Jhe J/Igher Meaning 0/ FRATERNITY

Jhe J/Igher Meaning 0/ FRATERNITY

Jhe J/igher meaning 0/ FRATERNITY By Dr. Walt.r R. Courtenay, 4> a 0, Lawrence '29 Pallor Finl Presbyterian Church, Nashville, T tllneJIee ~ THE WORD fraternity is a very old word, being part of every civilization that the world has known. It is an international word, used by all nations and all races. It is a classless word, having its place among employers and workers, the rich and the poor, the honest and the dishonest, the law.abiding and the lawless. The word's meaning is clear. To be fraternal is to be brotherly, and so it follows that a fraternity is an organization of men which seeks to promote friendship and welfare among its members. The world has known many fraternal groups. The nation is one, the tribe is another, the clans within the tribe still another, and within the clans the families, the last being the original and basic fraternal group. Each of these goes by a name, and each has a motto that seeks to express purpose, but all are bound by a motto that is older than Shakespeare and Dumas, "all for one, and one for all." It is this spirit of unity and loyalty that gives body to every fraternal organization, be it na­ tion, church, school, lodge, family or collegiate fraternity ... The period between 1840 and 1870 saw most of the great collegiate fraternities come into being. They were born out of idealism and a desire to emphasize the higher concepts of self and society. They were not calJed into existence to be a dormitory and eating club {or playboys. They were not created for the transient values of isolated group life. Their end was the creating of better men, men rich in the aptitudes of brotherliness, friendship, helpfulness, scholastic attainments, and moral character. [t was felt that such groups, imbued with a larger purpose for liv­ ing, would Ix a real asset to both members and the campus as a whole. As I have known fraternities and fraternal groups, I am conscious of the ease with which they slip from the ideal to the common. Their original usefulness ends in misuse, and their primary purpose for existence is glossed over and lost. Created to serve the high they too often serve only the low, retaining a certain amount of respectability long after they have ceased to merit praise. As with all organized groups, SO with fraternities ; they live either on the level of God's revelation, on the level of man's best achievements, on the level of the so-called average man, or on the low, the mediocre, the cheap and sordid. THE -.-A-rrow OF PI BETA PHI VOLUME 73 SUMMER, 1957 NUMBER 4 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY 1861 OQiu 0/ Pllbliuuio,,: 410 Standard Offier Bldg., Decatur. III. Content~ STAFF Fraternity Directory .............. 220 A,row Edi,or: Ao!u TAYLOR ALFORD ( Mes. T. N.), 930 Olive Ave .• Coronado. Calif. Editorials 229 Alumna> CIIIb EdiUH : VIRGINIA SHERMAN Our Ne\\. est Chapter 2JO KOZAK (Mrs. Andrew J.) t R.O. I. Kirk­ ville. N.Y. News (rom Little Pigeon 2J I Chapler Lell~ ' &1;/0' : SAlliE TUCKER. 4519 Summer Craft Workshop 2JJ Cumberland Ci rcle. EI Paso, Texas. From Pi Phi Pens .... 2)4 N~WJ f rom Lillie Pigeon,' lOUlSB WHEELOCK DoBLER (Mrs. Clare R.) , n2~ Federal Ave., Pi Phi Personalities 2J6 Everett, Wash. The Centennial Fund 247 f:.x(hangu and Collef., N oles: R UTH WILSON CoGSHALL (Mrs. W. S.). 2001 Emerson , Will You Help Rush ? 248 louisville. Ky . Chapter Rush Captains 249 From Pi Phi Pens: MARY ELIZABETH LAsHER S .... RNB1TB (Mrs. Kenneth A. >, 8 Cloister 0., Chapter Letters 2)2 Tonawanda. N.Y. Alumnr Letters 267 Arrow Pile: Pi &t. Phi O nttal Office. 410 Standard Office Bldg .. Decatur. Ill. In Memoriam .. 298 In Memoriam No/iuJ: Send to Pi ~ta Phi Official Calendars 299 Central Office. 410 Standard Office Bldg" Decatur, III. Fraternity Supplies J02 ([,THI! Auo'tP' i, printcd Fall, Wintrr, Sprinlt and Summcr by Pi Beu Phi Fratcrnity at thc prcn o f Gcorle Banta Company Inc. , ·UO Aboaip St., Menasba, Wis. Subscription price is S1.50 & yrar, 'O ~ for sinlle copies, SU.OO for life subscription. ([,Srnd ,ubKriptions, cblngc of addreu Dotice. and correspondcnce of I business Dature to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, Decatur 16, III. tl,CorfesPQndtnce of an cditorial nature is to be addressed to thc editor, Mrs. T. N . Alford, 9}0 Oli'fc A'fe., Cnronado, Ca li f. Itcms for publication should be sddressed to the editor to arrh'c not later thlA July 15, October 10, January 15, March 5. tl,Mtmbcr of FII~mity Magu:ines Associated. All mattcn peruinin .. to n.tional advcnisiDIC should be dirCClrd 10 Fratcrnity lotaluine. Associated, 1618 Orrington AYe., Ennston, III. tl,Entcrcd as second·c1an mattrr at the ~st office at Decatur. Ill. Ind Menasha, Wis., under the Ict of Marcb }. 1879. Acceptance for m.iling at speCIal rllC of posuac undcr thc pro'fisioDs of Sec. 34--40 Par. (D) proYidcd for in the act o( February 28, 192), Prinltd ,n Ihc United Statrs of America Front cover: Samford Hall-Admini,tration Building at Alabama Polytechnic. DIRECTORY FOUNDERS OF TH8 FRATERNITY Emma Brownlee KilRore (1848·1924) Rosa Moore 08.8-1924) Margaret Campbell (1846· 1936) Jennie Nicol, M.D. (184,.1881) Libbie Brook Gaddis (18'0· 1933) loez Smith Soule (1846.19<&1) Ada Bruen Grier (1848.192.) Faonie Thomson (l848-1868) Clara Brownlee Hutchinsoo (18' 0. 1931) Jeooie Horne Turnbull (1846· 1932) Pann, Whiteoack Libbe, (1848-19<&1) Nanq Black Wallace (184,·1918) l'JUiSIUI,fNT J:M8IU'J'US lola, L. Keller, Westhampton College, Uni't'Cuity of Richmood. Va. HONORARY GRAND PRBSID8NT Am, Burnham Onken. Chapin, Ill, HONORARY GRAND TRBASURBR Lois Pranlr.lio Stoolmao (Mrs. A. W,), 1001 S. Third St.. (Jum.paiRn, Ill. GRAND COUNCIL Grand Virl·Prtsidrnl .. Marianne Rcid Wild (Mu. Robert S.L Office: ~ 39 17th St., N.W., Room #310. Washington 6, D.C. H" me: 202 1 Belmont Rd., N.W., Washington 9, D.C. Grand Prwdmt .........•........... Alice Weber Mansfield (Mu. William H . ), 8 Long Meadows. St. Louis 22, Mo. G"",J S,n,lll', , ••...• •• ...•.. ..... Virginia Voorhees Speaker (Mrs. James P.), 24U Washington Blvd., Kansu City. Kan. GrllnJ Trill/II'" .......... .. .. ... ..... O liyia Smith Moore (Mn. Henry, Jr. ) , 420 Pine St., Tell'lrkaoa, Tu:. ARAO W &iilDr . .... ........... ...... ,Adele Ta,lor Alford (Mrs. T. N .), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado. Calif. Dirl('lDr DI RMJb;", IInJ PI,JgI r,.ining . Helen .... nderson Lewis (Mrs. Benjamin C.), 73 U N. Gulley Rd., Dearborn 6, Mich. DirttlDr Df EJtI,nsit", .. • .. .. '" ..... Ruth Williams H ansen (Mrs. Paul), 31 10 Eagle Pan Rd., Louin-ille 13. Ky. COUNSELOR FOR CHAPTER HOUS8 CORPORATIONS Mat'J Emrich Van Buren (Mrs. E.), 2625 Mandeville Canyon Road, Los .... ngeles 49. Calif. NATIONAL HISTORIAN Aluiao Keel!: SimmoM (Mrs. OlinI' B.). 64U MOloinpidc Dr.• Kansas CitT. Mo. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR Of CHAPTIlR HISTORIBS Rose McColloch DrusieI' (Mu. B. B.J. 7240 Madisoa. Kansu City H , Mo. NATIONAL BOARD Of TRUSTEB FUNDS Chllir... ,, : Oli .. ia Smith Moo~ (Mrs. Henry, J r.), ~2G Pine St., . Teulka~a, T~.; Lolita Snell Prouty (Mrs. Prank H .). 1760 Locust St .. Deonr 22,. Colo.: Am, Burnham Onken, Chapin, III.; MarJ.lnnc Reid Wild (Mrs. Robert S. ), 202 1 Belmont Rd., N .W. , Washing. ton 9, D.\.,. ; Mary Vaa BU«D (Mn.), 26H Maadc.-ille Canyon Rd., z.o. Anaeles 49, Calif. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR Of CHAPTER ACCOUNTING Dorothea Whiu Flint (Mrs. Leroy). 2U9 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis " lad. Otapte.r T~aSUt'en send your monthly reports to Fraternity Accounting System, c/ o Mr. John DornBlaser. 3 10 Gazette Bldg,. Uttle Rode. Ark.. PI BETA PHI MAGAZINB AGENCY Jand: L Patto n, 410 Standard Office Bid,., Decatur, lli. PI BETA PHI CBNTRAL OPPICB D;,«tM _I C,.~III O~_JIOd L. Patton, .10 St:a..odatd O&ice Bld&., Dccatw:, III. 220 I THE ARIOW OF PI aETA PHI 221 STANDING COMMITTEES Seul._al Scbool Co..-u---C~Viqinia Stacbtt Greta (Ma').1 26)0 Suthuw.d A"e., lDdiaupolil '. lod. T".,,,,_Thun.a Gibtoa Graham (Wn. Thoaw E.), 3)24 N.W. 1.m St., Oklahoma City 7, Okla. S,"t'I_,,-SchooI Library, Edaa Oltoa Arcbiblld (lin. Pred). UO W. UII..i'nrsitr Patkw.y. Baltimore. Md. ' ..lit;',. E,Jil.., _/ Lin', Pi" .. N,..,,-lDV* Wbtdock Dabin' eW .... Clare I..) . JU) P~n.l An., E.attt. Wub. SI!~,s-Dislriblio""""lAis SaJdet P.i.qu (MIL hnDODd H.) 606 N. Elm tk•• Dnal, Hills Calif. D",t,,, ., S",".'., Sr ....J - MuioD Moeller Ults.). Pi Bet. Phi Sdtleme:at School Gatlinbur, Teall. M."",ff. Aff.wrrllf/t n.t-Elizabeth Waitt Rue (Mrs. Ncboll B.)),. Pi Beta Phi Arro_clIft Sbop, Gatlinbur,. Tenn. Holl Hou.. Commirt.--Cb,IJZNIII...-N.dinc Kni&!Jts OoclIe (Mrs. Lour \,..). 1487 N . P"if!: St., Galc:sbura. III. T"..,.,n--Mldac Elliott ruba' (Mrs. Charles lL.). 3,4·19th St., S.B. Cedar ...."Mh. 10 .... Fjl.~Louix hid Campbd1 (MB. John C.). 117 $oath Ith St.. Moamoutb. U . Florence Deppe HolmJraI (Mn.. Eric't 4429 Pembroke Uocl.!ort W.yllt, Ind. EliHbeth POiton Clut (Mn. Wm. Hoi , 2815 W.II, Joplin, MO. Committee OD. Lo .. PUD.d-Cjo";"....-JOICPhioe McC1enrty. 602 Melrose Aye. N. Se.ttle 2, W.sh. eD",,,,ill,, M,.j.",s-Ludlle W.ite W.II (Mn. IUchard). Sweet Sprinp, Mo.: Edith B.COD VintoO (Mrs. OweD), P.O. 80'1 111. S.ot. Monica, ClIif. Commiu.. OD. PlIblie ReI.tloo-.-C.64ir",,,.- Be.trt« Roehm MillerJIltI. Don.ld B.

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