The Independent 'UE )AY API-9,17 Florida 'gator VOL 67, NO. 123 Idb cmu o mnch n n Go nesyvil. FlrndO Not oH~If.'Iv osswc04 we h oest * odo -J Jaworski discusses Nixon 'demise ' Dy STUART EIMNIClI the slammer?" Jaworski asked the packed audience. Allgatar StaffWase JAWORSKI SAID the principal indictments have already Former Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski said here been brought In the Watergate case. but Ihe said there were Monday former President Richard Nixon was guilty of still two investigations continuing when he left. obstruction of justice, but should not be imprisoned for his One was further investigation into the "23 minute gap" on role in the Watergate scandal. one of the Nixon tapes and the other was the alleged Sl00.00 "When a man steps down from the office of the Presidency Howard Hughes payment to Nixon's friend Bebe Rebozo. in disgrace and shame and retires into infamy . I don't laworski explained there was not enough evidence to bring know how much more a man can be asked to give up," charges against anyone in the tape gap incident. Iaworski told a law school audience. EXPERTS DAVE SAID anywhere hrn five to nine JAWOESKI, at UF as part of a "Law Week" program. said Nixon was "guilty of obstruction of segments of the tapes showed signs of stopping and starting justice., but was which can only mean it was a deliberate erasure done neVer indicted because of constitutional questions. manually." Jawornki explained. Jaworski became special prosecutor in the Watergate case "I have my own suspicions (about who did the erasing), but after the tiring by then-President Nixon of Archibald Cox. we don't have enough evidence now to indict anyone.' he Jawonski. who said be took the job only after receiving saad. assurances of complete independence from the U.S. Congress. argued successfully befte the U.S. Supreme Court that the Jaworski also said the neW government prosecutor, Harry "Nixon tapes' must be released. Ruth. was investigating any possible involvement Rebozo had THE TAPES DECISION as generally acknowledged as the in the illegal campaign contributions, but that no charges beginning of the end for Nixon. have been brought against him. Jaworaki also brought criminal charges against top Nixon ALTHOUGH PAINTING a grim picture of many top aides H.R. Haldeman, John Ehtlichman, Jeb Magruder and government officials involved in iliqgal activities. Jaworiki Former Atty. Ga,. John Mitchell. said he was convinced Watergate "was not ring to happen Instead of naming Nixon as aft indicted co-conspirator. again anytime soon, you can be sure of that." Jaworski said the prosecution decided to "let impeachment Jaworski explained at.a press conference later Monday that take its course" and handed over all relevant information to "Washington is so different now." the House Judiciary Committee. "Someone who comes in to use his influence and power in JAWOESKI SAID the report laid out "every step that led unethical ways would not have a chance, he would just be to the obstruction of justice" and caused the "political demise slitting his own throat." Jaworski said. of Former President Richard Nixon." HE ADDED THAT large companies will also be reluctant "Richard Nixon would never have rmigned his office if he to give campaign contributions in the fixture because of legal did not think he would have been impeached.' the Tenas problems some of them &.re facing following the 1972 lawyer added. Presidential election. Jaworski said he first realized Nixon was involved in the Jaworski warned that colleg. students, although COVer up in Dcc. 1973. dislluuloned about government In the aftermath of "I WENT AND TOWD General (Alexander) Haig (White Watergate. should not give up any ideas about going into House chief of staff) that the president was culpable,." politics. ph"'t b *dceM Jaworskl said. "Th. saddest most tragic thing (about Watergate) would be LEaN JAWOASKI "I. It whe fbr the naion to haveits fruer Presdeuntslt in if young people should be persuaded to stay out of -po ja cs" .unwise fortNixon to 'sit Inth. slammer' Female interim prof gets rehired offer protes ting dis crimination y ArET FAUX DURGOON SAID Hutchinson did not know of the possible Atb. Staff waiver. An Interim faculty member, notified her contract would not Burgeon's second basis for requesting her case be reviewed be renewed next year. claimed UF' should have made an effort '.as the disproportionate percentage of women affected by the zo retain women recently hired, and won her job back. policy of informing all interim. faculty members their con- Dr. Judee Burgoon was one olive women in interim faculty tracts would not be renewed. positions who were told their contracts could not be renewed Six of the 20 originally notified were women, or 32 per cent. next year because of uncertain budget conditions. Only 32.9 per cent of the UF faculty members are women, but DR, ROBERT DiYAN, inteuin. vice president for the interim professor category contains 24 per cent female academic affairs, said her position .111 be available tor lier. members. Burgoon end UF officials described her situation: Burpoon said. "it is only because the university was remiss She was offered the position of assigtnt proeso of in cte past in hiring women that so many women now fail In speech which includes research adteaching dtimas well as the interim and tenured rankL." directing the Ibrernics program. This was only an las posItion, and she received it on UROOOM'I CLAIM of dIscriminatory release from her Augpst 5th because interim department chairman Edward contract, which shte termed "violatio, of the spirit of af- Hutchinso. told her a one month period was required to ftrmative actloa," was backed up by Dr. Dorothy Nevill, advertise the permanent position accnedlq to affirmatve interim affirmative action coovdlnato. action guidelines. Nevill said none of the officials who reviewed Burgeon's SHE wAS TOLD an interim appoiflment required -o case found "overt discrlminadlot" but placing har In the advertising and "I felt my credantlals and perftrmance in the interim situation at first was a result of strict adherence to job would ensure nit a permanent position. I had dlar ex- affirmative action guidelInes. pectation of the line (fbeulty position) becoming pennanet." Nevill recanmended, to demonstrate UF's commitment a. phabyobdy upn-il Burp. stressed the oily reason she accepted the interim the spirft as well as the principle of affirmative acion, that Haopphiess It. status was her belief Sad Hutchinson's statement that af- Burp.n he awarded a permanent faculty posItion f.r 1975- trmaelne action guidelnes would delay a permanent pesitioc 76. Onea hot day, tore', taing Int. Ice cr., tacol fcr 1974-75 past the begluning of ,he foensics season. ISV OFFICIALS accepted this ricanmaed abe,. arnd irtudt a weary body. At leest Aols ihe opinion She later discoveftd affirmative action recriutmeut Burgeon Is the first woman to complete the aumoatiwe oS ils dog who found lwpplnesu In cup continingn9 guidelines could be waived in certain cases where the can- action grievance procedure. wridh wins Swiped sqratly erne oS Ucekin Robblns SI flavors. As expected, he did didate was a woman or minority worker, the type of esployc from the normal faculty and eareerernIm please no. leave enyting cve, the guideline. wre designed to attract. procedure. ,gh tli. lae6k Ma~ *Jlers~i&Sd, 4w a, inrs tuesdlay McCain resigns in compromise cc psulo TALLAHASSEE. ELA. (UPD-)-Gov. Retbin Askew ac- political supporters and accepted and failed tt rpOrt L cepted the resignation of Supreme Court Justice David L campaign contributons. McCaln Monday, allowing him to avoid impeachment and a McCaIn insisted in his resignation letter he was guilty of possible conviction of judicial wrongdoing that could bar him nothing but compassionn for your flow man" but added he Guerikis ake Irael forever from holding public office or practicing law. did not want to put his legislative Mrend. In the position of Askew and the legIslatIve leadership agreed to a com- having to vote on hiL record during eight years as a District promise that lets McCuin remain on the court until Aug. 31 to Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Judge. help clear out a heavy load of eases that have already been It was a foregone conclusion the Noose would have made misio in S . Africa argued and are ready for decisions. McCaln the first Florida Supreme Court Justice to be im- a said a Sente trial would have cost , Chief Justice James Adkins, after conferring with McCain poached, and Hush said JOHANNESBURG (UPI) -- Armed guerrilla., somec or all weekend, assured and legislature Askew the that McCain at least S2OOC0. them Japanese. took over the Israeli Consulate Monday. would take no ,n came during the four months he ranains seized nine men, women and children hostage and threatenici on the corn. amid bursts of machine gun fire to blow up the building "1 anm convinced this is the wise course," said Chairman unless the Israeli Ambassador negotiated with theij. William Rish, D-Pwlt SI. Joe., whose House Impeadhmeat Police reported at least two persons killed and more than 30 Committee had already drafted for a vote Thursday unrefuted injured when the guerri"lasraed bullets into 'unchtime charge. McCain tried to rig decisions to favor friends and condoms by ma il crowds in the streets below the fifth-floor consulate office in a WASHINGTON (UPI) - The defunct Office of Economic downtown Johannesburg office building. Opportunity provided S97,0 for two years to send birth Prime Minister John Vorster told Parliament the South control inlbnnation and sometime, condoms to teat-age boys African government would not negotiate with the guerrillas House voe on through the mall, program officials said Monday.
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