
Winter 2015 – California Legislative Update

ADirect Key Part of Potable California’s Reuse Supply

DPR Initiative — Part of the Solution to “California needs California’s Water Supply Challenges more high quality The national WateReuse Research undertaken in 2012 as a means of Foundation and WateReuse California establishing DPR as a water supply water and recycling have launched the California Direct option that can be implemented by Potable Reuse (DPR) Initiative to water utilities. The DPR Initiative’s is key to getting there.” establish DPR as a new water supply primary objective has been to address — Governor Jerry Brown option that is both sustainable and the regulatory, scientific, technical, and protective of public health. DPR attitudinal issues surrounding DPR projects treat wastewater, including projects by late 2016. This is being sewer water, that has been cleaned for accomplished through funding inde- return to the environment and actually pendent and rigorous scientific research further clean or purify it to meet all and communicating the research find- standards. This purified ings and data through public outreach water will be regulated by state water and awareness programs. quality and health officials and implemented by water utilities in a The WateReuse Research Foundation safe, cost-effective and environmentally initiated 26 independent DPR-related responsible manner. Scientifically research projects in 2014 (or before), What is DPR? proven advances in totaling over $11.5 million to evaluate technologies allow communities to and demonstrate the feasibility of DPR (Direct Potable Reuse) reuse water for many different purposes opportunities. The research revolves DPR is the introduction of highly depending on the use for the water. around developing a robust monitor- purified recycled water directly This includes purifying water to dis- ing and redundant water purification into the supply imme- tilled quality for industrial process use, system. The SB 918 Expert Panel must diately upstream of a water treat- as as purifying water for drinking. provide a report to the Legislature ment plant, or into the distribution about feasibility of developing DPR system downstream of a water The California DPR Initiative was regulation by December 2016. treatment plant. To date, proposals have been to introduce DPR water into a plant intake rather than into the distribution system. While identical in many aspects to indirect potable reuse (IPR) with highly purified recycled water, DPR eliminates the need to pass through an environmental buffer—such as a aquifer or a reservoir. The direct conveyance of purified recycled water to the drinking water system is the main charac- teristic distinguishing it from the At locations like Orange County Water District (above) and West Basin Municipal Water indirect path of IPR. District, indirect potable reuse plants are operating and visitors can taste the highly purified water. Water Reuse Happens Naturally Multiple Benefits Recycled water is water that is used treatment plan intake rather than into more than one time before it passes the distribution system. of Potable Reuse back into the natural water cycle. It is wastewater, including , which has The way in which potable reused water California’s growing population been treated or purified to a level that is delivered determines whether it is and chronic water shortages allows for reuse for beneficial purposes. called indirect potable reuse or direct continue to stretch the limits of potable reuse. our state’s water supplies. But each Potable Reuse — Direct and Indirect California community is different Potable reuse refers to reused water Water reuse, including potable reuse, and has its own unique reason that meets all federal and state drink- happens naturally all over the planet. to develop new water supplies, ing water standards and is safe for Water reuse hap- including potable reuse. Here are human consumption. Potable reuse pens daily on rivers just a few: may be characterized as either indirect and other water Safe, reliable water supply potable reuse (IPR) or direct potable bodies everywhere. reuse (DPR). In IPR, wastewater that If you live in a Potable reuse uses proven tech- has been highly purified is introduced community down- nology to purify recycled water into an environmental buffer for a stream of another, to provide a safe water source. specified period of time before being chances are you are Multiple treatment barriers withdrawn for potable purposes. The reusing its water and likewise com- separate pollutants from water. environmental buffer may be a ground- munities downstream of you are most The purification process produces water aquifer or a surface water reser- likely reusing your water. This has been water that is cleaner than most voir. The purpose of the environmental called “de facto” or unacknowledged/ . buffer is to provide an additional barrier unplanned potable reuse. Sustainable water supply option for the protection of public health. The amount of water on the planet Potable reuse provides a sustain- In DPR, highly purified recycled water does not change, so through nature all able and cost-competitive water is introduced with or without the use water has been used and reused since supply option that is less energy of an engineered buffer into the raw the beginning of time. Using advanced intensive than many alternative water supply feeding a water treatment technology to purify recycled water options. plant, or into the distribution system merely speeds up a natural process. In Environmental benefits downstream of a water treatment fact, potable reuse provides a needed plant. To date, proposals have been water supply that is of higher quality Potable reuse allows us to leave to introduce DPR water into a water than what occurs naturally. more water in rivers, lakes and streams for the fish, plants and wildlife, while reducing discharges to these water bodies and the Building Trust is Key to Public Acceptance ocean. Understanding and addressing research (message testing and Drought proof community and stakeholder concerns evaluation) with a focus on fostering Potable reuse is a drought proof can be a significant challenge toward awareness, education and acceptance by: water supply. It can help ensure fostering acceptance for potable reuse safe, sustainable water now and projects in a community. Research • Identifying and clarifying health and into the future. activities have included gauging a safety concerns general understanding of perceptions • Identifying and addressing concerns Responsive to climate change of recycled water use, identifying about reliability and the ability to Potable reuse is part of a primary concerns, and developing stop production diversified water portfolio and educational and communication tools is independent of climate or that can provide greater assurance, • Developing a public outreach frame- weather. awareness and education. work and communication tools that address concerns in layperson terms Research in this area includes various and in ways that can be adapted by assessments; in-depth interviews, focus utilities for a variety of community groups, surveying, and communication audiences.

2 Multi-Barrier Water Purification Steps DPR’s Potential

UV/ Aquifer/ Drinking Drinking Recycled Reverse Advanced for a Sustainable, Reservoir Water Water Water + + Oxidation + + Treatment Supply Cost-Effective Water Purification Process DPR Water Supply

This new path forward is very timely given the decline in traditional water Advanced Purified Water is on the Rise supply sources along with growing demand and the uncertainty of climate Using purified water for drinking is also began conducting a potable reuse change. not new. In California, advanced water demonstration and piloting effort in purification projects are currently September 2014 that is demonstrating The California DPR Initiative operating throughout the state. These highly purified water that can be used projects include: for various purposes, including expand- will provide information for ing future drinking water supplies. regulators, utilities, and Orange County Water District, communities as they consider the Groundwater Replenishment System City of San Diego — The city began implementation of potable reuse — Operational since January 2008, operating a one million gallon a day this state-of-the-art water purification Advanced Water Purification Facility in the State of California. project can produce up to 70 million (AWPF) in 2011. The project success- gallons of high-quality water every day. fully evaluated how purified water For communities that have limited The agency has been providing purified could be blended with imported and or no groundwater basins or limited recycled water for a intrusion local water supplies in San Vicente reservoir augmentation options, DPR barrier since the mid-1970s. Reservoir before going to a drinking may be an additional approach to water treatment plant. The AWPF large-scale recycled water use. Other West Basin Municipal Water is open for tours and is testing factors include: District, Edward C. Little Water additional equipment for direct • Technologies to purify wastewater Recycling Facility — Operating since potable reuse research. are well established and proven 1995, the facility supplies 16.5 million through existing potable reuse gallons a day and produces five dif- Advanced purified water has also been projects; ferent qualities of customer-desired, used since the early 2000s for the - • DPR may offer a cost-effective “designer” water that meet the unique water barriers in Southern California approach to diversifying a water needs of the municipal, commercial (Dominguez Gap Barrier and the Los portfolio; and industrial customers. Alamitos Barrier). • DPR may require less energy than other alternatives; and Santa Clara Valley Water District, In other states, indirect potable reuse • DPR avoids potential Silicon Valley Advanced Water has been in place since the 1970s. issues associated with groundwater Purification Center — Began deliv- And communities in Texas and New and surface water sources. eries of advanced purified water for Mexico are now implementing direct non-potable uses in 2014. The District potable reuse projects. DPR would provide communities with another viable water supply alternative to increase water supply reliability, diversify water portfolios, and provide maximum flexibility in managing water supply choices. Legislative Action Another key driver for DPR success is legislative action. The State of California’s Recycled Water Policy established aggressive goals to increase recycled water production in order Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center continued on page 4... 3 “DPR’s Potential” continued from page 3...

to help meet the State’s overall water supply goal (by 2020, increase recycled water use by 1 million acre-feet per year over 2002 levels). While recycled water for agriculture, landscape, indus- trial and other purposes will always be needed in California, we will probably not be able to meet our recycled water goals without fully expanding our potable reuse options.

People who tour City of San Diego’s demonstration project learn about the various stages of Significant legislation promoting DPR water purification. has been SB 918 (Pavley 2010), which requires the State to evaluate the How Does the Advanced Water Purification feasibility of DPR by the end of 2016. Process Work? “...providing independent, Currently*, the advanced water purifi- through the molecular structure of peer-reviewed research...” cation process used in California . Things like fertilizers, involves a multi-stage process of micro- pharmaceutical, viruses and finally The California DPR Initiative aims to filtration,, and ultra- or minerals are removed. The contribute to this effort by providing violet light with advanced oxidation: result is near distilled quality water. independent, peer-reviewed research for regulators, utilities and communities • The water first goes through micro- • Now the water is purified, but one as they consider the implementation of filtration, a pretreatment process, more step provides a safety barrier: potable reuse in various communities where water is either pushed or pulled The water is exposed to in the State of California. Subsequent through tiny tube-like membranes. light with advanced oxidation to legislation, SB 322 (Hueso 2013), Each membrane is like a straw with cause any remaining organic mole- directed the Department of Public microscopic holes in the sides of the cules to break down into safe simple Health, in consultation with the State straws, 1/300th the width of a human elements, like oxygen, nitrogen, Control Board, to hair! As the water moves through the carbon, etc. develop a public review draft of the tubes, protozoa, solids and DPR report available by September are removed from the water. After this process the water is cleaner 2016 and established an advisory than most bottled water. group representative of the public to • The water then is treated through provide a forum for public discussion reverse osmosis where it’s forced (*Alternative processes are being evaluated.) and to assist the expert panel in its deliberations.

In his SB 322 signing message, Governor Jerry Brown wrote “This information is past due … California needs more high quality water and recycling is key to getting there.”

West Basin’s Water Reliability 2020 program is designed to shift their future water supplies to Jennifer West more locally controlled and reliable sources of water. Their Edward C. Little Water Recycling Managing Director, WateReuse California Facility produces five different qualities of “designer” or custom-made recycled water that meet the 1121 L Street, Suite 606 unique needs of West Basin’s municipal, commercial and industrial customers. Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 669-8401