Growing your speciosa

Medinilla speciosa is a relatively recent introduction to Australia. It is a small to medium , growing to around 2 metres. The large, almost succulent are heavily veined and make an attractive contrast in the garden.

Of course the outstanding feature of this plant are the . They are formed in large pendulous racemes. The new flowers open a light pink, followed by hot pink berries which ripen to purple. There is always varying colours of and fruit on the shrub at any given time, making it a great specimen for any tropical or sub- tropical garden or even for pot culture.

When your plant arrives, it is important to get it potted up as soon as possible. I would use a standard 150-200 mm pot and a well drained soil mix, I use Searle’s brand. Add a teaspoon of Osmocote and water in well.

Keep your plant in bright filtered light with maybe some early morning sun for a couple of weeks until it starts to re-establish, then slowly move it to more morning sun with protection from hot afternoon sun.

Pot on as needed, the roots are quite fast growing. Occasional trimming after the bulk of the flowering has finished will form a more compact plant. Water well during dry periods and feed once or twice a year with a complete fertiliser or dynamic lifter.

The only major pests of this plant are chewing insects such as Grasshoppers and Caterpillars, these can simply be crushed or sprayed with the insecticide Carbaryl.

Best of success with your plant, do contact me if I can be of any further help.


Steve ([email protected])