ACTA UNIVERSITATIS LODZIENSIS Folia Litteraria Polonica 4(55) 2019 Arkadiusz Morawiec* Brr, Bereza. Polish literature towards the Confinement Centre in Bereza Kartuska. 1934–1939 … the camp has a beautiful traditional Polish name: “Seclusion spot” (almost like: “Temple of Meditation”).1 M.O., i.e. miejsce odosobnienia (confinement centre), generally termed by people as the slaughter house of citizens2. Emulating the one in Dachau, Poles built their own, in Bereza3. The Confinement Centre in Bereza Kartuska On 18 June 1934 Maria Dąbrowska wrote in her diary: “Brr – Now we have isola- tion camps – Soon, you won’t be able to speak, write, or live!”4 That was her reac- tion to a Resolution by Ignacy Mościcki, President of the Republic of Poland, of 17 June 1934 on persons threatening the security, peace, and public order. The first of six articles of the document, which was enforced as an act of law, stated: * Associate Professor; University of Lodz, Chair of Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Century, ul. Pomorska 171 /173, 90–236 Łódź,
[email protected]. 1 M. Niedziałkowski, “‘Kurs na lewo’ i obozy izolacyjne”, Robotnik 1934, issue 251, p. 1. [Transla- tor’s note: the term “miejsce odosobnienia” is ambiguous in Polish literally meaning “a place of seclusion”. However, in English such places are referred to as “confinement centres”, I decided to use this, still somewhat euphemistic, term as a translation of “miejsce odosbnienia”] [Unless specified otherwise, English versions translated from Polish] 2 M.