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Tel:202 429 0657 P JA , -02' 03 (THU) 17: 32 RUBI,WISTO TEL:202 429 065 p, 003 EXHIBITB To Comments oftbe National Association ofBlack Owned Broadcasters, Inc. and tbe RliinbowlPUSH Coalition, Inc., in MB Docket No. 02-277, MM Docket No. 01-235, MM Docke.t No. 01-317, and MM Docket No. 00-244 January 2, 2003 JAN.-02'03(THU) 17:32 RUBIN, WINSTON TEL:202 429 0657 P. 004 Dec 3B lBBl BB:3c:Bl Via Fax 2B2 419 BoS? JAMES WINSTON Pag!' Illll or 829 Publishlild Wlillilkfy Dlilcember 30, 2002 To Subscribe: (900) 249-4242 Top • -CC Salt Lake City's KZHT seques 10 Dance Triad buys 4 stations from JMP from CHR, p. 4 Broadcasting In Peoria, moving It up 10 32 • CC Memphis' WOTO drops Oldies for Black Top Groupe by Stations Gospel "Hallelujah 95.7," p. 5 Triad moves to 16 sendln-g Forever and CC Rochester's WLCL moves to Country, p, 5 Beasley down a notch to 17 and 18 Lolus Tucson's KCMT moves from 101.9 to Top Groups by Audle..nce 102.1, boosts power, p. 16 Triad's Peoria purchase rnoves It up to 35 Cltaclel H,misburg-Lebanon-Carllse, PA's Groups Cal! .b~tter/Format Changes WRKZ moves to Classic Hits, p. 11 • CC Manta's WPCH "Peach" seques 10 Lite, p. 4 CC Syracuse's WXBB flips 10 Active Rock "The Dog," p. 5 • Arso Pl,Jerto Rico's WLEO and WZUR flip calls, frequencies, p. 18 • Univision Victoria, TX's KVCQ signs off, p, 13 To report unlawful copying or re-faxlng of lNho Owns Wllat, call (800)248-4242. Station and estimated revenue data /s provided by AlA Flnanc/al Network, Inc., Chantilly, Virginia. mvw bia. com. Top RadIo Grou~ by Revenue TW lW Groug' E5tlmat.d~OOO) TW lW Groura' E&t1mat.d~OOO) 1 1 Clear hannel 3,242,0 2 26 26 Barns a~le 45,1 0 2 2 In"nllY 2,057,075 27 27 ll~erman Broadcll5Un9 41.600 3 3 Cox 433,500 28 28 Buckley BcsIQ 39,100 4 4 Enlercom 407,250 29 29 Fisher 37,875 5 5 fllIC RiOlo 402,300 30 30 T(I~une 37,000 6 6 Citadel 311.935 31 31 Renda IlCi~ 35,900 7 7 Radio One 269,547 32 37 Trilld Srca c,"lIns 32,82& 8 8 Cumulu. 263,035 33 32 Pamel 31,2U 9 9 Unlvlolon Comm 261,100 34 33 Millennium R.dlo 28,250 10 10 Emmls 2M,050 38 3A KFWB Llcenae TrUll 28,400 11 11 Susquehanna 224,025 38 3& Sarvlca B/oadcaellns 27,400 12 12 Bonneville 205,300 37 36 South C'nlt1l1 Comm 21,U71 ,3 '3 Greater Media 153,400 38 38 LBJS Broadcasting 25,400 14 14 Salem 133,175 39 39 WEAZ·F RaOlo 25,000 15 15 Jefferson-Pllol 131,250 40 40 Arso Radio 24,000 18 18 Spanish Belll9 122,350 41 41 Mldweol Comm 23,870 17 17 llOasley 115,550 42 42 l1earSl-A~1e 23,500 18 18 Slgl 102,425 43 43 Midwest 21,100 18 19 IIouen' 81,250 44 44 Big City Radio 20,675 20 20 Enlrlvl.Jon 69,~0 45 45 Mld-We.1 Family 20,600 21 21 Journal 89,226 46 45 C"rtl. Modll 20,369 22 22 NeXlMedl. Se,700 47 47 Zimmer 20.216 23 23 Sondusky 58,200 48 48 XETI<f\Comm 19,600 24 24 ~ner City BcSt9 58,976 49 49 I"all Communlcalion. 18,650 25 25 0lU5 45,900 50 50 I"ubbard Broadcutlng 16,500 Based on latest available 2001 Pro Forma. '" ...... ..,,, ... :"(, '. " .. " ... JAN, -02' 03 (THU) 17:33 RUBIN, WINSTON TEL:202 429 0657 p, 005 D~c JB 2BB2 BB:36:54 Uid FdX -) 2B2 429 BpS? JAMES UIHSTDH P0\9~ BBZ Of B29 ~Q1wpW1M Published Weekly D90flmber 30, 2002 Page 2 of 29 Top by Sta,tions Top Group.s_.QY AUdiEl",:~ TW LW OrouBI No. 01 Statlone TW Grou~s 1 1 Closr hanna, LW Total MItro Cum, SP02 1.211 1 1 Cia.. hannar 104,303,100 2 2 Cumulus 258 2 2 Infl~lty 3 3 Clladal 59,104,500 207 3 3 Enleroom 13,538,100 4 4 Infinlli 182 4 4 Cox 5 5 Entercom 12,962,700 103 5 5 ABC Radio 12,581,800 6 6 Solem Il4 6 6 Radio On. 7 7 Cox 11,485,300 75 7 7 Emmie 10,93e,600 5 5 Re~ant ?3 6 8 Clladal 5 10.637,400 9 AB Radio 70 9 9 Unlvlslon Comm 9,205,600 10 10 Saga 87 10 10 Bonnaville 11 7,557,200 11 Radio Ona 82 11 11 Cum"lu. 7,502,500 Unlvlslon Comm 62 12 12 Spl~l.h Bcslg 6,956,400 13 13 NoxtMadla 60 13 13 14 14 S"squehanna 5,926,100 I'nlrav1slon 54 14 14 Grealar Madia 4,992,400 Wain Radio 54 15 15 Salem 16 17 3,581,300 Triad Bl'llldcnUnB 48 16 16 Beaslay 3,360,000 17 18 Forlver ~ 17 17 Jaffer.on·Pllol 16 17 elilley 3,214,800 42 18 18 Enl,"vl.lon 3,040,700 19 19 Naill Nortnlllest 41 19 19 Inner City Beslg 20 20 2,639,000 Thr.. Esglas 37 20 20 Ragan' 2,515,600 21 21 Journal 36 21 21 SI9a 22 22 Bs~er 2,397,600 Family 35 22 22 Journal 2,355,100 23 23 Bonnsville 34 23 23 .o.rso Radio 1,881,400 24 24 American Ganerol 33 24 24 Bar~olable 1,853,SOO MulllcullUrl1 33 25 25 Nal<lMedls 1,806,400 26 26 SUlitahanna 32 26 25 Lloerman Broadcasllng 1,761,300 Vox adls J2 27 27 sandUskt; 1,724,300 Zimmor 32 25 25 BUCKley cSlg 1,597,300 29 29 Cralllford 28 29 29 Renda Bes,g 1,456,500 Mldlllast Comm 28 30 30 Cralllford 1,425,800 Willis 25 31 31 LOlus 1,135,100 32 32 Morris 27 32 32 Big City Radio 1,111,600 Pamal 27 33 33 Fisher 1,083,700 34 34 Fisher 28 34 34 EI M"ndo BroadeaSllng 1,012,300 1'001 26 35 40 Triad BroadcacUng 9&5,100 36 36 Lotus 24 35 31 New York Tim.. 929,200 S~anlsh Bcslg 24 37 36 XETRA Comm 817,000 38 38 C UM Gro"p 23 38 37 Pamal 8oS,700 Commonlllall'h !lestg 23 39 30 Tribune 903,000 Commonwealth Comn'\ 23 .0 39 CHUM Group 565,500 Mid-Wast Fam~ 23 41 41 Sarviee 8roodcaSllh9 794,900 42 42 Backyard Broa caSllnl_ 22 42 42 t<F'Ml Licon .. TrUSI 769,100 B,ac~ CrOw ~ Sculn Cenlral Comm 769,100 Maplelon Comm 22 44 44 Millannium Radio 758,100 Nellll'adio Group 22 45 45 MldllleSl Comm 695,900 Rogers Modla 22 46 48 WEA2-F Radio 593,400 47 .7 Eagla 21 47 47 Maga Communications 681,200 Emmls 21 45 48 Hubbard BroadeasUng 872,200 49 49 Ce",s E~tartalnmenl 20 49 49 Amorlcan Genersl 650,600 Cromw.,11 Group 20 SO SO MI Wilson 645,000 ';? 1 . ~.. \ JAN, -02' 03 (THU) 17: 34 RUBIN, WINSTON TEL:202 429 0657 p, 006 Dec 3a 2BB2 B8:37:45 Via Fax -) B~57 282 429 JAMES WINSTOH P"lIe B!l3 []f B29 PubiiShlld Weekly Dllcember 30, 2002 Pago 3D! 29 Top 50 Market Revenue Dominators .,1 NIW Vorl< 11I14, Selllie 1127 Saeramento #40 Norfolk Infinity 33% Enwcom 38% Emercom 32% Entercom 29% Clear Channel 26% Infinity 22% Infinity 28% Barnstable 19% Emmia 13% Sandusky 13% Clear Chann~ 25% Cleaf Channel 18% 11I2 ~o. Anglill 1IIl!' Phoenix 1lI2B Rlvl!1'da 1141 Indlanapoli$ Clear Chann1J1 31% Cla~r Channei 35% Infinity 31 y, Clear Channel 26% Infinity 26% Infil',ily 21% Anaheim Bcstg 22% Emmis 25% Unlvision Comm 9% Sarldusky 16% Clear Ch~nner 20% Susquehanna 22% 11I3 ChlcaAo 11I18 Mlnneapolll .28 Kanlas City 11I42 Auslln Infinity 300/, C ear Channel 36% Entercom 41 % Clear Channal 35% Clear C~annel 22% InfinitY 25% Infinity 25% LBJS Broadcasllng 33% Bonne~llIe 13% ABC Redia 23% Susquehanna 16% Infinity 25% IiI4 San Franel&co "17 Siln Diego il30 Sail Joae 1il43 Greeneboro Clear Channel 26% C ear Channel 44% Enlravislon 29% Claar Channel 35% Infinity 23% JeMerson-PIIol 14% Infinity 26% Entercom 35% Susquehanna 17% Midwest TV 14% Empire BroadcasUng 15% Dick Broadcasting 15% Mini~II~~", 11I18 NalliU ~~~ \~IJ;.Antonlo IiI44 New Orlaans Cal: 30'10 Entercom 47% Clear Channel 21 % Clear Channel 29% Clear Channel 21 % Clear Chennel 36% ABC Radio 14% Barnstable 24'10 Univlsion Comm 20% I/Vilks Bestg 11% '8 Phlladalphla 111 g Baillmore 1lI32 Sal\ Laka City 1114! Nnhvilia Infinity 35% Infinity 34% Bonnev; Ie 30% Clear Channel 34% Clear Channel 28% Ra(Jio One 23% Clllar Channel 25% Gaylord Entertainment 17% Grealer Media 14% Heilrst-Argyle 19% Citadel 20% Soulh Central Comm 14% 11I7 Ho~&lon 112~ St. Lo.~ls 11I33 Mllwaukl. /146 Raleigh Claar Chennel 37% Infinity 35'10 Clear Chennel 26% Clear Channel 42% Infinitll 14% EmlTils 20% Saga 25% Curtis Media 26% Co~ '2% Clear Channel 19% Journal 21% Radio One 16% 11I8 WlIlhlnglon 11I21 Tampa 1134 Provldanc. 11I47 W. P.llim Boach CI~ar Chann91 28% Claar Channel 41% Clear Channel 41 % Infinity 37% Infinitll 24% Infi l1itv 30% Citadel 36% Claar Channel 37% ABC Radio 14% Co~ 20% I-Iall Communications 6% Palm Beach Bcstg 17% n Bll4Ilon 1112~ Denv", 11I35 Col~mb~s OH 11I48 M.mphla Infinity 40% Clear Channel 46% Clear Channel 37% Crear Channel 40% Enlercom 18% JeM'erson-Pilol 19% Infinity 15% Bamltable 23% Grealer Media 17% Enlercom 17% Saga 15% Infinity 14% *10 Dalroll 1123· Plllsb~rgh 11I38 Mld<ll,.,x 11I49 Hartford Clear Channel 34% Clear Chann81 35% Millennium Radio 61% Infinity 48% Infinitv 31% Infin~ 34% Greater Media 39% Clear Channel 31% Greefer Media 15% Fris,Chling 9% Radio Unica 0% Bucl<ley Bcstg 11 % 11II11 AlIlnll 1112.t Portland 11I37 Charlolle 1150 Jaelloonville Co.
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