Oracle® HRMS for France Supplement Release 12.1 Part No

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Oracle® HRMS for France Supplement Release 12.1 Part No Oracle® HRMS for France Supplement Release 12.1 Part No. F18160-01 April 2019 Oracle HRMS for France Supplement, Release 12.1 Part No. F18160-01 Copyright © 2002, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Pragya Singh Nair Contributing Author: Nitika Pershad This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. 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Contents Send Us Your Comments Preface 1 Enterprise and Workforce Management Organizations............................................................................................................................ 1-2 Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises.........................................................................1-2 Organization Classifications................................................................................................ 1-4 Creating an Organization...................................................................................................1-14 Entering Additional Information....................................................................................... 1-16 Business Group: Setting Up Public Sector-type Functionality........................................... 1-24 Business Groups: Entering PS Grouping Unit Information............................................... 1-25 Company: Entering Pension Providers..............................................................................1-26 Company: Entering Company Information....................................................................... 1-26 Company: Entering 2483 Information................................................................................1-28 Company and Establishment: Entering Insurance Providers............................................ 1-29 Company and Establishment: Entering Previous Information.......................................... 1-29 Establishment: Entering ASSEDIC Information.................................................................1-30 Establishment: Entering Collective Agreements................................................................1-30 Establishment: Entering Establishment Information......................................................... 1-31 Establishment: Entering External Organizations Information........................................... 1-32 Pension Provider: Entering Information............................................................................ 1-33 Insurance Provider: Entering Information......................................................................... 1-33 ASSEDIC Center: Entering ASSEDIC Center Information.................................................1-33 URSSAF Center: Entering URSSAF Center Information....................................................1-34 External Organization: Entering Corps Details .................................................................1-34 iii Entering External Organizations Information....................................................................1-34 Extending Types of Public Sector.......................................................................................1-35 Committees..............................................................................................................................1-37 Role Extra Information Types............................................................................................ 1-37 Entering Committee Details...............................................................................................1-37 Jobs and Positions................................................................................................................... 1-39 Statutory Situations............................................................................................................1-39 Reasons and Subtypes for Statutory Situations..................................................................1-40 Defining a Job.................................................................................................................... 1-41 Defining a Position............................................................................................................ 1-43 Collective Agreement Setup................................................................................................... 1-51 Collective Agreements.......................................................................................................1-51 Setting Up Collective Agreement Entitlement Items......................................................... 1-53 Occupational Health............................................................................................................... 1-55 Occupational Health: Medical Assessments, Disabilities and Work Incidents.................. 1-55 Entering Work Incident Information................................................................................. 1-58 Entering Medical Assessments.......................................................................................... 1-63 Entering Disability Information.........................................................................................1-64 Upgrading Existing Disability, Medical Assessments and Work Incidents Data...............1-67 Running the French Data Upgrade Process....................................................................... 1-69 Statutory Employee Reporting................................................................................................1-72 Statutory Reports Overview.............................................................................................. 1-72 Declaration Annuelle Obligatoire D'emploi des Travailleurs Handicapes, de Mutiles de Guerre et Assimiles (D2)....................................................................................................1-73 Declaration Mensuelle Obligatoire des Mouvements de Main d'Oeuvre.......................... 1-74
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