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Univerza V Ljubljani Fakulteta Za Družbene Vede UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE ANDREJ BERGANT TERORISTIČNA MREŽA AL-KAJDA DIPLOMSKO DELO LJUBLJANA 2008 UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE ANDREJ BERGANT Mentor: doc. dr. IZTOK PREZELJ TERORISTIČNA MREŽA AL-KAJDA DIPLOMSKO DELO LJUBLJANA 2008 Teroristična mreža Al-Kajda V diplomskem delu je obravnavana teroristična mreža Al-Kajda, skupaj z njenim vodjem Osamo bin Ladnom. Cilj naloge je pojasniti Al-Kajdin razvoj od njenega nastanka, ko se je kot gverilska/teroristične skupina borila za osvoboditev Afganistana. Z razvojem lastnih zmogljivosti začne svoj niz napadov proti zahodni kulturi in prozahodno usmerjenim muslimanskim režimom. Po napadu na WTC 9/11 se izboljša njena sposobnost preživetja, predvsem z izrabo informacijske tehnologije. S terorističnim napadom v Londonu v svojem razvoju preraste v teroristično gibanje Al-Kajda. Al-Kajda z novo rekrutacijsko strategijo in različnimi načini delovanja vedno udari svoje sovražnike tam, kjer so najbolj ranljivi. V diplomi predstavim finančno in organizacijsko strukturo Al-Kajde, njeno vertikalno in horizontalno strukturo ter samo teroristično celico v okviru horizontalne strukture. Z analizo treh izbranih primerov poskušam dokazati, da se vsak Al-Kajdin teroristični napad odvija po enakih fazah, ne glede na samo izvedbo terorističnega napada. Slednje daje varnostnim silam realne možnosti za preprečitev terorističnih napadov. Ključne besede: Al-Kajda, teroristična celica, teroristično gibanje, Osama bin Laden. The Al-Qaeda terrorist net The diploma discusses the Al-Qaeda net and their leader Usama bin Laden. The purpose is to present Al-Qaeda development from the guerilla/terrorist group which fought for liberation of the Afghanistan. With development of their own capacity, Al-Qaeda started series of attacks against Western culture and prowestern Muslim regimes. After the WTC 9/11 attacks Al-Qaeda improves its ability for survival above all, with use of the informational technology. The attack in London 7/7 is essential in the development from Al-Qaeda's terrorist net to Al-Qaeda's terrorist movement. Al-Qaeda with new recruiting strategy and diversity of methods of the attack always strikes their enemy's where they are the most vulnerable. In diploma is also put out Al-Qaeda's financial and organizational structure and its vertical and horizontal structure. In horizontal structure is exposed the terrorist cell. In the last but one chapter are analyzed and tested three Al- Qaeda's attacks. The main hypothesis is that all terrorist attack cycles evolve in the same method regardless of the type of the terrorist attack. Fact that terrorist attack cycles are always the same offers to security force a chance to prevent these terrorist attacks. Key words: Al-Qaeda, terrorist cell, terrorist movement, Osama bin Laden. KAZALO SEZNAM KRATIC in TUJK........................................................................................................................6 UVOD..............................................................................................................................................................7 1. METODOLOŠKO HIPOTETIČNI OKVIR.....................................................................................8 1.1 OPREDELITEV PREDMETA IN CILJ PROUČEVANJA..............................................................8 1.2 HIPOTEZE.........................................................................................................................................9 1.3 METODOLOŠKI PRISTOP..............................................................................................................9 2. OPREDELITEV TEMELJNIH POJMOV......................................................................................10 2.1 TERORIZEM..................................................................................................................................11 2.2 TERORISTIČNA CELICA.............................................................................................................13 2.3 GLOBALNI TERORIZEM.............................................................................................................13 3. NASTANEK TERORISTIČNE SKUPINE AL- KAJDE...............................................................14 3.1 »PODPORNA HIŠA« BAYT AL-ANSAR...................................................................................14 3.2 »BAZA« - AL-KAJDA...................................................................................................................15 3.3 VODJE AL-KAJDE (IDEOLOŠKI IN VOJAŠKI)........................................................................16 3.4 CILJI AL-KAJDE..........................................................................................................................27 4. STRUKTURA IN DELOVANJE AL- KAJDE...............................................................................28 4.1 STRUKTURA AL-KAJDE...........................................................................................................28 4.2 FINANČNA STRUKTURA AL-KAJDE IN NAČINI PRIDOBIVANJA SREDSTEV...............33 4.3 SISTEM REKRUTIRANJA AL-KAJDE......................................................................................37 4.4 URJENJE PRIPADNIKOV AL-KAJDE........................................................................................41 4.5 METODOLOŠKI OKVIR ZA ANALIZO NAČINOV DELOVANJA Al-KAJDE. ....................45 4.5.1 SEZNAM CILJEV............................................................................................................................46 4.5.2 PREDHODNI NADZOR..................................................................................................................46 4.5.3 IZBIRA TARČE................................................................................................................................47 4.5.4 PRIHOD TERORISTOV (AKTIVIRANJE TERORISTIČNE CELICE)...........................................47 4.5.5 IZVAJANJE NADZORA IN ZBIRANJE INFORMACIJ...................................................................47 4.5.6 IZDELAVA NAČRTA.......................................................................................................................48 4.5.7 IZBIRA, NAKUP IN IZDELAVA SREDSTEV ZA IZVEDBO NAPADA..........................................48 4.5.8 URJENJE NAPADA..........................................................................................................................49 4.5.9 NAPAD/SAMOMORILSKI NAPAD.................................................................................................49 4.5.10 UMIK PO IZVEDENI NALOGI........................................................................................................50 5. ANALIZA IZBRANIH PRIMEROV PO NAČINU IZPELJAVE TERORISTIČNIH NAPADOV (MODUS OPERANDI)...........................................................................................................50 5.1 SOČASNI TERORISTIČNI NAPAD NA VELEPOSLANIŠTVI ZDA (NAIROBI, KENIJA IN DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIJA).......................................................................................................50 5.1.1 SEZNAM CILJEV............................................................................................................................50 5.1.2 PREDHODNI NADZOR..................................................................................................................51 5.1.3 IZBIRA TARČE................................................................................................................................51 5.1.4 PRIHOD TERORISTOV..................................................................................................................51 5.1.5 IZVAJANJE NADZORA IN ZBIRANJE INFORMACIJ...................................................................52 5.1.6 IZDELAVA NAČRTA.......................................................................................................................52 5.1.7 IZBIRA, NAKUP IN IZDELAVA SREDSTEV ZA IZVEDBO NAPADA..........................................53 5.1.8 URJENJE NAPADA.........................................................................................................................53 5.1.9 NAPAD/SAMOMORILSKI NAPAD..................................................................................................54 5.1.10 UMIK PO IZVEDENI NALOGI........................................................................................................57 5.2 NAPAD NA WTC 9/11..................................................................................................................57 5.2.1 SEZNAM CILJEV............................................................................................................................57 4 5.2.2 PREDHODNI NADZOR..................................................................................................................58 5.2.3 IZBIRA TARČE................................................................................................................................58 5.2.4 PRIHOD TERORISTOV..................................................................................................................59 5.2.5 IZVAJANJE NADZORA IN ZBIRANJE INFORMACIJ...................................................................60 5.2.6 IZDELAVA NAČRTA........................................................................................................................61 5.2.7 IZBIRA, NAKUP IN IZDELAVA SREDSTEV ZA IZVEDBO NAPADA...........................................61
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