
8 ATU 1 DAT, AUOIW %» U # V if e i W .V -

ilBanrll»at»r I at■tJ.-Si’ Bain [Auedon Mart tboao Finds Land Ownership INSjjJlRE 9 , 4 6 5 Abo^TowD ply ghould he MdUNNBT BM rnnVi Heard Along Main Street ahould not pay fbr w bht w« Ojleii Sunday BOtwe. ftopi* abouM gto over Honthubm M Cky of yfOogo hL •taw Amd on Somo o f Manehootot^t SIdo Stfoti$, Too IBrtr JaakiiiOT and miad their own Big Change in England B0 | U b 1& T s i s h bualnaaa aad Bv* ^ Irt Summer Season Offer* " ^ ( t w b l v b ; f a g e 8 ) PRICB FOUR C llffE !! Ah In to North Bndet^ ings to Bo Made at m Ihns U> ■ ^Vt __jg * Raymond —. Puararanmuch of a Job dlggto it What High Taxation on In­ VOL. LXVIIL, NO. 262 te v * kwt hla hooch to t ^ would h* doT ____ _ nawapapar ha^ Ita f ^ Charier Oak Grounds tom of poBtleal avanda, but Im "They waa only on* ttoff ta fid eouatry cerraapendanta—toon heritance Foreea Hetra could do to gat la labor bada H* ■iS^pS&s haa gained to proattg* aa a nlo* paopla who aavar forgrt to T V BtPodmdiiMt Fgtfier.SiM Girlil J l , Mw lawBlit wlw >> dacldod to aoU th* thing. So h* lat ua know whan th* Saeond Bap- To Dispose of* Family Manchaafar’a suetlen HUDSON r t o M n N IB orfMi of hla handUng of th* o ^ ^ did. Sold it to m*. Of ooura* th* market,______coaductad______to toe — Man------mm Sews Tidbits put* altuatlOB her*. Probably the ttat ehurrti la going to have Ita Esutes, E. J. Hon Says DsNvan^Hsn fMIr Grtndle Says Hunt •I tho W*tm 5i* «r Choir well wouldn’t do me no good up on naxt bean auppaf. W * "h o u ^ t ebeotor Pnilt aad V^gatobl* Vegel Fro- H. J. judge would not claim to have dooer'a aaaoolaHoB, will epaa for toraaean a vlctary by the «P P ^ * on hla land, and my farm a mil* I n i^ at aom* of thair oontrlbu* vf» away, ao I dacldod to move to* ttona, baeaun avarythlag thay Dy mroM B. IhaklBgtaa toe *umm«vend *a***a Sunday at tion. but ha could dearly aae th* S pjB. at th* Chartwr Oak *tn*t mat Dorothy Moyt > l» t » oholcaa open to bUn. turn in la with th* baat of latan* Exceptionally high taaaa and nSchaada. la a two **Tou &on*i nyr* w « exdalmsd. ground*. It wa* announoed today. Claim ed Influence d Krt. ThooiM Had b* bean atubbom to refua* tion. to*______coat_ of Uvlag _ a n given _ aa ran* Th* mart will ba held dally there­ w w Ll with Mr. aad . Ins to trant with hla rival*, tha “Tap. I brung up my team aad Howarvn, n w ^ aona for to* general ehaagaovar la BoSy o( M iBdIaa drtro. between ua, my friend and me dug 1 after through Thursday at the dodalon would have bean vary same time with Rohert 3L Raid embarraaatog to bl* court^to the well out and loaded It onto fix and OM half mOaa of my wagon.” ua a real kick. J n t toe other ownen of real aetata a n flndlag aad son*‘handling th* auctlonaer ■oma plaeaa, whera hot word* lag for to* fourtoanto year. Th* All He Had to Sell Sotharty wan exchangad. loatog J u ^ "U la urn* now to paua* t day aa Item waa Inoludad la on* that thay cannot m ^ taraa up at ban gama catch your breath,” ha adviaed. ^ t h * lattan that rand Oka tola: taxaa Impoaed uym them ty to* “' neheater Truat oomuany Set* _ BLLaeta iliiatir town Bno In Boltoo to took ovary appaaranoa of havl^ easMor and WnUam Bagno will 4_iation of OooB. •* to Hthroo bean “thrown out on their ear^ — *T don’t Bead to,” our frtend "IB n fall recently M laa------1 government and to* Inheritance Fo#4 WMk*m Jam on _____ bad th* mlafottun* to fme* I tax la ao high that th* ownen am b* auetien maoter. Aide Ttils Senate InYep> tag areas ‘ ------wuT ho gtoon atooo ourfacto* w ao vehement araa their aaaertion Mid. “Well air, whan w* got th* StartlBg off to* *e**nn win be oQ troottoont durtof tho w m l^ of th* right to continue to office thing laahed down, I climbed up tun bar right whloh la now In a baing forced to aell to* land, *1^ tifstinf Sobcommit* traffie . ^ I or to other partlea, or mon often oCtortag* of tomaloe*. cucumber*, ONMEOIATB DEUVERV Aefaeson Rejects FlM* woah. BtaU Highway Oommla- and th* wrong of th* Bowlea ap- onto to* wagon and off w* atartad, bar I*, oora aad eaullflower. to* ON BOMB MOOBLB . O. Albort Hin announced very gentle ao aa not to Up to* W * puaalad on that for quit* a I to to* government, lee Menagement Conn* ire SB'LBck Tos Fsr; pointmanta. latto- In short supply. Europe Group ly Plan, Telling $•&- today. ___ Her*. Judge Bowen took to* weU nona tun*. Har right whatT W * B. J, HoQ. a laadlag realtor la MdCLURB Airrot v armad Oaocgla and Gs s m Won hr Dssth could *M«k aC a good'many righto I Maachaator for many yean, ro- Tomato** will be offered In th* p e lo r ABBerted H e correct view that th* pubUc to* 'Bvorythtog want all right n*w hatt-bushel package Instead SIS Mata B l Uanwr BtaMd oagM at Ma frtaado rai ator Such a Cottfse 0*10 Board of RoUof of the toreat waa beat aerved by mutual gettla’ out of to* yard and until that eould ba fractured aad oould I vaalad toaaa facto la aa Intarvlaw , of to* fonaer bawot, aad It' use TsL 8-8443 CJddld Go to White 1 3 Forept Seryiee Men war agatoot rphad, alght-itdtag Ku Opens Session Aug. 8—(SV- ■w fc Maaehaetor fire DUtrlct agreement, to* praaervaaon of to* team atartad down to* bill to ha la a aaat. but la t M caaa we yeatarday. Mr. HoO recently n - ■dwaad 8. HeB I wfll be eompulsory ea those mak- Khm Klanaman . . . Autoaitefi* _____ , _. 33, *d hi* Would Be UttleM ofe win «aot from T to • p. « • ^|*»* dignity and of reaaonablenaa*. Hla get to my farm. Then to* devil juat 8 14 11 know what ‘right to I turned han after a tore* moatha lag offertaig*. It I* said to result Hoaae at Any Time Vtctimst Neeriy 5 , 0 0 0 ran* Ihraugh aad af fany* ttoiekloa iotUr- aad death won nat IS to the town aaaooaors office, Judgment to to* courae of hi* broke looa*. H w well Upoad bato credit Mlm So aad So with kavlag vlalt to England, Sootlaad, W a ^ beat to Wanatehaa, Waah., th* gam*'0f ftuoalan roqtetto. T h a n GesturefSgfg fractured. I and Iielaad. ’Iha laat ton* b* via* a week,'or tour to 8v* doOan to* 1 L a i d t o phmgaa lipto U foot at wator, Figgp o f'lO Natkins DetecOW SgL It U Berry to gear apreale from tax mattera. own action* laavea the Impreaalon ward*. 'Ih* horaea had a hard tbno those who do not understand to* I mon protection to WashinFton. Aug. 8 — (A*) Need to Fill Vaomm S , r « J S S r b u d ,. t of $103,881 hddln’ back, and befon you emW » — iltad hla motoarland and hoam waa stag mar paapoa*.,. . Oapital iledit. Straaboivg- Tim aald toe hotel clerk waa toefcy that he practice* what th* law fftitiwen to really wtth ua final-1 town. Dudley, waa twenty-four EngUah currency system. 1“" '”“***“ ’ ■^^tanufseturar Paul Grindls —w« tor a S mill tax on a 47 mll- pnache*. yell whoa, th* w*n craahed off BaOstfnl AMIaae DC4 wfto » pataao* OB to* first spin. lgM th If ha haa not mad* a will, Sponsors^ By dtoappaared, nood not got Job to went eft poaal by Ssnator Vsndsnbsrg eua- costing from twelve to Sftsea dol- a Framingham, Mass., fumi- om ^O y In «Ms BMIs Mty ea tha B «w d Congregational c h u ^ With hU court. Judge Bowen the edge of to* well. toavaa aad vlaaa, they a n not bi Eaglaad It haa baan tar* oaotoeny, aim told to* Bmi- support har two email drildnn n Berry eald OeatUlo. faring a (R-Mich) that Congrtss prq- numaroua aa they have haaa .tomary boto leavelaava tha enttn aaatat* lan. A suit that would coat you long •* gtandpermta a n BaaaS of thla town, and 1* apandlng hla conaldered to* poaalbllltlea and "Down It went for thirty feet, ___a. _ _ AmmmealMlM VllAtttfl I .a _ _a 8^ Amenaltw HOBBY SHOP m*’* InvwrilgiMlBg *ubooiniBltto* Bavaaty Fhtaar, IB. i ttatar. l *alM, IB, I I TV I leg opentioii, had told friends: vacation with hi* family at Wood- pnat aaeaena Oaraainm plaato I fba aidaat aoa la the family. Be- around $46 hen wUl run anywhen «a T,8s a i**t sm- ly aM* to 4* * . . . Senator Ka- vidt only stop-gap arms sid the matten of fact and decided aa draggln’ to* bora** after It I waa from $100 to $135f C GriswoM St, Phons 8S8S tost Hunt * dateMd MaJ. CMu. to Chtoage la order tir tatt*r, gaaaph I “I’d rather be dead than a atoek. he thought to be right. very lucky I Jumped." aeam to ba potoonona to ^ ^ I f o n th* hair can dlapoa* ct to* R q i^ H. Vaughan, FraMdant fa u v * D-T*nn) who wanta 7 dam- cripple.” to western Europe until next Everybody In Ibigland Is ntlon am Maainpel oMStorlaai a i ^ t “a**” He waa. Our friend looked aad. 3 *et dee for thay ao aoonar toad on th* proparty. ha mlat flrat eonault toe CoatOBt Closss TfUman'* mlUtary old*, wa* ”ao* Bl** pnMMt vMto ‘ ocratle nations to Join to fadenl year. Acheson told ths Mich­ About 18 of the momberi of the toavaa than they dl*. I balr Inoumbeat aad get bla agrae- eonscloua Tb* quantity of food 14 aaoatn* union eometotog like our own un­ horaea I ever had,” he aald. S o p t 10. \U 9 of hla eloaaat frtond*” and h* la TV m Dovla. (AF igan senator, who has been a liaaehoatir Aaoodatloa of ln*ur- Our only remark waa a very Thla year th* BUBimar paata have Th* haln am finding that 1* not plentiful but It ta good food. "o*Wd md SM go to to* White ion of 48 ototoo. * y a that ‘'Con- leading supporter ot to* bfasrtl- "You know,” aald our country found another anamy thaa th* bha Inheritance tax la ao high that Tbey a n allowed only about 35 aae* agenta win have their annual dry "WeU, weU.” tk^ B ator Now HoSb* at. any tlm*.“ g ra * la far behtad tea posyia oa forelgn poUqr, that jnah .a onttagln Boaton, Wednaaday. They friend, "1 ver. near didn’t get In mar and gordoBtfa Pupplt Oimck-1 cannot offofd to fcoop tho cent* a week for meat. Ration­ thia Mbjact” hen today. Near got drowned.” ing is mon strictly enforced In S M o M s Tiuthid OM taqtary Strasbourg, France A u g.it — Pacific Pact ooune w «ri4 be ottfa mar* than win attand th* Red Sox-Tankee ’lb * ir»uKag brought toe fol­ Its, wbooa fora bos prob- pjtmtrty. and to many costa art Ortadl*'* atetomaato to a N*w British Hobm a*er*tary Janw* a gesture. baaebar gam* In the afternoon. “That would have been too ably dried up and blown away 1^ boread to aeU to maet to* tax. to the large cities, and then l* stIU AtroaeaSsdsB . ______MonL, AUf. 8—OW— Chutor Bde n il* that Seia Geirg* (F)—Th* flag* of 10 nbttm bo- bad," we aald. “It’a ao uncomfort* lowing yeaterday. W * give It aome black market Sweets and lU H XoTk aawqMMr last June touehad Flva huadtad fire fightm hurled 4*ek tol* Nto* city qa |ho Rhino Obrien* a i fi n n** to Bnesfa . TMmt arrangamenta are In charge ago, a n mitolag feaata from to* I inataaeaa to* government la Moaoeoaps eft to* anlMwinmltto*'* Inquiry Mercy Air lift Will Ualgh, eonf***d vampln killar ot of Arthur A. Knofla. 878 Mato able being wet thea* day*. What to you exaetty aa aent to ua: Uvlng bug*. I taking over to* property and turn- candles a n ntloned when to* Fuiulf i * Fas* It today at to* figuring nto* peraona must hang W edn* to wdcom* i«p i**snte**v*o at Meet Urged In on obrioua retetenca to,Bn*- happened?” U v* aad IM U v* ... T^lor Craft into claim* of tnflunca to to* front of a timbar Maoa MO eountri** who today begin Bla, Acbaaen told too aaBgta'Fsr- atraat — — Ing them Into public park* and quantity la low. Conaequently, awerdtog of govenunrat day as aeh*mled . . . Informad Our friend dnw k deep brMth Aa everyone know* thla 1* to* Johnal* M en to one of thoa* 8n I bh* bomaa for llbnrtoa and when toe restriction la U ft ^ long Spcedse-Bin Kito-TSe that ho* kiUad U FOreat aorrlea soure* do** to Israel government to* first **Mrien of tM^Oeunril ^ *i|^ R*laOond and A**>sd Itra - w«Hrfaa W. Mobile, aecretary- to take up to* alack in hla aua* worat aummer w* have had in a traci*. m*a aad burnad noorly fJlOO aeraa Aid in ’Qu^e Area Burop*. , rhiang and Rhec Issue lo*a eommlttoaa: .f veer*. And now I chief* who put* hla whole Ufa 1^ ,bh*r Inatltutlona. For thla naaon lines of people wlU form for blocka Hunt, new a management eoun- ,y* ebaaoM ot final Amh-l*n*B tiaaaurar of th* Mancheater penden. number of yean. And now I in front of the stores, and th* Mmmm FlMaV. Th* foreign mtaletor* of Bri- “In daoUag with tlja faroaS with •a' on toe robl^t hU Job. H* the large eaUte. of old a n now aalwr to Woahingtoo, once wa* a mot en “not unfavoraU*.” . . In- Uta, Freno*. Italy, Bsiffum. Hel- Joibt ' SfBfemml Alt­ aad Supply Company, Inc., North “It all com* about becaua* of a have ima u a lot of other people I end a moat energetic clttoena John 1 b,ing brokea up. stock is soon gone. Complaints Armad with oxea aad ahovtla, donaala^ KapuhUcaa F n mtor which wa an daalfaf. ysn gdlB atraat. with hU family have well,” he aald. the I Bautonant coinnal to tot Quarter- two o^^oFato battaUona oi land. l*tx«nbonrg, Bwidw. Nor­ no sdvantage by spauinfaff en si* take* hi* poaltlon aa fln chief ao I jb baa been common for on* man about ntlonlng a n very few, and . meater corn* end worked . for Can Goes Out t o r A U say* “eompleto un- er Their Conference moved from 88 Oakland atraet to He looked hard, decided we toe people a n accepting It In Machanad nma attoekad from too way, Denmark aitd Intoad, to* Utnia W* muet 4*dl fa todto aerioualy that we wonder aome- b<, own to* entln land In a alngle BOTH THESE HOMES while for toe War Aoaato adato Staff Qliefs eoa#t|ena| tranoter ot aovanignty Chertor nation m*i|ilsia. meet thair raoantly acquired property at could atand th* atory and cut 'On* thing I cannot underatand stride. north aad aouth oa 7,800 foot Wil­ Planes in PanaiDa Tha aoonar wS BH Ufa 1, why a town, or ahould I aay Umea how ha ever geta any community in th* p*.W. Mr. Holl tratkm. W AA waa. aa*lgn* i1 to* to paopla of Indonaala I* only today nt to* medtoval riilnliaa. Igina,. Aug, 40 Auburn Road. looa*. H* aeema to b* alwaya waiting the government la Independent FeopI* low BBOuntato. They atruggtad to hitlen” to Tadeaealen proMam vacuum of mllttary wqaksata In "A friend of mine dug a well. He city. Ilka Mancheater (it la big toolr at aelUng bWtona at doUan oaol oft to* fin ’s aorthaaotward Area to Carry Doctors, a t y hen. to n atop to*4 rd a fed­ Th* l*ad*n of Natlonaltot China Buropn too bettor 1$ win ho far enough to be one) doea not have forr that whUtl*whlatl* to btoat.blaat _ _ | gainingninlng control of large portion* "Tbs JCnglish people a n still werth ot war aurplua gooda. ConcludeTrip irda aaeoa* Fraeldmt Truman erated oonttoenL _ aad tb* Kiemn npubllq callad to­ got it down pntty far, but he In hi* work aa * barber aad 8^1 of real eotat*. very Independent, and resent to* monmaat toward mora baavy tlm. of fanning war hyetoria and poto- ir own security.’' didn’t atrlke no water. Bo he th* faclliUea to aupply Ita people OPEN FOR INSPRCnON Ortodla oats ha oagagod Uuat to bar to to* gatoa ot to* aaouatalna Nurses and Supplies Taday* coafen ea mtoprlo* th* day far a edefwsne*‘of Vondiobifil thBft tiMr with toe water they need. Juat hla ahop on North Mala otreat m gonlag BegulatloBa fact that they muat receive aaslst- halp hliu load a gevernmaat oqq" foraat 35 nrilaa northaaat of enliig tatornattaaol atmoephtn . comnrittoe ' ot mteitmn ot to* power* to toa Innnillif* futun to thought, aea he. “ru try dlggln’ la In a poaltlon to alwaya be ready I Americana think that oiice from other nations. People AmericB*s Top Military Secretary of Btht* A diSioa ( adnrinlatrstloa’a $l,450jSQfaOBe KnorF's Stand over toe lln* In Eaat Hartford tract During to* ooura* at thair Halana. councU. They auT be conqtand draft a Pacttlc alllanro agatoat arm* program **4a a pattera Mr on th* other aide of th* houae! Bo to anawer an alarm. Planning and Zoning law* a n over hen think th* British need Quito, Ecuador, Aug. 6-— poet* to hogta eonauHatlaiw with CVbtB^mstfstfSta- J he did, and th* water com* In everyone la wetting town*, -gar­ talko, tha furaltan makar taotl- Wlldirnaaa arao hUlo and t Pfauaera, to ^Rdum to to* goverwuat of Bunpe, it to* miUtary d*t«ns* of waptoni Wedneaday afternoon during to* ^ ^ b hen,” he conUnued. "They American dollars. ’They a n SUNDAY— 10 A.M. to 6P.M. flad. Hunt toM him: »»»• bav* an Act by Parliament over wrong. It’s buying power they “I h an onto on* thing to od tho flamao to too raat of too n * to aU U.' A Air Form aad To W asliinftou^Tc^y "But then he waa, with a big Ing a cuatomer. ’Ibe telephone | bh^e t ^ t reatrlcta a property am looking for and aa Increase in on dowdopramt ot atatomont bS rh1n*a* 0 *q m il**l- fo rn ^ under too North Atlantis daap hole on hla handa which he in aom* way*, and too Wg in other and that la influanca. My tofluanea Brilo parlmator aaarad by too blaaa. navy freight planet in ths poBty toward China and Far GsM treaty h ** coma Into balag asn waya auch aa, *H thea* new r u g and to* barber, anxloua to owner from turning agricultural foreign tnde.” la Sarnd ea aqr isputatica aad that Bhawaaa How A S n aca' dent S y a g M ghoo* of gouth 1 hated to HU la becaua* It w h ao get hla cuatomer taken car* of, land Into a reaidential or burinea* Leaning back in hla swivel chair, Phniana sysa to J.oln a m sr^ Isa don, Ahg- 8 ■ (f ) i Amorifa’a . . . Weary ganato loadon ‘ Wedneaday. to* eouadl’a firat sat up a dafwp* eommltto* fa houaea cloa* together. Mancheatar la bSpaaebabta.” ■bowan atewad to* advaaea of tap mintMy tolrg eraok’'eek' of * trytog to ‘ Oeomiltattv* AaaanMy meets-Th* Korea a fta r^ two-day eontemaa sshtaitta BRitllRnp bIbbo* ahotUd get amart and grow with aaked a fellow in th* ahop to aectlon. ThU. I mean. In th* out­ Mr. Holl Mid "the countryald* ia •Mant haa daalid that ha ever at- too flamae yaatorday, but a 80- lair Uft flying doctors, nurssi aiatanbly le a pbitjsMBL lb U bare. They rifted FraaMeat'Bfaldto lying diatrlct* of a city. Before atm as beautiful ae ever. I-took to d sra — rqf to* At- apptoral of aa Ha complatood that tbs tJpttPd the Umea. If Eaat Hartford can anawer th* caU. It waa really pour- tomptod to tall toflueooa, and BBila aa h o u r^ ^ U n a M toa.GcsI*i>4 nwdkal suppUas into thq QuWra F^^ to SHS*- bug “cat* and dog*.” Th* fellow the change can be made, the own­ many pictures, but unfortunately lontle •okto fa gefag abaqd udigafa do It ao can w*. ’Then la noj 1 bae aidd he knowa a* oa* to gov- to tha aortoatatora ooetlon. I aarthqftokmraTa^ SSetSott »''S o M 'S s- mnUtag itoTtosth Atfaptfa problem In tola world that la too onawered the phone and quickly er muat flrat petition to the City I don’t have any to show, because onuMoi wba eoaM h* teflaaiw d. Qariaa, la teta giMaetaaada hla 1 turned to Johnnie and aald "Hur­ Council, rimllar to our Board of it wa* a new. camera, and I was , « ” »'^¥ ****» from 800 to of oontral Edttdos. Thq dtoth In tte aald that be tevopi^ U g to overcome If you have toe WWfctog o a Ftaaa Facta OasI 1400 aofoo r o m m m r - I ton of m* oultka ttao rnealadi ■caacit fa W a n t to «*• way ta eirit F|ealSaa8 Tnpnsn. •teed an faUrfa* eonSdenc* and wUl power to ry up. Chief, it’a a graa* ttre.” Direeton. Land tax** a n abcn>t mlslnfornwd on how to ua* It. Saul'Its fioatlan into ooqthaeS had no eottfaont Ko dad fW a ig s ite Army and Navy W * don’t dan print what John­ five pound* an acre, or $35 in U. ’Thus, BO print*.” win show c ia a ^ that thfa tackle It. S. currency. When the change la Butppo with ,too faemsi addltlra laid the -tefaldattaB n r apadttle try Intend* to funriab aaoo, hut 'Of coura* then la alwaya a nie aald. Although he enjoyed bis trip Jkmn'omeie S*M' Mm h* wa* of Qriaa* ana Th rify to tho piea- pqat laat *Math to a riaSfar o*a> win not'pnclUd* further Jiiqt few who a n jealoua of their granted by th* Council, the taxea very much, Mr. Holl said that aft­ wimn ___ from' MSeeaebueett* Jump op to $300 an acre.” ws9 ^ e a “* 8900,000,000 daot loM tomwanda wen injured. f«e a M at M|guio la toe FMUp- rllM iin f. a u b nelghbora, and have to get back W * heard a aporta fan com­ er being away from Manchester fee fiian* aorta.” to* Mlaaogri rtvar wlada ptetrir**- AB FrMgM ~ pripeh to prMn'track-hut an **ari3 S ^ S l t f t source* sold to* ptada. Vandeabeyg ifirtfl AdM0i4i 1C at__ them one way or another, llVW««V8t Juat I piMlUIlH,plaining. th* wvaaw*other —day ^ that— there “How la the houaing problem for auch a long time, he waa glad quely through meuatota p *k * qulekly rocaptnred . . . OT " and building program In th* war QriSo* quMad Hunt oa oaytog Tha U. 8. Caribbean Forrign Mbriston qonpfatto*. to* gfae* tlfa' Chlang-Quirinp aMSb b* would “r**|pt to* td*a’’ ef b ^ u a e to* graoa la greener on bav* been no motorcycle racn in to be back home. The recent to waa to have, plan* pert* CaUa tor voluntoen went oft headquerton alertod oU otovakla la training oeotSa of oounril’a «x*cutlv* anoowUI ^ toff, the pfo%e hap fawi ehwwid iwadlng with a your eld*. If everyone would thla vicinity for aome time. How torn citlea?” Mr. Holl waa a*ke* hi* program.” ahould be pay for our outaid* fau- doam toe pubnelubnc highway. Op- being spent enjoying tb* outdoon hr* CTO*** Willow meuatala. TluV taapoetod toa y . B. Ateey S ia m writ* of f Aaaambly—eight for Tliriny and 'enimiritag NptfaaaUat rogiSM to _____ •__ _ akoale# ttmA 4f A 1 BtamM Tt/tiSV t building lUelf that it ia taking It wag a daal which would carry to* required «uppll*a, addi- to next fit yean. “Y**. Senator VaadiMlMM^ 1 Every Saturday Night cet when you can only ua* It a enton of thea* nolay vehicle* and relaxing in the peaceful sur­ $ 1 1 ,5 0 0 i^tbe tsxpoyor* blood boU If The Foreet eervte* h u not oeat tlonal.planes will ba dram trton of eoeapattsp.ta-Q*Rnasy.( > Thay six far Omee^hrtngtog‘too as* Chin*. aeem to take gnat delight In run­ much of toe work away fronr con- rounding of hi* beautiful home In aay of it* Parnehuttag fire-fight­ would tsalat'toaL” ' Aoh*ban- ro» llttleT W* ahould have thU tneton and builden. Once you ehmitlt” kapao.. gmnv 'American met w lb Bsitieb. VoiWMlnL- cs6 aembly’a nfa*r up to 19 1 dtputfas. 3. T ^ United gtatos l**u*d It* ^ e d qntpUy. “I;thtok wp^ ppfa amount taken off our bllL ning at breakneck apeed through Bolton. took . the atand after er* to to* Mas* fine* Friday— p lan * amady hav*' partidpdtod Danish 8*011^ ^Iste to LsBgee . y nr iii N*t Bwwaaatod Whit* Fapar'oa'Chfa* two day* have aeen what they a n doing, 34 WESTWOOD STREET and. coefamd. wtto.tnai*. For- F^)c^R BbniiB go forward on goto ftedti.” ■> r STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP “Another problem cloae to a lot toe main tooroughfana. ’They you can readily ae* that it ia for of Defonee Jqhnaoa when to* *mok*-Jumptog pro­ to ttw nllaf -rfork. Tha oaunell bring* togatoor to fatte and fahelfad to* Chfaflf gov' of people 1* to* polio. Mothen a n likely to Snd toemaelvea In OFF MeKEE ST., MANCHESTER I the laqaUa gram Be win gram euftored Its worst tragedy tagus**K Dutch,and -ite iS t mUh to* eomaaittoe of mtoUten and too •nurient a failon to to* emi war the beat the manner in which they *nM aartoqjmha, wMeh etruck tary d»1agattoua.ta Fajffg (Ooatlansd on Faff* *wa> [ would feel a lot aafer If their toe near futun facing th* new a going about it. If the problem It rid-et oiwenipuleu* to It* KLyaor hletory. Friday, battdrsd 'oommualeaUon ****mbiy half a dosen orgafaqta agatoat to* Chtaes* Qoaununfat*. 2 0 REGULAR GAMES 3 S P E O A L S chlldnn oould run In th* aprlnkler Town court Many of toeae 6 ROOMS, 1 UNFINISHED, nREPLACB, FRONT i w n hiataeaa and *18 8m*ke-4nmp*n Trappai and transport Itoos. ’Two tiuAiaand TiMy.rolmdaA qe.tJMhn 011 CathoUcs tlona that work-for Buropaan u i»- A apakedmaa ter to* FhUippta* of reconatructlng home* waa left —Ota afi libld tfS *v piWdent aald’last' faght Qwriao la their own back yard. But aom* apeed limit violatora have already up to to* builder, too** people that KITCHEN ment bgr pedditog tofhi' Fifteen *mak*-jump«rs. mo*Uy Bounderean troop* cm on duty in 6 ty and la d lv k ^ Madera of almagt •T been warned once by toe local coU*g* etudenta, wen trapped by grmtoot's*cra»iTWI! ‘ “ ' • ' ^ ■ .7 •' would makO'M atotomdat on axa buay body nelgbor might object. controlled toe money would be REFRIGERATOR, STOVE AND A N ?V W A 1 JL;T0 - to* aarthduoh* .adn*. remhttog every p o lit y cafa. «ao»pt.toa.«|»- And no one family uaea toe aame police. FILMS tin when to* wind ahlftod ■ * dotarto-ftkl^'highway* and Uto- euagfon mtli FMfd phasa w tooiprbjpbtod prbjpbtod anisnda*nis»d* W - getting their wlahea granted flrat. WALL LIVING ROOM RUG INCLUDED WITH ‘^ S to d le opined hie toatimany by count itemfantsry. < O iq h fm A^heng^ Leiffer- trfabw ot Taoddm and' Oeauau- had UIk*d with Mr. Trp-| amoimt of water for their houae- DEVEliOPED AND denly after toay were eatoly on Une*. g t*^ Brst old and Mam. ■ tu fa Parliament ha* taken over to* eutltatag bow he happaned to m**t to*',W*ito*niBivoiN*ff hold. Some familiea a n large Th* way , we ... -get------it the dog _ war- building prognm and providing PRINTED THIS CHARMING HOME to* ground at Mann gulc{i. Only "i^ p vol KiRing Aid Th* moat colorffa figur* la to* and that mean* a lot of bath*. 1 den la In for a big time. **•■** “SMod home* for the homeleea and vet­ 24-HOUR SERVICE oa rage -two) a aa Fans T w o )' aapWag f i r f t ^ i ' ^ 4 * Pnblic SHioolg ••••mbit ^ b* BiStsto’*, - w«r- othen even take In waahlnga and atreet, alnc* to* alart of tota^nk. eran*. The council naa complete to to* 13 amoko- ttm* les4*n Winatoa Churchill, (eanStowi*'ag.'Flige" a m an m m aom* have gardana. It la alwaya haa been driving alalomlng dog* jumper*,Jumpera, to* nr*fir* kUladIdUad n * * v * n - ___ • Heltoadaad UtoW' contro’ over thea* project*, and Filn Dopooit Box .•te post-war aatfaidiMt for v n M ^ ' almply craay. togetoar Ri* vjetor *h ;th* vnn- to* development* a n beautiful. At Store Batraaeo In 4 Theae home* a n made of brick, Simke Peace ^ Flqfida BSlidi qa toinsoo- qfafaMl s*bno stoong'ifaiL ^ _ _ According to tola week’* new* A kellcepter b r o n T ol* area, aScuaod .ChurririO I* •xpsetod to artlv* Heat Rittin^ from to* Board of Director*. Bla- built well, and a n neat Then ttdn.'of. Am orim toroba;to . AU*. a n uaually *lx room* to the home charred bodl* to a tria .V / v -- th* nfasan M toodarafap Wedneaday from L«ak* Oard*, va- aeU atreet may go to pot and no cellar*. Th* (Sovernment KEMP'S [ot A p p ^ n t morgue where fellow flnfighten Sel^iiig K ^ e r I rattors to Wsah- lafa night of eatlqn>*^ to the Italian Alpo. i l l feiii Identified them. **** ' aU to KNOFLA W * would *tin edvlae that no has taken over about aeventy-five '■‘j - 'v taSaf: vWh fsm teoqt Churi»l11 may. tosk*. tlm daptn- per cent of to* building material* 1/' ■ Mopptag up op*rati«u waWfe* ‘dMsRIto'bqdhor My hla pfatjfaim tot saothsr on* waR at CenUr and B ro ^ ttaued today • on t l ^ io>itsrvl«w (WWDQ) atreet* until to* autooritlea ae* fit and bav* diatributed them ao that » a-, ^atavyuaaia**t'.'AgW ■**'*■» * *»“*•*■ to*' ■ Governor Or* Arm ed Vigilantw H u n t toWtefF Stew a p m fgsfaot the' daagsr Two Now m *SS BROTHERS to inaun a traffic Ught there. The to* reconstruction program la be­ - 'ww. - . I toirita I of Soviet expeastoa. > - 9 5 D c l j p ^ ■baa osg. BdSdHfIdnvMb ing carried out In every community i|ion and Seven •Nto* m S i? ** to* nutoeast of I M a d WtiQ S U liM EI- on Fnhee*a Fonipi'Mtototer Ito- klm on a tip ftete CMof InatalUtkm haa been talk ^ * ^ t •it was a part B o M o n ) i l e Genera] Contractor'' for almoat ten y *a i» ^ y b e « in toe country.” ___ -J^fov bert gohumaa la expected to rSfae B l* * ft of W eides sagee. The New Building lieBume Worii « 1 «p rng* n«a) d g r iy Mfde to- Pcsili of '*'• ilatod p lot"'o f # , Onatoad |oaah Jobbing and ^ can be paid for by ca*h from to* noar boftiN R e c o r d . ^ . 'In -' parking meter*, aay, about a week Old bulldinga a n being torn ’ *. t^ ’QllM e hUjr^ . ( 0 *n«taq*4 SB FhffS flvaK aosrisi oqip 8 ta HILDITCH * waa***dMyiMd General Repairing from today down In deaolate area* and new *£ 'S: " ■ 8—rVD“rAl> Im.- Crystal gaaeh.>F|a..-A< » I ■ *to- II ii I p - i one* nplaeing them. Rental fee* gevamment goto —Amsd h*^. of _ 'pM- to' public ; ^ .1 - . 1 . •• • ,ri Bbfton. 1 Ahg-< A^rilPH-A posr Sq ten^«W ari _ _ C a n 4 0 3 3 Our predlcUon U that If thing* run from four ahilllnga to a pound io alga of.,*sity Seven Persons oproad aut;today ter a tiw hlorarahy eqa beat wav* glt'p vtead Mow 4 w ' OfSenr, whan, fa .eaeapad keep OB craahing along a* they MARKET nawairt l 40-day ww- * ^ * latobbad n TO^yssr-okl toa' public land today with Si tegrad* ton - n e 4 gong at tfa stata B e f o r e p . m . Attacks Move 6 have don* on th* Cron* Highway T aaoun mUUopp'fbr aaat far gooton by .siteqieon. Thi# ttary ad Me* torrltorlal law Hurt in Crashlsy'jaySaiSlSV’ -ot -parochial odnes- 1 to t o * northeaat of h erO ^e hoapl- 99 Sanner Street ^aakfag.for to* gfoup to would ud to* tefffg noord'ori ‘to I nsaio h*s ------t*l ttothootav*- Daad of ateh wound*, waa For- . Against Pope I $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 IF Ingram M. man Brown*,'Wbo wsn fousd. tiod asM -th* fim ** M 4 : team ed fa noently ae- isjd.' , , •- “Acaatitoimttotby.fa qpfafas.os'si- Pisa Iff Fatal HTt'haa^b^'pro^ . SERVICES OPEN toa tfittyf”* Privg^^e Bnmg apfasd-aaglad> on hla_bo4’ tai 'n L - wfaSw,’-ef . Ghlaain^Auf. te I yon can get a* many aa a d o ^ 38 ALEXANDER STREET::.^ ttris rioftga wfnt of a a t l-^ | M n 7.ln ^ t e t armstoreauroe Nortll Edge of Rent^ 1 5 am 'oominpnlty. ms -throaL Romra C ^glic- PriMt *% tgaauiamdr la hkaly to euatomen from on* good amaan- That Intorpnt the 'wishes Thay laft. th* waclA .gtM 'of BH' Blrtrnl SUNDAYS OFF CENTER ST., MANCHESTER atomaeh snd wytoU wan aloahad. . . . __ edn faelhsr"' 4^ afa M op- Urgm PgrUiionert to fa tha •oar at e $ ^ A. Non. lKiis"'wa!e^'todleatl

/ •

i.s , ’( ■ ; J MANCHESTER EVENINO MANCHESTER. OONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 8. 1949 FAGS V';-- lUNCHESTEl IVIW W ® ^ P J- > Air Lift TUI AM They augga _ Qulrteo oat the SevekFmonM "prapaaMr^l Waterbuiy Man Prisoner Flees Pacific Pact oon fem c*> for " Bagnio. «^t»tatW u the ?rith A b o u t T o w n ' J N artk Y m Um U86 Right RepBes After tesutim the eUtement, PRESCRIPTIONS e-lr one week to rilee the RMfy No New Cases Q iM ’Jnjiired . Chiang boarded hte plane and left, fiiirt in anmoa aaM t t o O n jair a t aa> In ’OCuAe Swtor BrslM th CItab Phia Meet Urged • Start , the BA’i wita, thh oommlt tofClub Injured in^Dive preoumobly for hte MMont bootien CALLED FOR toe decUM to moke e eonemi of Du# to tha potta ataaawi Ow ■ . n From Danbury of Formoao. Ho dScIteod “ eoai- O f Polio Here Mnnehaatar fm iadrea o f tba Oaa) L ir a s I P agaO M ) fiaUar* the B rin g S31,OCiO AND the town tWi week. « M Munth. Oriadla said Oonlan « undaunted by CaoMw ad fruas Fag* Om mont of this tim*” on th* Amerl- ipaign .Here ToI iT-" Oy WoMWI Air Patrol wffl not bold tho mSot^ ^ ‘y™g prevloue night, line Norta , Waterburr, Aug. g—(Fi—Joseph ran White Paper. ing achoduMd lor taraorrew night. aakad Hunt about tho foot tookor maintaining OanuBunlea< U w e b Ie i m Eatwtalned DEUVERED OMieril lUniCM’ Qeorge W»d- bwrat into ilim r and tho poaaan- Itod boysboye won tbo gwaood foU Outdenia. U . ef 8M Bank street, State Police and Feder­ MooUnga wlU be eeatteued ew gars ware bnrnad bafora they oouM ooatraet and naa informed that j j t d o n City, N. J., G iil In their cell for a conference. atU Mid that be ^ Five Day* Now PaMcd tt already had kaea Awarded. By W orkoni'SI IfMriby fipUoB Stop. Cbase of oompotltion at .to* Buffleld ibis city, received a fractured Tueeday. August Id, and eacape or ba reacuaS from tha VF.W. baaasr, Saturday nlgbL al Custodial Officer* Chiang and Rhae said: if Ucal T««ii WJ m * n ii ot thii town would fit biWnd W ithout Further Sign Tueoday tbaraaftar fbr tboM who A eonpla of days Mar, Ottadla Xh tha Arat houra after tha dta- Winner of ‘Holly­ skull yesterday when he dove from "Wa are atnmgly of th* opteloa SSe « v e and pueh It o w r U ie W wreokagi. T oba^ Pbntttiota - S p e c d o F 1 ^ 6 1 1 d i e S IV TIm boys, on* of oovotal eom- Block bridge teto GreyatoiM brook Foods NecMled to Send wlah bo attand. unliM tboy are No reason fir the enuM ef the ■aid. Ooalon telepkenail from _jter tha Eouadoraan Air. Fora# Seek Convict that countrteo of th* Pacific in gon- I*, -at.1 that It would be a freat O f the Difeaae patteg groups, wore Mixeoo^il wood Calling* QuIx ot nearby Plymouth yaatorday. INSURE otharwlM notlfladi etnah wna knewn to airport author- Waahlngtoa sad put Hunt on tho began the task of Rytag relief luidon Is EEpleined 1a reaching tba top by pyra- erol and For Eastern eouqtrtes te wttk PHARMACY :|tJU>K0OMS •ehleveinent for a l o ^ Ittea who witneMid tha acrtdant.t t tRopboan Runt, ho said, told eoutpaMnt iato tha regtoa. Two Four young women from A epokasman at WaUrbury boa- Danbury, AUg. •.—(8)—l|ate porticuter ore facing a groator ------t the town In a nation graup of gttis aifit hare flam from abeulder to Union aty, N, J„ Aug. 8—m — plUl, where he te under treatment, MeKINNKV BfUrTHERS M4 Caiilar Straat No naw eaeea o f polio ware re- Mr. and Mra. Nathan White, was r^orted by Qaorga Slya, pnh- hka ho thought bo eeuM got him planes of the U. a air mteaion ahoukter, to th* top o f tba police and eueUxUat ofincers from danger from Internotlbnol Commu­ ^S T tS L iS nent and pledged ^ Betty reproaentethra M tha United port of tho furniture oootract oad Joined ptonaa lent by commerolal ranhaylvania to Itete horirfot tho The of Dteno ItotU* Hollywood cslted last ntgbt, and ■aid Guldonte’ w<»llrion was crlti- tb* Federal Correietional Institu­ nism today then any other part of Root Betote end la>nreoe4 TaL S-M14 . wttk th* ta »0 «< ta* O l-iu to town’a anpport. The eon ^ ttee t o portod hare during tha waak-aed. formarly of Phlladapbla, are dl thirty-foot pete, which was Aan Notre of VnUm Ctty te ai>* praaant vlaltiiig Mrs. White’s par- Aircraft Corporation. mggooted that Oriadla ooma to alrllnea in ^ operation, making tehoooo 01^ on tno utantotiOBa gen. 8. o f U 8 Parti road, Wart crI. tion equipped with walkia-talkloe the world. ' ilO.t Main St. TrI. MHW nniiiftwntitT Mitjr JuR oloo ree^^ the bachlnf tt ^ and fva daya bava now gona by Slghte from <^to to Ambato. one o f tho General Cigar OOrporatWn H artf^ who outfoiod a oom- oevand with a half tech of 000 richer today. Guidonte. a foremait at the ■re engagad today in scouting "Solidarity and concerted action Chamber of C o m m ^ ants, Mr M d Mrs. John Purter- WaaMigtoB touMdUtriy. OrtaM graaae. Mias Notre. 20. gave the right gipmi^ tiM c«n»*r, t>«« BrltlRi without furthar poaltlva davriop- flald 118 Paart streat Mra Tha aavanth victim was idano- ■aid ha Bow to WaaktaEton th* of tha hard-hit eltlaa. war* guasU at tha weakly tanah- Hfund tibeture ef bar right arm American Bras# company plant woodlands in tha vicinity of tha among these countries is mere Xetall Merchant’i Oum***; at onawen when called on the-tale- j^mirtgut C3ub liM atartM v> bt> mant o f tha diaeaae in Manchm- White was tho f ormar Brio Poe* Bad as Mrs. John W. Lkiraba o f Mori morato sad waoit to Buat’a Tte ■ouadenua caMnat voted In aan teaeCiag o f tka Blwgnis Club ywtorday whUa-vteitteg realdinig Benny Stand* was the “ top here, wae on a picnic with mam- Faderal Correctional institution urgently needed than ateewhere. bualneaainen will be aeked ^ amergency learicn last nlgM to man.** Tha othare, Martin phone by a radio quia program, bera e f hte family and friends teMlra «rty* t® nim U»* n*c«i- terfteld and both ware gradual M Walbridga driva. WaaC Hait- thia naan at' Ote Oouatty Club. at Bolton Noteh with nor poronte, here in sesrch for Frank Redding. It te our firm baUaf that the world and many of them have already tar. Boma panona hava raportad foid. Shs la tbs wtia af Or. John taka Immadlate action on Pvaol They antertoteed tho Klwahlatta Oaorga, Georg* 0 *811*11. Mal- sad now riM boo ot her command when th* accident happened. The 16. of 305 gbennerd street, 8y r^ cannot be free If Asia ia to go un­ mry fundi t« itnd Oi* Uum to their intentione of eup- from tho thilvorelty of OonnacO- Johaoaa w h the «n t wttaaas aa wgo roporUd oa good today in a for asamlnatlon. but no actlva Wa ldftfnib#e dant Oslo Flaaa Laaao’a plans to with raettettena, plana aoloc and nfNNt from the Manchastar M vte and Kenneth BtdweU. Al­ ■ueh prise* aa a trip to Paris, a party decldad to ewliu eiid Guldon- cuse. New York, who esraped der and mankind cannot afford to SILVER FROM MICHAELS porting the drive. eut. Mr. White t o baaa appointed the aaaata’s ipaetal iavaatlgatloaa Ruaslaa ermine Jacket anq many . I f ,—t - ewoJd It ciptuTi the tiU*. caaM hava batn tuniad up in a&> aMlataat town and planning an- Mr. Slya said that tha pteas had Mbeomaatttoa opanad puhUe hear- fObuOd tha ■trickao areas. q u a in t riniglBg; mortal ho^ta). Diana te reported bert and Edward Bujacius. ta waa first to dive from the .till., tne inauiutlon this morn­ be divided into half free men and . PART OF THE TRADITION ^ tottl iiit of thi trip *» itound Contributiona may be made •tarted Its taka-oE nm and that Three U. a Caribbean air com­ Tha four gtrla warfi Joan Braeh- to hava falton from a aaa-aaw. Howard August and “Ace” oihen . bridge. Whan ha failed to com# to ing. half slaves." dltion to tha 21 which tha town glnaar of tha Tow* of South taga iato tha acUvttM af mand ptoM froBi Balboa took rit Tha quia waa tha ’ "Hollywood |i, M. A eommltUi eompoiid of either at the Britieh it had pulled a few feet Into the la. Bavarty Potenon, Joanna 81m girl was niahad to the hoo- SouthargUL They wore an- the aurfae* after th# dive mem­ Redding, serving an , eight 0 Ci«h. or through the mail to iwb- haa auffared ao far thla aummar. Wlndoor. air and thaSandtag gear was bataf 3 lad -era par oantorE*—I h ^ tone of roUaf oupplloo to Quito CaUlngr program. She correctly lilk inimbori will lottclt pledfoi who arraaga to got eoatraeto for Mowry and Driorao Nixdorf. Thooa pGU by her tathor, BartU MatU- ten d 00 “ 18m Boya From bers of the party found him uncon- months' sentence for vloletlon ot | 4 «it Hathaway a t_^ AU aorta of IncopTanianeoa are retracted. Tha plana muabad back yeoterday. niay inctadad Mood Duy** Teboeco Form." identUtod a sot of music and word a fas. teon-agan are bateg boused at the sA WM attraotod attantlon of ■cious te four^foet of water. the Dyer act, for tranxpoi'tstlon | tbti wMk- Treat Company. “ b«nig cauaad by tha pravalanca of Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Johnson onto tho ruawoy, Rdddod oad ploamo, oorumo amd drugs. clues, named Red Skiltoei as the ------1------— of * stolen car over s etate Una, i and daughten of HoU stroet bava Coauttunlty T and are utadar tho loml pekeo white poaoter through I ...... At tbi monthly m«iUn* of thi depoaitory for contributiona from tha iUntM. Aa an aaampla. aoma burot Mto Samoo. (U. a Air Foroo haodquartare ■uparvtolon af Mlaa Dibbo anfi a Manohaoter * Groan. PatroUnon movie star and "Jaalousy” as the escaped from the prlsM 'shortly i dob liit With, thi numbiTthlp the tovreapeople. g raal eatate man report that it ia returned after enjoying a tour of AW hI Bm w b f In Washington wao odvlaod today motioa picture. after 9 o'clock and bia abecncc Capa Cod. Oraham L. Ctark, crow chlat la that ten additional air tnaqtoria Bteff that ncludad ateven adult fa- Primo Amedeo araa patrolling the Natural Causes Ik iubitintiil ium of moniy The Herald ia alao adding lU not “popular” Juat now for pro- autes. Th4 young ladUb told bM f- aaetion te a eiuteer whan b* no- wss noted a short time later end support to the drive, and urgea apcctlva purchaaara to vlatt homaa tha axparimaatal dapartmeat and have been aloctod In Panama to Hot Weather AliDqot as eoon aa ah* put down an alarm sounded. ! fMm thi club fundi, plui conW- oaa o f tha sovoa man on .tha cnM i Obituary 8y medical auppUas to Ecuador, If Iv of tb* aoUvlUas praparad tor tloed tS* HatUsan car going at a ItINI e^fy^e to get behind the team in which thare are children. Mias Addle Landers e f . Towns- taam by tbalr aenlaiA teahidtet fast rata ef speed with Ugbte on. the tetephone, however, other'leae In Sudden Death Lieut. Carlton L. Klocker, com -, butioBi' from mimbtm flnanclany. AcknowledgmMt of hand, Varmont, who la vlalting truck which arrtvad at tha bora- t t o are aoodod). welcome rails started coming. hrwRht thi B*uii to 11.000. Mtny praaldant. hack from a tour daneteg, aoftbaU jfimra bowShg, b<^ bterteg. and pogeteg oovoral mending officer of Ridgefield WHITE contributiona wUl be pubUahed bar brothar and aiaUr-ln-law, Mr. lag plana said that tho paaasngan To Continue “A lot of crackpeto hav* called MMM ii«-awilUiif thi outeme were scattered about tho nmway. of tho ravaged areaa said aosaa of and Sunday blkoe. Ibay aN*1m a m r can. state poUce barracks said that the , SUMMER daily. and Mrs. Allan M. Barrett o f 8^ tennlttad to fratetniao wito^tba Car Is Pnra—d . me up telling me what to do with OM LynM. AiW' _ 8.— ‘rti# department's bloodhounds from, (f'th i MriM with Newport before St. John straat. ymterday attead- Ho said oaa woman was uaoon- tho ocoaao ef ouffortag rivolted all th# prteos, but they are all go­ death of Mr*. Eunira Franoqa Bolton sdous and anothai who waa Mte D e E t h s oven the “moot Danteoqne” tanagl- ocsl young aaon riKogt ot {the Knowing that daytun* baad- I Bethany barrseka are bsteg ed tha savanth birthday party of doncteg ■aaolopa bold o ^ UdhU*bumag and born blartng te Forecast Given for All ing to be used here at horn#,” ah* Holmes Denenhower here on I brought to the scene to aid te the ! Priscilla Viete 1* Simsbury, a ting up whan tha crow arrtvod, BftttOQs Aug. 2 today waa Ustod os duo to | ,aarch. | Oerts MShr U’ ltaUn fainted and woo brought bock to Four towns which virtually dla- Tbora aro.nteoly .blq W o fto a^Botbod for mowrteU to aak for u I a I search. TeL ManehMter W tf great granddaughter of Mr. Bar­ tko right ot way te on amorgoncy, Of Nation East of Mlsi Notre, a dental asalaUnt. natural causes. I Details as to how tb* eacape rett Four ganeratlona ware pram conaelouanoM with oa InhalaUir op- Mlchaol Joseph ttotner, of lid nppaared from the map ware the oummor, and for many of them State PoUc* Lieut. CarroU FORMAL aratod by Jeaae W U U a^ Ouano, Patato, Falllae and PlUaro. It te thoir oooond yoar hors. and olw knownlng that soma mo- The Rodky Mountains said tha priaea would be abarad by \ was made are lacking In the ab­ The Manchester irire Cltlef Peter MaaaoUnl t o ant and Miss Landers as the great Eldridgo street, died thU morn Eya-wttnaaaas return from Am- torisU abuse this prlvltegA Ama- har motbar and fatbar, a marrlad Shaw, to charge of an inquiry in - ______sence of any...... comment from...... prls- aunt of the UtUe girl, lighted tha auporvisor at tha plant boapttaL Ing. He was formerly employed at Dotegatoa to Ute dlfiteiet oop- a nre driU fo r Wednesday, “ I saw Bryant V ln g on the rum boto. lorgoot city to rocMre the vantion to ba bold SapL I, 8 .qfid fiao gavo dbaad and ovartook ■later, a nephew, a brothar and a to tho death of th# 28-yrar-oM j attaches end of Warden Allen August 10 at 7 p. m. Tha drill first taper. Pratt and Whltnay Alroraft fun foroo of tho oboclu. ooU tho odr on Bool Ointor otreot. By Tha Aapocistad Prea sister. _ former showgirl wife of Swan | l . ghank who is directing the n-ay,” Clark said. *Mte baada ware Ha laaves hla motbar, Mra. 10 at Old Onbard BoaiB In Mateo WEAR will take place at Michael Peace’s burned. X oriiod him If ho know number ef dead and tnjurod un* wan namad today. Tbay ir* - tha Slluntlon lo BxplotMd Hore’o tho hot wbrd from tha Parent* te Oat Paris Tear Denenhower, suomarin*. and ralj | aearch. The prison is lorat^ sev- Public Market Past Chltf Daughters of Hals* Theresa Btaiaar and two broth- donbtedly hod boon undoreoU ' -’Both cam war* travsUteg at Weothor Buroon today: Hot and Her parente will get the all-ex- vage expert!, said he had recoivra j efd nines above the center of tba j LuNt bil-erimitbi' heritage pond. what hoppenod, oad ho oold 'Na.' prosldoat. Rnasott Panl. v ir ~ *•— d ty t Bolton Ubrary Bookmobile wUl Davidson Lodga, No. fg, Daugh­ a n , JoBoph and Fraak. all e f Man­ mated. . ^ fiat rat* of opood when Amodoo humid oast of tho Rocky moun- panee tour to Parte, aa 'allotment this rap^ from the state pathol­ #1 fiae ersiUBSuhip dates P o d p o v e ’ s Rotend J. Bull, a craw eMaf and chester and two risten, Mra. dant MSgaa CSaiha, aeO FOR HIRE! make its regulM trip through ters ot ScoUa, will most toaaoriow drivor of tha crash truck, said that I t o e urttneasae Oeld tho yavaged draw olongilde. Mattteon looked at of funds to spend there for clothes, ogist. In addition Danbury city police Tharasa Von Hone ef Hartford, PaganL Tliasa datapME the cruteor and yalMd. “b o ^ ta L " If you Uvo te th* northern Shaw aald Ihatwlotene* aa ~ back le 1690. Yes inherit town tomorrow. Tho Itaokmoblle avtnlng at 7:48 with MrA Mar- when he arrived momoate after uua now ia only a eainetary where tba right to nonfinm> tkalrth own partunws and hairdos and a 12,------. . . ] •*><* Torn state poUce at garat Brown of 20 Arch straat and Mra Mary itlclmsy ef North the odor of death ia ataiMOt unbaar- fenmadiataly taking tb* cue, Ama- Rockteo western statea. 000 wardrobe for th# men taking cause of death bed bqan ruled wt| Brewster, eight miles west have ihik rich beckgreaad ef fa- Store dosed aU day Wednesday, Mer» la In charga of Mrs. William Hand tho creeh ho oaw tho “people o ^ attoinstaa. and Mra Edson Harriek who may Covtotiy* dao pulled ahead and ted tb* way though, th* Federal foracaatera th* trip. eerller. He added that Dr. John j |^n alerted In the search. moa- craft Iraditiesa with ured along tho runway. Thalr Funerel aervicaa will ba held Ibday’a attendanoa pate*, danat- p r * ^ cooler waathor for you. ehonu* Day, Please buy your needs for Tues­ be contacted by anyone deairing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Cunliffa clothes were not burning.* W e put They aald the number af . ^ to.tba hoapitol with tka orutear’a Tha telephone cell almost caused A. Baauchemin had raported to! xhe alarm broadcast for Red- TAui •rlectieo afeeeeftbfaa Wednesday at 8:20 am. from tho sons buried along tho Mopaa ^ ad by Frad Wamar. was wam-ky siren wsUteg a wedge through the Tbare wUl be a few ahowore in him today that teete of Mra. Dan- ; djng's apprehension described him thla service. of 228^ Woodbrdigs straat, were them on etretchere and put blaa* Dr. Baaasr. all of them to forget that Mies T. F. HoUoran Funeral Horoa, 170 Tungurahua vMeano may never be traffic. tba louth. Moot of them wtti ho Notre'e other eteter. Helen, le enhower vital organs had axcluded I ^ f«tt. four and one-hal! eiqui'ite. prreent.day pat­ day and W ednesday, Bolton arenge softbaU team U much surprised today, tha ISth aa- kata over them. Four were taken te Toxsa but oom* ore "likoly to scheduled to play at Manchester nivenary of their marriage, when Cmter street end at nlno o’clock known. Thoy reported that w to Patrolman Amadao said that ecbeduied to be married today. poison. Bleeping teblete, alcohol inches In heighth. welghlne 121 terns. Each it a dsaiga ef away la the United Aircraft am­ at g t James’s church. Interment break out,” os tha waothOrmen and similar causes, end that death | pounds, light co— ■ ’ ' tomorrow night. Alfrada Rogers their daughter, Joyce, not yet bulance and two othare in aaother tha quato atruck anieeae of enrth IMM Diano te on* of th* bravost ageleit beauty . . . Steriiag win ba at St. James’s cemetery. ■lid away from tko mountain aldaa chUdren h f haa a m aaan. ■aid today, la th* wooUin Doko- had apparently been due to natu- ] «yca and brown hair. At th* tlm* X .' of Old Bolton Road la manageer Mven years old, and bar playmate, ambulance. The pilot. I undereUnd, Oer M e Decitee which will gi-e yee lattieg Tuesday Lamb Special • Friends may call at tha funeral and th* volcana ardptod. -was porflKtty quiet when thoy teo. ral causea. i he was wearing pi iiAUi uu, of the local team. Edward Tatro, aon o f Mr. and Mrs. got into the cruloer." home from 7 p.m. today until the News Tidbits Meakeee4 19 We t U n a A. Tatro of 22$ Woodbridga Frantic relaavaa who fought tdbk her teto tbo hospital, h* said. . Frankfurt, Germany. Aug. 8^ - . The state police official said he I denims and brown shoes. pride and joy of paaieaaiea. miaaa Quick Weth hour of the funeral. Tbo aaotora oaobnord wUI re­ straat gave them a party In honor their way into ths aarthquaka area c b m riM R m w b 88. an4 bar only complatet main much aa it haa bean the test iP/—Unemployment in west Ger­ expected that Medical Examiner ; ------^------—— Let u< «how you theta lovely An aero-medlcai technician at "OSddy, my arm stings.” E. K. Devitt would issue s finding of the event ’The children were aa- te aaareh of levsd onaa fouiM few d^ro. and thst means hot many declined last month afty patterai in ectual aMver. the pUnt, Norman Oataorns, nypm t.iM o f debris teataad af hittiira a poat-war peak, the BT based on the state pathologist’s '; V CHOPS ^^69c alated by naighbora in pieparlng praised the quick work of the per­ Now sect ksowR ao I By tomorrow at least, tha cool POLIO n OMI Persoual Notices the refresh menu, which Included oomnmiiltiiRv ■ir that U over th* northern xonalLabor office reported today. rep.'irt either late today or tomor­ Your vitit will be a happy sons who gave medical attention F u n e r a k tlM Fatote ri'varwaa blocked by Sglon te founded in - ■ . ■ ■ , ^ During the last two weeks of July, row. (orctitte of the pleoture thab a threa-layer ciUm and cooling to tho crash cesuoltlei. Japan . . . Twtoyoor-old JudyJUo Spectacular Fire ' ftocklea today will saeF Into the NICK m o s s o r Card of Thnnko drinks. Thty bought a numbsr of a meuntateallde wMdi erastad a wostarn part of North Dakota to the number o f Joblesa dropped IN5URANCE Li-yr Stcrlisg will give yee From ths control tower four of . 2tra EUaa F. Craaaan lake at th* foot ef tho eU town of Carpentor of Ann Afbor. MIdt, te S.612. It was tha flrfl tlseable de­ gifts for Mr. and Mrs. Cunlltfe and those In the plane were seen Im- gtvon batter than avan ^anoa to help break th* baking hast there. In 1943 the Phildelphte mint T. J. CROCKETT is yeur own hoeM. L b . W. tak# thlf opportunity to thank rataVa. ^ Flattens Hotel Some time late te^rrow th* cool crees* reported in more thsn a did a first rate Job o f hoatesslng mediately after the crash running Ths funeral ef Mrs. EUan F. itvs foUoerteg f( produced more than 603 million STEWING LAMB oil our frlonda and roUtltos for oeU 1 Croaaen. widow e f Elijah Croman, Thla woo tho latoot breakdown air. will gat down into South De- vaar. The total of unemployed at Telephond 5418 of klndnoot and tynpathy ahown at I back toward the flaming ship to Mg aa nBan*a I------kav'ttay the end o f July waa 1.254,430. coins. Ernsat T. Bantly of 44 Porter who passed away at th* Manches­ of tho death ton by tawna and eltr cheat . . . ■obaderg < kotR. tha tima of dooth of our wife and ! rescue the other three vtctlme who laa takon from official and unoffi­ Fortland, Me.. Aug. 8—(/Th- A Raltaf for Minnesota from th* Divided Payments OMthar. Btreat, who recently suffered a ter Memorial hoapitel Friday aarthquaka wto paubodi ■poctoeular 8n early today Sat- were lying does to tho wreckage. morning, was largely attended cial Bouroao: eurreat warmth te net foreseen At No Added Toel Tho XaaaTleh and butlar heart attack while at tha ibore, Apparently ell of thoo# In tho ship teiMd th* Ocoaalc hoteL londmark LAMB famUlta. yedterday afternoon at 2:20 at the FSIlteo, 2.200; Fateta, 1.000 up­ J^aataain tb tto M unUl Iato Tueeday. A "long range and has ainca bean at hla cottage either climbed out or were thrown wards; Ambatoi. 400 to |M0; FU- on Pooka Island in Portland har­ look” showa cooler weather for the NEW F.m um at Coventry Lake, was taken U1 South MatbodUt churcA Oaa o f oeuntty'o i bor for more than 78 yaore. from the ship by the impact of the lare, more than 80, Lataounga, 11, te temporoiUy ootof opoiatlMtol- area arouhd Chicago by the middle ViuJAM R Mart Ltgal Noticos again gatuiday night and ia now! Rav. Fred Edgar, pastor ef th* Thare war* no guests in th* 24- HUDSON Keith's Will Be crash. church, officiated Guano. 10. lowteg ooUtelon at tto m - of the weak. recolviag treatment at tha Memo- ' room summer hostelry at the Hoaara a aampte at some of that DeUvsrsi Her* Fully L b . aqvoB ranuR •ports icwm nss OTu-I Warren Wood presided at tha Quakes again shook tb* step** rino and iT-ten truck te Spoonaa PORK CHOPS rial boa^tal. Reports from bia bad- at th* Andaa yeeterday. thocka time. hot woatbor te tbo Dakota* yester­ Bqoliipad aoTiCB or arrucsTioa ride this atternoon ware to tho •<* flrin a le SaVS llU Ilt organ and during the aervic* Ne Ho Proprietor Amello Lombart, 44, day: Btemarck. 106; Rapid Oty, CLOSED CBUCK BEET OBOUND FOR A NICE I played two of Mra Ctoooon’o fa­ ware felt te Ambato and Blobam* feet that ha is resting comfortably, j ^ rlU U M : ba where reaeue workaro were o f 24 Whitmnrah street. Pro- 1P2; Willletan. IM . Tbit la to give notico that X. I^ C - vorite hymns, "Rock ot Ageo,' dance, R. I., end tale family escap­ lU(m M. TknCT. of n aaJUrd Prlva digging through tho dobrU in finps* * 1* with 181 h.p. higb- ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Hosa Company No. 2 ef tho Man-. Claimed Influence and “Abide With Me.” ed mfaly. HAMBURG LOAF Wott Hortford. hove 01*4 on oppllea- Boarere wore Jamas Wilson, ■aarcb Of bedioo. Publio Records I iwsprsislss engine. 184 Inch MEN'5 5HOP tloa «atod,Aua. 2. IMI. with lh« Ltouer chaster Fire Dapartmant will held Fir* Chief Oliver T. Sanborn wheelhaM (Local taxes to be Control CMuatMlos for e Drugglat a drill tomorrow evening at 6:30. Henry Thornton, Albert Bohread, estimated the Ices at 220,000 to “ Notice White We Enjoy 907 Main Street At Our O ieese Departmeut Pormtt for tho aolo of elcoboUe Hauor All He Had to Sell Rooo Lowte. Sidney Harrison Frank Oatti at ah two added). JEWELERS. SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 225,000. Cause of th* fire, which eOnlV the ecoeeeertee jam T e k p h o n e 2-IM 2 OB tb* priiBlMi. M2 XelB ftrMt, Men- I and John Madlgan. Albanian Artillery rage 14 Florsaaa atraafi. ‘ Leimberl aald started in the kitch­ MUNSTER CHEESE (I b tbd P Ito) Grsdt A .. .Lb. 44c oliMttr. FoUce this atternoon arreatad! order 958 MAIN ST...... OPPOSITE OAK The bualnoos Is owno4 by ARTHUk Harold F. PhlUlpo. 27, for author-' (Coutteuod from Itega Oue) Burial was to tha family plot Jamas'B. Lannom altorattmA en, was undetermined. InviUtidB to Bid Our Annual Oufin9 ' KRJUPT LOAF CHEESE (BUcad or in Pioco) . .Lb. 47e in Um East eamatory. 28 Snmmar atreot. |28A * Caab *r Hare paj meate DRca sTORaa. ntc. ot au xeim lUaa in LowaU. Maas., on a war­ Fires on Gr^ks gealod bids addresssil to seerSr * With or wHbool trado-(a cob up with Hunt, a former Army odfl- Raymond Novak. oJtoratloaa. POIXETS EGGS FARM FRESH ...... D ox. 49e atrost. MonebsaUr, and wUl- bo - rant charging noa-support. * Good altewaaee fee jamr duetoa by UAVBICK M. TATKT, af cer who now daocrlboo hlataalf m 128 Falknor e s m USO. N*4s8 Bariteas Die* tary of the Coventry Board of Ed­ M IsUsrd CrlTr, West Hartford, as ucation to furnish 18,000 gallons ear r 0 J W OF Mi MANCHESTE ’Tha mlafortuna to ko ths Xrat n buslneao counselor. Hunt haa da- Athene, Aug. An Army Wm m s Ier Dss6 I; psmlttts. ____ Hospital Notes communique aald today Graak Ohvor T. Minor to OfimlUo Idadrld. Aug. —

— AUcaaU more or lass of Number 2 fuel oil IMMEDIATC DELIVERY MAORICa M. TATRT. to fall prey to the town's new nlsd any wrong-doing. ^ 8 ON SOME ftlODELS Grindlo said Hunt offered to troops fighting te tha Grammos Gombolati, propoity at Ortord Emilio Bag! Barb*, noted barttono, tor the aehool term of 1848-50 Dstsd Auf. 1 INR poyiHiH' m sten came to Cterence win 'ba rscsived until 4 p. an ▲nderaon, local iaauranco agent, get him part of a 82.880,000 gov- «aaaaaa*o*a* mountains ware under artUtery avenno and Suaamar otraoC - dted last night at his horns in th* McCLURE AUTO AT A COURT o r PROBATE b.ld erninant contract for furniture aM Admitted laturday: Ernest 1 fire frOM Albania. Thla wa* th* - vlUag* of Palo de la Paloma. H* Eastern Daylight Time, on Au­ St Muich.sttr vttbiB snd for Uw today. Police reprrt he was ths S72 Mete SL Corner Straat e i r h ' S wss 78. Hla son, LouU. also a slng- gust 8, 1848. T H E N E W District ef MsBch.it.r, ob th. Ith moat prompt, if not the vary hrst ba eaiti. to WaahlngtoB last April Bantly, 44 Porter atraaL second tlm* th* claim has bw TeL 8-t448 m s HAIN ST OPi'OSITE HIGH SCHOOL' Admitted Taaterday: Martha niado ainc* th# now offenrivs be- err now is sppsarteg te Buenos Signed: 4sr «f August, less. Uekated. te paying the penalty. 22 to talk the matter over with Coventry Board of KMucation. ROAD PrssSBt JOHN J. WALLETT. hiiti Grindle aald ha aakad Hunt Griffln, Green Lodga Home; Ateit-1 gan Saturday. AMR Argsnttea. PROVEN Thia afternoon Mr. Anderson's Judas. . . , commante regarding meters ware about bis background and Hunt sndar ihialda, 128 School otreot; n e communique aald an artU- MERCURY BtUU Of Robert J. Devsy, Ists Of isry barrage cam* te all day from KsncbMtsr, 1b ssld District, dseseseti. hot anthuslaoUe in support ef the told him that Vaughan wae “oo# Laurel Andaiaon, BUlngton, St^ Ths sdmlnlitrstrU bsvlBg hsr sd- gadgets. of his closest friands." pban Hornacok, StaffordvUla; Bar­ tb* Albanian village of Boalgrad, • O l i o deliverep in mlBtstiuti.0 sceount with sslc ssUU Grindle related that Hunt con­ bara______Barra, 175 Prlncaton__ stcBSta " I west of Keetorl^ s t a t e 10 this Coort for slletrases. it Is Another misfortune—maybe a |fided to him that Hunfa wife wm Mrs. Rosa'l^eiarieh.' East Hart- The communlqua added that ORDERED: Thst thS Utb 4sy of fond of a certain type of brandy ford; Keith Poteraen, 30 Oaap- fiare* BgbUng was oontinuing and 1 1 7 MANCHESTER August. Ittt. St UB o'clock. (d.aU ‘fortune of war" befell Dr. F. F. forSBooa, St ths Probsts Offics In tbs BuahneU. over the week-end. To­ which a certain distiller eent to wood Drive; Mrs. Joaophte* that rebel atrongpotete had been Only I78JM BMntbta. Your prdidnt enr'may equal or HuBleip^ Building In sslO USBChes- day Dr. Bushnell is nursing an arm the WTilte House each month. He Usupea, 488 North Mala street; taksn. Guarrina countor-attaeko dtcaed the raqirired down paymimt. tsr, bs SBd ths ssms Is ssstgn.d for a which was broken when a horse aald Vaughan used to give him Mra OUvU MonettA K Drive F; war* repulaod, the report sa^ t .8* 2: »'■ hssrtBg Ml tbs aUavsnes of ssld sd- pnUent started playing horee- some of the brandy with Inatruc- Elmer Finlay, Andover; Mlaa Ruth I The Graak Army raportad paa- New Comfort mlalstrutlen account with ssld sststs. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ahoes. tions to take it home to his wife. Laonard, Stafford; Dteno Mattl' torday tt was driving tb* rebate sassrtslBinsat of btlrs snd ordsr of He said Hunt alao told him that son. West Hartford. out of tbalr fortifted poriUona but k,lr,iPKlSTON dIstrlbuUon. snd this Court dlrscts *1:^ * liftoa li ih')«r' P thst netles ef tbs Ums snd pises as- 'The town dump, which hea bsen Vaughan frequently gave him Admitted To >P* ' STILL Ifertan. Ists of Usnehostsr, In ssld In the ease ef both offlcara, Mra Margaret Haberara. 87 Nor­ lUddlM Reel Rsrieeat rmMvri need not be over expeiuive, yat District. dMCSssA Aid I* Disliked Grindle said. Hunt told him he had wood otreot; MN. David Klttla I 6a8d Meqr M Cattaam everything must be in food/ The Trustee having exhibited Its sn- | neceaa to their efflees at “ any and aon, 34 ly io r Cirete; M n . W.4;i “N Iwr ,.;'7 taste. If you are pUnninf i THE BEST nusl secount with sold estate to tble i time." Jasn Harriaen, 881 Mote etreot; Court for sUowsnee. It Is I (Ceaiteoag freoa fags <>••> Grindle said Hunt alao told him Margaret J. Truman, McKoa ■ B autumn wedding let our IMfl ORDERED: Thst the llth day of 88 August. 1441. at tan o'clock. (d.s.O that he could see Jeas Lnraon, atreat; Mrs. Dorothy WbteA 48 Salon hblp you make it * bdfia- Ha favored furnlehlng military former war aaaate admlnletrator LynsflO atreot; Ahtneny Doyerto, « 0 MUSttL'ITOESi insKci TIRE VALUES forenoon, st the Probate Office In the tomjrl tiful one. Municipal Building In ssld Usnehester, aid white strategic plane are and now head of tha govemment’e 68 Birch otrqot. Rlehard tfUlor, CeaWeSadJ^ •/ bs snd the same la assigned for s ing drawn under tha treaty. new general services agency, RockviUo; Mn. Ruth gtowart, PaagiM* IN I hearing on the sllowsnce of s^d Oppeaea Aid far China vriienever he wlehed Wepplng; Mra Jooophina Gordnor trustee's four annual accounts with Aehaaon tumaA thumbs down Amplifying this point, Grindle and son, 11 SUa* road; Ahran ssld trust ssUte snd this Court directs on propoaod military aid for ■aid Hunt related that ha was at thst nstles of ths time snd pises as- Johniton, Bolton. BRIDALI GOWNS ' MANCHESTER slgnsd for said hssrtng bs glvtn to all Chlna’e NaUonaliet. govemmanL the Whito House thlklng with DteeWfod yaotorday: Henry persona known te ba Intsrsstsd there­ “Wo do not fool JustUted in Johh ■tealman, preeidentlal aM. Wagner. Vemon; Mra lUta Cook. in to appear and be-beard thereon by asking arms for China or for tho end was told that Laraen was to Si^lailteuodltoad; Mrs. Hairy Da- $49.98 publishing s copy of this orc'sr In Far Cast as a whole,” the secre­ bi“ appMnted to tii* WAA pooL Umw, Boltori; Mrs: Isab*H* Span- sams newspaper having a circulation tary aald in reply to a question Hunt, according to GrtedI*. si ODD LOT TIRES la said DUtriet at lemt Ove daya bM oar, 88 MeU atreat; Dr. Forbes *w»rtt4irliiii|itoeei4 AND MORE for. th. day af aali bearing asd by by Senator Smith (R-. N, J.). h* argued with Steelman, (ot an BuahneU, 882 W oodbndg* streat; m siQ iu n c lu n b H un* naNniitiMH X . . nwillng in a rtgisttrsd letter on orbe- A group e f 12 aenatora t o in­ hour in opposition tq th* appoint- Jenni* Sombrie, 48 Whitney Road; 6.00 16 7.95 tors August 5, ll4g. s copy of this eider trod u ce an amandmant to the mant, saying it would b# •'irolcld# Mra Mabel Cateaa, Worceator, t . WlndsorvUle CemeUry Aieocistlon. arms bill to earmark 2176.000,000 Hew Imeelhar Bvfvtat I Chryaler'a mighty for Larson to take th* Job to hte M r» Elteabotb Hahn, LydaU Spitfei* eagia* now has ttiU higher 6.50 X 15 . . 8.45 Harold Carter, Treasurer, Plesssjit for aid te C ^ a present etate of haalth.” I TTe bw 8*ahr 8Mtrtncl h on* ef •uset. Wsrshouss Point. Cobb. atreat: Mra Faulto* Smith, ' U A fel4 yee ep like e'*'iael4af£s." Yen th* grrat advracoa tinea Ih* wAML l eemprettira for futer aeeaieratioa, JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. Achaean m id a "amaU amount” Orindla aald'H unt want on to Laurii etreet; IIUeettiL 856 amoother reaposM. And along BRIDESMAIDS 6.50 X 16 . . 9.95 which could-ba 'lead In. th. Far say that he later talked te Lar- eit oeaiiortaUy ia amts ths hdighi I war, w* five TOO now "eoqtar Oak etreet: Mrt. SUle Ooul4, T8 a t yenr assy chairs at fcssMr Ws’vs ' eoMrol’ 'tta*iiag. Tor th* vrith its heMar aU-trennd East at tha discretion of the pres­ aon who told him h* “fait It hte Chestnut atraet. Batty Jane Ran-1 feral Uara^li* rods o f equal performance goes aa aautiag ident would be helpful. duty to accept th# Job." store heedteem, Ihgreeat, sad Ida, 108 North 13m street. CaalOff W*A< ■'The asN ChanB" Tborai ^ ^ ^ ^ A th e u ld e r reoai for you. Aad ao ether laagth giv* yen balaacad eratrol. There't ■* wheel (igbl. ■ new Watemoof Igailion System FIRESTONE TIRES Aehaaon told the combined leiK Hunt worked for th* War Aa- 8 that’s axdutive trith Chryater. lOu eaa driv« through GOWNS sate administration for a tima Dteehargad today: BaUlto PlBf “ SMte *4 Page peg*" *« ta ta r elr hat evar esan a* eoaaplelaiy, Thors’a greatar road atafaility. aaaier handliag, lets I MORIARTY ate ooromttteae aariler today that gonl. 186 Oak straat; Mra Ayte sagiaaarad frost (h* fuadanenttb up for year road theok. lea, and greatar aafety, too—for eyery- high water or play a heat on tha eagina bat it X . . Congraas should approve foreign after he left tha Army. tUag about Ihia oar la datignad for safer d r iy ^ Th* won't atall. You ^ quicker atartiag, even in dampeat 6.00 16 8.95 GftUid ie DleettMi CeBtrset Johnson, 2a Kdonay otreot; lor- comfort, your eeiiTsnianes, year pose* ef BROTHERS arms aid because "the United rateo Lawton, 138 Gloaweod | mind. You drat avte bava la prau a tiarior battoa. new iaitniment clutter, ia your line of vitioa weather, amoother idling, longer life. Ta nally .98 States ia open to attack on its Grindle eeld Hunt celled him to " *a th* steeriag wheel, redueet driving ttrain. appredatt tkU fn t car atk/ar a dfmeojfrah'an tatay! $ ! 6.50 X 16 . . 10.95 Washington to dteeuas th* furni­ ■boot; Mra Dioaa Halter. Hart­ .«•!»*«** **S L li?***wwrtgieorgiafl Turn th* igaitira hoy tad tho •agte* pons. 1 9 own territory to a greater extent ford: Mr4. Marjorie Tenney and 5 21 AND MORB C O A L IS than aver briore.” ture contract after an Inspection •tfl*lfkiMS,K,a Alto GOODYEAR TIRES Before tho Heuta Foreign Af­ tour of hte plant by men whom ■ed 28 Thomas Driva; M n. Martel faire committee, Benner Fellers, a ha IdenUflod aa J. Leonard Michel- BorsottI, Andover; Hr*. ir%., \ \ c I ^ (AS Pi1c88 Phis Tax) aon, A. J. Cenlon and Arthur Olbriaa, <8 Adams atreat In a breathtaking ar> retired brigadier general who serv­ t-v' Y, ray at atytes aad fabrie* ed on General MacArthur’a staft 7oO/c Fon . . . pi'lcafi to gteaa* your l i 25% OFF ON BATTERIES during the teat war, declaivd that budget. Com* in, anfi l*t tho XMtted Stetee should give no our bridal c«r.*ultant bolf Q h e Dnlljr t A. M. T» 9 P. M v-Soa. 9 Tto I larga-ecalo military aid to Burapa you tvith your plana. new but should premiao to blairi FRANK AND DICK fHFSILVEF Ruaslo out ef buoiliaoo with’ air- power in tha ovent e f Ruaalan INVITE THE PUBUC TO Created by CHRYSLER “ THS BRIDAL SALON- aggmaaien. Boaala Itevarod on Ground U n /h g BOLAND It would ba “a vary great blun FREE MOVIES Yew B«Bi8t«wB Naah Dgnter dar to engage tho Red Army ei the ground." FoUero teaUdod, bo- TONIGHT 8x45 WMIMR MtQt* M W CAl IMAIHI 9 F M9C8Btar A tlV dil Cgatar Strggt cauao Ruaata’ o manpewor roaorvao WILROSE , *1 P8 0 lT8 ite $ C G r88B S U B W i* oad natural aonditiens favor PLUS! ^lioisleUa for f* .V vA' ■' an tha ground. BROWN-BEAUPRE, INC. • 30 Bissell Street sn o f Veml Care oii Hand IN ' ,!i : t ; •( I • - »- *'■ “If we don't build tho groateat McRAY'S DRIVE-IN WEDXISDAT DRESS 1-'- Y .■.>«>< Air Foroo In tho world. woH ovan- CENTER STREET, OPP. LOVE LANE |97 MAIN ST. BHEKiaAlf tuoUy bo doatreyod.” tho former s t a t e t h u r s „ f r l s b i s a t . ortiuiny oBleor added. \ T h Av:-.,.;- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCBBtTER. CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 194> MAKCHESTEB lVEinN O HERALD, MANCHE8TBB, CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST'S, 1949 of to July aala towed a proSt of deUnn townrd • fund to rodnoo amn that t o unit meets this Usm to moatgaga m Mm aka rik. alac. • _ one hundred and four dollars. Do You Nood A rupt tha RapubUoan party site for- ______and atrangths, fit into TbnUUve pUna ware made for a Of totonot to loaal people ta to Staff Chiefs to overall strategy? Additional Books Sonth Coventry * nnrantry Voltinuar Firs 0 »m- birth o f a aoB, Jonathan, to M ajor thar to intorsaU of to Demo­ p w lw 1 a id 1 wtt msdt at thair tp ^ to ha aarvad early In Sep- Oor Car Wsuhiaf Bps! U nion D islik es cratic party, ____ If tbeaa quaations were taken up, SeeTho W apping ItortraM Wright of to United Baby SiH«f ? Charity Costs Very Bvny Then# Duyu The Incident allegedly oceorred Conclude Trip American laadcro were not mying ^ S o o ^ ’ At Cheney library leapectiva meeting hohaaa Mon­ Stataa Artny and Msb. day, Aug. t at t a. HL " a reception to celehrato to •<- on A u iu at 1 Tha cam la »at^ 9 f' so. ITiay would go no further at will fc* • J —^ Ueth weiSding annlveraaryrf Ma Lot Angaloa. OsUfesBla. M ito Bowles Choice able to Oommon Pleoa oourt in nawa coUfarancaa than to aay that With taidght at; •- t - r iM k *t W rightb to son of Mr. aad kba. CsB Mfk. W. A, RdM, 8W Jbaarvon at > tha 9own*a I fTwen Fags Ona loses Hew hoaks Tha Man's Chib of BL Man^ ■ ad Mre. Brnaot P o n y wtU ha Levelling Off favorite car waahlag opot on Beptmnher-______' only mattors of mlllUry organlaa- drandi w61 ha In akar|« M to Charloa Wrlgkt _ _ _ _ _ the Town Hall t o t o the Mary Chaiiay Uhrary tochida hel^ In to church aodal room on Charter Oak brook, at Oak line tion under to Atlantic pact ware flmt night of antoftaknnont^^ August Hat from g to 6 p. m. and Crovernor Attadgcd for Where should to dafa Kodof the foOewtag; ___ _ _ A n d o v er Grove and Autumn atraata, begin and endT diseusaad. apprara a l aaarasaaBdaHon ^ t ^ yietkm : A •mmnar'a ’Tato. O. W . day, Aug. 11 at • ^ m. at »toa' the society wUl eerve refrto- iMereDRO of O n l y saw a hustla of activity dur­ Fashion Eixhibit iiSud at Ptoanca tm tra ^ a r M Lakesida Casino In BMith Oavon- Rqiladiig Member of How much military equipment at McnlSWood; _faea: Let Leva OaaM baat, J. T. menu. Mn. Percy, secret^, to ing the waakand. Yaatfrday, aiO,7Sa frost tha.Town ^ CaldwMl: Tka Blag's Plaasara. try. In connactioa with thatr fourth Mr. and Mn. William Lao of been a member of the aooiety for $ 1 8 . 3 6 in July Over wUl America send to western Eu­ ^ t to tha gUte Aid Aooount for inotanca, at ona time tbara Retirem ent Group To Be Saturday rope until her eoeonomically bard- ’ Hlhbart; WUdaniato fM .iai Church Summer FaaUval. W atorhury anaouBoo tha eng ago- aovaral yean. Previons Month Here w an 11 can reportod at this would anahia tha town to Itoraa. M. M- Myahtfj^^M a ^ Josepk (yBrIan to ekaiman to t ment of their daughter, June, to Ike aedaty voted to give the preeeid countries get aquared | 4t,ng aa yta ^ polnL six of them la to edge Hartford. Aug. B-rin-Oovor- •tJams, Gowns and O irtF’ Is t o aw ay? POISON avawag. James E. Omy, eon of Mr. and lEcclaolasUcal society one hundred M rtw d T « m ?V w S a m of to atraam and five waiting ner Bowlm was under attack to­ What typa of'armamant wUI it OAK w WMAC read malntawaiiea aad Mn. Ate D. Proufai to gaasral Mm. Charles Pfeiffer, Andover. The drain on town welfara funds titio of to two oat piay _ wtoiA ritchlLf,dnsp inirfirt SSWMW at OmP. Another !• * reeommendsUen for a ekaaea at to waahbig day by to Connecticut State Bm- Um RoekvUto Young Poopla a heT And how soon w ill It come 7 Frid ay, HI— Lae la a graduato of WUby la bkown by n eompailaon batwaan i^^oDd. whaw groups c t of tha Board of ITnanea to t tha ffiireira rs..^ ekalrmau of to faotlval. — busineua. ployenT aasoela^ for n p la ^ How wilt each country, having n n a i s iqoickly.aaralr. August It aad Saturday. Aug. A High sehool, Watarbury and A U T O C L A S S tte aaMunt amwndad In July of a League will prasant S a tin y ai^ __Hgi^tUi B towbIm •njoy^fl Ona onleokar, wko said te OM aeembar of t o Btato TUMre- nlng, August 87, at 6:80 o’clo d i Its own peculiar defenm probtemo. i W ElawTV buy to pr^r^y J5J2S25 ovoBtoga tka festival wIB ha i— Mount Ida coHsga, Hawton Osntar, ytor ago, $4,m L 57, and tha outgo ■Vaa Interested that people ment commlaainu by a membar of •^TVY-DRY to WUMam aad Gaorga Chaasha^ duatod at to churoh aad grounda. Maoeachusatts. Mr. Gray has oom- MIRRORS {net month Which woa $8,711.18. In RockvUla Bynagogua. (VL^i&rioi^*^P>««W lain for Tha proi^y ««*- The IMCK tnea ■hould take sudi cars with a rival unhm. Burton's of thU town wUl pro­ uid bar oo-dlractor. Mrs. Bd- ley: Fraternity VUtoga, B. A. WB- Faneywork, whlto alophanL ■“ *“ pletad thne aad oaa half yaan of Howovar. tom an signs that to Rata of 66 aeras and buildings to- sad pia. ftoh pond, tlekoto, ■ srvlca in to Navy, whato ha aarv- currant tncraaaa la Mvollng off, for their cars, axpraaaad disap­ Aa oditarlal In to CBBAV M - vide to latoot taU foohlons os a Enjoy with 0 Littrla, wars aaaiated catad between Sullivan pointment to t many of the Ictin, Tte Btato employe, takas faatuio of to erograaa. to 1^ PEACE OF MIND LOAN ‘‘^mFtotloa: MUk GtaasjM ^ wlehoa, lee cream aad aodc — •d as a Dlaeal Technician. Ha la in Ju ly tha axpanaaa w an only to govomor to took for dropplag by Beattlaa Ayers and Nevers roads. The op- novelty booths will ha featured. now employed at tha Am aricaa $ lS .8t more than for June. Tha oar owBcn fail to pto up to chide hock-to-sehool plalda, wools 1 .WMN TOW AmT...friaadly, bmi- A brilliant, yet inexpensive folding cameta for fnll^alor —. Mia. ArtJlur Eii*laiid, Uon on the property anpiras Aug BelkiiM; With A Feather On ToarBM st aconosafcal, y«or ooUcction of washing rags, kfrs. Mary B. Burkhardt of to CASH YOU C 6T Nose. Wllia Barks; Oaapa, Landrt Raopactivo chairmaa follow: Mrs. Screw Corpontlon, WUIlmantlc. mnnbar of eaoea aided for tha peat and toffaua; data clotos, tempus ■ MM-UIra, feu Mrriea. or black-and-white pictures. Takes Kodak 620 Fllna. Hr*. Oordon Todd. Barbara bast food b«v is ow pupen aad other rubbish after Peroouncl dapartmant and lu- coats and ooordinntad ^ortewear. . sm ilM IM CASH... we loy Yat te History aad Itomanea, Blodwan Albert F. Kalbar, Mrs. Vlaeaat 8 . The marriage will lake place on two months to remained the pUcIng bar with MIm AmaUa M. 3 4 $110 $180 fSOO Nejnriives 214 x SVi- Accessory flasholder, $11.08. PrinB LaM aad Mary Wlt^ro^ **Tl»a third Item on tha call la Grady, Mrs. Winiam Hannon, Mtoo October 8. at W atarbury. aama, at 78, But due to the Indlf- to cleanup Job la oom|detad. Tha action of to ptoy takm out of 8. No delay. Cocne In ar phoos. Sdworking together concerning the means pay Davlss: Franklin Roosevelt at ' rmro of t o aoerotary of t o stata's 121.11 139.05 include Federal Tkx. Hyde Fark. Oltn Dowa; K m m a n RlU Dtottab Mrs. Maty BuUlvan. A t t o home of Mrs. Ronajd LAB-TESTED fafonee In alaa of famOlea, then Many people, bora, os In oth­ plaec ta an cxcluslvo spaclalty a.MPATMS IM IOAN...U acMrf 1SI $9.20 ^ eantod out many One projects ment of the $».500 for the pur­ er placeo, tail to regard the ap­ offloa. shop, and to modala will os Mim | ■riwt, moA undarAondinf. 30.70 chase of the property rseommend- JS t o Lawtasa, Mrs. J, T. Ito a; Mn. F.'Flaharty, Anthony Prou- Bockus, Andover Lake, the August w on only 104 penona helped In Tha CSKA said to t Mro. Burk 0 0 *10 7.38 16.78 is r the girls. . .. Bast American Short gtoiiaa to 9, bt, Vincent 8 . Grady. Coramittoa picnic meeting of to Itodtoo July as oomparad with 111 persons pearance of t o neighborhood, Barbara Stlvaratolii, Mim Oars A%090 During the closing week. ed by the Board of finance. GRADE A MILK hardt, who does not belong to Nuoadorf, Mim Phyllia gUverstetn, team $M to 8M #o« oompilad by Martha Folay; Brtlnd aaatatanta follow: Haney aad Jaaa BSnavolant Society wae held on la- June. The fact that while to so Intent are they on the toote either union, *9iaa enjoyed to fuu A IDKM M ptwwflOO ow-o C U worked on their contrlbu They recommend the convey •n prodaeod m e a r ewa of the car, or to tan they are Him Bylvla Goodotola, all of this m rm y t l r l»»nW to l> m vK'tr ttM —' (SM dcfris., la for the last day program, tha Iron Curtain, John Oonthar; Kalher, Mro. Chsuloa Ouponter, Thuraday. A Mldous lunchaca of number of penona aided dacnaacd confidence of otato workore and lunmlmmH to IIB.C5 _W ■ton Into cash of aD o^- Wellesley A. P. Hackatt; Weatam MIm Katbtyn Grady, Mtoa Batty hot dUhea saAds. punch and cof­ fana, rnshad to ro« haraf aluhtly. from June to July, while having on their picnic. town, and Mim E laaiio r Moaca pnascRiPTiON p h a u m a c y and an t«*ether they gave a line Itsd to the Sinking Fund school has kept so far out of poittica 901 M Al N STR I f T • A A M CMf I T l H ReaervA M- H. H attor: Oampleto Faeney, Mloo M ary Hannon, Myo- fee was served at noon. i i i H to cost of aid rose a small amount, that few paopta, laeluding t o and Mrs. Paul RIagH aC Rock­ * riu v fa - lalnroent. Oak Qrove m a^ bonds issue of Pottery Making. J. B. Conrad Zualob, Mtoa Bhlrloy fraoh. IS) aocountod for by varloua fae- vUla. ^ b«£ puppeU M d praa«ntea The Sinking Fund »• Wl.OOO ar^ Book dr Pottei •nie buslneea meeting at which writer, had any kaowladga of ter Kenny; PricePrtca bolda——— To -- Pattern—_ Smith, Mlaa Eva DIetto, . Mrs. the preaidenL Mn. Donald Smith Bjr woight this tao« bodjr* tate, ouch aa madleal aaalstanca, Tlckata are avallahia at Bur­ n ^ i 6 € n a l CO. iiplesUUskln,” which from ^e the School Building Fund. 15.899. ' ’ affniatlona. ton's, Inc., 841 Main stroet, or OUaa, R. W. Las; America and the Joseph O'Briea. Mm. D. Lavosque. nrcslcled. was ooened by the L^r^'s baUding food^driak ceala which makaa it difficult to tic In 500 Fighting ^ ..’a wars dismayed when we W Sew • HATI TMATM ■UltOINO to the baby was weU ^ne. The capital and non-recurring « - Ooamie Man. Wyndham L ^ a ; Mlao K a to rln a Hopper, Mrs. costs dlractly with tha walfan l eaervatlona may te made by call 748 MAM ffu n , mumium. comt. : : ou/m SHOP. ’••Bee Hive" acted ■ 'The thrro Dense fund would take care of the Ptoyn racltod 1b unlaoa. A lapJit learned that Mrs. Burkhardt had Great Horae Omnibus, Thuroton James McNamara, Haary Proubt yoa ONLY lie a poaad. population. been dropped from t o commlaalon Ing Mim Bcatriea Btogal of Ver­ DM 1430 • DoAd Novn, Y** MANoew their heads cleverly fwh- balance of the purchase price. iCacRulEyi •dttor; Hoiw t d ktok€ and tha Men's Club. A hope cheat tA year ago In July thare ware Montana Fire non between 6:00 and 6:00 p. m., The annual meeting and elec­ Cartalnly yoor baat food and a member of an extremely iMM oAt M mUwh A A toyim ltoi Wmt Advertise in The Herald——ll Pays ■oned from paper bags. Babbit Modern Jewelry, C. J. Marm Md valued at over $300 will he given o41y 68 w alfan eaaaa involving 91 (Oanthmed Mum Pkgu Ouu) amall group of employes named talephona RockvUla #78- 18. Hollow" eaacuted an Indian, wear­ tion of officers of the South Wlnd- Victor D'Amico: glam Doctor. away Saturday avenlng for to bay, yatfi it ! ■ or Public Health Nursing Aaao- to aucceed her," the editorial said. ing headdresses and Jarquas Meyar-May; American bens fit of the church. the gateu of tha mountains blase Msmher Of Blval Orem S r a drum, aU of which they had ciation will ha held Tuesday eve­ Wild Flowara, H. N. Molde^e; Mr. and Mra.. Robert Sebert and made. They were Judged excep- ning at 8 o’clock at the asaocla- a 80-man crew was polishing off The new sppolntoe, kUm 'Toro, la Californios. J. 3. M or^ family raturned to CUca, N. T„ Europe Council a fire which blackened 1,800 scree a mamhar of tha rival Council 16, tlon headquarters The nominat­ lowstona and Grand Teton Trails. over the weak-end after spending ing committee will present a In the Bull Run gulch area near American Fedsratlon of Btato, ******* The Camp Oooacll Mrs. Joyce ^anch about threo weeks with his pareato York. County and Municipal Employee, x c a m p Council made up <4 slate of officers for the coming Muench; Tka Totmg and Fair N Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sshe^ Opens Session Slxty-flve more were mopping AFL. It has a amallar memberahip Ruth gleadman, Nina McAllister, year and Mias Edna Stager, pub­ R. Nash: DlarupUen of American Coventry Junlqp baaeball team □ 9 Janet Mortimer. Donna M ^ell. lic health nurse will read her an­ Democracy, R. F. NlchtJa; Great up what’s left of a blase at the of state amployaa than to CSKA- gasM with Stom thare Friday *Auloma«k Yarl-Hoat bria«t eom f^. I (Cuntinuid tram fkgo Ono) head of Wolf creek. A crew of " It may bo good government to jtdams and Brenda Baker nual report. Briuin. Dora Opisak: Italy and evening was poetponed In t o aee- uaiaied the staff In planning camp Italians, Carlo Bforaa: You Md vamonea to yaur lioma at a j*.* an ------18 held a fire along CSnyon creek drop a eommimlon member who Daniel Shea chairman for the ond half of t o eecond Inning due UM question of admitting the 20 miles west of Melrose to about has done an outstanding Job In acLvltlaB. . campaign for tha Julius MUkla Your Fears, P. 3. Stelncrohn; to rain. Their next scheduled game Yofk-Haat u«H for your ^ * * 2 . Much interest was shown In we Especially Father. Mrs G. B. Ta- as an aaaoriato member of 80 acres. favor of an unknown quantity be- FRIGIDAIRE/i^<»‘< !^ Fund, reports that $ 1,069 1e Tuesday, Aug. 9 at 6 p. m. a t koaiing survoy and eaa l*ow KtNa it eaait n m m m tka council. Ikls would moan to FIghten oontrollad one fin In cauaa of politics and the need of n«.Tiy beaUtUul birds about the bean received. T h is ^ n d bar: Turkey: An Bcoiiomlc Ap­ M e/tg ren ):i praisal, M. W. Tkornburg and Plains AthlsUc Flald With Toloott- automatic Yon-Haat, ■ AAR wouM be Inclined In the as- Idaho but snother burned uncheck­ pandering organised labor, but if camp, and the r r ls were P**Ji«’*- sponsored by Aba Miller Post for villa. larly thrilled to see a tree toad, Georgs Sot^; Treasures In Truck aamMy hut not la t o mliUaters* ed In the rugged area along to it is, our concept of good govern­ the MUkla fam ily who lost saver- Grean-Ckobot Ppst Auxiliary • ' R U K S ' ! t) I fl V L M i M ft I *< $ ; eammlttee. Salmon river. 'Ihe blase has ranged ment needs ravuing," the editorial nonsidaiad to be a rarity. al buildings In a lira late In June SAd Trash, Morgan Towns. momben will also meat Monday Manchester Sheet M eul W orks L .1 S I H K I f 0 H D M ft N C H t S ' 1 H .XlUa oftornoon the mtnlatem wlU over approKlmately 8,000 acres of concluded. ^guy irtAtA niBd® over tne nro and who lost their youngest son , evening, Aug. 6 In the lagton timberland and Foroot Bcrvlca ofo- wm taloye^ including i clwn Many of the most Important PH O N E I 41S fte-the agonda for the Aaoembly In a drowning accident four days English abbaya and cathedrals of Rooms on Wajl straaL It was la- 59 PINE STBEET u I 8 n 31 t i l E M I R F R I S t 1 . ’ In acting on a nport from their clale aaid it wae contiaulng to dmwdtr, doughboya, aquaw corn later. Mr. Shea wishes to thank advertently omitted when men- spread rapidly. Candidate Seeks end vmrloua kinda of -Tmt rock and ths ISth and 14th centuries had depuUaa, who met last week-end the townspeople and others for tlonlng the Poet la Saturday'! col in Parle. Planes were uaed to carry men ■ Uck oookery”. Ruth Staadman their gifts. clay Mis goora. ^ to the scene, about 110 alrllna miles Assault Damages «ijo yM a birthday with peach north of Boise. Mon than 600 gbortiMka aervod In her u n it flghten now are engaged. Making briaf vialts to the camp F in Dispatcher Slim Vaaoar of Torrington, Aug. 8—Un—Louie w ereTsira Catherine Houae, M ra the Payette National forest aaid OardlUo, who Is seeking the Re­ Hargaret Otll and Mre. Ellen MANCHESTER “about t o worst poosibla B n con publican nomination for mayor in IHetMS of Q u^b au g O lrl Scout SERVICES dltlona" prevail. to city election here in October, Day Campt Abinton; Mrs. Arnold 62 SALEM ROAD "It was windy all nlghL" ha haa Bled a 83,000 suit againot Eme- 0 0 That Interpret the wishes Schuets a former leader at Camp HERE IS A REAL BUY choice /s A m ericas cA ot^> said. "It la h ri^ t and clear today dlo J. Marchlone of Torrington, ac­ Mertle-Wood, and Mra. George and the humidity la low. It’s bad cusing him of assault and uaa of Jenaa deputy commlaaloner of the of the fanily. fire weather and the outlook la not "Vila and abusive” language. local aoouta, who bad aesieted • $9,250 so good.” The writ claims Marchlone earMer ♦*><» ereenii and who came Another fire which burned over punched CUrdlUo in the Jaw, arm 6 room Cape Cod with oeraan- John Be Burke approximately 8,400 acres in the agMh to make recording! of the ed porch, fan lasolatlon, storm and cheat while he was seated, and g lrt is lpglng.______FUNERAL HOME Boise National forest, northeast of caused hack of hie bead to hit ■h and screens, veaetlaa Idaho City, was balleved con­ nds. Boom layoirt fSataree a walL to RT East Oentar BL TeL 6MB trolled. Dispatcher Lynn Knight It alao allegea Marchione told Action of House modern Mtcbrnr Rvlng room said that barring an unfavorable CardUlo ha had no rjght to seek ^ MMlir-SIZE with ffreplnee, den with book- turn In the weather tha Bn should the nomination and accused him of *16 cnoee, S line bedrooms nnd mod­ cause no further trouble. "deUherately attempting" to dlo- Draws Criticism ern bntk. Let 69 X IM encloeed th fener, fanmneninte Interior, New Haven, Aug. g— rae exterior recently painted. Down pnynmnt akont $>A60, e o m p ^ kffRIGEIUTOR BUda Balldlng end COnatruetlcB TMiH wmdl aayn Governor mw **iy pajrmeata abent g5r HUPSOM SALES HUBSON iMtVICl HUDSON 8A U $ Bowlea ghta the beglilature a Itow ean yen ge wreag or i •BMIh MM program,” and Ita too kstterr Septomher ooenpaaey. baJjf'' sha RepuhUcan-controlled Cad nm— •Beamed" I t H i m scntlmente were contain­ RICHARD B. MOORE ed in reaotutlona adopted by the B E A LT O B t^ e fn ost * S e a u t i^ / 3 U Y o f a / / Be Real Smart! eounell at Ita semi-annual meet­ Olastoahniy 9-SS94 M edal Ml-BO. FoHy-d«ad, family-tixa. Gkne- Medal Al-BO. PwH 6 cm. K ------ing kero yeeterday. Open Bnndny^S-O P. BL mochahltm, Supar-Frooxtr, Qukkubo One resolution eald that the Bay yoor slcok new HUDSON her* at MCCLURE’S. We can otter yon B leppad Hydrotor, 2 Quickub* Troy*. Cold Storopa Trey, Ufatima Porcaloin lirtafior, Duro- Troy*, Ufatima Porcaloln kitarlor. Cold* ammeU aad "otbar llharal, lnde> Cofilrol, Sofoty-Cycla Dofreotar. g U #.^ pfiY*a*a and progreaalva organlsa- an those fine car features . . . aU die power a ^ MORE for yonr old car becauM we have lower overhead, lower operating Ma Ovkix axtarlor, MatarAAter... git 4.78 Of course you picked the car you like best it s tiona must increase their activity economy that comes with Chevrolet ownership. to help auke the Houae of Rep- Chevrolet, the car America likes best. So stick to txp e B sea. taatotatlvee a body which acta for So hold out for the best and get your siw nn fiiqde of' Connecticut instead your guns! Don’t accept a car that ^ves you less. at agninst them.” reward of unniatched driving satisfaction- Maks For a demonstration of the brand new HUDSON phona Surely, you’ll agree it would be foolish to pass, America’s choice your clxdce. Choose Chevrenet 2-9442. Let ns show yon all the wonderful features of up all those years and miles of driving pleasure . . • for the moM beautiful buy of alll HUDSON’S new •’step-down” design. — Guaranteed GAUARANTEED DELIVERIES Open S:S0 A. M.—\:S0 A. M. I USED C A RS ON THI ANII dr Certified Used Cars A Onf Haor Ite MaUanal Ptoale y S 1 0 Do 3 9 P A C K A R D \J/I0 RlLJUagRICAN SOAP SOX DERBY *'»• Bal, S E D A N p r o m OSRRY Dow ns, AKRON, OHIO o n e . 2 V« i i ^ n o ^ UARANfEED SUIMAY APTIRNOOH, AOCMIff IS o i» f h i ^,^RUNNER’S d S NBfWORK Yhei “ Haiit Center Street IN WRIflNG! Chack Yaur tocnl C i$ Marten " » A H f Phone ua today for a adantiik Schadula far Ite Tima 'efficiency teat of your oil burner, ragardleaa of ita mate Medal Dl-70. Do Luxe AtedoL M 7 ee. iL 'i CO. cm or type. We will determine Medal Ml-77. Big 7M . ft. liM, fwn-wkMi,’ tizo, full-width Supor^roozar ChoW and 4 6 N A S H fuel savings a Timken Silentto glote-toppod Hydrotor, big Supor-Frooxor, width, gkm-leppod Hydrotor wNh Ri AutoidsticWeil-Fleme Burner big Moot-Tondor, Quickubo TroyL AAubt-^ $ 8 9 5 cooling coib...... |M will give yr>u—and we'U guor- 3 7 3 MAIM ST., M A N CH tSnit, TtL. 2 - 9 4 4 2 poaoTroy...... 6884.16 BRUNNER’S anlee those aavinga <#i writing East Center Street if you buy! M f* A / save up to / J yQ 0 W / € T 4 7 K A I S E R f t 4 -DOOR SEDAN $ 1 0 9 5 f l H l i BRUNNER’S » Eaat Center Street laiowi Dm ISA Wel-Meaw O' keitf t THERE’S NO PARKING HEADACHES 4 6 D e S O T O WHEN YOU USE CLUB COUPE $ 1 0 9 5 BRUNNER’S Eaet-Center Street M edal Dl-64. For ovoiege fondly Mm M M l-116. "Giant Size" 11H cu. Model R-IOO. A 10 cu. ft. CoM-WoH - CURVED WINDSHIELD M odel M l-93. N't big-9-3/10 c«. fl„ 6-6/10 cu. ft.-lncludlng Supor-Ptegear WORLD’S CNAMMON nsHiR uNiiTm. • enm-sAPs Supor-Froozor, Quickubo Troyt,- Muhi- ft. Holds loodt of food in tmoNott wHh toporoto Leckor-Top Froozor that whh PANORAMIC YIUIILITV Chest, full-width gloss-toppedHv- VALVI-IN-HIAO INOINI ■ODY CONSTRUCTION , HVDRAUUC IRAKIS RirpoM Troy, Moot-Tondor, fulhwidth kitchen tpoco overt Many excknlve koope up to 70 Hic. of f o M tofo-frozon It |>ayf •upplylat ull Ifcul uaku virim whick for months...... ill OtOr ..•••w*..eaeeaOooo (FtDtTD 4 7 CHEVROLET wNh Waal welded fe WeW a have, bu- man autstoadlag Hma aver kalsra urnell arking M y d rto r...... 6814.16 foolutm ...... 1866.16 Iba naa ilBihaf power pinni wM P P Abo eg* ft ifa^a oooaae, lew end all unund you far Ihf Mgli- wNh new OaSMAa RIvaNata brute muaae axku mfcly k drfvhg wMi g Xho In I cu. f t lizo ...... $896.16 PICK-UP. LIKE NEW rtw vulva III hand deilan Itea’s ea^ to got thofo Nag Nm kund In Ite MSurtry. asl dagraa af eaUdHy, quialnaee aad Ilirtage Ihui leal up to fwMa us lung. fuUur, fno r view uU nbuut yuu. In the Busittesa D istrict’s Back Yard $ 8 9 5 TIIIIKBIV EXTRA VALUES I X I R A k o n o m i c a l t o PISHER SODV BRUNNER’S ^i& nt/^ui«nuU ic OW N-eOPIRATI—MAINTAIN 8 -INCN WIDSeSASI'^ WHEELS W w m ary When yon make tn* r#qatr«a Bnat Center Street LONOIST, HIAVIIST CAR IN PLUS LOW-PRESSURE TIRES STYUNO AND LUXURY O l l i H B A T oxclufivo to nod krtnglug you man a e a ^ ITS niLD wHh WIDEST TRIAD M M Q r 1 nominal purchaM at storea partid- OB auamn • ea.fueNAeM you m dai fto ChavruM la Amartank Ite widual lime lii Hm lu«Hrt*M tuW wNh fmaarti, gnaafuh aurvas, nayr M/W O MM patlnc In Pomell Parking. awW wealed meler eer-aew er wadi Ite Idi cor la Ite law-prl«a rtald, >-plue uxtiu luvapfueeun llrue—>fur lolarlaa rtahaaee m d tuck saira hm* on aoBias • wAwa manas giviaa mats ridlag-caaifi^, man 4 2 P O N T I A C Chovrolot CINTIR.POINT iTim iN a read elaadlaaet and man eufaly. giuumr WubUMy and ridlag eumfurt. CLUB COUPE in its fioldl wMh caairal cawlaiud tefwaaa Hia $ 1 4 5 D O W N from wteole far aiaalauim drivtag- . . i AND IT’S THE LOWEST PRICED LINE IN ITS. FIELD! USE IT WHEN SHOPPING -i Proudly SoM lud InatRlled By SpKial BMmthly mtea available for those who KEMPS, Inc. Oil Haat ond have 'nae i for Parnell Parking everyday for kmg per|odS|Ol tim e. DEPENDABLE SERVICE 'S Eitginoaringy Inc. CARTER CHiEVROLET CO., Inc, 7$S Main :f T< tar It. S tre e t M7 Main StTMt 3 1 V MAIN STREET, M ANCHESTER Manehestefs frigidaire Deqler for Over 25 Yoorf j ^ E v e a i n f s Phene t-1166 Or Aid ■ " w s s r a K g y-,. ' K •: ■.■■■Jr. /


aotsly tor auxiUary sertdoea “ahirt aganiatlona," Ku IGua It «M * Vbavx ri t m— >» transportation, bsnltta sarvlooo, Klana, or eatreme tofttot organlaa Parking Curbs and non-rellglous tsxtbeoka, and RockviUe Qt—o t ud Turlay vnd Portagil tiona attracU a muat pttbUe funds ware artthar sought H a fircdjr iMtac. He poaatble eliminated. About' the aer enpectod for teaching ssrv- t t w couM, w» woaM flftot to abame -apptoa to Germany a etoe- Sow O ^ r a lin g loan sommI eenatructlon or nwin- jMWiU 9*nli Victor Fltogerald, M , o f Paart Blaze, Water CWM jMt u ■tronglT m w « «r t where. __ tsnB®cSw in a j. w . Cheney. Btohop Onnam’a intervtaw with street, and Charlea Matthews, 4B. flghtiac H i* oiUy real Many Inquiries Coining tn O r tc v . feten-in the BusineM OommenUtor Bd Hart was re- o f S4 Mathsr strssL HartfdrB, aufim nM to oiM o f Ola la«l ®* Tritorte Te tore. O eeea Damage House eordsd Prtday aftomoon In Laco­ In for Stock Pardcips*| were the drivers Of automobUai ntHtory totuottoB- Hi G race • ■d‘ tor: _ Sector W oridnf I Biany nia. N. H.. for broadcast last In the paBabm o f Mra. P l a F. t i o n N o w Involvad In a minor aocldant thto MUton doltan a a m y do the Vacant StaDa Noticed n t o ^ Croaaen. July S, said of Cardinal BpeU- nwrnlng at the intotaeotion ol Rockville Department la jobi Buy do It without the Oxnam Mrs. I ■ WeBeeDtoe Methodtot diurch haa toat a loyal Large numbers of inqulrtaa for Main and East Ctontor a t r ^ . ^ member and the W. •. C. *. an M - man: trolman Primo Amadao, whe to* CdMI Ont for a Son- Mtad portletpotlo^ of Amerlun Patrolman Wtalleld R. Martin stock participation In the organl­ Lanaaane, Bwltaerland. Aug. B— tlrla wbrker. She will a g ^ ^ mSs been aeeigned the task of veatlgatod, made no arraato. treofM to tlw fleld. In C3iliid> •It to not milk and medicine, aatlon of Manchestor’a propoaad Mrs. Sumner Welles, wife or the Both care wen heading aa»t on day Fire mlaaed In the Aabury and M n ^ making tba coin coOeettona from hooka and buata What he wants now National Bank an atlU com­ former U. B. undereecretary of ■owcwnw *AT* tb a * to M ooUlny m the amount noune which ahe w loved, dbe Mancbaater’B new parking metera Baat Oentar atraet and Fltogerald o f Money or the number of w u a quiet Uttle woman who waa to tha aopport of paroahial achooto ing In. It arae aUtod this morning ■tote, died im her hotel here last RoehTiUs. Ang. a— (Bpfgtol) — . M r t9 »t»p ...... , * ia and to anfores tba meter reguto- by tones levied on aU the peo­ by Laaanar and Rottner. oounaal nighj, hotel offlctala disclosed O- waa pulling out of a parkliV ■PbP* I MOTIIM tv J f^ ...... : i S Aaaertean troopa In the field popular with the young people, aa Chlpf of PoUce Herman whan tba accident occurred. ■ Memhara ot the (tockville « Ire De- K^lk V$ Mofl ...... ; wen M the older onea, becauae of ple. . • for the organlaatlon committoa a t day. pnrtmaot were called out ahortly ...... 1 S ■ceded to do the Job. ■cbandal announcad this morning. “ The church . . . Bust know j.. ^ outtm , . ^ - her ready wit and good hun^ at Patrolman Martin has alraady aa- Um ImuiIi. b efon ate O’elook yeatarday atter- o a ! Ilia That la why we cannot, and aU Umea. It waa becauae o f ^ sumad his duties. that to drain off vast auma from Additional aUtemanto «f Inton- Booo In naewar to an alarm from will not Uckla the Job In Oilna, young people that ahe became In­ The parking metera ofBcUlly puhlle adueatlon to so to waakan tloa to make dapOslto, and ra- Boa M tor n tin at the property It ■■ evaatoally te daatroy It. . *“ M m — B CTf while we do tackle the Job In terested In putting on auppera, ^ want Into fore# at • a. m. today, quasto for various aorta of Infor­ or Bert W. Paluaha or 18» rilgn elder eon at that time waa active *Tha blunt fact to, that the Ro­ mation alao an being made. Greece. Ih e Job In Oilna, we and motorists are now required to ■treat Fire broha ont la the sac -^ * 2 § e l5 iS M h 2 i* ie aeloehrely I unecw. ^h> j»w — ------In the Epworth Laaguo and waa depoalt coins to tbs machlnss. Po­ man OathoHe church doae not ba- Wednesday, federal banking tn- and fleor or the house, the flrat uwna to SiT y . 0* w know, la one which la too W* appointe