© ATM 2010 • No reproduction (including Internet) except for legitimate academic purposes •
[email protected] for permissions. WHEN WILL THE MILLENNIUM REALLY BEGIN? Jon MacKernan For most people, deciding when the Millennium the period he chose, together with the fact that the (or, rather, when the Third Millennium) will begin massacre took place some time before his death, usually involves an argument between two schools of means that the Magi cannot have visited him later thought: the 2001-ers, who quite definitely get it than 4 BC, and (using simple arithmetic) almost wrong, and the 2000-ers, who will almost certainly certainly implies that they visited him no later than 6 get it wrong. BC. Moreover, if the Star of Bethlehem is anything, On the one hand, there are a (smallish) number it was what Kepler suggested way back in 1614: the of people who consider themselves so intellectually triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that superior to the rest of us that they insist that the occurred in 7 BC. And so, reading Matthew academically-correct moment is at the start of 2001 carefully, considering what is known of ancient AD. Well, as we shall see, they are talking absolute Persian Magi astrology, and asking our science nonsense, for, academically, they are hopelessly teacher colleagues to check out the precise time of incorrect. the conjunction, the most likely date of the birth of On the other hand, the great majority of us have Jesus (or at least the date the Magi would have settled on the stroke of midnight at the beginning of selected), is 15 September 7 BC Gulian calendar) 1 January 2000 AD.