
What is Distilled ?

Distilled Water is created through the process of . In this process, the pure H2O is boiled out of its contaminants. These contaminants found in water include inorganic minerals, metals, etc., and have very high melting and boiling points.

Therefore, in order to achieve , the water with its contaminants must be boiled. There are many volatile organic compounds found in water, such as pesticides and herbicides. These compounds have boiling points below that of pure water. Therefore, as the water is heated, the volatiles boil off first, which are then followed by the purified water. As the water turns into steam, it is captured and cooled. The condensation will become the distilled water. Before the liquid is released into a collection tank, the water will go through a filtration process (activated carbon filter) to remove any remaining and unwanted impurities.

Here at Oasis H2O, we have partnered with a local business to supply Distilled Water to our customers. Our supplier’s 100% Steam Distilled water is manufactured on-site. They take their Water and soften it to less than one part per million ( PPM ) hardness. The water is then diverted to their Aqua-Chem steam distillers where the water is then produced at less than one ppm Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). They remove all the minerals from the water, leaving the purest form of water, which is H2O. The Distilled Water is then diverted to the ozonator and passes through a fine filter before going to the bottling machine to be filled. We offer an 18.9L bottle exchange program. Contact us or visit us in-store to learn more about this offer.

519-740-1201 [email protected] 68 Pollock Ave, Cambridge, ON, N1R 2B3