of thes&cities was Portland,Maine, which built a

of wooden piers for the vessel onthe waterfront near the Grand number- .although they are no Trunk Railroad. These piers can still,be seen,

longer. in service. The''IGreat Eastern" never came toPortland after

'the piers were built. 1


L.' 2:0 1.



1. Class. Trip;:-, Visit the "Mayflower11", at Plymoutti Plantation,

Massachusetts. 2. Visit'the Portlap41MaineharbOrarea,including the shop and.street J. constpctions.

Meal Plan on Mayflower: The food on the "Mayflower" 'stypical of

food available on most British ships ofthe period. Create a meal

of hardtack.(commerciallyavailable) and starchy vegetables like

potatoes'and.dried beans. lqclude salted pork and.driedfisht

'Determine which vitamins are presentin such a diet and which(are

missing. British seamen suffered from a severegum,disease called

scurvy which is brought onby lack of vitamin"C, -such as found in to sea citrus fruits. After thii discovery, British ships went

with sLippties of limes or limejuice. From this they got the nick-

name "lime juicers" or"limeys." ;

48 Growing Meal Worms: Meal worms are available,frommost pet stores These larvae-thrive inflour-land ground' . that sell live reptiles.

grains.. They frequently appeared insupplies of flour andhard- worms tack storedat'food.for long voyages. By placing live meal

in a bowl Of bran flakes-,,trace:,the'lrfe.Cycle of these animals

ver a period of time. How-df;:i they get into'the flour an&bread

supplies aboard shiP Observe over-aperiod of weeks.

27 4

. 26

Lesson V , Piracy and Privateers =

During the early yearsof trade with the!New World,large,

would sail for EurgOe-loaded 0. stout,-treasure vessels called

with goldn silver, and jewelsfromFlorida*,MeXico and the Caribbean...j coast. Galleons bound for Spain, Holland,and France travelled up the

of North America beforebeginning the voyage aCtoss:theAtlIntic Ocean.

Pirate'thieves sailing the coastin wait, of these. galleonswool

ually tack them, stealt4 treailire on board; and sink the vessel' - U

. , . . ( the unlucky vessel.' The -stolen , after killing all those on board I ' . f treaqure was either divided up amongthe crew or buried alongthe

..r coast, secure for placing up,,at'a later date.

-, - - (- Pirates are believed toilliie buried treasure yeng the U.S'.

... New England, and into NovaScotia. ''! coast frdm Florida to .

Privfeers sailed their own vesselsbut meize employed by the

, \ . . raid-merchant vessels owned by the,enemy. Privateers -1,7 government to -.-r-

.. carried by.the Captured wereoiten'allowed to'keeany goods!being -.."-Y o, . - vessel ship, but th7 real.money'camefrom the sale of the captured

41 ti, sold at auction, the / by;the*vernment. When he captured shipwas , oneL.half the sale privateer responsible recedbetween one -third to

. . ..money%. both the British and U,S. During he Ametfican Revolution, , I governments-employed privateers to destroythe others merchantfleet. \I , notably Hl'fax, British privateers sailedfrom Canadian p. t

. . ,- .Scotia. (Overhead #5) :i- Machias;. The firSt naval engagementof that war occurred off e. "Unity" under the Maine; on-June 12, 1775,vihen the -privateer sloop armed British schooner command ofCapt.Jelemlah Wtriln, captured the , (

2P 0". 27-

J. "Margaretta."The."Unity"_was-renamed "Machias Liberty" and helped

Capture another-B.iiish vessel, the"Diligente," in ,July of the same year.


If poisible, visit Jeremiah O'Brien'sgravesite in'MachiaS, MainalW.

Jay: Contact the Acadia RepetOry Theatre; 13Main Street,

Bangor, Maine 1:14401 (2077942,.3333).to obtain.script of"Ruckus at

Machias, " 'a play written about the'events leading to the'battle

'between the "Unity" and the "Margaretta. ". Havestudents act out

parts of the play, or edit and writetheir own script.

limited.number of students. 3. Assign a specified amount of money to .a

an d auction f the followig contentsof ac4tured.Britiih

merchant ship with 'the following items: 4.1. Geeral Market Pre 15 kegs of molasses (11O litres) $22 each' 20 kegs of black powder'(50 kg) ':$20 each 1000 kg of lead ' 14/gm 1000 metres of hemp rope 24/metre 50 cartons (3 kg) tea . .04 /gr97-no lly 'AWgrt17-in Jated by war ,captured ship $1100 new .,- $600-800 used Total General Market Value $11,750 Rules: a, everything will be' auctioned b. everyone must bid on at least one item c. the object is to accumulate the most 'valuablelot of.goods for the least money d. everyone starts with $909.00 itemneedsto be e, lots of goods may be broken up (not all,of one- -purchased) calculators may be used at teacher discretion soles from the g. amsuming the privateer collects 40% of 'total ship he captured, kave.the children calculatehis profits h. students may research items 'before auctionbegins is/her ` ,i. winner is the one who accUmblatg.the mostyaluefo money

-AZ ''Lesson VI

Distribute Drawjng 6 he late 18th and early 7 Frigates .were fast naval vessels of

19th centuries.. These ships ,had loftySailA'anad one or two decks of. Ironsides:" is a cannon. The U.S. "Constitution" .also knownai4"01 vessels in the-Mediter- frigatik built in1797to defend U.S. merchant .

rineam frompirate attacks-. This vessel won her fame in the Warof

1811, when she engaged the Britishfrigate H.M.S. "Java'!.. off South

America and destroyed it. A BritiSh sailor watching hisship's

cannonballs bounce off the. "Constitution"ANarmarked-that the ship'

sides must.be made of iron, which they werenot!

Today, the "Constitution" is ondisplay in the Boston Naval

Shipy0d and may be boarded forinspection. (Slitle 7)

A similar U.S. Frigate, theU.S.S. "Constellation" is on

display in Baltimore Harbor.


Read-Oliver'Wendall.Holmes.poem "OldIronsides' written when

the ship was in danger ofbeing scrapped.

The frigate "CO stitutide wasnot savedby.thie government to.retire the because of sentimentavalue. In 1830, the Navy,wished

vessel.and break it up forsalvage.. :Many Americans became outraged;

including a law student named 9)iverWendell Holmes, who wrote this

. - poem arousing popularsentiment for the frigate's preservation,. living quarters' The ship was notbroken-up but was convered into

for sailors, and in 1931 wasrebuilt as the original frigate.with money

from penny contributions ofschool children. 29

.i, Due to this tremendous effortWstudents over the.years, you may wish to visitthe "constitUtion" today when youvisit-Boston.


Aye, tear her tatteredensign down! Long has it waved on high, And many an eye has danced to see .That banner in the sky; Beneath it rung the battle shout, And'burst the cannon's roar;-- The meteor"he ocean air Shall sweep the clouds nomoli-q

.Her deck, once redwit.h.Jheroek! blood, Where knelt the vanquished foe, When winds werehur+ying o'er, the floqd And waves were white beiow, No more shall feel thevictor's tread, Or= know the conquered kri2e;-- The hai-pies of the shore shallpluck -0 The eagle of the sea!

0 better that hershattereithulk. Should sink beneath the wave; Her thunders shook themight deep, And the(' should be hergrave; Nail to the mast her holy f49;

Set every threadbare sail, . And_ give her.to the god ofstOrMrs,- .'The lightning and the-gale!

by Oliver WendalL Holmes



31 30

Lesson VII Wling Vessels of the19th Century

Distribute Diagram.7.

One'of the most importantindustries.of Nevi England during the - . . 1800's was directed t5 hunting whales andproducing whale oil as a

fuel and lubricant. Other: products of. the whales wereused for perfumes

and skirt hoops. The whaling 'fleets sailed putof New. Bedford, Mass.;

Mystic, Conn Portsmouth, N.H.; Portland, Me.; anclNantucket* Island

.among the many coastal' ports: -Voyages werepften-three years long and

the work dangerous and dirty. Often' whaeshipsdisappeared Without a sUccest- trace in the Atlantic orPacific Oceans.-;When,a ship returned

fully, the owners'and crew woulddivide many thausandsof dollarsin

It profits.

Whaleships were generally around 37meters Tong and had7.many. different sail . Each ship was equipped with4 o.r 6 whale Each of these boats which were lowered to chaseand capture the prey.


(a harpoon is a sharp, barbed spearwhich was attached to a rope).

Dead whales, were towed back tothe ship where the fatty blubber was

removed and boiled doWn into oil. Tlie ships carpenter was 'kept busy

building oil kegs and repairing whaleboats:"(Slide 8)

. . whal4ng i!ncystey began . England withthe

A .v Aiitovery of Underground petroleuM n FennsyIvaniainthe jate'1860 s, y.two days when The last whaling voyage fromNew England lasted'

the bark "Wansierer,''.sailedfrOM New Bedford, only-to,be Wreckedln

storm.on Cuttyhunk Islandin 1925. 31

There is only one remainingwhaleship from the New England.

.fleets in existence,the "Charles W. Morgan," which is on displayin

Itlystic; Conn. (Slide. 9)

During the long voyages,sailors would carve designs or scratch.

pictures into whalebone as a .pastime. This is known as scrimshaw.

Usually:scrimshaw pictures were of what wasavailable to sketch; we

1 therefore have a good. i dpa of .what a sailorthought of and appreciated

most during those years at sea. Often pictures were of other shipsA

sailors, or the wives left back at port. Today, scrimshaw items are

yen?), valdable.


. 1. Since whales are protected by U.S.law, new whalebone' and..whale

products are -not Permitted into the country. 'Children. may make

some similar scrimshawitems, under supervision, by the following

process: 4 bones (ribs are good). ' a. Thoroughly wash and clean smooth beef to bleach b. Soak the bonein Chlorine bleach- for a half-hour

and disinfect it ;Rinse off.

After the bone dries,tightly sand .i t withfinesandpaper in

the ,direction of the grain.

the bone. d. With a pencil, sketch a nautical scene on

e,ging an artist's scribe or a sharpened nail, -scratchthe

des d image onto the surface of thebone, Wear safety goggles

one glove forprotection .during this Oniedure.

f. ub .over the scratched image-withcharcoal or kerosene lamp-

:black toscolor in the lines. The black should wipe off the

unscratched surface of the bone.

33 This project can also be done withthe inside surface of hard 4 shell clams (Quohogs) or wit,haster,of paris, as follows:

Mix plaster of paris with water. Drop small spoonsfull on wax

f'rom,paper./ These will, paper. When sufficiently hardened, remove

If be fairly round..Use nail to Sketch designship,whale,'etc. -

a pendant is.desired,'carefully makesmalr hole.at top with nail. -

. Use fine brush and black tempera paint topaint over lines of A

design. Rub firmly but carefully over entirepiece to smear paint.

String yarn through hole for hanging. 1341.

society concerning burial sites of 2. Check with the local historical

whaling captains. Some communities (Sag Harbor, L.I.,for instance)

have monuments in the.cemetariesdedicated to crews lost. op voyages,

or killed,by whales. ore of your own, 3. Utilizing either of the two suggested resources

obtain the measure4 dimensionsof a typical whaling vessel. Have

the class transfer the' deck plan tograph.paper, then outline they

image of'the deck plan on theschool -playgroufiewith string and . .

stakes, or 1 ime (the kind used inmarking athlet4c fields),.. using .

. . . r. . the graph aer as arefergnce. J .AMeFican SaiTingiShipsyNOrton 7777. '1Plam.'reSoUrCes::-- Cappel4e, . . Press, 1935 (Bo

Albert Cook Church, Whale'Shipsand Whal inq, Moreton Press, 1938 (BocianzaReprint)

-4# I.:and II." ,4. Show sound filmstrip,"Folksongs andWhaling, Parts

Warren Schloat Productions,1970..

.34 33

Lesson VIII Clipper Ships

Distribute Drawin

0 - fasteit sailing ships V) eve enter merchant

Service. They sp the,oceansfro0-ect York and Liverpool, to

India and China,' carrying back tea,spices and silk. The market prices

for theie goods were highest forthose shippers who could supply them

.faStest, thus, the quest, for speed.

This.design of ship was invented and built byDonald' MCKay, of

Nola Scotia. His ships bore names suggestive of speedand greatness,

such as "Flying Cloud," "Lighting,""Nightingale,' "Ariel" and "Black e "Glory of the Seas," in Prince."The last cliPper ship built was the

,)858. (Slide 10)

Clippers featured large, squarerigged sails, and tall, sharp,

boy's and sterns. .(Slide 11) This shape helpedthe ship plunge. through

the seas, and cargo space wassacrificed to streamline the vessel.

,Oecause pIippers'were built for speed, theirmasters.pushed them to

large' :'=...7:the limits of their designs;sometimes a ship would plunge into a

wave at.high speed and never cometo theourface again.

'Clipper ships remained in:servicefor speed;until' steamships speeds proved more reliable, Whtle4.clippers sometimes could trove Iat of 19kribts -(30kM/hr),whiCh was faster than steamships of the day,

steamships did not slow down whenthe wind died.

These proud, beautiful "Greyhoundsof the Sea" ended their

days as barges, hauling fertilizerfrom Africa to Europe.

The last clip er shi existance-iS the 'Cutty Sark" in

'.England, -(70 m. x V2 m


C. 35

6 34

Activities suppliers 1. Sewing Canvas:Obtain sail quality canvas.from commercial

(listed ih the Yellow Pages) for- practicestitching by students.

Students will require thickneedles and coarse, waxed twine to aver- . ,,' lap layers of canvas. Sailmakers used a leather mitt with ahorn,

Ivory, or hardened resinbutton in the palm of it to shovethrough

the needle.

cm?of sail canvas on 2. Weighing Canvas: Have the children weigh 10 of canvas. a pan balance. Estimate the weight of a square meter

Estimate the weight of 100 m2of sail canvas. How about its weight

when wet with a wind blowinginto it, an the deck angled at400?

and tackle in either 3. Heave Away!:-Have the.children rig .a block

the gym or the school yard. Determine the weight of a large sail

or piece of cargo,and equal itin smpll available mass, such as

4 or 5 cinderblocks. Have several childrenattempt to hoist the,L.

load 3-meters off Utef'grounOhoutdropping it. Try different.

a pulley arrogements todemonserate differentpchanical advaNages.

it,W4th this sea chanty. Designbte one child as thele4der,.

. He. says (or sings) the verseand the grow does not expendeffort.

When the chorus (accented) comesaround, allparticitants repeat

it in time and pull on the rope. This is known as a halyard chanty, gp the-name coming from the hal ropes used to rai6e sail . 4

Leader: Cape girls they have nocombs! each saying) (2x) r 'All: 'heave away, haul away' (effort on eader: They comb their hair withcodfish bones! A 1: 'and we're bound for Apstralia'(lx)

33 nx


'Leader: Cape Cod boys, they have no sled All: 'heave away, haul away' - Leader: They slide down hills onC h heads! All: 'and we're bound for Austr

Leader; Arc:Hind the Cape in frost and snow 'All: 'heave away, haul away' Leader: Ar and the Cape we all mustgo! All: 'fp re bound for Australia'

Leader: Yes, my boyi we're all at lee! All :. 'heave away, haul away' Leader: We'll soon be far away at sea! All 'and we're bound for Australia'

Leader: I wish to gosh I'd never beenborn All 'heave away, haul away' Leader: To go"a ramblin' round Cape Horn 'and we're bound for Australia' 611: Leader:. One more pull andthat'll do All: 'heave aw4y, haul away' .Leader: We're the boys to see her through All: 'and' we're bound for Australia!

e are other typesof sea chanties. One is a'caPstan chanty

used to raise anchors. . used b ling a-rotary capstan-guch4pas

Probably thk most famous capstanchanty is the Man Drawl."

chantieswere sung to:help..getWorkdoneGenerelly,. theyi,N abounded on sailiug vesselswhere muscles were the I!!reliable r- sources of powerfor getting work accomplished. Sea chanties never O wersung aboard military ornaval vessels.

?1'hepurpose of a-sea c a ty was to. organize thelabor needed to '.

perform a group task into oneconcerted effort.-

One man (Presumably the onewho knew the most verses)via

assigned to sing the leadin, 44114e eitryone joined in thec.hdruses. because it didri't Even .the toughestsailors who lived took part in this for all require any vocal .skill otherthan to repeat a chorus and 001 llk he was -worth. It

We tend to think of sea,chanties as lay,light songs. fast paced with the spray of the'clipper wingingalong at 19 knots. Not with the speed of the back so. Chanties tended. to be slow and paced breaking labor. Sailors also often tended to show up on board the first day out with miserable hangovers orrecovering from a fight in port. As a result, sea chantiesramble and are dischordant.' For

instance the first verse of "Blow the ManDown"

Leader: As1 was a walkinl down Paradise Street All: '\ To me way, hay, blow the man down should require at least 15 seconds to repeat,assuminzote'sailors are bent over a capstan, walking in a circle, andraising a 1500 pound


38 37

Lesson IX DowneastSchoonersand Other Sailing Vessels

Distribute Drawing 9

-The coasts of,Maine, New Hampshire,and remained

the greatest producers'ofsailing ships in the world, due to01 abun-

dance of lumber. The sailing vessels built on the coast weredesigned

to carry freight - -Pots ofit--around the world' or up and down theU.S. .

coast:, DOwneasters had greater cargospace than clippers due to their Af but to long', boxy hulls. These vessels were not designed for speed,

move freight che4ly and in great volume.

Schooners and ships were commonlybuilt with3:, 4, 5, and 6

"Thomas W. Lawson,"- masts. (Slide 12) Only one ship, the iron hulled

was built with seven masts. (Slide 13) The size of the "Lawson,"

135 m x 1,7 mc was,her undoing, asshe proved too-big to turn in a

breeze-and was.finatly lost in a storm offEngland.

Schooners froth Bath, and Searsport,Maine continued.. to be built

until the end of World War I. Sothemere sent to Florida to move sup-

plies in when that state was developing,many were_burned,Or sunk, °

Little"'and the some just abandoned. Today, the remains of, the "Luther

"" can be seen in Wiscasset, Maine.The hulk of the.5 master, o

"CorA A. Cressey" rests in Bremen Maine (Slide 14) whileof er hulks

can be seen in Boothbay,,and Frankfort, Maine, These are representa-

, 41. tive of all that remain of'qhehundreds of shivs born alongterstoast.

1, pieces Ti Therlare-still a few sailing ships Afloat as museum and New, York,Phila.delphia, And San Francisco, to name a few places,

while these ships are mostly-ofEuropean origin, they still bearthe

designs and dimensions of theYankee Downeaster. .

- i

9 1: Visit the Bath Marine Museum. in Bath,Maine.

This includes the Percy.and SmallShipyard where vessels like the

"Cora dressy" were built.

2. Visit the Penobscot Marine Museumin SeArsport, Maine.

This includes sea captain's homes,models, and hUndreds of artifacts.

Visit the "Hesper" and "LutherLittle" inYiscasset, Mine.

- These two crumbling vesselsstill convey.;the.impression ofgreatness r and are situated less than ahundred meters off the town pier:.

40.- 39

4 cr. Lesson XAbout Sails and Rigging

Distribute Drawing 10 ,As we -Not all ailing vessels were rigged in the same Tanner.

have learned, cific sailing ships wer'e desi-gned forspecific purposes,.

be,it a ClipkIrlhip,freighting Downeaspar .

On-sailing vessels,. the firstamast nearestthe bow is the fore --,

. . Themast or masts following aretthe'mainmasts. The last mast IP on a vessel is themizzen mast.

Sail 'plans can designate over thirty separatesails ona single

vessels by the mast and yard arrange- vessel, but we can classify sailing . A. rent (a yard is the woodencrosspiece from whith saili hang on a mast).

There are twomajor7type:Of sail plans; squarerigs and schooner rigs. r Sq4are rigs are four -sided canvases(though notalways exactly square),

. canvases. The c of these schooner rigsgs are large triangu ar . -

rigs as they are hungfrom the masts determine the typeof ship.

Not all sailing vessepwere"ships."Ship rigging implies

that three or more masts mustall be square rigged. Two masted vessels

. . . .,.withsquare rigging are called .:Avessel-.W5th at least three

- rigged, and the mizzen mast 7 masts, the fore and main masts square

schooirr rigged,is, a bark. Vessels,with at lest two masts, all of

',them schooner rigged,. are simplyschooners na matter how large.

'While .not all' sailing vessels or steampowered vessels, are ship

ri.bged, we still use this term-"hipwtoidentify most large boats as a

convenience. r 0

Activity 5 / Equip blocks 4 wood withvfprious,sail arrangements similar ti) , used those ;pictured, in Figure10.*Compare how these riggings' might be L :...... Try modifying on'different size vessels for speed and manuverability. - , the blocks or wood for speedand,stability. Why must the keel

. - be weighted when wind catchei thesails?This is called bal-lasting.- /,' Sailing ships would carry graniteballasyo'prevent caps04-ftv

(--.7 . . Try rigging sails to rollerskates and, use an electric fan as:

a wind source.

Lengthy scbdoners, like the7-miSiedH"TkomaS W. Lawson,"

difficulty turning in a breeke due to aninability to-.'shift their huge

. ..-. _ bulks across a wind stream. This As called "hanging in aturn."

Remember, onlY'one 7 mastedschooneraS everbuilt.:.": CoUld this have

been a factor?Wduld this affect a ship likethe "Great Eastern"?

Why'not? Is -this true of allself-propelled vessels?

Harvey Weiss -Also, refero textShipModels and How to'Build Them by

for/practical building suggestions. Of particular interest is the

simple sailing model in Chapter2. (See Bibliography) - Lesson XI Fishing Vessels tinder Sail Off the New. England toast ( Friendship . The was -des igned as a workboat ,

for one.; two, or three men, around 1 897,i n Friendship, Maine.

(S-11'de 15) In the days before engined boats were available to f-isher-

men., the fleets relied on the wind in their sails to getaround. This

"boat was built to be wide for stability-on the oceanand to hold plenty 1 of cargo.- Friendship sloops had deepkeels so plenty'OlitSail could.be

carcie# aloft 'without endangering theboat's stability. Small.-

ships could'be handiedby one lobsterman,-fbandlingthe rudder and sails

from one area-c-of the boat. When he was finishedfishing for the day, . thelargetSai Is, got him tfaleport _quickly and safely. Friendship Sloops

wete capable of joining thefIshing fleetson the Grand Banks. of

NeWfOundland, miles .out on the Atlantic...

. Today,' these sturdy little .crafts:,arestillhu i ft with engi nes .4

as well as sail, aspleasure craftsi.not:fiShin6 boats. -Mundreds.O-

the .fast vessels.' meet each -year in.jthe. Gul of Maie..:off:F:riendship.

:raCeagainst.each other:

Grand Banks Schooners Until the development of fully powered

'fishing trawlerS, fiShermen.used to sail out tothe Grand Banks of

Newfoundland in pursujt of herring in two.masted schooners called: "salt

bankers."These vessels were about 44 meters longand had enorMOUS

A holds where fish, were salted andiced to preserve it during the voyage.

There was no refrigeration inthose days. (Sliaes 16,17)

Periodically; these vessels:boih American and Canadian, would

Each race over complex coursesin the Gulf of Maine forenjoy4)ent. season as the fleetsgathered on the fishinggrounds,strong,. old friendships were zenewed amongthe sailors andowners4

There are a few of these vessels :in museums in Maineand Nova

or,Thst at sea'thirty -years ago. Scotia. The rest having been scrapped

The most .famous "salt- banker" was theschooner ","- out of

image appears on the Canadian Lunenburg', Nova Scolfria. Thisvessel's

Distribute Drawing ll


Read Captains Courageous byRudyard Kipl Ong..

5.6 . bui it. Contactthe V is i t a shipyard:where;Friendship S loops are

Friendship Sloop Society,Friendship, gaine 04547.

Boothtray, Visit the 4Sherman Zwicker,"a krand-Ban Salt Bankei-


Identify by sight the commerciallyimOortaht fish of t,h Atlantic

AdViSOry Or 'Cooperative Exten- .-.region. (Contact your: local MarNne . -,:, Sea Grant,-, sion.:Ager,!./- Also write-to N.0A.A., National

posters.) . D.C., 20402 for information on fish while at sea has alwaysbeep' Weather`Lo Predicting the weather

portance to marinert. OVer (the years, sayings,''almost N.1

poetry, have been handeddown from one generationof

weather. -TPY these. rs to anotherfor use in predicting the and see if they ngs as they apply tothe weather in. your area

most of the time.


Wild Geese, Wild Geese, Sea birds,1 ike geese ...and gulls, Gangin'Aut to Sea tend to come inland when a storm They - All.fine weather brewing or coming at sea: It will be. return to the feeding grounds or migration paths only when thereis clear weather expected for an extended period of time.

RedSkyat2morning, Red sunsets generally predict fair, Sailor take 'warning, calm weather for the following day. .Red sunrises generally herald a BRed Skye at night, Sailor's delight. coming change for the worse in the day's 'weather.

Mackeal skys _are - alto. cirrus _clouds .c.k Mackerel Skies -and clouds. Mare's Tails and mare's tails are cuerds- Meke tall ships Thesebforma t ons herald-thunder- Carry. tow sails. storms, wind and rain. Cirrus chiuds,or a streaked sky . If clouds look as if Scratched by a hen, indicates .high' winds and showers. Get: ready to reef your " then.

"Construct a crude barometer:

Seal off a. narrow glass tube at oneend by eithermelting

over a bunsen burner orusing a permanent.cement. cm of air. Fill the `tube withcolored liquid except for about:3-4

Run the tube through one holeof a two hole stopper so the closed

end will* be above the stopperwhenitiS(usato-seal a bottle.-

the same colored liquid and insert, d. Fill a bottle halfwaywith

the stopper in the neck. The open end of the glass tubeshould

be below the level of theliquid in the bottle. The air the'

The Second stopper tubeshouldbe at the closed end of the tube.

holes should not be sealed atall.

Use rubber cement to attach acard with a line marking the water

level in the closed tube.

45 arometers can be read daily.-

final instrument should look 'like this:'



How it works:Air pressure changes with humidityand temperature. This is cal4d barometric pressure.As barometric pressure-increases, air pressure p es down-on the.liquidin the bottle-through'the open hole in the sto Because the glass tube isclOse4:off,:air pressure does not push down onthe liquid in-that.tube.. The liquid hi the bottlels forced 110 the-glass.tube theoUgh. the opening in bottom, raising the level of theliqui'd in the tube. jhe greater the baroMetrtC pressure, the higher thelevel: .As barOMetrieOieSSiire lessensthe tevel ofTliquid in the glass tubedrOs. Try these sayings with your barometer:

( When the glaSS falls low b. Long foretold, long last',

Prepare for a bloW; Short notice; soon past,

When it rises high, ''Quick rise after !ow

'Let your kites fly! Sure sign of a stronger blow Lessor( XI I Coastal Steamers

Distrtbute Drawings 12,, 13

LuxUrious steamboats once operatedfrom NeW Hampshire and Maine to Boston and New. York (carryingfreight, and tourists .quickly and r cOnveniently'along the coast. N Boats, were named after coastal towns orfamous New England per- sonalities, or images.Steamboats were powered either withpropellers or paddle wheels. On paddle wheel ships, steamcylinders were linkedi to the wheel by a lever and twolong barS called a walking beam. When the engine was inimotion,the'walking beam appeared to be stepping up' and down on the ship's deck like apair of, legs might.4 (Slide 18)

Propeller driven ships did nothave.walking beams as all, the machinery was contained within the hull. (Slide 19)

Coastal steamboats were usuallypaintedwhi and gold with elegant wood carvings on the superstructuresand in the public rooms

inside. They had several. decks on topof, each other to facilitate

observation and -many cabins lined therailings. There were dining

the Phur- rooms and largeballrooms. The pilothouse was situated on

ricane deck."

Too often% sparks fromthe engines would set wooden super-

structures ablaze and manypeople would be killed. .M y steamships

ended their careers in thisfashion.

The coastal steamers began tofade away as automo'6iae

became popular and roadsimproVecL The last New Englan coastal

steamers stopped Lruppipg onthe eve of Wo rl d.War 11 They never came.

backinto use after the War. Building .a.Model-Walking Beam Engine

. ShateTthevslide of the coastal steamer"State of Mainewi,ththe'

children. ide 18) Point out the walking beams tructure.

Using the enclosed outline and theassembling instructions

(Figure 13),children can build a twodimensional functioning

model orthis engine.Shirt cardboard, white :glud, scissorsand

paper fasteners are allthe supplies needed. All measurements

skylddupijaate those on: Fi gure *

Class Trip

ShelbUrne, Vermont where a lake' 1. Visit the Shelburne Museum in

steamer similar to a coastal boatis on display.

Ridtbetalce Winnipesauk e, N.H. sight- seeingboat "Mount .

Washington."This is smal lr than.a:coattalboat, and not as

A , luxurious,' but reminescent of the type. Lesson XIII Coastal Fishing .Boats Today

fishing boats today are poweredby gasoline or dies.

engiries) ..PrObably the .most famil.Par:boatlused onthie'.'New England

/- , Coast today4s,the lobsterboat. Lobster boats feature long, low decks work areas and a tall bow topreVent water from:Washing over the

/ . 4 tail over the id Swampinghe boat. Some lobster boats have a small

/ boat pointed into stern which d notprovidepower, but keeps the Which' the wind during, rough weather. Most lobster boats have hulls between waves. are widest below thewaterline to help prevent rolling

Other common fishing boats in NortherrNew England are the

/herring seiners end sardine carrierswhich provide most of the U.S.

, . feature supply of these valuable ocean.foods. These powered vessels

large, ideep holds for fish(similar, to the old salt bankers) and an

engine room,with .house on.deck. Many of these vessels now have done entirely by cranes and machineryaboard to lighten the labor once the fish into a bowl shaped netand use men. Some herring boa'ts round The fish are either brought a suction hose tolift them into the hold.

back iced in the hold orcleaned andprepAred for packing on board

ship. (Slide 21)

Box 337, Brewer, Maine Filmstrip: The Maine Sardine Council, P.O. Sardines- - 04412, will-prOvtde a freefilmstrip on request called Maine

. . is included. TheFood and the Industry. A teacher's narrating booklet

is suggested due tosome, dating and stereo- Previewing this fillrip ,

typing. sticks and string or 1. Build a model lobster trap out of popsicle

wire. Any photograph can serve as a model(ref. to Finestkind

o' Day:by BrUceMacMillan).- Nowdoeswajobster trap.work?

`does the\lobster help it work?

sardines .out of .the: 2: Adventurous students may wish to try eating

can in th classroom. 6 List, commercially harvestedseafoods other than finned fith6:

Include scallops., lobsters,crabs, squid, Report on methods of. A harvesting these foods',

4. Visit ':cannery (contactthe Maine SardineCouncil at the address

on the previouspage)..

In tine first six;months of l7,'American catches have-increased:

by 50%. Some people feel this is due to the 200mile limit for

foreign-fishermen.Which countries does this law affect?What

is your opinion of the 200'milelimit. Write an essay. Invite

several speakers.

Chart the area encompassed b44,the200. mile liMit'on an East Coast


,Fishermen often fish in thevicinities of shipwrecks like the

sunken liner "Andrea Doria." The "Andrea Doria" sank at position

400 29' N x 69° 50' W. Locate this .on the map. The Navy regUlarly

Sinks old ships,' buses, railroad carsand hundredsof old tires on

purpose so fish willinhabit them and breed. While this sounds

like littering, it is really veryhelpful for sea creatures. Can

you explain wli4A2, What willbecome of these "artificialreefs" over

of the years? Is this littating? Wile adefenseor prosecution

this program. Stage a debate. 50 ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES

Sketches or Paintin

Have the Students: tryiketching.with pencil or painting-with water, palnts.Some' Sail ing vessels.'. (This could be made. into a display for the bulletin board.

Make a Ship

: Children.maywish to'buiidTship Models out Of wood 'strip ,card- botted, Soap, clay Forplans refer to American-Sai Mg- Craft,by

Hp I. Chappel le

Poetry St.

Have children read a particularlypleasing or expressive poem

abo}it the ocean. Share some poems yop have found with theclass.

"Offer to allow children toshire their verses. Remember, poetry is extremely personal, to man people 'and shouanot be forced for oral 7 V reading.


Have each child choose a shiptype studied in connectiOn-wah social studies and report somethingabout the people using that type of vessel, duration of ydyages,-hardships, speed, preserved ships of

that type:famous crdssings. Read old newspaper- copies or microfilm.

Field' Trip

Visit _the U.S.S. Constitution in theBoston. Naval Yard. Take a boat trip on one of :the'numerous Maineand New.'Hampshire coastal or

Infdrmation is lake :fereleS;.-;These'bee:marked on most eoad 'Maps. available throu-gh. the ALA. - 50


Have studenti draw or construct a NewEngland map showing ship building sites past and present. Identify ege types of boats built on those ites and the ports they sail (orsailed) from






urtesy of Mr. Clayton.Carkin,Freeport, Maine. . . The follwing evaluatioractivity maybe used as a 'BINGO"

If used as a "total-s ore game, game,. -oras a total-scortesk game.

groups. Each student has a turn the class divided 'into two Or more A and must pick one questionfrom, any category of hers/hisctioice. correct answer earns theagreed upon points and qualifiesthe student for the bonut question. The group-With. the highest nurnber'of is the winner.




1.Identify'ship #1 Bonus ID 10Friendship Sloop

2. ldenti-fy ship #2 Bonus ID

3. Identify ship #3c Bonus' I D 2 - -Bark

Idenlify ship #4 Bonus ID 3-- Barkentine

5.. Identify ship #5 Bonut ID9=71.0bsterboat:

6. Identify ship #6 Bonus ID A' 7. Identify ship #7 Bonus ID°5--Brigentine

8. Identifyship #8 6..nus ID 6-41ermadrophite:Bri4.

9. Identifyship #9 Bonds ID 77-lop Sail Schooner..'

Schooner-. 10.' Identifyship #10 Bonut8-316sted

, 55


1. What is an openin4'in the deck? (h tch)

Bonus ,l-ftWhat is thejsrmeof one who steerp a vessel% helmsman)

What is the body of a ship? (hull)

onus 2--What is the backbone of a ship? (keel)

(stern), 3. What is the aftermost part of avessel?

Bonus 3--What word is usedfor storing or putting away? stow)

(tiller) 4. What is the lever attached tohe rudde"P'to steel- the ship?

Bonus 4--What is the name for aweight to keep a ship from moving? / (anchor)

(becalmed) 5.- What word meansnot able to move from a lack of, wind?

Bonus .5--Give the:word meaningto"measure the depth of H20? (sound),.

6. Maine Mast

'BOsis 6--Portsi de


7:Bonus 7--Bow


BOhtiS 8-- Po i n ts --deck


Bonus 9--Chanderlerly



t. in Friendstip, MairTjn . What is 'the name for the -designed

1897? (Friendship Sloop)

What werethe two important features of a Friendship Sloop?

(a. wide for stability, b.to holdplenty of cargo, c. it,has a

deep keel)

3.Where were FrfiendshipSloops able to fish? (Grand Banks


4.In yesteryear, F. Sloops were usedfot fisj;lng, now-a-days ow are /

they'used? (pleasure-crafts and racing)

chooner? .,JAhry-wa there such enormous.holds in the GrandBanks,Dory f. (to: store and salt fish tolbe -preserved during along

What isthe name_ of the mdst famous salt bankerthat is alsoon

dime ?' .0kluenOseY . the back of a Canadian

ow werecoastal steaMers two -way pok4ered?,'

(by propellers orpaddle wheels).

What was the cause of thedecline of Coastal Steamers?

(popularity of automobiles)

powered by what?.A6y gas or diesel 5. 40Stimodern fishing boats are engines - . Bonus--What is the mostfamiliar coastal.boat today? (lobste?boat)- - ,

. . 1. -

. . 10.Aittat ppt sthoonelts out ofbusinegs?',;(the increased use of 'rail- SCHOONER AND CLIPPER

1.. Name the best known Clipper Ship? (Cutty.

Bonus1--What made them so important? (speed)

2. Name two. important products transported byClippers?

- (tea, spices, silk, gold)

3..Name three Clipperships other than Cutty Sark? (Ariel, Black

Price, Glory of the Seas, Flying Cloud,Lightening, Ni-ghtingale)

Bonus3--Were they square or schoonei-rigged? . (square)

DonallINIcKay) 4. Who was the first .person to design aClipper Ship?

Bonus 4--Where was he from? (Nova Scotia)

Why did the Clipper Ships dieout? (steamships tookover)

(they could continue onus. 5-.-Why.werestealrtships more dependa8Te?

moving without'wind power)

What are the major differences-between Clippers and-Schooners?

('schooner --carried great 'amount ofcargo Cl ipper-speedy delivery ofcargo) Larson?' (7 masted down- Bonus&a-What kind of ship is the Thomas-A.

ast schooner),

, Name two towns in Maine WhereschOoners were re bui.lt? (any two coastal} Maine? (rod is 'a natural Boarss7--Pointwhy wereso manyEiuilt.in


Whydoyou think the Thomashawson sank?

(beCauie it was too-big--too many masts to turn sea chanty? . What is the purpose of a

(to help get work done and organizelabor)

% Bonus4--Were chanties fast or slow and why?

(they were slow due-to doing hardlabor)

that 1p. What are the names of .thetwo famous Downeast Schooners

were abandoned just upthe coast? (Luther tittle and Hesper)

Sonus12--What town can they be seen at? (Wiscasset) TRIBEST RIVERS

Indian nation? (Algonquin) I. All Indians of Maine are part of what

(Periobscot) 2. What is the largest river in theState of Maine?

3. What is the name of the river systemthat is closest to Freeport?


the Saco 41.. Wit is the name of the Indian tribe that lived along

River? (Sokokis Indians)

What river has its origin from thelargest lake ,in Maine: .Moose-

head Lake? (Kennebec River)

of the 6. ilOst major cities in Maine have developed from the results

rivers what? (waterfall) a

Why are most rivers in the, Stateof Maine bad for canoeing?

(because of- waterfalls)

What are the two major Indian.tribes Of Northern and Eastern Maine

. that have Indian -claimsto the land? (Penobscbt and Passamaquoddy)

What river in northern Maine forms anatural bounding line that

separates U.S.. and Canalla? (St. John),

river valleys ofthe Androscoggin 10. What mighty tribe lived in the

and Kennebec? -'(Abnaki) VIKING, PRIVATEERS, WHALING

European, countries) 1. Where did the Vikings originally comefrom?

(Norway and Sweden)

:Bonus (1 pt.).,-What.was. another name for theVikings. ?:. (Norsemen) _ .

characters carved into the . What is the namafor- the letters or

stones, by.them? .(Runic characters)

Bonus (2 pts.)--Whatdoes thediscovery of a Runic stone

(that they were here before the Vikings)

("iongship" 3. What i3 .the name for a woodenViking ship?

Bonus (3 pts.)--How was it powered? (men rowing--sails)

Triple Bonus (5 pts.)--When didthey first land on North America.

(Year 1000)

ship's crew hired by the govellmment to . What was a privateer? '(a

raid merchant vessels ownedby,theenemy)

Bonus 4 - -How, were these'' menpaid? (by the auctioning of the captured;

vessel and its contents)

What is important aboutthe "Unity and' Iniargagettali? (The

privateer sloop "Unity", (captain JeremiahO'Brien) captured t

armed British schooner "Margarettaoff Machias, Maine in1775)

the action-of a pirate vessel and 6. What is the difference between

'aprivateirF.updn capture of a,merchant ship?: -. . ., . (The-pirates would attack themerChant.vesels, steal the treasure, sink theyesseand.kill'alli thoseon..board.:. The:priVateer.Would, capture the merchant vessel iprobablY,Sparethe,creW., .and.. auction: offthe.vessel andcontents.).,.` 7. :.What was one of themost important industries of Kew. Englandin

the 19th centuryA (Whaling)

- Bonus (5 pts.)--What wasunusual brt one of Maine's vithaijngvoyages. ?.

(David Densmore formed the Bath'Whaling Companyand outfitted.the

whaler Massasoit through the guidanceof a spirit voice.)

8.. What.was the cause7of'the declineof whalini?

(The discovery' of oil on land)

Bonus .(5 pts. lain scrimshaw.

(Sketch d aid inked pictures ofwhali4 done on whale bone or

teeth) f

hark*, lance, tryworks. . Explam the differences between:

t .

. - '(Harpoon--used to hit and weaken-whale

lanCe--used to kill

blubber) , TrYworks used to boil out oil from A whale's

10..14ho was the` Charles W. MorganT,

(The last remaining whaleship from .62 BIBLIOGRAPHY

Adkins, Jan. The/Craft of :Sail.; Walker Pub.,N.Y..1973. Beck, Hcmace:°N1Folklore and the Sea;Wesleyan CniversitY Press, Conn.19/3. N.Y. 9,73. Bradford, Ernie. Christopher Columbus; Viking. Press, . .1964. Duehr, Walter. Galleys and Galleons; G. P. Putnam, 1936. A History of American' SailingCraft; Norton Press. Chapelle,.Hodard. 1935. A History of AmericanSailing Ships; Norton Press. -Chapelle, Howard. e. (Bonanza Reprint) v...; 1959. Chase, M4ry Ellen. "Donald McKay andthe Clipper Ships; Houghton. 1961. Chase, Mary. Ellen. Fishing Fleets of New England;Houghton. -Chase, Mary Ellen. Sailing the Seven Seas;Honghtbn. 1958. Bonanza Reprint.. Church, A. C. Whale Ships.and Whaling;. Norton. 1139. d'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar. The Conquest of theAtlantic;- Viking Press, N.Y. 1933. 1970. Euller, John. Whaling World; Doubleday & Co., New York. Doubleday & Co., N.Y.1972 Fisher, ,Leonard E. The Death of "EveningStar"! Bocl:; Laurel Leaf Library, Fox, Paula. The Slave :Dancer; Newberry Award - ,(Dell Pub. Co., Inc., N.Y.)G1973 - Craft; Bzkntam Books.. 1971 Goldsmith-Carter, Geogre. Sailing ..Ships and Sailing Hilton,.George W. The Night Boat; Howell-NorthBooks. 'Company, Boston. 1941. lolling, Rolling. Paddle-to-the-Sea; Houghton Mifflin 1969. Hornby, John. Travel by Water. Childrenspress, Chicago; 1952 Jennings, John. Clipper Ship Days; Random House.N.Y:. Hunters" Kristpf, Emory. National Geographic. "The Last U.S. Whale 1973. 143 (3) :346-353. University Press, Middletown, Leavitt, John S. Wake of the coasters;pesleyan Conn. 1970. .9 HeritagePublishing Co.; Woo, Jane. Clipper Ships and Captains; American Inc. New York. 1962. Mays,' Victor. Fast Iron; Houghton Mifflin,Boston; 1953. Garrad Meadowcraft, LaMonte,'Enid.When Nantucket Men Went Whaling. 'Publishing Co., Champaign, Il inois. 1969. and illustrated Melville) Herman. Moby Dick;(many-editions available, edited for children). Monjo.Coward, E.N.' Zenas and the-Shaving Mill;)McCann &Geoghega pp. 6-7. O'Neil, Julie, 'Whales Ahead!" AWAY, ALA MagazineMarch 1978. Book Services, .Regamm,,M.B, Famous Ships of American History; Scholastic N.Y. 1976. , 1969. Turisle, Brinton. Thy Friend, Obadiah.Viking Press,,N.Y. Cleveland and-New Tunis, Edwin. Oars, Sails and Steam; World Pub. Co., York. 1952. . Vaughan, . Bibliography sof. Marine Biology and RelatedTopics., Centre-MarstonHAJH Libraries, HamptonAcademy JHS, mcampto, N.H. 1971-78. Villiers, 'Alan. MenShips and-the Sea; NationalGeographic Society, 'Waihington, D.C. Weire, Harvey., Ship Models andHato Build Them; Thomas Y. Crowell Co., N:Y. 1973. Whieman, John. "Whitehaven Celebrates John Paul Jones'Invasion", PortsmouthHerald (N.11:), Sat., January 21, 1978, p.8.


.Colors of the Day; The Best of Judy Collins;.1972., Sidle 1 #6; NUmpbaCk-Whale Song in'EackgtOundi "Farewell to Tarwflthie" . Elektra'Records; 15'ColUmbds.'Circle, NYC .10023- : - . (Note on record sieeve: Songs:of theliumOback Whale;'-CRM BoOks, Del ,Mgr, TA -92014).,

Additional Teaching Materials

Clipper. Ships alld The Cutty Sark by David 3ahnsan;Jackdaw,Publications, London, England and Grossman Publishers, N.Y.

