The Changing MIDDLE EAST
Andrzej Kapiszewski The Changing MIDDLE EAST Selected Issues in Politics and Society in the Gulf Kraków 2006 Editorial Board: Klemens Budzowski, Andrzej Kapiszewski, Zbigniew Maciąg, Jacek M. Majchrowski Cover design: Igor Stanisławski Copyright© by Andrzej Kapiszewski ISBN 83-89823-17-9 Printed by: Drukarnia Tercja s.c. Acknowledgments Articles published in this volume originally appeared in the following publications: 1. George W. Bush’s “promotion o f democracy" agenda in the Middle East—Acta Asiatica Varsoviensa, no. 17, 2004, pp. 71—90 (expanded and updated version of the original) 2. Elections and parliamentary activity in the GCCstates. Broadening political participation in the Gulf monarchies — Constitutional Reform and Political Participation in the Gulf, Abdulhada Khalaf and Giacomo Luciani (eds), Dubai, Gulf Research Center, 2006, p p .88-131 3. Saudi Arabia: Steps toward democratization or reconfiguration of authoritarianism? — fournal of Asian and African Studies, 2006, no. 41. 4. The Iraqi elections and their consequences. Power-sharing, a key to the country’s political future - Looking into Iraq, Chaillot Paper, no. 79, Walter Posh (ed.), July 2005, Institute for Security Studies, European Union, Paris, pp. 13-24 Acknowledgments 5. Iran’s new revolution? President Ahmadinejad and the power struggle in Tehran - Politeja, no. 2 (4), 2005, pp. 245-255. 6. Arab vs. Asian migrant workers in the GCC countries — paper presented at the Expert Group Meeting on “International Migration and Development in the Arab Region”, The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, Beirut, Lebanon, 15-17 May, 2006. 7. Population and workforce in Oman - Oman. Studies on Politics, Economy, Environment and Culture of the Sultanate, Andrzej Kapiszewski, Abdulrahman Al-Salimi and Andrzej Pikulski (eds), Kraków, Księgarnia Akademicka, 2006, pp.
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