
Jhe J/igher meaning 0/ FRATERNITY

By Dr. Walt.r R. Courtenay, 4> a 0, Lawrence '29 Pallor Finl Presbyterian Church, Nashville, T tllneJIee

~ THE WORD fraternity is a very old word, being part of every civilization that the world has known. It is an international word, used by all nations and all races. It is a classless word, having its place among employers and workers, the rich and the poor, the honest and the dishonest, the law.abiding and the lawless. The word's meaning is clear. To be fraternal is to be brotherly, and so it follows that a fraternity is an organization of men which seeks to promote friendship and welfare among its members. The world has known many fraternal groups. The nation is one, the tribe is another, the clans within the tribe still another, and within the clans the families, the last being the original and basic fraternal group. Each of these goes by a name, and each has a motto that seeks to express purpose, but all are bound by a motto that is older than Shakespeare and Dumas, "all for one, and one for all." It is this spirit of unity and loyalty that gives body to every fraternal organization, be it na­ tion, church, school, lodge, family or collegiate fraternity ... . The period between 1840 and 1870 saw most of the great collegiate fraternities come into being. They were born out of idealism and a desire to emphasize the higher concepts of self and society. They were not calJed into existence to be a dormitory and eating club {or playboys. They were not created for the transient values of isolated group life. Their end was the creating of better men, men rich in the aptitudes of brotherliness, friendship, helpfulness, scholastic attainments, and moral character. [t was felt that such groups, imbued with a larger purpose for liv­ ing, would Ix a real asset to both members and the campus as a whole. As I have known fraternities and fraternal groups, I am conscious of the ease with which they slip from the ideal to the common. Their original usefulness ends in misuse, and their primary purpose for existence is glossed over and lost. Created to serve the high they too often serve only the low, retaining a certain amount of respectability long after they have ceased to merit praise. As with all organized groups, SO with fraternities ; they live either on the level of God's revelation, on the level of man's best achievements, on the level of the so-called average man, or on the low, the mediocre, the cheap and sordid. THE -.-A-rrow OF PI BETA PHI




OQiu 0/ Pllbliuuio,,: 410 Standard Offier Bldg., Decatur. III. Content~ STAFF Fraternity Directory ...... 220 A,row Edi,or: Ao!u TAYLOR ALFORD ( Mes. T. N.), 930 Olive Ave .• Coronado. Calif. Editorials 229

Alumna> CIIIb EdiUH : VIRGINIA SHERMAN Our Ne\\. est Chapter 2JO KOZAK (Mrs. Andrew J.) t R.O. I. Kirk­ ville. N.Y. News (rom Little Pigeon 2J I

Chapler Lell~ ' &1;/0' : SAlliE TUCKER. 4519 Summer Craft Workshop 2JJ Cumberland Ci rcle. EI Paso, Texas. From Pi Phi Pens .... 2)4 N~WJ f rom Lillie Pigeon,' lOUlSB WHEELOCK DoBLER (Mrs. Clare R.) , n2~ Federal Ave., Pi Phi Personalities 2J6 Everett, Wash. The Centennial Fund 247 f:.x(hangu and Collef., N oles: R UTH WILSON CoGSHALL (Mrs. W. S.). 2001 Emerson , Will You Help Rush ? 248 louisville. Ky . Chapter Rush Captains 249 From Pi Phi Pens: MARY ELIZABETH LAsHER S .... RNB1TB (Mrs. Kenneth A. >, 8 Cloister 0., Chapter Letters 2)2 Tonawanda. N.Y. Alumnr Letters 267 Arrow Pile: Pi &t. Phi O nttal Office. 410 Standard Office Bldg .. Decatur. Ill. In Memoriam .. 298

In Memoriam No/iuJ: Send to Pi ~ta Phi Official Calendars 299 Central Office. 410 Standard Office Bldg" Decatur, III. Fraternity Supplies J02

([,THI! Auo'tP' i, printcd Fall, Wintrr, Sprinlt and Summcr by Pi Beu Phi Fratcrnity at thc prcn o f Gcorle Banta Company Inc. , ·UO Aboaip St., Menasba, Wis. Subscription price is S1.50 & yrar, 'O ~ for sinlle copies, SU.OO for life subscription. ([,Srnd ,ubKriptions, cblngc of addreu Dotice. and correspondcnce of I business Dature to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, Decatur 16, III. tl,CorfesPQndtnce of an cditorial nature is to be addressed to thc editor, Mrs. T. N . Alford, 9}0 Oli'fc A'fe., Cnronado, Ca li f. Itcms for publication should be sddressed to the editor to arrh'c not later thlA July 15, October 10, January 15, March 5. tl,Mtmbcr of FII~mity Magu:ines Associated. All mattcn peruinin .. to n.tional advcnisiDIC should be dirCClrd 10 Fratcrnity lotaluine. Associated, 1618 Orrington AYe., Ennston, III. tl,Entcrcd as second·c1an mattrr at the ~st office at Decatur. Ill. Ind Menasha, Wis., under the Ict of Marcb }. 1879. Acceptance for m.iling at speCIal rllC of posuac undcr thc pro'fisioDs of Sec. 34--40 Par. (D) proYidcd for in the act o( February 28, 192), Prinltd ,n Ihc United Statrs of America

Front cover: Samford Hall-Admini,tration Building at Alabama Polytechnic. DIRECTORY

FOUNDERS OF TH8 FRATERNITY Emma Brownlee KilRore (1848·1924) Rosa Moore 08.8-1924) Margaret Campbell (1846· 1936) Jennie Nicol, M.D. (184,.1881) Libbie Brook Gaddis (18'0· 1933) loez Smith Soule (1846.19<&1) Ada Bruen Grier (1848.192.) Faonie Thomson (l848-1868) Clara Brownlee Hutchinsoo (18' 0. 1931) Jeooie Horne Turnbull (1846· 1932) Pann, Whiteoack Libbe, (1848-19<&1) Nanq Black Wallace (184,·1918)

l'JUiSIUI,fNT J:M8IU'J'US lola, L. Keller, Westhampton College, Uni't'Cuity of Richmood. Va.

HONORARY GRAND PRBSID8NT Am, Burnham Onken. Chapin, Ill,

HONORARY GRAND TRBASURBR Lois Pranlr.lio Stoolmao (Mrs. A. W,), 1001 S. Third St.. (Jum.paiRn, Ill.

GRAND COUNCIL Grand Virl·Prtsidrnl .. Marianne Rcid Wild (Mu. Robert S.L Office: ~ 39 17th St., N.W., Room #310. Washington 6, D.C. H" me: 202 1 Belmont Rd., N.W., Washington 9, D.C. Grand Prwdmt ...... •...... Alice Weber Mansfield (Mu. William H . ), 8 Long Meadows. St. Louis 22, Mo. G"",J S,n,lll', , ••...• •• ...•...... Virginia Voorhees Speaker (Mrs. James P.), 24U Washington Blvd., Kansu City. Kan. GrllnJ Trill/II'" ...... O liyia Smith Moore (Mn. Henry, Jr. ) , 420 Pine St., Tell'lrkaoa, Tu:. ARAO W &iilDr ...... ,Adele Ta,lor Alford (Mrs. T. N .), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado. Calif. Dirl('lDr DI RMJb;", IInJ PI,JgI r,.ining . Helen .... nderson Lewis (Mrs. Benjamin C.), 73 U N. Gulley Rd., Dearborn 6, Mich. DirttlDr Df EJtI,nsit", .. • ...... '" ..... Ruth Williams H ansen (Mrs. Paul), 31 10 Eagle Pan Rd., Louin-ille 13. Ky.

COUNSELOR FOR CHAPTER HOUS8 CORPORATIONS Mat'J Emrich Van Buren (Mrs. E.), 2625 Mandeville Canyon Road, Los .... ngeles 49. Calif.

NATIONAL HISTORIAN Aluiao Keel!: SimmoM (Mrs. OlinI' B.). 64U MOloinpidc Dr.• Kansas CitT. Mo.

NATIONAL SUPERVISOR Of CHAPTIlR HISTORIBS Rose McColloch DrusieI' (Mu. B. B.J. 7240 Madisoa. Kansu City H , Mo.

NATIONAL BOARD Of TRUSTEB FUNDS Chllir... ,, : Oli .. ia Smith Moo~ (Mrs. Henry, J r.), ~2G Pine St., . Teulka~a, T~.; Lolita Snell Prouty (Mrs. Prank H .). 1760 Locust St .. Deonr 22,. Colo.: Am, Burnham Onken, Chapin, III.; MarJ.lnnc Reid Wild (Mrs. Robert S. ), 202 1 Belmont Rd., N .W. , Washing. ton 9, D.\.,. ; Mary Vaa BU«D (Mn.), 26H Maadc.-ille Canyon Rd., z.o. Anaeles 49, Calif.

NATIONAL SUPERVISOR Of CHAPTER ACCOUNTING Dorothea Whiu Flint (Mrs. Leroy). 2U9 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis " lad.

Otapte.r T~aSUt'en send your monthly reports to Fraternity Accounting System, c/ o Mr. John DornBlaser. 3 10 Gazette Bldg,. Uttle Rode. Ark..

PI BETA PHI MAGAZINB AGENCY Jand: L Patto n, 410 Standard Office Bid,., Decatur, lli.

PI BETA PHI CBNTRAL OPPICB D;,«tM _I C,.~III O~_JIOd L. Patton, .10 St:a..odatd O&ice Bld&., Dccatw:, III. 220 I THE ARIOW OF PI aETA PHI 221

STANDING COMMITTEES Seul._al Scbool Co..-u---C~Viqinia Stacbtt Greta (Ma').1 26)0 Suthuw.d A"e., lDdiaupolil '. lod. T".,,,,_Thun.a Gibtoa Graham (Wn. Thoaw E.), 3)24 N.W. 1.m St., Oklahoma City 7, Okla. S,"t'I_,,-SchooI Library, Edaa Oltoa Arcbiblld (lin. Pred). UO W. UII..i'nrsitr Patkw.y. Baltimore. Md. ' ..lit;',. E,Jil.., _/ Lin', Pi" .. N,..,,-lDV* Wbtdock Dabin' eW .... Clare I..) . JU) P~n.l An., E.attt. Wub. SI!~,s-Dislriblio""""lAis SaJdet P.i.qu (MIL hnDODd H.) 606 N. Elm tk•• Dnal, Hills Calif. D",t,,, ., S",".'., Sr ....J - MuioD Moeller Ults.). Pi Bet. Phi Sdtleme:at School Gatlinbur, Teall. M."",ff. Aff.wrrllf/t n.t-Elizabeth Waitt Rue (Mrs. Ncboll B.)),. Pi Beta Phi Arro_clIft Sbop, Gatlinbur,. Tenn. Holl Hou.. Commirt.--Cb,IJZNIII...-N.dinc Kni&!Jts OoclIe (Mrs. Lour \,..). 1487 N . P"if!: St., Galc:sbura. III. T"..,.,n--Mldac Elliott ruba' (Mrs. Charles lL.). 3,4·19th St., S.B. Cedar ...."Mh. 10 .... Fjl.~Louix hid Campbd1 (MB. John C.). 117 $oath Ith St.. Moamoutb. U . Florence Deppe HolmJraI (Mn.. Eric't 4429 Pembroke Uocl.!ort W.yllt, Ind. EliHbeth POiton Clut (Mn. Wm. Hoi , 2815 W.II, Joplin, MO. Committee OD. Lo.. PUD.d-Cjo";"....-JOICPhioe McC1enrty. 602 Melrose Aye. N. Se.ttle 2, W.sh. eD",,,,ill,, M,.j.",s-Ludlle W.ite W.II (Mn. IUchard). Sweet Sprinp, Mo.: Edith B.COD VintoO (Mrs. OweD), P.O. 80'1 111. S.ot. Monica, ClIif. Commiu.. OD. PlIblie ReI.tloo-.-C.64ir",,,.- Be.trt« Roehm MillerJIltI. Don.ld B. ', 1225 N.DCJ Jo PI.cc, Glmd.le 22. Mo. Committe. OD. Sdaolanhip-C.6","-~)(arie West W",er (MIl. P. ), 1"12 AkIn Dr., EY.onille, Iod. AuiJu., e.6';'.... -ao.e.r JobotOo 229 R.&ce St., Pitbburah II, Pa. Anill"", e.6.",.. " /., e".MI;"" Cb",II,.t-HeleD Lao, AU.o (Mn. A. A.), 21 Blyth Hill Rd., Torooto. Onl.rio P,D";"U 5_"uiIMs ." 5d/.J.,/.6i,: AJp~Mlf jllD Holden Do.oe (Mu. P.uI) • .f3 Warwick Rd., Metro", M .... Be'-BdtT W. GI." 369 LionmDOre St., H.rtford 6 Cooo .. G.mma-S,.. L. Mitcbell Gullum (Mrs. P. B.). 128 N. LaDClstu Rd •• Alhens, Ohio. Delt_MItJheJle Carr Curry (Mrs. Robert B. ). 5609 Onrle. Rd.t-Washin.ton 16. D.C. Eplilolll---COCUtaoa Gatu Mad"n (Mn. Aodre .. H. Jr.). 2762 windcmerc Birmin,ham, Mich. Ze'-lUn Catherine B~er Arthur (Mn. James A.), 1.78 Grand A.e., Col umbus, Ind. Et.-PolI, 'peuey, B-4 Jdfusoo Apts., Nuhyille. Tcoo. Tbel*-Doris Plaue Burton (Mn. John H., Jr.), .fOe) Tbom.u St. Uninrsity Ala. ~ lot--Gladys Osborne H.II (Mrs. Gerald L.), 325 N. Benton St •• Pal.ti ne: , IIi. Kapp-consult Chairm.n IAmbd_Thelma Pharr Co ~ (Mfl. PhaN). 2110 Ash St.\ Taut.o •• Ark. Mu-Ano Horton Jeter (Mu. Norm.n W.) 310 W. 23ra St., Hays, Kin. Nu-Lucille Glazner M.tkin (Mrs. Ceo"e M.), 2225 Sao Felipe Rd., Houston 19, Tn... . XJ.-Lois Sherrill Brecu (Mu. JOleph P.) 370 Qadeo Canyon, O,dea, Utah. Omiaoo-Bnbau Crosland Lind (Mrs. WilliAmf, .f303 S.E. 7.tb Aye., Portlaod 6. Orc. Pi--Mar,.rtt Neal Herndon (Mrs. J . Pru,h), 310 W~ Roma An .. Phocni~. Ariz. Committee 011 Traotfet_Ma.".m Strum Acbesoo (Mrs. Howard A. Jr.). 126 Pine Trrc Rd., Radnor. Pl. Committee on Pracemity Study .nd Enmination-Ch";""._Betty StOY.1I Kin, (Mrs, Ludlow), 1"516 Larchmere Blvd., Sh.ker Heights 20. Ohio. P'II"i"n 511,,,,,illffl ." p,,,,",,;1:1 51l1li1 ."d &"",;II"';fJ": Alpha-Dorotb, I. Warner, .21 Beacoo St., Boston. Mas•• Bat_l-hry Griffith H.lbin (Mu. John). 257 Bedford. Buff.lo 16. N .Y. Gamm-uro l Hosler Burkholder (Mn. Richard). 2O.f7 Inchcliff Rd .• Columbus 21 , Ohio. Delr-Katherine B.tts Salley (Mn. W. C.), 1600 West.9th St., Norfolk 8. Va. e,.lilon -Edilh U. Newm.n (Mrs. Jobn P.). .2. Ch.rles St .. East Lanling. Mich. Zat_Au,ult. Hite Johnson. Mrs. l!ric A .• Jr.• 201 South Welt St., Cr.wforduille, Ind. Et_BettJ Jun F.irris Tr.. iIIi on (Mrs. Thomas R. " 04317 Glen Eden Dr.• Nuh.,il e Tenn. Theta-K.thryn Leutwiler Tanton (Mrs. G. C., Jr. ). 2936 Coral Shorts Dr., Pt. L.uderdale, Fla. 10t_Oarbar. Munson Lemuters (Mrs. Don), 806 S. Johnson, Carbondale. III. Kapp_Alict Brown Latsm (Mrs. Robert), <49.f' Russell Aye.,--Soutb Minneapolis, Minn. Lambd_Sue Carolyn Shepherd, 1220 West Second Aye' Pine Dluff, Ark . Mu-Iktty Whipple Fr.ntz (Mil. J. D." 1<402 Main. Aael,l 10 .... Nu-Nell Ezell Thomas (Mrs. Tea) . 304 Elizabeth Rd .. San Antonio, Tn. Xi-Mary Poster H .n~jMn . Lawrence 0 .). 2016 N orth Casc.de An.• Colorado S~rin,s, Colo. Omicron-Miry Angel. abant Alderso o (Mrs. Edwin F.), 1200.f 23rd AYe., N .E., Se.ttle 55, Wash. Pi-Pr.n«s Chubb, 99 orth 17th, Sin lose, Calif. Committee on Sodal E.ch,na~.6.;'",.,,-'Q'irglni. O . McM.b.n, 91' 8th An .• W., Birmin,bam <4, Ala. P'D"i"", 511,"";10'1 0" $DritJ &rh.. ",, : Alph_Joy« Archer lohnston (Mfl. R. S.) 172 Deep Wood Rd .! Daritn" Conn. Beu-DorOthy V. Millet H.ller (Mrs. Haro d S." Point St., S. tsburr YI. Gamm_Mlry hne Steio DcH"inBer (Mn. P.ul) , 3306 H.rdesty AYe. , Gncinn.ti 8, Ohio. Del~Hel en MorR.n GlUier (Mrs. leo G.), 112 Somerset Rd .. Wilmingtoo 3. Del. ~ailon-Loil Bossb.rt Peatbcntone (Mrs. Ronald A' I ' 2HO Oliyer, Roy.1 O.k. Mich. Zet.-Eugcoi. Matbew Kleinknecht (Mn. Richard B .• 2000 S. E St., Ri chmond. fnd. Et_Eleanor S.unders Morm (Mrs. William T., Jr. ', P.O. 80~ 182. D.ytona Be.ch.... PI •. That_Ruth BI.ck Arnold (Mrs. Sidney M.) . 1611 Mt. Paran Rd. N .W .... Atlanu. 1.1 • • lot_Miri.aI Wylie Eickhoff (Mrs. H.rold J.), 5727 Maio St., Downtrs .... ron. flI. Xap~M .ry MIfRlfrl Lamers Grist (MOl. James), 2. Winona Ct., App'leton Wis . .... mbd_M.n.lou M.nhall Roth (Mrs. Miro K.l, ,z.c N. Mt. Olin, SIloam Sprinp. Ark. Mu-Hclen W.lton Welt (Mrs. J. Arch). 3101 VallC'J D r.. Sjou~ City, fo ..... Nu-Anoa M.rie Hughes Sellet, (MIS. Robert V.,, 360 S.E. W..,erly, Bartle ..ill e, Okll. Xi-Prance. A.ent DeKay (Mrs. amOry). 302 S. 'tenth St., Laramie. W,o. OmiCt'on-Jun How.rd Smitb (Mrs. M'urice R." 5'06 Douglll Dr., Vakim' W •• h. Pi-Lucinda Griffith Burrowa (Mrs. Gales W.), 950 Rinr La ne. Sanla Ana. Cal if. Com.mitte. 00 PnIf-ttUty Muai~.6.;''''#JI-Dorothe Anderson Lannin, (Mrs. W. J .)' P.O. 80'192, Dover. N .J. etu"",illu Af,•• "I: Je rry Pruin &tIn (Nfl. Clarence L.) , 80'1 509 Still"aler, Okla. "'e1en R. Chad.t Scbudel (Mr• • P. S.). IOU ctnmll St .. Decatur. TIl. Lo rraioe Buckman B~ntoo (Mrs.), 300 B. M.rcy St., Santa Pe, N.M. Commlttea on Chlpetonl Helen Moffett Ruuell (Mil. Robert R." 6823 Crest AYe. , Uniyer.ity City t.c, Mo. Bmma Harpet TlJtDe~ M.mod.1 Pund COmm1tte-C.6.;'",~,,-Lilliao P'rrington McN.u,bt (Mn. HeCtor c.,. 2901 E. Ninth A.e .. DenYer 6, Colo. e••• ill" M,... "I : Nin.belle GrUD Dame (Mrs. Wyatt B.). 2900 6th An. N., St. Petersburg Pia. Ethel Hacao Copp (M-n. ] olepb P. ), 223 Bentler Circle Lot AnBeles .f,. &Iil. Centenni,1 Fund Committe-C.64ir",._Mn. T. Uoo.rd G;;rre, 5701 W . PlIokl;n St .• Richmond. V •. C.,.",;"" M,.,."I: Miu Elizabeth JohnJOn, ,6<45 Vista Del Monte, V,D Nurs, Calif. Mil. O . D . J.c1: Ad.m., 1801 N . Wood ... rd .. Oklabom. City, Okl • . Mrs. Walter H. CI.rk, 25 G.llo ...e, Westfield. N .J. Mn. J. LlOJd BrawD. 203 W . Penn.,IYlnia St., Urban •• IU. Mil. )JbiJIip J. SbeDDo 1339 Third A1IC ., Salt Late City, Utah. Committee on Maallal--C'""",,,,,-MildrM Odell S.le (Mn. Ouenccl, 7612 Brya Ma_r. Oall .. 2'. Tn.. . NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE NPe eh&iNllr....-Nrs. Cicuo HOlan Gamma Phi Beta, 9219 Mintwood St., Silyer Sprin,., Md. Pi B" .. P.6; R"rm.,..,;'#'-Mn. RObert S. Wild 2021 Belmoot Rd., N .W" WashinatOD, D .C. ell",,,,;I',, I. C,II", P.. d,IJ,,,i cI C.6..;,...... -M'rs. CreaD~ A. P.tris, 2997 S.W. 'alrYic... Olyd., Portl.od. Ore. CD ••i"" D" CII1 P..".6,II,.ics C.6";'_...-Mn. H.uwell Staehle • .ell Torttace lld •• Columbus I •• Ohio. ~cti(Je DIRECTORY

ALPHA PROVINCE PrtSiJ"II-Gladys Walkins Westcott (Mn. George W . ). 22 MI. Pluunt. Amherst. Mass. Mlli", A/ph_University of Maine, Jane Quimby. 364 S. Estabrooke, U. of M., Orono. Me. No"" S(olia A/ph_Dalhousie Univusity, Carol Earle, l ' Crichton Pk. Rd .• D:Ulmouth, N,S., Can. V ermon' A/ph_Middlebury Coliege, Lucy Paine, Pearson. Hall, Middlebury, VI. Vermont Bt lll-University of Vennonl, Sally Humphrey. Lyman Ha ll, Burlington, VI. AlauarhllJtItJ A/phil-Boston University, Margaret Black, 91 Bay Stlte Rd., BOSlon, Mus, Alaua(hli/tIIJ B,t4-Univeuity of M.uuchusetts, Elizabeth Anne Graves. Leach Houst, Univ. of M .:n5, Amherst, Man. Con"tclirlll Alpha- University of Connecticut. Helen Johnson. Pi Bel. Phi House, Storrs, Conn.

~ET.f.. D~0V'Nr~ PrtJidtnl- Mariana Evans Carpenter (Mrs. e. R.), BoI 4}7, R.D. 1, State College, Pa. Ntw y " ,! A/ph_Syracuse University, Gail Koepke, 210 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N.Y. Ntw Y o,! G.mm_St. Lawrence University, Barbara Boyink. Pi Btla Phi House, Can ton, N.Y. Ntw y", .. Dtlla-Comell University. Ed ith Salisbury, 392 Dickson V., Ithaca, N.Y. Ptn1uJI"ani. BII,,- Buckneli University, Carol Peterson, Bo:! ,07 W.• Bucknell University, Lewisburg. Pa. PtnnJJ/IJania Gamm,,- Dickinson College, Jeanne Wilder, Drayer Hall, Dickinson College. Carlisle, Pa. Pt nnJJI!'.nia EpJi/"n-Pennsylvan ia SUte University, Nancy Lambert. 241 McElwain Hall, University Park, Pa. GAMMA PROVINCE P"sidt nt-joscphine Ryan Hopkins (Mrs. Ben F., Jr. ), 298' Montgomery Rd ., Shaku Heights 22, Ohio. Ohi" Alpha-Ohio University, Mary jo McPherso n, 6 S. College, Athens, Ohio. Ohi" BII.-Ohio State University, Kay Sandow, 184, Indianola An., Columbus 10, Ohio. Ohi" Dtlt.t--Ohio Wesleyan University, Marylu Warner, Austin Hall, Delaware, Ohio. Ohi" EpJilon- University of Toledo, Yvonne Bronow ia:, 3029 W. Bancroft . Toledo, Ohio. Ohi" ZtJa- Miam i University, Barbara Ann Warrick, 209 Hamilton Hall, Ox ford , Ohio. Ohi" l?1_Denison University, Cynthia How, Sawyer Hall, Denison U .. Granville, Ohio. DELTA PROVINCE Prtsidtnt-Mary Virginia Williams, 21 E. Main St. , Richmond. VI. Mafyl"nd Btta-University of Maryland, Phyllis Cox. 12 Fraternity Row, Col lege Park. Md. DiJtrict "j Coillmhia Alpha-George Washington University, Bonnie Borden, 620 21st St., N.W., Washington, D.e. Virginia Alph_Randolph.Macon W oman's College, Fra nces Persinger, Box 2H, R.M.W.e., Lynchburg, Va. Virginia Gamma-College of William and Mary, J ul ie Vakol, Pi Beta Phi House, Williamsburg, Va. Wnl Virginia Alpha-West Virginia University, Kathryn Sell, 112 New HIli, Morgantown, W.Va. EPSI LON PROVINCE P,uidtnl- Marnie Gardner Christiansen (Mrs. G. T.) , 1415 Birminsham Blvd" Birmingham, Mich. Mi(hi,an Alpha-Hillsdale College, Ann Bodnar, 234 North Manning, H illsdale, Mich. ft lirhi,"n BlIa-University of Mi chig~ n, J..lary Lue Grandbois. 836 Tappan. Ann Arbor, Mich. Mirhigan Gamma-Michigan State University, Diane McHugh, 343 N. H arrison, East Lansing, Mich. Onta,;" Alpha-University of Toronto. Suzanne Mason, 120 St. George St., To ronto, Ont., Can. Onlari

lOT A PROVINCE P,tliJut-Fay Martin GroiS (Mrs. L Morell), 746 Woodland Ave., Hinsdale. Ill. lI/i"";J Alph_Monmouth College, Sue Gingrich, Grier Hall, Monmouth, lII, I/Ii""is BtI"·Dtlt_Kno,, College, Ann jung, 184 W, Tompkins, Galesburg, III, 1IIi"oil EpJilo1l-North",'cstern Uoi~rsity, Anne Allen, 636 Emcnoo, Evanston, Ill. II/;"O;J Zt'

OMICRON PROVINCE Pru;J,,,t- Lou Ann Chase Tuft (Mrs. Stewart), 1938 S.W. Edgewood Rd., Po rtland. Ore. WIIJhi",to" Alph,,- University of Washington, Barbara Bye, 4)48 17th. N.E .. Statile. Wash. W"Jhi"s'o" Btt_Washington State College. Marianne Buuanich. 707 Lindon. Pullman. Wash. WaJbinS10n G"",ma-Colleg~ of Puget Sound. Sandra Webber, Anderson Hall, c.P.S., Tacoma. Wash. Or,son A/ph

S'Htlk1 ItIt till Al• .,,,,,, ••11 Gr.". Viu,P"ri.,.J-Alice Webu Mansfield (Un. Wm. H .. ). II Lonl Mudow., St. Louis 22, Mo. Dirutor II/ b llluio ..- Ruth Williams HankD (MIS. PaulJ ' ~ lJO EuJe Pass Rd .( Louipille. Ky. AI• .,•• elM' 1!Jilor-Viraioi. Shermao Kozak (Mn. AD few). R.l5. I, Kirhil t, N .Y . $mel Ict:ters for S UDlllKI A • • o .... to Mrs. Kozak b, Much ) . Alumn~ Club Co"tJpondinJ( S",,/aritJ • No officn list reccind . • • No Corrcspoodina Sec.-Used Pres. ALPHA PROVINCB Vict·P,tJitl,lrt- Adelle Wadhams Wrisht.J,Mrs. A. kj . 27 Reservoir Rd .. Newington II , Conn. ~!!~!:;,~!"'If;~~;. CT ...~.: ~~~!;.lr . ; ~,,~~ c:~ .•t.c~~~ ~~!!. tJ~" · & 11' ,; Cj) ;' " .-~fr; :- j oKPh P~~Ptk: R.F,f5.:' Oay;.iil;,' COnn.---···-· .- &111"11 M.,i"r-Miss Bernice ThomplOn. 40 Rutl.nd St., Bangor, Me. " HJi/lUC, N.s., C.n.-Miss M.deleine M.der. 149 South Park St., Haliru, N .S., Can. Hllrl/ord Co .",. .-Mrs. O. H. Piau, M.rion An. PI.ntn·iIIe, Conn. Monl".I, QII'" C.n.-Mrs. L. A. Chisholm, ) 24 Abercorn Ave., Town or Mt. Royal, P.Q., Can. N,", H.",n( Co ... -Mrs. Gilbert B. Cutler, 167 Rocky T~ Road, R.D. 4: ~HamdeD, Conn. Porll•• J. It .u "~Mlss Bubar. Bomheimer, BI.ck POint Ro.d Scarbom, Me. Sutlur" P.irh lJ CU"'I. Co"".-Mrs. E. B. Fi lion, OakwO(;l laDe. G ree nwich, Conn. Stwi"u,ld. M.u.-Mrs. G. W . Hilton, )) H.owlta Hill, Eut Loo,me.dow, Mus. BETA PROVINCB Viu·PrlliJ,,,t- Anoe Log.. n Heflin (Mrs. Bertland) , "I Phillip St., Bloomlield, N .J. AI;•• 7. N .Y.- Mrs. W. V. Kinnard 164 Homestead M e. Alban, N .Y. 811111101 N . Y.-Mrs. M. E. Wrolstad, 1"8 Springville. Buifalo 1", kyo C,,,'rM P'''''I,I''.''i~Mrs . J. P. Matbiu,_' ,' S. W.ter St;\ LewisbalJ.I. P • . HMTis;lIr,·Culisl" P •. -Suz. nne Ritter, 0U4 S. B rd St., Harri s b~ , r • • lA",/d."J.N" rl; Sh("" N . Y.-Mrs. R. L Schreiner, 1729 Me.dow q ., East Meadow. N .Y. N,,,, y"". Cit,}. N .Y.-Mrs. Wm. S.ltsmao. 42· 2) 80th St. Blmhurst, N .Y . N llrlh".", N./. .- Mn. E. T. Sullebaqer. 17 MadilOo An• • MadiJ.oo, N . J. PhiitU/"phi. P • . - Mn. Robert W . Thomu, 123 Syl .... n Or•• Broomall, ~ •. Pilllbr,h, P•. - Mn. J. C. Cuooil!lham, 319 Onrdale Rd., Pitbburah 21. Pa. PitIJhr, h·Suth Hilil. P.. - Mn. Deane Keith.l a." Academy Place, Pitbburah 16, P • . P"",hl"Pli" N . Y.-Mrs. Robert Nores, "1 \..-tOrt Rd;, Poughke:e:psK, N .Y . Rid"w"lId, N .J.- Mn. C. R. BIO'",n 10 Allen Place:, r air Lawn, N.J. Rllrb,lItr, N . Y.- Mn. Burton Washburn, n Stanford Rd. Rochesta", N .Y. Sr h,,,,,,tU/,, N .Y.-Mrs. Philip Chenette. Jr., Apt. 2, VanDYke: Bldg., Netherlands Villa,e, Schenectady. N .Y. 51111' Co lI~I 'j.P•. - Mrs. C. W . ~ t od dart . Jr., }}1 West Pai~unt Ave., State College. Pa. Sp.rMu, N . r .-Mrs. Wm. RoIIIDJi] 207 Sherwood Dr., DeWitt, N.Y. W,strhlll" Cu,,,,, N .Y.-Mrs. oyd Griffin. " Ricbbe:1I Rd., Sand.le, N .Y.

G~A PROVINCE Vir,..PmiJ,,,,- Helen Boucher Dis (Mrs. Carr E. ) . 6028 Dublin Rd., Dublin, Ohio. A.,o", Ohio--M". Dewey P. Phares, Jr. ..3 68 Stratford Rd .• Akron 13, Ohio Alh,"I, Ohi_ Mrs. T. H. E.... n'. Jr. 2' Imwood PI:.: Athens... Ohio. Cllntll", Ohio--Mr,. Calvin Priar. 2019 32nd N .W. unton. uhio. Cinri""",;, Ohi6-Mn. Beall. III, 2'''. N orth Bend Rd .• Cincinnati H. Ohio. CI,,,tI.,,J &I- Mn. Gentle W. Browo, 26}4i Park-Iawo Dr. Euclid 32, Ohio. CI,,,,I.,,J IVIII- Mn. Wm. W . Bou. 26919 Wol£ Rd., Bay ViII.,e, OhIO. C"I"",hl. Ohi_Mn. Jobft M . Adams, 172. Aahland A.-e .. ColumDUJ, Ohio. Dillion, Obi_ M rs. Stewlrt Neff. ,,6 East Dr., Dayton. Ohio. HllmillfJII, Ohio--Mrs. D. D. RhodenbaUJ;h 113' Susan Dr., Hamilton. Ohio. N,l4Iul.?;,.",m" Ohi_ Mrs. Donald A. Brid,es, 73 8th St., New-ark, Ohio. - OhifJ Villi" , Ohi6- S/lri",fitld, Ohi_Mn. D. B. Miller. 316 Glendale, Sprin,field, Ohio. T III,t/o, Olli_ Mrs . Frank Graper, <1 004 B«chway. Toledo. O hio. YIIII", rtll",,,·IVnr,,,, Obi_ Min Marian L Wilcox, '01 Bryson St.. YOUDJRown. Ohio. DELTA PROVINCB Vi",P',l iJ,ItI- Maric Tunstall Linlo (Mn. B. HartUoo)' In. Lanier PI. N .w . \ WuhinJ lon, D.C. A,/i",tfJII .AIt.. "J ,i. , V • •- M rs. Donald A. Young. 2327 South IlI8e Street, At1mgton. Va. &IIi",,,,,. ItIJ.-Mrs. R. G. Holder. ,816 Edaep.rt Rd. Blltimore I", Md. C'.llIlu, IF"'.V • . - Mrs. L E. Wri,ht. 863 Ch.ppell R~ .. Ch.r1eston. W .Va. CI.,llh,., IV.V•. -Rosanne E. Rogen, Route I, Lumberport. W . Va. -Elihu, If".V • •- PAirm o"t, If".V• •-Mrs. J. M. S'r)e.nt, Locust Ave. istension. Fairmont. W .V •. ...~.", ""''' , F.V.. -M'rs. Charla Shetler, 320 Smith An., Morpntown, W .V • . Ntff "II, V• .- Deborah Watcott. 7666 M.ury Arch. NorfolK. V • • Rir ."IUI V• •- Mrs. Jama B. Hubb.rd. I9O;t;Ort 19. llich. FI;"" mid '.-M rs. Joha Goodspeed c;.3173 Mac Ave., Flint .. Mich. G,'" R./ijl. Mir • .-Mn . Robert k. Wyatt" 282' MapI.e:wOod Dr. S.B' l East G,.od Rlpid, 6. Mich. G,OIS' PIII"" 1 Mirh.- Mti. Dale Nou.se, 324 De:ianger G rosse: Pointe 36. ~{ ic h . J.,ls.. , Mh".-Mrt.. W. J. White. 2038 WildwoOd. une,4 J.cboo, Mich. ~"li",.& 1 u"l i"" Mir' .-M n . Glenn A. Bu,.ett~ 15 12 Ottawa, La nsina. Mich. u"I1•• , 0"1., c...-Mrs.. John Suttoa. LR.. I, Loodon, Oot., Ca.a.. 224 225 THE AllOW OF PI aETA PHI

SfJlllhllJlJln" Mi(b.-Mrs. John N. fi5(he~BoJ: HO.. Rt. I, Augusta. Mich. TfJr fJ"IO, 0,,1., C"".-Miss Joan Abey, 86 vlen Roaa. Toronto, Ont., Can. ZETA PROVJ.NCI3 Viu.PrlJitl,,,t- 'Lena Pue] Monow (M rs. Ayery P.). P.O. Box 1888, Gary. Ind. /I"tlnso", l"tI.-Mr•. C. E. Austin. 1612 Westwood Dr., AnderlOn, Ind. 8100_i. ,IO", '.orJ.-MII. John Coleman, 1726 S. Walnut St. Bloomio&ton, Ind. Col.",hs, ""d.-Mrs. Glenn W. TbomplOn, Jr., ~17 Fla~ Dr.• Columbu., Ind. Fl. W4]"', I"d.-Mr •. Donald Erwin, ll8 West Butler, fort Wayne, Ind. F,.d-/,.or , l"tI.-Mn. Joseph M~ lonC'1 . 70 14th St.. Franklin, Ind. G .. " , l"tI.-Mrs. R. S. McOanld. 8~6 E. ~)th Court, Gary, Ind. U."'",MtI I"J.-Mr•. Walter Orobot, 8326 Ccestwood. Munstul Ind. l"tli",,4/N/hl, '.i.-Mrs. R. K. Middleton. oker, Jr.. 1001 Henderson St./ Columbia. S.c. K.oro",ilIt .Liuh Pig,.", T,.or".-Mn. Le ro, Pearce. 4646 Cbambill" A.,e., Knouille. Tenn. UXI""fJIf, K,.- Mn. C. L. Thompson. J r .. 1))3 Tates Creek Pike. Luinston, K,. UJIIII"iJlt , K,.-Mrs. L. V. Abbott. Jr., 1009 Old Cannon. Lane, Louinille K,. M,mphil, T,,, ..- Mrs. Peter Schuyler. )142 Nonnand, Ave •• Memp_his I ? tenn. N,uhr,llt, T",II.- Mn. Jame. E. Wood. Jr .• 10) S. Iklln-ue Dr .. Nuhyllle, Tenn. THETA PROVINCB V",.P,oitlt,,/- Loi, O.,eutreet Summer. (Mn. C. H.L 6011 Cellini. Coral Gables, fla. A/ht" s, G4I. - Mrs. Homer Black. 8 Rue Street. Athen,. Ga. Atl.. "t4, G4I. - Mr •. W. W. Ford. Jr., 268 Underwood Or. N.W .• Atlanta ) . Ga. Blfmi",h""'J A/•. - Mrs. W. J . Nelso n, ~ 8 '6 GlencOC' Dr .• Birmingham 9. Ala. Dt iAJftl FI •• -Mn. John W. KeIlJ". Rt. I. 80x ;69 De Land. fla. "'1. iAII7,rd.J!i F/4I.-Mu. frank C. Ball, 2114 Oakland Blvd.) Oakland Park. ft. Laudeld~le . FI ... , .. duo,lf1illt, ,.I •. - Mrs. Pauline G. Lamb. 1344 Talbot Ave .• acksonville. fla. /..4i.d4l"J. PI•. -Mn. R. M. Ake, . 11 09 Afton Dr., Lakeland, Fl a. Miami F/... -Mrs. ChIS. P. Abel. 9~6 Catono Ave .• Coral Gablet, Pia. Orl.. ""JO . Wi,,IN PM., FI ... -Mn. J. M. MiIli~an, Jr., 60~ Driver Ave .. Winter Park. Fla. P,,,s.. ro lif, FI .. ,-Mrs. C. C. MacPike. 'O} friSCO Or .. Penucola. fla. S/. p,/r,.sIJl/rl , FI... -Sallie Mae Blocker. ~6)0 FOHer Hill Dr:.t St. Peteraburg. Fla. Tamp .. , FI4.-Mu. L. J. fraue, 1012 S. Dd:ota Ave .. Tampa. r ia. IOTA PROVINCB Vut.P,nitlt"I-lktty Phares Shelton (Mrs. Richard). 107)6 S. Green St.. Chicago 4}. III. Arli",lOn H ti(bll III.-Mrs. Robert M. Griffith. 408 Carl,le PI.. Arlington Height., Ill. A"o", 11/. (a•• u J Broot G.-diisj- Mrs. Henry Hatch, R.R. }, Avon. Il l. Ch"mp"i,,,,U, ••,,. , IIJ.-Mrs. Arthur Burke, t OOl West White, Champaign. Ill. Chitll,o 8'1,1;,,,,1 W.mtlf, III.- Doroth, M. Dyson. 2416 lakeView Ave., Chicago 1·" III. Chic",O North, JII.-Mlu Mar, LindenlJnn, 423 Blackhawk St .. OlKago 10. III. Chi(II,o SOll,h, III.-Mrs. Robelt S. Tuttle, 16)) W. IOtst St., Chicago 4}. Ill. Chit4111 W,ll 5.bll,!,.", III.- Mrs. E. E. Lungren. 4072 Hampton, Wutern Springs. III . DUIIsMr, 1II.- Mrs. Lloyd Irish . 1230 Semor. Decatur, III. D"P4It CIIII"'l, /II. (Nt"" U .. rr;1 AII,Jf)-Mrs. M . D. Simmons, 67) Duane, Glen Ellyn. III. G4ItJbJlr,. 1Il.-Mrs. James Hutchcroft. lO I E. North, Kno:n-ille III . •• G,l4ur Aitu Art.. , I/I.- Mrs. H. Robert Campbell. ~407 Leo At .• AltonlllI. IIIInoil Fox Riter V4II,y-Mrs. J ohn Marlu, 171 7 Kensington, Aurora. II . JIIf~JfJlfll", W. (Am] B. Od-r.)-Mrs. John McQuillan, Jr.. }48 S. Main. White Hall. III. j lll.r', III.-Mrs. W . A. Meadow •• R.f.O. 2. Romeo Rd., Lockport. Ill. Ld, CO.,0" 1Il.- Mrs. R. E. Bancs, 91} Ash Str«t. Waukegan. 111. !tfilto" T ow"sbip-Mrs. H. C. Prichard. )46 f ortst. Glen Ellyn, 111. IlIo""'oll,h. III.-Mrs. Juhn Ketterer, 81) E. Hwadway, Monmouth. III. No ,th Sh.", IIJ. - Mrs. Ed .... M. Torcom. 9}B Hamlin Ave .. Ennston, III. NfJ rlb Sho,." III. , Jr.- Mrs . Thomas C. Walbridge. Longmeadow Farm, Hibbard Rd ., WinnetL,), 11 1. Od P..,.·R,,," PortJl, III.- Mn. E. 1. W ickland. }40 S. Austin BIYd .• O.k Park. III . Pton .., III.-Mrs. A. Pickford. 4202 Jioll U-idge Peoria. Ill. Roti.fo,d, III.- Mrs. Eldon Prather, }811 Burrmont Ra .• Rockford. m. SOlllh SJlburba" Chit.. ,o. II/.-t.h•. R. W. Martin. 148 Dogwood. Park FOlestllll. Sp,i"e"t/ti. II/.- Mrs. Chu. Tobermann. nU¥l S. MacArthur. Spring6eld, 11 . r,.i.C.I,-Mrs. Steven Drobny, 2606 Grant. Bettendorf, lO'Wa. KAPPA PROVINCE Vi( t.Prtl idtnl- H denmuie Jacobson Rosholt (Mrs. Gordon), 411) Glencrest Rd .• '[yrol Hills, Minnt:.lp .. h~ lfi. MlIln. BtlDit, W il .- Mrs. E. A. Ustruck. 12·B Elm St .. Beloi t Wi •. Oil/lith, ltfi"".·SMp,rior, Wis.-Mrs . F. H. Sibley, }716 Cruent Vie .... Duluth, Minn. Fox Rutn V.II", W u.-Mn. Junes McKinHry, U2'h Edna Aye., Neenah, Wi •. Gr.. "J F.,i.J, N.D.-Mrs. f . C. Engd, 724 Cherry, Grand f orks, N .D . M.,t/ilfJIf, Wil.-Mrs. L. C. Webster. 12l} S. Mid.,.le BIYd .. Madison ). Wi •. /111/111."''', Wh.-Mr•. M. E. Moran, 230 1 E. Marion St ., Milwaukee 11 Wi •. /IIi".'.'./II, /II; •• .-Mn. Henry Qui. t. 4116 Glencrest Rd., Tyrol HilIs ~tinneapoli5. MlIln. 51. Pq • }\f;" •. - Mn. B,ron Rasmussen, 13,8 E. Ma,nard Dr., St. Pau l 16, Minn. WilllllPtl, AI."., CII".-Mrs. A. Currie. 1432 Wellington Cres«nt. Winnipeg. Man .. Can. LAMBDA PROVINCe V;u.p"litl, .or/- fktty Rowton Holt (Mn. Joseph R.). 6826 Fontana Rd .• Kanul City D. Mo. lUlU Ro.,t, /..4.-Mn. Dale R. Carrer. 17H Cberrrdale An.• Baton Rouge. La. CDI"".I• . AID.-Mn. Chester L. Brewer. 200 Stewart Rd .. Columbll. Mo. Flll'lu,,~Jlt . Arj .-Mrs. Ralph GoB. Jr.• )28 Highland Aye:.t Fa,e~tt'l"le/ , Ar k. ForI 5.116, Arj.-Mrs. 0 . 8 . Crane. Jr .• 2726 Reeder PL. ,.t. Smith, Arx . KII"IIU Ci''!.' Mo.-Mn. A. C. ~rry. Jr .. H40 Canterbury, Prairie VillaAe I). Kan . IAt Cbllt' 'J, /..4.-Mrs. H. E. SmIth. 2607 Aster St.• uke Otules , La. Uttl, R«'. A,'.-Miu Dorris Karcher. ).40) Ridgeroad Puk Hill, North Liule Rock. Ark. /IIMj,II Ttt" Ar'.-Mn. C. R. OweD. )08 Home St.. Martted Tree, Ark. N,,, Orl,Mu, /..4.-Mn. John Sharp, )24 Audubon St., Nrw Orlean •. La. 226 THE A •• OW OF PI aETA PHI

OJ(roJ4. IbJ.-Mn. Guj' Newcomb, OKeol., Ark. Pi", BI." A'''.- Mn. Robert P. Ferranti. 700 HuciJo0.t Pine Bluff, Ark. 51. LolliJ, AlD.-Mrs. Wafne L To .... nstnd. Bl.d:acrc rann, D ittmer, Mo. Sb"flt/Jim, La.-Mrs. Carl Shipman, )621 Grrorn .... y PI. , Shreveport. La. Si/(n'. S;,.i"", Ari,-Mrs. Milo K. Roth. }24 N. MI. Olin'l Siloam. Sprin,s. /uk. S"i"l.fi,ld. ,Mo.-Mrs. EUJeDe Everett 739 ChCII'}'. Spring6c d, Mo. rtXMIt __, A,J.·T,JUJ (0lilli4 S",ith AfoH, )-Mn. Sam Bucbanan, }O16 Pine St., Tuarkana, Tn:. Td·Slidl'-.Mrs. Hal PIUtrlOn, no Connor, Joplin, Mo. MU PROVINCE V' rI,PrI,id,III-Dorotb, Wc.... cr Morllo (Mrs. Kent R.). 2648 Hi&h St., Lincoln 2, Ncb. A""" l __M rs. Oiaton J. Adams, 1204 Orchard Dr., lunts, low•. 8""'''&''0''1 IOWlIl-Mrs. J. B. lundJrtn. 829 N. 51b., Butiington, Iowa. C,d.r R.pldl l ow.- Mrs. T. L. H u~bsch , 1036 }4th St. N.E., Cedar Rarids, Iowa . COII",il BIIIII, low_Mrs, Chatles M.u: ... ~II, 2.1 Graham An., Counci Bluffa. Iowa. 0'1 M O;"II, l ow..-Mrs. Robert Collins, l006·Hrd St., Dts Moines II, Iowa. H"JI, K.".-M rs. ROD Seach. Jr .. 2100 Ash. Hays, Kan. Hllr, bi"/o.) X ••. -Mn. H. D. Crawford, 12 Counul Sid~ Or' Hutchinson, Kan. I.di."o/., o",..-Mrs. B. C. Brown, 909 E. Salem rndianola j oWa. l ow. Cil" l o",__ Mn. Richard Lloyd.Jonca. 401 Grandyiew 0.., low. Cit)', 10 ..... KI",I., Ci% K"".- Mrs. A. C. Cooke, III, ).17 W. 76th St., Prairie Vill ag ~, Kan. uwr,,,ut.,,.,,.- Mn. Richard Piskoty, 200} Stratfo rd~ .Lawrence, K2n. U"n/", lV,t.-MII. M . N. Gray, .000 Wubinj:ton, uncoln, N~b. M.ltb.u.", K"".- Mrs. J. H . McCoy, 1)16 Humboldt, M.nhattan K.n. Mt. PI'''I""I, l ow..-Mn. Columbu. Hayet, 306 Jefferson St.. Mt. Pleasanl, Iowa. No,lh PltIllt, N,t.-Mn. T. E. Oen~ 402 S. Syc.more St., North Plitte, Neb. Omdfl.l. N,t.-Mrs. Thomas CI.rk, 027 J. E. George BI,.d., Omaha, Neb. SiOMX Ull. l owII-Mrs. James R. Brodie, 1821 DoUJlat Sioux Cit)', low•. SioltX FI"rl, S.D.-Mrs. llichard Quiter. H20 K~wOOd M.nor, Apt. n, Sioux Falls, S.D. ToP'" K.".-Mn. Jame. Tramrr. 1630 W. 28th St. Tcu., Topeh. Kan. V,,.millil1 ,,s S.D.- M rs. J a~s Jorgenson, ) 17 Valley Vi ew Dr., Ve rm ill ion, S.D. With;'lI, K.".-Mn. L. E. Cr.mer, 11 2 N. Terrace Dr., Wichita, Ka n. NU PROVINCE V;,,·Prt/id,IJ/- Robcrt. Roberti Rowland (Mu. Albert A.). Rt. ,. Bos 476, Trurhna. Tn.. ,Ui/,,,,, T,x...,-Mrs. R. S. Bridwell, 4210 S. 5th, Abilene, Texas. Alhflltltll', N.Af.-Mrs. E. G • .Asmu., 712 Florida S.E., Albuquerque, N.M. /I",.,illo, T,,,.J- Bdty Lou Toil«"n, 2417 Crockett, Amarillo, Tau. ilrdmo"t O.'• .- Mn. W.rd L. P.rry, 629 N orthwest Ave., Ardmo re Okla. ,b/li", ,....-.J-Mn. H. M. Whittio&lon, 190) Cherry Lane, Austin, t eus. &"I,J.ill, Oll•. -Mrs. J. c. bans 328 5.£. Grrystone, Bartlca,.ille, Okla. Brtf%PI V.IJ"t T,x.u-M ... George H. WatsonJ.}OO Pershing South, CoII~,e Station, Tuu. Cor/III Cb,iJI,. T"uI-Mrs. P. J. ~lIe1, .10 williamson PI., Corpus Chnsti, Tuu. D.lllfl, TU .I- Mrs. Jack Hyman. 4717 Lawther Dr., Dallas. TexIS. EJ PIUO, T,xtIJ- Mrs. Wm. Duncan, 2113 N. Campbell El Paso, Tens. Fl . 1f'0rJb, Tl:IrtlJ'-Mn. H. K. K ibbi~,.J309 Medford c.;:urt East, FI. Worth. T~J:u . G'.'/O", Tum-Mrs. J.ck Hall, 30} w . Tau St., Sherman. Tens. 1-10-110_, r .. x.u-Mrs. lkn White, )618 Olympia Dr• • Houston 27, Texas. LIIU,,~i, TlI'x.u- M,.,. 0'0 ' 51.ton. )40} 2Ot:F. 51 .. Lubbock. Tex. M r A /nl r,. O.' •. - M rs. Robert Bell. 400 East Creek. McAlester. Okla. Mid/tlnd, Tu.u-Dorothy Perkins 800 North "F." Midland, T~xas . Mllstol'" O.t/• .- Mn. Pat Fite:.. }r., 900 N. Terrace. MuskoBff. Olr.b. . Nttrmll", OJ/fl.- Mrs. Mack E. oarhout, 1119 CJddelJ Lane, Norman. Okla. Oj/do•• CilJ.Z Oll•. -Mrs. M~ctJ Can. 1120 Bedford An., Oklahoma City, Okla. OJ.,,I!. tt, Oll•. - Mrs. John K. Gill, .0' N . Morton l Okmul,ee. Okla. P.II11 V,JI", Ojlfl.-Mn. R.y H . LiDdKTJ Rt. I~TwlD Oaks. Pauls Valley, Okla. Pur. Cill, OjJ• . - Mrs. Stu.rt Hartm.n, 016 E. ~po r i a. Ponca City, Okla. ROIIIJ,U N.M.-Mrs. H. H . McGee, 706 N. Kentuck,. Ros ... ell. N.M. S';i", biJ/,irl (Nit", Hill St.,j)- Mrs. John Blair. 2'.l24 Harrison, Beaumont. Tens. S." A""lo, T'XIIJ-Mal7 Louise Huehtein. 271! W. Twohig. San Angelo, Ta. S"" A"t""io, T,x.u-Mu. P. C. Schoenfeld. 824 Morningside Dr., Sa n Antonio. Tex. "ShllW"r" OH•. - Mrs . James T. Pool. R.R. 3, Shawnee, Okla. Stillw"u't Oj/A.-Ma. R. H. Donaldson, 1816 W. Arrowhead PI., Stillwater, Okla. T."., a.I• .-Mrs . Fenelon &csche) un E. 26th PI. , Tulsa, Okla. T, I", Ttx.J-Mrs. Tom B. Ramey, r., 619 W. Dobbs T,ler Tes.u. WtlCo. TtxAJ- Mrs. Morse Harrison. 1607 West l\Ye., Waco, Texas. Withita FallJ, Tu.u-Mrs. Nick WoodwHd, 2000 Speedway, Wichita FaJls, Texas. XI PROVINCE Vi",P",id,,,I-Evelyn Lowman Darby (Mrs. Geo. T')b7 W . Cararoillo. Co lorado Springs, Colo, 8111111i,,.. Col o.-Mrs. Phillip E. Kingdom. 1728 Colum inc Ave., Boulder, Colo. BoZ/m"" , Mo"t.-Mrs. Ervin Hintzpcter, 619 S. Willson. Bozeman. Mont. C.J"", W,o.-Mrs. A. B. Madsen , 2)). Hanllfa" Casper, W yo. Ch'I'"'''' W,o.- Mrs. Paul Re chard, In~ Newton Dr.. Ch~lenne , Wyo. ColfHuo S'''''''' Co / •. - Mr•. C. A. Reid, 407 Ridleway, Co orado Sprinls, Colo. 0,,,,,,, Col •• -Mrs. Slua,t Clade. 2716 S. Marion Circle. Dtnftr, Colo. F.,I C.m"l, Col o.-Mrs. I.. H. Ham, 820 Peterson St .. Fl. Collins. Colo. LIIr.",i" IVJo.-Mn. Dick Brown, 29 Wainwript. wamie, W ro. O,d,., UtAh-Mrs. K~neth C. Johnson, 1723·2)lh 51 .• Ogden, Utah. PII,t/o, Col o.-Mrs. W. J, BconIDS. Jr., no} Wnt SI .• Pueblo\ Colo. S.JI LIII, Cit" Ulfll>-Mrs. P. K. RainS, 1770 Mcadow Moor Ra., Salt Lak.~ City, Utah. OMICRON PROVINCE Vitt-Pru;4,,,I-$arah j.ne P.uLsrn Vaause (Mrs. Horace J.) , )02 How~ St .• Scatll~. Wash. Btll,•• " FtIl.t.-MII. Robert Lund. 86 11 ~ . B. 1lh, BeIlCTUe, Wash. B,lIi.,b."" IVtlJb.-Mn. Richard W.ters. 1}6) Mario~ Dr., Bellingham. Wub. 8oill, U • .t_ M". R. W. 4t1 1602 Bro.dwa" !BoiJc, Idaho. C,J,,,,,, All• . , C.•. -M n . K. S. Attrell. H12·16th St. S.W., CallatT, Alu .• Can. C.OI CO.. IJ, O".-Mn . Q,u. Robinton, J!'I 1109 Commercial St., Coo. Ba" Ore. C~ • .JliJ, Ou.-Mrs. S. W. Wallace 1399.N. 14lh, CornJliJ, On. U,. • • /O., All• . , c...-Jdiu Ruth Shipley, Ste. -'8 Help,.;. Apts .• lI620-79th Aye., Edmonton. Alta .. Can. E."." OTt.-Mrs. Richatd K. Mo cscJ. 207) Friendl" Eugcn~, Or~ . f""u, WtlJh.-Alice Peterson, 3231 a toadwa,. Eyerett. Wasn. KI•• tIlb p,JIJ, O".-Mrs. M. E. SbanQOll, 1000 Paci6c Tert(, Klamath Falls. Ore. /'oItll//JFtI, Or, .-Mrs. T. M. Garbart, 1017 Rcd4J Aye., Med ord, 'Crc. Ol,.,i." rtIJj.-Mrs. Ead R. Brenner, R.L 1. 50s: 173. OIY!Dpia, Wub. PII,IIII.4r O".-Mrs. J. R. V.TJ&bn 2700 S.W . Gleft Ealles Rd .• Oswqo, Ore. R;rhl."fI. "'.Ih,-M .... James Schi l I, RI. I, Pasco Hci,bts, Pasco, Wub. S.I,., 0". (N•• c, BI.,d '"tliJ«,)-Mrs. Jo~b Drnn, 3)0 Hoyt St.. Salem. Ore. SItIllI" 1"'4U .... -'Mrs. Jobn L WilfOlll, 2723 Bo,lstoo N .• Secal1k, Wub. THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI 227

S,Dl."~, IV.-sII.-Mra. A. W. Ca.tlJoa. Jr., 11 W. 19tb A."e., Spobne. Wub. TM••• , lV.sh. O.tl S.i,b SIIM/t}-Mrs . J. Holroyd. 7229 CUster Road. S.W .• Tacoma, Wash. V." r."r~' B.C., c.. ...- Mn. H. C. McBeth. 6109 Angw Dr ., Vancouver. B.C.. Can. IV~"./(II", WIfJ'.-Dorotbl Jean Smith 600 Douglas St., Apt. 41 Wenatchee. Wasb. Y,,;• • , IP'.u.6.-(Faoole Whitenack Lft,b;;:)-Mrs. L. L GO,ctiolCr, 470) Enalnrood A."e., Yakima, Wash PI PROVINCS Vi{l.P"sitlul-E"dl0 Peters Kyle (Mrs. StanlC)' E.>' 21 Oak Knoll Ga.dens Or' Pasadena " Calif. Bdm/t,ItI. ~i/.-Krs. CunDbell P. Minor, 1401 Mt. Lowe Or. Bakmficld, Ca l if. B"*,I", CJi/.-Mrs. James V. Anlwin lUI Ha"ard Rd .• Piedmont. Calif. CII";.tl. V.I", ,.Ji!.-),{t1.. Eu,ene Eidrtd,e, 11012 AtkioJOD An., 1at;ltwood. Calif. C•• ". C.st~1 C.Jif.-Mrs. R. Kobltr, ]}61 N. Lucillt unt, ufaydtt, Calif. F", •• , CM;,.-Mn. Adrilotl Hale, 149' West Sao ).Iadele. Fresno, Calif. Glt"t/IIl" CJ#.-Mra. T. C. Wilson. 4608 West Antlut 41 Lot AogtitS 6'. Calit U."./,,/., r .Il.-Mrs. P. Rolphio" n07·0.KalaniID.lole. Hooolulu, T.H. u e.,,_. V.JI,." e.li/.-M.rs. HenlJ A. Harbordt, 4227 Encinas Dr. u Canida Calif. f.." ,.11., uli/, (AItil r.]I., Al/.d)-Mrs. Thos. A. Durham. 621 LOrin, St., San DitKO 9, Calif. us V'~.', N,•. - Mrs. Plul Jelnn~1 2202 Cedar us Veli:as, Ney. Lo", B,.(II, C.Jil,-MII. Scott J. Mighell. 1914 Volk Me., Long Stach Calif. L.J A,,&,III, C"III.-MII. uurenet Morebouse!...l)O S. Puller Ave .. Los AngeltS 16( Calif. /If.,i" CtIII"'1, C.lif.-Mrs. Georgt Stapleton, oox 381,'" Willow Ayt' l Ron, Ca if. f.l. AI,., e.li}.-Mn. Gordon Solt2n, ,22 Jackson Dr., Plio Ah~ Cshf. fnu,,,,,, CIfli/.- Mrs. Gene Gregg, 1718 Ele.. do A."t. , Atcldi2, ulif. Ph.'.i'!.~ A,iz.-Mrs. Jobn I;f ilts, 6112 N. 16th Or.• Photn'''. A.m:. R,,,., l'I,•• -Mn. Tom Whltae:y. I}U WestWood Or.. Reno, Nt'If. S.ft.""",., Clllif.-Miu Donnl Flortna, H11 17th St .. Sacramento. Calif. 5." &r.,.,Ji"., UJi/.- Mn. Wm. P. Mdli'lr, 2128 LII&O AY~.. t San Bernardino, Calif. S." Di" ., C./iI.-Mn. G. W , Lowe. 9HO t ropico Rd .. La MtSl. Calif. 5." P,,,,•• nt/. "Iflil' . C.Ji/.-Mu. D. E. Hyde, 18916 Vktory Blyd., Resedl, Calif. S." F,.."rilt., e.J; .-Mn. Oarenee Plow~rl 18 Santa Mooica Way, 52n Prancisco, Calif. f." '.'" C.II/.- rs. Thomas Stevtnson 041 S. 6th St ., Sin Jnse , Calif. S." MIfJ'. e ••'!! '1 C.m.-Mrs. B. T. )..fitchtll. 26 West Pourth Ayt., SJn Matto. Calif. 5•• ,. llMi",,,, LM~' .-Mrs. Willilms C. Hall. 122 W. Valtrio St., SantJ Barblra. Cali£, S.",. MII.if., CMi .-Mrs. Robert N. Tha,tr. 1274 'ri Dr .. Paci6c Pdiude., Calif. S.,.,,(I C""'1 C ;/.-Mrs. P. H . Ri.PJC?m, 1120 Ohio St .• Villtjo, Calif. S•• th e•• s' , c;.Ji/.-Mrs. S. C. Vln Dyke:. 428 Narcissus Ayt., Corona dd Mar, Cslif. 5,.r"(I1I, e./i/.-Mrs. Joseph Diehl, 1814 W. Alpine, Stockton. Cslif. r.rltl1f. Ariz.- Mil. R. P. O'Connor H16 E. Eastllnd Tucson, Ariz. V IfU" .} ,h, M" ... (S.nl. R.I•• ell'!;{.J- Mrs. Owen Thomas. 2127 Iri. Court, Slnli ROil, Calif. Y.i• . S.,,". e./i/.-Mr• • Beckwith C ark, Live O.k, Cali£.

+ + +

OHIO UNIVERSITY Master's Degree in Human Relations GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS Available to women interested in pursuing ca reers in either sllldent personnel, gllidance fi nd cOllnseling, community services, and hu· man relations. Each assistant is assigned a single room in a women's residence hall. The stipend is S 1,600.00 plus waiver of registration fees which is more than sufficient to pay expenses incurred for living. CONTACT: Miss Margaret M. Deppen, Dean of \'(fomen McGuffey Hall, OHIO UNIVERSITY Athens, Ohio

+ + + ou,. • I03rJ chapler

Seated, ,. " 10 right: Mrs. W. V. Porker, Jeanne Prie.t."

Mrs. R. G. Brownfield . Mn. D. A. Porter, Mrs. V. C, Helms, Mrs. F. 5, Aranl. Cen'. r; Joan Hocking, Jon Bishop, Catherine Di xon,

Nancy Non Avara, Rebecca Stewart. Billi. Ann Wailing, Peggy Mil ne r, Mom., Parish. Sandra Voughn. Top: Jane Lewl. , Fay. An thony, Pat Theiring, Gail Bridge. , LaM. II. Winters, JoAnn Bortlett. SUMMER 1957 VOLUME 73 NUMBER 4


Here are opportunities Syracuse University offers graduate assistantships in student personnel administration. Application forms and detailed information available from Dr. M. Eunice Hilton, Director Student Personnel Graduate Pro­ gram, Syracuse University, Syracuse 10, N.Y.

->- ->- ->-

The Ohio State University announces graduate residencies for women in conjunction with a tramlng program in student personnel work. For further information write to Dr. Dorothy F. Snyder, Associate Dean of Women, The Ohio State University, Columbus to, Ohio.

->- + ->-

Indiana University announces a graduate internship in student personnel. For further information write to H elen Whiteside, Director of Counseling and Activities, Women's Residence I-::Ialls, Pine Hall Office, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. + + +

Building costs have doubled since 1945, living room furniture has gone up 133% since 1940, .dinner­ ware has more than doubled, and appliances have gone up nearly 90%. Furniture prices are expected to continue to rise three to five per cent this year, and household appliances will go up another one and one half to three per ce nt. Building costs, too, show no sign of being checked. These figures are from the Na· tional Board of Fire Underwriters. In view of the above facts, each chapter should seek a modern appraisal of the house from a competent appraiser, a local builder or an architect. If costs are up on both sides, so are values. A committee should make a complete room by room inventory of the house to li st all furnishings, con­ tents and equipment, in to arrive at the insurable values. The treasurer, the advisor, and the finance committee should meet with the insurance agent to discuss raising the insurance coverage to meet increased values. We all want assuranCe that funds will be available for reconst ruction in case of destruction.

+ + ->-

We regret that lack of space forbids us to use the many pictures of Fraternity members who have become Golden ARROW Pi Phis. Thei r clubs are paying them honor and we regret that we cannot give that sort of mention in the ARROW.


+ ALABAM A GAMMA, the 103rd chapter of Pi an nual- in which they are featured, skit night in Beta Phi, was install ed February 2, 1957, at which the fraternities and so rorities each present a Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Alabama Polytechnic sk it, and the Sigma Chi Derby. Among the honors Institute, better known simply as Auburn, is loca ted which an Auburn cooed may receive are : member­ in Auburn, Alabama, which is firty-nine mi les east ship in Mortar Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, Fresh­ of Montgomery, the capital of Al abama. Auburn, the man Women's H onorary Society, Dolphin Club, the loveliest village of the plains, was founded as a land­ honorary club for accomplished swimmers, and many g rant college in 1857. It was made co-educational in other honorary organizations. 1892. Since that date a superb school of Home Eco­ Alabama Gamma was very fortunate to have nomics has been establi shed. Other excellent schools Faye Anthony transfer from Florida State Uni­ at Auburn are the schools of Eng ineering, Art, Busi­ versity and come to Auburn to act as our president. ness Administration, and Science and l iterature. Faye was Miss F. S. U. last year and not only is she The campus of Auburn is qui te bea utiful. In a very beautiful girl but also smart and capable. memorial to the centennial anniversary a pool was Alabama Gamma had a lovely installation and ini­ built in Ross ~uare, a park in front of Ross Olem­ tiation. We were honored to have Mrs, Wild, Mrs. ica l Building. The fraternity houses are scattered Speaker, Mrs. Parks and Mrs. Summers present for over the campus, but a new rraternity row is being the occasion. One of the highlights of the installa­ built in a lovely section of Auburn . The twelve tion weekend was the presentation of the trophy to women's dormitories, which house the eleven so­ the pledge with the best scholarship, Jan Bishop. rorities' chapter rooms, are very modern and func~ Nancy Lou Avara was chosen as the best pledge. tional The presentations were made at the formal ban­ Some of the festivities held on Auburn's campus quet following installation and initiation. are the Homecom ing Game and cro wning of the Alabama Gamma's actives, pledges and initiated Homecoming queen, the O. D. K. Beauty Ball, alumnre are working hard to make their chapter where the twenty beauty semi~6nalists aIe presented another shining example of the fraternity that they and the eight finalists are selected, the selection of love so much. the twenty favorites for the Glomera/a- the school SANDRA VAUGHN

Use Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency


Edited by Louise Wheelock Dobler, Washington B

EW PI PHI COOK BooK FEATURES SMOKY MOUNTAIN SECTION + THE SMOKY MOUNTAIN section will be an in- teresting feature in the new Pi Beta Phi Cook Book which will be available through the Arrow· craft Shop this summer. In addition to the recipes requested from the 270 alumna: clubs and official fraternity family, the Smoky Mountain chapter will have contributions from the Settlement School staff, Pi Phi weavers and native craftsmen who sell their handcrafts to Arrowcraft plus tempting dishes from long·time Gatlinburg friends 0 the Settlement School. When asked to tell something about the recipes and the people who contributed them, Mar· ion Mueller, Director of Settlement School, sent the following comments.

PAST AND R EPAST! OUf Smoky Mountain chapter in our new Pi Beta Phi Cook Book is not one [or the calorie-conscious. Traditionally, the Smokies are a land of superlatives, the recipes being no exception. Recipes have been Virginia Green, Settlement School CommUtee chairman visits submitted for this chapter from all walks of life­ Mary L, Ownby, one of Arrowcrafts first weavers. Note the by natives as well as those who have adopted this pegs on he r pon:h which 'he use, a s he r warping frame. land of high horizons. By necessity the old folk s' diet was a simple one, recipe for this dessert which still finds its way to the made from sources at hand. Spicewood tea, poke table for young and old. Nellie Cook, one of the 'sall et', pumpkin butter, sweet 'pertater' butter, wi ld Arrowcraft girls, has sent a Sweet Potato Pudding. g rape preserves, sulphur-steamed apples, gooseberry Teen-agers like to hunt as much as grandfather. pot pie are a few of the 'ole' memories. Not-too-old Recently I heard an impressive conversation by a folks remember drying beans, pumpkin, fru it, and teen.age girl and boy on the best way to kill a bear beef. 'Soghrun lasses boi lin' is an annual event in (bear hunting is restricted, of course!). Squirrel and these modern times. rabbit hunting are popular, too. A recipe for Blackberry Dumplings was sub· Mrs. O el ie Watson (you all know O el ie and his mitted by Mrs. Elmer Kear, wife of the Arrowcraft wife Josie who wove for Arrowcraft over twenty­ broom maker for over twenty-five years. Christmas five years) says Orlie's favorite pickle is delicious 1956 Mr. Kear sent a handmade cane of his de· with any kind of meat. Wanda Ogle Watson, wife sign and two of his brooms to President Eisenhower. of Neal about whom you read in the last ARROW, He proudly showed me the thank·you note signed makes one of Neal's choice dishes, an old fashioned by Dwight D. Eisenhower. apple relish which is served instead of salad. The Biscuits are a 'must' for young and old. One teen­ wife of Carl Hu skey, our woodcraft instructor who age girl recently said she liked at least five biscuits also makes the wooden bowls and luggage racks with gravy and two more with jelly for breakfast. A for Arrowcraft, tells us how they used to make favorite lunch might be soup beans, a chunk of spicewood tea and sweeten with pumpkin syrup. onion, cornpone, and a glass of buttermilk. Plain Edna Cook, remembered from the Miami Beach . ole cabbage with a hunk of meat is still a favorite, Convention, includes a favorite. A few old·timers enjoy a good possum dinner with To realIy see the area, one must climb Mt. Le sweet 'pertaters' and perhaps Stack Pie. Mary L Conte. After this accomplishment, Mrs.· Jack Huff Ownby, one of our first weavers at Arrowcraft whose (Pauline Whaling, Illinois Alpha) will serve I.e lovely stoles are worn by many Pi Phis, gave us the (Continued on page 23j) 231

_>- ARE You interested in crafts? Well, what are Frances Jeffress, B.S., Dietitian; Supervisor of School Lunchroom Program, Crossett, Arkansas. you planning to do this summer? It would be Barbara McDonald, B.S., Designer.Craftsman of worth yow while to give consideration to the Pi McDonald Ceramics, Gatlinburg. Beta Phi· University of Tennessee Summer Craft Lul a Smith, B.S., M.A., Associate Professor, Uni· Workshop at the Pi Beta Phi Settlement School in versity of Iowa ; Co·author of "Contemporary Gatlinburg, Tennessee, June 10 to July 13. Handweaving." Workshop is planned for those who want to Jean B. Stange, B.S., A.M. , Assistant Professor of learn just (or fun as well as for those who must Related Art, The University of Nebraska. learn to make a livelihood, earn college credit, or ass ist in mental or physical re-.habilitation. Beverly Wood, Texas Gamma and Nancy Jones, Quotes from Pi Phis: California Zeta, are the Pi Phi Graduate Assistants. "Workshop was all I could ask it to be . . . . We learned to know our teachers, each an excellent A CCOMMODATIONS craftsman in his own eight, not only in classes, but At the School: Dormitory room accommodation also as friends." (5 to 7 per room) , $1 2.00 for each half session, "The enthusiasm and interest everyone had in her S24.00 for full session . Double room, $18.00 for work was an inspiration and challenge to me . ... each half session, $36.00 for full session. Single There was a warm, friendly, informal atmosphere in room $22.00 for each half session, $44.00 for full the school. ... Our field trips to the workshops in session. the area and to the homes of the mountain people where Arrowc raft products are made, gave me a ExPENSES better understanding and appreciation of the altruis· TUITION: tic work of our fraternity . ... My Tennessee summer $75.00 for full session. was one of the finest vacations. It offered me a $37.50 for the half session. chance to see another beautiful section of our coun· Materials and class fees extra. try, at the same time g iving me a chance to work at crafts with interesting girls and women from BOARD: other parts of the country and foreign countries ." It is required that persons having room accom­ If you are interested write for a bulletin to modations at the school shall board at the school Summer Craft W orkshop, Pi Beta Phi·University dining room at session rates. Meals are also ava ila­ of Tennessee, Gatlinburg, Tennessee. ble for guests and for those living in cabins, pri­ vate homes and guest houses. $90.00 for full ses· STAFF sio n ; $45.00 for half session. Single meals : 50¢ Kenneth F. Bates, B.S., Instructor Cleveland In sti­ breakfast; 95¢ lunch ; $1.45 dinner. tute of Arts ; author of "Enameling Principles Total cost fo r half session For (ull session and Practice." Room $12.00 to $ 18.00 $ 24.00 to $ 36.00 C. Jane Glass, B.S., M.A., Designer.Craftsman of to $ 22.00 to $ 44.00 the Jane Glass Studio. Board 4).00 90.00 7).00 Marian G. Heard, B.S., M.A., Director of Craft Tuition ;7 .50 Workshop, Professo r of Craft Design, The Uni· $94.)0 to $100.)0 $189.00 to $201.00 versity of Tennessee. to St04.)O to $209.00

+ + +

The Heritage of the Past Is the Seed That Brings Forth the Harvest of ,·he Future

_ In«riptlon on pedestal under hmol. Figure, Constitution Avenue West, The National Archlv ... Washington, D.C. 1,iO" $I '. 0' Sigma Sigma Sigm a

233 FROM

Edited by Mary Elizabeth Lasher Barne"e, Ohio A

MON ~ WALKER, Kappy Oliver, Henry Holt and Company, 256 pp. The category of literature written specifically for the young teens is a neglected one, understandably so, for the latter is an audience hard to please and perhaps harder to understand, one which blends the child and the adult in a constantly varying mix­ ture. Hence it signifies a measure of courage that Mrs. Walker chose to beam her first novel to this 12 to 16 age group. and the measure of her success in the effort is to be found in decidedly favorable reviews as in the New Yo,.k TimeJ which used such words as, "new twists, amusing characters , crisp dialogue, authentic Southern Aavor/' and "agreea· ble comedy." While the underlying theme, the before·and· after transformation idea, is not new. it is always intriguing, and Mrs. Walker has put it in up-to.date dress with an assist from modern psychology. There's also a good helping of common sense and a dash of Cinderella in the book to make it both wholesome from the standpoint of the examples it sets, and romantic in its appeal to the youthful reader. When Kappy Oliver from Philadelphia under­ takes to convert her belligerently unattractive cousi n Till from a "take me as I am, or else" attitude toward nearly everyone, there is wide scope for her ingenuity and ample opportunity for the humorous situation of which Mrs. Walker makes so much. The g irls meet for the first time when both are sent Mona Wolh" P.nn.ylvonlo B by their families to spend several months in the Yancy City, North Carolina, home of their mutual she writes that this first book "was such fun to do cousin Bessie Plum, and both find it the broadening and so satisfying in other ways that I am now work­ experience attractive Kappy anticipated when she ing on another." Prior to this the Bucknell graduate started her journey South, though neither expected has had short stories published, but this is her first the number and variety of surprises which resulted . book. Anyone who has known a Till, and that takes in virtually everyone, and has thought, "if only I could + + + get my hands on that girl just once," is fair game for this book. Since even those persons of excep­ FLORENCE MARIE TAYLOR, Night of 5 ..m. tionally high calibre abstract intelligence cannot PoemI, privately published. live or work in a vacuum, it follows that social A specialist in verbal painting, Miss Taylor has intelligence is every bit as important to the well gathered into this hard-bound volume poems which integrated person. "Kappy Oliver" makes this point have been published in numerous magazines and without moralizing, and the result is good entertain­ newspapers. In addition to enjoying its literary ment which contributes wisely to one's sociaJ in­ value, Pi Phis, who buy the two dollar book, will telligence. have the satisfaction of knowing that twenty-five AUTHOR INTEREST: The mother of a teen­ cents of each sale to or by a Pi Phi will go to the age. daughter and son, MONA (Mrs. Claibourne Indianapolis Alumn", Club. W.) \VALKER, Penna. Beta, found source material Typical of her work is "The Garden of Peace" for her book walking right into her own home, and which describes a house deserted in a garden choked • Winone Ballingor Walhr (Mrs. Claibourne W.) with weeds and then compares: 234 THE AllOW Of PI BETA PHI 235

.. And there are many places in the world fiction and articles as welL Currently she concen­ Where blossoms of freedom, faith and truth trates for the most part on material for bwiness decrease publications. She is a member of the ' Women's As words of hate and violence are hurled, Press Club of Indiana and of the Indianapolis branch And wars go on, and on, and never cease. of the National league of American Pen Women. If freedom's banner is to hang unfurled RANDOM NOTES: Another poetess, ANNA T. There must be spade work in the garden of HARDING, Mich. Beta, has received Lyric Afaga­ peace," Zil/e'I Quarterly Award for a sonnet published in AUTHOR INTEREST: Indiana Gamma's FLOR­ its winter issue. Last May this resident of Frederick, , ENCE MARIE TAYLOR does not limit herself to po­ Md., was given third prize in the annual contest of etry, for over 125 publications have carried her the Pennsylvania Poetry Society.

+ + +

News from Little Pigeon (Continlled from page 231) Conte Lodge pancakes, at least ten of 'em, with love for cookery. Henrietta McCutchan Huff is a sausages, eggs and all the coffee you can drink. No, Missouri Beta who came here to teach, but with not too much after that five-mile hike ! her marriage to Jim Huff, decided to become one Our own cook at Settlement School, Mrs. Lela of the adopted. Lillian Hansen Howell (Kansas Adams, treasures her very old recipe for Tennessee Alpha) contributes some, too. lillian served as as­ Cake, prize cake, of course, to c1aim the name of the sistant to the Director of Settlement School for two state. One could not mention favorite recipes with­ years and is now practicing her culinary art in her out including Country Fried Ham and Red-eye own home. Lena Hodgen served as housekeeper Gravy, perhaps a first choice for many. Biscuits at Settlement School for over ten years, but she was and sourwood honey should be added in the same capable of taking over the duties of cook when breath ! necessa ry. Several of her specialties deserve consider· Recipes from the adopted Smoky Mountain folks ation. The Ham Loaf is tasty; I've tried it! This are enticing. Tina McMorran, our Arrowcraft de­ is offered by Marian Heard who has directed our signer, submits her favorite recipe for Chop Suey Workshop for eleven years. University of Tennessee and Almond Roca. Marjorie Chalmers, our nurse of Dean Jess Harris' recipe for Hush Puppies is de­ twenty-one years, contributes some tempting favor­ licious served with fish. Fish! We have not men­ ites. Elizabeth Rue, manager of Arrowcraft, recom­ tioned fish. Almost everyone loves to fish- young mends a very special formula for cooking pork and old. chops-a treat, she promises. The Plum Pudding Are you hungry? Can you smell the mountain is a holiday favorite of Marion Mueller. Edna Mc­ air? Yes, do 'cum' to the Smokies and we will do Cutchan has managed our shop in the Mountain some eatin'! At least buy one of the new cook View Hotel for many years. Her recipes evidence a books.

+ + +

Watch for the new Pi Phi Cookbook Leif Maseng installed electrical needs of the building. Betty became one of the first superinten. dents of the Sunday School. Teamwork and cooperation have produced won­ derful results and have provided a real inspira­ tion for the whole neighborhood. + + +

Front row: Mrs . James Wood, Mrs. Willis Hubbard, and Mrs. L. P. Swanson. MEMPHIS AWARD M iddle row: Mrs. C. William Mills, Mrs. Nal Burfeind, MH . Joseph fane" and Miss Ann Cox. Carole Caudill is the 1956·57 winner of the Th ird row: Mrs. William Hull , and Mrs. William Hannum . Memphis Alumm" Club's Sophomore Award, given to the outstanding sophomore in Eta Province. A Elsie Murray Hubbard, Michigan Beta, Iota Provo cup was presented to the g irl 's chapter and a per· ince president for four years, was presented with an sonal gift to her. engraved silver plate by the Arlington Heights, Illinois, Alumnre: Club in recognition of her work in chartering the club and serving as its first presi­ Eleanor Nichols Gengler and Betty Hagen Ma· seng, Illinois Alpha, of the Arlington Heights, IIli· dent. nois, Alumna! Club have made unusual and out­ + + + standing contributions to a neighborhood church . Jacqueline Hawkins, Arizona Alpha, was one of The developer of their new suburb, Rolling Mea· the nine recipients of l\-fade"'OiJelle Magazine's dows, donated the large red barn on the property Merit Awards for 1956. for use as a church. The Rolling Meadows Com- munity Church is now two years old. , + + + A barn presented certain problems in building and decorating. While Eleanor designed the sanctu· Martha Williams Roberts, Arizona Alpha, is an ary and sewed draperies, her husband, Karl, closed editor writer for the Combat Development Depart­ the loft and made it into a sanctuary. He built the ment, Army Electronics Proving Ground at Fort altar and stained it maple. An old ox.yoke found Huachuca, Ariz. Recently she was awarded $200 for in the building was made into a massive bible rack. "Sustained superior performance of duties from Eleanor is now designing a window covering to November 1955 until the present" by the Depart· give the loft windows the appearance of stained ment of the Army. glass. Part of the upstairs is used as a Sunday School + + + room . On weekends movies are shown to the chil­ dren. The lower part of the old barn has been made Eleanor Daly Condit, Colorado Alpha, was into Sunday School rooms, kitchen, and office. awarded a scroll by the Claremont, Calif., Inter· 236 THE A RROW O F PI lETA pHI 237

cu ltural Council for having done the most in the community to further intercultural relations. + + + Sally Doyle Baker, Kansas Beta, went to Mel· bourne, Australia, for the Olympic games with her husband, Thane. who won second in the l OO·mete r, third in the 200-meter, and was a member of the 400.meter relay team which set a new world 's record. + ->- + Greta Kranz Banzhaf, Mi chigan Beta, has been li ving for the past two years in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, where her husband is manager of the Estate Contant resort. They recently entertained Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Fred A. Seaton. At the entrance of the Estate Contant resort in the Virgin Islands, Secretary of the Inte rior and Mrs. Fred A. Seaton (couple at left) are welcomed by Mrs. Parker Banzhaf, the former Greta Lee Kranz of Evanston, and Mr. Banzhof (center), manager of the resort . Also in the group is Lind Weber, manager of the Blue Beards Castle resort in the islands. + + + Welthy Honsinger Fisher, N ew York Alpha, is at present engaged in enlarging and developing At h lat. Contant Literacy House at Lucknow, and writing a column entitled "W oma n' s World" in the TimeJ of Ind ia . The fashion show, "Styles of the Past,'· was held at the Custer Hotel ballroom in Galesburg, Ill inois, + + + on February 2 L. Chairmen for this successful event Jea nne Duncan Wrenn, IIlin9is Zeta, was named were Mrs . Charles S. Boydstun and Mrs. Charles R. the Illinois Polio Mother of the Year by the Na· Wetherbee. A large crowd attended with models tional Foundatio n for lnfantile Paralysis. She was from the Knox College chapter and alumn",. En ough st ricken with po li o in 1954 and almost completely money was rea li zed to take the place of the annual paralysed. Though still confined to a wheel chair, rummage sa le. (The cut shows the bridal gowns that she is able to take ca re of her two children. were ex hibited.)

Iridal Gown. of Ih . Pa.t, In Ga l•• bvrD . how 238 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI

The golden anniversary of Washington Alpha You Hear Her on Radio­ chapter was celebrated on January 19, 1957, with a Chicago Woman of Distinction day of festivities at the University of Washington in Seattle. Martha Crane Caris was initiated into Iowa Alpha Initiation of the current pledges began at 7 :45 in 1926. She is Martha Crane, radio personality on A.M. at the chapter house, with aIumn~ participat­ WLS, Chicago, on the "Martha Crane" show. ing. At noon a buffet lunch was served and open Iowa Wesleyan has honored her twice in recent house continued throughout the afternoon. A re­ weeks. She was asked by the college to serve on the ception and birthday dinner in the new ballroom "Science Board of Visitors," a committee which met of the Students Union Building climaxed the day. at Wesleyan, December 7 and 8 to plan for a new "Glenn Martin Hall of Science. "

Ru th Welch, Toastmi.tress, Barbara Hansen. chopt., prell­ dent, Mr•. Lewis Ryan, charter me mbe r.

Seven of the first initiates of Washington Alpha were honored g uests at the pa rty and were presented On February 17 Martha was given a Merit Award with their 50-year golden pins. They were Mildred for outstanding work in her chosen profession. On Boyd Ryan, Mabel Joyce Phillips, Lela Hawkins February 11 she was named Chicago Woman of Whitfield, Dorothy Kay Dook, Elizabeth Dearborn, Distinction for 1957 by the Women's Advertising Ruth Sturley and Pay Yantis Owen. Club of Chicago. In commemoration of the chapter's fifty years on the University of Washington campus, a memorial fund has been established and $1500 subscribed to it SO far. Denny Hall, the first campus building, Alberta Bloom Iliff, Colorado Beta, was is in the process Of being modernized and the fund honored at the University of Denver's annual will be used to present a clock as a Pi Phi gift for Founders' day dinner. She was presented with installation in the Hall. Meeting 'under Denny the Alumni Association's Evans award for clock' has been a univerSity tradition and the chap­ distinguished service to humanity. Mrs. Iliff ter felt that such a gift would be appealing and was on the advisory board of Colorado Beta appropriate, especially since Florence Denny H e­ for several years. She is one of four women liker, a Seattle alumna , is a descendant of the Denny who have headed the university guild, origi­ for whom the building is named. naUy the chapel guild, set up in 1912 to raise funds to complete the chapel and to buy an + + + organ.

Pi Beta Phi Cookbook will be out in June Sylvla Ann Diehl Alk. E. Hubbard Judith Wal, h Indiana .6 Indlano E Arizono A



JUM Daly Utah A Kay Wirth Ekonor lansom Virglnkl r Dotti. Harroun New Yort&: r Now Muko A.

lamora Hawk •• Luanno Lov. Ann o.".r Ann Kohlm.y.r Utah A Utoh A ArtaMCtl A. Indklno r S~ Pott.... on Karin N.lson ArtaMCIS A Utoh A

Adel. Block ea ... D...... Janl. Hy'" Camp T__ .A Arb,..... A Mkhlgan B

Eunke Walklorf Barbara lrown Marilyn folby S..... n T...... B New Me.k. A Utah B

Joan loy Donna Kay Smith Virginia r Vlrain" T Ann Notion Carole Pfaff Margie Wood OregfOn r Lol. Ann Whitcomb Oregon r Oregon r Maine A

Comtanc. Dent Leonora Dvrrott Joanne lennett, Now M •• ko A Colorodo B Now M•• ko A Attendant to MIRAGE Kynewi5bolt OuMn finali.t Sigma Alpha EPliion Viofot Popularity Queen Jane M, Mllllan ClaTre lenz We" Virginia Z Mkhlgan B Ho",.comlng Queen OUHn--CHneral Motol"l In,tltute

Miriam Daum, Oregon Eileen Summers Jon Bailey r AHendant, Sweetheart of New York r Vermont B Oueen of IFC lall-ROTC Sponlor ~ _____S ~I .~m_... Chl Court

Sandra Seo" Indiana Z Orient Queen

Carolyn Undtey Nikki '.Iychren, Arlr.anlal A Cherie &Owen, Arlconl.' A AtlcOMCll A Air Force I .O.T.C. Anny LO.T.C. Anny I .O.T.C. HOM,..,., Lt. ~OMI H.... ,.,., Cadet Colonel Honorary Codet Colonel Corolyn Chrlst."son Ollvio 1010, Callfomio E Myro Jon. Ilalr Janlc. Wlilimoni Qu •• Ohio A AFIOTC n Ohio A • Colorodo B Dreom Girt 0' Sigma Alpha Epsilon Homecoming AH.ndant G,..k WHk Prlnc." Kyn.wlsbok QU"n Finalist

Dian. Fosl.r Iowa Z I

AM Straub Mary Sue Pa,pe Janic. Harpe, Edtth Hall Kansas A Kansos A Kansos A Senior CoI __, Qveen Callfomla r S..... nt Union Comlyal Qu ..n Jayhawb, Qu"n Finalist Sweetheart of Sigma Chi

....." ...... ktlA "Milo Spino !loy" ttomec:omins Qu,en _ ...... OTC_ • Shirley Ooone, Utah A White 1o,. of Sigma Nu Army Sponsor Colonel

SUIan Willie Colifo,nio E Interfraternity Chariot Qu.en

..... Jean "Ifenberg Ohio A Sw ..thear1 of Sigma Chi

Marcia a"'VSeman Roberta Roblnaff Ohio E Colorado B fran Ionneyman New Mexico A

Pot,kla Moulton France. DeYounl Oownlng Jerro lynn Tyl., Shirley Ann Kalu. Ohio B Colorodo B Califomla r Colorado r

Owen Meronclo Indiana Z :lire Centennial JunJ ... HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO IT?

THE YEAR 1967 will mark the centennial of the founding of our fraternity. There were twelve founders of Pi Beta Phi and each year, including the centennial year, we will honor One of that group. In 1955, the recipient, Emma Brownlee Kilsore, our first fraternity president was honored. Why are we doing this ? At convention in Miami Beach, July 19)4, it was decided to raise a Centennial Fund for a philanthropic cause with which to celebrate this event. The specific purpose for which this money is to be used will be decided upon at the 1966 Convention. It was felt that what might be selected now might not be of real need that many years hence. For example the progress in the medical field would alter the needs-such as developments in polio research, yet the monies to finance such a project would need to be raised over a period of years for an ade· quate amount. A Centennial Fund Committee has been selected from Alumnre Clubs to promote this project, and we are suggesting that each member contribute something each year, one dollar if possible, and that rC

+ + +

Sororities and the Miss America Pageant: Twenty-two members of sororities represented went to Miss Anne S. Ariail, a member of Alpha va rious states in the recent Miss America contest. Delta Pi, from Alabama Polytechnic Institute at The winner, Miss America 1957, Miss Marion Ann Auburn. About )0% of the participating beauties McKnight of South Carolina, attended a coll ege were sorority members. Mrs. Robert Byars of Hous­ where there were no sororities but Miss Margo ton, Texas, Past N ational President of Del ta Gamma Lucey, who won second place, representing the Dis­ and Past N .P.C. Chairman, was one of the Pageant trict of Columbia, is a member of Kappa Alpha Judges. Theta of the University of Maryland. Third place 247 WII'I0U help ru~h?

Pi Beta Phi chapters are counting on you to supply them with names and information about prospective rushees. This is one way in which every alumna can do her part to help in the rushing program.

You will find in this issue of the ARROW, a sample recommendation blank, also the list of names and addresses of all chapter rush captains. If you have more than one girl to recommend, write extra letters, including the information listed on the blank.

If you are an isolated alumna just fill in the blank and mail it to the chapter rush captain concerned.

If you live in a town where there is an alumnCE club, you may use this blank also, but please keep your alumnre club recommendations chairman informed of any recommendations you make.

Do this now-TODAY!

Chapter rush captains-the mimeographed lists of Alumn

tate Rushing Chairmen, will be sent to you by Central Office, in June.

Pi Beta Phi Recommendation Blank

Nam~ of RU!hee ...... •...... •• . •••. .. • •...... • ... . .•....•...... •...• ...... •....•••• •••• •• • •

Address ...... •.•...... •...... • ...... •.....•• •.

Father's name ...... OccupatioD ......

Are the girl and her fami ly respected in th e community ? ." ...... •••• •.• • . .•• .. • .. • .•.•• •

Do you know the girl personally? ...... • .. •• •• •• •• •• .. • .•......

Personal appearance ...... • ...... •...... • • •• • ••• ••• .. •

High school attended ...... • • • • . • . . • ...... " size of graduating class . . . . .• . ....•••. . ..

Scholutic record : upper third ...... middlt third ...... lower third ...... •.• . •.• . •.

Scholutic honors won ...... • . .•..• . . .

Colleg~ attended. if any ...... •.. •.•• ••.. ••..•••.•• ... ••.••..••• . •.....• ......

Activities, special interests or talents ...... • •...... •••. .• ••• •• • •••• ..• .• . ..• ...... •• ......

Can rushee afford frat~rnity financial obligations? ...... •• .. .• • • • .•...... • ......

Recommend..! by ...... ' ...... •.••... Chap'" ...... •..


,.n&-uur M."" Rull s..~ ...... s..~

ALPHA PROVINCE 6~St .• 5e1Jt.. 18, 19'17 0«. IS,lQn ~Alplu. Eb..g,betb 5ktgbt ~~,U.olM . Wt~,Me Tuft I (#,·e. HalI(U, Oct. I,IQH 1"IQf7 Nov;a ScoW Alpha Gknc:b Conrod Tuft', Cove, Hahh:I: 'h County, NS., Can. County, N .S, Can. lao CluiK'C Hghu . Sept. IQ,IQn Pebnury IQ,S Vmnont Alpha Pear.:Jm Hall. M uidkbury """' "" ~ Middlebury, Vt...... N.J. .... Sept. ~,IQ17 feb. 4, 1018 110 Cburch St., Vermont Beta l~ l tb Cbrk , .. S. Prooptt< Burlinlton, V t. Rutbnd. Vt. 1) Baker St., Sept. IQ,7 F£b. lQ,S Mauacbuletta A lplu Joanne Steib 1)&W5t., Bdmoat, M:au. Belmont, M ..... Linden St .. 10,IQ17 M alUChulM:tU Beu Dorothy M cGwh H",mlin Howe, U. of M . "",. Amhern, M:au. NorthamptOO, Mu •. 117 Church St., Sept.. 16, IQ'7 Oct.),IQ17 Connecticut A lrhl. Ann M anion PI Beta Ph. Howe. StorT., Conn. Herk imer, N .Y. BETA PROVINCE Sept. 1" IQ'7 Oct. 10, IQ17 Kathmne K.tttk 110 Wdnut Pb«, 4M John St , New York A lpha SyTKU8e. N .Y. CbytOn, N .Y. ~,IQ17 Sept. 11. 19'17 New York Gamrru. RutbCarhnl Dean Eaton Hall. St. ,1 Phombl St , "p<. Lawrcna U ., Canton, N .Y. H~petad. N .Y. "",. 18, IQ'7 F~b . 19'5 Loit Pape )0 Triphammer Rd., 17 M untOn M., New York Ddta thaa. N.Y. Lynb«.ok. N .Y. 1 Second Semtt ~r PeruaylvanUo Beta SuAn BIu£er 8OJ: W'fl", f\ocbw!lI Univ., ),6 Old CWrton Rd . c...... ",ubwsh ,~ .... Sept . ~, 19J7 PauuylvanUo CaIJlfl\a Carol Corley Drayer Hall, Ill~ Roundbtll Rd. Carli"", P.i. <ltnOn 18, M d. Mou.e Buckey 401 M cl!J.Vo'ain H:alI, )16) Vara Huen St N . W. PcruuylvanUo EI*1on Univenity Park, Pill. Wuhtnltol'l, D.C . Sept. 16. IQ,7 Feb. IQ,S

GAMMA PROVINCE Sept.. 14, IQ17 17,IQ17 Obie Alpha Sally WdM:f "". ~~ ~~~' IQ17 J;m. IQ,S Rutb Ann CI"iIII~ 1.-66 M ulford Road, 1.66 M ulfurd Rd .. "p<. Ohio Bet'" CoIumhua. Ohio Columbus, Olue Sept. IS,IQ17 Sept.~. IQ17 Ann KIng Austin Hall, , 1 BNrclif Rd., Ohio Dela DeJo,ware, Ohio Larcbmont, N .Y. Nov. I, IQ17 )O)() W . Bancroft, 41»Q M",rlalne Or., Scopt. 4, IQ17 Ohio Ep.ilon Sharon Bartlcy T~,Omo T~~,Orno IQ, IQ,7 Scope. lQ, IQ17 Sally GRIM Richard Hall, U Ri d ~ Rd .• ()b;o Zetl Oxford, Ohio 1.oui.ville, Ky. "". Scopt. 16,IQf7 Sept . •• , IQ17 l"'ltt SieKel Beaver Hall. Deniton U., )16 E. Palk, Ohio Eta Gn.nville, Ohio Ariin,tOn Hd,htt. 111. DELTA PROVINce 'llU CoIItoo Dr., &pt.l'l,191., Sept. ,g, Ion Maryland Beta ~ro IBowie I~ Fncnnit, Row, CoIlece Pior • Md. SIlver S~n~. Md. S. t. ,W., Sept. '13. Hin., Sept. , '.I(H7 D. C. Alpha Pcpiu~lIc 6lO-11 St. N.W., ~17 Washington, D.C. uhincton. D.C. 1 70 ~ Popbr Blvd., Sept. 13. 1917 Sept. 13. 11117 Virginia AlphJ. Muctr MdCcc Box ".n. R. M . W. C., Lyncbburt. Va. ~acbon. MiN. aval Powder f actor)' Virginia l' "b. Sept. 16, 19" Sprinll 19,8 l.ucinJu,Iu. Blvd., Sept . ~, IQJ7 Stpt. 10, IQf7 Kmtucky Alplu Jmn McDontl«h nl E. Shipp St., Louisville S. Ky. Loullville " Ky. Sept. 16. IQf7 '09 Georltia Ave .• Stpt. '), IQf, Tmne.uee: Alphil &nily Cal~"''lY 601 Oougw St.. Chuunoop, Tmn. SIena! M m . Tmn. Jr{.s1N of R... I. School AddrfU of Home Addlfll of 1',111 &INUtr Mojor.'-:wft eM"" CoPUU\ R ...I. C.",.i" Rwl. C.puf" ... ~ &.1Oft SurU

Tenne_e Beta McTyeire full, Vanderbilt ,01 Breckenridlc Lane "p<. :14. 10" M"" """"'" Univ .• Nuhvil e. Tenn. louiavilk. Ky. Tenncatte G~mma P~tti Dixon ~ I 'tbSt .• 700'17th St .• Sept. 19. 10" Sept. 16. 19n no.villt. Tenn. Kno.lvillc. Tenn. North Caro1in~ Alpha M ildred Whltehum ten Spencer Dorm. U.N.C. • 149 Lindvl Dr .• Sept. 17. I9n Sept. :14. 'on bapcl HiD. N.C Dmvillt. Va. North Carolina Beta l.4it Noller 80. '7Q:I8. Collqe StatlOll. 11406 ()overcren Dr., "p<. Xl. 19" Pcb. '. un8 Durham. N.C Tacoma 9Q, Wuh. South Carolina Alpha fnnklyn Madden 80.1 47'). U.S.c.. 141 S. SiIM A ~ .• "p<. 13. '9" Oct. 19" CoI\Ulloo'. S.c. Columbb.. S.C. THETA PROVINCe Abban'lll A lpha Drol Cbfdter 80s. 39. 81rminlham Southern 41) Ash Ave. • Sept. :I,. lQn Sept. ,), 19n Colleae. 8mnlnaham. AU. . ~.Ab. AI~In~ Beta Ruth IkIrkt.Ikota Alpha Anne Slu.fer ):llo-~th A ... e .• N., )llo-Hh A ... e. N .• Sept. :I), 10" Sepl. I,. 1(1" Grand Porks. N.D. Grand Por.... N.D. Minl'lClOU Alplu. Pay Worthnun 4Q'l1- loth A ... e. So .• 4Q'l1'lotb /I. ... e. So .. Oct. I, 1(1" Oct. I, Ion Minncapolil. M inn. Mmnnpolil. Minn. LAMBDA PROVINCI! MiMOUn Alpha M1rtlla Bennett ,11 Rol lin .. 4:11 N. Ri ... er Bh·d., Sept. 10. 1017 Sept. 1,1(ln Columbia. Mo. Jndtpcttclcncc. Mo. MI MOUIl Beta ~rab Lueckina 7068 Marylmd A\·e .• 7'068 Maryland Ave.. Sept. '0" Sept. 1(117 UnivtTSI!y Clly. Mo. Un/... ersity Ctty 1. Mo. MllIOUrt Gamma Betty OUit 1.6)1 Bent~. A ... e. • 1431 Benton A ... e .. "p< . ll. IQ17 Sept. 8, Ion Sprin&ficld. Mo. Sprin~d. Mo. ATun~Alph;,r, Rbn Bridgn Pi Ben Flu HOUle. 711 es!)6. Sept. n, 10" Sept. 1.1017 F1yetttYil1e. Atk. PiM Blul, Ark. LoulSlan~ Alpha Winifred Viaucrie )03 Vincenl A ... e .• )0) Vincent A,·e., Sept. '). IQ17 Sept. 16. 1017 MetaiOr:. La. Metairie. La. LouIWIUo Beu Nmc:y OIi ...er 63) Con Dr. 613 Con Dr., Baton Rouge, Lio. Bl ton Route. La. Sept. I, . 1917 Sept. I,IQ" MU PROVINce 10Wol Alpha M lty Belh Snnley 408 N. White. 408 N. WbilE. Sept. 11.19" Sept. ) 0 , IQ17 Mt. Plcuant, Iowa Mt. Plcuant. 1,"","1 '~BeQ M1ru1yn Myen 406 N. Bus.ton. R. R.I. Sept. II. IQ17 Sept. It, Ion Induonob. 109."1 Atll.ntic.J~ Jov.r.aGa~ Marilyn A. Martin ~ AshA'·e .• XI8/ub Ave., "p<. 14. IQ" Sept. 14. Ion AIDef. lov.'lI Amet, JOWl lov.'lI 'Z.eta J_ .... 81, e . WubinatcnSt .• )'~Gnndvie .... 16.1Q17 Sellt. 8. IQ17 Du uc,lowa "" .. Soutb Oakou A lr~ K.lIId'I Pool. !~N~M~~ RXl Franklin St., 5aNcle, 600 Alta Dri,'c, Scpc:. 1). 1~7 SqJc. Q.IQn .... T_ Ft. Worth, TCDI ,.USmic"t't' M.jor R... h Jo{._ of RUlh SdoooI Adlinu of H_ Addrru of Ru.aII c.pu,n Su~ SuJon Su", eM.... c.pu, .. R"," c.pu;n "p<. i 3, IQ17 Sept. Q, 11»7 T eosGafl'l.,lm, Pim Hill aSl9"1'1nd., l.ubbolItb St.. Boulder. Colo. Denver, Colo. Sept. IQ,IQ17 Hl E. Loui~nfU SI .• H} E. l.ouu&inna CoIondo &u "'nne Wekh Denver. Colo. Denver, Colo. Sept. 18, IQ,., Q~ S. Yarrow, "p<. 16,IQ'" Colorado Gamau M uy A lKe Lippold 1))0 S. CoIleit'. ft. Collins. CcIo. Lakewood. Colo. :ao8 Sbeodan, Sept. 16.IQ'" Sept. 16. IQ,., Wyominl Alpha Rabcru ~ Grefll :ao8 Sberi

Edited by Sallie Tucker, Texas A

PLEDGED , March 10: Emily Adal1l5, Wellule,. Hills, Mus. ; ALPHA PROVINCE Lois Boon, Rochester, N.Y.; Ruth Brown, OsweBo, N.Y.; jane Bryant, NIagara Falls, N .Y. i.Suzanne Bushnell, Watertown, N.Y.; MAJNE ALPHA- UNIVI3 RSITY OF MAINE. Chartered, Louise Eddy, Middlebury, VI. : jean Emrich, Nnrwalk, Conn.; 1920. Plf-d a.. Day, F.brua". 18, 19". INI TIATED, January 6, Jane Goodspeed, Natick, Mass.; Evelyn Harry, Manchester. Conn. ; 19)7: CynthIa Hawkes, Danvers. MIss.; Jeanne: ZoidlS, Bangor, Paula Hutz, Hiahland Park, N.j . ; Nancy Hill Walpole, Mass.: Openiol " new calendar year of PI bela "hi actlviliu. Ihe Judith Jacobson. Beverly, Mus.; Elizabeth Keltey. Germantown, Mime: As. partIcipated 10 the Skit Niabt 5ponsor~ by A Z (or Md.; lCathryn Olds, Hempstead, N.Y.; Polly Philbricle, Keene, all women ', futemmes. N.H.; Cltherine Sheldon, West Hartford, Conn.: Helen Smith, Followin, Mil cumin.tionl, the futernities on the University Medfield, Mass.; and Deborah Wetmore, Beverly, Mus. of Maine campus bealo their rushin&: activities. part of these Lucy PAINII being the cntutainmcot of the members of Maine A fo r d inner and skits. VERMONT BETA-UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. C hatcered Maine As. continue to be .ctive in campus activities. J ane N ovember 24, 1898. Pledae Day, Febtuary 17. 19'7. Vermont QU imby and Marilyn Graham have appeared in concerts with II opened the new semester with a very successful rushin,ll period, the University Sltina Ensemble, and Marilyn Graffam bas been pledging twenty·six airls. Soon after, the chapter was in the promlnc:nt in the activities of the Maine Dehating Council. midst of the Kake Walk campaiJn, at which time j udy Oark Lois Ann Whitcomb and France. Rocenck have been ChOSCD was presented as Pi Bela Phi's Queen. One of the activities of for membcuhip in AI I·Maine Women Society an orBanizatioD the Kake Walk w«kend, which was February 21-24, 19". was similar to Mortar Board, the building of snow sculptures and Vermont n placed second PL£DGiO: Nancy Carroll, Southwest Harbor; Pauline jacluon. among the sorority entries. Orrinilon; Alice Lane, Rockport ; Carol Robinson, Cape Eliza· Vermont B is proud of its skier, j an Baile,., who recently beth; Kay Sawyer, New Harbor. participated in ski muts at the Middlebury Collea:e and McGill JAN' QUIMBY W inter Carnivals, placin, first in downshill. second in the slalom, and first in tbe combined race. She is now preparina: to enter the NOVA SCOTIA ALPHA-DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY. Chu­ American International Ski Racts at Stowe. Vermont, on March lued, 1934. Saturday january 19. Nova Scotia A opened iu 1)-17. 19:H. Sprini Rushini proaram with I tea fnr the rushees iD the fra· ScholasticaUy. Vermont B placed third on campus with eleven ternity room of the aputmcnt of PUI presideDt. Tinker Pullen. actives making Dean'. List , Sandra Wau&h received the chapter Tbe following Wednesday. a cirew theme party was held at nomination for the Amf Burnham Onken Awa rd while Mary jo 4> K n bouse and plans were made lor the initiation wbich was Judd received the nomination lor the Po rtland Award. Sixteen held on March 16. of the nnr pledges made their marks. two of whom hold offices The peale of the Dalhousie social season is ruched on Munro on campus. Day. March 12. after whicb social activities cease. Ind studies PUDGm: Shol'ila O'Toole, Stamford Conn.: Mary Hadley, bellO in earnest. On February 13 the Pi Beta Pbi fonnal, was Athol, Mass.; Priscilll Roberts, Dan .. ifle; Janet Lcdbury, Bran· held It the Bedford Room 01 the Nova Scotian Hotel. All ford, Conn. ; Suzanne Dunn, j ulliet Smith, bristol. Conn.; Susan haternlties and sororities at Dalhousie held their annual party Crockett, Manchester. Conn.; lynne Cotter, Stratford, Conn.; for the orphans of H alifax on February 16 at St . j oseph's Doris MtCain, Elmwood Parle, III. : Ruth Fundin. Portland, Me.; Orphanqe. Each w«k the Pi Beta Phis abo belp out by worleins: Constance Robbins, Attleboro, Mass.; JOin Schmouth. Avon, in the canteen at the Dalbowie Rink, Mass.; Susanne King, Ipswich, Mass.; Sandra Mowry, Engle­ Seven memben of Pi Beta Phi participated in the Dalhowie wood, N .J.; Jane Dtakhardt, M.deline Snino, Secaucus, N .j.; Glee and Dramatic Society production of the " Pirlles of Penunce" Sandra Trotman, West Orange, N./ .: j oyce Hinman. Delmar, in H&lifu: on March 7, 8, aod 9 and in Truro on March 11. N.Y.; Patricia Lym.an, Glens Pals, N.Y.; Susan Sproule. PUlDGID( j anuary 27: Helen Muir. j ane McCurdy, Truro; Mamaroneck, N.Y.; Cecelia Mcloney. New Yorlc, N .Y.: Gail judith Bel • Ottawa, Ontario. Kaufmann, Roclcville Centre:, N.Y,: Patricia Darling, Brattle· c;.uOI.l. BAna boro: Cynthia MI"in, Essex j Uliction; Madelyn Ryan, Rutland; Helen Ricaeh, W ilmington. VERMONT ALPHA~DDL E B URY COLLEG E. Charteted, SALLY HUM,HltEY 1893. Vermont A began the new year witb a "New Year's Reso· lutions" party at K K r. A auccessful rushing season ended MASSACHUSETTS ALPHA-BOST ON U NIVE RSITY. Chlr­ March 10. carolyn Hoppe, a-president of Pennsylvania r , spoke tared, MlU'Ch 17, 1896. The chapter and K K r held a Mon. at the pledae banquet. Vermont A was honored with the visit ol mouth Duo Dance on April ,. Pi Beta Phi participated in the Mrs. Benjamin C. Lewis, National Director of RushinJOt and Pan hellenic Sing April 10. The Boston Alumnz Club held a Pledge Traininll, March 14 throu&h 16 . cooky·shine for tbe cbapter April I. Pi Beta Phi is doing weU politically on campus with five of Betty An ne Terp was chosen to be in WhD'! whD i" Am";!",, the eiaht candidates for the two hiahest offices in the women's CoJl,gn ,md U"i",O;I;,I. Phyllis Funri was initiated into government, Nominated for Chairman of the Women's Com­ Thaea, an honorary service sorority. jean Mulcwa wu initiated mittee of the Underaraduate Association are Dorotby BiJOtelow, into 4 , I n honorary activities society. j unior Prom Weekend candi· Linda Durfee, and Grace Warder; fo r Chief Justice: Helen date for qu«n is Jean Maskwa. Dickey and Margaret McCoy. PUDGED, February 2', 19H: Eltlnor Brurnstead, Batavia, N .Y .: Pi Beta Pbi was well ~prcsented in "Country Pair," this Patricia Mendes, 'Milton. year's Icc Show, a highlight o f Winter Carnival weekend. Martha M .... CA ..T DuCIC Larsen wu a choreo&rapber and slcated in a threesome. Natalie Balnardi, Gail Bliss, Gretchen j ordan. and Mary Lou Moore MASSAC HUSETTS BETA-UNIVE RSITY OF MASSAC H U· were also in the cast, SBTTS. Chartered, 19 44. INrrlATED, Februlry 11 : j udith 'Mary H iDsman, a sophomore, has been winninA: ski awards. Dewbirst, Ann Bigelow, Breta Brown, MI.,.,. Manning, Elsie During Carnival she placed third in the Alpine Combined, Papenfuss and Mac Swanbcd:. competing against members o f ski tr::&.IJlI from Me coll~es. She Mariirn Richardson, president, wu Chainnan of the Winter also holds JC("ond place in the United States Eastern Women's Carni.. 1 Queen Committee Ind man, Pi Beta Phis seJ'Yed on Giant Slalom CbampioDJhip, and 6nished second for the Fisk other campus committcu to make the "Big WceJeend" a success. Trophy at "Suicide Six" In Woodstock, Vermont. Por tbe put Four of our ,iris modeled in the annUli Fashion Show. two years she hu been a member, by iD'itation. of the Ma,.,. Ann Coo~r hu jlUt been awarded a Graduatol' Study U.S.E. A.S.A. Ladies International Team. Fellowship for ' 1600. Mary Ann is a Chemistry Mljor and has Nancy McKnight. Vermont A's ~ leader, has been chosen a been a Four Year Dean's List Student. Eleanor Harris recently new member of the " Misfits," a sinalOA JCPtette, of which Sally woo a scholanbip based on tcbobstic ability and campus leader· WaA;ner is al~ady a member. ";p. VenDOllt A has in .. ited profcsson from .. ariolU dep.aJtments to On rcleue of the new Dean'l List Mary Ann Cooper and speak at meetings on subjects related to their special fields. Pro· Marjorie West wcre followed c10sclr b, l' other Pi Phis. fcssor Frederic W. Swift of the pfycholo.. y department spoke In prc:pantion for the comint 1.1 Uni.. ersiry ()PCa Howe on january 14 lbout .tud,. habits. Eleanor Harris is se"ing 00 tbe Steerin. Committee and in Pi Brta Phi is makin, plans with K K r for I jointl,·sponsored charge of tbe Home Economics School D isplays. informsl dance duriftJ: the pro~iYC Grcd: Weekend in MI.,.. Brnv GIAVU Other plans for the weekmd mclude an inter-fraternity·sorority sine•. parties at the fraternities. and bu6et dinners Im:a by the CONNECTICUT ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTI. IOtOnhes. CUT. Chut.red, ApdJ 10. 19.). Pled•• Day. Mard ,. 19". 252 THE AllOW OF PI lETA PHI 253

Affiliated: Donn. Crossct, Vi«iai. r; Bets,. Dean. Illiood 8-4. Hei,bts. Canal Zooc; Miriam Tbom . ~all~lo:rd; Lorraiot The Winter Whirl. hdd on February I) in the .uditorium, WlSJCrmann. Kromore, N .Y. ; Eleanor Wllh~ SdlDJ&lon . hi'hl.i&hted the .nnual Winter Weekend. A... ards fnt the best Lo\aOL P.-nI.SON '00" scul(ItUre and displ.y "ere won by K K r .nd X +. P.n· bellenic. III COlli unction "ltb InterfraternitY Couocil. sponsored PENNSYLVANIA GAMMA-DICKINSON COLLEGE_ a.~ the Greek Lttter D.1nce .It the H.rtford Oub 00 M.rch 1. tered, 1903. JNlnATI:O. february 17. 19)7: CarnlYR Alben. Port ConoectiCUt A, "orkin, "ith + % 4, prep.red • Kit for pres· Monmoutb, N.J,· Betty Sue Bro ... nt:. Jeanne: ThomlJ. Lancaster : entation .t Skitzolunnia. The: UnivclJil'y is loobna for ... ard to the Anita Cowlinl, Grnnc Pointe P.rk, MI' 1-.; Ml rcia Domin. Ann CommUJ'lity Chest Carni.. l and the GlUk Sina. both held at the Hooff. Paul. Shedd, Elizabeth St. OaUl:. W ..hUl~ . D.C:; eod of the ,priD,lt ~ster . Ann FreIS. Bethesda, Md.: Dottie GlJner. Salem. N .J.; Soot' j .net G.ylord ..... nominakd for the presidency of the Women'. Gohn. Edn2 Walton. Baillmorc. Md,: Nancy Mentur. M~nclls · Student Government Council. bUQf; Suzanne Sinclair. Keonett Square; Judith Wud. Prio«ton, HELIN JOHNSON Ntrtta Szaban, Ruth Garrott. S.1I.ia Rambo. and Lillian Buirkle h.ve attained Dean's List (Ot fint aemestu. Candidltes for the Mid·Winter Ba U Court were: Wende Buckler. fCDtCKRtina: • E D. BETA PROVINCE Marcia Dornin, the choice: of + 6 9, and Beth Griffith, 'Wbo was eJected as the Ouccn's .ttendant. rq,rcscntirIR + K ..... NEW YORK ALPHA-5YRACUSE UNIVERSITY. Ch.rtucd, Sussn Hansell. Judv Plack. NlncY Mentzer. Ind JOYce: KliMek April 28, 1896. Pled,. D.y, Noy.mlNt 8, 19'6. Winter Week· pllyed on the ..!Sity b.skcrhall tea.m whlcb defeated Bucknell and end opened tbe lecood ae.mcster to .11 uoiYelJity ltudeou' dis· Pe:nn State It a bUketball play day which "'.1.1 held st DickiRso~ . appointment. with the .bsence of 100.... 10 tbere . 'as 0 0 SIlO" Mugat P.trick ...u ta~ by A .... D. • nstianal bonor drama!!c Sculpture contest. society. The chapter p.rticipated in the Z T A Sona Pest, B.rbar. Tuyoor wrote a Ikit whic h will be presmted by the JIANNI WILDO New York A Pi Beta Phis at tbe Pu:ahellenic haoQuet. Steo and linai~ pr.ctic.c has be~n aoUin. and there is mucb enthusiasm {or the aonual competition. PENNSYLVANIA EPSILON-PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNI­ Pour Pi Bet. Phi, were initiated into honoraries this RmCltcr. VERSITY. Charu"-d, November 1", IU) . PI.d,. O.y, Febtu­ &I')' 2', 19". JNITIATIID, F~ru.lJ' 18, 19)7: B.rbara Cam, Anne Charlotte Cusbing and Barbars Traynor, • K +: Ka,. Koster, Roselle. Bellefonte; Nancy Hutchuon. St.te ColleRe: Sill, Jer.-is • .4 • A; and Janet Jones to n A e. GAIL KoapJ:.a Scranton: Mad,lte McKee. Eric: N • .IICY Newman. Pitubur,ltb; SUZlnne Ruble. Lewiston; Msty Taylor. M ODO~.hela, . Grace: Antes is prcaidina as Dresident of the local Panhdlenlc NBW VOR.K GAMMA-5T. LAWRENCE UNIVERS ITY. Council. She is .Iso the president of the t01lo'n ... ome:n ', orRaniu· Chan:uedl Mucb 20, 191 ... Pled •• Day, Februuy 10, 19,7. tioo and .. ice-chairman of the House of Represcn!ati .. es. New YOrk r captured first pl2ce for their ice statue {or W inter Elinor Wessel ..... elected sophomore class seainesville; An.t;ela Roberts. K., SbortJ: . Deiote Voelker. Suzanne Chaoplqua: Judy Wetzel. Mentor, Ohio: Leslie Crouse. West Williams, Columbus. Hartford, Conn.; Barbara Kiellr. Glen Lyon, Pa. Ohio B beAan the winter quarter with a bUt steo toward im· EotTH SAUsaun proved intetSO rorily rdations. A " Monmouth· Duo Dav" " .. cele· brated with K K r .•nd consi.ted of dinner at the: Pi Beta Phi PENNSYLVANIA BETA- BUCKNELL UNIVERS ITY. Chit­ housc for both ,ltIOUPS followed by .n informal dance at the (e-r.d, 1898. Pledee Day, February J9, 19". INIT1ATtD. Pebru· K K r bouse. ary 11 , 19": Judith Moter. Ridley Park, The all·camDUJ Greek Week ... u a biR; success. Pi Bet. Phi re­ Rushin,lt bc,t:all Februan- n. Po(Jo ... jnlt the oled.tina- of tbe new cej ..ed the: sorori ty trophy for enthusium .nd , pirit .t the Greek c1us. the chapter held a banquet for the actives and Ihe pledRes . Week Rally. AmonR other events held durin,t tbe week ..... Dottie Hund il back .fter hlYinJ; spent tbe fall semester .t the dinner at the house for cb.oter fathers .. ho .rc on the Ohio American Uni?Crsity in WuhinR;ton. D.C. Swan Loblev trans­ Stne faculty. CooperatinR with members of other fr.ternities. Ohio ferred from the campus to .ttend secretarial courses. B solicited funds for R.dio Free EuroPe in tbe downto"n Colu.m· Karen Reynolds h.. been elected to • t N . tional Biolo.., bu. area. Honorary Fratemity. Ohio B is proud of the msn, Pi Beta Phis ... ho haft recently PLEDGED, February 19. 19": Eleanor Body, Boyertown : Susan rcceived trnohie. for beauty and persona lit,. Alice von L.ehmden Bombeller. Lancaster ; N.n" Dean. F.irfield. Conn. : Mar,ltuet ..... on Makio Queen Court. Ann Thome was named the Moon­ Hollinshead, Library; Mar,ltatd l obnson. Ed inboro: Jobanne ligbt Girl of • t K. Cleone McNamln "as elected to the court Nielsen. WilmiD«ton. Del.; Mlri yn Peat«, Westfield I N .J.; of Arnold Air Society. Named Swmhelrt of z: X ..... bnd. Curti.. Lynne Schubert, Glee Rock. N .J.; je.n SOluldina. Ou: P.rk, Choten Her LMeliness of % A E was Sail, Mnko. Ill. : Gretchen Squires, Bere., Ohio: Jsnd Stockham, B.lboa Carolyn Patfenbat.Rer "as cholCn Sundi.1 Girl. Her Dkt'Utt: .,.JII 254 THE ARR O W OF PI aETA PHI

appear in the March iSJuc of the S."di"J, Ohio State's campW mont. Calif.; Karen G. Hcmdahl. LouisYilie. Ky.: Betty J. Hess. humor Olaauinc. Oevciand; Nancy K. Locke. Madison, Wis.; Ann E. Lucu. Activity.wise. honors 1;0 to Carolyn GoUer who was IKCnlly Piqua; Jean McFadden. ChicaRo. 1/1.; Susanne Marston. Sue elected KCond yjcc-president of WSGA and to Pat Stil,,·dl. ntw Sahr. IndianlpOlis. lod.; Nina E. Miller. Elm Grove. Wis.: assistant $terdary of WSGA. judith U. Na,llley. Ft. Lauderuale. Fla.; Cynthia Newhall. BarrinR' Plub Jo Galbraith was .warded the OSPA .activities trophy. ton. III.; Calloll A. Tarvin. South Bend. 'od.: Sandra J. 1"eel. This trophy is awarded annuall! to the most uulSundinR ....' oman Wayne, Pa.; Diane J. Tor.ler, S. EuclId: Ann Lloyd. Sally student in activities at the Ohio tile University. Tyler. Columbus. Puocm: Carolyn Currie. Amsterdam: Suzanne Curlin. Frcmon!: The Bonds of Friendship annual cbarit. drive is headed b, Dottie DLittO, Zano:villc: Laura Scberer, CU),lbola FaUs. co·chairman. Sandy Miskelly. while tbe assistant directOr of the KAy SANDOW musical connected with this drive is Ann Hampton. Seen in the leadina rOle of the folk comedy "Dark of the Moon" is S.andv OHIO D ELT A-OHIO W ESLEYAN U NIVERSITY. Char. Kuht. GaYle Yanson .nd Biz Ta,lor are .also in the cut, tued 192', INITI ATED: Elizabeth Berlin, Youn.estown: Caroly" Servin. u social·(uture editor of Th, Dt"iJ""i.". the uni. Breitling, P.a latinc, Ill.; ChJ~ (rum, Elyria; M.r4artt Edwards. versity ne,""splptr. is Ginnv Willace. ...·hile JoAnn McMath is Bloomington, Ind.: Diana Everhart, Washington: Lmd. Esslinoltcr, music editor. Cinnie Sanders. Betsy Nida. Clrolvn and Jackie Narberth. PI.; Lynn EVins. Delaware; Betty Gast. Elaine Peter. Oglesby, Nancy Kromer, and Nanc, Bryan Ite also on the sen. Lakewood; Susan Hass Dal ton: Ruth Hossenlopp. Kokomo. staff. [od. ; Aonelle McDonald, East Lansing. Mich. ; Katherine Mc. The Monmouth Duo annUli party ,""as celebrated with the Ken%ie,l Jane Weigel. Springfield; judith Mears. Warwick Neck. K K r futernity. The Pi Beta Phis also hid a slumber plrtY at R.t; ,:,h.roo Rose. Scarsdale. N.Y.; Delmah Sears. West Oun,lte. " Heidi." the country home o f an alumna. Mrs. Beale POSt. N.J.; Alice Shar~. Delta; Nancy Simpson, Oberlin : Maturet Cheerin. Denison's basketball team. which placed second in the Steele. Washington D.C.; Barbara Watkins. uGul1Jte. III. : Ohio Conference this season. were Kate Gilbert. Cinnie Sanders. Carolyn Whipps. Columbus; Lmda Zehrio8. Silver Spring, Md. and Diane Tor,der. Susan Tweed ... as elected by the chapter to be the chapter CYNTH IA Ho .... candidate for ytarbook Queen. "8riRadoon" "'as tbe senior clan pilY for this yelr and Pi Beta Phis Ph,lIis Dobben. Susan Semans and Mary Fran Kinl had parts in the sbo .... Carol jones aeteal as assistant producer, DELTA PROVINCE On February 22, the chaPler ioined ... ith K K rand K A 9 in the aonual Tnooym Dance. MARYLAND BETA-UNIVERSITY O F MARYLAND. Ch .... In campus Ictlvitiesl Annrietta Studor and Ann Fcc represented lind, 194', INITIATED. January 10. 19H: Ann Croft. Hyattnille. their classes on the I\WS nominatinR committee. Nominated for A hi.hJi.lt:ht of second semester wu the viSIt of Mrs. Henrv A WS offices arc: Carrie Shirl' and Carol Lynn Rees. publicity; Moore, Grand Treasurer. Ann Kin.c and Carolyn Mazwell, junior representatives : Lvnn The Sophomore Carnival. hdd Friday. March I. in order to Evans, town uoresentalive; Elaine Fately. social. lennie Dickson raise mone, for challty. was a bi.R: success. Pi &ta Phi worked WIS elected vice· president af YWCA. with the 6 1: + fraternity in IPOnsorinR a "Dime A D.lInce" Lu cy Hosselman was chasen PiAA' O ueen for ... r ~ .nd Ba r. booth complete with orchestra .nd entertainment. bau. Watkins WIS chosen as Sweetheart of K t for the state of Carole Bowie was tapped January 9 for 11 .6. E. journalism Indiana. honoruy fraternity. Carole has Worked for the plSt three vears on MAl.YLU WAJlNEJI the Univenity newspaper Di"mo"Jba(.. Judith Spencer was se. lected to Who'J Wh" "" Am"i,,,,, C"U'R' C

Chllrm..an of OuenutJon. Mereu McK« JeCtcUry of Studc:ot EPSILON PROVINCE Government Association. Sue Wbitdord National Student ~a· uon RepratnUllve, Mary COlt yice·president of tbe YWf:.A. Gln~y MICHIGAN ALPHA-HILLSDALE COLLEGE. Chan",nd: utchm,lt presidenl of West Hall, Jo Gro.Ran and Sldn" Reid 188' Norma jean Tbompsoa and Alice: DePew well r~rcscnted ICOtor rcprdCOUUves to Student Committee, and Bcttv Jo File MICh;A.ln A on the: chect·leadin.t JQU.ad this fear. Norma jun lunior reprcscntauve to Student Commlttcc. was also elected head cmr·leader for the com.io..c: yeu, On the Dean's List lor the fint :semester appeared the natDCS of Lovey Driver, Win Sykes. VitRlDia CatchinR:. Tooi Day, oanne JonH was a nominee for J. Hop queen at the dance he ld in Apul. Martha MdU,. Betty jo Fite. Bla.ir Quin. Paula Ruusa. Mary An exch~e dinner wu held with It. I .s Februvy 19. Colcou, Edit GalLa.thcr. Lynn Humt. and Ann Schudy. . Performin« in the forthcomin.c annual dance coocert wlil be ANN BooNoU Paula Ra.cuu.. Martha McKa" Florine Hawler. and Mari.e Woodv. Virginia A is enremely proud of th~ ~ben of Its plcd£e MICHIGAN BETA-UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ch~· clUJ all of wbom achieved tbe chaokr initiatIon averaAe. ttnd: 1886, IN mATED. February 23, 19H: Nancy BlOWn, Cb:11· One of the chapter's special prOlKU is Ibe sponsorship of a licothe, Ohio; jean Carter, Cynthia lister.. Jo.nne Ort.'elO. young Greek $irl to wbom money. food .. and clotbina arc sent Grosse Pointe' Carol Crampton, Toledo, OhIO; Carol Domke, from lime to bIDe. Her letters of appreclauon ".re 50 heutwarml~1t Jackson ; Mlr; j o Furth. Harvey. Ill.; Nancy H.wbaker, Monti· Ihat all feel this to be one of the most rewarding and worth.'hlle: cello Ill· Donnan Mann Petersburg, VI.: Rene McParlan, undertakings and certainly one from which every chap l ~r o f. PI Karen Nei;on, Gnnd R.pids'; Priscill. Monll;omcry, A r~machievement. Donnl Kay Smith was lapped for Mortar Soald. At the Initiation banquet Karen Taylor won the ~ward fC? r Initiates active in WSCGA include Donna Kav Smith, vicco the highest point averalte amonjl the pled,ltu. Alice LoUie chairman of Honor Council: Kay Wirth, Representative.at,Large recrived the Rebecca Whitc award. 10 Executive Council: and j ane Boorman, Sophomore member to Other activity off campUl: Claire Lenz was queen at qeneral Honor Council. Class officers includc Nancy Simmons as secretary· Motoll Institute in Flint. Mary Ann Nico ll is on ItI.uJ,,"oatl','! Ireasurer of the sophomore clus. Patricia Kinlt of the junior clau, collele board. j ulie Windham and Rosalie Hildebrecht do volun· Donna Kay Smith holds this office in the senior clau. with Ann tcer work at University Hospital. Wilson servinlt at historian. Honors received by new pledlcs: MAaY LUI CltAN0801S j udith Dickerson, freshman representative to Executive Council and Patricia G,iffin, freshman assembl" woman of Student Gov. MIC HIGAN GAMMA-MICHIGAN STATE UNIVI3 RSITY. crnment. Dormitory presidcnts include Lynnc Bennett. and Vir· C harc:end, F",bru.ry 17, 194' . PI.dle 0.1', I .flu.". 29. 19", .l!;inia Wachob. INITIATli.O, February 16. 19H: j an Anderson. St. loUIS, Mo.; PLEDCED, Nonmber 19, 19)6: Patricia Amole. Roanokc: Eliza· {ud'th Meyer, Ft Wayne, Ind Challen «illier. Northhrook, beth Ballad, Salem: janice Brn. Falls Church; Belty Ann urrol!, Norfolk; Judith Dickerson. N.ncy Gilliam. j acquelyn Good. "Various honors were awarded to styeral members of the chapter Patricia Griffin, Anne Hite. Twvla Willey, Richmond: Kalhleen this term. Nancy O'Connor and Ann Mottinlter ... ere selected Fitzgerald, Fort Monroe: Patricia Foi t. Quantico; Miry Ger ... i., to be members of T I. janice VanDerJa~t ... as honored bv Ihe McLean; Judith Webber, lynnhnen: Sh.,i Hi,ll;.l:ins. LVr:'chbu~: college for maintaining a lour point scholastic .verlie for ten Dianitia Hutcheson, Soydton: Nancy Moore. Alcxandtla: VI!. terms in • row, ,ltinia Wollald, Emporia: Muthl Andrus, Packlnack Lake. N .J. : Lea Felawon .nd Sally Novak ... ere finalists on the Miu M.S.U. Lynn Carr, Baltimore. Md.: Elizabeth Ed,c, N ashville. Tenn.: court. Rrbecci Pauber, BridAeton, N.J. : Eliu Fer.snuon, Paci6c Palisades, Michisan r give it. all and received 100% and first place C.lif.; Wilma Powler. Eudid. Ohio: Irene Hill. Williamsport. in the umpus Blood Dril'c. Pa.' Patricil Hutchison, Hot Spriogs, Ark.: Carolyn j ordln. In scholarship. the chapter 'Rain placed third on campUl. Meadowbrook, Pa.; Mar,lta Louise: Larson, Howell. Mich. : Millicent Michigan r joined B 9 n for the annual Spartacade Carnival, McLean. Louisville, Ky.; Ann Perkins. Wichitl Falls. Tex.: Sue held lor the benefit of the Campus Community Chest. in March. Sin,lter. Montgomery, Ala.: Sandra Webber. Gaffncv. S.c.: Nancy The theme fot the chapler's booth was a Japanese Tea House. Wilhelmi. ShlenPOrt. La. March 2 was the Kene of kcys and arlOws when the chapter Re .PLEDGED , February 28, 19)7: Mary Gcrwi.lt:. Richmond. joined with K K r for the Monmouth Duo. Refresbmcnta were PUDGID, February 28, 1937: Nancy Simmons. Reisterto ... n, served at the chlpter house and the dance was held I t the K II: r Md. house. JULIe VAKOS Rushin. season ended January 20. PUDCID: Cathy Bcmis. judy Buchanan. Louise Butler, Bir· WEST VIRGINIA ALPHA- WEST VIRGINIA UNIVER. minghaml' Ann Burke. Buffllo, N.Y.; Marilyn Detweiler. Home· S ITY. Ch.rte,td. 1918, Pleda. 0.", Sepfember 30, 19'6, wood, II .; Deanna Dunn, Bay City: Alberta Edwards. Colum· INlTIATm). February 23. 1937: Ann Tarlor, Lela Aliff. Charleston: bus, Ohio; Mary Frlnces FU,IIher , Michi.ltan City. Ind.: Jo.nn Joy Strawn, Mclinl Morris, Nancy Trotter. Mor.Ranto ... n: Ann Gistin,::er. Lois Nobes, Detroit: Gr~tchen Hubacker. ChebovAan: Cromwell, Elkins; Elizabeth Hall. Fairmont: Carol Karr, Muy Sara Kuselring. j onesville: Cail ~1iIler. SheboY.Ran, Wi •. : j ane J o Cox Clendenin: j .ne Enns. Grafton; Jane Runner. Aluan· Nolen, Muske,::on: SUlln Russell, Western SpriDRs. 111.: Ja ckie dria Va. ; jeanne Roth, Polly Caanon, Whcclin,lt: Janice Gro .... T oikltanen, Ashtabula. Ohio: Marv Watson. Dcuborn: Doreen Parkersburg; Ann Monis, Chatham. N.J.; Mar, Thrasher. Wood. Snyder. N.Y.: Wynifred Wa.e:ne r. Bloomlield Hill., Siiterville. DIANB McH UG H Second place in the annual Sphinlt Talent Show ... u captured by the chlpUr ... ith I clever act. Honoll which h.ve come to West Virginia A recent Iv include: ONTARIO ALPHA-UNIVERSIT Y OF TORONTO, Ch.,· Jlne McMillion, chostn IS candidate for vice· president of the t",ud, 1908. Pltd,e D.y, October I S, 1956. The Pi Beta Phis senior c1au by the Student pam; Ann McMunn, K T A. journll· were entertlined at the home of Sandy MacFarlane where pictures ilm scholastic honorary: Marti'll Neuenschwander and Malilyn . ·ere shown of Football gamel .nd float· parades from 19)3 to Gall, La Tertula, Spanish bo!l0tlry: Clrmen Gamblc and Jeanne 19,6, Roth. candidates for the ED,ltlOccrs Ball : Mary Thrasher. pled.l1;ed The P.nhellenic banquet was held February 24. Mrs. Ronald to K 4>. Methodist 5OIOritr, Martin, president of the City P.nhellenic was !tUeU lDCaker. The chapter ... as yictorious in a bridJte tournament held re· Barbar. Campbell. Mary M.nore and Mimi Littlejohn played cently with I • E. A sprinjl eltchallRe dinner was held with on V.rsity aid's basketball teams. Pi Beta Phi 's senior team ended the ICuon in firn place this year. 4>49. ,.. d .. _~ Min Mary Virginia Wil lams, 4 province pmi enl, YllltC1.l The Pi Bet. Phi Formal was held March 1 It the Hunt Club. West Virainia A March lo·n. On Mlrch 3 the chlpUr held its annUli Parent's Tea. KATHaYN SILL SUZANN. MAsoN 256 THE ..... Ow OF PI BETA PHI

ONTARIO BETA-UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO. at the Valentine DaO(C sponsored by the Student Union, The Cbarttrtd. October, 1934. PI,d._ O.y, ScPltmb., 30. 19'6. Epsilon Nu. Chapter of Z N ChoK Paula Silberman as a Sweet­ Th~ annu.al fraternity formal was beld It the Cobblestone Inn heart candidate to !eprescot them at their recent State Day. on J anuary n. Ann Colly« had I coHee party It her home before H_LEN FOST'" the dance to which 1.11 the airb ud their eKoru. u well u the patrons .nd rcprestnlatives of other fraternities, were invited. INDIANA DELTA-PURDUE UNIVERSITY. Chaneted, A week latu "'11 the Uni'ersity Collc,llc 8all. tbe bi,lUtest 1921. Pled,e 0.,-. Februll)' 10. 19J7. With the approach of social eveot of the colJc&c year. Five members of Onurio B ,pring, the Pi Beta Pbis of Indiana c1 joined with the men 01 .-ere nominated II candidates lor Queen of the Ball. They are T KEto participate in "Penny Carnival." The cafoivai is a Sylvia Meyers, Sue HenrT. Judy Lauric, ladue Tail and Gail yearly event held to raise money for Campw Chest. Funston, who 1'o'U .lso CO-CODvenor 01 the ball. Theta Sij:ma Phi, a national journalistic honorary. chose The ('1«tioM for head of the University College Council have Dienhaft and j oan M.arvel for active membershIp in their or· been held and Pat Ruuell bas bun elected 5ub·prd«t. the hi.Q;helt ganization. office a woman student can hold. Her predecessor is Pat Robinson, Three Pi Beta Phi pledj:e., Betty Hess, aar.a Jane Smoker, who Allduates this year. Ind, who is Ontarlo S's candidate for and judith Tucker have been chO$C:n lor membc.rshlp in A A 4. the Amy Burnham Onken Award. freshman national Kbolastic honorary, Pledaes. Ashley Diane Sue Hawkins wu elected to the University Students Council, Shepard and Phyllis Shield., are swimming for the Lafayette and Oor«n Anderson, Pat MlcK«n and Notttn La in,lt w e ~ Swim Club, a nationally.known giris' team. elected to tbe Women', Athletic Association. All these office' The Associated Women Students' Organization has chosen arc for the 19)7·)8 semester. Margaret W aters as co-chairman of the GolddiAAer's Ball. an !ntercolle,ltiate sports bad a ,ltood replesentation from Ontario S annual all.campus dance. j oan Nading hu been chosen Editor­ IhlS yur. Pat MlcKecn, the new chapter president was 0 0 the in -Chid of the Associated Women Student'. Handbook. The huketball and archery teams; Sue Henry, basketball and badmin· handbook serves as a guide to orientate freshman women to ton; Doreen Anderson , volleyball and basketball; Judy Lauric, campus life. CaroIJo Evaos has been elected vice·president of the baskclbal.l; and Bey Wildin.lt , Prsnccs Martin, Liz JcHerics, Phil Younll W omen', Christian Associatio n. OuMoullO, Donna Sadlcir, lacrosse. Thuteen sophomores were invited to the Mortar Board '"Smarty" NoaUN LAING Party. a function recognizing sopbomores lor outstaodin.lt achieve­ ment in scholarship and activities. Two active membeu. Elva Jo Downing and Marilyn H easley, and olle pledge. Betty Hess, attained a 6.0 index for the fall semester. This i, the ultimate in the University's RrsdinR system. ZETA PROVINCE PUDGI!D: Linda Lee Adams, South Bend; Nancy Brown Adams, INDIANA ALPHA-fRANKLIN COLLEGE, Charlued, 1888. Barbara Ann Newby. Webster GlOVes, Mo.; Mary Ann Bates. JN1TIATID. February 24 , 19)7: Betty jane Rced. Constance Rlcbard· Sandra Mac Fraur, Lafayette: Joanne Bauer. Judith Tucker, son, Phyllis,Cook. Chicago, Ill.; N ancy C1a l~ Beiriger, ChadeSi Helene Sko lds. Gary; Ba rbara Ann Buschart, St. Louis, Mo.; Bubara Joy A pled&e, Liodl Vandivier, was on tbe QUCCo', court at the annual Kcc·Ko·Nut dance held 00 j anuary 28, 19)7, Clingman, Kristin Noer, Indianapolis; judith Lila Cramer. tkS Plaines, III.; Judith Kay Dyer, Elmhurst, III. : Sandra Jane Bev~rly . Fewell and Karen I.cmcly were the chapter's re pre· Porbes. East Chicago; Carol Gabby, Evansville' Janet fl. Ie sen tatlves In the contcst for Cherry Blossom Princess. Pi Beta Phi wu well represented in tbe CUt of the four '"One· Goldsbert)', Elkhart; Susan ElIzabeth Guyton, Grosse Pointe, Acts" .held on February 14 and D. 19)1. There were thr« wbo M ich.: Karen Gail Haker, Shorewood, Wi,, : Betty Irene Hed, acted In the plays, and two student dit«tors in the anoual event, Lockport, N.Y.; Nancy Anne Seal, Vincennes; Ashley Dilne Pi Beta Phi took an active part in '"Gr«k Week"' which WIS Shepard, Oalemour, Pa .; Nancy Ph,lIis Shields, Wuhin.ll:ton : sl;>Onsored by Panhellenic Ind loter·fraternity Council. Annette Jean Sinnod:, Newcastle ' Oara hne Smoker. Wanatah: Bonnie Templeton rode in the tricycle race with reprcscntatives from biana T all. Wheaton, til.; j udith Ann Ward. Decatur, III.; the women 's fraternities. Virginia Harlan Wilson. Owensboro, K y. .Chi Beta Phi tapped Carole Esscrman to membership in the JOAN HICKEY SCience honorary. BivaUy FE ..... ELL INDIANA EPSILON-DEPAUW UNIVERSITY. CharteHd. 1942. Pled,e D.y, September 26, 19'6. INITIATED , March 9, INDIANA BETA- INDIANA UNIVERSITY. CharteHd. 19)7: j ane Bowman. Webster Groves. Mo,: Deborah I)uies, J893. Pledie D ay: February 9, 19'7. INITI ATED March I 19)7; Shaker H eights, Ohio: Ann D oolittle, Mishawaka ; J ane Mcdaris, Pluida Wise, Jndianapalis; Nancy Witte. J u~r . • Indianlpolis ' Deborah Duncan, Kansu CitrA Mo.; Lynne Geist, Indiana University was host a.ltain this vear for the Little Juditb Lin,J EYlnstOll, JII .; Eliubcth \..Jrecnl«. V incennes : United Nations Assemblv in March. Students Irom thuty other Nancy h erso!!, Jane Morri,. Linda W ilson , Chica,o. III.; colleges participated in dISCUSsions concemins international Carol Mead. l oledo, Obio ; Sally Moody, Paua Valley. Okla.: problems, Caro1rn Phillip., Warsaw : Linda Wedeking, Washin.l(ton: Celia Nancy .Kierspe is . the ~ipient !3f a Brown County Playhouse W ilson, Dayton, Ohio ; j oanne von Rosen, River Porest, III. ScholarshIP, She Will partICIPate In summer stock this summer. In I~ring camEs election. Kay Halstead .. u e1ectc'd to the Libra On-elaod has been chosen lor the lordan River Revuc. Union Building unio, Board. Naocy Ruyle and Betsy Greenlee which is an annual campus musical. were chosen to come members of OrchuiJ. Mar,uret Warne. This semester. Carol Rabn is to be the assistant director for Dorothy Dailey and Mair jones were invited to become mem­ a weekly television ,how. "Words and Music." Last semester, bers o( Ouzer Du. Carol had a weekly women's radio proRram. J\lonst this same line, Ind iana E was well re prcscnted in the annual Monon Review. Laura lcan Passow receIved a Radio and Television Award for The music .nd lyrics for the show were composed b, Nancy Outstaodin.l; Service. Pord and Margarrt Steffen and Carolyn Kay were members Betwccn ICrnesters, Barbara Stevens toured the Caribbean for of the chorus. three weeb wi th the "Belles oE Indi'lla." a women's chorus, DePauw students arc very proud of their basketball team which Five Pi Beta Phis were elected to membership in A A 4, is first in the ICC conference. The team hu bccn asked to national freshman women's honorary. ThC'J' Ire Libra Cleveland, participate in the NCAA tournament. Lea GarlinA:. Sber'T Lackey. Diane Roc, and Mlntaret McConnell. PLEDGm: Ka, Grecn. Lskewood. Ohio: Diane jackson. St. T he Pi Beta PhIS won the first rouqd in whicb thC'J' competed Louis. Mo.; Martha Wbittinaton. Sparta, "I. in the Campus Quiz Bowl. a CUfrent rients content. C-UOLYN KAY Pat Scott was chosen IS one of the fiYe linalists for Freshman T , ronian Queen. Donna Whiteman, Bets! enwford, and Carolyn Todd were chosen to be photographed for the If".,., Yearbook Beaut' Section. This ,ear the Plorence P. G arshweiler Scholarship will be ETA PROVINCE awarded to one or two members of lndiana B at Founders' Dar in April. These Kholarships lIe of $2'0 each and are awarded to KENTUCKY ALPHA-UNIVE RSITY OF LOUISVILLE. INI . membc.D of IDphomotC standin.t o r above on the buis of chapter TlATED. February 17. 19)7: (all of them from Loui-"'iIIc) Faye ItrTice, finanCIal need. and scholarship. Cozart. Barbara Miles, Joan McOcnoah, Barbara Gray\ Nancy PLmG!D: Karen Bowen, Artington Heights, nl. ; Mary Lou Osborne, Monaei Pruits, 'Bently Hester, Helen StinchcomD. Alice Bubr. Barbara Geor~, Donna Hammer, Jud, Marchino. N ancy Furgerson. Mal)' Be,.erly Wade. Nancy Griffin, Terrie Price. Ricbwine. Indianapolis : L'bll Clevellnd. Deborah Walden, Si?ecd Scientific School o( the University of Louisville elects an Bloomington ; Linda fulfo rd. Princeton: Lea.eDC Gatlin.c. Mun­ EngIneer's Queen, and this ~ar Vi-tian Williams, pled.lte was cie; Ano Gerrish, Ointon: Jane Klock, Auburn, Frances K remer, crowned at their annual dance. Terre Price was U o f L repre· Enoston. m. : Sherry Lac!c:CT. Hopkin-"'ille, Ky.: N lncy McCaslin. sentatiYe to the Red drin. }{cnNch A's four best sinr;in. Alexandria; Maf8;arrt McConnell. Winchester, K~ . : N~ Pi Beta Phis are practicing for the all campw Barber Shop Quartet Neubauer. Owensboro, K,.: I.t-c Pryor, Ca lhoun City. M lSS,; Con~t . Diane Roc, Port Wayne; Pit Scott, Hinsdale. III.: Nancy Stern, PLEDGm: Carol Trautwein, Lynn Mashburn, Nancy Quinlan. Nt"It" A lban,: Ann SulHnn. Delphi : Nancy Webster, Park Rida:e. V iyiao Williams, and Oyda HarrIS. Ill. : Sail, Werta. Carmel. SANDIA SOUOlDU TENNESSEE ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF CHATTANOOGA. INDIANA GAMMA-BUTLER UNIVERSITY. Chart_d, Cb..-undl 1923. A few of the booon «eei'f"Cd b, individual Aupat 27. 1891. Helen Poster was crowned Qu.«n of Hearts Pi Beta Phh are as (ono-...: 10 the supcriatin clectioos. lUrilJD THE AllOW Of ,1 lETA 'HI 257

Harrd; was cltCted Jktt7 Co·Ed .Dd DoDD. Phillips WOD the title p.m in the: aDDUlI Hoof and Hom .how. • musical ,i'ren e.ch of Molt Popul.r Girl. M.nlyn .... cbotftl to be the presideat ~ar durin, Joe Colleae ..«lce:nd iD M.y, Tbty .re Dilll. R..i.ien. of the MethodIst Studmt untet, .. Ith Donna as treasurer and who b.d a Iudin&' role lut ,eu, iktI, Grant, IIId J oci, Tram­ Nona Jobruon .~ as freshman .dyUor. Ann KnOll: is the mell. • frahma.n this year. president of the Home .Ecooomia Oub aad .bo the 5C'(re:tIry JULIA RuT of the Cantttbury Dub. Ana, Marilyn, .ad Noaa .re on. the Girl'. Dormitory Council. SylYi. Eub.aQ .. the yice-·presuunt SOUTH CAROLJNA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH of both I A n. and A A A. CAROLINA. Chanend, 1928. P:=.cb.~a "J Octobc, 26, 19'6. INntAlU), M.rch 3, 1937: Lon. • .De Hendrich, Mary FrlOCa Monis, M.ry San,e, Columbil; Deborah DuBose, TENNESSEE BETA-VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. Char· Barb.ra Lee: Lewis, D.rlington; Becky Finley, Mountville: Carol tend, November .9,. 19-40. INIl1ATED. Februuy 10. I~n: J udy Piccoli. Huntington, N. Y_; Carol locierick, W.lterboro. Janr Knebel1u.mp, Loulndle. Ky.; Peu:r Trapp, TU$CUll1bla, Ala.; RYOIl, Aikm. Beverly Jontl. No rfolk. Va. The coftteci 6tst place in the 1110011 Stunt Ni,ttbt was ..on A highpoint of .. iakr quamr for the ch.ptu ..as tbe yisit ..ith a talce: -off on "Macbeth." Miss Matl.ret: Hu&hes. Province President. rece-ntly yisiled the of Miss M.lI.ret Hughes, B Province- President. chapter. 1n the Atheni.n Sin, competition. spoflsored by Albeni.ru. the junior scbol.stte honor .ociety, Pi Beta Pbi .... on lirst pla",. Pi JEAN HU"W ... N &1.. Phi uCtileanhellenic d.nce on February 16tb_ Alabama A WII social functions _ represented in the lead-out by Amma Hurt, the: retirin. president: JEAN p ... un. Sara SUtom, the new president: Carol Clotfelter. rush capt.in. Alabama A has been nry .ct;Ye in intramurals this quarter. tying for first place in the basketball tournament. Jayne Harpole TENNESSEE GAMMA-UNIVERSITY OF T ENNESSEE. was high point woman in the ffee throw 10urnamenl, makiRJI: Char1ered. May 1', 1948. INln ... TED, Febru.ry 3, 19~7: Wilma fotty-four out of fifty. Ramelle MOOre woo Ihe ping-pong Ann Price, Rogersville: Ethel Ann Tittsworth. Smithville: Mary lournament. Pi Bet. Phi pl.ced third in the .wimmm. meet. Ann Winegar. Knoxville; Glenn. Fa,e Wood,. Kil\4.port. with S.ra Stalom havin, second hiab in indiyidual points. This The Tennessee: r's All Sing. La~ Group placed In the fin.1s WIS held on Febru.ry 28. this yell and then went on to Win .«ond place. Directed by Bringing indiyidual bonor. to the chapter are Jayne Harpole Wilma Price, the group ung "Sh.dow March" and "Star Dust." who WIS elected yice.president of Ibe senior clus. .nd Kalie Emil, Turner wu n.med Torchbe.rer .nd was elected to Haynes who was elected president of Ihe AI.bama Methodist • K •• SlUdent Movement for the cominR year_ Glenna Wood, and Mary Anna Winegar were named Assistant Naney Whitley aglin will lead the Alab .. m.. A's at inter­ Editors of the O,..nlt .nJ WiJi", tbe University o( Tennes~e fraternity Sin. on April ~. newsplper. During tbe winter quarler, College T healer produced Til, B.rb.r. Norman looked like a GIY Nineties belle when ,he­ P#nJ,,. Ht.,., in which senral Pi Beta Phi, p.rticif)aled. botb in won the prize for the best costume .t the A X A Ga, Nineties .ctin,tt .nd in technic. I work. p.rty. Millie Stone .nd Mary Anna Winegar were aimed to IT A. •• PLmGIlD: Molly Bu.. Louisville, Ky,: Lind. Burnett. Dell. nalional French honorary. Ann Tidwell. Birminah.m. P.ui Dil:on was .ppointed .ctiyities section editor of the Vol.nl,"_ the Uniyenity of Tennes~ annual. Christine Sams wu n.med Cherry Blossom Princess from Ten· ALABAMA BETA-UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. Char1eud, nessee. She will go to Wuhington. D .C. where the Cherry Septembee 19, 1949. Pled". DIY, February 18, 19'7. INIn­ Blossom Queen will be chosen. "'TED, Febru.ry 19, 19)7: Carol W.ites, Martha Ann Graham. SYLVI", MOULTON Birmingham; Louise Pyle, Bristol, Va.; Roseland Alexander, Linda Lambert, Sara Thomu, Betty Ozment, Tuscaloosa: Camille Dunkin. Marion; M.ry Elleo HII', Elizabeth Powell. Mobile: NORTH CAROLINA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF NORTH J.net McFerrin, Butler ; Lou Ann Mullinilcs, Atlanta, Ga .: Rjt~ CAROLINA. Chartered, 1923. INmAno. Fdnuary 23, 19": Ogle, Montgomery; Deann. Phillips. Tboma."iIIe: Ann Sanders. Nancy Carpenter. H illsboro: Betty Sue Clark. Williamston: Kitty Meridian, Min.; Linda Yutmeyer, Opelik.; Edith M.rtin, Shef­ Corr, Bronnille. N .Y.: Nancy Dayis. Mooresville ; Carol Den­ field. nis. Es~x Pells, N./.': Susie F'lIen, Miami, Fla.; Elizabeth Pltsy Smith was elected vice-pre.ident of Ihe School of Home Penwick, Winston·Sa em: Arnold G.rvin, Aiken, S.c.: Pat Economic.. Ellen HilS hll just retired II president of Presh­ Gregory, BeDJOn: Roberta Hutings, Orange. Va.: M.".aret Held, man Y.W.e.A_ .nd is now serving u second "ice·president of Wilmington: Bettie Kell, Bristol. Va.; Nlncy Llewellyn, Bronx· Senior Y. W .C.A. Sue Butterfield ""IS elected treaAlrer of AI.bama ville, N .Y. ; Bobbi Madison. WashiDltton. D .C.; Doris Peter, Spirit Oub. Pats, Shadoin WII cho~n IS altern.te Crescent Girl Otl.nd2: Fla.: Jane Sawyer. Wallace:: C.,nlhi. Segr.ves. J.chon­ of AX A. Followin. the Iteneral soci.1 pattern. the ch.pler had "ille, I'la.: Sarah Jane Shaw, St. Petersburg, Pla.; Kit White· coffee houn with ,arious fraternities on the campw. Due to the hurst, D.nyille. V._: Pat Wilson. Chariouenilie. Va. r«mt loss of their chapter house. the • A O's .-ere served • Betty Sue a.tk was given a ring for m.king the highest (trades barbecue supper .t the ch.pter bowe: .t the supper the boys .nd Arnold G.rtin was named the most outst.ndin.c pled,lte: in were presented with a check 10 start their buildinJt (und. T he the pledge c1us. AI.bama B', .re now in the midst of preparallon for Slep EUZABITH Bu,. Singing, inter-fr.ternity .nd sorority cornpelttion in sin,t'in,t'. PLKDGID, Febru.ry 2~. 19)7: Kay Cranfnrd. Birrnin", ham: Mary NORTH CAROLINA BETA- DUKB UNIVERSITY. Char. Frances Sewell. Decatur; Joanne H.rrison. Annislon. rered, 1933. Pled,. DIY, Octob.r 19, 19'6. INJn... TlD, Feb­ OliN'" HUGULIY ruary 2-4. 1957 : Anne Boone, J.nice- Medley. Arli~n . Va .: Mary DeLeg.l. SlYannab, G •. : Iudy Dumine. Birmin,cbam. Al • . : FLORIDA ALPHA-sTETSON UNIVERSITY. Chanend, Mary Lou Do ..dl, Westfidd, N . J.; Judy Heckroth, Wilmio.wn, Novembet ) 0, aB. Pled •• Day! October 3C!, 19'6. INm ... nu, Del.: Helen Locke. Houston. 1"ex.: Marg.ret McIntyre, Cedar Febru.ry H, 19)7: Susan Deal, Mi.mi: HeVerly Brett. Pat Rapids. Iowa: Bee R. mbin. New Canaan, Conn.: M.ry Rham· Rosen, J.cksonYil1e: Ju.nita Gresham. Atl.nla, Ga. : Jo.n Heid. 'Iine, Bron:nille, N .Y.: Sue Sexton. Alex.ndria, V •. ; P.ul. Rock.fonf, Ill.: Carol Lu«h.uer. Hollywood: Mefiam McDon.ld. Str.w, Huntinlton, W.Va. : Anne Sw.n." M.ryville. Tenn.; Joel, Pitz~ra l ll, G •. ; Ann T.,lor. Deland : Pat Thomf)son. Ginaef Tr.mmell, Norfolk:, Va.: Irene Whit1e:r, High Point. Wood" Orl.ndo; Sue Robison. Ocal.: Sally T.it. T.mpa. The outsunding pled,tte ....rd. .n enArued dlnr bowl in Ginger Woods WII n.med Outstandin.ll; Pled.-e. memory o( Barbara MeD .Titt .nd presented (Of the first time BuJJr Ezell was runner·up to Ihe Azal ia Queen, .nd Lynn Ihis ,ear, ..., .c ivm to Jud, Heckroth. Judy Durstine re

The chapter helped welcome. DeW ,.,omen's ftltemiry. J. X Q, GEORGIA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. ChII" to the campus by OffeUD& them the use of the Pi Ikta Phi u rad, 19J9. INITIATED, February 9. 19)7: Mui1yr:Uloe Applebaum, apartment for their mutlngs, Anne Weatherford. C«ile Bo.sgs, Kathryn Charles, Linda Dickey, )0 BoSWELL Frances DUllaw.y, Collnie Owells, Patti Mendel, ~borah Sue Rogers, Joyce Brooks, Janice Troy, Joyce Hancock , Frances A LABAMA GAMM A-ALA BA MA PO LYTECHNIC INSTI­ Laney, Jane Reynolds. TUTE. Chartered, February 2, 1957. INITIATED, February 2 , Geor,ia A was proud to place 5«Ond in the annual sorority 19)7. itunt night. The charter members of Alabama Gamma Irc In Bishop, In the winter quarter iOlnmurab. Gcorlia A took seconds in Anniston; NanCJ Lou !tVIU, Birminah.m: Billie Ann WailIng, sWlrnmlnl, bowling, and at the prescot time the basketball ttlm Atlanta, Ga.' MIlt)' Parrisb, Tullahoma, Tenn.; J OIO Hocking, 15 tied for second place in their leaR\lC. Auburn: C2thcrinc DaoD, Andalusia: Sudic Stcwart, Li ntvillc " Kathy COiner, recently retired president, W15 invited to join Pcgg)' Milner, Birmingham ; Christine Barrett, Birmingham; InJ 4> K • . Kathy was also invited to join B I' I, this being the Sandra Vaughn. Montgomery. The active mMlben In~ : Jane highest honorary business sorority. Lewis, Birmingham; Gail Bridgts. Birmin~ham; Faye Anthony. Deborah An,lin lIo'as tapped for 9 I 4>, the honorar,. journalivn ,'(fcSI Palm Beach, Fla.; Pit Thciring, Bmnin,blm ' La Melle IOroritr for women. \'Vjnters, McWilliams; .nd ) 0 Anne Bartlett, Wedowee. The Patncia Albert was elected secretary of r I I lII·hich is a alumnz initiates are: Mrs. W, V, Parker, Auburn; Jeanne girls service sorority. Priester, Opelika: Mrs, R, G. Brownfield, Auburn : Mrs, D. A . Sylvia T indol was elected co·editor of Fr"trrnitl FOlliS, which Potter, Auburn; Mrs. V. C. Helmns, Auburn: Ind Mrs, F. S. js a weekly paper published jointly by the fraternity and SOtuflty Aunt Auburn. groups. Alabama Gamma was honored by having Faye Anthony selected Geor,ltia A eI«ted Anne Weatherford I.li model pledlte and as one of the eight beauty finalists, Gail Br id~es selected IS one Linda Dickey ""u awarded a n-cognition pin for having the highest of the twenty favorites, PalSy Groves, I pled~e. selected IS a pledge avenge. member of A A A, Ihe fnshman honorary society. Jan Bishop Janis Troy lII'as elected sccrct.Jry·trrasurer of the Siudent 5('1«ted as I member of the Dolphin Club lind Pat Theiring Union. selected IS Miss February on Ihe A. P. I. Calendar for the Georgia A is proud of Conner Dyess for havin,lt the Iud in the winter quuter. winter quarter production of the drama department, lIo' hich was SANDIA VAUGHN the opera. "The Bal." Connor and Ann McKain were invited to tou r with the g lee club during Spring holidllYs. FLORIDA BETA-FLORIDA STATE U NIVE RSITY, Char· MAllY ELLBN PAIlIe BIl tered, Octobtr 14, 1921. Plad al Dar' February 19, 19'7. INITIATED, Mlrch 9. 19)7: Mary No I Adams. Ann Wear. Lakellnd: M.ry Lou Camphcll, Bndenton: I..inda Lee Canoll, Sarnot.; Carol Cole, Melinda Dison, Ann Easterday, Jacksonville; Barblra EilKT, West Palm Beach: Monty Gillham, Atllnta : IOTA PROVINCE linda Hanshaw, Dottie Hatton. Orlando ; lynn LaGran,ll;e. Frank· lin. Ind.; Sara K. Ltwis, Panama City: Judy Culbreath. Carline ILLINOIS ALPHA-MONMOUTH COLLEGE. Chittered, McDougald, Marjorie Williams. TallahasSte: Nancy King, Stuart: April 28, 1867. Pled ge O.y, Octobu 6, 19'6. INITJ .... TI!D. Febru· Nancy Newsome, Columbus: Florentine Phillips, Manchester, ary 23, 19)7: Roberta Baer. P.atty B.ird, Barbara Divinsir;y, Sandra Tenn.; Gale Sammons, Miami; Mlrgaret Ann Wund ~ rl ic h, D31l1S. Halliday. Janet Hamilton, Jan MIller, Nancy Nevius. Norma Tex. Peterson, thesney Smith, Mary Ann Smith, Karen Sundber,ll;, Floridl B's Charlotte and Phyllis Patt~n were elected 10 Who'J Shirley Thurwell, Karen Zugschwerdt. Who ;n An",iran Col/,,'I and U"iJlr,sitirs. Sara Jane Griffin At the initiahon banquet, the speaker was Mrs, Charles Ack· and Priscilla Moss were elected to Garnet Ke y, the Woman's man. J an Miller was chosen the outstandinp; pled,lte. Both Barbara Leadership Honorary. Jean Teddar graduated on February 2 DivinsKY and Karen Zugschwerdt received the Iward for Ihe Cum Laude. highest grades in the pledge class, Ind Jo Ella Thornbur,ll; was Pedorming in the Tarpon Club's w.ler ballet. "Fantasy Land" given an award for the greatcst improvement in ilrades. Oil M.rch 8, 9. alld 10 were Pi Beta Phis Marion Davis. Glendll Mrs. Grou, plovince pluident, vi,il~d Ibe chapter February Sherrill, Eleanor Sweatt, Nan Chllmberlin, Ramelle Ellis. and 14 and I). A cooky.shine WIS held in her honor at Holt House. Dottie Hatton. Cheryl Moore Ind Janet Mundt were in the chorus of the Florida B is very proud of twenty·two Pi Ikta Phis th:u made " H.M.S. Pinafore" production sponsored by 11 A N. honorar, the Dean's Lin. musk fraternity. Janet Mundt ilu been selected to 8.,0 Oil Chorale Florida B look special interest in the installation of the new tour on April 2', and it will take her to Denver, Colorado, Ne· Alabama r chapler at Aubum on Februal'J I. since Faye Anthony braska, Kansas and Illinois, Barbara Divinslry is vice.president transferred from Florida B to act as the president o f the new of Crimson Masque. chapter. Pi Beta Phil atlendin~ the installation were Frances Wino is A WIS in second place in both the WAA volleyball Carey, Ann George, Jean M:ay, DeAnne Head, and Betty HaUon. tournament and Ihe WAIt. swimming meet. PLI!DCED, February 19, 19": Pat Jean Ferguson, Hampton, Va. PLEDGED: Arlene DreSrl1al. Arlington His. REP LEDGED: Nancy K in,ll;, Stewart. SUSAN GINGIICH AoI.IA ANN WHtTIU ILLINOIS BETA. DELTA-KNOX COLLEGE. Ch.ttered, FLORIDA GAMMA- ROLLINS COLLEGE. Chanued. $ep. 1930 ( Btla 1872-0 eha 1884). Pledge Day, N ovtJ:nbe,. 19, lernbu 28, 1929. Pled,e O.y October 14, 19'6. INITIATED. 19'6. INITIATED , March 2, 19": Barbara Barnste.d, Miry Mac· February l. 19)7: Helen CureII, Suzanne Lewis, Cherry King, donald, Sandra Schoning, Anne Wnzel. Barblra Wctu-I, Gales· 0 1111$,. Tex.: Be'·rrl,. Millinn. Ft. Lauderdale : Oudlc-y Robin· burg: Nancy- Brown, Gail Holter, Elmhuflt : Florence Buescher. son, Charlenon, WI. Va.: Sandra Shell, Corsicana. Tes.: Gerri Lake Forest: Barbllra FOllo'Ier, Glen Ellyn: Rebecca G roff. Ham· Sutherland, Winter Park : Joan Whe.lley, Fa~~lIeville . N.C. mond, Ind. ; Anita Kester, Naperville: Sue lawrence, Allentown. Initiation ~' a, (ollollo'ed bv a banquet at Eola Piau and Cherry P•. ; Helen Verner, Abingdon: Barbara Walzer, Chicago; ) O.1n K inll: wu named as best pled,te. Watt, Buenos Aires, ArJ;entina. The week of January 27 was a bUSl week for all o f Rollins. &th IClives and pledges worked to earn money for the The Pi Bet. PhIS and lhe A X As held a dance at Dubsdread Panhdlenic project, :a scholanhip for Elizabeth Uhlenhoff frorn Country Club for Ihe whole college. The tbeme of the dance Germany. was • masqueude and everyone attended in costume. C. J. Siroll Gin&er Gengler was general chairman of the Colonial Ball, Ind her date received second prize for their costumes. "Ooh la annUli Plnhellcnic formal. Gin,v:;er was liso n.med the best La" was the name of the Freshman Show. Members of Pi Beta dressed girl on campus for GLAMOR. THE STUDENT Klected Phi who helped to make the show a success were : Cherry King, Barbarl Barnstead and Helen Verner IS assistant news and Suzanne leWIS. Joan Wheatley. Ann ie Robinson and Slindu Shell. fcatu~ editnrs. Pi Beta Phi Skil in the anntlal Talrnt Night Show was "This Is Barbua Fowler WIS in the cast of "Andmclcs .nd Ihe lion" the Army Mr. Jones." while Barbara Barnstead, Barbara Fowler, and G3il Holter ap· Barb:ara Moynahan and Pris Steele brou,ltht honor to the chap· peared in the nne':lct plays. ler when Ihcr appe.red in two of the leadin,ll; roles of "Rin.fl; Beclcy Groff WIS named to women's octet. Another musical Around the Moon:' Sandra Shell served as prompter. Gerri Pi Beta Phi, Helen Verner, W15 selected. throu,Rh trynuts, for Sutherland and Joan Whutlev had two parts in "Cradle 5on,ll; ." the position of vocalist lII'ith a campus band. From a .,. n "'ed,ll;e At the K K r Valentine Dance Helen Carrell lIo'U crowned Queen class of ~i,ll;hl. four were Pi Beta Phis. Th ~e arc Barbu:I Barn· of Hearts. stead. Beck,. Groff. Gail Holter, and Sandv Schoning. AI present the chapter IS engaged in intramural ~scball and Illinois B·A chose Cynthia Pfenni,lt IS the chapter's candidate tennis. for the Am, Burnham Onken .... nd for the oulstandin.ll senior Founders' Week It Rollins ... as full of IctiviIT. The hi,v:;h Pi Beta Phi. point of intrrest was the Ant imated Ma,ll;uine. ~eral f.:lmo·ls ANN JUNG ~ple were present 10 sute their ideas about world afhirs. A few we~ : Or. Habachy. E..,ptian Statesman: Dr. You Chan ILLINOIS EPS I LON-NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. VanR. Korean Ambasudnt to the Uniled States and Sir Richarri ChlU"lered: Ma,. 26, 1894. IsmAnD. February 2. 19H' Miriam livin,ll;ttnn. former president ,.f Corpus Christi Collq~. Oxford. Gibson, Ann Weltrr. EVllnston: Bette and &nnie Whiteside. Wil· The Pi Beb Phis hid the pleasure of havinR Sir Richard as Ru~t mette: J.net Blair, Lldia 'w"Yffi.n. Stephanie Strvlter, Cincinnati. sf)Caku 31 a lea held in hit honor at the chapter house. Sundav. Ohio; ConsunCe Smolcr. Scarsdale, N .Y. : Jolene Abboud, February 24 . Mako. Mo.: Janet Braziu, East Alton: Estella Catter, Win· BEY MfLUlV\N ncth: Carole aarke. Wheeling. W.Va. ; Lauretta Cotr.rm.n, THE AllO W O f '1 lETA PHI 259

Alexaodril., lad. ; Muy Enns. Minneapolis, Minn.: Kathryn ship trophy. Marilyn Fnok won the Panhellenlc trOph, 101 the fretman. K~uaey, Neb. , Pmny fuller. Lumbertoa. N.C.; K,lstrn hi. rankina smior woman. Lentfel, uVinpton, Mont.; Elizabeth Martin, Tulu., Okla.; Paula A new national ... OCD«I ·s frlternity has been .(U1)ted on the Math.eson. On MOIDes. 10wl; PI! Mintl, Indianapolis. Ind.; Bradley campus. ~ I 4. a local fnlemit'(. bas become 4. Z. Pauicia Sue McAult'Y, Rocky Mount. N .C.; Lalla Pelton. N~w ,ll;lvin.c Bradley liv~ national ... ocom', lraternit.ies. Blluin. Conn. j J oanne R.wllns Elkhorn. Wis. ; Mary An n In bte j anuary at the ... inter 101mal. Dorothy De Bnlln was S.ntaV)'. Berwin; Carol Su~ Sayd~r, Carpentenville: julie Van· selected "Whit~ Rose Queen" by th~ I N fraternity. Dusen, Metamon, Mich. j Luisc VonEhrm, Bronxville, N. Y ~ AudriC Suffield. n:i,R:nin.v: u Bradley's Homeco.minl: Queen. Pi 8cu Phi ranked se

ILLINOIS ZETA-UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Cbart.rtd, KAPPA PROVINCE 189'. PI.d~. D.y, Sept.mb.r 2,. 19'6. INtTiATED. Februa,., 2}. 19)7: Jackie Boehn~r A rll~ton HeiRhts: Bonnie o.lIilman , W ISCONSIN ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Sp'Iing.6.tld; Dunn DooOYln, Galcsbul4: MUf Ann K~lIin&, Belle· Chart.r.d, N oy.mber I, 1894. Pltd". Day, F. bnllll'Y 28, 19,7. vllI~; Jeanne Klier, Moline: Marso Ktlege, Edwudn'ille; Grttch~n INITIATED, Milch n, 1957 : Sarah Bain. Lila Wickmann, Karen Misher. CbiCllo; J oann~ uanard, Bethaltoi Sharon Parker, New. jenltn, "ll/ .... aukee: Judith Bradley. Lake Genevl; Grace Dlhle. ton j Jean Pilou, OcKalb j Courtney Prado Bloomin&ton; Sally Madison j Li nda Draper, Eau Claire; G~orgil Heu. River FO~SI, Swansen, Chicago; Mem. Tucker, Nancy Wilson. Granite Cty; III. : J udie Huth. Lafayette, Ind.; Nancy Keepeler, Skoki~, III. ; Joni Wineland, flora. Mary Mcintyre. Lancaster; Pauicia Muder, Oconomowoc; judith minoi. Z has • Kbobnbip challcnge to uphold from the Papenfuss, Wausau; Beuy Lou Schaefer, Berea. Ohio: Carol first semester. Paula Benet, Nsncy Pish~r .nd Paula Miller bold Schump.trt. j ean Sorum, Madison; Patricia Shaushneuy, Chicago, claim to a five point IYetlge for th~ir first semester's work. AI · III.: l.oren~ Sincllir, El«l~, Ka u.. , Ha .... aii: Diane Steen. Appl~ · though the schol.rship trophies have not yet been ,wlrded. the ton; Manlyn Underwood. Racin~ ; Puricia Wolfe, W,U.... ' lloU. Illinois Z have high aspirations .... ith a <4.08 all hou.se average. Carol Ann Bauer returned from Las V~gas .... ilh th~ '1000 Four of the new initiates. Miry Ann Kelling. Margo Kriege, Sally award [or the most fashi onable Itarment It the nuional final. S"'anson. and Nancy Wilson, .... i11 be pledged to A A 4, freshman "Make It Yourself .... ith Wool" contest, women's honorary. Mary Ann Kelling .... as I warded the diamond Four Rirls. Sharon Bell. j oanmarie Froelich. Sandra Wahl. and r~cognition pin for the bigh~st scholastic .verage among the n~w Sibyl Wahl, received Sophomore Honors. These Rirls artained In inlli.tes. average of at leHt a l.U for their first two vetrs in school. The .nnual Monmouth Duo with th~ K K r's was held It "Through th~ Looking Glass." A. W. S. fashion Show. was the Urbana·lincoln Hotel. It was a tremendous success with on~ of the introductory hi,lthli,lthts opmin,lt the second semester. dinn~r and d.ncing in th~ Garden Room, Rosanne Botham narrat~d the show hued on scenes from Alifl ;n Jelnne Klier was • Junior Inter·Fraternity Ball Queen fina/ist, W tI"d,,,.,,J. Jeanette Hummel .nd Unda Drapper .... ere two of and Diane Bucholz Ind Silly Sw.nson were queen finalists for the I) models chosen in an III campus int~rview. Judi~ Huth the Skull and Cresc~nt Dance which was held March 8. ....as on~ of th~ daneen. NeUie McLaulblin won Ihe til Ie of Miss Illinois Press Photool' Thret Pi Beta Phis wer~ amonlt the rwenty·live finalists in . n raph~r of 19" and compe:l~d in the nllionll (Ontcst in Wuhinol' all campus seuch fo r a Badger Beauty. From Ihis group six will ton. D.C., on April 2<4. Jeanne Ricks, the retiring Queen. cro ... ned be cbosen as this )'ear's B.dger Beluties. Nellie. IIIANI!'TTE HUMMBL Margie Ho"" rd will p'la, J~nny, the romantic lead in the 19H Spring Musical, . finian's Rainbo ... . " Lynn Tobin was W ISCONSI N BET A-BELOI T COLLEGE. Chartered, AIiR ult initiated into Mask and Bauble, a th~atre honorary. 20, 1919. INITIATJ!O, F~bnlary 2<4 , 19H: J udith And~ rson, Appl ~. The IIIinoiJ Z's will s.oon begin practicin~ for the ,liUes t appe:lf' ton ; Barbarl Russell, Arl ington Heights. 111. : Judith Stout, anee at th~ 19:57 Shi· Ai Sin. on Campus Mother's Da,. AI Little Rock. Ark.; Andrea Koehler. Des Plain~ s, Ill. ; Lois Duwe, lut yeu's ... inners, the PI Beta Phi's will present their ... innin,lt Marr Gilmore, Evanston. III.; Karen Dickey, Mil"'lukee: Lynn " 1 Wonder When I Shall Be Marri~d," Ind will abo sin,lt with Cullman,' Sally McKnight. Donnl Chayer. Beloit; Betty Spurling, the . r .:1's, 19)6 Sach~m winners. W~stern Springs, 111.; Barbara B.lch, Thiensville; Jo Ann Pleak. LoIS LIl! RUCKRR Peggy Schumacher Ruth Ann Cornish, Indianlpolis, Ind.; Judith Logu~, Sandra Seilert, Peoria, 111.: Margo Edwards, Dundee, III.; hnice Johnson, LaGrange, Ill. ; Lyn ne Engl~, Rockford. Ill. ; judith I LLINOIS ETA-MILLIKIN UNIVERSITY. Chart.r.d, 1912. Sander, Skokie. Ill. II , 2. 19H: PI.dge Day, F.bruuy 19'7. JNITlATJ!O, February Nancy Hildebrand .... as nam~d <-o·editor of the RtI,,,,d Ttlbl" Jun Burkhllter. Suzannc Curtu. Susan F~rR:uson. Iud, H I,R:~­ Al ic~ Cooway. co·chairman of the Charm Clinic. Ind Klthy Clld· bush, Judy Han~l, Pat Myers, Ann Wright. Decatur; Jayne Gans­ well was eI~cted to National CoIl~llue Pla)'~rs. Judy Logue has chi Dietz. Bell eviJl ~ ; jeanne Gross, Chicago; Jean Ko lb. Wilming· been elected secretary of the sophomore clan. ton; BarbaNi Mayne. EI Paso; Marilyn Wilson, Shelbyvill~; The entire chapter was terribly gril.'Ved by the deuh of Judith Barbara Wiucman, Sprin,ltfie[d. Abbot15. a senior and member of Pi Btta Phi. on lanuarv 2~ . 19)7. Second semester had a busy Itart for Illinois Eta . On February Judy. "'ho lived in Caledonia. Minn .. had been ill with cancer, 2 the tradition. I chapt~r .wards .... ~r~ prcscnt~d to four dCKfYinJt 'fh~ chapt~ r is uisin,lt moneY for a .memorial Ind h~r puents have members: Judy Halebuth. fr~shman, outstanding pledg~. Pat presented a lilv~r platfer and her fraternity pin to the chapter. Myers, frunmln, plc(tge scholarship Iward, Barbar. Smith, senior. These are to be used IS a vearl, "Sunshine A""rd" Ind this y~u was awarded I h~ Pi Phi Wheel trophy for chlPt~r KfYic~ .nd it has been presented to he r c1lssmlte JOIn Ha lmstetd, campus acti,it)'. Jo McDonald. sopbomore. WIS nlmed Pi Phi PLIIDCED: P,t Hackney, Elms Gnwe; ju li~ Joas , M inn~apolis , Sunshine Girl. Minn. The chapter enkred the Innual Variety Show March 1'. All BAUAIIII H USTON (nkmiti« on campus participated. and this ,ear Illinois Eta w.. paired ... ith 4 1: • • Barbara Smith heads t h~ skit commiltce for W ISCONSIN GAMMA-LAWRENCE COLLEGE. Chart.red, Pi Beta Phi. Septtmber 12, 1940. PI.d"a Day. F.bruary 20, 1957. INln"T!.D. PlIIDGED : February II, 19)7: Mary Lou Bloom. 8n'erl, Hills ; March 10. 19)7: 'oan Beraer Shebo,,It.n; Judith Ed:hardt. Ann Drennln. Cottalte Hills; Sharon Preischlalt. Decltur; Betty Penelope Ke,lt~I , Wauwatosa: Barbara Wussow. Black Creek : Mary Patterson. East Moline. Holverson, New London: Nancy Schaffter. Mil ... aukee: Joann MARY TEMPEL Re,ltenbur.. Rlcine ' Elinor Adams. Edina. Minn.; Mar,ltaret Beaumont. Council Bluffs. Iowa: EliZl~th Collin. No. Muslce.lt1)n. I LLINOIS THETA-BRADLEY UNIVERSITY. Chart.red, Mich. : Nancy Harris. Lincolnwood. III . : Grctch~n Hildn~ r. Jack. April 2' . 19<47. Pl.d •• Day, S.pttmIHr 16, 19,6. TNlTIATED. sen.-me, Ill.; Sbeila Holz.... ,rt. Vida lan.die. Park Rid_e. III. ; Pebrulf}' to. 19H: Jean Bclsterl in,lt, Ann Bre ... ster. Carolyn J uliet McDaniel. Chicago. III,: PltTicia Miller. Evanston. Ill,: Constanz Gail Harrel. Mll1:ie Hawkins, SU~ Janssen . reri Poad. Barblra Nuttin,lt. Still"'ater. Minn.: ludith ShlPiro. Oak Park. Joyce T~y l or, Peori~: Joan . Batron, C;hicl.o: Am y Lu Birdsell. lII'i Nlncy Shepherd. Carol Vinin,lt. Glenvie.... III.: Allene J< irkwood ' Miry Bither. Hinsdale; )III Block. MIQuon: Ruthe VerDCski. Rockford. 111. Chapman.' Bradford; Dorothy De Bruin, Menlsha. Wis,: Cvnthia Kathryn Hiett wu elected president of th~ Wom~n' s R ecr~a· Lockj~ West Chicaltn : Vicki Niederer. H'Vlna: Mari Pf~ffillA'er. tion A.uociation and Joan Warren _as elected s«reta".-treuur~ r . W'uhioSton: Laura Quinn, Chica,llo; janet Schooley. WaukC,llln. The new officers for th~ La ....· r~nce Women's Association include Culmlnlting first JCfDeJt~r actiYities, IJIinois 9 , for the fourth Patricia Gode. president, Ind Waltressa Allen, treaSUICr. semester. WII announced IS the winner of the Panhellenic scholar· The cbapter ch.lleng:cd A A n, at the begmning of the faU 260 THE AllOW Of PI lETA PHI

term, to • JCbolarship "du~I." with ~n informal part, .. fo~f e it . Wbr.n Carol Barden, tcholanbip (hluman ••n no~nced I buther LAMBDA PROVINCE Pi Bet. Pbi Ucra,ce, e't'tfl'ODC wu pleued hut st,1I CARtr to do MISSOURI ALPHA- MISSOURI UNIVERSITY. Chartered. enn better. . h "8 t 1899. Missouri A is particularly proud of the University's choice Miry Curtis "" .. onc of the four senior women C OIC" U cs of Sandy Kamerer for the oe ..... Milit:ttJ Ball Oueen. In precedinA Lond." Patricia Godc was co-ch:airmao .of the annuli ~~ Loved ycall Sandy has been I linalist for Homecomirur. II well as Banquet. Miry Curtis and Hden lofqUist were ch~n Campus Show·Me Queen. Stars" by the Lawrence students. Connie Flani,Q;'n represented Missouri A iD the Sa.,itlr Oueen Rl!PLEDGIIO ; Joann Rca:eobutJ. Rlcine : Carol Vinin,. Glen­ Court. D« Danford i. I fin.liJt fo r Sho..... -Me Oueen I.Dd reure· .ieW'. lll. se ntin.. the freshman dormitury in the comio", electIOn. Beverly Blrker. Claire Williams/ KI.Y Wbitfield and D« Ol.n· ford have beeD chosen to model or the A. W .S. mwical fashion MANITOBA ALPHA- UNIVERSIT Y O f MANITOBA. Ch... • show. GiD}tt:t Brice is the cbairml.n fo r the revue Ind Judy tared, May, 1929. Pled • • 0.,.. J anulry 2'th, 19" . JNITIA11ID, Heidecker will have the (tml.le vocal lcad. January 13th. 19": Phyllis AIon, Barbara Duke. ~nne ,Houlden. S.G.A. elt'Ctions Ire well underwa, I.nd Carolyn Cupp is slated Marion Ruddick. Winnipc« : Am, Henderson. Bol.ueyaJn. IAain (o r her present office of Nursin. ReplCSCn tative. Scftrtl membe'u of Manitoba A hlft receind outstlndiru: The chapter had I surprise Mnnmouth Duo brukfut for the honoun; this ten'll. New chapter president. Robe!!. LeBourvuu of Itirls of K K r. This cyeDt hu become lraditiond on the campus. CalAlrT. was d«led president of the Universitv of Mlnitoba ROJCm.ry Stone was elected basketblll cheerleader for the seuon, Women's Associltion by Icclamation. This iJ the IKond consecu· Roscmuy's aperience came from beina: a football cheerleader tive ,ur that such an honour hu been mlde to I Pi Iktl .Phi. carlier th is yell. RetinDA chlpler president. Carol Childerhose. WIS liso PlUldent GINGU SalCE of the W. A. lUI year. In flculty elt'Ctions. Alison Pt't'blea reo uiyed the coveted office of Lad, Stick of Science. In the Innual MISSO U RI BETA-WASHINGTON UNIV Ei RSITY. Chll'­ Blood Drive. conducted on campw by the Red Cross. I»rbafll lered, 1907. Pled._ D .y, FebrulfY n , 19'7. INITIATED. March Duke w.. nominlted I candidate for Corpuscle Oueen b, • K n 1, 19H: Bobbie Booth. Sprinltfield: lane Callaway. lune Fluckn'. Frlternity. Mlnitoba A is also very proud of Elaine Protheroe who Julie Gilbert. Susie Haswell. RoJtCnviile; Jean Hiscox. Dottie won the Wutern Ca..aldian Senior Ladies' Fillure.Skatin,lt Cham· M yers, Ruth Roberts. Carol Scholz. Doris S..... eet. Mariorie Thieme. pionship and Golden DaDce Championship In Vlncouver. .,nd 1« ThompSOn. Pat TbomplOD. Gini VaUlthao. Sonny Wow. later in WinnipeA she Ind her partner were awarded the Canld,an DiaDa Zimmerman. Junior Pairs' Championship. At the Panhellenic Banquet. Mini· Tryinlt lor I. fourth consecutive win in Wuhinltton U's toba A WIS the w:ipient 01 three o( the 6ve .wards: A r 11 Follies, Missouri B put on a skit dealinlt ..... ith campus pOli tics B.. k etball Trophy. r + B Brida:e Gavel. Ind the S.S.P. Cup durinA the dl.'I$ o( the Kniahu of the Round Tl.ble. The compe· (or winninlt the SOM·(est. . titionl however. was very Itiff. Ind. I.hhou.c b "The Kni2bt ..... ho Puocm: G~ le McUan. Lynn F.ulder. Cor. lie Gay, Aldu was ID Power" was I top contender. Pi Bet.a Phi did not Quite Thorsteinson. )OInne Protbcroe. Maqto Stewart, Lornl YounA". make I. ... ay with the troph,. In the fraternity division • .4 9 Mary MacKel"le. Shirlee Merritt. Winnlpe&:. Joined the chl.pter by retuing their trophy after three consecutive JOCIL YN PLANT winnin~ skits. A pledge, Janie. Pope, wa. elected IS a fres hman cht't'rluder. NORTH DAKOTA ALPHA-UNIVEi RSITY OF NORTH This is a newly formed orltl.nization to promote more school DAXOTA. Cbarteffd. Ocroblr 7, 1921. Pleda' D iy, December spirit pl.rticullrly amon2 the freshmeD . 10. 19' 6. Acting as Sweethe.rt of I A E this Tur is Anne Scho lz. I.nd North Dakota A invited the members of M.nitob. A to ... isit .• en Pi Beu Phi has two candidates up in the forthcoming campus Queen m.sse." elections. FiEttcn It id s from Mlnitobl A Irrived Ftid .... afternoon. Ind PUDGJD: MarioD Bn.ndt, jean Hiscox. Sue Thompson. Ifter ~lIing I.cqu.inted they 'Were escorted .bout the campus .nd SUSAN MAUHALL other points of interest. Thl.t eveninlt. (ollo""inlt • dinner in their MISSOURI GAM;MA- DRU RY COLLEGE. Chartend. 1914. honor. they were whisked awav to vllious socii I Icti"i!ies on Pled•• DIY, F,bruary 22, 19'7. INmATED. Milch 2, 19": campus. Helen Uhr, G.yle DoURlas. MI.". Ouinn Springfield; Sue Cook. SaturdlY morninA's proltram consisted of workshops. It .... a Aurora; Jo Ann PI.yter, Berkeley, Calif. ; Katie T l. ylor. Kans:lS tremendous upCrience in that helpful idca ~ were exchan.ted. kDowledge was Itl.ined of each other's activities. and a stronRer City. G.yle Douglas WIS honored as ideal pled.I'C. and Helen Uhr bond WIS established in discussing common problems and "Iausi· was rKoltniz"

Sutoa is cbairman of the Speaker Committee for Commerce 0:-,. CriJIDaD, Vint04: AnD Kliewer. Audubon; Wnm.. Tboaw, Oak­ Kato Kampbdl "0 Mistnu or Ceremonies oE th~ inte'rmiiSton land: (Jndl Pi~re"Y, Coon RIPid.: Sharon Pont, M.a.sseoa. entertainment at the Moulin ROU# Snldmt Union Danc~. FdlN' Second umester brou,-bt much acti.itt' for Iowa B members. aCf. 22. Participatin..- in tbe PfOltram were" Cherie Bo~n. wbo G,..en Grooma letumed in JIDW.ry from a semelkr's stody at SlO" and Flo Gm~ P~rry, ,..ho did a canoean dJ.nce. American Uni't'trliry in Wubitlll:fOD. D.C. Gwen will han the PLEOGw: Csro1ln Lindsey, Jao~ Purd,. Newport; MIU~ Ann leadin.a: role in Geotl:e Shaw', play "St. Jou" tlI be nreseDted Bradl",. Blrtbnil e; CalOlyn Forte, Lake Villaae. in the campUl theltre in March. JUDY P,uK The .in~n of lo"'a B entered their selections fOI All-Colle,lte Sin.a: which WIS held th~ lint week in Much. The cbspter ~­ LOUISIANA ALPHA-SOPHIB NEWCOMB COLLEGE. lertlincd MIS. Marianne Reid Wild, Grand Praidnlt, dunQR Chartltftd, Oct. 29, 1891. PI.d._. Day, ~ 8, 19,6. INITIAT~. Mlrch. Marcb 7, 19": MUDi Clann. Lohu GelPI, Grace Jabnke. Donl~ PL£DGID : Sandra Anen. Denison: Bub Ballir. Crete, JlI. : I.e Dow:. DiaM Nulf)'. CbJ.r!otte Park~r. Y't'onne Roth, New EluDor Bucb. GI~nwood: Csr~y SWiney. Ft. Dod.rt:, Orluns; KJ.retI Akard Dallas. Tex.: Sail, Berwald. Susan Ri.u:s. jo WII' Sybil Tyrrell Sbtt"V~pOrt; Viralnia Byrd. Jackson. Miss.; Susan Caven, Taark..na Ark.; Pat Cousins. Buu Fly. Memphis. Tenn.; IOWA GAMMA-IOWA STATE COLLEGB. Cbarul'td, 1871. Pled,. Day, January 14, 19". JOWl preseotcd the .kit "Eloise" Martha Cra~. HOuston. Tex. ; Harriet Davis. Fort Belvoir. VI.: r on )Inuary t8 at .n all·colleg~ progralIl, Varieties, IDd were JOJ.n Hop~n,anJ, Decatur, AI •. ; Nlncy Hudains, Whlrton, Tes.: a,..arded th~ tint nlace tropby. Ann Jure-II, MonrOf', u.: Lise K~.rr i"ln \ ~u.s Christian. Miss.: Miry uwis, Hope, Ark. : Lou Martin, W,ch,tl Falls, T~s .: ClIOI On January 12 the Ictiye mcmbcn Ind pledRe. of 10,... r took part in In after· hours auction for the purpose of raisinR funds for Ano Moore-, San Antonio, Ta.; Judy O'Brien. MorRin City, la.: the Hun,ltarian Schollrship fund which is bein .. SPOnsored bY lo"'a Nltllie P.aine, hcksonvill~, Pia.: Pat Vln ScO-Y. Tuscaloosa. Ala. SI.te CollejOte students. A 10tai sum oE $38.00 was raised for the The chapter lias bHn bwy winnin.. basketball II:lmtS ~nd nuC' Kholarship Eund. ticin,ll: [or Sorority Son.. Fest. The recently held Panhell~nlc Formll A Winler Sports Clrnival featuriQR ice·skate racin... snow opened a series of snrin,t dances. . . sculpturin,lt:, skiin.. , Ind tobou:lninll: was held at the low. StJ.te Mardi Gras 5(aJOO is Ilwln a tay ti~ in N~w Orlelns. LOUISI' campul. Barbara Rank was elected to reign as queen oYer th~ two ana A hid its sbare or Mardi Gras queens aod membe'n o f \lfI' dlY (estival. Pi Btu Phi pllced 6nt among tbe IOrorities in th~ DUS courts. Participatinll: in the traditional balls were Mlnon sno .. sculpturinJI: contest. Gondolfo Jane And~rson , Kay EshlemJ;n. Wins Vi.R'uerie. Char· lotte and Grace Jahnke. PIU, Flemin.t ,..as selected Oueen Five Pi 8ct1 Phis bave been ioiti.ted into oariona! honoraries. Park~r Joyce Miruuer into .:1 • 6. Irt bonorary. Beth Brom into t A I of the N~ Orlean. Sprin, Fiesta. DoNNA LASKEY music honora". and Blrbara Anderson. Mary Johnllon. Ind Gayle Lymln into. T 0 Home Economics honorary. Muilyn Mound was one of the 6ve linalists for President of LOUIS lANA BETA-LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY. Wo~n's DIY. I day set uide Innullly for the rcco,lt:nition or out· Chartued October 1), 1936. Pl.da. D.,., .s.pw:nber 20, lU6. JUndin.l collell:~ women. INITlATJ:D: Mlrtb 9. 19H: Katherine Con.. er. Ma" Sterlrna: Rolfe, Four deplrtmental club positions "'~re tilled by Pi Bda Phis OU:: Ridjte: TlUley Chaomln. Loretta R.I.,. Monroe: Eleanor from 10"'.1 Stile. Lu Ann Cooper was elected vice·president of the Cecile euaier. Frances Gerlich. Hollisann Jones. BUMra Mc· Child rkvdopment Club: Mary Johnston ~'a.s elected vice·president GoWtn. Ott Stahl, Shrevepon: Betty L,nn Deb.all, Edith Fox, of the General Home Economics Club; Muilyn Manin WIS Eliubeth HiAAins. Mlrilyn I.e Roy. Anne Schulze. New Orleans: elected pre-sident of Education Club: Mvrna DuBois. I transfe.r Beverly Schwlner, Earhne Jennin.. s,. Ann Felic~ OuJt:as. June from Albenl A, was elected treasurer of the Household Equipment Youn,lt, Blton Rou,lte: Carol Lee Gelsenbef'2(r, Nltchez. Mus.; Club, Carolyn Kearn" New ROlds ; Loyce Kilpatrick. Donna Shivel,. )0"'1 r. ,..ho pl.c~d Imong the nine linal qu~en candidates lor Jonesboro; Barb;ra I.0an Ory, Laflyette: Cynthia TrowbndRe. the Navy BIIi held March 1 w~re Shirley Stevens, Barbara Rink, 1-Iou5ton, Tex.: Chll OUe T'nnehill. Urania: Miry Seiser, Wash· Sue Willis. and Gail Anderson. ington. D.C.; Gretchen Feirich. Carbondale. III.: Jane Murry, Sor·Dor Sin,!!:. a son,!!: contest amonR .11 the resident hills and Lake Charles. sororities, was held on April 7. Beth Brom. sonll: leader fot The chanter hIS acquired sev~ral honors recently. Irene Charlton lo .. a r, wa. in cha'Xe of the Pi Beu Phi gtoup. ii "Miss Architectural En,!!:ineer" and is I candidate for En .. ineer· PllWCBD, January 14 : Sindra NaRel . udar Ripids, ing Queen. Roan Geise~be'r8er is I candidate for EducJ.ti.on Qll;een ELLIIN EAIIU Ind hIS jwt bten apPOinted In R.O.T .e. sponsor, ConnIe Gilldel has been r~·el«ttd "Rose oE .:1 t n." There .Ire several nominl' IOWA ZETA-5TATS UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, Cbartel'td, tions for Mortar 8oud: they are": Mary Ann McLaurin. Nancy 1882, PI.die Day, September U. Winter on the 10"" Univenity Oliver. Barbara Gerllnd, Eddy Klhn, Judy White, Nell Ruth campus has witnessed the Juccessful IlunchiQR by P.nh~lIenic of NOlh. Mary Ann Mclaurin is also I candidiate ror Co·Ed vice· • socill uchange prO,lt:ram amonR ,""omen 's internities to DtOmote president. better relltions Imon,!!: the groups. Recently the Pi Beta Phi, The chapter is no,.. pllnnins the sprins bouse party, where" the " surprised" the A X g'l earl,. one Saturday momin.. and aU. membe'n will practice for th~ Innull SonR Fest to be held May 3, "'urinR pajlmas. Ite a "brunch" and ,ltenerallv enjoyed them· Founders' Day "'u celeb,.t~d with a Banquet: Ind th~ new selv~s . initiates will be presented It the SprinR FOnDl1 no May -4. Iowa Z's campUJ queens included: Di.n~ Foster. Interfraternity. CONNIB GAII/['1lL Panhellenic queen with Mlty Donahu~ Ind Pat Pollock Ittendants: Jerri Hopkins, attendant to Miss [)entll Hyltiene at the Innual Apollonian Frolic, sponsored b, the dentistry students: Mlril,n Miner, 1: A E candidate. and Ann Cooper, 6 T candidate for Interfraterniry P1ed,!!:e queen: Marilyn ,..aJ Iiso a finalis t for MU PROVINCE Hillcrest Dormilory queen. Bobbie Edgecombe, Dresident. ,..as elect~d Pan hellenic IrelSurer. I OWA ALPHA- IOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGE. Chartu'ed, and chosen IS nlrrator and script·writer (or the annual fashion 1867. Pledae DIY, Febnl..,. U, 19'7. JNITlATlrO. February 21, show. "Profile Preview." held in the fall. 19H: Delores Sue Clrrutben. Keosauqul: Elizabeth Gentry, Attendin,lt: the "Smarty Plrty." .iven by Mortor Board 10 honor Cherokee ' Mabel Gerlinolt, PleUlntville ' Janet Hoffman. Mt. outstandin.. "fides wer~ sev~nte.e n Pi Beta Phis: Karen Clause. Pleuant:' Blrbatl Johnson, Arlington; Nlncy Krieck. Appleton. Nlncy Dunlop. Bobbie Ed.ecombe. MllfY Jo Gitchell, Jun Hansen, Wis. 1.ne Hlvenhill. Carolyn H~nderson, jeft! Hopleins. GinRer Hunt, The chapter has establish~d two methods to encour'Re .. ood Marthl Lear, Eliubeth Moore. Lindl Pederson, Connie Pillmore, schobnh;p Ind thus mlintain its hi.lh scholastic stlndin... A Mary Sho,..ers, Joan Te Paske, and Ann Watkins. Connie Pillmore brlte arrow pin is presented to the .. itl with the hill;hut Rrades WIS invited to membership in A A 6, honorary scholastic [ra· in her cbu to be worn until the next ,lttlidinR p.eriod when it is tern it, for freshmen. pused to the .l:irl with the best averlte in the nut dus. Senior. Kareo Clause was elected treuurer of 9 .t .., honorary journal. Roberta Witts, ,..u the first penon to wear it; Barbarll Johnson. ism fraternity, and Sally Files WIS II member of IT A 9, bon· iunior. was initiated wilh the schollrship pin. orary educltion hatemity, Another ne,.. trldition recently established is the " scbollrship Jean Barrett pllved a leadin.. role in "Juno .nd the Plycock," pup," a sm.Il, cuddlv J~ffed animal . which is .liVeD to the .irl ,It:iven by University Play~rs Ind Beth MOOre" had I role in who makes the .. re-alest Im provement In ber oItNIdes. "Antigone," put on by Community Playhouse here. Thre"e Pi Betl Phis rlnked amon .. the lOP ten per cent oE th~ lJNDA PIIDU50N women students It the end of tbe fint semester. They ,..ere Barbarll Johnson. Rosa lee Rauscher. and RobertJ. WittS. SOUTH DA.KOTA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY Of SOUTH The program from the lut colleAe pllY. "TwiliRht \Valk," DAKOTA. Chartend. 1927. PI.dge Day, Februarr 4. 19". listed the nllDeJ of the followin,lt Pi Beta Phis: JOY Eckermlnn, INITIATlO, Marcb 2, 19)7 : Gail Smith, Geotl:ill West,.. Sious Corrine EnsmillJet. Vi.ilD Weiny, Ind NIDCY Teal. Falls' Loretta Dean Vermillion; SbalOn Grc:n. Dorothy Gurney. Pounders' Day on February 17. milked tbe 116th Innivenart of NancY We~r, Ylnkton; Karen Pool, Rlpid City: Alv!ra Ra~be, Jo ..a Wesleyan CoII~.. e . .. Tripp' Jeanne Thorne Beresford; Kay Mortrude. S,ow: City: PLmGID: Charlotte Camobell, Bllbl,. Ann Wellon.s. BriRblon ; Audrej Rollnd, InwOOd, Iowa; Marl' Ann Snauldin.. . Eurrb. III. Jo, Eckermlno, DneDpon; Nlncy Moen. Mlson C,tt'. GcorKia Westra won first pllce in a pcrsuuin speech cootest. ROSAUI RAUS(:HR Miry Ruth Lan .. and Katen Pool receiyed two 01 the six uon-mif)' buto,.,. IWlrd, for outstandin.. Kholastic records, Karen ThortOn IOWA BETA-5IMPSON COLLEGE. Chartered, 187-4. Pledae served on the utC'Utive committee for ReliR.iotu Emphuis Week. Day, F.beuuy tI, In' . INmATED, Milch 1, 19": Sb.ron journalists whose writinll:l blve lCCentiy .ppeared in the campus Riley, (;crri LathroP. Des Moines; Judy Sicte. Indi,Doll: Kay Mwwaper. tbe "Volante," include Ada EptOo, Karen Preibeur:, 262 THE AIROW OF PI BETA PHI

Barbara Rttd,.. and Kar~ Thorton. l'hto Rayburn was r«entb the first 'nnivenatV of the openinlt of the Dew' Studtnt Union. cl«ted treasurer of the Associarion of Wom~ StudtotJ. Three Pi Beta Phis. Mary Ann Chamberlain. Jud, HQtlP and Kay McCahren represented South Dakota A as candidate for Marline VanSchoonveid 9,'ete honored IS candidates for queen of "Min Forward" It the World University Service Carnival or­ the colle,lle yearbook at the dance ganJud to promote foreign student uchangc. Iktde Woods The chapter participJted in the fint Greele Week celebration rei_ned as I ~brd j Gras princess in Sioux Falls on Match 4. on the campus which was in April. Ciimuin. Greek Week was A cooley·shine wu held for the Province President. Miu Dierks. Interfraternity Sin•. She wu the chapter's .ll:uest the first week-cnd of february, ANN NICOLAY PLBD(;IO. February 4, 19H: Gay Marshall. MAlty eVANS NU PROVINCE NEBRASKA BI3TA-NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY, Chlrtned, 189" Pled., DIY, September 21. 19' 6. I N'''ATI!D, March 23, 1957: MIt.tret Gird ner. Karen Peterson, Lincoln: Marlene Mud­ OKLAHOMA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA. lon, J ill McKibben, Vcrl Renstrom. MIry Shonsev, Omaha : Chartered, September I, 1910. Pledge Day, September 7, 19'6. RcbecCi Colwell, Pawnee City; Ikrnita Eckland. EI..,ood: Lou INITIAntO, March 10, 1957: Sally Bateman. Odessa. Ta.· Cheryl Ann Harrison, Davenport; Julie Hathaway, Holdrue: Patricia Blankenship, Clinton: Mary Ann Bozalis. jud, Early. Sher,.,. Mc. Hevner, Sanh Wen,lt:ert, Premont: Marion LimPO. Sioull Falls. Fall. Pat Shubert, Cuolxn Thompson, Ann Wileman, Olel.homa S.D.; Sally Ma rdock, Muilyn Pickett, Schuyler; Palricia Rolh, City: Pat Butler, Pat Gibson. Okmulgee :Janey Chuman, N.ncy Elkhorn; Sandra Sauvain, Sout h Sioull City. Young, Norman; Pran Dellter, Richman Heiahu. Mo.: Mary Joan Webster wu honored by 0 N for bein,lt one of the top Ruth Dobie, EI Dorado. Ark.: Joan Edwards. j udy Edwards, ten freshman women and was also elected to Builders Board. Sondra Foristell. Betty Griffin, Diane j achon, Sheila Reilly, Sue Janice Shrader 110'15 elected president of Tusels. women's pep Trower. Tulsa; Pat Flood, Natalie Williams. Ardmore; janet ol'Ranization and vice· president of t n x. Elected to r A X Feril'..:..Judy Mobe~l,. Wichit.a, Kan.; Carol Franks , Enid: M.ry advenisinll; honorary was JoAnne Oevereaull. Newly elected usist· Sue ulDson, Amafillo. Tn.: Gretchen Gover. Altus; Anne Hene. ants are: Lou Harrison to A.U. P. Marilyn Pickett, Karen Peter· B.artJesyjIJ~; Sharon Horton, Borge r, Tex.: Kay H()Ward, Tyler. son and Marnie Gardner to Builders Board. Tn.: J anice Kelly, Elle City: Beverly Kennerly, Holdenville; j oan Puticipalin,ll in the Aquaqueltes swimmin,lt club Sprinft Show KillinBsworth, Duncan: Barbara McShane. Monett. Mo.; Precious are; J oAnne Devereaull. j01n Webster, Marnie Gardner and Genene Pa!k, DcQu.een, Ark.; Jane Scott, Ripley, Tenn. : Deanna Shepard , Branat. Of the four outstandinll; performers chosen to represent Mldw"t City; B.arbara Willc:onson, Sapulp.: Frances Worrell, the University of Nebrask.t u the BiA" Seven Variety Show held ~~i.cIc:a5h •. Mrs. Lewis Quigley. Hoste.u for Okbhoma A, 9,'11 in January at Kansas State UniveNily three 9,'ere members of Pi Inuuted as an honorary member. Beta Phi : Diane Knotek. Marcia Elliott and Sally Wen,llert. Judy Groh is president of the Secretari.1 Science Club, Gail Finalists in the Miss Lincoln contest are ; janice Shrader, Anne Birclc:et is .ecretary, and Martha R~es is publicity chairman. Wade and Marcia Elliott. Rita Jelinek is a 1957 Comhuslc:er J oanne Burkes received the Paohellenic Scholarship the lirst of Beauty Queen Ind the Blueprint Calendar ,ltirl for De«mber WlS its kind liven on the Ulliversity of Oklahoma campui. Anne Wide. Nebraska B s9,'t'etheatU are: janet Kauffman K I Kay Howard is the 19n Queen of the Rose Festival, • st.te· swt'etheart. Linda Beal. dream girl of .:1 I +. and Joan Webster wide celebration held in TrIer, Tens. Terry McGraw i. a candi. a finaliat for JWeetheart of ! X. date for the t • E Girl 0 the Golden Heart. Anne Hesse is one CLAIIIE C.UO!!N of the five candidate.s for Engineer's Queen. Joanne Burkes is presi . dent of Panhellenic. P.at Flood, Carol Franks. Betty Griffin Kay Howard, Joan Killingsworth, Precious Park, .nd Pat Sbubert' were KANSAS ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Chartered. elected to A A .:1. April I, 1872. Pledll. D.y, September " 19'6. INITIATED, Feb. PLI!oc.m: Anne Houck, Little Rock. Ark.; Judy Mideke, Okla. ruary 23. 19)7 : Ann Underwood, Em poria; Sharon Lynch. Eve homa City. Stevenson. Sarah Simpson. Salina: Mary Sue Poppe. Betsy Shank· land. Mary CI.ire Purcel l. Kansas City: Dora Lu Barnes. Carol JUDY GIIOII Ann Cline. Carole Means, janet Youn,lt. Kansas City. Mo.; Carolyn ReIch. Independence. Mo.; Mary Nell Newsom, Marda OKLAHOMA 8 ETA--oKLAHQMA A oS: ~. C harterad. Pink, Topeka ; Nancy P:l:lker, Sara StraIght, Bartlesyille, Okla.; AUllu.t 12, 19 19. Pledaa Day, September 7, 19'6. Although Nancy Dunne, W ichita: Marcia Hall. Coffeyville: jan Harper, Pi Beta Phi did not enter Varsity Revue u a group the campus Winchester. III.: Linda Miller, Dod.e:e City; Virllin ia Mize. v.ariety show, the chapter will be well represent~d by Jody Ashby Atchison: Linda Rankin. D~nyer, Colo.; Patsy Stuub. Lake Charlu, and Bdh McWhorter, who are two of the candidates for V.rsity La.: Connie Tucker, Eureka: Sue Wesley. Hutchinson. Review Girl. The chapter was invited by the Rock Chalk Revue staff to con­ Shirley Moore wu chosen as 1: 4> E Girl of the Golden Heart. duct a publicity tour for the production by presentinft its skit, Oklahoma B received its share of honors in recent elections "You Remember, Mamma," 10 audiences in surrouodin,lt high when Nan Davis was elected vice·president of the Home Economics Khoob and It a me-etin.e: of the Uoiftrsity of Kansas Alumni Club .nd Ruth Ahrber,ll was elected president of the Education Association. Servinll; on the staff this ytar are Ellen Proudfit. Ruth Student Council. Ann Anderson and Mary daire Purcell. while Poll, Peppercorn BAIIBIII.A NOUAPPLII WIS chosen to add glamor to the production by scrYing as .a mistress of ceremonies. T EXAS ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS. Ch.rured, Feb­ Kansu A was a,llain uted fint on the campus in scholarship ruary 2, 1902. Pledae Day, September 16, 19'6. INITIATEO, ror the fill SCmc5ter. 1956·19H. On March 8 the chaoter was pracnted the Panhellenic SchOIaNh ip Trophy for the 1955· 19 56 FebN~t)' 2". 1957: Margaret ClaR Perlc:ins. Alice: janet Man:ee Khool yur for the sillth year out of the nine years the trophy Guthrie. Ca~ol Lynn Lyles. Julia Robbins Montgomery, Suzanne has been awarded and fOI the fourth con.!C'C\ltive year. R~v~II, Austin: Nancy Mllilaa Philen, Brownsville; H.arriet Ann Indi,.idual honors have .e:one to Jan Harper. a finalist for Hdllard,. Chattanooga. Tenn.; Julia Quay Williams. Com.nche; Jayhawker Que-en. and to Me,ltan Lloyd, who was elected to the Carol EIJZlbeth Cha~II, Laura Lou Goyne, Nancy Clark Incc. sena te of the ASJOCiated W omen Students. Ann McPadden, ju.d i!h Murph. Ly,nn Rutland. Merida Col.8in A linal highli,llht to • busy and rewardin,lt year for Kansas A W.atJOn, oal.las: Wllium Ann Hamilton. Guthrie; Adrienne Gay ~h. MeI !Dda Ha~sell McClure. Ft. Worth; PUricia Yvonne WIS the visit of Mrs. Paul Hansen. Director of Elltension. DaVIS, H.rI,n,en ; Jill Car:roll Anderson. Carol Fairfu Crow, RUTH ANN ANDIiRSON Nancy Randolph Crow, Lid.a Lacv Edmondson, Rhetta AIl.n Moody. Margaret Sue Stell, Mary Francia Ward Amelia Duncan KANSAS BETA-KANSAS STATE COLLEGE. Chartered, White, HOUst on: Juli. May Cunnioltbam Hu~tsv ille' Marilli" 19n. Pled •• Day, September 7, 1956. INmATm April. 19H: Edith Allen, Julia . ."no !Jahan, Jean Burke ' Rofters. Na':" Este Ie Marilyn Smith wu .warded the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Schuhmacher. p.tnCIl Vl8toO, San Antonio; Nancy Bry.n Hunt, Brotherhood Aw.rd during ReJi,llious Emphasis Week for her ~nora;, _ ~.tty Mays Cartwright, Temll; Judith Sue Rust, Tau contributions to the development of understandin.t and ,lload will CI~; ontye Gleith Cobb Gene.. Jill Gr.in.aer. Tyler; Nancy IIDOn,ll the several religious, cultunl and ethnic .troups which Mil.llng Aynesworth. Elizabetb Ann Dud.eon. Waco; Madeleine comprise the Campus community. Rabbi Woif,llana Hambul"lter Wn.tht Abell. Wharton. from Lincoln. Nebrub, 110'15 a ,ltUCst of Kansu B for dinner .fter ~i . ~a P~i stNck an sll ti.rne high in participation in campus which be .nswered qucstioll concernin. reli.tion. activities dUring the fall semester. There were thirty.live members Mn. Paul H.nsen, National Director of ElI:Iension. was • It\Iest of the chapter on variow Student Government committees: eiA"htttn of the ch.pter the week of March 17. members served on. the Tens Union committees; twenty· live frah. S«m members of the chapter, Kay Ave. Carol Bl iss. Chulotte men Wert active on Fmhm.1n Council committees. joan McKnight Chut.in. Judy Hopp, Kathy Horridge, Kirsten Peterson, Charlotte was elected ~ssociate Justice of the Student Court .nd .Iso JertN Suah. performed In the annual Orchesis production. sponsored as • co·chalrman o( the .annual Campus Chest Drive. Alice by the modem d.nce club. Wheles., Nancy Hunt .•nd Jo Howell were tapped for Spooks, an Pi Beta. Phia were finalists io the .nnual Y·OrPheum. campus honorary service organiZation for women. Gladys 8ain was chosen v.ariety show. with their skit. "Din. Dona School." fo r 0 N. The K K r. entertained the chapter with an in formal dioner Bebe .nd Rbetta Moody were elected ,.ice·president .nd I'KOrd. on Valentine's Day. ing secretat)'. respecti,.ely. of The ChuTOs, a new'ly formed rodeo Mc:mbe:n of this ,ur's pledRe class who wert elected u spri~ club at the uni,.ersity. Eloise Tate was elected stCI'thry of the sem«ter officers of the fmJunao dOlDlitotia: art, N on Crockv. International Studet:lu Association and wu chotrD to Jetv"e on p~ide.nt: joan Peters. yier·president; Rochelle Denle. librarian: the. student body president's Clbintt. .nd jud, Peterson, formal lOcial ch.irman. Grctchcti StrlOhaKlo was oae of the top fl,.e for MOR Beautiful Crew Cuts were on the K..a.nsu Sta~ campus to bclp celcbtak FlUbm.a.o. and Laur. Lou Goyne wu a fin.list (or Aqua Cami,.al 263 THE AllOW OF PI lETA PHI

Qu«a. N.ncy Schuhm.cher was oomin.ted for swrcthc.rt of I :I. New Mmco A rccmtl, .' clco~ • new HoustmOtbe:r. Mrs. Emm. Lutz of Indiana. Pi 8rta Phis held offi ces in two of the literary IO(lttics on th( Mary Lou Hail, KC'finR IS ch.irman. completed a IUCcusful campw with Ann Fnuhet .nd Jo Howell srrviaa: .IS ... ice·pmident CampUJ Chest Drive in February nettin,lt over $ 1100 for local • • nd s«rrtary, resp«tively, of Ru,an, and N.ncy Henb as treasurer Campul•• nd national charity purposa. The chapter also "an • of Ashbrl. plaque for collectin. suo io a door 10 door camp.ign for the Jean Rogen and Judy Cunnmgham were the rrcipimts of the Heart Drive on Heart Suoday. Bnt Pltd~e ..... ltd. Mimi White received the a.ard for b2'fin~ y.,onne Pe.r1 ioined the cherrleadin./!: aquad du~ basketball Ihe hightsl scbolulic 2'feu.ge of the pledge clus, .nd Gay Gooch selSOn al~ with Mary Cooper and Junne Bennett. other V.rsity ...· u choKn &:sl Intramuralut. Cherrleadtrs. New p1edscs. Vicki Brooks. Jayor Gr.ves, and Ancie Tellu A is very proud of Adele Black, nomin« for the Am, Oni:. .re .Frcsbmao Cheerleackrs .Ion. "Ith Bobbi Hesch. DeW Burnham Dnlr:co ..... ard. JO HOWaLL Inlhate, Vick! Brooks is also s«rrtary·trusuter of the Freshman Class. Amon, ten candIdates for Varsity Girl. chosen b, the leltennen T EXAS 8 ETA- SOUTH e RN METHODIST UNIVERSITY. . ·tre JCln~ Brnnttt. y.,onne Purl. and S.lIy Carpenter Morris. ChUUr

Studmts Banquet was stq:~ all Ptbrulty 2': " Of loternt to HlEdin, Sw:anne Hintze, S.lly AlIne MacKitanon, j oyce McCreao!, Women" was tbis yeu', theme:. Higbli,btin, tbis a1hir .... the Marcia Elaine McJ.ecse, Carol Sonnt.. , Ke....,.n Warnock. S.1t pruentation nf .wards to d~tTing OU coeds. Roberta R.biDOtf Lake City; Susan Dlhlstrom. Elizabeth Ann HolmstrOm. Natalie was I"'lrd~d the Gear.i.. Crowell award fnr beinlt seiKttd as the: Noblitt, Ogden; Karen V. Cox. Belmont. Mass. Oulltandina Junior Woman. Anne: Welch wu t1ecttd yicc' PR'sidcnt Ne.... ly affiliated Anita Arrington ..... ho came to Utah A from Qf h.W.S., while Prances DeYoung Downina. Robert. Rabinoff Oklahoml, WII cbolCn IS first Ittendant to N.C.A.A. queen. JOin and Edith StevcnJOo were selected for WhQ's WhD iff Am,r;u." Maynard ...., choxn "Queen of Hurts" of t • E. Shirley Dolne C(Jl/tKII lind U"i",J;t;lJ. "'-1.1 elected "White Rox" of t N and is 3150 servina .. an Arm, Corullncc Dent and Janice Willimont were chosen as queen Sponsor Colonel. finalists in the furbook', Kyncwisbok contcst. Barbara Andcnon Judy Ward 11'., chosen IS outstandinR aClive (or the qu.rter ••n w., nominated by AClcia as their candidate fn r Interfraternity honor which bore with it the opportunity of wearing the chapter Council Qu«o for 19)7. I.e. Sorosis pin. Coloraoo B achieved second place siandina in schobnhip lor The ne...- Unioo Buildinlt is now op;n for student use and hIS r.u quarter. proytd to be I ~relt assct to the campus IS a who le. PLBDGlO : Susan Bunk MiddlctoYo'n, Ohio: lynn Generis, Albu· The University of Ulah celebrated iu founding with a week of qUerque, N.M.: Carolyo Giles. Seldo.,ia, Aluka : Neill Keller. .ctivitie, in which most of the Pi Beta Phis at Utah A p.rtici· On'. Ind.; Veronica Marti, Trinidad. pated. j "NIC. Wlwwom SUSIoN L. V"NVooaHIS COLORADO GAMMA-COLORADO STATE U NIVERSITY. MONTANA A.LPHA-MONTANA STATU COLLEGE. Ch it. (Colol'ldo A &: M CoII'Ie). Ch.rt.red, Stpctrnbu 8, 19,... tered. S.pcembt!l' 30. 1921. Pltd.a D.y. October 16, 19'6. Pledle Day, February 20, 19". INITI"TI!O. J.nulry 20, 19)7: INITIATED, Pebrulry 1, 1931: Dorothy Anderson. Dillon : Ph,lIis B.tbara White, Carlsbad. N.M.; Phyll is Sla,le. Colondo Springs; Keller. Sue Ke ller, Valerie Lehrkind, Marioo O'Brien, Ano Sand. P.m Schader, Coronado. Calif.; Mulene JohMon, Janice Jones. ""f' Bouman; Mary Jean Kronebusch, H.vre; KIY La Fond, Mucia Mallnder. Gloria Swigert. Denver; Blrb.ra. Perry. Fort Ma ta: june Long1 Florence; Carol Morton. Kalispell; nr:sta Collins; Villlinia Howenstine. Lima, Ohio; Ind Darlene Osborne, Ostenson, Miles City; B.rbara Redman. Ennis: SUSln Rinder· Williams, Calif. knecht, Rosemary O'LeYIr, Carol Smith, Great PaUs: Cindy Sher· Colorado I' Chapter is proud to .nnounce Ih.t Colo t1do ~ri. m.n. Carthl,ge. N .Y.: jane Shope. Gerry D.y. Sh.ron Skor, cultural .nd Mech.nical College has changtd its name to Colorado Helena; B'mara Wellingtl'ln, Port Yates, N.D. Stlte University. This Iction was taken IS a result of increased , Montana A actives Ind pledRcs had the hi,lthcst schollrship rat· population in the college, .nd because there are several different Ing amonf organiJ:ed women's hc)tuing units for (all qu.rter on the Ichools on the campus. campus 0 Montana State College. Amoolt those who h.ve brou.c:ht bonor to the Pi Beta Phi house Phyllil Keller wu chosen for Dolphins. a selective SWimming are Nancy Ball, Pudge Bowe. Kay Cre.ch. Ind M.urine Powell, group .. The Dolphins will p~sent their annual aquae.de the first who are now members of A I T. I national literary honor org.nW· of spnll,ll; qu.rter. lion. PudBe Bowe is also • new m~ber of the college's Army Audrey Aim), held the lead part io the presentation of "The Sponsor ofg.nizuion. On February 17 the cbapter beld • scholar· Rainmaker," .... hich was presented Pebruary U Ihrou,lth March 1. .hip dinner, aod sP«'iai Ittention WIS .li:ival to Barbara. Russcll The pll, marked the dedication of the new campus theater in Funk, who maintained a 4.0 (A) ,!trade averalte (all quarter. the ne.-Iy nmodeled Student Unioo Buildin,lt. Pi Beta Phi is busily practicin,lt with I A E for Hesperia, a Montana A ...... honored a,ltain when Sue Keller was crowned Greek ainfing fest. They will be competing for lint place wheo they ~ki Queen at the annual ski urni,,1 which WIS held Pebruary 9, .itV!: "Ok ahoma... In the new Student Uoion Ballroom. Sue w.. ejected in In .11 The chapter had its Monmouth Duo daoce with K K r on school election. Pebruary 22. It was. Greek costume d.nce. Ind everyone seemed The ch.pter held its annual Derby D3nce, February 2. The to enjoy it very much. 7hi, WIS the lirst ye.r this dloce had dance is a collele function sponsored by Montana A Chapter to been presented; however. since it seemed to h,ve been such a raise money fo t the Settlement School. T he big event of the success. the chlpter has decided to m.ke it an Innual Iffair. On eveninB was the crowning of Bob Ferguson, a I A E. IS King Pebruary 16. Colorado I' had two candidltes out of three nomi· of the Hill. Bob wu presented with a giant ciaar in rem~bun ce n.ted lor :z: X Swecthcut u their annual Sweetheart Formal dance. of the occasion. PLEDGI!D: Clara L.nder. Colorado Sprin,s; Beverly Benn. Carol Harrison Award, were received by four chapter members: Nona Ellison, Sue Johnson. Carol Phillipson, Denver; N.ncy Ann Rieck , Walsh Lord, Nonna Kay Jennings. Nancy Weideman, Ind Liz L. Junt.: j.ne Elder, Miles City, Mont.; Nancy Alcberman. Roclcy Tobey. T his award is presented to various senior women for un· Pora j, Ann Miehal In.c uham, Sheridan, Wyo. ; Jeaoette Richard· recognized service in campus activities. son, ~terlin.c; and JOin Ball •• Webster. N.Y. The chapter held iu winter Gardenia Party, March I, at the N"NCY KAy Fowu. Buter Hotel. The Plrty included a smorRuborlt, with dancing followill,ll; the dinner. WYOMING ALPH;A-UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING. Char· PUDGm: Doooa Halyerson, Helena; Penny Kuno, Susan Hawks. tend, 19 10. Pledlt Day. 5f;ptembtr 1'. 19'6. INlnIoTED. Great Fall .. February H .. 1931: Nancy Wibon. Betty Northen, Kay Kepler. ROSl! w.uy NICHOLSON Laramie; Lin McLall&'hlin. Mary Lou Poreman, FlI.nces Denny, Sue Wiley. Sarah SRann. ChC'Jenne; Nancy Hartwell, Ly.n Parsons. Casper; Marial 0 Mella. Rawlins; Elaine DeBolt. TorrinRton; OMICRON PROVINCE Connie Coyer, Cody; Mary Phyl &Yer, Powell: Mary Thorson. Osa,ge; Cathy Storm, loan Renkel. Coleen Larson, Shelldao: Mary WASHINGTON ALPHA-U NIVERSITY OF WASHING. Plge, Rockford. III. : Mary Schlaikier. Newcastle. TON. Charl. Nd, J an u_". ' . 1907. Predae Day ~pternbtr 21. This hIS indeed been a fruitfu l few months for the winter 1956. INITIIoTlO, j.nuary 19. 19H: Bonnie Attrid,lte, Joann Brett, sports' enthusiuu at Wyomiolt A. for not only did M.ry Kay Lorna Campbell, Nora Jean Carter. Nlncy Corbin, Frances Dellno Kingham win second pllce in the giant slalom at the intercollegilte r..,nn Dowlin" Anna Ellero. Sharon Eshom, Be.,erly Farrish: ski meet at Alta. Ut.h. but she also did a latKe part toward Kenet Fuller. Nancy GoJdback, Mitzi Hagist, Karen Jensen, helping Pi Beta Phi walk off with lint in the sorority competition Lindl Kochr. Connie Mciver, Mary Alice Martensoo, Pam Nelson . • t the Winter Carnival. which i. beld anoually here at Wyoming. Kay PI.tt. Lind. Rafael. Judith R~sbeQl: , Denn Richardson, Another WfOIDing A ski champion. Mary Hln~n .....ho i. Iiso Peggy Uric, Marilnnl VallAbln. Shlron VIU,lthn. the chapter I candidate for the Am, B. Onken Award, ..ain In all but one qUttO contest this qUlrter, Wl5hin,ltton A hu pro.,ed her~lf a .... inner Irr taking first place in the slalom .nd had either a finaliu. or a queen. Jeani Forstrom is the University's downhill uca at the Winter Carniyal. Frosh D. y Oucen: Sharon Hull, lISt year's • I R MoooliJbt jean Kuallnd and Mary Lee Herman were chosen attendants at Girl, 111'11 a lJ'anity Ball finllist; Rita l ohnson. Ski Oueen finalist : the t N White lto~ Formal, while Nancy HartWell w.. the Peggy Urie, K t Studwt Queen fina lst; and Tino EUero • t • A e candidate for Sno Queen. At Pl'tKnt the chapter is .-litin.li: MoooliJl;ht Girl finllist. ' (or word from election officials concerninR the IClection of With Carole McKernan co-ch.irmao, plans (or Sophomore Wyomin,'s Sweater Queen. tbe title for .... hieh Roberta Grttn it Cami.,.1 an in full rwina. For SonR Ind Stunt NiJI;bt. Roberta one of three finalists. Haiist was co·chairman of the junior QUI and Silly Ber.li:reo of Other honors wbich ban come the wly of Pi Beta Phi hue the Sophomore OIU. been the election of Mary Schlaikjer for T B :E, music honorary. Pi Beta Phi also celebuted its 'Oth yelr on the University of of Carol DeKay It one of the two candidates for p~sident of Washio,ton campus with a large banquet birthday party in the AWS for 19"·19'8, and of Miry Jo Budd. Wyomin,r's head HUB ballroom. Alumnae from 111 over the United States Ind majordte, to twirl with WrominJt Days. Bum,. Smith. the new JCTCD tncmben of the fint Wuhifl}l;ton A pledRe c1au attended chapter president, is $CrYin. as chairman of the committee .... hich the dinner. B.nquet attendants san.li: " Hap:!,y Birthd.y" IS twenty. ramrods this week lonll tour of the state. And toppiog off honors fiye candle·Ii,htc:d clkes .... ere broUAht in.n cut. (or the lea,"n WIS one of which the ch.pter is particularly proud BAUA .... BYI! --the discovery that WyominB A's ..,erlAe for last semester WIS the hiBhnt on ampus. This acain makes the chapter a India.. con· WASHINGTON BETA-WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE. tender for the Scboluship CUP. Cb.u1:eft;d, Jut, 12, 1912. Pled" D.y, October 2, 19'6. INrTlATED, lI'cb ruary 24, 19H: J.oice Bushnell. Bellirutham ' Sandra EII~t1y. Jud, Greenup. DeliAht Richardson, MatT Weber: UTAH ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. Cbattued, 1929. Sca.tt~e: O .. na Gibton~ __Wallace •. ldaho;_ Ellen Hou•.rand. Re. PI.d" 0,,., Sep«elDbt:r 28, 19'6. INmAn!). Fcbnun 19. I~n: ouhhc ; Sue Hubbud • .>pOkane: Linda L09l1t. Lo!!B Beach. Calif' Janie! AsbtlOa. A.tI.n Browzuoc:. Deoese Derrick. llarilyn Gay Molly Mekber. Oarkston; Mui;o Shannon. Yakima; Waod~ THE ..... OW OF PI lETA PHI 26'

TroUt:r. Ephrata: l..c~nnr Wood. Coif... ; Audrey ZWer. Gia tiyities for the studmts. Carol Ye~r became • membet of Cboralie.u. the .dyanced coll~ cbonu: in Janua,..,. Harbor. The bi,ta:est .... eek-end of the teIm .... Dad', Week-end on Sbaron Justice ." IaP~d (or A.R.O.T.e . SPOnsor. Diana Gibson is currently on tbe Jun ior Varsity Debate TeJlm and .as February 8 and 9. Pat Cr.wford aod Mary Zeran 1IFOdttd IS RCe:ntl,. u.pped for IT X 4, N.tional Debate: Honorary. chairmm lor the ennt ••nd the ch.pter pruented two lOo.u in the Panhelleoic Sine. At the W~n ' s Announcement Coavocaticm Anne Cannon _u NANo.OwnofS prest"nte:d as Y.W.C.A. KCreLl.ry. Joan Coart as Womeo's Re· creational Association ,"rnary and Manlro Melio IS P. n· bellenic·. nudr elected KCrCUry. · OREGON GAMMA-WILLAMETTE U NIVERSITY. Ch ..... Sue RjcbCT bas b«n stlecttd to model for the WOlMo'a D • .,. I"red, j un. 3, 19 ..... Pled •• Day, March U, 19" . INITIATED, Convocatioo, and sbe is abo the cbapler's andidate for Junior February H, 19)1; Mir;an DaWD. Myro. Ma~I, . Barbara Pfaff. Prom ~D . Ma,., Weber is the chapter', candidate for If K A Lynn Wilcox, Portland.i Judr Olsen, Astoria: RDbin Boardm.n. Drum,tul. Bend; joanne McGilyra, Forest Grove; janel jamisoo, janet Tbe freshman dance. "Continrnu.1 Cotillioo" marked the end Petry, Sonj. Peterson, Medford: Patty Mitzel. Oswrao: Jud, of International Festival Week. Leanne Wood _" publicity chair· Seeley, Rosemary Stepbenson, Salem: Carol McMinUnee. 'tilla· man for the dance. mook j Diane Reeding Niles, Calif.; Ginny Granl. San Mateo. The chapter ~a'9'e the mone! norman,. used. for the _intrr Calif.: Ann Shepherd, Wlltsburg, Wasb.: Catherine Casper. formal to the campu,'s Hun.tltian Relier Dri'9'e. Wall. Walla, Wuh. ; Mary Owens. Boise, Idabo. MJUJANNII BU'.... NICH Oregon r il "Iremely proud o( its n~w members wbose ICholarship averafte WIS • 3.1. Catberine Cuper, joanne Mc· Gilvra. Patty Mllzel. Arlene Niemi. Sonja Peterso n. and Ann WASHINGTON GAMMA-COLLEG B O F P UGET SOU ND. Shepherd were tapped to become IDdDbers of A. A 4, fresbman Cbartertd, September 9, 19 .. 8. Bn-erly Sweet and Susan Sprin,ltrr women's national scholastic honora,..,. are candidatrs for Sweetheart of 1: X. Other queen candidates Winter elections were held in February lor AJsociated Women ue: Carol Goodno, K 1: Stardust candidate; Marilyo Breidenb.cb, Students, rallr squad and YWCA. linda Berry .U el«ttd AWS 1: N White Rost" candid.te j Sail,. Kalhagen, Daffodil candidate: : lOCia! Cbairman. Ginny Grant and fud, Olsen will soon be Sft'n Jean Dis:, Violet Sw«theart candidate; MURe Fish, May OJr cheeriO£ on the nil, squad. Linda Ikr,.., WIS namtd president Queen candidate. of tbe campus YWCA.: Lynn Schrock. secretatJ; aDd Ma,.., Lrt Tbose chostn for Wh~'J Wh, i" Am"it~" Collt'tl n4 U"i· Swanson, publicit,. ch.irman . • t"ititJ are Ga,le Taylor Carboot Elly Snrder, Janet St.pelton. Sondra Roark has been sclected by the student body to be • Eloise Engbrttsen i, Quem of tne Tacoma Boat Show. Georaa delep;ate to the model United Nations conyention at Stanlord in Dee Martin .... as chosen IS one of her prinCCS$CS. April. The pltdltes came out on top in scbolarship on the campus Sandra Hllris was chosen to become a member of • 1: I . na· with tbe actives comi~ in st:COnd. tion.1 I.n~a~e honorary. Sunn Sprilller and Roulie Rosso took ludinR parts in the Mary Beth Van Orave took the leadin.t Pllt in "The Victort," Freshman One Act Plays. by jean· Paul Sartle. Construction hIS been started on • new Womeos' Dormitory Pi Beta Phi Jorce Hill is enrolled this semester in the Ameri· wbich .... iIl house seventy·seven atudents. This wiU help house can Univenity under the Washin,ltton semester plan. She is the many ,ll:irls livin,lt in homes oR campus. workina on a special report concerninR scltlC£ation in public With tbe arfO'" IS symbol of Valentine's Da.,., the .ctives and schools. pledges polished the student body trophies as a special senice to PLEDGED. March 13. 19": Arlene Niemj. Astoria: Gretchen the ColieltC. Goodricb, Bend; Mary Ella Rose, Burlin~ame. Cali!.; Dot M.n· PLEDGED : joan Green. Tacoma. ker, Santa Rosa, Calif. SALLY MAUHALL

OREGON ALPH A-UNlVERSI TY O F O REGON. Chartuild, ALBERTA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY O F ALBERT A. Chartend, Octobr.r 2), 1913. lNlnATED, january 19. 19H: Beth Allyn, St.ptembcr 2.2) 19JI. INITIATED, February 4. 19H: Marjorie Charlene Boyles, Clair Briuenden. Betty Bulloch. Sharon Bur· Clark. Karen Millican, Eilccn Myles. dett. Linda Dayis, Sar.h Donaldson, Bobbie Erickson, Sharon In J.nuary the .nnual Pan hellenic Banquet was held .t the Johnson, Kennette Kirk, Marcia Lindley. Martha MaO'. Linda MacDonald Hote l. The Pi Beta Ph is ..... ere .warded tbe Schoill' Markuson. Karen M.uney, linda Ler Peterson. Cynthia Rukovina. ship Cup which is ,Riven to the ,!Iirl's fraternity havitl,lt the bi,lthesr Ardys Urbi,ll:krit. Lee Vincent, PeRJl;Y Wade. aver•• e lor the prevIous year. Oad's Weekend .... u held durin,lt the weekend of FebrullY 21st. On Februa,., 16, the chapter held its annual formal .nd on Tbe theme of the weekend ...... Dads' Due. and .11 the Dads February 20 Founden' Day ""a.s celebrated. Pi Beta Phi was ceruinly spent • deli,ce;htful weekend. Pi Beta Phi was awarded privileRed to h.ve Mrs. Tuft. Province President, as • auest at a pl'que for the lar,ltest percentaRe of fathers preseot. This was this time. • the fourth straight rear the chapter bas won tbis honor. Nancy In February. the chapter took Plrt in the Interfraternity Taylor was co·chairman of the hi,lt weekend. Council.Panhelienic Society SoDRfest. Since ChcistmlJ the Pi Drtty Bullock was a lin. list for little Colonel of the Military Beta Phis have had scveral exchan~es, one with. 4 e .nd one Ball, .... bich wu beld on M.rch 2. Tbis dance is Riven by the witb 4 T. R.O.T.e. Department. In the student election, joyce Aylen was electtd by acclamation Mary Helen William, .nd Bonnie LeBaron were upped lor. I e. to the position of vice·president of the Wauneita Society. Mary the women's bU1iness honorary. Ellen Plint .... as elected as one of the me.mben of tbe Student Patty Wbite is a linalist for the Order of the 0 Quccn. wbo Disciplina,.., Committee. will serve IS a hostess .t a wrestlina conference and will present JAN LEAufONTU trophies. KATHY DAHL IDAHO ALPHA-UNIVERS IT Y OF IDAHO. CbuteHd, 1923. Pled •• D.y, Sept. 22, 19'6. Pi Bet. Phi took lirst in O REGON BETA-OREGON STAT E COLLEGE. ChaHeHd the snow sculpture contest with its oell life-sUe: dr~n which ... 1917, Pled le Day, ScptemMr 27, 19'7. INITIATED, February 2. botb very fierce .nd friendly. At the annual Campus Chest Auc· 19H: Peggy Heitkemper, Baroara Le .... is. linda Palmer. j anet tion the entire chapter offered to Ii:J: and serve. pizza dinner for Winkler, Portland; Sallr Ornni,. Marsba Keller. Sharon Soencer. the highest bidder. ~ain Pi Beta Phi took lirst when the mrm· Oswego; Mary Griswold, joanne johnsoo. Bend; Pam Clayton, bers were sold lot $70.00 to the S.A.E.'s. Salem: Mary Ann Backen, Nancy McFarland. Rosebur,lt: Carole The current ASUI production. "Sabrina Fair" includes in • Baker, North Plains : Elveroe Drnnett. St. Hrlens: Sail., De· major role Pi Beta Phi, Jolene Williams. A pledRe. Nancy Beard· Armond, Hubbard ; Merideth Foote. Medford; Anne Myatt, Cor· more was tap~ for Helldivers. the swimmin,lt honorary. Tbe v.lIi,: Celi .. Ttcho"p, Or~,lton Cit!: Suzanne Mattei. Santa Bar· Vandaleurs 0,,11 Team tapped four pledges, J une Hoalst. Karen bua, Calil.,i ~udy Clark, LonR Beacb. Calif.: Louisa Gibson, Foss, Geni Williams, and Mimi Friend. Vir,!linia Symms. presi· San Mlteo, ullf. dent. was elected president of the Women's Recreation,l Associa · One of tbe fint events of Orefton State', busy winter trrm was tioo on the campus. June Ho.lst WI.5 tapped for Pre·Orchesis. the the Brainchild', Bust, a party gn'en b.,. A A 4 in honor of the freshman modern dance bonorary. freshman women with a 3.) ,rade point. Inyited to tbe function Once again the fraternity attained the highest scholanhip aver· from Oregon B .... ele Pam Cl.,ton .nd j.net Winkler. Other fresb· lAe .mon,!!: the women students at the University. Pi Beta Phi has man bonors went to Aone MJatt .nd SaU.,. DeArmond who were been first fot three semesters in a ro ..... finalisll (or little Colonel: .t the dance Sally was cbosen to JO LIN! WILLlA .... S reign over the ball. Shuing the beaut, spotlight were Gail Narver and Janet Winkler. both choscn .. finalists for thr Moon· liltht Girl of • 1: K. PrltRY Heitkemprr was amon,lt tbe liye PI PROVINCE finalists for Penh in. RiOe's little Captain. junior lucy Sinnard WIS tapped ea~ly in winter term for the journaliam honoral'J, e :t +, .nd Nancy Davis received tbe CALIFORNIA BETA-UNIVERS IT Y OF CALIFORNIA. pledge ribbons of the art honorary. K n. The o&mes of Marilyn Cbattend, 1900. Pled,. n ay, S.plilmber 15, 19'6. INmATED, Ogden and Cadene Inman .ppeared on the linal .Iate for AWS February 16. 19": Loui... B'WDann, San Mlteo: Ann Brad· ahaw, Hapl>f Jordan, DerkelC'J' j Barbara Breyer, Kentlield: Me· elections. .nd Carlene 111'15 elected treasurer. Carlene ... allO linda Budge, Scottsdale. Aftl" Barbara Candau. Woodland: named editor of this year's SOPbomore dus paper. Marilrn also j worktd for AWS IS Reneral chairmaa lor the annual Clrninl, Mawecn DoDO'fan, Ann Kimbe.t in, P.ula Roberts. Naacy Rod· Midwa.,. Madnns, Laurie AUen bu been appoinled the oew '''j Pitdmont; Janet Oumm, Sicn1Dento: Toni Hamilton, Car­ chairmtn of Co-Rec which spanlOn Yffltly co·crereational IC· me: Helen Harrison. Palo Alto; Sharo.o Little, San Marino: 2 •• THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI

Linda Lorimer Wubinaton, D.C. ; Ma ry Lou McDon.ajd, Joyce ternitits were: Suzanna Albright, Z 8 T .Dd Sue Jeffers. 1: $ E. Robbins, Caroryn Wabon. San Francisco: Nancy MeRitt, Thora Sue Jeffers .Iso 'Won the bll prusroom Pin·U p Contest conducted Ou. Stocktoo: Elizabeth ROI!;crs , Orinda: Jane Watrous, Kent· by ihe Sao Diego State College weekly newspaper. the Iblte, field: Carole Williams, South Pasadena. California E's Betty Harmon wu also a candidate. The Bcrlcrlcy Alumnz Oub sponsored :I Hat Show in wbich Initiation ""u the hiRhliRht of the month of February. when Frances W,.1tt Ind Janel Sheets modeled. Sharon Little has b«n California E Initiated all twenty of their fall pledges. Zan Harhes chosen 10 ulOJd in the Panhcllenic Spring Fuhi .... n Show. and Barbara Allen received the best (;IledRe awards and Lillian The junior c1ISS has inaugurated the D.D.J. usociation whIch Lucas IccCl'ved the .ward for the highest an-des. hu been aCCepted most enthusiastically in the house. It is hoped The chapter thoroll,lthly en joyed the visit of Mrs. James F. that the association will become campus wide. Speaker, Grlnd Se<"feury. A dessert wu held in her honor. The chapler is now settling dO'llin after Chrid:mas yantion Olivia Ross wu choStn AFROTC Queen and will also serve and final CXlms Ind lookin,lt forward to the rest of the semester. IS a H omecoming attendant. Alice Fr«man has been elected particularly the Inter-Sorority Ball bein.a: held March 8 at the K I Dream,irl and Suun Wille, Interfraternity Chariot Queen. St. Francis Hotd. SANDIlA BuaNS SUSAN PORTER CALIFORNIA ZETA-UNIVERS ITY O F CALIFORN IA A T CALIFORNIA GAMMA-UNIVERSITY O F SO UTH ERN SANTA BA RB A RA. Chuuud, FfebtUatY 2 , 19)0. Pled". n ay, CALIFORNIA. Chln tcHd, July 27, 191 7. INITIATED. Mlrch }O, Ffe bruary 2, 19'7. INITIATED. F(bru.ry 10, 19H: Janet BID_ham, 19H: Jeanine Amestoy , Juay Carr, Barbara O'Connor, Elizabeth Martha Campilio, Marilyn Parry. Santa Barbara: Patti Campbell, Roliertson, Sue Wilson, 1.001 An,ll:cirs; Pat Badham, Newport Pas.dena: Barb.ra Poudy. Piedmont; Trody Gerry, Arcldia: Beach ; Gretchen Behrent. Laguna Beach: Nancy Corkett, Balbna; Maylo Lewis, Rancho S,nta Fe : Suun Walker, Monrovia. Helen Jo Copeland. POItland Ore.; Pat O""'ytr. Palatine, III.: Barbary Coast was one of the important events this semesler, Estelle Davits, Chula Vitta; Edilh Hall. Whittier: Nancy Owen, Ind ~~e theme of C.lifornia Z's show was "PORo Goes to Bu· Arcadia; loUISe Inman· Kane, Paci6c Palisades; Helen Larsgaard, bary. Sally Sheik. Hawaii: Judy Mills. San Marino; Kathy Reynolds, The chapter enjoyed the visil o( tbe Grand Secretary, M n. Glendale: Sara Simons. Pomona; Beverly Sweney. Huntington VirJl:inia Vorhees Speaker on Much n, 1957. A box chicken Park. dinner was planned by the loal alumnz club and the active On February 2'. 19H, Joan Pollard and Ann Morrissey were chapter. affiliated with Cali£omia r. Mary·AnD Lewis and Cynthia Thomu were Iwarded • Scholar­ Beverly Sweney was elected president of Trocds. Mary Laird ship by the Santa Barbara City Panhellenic. Janet BinRh~m was Ind Jerra Tyler Ife honored in Who', Who in A",rrh,,,, C()//e"e, sel«led for Colonel's Coeds, an honorary ~ r oup of Rirls elected lind lIni"twliu, and Mary Laird, Jerra Tyler, and Barbara Haase by the ROTC. Ann H oward waJ elected Secretary of A WS. J O{ Ite in the' H Club. West was Panhellenic Chairman of Greek Week. Diane Allingham Two four. wa y exchan,tes highli,ll:hted the new ~mester. One planned the AWS Banquet where all new members for the with .:1 .:1 .:1. K I. Ind 4 T 4, lad the other with K A e. I X. honoraries were tlOped. • nd "'.:1 e. PLIIDGED : Geraldine O'Donnell. Chula Vista . The chlpter is lookinllt forward to Gamma NiJtht Riven for AueR McADAW the alumnz. Founders' Day. and Son,ltfest in the near future. ELAINa STIIWA.T N EVADA A LPHA- UNIVERSIT Y O F NEV A DA. Ch arltcttd, 19U. Pltc d!, D ay, Ffe btu.ry 26, 19'7. INlnATl!D. March I, CALIFORNIA D ELTA-UNIVERSITY O F CALIFORNIA 19H: Pene ope Pembenon, Alturas, Calif.; J udith Stlmmt'r, AT LOS ANGELES. Ch. n fe rtd, S.P'fem bu. 19 27. INITIATED, Sherman Oaks. Calif.: Marilyn Hall, Taft. Calif.: Louanne March 30. 19H: Ceoed Amoult. Barbara BriJtht. Ellen Jebeiian. Wh«ler, Fernley; Myrna Howard, Lovelock: Sharon Stiff. Reno: Karen Kane, Margarita Tugue, Tonya Tuplin, Los An,ecies; Susan Sandra HesIC. Sandra Kin,ll:, Mary Morton. BHbara Ru ark. Car· Burdick, Pauden.; Clai~ Cormack. Oakland : Jocllen Gifford, SOil City; K,y Kelly. Stewart: Farol Lee Spell. YerinAton : Jtan Burbank: Charlvn Johnston. Hollywood; Molly Morebnd. Glen· Best. Carolyn McGowan. dlle: J anice Neal, Chatlottle Ruth Neel, Long Beach; Susan Nevada A leceived the Sorority Improvement Plaque awarded Plumb, Studio City; JaDe Seulbergcr. WayeHe: Gail Sinkule, for the Jl:reales t scholarship improvement from the fall semester Arc.di.; T.hiea Sparling, Duarte; Mariella Tieghi. Milan, Italy; o f 19'6 to the fall semester of 19H. The chapter sc holarship 8ec1cy Wheeler. Sherman Oales. average is now S«Ond higbest of the women's groups on the The California 6's have had an exchange with'" r l1 .nd .re University of Ncyada campw. looking forward to uversl more: with other fraternities this u· The PI Beta Phis were p~nted .... ith the inter-sorority Volley· mester. AmonJl: them arc some with fraternities from the Univer· bill Championship Plaque .t the Associated W omen Students' As· sity of Southern California, somethinA new on the social calendar. sembly recently. The Lancers, well known male Quartet, hiJth· Soon. rehearsals are to begin for U.C.L.A:s annual Sprin,ll: li,lthted the enlertainment program at the assembly. Sing. Singing, once more. with 1: A E. the chaptet hopes to ~.nne Munk w.. eltcted president of the Ph' sical Educ.tion capture another trophy. SprinR Sin,e, held each year at the Holly· Majors Or!\:.nization. Letitia Sawle is the new president of fI E, wood Bowl. i-\r perhaps Ihe student body's biR,ltC!t activity of the affili.ted WIth the Atncrican Home Economics Association ColleRe sprinR ~rnnter. Clubs. The Pi Beta Phi received a lovely silver bo .... 1 from K A 9 Pat Houu! has just betn sel«ted as Glttlc Week Queen to for helpina them with their winnin,e Winter Carnival House: reign over the many acti .. ities durinJl: the week for the sorotities Decorations. Ind fraternities. Among them are the City of H ope charity proj. PLJlDGED: Carson City. Carol Thiex; Reno. Barbara Humes, ect and the Inter.Fraternity Council Dance. Joanne Todd. Fraternities agaio have claimed Pi 8c:ta Phis to ioin their AD.IENNE KUYPEkS "little sisters." I A E chose Sandy Swartzel and • .:1 e picked Carol Pobanz and Jocllen Gifford. A RIZ O N A A LPHA-UNIVERSIT Y O F ARIZ ONA. Ch amrtcd . C.liforni• .:1 is looking elRerly into the future ...·ee ks for such AUlult I , 19 17. Pltcd "tc D ay, F",bruary 9 , 19'7. INITIA TED. activities as initiation. buildinll: the Mardi Gras booth with March 2. 19": Donna Angle, Catherine Colbert. Sharon Farris. 41 K t, the .llnnual Founden' Day Luncheon ...· ith nearb,. chap. Jo Pbillips. Sharon Theilkas, Phoenix: Nancy Owens. Tucson: ters, .nd. finally, the 6 Ball, a ...·eekend pany to he held ag.in Susan Beville, Karen Dobson. Mesa: Clrolyn Davies, DoUJtlas: this year in La Jolla. Corinne Dlvis. Coolid,ItC; Betty BoczinRer. nowocy, Calif.; Karen Kin", a transfer from the University of Aril-ona was Clrolyn Byrd, ton,lt Beach, Calif. : Mary Coons, [knver, Colo.; affiliated by California .4 on Febru.ry 11. Lind. H.tt. EI Paso. Tex:.: Betty Hoc. Beverly Hills, Calif.; SUSIE MAYS Suun Hudson, Bartlesville. Okla.; Sherry Peck, Duarte. Calif.; Gt-orgia Stapleton, Ross, Calif.: Virginia Valentine:. Peoria. Ill. CALIFORNIA EPSILO N-SAN DI EGO STATE. Ch.rurfe d. Jerrie Butler was cho~n IS In atlendant to the queen of the Mpttcmbcr I, 1949. Pltcd,tc D.y, S.pt.mbcr 13, 19'6. INmATEll, annual University Rodeo and Rodeo Dance. February 17. 19H: Suunna Albri"ht. Tina Alessio. Charlette Durin,lt the next two weeks, Arizona A pled,l1:es were luctioned Balsinger, Lindl Barbour, Lynne Gamble, Zan Hubs. Betty John· off to help raise money for the umpu5 Chest. Half of the pledge son, Noralee Johnston. Lilli.n Lucas, J udy Nelson, Linda Pelton, c!:ass was purchaud by the'" r 6. Fraternity and the other half was Phyllis Rid,l1:ew. y, Susan Sellman, MarJl:ie Thompson. CYDthia TUI' bou.l!;ht by the. 6. 9 Fraternity. At the Desert D~nce on Febru· ncr. Susan Wille. San DieltO: Sue Jeffers, Alpine ; Mad.II:C Lupw, Iry 16th. Marilyn Mays was named as one of four Ittendants to San Marino; Barblla Allm. Jo Est Price. Coronado. the Dc~rt Queen. California E regained first pllce in scholarship for the fill One of the hi,ll:hliRhts of this semester came .... ith • visit paid semester. the chapter by the Grind 5ecrttary, VirRinia Voorhees Speaker Tn campus activities Charlette BalsinRer wa.s choun (reshmln (Mrs. James P.) clau treasurt:r; Brmda Heiman and Barbara Allen .... ere elected Susan Beville received the trophy for the most outstanding pledge, president .nd 5C'Crrlary of un., the fm~n'JOohomore honor· wbile Sh.ron Farris w... w.rded I leweled recognition pin iD ary service org.nization: Sheila Patterson .nd LynDe Williams honor of boldin,t the best Jl:ude aveNl,te in the ol~lr.::e class. have b«omc: members o f K 0. n. honorarv educatioo fraternity: Carolyn Byrd WIS a finalist for Freshman Queen Ind GinRel .nd 8c:rty Johnson is tbe chapter candidate for 1: A E Min Hlfi~:n for A.W.S. trusuler. Thunderbird Contest. : Arline P<»tilllOn. Tuooo. Candidates for Belle of the Blue Book Ball as chosen bv fta· M.uy RUTH SANDEL ~tumnae LETIERS Edited by Virginia Sherman Kozak, New York A

In November we had a Yel'l' successful rumma.ce ule. In ALPHA PROVINCE December all hands were busy knittin,ll; mittens. for the children of miners who lost their livH in th~ Sprin~hill Mine Disaster. early in NO't'ember. We cojofC'Ci makina tbc:se .nd hope to be BoSTON .ble to do the same thin.ll; ncxl ycu. In january we had a joint meeti~ with the act ives. The The 19'6·)7 Kuon of the Boston Alumnae Club .... u fiUed February meeting brou&bl us a good Bring and Bu, nle, which with ncw .ctj"ilics .nd intcrcsb not the leut of whicb was the proved to be an easy way 10 make a few dollars. news from the 19,6 Convenlion that our uu had b«n chosen as Early in March we had a vi.it from Helen Anderson Lewis. the meetin,lt pl.ce for the 19'8 Convention. AI In early October Direclor of Rushin. and Pled.ll;e Tu i nin~ . We were very ,d.d to meetin,!!;, In tnthusiutic and colorful teswne was .iv-cn us of the meet her .nd bue a chance to talk with her. Los Angeles ConveRtioQ by Mn. Francis Rug: and Bubar. Put· With sprin~. April aave us I oew date of officers lor the nam who h.d attended. c omin~ year. We also celebrated Founders' Day and joined the On Octobt-r 20 we held • Settltment School sale coff« 2nd Ictives for their Senior Puewell. tu It the Brimmer & N:., Scbool under the .dmiuble dirtction Our last meetin,ll; in MI, tied all the loose ends to,lcther and of Jo.n Scott Warren. We .... ere proud of the mulls; sales we PI lied to enlOY a summer holiday. loti fled nurly '700. MIIRY LAMII Each of the ('''coU: on our alend.ar is sponso«'d by one of the suburb.n groups comprisin.IC the Boston AlumNI!: Club. In February, the Newton·WellcJ\ey groups held • desscrt·brid.l:c in HARTFORD conjunction wjlb • Chin~ .union, Their unique ideas often add to our treuury. Our year commenced with our traditional September Potluck This year Founders' Da, Commemoration wu pne-ceded b, a Supper, With over SIXty members prescnt. We were also joined business meet in,ll; at which time new offi (eu were elected. We met b, • new club. the Eastern Connecticut Alumnz Club. Mrs. at Smith House in Cambridlte witb araduatin,l seniors hom Boston AII.n Wright. our president. aave a very thorolUth re port on University as our hOl'Klred iltueSb. Highli.ht of the luncheon was Convention, accompanied by wonderful llIOyies. the Golden Arrow ceremony which honored Boston women who In October we had as our ,Il;uest speaker Mrs. joseph Tedone, are 50·year members o f the fraternity. President of th~ Hartford Auociation for Retarded Children, Our JAN IT JOH NSON ST1!EG club has been extremely active this yeu in the Associltion, many members doiOR clerical work in the office, while others hue been workin,!!: with the children in the Day School. 11.110 this BURLINGTON, V ERMON1 month we III enjoyed hearin.ll; how early Pi Bet. Phis celebrated Halloween. Our rccordin.ll; S«:rctary will make announcements The Burlington Alumnz Club's annual "Salute to Seniors" each mOn th of births. marriages. illnesses Ind other items of meeting wu held lut May at Mrs. Frank Allinx's lovely home. interest to our members, supplyina Iddresses wben desired. Everyone again enjoyed Mrs. AlIin.·s lovely antiques u much as Our Settlement School Sale and Tca WIS very successful, and to "luting the .raduatin:r Pi Beta Phis. We next met man,. old increase the attcndan« each member brouJl:ht a list of five people friends at june Sprea at the chapter house in Burlin.ton. The to be invited and we also publicized more in ocwspapers and on affair was a ,Il;rand success and 51W many Vermont B alumn:c the radio. Magazine subscriptions and Chrinmas item, were abo returnin. to the campus. \'ery lucceuful at the S.le. Last fall we opened with a mcctin.ll; at Mrs. I. Munn Boardman's We had our own Christmas Cooky·shine in December alter our new home, which is built on two levels 0 0 a hill, with a Program Chairman read us about the first Pi Beta Phi Cooky. gor,fo:COus view of the lake. After the ,Il;rlnd tour of the house we shines. Our was quite similar Ind ..... e enioyed ourselves over enjoyed hcarin,t about Convention from Janice Bai ley. tbe dele· cookies. coffee. Christmas songs and chaUln,ll;. All contributed gate from the active chapter. We also heard an informal repoll giflS for the needy children in Hartford. sent to us by Mrs. Arthur Cheney of Rutland. wh o attended with In january we h.d a luncheon mcetin.ll;. somethin.ll; new for her two Pi Beta Phi dau,lt: hters. us. It was definitely • success .nd many members who arc un­ A very successful Settlement School Sale "'U held at the chap· able to attend evening meetings arrived. Our Ways &: Means ter house in November with 'anel Rorer and Elaine Little in mcctin,ll; in Februlr)'~r OUf "Fun" niMht. was definitel, bene· char,@:e. The lovel v Chri!tmas decorltions made by the club were ficial to .11. We bou,ll;ht questions Ind received appropriate gifts partICu larly well liked and sold like hot cakes / .ccordin,lt to the correctness o f OUf J.nlwers. Many attics were January 15. the middle of a 't'el'l' cold spell here. a luhion searched for these prizes. show took place at Elaine Liltle's house. Everyone was to wear In March, aflef elections, Corinne Willard spake on Enerior somcthjnlt from their colleJl:e days. but the below zero wcather DecoratinA;. I very timelv subject of lrelt interest to all. we ...ere e:rperiencing, plus the natural factor of time. m.de it April brous: ht lomethin,ll; new to Hartford, a State Founders' unfeasible fOf .11 to participate. Many chuckles were provided by Da, Banquet, wilh groups from Stamford, Eastern Connecticut. those trim fi,ll;ures who could stdl wear their colleae clothCl. At SpriORfield . Ma.ss. and New Haven. the same mcctin.ll; Mrs. C. fyCJ Ta,ll;Jart f.vored UI with dramatic At our May meetina we had installation of our officers for and humorous ~adings. T hose wbo could act their cau .tarted nut year. Also this month we had our second SprinJl: Formal. had a arand time! Profits from the dance went to the Hartford ASSOCiat ion lor Re· MIIRYLIN H. FLETCHER tarded Childrm. We had our yearly picnic in June. This is the time when the whole family comes to mcctin~, for swimming. playing, and EASTERN MAINE having a wonderful time. GIIICE PLAn On D«cmber 5. the Eastern Maine Alumnz Club entertained the activ~s of Maine A Chapter, and their newly pinn~d pled,!tes at I buffet supper at the hom~ of Mrs. Irwin Dou,lt:/IU in Orono. MONTREAL Appro:rimately ei,ll;hty were prescnt. The ,!tids from each dormitory presented ori}tjnal sk:iu which were very enjoyable. This supper This was an active and pleaslnt ven for the Mon treal Alumnz has become an .nnual event to wbich both actives and alumnz Club. The first m«tin. was held in September and several mem­ look forward with anticipation. ben ~ave informatIve talks on Settlement School a.nd the Con· We shared the Founders' Day obscrvance with the .ctives It a stitutlon .nd History of the Praternity, banquet the jailer patt of April in Orono. Other pre.Christmas activity included J. theatre ni.ll;hl which WIS organized bl Mrs. Hilal")' Richards. Man, members m.de up BIlaNEIC. THOlol'SON parties with then friends and evef}'one enjo}'ed a . ery successful performance of "Dial M for Mulder," HALIFAX As in other years, our alumnz ,Il;roup presented Cbristmu gifts to children io the Montreal Children'. Hospital. Th~ Haljf.. Alumnz Club has had a busy and interestin, The first meeting 01 the new ycar ..... s held at the home of prO.ll;flI1D lor ( 9)6.)7. Mrs. R,. B. Wintar. A highlight of thi! mcctin~ was a lively The scason started with I supper party for the actives in travelogue by our honess who recently visited Ita I,. Septcm.ber. The October meetin. "was hJ,lthli&hted wltb an iI· The February mcctin& was followed by • brid,ll;e party. This lustrated talk by Madeleine Mader, our president, .bout the Con· has become a well attended annual function Ind is enj o~ ed equally .. ention held in Pasadena lut June. by the ICrioUJ and the oot so ICriow card players. 267 268 THE AllOW OF PI lETA PHI

The election of new officers and the Founders' Day luncheon Food and Drug Administration of the Dep.rtment of Public in April brought our seuon to • succ6Jful conclusion. Heslth, gsve a very tDfOrtnative talk on the _ork of his depart· Do.OTHY CHISHOI.W Olent. n Nonmber OUl speaker "'IS Miss janet Appleton, CUlator of Children's WOrk at the Dr. Geor,e Walter Vincent Smith Museum. NEW HAVEN One of our major fund raisin, projects for the y~ar was • vet}' successful IIle of Christmas cards. We also held a spring ssle of The brst meetinA of the Ne ... H,veo Alumn.:. Club was held !o all purpose greetin, cards. October in the Ionl, old salt box home of Ellube th Schoene U1 N W'e look toward a ne ... year In Pi Beta Phi, _e hope to en· Woodbridsc. Evcl'}'onc prelCot ....s moSt interested, to ,lea rn t~~1 luge our membenhip, talte a more .ctive part in national activities, one of our most active .Jumnr, Mrs. Emerson, IS stili partlel' and 5trenBthen ow ties with nUIDY .ctive chapters. patiog in I Round Robin witb Pi Beta Phis who wert w,lh btl • BITn FUNT HILTON . t Middlebury College (Vermont A) over fihy years .ao. We continued lut ,ear's pliO of baviofl: four separate Settle­ ment School salel 00 different days .nd In different arelS, and aa.in it proved very successful. BETA PROVINCE In December there WII • vcry pless.Dt pot luck sup~r m«1· ing, .nd duriog the C"t'e1ling each Rill wrote. Chrutmas card to • Pi Btu Phi whom she had not seen in recent yCUI. ALBANY Thelc were some fine talb durin&: the season, one in November b, Mildred Ingram on " Malle,'s Rejuvenation," one in Fd!rusry This has been a gl

papers, and other memeotos kept UJ thrilled for the wbole noe· HARRlsB URG-CARLlSLE nine· Lucille Clarke dcmoDStn~ the talents of bet two Standard The members of the Harrisbu~·Carlislc Alumo3t Qub enjoyed Poodles both sbow i!o,s to tbe Main Line ,roup in NoYembcr, This s;~ IrouP at tbe1r annual Cbri5tmas patty brouabt con­ 1M j'rivilelC of entertain inc the Grand President, Marianne Reid WII , at a luncheon Jiven in ber hooor b, Miss Ruth Trou~ on tributions of food for the Amencan Stomach Hospital. Septtmber 22, 19)6. Mn. Wild spoke to us.about the . hlghllChts The three IrouPS united again ID January and were entc.uined of the National Convention. Other past mccunp have mclud«i a by mUSical selections provided by (our young _women who are covered duh supper a silent auction/ a speech b, Mr. Meh'in students at futem Baptist College. The achcdule for the re· Frtcman of the AcEs and a yisit rom Mn. Bertrand HeRin, mainder of the year "IS preKnttd. It was reported tbat tbe who spoke to the club about Settlemftu School, tbe Ccnten~ial Swanhmore group, who deyote so man)' of their mutlngs to Fund and general Pi Beta Phi ntWS. Plans for other mcctmgs sewins on I.yettes for Settlement School, -would be in charge of mcluded a cooky· shine. a speaker from Athle,tlc League, the Founden 01' Blnquct held Apnl 27 at the Rolling Green a luncheon ... ith the Penns),lvania r actiycs commemorating Found· Country Club. We _ere honored by the prncnce of our Grand ers' Day, and a picnic for the families of Pi Beta Phis to be held Vicc President, Alice Weber Mansfield, at this lime. Foutlun initiation robes have been completed and will be In the early summer. Projecu for the benefit of Settlement School include the silent presented to Pennsylvania Epsilon Chapler. Plans .re no .... under auction, sale of the cn;!ts of the school, and a rummage ule way to replace the Philadelphia Vase, awarded annually to the held in April. . . chapterl which, in the opinion of Grand Council, third be5t Our local club is .11111 sending aid to the .upport of a Finnish mt'Cts 115 re.J,x)II,ibllille, to its colle~e, itself, and itl National girl, Perka, Fraternity, We Ife hopin, to mclude in the pto,ram for next ycar a meet· J I'.AN HAIl La_ THOMAS ing with the actives of Bucknell, DicklDson, Penn SUte, and the alumnz clubs of these aren, SUZANNE Rrrru P ITTSBURGH

Pittsburgh Alumnz Oub opened Its current year with a picnic in loNG I SLAND-NoRTH SHORE September. Unfortunately, "'e also welcom«i rain fOl our first meet · ing. The seventh ycar in ou r club has secn a growth from thirteen At a two day Settlement School in $cptember. Merriam Jones to over twmty·five active members. We have had a very happ)' and her conumUee sold over $ 1,000 worth of merchandise. A and successful year in spite of many handicaps. The first of these thlee day sale WIS also held at Marie Davidson's home in No· is the fact that we lack an active chapter around which to plan vember and S}OO worth of ,nods were sold. our activities. Secondly, our members arc widely S('Ittered and many At other meetings this year we heard prcsident, Dorothy Wig' have )'oung children which makes it amning that so many arc gins, tell of her ConventIon dars m California, heard of the Itavels able to attend the meetings at all. ihe third draw back is that o f DorOlhy Bradley Zcpfel, celebrated Chnstmas season "'ith a man)' Long hland Pi Beta Phis seem almost to be transients. The,. luncheu n at Gateway Center and listened eagerly to Mary Ann arc with us for a year or twO and then Ite transferred to some Pnfter tell of the first days of the Pittsburgh Alumn3t Club. We uther part of the COUll.tfJ, lUst as "'e arc getting 10 know them well also heard from DorOthy Daniel ulkmll about early Pirt5burgh and establish 6rm fr iendships. and met "'ith PitlSbur ~ h South Hills Club for our Founders' Da)' The year's activities were inaugurated with a de~rt puty for luncheon. the actives in our area. This served the two fold purpose of giving \'i!e had a _urn friendly visit "'ith our Beta Province Vi ce the actives an insight into .,'hat an alumna: club can do and also President, Ann Logan HC'flin, in February. to acquaint the girls with each other before going back to colle~e. MARIAN Ktoo CUNNINCH A M Other actj,'ities included a Centennial Fund Card Party WIth Se ttl ement $(hool jewelry offered as priles and .l Valentine Dinner Dance at the Riviera in Port Washington. Future plans include a lalk by Beatriz Liver, a Swiss exchange student from the Garden PITTSBURGH-SOUTH HILLS City Hifh School, and the annual picnic with our husbands. Se\'eraI ucntiye Dutch Auctions were held throujilhout the yelr. Our $cptember dinner meeting, held at the home of jane Peter· supplementing ou r treasury and enabling us to lid several loca l son Meyers, opened a very active ~'ca r for our club of fiCtr6ve charities such II Mid-Nassau Guidance Ceoter, Me ntal Health members. Clinic. 'Children's Shelter or Care for Hungary, in addition to our Our annual Settlemen t School Tea and sale was held in October fC',uhr Pi Bel. Phi COntributions. at the home of Ma ry Louise Walsh Kumer. Due to the cooperative MAAY OQUiN SOIRl!INEa efforts of everyone the sale was very success ful. In November a pleaunt even ing of dinner and bridge for memo bers and their husbands was held at the MI. Lebanon Country Club. NORT HERN N EW J ERSEY In December we rnjoyed an exchange of giflS at our annual Christmas party mUlmg and a colfee for actives and their mothers The ~ Iub feels that the fu ll and well planned program for the was held .t the home of Mary jane Seamans. rear was respons ible for the closer and friendlier relationships The new yeu found us busy making fifteen initiation robes for among Pi Bc-ta Phis of the Northern New Jersey towns. the active chapter .t Penn State, the materials used J,le to be October was the month of the Settlemenl School Sale and paid for by a Marathon BridjZe League. Benefit Bridge. In November, with Chatham members as hostesses 10 February "'e "'ere delighted to welcome our province vice at luncheon, Clme the report of an enthusiastic Convention Dele· president, Ann Heftin, with a luncheon and meetin,. gate on her excilin" adventures in California. In December the Our project for the yea r is the sale or theater tickets to • local president o f the club entertain«i .t coffee WIth a display of play, the ploceeds of which will be prrsented to the Penn State Settlement School ,l[ifts, Members from Short Hills were luncheon hostesses in janua'l' Chapter and St. Clair Memorial Hospital. Founders' Day was celebrated ID April with a luncheon .t· This was a celebration of Loyalty Day, honorinR Mrs. Catrle tended by our club and the Pittsburgh Alumnc Club. Chapman Call, A:rpropriately, the spe. ker of the afternoon, Miss Our )ear closed in j une ..... Ith a dlOner picnic fot members and Ann Guthrie, h. decided on her present work as " International their husbands at the home of Veta Davis Replogle. Re present.tive to the United Nations of the Internation.1 Women's ROBUTA G. KlUTH f ellowship," because of the inspi ration acquirC'd in her youth thr ou~ h contact with Mrs. Catt. Each Pebruary the club hIS a lunchcoo and brid,e party just for itself. The Director of Mental Hygiene in Monlcl,ir speaks P OUGHKEEPSIE at the March meeting. Our o .... n member, and province vice presi, dent. Mrs'. Bertr.nd Heftin was guest of honor at FounderS' Day, The local club hIS suffered this year be<:ause of industrial This yca r t ibbie Broole Gaddis will be held in especial mernOfJ· transfers ftom the un, However, severa l new members have May. and Springtime, found the club in Mountain Lakes for arrived .nd .re be<:om ing active in the group. Becau$C of the the annual meet ing, installation of officers, and a refresher period J(Ilall size of the club, It was decided to hold two luncheons and fo r Pi Ix-t. Phi History, and the Constitution. four eveninll: meetings this yea r. The October lunchcon and LrLUAN j . SULUM_CIa Founden' Day were both well .ttended by Pi Beta Pbis from all p'.ru of the Mid·Hudson Valley. Llbbie Bach, president o f the club, WIS hostess at the Consti· P HILADE LPHIA tution meeting in October, and Betty Hadden, past president, was hostess II the November meeting. At the latter time Settlement Because of the extremely large .ru composin, our Philadelphia School articles were wid and candy (Inc pb,ce cards were made Al umnae Club} we find ourselves very bus), keepiog up wilh the for the Christmas breakfast at the Old Ladies' Home. many diversincd actiVities of our Ihree seeton, Germantown The February meeting was cancclI«i because of inclement wcather Main Line and Swarthmore. October found the Main Line an~ and conRicting activities. The March meeting WIS devoted to Swarthmor~ groups entert.inin, their many frie nds .t leIS dis· active chapten. bying lovell. Arroovcr.ft ,nods. Germaotown sponsored a spaghetti Margarita Ltyerle's beautiful summer home at CandlewDOd bke r,uncheon at I e LJ Rnsa Plant. WIS the SCene of last year's picnic. and it is hl'lped that prQt'nt We all met ttlJ:ethcr in November to hut Barbara T rudeau's plans to hold it there this "elt will be carried out. faKinating report on Convention. Her storics, pamphlets. newS, R11TH DAGCnT NoyES


RIDGEWOOD, NEW J ERSEY ~""ard a small bow l each year to the senior who has contribuled the most outstanding chapter service to the Fraternity. This was The Ridgewood, New Jersey •• Iumnlll: club mttls regulady the the month of our Settlement School sale. We grossed over S I.OOO , rourth Tuesda, of the month. Our November mccting ""1$ devoted to routine business and One of our mon succcufui programs w,u presented II the ~ discussion of the proposed revision of the Constitution and October m«lmg. Thrtt chance members of 51. Lawrence wrotc By·Laws of the City Panhellenic. and enllh:J a ,kit concerning the chartering of 'hal . The In Dtcember the chapter ent~rta ined the club at a Christmas November m«tinA: was devoled 10 &tt.lement School. A con' red party. complete with ,ltames and priles for us all. d is h supper WIS held and favorite recipes were collected fo r the We recognized Chapter loyalty Day by havinA the ~ raduatlOg [orthcomm, Pi Dru. Phi Coole Book. Another meeting "'15 made Kniors attend our January meeting. This was a discwslon of the memorable with slides and . ccount of an A lubn journq. One responSibilities and privileges of alwnn% and a special prognm of the J'Uf'S h ig hlights is the annual Husbands' Night in J anu­ lbout Carrie Chapman Cart. ary wilh I covered dish supper and while c1eph:ant sale. Another February is th~ month of rushing on campus. and we. again. of our Iradilions was oburved in March ..' hen . 't eotcnlin the assumed responsibility for the Coffee Hour. Wle were happy th. r elderly ladies from the Bergen Coun ty Home It a tca. In April the visit of out province vice president. M rs. HefllO. coincided .IIC the Founders' Day 8anquet ""e joined in spirit Pi lkta PhiS ""Ith this special chapter activit/, The n~xt day we en terta ined everywhere . Our club year ended with the May meeting. her for luncheon and dinner ; we had a mOS t enjoyable time as NULla W . 8ltOWN "'ell :IS a v~ry helpful visi t. In March we had our usual breakfasl for the chapter in honor of the new initiates. Wle also invited all Pi Beta Phi R OCHESTER mo thers. This year. Pennsylvania E invited Pennsylvania B and the The usual well ·attended luncheon in September got the Rochesler Central Pennsylvania A lumn% Club to join us ffl r luncheon April Alumna: Club off to a fine starl and this succe55 has continued 28 to celebrate Founders' Day. throughout this yur's program. IDA STOOOllRT Ann Marie Ku pfer. a senior" Syracuse Univenity. (tave us a very interesting resume of the Convention in California at our September luncheon. In October we had a speaker from the League SYRACUSE of Women Voterl to t~lk and discuss ""ith UJ the political tlec· The Syracuse Alumna: Club gathe~d in September at the home tions. A local Jeweler spoke to us on Ihe " Romance of Oi~monds" of Harnel Rollins to hear the reporl of Convention Delegate. in November. A tea for the: activn home for the holidays wl:s Dorothy Neovman. A discussion follo ..... ed. and severll n~w memo held just before Chrinmas. This is becoming a popular trad,. tion for our club. btrs were welcomed into the club. On October 17 a card party and Seulement School S31e entitled the Pi Phi F~slival was held Our annual cooky·shine was held in January ""ith a Settle· It the New York A chapter house. Patricia Adams and Jean ment School program fo llo.... ing. In February. M uch. and Ma, McCuen served as co·chairmctr of the event. our own members took over the programs. one a travelogue to Alice Ross was hosless for a luncheon meeting in November, Ne.... foundl:and . another a book review and the other a talk on and the annual Christmas party ""ilh the ~Clives ovas held at the the interesting aspects of social service wo rk. In April we in· chapter house on DccemhC'r 13. The c1ub's g ift of clrd tables. vited the Buffalo Al umna: Club to ,oin LU for our Founders' Day chaus, and lamps wu presented to the active chapter. and many Luncheon. Mrs. Ethel Proass 8~ker was honored as a Golden m~mbers had their first opportunity to meet the neW' housemother. Arrow member at thai time. A picnic in June dosed Ihe year Mrs. Mcneilly. Christmas readings. caroling. and dessert rounded in grand sr,le. out an enjoyable evening. At various times during the yeu the group has gotten to · The new year began with a luncheon meeting at Schrafft's. gether 10 make Hash cards. scrapbooks and other educational aids ESlella Hillegas opened her home for a business meetin,ll; ~nd for the Rochester Cerebral Palsy Center. In M~y we had a Benefit ,.,'hite elephant sale. and Founders' Day ovas celebrated at I din. Bridge. the proceeds ,.,'ere ukd to buy much needed equipment for ner in the chapter house. One socia l event. which members Ind the Center. In January we sent six dOlen pufait 10 the their husbands enjoyed together. was a dinner dance held in the new Pi lkta Phi bouse at Cornell University. Hotel Syracuse. Officers for the coming year were inst:J.lled at the Juua R. WASHBURN final meeting of the year. which took place in the home of Helen Pr:J.tt. on May 1). SCHENECTADY HAItRIET PSIIKtNS ROLLINS At the September meeting of the Schenectady Alumna: Club WESTCHESTER COUNTY one of our deuest sisters, louise Leaven,.,'orth Newkirk. was presented a certilicale and a pin honoring her as a member of President Dorothy Sprague Brilton sent a warm leUer o f wei. The Order of The Golden Arrow. A beautiful ceremony was come to every Pi Bela Phi in the area early in the fall ""ith the held, led b, our president lkuy Thompson. gratifyi ng result that the present membership. a total of eighty· At our October meeting the guest speaker for the evening nine members, is the largest in tbe history of the club. showed a beautiful display of Christmas wtappin,s and had the The October meeting afforded In opportunity for members and members ttying their luck at makin~ fa ncy bows and packag~s. newcomers to gel acquainted and to bear tn inspiring report of In November our club had tn mformal Box Supper at the the 19)6 Convention ~iven by Mn. N orbert Socolowsk~ dele. home of Virginia Cain. T he boxes were gail, wrapped Ind ex. gate {rom Northern New Jersey. The Christmas party leatured changed among members. The highlight o f the evening was the a large box of lI ifu which ,.,'ere contributed for the children at cooky·shine. the Settlement School. A chili suppt'r and book rev ieW' WlS held in January. Mu. Pour Golden Arrow Members: Grace Bradford . Ruth Stanley Brown from the Schenectady Public Library was the guest Montgomery Cherrill. fanny Plummer MOrton. and Roxie Stuart speaker. Pri c~ were hono~d on Loyalty Diy. Each was presented a IJold Flnwer Buhrmaster opened her lovely home to Ihe members carnation guard pin as a symbol of affKtion and in rKoBOItion Ind their husbanw in February for our annual mixed bridge of their continuing devotion 10 Pi Beu Phi. The Annual Meet. party. in~ wu held in March. On May 9 Founders' Day was observed In March. our guest was Miu Catherine Wilson, Community ovllh a specia l luncheon and .... jlh Mrs. Bertrand HeHin, province Ambassador to Germany. who gave an illustrated talk on her vice president IS a special ,ll;unt. The club l?rogr3m concluded sta, in that country, A covered dish dinner ,.,'as served. ""ilh a Covered Dish Supper in J une at which time husbands The Pounders' Day Luncheon took place at the Hotel Van ioined in the fun. Curler. We had as our guests. the Albany Alumnae Club. This The annual " Kaffee·KJatch·· again afforded op~rtunity to occasion is one we all look forward to as it gives us such • work together. The progr~m featured a dramatic artist after the ""onderful opportunity to ,el acquainted .... ith our neighboring social coff« hour and Lucy H uber Andrus. Settlement School Pi Beta Phis. Chairman, arranged 3 fine sale of Arrowcrdt producu which CAIOL 8UJtG!.S$ CHENETTE added interest Ind profit to the project. pj !kt~ Phis in Westchester continue to give valued voluntecr service to Burke Foundation Convale.K~nt H ome in White Pia ins, STATE COLLEGE by $Crving as aids in Idmillin,l!: patients. Further community serv. ic~ is proyided by Pi Beta Phis in cooperation with Westchest~r The activities of the State College Alumnae Dub art primarily Panhellenic in the procHsing of contributions to the Euter Seal concerned with the local chapter. PennJ}'lvania E. Sinc~ ""e ar~ Camp'ign. a small group. 17 mcmbc.rs. we ate most Ippte'Ciative of the co. DoItOTHY VEIGES GRIPFIN operation and assistance o f tbe Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and South Hills Cubs, We were fortunate to bne Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Wellin,. too as: delegate and alternate to Cont'ention. They gne us in· GAMMA PROVINCE tertsung reports at our September medin,. We art proud to hav~ Mrs. Carpmter th~ Beta. Prot'ioce President. AKRON In October we entertained lb~ cbapt:u for Sunday breakfast following initution. At this time we presented the chapen a The Akron AIu.mnJe Cub bepn its buq ~ar with a CoIfec silver bOwl in memory of Sally uuahlin. chapter deleaate to Party at .... hich time a warm lFelcome lFU extended to III new Cont'Cntion killed in the uagic airplane accidenl. The club will members. The- annual Cooley-shine in September w., ~pJaced by •

THE AllOW Of '1 BETA PHI 271

• bond dioner-"Picni<: Stylc"-. aovdty which PloYidm .n We sponsored I dessert brid&e party and Settlement School opportunity to teDCW friendships and to cnjoy the report liven sale in the belutiful new CommwlIty building of Rocky Ri't"er. by Mrs. RichucU ShanDOD Coannlioo Rtp~ntati ... c. October's It WIS well attended and we found this to be: I ,cod WI., to " Auction Pany" "'1.5 .. c h.!lcnsc to UH: 111 of tbe dililently get I lirae Iroup to see: OUt Settlement School "'wires." coll«ttd I-n: stamps IS currency. the proccNs of wbich will JO With no traubr lD«tinll In Dcamber .....e III me t for luncb to some local need,. ol"oiulioo. In NO'Jcmbcr, Walt RobinJOtl, on Dcamber 8. husband of ao alumn' 2nd m.nager of the Interior DKOflting Our b~ event of tbe year was OUI charity dance Fcbtu.U}' 16 l Department at A. Poln;y', Company in Akton, ,nc I mOlt io· It the UnIversity Club. The pro«e:ds o f this event (which lmounted (cresting l«tuft on the " Interior Decoutin, In YOU! Home." to sbout S4OO) were liven to the: Mental Sute Hospital. We The Christmas Open H OUle: , held in I charming Coloni.1 setting preceded the dl1nce with I ",et Icqulinted" hour where :it 'I'Iriet} o f Mn. Warren Jones' home furnished an cvcnin~ long to be of cheese dips, hors d'oeuvres, shrimp. etc. , were served. These remembered by the .lumn3e Ind their husbands. At tbe Loyalty SlIICks were supplied by the members. D.ty Luncheon, the .Iumnr wen: fascinated Ind lustly proud of Founders' Dl1Y this year was observed with Clevebnd Eut Mrs. GM~C WoIl's prnentarion of " The Pi Beta Pbl Consti· club on April 24, tution in St},le.·' The articles of The Constitution were repreleoled We closed the year with another of our wonderful pot lucb, by seven PI Bela Phi models. The February meeting wu hilh. Ihis time: honoring the Ictl\'ts in our arra, "shted by a most informative lecture on "Gems and China" liven MI.!, Ww. Boss b) Mrs. W. Henry Ball, I prominent lewrler in Aboo. The March meetin.. which is intended as a bruent aid to the Settlement Scbool was an interest in .. occasion since members prts· ent ..' ere: charged a price lor all iteou in tbeir PUrleS. Penlll)' COLUMBUS, OHIO WlS one penny per item. Founders' Day wu enhlnced b, I viSIt from Mrs. Carr Dix, Vice President of r Province. The: May The Columbus, Ohio. Alumn:c Club started off :it most suc· D .. nce was Jn n :citing function celebrltin(!: the fifth Innivenary cessful )'ear " 'ilh a rushinR prORrarn II Ihe home: of Jel1n Stine. of the dance. "'Come IS you were Pi Phi in College" was the In reponing on Con\'ention in October, our president, Ruth theme o( 1M May meeting at "'hich time insullation of officers Brown, showed an intrresting film. Our Settlement School lunch· for the new yur took place. eon Jnd children's style show, aho in October, wu held It OLGA PHAIU 1I0nka's Provincill House::. It prol'ed I most prosperous venture. In November we had I speaker on ,IIrms and tried umples from recipes to be submitted for the Pi Beta Phi Cook Book. CINCINNATI Our Christmu meeting wu held at Ihe gu comp~ny where everyone enjoyed the cooking demonstrl1tion. The Cincinnlti Alumnz Oub entenJined a BrouP of local Pi Loyalty OJ)' "'IS cdebuted in janulry ; and Mr. CI.uk Wide· Beta Phi JCtives It I colfee dunn,!!: the early summer. The mem· man showed interestlO,It slides of Eu rope: It our February met!· bers were dtlighted to hue an opportunity to become beuet IC· ;ng. quainted with our local l1ctives Ind plan to include similar Iffl1iu In March, Mr. YounR, of the Columbus Gallery of Fine Am, as pJrt of OU t yelr rou:ld functions. spoke to us. Another innovation this yrar wu the replacement of two of Alice Weber Mansfield Gund Vice President, lpoke JI our the regular monthly evening me:ellO,s with luncheon meetings. Founders' DJY banquet, April 29, l1t the Grandyiew Jnn. Cl1ncer The Chmlmas luncheon at the CinclOnati Club wu festive and " 'IS the topic l11 our regular April m«tmg l1nd our annUli sprmg well l1t1ended, l1nd we were honnred by the presence of Hrlrn dJnce came 500n Ifter, on Mly 10, It Brookside Country Club. D ix, province vice president, and Vrlva Shortz, past province Our June picnic honorin,ll graduating seniors was held at Darby vice president. A sprinR luncheon was offered for the ml1ny Oan F3rms, country home of Joan Galbreath Phillips. Instllla· alumn:c who have indicued interest in daytime activities. tion o f officers took place. Our president, Mildred Wildnauer, gne a memorable Conven· The Co lumbus Alumnae CI:Jb is working very hard to (Jise tion report in September. Gertrude Addicoll repuled a popullr money to build In Iddition to the Ohio B howe. The preliminary program in November by showing colored slidu of her trip to architecturl11 sketches hue alreldy bet'n completed. We l1re now Europe. Other programs throughout the yra r included Chapter selling Idyertising for the Horse Show Progll1rm l1t the Ohio SUte Loyalty Day, Settlement School, Ind one prrsent~d by a repre· Fair. scntl1tive of the Cincinnati Gas Ind Elr

The Pi Beta Phi Al umn:c Club of Hlmilton, Ohio WIS newly CLEVELAND WEST orgsnized this PlSt fall. Our prime: obJectiyu are to become betlef acqul1inte:d, tu help the lohlmi Chapter It Oxford, l1nd to get Cle\'ell1 nd West Al umn:c Club be,llan the )'ur with In annual more active members. We hold our monthly meetin,s on the 1151 potluck supper with so many tasly spedalties assembled by the Monday of each month at 7:4, l1t various members homes. members, that Duncan Hines would have bern impressed, At our first meetin,ll "'e r1e:cted officers for the following yell. 272 THE ARROW OF PI BETA P HI

Mrs. Ira Helms was cboscn to be our president. She is .Iso ow .nne Reid Wild and Convention deleg.tn from D.C. A and represcnutive to Panhcllenic. Maryland B were also present. At this time we heard • Conven· OUf j)rojcct at Christmas was to collect bab,. clothes for ~ttlc· lion report and a tribute was paid to Lois Klein Brock . .ment School. We were: pleased with the large box full of in· In Noyember. I Pi Beta Phi bridge club was formed, with Mn. fants' ,arments that we hid to send. We also made cookies and Edw.rd L. M.son 1$ its chairman. This club meet. the fint Tues· stnt them to the Miami Chapter It Oxford for I Christmu Party dJy every month from 11·3 ,.w. the)' wcre huing. Our Christmas party was held at tbe home of Mr. J.nd Mn. The latter pan o f our Ch ri Slm.~ ~ing ... at spent in male· K. F. OonJhue ncar Fairfu:, Va. lIus~nds wel ~ inyited anJ iog ce ramic clrrings under the .ble Juid.nce of one of our school everyone .grud that the pJ.rty was a big success. tuchcrs, Miss Cecile Jcndrck. Al1ison' s Little Tea H ouse was the letting for our Ch.pter We worked hard on our Settle ment School Sale held on March Loyalty Day luncheon. Many new Pi Beta Phil attended the 2). Miss Sue Cummins was chairman. Each mrolbcr brought luncheon. gurus. In conjunction with the ule, we sbowed the Settlement MiSJ MJ.ry Katherine Lutz , from the D.C. senior club, spoke School slides Ind suvcd rcfreshmtntJ. If) us in FebruJ.ry on ber penonal experiences with tbe Settlement We arc also very pleaKd that our represen tltive to the Spring School. On February 24. Mrs. Carrington Williams. a member of Rush P:illfty sponsored by P.anhcllcn ic, Suc Stocker. was nam~d ou r club, was featured in J human interest Story In the W'Hhlng' co·chairman of th~ affair. ton POl t. Sh~ is a Legislative Assistant to a Congressman. , M t.s. DILLON RHODENIIII UG H MAt.Y Auc£ WING WISSLEa


We began our yur plannin~ for our Arrowcrafl Sale which Th~ Baltimore Al wnnz Club opened iu 19,6·)7 yur by haying was held October 3 in the home of Mu. Robert Remsberg. It Elea nor Arnett Nuh. P,Dpulu Sun Papet columnist, speak on the was our finl J.ntmpl and we were ,.~ry happy wi th our small topic " Life is Funny. ' Our Settlement School sale and tel. J.t profit. But w ~ J.re loOki~ forward to a much more successful one Mrs. Fred Archibald's bome 11'11 I great l uccess. The sales totaled n ~ J:t yur. oyer ' 900, &fot~ Convention. w~ devot~d our May meding to our Mrs. In November Mn. B. H arrison Lingo vulted our club .nd gave Bryson. from Yellow Springs. Ohio. 'A'ho is a most interesting at the meetin,lt • very interesting resume of th~ Convention. At and delightful p~rson. We hope that sometim~ in the nur future Mrs. WiIliJm Lamprcei's we filled a ChristmlS ba sket with food all Pi !ktt Phis will have a chance to kn ow of her " Pi Phi .nd clothing J.nd wrapped .ilts for a ntcdy fam ily. l if~." which began as a relative of one o f our founden. Our annual covered d ish dinner held at th~ home of Mrs. O ur Alurnnz Convention delegate reported on the foliowing R . Keith Winters lor Pi Beta Phis, their husbands and dates, WIS m«ting with the hope that ev~r, rn~mber at some time will be a huge success and. chance for an exchange o f temptins recipes. able to att~nd this hCJ. rtwarminl\ and enliB htening ~xperience . Election of officers was held at our Milch meet in,. MISS Louise We have been putting on a nffipaign to fin d new m~mbers (rom Van Sant also gave us an informative and interest'"lt lalk about this area for our club. and this yur we welcomed two new m~m· Mexico. We had a delightful Founden' Day celebration. At our bers. W~ hope to do as well WIth uch succeeding year. May meeting we enjoyed hurin. Mr. Gordon Gaumnitz. o f Gordon We we r~ so s.orry 10 losc our province pr~sid~n t. Mrs. Velva Florist speak on " Flower Arrlnglnl." Shortt for sh~ was such a good fri~nd bcsid~s being a . ·onder· PATt.lcrll B. HOLDER ful officer. We looked forward to m~ting our new vice pr~Ji. dent. Mrs. Helen D ix. M.,. D II L8 MILLBR C HARLESTON, W EST VIRGINIA

Lut fall the Charleston Pi Beta Phi Alumnr Oub participated TOLEDO in a city wide Panhellenic P.rty lor .11 ,iris who would be 1.1. te nding college for the lirst tim~ and who we re interested in The home of Eloise Garland Burns was full of chatter of knowing about sororities. This was the lint party of its kind summer vac.uions and news of Convention when the T oledo 10 be held ir Charleston in several ytars and it proved quite Alumme Club met (or a dinntr m«ting in September. Then in successful. It wu instrumental in helping West Virginia A pledge October the club divid~d into three sections for their meetings. five ouutandinlt Charleston girls. In the put, Ihese three sections n. B and 4>, had been divided Out opcni~ m«ting wu a lovdy buffet supper held at Mn. according to the re:u of graduation. However. this fall the Harry Brawley s home. In October we held our Settlement School groups were reshuffl ed J.t random, and there have been four Sale from the hours of 9 II. M. until 9 P.M . at the home of Mrs. meetIngs of these smaller j! roups. thus enabli ng the members to WilIi3m T hornhill. The day long sale 111'11 quite profitable 15 we become b~tter acqullinted. In Jddition to these four individuJI sold oyer $1 ,000 of Settlement School products. group m«tings, th~ entire club held a Christmas putyin De· T he club invited the local pledges and actives to be our guests cember at the Luella Cummings' Home. I local phIlanthropIC prOj' u our J.nnual Christmas luncheon. Then in turn we were enter· ect . and the club gave each gi rl from (he home a silver dollar uined by havins girls from the various schools represented tell which three of ou r members had won on a local telev ision show. about Pi Beta Phi on tbeir clmpuses. The Toledo Alumnz Club also contributed to the Luella. Cum· In j anuary We observed Chapter Loyalty Day by paying tribute mings' Building Fund this )'en. Other m«tings for the entire to Carrie Chapman Catl. N .uest speaker we had the local presi. club included election of offi cers in Much. the Founders' Day dent of the League of Women Voters. A lso, I. substantial cbed Banquet in April, and 1I picnic honoring Ohio E grJ~uues in was sent to West Virginia A to belp I.unch its building fund M". and we have plans to raise more mont'J to help them. The J.lumnz club also entertained active Pi !kta Phi ~. who Incidentally, we arc quit~ proud of one of our past alumnz were home for the hol idJY5. and thei r mothers at a brClkfl5t in club presid~nts, Elizabeth Hallanan, who lut fall WIS elected to Dcctmbtr. the H ouse of Delegates of West Virgrnia. On the linaocial side, the T oledo Al umn~ Club was able to jo ANN Wt.IGHT raise the money needed to m«1 the budget by selling Christmas paper and ribbon. This project is now in its SC'cond year and has proved highl, successful with J.PPIOJ:imately 1,000 rolls being sold this se.son. FAIRMONT MARY DELL H18111tltT Activities of the F.irmont. W .Va .• A lumnz Oub begao in A ~us t with a coHee .. i"en for local girls going J.wa, to colleges which have Pi Bet. Phi chapters. We were very happy this yeu. to have bttn J.ble to scnd I. DELTA PROVINCE delegate to Conv-enllon, J.nd J.t our Sertcmber meetinl Mildred Bissell gave a most interesting re port 0 htr aperiences there, As our Iknelit Bridle bas been wtll I~ c eived fot the past two ARLINGTON -A!.EXANDRlA yean, it was again beld in October J.t the EJ.,les' Home. Ap· prOlI:Jm.tel., twenty.lin tJ.bles were served desscrt. An a.nnual The members of th~ Arlington·Alexandria Pi Beta Phi AlumnI!: fea ture is a raffle witb I. beautiful Arrowcraft stole awarded to Club were saddened by the untimely d~ath o f Lois K lein Brock. the lucky ticket holder. She wu our Conv~ntion deJegJ.te and was returnin,lt borne when Representatiyes from the FJ.irmont Club attended the W . Va. A she WI! killed in I plaoe cnsh over the Grand Canyon on initiation b.nquet held February 23 at the Hotel Morgan in june 30. She wu • charier memhcr of our club J.od served as Morgantown. Miss Eliubeth H.llanan, West Virginia House of our president last yur. She will be greatly missed by her many Dele,ates, was the guest speaker. Pi 8eu Phi friends. A committee i, planning • memorial in ber For the past few yeats, FJ.lfIDOnt. Moraantowo J.nd ClarbburJ hue joined fo r luncheon Of dinner on Foundeu' Day. Th IS .""".M rs. B. Harrison LinSO. Dclb Province V ice President I in· ,iv-es us a wonderful opportunity to mcrt together J.nd discuss our stalled tbe ollicen at our September mttting. W~ J.!so eOJ oyed activities. The Mor,antown dub was bostess at a luncheon Mrs. Lingo's line talk. April 27 with Mrs. B. H arrisoD Lingo. Gamma Prov- incc Vice A joint dinner meding with the D.C. clubs 1I'U held on President. U &\Jest .weaur. October 9 at the Columbia Country Club. Grand President, MJ.ti· ) tANNB PanT SAaG.... NT THE AllOW OF PI InA PHI 273

ince and bas ea;oyed a vuy (vll aae! rathusiastic yur. NORFOLK Our aew officen. elected at our March 3 Loyalt, Da, mcdinj:, bave done a ftC)' tborouab a.nd fDlrvtiOW job fot our newly 0 1' Under tbe capable ludersbip_ of Mrs. J. utlv,1 Fun, mem· ,aniud club. bers of the Norfolk AlumnJe Qub participated in various proje:ca All meetio •• have been well attended and have been bdd at and activities durin,!: tbe ,ur. In addition to native NorfoUuans. the GlaJl House oa our new Turnpike due to its cenlral loca­ our club wu made up of ahUl:t1lZ' from all parts o( the: country. tiOG . comins to Norfo lk witb the armed l(:"iCel and adding a cos­ Our members liviOl in tbe Bluefield'Princeton area bad a Tea mopolitan air to tbe group. on October 17 wbue they wid and took orden for man, beau· In tbe tlrl, fall. the club joined fOrcH with the other fra ­ tiful articles from our Settlement School. On October H, the ternities in Ps nhdlenic to g ive a party for tbe collele ~i rls in Beckley rnidents beld a similar Tca at the home of Mrs. A. K. the Tidewater area. The October meeting wu devoted to 'strictl, Canter1>uly on Woodlawn Avenue. Both teu were hi,h!)' luccess­ business," hilbli,hted b, a repOrt from the 19)6 Conyention by ful and all proceeds from both teu will be sent 10 our chapter our delegate, Mrs. W . C. Salley. A tn wu held in November bouse It MOl8antowo to help in its rcmodelio,. at tbe home of Mra. J. C. As pInwall to give members and tbeir OUI memben were so pleased witb the SUCCUI of the two 8uuts an opportunity to purchaJe Arro_ ctaft products from the Teas that the, hue expressed tbeir c!esi re to have the Settle­ Settlement School. ment School Tea an annual aHair to Icquaint the people of OUt The Vir,inia r cbapter at the College of Williu:t and Mary area with the man, beautiful hand made articles {rom the Smok, gne a hlnchton in Dectmber for the NorColk and Richmond Mountains of GatlinburJ. Alumnr Clubs: we were ddiBbted to become better acquainted JIAN BLOSSE .. LYN CH witb tbe cbapf(:r ~bers and their activities. Durin, tbe Christ­ mas holida, out club entertained the Norfolk actives and pled,es at a mornin, coffee, Aiven at the borne of Mrs. S. H. Ferebtt. A local authority on the subject of reincamatioo addressed the WASHINGTON, D.C., SR. Janua...., meetiDJ. In February we reviewed Ibe active cbapter ('1[. aminUlon on the fraternit, and its Histof)'. (ollowed in Much The Wuhina:ton . D.C. Senior Alwnnr Cl ub has had an active b, the deaioo of nfficers for the comillj year. To cdebrate year uader the rner&etic leadership of it. President, Mar8aret Founders' Oa, our Club enjoyrd a potluck supper. AI the Ma, Plummer, ",itb major dfortJ coocentraled 00 increased member­ merting, the DeW offierts were fOlma lly installed. ship and the tn'i. ion of Constitution and By-Laws. &;I,o()1I1I1I \\lllsTCoTT A "rand opening of the 19)6-19H Sf:uon in October wu the occasIon of the fall dinner mttting at Columbia CountC)' Oub de· voted to the Convention R~rt . A- Jl;re lt amount of inteft'SI was RICHMOND stimulated with Grand PresIdent Marianne Wild, Delta Province Vice Presideot, Marie Lingo and D.C. Alpha convention dele· The May l. ~lIer alumnz club of Ri cbmond be"an its 19)6·57 late participatlOS: with the a[umnr club delegate in the program. seuon with I re pon on Convention from nur presIdent and dele­ November actiVIties centered on I n In da, Arro.-craft ule at gate. Mrs. Volney Shepard_ Miss Mary Will,ams, nur province the beautiful Kensinston home of Pew Pledger. 10 December . pruident member who was a lso at Conventinn, discussed Coo­ successful fund raisinl (lrd party "'IS hdd, and in J anuar, I vention items with her for us snd 9ie saw some wonderful color '·Lo,alty Day" luncheon. The February medina: was a " brin, slides nf the activities in California. a new or lost member" tea held 0 0 Valrntine's Oa, al the In NovemlJ(r the PanheUenic Association held its annUli bauar lovely ne'" home o( Jane Ames. Many new and old members at which Pi Btta Phu sold items from Settltment School. We were in attendance. aho augmented the treuury a little wi th some clever need lework The Much meeting was devoted to the dection of officers and o f two of our members in the form of a prize stuffed donkey Ind the revision of the Constitution. The Pounders' Oa, celebration elephant in an elea;on lUessing lame. was beld in April at Arm,-Navy Country Club with the Washing. Dr. Mly Keller and Miss Pauline Turnbull entertained at ton Junior AJ umnr Club u hostesses to active cbapten D .C. A their home in December and I group of our members enjoyed and Maryland B. and Arlington-Alexandria and Washington a lovely lunchton with the cbapter in Williamsburg, in December Senior Alumnr clubs. The inspiring speaker WII Mariln Keck also. Simmoos, Nltional Historian. The )'tit closed with the annual A clever committee, headed b, Mrs. Betty Gtot~e with help May supper and installation of o fficers . from some of our wonderful new me mbers, entertaIned us witb MAaYBIILLB c.u.a Cuny a buffet supptt in February at our clubhouSf: meeting. Husbands and other guests were inVIted and it wu a trul, successful en· deavor. March meeting was duoted to plans for Founders' Day Ind WASHINGTON, D.C. JUNIOR election of olb«rs. Our meeting took place at the home of a fuorite and loyal hostess. Mrs. G. Waddy Wilde_ With Ihe enthus iasm and energy of a young lro"'i~ group. Founders' Day celebration was earl, for us because of our the Washington, D.C. Junior .... Iumnr Oub planned IU most meeting duel and we concluded our ,ur's activities in M.y with ambitious )'ear. The ytlt btgan ""ith a barbecue (or the bendil supper and Installation of officers at the State Fum for Women of Settlement School. This was followed by a benefit card part)' in Gooch land co unty, .t which our Miss Elizabeth Kates. Super­ for the Pi Beta Phi Centennial Fund. The dub joined the Wasb· intendent. wa, hostess. ington, D.C. Senior Club at a dinnel to hear their delegate to Mu, JAwn E. H UB BAAD convention, Mrs. Robert Curf}', speak on tbe 19" Convention. Contributions were made to the annual cake sale sponsored by the Junior Board for the GeorJl;e Washington Hospital. The grOUr also made Chlistmas Ita, flY on and scrapbooks (or the hospita . ROANOKE N a member o( the WashinJton "Plnhdlenic Association, the Lut summer in Roano ke, a Panhellenic Council was formed to club belped with their ..rious cbarities particularl, in the ratRe promote interest in sororilles among Roanoke girls. The Council to raise money for tbe Associations four annual scholarships. To had a tea for all prospective colle,ll;e freshmen on AUJust 18. raise money (or its annual donations. the club sponsored one Each sorority had representati"fCs thue and • displa, of jewelry, night of tbe Montgomery County Pl aytrs prnduction of A"lIl /lUi • . emblems, and pu blicatio ns. Mrs. Charles M.yhew, ou r president tn order to make the meetings more informative and entefUininl this yea r. i. the Pi Btta Phi representative to "PanheileOIC Coun­ three speaken .... ere invited to address the club on various topics . cil. In March tbe club enjoyed desscrts with Maryland Band D.C. A T he Roanokr Club, .-ith U members, had its first meeting of and preseoted tach cbapter witb a Rift. As director of this yurs the yelt on September 9 at the home of Mrs. Charles P. Founders' oa, luncheon the club .... " honored to have Mrs. Mayhew. We entertained our Ictins witb a coke party before Oliver B. Simmons, National Historian, as principal speaker. thelf return to college. M.uY SWITH On October 16 we had a v~ ry interesting cro,um on our Set· tl('IDent School. followed by our annual sa e. We bad a ve ry successful sale considerin. thr siZ(' of our club. Our mquine EPSILON PROVINCE subscriptions hue done ver), well also. We met at the home of Mrs. Larry Phcil on Febru ary 19 for a program on History and Constitution in Ihe form of a ANN ARBoR quiz, and aln held our e1eetion of officers. M an extra part of the program, Mrs. MaTbew gave UJ a very interelting pictorial The Ann Arbor Alumnr Club resumed activity on October 9. account of her recent Cruise in the Caribbean. at a meeting u tbe active chapter house. With the University'a We ended our activi ties this year by our Founders' Da, Pro· football Jeason begun, and fall rushing terminlted, we had a gram and Installation of officers on April 27. After the program, great deal to discws. and we planoed our Settlement School Sale we entert ~ ined our husba ndl at a delicious and enJoyable potluck: which w.. held November n. supper at the bome o f Mrs . Ma)hew. The Sale pro ved to ~ a profitable one, IS well IS an enjoy­ MAaILYN PUTNIIW able social e\'Cot. To add to the Christmas festi .. ities, we entertained ound .. es at an evening of dessert Ind bridRe. SoUTHERN WEST VIRGINIA In February we , ave a party for tbe plcdaes of tbe Ictin ChiP' ter. This is lUuall, an informal get-together to ,ive the pledaes Since the ILlt alWIlDr letter in the AlAo". Southern Wut Vir­ a chlnce to attend aD alumnI!: muting Ind fo r us to rout them. lioia Alumnr Club h .. heen cb~ from Beta to Delta Prov- This year we feel fortuolte to bavc the "cteam of the crop." 274 THE AllOW OF '1 lETA PHI

We elected officers in Much and attended our annual Founders' Oaf Blnquet at " JuncbeQn in April wbue members of the actin GRAND RAPIDS chapter II well as .Iummc commemoutt'd the fint Pi Iku Phil, Tbe Grand Rapids Alumnz Club opened the l('lson We dosed our business Jtar in May with I puty honoring the 19'6·" senior girh. under the leadership of Doris McClintock Wood .... ith In active 31. MAIY REYNOLDS membership of At the re,ullt October meeti.:al. Jeannc Fishcr Snuth, Ihe c1ub'l ddegate to Convention, .l:ave ber report illustrating it .... ith colored slidcs. Tbe Benefit Coffee BUaar, primal)' money BLOOMFIELD H ILLS rlisin, proiKt of the club, ..as held in late October in the bome of Gertrude Jean Dunwell. Enough money was raised to purchl5C The Bloomfield Hills Alumnz Club under the presidency of an opaque projector for the Lincol n School fo r the H andiclpped, Virginia Dttwilcr, upericnced one of the most spinted Ind suc­ which is the local projKt of the club. cessful SClUOOS in rttenl ycau. In November the M. MOllan Shop put on a styl e lbo... for Janet ScOtt provided w with • ""'onderful asSOrtment of pro­ the club, .... ith five of the members acting u modell. The club'l ,rams all yur. Our Stptember barbccue dinner was I real send Christmas party ... u a card party. This year, instead of baving off, with loc.1 actives IS guulS. In October Frances Merker and a gift achange, each member made hcr prescnt in the (orm of ou r own Marnic Christiansen (province president) broul(ht UJ all a contribution to the Centennial Fund. the thrills of Ittendin,!! Conycntion with an clI:cilrnlol firsl hand Loyalty Day .... as celebrated in January. Claire Collins Souter report. The November ,II.lIheling listened enthusiastically 10 :II read a Loyalty Poem .... ritten by trene K ingston. Miss Margaret very timely and inspirma: sp«ch on the United Nations. Christ· Knowles. the dirKtor of Lincoln School, gave an illustrated talk mas time brought a (un party with punch and cookies, games, on the ... ork of the sc hool. In February, Dr. Fred Grey ,IVe and gift exchange. Other meetmgs this year have included a film 3n interesting talk on the "Mental Health of the HOuSe .... ife.' In on Mulement S!hool, pro,gums on oil painting. building a child 's .March. Dorothy Tuttle Hagerman gave an excellent book rcvie .... library, 1I0" 'er arranging, and living in England. Early in April, the club had its Spring luncheon where the Our paid membership this year reached eighty·eight. tops in inactive members ... ere the honOlCd guests. Founders' D",y and rteent years. We rcpe",ted our sale of Christmas paper and cal· nomination of officers came late in April. The year's activities endars, neuing a combined total profit of S142. We continued ended .... ith the annual Spring dinner and installa.tion of officers support to the Oakland County Children's Home through monthly in May. contributions toward cou of materials for craf! classes. Also, in Dunn, the year there have also been several parties with the keepin, ... ith our desire to ~Ip a province active chapter each husbands as guests. year. "'e lent a donation to Michi(l:an A. MAaY BIIIHDHN WYATT Most satisfyin.ll altruistic pro,ect was a benefit skating party at the Detron Curlinfl: Club in Pebruary. Profits of SIH .... ere donated 10 the ne'" Bumir,ham Chapter of the National Founda· GROSSE POINTE tion for Childhood Nephrosis. In Februal)' one of our club members, Ethel jocelyn Watt, The Grosse Pointe AlumnJe Club reviews a very happy year ...·o n the republican nomination (or the University of Michigan with sillty.four active members. In September many ne .... Pi Beta Board of Regents. Phis joined us at Ma ry Garberson's home to enjoy the report of MARILYN MILLER WORTH "Convention Capen" by our prcsKlent, Imolene Keller. The October luncheon ... u a rcal treat. the Arrowcraft Display more tempting than ever, and nooe will forget Alice Shepard', wonderful rnie.... of "Ambasudor Extnrordinary.'· D ETROIT Inspiralion .... ., brou,ltht to our November meetin~ by Mrs. H. C. Koch. Delta Provincc Vice President, and Catherine The Detroit Alumnz Club. comprised o f four individual groups. Grindley's " Heritage in Retrospect," The board meeting lunch. had a total of 98 paid members for the 19}6,'7 season. Each eon surprised Mrs. Koch ... ith our "Potluck Menu" of favorite group meets once a month for its regular meeting and carries reci~s for the ne .... Settlemcnt School Cook Book. on It$ o .... n projects. Sevenl times a year all the groups get to· A Cooky·shlOC highlighted December, and "Chapter Loyalty ,l:cther for meetin.lls. Day" in january. Dc:lta Province President, Mrs. G. T. Christian. Last June our club and the Grosse Pointe Club sponsored ticket sen, related Michigan and Canadian active chlpter ne ...... Follow. ules for a play, "Call Me Madam." at Melody Circus. as our ing the festive V.lentine Dessert It the Grosse Pointe War Mc· joint fund raisin,i: ~rojec t. \VIe raised $ '00 for our Wayne Stale morial in February, ... e made finger puppets for the Kreslc Eye University scholarshiP fund to aid a student in the field of edu· Institute Research Pro~ram. ution for the mentally retarded. In March a movie and speaker renewed our interest in helping All of our sroups held a. joint mee ting in September at the the mentally retarded child. The year's ouutanding proiect with Ivory Polo Club Lounjote. Our program ... as of specia.l interest the Detroit Club .... as a Pi Beta Phi nigbt at "Melody Circus" to to all of us as our president, Mu:ine Morse, f!:IVe her Con· replenish our joint Scholanbip Fund at Wayne Unj,'ersity fOr "ention Report lnd Helen Lewis, Director o f Rushln,i: and Pledge teachers of mentally retarded children. Training. told us about colonization. The y~at closed ... itb April's "Founders' Day Party" and Each year one of our ,roups hoJds an ArrONcraft sale. and " Si,n·Off Supper" in May. this year the North Woodward group had the sale in October, Our untennial fund P!$:Iie Bank was dedicated to the fOU l It ...·as held boch in the ,fterooon lod eveniog, a.nd ...· u most Pi Bet. Phis who lost their lives in July. successful. ELIZABETH K. MHIIKEk In l)e>ce mbcr !'No of our groups filled out gift request cards for the forgotten boys at the Stale Institute for the Menully Re· tarded. LANSING-EAST LANSING A clIY "'ide Founden' Day meetiog was held on April 29, .... hen our province presidtnt, Mltnie Christiansen. spoke to us The unsing,East Lansing Alumtue Dub begin ils year's activi· concerning active'llumnz trlations. ties with a dinner meetin,!!;, held at the home of Barbara Strlnd May 18 closed our club season with a luncheon m«:ting ....ith Soderquist, at ... hich new members .... ere greeted and pllns dis· instillation of new officers. cussed for tbe annual Fall Rumml,e Sale. The Novcmber meet· ISABHL K. FaAKtH ing, held It the bome of Chris I"es Cole w .. In interesting one whlcb feahlred a demonstration 00 , ift wrappins. A very IUC' ccssful Benelit Bridge and Settlement School sale was also held FLINT in Noyember. The IctiveS of Michigan r entertained the club at a Christmas party at the chlpter bouse. At this time tbe club presel'lted the "Europe Ihrou,i:h the eyes of a Pi Phi" was the topic in ,itls .... itb I gift of Arrowcraft place mati lor the new dini~ loom. October when Mrs. Robert Gerholtz related the interestin, lnd The Jlnua,.., business m«tlO, ... as rolJo... ed by Bridie with oflen humorous experiences she hid durin, her month· lon, yjsit Margaret Cheney GlCt'r as hostess. Febtual)' featured two social in Europe. New members. Mn. William Mushall and M rs. events; a Square Dance en;oycd by club members and Ihtir hus· James Martin ...·ere "'eicom(d to the fold at this meetin,. band•. lnd • puty for the new Michi,an r pled,es, witb Mary Some o f the burden of "Iecting tors was lifted from the ... ea.,.., Jackson Trsnter entertain in}:. Marilyn Smith, president of the shoulders of Mr. :lnta Cbus by tbe Toy PHty in No,·ember. It active ch"'pter, ,.avc I ve,.., Inleresting report on Convention at this WlS also a means of raisin~ a little cash fOr Pi Beta Phi proj· time. osI'IED Innu.1 Barbecue Party to entertain the Ictive chaptcr and their THE ARR OW OF PI BETA PHI 275

ncw pltdgn. Aftcr an outdoor suppr:r, coffer Ind dOU,lthnuts wcrc Zeta Province Vic~ PresideDt. IS our It'UtSt. Louise: Ro,ulic, alu.!luue servtd indoors Ind Pat Robinson of thc Ictivc chapttt showcd films delegate to CoDvcntlOn, gave a most int~reslin, and colorful report of Spain. Romt and Gtrmany which she took lan summtr at thc of her visit in Pasadena and l h~ lcu .. it;es of Cooyention. WUSC Stminar. The Chllstmas party, wilb the children from House al Alumnz: mcmbers aucndcd the activc chaptcr Initiation Banquct our gUClits. was beld . 1 the ehapttt holUe. Refreshments and Rifts in N ovembtr It which Evtlyn Sutler. Mani toba A, alumnz: club for eacb child and carol singing by the Ictives ended the year 19,6 treasurer, was ,lIt'st spr:aker. on • "ery happy nOl~. A POI Luck Supper. at the home o f our prCliidcnt. Ann Fishtt, A "come IS you are" Inb sale fOI the girls .... IS held in bt,an the Deccmber MtCtins. January and proved highly successful Ind "'e ""ere asked to r.''" Also in Dtccmbtr, thc club convcned a bakc table and tea room anothtr sale before the end of the "hool yur. In February, fol o ... · (or thc active chapter Bnur. Ing a ,hor! business metting. an evening of bud,e ... as enJo)'ed by On Fcbruary 20, . 'e htld a "ety succeuful Otucrt Bridge and Ihe groul'. H. t Show. the procttds of which .0 to our Canadian ProJcct, th.1 A coffec bour with th~ new pled'!;es in March and the uaditit'lnal of loaning money to Post Graduate students wishing to study Social Founden' Day dinner In Apnl fulfilled our ..· ish to have a cloKr Work at any of our Can.dian uni"ersitin. Our own members conuct with the active gills. modelled the spring hat collection al lhe Sho"" .nd the commentJry The Senior Party in Mly ... ,u a lovely dessert party. held at the ,,'U given by Mar,aret Ficek. CoR"tC and a Vllltty of dustrts ""ere home of Anna Ruth Haworth Wallace. and the graduallng seniors Krved buffet·style. w~re inducled inlO the alumnz luociation. DElLA SUTTON MII.DRE!) GKOSS COUlMAN


Our I lumnz: club scheduled five regular mtCtin,u for the year The Columbus Alumnz: Club entenained twelve guests at I rush 19,6·19)7. We Ire mlking preparations for work on a local project party in July. The theme was " H II""uha's Hideaway," with the In Battle Creek. Michi,an. committee members ... ealln,lt ' ndian costumCli and cookinA hamburgers POl Founders' Day. Ihis year, ""e arranged a special program to on an outdoor grill. The guests ""ere presentcd copper bncdeu. be given at a cu,y·in luncheon. and everyone thoroughly enJored t h~mstlvrs. Phyllis Linke and NATALIE Ft SC HER Ma ry Cay Carter prescnted a skit. and group sin,ing ... as enjoyed afterward. On October 17. th~ Ilumnz: club WIS hostess to I Se ll lem~n t School Coffee gIven in Ihe home of Mrs. Ann McQueen Thompson. TORONTO, ONTARIO Samples of the merchandist mad~ at Settlement School "'ere dis· pla yed on small tables, and gunts werc Invited by all members of W ith their Buu.r in November, the T oronto Pi Ikb Phis con· the club. Cofftt. dou,hnuts. and rookies ...· ere se"ed. Approxi. Ctn hated on lillie e1st up to that lime. It is " 'onderful how this mately $Ho worth of merchandist WIS sold. We also sold bo lu big affair attracts a/umnz: ... ho haven't b«n heard of for months of ribbon this year, total in/!: over S ~O to add to our treasury. and spirit runs at an all time h i&h! Eve ryone ""as enthusiastic and W~ had IS our 8ue~ t , Mrs. una Morrow, province vice presi· met once or t .. ice a ..tCk in their lillie ~roups to finish articles and dent. at our Nov~mbe r mee l in~ in the home of Mrs. JoAnn Biker. fill quotas. We ""ere nOt only pleased ""ith the increase in spirit but After the businCli5 meetinli;. refreshments were served by M rs. ... ith the financial help the Bazaar and Raffle Aave our House Com· B~ker, assisted by Mrs. Mildred Curry Wucker, and Mrs. Doltha mittee and Project Fund. We mlde over $ I,OOO! Pearce. The December 'nd January meetings ""ere shued with the a C liv~s . T he J anuary meeting ""IS held It the home of Mrs. Margaret We held our annual Birthday Party in December and the .cti'l'e Huding Gt-orge. A des.scrt course wu served. and aftcr I Ihort

Final mcetin~ of the fur ..... held at the HiU'fjcw Country Club in the mom in" tea. in the aftcmooo. Customers Sll' this makes in June. Fifty year PI Beta Phis and gradultinS scnion wen shopping more {un . The club's project of hand cuttin& attows to honored. sell to other alumnae and acti'e clubs bas kept the budget in PAUUNB Vo.. " the black. Reci~s for the pj Bctl Phi Cookbook were brou,bt to a pitch in luncheon It Eugenia Mathew Kleinknecht's. Edith Anne Hoop· iOJarner Lee and dlughter Lucinda, an Ictive member of tbe H AMMOND Denison chlpter. were co·bostesses It an annual Mother·Daughter coffee during the holidays. Thil party is one of the favorites of We were happy to welcome four ncw members at our fiut meet· the year and iJ hl(lpily attended by Pi Beta Phis Ind their pro.­ ing. After romp'letin&: out business. we heard I report of the COD­ pective Pi Betl PhIS. Husbands were "rewarded" by a pitcb in vention in California. We had no delegate this year, but hope to dinner in Clmbridge City It the home of Adellide Lidikay Boyd. send one Igain in the future, IS it is • most wonderful Ind en­ Founders' Day Luncheon WIJ observed at Elitabcth Parker's lightening u~ricncc. We had I display of the Settlement School Restaurant with officer installatIon following. The year closed crall. We then enjoyed I social, gct-acquainted ('venin, of bingo. with a Mother.Dau.&htet pitch in st the countr,. home of Dorothy MD. Cltl G. Erickson sbowed color slides of cldy' ~intinp of OUen Lahae. ~bdonnlS, Ind paintings depictina: the Birth of Chmt for ,our MIS. J. J. KNOX Christmas meeting. She pointed out the styles of the different artlStsc and it tvU interesting to obscrve how the, &radIUU, ad.pte

LOUISVILLE When the Blrmin~ham Alummr: Club re

Our Christmas Ball fo llowed V(ry c1 ostly. This year our club FORT LAUDERDALE ,lt lve the dance with the Chi Omega and Delt. Delta Delta Alumn% Clubs. h wn a tremendow success. ant.! being our only The presence of aClivt$ and pledges :u guests of honor made tht money making proiect of the year, we were very pleased with the Chmtmas coffee 3t Jessie FIs her Millikan's home I mosl memorable resulU. m«tin,. Fl orida A, Florida r. Vermont A. :and Ohio JI Chaplw On f nunders' Day ..' e tntt with Florida r Chapter of Rollins, were rcprtstnlcd by these girh who brought tbe Frate rnity bonds .nd the club's new elected officers were iosbllt"d. closer to each ~ I um n l. YYONNE! OLlYEit MILLICAN The celebration 01 Founders' Day, the $e'ttlemcnt School display Jnd salc. and the study of the History .od Constitution of Pi lku. Phi wcre the more serious proaums for the yur. A meetinR de­ signed for conversation and a card party helped the members become P ENSACOLA better acq u ainu~d. Dorothy Gilliam Hamilton wu the commentator for an informal We began this year's activities .... ith a luncheon fo r rushees at the fas hion sho .... when Virginia Holmes Fraser optncd her home to Country Club In AU ,ICus t. It was atlractively served and ""ell It· members and guests. 001 Hyland GaOl, Ann loomis Miller, Ruth tended by both alumnae and actives. During the lear we held five Vincent Knight and her daughter. Ebine Kn ight H:anigan were regular meetin~s under the leadersh ip of our presi ent, Emmy Gunn the modeh. Foy. We had a progrlm on the Settlement School in October and A pot lucie SUPPCOf, enterlJininsr: husb;l.nds and dates, was held It on Loyalty Day in February. Our April meeting consisted of a the home of Dorothy Drake Weston. club president. A d inner dance Founders ' Day luncheon u the Country Club. and in M.y we held was given in May. RU5hmll; " 'U the tOpiC for the june mtcting, a formal installation celemon, for ou r new offi cers. During the The f ort lauderdlle Alulnnll: Club feels proud 10 number among Christmas holidays, IS is our custom we gave a party, I Mornin,8 its membtrs Kuh l)'n Leul ... ·iler Tanton. who has been nlmed Coffee, honoring actives and pledges. We always welcome thIS Theta Province Supervisor on Fratern ity Study and Examination. opportunity to keep in touch with th( Sirls at college. Pi Beta Ph is held importanl offices in Ihe Pan hellenic Association We h.ve :ill legular membership of about twenty·four, ... ith addi· ()f Fort Lauderdale, Beuy Sprin,ter Coons was presidenl and jessie tions from time to time as Navy ,..ives come here temporarily fo r Millikan was secretary. Doro thy Cope lin Willis, Kay Tanton, and sta tion. We have been organiz.t"d for about nine ~urs. \'<'e are Marlery Young Marlin held chairma ns hips. proud of the fact that eight of our small group partlciplted in the S.. UA C,,,THItYN JONES S .... LL Wom(n's Division of the Community Chest Drive last f all . under the leadership o f t ... o of our charter alumnz membtn Marjorie Atlee Parks (Mrs. L C.) and Maa:ine Hengst Huff~ rd ( Mrs. D. E.), Ind that the, achieved. IKord for that division. LAKELAND FIANCES STitYKEIt M .... CPIK II

The Lakeland Alu mn~ Club nf Pi Bela Phi hu enio)'ed another successful ytar under the rruldency 01 Millie Conlbtar. In Stptembtr, a ~roup 0 active Pi Beta Phis from the Centul ST. P ETERSBURG Florida area entertained their rushees "'ith a swimming party at the home of ou r president, under the sponsors hip of the La keland The St. Petersbut,!!: Alumnz: Cl ub opened its season of meetings AllUtlnlle Club. The success of this event was shown by the pledging on September 19 and continued Ihrou.ll; h j une with a sp lendid array of fou r rushees from Lakeland. Three are now pledges ;l.t Florida of programs under the ludership of our caplble president and Sute University and one is a pled.ll;e at Duke University. program chaitman, Mary Ben D upptrrault Ind Esther Mcleod The Decembe r meetinF was a Chris tmas tea given at the home Shaver, resptCtively. of Ikssie Kibler. This IS becomi ng an annual event to "'hich we Highlights o f the yea r were the November meetin,!!: with the all look forward. This yea r the new pkd,ltes and their mothers were Tlmpa Alumnz Club as our guests. The Convention report was ,ltuests of honor and tach pledae was presented with a gift from Itiven with tbe aid of colo red slides; the Loyalty Day Luncheon ; the alumnz club. Founders' Oa, Luncheon' and the annual Cook,·shlne meetin,lt . Our club hu hId 100% membership lor Ihe: PlSt 2~ yurs and Undc:r the guidance of Genevieve Kaleel and Nancy Hoag, Ways we an ticipate Ihat our record .... iIl continue for the comin$ year and Means projects this }'ear included a Hobby Sale and Iwo suc' Iithough Lakeland's Golden Arrow member. Mrs. F. T. SU it, has cusful rumm2ge sales. The Hobby Sa~t is most delightful. for it moved 10 La ke Alfrt"d. is not only a w.y of making money but it Itives the members a In a few "'eeks "'e will be hostess to the spring lunchton of chance to show off their respective talenu. Each member brin,.:s Pan hellenic and are currentl y busy making plans for this affa ir. some article that she has made, such IS a pi«e of jewelry, an GEORCI .... ANN UTTEltBACK AKn" apron, baked goods, or even decora ted trays. Then, these are auctioned off to the highest bidder among the members. This sale is U5uallr at the December meeting so that the sale will coincide with Christmas gifts, MIAMI At th( last meeting of the yea r, lushi ng recommendations were discussed with the . ctive Pi Bela Phis. wh o had returned from Miami Pi Beta Phi Al umn:r Club has hId several interesting college. events the rut ytar under the leadership of jeSJie BootOn Sam· SALUE M . S LOCK EIt mons, ou r president. \Ve have done unusually ... ·ell in our sta tionery and card sales, fl.hry Price Varly beinl!: in cha rge. ''<'e also had a successful rum· rna,lte nle in the fal l. T AMPA Our projeCt, addreuin,lt envelopn for the Mental Health Society. is the pme II last year. In connection with our proje-ct at our The tn«tings of the Tampa Alumnz Club begIn on October 9 D«embe r mettin,lt each one brou~ht a gift suitable for a pJlient It at the home of Martha White . ,.,·ith Ann Livingston. president, a menU I hospital. ~/ e aho brought ;l.nd showed our favorite utending I welcome to Pi Iku Phi newcomers to Tamp• . Mrs. Christmas arrangements and told how to make them. Laura Carnes, our Golden Arrow member , prese nted a summary of We had a Christmas coffee in December at the beautiful home of memories of her fifty yun in Pi Beta Phi. Nancy Mereke McCowan honoring all the pledi;es. actives, and In November, the Tamp. and St. Petersbu rg Clubs joined fOr their mothers. an evening meeting at Cr.ft Villlge in St. Petersburg. Their Con· We feel that we were in clOst touch with the colonizuion of ven tion delegate showed beautiful color slides in connection with Al abama I' IS our o""n Lois Overstreet Summers, province vice her excellent report. president. Wat there .nd brought back first h.nd reporu. A Christmas Coffee was liven in D«ember in the beautifull, Februuy 2}, we had a brid.ll:e luncheon at the Riviera Country de-corut"d bome o f Vir,!;: inia Mullen. Club in Cou l Gables. There was an unusually attractive Settlement The Cricket Tn Room W&5 again the scene of the Loya lty Day School display arranged by the cha irman, Alderine j ennings Moore. luncheon in january. wi th jackie EVI ns in charge of the progum. Slle of different articles ..' as most ntisfactory. To mttI our bud,ll:et, another bake sale was held in j anuary. We celebrated f ounders' Day at a luncheon at the Key Siscayne The ",'0 following evenin, meetin,s were held in the homes o f Hotel Apri l 27, closin.ll; a most succusful year. Marjorie Nickell and Minote Mac Ev ans, with clever quiz pro· FLO.ENCI KI!I!U'I AIIEL ,ltlams on the Constitution .nd Settlement School. The year clostd "'ith a Founders' Da y dinner It the P~lml C oi~ Golf Club. New officers for the comina year were installed. ORLANDO-WINTER PARK GlADYS hl.ND hAZEl!

T he Orlando· Winter Park Alumnz: Club begin its summer activi· ties b, assisting .t the :annUlI Panbtllenic RU5 h P.rty. In Jul" the IOTA PROVINCE acti"e chapter members were our gutsu .t a supper given by the club, which WIS followed b, I joint meeting. New alumnz members ...· ere introduct"d, and we were pleased to wel c~ si. new members ARLI NGTON H EIGHTS into our club. The tuditional Cbristm.u sUfPtr was held .1 Mn. Walter All charter manbers or our club "'ere present or sent greetings to T ucker's h~ , and the success 0 the covered dish dinner promised the September meeting wh~n Elsie ).I ulur Hubbard was bonored thar it will become a club tradition. After tbe dinner, the membtn: for ber devotion Ind service 10 Pi Beta Phi. uchangt"d gifts and contributed toys for local underprivileged jJne McConley Faner was ch.irman of our most ",«euful children. Attowcu ft sa le. Proceeds from a colf« Sqtember 26 in Mount 279 THE AllOW OF PI anA "HI

been sold out entirely. H ow~v er. "'e llUy be abl~ to make arranle· Prospect snd I coffee Stptember 28 in Arlington H eights tots led menU for s ocw ",pply. '1,}06, We elltend • cordIal invitation to .11 Pi Beta Phis in the Irta At the £all m«tinlS. severll Ictin members of JIIinois E "00 "'ould like to join us at our evenin. meetings. discussrd ChlptCf interests witb us. I stimullting Convention repon DoROTHY DYSOl'l was given, aDd slides of Ma.ico were sho .... n. A large ChristmlS I»rty with the husbsndl .... IS fun in December, Febl'llu,"s Vilentine meetin,c included bridge. Flre.... ell hind· sbowers were Itiven for our President. Eleanor Nichols CHICAGO ORTH Gengler. and our Rccording Sccrcury, j osephine Fontaine Mc· Nurlcn, V lrgloia Estes Burfeind .nd lis MIller grsciously cons.cnted President Jo Moynihall was hostcsJ to • Christmas party in to fill tbeir offices for the rc:mslndn of the l~lr. Drccmbet. The outstanding tDphomore in lou Province Wl$ selected to One of Chicago North's most interesting projects is our contri· receive the Arl ington Heilhts Award. The popular cooky,shine bution to the Eckhart Parle Fieldhouse. a Prolect in which our honoring the Foundet1i and club binbday wu celebr:ll.cd in April. club joins the K'·en other Pi Bets Phi alumnle clubs in the Chi· A picnic .... as planned for j une. CI,O area in helpinS to prow ide, for the children who 50 despe· Several new ideu were initiated this vtlr. Gladvs Osborn HIli ruely need the help of such s center. materills for th~ Eckhan became o ur first Scholarship cbairman. Salu of bakery Ji:oods before Parle hobby shop. prius and equipment for their sports program m«tin~ furthe:red our fund to sponsor I Convention dtlcglle. A and Christmas pres.cnts for th ~ children. monthly lunchffln and clld party wU org anized in addition to our Our club jOined Chicl,lto Area Council in celebrating Founders' relulu meetinK$. Day at the Westmoreland Country Club on April 27 al1J after the N O"'A KIIIKPAT IU CK G llI l'PITIt luncheon visited the Ictiv~ chlpter at North.... estern University, EYanston. MARY J.INDIIMANN AVON-BUSHNELL The Libbie Brook Gaddis Alumnle Club opcn~ its year with I CHICAGO SoUTH d inner mtttin,l! It the home of the program chlirman. jlcqueline Luper WillilmJOn. Eve!1n Frederick. our Convention delepte. The ChiCl,lto Alumnle Club South held • cooky-shine on reported interestin,::ly on Convention hig hlights. 5cptember 26 I t th~ horne of our trelSurer, Nancy Marshall By wsy of lro,l!ram. at our N ovember 1 merling, Marion Rose Scheidt. The hostesses (Z group) had a lalie cookie deconted Lillie revicwe the interestin,lt re ports of Mrs, Virgin is Buckett .. ith the Ano ..' in the middle and frosted in wine and hlue. Tiny Grecn, Settlement School chlirman. and M rs. Marion Mueller, candles were let in the Ar ro ..· and lighted. All members ,,'ere Settlement School director. Arrowcraft ,Roods .·ere on display It stlted in I c ircl~ . the lillhts "'ere dimmed and as ..' e ung a this mectin,lt. The sir.e of our community docs not warrant a public Pi Beta Phi song. th~ c oo ltl~ " ' IS pasSled around and each membel ule of SettlellK"nt School articles each y~lt\ but a suppl, is leept took a bite. Then Grace Flood Hicks introduced n~w officers to on hand Ind is IVlilable to members and any oth~ r Interested new members and Barbara Qualkinbush Trimbl~ reponed on Con· persons, yention. The fund nising project was I theater weekend in Ne.. · Due to illntss our Chris tmas luncheon wu hdd in j snuary. In Yorlc at th~ Waldorf·Astoria. Ticlcets ~' ere sold by III alumn~ obsertance of Chapter Loyalty Day each member Inswered roll sout h groups Ind we made I profit of 140). Wle continued the nil by tdling the name of the chapter into which she . ·u initiated, policy of a continuous Settlement School $lIe ~' i th items on display This wu • social mttIinlC I t th~ home of Ruth Woods. at each meeting. At our March m«tinjl; Frances Ross Dayis revi ~wed the hook. The SC("ond m«tin,ll:. in addition to the monthly meetings held THE GRASS IS NEVER GREENER. by Robert Thomas Allen, by the separate ,lt roups, .... as a cooky·shine at the home of I ~c k ie Our club IIK"mbcrsh ip of seYent~n now includes four Golden Dod Corngan on Februal}' 6. Election of officers was held, fol owed by a talle and slides on Germany .':iven by Pi Beta Phi. jean Foyer. Arrow m~mbers. Helen Leonard Dall and Clrrie Clary Chain .... ere hoste sses for The springtime m«ting, a box supPer and costume pnty. wu It our Founders' Day meeting in April . 'hich closed our 1956· 1957 the hom~ of GrICe Flood Hicks on March 13. yea r. All alumn~ II roups in the area celebrated Found~rs' Day at a DoNNA W. HATCH luncheon in Wilmette and a tour of th~ chapter house It North· western University, At the lut board mectin,t on May) we had installition of new

CHAMPAIGN-URBANA officers. E VELYN VOIGT T UTTIIl The Champaign·Urbanl Alumnr has had an int~rcsting and busy year. At the first fall m«tin,t in September our p r esid~n t . Mrs. W. P. Hutchinson. g~ye I re port on her trip to Convention. The CHICAGO WEST SUBURBAN members of tht pled,te clau of Illinois Z were our guests in October, II I tn In the home of Mrs. W . L. Collins. Ikrausc of the size nf our aCli\'e m~lIlbership. the \X'es t Suburban NOYember wu a busy month for our cl ub. On the 1 ) th "'e hel d Alumnr Club is divided in to an aft~rnonn luncheon ~roup who.s.c another succusful Seulemtnt School Sale in the Garden Room of chairlllan is Margaret Meelc. aod In enning group chaued by KaT the Urblna·Lincoln Hotel. This WIS in lieu of I December m«ting. Vaughn. Prognms for separate me~ting s have included a Loyalty At th~ re~ular monthly mectin,t th~ theme " 'IS " Pi Beta Phi Ind O:.y quiz. a spealeer on ant ique furniture, prOpOsals for revision of the Culin.ry Art." For s potluck supper each one brought her our Constitution. and color slid~s of Europe. favorite dtsh and the recipe for it. Favorites wtre voted on and In October we held our In nUll party for Pi Beta Phi friends . the follo .... ,ng hid thtir recipes submitted to National for th~ new futu ring our Settlement School sale. Our summer Innl: sale of Pi Btta Phi Cook Boole : Mrs, Lucille Flttcher, M rs, L C. Dalton, chances on a " 'eek end SI the Waldorf came tn a y~ry happy con· Ml"S. W . B, Ha yes . Mrs. Franle Mtnlrd, and Mrs. W . G. Palm~r. clusion fo r one Pi Beta Phi friend wh~n th~ dtawin,!t ,,' U held. All locsl recipes have been compiled in book form and .... e Ire follo"'ing In interestin.':. capsule style show presented by a local .s.clling them for a smlll profit for our club. store, The sale of chances WIS most successful in providing our club 1n J~nu1lry we entertained the Mnion of Illinois Z for brunch "' ith funds to further ')ur charitable and other projects. II the Champaign Country Club. At the Februlry mect in,lt Miss Our Christmas brunch for Ictiyes and the t.·elve n~ .... pl~dges Maud B. Fry pres.cnted tht program- &"iJhi,,& BOftJom. The from our area .... as held aRain this year. annual afternonn desse rt bridge wu enj o~d in the lovely new Convention reports were presented to both of our ,!troups by home o,f M rs. Thomu Bcr,lter. As II ways the alumna: club join~d club president Margaret Meek, and Alto Bingaman. retirin,lt province the act iY es at the chapter house in Apri l in commemoration of vice president . Mrs. Bingaman, who was chairman of the nominat· Founders' Day. At the fina l meetin,lt of the year in May M rs. ing committ« at Conyen tlon, described for us the tremendous Clyde Hobart told about her world travel). amoun t of worle r equir~d of thlt and the other cOUlmitteu. We NANCY JONES BUll)C.1I were 111 happy to learn that Fay G ross ,,'as elected province pr~si· dent . Ind 1\'e wish her every success in this important poSition. This year .... e again prescnted a year's sc holarship to I.yons CHICAGO BUSINESS WOMEN Township Junior Colle.l:e, to an outstlndin.': 1\'oman student. While we arc not closely connected with an actiYe chapter . • 'e present~d This year the Chicago Business Women's Alumn~ Club has a check to one of th~ ch~p ters in our province. W/e abo gave b«n happy to welcome a number of ne .... members. The meetings financial support to the Bonapar t ~ School for Ellc~p t i ~nal Children. have been .... ellatlended Ind most enjoyabl~ . T o start the hll s.cason We help provide a Merry Christmas for the Eckhart Park Settle· .... e were invited to I dinner meeting at the home of Helena H unl men t House. in River Forest. With the c1osin,lt o f th~ CoII~ge Club it WI ~ We looked forward to nu r annual Founders' Day banquet Ind necessary to find another c~ntral location fo r some of ou r merlin,lts . we had a song s.cssion and an auction for our May m«tinjts. and the Catholic W omen ' s Club has provided a convenient spot. MAIIVLOU K INSALLY I.UNCRIIN A lovely Christmas party It the home of Kay Middleton. and a smorgasbord dinner and puppet apers It the Kungsholm Resuurant ..'~ re fWO highlights of the year. Found ~rs' OOlY . 'u cdebuted .... ith D ECATUR other ChiuJ;o Ilumnle clubs at I luncheon. Our interest in Eckhart Park. I Chica~o community center, The Decatur Alumnle Club began the year's activities by helpin, continues Ind we h.ye been happy to contribute to thell fund for t h~ Millikin University chapter with an ~nthusiutic and successful summ~ r clmp for ,!tiris. The Pi Beta Phi cr~su for use on jackets rushing prOfum, Everyon~ was pleased .... ith the bright. fresh and bluers. which we organized IS s fund raising project, have 2.' THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI

look 01 the chapler house, a rcsult of a complttc redecoration pro· gum carried out dunng the past swnmcr. J ACKSONVILLE, I LLI NOIS We were honort'd Ihis fall with a visit by Mrs. William Mans· field. . h d (Amy B. Onken) The purpose of out annual Christmas Bazaar was accomplis c this year, .nd the mortgage on the chapter house has bttn reduced. The Amy B. Onken Alumnr Qub was r.rivile8e:d to open the club The alumnz: dub held a profitable Rumm.age Sale Ih •• year. )'(lr by entertaining Marianne Reid WI d. Grand President, .nd A potlucic supper, a ,II:.y Hom«oming dinner ,and :I Chri}lmU Alire Wrbl!-r M anl~ld Grand Vice Pre,ideot. at a luncheon at party were given by the alumnz club for the utlvc chapler. the: home of Helen Wadddl Drury in September. The proaram wu I. A delightful prognm o f piano seleaions by Marilyn Myers Mc­ ddightful resume of Convention by our ddesate to Pludena, Cann marked the March m«lin•. The Founders' O.y dinnu was Eleanor Brockhouse:, hi,hlighttd wilh I skit by the active chapter. The November lDCCtinR was held at the home of Elizabeth Winger Paisley. The pro,grarn was devoted to the nearest chapter Illinois 11, Gifu wcrc presenu:d the gradultinlt seniors .t the .In nUl' May t Brukfast ~ivcn by the .Iumnz club. This (vent brought 10 I close in addition 10 mformation about other chapters in thiS province. a most cOloy.blc year under the able Indenhip of Mollie Dence I n February we met with Alberta Barrett Sudbrink in the new Roesler and RobertI. Oplinger Shepard. dormitory at Illinois College, Irene Butcher Onken Itave the pro­ PAnlOA ScANLAN IIlISH gram on Settlement School in the form o f a quiz. Prizes (or the hiAhest scores were won loy Alberta Sudbrink and Enna Elliot! Johnston, Amy Burnham Onken entertained the club in March. The pro. D UP AGE COUNTY gram on the Constitution WIS preSented by 8arabara Smith Red ­ sh.:lw. The Nina Harris Allen AlumnI: Qub has ~ain had a ve1 Founders' Dar wa5 observed in April at the: home of Barbara succ~sful year and a most enjoyable one. Our first m«fing, hel Rtdshaw, club president, fo llowing luncheon. at the home of Ella Koucky in Elmhurst, was a buffet supper, and The club year closed with the May meetinR at l\hrcy Mc. • 'e were very fortunate In having Mrs. Alta Bingaman, our Quillan's. ElectiOf and installation o f officers took place . former province vice president to give us a ' report on the Con­ MAIICY McQUtLLAN vention at Pasadena, At this meeting we also had formal inslalla­ tion of new offi cers. In October Miriam Berg of Glen Ellyn opened her home to the club for a white elephant sale at which everyone had a hilarious LAKE CoUNTY time. The L.ke County, illinOis, Alwnnr Club closed its year wilh a A lunchton meetin. was held in Novmber .It the home of Win luncheon at the Great lakes Officers Club in M.y and had a de. Pellett in Elmhurst I.nd Grace Dot}, one of our members, gl.Ve I. vc r:! entertaininlJ book report. licious lunchton at the same place in September. In June we had a pot luck supper with the actives in the area al the home of Quite a few of our members find it impossible to attend our Mitzi Frost. In December we had our sccond annual pot luck with aflernoon In«tings I.nd SO have formed an evening group with a representative to our Executive Board. our husbands as auesu at the home of Mary Ann Owens. The husbands voted on the rccipes to be submitted for consideration In January we hid an evenin. meeting oE both crouPS at the in Ihe Pi Beta Phi cook book. All had a Vtry enjoyable time. hnme of Eddee Lilliston in Glen Ellyn, a dessert·bridge party, In January the Settlement School slides . 'ere shown along with N~tor Thonvaldson of Elmhunt was hosless at the February lunchoen at which Mr. Chules A. Ross .cave an interesting demo pictures of Holt HOUH: taken by Anne lyman. We looked forward onstration of cake decorating. to eleclions and the Founders' Day observance in the sprinR. We now halle " active members in the county and hope to In order to raise money to take cl.re of donations such U elmp have more next year. scholarships for underprivileged children, active chapter donations, etc., we have a baked Roods raffie at each meetinR with members ANN S. BAN liS taking turns furnishin,ll: the products of their kitchens. We all looked forward to our luncht'On in April celebrating Founders' Day. MILTON T OWNSHIP, ILLINOIS LO IS D. SIMMONS This has been a ycal o ( varied and stimulating uperiences; Illinois Bell Telephone Company's " Your voice is you" aave rise to "Oh, Ihat can't be ME' after hearina our 090'n voices on GALESBU RG tape: noted professional photographer, Ric Gaddis \'(fehrmann, spcai.:inlt on "Photographin,ll: Your Children" inspired many The Galesburg Alumnz Club started off the year's activilies with Brownies out of retirement; • white elephant nle trumpcle:d up a summer picnic at the home of Mn. Edwin Gumm, where plans our treasury; slides of Conventions and .In "as if lOU were Ihere" were made to hdp the Knox College actives with rushing in leller accompanying Ihem, stimulated proicel Ihinktng to finance a November. The nuh parlies were held in several alumnz homes delegate from our club; a Christmas sing. with laura Coon ley at in GalesburlJ. One of the most successful parties was an antique the organ, launched the season ;1nd our gifts 10 Seltlement School Sf Ie show with .Iumnr model1in~ clothes of earlier timts. and a local scholarship fund; a ChinCH: Auction bake: ule con­ Regular IIIC'Clings for this year Included • fall picnic with the vinced all husb.nds Ihat Pi Beta Phis arc indi.,iduallr and roll«. actIves of 8 A, a t.1 /k on hobbycuft. the pledge dinner honoring tivelr THE best cooks; Founders' Day meant its most in memOlles new p/edses II Ihe Galesburg Women's Club, a paper about the with a Cooky,shine; and • pot luck supper, spouses included, Settlement School, a lecture on cancer by a doctor. the Founders' was an asked for repeat of lut year's success. Oa, dinner, the "little Auct ion Hou$C," ;md social hours oE Next year, Ihe new-ne.... proj;tulIlS, new projects, new members. bridge. These m«tinl!:s were well attended by our '0 active mem· but always the sa.me spirit , Ihe same bond-th.t of Pi Beta Phi. bers. LoIII!!LIlI TOWlE MAIIS HALL SALLY HUTCHClOI'T

M ONMOUTH I LLINOIS Fox RIvER V ALLEY One of the hiahlighlS of the year for the Monmouth Alumn:le Illinois Fox Riller V.llez Alumnr Club began the year in Sep· Club was the Settlement School Sale held at the Colonial Hotel in tember . ,ilh a Pot l uck nr fllf:mbcu and husbands at the home October. late last summer, the embryo of what was to become a of Mrs. Robert Taylor. We had an excellent turnout and enloyed lIemcndously successful endeavor wu forming in Ihe minds of a lalk and slides of India prcsnted by Mrs. lee Thurow. Ihe Settlement School Committee. These plans were brou,e:ht be· October found us at the home o f Mrs. Ernest Miller for our first fore the club at the first fall mccting at Holt House. With Ihe: regular meelin.e:. AI this time, rushing reports were gillen by Mrs. full cooperation of all members the siftna l for "full speed ahead" Albert Hanscom, rushin.e: chairman, and Mrs. Donald Gates WIS .....as aiven on a style show, accompanied by desH:rt. Modelin, Ihe elected lreasurer to replace Mrs. Donn Johnson who was leaving late51 st71es in furs .'ere the members from the alumna: club Ind the area. the Airls from the active ch.pter of Monmoulh College. Following Over Ihree hundred Invitations were sent out for our Settlement the style show a nle of Arrowcraft was held in the lobbr of the School Sale held the middle of Oclober at Mrs. John Reimers' hotel. Betty Vance, chairman, reported • guest list of a hundred home. Everyone wu quite ple.sed with Ihe outcome of our ule. and Ihirty, cominl!: (rom as far as Peoria. In January, Mrs. J.mes Pitcher .cted as bostess for our card party, In December a jOint desscrt mcttinR with Ihe thfC'C' other .lumnllC and f:ebruary wu hi.llhlightcd by a surprise coolry-shine piannC

P EO RIA The Tri,City A lumnz Club has had I verI succeuful yur undtr the ludeuhip lirst of Phyll is Welsh H al ene. who movtd Phyllis Webb talleed on the combination and use o f colors in in January to Floud.a, and thtn E[a ine Vlfquain Wood.ard, who interior derouting for the November meeting. Settlement School succeeded her. The year started with an organiution.[ meeting Items were displ.al'ed, and pl.ns for .a bllee ule were co:npleted. and grft ... r,pyinA demomtution in September It the homt of A humorous skit depicting Christmas customs Ind cooking Moll y R~mm Jtnleins., A report on rushing was Biven .at the home Hound the world was the hl~hlight of the December party with of V,vienne L.arsen Wdson rn October. the combined groups .ttending. A Settlement Schoo l S.ale and Tr.A, the tirst in sc\'eral years In January .a pro~um entitled " Exterior DecoutinB." on the in this vicinity, ... as htld in November II the ne ... home oC prope~ use: of COSmttlCs, was presented by .. Merle NOrman rtpre· Dotothy Spuks Ericson. sentatlve, We III enloyed a Christmas p.arty held with actives .and pledge'S, Election of offi cers ... .&5 held during the Much meet in,!; followed home f


This )-tar our club has enjoyed .a marleed incruse in Ittendance KAPPA PROVINCE at each monthly m«tmA. W£ are happy to have an ever growmg group, In Septtmber we met to org.anile rummage for the s.ale the B ELOIT foll n" ' ing day. Our rummage nle netttd uS over ' 70. Our October meeting "'u devoted to rtports Ind lellers about At the October mmin,lt .,'e ...· ere introduced to uch new Wis· Convention. In Novtmber we enjoyed .a program about Settlemtnt consin B pledJc. Chapter delegates, Judy Meek and Diana Manh, School. Our December meetlnB is a Chfistmu p.arty with Bifts presented an illustrated and edited report of the Convention geafed and fun for .a[1. 10 Ilumnz interest. The Settlement Scbool Tea and Sale took At our january meeting we discussed things 10 be done for place on t .... o consccutive afternoons late in October, and with our ne.arest chaptu, Wisconsin B. february is the month M.:uianne Reid Wild visited tht Beloit campus in November and 'or husbands and we had .a .... ell .attended pot luck supper. Eltt- spolee to us on ch:lpter affairs ... hich she ftlt should be the con· 282 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI

cern of associate·chapter Ilumn~ clubs. Mrs. Wild stimulated us ing demonstration o f the wonderful foods th.t can be made in an to complete the ('veni ng with II lively discussion. electric blender. Two Christmas partiu 9.'crr held in December. One replaced In M arch ..... e had a style show. dessert and bridge at the Tripoli our monthly mteling when the chapter cnleruintd us at a " Hanglng Country Club. ProfessIonal models showed the latest fashIons of the Gr«ns" guhcrinJ!:. the aiumnE provided the refreshments. fcom one of our finer stores, All ollhe procteds ... ent to our local Our dInner in Frbruary was 5han~d by senior ~bcrs of Wis­ charity, the Golden Agers' Group from Neighborhood House. consin B to acquJint them .,·jlh their cn m i n~ status as alumn~. At our regular March meeling one of our furriers talked to In March, Shirley Peterson White spoke, conctrnin.e: loyalt" of us about furs. inside and out. current Pi Bela Phi matters of interest both locally and n:ati on:ally. Wle celebrated Founders' Day with a dinner at White Manor Rockford Alumme were invited to join us at our April. Foun­ Tnn. M rs. Mills from Chicago gave her monologue on the Foun· deu' Day, meeting. Ep Jso d~ surrounding the founding of Pi ders. This skit has become very popular amonR the clubs and Beta Phi ""cre revcaled by Huel Murdock Murkland. chapters around here. Invlluions wtre addrcsud to House CorpoullO n mcmbcrs, and No yeat would be complete without ~ettinlC together wilh Ihe a buffet dinner was planned for commencemenc, at the l\hy meet· Pi Phi men. We did this In May . 'ith a Box I.unch Social at Ihe ing. home of Pat JorRenscn. SYlVIA D. UsnucK BETTY STEWART M ORAN


The Fox River Valley Alurnnz Club started this yea r in August AI our September meetin$t ICirls from the active chapter al Ihe with a muting to discuss the program for the year and rushing University of Minnesota to ld us cf their elaboule rushin.ll plans plans. Jean Schull., president. wu ou r hostess. fo r the fall rush season. and at Ihe October meetlO,it the president In September Ihe club helped .... ilh La .... rence rush parti~. The of the Minneapolis A lumnz RrouP related 10 U$ some of the hiJ( h . "'eek beg:," with the Round Robin Tea and was climaxed by the lights of the Convention at Pasadena. Pledge Banquet. During November a rumma,ICe sale was held jointly with the The October meeling at the home of Orpha Coenen .... as a busy Minneapolis Alumnr $troup and the 3ctive Mothers' Club, with one. Pl ans were made for Ihe Settlemenl School lea which, for 311 proceeds goin,!; 10 the active chJpter at the University of M in· the s«ond yUr, wu held in conjunction .... ith a children's style nesota. sho .... The style show and tea "'tre November I II Int La"'rence \VIc ..... ere ,'cry honored when Marianne Reid \Y/ild visited this Mtmorial UOIon. We all dljoyed working on tht tvenl and ho pe area in November. We were able 10 .IIet acquainted with her to make it an annual affair. personally at a tea and dinner held in her behalf at th3t lime. "Christmas Fun" ... as Iht tillt givtn Ihe Otcember muting at Our annual Christmas luncheon was a li:ala affair as always, the horne o f Mary Grist. We exchan.lled ideas on ChrIStmas dKOtl· M rs, Jean Johnson was in charRe o f the occasion . lions for the home. Mary Hannegraa f ,,'U hOStess at the February Our future plans included a bridge luncheon held in May. m«ling 'A'hieh fellured a demonstration of copper enamelin.ll. In "t this time ..... e d isplayed Settlement School items and also a Much we heard .n inte~stin.ll ulk on child guidance a! the greeting c:lrd assortment. We all loo ked forward 10 this occuion home of PeA Davis. and 10 whal the comin,!; year will bring, The following month of April ""'as hi~hlighted by Ihe Founders' Bllm' RASM USSI!N Day celebration and a house ... arminft Jlven for the active chapter II La"' rence ColleJ(e on Ihe complellon of their ne"" chapler room II Colman Hall. A $tifl WlS presented to the actives at that time. The Senior Farewell party at Barbara K let%ein 's home marked W INNIPEG the last meeting of a very enlo yable year. ColllJI!N S I 8£JIT M c KINSTlty The first meeting .... as duoted to Convention. Miss Shirley Bradshaw, province vice president, gave an enthusiastic report. illustrated by co lored slides taken in Pasadena. Our Pi Beta Phi Tea and Sale of Christmas cards. wrappinRJ MADISON and novelties have become an annual event, Held in October. under the chairmanship of Mrs. J . D . Tatt. the sum o f sno was real ized Under the leadership of our president, Jane Secord. Ihe Madison and used to cover club don ations includin1C the Canadian Loan A lumn~ Club has had a mosl successful rear. As in previoU$ years. Fund and our Bursary in Home Economics. "'e have enjoyed informal supper meetings, wh ich en3bles the The mcmben brou1Cht 10YS. clothinlC Ind gifts of food fOI alumnz members to become better acquainted. needy families to the ChriSlmu party. The committee in cha rRe At our fi rst meeting in September. P:lIt y Duetsch. our alumnre had arran,!:ed entertainio,li: Rames which provided 1I Are3t deal of rushing chairman, to ld of the fa ll rushin.ll schedule and of ho w amusement. the alumnz could be of assistance to the active chapter, It was The J anuary meetin,ll; took the form o f a Otssert Bridge, A decided 10 have a sale at the chapter house in December withoul representative from the Canadian Associl tion of Consumers was a lea. and to have 1 tea in April at the home of Margaret Schorger. the guest speaker in February. Our Settlement School chairman. Rosemary Rupnow, has done a It. film on Settlemtnt School " 'U shown al Ihe March meeting. most commendable job of selling the Arrowcraft merchandise. fo llowed by a Bake Sale to 3U.llmem the social fund, In the same \Y/e were honored to h"'e Mrs. Robert Wild , Gund Presiden t, month the alumnz club entertained the active chapler at a Supper u our guest in N ovember. The alumn:r enlertained Mrs. Wild at a Party. held in bonor of Ihe ne ... initiates. luncheon d urin$t her visit. The graduatel . ·ere our special .IIuests at the Founders' Day A historical report of the origin of the Wisconsi n A Chapter Luncheon. Installation of new officers and a Ruest speaker at the House. and of its devc!opmtnt to this day was given by our presi· May meeting brouJ(ht another memorable year In a close, dent, Jane Secord, at our February meeting , THIlLMA WRIGH T CURR III In April. we joined the Lawrence Al umnz in Appleton, Wiscon· sin, U Iheir ~utJts , to celebrate Founders' Day. The Wisconsin A Alumnz arc proud 10 announce that we havc LAMBDA PROVINCE just complet~ our '0 years of existence since receiVing our charter in 1907. This occasion was celebrated by a cooky·shine at our May meetin.ll. COLUMBIA, M ISSOURI JANE DoUIS WEBS". After a lapse of two years the Columbia Alumnz Club hd d a very successful sale of Seulemtl'lt School article•. In place of the MILWAUKEE U$ ual afternoon tea and sale held at Ihe chapter house. " 'e had a "coffee" and the sale in the morning. E"eryone thought the art icles unusually attractive, "' ith maoy new ilems. The Milwaukee Alumn ~ Club .ltot off to an enthusiaslic starl As a fund uising project:...... e had I "gyp-sy bukel." The wilh • supper meeting at Ihe home of Cleo Stevenson. Between alumnz group surted a Juano fund ... ith a 1Clft o f 1 10 to lhe fifly and Slxt, members ...ere preSlCnl to hear Helen biegel's active chapter . 'bich " 'e hope to tnlar,ite by contubutions from report on the Convention. alumnz and parents. Our Settlement School Tc-u ""ere held in OClohcr, under the As usu31 club contributions ha\'c been se nt Hol l House, Emma capable ch3irmanship of Hild, Evans. Harper Turner Memorial Fund, Harriet! Johnston Scholafshlp, In N ovember we had a si lver demonstration from a nationally Seulement School and ma.gazine subscriptions. kno. n silve r company. We earned a dollar for each person who EDNA GA.VIN Ba£wu looked at Ihe silver. We raiud an additional SI12 for our Ireasury. At our N o't'cmber mccti~ ,,'e commcmorat~ the Ihirty.hfth anniversary of the found in. of our alumnz club. The charter members "-ere our JUcsts. Gnnd Presidenl. M n, Wild, 110'01..1 our FAYETIEVILLE guesl speaker and an inspiration to all who heard her. Twenty girls from surrounding act,,'e chapters altcnded Ihe Our Fayetteville Alumnz ,group had Iheir summer Rush Party acllve·alumnz brunch in December. W e enjoyed beanng the !ltis at the home of Sandu Noll, an aC'tive. Fayetteville rushees, and sin! sonss from Ihe 't'arious chapters. Ihose from surroundin.ll towns. attended. Tn spite of a stormy night, "'e had a fine turn out fo r the In Seplember. we bad our finl lOCCting at the home of our January mcding. All who came were well rewarded with a fascioa!· president. Marion Brown. A rchitect drawlO£s for the new chapter THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI 2.3

house. which is to be built and read, for occupancy by the \)(­ We had a very successful Settlement Scbool sale among our ginning of the fall term of ')7, were shown. The house will be­ mcmbtrs at our November meetins. of ContemporJrl Georgian Architroure and made o f li,::ht pink A donation ....·as .liven by the club for a book for the Erie brick witb . 'hite roof. balcony and uim and will house n girls. Chambers MtmOrial Libra,.,. Fund. In October. a joint meeting WaJi held with the Siloam Springs Little Rock was hostess to the house board meeting in December Chapter at the A. Q. Chicken House at Springdale. A report of immediately precedin~ the ~round breaking ceremonies at Arkansas the Nltional Connntion wu made by Marion Brown. \'(Ie, also. A. had a Bake Sale in Octobe-r, to raise funds for a chapur house Decembtr 28 ..... as our annual Christmas party honoring the gift. Little Rock actives and their mothers. This ~ear our party w.as a The official "Ground Breakin~" for the new chapter house took dinner held in the home of Martha Frances Engstrom. place in Decembtr. with a large group of dignitanes tak in~ part DoUIS KAI.CHER 10 the ceremony. Many people Irom Fayetlevllle and other towns ....'itnessed the ceremony. In January, Loyalty Oaf, wu observed by honoring Carrie Chapman Catt. OSCEOLA Our Founders' Oal Banquet in April ..... ith the actives wu very enJolable. Lorna Stokenbury of our group was in charge of Excitement over the new chapter house fo r Arkansas A at uran2ements for it. Fayetteville is high in the Osceola Alumnz Club lust as it must A Pot-Luck Picnic Supper ....·u had at the home of MOlly G.q;ol')'. ~ ..... ith C'Ycry Arkansas Pi Beta Phi, active or alumnz_ Building in May. A short business m«ting and the installation of officers and decoration progress on this prOject has been one of the main follo .... ed the picnic. . topin of discussion at meetings throughout the year. and substan­ NANCY B .... JlNFS GOfP tial contributions have been made in anticipation of a most suc· cessful rush season in the new chapter house next fall. The Osceola Alumnlr Club has found morning meetings very satisfactory this ,·ear. Convenience of the morning hour has KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI proven especially important to !D(mbers driving from Blythe,ille, 0<-11, Etowah, etc. in our somewhat "consolidated" club, and An average of 100 members enjoyed monthl, meetings of the luncheons follo ...·in,t club mcctin~s act as grand Pi Beta Phi Kansas City, Mis.souri , Alumna: Club at the Young Matrons' fellowship hours. Clubhouse. Each meeting futured a delicious dinner planned by We f«1 that this has been an espcy when three of our local girls pledged Pi Beta A Christmas party for seventy-five actives home on vacation was Phi at the University of Arkansas last fall. held during the holidays. Another highlight of the Christmu During Christmas vacation ",'e h~d our second m«ting. a coffee season was a Settlement School Tea in Independence, Mi ssouri. in honor of our three pledges, and their mothers and relatives. Pi Btta Phi mother. Mrs. Harrl S. Truman, poured at the tea. Aftcr all had bcc:n served. a pro.l:ram on Settlement School was The New Year brou~ht plans for the "Tour O~co r"-a tour ,.;ilcn by our president. Muy Lou Thomas Cox. of the homes of four mte-llor decorators and one portrait artist. HELEN KOST F.eRRANTt The dub voted to make this the main money-raism,lt project of the year. With Ihe e-nd o f another business yea r drao;o,'ing dose members arc lookin,lt forward to a last fling and "vacation special." the ST. L OUIS annual picnic for husb3nds to be hc-ld at the brand new home of Virgini3 Rein«ke \'(/uver. The St. Louis Al umn~ Club enioyed a su(cenful anJ inte!C' N .... NCy GEMMILL CHERRY year undu the leadership of Ma deleine Lafon, president for her second term. In ptember, the club e-xtendcd a special "'eleome to Helene H iggins Baucr. our Pasadena Convention initiate. At this meeting LAKE C HARLES a fitting tribute was paid to Grace W oods Payne. who was an oUl5tandinjo: St. Louis Alumna. When the- City Panhelknic placed Pi Dela Phi Alumnz in the local area had an op;rrtunity to a booth In Stix, Baer and Fullet where information concerning mut rrospective rushees during the SUmmt'f. In aceor with Pan­ colleges and sororities in the surrounding arca was given. Pi Beta helleniC regub.tions, a mixed representation of alumnz from Phis wete among those who assisted. several wome-n's fraternities attended a coke party honoring a "On The Spot Cover.lge" (A la One Garro..... ay) was the title group o f graduating senior girlt. Perhaps as a direct result. the of the October program which entertained both the J unio r and alumnz dub is welcomin,lt Ihree new initiates: lane Murrey. Senior Clubs. Madeleine Lafon. Helene Dauer and Alice Mansfidd laura A lexander, Louisiana State University, and Nancy Parken, gave a wonderful description and interprdation of the Convention Randolph-Macon Woman's College. at Pasadena. in October another annual Barbecue was staged by rn addition to the business meeting in early autumn. the the J uniors [or a "Get-to~ether" with the actives and pledges. alumnz dub entertained the new Pi Beta Phi pledges and actives N"ovember was distingUIShed by the c1ub's Arrowcuft Sale and with a coffee during the Christmas holidays. Coffee at Marion Shank·s. At the regular meeting we viewed with Our February muting had as iu proAram color slides of Gat­ much pleasure Katherine Hammond's colored slides of last year's linburg and the Pi Beta Phi Settlement School. The program ....·as momentous project, the Country Carousel which nelted the club a treal for those alumnz who had visited Gatlinbur,lt and most $4,SOO in one day. particularly those who had merely rud literature about the Settle· "Music in The Air" was the ptosram given the actives when ment School. thel wefC entertained bv both clubs In Decembtr. Other programs MRS. H. E. SMITH were a Quiz Show with a 16),000 Challenger and upert on the H istory of Pi Beta Phi and the other. the Holt House slides accompanied by a clever skit written by Marian Tyte, a St. Louis Alumna. LITILE R OCK To celebrate Missouri a's Fiftieth Anniversary at Washington University, the SI. Louis Alumna: Club gave a be-autiful tea at little Rock Panhellenic Association held a children's style sho..... the W omeo's Building on the campus March 19. The Founders' for the benefit of the Panhellenic Children's Library. Net proceeds Day Banquet was nbserved on April 2~ and at this time Founders from the style show were $ HS. Pi Beta Phi Alumnz members of Missouri B were also honored. The Lambda Province Sophomore have continue-d to be very active in donatinK their time to the A ....' ard was again presented by the St. Louis Alumnz Club. library. From March to September 19)6, fifty-thrcc hours were The year closed with the Installation of officelS for 1957·19)S given. at the May meetin,lt of the club, The annual Foundeu' Day mccting WIIS held April 2} at the DoROTHY TOWNSEND home of Ed na Rose DeUmger .... ·ith forty membe-rs present. Because the Little Rock Club has dinner mcctings monthly. it was voted that at each meeting there would be a hostess and cohostess. ST. LOUIS, J R. The yearly !?icnic mccling .'15 held in July with the active­ members attend 109 to plan the summer rush party. The Junior Alumn~ Club of St. Louis started Ihe year With The summe-r rush party was held August 23 at the home of I/:re1l prans and an outstanding proE:ram for our pet projcct, the active membe-r Marilyn May, Arlransas A. The Ocean 10 Ocean Epworth School for GirlS. a home for teenage girls from broken theme was usc-d and was a tremendous success. homes. Under the able ~uidance of Rosita Von and June Siegerist 284 THE AIROW OF PI BETA PHI

.... e were able to ,1"( Ihl girls two months of popular dance in­ Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma where Ihese three states meet. siructions, one month 01 ,00<1 glooming Kssions, and [11(0 months Our first m~ting 111' <15 held at the Woman's Club in Joplin, of home makin, lecturH. At Christm.1ls we m2de and dKouted Missouri. Our program WIS ginn by our Convention delegale. felt comp:act and comb UKJ, and had a tive dollar ,Rift certIficate Mrs. Virainil W . Voelker. The Itmchcon uble was decorated with (or each lUI. After I IUlive puty of lIfts. cakes. brownIes, and very .ttracitve place mats with I map trlud of Ihe Pi Betl Phi singing I bus took UJ all to ~ Cineraml. Settlement School. Mrs. Voelker gne 115 a very inspiring report Our annual bar·b·rut fO r the active chapter was ag.in .... ell of the Convention which made us all wish we had bccn able to received in October. Tn ctlthT1llc ,n,alry 0., in January. " 'C met ll1end it. in the Pi Beta Phi room II WashmglOn University and uw slides Our next meeting wu • loyel, tea held in the home of Mrs. of H olt H ouse and Settlement School. Febru1fy brought a very Carolyn Olair in Joplin, Missouri. Mrs. Mary W. Wieman gave successful card r..art y "'hith the club thoroughly enloyed. uS a short progr.m on the Histol'J of Pi Beta Phi. We discussed OUl Junior C ub hu bren very active and we were proud 10 the success of one of our money making deviCes- a friendship .send $2) to the ne .... lv formed Junior Scholarship Fund. basket. We p.ss this basket between OUf members and friends We cdebt'lt'd our Golden Anniveru.ry of Pounden' Day in April filled wtth OUt own home mJde ,oodies Ind contribute whatever .... ith the Stnior Club, Junior Sally Koenig, 35 chairman, promised our conscience dictates. This hu proved I very friendly way of great things. makins money. We also sell "Social (.apers" in the {all. Be· Our club membership has increued through the hard work, sides the regular contributions to Pi Beta Phi Charities we help wonderful id('ls, ~nd charming personality of Gale YerRU. Thus support the C.rvu Nursery School in J oplin. Missouri. we have 1015 of new tillen t and m3ny ne.... ideas 10 spur our \'V'e held. cooky·shine February 27. 19H. in the home of Mrs. enlhusium for our biR Country C3rou~eI next year. Ruth Patterson in Joplin. Missouri. OauE LAN H \'(IllBsTlla \'V'e held our Founders' Day Progr.am at the Carthage Country Club in Cutha,lte, Missouri. on April 2'. 19". RUTH PATTElR.SON SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA The Shreveport, Louisiana, Alumnz Club be/Zan its year in MU PROVINCE August with a luncheon honoring the actives of our city. This annual affair again proved most effective in bringinR our member· ship and the chapters closer and in building up alumna' interesl .AMES in rushing. In the late fill .... e held a Settlement School tea which was most succe»ful in mtmbershlp participation and support for The Ames. Iowa. Alumnz Club has a membership of sixty the project. We took this opportunity to introduce the muthers Ihis )ear. Luncheon Meetings are held on the fint Saturday of of recent pledges to our philanthropic work and to the alumnz each month. act;vities o f the Fraternny, Gnnd Trusurer Olivia Moore. plid l Mrs. Abby Sinclair Sorenson was our Octo~r hostess. Cynthia us an official visit in Jlnuary, thus proviaing us with the in· Kendall, President of Iowa r , gave 115 a fine report of Convention. spiration to snap out of the pon·holiday slump and approuh our \'({e are happy to report thlt our alumnz club president, Mrs. spring Ictivities lII'ilh renewed interest and enthusiasm. Our Rush Lennadore Berg Schitlelter, attended Convention this year. She Tea was held in April, IS well as the election and installatIOn spoke to us about Convention from the Alumnz point of view. of officers and our Founders' Day obsel1lance. Actives and pledges of Iowa r were our auests at the chapter EUZABETH COOK house for the December meeting, Miss Miry Jean Stodd.rd told us about her .... ork at the Settlement School during the past two summers. SPRINGFIELD, M ISSOURI Mrs. Mabel Hasbrouck Stafford I\'as our December hostess. All ~~~seS~I;:ra hr:;~~~ enjoyed this social evening in the beautiful The Springfield, Missouri, Alumnz Club has just completed a mon interesting and vuicd program. The year commenced in Mrs. Winifred Brereton Hall was our February hostess, Miss August with .I picnic, Plan. for the coming months were dis. Louise Herman of Roane. Iowa RJve a very interesting program cussed and it was determined how the alumnz could beSt help on "Braille" reading for the blind. the locil chapter in the nearin,!!: rush season. Many members alTered On April nth we celebrated Founders' Day by having our their homes for coke d.ltes Ind promised assistance in food prepara· meeting 10 the 01k Room at Memorial Union. Girls of the acti .. e lion and transportation. In September a formal coffee was held chapter nng a ,lCroup of songs and Mrs. Edna Vln Syoc Eland honoring the new pledges and in the btter part of October a ,ave us a fine Founders' day talk. covered dish dinner ~nd business m~ting was conducted at the Our club hu been greatly uddtned this J.ear by Ihe sudden Pi Beta Phi apartment on the colle~e campus. In November the death of Mrs. Jeanelte Knapp Stoddard lut uguS!. Jeanette was Settlement School tea " 'IS given and for the first time a Santa one of our most devoted members, .a gracious hostess and loya l Claus Workshop was held In conjunction with it. Various Christ. friend 3t all times, and therefore a great inspiration to younger mas articles were made fOf ule by the alumn;c and this event Pi Beta Phi members. was ~n outstandiDA' social and financial success. During the holi· dars a Christmas luncheon was held for the viSiting alumnz and in January there was a dessert and business meeting at the chapter rooms. In February the new initiates wue honored with a cooky· shine and in Mnch the mHtin2 ""as hil/hllghted by the showing BURLINGTON, I OWA of the new Holt House film. The Founders' Day celebrauon fea' tured an innovation, IS members of the Tri·Sute Club were in. Burlington Ind Ft. Madison Alumna- Club mem~rs enjoyed vited to :attcnd thc luncheon served at the chapter rooms ..... hich a luncheon meeting at BUllin~ton Golf Club December II . A was follo"'ed by a style ~how. The final meeting in May .... 15 a recapitulation of rushing activities by Mrs. Sherman Smith rush· picnic honoring the ,tlIduJles of the local chapter. Each .... u inlt chairman constituted the program. ' presented with a lIift. This concluded the c1ub's Ictivities except The second meeting was also held at the Golf Club on Much to mcntlon that the members again readied the Eastcr Seal con. 19 and the history of the Settlement School wu interesting I, uiners for distribution in this HC.a as a charilT project. p~sented b, Mrs. Glenn McGowan. JUUE En;alilT Plans .... ere formulated for Founders' Da, celebrated at a dinner meeting at Union Hotel April 23. Mrs. Don Fimmen gave the tribute to the Founders. Several ne .... members have joined our group this year and wc TEXARKANA are happy to welcome them. Mu. JOHN B . LUNDCIIElN The Olivia Smith Moore Alumnlle Gub 01 Pi Beta Phi has becn meeting regularlr throushout the year. We feel that tbis has been a very successfu yur thinks to our ucellent committee chairtl1en, ' In October .. e met in the home of our Prtsident Mrs. Lorna CEDAR RApIDS Fouke Dorsey. At thi) m«tlnA: our program consiJt~ of a report of the Conference, and a report of summer rush. The Ccdu Rapids Alumnz Club, numbellng fifty.two partici. In November "'e had a bake sale around Thanksgiving .... hich rltlOg members, was sel1led ag.in Ihis yur b,. President Audrie ... u very profitable. Jones, in her second term in office . In January \IIIC had a luncheon meeting and our pro~talll \\' 15 The }eu's Ictivuics got underwar in AU ,/o: ust ""ith .a dinner It on the Settlemcnt School. the hnme of Ronnie Lyon .... lIh local PI Beta Phi Ictives .as guests. Our meeling in April WIS • luncheon meet:in, on Founders' DIY. Arrow"aft $oods were on display II the October luncbcon meet. and we had u our special cuest Mrs. Oliver Simmons. N~tional !:I,. Madge Fisher give In Interesting report of the June Connntion Historian, from Ka nJ:lJ CIIT, II Puadena, supplemented by a fe ..' remarks from Edoa Foster, Jl,(AAY COUOM Bt'CH\NAN lhe other delegate. In De«m~r ao artistiC and belutiful r.fOIum wu presented br Georgene Robb Ind Guest Eva Noe-' Christmas In Amana." Dressed in authentic costumes of this noted " Old World " com. TRI-STATE munit., near here, they sang and played ChrlStous songs from the old Aouna soogbook. The Tri·State Alumn;c Cltlb is unique In that ~.-e consider all At the January meeting the (cdH Rapids Club bad its owo alumnz living . ·ithlO a radius of 6fty miles of Joplin, MisJOurl! S6-t.OOO qua procram on the subject "Pi Btu. Phi," dincted b, to be mtm~tS of our club. Thu aUs in towns in the corner 0 Joan Gark. THE AllOW OF PI BETA PHI 2 15

Tne funda.me.nu.1s of Prtpari~ a will _ere diJCUiKd b, UWfer I OWA CITY, I OWA Ernie Pmce .t the FebrualJ m«l.IDI. Rounding out the yeu's schedule _ere election of officers in M.rch, Pounders' 0., lutKht'oo in April .nd the: annual picnic Iowa Z this year celebratt:d its n Anoi't'tISUJ and tbe 10 ..... for busbands in Ma,. CIty Alumtur: Oub joioed with the aeliTe chapter in wdcomiq to Contributions b, the club this year included S60 to the Cen· the cam~us. our Grand President, Marianne R.eid Wild. tennial Fund. '10 to Emma Harpe.r Turner Fund. , )0 to Setde· 8etry SwnmcrwiIJ Koz.a represented the club as its first deleg.te ment School and ' 2) to Holt Houst. to Coo .. entioo last summer and Mr report wu the high poilU of SUI TACGI H UUSCH the September medin«. The Settlement School tea was held at tbe Pi Btu Pbi Howe in October with Pauline Lon&fellow Muon in charge. The November m«t i n~ was a cooky·shine at the bome of Joey Workman Summtrwill. Florence Brldley Limostth ,ave DES MOINES an intertStinB chaptu hillolJ. Alumnae entertained their god· daughters io ,rouP:' of five or sUr: in .. anous bomes this ~ar, This year our Des Moines Alumn31: dub ItemS even busier rather than indi ... dually. ].laude Adams Rate has done an eJ:. than tbe last. We looked forward to our first 'Pi Beu Phi State cellent job of or,anizing tht1e: pattiu. Day. an affair used in some: of our nei.t;hboring states with huge The Scholarship .nd Corpofltion Board Dinner was held in success. Ours WII March 16, .nd we we re honored to have as janua.,. .1 the chlpter house. Francine Lacey Stew.rt reported guests our Grand President Mr1. Wild. province president Lou ise that the loan lor remodellillR the bouse was being paid back faster Dierks, .nd provinct vice prcsident Mrs. Morgan\ as well IS many than had been e:a:ptCled. Margaret Lyncb Nusser presented .schol.r· Pi Beta Pbis from our four active chapters .na various .lumn31: ship .wud, to seven .ctive members. the highest honor j oin g to clubs. The lull dat's pro«um included mess&4es from our NI' Caroline Henderson for • .01.0 uerage. The senior fnewel supper tional, State Ind lub officers: pinel diSCUSSIons peruining to wu held at tbe home of Gladys Stump Nail. Mu,uefite Moort rushing .nd college rules by actives and alumnr, and olher Volland w.s pruenled with a carnation guard pin symbolizing )0 topics wilhin the tcope of our sorority. Luncheon and a Spring years' membenhip in the Pnteroitp" last yeu. hat preview gave us I chance to m.ke new Pi Beta Phi friends , JlAN HALL LLOYD· JONES and the program contiouW ble into tbe .fternoon. The s«ond itClJ1 new 10 us is the clever publication " The Bulls.Eye" o( Pi Beta Phi, which is published quarterlr by our busy and versatile club presidents. It contains items 0 interest KANSAS CITY, KANSAS to our members, timely reminders of dues and functions to come, ol new active .nd .Iumnr associations: we all applaud this A cbildren's fashion show in Sept(tllher was the highlight 01 ... onduful idea! Otber highljabu of tbe yur include • festive tbe year of tbe Kansas City. Kansas Alumn~ Club. The therne. Christmas progum and dinner. Fall and Chlistmas coffeft for " Kurtln' Kapcrs With the: Kiddies." set the panero for the show our actives. the annual Sprin. picnic potluck ("'ith husbands) of and the refreshment period preceding the show. Fond grind. our Beta group, programs designed around OUI Centennial Fund mothers. relati .. es and fliends watched children o f alumnae club and its yearly dollar, Founders' Day Program, and a lucrative members from toddlers to tcen·agen. modd clothes from • loca l rummlle sale that considerably boosted our trusury. A most re· store. We were so enthusiastic about the show as a money making wudinl year in Pi Beta Pbi! prolect that anotber is planned (0 1 nut fa ll. MAJl)olll£ Moon MtLLER Local girls. all members of variow active Pi Beta Phi chapters. wefe guests of the .Iumnt club at a luncheon in Noyember at the Terrace Club. One ,lirl from eacb o f the schoob re presented H UTCHINSON gave a brief rbum~ of the chapter's activities. hono rs. and accom· plishments. The Hutchinson Alumn31: Club felt bonored to have their The .lumn31: club .. oted as tbeir Ch ristmas p,roiect an orfaniu. deltgate to Convention. Jane Phillips Savage. chosen 10 partici. tion known IS "The Conquest for the Blind,' • gloup 0 blind pate in a quiz plolram on Settlement School night. Our club adults. We each gave a personal gift to be distribut«l to the gave the. largest donatiOn to Settlement School in Mu Province blind at • Christmas party. Tbe club aho don:ued a sum o f mone, for our s.ze. to assist the organization in purChasing a phonoli:raph fo r use At Thanksgiving, Marilyn Erway Ennis .nd Sue Law Bleger at their monthly dances. The appreciation of these worthy people ""ere hostesses for the Ann ual Luncbeon for actives and pledges...... very reward mg. Our money making projt(1.S th is year were our Arrowcraft In Much ou r president and rtcommendations chairman attended Sale with Mercedes Ellis Sentney as ch.irman and our Christmas a Sute Rush Meeting. Kans.. A was bostess to representatives (rom Charity Ball ... ith Nancy Bro.dhead Cook as chairman. Besides each alumn31: club in the sUte Ind mtmbtrs of Kansas 8 at an all our P. Beu Pbi na tional projecu we bave severll local interests. day Kssion to discuss rushing problems. Once again this year we ,R.ve our ' 200 Pi Beta Phi scholarsbip to Our )ur's activities closed with a party for our husbands and an outstanding senior to hdf furtber her education. We also gave a Founders' Day cooky·shine. financial aid to our schoo psychologist enabling bim to belp B ..... BAIlA HUNB PBNNEL children with special medical problems. In addition, we gave to the Girl Scout Campership and we support the Senior High Scbool Girls Coun~lo r with a fund to aid any need, .cir!. LAWRENCE Kansas A was host to the second State Wide Rush Meetins in Marcb in lawrence at tbe ch.pler house. Our president. Shulet Jones Mlnn, .nd rusb cb.irman, Thadyne Noel Moore, Ind Prolum .nd IctiYities for the Lawrence Alumn31: Club arc not sevtral others attended. hard to pl.n. We ale fortunate to h.ve Kansas A. the B.lfour ja .... N COPLaN CRAWfORD Cup winner~ IS our main interest. Early .pnng was the time of a visit b, Mrs. Kent R. Mor,an. province .. ice pldideot. At this same meeting we had as special guests tbe motbers o f Kanus As from Lawrcnce. Before the I NDIANOLA, I OWA business metting. Holt House slides wtre shown so that the mothers might sa the home whue Pi Btta. Phi was founded. The Indi.nola Alumn31: Oub centtt1 many of its activities around Ma, is alw.ys the time of the Innual party for the seniors. the active chapter. This rear we had as a special guest, Mrs. Gordon Yockey, chapter At our opening meeting in September in the home of jessie chaperon. Hendy. we heard a report of Convention given by our delegate, In September I "Come as You Were in College" meeting was Edith Calhoun. planned. A .urprisc cookr-shine type dessert was held at the In October. we had a Homecoming dinner at the chapter bouse chapter bouse honoring the girls for winning tbe Balfour Cup ... ith 10 .... B, loc.l and "i.itinjlt alumtue in .ttendanct. And in Ind rreun l in~ the newett pledges 10 the dum nile. The program: November, ... e entertained the pledges at the borne of Henriettl our 'costumes" and tales of colle.lle days. We sa ... and heard Stoner. .bout everyt hing from the long skift and high button shots through The traditional Christmas party witb the active chapter, alumn31: tbe short·skirted Charleston era to the present day Ivy. league look, club . nd molhers' club liking part, is a high spot of our year. Abo during our yea r we heard rtports o f the Pasadena Conven· Mothers of the active girls come, some from quite a distance. The lion. planned and held rummage lales with the proceeds ,IIoing bouK is decorated I\.ily (or the holid.ys. and tbe ,iris are .Iways to the Ka nsas A buildi~ fund. Ind collected and shipped baby eager 10 Ke wblt II under tbe tree for tbem. Tbe menu is the and children's clothes to the Settlement School are • . lime evelJ yUr, a biab SP9t o f which is an array of decorated JOHANN .... B. PISKODY cakes on tall, ,lass standi. After dinner. the girls serenade witb their songs. We wert happy to have Rutb Dittics. Mu ProTince Presi· dent. as a guest this year. We enloyed a thlte d'r visit from Marianne Wild, Msrcb L INCOLN 13, 1-4, U. The Ilumnt club planned I Tea. in ber honor, .nd invited reprtsenutives from otber campus ,roups, faculty and local The Lincoln AlumOle Oub started off the year ... ith dinner at ,uests 10 mett her. We took part In State Osy M.rcb 16 in Ihe active ch.pter house. OYer 100 alwnnr, Ictives and pledges Des Moines. It .,as held at the Port Des Moines Hotel and Mrs. a!lended and .t furnished 10 ezctllent chance to meet and chI! Wild made the openiQl: address. with our new pledges. The November meeting was eagerly Iw.ited We closed out year .,ith • Pounders' Day Tea in April. &tid I by tbe .Iumnt as Mn. E. C. Ames opened ber home for the dinner for the Senior lirh in May It the home o f our president, dinner in honor of the pled.ces, and they presented a short pro· Roberta Ke rr. gram for us . EDITH AJ.)fsnONG B.O.... N E.rly io D«:embtr a white e1epb'nt sale was beld It the bome 2'6 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI of Mn. R. H . ROj:crJ and there was much laughttr and (un over Sde in KIY Skinner·s beautiful house .... a social and finlncial OUf ··purchases. '. Each ycar the active chapter has entertained the success. We anticipated the pleasures of our June picnic. alumnae children at I Christmu parly at thl!: chapter hOUR lnd ELLEN WIrAaT Ct AI" this yur's put, was such fun! Santa, of course, Ippcarw, .nd stuffed .nim.1s loaned for tbe occasion by the actives brought u;cI.mations of ~Iee from Pi Deta Phi "SID,dl fry." SIOUX FALLS The University Club wu the setne of 2. lovely luncheon honor· in$ the graduating stniors in 1anuary, ;tnd each was presented This has been an intereSlin,: and successful yelr for the SioW!: with I favor. Mrs. Clifford HardIn, wife of OUf Univcr~ilY Cbance!· F.ilb Alumn~ club. lor, held the February mectln.lt; in her home Ind films ""cre sho,,'n bte last summer. the alumn.: worked .... ith the .ctivcs on I of the Cuft Workshop at the Settlement School. In March we rumma~e sale and earned $49 as their share of the profill. held :II dessert mcclinJr at Mrs. Rich;Jrd Kimh.all's where more At the September tmcti08. plus .... ere made for a benefit brid8e. detailed pbns of the In itiation Banquet were discus~d . It wu which turned out well and netted $In for the club. March 23 at the Lincoln Countrr, Club aod honored our new Robe rt Gregory spoke on interior deco ration at the October .ctive Pi Bela Phi,. This is our i.it ··get together·· of the year meetin8. Mr. Gre,ll:ory helped with the decorating at the South and Ilways a lovely party. Dakota A chapter house. He described what had been done there RUTII GI,W and made some suggestions concerning whal 't"u still needed. The club decided to purchase an ntension dinlOg table lor the chapter as a Christmas rift. MANHATTAN In N ovember, Hue Clark Hyden gave an interesting account o f her recent trip to Settlement SchooL There was I sale of Arrowcraft products for members of the club. Pled.l;u of Kanus B were enlcrtalOed by the Manhatun Alumn.: The annual Christmu P3rty, at .... hich the alumnz club enter. Club al a pro.'ttam and denert in March. The club voted cui, In Ilins the actives ...... given the evening of December 27. It the the year to substitute this party for the mitiltes· lunchcon which home of Hazel Clark Hyden. had formerly b«n a part o f initiation week end in March. Most Tn January. Sally Coddin8ton. our president. showed pictures alumn.: were unable to attend initiation. cooky.shine Ind the liken on her trip to Europe last summer. luncheon III the same week end. Tn addition. the club decided to The members eniofed brid8e .her the February meeting. entertain the $tniors each year. That party. a dessert bridge .....u At the March mcctm8. a ne .... slate of officers was elected. PlanJ held at the Country Club in February...... ere made to 80 to Vermillion to celebrate Founders· Day at a AlumnllC .... ere guests of the active chapter for a buffet su.,ptr luncheon 8iven by the Vermillion Alumnz Club. in September. At a dt'Ssert meeting in October Janet Nevins. our MAAOLYN BUSHn QUlnl president. reported on the national Convention. The Settlement School sale at the Pi Beta Phi house in N ovember netted $12). A rummage sale later that month brou/o:ht $129. A third moncy making project this year .... u the scHinA of candy. Our annual TOPEKA House Corporation meet in,!!: with the actives follo .... ed dinner at the chapter house in January. The T opeka Alumnz Club began ill meetings for the year MARY ANN McCoy in September, with Mrs. Louis Swan entertaining at her hOrDe. Plan, were made for a Settlement School Tea, to be held in November. It had been several years since the club had held a tea, so in order to check the response, it wu decided that for MT. PLEASANT this year. invitations would only be sent to active alumn.:. The October meeting consisted of a dessert coffee at the home The fall activities of the MI. Pleasant AlumnllC Club of Pi Beta o C Mrs. Harry Corbr.' Jr. The group voted to bcJin collcctin~ baby Phi began on August 16 .... ith a picnic at McMillan park. The clothes for the Seu ellient School as a new proJect. Each member large number of members present enjoyed the inspiring report of h.d .rrepared her favorite dish and brought it to the meeting. A Convention brought to us by the two Iowa A delegates. roun robin tuting was held, .nd the five P.cst dishes picked. The a1umnz club gave their usual help and support to Iowa A Recipes for these dishes were then submitted for the ne .... cook· during rushin,ll:. P ledging .... as held in the home of an alumna, book. Helen Devin. 10 ..... A. The Settlement School T ea. held at the home of Mrs. Chester In October we entertained sixty·five alumna: actives and pled.!!es Wood.'ard. was our November meeting. Since it was very sue· It a picnic type supper in the shelter house of one of our city cessful. it was decided to have I large tea next year. parks. It was 8nod to see Ellen Gardener Taylor. Towa A. who Tn February, we held our annual luncheon. T Ickets were dis· had just returned .fter sJ)Cndin,ll: t .... o yeats in Alaska. Later in tributed for the Panhellenic Fashion Sho ..... The benefits from this the evenin):l: we went to the home of Marguerite Weir. All joined function prOvide scholarships for guduating hi8h school girls. in sinllin~ fraternity songs. November found us .t a ·'Cook Book The March meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ned Mc' Party. A covered dish supper in the country home of Helen Kenney. New officers were elected. Eclclcs. After the supper we voted on recipes to be sent for the The club·s April Cooky.shine was held at the home of Miss new Pi Betl Phi Cook Book. Mar8uerite Bullene. A food nle .... as held. The Ikcember meetin):l: was a shower for the .ctive chapter, held Rush ing discussions Ind plans for the club·s rushin8 parties. It the chapter rooms. Elch alumnz brou8bt or Jent a Rift. We to be held during the current summer..... ere the subjects of out • ·ere pleased to hue Ruth Louise D ie rks. Mu Province President, May .nd July meetin8s . .... ith us. MEUIBITH RIBUTT TIAWIL Tn J3nuuy our "fun niAhl"' puty .... as .... ith Gracil Linder. Tn February we met with Mazie Green lor our Constitution Ind Settlement School ~"08ram. In April we joiMd the .ctiycs of V ERMILLION 10 .... 1. A (or • Founders' 03, dinner. This yeu we honored one Golden Arrow member. Nona Don3bue. The Vermillion AlumnllC Club ~an the year busily assistin, Tn June the alumn~ and .«iYes enjoyed t08Cther the com· the active ch3pter in rushin,lt actiYlties and Stttling their ne..... ly mencement breakfut. At this time .... e honor the seniors 3nd their finished addition. mothers and Irm the many alumn.: wbo return to the WesleY3n Much of tbe ftar·s discussions have been on ideas on Ind clmpus for Commencement. In June 19)6 there were ninery prescnt means of furnishing the ne .... addition more completely for the fot this occasion. coming year. Plans .... ere also discussed for the Settlement School BeULAH HAYSS sale to be held in the Call in co njunction .... ith the active ChiP' ter. The chapter housemother WIS entert3ined at a Christmas part,

OMAHA with ao gift nchan8e. In March the club entertained the ne .... initiates 3nd in April Speakers It monthly luncheon or dinner meetings have in· 8ave • pot luck supper for the .traduating seniors. cluded two oC out members: Angeline Semans. our able presi· The club entertained alumn.: and .ctives from Vermillion and dent and Convention delegate, 8ave an irupirin, .nd colorful oearby cities at a Founders· D3Y luncheon in April. accounl of Convention .nd Belle Hetzel I?ut president of the The May meetin.it was spent dilCussing 3nd pl.nning summer Ninety Nines. internation.1 orRanintion 01 licensed women pilots. and fall rushinl. tH'Ounted her trip via twe!ye airlines into twenty countries. Out· The club is Ictive in community Iffairs through their repre· side .cti,.ities have included participation in broadening frlternity sentative on the Ci.,ic Council .• welfare orJaniution. It u also relationship throu~h the Omaha City Panbtllenic Auociation of active IS adviser and assut3nt to the ac1i ... e chapter. which our Betty Kin,man is president this ,rar. We have enjoyed M as. JAWD JOaGeNSOH contact with Nebraska 8 by givin. a Rush Dinner and the In· itiation Banquet. co-spoaJOred with Lincoln Alumnr, both in Lincoln. Actives IlId IcJtacies wete honored at a Christmas lunch· ton in Omaha·, BlachtoDC Hotel ballroom. We staHed the NU PROVINCE iewelr, l1ble at Children·s Memorial H ospital beneht buur realil:· in,r j 2~S. Our own trcuu't bcoditN by a hilarious Whlt·Hlye· ABILENE You sale with Nell Aita 10 comical costume luctioning off .11 cootn"butioru from C'OOkics to clothes. Also. Colfee with. display The Abilene Alumnr- Club blS bad • hi,hly su«usful ytal of sil ...er by • Silver company rununerated us for each guest ... ot· under tM leadership of Mrs. A . A. Heidebrecht. ine her patkm prefetc:oct. A&IW the Settlement School Coffee and Out first meeting was a luncbeoo. October 6 It the Abilene THE AllOW OF PI lETA PHI 217

Country Club. Mrs. Dan Galla,bltt sue a review of nub. We nubi",. Other Panbdlenic projects of interest arc the annUli style were C:Jp«ially pluKd with tblt pled," from Abilltne cbosen by shcw fOf Kninr eirb, Ind I {»lln to give further financial assistance chaptltrs In the SUit. to tbe ycun, ,irllo nurse's tnaniog. The topic fOl thlt NovltlDhc:r medin, WIS the Abilene Panbcl· WIth these pro\'ccu and the regular schedule of Pi Beta Phi pro· leak Organization. We dccted a dclltlalt' and an alternate to arams, IIWDDJC c ub rntttin,s in Bartlesville haft been both inter· ciry Panhelknic board. We have tried to bno, about Ixtur undc.t· cstlna and enJorable. standina among the IOronties throuah this aicdium.. c.uOLYN BoND EVANS A covltred disb luncheon WIS hltld In March at the home of Mrs. Will Minter for the Dcminaticn .of cfticers for oezt year. In April the Abilene Country Club WIS the settiog for cur an· BRAZOS V ALLEY nual Fcunders' Day Luncheon. Instlllaticn of .officers WII held. The Settlement School Tea we plan tn hnld nezt fall was dis· The Brazos Valley Alumnz Club encompassea members in sil: cuucd. We 1«1 this will be an especially inspiring nne as our to. 'ns. Our meetings lle held in all .of the different places. Sue Settlltment School Commiutc' Chairman, Mn. Will Minter, plans Cummings Gibson. of Calvert is 1M- president this year. Our to visit Gatlinbu,'\,this summer. retirin, president, Conradlna Lommee Adams. moved to Renn. June rD«ting, eld at the home of Carolyn Brid .. ell, consiued The Nnvember mcetln, was held at t~ home of Elizabeth Bur· of pl:ans for summer rush. . rnws Howell. It was "nted at this meeting to contribute In the CAIOLYN BJU".,ULL Settlement School, Holt HOUSC'I Emma Harper Turner Fund. and the Hartlet Rutherfnld Johnson undo The December meeting was in Bryan u Bess Lichte Vincent's AMARILLO hnme. Loyally Day was observed in January at the Bryan home .of Ann The Amarillo AlumnJe Oub under the capable leadership .of Scale Burlchalt. Fraoces Bauman h,. enlnyed a pleasant year. ActIvities began wllh In Februaf}' we met at the hnme of Jean Gibbs Watson. Twltnt)' a rD«tin& wllh the actIve. to plao summer rush parties. members were prncnr. Noanie Mason J:ield, Sara Allen Cofer and At .our Nnvember mcC'1in~ . ·e had an interesting report .on Eliubcth Ho ..ell were appointed 10 tbe nominating committee. Convention and then we had a group discussion on Settlement In March .... e met in Navasota with Lilyan Ruth Colemln Conk· School. lin and Esther Whinery Gooduch hostessing. In January Loyalty Day Wlf diKussed and then we completed Ne .. membeCli welcnmed 10 our club this ycar have been Kate the evening by playing bridge. With attendance increasing. as Parlett Bernalh. Joanne Raeburn Hortnn, Meredith Gnar Nnrman, the fear went .Ion" we enjoyed a boole re"iew and a lunchenn and Hope DeMnre Ellis. in Fchruuy. Fnun

In Noyembe't we bad our brJt Srttlcmc:at School Tn It the old .M bas fulfi lled the Goldeo Arrow tuditiODJ for mloJ years. forbrs borne, and manr friend. of pj Beta Phi from the ShCtmlD The meeting witb Nu Province Vice President Orr in Normln .nd Denison area we~ attracted. We have I bo had o edlcnt was an ins"irational send off fo r a year's activities. Much ,nod results in our maaatine lubscription nlet. came, we eel, from our mcetin& locally lbout nub. Thi. and Our te,uh.r meetin.. are luncheon affairs, and thcr hue betn next Jur will find full emphasis 00 Oklahoma Alpha's buildin, well alltndcd Ind cOJ ored. MJn,. of the ,uls sur afterward for fund drive\ a driye alnadJ IUpported bJ the majority of our cards and I social hour. members. J\t preteot we are plano in, a rumml,e IIle, all tbe ALICI HUWPHlliS HALL proceeds will ,0 to mia building fund . Rec ipes are beinlJ collected for the Pi Beta Pbi cook book. This compilation will deliAh! everyone except the few calorie conscious. HOUSTON The social bighligbt of our local activity was a luncheon l iveD for the out of town guests and wedding pa~ for Mal'}' Ana Menefee (Okla. A ) and Flink Sebree, Kansas City, Mo. Tbis was The Houston Alumn.e Oub beld nine mminjl:l durin. 19)6·)7 held in the be:autiful new home of Carene Ambrister Clark (Okll. under the Icadmhip of Mary Pearl Erhard Duff, president of the A) Ind gne expression of the spirit of our local group and the Senior Club. Lois Agnor is pmident of the Junior Group. universal feelin, of welcome of PI Beta Phi. The $(o~tcmbt r mectniR featured I report of Convention by our BERNIC. P. LINDSBY delegate. Betty Park Carter. At the November meeting Chmtmu wrappings .... ere sold by the Junior Group. December found many Pi Ikta Phi. workinl' at the ChristffiAl elUting Dureau under Ihe direction of our Social SefYice Placement Chairman, j erome Cart· R OSWELL wright House. It. Christmas coff~ honoring actives, pledges and mothers .... a. held durinlt the holida)'l. Ros w~1I Alumnae Dub be,an the 'lear .... ith a delightful outdoor It. skit .... ith slides of Holt H OlLIe was given It the j anuary supper In July It the borne of Mrs. O. V. Lawrence. highlilhted meeting, the skit beinA given by Betty Park: Carter and Helen by the enthusiastic report of its Con.ention delegate, Mrs. J. R. Robinson Cruse, with Betty Bailey Hall showing the slides. The Allen, slides were in color and were very loyely. In September, two o f the club's officers, Mrs. R, V. Ely and In Februuy the Founders were honored It the annual old· Mrs. J. M , Stockton, had the opportunity of meeting Marianne fashioney CookY'shine, .... hich WIS a dinner meeting It the home of Reid W ild, Grand Pnsidenl. in Albuquerque when they visited Anne Finch Taylor. Members were entertained by a skit presented New Mexico A durin, rush ""tek. One girl from Roswell j anet by the junio r Group. In April the Houston Alumnllt Club sponsoled jenkins. plNaed Pi Beta Pbi. ' a luncheon and style sbow in the Shamrock·Hilton Hotel IS our The sale of rummage to the Eastern New Muico Medical Thrift project (or the year. The year came to an end io May with a Shop this fall yielded a 100,," ,ain over the amount derived (rom bubecue for Pi Beta Phis, husbands and dates. sales conducted by the club in prnious years. Februal'}' brought a M.u.GY ANNB HA LL WIIIT. hiahlJ successful project. The Roswell club. in charge of the 19H Panhellenic Benefit Bridge} doubled the gate receipts of the priot ear by _ad~inR a style snow. Tbe ahow was presented by MIS, r. A. MartlO, ao alumnz: club member and owner of El izabeth'l LUBBOCK Dress Shop bere. Other me:mben made and u",ed delicious chell'}' tarts and colf~ to approJ:imatelJ 2)0. AddiDB to the success of the In August a Backyard Supper was gino at the home of Marian event was the use of the clever band cut Arrow name ugs which Benson Dlake for the active chapter and patrooesses. An a lumnz the club ordered from the Richmond, Indiana, Aiumnlll! Club, club meeting followed. Pla!"s Ife now under way for the final majC?r activity of the year, Our November meetin,l was beld in the home of Berneice Fields the blenmal Settlement School tea. The tea IS usually held in the Spears. Pive recipes for the Pi Beta Phi Cook .... ere selected from home of one of tbe dub members, Ind invitations Ire to be made covered d ishes brought for the luncheon. by persooal conUct this yea.r. tither than sendiog printed ones. A The annual Patroness Coffee .... as held in Dtcembcr in the home ~reat deal of favorable publiCIty has alwa)'s been the result of this of Matilyo Tillery Kutner. mformal tea, and the I lumnz dub is working hard to insure iu Plans are under way at prestot for a Settlement School Sale and continued success. Tea to be held 00 the Slme date u last year. Zo" WHITB MeG .. HELIIN BARSTOW S LATON

SABINE DISTRICT MIDLAND Nita Hill Stark Aiumnlll! Club. Sabine District, includes Beau­ Under the enthuJil5tic leadersbip of joan Baskin, the Midland mont, POrt Arthur, and Oranle, Tens. We began our )'ur with Alumnr Club has bad I most successful yeu, highlighted by an a meeting in MIl It the: home of Mrs. Chilton O'Brien, president October Settlement School tea at the home of Ida Beth Oliver. Felt of our aIumnr cub. Committees were named aod plans made for items. suitable for Christmas gifts, were made and contributed by s~r rushing. ID September we . oted to have our alumnr I number of the alumnr. The nutmejf and matchboJ: covers, weskits. club listed u : and circle skirts, trimmed with sequIns, were .el'}' popular. Beaumont (see Sabine District). Port Arthur (s~ Sabine Dis· One unusual meetinlt honored put presidents of the club who trict). Oran&e (I« Sabine Distnct) in all future lists. related intemtins: and am usinll events during their terms in office. We were very happJ in tbe fall to learn of our new pledges The most hilanous incident concerned a Settlement School tea f tOlD Beaumont aDd en joyed ytry much a Christmas luncbeon at where the committ~ fOI.ot to remove the moth bills which had the Country C l ub honori",!: OUI pledaes and actiyts. been stored in the: silver coffee pot. Our Settlement School Sale WllS herd in N ovember at the home Our philanthropic interest utended this year to Guadalupe o f Mrs. L W. Pitts. Mrs. Fritt Seewald and Mrs. Jesse Weed Youth Center, I Red Feather agency, operated for the lItm· Stuart were chairmen of the sale. Our rqxlrts show a net profit American population of Midland. A3 Its contribution toward com· of $228 on the lale. We youd to tend $1 00 to the Settlement munity ,nod will the club gne year subscriptions to "Life" and School. In FebrulrJ we yoted the following donations: National "Spotts lIIustnteJ" and stage curtains which Idded much to the Hospitality Convention FUDd . ). Holt house $1 0, Emma Turner Ikxibility of the Center', buildin • . Fund'lo. At se.eral tneeting./ rush parties Ind the Christmu party (0 1 our We eojoyed our Founders' Day m~tina beld in April in Po rt husblnds, we were napPJ to welcome alumme from Big Sprins Arthur. I nd Odusa. M ....GB WILLIAWS BLAI.a Rosa ELKANOa MIUJa SAN A NTONIO NORMAN The San Antonio Club had its summer rush party around the Mrs. Taylor graciouslr consented to stfYe I s«ond yur in the swimming pool Ind in the lo.dy ,Iardens of Mrs. William Os· presidency. The club ISSlstS the local chapter whmenr possible and born, S,. A saily decorated ~lIdola aod arran&ements of flowers lakes part io the: Pan hellenic Alumnz CouDcil. 80atlng in the pool, outlined ""ith hurricane lamp' ,reeted the Our annual Settleme nt School tea was held in D«ember at the arrlvi", guesu. An entertainiDR skit giYeo by some costumed Oklahoma A chapter house. Final liA;urts 00 the sale are oot yet actives added much to the merriment, Ind the party ended with group singin&. It'ailJ.ble, but a p'rofit of about $1 00 W15 real ized for the school. Shirley 1,kins HIlmer was Iteneral chairmao for the tea. jeaooete Durin, the cast year I washins machine was g i.en to the Aganiel Nichols Jones and Barolta BUJ:ton Waugh assisted ber. Hall for home nI,irls. H".. rn H.uDe wAH BAJtlOtJa In the October mtttiD,It reports o f rush wee.k were &iveo and plans were made fOI the Settlement School IIle and tea. bdd No.mber 1} It the home of Mrs. William Osborn, Sr. The j anuuy mecrioc in the home of Mrs. Truis Oailey featured PAULS VALLEY a diSCIWion of the Constitutioo and plans wen made for a colJ~ to be held betwttA semesters. DwlI1l_this mectiq it wu YOted to Suxtte Matthews Bums (Tau Al this year joios the select make our usUl.I donatiOllS to Holt Howe, SdtIemeot School the sroup, Order of the Golden Arrow. Time of ioitiatioo makes ber Emma Har~r Turner Fund, and the CentH.ni.aJ Fund. A lsO the di,ibk but 10 III who koow her inteast in Pi Beta Pbi and ~i Betl Pbl Hospiulity Fund wu ioduckd thia year for the first rulize ber lreat cootributions to this and maoy OrKaoLutionS feel tune. THE AllOW OF P I lE TA 'H I 2"

A momin, colTee honorin, onr p'ltdges. aMo, aad the deb· uUOta of the lOCial ICasoo "'u held i.a late )I,QUUY at the home XI PROVINCE of Mrs. Roben Tucker. VlaGIHU, M. S,EGMUND BoULDER

The Boulder Alum.oae Oub be~o the 19}6-H ,elr with ,. plrty STILLWATER at the Colorado A Chlpter House for the new pledees. Tbe p.rty WIS concluded witb a tour through the new IddltjOO to the bouse. The Stillwater Alumnt Club is celebrating its twenty· fifth year The Christmas mccting was indeed .n enroyable Iffair with a IS I chlrtered club. Tbe fint mctti~ .·u held in 5qltcmber at "White Elephlnt" gift 6cbanae among those attendinR. the home of Jane Coffee Armstrong. The active chlp~r tush chair· In Jlnuary our ptOfl:ram WIIi entitled " Let's Take I Trip" Ind man Ind her ISSlstant were guests Ind final rush pllns were we cenlinly felt IS If we hid taken the trip after we hid .seen dlscusst'

Tulsa alumn3e be~an their busy yea r with a registration tea in September, at which the mothen of new Tulsa pledges were CHEYENNE honored guests. Meetings for the resl of the yell have followed the usual paltern. I month I, buffet supper in the horne o( a member, Unofficially the Cheyenne Alumnt Oub began the yea r in severll of these bein~ roint sessions with the junior group. AUBust with a lovely lei It the Country Club honotin~ Pi Betl October's gathering featured a skit .bout the Settlement School Phu who have been queens of the Cheyenne Frontier D1Ys Rodeo. brunch to be given later in the month. The success of Ihis bit of All Ictives Ind mothers of Pi Beta Phi girls were asked. advertising can be meuured in the profit the beautiful brunch In the month of September the Cheyenne Alumnr Club held a chalked U!?: $)86. rummlge sale, the profits of which were given to Wyoming A to Janual)' s theme was Loyahy 0." Members were plinlessly be used for new silverware. inoculated wilh a little learning. IS hair of them read Iloud The club has continued to olTer its services to Wyoming A. Ind clever questions abou t Pi Beta Phi. and the other half popped . tw o o( the Cheyenne Ilumnr were IClected for the chapter house up with the appropriate answers. board. Cheyenne alumnlr were ,uests at the ,xptembcr meeting of February featured a book revicw, M.rch election of officers. the Laramie Alumn3e Oub, .nd eVeryone who .ttended the meeting The Tulsa club has been concentrlting on the drive for funds had an enjo,lble evening. Sevenl Chcytnne alumnt dron over for Okbhom. Alpha's proposed new house. to laramie, W,ominJl: to observe the initiltion ceremony held in Meanwhile, the J unlon hive been active in their group. Their Febru.ty by Wyoming A. Valentine Dance netted $1 9'. an .mount which should take c.re In j anuary mlny Pi Beta Phi . Iumnr helped in the Mothers of their very ambitious nah program. This progra.m includes I March on Polio: llso many worked in th~ campaign for the Hea rt series of 20 or 30 small evenmg coke parties for rushees during Fund. February and March. which cut down the large rush Jist in time Through the person.1 efforts of Mrs. L1o,d Crane, the treasury for the EutCf te •. Then follow 9 or 10 unall rush luncheons .• t of the club was greatly increlsed since she was responsible for which members and rushees really learn to kno ..... each other. This the sale of 144 boxes of c.ndy ..... hich netted $1'0. system was responsible for the phenomen.lI, succcssful fill plcdg. One important itcm of business thaI was discussed It the inlt of Tulu girls last ,ear, .nd the JUOlor group deserve high February meeting .WIS the selection of two of the Ilumn3e IS nomi· praise for it. nees for the " Youo, Woman of the Year" Iward given the MAAnll W ATSON 80115CHI jayshees, wives of the Junior Chlmber of Commerce. Mrs. Kenneth Cyrus .nd Mrs. Hale L.yboutn. J r., who Ife vel)' active in com· munity Ifain, were chosen II the two women representing Pi Beta Phi. WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS The traditional cooky·.bine at the beautiful bome of Mil. Tucy McCracken Ind the Occ~mber social wetinR. .t which III the T ..... o successful summer rush parties opened the 19,6·" year for group enjo,ed an e'rening of cards, rounded out I l'Cry succcssfu l Wichita FlUs Alumnlr. "Pi Phi Candy land" Ind "Good Ship yelt for the Cheyenne Al umnr Club. Pi Phi" "'ere the themes (or the buffet suppers. Outstanding deco· MA1Y Lou Ropu RICHARD rations Ind novel skits .dded I happy, festive atmo!phere to both parties, The October m«tin£ was held at the Womln's Forum, under the direction of PoUy Jones, president. Followin.lt lunch. In inter· COLORADO SPRINGS uting bUJiness meetin. wu hdd .fter which slides on the Settlement School were shown. The program helped the Ilumnae The ,xptembcr meeting WII • luncheon It the home of Doroth y to have more enthusiasm for Ihe Settlement School tea. The tea ~hdru. Mar, Haney made In interesting re port on Convention. ... as held N ovember 7, in Ihe beautiful home of Lida Crump. Sales Rushin, report shaws we hIVe pledged ,even girls from this city . ... ere CIlceptionally,ltood this yea.!. The October meeting was held It the home (Jf Dell Piper. New pledges were honored at 1 Christmas coke party with Fun Twenty·one members Ittended. each brinlin, their favorite dessert, Martin IS host~s to Ilumnr. pledg~ and their mothers. These were 't'Oted upon, the winning recipe being scnt to Arrow Another luncheon .nd business meeting was held in January when Cook Book. M • fu nd raisin. feature it WIS voted that members plans for summer rush . 'ere mlde, don.te their favorite redoes to the club Ind that tbe dub receive The Mlrch luncheon meetin,lt included election of nffice rs who a fcc for each copy iuued, "'ere installed durin, tbe annual Founders' D1y luncheon held in The N ovember meetin. was It the home of Mrs. W, B. Crouch, April. where. lovely driftwood ca:h ibit 11'" shown and Scttlermn t School RUTH SnANQUIST ROBUTS articles uhibited for " Ie. 290 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI

The January meetin, was .t the borne of Mrs. Geor,c Scardslcy. in the chapter was held at Bea Marstons' with a sociJ.I hour Ic was de

D ENVER, JR, OGDEN March of 1956 found Ogden Alumnr club reelecting their e.ntire The Denver Junior Alumnz Qub cnl'Oyed ont of the most suc­ s1J.le of officers. Their enthusiasm ,and fine leadership hIVe helped cessful years in its history under the .b e leadership of Mrs. H. J. our club to pick up immensely during the la5l two years. Newcomb. Jr. Attendance was tops at every m«lin~ ,lind the efforts In June the Cooky.Shine was held at Jane Alaander's, where the of Mrs. Robert Phillips in contacting Ind ,,'cJcoming new members officers were insulled. wert notable. The September meetina (ound a full houSt. for the annual Pot· In $ep(tmbtr ;I dessert rD«Cing was held at the home of Mrs. luck dinner which was held at Loi. Breue's lovely canyon home. B. H. Johnson. Mrs. Richard Hansen, bst year's prtsldent and our The report of our Convention delegllte, Id a Holmes. was the high. Convention delC$l:3Ic. ~avc an inspiring and entcrtainin.lt account of light of the program. "Convention, I !U6." We ,,'cre sorry to lose her lue in the yeu to A Coff« hour was beld in November. All members brought new the Albuquerque, New Maico Aiumnr Club, but our Ion will toys and dothes to be given to the children at the Intermountain most certainly be their gain. Indian School at Brigham City, Ut:&h. A Christmas gift of new In October we held a ioint meetin .. with the Senior ~roup at the plaYIng CJ.rds WIS sent to Utah A. Denver University Chapter HOUK. The chapter entertamed us with The lovely Redwood Room w.as the .KlllOg for a J,anuary lunch· skits from Rush W«k, and \lo'e received reports on the luCCesS of eon. Bridge highlighted the afternoon. rushin,/<: at our Colorado chapten. CLAIIt JOHNSON In November we met fnr de~rt at the home of Mrs. John Munger where Settlement School articles were on display. Mn. Michael Peterson "live a most enteruining prognm On "Our History. " Coff«s were held durin;t the month at which \lo'e made SALT LAKE CITY aprons to sell for the benefit of Wllliace School for brain.injured children. \Ve also donued baby clothes to Gatlinburg this month. The Salt Lake City Alurnnr Club has enjoyed an interesting and Our traditional Christmas party in December, brought all our profit,able ~'ear which befan in October with rushin., \'(Ie .... ere all members together with husbands and boy friends to the D. U. mterested 10 the originJ. parties given by the chapkr and had the Chapter House for ,a sp,aghetti dinner. pleJ.Sure of helping with the refleshments for the Pllrties. The january found us ,at the home of Mrs. Leonard Kowalski l'·here week following pledging Ihe Alpha Group of the alwnnr club had ....·e learned ,about "Good Groomin .. ,and Ch,arm" from a speaker charge of the Cooky.shine. The pledges were served at a 10velJ from the John Robert Powe rs modeling ,agency. We ,also received table designed in the shape of the Arrow, decou.ted with wine an ,a report (rom our treasurer. that we had made S200 on our sale silver blue ribbon. of social c.alendan, which took the place of our r:tffle this year. In November the Settlement School Sale was held under the In February Mtt. Forrest McGrath \lo'as our hostess and an ,amus' direction of Mu Group. The group not on If furnished .I lovely inJ:' style show entitled "Crazy CasualtIes" was narrated by Mrs. lunch fo r those. attend 109, but brought deliCIOUS baked goods to Robert CatpCnter. be sold. The money from the bake s,ale was given to the ,active Election of officers \lo'n held in M,arch. "You and Your Food chJ.pler, All events were successful. Dollu" was our program. The Salt Lake City Alumnr Club has had the privilege of being In April \lo'e held our ,annual RummaAe S,ale. our bi,lt money· one of the groups chosen to participate on the Centennial Fund making project of the year\ which en,ables us to $ive support to Committet'. Mrs. Philip ShenOD is our able ch,airm2n and has Wallace School. The Founders' D,ay Luncheon. WIth Colondo A suggested that elch group of the club conuibute their pennies J.I as Chapter Hostess. wn held April 21. meetings to "unts for Centennial." All groups .are very enthusiutic In Ma, we repeated a hUAe success of lut year . .I picnic supper and \lo'e hope to hIve .I ~ood showing by the end of the yar. lind " Brld,lte and Fun Night" at the home of J oanne Little to close In April the Founders Day banquet wa.s replaced by • lunchton ou t a most enjOy,able yeu. and .... as .I wonderful experience for .Ill of us to renew our pledge MA_Y ALles MUNCU to the bonds o f wine and silve r blue with Utah A. The Senior Breakfut in ~by is .lways such a pluSlnt w,af to end our )'ear u we welcome the Senior Class into the alumnr chapter. FORT COLLINS Our year hu been enriched h1. the ,addition of many tunsfers who hIVe brought with them c ever ideJ.S fo r the coming yea r. The Fort Collins Alumnr Club has met for three 6f its four SAAllAaA B. RAINS m«tings of the yUf, with an J.verJ.ge J.ttendance of twenty memben, The grut interest o f us all hu centered in the redecoration 01 the first Roor of the ch,apter house. It is so lovely that we hne held out bst lunchton m«tings there instead of at the homes of OMICRON PROVINCE OUt alumnr hostesln. In November we held a brunch for the new Pi BetJ. Phi pledges. B ELL EVUE We were all so glad of this opportunity to ITIttt the charming girls .... ho hue chosen Pi Bc:t,a Phi. The Bellevue Alumnz Club, in the second year since being \'(Ie invited the Denver Mothers' Club ,and the H ouse BoJ.rd of chartered, began the yeat with twenty,oDe J.ctive members and a the Univenity of Colorado to our April lunchton. Pi Beta Phi It new chairman Mrs. j ohn W . Rushmore (Joann Flalen, WuhinRton CU has been most interested in our ch,apter .nd the Mothers' Club A). In tbe fall we collaborated with the Seattle Club in compiling has been such a helpful force in the furnishing of the chapter hoUlt', a directory of pj Beta Phis in the Seattle area. This involved In April too .....e held I buffet supper for the graduatin. senion. ttJ.thering information about one hundred and tifty Pi 8et,a Phis, We hope to md:e this ,an InnuJ.I event, bu t .1ft' particularly proud mduding those who have recently moved to this rapidly growing of this group of ChJ.rter Members of Colorado Gamml. J.rea from all pans of the countll'. Helpill8 WJ.shington A. Band Our small club has ...·ea thered the rough ye,ars of colonizing and r active chapters in Fall Rush with recommendations for girls from beginning an active chJ.pter and we are now looking forward to Bellevue J.nd Mercer Island ...·u the pleuant and stimuluin,ll: duty' smoothef times J.heJ.d. JANBT TWITCHELL HAM o f the tt'CommendJ.tion committ« of the Bellevue Club. Also in the fall we h,ad our Settlement School Sale and tea .at the home of Mrs. j ohn W . Hamilton (Pe", Tanner, Utah A) wilh Mrs. C. H. Ferguson (Catherine Conror, Oregon A) u chairman of a suCttSs' ful sale and festive afternoon. We looked forward to a buffet l.ARA1.UE supper party with husbands J.nd guests the latter part of Ma,.. ANN S. LUND The Laramie. Wyoming Alumnr Club celebrated Founders' na,. last April witb tilt: Wyoming Alpi11 ChJ.ptet at the cbapur bouse, It is at this rD«ting thJ.t our .nnual "Pie Socill" is held with uch Alum bringing a pie for refreshments. It was also .at this meeting CALGARY that the scholarship ... inners from each c1us .... ere honored hy the alums witb a ,ift of a sil.,.e.r teaspoon in the girls' indiVidual At the openin, me.eting of tbe CJ.lgU'J' Alwnnr Club in Septem· silver patterns. bu, Betty Ldroy. Conwention clelqate. presented a nry interestin, At out September meeting. Mrs. John G uthrie, our convention resume of the National ConTention. Also at tbis meeting. it w.as delegate, gne a most Interesting report Ind showed slides to ac· decided to dispense with the bazaar and instead, to hold seveul companr the talk. smaller mont')' m~ prol' .ro, In October we entertained the pledges at the home of A ilier! A rummage sale wu he d. con~ed by Elaine Wilson in October\ Kruegc.r and our NOTember meding was bighli«hted hr I display wbich netted w S9) Ind in February. a pot luck supper plannt'd of Settlement School ~s. hr Pat Weir, Leslie Morrison, Bertha Egertson, aDd Mary Phibbs, In February a dinner honering the p-,trontSses and the seniors contributed another SH. THE A IR O W Of PI InA PH I 291

In November, we provided a bome cooking table at the local A local expert 00 table plannin~ and decoration wu lhe: guest Handicapped 811ur. AJ tbis is our local project, the monies reo during the dinner meding in November. Tbe Settlement School tn, ceived were turned directly onr to thtm. under the direction of NOm'll Stearn., WIS held It the lovel, home &cause our Christmas and Roarill& Twenties partie, were lucb of Miry Ellen Williams. Tben was 10 excellent turn out of tremendous succases, it was decided to hold them again this yur. Ilumn~ and ,ucsts tn purchase tbe .rticle. from G2tlinbur,. We .'ere ~Il' IOrll' to 5«: our president leave for Montrell in The annual Christmas bazaar WIS quite a succes, "'ith the .uc· October, but under the capable ~uidlnce of j oycc Cairns Obrien, tionin.. of SHu contributed by mcmben. The procttds were Knt to III of our undertakings hne proven Yery successful. a Pi Beta Pbi .Iumna doill& missionary work in j ap.n. ISOBEL ATnILL The new yur found the club reacquaintin, itself with the Con· stitution and History of the Fraternity. Foreign students from the: Univenity of Oregon were Ruests .1 the Febru.ry medin" An interesting diSCUSSIon followed the: tcgular Coos COUNTY meeting. They reprnented thei r natiYe countries of En,lliand, At· gentina .nd the Pbilippines. The Coos County Alumn~ Club of Pi Beta Phi started the yeu Election of officcra took place in March. Founders' 01, was out with a m~tm,i: in September It the home of j anrt Shaw Nelson celebrated during the April meeting. A successful year w.. com· in North Bend. Maxine P.ullen Mauney and Lill. M.st Lulie told pleted in MI., ... ben the Oregon A 5efliors h.d dinner .... itb the us of the evenu of Convention, They showed us many picturc:s and .lumnz club, mementos, and reported that the, had a wonderful .nd inspiring CAIOL Moan time. In November we lIVe our annu.1 Settlement School Sale and Tea. This ,ur the ttl was held at the home of Elinor Feslcs Ch.ndler EVERElT in Cool 8ay. This year "'e Ire pleased to have a new member in our club, The EvefCu Alwnnz Club met in September It the home: of Virlinia Corrie G'nt, who transferred from the S.lem Alumnz Nlncy McDonough Mitchell to discuss rushing recommendations Club. and the business for the comin,v: yelr. The October meeting, at the 8AI""'IA WL\YIUl ROBINSON home of jo.n Hauswedell Erickson, was devoted to an intefCItinl report on the highJi,llhts of the Convention given by l ouise Whee· lock Dobler. At the November meeting, Agnes Pheny, Iowa Z, was welcomed CORVALLIS into the Order of The Golden Arrow and honored at that time. The alwnnz club presented her with a solden 21row pin. The Corvallis Alwnn:.e Club .t its first fall m«ting, held .t the December brought the Innual SeUlelDCnl Scbool sale. Slles this home of its president, Rowena Russell, welcomed a number of ne .... year exceeded $400 and in .ddilion to Ihis sale, Louise Dobler, members who have recentl y jOined our community. H ighli,l:hl of the chairman of this project, ktcps an Altowcraft .hop open in her Call was • series of repolls on the Pasadena Convention given by home during the entire rUt. Lucy Sinnard of the active chapter; by her mocher, Harriet Sinnlrd ; The club continued Its plan of sendinR I magazine subscription by Alice Wallace; .nd by Berthl Johnson, .11 of whom attended to an active ch.pter. This year the subscriplion WIS sent to Wash· from ou r club. The chapter vice pruident, DofOtby Williams, also inglon B. reported on the bonors recently won by the .ctives, A well PITl.J.SON Featured at the December mtClin4 "'ere a lour of newl, decorated areas of the chapter house, wrappll'lg of gifts for a needy (amily, Ind a social hour at .... hich Mn. Elsie Heath, new chlpter hoste» O LYMPIA served coffee. Honored at tM Febru.1l' meeting were the chapter hostess Ind One of the outst.nding Ind certainl, most successful accomplish· twenty.four freshmen, this vear'l vel')' line pledge class, for whom menu of the Olympia Alumnz Club this year was the Settlement dessert was served at the hOlllC of Pauline Bonesteele. The sroup School Sale, The chlpter sold Irticles at the Olympia Arts Ind entert.ined us ... ith a number of Pi Beta Phi songs, one of ... hicb Crafts Fair, and .Iso sponsored I ttl beld in the home of Mu. Ihey h.d recentl, composed themselves. Three of the freshmen were G. Noyes Tllcott, a member of the Olympil Alumnz Club. Oregon B daughters: Lou Gil»on, Pat Strand, Ind Judy ClarK, Alain this year the Ictives were included in the tirst meetins, whosc molhers ... ere Betty Clark, jlnrt Husted Ind Marlaret Dtcble which WIS a picnic, Ind scbeduled before the variow schools coo· respective I,. ycocd , Auc. INGALLS WALLlr.CB For the first time in mlny yeau, the a1umnz club sent iu presi· dent, Mrs. Robert L. Simpson, to Convention. Alumnz members in Ol,mpia felt the need, this year, to con· tribute to some good cawe and a check WIS sent to the Hungariln EDMONTON Relief Fund. Founders' Day was observed this year at a banquet for III As Alberta A Ind the Edmonton AlumnJC Club "'ere celebtltit1& Olympil Alwnoz membcn. For the past Kveral yelts we have the silver annivcnary of their foundin8 on September 22 , a gala celebrlted with the Inez Smith Soule Alumnae group Ind WuhinR' homecom ing weekend was rlanned with the anniverslty dinner ton r. being held at the Museum 0 Arts .nd a brunch It HiIlClest Coun· Guest night and a bake sale were on the spring asenda and try Club 2ltendcd by over one hundred, including eighteen of the closed a most inspirinlt Ind successful ycar. original thirty charter mcmben. Two memorial gifu, a llir of Aucl L. BIINNEI silver candelabra Ind In engraved silver tray, were prescnte to the chapter. AlumnJC members have worked closely with the actives this vear PORTLAND ISsisting with ruShing, making new gowns for initiation Ind giving talks to the pleches on the mlny faceu of Pi Beta Phi, The Pi Beta Phi Alumnz Club of Portland began Iheir activities Our program bas been yuied with sucb topici as Convention this yur with a Cooky·shine meetinlt, At this meetin" ou r president, 19,6, Monkey BlUiness (complete with I real live cheetlh!) Francis Bruning Murney, highlighted her ConventIon report with Hawlii Ca lil The Roll of Women in India, Pilm Fun Nighl and colored slidCl illustratinlt her talk. Glass CollecllAgl . A Settlement School sale wu held in October. This is an event Fund ralsin, projects included the annu.1 rumma&e sale in No· looked forward to by many Pi Beta Ph is and their friends, .nd this vember netting lbout '120, sale of Christmas cards, gift wrappings year was a,ain a buge success in the Portland area. and noveltV gifts amounting well O'fe r 'lOO and Dutch Auctions As I ne .... idea we held a Holidlv party the last of November, held It regular meetings proyiding much fun Ind mlny pennies, Besides an interCiting prORrlm, we collected ' ll wh ich was Riven Our Jlnuary mcdiug took the form of .. dessert p.rty for the to the White Shield Home at Hospital for cllSSroom facilities. actives, pledges Ind Mothers' Club held in the Wluneill Lounge. In Febru.ry we introduced coffc:c houlS in the various atelS of Februlry was the month choscn fo r the Pi Phi Formal and Poun· ou r city. ThIS was done in the hopes of Icquainting Pi Btta Phis ders' DIY banq,uct, It whicb time we .... ere happ, to welcome Lou with those in their own district, Ann Tuft, pro'flncc president, lS.ruest of bonor. Our big money mail:.in.l: proj«t for the yea r wu I rumm.lte sale Under the capable leadership of our president, Oilna Robinson, held in May. Loyal Pi Betl Phi sisten saved their rumm.ge all a bus, year closed with a pre·convocation luncheon in honor of vur to make this/roject I success. our Pi Bet2 Phi graduates, Our vur close with the celebrl tion of Founders' Day. A dinner RUTlf P. M. SHIPUY .... as held at the ConArtss Hotel. Our spcc.i.l guests being Plst presidents of the Portland Club Ind representativu frnm each of the .ctive Oregon Chlpters. EUGENE JAN. MABIE VAUGHN

The new Eusene AlumnJC Oub officers, he.ded by presiden t Add Peters Longmore, were hostesses in Augwt for a husband snd ... ife RICH LAND, W AS HINGTON picnic 2t the summe r home of Lois Scharpf Rced. In October the chlpter house birthdlY was celebrated with the In October we met .t the home of Helen Mlurer. Pl.ns for .. activu of OrelOn A. The club in conjunction ... ith the mothers' Settlemeut School Sale were discuued. Jeanette Thurston ,IIave a club pre5Cnttd them with place ICttio$l of new cbina. Tbe alumnz report on rush activities. At the cod of t1ic mcct.itlg a hlndkercbief were proud Ind 'fcry pleascd wben Introduced to the outstandinl shower w.. liven for MrI. Thurston wbo was movin,ll; to Wash· new pledge c1as •. ington, D.C. much to the regret of her Pi Betl Phi sister., 292 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI

In Novtmbtr we held our $«Ood Settlcmect School Sale which The sprin, months promiKd to be busy ODes. Our annual White was liven as In afternoon and evening Tca in the home of Virginia Elephant Sale was planned for the Mlrch meeting. In April a Heffner. Marjorie Peterson and Mar, Cooper wcre in charge of dessert·bridge put}' was held to replenish our treasury as well as arran,ements. afford us an opportunity to invite friends to share. pleasant after­ D«embtr saw the annual Panhellcnic lormal dinner-dance beld noon with us. April .Iso brought forth our belOYed Founders' Day at the Kennewick Social Oub. Also in December brought puise:s Banquet. for OUf Shirley Whipple who ling the lead in Richland's Light A very successful year closed with a picnic dinner meeting in Opera production of' Showboat." May. The January meeting .... u held in the home of Pat Cochrane It GEN CoNNlfP C\IILSON which time the members rcvi~cd the Constitution Ind H istory of Pi Beta Phi. New officers were elected .t the fD«ting. We voted 10 don lie to UNSP and to the Columbia High School Foreign Student Fund. We were also very pleased to welcome five new members. TACOMA In April we installed out new officers at our annual Founders' Day luncheon m«ting held It the Desert Inn Hotel in Richland. The Inez Smith Soule AJumnae Club commenced the year with a GLOI.IA MILL n ScHI LL delightful supper at Dorothy Kirk's home: on Lake Steilacoom. The H awaiian atmosphere added much to the occasion. " Be Prepared," October's m«tiOJl: theme, encouraged the mem­ bers to start thinking o( decontin" for Christmas with native conet SALEM of the Pacific Northwest. The Settlement School Tea and Sale, under the chairmanship of The Nancy Black Wallace Alumnz Club held its first meeting in Ann Zittel, was a complete success Ind was well attended. The Tea October at the home of Mugau! HoHman. AU the members en­ was held in the beautiful and spacious home of Dorothy Fewell on joyed ID«ting the new pledgcs of the active cbapter, who were our November 1 t. guests for dessert. Aher the me-eting our president, Helen Keyser, The Ictives wele honored at a luncheon durin, the Christmu gave her report on Conyention showin,ll colored slides Ind mlny H olidays in the home of Roberta Pauley. Invitltions had been ex­ mementos of the occasion. tended to .11 activu within drivin" distance o f Tacoma. Novemf,(r 19 we held our annual Settlement School sale Ind tea An informative talk on the Far Eut by Dr. L. S. Shelmidine at the home of Odell Ohling. It proved to be a very succcssful day hiJhlighted the January meeting. Also, in January, the Panhellenic and was enjoyed by our members as well 15 many friends of Pi DlOner Dance was an enjoyable eyent. Betl Phis. In February a speaker from the Kathleen Peck Modeling Agency The December meeting wu held at the chlpter house on WiIIlm· spoke on good posture .nd g rOOmi ng, The theme for the February ette University campus. \Vle tlke jams and jelliu for the ,iris and me-eting was "Be a Valentine." are always delighted .... ith their Christmas songs and entertainment. Slides on Holt House WCle inspiriO}l: to our members at the Maxine Bartruff WI5 the chairman of our two.day rummage sale March meeting. in February. With much help from m.ny it was very profitable. In April Founders' OJY was observed with • banquet and an The city Panhellenic ,l!:roup pllnned I benefit bridge to be held interestin, pro,ram. on the campus .... ith profits going to Hueo School. their locil Concluding our year of activities, officers for the next year were project. installed. We hid elections in March. our Founders' Day banquet in April Mas. ] . HoLJI.oYD .lind everyone looked forward to the picnic in J une witb our hus· band,. H IUN W. OHVBU V ANCOUVER

Members of the Vlncouver Alumnz Club have enjoyed the past S EATILE yeu's activities under the enthusiastic leadership nf Gwen Smith. The locil service project of lid to the Provincial School for Blind The Seatlle Alumnz Club is condudin.ll the second yur under the Children was developed further this yeat by the formation of a enthusiastic leadership of Mrs. Paul Wiedemann. The first bi, committee of volunteers willing to devote extra time to this work. proiect for the year was to get out a completely checked new yeu One member Marjorie Johnson. held a coffee party at which $ )0 book for the )00 Pi Beta Phis in Seattle area. was earned (rom the Slie of Christmas cuds and wllppings. Isabel On October 9 the alumnz club was co·hostess with Washington Miller contributed mucb by hlndlinr. the sale of these items for A for a tea for Mrs. Stewart Tufts, province president. loin. Horace the club. In this way1 and by the sa e of calend.rs. it was possible Vanasse. province vice president, and Mrs. Clara You~" the cbap. to make I substantia donatton of rKOrW and toys to the School ter's new housemother. On October 1) the first meeting was held (or tbe Blind. Toys were liso made by members and packed in in Washington A house where we met the thirty.one new pledges decorated boxes at the Christmas party. With a rumma~e sale, who entertained us with an "around the clock" fashion show. Alumnllt helped the Puent·T eacher Anociation of the Blind School Octobe r activities were completed with a day long Settlement School to raise $4)0. ~Ie at the home of Mrs. William Paddock. The drop in luncheon At the October m«tinR. Barbara Fridriksson gave an interestina pro"ed a delightful wly to bri~ .a:uests to the sale. Tea was ~rved description of ber experiences IS deleltate to Convention. In the afternoon, and from ' :}0·7:}0 a social hour for husbands Settlement School was the subject of the meetinlt held in February. and friends proyided another period of brisk sales. A t.lk on "Estates Ind Wills" by Helen PerkinS, a member wbo In N Ol'ember the neighborhood arel meetings were held. is • lawyer. was scheduled for March. On D«embcr 4 we had a merry Christmas party in the beautifullr The Founders' Day dinner was an April event anticip3ted with decorated home of Mu. Darwin Meisnest. Lynne Palmer. Indilna pleasure by everyone. B. enchanted us with her harp solos. DITTY MACBETH A tea given at Mrs. J . L William's home on December 28 for vacattoning actives was enjoyed by manr. Washington A celebrated its Golden Jubilee Janulry 19. All other Pi Beta Phis joined them for initiation and a banquet in the PI PROVINCE new banquet room of the Student Union BuildinlJ. Wuhin.a:ton A alumnllt and activCl presented a clock to the UOlyersity of Wash· in,eton in commemorJtion of the day. BAKE RS FIELD, CALIFORNIA The vety active J unior Group planned the Founders' Day meetin, which was I brunch. They Ilso planned an evenin,'s performance This past year hu been In intereslinfl: and yuied one for us 2t the " Penthouse Theatre." The profits will be employt'd in fur­ under the capable guidance of OUf presldeDt. Alice Stone Remp. thering the SeJttie Alumnz Club project. We bcaan in October wjth I delightful report on Convention by Mu, J. H. WILPONG our delegate, Laura Kirby Robinson . She had such In enjoylble time .t Convention. that her anecdotes .nd sidelights were most amusing. At this meelin,!\: we abo made plans for OU t Settlement School ule to be held in No.-embcr at the chlrmin,!!; new home of S POKANE Betty Palmayesa Bidalt. This fur we changed it from OUf usual tea to In informal morning coffee. It 111'11 an excellent idea: every· The Spokane Alwnn~ Club opened its faIi proltram witb a very one rated it • huge success Ind much more fun. Audre, Ollk inspirational report of the 19)6 National CooventloD preu:nted by Minor, our vice president. and Vir.c:inia O ...idson K iefer. our our alumnz club president, Pat Collins Hawke. Settlement School Chairman, worked tirelessly Ind endleuly to In October we held our annUli fall rummage ule which helped make it so. to supply/unds for the year's IctiYitics. Janua,., found us meetin. It the home of Betty Snyder Smith The Ouistmas holidlYS ,l!:ave us In opportunity to entertain our for our IDnual White Elephlnt Alarm Clock Auctioo and Food. loci l IctiVCS Ind their mothers with I Drop-In Coffee Hour It the Sale. It WIS quite hilarious and sucb In easy war to nise funds. Mlnito Country Club. Despite their Ictiyitics. mlny wt:re able to Miss JeaD Fritz from The UniYersity of Califomil ExtcnsioD Se",ice attend and eYeryone had I grand time. Another memorlble eyent spoke to us in Februa~ on kitcben plannin,. in December wu the InnuJ! Pan hellenic DlDCe held D«embc.r 7 Patricia Johnson 0 BYeI!:n opened her cbarmin~ home in Mucb at the DaYCnport H otel. so that we, and our friends, could enjoy I f'Cadmlt liveD by Mrs. AJ.ain this year our ,roup is helpin,c with the pro.ram of Booth Lawrena Weill. The Poundets' Day luncheon was held in the patio Memorial H ospital home for unmarried mathus, by purcbuiDl of Miry Prances Tucker Porter's home. OlKe a&&io it was potluck Kve,,1 hospitl l bedside tables IS well IS continuin, the mqu:ine with much, too much delicaous food. subscriptions l ift:o in past yel n. For the insta liatioo of offia:rs we met in MIY .t the home of THE ARROW OF PI BHA PHI 293

Ethd Robimoa. Our ·'just-for.fun" party ,,'U the main topic of All Guild Fa ir for the benefit of Valley Children', Hospital. discussion. This party is • barbecue hdd in june with our husbands Through tbe hlld work and cRotts of our eroup, Ana_craft as our ,uests. .oods made .n attlactive display and the Fai r was highly 5ucceSJ­ PAnlOA HA"WILL BIGCAa ful. We were pleased to dooatc $100 to the V.llc-y Children's Hospiul. An in formll Art Forum higbli,cbtcd the Nonm~r meeting. Members and pests enjoyed att discussions by leaders in the art B ER KELEY field in the Frano l.1ea. Dr. and Dottie Rolnng ""ere bost: and hostess for a wonderful The East Bay Alumnae Club bc,lt.ln fall activities lasl )'ur with a Christmas party. We were hiPPY to ~ joined by younlt actives rr.tttmg at the active chapler house:. The new pledllU "'ere intro­ home on "acltion and by Alumnz livin, in the outlyu\g com­ duced and the Rush Chairman ,lave us an account of the new rush· munities. Each &ucst contributed to our cuSiotnaty Christmas i»sket, 109 policy. Plus were then made fo r the Settlement School Tu which was delivel!'d 10 a deservioJt family of seven...... hich ....' 1$ :II lovel, .ffair. We had our most successful )'Car, with A morning coff~ social with a Valentine Iheme w .. held .t many guests and Dew items displared for the tirst time. Mi ry Ehlers home in February. Members .nd friends enjoyed a The ChnstmlJ Pitt}' WIoS a ~rt:a t dul of fun, wllh the members leisu re time Ind an ioteresCin. demonstrltlon of fio"'er atrlnging, Ie" IDg and fillm,ll: SfockinJU for the underpriv ileged children spon· A scholarship, which will be used nen yur, W &5 given to one Jo red by Ihe act ive chapler. of our memben. The active cha:rter initi.tion WH very Imprusive in the ncw Pi Beu Phis hclprd _ilh the annual PanheUen ic Fashion Show chapter room, an was followed b, a banquct held at the Hotd for the benefit of the Pediatric Ward o f the County HOJpit.1. AlJo Claremont. ute! in the month, Ihe alumn2 .!troup sta,ed its .nnual we supplied comic books Ind decorations for Thanksglvin,l trays Hat Show, which 11 al",ays a success. T his yeu the hau were sho"'n and a Christmas trce for the Wild. Through the local Pan helleniC by Roos Brothers, one of OUI loeal storcs. group, members devoted their time to .n orientation program for Elections of new officers came in Muc~ . followed by • joi nl hi~h school girls planninJf to go to college. Founders' Da, Iunch~n wjth the Contra \,.Osta Jtroup It the EI We look forward to each publicatioo of the Pi Phi POll Nldo Rancho on the 27 of April. edited by Marilyn Emery [0 Iceep us informed on lhe latest news We closed our yur'. activities with I ffiC'tling to instill the new of our ,roup. officers Ind honor the JtuduallnJt seniors of the aClive chapter, as Our year was concluded witb the traditional Founders' Day is our usua l custom at the last m«tin,l. l unch~n at the Sunnyside Country Oub, E UANOI PENPIELD ANGWIN


The members of the Centinda V,lley Al umn ~ Club have en' The Glend.le Alumnr Club resumed its aClivitics in September 10)ed a vlrled and inte rntl n,ll program this year. All m~tinJts bave with a Cooky-shine. Evening meelings havem.de pouible • lar.ller been "'ell . ttended. The September luncheon meetm,ll;. held at the attendance by younRer mem~rs. A book reVle"', travel ulkJ. iIIus· home of M rs. Betty Barnes, ga~e Mrs. Hilda Greene .n opportu­ trated by Slides, the traditional Christmu part}', and a pro"um nity to prescnt her inspiring account of the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity sponsored by a loel.l be.uty salon, h.ve liven the mtetinJts added (onventlon held lut j une in Plladenl. interest. Husbands and escorts were entertained in October .nd The members worked very hard on their rumma,lt:e sale thi! yur March. It is customary for aU Pi Beta Phis in metropdliun Los which proved lucceuful. The proceeds will go to our local philan­ Angele. to celebrate Founders' 01.1 together. The IUJfe attendance thropy which jJ La Casa Dc La Centinell Adobe. This historical made luncheon .t the Slatier Hote .n impressive event. S'panish house WIS built in the carly 1800 's where InJtlewood, It WIS a pril'i1ege to have Mrs. Speaktr, Grind Secret2ry, Mrs. California, w.s founded by D.niel Freemen. Our conuibulJon will Gordon, Pi Province President, .nd Mrs. Kyle, Pi Province Vice .ssist in the mllOtcnance and reitoration of this famous landmark. President with us in Febru.!'J. We have, also, had IS our jtueJ!:s, All the membtrs loolccd b rward to & pro,reuive dinner with Glendale Ictives from the University of Southern Californl' and their husbands which " 'II our tin. I meeting for the cu rrent yur. the Univenity of Californi., Los Angeles. In june Pi Beta Phi AUIB TUDOIt ELDItEDGB daughters were invited to. potluck dinner. A membership in the Glendale Hospital Auxiliary is maintained, .nd .id is extended to the Crippled Children's Society of los Angeles County. A dinner was served the International Student's CONTRA COSTA Oraaniu tion of Glendale College. MonC)-' for these loc.tl philan· thropies is raise:d b, a rumm:llJfe sale and from mlgazine subscrip. tions. Contra Costa Al umnz Club is a rather small ,!troup 50 we . 'ere The Glend.le Alumnz Club with a membership of scventy has especially proud to be .ble to lend two delelj:ales, Mrs. Robert had I most successful yeu under the leadership nf johann Jonas. Pr~ce and Mrs. Georle D ibble as reprcscntatlves to Convention HELEN WILSON l.sl summer. An interesting and informative report was Riven It the Scp.tcmbcr mtdin,lt by these two dele,latcs. A . Tlsting Party" was held at the October meeting; uch mem o ber brought a sample of her fa \ o rile recipe, five of ..' hich were HONOLULU se lected fo r inclusion in the PI Beta Phi Cookbook. Mrs. R. E. Bernard was hostcss for this meetin,lt. The Honolulu Alumnz Club has had a successful year under the This year's Settlemen t School Sale WIS held IS an informal coRte leadership of President Mar,aret MortSOIl Camp, California 6 . .tt the home of Mrs. G. R, Ki lborn. CoRee WIS served from ten Last Spring the Innual Founders' Dar luncheon ;vas held I t the until three .nd luests could enloy their coffee while admlrina the Rtef Hotel. This eYent is always "'ell IItended by Honolulu lovely Arrowcraft goods displayed fo r sale. Al um nr as well as visitinJf Pi Bet. Phi Alumnr. The December lDCC llng wu held al the home o f Mrs. William The club has continued its project of usislance to Pohukaina Hobbs, with "Christmas ideas .nd Decorations" the topic of the School for relarded children. Members o f the club h.ve given E,ster meetin,. E,ch member presented her favorite decorating, wrapping and Christmas parties It the school which were enthusiastically re· or ,ift idea and if poSJlble brought a sample. Mlny ,ood and ceived by the youngsters. new ideas "'ere ClchanJted II th is meetinR. Durin$ the summer the alumnz club entertained _t a luncheon A potluck supper .nd Clrd party for ou r husbands was held in for visitmg actives from mainland colle,es who . ttend the summer j .nuary at the home of Mrs. Geol",lle Dibble. This is .n annu.1 sC5sio n II the University of Hawaii. affair which if .Iw.y. ,ll;re.lly enjoyed by both the Pi Beta Phis The Honolulu Alumnr Club was represen ted at Convention by Ind their husbands. Doris Mlby Frazer, Orc,l;on A. UpOn her return to Ihe Islands she The February meeting. H the home of Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, was ,ave .n interesting report on Ihe Convention .ctivities. a bridJte social with a Valentine's Da, theme. In October I benefit bridJte was held for the purpose of raising Our group looked forward to the Founders' Day lunch ~n monel for the club. wh ICh this year WIS held fOI BJY Area members at the EI N ido Ren.tur.tnt in ufa)'ette, Contra Cost. County. JOAN ROHLPING KATIIA It INB KOHLJ!J. LA C AN ADA VALLEY

F RESNO The LI Canida Villey Alumna: Club opened the yur', aCl ivitiu in Oclober with a fine report on Convention from our president, This has hccn I busy Ind intetcstiDA: year for the Fresno Alumnz Ruth Busch, We "'ete liso happy to have our first Golden Arrow Club under the cap.ble ludershlp of our president, Janet Emonts. member, GI.dys Shackelford Bruner, attendinJt the Golden Arrow We began the rUt In October wllh a pot luck supper and cooky. lun c h~n during Convent inn IS our .UUt. Our club WIS pleascd to shlDe . t the home of Babs Van Rozeboom. At that time our popu· learn that Pi provinCe has made the highest contribution to the lar engagement (alendata were distributed to members .nd plans Centennial Fund. were m.tde fo r :I rumma,lte u le IS fund ra ising prOjects. We The Novem~r mCClinJf once a,ltain gue us an opportunity to aid benefited from a report given by Ann Bennin,hoven .bout her our philanthropy, Ihe Crippled Children's Society, for which mem o dell,htful experiences in Paudena at tbe 40th National Conven· ~rs of our club addrcss and stuff en.elopcs u ch yell. tion. It w.s dec ided that our main philanthropic project for the 'W!e held no m~ting in December, instud meetinJt elrl y Ind yell would be the sale of Scttlcmcot School Good. 1.1 Fresno's first a,Jln late in j.Duary. At the I.tter ,ltberin, oW' province .ice 29. THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI

president, Evelyn Kyle, gave In inlipi rins [alk on the Emma Harper Turner Fund. uphlllnin,:: it5 cfi,in. purpose, .lind benefits. Los ANGELES In M arch wCj)Jrlicipucd in I. \'(Iays and Means JHOJCCt of ou r own, selling raffle tickets ,."ithin the club to win • ,hartoal por· Our year tORether to r~ ne-.... our friendship and the- Los An,JIeles trait uecuted by our own Kltherinc Buucll Shackelford. Alumnz Club .ctivities for our Craternity ~f.n in Oclober With a April brought '''''0 celebrations: Founders' Day at Ihe Statler lunchcon meeting at the beautiful Upper Be ·Air Bay Oub. Hotel ill Los Anj;Celcs. whic h we observed along 1I>'ith other mern The N oyember meetinR w.as I. joint one with th~ j unio r. Senior !xu of Area Council ; and a husbandJ-and-wivts party at the home and Professional Groups meeting at the U .S.C, Pi Btta Phi House. of Ik. Wilde. where chapter and rushing re ports were presented by thc U .S.C. Insullation of officers look pbce in ~l.1 y, followed by the tra· and U.C.L.A. girls. Arrowcuft products from the Settlemcnt ditional cooky-shine to close the year. School were disr,layed in order for us to "Shop with Sally (or A NNI HAIlaIS H .... IIOROT S.nta." The Yu etide spirit prevailcd with a Christmas buffet (01· lowed by I. program of delightful Christmas readinls. Plans for our Bencfi t Lunchcon . nd Fashion Show were discussed at the January JD«"tin.c. While the- Bencfic iuelf .... as held in LA JOLLA February in the exotic 831i Room o f thc Ikvcrly Hilton Hotel. with the proceeds going to our locl.I philanthropy. the Crippled Ch ilo The second Jc:tf of 1M Adele Taylor AUord Alumnz Club 01 dren s Society. Throu.chouc the yea r envelo pes .·~ re .ddresSt"d and La Jolla ope:nc wilh a pre-rush mcclin,lt in August. Girls fmm the stuffcd for their EaSIer Seal campaign. The Anowcraft products loca l high school cntcrin,ll; college in the faU wcrc considered for "'erc prominently displayed at the Benefit. rKommcndation. Reporu from the d~legale 10 Convenuon WCrt Wc cOloyed a d iscussion on the affairs of the Middle East .t also .&: iven at this time. our Muc h meetinl!, which honored the past pre si d~nts with a In Stp t em~r Pi Provincc Vicc Presidcnt Evel yn Peters Kyle made Ft.1Inkl y. Fancy·Luncheon held on the canopied tcnace of the Brent· hcr official visit to the club. A most successful Sttllemcnt School wood home of our prcsident. Pcggy H asti ngs. tta and salc wert hcld in N ov em~r . Durinc thc Christmas holi· Founders' Day .... 1$ celcbratcd in April by all thc active chapten days thc La j olla Club ioincd with thc San Dicgo dub to cntcr­ and alumnz groups in Ihis arel. with I. lun ch~on held at the Statlcr tlin thc out-of·town activcs at lunchcon. At the january m«ti ng. Hotel. fouf mcmbers of California E visitcd to lalk about thc chaptcr. Our traditional Mothcr-D.ug htcr Tea was held in May, while Founders' Day dinntl was «Icbrued with the S .. n Drcgo dub in June we planncd a swim·part y 3nd installation o f new offic~rs. and with California K We hlye bt"cn extremely act ive in Panheltenlc ""'ork inciudinR the Thc yeu's activifi~s cOnclud~d with a covered·dish dinncr to annual Ind lovcly fashion show bencfit and tea. which is held to which Ih~ families or mcmbers wcrc invitcd. make money (or scholarships for local high school Rirls entering MILORI!D D UR IIA).! collegc. Our continuous bridge tournament provides I. wonderful way o f making friends in our larll:~ alumnz grouP. and .Iso adds I bit to our treasury. J ANB GOTCH MOU'-IOUSB LAS V EGAS Our Pi Bet .. Phi ye ar startcd in Au.&:us t whcn a number of thc Los ANGELES J UNIOR members and their husbands enjoycd a bubtcue at the home of Virginia ·D icls. Is,abelle Blackman Rave us a very interening ta llc The Junior Alumme Club o f Los AnReles br,lt. n . nother success· on her trip to Europe at our October mccting hdd at the home of fu l yrar with its Annual Luncheon Fashion·Show, M rs. H erbert J uncve D amus. We invitcd .I1:UCUS to enioy it wilh us. Virginia Webb generously opened her lovdy home for the event. Mariorie D icls inyitcd us to htl house for the Chriumas party. We took our Cooling commcntat«l the fuhion show prcsentcd by Claudia's husbands. exchangcd gills and ate a buffet supper. We missed our Botique of Brentwood, and fashions . ·cre modded by members. presidcnt, I.ois Mathcws. as shc was busy bringin~ a baby boy In O ctober, Mrs. Cunninghl.m o f Ihe \'Vestern Art and Craft mto the world. Fcbruary was our monlh to cntcrtain the Pan· Supply presentcd a hscin.tinl! program on Holiday Pl.rty themes hellenic. and IS usual many of our members attendcd. Prizcs WCrt and $dt ideas. given for the most unusual Valentine and fo r thc Ra mes played With the Juniors as hostesses. our joint meetinR with the Senior undcr thc dircction o f Peggy Casty. Thc m«linll: was at jlnC I.nd Professional Groups WI$ hdd in November at the California Compton's; Janc is movinR to Phocnil[ in Junc and wc surd,. hatc r Chl.ptcr H ouse. Of great inlelCSt to all. active chapter reports to sec her go. Shc has been our rush chairman fo r a num ~ r of from California r and .0. ChaptetS were presented. M rs. Charles ycars and is al50 • chartcr member of thc club. Shc .... as sent u Koons. noted dramatist . .cave • charming prtsent.ttion of. "The delcRatc to thc Conventio n in Pasadcna. Moon is Blue." Wc uiS("d money durin,ll the holidays sell ing Christmas cards and The Christmas H olidays "'cre ushered in by the juniolS and their "'rappings, undcr the upable direction o f J uneve Damus. beauX" with I buff~ supper party. Thc home of M rs. John T . Hast· This year thc Panhdlenic annual tra for Senior Rirls ",,'U hdd on ings. Los Angelcs Stnior PreSident . was a perfect setting for the Founders' Day. Many of our members usist at this tea. \X' e also affair ..... ith I\:a la decorations evclywhcre to celcbrate the- season. planned a lunchCOn in obStrvanc~ of Foundcrs' Day. A gly and erciting evcnin. was enioyed by the one hundred .Ruests NAKI NII JIIANNI!:Y ,,'ho attended. In January, Mrs. Cook. from urolyn Leonetti Limited Modelin. Agency. Il:ave an in formative lecture on charm Ind groominR. en· titled. " How to be H is Fair Lady." LONG BEACH Our m.in local philanthropy is donatln,ll funds and serviccs to the Cripplcd Children's Society. Under the direction of Jean Olm· T he Long Beach Alumnr Club under the able ludership of our st~d. our .smup I.ddressed }6.000 envelope-s for the ruter Seal presldcnt. Mary Jones Wilson, began liS )·cu·s activities with Drive. JUniors .Iso have worked hard stuffin.l1: the envclopes, assist· pa rtiCipation In the PI Beta Phi Convention held in Pasadena. ing at the Christmas party for the Crippled Children, and donatiflA V irgiOia Andcrson Townsend ""ith her committee m:lde the posten money {or Christmas Gifu to be .!liven at their part,. The Annual used to direct Pi Beta Phis to the various meetings. Several from Benefit for Ihc Crippled Childr~n's Society .... as held in February our club ""ere able to attcnd some of th~ mt't t in~s. Louise Man.&:old in the- Bali Room o f the Beverly H ilton Hotel. Members of the ..-as the o ffi cial delegue from the Long Beach Club .nd she g:lye us Junior Group assisted the Los Anll:eles Seniors by selling approsi· a finc Convention rcport at our September meeting. ml.tely $375 worth of raffle tickcts in adyance- sales, 3nd .Strv~d 1.5 During thc summer, two Christmas card sales were held in the hostes.scs at th~ benefit. homes of Carolyn Lockhart :lnd Opal WikoK. Coffee and douRh · Becl.use of many requests, our Marcb m«ting "-1.5 a Bridge and nuts wcre serycd while friends looked ovcr the Christmas Clrd Canasta Party. Tbis mttting was I " bundle meeting," . ·here each boo"'. member brought baby clothe-s {or needy childrcn in the St:ttlement We bt:R;an our fall rneetinRS ..-ith • family picnic held at Recrea· School Arta. tion ParI( and havin.l1: IS our very special Rutsts the Pi Beta Phi Our Second Annual Children', Party, complete .... ith clown and actives in out ar~a . fairy godmotber. was held in April. This party was initiated lut In October, a dessert bridgc was held in the home of Ma l)' yea r and was 10 succcssful that we III eagerly I.waited the event. \Vilson. Members I.fe Yery thrilled and enthusiastic .bout the new Na­ Our fall mettina:s abo included talks on ,tift wuppin,ll ud tional Junior ProJect. a ,urly schollrship. We h.ve votC'd to flo .... er arrange-nw:nt. We held out Christmas party in the home of donate our entire calendaf sale profits to this worthwhile fund. Lora Barr. \Ve- uchanged ,tifts and al.so brought giflS ",,'hich ..-elc Mas. SruAU P. HA LL p:iven 10 the children's ward of t he- Long Buch Genera.! Hospital. D uring our busy Christmas time we- enJoyed • coff« hour for our actives .nd pled~es in the lovely home of Margaret aarle:. Follo .... ing ChriStmas, we had a dinner dance- at Allen Centel. MARIN COUNTY Our Janu.ry and March meetings were talks by Sue Wright on htt trip to Rio and Lynn Merrill on hcr impressions of the Settlemenl M.rin Pi Bct.a Phis operIW tbe (.all .... ith a s .... immm~ p.trty aDd School. We had. rtal Cooky-shine foc our February meetinr. luncheon held at the- &Ivedere laloon bo~ of Lilli.n York We .·ere .again proud to hue our own Founders' Day lunche-oD Kettenbach. October fouod thml deep in plans Cor participatioo in .and progr.am. wbich WIS an El[chan,« Stucknt Pane-I. We- h.d our tlK annual Gnpc Festiv.1 under the- cbl.irmansbip of Mllian • nnual couplcs dinner 1.1 the home of Virginia Townsend. Marrow Scott. The booth realiud $6-17 in ArrowCf.aft ules . We- closed our year .... ith a bt"autiful inst.tllation for the nell' Marjorie: Ca.sey Hayes. pra.ident, ,Ilaff ber Convention repon .t officcrs. the Novembt"r medln,. whic b was hcld .t the Grttnbne- home of MARY MIGH.I!LL Zora Vtlkov Sweener. Prance-s Wria:bt I...ewis opened hcr lovel, THE ARIOW O f PI BETA PHI 295

&h'ec!ere bome for a Kafloe Klatch aDd Arrowcraft sale before The project (or OUt January lDCftin& was baby clothc.s for the tbe Chriwnas holidays. Helen MuidClOn Buresh wu iH»tcss at the cbildren in the Settlement School 1.1(:1. February meeting ,.,' hich was deYoted to the Histol'1 of the Fra· In February ' ·e worked with the $coior Club on .. very success­ temity. Founders' Day was «Iebuted with the Oakbnd·Bcrkeley ful Rummage Sale. We donated rummJ.ge, helped son, !J.bel Ind Alumnr Clubs .nd Califomia 8 at the cb'pter housc. In !ohy a sell it. benefit was given at the Mudow Club in Fairfu to rlisc money Out program for the March mcetinlt was given by Jean Fahn Ind for campen hips for Maflo Scouts a..od Campfire Girls, The Jur was cilled "fashion Trends:' The clothes she showed were lovely, closed ,.,·ith the insullation of the new offi«o in June. and the: ptoc«ds (rom the proaum went to tbe Junior Alumn~ EsTHIR STILSON ST",'U!TON Schol.arshlp Fuod. Nat year, "e .re plannin& a Fashioo BeDC.6.t for the Scholanhip Fund. Our president, Barbara Blake, an interior decorator. presented I program on Interior Design, in M.y. The June mtttin.ll; was de· P ALO A LTO voted to discussioos on Rushing. The Junior dub "ill be in charle of the s.ale o f cookies and the The Palo Aho Alumnr Club enjoyed In .ctive yur under the Pi Bd" Phi CDd BDd .t out yeu's Se:ttle:mcot School Sale. fine ludershlp of Polly Hunt Bell. A luncheon and s""imminll Our membenhip has skYrocketed to forty· four girh. President party at Polly's belch housc in Rio Del Mar en.bled Pi Brta Phis Barbara Blake, and Vice President Joao Dot)' hue done a fine 10 have their first get together since before the summer vaution. job, and we h.ve had I wonderful ycar. Fun ""'1 had Itr III at a Hallowccn party in October, held It GRAYNE FERGUSON PalCI the home of Ruth Smith. The Setllemenl School Tea, held in Elsie Christen50n'S JovelY horne, brought a latjce, enthusiastic .ltOUp. IXing November, mlny .!tue$U purchased Christmas .lifu from the large Settlement School RENO display. December brought our Innual Christmas party. Held in the home Our Ilumnr club has had a very active }'Car. Mrs. Hury Frost of Evelyn Almack, it helped everyone to .let into the Christmas was hosteJJ at a buffet supper mttIlDg, where t .... o Convention dele· Ipim. gates 'Ive • most iotercstlOl rflume of Convention. Hawliiln Our dinner dance, held in January, was an enortDOUJ succus. slides were the PrDfram It the second fall mtttin&, held It the After a pre· party It p~sident Polly BeU's forty couples drove to home of Mrs. loUIS Lombardi. It was then time for the new Adobe Creek Lodge for the festivities. Everyone is eagerly looking pledges to meet their IponlOn at the cooky.shine. Mrs. Ray Saibini fo rward to a reptat nUt yeu. did In excellent job as chairman for the Hom«ominJt luncheon, After hearing a talk by Dr. lo.hrcUJ Krupp, Rescarch Director of hel d at the chapter house:. Our fund raisinlt project was a rummage the Palo Alto Medical Research Foundation, we decided to make sale held in November. It turned out so successfullY that the the Foundation our philanthropy, and donate the profits from our alumnr hive decided to hold another in the spring. Our mectinJi: May style show Ind tea to this worthy s roup. The Foundatioo offen in November featured I timely speech on civilian dcfenSt'. research facilities to the practicing phYSician, and funnels new ideas, The Ilumnz were relieved to learn that a lire In the upper Boor new ener~ies, new abilitlu and experience into the field of me'dical of the chapter housc early in December had injured no one. OUt investigation. The doctors are dependent on contributions from Christmas party was held IS usual with I gift exchlnlte under tbe patrons to continue: their fine .... ork. big Christmas tree. Janu.llry found the Ilumnr playin.!: hostess to Twenty attractive Pi Beta Phi's modeled new sprinR fashions the many guests who hid come to play cards Ind enloy dessert at through the f[arden and around the pool at the home of Hannah the chapter house. Zischke·s in Ma y. Guests watched the style show, played bridA;e Other plans included the initialion of new officers, Founders· during the intermission, and enjoyed the cofl«, tel, and dessert Day luncheon, Ind the visit of Pi Ikta Phi Grand Secretary, Mrs. being served. Gay bird cagel deco rated with .fIowen on the u.blts James Speaker. carried out the Medley of Fashions theme. MRS. TOM WHlTNJlY A barbecue at Edy ManninA;'s summer home ended our year which was a vel'}' successful one, indeed. N ... NCY SOLTAU S ACRAMENTO

Our president, Selbv Frame Burris, began the year with a Lunch· P ASAD ENA con at Antonina's, It was decided to drop our annual Rummage sale and adopt sellin.ll; of Christmas cards. The club would be able With the inspiration of Con'·ention still in our memories, the to realize more profit Ind gain through a new experience. We Ilso Pasadena Alu mn~ Club of Pi Ikta Phi h1S enjoyed a moSt SUCC"~· had a surprise packa,£e brou.v:ht by one member and beld a raftk. ful ytar under the vef'J .II ble leadership of Donna Schmidt Kendall. The winner of the surprise then had to donate a home made prize The total paid membership of 2'3 in January exceeds our pre· for the next m«tio,lt. Each ticket sold for twenty·five cents. Conven tion hi.llh at the end of last year. Our major philanthropy, Our mcctinlt on Settlement Scbool ""as held in Octobe r at the Miss Small's Home fo r Spastic Children, has benefited by speech home of Genevieve Spencer \'(7alSon and invitations were 3ddr~ssed lessons, summer vacations and other help made pQ5Sible by our .lind sent for the next months sale. "ery successful rumm.llRe ule in February which Rrossed over '8'0. The Settlement School Sale was most 5uccessful. T he sale ...... as In October our Settlement School Coffee ""as he:ld at the home held under the direction of Zulieme Tibbets Fisher and the profits of Mary Blind Chipman and was very well attended. At Christmas . 'ere . ·ell over '800. our Cooky·shine, which was a combined junior and senior meeting, November·s meetinJt was in the home of Donna Florence where .... as made interutinA; by the presenCe of three foreiA;n exchanA;e our Christmas card project "IS discussed, IS was the com ing students who spoke on Christmas customs in their native lands. At Christmas Party. The rarty took place in the home of Jean Kenned v our January meeting J. ,·ery cleverly written skit on our Constitu· Allen and was loads 0 fun. tion, a u.ke·off on the "64,000 Question," was prescnted complete January was our Constitution and History meeting given by Kath· with isolation booth Ind music in commemora tion of Loyaity Day. ryn McDuffee Breuer. Our Founders' Day was celebrated on April 27 with I luncheon Election of officers and the Pink Elephant Auction Sale . 'as held at the Statler Hotel In Los AnJi:eles. This is attended uch yea r by at Mlrjorie Knowles Simpson's. Everyone donated one it~m to be all clubs in this aru. In June a dinner dance was planned to in· auctioned. The items were to be pleuin.': and uscful. Some of the clude the Pasadena Pi Betl Phis and their husbands. things brought lIII'ere an Intique vasc, handmade clothes for chil· All of our members hue been asked to work on indi... idual dre!!t the promise of a knitted article and many other unusual and projects as I WIY to raise and contribute ') each to our ways and excltmg thm,ll:S. means fund . This has rtsulted in lOme Vtry clever and ori~inal Founders' Day wu aglin held II the Del Paso Country Club and projects which hue not only been very profi table for the club but our Ma, tn«ting was the Annual Swimming Pany ,ltiven by Gerry have added to our overall tnthusium within the .ll;roup. Prentiss Han. BEnY LOVE H ..... ES GREG(; The fare"'ell was the Itrand picnic with husbands lind escorts. DoNNA FLOItENCe P ASADENA J UNIOR SAN B ERNARDINO The Pasadena Junior Alumnae Club beJtan its yelr by actinA: IS co· hostess with the Senior Quh for Coovention. We worked at the Under the able leadership of our president, Viola Ratcliff, San $culement School Booth, the Infornu.tion Booth, the Historical Ikrnardino Alumnr Cluh had monthly mcctings J.nd ao interesting, Exhibit, the Registration Booth, (he Flower Booth, ,.,'tre censon for busy IUSOD. the meetinJi:s, hlnded out lavon, and were:, io fact, Ji:eneral handy. The yell gol off in October with a buffet luncheon in Redllnds, men. II the home of our president. We hid J.n opporlunity to renew the The me~tinR in September was a Pi Phi·Active swim parly with fun of Convention with Meribel RO$en, our deleltate. She Ita~ • the &nion It the lovell home of Lurana Bishop in Artadil, very inspiring, informal talk, Ind displayed her co llection of Con· Our Settlement Schoo Sale was held in October, at the home of "ention souvenirs, Ind its daily pJ.per; Ind related many incidents Mrs. Ernest Chipman. The Juniors ""ere in charge of the Gift pertaining to old and new friendships. Our unanimow fttliO£ was Blr, coosistin, o( gorgcously wrapped white elephants. The con· that Convention bid been well worth·",'hile. Iking praetinlly ·'nut· tents were unknown, but no one could resist a ,amble so we lold door," our club hid I .load rcprtscntJ.tion. Since our alumnr group consists of members from various towns eV;x1e o:::d our Innual joint Christmu Cooky·shine with the Seoior throuJhout thi. area , "e reorganized under the ~uidance of I Club, It the home of Mrs. Lo y.1 King. We each brought .II gift for ,Il:enera l president with an appomted vice president 10 each towo. In elderly person. to be distributed by the Voluntttr Bureau. The latte:r presides over local meetings held durin. alternacina 296 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI months. This, we find. mikes (or better unity, and brings out new H ilary Be:vis. This meeting was addressed by Mrs, Harry Kelly, members at home town get togethers. We alternate be tween evening who IS a director of Pan hellenic in Be:rke1ey. Her sub;ect-of vital .lnd daytime m«tin.ll:J. interest to all Pi Be:ta Phis. WIS Rushing. E:a.ch gathering w;u most enjoyable, Ind included such progu..ms The sale of magazine subscriptions under thc direction of Mrs. as Convention, discussions on the Constitution 1$ rtporred by Meribcl Stuart Armit has been most successfu l. Some of our members have Rogers; I s howin~ of Settlement School film; a buffet supper and expressed interest in • program to welcome Pi Beta Phis who are evening of entertamment for husbands Ind escorts of Pi Btl. Phi newcomers to San Francisco. Members living near would (211. and alumn~ Ind actives; and our Founders' Day luncheon lut April. the strangers wOtlld be invited to ~mall nci8hborhood gatherings. An !lmu~inf(. original sk it by Redlands was presented. Although we are busy. m.any of us feel that the time thus spent Some of our "globe.trotting" members who look trips to Juch in a friendly spirit could be most rewuding to us all. countries IS Europe the Caribbean, and the Nut East , have: shared (AROL ANDR EW FLOWER with us by giving Jeli,lthtful, informal talks illustrated with colored sl ides showing places of interest. RUTH MIILLIN SAN JOSE

San JoSt Alumnz aub started its busy year at the September SAN D IEGO meeting with the report of Convention given by Dorothy Ruggles Stevenson. At the close of the report. Fr.ances Chubb showed ex· The San Diego Alumnz Club of Pi Beta Phi opened the year cellent slides which she took during Conve ntion week. Frances with a meeting on September n. at the borne of Edwina ush. made up two series of slides from her pictures and hu done a Evelyn Kyle, province vice president was the honored guest. After brisk busineu sending them all over the country for other clubs a buffet supper and general meeting, Mrs. Kyle gave a short in· to en joy. spiring talk on so me of her upcricnccl u a Pi Scta Phi. San Jose was awarded a Little Pigeon at Convention in r«og· October found the ~dumnll: club at the home of Marguet Ulrich. nition of its seventh consecutive year of highest per capita maga· The Convention report was the hi·light of Ihe evening. zine sales. It was with great pride that the pigeon was presented The Seulement School Benefit Tea was held at the home of to Id a Karsten. who has done so much to achieve this standing. Amy Sonka with Marian Turner as chairman. This look place in Our annual .Settlemen t School Tea was held in November at the November. . gracious home of Mary Whittaker. In addition to this formal In December the out of lawn activu wcre honored with a lunch· tea. we planned .an informal moroing coffee sale to be held in ~n in the Redwood Room at the Town and Country Club. The May, meeting ended with a son.': fcst. At Christmas time. each member brought white elephant gifts The loyaity Day Program was held in January at the home of to exchange. Frances Chubb. in costume complete with pillows. Eloise DeLong. During the toll call each member .ppro.ached .a was Santa Ind distributed the .IIift, amid much ,piety. luge United St.ates map m.arked inlO provinces with e~ch ch~pter We celebrated Pounders' Day with a cooky·shine pot luck sup­ indicated. E~ch girl g.ave her name and placed a blue pin by her per at the new home of Kay J ones Vincent. chapter .as she told something intectsting about either ber campus A picnic supper WJ;S planned for the final meeting in J une at or chapter. the home o f Gmny Blundell Kohler. husbands invited. February was a busy month with home parties and a meeting DoROTHY RUGGLES STEVENSON at the Pi Btta Phi H ouse. In March e1«tions were hdd at the home of Sylvia Mark. The Founders' Day Banquet was hdd on April ~o at EI Cortez with, Eloise DeLong as ch.airm.an. Old Puhion Frames wert used in the decorations and .a ddightful skit wu pctsented shO'W· SAN MATEO COUNTY ing "little bits" of Pi Be:ta Phi History. The M.y meetin.ll' wu a luncheon honoring gr.duating seniot! The San Mateo County Alumnr Club began a successful yea r at the home of Maude Hartley. with a barbecue at the home of the president. Mrs. Frank T. MRS. GERALD W. LOWE Wolfe, Many members and their husbands enjoyed this ,ala aff.air. In December the Christmas luncheon was held at the New Villa Hotel. A beautiful centerpiece made by several of the members .added greatry to the festive occasion, SAN FERNANDO VALLEY At the January evening meeting the club was treated to a showing of slides taken by Prances Chubb of the San Jose Alumna: The San Fernando Valley Alumnz Club has been enjoying a Club. Her pictures were taken at the Pi Beta Phi Convention la st very active year under the It.adership of our able president, M.ar· summer. The members thoroughly enjoyed seeing pictures of Con· garet Green. Last Ju ne we were thrilled to be: the hostessts for the vention activities, delegates and guests. opening reception of the 40 Convention hdd at the Huntington In March the members of the club .and their guests enjoyed a Sheraton Hotd in Pasadena, Besides a beautiful uble that the delightful play reading by Martha Weber, a former alumna: club decorating committee designed for the receplion, .all the members member, Following the reading punch .and cookies were served. worked to cover bottles of 10lion with wine and blue felt to be The annual dinner·dance . .also in March, was held at the given as favors at a Convenlion dinner. Hunters Point Nav.al Officers' Club, and was thOroughly enjoyed During a summer of sun and relaxation, we entert.ained memo by the twenty·three couples attending. bers and their teen age daughters at a lunch and swim Plrty. And During the year the club purchased a record each month not to forget our "better·halfs" we also had a dinner lnd swim for the children's wards at Mills and Peninsula H ospitals. At puty for OUf husbands. Christmas the club purchased a record cabinet for Peninsula Hos· By September we were ready to pitch in .and were .all inspired pital and a small udio and a cart for .a record player at Mills to greater efforts by a report on Convention by Margaret Green. H ospiul. These were also for the children's wards. October brought our very successful Golden Arrow Dance. This ADRIENNE MITCHELL was a benefit dance to raiSt money for our Jkrtha Miller Scholar· 5hi~_ Fund. Our pre·Christmas .activities included addressing and stuffing Euter Seal envelopes for the Crippled Children's Society. Christmas C2rd sales, our magazine campaign, Settlement School SANTA BARBARA coffees and the sa le of Social Capers. Not only do we work .at meetings. but we .Iso have our fun, Meetin_s have indud~d a In the fall we ....' ere privileged to have been visited by our White Eleph.ant auction. a Do·it·Yourself ChflStmas idea meeting. province president. Mrs. W. G. Gordon, a visit which was enjoy~d a wonderful Christmu p.arty with games. carols and gifts. and a by all. At the time Mrs. Gordon was here we were preparing for marvelous Loyalty Day program called "What's My Name." our rummage sale. We held th~ sale for three days and feel that We h.av~ enjoyed the honor of having Be:tty Johnson, Ireuurer it was .a bi. success financillly, of the Centennial Fund, as one of our members. It's always a Out openmg meeting this year was a box lunch social at the thrill to hear ber report on how luge the Fund is growing. home of Mrs. Victor E. Wdo. Both the active ch.apter and alum' MARGARET HYDE na: attended. It ""'u such a succns that we had another with the active chapter in March. In November our meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Gay· lord Purvis, At this meeting Mrs. Kevin Fa,. and Mrs, Victor SAN FRANOSCO Welo told us of their activities at the Convenllon last summer. Our Christmas party WIS in the home of Mrs. Wilson Forbes. Our alumo% dub activities began in Nowmber with a tn and at which time we exchanged gifts. a show of Settlement School work. This entertainment. whicb was J.anuary·s meeting took place in the home of Mrs. James Po""·en. well attended. was held .at the bome of our president. Mrs, Leo Jr. This was a potluck at which time we tested recipes for our Ops.ahL In December Mrs. Henry Gibbons III was hostess .at a donations to the forthcoming Pi Beta Phi Cook Book. Christmas party. The report of the Convention was head It thiJ In February we met II the home of Mrs. C. C. Christiansen time. At our nat meeting, in J.anuat'f. at the borne of MIS. and were well entert.ained by Mrs, Byron Abraham who told us uland Groezingcr we were able to see the pictures of Coovention. of ber recent trip to Europe, Frances Chubb, who is a skilled photographer. showed the films On Founders Day we were honored with Mrs. Reg H.arris as she bad taken at Convention and described evef)'1hin.l{ fully. guest speaker. She was presented witb membersbip ioto tbe Golden Prances had shown these pictuCC3 to a number of Pi Beta Pb, groups Arrow and given a pin commemorating this event. Ind they have attl.acted much interest. Our February- medin. was In May we bad a meeting honoring the graduating seniors. These a party in Mrs. Sydney Lawctnce Sr·s. apartment. 10 March, our girls were presented with special aWlrds. new officers were installed at a mcetina in the bome o f Mrs. J1.AN GATES HALL THE ARROW Of PI lETA PHI 291

(Ca lifornia A). Mrs. Williams Howell (Color.do A). and Miss SANTA MONICA-W ESTWOOD Pats,. Zoldoske (Oklahoma B). The members han met monthly with Mrs. Melvin Chorich pre· The yur began in earnest when members sold .ubseription. to sidin" aDd durin&: Christmas Season, decided to sponsor as • the Sears Roebuck Book Oub .t • booth in " Sears Roebuck store lCf't'ice rroject, a meo', .ceriltric ward at the San Joaquin Count'J for one week lut Juoe. The dub treasul'1 was .welled by ' 219 Hospila . The members hne 't'ililed the ward rich montb 10 tbrough Ihi. effort. The oat ttCCuioo ..as • midsum.mer "just for decorate aod distribute: c.ke. punch and birlhday cards to the luo" luncheoo al the Swill Chalet. Guesu ..ere a few Convention twenty.nine patieou. ddqates who stayed o.er to 5«: more o f Califoroia before returning The Stockton Ilea City Panhellcnic wu also organized duro b_. ing 19)6 and fin D.LIDCS of Pi Bcu Phi alwnnz appear as In September Claire Bentley Drake, Con.enlion IkleJl:ate .nd charier members. Mrs. J ohn Geer (California A) il currently Club Preside.ot, ,ne. an e.aceUent Concntion report illustrated b, President for the Panhellenic organiution. Frances Chubb's interescin« slides. Ottober found the. club enter· JOAN DII!HL laininB Senion from California A, Claire Drake Jl:ave an insr.ira. tional Lalk on what it means to be a Pi Bet. Phi after col eBe. TUCSON In No~mh« tlntalizin. dishes . t • pot luck IUlKheoo competied for the Iril'ileBe of bem, considered fo r the oe.. Pi Btitl Pbi CIIIIUOO. The Tucson Club had 10 interrslJnI ,nd productive year. The The mid·winter mooths passed rapidl, .. ith the traditional bi&gest ilem 01 busioess WIS tbe choosing of a permanent Dhi· Oristmu pat!} in December, Lolall)' Oa,'s "What Loyalty Day Ianthropy. There were sct'eraJ investilated before it was decided 10 Means to Me' program in Janual"f, .nd an escellent Buest speaker bend our c£fotU toward .idin, the Arizona Girls' R.nch, a recently in February, who told about tricks with dothin, , c«lJOries. founded home for youn, girls who for otle reason or another have The highlipt of sprio, wu Vir,inia Spewr's .isit in March. no suitable famil, home. Each year ..e will have a fund raising This dub .Iways loves tbe inspiration Idl bebind by these ..onde r· program in their bebalf. This year we sponsored • Tucson Little ful vi.ilon, Nation.1 aod Proviou Officers, Thuter play on Mlrch I) , The ,ear came to an cod ..ilh a lovdy «Iebration of Founders' Our first rail meeting is the Pledge supper. Tbis year ... e enter· Day with Arra Council Clubs al the Los Aogeles Statler Hotel in uined thirty·two plcdtts of Arizona A. April .nd witb inst.llation of officers .nd Settlement School slides Later in Ihe fall, · ~frs . Kyle, tbe province vice·president, p.id in M.y. us a visit and WIS entertained at dinner by the Executive Board R UTH RAPP THAYU before the regular mectinR. In February we had the good fortune to entertain Mr•. Speaker when she wu l'isitioa the active chapter. The alumnz had a small coffee for her .nd abo joined the chapter in git'i~ a lea in her SoLANO CoUNTY honor at the house. Other highlights for the yur included the husband· ... ife r.arty; One of our members was a deleJ.te to the Convention at PaJl­ a demonstralion of decorative p.inting by l.eione S.lter, an a umna dena and .fter her return, entertained us at her home to tdl us and noted local interior d«orator ; an illwninatinR slide talk by all about it and show us the SOUTeni rs she brOu,lt ht back. Eduardo Caso, Director of the Tucson Boys Chollls, on their Irip On November 3 we had our Inoual coffee and Settlement School to Europe last yur ; the join t luncheon with the PhoeniX Alumn;e Sale. We find it works better fo r UJ to ha.e a Saturday MornlnB Club in February; the Innual Pounden' Day celebration at the Coffu rather than. tra. We took in $ 12) but our secrttary sells country club, .nd of courst, the Senior Supper in May. IhinAs all the rear so we bave much more to tu.rn in . It has been a gratifying series of evenll for everyone ... ho We had our usual Ouistmas Party ..ith gifts for " Santa Claus participated. Consolidated" a project of our local Red Cross of which one MAJUHILIlN S. O 'CONNOIt of our members is E:r.ecutivt Secretary. In January we had films of the Settlement School. We sent 10 five recipes for Ihe CIIOIt Bod. V ALLEY OF THE MOON CLAM STUAItT RIPSOM Under the able guidance of our officers and the cooperation of each member, the Valley of the Moon Alumnz Club has eaperi. SoUTH CoAST enced another successful yur. We "'ere lortunate in having an .ctive p.rt in the Convention IS sponsors of Ihe 9 ~ 4> luncheon. Re ports that the luncheon The South Coast Al umnz Club has bftn very happy with the was a success were gratifying. In .ddition we had Ihree memo reception aR.in Bi ven to our project .. hich ..as lIlaugurated in the bers attend the Convention, each returned with glo ... in,ll; accounU. community sueral scasons ago. Wilh Mar,ard Johnson Corkett in One of our most outstanding meetings was .n inspirational report charge we have presen ted a series of four book reviews by Mary given by out dele~ate , Mn. Sherman Dickinson. Greer Scarborough. Over 200 Pi Beta Phis and friends h.n 'e at· Another wonderful experience for us has been our ,ll;rowth. \Y/e tended these programs. They hue ~n held at the Newport have ..elcomed four new members. Each new Pi Beta Phi is a Harbor Yacht Club at ten o'clock preceded by a coffee social delight to know and has strengthened our beliefs in the ideah and hour. Settlement School articles have been displayed by Jud, Ware siandards of Pi Beu Phi. Kurns each time and they have mel .. ith fine Interes t and profit. We have also cnjoyed such experiences as : a lalk on the Orient The proceeds from the rev iews have been used to carry on the by Mrs. Tom Proctor; In intimate picture of the Settlement School club's philanthropic work. We are proud to announce .'e have drawn from the personal experiences of Mrs. Jack Deeds; an ex' been able to give ' )00 to Ihe Family Sefl'ice Association of change of friendship with the Berkelty and Ba y Area Alumnz Orange County. In .ddition, a check for $ 100 was donated to the Clubs at Founders' Day; and the informative discussion on the Laguna Beach Hospital BUIldinJl: Fund .•nd the Slme amount to activities of the Advisory Board at Ibe University of California the Santa Bubar. active chapter, .. hich they plan to use to buy by Mrs. J . R. Geofll;e, Jr. folding chairs. We look forward witb .fleasure and ioterest to another yur of Club meetings have been held at homes of members with a ten· fricndship in the •· .. ine an blue." thirtf coffee social time folio'llled by Ihe meetings. With incrrased KATH ltYN J. THOM'" membership. continued interesl, and under the line leadership of Bettie Hogue Culler, 'IlIe feci we have bad another successful yelr. We closed this season with Pounders' Day luncheon and installa· tion of new officers al the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. YUBA-SUTTER ALVAH DENTON VAN J)yKIl The Yuba ·Sutter Alumnz: Oub has held its usual meetinJl:s this ycar but .fter thc of Jut 5Cason thia o r~a nization like all others of the community hu been operat ing In low Jljur. The STOCKTON property loslc:s, though great, were not the distreuin,ll; factor but the hravl loss of life .Hwed everyone. Levees have been rebuih An act of nc~bborJioess on the part of Mrs. jOhn Byard and but until adequate dams arc constructed there can be no assurance Mrs. William Baltzer made pouible a Stockton A umnz Club for that there will not be a repeat performance. the twenty'$CVen Pi Beta Phi .Iumnz members in this area . These We have pUJhed ma81Zine salcs and have successfully sold much IwO newl, arrived Stocklon residents talking ovcr the fence which material from the Settlement School. divided Iheir adjoining gardens, discovered th. 1 Ihey both were All the dub members werr deli,lthtcd when Sue Pllkinson. tbe not only graduates o f Wuhington State College, but were .!so daughter of our delegate to Convention. was plcdged at U.c. al alumnz of Pi Bet. Phi. Their in't'itation to sh.re their diICo't'ery Santa Barbara. with other loc.1 . Iu mnr .U directly responsible for the si,ning Camp Beale, near Marysville, is being reactivaled into a branch of the Stockton Charter on April 19, 19)6 by Mrs. Willi.m Baltzer, of the Stutt:.iic Air Command and . ·e are hopinJl: that II many Mrs. Robert Bowe (New York f), Mrs. Bruce Brown. Jr. , Miss Air Corps wives will be Pi Beta Phi alwnnz IS there were in the Donna Br'l (Idaho A) , Mrs. John Bfard, Mrs. Melvin Chorich days when the Camp wu boominJl:. (OrcBon A , Mrs. Joseph Diehl (Californl' B), Mrs. Jobn G«r FltEE B. CLAItK LAURENA MARZEN BAKER (Mrs. Jack) initiated B.) initiated into Iowa Zeta September 17, 1917, into Nevada Alpha November 13, 1915, died Febru­ died December 27, 1956, in Grosse Pointe, Mich. ary 12, 1957. SARA McBRIDE initiated into Iowa Zeta October JANE ULLOM BISHOP (Mrs. Robert Francis) in­ 14, 1905, died January 23, 1957. itiated into Ohio Alpha October 22, 1901, dJed February 18, 1957. NELLIE TURNER PRATT (Mrs. Albert Benton) initiated into Illinois Beta November 19, 1898, died HELEN WALKER BROWN (Mrs. F. Craighill) March 15, 1957, in Unionville, Mo. initiated into Kentucky Alpha October 9, 1925, died June 23, 1956. RUTH BARTLETT RICE (Mrs. Allen Gale) in­ itiated into Massachusetts Alpha November 14, ELEANOR DALY CONDIT (Mrs.) initiated into 1908, died December 2, 1956, in Worcester, Mass . Colorado Alpha April I, 1922, died February 24, 1957. AUDREY KEFFER SCHLETZER (Mrs. Theodore F.) initiated into Vermont Alpha March 10, 1934, BERTHA LAGRANGE FREESE (Mrs. Earl) initiated died December 4, 1956. into Indiana Alpha September 24, 1898, died Janu­ ary 23, 1957, in Indianapolis, Ind. ANNA BURGOYNE STEBBINS (Mrs. Arthur C.) initiated into Michigan Alpha May 21, 1887, died MARY BELLE HARRIS initiated into Pennsylvania Decembe: 24, 1956, in Lansing, Mich. Beta June 14, 1895, died February 22, 1957.

MARTHA BLANCHE SWAN initiated into Iowa ETHEL GILBERT H ESTWOOo (Mrs. Samuel L.) Alpha June 8, 1893, died February 7, 1957. initiated into Iowa Beta in October, 1890, died De­ cember 6, 1956. ISA BEL McKENZIE THOM PSON (Mrs. Nathaniel A.) initiated into Colorado Alpha November 12, ANITA VAN DE VOORT HUDSON (Mrs. Richard 1904, died March 22, 1957. F., Jr.) initiated in ~ o Alabama Alpha March II, 1929, died January 14, 1957. ELIZABETH ScHMIDT WALKER (Mrs. Curtis) in. itiated into Indiana Delta April 2, 1921 , died Octo­ BARBARA SHATTUCK H UTCHINSON (Mrs. Dudley ber 27, 1956. 150m) initiated into Colorado Alpha February 18, 1911, died December 13, 1956, in Boulder, Colo. VERNE STOCKDALE WOLFE (Mrs. Wilber Earl) initiated into Iowa Zeta October 25, 1902, died ETH EL VARNEY KRIEGER (Mrs. Harvey A.) in­ January 15, 1957, in Omaha, Neb. itiated into Iowa Beta October 5, 1899, died Feb­ ruary 18, 1957. Lucy LAY ZUBER (Mrs. Lytle G.) initiated into North Carolina Alpha January 23, 1924, died in ELIZABETH COTTON MARSHALL (Mrs. Richard September, 1956.

291 Official CALENDARS

Communications for the Central Office should be addressed: Pi lXta Phi Central Office, 410 Standard Office Building, Decatur, Ill. For address of other officers, consult the Fraternity Directory in this issue. ACTIVE

Send checks for initiation lea to Pi Beta Phi Central OlDce, 410 Standard Office Bldg .• Decatur, III . Send cb«b for National Pledge Fee to Central Office. Make checks (or Senior dues payable to "Pi Beta Phi Central Office," and send to the Central Office. Make checks for Settlement School payable to the "Treasurer of the Settlement School" and send to her. M.ke ch«Q for Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Scholarship Fund payable to the "Pi Beta Phi Central Office" and send there. M,ke cbecks for the Holt House payable to the "Treasurer of Holt House" and send to ha. Make chcdu for jewelry payable to the "Pi Beta Phi Central Office" and send to that office. Make checks for magazine subscriptions pay.ble to the Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency, 4tO Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, III. Make checks for Centennial Fund payable to "Treasurer of the Centenoial Fund" and send to the Fund Treasurer. NOTICE TO CANADIAN CHAPTERS Canadian chapters send check made payable to "Pi Beta Phi" with officia l jewelry order form to Pi Bela Phi Central Office. For Balfour products other than insignia listed on official jewelry order form send order with check payable to "L. G. Balfour Company" directly to the L G. Balfour Company, Attleboro, Massachusetts. Canadian chapters make all checks for payments of initiation fees, pledge fees, contributions to all funds, and payments for Bound Auow5 and Treasurer's Bonds, payable to Pi Beta Phi and send to the Grand Treasurer. Mrs. Henry Moore. Jr., 420 Pine St., Texarkana, Texas. Be sure to send GTI form with check for fees.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Chapter program chairmen should send a report to the Director of Extension (see current ARROW for name and address) within one week following the holding of the program based upon material sent by that officer from Central Office. Chapter treasurers should see that letter from Grand Treasurer to the Parents of Actives and Pledges is sent to the parents as earl, in the fall as it is possible to get the local letter on chapter 6nances approved by the Province President to send with it. It is necessary that parents understand the 6nancial obligations at the beginning of the year. Chapter treasurers should see that the Financial Statements to Parents of Pledges are sent approximately two weeks before the proposal initiation. They should be sent only to the parents of the girls who bave met the initiation requirements and whom the chapter de6nitely plans to initiate. This means too that the blanks should be sent only for the girls who have received the required vote of the E.z:ecutive Council and the AlumnI! Advisory Committee for approval of initiation. Chapter treasurers should see that badges are ordered through the Central Office. It takes six weeks or more, to complete badge orders. Badges for prospective members should not be ordered until aJl initiation requirements have been met. Chapter treasuters should send the National pledge fee for each pledge with Form GTI to Central Office. Canadian chap. ters send fee to Mrs. Henry Moore, Jr., 420 Pine St., Texarkana, Texas, with GTI form. Chapter ueasurers should send the initiation fee for each initiate with Form GTI to Central Office within three days of initiation. Canadian chapters send initiation fees to Mrs. Henry Moore, Jr., 420 Pine St., Texarkana, Taas, with GTI form. Chapter treasurers should send monthly reports to Mr. John DornBlaser, 310 Gazette Building, little Rock, Ark. Chapter corresponding secretaries should report to the Central Office and to Province President changes in chapter officers jf they are made, any time during the year. Chapter pledge supervisors should send a list of pledges, on forms intended for that purpose, to the Director of Rushing and Pledge TralOing and to the Central Office within five days after any pledging or repledging. Chapter rush captains send within 6ve days after an,! pledging, to the Director of Rushing and Pledge Training. a recom· mendation and consent to bid blank, or letter 0 recommendation, or blue blank of information from the State Rush Chairman, for each girl pledged. AU blanks or letters must be counter·signed by the cbapter alumna rush adviser. Chapter rusb captains send within two weeks after the close of the formal rushing season, a report to the Province President on the result of rushing and pledging. Also report to the Province President and the Central Office, the name and address of the newl, elected rush captain. Chapter vice-presidents to send to the Provioce President within three days after any initiation a report that new memo bership cards hne been placed in the cud 61e. Chapter historians send to the Proyince President within three days after an, initiation a report that nlmes of new in· itlates have been recorded in the Record of Membership Book. 299 300 THE AIROW OF PI BETA PHI

Reports of Panhellcnic delegates are required semi.annuall, by the Grand President and blanles for this purpose are senl out by her. When co lle~e schedules make it impossible to compl, aactl, with fratcrrnity calendar dates, chapter officers should con­ tact Central OffIce or the officer concerned, explain the situations, and receive sp«ial permission to vary from the established dlltes SEPTEMBER 10. Chl"t", "... Idell ..nd Itn... t. Pl'h'lnoe Pn,ldtnt. SECt::~8(:~';. c=:~t.~·l!h:i::'~'~·· t::I!.'::'::. 'r. ~:!:T:~'i~"el . Itlltl" Su,...... ,.. , and to ProvlllM P,..,ld.. t Jetttf' ,"hll ,11"1 'eM' .llId, .,,,. ,.,r ... _•• t I. IICh,I."ItI,. OCTOBER I. Cha"t... co,",pondl"l leer.'I., ,,"11 Actl" MI",blnhl, Lili. t. the C,"tra' Dike. OCTOBER I. CII",'er riH·,mld'lIt Hlld 'neU" ....lNnltl' lilt to 1M CeRlr,' OIllH. OCTOBER I ... eartl" It ,."lbI •. Ch,t., _,..,,.11111111' ..eutU)' .f ch.,ler, 1II.lnl.I"I .. , rilidencet ••11 t. Ch.I' ...1I of C. ...ltt ... n Ch"'...... ,rillild c.rlll COli_lilli, ch.,...... 11111 ,I .. 1I1 ••l co.t,I.ln. III". on eh.poerOIl . OCTOBER I If" ..,n ... It " ..1111 •• Ch.,l., tTu. __ ''''1 8 ... ,,111 T,.lIul'Ir" lette, 1II,1.1"ln, dUll .lId I... I... nl t ....r.1I1I .f . eth·" ,.d ,I.d ... with 1.1t., fre. dll,'.,. OCTOBER •• PI!!d ....o .... n .enlll ••tI ...... "d eh ••,. ,.".n whiCh h ...... ,...... d tI, the Pl'III'llIee Prllldni I. ,1Il.lIlI ., ,lid,.. ,. _n Ot:croE~It'~:~,:!:~~~~~. • NCr.l..., ... nd t. Ol.-.et.... t Ex'.n.l", •••• • nlll .ddr.... f ","1111 •• 1 .f ell ••tv .... tt ...... • CI .... OCTOBER I. Ch." ... '*'"1-II ... dln. _.1 • ..,. "",l rI IIId ••11 .hut., I.tt.,. ler ARROW t. r.. ch Ch,p'.r letl.... Editor", De'...... OCTOBEfi 10. Chi, .... ."..lIde .. 1 .. nd I.tt., .nd 01.". .t II",•• I. tit. Pr•• hee P,"ld.nl. OCTOBER II. Chut... eerT'llltO,ullll, .....t.". ,.t... ~ .. ter "II .1It ••II" I. thl Cellirat Oflc. It .... II Ih. ,uIIIIII ...,.. reell,,". OCTOBER IS. Chul.,. e..,... , •• dl .. , _It.". Mnll Fral... IlIt, IIud)' .nd EumlnltlOIl BI.nk .tt105 to th. PrO\llnc. IUIII"11OI' . t Frat.,nlb Slull, ,"d E... I",tI .... 1 ,.t... th ... Oct ...... II• •• 111 IMf.,.. If ,.11'1111 •• OCTOBER 15. P,...,•• ehlr.... IlIb ..1t ,III" t. Ih. PrnlllOi P,"ld ••• oJVoe::~t"'I:"'t,'I~:.:.ort~:.::::~ -::tI·~~i · t. Ih. Pr.. l .. ce Pr"ld' .. 1 for ',""'Ha' • Ie., ., F'un.I.1 lI.t.... 1I1 I. bt ...t I ••art ...., .11d." "'1' •• 10•• 1.1)' tw. week. bt, .... 11M ...... teII OCTOBER II. Ch ..l.r IrIlIU,..... nd ,. IhI PI B.,. Phi Cllt,..1 O_ee 15.00 I • ....,..1' beth tM IIoftIll 'or Ih. e.... ' ''r I ...... , ... d Ih. botund ARROWa Of .,ree.dln, ,ear .nd '12.00 'or the eh.,I.,'•• or1lon 0' Ih. ell.,t., .ce"nUn, ',",ee. OCTOBER 15. Chl,t ... tlU.U""" "nd t, all,.,I'IIOf" " Ch.,t., Acco unl. In, • rlpOl'1 eon_II'n, ell",,"t ... tu ••' d'''"lIu.,,1I ,..ported lalt Junl U . whether th.,...... n)' : If 10. 'ull 1"'...... 11 ••• OCTOBER II. O.. dllll. , .....1.,1.1 fill' Wlnllf' ARROW. OCTOBER 2t. 0 •• to Fratlnl'b A.dltor• • 1'. Jlhll O.mBllltf'. Outtt. :.,~~~nt;. .~lnJi,"~~i.e~'::· Aoe:.::' R'::tnoJ,."::r 1~':oIll':•. C!i.~ ~:: eo ....nd EXDln ... Thl. I. f ....ehoo " whleh ...nH ,rior t. k,t.mbir oJ~o·::~·ri~·c::;:"'.;::r.!:.~t"e~:rr:.. Mfld ,Itt., t. PrHflee Pml. dlnl IIId Pro.hle. Sup.nohOt. OCTOBER 50. C"•• t ....1,d ll4 .u...." .... Mnd ,.tt., I. Prm,," P""ld."t. OCTOBER SO. Ch ..,., ,fuldl nl Mild 'or. t. thl Olrlet., I ' R.,""" ::=.l::e:::MTh~~I;~':!:'~':h;~::'I'!~.~i~.~r:~ III"dll., , .....t tIM OCTOBER 31. Chlpl.r eefTII ... ndln, seerel,r), ...tlt, Ch.lnnn .f C••• :~!:' e:~,:r.:."~ .. ~ :~r!i',::,'.4o:..~:: ~~.~f':-;:.t"'f":~~n:.~ AI .. M .. d I. hlf • Ihl .f tIM "'." .nd ,nM.t teld,...... • • , III .Ih ... •• derttradll.tll wh. h... flit relUfllld 10 Ihl ett.'I.... NOVEMBER II. eh.,Itf' ,fltld.nl M"d I.UIt Ie Pr ••lnce Pl'lllld,"t. NOVEMBER 10. Ch •• I... lehol.ralll, eft.I, •• n .."d I. P,..I"ee IUHr. "'..... Pr.. l nee P",.ldett nil N.tI... l Ch.lt'III'" ...1 .. ., IdlOlar.hl, BI."II .:tn. Send "ril.r It ....Ibl •. NOVEMBER 15. Pled" .,."Id.nl Mnlll 'lit., t. P,nl ... P,.. ldl"t . NOVEM BER 2G. Cft."., secl.1 ,xella .. ,. ehll,...... d ••t.'a' It H ..._.I",. FI..... SI."t.. ' ...... 1 Put,,,, Rllhln •• t. P,..'ft"et 8." ..... '_ 01 Secl., Exeh." ... NOVEMBER 2t. OUt 10 F, .....nlb AudHor. Mr. JolI" O_BI ...... Ou.tt. Blilldl",. L1ttl. Rlet. Ark.. 0"1 tI,y " ,..,.rt ,..... CR. CO. ARI. IIId IE. Du. ,,..•• U eh ..I"" . FII' tefl ..l ....,,1 ...,1 ... I. a..t...... 15 H w'" be , ... the ••"Ih ., Od...... for tell ..l ...... In. an... ",1I.. bIf' 15 It will IN Ih. aUMlller·OetObe, ,..,011. NOVEMBER 25. Ch ••ler te"...... I. ell.lrll'" .."II Iltt" I. Pr.",,, .. P".ldenl IIId P...,.I"ee a • ..,..,I ..... NOVEMBER 21. ,a •• IIt .....,w .. ehl,..... filii C"ri. tIlU •• " .... tertlltl",. t. PI BII. Phi ....ullll AII4"1)' t. 1.lur. Chrilt... , In t.rd deUnry by DteeIlM, 21. DECEMBER I. C"",.. .,... IIf.\,{ t. ,It,", Fire Pf'ItlCtI.n ••duH to t •• c.."~',,, 'er Ch ••t .. H .... C-,.,.tt .... DECEMBER II. CII •• t.,...... 111 ..1 Mil' ,.tter Ie Pr"""ftI P,..,ld ... I. DECEMBER II. Ch.,t... teh.,.,.III. eb.I''''1I lI"d Iltt., I • • re"I .. " P ....ld •• ' •• d p,,,,I.ee a." ..... I..... DECEMBER 2t. Ou. I. Frat..-nft)' A.dlt...... eellY ..." f ..... CA. CO, ARI • • II1II IE ,.. 1M .onlh If Now ...... All CII.IIt .... 'ANUARY I . Ch"t... o.r,"""III .. MeNtary .... H.'•• nll 11.11 ch ••tlr "till' IIf" ARROW'. "'teh Cha,tll' Lilt., EIlIt ... til' , ....". III. 'ANUARY , . C"•• I., L.,..It)' D.,. JANUARY II. Ch.,l., Prll"eel ...111 11tt. I. PI'I'I'I ... Pm"'.I. JANUARY 15. C" .., ... ,letI" ..,....,._ ,ull kit" t ...,...,.I.et P,..... d ... I. JA.~;~~.Y ,~; ~~~!f O~·'r.~:r'I:;mJtz =::::.:':~= =. 'a,:: HI..... l1li IIII1'rtll.ttd. JANUARY 'I, Cllut" tHat". ,. r.. "nIiN. 'IN' th. M"I1I", .f thl ... .., r.,M .. III. CIII."" H .... ClrHnU.. t. tIM c...... ,. CII.,t.. H .... C...... '.II..... tIM Pnort_ f"rnIlI•• t. ..II 'II' UII ::,~I·'I:'.tc: ~o:..!..,..t:,.-:I~I'':. ':.r:--= t-:"I.':":';~~.; Cortonll ... wh. IIU" .., the ,...... d .. nd. ttl. IS.IO fll kt the ....,.... tr_ ..... _ , ..,I .... 11 "'""' aN f_ III ..t. IANUA RY Ia. 0 .... " .. t •••lIri.' t .. s.rt ... , ....., til. ARROW. JANUARY II. EMil w ...... , .. tI, .t .IIII·C I. ,..1I'I1II II _II "' :lft:~ .1:!I!:tI:=~ lt~ ::J."~";"'''~ ~1''7~ tile Se.I.,. A.. "eat_ •• d _..,. .. tilt CIIItraI 0 ... C... III .. eII"tan 11 .. 11 iHlw 0 .. bill Anlle.t...... lIN Grilli T,..... ,..... "-ANR~"':'~ ~ ?:::. F~:;:I~ Ao"!.-:.... ~.A~~ fInI. CR. CD. THE AllOW OF PI BETA 'HI 301

JUNI It. CliNter ",...Id•• t .... lett.. t. th ,.,..,... ,.,.Id ••t. JUNE 20. 0 ... II frattnlty Alldltor. ",. "-, ..ell .r lor •• CR. CD. IUNf. 15. CII ... tm...... t. au,...;.., ., C ....t.r Ace .. llthl, • Aftl .1Id 1£ 'or ••• tll .f ...., ..d tall "art ., 1111. II' t •••11 .f ,..,., ••_.1 •• d.U ...... ". wlNC ... UI_ art • • y; 11 ...... IC ..... _.1 ••. Ah•• Salu. alHltt Il the ••• If tl'll IC ....I )'tV• ..".u.. tt~ ALUMNIIl

Make checks for national alumnJ! dues payable to Pi .Beta Phi Central Office and send to your Province Vice-Presi· dent. Make checks for Settlement School pay.ble to the "Treasurer of the Settlement School" and send to youe Province Vice·Pr~ideot . Make ch«ks for Emma Harptt Turner Memorial Fund payable to that fund and send to yOut Province Vice-Presi. dent. Make cbecks for the Holt House payable to the "Treasurer of Holt Housc" and send to your Province Vice·Pre:si· demo Malee checks for Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Scholarship Fund payable to "Pi Beta Phi untIal Office" and send to your Province Vice· President. Make checks for Centennial Fund payable to "Treasurer of the Centennial Fund" and send to your Province Vice President. Make checks for jewelry pay.ble to the "Pi Beta Phi Central Office" and send to that office. Make checks for maguine subscriptions payable to the Pi Bet. Phi Magazine Agency, 410 Standard Office Build. ing, Decatur, III. NOTICE TO CANADIAN ALUMN.II! CLUBS Official badSe5 are ordered through Pi Beta Phi Central Office. Send check made payable to "Pi Beta Phi" with the order. Canadian alumne clubs make all checks for payment of .nnual alumnz dues and contributions to .11 projects pay_ able to Pi Beta Phi Fraternity and ROd to the Grand Treasurer, Mrs. Henry Moore, Jr., 420 Pine St., Teurkana, Texas, mentioning specific intended amount of contribution to each fund .

OCTOBER 10. AI •••• Clu' OII'T..... n .. n. _.t. Tl' lind III M .... orl •• MARCH 5. "I .. mll. Cllh CDr~DOlld"..... rat.ry ....Dar • • lId IIlIcI 1.1t ... .IIIH. t. In. Ct.tnJ a_lie for "" WI.,... I..... , In. ARROW. NOVE .. tjER II. AIII.n. Cilib CIIT"","cll"t ...... Tl' fIIllI cl ub yel' :~tl~.f':yb '::~h ·r~orCG:~"' ••!.:!: ~~!!.:, \~'.:R~b".;.. AI ••". CIII' book II' IIrGtr •• 4.t.. t. th. Gr.,,' ,.",Id."t. Ol"llld VlcI-P,...ld ..t. MARCH 5. Alu ••• Club """"".1 ...... 1..". t ...", , ...... ,1 .. DlrlCtcw ., Ext.. "". ,lId th. Pr.'I'llIc, VIOI·Pretld.nt. IIOUet. to Ih. C.. t,.1 Oft'lc. for thl 8ulII ... II"•• , th. ARROW NOVE .. BER '5. AI •• n. CI,a tn•• u,.,. M .. I • ., .... 1 alII"'''. cllI •• t. APRIL. II. Alum,. Club IIUon" dll .. ",.,tI .. lI.t t. lilt P"'lfliC. Prftl"CI Vlce·Pr.... dlllt. JIIOVEMBER 25. AI'.II_ Club 1I.,ul•• ch.I'..... lind Cnrl. t .....'n :u~:;:':~~~:ttol~~:." .utt be ~IWCII .,. till. ,.t. t. b. Incllld", I. .~btcrlptlo •• t. PI B.I. Pili "'lIuln. AII.IID)' II III.ur. cn,I ...., .. 111ft A~~~~.~.... ~.oun cl,"· 0.., to .. ee'tbra"4 with t ... lI.ar.. 1 actl," 11'1.,1., ur' deli"1')' b, Otct.'" 25. NOVEMBER 30. AI II.III _ d,b """,,ond' •• lIu.l.ry .... d •••• I nd aacl ...,. 01 clua Ru.hln, RICO ....lld,UolI, Clt.lr", ... to C.lllril Olllce. MAY 10. F.ur .11.11," ... 1, .. for ."'U.' ,eport '''ould h.," beell flilu Ch.1I Ruthill' Rtct •••"d.llon, Ch.lr•• 11 .houl4 .. IIIMt.d In No· out b, the A'a.". Club p.... id.1It ••• r.lltr".d a. dlrect.d. .. AY 20. Cilib .w.al ,.ar .",.. N_ otlell'l' II.t ,"oliid .. ""I b, _. "lib« to • .en. u.tll tI,. 'oll.wl .. N_ ...... rllpolld .... MCrIt.ry I. til. ,.rwlIIOI VIOI.Pre,1d1i1 Iller UtI C..lra! IAnNo!l!:~. 5ih:~'~~~1 'i:~~. e:~;:":~rn."1~~~, . ~~: l~R"o':."' ·· =r::a~EI~~':'b~,=:I:'i~/l'::o~~ t .... that the oorret".dlll' M.!.'R~~~ .··Ef:Jr;:, .~·:~!:,.o~'''ld ..... Id .t t ...... Iar "arc" ..... MAY 20. AII.1t .11,. ,"oulf .. MU b, til. AlulIIlI. CI.b t,.... ,., .. III, ., tIM Club... Id oMcll" t. tak ••lItti .t t ... elo ll .1 t ... C" . directed III the C,"tnl Olllell lettlr. JULY 15. A'"..... CI,b co,.,.. ..olldl •• teent.". Mit' I ••••.,1., :::II"~':. :,.!.: .•\Cf .. ~:!.,,'::: .T:;:.:': ':·~Ir~~~. bro:"!~::I: t. .0tICII' t. tn. C."tral OMCII 'or Ih. Fall I.... fI' till ARROW.

DEEIOIAN TOWER DOTEL The only "Iraternity" hotel in NEW YORK

. .. in Ih~ world. for Ih.t m.tt~r. open to t h~ public. both men and womm. This modem 26.slory hotel was built .nd is operated by m~mben of the Nation.t Panhell~nic Fraternities. That alone ISSUJCJ you of • "fraternity" w~lcomc In th~ big city ••• to say nothing of Ih~ Beckman Tower', friendl y .tmospb~re and exctl· I~n t service.

400 comfo rt .bl~ outside rooms ... compl~t~ h c il i ti~•. Splendid location on historic B«:km.n Hill • .. next to I h~ United NatiOQJ ... conveni~nt to all mid·town.

Sh,,,t ...b ...... ".Ill-fro.. 14.75 SI Ds l .. prl ... te b.lh-Irom '6.150 Doublo., pr'''.I. h.lh-from. 19.00 Writ. 'or r ...r •• llo,.. ."d B.o.'" ,

DEEUIA1\' TOWER DOTEI. O "erloo"'". tA.. VII"'" /(.~ ..... B... R'"r Ea., 49th 51•• 1 III A ...... Now Yor•• N.Y •


Unless otherwise designated (with price quotation). tlu supplies liskd below ",iIl be furnished free wherever nted of them is esu b1ishc,j.

ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS TO GRAND PRESIDENT for: TO PI BETA PHI CENTRAL OFFICE, 410 Standard Build;n• . Dec.tur. HI.. lor: Blank applications (or the fellowship Blank charters AlumnI!: Advisory Committee Manual, 'O~ Blank notification of fines to Chapter President AlumnI!: Advisory Officer Lists Blank notilication of fines to Grand Trellurer Alumnz Club Duties of Officers Voting blanb for chapters on grant inA of charters AlumnI!: Club Officcn Lisu AlumnI!: Club Presidents' N otebooks Iz.)o Voting blanks for Gr.nd Council Alumnz Club Receipt Boolr:s (blue, triplicate receipts, no charge) TO GRANO VICE PRESIDENT for: Alumnr Committ« Rushin.c RKOIDRIendations Maou,l, 'O( AlumnI!: DclelCltt Manual, )OC Blank 'pplic.ations (nr alumnE club charteu Alumnr Magazine Chairmen Manu.l )Oc Blank applications (or Ruth Barreu Smith ScholafJh,ps Alumnz Panhdlcnic Manu,l of Information Chartera (or alumnJe clubs Affiliation urtmOny AlI.I.o", (from old files) . . . price to ch.,P.tt u lor com· TO GRAND SECRETARY for: pleting archives, )Oc; Sp«ial temporary life subscription for alumnz, ' 7. )0 Blank appliCttions for H.arrie t Rutherford Johnstone Scholar· Blanks: Ihips Actiye membership lins Cipher and Key Affili.tion .nd Transfer List of allowed expenses to those travel in. on fraternity business Introduction Transfer Approy.1 fo r Affiliation Note of Affili.ation TO DIRECTOR OP EXTENSION for: Annu.a l Report, due May 1 Broken Pledge Instructions to petition in. Rroups Ch.peron White card to be Knt out in fall to ch.irman TO MANGEL, Florist. Chicago, III .. (or: Blank for D.ta on Cha~ron Application BI.nk for Ch.peron Pi Beta Phi Wine Carnations "The ReI.ationa Betwetn • Chapter and Its Chaperon" Uniform Outies of Ch.pter House Ch.aperon TO PI BETA PHI MAGAZINE AGENCY, 410 Stand.ard Building, Chapter Officer lists Decatur, 111., lor M.gJZine Subscriptions. Continued on opposite page -+

Magazine S."d Your Ord. r '0 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER BLANK PI aETA PHI PluR enter subsctiptions for the following m agazines to be mailed MAGAZINE AGENCY issued by the Publishers to the subscribers indicated below: .. Jane t L. Patton, Director Your Name Date 410 Standard Bu ild ing Decatur, lIIinoi, Local Pon.office Addreu and State 'Chapter ar

Club No. 0 •••••• 0 ••• 00 . ..

Price H.w Who. N.w N.me of Periodicel (or Each Lon, SubKriber'. N.me .nd Addu .. to Send Be••p o Renew.1•• ------




Gin Full Jnfcwm.boa TOTAL $ PRINT PLAINLY Forw.rd Prorapd,.

• ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS (Continued from opposile pale) Cootent of Archin. Lilt M.nu.1a for Ch.pte, Officers: Cndcntiats 10 eoayanion CenlOr a.pter M.aruul Contributions to TH, Ano ... Co,· Ditmi..,1 .ocI R.e:butatcment Bllau .espondin& SeCfCt.", ~Iq;ate. E..tr.·Curriclllar ACCI.IIIC\ Automatic Proboatioo Ch.irm.n, Hi.tori.n, HoVle Man'Ier. 'How 10 Order Automatic DUmiud Jewel"." Mlinine Cb.irman, Official Awards. Plrd~e Spontor, Dismissal "rocram a.irman, R«ordin, Sectt1U)'. Rusb C.lptlln, Rulbin, Ezpuisioo Recommend.tion. Ch.irman, Sdtletnrnt School. Soci •.1 Ch.i, · Hoaorablc DismiJl&! m.D , Soci.l Uuae, Stue RUJh ina Ch.llm.n, T'rllurer. Vice ~iQlUtaDalt Pruident. )Oe e.cb Emboue-d Initiation vrti6c.te (Ios1 onu «placed. ,0, u ch) PreSIdent (Ioole·lul leatber coyu) S-4 .75, notrbook p•• n, Futunity Studr IDd Examination 8Ian"/ #10'. # 20). #}O) ' 2.)0 (GTI form., 101 pJedac and Initi.lion ta Pltd,e Supervisor (IOOK·leaf leuher co.er) S4.7), notebook Inam.e memlM:n.bip lilb Initiatioa CAtti6c.tcs l.hnua"r.s I l or' 2.,0Nuional StandioJ Committres: Rudun,a : Chaperon, Chaptet HOIUM Planninl .. Buildin,. Mutic, Pub­ Acknowlcd,inJ Icttu of Rrcommcndauon '" for 2) l;city. Social E. c h.n.~ )O~ each Information Blank f,om SI.lr RllSb ln~ Ch.irolJn (co chip­ "Mr Seven Gifts to PI cru Phi" 5e eacb. 'O~ per dOlen ler) Out ine for By·Lawl o f Acci' e Ch'r.'" Rcqunt for Info rm,tion from Silte RUlhin.c Ch.inn.D (10 Pleds e 8ook-'Oe. This boole inc vdes queslions and .nswer. fo, chapter) pltd,e Gamin.tions. A COpy it furnislu:d to each pled,e with­ Rushin, (Nc .. J't Blanb 2), for n out char,e. The )O~ price i, a replaumcot price for Jlle 10 ScholarshIp BI.nkl. }, #4 membt:n. Senior AppUntiolU or Wcmbcnhio in AlumnI!: Dept. Pled,c Ritual. 20e pet dozen Book of Initi.IU Si,nU\llel (formerl, called Bound Con· P1edsin, urcmon,. 101 each. SI .oo per dozrn Ititulion) . ).()() (Beforc o rdttinjlt chapletS mUlt have pet­ Receipt. for Pro"nc.: Vice President, .nd Province Presidents miuion "0m Pro.,incc, or Vilitln. Olficu) Record of Membership Book. full luther .t l0.00. (Before order· Book of PlcdAU' Signaturt. $3.)0 lOll, ch.pteu mUlt hue permillion from Pro.ince President or Book PI.les. ' 1. )0 pcr 100 V,sluna Officer.) CIndie Lillhtin.l Crremonr Recordin, SeCtrUI'}"1 Book S)_1) (For minutes of m«tin'l) Clrds-for orderin•• upp iu from Crnu.1 Office, I~ nch Ribbon: Write lor infurm.ti,! n .nd pricu Clrd_D.u on Recent Gndu.ks. 14 each Ritual, 20e pcl d Olen Ch.pter File Cud. , :r ) inches (in lot, of not leu than 100, Robes fo r Initinion. S6.00-now u.ihble-2 weeks notice .hite, lalmon .nd blur) HI pcr 100 Robe p.ttern for model initiation ,own, 'OC Chapter File Instruction Boo~lel, 1)~ Roll C.U of chapter. (one is included .itb rich Pledge Book Ch.pter Presidenu' Refe rence Binder t.faurial, S2.)0 nrdrrtd) Constitution-Write for information .nd price Scbolanhlp PlaQue-SIS.OO plus 8~ !Ht Irtter for en,uvin,- Directory of Pi Bet. Phi. S2.)O Order throu,h untral Offier Dipni.ul Binder, S~ .2) SenIor F.re'·ell ureman.,. U. rich Financial Statement to P.uenu of Pledgu Settlement School Booklet, '0' Historic.1 Pia" I. C. $oro.iJ. )Oe Soci.1 E:rchan,e Bulletin s Histori.n·, Binder ..... )0 Son, Book, 1 1.00, Suppltment, 60~ HiHO,i."' , note·book p.per-I e per .heet Sutlonery Holt House Booklet. )Oe Offici. I AllOW ch.pter letter (yello.). I'~ per 2) Iheeu HOUle Rule. for Ch.pterl Offi ci .1 Corrupondence Stationery (wrile Central Office [01 Initiation Ceremony, I)e eacb. 11.)0 per dOlen price) . All crtlted piper ordered directly from B.lfour. In.Nction. 10 .isitin. officers Study Aid., )e eacb Jewelry Order form. )Oe for )0 ~mphonf' 30e letten to PareDti of Plrd,ts Treasurer. Accountin, FOlms (Not .11 .upplie. b.ndled in the Ceotral Office are li.ted. Writr for further inform.tion if you .isb lupplies not li,ted)




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~------Postmaster: Pluse send notice of Undeli\lerable copies on Form 3579 to Pi Bcta Phi, 410 St.ndard Office Building. De· c.tur. Illinois.

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