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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-25-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-25-1910 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-25-1910." (1910). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/4144

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liOO.iliiO and $:iS9.1itU,0(,,. respectively, The cliirirllon of tho ipinke whs proh-nhl- y fotv.st tiro, which they (luhduoil, tho for August iu 1 901). not more tluui live sitoihIh, tho ,roKnlar schedule was deviated (torn Thou-t- tho import? of most of the motion liflim: nortli ami south. nml today's work Winimn (hut. of smnli BRYAN SCORES manufactured mataríais Increased, DISOBEDIENCE So far as known, no damuno m done oil o lotees (o'tlnir witlioiil viioiny. In sills, wool and finer foil hack a liille esiile from the possibility of I ho Jnr mm stead el licit, ti a inn ne uve, cioiii.n fnc 6I6PHHS mi uceouiil of the exceptionally heavy hiiv'.nf.' thrjWH tho la rito tejes. ope. opp.isinx sid.s. For tins piirpo;.. Alajc Imports of t!n pri'coiliiiíí jcum. In slightly out of adjustment. W. K. WiiKlit was f:mii luiiimand ninnuiacuirod cot Inn of the nlKldli lulami'v ml M.ijor hy Jl,:t,,ii.fl(i0 to l!'2.r,u,yun MISTRIAL ENDS SUGAR l.ooti lioudls o, the tldilh-t- i iiit'atof. RGOSEVELT and automobile pxuorts increased COSTS LIVES FATALLY OUT from S5.10tl.OO0 to $ S.3U0.000. UNDERWEIGHING CASE UTAH GoSrNOrTaVORS APPE0 Dumber, lith i. m:i rui fn ft uro of Iron and steel, sewin", machines, WESTERN CONSERVATION electrical machinen , furni- looil-stuff- 21 ture also increaioil with high, s. Now York Sept. The jury In Inehidinii wheat, flour and the I'litt'ttiH under Iraudu SPEECH meats declined. OE SIX came Inio Ihp ( nitrd Spiles clicuil ÍÍ Sail l.aUc ('in. l'ij(h. t'v.t, : FOB CABINET court today uml reported illsaKroe-inci-.- t. 1'tlf plitU Ul lÍDUM IUT I t'T W'ill-Tl- Inl-mi- t i H at.ttt hi'i" t BABY Judge Martin declined to to nniwrvi inn INCUBATOR SHOW H ucli rpport mid sent the jur- In wliH'h rln im t s of tho roiiMt'' ors Illicit iltlü IHirtlMV PAY for further deliberation. U'ícti'l'Il HUti'H PROMOTERS FINES Tlic defendants In tho etiiO are. tíflv cHM'fii r.uton, is FLACES COUNTRY SECOND TROL'LEY ROAD former l eUevnl officials, i 'hal les N. SON OF HARRIMAN TRAFR':. l tirivt-rnn- Sjn'v t1 I'tidi. MEETINGS DAILY THIS Witrdeli. C'haj b s De lit Drew and Jov.riinr S;.ry hh'uí today: l FALSE LIGHT, IE SAYS Lou 1st i lie, Ky., Sept. 21. and DISASTER WITHIN WEEK Ocurre !'. Hfdoll, tlmrKed with lui-iii- DIRECTOR MAY BE SUICIDE lleve it is a nood prooositíoll te Mill WEEK AT WHITE HOUSE costs RKKrcentiUK $212 were assessed conspired to defraud tho ttovorn-mo- n another euimi'ess. I u el that the peo-- u here today riKninst Dr. II. K. Snyder through siftematlc iindocwriHh-liii- K tle ,,t' I'lah w Ollld ee- - l ate 1H1 Mild his wife of I'ittshurn, who of Italian Import". r,oi'i nol- I!, iy in cerrs l,u- - ,,u, I, is plan Commoner Particularly Severe conducted an incubator show at the Freight Car Crashes Head on Young Man Found in Disord;"'' find ulve sill It 11 coiik-- csk iie.niy sup- Filing SupiC. a" Court Vacan - port. tato fair last week in which tlire" Mo-turm- Into Crowded Limited; an cíes, on Former President's Guild halites lierl. Tin- - doctor's ulit wa od Office With Bullet Wound rauguralion of Postal fined Í ot) iuifj costs on pine warrant,? Acknowledges Re- It SOCIETY GIRLS MAKE Hall Speech on English Oc- charging the sanio offi-use- . Twelve BÍLLÍESlSin Over Heart; Claims Was Banks and Government warrants nfiiiinst the two cliurplm? sponsibility for Accident, Accident, AEROPLANE ( LIGHT cupation of Egypt, wilful Injury to the three bullies were Economy Among Topics, dismissed. Miss Lena I left' nor, uno 11,., ,t, teetiii.,,1 iyIii.ii nliv HEARD OF LAND lht i i ,1 l Boston. Sept. "4 to líos- - i" Ui.ii.lui; Wual N.,iliil l eu.. , I4.T MiohImk Jttiimiil Hpretsl l.ritNcii Wire, Lieutenant ftp, tto-i- .loui'll',1 Npeebll I oUMed llv M,rii,i,g Journal Mfirrial l.CKsrd Wlret if the babies died they sent a - lTtre i Louis- A In not a. new one.! ipion, tint.. sn'p'. ji. Hit- - Clevelund, Sept. 24. Donald Kiolocrinliam. Jlmi I ,1,, 24. hnv- - Spi'liiKfii'lil. Mo., Sept. 21, Will- Vital l'itlsbtir; and nlilo. Vlleanor and Miss Dorothy 'olu tiibuv. spt She told of one trip she made from obedience to !... rae v P. Stubbs. of Ihe I nimi Sears orders ere of tit Heiieral sHeut - w hiK spent four da iiiiioni; old i;,., i, J. llryun In ii speech her,, olumbus, Uhio, to her,', was Johnson, ivvti- amoiiu the peep! ho frlenu 1'ittsmir freight I'Hcli'le litilroad taken from tl. f ""j ear is said to ,i.:ve been tho PROBE look a r H tí lit Iu tin- Harvard avia- and relations in I'ltt-luna- devoted much t'me In the bnhlos when me suppiv itic.v the I'niou Pacific of lieos (o, ,ln ,t with , Presiden' thna today of second tion field today will, I'laude litábame-Vhlte- I ! Orl - the liilcrui'bali Ta ft. is speediiu' to Speeches llj 1V i'ulnllel Kuose- had on hand had inven out. a vuidaibly fatal bulle! wound ni'i'l' A li.ck Washinuton - Hie Kioilish avialor rowd , traction wreck within three laya In his At hospllal where ho 'to pluii,e In'., a w 1, of vii fn Kuropo. HeforriiiK to tho ox-- heart. the ...I' le.HOl, people Wit, lied the hard worlt Indiana. Toda.i's disaster cost the was taken, Mr. Stuhbs vleeinred his t. He ! Hid. nt'x utterance In i cí;;, rtl to wllh his cabin. will arrive In uves persons, tpe wound was the result of an noidoni. ol six serious injur Ihe e pres.-iden- t KnKlish rule in Kyy.it In his speech in RECALL INVOKED TO May be Under Way but Secre lie was alone at Hie lime. capital any iniiini run The Cuihl hull, London. Mr. Kryun said: of six more and severe hints to The lllfcht elevator hoy found Staid'!, Vale lustiiiiior Dies in I'oorhoiisi'. bit t'"n mi ill m r,:i) p in. anil - nn-- score. y Not Been 111 N. V., S, pi. :4- Albeit J "This ultcrunce is morirán and ta! Has Yet leanlne- apuliiHt the wall the to Lallston. i passeit ilii ough i 'oliitubuK 1:4.', - w wit,, ,hi- hi cming- from j o. was of Ihe ohlst thr places llu- Dead. rldor outside his oti'h The ounded Mr. Tu ft will remi.V.i at the Whlt pennie ,it tile country in a , i of New Investigation one hand Val,' niduatcs and later served as the nin; DK. W. T, IIOI.TH.VI SMK. Urouli-in- . mini, holding incr his hesii liehl. ns no mu.' stands with him." T MAYOR OF gasped of chcniistrv at lliai no Hon c until next Sunday. Duiiiu the X. V. v at ip re ii,, tin; I'.iyan U'lt here toniithl for Pueblo. OS Into Alaska Affaiis, "I am shot: I shot m self i,,eldent-ully- . ti.ed the county almshouse week will hove all inemberi , loday. 11,, ,'. of ca biiM-- except Culo. WAlTKi: K. IU'l.TUAf-SKI!- I need help." was M vars ol his Secretary of War Ill ills ,i,Miy lit- - a, , umillati-,- a li'clTitis, n his quests a, o.xeu-llv- e Ktoi'klyn, X. V. Stnbbs was hiirricllv removed to il be as t!i' MvrnhiK sprcinl I 1. re- colli fol'til hie fortune bill rereis, 'H maas'oo and altlioiifrh formal j III? lotirnul lrJ hospital where it was found thai V Kit OKU KAI1.SHACK. llynierlu, mv opt uway bin and for .at sessions will be lu id only Hie Washington. Sept -- 4. If there. Is volver buUet had tilllelrated his savings ilurinr I vears he hai il an iimhrep., n;cr- - forenoon, the ,re.hli nrs consultations ROOSEVELT led. Imminent, m l ieusi Juki aboie the heart. RESTS JDSi-jP- unoihcr investlualioi der. witp his eilvtaers will be almost cori- j VJAIvKli, motornian on AlasKHii land casts, as reported ,1,1111 To the doctors ho mudo a brief statement to the efteet that he halt ntio,', is. Aft.-- that the dally proifrnm liuilleil car. l.utialisport, Ind, Spckane, Secrcfar' ia,lliiii;cr savs he w HI soinew hai like tnis I been exainlniim a now remlvcr which I.ICWIM l;itO()K'S. Kokomc. Ind. has n, bee 11 iuloinici it. HOWLING HURRICANE i, a. in., hreokfan at the Whlt Public Welfare League Chaiges The se, rotary iu he had purchased eaiaier in the day j I niiiicd Wa.hlnKtoii ., .iiise. I'. WALSH. Marshall. Mich. and 1, accidontalh- discharKod It. ON SATISFIED THAT today from a loiiy sta in the west RAGING LAKE HURON 11 o . lock, receplloit Neglected to Sup- A i u a, count ol tile exlteme tiiai'vily feimal iablti.1 Official southbound freight car crushed and a.t piuiifjed of s..s-iol- l. oiuv into the work , lteMl, at Ihe evecutiv e Hi., i of his ondltioit. Mi. Stuhbs was not lo ad on inio a northbound passoner ioleciio- ili'liKI ll.ell! I il) lllllellton ,1 tin While JlollbC. press Red Light, and Gamb- u, t i ',,.'' any one, j The from the h west amis l"'''." I 1 ,lf hbi-at- car on the Indianapolis and 'cru di- -i reia.rt lie poliee later bloke into Mr. Detroit. Mil l; .Kept 'J -- lisp, ip Ilu4 id in.. or worli iision ol il,,. tliut he wns the iiisnatoi of .mother ports fot ( lie president ; h p.irtmetiir., worlv VICTORY S ling Resorts, Indiana iilon Traction be Sinlilis' office and found ihe room In from nil Lai, Huron stale Ihul illlesliii.il ion Which (rfeatcri t fill' .1 company, shortly aiier noon, two i one of tla- vvor.-- tóales of the season 'he hinet IN ,K,-,- treat disorder. I'speis and lothes iu tb, ,11 had in , miles north of tins oitv. The frek'ht that conviction were and ihe i. raxine. on the upper lake. The only ?::!! P in dillllel the Whtt, ( '11 ni h a 111 about the floor turnllure was in uitii the ix claims and i hrrak-Ui- Wire, cr cIiiiikc of Motortnan Laev was disarran,d u a table there ae.eident n lot' lopoited is He' lfoili" ,lty Homing Journal Sptfea l.rüfi j H of , O alio1 n,l .Scbree. prominent citizens Washinyloli ol a. Ii i ii I oi- in Sa;i- - eloel, p. Hi,, Vfl-la- 'onductor was a new bo of eavtridues from at, Iuk nut S'ei't: J4.--T- he I'ublic l would be inxoli ed in an expose stol'v op tile ll of Seattle. i'he freight ear is said to ha.w had sliue Which one shell had b, ,11 laken. ii.iw1 vnliied at. Dt'1."1", and the tellilhi scut vrmda Colonel Believes Old Guaid of extensive There may bo 111. IUu;.,e, lea;;ue pel its plans ImlnV oidcrs to stop at tho first, switch north frauds Mr. Stnbbs Ined will, his wife anil loss ol ilo k l"ad ot) the schooner llu White such an iinjuirv in so as A h. en map- ' of to ptospai. far , apart-men- II, ,w'..',,,,. do7,,u di'iinltc ha; Beaten to a Pulp; for for Hie atlemptcd onsiiiiii i Jla.xor Ilcssler's crossine. hut tried mot lu w in it fashl, nublo l Levi Two vessels Leaves make the switch A clump the secretary kuovs. bul it has nut , .iay ped out for the labiuel to consbler ( I i first south. house. toululu to soiKbi shelter in homier last Hiram iV !l Ihe recall, and tlie yet been brought to l,i. alien, I, n. .'.Pi lieri' flo't them- ii nornl tupien. of lives hid the limited and the clew t lb- - failed, and Iron, tile solllheast which and it Includes Saiatoga Tomorrow, !' reach either of women Mini 'I petition lias hem of (ii,- IreiKht barely iiad lime to Jump be ineieased in liny lonlnhl. I. .Indii'ial apiiointnients, Incluii-- I "I no answer could obtained ut tho an, aiej dr." rte U save their lives. The front end o!' know ubsoluteiv notiiin ol the apartment door. iiut th, supreme tour, iai ,11 11, 11 pas-ffiia- ot n Ala:. U. rases, of of t",ni f the limited was shuttered and nil details uliuli i iu Ihe the coi'it N,e-ii,- It iii lid rrinoxal the The wounded inai, has ud hern ,ll.v .tltuiilMie l.eutt',1 t'ire 't'' in t lie smoKittg com pa I may arce Mi Spoh '(,.. Thai manor r, e. vk-a- limu ricvelaitd lone,, havInK come hero ' ytter I Say. Sept. .M. may. i eund that he is d' with Ihe i lil." of ihe Held divi- 2 leoai i uiehi.i r, tuna s and e"t ,atiyfiel wire killed. lists Inbuilt six mouths aeo to take tho posl- -' SHROUOS that his race nuainsl tin; o!, ?,iard laiiii; Is aiii!'. of mal-,- e. Uní ol tho sad features ol (ce sion out there.." tion of winch lieeu of xpetidllui lor the enmiuii 1 general tmutu. had Tlicodore Kooseeh rested on l is Dr. W. T. Washington. PaMii, I iS i:,..ll uar .ill pel tile ri'tli that Ilolthauser newly fea, li)ittt!; :i. fltbl h's oer.s today. lOxcejit tor a brief ,,l Brooklyn, X. v.. who. with his and otlur wesletu stu,tes so tar as j liaos lei In exi-ii- Pstrht iiihc I'i'-e- hy they I In yol-- ilepaittn.'nt ihe morcilla- with VVilliain or, Waiter K. Ilolthauser. was ivluie lo mat roniliti.: under Í eeo'ioinc rnmetn - Intl. i i: i ' , ui t. ,n tot. ai in AT VHI 4 Into Opel.ltlOr, ot VVillcN of ,l,e scr d s end samhliii;.- died, was los wsv to Kkorno the dlivclloi! of aie, depat. t nni'iis oF l M ihn ,lltlll,i P1 . , ' V: W ' v l 1 u- -t . i Ai. ill' MblUI' f , i,- minisston the tirst district, M a tec,. ebc- - Ind.. to be married tont,rhi to Miss Ill'Tlt. wne itlst,eci t. .y .lib. folif '. i ; rhicic, j, isept. ji. .'. stobíi, w ;, feu-ein,- to,-- n i a across table, lie ti'portcd much jiroei i;eiu raliv, efiilry o,., h.db'.e r dial the dinner tin- - vote Ntllio I'Mfii, daughter of Henry 'ss of the Pa- ui.ni .1. .M. nl of total Is traffic .llreetor .Southern of '11 NhuirttfUii will, Stale Heiuiloi W'aiinvrie id iUXi u, of that city Tin; brother was The board of lauy eniíboi-r- which of Dimshl II udiustmatil ilfitbs' h Al.u ch must Mjf cific rnllroad, and talhcr events in el Weilchester coiinl.i, he paid little tio'i lr.st to have been best man.' Inr.pecti reclamation projects. wij for ind tvcinl t'aiul'mi. W'ain-viiuh- . ' I Stuhbs. could offer no riila nation aer- -' alt, ntlon io polillos. Senator l esv ut poli-ion- The ( we finish its work alauu November tl. The extensión of tlie civil ;.' on the bucss overrai our runs,'' saiil l.'t the shoot ti u ,,f his sen TEACHER came talk about the plat-lori- n Motornian Lacy , freight car, and soon thor attl-r ropoi't. Ice to include iiswlsialil potdniasler 'o i" ' petition of the particularly plank. It to have the Mr. reiterated Ids Denver and pertiiiiiient clerks In money ofilcr and tile labor present it who with i.'ouductor Sehree .iimp!d llalllnner The progressives speciid s':;ned at once, but not I" w saw statement he would turn the Offices. bclieie thai so hen he the limited bearing down that efforts should be made to enlist the t. the. to mcil until January, that upon them. They could kIvm no ex- sparehliKht upon his traducera n he'i I may TO ,t in cam-Vaiar- lie ail election be held at thr he lávame "footlootio from public uf WHITE TESTIFY interest labor the coniiux f planation for passinK- the switch. in Door-yar- d nml Willi this in liivv will hn sane, lie,, the lieu lo choose days a,;o. lice." and scoured rumors lliat he Cody Found Buried , le-- Juft three almost lo tho already d ' i o,isidrn hp- Hiress upon a laiior plank. leiiaicu. The it has hour, would resign, Ho. appeared ha!-- Mat COURT MARTIAL AS or pres-- i occurred the fatal wreck ner of San Fiaucisco Posi- Air. WillcoM, lifter lie had told Alt. apon Ihe .Jadition the Kliiitsliind. Ind.. ell Ihe Wabash Val- hearty and was iu very lovial .'i.i.iie tnihstluitioyi a o- - Iloosevelt that the republicans in h'a .Mincil and the ley Traction company, which caused of mind and optimistic over the i F of ' lb-- ideated I An ST IN tively Identified as That home roil nty wer,, "led headed for hodi larse. tin' death of forty-on- e persons undo;' foniplishments of liis depurtmon's. Oil him. presented a "hie, slick" to the t eiius written in i.'hinese, wiiicli much the same circuinsta nees. to the matters to lie discussed at no Eva Swan of Paso Robles, colonel, t ij a ionw and heavv 'too .;!. fotinil in a. .'efe (totted la a None of the injured in today's cot- comillf; CUblpet t,lei;tlUK. h said Ihul ECHO OF G. A. R. col tro, ii a lit' st tree on ,M' W Pi-- Imiese iramiilini; .Kent by the sheriff no information had been mi ven as t J -í illion, it is said, will die. 's country place. las-- week, show that vainillina n- helm; i,t hat w otild be taken up. f'pou notified al her home BRIBERY PROBE I ,,' a s ol' Iloll-hciif-o- (tw ilornoiit Imirnid speclul r.i.ci Uirr So, h reports as came to ist. liny acted by nd'.caie lourlcen Kokonio. that her flame. Dr. r. today from Sural, Ka 'ere ciicoÍíiuí;-iuul- lanes,'' has- been conihiuouH since had been killed. Miss ('oxea Sun frailéis,,,. Sepl. 24. - Willi the to tile colonel. N'o isit, s re jfdif, and has ni ttoYI tile s.Vo!leale and her mouther and several mem- positive Identification ioiukI'I f Ihe u, t,.'l ly The show liinti espccii'd morrow and' il.e .! ue.ii $.',IHI.'l. papiis bers ol her tumil.v boarded a traction BALL PLAYER HERO moiitue of the hod., found buiied last intends I, put in the day ipov!1y .it that up lo sl moiitlis aK', the net car and wen! to the seem o the 111 of a am house borne. lie will ilart tor Ki.ru'oRH proieeiis ricil hot ftMl !' "id wreck. Miss I'oxen was lohl Senatorial Committee With Full tlluht the leal la. There 1','ui th..; .Monday no'iiiiiiH. I f.il a da y. but In the led siv iiioiith that the bodies of Dr. alt housi r a nil as tip- remain.., of Miss Swan, ,V'"--' Power to Summon Witnesses they have ;. craned from " Id' brother had been taken to Tiptoe OF CLAYTON lust liul- hi the chain ol en ids sur- Colonel McElioy Claims Unfair AMBASSADOR GUILD PAYS JiiOl, a da. i'lid site and her mother. Hick Willi Expects to Get Busy Monday rounding tlie disappea ra lav ot the erief turned back to Kokomo. tttliei-member- Means Wei o Used to Defeat WARM TRIBUTE TO MEXICO Aeiieuelii nml Colouihiil tiiiirii'l. of the family came to this Morning, lollllU 1'a.S't leíbles Sl hool teacher was V asiiinub n. Sept. N - I'tiiiiiI no- city to care for the hoillps. made. The id",l i I ha 1, 11 was lll;',lc His Candidacy, for Comman.-- tin- - tice ,,,' the withdrawal of h.v .Mrs. f. A. W. ir. v illi w liom lllw li:'-- I, WRECK dci'i''-Che- f, legation in lioaota ecu In Mexico City Sept. 1' , lb an , ll.r MitriiiUK Jtuiriiiil Stirriiil l.t;M.,l 44iir trill roomed while she was Ibis Vic i cei'.c.! h the .slate depa ii mem. but ; 1. In Mrs Wet!-faile- ial Amlias lor i.'ui'iis pi.) no reason is for H, rupture illilcaRo. Sepl. 2 I. Hie sifii-lorl- city. i:a,rli.r the dav . FOUR PER SH WHEN ls on and members of lie cmntti'Mioi b v i lo Identify the iew. loiind irooi ilo. (ouidnes. It assumed 11 t ipa Uu committee t, cuius Hy Mominn .It.iirnil nr'-- Uatii W'iwl lllc Slate.- - Mo;,M ii ecu-l- a, beie,,, 'i body. .Mill iiikIi ol I'llited to the thai il io Hie result of the - the the lealol'S W ' ( A - ' heic r'! r III,, Hi, li ar itina Ion. .pi. - intirl- ' M Tt ; t i,f iudepi inl- imiulrv into tne ruction of corps,, hail I, .Hi celen ion. old over lb- - K.i.i'iio'ii) ,)i Ihe , - of an un nr.ck.i ti ll Will e Of ll iu'elli ter Willi, l.oniuor .Monday morn- Ml- -. 1, a t v mill .l lablv be ol, ft tonight In pel iai I.,,- tlich- iu Mca-e,ui,- o luí the acid. Weir b"si! ins - lipids ol nk" It i a . , ' llOeS 'I Dm.', e'.niimp- llu; is exported thai cples-l- ' hill Al 'a and ionics. i - j the as ol , a ad nstoms lisputes. CAR earn tsLtbiisnod Lmeigen- 111" idctiled I.' lit v "Ii 1, el Sell, - PLUNGES live fiiiules A. While. one of Itlelll .1 ii John Anibnrsador (luihl eicel the - Swan , ' o ,i,i wl'hdrew lie, i, o ,,- ti,,, lee,salo,s who void D l lives VVoikllle oil I I. o ,;,l J AlcLllov sc pal'tv cy Hospital for uf til':".!,-- t' , -- Ul- Trcalaicnt ' U , ,,munitidei ambassador to ciipaall l.oflmer, will be be Ill Wll- - e, IllcrlliU their etlolts OI, lile hi ts a candidate fr 1. lio' I, ra III. I le dp-- lO.Mle (I,,, (Oi.hiy: ' take Ihe slaud. ot Saa I. '. w Ilo. ; pi. too. follow l:e, I.H0U,e,lt Those Hurt ut Nmm i, prehension William ,1 , i Ol No v la to out tllC 'The Icspital; ol lb,i presiden., SMUGGLING PLOT! INTO can;iL forma! announce!!,,. nl ibai sub "..rdiiif I" "ic sioi ,hl In ot TI red b.el e, , poehas had bee,, served was mad, llol-'lall- ra I11 ,lr p. la.-- hi innuendo unit "I cer, us a, Id ol' the ( imople ilas a.'MSbd i, til , , . b . 'throui;h the linv hi Chali man liur- - M , s bs ill lb" ha. en lavish mi li.e esttei-n- Mélico I ln; of the reina ns ilut;lie lv lleiliin leurliKl neriiil ii Ire y ,,,, I V, a WnfihiiiH'-1- 1 le-- ,( a 1 a d II e, hi - w 'oleic I.I, ai, bes done wisely 'u inaki:- ecnlen-i'-- 'i theseil- an aun, ol the Sank, bo' :ih hiiouihi Detiver. fob,., 4. rv Ivors - , - w lie no up. re cm , a e .,. c f lempor. Se.u. mi on th. eohimiuee (hat I'.epre- to head't 11a I,, s and tor a llllle ,e- to,, ci.nai Army elr'ii AT S . , eol-- . NIPPER ,,f s t fsl-- ( sen la t iv Whit.- be, n ., , ,. 1. or t lia will, ti ihe ar ,.lirpla. s, huí .a occisión for 'he yesterda.v leck on he las wllh V ktion leltfcle tlllil S o h tie. libit d- , D;saslruus Automobile Accident ' l"" d, Lit "s are lie Ii.,:, loiin.latlon . ch, Kl'eilt uní and ne.ii i.ia.Moii. K..11., orded ,.. .'"''"V ,h" so,, evlsled. She ,e, n however, ollel - ii.- a, vs. e, ,,,, IIC- -l del name a son,.-- - super', . woiiio he nil, wnii, 111, klO-- not hill c bis p, ' ele. the 01a and ill most : s. sion.-r- she of rJew Ui nans K.iwir.i baseman i , , , II ', 1., I. victims i,i,, t,.,.ti others. lucluulim sever., In ea -- I is pa ,'..! ,1 .oil'l Ol ,' in if tizate the uldie builditurs vori. , ' boot ,'!!,, i. ' i, i Top'-k- e I, 1 shown T tP A T. V "o' Uaseltall ,lul tile redil legislators. IllldelStood to eX pt, iSe'l Hi bellel til ,1 Sa l!.e Is '1 b'Lll HI" III bun. Tinier Ida., j.,s DIEGO BORDER I lle , tl WU IVit'il lUlli MUli;' of Peine the hero of th lasll'ophc 1, I , I a r,ee t ll. lid herself not mere CU either serve,! lili the otilefil l a, "ie. II e Li torts are Is, h uu: 'file ill cf he us. bin a slrei mi Sioifer. who plays baseball iu sumiller summons. to have declared their made lo lo, e pit,, tl.e mvslei Ions tea i, !i a 11 ed in a Vi p.(otitr,ri,l Women. anil ,11c, Heine in wa 11,0s to II. .1. Itcike-nb,- . , at lo ho ed no honoiel practices winter. i,,i,i (estity. f. loulb. who hi tli II ill, Moldan oj tl.e ,.r. Una olo'iv St. t,, ,i,t hi" "urui.-a- unowp.lt;,. M Link,-- II 4 I, i asa ii. i;: I, i, ,r. tojniever' and rat ic Mid S. ,,,!, don ed HO ,e, o use. Iai f,rs who f, stilled 111 tlie l,o ; r. ,t ii, a n, M11: all, IOO, ,0 Mexican Government Oak' I lly 1,'rninK 4iirii.,l S,N ktl I nerd ii irc, The Top, h.i leant vas ridme. in thc.iriiip- l lletu-eseida- t v l.ee o'N'eil lan, nionel ,,ord:u ARTIST HIS i , v lo CHRISTY .ND 1, 24 All firs! in me, la t in rear :r..w ne Piil.-rv- ' l il l 1. - Of- Xew leans, Sept. four sleeper, tlie for a to he lie store lol o an I'i'"- .ilwa' to Help American a 111; ot' Ihe ell.lit ear. i, need tic--l leslify. I t II, Ql Rurales occupants o! (arm lour, car re. and ext. the amolle the lo ...t. ,1 as spol- sot a ti the o the YOUNG PERUVIAN WIFE SETTLE) RREL ()f IJe,K- - ,,w v n ;tortiii,n from a Luke shore resoit 11 lull force the shock. Jake Chai,'' D,n Lor, s toda recited t nt nt. 1, w s w:t unt ,'lh' ti Catch Contiab-m- - 'ley. S, roiih i ficers Xew Mrieans eaii- today vyee the ii'ieitn first baseman, was elect am rom naioi- Juiin L I 111 .11 (IO- I.t ll- - lie ' lll. i drow ned w iiett Ihe cur, roundltiK ! I"idh bruised a, ol two of the ol hi T I'i .i,r 0,1110. rat of T u -- se tl, it ' malic IO pl so Mill. Ii 11, t .'Ville. Ihio. Seel i tu ve al a huh rale of S,,ee,i. stun l.vf ,i,1.e,l that lliev h'' would ai'li'e early vl week. ,"o i lei' I a W Un Ilo o í , ' t 'auiily lunclieo'i loo., 'straight a.iie.id and plun lilt th tilde t, no e litii.- aid to those word was tmlav Irom Seiiet.-- th,. pía. e w b, r It a 0" AVIATOR ON ROAO I ( I ! : v, 1, ila ii, Met 'hristy. he new basin cana sei'iinislv hurt. fhillfeP M pubbcaii. ot fonti'Mi ut. ..II.T - II aiil 'iiv a, d , Sp4.cl.1l I I. I, I r,n( . 'aoiiieed lo ,, lalive-- i Iba, ,iv Xloruiuv .lotiriml esd 4ire, 'I lie l.Ml, "I was liadl;. .i.,i lit tl othel a Its. Ill, e e. ,1, I'll, o, II ' j,l tliol'e Dl.-o- 4 M, to, I 111 n b isia iidimr Icol San i '.,;.. S pt. i j V. It. KKKKMAN. ,rw Velk City, "f Ihe car. He lav. "Ail V" Oil J Is Hell I'd lo 1:1,111 le A! - , MM-el- - - -, I l hit; w f, I I, illl." Il i nil Mis. i ANilltP a ilt- - He j Tilu.UA- la Xew 'H Ihe boys Jump- iuhi in and beitall eul itiicsM as ommli Mil) Ol! 'I o lelO'", , Si'.e slllUiialilli; of , , , ale 'bal h. , oei.l.. ! j .'J1S pllliillB pal tioe" win we,.- nut:,,! Hi po w red to 'all aid the 1, ' III If TO RECOVERY wei, Stat,--- -- all, lllel "f fin-:.-X- I'liU",! via ila Juana. ) k iv- - - VI. ' f ', rn I. ,t be- s:''bi Mrs. l w .1 i , poCoTUV MALL. .New in Ihe wre Do. tolter slari- es or lis that uf Bo ,01 I iniesns ah' I'.i.ea ,vas the le tu l"ii toi'HV 111 v Voi I f reve'le,! in MAUI AX Xew ed an iin.o ovi d hospital and at- i. biding Ihe lit St. k u. xt Wee to tinna.e I f.llfl.lAN. inifails. liri'i Chines. ;. J a p.l n ee vnd th.-i- ie i v r .v. of tell three their, wllh n I1.1i means of a - r heaceinon! a 1,', paper . It was at lust jncorieetly reported 'tended dials ill slat. ,i, ope in en atteit.pt 10 ! - " r.. and disp.v , I in. .itera. Hmdti. lliai tiie car bad seven r, iin;ii,i w.'i at Iihii.i. Stutter kept hitvl), at ' tiie boundary.' I I w w i I a Dnn-- ,rM, international i.ill.ll was Until the relio! III 1.0 hieh she i iiv iri.icii;r:,-- Ihe dlaitRed fit IhtoeiOlk It i'ill'i !BR()0kENS TO FLY FROM Plan 1, O- t Th ,,,ti made l 1: 0 k " Is uu. i, A Mr. tío- of- - llolllf- befóle tec four bolle" wote loar do. tta ed to lo, al i , .1 "ial w ,:l o, tioll Of! St, iter, leb,, Iih !;,ii,', am a, t. o Mrs. fhrisiv no ihe il ÍS fonnd. CHICAGO TO SPRINofLI D at Soot ihe leSIllt Oialmeil. j j , II I ll.trt Il"e and .man ,t sn.l leal.r part of e.o h ,ee i: r Al . vias traveling sesini.ti ,,rfl, - o CP in ' ,1 -- r.,1,, hoiiie. with .,a--iot- ,. Vi II" I, XeVV of i.'lli ; til HoetOe, Was ill the a 'lb,mobile 'T ha,,,co. ha .;es e AcíO- - ur ii-- 1' Iu. I. M,d lnl.i r- - Ib- - i ic t.e N.-- ir-- me, ,,n.. is n, e Votk. ii' t S b Jl -- business. The eirls s me t,, i with as soaa and the eliis Hie, , ir,)i Am-- i ':' a io i,)..pr. the , w a. I W.,i'. r ''.us. spend part of . a i, . r in lean j bans three veáis ni; from ilitori s ettiiu; hurt ,0, tie team and l'lll n nt ' I , - '.,'.. ,, , ia v 1. a ow T, i; t be, n fni'iffli'i i La keen sofTu ntilltmn 00 do W',t 't lit. t,,r h'tetnpt V,k. Mis fa" - lav w err- Uouc. 'a-r- will, : se The l.lll 'l.tal- I Shrimp- - ami , h.--! inre.t tl.n me. All !.. Iiiiired m,,.. 1, ,11, it ,11 ffr nt 111 a v'ru;l,t i o 1 ,4 p io.. iro.n .. th.tr dan; ,ral rabs o and last Ii I 11.1, ,1 m CbáCi-- t, Sprn.m I, '1,1. I!i n. xi It W 0. . opinion .aacht ve.'.iercav aileri.oor. 1i.)1i, to n, an extent that ;!i,;f i" me and tin no teinpor-- 'I ,mmI I ;'S dil fel a , . s ' - . i" vin."í-- WimJ .rmn ji tion oUb ei poo ev.-r- Thei-ola- ,1 a 11 I vvp, a ' ,,.,.,111 ,, n. e w4l at a f tnr- - tiitiht and tne were bat civ reeogi I.irilv Three ol th, rn. wen' ti"i lo t f Ms v piece re i". on - v h!ivij?-- an- no ' aten loi xteen w.-- ! Il I Of. hy Ih, K- "',." 1 nr. i! 1:1 ;.a,-:.r- e, on The i.lenli'v ol Ml hadv" that do J pi I. fhc auo the r, ,,t s. . the lli'lnoi ft think lie' , i.i,. jr n- - tl i: ehMin.-i- e IC l'UH ' r.,,,1 Tl-- si .111 pt the fhiiicse who. '' taldished lalK'elv throuKh tiled v I aiteiward He i.o .11. leai. of , , ' .. !:.!'-- H. 01 line a a ait ins: I .!'I Ma-n- n '.' I IP 0111 .' til in the hills south the 1 X "l V. u.., 1,1 ,l4 in., i'.oi mil Ulibf n be lo.ole l C f .Upate! tloir Pair. i.t i'i" i -- v w , -- ,t "At II t " iM injnrrt oni'ort unit v to ,i,i s,(e into the hi, Lo, s. Island I i:.c i park on th, oath slur, ' If ato. ami ,l;tn,..t , ' BILLION DOLLAR V : - i a ,es ,1, les. Is COOll. tilled Mtate r.Ulr I. I..,, telit anu.Mll. e.l t foi- The liVl.itel will try to land ,n hi ;;'ir - I ' -- niVr DPAsPVl IIRV ' ' ', wt.i- i, ' L.VV ,1 I . St.-!,- . 'iC tí 'el V tO- - 'lie- fr.'UlleTicy u, th iiaiiirr LLU WJULII l UU le wine binioral tlob-nlin- ,,ti.,i ,,i lair ni'li' at lie- 'i ..as ltlds N ) i ii" , v , IMPORTS AN L. . IS Chill-.'-- " . pp'-aie- 1 u1d. !i:y ia Sn W!, " o, tl (i,t , III onM,!.. ill tn;, se tii.il fhaht- - nn i lls for . REPORTS SHARP Sh0(-K- : 1..- Jii.Bo then disaupte ,ir,a-e- ,l ;T,a.n: Iwn. "'-- I, rn;,, t the like ti i.iil Tie ,v and W ,....,! conid l he ...itetalS ol th" Unlll'liM-.th't- Ml; MLS MVLIiS. iv , ,1, n. o i oil.., 'i ' and - , iniwoiiled aittvif . mi- IP ,. t f'bsciiption i vV.ls.,,intn. S. pi. . 4. h, i.eii 'iiroi.'s- o 1. -' - p : Mtll-4tM-r- I . m- - previ a ., 1 im-- 1 ld, unt we muuV at Slui. ,i CP; that fl liiSt:, ' rt., pi. .'I i,Hf s. II m a i D. Mill. r, ,"'! ii, in b,h directions n .1 ' l I -- i - sraatr-gle- r !. , - e.lo'1 Me at a,,, nfft I'.,., ruiiil- s v.e, aid, roc tl.e eai tl.!i:,; rhock as C"lt - I. . All, a.t". fa . Sept 'I I'.'.lll: ,S t ' tli FtHt eoi exnerts oí ocntrr zi.imLi.i:. Ki ''ll'.p I t.e t ,u ', I 111, - across ,, 4 UK i,r et b a.st not Interici irnr th Lowell ervifoty pi Í he k f, n. ni. to II. .vir.ni r I. .,,! .ili inc. " P Mi:- ,'i T:e On .i;i,,, dolisr .iai. ltt i , .i eijtht months then v.peratioiis slid the efuvt f the ni'it. A hfclit tremor laftinn ono Tlit .'.hodi.. Martin said. V' ii'll the .av ali y fot the psl lUv, r..fna IA the heiuth !., f, ,'l.lV' .nt it Ce t, line io will be placed lie .""':-.- 111 it Ir the museum at PomodfMitiolii nil Imj.orts ere .;,.,. i orders received In, Mtxnu I al j aui To ieaths have rviuiteil from thr J l - yesterday. Jthe longer and mvrc Ml Unt eit'htoeii, sptrutc (Ighl agaiuM a grass a&J diiieuüc hv.ro. the other tu the mufvum ut Milan. "iwii i'7.flOi.hl, s,-uin- tl "".- apparent liiltuse ehetk. JtaU


da; fr. Podlio Espinosa, former min- ister of luri'inn nllnirs and lute min- Says: BANKERS TO SPEND ister In the C lilted Stales. OREGON ELECTION BRAKEMAN CHARGED FREO FORNOFFWEDS A Very Rich Man people are prodigal, and our extravagance will o "The American have to Minister to Púnanla. be paid for by some one. people ure takins advantage of prosperity, Panama. Sept. 24 Thomas C. I'aw-so- been excelled In this country, to be aiuj the new I' tilled States minister muh as has never wasteful PLAN OPRELO FORGING SOCORRO LAO N extravagant. We ure not Having up for the rainy day, for the time of MILLION ON TRIP tu Tunamil, tv ho arrived tu re irnii WIIR by need." .was received this afternoon Is It you ? Ai Unit President .Mendosa. Very How with you saving and a fund which will work for you when et nihil í i In ere exchii lined, .Mr. Are creatlntf you can no longer work for yourself? Iiavvsoti cretttimt tin im- A PASS SANIA FE you to 10 LOS ANGELES pression here. OREGON Your common sense tolla tli.it It is better A Ven IHtiix Itcooid. New Yol k. Sept. 24 A hew w orb! ',' Save Your Money Now record for thr. winy the discus was es- A; Mount- MONEY KINGS CHARTER - Republican Piiiriaiies Fought J. G, Mann rested at Amal Captain of New Mexico tablished today hy .Martin J. Sh.ti- even a sacrifice, if necessary, than to want or be dependent upon Ka l.nd at SEVEN TRAINS DE LUXE lan at tlie liiinif of the hi Out on Issue of Method of illo, Tex as, and Will Be ed Police Married Last Night others in your old nse. dull ho hi at iicvt.r park. Sheridan Hut savins is only half your duty. you must Invest your savings hurled the disk, vvclithlllK 4 United Brought Back to Albuquer- - to Mrs. Lullie Bowman, As- wisely. I 4 7 the Selecting States pounds, feet, tin lies beutinw An ideal form of investment Is a Certificate of Deposit in old reel ird of KI'I feel. 1(1 Im he sistant Postmistress at Gem Notables in Financial Woild to S iiue, hv I .i lei t, tin hi !'. National Bnrh Albuquerque, N. M. Pass Through Albuquerque City. Stati cf I for . of $50 and upwards, They EGYPTIANS DEMAND Illy MoihIii ,1.. unlit !ii-lu- t I ..or.l lrr Mwil lliuileh In the Mi.rninc Ji.urnl These Certificates are is En Paci- payable or annually, aro negotiable B"n This Week Route to Porllaiiil. tire.. Sept. 24 The lililí-- j Amarillo, Texas. Sept. --'4. Charges bear Interest EVACUATION OF COUNTRY HUpjilrh t" Hie .M'.rtilnr Journal) us collateral security and can be renewed nt interest periods. iiitii liHiire that A. W. inn:- - with utterins u iore.l railro.u! pan, ISfial fic Coast. Santa Fe. X. M .. Sept- -- Stealing asxemhly the rcpuhlican J. t!. Mann wan arrested in Amarillo Call on us or rite for further In formation. candidate lor a march on mam of Lis friends w ,io upon .'rom H. I nomination for eiinurcy for the see. late last ni;ht advices the I Pi'iismIs . pt. Tin National would otherwise have ecu present hundred uihI I'tiiy i ;.!. tn Kit- lo I a rcsolu- - otid dlMriet of law won. over New Mexico ar. 1. 1; is un-- Four ptien oiiitrcss urcKoii. antl.oriti.s. at liis wed ill!)??, t'aptain Fred I'ornol'f State National Bank to the ' Hon today doclarle.;! tti, it I nnhsh I!. Kllia. w ho support- - hack to Alhu-e- d bankers, in route miiih me' ini uinlient. di rstood, will he take.i Ne-.- etipKltls of Fit;, pt w llecal anil .1. of the M xv'i mounted polite. of the Aincli.au Pauséis' , the fai lion of tin partv known as for trial. Ai cordilla to all Albuquerque, N. AI. uialidlnit illttllohiit' i :ii mil ion and oiieruue war toiiuht mairied to Mrs. Puilie of lil pus h opposes information ul.tainanie nere, .M.inn is How at l.os Añílelos. ri storaiioti of Ihc eo t Itillion of ISM. Hie "a.' s. iiihh hi. the no. men. as sistant postmii tress at A com-ni- f .. with a tel'Kiaph It. 1! FUNDON, President. KOV Mt !XV!,I, ('ashler. lomina fiass I i through lhii,iirrpio this week call, il ' t sv.stem o! fleet ik charsed '. Si ci li o, Cariis were ut aiinouiKins J. of mom y trum A Ibuiiuero in- to Amarillo, usliii; JACOU KOKHFK, , li. UOKIIKINU, Asst. (ashler. Tiiewliiv. The nun , p tile weddiiut to occur in Socorro on Moll li tlllM Until t'ltl1'M-- I'niti il States Kdiators. Kiinnuis" name of tv V. as K tie ra I will travel In seven special trains. 4 Koiin. Saturday. October 1. and the culmin- of Te.rnpa, I'l.i.. Sept. Keeords most on par will: Kills, ucconlini; in countersi iiinti the trans-- I tilt h for cptitpineiit .mil e ot the mauaifer ation of the marria-t- a ahead nere found in the clerk otin is he maiie e luxury of n ppntnt menl, have probably to 's ; poitation. It alien. that i f W'U many of l today showinM i'ss- - earlv returns, former rmted fine disarrari'-- jdans court that ,..-i- . in S. I.. never been surpassed In the history inii't Kn.t... m ,..!,:, i i !, . i i. i i? l the transportation favor of of lir'tle and .....m w lif tenace l errioiia. one of the men awns - friends the tti of Pullman company. The trip ndoi.ied tlo, MloL-a- insu lire nt uml i Wllwn, Mann t that he is wroiiK- had anticipated several The the lynched here Tnefd.iy muht. took out with ttivin? them Northwestern Mutual Life across continent uihI h.u K will minie his ciiuipamn on the "a nii-- i an- - lully churned. the offense and i 113 the iiiituralixaiioii paper here in 1!"'4. of interest recept ions. consume, a and it is Sluppcrd, gives as an indication his Inno In- month eitimnled A I ha Italian ii.n" platform. OeorKP marriage was a .,ui't r.fair. of III Atmeh. m. the other of cence, his willintrncss to ao back to that the expenses the Journey lynched, it Is HKi.elt.il. Max HalirHltZ-- l who appealed to the members his a it houitht quile a fe"' persons bad Leads Them All in Insurance u million Tío party a 'Republican." is run- - Xew Mexico to lace the charge. It is amount to dollars. ed in New DrleatiH three yeiir HK' as plain was formerly em learned late this cvenim: that it wa kings of finance, inenv ot whom will mnu far behind. said that Mann to occur, and wer.--- ptcvent to witnes: Gained in Force I Fi ho uccompitnifd hy their n m h and Jay Hciwerinn n. the asseinldy can- ployed lis a hrakenian of the Santa ceremony, which, war lines, running out of Winslow the performed families. Mill he Hid loli it by a small didate for the republican coast hv tin- - Kpisco, alian th riz. minister at army of employes of th vmious rail- nomination, seems to be fairly residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1" It will no doubt be liratifyinp to tile ern, but their lapses or t cased poli- - Pu- G E ROBERTS AS I!. roads luí Hern the A tin míe uml of wlnnliiit over (irnnt Ihmick. Sturcs. loyal policy holders of tiie .Northwest cics ran into such larite I ift tires tllat lirle coasts. Thf re w ill he fi ur rep- of Tenon file, his nearest opponent. 14 ft RJ V CnPlAI PVFnJTQ P.ei auii- - of a severe cold which he ern Mutual Life to know that this ex- that actual ttain in insurance in force resentatives of the New Yolk Central Iiiinick factional affiliation is not cauitht on ;' recent trip to the Alo.it. - cellent company uaiued more insu- was less than the Northwestern. lines unit t w ent rlplil otii.-lal- of plain on Die ballot. Albert Abraham, PLANNED FOR OCTOBER lons. laptaln v. ill be com rance in force in New M.'ixco than any The Northwestern Mutual Un- other railroads, to say itothlim of a believer in the Kooee t pelled to remain close to home, and other company durinir the year end- made the above record with only one - RIS COinlSSION ti o 1 n officers, K. even Pullman conductors, e'ltht din- plan of all and lie and his bride will n. t be able to ing December 31, ÍÜU'J. full-tim- e representative in the inu 112 ami weil-el'- Holer. Mho docs not make his faction- i t ear KiniM-rs- . take present the honeymoon trip According to the table civen below. v hopelessly DaiH'cs. Theater anil anl eijílil rlcctrit Inns, n i it Iüihkíiüi" al prejudices known, are they had planned. which is sworn repors of all the com It docs not pay either the pohry men, seven barbers and valéis, seven beat. li. Pint ic ami ltcccttoiis to lie panies to i Numerous' friends of the bride and the insurance department of holder or the company to buy insu- .11 assembly Nú in Santa I'e Dur- ladles' maids ami a rinall tl of The and nerolis Ktootn in all parts of the territory the territory, the .Northwestern Mu ranee to lapse lt. It pays to buy y.uir Takes Oath of Office and Is flKht a issue has to do ing Next l ew Wn negro porten;. is state and U will effer their heartiest conKi'atula tual Life wrote durinif the year $540.-00- 0 insurance beitinninit. Hi- - at the in In.- il method of sclectim; I'nitetl ti.-n- s hav-in- The hunkers )i....l hv with the for a Ion? nmi happy married and aained in force ÍS23.253, if coiniwinv you tare satisfied o remain Now Associate Justice of the senators. The !ts-iu- C'orrenpomlrni- to Morning Journnll - K. Plrrson of New York, States 'ilc. only lapsed or ceased J16.747, w it I rlu- Ui- -t company is that which faction claims Hint the assembly plan Santa Fe, X. M . Sept. 24. The dent of the American Hankers Supreme Couit, which is an evidence of satisfied pol- does the best fur pclicy holders, sai- - elation: I,ce McCluntc. MrHnuur ol is an attempt to thwart the direct opcnitiR of the social season next icy holders, only two compa- I'.un-erma- n other bfied IVilicr holders usually stick to the I'nited Ktte. iiini Ijiunine t) election of senators, is month will be a brilliant reception IRREGULARITIES ARE nies wrote more than the Northwest their company, Murray, loraiH roller of lh curr. tirv. riiniiltiK well ahead of Abraham in the Rivtn at the executive mansion by The (onvention will meet In l.o (ix-cla- l llip.ili-- to III Momio Jonrsatl Portland district. (overnor and Mrs. Mills on Wednes CHARGED IN ELECTION! losj A. Gain or Angelen, t ietohpi 3 ami it I expi'i ted lats Veaaa. X. M.. Sept. 24. J. Py tile same uncertain figures day tiinht. October Ins. Husiness Ins. ' Ins to complete lt work and adjourn hy floherts, recently appointed associate W. jjfferty has deleated W. It. Fibs it will be in bm r of the hundred in Force Written In Force In Force of supremo of Xew for collar, ssman in the second district delegates to .institutional coli- 1 . 1 S Oetoher 7. justice the court the IV County l.iyht rruo Dec. 31. SOS in 409 Dec. 3 1.190 Lm-- 3 , 0 office before Kills is the incumbent and is riinnini; who Mil! me from all Sania llcliirns Mexico, took the oath of ver.tion. c here Kills I rlilay ami - Justice i.r the Peace M. Payne at oil the assembly ticket. is the territorv XoKTH WKSTF.HN SI. 601, 573 1540,000 $2.124.S2 $523.253 t, ov.i Katun this afternoon, bavins received Utalehl Heed, insur-tten- There are many dinners, dalle Swiul pupated to tli Mornlnt Journal) Pacific Mutual 1.004.XÜ3 73,75 1.50S.229 r.04.3ibi Washington. The is third in the race. p irtics as well 1,1 37.1 Ks HARMON FIRES Si his commission from theater and curd Santa Fe. X. M., Sept. 2 4. Before Fnii.n Central 344.7.S5 1.3S1.47S 244'fui commission was filed here today with other receptions planned for the com beinit tiischaritt'd yesterday afternoon Occidental Ü5.i0A 54S.56U l.il5.0 200. ruin the ibik of the district court. Mon- mit month which will unquestionably the territorial grand jury returned Mutual 5.262.032 4 '.i (i ,2ól 5.4 40.S33 17S.M'l day Judae Huberts will open the fall witness the most brilliant social sea- eight true bills, six of which were for Hankers' Heserve 21. tino ! 74.500 IKfl.aOO 159.5HII term of court at Halt u The session OVER A MILLION IN son ever seen in the Ancient City, Colorado National 4 1 4.727 333.855 .15CÍ047 141.320 army poet no long- alleced election iircKtilarilies. several GUN FOR ORIO will be short and court will probably even the is of the accused being charged with Kansas City 341.000 2fi3,5ini 455. noo 114. urn) be adjourned on October I to permit er her,, to lend dazzling uniforms t" voting at Iiiniy at the recent election Kiiultable 2.000,4911 9 1.500 2.105.S15 105, 3!i; of decorations. Hem-fi- t 1 1 fi 4 s Judcg Kubt rts tu attend the constitu- the color scheme the w hen th y w ere residents of Ias Mutual 573,235 5.1 50 37,463 2 2 tional convention at Santa Fe, havliif Hotels ere rapidly allotting their Veitas, Penn Mutual 1 25.500 49.605 1 73,105 47.6i'5 obtained permission to yd as tlcle- IRE TREASURIES available rooms '" the deleítales and Reliance 3X1,214 1M.50U 407.226 L'6.fiI2 houses 'l lic follow init are Ithe names of DEMOCRATS Kale from the department of Ju stiff their iriemis, uml furnished those indicted; üermama 351.22? 33.0UO 366,401 15. 1X0 w he It his not yet been announced are at a premium. X. A. on for; I'nion Mutual 226.507 16,36l 231.603 S.iiSS tlis- Perry, the charge of will become clerk oí the eighth TV . Manhattan 79.37o 23.620 X5.)fi5 6.525 trict. OF COUNTIES Mr. P. J. Pal. n itave a luncheon on lomas Manna, on two counts: Missouri State 553.9x7 19.",."tt 55S fino 4.7IC Tuesday ill honor of Mrs. li. S. Kmley I Pichan! H. llanna. F. H. Hanson. Travelers' 56. 60S 3.50U 6a.liS 3,5tui Governor Ariaigns Republicans PRfSiCE TSAI HSUN TO ot Ailiuiiiiei'itie. The color si heme of Nicolas Montoya and W. 11. Dicks, all Hankers' 9.000 1,000 4.0UO Ti.H'Ui yellow l tin- table ili'i ori'.'eiis was an cu I lie tharite of violation of the elec. C.reat Western 254 650 63,000 22x.0u0 26.6.ai for Extravagance and STEEL i' w: H much i'lmircd. The Kuests tion laws. Capital 416.041 30,541 357,1 20 5S.9J1 ,i INSPECT PLIANT ! v. Mrs ' ver,- Mrs. Nits Mills, Felipe Kivern. on tht charite "f State 1,013.000 r.li.OUO 94R.U0O 65H.H tacks" Payne-Aldiic- h Tatiff Reports Show Balances Thornton, Mtf He.. rite O.bol Ward criminal assault. Xew Vnrk Life 4.476. 912 261. 25S 4.305.S44 "Sl.uCS of Xew Vols, city, M rs. Arthur Seliit-- t Jiitiiie X. It. will defend (; Itinthlin Loss Law, Philadelphia, pt. Í4. Prince Amounting to $1,191.173,82 mu, Mrs. Prince, Mrs. l.auahlin, Tilomas W. llanna anil 1!. H. insurance in force. ( - - llanna. Tsat sun brot her till: I'hlliest- fe- ills.' W. un. r and Mi'. Harroun. --Í. C i Hi nt mid inn le of the emieror of in Twenty Six o u n t es, American Coiiiinils Suicide in Mexico. I'himi, arrived here today from Smith a 24 The Northwestern R, Mitrnlna J.MirtiMl ir-i.i- linnet! Wlrrl Mrs. i le rite 'aliot Ward i:ave Mexico City. Scot. Henry P Mutual Life F, ll.l. In il. Pa., sllnhtly indisposed, Chaves County Leading, ;'4 Saturday nifiht : tier home on Alver. an American, who has a sisti r FHiiton. tihlo. sept In the I w 111 dinner a li. rest at his hotel until The scheme of in Portland, ore., committed middle of a tlrtv.xli mk r.iln wlihh last- iilnce was to have t'crrillos road. color ir.iim Insurance Company M'.ll.lav. The The v rd.'.v bv ed llie - the table tle.oral'oiis was pi.ik. suicide here an entire da, eerni thousand b en etlt rtained l prominent Phila- ( orrept.ii.lrne In Morning J.iurnall muí ill . Pl'ial invited itiiesis were ibivein.-- artery of bis wrist. in .eral man lied to the Audllol luni delphlalls tonii.-ht- - hall loihiy to hem Santa Fe. X. M Sent. 24 Accord- Mrs. Mills. Mrs. It. S. lb.. lev .Miss Of Milwaukee, Wis. tioxerimr Judson he will inspect I'nit-ei- l . on Monday the Auditor-('liarle- ot.-ro- Ilarnioii deliver the speei h ot the bulld-io- k iiik to rcpoits to Triveliim Uuiuhiin former ibivtrnor lirrt mint and tin- but ship S.livt-ma- i.ill rampalRti. Slates I'arl l.otave. Mayor and Mrs. yards. He expects to leave for V. Satford, the balances ill! Mylii-ei- p It. v. i The ripublicans, under lli" lender-tu- ' Hie Janus lir.ittan WuMiiliiuon .Monday ni'.;bt. the twenty-si- x county treasuries of Proercs. o 4 of arlen l Harding .Kutiei and Wils.-- .Mills. onifiarcil with l!us. Ni w o 1 nominee, final the lust cutri a M. si. on Scan ruber amounted Insurance in fori e .. Jan. at Ki i ARIZONA MURDERERS 1 1 . 1 !4.T 53. --'. al week iiko nion. ihi to the enormous sum of The etiitaitemetit is aiino'iined 1. 1910 $ 1.0 ! 2.MI9.H95 lncrea-- e .J6X.332.4 viovernor lliiinioii coinined his ad- t ot Marv M Malleson to Mr. Fhiiip. Xew busiiie.-- s in ACKNOWLEDGE GUILT 'haves county .l with a bahuue Mis 190'.. 113,716,lxx nt reas.e . 3.942.4: dress mainly tu a review of to tak,. place in Hrookiyn 2 6 slate 1 ithe wedtlinu Total assets Jan. 1. 1910 2.4 11. 9X0 na- ii'.s ac. uiiiul itetl on act mint is Increase I4.116.7fi but scored Ule repobla an on October 1". Miss Malbson the Total Income in 1909.. 49.445.1 43 tional tor what he of the sale of bonds fi r the new court C. II. Malleson, sis- - Increase administration came county with daughter of Mrs. Payments to Policyholders I house Then l.una I: u. whom she termed its wasteful eoeiuliiutes and ph... A l u". Sept. 2 She! ill ter of Mrs. J. Pah in 190 9 S 4 ni. 7 2. also part f ii nils for a 2S.S35.02O Increase I i 7 2 attacked PnMle-- lili li h bill 111 'M..6 in I Miss Malleson iti, lie tanlf Thomp I'll ot county, h.iviiu m visited tliis winter. Div mis paid in 19"9.... 10.333.M4 1 nc rease 91 6S1 iieu-teua- row c. itirt house, H. rnahllo county sev- - Alice I'oinercio'. candidate tor . UStl-- Lis, ted Mrs. Palen in Santa Fe William ami James x6.S I 1 63, W hile . . A.l-hl- stood third with j many friends' lioveriior. followed tiovernor b e t ! s cr.il years and has M':JvM A lartt.-- p lid in w; Steele, arrived from c In d imount Dividends th:lll s ever paid by any other . Santa Fe count only $21.090 65 I lliiriiioii. He made a hitler t ; h il.,-- 5 . la 1 attaik amaii.i, Arm, oi ii.iv to here. i onipany, littl. or rue in any vear up to 909, in tliis or any other coun- - up.n tlei - It. of incinnnti and to its t re. lit Val la la county was in- fox The men admit the killlnu "t I'r. . I. with 511:1 7e, and Socorro i - tllcldelila lly Milled I'lesnlelll Tall till A I'. Hlllpot, bus mill tx.'.. Mrs. liarles W. Duilrow' ipnt4. ill Kil.be and i:l with 176. 460. : 9 The balances the iiliiniii, whb h the speaker said 11. im Septelllla tilth li r me on Aitua Fri.t street. cess in. I'.'l'd station. in the county w re as at Third the f nt had made il li the 15, their itolls. ainmunUl" other treasuries Street Meat Market taklnu Coltux. I42.I9S 35; 'urrv . ARTHUR E. VALKER in I'.o.s Mr Poiiur-- i follows: luncheon 11--t, flU'-SR- 4 nadir and llors. s when thev tied 'I'hev 7 Mrs Mills en'.Tlaine.l at KINDS OF " AST 8AT $14.61x75: Dona Ana. $57.742 9; , evc-r.ni- . y ne dei lareil tiiat the state of iihn. t lallu self-i- lease. savuiK. a ipiii rr. Mrs P. S. Kodt-y- who will this ME.iT, STEAM SAVSAf.K Fir VinsurniK-e- Mntmi v $26.416X0. i;rant. $69.997 29. e. -- " Illiülil be llliuu tu trust Mr ll inbnu. over it doe,. llillpot i:,bl. to her h me in Albii.iier-tiii- HITS T1IK MAItK Bul'iillne AwoiiiiHon. Phoop arose Kibbe and i return F.lcaORT iu.idalupe. Lincoln, $64 t bu: that ;t would tn v. i tiin--t weapons $23.290.5",, Covers laid for twelve and ttT (trill Avennk. lllldllia tiiawlliy their fust. M. v. Mora, wcie & ral IllUt ft')r .'4;9.x; Killl. $l.Mti,'5; tlie color s. heme of the table iki and is the kind mother used to make Eberhardt Co., N. Third St. 6, x ;i $ 4 X itx6. titer.., 26.6 il'J tjllav. I white. Tin' m YOUTH NAVIGATES rations was re. and Many of our f. r it to asomo ncTMíníí; 34.3i'N 93. Km Arriba. $12.1 cucsts were Mr; Kodey. Mrs It orm .airona ut the FIFTY CASES 01 CHOLERA Sandoval. $ :x.9 7 23. San .Ilia ii. $l"b-I- I Cabot Ward of New York city. Mrs made-at-hom- e NIAGARA WHIRLPOOL 7 : article, to ay iiotiiing V. ! '5 15 K.i .scvelt. $.'4.: 91 San Fb.t.i-b.t- h c. MANY PL !N N Mi Vie. Miss M.ismc and Miss OLSEN MUS Ml S $59. 704 ; Si. il $.'5. XOS. 31, Mntil.l. n Massie Mrs. Thornton, Mrs of the w ami o rv saved PRODUCE RAPIDS IN BARREL $ 26.H U2. ; :i anee, - 'ik the HAY. GRAIN and T.los. Ton $1.- e. Mrs. W. Clant . Mis. l :i Prun Frank $.'6. I Journal Want Ads Get 'i., Viib.n. lb an. Mrs. Uiuuhlin ami Mrs. Th amas. hoiisevv lie M tier ami r Results! pem:cíx rori.Tisv ani STOCK Xapb S. pi .' t FKD KIAliaIKS -- e pi.au ni I) lias ti i i Xl. F..IN. X f.. Si 2 1 Nolart Public i.pointi-i- l Hon t K. ..f oro in in the curral praise of Paster IxOI VniHll ll.--Ht M. V corto - lu re. n lei .la v I it t , as, OI i II I. ,'l.l b of Xi. 1,1 Falls. Old. ib.ieinor .Mi 'Is has ippt.iiil.d iViirv II ande, deb tat. to the lonstltlitb.il- w i a I P.rown iiinl it ere reported, nh lanv deaths lid "lav III, a ti ip I iiKh the w hit I'll, ir. hili ot Cutter. Sierra countv. a al tonventioii f r, m otero ttiuntv. Criaiii Kiaatl. ami our I. ..lav pi r nil' the report res tile uumb. r..pi ill a ri stalliliK Ir in in. buy public. He also siitned th, t aken up Ins re. d.'iicf in Santa Fe. t . i Cak'-- Pies. t case.- no Willi .'2 the old Maid t tin .Mi.--t, lanttini; inMr line, veals' protessi-m- tea, ii. rs' and w.-- Sev f i a I w eeks a l:o It lepotled t tie l a 11 il VI r hrhit' '., rpt l'r t ft I ovd li. Kosc. M iss 'lata t d private setretarv Iba l t todera vt as pi e a b ill at .t pl S lew s, lau hex a lid u I ,':irh, li" cere M ós, and M iss I' '" w , i t - . i s end measures Uto tile nil- I. tuns I " bat inatir l ho i m- .Illll c llolN-rt- l'iltH Oath. Colliml are xp. t ied home on PIONEER BAKERV SEALS S ALS t llol U. S. At ex- - Jo-- e p. t!" the tune all lllllfS befóle .tt iniiiiiM. Mipi III' Court Calk Sella day t r. i w i k s v isil to the Kit'1 . ni Rlllill Itli 11 M IS made 111 ti toa l.t It, tl I'llt- - tl th,. ra,. Ms at 3 T tl.iv l'e. ivetl and tiled the tomnus-aatl- i Frijoles wlieit-,,- t thi-- Were the BU'Sls I 207 South First Street II. it wa Kiveil oft fen th. ills, a lid went tin muí. thcin I ti t)irT iiim-- t u and of Judue Clarence J the Hons,. ..f the Tin Atlb rs o! 111- -, w 111, tt an h is cm I I r i! n. r SEALS Itastlo elltcl Ules. Idlliit in nl.MiH at of K.tt I't'Ollll d associate J,,..-- .tittt ..ils. A. J. Abbott. s Hi, i here aboiits ttu as. ' ,lr i aiiühl lh' f the N XleXic supreme loll. P. h'. 1 uikey untl family leit The allt'l. .rites t'o a,, ...luid bao, ..1 hurle i t U tr of th'- for their home on tiie Katon r.tiab. the d'sc.se i, i b 1. i. .it. it it I ItfM' itsi II lit, and south of U.liiv today. t. make ir r rt p.o . ti- - f I city I. is .i n In htr J" Mill It mis- I to P thi Tac- - i a iiitements tor stay in. ttiis . i n t li: hi - I l v lei at Hill 'f t K arrt i n led till A, .I'll it lo T tv clina Auditor col, eiitton tiurtiiit the coiistltuticn . w 1)111. , t.t-r- to! keeping to the r 'I, .11 . S.. tii.'in fALQY'S ede. Hold. the assessment of Will' h Mr. Pankey is FREIGHT CLERKS STRIKE total t I the .int. Allli reelll.IK.-- !' r 19 1" in Torrance 1; u; h ml ot 1 pool it was I. lilt KallrtiHtl 26 2 T : aitt Itc(Hrter Pealen h Tima. FOR INCREASED UAGES in tn h t u e ildv aad floated hind-- - and imp 14 21. Kansas City. Sept. 24 1'ourtnry -. rUcifa t w ! in Ci to hi i .uiMit it !i a m, r. illdise. fi I . C.-ip- cr a reporter the Kansas ctf tt h..i- - d mul 4 to I auks. 2 91 Star, who has been identified with . , Leave your order for Ger- , The t'C.b l.e ,,f l tte b ri na K.i-- I tllds. ote-lis- . impl- - newspaper crusade aK.unst X . A Ol lea os S. pi that . lors i. be k, led lli a similar as s end here, was smbi.i,l f n e ,! ! ' till ham call!.'. 17... and criminals oir and bin. it. it I. - I I Cling- Maud i.Ssl who ti o. .,l e,l in lie! hold ,... h . lands . n,l be ten by a r .wd of man Prunes and I New I O lea US Ii ti'i'ter ..I lie -. a 7. I ... . - Our new barrel ,l. nh. r "oil S l o prov un ills .7 otto i d non her.- latcsiit He was department is now complete for making Notary rrn and the i,Ksiuii: a :, - . in iiii'!,.. l.oor- not ,i.iiistr,Hisi hurl. stone Peaches for pre- Pa. I fie riillroaiis w all,.-V- 'h and Corporation seals. Expert wor employed. Seals I I Irnan hi II I hi lies. ..t a: Hi iilii. Kiil I tint l.m--- t l ast. l in lt ( IM. H I 'I 111 : ' I . nit.r itii Ad serving. ll, esi s in K pl -- Try a Morning Journal Want delivered on illoel ' Pi..! II s u ii I rt t -- same day order is t I .Ml received. to lucí lb, ir ih'lll.lti'lll 'I' v t . , t . I . - til. et K S Í ni Mt xlt in w iiiii'M The i b i Km ant I, . .i.; lO'lf Pears, box $2.25 "t ill. oltll ed late hour 1 till, hi bet 1 Special lr .ni In .t r in .1 111 - attention given to manu- liil'itinit II fit itno to Co- 11.- , .1111.;,-- 5'l'.e mail orders. We also I II.- - le!, I 'Uto S III ireiiiois It. W.Ue 'Oil I'll ,..s. ld. 111 I p. ..pb- w. :e German Prunes, box $1.75 I irb-aio- . t ..s. ,1 t, av on a. facture and keep in stock w.i. he X.- .1 K h.,. i r.-- t corporation and notary records. of tb- - rlkr. i' Fruit Jars vVCí. AN SLA, HUSBAND ARMORY 4 S S i.R'STC RATiC Spices CM N.'M uses il. HOLSTEIN Pure Lilhgow Manufacturing Stationery Co. Koine. S. pi 2 I I Miriníi I hw f ast FRIEND THEN s j.-t- ii w of HERSELF "RESENTED TO TAFT Cane Sugar bo ntl lour bom to tusca --THE XEW - ibolelH end lilli. .bullís weie r.'i.ort- - Roller Skating Rink MEXICO llioi SK- Ml In the illf. ted r- - i ni I be and everything you need ii i I. Blank Books, Loose 4 P.iubne Leaf Devices, KUibber Stamps, Seals, i . t for pulling up fruit. lllauc ktil If si,,, !,. Put' r nio'.l.. r H -t i pre-- : r' in ..'v : ." 1 I i a Oí i ,1 . t: v Y i Y : ' lasenw k . ,'l I' batid. to : of i: i; a Office Supplies. Xiií.ttíe IKCtllv Hitler ii.-ll- l I , H Pet.l .V i. vt ti It.. I e, Mrs -i I. I I MollMVfi M:vtI()S.10 to polU .l If been h.i! le ftla .11 vr li 314 W. Gold T I. . V Mi Ave. Albuquerque, N. M. Phone 924. storm vest. i.i.tv i ll.stellli.t r.ext w.-.-- f'.r ii-'- i i !t .1" AITl IJVOONS t.ZO to w hn.k. ii id tin .mili W b. tak-- :i t t the i tim,if i n n ti- t tt.triie.'. Tbe ti r erf I. Jim a r i:it.x. to Pt 15 I II- Trrv. 'el It i I t lit Aunt ' I v m j A. J. Maloy j - - ll t XtcarMcna I llM N II.iiiiIm-- Pee ol v THE - :.t!!o T. rr is an NEAl IS THE ONLY HABIT f ; :. .1 CURE FDR THE DRINK i'.n..Uii. S pi ,e r..l ai r. but x . th- - . i.l.-r.t it th "ntf-nia- l - . Ap n lnjrx-tlon-. l .1 s I , 214 CENTRAL AVE. hrpoih-r- ilp g', f rooifnt hits .tli.sfo a 1'iaia. pi's! t lie t is l l.r si 1 1st t t'f treatmrnt, no with loml . . rait, Special Attention - I Im c . v se .; I d.l i.ti.1 t .t contract pro- h. I'.er ' sell .(r fain- er,! i to euro oc. rrrfectlf. In TlIKi:r,: PAYS. The X"al Institute - rl hs - n tlo- I; lH. M o. d n J x v. -- the- frt.ot lier ni.ti ro of I'totl, I t at iifn ii.ir rumfort of rrtlnetl home for II iimittita. lite trcnin.cii I:.lt..m4. Ife t h:l Irrn I. a Given Beeinners M"nt to tli home of iiablft to go tlx- - Write cor 1 s- fi.rn.-r- n thoe lu Instituí. lito r. íhj'jin r... Phone 72. oí th rontraot ami Itty. fr ftur o( lf. .i't I h,ef of the v- B,kl. .. - Journal Wa.it Ads Get Try TIIK - - ita 5.-r- . r.J al Cr.,r..i- Results a Morning Jcurnnl Want Ad 'Kl, 1XSTITTTF, Albaincrqnr.. Xrw Mfilea Tclrrlumt SJi. tÁlurd SejO' M Ir. 13 Sontt Sx';'od Sif


expense iiconnt uf the c (institutional BKM convention, asking If there might be MAY CONSOLIDATE any limitations in the matter of clerks nnd other. expenses of the ses- sion. Youn.7 received a reilv to the ef RICH HERMOSA fect that the ocp.rrt mem red no sns- - Is It the Hair or the Face that Makes the Woman? RcMaps to otfer. .Did thai the! amount of mngii they spend , lepen, Ik entirely on the dosiri of the dele- - Sine:; to the convention. ' If oh tlilnl; it U llw face, lake anoiher look at the two beads pictured So. PROPERTIES retty Young Is beginning to here. One shows a girl hich the 111 I critical would pro: ounce beautiful re, eive super is- - from the hoards of While her iVntuiv are fairly perfect her greatest lies In a mass ois the expense bills for the lasl charm t lection. It will he several weeks' of fine lustrous hair. The opposite piciuie i identical as to fémures mid 1 - k before the accounts can be audited other detail except that the wealth o hair 1-.- wautin. and vouchers Issued for the payment Until of luyes would anywhere Inn each lot a FIVE MILLION DOLLAR'""' of claims. these attract intention dlflerent reason, one on account ol her superb beamy and the other on ac- COMPANY PROPOSED NEW RAILROAD WILL count of her comical appearatue. - The hair makes ell the dltfelvh. '. A woman lo r good lc .3,v J W CONNECT WITH THE RIO V'áU J i xact piopoi t Ion as sic lo.-e- s her hair English Capital to Back Big GRANDE AT ESPAÑOLA Sierra County Enterprise;

Can the Hon, Julian Chavez Stirr!iil CirrMilondener' to .Moniin" .!onrn;il "Come Back," Vaughn. X. M ., Sept. :'l. The new I s erpicdie railroad (San lails .t- Soul !iern i, being mmm btiiil iv the Castilla (irant company, from Illanco, Cido., now-bee- Mppclnl Corresriomleiire to Morning Journal) south lias graded as far south a.s the N-'- I fillsboro, X. M.. Sept. 22. A mm .Mexico border. Must of the lies arc Ing deal of more than usual import now ground. 7 on the S"cn thousand iini-- han Just been closed here. Colonel of theise were cut at Pica. g llolgale (if the El Clilf Mining com I'll o survey extends foalh from the aves Olí nan v. nt Hermosa, has imrc!i;is''il '(dorado line to luest.i, but it is said from Tm Hubs and associates t lie that sonic other company will take up famous Pelican group of mines, Th the building from Colorado south. There is nothing which s so desini!' ;ve t.' the hair a- -- daodiulT have, - consideration is understood to It i rumored that the road will ex- Tills tianov ing trout, lu to which everyone. is mofe or le- evpoyed In due $20,M()0 cash in been and the balance tend to Taos and Kspanila where it to the workiim of an invisible growth or in a robe t,i lied the nindi'Hl'i lleno .dock and notes. The Pelican group will connect with the 1). and It. C. has produced $1,500,(100 in silver am i .1 it i obs the hrvlr of the snap au.l luster ,.fr hef,lth, burrows down into was th,. mine w hich first attracted at I lie follicle and ovetilualh loosens (he hair, allowing it to lall.oni. tention to the Hermosa, milling camp VcMbro'x Iferpicidc applied r, guiarly and Intelligent l kills this germ, Years ago the mine sold for $75, DIM) healthy. John Knsscr, general manager lor OFFICitSs 10 keeps tile scalp clean and hair the Ocean Wave Alining company, palling hair s this prevented and, if i lie hair follicles have not become authority for the statement that h aiiophied. a new growth of hair ina v be nut h I puled. Kl comnnnv in conjunction with the The life and luster of llerpleldo hair is heamil'ul to see. Is unmlslaUe- - i.'liff company will install a water NEW ENGLAND nl.lc power plant to run the machinery f An Hhiindiilice of flufly, lihltering h air i vvoinan's . luefesl beiinty and in camp, all the mines the and thai lo permit Its uce.iless lestiuciion is o i, pa i dona ble. a scheme of consolidating all tin mines of Hermosa Into a five mlllioi dollar company is being discussed OLIGARCHY The backers of the proposed consol!. datlon aro said to he an Knglish syn dicate and the stock will. In case the KILLS THE DANDRUFF GERM STOPS FALLING HAIR consolidation goes through, be proh- - ahlv placed in Ruglanil. Mr. Kasscr Proiumcia-ment- reports that on the lowest level of the Anti - Patronage o One dollar sle Unities old and (.uiiraniced hv nil lliugglsts. Yppllcliliolis olil.uni d in Hie Itcilcr Pal her ami Muir llrcssing yvntclope workings they have encoun By Step sIiin tered a high grade ore body which at Taft First There Is Nothing Just as Good Pnrlors. Send for Sample and Booklet this writing shows a. width of over ten Assuming Progres SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AT reel, the ore running about 301 ounce? Toward silver. A lew dnjs ago a solid chunk sive Leadership Is Washing Some drn';gi-- l. who lliinks more of a dime llian Mini pie bottle of Hcrpicide also II ImoUlel of ore weighing over foul pounds wnt lie loc of (he real good of Ills i ilMniner. mav li't telling a II alioul the cure of the hair will be av somoiliitig giiod'' hoisted out of the mine and the ton Belief, to sell you "iis as when vou sent upon receipt of icn cents In postage or erage production per day is about 40 ask lor New bro's llcrpicidc lusisi on liavlng Jons. the only Original liandriiff (icrin Desinner. Alvarado Pharmacy silver. Í The sale of the Pelican group was ddres Till) lll lll'K IDK O. today, Messrs. P.oss, Morning: Journal Bureau, concluded here E. I - Get Hcrpicide and Get Satisfaction W. BAUER. Prop. IH.pl. :t DI COIT. MU HIC.AX llolgale and Kasscr coming on here G13 Mu uses- IfuildinK. especially for this purpose. Messrs. D. C. Sept. 20. SPI ( IL .l T. Kasscr and llolgate have taken out 0 President Taft has come out in an license and will open a store at Her- un,unlille, recognition of the fact mosa under the name of the Hermosa that the progressives have grown Supply company. strong enough to be of vital import Lije Tea ford, who is famous for hlF to ol republican dogs, ance tile wcllarc the trains will W made to carry the livery stable, his cats and his party and to demand his countenance freight, he Land SOU Í 11 WESTERN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY u p to Hermosa a few days ago valuable to Chino went and approval. He allowed to he pub yards tuc-- u to visit thp scenes of his old stamping Rio Hondo Apples Declared and Water company' and lished a letter sent by his Secretary. tory near Los Angele? here I hey will Garage 401-40- 3 North First Street. ground, and returned today. to a politician in Mr. .Norton, prominent be fed Hllil fallelied tor the market There Is a lack of school teachers in Iowa set our torth the administra- piin. ipiilly on beet pulp. PHONE 750. ihis county and some of the school tion's purpose to recede 'from Its old Finest in United States districts '11 find trouble In opening Handling of '2. nun Head. - position that the insurgents could not The purchase nnd handling of 2.000 Bring your autos to us; we will decorate them for the fair up their schools. ontrol the dispensation of patronage The mill of the Statehood Mines head of IhN inmu ns lot ol beeves has 111 their states, anil promising that the Nile Is of Au- been eon, im ted by Joseph Coumerllii, will shortly start In on a run of dump e follow Soil Richer Than That of the Verdict American tons, almost a president In the rutin will the a well known cattleman of llhiekfoof, gain of about 1 2.000,0(1(1 over the Iiit ore. Several thousand unvarying rule of acting in these few- If wmyr are said to be availablt thority on Apple Culture; How Smudging on Famous Sun- Idaho, who passer) through Salt Lake loll of last year. There are year's supply matters on the ndations of any in cuiiritvj and it is asserted a r very ol recomim Wednesday on his wuv in the scene of other cities hl thPl that the insurgent senators and represen a gain Of. sa.v, Ihlrty-tw- n Sfi a ton can Ire made on this ore. set Ranch Saved Thousands of Dollars for "Drchardist. action to superintend the moving of can exhibit While riding a supposedly genth tatives. the droves. per cent in 11 single jear. Meyers his year old The letter Is couched !n the plain "Most of these cattle have been of causes of the Is horse Oeorge and est language nnd is regarded as Mr. One the increase were Tin fSppelHl nee Id Morning .Turn-mil- l ranging on. the Arizona strip east of Capitol, P.rlll nnd infant nephew thrown. Kt at Siiiiaet ranch, It Is largely due the taking of West TO up Tuffs til step toward assuming the and Uaiiab nnd west of the Mm Uskln Is horpe which had never acted active leadership of the progressive Hoswell, X. M., Sept. 2:!. An ex- to his management the. ov hard has Collins addlllonti but that not the began to pitch and .Mr. Meyers one from mountains." snhl Mr. Omine rllh. "I greatest cause. Another Is the higher wing of the parly. It Is construed hibit in the window of the Rosvvel! been brought in year's time an- - who was carrying the ha by in hit- pros, ut high .mdei Hland hoy m good shape for value of real crime and sllll another In a bramble patch to Its d WEA Washington as a public fare- company thiui-an- .tump off. He landed here Title and Trust shows what shipment next month Three Is enormous volume of Improve- arais tried to well to old dayf. when the ad- fancv New York apple degree of productiveness. the severe bruis- the the market I of the cattle ar owned by the on his neck and received polit- Sunset ranch will a ways welcome ments which have been made williln ministration walked down the wants and ia willing to pay for. The j Chino Land and Wat.-- r company, suc Is es while the child escaped unhurt. - who come to Inspect fhe or- the last year. It ertlmnted that ical highway hand in hand with Sen- fruit is of the new variety known as visitors i i tí rn ii on owners, (loud rains fell in the vicinity ol The road is hot of best, but cessors to the Itatey building and inipi ovciuents to the it, r Aldrich and attuned its rteps to the Stark Hclicioua and (nine from chard. the Smolders. These will K" Iiillsboro and Lake. Valley today, the worst e cTioii, the lug hill, has it steers amount of more than a million nnd n - the counsels of the Xew Knghind oli P. Li. Southvvorths Sunset Lunch at along- .lulian Trying- l "Conic Hitick." been put In excellent condition, and II with the shipment. half dollars have been added to the Is be a one-hal- two-third- s According to reports received here garchy, it believed to fot mal Picacho. carry agree, "Hctvveon f and city yeilr. good-by- e the Mr. ('haves oountv wili out Its within the Chave., latt to the old stand that Southworih acquired the Sunset coun- of the cattle were raised in south- city and more, from Albuqueniuc, Julian out of Htoih II con- mint with the people of Lincoln Hut Ihe will need nil of legislature from Sierra Insurgents were to he stamped ranch in the autumn of be ern Ctuli. revenue which this Ask Us to send you sealed, free a bonk member the sists of .'120 acres, of which 110 is now ty. Ihe way to Sunset ranch will very good of Ihe additional any ennntv, is trying to get some kind of a existence. H'.sily accessible visitors and sight- "Prices on beef cattle are Increased valuation will raise. More Just completed, which will inspire Kriends of president realize under the plow. Thirty-fiv- e acres arc lu T lip younger .ioh at tile constitutional convention. the seers. Tile people of ItilSWell UlllSt just now. Last week In Idaho sold money will have to be spent on the man to bigger, stronger, in Ihis respe I may he now in orchard. The twenty-liv- e aciv. 1, Since his efforts in forwarding the bill that his action forget (act that roads Kill head of fat steers to new additions that will be received llf he is old and more iiuinly than' construed it, some (planers us a In ileal ing is of nine war old tries, ml the ásmese buyers u n average ul Í4N apiece, h for removal of the county sent Into shape more busi for llietn 111 taxes, in the way of ever felt. the kllng-urwl- twenty s will be punn- are puf belter Irani not visited her, knu to tío. sevelt, and and more acn a total value of $7. nod. These were - Im- K!( tra Vita can take any weak, from iiillsboro he has vv ness from the mountain towns will iprlnkling- nnd milking street a may he charged having ed the coming season. The h a 2. M find 4 olds, were good puny feel like a on two occasions, remaining that he with lau. i .vear but in III Ohio be necessary man inul lunke him except a eery poor onu. to heir doors. provements. It t very time. The people her, been smoked out of ins allegiance lu in condition when Mr. condition. They went to the Citdahy on Sain low. llf course Plectra. Vita 11111 brief Soul h vvnt th look possession, but Is to build nuinv crosswalks streets was have not forgotten Julian anil they the old guard of standpatters, The men of Los Angeles." along which the owners have had to make a Hercules of n man who now in good shape. In the orchard Is by strong are bending every effort to prevent president himsell, however, is under SILVER WATCH GETS The following an illustration of pave and here must In, exteinlve and never Intended nature lo he to position he ar,. fita of ihe Siark Delicious. I'lo husky. I mean him from getting any recognition at stood .take the that one of Mr. Ceumeiilh's met hods of expensiv e Impl ov enients of the streels and don't thai. convention. has made this step only lor the sake balance of the l.iiiiu bearing trees KICK OF HORSE AND making additional uroflls on cattle. Tak- Put Plectra Vila can a mall the hands of the any r finally between (lano. Champ- within the central iiert of town. lk parly harmony, and without Neighbors sold their cattle for about ing Into considera- who sd.irted wllli a lair constitution may ion and Commerce. Water for SAVES RIDER :;s these necessaries It got fully developed be- regard to the elleet it nave on ITS apiece; out of condition, of course. aloiuj tin) 1'ncl thru, city and before comes the P.io Hondo, the Hi) a good tion with the gan It fellow Is his political future. lini Mr. v'oiimerllh paid i for pay roll amounts to $IO,flu( an- lenrliig down. That right calling for seven second In 150 liead; weak-nerve- poky, lacking In GO Territor ial Notes. pasture; turned his nually, eouneilnieil wonder-In- slow. ARIZONA MAY ami Hie lamí is sheltered on all side closely, and a later-go- ihe tire ion Hell -- con! Idenee. The following star mail routes have Las cruces. N. M .. Sept, :;!. The watched them little are golii(r to get vim. ambit and hv the Hondo walls "Í per where they oil. 11 of been ordered established In New eanvoti. the $li apiece, hi a head cost to Is Klectra Vila can make man him which rise perpendicularly fi the HroaihLis Jtnv Iry i ompa ny estcrday one source of revenue rapidly In t own Mexico Arizona i him of only $1. and he ha the pasture three months so liar bis and . dwindling nobody knows when It La floor of the valley. received from J.rnres 'ilihr sliver Ifsid'-s- and won't know him. Aiamogordo to eioudoroft. via for other stock will ipili. When the $1.0011 saloon I- friends M professor (ieoige T. Powell presi- , ,.; r- - Kleeirn Vita Is a dry can hody bul- ENTERING laiz and Mountain Paik. X. .. with timepiece vvhi h probably s thirty-tw- o BROKE dent of the Agricultural Kxpcrts' lienses went Into elfect, ry power iong-ilve- d service three times a week. The I. le Renerntlng Its from owner from i.rhaps tial VALUATION saloons remained In business. Within ( ntract was awarded to John Q. authoritv on upp!. growing, PR0PERTY dry cells. It reuulres no barg- said the other day that tin- soil or, Miler. who is (Mil, iloyed on the pitch- the last year fourteen of them have ing hi v hicgiir or acids. C.rant of Alaniogordo at $850 per "IN some the this ranch was the most fertile he ever fork ranch diillshoro. was out PHOENIX REACHES been discontinued, hecaure I want you to read this book nnd examined, even than the black tcr several days on a horseha, k trip business would not sustain the license my X. M . with n ser richer learn the truth about arsumenis IRE UNION Sedan to Vance. Powell al- over to NINE MILLION MARK and others. because their Ilienses vice limes a week. Contract soil of the Nile. Professor ihe eoiinlry trom Iiillsboro If you tire not as vigorous as Jim three so said that the apples were the fin- Arizona. The latter part of last week, were revoked. to he. vou rheu- awarded to i.iuy K. Piersall ol sedan to would like If hsve est lu qualify he had seen anywhere close to the Arizona line, he The city tax rale Is limited matic pants, weak kidneys, loss of at $30(1 a year. at- seventy on each 1 0(1 of valua- r- - In the Lulled States, and not only kicked by one of Ids horses, hut the t Phoenix Repnblh nn. cents vitality, prostatic troubles, nervous Haynes to Cuba. X. M , with a si Soil tion, so seems nolhlug to tribute,! Ihe fine quality to the kick landed on a large silver watch This town is gelling rich Im that there spells or any iillmilit of that kind Governor and Secretary are vice three times a week. rapid change from night to In p.n ami do but to (iirtiill expenses in some your flohe, via Roosevelt, ('line, Pnyson. and the whi' h he curr'cd his shirt kct. portant. The bool.s of City Assessor Hint unmans you, it would assure day temp' rature. hut also to the clean i one rib was would tool: and Kntherford, to Campvetde. with the emit that and Tax C.dle, lor Harm 11 luive been future happiness if vou Worried Because $100,000 Pine eiiit iva t Ion. Mr. Southworih says that broken and his b.uly severely bruised. Into method ol mine. I'mi't de- rlz., with a I limes a made up and Hoy will i.hou Hint the this service luce in Hondo alley, while the trees He Sunday It, sOim-an- t opens Its lay best days are slipping Not Be to Louis 1.. the came Into the ranch and oil:, I valuation of properly lor tax- The Home it; your Appropriation Will week; coniiaet awarded are oiing. it Is possible and profitable sent tonight. .Music in hv. vou want hook I send If o, i'.i.r.nn a year lor Immediately the timepiece here able purposes H In ihe neighborhood doors for dinner If Ihis Norton olobe at to plant corn between the rows. tepaT'-d- case being hadlv ' National elosidv le,i if von Inclose this Expenses, of four years. to he the o. ? tilMi.lilin, but the exact iigure ailcililance. ct lo I'lrst sealed Sufficient to Cover term .Mr. (!. II. Copeland. representing I vv, damaged. It Ave. , between hullero, and the rns will in i he kno.vn until the council Itank, (.old ollpoll. The star route service Lyons of New York, who was VITA C( 1. Ariz., has been I'.roiheis una a luck;. hance that he which has been sittiiuf as board of Till'. PLKCTRA Mesa and Koosevelt, have bought the apples this year, says it was Dept. 7. (1. carrying the wand, just where eiiiializa ilnallv passes on them, In Morning JonrnaM diseontinuf receiv- ten Try journal Columns! '2 :i n ' 1r('lul rorrniHinilrnr that his firm has inner before Injuries -- ihe Want j So. Spring HI., Los Angeles. in two or he would have suffered I. .it mm ihev now land lli.'V show a Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. Whether Postmasters appointed the ed apples of such fine quality' and he vva- - Please send prepaid vour ml page Kddlc Clampitl at Pion- whhh. trom th. tact thai the tin. mili appropriated by the last territories: flavor as he has sen' on the Sunset mi' n.v mih's t rom town . doctor. Look. congress to pay the expenses of ush- eer, Chaves county, X. M ; Canuto inch. might have proved fatal. will ho!" Ramirez at Rociada, X. .M : Robert J This year the smudging was ibmo Na ering Arizona into the union M.; is is Poole at Vance, t'nion eounly. X. snc( ullv w ith waste hay mixed out until the entrance effected cssl P- e, Street or -x .lust now puzzling (Imernor Sloan and John Roberts i t Pal ker, Ariz.: Alexis with stable wa-l- which was haled STOVES AND RANGES Secretary Young. Conrad at Savers. Ariz. ilLfhtlv during tin- winter and allowed OE In the enabling act congress fixed Jelicrson Reynolds of Xew Mexico l.i stand out in the weather and rot.! NOT We have added to our n in WashirtgO n during the through j $100. (Mill as the sum for defra In; tin has he These hales were distributed m con- tempera- expense of held on Sep- past week I'tendinir the annual ihe orchard, and when the of o-CANCEI- the election the Association of were splashed with stock Furniture and tember 1, the ( nstitaiional conven- vention of National ture fell they tion which may last sixty days, and Supervisors of State I'auks. !!'. son,- and lighted. They were s( I CATTLE IN NORTH alii-,- , Carpets a new depart- I lie or at ten o'clock at night, and I election in he held to ratify follow- WILL GIVE i eject were sUll burning at no.,n the $1000 the constitution. The Home Itcsfaurnill will serve ing nay. Th,. cost of smudging ment consisting of Stoves IF I FAIL TO CURE ANY CANCER orTUMOR Secretary Y', utig estimates that the to- - total Sunday dinner in its tu'vi home ? 10 election jns-- held lias cost about $4),-I'O- was about all acie. I TREAT RIFO RE IT POISONS DEEP GLANOS night. .Mr. says that there is a j Ranges. We have the WITHOUT KWFE OR PAIN. VEGETABlt PLASTE of 7,(i(Pi was in Cochise Southworih ARIZONA - ' V- .. v. and which Idea that mountain oiohnrds, county M.1'00 in mistaken v'ujrvuíid.' r irfti .. CURES alone and about I gp Jíur S000 savs: When rhe are tree rom the codling moth. Thus exclusive of SWORN TO. Maricopa. The average of all the The Taos been agency K.MIU'I ihToui.-n-Sf oeieiir.-- far. no groat damage has Juifi, lawyirt. Oecten counties is placed at slightly less San ion ncnins X wrought hv insect pests at Sunset é M.tl.snairM. No Nay than ta,.", an. operations durint; ihe. last wtek ol the (HI K SH IN pi K but the tie 1'S w . re "Buck's Stoves and OI til Legislatures In past, in which month, the men will add ranch, nevertheless Uol- -j Wlllt HNNUCSSsTci the vear. and will ( untóme Two. Hundred Thousand only thirty-si- x members. and clamor to the festivities. spreyed Ihis Ranges," known as one of t Jl OTflll' (IT V.Ol.V there are its gaity (I :: v A 1 I't iui. session isoueed horses. to he spray three limes at. n i..ft AivlTumor, hac o?i about $'(. This For week the capai e rse,,i, of lead is m lats Worth of Homed Beasts Lumper Sors on me filly-tw- o out solution of best manufactured will have numbers, end the Some tailless and earless and w v 1 the I t a. ff Ho.lv $ M h In lb es hat the i WM .a Sá r. S.eii orth ,i, cost mav lea;t headless, have remained patient T c k k it a Out of Ship Nruth mentí,. I.S ( reach at $:.0,'i. evMi crcha r, lists of the Pecos val!, have and AMTIt. Jf ihe eba lion for the and iiiies(tnt, and the hediagoned .f also the "Chief" 11 i'Aüi: 11011K itmates if great value j 11 e4 run been tenantless, wait- not the thin of Giand Canyon. ll.M K It 1 nrh ratification of the constitution chariots have nutr- i irf Ii m- get mighty sorting ano pa king Iheir "Hero" Ranges. Come rut m i' n 3 - P tf even higher of the ing and should eiht-r- than the Ho.aeu till Pird L'in.l kel tipples, msi eg the t ir, and a p Wtfa .rlir'iW election just held. l.ut on the same ready to turn on the neairi and star! f.e.u a packs TshrJ. r'i 'briB :íti t - gay four, and and hal' tier and inspect our display irrt han this make $ni.e.im for the th- merry whir'. The and li- S1W. t It costs five c. nts 1. x lo pack these I' tlis Moraine JnurautJ ' .rf;4 AnyLUMPin :)('. nfiu d eds look ready -a WOMAN'S BREAST two elections, which.' with tor color, st ma k s tl.H box "r Lake City. Sept 22 of luig and epplcs. but it worth Plan. before purchasing. We the com nt n. makes a total for fhe fray nficr their Hie b more in the During next lew weeks hi droves CANCCH, in.i if A I. 1 y fitly cents to hi the IS rrk m 10. in. a. ,,r (leu in cx so of lonely though th. have ; , ' ill t tin. the stand, but market. Sunset ranch guarantee-- of nitle will begin moving ln.m can save you money. f! '. 'Klti tls i amount appropriated by coiufiess. been fed on nothing but atmosphere, rnar-- f A.,,irt,ce no rune no tuami rv tr every ' soul lo the New ork northern Arizona and southet.i piah rtuui v u. m now, vn.vimi'iiLi, M""II ( i ..I t Young pw.k up and immov- 11 Secretary reiently and have stood unmoved to r, e morí worms and d nu 1 lu the raiiioiid towns of Mi ford in Uinltvi fff IJ S. CAHl S CURE, Is ttc WOSt t w ' I h rii-- r kit l'CU th,. .lepa r"ro nt of i,.t. the able while iwo line crops of ulialfn of ti.-- pa king In- -' Heaver eoiuoy I. nnd 11 74b ANO 747 S. MAIN ST.LOS ANGELES. .(!" ilge. The method and troll CiL passed by and Taos valley oats sur.-- damage by I utility. I he will not vil1 !! apples Hon rntfle iiurrl.er MAILTHIS TO SflMFfiNE V'lTH CANHfR looming on the horizon, they in box during transit. The than f. represent In n v.hie I FEMALE shako the FRENCH nove when the Komj sounds, and ju- to 4.i'i on i.etwi-e- J I r.a.liiiu nnd 2"U.(iMi. Most e ippb hrin fruii i.!;.i It iridic-som- venile Ta, will have a festive, w liolcK.i.1.. d fabcr t the N Vork marl. el. ar of these beef (altle were ontrsi fed n, CHIüHtísitKíi mus PILLS.! ride. t , :i tall, nnd are ror very - . III tlRt VII A aaove nil vp,'iii"". 2iki ih hi; for last del af V A - a. una boxes 'T k"-i- Aii.i".i i.biiis. tin- rinih. "fbere ar" otMhiise points between iietohet and V--'4 ! mm Tri,iA Hfvii iN8f.R ' - - wmi:. HcMaui-an- t ill s ei gn nils 1 n t.il,-- r 21, fid cars now N. M. I'llla ia U. 4 ud b.ia AVy The Home tvc quahty apph and live: ire Albuquerque, 'SJJe-TV? ( 1. liome -- irtpay r crop. j distribute.) along- the n- - of San x .!.w ,.m.X MTKfr í. tumi Sunday dinner in its urn to paiking the lbs V H; rr in- . 11 iia . 11 of fca tftM mii ra IW is In. Mr. chrls rz. oichardist Pedro railroad near Mdtord nm, Lund, J 'iri.i. nn nt srrst tmr. a man - ll IV..HI us,i fiLl.a. cenrs of experience, and ofirndy to r.ueive the lalth for trans- FURNITURE, CARPETS DRAPERIES ANO STOVES vr.tn.no-- D Sfil, vl.st A,aellv gr ,! priu - to I 'abforiph.. 1 very kern and portation The vndlnv SO10 BY ORLCQISTS KE Ad v IVIRY1.M Try a Morning Journal Want tieal ability, hns ili ate J Ii, .lul.atl s ;;1 re. j ure 11 .1 r, y il 1 , Ul.ll many THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1910 Jr nnnun nunr unnr nnDLIAII AMnnDflUAM MIDDLE WEST 10 The Great Majestic Walking Cake DEFEATED BY WILL BE V GOME IH FORGE ROSWEL L IHE GRAYS TO CONGRESS

JR. S. UII' It. I. Well-to-d- Boys Who o. Farmers and Bus- U'li littn (ifil '""I nun- I 3 3 Albuquerque Ball Players Two Albuquerque 7 0 St. .los'li ....dlj I'll Ilx II Good in Fast iness Men From as Far East J.ttilt.-- I ii's: AitcliiMin nd Clinch Reputation by Losing Have Made llaniliin mid i ranilics Albu- Illinois Fifth Successive Game to Ap- Company to Play With as Ohio, and Indiana I Ini'oln, ft: .sioiix ("111. 4. querque During Fair. Bound for Pueblo, ílAiix Ctiy, St'id. i'4. LiiKoln ple Pickers. STANDING OF THE CLUBS (iianhf il a viiloiA in tlio nintii. Monx City Jriit Kna.p liald in the CorrnNpnndrnrp In lliirtlin min-- to loci! (Steclnl .lournnlj $&S? first, but nitpf that Ii f pltohcd i;ond Sprelnl limpid ill lo tlif Moinine Jutirnl It will he 'of Interest Fuel, In. Colo., Sejit. :':t. One of the p National league. lii'.ll nnswell. X. 11., Sopi. 24. Iinswcll and southwest haselial! fans to learn Won. Lost, rer ut. . It. II. K. surprises in the way of assurance (lefi-nte- to- that Hinder Ciirlmii and Hert (Iraliani. d ! again Alhti,iuer,iie 'hi. -' 4ñ .fiV! 4'ity Htn, 1,1,1 mm 4 4 here special parti'-- end special cars ami " o hoys made Pilt-,hur- r 11 11 ;; ii i U Fit-ker- tt e tu Alhuniierque who have si .s'1 Liiii oln . . in, 0 day, the Apple making li 'trian el'Jhteentli 7 .5 - wi'.l .la t" the naiiona Now York SI tLitti-rli-- Hnnimniirt unil MiU'l",- dej'cntp for the f'.rayx. muni In the nrnjuf ; .." i strnishl congress came to congress I'hiiM.i.'ipiii,...... Knapp and Knign K with the Allimiueriptc (Irays during V'- Score IL II. (lii.'lnu.iti 7'.' -' .'d,ft w licii word was received AII,iKuer'iie - 4 tile lair tournament, fnrhun is How liea.diiuarlers xl c well-to-d- st. iont l.i-- Two iainei'. á tí I from that a party or o iioswoll shortstoii for the St. Joseph cluti in Chicho llrooklyn 'ii Ii.'in.T, Sejit. lrnvT made New-meye- r. men ililif Itntierios: liaon and t'havox: . farmerr and business from the 4S !'J ,:u0 fd.-v- leiiittn-- mil has been sold Ihston rims !n flic idnlith itinlns" "f Joiiiisoti ami Kelly iind Hnrn-imi-- l; 'the Western If - a middle west, principally from Illinois, Like Truth Crushed to Earth Will Rise Again lip nn-nn- fin tin- mi Tnpi-k- hero !e. to the ChioaRii While Sox in the American league. lofliii', i.'nssidy I'lMoiinutinK 1 Imini' iihio, Indiana and eastern Iowa, wottiii American league. Craham has played utici-pat- Won. Lost Per Ct. run. Tin' .:rtit'.'Sl v,,ih nilli',1 ai tlif be out oil a special train and e Philadelphia SC. ÜS4 ni lili elirlith on ac.'ouin of daili-11PS- OFFICIAL ENTRIES FOR duriiiK the .ast season with Jackson, fully in tin- - cunyrcss. p.nsoli S('l HO ."ill Tin Siasrii losf-- Ihmi tomor-- o .Miss., in the Fulton Melt leamie. lint These interested spectators and par. Tuesday, September 27 Kl .'TO ticipants in cont-'re- s will ho under Detroit KENTUCKY TROTTING Si. Frov. us the 7 has been sold to the Louis (i. .New York 7S tiV .AS Si'ori Fiif t Rfno - II. H. K. the e lia peronaio' of I.. Warson. in ". in ail probability play with This wonderful caYe will be baked a Majestic Range, rieveliill.J 4 .44( Tutu-k- a 3 On " and will formerly manager of IrrlpdMlun 4 9 year, he lias siveii Rimd i SO 17 .1 them next as and now in business in Cbica'jo. it Is uihini;ton llMiivcr tOtl iiOi liilx :o 2 4. try-ou- t. in morning KO .F-'f- 46 Ky., Sept. (if filial durinv! a weeks' Airtight Oven at our stoic the cf the above Chicimo 0 t llaltnrii's: und .M.ix'"y; liar- - satisfaction three an excursion: rates have been secured; Kiwi" Septem-he- r F.oth and C.raham are I'till-ma- n St. Louis 4.1 .Mi Man-a- to the purses Hosinfr t'orhan tin- e,uipment will consist of in '"' tí and 1'a.ns and will mentioned date, and at about 3:30 the afternoon 25 11 K. 2 a final payments in tho piipular with the incil cats and a bastíale car; and the S. jiair.'-- It nil the curd for base- 4 s f. bo a bin drawiiiK the will lake on many ideasures as will planks 12 it, loiw placed on tho Western lagn. ToptdiR Or" I'di liiO siali e. rinsed June 1. lor the Kentucky trill ladies stand on two Won. Lr.it. Per Ct. (1 i ball at the fair ground. well as : deal of profit to ih,. Iiciiwr .' idlil mix L! ( in- treat '"' ...... Trots a.t Lexiiidtnii. tobi-- 4. 14 That the defeat of tile A Ibu, pier, it It will Si. MIX City in.' '' liniri'iii's: ,nd AttuiMV; participants. 1 cake, and ciush fiat, then rise to its natural iJ 1 ere íinimuneed today liy Secretury trant al Iinswcll 1'inht straiultt ames According to .Mr. Warson's plans, Deliver f'i ("Mtiisioad a ltd We; yester- 4 Horace Wilson and the result is was not unex)iected Has stated the tra.in wi'l leave Chica (io about Sal. serv- Lincoln ii r heiülit about 5 minutes aftci ward, then he cut and hiitlit-s- t Five day by Manam-- Dun l'adüla. nrd.-i- Mon- Wichita Utrii Hi IK'S MuiiU's. the expoeintions. and arrive at Kocky Ford ' 77 .."0 forly-seye- n entries are Koswell has .sonc- nood pitchers A trip will he minio I'mntia l.i.s Moiiifs, Sept. 4 i n i a.r.il hundred and day mortiini4. ed to all present. s ill 3.1 we were weak in the twirlinn valley si. .I..,i,i .4::'. (lis Mnini'Si spill ioi n in a ilmibl.'-In-ado- r eliHihle to start races. and titr..uL;li the north Arkansas .4 17 í 5.0(111 an said yesterday in com- Dos Mohie rt:, tl today. .After 'In- - flmt. Tlip Transsylva nia event, line," Padilla and then the ears will he brought to 6 high, by 17 inches loidns lirayt im- This is a fine layer cake inches a 4 -1 - uiiitehed field of hifth clas.i menting on tile fact that the ldo parked dulinw tin- T'Mx-K- IIS tho visitors bli ni "lit I hi- lo.als in n Fio nod trotters, seem assured, unioni; them had' been completely outclassed at portant taaes of the cnnitress. by 19 inches, jelly each Jayer, and icing on top, fast Biimo. diiriny the week, "it was just bcUeen With (i.vfus in Ilia Imx. lies Moin.f. heillK Koswell There will be several parties from WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY Imdie 2;i.ni Jour, a. difference of pitcher. Koswell "firm- - territory, a ltd from plíiylns iM forlovs lutll lodiiy , fli- - ihe several The principal ingredient to this cake is fact that it i:isii' ILlni Hilly arned every run iticy made. (mr but is most the ifHt.'d (imahit in til. tirst saino, il ll.iilH'ortli. other sections, this the IturUo. J:0ii men fielded Hell, hu- the Koswell cmnrclicnsii idan that has yet bee is in tight ovon. All Majestic Range ovens Ainerlruii 1 ensue. to .'. In KentiKky futurity. SJLOOO, players just id the hiis. wliii h mount baked an ah ric oi p J'"lrst - It. II. E. Ihe adopt. d to see ihe lanious Arkansas Washington at St. Rani. 14 tandi-ilnte- s i Loui. : 7 n fur three year old trotters. mm." llev and eastern Colorado, and. at Dos MoinrK . . . 0o0 .ion oso r perfectly airtight, Philadelphia HI fhlf'OKO. Septemher iiaynieni. Man.-isc- fililí also declared that he und partici- aie finialiii, 000 Old ()(i0 1 7 " made the the same time. I" attend Huston lit Detroit. most ,'f the eliftildes home scared nut expected to liave a (food team repre- pate in eighteenth national irri- l'-- : uikI the Itatttii IHwns l:v i 2:05 sent at (lie fair and save AND EVERY DAY DUR- - i J i the sreat 'olorado I'. Albuiiier.iie gation congress. HOT COFFEE BISCUITS SERVED und oriel riií. - X year old. out tin- names of I 'urban an.' (Iraliam be special trains, i champion There will other Score .Si onil g.iiiic I!. II. E . lin,-n- p NATIONAL LEAGUE. Tli(. classic Ten e stakes, $5. mill, as starters of the lie Intends sin-- one from Carolina, ING DEMONSTRATION WEEK. IH's .Mnincs ...Own "00 t 2 as the South 00 for pacers, F.ss II Kay, to use. tin- - special oar from Florida and ihe limalla i'nn til ft O'K) :t 4 0 his 2:2 Nciv IL hl. uao. .V S., 2:- - Th'- Fliillstine. special trains from tin- west and south- York. l.'atti'tiis. .Wit. lull and t'lom-nioti- , 24.--l.- 2:'i:l The I'lilicati-ii- The west, as will as from Texas points; New York. s.M't. 'n .tovv.ors r.nd t '.'idinan. Tial. Sept. Oct. In. luy Atd.e. ;':i4, and ten ..titer hí;h class but sp, ctnl train from Chica;-M- . 26 to 2 lu'Viil th. íwiv i" iliif.' rutin 111 the lor Hi., visit. ii f, Imt htK Hlt'.Klc hi til,' horses. FOR EHTRY that section of tin- Also Remember the f actoiy Will Give You ninth ...r.'d Hi,. wtiiuti'.K run. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. a.lja.oiil t" it. is most signifi- 4111 rt II Ill cant, and tin- news of it most pleas- York ... t'Ut rtl Nv ' r, MANAGER DENIES THAT ooiiL-res- ABSOLUTELY FREE ciii, UK o io 00" os-.- U' ing i" the mana k'enicnt. At Lo Ansel'1. S' orc: li, H. K. it ac- . M;itlipn cmi muí M Irrigation end the work has ' ll.Ht.'t iff; it 4 SAN MARCIAL BOYS WVavi-- r kjkI SHGVV Ofliii complished under the Hdidatue and Ore of ware well woith $8.50 with your order foi a iii own. Kiln. 1 4 : set . l.oi Aun. 'les : irriuatioti I ' m I'lr.-- K l oin ;in" iCitnt-- ACQUIRED .ipcrv ision ol the national ItaUiri.'x: I'at and Mpiosman: COLD FEET congress, which Colonel lloosevelt has Majestic Ranee given during demonstration week, Xa-jl- ( if. Waling. - and Irrndoi l;realest development lliin,,!- I'vfii Ml HtooLlyii. called "the .money of th" land," have seldom re-- 1 Hroi.kJwi. -- 4. llnnois wT S'i't. At San Krani isio, Smro: I., H K. l 1 A GLOSE a greater or mote IN YOU ilalilf-lwiiil'- T (Lits Oiltic. 10 cive.l compliment COME ANY DAY: ARE WELCOME in ,,iln't witli I Oaklnnd S I I , re contained in St. I.., i. is look Olf litst, 4 1"::, epl ion to the statement that !il situ tril.utc than that Ii'.iklii i 1st n 1 tl :i Vlflt-IM- San Ft. in a recent letter which Fnitod States illllillKS. Wl.il.' till' : fet-- by W. L. to a. ill I4ttttei If.'-- I.ivoli und Mlt-tc- teitm has co!d is taken Di' k hio rom 4 - Alar-lf- il diaries of Willi tlli fPi'dlld. lo .Mil, lu ll mid I'.oi TV. Cluk, inni.ti;"-.- t the Sail connros.s Kir -- It. H. K. an onicc'l of the here. Si'oif t 'inn- baseliall club. The San .Marcial team o,-- .1011-- ,111,1 1 Bia, I 1110 1,110 uní WHITNEY COMPANY "t. I.OIIIH IMIH 1 ti recently to accept tonus from Entries for Bench Show to senaio, win ....'Hi H, , refused sessions nf -4 2 At Poriland. ra: It. H to attend the eighteenth tli "'klMl t!3 ''" I. tiip Suida Fe The railroiid ' s ...till" H 7 I team lure. conni-.-s- week, but lie Phi-lpp- : -ed Close September 26; More the here next I!;. ,trti-s- : stfclp ml Vrrn'm boys uiiturally lelt iigcrieved inn., wort; - 115-11- ,".T . . !l 0 most eiiconi'eiimly of the 7 SO. FIRST ST. I'ortliud linv-iit- K Hides Kii. izi'r .'ml Alillr. Clarke and bis bnncli of w bii-b- says, :C- - Hatloii. s. 11 ran ami Than One Hundred Owners already accomplished, ho S, oro "'MkI K,mp I: II aisoti. chilly pedal Here is - r extremities. "reads bio- a, tab- from Arabian i .1. Loüíh .... ."11 101 mi 4 ; 2 ürnuii; itio'.'íf Uri,ji iind All. (.Turki- reply to Manager Haird 1 Have Entered Their Canines, Xinhts." iii'.)ki it v "i oí - : j ' ot the. Jornl Santa Fe team: Ye-Ki- Setialor Dick's letter follows: i ;,Lin. inll. il .'tul I'lulitr.. .nrknos. Dear Sir:- I notice in the Las "In my opinion Ihe (iiestiniis of un I P.-l- l AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Optic a write-u- p in regard Iiittci iik: ll:unioii lllis: little conservation im,l Irriyaiion tn-- antotiu' iin.l I!.-- ri. club not y, 11 tl'.at iIok of yours s Official Fair Decorator ji. to ibe San Marcial baschail Have entered the most important economic ,,iies-tion- Al Toli-ilo- : first ivisliinp to arrange (ame of basebiill In the iir-- lieinh show ,d the lacillo people today. The - the 'iiiiiiiiiiiii. I: I'iim.iu. 2. gamo postpont'd , win Rionnds. S.f- to he played at Las Venus. already accomp- . I I Kennel club'.' If tint, marvelous wonders f'.u it., Si'ju. J4. i'iii, 'in Hit il. ond Ü: Tol.-.Jo- 4- "At the time wrote you was not n li. Hamo I'olunihus, is M"ttim; short and lished by irrigation, read like talc GEORGE A. DYNES lioston, 4 io in tlie lant Riimr At .Miniiiiti.ills. nimi-P.i- ul, SI. aware of the fart that the resillar the lime are First m tile NtKlits. and ó my Arabian ,'i Hit tn.l.iy .: Minniapolis. tt. Twrho ni-- -ts V'ecas club hud disbanded and entries must be made before the muchf more interestinn. only by de- 11- K. , tor not wishing to play d ( Phone Fair Headquarters - K. niiiBs. came St. 1'util, only reason morninn of September J ivcr one veloping the irrf Kid inn possibilities ,f 36 1 a Hf.-t- . mm s Al - lalli-- of which you are member, land-hung- ii ot.ii innoiipnlis, I. (!am- nid the club hundred iIoks have already been listed the west, 111 country can the (in, innutl U0' 001ll liO 4 0 (larkin i. e. Santa Fe club, was that, due to peoplu ... club a ml many of til,. American H.itt.TicN I'.iicrin. Muttfrn nti.l At LoitiFvill.' l.nuisvillp. 7; Ui- - my opinion It would not draw much of with lite Kennel that Irrigation lias been a most I now ace Tí . n: Suaii ami llcUan, tlianapolis, Í1. a irowd. However. thai more ate expected to make their imp, ft. Hit factor in ilevclopirs a larjie , M , 1; oi-- only team in your '. s t li e show Montezuma Trust Company l'iiliil.' t Kansas Ciiy: Kansas City . 4: you hnve about the bef ire the of tin- country, and making In of fact would like in section .Mihvauk.o. :!. city. view 'his biiildfnu. which wiil be loiated the 11. iv ,,t ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO a you possible homos for thousands I'lit-lii- u A: t. verv much to arrange came with downtown business district, are i. l'l,ila,l'l,lii.i. Sunday. contribute to a further development I'liilnil.'liuiia, S.'tit. I'ltCHl.tirK to be played at Las Vena thrown open M the public, There lines sh uild be fostered and Surplus, a cuar-anie- p dti-i- itlouir these Capital $100,000 lilt I'.ill li.ml t.xhiy mid won from RACING SESULiS September 'Jf.th, upon written will be all ari"i"S ol laHKinii our.i.uc,!. llir San .Marcial to and t 1" ). (',!hson's hiittin of t'ullntan tare from the tiny Mexican Chihuahua to I most UN rhlhi'lollilita, necessary ex- "It eoms ni" one of the INTEREST ALLOWED SAVINGS DEPOSIT ri.wi In tour titnes l.n Veiias and return; the full sized bloodhound and St. Ber- at th.' n' Al I fvingion. privil-oK- e ot itii Ido (Hiestiotis for discussion - i.nd it i ti- h lioiiu' run und . pense while at Las Venus nard varieties. L'ach exhibitor will - bp how t" unirte nv" l.oxiiiKlon, Ky., -- 4. Rosnlt; vent- niniiii: fouuress. will n of sixty or forty per cent of irac will! a pa--- s which will en- Kii-s- t be supplied iiitt- Kreatcr iiublieity to the wonder- r.ice. tuiio and an eighth case be. as liy Sr.il,. It. II K won, Jlenry , receipts as inav title hint to enter the show huildin? ful remits already accomplished S 4 t'lter rendoi. you for an early reply will K. l'i sbni a 'L'il i'1'l 1"- -' 12 "ThankitiK otton as lie or she which so as to interest a , , l.'aipw, third. Time, I am irrmHioti, an !'li!l:uli-l)ilii- j ..muí ('00 tin I and, il possible, an acceptance, no doubt be often as a doji show is of iienple fommerce ..".S. iiiereasitiK number "Sincerely. of -, in city is a distinct novelty profitable- lUut.Tiii. Adam anil i5lbion: Mtid'.-ni-tt.- this Established Í890 Albuquerque, jX. M Soooml rnr., live f i;i'l.iii;s V. L. K, in the attractiveness and CLARK bcini; ion-aid- e. Moi.if, I'll. dm. is and li.min. Ills, nnt.-nt- . .Vary Judging from the interest taken ness "t aaricultut CAI'll M, M M'lil'l l S, JJIiO.miO, 00 ' Kon. S. M. tt. 14. f lub." - irriai '11 ps . "Mirr. in tin- show by local enthusiasts as Mpiiroachod hiiiI in - Koii and .l"li listono. I'a.v, 'I nn,-- j. "We have it"t yet Officer Unci lors: third. l:tü from points as far west net iv eucss: riUrd si KiiiK well as those of arieultural prod KO!.OMi M'.VA. w, s. .jt.L'IvLki; It M M F It It ITT nice. turloucs as east as Illi- re- Ali, - : Pol-ino- NEWS as California and far wo have much yet to learn in this I ( wii; tie,irse, SOUTHWESTERN uii.nl Va Asst. AMERICAN LEAGUE. . nois, will be one of the of J'rtf l'rt ahior Cnhior third. Tun.-- 1.17--- the exhibition spect from the older countries V. m.j") i; 1 . i m. i , best ever pulled off in this part of the more in- J. k li doicmllty it: w k a. ir h h KoJi lh rati-- mile :inl yari-- i NOTES. t;nro.o. What wc need is A fll c Minify. Another point which miiht in the H v. M. I'LACKAYIll. WVI. M IN TOM I ilstiiiiKtoii. H; SI. l.oitU, :t. t Tierrynia. m.mi Xortiitl. sm tensive and farmers kfi.lv nnd. he of to those who care to crops with J'U CI 4..1...L. Si, Loins, S, j.i. t. Wash mu' "li Tom lrtphoe. thud. Time. 1:47 interest extreme wet who prnduce b,'rt.-P- , , in the show is tin fact be able tit.- id' tin lay.-- o fnr-tiit- i: make entries the aid of irrigation may yet JUST RECEiVED o.rnii:a ü.uii. 1'iitli live and Charle? Cummiiists. a will known a been '. .: vas koii In ih s Win-iiin- j! that reliable attendant has to rev olutiotiir.e farming in .sections lo .I.dinson i, .nil I'l inei'-- l'aliowa, nmi; by his partner. Van win- ib.nailth'-doc- s - )'v rati. her. was shot rri.inuo.l for will see commonly 1 ..nsl.lei ed nior- fifsi iiimni; uas Widow, i, . . which fic;h line cf Ki'uVs Assorted in one-ha- lf and se.'ond: t'oktl third Le.-- .M.icte-.-.iima- Sonora, roí titfv Iv a Chocolates and at are privet watered and How n. st teiu ti mis tes--"- ruin, at for tortile. i,l- - men have been on bad terms al! i ,.st of Ken- ! cot oi- It II K. nii;i- - and Itvoniy j'uVils The cxcri ised at the the is. 11 tile, worthy of pound boxes. Sixth rair. tts-- d a rille. the bui- -- i; t some time. Lee nel club so that once delivered to the ion. i'iiuiü'oii ...him i'"' ai'i l'irati Pian.i. won. Samaria, stom- - 1 lt t passing Cuitinilim- lb.- owner of the I iiit- M - i, an ,Hi,t .t tbroiiclt exhibition buiidinsi. lireM ni nrosncot n the t.'.Jt- .... .'ni Id Indian .M.iiJ. third. Tim'. "The - Ii his backbone. will bo relieved nf any further , .1 e ex- Drug .l.ilili-o- li.'lSMIIK alld i al and breakinii animal States H ill toii.-- to he an The Williams Company i.l''..'s n. is paid to have had a ( .!s,-- i Killif-- r. CutntnitiKs tronido until the eveninu of ictober n.M t. r of I I roduets. American Wc- -t t 'iitrnl Itliie t VmMiiiUi l'...'d and It i It: l.ad record in the southwest. V when the first bench show of the farms should I.,- - aide f support I wive l (Ijidi ll. s.iid lie kiilcd bis own brm her in haul kennel club nid be br.un-ii- t to our present rH'pu!ation, and still have i.iijdoil. I iali, 4. Today wa-- a i t l!en-no- ii Sept. i Texas, i lu! also killed a man a ciose. It is a wed known tact that a a balatu-- f..r How tins I mnilil,'-tli'iiiU- r. til- extiort. day at rt b.-s- i' il'llll llliM'l.. S tfu.lris sroat tor tiie tuniitcs end inn. titer at Flagstaff. Ills there are a larue number of Very fine can t be accomplished is i 'In, .:.!.,, S. i .( ;'4 I 'ill,id. 1. Ilia result tl lan- cjoso finishes living in Chibe. tl.ijjs city ow iv rs so - v.- daughter is in this and the v v na ,,n tton. i nAnn uUi - orv .o.ni - d Is 01 u d .utd.- lo nd.-- n.:.'-iy,.- mairail (rnii. limp ni i.oHi ot day. The atienda i ' .li..nf lo.it'ir.s the have been unit,' liberal in making vo-- and "i dn p LallUi to far "We bin" a s'iccessful iTo..ito io,i;i., ir.iktn nut.' ti."!)!. Ki's'.ills: j 1 w itti l, 91 ahnut l 'o.l-o- it e.nd Will Crnw ley their iiirie The success of the show conaress, rouiain Mil ol Phone !'".i;!.t t',M I'.ltMs .tub. First ra. o ii..- fmloiivs. selli i't Frank uñón kliN(.. luloli.s - artest.-- at Las Cilices ele'lEod will depend, to a mailt detireo. k in.lc.--t rt oarMs." !K!..-- i nil,- Willi ..m) lot.it in t.'io tust H l.:i. Moil. l.s tit .'I'll nod. s". , as.- whiskey local so those who i the;t of a of ttie entries hae "Nnl n t lu'mi ( imI hi ii t won to i. In Un- olid, M'.it-- I. H.i Timo. 1:U4 " j. with the filif." ..in t.. ond: Alti lliird. F- - bouse. dogs worthy ,,t exltibititm should do - . ; , -i tin- Sania treitlit ilu- 4 ii i ii l n s nod.- ot.- 1. s 01 'd 0110 S.-- otiri raí mil'nR-- iroiu tl-i- ADVERTISED LETTERS "Itul Hit mil air li will' .', six 1'tirioiiK. I.iin-V- . together witli all tli.-- can to promote event bv . . .: V. (..-I- o, F'ti;.. 111, woti tin- .'. uT to non; Sli.ritl d IHilt'K I.I Ml, 4lKK idmu hioi liesnifiiol. Deputy Slnti:i" Con.ales, locat-- dispiay lnt, tin ir canities. The doi; en- in ilo S.ACUtll Tune. I:l"i4-.i- . a ttiit.l. at north- tered docs not bate to be pedigreed rtis.-.- l li- -t india,' s, . - felUnK--alini.l- nl, the two liois in a house the Ad' tor Week first k in.. K il l". Third fullonvs, Is it nee.-esar- ' tine, llio ed-- ot They loiiwl a animal, neither for tin' S piemo.-- r L't. ,'!.,, ti .1 ',11.1 v won lidl Ma ha n. so. west. in lslu: a.. t.'. o! t. bottles, some of exhibitor to know' r f.iro or I. ;,ll'.l ".1 ! 101 I .1 .,-- niintl.it Orok. ladies' list. I'm; .io'. ..nd. an Sliore. lliltd Tine. dam of the entre. . Ill other words, il M,s a:: vthicll bore the !..!.! of tin- whiskey Abna Arm 1.1. Anna Clontbior. Win,. and Snt!i'..n you have .1 .1., and only know his Candelaria-Mrs- I bad been taken, and Mum! Chavo., 'i'iiiinla.l 0 U' l t nd Li nm ion. and i that latir a Carra .urt!l roe. bi bed b. . ii name, il he or she ts of recoiuicseir t; 'I' s. ,,1 . s... , iol pain..-- K II. K. y Um:- :- Sir John, Ti.a.oir-'- i Unit several libs itiven rearer. Juanita I. v.n l fi "., a freed, telephone the Fair association A. F.uil"- . ; t ! l auav and s. y.ril r coins italletios. Miss Kennedy. i iao ... . "a . l" iter, second llow tr I'e.n on. Snpi Oi!-- I . hcailM'iartois and riiiten.l. nt W W. Mrs. Alee Droiison i 1. I: 1 ,1 1 1 - 'i Ca.lia. Fawbits. Sanitarium and fimb I'm! .d. lid.; t iliiñ in, J h i n 'I line, 14s 4 litar;. rule .r his assistant will respond and .lts lurl.ui-.s- . -- Sirailt. Mrs. Anna Shuck. li nt. s. and e, m i n s i in iilin''.'ud I'ioik. Fifth rai make Ihe proper entry lor you. t.-- - I... won: '. I .1 Dan McDonald. :n;o,l ;;:. while e, Tracy n.l.'t Witcliinr Kt.i'i'. .nnl in. Ki.isl-i of Ivi,tioe. i'h s"" '1'tte st. tal silver trophies, winch I so. l i v. .. th.- - l peaceably toward Id homo in l.eiilb'oicn M. ond: as. J. Ita' Inu lire to be ..natd.tit the HJ liners, ate s k. K. F.Uckb. e I- ei. ü. Janu J. . une, I'bot nix. was b' bl up. robbed of bis tio-.- tiii.-.- " Ilición ami tirtn.il lurnik Jí arrivito; .h.ih and while it.-it- l .. . e o. , a dollar, C c. F.ain.s. Manuel F"l' li. ... i .'1 !"Sl.n ainl S.xth ra.i-- ne piit-- tHit.-- otititl'iin less than fro already ..11 d:srl..v mi lb- - down . s. it. I'..i. br. Cruz. Pedro I". t n í n; siiv. r his door ke . which was c.tt:o hod l: Crmidad Ir.i sjiht .. in doiiM... Thistle ki.i. and town wip.doHs, as many more nre on I -n .1 - .. tula c M.XICCH. la Ct lit. let Cooper. h i' vi..i"ij tir.-- t. I'aioU. lliird. Tlll:e. to it. Ihe tbuir is tu way it special . ci-a'r-vt.- a.i.r l.kinn il.f I'll - the hero. her i ic.y.r.. F. l: c.irr.-l!'.- Calixto ... !..- !! I It I t . ". drunkt nut s. and he was cp- Oak and Maple Polished Mooring I.. ..net Lid) tin ont. teiiined of nandise and monev I: so ileal f.iin rr.iviii. .. I. . :..il t.n s tspi'i .n. Put was iineraiM.i 110 ,01 i.'i. lo st. ni .(..i ti." lilis in ll t'lied - are deposit wth the Koine ,1. i ',. K.l:s"i-S- ...... I.I I ll I!. A. l - Kit-tint- l. .i.l l.e it s t.ot i u I auiinins t2i. t'llo- I'll"' Pel l.'ll I'.'im.i."'1 Visa WorM ofilctais and will, Dr. Clayton of K; i. F. . sili.. ira, i, Isabel Finca. 11 Mil Trrt.-K- U r :i dom.nstratotl i 11 - K..IC.I lid 'Mi rt.'il ill as ' il l. ,M. I'hll i.leltdlK'. ttx tila lit. i. w:'s ChicatM to do Ihe tilit i; u. a success- P.. ( ni-- r. M- Builders Supplies . Jr., b.r.la . : . i tin- nun. J yy I d Vm. r 1. Hi.' in-- s mu' ..la ;4. ttnlfii I'atni In Hat be I. ."it but ful shniv h assured. Those ho m- - itai-oa-- it - t i; tii.tlos. I". A. c.ierko. F. It. ilu- s- - .on, 4 .. r- . iil s bold .1 ..' u.,ii Frit a. or. in. id. now whither tin utb.rnios tend to make entries siioul-- iom.m-- j F. I I p'.,d - t nii. i:. Iterticn b z. bill. 'scar (..Mr , j. t or t mil- - a ira-- i..- him littain t il.'.i'ii CI. Il"u,-l- mi..- t.'iv in loll.. "Id .r ton on her two timics. F.rst, entr es nic t be A. J. Trinidad .litare-- Lumber Company, 423 1. First strut M- h.-r- e : - w In, can b, Ip Hall, Ilabt. Albuquerque - o s i 01 ii'.tay x. is Hi.- disitn.-- tr tueto are now sott ral ;n before Senteninor 21 . nd .. . . V F- I'l. Jimelil-7- it-- C. ;. i ).' " i , - J" Halt S. .'I- - t ! v Hi,.--- II. Tins or.l i. if him be ts nsbt. bo deliver, t . es- r St hi "wn If the must d tin- c. J- M. l'..M. l, lo .i 11". 1 - I ". 1 "f v ir. id.- I ,'aui t..,t w ar place of sh. .wine, i be an- - f si which se- C. K ll. l Ol. Ail" Loop"!'1'' 1 ' - 11 . . It" l.ti'ia. 'Hi ... .'..- a. J F. I" kreL'. I.OUlliOtl it. .1 . b. Di! . I.ii'i-i"'- is i;.iotitl Mr. Imr fore I.ti.-r.i- Lucero. ' OOOOC XXiCOOOCOCCCaXXXiOOOOCOOOlX ' ' s 11,11 l - -- n". I ll' 1, ! Itainviiid'. I,!.'! ..l.llls til t'ari't- llbiiler t idh e l.ntf t liainiMiiu. Id. i i aiioiit f ut nines k en the d f.. . I; J . liouso. ínoimnu tofir p x. d K M. D I I, U- 11 la Ft. I.o. K !l NY'.rkt Hiid M i... s. ,.i r - in- N.-- Mexn o. Dama-l-M- - .it. si'ini'T' or.l not of Lt' ui. Liii-bli- n. vd Ml 11.11:1 . .. Y tl. m m. i - lb. dr. to! the m.tii int. n.t-- i lemi'lft.-l- .l.it..;.'il nil- Tin The forest ranter ..rp f ti. M.Mit.'IIa. V - . - lit"V... .latal'o " .s, ,.r- - s. 11 K. i.- .shiji ile- k.-- i .New- j- - ,,,,! .im. It d' hampioi b fir. as i sifol to j tank a arson i..rest in nor' h. rn M. Maro, ley.. Alt i;.. miro At. iri-- KELLY - ball, t: CO. I I" i I .. ... A'-i'- GROSS, i & 1...1- in very h, .. "1" i""t . i 'jttnií 'at 'duoii oi tt. rMtrd lin Kioto .xidotliilk ami St a h 's w ih- pat few H lo I llll-o- t I ii Matbf. IVwin (10T.IInI I . 0..1 1 1 1 f - tlo-ron- t ' Trm-l.l-t- .i "iron .1 ..u i Ih. ti'l o;i the tin- "Iriitttne iii'!uH- tbr. uh'Mit months keepins vt:t, h n incipient t L. M.iclii.titi.tl!. Klein i irov. Aii. I links I. ! no : l'.-l.- - tl f.rt-- tt-- i.aitii's. K.ii.r i".irrn.n in, in Mrs. I'i- kr. v.ts ir. 0.11.1: and eii n iiri; sovertiment IN.Ml-- n. Jos.:- - IV.-- : Atotiof "'' k I'.M'oV ..u-- l M iil- , . '1 y 1 oi in iliflji Tins Yaio i.iu.il and loam llie et; 110 to t t.l IM.d ft ÍV...1 ib.madi b. ,iut o il s. v. ral j P. Max . time . I W.itr Pariibim. . Dealers oit li.. f,,f r t.trt-- I tap-per- ? Merchants and in ihts vi.tr mimi-- 10 !.;. i Ib'tii'-r..- Wholesale tor lace tins at:. ami t Li.rni a!utt " k Julian cl..m!-.- . V. i K K ni ,..'M- j h.i-.- b.--n r. I'l" .mil hands, f win h ar- rii!i. ...e. iallv i ic l.mt their Al I;.-.-; J. T Stvallz. II. Stevens. I ., I, I Coo. in Wool, Hides and Polts l'rtll. I nrtiM-- r Vlini-- . . sniin-btix- l lieail. i..wet r The i. re si tiad m r:pi.:Iy nde,n ors, (, sho.v Tho ad- - .)...,. 1.. I Solo, .b.l'ti Simontoll. J"se . . !. ir-o- i . :' t 4 J.d-i- i I.. p- .li dit'.-- ..( a J.-t- - Sento'-I'-liu- i -- Kii I'ilt lK.ll tln'T" e: .'ie balteo ryi tnon tho J.mrr. Silva. A'niinCri. . ( I Sa'-"-J.- Navajo B:.v.Utf, rin,: N.tr. C'.a.s. CirT, Potatoes a .J F'-ik- Fi tted Stot- - n.irustet rxt ni ic-h 111 s tí. 11:1.1 oin the house d t H hi. h b to on ;. "Hexed o the S M.l.tri.t M.cvl , WESTERN LEAGUE. . - i-- Tr'iull"-i-..'ifi- to iinl, do m at rd home tort hold "iirn-l ore tot.il; dour, 'ted Crisol i m re lee work "i those is Sai'vra. .,..t.i, M. r 1 ();he: N.úlve loiinííit. M- - j 7 nf Mr. one trunk th t nit on r,ngoi.e fi;jt more .xt.ns-- Fi'-n- : .. T.-r-- Kerry llol.. k. -- ;-- . d e '" i i.1.-- t f p. t t ,i V.-s- !4J j.m4i. Wit i IVjli i,aj r. ere .r more than the entilo pl thai a. inteini.i l,V't: t'.'tvti. the Vil!. T lji N. ii. I All .'.' "I'tne. N : Q tiii. f,..l It .t St J.K.iiti, Sept. ;4 Wlihit.t (..tiy heinu er.cact.t in the - l i ..rest ti ..i r.n--r- tar.net ! : M n i ' iear. .'r.u s N. M.. I N N. Trini l,.t Cníiv . 13- - Koit-t- í- ". en 11. h i H.t:fn rffe, t.v.dy ef law. It tim tvorn in Try "' - ! r ,!T iiT5' Ad d.i. and St. Joseph on. y. a Journal Want Ad: Results! l;,;;'""' Try a Morning Journal Want ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SECTION TWO. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910. SECTION TWO.

future. Professor Sterling expressed in well ilii)iii words the regret oc- casioned in the ( otigrogutton by their departure and 'he deep appreciation of Ihe work ace aniplished in the tity be thu well-llkc- d pastor und his wife. Pr. Samuel illalr spoke tn the same ,train he did Mr. J. White. A musical program by fine nun rendered Miss Hixler, Miss Pauline Cartwrlght and Mr. Merrill. Refreshments were served Grows Hair during the courno of the evening anil and we cau Mrr. Otto was presented by the lnUlet of the congregation with a Uundsome vase tilled with rosep. PROVE IT! Mr. und Mrs. Otto carry with them us WDrKlN'F. i, to the liairwltnt Uy Coral Clyce otM lornd-paiute- d the best wishes of tho community P) huh ft lends city who will and while, carried in e numbered in the ' of In sliouer.. of lain i.v.ii arc b place curds of i the timely well as members the church the Join readily in the matrimonial joy new larger field to which Mr. vi'ü.uitioii. Jt roe.. i.eht tn the roof.-,- proceed inys. Roldeurod nnd with the natural and "Otto called. atitl thrntiu-i- Its clitl;t-r.iiui"- . flower used 111 great nbtimlauce has been ircui 1 und prop-eni- sociirrvs iavohiík flowkk. throughout the room, 'lhe. first prlio. i i i The. prettiest affair of the past Owing lo tt delay In to . c.m,e tin' l.nir to prow abundantly Society never grows old unci in above It goes I was won by Miss Jtlacknum and the trains and "wnen the slorv and lite as week, il In one, decoration it Mower, I --Mr?. Miilllvan hile Ihe great disappointment of thu mem- orí;', itronjr aa.1 It at oner age comes in the door is not the bul. lie soinl.T. Xet-occu- second awarded flies out arid reality, was given tor Miss bers, Mr. Jiluinemshein, artist, a jPJiklia.. Iail!'.jni-- an,i s the consolation went to .Mrs. Wlenke. the irlvirr ü the window" Is a much truer adap- tie flertlg, whose wedding the In- ! RUestw who Is viewing western llfo in Its VA soilmsi the hair, and a lew Keno latter pa it of week, by M issv The Invited v"re: lo tation of ihe familiar adage which in the Oralg, Shoiip, Titr-n.-- teresting phases, did not nrrlvm In lime use v'" ('a,Jrf luiir sprmit a .good .M.iraartt and F.ugenia Keleher lit Sullivan. A at - There is one going the was tin- original applies to the exit of love home, tiuyno, KusmI. 1. Gmhum, W. for his talk which Rehedule.d for " over the scalp, l.'vt' it every day tor their l.'.l North Walter street Mo- Womun'M roimds on ihe Antlered ones wlio cn-- 1 tirkhani, I'tw, Weinke. T.rster, Frldav' afternoon at the i iKin tiuu'.attir which two oi tin ut (he entrance of poverty. yesterday afternoon. tiusgra ve, club. tertalned Wednesday evening at Keuo. Cupid must have been in full churre jí illln. Korb.r. outright, nj time ! a week will be sutlv'ii nt to Itut society once was younger ami Brown, The first musical program for the ' As llalcomb, Stesklel. ftetiUr, "Si i'oinpiíitc chanre would have it there arriv-- j of the decorations tor lite love líod Miss season und was particularly te f wiiatcvir ;i;'i perhaps had her days of first loves Carman, I.lttoii. p'udler nnd occurred de-ir- c. ed on u lute evening was well suggested in the tulle stream- ff t t J as you I train that two lllaekniu n. good. MisH Heryl Kenworthy proved even and aud the rest of the j easterners who for reasons strictly ers and dainty trreenery which were In organ and herself skilled work her A Udr from St. Fnel vrriiti evrywhero in evidence. Progressive L'tipe-elall- y ia world. i physical, will sojourn In our clime the selections wer well recetved. iikvt.inco, 5 UK was The. president's recepttou given , by u bllowi it, it al- j coming mouths. .Ww Vork- -' playnl on tno wide veranda was by I Strunge, or Isn't that Is winter ttl-de- pleasing the offertolre "IThim l,,'fcru iilnii Dmlrfiii. U1. and R. McQueen Gray to he Caculty, "l ,i ers, they, who as is the way ol' most prizes awarded the guest of honor llatiste und the Fantaslo of Saint tulr mi it wiii), ni. li'Mii'l, n. ways the plural form, first loves in ami most player. of Liilvirritty anil U"W It mu t.01jl no l.l.-- i of tliOKe living In the big metropolis, successful and friends the Saens. Mis. Frank was Buffering a'., morning; of lit'a i was an Nw víallt, N. .1. the and the singular, think the city limit Ihe world's llm-Il- s. They were baud painted plate Friday evening uiiiiuulilieU I rom a severe cold and her beuiitlfu! Anutlier f.om past and cut glass V three course success. A hiriri- - number of town 'i hior 1,.,-- n.'tin Pti.il! u. hint love, in the noon of exist- They had been told many a tale voice was not heard at tts best thounh .e mí i t I him was aft- - people were in evident e utid given 11 Inn In in a.- a of western daring and Indian uprising;, heun served in the late hrr rendition of several Frouob songs Li. ..I W!V HOI,. I'.llr. .,,, ence? by ;(,t i and ramp prepared for all the wild ernoon, and ended a brilliant social hearty reception lir. and Mr, wan en ioved. h.'aiMi'iTt U,;jir n;i-- i,,-- fly mem- much enw ll " Come, society dear, hit's in "woolly" Curious, too, event of the earlv season which ave tii'ay nml the member of Hie il'.euity wotilii wie lu w: aud features. . A ory's ship of eonvse an airship, . a. royal "bon voyage lei the. Keleher who wire In the reeeivaig line. r ' it vi i it's they were for sight of western life. ' " rf v, t I was Huniug Castle was the scene of the . NOW nt sime you are fashionably modern The hot'd was a lioget in r too metro- - tiertig nuptial bark The musical program which ull drudi'lMs In three Mi-s- first session meeting of the Daughters ' - back to the autumn of yesteryear, t'oiitau and the street." filled with The guests were Nellie lier-li- Ihe feature of Hie early evcnlitg wan Í .i. J. , .ItK- mid Sl.UO Fergusson, in by Miss ICgyptkidoP. of Ihe Ameritan Revolution. Saturday. ' if when the gasps of dying summer, even harmless wanderers to the moving Lolita llunlng. i:ru:i participated which, f, por buttle. i , - Thlitoen members came now, aud i F.alelle l.uthy. F.dith and Gertrude AIIsh Mary liamsey Miss Julia I'lek- as chilled the breezes seared pirturo shows promised nothing In to superstitions, will mean & Dandrrlne ciiioyi a w! Hie leaves. Airships are luiocrtfiin Walker. Kthyl Joseph, F.unlce Me Mr. Arthur Sedar nnd Mr, Uuy-- I the the way of excitement. Wandering ard. ill coming year, but omen tliun anv o'lur one nrcp.u.iyon I '"f.Ttr as j Josephine ( amplicKI, Julia Sedar. for the the things und "Cousin .r.gi remark-- aimlessly about, they were suddenly ridian. rnond of calamity seemed not to affyel the ot kil'd or brand, and il iu' niuih i i ICehiicr. Flolsa Vrlssaii, Sue Imbson, Light were served al d of human lue, perishable like ba attraeled by a volee which came, mini relieshnients ladleH who spent the most of the jlr than all of tl.c oilier Itur nanas, tilings Mth'-- Saint. Lillian llesselden. Sara the conclusion of the mu'ilcal num- jliratrr lie tiuuou ah grand tile near ibove in stont.iiia.ti tones, in tor is tl-- e Hall, Ulanchc C.crtig uancing was in- - preparation what u, in uoilil coinhired. decompose. Love, Hie, real estate- Ferklns. Kate bers nilcr which to be the most successful year whi'ii you ho to obtain it you will find The men on the walk below stop- and F.thel Hickcy. Mcsdamcs Tom dulged until a late hour. In In the history of the organisation i Fre il elsewhere." That's the way of air- - ped suddenly on whispered L'anahy. T. S. Woolsey, Keckuagel. wti; fttui m inm and th" f Albuquerque And lust to Hhow they fll'.C U H'tlll.l you know, i .McQueen, Kdward Cettig, Arno Hurt- ). HiDS ForcH-te- r tlli" HtMViUl' ships and don't ever just excitedly to the other "a gambling .Mr. ond Mrs. Cook. have no faith In the unlucky thir- Ittl HtUHll tltlB t!'f ' "'I'llntO tu Util where they will land, but on this .huir- - j den. were told about the gamb- ing, Harry Owen, Al Frost, Sam Vann. avenue, gave n reception Tuesday Important r i 1 teenth they plan several KNOWLTON OANnCKINK ney over memory's way we . (s, Charle? VVhUe, 1. A. Macpliersoi, and CO. bach ward ling here and this no doubt, a large evening for Mr. and Mrs. Koy Cook events on the thirteen ot the various Ch.CUMU, III. are going to stop at the first lovts of i ga ml, ling Simon Stern. who wei,j married in Suuta Fe last I establishment." mouths Ulil H(1 K'v more, I : their tl'llli h!n'l soeiety. Perhaps she bad many At the sound of women's laughter Monday. After tour of the north- , ' ill ill lull mis moi v ueais who iwo, iih.ii one man shook his ncad dubiously. Heileving that Jihllan I hropy should west the young couple will reside tn The Uidios' Aid of (he First Meth- V number should content most arusuing ! "That's nothing." insisted the man not be confined solely to the fair sex. this city. Those In' Hod to meet them odist church held its annual election femininity. They both carried her who w as determined not to be disap the Woman's club will make their wme Mi. and ilvt), Ilyer. Mr. and of officers Thursday utfernoon In the one hooks to school, lilted her over the pointed in the versio i he had of the philanthropic session an evening Mrs. Crow, Mr. and Mrs. church parlors. A social hour with (Ubcrc to lUor$Dip coday creeks and muddy way and wrote in west, "The women likely gamble juat next Friday so the men can come Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Miss Whit more. accompanying fcaturcm lu thu way of her album just as someone wrote In tile same as the men." und contribute to the. ..real causo with Miss Lewis, Miss Watson, MisnvStnuiin; program and refreshments followod your own and confess now you And they did not kinbw differently their presence and incidentally and Pr. Sehwentkei'i Mr. Harry Cornell, the business nession. Tho offior CJIJUSTIAX Sril'.XCK wrote in someone's until they read the paper next morn- primarily with the price of admission. Mr. W. Hayes and Mr Harry Ktietr. elected for the ensuing year urn Mre. At the Library itulhilng "Hoses are red. ing. It's only twenty-liv- e, cents, but of T. A. Walker, president; Mrs. F. Services ul 11 a. in., subject, "Heal, r V,1 A Violets are blue, A Her all. it would be a wise plan course if you are a real good sort The V. W. C. A. concert Ivetl by Weed, first vice president: Mrs. W. ly." Sunday school a! H: ir. a. m. Situar is sweet, n these days of advent of the you will insist t lie ladies "keep the pupiln of Mis, Hoy .McPonahl proved W .McDonald, second vice president ; moeilng Wedncmluy lit S p tlr m. And so are you. stranger for the F.Iks lo place out the chance,'' as Is tho rule in all charity a plcanam event in musical circle Mrs. John A. White, recording segre-tar- Keudiug rooci open M unlay. ontnr-taluinciit- V'oibW'Stlii) I Violets and roses! Our first love old Kono sign at their unique s. atl'alrs. A number of tile society buds and netted a. mat sum for the organ- Mrs. Poolittle, tinanclul secre- nnd Friday from 2 to along matri- IHu.oU.er, i) in. f letter had them as the theme and , will have a Utile farce isation. Misses 'fióla. Char- tary and Mrs. II. A. Paker, treasurer. tí. through life they whisper ot lover lie altair Wednesday, winch was monial lines and with a title that gives lotte Pratt, and Pauline Can v. right, and their wooing. the first of the season proved a great the key to the problema, for Ihe and Kaymond Suunm sang. Miss One of the most enjoyable of the 1st inigki:i;atcos.l riit'iu;n Society's pathway through life Is meees.s and If n correct forerunner, amusement of the guesl. Sura Hail. Mlas Meryl Ken worthy and church iil'fairs of luiit Week oeeuriod Corn"!- Ilroadwav and coal Avcnuu supposed to be colored like the rose assures us lhaf the Elks are to help Mr. Landolfi, of long standing auc- Miss Martha liullurd iurnlahed tho Wednesday evening at the Woman.' Kant Knit of Viaduct, und scented like, the purpling violeta. enliven the Season. tioneer and witty nouns fame, will sing instrumental niuHic and Mita J.orna club when ti reception whh given the Sunday school ll:L"j a. in.. H. Llth-go- And are not roses e.nd violets the They say women are lucky in gamb- one of his touching ballads entitled Lester gave a violin' solo, and MIm members of St. John'n church. mipeiiiilendent. liea.-hlu- ser- Always When favorite flowers ot this autocrat in I ling games and so it would appear as "Something Happens Heryl Kenworthy hud organ selec- 1! was Intended as a welcome to vice, II o'clock. Sefiilou by Itcv, Nell the realm of feminine loveliness'.' dies "keiioed" more freiiuentlv than It Shouldn't," which will tell why tions. new members and nerved Ha purpose Fot-gil- Cbritliaii F.iuleavor serv- prove e. Uut which does society love the the men. Among the prize winners he never married. That will w ell proved a source of liijoymeni ice e.l 7:K in. o evening sir-vic- ; and best, rose red or vioMs blue? were Airs. O. A. Mntson. Mrs. Kalph a.u Intei-estiiu- if heartrending story. Miss Louises VVat.-o- n onlciiaiucd al. to tho old at well. During the eve-pin- g Musical progr uu toe ntorutn Please don't everyone speak at once. Pun bur, Mrs. Max Mrs. Mr. Louis fjumbiner will play the h"; home, 1U0". i'oru.-dc- r avenue. voiil solos were rendered by MIks Service as I'.dlowH oigan prelude, V Listen a moment and yon shall hear John I.ee Clarke, Miss Lillian HefSol-dei- i. and join in the, chorus. Wednesday evening ,n celebra tion of nlng vocal Bolos were rendered, by Mini "The Oni sihm" i.faieiinolme. u story which may be true or may not; Miss F.lsu Hartuerniid Miss John- All joking aside the nft'alr will be lor fourteenth htrtliday. The house Charlotle Pratt. Mrs. Wliichustui' und "I'liilse Ihe Lord, Ye Nations," ' which may answer the question ol son. well worth while and your money and decorations were pretty and the Alisa 1,'wlng. Dancing nnd refresh- ( Deniarest 1. ipiartei. i Meratory: ', 'H' the flowers or may not. After twelve rounds of the game, Ihe ladies are anxious for a big crowd lunch served in keplng with the. ments whlled nwav the later hours. L"S.hit ol God," t NealloiBur) Mis. c. IW' ir- - " ' - : Uipe a '(it J'fit'enber sun ytrUVWl dancing followed the ball room !. tho interest of phlbutt hrepic oiiitM' arrangement. The guests A. hruiik. I'osllucie: Cost lude In F. a- i a lust smile into a world of flowers. with Ihe Cavumuigh orchestra dis- work. were lively II Trotter, Kos.l Uell. Th-.- ' Juvenil musical club, which liroslg. A cordial Invitation Is N i! Him reat outside but that glass pensing strains of melody for the pas- - Polio WolUing, KUith Olaen, Sadie ol-se- Includes in Us membership the youth- to all especially lo strntigera cuvired world wlilfh exists heeauie , time, Aud last, though not least, tile Mr. ii. V. Huberts is busy solii iting Wanda liook, Lena Maples; Maa-ter- s ful talent of the city, vfns entertained to til lend these services. society likes to waft the fram-ane- of fjood things to eat. Then everyone unioni? .tile soeiety folk these days for Lynn, Cook. F.lsworth, t'unii Saturday afternoon at the hotno of HF . .. J. lU'NV.W. floncri" and their freshness with the went home declaring themselves tho art. department which is' to ty Olsen lillmer l'.lehl uml' Alfred Ttlchl. Dorothy McMlllen. After a thorough t'iinjsTUN t New I'asior lir--i HaptlNi itui-.l- of strong of enter- üuildlnjr i prow- - in nnii. lhiiqiicriiie, Slitter of Jewels and light. for the F.Iks' mode the from of the Casino demonstration of the musical lifoadway. bclwi.on C" nilal and Gold. day a of vio- which Is wido In- T. duugh-- . of each, Ihe guests gave Yiitro on that bunch tainment, famous the during tlte fair. He ussurcs the Mr. Nlchol.is Arniijii and esi cnroful Hlble school M5 a. in. Coinnm-nloi- l eol-i- r world over, thinking ICIO w a. so- - to th.-- pro- - lets tied with a cord of self royal and the dies that their, fancy ork will win' ter Lela have returned .from attention refnmhiiient service II a." in, nubje.t of the WOMAN CONTRACTOR reposed In a box marked plainly committee on good limes really under- in izes. as no doubt itwill, und anyhow journ In Houthern Callfnrtila ami will vlded. The members uro (.race Hlortü, L'u.l ' sermoii; "Thu and ihe Means." Society." stood the meaning of the term. Since we believe Air. Huberts, is w Judge on move the first of October lulo tho Loriiu Letter. .Martha Dullard, Marie Kvoulng K;ai p. m -- I'buI-in- e sermon. The MAKES GOOD HEADWAY a of we so it wouin nor u II of Seventh de la Vcrgnc, Thiinui Sawyer. 1 And elose beside reat cluster compliment tliem matters artistic. Lewinsou rebldeuce. col lier Hook of Hooks." Termini Wil- - roses peeped from clinplnii nrms of do to omit the nanu s. They are John Tho rooms under his direction will and Copper which liny have pur Porrada lie. Florence Wolllcr, Hams, inlander. ON SCHOOL BUILDING smllax. I.ee Clarke. Oavld Weiller, Harry Ben- be cozily arranged, rent room fashion. chased. The thorough renovations Kuthryn fi'Klelly. Llllhin Ki nipeijlch Together they we'it to her. jamin. Frank Kruake, IT. li. üetts. Al One feature will he the amateur pho- now tn process l multo It one of und Dorothy MeMilleli. HIGHLAND MFiHODLSr Cllt'Jtcn. A pretty maid placed them in bowlf- Thelin, and L. N". Combs. tography display which Is open to the prettiest, of the elegant Copper tsln Souih Arno.; I frag- . The Aid society of (Sihcr aiep. mi nl ul' eoolina water and left their everyone save the professionals and aveiinu homes. Ladles' tlte CoIiiiiiIiiis A. 'i'l rance beauty luxurious, beauti- Cupid Is si ill on the "job" slid us- will a pretty showing of kodak Christian church reassembled Thurs- dark. l'nlor. MiK ii. S. V ai rcn. v. bo I, o PUll- - and in make Sunilav school at li t.', u. m. I'reach-iii- g Is nevera i I n - did but seem ing a secret code still surreptitiousl- work. fea- Mabel Himoe gave the day afternoon after a moutns' ", roll A. Schtilad lo;- tnn ful loneliness which they Another, the floriculture Mrs. Stevens lit II a. in. und :4U p. m. by the outrael y connecting his wires between the way with planned vacation. The opening meeting wim of Hi. f- to enhaiu'e. ture will make the place first of i: series of tilfuir for pastor. FpworHi League I' Ll p. election und'iil.in lor Lie want- - t women unpro-Tw- o ama- TuBKiJny held in church parlors was al new public . building, The roses told the violets they hearts ol lowly and potted and cut flower from both the seimon lift evening ut the and m. At Ihe uironlng s r hoi e In kim: weddings au-nu- e. largelv ice the choir ed BOfirt'v's and the violets told . lected mankind. for teurs and professionals. Ihe Stevens home on West Coal attended. liam for the phi pioKtcss with the woik Tin. favor will render the "Oh. be Jov-ft- il woo. will prove the truth of ill) be handi- w und coining j ear were outlined and a so- imthein. v Licit .m sii the rcses how they came to this week There will paintings and It as delightfully Informal In Ihe Lord." by At tnln entire inundation, no you. school, cial hour at which the several I'ackard. fce( bed-ro- t li, And both clusters he d tiny swaying words and doubt interest craft from the Indian textile enjoyed by a select number of itii rtfw fjt.ivlee Miss Howell will sing "There's HiU.irc. will ii ti on arid with, names Society won't be invited but will work ull sorts of fine needlework, society folk. illmoe'D next members were made welcome and In old. i to i.e. Mils it white cards perhaps, the and Mr. fi Green lllll Far Away," by tbiuno.1. onipllb haf of two who wrote In album approve (as though that mafteis to and department under its effi- venture will be an after- with the older members,, fol- be. ri to cM hi uev'eial the her the At the evening s.n vh-- the choir will lelet,.ll iuaie bout roses, violets, suwar and you, the contracting two), tiie marrlaire on cient management will prove one of noon mualcale and will occur early In io ed. lia. es ,, Hi,. ,1,.,.; a ,.f i j. lo 1 to Mr. 4 render the auiheni "The and and who have now reached the Illu- the ilUth of MtM Nettie UertUf (he attractions out on the exhibition October. - feet. The well;, will all cxniul in an . the Song," by Thompson. Miss How- prove The Kebckahu. auxiliary to the Odd i sive disillusioned "grown up'' days. Thomas F. Keleher Jr. The bride grounds. This will interesting, li licMilioti of about ten fcri f .on the - c, fffty-nlnt- h will also slug ut thin service. Hut Then silently Into elect is a charming girl well liked In 1 am sure, to mil- feminine, world and Miss Sliult of Herkcley. Cal, who Fellow celebrated their bii.seineni floor. The ui'p. r tivi tei.l the shadows eret 11 two Sundays .0' rt nl vei'Mltrv Tilesilav librbt In f littl the conference year t the room and the flowers tired of talk social, circles and Mr. Keleher Is a they will assist In making the displays Is a Vaasur girl, spent a few days In FL ott tlie not ib i i u teM i.iíl:- ivlli be I pastor urge", y j - hall. A by A. M. Malley, ruinuln. and tin. hh far I ' they never ossip as you and - well known oung man connected worthy the town and our women. tile city UiHt vifik ellj-out- lo Ihe col- biw.' talk Mrs. luid up in eg u li. r initi":' wi,i M.ine ' HI lb., ot ol Commerce. ' guest I bio kiumu of the oiooi, v.ns an Ino Jiossim. attendance the ' t s;.ec)!le dozed away into flower dreamland. with the bank ine lege town, au tile of Dr. unn whole",' rilemlnrshln of Vt,.. church at "' .I'.iJietiKtoi.i.. which will ; ceremony be perlormeil by ,ltev. i M, 111 J tícCulirt terestlng review hlstorj- of the ,, , 11,1 !' s li 1,1 iiuddenlv a bright light ws about Ivill A. r yulndlcr of .Cortil T"?"; . r,...d,,!,,' ' ,, i , I U" ' lllr - strong and O. j participate. ', ti, them, made A. S. J.. at the. parson- 'runk t,u,. and the members . a In,,,,!,,,!,,, ap, which no doubt them gave last of ilr. o tn general, and strangers .' tain.. blink, and white hands somewhat list- - age and will be witnessed by relatives ilnteii the tluir series - in a pretty flower drill. After musical rd llnb.iock from Mis. A'.him e r, - fall card piirties at the Strong home, selections, darning was enjoyed Invited to attend tho serv " lessly reached for the cards us and intimate friends of the young peo- tlsn Tlutli Simpson. who has hvtn I until "' ""r duariv ,.,, ,.f u.w 1W i,s.il i TwelVth Tijeras, 'lurch ' I every day and his will mid yesterday aft the supper hour m though flowers that come pie. Mr. Keleher bride the ruest of Mrs. Ceorge frost nnd . ibroiighont. arel soli. roe; - noon. V'.ilow t!eud'' new bungalow, built es- and white formed the ( " a. or revé less fragrant and l"ss beautiful reside in a - .,lf) uuuipruiy entertained clei'r rest the thlekinrf. the wait j eoh.r sc heme out In How- , , ' ' -. as is true of nil the good things of peclallv fur the occasion m Keba.er earned the I,,,,., ,,,. Ul ,m- - flow' Tins? ,'.,V.,1 i.i,,i,u cvoy four fee, inevty cm.,- : ttt. r. - '!'.' season. was , and ejiil , life avenue, wliieh is named for Thomas F. ot the Luncheon j , in Wi. offer Onv iriindred Dollars tCe- AeV t he t .,. ks l.einv .i:f.. ,.r.. Mln.d ,,te ,Hkmj, Ch. I refic-tifn- nf 11 a 5 p. .,: much oom-to- - served el the conclusion ol tro ward nv carp ami in. t sudden movement and the roses Keleher Sr.. fath-- r of the gi for of Catarrh that .'', '"'., ns four f. et t.... ,i two ,v, tbi.K. 1 . ,,r ' ' bridge Maying. be guests )..r th cannot be by !' ' ,,, - saw with nniPze and mayhap with a be MilM Huml.,h M(oro u tin- city cured Hall's Catarrh Is lo , ,. ''"r',"i and bin ,e u,en, r.u- small : were. Dceknian. Thin In rifle violets afternoon Jlesdaines7 . euev ing old ad- - Cure. F. J CMK.VKV & CO., ToleUo, lH" -- of displeanire the dose .v. ,1. L. , í'xZ? aeuualutanccs and pulpit. The ii"rTiln' Mut..iee( will '' " I R prow Frost, Maloy. Reldy, ! I I to 'i glowing faco which heeded not Tiro other edding wliiclt win nihing Hie bi't tmproveinculH quite i'f'io. . ,, Sbindai-.l.- nig done in wo km.iolUe utMiuoi. "W . be, "The .impel Fv w HI oe- - Hop", l'louruey, Lutliv. M. K. - We, .' i their , of interest to Allmuiiergtieans C not hie a con ph. !'.ttM' ab- the have known '.. .',. u i;!, ii ti.mi lhi fiacrnnce. Lyons. I', H. 11r,' alter . nlng subí. t. "Some -,,.,,,;,' cf.hiti. went that cur in .'..corro next Saturday, and will Kobett Pollock. I senee J' Cheney for Ihe last 15 yearn. '.. " '" i seems to pr- Ob, t.;-.- t he violets to the dance ' """": A. ''".,' a I.tilüe H. Cowman of that ".riinsteld. nd brieve him perfeclly honorable . new oubll, l.r.n.ileg and were crushed in joyous make Mrs. ",'. lav i.l". a. in., D A lily's will i vez. J of .Mr. Che. f'eek. Waha. Andros. Mr- -. all business trati.cncllolis. - denth don't tmderstand. m.a'.n of; place, wife Frederick Fornof , HeorKe of ftiwjer and 1 ,.,.ru;1(1 ....etinte.Mlent' .i.dat...t, vni.irw.Mird tor ! H 'J'1':': ' IT ' ' ' lie torii. ; McLandress, F. carry obH- - course, roges of Santa Fe. "Imi.' X'lfltlnc friends it, Ihe city for a few rinanclnllv able lo out tmy i 7. ., ""ebiy by thai of o.hvr unMio in the dance and the . .st"'. Lpworllt League ut p. m ' va . rao-t- pop- - Weinman.V, IfV Fox, I !'I galiotiM t.y hvol. vet a dav. in the beautiful lone-- Mr. Fornolf is one of ihe "V weeks. made Ms Tirm. boiblliiK in the T. Woi.h;ey, ; Nuttier, l.ne,s. ii lar men in New Mexico and was for o'ltielh. f'anahy. Ttefk UALIMNC, KÍN.VAK MAItM."f, ! , ,, w.eki-i- . M4 II. o. Misses 1'r.uer me.. ting We.lnes.l ni lielcbuc 1, Kiotn which von gather, .Society's years city marshal here, lie K now " ;f Strong. 1" linreli and lull tlivhf.. Wholesale Druggist. Toledo, fv ..iiaitv ( t In bnoll.t ' ;..,' '., AVilley.,..'.., F, . ,V. at T:;;tl. in.:, Luthy. WHley. Hetty. - . ..l f&vorile Is x ' a plain of !hr New Mcxb-- mounted ui. at)(1 V. Otto w ore thy Ttall's Catarrh f:ute la taken SnUr- - I ... th.- the.-- in fill ,u,.ut stMv flower the iolet. - r. I'uldrldge. A cordial weir., ine. All ai'e No. the iiuestlon isn't answered. P lie; with h. aduuai tets in tit- cat ita! honored aests it a receotion Tuesday nallv. scliug directly tipon the l.luoi) the ,... esi.eeia'L ., eli, men in w.rU I." the - Cap-- , -- n uti t ,,. lior will be. Flowers associate them- city whore the couple will reside. evening in the First iiethodltit church und mucous garfa, of thn Kytitein. ,- ''. wenlhw ndlt v,,., ,..,ni ::,.. rabio w !,- - selves with scenes in flitting life and tain "Fred" ill showerei! - noi the Mrs. finis, la lvf-- of sir. North J parlors. The u.ffulr Wan enjoy alle, Testimonials wnl iree. Frico. 7Be. iM.st In buh-- l njr Miitl,.i- - 1 .,.( meal the al ... 'sort, w is ex- - i was do- - p. v l, i on the nature of th- part we play wearing apparel hich the Fourth str. hosteH Thurfduy Uioug h ttnged with regret at thx r bottle. Kohl bj oil IirugglsVs, iM.pulur prin s at ili. llonm Jb -- iaor- p 'ted ili;,t the ei will c r"rt.ly brides-elee- v es-i- depends of hut afteition at a progi higlt five Mr. .Mrs. EI Fumt.'y Mii-- ,"1' M our regard for the flower elusive privtleg" Miurture ot and otto for Take Hall's Fills tot const nllt on t.obl online loolebl. le I'Hi.' istoii which was the slbnt Miidience. And with congj atu iiitioii". us he bus tin- - party. Je, orations were in yellow Fas where liny are to feeble In the palíoti. i., nitioiiluiu-- moho ihio- oaring i'i. .ni r ;...;-- f oi' ' 1 lieM in,, tip!

I Welvart s Millinery Announeemen í J ti mm m ii nwwí.wu!1 w Mwmffwwit wraiaa jjkww iiiitw ii ij .u. j .wwiiiMiiwir mTnliw "i i.M"pi'iiMiiiiy.imu'''irVk' V Monday, September 26, and continuing until Saturday, October 8, we will place on sale twenty-fiv- e dozen new Fall and Winter Hals at V BEGINNING ' Y price asked in otherl millinery stores. We have made this bic reduction in orderl that the ladiesi of Albiuiueinue ihci i . i r . .i x - can net nais ieiore ine V t 1 .1 . .1 ! f .! ! .1 1 1 .1 t 1 " X y lair, and mat ttiose living out or tne cny can maKe meir purcnases during the lair. Lome m and get our pnces. 11 Y r V See the Welvart Special Hat Y for $5.00 tV Y i Y HEADQUARTERS FOR I WATCH OUR WINDOW ? 4. WILLOW PLUMES iWELVAKT'S MILLHNE DISPLAY v Yv


cornea about at close to perfection as their that a newspaper sporting events are necessary, but It Cite fllMascrqic may prosper In any community, and has become more necessary tnat morí you can find anywhere on trie round attention be given the farmer. globe. we thank al) for their patronage In There Is no greater stimulator to journal the past and solicit your patronage the production of good crops and cf nomino assuring improved live than a well con- No political situation can bo suf- and good will for the future, stock you Headlight will ducted agricultural fair, where the ficiently surprising to efface tha usual the columns of tho Of county may your things farmers the entire PUBLISHING CO. amount of simultaneous "pointing always be at service in all enter into a friendly competition for JOURNAL pertaining to the welfare of the com- the prizes offered. Such exhibitions with priüV' and "viewing with alarm." inspiring as well munity for which It la published." are educational and iiVAK P. LKARXAHI), Pres. 1 A. MARTIN, Sw'jr.' Trea. D. A. MACPnEnaON Praaldant as profitable, and are of great value to JAMES BLACK .. .Maaaftnc Editor A pHtlent In a St. Louit hospital the entire community. (bickering llros., Bush & Ijiiic, Vlcli'olas, Victor Talking s, Kditar Learnard-I.lmlemaii- n Vic- B. PANA JOHNSON was operated on for appendicitis the DrtV FARMING. Co., Kdlson Phonographs, W. A. KEI.KIIKI. ..CUT Bui tot tor, Schiller, The-- 11. S. How- Krell-Ft-rncl- and KdlHon Records, B. BOWDSN ....Advertising other day and among' other article! ard, i, Iraconda, Victor S. Manr I removed from the department of the "Dry Farming," once a theory, By lh .Icsse-Frcnc- li and Kstey Pianos. .Music ami Musical Merchandise. C. J. AMK!IM). Western Ilrpre-dilutiv- e, were: One shoe button hook, now realizing millions from lands ouce Itldff., Chicago. III. Interior ! Second Marqtut ludles' pin. key one lead thought hopeless, unproductive, mere- KSTAIJUSIirj) 1900. MULLIGAN, hat three riddl RAIJ'II n. Eastern one toy pis ly Dry farming la recognised SB Row, New pencil, one belt bucklo, tin desert. Solos Representative, IrU needle, one now country over as a aclcnce, a York. tol, three small nails, one the - Co. - s rr-. mr- getting Learnard- Lindemann st?Tr.T-- - thermometer. The surgeons In at practical business method of PRESIDENT Ripley Is still reply- Rntarad aacosd-clan- a mutter t tha tendance pronounced It a malignant results from refractory soil by apply- ing pncmrrir t Albuquerque. N. U.. under aot TItK MHAKE MUSIC DEALKKS, ( Contrast of March 1, 1171 case of "Junklcltli." ing brains to agriculture. What Dry Farming Is, Is summed QUE1CH HOW thono railroad disas- THK In ters always run in benches. 206 West Gold Avenue MOKNIVO JOIRHAI. I" rw the mow or AVIATION. up as follows in a leading editorial Kr.n of I'arraiul-Cecllin- n LfcXl'o.If'akiu ill'TOBflVrtmirN TBS the Chicago Drovers Journal, one of and Hie It. S. How- H-- I A.V a place In the Mon- T'Or TIIK BI H FAHTT with tho leading livestock publications or IF TOU haven't ard Interior Player Pianos. Anyono ilxTHB TIM K. ANI TIIK METIIO Tho world will sympathize tezuma parado you bolter get busy. can Play Them. MAIL ORDLUS MHJCITKD. OF TMK IIM'l l'l KAN VAUT WHIN George Chnvcis, the fearless reruvlan the west: TIIRV ARK BH.I1T. areas of arid and ! aviator, who crossed tho lofty Alps "Thero are vast JT APPEARS to be easier to get a Albuquerque, N. M. Sept. 24, 1910. Inr.-- r etrrnlatlea tha" aar atir P?P mid defied the eternal snows, only to seml-nrl- d land In the western and man into the cabinet than to got him la hm Mrttra. Tha al P'K" la aw northwestern statea that are being out. knm laard atary Aa? la Mia jaar. fall and break both legs when within TO THE PEOPLE OF NEW MEXICO: thirty feet of the ground. It really brought under agricultural develop- TT.H OF SIBwrBlPTION. systems of Irrigation WITH CHANCELLOR Staab look- IHl. hr mill, on rounih .1(9 seems unfair, but this Is only another ment by the two The business men of Albuquerque have been most liberal Iallr, br carrier, una numlh .fUO and dry farming. The general gov ing after the Marathon race it ought Instance of tho Irony of the gods of bo right racy. dol- to in subscribing for the fair and we believe that everybody who 'Tha Morning Jnanaal baa Msbsr the atmosphere In dealing with au- ernment la spending millions of la aerariW l anr rating lha lars in Montana and other states in Is- presence during the week of that paper la attnlca." lh Amer- dacious mortals who Invade their lofty MR. HRYAN'S latest paramount honors Albuquerque with their New.papar tho construction of vast irrigation ina Iliclur. realms; to allow the Invader to thread sue uppears to have curried him clear big which opens Oct. 3, will feel more than repaid If work that will reclaim millions of over the breastworks. the fair, ALBl Ql KHgl S KF.W MEXICO the upper ether ono can thread proud- acres of fertile Agricultural lands that is not ether to permit him to swoop on Mimbres for the time and money spent. Remember, the fair only need water to yield golden har- EVEN THE plants the CONOR. VTILATIONH. ly earthward, flushed with victory, fulled to pump any political expres-Khili- s Albuquerque's fair, but New Mexico's fair. IT IS YOUR FAIR, and then break his legs Just before vests of the earth's most valuable pro- out of Mr. Hitchcock. he hits terra flrmii. ducts. and we extend two invitations to you. One is to visit the fair, The Morning Journal congratulates now blam- All of which only emphasises the "Thrre arc immense districts of THE FOREST fires are Ilarwnod, cducutloiiul ed on cattle tick. The boll weeill to at our store dur- lU'V. Thomas a cinch. No western lands where tho rainfall Is tho and the second is make your headquarters religious pathflndir In New Mex- fact that aviation has so fur escaped suspicion. and tronido to fly at all as long as you Inadequate for annual crop production ing week. Our time and our store are at your disposal. ico, on his elevation to the position of that stay In the air. Hut the old problem and yet tho land is fertile and easy of RENO CAME near being destroyed nutlonul chaplain of the Urand Army We will be to show you all the latest songs and instru- which baffled Darius Urccri seems to cultivation. Agricultural experiment by flro. Reno, Itenn now Just where glad of Itepubllo. Tho honor to Dr. Is that place? Sounds familiar. tho be unsolved. We have not learned stations have been farming these lands mental music. We will be glad to have you see our magnifi- Harwood, so well deserved by long system how to light. with tho object of evolving a an- service. I likewise u ALFRED AUSTIN has written Victor Talking Edi- and faithful by which they could be mado valuable poem they nro accusing cent line of Pianos, Victrolas, Machines, und New Mex- other and honor to Albuquerque stati:.mi:nt to maki. for agricultural purposes. It hoa been him of doing it Just out of pure spite. son Phonographs and Records, hundreds of which we have ico. H la the more deserved by the .o demonstrated that land under deep recipient becauso of the lack of osten- THE DEMOCRATS aro on the eve our easy pay plan, our low "I have no statement to make 'or cultivation absorbs moro water than sold to those who have learned and the self-- e flucemerit which of a great triumph, says the Hon. tation Journal," said Mr. unbroken land seeded to grass. Deep Been some We will be glad to have all churaclcrtzed his work among the t',e Mornlnc Champ Clark. there for prices and our liberal terms. has A. Hpless, of I as Vegas, when plowing prevents the water from run- years. native people of New Mexico for the Charles of music for H"ked as to his present Intentions ning off and moro easily conserves visiting music teachers look over our catalogues past quarter of a century. Dr. Har- A G1RI-- . wearing a Chantecler hat the position of president of It for the season of drought. It pro- all who with wood has sought not the limelight, was almost scratched to pieces by u teaching purposes, and we can assure favor us the constitutional convention. vides more feeding space for plant women to do his duty, day after day. In cat. When, oh when will theso Our mail depart- but We ore not surprised at Mr. Splcss. roots and liberates a great quantity of lenrn? their future orders, prompt service. order the advancement of the noble work There would be no possible, statement plant food. few towns in New which lies next his heart. It Is this A.V EXCHANGE very reasonably ment is increasing rapidly. There aré to except that he Intends to It la also demonstrated that land spirit, shown on recking southern bat- make suggests that they give the precipita- cus- his candidacy. Wo do not under cultivation loses but a small Mexico and Arizona in which we do not have one or more tlefields as well aa at missionary out- withdraw tion of aviators in the daily weather believe ho would have the nerve amount of water by evaporation, pro- report. A in posts; the spirit of absolute and unas- that . tomers. sample order means future orders, or other to make any other statement nt this viding tho surface la maintained with suming devotion to duty, which han may it- com- Is an eternal fltnens a fine mulch. Keeping the surface OYSTER RAY congratulate words, once a customer, always a customer. During the Dr. Harwood to the men of time. There self on conditions which enable it to endeared be Ignored soil finely tilled decreases the vol- Irrespective of creed. about things which cannot enjey a longer season than Rcverly ing year, every effort will be made by each member of our the southwest. even in politics, and that this fitness ume of evaporation and enables tho expect. They will rejoice Willi him In the tun would be futally fractured with Mr: plant roots to make available the organization to have all who favor us with a call or an order, achievement of thla signal honor. HAI. LING ER al- Sple.ss In tho president's chair the peo-pl- o moisture stored in the soil. SECRETARY has Learnard-Lindeman- n Harwood, however, although paxt ready Ills innocence, but he feel that the aim of the house of Co., Ir. are convinced. Public sentiment 'It Is not possible to obtain normal admitted fourscore years, is not renting on any is still waiting for the investigating custo- has recognised the impropriety of crops every year under tho present committeo to prove it. is to please and give value received to each and every laurels. He Is still on the firing line a huvliig a representative of a special system of dr yfarmlng. Alternate and here's hoplns he may slay thero mer. Interest preside over tho making of seasons tho land needs to be summer IF YOU WANT to be enrolled lis a for many more years. citizen, Commer- New Mexico's constitution. That Mr. fallowed. This Improves tho fineness progressive Join the Soliciting your patronage and awaiting your call, we beg or the soli, kills noxious weeds and cial club. It doesn't cost much und it Spless represents a special Interest w ill help you in your business. to remain AN EYE OPKM It. which ho must protect In the conven- conserves the rainfall for the follow .a tion he has not denied, and cannot ing year's crop. In districts where THE LATEST Is the explosion of Sincerely yours, Is an a big gun on the battleship Georgia. To those who have not realised the deny. Ho wisely makes "no tho rainfall only fifteen inches LEARNARD-LINDEMAN- therefore theso battleship accidents N CO. '" of newly cnlhu--- v nually the system of summer fallow Aren't extent the awakened statement." Mr. Splcss shows good n. little too numerous? faim to "Do It for Albuquerque," the Judgment. He Is too shrewd a mnn of ing makes available tho moisture of a of a handful of can- affairs not to recognise tho fact that two seasons for one year's crop. The SANTA FE is going to pavo her vassers for tho Commercial club Fri- he has allowed himself to get into a rainfall on tilled soli penetrates be streets. Is Albuquerque, going to suf- day Is an eye opener. One hundred low the cultivated depth and encou fer this humiliation Pfter the remarks position which Is absolutely untenable. we have made ubout tho Ancient? tlllxenn In the space of two hours, put rages deep root growth of the in- down their names for membership In om; demon digenous crop. MR. ROOSEVELT says that on his tho reorganised "Strictly Business" tiiinu sthated. It is necessary to add organic mat- return he hud no Idea of taking part organisation. ter to the soli to Increase the humus in public life. He is the one American line thing has been demonstrated as citizen who way It. The business men not only met nd absorbing properties of the land felt that about the a result of the recent delegate cam- canvassers way, they actually cultivation. On summer fal- half paign; the average democratic news- under THE OLD soldiers at Atlantic City LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES up. lowed a fifteen-inc- h Lee -- went around and hunted them paper Is a poor prophet. In fact, It Und tho moisture of declined to run amuck over the tnrt a.k Cha.rM.ea Insist or Gemma This Is all the proof needed that the rainfall- - penetrates as deep as statue. Your average old soldier isn't TAN5Y WAFERS against the allowance of said proof, mentioned time and place to cross-examin- e Is totally unreliable. You cannot pin cherishing any fifty year old griev- EMERS0NS the witnesses of said claimant, club In Its new platform has at once six feet and is available for alfalfa OKAJNO or who knows of anv substantial rea your faith to It for a moment. In ances. CROWN j son under laws and regulations of and to offer evidence In rebuttal cf a plat- leguminous plants. The 21 the hit tho popular chord, it Is this connection the Pecos Valley and other On the market for ) mi i. the Interior Department wny sucn that submitted by claimant. form which appeals to the hard head- best organic matter Is stable manure UNCLE JOE, we are told, swung ABSOLUTELY SAFE SKLIATLK proof should not bo allowed will be MANUEL R. OTERO, News of Artesla says, pertinently; If your druggist cannot ujil Register. ed business man. The success of the and clover turned under, aa they add his arma, Ntumped his tcet and shout- von. urml us 12. WRÍera w ill b given an opportunity at tne aoove "The initiative, the referendum wrapper, prepniii to new regime Is Tuesday nitrogen, humus and porosity to the ed and occasionally he smiled. That sent in plain mentioned time and place cross' assured. and the recall are lost to the people smile Is getting more occasional than EmersM 8ro( ti, los agiiex, u examine the witnesses of said claim' Small Holding Claim No. 4229. night tho club is to tackle the first of New Mexico unless some session soil. it used to be. ant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal 01 3824. problem- - the platting of county. Tho principal object of summer fal- of by claimant. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. the of the legislature of our state takes Ad that submitted COAIj sub-noi- l, Try Morning Journal Want MANUEL R. OTERO. Register. Jemes Forest. It has wisely secured the advice of lowing is to conserve water in the DR. COOK bus been sighted In a United uctlon In the mutter. The democrats Holding No. 4301. Department of tho Interior, experts an the first step. As the sec- which la of greater advantago to Munich. Judging from the amount of Small Claim Office, Fe, N. M., claimed a majority of the constitu- travel indicated. Doc must have clear- 013772 COAL Jemez Forest States Land Santa ond step a special committee will put crops than moisture near the sur- September 6. 1910. tional convention delegates, pledged ed up considerably more than tho LEGAL NOTICES NOTICi: ItHt PI BIJCATION. Notice Is hereby given the follo- down In Mack and while a definite face. The protection of crops against $100,1)110. Department of the Interior. United that to these measures, but this, like many Small Holding Claim No. 43B1. wing-named claimant has filed no- Working plan. that, action. drought is In proportion to tho water states Iiiuid Office. Santa Fe, N. M., final After other purely democratic brain-leak- 013777 COAL .lemea Forest. .. tice of his intention to mako The method Is absolutely loudness like available In the subsoil, as an Inch of AN EASTERN New Mexico orch- September 7, 1910. proof in support of his claim under proved untrue. In passing this point NOTICi: FOR, PI'BIJCATIOV Notice Is hereby given the logics) penetrate below ard 1st realized $10,000 off his apple United that sections IS and 17 of tho act of March and und it Hill he followed out y rainfall will not the Department of the Interior. filed no- It mu be well to call attention to the crop. V by should the. rest ot us Fe, N. M., claimant has 3, 1891 t2t Stats., 854), as amended systematically In working for the real- purfacc mulch and Is toon evaporated. States liind Office. Santa f hiM intention to make final 27 unreliability of democratic "Hsti: our time plugging along when 7, tice bv act of February 21. 1893 litter the September IDIO. proof In support of hia claim under tho will ization of the other xprrssod aims of Livestock Industry should be followed Iheic is money like that lying around? follo- Stats.. 470), and that said proof press of New Mexico, clearly demon- Notice is hereby given that the Hi and 17 of the act of U.S. n In dry farming." wing-named no- sections bo Juan C. Sandoval. the club. One problem to be taken la-- conjunction with claimant has filed ' made before strated during the t campaign. As Wilson perceiies March 3. C'li Sluts.. Sit), as Comr., Cuba. N. M., on October lip at a time and solved. Hai ked by DR. WonliROW tice of his intention to make final 11 21. ft. at for the three main features of the that even the most Industrious citi- amended by the act of February 1910, vix: Juan Martinez, of Señ- a large and representative mcmbcr-rhlp- , A AT proof in support of his claim under 1HH.1 C17 Slats., 470 ), and that said 2. 4229, In platform, lultlutlve, MAM NI.W i;N;UND. zen could scarcely hope to discbargo 1R 17 of tho net of orito, N. M., for the claim democratic the rections and proof will be made br.'oro Juan C. T. 21 with no ftnnuct.it burden worth of (- Sees. 35, T. 21 N.. and Kcc. 2, fully the duties of president Prince- March 3, 1891 -6 854), as the referendum snd the recall, they Stats.. Sandoval, U. S. Court Commissioner, 1 mentioning "n any one iium'nr, ton und governor of New Jersey simul by net of February 21. N., all in II. W. then are they should be; to leg- A Chicago doctor. In the course of amended the at Cuba. N. M . on October 'J9. 1910, to where left taneously. 1 He names the following witness Is no doubt that these problem" will Val- 803 (7 Slats., 470), and that said Enriques Sandoval, of Cuba. N. islative Hell. in. Seventy-tw- o republi- an nddress before the Mississippi C. viz: prove his actual continuous adverse be proof will bo mado before Juan M claim 4 301 Sec. 19, T. twenty solved and solved properly. Co. ley Medical association, asserted that said to Commissioner, for the in possession of said tract for cans were elected, fourteen of whom KAISER W1LII ELM is have Sandoval, U. S. Court 20 R. 1 W., N. M. P. M. survey of operation, fifty-fir- st N. years next preceding tha harmony, teamwork are nil were pledged to support theso meas- "well cooked vegetables, rice and meat Just opened his. residence at Cuba. N. M . on October l!. 1910, following to n, Ho names the witnesses township, viz: Is n- - ii lid Springer Slock-mu- de Lobato, the that needed. And they iré now Twenty-eigh- as opposed to New Kngland mince the editor of tho viz: Marin Rosalia Sanchez prove his actual adverse Casado, ure.". t democrats were harrow- Sanchez, wi- continuous Manuel Martinez. Antonio ured. We know what wo want to pie HoMon beans, who has evidently had heir of Irene (Jarcia do posesslon of said tract for twenty N. M . elected, supposedly all pledged to sup- and baked has made ing experiences, says it must be an dow of Guadalupo Sanchez, for the Victor Casados, all of Cuba, do, we, aro a en- years next preceding tlie survey of Señorito, on common basis of port ma- tho graceful, self controlled Turk the for emperor keep In 6 7. T. 0 and Juan Andres Parras, of these measures. This gives a a'v'ul job the to claim 431 Sections and the township, viz: N. M. deavor, snd su Is a foregone con- Eng-l.inder- ." I'il'tv-on- c leaving. 1 M. "cess jority of sixteen for the common superior of the nervous lank New cooks from N.. H W'., N. P. M. Celso Sandoval. Victor Casaos, Any to protest clusion. As u names following witnesses to person who desires speaker at the banquet ease side of the houte. New Mexico He the Manuel Sanchez. Francisco Antonio against the allowance of said proof, City In- prove his actual adverse rea- aid, "we can get anjthlng we want" " Shades of the I'ilgr ini Fathers, SUCH IS ruine. The Silver continuous Lobato, all of Cuba. N. M. or who knows of any substantial Is to be congratulated di pendent has the following and no poscssion of said tract for twenty person to or Ijt every man put his shoulder to what a treasonable utterance! The survey of Any who desires protest son under tho laws and regulations more: "Postmaster General Frank 11 years next preceding the n sat nst the allowance of said proof, tho Interior Department why such the wheel and gr.ib hold of a spok" NirWsl'AIT.IV unspeakable Turk the superior of the lliteheix'k was among the arrivals tlie township, viz: any rea- will be I'lllMIJI. Son-ehex- . or who knows of substantial proof should not be allowed New Knglander! Who ever here on today's train, he having come Severlano Monloya, Vlcento I. lawuj heard the Edu- - son under the and regulations given an opportunity at the through from where he has Francisco Antonio Lobato. cross-exami- Dcming like? The doctor wouldn't dare re- Arizona, of the Interior Department why such time and place to m;ii imufu. The Headlight has been Uen spending the past three weeks. blgen Sandoval, all of Culm. N. it. be allowed will be said claim- peat his remarks In f'aneuil hall or Any who to protest proof should not tlie witnesses of illlfuaing radiance for considerably He Is registered at the Orient." person desires given an opportunity the above-mention- ant, to offer In rebuttal on common. against allowance of said proof, at and evidence Did nu rr ninll.itiu more over a quarter of a century. It will lloston the time and piuco to cross-examin- e of that submitted bv claimant. ht But Is or who knows of any substantial rea R. Ileglster. beautiful September In have the best wishes of the the Turk superior? If be Is ONE GEORGE Curry talks rather the witnesses of said claimant, MANUEL OTERO. than impolitely postmaster gen- son under the laws and regulations to in of c tt may bo observed by the champions about the and offer evidence rebuttal 0138H fraternity for another tweuty-fl- eral, accusing him of "hutting In." of the Interior Department why such by Small Holding Claim No. 3250. of mim e pie and baked beans be will be that submitted claimant. t Tho sandstorm of the springtime ers' prosperity. T'le current Issue that the Now If any citizen has heard Mr. proof should tut allowed MANUEL R. OTERO. OAL Jemei toresi. history present given an opportunity at tne aoove-mentlone- d vi says: and condition of the Hitchcock advising us n. to what to Register. und the heat of J mil the thunder croRs-ex- - Department Uintea ottoman empire does not warrant one do he is asked to step forward. If time and place to of the Interior, storms of August are quickly forgot "With this Issue t!i" Headlight en-t- r the witnesses of said claimant. Statos l.and Office, Santa e. Kolng over supe- Mr. H.tchcock has dispensed any help- amine Small Holding Claim No. 427S. i. tw eiity-nint- h into testacies auih to evidence In of September 5. 1910. ten In weather such as Albuquerque on its year. lor ful he kept mighty and offer rebuttal 01 378 J COAL Jomex Forest. fol- - riority or his way of showing It. admonitions has submitted by claimant. V..II... i. k th.t the past half length of paper It. that XOTK i: PUBLICATION. 1, : . . . . v. .. XIO- - has enjoyed for the few wok that time the dark about Foil -- j e t - file,! MANUEL K. OTERO. Department of the United i" ilia llalli eiiiiiot "", i It is as near perfect, we believe, us bus been under it present manage- Register interior. . ,,.. - States Ijind Office, Santa Fe, N. M., lite ul u3 iiiioiuvii " under lhf Creator vouchsafes to ,ny coun ment. The paper has bad varied ex- The of 7. proof in support of his claim Season Fairs. September 1910. 17 periences, tod.iy Email Holding Claim No. 4317. follo- sections 18 and of the act of Mrfi try on the globe. September in New but stands for the Notice is hereby given that the ameuu- - 01386. wing-named 3. 1891 (28 Stats.. 854), as filed no- -- Mexico brings rxiiltttioii even to the principles It has espoused from Its NOTICE X)n PIBIJCATIOX. claimant has i i.. ,t i 1893 il infant-)- tice of bis intention to make final ii.... proof will inort hardened oMtliner who thinks During its life the editor (Springer Stockman "77" CUAL Jemes Forest. proof Stats.. 4701. and that said In -- Si piember Is devoted agricultural n support of his claim under that New Mexico sunshine Is an old has at all times Mood for the prin- fi Humphrey!! Seventf-Sove- Department ot the Interior. United sections IS and 17 of act of be made before Juan C 6anao. fairs, and throughout the country. States Land Office. Santa t(, N. Al., the Ct. Comr., at Cuba, N M., on October story to him. Autumn In the l..tnd of ciples of tho democratic party, and March 3. 1891 (! Stats.. SU), as A W .. ti Ftate und local assentations are now lircaks up Grip and September 5. 1 1 0. 44 141 ..I.. ..st nuri(a '" Kunshlne Is sn cr new wonder, a advocated the devebimient of si' busily engaged in exploiting the pro- la hereby given the fol amended by the act of February 21. of N. M.. the claim Notice that 1893 (27 Stats., 470), and said cia. Cuba. for never tiring marvel, something that lnti rents that would be of great bene- ducts of the farm. If In anly locality lowlng-name- d claimant has filed no- that 250 in Sees. 20 and 29. T. U " In county waned proof will be made before Juan C. forget bis fit to the city of Dcmti.g. and the pro- interest the fair has tice of his Intention to make final 1 W.. N. M. P. M. makes the health seeker It would be well to inquire Into the proof in support of his claim under Sandoial, U. t. Court Commissioner, names the following witnesses i" gression of (.octal N. M 29. He worries, the business man forget Ills the best conditions matter. In most cases where this sections 1 and 17 of the act of March at Cal. on October 1910. prove his actual continuous adver cares everyone glad to be alhe of our community. The newspaper condition exists It will tie found that 3. 1891 Stats., as amended Hi: Eduhlgen Ourule of Cuba, X. M.. possession of aaid tract for tweni and Ci 4275 1u ol plant sn loss farmers have ceased to take an inter- COLD bv tha act of Februarytii. 11. 1893 C for the claim Sections Jl and years next preceding tha aun we wochl If suffered entire N-- To the world tte that from fire cut In managers 32. T. 12 , R. 1 W, N. M. P. M. ., t the fair, because their "llie I'lrai Stats.. 470). and that said proof will the township, vix: you see a ellmule snd about two years ago, ut 1'hocnix like The i la-tu- He names following to want to perleit have cesse.1 to Interest themselves tn riii iwltne"' ot a tXUI be made before Juan C. Handuval, I . S. the witnesses J. J. Salaiar. Ramon Garcia. i" breathe a perfect atmosphere, come m It "arose from the ashen." and is bet- the products f the larm. and neatmv. a tf some ft. Comr.. at Cuba, N. M.. on October prove his actual continuous adverse dor Martincx, Noberto Garcia, all quipped It When an agricultural society ceases tllm- -s Mas pending, tlx? Mrvngth !S. 1910. Feles Montano, of Cuba, pisc.on of said tract for twenty N. M. Albuquerque Just b fore the lca.e.i ter for the work which vi: preceding surxey Cuba. .... r Ivj vehlrlc f r the exploitation of sai nis to rUr out ami ou wonoW N. M.. claim 4317 In Sees. )cars next the of person to pro's stay until Chrlat-tua- . ha. had always In Mw, a pap.-- of li for the 3. Anr who desires brgln to fall and the products of the 'll and the wnai is ctMtung. Ion tiae nail tins 30. 31 and 2. T. 31 N . It. 1 W, N. II. the tow n?hip. viz: sgainst the allowance of said P'"01' After that, jrbap. jou may the people, for the people's laiercst. of agriculture tn all Its form fwliivi Ms of limes ami tiki not rem-- P. M. Lorento Outlerres. Bernardino Val- - or who knows of anr substantial rc TVi-irn- r deg. Vi- a change pleasant, for when New and tlie building up of a population and descends to a mere race-trac- k as- igiiiwt It as. a of told, He names the following witnesses to tuscbio Trujiilo y Carrillo. son under the. law. and u1,lpn".,.,, tnñ begin M Is for the development of our valley by sociation and an abettor of gambling hunt wait till your bows to prove hl actual continuous adverse cente tJutierrcs, all f Cuba. N. the Interior Department h'r1.ful7 Yttr'a la past tha weather man aa-ti- and Immorality. It Is bound to kae the take !Iumturt-y- ' "Vientf-sn-en- " possession of said tract for twenty Any person who desires to protest proof should not be allowed wl" r ctten unreliable ano) vexatious. giving the exact conditions, founded upport of the farming community. at iiirt. aivt break up your Ctsl.l. years next preceding tha survey of against the allowance of said proof, given an pportunltjr at the 1 , . . -- Out at present you can't beat It on the bare facts shorn of all Unctful The Colfax County Fair association 1 ami y far Mghita-tr- fits Uws vrst the township, vn: or who knows of any substantial rea- ,H nlasa to '", has mor ever, realised thla year pocket. All druggists 2 -. Crlaantos Herrera. Celso Sandoval son under the laws and regulations wunesaew or nrwhere oo earth. And when all's Imagination, and "boom and bluster." than examine tne rebuttal We appreciate our friends and recog- the necessity of paying greater atten- Humphrey s Horneo. Medicine Co.. M. P.eret Lucero. Francisco Aragón, of the Interior Department hr such ant. and to offer evidence in asid and done. New Mexico's fílmate tion to the products of the soil and C.r. William and Ann streets. New of Cuba. N. M. proof should not be allowed will be or claimant- - is culy through all of tnat submitted tht cr round, tar In and "rear out, nise. th fact that it lea to aoiucaroenls. It t true. tni Yrk. Any i rw'n wh desires tr protest given an opportunity at the above- - MANULL. K. OX.m.i, nr


Tamarack . 59 i i L S. Coal and Oil 40 .EGAL NOTICES U. S. Sin., Kef. and Mill S4 FIFJANCE AND do pfd 4 KsTiiw iortimo.mi.nt. sKKXDCOCOCOOOC Notice is hereby given to whom li I'tah Consolidated 22 V, may Winona 7 concern that the following de- Wolverine ,...115 scribed est ray animal was taken up by K. II, Pearce. Albuquerque, N. M., 209 West Gold ave., to-w- one Jer- Hunk Off In These Columns statement. sey cow, yellow with on The following New white stripes Bargains is the York Lots flank. This animal was taken up at clearing house summary of the week- Tijeras Canyadii, about seven miles cnecE ly statement of banks for the week 0X)OOOCXXXXCXX southeast of Albuquerque; not brand- ending September 24: ed. Averages, Said animal being unknown to Clearing House Hunks, Dally this board, unless claimed by owner Wall Street Loans, 11,281,680,000; Increase, on or before said dute, being ten i New Yolk, Sept. 24. Tho halting, days last appearance ad- Deposits, $1,283,994.000; increase after of this COLBURN'S EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGE uncertain torn of the speculation in $1,629,000. vertisement, said est ray will be sold PROFESSIONAL CARDS stocks was unaltered today In the ab- by this board Tor the benefit of the WANTED Pianos, household goods, Circulation, $46,610,000; increase, owner when 210 West Silver Avt. : MONKT TO LOAN. sence of any conclusive development $1, 419. 000. found. On Furniture. Planus. Organs. ttnrsa etc., stored safely at reasonable to point to the course or events which Specie, CATTLE ISA X ITA II Y HOARD. Phone 834. Wssnns anil other 1'hs.ittls: siso on Balarlos 08TF.0PATH $272,091.000; decrease, rcxp and Warehouse IWoalpla, as low as 1 10 00 and rates. Advances made. Phone 140 are awaited. Albuquerque, N. M. WANTKlV'ili iienoiT 'waitress; a a. O. SCHWF.NTKEK - publication, as high as ISO Oil, Loans are quickly made The Security Warehouse and Improve- nit. General evidence of the tightening de- First last publi- waiter; experienced nurse for sani- private. Time month to Graduate A. 8. O., Klrkvllle, Urn. Legal tenders, $67,732,000; 10-- and strictly o.ie ment Co. Offices, rooms I and 4, of money markets was a feature, the cation, . tarium, steady good wages. one year given. Oooda to remain la your O. crease. $8,797,000. Job. Block, street and Cen- Fuel Graduate K A. On Influence being the preparation for Small Holding N possession. Our rates are reasonable, i all Grant Third Angeles, Cal. Reserve, $339,823,000; decrease, Claim 4237. us borrowing, steamship líos the coming October settlements. $4,231,000. 013825. and eee befure tral avenue. Office Bulte I Phone Office, Tl The private rate in par ,loo JFORJROT llrkela to and from all psrls of the world. is Reserve required, $320,998,000; in- NOTICE FOR PlllMCATIOX. IBK HOI SKllOl.l) LOAN I'OMt'aVNX, N. T. Armljo flldg. Phone Res. IIS hardening and demands upon the crease, $407,000. COAL. Jemez Forest. FoTt'lfKOTCc Mini S and 4, Grat Blag, Disease) of Women and Chlldre" Hank of England arouse discussion of Surplus, $18,825,000; decrease, Department of the Interior. United furnished or unfurnished. Apply FRIWrW OFKll'KS, FOR SALE Reil Estati Specialty. a possible early advance in that ia!e. States I.and Office. Santa Fc, N. M., W. V. Futrelle Denver Hotel. OPBN KVBNINOS, cotton bill disputo September 5, IS.IMi Meet Onlral Avena. ASSAYTCHH. The complicates States deposits, $19,233,-00- 0; 1910. FOR RENT Modern ""apart- tho exchange situation and is respons- $4.656,000. Notice la hereby given that the follo- SALE to decrease, wing-named ment, steam heat, opposite park. FOR ranch, close ible also for some extra demands from Clearing house banks actual condi- claimant has filed no- Paul Teutsch. Grant nlock. town, 6 acres alfalfa, good 4 room Assaysr. banks in the south for rcdiscountr.i tice of his Intention to make final chick- Iflnlng snd Metallurgical BagtkeMr tion this day: Two-roome- d IlAlXViTYrTmTÍTTlerks cottage, barn, outbuildings ami in New York. proof In support of his Foil RENT furnished wanted; Albu 09 West Loans, $1,285,632.000; increase, claim under house, with querque Nov. 12; $800 en houses, nice sliado around house, Fruit jvenii. There was some movement today in sections 16 and 17 of tho act of March screened porch. Clean examinations sell; low Poe'effiee Box 171. or at office e K $6.800,000. 3, In good locality. to free. Frank- owner elck and must price stock of minor railroad properties in 1891 (26 Stats.. 854), as and 617 W. Marble $1,600; preparation & 11 South Deposits, $1,285,703,000; increase, amended 4 10 nod on application. llunsaker H.JCent, Third Stret. :i:-:-t bv oí 21, (27 avenue. lin Institute, Dept. T, Rochester, reorganization, hut the geno'nl $1.495,000. the net February 1893 n. y. Thaxton, 20 4 W. Gobi. was Inert. The loan expansion shown Circulation, $47,160,000 Stats., 470), and that said proof will Foil" RENTTWO th7eer7miit- - increase, be 1. by the bank statement was exoccted $680.000. made before'Juan C. Sandoval, U. 8. tages in Fourth ward. Apply 916 WANTED Horse shoer. X. L. It. W. D. BRIAN lii Yir uth-er- n t t. Comr., Cuba, M., uve. view of the rediscountlng s Specie. L- - at N. on October N. Eighth. shoeing forge; 405 Copper Attorney Law. $271,388,000; decrease 26, 1910, vis: Reyes Ledesma, at bunks, but the cash decreise was of 4- - WANTED At once, a cook, man or Office In all- - 916,000. Cuba, N. FOR RENT First class modern First National Ban less than expected. The actual But- - Legal tenders, $67,61 7,000; decrease M.. for the claim 4237, In room furnished home; also woman. Apply at Santa Fe hos- - Ing. Albuquerque, N.al. plus is thus left at 1 7,G4,0OO. Clt See. 33, T. 21 N., R. 1 W.. N. M. P. M $1.803,000. He names the following witnesses to furnished home; $;:.". llunsaker & pllal.j ne. W. Wilson Jno. A. .Wait lug stocks: Reserve, $339,002,000; decrease, $3,. prove Thaxton, 204 W. Odd, WANTED Eastern health and acci WILSON A WHITS. Allis Chalmers pfd . . 35 his actual continuous adverse FOR SALE Two room house on 60 419.000. possession KKNT Seven-roo- dent Insurance company wants man- 2 good Attorneys at Law Amalgamated Copper 0 1 'S In- of said tract for twenty Foil house. xl4 ft. lot, screen porch, well Reserve required, $321,425,000; years UKI S. ager for New Mexico. Good contract Rooms Cromwell Butldt American Agricultural .... 43 i next preceding tho survey of Modern; slenm heat; at Wal with young trees, In good locality. crease. $373.00(1. the township, viz: ler; $.15. Apply afternoons, 406 S. to producer. Address. "Insurance," Terms to right pulty. Apply 617 ÍV. American Hect Sugar 37 Surplus, $17.577,000; Increase, 424 CJulncy building, Denver, Colo. American Ca n 8 Ursulo Segura, Donaclano Lucero Walter Marble avenue. $T0O JB. A VF- 1 d vs tranquilino Romero, Dionlcio McCoy, RENT Four-roo- MOÑTHlS nuil expensea to tra- DR. J. K R - American Car and Foundry Ex-lnit- States deposits, $17,964,-00- 0; FOR house; $10 61 an 01 cuba. N. M. vel and distribute samples for big Dental Surgeen. American Cotton Oil per month. Also three rooms, $6; t-- decrease, $3.858.000. Any person who desires to protest manufacturer, steady work. S. Rooms Harnett Ilulldlof. atone American Hide and Leather pfd 21 State banks and trust companies of water free. J. M. Sollie, 115 W. Gold 18 against the allowance of said proof, Scheffer, treasurer, CJ373, Chicago. 744. AnnrTlntnients made by mall. American Ice Securities .. Greater New York not reporting to or who-kno- any nvemie. 1 of substantial rea expenses, American Unseed the clearing house: son under laws regulations $25 WEEKLY and either YSICI AND SI'HGFNS American Locomotive .' 37 the and of FOR KENT 7'hree-- i 00111 modern sex, to put out catalogues and ad- Full SALE new modern Jll Loans, $1,693,732,000; decrease, 1110 D. . , 5 interior Department why such apartment; furnished; strictly, In very easy a. 8HOKTU, M. American Smelting; and Ref'ng. $250,000. proof not first vertise. Largo mail order house. C. brick, good locution; 100 should be allowed will be class; $'Jt). llunsaker Ai Thaxton, If. Emery, W, 473. Chicago. terms. Co., 216 W. Gold. Practice limited t do pfd Specie, $120,447,000; Increase, given above-mentione- d Porlerflelii an opportunity nt the 2114 W. (lold. Tubereolosls. American Steel Foundries , 4 2 ptmnfl time and place to cross-exami- FOR BALra ranch, mile from Hours: 10 to 11. American Sugar Kefinlng 1 1 5 Legal tenders, $21,1 29,000; Increase, the witnesses of said claim- FOR RENT Six room "modern 'brlcki HELP WANTED Female town. Bee owner. 60 West Central. Reams State Natl. Rank Blilg. American Tel. and Tel. . , 137 $1.110,000. ant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal nicely furnished; dose In; Low- SALE OlTf Ra'DK AviTf trade eight American Tobacco pfd . . 91 Total deposits. $1,200,160,000; de of that submitted bv claimant. lands. Lewls&Sn.vder. 214W. Gold. WANTED Competent woman for good lots in Long Reach, Calif., for American Woolen 27 ',4 R. ' crease, Í4.174.UI1U. MANUEL OTERO, Register. Foil RENT One flat" for housekeep- general housework; ;ood wages; Albuquerque real estate. Apply 100, Mining Co. 38 L. RICHIE, M. D. Anaconda The statement show that the banks Small Holding t'laim 6201. ing and sleeping rooms. Reasonnhle small family. Apply tent house No rare Journal. T. Atchison , 88- re- 4 hold $18.825,000 more than the 013077 COAfj rent. 4 South Third. 7, St. Joseph's hospital. for $1.300; Practice limited to eye, ear, nose do pfd 100 quirements of 25 per cent rule. Jemez Forest. FOIt SALE house the 1'OK FOIl 11 EXT Three-roo- modern near in a bargain. and throat. Atlantic Coast 10 1 NOTICE PI RI.ICATIOX. WANTED A girl for general house- and Porterfleld Line This a decrease of $3,469,000 in the apartment; well Co., 21 Rooms 15 mid 10 OIUST IU.IT.DIXO Baltimore and Ohio 104 reserve as com- Department of the Interior. United 'furnished: $15. work. Apply 711 S. Rrondwny. W. Gold. proportionate cash llunsaker & Thaxton. 204 W. Gold. tis- - llrooklyn Rapid Transit 76 pared with last week. States Land Office. Santa Fe, N. M., WANTED Competent girl or woman VÓ'ñ HA LE At a ait crif fee" f or sa RENT house, S room Hnd Canadian Pacific 100 September 13, 1910. FOIt modern. for general housework. Call 1100 fiictory reasons, house WI'.ISK, 50-f- t. I'. II. PII.G., SI. 1. 32V follo- Inquire 413 N. Seventh. four lots; house front Central Leather Chicago Hoard of Trade Notice Is hereby given that the West' Central. screened flraduate In Medicine, Columbia 105 Alleged wing-named 4 8 back; and pantry; do pfd Chicago, Sept. 24. fear of claimant has filed no- Von KENT House. U "rooms' A competent nurse girl. and has closet 1'nlv., N. Y.; Physiology Jersey 280 WANTED Jersey row, fresh this month; 100 lute 1'rol'. of Central of New ...255 Canadian competition, even with the tice of his Intention to final clao storerooms, rooms for house- Mrs. J. A. Reldy 51!) K. Central. Medico-Chlrurlg- College, Chesapeake Ohio 75 U was a new make keeping. W. M Million ,211 Plymouth Rock chickens; 10 pairs Kansas and Import duty of 25c bushel proof In support of II. W. City, Mo.; Assoc. I'roT. Dept. of Medi- Chicago Alton 72 V4 &' 31 owners of his claim under Gobi. WANTED Lady bookkeeper, one pigeons; 200 lb. pig; Belgian hairs; and bugbear today for wheat. 16 17 cine, v. of Kansas, etc. Chicago Great Western 23 Vi Talk of such a possibility was a last sections and of tho act of March who will hold position permanently; complete household furniture. An ful 3, 1891 (26 Stats.. 854), as amended must come well recommended. Apply opportunity to buy splendid little Special Attention Paid tu pisen spa do pfd 46 straw and there was much liquidation iFORJiENT- - Lungs. Chicago , ..14a amount of short sell by the act of February 21, 1893 (27 ÜI.X S. 2nd st. home cheap and well stocked. Ap- of the and Northwestern and an unusual Office: 502 'a Chicago, 120H close being at a 470), will FOR RENT Sanitary and modern Call ply to owner, 1818 B. High. Central Ave. Res., Mil. and St. Paul ing accordingly, the Stats., and that said proof v7N''l'Eliillrl 'lor housework. Savoy Hotel. Phono, 475 or 772. C, C. C. and St. Louis 72VÍ net decline of to c. corn show be C. U, rooms Rio Grande, 619 W. Central. 82 W. Gold. FOR SALE $25.00 per month and In - mado before Juan Sandoval, Office bonis, 10 to 1. Colorado Fuel and Iron 9 ed a loss of to at the fin- S. Ct. Comr., at Cuba, N. M.. on No FOR RENT Modern rooms and WANTED Competent girl for second terest, buys a new modern four . 52 to Tho end new Hue In Colorado and Southern ishish, and oats vember 8, 1910, vlr: Valentin C. do Home cooking. Room and board. work. Apply 1 123 Tijeras Ave. room brick on car the 130 Vz hog products tlie Highlands. Address 1 Consolidated Gas of trading left all Raea, of Cuba, N. M., for the claim $1 per day up. Hotel Denver. DR. K O. SASIl'IOLS Corn Products 13 way from 15c higher to 20c down. and city; P201, In W 2 SW 4, NR 4 SW WANTED Positions. FOR SALE ranch near Denial SnraiNin Delaware and Hudson . 162165 December wheat ranged irom as Foil RENT Furnished rooms, all money, Co., 4 4 worth the l'ortcrl'leld New and Modern Equipment 30-- 1- 8, Sec. 18 and SH of SR Sec first-clas- to $1.00 (0 1.00 finishing modern conveniences in s D. E. a 1 17-1- Denver and Rio Grande Occidental LADY wants position, i W. Gidd. Room 9 Whiting Hlock", do pfd ..... 71 net lower at 99 c. 18, T. 21 N., R. 1 W., N. M. P. M. building. Central ave. and Broadway. bookkeeper, knowledge stenography " He Apply r. Wilson. FOR SALli Second and Gold Ave. Distillers' Securities 27 December corn fluctuated between namis the following witnesses Al reference. Reliable, care Morning $3,150 residence, Albuquerque, New Slexleo 1 51 closed brick North Erie 25V4 and and to prove his actual continuous ad FOR RENT Two rooms funiTshed Journal. Fourth St.; modern; two lots; easy do 1st pfd 4 2M down at 51 ft 61 Til verse possession of said tract for house, with porch. screened' 'Cli.n payments; a very desirable home.; Ms was dull. No. 2 yellow do 2nd pfd . . . 32 cash demand twenty years next the aur and in good locality. 617 W. Marble WANTED Miscellaneous close In. KOI.OMON U lll'JlTOV. SI. P. 53 2 53 c. General Electric 142 closed vey township, avenue. M. MOO Physician and Surgeon J4 1 of the viz: WANTED Horse and buggy for Its JOHN HE REALTY CO. Great Northern pfd 125 December oats varied irom FO R R ENT Fürñ I shed roomT f or Suite 9, Barnett Bldg. 34 In was Manuel Aragón y Lucero, Cuan Jose keep. Prof. Stephun, I'nlversiiy. FOR SALE Great Northern Ore Ctfs .... 55 to and the final trading 111 724 1 ,100 I -- 4 c. Salazar, Celso Sandoval, Francfsflo housekeeping. S. Second St. Phone 354. brlcki residence Illinois Central 129 off at 34 W34 Highlands; near Central Ave.; mod- Orrii-la- l I 'air r t. of inquiry hog pro Antonio Lobato, all of Cuba, N. M. rToTotu VJUlo-ine- n, l Interborough-Me- , . j . V.... 21 Because limited FORREÑT or two Wanted A Good oan 50-fo- O lot). A. IIVNKS sagged. prices showed Any person who to protest ern: lot; a bargain. do pfd 57 ducts Latest desires largo,, airy, 'front' room nicely SElTlUTY consists of 178 acres of 12 CO. Pinino ,10 I lr Headquarter unchanged 20c un JOHN M. .MOO It REALTY Inter Harvester 97 i bork to otr. lard against the allowance of said proof, furnished. Separate entrance. 915 valley land, title based on T'. S. pat FOR SALE Inter-Marin- e pfd 17 Vk chanced to 15c higher and ribs at or who knowg of any substantial rea- lit. 26 acres In old bearing orchard 1- N. Sixth street. $1,000 Corner lot 05x100 feeet; east 5 2 to 7 111 W. TRIMBLE & CO. International Paper 10 last night's closing to son under the laws and regulations of 20 acres in young orchard; 24 acres Sixth L UENT-TFurnlstie- rooms front; close In! North St.! a International Pump 39H below. tho Interior Department why such FOR for alfalfa; 4 acres in garden; 85 acres most desirable location; snap. till N. Second St. 16 V4 npar S.-l- Iowa Central proof should not be will be light housekeeping, Fourth in pasture. All irrigable and all till JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. Livery, Frwd and StaMea. Final 2814 allowed able. putting out more Kansas City Southern St. Louis Wool given an opportunity at the above ward school, two blocks from street Borrower is FOR SALE Class Turnouts) at Keawinable Rate do pfd 63 St. Louis. Sept. 24. Wool, unchang cars. 915 N. Sixth street. orchard. Kiiihllngs worth $1,600. Fir $425 2 vacant lots on South Second Telephone S. Kortii Haennd Ktreat ed: grades, combing and mentioned time and place to cross-e- x íí insurance will be carried In favor of Lnclede Gas medium CtrgéT íc éíy u fn e I St., at a great bargain; owner wants 141 clothing. light fine. Iiíi21e amine the witnesses of said claimant FO líft ENT li f lender. Security worth conservatively Ixiuisvülc and Nashville 23T24c: room in new house. 612 N. cash, Minneapolis and St. Louis 23 heavy fine. tub washed, io and to offer evidence in rebuttal of modern $12,000 to $13,1)00. Loan wanted for M. CO. 15lic; , JOHN MOORE REALTY Minn.. St. P. and Sault St. M. . . 133 V 33c. that submitted by claimant. Fourth.' three years at 8 per cent Interest pay FOIt SALE Missouri. Kansas and Texas ... 30 MANUEL R. OTEHO, Register. Ft It RENT To girls or women (not sblo quarterly. If wo had the money $1.800 bungalow on North Hudson for Signs do rfd 61 TI10 Metala Sept. 15, Oct. 15. health-seekers- ), light largo cham to spare we would make It ourselves. Eleventh St.; modern; beautiful home. Missouri 62 The. bers, with or without arrangements See us about It. Room 2, Stern tlk., M. CO. Pacific New York, Sept. 24. metal T Holding Cial m NoT 6 200T JOHN MOORE REALTY 111 Vi Small for light housekeeping. 424 S. Edith tiESTREICJI & DROWN, Phone 136. National Biscuit market were all uuiet toduy and 01407$ COAL LAND FOR SALE 2 business lots on Cen- - National Lead r) practically nominal as usual on a Sat Jenici St. Telephone 1587. WANTED Good secondhand bicycle. you i " tral avenue, that can double Wall Ni-t'- l Forest. Paper I.ys. of Mexico 2nd pfd.. si urday. Lake copper, íis.duwií.io Call at 50 S. 3rd or plioiie No. 409. your money on In 3 years. Porterfleld 112 2 NOTICE I'OH FOR RENT Miscellaneous New York Central electrolytic. $12.37 12.62 ri'IlIJCATIOX. WANTED Ijirge saddle pony and Co., 21 w". Gold: N'ew York. Ontario and Western 40 $12.12 (Ri 1 2.37 2. Department of the Interior, United casting, RENT The second of saddle; also .35 Remington rifle. live-roo- mod- 96 Vx u N. M., Foil floor tho FOR SALE Two new Norfolk and Western Lead, $4.37 speller, States Land Office, Santa Fe, block, 32 newly re- - Address, A. A., care Journal. ce- HUDSON Fourth 67 50fti)5.60. Strong rooms: ern bungalows in Fourth North American September 13, 1910. papered and repainted; two baths, fii" wheel-chaT- Ad- cases, clos- 11 5 VI doiuirs, two WANTED rent mented cellar; book china Northern Pacific Kar silver, 53 Mexican Notice Is hereby given tho fol first-clas- s .1. 1 1. 1:101 30 that toilets, all in condition dress Stumps. W. Fruit. et and linen cabinet; open grate: mis- for Picture Street and Pacific Mall 44 c. lowing-name- d no floors, Pennsylvania 128 claimant has filed rent reasonable. Just the proposition WANTED Your fire insurance, l'or. sion finish; polished liiaplo of first-clas- s rooming or O. Kiev- - Peoples Gas 106 tice his intention to make final for house ho terlleld Co., 216 W. Gold. rents for $27.50 net. Charles Frames Copper Avi St. 1Ollls SM'IUT tel. Apply IN. 11 93 proof in support of hla claim under Strong Uros. $ T'ÓIM) Tit 8" ens.jll lit si. Pittsburg.', C. C. and St. Louis .. St. Louis, Sept. 24. Lead, dull WANTED per "cent first T 161 sections 16 and 17 of the act of March FOR RENT First clasa location for SALE A few "(.nap bargains In b'slurg Coal 1 2; spelter, dull; $5.27 class real estillo security. Address, FOR Pressed 33 I4.20lfr4.27 3, 1891 (26 Slats., 854), as amended general merchandise business In City. houhi a, cash and easy payments; Steel Car country; liox 13. Pullman Palace Car 160 by tho net of February 21, 1893 (27 near railroad; has postofficc must go soon. W. H. McMiuion. mi SANTA FE TIME Railway Steel Spring 32 Stats., 470), will and telephone connection. Address, W. tklJ. TABLE ChlfUiro Live Slock and that said proof Office; FOR SALE Miscellaneous Reading 143Vd Receipts b0 made before Juan C. Sandoval, U. W., Journal Republic. 29 Chicago. Sept. 24. Cattle RENT To right party, good Steel 3IMI: Reeves, m.uuhj; S. Ct. Comr.. at Cuba, N. M., on No- FOIl iiTP7rnoreTn do pfd 91Vi market steady. restaurant completely furnished. Fruí"?ríTn:sm FOR SALElivof fi JO! Texas steers. Í3.75 ri; b.Oli; west vember 8, 1910, viz: Ciriaco C. do one of th brst toHiis In New Mex- Rock Island Co 30 M, Run Itr connection with best hotel In ico, l or particulars Drugs, FTrTtVI.ETri-nll- pony nubile Vi Ktecr. I4.404I1 7.10: stockers and tiara, of Cuba, N. M., for the claim address lor do pfd 62 litis. Fe. Apply (it tho Clniro Hotel, cn-- o fi5.'l. f 4 30 (a 6.00 : cows and hcif NK 1- 19, In Morning Journal. or drive. Pnone St. Louis and San Fran. 2nd pfd 38 Vi feeder 6200 in NK Sec. and Fe, N. M. r 1 2.2 5 S 6.5U: calves. $7 008 10.00. Stnta SALl-- A fine" Jersey cow, or St. Louis Southwestern 25 NW NW S of NW 4 FOR SALE Winter FUR a.uou: FOIt RENT Office room, modern. good-siite- d C. 60 loga Receipts, maraei See. 20. T. 21 N., R. 1 W.. N. M. M. D. F. Glll Journal Office, will trade for horse. do pfd P. lmpilro 313 2 W. 53 'steiidv. Light. Í9.154!9.ii,: mixed, Walton Studio, FOR SALE Light buggy, A. Reynolds, 102V Forrester avenue. Sloss Sheffield Steel and Iron.. IX irood to choice He names the following witnesses Central runabout 114 r.,,rh .Klf8.50: gooil as new, at 607 North Twelfth. SALE Dairy twenty select tin F.ffrct January 9, 1910) Southern Pacific heavy! $8.50üJ pigs. $8.60 J. 9.45; to prove his actual continuous ad- FOIt 22 Vi 9.35: cow a, 9 aerea of land, buildings, U I0STIIOI M Arrive Imparl Southern Railway sales, $8.76 (f 9.20. verse possession of said tract for BOARD Kill SALE Perfect, solitaire dia . . .' v 52 Vi bulk of wagons, teams, etc. Snap If taken at 1. do pfd Receipts, H.uini; market twenty years next preceding the mond ring. Apply Ring, c ir Morn No. Cal. Express.... 7:45p :0p Tennessee 31 Vi Sheep iur by day, once. J, Sir ng, next postoffice. 3. Copper ;i; western vey GOOD room and board week ing , No. Cal. Limited. ...11 :00a 11:(. 25 steady. Native, 12.06 H 4.1 of the township, viz: Journal. Texas and Pacific $4 76Ci5.70: or month, at the Mount Alton, 524 FOR SALE 90 stands of bees, with No. 7. Me. & Cal. r,r,p ll:40p . . 22 t3.26ftr4.40: yearlings. Manuel Aragón y Lucero, Juan Jose FOR SALE return ticket to - El..l0 Toledo. St. Louis and West. western, Second St. full equipment and supplies, llar- No. I. Cal. Mail. . . 11 ;50p 60 4 lambs, native, $5.25J7.25; Salazar, Celso Sandoval, Francisco Denver; cheap. Address X2, Journal. Fast U:46a do pfd gam If solil al once. Also 11 acres I0ASTROI D 165 $5.60(8' 7.00. Antonio Lobato, all of Cuba, N. M. PERSONAL SALE Good cheap. I'nlon Pacific FOR lent house; land cheap; inn be bought with bees. No. 2. Ex. I.BSp 4:t0p do pfd 91 Any person who desires to protest Inquire 1 ,123NorthFlft h. Strong, next posiofllce. Tourist ... Putted States Realty 69 Kaunas I'll y Live Slock against the allowance of said proof, or 1'EltSONAL Elderly gentleman, un No. 4. Chi. Lid 6:Sf,p :0Bp City. Sept. 24. Catll. Re. FOR SALIO American fox hounds, I'lTll SALE Gentle horse, weight No. 7:26p Fnltcd States Rubber 34 Kansas of any incumbered, with means, refined, III I. Eastern Ex..... i:45p 1.000, including 100 south- - who knows substantial reason) and young. Parents big game MOO lbs.; cheap If sold quick. Call l ulled States Steel 67 celpts, under the regulations of tho good uppearance anil lonely, seeks his Win. Wescn,' ranch No. 10. Overland Ex.... k:00a 8:2li V Native steers. laws and trailers. Address Red Ham. do pfd 116 eras: market steadv. marriugc. 11111, 209H 11 Ph Interior Department why such proof Ideal In Address two blocks east of American Lumber I.e lYalns 45 !5.25fti 8.00: southern steers. J.l.suw SALE Jersey" heifer 'will SO I'tah Copper li & ; Elm street, Oakland, Cal. . ofilce. No. 9. Mexico Ex. ... k fin u. cows 1 2. 75 4. 00 na should not be allowed will be given an April I 4115 W. ii:l0a Virginia Chemical .. 67 mi hern fresh In Roma. 101 Carolina above-mentione- No. (IS. (:10a tive cows hellers. i "t ' . opportunity at the d FOIl. HALE A good liMseliurner and Paso Pass.. Wabash 46 '4 and WANTED Agents FOR SALE Four extra good young A íi 6..1C cross-examin- e Salesmen No. Í10. Kan. CII y SiOlia 35 stockers and feeders, $3.25 time and place to the beating stove. Apply 123 South old. Chi. do pfd mules, one stallion, three yeais AY Vi I.uIIm t3.40i4.25; calves, h.owtos to Walter. No. S16. Kan. City Chi. IBp Western Maryland 43 west- - witnesses of said claimant, and of sXlese?íwXñTed John Mann, elty. 50: western steers. $4.507.00 cal- F ill SALE Pumps, engines, boilers, ItiiNwcll and Amarillo Wcstlnghouse Electric 61 fer evidence In rcbutlal of that sub advertising men, to sell line of FOR SALE on account of leaking V4. rn .MivrM Iz.iU'ff u.uu. etc., for Irrigation, lowest pos No. 11. Val. Ex. Western Union 63 by claimant. endars; bank supplies: leather goods at 1 my Pecos !:! Rece lots. Z.uau: marsci mitted 111 N the farm. am going to sell all Wheeling and Lake Erie 5 ll,, MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. and novelties; well established trade; ible ligare. J. 1. Coleman, Jersey cattle, consisting of No. 12. Albu. Ex 11:40p steady. Hulk of sales, w Supply Second street. Albuquerque, N. M. registered Agent. Total sales for the day, 111.400 Sept. IS, Oct. 15. liberal contract. Hankers Co. Gui-iion'- Ijid 3rd, a 5 WILLIAM RALFOrn, heavy. pacaci " 10 the famous shares. J.isns; Iowa City, Iowa. pitivvn: km solid year old cow and heller. If you want light, .iuW Small Holding Claim No. 1249. 1 ims sales, par butchers. $8.959.20; WANTED-TinKi- HI D. I1IMNG MOT Honda were firm. Total r. i .lux SPECIALTY lOII Dili best, see slid get these us the price a 013813. HI I RM.I It VIOIl. the value. $1.042.ru0. i, salesman for New Mexico, to begin RKSk. GN Is right snd what you will be Killing FOR SALE 8 Rece Dts. l.uwu: marKei NOTICE I'Olt Pim.TCATIO.V. A 10 United 2, son-so- n HOT W It IIIOVII.R. States have declined ; work about October 1st. Rest imngi;. i pay. one mile northwest of steady. Muttons. $ 4.00 r 4.u lamos, COAL Jemez Forest. I N I I N to Farm per cent In the bid price on cail since year- now open. Staple line on NEW PIMM II I It II It C II (Ills. Glei $1.11(1(1 modi o brii k United 1 city. kler's farm last week. $6 00ÍI 6.80: fed wethers and Department of the lntcir, 10T. mi r hi: soi in good fed western ewes. Land Office, San.-.- 7e, N. M. and EXCEPTIONAL terms. Commis ti i:mv. I" Tit SALIO Hlaik s.ulille poii : easy lot. sha le. Fourth lings. $4.005.40; States "111 pay 1117 SOI I'll WI.TI It ST. 75 lit 4.35. September 5, 1910. sion lontruct that the right riding: an it a hie 1"r lady. S04 W. ward; lose in. HoMmi Closing Milling. $3. man $100 expenses. SALE Horse, buggy and har- Notice Is hereby given that the fol weekly above Foft Gol, I avenue tl.iWO cement block: Allouea 42 ness, 623 LE , be when lowing-name- d no Refereni es required. Mib s P. Rlxler high chair and mattress. 1110,1,-- n arrangement ; .V 1 ,ot minute should lost claimant has filed FOIt-HA- span bla k e.dle Amalgamated Copper , . h Second. finest 4 w wi his Intention to make final Co Cleveland. Nort street, Am. Zinc. Lead Snu 26 V4 a Child snows iiiiivni tice of In 1 It v. goo,l weight. ciy gentle, Euuilh and Cough Remedy given proof In support of his under SALESMAN Experienced in any A rlzona Chamberlain's claim line i lly one an exi eplionally tine $2,.MHi ooía look; bath, elec- Commercial li 1 17 6 as soon as the child becomes hoarse. sections and of the act of March to sell general trade In .New Mexico. single also, new set double tric Unlit. em. nt walks; cor- Atlantic 1891 (26 854 ), as amended drior. Ros. and Corb. Cop. and Sil. Mg 13 or ven Biter llio croupy inu,ii Stats.. I'nexcelled specialty proposition with ÍLir"PEIt WORD Inserts classified harnee, single hxrnef and nearly ner lot. prevent auacit. Sold by the act of February 21, 1893 (27 brand new feature. Commission with papers S. 1 Hutte Coalition 18Vi nears. will the 470). ads In If leading In the V. new rubber tired buggv; siso. colt, 2.1011 - frame; modern. Stats., and that said proof will $35 weekly for experes. Vacancy 2 G. Calumet and Arizona 6t by all druggists. IT. H Send for Hat-- The Dak Advertising .omina rar old Charle Stev corner lot, S Walter street. A be mado before Juan C. Sandoval. Oi I Calumet and Hecla 543 tober 1st. The Continental Jewelry Agency, South Main street, ens. .119 N. Filth St. goo,) baiguin. iiimeo; "t. Comr., at Cuba, N. M., on October Co., . 47 Ontennlal 1 The Homo Itemurant Cleveland. ls .2.2ÓO - tU I 26, 1910, viz: Ramon Garcia de Oar- - Angeles. Cal. modern frame '"pper 5 to lit new honu. non 10 itm Lix'AL AGENT WANTED Automo- g o fi il hililiiings, Range Con. Co .We. cia, of Cuba. N. M.. for the claim 3249, sílgate the llwellinu. out National Hank on ioll bile, accessory firm opening ITWILIPXS' vim to lim sb-vl- S, Franklin 10H In Sees. 20 and 29, T. 21 N., K. 1 W.. has for Co. to trees Edith street Gtruux Vi t local agent with some eaplul to rep- plan of the Standard Home Consolidated M. P. M. you money to psv off mortgages, $2.3(l brick; modern, Granby 32 U no ln.1UT nial mtpi in resent liKally lend ! Consolidated There . He names the following witnesses to an unique aolomoblle 5 per- !l!iMTiti.H. on car line, l'.uur-ant- homes, ,it ImoliH cy LOST One bright sorrel two-vt,,r- Greene Ca nanea H tbi. fit jr than at tlw Homo and motor boat accessory uf merit. build etc. niare. Limo - ro,.m. y hrbk; l.-l- prove hla actual continuous adverse particular call 4 years: rigid e Royale (copper) 20 .o4d Ave., neit to Hrt National Representative man with aoom knowl- cent Interest. For lull weight, etift lbs. ei. modern, on corner, close In, possession of aaid tract for twenty or agent at 420 West bind loot bile, hile tace, brand eti j Kerr Lake Bank. years next preceding the survey of edge of automobiles, furnishing H- address $2.000 S acres of good lund N. ieda,, Willi Complete ae. b it thigh S Anchor Return t" . Copper I . . 1 . 1 refirellcen details 4th St ten minutes from city 34 .... m n the township, viz: 711 N. Eighth strei t ami receive re-- i ! Salle Copper h a. uex Manuel Garcia. A. Mchwuld. Ito- - only nei d answer. Post liffn e tox FU SALIO General mitrlmn.l limits; good room house, elec- Journal want Aas hesuns 711.1. good is paving ward Miami Copper 1 tnalda Vigil. David Lobut", all of Cuba New York city. busini ss. tric ligh.s, large barn. MollAW : ' .ii.cl not want b" nKV k 47 MITOM.V lltl.IKr. HIT N. M. HA I TI R f H E RIGHT. - owner does to I'Ol'ND New eaddle. owner Several good piece of business Nevada 1 lG . lol Apply It o, cue onci-rnin- sm II Consolidated roMTivi; un Any person who desires to protest The Ijte Story of Theodore iio.it.e-velt- .olllined cosel. trcelve inlormatlnn property. Lota and nnse In at . 11 11 bv and ipiMdng Mines 197 agamot the allowance of said proor. A li Grt .lournfi spplving to Morning Journal parts of the city. Ranches and North llutte 25 or who knows of any utKtntlnl rea money maker. Liberal terms, out- M i; Pv ing for this ad. homes. . r. k. mail inu ami stv.i: money. suburban "rth Lake 82Vi Faywood Hot Springs son under the laws and regulations of fit fre. I NI VE ll!A L Hol SE. 354 1.1 "small sum of Old Dominion . 3Vs the Interior Department why such WsKhsm I'hlisgo. Mi can aame by proving Money Loan Av. For the famous hot spring of x. Owner obtain to Osceola .i:s For lUieoJiiatlxm. Kkinry and other proof should not t allowed will be property and ral"g 'ht" aJ- - 41 Parrott (silver and cop.) . . 12H given an opportunity at the above-mentione- d THE WM.FARR COMPANY N. M. Information at Valo Marble avenue. ir Qulncy . Ailment. Pleasure and Health Re- cross- - 10 "t time and piare to ' Pros'. 307 N. Tirst St.. or write STol.fON' T ) .nr- - A.FLEISCHER . Wholesale and retail dealers la STRAYED OR Shannon ... 4 sort combined. Addre. examine the witnesses of said claim l.WIM 4I14'IV. proprietor and f a. e ami Real IVilnte. lire Insurance, Superior . f rrrsih and Malt Mr la, taaaaf old bnv stud colt, white ant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal . 1301 R Amo, O VS. S. Se mil 4. 91 tts im-iall- mall contractor. P. Ibri-- hit feet. W. Phone Superior Min- - T. C by claimant. Tor cattla and haga tas Phone Ul, U4 and Boston of that submitted bol Albuquerque. N. M. Holder. wop. Neiico. U. OX 1 big get ntrkM are tl, . .. twirerior ! i'iite. ... L 11 l awovtl llot tpftugN rw MA.NLLL Hi'.' It8i"T, frtct p.

I THE ALBUQUERQUE. MORNINü JOURNAL, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910. rr. xOtxx(Xcoj(.xxott DR, C, H. CONNER liol seem to upprn tute tlie ncute unx-ler- y ? P . she had caused her 'family who Physician and Surgeon DEMOCRATS HOPE had looked for her . far mnl wide, GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY lcnrinu Unit Homethint; hud luippencd Sew Mcxliii' I'lnnrcr .IcHi-lrr- . OSTEOPATH to her. Miss lüiaveH disa ppeured two AA IOKS MU! VWTA COAST MNIf.S. weeks ATCH n: AMI All muí illsrnsaii Wednesday. lslIJW UMMIiCINU AMI I SI. I! t I U. acula chronic Dijo last She left hotno IIM' Mill TO WRITE THE at 7 o'clock in (he morning to go to TIIK Alt II 1 KOT 115 SO. M;o.T ST. treated. ST Olfioet Rtrrn Kullillnc, corner work at tlie Leader ttor and was not XXXX30CXX)O0OO00C)0OOOOOO0OO(-XyXXXX- I'mirlli nil Central ntfiuic again hy any memliers of lirr lamily until esterday noon. When oueftloned .yesiorday as to why she COSIO had not Informed her parents of lnjr whorei' bouts, the clrl aid that lio CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. had Intended to do fo, hut had be- E. Fourneile come III In Helen and was under tlifi Move. ): silbes. Moil' rul-liln- ir JmmI, Cullrrr ml tools. Iron mi llulltlcr. imrirtfsion tliat lier relatives thero Contractor BELIEVE THEY CAN SWING so. I'lpo nlvr muí rutin:;, rlitinhliig, JIfatlii(j, Tin hiiiJ ii r Work Jul) 1'romptlv Attended li.id done Work lo. 'file 'disappearance C.f the sirl was (IN AVIST tl.MKAly li. 1'IIO.NU 311. INITIATIVE-REFERENDU- M AM.M 1'lione lOti.j. a deep mystery for nearly three iv.eoka. v uvera 1 of lier relatives insti- tuted a watch which coveted all of ! Uernallllo counly and the police de- Meeting of Territorial Central partment had sent out search cards parts oí St. Vincent's Academy AV. M. Í.IÍAV. Committee Yesterday to Line in various the United States. 'Hie liili- - IMniluxniilil'T. - Itofltllsc till' pillllle hooll Up Probable Policy to be Merchants I'mlso . . Due Today lentil lli ri they Ki'l (In- best Vi .Jell s y. . J. W. work uud iiíísu íiivi' ini.nc. Pursued by Delegates. Mclfuiiiel, Kthtrton, Ills., says: There llimrilliiK nuil iIhv i IiooI. Will is no medicino which cijuals it for i i(iiii for lit ni IHIO-I1II- 1 on Scplrui-lir- r 215 AV. Central : 1'liuiie Í2S coushs. colds, Gripiic, asthma and Ulli. Bronchitis, book for the Dell on the Notvv t hat there "III he Kottle. Al'llilcillll' ami c ru iiniiii r cour-e- i. ? seventy-on- e rcpubli'-- u delegates In the convention to meet liui"lil. constitutional ht-s- t city Sunday ( l,i;A I , KAYS IXM'KCTOlt. In Ke 3. t.et the meal in tin at for breakfast sama on October itffuliMl lUvtaur-sii- , Miiular rUes at the lloinv t Mii-dc- cliMiilli.ii mid Cliliui paint- - I'li.'iic 51 or will ci I tip city twcnty-nlii- e democratic delegates, the territorial democratic central commit- on oíd airniic toniglit. Miinc Efjcjs. Boil íllí. who will altead iii ompl ly in attiiliiiic'. our select to nil calls for km t lui culling tee in In yesterday tor c, All)iiiii-riii- v ' i formulating policy to Meilru, Corner weed nuil . ii tí tlirni aiTuy. the purpose of a Kluli unil New A ork. fTPm n usunable. li; pursued hy tin: democrat in the them hard or soft, fried or writing of the constitution. II. W I IIHM.IJi. Solemnly mnl 'colli Identic, it was re- CENTRAL AVENUE IS ' ooiii I. (.rant lililí. solved to write Hi" Initiative snd ref- Try a Journal Want Ad; ' on toast they make us Results erendum Into the constitution, ieav- - jus. however, such other friends. i.'ini lilis like tlio rerjli ii ml tile cor NOW A STRAIGHT Standard Plumbing & Heating Notice rupt prat ticen, of law. to he dealt with to the Public when occasion arises. . COM TAX Y Hon. William U. Wnlloii of silver - 412 AY. Central Avanua. City, who Is a rich Hale to tin.- consti- Having reorganized our tutional convention, presided over the mnl on ri ful Attention to All ;"s THOROUGHFARE 35c rniniit grocery business on a arlen Che cotiniiitTci ,1 Orilrra. sti riliiy'iwiii.H iiiiw4iy PER DOZEN TKI.KIMIO.XK (I. strictly cash basis, we are of (lie teri f.l .ti. , ar. just rriiina r.p unr poiu ies desirous of closing all ac- Id"eMr. Walton irsterday "and Kiltlmf thhik's In shape to do Sewer Laying Machine Com- ALBUQUERQUE i e 4 ti fc FOUNDRYan-- counts opened with us husinisK tit tlie emiveullon. Tlie com-nillte- will nient h vii I n In Suata li'e on pletes Its. Woik. and Moves MACHINE WORKS under our old credit sys- iictiihei- :t, at which flu- - finer details ni' in t;aiii il Ion and policy will he. de- On; Street Will be. Blocked '"" ' tem. All persons in our cided upon. "' No Longer, Ward's Store Ai.iii oi i:, m;v ikxico. Thai the ijriiiclj.al result of the i:i:i debt are, therefore, re- urn linn j esleí day was ri firm decision Iron and Llrmi CiiMuikh. - Ttcpalri. to incorporate tlie indiatlvo and ref- Homer H. Ward, Mgr. Machinery - quested to make prompt j rcudum Into tlie- constitution, was The work of la.yttiB Hie bi sener j by .1. M . the statement made I'pton. mains at tlie intersection of Fourth " Copyrijlit HirtSchiiTncr he Mft f settlement. We are giv- I. una county in 315 Marble Ave., Phone 206 who will represent the street and C.ntlal avenue, which has LAUNDRY nun cm ion. "I'liele Johnnio" I'pton ing all our customers, old will he lama i:uunt's only man in tii.; blocked traffic in both directions for appor- - nearly two weeks past, was completed years past young men have grad bene- con vontion. that counly being as well as new, the tlom d ii ly one deli cate. .Mr. t'pton veslerd iy and by this moiiiinir tlrect cam-- cars vehicles may proceed with- FOR WHITE fit of our splendid won out in I. una in a whirlwind i and of sus- Try a Morning Journal Want Ad cash paijn ov r his friend, üalph C. Kly out detuill'll jó'. been discarding the use WAGONS of PrlIlilIH. The dummy and Itenchliiir system, we - y HK and ask their "We decided loda.t that wo will machine wciri- movo'd at 4 o'clock to the extent write Hie initiative and referendum til afternoon and the Albtniuer-iU- e penders for the belt. But there have been XXXXXXXXXX00X)OOOOOOOC IH- - constitution," said Jlr. I'pton, Traction company immediately of closing old accounts. seriously. repaiied its track and within an hour OUR MILK AND CREAM The I. una county ileleuate, how-,ei- r. had ci'is- - runnlnii straight .tlirough disadvantages, and sometimes discomforts; was luiticomtnil ia when asked without Inlet ruption.. I t il I lie Sanitary mullí Ion-o- f 1'ioihn mnl lliimlli'il nilrr Mrlclct r. G. PRATT & CO. whether the deiiuni its would also Street 'ommissionei Martin Tierney Modern Dull) Ins. i niakr a liurnt lo pi't in tile reiall anu hImo placed a (.'alls; of men on tlie job the would slip down little; and p.ilt'.-ic- trousers a (orrupt net. of pmttiii; Kouitli street in condition v. liius.( yruiu ruó. v , ...... Dairy & Supply Co. Anions ho aliended tlie Vl'ini'tn 'ruiuai aienut f. . , i 1 The 1 1 Matthew 1 I . meeting yisterday were1 W. K. Walton, f.'oppr PAcnhii iU 'lit;: blocked lie 14.I I I'lioiic I JO. I iMI Not til I'liiil'lli Mn-cl- - t of SUM r ftty, A. A. Jones .' of l.as BinninÉ crt fow At cifinc uiiuciciuiiiiuti wumcu ujp, iiui picuoaiu. New J. i. Hand of los A In mus. io or tdi nays anil trar'iiii' nwist tn(iv Garage Uoni'-i- of .Morn, i 'liarles V either on tioi.i. i:ciitral or. tijeras n.islcy of S tnta Ko .M diton Torres of av mus. ... -- I i Not I lle-- m necessary ami ii i il any more. i i Socorro. .1. M. t'pton of I, una. O. X. I ii t lie Ten iloi i . Marion, II :. Vi ttu.-so- and John S. lies! lor the Hands , - , CHARLES ILFELD C0. W ill ouimodaie i ma- liin Heaven nf A lliiiqiiet-.ui..- and Felix S. I,. Chnpman,, Mussac, Ky.. says: I i 'i i . ..i- - Schaffner & Marx 'ompl. I Hart iiitr am.. . of al used Ur. Hell's Antiseptic Salve on my Manila. lasv. i ii ii Tire i. .M: hin.. I'ariw Wind .. - ' ' hands, which were sore Shi-Id- .-. - 'I'. . N. i i I cured'tbein Shape- w I.allip, 1c. t:us iiM:r that tlie best ever tried n have designed a new model in suits; the j in - ( lireil for In sun aue. I III '.A KtoiC1.ACM--- Will. CAItltY completely. Wholesalers of Everything "I am W'a '!i. d and p.. I i r lliullt. unite confident that the maker. stay in place, even without a There is no octlcr 111ml sertnl 111 The trousers I I n r muí I. Ii d I. y a ni ami li n iitlum. in some form VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA n i el w p city Home - US drlr ers. v. 'II he ineorpM'ati'ü. into the X. ti titan at the Kouun- .Mexico constitution. " said W. Ij. Wal- Hiit. (..old A'.. uet ta l'inst 'tlonal belt; they fit snugly to the body, and help to develop mi tiiw rvr ai TmioMii i: t o., ton of Silver City, yestprilny. Mr. MUltfl IOt-ti;- t orth I lrt streel. Walton .wli.i is'chuirmtm of the dem-- o T 'the- - rrri atldchr fimirr sr mnrh dosirrtl liv inorit lhiniii npic. . . ratio territorial central committee, Strong Brothers van ill .Vlbno.uoiitUO to preside oict i the nifctimr of the committee. INDIAN SCHOOL IS men. - expresses his' entire j ' The chairman Shape-make- r I 'tilín'! Ii M s ami i . I M confidence that the majority of the We'll fit you in the suit any Do It I'l in i t sel Ii e da ur nlulit. PRESIDENT 'RIPLEY uclo-atr- s aro in favor of the direct j " 'relepholli., .No V,"., lies, l.llli. legislation idea, and that while con- - day. Come and see it anyway. The best Milium nil... upper mnl Second dittons Miry in various countica as to FILLED TO ITS the attitude of the úc!eíales. some be- - i thing in clothes-makin- g in the last 50 years. Ina pledged to the initiative and rt f- - for Your Own 10 ATTEND TAOS - or one of them in a modi- $35-Over- lied form, and some for the orctron Suits $20 to coats $18 to $30 In thp i.i rut ihmt jtmii Bhuulil nut plan, will work out into a CAPACITY rf.'.li. muí iii.iniliiü nrr, IpU- - the thinii ' p' ti.r I'oHT.u. tei.i;i;iiapii distinct majority in favor of the en- - The Central Ave. Clothier Self Rcspcctand tiivluc i.ur Html ami aWritpnt eral idea. Consequently Mr. Walton Im SIMON hihI iiiiiMT CELESRATION STERN i. lh. will ilrllpriil lir in in- - Si. 'i..i 14, ... ua.r. Tli. telppliuu. 1. lisurcs that some form" the - will be adopt- - ' Illative and referendum Ac unv This is homo of Marx Cloth' s. iti j store the it, Schaffner - ed in convention. The chairman's Little Wards of the Government Tin- rrwHril will ii.ltf the iil. , the dem- - Albii(ucr(ue f"i lli.i i.i'..t tiiiil ..ttt. tk.n t,f ri r remarks vould indicate that for . All .Miuiil jo. aiinis i...ii,a wf lli octats are puing to stand solidly for ( Want to be Educated, but .l.iiri..il funii til. Hour-- Santa Fe Extvutive and Wife put up u slloiii," iy i't .M'... r the inovisioiis and t There E110U3I1 Room Jin'CVAl, l'flll.ltilllNO CO. .urn' E, ifh for their adoption, and count on Isn't. Mr. and Mis. W. a sufficient republican strenuth to HARDWOOD LUMBERS FOR FINISH AND CABINET carry their point if concessions are I for Everybody, ; Hud.m's to A. B. j Join Gaffey made oil l oth sides. WORK CLEAR AND SEASONED Buy ami Tiip Take Thiouyh North I'lli-iO- now while LOCAL fiEWS Of INTEREST IIIOIN.1 ll IJusiness is prosuetous out at tile Is prevented by applying lr. Dell's AHuiiiUeripie Indian school, north of Anti-I'ai- to cuts, scratches and town, thu institution liavina a greater SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL CO. II Jj I.I II O CI l I'resMel.J bruises. It destroys a" septic mailer attendance this year than over before tiloi lill tlo Vlllll'l lllf h ns i ."e our stocks of ala tilt i: '. lilpli he Santa rail i' ay enables the wouud to heal without ilurliit; the opening wick. The l.eer l..r Mo.r til.l.v iir.lrr ii ctii-- in he , Mee), when H" sure to l'V. I'.ell's. . l,i,ell vreiies. fet the week is well at oi. to your place. l'iiolil i uud III .111.1 111" ur frit pr. oh Me Hid Vice, ovtr tlie tine,- - hundred mark already 'il. in i;. and . Su-)- n i,u, and helor, the . middle of Uctober Mcns and Boys' I. oi .ph.- - lir i ii.l no i H...I tres III .ill. Ii. ta the ii of Sa i intend, lit I'ei r; expects to have, an BERGER & BRACHVOGEL i - Mi ll.M I, ' i ni n. '1 ii in a T..., a. GRAVES GIRL GOMES enrollment ot-- U(le .hundied and III West I'opprr Ave. I'hono 610. . .. t !1 Ip .1 .1 til. land ii thiouvh Httv , 16 ' M. .... The STOflK which gives ounces to the pound alwayi. (Ml'iHtt-- T Kio Ariilm "Three hi'nidrvif is our limit." said (JCAIN Suits 1. --' I. M. i Ucalers in Fl.Of'l, HAY. and SKKDS. All kinds of CHICKEN dependable "It i!Ie tins .Mr. Ferry yesterday. "That Is, three Il v . pi I nta liarbai.-- FKí;ü anil I'Ol'I.TtiY and other STOCK Hl'MEDIIiJj. Aventt tor th .i ii r hundred pupils ale nil we ait: sup- lie ,.ll. I'ele 111', which p.s AS SUDDENLY posed tu care for w:th our uppropt International stoik f ood Company's products. 1, i HOI li.e.M Ih. Hull I'm 15UI by it point end The best coarse White Bran from this year' wheat at ll.TS 1 and Overcoats no .'.in d part. ai rice,l In economi'.iivj in thu matter u pounds. lied litan at J1.50 per lOOpounds. f' i;..r..ii m n. ill make wlll-t.- a. a tae we able, to care Kvr or. lor .leliver.H asmo dnv It Is rK-lvi- ' t I i 1.. Iii. ia lie SI l.i IMS lor three hundr.'d ami r'nty. A.t.-- r i; .1 AS LEFT I:... to M..i In r.lill: SHE this malk has ht u reached He will 11.' A are fresh and i'ii' e.jt.'Mi. f. M. i.ali. I. M be. compcll-- d to d.tUne .Hntlicr !."! IHJ'M ih. a, .;ti, t,, J,.iu the nt. pupils, . old of icurse, will I... I ..I.. p..rt.. 'I'll. i i a ti t). ;ll he mail.' be sivcp preference in nrollin;. The Style He le lie l i'l' I il . r spi I'l real smsll children who will havr erguson & Collister complete. I'.i I mi' a 'h. w lids ol Seventeen Year Old Youns to iiu to school when y Quality fney .' - tin f in r- pi'.'- - i Ta.'s .ni, I:1.. are older, will in- sent to their homes l M ' Her Home Albuquerque's Dry Goods Shop . ..I l..e(e. Lady Retains to to wait for another year. Distinction Satisfaction "I II p. pi. 111 l:.,li..n i'tir. a asm "Thing's arc running splendidly Il il nM .M- Yesk'iday Noun; Had Been SILKS THAT ARE TO BE WORN I.. i i. hi ,.l I'll. 1. 1.. M.'íaüe list i.laht. during the opening days." continued I'll iar Ii,... a I '.It til III ii ,'I la the la. t. ih.". ttie Mr. I'errv. "and we confidently ex- rh.t-- . .. t With Belen Relatives. is Silk .M h I , ' li :,.iii.t t .. iiu. an. sell, larpi Staying pect to hut,, a vvry successful year." Fashion's decree that Persian Silks and n,',i:l.lll. nt . ,r i., ih,. s. Suits - fes una i'e liip.-ii- i I Poplins will be for Be- '.II el Pa .caaiui. laiidif. lk'st X'.fttr Vst-i- l the reigning favorites this season. . 'I h t i. s I . ,tl! Without civ ing an.' explanation A. Í5. Heiiileiu. Harrison. Idaho, says: Ill 'Mil lili l.M.lel . d c I h a II ing assured of this popularity some months ago, wc arc Ulcl sin' had hit cine tired ot I have used Or. líeH'a lie' J.U. , Kip i'i t other than colds is lo l hi for couifhs. and and it the best $35.00 Ü .ll'H'iiii-riii- lid en now $18.00 Men. i l. al all' ' H ,, Ih, Ire. living In hud Look prepared with very extensive. lines' in these Silks. I'er- - I have ever tried. for tile Boll .le. h !. h. ...i Ih. ti "It a v'n t.. relatives in I'.clcn li.ss ou the b'ottlc. $1 .11. 1.1 Hi-.- , s. Prices range from 75c to .35 .. the !Vir'arila t'hav. s. lev, ear-Mr- the yard. I . . , . II. .pe i- i- 1 . '.lt;.!e!,.l' N. tel youi t.l. dauirhU .Mr. ami i'a.'.d 1 Ih? Home oin-i- f its Plaid Silks very p. - mi, ttu-e- ra l.i- - w.-.-- are much in vogue for and trto r. red i.y h 1 luces ot ::e! !hv tvi.' riuurx for dinner toniuliu Music in this'scason ti...- itv t .Kin'; I'haniPer-en'- s n -. who di.-.tp-p aev-- suddenly from nlleiitlaiii-r- . ct tu I irt National we offer a line of superb colorings, and combinations. If IÚ it s to ll '.I M ..iii.i. h hi.iI l.ii. r Tj.al.-t- the H: ni"! than two weeks a;e. Bunk, l.old Air. new i t.. - - be m i!i. S by .1 . al al iti,i,n,. .lii all druft- t lied lo ht r home il noon vestti- Some in Persian effects, all suitable for separate waists The itt oas none If yoa orrvl rarpatr, tcUpIioo ound here. moi s.' for In r absence, and d.J HasMldea: pboaa SIJ. and trimming purposes. IIIM. m. r lie Ptyn.B nn.i mnitir. t on th'rt notK-- t.y w. U Trtm-t- t AUTUMN GLOVES FF0R MEN AND WOMEN. Stcin-Bloc- 4k Co., h Co. I ll'-t- N. Uecc1 Ayency for I. Ill trct ni a. i I'hrn. Consolidated Keg Beer Co. This section we expect to feature this fall by displaying I here i no Is ltt r met rrinl in to our customers the best,' well selected products that ll ii, lima ai IH- - IIoiih- - Iteiaur-ni- . Phune 138. II'. I t car. MMllilltIS ll.n' .ohl e.. in-x- i lo I ir- -t reliable glove can produce. One point it M:-- S K ., a. t ,. Nation) manufacturers ML' ilk I tank. w I H it c Wm. St. Louis self-eviden- ii I'.l !l'l rial, K.t a J. LEMP'S Draught Deer will be t, of -a ' and that is the highest quality l .1 I . a ' a dm nn le W A ii itcun e. . . I III, I..'1'hll-- I ro.rn .no car jr k.twi Specialty. Outside Orders Solicited. hí-- nf merchandise at the lowest possible retail price. Our E.L I till. fe. .'Ill 'I'' Ti. rr usrantcrd V. I. lllullUUIIII uu N r, I . IIS KrnT4 ..! mi. h lr. stock represents the best makes, and that is a guaran-te- e i: A. VlI'llA. JOíE f ÜML l.L-- It A, E. F. OTEHO. Street . Second - T'residci.t. Treasurer. in to Ml South 1 t'l- Itttiiie lui itit.,ol Wallaco Hcsscldcn títerctar'. itself insure fit. style and quality and the shades j T AM) STCH.K to li - it.-- Imhii.. i l.Hr tu I ir-- t .ural Contractors. HIT. tlBA UK lUAA, CICA. X. M. that are in Wc to the 119 W. Gold Ave. NalHOhll ltwlt. M I.Oltl Flurea and orknanshlp count I Tha test land la New Mexico demand. direct your special attention i acricultural unicr lrr;alivo We Cuarantec mor for your mona? dii.lo.'5. id.np, cjitle and hor-- c for aalu. fact that we carry a full line of "DENTS" gloves, for both Th tost u.i.lir horse, t., t than any oilier routracliu film 1 C( l lt Julii-.'- it!V iu'J". " ' In the city r at W I.. Trlmt HI UbuquerQua Offic at tha Suparlo? LDWaKD K. OTKKO. Secretary. men and women. N Seccnd a'lvei I'h"t.a I l, ll lsning il.ll lUiene 51?. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910.

77 7r yew roo mes nterma ins oi Strange (jame tin- - rales bar ;. pushing, nulling .mil line Ilu- on. tde kb k must . ov-- at ' P'liug i. ii. Looks lis II the little iel-- ! lea: t tweiiiv y ards Ii becomes RADICAL REFORMS will s chance now ; the THE HERO OF THE GRIDIRON IS AGAIN ABROAD In nla.v. The rule; "A player of Hi" DANGER LESSENED own-i- s m iron loiindrios will mist side which put the ball in plav hciua ktmeniing at tin- - loss ul' husky hi-- I j oitsldc is pot oitsl.ie when a b,:ers Il can a veteran accus- - IN THE LAND kleke.l ball touches the ground III Hie tnmod pi :t i lit- u I. .ml. all tame dl-- j Held of play twi lily yards in advaine SWEEP AWAY vided Into two halves tecnticile liin.-- j of the Spot Where the ball was put BY EL1NATIN6 self tn a cunt em iiuaricred Into four in play. No player of either side ttn'V "periods"? These are but ti few i f further kbk or kick at such a ball Hie features that make for the iiplilt-- Í ... while on the ground or bounding. The ins ni' the famous autumn game. Xi player, who. standing bio k of his own ASS PLAY Since the rule makers did the clari-- i line ol "crtlnnmge. receives the ball FLYING TACKLE ''vih.g ami codifying it is only Just that from one of Ins own sitie ami then . kit it bey. oíd the line ol scrimmage they he allowed to present tin. rules ' in original form. Rule '. relative to mav not himself get the ball mull af-- i ,, the length of the y .line tends: ler it has touched one of his oppotl-- i Ruins Certain...v Look "1'ho 1,,n"'h lnp "'.i ' cms." Diastic Revision Will Bring sixty minutes, llvideil indi four Tackling Hon lotion-- . Rui Will Doubtless Re periods ni lilieen minutes earh, ex- - Ta. 'Mini!, too, lias beca subjected to About Reival of Open Play l . elusive in nine iinn-i- mil ttunign It I caretul consideration, and the new re. suit ni Less ralalmes nan. " e 'Khrir íuranm. minimi Pi noticed Moic Than Twenty ., iifiTi-- I between the managers or strict!. .ns bar the lottu. diving clutch below A;,o. 111 ifilinOI it'itlS, nl the contesting loiims. ciiiiioeieiy. Ill addition tackling Years in case no sucn agreement is th,. knee is prohibited except by tack- - reached de-- j before ten minutes utter time i e 7 'j Ids, guards, ninl centers on the Uehellllli-.i- l'ne t,niril..,hk,r ..I' 1. a scrimmage. regu- - til. . .i1'- EVe,''.,'J tensive line of Tlie t. 11)0 h ... , k .' c"i i i r snap i'h- !:!! to any of his hnoks The days of hall hero are. rt.fpr,,,. shall ..rtlei- the ..inn...... ' billons exprc-- a it In Hie following rapidly passing uikI in mini" ! Ions, to pro.... cil full time hp and immednitely receive it beforo and the shall lorm: crossing scrlmtmu-.- nl' the country have already passed. played. ' f r "A player when rukllug an op- Hie line? Would - " , ,tv . Js Hie ball the 1'luhm tur the pennants in "There be in- I ' w ' f , ponent must have one to. nt least first man who received Ihe Seii shall three minutes' V ,4 - ' J1', yards he various baseball leagues will he termission first sec- ü" nil nf.,,,- on ground. shall he no ruin the eeut.r have to be five between the and the There back from passing ball to center aii.-lei- history. The hen, of the ond pi rinds and between the third anil l;u l.ling the knees, except by the .iumioi:! will lake a hack seat, while scrimmage on if tlie center received the ball on h! fourth periods, during which time no the men on the I'm of line',' ih,' gladiator of the gridiron will player shall leave field of piny, Hie use, of then', the two men side of tlie scrimmage the del. and A new ruling nctl-a- a ppea r:i m e. The moleskin any holme the committee h.s nor shall representative of either oetiipylng Hie position oil the ends of year v o brought - - this in relation I,. an uncompleted .nil-- - ha already heen forin team be allowed on field of play, ex- it Ho- line i f si rimiiia.",.- may md tackle k.-r- pass is on a tnl sec- the I. a ami the lines ol lime cept as provided for in Rule XXV. below km cs." that Hist li.iu ml the ond down Is a loss of a down air heiiio pninte.l upon the sob, and sections 2 and 3. ( liefers to at- These paragraphs from tlie now there . m spi I where hull was put , ..liege sward-)- permitted on the field help give me of Hie ohahgis in the the tendant to code si idei' in play not from spot front Wdh the riili- hook in lianil injured player.) made in the playing and the gridiron tiiai have been whiih Hi" pass, vva: guide. No dis- eery g"nius of the in- riilc Icotball:; were la'.d awav .trates' lu-:- ,, "There shall be fifteen minutes s'nie penalty milled, n.s was t ho will furrmv his brows In long ami on ironhv shelves some nine mouths tance is i :u !i termission between the second anil ease last year, "in third down If an ri, us pi. rim; over word and :t go. n aiu-nip- has been made to II mu d pass phrrsie of the ei.de. seeking: to invent third iMTiods. The referee sha cause In y or re- - ainplet. forward results the cover evet alieiatb.n hall goes opponents not on tho v. me novel tactical evolution that both teams to be notified min- new rules. Those lo the three v.ii.ui ina.le in tin r.p.,1 ball was put in play, a, bring vieinry to ex- I whole th" xi November ma;' utes before said Intermission and fea tare. are tlie sections in whl. h the s bul i mi whole tlie pa-'- wi-.- niado. la.--: alma, mater and widespread fame pired. close, I been ett-- ii Fifteen minutes after the lo. ".Leal reforms have ruling, Ho- of Hi- mveTi'or. I.'ooitiall essentially period, changes Tbei with allowance in of th.. second the referee shall it'll, s'.ctircs nl other minor the fiaward pais aver the line of i a tiillif of strategy, move clastic blow his whistle In the middle of the haw been made in order lo weld the les.-- scrimmage, pun, idol the pass vva ami profound than chews, only i field ,aml in case either team falls new rubs into a lc rinoniocs code, ... profound tactics reg- - mad. at least Hvi yards back the liedle and than the to up pear within two minutes there- i inly a Mu.ly oi the nejv . careful s riinaiage line, ..p.-ns- up a rich field ,.- war. In the radical and the ball be put in play as :.'.co e ol' e actual after shall lllltliollS Will giVe Hie full pussihilitii s to tlie stiatci'.lst. revolutionary revision of Hie rules first down by the offended side on :'a; form as a. oinplislted by the rubs in I line of Hie must tcrtiic suggestion pio-.-nn-- for ioi.tl.ial! statisti- tile id fending side's thirty yard line. Tin- men ñi- cimmiitee. loiirieen c. la Hie directing of In- il;i)i-r- iiihI spectators will find VMien ;.kiI Are ng ihir. bodv have Worked on! the cians. handed. po.!, spe.nl months tel reren,-,- head of Hie man with tin) a new game. "At the beyinniiiK of the .second ani working over ihe rules. Numerous in ball iii oil" .liie.tlon and Hie pitsaimi l'ir-- t sight here Is a. striking re- fourth periods the team shall change meeting:: were held, expel IllielllS tlie. I .l ,,l ihe ball I,, an i la or liallback in s' mlila nr.. in ihe i. nil m ined ligure quills, the possession of the ball, the --"'"l'Z-"' " and every floM me.de o evolve a set i ppo he. lib-- ri presents the to down, Hie relative spot of the down, of play. tig that would we away lasi ..ml the distance to be Rained to re yet In the nut of ibis forward helo laid late pi th" game and eliminate pass ibe spiral throw on u lino the I . Alas the voU-ran- of main the same as at termina- c-'Ji''!.! tic. devel- lor the the tigerous which between passer .ih.-- nis! i'b-s- inspection pinves tion of the pieccdinR period. oped .luring tin- past few years. shortest distance the and receiver has bi.-- found to be the lliitl football hut :'. shod ui Us for- "Al the betwiihinj; of Ihe third per- What the result wll be mily actual d h; re- iod the teams shall take opposite goals pía most satisfactory. The underbuild tín r self. Trii the Hemes of y i a n develop. pass high been l'hoenb;-rU- e thos:e hes'inn-- ' and Ihe throw have form II lies K'i- il again. from assumed at the i i .V; 'flic coming of what might he found wauling. The illl cretice is at nir of the second period, and the side 'ilcct-1'..ol. d Inn ..Ii. so unlike the siiiiu- that si .ailed the game'' shouM 111111111 '- a pr. will be placed upon t In which kicked off in the first period " ,,t that lie ed blood coursing the Mianpy -" J mark the passing gigantic bulk rangy men In receiving and fast, days i.f autumn, !imi. shall, have the option of kicking off J A packed away in moleskins. The worth tall ..r ha.vini; opponents kick off. aei urate men In passing the ball. in ."hnost cm r. pa i ph of the their i i of big men in fot. II all hinged on the . ham;e goals $rt , fs A del e problem the coach new- ii.de can he seen the wouial'-'- "The teams shall not mass play. W ith this aft.-- safety. followintr m isi think mi Is how to arrange hi it !i ilu- prunimi knil'e of reform, a ' pitsiime v. Ibing oi the past what Is a touchdown, a Roal y! V ' ,' men to meet a game I'hanacs arc evi r w here. Keen the and after from a "gridiron giant' to do? Kadirnl tin- field, but side just scored ami al the same time to meet a '.'or-- i liccki rl.. diai; ;: miii.-- field Is no the cbaneei menus c.jually rad- apon ...hail have the option of kick ot.einive a i game ami the onside liare, iievisioa and rrl'nnii havi ical delctisive changes. Your pon- way out of difficulty ing oil or havfim their opponents kh'K quick-foole- d ki.ks. line the in:, ue a mv aam,' lor the cohere deraos lot wind must g... The lias been vvoiked out In the summer ;:tis lall- a off" snap- - ' avry le ball li.rwal'd bey, i d the touching ground or a player Is will bis place. l.ioiiall warrior a.iuc ir. ease be may lock lees with the ihe athlete lake of liavitnj cue stiilloii-a- i , . In eonne. lion with the , school: Instead tl ii has is, how-,- per-bac- tn.e ol I. becomes .,ead as It crosseH I. nt this not unan the end of !m it a. rniiiii:ii'." and docs v it system name new rule relative to sub- . ., - defense, adopt variable r. su, h a of I.r a s, riuima-4- no part of any Mo he fol n d h's Inter- iiie 'i,e. big men on tin- gridiron. It merely nt-t- a, swcipinu overthrow "In stal ls to met I circurustaiH'eH oi' the c stitute players and suhstiluting has 1,,- III In i o the Ihe pia it is he of ter.-- In ol l,. must ahead "Il ihe ball, after having been Hie paasing of slow wilt nil -- that douhtfui been incorporated as follows: "A player .shall ahead of his line marks k. An. .titer consideration In re In ,. r.-- i w - Sit I I'ilh ally passed eiihev ,', Iims r ola.-'- ill vi scrimmai.;.., txcept that the snappfr- hllll. ie S'le, t' forward, strikes the slow tin iving linemen, clrtrncicristie Is may he substituted for another n -. Hon to Hie defense how to handle far in;,, ihe un!, sea- player when sna.join ball i:ia lj .il- el Ihe Side Pi I ses.-in- ..I' the ground within the Held of play ho- of hi a Harvard I ni;, eleven, i'.lg men noun this In a case sub- hack iiie the mil n.-l- . ltd on t. punt. Voder lu-- it anv time. such the s.ii.1 :i being by a tl ry son. Jlllri V.IS III,' (;(( v. the have his head and ho bands o' tin all ii: " his haip, alios, or body fore touched plaer of pr o they are arthe, will be !, is stitute must ro direitly to the referee m Ills reel Hot be con- - Hi.- ruling an end alone i t hi end Md was iuirodueeij. it will loot used in suappuv Ihe l.ail an'-,- pi.li, pull or i..,,.' upiiil cither i,e the pa's shall much in demand in this latest ;- .,:. iia.s ' a lu liiu-a ind report himself before ensasinii 1; '. i " lllioils could the 1' d ta r e !T ill,; isill nor shall cid. red as ci.mpl.ted. After the ball as a. new game ItettVr would It ,e.,rc l.o'l'e I'i.'lll IWo montlis ill A who has been re- - ills line of serimni.iiTo. posing . ml soon as Hie ball ve in play. player líel e tu n intel in.'!. ,1 int. Inn I.e. ii legally passed forward It 'i sav days of th.i log!',' ' as wlii it lo hecein.. familiar with tile game mcv be r- - "Xo plaver ol tilos.- ordinarily ne civile. he the I'l'.di-- new- legislation moved ihii'iiia- the l..,-- ,. by w riiapped. Ihe I rl, i kc.l e is limy tirst be touched only such iiose duty wus In poo ;.ih and i.rMidtli of the new name. l ,1111'P a t t ll beg II - It PV n g position "I uter, a ll- mil :. n.caiii ward chief t twenty-- v In Ihe Jame 0 the . - be laiin.'t be inched in the i ' -- In- sil, J nf ...' in,, tin r or pl ivirs of the passer's side as were up in. o- plays, are no more. Aetiv r'o lire lain a:c ihe co.'.ehcs .,) iiv Niihs, oerio.l. tackle that is tin v. tullid!.' i. a. r,l zone. alterna- i.neiit ihis'or I,..,!. an, deal', e : t ball was put In play at There aia three lite i; ne which they are io players of line drop back I'nie the tfiaids should alar. Hr.-- t in an innovation, since during past the :miv l . t tives open. The is to block him r . ivst-Itn- -; v I.I.I le; yin d behind he line of Hie ,'c't mus leí! i nal aníe-s- ason w game line ol .01 lb.-- Ihe lie Tile abolition of mass play It, season a plavcr once out of the ll'otn the serinii.ia: ' b. ton- classes the S' fimitlliKl he;; i In . n .f ih of the .1 on mage or were playing al cither klioali! lend III no (iltcill tlegre ti mat" villi tile uhs have offense unless he is al leasl live alds 'l io- i 1, I go e.uild not return. .bao, '.nl ,d the said line. If a forward pass smal! .'All largt i'.e,.:e hue. ml is to Mm lre c.:eiu,''iy popular. Summer scjiools, new game Is back of the pile of lll.lgc eipla :c lite a follow i tw etily mill,. Another feature of the ' is In il by Illegal 'id md the yard sp- i is 'I I i .i i I liisi tuiu any player c,, v, Heel', a big univsily ehnr.t - eori' uiicric.. nurses and other hairing of interlocking, by arm the ball put in play, and itn..lli..r be tya. . r, a. in d. Thin ler I p: to pt.iy a the s side (lie pass not i.--i r 1m I irily he t'orwai- I p.. - r. Hie p:sli shall let 'v ill avail nothing. The speed Iieiaes to at o'd Kir.sf to ,,r legs of ihe linemen other then he. player of those urdin behind The lias el.. r. s peí i a P'c back, so as to be . ali.-i.tic- be consider..! as completed. Any college Is the iv,,i ier havi' all heen used. .Now a requir- line of scrimmage lakes Ids play on ..r a .1.0111 hi r oi new of icrni'ii small teams ,.tt"i p. a three center men and rule ' .tl ni a iii m lor fake kb k or ren- - :i'-.,- ' plajcr ol lb. side ihat did not make on a gear g Met ihe Kriiiiniu i ode is puldie pi'op- on line of tin- line of scrimmage,-- ihe hurling ahead blah. than l' ing that seven men be the Hie lunv; rd pass has full right to b, beef col, der into. Terence for the runner of t i lo i t.i son ihe act h ity is in play The triple handling of Hie (all and ol the hall. Tin- ivies ty thai 10 'i, is. Willi tile pas lor enmnic.gc when the hall is pill (ir, pos-..- -I ' his sld.. who soeiirod the bull. lh 11 I. to attempt to secure coll impart-Ill- üe-ari- ss of cKpcl'i-iii'- the iunrtrr-bac- k run which he, .sh.it- e l. mad- musí he heim-.- nub and loodllv set male Hiese small the T!ie rule reads: "When the ball is ssioi) ..I the ball. In viewing tlie coming reason thorr-Hi- i h longitudin-i- a point be- i .illl!,!l':il, ". slioilld show to be (.ilur core al or practical, put in play by a scrimmage at least cd Ihe line ruiiii; of the fivm at asi fue anis a number of staleim ids which lli. t eoache-- : (.'aiiicii holding- - fit 1.1, has also been done away with hind In- line ..I n,:in.ii:,- ami iniisi "When ihe ball has been legally dvamair" and players liav.: seven players of the side the , may he mad.- h;- the way y. !h-- the 0-- . ,1 g of prophet y, i tlu-- ..' n new code player except not gn p forward ami has hen legally of (iiiinls. in past rs vo.la on hall shall he on lb" line of the scrim- 1'nder the mole than ha im aids 1. That the season, of nec.-i.-tlty- In, Ho iliati- - i ami on cilio r h The code lon.-heil- hefove striking the ground. An added Item In luvur of the 'tin;; with the lv, mage. the player void ihe serin ice ie. niii.'.t be experimental. li' ad are cl)ai;;;es in to be side of him may take the ball ,1 ire. t ol low s: "A .... of the which; by any plaw-- of the side not making Ininor cvcli-n- Is that they will inn the "A player shall he considered - That the teams that recure an ii.-- ' 111 n pass any of has guard forward lines so ni' s ( t :i. i,, nil all expcrieiii.(. of scrimmage if he has from the snapp. lor a run. pet Ih.. hall pi.... rom rim- tlie player either side have to their thei mi the line 1..- - - ciiily s.tart will have a blfi advantage U' may he it is not neccssarv for a .nace 111,'iv pass or t!,mu tin ball the right to attempt to secure poises- ee h.i.sly from Hie assaults of "giants fo, iiatiHlu and, in tact, both hands or both feet up to or rttrlherinoro. ov t In ir opponents. s goal un, I, r the of ball. if players ol ' the play outlaw, d it Is i'i f; .lidien p. line, or if player to run live yeards to right or .ward Ihe opponent'' lion the the mn:'s ! within one foot of this m.-- :!. Thai Ho game vill of speed, i"-- A pass only me pt :..--il lc six can lake care ( liante for l.i:;lil Mi ll. one foot and the opposite hand left before turning dirocily toward iv'louing ions lnrw.ird the side making the thai curacy beef : I, would a. end brains rather than ii it. the opponent's goal. The code ..n this - mav roi s a hue ol niaiai'e play.-- who first legally niched the el the forward .one. Tills i'ti what henc'.t Is to he a famous up to or within one fool of lie re- ..ml Is "Any oi any point. In t ilu; p a II' miking ball shall be entitled to touch, or leave an extra player for tlie secondary la of ihe diving variety when, also stand with both feet out- point as follows: i'lny,r 4. ...mailer colleges Will t sin shall a ' f c va His th.- It touch- onshie and That the i lili-- 1 Sí I ii side which puts the ball In play, h pass must leasi ceive ball until has been defense where sira.v khks to code, a tackier foot of the player the . year ever the side the outside I, 1: ,1.. cudtll'-d- on a belli r looting tills than safely he one of the except either of the men Hlamlim; "ii k of sain lb" n p i ed by an opponent." loi'wnrd pases are mast tackle villi one fool next lo him, unless he I before. scrimmage on si.!, ,n !'orwal, pa Ili.it iT.o-se- a lie While th- I'.. ruar. pass to be legal Particular attention Is being placed in old mother earth? What i..,, men siandinu on either aide of the line of each f.. A premium will be placed upon y pper-hnc- k a iK a tie- " he (o n point on Hie possibilities of new rubs, a. - iiipcr-bac- k teom-mr- the sua win. first receives titv in nee of inmi confined within the ii to be twentieth ceil- and next to the sn snapplng-hio'!- ; eompctenl ol ficéis. guards,) In which Hie ball when it is put in plav. ma ere The ha!! i at in pan' ol e twentv yards ol the for lb" coining fall coaches will have (ioliath six f et and over and monly known as tin- - following new ele- li. finally, that Ihe dangers will he when In consider elimin- iviih í4d pounds of avoi.lur.ois ments in rcfipei't to the otfeniie: lo.'Vetied considerably but not receiving ated. I, In - First, that lite .layer the ( nin, circus lili. el tt tin A In i.l. e .; Murphy l.,e I snapper-bac- k may 1'topia will never be obtained Ileum !,. Tin- Alps. ball rom the ; ( I il r of brute sn ina., tier and tack- g. larmer i acriminan,, any football until Interference Miller t A i, OF n.ss Hie line of al I SI ,i lie- SPECIMENS ( : I'I'ettV hi roll vein r 12. : 'ose lis. f. t. PARKER SHOWS Í0 Hie ling are eliminated I'.c a of iiolnt. as oonosed lo old rule of pas- . - ... : lough, o. I i.uol: Th" add rcpi i'diiel eei IH lerming lootball Is not a new ' ' Ft yards out belore crossing FOOTBALL II. loetnrv-ll- u running five . e ' kllie la s .J 'he b. i.l a bsorbed i. ; Harrington, r. It.; nayei. will time. Alter' the lb .main - 1'ig.' ra ,l Ilia scrimmage line. This rule .'.Oil ( 1. H. Tliomp- Ail.': Higgle . a Hrceks rsinns Corges. e.; a on i no rt sott of looihall from the - ,,, .lev ee r Hi .'.ulltll .1 ,i)l place premium ex- 1. Vo I. g.; 'Juay, .: ioucn- p.. si- veins bet, re the fhrislian era, it E son. t.: he, .1 ORE FROM ks sh. old they nsMimc Hie Slonaker, REACH IHE CITY Tin Hon '.ll'l'e- N IRE along a game "follls." t ie r. g.' Thompson, r. I.; snap;,, r isted with .ailed - ' SUl'e llón the I'mli ,1 It. W'esl. q. b.; I'owr.all. I. It.; Iseii- im!i ti, and pall game Angiisttri I'acsar d md tare for the i dy h r. f. i Ihe rule the ,iush Hay. f. b. Tin- '..no The: un game, sav inn It was too gentle. So ho lierg, r. h.: t v is dead, the man to he at ans be: that imuiev ' ii hit in i and OSS Held .oiv. In- man gathered Ins philosophers about linn FIRST (bail from . it. must of the a nt el ieney ahead lie itefer. e Or- A. II. Sharp Van i,. lie SAND AS ball, hence the necessity of and was the first "reformer. :; la 'I Willi the A e'er u a er- un usía n came was plavetl Willi liiipire Md'arty. liernianlown. . w Ill as well as spe al In Hie rl . I, Me, ill.' I vv i.i.-a- I ..lie ct ciity-M-- en ..u rt side, Kiel. Judges 'r, .well, fiwai Ihmore. k men the je-i- l" A'l. bio S lallne.s I'.'i I a There were Length of periods initial's. i h n heiie: mimic battle .11 Ml í e a 111 Lxp. imcnts ive iricd wnh Ks. li.ilf-ha- forwards, live defensive ba. -- iU.irier-ba- k as a regular i Lit' ' 'I e v pr. e tile i thr.-- Hoe i'- Hi- - lour balibacks. and fullbacks. DM j A i- in k Ihat is. having four lacks T MIWIXITA i:TS Ihe ,1 tie inm.-tt- lOxciidine Brines Chunks of V ball was i: i m . Advance Agents on ilu: Ground; iisin-,- ' senle was made when the i. wviti ricsrn f .!b ; In a line, lour aids hack, and . I. ,i. ki d or arrie, I across Ihe line. Minneapolis. Sept. - me sola ' I won-ly-ii- vc pans tram) ce.il.-- This game Carnival Outfit Can os Eveiy I C", ;nfi Which Will Hun Hie direct Hie Hie gam.- - came defeated Law rence in the first '.!. tins an-- .villi iinn-- ... ail In hell nrranveinellt deW i, Illl, Mich Ha- .Middle AJes t 1 the ill the local to.'toi.ll s'iir.oo i'i": i'"".;u,- DolLirs a Ton; Vein argument f..r dispensing w.th Thi-- n . d Modem Fun Mnkinr; Device! íih.."ii. IIiik- - .a- :u ...... Minnesota pk.v tcr-b- . at .nl, nineteenth ..i.tiirj. í ' s' el. '!' Hie iU..I i k is the la. th he in i i ' bv si ho. lb ov ev .ilvc.l Ihe linnllsll lighter opponents the b,.: IT) Wide, I a I I fTNNSYLVANIA BEATEN ai .and their ii '.Ill Feet mi, make or Will. pits"' al basl - , io w oi .a !.i 'I'la- game was often ).:... k men going Mown . s, ii,. i,., tin ie.it ih,. field , a ' Hi va .Is hark o Hie lain-- ii." 'i'i I! ! e ,.lv xi. piling up mío the en,, a- - ... BY URSINUS COLLEGE! through the line and ar.uiud I lie , el I.. lied i. ii, line Thus sel i ml mi ri. an tool will. I'.itth teams relied almost line is ,...e ..vva, vill, at at - I!. Two big ilninks of gold, stlv r and ....illilltl.ua' . ly upon stramnt The arrival of Joe I!i. bar, vv open up pi it tu, iti.uii. i ruling ill the ,. - , I I I This In World. v.-- ipse. . .p. ring ere, a litlien-l-.i- l lleM the , cm e m looked dang. roo. and the advance pt hbeby luneade ':. om p. ol view. -- .j, - -- a spectacular Mil men of !...- .'.- w J W llvati, bant Warren. vSitiCS DIVISION nose was broken in as-:,- , Ve.ll a .lepth ol l.)l ere . u ClltlCiSC Oil :..! tl;(. .'. V. Parker shows IISTEAM .'. Let The sc. ..ml ii.n with i'l.-as- semi enclosed is í V i'., vvni.e t IS i i : i.-- H be: ROLLER i '.in- hi tí,. Mm niiig .1 til- - ..Hi ese is tlie esl i. lion - li.igle De-j"'- fry thai .aii.i. .ni nal ol I" ,,,,!. be mad. Sutkcil. lint's "1 Play Into Four will le-- e . II I, tin- side III no Periods; . attraction be ..,,,ed li f e .' r o. n t.v .;. tvi-ii-- p ,,e, I", oll.l! ni' is the eve I. me.ly ill i'i,!nv I b ,11 Lli s.il.e Pol a new; manv I.e. 111. ...II." t on b a I' kcl standpoint and the le !:, Is , . el in.- a et Id NoIkp-- . a "Via and loping Hie . í.iarod unnecessary; i ,,Xu'. iu-- i an, I exclusive I. ature- - l,e, it IH.III IO' I V III i .'.lie 'I Willi'" i a.- I ' ' r K ie: p.! a be sa mh.-- .,.,. , I I a ,1s H"- Hie not ice ol Ih,. I'll S. Te i TUP It el "III SI"" i'.v " Oil . I - of ex-t- o V, p ln- Absence Injuries, depend. . tipor." Is nn being the first sil ..I it IVli' o ah, .district ti miles troni hele Id. ball I'I e "Can be MIL. U w . K I . . I t no n w ho el w all Ii! hear, ami fil.'l, to his il.v ti e 1,1: ueie tl.e. "ii-- . A. r i ,. it, line sa s ill in I iiong elates old. " ,'.....,.l -a t - ,, ' n h., Outing Suits orga n a i .m with Ih. oi ait He 1, ..Ilr-.l- a.nd .!... ted lad. nt. en is used In connection v ii 1, d ' O' tlii, f I ir-- ' I t II. e t t 111, v i . I , ai '.' lee I. I, .1. 'I I ..I I lie IS to Mi.rmnc .l.iiroal S.f. ni p..rj , l ,,. , j sj (holeril an rolll feel bl :.i ii. k lie oble. Hits lJ (l m n folie, , , ,v . n I idcai'cj , p., Ib.-- .11 lll.es Made to I'liiiadeipliia. Sept. I. w loot- - . i, ...... t.'em.-d- It means that it v. spci la ra ii t O 'i and lev. Ill tile S. Illlb le 'I'I I' lui-- lit', 11 : 1. , , , ''d ns first t,...:t here t.oiav- in ,. ,.r to diarrh i. dvsen dxiy foot ears v illi iuH''Euiiil Síll'íi l t a sl . t. ,'le ton pi. Oble under Hie runs ol last veal fails f.re - Measure " w ;. ,1 .111- nam., i :: i an-- - ! to be a til'- a ;e. II : hetweei: r. a bow- -l com) b. mi- that is t.uimt use "i p., n 1.I.S ,. ;t H i .. el . ,J o. h and f. ci Ill::,' t"l t. terv or d. , UP-'- in I t W The yll"VV. re i ll ... W . lie ',eV II. the latter uii.ninu and i, tally Vl.ll'.able l..r lee: d t ' ' Il ' lb take :illi..ly tltlllltli 111,-,- , t 1,1,1 I . . I,. : 1. - ma IIS he a III no Hake In ail drtig- urdí waon :i:,i .,!.;.; .,i il ,M(( t llll-i- ; This thai rill For Men 's the n Soi.l i'ic M"l J"iitiii, ..tlie, . . j, elnldri and adults. . 1. ,. .n-,- ai-- i ,1 It: I., llish.ed la, ' ,1 ,,,. a beiilidin:. ball m '' Huís p! 1'. inisv itb and .oil !.''.' at I. ..M H a p.. r Lists th. li'-l.- ..I - ,! - lb.. i II, e . Ml - e I'd Zone Hia t nieil e, and "ui in t'nfi tht- loar n. nods. i'ttril. .ti,. te- 1.. I ::, ,..p. III-- j - I I '. lie r it n is end h is mad, tor tie- name ..i l' .i l. ' a n All. "11.11-- Ill II "H ler l.ll ", pol. Wo l.;vssiit. ,()J , men 1, .vv ' . . II up iiinnn- - ohing.ng isitor., A. TO RESUME en la tde repot.l ol 11. b . e i. III I,, I, .I,, h the ba or t"!o,v hue the Y. W. C. ' I -- 1 I i ir ,. . or l e on ace no, o I V I., i., nor t. He ÍV nsv ! Tin Molw will b. !";,!.., i: Hands .11,1 Wll. h the pp.. ii nit tail .;."tl j s v - .. un. DAILY MEAL SERVICE acant lots opp. sit.- i!,.. ,s t,i i V ,,, "i Id Aatn. pile niIvp is ihe bet 't h.s .1 t he I et.u- It Govern- - .i.-.-iiv- alt'l- - . II a snow In first i'iarti-- s. d pot and they will I..- . ,. ..! Hi. white ointment I'rsmcs I...X . ment .,, ' ..lie Bill I.i.t . :,t i . eg t ' I rom piac. tin nt and in Ho- rao ;, d t,, I,. .1.1 the gamy.. a. ... i'. ..a. thl.e Th,. th.nl on ide: i,.., I'ti-'- , r ,t ..I lio- " .1 ; ,i. IS Willi. oil I, lost 'cid mad.. ;; ...u. ):,i.,w n iilt-- a 4'i ,'. vv. .ni-e- n is the int. Ibe ..,ir..e tie Id ginning " nils I v ., t - j . . ' - Standard 1 t, ..nt, o a ii a r n,t a;:on h .v., run a lot'-- t ' mill''.' bl i,g ',, Import ibn tiiat was started with ( As-- o, a' wiil ' pa.-- s , pa's 'hi istlan in wa liiH.Hlig l, He- I .!' The II. INMaiira.it v.ill serve n oe l.' s, I b a t rn- '.I r. tins' a rd.. del led ral-- a "I I ed the cf eui In tine h.ell made ,. serving of no ..n Ha ,,, . r - I" Khaki :,...'l II,...... i I I" same the lair wee I,. Ml. vv:;l j " i...... i i..i...i-- in n newv l.onie lo- lllt; the lorvvar l win, ll ina-- l .l.n.n--it.- ' live Icl . if , at the i..el". S' a s . . , .... - i. M l gl.l. h i .r.i- - k !" ll II Wili.lc Will ti:.- ihe small !. s r in lead, al 'r.c we. k bi akl: be . i 1'- -t '1 the i.o.l.- toll, lid. w 1. pete vnp He s.e..'. on i ' Stllmnnoie it',, lo alvv ol Ihe In F ían lor. i 7 Ii. - - I ust . rom I.. latí' t" tiiHi-iiL'- . j , ".tla I. ' ,! ed V'.": nt s ,.'i,- - ... "I . i o. oi. "I Ho- bank HI wp., on. n lila n- - no ami". in, tl i. no at least ! ft t .ti.. aie Si. , ' am! d nner ' "n . . , ,i t .. ll- . ' gam.- vv : ! i "... ti. .11 d ti e til,-- i,, u robb. r one I, t i s. i." i Ho Cloth .s s ir:-- i: .1. ' S t:.mo,,s I.l. llom Hie r.llV' v t .v e.l t om - , d. i akfa- ill be ;- II . I i ' . I V S r, t i t . -i .. S bl. ru I',; tt i !o.l t ;! a i. t I vv a aunt he il,-- ' ba!!, t'Cr ll.lbl. el e illl tor I ' no. i:.:,.p. ,'ii.n lime niapi 'd. ! -- '..i ' a l,d .lililí, r H'111 i. i ' 1. . ... ,., . .1 i,n in- - the runner. tbr.. liiios 1.. !. "f Os ..vv ti and H:.- a t .a - ll' Ale! loss SJ.". ft in. m.-- ,.u Hi., i i .o .' Armv : a., supper , r i if-- . " c t fl n as a ni . t. . '.'... Willi be ol. el t.'ie f. aleles ' t'e Sl,( . r with Thi" rub' ,,, .in '1,1- - ' w I, id .!. no, n.l.- l I hat g H. i ' ' Ilia. I'lSITOIS leaV'-- til'- Cil- Th. proper ill I ..it. I.l. that II. ., Klvllf ,.; i'l.d ...i 1.-- , Duck 'tin- - Willi rlev.-r- !' nib. r!n in's die Ou.irm mi m,, f th, mi . b- t. i os. .1. i.,., inc 1.. t. , . ,v. ('ll,e I, d ': t let non. ' rba it t.used - ... i,e ,, i,,, I a Kern. is today the Pest I he sb' V. . I lie rie IS I 11. ., el I. ih- - . .on I. ni .1 loll t ll.la til JumiW.I I'll-- - 3 . , I r .if la L, V.- in .,. I.,... , s i '' ik.v.r. km. .hi li nie in use the relief Work he le nn ir Ho I i of ,.i mi, ,.t t s Corduroy . Willi to J X.ti.i.ni .,' . . . . W 1 .'!'-- t,.e K i,:. ; , ... oí o w ..mp'a ints II K.tve lil,. ptli.li. th- i I I i, i v hanging bets ;IH A. It i. be a rniftioe-u- ,. i,,,!;, ' ;n,l cure beaiiii'nl If ir Li d s ',.' ti, M. No. 17; : s.nt-ry- . 'kill S Woman's n. nr. of St. (..ell-- I p"S!l .,. w I: ' :...... '1 IS. I'I" a the rtiM: ;..(, ,o ii,, tan, .iii.i f...ir citrus criiMiig. the ,'!' I'aí-- at v ...i ml i.l .lid V- - S3. -, - m- - ' . vv . . I - tiiilms '..I-- Lil.-- lb'- t i 1. I.' tt in- i i . - I .1-- ,, I . i d. c!..rmg He.t ,t s.'.v.il up tiit.l íhiuM be al fo' 'ni; i, m s. . ., - I. in ,.s. have I - - It i.iiv-.a- - ,., s.-- i A a Kintle i.n.l Was in.l re. S..TV t Mitlllill l"OS. n. d of till- III" dA that l.malk.it'b l i to. dy 4,.t ,1,.- ill in Ihe Ht'tlic I .an,. ,rnti- ' , if lrft i.r "in The W m. H. Hocgcc Co. Inc. - the . .bildr-- and the 'Slia.lovv o. H e - x . I .'..m ,,, f s,. i mull plavrs ii...., la.asti..n. lenuallv valuable lor I i nl r ir-- ni ll.r i,pp !' l.lle-ui- .. I IvP tl,.- ' r Tbr BniiMn' It nl'.vivs cures. ..!.! h i r. .'. ill atnio al .p .c U,i (I I Dr.i-n'l.- ni I. ..I, ,11,1111,. lot. M.i-'- e al! b. i n f ,.n m.. bit Mile of b. IfiS AW.fl.fJi, CAU ie.Ts i.it ftf's v. "ii cbl " ; ,viij i ., c,r.i.-- r i -- - lime i'suia ICUifnan SIU.11UC. dri.g r:ts. St'itl.e; C'e.rd.ji:? Juruic K.t. ''i'."oisi ...in ni .nuil,,, ,.,,...!.., fo ron.. ,,le rvn tin, tin- i ' THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910.

I i ,1 II I! t eel's, lelletieil - Seeliml Missullli ,,' - ,mm m FT Mi.' ., i. ii.it, rnM iétlt'Ü ."III tit Fe nhnllt ll.tuher I. IS4I. ."'Tftwmimmit Keiirnel iimilited rhiilles I'.aht. nil" ... II, e . I ll'llt H Klil'l . MS tillV- - 'iin r. t' Mile un ii native of IM Tans. Ill D"l!. I )u II Ila 11 'S 'J Styles I The Correct I.Med trunliS Store lit States faj of iTinreheil I'm i tiiluia linn mid. suiin n f- - g4 lei a pint tn li lit til" A nieriea ti.i - and 'Atneiiean i a win, l.n mini . un- fci il.-- lie li'Mdi I all in f 'I'nmiis t im. and iij HI. An liiilei., and in ivhleli it is in .. , .. I . VI - Ladies' i...... ,,1 i, Low ll . '.-- e l, Prices la "" "' . i ( and ' m l ilalleniis, and many ntlmr pniinin - In- - f'i ent tin-i- h i la n ii ere Killed. Tile leln It .! I'll nteil I, y XVic -- Mllility "I III' ). '. et tlur. Itant, hut to- i-tU- Wear Garments -. R dy l le.t annum tin ea the elllh.'ri jjT Indians of Tans Hint, nn Jaiuuiry i. IK17. issii"d a prui lainaliiin ..! 111.; ,.,. , T.'I'Hj 3 'Isei very uf tin- i M tiz-- rali nieta pint ti ami the flight .,1 ihe leaders and Mm helief that all dam,"'! uas pass- - i to n leelini,' id saiulity. 'Hi llm nth, li!s I-- . - : - - u - Sheriff l.ce mnl nlhers liad nnne lo "if, heme in Tims, nn the iiinhl "f the f "1 5 llith Ihe Imlians uf tim Tans paeldu rV,,V '" vid a Ilie to l.'ent's Im use In delllallil tile - I ('leal-.- ami this he- iPJj Albu- - " nf mu lhcI genuinely thrifty shoppers of e I i f. That's the kind of store this is, the .'. tfi refused, la killed lile fe i. .v:a ti'idlell l.ee aial 1'nrmll" tl'.e r- - : i prelei l. and tl'.'li atlai'Keil the iii'i querque know it. We buy direct from the manufacturers through our New York a i u s, tnii inns.. in:.: ai auims.-- K. t .J lii vei-im- I'.enl. .lam--- . I.''. . Ifc-- Htliirimi; .Mal.is.u I'laillinn alld!. representative. You do not have to pay the middle man's profit, and the styles I'ahln .larilllii:!,. :L Mil n y MeNÍeans al ulna .juiin-- Ihe! Bis lluini... Iinlvei-- are the latest. sifLamaiMum Imlhiiis tu Arrnio miles ilistanl. lünht tin a u ere at-j- taekeii mi tin Mime ilai' ai Tiirh-y'- - This is the secret of why our prices on suits, waists, skirts, etc., are away below of Tíios, Where Feast of San Gerónimo is Soon to fie Held Mili nuil Sinmn Tin !f i Alh.it Tiir ii Pueblo Annual hush, Willinm ll.ulnld, mils To Ik im, f" l'eter Hnliert. Juseph Mar.-lia-ll and b other stores in this city and why our goods are always the smartest to be found In 17 11 (ha ( i, n! T.it. h;u! many William Anslin aeie killed ilniiii;; the lii'hlK, tivu iliivs linlti. John AH'ert. timm-- j;; aun reaeueu a in to get Ready-to-We- ar for the Fair and In I7i;n (In- i 'ini;i ih ,vutiin:eit, i.s.apeu the city. Your opportunity Ladies' Annus!. lice ainp on the Arkansas Mark Mead Illa, I" a laiil ml 111 SimiiiikIi ill:mi mil VVIIIiiini Haiwuud míe killed nt S nl Tans'. imiM II tha tnWIl nl The ktl.'ll as IH.. i ,,!,.,--,, I,, i,,,, nl dawn alii I If during is you will never get better goods at lower prices. Stirring History of - Fair Week here, and ila ami attaali- hull faina nila. Tans, trtiilei-- (whu had just iirrivid in :t illU t 11 111, h.'t'l HullKhl l'"l ha ial.,li' from I. as im luuiiin I.. in tin- nl ilia .a lain, liilli-,- iiannn u... I.. Waldo, ul I'aplain Waliio Ancient Taos Byn. r. whiting all the nun ami rarrlail ill' lilutlmr f tile lolllllteeis. I'.enj. ITlletl, Cul J 1 II, llmuyh 411 nl' nun mam in ilia liisiuu lluir h four not I'nr-111- ler. Noyt and otlmts fi.faa, (ali i ni, r l"li Malllii'l nn mail. I 'lili ala. ill his iainl( I In ill Ill lntereei.le.1 letiers from liy ha .H i llalli In. In ally the aid. Col. Slerl-hi- hail a tlm reliéis, eiillinn tur A Brief and Interesting Review, by a Friend of nli'il, saiil ha Unlit uilh rrlce. nt Santa l'"e, heard nf Ihe ini; al Tans, in I 'iinii I'ninamhas revolt mi the '."th. i inlet inn 7 i; anil kilail 4 Il is Kit Carson, of the Turbulent Early Days at the lia A Inn en e, he slalail that iiiiilc this. Unlit uas. Kuina a 'JUrd with .mm a, mnreheil nnrt im nl on tile an llm l't"S illnvr nil in nl 3',:i men, inranliy Pueblo Where Annual Fiesta is About to Occur halunnlni.! Tana. liieliidinn AiiKiie.i's aaltla tu eiiinpnny of 'la i nlunteers, under i Ma nr. Suit Marrll New York Cloak aii'i't'llul' lalilu'lita Captain Ceran St. Vtaiti, uilli charles and I. l iHS. Hllja till' t'lllllilll l,H sllullhl .Meiealf nml li.nrne Pem-ne- as his nnih r ha ill. ill II In ,a.Li-a- Inu naval trilsti il. lieuleniint.s, ami anil' howitzers At T.'l"., N'rw M(I(C, mi (" ; V woman ..a tli.f a few l.ielltenilllt Dier, The elll'inl. l.'ill'l it it ÍS wi-i- tn la' ill ian,'P (lu l!!lt!) day ui' Ihr íli:'írllt llM'UUl. ia'aiihl ul wiiini ii atal i;n ii k fill' thl'il' tlStnlll sironn. find iniiinnimled Iiv .lesi.s i i a il i t'H.' .nth Tims ami al ai u iili in liar .Mill Company Tiil'ojii, was en.nuntereil on the Hu will he (MM Ilic lii ui' inu-.- ll' I! lii.nih, all arn. il In Pina ta mi rlH a t ha mm nil' t or - imic near l.n Cnninla. Santa Crux, and ui ,k'iUi iri'uiimiM, uhlih i 11 n :i ut- rnaki- llnir isiapa; mari in Tlia i ii :i nf Tims is Klvi'ii as put to IliKhl, uilli a loss of killed. IIIIHIV VIHilul'N. ill! i II i llilil- - null. y I'llllllttH ill llllllTi III lur llm I'ov-i- : A n ll.,ilS tila nf Ilia :in Cian.li' lill'lliir . Ini'liiiliiitt Cein ral T.i nieriea Siinlai-ils- t 205 South Second St. Next to Western Union Office iliiil.x NiiMijn Irnlliim uní liulliiriN iidi'lli, liuik ri'lln'i' al l.a Caliaila anil laar.s lainii'il: ITi.n. I'in luss, .'. Mi- r.n.", 17!','!, r.i.'! .M trnin thi I'lt' liloii ill Nriv Alinii n ariil nrln i"ai.il. hnt in all li'i:l.ili nl Inilia.ns: Siianlanls, Al I .os Captain r.urun .', II l.inefns. l i Imlians; l 7 us, 7 Ml Spaniards, In- Airmia, nn ninny uihir Mhl Ki'i Ila. ii.n lh anil a: an.i i ryi ..niy Ilia i up wllh reillfureelllellts lioni llllle ""t-if- m, gW lii'iii nil iivi. u MiAli'n muí Iriar nt Cii.-hili- tln.v.. ..I l"i dians; 17!'!), I, rail S,iuiIm nls. 7sJ Alliii'iueriiiio; nil Ihe Jütli the enemy a1'! i'ya"g .i I im ir ,'i i i vt waü iriiiii- iltlani rij:lniis. Thl vi'iir Mini (ilia ill XhiiI. k n i t iliath. lalians was fimn its stlnni; position ii I driven M 111 H fl-l- l (San iiTnnimn tlt'lll" lli I'Sll'il'lf I'l'Hi'.l llil l Tlia lunula r nl' viiilnia ns a llitlo Jn llm Tans nl the puss of i:l Kiiihinin, with n is a imi'lilii, Willi I Him I'M-- In lutv, la. lu'liiiK Imitan iim-i- 4 i ii. .1 ri ikmi u n nf as inlsslun 0 killed: hy nl of , )1V :,,vmv by '$4---íM''4-$--- na li lis 1, loss of and the inonev this year the i ;l a la n with ilaili , (lint lllrl llu'M' !; Hllil 7; l n, Iii iu'Iiil; mjiiih. tal i' Sianish iiu ;i hard ni.'ifeh thruiinh f anil im ia.ahi.' - Fehruary. niter i.arrel elenr velvet. many Tln.-s'i- . in tin- virlnity, nml with Iwn niln'1' kiimimh uri un lnn nuiHt of Mini w.-ii- al.nnt l.iir.O, lanillas deep uñón', .Ihe Ainrrn!in lunes di1, liailr.-- 7 Ml. u H"i wan- l,ai-llzi-i- l, V (lie milll ui iiikIiI Im 1t i n i sal ii m r n IT.á in Inn hi d hlo of Tims within B "1 linn' hiillnii ami ' reai the Tin. Im a. t ui' v II ivi'i-i- hiit'iait ami is inar-- I I'l'iiiilv huí nirii iiiiiil.lc i.f lian rl al inn. Sant:i . vvhiise iineleiit walls the rehels had Mi xii Ih I'll li in nirl-ail- ii that In lililii lal nf Imv ('a wail a ha inl.ini-i- nn Ilia ImI. 'i' iauas forlit ied I lieinseli es. A liaril day's i Iilllli-ZIIUI- 111' EXPERTS ÍELL Ciaili- wnlil uli. siUi'i nuil i ii 1' Mini tha anil nl hi'i nl Iiisd, Til I'M "MS tha ISI I'll I'inht on tlm 1th, marked hy n una ILL s. FOI tiih'-- ul' ,la.in.s ami limiiii-tain- I llm hi' nil ili.iwtiatU In llif ii'UMlfs' Itn1 Spa nln iln-i- lnia-illni- iii-- Ilia nude front the lion ilner.', Hugh er rili mnl stunt eaiim. Hi.. I.i' k ni i ii l laill nail laiilillrl. ha. tin- in IK Ii In il lliinil nl nml seveinl nssanlls. pul the A mili All tin- tin- - hl Kalinin ry 14. IMn, nninnu Hip f ui ri lialK mil Irnlii nf what Is ni.w litinn mm I'll I'asu. im inns ill possession of the i hiireli nml I I mu-- i a an- tin- - al-- t Alaahli-- nssainl.liil at Sania t,' Grocery zula- In , west Market Iti-il- M i ol llm pnehln of the and Krnh In n M'itli that pntl ABOUT PLATTING Ilia tall nl rl ni j y Cui-ilc- nf Till H, a niialuy uiimii iiaiifii-il- cli'i'l :i In tlm Spanish l.'di Indi.-in- are said an iil'inv i. in li alail .li iru na stream. Ahotil '('lie k alHnii-- t .i'v was Tlu'ilnas lirliz uf Tans. killed, a rhinai" thr as ti,,- i.l.l I, In ui -- .iiuli.i, to have lieen ineliidiiin I'ahl In I tin- tin- im- - lar I'm. In s ii T.i.is as lisliail hy the market we have large, fat Spring Chickens and v.ali r nf lair.M anil hall ' Chaves, uf Ihe ierilers; while the Ish ta hain-.- (, ai'hi.i; ly taiii-- mie " ,JT"-- f il Tin- - Ii III luán I'. ('Imiuan .liilius da 7 I ui In III. nalH i, Annn.'la Ainei ieiin Iosh was killed mil A iiK.x.uill. n f i , R fine Imil'-- ÍM rr. .Mini. parliuTK :t txt lini-liiii- Hens, Kansas City Beef, fat Mutton, nice Pork. anil In (ail - fur traiiinii fatally itii hiK i tin- ivoumled, oniP of lliem and THE COUNTY 'I In- .Mi. ininiiainl anil h,.al pui p usías, l'áirly In kli liinliT Hml riian h li. M hi-- Captain riiirKwin. Her- - blata mm i In an, i hail n ineliniinn shipment of fancy Cheese in tinfoil, spiced rolled at fun l.n t. Ii.mikIM tlu-l- va r ii i r Alli'inli-'- iiilniinislriilliiti sued far hiirinal, IiIh at ,i i:l ra.-ai- Next the Indians rt X in-- ; hi'aii lair, ii "i n stial. li.it- pmpi'i-t- l ni lal' '!a al In tin1 lai'M miIUv. Willi nits, lli" iirri pea. e. u lili h wits n'ant'-'- 111 their i i i Mining tha ;;,an;.u.ln i: i ati-i- tlu-l- lunlial, ring, imoKea lagged toater. Tin' Ta iiv a ll. in ant ui' i.. inil nml 1111 r, a i,l'-r,"- y.- li tiiiinir TumiiN. one nf the Mi ii iiiah VaiKai. lii-- l tii-- nts. Taaii, u (.1 ;!i i. ii !y Iiv a ml atín tn St. l.n 11 11.1 in v surriiuiiil'il in in:.- - anil aiialn in '.!':. Tans uas eunsiiirati rs, was sunn killed District Attorney G, S, Klock In. a I'ialni. hu ll al Hu ir lili'li.'H In isi'ii tin, Indian pmhl.i uf Ttms hy a private soldier. HARD WHEAT FLOUR . .1 I.i mi his In si i a. the nueril Imiise .iali; a v mi' 1. I nun alinvi-- i iil. Villus tinnihi ,"",1 snals. iilsnl in iainn. Hllil 111, ,lli;l Ilia I'lli'liln nil I'ahln Mnntnya not lur leiider. and Consulting Engineer J, R, a.- 'I'll, a ni tin- m l win In l'.;7 i ha.l ill r. vnlii-I- h iiii'd la f lei! into hands of the l.'niled 25 lbs. $ .30 lit ilífi'lla.l Its liinlili' lil t the 1, fti.-l- i.i in a a la- n. lia II lie ijam nml I'limnis, I'l l'", on Be- lliail tu t al n I'll. I 'i ' s w a States troops mnl lias tlmj Farwell to Read Papers 1. 1.1 ni- i ., II, im H m:; i il ii r ui'!'' ilí and a iiiiiiil'i'i' ul his ass.nlalis vvro 50 lbs 1.55 il. ht'iill-'li- h I X i t 7th. This elided this revolution and ' l " in tha sai I. i I'i'i-a- lia aiir-tla- il ' Ii r na. unta n i r. n.l inu ' tlm Inn. uf Inn Club, la la i iii-- t ,, eiillllllallll r.'tullleil to Slllltl fore' Commercial lull ha ii., ..I NVw .MiM. a as a i u ii. Ii r i ii. ".Mii.iM .a i "S iH i., ila- insuriai'iil In ilqiia tais "111 100 lbs. iTi hii.-- .'e, where ll till' the remains 3.00 Il II.. .,lli!i la lltltll Si'M'I'al ..,ir A lui-t- n ml ." Till I" l.a S'.n Ii , and ilia ha lias ul Sanliann of Invoriinr lient nml Capla.ln i;:i-- , iturn In- i. i ti la- Ta .s ve ,.ua n i I,, 1: ila In lbs, ii al a Mia a.. ila tin is. lauiihli unit vi Willi 500 per 100 lbs.. 2.90 f. in were hurled military honor.". I , t There-wi- ll 11 phi ting Urn t K. a. Ii. Mihini.-.- ' v, i Ml 7. l npiad he '('!!'. III' ..till) .t I'I 'l .ai.i .Ulllt lila. ian atnl i,' in Aunm I. tin uai si 01 in lis In writinn of the I'uehln . a- i :, i .1' so Ii i. h a a a a i in ill it la i llil.li al In ...lia s In tha s;il iai.' Sania a mi ha i Inu la lad of New .Mexieo. that eounti" iiiertinn of llm Cnintiiereia! 1,000 lbs., per 100 lbs. 2.80 ,. i , Indians aniee I.; i . i .'.11 - II, 'Ml Ila- a,.s il i.is tl J " . i Tans, r.'l.l r ai i a a '. '! ha ,i,l an. thai- n a I'ii. hi. Indian ul of the Taos pllehln Here I tie luh at S o'eloi k Tuesday ninlit. at ri'-r- , those I. a ii i a U na- a u i a i 111 il '.ill in S," lila t .y later al nil lal im: ai ti.f tlm mot ..ir .iaiursi'ii. most warlike and the most dilVienlt vihieli every niemher of t lie el nb and Good Sweet 6 by sack a Ii. .. a .,, tin-i- a. as la i ... .1 a la .1 la r I s lit in Allllilu, ll hn hud Potatoes lbs. for 25c, or the al a i.la n i, Has, Manual hi i into snhjeelioti. Vi-- la-- to tin Ii is i llil-a- a. Ii..-- ; In- Inu- - ii a i '. as e.sj.ei ial the new members, .,1 i lal tais, in " vii my prai ly uri n pnlll li.tn li I'i',, he eontiniieil. ,, $3.50 per 100 lbs. "i I'. I i.' a a ii ... H l.a;,. V ,al Ala v h "I' that aa r, iat an lurai-i- tn litlaal, hut nil .lallliari ;s. In attend. I'lattitm Itll' lollllt.V .. 11 iin-- a t I i ,. Ill -- ; I.I la .1 la .ml Mia li.'h that ail lis a lal Ila ila I. MIS. a i ,a in al- l.a an a la ha il will be the main toph; of discussion A visit to our store will convince you that this is a good i s la II a ml lia ii mil II la al.aa! la :l,a'.: ni. im asa, tibial ;;i' inllisl'- ll ara ha, l 'hi uafeil. and helore the meellnii is over it is .1 II a a hii-- lih-l- la-i- fa.. Ik. lililí Ilia I'aai.s an ' i, .liza I. a ami s.iatal u! his IN eon I'tllent l.v expii tell that Home solll- - place to trade. ' - TOWN; J i ...... M'.'lll I'. la.ll-!- : a ... al ,lh a, anil III. y a and s li BROWN ...... I' tl... .1, 1,1..,. It. elll 1... 1....1 ,' ' aa a I,, l hair Ma Ian.' ii '! I a i.' ntiinr l't ess was ) Dislri.t Alturuey f!. S. Kluik has I,. 1. Ta (' II ' I'll .lata h in:; Iha iTailU'llI t,i Na'l Me'".l aild V. I'I eiiiisented to rend 11 paper 11 hieli 11 ill .11.1 isi i.'IM.I .aliar i . is, r. alai rnlll.-- Mai Htn in I Ml.',. Issued InV ideal with the lenal pilases of the I I'll.,! I.I. ni a U.I I a all a- - una !,'i,r .leafs al 'I'aia. i:i l rapusi tl In." AFTER TRIP TO jptattinn. ami Cotisiil-.),n- linnineer J. .1 HUGH " i TROTTER .mis a 11 a a. a l.a l.li UI. ,1 tin II nr. in I m,:l di. " I, a la n n ll'i'l'i; I!. has aieepleil 1111 invitation .,v ila- n - i 109-11- Il P l.a. naai la us. In salt thai .l imrl'H ami ateelllams j to read 11 paper on the problems and Telephone 44 1 N. Second St. I a - I' . r ..I1.. ' U ,1 Ilia ii al liars were pilule. un I ll is press hilare dit to he oven (line in ninnee- - i I s 711 a la in ilia a 'cu la .1 a Irani I The la-- spa pel s nl mile. t i with ihe work. As both nentle-- ! r i a . a.i a ' . r a. i a sK It ta - he li.m.i .! ,. - us M Kaea Im was NORTHWEST men are eminently iiiali!"ieil to point I'i. i .. a. . a il,. in ...i i i.l a.i r a pri in . r 'ii 'I'M i Tepuseitln." nut tlm iiui'si-iii- y stej s ti) he taken in ' 'I ha !! I In 111 h ' ir-- l ul in. ri. an illl a 11 I a 11 work, it is eollsiilered all lian minimi itlie 1 c, nn s I A GKNriXK PIl.K A OA IX ST only ..,.ps In .i.i.i New Mea,i in ii, thai their i!iiers will mark the first fl'liF, the - - anil therefore lawful pllerure. author A II' lu n a p. s Nan V.i .. I. Meplicu VV. Kear- step its , eeoiniilishment. All scientific uiiil medical tha! Ill toward llnal InK-Rt'-S- A p y KV'KHV for ll. Ill a. u In 1" ti. al . i a s t he Arkn lues declare Insrerlient pile remedy suitable lai i. ni lull "ii Sheepmen Have Not Had Good lies; name autlmrltles nml "th a l a .1 1 i a n I 'i il la ii as conilemn thelNJl'lilofS DiH'K. narcotic il 11 a.i nl I" ''v; TfZ?Z;j er poisonous pile author! I :. a t.-- - medicines and Supreme Courts uphold these a.i a a n.l I'l'lm .nl ailli a m.n In Tans In anil- Snnsnii hut Wnn on Pi niect ' t imt m their ..pin- tieo. i l .1 U III l ll ll .1111- avisen. "in w II. ia ll "ill s in la He let lied Inn ii ill lie the helvfits uliieh ill $.-.-n O HF.s paid. I ci ; t l.- a a .. ,ust ai a lid I a! resb ta 11. 1 rn.i:s oh Is el hal Heie Will Go Through lesnlt after the enmity has been All modern druis'is'ists of hishest standliifr In Albuquerque sell li a. in, it hu a ,.'.e,-te- il ,',-- V pilillt. plaited. Kollovv Iiik the reading of the llilthl lliylilnnil riiarinncj. Alvarmlo lMiiirmacv. John IS. J t n j M''- -' ; II i;.-- I'i s Iho papers Jluiiillton, lis' al S'eilni, inhmiti, Says, and the impromptu remarks. Williams Drns Co., J. II. O'lV-'l- y 'o., Van Co. It t" there nill be a general diseussion of Iriie i the planum ii.stion. after wlileh a . l.a millitlee will be a ,1 p. u II I a.l to you buy nn cicn-slve president of th draft We don't urj;e to , . . !1 Mamius I'.rovin. plan. plan VEHICLES AT YOUR PRICE ilelinite workiiiK This Vehicle. .1 THAT NoBoDY WANT-- 5 To lintusot.i Wool ilmv.rs iaii.m. u ii . presented for adoption at ai. - .. ' 1,1 II ho lias here sollle Weeks ayo ill S'lhSe'llielU llleelmii tin- eltlll. 11 nnil 5 style WEAR CLoTHE-- LIKE adopted, no time Will be lost in enr- - We have many of good inline, tmn with the t.ruieet t.i stall ryinK out ilie plan, thus niarkiny the TH the Kin liramle Wuuleii mills here, is wearabüity to fit poi kethneks CLEAN. NICE, an ("vtemleil 111st dei iniie ai i uiiiplisliment nf (ur main in the eitv. after I'olieies." now nil inlejsral and vital vnrylng degrees of thickness. FR.E-S- GARMENTS MAKE liHIf lit the ll'ifl llVVestern stales, Mr. part of Conuiiert ial Huh. sa s 11 - the g j:r.AnorTS. Ilrnwii that the enlen mill pin- The are that within bug iic5, srrtniKS, GOOD .leet will so ami indieaiioiis J5 FEEL NOT ONLY throunii that the week Ihe members!) i n ot the elul. will MOUNTAIN C'ONCOKl'S ami nulls will emiiiniie unrkim! witlmut rem had pmiit, BUT CoMFoRTA&LE. intaLiiilsshui. The sheepmen ill the hale the tour bunilreil SPHIXO WAGtlNS. t 'the iiiiii.iiii;n lor menihers having i.m'IIi 11 itsi-is- in l'liianeim; mm hn are to t yin,' ii'i'i: i. in 11111llllt.il been sm .esi uul and 4ra to the binriry ' ll.e .l'".eel In lia.' hume vvoi.ltj , we you on n !i ll (I . ot fa ers ami dir.-et- ol 1 lull What save ;i:ii home at hutne. are emu- - irs tne i t . (t tabriis t ti rz--) ' even most hopeful a way yettin, ' I'.i, through satisfai toriii altboai;h beinml ttieir Albuquerque Carriage Co. Bo loiif toward V hi- M 111- I'. a Tin- ie.luaeil dues pro,i-nsiiin- ii ii., re slow was (ieeied on ae- - j -- - than a w - f,í1 t, tllll s . is makinu bit hit ith ei eri in es. "l't of the backward season nml th" I. .,..... ,...... 11.1.. Cor. 1st and Tiicras fir- - 11. IS ' ' t' ...la ..ml ...le harness. i?ome In nml pet ",:r p: , ireil. he:icvetl that il viill work out prac- i t. tically and with meat satistaetion to 1 "The hard season and the slump in - .4 i l lay 7 Sr - a lnornins; at oYl.uk. liev. A. i.' y 4 tin- "I " tint hoi'M Consumption Be Cured. I, '('"if n.if .Ma mili Inri. S. J,. ,, Can nra tit m tin nnrt Iti i n ' celebrnleil , oimtn. reinii. ni mass i - iia, a .a ,.!. W'si.ii'-iii- at the linnli anil a. procress nf la la.. sail) Mr Itrttwii. "lit i I nven In Its Inst ntnces -p h:ih.. AND on,-;.- H.ir-bar- h p i il. ,1 DEATHS FUNERALS. i ii the i to Suma n the II," -- and notiht-ri- t ('oloradu things inaladv can be checked, the "ll"n: 111 .1. I ' cemetery, where tle a! . ; .st-í ...r, 1'rnin s.( t a t r interment took destrnyed. a complete c' havt' hfrn far isi í"hrr' i bacilli and H. I I ' place. The p.illhear.-- s I t !.v aha Im- were members it. is líniim m a femviiy ot tlomeMi.-- l eflecte.l. We have lncontrovertu" u i v v a II- -. MM uiHral of .lot .Mrlvrnim. of Albil.ller.Ue Indue No. 41.1. 11. I Many la! I, iM C"1 twMv(. , ,,, evldenco of our success. L' nioiu! With, (in, n.M.-ia- or- - l ml- - ... a I..-- - -- 1.. di eased li.ii in ;, pe un .a ;i ' :.Vmi "Ivi.-f- been fur r: .1 California V I1. . . w . - . , 1 .ihirt.'"t to sx,ro il.v,. - Annei.s Southern f- . 1 - sukuk- uUi year- I..I n il ! - mn.ih, ol number ol a meinh. r of the nil 0'!''1 ah Im.uikIh this .;T. rar will ilmw hiU, ... l,.l-:- pie have been rescued from Ih, l.a. ..: 'I - ntt urk,mv .h.. i'hnr.h Santa I". e of i:Us. Those n ho dread in a .. an o ' ently boneless of the shurtai:.' ao.uotl ioutiis ! the Iniinai-ulati- 'mu pt inn ytsi,-r- Mliei. te.l were I!. staee h i I, a I. ' : I 1 Messrs 'I.i Ih- .".,- - j J.uohson. ease, is the ideal ciimate f " the will likl . A. p. folorado ran . r-- i 'yir'VrS ' Mnisoii. Hi'i.rsi. lj arn.ird. k' cures Willi Tuberclecide. W. i -- . ,1 . ii- a Ke, J. I; S.otti an, e .Mi r.i irsl ill!a Vitmim; lia- - lamí rnp is ttil ahout j fiaren, n i Kit mm' a l. n I ' . a 1. Untuck. vn t)i:s ni :!.'. :w .1 i.t.- f SIM II I I COM 1111 lit aa I r,a a a in Ni'it,. tt the íta inMca ;s uiiihr I'I'.NKINt; IMMM. ! Steady Nerves I. I ..I h" n 11' )iih thi- wttnlini'M to lalioritm this I caiulcr ill.soii. linil"1' t a.-- ..: comnletely " I'M. Sep. ' a r. .Mr. I a o w it sa I hry a en Th. Inner. il ot Tuberclecide ' i. if Sou.ider Sleep I.e.miicr Vilkoii. '1 from ' I (hii'-i.tsii, tury s uh'.-- e (bath . the '.iberculnsis ilerni '.'ill. I.I... nvt'r th' la. hrtiif ainl oi mieil yesterdav. will i.oilv. II ilil I'll.' ' II. 'I ill Niipiturt l e held A. hiiinan a ti h man. A Clearer Head at lYein h l..in ber s ihupel No hypodermics. No nostrums. ..( I"..- il.'l le for 4'olorailo l"a hut-- . at : o'clock this mi. moon, I ' rlii l:,v. J. I n i ami a. .11 all ul t .1. Kur.w.n, vest unte our claims Ihr i. "'r!it arnitrs in v'oluraiio are mi foilow the change from i.iiit,,,. of the Ilaptist Is too late. ii...-- . I .III V-i- treatment before it ' Mr.'ii this jfNtr." Kiiil .Mr. church, will .Ti.nn,.. n.'ccased was home, surround''" - IF WILL ME OUT IN THE Vv' --V- VE vsell-mpc- Treatment at ,,,.,1 Cc CAN a le old 41 "IT ASH' Uilh Ihk fruit aiul potato coffee to and bad be, n a resiib nt I rom ptnt i I home comfort, i: Xpert Il...e! f? 'i nii.f Roo, jti!-- thf arf iroinu Abt.ller.ll. lor lile .ist eillht lions of the country show f '' 111 6ET IT ONE EL.SE CAN. WE Do THE veii.w. h. ma f..r some time mi emph.ve of ''''tf Oli ,3 fooTAYÉ"TOaÁSsTFY" "I progress in a large number the S.llitii Ke shell. where the progno was a 11. WORK ,N H it E CITY. ' " corr.si'"" BET ! t o-- c ho'ii lesi We invite a ST l'at k .! oi.taiiu f.K slio'H. POSTUM u! I iineral or Il.iu-c- r. w .U give tu l parta '"" - st'n kinuM. ;ni woiiirn' wearinir i. Mr. ene" and f. H oi:r '' L t.il who iHrrtMÍ thrm ofi trorn Thi:- iiioniii.B at ... lock at Stronit mail, or to all who will mil ' THE 'JNDRY OF QUALITY' "There's a Reason." lilotbers flees. hutt j artiiy stor1 wit! pUaso r1-- . .hapel. win occur the Im Am'-ln- I V I n i trln-y- Ucm.I "1 Itiwiil lo WHIville." .fiineti.l of Mrs. i lio IKF. CMPAV. THE RIAL LAUNDRY u at poji!hi ?nam rt. Hausrr. TI'ltKIM M't 1 Co. In lied 1 hursday evening u,.v. - rn.itl lUINT Kretch- 7tJ ami 7t3 Iim ljr air toiirooni !'.. ci ' .1 "" ano win AlP Q'JEr.QUE. N. M. liÉ(tl Mttii bath. il'J W. Copper. ' "'" ''"'"i'ii" inierment Itunk. J be in Puirvivn umi-nr- j . 1XS AXU1LI.S. CAU THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910.


t imtmmmm i in ii ii mi ii ii niiam mm m ii iimmnMiiwiniiiiMW HEADWEAR SPECIAL SCHOOL HOSE SPECIAL Children's School Headwear, Tarns, Caps and Children's Black Ribbed Hose, a splendid wearer, Hats made of Flannel Cloth, Velvet and Bear Cloth, for boys heavy ribbed, and for girls fine ribbed fast all reduced for this sale as fellows: black, sizes 6 to to 9 1 -- 2 50c value, 29c; 75c value, 39c; $1.50 value, 39c Special, 2 for 25c

The New Autumn Suits Women's and Children's New Fall Many new arrival!) received this work, anil each one a picture of Knitted Sweaters í high t in style, material and workmanship. Tin1 materials are fino .'.i,'- 1 .. Mxelurive modi in Women's doer- not mean a high price, broadcloths, .bolillo", imported worst .'ds, fino Scotch mi Unios and f I Sweaters We just rccelvi d a big line of Women's and Children's Sweaters, I he Trimmed novelty weaves. They arc in both plain tailored stylos, and the 1 rough Kind do n t lose simpo, in and of t newest trimmed effects. We ol'l'er the v?ry special value:) in that all colors combination rulots. "Á -. Women's at .(Mi. s;!.rti, xl.tm. S5.no, $il.r.o, $7.50 and $10.(10. two-p- i sir $:!.- no. .sit. mi. ímum .m sd.vn.i r, Hats i:t: its at A V. THlii:i:-l'M- K SI ITS AT S.".ri), ijK.Ylltl AMI t.irn.s svi;Ti:ns, to ii vi:i:s. ., Sr.lo i i iris1 plain weave swiaurs, V neck with pockets in (.'ardiñal. Navy speii-ill- and Oxford, priced $1.511 0 Specials al !?.".. (Ml and 7..-.- Clrls' fancy weave sweaters, V nei k with pockets. III white, Cardinal f New Autumn Dresses . If mat h m In The . oti can tie and Oxford, specially pin cd $1.75 AT-- ,n Our dress section is now rompióte with nil the newest and Intent t!i"!s' heavy weave sweaters, V tic k, with poi kels. in Cardinal and i .mart ii. ?s. quality e ml orreet creations in dresn'S for every Kind of wear. The mulct lata are the Oxford and Cardinal, specially priced $2.5(1 fapliion at our pi le, s, w don't a.'id WeiRht woolen ji lle-.- newest weaves in silks, satins, velvets liKht fabrics; kiln W l:uo,v styles before so varied ami beautiful; all sixes the are subcrb; never Special Offering of the New Fall Tailored win going for misses and women. Verv special values are of fi red in Al iKi:ssi;s, :,, s:t. and $. , Waists Flannel ti Koo -, Linen and tí The." h.i'ii all the KI CI PTiON DKLSSLS m S.VI. and $75 A real event In waist selling. Its purpose and Inlenl Is to give you the da'h uid po the hitilii r right impression of the difference and betterness of Kconomisl fashions n priced Illoib in i act ttellU- - you to of worked out. We want hoc bow the finer details tailoring are I hp Krem h p itlirns are used Fall School Suits assuring individuality in stylo and precision of fit. Notice the real US COJlll'S young ladies, made cd' broadcloth, worsteds nnd mix- qualty of the materials, the dressy designs, the exquisite embroideries l'or misses and Ijirgi- - and iticdium sluii'.es, i years to ij years; we selected "5 suits for this f?T tures, uses from have special sale and divided them into lots for easy choosing and you if Two Very Clever Models suitable for dress or Mreet 5! SH.Su $ ó ut) any you may wear. a n s, will save from to on suit select. One of lineiic, the other of pretty striped madras, both strictly tailored Mushroom dome 5! 1(1 (lioo.se bol 1, suits, worth $7. all. at with Cilbson plait over shoulder, tucked front with wide plait down jdiapes. (Jenrgette shapes. Lewis Lot L', 15 suits, worth $11.00. choose at. renter; French back; laundered collar and cuffs; special $1.51 cap effects and small hats, 4! Lot I!. 15 suits, worth $10.00, choose at w ith Just a torn Ii of trimming. Lot 4, 15 suits, worth $:.í0, choose at A Smart Colored Linene Waist Hats in newest Lot 5, L'O suits, worth $17.50. choose at " Y?J S the fashions 1 At these ln"crx tin- - Suits cannot lie equalled. I, ft. I'lalled back, French back, fiibson effect; collar and cuffs to match (o suit every type of lace and It- in (lie following combinations white ground with black; lavender figure. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW stripes; special $1.50 J i i'i 1 and blue 'pi yT Waist of very fine percale in pjlaiu while; entire front of I N inch I'Atrii Special Value al $7.50 tucks; back tuck; (iilison plait over shoulder; laundered collar and Silk Petticoats ruffs; open front, with large" pearl buttons, $1.50 Children's and Misses' School Hats An extensive line, including all the new style Ideas Sill; Jersey Another Model of French Flannel Í and .Mcssaline beinti more prominent in the varied assortment. ..'i S7.50 Persian Satin Petticoats, in all the new hues and shades foi Very excellent quality; full tailored with six plaits down front ami Specials for This Week fall, in models adapted to the tight clinging skirts, actually worm back; laundered collar and bnk cuffs of self material. Trimmed with he iMmsc" t en. d.50. pearl buttons. In the following wide stripes; white anil Muck, white A large ariet to choose from for both and 'l.lldi AL $'J.(MI to $5. (10. IT $5.50 Splendid duality of Messaline Petticoats, tucked and ac- and navy, white and lavender, also white ami liKht blue, ut$;l $3.50 Specially priced, cordion plainted flounces silli underlay ami ruffle; a most attractive T value and a rest barga In. AT $1.50, quite a variety of splendid petticoats, all kinds, that are us- ually priced in the 'i and ii class; one needs only see this gathering Women's and Misses' Wash to bo assured that this is Indeed headquarters for petticoats. We show complete assortments of Heatlierhloom, Hosiery Women's Underwear .Moreen. Sateen and .lorscy top I'ettlroats, all of Women's which are especially priced for early buyers. Dresses V.xira sizes featured at every price and in every style. Special Special Remarkable values, at $2.95 to $5.95 weight black Hand embroidered Madeiia A medium Although these an- classed with Sumne r men hand then Nainsook Combinations $1.98 are manv ot Ihem iikim in ineni. in met lion ere qui tin - y $3 Silk Lisle Woman's Hose Corset Covers, Chemese nml attractive enough for interina! panics c.l lo.iiio lid i.v val- occn.'lon w in re d.Uuty and simple little frock is ap i o priai Made of fine Nainsook. Lawn, or Trimmed with fancy 4 -- inch ga and Drawers. Regular iind they nil can be worn for inonllis t and, at pro S qUOt a ter 'twill pay you to buy them lor next neason. Choose 'from a group i f styles ami iiatlorus of Figured Corset Cover . or special with Embroidery. and bknt welt. A regular 75c qual ue $1.75 and $2.00; Liiwns, Cotton Voiles, (lingliams, etc. only a lew of on h model end col.r: sizes It to IS and 31 to Its. ami at the piic von uro 1 rimmed I ii l w Drawers Handsomely ity; special at at 31.39 lui.lng them for less than he maui is orth.

ttmn)m",nwi;wi ' ' Wl?'y&iTWfrJ?'i?rT.

and every display and that any mer- cunt li and fifth best photos in the; no ordered, to the placing of them In I.. S'Ainehuil, Pecos, Tixas; I'. It. or business man of any kind various clauses. First and second position under his directions, LI Aim pro Mahl, Jr.. Flint mb.ri. .V M.; II. II. chant w L í.it'.lo, M. UIITM AMMIIAI fl III V cc who is left out of the big show will prizes are to be awarded for die best The. management ill in no case L!mcmlor, N. WD I be behind times. During the past exhibits In all classes ef (ho art dis- - provide lor ransportai Ion of exhibits, ii twin uuuiij ' the expense few davH a large number of addi- play, including cut flowers, polled or be subject to any In their III, M II T' P.: f I iUHL Uli LI iSLLI plains, drawing. delivery to the grounds, tltt til rain tional floats have been arranged for inuking, painting, I IIOPI I I L TO M m; SPI l.t II. management use and this parade will make all former wood and metal work, china painting, The will all BLOW Ifj It Is announce, Hint at elglH o'clock attempts look bke spurious imita- and crochet work, embroidery, geni e to insure the safely of slock ERE ht'itdeil by the Mexican military ban I. tions. Kmest l.andolfi, in charge of ,1,-- and anil les after their arrival ami the visitors will march in a body to tile Calithumpian division, lias se- $11. 500 In Lin ing l'1'l.es. arrangement, but in no case will hi the Commercial i.iuh building win re TRACTION P lie any or damage DISTANT, cured a number of pri.es from busi- lt is now nppiui at that the field In responsible for loss CJIDIVT they will be Hdilresxcl by Cd W. ness men the past week for the win- tin' big horse racing tournament will; that may occur thereto, DAY S. Hopewell, chairioaii d' the liii'd ners in this spectacular mounted divi- far excel any previous event, and the rrcmiinns. L Í1IILI of control of the Sixteen! N, liolial sion of the pageant. horsemen are promised the very best Premiums shall be paid by the séc- Irrigiition congress her,, in l'.ms, ami ' for the trades and industrial divi- ala! fastest program ever seen here , rotary as soon alter Ihe close of the promiiiinl In the work of the con- sion of the Montezuma parade j.rizea wan Jd.r.on nllered in the purses, a' fair as the books can De comparen gress. The people should turn out LOOK given as big Flake one that assures good ami checks he made out. delégales at 10 BÜSÍ will be follows: and EL PASO AND MESILLA handsomely to greet Ihe 6EGIIH Lest ttades display $:,). 00 racing. Jake Levy is superintendent Premiums not applied for within (he Lain or at the club and show lln in $25.(1(1 running program sixty days after the close of the fail-wil- l Second prize of the harness and VALLEY BUNCH COMING that Albuquerque is with them to the Most artiitic and beautiful float $50. (10 and .1. ". hr.iuer of Colorado Springs, be forfeited lo the association. Inisli. Second prize $jr.00 is the experienced starter. Colors denoting award will be lis unnecessary to t . red, second; yel- Mn' t comic or liuriesque float .'. JL'.'i.oO It is to refer the follows: first: oolv Home Cooking In the city prizes to be by a of splendid program of sports low, third; green, foui Hi. The These awarded red the Oivo Rand Conceit at Al- - lit Hie Home Itcsluuraiil. (.eld Ave. asso- i in The Car- Season Tickets. FINAL PREPARATIONS RAPIDLY lotninittee selected by the fair and usemenls. I'aikcr next lo lirst Nation;! liank. ciation. nival company, one ot the best in (lie Season tickets good for the entire vaiado But ween 7:30 anci Mouloy.iiniii P.all. world, will amuse (lie pleasure seek- week iir sale at J. II. o Uetlly's, every Just the While Klcpluuit, New t hing Willi ers each and minute. lo Malson's. Lcavin;1, Journal Want Acls Get Results GREATEST "Kverv In connection the good company, P.ook 8:30 Befoie for BEING MADE FOR .Montezuma bull is coming on splen- remind you of the things that Mexico Cigar Slrong's are coming, there is (he daily lialloon store, Swltzci's barber shoo, Mike didly," said .. Ii. Mel al ley yesterday. Cigar company, Pueblo on Special, Mr. .McOaffey has charge of thin bril- - ascension at Traction park; the Mandell. Phhards' Intelligence to by Fashion Cafe, and W. V. Walton. ANI'i:l Men of i;i social event of I lie fair soto'on. Marathon, entered the GAY CARNIVAL OF THEM ALL in the southwest; the . represent The Praetorians, the pa- w hicli is also I he big social evenl of fleetest Indians auspices The big x .a r i.l e i II SI o II the year in New Mexico. J''or lentiis loornainenl under lite l"'i ternal onb r on a s. i' nlili. b. A hanoy, and beauty of el the Albuquerque Tennis club, Willi o ii lo the In igu ion congress at II li. as superintendent, good proposition bo good non. For pointnients. it wi break all records Janus 10 SPEAK I'm Id... i ai l lug tu", eral hundred k Added to Poultry Show at One and a fine silver irophv: aildic-- s .1 PlbiW,'.'. Whole Carload of Chickens this veal'. CM wat-l- Irom IT l.'so. Las particulars races and other Indian sports useis ll. N. M. Coming in. Prize Dogs Arc Barking The Audi rarailc. under (lie able direction of Prof. Cilio and I In- Mcilla valloj will ar- Slat.' Manager. I.'oavn Fell Swoop; Horses Are one of the most beautiful show Julius Staab, the best hall toiirnameiii rive in Albiiqui-rqu- early Inls iiiorn-In- Will Soon he Doing the Same; Busi- (entures of the doAiitovvn program of ever attempted, w ilh half a dozen fast AT UN VERS TT and Side Show Spielers íii.rtlj utter 7 "'' lock. The band Ihe week is to be the illuminated William A. Keleher. supeiin-tcnden- l, Re- 7, bams. i ness Men Urged to Take Advantage of Short Time floral auto parad Friday, October and John .Mullion, Ihe West- which aci iii i in ii s the crowd Irom in charge of a. coininiilee headed by ern leaguer, as umpire. There will lie Hie southern Lio (laude valley will The Virginia of aux- be-- I maining to Prepare Floats for Gorgeous Pageant the Col. 1. K. K. Sellers. The ladies' cowboy r' lay noes, motorícele races, give a concert U the Alvalado lTcgnnl Apartiiicnl Over the iliary committee. Mrs. F. Jt. Lester, races races, in ween T.mII and X :". plev lolls lo III" Po.tolT ice. design- automobile and other ASSEMBLY chairman, bus been verv busy cluding nearly every kind of ra e dep. i ni e of the speilal lor Ihe north Late Montezuma. - MKS. r.l.LT I I ing and assigiiinir loi oration chiques civilized man. Hi about s to,, delegates who go IM.IM i.itt: known to Phone 1 1:1. for the motor cars and aiding in the Dlsplny. lo Pueblo lo l""k alter III" lii'hls "I of trophy silver cups and other prizes preparing Ihe decorations. Producís vv.ilein .Mexico woik of "I will In- New Mexico to the of the III" 'ue thirtieth ann'i.il New will be awarded. 'I Tic Art Department. The display resource of complete and oiiiprehensive this year lii'pulilican Idea of Making of a (liaiide and to lake a fall out the ? fair and first state exposition, not to Dog Show Looming. None of the innovations in tile fair Colorado crowd include the mosl n i year proved more popular with good displays of fruit, vegetables, mention ihe grand statehood celebra- Kntries are coming In every day in tills has grains, minerals and what not. Irom Constitution to Bo Subject of linn Icon u,,. soutli end I rom the start than the competition I'i . f v represent the PALACE HOTEL tion, will begin just one week from the big first annual Kennel show and every county, showing what strides the vail".. Tin IHE class floriculture, pantry stores, i Inl ilol.s ot 1:1 Paso and l.a tomorrow, Monday, October a collection of Idooded New Mexico has taken in the past A'.l'liCoS at School iomoi row, ominen there will be an. handicraft and b xiile work, and Cl'i. is, Ihe f nt Pott" SVali r k year in the development of the arid This is perilously close park next photo work., and this display I i s" A.' la 1. i os a nd Fe, N. M. Í getting in dogs at Traction that amateur lands ul lliz.it ion of her si so, ni id La l'lin Santa is no at the and the I v I a The management r"al-''"- s will astonish the natives. There will be the mecra lor hundreds es- the F.I S Villi, ater F' is' A"- o.iariers. fair The Hull exhibit will be I I n ít XV ( la y room doubt that (he dog grounds. it.. lo ii. ul 'i in so, i, ,u t pa- - , T i w d w ill hi- this fait, and everything is a longer fr iair pecially fine. FI be and Ihe poultry show will be the It is under the aid supervision of will a r llie asscinldy inljoititil a ml a I aon s urt her in respects. uzz show It may lie worth while to again call Mcbnt bet f inn First class all of preparation at fair headquar- of the Kdward W. Huberts, the well known v Hi- - ilt s vv II , two big and novel features intention lu the following rules gov- lb dt hail at rniversitv of New la quite a number "I .b YV. Clayton of and art connoisseur, who M i ' Ii o II t o w ters in the Korber building and at IT. (eorge arehiiect. erning exhiliils and prizes: o atol ft ideas US to Ihe will lulp lo make li lo.ihe N' y Rooms with private baths. Chicago, III.. Is the judge in the dog has heiu extremely busy since the "'I lie Makhl.' el " il lit ion," pre- - Mexico tl s. The people Tr ii'ii.in park, where preparations arc I'onsl el iki r - how. and C M. (iilbrlde, superinten- display was lirst phi'.ieed. Inhibits. (!'" I enulllh e II bleu of a (lie city should mil as tar as x Table unexcelled. Head- in," ag- - ! sellt'llf! lo t"lll t made to house largest vet- Th-- full- ground- will pen for v the dent, w ith William Leiden as All entries In tins display must be -r the new o! N w po nido tiiis moruno; lo give Hie is- - lr. Ho. k and ,n lieies, on sltlo gregation of livestock, ir.'p.iding in charge in case one of the made with the superintendent before the reception of .Me , r. publn an ble 's to lo the ti. rs n i re. eotioii and quarters for Coastüutional erinarian ( 1. ev and "al n 'I a. (ober :!. Lai h entry must Saturday, ictob-- r All nbits ,,ml . w v b- i - blooib'd horses, dogs and "hlckens displav dogs is taken with stomach ni., in best "I in a hi. h should da In In i p. in ,f I lie 11" i in put II II' C.l- ,. ., incapacitated to be amateur, profes- m list be 111 pi.'ci I, I'I o'clock ever i... otherwise the work of an Ho'k lib- - stale o i ii iii'iil Mr Clancy ' " tl'IIOII ol IOC o, llie ' Convention. z gatlured together ill one town in ii i :!. entry fi Ole li'" nd being entry must a. m., Monday. Octoin with gu.-yo- n .limen r at his best. Letween titty sionals barred. Lath loll iv s II. p I t i who spoke a ail' V ill tl.e ri'tlll I'M' N. .V MeMeil'S it tli" The poultry show es- -' or on bed. ex. pi as otherwise ; í ; southwest. hundred h.indsoin and attra' tive lie either fiareed mounted atl.K k l' tile nuycinhly mm III" v. at' r sill olv ' - ia''y jr. LTowlnli So fast that the special pi Tiered in the ken- cardboard, and the name of the sub- provided. .otn( The plioli" Is wb:,ll les - t " 'Ihe iioalai ttoili tal lis at l us or is Fxliibiiot-- must ne. n." luery , uí ass'K a lion h.(s stop lively to l ii.ov and the hiiiuir" tii.o- ject givin with the eiiirv. Tlnre in. ;l ti "tleild ti e iiblr. s torn, o ii' nig-- a r aiei a for ine imimi. lo will lie or i to lb-- (.up- -: intend-i- n keep oughbre.l on exhlbpion will no entry i.e. Special avards Cieir v!:if !' ' v d in a s. s of i k Ii t x ,,', k m "I up with the proposition. Yester- animals no il pi iv. to at lo. last very speci- s. comí, II. in!. of approj.ro'ie depart tu. and I day word vvas received from Colorado include some ot the finest mtide for the fust. the P un n a Co- o ' I' ins vvhi' Ii alter the ibd. g.iles had mil at Ihe mens in the west l:"W l m that a bird fancier Is coming with one dogs relit the state. il aml.t r i'i oui'iiene and iri linl 1 "hoi,, carload of chickens to display 'Fullv a hundred Albuquerque in a body lo the tr in. A short t'tup il Ml t exhibition, nearly f- the f:.,r This will be 4wi are assured for the i i i . .i was made at I., a Cruces lake on iilii being already entered." I ' ouni 'em 4ui eoops of chickens, that number iliHir I loe l as Clines bum li .' Hie bind Spi'idb-r- superintendent of PALMILLA COMMODORE; fo its next lioinc. iictl (o irsl '.',, some of the classiest fowls said K. S. Niiliolial Li lik oil (.old ve. p. ave. lew 1. I . lie plaza. Td.iy. "We shall v 1 ever cackled. This assures more the bench show, vest f. 'I iv .oil .. .lei. i'lli- icq on al is more then that : ed dun half a thousand coops of fine have considerably Aiif:dile Terrier to Lc T'l.n t . tr n n ;.,ex- - Cni,i . The (oil." ing are tlo 1.1 üüTnjiijj'iíiiiii by - a of local dogs the time the I T.I" pouhrv for the exhibition, making number lag of lile ba'lk. ti s Pcoans who e:ll a.iivt the mot.i- JÍ opens, tbev are the pb k o. 111 Mp. Vj, hnsi.., be show and tv k display in itself, that will ' . Kennel Show by a .ii I! Was ho.Ht.'d above Albuquerque's caniivs. The entries at I s. s ,1 worth the price of admission several t ' ion .f the Mi an ' ii- - I. c.bi.., P..II.T. beginning Li ii. .1 ' nos over. In this connection it is from outside are also : v Cl.arbs Fvl. r. .1. ! .io. !v. C. '.iron. A FfíANaí KES5TLE come in rupidly, ami will he coining e. spindicr. Register-, ' "'II to that all exhibits must s. I I Hi.pp.r s. L.n.ie. pclix M..n;:ii ano oil ' atom iLtciROTVPiR ilay opening, for it f, I isi ''o in up to of l!ie V M .. v,lKMs! r-- i in place in the poultry show not ihe 1'. li "W I .ti- - P i: e. si i i..i- '4 ' l.'xvll f'c e exoeri-- I lac. 'ing at i.uavmas, . -r ( - a o lice with more v .1 V i than II a. m . i. toher 3. n- lis pi. the m fid number sue .u ,.c.t,i n,.. a;,.h, -' i f l.i m rn'it T..I..v eie-e- dog ami exhibitors t" 3C67: h.,. ibitors. however, bene allowed until femurs ' 3 .. '...... i l....,.!,...... M,- -. I; l.o.iis. Wll' ai .'il.'.'ii'l. II i i tte-n- -.. I ' I II m. send in at the last minute." ' .. M , . !. in ease of unavoidable deiavs. cf .1..,. I,, il nr'ini tiel.l . X SI, 1' Pa la - - I llently'.' ChaiTpion Commodcre, There In- displays of An- Is oar lout V.. C 11 L'l.-- l vlll also l y M I .:t le Ullll tile A ItllTll 0 II ..!.., He - " 2 r i in charge the I fcfcjfUTI.IflV'Ui m,, w hile L' lgian bare". The committee if i i ,. .1.1. P. I. I!l .1 al .1111 xmL rabbits. l - tit Its K f oi. to tie hel Thurs- X Co- - ,..s .aliad ; v vvl. guineas, Japanese pheas- Montezuma parade Clipstoac Clipstone 4.- .1 .1 v, i: i;i..w o. ,t V (ollSl'tlug guinea of fair week, 'lint ef . s t n, ants piss, prairie dos and iit oh-ii- Il li 'in Uu pig. 1. 1. Itorradaile, C n Oushman. 1'ie II 7 ..ins with prizes in nil these dm FoLijr.c a. y . ' ,: I - x r halt. bear at age ,,,,,,,.. i m, mm .v.t. ' ; IV I.eMltlard. Jacob Korber an 'I. A. ,,llt..P ' M iasses. C. H. It in. des of Topeka. ,. fr - "i''' J mo h mi. ih. is to round up all be- - mi. d i.e e. Net! t I lr- Xallotuil vviU act as j,;i!'--e In the poultry Mutson. trving -'-' 1 of five months. i n..u. ...1.1 e. , "how. its success will be ptted business mn who hv failed I Wi.r- - and laruelv u h c. li In ':: f ti&M I o K t get (heir Louts renlv. and s'd !', V Mi "' to the Win ot Snperinlemi-ll- to I. exloot.-- that only L'lin Loop. Xo eiitiy feis are churned 'are lo 'Journal Want Ads Get Results ni. N .t , M. Jl i) is exhibition and a sph-mjo- i let one week remaiue to taca


' pT V jjíf ' Next Week Jtüm

i he Formal Opening On A TURDA Y. OCT. 1st

If .x, tt'lMuUdl ti i i ,..., a',. u J mi.Ui wmjm 3E :!! 11 When uur ívierenanaise Be on Display Only We Will Be Ready for Business

WLiftJltw HELfcrtK.J ti

QUALITY I 1 ITV WHERE UUCDCi 1 1 nilftl v v uuhli i i MEETS X PRICE ix MEETS PRICE 4 x.

. y ''" .""V ,1 a Tr;-.'- ; 'J t jTO.c-..ti.'.,,- ynrar-gi- w tj-yj- 1 "if. , R"r."f?rT5!rr J"?'' 'yJ?q-- iy i' ,v a mia. jmw3KT:,7TOnptr'W fif

i 'x lit I .- on h Mil,, Mrs. ',.r,t,v had I IHln will til "lit In tllO I"- his Inilii lit ki ii 1. ill i i (ion in- - III t s..ir..'. RATON WOMAN ti ll'iftl. GALLUP GüiLlYPiONEER MERCHANTi:S;'i rai',. (iH'iils lor (In' lioi. ri'.l .t ANNOUNCMENT SI 'l. ' HI:; it. rin .tí I 1H .Kill. iinii-i'i- l tinli! luila... :!- - "i in. K Ii i in t iM it in;. Mr i'li. iiwh luii'itil u 11 I... m AI!.iii(ii'Ciii( li'iirnll'l lu.t.'iii ,i ;f!',-l't;- m.,11 sUuiL- - .T.j;iH.'il u its :i nit'ni('.,r of ih.' i CALL till' tilft if I "i.l ti.t, . :,i,l,-,,-- , i. H 'ii. ii Crith. tli.- xlil 111,1 Uc i II SHOULDER BY ,i h it 'i'tti-vi!t- ' OF BOOZE AWAY i'h f ullltlii; SELLING PASSES AT Kniyhls iI' r.vttihis. .it Slri'iis'c I'l,. K St .('. xx 111 ni. hi- into I. .1 n ;li' i., ii. l.i M r '..i .Mr. it- ..x Wi-f- i 1 i.l' H.ilzimiii. t!ii' r. fiiin"i tin n. i ii ii it rs, t 'I. v. lit. . , - t 'mi- in Tli. l...lh h ill's ti Iimvc liieil triulort'.l .tx i'iitii'. iiljoiit 1. toiler l.'ili. 'inn- i l ; , For li'l ...111 ..(I III In-- i.in.il o!.l.'i tut end Mm, in Tfmplc Altwrt salr xxill Mnmlax. -r v t ( hiin l.'.i i, j.. it w i . M.i i i" ii tmiielit, Iiíib ln'cn puslpixifil Villi. imhI ti r thr.-tx.cli- i m y TO ÓL0 citiumiii- II' ,t i .i 'I INDIANS AGE il il'. i' til m p. RIPE DiiiIii- - tliin sain tve intend . t,h THEATRICAL PEOPLE. i' !!.. of to k tin- prio-a- . l..t.ll. ' kno. 1'oit.iin oui of in ill ... ii- .1 M ( 'ni uní I. ..ml i' mi Til. oitl.-- o no out stoi-- and .s;iv . i. i t i It.-- LOCAL AND PERSONAL li.il (..,.1, i.i.-- liiiiviiiii. Hi re are wiiin of tlic lino! lh- - i All copy i i i . i " ;"; ,'"'ll',- to In- for the M.. i. í í ii.. u; .... ''" I sarrillifil; IvIlN, I, U V l.illlm; Mr. : Miii (U UMIIiri VV(lini(i'(l mi I'm (H'S Moiiluy.i kul by Phillip llolziiuiii, for Mo 10 Than! llammorkv. .1:1 prr .! Hi, n il .Hi.- - ,, r , . ; Minn. i. in .in ('- i i i i f i I Weallu-- I ,i , . I . t T. I - Torrcust I 1. l II II II II ...... i - i, l ( i ' y n n r r .!.,,,! by , i Mil ViVl ijIIí'í. i. Mm Who ... t 'v ,j ii u hi.- tii y ( I í.rii"" i - I 'v un St-u- iKiiiii.. iii'Hininuu umi io in nitmcu v Ud lo ti lUoiU'JI l WhuIiíi.üIihi t m Xp Mi- "ill in . framed nn.l n til la mi d, Ju 1. ' P' T oi nl disi i 'inl. I'.tti noss; c ktP,ij ilH ii in.iui,. him - I,, .ill af!. iTuTl'Znx, In Six Months in Jail and tot of New Mexico, Dies Kit; CiriuTiilly fair Sunuiiy iuiii oi at :30 Cnth'iy. incliidiiur shell's. poi-Uo- Willi .in , .ii In a j iMiiilcr iii.iiit'. in I Moiula.t ii diH- - IViii.", M u.l" VVtuild-b- r i knixi'.s and r.r,:oi per .r tit ini il.. 11 ,l,n ill it ill (l' ay (."sis. Ni.dH. Mill. 'I. lni.ll.U ink Last A.i i'.unii ; llciifiiilly IV it" Suni'.iy viii. t. I, I II- I- M i.,..,ll.,l. h ll,. I10.1Í-.- ;.o I . ,.i .1 Sets of from per i eiit to 11 HI lit hi- - II.,. Ii,... , , , i,, 1.1 M'.i.1m. inn i..i .m.i T.". per 1. 1, est T.'xas; Ui iiriaiiv i'iiii Hutv rent diseoiinl. , I"' tin I.. III.' a.lli.M I la .1 l.t fcol nil All' III,; ..111 I'l'!. 1,1. lh..., All r Mirr. i tii..i,Hii. , . his II. ill in i..r rnn.ii ,i,,y ainl M.miltiv, (lolff In north íühI I'oilain lines of lilanu books, 40 In, III' i . . per I IM.M..I.- M,tml.. TI... 1,1.1,1,.. ..I ,1... U ;"' '"" i'u. Itir: ..'i.lH.ltii Ml ..f illS'..;', ;.. n.ll poi tii.lis Jlulllltl) rent diseoiinl. i. J.IIH..II ""r''''.' "'' "'. , - 1,1 - hundred-- 11 : - 1, m r- ; Hesidi.s llnse, of Anniver- i ' air il. in. N M , r.'l ;! .Mis I'm nmt n n.l 1..MI1. Mi i.r SUv "" '! lii.'l lip .i..im-- in. limit ..nii (..(' M.ti'-..i-''"' Ii l, I oild.s and etui" :n difl. lini'f thai I .1 tw il N,. Mis. Smal inii' nf ir. Vloix tl nut I. k""" "' ..,.ni..a. .li.,r., f m,.s.., .t;3l i r.i, ....hIiiiiI "' '"" ' II pi U ai a vlsi! xxill ho pin. d .ml on hariralji tablet u i I' ni; ll.il,il' mil, in..., i Ikis Hum ' slii.iil.l (,, Ian in lliiin hi ni ni h Snuirt. rrltiiTuil Inlrf II II,. -t ÜX . ' 'lM I',.' ice. I. xx t IK .'., l.oub. I!... ; , K,,,II Mi. Ill, .v.. I t a - '"'"- - Jli.n..' ni to Hf'tixcr and saerii We ant bo int.. . ' ' - j hit- .Mr.-i-. or next sil x. l h a nexx k M in.- i a i 1. .1 , li.it )(. al- ilaiK.'u.i. h'.uiiuol I". . llesli Hoi .i I'm ti. k.. (uní i'dil ni imliit.'il mi liiti'i'-- r llii" A ll.ii.iii'iim.' ki'ii-i- n I ...... ha- I,,- ! , , . .'ml yon he emixlnieil xxo mean Ih.iiIiIi r ami ... i't in.ni,.,, s,.l, HnxM.trr M ,n ,.,,, l xx Ins-- i tM.uiuliil slioxx il, i Momlax nlnu sary I ill Hi.' II.iiiii' It, .int. I. old Ate, - lit if siaiicliit'! ins xxill aeeom- - .'11111.; i. .hi an k nt.w n ma ii N'll.1,1 Oil lill as. 11 a t mil in j A II I'll- - I I'.inmli il ivas KllnUM in ami ii is uix;i.iilx that all i,ll-- ., I. V ,11 i , ix i next I.. Null. nil IliiliW. ." i. llii...... ,.i 'i. ilitapp. ai 'l in j ta.. iiaikin.N. ' I thi.se luí di Sile to enter dons do S., ...... , I . i ... ,. .,, , , 'tail il .Is H I "' Mi ni,.. .,. ,:. iii. th.it Mr. a t.lli'l' III!' .'.It.mt lit" nuil i.i 11.. XI i.n.art .i I lieiOlt- OliOiK tl'IIHll ..IX . V.-x- n U I I I..- - xx - llllll. v i p. on ; i't Mini ti tiH.ii.-il- aliii,i,,i:h ai, i m. nlliiii. .lir.il prisi'ii n il. It; i,.i I, .1 i,y i..ii'- on. .! ill. li.s il.vih ill mx f ii. ' ' I i I i.i-- i I ,.. . S. I I. - The usual Snndiix serxie.-- xxill 1." tin- r Mliirt! !. uv tu Edition ' ll I 111" I, ",11. ! 1. h;in- r lias in i ll ni. nli I..I l. 'I In II. hi It... S'lal.s I., nil lit,. iTth.'h :.. a Ito. !'vt cli.tin'' il .. . , .. t i IXX at sl.x ti lh l! t.nl.iy i.!..;.. X. hi, lt was xx u Ml'. ,'-.- v.'t If ..I val- - "I I'. II. 'ill ..I 11," 'ill. If 'II I'll Halts till- M ill rst lull the I'll iliiii'.h '.' , . I i. xx I i I ii ,11,1 I., , i, I'lMli . 1. w t Kri'th k ill pr.'a. h .1 Mi" inn' la- mi: .. S".'"ml."l i. .ills .ni trniii. ,.,.l,..,...i I,. i ni, .milt. .nr.. Mr. llolzm in. '"' I'' lillllllll ., . ' ' ; i it n n,! .: Out Oct. 29 ,nii. .I. in..,,ntiv I,. ii i un:- ..a i han;., ni as not nsi.i iiis ..i year STR0NG"S BOOK STORE a.i 't't-'- "in i, i 1,,1'iitii ai-- .. t utli xxiili a ih .itU.x e. j.,,11. ene ni;.ii,i'.'! in aitixe I'usines.s in jii. xx l ho is in eiras. '"' I'l !'! I" x.,.ll:.,i: T'l,' l.llliui; ,, II,. , , I. I . ,.L ...... I'l.nlk .1. W'llil.:;. 'in!.- t..; Inirs- - I'ornn.i. .. persi.nulli rolidll. llll hilii'i'. lis l... ll.. i I.I xx M "i-- a . on.- I 111.' Ita'l....,: - ,11.. I..: ,,,,!!, Ii,,,, II,., I ,,, ,,. ,,,,. , ,,, ix in a p en. ii inn;-..'- .'ii. !' lol,:m.,n nt de i on pa n There xxil! I.e a regular nieitin Must be in Not Later II- .... ' - ' a era, i .se , n,. i . i man tx. k "i,l lli.H' 1. r .mil ni'VI I list N. ill.., i' I liiinL ..rr. 'iiii.-- I. ..i.- .In.i.j,. lu a. A a "' i'..r.h ami ,ii m is in the W. ni. nib. s ar. ursnl to aiund th - lo hiv- t. A.n.f. oil t. s, r,,.,.. ...( p..,.,., ,,,'! ,;.!H- tal i.ts i. the iiil,, ix, hall at ..', io.-i- Tu s.lay exei.inK ninl l.finis a In.-ml- Than Oct. 10. . ' . I!,. I I , ,;. "II- II .!.!-.:- 11 tt I. ell ' ' t l j M oí" i i n i i I! I..- I, t Hi ...... ;;,. i,-- llipi ft I.l .iltii M t ..(" , iss If lilt, t;i ;svr il,.- ti. v I t, her. xxiie. rs. . in.-- a - i.. mi .aiee txo d.nht. i.eior.- lh.- hub a'd full aii.iiil- W'.iiit-- v.-- axansjaiTKi-CTt- I M- - -- Mil,-;..,,,,- ,- liilii-.- . .. s,,. " ' N' ' '"' '! Mis is ,;,..r, ,1. i. i: Sn.11,1. seii.- - .rtli .liM p:í;nU, s.i e ., II..I.-ma- I ii. . , ii. ii and s..r. Aithtir x A.i. i..".ls ,.l lal Fjj.tHlH i A ' .i i'.aiiM-- ainl li, i a y Vl..lii-i- son. ,..se.li. Souvenir Theatrical !". I'llll. ailixnl ' stales esleí in j.ntt.-- t i'h;tr'-- a m usfiin-ui- ilu- ..(' ihe ll'it'll i''ii"il.i llilulltuhl hot iut't win- 1 lll.li." i.Im.h i al nitlit. t . it.- r, - M.iiin. a :un I.. 'huí j crta tn (, Rnnl nf riiitf fifi Pirioc .1 ." s.. n Several la. Ill's 1,.,, l.ile lo his latll- nti:t r'.iilr. irl r.'stiiiunt.s I stain 'in In lb" M ' at ca. h srl'M-t- i l!tl)M:;i w !aU-- V j li'lt'.l lit .!!! i.'Sl ..t t!i'' i I t !;.t s, a el' hllX. l'l"tll"l'. ll.'XI.I n. .'.alt THEGREATOODEFISKSHOWS mi,"., as'.!.' iliiWM-- ! - Mi-s'- i .T'l ,1 Spi ki..,-- a. Mis i..i,!- - .( r lli.fi r! cnin Tiius- s..t in i' i it r,,. ti- t'X. "I '" ,'. ,.i. s:sl"i. nt all. j Kri.M. I'tinn (O'iuirs Ait. I". y in 7. jiiinj x a ' I man. .a S;. '.lia-- rx is. I..- iai'i ts l l. Mai. at" ! ' í th-- x.1 .1! i .. !;..!)i W.i-'f- . tor "l'i .. t'i ..i I,.. :.,!. ;; tot iv.ri'tr.u !.. Stnw'k. K'n. r. Write Us Immediately in Mwpi tuh-t- it;.- Irctit- W hitt- I'll, in., i' i " i un,- "i in- .a in. .tiri titir. Sar. Antia Muts, Süir- 'I ...rl . . ' si.t.'M. I t .1 h- - 'I .nf,!' hurl Rates. mi its. i". n . J'l ll. ,l he ,r in..-- .0 i '.;..n !.'I4 ii t!v lh all I, S :r..xe X... J. w .....it (. u j j, ' "o 'ii'ninH "i . i it.ii t I i!-- jt'H'i,-- i.vn.i"!) n 11. ' '.1' 111' oh. t'l th" lild I'. h II Id'ii.i.iim. i TiU's'o ;:!--:- . I i - C. a.i A- I. I '1 t.'i'i " I:iiii.,ir. A. Tuesday 1.4 I .,!.;!, ai .tyiia-- ..u lb. I Is P til,.! tí; 1,..;, .. :' " i. t " 'i'-- .1 ..i- - LAS VEGAS DISPATCHER September Z . Send Cents ill . 'i ttiti 10 . - ni.r.i.t' i. t ,.p GOES TO SAN l:.lj ir ,bi :'., s.i'l .a Mr- - 1.. MARCIAL .1 ti I.i. b ax, ' V "S'ia tor A Ii n A t't.'-'- a Copy xx it.- 111 for Mi- a i., t r Un- I II I'.i-- t I Greatest Galaxy of Renowned It I a. '! r ml Sehar'lrr nuns riiiiiina--t'- r x x 1. . s a st I. - '.h' ..I !.ií.t 'i am in ..' on I. io l.ruiMlo. sii.t-r.'ii- Iban I the '".'i ii. I, en I . I xt ,M. N.-.- ..t ;..' till. I'l A. ni". Peí formers liver S' Together . ..11! ."11. HI o. u Bin il no ;. ";. I'l" ni;.. .i..,is- .or Auction I ' Sale " Hi s rUI llUpi.t. It l Uiirmn- - .11- - e lilt, la tal. t,j, the scolv ..! tli Jixtrnalt t ' . XI .... . t .. r Mr J. !""'il th.- l. .s V. tf X. M s. ,.t ( .,,,s ' '"1111" I III' .1 last SIOIIIK ' Furniture . M. v't,., ' " :..!! .i',,l..;l-- ed at S.,!t(a s i K' I.IKll 'liol Ti i. nan in...! ' The Riders, ' ' i x Clowns t rr,-.- Artists, x'.ri'ctcs, ob;,' r;. s t,.,' 11 SI tli t i .. . 'I. Ill all hat ,!,-- i , s- - I a i.ois.sl,!.! i.,,.,si,r for lit.- a e r., ea rs thai tliS-- 1 t 1 ; r. - fi Herd of Performing Elephants, i. E!c- ' -- '' ,, . ,v . - ''' "' !''('. ar.l ios ,1... X1, ,,xi.in. I ron- - , - ..... xi r il b o !l i. s lain. a' i ,,s i v.. I, .i I,. ,,- pliant that Bowls Vtrniry. iior. I k- a ,;.-a,,- . ' - r o tn. - .. .bw-i.-.- , xx ,.f-i- , i. :" M"l".t pi'"- - ; .M....I r....t.: l... i;,,, n n r- - ' ..t Mi iiwan. s . t.!, a. a a ', -- !!., I. al. '''! nos.'! at s.ii Jlir. i..: Mr. s. i.,efrr :oimaer "'I- - ,., A " .,(.- o t' o "Ha li.'tniat; H t.x , a.. ii" ai'i. rs I,. VH.io, ' ' Ktx iitj l ..:n..t .1 to t... - ,,,1 , i.t-- t I ' ; M i r. . i ... Main lb'. r. .. ix lb no il" . a '. T f :' .t.'.fttti '.!.,. ii.'iutsi.r at M, The ., i . xx ' I'H-- ' .. ... 'bar-.- v. i.- - .m,- .f'.-.t;,,- LOS ANGELES I'l á it a h .ni x.rs.rx I'r.fi,.-- f: i :.,r ill 1.1.10. ' si, . A t" .usía, ss !:.- T'l s,l v . an 1. GRAND FREE STREET PARADi ' M t il.er lrr :j I . . J... n d, ' il l's, THEATRICAL JOURNAL - ,.,,., ' bis x. Mr i'..;r- rn s . ti,. 'X a r.i. :i - t'.'ti'l ttust x...;. rm.n. y bnyinc I. . ' . x,. no m - , . b. i, ..,; , arl fl ... I.itie of an !, 'liber Ii ;.n'!i..r' na s l.a.tii.ettt f.,r txxrntv-.!v- . - ;, ; .. Security Building Two S h..rx..t in. A .i,.f ..r tli.rui.'I Pump, Performances, xt 2 and ra l. xt . t-- xx st !. al.. r. ii;.,,. d th lies liniinrat is aiierior to .. o: j i;.. se i,, .niara, tin- ni. tt :n i c.v h.m Cali?. , pi.sir lor Uark. pain in Los Angeles a., rn . j w lot- - t.ii., ,.n K. r .u no - - lb- - . LOCATED AT BARELAS '"i ban! - .ah- ami .,.!. and mu. h 1. j.,vr TEfJTS x Ghi M. . . n.i '.ni...'. .! s;-- , ..." ,.f pi, :l - h.-i.- Tu-.l- .. J. Sollie, ai' mvoii iold ..v" all ' I . - drasitisi. .It.u.o "a" 'iia.x rsj, lx' t.l the of Mi- Ibit K...s. V 1 ti s on X. - t Auctioneer f. '.,..l;l t.I iti I.- West HI ... I ..xelme btn-ii"..- I --, M..A.,LJd";,;.r:'n Ad ssrr (fc, a Tit si m o ' i b ' pr.iii r;i ai !. n 'Try a Morning Journal Want Adi Try a Morning Journal Want