Exploring the Oxidative Stress Mechanism of Buyang Huanwu Decoction in Intervention of Vascular Dementia Based on Systems Biology Strategy

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Exploring the Oxidative Stress Mechanism of Buyang Huanwu Decoction in Intervention of Vascular Dementia Based on Systems Biology Strategy Hindawi Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2021, Article ID 8879060, 29 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8879060 Research Article Exploring the Oxidative Stress Mechanism of Buyang Huanwu Decoction in Intervention of Vascular Dementia Based on Systems Biology Strategy Kailin Yang,1,2 Liuting Zeng ,3 Anqi Ge,1 Yaqiao Yi ,2 Shanshan Wang,2 and Jinwen Ge 2 1The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan Province, China 2Key Lab of Hunan Province for Prevention and Treatment of Cardio-Cerebral Diseases with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan, China 3Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China Correspondence should be addressed to Liuting Zeng; [email protected], Yaqiao Yi; [email protected], and Jinwen Ge; [email protected] Received 2 October 2020; Revised 24 December 2020; Accepted 4 January 2021; Published 4 March 2021 Academic Editor: Hidenori Suzuki Copyright © 2021 Kailin Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Objective. To explore the oxidative stress mechanism of modified Buyang Huanwu decoction (MBHD) in intervention of vascular dementia (VD) based on systems biology strategy. Methods. In this study, through the reverse virtual target prediction technology and transcriptomics integration strategy, the active ingredients and potential targets of MBHD treatment of VD were analyzed, and the drug-disease protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed. Then, bioinformatics analysis methods are used for Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis and pathway enrichment analysis, and finally find the core biological process. After that, in animal models, low-throughput technology is used to detect gene expression and protein expression of key molecular targets in oxidative stress-mediated inflammation and apoptosis signaling pathways to verify the mechanism of MBHD treatment of VD rats. Finally, the potential interaction relationship between MBHD and VD-related molecules is further explored through molecular docking technology. Results. There are a total of 54 MBHD components, 252 potential targets, and 360 VD genes. The results of GO enrichment analysis and pathway enrichment analysis showed that MBHD may regulate neuronal apoptosis, nitric oxide synthesis and metabolism, platelet activation, NF-κB signaling pathway-mediated inflammation, oxidative stress, angiogenesis, etc. Among them, SIRT1, NF-κB, BAX, BCL-2, CASP3, and APP may be important targets for MBHD to treat VD. Low-throughput technology (qRT-PCR/WB/immunohistochemical technology) detects oxidative stress- mediated inflammation and apoptosis-related signaling pathway molecules. The molecular docking results showed that 64474- 51-7, cycloartenol, ferulic acid, formononetin, kaempferol, liquiritigenin, senkyunone, wallichilide, xanthinin, and other molecules can directly interact with NF-κB p65, BAX, BCL-2, and CASP3. Conclusion. The active compounds of MBHD interact with multiple targets and multiple pathways in a synergistic manner, and have important therapeutic effects on VD mainly by balancing oxidative stress/anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic, enhancing metabolism, and enhancing the immune system. 1. Introduction around the world, of which VD patients account for about 30% of the population [2, 3]. The prevalence of VD in West- Vascular dementia (VD) is a cognitive impairment syndrome ern developed countries is between 1% and 4%, while the caused by a series of cerebrovascular factors, which cause prevalence of VD in China has reached 8%, and the incidence blood circulation disorders and impaired brain function [1]. of VD among 65-year-olds is rapidly increasing [4, 5]. Find- The results of epidemiology show that by 2040, there will ing drugs to prevent and treat VD is one of the important be 81 million dementia patients in developing countries contents explored by medical researchers in the world [6]. 2 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Modified Buyang Huanwu decoction (MBHD) consists of bioavailability (OB), drug-likeness properties (DL), and Hedysarum multijugum Maxim. (Huang Qi), Angelicae Caco-2 parameters to predict the components of MBHD sinensis Radix [Dang Gui or Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels], [21]. The standard was OB ≥ 30%, Caco − 2>−0:4, and DL Pheretima Aspergillum (E. Perrier) (Di Long or Pheretima), ≥ 0:18. In addition, due to the limitations of pharmacoki- Chuanxiong Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong or Ligusticum striatum netic prediction, this study retrieved a large amount of liter- DC.), Acoritataninowii Rhizoma (Shi Chang Pu or Acorus ature and included oral absorbable pharmacologically active calamus var. angustatus Besser), Panax notoginseng (Burk.) compounds for supplementation [24–27]. F. H. Chen ex C. Chow (San Qi), and Polygalae Radix (Yuan The predicted compounds are standardized by PubChem Zhi or Polygala tenuifolia Willd.) with a ratio of (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) to obtain their SMILES 120 : 15 : 15 : 10 : 10 : 9 : 10 [7]. Clinical studies have shown formula. Those SMILES formulas of the components were that MBHD can prevent and interfere with vascular dementia input into the SwissTargetPrediction Database (http://www [8], and its mechanism may be achieved by participating in .swisstargetprediction.ch/) to predict the potential targets of the reconstruction of synapses and enhancing the expression each component [28]. The OMIM database (http://omim of LTP [8]. The prognosis of VD is related to the underlying .org/) [29] and GeneCards (http://www.genecards.org) [30] disease causing vascular damage and the location of intracra- were utilized to collect the VD-related disease genes and nial vascular disease. By improving cerebral circulation and targets. In GeneCards, the targets with relevant score ≥ 1:0 preventing the recurrence of cerebrovascular diseases, symp- were selected for sequence research. toms can be reduced and the disease can be prevented from further deterioration [9]. In cerebrovascular diseases, MBHD 2.2. Network Construction and Analysis Methods. In molecu- has a good anti-ischemic effect, which can reduce the area of lar biology, the interactive gene/protein search tool STRING cerebral infarction in animal models of cerebral ischemia and (https://string-db.org/) searches and predicts gene/protein improve the neurological dysfunction after cerebral ischemia interactions based on biological databases and web resources [10]. MBHD can also promote angiogenesis and inhibit neu- [31]. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network is an impor- ronal apoptosis and improve the learning and memory abili- tant tool for the system to understand cellular processes. This fi ties of VD rats [11–14]. However, the specific mechanism of network can be used to lter and evaluate functional genomic MBHD to improve VD needs further study. data, and provide a visual platform for annotating the struc- Currently, network pharmacology is considered as a new ture and function of proteins [31]. In this study, the online model for drug development [15, 16]. This method can ana- database STRING was used to obtain the PPI data of MBHD lyze and organize information and data in existing databases potential targets and VD genes, and Cytoscape v3.7.2 was (genes, diseases, drug network libraries, etc.), and use profes- used to construct a visual PPI network diagram. In the PPI sional network analysis software to build a “drug-target- network, the closely connected part of the nodes is called disease” interaction network [17]. In addition, through the cluster. The cluster module analysis of the PPI network can use of network analysis methods, network pharmacology provide information for studying the pathogenesis of diseases can systematically construct a disease network for drug inter- and the mechanism of drugs [32]. In this study, the MCODE, vention, comprehensively analyze the relationship between a plug-in of Cytoscape, was used to analyze the PPI networks drug targets and disease targets, and evaluate the efficacy to detect the clusters. Finally, the genes and targets in clusters and side effects of drugs on this basis. Because traditional or in PPI networks were input into DAVID (https://david-d Chinese medicine (TCM) has the characteristics of multiple .ncifcrf.gov) for Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis components, multiple targets, and multiple channels, it is and pathway enrichment analysis. also researched on a systematic and overall level, so the 2.3. Experimental Materials research ideas of network pharmacology have the same goals as TCM prescriptions [18]. Network pharmacology provides 2.3.1. Experimental Animal. One hundred and twenty (120) new ideas for the modernization and development of TCM male specific pathogen-free (SPF) grade SD rats were pur- [19, 20]. Therefore, in this study, bilateral common carotid chased from Hunan Slack Jingda Experimental Animal Co., artery ligation (2-VO) was used to replicate the VD rat Ltd. (experimental animal production license number is model, and the microarray analysis technique (including net- SCXK (xiang) 2013-0004), weighing 250-300 g and raised in ff work pharmacology) was used to explore the protective e ect the Experimental Animal Center of Hunan University
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