The Independent 'UE )AY API-9,17 'gator VOL 67, NO. 123 Idb cmu o mnch n n Go nesyvil. FlrndO Not oH~If.'Iv osswc04 we h oest * odo -J Jaworski discusses Nixon 'demise ' Dy STUART EIMNIClI the slammer?" Jaworski asked the packed audience. Allgatar StaffWase JAWORSKI SAID the principal indictments have already Former Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski said here been brought In the Watergate case. but Ihe said there were Monday former President guilty of still two investigations continuing when he left. obstruction of justice, but should not be imprisoned for his One was further investigation into the "23 minute gap" on role in the . one of the Nixon tapes and the other was the alleged Sl00.00 "When a man steps down from the office of the Presidency payment to Nixon's friend Bebe Rebozo. in disgrace and shame and retires into infamy . . I don't laworski explained there was not enough evidence to bring know how much more a man can be asked to give up," charges against anyone in the tape gap incident. Iaworski told a law school audience. EXPERTS DAVE SAID anywhere hrn five to nine JAWOESKI, at UF as part of a "Law Week" program. said Nixon was "guilty of obstruction of segments of the tapes showed signs of stopping and starting justice., but was which can only mean it was a deliberate erasure done neVer indicted because of constitutional questions. manually." Jawornki explained. Jaworski became special prosecutor in the Watergate case "I have my own suspicions (about who did the erasing), but after the tiring by then-President Nixon of . we don't have enough evidence now to indict anyone.' he Jawonski. who said be took the job only after receiving saad. assurances of complete independence from the U.S. Congress. argued successfully befte the U.S. Supreme Court that the Jaworski also said the neW government prosecutor, Harry "Nixon tapes' must be released. Ruth. was investigating any possible involvement Rebozo had THE TAPES DECISION as generally acknowledged as the in the illegal campaign contributions, but that no charges beginning of the end for Nixon. have been brought against him. Jaworaki also brought criminal charges against top Nixon ALTHOUGH PAINTING a grim picture of many top aides H.R. Haldeman, John Ehtlichman, Jeb Magruder and government officials involved in iliqgal activities. Jaworiki Former Atty. Ga,. John Mitchell. said he was convinced Watergate "was not ring to happen Instead of naming Nixon as aft indicted co-conspirator. again anytime soon, you can be sure of that." Jaworski said the prosecution decided to "let impeachment Jaworski explained at.a press conference later Monday that take its course" and handed over all relevant information to " is so different now." the House Judiciary Committee. "Someone who comes in to use his influence and power in JAWOESKI SAID the report laid out "every step that led unethical ways would not have a chance, he would just be to the obstruction of justice" and caused the "political demise slitting his own throat." Jaworski said. of Former President Richard Nixon." HE ADDED THAT large companies will also be reluctant "Richard Nixon would never have rmigned his office if he to give campaign contributions in the fixture because of legal did not think he would have been impeached.' the Tenas problems some of them &.re facing following the 1972 lawyer added. Presidential election. Jaworski said he first realized Nixon was involved in the Jaworski warned that colleg. students, although COVer up in Dcc. 1973. dislluuloned about government In the aftermath of "I WENT AND TOWD General (Alexander) Haig (White Watergate. should not give up any ideas about going into House chief of staff) that the president was culpable,." politics. ph"'t b *dceM Jaworskl said. "Th. saddest most tragic thing (about Watergate) would be LEaN JAWOASKI "I. It whe fbr the naion to haveits fruer Presdeuntslt in if young people should be persuaded to stay out of -po ja cs" .unwise fortNixon to 'sit Inth. slammer'

Female interim prof gets rehired offer protes ting dis crimination

y ArET FAUX DURGOON SAID Hutchinson did not know of the possible Atb. Staff waiver. An Interim faculty member, notified her contract would not Burgeon's second basis for requesting her case be reviewed be renewed next year. claimed UF' should have made an effort '.as the disproportionate percentage of women affected by the zo retain women recently hired, and won her job back. policy of informing all interim. faculty members their con- Dr. Judee Burgoon was one olive women in interim faculty tracts would not be renewed. positions who were told their contracts could not be renewed Six of the 20 originally notified were women, or 32 per cent. next year because of uncertain budget conditions. Only 32.9 per cent of the UF faculty members are women, but DR, ROBERT DiYAN, inteuin. vice president for the interim professor category contains 24 per cent female academic affairs, said her position .111 be available tor lier. members. Burgoon end UF officials described her situation: Burpoon said. "it is only because the university was remiss She was offered the position of assigtnt proeso of in cte past in hiring women that so many women now fail In speech which includes research adteaching dtimas well as the interim and tenured rankL." directing the Ibrernics program. This was only an las posItion, and she received it on UROOOM'I CLAIM of dIscriminatory release from her Augpst 5th because interim department chairman Edward contract, which shte termed "violatio, of the spirit of af- Hutchinso. told her a one month period was required to ftrmative actloa," was backed up by Dr. Dorothy Nevill, advertise the permanent position accnedlq to affirmatve interim affirmative action coovdlnato. action guidelines. Nevill said none of the officials who reviewed Burgeon's SHE wAS TOLD an interim appoiflment required -o case found "overt discrlminadlot" but placing har In the advertising and "I felt my credantlals and perftrmance in the interim situation at first was a result of strict adherence to job would ensure nit a permanent position. I had dlar ex- affirmative action guidelInes. pectation of the line (fbeulty position) becoming pennanet." Nevill recanmended, to demonstrate UF's commitment a. phabyobdy upn-il Burp. stressed the oily reason she accepted the interim the spirft as well as the principle of affirmative acion, that Haopphiess It. status was her belief Sad Hutchinson's statement that af- Burp.n he awarded a permanent faculty posItion f.r 1975- trmaelne action guidelnes would delay a permanent pesitioc 76. Onea hot day, tore', taing Int. Ice cr., tacol fcr 1974-75 past the begluning of ,he foensics season. ISV OFFICIALS accepted this ricanmaed abe,. arnd irtudt a weary body. At leest Aols ihe opinion She later discoveftd affirmative action recriutmeut Burgeon Is the first woman to complete the aumoatiwe oS ils dog who found lwpplnesu In cup continingn9 guidelines could be waived in certain cases where the can- action grievance procedure. wridh wins Swiped sqratly erne oS Ucekin Robblns SI flavors. As expected, he did didate was a woman or minority worker, the type of esployc from the normal faculty and eareerernIm please no. leave enyting cve, the guideline. wre designed to attract. procedure. ,gh tli. lae6k Ma~ *Jlers~i&Sd, 4w a, inrs tuesdlay McCain resigns in compromise cc psulo TALLAHASSEE. ELA. (UPD-)-Gov. Retbin Askew ac- political supporters and accepted and failed tt rpOrt L cepted the resignation of Supreme Court Justice David L campaign contributons. McCaln Monday, allowing him to avoid impeachment and a McCaIn insisted in his resignation letter he was guilty of possible conviction of judicial wrongdoing that could bar him nothing but compassionn for your flow man" but added he Guerikis ake Irael forever from holding public office or practicing law. did not want to put his legislative Mrend. In the position of Askew and the legIslatIve leadership agreed to a com- having to vote on hiL record during eight years as a District promise that lets McCuin remain on the court until Aug. 31 to Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Judge. help clear out a heavy load of eases that have already been It was a foregone conclusion the Noose would have made misio in S . Africa argued and are ready for decisions. McCaln the first Florida Supreme Court Justice to be im- a said a Sente trial would have cost , Chief Justice James Adkins, after conferring with McCain poached, and Hush said JOHANNESBURG (UPI) -- Armed guerrilla., somec or all weekend, assured and legislature Askew the that McCain at least S2OOC0. them Japanese. took over the Israeli Consulate Monday. would take no ,n came during the four months he ranains seized nine men, women and children hostage and threatenici on the corn. amid bursts of machine gun fire to blow up the building "1 anm convinced this is the wise course," said Chairman unless the Israeli Ambassador negotiated with theij. William Rish, D-Pwlt SI. Joe., whose House Impeadhmeat Police reported at least two persons killed and more than 30 Committee had already drafted for a vote Thursday unrefuted injured when the guerri"lasraed bullets into 'unchtime charge. McCain tried to rig decisions to favor friends and condoms by ma il crowds in the streets below the fifth-floor consulate office in a WASHINGTON (UPI) - The defunct Office of Economic downtown Johannesburg office building. Opportunity provided S97,0 for two years to send birth Prime Minister John Vorster told Parliament the South control inlbnnation and sometime, condoms to teat-age boys African government would not negotiate with the guerrillas House voe on through the mall, program officials said Monday. under any circumstances. Israeli Ambassador Yitzhak Unna initially directed at low income high school boys in refused to enter the consulate as the gunmen demanded. Cleveland. Philadelphia and selected rural areas in 13 states. Viet helptoday the condomsubsidy and sex information, service was cx- panded during its second year to include boys in smaller cities PSC does about face WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House leadership suc- and high school athletic coaches. ceeded Monday in arranging a speedy floor vote Tuesday on Eventually, the program ran out of federal funds and of- a Senate-passed bill providing 5327 millIon for .Id and ficially expired in July. 1973. but program officials say it could on utilities advertising evacuation in South Vietnam. have accomplished big things in providing sex education by Dy a voice vote, the House Rules Committee waived a rule wuail. TALLA HASSEE, FLA. (UPI)-The Public Service that requires legislation to sit in the House for three working A U.S. Postal Service official said the agency's Commission (PSC) changed its mind Monday about days betar it is voted upon. headquarters here was unaware of the mail operation. He said prohibiting electric companies frown passing along to Rep. Thomas E. Moorgan, D-Pa., disirman of the House Postal regulations and Federal statutes prohibit use of the customers all costs of advertising and civic or charitable International Relations Committee, argued before the Rules mails for unsolicited advertising or distribution of con- contributions. Committee that the bill should be brought to a quick vote traceptive materials except to manufacturers. doctors or other The PSC said, however. it will still ban most such expenses because of the emergency in South Vietnam. mnedical personnel. on a cms-by-cms basis.






I Urn. mndqpand. M4ed.a ligal.,u.Sq. Apt 19. fIt ue Resignations prompt chancellor's office study By IBERT DEBBIE in operating multi-campus systems of higher education. appomntnents. A ilg-is Staf f Writ. RICHAUD MULET, vice chancellor for student affairs is The members consist of both university representatives and the only vice chancellor remaining in office, Cbandler said. people from outside the SUS, he said. Two vacant State University System vice chancellor posts The two vacancies crested an "Wdeal time for us to look at Manzsaid the task force will be recommending such have prompted SUS Cbamcellor-designate to E.T. York how we finction and see if we need to change." Mautz said organizatIonal changes as rearranging adipinistrative Initiate a task force to study alternative organization in the abcojt the task force. in the chancellors' office. chancellors' offices responsibllitfrs York said the UF Untiversity Senate resolution had "The admisistrativeoffice isquitelarge. it might be broken York said Monday he wanted it "made clear we do not plan "nothing at all" to do with his decision to study possible tip." he explained. to fill these positions before the economic situation impoves- orgsnhzatioaal changes in the chancellor's office. There will probably not be any eliminations of positions at least not before July flst." York explained he didn'tt even know about it" until after though. Maut: said he "can't visualize any reduction In YORK WAS REPLYING to a resolution passed last he set up the task force. personnel" ass result of the task force study. Thursday by the U F University Senate. which criticized filling THE CHANCELLOR-DESIGNATE said he decided on The SUS office now employs about 97 persons. Chandler administrative positions in the SUS while funds are the six or seven task force members. but would not release said. It has grown rapidly since he joined the staff an 1%62. unavailable for hisriag more faculty member. their names until he contacted them personally about the when only IS people were employed. he added. "We (at the chancellor's office) are under the same hiring freeze as the universities," York added. Two of the SUS's three vice chancellors have announced their resignations. VICE CHANCElLOR for Administrative Affairs Kenneth BotwiL pln. - rsgn in anuary o starta.w Unfair labor management services business, SUS Chancellor Robet practice charges Mast: said. But Mautz persuaded him to stay until the close of this legislative session. Boutwell's resignation becomes effectve.,une.IS. filed against Board Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Allan Tucker, who of Regents has been on leave of absence this month, reports to his new By GARY DALANOFF discrimination against public employes by demotion from the job f Ma hI acodn o Hedrix Chandler. corporate SMta ASSmll Etaer positions of chairperson or division director." Tucker will now head a national centet heated at Florida The United Faculty of florida (UPE) announced Monday UF was listed as one of the five schools which received they tiled unfair labor practice charge against the Board of memo, from the regents. State University. to study the problems and training Involved Regents on AprIl 14 for the regei,'s actions in dealing with NEW SAID "DISAMPOINTMdENT'" resulted from having department chaIrpersons. the Public Employcs Relations Commiulio. hearings drag on Allison signs contract; In carrying through their earlier threats to use the charges so long. UFF had hoped for a statewide election to select a if faculty collective bargaining hearings in Tallahassee bogged collective bargaining agent. or agents, for the State University down, UFF spokesman Dr. Mel New maid his union "will file System faculty by April IS. but the public heaing. are still in will start work today as many (unfair labor practice charges) as are necessary to sessio. protect the faculty."' "We see light at the end of the tunnel," New said of the UP's new affirmative action coordinator, James Allison,. UFFPS CHARGES stemmed from specific memos sent by hearings, which began almost two months ago. signed his contract Monday and begins work today. the regat' otlkt to five of Florida's nine state universities The charges "were filed now to protect chairpersons." he Allison. hired despite a university systan-wide hiring informing department chairpersons they could not participate said, because chairpersons were crucial to UFF's bargaining freeze, will be paid from Institute of Food and Agricultural in collective bargaining and still maintain their poeltica as efforts. Sciences (IFAS) funds. chairpersons. .BOTH UFF AND and the American Association of UF President Robert 0. Marston has the authority to The specific charge stated "the Board of Regents Interfered University Professors have continued to include chairpersons trauster fiends from any of the three university budgets with, restrained, and coerced public employes, prohibiting in their collective bargaining, pending the outcome of the WFAS, Health Center, and General Education- to uses such and dIscouragIng theni from joining. being active in, or hearings, which are intended to solve this question of com- as this during the budget crunch. supporting the United Faculty of Florida, and threatening position of bargaining units. ACCENT '76 presents

0' t I' T I I' I

UN 4, 0* 0 it'A Tuesday C April 29th /. 8:00 p.m. Graham Pond OA7 I); iv, Reception will be held after the program sponsored by Savant ftpe 4 tfl'd.p.S. N. ea a.~i ty , 5% 9 MemorkIo service set ADVERTISEMENT A memorial service fir the 4, During these hard imesuf, whben late Npo Doeg and his family will be presided over by a *' all of us are concerned about getting Father Michesi Gannon. Quality and ~lue Wednesday at yp.m. - the i. full value in the things we buy, N olh Wayn Relt Union Two "po Iyves that product hen are some impoflant thoughts Muong Thong Lqp, Doing's close friend and hmnd-pcked. flay groomteir entries about quality itpiaomat - lnrtor *f key in te ignition. It wouldn't the UF Nh. Cmosg Karste pa.You tried again and again winl also 'peak and lead Club, Nochif. Not a aark. the group in siest The ingmdlenta American businessmen strive mseditation' for, areideedthe ones conmra look for, even some halfhearted offers to whewithey buy. After .1, the conumsris the help with the ditties. "No. we ultaevoter In a products electIon . .and

ci Ray was ecrbinhs new boot Bands - c m oWb But just how much quality can be built Inice given Item? How many colors and slim? How gives today in the ballroom of ouseeyu running acm.s die- dining-nronm the J. Wayne Reta Union. wilt added quality affect the market pie? Reed Cheeryu about the nmte most medcan bush neumutn The por. wEl teat -t Wh n uis e Sound (awnia? We all remem- t:I5 pam. ad Is free and p take-"Th. Maim BfStr" aproach. Read Mat her vividly when. things d&m' work to the public. this has to do wIth 21 millIon diuihwathwr and right.e ut sonuho a don. te 35 millof Clothes dqmnr wlnnlng thelr way Into think abomt it when nor car cover' American homes. the zops-mibe tri m Caiida and$ of tast looked like back without a htch. En when the The adjoining piece message from the May KcOIched plywood. And you biased electric cof feepot kep pecking Redw's Digest turns up Imperuant thoghtIS your Ainger fishing ic out when it away yenr after ymr. Tts ilt about quality and value. It'sone In. ses didn't pop up. Then the machine nothing srcctdicular about the on our economic system placed by The heaved a little clcctrooic nigh and sweeper that sweeps, he o.ei that An artkle in Monday's Business foundbti, stqyedtoasting altogether. hake%, the refripernnr that keeps Alligator Stated that two Wat a storm? Arid it got wore. right on doing its job. student. were caught Leaving your wife and thre kids No, the Sect is that m our minds breaking into a eake madulne beneath the .hloppiag-center canopy, one malfimctiowftg product cancer in the fidhoose at Perry you dashed to your new ttion out the thousands hatdo work. One Field. The location, of the wagon. Soaked to the skin, you got of the greatest tributes to A mercan break-in was the Macdis behind the wheel and turned the industry is the (act that the k'nior" and Mecdanbc Duiluig. The Alligator regrets the

el.r tl uens is news-the Cacs that bad products the lab (sometimes to fiutal destruc- Street," where the aim is the best link *t automobles, Cor instance, are the exception. that surprise and tion) beibre they are marketed. product that can be made at a price probe4,ly the cos complex and hither -s. To an alect, competiise company, the mass of consumer, cat afford. sophisicated iweo the nveqae con- Sy U.K Ga.r'. The easpectawirns of the American there eforts are as musame (arid as In shop. and aorins acrtn the turner will ~e buy. Today's cor. cnvsepatrum tofuumer arc very high. and the vital) as breathing. "The best sales montry, engwas desigpers, shop mm runacbhug between engine huiaoesanan knows it better than tool pouhble," says one esecusive. "it liranen bW"pnoduct sudisae- tuneupd, aaa d lubrico- ;mnyoe ese. Than's why he seeks * product worth what you pay (or asining the chain saw or wae re- dions hAm malii modeb. Thir Apdl$.9M amnstintly to imprfve his product is." But stilt those negative expern- corder or child's toy be6,re them. brakes age awn, anrt reliable, their And maintain sandards. The Amei- ence. three their way intoour minds. Widh production costs rising. how ersoIing system. requir, much lens can Society iow Quality Control esti- Why can'k we make thing. nure 'an they impwuve the product hot mmtenanee. anuts slut busines, in thus cntry reliable? Why do there have to he kecpthe prkcewcmpeurive? Wilithis "Cousqmr jwusuwe is a healthy spend. (rom Sto ijceunt.4 every any mistake.? plastic compxmnd hea strong and as ailiemamrm of the market sysem. soles ikulLar to .weraowe ertorn, to To answer such quesitionswe must workable as she nowsoocndly met- After alL. what giund - ;en, mnspeca amns wanr quality. measure war axpedations as con- .d it must replace's Sure, this trani- suter demand. be in a sodsty with- Some examples: 'wmern jganst she realities of the to,,a cheaper. bin will it do the job out buinesias competing in reaction * On the Tideetr ntprmdc- mass market. We must consider as well'a At she Rtockwell Interna- to those demands? haut wuiyumer tao lute in Cincinnat, under- what absolute product-perfection tional Corpoaoti. engineers rede- ipwe uto stiew plicsceo-ts it SERVICE - 377-0722 ftlkdcwr amaged in any way are would do so prices and volume. signed a pocket calculator over and is rather the same pseinine that hat lo AM-6 PM taumaed~ly and literally "kkicd" flay. yes ever sopped to slmk over again to cut the aet and tune always motivated 'he mcncienious 7 DAYS A WSC imm a reject hin. what it would cost to build, eic- of nmanuhacture whileinpnwing the bosinessatn-ncmr-a- * As the Gillktte Om~paay In vision ves that would "never' (aid reliabimty of she machine. Cerminly, coenuwirn have the 3Mt S.W. A iM . Boston. every razor blade is cx- or wear out? Many thousands The cumulative effect of sock ac- right to emliu, to send things anjned hr surface imperfectiocs and of aniar. And the assenmy and levities as a 6 io., to the Amenican Luck when theant Rot * ~-- m- right. shatre. Some empboye. come to inyudcton procedures would pre- consumer. especially during this dif- what "*ll makes Aia "" ~cn S p- unshveneach sarng to test chle stne tan a Cew thousand nes ficuk ecocoic period when all of Un.s brgain. in the ii. -. & (and compcttr') blade. G~ileue beingbuia each year. Tus, the hig us want to ,itmdc -u dollar as Br world m~-in bodh cad and per- undc.ra conddm.s, r~wrldbe academic fi as possible. For, what -oo is an formance-is the &at that iii of -- - -~t * At hli Cqrait in- majrit ofAmericans, who improved product if it ain't readily us cnntily cms our vorns in the diaflapohi. - p&sak a. hng valtd eniply be priced out of the arablble to everyone at. ,eainble mArlethe h a these consumer as 45 d~aw. to stafiujacturt. The marks. thatht dhupe the quality of time. f1r KBuIVIO*CSn face a - - prones a sspped moey challenge. Do The Main frees rod mean. ii.pand. -e puadma day itt mnd teas of the prity and exacs a- dien itael the low road' Cut car- -e e, awaA. thatithere are rrymil TVsat in day ott. a Mg -'--As long as the IWrS. use di heape natenials they U.S. homne, a, million dishwasher., - b - N.t Mre available on drugstore can ttby wi' Or do they sake a million clothes dryer. -and it . a me ' . Nstrltes, a nardl batch will he seEt- she 1i111 road-turning out each meemns chji by and large shut abrt. PD*i i-s, e-., ed periodically to cosine iflency prodscs by hand. Ikrgeuting costs, damce of product. is an awwaec eN.Y. , .'., Ga eia. m. hu. and safety. skiing only "custom work" beyond of good irrducts. crmtansly being -Si,: ig"--Si. s legr Iar * AM Searn, Rmebuck & Co. In the iancial reach iii IMtnt m. fetqu, - pSe s . millions of I m1 ,roed bec.,use ol compctmio. ticagp. many new prepduats Ihin. cotomscious average -American.' a oamdienmers tershdegnto water -Vvisvy. rem lisstumllv. American Thu ner'sge apnepared by ikethen f b .AEd pitmps. are toted in th field and ii, tie. nen travels esejd i "Main iusd pi'ewsed by Th Dshmn A-mlth.i -us - n- 5

.a.a.- as gI t~. 5*1ee . lb. be.p.aetnbM.Aaga, ThS.y,'ApM a. ma v.g.a ALPINE DE~SIGNS ENROLL NOW Journalism striCter FOP SEPTEMBER LEWIS UNIVERuITY'S COLLEGE OF LAW

o a 4D -==-

C-) mpin set or college Dy KEVIN 310g 5 5 0~ 1O% - 0% off Aigate Staff Writer *e Iawi ta .so. ~cI At least one of UP's five largest colleges will raise admission ou""uh Monday thru adcaor gui. standards for fall quarter 1975 and other. may follow suit. 0 Thursday $uuna cc.,,1,,t Tnh. EnBkpcck. a lims Journalism and Conimunicati.,. Departmait Cbairman U hmas attoriUwyvu Dr. John Griffith said beginning September students applying a. Uluig kags * Shoes * Jactet. so the college must hayc a minimum 2.5 grade point average CGPA) as opposed to the current 2.0 However, he added a *uttlrnsen AIBEN'S AQUATIC c~muS ofl un .Ino stronger emphasis will be put on the Florida 12th grade *nvrom~n, I.,.-y msao placement tess score to counter-balance the possible o discrimination brought about by raising the GPA. AND TRILgjien "I THINK IT'S easier to maintain a higher grade point average at ajunior college than Florida's University College." Griffith said, "so by looking back to the tat swnre we can determine whether a student has performed conshstently or MOUNTAIN HOUSE just bolstered a grade point average.' Although adnmissionstc the coliegp will be limited to 1.20 students in September. Griffith said one side .&fct to the policy change may be to discourage some of the "not really serious" students from "filling utp space.' Alternatives to admissions standards are also being cOn- sidered in the College of Business Administration. Dean Robert Lanzillotti says the real problem is overcrowding. "RAISI'G STANDARDS won't change that much in this college." Lanzillotti said. "We already have a very high caliber of student." Lanzillotti said the accounting department, In an attempt to discourage students that were not "really determined," began requiring additional math courses ror admission. "The end result was that we ended up with more requests for admission than ever," Lanillotti said. THE BUSINESS SCHOOL is also considering closing certain courses to all but students who need the course for their major. Lanuilotta said While this decision is a "radical" oct. it may become a "reality." UF'. largest college. Ants & Sciences, has no plans to limit enrollments or raise standards, AssiatpM Dean Dr. David Stryker sald.except is the field of speech pathology, where a -*8 U 2.8 CPA I. required. Collegp of Englmedrng Dena Wayne Chnn said admissions wll bc "blgly sactMv" hor hIt '75.i th. dqpartsmnt of chemical eugiseuwlng, -here qpec. mud hneutoes -r

'ThE DEDAUTUMl will require a uaIalmum 2.3 GPA and a heavier emphasis will be placed on the 12th grad, test u.wdinti6 taw a mu gsasing gca-n "We Hted to provide a high quality popa'. Ches said. "If that means llaitlsguurolMesstha we'R do ft." Saw. m bmed IN0 petali beE Celpg of Ed mco ndurgraduste Dean Marvin Mc- se in e hensu Millin said two departuants Is the. collige -r considering Apenasof -Auiqye tad - em.-b

HM ill. said the Dspaatmast at Special Ed cetis will .Crqu gu shin -fr f l - cens~sem awl lesIgS--lb t quitter ae submItt McM~s said csmiwsattes SN he mad. base - * -I .vaIlabbesgis agdpi MM:OA. * - I 'Poetry and Politics' topic of Mailer speech "Poetry and Polkim'" I. thn title ci ltsae Prize winning askher Norman MaiEr' spesih tonight at A at Gralmm Phnd. Mi., who wa the Pulia. Prime and National fleck Award I. IOgU hr his book "Armies of the Ngt," Is kmowu foe his caiwersl msays and nuffswus poit teal wurks. His blunt and frSwaM manner have made many of 1 -m _~e i his public apeumasnful. Mailer wI ax.g250 for tonight's apperaace 'poescred by Amaen I * NEWBY ADA fliJ. AYI Fr. Drug Analysis I U at the Corner Stoe NEWBERRY ROAD &O2th STREET Drug NORTH MAIN & 16th AVENUE 378-1588 N,.& lb. 4.d. AMg.S., T.ey. Ap~II 29, 1971 I I aLiensL Cmn Ciy Plaza

4 Food s tamps off imits gattw l}aus ,* to dependent students

By MICHAEL MYEUS "TUE NEW SYSTEM vii Most definitely PARTY TIME slow us down. There's a Ilot of paperwork One-fbirth of the appoxiatdy I.IM involved. But hopefully. this will help

and TIMEIII A new amendment to the Food Staiup Adt Smith said the DIvISIOn of Health ANY ofl%4 states that student 18 ytars of age or Rehabilitative Services will be required to older who is snoled in an institute of higher vefrf each student's sources of income ad Allen's Gator Haus and Red Velvet Lotmge has got learning and I. claimed assa dependent on his every student will have to complete the fouin what you want, HOW EVE R you want iti ta . accdng to Ken SoilS. regional fo "Whewe ce tat the student Is not a tax Galnesvi lie's finest subs, combos, & sandwiches; stamp admInIstrator. dependent. tin we'll continue to certify his sidearders, eclairs, and good Kosher pickles. We also "A LARGE NUhBR of students -n food eligIbility. If be is recelvlqg money frm serve & deliver GaInesville's coldest & most a dpedec her,"" loasa"idi|la|hip. d "are"no ted|;at lopof inoe ad reasonably priced beer & wine. being supported by their parents," Smith form. When that coins beck, we'll make a AND CHECK THIS OUT - COLD COLD KEGS OF said. deisio." Smith said-. SCHLITZ (Llght & Dark) ONLY 2t. plus taxII YOU - elIminate theu sot hohd tamp by sodas. an eevn Cuba Rfe Assistae onr CAN'T BEAT THAT WITH A WHIP WE whose parents have money, but just do not Supplanental Security Income may be PROMISE I sand their kids much," he said. eligible for food stamps. Anytime you want It, any way you llse it, Ailen's "II ca expa te reuiemnts h ti Gator Hams & Red Velvet Lounas Puts out for youl "decdaratoui of tax dependent status." A people that read it from coming In, then I've firm is also scuit to the student's parents to helped solve the prbem. Just that will verify his independence. eliminate * lot of hasles." Smith said. FREE DELIVERY Schools ma'r get money Mon .-Sot. 1O-2AM GIVE US Sunday 10-1 2:30 AM Public schools (grades K- 2) May soon Cothran. the contatuatconal provision would (Pheas oitrkegul24 has In advance A CALL or ee uds onc earmarked specifically Node ~~ cckn , pase by the comitee both exed th S The Senate Education Committee Monday construction bond prugwnm beyond next year approved * proposed committee bill which and expands it to cover all public schools. amends the Florida Coustitiuatio.,, making Cothran said. gins. recepts tax mosey available to all levels Tudingn ha sggesed the id be divie

alpbi tax|l ied -teg .sarev ne fn Utilitis outlay funds 50-50 between the two levels. The constitution now specifics that money The bill does not mean unhverwtlas will be obtained from idlling bonds, pledged against losing capital outlay money to elementary, the proceeds of the gross receipt tax, should middle and high schools, he said- since go for capital outlay at poet-awondary in-. without the extension of the bond deadlict stitut-ios. higher education would not be receiving mny According to committee staff analyst Hank funds from the program after next year.


. UNION COLONNADi * Tuesday AprIl 29 U 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

sponsored by IS Interholl Council .O.R0M WEEK . I RSb ~ WflS.v, MaD. ML - 1 .Avad4Mea nh S - -. - ma.a - ma 1,46.- ~.- ~-. -. - . -. UF Emergency Could Be Averted .*Th eSS 5fl5en by indiat real herdsg.B for car ha-ets 3aht 4. Marte was read to the With fle Gonerin's bdget. we faba me nun. at at lhnt tha Unhrw*l Sf lirs mdi ba Ew i ton Ma by Thsere- thn faD qarne St 3U5wi mmh pZani Nasm Macday. (The -a years to be6c asd earwe mUre tb bm l wile fsrlU UJ,50 mb. to .arEW Th is aner Uzsay at ten should be caamdto the rameines wisee .i g as es ab e t -ar'se.als St ked. aflatad to amr hedg at S S0w Isr uhe Ban uus Usri upsta n us get we wsM be bred to requast a -e bad ISn as.isde -a yams to Seath I . e--me.a t lbs.3.U.a .iw eke,,.p.eda.ats~h, dehS.~ S -S ie.q to a.d hie wse.? Sh. .e I. f.f . S the 3mn ApeSi- to. few tamees She hr bmme~d aiew -s be at aS batle earn-lmi dUrCS . u hea kead U. fiag hfewsipas and Oabr inharSnSdt.T ebjiteway number .f students in i geodid ~lnSe at 3kG fanctlona .1 the Stat. Ibarim., and t. aabe Sf tomatebiedsealty andsheady mniv to ikVanduUX .eth a ma ::t m by7 qppaluly $13 lajadm. ,ft should pe amyrgmli evrrms lmrca hm s interns at th inir S .al emeSiniS , "J~eto We lb Ujversy S Fwe.i ~a. U .s aeta S -m casm 5- D nr==-d Vi, and Cal Ta .ae oh.ssged a as.s, mi .,,reb.wet he G.em. Euhg i.*ceren. w. --- TiM Idltme e.m. S . emalmain ase ath prIbem tat it a. s ae eet ae tewar th. special needs .1 higher disetinwhOc has ssured -on the -as year - kppflusa- imeeS and y:- ., act kgle, here daa .as shut unt Ke sar ed.y tive Adminisir as u~i. uwr re.d b, the HCutbacks Urged reliCf -roI. Iaptemhe hom be mb By Senate 'W~enand the Law'; UiF a B~ar tre s. bS Sn ITh ea s is l~atehdyp d - I -- ruefl to ho kai-m to te It's Also Dorm Week me .m-* a. Sgea I' cansoe ad a.ilsuadin. -re- qufly Sf -a haudlles ptgose uflg-am "Sht the -paamscns A shurt uarns -m "Ye m i lb T no @e ieha va and rflgbeameb I.ddmse Law" Web.may and 1~b Gtwine's hi seas Snea th. -enim Ms a aalad Ui's Luw Wet S i.0s S mea. by Lba Elae 1.gsea. 'uppat san h U, ml- the cmus 1,81 (pyaMe t Sodr) for With fewer -aammaebrs, aSt to- din the U SR ad "list wham two - a sse wi fune estr.= toadk ill bieams -e lhliaed fund d basn amvaN.b Ivr GUdnewtie aduuevy Jmm jBtt -n candly. The remilt will ho that lams -nte arin s pasmS l at they bho a.a.r. at uarrlag. to FistS, ans- rooS aewil be ceomied ferm and dmat mged first to ruple bc 5emnmS t ay Clhrn G*b a ut wmi ad st both Stat. and Federal Revels. LIan Sata n aS mos rimily b planilab pras Jceaph U~ite -s rumSea momn fewer aa asees S Ihe raiiem ect Sf red.,i by *- tot and the -ebn wma and f Sd hw aee am uaeawbie. We baY." ptrnfse MandeR Gli**aerg am puepeaty The ri.O.U.' uS.a that a rubdm at Frar yead usiafls caibae to "tb'OuS .Yaee,"ap aabeat the iotal dm1tina prnprm a the -armCmet autc Comveras Uuwaf Fiemi, sapputed by as. to maet the queadibie and Ht. 1, at far I:D pa. eit and T qaslhtat Sne mo tr .M. and to WA.a~ In the Law Car AUmIhirih. the people S f laid, heasie the Uale simp l ther -=g~ rew*re and Ur's Jetn MrbtU 3mr AueS-ma to Ir are lb. 15 yeuts It is ylryied aervie Imaem."' 1b r.S.". pab qipodurig .a nt.ksa - U Frtdhy at Talb.t Arma, and the weak and -mreirrgbmaed t.n ebbal oat that "aeSa UF deparfals haee coats and avall at the UldeSWS* 3m wimdi up with a Deathe NIght Dance and after troks The sis will betrie s the hemn subjected to serious inse Itsm Office InConsats Think.e u it the dewr. aoo i8.11 pm.a crm at Grab. Aiea. cet bonmiai ersi whOb afeS - rgbd~ms" as nd t cI Mnnwgt. Jut.u Marbs premwse at New Yetk fnaStesy pas in ihn .n. acept amb-adin trbepadgm Vie Usyaritly Ca~r. Ct Law adi a Ne- wait tea me slia.Sdew lise list (to.ns hor A itm' Aatot." praphr C Jathco Hohi.n, spab at 8 Tbe Cants Inr Jewfl lis and -~ll- r yaw -epl wIN irtee a en. The Set ie M. oedeaug.s to Tnhy to a free pbite hctle at F eMS,. cqupssr Sf a qurag pear- Urns they mead ios bes I S - abMt. BSeam LI S Chperweta Udreay nLaw Cater, torrJewdfl lsriam, fleamt "TopeW' at However, tIN. t a Shme fEu baba. and PeSoy 1. topuowiae har flhre-MeM- laceR adumsy. adin km ama will a p.m. fldy In ieaily Adtoiu. ows s.dr ta. dreamed ruinema UemqlpwosweektsS e b sand Achnluim Is Uo teds at th. dear. mun -n remit I. dunnesed obmnlam qup o Sf to s inis grab R.Se n S Fnally, I should tis - dS totS the elitsn's rnlaticuoblp I. ti. legal sya. lb BsiS ~brthe 1e .EPee Student Drawing Fer Saenas -n Law Wadk acylems Phlier Pike whame Neuman Ihier and grhlmlal Suiemug be carr S .tact Ds.Dm., SOUL. .ksStGsib.Piaaa .da, Canpeition Open mmiire by SCN i . Knw mahr -ar and agtcItsieal autics is 111r* TheaWS mlSladet &awbeinive- Du mWetk - aSm, i. to W id e.S. vii be at ahe sared so mua -Itt two arens winby to be cinflim ow mcadiem kem - s S pa., limeD C.f.el' Dan Veat a.- N. bed Si to Dud," tier emudela t shivl ahsadad U -s eaS be S. it lb msend Sewr .=aSli tmetay uS aM Siam?. nib., Putand tadinlE 3 Awans GQeermursg t pressed is te two Pitay NIg" lbt aSd sethies momra S pM Ct lb J. Wayne 3*~ Uia masht at tho U11m ~ai a to S0 Smr "Aum Sf lbe nnier russOrc inas uns pmn 834:3 p.M. tesd Vle Day ma a rnSe amsn S to fandy ta. mata St FrIbS. (cat -m preSeS g at.) wE be agStepe. VIES syeS -e is aA krn Seer to W mgh D.C., to aug 34* pa. Wshmb7e,uaSainSe Ug PbS. tlSeS a $130 brt ph.s mid Engineering Facuties AssocIat1on Contsinues Caie l~t UStarS a pm. 1usay DDr. Abaeh Shrams, pratsoa and aet to Dr. Gourge BDM, 3M eaeter Sf V.5 S aS 11 hf Depaflmat, to Jamlg tig aS a- a me aame sust csmpem, sanae Caage DeS Nflams to -s - hgat llvurs S Cam sateehe 'am, - l: 'UahpS "Patt"wb Sionfree t p.S Ni -p sa j, J.m me a- M aa Catlrner e .4 1h .At "Rea sttmdbs e ase a m 'ubdy to toe Me~s 35mmes "Baa aa to to ad S Job Interview Schedule for Week jag arm. .mm ag - by the Fit lb ENgas ers g *cinin ur be W.,esIse. - wadspa - Ja nass tt ais daphi "It, PadS Pabm" to Dam M--as. ta be Ce C- heanbge bater s oPSI. 3mpI we hime"me Cl. bNSbRmUda ae nt bet hat S Mi to Oan to atin. UP abbie nt at:pa ps~iesa mnu a . a ba as 1a a e N'Laazr- Wlectirlte Data Sym- byte 3d 1d ies ae r -aswetk be Asmena gu e l aps ta lis bemt** p. ean. Cmiass eriwn tems. * . a I,. *SLLS fl------~--* * A.:- -~!.-. A r - 11- lie------vetyc S l'la eta U aquas hmup~.'J~ywsyPe~w*. a. *.* S.,' as. '.J**~~~~*; ***~I PwqWJJUe~s . . * *****4 .* *~S Ng.e I, lb. ISdewM.d.fl.M.d MIgescr, To.dey, 4.p12 1,97$ EDITORIAL Family Facts surrounding the rising cost of having a family are well documented in the media and grocery stores around the nation. But now the cost of not having a family has gone up. too. Alachua County Commissioners approved a "sliding scale" April 22 which would determine the cost of family planning services to families who request the services. The cost for the services would range from a $25 maximum fee down to nothing for a family of four which earns less than $7,500 per yenr. The services provided include birth control pills, V.D. tests, and pap smears. The size of the family and total family income would determine a family's ability to pay. These guidelines are reasonable enough, but a deeper problem as evident. Jon Wershow, the only dissenting commissioner vote, explained it in the four-to-one best. wuvawwr He expressed frar that charging any fee would scare away anyone who needs the services. It also happens that the federal government will come up with its own guidelines for this same Got any problems?9 program this fill, but instead of waiting for those guidelines, the county is going ahead and EDITOR'S NOTE. Teday's coisam akes .e &St dfa flhlling all requiraeuets for his degpee." Five other colleges their own brand of justice for the promulgating , we4 buet. . en Angmen - -= a--at- - University College. Arti& Sciences. PHR, Journalism, and short haul. ad~ibmmt by Ahis .Sd el--- p S bi fdlsey 3m. Education - either repeat or paraphras, these word. Seldom is inaction the best action, but for the The shun e hisM.ed bs -e eeneigmed abent A second group of colleges Indeaig pharmacy, Center for sake of the poor and near-poor, this isone of those ---.-. , ha uretluema, e~als hn a UP capee. Latin Americas Studies, Architecture and Pine Arts, Isis, and is two mbqseu - Hgarps Miaheusy and Mt. Agriculture, and Health Related Professions ancurags and times. Wee -- wU ann qeedumn ceuuhmg advinmLnt If urges students to consult an adviser betar adhedulin; their courses. yae d oid -i a qudm anwgmd, uuese asacmt Ry Iis St 113 Aneuns Hal, ar rTe Aarn, Inx A TIlD GROUP REQUIlEMi departamanta approval of pecil regents 132M6 Udveudayi eSW.s. all student programs before granting * degree. This group "The president shall provide the procedure for student includes Forestry. Engineering, and Division of Military It finally appears likely that change will occur appeals within the mepective institutions on all matters in Science. within the system. What this all means is that you the student, must take the A bill which would put three students on the requ ss yourmajior, and -".y oteracadeilo requirenment Board of Regents was passed by the Senate Education Committee, and the House Education hull creditor aillthe cournes you've take. Nelther Tigert Hall Committee passed a bill which would allow one nor the departmental stafhsof the colleges has enough tane to student on the regents. which the student has been aggrieved." (Board of Regents recheck cad, student's fie every quit.r for transcript errors. Operating Manual, 7.32) Only you do. The systan will accept -o Manic when the We applaud the two committees and sponsors "In case the operation of a student academic regulation Sen. appropriate information is available to cli students. Rep. William Nelson, D-Melbourne, and appears to result in -n undue hardship on an Individual So what AREyour requlrauazts? Howea you be SURE Jack Gordon, D-Miami. But one of the chief student, he may petition for waiwer of the regulation." (tin- chat nothing will "go wrong. "or that you've not trapped opponents of the bills is Chancellor-designate E.T. dergraduate Catalog. p. 32) . yourself in an unforeseen re fuca CERTAIN PETITIONS - those late York. His objection stems from his belief that a involving schedule iEEAtEsEvAL sours of informatIon you night changes. exceptions to the mlnimum.-naxinum load "special interest gru" would be created by consult tofnad out.Te first is the catalog. You may. though. regulation, or late drops without course failure - ought to be have some problems Interpreelag It, or finding what you need naming a student to the regents. submitted in the college in which student the I. enrolled. All advisers or academic If York thinks students are a special interest others should be addressed to the University Senate Comn- ins, so. consult your departmental mittee on Student Petitions. group which should be kept from making im- The Office of Student Affairs i TIgMr (2-1261) is very WARNING: Eves with portant decisions, then perhaps he should climb thee broad rights of appeal, many willing to help you with iinivtrnity pollc'a. Dean Joyce cale (Teaching back into his ivory tower and think a little harder. h "sstm) wilntappre peiinnwhich the Tyor of that office is cm-ordlaatiqg the TUTS York speculated other groups, such as faculty, student didnt avail hint or herself of the information that he You thibe ytem prqram in a.dn efr to make the system or she needed to make proper academic decisions. administrators, and career service employs, Students Dean Bob Burrell coordinates a pars-professional group Af Snen simply do not know all the regulations or changes that would demand representation on the regents if students (HASSLE.FREE) which advise off campus students were given a vote. affect rhen. However, every college on this campus assumes students. But there is a crucial difibrence. Faculty and they do. Business Administration, for instance, clearly states IF ALL ELSE fails, gee a hold of your local peer adtvtsor in the catalog that the student alone career service employes "must assume full r'o our knowledge, University College is th. only Wnt to have have collective bargaining respoalibility for registering for the proper courses and for to resolve their differences. And administrators this service besides our own College of Arts and Sciences. are running the State University System. Students are left with few means of valid Ron Cwnnglehc. protest. If students had a regents riember. it The Independent .mmm. wouldn't solve all problems, but at least we could fell there was someone in the power structure who Florida Alligator knows what students 6&d every day. OMq.I(.aln Jr PI'o" So 611ot Jody Calm - SiloAM

* a. Iyped. Sined. doh.peced and not .n.ed Uk -Tony' K."d*cr JbetV. Cock . A.anGeaa.i Meuge * Not 6. .tgned will a pseudony,. Ma Eblyn BS...... Ma MImenv At aver Nodw hy * Hay. odd'. end telqphon. numbers .4 Aai.Medphwn - . .AdmnisienvAc.atn I ~Ir % (hrIw haipt-.i i C. Roy hI.pp . Nonw. will b. wlth.Id only ii wdter .how. lus TornMcama,. . .P.O kmx INS8 Univerl.'y cause. Th.edItrr,.w.rv ieght to edit .1 a.e for Nay McG. J', secahs.dG in dqa let ~dectm, kna.e Wdla. nay sbe. It langer aasey. cclwmor . ra M.I A *ob. coselderad Er. - isptlng Get" colunia Lynd* Hemiser nuwns bns ma AMy wdlt Inmersad i, shebilleg a .gulor cow,.n I. Lynnsedr. SEShoal Aleductan MSnag. Own:~c phn. C ut sbdb es inte . aedlendb6. M'IqSMpae. . pwmd.wS .cjatla A ~GledS elarno. l aldu~n Sw e r A lh. In4.pend4.nt flod. AJIgalr, Tu.dey, Apri 29. I97S, P.g, ? Alternatives to dropping language given EDITORz The writer o te Drop language requirement ' barrmnR In cager student from graudation. It is a sad tact that nO'4. a 'ell-oui ol the chance wo learn English grammar from a article is unaware of the beefts to be reaped Ironm studying mliny language students learn systematically abouw English comparative and potentially exciting point of view loreigfl languages on the jpb market. While I do ncr agree grdmmlar bor the tirst time in their life when they are taking a 4 Argunw',c. What would the doing away of the vith the general gist ofte argument thai you gain anything boresgn language course. requirement mean In terms of the fate of knowledge or by dropping something witthout Sn adequate substitution. I MANY STUDENTS either heading icr a business or legal knowledgeability' r'he fostering of mono-linguistic ,.ould like tO sUggCStatthstudy of foreign languages. lor career or a career in journalism have the urge to visit or live in chauvinism, even more mediocre than male chauvinism: the instance of German, dots Ibda market for Cmplovment in torelgn countries for awhile. It is the mark of the educated enhancement of the status of the generalist (i.e. the ignorant); States'. rhe United young mian or woman to have opened one's mind to the thrill the seli-immolanion of places of higher education. Ii has been demonstrated in a survey of business Op of understanding the structure and the thought patterns of S. ARGUMENT: What would the doing away of the portunhties mn non-academic organizations that German languages and literatures other than one's own. requirement mean in term's of international understanding? major with the acquisition of some additional skalls has added Fhe inadvertant demotion of foreign products of culture as uorgum~ent's sake, examine the old "dropping' occupational chances on the job market, As tar as choice of lets mor second-rate or hyphenate. worth knowing only through a glass degree% are concerned, the B.S. seems most desirable '"n darkly; doing our share in increasing intellectual nec- combmfatiOnl with German language skills. Quite a few I Argument: What would doing away with the foreign isolationism; accelerating languages requirement the trend of establishing quick and Germun mean in term s o cy Th ia oran izationils hae Ot iingS for applicants with eas educational market values created for immediate self- the downgrading of our intellectual endeavors. THE SURVEY l am quoting from, which was cond ucted in arts program: The following alternate roads of action are suggested: q973, by writing to l00 business establishments and govern- anti-intellectual and ultimately nws I. Change the contents and meaning of the debated ment agencies, resulted in the following points "(I the need 2. ARGUMENT: What would the doing away of the requirement by allowing lhr area studues (discuss politics or for German language skills for career and business and in- requirement mean in terms of standards? Setting apeedent psychology or the like in advanced foreign language dustry or in a service organization is far greater thati generally r ultimtl ongaa ih h aua sciec an discussion courses. assumed: 42) thirt exists an inimediate need for job ap- mathematics requirements lit, then ofuall ruieme ns 2. MAKE ThE PLACEMENT of students (freshmen) an plicants with a thorough knowledge of German, (3) in oc- then of logic, paving way for non-education; reducing the equitable procedure in all subjects. cupational usefulness. German seems to have an edge over 3. Attract students for whom learning a foreign language of colleges; forcing acadenmic-minded other foreign languages: (4) German language skills are acaemic reputation would be a joy rather than a chore; i.e., make the recruitment and literature, to look for desirable as a secondary tool, they are most desirable in tecers pofforeign languages non-biased against foreign languages combination with a Bachelor of Science degree. 4. Admit FORTRAN. the 3. Argument. What would the doing away of the "lingua franca' of the Computer as fulfilling the foreign language requirement. Jun Duval, many other students, and quite a few ad- requirement mean in terms of the (average) ittidait's Age, S. Charge less for required courses. minisuratons outside Arts and Science are wrong in assuming education? A further increase in intake of subjects nowadays ihat the foreign language requirement is just a hurdle to take considered relevant but possibly held irrelevant ten years front Chainnan ADVICE & DISSENT An ans wer to cutbacks EDITOR. I have just finished reading players had nothing to do, Their numbers SITU ITEM one of the mast Intriguing reports I have conec should be reduced, and the work spread more across in quit a while. Te report is the result evenly over the whole of the concert, thus of an organlzatlce and method study of the eliminating peaks of activity. British Royal Pastival Nail. For those readers "ALL THE TWELVE first violins were who may not know It, organization and playing identical notes. This seems un- method research is carried out to improve the necessary multiplication. The staff of this efficiency and effectiveness of bureaucracies section should be drastically cut; if a large lIgi and organizations. volume of sound is required, it could be EVUJI As I read eutrscts of this report to the obtained by means of electronic amplifiers. British government. I could not help but be "Much effort was absorbed in the playing reminded of the eflhrts of some members of of demisemlquavers. This seems an excessive the Florida Legislature, the Board of Regents. refinement. It is recommended that all notes and the UP administratwas to drasticuily should be rounded up to the nearest reduce the operating budget of the University. semiquaver. If this were done it would be SOME WANf 'TO cut here, while others possible to use trainees and lower grade want to cut there. Some want to abolish this operatives more extensively. hi program, while oilmen went to abolish that "THlE CONDUCTOR agrees generally program. The qucstkxm which in my own with these recommendations. but expresses humble opinion has gone unanswered is the opinion that theft might be sonmc falling- simply this: Just how much can be abolished,. off in box-office receipts. In that unlikely L ang uag e is ne ces sary and just how much can be cut. without eveut it should be possible to close sections of EDITOR: I feel there is a institutio, of higher learning our times. We -r quickly destroying the effectiveness and the with a consequential efficiency of auditorium entirely, need to respond to Jim should not be considered becoming aware that tme the University? saving of overhead expense -- lighting, at- DOral's remarks which stupid but merciful (es- nations of the world ane After reading the following extracts taken tendants. etc. appeared in your April 24 pecially if it 'isto be compared interdependent, that tic One bromn the report by 0 & M to the British "If the worst came to wonst, the whole thing issue about this university's to requirements in other nation can exist totally alone. governmnt subsequent to a study cf the could be abandoned and the public could go language requirement. countries). Pointing If isolationism bemmes our Royal Festival Hail, perhaps the answer to to to the Albert Hall instead." Ut is surprising to me that personal experience, I learned theme. then let us deport our his will question become somewhat more such a requirement is con- Gunman. French and Italian evident. a great deal about the D. Barry Lumsden, Associate Professor sidered "useless and ar- structure of language, teachers. For in- considerable periods the four oboe Vocational.,Technical, and Adult Education chaic,' using Duvul's cluding English. while phraseology. Learning a fulfilling my requirement. language is certainly not FURTHER, SAYING that stupid: and requiring just One such a requirement is archaic Joh,3 Barne year of a language in an goes against the realities of 4A5 Cancer volunteers needed EDITOR. In the very near kills, and wt volutee are help- 'Thank yvu. future, hundreds of people working very lid fl pitt the American Cancer Socirty our - Jay Gebbardi *ill be working as vobinteers *1 business. We ask foe your 197$ Crusade Chajnnaa - - for the Americas Cancer Society in Alachus County. In The Independent addition, there will be a direct Florida Alligator- mail request .to all faculty and staff at UF. Thbis letter is Sheile Cop.r G-v 3okn4N bfle S luier a.".'.Ser sigsed by Educatloc Cost- mhulouier Ralph Tuullqgton. Oeug Hotch and It asks for support of the Wire Mie Cancer Society, and for ToSMe. donations.,, Gn Ptr , sp fo .t, Ms.N kmiie IAtIA. iaet. moss S S sP fl~,~'~tSW UE' g cancer -J g It Th eiesd.M RNSid MIle.e, Tuesdey, Apt H 978F 0 CL Ss I S FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR R ENT t.AST clhonc.I Voxton taerac amp Coodon,,num-Ciasceno~e ho Probotlyv AL ENtS SJAS4DI powedfuK pretty, perfect ostewood- nicamw wgound ftoo, uni* on nyth (Special SunmmeaIe) &hronme 53 heodphone. included for Flo.,do bnach Prqced baby, approied S I~,o 125PEA MO tea cosS$2s.Il1373-OdI1 o-5.-20- wasus Colt 3Th-3950 weakdoys - 37S- All unit., 3MB, furnished wIth air Lu'wry 466 w.&.ndt a, nghi. (o-1f12?9) ACCOtJSTtC GUITAR Hormocy with 96 Mercury Cougis Ar-Aulomnik- Awatlabja '0r looa throut Aug 31st coa Was 5)50. now V7S - best off.r rodlxc.Ilcnt making ?W also u.d*6. Prod.,. View Mobil. Villeg. Cal SKIPPY-VS-131 Anylimnt 0-)- food Kenmo. '. 41ig, 75W call Sill -t AvoilobI. to flaw tevon* only Derm size r'*igeraec' lee. than - er niko. flhn $I1V. Viyie flnm IS., old-Parfact thap. Woodgril FInish-only Aikkd. 108mm R17m sOmigf $IshyO S7S coU 392-W26 oft. 3.m, -i-ma 54 sekan it nat.r -, muw .&l -r bat 2 rom mnals naed inirm.Seey off., coil Mik. - V77-436 (.-Sil* Nowalion Village 2 Sdrm 2 bali, lkis is noties of a mola by public oultry of pools 5d. AriI t - ad SP p - m iou or obcndod propeny plus" tnld Coil Linde or Corolla. V34- on U Compi. The otclion will be held Sn.o componann., 44 petalSe aft in lhacollonodereof JW*UonMoy I, lis, oil nar bnt oaa., al 9T5 bog'n'g at O0W a m Included gucanansd. coil ien NO.n - Sfl.IMC0 for auction wili be opreuliety 45 between r, Qr, p al-S-1Z4) *icanflc pool 5, nIl *6to cmpS bicycles. I outooobd., nakely, book. Mug Sefl Eptpoc. mabwse gulimr St na unfwnited al W-VM - clawing. .yegleaa, ec Proeyuty .t .xc.Jln condilioo, aso o Sony ra to *has been' held for 30 days and n-t real ,acder ii perfsci condIlen SIS Wonted m,.l* a femal, ft. Regency claimed by 'I'. rightul owner by 10 U0 .ch rn-C7U (4-Ifl2-) Oaks Ap# Own room 0-~mo. + '-3 a m on Moy I. 1l75 w ll ba ccld.* this stiilhe Nd., sauna, tennis coe cell *public oudory All prcndslogo I.Gor' W7-t06 Available emmadialyl (b-5- II 0.-a- Loon Fund (o-*-lf2-c) -e choice. M1,d fie . nnvlas 122-,) Need W4*.els r'm satting fy ermpety who won bh batr OrGIad aer by .ebwlt Sulluk, 2V5 lor 450 a. o good Soulh's Ladng ArMms Mae Gald - - 2% rolde t.Jvlenl value Call 3f77519 Smith end IopIdIsl. UncendItIonal lutz Gunnae OZtE by opoinirnnt only SEAUTIFUL 72 Kowos.&' 750 lutr rebsin '334 . se-r*- hane clutch. froni compee, vary foe )~ci t + in emcellont cond need tchl 5950 call .70m001 P k e-M d M kn. OWM 3W7-31* (o-St-122-p) man's IC -p hIka 01,009 new Cu- 53 7WSf-flh4 a.le 2 {.5- ) cellen. cwndli. now hubas and heol'w AsIne 575 call 373-3025 0-' + I -3Snch ipeok.r in .ach oiled woinea cb. igh .,,e~cc,.Srnc oldrnw CEA!EST SOW1 regrafully mut 9.1' 2 5325 now 1225 3fl-11* Io-54X4) adhlinia lil, 'p.0k.r. undor winroeny, CLCAI 4 ftm~m.n wfly mwenwa &ing 29" 37ma2 eaaln, p-rcant.,mcirocoi uned mna 'a(-)-) . quarl.r $50. 313-2N. jo-51-12I.p) 54W on. 539~wt -y --n fa P~o. --. ,.Pure.At. rating b.b. .e,FEDERICO FEUJINInenFRANCO CRISTALDI '"re bate.', Coatas tack House 36 0 and Cawi pror.Mlng bhk. .41 My hot mo P-4 oa-h- sosmRy cwm"y Lsa 392-93 0.5- 940 PASSES CS pgDSCOtIN IiCKEtS 3t Usil A?? AC ' IS WAE 1@ni, .).peg bog., hekaks Ig wlhca-.ape. hcbm a TH S C cii. ac ALL CAMVIN EOJIPJNENT A4A 04 SA~l AMlen's Aquadic trll Caste. GE ANS)EflO w fame 12 344W. (nl, Ave flh.2fl (fA-f2-c)

Kenwnod retaivnr 22 wafl pdr c, 2 h .hf. m wlflhawe 2fl espcker, SWR 310 . A P-SM ft ciiSw twlbl lloyd cmees dck, lheod- a-N OMI po.e. 2O lbuM.,, 50 8 ,.ck. - 0 I11I SW 10' Ave tk. 24 1.4.12-12c) WI7 Meb$t l'.a, *.a bad mc.".e, h.'ng room. lron.4 afd kltchen a RIDAY waie cenia -i end I.eac poet. ., g-~ ., m .e iCS M4i "rella aMr 4SWA ted b.6.@e AM a.oft.e 4 m PM 3W7-lead

p) Odd E.,glnI SMpdg. 3 niorit old nage AkC 0,. ,ouAu blood ifle .agamned priced St $150 37,S.54I 0a

mammm- - bali., haont. compial haste -ud tble eyrscrdr cts 70114 as AWA L L FOR RENT

Mowing Cang ilmWi n 6 Sp

Willed Reel te ma-09 Eb.r-II5.) SCAN SEP VCOJ fl A lM- ( AMr. J.Sl kids. Seebs C0 a &.W.fl a eenue, 7ma. (BM-0d- SPECIA L GUEST & RON MARANdIAN "Te Asmnea Cofiwdi- op. Ie he di.,wr ar fall q.,ae. C.Nl leal P74-W0 (b-tb-I1529c 11 2 be~s.m I beh *snldmad qs -e esat her see.e Ca.e so en,. - .5.

T V' S

-- pame - -a'W PS Iau.a s

U-- -asanaurest ===uier a .aem YOU'LL LOWE

4444444444 -- e.--.a.-o -.-. . -e.-. --. a .-. I. lb.e hldependet Msd MlIgaer, tuleday. A4.129, i97&, Pei l

DON'T FIT? S WE CAN A1UM amt FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT lemol. ms.o, grad tiudo, HELP WANTED #011 htei 00 enosi h' pivocy Vt 90 ag copswl Four gtnsy go eus gJs to hdp o CIaaaIflrds eS b-S-If) IOM&'y furn , block krom campus $90 P'eggy after SW - p- rn -3c {.-2- '4 u.l,,s ca1 3fl7962 Av iaenow, lea. lru ougutl, 'riew muia. (b-Sq120-p} 376.4446 2 b' fur" qt'itnd fol2bidup*.M 2 mi Ia uf n action Wonied ciew monoge, part Nme lm,,,f.'o" Slc*'secuu'iy dso|i ,eh daygne ad olt-124)n SEW w wvda'ay pai 'obI. irevgh Sep. IS 263-mil, IOdn Sn., is 2 hdn. wron.r Quist roomnae ad~d to he a hoist formiutin Coil FtA Time, Unto V2-MSI eonlocrelemimwcteeg'edh Sblock, fromn1$campus available now GMe Plsny shreebedroom, api ovoiobi. or oflytir. up to July I Mijeront Nflo*r5~ h.,.de lI-*-149) far 'ubiti., PI.,ty of spar. and many rhrout Aug 31 opIono,.nl f - cd 3_73.Of3b (b-&r124-p) AUTOS Iroomnie worked - Is.oitrk (bl-'2p ma 7.51 a377-I FOft MNl'dom bdrm in house II bikw Mos Soll 1972 tlode 350 CL helmet, + Ma2ia .SM I-es CWno Ony b'a, block. 'rom conpus frai con. own bat S5po sion4, rock, dialr,, MM anedftot, cell fl4-399 -. UNISTY APTS now *0 Q0mibV 3* (bh-llb) ventrn for hs til Call 372-0739 (b-)-124-p) cok hor - (&1-4.) neot sudenw or to sutlet my l97t CAPRt 4 .peed low mileage, 'mry emclman o'e , aet 'e---0 +s---ton '.,rS.-lesn fwmnshd. Put Conroi Pp.s allowed in .l.d.,,mCorn. soon. beow.- 't roa, narge houe ,erd.w $.50 mneil rent plus ana Akr Candlqcned S'rnimg Pool You '4 iulli.e Cal W7- .SOA |37 Lee -meg far May (b)- WA4 fla 124. na. .om. by lb. offe. 524 Oewflju vn& yew geMd heaM. N Cal Awe, needav SW. -hys~A ohemnocnh 6-. ewt yi,.p m.Jnoeq liweheig WANTED Pelts P724 ., Sbe $ ., (1-Ip) llaon o lease Hugpiok. on poeeny Sho~ebarnin 2 bdrmn ,radwrck Gren WANTED Vw Ppp .per *-4r hr 3 hcwsed off 14ovfhamne Rd &nly $150 445s p-il gee barbeque Ari1 rir, .4 Wetsn Vc inI June Will pay r free $5623rno + I-tMl Jo. V84flS .eeluayenwhy c rvM. rmgn Sb& loe. Wolk IoU'fo'.eenty TO hene 6 horn., all walking dieanc. to note looking for on or two too.Yne. GHT Oaa Yap? Wt - got ue 0 fo oi ut .n~c y oak, 3 74-W5 Watth m Yap WC Un . EUAsaoc 377-6992 HUbS law bOA cf-a h - f- ' -- *odnad ter .-ed--nh -s Avail Foilr Ot IWSup Phy vohepitol this fail 7+ uallie Gory a, Keith 392-?SN (c-5-1fl) ,.q. .elaltew ,nl.,.,. V ,.maprs. m.,.P 2 r.,.,ob. fm.,. ro .es ,0, 7k MaydIe WIt 1 S wd hom.~#sae., no. wased,'0.ti. W4-oem YS S 4. bp4t-NW 2 avaIl wirdineodown 0 75 m + %. wiliies. S S bd hautSe ovolab e call or6 37S-l903 ask for J. Lynn (C. COED'. facial hal, renqevod per- Sr K ID S L.a C.nSV kM~d. pngMSM 377-6992 "o'.'W-y Cell Edmvnd Owye., - COW ~SUVO op price. saW d clots lid en Mc 9 door Sw WaS t~. CsSIft 8:15 p.m. -~. . sw .e. up at ,. tatnmg Juno l57 Wond Singla gWIr Ia hshe I 'Ighie? meeting nnol.? Women's ylw-pod sudants ~ 0 ne Call A- Jf-IW6 niu* 33-fl (b- oport a. Brondywin. permonent Aeuelsas Tmn lang ep t.s nho r t.i. neded l0 pe ff*Ol fat room afe fl NI' -e is 7O ., The.oboo c arcivn mobIlo ho.,, call 3n8-927S Kay (c-ar-124P) OEUSEAS SOB Auseelic, Eorn. S, fo e . evoot. now .d. 711 3 SW AcmrlaM. bu.e,.aeas worl we're living In LI. , * ne. horn fr . it ., HELP WANTED S. 6-eC TVCftnnWS. A WMI,.Vr Medical Trmhnologwt noeded her '-3 W10- Oar --- Ma- C.lMfrU (i.-I.) If Ecfa 2 PM S S Ms progyeul on Mhu southeonot n 04 510P wuin hikes and cwtbedks Nop4. Vdme ths Wd M EC4A Fl''da Genorcue fringe bersfl inI- ccnc.,nod with qualIty in hltho incudese S.6 I. cat,,ms $ltimo cluding lue Cros-tue 51.1.ld wIll. .dijcln ist pbade ph.s cdll M .sa hai. Lhla~afwn~.d col ty oc al motor nodicad, dlsobflhiy, retImeet risen| -r W74UI (c-IW.t) ~Il~a 'wd |':c*l- o 2 ' S W--a a.)34M- lmm ca. m * .p nsji ,, w i rll. eels c . m, . go Ajnewqtne . Wa-C - Perarson Direct.r, Mailin MenWrIGI Hto4.a P0 SIn 2St6 Stuet, Fko. iln rotded -*-" - vnelve & Sinai flfl(.5-1-) bin A aS yb a a dai-b am Publi R"o indaent nedud sONI involves waiting newelher S ALLYUCAN EK brochres, pie cominny ralolone, 1450.41 N Sd agiw Ohr* Thatk you 4PM-1OM * , P-s . h.f,. .M .th. J.4, Mik. M.e amFR mFRIES, Ovoid apep Rkk and Deugr s ad bum mlig g - ,h -" --- ewit .- -- - NIEPhIZ$ALL DRINKS hmt.ji mt~o tefr. eas a m IUeSSWis 15S LOST FOUND eat S4* asAwS FouwdIs &.rach. - en d Tennis ge.n 7ht gi 7 UF4M Cors- Apfll 2f Call Tim -e identify

tot p. metul-bram* glees euwni Il s, ble'." Univ. Ane and koer Service. If found plea """"tum colt Dcc S W77-W7fl. (13-122.) t f.,.ah Htdieleperd "tint No toiler, ahend id. + ntmch, hlaein - bock Plea.e call 3SMrs hear -er Apa bead

AS TAAS# SY MMsA0 #MflSS4 ~F~t- u- A- eoybnme -al :: De.n Tneins dyisai.k~ nteng atet of l acflon ret deco.r ten leeo Ake TM rmucon hlu teiucke ini.tng horn . . . . deegneM rossnd rdbc ony n- ha06 Api 29 U' 6PM . Tle deep -es gen, trm a ltw minutes gg g df TrtSVSire Sf~o" lwi daly provides tl alE 0 .ih. Kl bndson for a more enriqel4i succeaslul lilt Eneryoiw Wgetrn anlzeiGmer.xixn. 1 ismweI#&Si&a.a S , i e -4

% 12Th. hS. 9 .das N.M. Mugs., ?, Dpit fl In! A LLIGATOR

* me a * * S.,- CLASSIFIEDS *

* .a-mm - * - - LOST & FOUND SERVICES Ifl * *.wotd fo. return ci conI*M .aco. pock I 0 ~CTOS UK.: flop.!, from parking let K I. moth., pofl~Ofll. ,*tumn*s, ond oppluco'on. *13.'.--: .o4. 5 22 binown loose-led notebook nolurci *ytJ. porno.Is 3770191 como a. -a 'ib book 3fl97 LA4-124-p) work liudip 219 W Untv An FT. * -a. 9) p1 * sam. CAN YOU HANDLE A CRISIS OQ SERVICES EMEGENCY~t .0.,, Ic gain wnIroi hrout SlIP I 0 fl*W. un'qu. KrcIom HOIStS OSO, 6 ml l~E of (if bnt !fl tu'~HvoI ~.chn'qnt and *nh.g~ncy coca & Med. & friendly oil IflpeaFon offered by he In'wq~uI* fat ~'"- Imp flu p~ ~ patiur. * d~. saudy ci lcd~yiduoI SurvFvol, Inc * S S25~ 3fl-019. k.ep*vkg(n,-&124 PPE~ pobi't and open house. * S p1 Was. A~.ui flIt 7 ~pn,. o, *nd * a W',~f 0 'Q 'nod. Apt. hcc~,on Suihdin * 5'- I * * $YPNcS I*LPS PI~E ATTAIN GOAtS * -- SY AIDWG seNy Pt4YIJCAL A~ NrAL * 'h~45u.u S Nt 5O~3-C) - A*IL flY-Sl1JCY W-MEAOY-AIHETCS * iaa-mmrn5 L.a.,, .aJf-hypncais an-sw9 OanoId C- * ~ ,yp*c. crmlo ma., au,., potent 'mm Pc4 n *xp .tw.d ,yp'g. no in .gII.I, 'be' .ao,. -- phone aS~84, (m2~.IP-p) W.dding~ rnvi~o~on. from Ii 40 Pu a S ~ Two .nk. d.Ihn.y I4un&.d. ai * tYPING sava * E.p.Ieoc.d ,yp.r. sty'. din Ho'' 03 N. h~,n S Any '"saint SM SIn*k 31-koLw V6-995I (1-ft-lC-c) * I mts S .vic. OlIvmy Coil 463-fl. n,.IO. 'IS-a) S a ,~, ~*-- A scLcios.vcing aps 2*-aR -- ti Cd~ :2 ripe. rentals. o., Ton, A11., Wild Kmgdon, cc tV) AIIm A~uOkt troll Csn, 34 Uniwashy An ~T- IeCfr "WE

1l per asn off aids. Smmd. Ugrurlum. I

gi* I l0 perasc NcolmdI

Fm. bailt ti, a symua I -I laEns cwa a., .en I _e-_-__. .e_-____I I Call for more information. e ___i 3T-4W --'-"''-

wowa. I .0 pa n aS .0Cly Pelt, Saucers - SBowsl Dial., Cactus, Hanng% Sakt COOKIES .o- m oj~J Jijs I A buker'. Dozen(13) for IHom e Made S Wholesome $1oo. 520 N W 16th Avenue Ga~nesviIHe, I I MOTHER EARTH 004 NW 13th it. U> L i--ne -.-- -- J -e K Low students can act also ,. ak -- What is soentertanang about she law or lw k now n "the Great Dissenter" m reference to the many minstrel. He timoe. produced. acted in and directed the act' me general Iipreion of that aspect of 1he origial decisions he handed down thdle serving on the John Marshal Bar Associalions skits last iall. (nurn Susan Demern, also 41W. is playing Fanny Dmxwell ,sal law students at U can be deemed Oliver Wendell Holmes had an olympian career as the wwtus. In fact. here at the Spessard L It is ben rsnted at the law school auditorium at eqed book Supreme Court Justice to have the longest tenure. 20 years. ilid Law Cants, there are several talented students. R8:I5on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 29 and 30. It is oit What's gnaw., thms ladustrious students of the law ar The law students are nectiving asajatance from die taet of dhe Holmes Symposium which wsin murs a facet of pieucnga ploy astise The Magnificent Yankee" by Gamnesville Little Theater in the formi of costumes, props Law Week (April 23-May 2). and some directing. TIckets lb.r he show are 50 cents and can be purdhasad MI the =ct=r km she play are law students. It is about Richard Donelan. 4LW. plays the part of Oliver as the Constans Theater Box Office. Rebel Discount. cr at er wendell Holmes. Jr. the Supreme Court Justice Wendell Holmes. 1r. Many describe him as the school the door.

hWt. Tn s . dnn d r TA flenCiCtep3n Floid Aliao L b isy Ds pS9gg U S ENTERTAI NM ENT Lightning fizzles for the Dirt Band Roth.w by MICHAEL SKINNER

I'd say about 7,MG people stumbled around the Union lawn Saturday night, while the itty Gritty D0kg lied played away and God's great houselights blew and crackled in she air uumewbere tows Jachsnva~d. The llghtuin tiSa -n cue that night, as everything seemed to go well Even Steve Martin. the flrMs haede no-show wasn't missed, as replacement act Rosewater Blue played a co~mpetS.n Was n ttay original opening set. But then was -o Asninh kt was Nitty Gritty's night. They seem to Tike GaInesville. mid playpury weB bere. Thsey were joined on a couple of tunes by Randy Scrus and Jody Mpahis fresh ftm the Eeli Scruwg show at the Great Southern the night before. It was, simply, a good she. No one went through transcendental metaphysics as the light the., slid the Wand didn't need 50,000 watts of distortion wrge the message across. I havesa friend who lives Iwo miles away from campus. She said she heard the conceit on her hroot pordh. I was amazed. masked her what it sounded like. TY WflT AND "Is scuaded Nik. the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band from two miles away. 'she said. NIflY .icjoned by Randy knragge and Jody Math

A s ymphony emerges Ouch, that hurts The -u and blue skies of spring uake it Imperatvhe Ma fieds to gut sogtwe ad ponty. The weather Is suitable for block parties and there will probably be many coming up. It's difficult to ind sanething wing with this jo.'lalky expect .ome pwol se to ruIn It lb Sbhus by taking dvantage of cpan boas from one lone guitar It's casme to die enteflalnmeut edits aatteatla. that a pitar. a camera. muosey sad thsee watches we nibulng the day after the block petty Frldsj night on dhe 00 block of NW 3 Ave. That wizone of the parties of the yes. The hast furnIshed beer, ponck and lih, metic They said they were glad so many people had a -oo time, but awee pretty dismayed at this Leo Katke's Wiing"f bad karma. of the luintrs J3-abig Apparently, future hosts should be astern as to their ulales when atwtainug guitar skewS have been friends. Sad but true. bIled equahoJaeeCclIa Whoever might know what happened should remember that Its "vr -vs to put ft butk young's Jmy, .Sa.r from where it came. I 5 the Joshamw.ll Civic bend were in spbflb tern. Chicka- Chicka what? but they noemhd -a I 0%t Blues mc ina cotmn The 2-year-old John Mayd.l "lbs Godfather of h musIcian kem 4he' Blue.," wil b. bSrIn 1 his sounds Is Gga -rwe uhb IS Gainesd~ie Thursday. May I * at the Orest yeats ofpm atllqc d@ Southern Hall. 'hr the tucedes of the The 4 -year-old EnigiSh composer. hands complete smuti. 'igr,and musician has beau producing Kat.', music was a distinctive soundi-from the basic blues crs bar a dudasa and patterns for over a decade. Cotrty. It was UiJ@yale With over it) albums to his credit, so line Ise and e IRNmo Maymil has established himself well Au exciting tO watdi asie today's musical .wird. Yet. It I. strange changed chords and the man who helped bring the lues to the pttkad wit. inning sped English, cannot read or write music. and evum mowe estoubIsng tine of his better knoen albums was ease The malec was clean,. "The Turnn Point ." when Mayall put sharp. melodIous uid together a baud without drums. The emotiwial. album niso lacking. however, as Mayill Those who have no1 effectively used skit to potray the rhythm. heard tha moj proficient LEO KOTTICI There wlI be two shone, at 8:OG and tultarlss- ~a4nd should ll:0O p.m. The tickets cost 55.00 for flu MAVAU -a otPicker In the East, West run ceck cat awe of his general admisssi. . Emnt Is Move albums. -- V U 'S

The Independent Florida Alligator P.,.a34 Iwdy. 4.619. 191 H ealy-up to UF from down under Dy KEITH CANNON a good doubles player. And we gel along okay on the count " Alllgua. Spart. Write. Recordwis., Hotly's singles performance has not matched has doubles record. He is 2.2 since assuming the No. Sspot in Six months ago. Richard Healy and the Ustiversity of the Miami match. He took one of the GstoWs two singles Florid. men's tennis team were literally half a world apart. victories in that cents and also won in the Pepperdine But a letter last September to Coach Bill Potter spanned match, but ha. dropped his matches against Tennessee and the IOXX) miles front Auckland. New Zealand to Hogtown,. Kentucky. USA. And now the freshman front "Down Under" is the "I PLAYED TERILE in both (losses)," he said. "I know starter in No. Ssingles for the Gttor fetters. I can play better. It's just a matter of confidence." How. you might ask, did this "Tale of Two Hemispheres" Much of that confidence lies in his serve, which he feels is start? Mealy explained. "A fellow New Zealander who had his main asset. Aid he frets he hasn't had to chapg his style played in America said this was an ideal school and -n ideal since coming to UF. He said, "I'm playing the same type of climate for tennis." The idea of playing at UF appealed to RaJe-serve and volley. These are fast courts, but it's the Hotly so he sent an inquiry to Potter. After mouths of same all over the world." correspondence, a UF tennis scholarship ofer was on Its way With his brief experience in American collegiate tennis, to Mealy and Healy was on hi. way to the U.S. Healy is following In the tennis shoe tracks of several of his ThE FUESHMAN, who was the New Zealand hardeouft fellow countrymen who -r playing at U.S. colisges and champion in the under I9 age bracket in 1973, broke Into the universities. Chris Gunning of recent UF opponent Pep- UF lineup soon after arriving here during the spring break. perdine Is -n example. "We have a lot of good players." Mealy He made his debut teaming with Chap Brown In No. 2 said. doubles. 'Tht two freshmen have gone 7.0 since their first DUT MAnE NO WISTAEE about It, he doesn't want his match tqgether against Wake Fortst. , country's tealis suwcss attributed to any Influence from the Asked the reason for their success, Mealy said, "It's dif- other South Pacific mass producer of tournament wimasen- ficult to explain, actually. . .Chap Is a good doubles player. Australia. "New Zead is well apart from Australia. It (N.Z.) Is a He's got a good aere, and If you have apgod serve, you can be country all Its own," Italy said. Tlowe people appaeetly believe in developing tennis Orane ad BluBe players at -n early age, becams Richard began playing almost before he could manage to -e over the net. His first time -n the courts in organized play was -s a callow youth of eight. TE Ym- ADMs nte acl*gizedetn game Sal urday He is, however, part of a UF teem looking for -n SEC UF's spring football game * Noon-I p.m. - Gakor. championship. As far ashe knows now, he will be playing at May 3 wall begin at 3 p.m. floater Luncheon No. Sin the SEC tournammntmi two weeks. billowing the anal Picture * -12 p.m. - Gator It might seam that he will be at a disadvantage, since he Day for Gator (ams and their Booster Meeting minsed four 53C dual matches by joining th. team at mid- children. I * h:20-L:25 - season. He will be looking at most of his opponents for the This session will a.11 Awarding of Trophies first time. Healy commented that he "redly couldn't say" Florida faos to bring their p*l:2S-l:45 p.m. - Talk by whether this would be a factor, but he has one area of ex- cameras and pose their Coach Doug Dickey perience to fall back upon. children. or themselves, * 1:45-2:15 p.m. - Hail of with "'m used to tobynaments more than team games," he said. photo by bob vwool Gater players at Florida Fame Ceremony "It will depend a lot on the draw, because I don't think FIl be Field. * 2:15-2:45 p.m. -- Picture solded." urS NaStAER ICHARD HALY Complete time schedule for Taking Htaly may be a stranger to his opponents now, but he .com. 10,000 mIletoeplay tennIs the Orange-Blue Day: * 3 p.m. - Kickoff hopes to give them a proper introduction at the SEC.

t) -I

lb. Inje.a,& eot dM l.g r, yv.edey, Asdt 2. 9. r eeIS Foreman vs. ENGLISH five bums "I AND BINDNG shows he's pretender Gold imprinting When Joe Louis was the only decent contenders. fought. Foreman has been Complot. library heavyweight boxing champ a Joe Frazier and Ken Norton. continuously criticized for the Books restored generation ago, the Brown have already lost to Foreman quality-or lack of sam.--o( Thesis Disasnltons Bomber fought a suceesuion and Muhammad All. With his opponents. Actually, this Periodicals of alqeed challengers in what hemophiliacs like Chuck is a charge that it easily Not Geograph icalI was labelled "the Bum-of-the-. Wepuer and Joe Bugrnr being refitted, for at lenst three of Month Club."' treated as legitimate Foreman's five foes In Mogazin. 0. Saturday, April 26. challengers to AlL, boxing's Toronto were alive and Bibles - Hard soft 1975 alleged heavyweight blue-ribbon weight class breathing regularly. This is Covers contender George Foreman Medical books gathered .11 his bums in one Choice of coverings basket and simultaneously DAI MLE Free estimates bored a Toronto audience and television viewers nationwide Phone by dancing with five has- 373-Sail beens ant never-werns in one OPNO 177- ~SO afternoon. Frankly. I've never seen so appears to have fallen on hard more than one could say many stifhs in one rang since I about Joe Roman or Ron attended a Mortuary Science Promoter Don King Lyle. convention a couple of years (remember his brother Sky?) Leading off the Maple Leaf ago. Former champion there docdded to come up Massacre was Alonto GeorgePeman wasn't much with a unique GIMMCK Johnson, who in the first better; he is a true "pretender that would combine the round juatifled his long- to the throne" in th. literal spotting grace of roller derby standing anonymity by sense of the phrase. with the subtlety of a Chuck displaying all the F O RE MAN W A S Bardis game show. And so five aggreflveneus of the South OVERWEIGHT Saturday Christians were to he Vietnamese Army. Johmaca afternoon, but he mad, up for sacrificed rn the toothias was knocked out in the it by being slow. Goqe-o lion, five men fighting second round and, upon George was not terribly agile Fasen In the All-American regaining consciousness, was at 232 pounds, as his cx- city @1 Toronto. arsed for impersoaatIug a cessive avoirupois caused him AS A MATrER of fact,. boxer. to move more like Hienuan ever since wavn the flag at A COUPE of Great White Kahn than Billy Conn. With a the 1%68 Olympics, George Prayers, Jerry Judge and baleMa start directed at each Foreman has fought in such Terry Daniels, likewise wait opponent. George tried hard pisces a Jamalca, Ttkyo and two round., and Daniels to resemble the late and Zaire. the latter undoubtedly promed to somewhat of a unlamented Sonny Liston, the only department store to ringer by actually throwing a thoug lacking the latter's hast a boxing .uatdi. Perhaps few jabs. Then Chardey Polite abundant wit and charm. George's next bout will be in acted like his surname and A dmi t t edly , t h e Switzerland, so he can pay a backed Into the ropes and heavyweight division is in a vklt to his money. tried to hide behind his somewhat moribund state. as No matter when he ha. Finally, big Boone Kirk- man nearly died In the Nurt round but reawvered to hold SCOREBOARD on ad stay on his fret fir the entire three rounds, as Polite had don. before him. When it was all over. George Forema, received a -- -- LI- *L a standing boo from the - I' Tomanto fan. who astutely recognized that Muhammad I - Hit All I. the prettiest and the a - ,-- - - U best heavyweight around. ft.- While watching George - -I - 1 Foreman plodding and - U~~ * - gruntlng hls- way Into the Can. . ,,.I heamnsof no one at all, I - Alt, recalled Joe Esterhax' - -- a ROLLING STONE . - - - . descrIptIons of ESe Knievel. - - S - of the Goon." - - I. S - - "King Eval, k ooks lk, you've get - a black counterpart. ESe

.- yn S * I- S

Goons. The poue S whyir's cadfd Ow GAINUVI~LE To smy ji pmvublfiink, (legaJ inall HIGH SCHOOL 50Olls akcmdbntend is suime. Hei may say:,Wha's SwamnpwatctTic him the nx fl! 'lb Ite oanegg af Green Chartreuse, IWO SHOWINGS 4p.- 7p.m. 1900N.W. MSA St. $2 DON AlfO S.GC1Osy SCHEFFaSLNCa NEtC' raOnsoms BY SI1JO8d MwRMWOEI cmuCMT t .1 V 'S P.,. II The hd.p.dns N.M. M%.i.r, TueSey. 4.41 ft. IWO wins 23rd | FREE ELECTRONIC ENGINE Tennis team i NALYSI$ wi hAH

__ y.fCM3M By KEITH CANNON uebreaker to keep his undefeated string of 25 matches intact. L .GM AtM.e Sped.s Writsr He defraued Gary Roebtick 6-4. 7-6. UP's Kunnen and Gascher teamed up fbr a 6-3, 6-3 victory James E. "Cy" Puckett would have enjoyed it. against Weinstein and Oliver in the No. 3 doubles. The UP men's tennis team observed the dedication of their in the No. I doubles. Diaz ajd Preusly shook off some serve brand new tennis clubhouse, named for the late Mr. Puckett, problems and defeated Alvarado and Roebuck 7-5, 7-5. The an avid UF tennis booster, with a 9-0 win against South UF' duo was in tywible early. a. they fell behind -4O with Florida Monday afternoon. It was the 23rd U!' win against Pressly serving and their opponents ahead 1-0 in games. They two losses. can,. back with five straight points to wi., a deuce game and But before the Gatou, could retire to the showers for the hie the set. Diaz was broken in his first turn as server, and the 1db. Na.s bmed.Sbid hme Is afternoon, they had to battle for almost three-and-s-half Brabmims forged ahead 4-2. but lost five of the next six hours with Coach Dan Holcombe's BraJhmins, now 16-6. am es. All six singles matches went to the Gators in straight sets. The situation was nearly reversed in the second set. in the No. I contest, UF's Juan Dinz defeated Carlos Alvarado and Roebuck fell behind early. 4-I; they tied the set Alvarado of at 4-4 biut lost the second set by the same swore as the first. USF 7-S. 6-i. Dave Pressly survived a strong * Dhscount prices on G.,ild, finish by USF's George Palinski to win the No. 2 match, 6-2, Healy and Brown (UP) played the only three-set match of Ya~m e.,d .ccesm.I.s 7.6. cihe evehling against Lanikin and Falinski in No. 2 doubles-. * earns -n gflwr, mndIhn A The Brahmins' Mike Weinstein fell easily to John Kunnen The Gator duo took come-from-behind 6-71 6-3. 7-6 victory 6-3. 6-I in the No. 3 match. to end the match. .Cowh.pla e ki flai UF's Chap Brown defeated Kevin Oliver 6-2. 6-2 in the No. The Gators' next matches are this weekend on the road at M is-l mam 4 match, while Richard Healy disposed of USF's Gruff Ole Miss and Vanderbilt. Coach Bill Potter's squad then 311AbM*a gm Lamkin 7-6. 6-4 for a No. 5 victory. returns home for a Monday afternoon match against Valdoata in No. 6 play, the Gators' Jim Oescher had to take a State to finish the regular season. ECKANKAR-The w Path of Total The 6 iVRn. Awareness CoPrner i Introductory Tat -'If 29th-NO3 value mean more for your money. It means long lasting, quality materials, fine Api craftsmanship end a comfortable, patented product. Aseia Union Rm 121 . What's more, school andals are versatille. Because they look terrific with almost anything- eas, dreses, shorts, whatever-they do the job ad a whole wardrobe df regular shoes.

371-i1588 AddIt ll p.And step into the vowlortable Wie-in Soholl sandals. FREE-Public Welcome Still need a Summer Job? beach- Earn over $200 per week seasoned European beedhwood. Tough, to reais chlpping and Interviews -Wed. April 30 Distinctive design for style. feet' 5 pm Reitz Union-Rm. iSSE



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