May 2016,ISSN 0474–6279 4 Member Country Focus Centre for Dialogue Iran Oiliran Show Appointment Newsline Obituary

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May 2016,ISSN 0474–6279 4 Member Country Focus Centre for Dialogue Iran Oiliran Show Appointment Newsline Obituary Visit our website The ultimate resource It has been a common response throughout the history a more creative, more dynamic and more competitive en- of human societies to look elsewhere for solutions to ergy sector. In this, the role of each country’s national oil complex challenges. When man first set out across the company, under the inspiring leadership of their respec- Tigris-Euphrates river valley, he went not only in search of tive ministries, should not be overlooked. And together, better living conditions but also knowledge and wisdom. in various ways, they have each been able to start putting It is not much different today. Developing countries together programmes of action and investment, research of the ‘global south’ — in Africa, Asia, and the Middle and development, that promises to make each country a Commentary East — often find themselves looking to other countries leader in its own right. for the newest approaches to economic development and What the Oil Show in Iran also demonstrated, as one the latest technological innovations. of our feature articles in this edition suggests, is the coun- Sometimes lost in this rush for the ‘newest’ and the try’s resilience. That is to say, even without necessarily ‘latest’ is the recognition that local communities often having access to all the inputs, materials and resources have a better understanding of local challenges, and that that companies might want or desire, they have still found the people on the ground may have some of the greatest a way to move forward — and not only move forward but insights. In short, it is easy to forget that local knowledge to become more dynamic. In fact, one could even argue — the accumulated wisdom of the ages — often provides that it is an example of how, even under the most adverse the best responses to some of our most intractable prob- external conditions, a society can still find ways to suc- lems. It is thus worth remembering that human beings ceed and thrive. One is even tempted to recall the old are themselves the bearers of wisdom, and that ingenu- saying, what does not kill you, makes you stronger. ity and innovation can often be found within our own The OPEC Secretariat has long supported the efforts societies and among our own people. of its Member Countries to rely increasingly on local hu- All this could not have been more apparent than at man resources and find local ways of doing things. It has, this year’s Iran Oil Show. For four days, international oil of course, consistently sought to support initiatives that companies, national oil companies, and service companies foster communication between producers and consumers from across the upstream and the downstream gathered in and has long strived to enhance the process of dialogue Tehran to renew old friendships, meet with officials, and and cooperation that takes place under various bilateral discuss investment and commercial opportunities. Around fora — and, of course, under the aegis of the International 2,000 companies from 38 countries were present at the Energy Forum (IEF). event, sharing their insights and their know-how with one But perhaps more importantly, the OPEC Secretariat another. But what was remarkable was that more than half has initiated various mechanisms and meetings designed of the companies at the Oil Show were from Iran. to enhance the ability of people in each Member Country There, on display, were examples of home-grown solu- itself to work competitively, creatively, and productive- tions and inventiveness, of knowledge spill-over and local ly. In this, events like the annual OPEC Research and innovation. And this spoke volumes about the ability of IR Development Forum and the Annual Statistical meeting, Iran to creatively find and develop their own approaches both held with Member Country officials, are particularly to the challenges of the oil and gas industry. It seems that worth noting. despite the difficulties of recent years, an entrepreneurial At such events, the talents and skills of the spirit has inspired academics, businessmen, researchers Organization’s Member Countries are powerfully on dis- and scientists in Iran to find ways to create their own solu- play. They serve as a reminder of the innate ability that tions and to achieve their own technological innovations, we all essentially have to respond to the challenges we building on the already existing research prowess of the all face. It is thus particularly worth remembering that country’s academic institutions. In doing so, they have OPEC Member States have access to one of the most im- been able to forge entirely new ways of doing things. And portant resources in the world: human capital. And when from products to processes, robots to regulators, power challenges abound, as they did for Iran, and when the ex- packs to water pumps, local resources have been found to ternal environment seems too daunting, as it has seemed be useful in helping the country’s industry become leaner, at times for some of our other Member Countries, then more dynamic and more competitive. we should remind ourselves that it is the people in these Of course, this flourishing of industry-related inno- developing nations themselves who may in the end pro- vations is not just limited to Iran. Other OPEC Member vide the best solutions — and indicate the best way to Countries, too, have been able to find their own path to move forward. Contents 4 8 22 Reuters Reuters Member Country Focus 4 Saudi Arabia embarks on major national transformation Iran Oil Show 8 The resilience of Iran Newsline 16 MENA energy investment to hit $900 billion over next five years 18 Bouteflika praises Algeria’s progress, oil and gas production set to rise 19 Angola sets guidelines for Sonangol restructuring 20 Indonesian regulator approves plans for 18 oil and gas projects 21 Iran seeks to double LPG output in post-sanctions era 22 Iraq’s southern oil exports near to record in April 23 Kuwait’s oil expansion plans have more emphasis on gas 24 UAE can become global clean energy finance capital 26 Global gas industry ready for significant growth — IGU Centre for Dialogue 28 Spreading the word — KAICIID Appointment 36 Saudi Arabia appoints new Energy Minister Obituary 37 OPEC prize winner Peter Odell passes away Publishers OPEC Membership and aims OPEC OPEC is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries established in Baghdad, on September 10–14, 1960, Helferstorferstraße 17 by IR Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Its 1010 Vienna objective — to coordinate and unify petroleum policies Austria among its Member Countries, in order to secure a Telephone: +43 1 211 12/0 steady income to the producing countries; an efficient, OPEC bulletin OPEC Telefax: +43 1 216 4320 economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming Contact: The Editor-in-Chief, OPEC Bulletin nations; and a fair return on capital to those investing Fax: +43 1 211 12/5081 in the petroleum industry. Today, the Organization E-mail: [email protected] comprises 12 Members: Qatar joined in 1961; Libya Cover Website: (1962); United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, 1967); This month’s cover shows the Hazrat Ibrahim Algeria (1969); Nigeria (1971); Angola (2007). Ecuador Mosque in Tehran (see feature on the Iran Oil Show starting on p8). Website: joined OPEC in 1973, suspended its Membership in Visit the OPEC website for the latest news and infor- 1992, and rejoined in 2007. Gabon joined in 1975 and mation about the Organization and back issues of the left in 1995. Indonesia joined in 1962, suspended its OPEC Bulletin which are also available free of charge Membership on December 31, 2008, and reactivated Vol XLVII, No 4, May 2016, ISSN 0474–6279 in PDF format. it again on January 1, 2016. 28 44 54 © Lukas Hüller © Lukas Shutterstock Food for Thought 38 Unique flavours reflect diverse cultural roots Vital Waterways 44 K eeping the world connected 50 Two canals with two distinct histories OPEC Fund News 54 OFID exhibition highlights plight of world’s refugee children Briefings 60 Visits to the Secretariat Vacancies 62 Employment opportunities Noticeboard 65 Forthcoming events Market Review 66 Non-OPEC oil supply forecast to slump but uncertainties remain 68 MOMR … oil market highlights OPEC Publications 73 Reading material about the Organization Secretariat officials Contributions Editorial staff Secretary General The OPEC Bulletin welcomes original contributions on Editor-in-Chief Abdalla Salem El-Badri the technical, financial and environmental aspects Hasan Hafidh of all stages of the energy industry, research reports Editor Director, Research Division Jerry Haylins and project descriptions with supporting illustrations Dr Omar S Abdul-Hamid Associate Editors Head, Energy Studies Department and photographs. James Griffin, Alvino-Mario Fantini, Oswaldo Tapia Maureen MacNeill, Scott Laury Head, Petroleum Studies Department Editorial policy Production The OPEC Bulletin is published by the OPEC Diana Lavnick Dr Hojatollah Ghanimi Fard Secretariat (Public Relations and Information Design & layout General Legal Counsel Carola Bayer and Tara Starnegg Department). The contents do not necessarily reflect Asma Muttawa Photographs (unless otherwise credited) the official views of OPEC nor its Member Countries. Head, Data Services Department Herwig Steiner and Wolfgang Hammer Names and boundaries on any maps should not be Distribution Dr Adedapo Odulaja regarded as authoritative. The OPEC Secretariat shall Mahid Al-Saigh Head, PR & Information Department not be held liable for any losses or damages as a re- Hasan Hafidh sult of reliance on and/or use of the information con- Head, Finance & Human Resources Department tained in the OPEC Bulletin. Editorial material may Jose Luis Mora be freely reproduced (unless copyrighted), crediting Head, Administration & IT Services Department the OPEC Bulletin as the source.
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