i. 8 ATU 1 DAT, AUOIW %» U # V if e i W .V - ilBanrll»at»r I at■tJ.-Si’ Bain tboao [Auedon Mart INSjjJlRE 9 , 4 6 5 Finds Land Ownership Abo^TowD ply ghould he MdUNNBT BM rnnVi Heard Along Main Street ahould not pay fbr w bht w« Ojleii Sunday BOtwe. ftopi* abouM gto over Honthubm M Cky of yfOogo hL •taw Amd on Somo o f Manehootot^t SIdo Stfoti$, Too IBrtr JaakiiiOT and miad their own Big Change in England B0 | U b 1& T s i s h bualnaaa aad Bv* ^ Irt Summer Season Offer* " ^ ( t w b l v b ; f a g e 8 ) PRICB FOUR C llffE !! Ah In to North Bndet^ ings to Bo Made at m Ihns U> ■ ^Vt __jg * Raymond —. Puararanmuch of a Job dlggto it What High Taxation on In­ VOL. LXVIIL, NO. 262 te v * kwt hla hooch to t ^ would h* doT ____ _ nawapapar ha^ Ita f ^ Charier Oak Grounds tom of poBtleal avanda, but Im "They waa only on* ttoff ta fid eouatry cerraapendanta—toon heritance Foreea Hetra could do to gat la labor bada H* ■iS^pS&s haa gained to proattg* aa a nlo* paopla who aavar forgrt to T V BtPodmdiiMt Fgtfier.SiM Girlil J l , Mw lawBlit wlw >> dacldod to aoU th* thing. So h* lat ua know whan th* Saeond Bap- To Dispose of* Family Manchaafar’a suetlen HUDSON r t o M n N IB orfMi of hla handUng of th* o ^ ^ did. Sold it to m*. Of ooura* th* market,______ _ coaductad________ to toe— Man------ mm Sews Tidbits put* altuatlOB her*. Probably the ttat ehurrti la going to have Ita Esutes, E. J. Hon Says DsNvan^Hsn fMIr Grtndle Says Hunt •I tho W*tm 5i* «r Choir well wouldn’t do me no good up on naxt bean auppaf. W * "h o u ^ t ebeotor Pnilt aad V^gatobl*Vegel Fro- H. J. judge would not claim to have dooer'a aaaoolaHoB, will epaa for toraaean a vlctary by the «P P ^ * on hla land, and my farm a mil* I n i^ at aom* of thair oontrlbu* vf» away, ao I dacldod to move to* ttona, baeaun avarythlag thay Dy mroM B. IhaklBgtaa toe *umm«vend *a***a Sunday at tion. but ha could dearly aae th* S pjB. at th* Chartwr Oak *tn*t mat Dorothy Moyt > l» t » oholcaa open to bUn. turn in la with th* baat of latan* Exceptionally high taaaa and nSchaada. la a two **Tou &on*i nyr* w « exdalmsd. ground*. It wa* announoed today. Claim ed Influence d Krt. ThooiM Had b* bean atubbom to refua* tion. to*__ ____ coat_ of Uvlag_ a n _given aa ran* Th* mart will ba held dally there­ w w Ll with Mr. aad . Ins to trant with hla rival*, tha “Tap. I brung up my team aad Howarvn, n w ^ aona for to* general ehaagaovar la BoSy o( M iBdIaa drtro. between ua, my friend and me dug 1 after through Thursday at the dodalon would have bean vary same time with Rohert 3L Raid embarraaatog to bl* court^to the well out and loaded It onto fix and OM half mOaa of my wagon.” ua a real kick. J n t toe other ownen of real aetata a n flndlag aad son*‘handling th* auctlonaer ■oma plaeaa, whera hot word* lag for to* fourtoanto year. Th* All He Had to Sell Sotharty wan exchangad. loatog J u ^ "U la urn* now to paua* t day aa Item waa Inoludad la on* that thay cannot m ^ taraa up at ban gama catch your breath,” ha adviaed. ^ t h * lattan that rand Oka tola: taxaa Impoaed uym them ty to* “' neheater Truat oomuany Set* _ BLLaeta iliiatir town Bno In Boltoo to took ovary appaaranoa of havl^ easMor and WnUam Bagno will 4_iation of OooB. •* to Hthroo bean “thrown out on their ear^ — *T don’t Bead to,” our frtend "IB n fall recently M laa-------- 1 government and to* Inheritance Fo#4 WMk*m Jam on _____ bad th* mlafottun* to fme* I tax la ao high that th* ownen am b* auetien maoter. Aide Ttils Senate InYep> tag areas ‘ -------- wuT ho gtoon atooo ourfacto* w ao vehement araa their aaaertion Mid. “Well air, whan w* got th* StartlBg off to* *e**nn win be oQ troottoont durtof tho w m l^ of th* right to continue to office thing laahed down, I climbed up tun bar right whloh la now In a baing forced to aell to* land, *1^ tifstinf Sobcommit* traffie . ^ I or to other partlea, or mon often oCtortag* of tomaloe*. cucumber*, ONMEOIATB DEUVERV Aefaeson Rejects FlM* woah. BtaU Highway Oommla- and th* wrong of th* Bowlea ap- onto to* wagon and off w* atartad, bar I*, oora aad eaullflower. to* ON BOMB MOOBLB . O. Albort Hin announced very gentle ao aa not to Up to* W * puaalad on that for quit* a I to to* government, lee Menagement Conn* ire SB'LBck Tos Fsr; pointmanta. latto- In short supply. Europe Group ly Plan, Telling $•&- today. ___ Her*. Judge Bowen took to* weU nona tun*. Har right whatT W * B. J, HoQ. a laadlag realtor la MdCLURB Airrot v armad Oaocgla and Gs s m Won hr Dssth could *M«k aC a good'many righto I Maachaator for many yean, ro- Tomato** will be offered In th* p e lo r ABBerted H e correct view that th* pubUc to* 'Bvorythtog want all right n*w hatt-bushel package Instead SIS Mata B l Uanwr BtaMd oagM at Ma frtaado rai ator Such a Cottfse 0*10 Board of RoUof of the toreat waa beat aerved by mutual gettla’ out of to* yard and until that eould ba fractured aad oould I vaalad toaaa facto la aa Intarvlaw , of to* fonaer bawot, aad It' use TsL 8-8443 CJddld Go to White 1 3 Forept Seryiee Men war agatoot rphad, alght-itdtag Ku Opens Session Aug. 8—(SV- ■w fc Maaehaetor fire DUtrlct agreement, to* praaervaaon of to* team atartad down to* bill to ha la a aaat. but la t M caaa we yeatarday. Mr. HoO recently n - ■dwaad 8. HeB I wfll be eompulsory ea those mak- Khm Klanaman . Autoaitefi* _____ , _. 33, puto*d hi* Would Be UttleM ofe win «aot from T to • p. « • ^|*»* dignity and of reaaonablenaa*. Hla get to my farm. Then to* devil juat 8 14 11 know what ‘right to I turned han after a tore* moatha lag offertaig*. It I* said to result Hoaae at Any Time Vtctimst Neeriy 5 , 0 0 0 ran* Ihraugh aad goto af fany* ttoiekloa iotUr- aad death won nat IS to the town aaaooaors office, Judgment to to* courae of hi* broke looa*. H w well Upoad bato credit Mlm So aad So with kavlag vlalt to England, Sootlaad, W a ^ beat to Wanatehaa, Waah., th* gam*'0f ftuoalan roqtetto. T h a n GesturefSgfg fractured. I and Iielaad. ’Iha laat ton* b* via* a week,'or tour to 8v* doOan to* 1 L a i d t o phmgaa lipto U foot at wator, Figgp o f'lO Natkins DetecOW SgL It U Berry to gear apreale from tax mattera. own action* laavea the Impreaalon ward*. 'Ih* horaea had a hard tbno those who do not understand to* I mon protection to WashinFton. Aug. 8 — (A*) Need to Fill Vaomm S , r « J S S r b u d ,. t of $103,881 hddln’ back, and befon you emW » — iltad hla motoarland and hoam waa stag mar paapoa*.,. Oapital iledit. Straaboivg- Tim aald toe hotel clerk waa toefcy that he practice* what th* law fftitiwen to really wtth ua final-1 town. Dudley, waa twenty-four EngUah currency system. 1“" '”“***“ ’ ■^^tanufseturar Paul Grindls —w« tor a S mill tax on a 47 mll- pnache*. yell whoa, th* w*n craahed off BaOstfnl AMIaae DC4 wfto » pataao* OB to* first spin. <K M ilits^ Weakneia ly. Yea, we’ve had a long apeO of yMm ago, aad to* condltlona of Uvlng ooadlUons an greatly' Spssdss-Bilt totey qaotod James V. Hunt oheai^ l a ^ Mnwauko* J h tj t o r I n a u g u F a l H* put a bullet to a nvetv*r.< hoB dollar grand Hat •Of court*, had to* dedalon gone over to* tall gat*. ___ Improved for to* working num. the other way, he might have “The nolo* ao acalrt th* horaaa hot, dry weathar hut ctM yearly th* eouatry havq Changed conMd* key figors in the 8 snato*s whlrlad to* eyttoder, ptaoed For Ameriean Scairily ■ymptom of th* aaaaoa that haa «rably during toaaa yean. ’Then I* {denty of work aad th* Contsst T rtopad off to comalra w Ito *% M to* gun agatoat hi* h*ad and ** ' TV Or ffterU K. Reynold* of Don been accuaed of giving In too they tried to bolt I yanked t o » A U T O G L A S S "five psr center*' inquiry, as B bEsU b I «. •nd up they went Into to* air, bMa T"«—i"g to wtth aa again — Balato* Balag Dtvlda pay a'nrages about 3.8 shilling* PrissB For Btsatii ptana. pulled to* trigger. Barry said. CoOm *, K, C., wUl occupy the ptd- eaally, of a lack of th* proper an hour. ’That la roughly 75 hBvlng said: "I havs only Washington, Aug. 8 — (4P) aghting aplrlt and all to* reat of waltxln' backward* then.
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