three, four, five, and an S or six dots; signifying the (or txelftli pxt.), sextans, , , quinennx, aud or half, respectivuly, -the various parts or divisions of the , The other is ille$ble; IY but our Cnrator, hlr Sim, thinks, from it3 general appearance, it is pro- bahlj- also a coin of Psstum. NOTICE OF A THIRD BRASS OF ROMULUS, SOS OF 3IASENTIUS, 2. A coin of P;cst.nm, the size of n third brass. It is partly broken, AND OTHER . FOUXD AT P&STUM. BY JOHX ALESASI)EI{ S)IITH, X.D., SEC.S.I. Scor. and has on the Obceme the head of a young nian (L‘acchus) crournetl ~ith ix.y and looking to the right ; and bclind the head, four dots or globales. In the beginning of April lSGS I was fortuuate enough to bc alile to Recrrs~,a cornncopia with a bunch of grapes liauging from it on each ascend Tesurius, and see by night the an-fid grandeLp of a11 eruption ; side, and behind the cornucopia, four dots. It is thercfurc a triens, and and on the 6th of the month I had the pleasure of pqing a risit to of the date of about 200 years before Christ. the magnificent ruins of the ancient city of Pmtum. These ruins arc 3. The next is an early Eoman coin. Okerse, a niau’s hcarl loolIr STUART,Secretarj-, the Society resolred to reed was consul for the second tinie in li3, and is thus giren by AI. Lean tllcir sense of the great loss sustained by the death of hIr \YII.I.I.\>I Kenier in the 'Revue drchaologiqlie' fur December 1SG5 (p. 403) :-~~ Tnoiisos AI'CCLLOCK,the late Keeper of the Aluseunl, and the his11 esteem in which they held his seniccs, his enthusiasm, aiid skill in tlic T I B C L P 0 hI PEIAKOCV arrnngenient of the IIuseiuiii, his uiir-aryiiig courtesy to ail, and Iris BISCOSSTLI atteiition to the business of tbe Society. GTALFI R.\I V S CLEGIITAL The follon.ing Donations to the 1Iusemu mid Library were laid on the TlBER€6 CL1TUIU FOIIPELISO CIL\RISSIXO VIRO BIS COSSTLI G1Im r.~LERlTs table, and tlmnks vere voted to the Ponors :- FInIIcs, CESIERIO LEGIOSIS rnim mLIcx." I have much pleasure in presenting the coins to the Sumismatic Col (1.) By the Rev. J~IES>I, Jo-iss, Car. hlein. S.A. Scat., Golspiv, lection of the Society. Sutherlnudsbire, though Dr J. A. S~IITH,Sec. SA. Scat,. A Tyne of the horn of a rein-dem, G iiiclics iu lcn$h, ancl flattcncd nt tlle base, lier re its cztreiue breadth is rather nore tllnn 2 inches. Frontill bone, slimring part of horn corr, anterior of part of loi~-crjaw, leg bones, &., of the Dos longifms, and linlf of the lomr jax of a dug, also shells of the spiny cockle, and screral chips of flint. FolIJld in cutting drai11r on the dI,,,~Zhnich ?no); a sandy do~\-non tlic sea coast, near Tain. (Scc the onncsed Coiiiiiinni~ationbj- Dr J. A. Smith.) (2.) Cy AnTHrn ~IITCKELL,hLD., F.S.A. Scot., though Dr J. A SUITH,Sec. S.B. Scot. Ilorn of the left side of n rcin-deer, xdh tT1-o projecting branch fij~~utlin n moss in the island of Rousay, Orhey. (See thc Cotmu~inicn- tiqiii by Pr J. A. Smitl~.) 174 PGOCEEDIXGS OF THE SOCIETY, JUNE 19, 1669. (3.) By Blr JAIIESYouxo, Liberton. (7.) By ROBEETBnovx, Esq. Nine Church Conmrmiou Tokens, in Lead j five of these arc of E

(4,) E>-Jurrs CcirrsE of Rattray, Esq., Abeiuleenshixe. (10.) By GEORGEGo~nrs, Esq., F.S.A., the Author. Curiously-shaped (somewhat cylindrical) Urn, 5 inches high, and 5 Something about BIasons' Marks in raiious countries. 4to. inches diameter across the bottom. The smallest internal dinicter of the There TPRS exhibited a Broiiso Tripod Pot, 11 inches in heiglit, ar~d9; vessel is at blie middle of its height, nhero it is only 21 iuches across; it inches across the mouth, vith inscription of raised letters on a bolt ruund widens to the mouth, xi-here it is 3 inches in diamcter. There is a small thc body of the pot, recently purchased for tlie hluseum. hole pierced in the centre of the bottom, and tlircc holes in the sides at uneqml clistmcea, and from an inch to an inch and a-half abore the Tlic folloiT-ing purchases, niade at the sale of the collection of the lntu bottom of the urn. It wns found in lSS9, about 1s inches bcluv tlic ADJXSix, Esq., F.S.A. Scut., of Coulter, Ti-ere also esliibitcd :- surface of the ground, and under a flat stone, near an eartha.orl: st)-lecl 1. A curious pair of Ernss Snuffers, with winged head, R-c., in high the Castlehill of Rattry. (See V-oodcut and Communieation by John relief on the lid, stated to be of the reign of Hemy VIII., and siudir Stuart, Esq., LL.D., Sec. S.A. Scot.) in character to those figured and described in Roue's Table Cook, vol. iii. (5.) By Xr ASDREWCCSSISGEAME, Huntly Street. ful. G3G. Small, oval, brass, Ribbed Snuff-Cox,mith the figure of a ship en&~a~-cd 2. A curious eady Timepiece, vith engrnrcd floriated honr dial, viili on the flat part of the lid, and inscribed belon, Ro' PoRrEots li79. single hand, inscribed "Humphry Nills feeit." 3. Brass moveiiicnt of an Eight-day Clock, inscribril on thc iliill, (F.) EJ-Ur J.OIES FOCCO, Thistle Street. Josepli novis, Lonilou." liidian Ilnyger, sinyle-edged sbarp IJO~II~K~blade, n-ith thick back riclrlg 4. Illns Sun~Ui;il,eigarcd with honr circlc, runipass yoiiets, vari:itim inlniil witli gold, aiid handle iiiade Rom the molar tooth of an elrplimt~. of tlw cluck, Krc., inscribed '' Gcorgc Jameson fceit." 176. PROCEEDISGS OF THE SOCIETY, JCSE 14, l8G9. OS TlIE FOOD OF XAN IS PI~EBISTORICTIZIES:. 177

5. A Copper Jug, 8 inches high, nith handle, embossed in lo~relief, There were also exhibited three Ken- Zealand Tar Implements, pur- mth floral pattern, and representations of greyhounds coursing and cap- chased for the Dluseuni :- turing hares. Stated to have been dug up in the formation of a railmy 11. Tno of these were the flat oval-shaped war clubs called "patoo- in the south of England. patoos." One made from a hegrained black stone, and measuring 14 . 6. Thee Pewter lleasures, mth handles. inches in length, including the short handle, and 3f inches broad in the One dns np from the bed of the Thames (1Si5), is cylindrical in shape, the flattest part of the blade; it has also a loop of flax, for fixing it to and 7 inches in height. It & inscribed round the middle, ''John the wrii3t. The other is fornicd of the bone of a whale, and 19 inches in TTickins, at j-e Cock and Crown in Xontague Close, Southvarke." On length. Part of the handle has been broken amay. 1%.The third implement, a club made of a hard heary vood, is 16 the handle stamped the letters K are bl inches in length by G inches in breadth, and 39 in thickness at the heavy The second, which is also 7 inches in height, is inscribed round the end, from nhich it slopes away to the handle in slightly curved lines, middle "Thomaa Hollinii-ood, at ye fose and tap in Chick lane." the hilt and the striking end being of the same forin. The edges are The third is 6 inches high, anil has a lid, displaying fonr small ornamented with a sawtooth pattern scratched into the ~ood,and the circnlar stamps, two of rrhich have the initials B. H. on either side handle has attached to it a loop of cord for the hand, and a wapping of of a bell. The other tno consist, apparently, of the initials Z. S. inter- cotton thread interlaced, and misted into pendants. laced, and a pink, or flower, on either side. Inside the lid is scratched the inscription, "Holborn B. Aug. 1S43," probahly diere it was The follovkg Comnnnicntions ~wrcrrail : foutid. 7. 4 Flagellurn of Iron Tire, 22 inches in length, made of a cnkdy n~ought.triangularly-formed chain li inches in length. It benrs at its estremitya cluster, or scourge, of fire pieces of chain, each 5 inches long, and ha\-ing iu the niicldle and at the ends a piece of xire twisted round a loop, so as to present four sharp points, three-eighths of an inch loug, 011 opposite sides of the scourge, which thus contains forty of these spikes altogether. 8. An 1nili;in torqne-shaped Xeck Ornament of tin, cut into orna- mentill patterns in the midille, and at each estremitj-, xrhich terininates in a hook. 9. A richl~ornamentell Panel of Bronze, 9 inches long by Gf broad, emliomd irith a fignre of SiT-a in highplief, six armed, and holding iveapons of nar in each of the sis hands. The figure is surmounted by a canopy of c,.bra's heads. The necklace and girdle of the deity are of silrer, and the anklets of gold. A silrer border is let into the panel "11 tm of its sides. 10. Indian Bronze Figore on pedestal, representing a deity eeatd in front of 311 open arched cnnop-, t,he whole bcing 5 inches Irigh.