The Churches SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1915
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OLUME XXXV. NO. 18. SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. 1915. Price Three Cents. MISS MADGE MAHONEY Storm Breaks Motor MARDIGRAS UTH AMB0Y5 LAND&WTER >>(• SELECTED AS QUEEN "-.CARNIVAL; SPORTS Boat Into Kindling AUT0 mm It has been many years since we, With the counting of the last vote BABY PARADL M.U IUIILILLLUI Rl IUII - had such a storm from the eastward last Sunday morning it. was foun as that of Tuesday and Wednesday FOR CITY WATER that Miss Madge Mahonpy was the tlREMEhSPARADE AUGUST I3"I4 ALL LHTRIE5 FREE morning. The waters of the bay were popular choice for Queen of the Oli lashed into fury, and seas of mam- Coundl Turns Down by Party Line Home Celebration. New Ordinance Passed Increasing moth proportions ran up on the The contest came to a close a beach. Faucet Rates and Reducing Meter Councilman Parisen's Resolutio ^midnight on the last day of July, Some Timely Jottings Furnished toPut"Molc-in-Wall"UptoGran At the Publicity headquarters. Messrs. By Publicity Committee. All small craft anchored off shore Rates—Is Effective October 1 — J. F. Fulton, James Kenan, Frank soon filled with water and sank Jury—President Stratton Says i Scully, James O'Connor and A. H. The large cabin motor bont, "Marion Mechanicsville Hose Company COMMITTEES GETTING THINGS IN SHAPE T," owned by John Thorns, which was Must be His Resolution or Nothing anchored off John street, broke loose Likes Maxville Hose House. EOR OLD HOME CELEBRATION from her moorings between 6 and The council indulged in another bi o'clock Tuesday evening, and in an The new water ordinance waa of by-play on the "hole-in-the-wall1 instant the wind had blown her passed on Its second reading by the question at the meeting Tuesda) The executive committee decided that the companies invited hadn't against the city dock. Many ran to Council at tlie Tuesday night meet- night. Councilman Parisen present?! upon the location of the grand stands been able to hold nny meetings since her rescue, but the sea was so heavy ing and ndopted by sections. It was a resolution requesting tne Gram! for the Old Home Celebration at a receiving tho invitations on account that It wan impossible to save her then taken up on its third reading Jury to take up the matter and in meeting last Monday evening. There of miiall attendance. The report was before Hhe struck the (fewer pipe, and by title and adopted. Another mo- vestigate it, returning indictments are to bo two of the stands this year, quite , encouraging on the whole, stove a hole in her side, and filling tion then referred it to the Mayor for against those responsible tor same. onis for tho uses of the, chorus and Mayor l.fey presented tho following with water it took only a few minutes hia approval, thence to the news- After the reading of the resolution invited guests, orchestra and bands response In hla letter to tho Public whim she was a total wreck, com- paper for publishing in accordance Mr, Stratton asked for remarks nnd and the other for the general public. Servlco Hallway Co, requesting their pletely split Into nothing but kind- with the laws. Councilman Stanton immediately stepped to tho fore witli Augusta street on liotl) Hides of co-operation during tho celebration. ling wood. Much sympathy Is ex- .endeavored to have one of sections \Bome remarks of his own. llroailwuy ia the Bite selected fur thn After being road a motion wan piiMod tended to Mr. Thorns In his loss, as •that provides for a charge of eight tho craft was n hobby of his, anil lie This is what Mr. Stratton said .stands. SmiU on tho liitlor urn now that It bo published broadcast. Tin.* dollars where there Is only ono on snli> nt the Kmpiro Theatre nnd letter: was delighted with the fact that faucet in a house amended so as to "As a member of this body I have i through his own handiwork he had at. tlio drug stores »f Mcnsrs. l'url- lion. Win. S. Uey, Mayor reduce the charge to BIX dollars, its resolution that still llns on this tho vessel in the pink of condition table of this council pertaining to .son and Jaqucii. lOftch of those South Amboy, N. .1. present rate. Mr. Slover stated that places luivo nn ullolmunt of the scats My dear Mr. Mayor: and nftor his own fnuhlon. Ills loss It was the intention of the council to the same identical thing. You have Voiir coiirtooiix letter referring will rench $700 or more. been unable up to this time to do for suli! and a diagram of tho seals have this higher rate established so that they have, t'huir seats nro to thi! Oltl Home Celebration which anything with it. I expect to vote It is proposed to huld in South Am- A motor boat' owned by Andrew as to mako the Installation of a against this resolution. My resolu- selling lor a dollar each and bleacher boy next month, was received in due Kronemeyer sank, but the damage meter moro attractive and thus over- tion asked for this body to vote to seats fur half that amount. Tho season, and we are (winntraliicil to was slight. Lyla Van Dorn'H motor come the great amount of wastage tickets are good for Hie entire eelo- advlso you that thn railway com- that now takes place. The amend- change this (great condition at this boat drngged her anchor and went hratlon starting with tin: Friday night pany Is not in a position to comply ment was lost on a party vote. The point. But no, it was because 1 was with tho request made'. ashore, but escaped serious damage. carnival, nil day Saturday and that new ordinance becomes effective on a representative of this great com- .MISS MAIKiE MAHONICY Under the Public Utilities Act of A large three-masted schooner pany and there was something behind evening. 1.9U the company Is specifically moored off shore dragged her cable October 1st, and gives the water Chattin, Treasurer Kcnnh nnd Chair- / the wheel. Look out, for him, there The meeting of O'e general com- prohibited from granting gratuities and was blown against tho P. H. R. commissioner practically unlimited man Vnn Pelt and Kdvvin noddy had or descrlnilnnting in favor of any is a trick somewhere. Look out or mittee in the City Hull was largely pier. She escaped with nothing more power of exercising his discretion. assembled to act as the official elec- locality by giving free service in ono •we will put something over on you. attended in spite of the storm and place without giving similar service than a severe chafing. The council also decided that a tion board. ,. Chairman (•undrum, of When you get ready to take this rain and heat. Hero, everything elsewhere. o / storm sewer on Main street was ad- the linance committee, was prevented resolution from the table that hole seemed to indicate that the plans for We are sory that we must say no OLD HOME DAV I'ICXIC. f visable. The.committee reported that from taking part because of his hav- to your request, but the conditions will be taken care of. The water, the celebration were fast approach- 'An Old Home Day Picnic will be there was a heavy flow of water on ing been overcome with tho heat are not of our making. the Band and the condition that now ing completion satisfactorily and that held In St, Mary's ground;, Friday, that street above Stevens avenue in quite early in tlm evening. Very truly yours, night and Saturday afternoon and exists at that place will be taken care the celebration would bo carried out (Signed) J. L. O'Toole, evening, August 13 and 14, a storm and that a sewer was a of. Because 1 presented that resolu- The board was nearly swamped on lines better nnd bigger than last Secretary Committee on Public necessity between Thompson street with the tremendous vote that the Full arrangements have been made tion you turn it down and it is down year. Relations. to entertain over 500 Firemen at. the and tho avenue. Upon motion'of Mr. activities of the three candidates hnd to-day. I don't propose to favor any- The finance committee submitted , Another letter was submitted by picnic this year. Many new attrac- Slover the committee was empowered piled up. They had so much money thing else until that resolution the first enthusiastic report so far the mayor, , It was a reply from Mr. tion will bo put up and if you want to have the engineer prepare plans to turn in that tho indictator bell to enjoy Old Home Day as it should taken up and acted on in some man- handed in. Treasurer Kenah stated P. L. Fullam, manager of the B. I. and specifications for the sewer, was rung by'some of the enthusiastic be enjoyed then by all means attend ner, shape or form. If you act on it that the fund had grown consider- DuPont De Nemours Powder Co., of the place wherp you can review tho which he explained would cost in on lookers who thought the fund favorably I will assure you that ably in the past week and that at Parlin, and stated that they were de- parade and enjoy a good substantial the neighborhood of twenty-five hun- would surely pass the two thousand something will be done to make it ast it began to look as though con- sirous of co-operating with us in meal and besides that amuse your- dred dollars.