Works of PH-109 1 Student Name______

The Works of Josephus Introduction

1. Josephus Flavius was an active ______in many of the amazing ______about which he wrote.

2. Josephus was born Josephus ben Matthias. True or False

3. At the age 19 Josephus became a ______.

4. Josephus encouraged the growing Jewish rebellion against Rome. True or False

5. How did Josephus acquire the name Flavius? ______.

6. Josephus marched with Titus on Jerusalem. True or False

7. Though a Jew, Josephus became a Roman citizen. True or False

8. Josephus wrote Antiquities of the Jews in what two languages? ______

9. Why did Josephus write “Against Apion”? ______.

10. Josephus refers to Jesus in what work? ______.

The Life of Flavius Josephus

1. Name the three sons of Josephus: ______

2. Josephus was once shipwrecked at sea. True or False

3. Josephus says that the Jews’ war with the Romans was voluntary, and were forced by necessity to enter into it. True or False

The Antiquities of The Jews Book 1 From the Creation to the Death of Isaac

1. Adam, which in the Hebrew tongue signifies ______because he was formed out of red earth.

2. Josephus says that God deprived the serpent of speech, and put poison under his tongue. True or False

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3. It seemed also that at one time the serpent could walk on feet. True or False

4. And when Cain had traveled over many countries, he, with his wife, built a city named ______

5. Josephus wrote that angels of God kept company with women and begat sons. True or False

6. Josephus says that the Ark of Noah could still be seen in his day in Armenia. True or False

7. The Jews were called Hebrews from their progenitor ______.

8. Abraham married Keturah and had 12 sons by her. True or False

9. Esau married Adah, the daughter of Gerari. True or False

10. The name Bethel in the Greek, is interpreted, “______.”

Book 2 From the Death of Isaac to the Exodus out of Egypt

1. Joseph’s brothers sold him into Egypt for twenty pounds. True or False

2. Potiphar was a house guest of king Pharoah, and cleaned all the rooms. True or False

3. Who was the father of Asenath? ______.

4. The Egyptians are prohibited to meddle with feeding of sheep. True or False

5. Joseph died when he had lived a hundred and ______years.

6. What was the name of the woman who found Moses in a cradle as a child? ______

7. What dos pascha signify? ______.

8. Josephus says that those who came out of Egypt at the fit age for war were 600,000. True or False

9. Josephus says the number that perused after the Israelites when they came out of Egypt were 600 chariots, with 100,000 footmen, and 2,000 horsemen. True or False

10. Josephus says the weapons of the Egyptians who were drowned in the Red Sea washed ashore and Israel used these weapons for war for their own purpose. True or False

Book 3 From the Exodus out of Egypt to the Rejection of that Generation

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1. The manna was called “angels” food. True or False

2. The first major battle the Hebrews fought after leaving Egypt was with the ______

3. Who was Moses’ father-in-law? ______.

4. Josephus says that the High Priest crept under the Veil in the . True or False

5. The Ark of the covenant was carried in a cart by beasts of burden. True or False

6. Josephus says that they call linen by the name ______.

7. The use of the golden bells at the bottom of the High Priests long garment seemed to be that by shaking the garment at the time of offering incense in the Temple, the people would hear the bells and offer prayers jointly with the High Priest. True or False

8. What is saccharus? ______.

9. According to Josephus the golden candlestick with its seven branches represented the seven______

10. The Greeks called the breastplate of the High Priest, The Oracle. True or False

11. The thank offerings had to be done with only male goats. True or False

12. What is the Hebrew word which signifies Pentecost? ______.

13. Moses forbade the use of blood for food, and esteemed it to contain the ______and ______

14. What does kibroth-hattaavah mean? ______.

Book 4 From the Rejection of that Generation to the Death of Moses

1. Moses and Corah were from what tribe of the Jews? ______.

2. God destroyed Corah by fire. True or False

3. Whose rod budded and brought forth almonds? ______.

4. On what mountain was Miriam buried? ______.

5. died being one hundred and twenty five years old. True or False

6. Og, the king of Gilead, was a short man. True or False

7. The Midianite women seduced the young men of Israel to worship their gods. True or False

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8. Who killed Zimri because he married a Midianite woman? ______.

9. Name the five Midianite kings who were killed in battle by the Hebrews: A. ______D. ______B. ______E. ______C. ______

10. Josephus says that women were persecuted to give their testimony to judges in court cases. True or False

11. Nature does not rejoice in the union of things that are not in their own nature alike. True or False

12. The Israelites were permitted to pass by any beast that was in distress. True or False

13. What does the word geld mean? ______.

14. Israel was forbidden to cut down trees that produced fruit in order to use the wood. True or False

Book 5 From the Death of Moses to the Death of

1. Israel crossed over the Jordan River in ferry boats. True or False

2. After crossing Jordan, the Israelites still ate manna from heaven. True or False

3. The man that found a royal garment of gold and a piece of gold in the spoils of Jericho, was his name Achar or Achan? ______.

4. The book of Jasher talks about the sun standing still. True or False

5. What city was Joshua buried in? ______.

6. The tribe of Benjamin was almost destroyed by war. True or False

7. Othniel ruled over Israel for 30 years. True or False

8. Who killed the king Eglon with a dagger? ______.

9. Who killed Sisera? ______.

10. How many sons did Gideon have? ______.

11. How did Abimelech die? ______.

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12. How old was Samuel when he began to prophecy? ______.

Book 6 From the Death of Eli to the Death of Saul

1. Dagon the god of the Philistines was supposed to be half man and half fish. True or False

2. What city was Saul born in? ______.

3. Saul never built an altar unto God and offered sacrifices unto Him. True or False

4. Goliath was four cubits and a span in height. True or False

5. In what city was Samuel buried in? ______.

6. Name the three sons of Saul who were slain: ______

Book 7 From the Death of Saul to the Death of David

1. What was the name of David’s sister? ______.

2. The Jebusites were the inhabitants of Jerusalem. True or False

3. Name the eleven sons of David: ______.

4. A talent of gold was about 7 pounds. True or False

5. The Viol was an instrument of 12 strings. True or False

6. Name the three men who brought water to David, who would not drink it, but poured it on the ground as a sacrifice unto God: ______

7. What price did David pay to Araunah the Jebusite for his threshing floor? ______

8. What was the name of the young virgin who slept beside David in his old age to give him warmth? ______.

Book 8 From the Death of David to the Death of Ahab

1. Solomon had his brother Adonijah killed. True or False

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2. Who killed Joab? ______.

3. Solomon married the daughter of the king of Syria. True or False

4. Solomon had also so great a number of chariots, that the stalls of his horses for those chariots were forty ______.

5. King Solomon and the king of Tyre, Hiram, were enemies. True or False

6. From Adam to the building of the Temple in Jerusalem by Solomon, there were how many years? ______.

7. The front of Solomon’s Temple faced East. True or False

8. What were the names of the two hollow columns that Hiram set at the entrance of the porch in the Temple? ______.

9. Accordingly, we have it transmitted to us in writing, that thus did God speak to Solomon in his ______.

10. How long did it take for Solomon to finish building the Temple? ______.

11. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. True or False

12. How old was Solomon when he died? ______.

13. What prophet was slain by a lion? ______.

14. So the house of Jeroboam suffered the just punishment of his impiety and of his wicked actions. True or False

15. Who was the father of Ahab? ______.

16. Jezebel was a kings daughter, who was her father, and where was he king? ______.

17. Who slew the false prophets of Jezebel? ______.

18. Josephus says that it was Naaman who killed Ahab in battle. True or False

Book 9 From the Death of Ahab to the Captivity of the Ten Tribes

1. What is opobalsamum? ______.

2. Who was Ahaziah? ______.

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3. Who died miserably, and saw his own bowels fall out? ______.

4. Who killed Joram by drawing the bow and shooting an arrow into his heart? ______.

5. Who was the father of Athaliah? ______.

6. Who was Hazael? ______.

7. Who was the father of Uzziah? ______.

8. Who was the father of Zechariah? ______.

9. Who was the father of Jotham? ______.

10. Obed was a prophet in Samaria. True or False

11. Rezin lived to be 100 and died peacefully. True or False

12. Cutheans and the Samaritans are the same. True or False

Book 10 From the Captivity of the Ten Tribes to the First Year of Cyrus

1. Trihaka was king of the ______.

2. Who had 15 years added to his life by God? ______.

3. Who was the mother of Josiah? ______.

4. Neco was king of ______.

5. Who was the mother of Jehoahaz? ______.

6. Who was the mother of Jehoiachin? ______.

7. Jeremiah prophesied that the Jews would return from the under the Persians and the Medes. True or False

8. Who stood in a pit full of mire up to his neck? ______.

9. Name the four generals of Babylon who besieged Jerusalem:______

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10. Matching:

____ Daniel A. Abednego ____ Ananias B. Shadrach ____ Misael C. Baltasar ____ Azarias D. Meshach

11. Babylon was taken by Cyrus king of Persia. True or False

12. Daniel built a tower at Sidon. True or False

13. Daniel was castrated. True or False

Book 11 From the First of Cyrus to the Death of Alexander the Great

1. Who called Cyrus God’s Shepherd? ______.

2. Now the number of those that came out of captivity to Jerusalem, were forty-two ______four hundred and sixty-two.

3. Cambyses was the son of Cyrus. True or False

4. Who was the father of Xerxes? ______.

5. Nehemiah was a cupbearer to king Xerxes. True or False

6. Artaxerxes married Vasti and divorced Esther. True or False

7. Haman was hung on his own gallows he had built for Mordecai. True or False

8. Alexander succeeded his father Philip, who passing over the Hellespont, overcame the generals of Darius’s army in a battle fought at ______.

9. Alexander defeated the Persian army. True or False

10. Name the High Priest who met Alexander and his army, dressed in purple and scarlet clothing, and saved Jerusalem from destruction. ______.

Book 12 From the Death of Alexander the Great to the Death of Judas Maccabeus

1. Name the four generals who took over Alexander’s kingdom when he died:______

2. Who was Demetrius Phalerius? ______.

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3. Who was Menedemus? ______.

4. The Jews also obtained honors from the kings of Asia when they became their auxiliaries. True or False

5. Who was the general of Ptolemy’s army? ______.

6. Antiochus made a friendship and a league with Ptolemy, and gave him his daughter ______to wife.

7. Trypho was the king’s jester. True or False

8. King Antiochus built an altar upon God’s altar in Jerusalem and offered swine upon it as a sacrifice. True or False

9. Name the five sons of Mattathias: ______.

10. Judas and his men restored the Temple in Jerusalem, sacrificed for eight days, and praised God, it was therefore called the festival of Lights. True or False

11. King Antiochus Epiphanes died by falling on his own sword. True or False

12. Who was crushed to death by an elephant? ______.

Book 13 From the Death of Judas Maccabeus to the Queen Alexandra’s Death

1. What is asphar? ______.

2. Who was the man whose horse fell into the deep bog and he was killed by the darts of his enemies? ______.

3. Who burnt the temple of Dagon? ______.

4. Alexander had his head cut off. True or False

5. Name the three sects among the Jews who had different opinions concerning human actions: ______

6. Who offered swine on the altar in the Jewish temple and sprinkled the Temple with the broth of their flesh? ______. 7. Who opened the sepulcher of David and took out three thousand talents? ______

8. Aristobulus had his mother killed in prison with hunger. True or False

9. Laodice was queen of the Sidon’s. True or False

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10. Tigranes was king of Armenia. True or False

11. Alexandra was a woman. True or False

Book 14 From the Death of Queen Alexandra to the Death of Antigonus

1. ______then began his high priesthood on the third year of the hundred and seventy-seventh Olympiad.

2. Arabia is not a country that borders upon Judea. True or False

3. Who prayed to God that He would send rain to end the drought of intense heat? ______

4. Phalion was a brother of Antipater. True or False

5. Who killed Mithridates? ______.

6. Jericho is a place where the palm tree grows. True or False

7. Pompey took the golden table, the holy candlestick and pouring vessels out of the Temple of Jerusalem for his treasure. True or False

8. Crassus came to Judea and pillaged the Temple. True or False

9. The Jews became confederate with Caesar when he fought against Egypt. True or False

10. Hezekias was a captain of a band of righteous men. True or False

11. The decree of the Sardians. This decree was made by the ______and people upon the representation of the praetors.

12. Herod ejected Antigonus, the son of Aristobulus, out of Judea. True or False

13. When Antony came into Syria, Cleopatra met him in Cilicia and brought him to ______in ______with her.

14. Herod was an Idumean, a half Jew. True or False

15. Herod married Mariamne. True or False

Book 15 From the Death of Antigonius to the Finishing of the Temple by Herod

1. Ananelus was one of those Jews that had been carried captive beyond Euphrates. True or False

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2. Aristobulus was a boy of great height. True or False

3. Who killed Aristobulus? ______.

4. What is balsam? ______.

5. Octavius Caesar and Antony fought at the battle of Actium in the tenth year of the reign of Herod. True or False

6. Herod killed Sohemus and Mariamne. True or False

7. Mariamne was a woman of suspicious character. True or False

8. Costobarus was an Idumean by birth. True or False

9. Herod built fine cities, and spent vast sums of money upon them. True or False

10. Whose belly burst, and a great quantity of blood issued from him in his sickness? ______

11. Herod rebuilt the Temple, and raised it higher, and made it more magnificent than it was before. True or False

12. King Herod had access to all parts of the Temple, as he were a priest. True or False

Book 16 From the Finishing of the Temple by Herod to the Death of Alexander and Aristobulus.

1. Herod had a very loving and compassionate family, that got along very well. True or False

2. Antipater was a son of Herod, when he was a private man. True or False

3. Herod celebrated the games that were to return every ______year.

4. Who opened David’s sepulcher and took out of it 3,000 talents of silver? ______

5. Obodas, king of Arabia was an active man of great adventure and industrious. True or False

6. Herod invaded Arabia in search of the robbers who had pillaged his country. True or False

7. Herod had two body guards named Jucundus and Tyrannus. True or False

8. Trypho was the kings wine taster. True or False

9. Herod had his son’s killed by being stoned by a multitude. True or False

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Book 17 From Alexander and Aristobulus’s Death to the Banishment of Archelaus

1. Antipater was hated by all the nation (of the Jews) for the slaughter of his brethren. True or False

2. Herod had also to wife Cleopatra of Jerusalem, and by her he had his son’s Herod and ______

3. Name the man who was a Jew who came out of Babylon with 500 horsemen, all of whom could shoot their arrows as they rode horseback. ______.

4. Acme was a Jew by birth and a servant of Julia, Caesar’s wife. True or False

5. Herod had erected over the great gate of the Temple a large silver eagle, of great value, and had dedicated it to the Temple. True or False

6. Herod’s distemper greatly increased upon him after a severe manner, and this by God’s judgment upon him for his sins. True or False

7. Herod’s privy member was putrefied, and produced worms, and when he sat upright he had difficulty breathing. True or False

8. Herod was a man of great barbarity towards all men equally, and a slave to his passion. True or False

9. Where was Herod buried? ______.

10. So Archelaus’s country was laid to the providence of Syria, and Cyrenius, on that had been consul, was sent by Caesar to take account of people’s effects in Syria, and to sell the house of Archelaus. True or False

Book 18 From the Banishment of Archelaus to the Departure of the Jews from Babylon

1. Cyrenius was sent by Caesar to make a taxation of Syria and Judea. True or False

2. The doctrine of the Essenes teach to despise delicacies in diet, and follow the conduct of reason. True or False

3. But now Pilate, the procurator of Judea, removed the army from Caesarea to ______, to take their winter quarters there, in order to abolish the ______laws.

4. Josephus mentions Jesus, a wise man, and a doer of wonderful works. True or False

5. The Samaritans looked upon Mt. Nebo as the most holiest of their mountains. True or False

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6. Now Tiberius had been very much given to astrology. True or False

7. Apion uttered many blasphemies against the Jews. True or False

8. Name the two men of the city of Neerda, whose mother put them to learn the art of weaving curtains: ______.

9. Now the way of living of the people of Selucia, who were Greeks and Syrians, was commonly quarrelsome, and full of discords. True or False

Book 19 From the Jews’ Departure out of Babylon to Fadus the Roman Procurator

1. Caius was slain by ______.

2. What were the Circensian games? ______.

3. Quintila was a woman lacking beauty. True or False

4. Who said, “O, my brave comrades! Why do we make such delays”? ______

5. Who said, “Know then that the game of slaughter of tyrants is to be played this day”? ______.

6. Thus did Caius come to his end, and lay dead, by the many ______which had been given him.

7. But now a multitude of Germans had surrounded the theatre with their swords drawn; all the spectators looked for nothing but death. True or False

8. The senators determined to restore the monarchy but the soldiers were for preserving the democracy. True or False

9. Who killed Cesonia by cutting her throat? ______.

10. Who was a charioteer of the green-band faction, styled prasine? ______.

11. Agrippa was a great builder in many places, he paid a peculiar regard to the people of Berytus. True or False

12. Agrippa put on a garment made wholly of silver. True or False

13. How old was Agrippa when he died? ______.

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Book 20 From Fadus the Procurator to Florus.

1. Judea was cleared of robberies by the care and providence of Fadus. True or False

2. Helena was queen of ______.

3. Who got among the women that belonged to the king, and taught them to worship God a accordingly to the Jewish religion? ______.

4. Aratbanus was king of Iran. True or False

5. Izates was betrayed by his own subjects. True or False

6. When Izates died, he left behind him 29 sons and 20 daughters. True or False

7. Who was Theudas? ______.

8. A soldier seized the Laws of Moses, that lay in a village, and tore them to pieces before the eyes of the people. True or False

9. Claudius sent Felix the brother of ______to take care of the affairs of Judea.

10. Bernice married immediately after the death of Herod (king of Chalcis) who was both her husband and her uncle. True or False

11. Nero had Britannicus poisoned. True or False

12. Ismael was the son of ______.

13. Albinus had James, the brother of Christ, stoned. True or False

14. Accordingly, the number of all the High Priests from Aaron, until Phanas, was eighty three. True or False

15. Accordingly, the number of all the High Priests, from the days of Herod until the day when Titus took the Temple and the city and burnt them, were in all ______.

16. Gessius Florus filled Judea with abundance of goodness. True or False

17. Josephus took great deal of pains to obtain learning of the Greeks, and to understand the elements of the Greek language. True or False

The Wars of the Jews

Book 1

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From Antiochus Epiphanes Taking Jerusalem to the Death of

1. Antiochus Epiphanes spoiled the Temple, and put a stop to the constant practice of offering a daily sacrifice of expiation for three ______and six ______.

2. Matthias armed himself together with his own family of five sons and killed Bacchides. True or False

3. was crushed to death by a horse. True or False

4. Who took about three thousand talents of money out of the sepulcher of David? ______

5. How long did Alexander Janneus reign? ______.

6. Obodas was king of the Medes. True or False

7. Petra was the royal seat of the king of Arabia. True or False

8. Pompey went into the Temple itself and saw the candlestick with its lamps, and the table, and the pouring vessels, and the censers, all of gold, great quantity of spices, and also two thousand talents of sacred money. True or False

9. Now Herod was an active man, and soon found proper materials for his active spirit to work on. True or False

10. Malichus was afraid of Herod. True or False

11. Who said, “Cassius hath saved both me and my country, by cutting off one that was laying plots against them both”? ______.

12. Caesar and Antony killed Cassius near Jerusalem. True or False

13. Hyrcanus and Phasaelus were cast into prison. True or False

14. Who was stermed the shrewdest woman in the world? ______.

15. Antigonus besieged those that were in Masada. True or False

16. Herod went to Masada to free his hated enemies. True or False

17. What happened to Pappus? ______.

18. Herod and Petra took Jerusalem by force. True or False

19. Herod was also a lover of his father. True or False

20. Herod had a body suited to his soul, and was ever a most excellent hunter. True or False

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21. Aristobulus had raised a quarrel between himself and Salome, who was his mother-in-law. True or False

22. Eurycles was a Lacedemonian. True or False

23. Antipater is loved of all men. True or False

24. So Herod, having survived the slaughter of his son five days, died, having reigned thirty-four years. True or False

Book 2 From the death of Herod till Vespasian was sent to Subdue the Jews by Nero

1. Varus was president of Syria. True or False

2. Varus composed the tumults in Judea and crucifies about forty-thousand of the seditious. True or False

3. Pilate was sent as procurator into Judea by Tiberius. True or False

4. Caius commands that his statue should be set up in the Temple itself. True or False

5. A village called Geman is situated in the great plain of the Damascus desert. True or False

6. Felix had a brother named Pallas. True or False

7. There was an Egyptian false prophet who got together 30 thousand men, and led them round about the wilderness to the Mount of Olives. True or False

8. Capito was a great historian. True or False

9. Manahem was a very cunning sophister. True or False

10. Who promised to turn Jew and be circumcised? ______.

11. It was common to see cities filled with dead bodies, still lying unburied, and those of old men, mixed with infants and women. True or False

12. Noras was of kin to king Solomon. True or False

13. There were aroud 50 thousand Jews who were killed in Alexandria, Egypt by the Romans. True or False

14. What city was called the “City of Men”? ______.

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Book 3 From Vespasian’s Coming to Subdue the Jews to the Taking of Gamala

1. Who is sent into Syria by Nero to make war with the Jews? ______.

2. Vespasian had a son named Titus. True or False

3. Name the three men who led the excursion into Accalon: ______

4. Now Phoenicia and Syria encompass about the Galilees, which are two, and called the ______Galilee and the ______.

5. The Roman army is well trained and seldom commit any errors. True or False

6. The eagle was at the head of every Roman legion. True or False

7. For nothing makes men fight so desperately in wars as necessity. True or False

8. Jotapata was a city built on a plain and was easily conquered by the Romans. True or False

9. Eleazar was born at Saab in Galilee. True or False

10. Many of the Samaritans fled to Mt. Gerizzim, but were killed by the thousands. True or False

11. Vespasian treated Josephus with hatred and desired to kill him. True or False

12. Joppa is a natural haven for ships. True or False

13. Josephus was accused by some Jews as being a coward and a deserter. True or False

14. Valerian was a Decurion with fifty horsemen. True or False

15. It is not the multitude of men, though they be soldiers, that manages wars with success, but it is their bravery that does it. True or False

16. The waters of lake Gennesareth are bitter and not fit for drinking. True or False

Book 4 From the Seige of Gamala to the coming of Titus to Besiege Jerusalem

1. Emmaus, if it be interpreted, may be rendered “______” for therein is a spring of warm water.

2. Mount Tabor, a place that lies in the middle between the ______plain and Scythopolis.

3. John of Gischala fled to Jerusalem. True or False

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4. The Idumean’s being sent for by the Zealot’s came immediately to Jerusalem. True or False

5. The Idumean’s lay all night before the wall, though in a very bad encampment, for there broke out a great storm in the night. True or False

6. Niger of Perea was spared death. True or False

7. An account came that there were commotions in Spain, and that Vindex, and other men of power had revolted from Nero. True or False

8. The lake Asphaltitus is bitter and unfruitful, nothing in it can sink. True or False

9. How long did Nero reign? ______.

10. Simon marched into Hebron and took it, some say the age of the city was 2,300 years old. True or False

11. The soldiers got together in a great body and declared Vespasian emperor, and exhorted him to save the government which was now in danger. True or False

12. Who killed Vitellius? ______.

Book 5 From the Coming of Titus to Besiege Jerusalem, to the Great Extremity to Which the Jews were Reduced

1. Simon the son of Gioras was a tyrant. True or False

2. And now there were three treacherous factions in the city of Jerusalem, who fought each other, the three men who led these factions were: ______

3. A village called Gabaothsaul, signifies “______.”

4. The Roman tenth legion continued in its own place, on the Mount of Hermon. True or False

5. The Veil was a Babylonian curtain embroidered with blue, fine linen, scarlet, purple, and of a wonderful contexture. True or False

6. The sedition destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the Romans destroyed sedition. True or False

7. John who was commander of the Idumeans was wounded by a dart shot at him by an Arabian and still lived to fight another day. True or False

8. And now Titus pitched his camp within the city, at that place which was called “the camp of the ______.”

9. Castor was wounded by a dart shot into his heart. True or False

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10. Josephus was sent to speak to his countrymen in their own language about peace with the Romans. True or False

11. Who cried, “O, miserable creatures! Are you so unmindful of those that used to assist you, that you will fight by your weapons and by your hands against the Romans”? ______

12. Some of the Jews swallowed down pieces of gold. True or False

13. The famine in Jerusalem consumed the people by whole houses and families together. True or False

14. Matthias the son of Boethus was a High Priest, faithful to the people. True or False

15. Josephus had his head wounded by a dart that hit him. True or False

16. Many of the Jewish deserters were cut open by the Arabians and Syrians to retrieve the gold they had swallowed. True or False

17. Some Jews even ate the dung of cattle to try to survive the famine. True or False

Book 6 From the Great Extremity to Which the Jews were Reduced, to the Taking of Jerusalem by Titus

1. The Romans made an assault upon the tower of Antonia. True or False

2. Sabinus, a soldier of Rome, his color was black, his flesh was lean and thin. True or False

3. Who was the Centurion that came from Bithynia, a man of great reputation, one of the highest fame, strength of body, and courage of the soul? ______.

4. Who said, “I do leave thee heir of all I have, if thou wilt come and receive me.”? ______

5. The Jews were so in hunger, some chewed shoe leather and their girdles. True or False

6. What woman slew her infant son, roasted him, and ate him? ______.

7. The Holy House was burnt down without the consent of Titus, who tried to stop it. True or False

8. Thus there was a star resembling a sword, which stood over the city, and a comet, that continued a whole year. This is found in chapter 5.3 True or False

9. Who said, “What greater obstacle is there than the wall of the ocean, with which the Bretons are encompassed, and yet do adore the arms of the Romans”? ______

10. Jesus, a Priest, delivered to Titus two candlesticks and other items made of solid gold. True or False

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11. The number of those that were carried captive during the whole war was collected to be forty-two thousand. True or False

12. And thus was Jerusalem taken, in the second year of the reign of ______on the eighth day of the month Gorpieus.

Book 7 From the Taking of Jerusalem by Titus to the Sedition of the Jews at Cyrene

1. The entire city of Jerusalem was demolished, by the Romans excepting three towers. True or False

2. Name the three towers that were not demolished: ______

3. Titus exhibited all sorts of shows at Caesarea Philippi using the captives to kill one another. True or False

4. Over forty-thousand Jews were slain by Titus on the celebration of his brother’s and father’s birthday. True or False

5. What is the name of the river that only flows on the Sabbath and is dry during the other six days? ______.

6. Vespasian resolved to build a Temple to Peace, which he finished in a short time. True or False

7. Samosata the capital of Commagene lies upon the Tigris River. True or False

8. For now is was that the Roman general came, and led his army against Eleazar and those Sicarii who held the fortress ______.

9. Name the Roman general who came and fought against the Jews at Masada: ______

10. Many families within Masada killed themselves rather than surrender to the Romans. True or False

11. Around 550 people perished within Masada. True or False

12. was a musician by trade and a good person. True or False

13. Jonathan was eventually punished by torment, and then burnt alive. True or False

Flavius Josephus Against Apion Book 1

1. Homer did not leave his poems in writing. True or False

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2. Josephus says the Jews had 27 books which contain the records of all the past times. True or False

3. Josephus was an eye witness as to the Jewish War with the Romans, and the destruction of Jerusalem. True or False

4. Hycsos means shepherd kings. True or False

5. Hirom, the king of Tyre was an enemy of Solomon. True or False

6. Berosus by birth was a Chaldean. True or False

7. Cherilus makes mention of the Jewish nation in his writings. True or False

8. Mosollam was a great painter. True or False

9. Josephus said that Manetho trifles and tells arrant lies. True or False

10. Robbers of the Temples is not expressed by the same word and name among the Jews as it is among the Greeks. True or False

Book 2

1. Apion was a grammarian. True or False

2. The Jews were expelled out of Egypt because they were a diseased people with leprosy. True or False

3. The word Sabbo and Sabbath are the same meaning. True or False

4. Apion charges the Jews as being the authors of sedition. True or False

5. Apion says that the Jews placed an ass’s head in their holy place in the Temple. True or False

6. Josephus calls Apion a liar. True or False

7. Apion says there were men in Jerusalem who were wise and inventors of great arts. True or False

8. Apion was circumcised and his private member became putrid, and he died in great torment. True or False

9. The Greeks admired Lycurguses, Solons, Zebedee, and Lychis. True or False

10. “But while we are ourselves persuaded that our law was made agreeably to the will of God.” True or False

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11. The laws of the Jewish people about marriage permitted same sex marriage as normal. True or False

12. The Jewish law took care also of the decent burial of the dead. True or False

13. Plato was admired by the Greeks. True or False

14. Apollonius Molo was a wise man. True or False

15. Apollonius was greatly pleased with the law of the Persians. True or False

16. Josephus proves that the Jews did sprang from the Egyptians. True or False

An Extract out of Josephus’s Discourse to the Greeks Concerning Hades

1. Hades is a place in the world a subterraneous region. True or False

2. The just shall obtain an incorruptible and never fading kingdom. True or False

3. Josephus says the Bosom of Abraham is on another planet. True or False

4. For all men, the just as well as the unjust, shall be brought before God the Word. True or False

5. Josephus believed in eternal punishment for the wicked. True or False

6. Whosoever shall have lived wickedly and luxuriously may repent. True or False


1. How many Dissertations are listed in the works of Josephus? ______

2. Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, and James the Just are mentioned in Dissertation #1 True or False


____ Dissertation #1 A. The Copy of the Books of the Old Testament Used by Josephus in His Antiquities

____ Dissertation #2 B. Concerning God’s Command to Abraham to offer Isaac, His Son, for a Sacrifice.

____ Dissertation #3 C. The Testimonies of Josephus Concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, and James the Just, Vindicated.

____ Dissertation #4 D. Upon the Chronology of Josephus.

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____ Dissertation #5 E. Tacitus’s Account of the Origin of the Jewish Nation, and of the Particulars of the Last Jewish War.

____ Dissertation #6 F. Of the Learned Christopher Cellarius, Wherein the History of the Family of Herod by Flavius Josephus is Vindicated, and That History is Shown to Be Agreeable to Ancient Coins. ____ Dissertation #7 G. The Fragment or Extract of an Homily Concerning Hades Belongs to Josephus, Preached or Written When He Was Bishop of Jerusalem.

A. This course on the Works of Josephus has been very long. What have you as a student learned from Josephus that you have never known before?

B. Please give us your opinion of this course.

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