One Step Closer to Reality

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One Step Closer to Reality • ~ Community Newspaper Company wwv. .allstonbrightontab .com FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2004 Vol. 8, No. 52 38 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ One step closer to reality By Josh B. Wardrop STAFF WRITER e\l'lopers moved one step closer to begin­ nin~· worl. on a 26-unit residential complex D on the si te of 142 Bigelow St. in Brighton on Tuesday when they received a \'Ole of approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals at City Hall. "For all intenh and purposes. they [the ZBA] rnted to appro\·e the project:· <,aid Mark McGowan. project ma nager for the development with the Bo.,ton Rl'dc\'elopment Autho1it). 'The developers were gram~ d the vanances they asked for. and no~ it\ a mattt•1 of fine-tuni ng the project." The ZB \ approved the project \\ ith prm 1-.os. the spcLif1cs ol \\hich ~ere not a\ailahlc at press time. But the kL'\ condition wa-. fw1her HRA review of the p1lX:Css du1111g the next se\'eral weef..:s, dunng which time devcl111~r., Nici. and Peter Davos and Michael will he required to as-,cmble a w1ittcn decl\ion ..1 dlx:ument that revamps the project pro • YAATf K posal. incmporating the ZBA's suggested provisos. Paul Taylor, owner of Royal Catering of Brighton, said his busine!,s did very well during last week's DNC. The company catered to CBS during the Thi\ is tht 11 -.igned off by the ZBA. and for\Narde<l to convention. BIGELOW, page 21 Mixed bag of business from DNC Russian pimp Convention banners, no; (/iorist so-so; caterin • ~ a By Josh B. Wardrop pan). "h1ch has been Jll existence since 1892 S AFFWR T£R "There wure famous people f\\ lwn it \\a-. Ne\\ C:nl!land Ha!! .ind Banner), By J.M. Lawrence UOSTON tiERALD \\ h n th· ~·rnx. .1t1c 'a11on,1I Coment1on everywhere, and some of our -,pcciali1e" in the crc,11i~n of ad\;rtising banners hit Bot-ton last week. some r~ork !.JW potential and signage li.H it" coq111rate dienh. ,mJ \\ ith all \ Rt1\\1an pimp admitted on Tue-,da) to connmg danger lrom p<.1-,,1hll' tcJTori"t act1\ 1!) or pmk: - young employees got to meet Ron the nu ... ine-,-,es Ill Bo-.ton \\ho were \\elrnming women Imm fatorna into a\ mdentured -;ex -,Imes in Bnghton. giving m<issages with "a special !Or \ 1nlcnce. \olllC f~Op(e s,1\\ potential Reagan, P. Diddy, Jesse Jackson. the D:'\C v. ith open arm'> and v. allci.... Viola ...aid 1ieaJ,1t.:hes, owin!! 10 road dosu11:s that \\ere that on Point ''as re,td) to -.pring into action de­ end mg" h 1 pa) fix the1r fl ight\ home. supprf,e<.l to cau~e long traffic dl•la) •, and the We're ha Pl' to know we played a "ignmg banner'>. Roman Yakima. a t1im 38-year-old Estonian nation­ of \CX dog~jng of ,mcill,lr)' road-.. ''Oh\ i(lu-..1), \\e 'igncd up to be 011 the \l'ndor al \\ho n 1,1nied one his workers in 2<XXl, plead­ major role in the event." ed An41 some people local bus in · s 0\\ nc1 • to li-,1 because of the potential that exl\ted," ... aid guilt) to fcdeml charges mduding \isa fraud and 1 be e\hct .. aw potential dollar glh \\uh the Viol,1 ··But the amount of banner bu-.incs-, we imprn1i11~ il legal aliens for immoral purposes. Paul Ta) or. O\\ na of Ro) al Catering "[ brol.e the la\\.." Valdma told Chief U.S. District pron11sc ol mone) 10 be made 11 1111 ;uppl) ing did \\a.-. negligible - \\C got somc work: from Cou11 Judge Wil li<m1 G. Young on Tuesda). good'! and sen ice" to the end le !. panic ... and cxi.,ting clients who \\Cre ti) ing to -,prucc up for Seven women were victimi1ed under the scheme funct on" hcing ho-,ted for delel!a c and digni­ the C\ent. but that\ real!) it." bu,inc~'c'. \\ ich the 't' cs of three panicular dating hack to 1999. iru·ie,, throngsL ol Boston-area Lbl 'me ~~pie All-.ton-Brig ito11 comp, 1cs otfering a 111w.iblc For Amanda Ro1as. o~ ncr of Amanda\ 'Tue-.e women didn't know the nature of I Valdma \ ~gneU up ~ ith DNC organi1er.., Boston 2<X>-+ to mirnx:o ... m l f hl \\ the Dt\C acted a... a windfall Flower-, on Wash111gton ~treet 111 Brighton. bu\ines\[ until after they aJTI \ed in the United States," Ix put on an Internet "\'endor list in the hope ... to ...ome. and a of hot air to other... being on the DNC \'endor li"t \\ <h more of a h.i.g A-."1stant U.S. Attorney Emil) Schulman told the of ·11lracting some ne\\., high-p1nfik bu inc ' mi\ed bag. Whtie \he -.aid that -.he \\as h1red lo "We diun 't get an) ~ orf..: .11 all from the COU11. du11·1g comention \\CCI.. I) :·~aid :)te\ en Viola. a sale"r)Cr,on \\ ith on­ prm ide !lowers for a fev. small functions related Valdma. \\ho became a U.S. citi1en in 2(KJO. was Tl!: tin,mcial n~sults ~ere van d for Ho•aon Pmnt Visual, on 1 'orth Beacon Street. TI1c com- VENDORS, page 21 busted last )eru· when one \\.Oman went to police and VALDMA, page 7 City groups take a When "'atch ou1 of crime punk Ringer Park group a 1110 11g JOhonored By Todd Morrison meets CORRESl'ONOE,'<l "We are just a very Oae V.L'Ck after being highlight· young crime watch push ups ed a the homctov. n of pre-.i Jen­ group. We've been oal • John Kerry. Bl stor By Todd Morrison m e urc -,ome of it other rc:--si doing this for a year." C:ORRESPONDf.,< r West End denL' got a little n.•u1; 111.ion. Lani .Mauricio once went to a YMCA Jason Gould On :\londa) night. Bo<.ton ;aw aerobics c!a·;~ at the invitation of her reaches out to a\\ ;;.rd to the 'Top Ten Nl'1ghbi.v. ­ mothe1. It ,.,.asn'l exact!) a success, she hood Crime \\'acche.,:· Ariong The awards ~ere gi\en m con­ said, and the folio\\ ing week, her mother local teens the 10 \\O:h a Brighton gruui:> es­ junctkm \\.ith the ··National Night diJn "t invite her back. tablbhed one )Car agl) tu !~Ip Out Again'>t Crime.. v.. hich oc­ ·Tm jus~ too ~pastic for the g) m.' · s.'lid ch~ ..,.SEE PAGE3 light crime and 'andalisrn i 1 .:um:d on Tue,,day. Ironical!;. it 25-year"')!d Allston re.~1dern, iaughing ..., Ringer Park:. come' JC a time ~hen 'inlence <m flail. l Jon't lil.e lhe gym:· INSIDE I K.hvidual award-.. for tlg!':ting the ~u-eeL-.. in Boston ha." been m Aembics demand<, a lot of jX.>ople. But crime \\ere also given rnrt on the pot!Jght after a coupk of for people like Mauricio. it's the preten­ Commentary 8 Trn·~.da~. <,hooting incidcnb. tiou-,ne !- and the bad dance 1nu-;ic they 11le crime v.atch awarj w ..., 111e yearl) e\c::nt 1-.. a nauonal <.J) keep~ them away For th;!~e disen­ Community Notes 22 presemctl b) fa)lll Tt.cmn.-.. campaign co celebrat~ relat1nn­ franchi~cJ individual'>. there i" punk rock ship" bet\\.een communitic::" and aerobics. Crime 4 kninont the John Hanrod: Co11- lc1 mce Center i11 from vf mon. their local police departments. In Allst@n. the cl as' i~ taught b) 33- STAFF PHOTO BY MEITH E JACOBSON year-old Arna Allara. who recently Arna Allara of Allston demonstrates a " punk rock than J 0 crime \\atch part!c~!311t-, tluo:sgh p:lrtk.-.s. ,;ookouts, '1flci Library Notes 11 moved her Ruel. City Body exercise stu- aerobics" move at Rock City Body In Allston. This form and RQlice official Acrnrduig ~.i1 other e' enl'> aimed at demon ... tr.ll­ of aerobics gets people In shape without the pressure Obituaries 21 <..:Ii) 1c1aklhcreare J.24~cnnK· ing rhat the rnmmuniiie:, Jre ··or I AEROBICS, page 21 and with some pretty lively music. V.Cllch groups Cll) V. Ide AWARD, pcige 7 L.~~~~~~~~~~~ People 23 ALL MAJOR Political Notebook 20 \I\ FL / ~- \\'hen you~ BRAND TIRES Clll HOPR \f~ fH 1: ~ say it with Mortgage Loans Schools 19 ' - at discounted flowers make sure local knowledge. prices they' re ours! Experienced answers. 3 1 ~21 I Flower Shawmut Properties Mi11iha11e's Peoples 134 Tremont Street • Brighton & Garden Federal Savings Bank Shop Your Neighborhood Realtor® 425 WASHINGTON STREET \lls1on 2 1 "" MASSACHUSETT OLDEST :i.)(I C:unhri1l::1• ~I ., Bri::lit1111 TIRE DEALER 11910) BRIGHTON CENTER • 61., ·254-1130 Bnghron \ ! ,ill(~ l ~n (617) 787·2121 G} (617) 25-1-0707 • '""'· 144 BOYLSTON sr /RTE. 9 Ample Free Parking )I( BROOKLINE 617 ?32·4869 J ' 98238 60009 ' " ~~~~~~~---'--~--~~-~~~~~~~~~...,,.,,,.,....~~~-:.--~~--......~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~--~~~...;.;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~· • Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, August 6, 2004 We want your news! m_,t!wERC~MUNITY THIS WEEK on towno 1ine ·com •·. ·. ·: .. W'ir/OO Bravet man (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton •....•.. v'[email protected] The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at and America Online TAB! We are eager to serve as a Reporter . Josh Wa•drop (781) 433-8333 Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 local publications, profiles of forum for the community.
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