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Context of Daniel (Chapters 2 & 7) by Floyd R. Cox (Revised 8-19-2018)

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To restore the context of Daniel, we first need to understand that the Masorete rabbi view of the Bible (like the Hebrew calendar) reflects the Jewish timeline, which says the first temple was burned in 423-22 BCE (490 yrs. before 69-70 AD). It was actually burned 165 years earlier, in 588-87 BCE (423 + 165 = 588). The Pharisee and Rabbi “Jewish” View Note that the rabbinical society has reduced the Hebrew chronology by removing 165 years between Darius and Alexander (between 539 to 331 BCE). This means the Hebrew date for the fall of Babylon would be 374 instead of 539 BCE (374 + 165 = Related Topics 539), and Esther became queen in 360 instead of 525 BCE (360 + 165 = 525). Her Book Review: first cousin, Mordecai, was captured by Babylon probably in 598 (Esther 2:6) or “The Christian Passover” perhaps 587 BCE. Since the “extra books” were not accepted, they thought Darius I was the Darius, which Alexander had invaded and captured in Persia. This would Introduction to Code 251 erase 165 years later. The Persian Behistun Inscriptions found just before 1840 Ancient Riddle Solved uncovered the missing years. The rabbis did not want to include books, like , which praised Jewish Jewish Timeline: freedom from foreign enemies, like Babylon, Greece, Persia, Syria and Rome. Creation in 3761 BC Maccabees, would allegedly incite war against foreign occupiers, like Syria and Rome. CREATION DATE However, without Maccabees, we would lack specific proof of when the Sabbaticals were in 163, 135 and 37 BCE and 34, 83 and 132 AD. Seems strange that 19-Year Eclipse Cycle the rabbis would omit the story of in the book of Maccabees. Eleven Forms of Zionism The Levite Priest View NASA Versus the In contrast, the Maccabeans (later called Hasmoneans) were Levite priests who Hebrew Calendar guarded the temple. These translated the into a Greek version (called the Septuagint) after 280 BC, and it included the books of Maccabees, Daniel, Esther, Utopia Unveiled etc., which praised Jewish victories over their oppressors. The Latin Vulgate also Zionist, Catholic, includes these “extra books” called the Apocrypha. Synagogues in the first century & Lutheran Profiles had the Greek version as illustrated later. Note that the King James Version of the Bible (like the Hebrew calendar) reflects Captured by Conjecture the Masorete rabbi views HERE of the Jewish timeline recorded in Codex Judiaca Book Review: When was covered HERE. the Crucifixion? Back to Daniel Context of Revelation In Daniel’s visions, there were four successive kingdoms that took away ’s sovereignty. Book Review: Mystery of the Shemitah 1. Nebuchednezzar of Babylon ruled the first kingdom. It lasted until 539 BCE. (Judah’s King lost sovereignty when he was killed 70 years before 539.) Book Review: 2. The second kingdom was Darius and Cyrus of the Medo-Persia Empire in 539. The Harbinger (Darius and Cyrus were represented by the two horns of a ram in Daniel 8.) Ussher’s Jubilee in 1975 3. The third kingdom was Alexander of the Greco-Macedonian Empire, which was divided among his four generals at his death. 4a. Daniel covers the fourth kingdom with more focus on two of the four generals more specifically. Daniel 11 suggests that the writer was much more familiar with the time of Antiochus IV and knew more details about Greece and Syria than he did about Babylon and Persia. There are several mentions of the sacrificial offerings being cut off and cleansing the altar, which was likely in the time of Antiochus. 4b. Seleucus reigned over Babylon, Persia and Syria in the north, and Ptolemy ruled in Egypt in the south (Dan 11).

Daniel mentions four beasts representing Nebuchednessar of Babylon, Darius and Cyrus of Media and Persia, Alexander of Greco-Macedonia. The Seleucus dynasty, a branch descending from one of Alexandar’s four generals, continued until 64 BC, when Rome conquered . Revelation is about the Roman occupiers of Judea after 64 BCE. It is about a Roman dynasty, the six emperors from Julius Caesar to Nero plus Vespasian. “…five are fallen, and one is (Nero), and the other (Vespasian) is not yet come…” (Rev 17:10). Rome does replace the Syrian dynasty, but the Maccabees (Hasmoneans) continued managing the temple and religious affairs until Herod killed Aritobulus in 35 BC. Daniel is about the Higher Realm ruling in the kingdoms of men and setting up kings and putting them down and restoring the saints to their restored city and restored temple. Daniel is about the abomination of desolation, when Jerusalem and her temple were polluted and desolated, when sacrifices ceased and were later restored (Dan 7, 8, 11, 12).

TABLE 1. Chronology of Daniel (With Dual Fulfillment in Revelation)

Dream of Dan. 2 Dream of Dan. 7 Vision of Dan. 8 Tall Statue of a Man Four Beasts Ram & He -goat Nebuchednezzar’s yr. 2 (Babylon) Belshazzar’s yr. 1 (Babylon) Belshazzar’s yr. 3 (Babylon) -604 (605 BCE) -553 (554 BCE) -551 (552 BCE)

1. Head of Gold (Babylon) 1. Lion (Babylon) 605-539 605-539 Nebuchednezzar With 1 head (3 Kings) 1. Nebuchednezzar –605/562 2. Evil-Merodach –561 3. Belshazzar

2. Breast & Arms: Silver (Persia) 2. Bear (Persia) Ram (Persia) Two arms With 1 head (10 kings) With 2 horns (Medes & Persians)

Medes & Persians

Dan. 11:1… 1…………………………………... 1. Cyrus / Darius –539 With 3 ribs in mouth (3 kings Egypt, Lybia, Nubia) 2…………………………………. 2. Cambysses –528 3…………………………………. 3. Darius I –520 4. (4th king)………………………. 4. Xerxes I –485 5. Artaxerxes I –463 6. Darius II –422 7. Artaxerxes II –403 8. Artaxerxes III –357 9. Arses (Xerxes III) –336 10. Darius III –334

3. Belly & Two Thighs: Brass (Greece) 3. Leopard (Macedonia) He-goat (Macedonia) With 1 head, Alexander With 1 horn, Alexander Greece & Macedonia 1. Alexander – 332-329 (Sabbatical in 331) 2. Philip –322 3. Antigonos –316/310 1 head replaced by 1 great horn replaced by 4 heads (3, 4, 5 & 6) 4 horns

3a. Two Legs: Iron North: Seleucus (Syria) / South: Ptolemy (Alexandria) (Seleucus down to Antiochus’ realm symbolized by 10 Alexandria inferior “toes” of Nebuchednezzar’s image). 3b. Inferior 10 toes: Iron & Clay Seleucus dynasty HERE Ptolemy dynasty HERE Alexander the Great captured most of the Persian empire by 330 BC, and, at his death, most of his territory came under the rule of two of his four generals; one is Seleucid of Antioch (Syria), and one is Ptolemy I Nicator in Alexandria, Egypt (Alexander and Ptolemy were likely half brothers, sons of King Philip II of Macedonia). Again, the desolator of the Jerusalem and its temple was a “little horn” branching from (or offspring of) one of the four horns (Antiochus). From 604 BCE (Nebuchednezzar’s first year) to 163 BCE, there are 441 years, equal to 63 “weeks” (sabbaticals). The city and temple were to be desecrated after 62 “weeks”, after 170, before 163 BCE (Daniel 9:25-27).

In 163 BCE, the temple was restored and rededicated before the 8 days of Hanukkah (after Kislev 25). The alter was desolated three years earlier (also on Kislev 25) and needed cleansed (Dan 8:8-14). (Note: Christ was likely conceived on Hanukkah, 5 BC, as shown HERE, and likely born the next fall of 4 BC.) Sabbaticals were after Josiah’s reform, in 623, 609, 588, 539, 525 BCE, but by removing 166 years between 539 and 331 BCE from the Hebrew chronology, sabbaticals would continue by arriving two years earlier, in 331, 170, 163, and 37 BCE and 34, 83 and 132 AD. From 527 BC (Esther) to 331 (Alexander) = 196 years = 4 jubilees. 525 to 329 = 196 yrs.) (166 years lacks 2 years in being divisible by 7.) Again, the rabbis (after Codex Aleppo), evidently without using the “extra books”, identified Darius I as being Darius III of Alexandar’s time leaving out 165 years of the Persian chronology, (covered HERE) which was recently restored by the Behistun Inscription before 1840, which recorded the genealogy of Cyrus. ( Again, the desecrator, “the little horn”, stems from, is the offspring of, one of the 4 horns. This would all suggest that the writer knew more details about Antiochus, Syria and Greece than he did about Babylon and Persia, but the Old Greek text of the Septuagint has details such as placing Daniel 2 in the 12th year of Nebuchednezzar (not in the 2nd year). Sabbaticals after Josiah’s reform were in 623, 609, 588, 539, and 525 BCE.

TABLE 2. Chronology of Daniel Source HERE:

Third “Beast” Alexander and his 4 Generals (Dan 8:8, 11:4) Vision in Darius’s yr. 1 -539 Dan 11

Four “Heads” or Four “Horns” (Dan 7:6) Lysimacus Ptolemy Seleucus -310 Cassander Thracia, Egypt, Syria, Greece & Macedonia Turkey, Lybia, Babylon, Bulgaria Nubia Persia With 1 horn With 1 horn With 1 horn With 1 horn

Two Thighs King of South King of North 11:4 Antioch/Babylon + 1 “little horn” Ptolemy Antiochus IV -176 Egypt 11:8, 43 Syria/Judea 8:11-14, 23-26 Sacrifices taken away 11:31, 40, 45 m/king-of-the- 3½ yrs. 12:7 south.pdf GAP

(Rome) 4th “beast” 10 horns (Dan 7:19-20) (Rev 17:12) 2 legs 7th “head” -3 Three kings plucked up (Babylon, Persia, Macedonia) (Dan 7:8, 24) & feet 7 horns that were left 7 heads have 10 crowns (Rev 13:1-3) with +1 little horn (Dan 7:24; 8:9) 10 weak, 8 horns left (Rev 13:11-15) (Rev17:11) divided toes Kingdom of saints established Kingdom of saints restored to smash the image (Dan 7:21, 27) to replace the 4 beasts (7:25) (Rev 13:7)

Daniel’s visions were about the future sovereignty of Judea, and the insights were about the Higher Realm controling the destiny of future empires ruling the same territory. The kings of the north and south of Judea were General Seleucus I Nicator of Antioch (named after Antiochus) and General Ptolemy I Soter in Alexandria, Egypt. The images given the four beasts seem to make one beast morph into the next. When the last empire is defeated by the Higher Realm, the image’s gold, silver, brass, iron and clay all fall at the same future time called “the latter days” (Dan 2:45). TABLE 3. Succession of Kingdoms in Daniel (One territory with 7 resurrections... with 10 Emperors) Image (Dan 2) Four Beasts (Dan 7) Rev 13 Rev 17 1. Babylonian Empire 1. Lion (Dan 7:4) Beast representing all the “head of gold” with 1 horn three (Rev 13:1-2): (625-539 BC) 1. Lion (with 1 head) 2. Empire of the 2. Bear (Dan 7:5) 2. Bear (with 1 head) Medes & Persian Empire with 1 horn “chest & 2 arms of silver” (558-330 BC) 331 = Sabbatical 3. Macedonian Greek 3. Leopard (Dan 7:4) 3. Leopard Empire with 4 horns replacing (with 4 heads) “belly & 2 thighs a Great Horn of bronze” (Alexander the Great (6 heads inclusively if replaced by 4 generals) one kingdom morphs “Little Horn” (Antiochus), into the next kingdom offspring of of Seleucus, over the same territory) one of the 4 horns Period omitted in the Period after Period omitted in the Hebrew Masoreh & I & II Maccabees Hebrew Masoreh & King James texts King James texts Gap between (Two thighs of Gap between 163 & 37 BC Alexander: 163 & 37 BC 18 Sabbaticals Syria & Egypt) 18 Sabbaticals (see TABLE 5) (see TABLE 5) The Roman Empire A fourth beast: A fourth beast: A fourth beast: 2 legs, “ten toes” (the seventh head) (the seventh head) (the seventh head) 7 heads have 10 crowns 7 heads have 10 crowns (Rev 13:1-3) (Rev 13:1-3) “10 kings” 10 horns inclusively 7 heads inclusively representing a kingdom 7 heads inclusively divided and weaker than the “Before him (if one kingdom (if one kingdom 3 previous kingdoms. (the little horn) there were morphs into the next morphs into the next three of the first horns kingdom over the kingdom over the The Higher Realm plucked up” (Dan 7:8, 24) same territory) same territory) smashes the feet, and all 4 The Roman Empire The Roman Empire The Roman Empire kingdoms inclusively with 7 heads with 7 heads collapse of: the gold, 10 horns inclusively 10 horns inclusively silver, brass, iron, and clay. (Dan 7:24-25) (Dan 2:42-43). 1. Julius Caesar 1. 2. Augustus Caesar 2. 3. Tiberius Caesar 3.

4. Gaius Caesar 4.

5. Claudius Caesar 5. “Five are fallen” Protestant views on 6. Nero Caesar (666) 6. “One is” the Pope being the (Rev 13:17-18) Antichrist HERE 7. Vespasian… 7. “one yet to come” & sons, Titus & 8. A new dynasty replac- Domitian (Rev 13:11) ing the 7th king in Judea (Dan 7:24-25) (Rev 17:10, 11) Again, Daniel’s visions were about the future solverenty of Judea, and the insights were about the Higher Realm controling the destiny of future empires ruling the same territory. The kings of the north and south of Judea were General Seleucus I Nicator of Antioch (named after Antiochus) and General Ptolemy I Soter in Alexandria, Egypt. Each image given the four beasts seem to morph into the next. When the last empire is defeated by the Higher Realm, all four kingdoms, the image’s gold, silver, brass, iron and clay, fall at the same time in the future (Dan 2:45) called “the latter days” (Dan 2:28) and referred to by Christ in Matthew 24:15. Revelation is About Rome (Details HERE ) Generally, in Protestant literature during the Middle Ages, there is a Roman Empire influenced by the Roman Pope, which were pictured as the beast and antichrist of Revelation 17, and the woman riding the beast was allegedly the Roman church. She is riding the “beast” and killing Christians. Mormons, Adventists and other church commentators define the Pope as the Antichrist as found HERE. In contrast, Jewish scribes, Pharisees and rabbis of the first century were considered to be murderers who killed the prophets and commandment keepers all the way back to righteous Abel. Christ said of Jerusalem… “Thou that killest the prophets… Behold, your house (or temple) is left unto you desolate”. King Herod’s realm was polluting the temple. Likewise Revelation 17 is also about a “woman” called “a city” also responsible for killing the prophets and martyrs of Christ. She could represent Jerusalem and her demise in 70 AD (Mark 13:1, 2, 14; Lk 17:25; 19:43). This view is best supported by Revelation 13:18, where “the number of the beast” is 666: The woman rode the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the beast hated her and eventually burned her (Rev 17:16; 18:9). It was Jerusalem that Rome burned. The Beast of Revelation = 666 The dynasty of Herod (the dragon) served (gave power to) the Caesar dynasty (the beast) (Rev 13:2). Because of his dynasty persecuting Christians from 64 to 68 AD, many of those living in the first century associated the name of Nero Caesar with the number 666 just as we are told in Revelation 13:18. Therefore, there are reasons to believe “the beast” lived in the first century, before 70 AD. Scrolls from a cave, Wadi Murabba’at, refer to the second year of Nero (55 AD) as a sabbatical year and spells his name “Neron Qsr” (Neron Kaisar) in Hebrew, which counts to 666. However, in Latin, the name is “Nero Caesar”, which equals 616 without the extra n in Neron.   (in Greek) equals: =50, =200, =6, =50, =100, =60, =200. These total 666 (as in Rev. 13:18). 666 also points to the Roman numeric and monetary systems: I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500. These count to 666. Again, note that money used in Judah had Caesar’s image on it (Mat 22:21) Julius Caesar’s dynasty ended in 68 AD with the death of Nero Caesar, whose name counted to 666 (Rev 13:17-18). Nero’s dynasty was replaced with that of Vespasian and his two sons, Titus and Domitian (Rev 13:11). Another clue is that the Roman dynasty of Julius Caesar consisted of six successive emperors after Julius Caesar, after 44 BC, until after Nero Caesar’s death in 68 AD (Rev. 17:9- 10). Many say Rome’s deadly wound was healed through a successive revival of a new dynasty. “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits… there are seven kings: Five are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come” (Rev 17:10). These are (1.) Julius Caesar (49-44 BC), (2) Augustus Caesar (31 BC-14AD, (3) Tiberius Caesar (14-37 AD), (4) Gaius, i.e., Caligula Caesar (37-41 AD), (5) Claudius Caesar (41-54 AD) and (6) Nero Caesar (54-68 AD). These were all Caesars. Who is the seventh king or emperor? Within this context, there would also be the seventh king, the one “yet to come”: Vespasian’s two sons, Titus and Domitian: Rev 13:11 (the Flavian Dynasty) It is no mystery that Vespasian ruled the area of Palestine after the Jewish revolt in 66 AD while under Emperor Nero, until Nero’s suicide in 68 AD. He became Emperor from 69 to 79 AD. Vespasian is called “another beast” in Revelation 13, and he had two horns, two sons, Domitian and Titus, which formed the Flavian dynasty. “I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and spoke as a dragon. And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him…” If Vespasian is the seventh king, then Verse 11 of Revelation 13 speaks of his son, Titus, as the eighth king. Titus is credited with burning the temple in 70 AD and taking its gold to Rome to rebuild her Coliseum, which had been burned by Nero. The beast hated Jerusalem and burned her (Rev 17:16).

Vespasian had two “horns”, Titus and Domitian who became the next emperors until 96 AD, Titus from 79 to 81 and Domitian from 81 to 96. These ruled Palestine and exiled the Jews before actually becoming emperors. Context of “All Nations” at the “Time of the End” Others interpret this 3½ year war as a prophecy for today. We live in a realm of speculation and conjecture based upon a world of intangibles, forerunners, types, duality, faith and religion, and disputes on terms, such as, “the time of the end”, “every nation”, or “all nations”. An article on this repeats eight times that the end is when Christ returns and overlooks that the Higher Realm already has the power to put down empires as in Daniel’s time. Waiting for the Messiah is thinking like a rabbi. A word translated as “world”, “ends of the world”, “inhabitants of the world”, “all the kingdoms of the world”, “unto the ends of the world” (as in psalms, , and ) whereas, it is also translated as “land”, “land of your enemies”, “land from the river of Egypt unto the the great river Euphrates” and other “land” throughout the five books of Moses. Darius wrote a decree to all nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth…” (Dan 6:25), and the Jews came to Jerusalem from “every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5). And was the “son of man” in the firey furnace in Babylon? Was he not ruling even then, during the time of Babylon? Some say the last 3½ years were fulfilled in 66-70 AD, when the temple burned (Dan. 9:26-27), not in 31 or 34 AD, at the end of 490 years (Dan 9:24). Others postpone “the end” 2,000 years. During the last 2,000 years, the return of the Messiah has been just over the hill, just around the corner, and about 170 false predictions of his return have occurred as listed HERE. This implies there are beliefs that are tangible. There are beliefs that are intangible (like 70 wives without 70 mothers-in-laws). This also implies that two half-truths are not always the full truth. “All the World” in Daniel Daniel was speaking of the territory, “all nations”, “the whole world” ruled by Babylon. After it fell, the territory became another kingdom ruled by Cyrus of Persia (the “ram”). After Persia fell, the territory would become a third kingdom ruled by Alexander (the “goat” with a great horn between its eyes). After Alexander’s death, the great horn was replaced by four other horns (Dan 2:39-40). This means his four generals became four kings ruling the fore-mentioned territory. From one of the horns, sprouted an offspring, Antiochus, who polluted the altar and cut off sacrificial offerings in Jerusalem until its temple alter was restored (Dan 8:13-14). There were battles between two kings (generals), the north and south (Syria and Egypt) (Dan 11:11-16, 43, 45). The “stone” (the Higher Realm) struck the toes of these two kingdoms proving that it had power over all four kingdoms consecutively ruling the same territory, pictured by the gold, the silver, the brass, the iron and clay (Dan 2:35). Antiochus’ kingdom was divided and could only rule over the Levite Maccabees (Hasmoneans) until a preset, ordained “time of the end”. The Levite priests continued to manage the temple as priests until Herod had Aristobulus III drowned at Jericho in 35 BC, near the beginning of the Roman occupation of Palestine. Three kingdoms had fallen, and the seven last kings were in the dynasty of Julius Caesar until 68 AD. Related thoughts: List of fictional antichrists HERE Protestants often identified the Pope as the Antichrist as found HERE TABLE 4. Design and Repitition are Proofs of a Designer (With the years restored – but missing in the King James Text)

Calendar Record 7-yr cycle

BC 3761 3761 = Beginning of the Hebrew Calendar 532 x 6 = BC 968 968 = Temple founded 441 years after 1409 BC 3192 yrs. 604 604 = Year one of King Nebuchednezzar of Babylon 590 569 = 35th year: Nebuchednezzar became a wild beast for seven years 562 562 = Death of Nebuchednazzar

527 527 = Esther enters Persia 441 yrs after 968 BC (See TABLE 3 HERE) (362 + 165 = 527) (362 is from Codex Judaica) 520 520 = founded 457 = 490 yrs. before a jubilee in 34 AD

532 yrs. 422 331 331 BC = Alexander’s decree to allow Sabbaticals tax free

170 490 170 BC = Seven years of oppression (Antiochus of Antioch) 163 Yrs. 163 BC = ’ year one

135 135 BC = ’ year one

44 44 BC = Julius Caesar’s decree to allow Sabbaticals tax free (44 BC + 70 = 27 AD)

BC 37 37 BC = Herod conquered Jerusalem BC 02

AD 34 Death of Stephen – His vision of Higher Realm – Saul becomes Paul 83 83 AD = Jubilee year, 14 yrs after Jerusalem fell (as in Ezek 40:1) 69-70 69-70 AD = The fall of Jerusalem – Temple burned

490 yrs. 132 132 AD = Second Revolt against Rome – Jubilee year 622 622 AD = Mohammud left Mecca for Medina. New calendar began.

1189 1189 AD = King Richard of Normandy/England begins Third Crusade in the time of Robin Hood 2022 2022 AD = Last jubilee in 6000 yrs.

(532 years after the fall of Babel, Joseph turned age 30 (251 + 251 + 30 = 532). These 532 years are based upon the Julian calendar, 28 years times 19 years = 532 yrs. It adds one day too many every 128 years and adds 29 days every 3712 years.) Again, Daniel’s visions were about the future solverenty of Judea, and the insights were about the Higher Realm controling the destiny of future empires ruling the same territory. The kings of the north and south of Judea were General Seleucus I Nicator of Antioch (named after Antiochus) and General Ptolemy I Soter in Alexandria, Egypt. Each image given the four beasts seem to morph into the next. When the last empire is defeated by the Higher Realm, all four kingdoms, the image’s gold, silver, brass, iron and clay, all fall at the same time in the future, in the “latter days” (Dan 2:45). TABLE 5. The Two Thighs after Alexander The Great: Antioch, Syria and Alexandria, Egypt

Berenice I MISR b: in Egypt m:1 Philip of m:2 Ptolemy I Soter (one of Alexander’s four generals), Macedonia Rumor: Was a son of Alexander’s father, King Philip II of Macedonia Pharaoh of Alexandria, Egypt 323-283 BC Father of Alexander Founder of the (King in 305) the Great with Thais as his queen in Memphis Father of General b: 364 BC in Macedonia Ptolemy I Soter? (Co-regent with Ptolemy II 288-285 BC

Alexander the Great Arsinoe II Philadelphos Faces shown HERE Queen of Thrace and Alexandria, Egypt b: 316 in Egypt d: 270 BC with General m:1 m:2 Ptolemy Ceraunus Seleucus I Nicator Lysimachus General Ptloemy II (son of Ptolemy I & at Antioch over King of Thrace Philadelphus Eurydice) Syria and Judea (son of Ptolemy I & d: 280-79 BC Berenice) Alexander conquered (brother of Arsinoe) Alexandria & Judea and (Co-regent with Ptolemy I allowed Sabbaticals 288-285 BC) tax free after 331 BC (Won first Syrian War)

(Pharaoh in Alexandria, Egypt 281-246 BC)

Again, Daniel’s visions were about the future solverenty of Judea, and the insights were about the Higher Realm controling the destiny of future empires ruling the same territory. The kings of the north and south of Judea were General Seleucus I Nicator of Antioch (named after Antiochus) and General Ptolemy I Soter in Alexandria, Egypt. Each image given the four beasts seem to morph into the next. When the last empire is defeated by the Higher Realm, all four kingdoms, the image’s gold, silver, brass, iron and clay, all fall at the same time in the future “latter days” (Dan 2:45). Note: More research is needed to indicate that Cleopatra VIII of Jerusalem (mentioned by ) was a posthumis daughter of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII, that Alexander Helios was a son of Marcus Antony and Cleopatra VII. This may explain some connections between Jesus and the family of Herod Agrippa in Chalcis, Syria, between Sidon and Galilee (Mark 7:24), as explained HERE. Check with Google for more details. ------Note on TABLE 6: More research is needed to indicate that Cleopatra VIII of Jerusalem (mentioned by Josephus) was a posthumous daughter of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII, that Alexander Helios was a son of Marcus Antony and Cleopatra VII. Like Jesus, Julius Caesar had also visited Sidon. This study may eventually explain some connections between Jesus and the family of Herod Agrippa in Chalcis, Syria, between Sidon and Galilee (Mark 7:24), as explained HERE. (Also Google for more details on each name.) Interest in such research stems from the of Chalcis. Herod Agrippa II had a sister named Berenice. She married Marcus Julius Alexander (41-44 AD) and Herod of Chalcis (45-48 AD), and, eventually, she became a consort of Titus. There was also an Aristobulus of Chalcis. Cleopatra of Jerusalem, fifth wife of . Cleopatra’s first was to Jacob ben Matthan, Nasi, Davidic prince in Judea covered HERE and HERE The second was to Herod the Great, King of Judea covered HERE. A third was Simon IV, the High Priest, 23-19 BC HERE. Josephus, more or less, overlooked the Herodians of northern Galilee (Herod Antipas), Caeserea Philippi (Herod Philip) and southern Chalcis (Agrippa II and Aristobulus II). TABLE 6. KINGS, PRIESTS AND HIGH PRIESTS

Matthew 1:2-15 Luke 3:23-31 Levite Priests Genealogy of Genealogy of & High Priests David to Joseph David to Mary

David David 39 th Solomon Nathan 40 12 th Roboam Mattatha 41 13 Menan 42 th Melea 43 Joram 15 th Abia Eliakim 44 Jesus I (Yeshua, Joshua I) 16 th Asa Jonan 45 Axiomar 17 Jasaphat Joseph th Joram Juda 46 Phideaas 19 th Simeon 47 Sudeas 20 st Oziah Levi 48 Juelus 21 rd Joatham Matthat 49 Jotham 23 Achaz Jorim th Eliezer 50 Neriah26 th Ezekias Jose 51 Odesa 27 th Manasses Er 52 Shallum II 28 th Amon Elmodam 53 29 th Cosam 54 Azariah V 30 Josias Addi st Jechonias in Babylon (Mat 1:12): Melchi 56 Seriah 31 Neri 57 Josedech Salathiel Salathiel Zorobabel Zorobabel 58 Jesus II (Joshua) 1st High Priest of 2nd temple Rhesa 59 Joachim Abiud Joanna 60 Eliashub Juda 61 Joiadah Eliakim Joseph 62 Semei 63 Azor Mattathias 64 Met Alexander the Great 331 BC th Maath 65 Simon the Just 39 nd Sadoc Nagge 65 Onias II 42 rd Esli 66 Simon II 43 Achim Naum 67 Onias III 44th High Priest Amos Eliud Mattathias Onias IV Joseph 68 Onias V (built a temple in , Janna Egypt) 1st High Priest (Isa 19:19) Melchi 69 Ananias 2nd High Priest Levi 70 Hananeel 3rd High Priest? Matthan_(m: Cleopatra Caesaria: HERE) Matthat 71 Bothus 56th (Installed in Jerusalem by Herod in 37 BC) th Jacob ben Matthan (Alexander?) Heli 72 57 Joseph, husband of Mary Joseph Aristobulus III 58th (Installed by Herod 36 BC) Jesus, who is called Christ. Jesus 73 Jesus III (Joshua) 59th 36-23 BC

His 3 daughters: Sources for the priests: HERE and HERE Anne Hannah m: Heli (son of Matthat) Her daughter: Mirium, mother of Jesus Elizabeth m: Zacharias Her son: John the Baptist

Jane m: Joachim, the Nasi, prince of David Note the comparison: Her daughter: Escha m: Ptolas a twin of Ptolemy and Cleopatra Cleopas (Clopas) Ptolas and Cleopas Her daughter: Salome m: Zebedee (Cleophas m: Mary, sister-in-law of Mary, Jn 19:25) Zebedee’s sons: James the Greater (Jn 19:25) John the Beloved Note: To verify these, Google for each name and read the context in the Works of Josephus.

(mostly from The Project Gutenberg eBook of the History of the Jews, Vol VI, by Heinrich Graeyz)

Genealogy of Mennelaus (Onias I) Simon Hasmonai 331 BC = Sabbatical year 172-163 Sabbatical in 163 Alexander grants land rests Judas Maccabeus 163 BC Johanan (Onias V 1st High Priest in new Egyptian temple of Bubastis in 163) Haphus Mattathias Genealogy of Josephus 152-143 BC d: 167 BC Revolt against Seleucids 5 offspring

Eleazar Hauran I. d: 163 BC 143-135 BC Simon Psellus 163 = Sabbatical year 135 = Sabbatical year 5 ofspring

Faces shown HERE II. John Hyrcanus I. 8 sons 135-106 BC 135 = Sabbatical year Mattathias Eplias 5 offspring

III. Judah Airstobulus I. IV. Alexander I. Janneus 106-105 BC 105-79 BC Matathias Curtus m: Alexandra Salome V. m: Salome Alexandra King & High Priest 79-70 BC Levite Hasmonian 2 offspring Joseph

VI John Hyrcanus II 70-40 BC VII. Aristobulus II d: 31 BC. He brought 1500 69-63 BC Mattathias men to Alexandria to aid Julius d: 48 BC Caesar. Caesar made him a Hasmonian king and High Priest in Jerusalem. 44 BC: Caesar’s decree: sabbaticals without tax. 4 offspring

Alexander II VIII. Antigonus d: abt 52 BC 40-37 BC 37 BC = Sabbatical year Alexandra------m: Alexandra m: Alexander II dau/o Hyrcanus II 2 offspring

Mariamne d: 29 BC m: Herod Aristobulus III Flavius Josephus 37 BC Herod conquers 58th High Priest 36 BC b: 37 AD Jerusalem Jerusalem. 37 = Sabbatical yr. d: 35 BC drowned by Herod’s d: abt 95 AD Rome 30 BC: Sabbatical: Death of men in Jericho 34 AD = Sabbatical/Jubilee Mark Antony & Cleopatra VII TABLE 8. Maccabees (Hasmonean) Dynasty down to Aristobulus III (8/08/2018) (mostly from The Project Gutenberg eBook of the History of the Jews, Vol VI, by Heinrich Graeyz)

Genealogy of

Eniachim 57 Josedech Exiled to Babylon

58 Jesus II (Joshua, Yehoshua) Joshua called “Jesus” 1st High Priest in Hebrews 4:6-8

59 Joachim (Joakim)

60 (Elolinshib)

Faces shown HERE 61 Joiadah ()

62 Johanan (Johanna)

Time of Alexander 331 BC 63 Jaddual (Jaddua)

64 Onias I

65 Simon ‘the Just’ Mattathias 39th High Priest

65 Onias II Dau of Simon the Just 42nd High Priest m: Joseph

66 Simon II 64 Janna (Janne, Jannai) 43rd High Priest Time of Antiochus IV) Antiochus V made 67 Onias III 67 Melchi (Melki) High Priest 44th High Priest 163-159 BC 163 = Sabbatical

Onias IV

Onias III gained permission 68 Onias V: escaped to 68 Levi (Panther of from siblings of Heli-opolis, Egypt in 159 BC Arimathea) Ptolemy VI & Cleopatra II 1st High Priest, new temple to build the temple in Egypt in the Land of Onias

(Leontopolis, Egypt) 69 Ananias, son of 69 Matthat (Mathat) 2nd High Priest (bar Panther) in Leontopolis, Egypt

Sources for the priests: 70 Hananeel ‘the Egyptian’ 70 Helios 70 Joseph of 3rd High Priest purified temple son of Matthat Arimethia HERE and HERE Herodians Herodians

71 Boethus 71 Anna 56th High priest in Jerusalem (Hanna) Herod invited him back to Jerusalem from Alexandria

72 Ananelus Phabit 57th High Priest

58th High Priest (appointed by Herod) 59th High Priest 36-23 BC (later killed by Herod) 37 = Sabbatical (Line restored by Herod)

74 Anne (Hannah) 74 Elizabeth 74 Jane

m: Heli (son of Matthat) m: Zacharias the Priest m: Joachin, Nasi 59th High Priest of King David

75 Miriam m: Yosef Yohannes the Baptiser Salome Mary

Sources for the priests: m: m:1 Zebedee


76 Yehoshua ha Notzri the the ben

Onias III in Jerusalem had a grandson, Onias V, who became the 1st High Priest in Egypt. He had a son, Ananias, the 2nd High Priest in Leontopolis, Egypt. Ananias’s son, Hananeel the Egyptian, sacrificed 9 red heifers to obtain their “sacred ashes” for a new temple in Egypt. His son, Boethus, Herod invited back to Jerusalem as the 56th High Priest. His son, Ananelus, became the 57th High Priest. Then Herod made Aristobulus the 58th. Herod, an Edomite, was not supposed to be over the priesthood. Here are some quotes from Isaiah 61:1 showing that the Greek version was read in the first century synagogues and note that it mentions recovering sight to the blind, as in the Septuagint version of Isaiah 61:1. The Masoreh text does not include healing the blind: Isa. 61 (King James Version quoted from the Hebrew Masoreh Text): 1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, (recovery of sight to the blind is omitted) and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

Isa. 61 in the Greek Septuagint Version: 1 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me; he has sent me to preach glad tidings to the poor, to heal the broken in heart, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind; 2 to declare the acceptable year of the Lord (the jubilee year?), and the day of recompence; to comfort all that mourn; 3 that there should be given to them that mourn in Sion glory instead of ashes, the oil of joy to the mourners, the garment of glory for the spirit of heaviness: and they shall be called generations of righteousness, the planting of the Lord for glory. 4 And they shall build the old waste places, they shall raise up those that were before made desolate, and shall renew the desert cities, those that had been desolate for generations.

Isa. 61 (King James Version quoted from the Greek Septuagint in Luke 4): 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. Final Note From the time of Joshua, the were promised blessings in the Promised Land until they reached their golden era where the water of life, Gihon Spring, would gush from the threshold of their new temple if they kept the covenant and kept the law. They were promised curses if they parted from the covenant… which appears to have happened after Solomon. The exile to Assyria and Babylon was blamed upon not being faithful. Their land became occupied by others. In contrast, the prophets spoke of trials for being good. Antiochus desolated the temple and persecuted the Jews after 170 BCE. Daniel’s visions were about the Higher Realm controling the destiny of future empires ruling the same territory and taking away the solverenty of Judea to test the loyalty and faithfulness to the Higher Realm. Eventually, at an undefined “time of the end”, the Higher Realm would intervene to rescue the Jews and their proselytes and defeat every enemy and create for them a world of tame animals, prosperity, joy, and restore the tree of life and water of life. These revelations were given by inspiration, and the interpretations should evolve from inspiration. In contrast, visions in the latter portions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah and other Apocralyphic writings were often given by angels. There are beliefs based upon a written source, and “the Truth” is often based upon others’ wrong interpretations of others’ insights and Apocralyphic visions. Evidently, the Bible is written in such a way that each and every generation would have hope for the future.