170 1’I:OCEEDlSGS OF THE SOCIETY, hl.\Y 10, 1Jti9. SOTICE OF A TlllnD BltbSS OF EO\IGLCS FOIiSD AT P,ESTIi)I. 171 three, four, five, and an S or six dots; signifying the uncia (or txelftli pxt.), sextans, quadrans, triens, quinennx, aud semis or half, respectivuly, -the various parts or divisions of the As, The other coin is ille$ble; IY but our Cnrator, hlr Sim, thinks, from it3 general appearance, it is pro- bahlj- also a coin of Psstum. NOTICE OF A THIRD BRASS OF ROMULUS, SOS OF 3IASENTIUS, 2. A coin of P;cst.nm, the size of n third brass. It is partly broken, AND OTHER COINS. FOUXD AT P&STUM. BY JOHX ALESASI)EI{ S)IITH, X.D., SEC.S.I. Scor. and has on the Obceme the head of a young nian (L‘acchus) crournetl ~ith ix.y and looking to the right ; and bclind the head, four dots or globales. In the beginning of April lSGS I was fortuuate enough to bc alile to Recrrs~,a cornncopia with a bunch of grapes liauging from it on each ascend Tesurius, and see by night the an-fid grandeLp of a11 eruption ; side, and behind the cornucopia, four dots. It is thercfurc a triens, and and on the 6th of the month I had the pleasure of pqing a risit to of the date of about 200 years before Christ. the magnificent ruins of the ancient city of Pmtum. These ruins arc 3. The next is an early Eoman coin. Okerse, a niau’s hcarl lool<ing tiJ believed to he second only in importancc to thosc of Athens, anJ tlrc right; Recersc, pro\v of a gdlcy, and belov, t\vu dots. A sextans, or sixth most ancient examples of classical architectnre in Italy. A risit to P;estunl pnrt of the As, and is of the size of the third brass. can nov be niade rrithout any difficulty, going by nilmy from Kaples 4. A third brass of the Emperor Valens, A.D. 325. OZcerse, fictory to Snlerno, sending from thence a carriage to mit for you at the railwa3- inarching to left, with crown and pahn. Rzceme, SECURITAS REIPUBL1C.L‘. station ,of Guttipnglia, rrhich J-on reach by the first train next mmning, A coninion coin. then dking to P;?stilm, and back to EattipagIin in the erening, in time 5. The last coin is rather a rare one, and in fine condition. A Thin1 to eateh the last train for Xaples. The trip is now also alniost free from Grass of Narcus Aurelius Roolnlus, the son of ;\Iuxentins, born aliout AD. the danger of brigands, as the Italian Government requires each party of 30G, and died A.U. 309. Obuerx, hare head of Roninlus looking to right, visitors to take a padof at least tvo mounted troopers (armed it-itli with t,hc legend, DIVO ROHYLO XT’UIS cos Receme, a circular templc svord, eanbme, and rerolrer). This guard we got at the village of Eat- or tomb, with a domc, and on it ahore, an eagle rrith expnndcd xrinp, tipaglia, they crossed rrith us the rirer Sale, and vere theie succeeded AETERSAE JLEXLORIAE. In the E.eerpie, the letters X 0 8 T T (,lIOnCkk Si!7llh by other t\ro fyom a barrack close by, who vcnt with us to Pxstum, Toxcris). follo\red us closelj- through the rnins, and left us ag~inat the ferry of Thcre is no specimen of this coin in thc collection of the Society. the Sele, to be replaced by the first soldiers mho returncd xith ns to There are, however, two of a Second Grass of I:omolur, also of a rare tJ-jie, Ihttipaglilia. Init not in fine condition. It displays on thc OLceis.e, bare 11e.d of Then \raking among the ruins a peasant woman offered me the head Romulns looking to right, ISIP JI1SESTICS DKO ROXCLO svFILIO. R of a mall term cotta female figure, or Venus, which she had picked up n circular temple xith dome, and eagle above, with expanded wings, tlicre (exhibited) j and on passing several peasants busilJ engaged digging AETS~SImxonu. In k:.t:orgiie, 110 STT, these lctters are the &me as 011 the grounil xithin the v-alls, not far from the tcniples, one of them came the third brass; tLe coins hare, therefore, been struck at the snmc to me xTith a fer brass coilis he had found. Mostof those are of coili~ place. paratively little interest, except as being found in that locality. They The rending of the letters KT, and of NVEIS coxs, in the legend of consist of- these coins, has nlnxys been consiilereil R coml~l~iemmisinatic ~J~IZL’~., 1. Tiro suiall coins of Pzstum-one hasing half a bonr oil the OLcerse, nml it is only very aii.1 appnruntly one or txo glohules or dots, to rlcnotc its value ; onc, trw, by AI. dc LongpL:r aS hVillg f<J? X.\-S(I)DII.lSSLIII)) I(ll1U); allll rill. 172 PWOCEEDISGS OF THE SOCIETY, MAY 10, 1869. DOSATIOSS TO THE XL'SECZI ASn LIBRAILY. 173 George Sin1 has called my attention to the fallairing notice published by JLr John Erans in the " I\'umismatic Chronicle" for 1865 :- "The interpretatiun of tlir Irgend SYBIS vhieh occurs after t,he COS~, ~IOSD.IY,14th June 1S6D name of Romilns, the son of Xasentius, on many of his coins, has bee11 the subject of much dispute among numismatists. 31. de LongpiriCr, how PAVIP LAISG, ESQ.,LL.U., For. Sec. S.B. Scot., in tlic Chair. ex-er, in the 'Revue Sumismaticpe,' K.S.vol. i. p. 36, pointed out ,That appears bej-ond doubt the proper interpretation of the legeud, as DIP" The follorring Gentleman ras balloted for mid elected a Fellow of the ROXGLO, X(OBlLlSSIJI0) V(lR0) BiS CoSs(TL1). An inscription discorered Society :- on the site of t,he ancient Troesmis, in Lower hlzsia, ij of interest, both as affording corroboration, if such mre needed, of 31. de Longp6ribr's Jnir~sBnrms, N.D., Hamick, suggestion, and as @ring an instalice of the use of a nearly similar title at au earlier date. It is to 6he honorz of Tib. Claud. Pompeinniis, dlo 011 the motion of >Ir STUART,Secretarj-, the Society resolred to reed was consul for the second tinie in li3, and is thus giren by AI. Lean tllcir sense of the great loss sustained by the death of hIr \YII.I.I.\>I Kenier in the 'Revue drchaologiqlie' fur December 1SG5 (p. 403) :-~~ Tnoiisos AI'CCLLOCK,the late Keeper of the Aluseunl, and the his11 esteem in which they held his seniccs, his enthusiasm, aiid skill in tlic T I B C L P 0 hI PEIAKOCV arrnngenient of the IIuseiuiii, his uiir-aryiiig courtesy to ail, and Iris BISCOSSTLI atteiition to the business of tbe Society. GTALFI R.\I V S CLEGIITAL The follon.ing Donations to the 1Iusemu mid Library were laid on the TlBER€6 CL1TUIU FOIIPELISO CIL\RISSIXO VIRO BIS COSSTLI G1Im r.~LERlTs table, and tlmnks vere voted to the Ponors :- FInIIcs, CESIERIO LEGIOSIS rnim mLIcx." I have much pleasure in presenting the coins to the Sumismatic Col (1.) By the Rev. J~IES>I, Jo-iss, Car. hlein. S.A. Scat., Golspiv, lection of the Society. Sutherlnudsbire, though Dr J. A. S~IITH,Sec. SA. Scat,. A Tyne of the horn of a rein-dem, G iiiclics iu lcn$h, ancl flattcncd nt tlle base, lier re its cztreiue breadth is rather nore tllnn 2 inches. Frontill bone, slimring part of horn corr, anterior of part of loi~-crjaw, leg bones, &., of the Dos longifms, and linlf of the lomr jax of a dug, also shells of the spiny cockle, and screral chips of flint. FolIJld in cutting drai11r on the dI,,,~Zhnich ?no); a sandy do~\-non tlic sea coast, near Tain. (Scc the onncsed Coiiiiiinni~ationbj- Dr J. A. Smith.) (2.) Cy AnTHrn ~IITCKELL,hLD., F.S.A. Scot., though Dr J. A SUITH,Sec. S.B. Scot. Ilorn of the left side of n rcin-deer, xdh tT1-o projecting branch fij~~utlin n moss in the island of Rousay, Orhey. (See thc Cotmu~inicn- tiqiii by Pr J. A. Smitl~.) 174 PGOCEEDIXGS OF THE SOCIETY, JUNE 19, 1669. (3.) By Blr JAIIESYouxo, Liberton. (7.) By ROBEETBnovx, Esq. Nine Church Conmrmiou Tokens, in Lead j five of these arc of E<liii- Implements of Bone, Deer Horn, R.c., collected by the Donor, froni old burgh, one the Canongate, and three of Leith. They are iiiscril~das Escpimaux graves on the Duck Islands, Korth Greenland, lat,. 73" P;. :- foliows :- considing of a Hook, made from part of the horn of a rein-deer, for carrying J. $1. D. G. (Dean of Odd) ; reuerse, Edinburgh his, date 1805 j or suspeuhg a stone lamp j a Knife-Handle of bone, in which a blade of sqnare-shaped flint or iron has been fixed j a culvcd Bone Pin, about 7 inches in lengtli, Sr CGTHBERT'S181s; recerse, 1 CORIN.xi. 28, 29; hexagonal. with flattened head; a polished Bone Implement and roimded llone, vitli STCumnmr's 18% ; similarly inscribed, also hexagonal. pohlt-a fie-raising implcment, worked like a drill, with the thider ~i-00~1, KET CH.WELli93; mscrse, LCKELlii. 19, 1 Con. si. 26; ond. slioning holes for twirling the bone in, so as to kindlc the ~ood. LIDYGLESOUCHY'S CKAPEL j reserse, 1 CoRrs. xi. ZS, 29 j star-slmped.
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