Edward Petry 84 Co., Inc. Sers 0 111S
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35 Cents 'V3!`t B Giorr.lrig9lde :walicge Linrary Y lOD Sioax City 6 lama 7J1 THE BUSIN D2H ma+yD RADIO NEWSPAPER __EMBER 17, 1962 Tv's biggest customers will spend even more Code board bucks cigarette ad controversy in 1963 27 to tv board 30 Radio -tv homes: county -by- county breakdown Cox appointment to FCC may bring an even released by Nielsen 85 tougher era of regulation 58 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 MORiVINGSfDE E.OL.LE+A. LIBRARY IIILIUx CITY IOWA EDWARD PETRY 84 CO., INC. SERS 0 111S GREETIflBS BIG AGGIE LAND from BIG AGGIE LAND AMERICA'S 40'" ß11D10 MARKET Season's greetings from the management and staff or WNAX -570 and from the 2v4 million residents of Big Aggie Land who have been listen- ing to the reliable voice of WNAX -570 regularly for over 40 years. ',THE KATZ AGENTS', ,.c PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION 0 WNAX-570 CBS RADIO WNAX, Yankton, S. Dak KVTV, Sioux City. Iowa PROGRAMMING FOR ADULTS OF ALL AGES WGAR, Cleveland. Ohio WRFD, Columbus - PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION Worthington. Ohio WTTM, Trenton, N I. Sioux City, Iowa, Sioux Falls and Yankton, South Dakota WMMN, Fairmont, W.Va. Represented by Katz Pon II o n k TORONTO L I e ORLEANS N I AGAR A oAlb:n HAMILTON olra,d.auir (mimed O ',Medina Te.nTom. W nNord Sc Ca,Aann..r Mugu. Falls Magma Falla New G E N ESE E M O N R O E O N A R I O We.nd o I.I. .+ N L. Rey oann.abo Karr calbo BUFFALO C.n.nd.ó . o.n. Atria. L.A...nn. O N T A R I hit Aur«. Gunmen W.r... o c E E Hanb«R v «$ oMI. Morris o P. Y A COLDEN WYOMING LIVINGSTON T E Da,rNll. 6 Dunkirk Fr.deni. G.n.dn oUM. v.11.y W..Ifi.ld o CATTARAUGUS CHAUTAUQUA ALLEGANY o C,y. W.Illallb CNESlI'NG Inn l.m..re.n al ConyC « 0 W AR R E N o WR.bere O E E S T L. CAMERON VENANGO E L K OSI ?AMY( L Y C O M I N G C L I N T O N reach more TV homes than WBEN -TV LAND you'll find in all of Missouri If you're from Missouri -you'll want to be shown. Here are the facts: The WBEN -TV coverage area includes 14 counties in Western New York, four counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the extensive and growing Canadian Niagara Peninsula. This is WBEN -TV land -a vast market that puts your product in sight and sound of more than 800,000 U. S. and 700,000 Canadian households. (March, 1962 ARB figures). This is a market with millions of people who tune to WBEN -TV regularly. This station is a major selling medium in the Nation's 10th Largest Market. For still more reasons why your TV dollars count for more on WBEN- TV call us or our representatives. National Representatives: Harrington, Righter and Parsons, Inc. CH. an affiliate of WBEN -AM -FM The Buffalo Evening News Stations CBS in Buffalo BROADCASTING, December 17, 1962 3 Britton -Logan Studios toiletry sales Pla. Whatever your product, Channel 8 moves goods. On WGAL -TV your sales message reaches more families in the prosperous Lancaster- Harrisburg- York -Lebanon market. Why? Because WGAL -TV blankets these key metropolitan areas and is the favorite by far with viewers in many other areas as well. Your Waist per thousand viewers? Less than that of any .(imbination of stations in the area. Channel 8 Lancaster, Pa. NBC and CBS STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. °ttia MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, December 17, 1962 Payola revived Small spark of revived interest in CLOSED CIRCUIT' payola now is evident at FCC, which ers profess they did not know letters probably won't until after New Year's, has queried half -dozen stations whose were being written until examples since Commissioner -designate Cox personalities were mentioned in re- were published by BROADCASTING and isn't expected to assume his new job cent series on alleged under -the -table belief has grown stronger since then until about Feb. 1. Mr. Barr is Texan payments in New York newspaper. within agency, that letters go beyond and Democrat. Stations have emphatically denied power given staff in June 1961 to charges and some personalities in- renew licenses. At that time, FCC Code concern volved have threatened to file libel specified certain programming "mini- suits against paper. FCC staff con- mums." However, it now is claimed Television code officials are con- sidering letter to all licensees with commissioners did not "delegate" au- cerned over increasing use of com- warnings against new forms of payola thority to staff to threaten hearing parative claims in drug advertising that have evolved since legislation before license renewal if changes were where sponsors are actually naming banning practice. Letter would con- not made. competition. This has occurred in tain examples of practices which are several instances and network and not violation of law as well as those Norstad for space post? NAB executives are seeking way to that are. place damper on practice before it Gen. Lauris Norstad, chief of gets out of hand. Federal Trade Com- Gannett waves WAVY NATO forces, is said to be one of mission is watching to make sure Gannett Inc. will drop out of con- those under consideration for job as nothing gets on air that would be un- tract to purchase WAVY -AM-TV executive head of new communica- fair reflection on competitive prod- Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va., for $4.5 tions satellite corporation. Confirma- ucts. million under terms which expire tion was lacking, but, according to Dec. 31. Gannett will simply let con- one report, Philip L. Graham, presi- Craven precedents tract terminate and will make no dent of Washington Post Co. and T. A. M. Craven, only man ever to move to exercise option for extension. chairman of board of incorporators of have served two separate tenures as After 18 -month investigation, FCC space corporation, was to discuss mat- member of FCC, also will become first ordered hearing on transfer directed ter with Gen. Norstad at latter's ex-commissioner ever to serve as con- toward charges against present licen- headquarters in Paris. Mr. Graham sultant to that agency. Precedent was see, Tidewater Teleradio Inc. (BROAD- flew to Paris Friday. Gen. Norstad, set when White House disclosed last CASTING, Dec. 3), While Gannett de- who is due to retire from military life, week he will become consultant mise will make transfer hearing moot, began figuring in speculation after on space communications immediately FCC staff had pushed for renewal Sen. Wayne Morse (D -Ore.) warned upon his retirement hearing. WAVY -AM -TV's current incorporators not to name military -slated for his 70th birthday Jan. 31 commis- licenses expire Oct. 1. 1963, and man to top executive post. Senator -as sioner. Commissioner Craven (see hearing on whether WAVY -TV ful- said he had information that "high page 58) has been devoting about filled commitments made at time of U. S. retired or about to be retired, 75% of his time to space matters dur- original grant in 1957 is likely, FCC military official ". was being consid- ing past two years, and under con- official said last week. ered (AT DEADLINE, Nov. 26). sultancy will give problem 100% of AT &T may double dollars Dr. Frank Stanton, CBS Inc. presi- his time. dent, was American Telephone & Telegraph sounded out on fob of head- Mr. Craven will serve under con- ing satellite Co. is reportedly ready to plunk down corporation several weeks tract with FCC until June 30, when for network tv advertising next sea- ago, but his response was unequivocal his full term would have expired. "not son more than twice what it's spend- interested." Thereafter he is expected to go on per ing this season. But no guar- there's diem as expert, which will include it will find antee availabilities. Firm Engineer to succeed Cox? membership on U. S. delegation at wants some 24 shows as compared to Geneva conference beginning Oct. 6 nine it now has as specials on NBC - New chief of FCC's Broadcast Bu- called to evolve international alloca- TV. Of total, four programs would reau, now that incumbent Kenneth tions for space communications. He be documentary types, remainder Cox is moving to FCC, should be en- had headed U. S. delegation at first musical entertainment. NBC -TV re- gineer, in opinion of some FCC mem- conference, which covered all inter- portedly has not yet decided on this bers. Lawyer Cox will replace T. A. national allocations, in 1959. hour series for next fall. AT&T's M. Craven, only engineer on FCC, marking first agency: N. W. Ayer, Philadelphia and time since FCC was Fm allocations New York. created in 1934 that no engineer will sit at top level. If attorney is named There is possibility fm table of allo- Staff letter inquiry to head Broadcast Bureau, according cations will be released by FCC for Question of letters of inquiry on to reasoning, FCC will have no one comments this week with subject on programming to tv stations by FCC familiar with important technical and agenda for meeting today (Monday). staff is on agenda at FCC meeting to- allocations considerations directly Under new fm rules adopted in Sep- day (Dec. 17). However, no final consulting with it on broadcasting.