Internasional Journal Of Public Administration Studies, 1 (1) (2021) 1-01 Volume 1 Number I, 2021-06-01 e ISSN Evaluation Of Supplementary Feeding (Pmt) Program For Treatment Of Poor Nutrition To Children In North District

By Mauludi1, Alwi,1 Teuku Alfiady1

1,Public Administration Departement, Faculty of Sosial and Political Sciences, Universitas Malikussaleh, ,

Email : [email protected]


Malnutrition is one of the most concerning things that happened in Aceh Utara district, because it is a disgrace to the government and society. Based on data from the North Aceh Health Office, the number of sufferers of malnutrition is increasing every year. This study aims to identify and describe the evaluation of the program for handling malnutrition under five and the obstacles to evaluating the program for handling malnutrition under five by the government in North Aceh . This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis research type. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation, the data obtained were analyzed using an interactive analysis model. The results showed that government programs exist and have been implemented, namely the Supplementary Food Provision (PMT) program in the form of milk, biscuits, and multivitamins, but the number of sufferers of malnutrition is still increasing every year because the implementation is not comprehensive and uneven, which is an obstacle. In the Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT), there is an inadequate budget and a large area accompanied by a lack of supervision from the Health Office so that this program has not been carried out optimally. Research recommendations, the government can make efforts to prevent malnutrition in accordance with the rules set out in Law no. 36 of 2009 concerning health to improve the nutritional quality of individuals and communities in accordance with advances in science and technology.

Keywords: Program, evaluation, Malnutrition, Supplementary, Government

Introduction form of protein, carbohydrates, and calories. Background of the problem Malnutrition is still an unresolved problem to National development is the continuous date. The problem of malnutrition and improvement of the quality of human resources malnutrition has become a global concern (HR). Efforts to improve the quality of human because sufferers of malnutrition are generally resources begin with the main concern on the toddlers and children who are none other than process of child growth and development from the nation's next generation. The case of conception to young adulthood. During this malnutrition is a disgrace to the government period of growth and development, the and society because it occurs in the midst of the fulfillment of children's basic needs such as care rapid progress of the times. For this reason, this and nutritional food that is given with love can problem has always been a special handling form healthy, intelligent and productive human program by the government. resources. In an effort to overcome the problem of Malnutrition is a condition in which a malnutrition in children under five, the person is declared to be undernourished, or his Ministry of Health has established a nutritional status is below the average comprehensive policy, including prevention, standard. Nutrients in question can be in the promotion/education and prevention of 30

Internasional Journal Of Public Administration Studies, 1 (1) (2021) 1-01 Volume 1 Number I, 2021-06-01 e ISSN malnutrition. Prevention efforts are carried out 307 cases, and the highest was in North Aceh through monitoring growth at the posyandu. reaching 79 cases of malnutrition. The head of The handling of undernourished toddlers is the Aceh Health Service, dr. M. Yani, M.Kes done by providing additional food (PMT) while through the Head of Nutrition Office said that malnourished toddlers must receive treatment this figure has decreased when compared to according to the existing management of 2014 which reached 341 cases of malnutrition in malnourished toddlers. To improve the quality Aceh. of nutrition services in handling malnourished No Region Name Number of children, it is carried out through training in the Cases management of malnutrition for health workers 1 Simeulu 8 in health facilities. 2 Aceh Singkil 6 To realize health for the community, the 3 South Aceh 15 government is responsible for providing 4 Southeast Aceh 3 adequate health care facilities and equality for 5 North Aceh 79 everyone. The government's responsibility to 6 East Aceh 19 provide health services in an effort to improve 7 Central Aceh 2 public nutrition is specifically regulated in Law 8 West Aceh 14 Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health, which 9 Aceh Besar 21 aims to improve the nutritional quality of 10 Pidie 15 individuals and communities, through 11 Bireuen 27 improving food consumption patterns, 12 Abdya 5 improving nutrition-conscious behavior, 13 Gayo Lues 2 increasing access to quality services. nutrition 14 Aceh Tamiang 8 and health in accordance with advances in 15 Nagan Raya 12 science and technology. 16 Aceh Jaya 2 In Qanun Aceh Utara No. 33 of 2005 17 Really Merry 2 concerning health, it is stated that nutrition 18 Pidie Jaya 7 services are carried out to realize nutritional 19 5 improvements in the entire life cycle from in 20 Sabang 3 the womb to the elderly with priority to 21 1 nutritional vulnerable groups. school age and 22 Lhokseumawe 10 adolescent girls, pregnant women, postpartum and breastfeeding, female workers, and the 23 12 elderly. This nutrition service is carried out in (Source Aceh Provincial Health Office 2021) health care facilities, other Based on the table above, the number of institutions/facilities, communities, and cases of malnutrition in a number of locations with emergency situations. districts/cities in Aceh, North Aceh has Based on data from the Aceh Health increased in terms of malnutrition every year, Office, the number of children suffering from this is certainly very worrying because malnutrition in 2021 in Aceh province reached malnutrition results in death if it is not 31

Internasional Journal Of Public Administration Studies, 1 (1) (2021) 1-01 Volume 1 Number I, 2021-06-01 e ISSN immediately addressed by health workers, it Malnutrition in Toddlers in North Aceh will have serious consequences. low Regency". intelligence, and weight and height in adulthood are lower than normal children, and Formulation of the problem are more often affected by infections such as Based on the background described coughs, colds, diarrhea, tuberculosis, and above, this research examines the following others due to decreased immunity. matters: The handling carried out by the government is a. Evaluation of the supplementary feeding the first that the Puskesmas nutrition officer program for handling malnutrition under sends data on under-five malnutrition after five in North Aceh District? validation has been carried out first to the b. What are the obstacles to the supplementary district/city health office, if the data for under- feeding program for handling malnutrition five malnutrition is valid and correct, it will be under five in North Aceh District? proposed to get Supplementary Feeding (PMT) Recovery, and then the Puskesmas provides the Research focus PMT Recovery materials to the Village To clarify the scope of the problem in Development Officers (PPD) according to the this research, it is necessary to determine the allocation of selected toddlers focus of the study. The focus of the study in this (Source research is as follows: 2015 ) a. To find out and describe the evaluation of Based on the results of preliminary the Supplementary Feeding program observations through the Serambi Daily carried out by the government in North Newspaper said that the toddler on behalf of Aceh District Muhammad Alfatani (9) who came from the b. To find out and describe the obstacles to the village of Sawang, North Aceh with a weight Supplementary Feeding program carried condition of only 4.3 kilograms, is currently out by the government in North Aceh being cared for by his grandmother, Marniah District (44), while the two parents of the toddler were not with their child. DPD RI member from Research purposes Aceh Haji Uma, also provided compensation in The research objectives are: the form of cash which was received by a. To find out and describe the evaluation of Marniah for the purpose of feeding the poor the under-five malnutrition program baby. (Source http://aceh.tribunnews carried out by the government in North .com/2016/05/01/haji-uma-help-cancer- Aceh District suffering-and-malnutrition) b. This study aims to identify and describe the Based on the description of the barriers to evaluating the program for phenomenon above, the writer is interested in handling malnutrition under five in North conducting a study entitled "Evaluation of the Aceh District. Supplementary Feeding Program for Handling


Internasional Journal Of Public Administration Studies, 1 (1) (2021) 1-01 Volume 1 Number I, 2021-06-01 e ISSN

Benefits of research

Basically, this research is very useful for the author and also for the Lhokseumawe City DATA

Government, especially the Health Office. 1. Theoretical Benefits.

DATA COLLECTION a. The results of this study are expected to [Literature Study, DATA be an additional reference for further Observation and Interview]

research. b. The results of this study are expected to DATA ANALYSIS DATA [Reduction, PRESENTATI add insight and knowledge to readers. Categorization, ON

2. Practical Benefits. coding and [Transcription &

Description] a. To get a detailed picture of the interpretation]

implementation of policies for handling CONCLUSION REANALYSI malnutrition under five in North Aceh [Theory development S and District, as well as the Barriers to the (complete data recommendations) Implementation of Policies for handling analysis)

malnutrition under five in North Aceh Research Objects and Subjects District The object of this research isevaluation of the supplementary feeding program (PMT) for Research Method handling malnutrition under five in North Research Design Aceh DistrictMeanwhile, the subject of this This research was designed through a research is called a participant qualitative approach with this type of (informant/provider of information from descriptive research is research that seeks to across professions) in the people of North Aceh describe the current problem solving based on Regency. The criteria for informants, among data. others;Head of Public Health, Head of The approach used in this study is a Nutrition and Family Health Section, descriptive qualitative analysis approach, Coordinator of Advocacy and Public Policy according to Sugiyono (2006:11) is "a research MaTA (Aceh Transparency Society), approach used in data collection by examining Community leaders, communities and others in the problems that are happening at this time, the research area, willing to be then the data is collected and compiled, after participants/informants and willing to be that it is processed. and analyzed”. With this interviewed. design approach, it is hoped that accurate and reliable information will be extracted. Research sites The research location was conducted in

North Aceh District, Sawang District. The Research Mindset reason the author conducts research at this The research flow or roadmap of this research location is because there are cases of process can be described as follows:


Internasional Journal Of Public Administration Studies, 1 (1) (2021) 1-01 Volume 1 Number I, 2021-06-01 e ISSN malnutrition in North Aceh Regency which An interview is a conversation between continue to increase every year, with various two people, one of which aims to explore and programs provided by the government that obtain information for a particular purpose. In have not been able to reduce cases of this study, the researcher used the technique malnutrition. So that researchers are interested ofunstructured interview. According to in conducting research. Herdiansyah (2011:124) said that "unstructured interviews are interviews that are very flexible Data collection technique in terms of questions and answers. The The data collection techniques that the questions are very open, the answers are wider author uses include observation, interviews and varied, in unstructured interviews and documentation interview guidelines are still needed but only 1. Observation (Observation) the central theme is used by researchers as “Observation means paying attention control of the flow of conversation during the and following. Paying attention and following interview. The purpose of this interview is to in the sense of observing carefully and understand a certain phenomenon or problem. systematically the intended behavioral target (Herdiansyah, 2011: 131). The phenomenon Data Analysis Techniques observed is the behavior of the apparatus as Data Analysis Technique is one of the program implementers in handling data processing techniques to examine a malnutrition under five. In this case the phenomenon or problem in order to produce researcher uses observationnon-participant, empirical data, According to Silalahi (2009:339), where the researcher comes directly, observes "Qualitative data analysis is carried out if the and then records the behavior as it occurs in the empirical data obtained is qualitative data in actual situation of the object under study, the form of a collection of tangible words not however, in this case the researcher is not series of numbers and cannot arranged in directly involved in the activity. The research categories, classification structures. Data (in the objects that will be observed include: form of words) may have been collected in a a. Attitudes and behavior of officers, as variety of ways (observations, interviews, program implementers that provide document digests, tapes) and are usually services to the community in handling "processed" before they are ready for use malnutrition under five. (through recording, typing, editing, or b. Facilities, see how the facilities provided by transcribing), but analysis Qualitative research the government in the process of handling still uses words that are usually arranged in an under-five malnutrition. Like the tools expanded text, and does not use mathematical needed in handling. or statistical calculations as analytical tools. c. Spatial planning, looking at the strategic According to Miles and Huberman in location of health services that are easily Silalahi (2009:340) using an interactive model. accessible by the community. The analysis activity consists of three activity 2. Interview (Interview) flows that occur simultaneously, namely data


Internasional Journal Of Public Administration Studies, 1 (1) (2021) 1-01 Volume 1 Number I, 2021-06-01 e ISSN reduction, data presentation, and conclusion there are toddlers who have a body weight drawing/verification. below the red line (BGM). This activity is one a. Data reduction way of screening and tracking if there is a is a form of analysis that sharpens, toddler who has a weight below the red line, it categorizes, directs, discards can be quickly detected and immediately given unnecessary, and organizes data in such treatment. Assessment of nutritional status is a way that final conclusions can be carried out based on anthropometric standards drawn and verified. for assessing the nutritional status of children b. Data Presentation based on a decision from the Minister of Health Presentation of data is as a set of of the Republic of Indonesia Number: structured information that gives the 1995/MENKES/SK/XII/2010. In an effort to possibility of drawing conclusions and improve the quality of services, the government taking action through the data conducts training on malnutrition management presented. The most frequently used for Nutrition Implementing Personnel (TPG) in data presentation for qualitative data is the field. in the form of narrative text such as Based on the results of interviews charts, matrices, graphs. from the field related to the form of policy c. Withdrawal of Conclusions / implementation that has been carried out by the Verification government in overcoming the occurrence of After the data is presented, verification malnutrition in the community, it has not been or conclusion is drawn. The initial realized optimally. The forms of prevention conclusions put forward are tentative carried out by the government such as holding and will change if they are not routine posyandu which are carried out every supported by strong evidence. month, but based on the results of field observations, posyandu procurement is rarely Discussion carried out in villages, where usually this Based on the results of research in the activity is routinely carried out every month, field and documentation obtained that efforts not all villages hold regular posyandu every to prevent malnutrition by the North Aceh month, the weakening of posyandu Regency government include holding a routine procurement makes monitoring the growth of Posyandu program and providing the nutritional status of children under five not supplementary food (PMT) which is carried out running optimally, every month, then the North Aceh District The nutritional status of toddlers Health Office also coordinates with personnel detected below the red line (BGM) is 124 and The nutrition officer (TPG) of the puskesmas those who suffer from malnutrition are 27 carries out efforts to monitor the nutritional toddlers. This illustrates that there are still status (PSG) and increases the coverage of many toddlers with nutritional status weighing children under five at the posyandu. conditions that are below the standard line. The This is done so that it is quickly detected if lack of community support (mothers of children under five) to weigh and check the 35

Internasional Journal Of Public Administration Studies, 1 (1) (2021) 1-01 Volume 1 Number I, 2021-06-01 e ISSN condition of the nutritional status of children Conclusion under five at the puskesmas and posyandu on a Based on the results of the focus in the regular basis is one of the unresolved problems, formulation of the problem, the conclusions in so that every year it continues to be found that this study are: children with nutritional status are below the 1. Evaluation of the program for red line and then left, do not get treatment and handling malnutrition under five in the district do not receive treatment. accompanied by the in handling various forms of policy correct pattern and then the status changes to implementation starting from; Prevention malnutrition. carried out since in the womb by examining the Based on the results of field research measurement of upper arm circumference that to improve the health status of children, (LiLA) and hemoglobin (Hb) in pregnant the government conducts nutrition women to prevent the birth of babies with low management training for nutrition body weight and routine posyandu to monitor implementers (TPG) in the field, where training the nutritional status of toddlers, and to is carried out at the district/city level by a team improve health services provide health care of facilitators. The trained health workers come training like malnutrition to TPG. In from Puskesmas, Sub-Puskesmas and promotion/education, the government Poskesdes, involving the following health conducts socialization through PHBS workers: (1) Puskesmas: doctors, nutritionists counseling and exclusive breastfeeding to (TPG), nurses, health promotion workers; (2) posyandu coordinators, and the prevention of Supporting Health Center: nurse or midwife; malnutrition is carried out by special handling (3) Poskesdes: village midwife. such as procurement of PMT, vitamins and Based on the results of research in the medicines for 90 days, and outpatient referrals field that training is rarely carried out for health to pediatricians for people with malnutrition. , workers, usually training is carried out every 6 2. Barriers to the implementation of policies for months, but from field results in 2013 health handling malnutrition under five in North workers did not receive training from the Aceh Regency, where there is a policy content facilitator team. From the various forms of related to the implementation process in policy implementation that have been carried accordance with procedures, one of which is out, the reality in the field has not given related to the budget provided by the optimal results because it is closely related to Government for handling malnutrition, which the still weak posyandu activities and the is still very limited, even for the provision of declining performance of health workers so PMT. , vitamins and medicines are only given that they have not been able to solve the in 90 days, if during the recovery period the problem completely in preventing patient has not improved then the assistance 74 malnutrition. cannot be continued, must wait for the budget in the following year. In addition, in implementing policies for handling malnutrition, there are still very limited health


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