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PRICE THREEPENCE fflf : , : |H j '^^sy \ ^ ^^^ ? •

V0L' 1, 1886 ^ NOVEMB ER \ ^^^^ E / ! H !

s : I9B4 l

/ [JmH ^^ iis GENERAL RECORD S b 'WHmfm ¦ ; ]. • M ^BHUI , 3 vIP ^Hn ^^ HHi ^U < C :^^^ KIbI ^Sb of : ; msSmMSIi i I Wflm' i


, BflHI^BBM -^ ^Hbh ^^ BhHhL. HtumHSSsH ^I < cC i ^ ¦Ujj ^KH ^^ H '¦ ' WmmBM \r HjE//Qi ^skIb9b9

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' j hSi ^r ' i ^Hh ^ StII ^HUjI ; ^ H KSHI ^ra ^ ', ^^P^^ ¦ Kj ^lf i r' i ^^ ¦¦¦ B^H london \ iSam SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON | ^ CROWN UUILDINGS, 188 FLEET STREET, E.C. i^Pil ^ ja£LM*jy|l£^ ^'* ^v^ <9! P ^£££ j ^^^ M ^£ ^ g^^ ££ ?s?£3H ^^^ H i ¦ TME ; :: ¦ -Ilibl^aHHMi ^l ; ' ¦ .^ ! .. . . - . . -" , TBEMA ^: ^ ^^^ ^!^ ^^!^. .^^., I " . > rpHB FREE PRBSS occupies a leadin g pla ce a&o& ||||*^ Momi™ k / ^ ^ : r . . > . > J !«J3 ^l-;v - v - *1 THB FREE PRES S has the Universit y City of Aberdeen as. a oenta» and fchft northern half of Scotlandis for its fl J - proper. Special attention in devoted to Art , literatu re, Mlusic, and the Bftto fia. Its Publishers' <^lnnm take n advanfaJ c of by the leadin g ptibllsners , and for New Wor ks and Business Announcements of a& fcinito¦ ; the FBBE PRifs s has no ri3 ¦ as an advert ising medium in the wide and important field in which it circulates. - '- " : > : 1 v "v^E3 ^ riis ;*GJ- v rj cjBas ES ; Ov4i ^iB5r TE 1 Has a wide and ra pidly-increasing circul ation. It is a Jil gh-class paper for family reading, containing a complete syno J . of the news of the day and a literary department giving the cream of Current Llteiffttara. It is an excellent adver tisy . medinm. Four Editioaa are published Daily, and Special &iitioas as required. / V _ . -- "1 •RftnX and Post Oflflce Orders payable to AAbx. Mark , the Pobllsher , Daily Free Pi ^ and Evening Gazette Officer , Aberdeej ST. STEFHEN'S RUpW • . ,; - ' OF TA.CTB Aljri ) FAKGIBS , THOFGHTS , REALITIES J ^P S^&ft Publishe d on Thursday every week. With a lar ge F&li-page Presentation Chromo-litho gra phCARTOON for framing. This Journal , while ^ealing with Social Topicsin a spirit of The St. Stbfhkn 's Bbvzbw *as the lar gest circu lation j good tas te, never falls to instruct. It presents each week a 'any weekly "Conservative J Hlostrated Pa per in the Uniu show of Facts and Realities, and throwB upon-them a light as B^ngdorti, India , or the Gdl ^nlea. j brtlliant as it is original. It is essentiall y a Review writte n The St. &raPHBn !e Review, by its special feftturea J for Men and Women of the Woyld. Its varied Qualitiesto of position in the Social and Political Wor ld, U able to afloj Gaiet y, HumauT *,^ an *- Satire will afford entertainment all the most reliable infoiimation. J 1 carin g for, amuse ment apart from infor mation. It will, in „*. jw , p i Opinio^nd BriglishSociety., - ^ , ^ . i*i*%rntorin *mu a vainaM nnH omt,rfJ fact.fe a mirror botb of Nationareal on the ST. n»S^'SSfcSJ ^^ ^SSffiS ^^^Bfor the 1 The most celebrat ^ AjiJists stlflfof STBPHKir 's 7 s « 2?? S , *v , J ftBV»w , wh»ettiosecontribatin g pictorial work fnclade&o. Tom The St. STBPHB ^ftjaBV^Wls sobroirU jed by lwdd Mbbb y, Habr y FoBNisfiC G-borob Ob ^k^hank; &c. families in the kingdom, and has an extensive circulatid among all classes of society. The Duke of Beaufort , tlie Earl of Lytton , Lord Boss- of morb , Sir Richard Cross , Lad y Florence Dixie, CoL &. B. The St. Stephen's Rev^bw Cartoons ar e themselvj Mallbbon , C.S.I., the Hon. H. 6. Nouthcote , M.P., Hon. alone worth trie cost of the paper , independentl y of the! household as a vade meeum of the corrd ¦ M. O. Fino h-Hattok , M.P., and many others contribute to evvalue inof everythe tim the St, Stephen 's Ravraw. _^ ents es. Price SIXPENCE. Sold by all Newsagen ts, and at the Railway Bookstalls. PUBLISHIN G OFFICES -21 qOHN STREET , ADELPr4l t LONDON , W.C. NORTH WALES PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED OA KEN MOL T, FL IN T.

' ¦ ^ •* 'i ¦ MIL L USTO.i » 2 6. i• r- MAKERS OF Fine Printin gs and Yellows. Telegraphic Address: * OAKEWHOLT , JFZj JJV T.' THE EUROPEAN MAIL. E STABLISHED 1848. (BE \rE N DISTINCT PAPERS XT^DBB THIS TIT ^Kl.) _ P X, .8PANlSa TTBLISHKID I 3ST JBi 3ST C3- I S H, PRENTOH, A^r f READ IN ALL. PART S OF THE ^TQBI jD , AND 1"H K ' .' *" ' . BE ST 1M3EI >XTJ ]M [ FOK , AlO'VBItflT'XS Ellfe--« All inform atio n In respect of Tariff for Advertisement s and oth er matter s to be obtained on »pplio«tion to the MA"A" 161 QtJEEN VlCflfOBIA STABfi T, IiplTSO^ |S.O* j p ostal and f nadepayabl e 1? R. SCO I Orders Cheques to he^ TT, and crossed MA RUN & CO. ^ A THE COLONIES INDIA ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CEMTURY. READ BY ALL INTERESTEDAND Iff THE C0U)« B. 80O¦ "I? *r. Ofltoee¦ , iflKt Q,i*ee>n Vif^tiwrl¦ a * ' ' ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ' w ' ¦ ; ' : i " 1 ' : , ' - . - - . " •; .. •W : : • *¦' ¦ »l______¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦• ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ . i- t'i. ____~ ——-r22—' Sl . .. " . " " ' . " "" . "" ":. ' ¦ " ' '¦ '¦ ' •* '•¦ " — ' i » ^m . .» 1 1 ¦ ¦¦: ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ — ---^~ j ; / ; ; " ;,. , ; " (. " ' r ' ; *. '"y i y ' if . " ' :'j ' "" - " f ' fefr. " "^ 'f ' ' = M * \ \ " _ _r YT TY [Registered f or Transmission Abroad. 0 1179 _Vol. XLIX. . ^ --^^

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7 ^ ^ 16 01^^ AND arnrral ifotort i of 2fcriti£J) an& foreign Sitetatu rc CONTA1NIN O A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OP ALL NEW WOKKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN I AND EVERY WORK OF INTE RE ST PUBLISHED ABROAD I [Issued on the 1st and 15th. of each Month!]

W- « r I "NT 1^ OO^ 6S. PER ANN. ¦i ce 3d. November I , 1880 8s. per post

I CO2STTS3STTS ¦TERARY INTELLIGENCE 1282—1292 INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT ¦R LYLE'S ]• .vitLY LETTERS 1284 BEITAIN BETWEEN OCTOBEIi 16 AND 80 . 1292—1295 H T>n/Mr a TiTT -DT Tamin t\t QREATnnuiT BRITAINt>T5Tnr« a T"KT In .VCI- op CHIVALRY 1284, 1285 B00KS PUBLISHED IN M FROM: OCTOBER 16 TO 30 1295—1301 KTES AND NEWS 1285, 1286 rriT I VT'irrn RECENT FOREIGN WORKS 1301—1302 KTINENTAL^^ L^ i -r NOTES"»t /*n rn v *r** 1286-• *-» r~* •» , 1287-t c\r^ ^ I NEW BOOKS AND B00K3 LATELY PUB- iEPJCAN NEWS 1288 AND NOTES 1287, LISHED 1303-13 41 MS JOTTINGS 1288 MISCELLANEOUS 1342—1354 UAriY F 1288 > 1289 BUSINESS CARDS 1347—1351 ¦IDE CHANGE 1289 BUSINESSES FOR SALE 1352 fciESL'ONDENCE 1289 ASSISTANTS WANTED 1353 ¦XOUXCEMKNTS 1289 WANT SITUATIONS 1353 fcllKS AND ALMANACS 1289 BOOKS FOR SALE 1354 ¦HEWS, &c 1290—1292 BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE 1354—1359 I i hstidiej ix: to ^idttjeiR/TISIE^s mm k Sons 1351 Harper's Magazine iii Penny Library of Fiction iv mn< k Francis iii Hey wood & 8on ( Manchester) 134 9 Phillips (H. S.) 1354 I1' (W . H.) & Co, 1308 Hodder & Stougbton 131 1 Potter & Co. 1342 ¦l} md Navy Gazette 1352 Putnam's (Gr . P.) Sons 1318 iv Holmes & Son _m ^^^^^IV^Y P I . II / A I V ~ __ _ — — ___ ^m~— — ~f . . , > rf .rfk ¦*y & Co. (Aberdeen) 1361 Hurst & Blackett 132 9 Religious* * Tract Society—^~ 1323-1325-^^ ^^ ¦antyne Press 1351 Hutt (C.) 1359 Rickerby (M. S.) 1350 ¦ ¦ (JO. Nottingham 1320-132 1 St. Stephen's Review il ^_ 1341 Iabieter & Co ^^ I H fL f ^ ^^^ ^.^ . _ . _ _ _ . _^_. . ^m~~ . - m ^ ^K ^w ^ ¦ a ¦fff°n 1348 Isbiatcr (Wm.), Limited 1319 Scottish News Ill ¦*Vbon 1350 Kenny & Co 135 1 Seeley & Co 1805 —¦pod —,, v. aladon'•ta uuii , at vjo i-yiKJ oixvenooiv y, a..) loui. ^ ¦ 1 lair Ji. f~ \ & Co , .. 1329>\.&i\y Kentisj&txxt &

The Reduced Cost to the Retail Bookseller for Copies in an elaborate Ornamental WrapJ (designed this year), with Name and Address, can be had on application. | _ ¦ ^ ^ 1 188 Fleet Street : November 1, 188 6. scholarship is nearly smothered by the raj for hasty compilation. A few more articj De Morgan's amusing ' Budget of Para- IN such as Mr. Collins' would make us think ! doxes 7 the author naively tells a story the old Edinburgh and Quarterl y days whJ about a friend who showed him the proof the ink had more acid than it now has. Fr| the malt tax intended for — ¦ of an article on from personalities, nothing doss more <«A the next number of the Edinburgh Review. of than pungent criticism. Under ito infiuencl Nothing was ^wanting except the title the the author becomes cautious and is pretty cJ book reviewed. Mr. De Morgan asked what it tain to look twice before he takes his nel was, and his friend sat down and wrote at the leap. I head, ' The Maltsters' Guide (pp. 124), ' saying that would do as well as anything. The Booksellers' Provident Institution .! reviewer of Mr. Gosse's book in the Quarterl y At the usual monthly meeting of the Board ! has reversed this order. He first pulled the directors held at 56 Old Bailey, on Thuisdal

^p ^^^^F ^^ "™ *^^ ~^^ ^^ ^^ ¦ ~— -^ v victim to pieces, and then, evidently at a Oct.^ ^^^r ^^rf ^P 21—present^^^^B ^^^^^b B—^r ^^* v^^v ^^^^ ^^" ^^* v^ ,^V thirteen^^* ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ directors—C. 1^^^^H Longman, Esq., in the chair, the sum I lossAV/KJU whatII JlXUJ l/ to\J V-^ cal^/%*VJLJ~l hisO.A. JLKJ articleLV1 VXV/A\>,« satULV V down^-A. V-^ II JLJk and*^»A.*.v_* £111 5s. was granted in relief to " sixtv-J wrote ' Literature at the Universities. 5 members and widows of members. I It is doubtful whether all the universities of ' Coisttempoba^ry Review.'— ReadJ the United Kingdom will accept a share of the The of the current part will at once turn with intJ fi erce cast igation given by Mr. Churton Collins. est to the article on ' The Future of Journl Few of them deserve the infliction ; but ism,' by Mr. W. T. Stead. The writer taJ at the same time it ought to be a source of a veryvftrv exalted view oiof the mission orof mtl some satisfaction that the article in the press, more particularly in the greater centJ of the peopl Quarterl y Review may direct attention to a of human activity. A leader c« m.^-^ ^^ w^ helie saysoctves , ifi-i- a juuiiiaxxoi>journalist, needsnu ^u.o a neck-^^- capaWel— ¦ subject which certainl y requires attention. being stretched quite as much as if he is ;. \>nm We refer to the academical stud me assunl y of Eng-wlish minister. 'At present the journalistic literature. The question is an old one, although tion of uttering the opinion of the public I it is well known that the sins of omission and in most-rv- « i^ci + cases/-.oaoo , ao hollowT»/-vllrk -M7- fraudfr^ lir ) . InIT! thetllO caseC(l3G iB most London editors absolutely no attempt! commission are not altogether attributable 4-^ -C »-. TPn.llV ¦~-. «. A ^ ** r, ^.^-^.-J-^ -.TrV«rt4 - DemosTT^oTYT rk a really tliin|tlllllB to the course of study at the universities. made to ascertain what Opinions are exchanged in the office , ml Neither are schools and schoolmasters wholly drawing-room ; but any si club, or in the ¦ responsible. The fact is that English litera- tematic attempt to gauge the opinion even fi >r ture holds a very poor place in connection thoseLIlUHtJ whomW11U1II helie meetslllt3t3 UB thereU1CX C 10is none.i^" u - "As l¦ with examinations for the learned and other opinion of Londoners outside the limited raj that rema| professions. In the mercantile curriculum— of their personal acquaintance, to them an inscrutable mystery. (> if we may speak of such a course — it is ^| London everything, of course, is shrouded! j j l XI/~kTir inn 11V koiL«Oll(fl almost ignored. There is little demand, and even denser darkness.^ How many uj the supply is consequently indifferent. When editors even look half a dozen times m the yj contcmi the time arrives at which educationists will intoUltD theL11W sheetsHll«ti L» ofUl theirtllCli. provincialpiwYii^- will not unm^— recognise the expansive intellectual bene- raries ? Yet not one of them that pubhe op fits that may be conferred upon youths by a take to pronounce off-liand ) i j willwill notn ot, toleratet,ol <>rji.+,« thisthis,, or tliatthat piumimblif <>{-, - m- profound knowledge of the literature of h their insists on that. And all the while * ^Tl mother tongue, we may expect some steady as much about public opinion as of the p m advance in the stud It lS \j * Lama. at home j y, ,* at school, and opinion of the Grand J hese hh^^ at the university. imposture should cease.' T ^^m words from a very robust writer, wm» ' m Mr. Gosso has done excellent service to the U ^ throughout sustains its interest. * 111(J cause of English literature. But no one can 7 rich tlll9 temporary is otherwise .,I., ) feaB blame tlio reviewer for bringing his charges so contributions being supplied l>y ) ¦ r( r sharply to the front. They will do good by Sidgwick, Mr. Edmund Gossc, 1> B ceioi7? rl tl-™c I the interest they will awaken. Accuracy in Miiller. .Mrs. Fawcett. and other '_ _j_ —:==^''^M ^LKJ ^ c The Publishers' Circular 12 VqV. I , 1%6^° _^ ^J Messrs. Boussod, Taiadon", & _ Co. 's ago) began the paragraph under notice by not Engbavings.—These exquisite ait onlvy distinguisvJ hinOg them by%/ their properJL A rINI ATrRB ^7 been" issued in a special form, names, but called them " the younger Pre- acrelllS ins havIK * * *'e , . rTV U x suitable for the coming season. They are to tender " and " the elder Pretender." The be had in large variety, and probably will be the sentence (brief for obvious reasons) should be: favourites of the complimentary time among " Charles Stuart declared war against the those who are averse to high colour, and like Elector of Hanover, and proclaimed sovereign ( and graceful artistic work. Not one of of the Empire James VIII." The other 1 uiet • . . _ A - — ^k^^ L L- ^ ^r ^m t~ im s*m ^i t >v ^ *~ ^ *^ ^^ ^"* . <^^ ^^^ the engravings is unworthy of^^ a good frame. author's " blunder " is simply a matter of fact Xput briefly. The Highlanders were Library.'—Cheapness +f ^ AVarxe's ' Crown decidedly " unopposed in their march to the characteristic of this new venture. The is — — that the volumes are Edinburg-- Lectures¦•—¦ —¦ -- — — ,/ and The StoryV of a Feather,/ ' panic¦*• , and the trot became a GJgal opX ' ' Ivanhoe ' l in the ' Pete r Simple/ ' Jack Hinton , / wildest confusion. They halted at Leith a ' The Deer-Slayer / ' The Scottis h Chiefs/ ' Rory O'More ' ' Brace- few minutes, and again fled. Another halt at ' The Prairie Bird / , Preston Pans was a vain attempt to rally, for ¦ bridge-* » " ^ ~ Ha ll ;/ ' others are promised.X The a third alarm set them fl y«/ ingO to Dunbar,7 North works are neatly bound in cloth, and bid fair Berwick, and other coast towns. No wonder - attain a populariX. X ty/ equalJL to the Chandos to • ' EdinburgC_7 h-folk,* discouragedC-J at this cowardly%J Classics .' flight of the dragoons, let the dashing Came- Reminiscences of the Colonial and rons, after entering the city by stratagem, Indian " Exhibition.—Messrs. William Clowes have such easy work that no blood was spilt.' & Snn.s, Limited, will shortly publish, with the sanction of the Royal Comrtiission, a volume Mr. Gladstone on Bookbinding.—Mr. entitled ' Reminiscences of the Colonial and W. E. Gladstone sends the following to Indian Exhibition/ which will be illustrated Messrs. W. G. Stoneham & Co. :— ' I thank with two coloured plates, seven etchings, you for the books you have just sent me. The

(including portraits of H.R.H. the Prince of manufacture of a book,7 aparJ. t from its com- AN ales . Executive President of the Royal position, is of immense interest, and the Commission,tommission, andand Sir»ir PhilinPhilip UOnnliffeunlitte Owen, thetrie binding is a portion of the work which seems Secretary), twelve full-page and upwards of to require attention at the present day, when eighty€i (_r lit\' smu-ll^r illnsif.ra.f.inTia ir» f.li A -tewi Thft smaller illustrations in the text. The its xprice and qualix ty,%j ' and the circumstances of— princi pal features of the Exhibition will be production, are compared with what they full y — — — illustrated, and every court wall be were sixty»/ years»/ ago.(^j You appearX. 1. to attain represented , many by several pictures. ^NTo very perfectly the object of compactness, less than twenty have been allotted to the with some other advantages to which you ( pii'luiii Empire, and the popular Palace, with refer. I am not entitled to suggest, but I ' its¦is nauvin;itivo. hp, ' ." artisans.artisans, Durbar HallHall,, will be fullyfullv supposeXX it importantX to «you/ to reduce to the fc'Ttniytd. The illustrations are all from the utmost, what you have already reduced con- ¦hand of Mr. Thomas Riley, ofthe designer of siderably, viz., the thickness of the metal ^co¦lie Commemorammemorativetive DinlomaDiploma of the Exhibition.Exhibition. plates, so that your metallic sides may not R1 I editor , a member of the executive staff be heav ier than sides of card-board.—I remain— 7, m tlie lu)y ;il Commission , has been Itindly your obedient servant, W. E. Gladstone.' ¦ »3J3ti-(l , XJM. — m thevnv- preparation^Ji. \^ya,L €J>U±KJl x. of theIj ILKJ letterpressICUlCipiCOl w)' the Executive Makion & Co.'s New Catalogue.—Messrs. , Commissioners of the —|ari( us colonies.v.wwiUCO, JL Uti WOIK. Will UtJ Marion have sent ua a copy of their new Trade 1 ;i The work will be boundL>UU11*J. ¦J . handsome Indian design. Respecting Catalogue. It is a bul ky book, with a mar- W" m new work, we are informed that Her vellous assortment of articles, which are both \ y useful and ornamental, as the saying K'M ^t the Queen haa graciously consented ' »/ O Ogoes. |° a^ep t the dedication. The catalogue contains goods in the firm's of second, third, and fif th departments. In the ¦ ¦ tionahy National Biooraphy lr - third we observe the albums, bags, Christmas | - ^•Mm Westby Gibson writes:— 4 My atten- cards and a multiplicit 1 U! , y of requisites of a like ft " ;J ^^n called to the Publish ers' Circula r description. Card cases, cigar cases, frames, M ct« ,l)orJ 1 , in which you speak of two verj letter cases,/ pursesJL ,/ &c., are found in the fifth— 1(>Us k * ¦I blunders " in my memoir of Donald department. The second department is almost ¦ ¦ I^ , of Lochiel ¦ ¦ V" of , in the last volume of th <3 wholly devoted to photographs (plain and ^tionary National Biography. Th« frames t of '^ coloured), , cfec. The latter department W '^; technical error the press—the word embraces appliances for the photographic arb. ' iS llJ wing ft r f slipped in unobserved . So Everything considered , Messrs. Marion's Cata- K l( ) ll i confounding Charles ¦ ¦ t} Edward JStuart logue is interesting to look over ; it ofis well • anifs Stuart, I (who wrote a magazine illustrated and from ' point ¦ ¦ , , aT^rodo view, __ — uii» »o-canea rebellion tlnrty years well compiled. ^ 1284 The Publishers' Circular Nov > j g86 | ^== ¦ CARLYLE'S EARLY LETTERS.* ' I have not yet seen much of the country, but I the crops seem more backward than in DuTn fr;oo I These two volumes contain letters written »jii*j. \j vi ^ ^ui shire.v. Theyj - uuj arei*t. busyWM.CT JT exportingui u^ potatoes^ytawcs irotti between the years 1814 and 1826. They will from thinthU III place to England—what part I know not—so the II be read with genuine delight by admirers of article will probably be dear.' I the sage, and must, in future, be looked upon The following is a passage from the last I as indispensable to all serious students of his letter sent to Miss Welsh before life and work. In a recent pamphlet, em- their marriages I bodying a hitherto unpublished letter of in October 1826 : j Carlyle's, Dr. Hutchison Stirling remarked ' The last speech and marrying words of that unfortunate youngr~^ woman Jane ±5aillie Welsh that the historian-philosopher's character seems • ^ * 1 * ^ ¦ I one of still great and unsatisfied interest. received on Friday morning, and truly a most I This cannot be disputed, and we f ancy that aehgntiuLdelightful andana swan-like melody was min themthpm a.. the two volumes now published will do some- tenderness, and warm devoted trust, worthy of such a maiden *, biddingC- farewell to the (unmarried)X —*-«- i-» \.Ult IX thing in the direction of enlightening the * y earth of which she was the fairest ornament. Dear little I public respecting that interesting period in child ! How is it that I have deserved thee, deserved «¦* f ..* sh^-* ._ Carlyle's life when, as a student , his character a pu rer and^ nobler heart than falls to the lot of I was being f ormed, and his modes of thought millions ? I swear I will love thee with my whole I established. heart, and think my life well spent if it can make Besides his domestic correspondence, thine happy. . . . Your own day, Tuesday, as was

j# ~ ^ — — "^~ ^^ ^»^ ^» ^^ ^ w curious through the light it throws on some fitting,^ I have made mine. Jack and I will surely simple phases of Scottish life, Carlyle then call on Monday evening ac Tempiand, most likely exchanged many letters with three college after tea, but I think it will be more commodious friends—James Johnston, af terwards parish for all parties, that we sleep at the inn. You will schoolmaster at Haddington ; Thomas Murray, not see me on Monday night ? I bet two to one you who became a minister ; and Robert Mitchell, will I At all events I hope you will on Tuesday ; so, one of the masters of Edinburgh Academy, as Jack says, * it is much the same.' Do you know who died in 1836. At all time3 free with his aught of wedding gloves ? I must leave all that to little you, for, except a vague tradition of some such correspondenceJL ,s even to those who had thing, I am profoundly ign orant concerning or no claim to such attentions, as well as with the whole matter. Or will you give any ? Ach the transmission of his thoughts, it was to be der guter Gott ! Would we were off and away expected that the new collection would contain three months before all these observances of the a good deal that was worthy of preservation. ceremonial law ! I could say much ; and what

To some readers,r of course,r the matter will were words to the sea of thoughts that rolls throug h

not appear to have that importance which my— ^ ^— w heart^ M» -^ -^- — ^~ »* when¦ v ^» ^ ^^ ^^t^m I^^^^ feel^^ -^^ -m^ ^v that^^ ^m^b -*~r^ ^^ thou-^^ ^ ^ '^^ -w^v art'^ m ^— -^^ mine^ ^*-^m -~ - ¦ -^ ,v that-~ — — - — — I am— should be associated with the products of thine ; that henceforth we live, not for ourselves , our Carl ' y v this the but for each other ! Let us pray to God that yV le s -A.pen , but notwithstanding— ' ,' yV will be slow to lay down the book once they holy purposes be not frustrated; let us trust in Him have begun it. One of the earliest of his and in each other, and fear no evi l that can befall us. My last blessing as a lover is wiih you : th U letters home is dated Kirkcaldy,ms r Septembera is mv ln«;t- lpff.A-p tr> Tm.ti pi WaI «)i f^nnrl mVht., then ; 1818. It describes his prospects : is my last letter to Jane Welsh. Good night then for the last time we have to part. In a week I see y rospects n this place are far from, bril- ' M p i ou; in a week you are my own. . . ." liant at present. About a month before I went y away a body had established himself in my nei gh- The appendix: supplied by the editor con- the use made bourhood and taken upI. a school,r but could make tains some severe remarks upon next to nothing of it. During the vacation , however, by Mr. Froude of other parts of the pre- I he seems to have succeeded in getting most of my nuptial correspondence. « scholars, and to-day I mustered only twelve. This /; will never do. The people's rage for novelty is the V l cause of it, I suppose, for the poor creature is very fi "\, I i• gnorant_ i , and1 very much1 gi• ven toi drink"I • 1 . IT make1_ . ROMANCES OF CHIVALRY.* no doubt I could re-establish the school , but the Here we have another of Mr. Ash ton's — — - — — — — — — — — fa ct is I am very much tired of the trade,j and ver«/y ^ -^s \juiivy uo t viuuivu< it uivii Mime ^i* *. w us«— scenes anxious to find some other way making my bread , curious volumes, which bring, before*s* of seems and this is as good a time for trying it as any other. and life in the remote past. Mr. Ashton that \ J\J KJ \J CAj JL *. 111U\J1UIU1C1UI U1V l UUVUVi. ofw-*. things~ £3 IrvingO is CJg oin Og awa— »/y too,r and 1— shall have no to be an indefatigable rescuer associate in the place at all . I think I could find are good in the social history of our ancestors. private teaching, perhaps about Edinburgh , to Unless such rescuers were among us, much that support me till I could fall into some other way of isiaworthv worthy otof lifelite would bebe lost to modern ruau^°,readers ; doing. At any rat e, I have more than sevonty the labour of collecting being often a labour \ pound s (besides what I send yon) of roady money , gone, but its ( of love. The age of chi v alry is and that might keep mo for a season. In short, I still animates (as it has done for centu- spirit ¦% i ' only wait for your ad vice till I give in my resigna- ries). \ the.1 impulse• "I ofr- Eng-m lish-i • poetry_X—.v , I414 *'0"*I'Olll "» »» V-» KSl ~ ' tion•^ • ^" a* gair*) ^'^ nst-» x* theM. V-* begKS V f~, inningA M. A A M. M ML* j ofV^ K JLJecomber..*—* \*J V- VJIU +*J ^- X. • I-»- hav*»««* » e^v k «w»» to renew thisVjlllO aloneM.\J M l. VJ itA.U is-1U especialVO IJVV/1M11Jly interestingAliU*-*-*- C) C \\ thought of trying the law and several other things, nugei VU old acquaintances by scanning tho *-* « -*- A-at wTvy IA\JU ^V- w JUIUlilHitlUllt/j ^/v/UV' »' but^^ I have not yet^7 gotfS correct in/ormation about \S -*—¦ JL «. t^J ^y ••¦ +-J V .* ; any of them. , Give my kindest love to all my Mr..JLT .A- *. * Ashton.A. m. *_7 kt V V^ 's well-storedW V * V ^- ^ A ^ > *-*L volume.»^ — — - Not a few of the time-worn romances n^ ' brothers and sisters. 1 cxpoct a letter very soon , c;lIlf for I shall be unhappy till I resolve upon something. been edited and reprinted under the ¦»« ' 1 | | In the meantime, however, I remai n , my dear father, some«.w»^-« ^-v learned1 ^. *x -»-» .rwl societies.r.«ni /^ti' nr. TheI K . "» archaismO f/'llH mill <>OI » * ^ __ • ~ rfV* . a 1 r a* * * J a u f yours affectionately, Thomas Carly le.' language has, perhaps, prevented _ — ' 1 ^ fi,¦ 'Si iru ' ' * Ea rl y Letters of Thbyria s Carlyle. Edited by Charles * Romances of Chii airy, told and illustrate * i" . ,, w .M^* unwin. _ ^^^ ^it^Kv-uAa* V r a A \ « V/ *-» • All. Ut> V * *~l 1 4 4l I A VJ»V \_^/ \./ « >W V V/lOt By John AahLon. -Lori ion : J,. lsa er _ * * JL' ^ ^ ) , T ,g86 The Publishers' Circular I28c.

diffusion , very few in our time having the A selection from the miscellaneous works

bbb» b ^^ b ^ w b>bb, ¦ »¦ *b» f\b^ — ^ ~^ ^^ ~^ ~^^ ™* ^bb- ™ ¦ ^^ ^™^ w «^« «• ¦ b^ b— » f r _r ^b^ bb Bfc v v bWb^ • ¦ ¦ ™ ^b » w ^* » ^—^ t _ m jl , j_, b ^ or the enthusiasm that would urge them of the late Rev. Mark Pattison will be^^ broug^^_- ht ~fts of old forms of the rT«to a close^irvcip studstudvy or oia rorms or tne j^ngiisnEnglish out by the Delegates of the Clarendon Press.

- ¦ — ™—¦ ™ "" ™~ — ™ "BB > "¦— ~BB B^"™^^ tongue. In Bonn's Antiquarian Library there Professor Nettleshi^^ " B- — ^~" p¦ *- *" and" - V ^» Bl ^— Mr.^bM* b^bVbBb V B y¦ water¦ W ™^™» " ^ *b* tffc areWi I — «^. B ^^ is an excellent book, which has not at- spoken of as probable editors. its deserved popularity, the check _» ¦ ¦ tained ¦ ^V B^ I _ I ¦ _ .^k ^- * Mh ~^ta- - ^^^ Bm «K - ^» ^m .^B. Bb^^h^ BB- ^b^B^ M ^ ^ ^^ bb — - ~— -r — '¦-w - — — -m-r -« -b» —b ^b, b - ¦ ¦ W ~ ~ ¦ b ^P^ ™ being the forbidding word ' antiquarian.' Good Words duringb^bbi^^ ^ ne^ *' ' xt^ yearl ^ ^ is toW ^^ publishKmF " h*^ V**T ^ b*i •*«? bb ^fc a, anv 5 a series of studies on Bible Characters by ' Is therefTi^rf> any reason/reason. remarkremarkss thetne editor.editor, ' ,' < why [the romances] should not be made the late Charles Reade. other stories ? People will as attractive as A count thern Sagas, or North American y history very popular and long out read the Nor of print is to be republished : we refer to Indian legends, and tales of wonder ; fairy 7 eagerly perused ; whilst Calder ^ s ' History of Caithness. folk-lore tales are /» i i and . . mi _ i^i the Oriental^ * romances of the Thousand and Messrs. Blackwood ___ & Sons^__ will speedilIT y%/ 1 - -. "-— — —- - — — - j —-— — — ~ AJ lX\S Nights-*- ' ifc** '"' are--w- devoured, not only^j by^j the i One -¦ i • ¦* j* i i i publish England and Russia Face to Face in . . ^ young, but by children of a larger growth. Asia : a Narrative of the Afghan Frontier

* II W " -1 ^^ B»* ** "*^ *B^ BBfc ^B^ —B> ^B> B^ W ^^- —- ^B- — M -— —— b^ * «fc Bfc " ^ ^ ^ These^ 1/?^^ ' Romances^ ~^ of Chivalry^ ' deal— — — in no Commission,' by Lieut. A. C. Yate, of the In- greater marvels than are contained in the telligence Department, Government of India. foregoing examples, and they do give us a Lieut. Yate accompanied the Boundary Ex-

wnn rl Arfnl insioht into the manners and — the manners and ¦ ^^ — — ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ .^^^ ^^^ P 1111 V^H ^r 1 i ~ H into V. ^* ^ ^P ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ V^i ^. F^^P ^M ^ ^^ . ^^H wonderful insiglit pedition as special correspondent^^^^ ^^^. ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^. ^^T of^^^ ^^^ the^^ ^^~ ^^" ^Hr customs of our own country centuries ago.' Pioneer of Allahabad and of the iJail y Tele-

BB BB. ^^ " ^^^ —• B» «/« B^^ Bf b»BB, -BbT ^^Bfc ^Bfl. ^B^ W- ^^ -W ^ ^ - B¦ B> B B| -^ BB* ^B^- — — £ ^^^ Bb| ^^ ^^ " ^ *B^ Ab« ht it^^ advisable to has thoug ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^'^ ^^^^^ ^^ *^^ ^^^^ ^^^"' ^^^ ^*^ ^^^^"* ^*^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^— ^^^ Ashton m Mr. «««% a j M ^ * _ — ^ ^ a . ^bi a m ^ grap h, and his book is based on his letters reproduce the illustrations in facsimile. This to these journals . The march of the Com-

*fe ¦ ¦ W B I BB> ^— BB. ^BV BB - ~^~- -~~ W y^ % \j\ RtB* V>^# B» bW V «^ ^* ~^^ A* ^K V *^^ ^«^ IV W «B^ ^^^ W B* bB^ B,^ V BB- ery * ¦> V ^— — — ^— ~~~- v ^n -v ^h ^w ^v ^b H ^^ -^^ ^v^ ^ ¦ ¦ * vt^ ' volume. VPJk ^^ ^^ r ^ ^^^ ^tf^ V ^^ ^^ ^V ^F ^M^ ^IV ^m^ ^^ ^^^B a little interest to the ^k ^^^^ ^^^ adds mission through Southern^^^ ^^ and Western few of these quaint old cuts have been re- Afghanistan, the topography of the country,

~- -^b* m^ ¦ ~ -* ^B ~^BB- ^BB '^ BB- ^B "^b » . B ^B*- ^^— —¦ -^^ » — ^B^ B> ^ — ^ V^ V* ^-^ ™^ ^^ ^W* '^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ iven are ^~ ~^ — -- — ^ ^^ -^~ — ~— — ~^^ -^— ^^^ ^^~^r ^^^ -^^ -^ ~^^- produced. Some of those now g and the character^ ^v ^^^* ^^^v of^"^ ^^^ the^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ tribes^" ^^ b ^^^ *^q^r ^ ^^ ^ "^^ ,^B are^.^^^^^^ ^^^^ d^^v^^v escr^M^ v^v ^^^ ^^^ i^^^ bed¦ ^^^v -^^^^ supposed to be far older than the date of with minuteness ; and further light will, it is

BBB— ^B» r ^B^ ^B ^ BP ^B^ ^B -Br '^BV ^B^ ^— ~— V B> B ^^ ¦ ^^ ^Bb VV afc^V-^B ^^^ V.^ . ^ ^Bb ^Hl ^B v '^i^ B^ ^^ B^ ^.^ W ^B. ^ ^b^^ ^B' ^BB ^ ^^^ * the volumes which they%J illustrate. Mr. Ash- said , be thrown upon the affair of Penjdeh.— ton guarantees their fidelity, the facsimiles

being^W» ** ^> ^— ^— BBh the^^F ^^ ^Bt ^M* workV * ^*^ B^. d^^B^V of^^^ VIB hisWt ¦¦ ^V> PBb* own^^^^ ^ « ^^. HB1 hands.a^B ^^^ ^^^^ ^^B BB1 ^BT^* *^0^ W The^^^^*^ BBV ^^v ^^^ selec-v -^— -^^^ h -^- tion of romances has been carefully carried The first two numbers of the Journalist ,

« ¦ >** 4 W m » ¦ B^^ B ¦» * ¦¦ V V MB, BB> BB» BB I BT " ^B- -~ *" —- ^- ^«B V B,^- _ ^^ » ^ «B- V

B B ^IB bB. B> BBk bB BH * -^B- A^ ~~ goodkHh ^- ^ ^^^ *B-B^ Eb^^b SV ngBfe^ taK lish•¦•'^IVAbI history^ ^Bl IV «^ \y ^b T of^—^ ^b chivalry«b^«^ ^B fe ^fc has large amount of intelligence bearing on I still to be written. We possess no book equal journalism at home and abroad. It is to be | •¦ to the magnificent * La Chevalerie,' by Leon publishedJT " weekly,^7 and each number" is em- j ._ _ bautier. be^» llishedM *A #* ^B ^^ with^ ^ a portrait of^m. a leading^A ^^ B journal-^.^ ^B j• K> i ist. The subjects and style of the contents are as yet somewhat crude, but will doubtless j $otc£ mat &c\u$. improve. Certainly there was an opening for \ a paper such as the Journalist . • %* We think it advisable to remind our

v » adver* tisers¦¦ ' ¦-¦«>_ > ._- »J howA1V Tf important1 141 |- / V/A. \*%JVM.JL\J itM. \J isAU to*/V^ haveA JLI ^V ¥ v the-_/ j l -l >^ Mr. Fennell writes to the Athenseum : copy for the illustrated advertisements in the ' The excellence of the materials already col- Chris• >uviiluu 1.1 UlllU^l OUUU 111 «_/l/O tin 1/ tj \A,o wuo n/ iV tmas Number sent in as early as possible,j lected for the " Stanford Dictionary of Angli- so as to put us in a position to give every cised Words and Phrases " makes it all the j

atten ^^ v ^h ^i^i^r ¦ tion to the printing. ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^1^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^-^^ ^.^^ ^^ h ^B* ^^^ ^^ ^fe"^^r ^i^ ^^b ^^^ ^^^^ r^^ ^^^ .^fe ^k> ^^^ '^^^ .^^ ^^^ W^^r ^^" ^^^^r ^^~ ^^* ^^ ^^^^ ^^"^ ^^. ^^" ^"^^ ^^'^^^ ^^^ ^"^^* ^B^r more necessary»/ that fresh assistance should be Already we have received several of the enlisted, so as to make the quality of the 111 season^«». 'su annuaulll ll uaiOls.( TheseJ. 11COO willVT lll beKTU noticed1.XKJ l/A^/ V>X-* in ourVUl articles as even as possible. I therefore hope next issue (Nov. 15). that you will allow me to ask your readers for help : 1 , with respect to the desiderata, of * An Autumn Idyll' is the name of the C* which the first instalment can be had on elegant- O--"u colouredvwiuuiOU pUiatDlate appearingCb Vj yjKDOil. XAl^ asC*O a frontis-AAV^iiUio ^_^ ¦ ¦ •^f ^~ b ^ v^ *^~ ^^r ^^4 ^^^ ^mr ^^ ^r « ¦ * ^ ^^^ ^v ^^ ^^ ^— ^^^ ^^^ ™ ^v ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^. m ^^tf^^^r ^^* ^^> ^^^^ ^b^ ^^^ F^^V ^^^ ^B ^^^^^ ^^ l^' ^.^^ ^- ^ ^^ h -^^ piece to application to the editor (address^ , Trump- : the first part of ' The Lady's World ' ington, Cambridge) ; 2, with respect to old ,^ 4t V1O /yj (Cassell^ & Co.).y ^ m j m Thisa. 1110 newnow magazineiiicii^a/^iiic? ofv-»x fashionlaonivii .- Bi "^^ -BB ¦¦¦ -Bb Bf BB *- ,W ~— and societ lists^" ^B ^fe^ "^ m>*0 of~*m^ ^^ wordsW ^ '» »-* ^^ '^-'^ r- ^ said^ ¦ ^B to^B' ^i ^ beP » of^*^ BBfe recenbB* ~ ^^ " * ^^ ^^ ^B t introduction^pB B ^B» ^ ^ B B ^^ '^ ^^ — ^— ^ ,BM y begins well. The variety of the such as those given by Puttenham , North, con tents may be judged from the following H™ ™ ^^r^^ olland^^^ ^^" ¦ ^»^ ^r —^ ™ ^^ ^^ bb Dry^^^^^-^ ^^^ . den^^ ^™ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ,wm v ~ — pecb ^ ^^^ ^^ tator™ ^ ^^ ^^ ^»»^ ^"^" ;^B^ ' 3^ *~ ,^h wi™ ^ ^^^ th^— ¦ i ¦ respect¦ ^—^ — b ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ hat : Notes of the Month ; Fashionable Mar- , 'S nages (illu to the systematic search for new words and strated) ; Pastimes for Ladies ; phrases in newspapers and periodicals ; 4, f ashions for November ; a Story by Mrs. ^ashel with regard to the systematic reading of books, Hoey ; Dramatic Notes ; Society Plea- especially of those produced between 147 0 and sures ; FloricultureAr for November ; Musical L «/ 1- ^<»te s ; tistic Occupation for Ladies Hair- 1G00 A.D. ; 5. witli respect to the contribution ; nf anv wnrrlR or TihhrasesraflHH likellikpiiv to V) p. inr^liifl piri dressing ; Dinners of any words or p y to be included , &c. under the scheme, especially early, rare, or Miissrs. Campbell & Tudhope (Glasgow exceptional uses.' aiul London) issue a bright collection of cards suitable A paper on the library of the British for the approaching season. TheaI, r. i-1 1* _ „ curds'-' < *r(I R are•» »»n mos¦»-*-» ^-v tly~— religious? in" so farc^ as~ the^ Museum, from the pen of Dr. Richard Garnett, jnottoes are so long known to all frequenters of the read- ln concerned. Extremely moderate price, they are pretty in design , nicely ing-room , will be found in the November

¦ ¦ ..fluted , and well printed. number of CasselVs Maxiazinc. wI w i 1 ' ¦ — h

1286 The Publishers' Circular. Nov ¦ ^ igg The Religious Tract Society's J3o?/'s Ottm M, Unwin will issue * Legends and Poptilar^^^ 1 Paper and GirV s Own Paper begin new volumes lectio a of Tales of the I with the November part, which has just ap- Basque People, ' by Madame Monteiro. • _ __ ¦# Con- 1 • t .L i M J. J.1 ^ lt ,«i * «. 1_ n , . ¦ peared. sidering the little that is known of the history I The new part of the beautiful Magazine of of this interesting people, considerable bis- 1 Art begins a new volume this month. torical importance is likely to attach to these I folk-tales and traditions. I Messrs. Virtue & Co. have added to their

VBB^ ^__ ~m^ BBBB — — — .— — — -— - . - V BB- «b^ J * (Noyember) ^* ** V/ l/ CL/fjf f successes by the fine appearance of this year's Tlie first number of the Biblical I^bI ' Art Annual ' whinh is rlfivniRfi to lYTr. Alma Illustrator has been published by Messrs. ' Art Annual, which is devoted to Mr. Alma ' Tadema, his life and works. Mrs. Helen James Nisbet & Co. The editor is the Rev.,

-^— ¦ ~» V-m*- W B ^^ ^ta^ B. ^^ Bb J ^ T**m** V «^^^^ ^^^~ ^"^ ^Bf^P— BB — — — ' ^b' ^B^ "^ ^ _J | ¦ I *-** Zimmern supplies the text. The illustrations Josep^^ ^^ h S. Exell, M.A. The object | of^ thej and literary matter are all that could be publication is to supply anecdotes, similes, desired. emblems, illustrations, expository, scientific,

__. __ __ _. _. ^^^ . ¦ ¦ ' • « ¦ » «¦ ^— -^ " ¦ ""^ ^_ .^ ^ ^ Br ¦ | ^¦B ' ^-^ ^^ ¦ ¦> m*^ B> B».*fc ^B^ ^^ ^-^ H geograp^^ |^ ^ "H hical, historical¦» , and homiletic, on^ ^ ^ ^J —a ¦ ¦ ¦ the The edition of the November Century, verses of«« the« ^ Bible.'v • 1 St.-C* Matthew"Tt iV ill is• illustrated• * which contains the first chapters of the «¦» ¦ J t ^B W^^" k «"k " BV>^fc«B» P**' ^^ ¦ Bl ^^-"» ^» ¦* — — " ™ ^ — ^—^ ^ " B. « ^V ^i^ Bt ^ B^ in^"" the^ first part. Mr. Exell intimates J^ ^ ^ ^f «A that authorised Life of ta ' BV « Btf ^ ^Bl > * 1*1 #"J^ . .B Lincoln, and the opening he will be glad to receive literary illustrations of Frank R. ' ' The , Stockton s new novel, anecdotes, andana homiliesHomines on thetne verses ofot thethp. Hundredth quarter- s, Man/ will be a of a New Testament . million copies.

mt Bb bBA 1 m m *B" W ¦ • ^^ ^ » ^^ *-^W » ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ "~ r ^ '^ ^ ^" mmr^ - ^^B. ^B mf Bl The^ ^ ^# Bir^^^ ** mingham Post say^^ s that Messrs.•^B * ** f^J ^ Mr. Cundall's the Life of ' Anaals of Cornish Brothers, of that town, are about Shakespeare ' is a very handsome volume, ^bF ^ n-^ m***r *WVBk r *tm^ BVa *m r r ^» ^bb 'm mj ^ ' ^.^ ^» ^ B- Hi ^ ^"^^ "^^ '^ ¦ ** ^— '"^ ^ ~ ^^ — — ^~ ^— ^^ .fl^B Bk Bb r to publish a^ volume of poems,^ entitled * The^ well printed bound. , well illustrated, and well Last Crusade, and other Poems.' The author The author is to be complimented upon the '^ ¦^ — ^ ^ V ' -^—^ — ¦ ^» ^m' mmm Bi b ¦ is^B^ J^^ Mr.B^B- ^H* mmt Ba ¦ AlfredB^^ «*^ ^"^ ¦¦^¦ ¦» ^*^ ^^^"^ HayeswB^Bfe ^m^^T W , M.A.^" (son of the latB* e^B» care which he has the com- bestowed upon Town Clerk). The volume is to appear on the pilation of this very acceptabl e volume. 1st of December, and will include ' The 6 y ¦ ¦ BW BBBl m m m r ~ —mm — — — — — — — — ^^— — ^— -mr — ~mr Miss Braddon's Christmas Number, The Death^^^^ m^^^f V^^' jf ~^^^ ¦¦ BV> of^^^^ BB Saint^^mmf W^^^ " ^.i ^B* ^^ » Louis^^* ^ ^**^^ ^^ * ^^ ^ (aK ^ ^" small^— ^^^ ^^— ^^ issue of which Misletoe Bough/ has now been published by was printed for private circulation two, years Messrs. Maxwell. ago, and was then favourably noticed in the

» m m m ¦ ~M ' The Anniversary Book ,' a record of ml^^^ ^ .mm* * ¦ nmna* ' m\ m* ^^ » Bfc ^ B^ **mT of***** mWf tho'^^ ~-~ ^— ^B^ ^^^"Post) ""^ . ' The Burial of Saint events, with practical suggestions as to its use, Louis,' and some short lyrical pieces.' by E. M. M., is announced by Messrs. George Waterston & Sons, Edinburgh and London. Messrs. Taylor & Francis will shortly pub- Continental Hhiteisr*

^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ¦ ~ ^^~^ ¦ ww ^^^^v ^B> V ^^ BB ^ ^*> » ^ ^^^ .BIB ^^^ ^BF ^BB ^^^fe ^B»^* ^BV ^BV^ ^'^V ^>^^B ^B^ Vfl Bh^^ b B ^ ^^^ ^ * ^V > ^^^^ BF BL lish a work b•/y Mr. T.V Mellard" ^"^^ v ^B Reade,7 F.G.S.,^ 7 entitled ' The^^ Origin of Mountain Ranges.' Austria has not yet signed the Berne __ _ — _ protection of Literary Copya. v - convention for the j ^ ^ Mr.^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ T.^^^"* ^ Fisher^^^^ "** *^^ ^ Bk ^ ¦^ ^B^ * ¦ * Unwin^^^^ ^Bk BV. * T B^ 4fc bb has^K 4 VS^ ^ f I' ll J* ^Bh Bk ^ ^^" ^ V * bV> r . ^^ ^^"^Bl ^^^ ^#Bj ^, BT ( now issued a right. volume of Romances of Chivalry told and / Her reasons for drawing hack are two : »^^ W ^ii^^ ^mf ^^ Bk ^B» ^B> ^^^ ^^ bi ¦ q« ^^ ^B» ^ar ^"^ •» ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^i* illustrated in facsimile,7 by John Ashton. The \JV ¦¦ M ^^y ¦» "/«W W b% ¥ h ^ ^L » J ^bJJL y A ^^ J. bL ^J ^J A JL literary*- ^* ^^ ** fL* convention^-/ V^ ^^ ^^ ^*^ •* ^ ^•' ^* between"^ ^^ book is embellished with forty-six illustra- Firstly, that the Austria and Hungary, although authorised by BB> B»f ¦ * ¦¦ ~~ ^_ ^p« ^B. _ 1 W ¦ ¦ tions,~J taken^ — ^ ^ r ^ ^^^^ ^v from^ *" «B •• ^BB contemporary^B^ ^i^h^ A «¦> »* ^^ B> F ^* ^" ^ "^ fc ™* ^^ ^^ F engrav^*'^ ^^ ** Mb ^ ^"^ ings•" ^ *A "^** V , has not yet teen which throw interesting li ht on the manners the Council of the Empire, g that the existing }aw of and customs of the middle ages. * Melusine,' ratified ; secondly, ¦*-' 4 copyriV V/ |_ / T X J. £i. htA L%J is+.U quite*~1 IAA. VV anti«.« *. *. UJL quateV4 V* l-*» V\-/ dx-^ andv^w**>--•. does-~— -T r" not g ^K ^h 9 fl Robert the Devy and ' Howleglas ' are ^^ ^^ B— ^B B, ll/ development of literary among the romances included. tally with the modern production, more particularly in the domain Kirton's * Happy Homes,' and several other of music and art.

^~ ~~ ^~ *^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^"^ ^"^ ^^ «¦>« ¦> r^^^ H B v ^b. bV« «h «^ A ^ h, %-« VJb/ ^4 ^*^ _^ T_ ri r%^ ^B. ¦^B r »<_^ ^B> . temperance1 works, will inJV. future^k *^^ ber^^ ' ^ ^^^ pB ublished^ ^^^ ^ 'V* R is therefore in contemplation to re- by Messrs. Marshall Brothers. L11U TT 11V1V »-* » \J IT m w-a-u -*w » .-. -w . . — the considerV>VHOJ.L4 ^A the whole subject*-> *• ' I v V- with a view to 4 - ^ ~ ^^ ¦ * ^ ^H '' V^a^ Mb ^Bi V*^ B^ ^B^ «W -Mm be The Robin-^^^ ' is the^ ^ title^b^ of^~- ^ a"l^V newA B& ^^ TV winterT V ^ 4«* ^ *^ *fc^ J^ drafting of a new law which will shortly annual, the publication of which is promised laid before the Reichsrath. in a day or two from the office , 42 Essex Street, M. Renan has just published, through M. ¦»» -. Kj Strand. K^CbXll.KXXlll — V di 11C »» ^flllJluavr |/iiivui i drama— in Calmann-Levy^-J J , a new philosophical ' The Witching Time/ tal es for the year's five acts, entitled * L'Abbesse de Jouarre.

bb. of ~- — -m -—-~ — v ¦ v — fm ¦ -^bi «^*r end , Mr. T. Fisherwmmr j% * ¦ • ^.^ Biw Unw-in^^tarf' ^^ *m. v v ^b b» ^b. 'sr *.r annual»M '^j» ^ bv. Afe ^k *4_^«A formm^ ^* r ^k This and the previous dramatic productions Cjiristmas, is published to-dajr. Mr. Austin the author of ' La Vie de Je'sus,' we are told,

¦•—«.— m * ¦> , F ' — — -• >• —B.T BB_ B. Bh< —^ «t^«F ¦-»- A -^ « -^_ ~ »>V hours Dobson and Mr. Marion^^ Crawford^_^ ^ .^( V * Jb. ^ B&, V-»k areV-^> -*Vi *^ among^ * «Bl V^ A *& K , are the result of M. Renan's leisure the contributors. and are not to be considered as his life-work. if we ^^^^^ ^^ ™ ¦ " *^^ ¦ ^^^ ^fc*^^F ^B» ¦ ¦ b^ ^p ^ m B^ j _ , ^Bk^P ^ ^J <. ' Bk b, ^4_ for This year _^^ ^ ' **^ ^^^ ^Bl^ *^ ^^ ^»^ ^ ^ Jk W^^ J& Jb »^^ We are glad to learn this ; ' Low s Handbook of the , Charities of London, 1880-188 7 ,' has been accept the verdict of some published criticisms iuuw-IllU cn thoroughly revised, almost rewritten, in fact. M.AT Kenan"Rrm n.n 's« spareanaffl timetirri o migmirrhtht havehavG beenbeen The book is now a very full compendium of better employed. Amster- the multiplicity of charities o»f the metropolis. Heeren4_XC;CJ1V>H FrederikX' iCJVA ^31 JLIV . Muller-LfJ. HI.lGi $KJKJ Co.VU., ofv* -~ — It has been in existence as a standard work of dam , so famous as dealers in old and rare I reference for the past fifty years, and has been literature, send us a catalogue o v<&r which we I •m t -m •• ¦» <-. • nm~%1 ••* . rtnA »A£i ftlc HI VaV are ¦ "• ¦ ¦——• «- «rf a>A ¦»—»¦ issued— — —- —— under— —• ~VB. <*„ ^ the sanctionr«-» V*Fi> Jb. "»^ «af Jb, V^ ^ ifc *fc of>»^ A HerJ»» A »™§ *- Maj-*. » F% _ «L ^ f ¦ esty"4_/ tf ^ T for-«- ^ _* L would gladly linger. -J or its 200 pages tne a long time. The high mission of the charities full of works interesting to thev&dographer, | is ' clearlydearl v manifestedma.nif«stftd in its pa-gesT^n.mrAa., aaan alson.1nn theirt.hftir historian, and the antiqiia^. The catalogue | . »iia position, prospects, and operations. comprises more than ?,000 books, charts, l oo I 10 fi The Publishers' Circular I28 \0V. ! » T 7'

u3 of all parts of the world, f orming a part There are probably few novelists better fitted T the library of the late Mynheer 1ST. W\ for such an undertaking, and one so full of p^thumusi .iT,,,»,ii a , editor 01of tthene JoJournalurnal ofor thetHe Vieo-Geo- interest, as that of Herr Lindau. graphical Society of Amsterdam. A critical edition of Heinrich Heine's col- Vuout one-third of the collection relates to lected w orks, under the editorship of Gustav jli r( )])C ; and, under the heading England, we Karpeles, in nine vols. royal 8vo., at the low find some old and rare books and views of price of 2 marks 50 pfennige the volume, *|ie 17th and 18th centuries : amongst others a is announced by the well-known house of G. series of views of London l>y Hollar, and a Grote, in Berlin.

Jjonaon ¦ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ *^^^ ¦ ^^^ ^^v -^ ^— ^ r^^^ ^^b^ ¦ ¦ ^p^ ^^p ^mw ^^m of 67 views of London bv various ^^^ F^^^ W^^f ^^a '^B. ^^^^ ^B.> ^ ^B^. ^B^.' ¦#' ^^^^ F^p#^ ^pr ^BBv .B^™^^ ^N^F^ . linnnr >n views ot by various ^ collection ot b7 [These notes in the~^m^T issue for^^^ O^^^^ ctober 15 artists , taken from 1741 to 1754 . referred to the many editions of Goethe's

received, * — ¦ - — ~— » ¦ ^— ^ i ¦ " ¦ ^^» ^^— ^^^ ^^» ^^^» ^^ -* » ^BB^ ^*»» ^^^^v^ ^^"^B 1 W ."^fc ^Bj^^ ^^" ^^ m ^^" ^^^" ^^" ^^^ ^^^» ^B r ^^^ ^"^ ^^" \Xd\\v havel uivft also received iromfrom Herr AdolpnAdolDh Sorrows of Werther.' We may«/ remind our AVevl, of Berlin, a catalogue exceedingly readers that a good edition of the work may interesting to numismatists, comprising as it be had in ' CasselFs National Library' for three- doesj,.™ ao veryvpt-v complepnni "nl fttftte collectionp.ollfifrhinn otof coinsnoina anda.n ci pence.] medals of North, Central, and South America, and a special collection of coins, medals, and y vv»^ 1 of the island of Hayti. stamps ^^ Amer ican ,f£cto£ ant i ^otc£. Herr en Breitkopf & Huertel, of Leipzig,

¦n ^ ii v* i. »vj » —- » — — — — — - — — — — Prof. Henry M. Baird's The Huguenots -^ £ ' send us* No. 22 of their ' Mittheilungen^ ^, ' con- Raining many works of interest and value to an— -r • ^^— d— — H•w^^-^^-^^^^—m enry—^m~ m ^^pw — g of—^ ^—^— N~—^m— — a^v ~^p vv a^^ ^» r*^^^ re* *^» r ,^BB ' in^^^ BBBI 4BP two^^^ • » °"^^~ volumes™ ^i^^ ^^» °"»*~ ™ ™ ¦ ^^~^^— " »~^"~ ,^BJ will^ W ¦ ¦ - —^^^ llie musical world. The musical compositions be published soon by Messrs. Charles Scrib- ¦of Frederick the Great occupy the place of ner's Sons, New York. It is a continuation ¦honour in the catalogue- Its production clears of his former book, ' The Rise of the Hugue- nots in France.' T}i© same publishers will Kip a question of some interest. It had always .¦ ¦ A * ^BBB»^b sbb ^h^ ¦¦¦ i^a^ a ¦¦ — _ sBk fcitherto been supposed that Frederick merely also issue ' Down the Islands : a Cruise to the fcketched out his compositions, which were Caribbees,' by Williani A. Paton, illustrated ; ¦ afterwards worked out by some musician of ' Talks with Socrates about Life/ by the

«r.a »*w ¦epute. A.n examination of the MSS. showed Author^b^^ bbs ^^ ^ ^^ ^ bb of^^ bf ^^ ' A^ «b Day4bbbb^-~ ¦ in^b»^*bbi Athens^b» -bbbw «*r ^* b» ^bb F av ^h ^ bt withv « 4to V BB»4b SocratesV^^ ^^ ^^ ^bbi '^* bbi ^b* ^^ bv ' ;V ¦hat this was not the case, and that the King and * Among the Law Makers : a Record of

- — Congressional—o Experiences/j - j by Edmund Alton,f ¦ould not only conceive but also carry out his ¦^ ¦deas. There is, af ter all, nothing astonishing illustrated. '

.A- ^. af PdaT H-» -J*. »•»»» • t" ~ V ^b^bbB ^- ^ W A Aa^ V^ f-^ *>f ^ b. ^ —^ K_^ «« ^ In this when we consider Frederick's natural Messrs.a.^* D. Lothrop &^ Co.,^h^ ^— ' • V Boston^ —' ,T pro-1 ^ ^"^ Baste for music, the advantages his position mise a * Life of James I^ussell Lowell/ by pave him, and his known skill as a flute player. Miss Emma E. Brown. Among new periodicals announced for next I The Turkish Minister of the Interior has— c ¦e learn year¦ ^BB' ^Br^BV *BBb> is^^~ ^^BB" T*^^^^ he^** ^^™ ^B' J^*™ ^ ournal^^^ ^*^B" ^"^* ^^™ ^^" ^^ ^" ^^ ^ m of^^~ ^^^Bl M^^^™ ^^^^" orp™^ ^^^ H^^ hology/^*^ ^^ m *¦ ^^ ¦ n ^ p> w ^B to~^™ *^^^ be»^™~ ™ from the JVieuwsblod voor den Boek- issued monthly and devoted principally to Bwi'M—prohibited the sale of Dante's ^Divina embryological, anatomical, and histological Kuniiiiedia.¦ . timineclia. 5 IT p. has dorm bv r»rrlfir of t/hft Me has done so-rc * by order of the subjects. Messrs. Ginn & Co., Boston, are to Bultan , who considers the work nothing else llian nu be its publishers. attack on religion ! The Nieuwsblad, Mr. Edward Fuller, editor of the Boston M %-/ llso^^m tells-. ->* usv» kj that»J a. ^«^v u Heer" Vy ^/Jk Damas-¦—^ €^V A JL&LVK ^ ,% ^Ain A No.-i^- « V^i 5 ofv^ A. hisA A. ik9 I Haagsche Post , and Author of ' Fellow Travellers/ has Omtrekken,' has an article on nnishedfirn aVifirl Viiahis thirdthirr! novel,. entitledftnti t,1ftrl Theodore _ ¦- -j ¦rondo v^ v/OC*ilUI UU L/JL >V> J-C«( l/JL V V> V^l. UliU UlUlllllV'l' 's 'Oceana ' appreciaV- tiye of the manner Trent. V which * the chivalrous and yet learned _ Messrs. Henry Carey Baird & Co., Phila- Pni,?dinhman uuu t defendsVXV3 1.CAa.VAO theDX1V7 BoerJ_*UC?1 epochV7J JV-»V»J.i inAll SouthKJ V^ lA U/ll. Prica delphia, have in the press * Aluminium : its against the slippery policy of Albion.' and ses llC? J.J. History, Incidence, Metallurgy, U , ULJi l.Vy^»3 ¦ ¦ I . iierr F. ' A."tx - BrockhausJLJ1- ^VylVlACIi lAO announcesCVlilAv^ TorneJL VJl II.. l including its Alloys/ by Joseph W. Richards, V ^tllcken's Recueil manuiel et pratique de chemisr^V> p>misf,t andpt.-n c\ pracnrfl.nfirWItical metallurgistm^ffl.llnrio ria t,., illustratedi 11 list,ratfifi ,. f^tes,' comprising the years 1870 to 1878. in one volume 12mo. This volume will present ¦jus is , the r -mr- ^ ^^ - '^» second volume of a continuation of a^^^0 sp^^ p tatement^^ ^^W ^ar ^^^ ^* ^ «w ^^r ^^ ^ ^^ of^-^ ^^^ all^fc^^^ ^™ ^^ that^mr ^^ ^^^k^^v -^ has^^~ ^^ ^fc^^w ^^i^ beenw- *^ ^^ ^^ accomp—^^ ^^^ ^ «»A1V4. K11O JT\.JLUA. I , me! , the Sinaitic,) and the Alex- title of ' November Boughs.' Meanwhile he is W^ Codices. Herr Brockhau s also pro- finishing a poem called ' Senilia '—an old man's ¦Jces new editions of several philological and review of a life almost spent. P^cational works relating to the study of The fi rst number of a new illustrated R e ^ nglish, French, and German languages. e M magazine, devoted to all matters of art, will ¦ 'i U also publish immediately a very in- be issued in New York this month. It will ¦bating W ork on Sicily by August Schneegans, ¦^nian be called ' American Art/ and will be issued Consul at Messina. monthly. ^ Pernann Stuttgart, announces Mr. C. P. Cranch's translation of Virgil's ll)^^ " ^ ? °^ 1 " ¦ ¦ er /; ' >&« '»-* -v-i -1 is-» r» n rv/ -v nl to4- /-v ^» -r-vT"v cko t« in o in ckiir T*a iriaoH em ¦ 4 ^ ^ ^^^^^ v S ^ M — j — V M ¦ » Jfc J^ V ¦ H «H^ -^^^ ^-« ^» a ^ v i ^ ^ ^^ ^i* ' ^»^- r ^,^ w new _^ Ug nac 1 ^^^ ^4 ^ ^ Westen^^ P^^ ^^ ^^^ 7, ' a romance byJ Eneid ' about appear a revised ¦an I i ;«.i au^ T^ . . . ., ^ ¦nth ^ - ^n a preliminary notice the edition from Messrs. Houghton, Miinin, & K? Or states his Boston ; and his poem * Satan is to be intentionlife of writinggreat a series Co., ¦^^ s descriptive of m cities. issued, rewritten and enlarged, with a new | ' I283 The Publishers Circular Nov _, l 886 | name , by Messrs. Roberts Brothers , of the _$aic I same city. A volume of Mr. Cranch 's later Sfottm si*. TersevAra A will also V>abe pub-nnblished lished soon bvby triethe lirst-nrst- There is at present but little of general ! named firm. interest stirring in the au ction world beyond I L__ _» r thos< eo fewlew eventscvciibo alreadaiicoujy chrvuj uj onicled ilicieci bvby u« I ___.^_.*^»* —— —— u<* »_/¦ k _^— »-* ¦ w W - -—- - • — • ^T^b^/f^Ph/A«h^ • ^^ <_ ^ .^^ • ^* -J will Messrs. Harper & Bros., New York , We may note here the probabili t issue a fifth edition of * The Mikado' s y of the new I shortl y season being a length y one, and advise _>_ intend- , ^^_^_b ^^^—^_ ^^v _ ¦ —^- — "by- —- m ~ to contain "*" _¦ ___. _i __ ^ ^ ^_ ^^^^ __ ^^^ ^^^ ^L_ .^^ H^^_. ^^ .^^ V^^ ^i^_ ^____.^_* i i ^^b ^^>k^._ _»^_i __i ^k-^_ ^_l d _ s 19H Empire ,' William Elliot Grifns ,^ ¦m . 1 . I » i 11/-T • ing buyers to be chary of giving * a supp lementary chap ter , entitled ' Japan in sensational ' I prices , as—thoug h in our opinion but L^k. tern - — —p»- —— ¦ ¦ ^___. _h -^~ i^ JL ^ - — - 1 ^^^_b ^^_ ^__ ^>^ __ ^b^ jl _ 1*^H ^v^B ^^^^ ^^ ^"^ ™^ ^^ — — — ^^^^^ .^^ ^^^ ^^ .^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ *^ ^m r^^^^iving —^^^» the record of progress^ J ^ , and an 1886/ g _% _». _* _¦ & . a ^ ^ _> ^ > * « ^ porary—there seems to J iave set in a decided 1 account of the politica l and social status of the dullness in the second-hand _ book tra_ de -< n l i» m ^ Emptmm ire. Sellers are many, buyers few. T*o-day is the The opening chap ters of Mr. W. D. day of the cap italist who can afford to ' 'An Open Question ,' con- Howells new serial story , tinue buy ing * for the rise ' w hich sooner or will appear in the Feb ruary number of later is bound to come. Harper ' s Maga zine. His special holiday con- tribution to the December number will be a M. Labitte , 4 Rue de Lille , Paris , will sell farc e entitled * The Mouse Trap .' by auction a collection of scarce and curi ous French works , commencing on the 17th The Rev. , George W. Cooke, author of and c continuin g to the 20th inst. He is also selling Poets and Probl ems,' and Lives of ' Emerson ' a good collection on the 13th. and * George Eliot/ is preparing a critical survey of the contributions made by women A set of * Hansard ' to 1874, with aora & to English literature The result will be pre- val uable law books , is to be sold by Messrs. ^ Hod gson on Wednesday next . sented in six lectures first ,s and in a volume afterwards. On the 16th inst. and three following days Charles Francis Adam s, jun., has almost Messrs . Swan & Son, of Camb ridge, will sell read y a biograp hy of R. A. Dana , jun., the in that town the library of the late Universit y well-known author of * Two Years before the .LibrarianT_ibr __rian ,_ HenryITenrv JSradsJiawBradsha w., M.A._VT,A. Mast ; ' and Mr. E. E,. Champ lin, of the The sale which Messrs . Robinson & Fisher Boston Literary World. _ . , will publish this ^ ^ ^ held on the 12th inst. at 21 Old Bond Street , month his ' Handbook of Living American ' * includes a _¦ copy_i _l of s Bi on large Meyer rds/dl ^_» ^_ » ^W ^_ _ _ ^H^^^k^ ^_ _ _ « Writers .' paper , Wallich 's ' Plantse Asiaticse/^ ^ ' Archaeo-^ * Mar ion Harland ' will soon issue a new logia Cantiana ,' a set , &c.

household manual 7 , to be entitled * Home- The Trivulzi o MSS., which are to be sold Making and House-Keep ing. ' in New York ,_, are__ _ prett___ y_ w. ell— known._ They Further new books in the press by the J. embrace some very^ fine^ specimens , notab l^y R. Linninnott Co..(Jo., Philad el nhia. innlndft Paul Jt >. Lippmcott Jfhiladelphia , include Pauly the * Trivulzio Breviary ,' the ' Life of Carlo Bert' s ' First Steps in Scientifi c Knowled ge ; Zeno ,' &c. The catalogue which has just * The—'—¦— ^"^ Curabili^~^ ^"^ —— — — ~ t^^ yw of"^ ~^^ Insanit^^^» ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ar^r ^™ ^^ ^^ -^ y,m ^m ^ a^^^r series^*^ ^^^ ^^ ^^» ^t^ ^^i^ of^N^ ^^^ come to us from Messrs. Leavitt

m - ______. ___^ __, ^__ ^ ^ of^ Economics , edited by Professor C. F. <&bituarp. Dunbar , of Harvard , has just appeared . Mr. //wwiwwj Geo. H. Ellis, Boston , is the publisher . J. Beavin gton Atkinson. —The ^ reco rds the death , on 24th OctobOctober er , ofor Mr.iui. Ii There is in pre paration , by Messrs . Charles J. Beav ington Atkin son, the accomp lished , I L. Webster & Co. ,-p New- - York-— __ — ,-h an— — Edition-¦- — — — — __ —_— m w de—to'.^ —*^ car eful, and able wri ter on art , well known as I uxe l of General Grant' s autobiograp hy. The «»iu «

m —m - ——- h — — — —¦ ———- —i¦- —i— — —i —¦— — —^ h ^^p ^^^ ^^. ^.^ ^k^P » ^^.^ «^~ i^.. ^^^y— ^|^ H^y the ori ginal manuscri pt written by the General^^, ^^^ .^ was for a considerabl e time the repr esentative), I It is to be finel y ill ustrated , among the photo- the Contemporary Review, JBlackwo od' s MaO^W grap hs being two which are wholly new. zine y Erase r ' Portfolio, thai s Magazine, the ¦ _4r. J ourna l, and several provinc ial public*- •<>• tions. He was descendeddaaoandftri fro m a yQuakeuaK er r fanwi«i»»v ¦ of repute at Bristol , and quali fied himsclfj *! , ^ ^" " ^ ^ r l 886 The Publishers' Circular I2g9 t : = - — art criticism by undergoing a thoroug h course It is needless to say the promised show-case

— — — -~ - —— n w -^ -» ^^V ¦ ¦ g and painting in one of the best art never comes, nor does the adverti^^ -^ sement— w ^ appear— H^p ^^ ^^^ .^ dr awin _5_ of * Wk j -v ¦ schools. i His1 I knowledI —- wk *-+. wv I ^x ^-J ge^ » ^*» of^^ . 4» the^ modernwv * w vJ ^x «* v ^ Ger-J r% «* What makes the bait take so readily is that the school of ar t , which he affected , was for fello w shows from his pocket-book a newspaper man copy nglishman exceptionall y great. His sym- of the suggested advertisement, apparently an E taken from one that has already appeared 'with mthiesnathlSS withWltn thetuo olduiu Florentinex> lui Biitiut; schoolbwiuui ofui were close and frequentl y expresse d . some other name. He also shows you receipts painting WL CaL J.VS from other agents, memorandum forms or bill- QlGtl Ol blood-poisoningUJ. «-"J l t. j-»WJL O V/AAAXXg aftaiVCler a€* period^S ofV-'J. HeHO died of heads purporting to be receipts &c. given him from great suffering. them for money received for exhibiting the show- John Kirk .—The death of the Rev. Dr. case in windows. These, we need hardly add, are John Kirk , the well-known Scottish divine , is forgeries, the said forms being surreptitiously obtained for the assumed purpose of getting the announced.(ill**v — Dr. Kirk died at Edinburg» ,* h,r on -m -^— agent^r ' — — — h — -^— -^^r ~^r I . ^^ — ¦ — —*^^m h ^r^^ ^^ ^^^ h — — ^^ h ^ - -^^ ^^p « ^p—^r ^^-^^^ ^.^-^^b v^p ^^p the 27th October , in his 74th year . He was s name correctlyon the show-case, and so writer of several theolog ical and social filled in to decei ve the unwary. the m* -« r * •v *t • * iM A ^fe y% f i V • * y*» \ ^ Our obj ect in -writing is to put others on their works. In his ' Age of Man (1866) he con- "L ' guard, and, should the attempt be made in the tested the arguments in Sir Charles yell s future, it would be as well to have tho fellow ' Ant iquity of Man ; ' this he did with the detained and the police authorities communicated app rova l of Sir David Brewster. with at once, as the man is a swindler. Ernest Desjabdins. —The Times Paris Yours xespectfally, correspondent tell s of the death of M. Erne st Oct. 23, 1886. A Xeicester Victim. Desjardins, the eminent palaeograp her , which I inclose my card. The pen, per set h a goad occurred on the 23rd October. M. Desjardins ono. The name it bears, *S. B.' Whitfield , is that was 03 years of age. Born at Noisy-sur-Oise , of a most respectable firm knowing nothing of the and educated at Dijon, he went to Paris in t ransaction, and from "whom the pen may be bought 185C as Professor of Latin Epigrap hy, an d was at Gd. per gross. entrusted with archaeolog ical missions in Ital y, Egypt, and Hungary. In 1880 he succeeded his master , Le'on Renier , as Professor of Latin 3Unnouncement £.

E i J. hy at the College de France . His great p1 - *l O O < work on Peutinger 's tables is unfinished , and Home Words ' Office. his geography of Roman Gaul is in course of Something New, anecdotes t for the young folks publication . Few men have had such a all the year round, illustrated, by the Rev. mast ery of ancient geogra phy, and he used to Charles Bullock, B.D., Editor of Home Words, describ e himself as a geograp her coupled with &c. , leaves from an epigraphist. The Man of Science the Man of God the life of Sir J. Y. Simpson, Bart., with portrait, by the Rev. Chatles Bullock, B.D. The Q ueen's Resolve, I Will be Grood, illustrated, ^Tr ati c Change* by the same author. Mr. Henry S. Philli ps has taken into England's Royal Home, new edition, fi fth thousand, partnership Mr. James E. Mowle. The illustrated. : business in future will be conducted by, and The Fireside Annual for 1886 , illustrated. illustrated. *no wn as that of , Phillips & Mowle. Home Words Annual for 1886 , The Day of Days Annual for 1886, illustrated. Hand and Heart Annual for 1886, illustrated.

Goodwill to Men ,M the Christmas number of the I Corre spond ence* Fireside, illustrated. 1 Rine: the Bells, the Christmas number of Home \ CAUTION— A CLEVER DODGE. Words, illustrated, first edition of 300,000 I To copies. the Editor of the Publishers' Circular. The Tablet Almanack for 1887. ¦w /> ' m i < • • ^ ^>a ¦ a i f « y-fc ^~* ^iv i Sir , —May I, through your columns, caution The Fireside Sheet Almanack for 1887. j we trad < y UJVy U J-1 C10 e against" t3 uiuo1' a•" B*J eat\J<'> littleXil HO trickUll^A. whichn has beenL/DCll successfu lly atpractised upon several stationers and ^oksellors Derby, Nottingham , Leicester, and elsewhere ?of A traveller, styling himself the repre- DIARIES AND ALMANACS. wel ^nr.itivc a l-known pen manufacturer of Collin s1 Diaries.—A varied collection of these J'lrmingham , calls and offers upon Tery liberal publications for 1887 has been sent in by Messrs. .¦ - _ t^i jjrmterm s« thotli i-> sole,„!_ agency_- for* thexi. . •i Magneticiifl _^ * ^ Electrica W. Collins, Sons, & Co., Limited. The diaries are en . tho conditions being that twenty boxes be strongly bound, and sensibly adapted to this Pu rchased at 2s. per box. These he leaves, for purpose. The largest, a Scribbling Diary ,' shows 1811 ' ou !. alsouso a fewf ew handbills,handbills, with manufacturermanufacturer's a week at an opening. It may be had interleaved CdrTU! attached , and promises to send in a few days with blotting, and is a useful office or home Kplyeuuia onc Jid sftow-caseshow-case torfor the windowwindow,, wi th Ro-ftn f 's (ll ll o agents remembrancer. Smaller in size, the * Commercial forthereo n in gilt, containing another twenty Diary '—a quarto—is equally serviceable. The ^*es stock, all free V( of charge, to sell from . All * Portable,' the * Handy/ and the * Pocket ' diaries * sold therefrom are to be replaced at 2«. per are the cheapest books we have s^en of the kind. ent his as ft deriyin _ ._ g profit followe r for — _- — — — _- ^_^ — ' seven • A ' Tablet or Engagement17J Diary,%/ * daysw to exhV'biting ^the ni0 , o in° show-case in thetho windowwindow., 7s.7j». perner each leaf, may either lay on the table or be sus- . or 2l er quarter, to be paid him for so 1( i V(i r : . *- P pended. It is moderate in price. ' tisingr> ; in aumuu n \-%J WUIUU 11O 1» IU UO nJlllrw .>» i ' *" _ addition to which he is to be m "ced as Bol «gent for the sale thereof in one of ti»<>! ° daily »™ M ^B ^ ¦ ^~ ¦ ^t ™»»^^» ^^-- ¦ ¦ H —r^-—r-— m k ^^ -^^-- ^p^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ —^ or weekly Qua ^ ^^ t>ar»ers for one rter.

B ¦ - ¦¦ , - ¦¦ • . .• , , ¦;,, , , ,, ^ -cr ^^J * ¦ 12 9o The Publishers Circular Kov "" ~ i - - ¦ j - _ " " " . '"" ' • " - -- " . - . " - f . " """"^ ——¦ 9 —^ ^ ¦ Messrs. Casseli, & Co/s Semaijs.—We have to From t^e Cambrid ge Universi ty Pr ess (Lon ^ I congratulate the proprietors upon the success of t.he C. J. Clay & Spas).- ' The Fbst Book of ? i Magazine of Art, of which a new volume begins Kings,' with introduction and notes by the y, 1) HI' "with the November part. Messrs. Cassell promise J. Bawsonni Lumb ^, Norrisianen Professor of 1 -m) ma . _ ^^ r~- ^mr -^^ ^— ~mr — ¦ ^H ^K £~ ^T ¦ ¦ — -— w — - &>^ — — or steel ^. that an etching, photogravure,^ plate "will }^5SF*tO e « of ^V ?8 - flumes. 1 be issued, as a fronti spi ece, with every monthly ' The Cambridge Bible for Schools^ and Couege? I magazine. Notwithstanding that this- part of the From Messrs. Ch.atto & "Wind us. 'A V^q I "will necessitate a very heavy increase in the expense , bo the Cape/ by W. aark Russell. Mr. of production, the price will remain at one shilling ur Hussfn I saysboj°-: ' *I madeaii«vxo thisluw voyageT ^jr ago fori my neaJth as heretofore, the publishers feeling assured that health , andan H I1 embarked, as may be supposed , in no temper for ^^^^^ p ^mr ^~^mm^ ¦ w ^^m*^m^^^^ mr^— ~— ^» ~ ~- — ^ 1 such—^ ^^ ^» ^ ^^ ^m^^^~ aam' m* — — unexamp-^r^* led addition^^ to the art treasures of literature/ But, when he felt better, the author the Magazine "will result in a very largely increased iuuuu muuu iu xiiiiovcoi/ uiui found much to interest him ; heii*a tooktooj£ notes and circulation.—The thirty-fourth monthly part of the we have the result in the twettty-five Endycto'pcedic Dictionary "brings that useful work up chapters of this book On the -— . passagea. o out Mr.—— -• Olark-winj.il. Russelij-iuaatrj i to the word francoa. —Little Folks is approaching heard many a yarn of the old sort, connected the close of another pleasant volume.— The Quiver -with ^a. jxj sailiDg*-* ships* ', some of which he—— * ^ .u Lilt} ^^ gives in the presentsL'X u DUiit 'O thetliv firstAilDU park/Cv-L tU of\sl a€m newAiU' Tr volumt uawiu ve inxu whitt j lli chvia earlier part of the book. The sojourn on p^eat treats are to appear during the ensuing year.—" board an iron steamer enables him — ¦—' —' *- »— *-»"-^ V VL| 1 to contrast the1/ liresAl l t7 jj - -\ *• . ¦. ^^ |UIJ. X-* AA Jb *<» ¦¦ ¦ VW» T ~>^-^ M^m-,WT ^M-T *i Jb «^« »^ A.« I)r ^ V-* U V 'k7 1 If m-m %ljm\*V> *• X^ V^ The^^ Library*> *^ ^ of the-^ British ¦ s Article on L . Gamett .^ . _^ .._ _ A ' ^^ j ' a a *m ^m . —^mimm — v and work of men employed in it with those Museum ' is the chief attraction in CasselVs Family, of seamen, in the usual sense^^ of^ ^ "" the^ ^^* ^^ term^ *& m\m 111 f. Andr \ II II Magazine ^which contains its usual supply of excel- 1 » "I 1 • » ^ ^ Am 1 , ¦ . ^» m\ mm mM ^B ^ ^ ^ ^ vessels themselves, in the description of which lent stories, sketches, and illustrations. Mr. Russell is a master, are taken from a. j nev • -t • mm • • - ^» . a _ ! Messrs. "Ward , LbcK, & Co.'s PubmcAlTions.— point of view. The majority of his sea books are To their other attractions Messrs. Ward, Lock, & do. narratives by supposed actors on board the Tessels have added * Our National Cathedrals,' to he com- whose fortunes are relaiecj .. A later book, the 1 Strange Voyage/ gave the experiences of leted in about— twenty-sixm/ parts.%. Last month they a p _ ± _ _ ^m^mm ^mi .^ ^h^ ^^^ A . .Mm. *M^^^H mm. ^B mm *J commenced the ' Illustrated History of England,' to sailor who ;was a passenger in a sailing vessel. appear for fourteen, months, at only sixpence a In the ' Voyage to tEe Cape/ we hare pictures of month. OtheT parts we have received are * Ama- sailing vessels observed from the deck of a teur Work ' (part 60), * Popular Histories ' (part steamer. There are notices^ — — — of— Madeira^—^~ ¦ -^^~^— ^ ^ w— -^^~ ~mw^r and-^ ^m- ~~ mw ~^* ^m the^» ™ ™ »^ 13), ' Quentin Durward ' (part 7), ' Plutarch's Canaries on the passage out, and of St. Helena,

. — — — when homeward bound. The Cape and its depen- Lives^ ' (part\ Jt 12),/ ' the ' Universal Instructor ' (partx M. 24), * Josephus ' (part 13), the ' Family Journal,' dencies furnish several, interesting chapters. Hnd * Sylvia's Home Journal.' From th,o Clmrcn. of England Temperance Publication Dfepot.—A second series of tempe r- ance talks with the children , by S. Ursula Gardner, has been published ; the title is ' Come ffi ct rieto£, <&*? and Overcome.' From The Clarendon Press.—The report of the From Mr. J. W. Arrowsmith..—Mr. Robert Oxford University Delegates, appointed to es tab- Buchanan has selected Normandy as the seene of lish lectures and teaching in the large towns of

.mm t; or, VtfV * That Winter Ni B*^ h *mt g Vmmmmmmm mi mm m mW mm -^*^ mm^mw mm ^F^B » » «- V mkmr - -* *r « m> **" ¦ ¦ I novelette. ^g ^ * ¦ ^fc p^ mmrmm^m^^Wmj M ~m* W*m ^ m* ^m^ ^'^ * ^^ his new *ma England and Wales,M has just been issued by the Love's Victor}7 .' The time is during the Franco - Clarendon Press. It states that wi thin the last

mm ^_^» » - ^ M -¦ tmt mm\m^ » r » ^mr Mm- mt ¦ — ~ — M M — German war. Influenced by^ reflection, the Che- year the classes organised under the supervision

who before condemned the M. , «-• valje W» ~-^ r do Gavrolles ^-f AJt« -' --• — ofV> & thei/«A del*^S egates*~ f ^mml*^ V^SKmT haveV %-T been*\JT VV^A^ attendedW ^~* **> V* ^* ^-* b"^ yJ more-'*---' than cause of the war, becomes more patriotic, and 6,000 students, the merits of whose papers are

Mm *J mm. *~^ — — — - — ^— — " * • W ^ 4f A ^ W^J mm T^T * ^** — — — — — j leaving_J his daughterJ Blanche,/ aaw ¦"* front , ». — ^~ — starts foT the ,«_ \y ^^ _ » x^«~w ^^ —-~ reportedv-' m~r V^ Mm ** V^ ^-*- b•***• yV the*- -AA V^ examinersa*.^* A* ^ M W *^ ^Sm%M •«? to hare* V/ reached^ a satis- a beauti ful girl of seventeen , in the old chateau. factory standard. In connection with each course To the neighbourhood of the chateau the Uhlan s the University authorities issue a ' Travelhns shortl«Vi r>T«t-lvy comenn-n-i fv, and "BlancheBlanche suddenlysuddenlv encounters a Liibrary/ containing copies of the prinei [Ml couple of their officers while she is out walking. bookbookss recommended,reborn Tnandfiri bhvy thetho lecturersle<»f.iirers., and it liashiis

w — — — — — Ther * i ^^ youngerv^ ^-^ »* r^^ ^"^ of^"^ the^^ two^^ takes her partIT against ¦ the been found that the st udents have greatly profitrd harshness of his older companion , and fur ther by the opportunity thus given them of study ing "h y by speaki ng of a dear awakens er sympath thefjLiiy chiefbikini. authoritiesauiiiLfiiiico onkj ia thei/uo subjouujvv-ectu on^^ - whn'h sisterp ^^ mi ~ _J~ ^^ ^h_ ' J^ of- ^^ mM^ hismm* mi ^n 9*** own~*^ — ~ -^ .™ This^^ ^ — youth/— is wounded in they have heard lectures. During the year a skirmish which soon takes place in the societies of working men have spent £300 in neighbourhood. He is taken to the cliateau, bringing Ox ford University teaching within the

mm. W • mmwtlm ™mr mm. " ^^ ¦ ^ mm W ^ mm h ¦ i ¦ — "— —- where he^h is nursed byI Blanche. Love is the reach of their members, and several facts an* result. But Blanche suddenly discovers tliat her quoted to show the energy with which largo patient is the slayer of her fattier, from whom numbers of working men have availed themsolvts

mt mm ¦ m.^ ^mW • ¦ ^-^fc Wmm^ v ^ s ^ ^ ^mw ^k mm ~mm- »-» m^— ¦ since- ^ — i his- " departure ¦ to the sea- t— la she has not heard ofUl theLL1O instrucUlHULaCllUUtion thusL11US offeyuoioilred tou\J them.^"^ of war. Much misery follows this revelati on ; but several towns many workmen have devoted their all ends happily when it is found out that the old leisure to preparation for the course?, and one

— ~ mmt^m mmr m m^^ rn* ^m, m< m ^*mr *-mm* ** ~- *m* ~mm* ^— ¦— - ~ —— — — --_ _ - Chevalier^ ^ ^ ^^ was riot killed after all,j but turns up manlimit , empeujpiojeuloyed as an masonumau u , walkedw»i«.^ v* 16 mil^ to smile upon the happy couple. Simple aa the rather than miss one lecture. In order that story is, and far fro m ori ginal in conception, teach i ng may ho T "° r I organised university LoraJ it is told in a manner that fixes the xeader's Welvwidely eextended,xtended, a commcommitteeittee ((ofot whunui nhr.n ^>»- sympathy. ;Chief the BUhop^ of Salisbun. Justice ColQriclgef Oxtoru ¦ *"»-• ¦ ¦ rfi. ^b ~| — m~ mt ^m ^f « ^ ^ ^m> ¦'»- "• ^^ ^ ^ — ^- " ™""" V —* *^ " ^^ ^ I W distinffuisheddistmguisneu J Krom tbe Bam e.—' Driven Home/^ by Evelyn^ Owen, Mr.Mr. (*osche»Goschen., aandnd other 0 is a * Tale of Destiny,' and, overlooking some of graduates are members) has issued an apP ') »« k> ¦ «*um. succeastal . that dreariness which such a title generally im- foJUfr theLHO endowmentUUUUWIUCUL ofUl triedUllO^A_ and ¦ alreadyi J wKni '1 I mm^r —" W ^mm- ¦ ¦¦ mm ^™ »^» " •• mm> *™*~ -^ *» ~~ ^ — r ^ — — f J turo s, funds have plies, is not at all a badly-constructed story. r and sufficient «~ Some of the scenes may even bo spoken of as receivedreceiv «a tovv enableeunuio thel-iio committjeeuvui uuiv ^o to appoint-rr r«| JSxhibltl0"er»^j^— bei»g exciting. Readers will find it well worth 3lev. W. Hndson Shaw, Jlate of raifnnj I Ralliol College, and J^-i/resK^niiEr^Presidenti pi &<> ^ *i < I passing an odd half-hour in perusing it. -Bal liol CoUege^ awd j M ™ ' "¦¦'»!¦———w ^——i ii.— t - ¦ . i-.i ii m.— i ¦¦ i. i . »— f ' * ^*^ ^"— • l ' *" ^ "'" - • * ' ' ' ' —^— I, ¦ > ¦—* ¦— tiMW«wi ^ i— * ;_ _ , ^ __ ' '_ __ * ^jj ^ fl

Xov i, 1886 The- Publishers' Circular .I294

University Union Society, as the first endowed, writer said of hirn. The "book is a most interest- : University Extension Lecfcqrer. The delegates jng collection of memoranda of the circumstances i acknowledge valuable assistance which they have under which Caidecott's drawings and other wx>rk y- the Koyal Geographical Society, ~ - - ^-j - I received from were p_X roduced ^, a series which^ is striking if only^j the Science and Art Department, the Cobden for its almost * infinite variety.' Within five 'i Clubriub, andana thetne Honorary.Honorary Committeesi/ommrtoees formediormea inan pages of this volume we find the humours of

¦ ¦ *«>^^ the various towns where lectures have , "been literary— — ^ ^^ ™ ___ g apprenticesh^**~ r~* ¦ " —— '^^ ¦ ^^ ^^^ ' ¦^ ^^ ^^^^ i~ p,n^ « of^^ ^^ rustic^^ ^^.* -^^ ^^ ¦» ^^ liw^ ^ fe^ ^i^ ,v of,'"' ^^ 1 dandies^ ^>^ ^.^v ^ ^^ **m* — — delivered\^C*4 * ^/ -*" ^ ,7 and announce that during^3 the nexti in Hyde Park, and a political celebrity, hit off few months sixty courses of lectures will be with astonishing felicity. It is impossible to say dplivered in connection with the University. where Caldecott's pencil was most at home— Among the lecturers during the next session are whether among Germans in their beer-gardens or the Bishop of Chester (Dr. Stubbs) and the Dean at their Kurorte ; whether in the hunting-fi eld at of Salisbury. " , home, or^in a ball-room , or on a cliff* that over-

~w- hangs the sea ; or whether in seizing the charac- j — -"» — ^m — — -^ fl ^j £ £ & tfMPB«^ w "William Collins — -^^ — ^ Messrs. , Sons ^, & Co.— From ¦* *¦» _- . <* . "¦ 'I ' 'I • 1 • M ^' ^ A i — 1 m -* teristics of the peasantry I ' The Illustrated Historical Reader,* for Standard in various European countries ; or whether in depicting( the_ beauty__ and I V., is suitably and prettily illustrated, and bears > ^ -^ _^ t — the si gns of being a very good class-book. the oddities of animals and birds. Not the least Sketches from English,History, fro m , the Roman effective among these 172 examples of Caldeeott's genius are the designs for bas-reliefs or entabla- §1 f- - ' h —— ¦— — ' — — — ¦ — » Invasion^^^ to the time of Queen-^^ Victoria, form^^ ™- ^^m ^^^^^^^ the— ^— -^^ subjects of the book. tures on which animals are the prominent fi gures ; and there is a study of a pig elsewhere, From the Fishing G-azette Office. —' The Qomic which is perfect. It was a good idea to collect Angler,' by A. E. Bartlett. This humorous so many unpublished and earlier specimens of; trifle depicts with pen and pencil ' the ludicrous the work of a man whose mind and hand were W-* -w -*•» —¦— experiences^^ *» ^^ * » ^-* —-~ ^* of^^ ^ an— — old**» — ^^^ sportsman^** m^ ^^ ^^ «« ^ m ^ ^ l^H*'^»»^fc after^W^ ^ ^#^k , trout^/^b ^i* ^» ^* ,¦ eminently happy. The book is one for those who grayling, bass, pickerel, eels, . and suckers.' 1 read as well as ; for those who value art ; for , TheIhe bookletbooxlet is iraternallyfraternallv dedicated to the while actually a table book for the drawing- sportsmen of America.' but we cannot doubt that room,* it is - not too largef to be convenientl• - */y heldt English fishermen will sympathise with the nof in the hand. For a student of dra wing nothing altogether imaginary disasters of a comic angler. could be more appropriate as a present or prize. One or two of the illustrations are devoted to what may bo called the * chamber practice ' of From the same.—The Rev. J. Bownes, M.A., of the profession , and a few fish stories are thrown Trinity College, Cambridge, the author of several hymns well deserved their I in by way of ground bait at the end. very touching wfyich popularity, has iesued a small volume of verses, From Messrs. Griffith., Farran, Okeden, $ 4 entitled ' A Story without Names,, and other Welsh.— Euchre : how to play it/ by the Poems.' author of ' Poker : how to play it/ contains very clear hints, with rules, problems, cases, &c.:, From Messrs. Mkemillan & Co.—The delicate

¦ ¦ 1 humour and pure diction of Mr. Henry James — ¦ u> -^^ ¦ » F-* , »rf — —• — »^ added to which™ ™ •" is*w a chapterV B«^ ^* ^ p'^ on^ n* ' Progressive^ .^ V^ fa b ^ ^^ •*-« » w ^ 1/ Euchre.' . ' again comes prominently forward in ' The Prin- cess Casamassiriia/ There is general and ex- From Messrs. Hatchaxds.—In Ecclesiastical ' quisite beauty in Mr. James's word-painting, English ' Mr. G. Washington Moon mi ht have g which readers of his novels have long appreciated. - dispensed \7ith the newspaper exaggeration of the The new story is eqiial to any that the! author quantit y of paper required for the printing of the bas written, enriched b a quiet dignity in the revised version of the Old Testament'. In a book y situations which charms the reader. The intended for serious study, and well worth of ' y Princess Casamassima,' should be more than a seriousJ wwt*UJ M \M JLO A1 » '» M IH ^ l study,y it is notVU encouragLr\J UJ ingt3 to>VV/ seeD UU at* season's favourite. r< petition of the calculation that the paper, ream upon ream, would form a column ten times the of From Messrs. James Wisbet & Co.—Mr. William heightn u^nt of St.fet. PaulPa ul'ss,, or in a con tinuous six-inch-

?m Messrs. Sampson — -^ — ¦ his Society's code of liOw, Marston, &; Co.—i F.R.G.S.,r had adoptedJt 1 Randolph Caldocott/ by Henry Blackburn In spellings, or rather series of instructions*/ for the ^« volume Mr. . Blackburn gives us a memoir, spellings of native names in this now class-book . £reat part from , Until this is done by compilers of geogr ical r personal knowledge of the< aph I *y career of one * whose art was of a quality that manuals, confusion and doubt must continue to PP^ai*s about once in a century/ as a well-known ; exist. A part from whajt; wo spe.ak ofr wIvQb. vafjiej* . ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ 1 ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦' •' • ' ' ¦ ------. " ' " ' " " '"" '" ' " " """" ^tj :. _ ; . ¦¦¦ _; _ _ _ ""7 '_; /- Sp ^ I —" ^ i 1292 The Publishers' Circular Nov f i8g6 -— —^_^ all, may be a matter of opinion , Mr. Williams' ciatione. Other chapters mention old hoiises abridgment of Professor Hughes' ' Class Book of inns, &c. ; Streatham worthies, including Ben' Modern Geography' has been tolerably well jamin Hoadly, Henry Thrale, and ' Bet the accomplished. Its title is * The Intermediate Doctress.' Dr. Johnson's connection with j- Class— — — Book— — of— — Modern— — — - - - - Geograp- j hy.— ' Explana- Streatham is the subject of a ^ ^ ^^ chapter, and a tory, historical, and statistical notes, also exami- number of local anecdotes conclude a hi j> hly nation questions, are supplied . ' interesting book.

¦¦ ¦¦ , 7 9 From— — — Mr.- James— Thin— ,9 — - j»y —» -^^ u From Messrs. Smith, Elder, & Co.—We have Edinburgh.—On anatherC41A \r \ Her received a new edition of the ' Extracts from the page we notice ' Carlyle's Early Letters.' We vi fc* io Writings of W. M. Thackeray, chiefly Philo- migcj ht add to the notice the hitherto~ ~* •-" HC\1 unpubl^ ished sophical and Reflective.' This admirable edition letter now offered to the public by Dr. J. Hut- of extracts has been out of print for some time. chison Stirling. Thomas Carlyle's • Counsels The new edition is very welcome. to a Literary Aspirant ' should be raad with care From the same.—A now and cheap edition of the by^j the ambitious youthif of the dav\AJ Attention^^ *^^ ^ ^ , ' J J^ \J Y \_M I I favourite ' Court Hoyal,' by the author of ' Joh n to the stern advice could not fail to be profitable. Dr. Stirling has acted wisel — — -w —¦- ¦_¦ w llj^ tJ *¦ y%J in publishingJt the Herring,' has just appeared. •» i m n ^ i • . • • « _ letter. The appendix containing the ed i tor's From the same.—' Liberalism in Religion , and other estimatev of the man is n brief but masterly Sermons,' try W. Page Roberts, M.A. —A new study. work from the pen of Mr. Roberts is very wel- From Messrs. "W ard, Lock, & Co.—Mr. B. L. come. Every sentence he writes is thoughtful. l Farjij eon's now storyj ,j The Nine of "—-—- — — — — ^ 3 * * * In the sermons now before us his originality is as ^ Hearts, is remarkable as his feelings seem, to be intense. The ingeniously conceived and spiritedly written . title carries with it no political significance. ' It The mystery of the nine of hearts is worked out is used to denote a party which... exists in the in a way thab should satisfy the most fastidious Protestant Churches, and which has ever had its lover of exciting fiction. analogue in the Church Catholic. I should have From Mr. T. Fisher TTmHn.—' Mariners makvth preferred to speak of the methods of divine edu- Man ' is a new book from the pen of the author cation, or of the dynamics of religion ; but I must of the successful ' How to be Happy, though

_ _._ _ - — - take the name which— foes have gf —^ iven. Of this,j Married.' The volume is a bright one, and should however, I am certain, that Liberalism in religion rival its predecessor in popular esteem. * I am is Conservatism of religion.' showing my gratitude to the pubLic,' says the author, * for their very kind reception of How From Mr. Elliot Stock.—That Streatham should m/ X " have found an historian is by no m eans surprising. to be Happy, though Married," by now present- The suburb is hardly less interesting than beau- ing to them, another little book, with my last quette fur I tiful, and Mr. Frederick Arnold, in his ' History " Manners." It is not a book of eti , of Streatham,' just published, has placed the am by no means a master of ceremonies ; nor most prominent facts before his readers in a does the motto of Winchester Collego, ' Manner makyth Man,' refer to those social rules and very•/ readable and accessible form. —A brief preliminary consideration is given to the his- forms which, are often only substitutes for good seme tory of Surrey, and in treating this larger manners, but rather to manners in the old u EviL and rather momentous subj ect, Mr. Arnold of the word which we see in thd text, must be pardoned for 'a little abruptness. His communications corrupt good manners."' readers, indeed, may find themselves in a position From the Yorkshire Conservative Ne-wspaper

— — ~ — — Disordera of similar to that of the old ladyi/ who found the Company, Leeds.— ' Diseases and dictionary very entertaining reading, notwith- the Horse,' by Albert GresswelL and James standing it changed the subject rather often . "We Brodie Oresswell, M.R.C.V.S., revised, with an would almost say that the history would have introduction by George G resswell. This treatise been quite as valuable without the rapid survey on equine medicines and surgery is issued ;is a of early county history. Once he enters his contri bution to the study of the science of com-

u jj ^-^ - -- the — - — — — | rc* L u u i u L/e*vi- *. v/ J. v/pt y. jl j.v> ui- v vir v j ^*^* . in properXX. field of action ,w Mr.- Arnold g^3 ives* a gene- parative pathology. There*» are two parts ^^ rally satisfactory account of the history of the Yolume : (1) Medical Diseases, and (2) Surgical manors of Streatham and Tooting Bee from very Diseases. Originally the papers, now combined ,

UUU VVl U lliUP V*. %sMJL\J -* v #«rvr--. — Post— , early times, touching upon such questions as the appearedrX^ in the columns of the Yorkshire origin of these names, the Roman road, and the one of the best newspaper authorities on equino to Domesday Book account. The history of the subjects.UUC | V>^tO* TheX A1V casesVUOVO described\A.\JIJK *±.A *¦/ \- Vfc are*-w* v stated"-" Man ors of Leigham Court and Balham is also have actually occurred in the practice of Mr. J- spoken of. Ecclesiastical history is represen ted B. Gresswell ; the literary and pathological by notices of the Parish Church , Emmanuel portion has been done by Dr. Albert Gressw

Index to the Books published between October 16 and 30. The Words in Italics are those under which the Titles are given Alphabe tically in full, with the Publither' s Fame.

A Apple Pie, Oreenatcap (Kate) 3s. Cd. and 28. 6d. Animal Life, Buckland (F Jottings, 6i. ami 5-. .) Notes and J A bbot, Monastery, Scott (8. W.) new edit. la. 3d. each. Anna , or the Little "Runaway, Is. Cd. I Abraham, Life mid Times, Dea ne (W. J.) 2a. Cd. Annual, Day of Days, Vol. 15, 2s. and Is. 6d. I Album, New Children'**, 3s. 6d. Annual, Diprose ' s, for 1887, Is. I Algebra, Smith (J, Haniblin) Tart I. Key, Da. Annual, Hood' s Comic, for 1887 Is. I , ^ 1 All Round the Clock , Mack (Robert B.) 6a. Antherm, Senteuces, - I Mull U Almost a Wreck, Shadtcell (Mrs. Lucas) 3s. 6d. Arabia PetitBa, Palestine, " .¦ I Amerique, Chateaubriand , with Notes, Delbos (L.) Is. 6<1. Arithmetic Cards, Adaptable, Olden (J. K.) 3t. 1-6 each li- I Ancient Types Modern Applications , , Atherton (0. J.) 2e. Arithmetical Exerciees, Norton (F. CO Is. __-——^

Armies, Foreign,Is. ^///A Vernon's Life-Work, 11th edit. 3s. 6d. United Kin gdom, King (James) 2s. 6d. Education, Politics of Free Education, &c, 6d. 74 nnSf iiXO cf^ A the"*-*" . J n^ MA^ It ' /v/ Da wiAtra rta Atbanasian Creed*>* , Paroc hial^ Parleys, 6s. Education, Science, Payne (W. H.) Contributions, 6s. Stanford' Atlas, Physical and Political, s, 4s. Electricity in the Service of Man, Urbanitzky (A. R.) 21b. _ and Sketches, Nesbit and Mack, Is. 6d. Elegy in AntumnPk T| (^tllXi*-* Songs— « > a Country Churchyard, Gray, illustrated, 21s. Avarc , 3folttre , Tvith Notes, Gasc (F. E. A.) 9d. Elf, illustrated , Herring(Jeannie) 2a. Band of Hope Review, 1886 vol. 2s. and Is. Elocution, Elements, HoUluck(S. L.) 4s. 6d. Beauty and the Beast, Browne (O-ordon) Is. England, Kings and Queens, Tales, Percy (S.) new edit. 3s. 6d. Bclcaro, Essays, Lee (Y.) 5s. English Composition and Essay Writing, Skerry (Gr.E.) Is. 6d. Belief in God, Afomerie (A. W.) 33. English Grammar and Analysis, Ritchie (F.) 2s. 6d. 33. tki Bppnpdicienedicite.te, Studies in methe, Bayneuayne (Al^Aiicja;icia) 33. 6d.. English Grammar, Standard III. Coles and Tomlin's, Id. Bessie Brown in Service, Kippen (Jane M.) ls>. Enterprise and Peril, Thrilling Tales, Macaztlay,6*. Bethlebemites, the, Suiter (Julie) translated, Is. Etching Practical Notes, Chattock (E. S.) new edit. 10s. Cd.. Big Otter, a Tale, Balla ntyne (R. M.) 5s. Etchings, Song ol Songs, revised version, 63s. Bills Cheques, Note3, &c , Law, Smith (J. W.) new ed. Is. 6d. Euchre, How to Play, Is. Cri6fo and G-renfell Bimetallic11(iiiu*"" Controversy,^ ,' 53. Euclid, Gill, Books I., 31., Is. I Bird's Nest, &c, Sermons, Cox (Samuel) 6s. Eug6nie G randet, Balzac, new edit. 23. Birthday Book, Lowell, 2s. 6d. Excursion, &c, Wordsworth (W.) by Turner (T.) Is. Birthday Present, My, 3s. 6d. Expelled, a Story oC Eastcote School, Blake (Paul) Is. Blessed Life, Some Aspects, Pearce (M. G.) ne* edit. Is. Eye, Hygiene, Cohn (Hermann) 10s. 6d. Book Fancier, Fitzgerald (Percy) 5s. Eyssette, Daniel, an Autobiography, 2s. 6d. Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Mobbre, by Gasc, 9d. Faithfu l Words, Vol. 15, Is. Cd. Brain , Function of the, Ferrier (David) 2nd edit. 18s. Fairy Folk, Lecky (E.) illustrated, Is. Bravest of the Brave, Henty (G-. A.) 5s. Fairy Tales, Mother Goose's, new edit. 3a. 6d. Bruvo of Yenice, Lewis (M. G.) 6d. and 3d. Fakenham Grhost, Bloomjield (Robert) illustrated, 23. 6d. Breast , Physiology and Pathology, Creighton (C.) 9s. Family Friend, vol. 17, 2s. 6d , 2a., and Is. 6d. British "Workman, voL 23, Is. 6d. Fate, Raphael' s Book, Is. Britta , a Shetland Romance, Temple (Gr.) 6s. Ferryman of Brill , &c, Stories, Kingston (W. H. G.) n. e. Is. Hums, PiObert, Poems, new edit. Vol. 2, Is. Folk and Fairy Tales, Harrison . (Mrs.) 6s. Iljron ' Gems, by Haweis, 6d. and 3d. -JFor Happiness, Colder (A.) 7s. 6d. Caesar de Bello Gallico, Merry weather, 1-3 , n. e. 3?. 6d. ; 1, ¦ 2s. Forest Outlaws, Gillia t, 6s. Call '-cott , Randolph, More Graphic Pictures, Gs. Forty Vezirs, History, translated, Gibb (E. J. W.) 10s. 6d. Canterbury Tales, Chaucer , edited by Pollard (A. W.) 6s. Frank's Life Battle, Red/ord (Christian) Is. 6d. . Cirhk (T .) Early Letters, 2 vols. 18s. French Course, Second, Esclangon (A.) 2s. Carol's Little Daughter, Colomb (Madame) 33. 6d. French Poetry for Schools, Bolrlle (J.) 2s. Causa Dynamics, O' Toole (J.) Is. Friendly Visitor, new series, vol. 20, 2s. 6d., 2s., and Is. 6d. Changing Places, Jerdon (Gertrude) Is. 6d. Fungi, British, Cooke (M. C.) illustrations, vols. 3, 4, 170s. Chapman 's Craze, Fenn (W. Manville) la. 6d. and Is. Gallic War, C&sar, Books V., VI., literal translation, Is. 6d. Chemistry , Analytical,'j 9ittmar (W.) new edit. 2s. 6d . Geography, Intermediate, Wiltiams (J. F.) 2s. 6d. Children ' s Friend, 1886 vol., 2s. 6d., 2s., and Is. 6d. Georgics, Virgil, translated, Blackmore (K. D.) new edit. Is. Children 's Sunday Hour, Wavgh (B.) new edit. 53. German Continuous Prose Exercises, Webb (H. S. B.) Is. 6d. Chimes , a Goblin Story, Dickens (C.) Is. German Courses, Fasnacht , Companion , year II., 4s. 6d. Christ and Christianity, Haweis (H. R.) vol. 2, 5s. German Grammar and Exercises, Webb (H. S. B.) 5s.

-. Christ and _ _ _ Morality,WF r Chandler (A.)^ S 3d. and Id. German Grammar, Beresford-Webb, 5s. ; without exercises, 4s. Christi ani ty, What has it done for Engl. ? VSakeman, 3d. & Id. German Grammar, Webb (H. S. B.) 4s. Christ mas Roses, Lawson and Mack, 2s. 6d. German Proso Exercises, Wi bb (H. S. Beresford) Is. 6d. Chronicle of the Drum, Thackeray (W. M.) 10s. 6d. Glory, Gleams of , Shaw (C.) Is. Church iti England from William III., Hove (A. H.) 2 vols. 15s. Gospel aud Philosophy, J) ix (Morgan ) 3s. 6d. CWeA Sunday School Magazine, 1886 vol., 5s. Gospels, Miraculous Element, Bruce (Alexander B.) 12s. '¦'•¦w "'w FI- rank,. Is. G race, Flowers of , Is. Cl-Mids Cleared, Bird (C. S.) 2s. G rain , of India, Church (A. H.) 63. f- s, Food 'lonUntion , State Directed , Simmons (Alfred ) Gd. G reece, Description, Pausanias , translated, 2 vols. 5s. each. Communion Manual, Corpus Christ!, Is. G reek Prose Composition , Arnold (T. K.) new edit. 3s. Cd. f' ormnunion , Order of the Administration, &c, 10s. 6d. G reek Prose Composition, Sidpwick (A) 4s. Gd. ( ' , "Mtfo .SVan/cy ( H. M.) cheaper edit. 2 voIb. 21s. Gulliver's Travels, Swift , 3s. Cd. and 2a. <"u Is. Cord ^iu*oi* of LoveLove, Zorn(7Zana (Alice)( Alices 2s. 6d.fid. Henry Esmond, Thackeray (W. M.) n ewjedit. la. Cd. and Is. f *n , translated, 2s. Home Words, 1886 vol. 2s. and Is. Gd. ^tt Out, Simple, Carlisle (E.) Part I., la. Ho ra ce, Selected Odea, with Notes, by Wickham,vol. 1, 2s. °'nofr,icy , Triumphant, Carnegie (A. ) new edit. la. Gd. & la. Horso, Book of the, Sidney (8.) new edit. 36s. <*mid s, Hrltisli Gresstcell 5s. , illustrations, Cboittf (M. C.) Gs. Horse,w Diseases and Disorders, , ^^n Uoys , ftTale, /enn (Manvllle) 6e. H umanity, Temple, Ignatius, Father, Lyne, Mission Sermons, 7s. Gd . ^oases ^ of Tropical Climates, Maclean (W. C.) 10s. Gd. Imitation of Christ , Kempis (Thomas) new edit. la. and Gd. (> S8 Miseion , o (Mrs. H. B.) 13. 6d. India, Children , Medical Treatment, Birch (E. A.) 10s. 6d. m^H ^ ^ JjI'J'sDllenun., Austin (Caroline) 2« Indian Poetry, Arnold (Edwin) 4th edit. 7a. Gd. t . of a Dosser, Goldsmith (H. J.) la. Infa nt' s Magazine, 188G toI., 2a. GJ., 2s., and la. (Id . ^ GeoT»«tricnl , /,///e// (W T 2a Ingelotr, Jean, Poems, 3a. and 2s. 6d. D U ff "?' . .) . >. ^ir C^ . Onvan , a Ttemerabranco, Sh»e (O.) Cd. Injury and Insult , Dosto Uffj ky ( F.) translated , 5a. namicH - , Elementary, Jfa^a n (H. GU 2e. 6d. Intermediate Stato, Wordswor th (Bp.) Gth edit. Is. (^^vrractical, Wa l ker (F. W.) 2s. Invention, the Romance, Burnley (James) 6a. i flfr The Publishers' Circular 1294 nov- x > lg

Irish Question in History, Zerffi, (G. G.) Is. Political Economy, Smith (Arthur) 2nd edit. 7s. 6d. __ _ ^_ ¦ - Ireland , Notes on, Greene (J. Baker) Is. Pope Joan,m ReynoldsV (G.N W. M.)* illust. 6d,~ Italy, Eighteenth Century Studies, Lee (V.) new edit. 7sl 6d. Poppy's Presents, Walton (Mrs.) la* - - Jesus Christ, Words concernirig Himself, Is. Prairi e Chief , Ballantyne (R. M.) 3s. 6d. John a Laseo, Lalton (Hermann) 7a. 6d. Prayer, Household, fro m the Common Prayer, Duncombe f t John Westacott, Baker (Jame3) 3 vols. 3Is. 6&. Preaching and Hearing, Mofturie (A. W.) 4s. ed, Journey due South, Sala (G. A.) 3rd edit. 6s. pretty Pink's Purpose, Paull (M. A.) Is: 6d. Kings, Book I., with Notes, Lumby (J . R.) 3s. Gd. Primer, Routledge%s British, new edit. Is. King's Thane, Gordon (W. J.) Is. Princess Casamassima, James (Henry) 3 vols. 31a. 6d. j j Sin tail Place, a Tale, 6s. Prisonniersrnsonriiers deae Caucaseuaucase , etei> Le±jv LepreiixAJtspre uA, MaiMreuai&r e, Delbosuei bos , Is.Is 6md Knocking, the "Words of Jesus, Is. Probation, Future, a Symposium, 6s. Lady Valeria, Moberly (E.) 3 vols. 31s. 66. Queen of the Family, Hornibrook (Mrs.) 5s.' I/and of Little People, Weatherly (F. E.) 6s. Queer tittle Folks, &c, illustrated, Stoue (Mrs.) Is. Landscape Paintaing, Imagination in, Hamerlon (P. G.) 21s. Quite True, Russell (Dora) 2a. 6d. and 2s. Late Miss Eollingford, Mulholland (Rosa) Is. 6d. Railroads, American, Investor's Notes, Swann (J.) 6s. Latin Grammar, Gerard (J.) 3s. Rays and Rainbows, a Story, Haycraft (Margaret) Is. 6d. Law, Roman Private, Muirhead (J.) 21s. Reading Books, Thorn, Infant, I., 3d. ; II., 3d. ; Reader 4d. & 3d Life and Religion, New Aspects, Pratt , 7s. 6d. Reefer and Rifleman, Groves C«T. P.) Ss. 6d. Lights of the Western World, Marrat (Jabez) 3s. Reformation in Prance, Heath (R.) 2s. 6d. Lilian St. Clair, Hart , (Mrs. A.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Religion, Liberalism in, Roberts (W. P.) Gs- Links of Loving-Mndness, Everard (G.) 2s. Gd. Religion, Philosophy, PJleiderer, translated , vol. 1, 10s. 6d» Literary Aspirant, Counsels, Carlyle (J.) Is. Renaissance in Italy, Sy monds (J. A.) 2 vols. 32s. Living or Dead, Conway (Hugh) new edit. 6s. Returns and Summaries, Digesting, Skerry (G-. B.) Is. 6d. Longfellow, Writings, Riverside edit., vols. 1-4, 3s. 6d. each. Revolution, a Child of the, 6s. Lords and Commons, Standing Orders for 1887, 53. Reynard the Fox, after Goethe, illustrated by Kaulbach, 21s. Luke's Gospel, Examination Manual, Riches (A.) Is. 6d. Rhoda's Reward, Marshall (Emma) Is. 6d. Madame Bertran d, Wethered (Mrs. Charles) 6s. Rhymes, Fr og lie Would a-Wooing Go, Is. Magic Mirror, new edit. Is. Rhymes, Turtle Dove's Ne3t, &o., Is. Man's Knowledge of Mail and God, Smith (Richard T.) 6s. Ripples in the Twilight, Macduff (J. R.) 2a * Margaret Jermine, 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Rokeby, Lord o»f the Isles, Scott (W.) new edit. 3s. each Married Women Act, 1886 , Foyster (J. A.) 2s. Gd. Rome and the Early Christians, Ware (W.) 2s. and Is. Martin the Skipper, Cobb (James F.) 3s. 6d. Romps All the Year Round, Furniss (H.) 3s. Mary's Work, &c, Tales, Bowman (Hetty) Is. Romps, Holiday, and All the Year Round, Furniss, 2s. 66. Masterman Ready, Marryat t illustrated, Is. 6d. Roses of Ringwood, Marshall (Emma) 5s. Map Lawton, Is. 6d. Sabbath, Prize Essays, Four, 7s. 6d. Mechanic's Own Book, Sports, 2nd edit. 6s. Scapegrace Dick, Peard (Frances Mary ) 3s. 6d. Medea, Eu rip ides, with Notes, Glazebrook (M. G.) 2s. Gd. Science, Heroes and Martyrs, Ewart (Henry C.) 2*. 6d. Messiah, Jewish and the Christian, Stanton (V. H.) 10s. 6d. Scrap Book, Historical, 7s. 6d. and 5 s. Messianic Prophecy, Briggs (Chas. A.) 7s. 6d. See For Yourself , Stebbing (Grace) Is. Military Law, Summary, Story ( Philip) 5s. Settlers in Canada, Marryat, new edit. 3s. 45d. Minerals, Metalliferous, Davies (D. C.) new ed. 123- €d. Shipbuilding, Iron, Thearle (Tol. I., 5s.; II., 4s.) 10s. Miracles, Notes on the, Tren ch (R. C.) new edit. 7s. 6d. Silence of Dean Maitiand, Grey (M.) 3 volfl. 31s. 6d* Modern Telemachus, Yonge (Charlotte M.) 2 vols. 12a. Sir Percival, a Story, Shorthouse (J. H.) 6s. Mohawks, a Novel, Braddon (Miss) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Smoker's Gossip, Tobacco Talk, &c. 2s. Monsters of the Sea, Gibson (J.) Is. 6d. Socialistic False Hopes, Smith (Goldwin) 6d. Mother Goose, Old , &c, Rhymes, illustrated, Is. Spiders of Society, Marrya t (Florence) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. My Study Windows, Lowell (J. R.) Is. Spri ng Songs and Sketches, NesbitX^-) and Mack, Is. 6d. Mystery of Palace Gardens, Rlddell (Mrs. J. H.) n ew edit. 2s. Steam, and Steam Engines, Text Book, Jamieson, 7s. 6d. Natural History, Nicholson (H. Alleyne) 5s. Story Without Names, and Poems, Bownes (J.) Is. 6d. Naval Review, Barnaby (N.) 5s. Strange Voyajge, Russell (W. Clark) now edit. 6s. Neaera, a Tale of Ancien t Rome, Graham (J. W.) 2 vols. 24s. Summer Songs, and Sketches, Ifesbit and Mack, Is. 6d. Nearly in Por t, Cooper ' (Mrs.) 2s. Swiss Famil y Robinson, by Wyas, with Notes, la. 6d. Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens, new edit. 2 vols. Is. 6<3. each. Ta les of Captivity and Exile , 2s. Gd. Novelists, Songs from the, Adams (W. H. D.) 7s. Gd. Talk About, What Shall We ? 2s. 6d. Nursery Rhymes, Favourite, Is. Testament, Old, Anecdotes on Texts, 6s. Nursery Rhymes, Mother Goose's new edit. 33. Gd. Temperance Mirror, Nationa l, 1886 vol., 2s. Gd., 2s., & Is. 6d. Orice Again, Forrester (Mrs.) 3 vols. 31a. Gd. Thackeray,Th rtrlrp rnii ExT7.*-tractsf.T-nrt ,H frofrn m his WritingsWrifcinKTH ,- new edit. 2s.2S. 6d. One of the Peopl e, Robertson (J.) 6s. Theophilus Angllcanus, Wordsworth (Chr.) new edit. 2s. 6d. I Opening of the Line, Strange Story, Cox (P.) Is. Theory, New, and Old Practice, Gordon, 2s. 6d. Our Darling, 18B6 Vol. 5a. and 3s. This Picture and That, Chapman (Mra. E.) 3 vols. 31a. 6d. Our Dogs, &c, Stories, Stowe ( Mrs.) Is. Thorns and Roses, Goddard (Julia) 2s.

-~ r ~*r- *rf » -^- — — ^- i — — ¦ • — — ^ y ^ « W r ^» » -^ *» m » V ~V^S ¦ M ^^ *» 0 * m* I M 0 Through (Horace A.) Gs. Our Father in Heaven,^ in Sonnets, Richards (W.^ C.) 3s. 6d. Deep Waters, Nelson Tippoo, Tale of a Tiger, RaU ton and Cole, la. ¦ Outpost, a Tale, Andr6 (B.) Is. '- Palermo, Christmas to Whitsuntide, Field, new edit. 15s. Tit Bits, vol. 10, 3s. 6d. Pamphlets, Fatitous, Morley's Library, Is. Trade and Finance Annual, Barker' s, 1886-8 7, 6s. Park, Mungo, Travels, Kingston (W. II. G.) Is. Translation, Extracts from Jebb, Jackson, &c, 4s. 6d. Paston Carew, Linton (Mrs. B. Lynn) 3 vols. 31s. 6(1. Trusses, Wood and Iron, Griffiths (W.) 4a. 6d. ' Perils Afloat and Brigands Ashore, Elwes (A.) 3s. 6d. Travailleurs de la Mer, Huge, with Notes, Boielle, 3s. tot. Persia the Land of the Imans, Bassett (James) 7s. 6<1. Travel and Adventure, Recent, 2s. Gd. Phelps, Samuel , Life and Work, 12s. Twilight of Life, Ellerton (J.) Is. Gd. J.) ls» PhilippeA * ,W Hullah (MaryV rf E.)S 5s.— — Under the Avalanche, a Tale, Gordon (W. , Phormlo, Terence literal translation Under the Misletoe, Lawson and Mack, 8s. Gd, , , Is. Gd. 5s. Pickwick, Wellerisms from, 2s. Units and Physical Constants, Everett (J. D.) new edit. .' Picture Book, Hours of Gladness, 4s. Gd. Unlocked Hearts, Byron(ll.) d a. Od. 1b, t Picture Book, Little Reason Why, Clijton (S.) 4a. Gd. Veil Lifted, Richardson (Eliza) new ed i t. la. Cd. and Pilgrimage of Memory, Barker (J. T.) la. Gd. Vet, Every Man His Own, Heat ley (George) Is. Gd. j I Pirate , Scott (Sir W.) now edit. 3s. and 2s. Vicar of Wakefleld, Goldsmith (O.) illustrated, 7s. «d. Pirate and Three Cutters, Marryat (Capt.) now edit. Is. Gd. Wayside Chimes, Haycraft (Margaret) Is, 6U. Poetry, Child** Book, 2s. Wesley, John , Life, Telford (J.) 7s. 6d. . Poets, LIvinp Representative Piecea, 10s. White Chief , and the CaJffres, Drayton (A. W.) 3s. «d. Z» «¦ *¦*«-* c^ , * M: 3 vols. 31s. 6d. land, £Ww (Mrs.) new edit. 2s. ¦iful Young Woman, Price(A.) Women of Eng (E.) vs. KLE. .« EcnperoTT rr^ror.r, and his Keiga,Keiga, fsimonSirton,{& ,) mntrans.s. 2v, vb. 25a.zoa. Works' Manager's Handbook, Hulton (W. S.) 3rd edit. 15a . ' and Sketches, Nesbit (E.) Is. 6d. ' Wrecking of the• * Samphire,' -Frith (Henry) Is. . mil-V Zrel =oa-Ho » witu... , xiewrx ty,„ / ^./-»• A A uo.fl- > Yusauf the Guide, f enn (G> M.) 5s. folie in C anad a, v -°-v

> M " ^ " ^ "* ^ M ' ^ * M ™ ^ ™ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ I I —^* ""** ^ ^ " ^ _ ^^^ __ ^^^ * ^ "' ^ ^ *" _ . _ __ ¦ _ ¦ ______^_^ — - — ^

I NEW WOEKS Ii PUBLISHED FROM OCTOBER 16 TO 30. in cases of short or obscure ti tles appeari ng for the f irst time l« Tli'' occasional Notes in italics after the titles are only given ThThmev area re not intended to be general , or to exexpresspress any opinionoptnion on theme litermeraa ry merit ofoj thewe booksoooks ; thema solesoic objectvujea beinuewgy toiv explain (he title-page , or to give *uch ad ditional information concerning tiie -nature of the work as map appear to be required. All books are in cloth when not otherwise described. i

(W. D.)—Songs from the Novelists, from Elizabeth Bloomflel d (R.)—The Fakenliam Ghost. Illustrated by dams 16mo. pp. 40 2s. 6d. W. Gardner [4608 to Victoria. Cheap edit. 4to. 7s. 6d Ward & D. [4583 J. L. Wimbush. Sq. , 2s. micis (E. de)—Constantinople. Translated from the 7th Bolelle (J.>—Prench Poetry for Schools. 18mo. pp. 308, Italian edit, by Caroline Tilton. 8vo. pp. 340, 10s. 6d. Kivingtons [4609 Putnam [4584 Bowman (H.)—Mary's Work and other Tales for Her bdr6 (B.)—The Outpost : a Tale of the Backwoods. 12mo. Young Friends. 18mo. pp. 104, Is. (Sunday Library for pp. 120, Is .....»*... Warne [4585 Young People) Holder [4610

mm r mmrm ^p ^^ » %^\j ^j ^ l \J v ^v n f Illustrative^fc **" ^**mW'm' w ^ w v ^p» v ^^ of^ » Old^^m ^v ^mmw Testament^m w ^ m ^m^^^m^^mwmm*^m r ^~^ Texts.^mr ^m^~ ^ v^ v nccdotes m -J P* fl #\ a f\ s% 4 A T a ^P 1 v F V J A f\ (J.)—A Story without Names and other Poems. ^ Bowrnes ^ Post Hvo . pp. 320, 6s. {AnecdoteLibrary ) .... Hodder [4586 Cr. 8vo. pp. 88, Is. 6d Low [4611 nna ; or , the Little Runaway, from the German by Braddon (M. E.)—Mohawks : a Novel.' 8 vols. cr. 8vo. ' ¦E. J. S. 12mo. pp. 112 , Is. 6d. (Sunday Library for 31s. 6d J.& R. Maxwell [4612 Xoumj p eople) Hodder [4587 Brftinston (M.)—The Heroine of a Basket Tan. With 3 pselm (Abp.)—Car Deus Homo ? (Why did God become full pagenacre IllusIllustratra tions. Post 8vo.8vo. pp.rm. 228.228, 2s. 6d. Man ?) Translated from the original Latin. Cr. 8vo. 2s. National Society [4613 (Christian Classic Series) Beliffious Tract Society [4588 A story for girls. nthems—Thirty-five Anthems Sentences, &c, for the Bri grgs (Cm A.)—Messianic Prophecy : the Prediction of Ch urch and the Home. Edited by Alfred H. Miles. Imp. ¦ ¦ — ^» — "¦- the^f ^ m ^^^ Fulfilment^Mm **^h^fc m^^^^^^^^B ^.^^»^fc ^» of^^ a^^ Redemption^*m^» ^^ ""^^ ^.r ^^^^^^m^^ r ^^™ ¦ ^-"^ through 'w ¦ ^^- '"^ ^^^m the^— — Messiah.' ' — ^" A 8vo. pp. 40 , sewed, 8d, Cauldwell [4589 Critical Study of the Messianic Passages of the Old Testa- pnold (E.)—Indian Poetry. 4th edit. 8vo. pp. 260. 7s. 6d . ' ment in the Order of their Development. 8vo. (Edinburgh, I TrUbner (4590 Clark) pp. 532, 7s. 6d ; Hamilton [4614 pnold (T. KO—Practical Introduction to Greek Prose Britisn Workwoman. "Vol . 23. Fol. sewed, Is. Cd. IComposition. Edited and revised by Evelyn Abbott. New Office [4615 edit. cr. 8vo. pp. 159, 3s. 6d Kivingtons [4591 Browne (Q.)—Old Fairy Tales : Beauty and the Beast. therton (C. J.)—Ancient Types : Modern Applications. The Story re-told by Laura E. Richards. 4to. sewed, Is. Light on the Christian Life from the Teaching of the Blackie [4616 Tabernacle. 12mo. pp. 92, 2s.; sewed, Is. Skefflngton [4592 Bruce (A. B.)—The Miraculous Element of the Gospels. HBtin ( Caro line)—Dorothy's Dilemma : a Tale of the 8vo. pp. 386, 12s Hodder [4617 Time of (Jharles I. With S full-page Illustrations. Post Bucklan d (F.)—Notes and Jottings from Animal Life. Svo. pp. lyo , 2s Blackie [4593 With Illustrations. New edit, post 8vo. pp. 402, 5s. and 6s. Jker ( J.j—John Westacott : a NoveL 3 toIs. Cr. 8vo. Smith & E. [4618 8l3 6J - Low [4594 Burn ley CJ.)—The Romance of Invention. Yignettes allantyn e (R. M.)—The Big Otter : a Tale of the Great; from the Annals of Industry and Science. With 6 Illus- *or \\ c.st . Post 8vo. pp. 382 , 5s Koutledge [4595 trations by Gordon Browne. Post 8vo. pp. 384, 5s. Cassell [4619 allantyne (R. M.)—The Prairie Chief : a Tale With lllus- initions. Burns (R.)—Poems. With Glossary . New edit. (2 vols.) Post 8vo. pp. 254, 3s. 6d Nisbet [459S Vol. 2. 32mo. Is Cassell [4620 plzac (H. De)—Eugenie G randet. Post 8vo. pp. 296, oariis Byron (Lord )—Gems from. With an Introduction by the r - '^- • Routledge [6597 Rev. H. R. Haweis. Sq. 16mo. pp. 146, 6d. ; sewed, 3d. knd of Hope Review. ( Itoutledge' s World Library) Routledge [4621 s Yol. for 1886. Fol. 2s.; sewed , Partridge [4598 Byron (M.) —Unlocked Hearts. Post 8vo. pp. 176, 3s. 6d. Griffith [4622 knaby (N.)—The Naval Review : British, Preach , ¦ ¦ w ¦ J m^J ^^k ~ -^^ ^.^ .. ^ ^^-^^. ^^m ^.p v^p^i. ^. ^^ r ^^-^» ^r ™- — '^ "^ * ""^— — — — -¦- — ~^ -^ ' ^^ — ™r • ^ ^ ™ —^ puau, German, and Russian Caesar^^^^ ^^JU^ ^v^V ' s|^^ Commentaries^^ ^"^ on^ the Gallic War. Books V. and Ships of War. 8vo. 5s. VI. With a Literal interlinear Translation by T. J. Arnold, f. YXr Mariborough [4599 r T m) ~ 18mo. pp. 112 , aewed, Is. 6d Cornish [4623 of r? 4" The Pilgrimage of Memory : a Romance orkshire M 1-3 , v(Iim tU8 ,,r oors, and other Poemo. 8q. 16mo. Caesar —De Bello Galileo. Books . Edited with Pre- > Walker) pp. 200, sewed, Is. 6d Simpkin [4600 face , Introductiona, Maps, Plans, Grammntical, Bistorical, and Geographical Notes, Indices, Grammatical Appendices, a ) &nBJ,L c ?e and«**A*A FinancX 1UH.UUQ e AnnualAUUUHl, 1886-1887lOOO -JLOO :. att. &c, by J. H. Merryweatlier and C. C. Tancock, • New edit, "With p ° en ce on Matters rela ting to Trade and Finance. fcp. 8vo. pp. 289, 3s. 6d Rivingtons [4624 ured ^aps of the English American Haiir oaa, " , , and Indian ^steins. 8vo. pp. 430, 6s E. Wilson [4601 Caasar —De Bello Gallico. Book 1, separately. New edit. fcp. 8vo. pp. 154 2s. .. Hivingtons [4625 ) , *. ti vJ ofV ~ PersIa : the Land of the Imans. A Narra- UVL aild Res Caldecott (R.)—More ' Graphic ' Pictures. Fol. boards, "b Gd Wence, 1871-1885. Post 8vo. pp. 348, Routledge " Bl ocki© [4602 6b. [4626 ltf Calder ^A.)—Fox Happiness. 8vo. pp. 340, 7s. 6d. ^ 110 1*^ 8^01163 in the Benedicite. Post 8vo. ^•P^lV0 .6d TrUbner [4627 »^ Hatchard a [4603 Suggestions for attaining Jiappiness clashing with many theories and pra ctices of to-day. Jnarfmar 61*1* (H-ia. S.)—A.o.;—a. Practicaljfracticai Germanuerman Gu rnm- ' ^vvvn^M^. Exercit4 4U2 sn A v <>s in Continuous Prope. Cr. 8vo. pp. Carlisle (E.)—Simple Cutting-Out for Home and School • • » without the Exercises, 4s HWingtoua [4C04 Use. With 20 Diagrams. Part 1: Underclothing. 12mo. ¦ A ~~ Management pp. 90, sewed, Is Hatcharde [4628 Cl'il Ni6befc 4606 lake f p x t, f Carl yle (T. )—Early Letters of Thomas Carlyle. Edited by P- xpolted : a Story of Eaatcote School, ^ 128 ias 12mo. Caarlea Kliot Norton. 2 voIb. pout 8vo. pp. 760, 18s. :— ' - HiuwaII rar ,rt7 Macmlllail [463(1

»— ^ w ^ •VMB ^ M ^ MH ^ Mawai ^ l ^ ^ V-HMBM.^WMHaHMn^HM^HI'ki n j H lJ * «9£ The Publishera Circular Nov< t t J Carnegie (A.)—Triumphant Democracy ; or, Fifty Years' Creig -hton (0.) — Contribution s to th e Physioloirv «^B March of the Republic. New edit, post 8ro. pp. 366, ls.6d.; Patholo gy of th e Breast and its Lymph atic p^ ^ " Glan X w^hH sewesewed.d, Is Low F4G3[4G31 Illustratio ns. 8ro. 234, 9s. 'TTV... jlSSu t«jl Caulfeil d (8. F. A.)—The lives of the Apostles, their Dalton (HO—John a Xasco : bis Earlier li fe *nd L*w-M Contemporaries and Successors . With aa Introduct ion by A Contribution to the History of the Refor mS^H Bev. S. Baring-Qonld. Post 8vo. pp. 304, 6g. Poland , German y, and. Bngland. Tr anslate d from th«B werman vy xi,ev. maunce o Hatchards [4632 German by Rev. Maurice J . Evan3.Jivan3. Postro8t 8vo. nnpp 37$vTHM 7s 6d ' Chandler (A.)—Christ and Morality. Cr. 8vo. pp. ^24, - • Hod der ri 68M sewed , Id. and 3d. ( Oxford House Tapers , No. 12) Daniel Eyssotte : an Auto biographi c Sfeetch told infl Rivingtons [4(533 Enghsh by Helen Scott. Post 8vo. pp. 190, 2a. 6d . ^ Chapman (Mrs. C.)—This Picture and That (gic ) ; a B«vington [4&e|l Novel. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 31s. 6d Remington [4634 Davies ( Mra. I>.) — Dicky Daffodil : a Poesy of WihiH Flowers and Birdg. 8vo. (Manchester, A. Hey wood ) pp. ¦ Edited, with 64 Chateaubriand— Voyages en A-tnerique. Is. 6d ^ - SimpkinSimnkin [wJMricn«H Notes, by Leon Delbos. Cr. 8vo. Is. 6d. Williams & N. [4635 Daviea (D. C")—A Treatise on Metalliferous Minerals an

^m ^^^^ ^i^^F w — — ~^ ™™ "^ "^^ ^ - * v j ^_ \_^. y I ¦ ¦ i Chevers fN.)—A Commentary on the Diseases of India. Deane"^^^ ^^^* ^.^ (W.* ^ ^ ^ J.)—Abr^^ ^ ' aham : his Lif e and Times.^^ Post|^ rf vo.Btw^^M^^M ^^MU 8vo. pp. 810, 24s Ch urchill [46 38 pp. 18 4, 2d. 6d Nisbet [466H Child of the Revolution. Bv tfae Author of ' The Atelier Dickens (C.)—Life and Adventures of Kicholas NicWeby.B du Lys.' Illustrated by C. J. Staniland. Post 8vo. pp. Illustrated. 2 vols. 18mo. pp. 840, boards, Is. 6d. each. ¦ 330, Gs Hatchards [4639 Chapman [ tBcfl A tale of the French Revolution. Dickens (C.)—The Chimes : a Goblin Story of »ome Eellfl That Bang1 an Old Year out and a New Year in. 18mr>. ppfl Child 's Book of Poetr y. With 50 Illustrations. , Post 256, Is Routled ge [IGtJ H 8vo. 2s Religious Tract Society [4640 Dickens CC)—The Cri cket on the Hearth : a Fair y Tale ofl Children 's Friend. Vol. for 1886. 4to . 2s. and 2s. fid.; Home. New edit. 12mo. Is Chapmau [467lH boards, Is. 6d Seeley [4641 Diprose 's Annual for 1887- &vo. sbwed , is. ¦ Church (A. H.)—Food Grains of India. With numerous Dipr ose [iGifl "W oodcuts. Roy. 8vo. pp. 184 , 6s. (South Kensington Hand- hooks) Chapman [4642 Dittmar ("W.)—Analytical Chemistry : a Serie3 of Labora <548 Edith Vernon's Life Work. By Author of , 3s. 6d ¦ of Silver.' 11th edit, *post 8vo. pp. 370 -»«r /i 1 1.4 l . H Cole and Tomlin'8 Third Standard Grammar. 12mo. W. G ardner— [4'«H^^^ sewed, Id Simpkin [4640 Ellerton (J.)—The Twilight of Life: Words of Counsel auM Collins'Illustrated. Historical Reader, Standard IV. Sketches Comfort for the Aged. Post 8vo. pp. 200, Is. 6d. . ¦ from English. History from the Roman Invasion to Queen Cassell [4»'H Victoria. 12mo. pp. 226, la. (Collins* School Series). Ellis El we a (A.)—Perils Afloat and Bri gands Ashore. l ost iIU^j B Routledtfe [4651 ^^Lila > 11 £" ¦ A story of a little Fren ch acrobat child. PDpp.. 290.290, 3s. Gd ^ ^ W Esclan ffon (A.)-Second French Cours e ; coinP ris n * Cooke (M. C.)—Illustrations c-e Britisli Fungi. Vols. 3 rau8ian^h and 4. 8vo. £8. 10s Williams & N. [4652 pp. 254, 2s - <' ' and complete Vocabulary. 12mo. . , 4«« Cooke—Illustrations of Bri tish Deamids. Part 1. 8vo. 5a. SeW Se/i *) Collins 'W ( a Williams & N. [4653 to Play it. With Rule*. rr ble H Euchre : How f " \au: SH Cooper (Mrs.)—Nearl y in Port ; or, Phoebe Mostyn's Life &c, and a Chapter on • Progressive Euchre.' by the " V ' 12mo. pp. 126, Story, Post 8vo. 2a Religious Tract Society [4654 of * Poker—Ho w to Play it. J .?- h ; u>jH Conwfly (H. )—Living or Dead : a Novel. New rrJJ fc. Euri pides-Medea. With Notes by M. G. fi ' iiz Post 8vo. pp. 818, 6s Macmillan [4655 Rmng1V1I1 tona1U1 ,fSjj f-tf^ B 1212mo.mo. ppPD.f 142l 42., 22s.s. Cd6d ^ « " ' ¦ orpus Chrlsti : a Manual of Devotion for C the Bleasod : Words <>' H°PM Sacrament. With a Pre f ace by Rev. H. Mon tagu Villfera. Everard (O.)—Lin-lca of Loving-kindness ¦ Christ.uiiribi. Post w>;: • v\¦ - New edit. 32mo. pp. 182, la , Rivingtons [4656 andana Consolationuonsoiation forior thetne Flockhock: of.or ^ "^ [*w™r.^^H'^m iJ8. 6d M8bet Cost of Reveng-e ; or. Dirty Dick nnd His Doj? Bones 2nd e'l« and other otories. New edit. Post 8 vo. 128 Everett (J. D.)-Units and Physical ConPtants. pp. , is. nn 9!4 Ka Mac«mn*"MdCMH " ^ 1 Casfcell [4657 12mo.19rr >^ pp. 214, 5s L~^^H

ui c«a i>v/ /1 vjui ion io« Soj-'kv- S Court'\ a^\j \* RoyalJU*Vf J :a a•• Storyk^ * j r ofv/t- Cross^ ^/cao Currents. By•M-* J thev lju Authornu • u\u Ewart (H. C.)—fforoes and Martyr*, an*i isu.IsL — ^l _ of • Mehalah/ Now edit. With 8 Illustrations. Post 8vo . 30 Illustrations. 12mo. pp.no. 220220., 2a. 6d ^^ ^ pp. 410, 6s Smith & E. [4658 i Kir ItadC ^^ | O/* Columbus, Frl nr Jia cnn. Galileo, A^*"' ° ¦ Cox (P.)—The Openlnar of the Line : a Strange Story of JYeicton, Denis I'upin (JcrnipantU a. ^H Dods and their Doing-a. Illastratod by J. H. Oswald ^ K ( J Brown. 4to. pp. 58, sewed, Is Blackwoods [465D Extracts for Translation. Selected by • ' ^M A comic poem. Jackson, and W. E. Currej. Post 8vo. pp. W) oiw• ^ ¦¦ :\tf^M BellBell &a ^^o" »" l H Cox (8.)—The BiTd 's Nest, and other Sermons for Children ^H^ Vol. of all Ages. Post 8vo. pp. 260, 6s Unwin [4660 Faithful Words for Old »nd Youn g. ^J ^ [i&^M A 1 Crafrfi: (E. H.)—Almack the Detective. Post 8vo. pp. 240, • [) (l ^^^^^ | [4fl(J 2a. " 6s. Lond. Lit. Soo. l Famil y Friend. Vol. 17. Boy. 8vo. "JJ ^f^jo (^H mI A tale of low life in London. ¦ *¦ ¦¦ ft ^

The Pub lisher s' Circular I2Q7 fov. r , '*gg_oo/: ifl7 fe=== ; Killing no Oxford and I rampnP«mohlets— Milfcon's Areopagiticathe Gill's Cambridge Euclid, Books I. and II. of Way with x^- l~» won8 — ^—» ¦—' — **~^ ^ ^» A VJ ^v «^^ ¦ Dissenters ™~ W A. u'AMAVV&At | ft 3 shorteBt ; Euclid's E lements, chiefly from the Text^ . ^ ofX^ Dr..*- ' * • Simson. f ; ^Whatel y's Historic Doubts concerning With Notes and Geometrical Exercises arranged so as to ¦ I¦ 5tJKK*le s trCrisis= B ' ftrfce ;dn< Copleston'8 Advice to a Young help Beginners preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge i Kapoleon ^ ^ori by Henry Morley. Post Local Junior, the College Beviewcr. w^^ of Preceptors Classes. Science ¦ ¦ ,uoriey ' s Universal Library) and A.rt Department. Post 8vo. pp. 160, Is. .... GDI [4fl7 igro. PP- 3^ > i8' ^ Routledge [4691 Gilliat (E.)~Forest Outlaws ; or,Saint Hugh and the King. L i,* / n P WThe Teacher's Companion to Macmillan's With 16 Illustrations. Post 8vo. pp. 402, 6s...Seeley [4718 uerGerman Course. 2nd Tear. 12mo. pp. 62. IR?SSdve progressive MaomUlan [4692 A tale of the twelfth century. | 4S- 6d I ,.. m.mnaa for the PIursery.serT . With numerous Goldsmid (H. J.)—Dottinsrs of a Doaser : t»eing Revela- L nnrite- Hhyroes for the Nur tions of the Inner Life of Low Lodg P?ct«rePages. Post 8vo. pp. Mfc boMd*^ ing Houses. 12mo. P» pp. 136, sewed, Is TJnwin [4719 , Tale of the North Shore. Goldsmith (O.)—Vicar of Wakefleld. With 32 Illustra- I G M.) — Devon Boys : a tions drawn oa Wood by William Mulready, engraved by Iff ,?i, i5 fnil-mwe Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Post ' Blackie [4094 JoanJohn Thompson.I hompson. New edit. 8vo. pp.dd. 306306., 77s.s.

a> -¦ —- -- ^^_— „ c-»» m • — - — — — — — • — — || I || y . %^0 g f *<" to Wtitsuntide. ( ^^ J : Christmas WpId Alice^ ^ ^^ D.)—Palermo^ Gray's Elegy in a Country Churchyard . Illustrated by ¦ ¦ lUvfcal edit, post 8vo. pp. 218, 5% Putnam [4698 Norman Prescott Davies. With pixte-en facsimile repro- duction from his Original Drawings in the possession of Ktajrerald (P.)-Th e Book Fancier ; or, the Romance of ^ ¦ 12mo. pp. 306, 5s Low [4699 H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. 4to. parchment. 21s. Book Colk-cting. Field & Tuer [4725 Bowers of Grace. 32mo. Is Griffi th [4700 ¦ ¦ ra l borders printed in colours. Green CE. Everett-)—The Head of the House : a Story of Scripture texts with f lo Victory over Passion and Pride. With 5 Illustrations by Boreign Armies : their Formation, Organisation, and !E. Whymper. Post 8vo. 5s. (Sunflo ioer Series') ¦Strength. With Illustrations. Post 8vo. pp. 158, sewed, Religiou3 Tract Society [4726 Mu . Clowes [4701 fcrrester (Mrs.) — Once Again : a Novel. 3 vol?. cr. 8vo. Greene (J« B.)—Notes on Ireland. Made from Personal Kls. ^1 Hurst [4702 Observation of its Political,. SocialSocial,, and Economical Con- dition. Reprinted from the Morning Post. Cr. 8vo. Is. mpnr Prizo Essays on the Sabbath. With Preface by i Low [4772 MXu 'lrew Thomson . 8vo. (Bdinl>urgh, Gemmell) 7s. 6d. Greenaway (Kate)— A Apple Pie. Engraved and printed ¦ ¦ Simpkin [4703 by Edmund Evans. 4to. 3s. 6d.; toards, 2s. 6d. ¦ ¦ I' , Routledge [4728 xii tninx essa ys written by Rev. Thos. Hamilton, Rev. The nurse ry app le pie alphabet , with coloured illustra- ¦ ¦ IT C. Wood, Rev. Ja mes Orr , and a Member of the tions. ¦ ¦ L ilinburgh College of Justic e. Gresswell (A. and J. B.)—Diseases and Disorders of the Byster (J. A.)—The Married Women (Maintenance in Horse : a Treatise on Equine Medicine and Surgery, being Base of Desertion) Act. 1886 (49 & 50 Viet. cap. 52). With a Contribution to the Science of Comparative Pathology. ¦niriHiuctcry¦niriHhictory Observations'ervations*., Notes on the Sections,Sections, and an Revised, with an Introduction, by George Gre3swell. 8vo. ¦ Appendix of Forms. 12mo. pp. 40, hoards, 2s. 6d. (Leeds) pp. 270, 53 Bailliere [4729 ¦ ¦ Heywood [4704 Gre7 ( TVT.)—The Silence of Dean 3IaitI_ind. 3 vol«. Cr. 8vo. •iendly Visitor. New Series. Vol. 20. Roy. 8 vo. 2s. 31s. 6d \ Paul [4730 ¦n

J Hh.^^ « W ' — — . ^ -^^ ^^^» %^ « ^B^^V ^V^ ^H ^ ^^ ^^i^S f / ¦rniss Harrison^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ (^^ IVrrs. Burton)—Folk and Fairy» Tales. To^t (ff.)_Hoin ps »l «- LW3 X CUr ^y ¦ y rp, ' ""' "H " all the4- Year Round.XVUUI1U. WithVVll/U Verses>Cl tK3» 8vo. pp. 300, 6a Ward & D. [4735 m? '• • I. Milliken , Engraved and printed by Edmund ¦ ¦ lUlS - Uo - boards, Is Routledge [4710 Hart C lVIrs. A.)—Lilian St. Clair : a Novel. 3 vol a. Cr. Pro ation on the 8vo. 318. 6d J. Boulton [4736 Wtw b : a Symposium Question < Is ¦ ^ °",, sibln aft - H>. 324 ,

" n " C£ J I298 The Publishers' Circular Nov 1

¦ ¦

^ ^ = : , with Peter- | Henty (G. A.)—The Bravest of the Brave ; or Klppen (Jane M.)—Bessie Brown and her Fin ^ c . I borough in Spain. With eiprht fall-page IllustTations by a Tale. 18mo. pp. 104, Is... H. M. Paget. Post 8vo. pp. 352, 5a Blackie [4743 Sfe**«»Qei [477l l« Kni irht (A. I..)—The aunroom Heroes ; or Adv*n f I Hent y (G*. A.)—With Wolfe in Canada; or, the Winning withwivu ArabsAiauB, AfloatxLuuab andtuiu. Ashore.as uuiv. tares—«« I of a Continent. With 12 full-page Illustrations T>y Gordon 12mo.xzmo. pp. 126 llg T I Browne. Post 8vo. pp. 382, 6s Blackie [4744 Warne [4772 1 Knocking:: the Words of Jesus at the Door of the u» I w—w •» Her ing (Jeannie)—Elf. With Illustrations by A. W. *—a Sacred^»^-w-. -w. Monody.—— w — v "-^- -w B—-'^y the ^Author.mvuva of\/jl BibleJ_>1 Ulx* r ' Cooper. Post 8vo. pp. 186, 2s Routledge [4745 ' PorcelOFffPt m Ifl A Scottish ta le. Himself: Words concernin g the Lord Jesus Christ. Si. Lang: (Alice)—Cords of Love. Illnstrated. I8mo. ldrno. parchment, Is J. F. Shaw [4746 2s 6d. I Bel. Tr. Soo. [4774 1 Historical Scrap Book . Fol. 7s. 6d.; boards, 6b. Laweon (Lizzie) and Mack (R. E.)— Christmas Rose*. I Cassell [4747 4to. 28. 6d Griffith [4775 1 Consuls of nea rly 200 pages of illustrations of historica l Poetry f or children, with coloured illustra tions events. . Home "Word s for Heart and Hearth. Vol. for 1886. 4to. Lawsori(Lizzie) and Mack (R. E.)~Under the .Mistletoe 2s.; boards, Is, 6d Office [4743 4to. 3s. 6d Grifflth [4776 Hood's Comic Annual for 1887. 4to. Is. sewed. Rhymes a nd pictures for children . Fun Office [4749 Lecky (E.) — Fairy Folk. Illustrated by Isabel Berkley Horace—Selected Odes. With Notes for the use of a Fifth Roy. 8vo. pp. 24, boards, Is Griffith [4777 Form by E. C. Wickham. Vol. 1 : Text. VoJ. % : Notes. Is. each ; 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 106, 2s Macniillan [4750 Lee (V.)—Beicaro : being Essays on Sundry JEsthetfral Questions. New edit-post $yo. pp. 282, 5s. .. Uuwin [47/8 Hore (A. H.)—The Church In England, f rom William ITT. to Victoria. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 1,076, 15s. . .Parker [4751 Lee (V.)—Studies of tlie Eighteenth Century in Italy. New edit. 8vo. pp. 282 7s. 6d iWi^fc , Unwin [47*9 ¦ ¦ t/Uv HornibrookJL ^L ^^ A XS * W^J A V# ^^^^ L (V Mrs.)A 13 / AT^-*" he«v Queen^oieue.e. 12rno.i zuiu. Longfellow (H. W.)—Writ ings of . With Biographical I pp. 330, 3s. 6d Rivingtons [4755 and Critical Notes. Riverside edit. 11 vols. Vols. 1 to 4, post 8vo. 3s. 6d. each Routledge [4783 Hull (E.)—Mem oir of the Geology and Geography of f it | | t Aairabia uiaa Petneaj l qMroa (, Pales±. aicouiti ucne, aniind\u adaujuiujoining iu Districts.JL/iauiii > uo> Withiuu 1 ^ Lowell (J. R.)—My Study Windows. With Introduction special reference to the mode of Formation of the Jordan- by Richard Qarnett. 12mo. pp. 386, Is. (Camelot damn) i Arabah Depression, and the Dead Sea. 4to. pp. 154, 21s. W. Scott [47M Bentley [4756 Lowell (R.)— Birthday Book. 32mo. 2s. 66. Hullah (Mary E.) — Pbilippa. With a Frontispiece by Routleige [47« 1 Gordon Browne. Post 8vo. pp. 306, 5s. ..Hatchards [4757 A tale. L-nmby (J. R.)—The Pirst Book of the Kings. With Intro- 1 1 »¦ « v^v» . (Cambrid\ ^^-¦¦. it/- Hutton (W. 8*) — Th« Works' Manager's Handbook of ductionuuvuiu u andaim Notes.x.iuudo. 12mo.iiuiu. i-'l-'*pp. *268' -' . 3.•• *. 6d. Rules, Tables, and Data for Civil and Mechanical Engineers, Bible for Schools) Cambridge Warehouse [47*6 &c. 3rd edit, carefully revised, with additions. 8vo. pp. 420, 15s Lockwood [4758 Lyne (J. L.)—Mission Sermons and Orations delivered by Father Ignatius at Westminster Town Hall. Edited, with , Infants ' Ma gazine. Vol. for 1886. 4to. 2s. and 2s. 6d. an Introduction, by J. V. Smedley. Post 8vo. pp. 4.6 boards, Is. 6d Seeley [4759 7s. 6d Ridgwajr [4W i y (Dr.)—Thrilling Tales of Enterprise ami Peri l, I; In prelow CJean )—Lyrical and other Poems. Post 8vo. pp. Macaula Port ( 18G, 2s. 6d. and as Longmans [4760 AdventureAQvenrare, andana Heroism..neroism. Withw iiu 16iu Illustrationsihubuowuh -'. » _ -•- 8vo. pp. 896, Cs Hodder [-I . * i James (&.) —Th e Princess Casamassima : a Novel. 3 vole. [ Post 8vo. 31s. 6d Macmillan [4761 Macduff (J. R.)—Ripples in the Twilight : Fraernents of Sunday Thought and Teaching. Post 8vo. pp. 2M , 2s. t 4/V Jatnieson C A.)—A Textbook of Steam and Steam-Engines. Kisbt'by L Harriet Specially arrang-ed for the use of Science and Art, City and Mao^ (R. E.)—All Round the Clock. Illustrated Guilds of London Institute and other Engineering Students. GriffltU [A,M With numerous Diagrams, 4 folding Plates, and Examina- M. Bennett. 4to. 5s tion Questions. Post 8vo. pp. 390, 7s. 6d Griffin [4762 Poetry for children. Climntes. lec- Jerdon (Gertrude)—Changing Places ; or, Wilton Fair- Macloan (W. O— Diseases of Tropical tures delivered at the Army Medical School. Pot »vo> .v\ - leigh in Animal Land. 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' Newwew edit,«uii;. p%nost *av Svo.uiv- Pl>.ki— — ' ~i [4U<>$ Shields of Kng-land. With twenty-three coloured Illus- < flH8e H trations. Sq. lGmo. pp. 86, 3s; 6d Hatcbard [4767 T e X Malstre—Les Prisonniers- do .Cmwo, ani l/^ Cr. \ with Kotos, i»y I- u?' tfM Kin geton (W. H. O.)—The Ferryman of Brill and other la Cite d'Aoate. Edited, & N- l«[i7 I Stories. New edit, post 8vo. pp. 128, Is Cassell [4768 8vo. la..6 6d.....d... Willf.niBwini« '««-- ¦ Kin kbton ( W. H. O.) -Travels of Mnngo Park, Denham, Margraret Jer mine. By Payr Madoc. jJ ^iJ/iir ^l »- ¦*-• -^* -^r b A-A VT Mil and Olappefton.*^X M *" •*^-'** * WithT V*VIA numerousIAI44V & Illustrations.JL1I |. -* U Ul t-V U AT/ &AC1« 12mo.-A. ^ V &4 ^/ ^A. ^P H T r al Sto. Kintail^ ^^ Pla<3Q4 7^'^^'^^ : a Tale of^^ ^ Revolution^^ ^^ ^^Jl ^J . By^y the Author of^/^ of Distlnguisno^TAmericans. Post PP-^!jJJlmer [47^ * Dorothy.' . Jpoefc 8vo. pp. 414, 6s... Sonnenschein [4770 1 ' - ~^^ m * * ¦ ... «nr " "* .. ' " i' r ' H k^xx»jj Li.vA v^j lj l Im QQf,L Thexuv Publishers-*- «-t- u ' Circularv-» v*.Abwo. 1±QI2QQq fc ===- ~ L f rra-ot )- Masterman Heady ; or, the Wreck of Olden CJ. E.)—The Adaptable Arithmetical Cards. Stan- ci/jj«,. With..-~*» Il.ustra.^....w.~~..~ dard 1 to 6 packets TX&w r, ~iftoc i r> WrttenWritte n iorfor TouBgi «uug Peopte.*- , , Is. 4d. eaoh Shnpkin [4826 PoSt 8vo PP. 320, is. 6d Bontledge^ [4799 1 1^3 Order of the Administration of the Holy Com- L ? /rnnt }—Pirate and the Three Cutters. New munion, and the Form of Solemnisation of Matrimony, Gd Boutledge [4800 according to the Use of the Church of England. With RSSft K. Bubrics in red. Roy. 8ro. pp. 196, 10s. 6d. Rivingtons [4857 in Canada. New edit, post IffarryatL -^«f (uapwr Ca-Dt.)—Settlers 0rr Baby. Illos- Paall CM. A.)—Pretty Pink's Purpose ; or, the Lihtle Street pos» <". fi vo , rtratpil bvJ Walter Crane. New edit. . pp. 176 j Merchant?. With original Illustrations by W. Rainey. 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Vol. 10. 4to. 3s. 6d Office [4908 Wesley (John)—Life of. By John Telford. Post 8vo. pp. lit-Bits. 362.362, 7s. 6d Hodder [4923 I hfl,ro Talk and Smoker's Gossip : an Amusing R?*Sanv of Fact and Anecdote, relating to the ' &reat Wettaered (Mrs. C.)—Madame Bertrand : a Novel. Post ¦ ¦ pi nt 'in all its Forms ani TJaes. Including a Selection 8vo. pp. 326, «s Lond. Lit. Soc. [4^24 ¦ ¦ 11,1 Sicotianv,vnt.i!in LiteratureLiterature.. l«mo.18mo. pp. 100150, 2s.as. iU "What Shall "We Talk About : or, Things that every ^^ ^ one ought to Know. With 34 Illustrations. Post 8vo. L aa i\ B )—The Homes, Haunts, and Battlefields of the pp. 328, 2s. 6d ...Kelson [4925 _.__ Post 8vo. (Edinburgho , Gemmell)- pp. 286, fW covenantorCovenan t >s. ¦*. - ^— v ', • r Anno Conversation with a grandfather and his children on I V gj Simpkin [4908 3 birds, cotton, Uie air pumj/, an d many ot/ier interest ing subjects. L rh rAbp.)— Note3 on the Miracles of Our Lord. 13th Post 8to. pp, 510, 7s. 6d Paul [4909 f eJit. revised. Williams (J. F.)—The Intermediate Classbook of Modern s Nest, and other Rhymes. With 89 Ilhis- Geography. With Explanatory, Historical, and Statistical Lnrtle Dove' Notes and Examination Questions. Abridged from Prof. ¦ ¦ fritions by McConnell, Zwecker, H. Weir, W. Crane, and Routledge [4910 H ughes' Classbook of Modern Geography. 12mo. pp. 240, l oihers. 4w. ls 2s. 6d Philip [4926 Ifrtanitzky (A. R. von)—Electricity in the Service of Popular and Practical Treatise on the Applications Wordsworth (Bp. C.) — Theophilus Anglicanus ; or, I Man : a Manual of Instruction on the Church and the Anglican ¦ m ¦ I I i r i ^"^ ^—^ — — — — — — —^— ¦ ¦ ~^— - — ^-^ ^^- ^^ ¦ ¦ ^m Electricity j U i * v> ¦ " 7 in^^ Modern Life. Prom the German of Dr.^^*^ ^b v of 'T Wk 4- >-» l^n l A> -»» A. <- ^m . m -Vfc • . I _ .- _— __ W a ^lv ^» Z Kj ^# « ^k ^3 ¦ * ^ W **. ^M. 1 ^*. . _ J 2s. 6d. ¦ ¦ Alfred Ritter -von Urbanitzky. Edited with copious ad- Branch of it. 14th edit. 12mo. pp. 355, I ditions by R. Wormell. With Introduction by John Perry. Rivingtons [4927 ¦ ¦ With nearly 850 Illustrations. 8vo. pp. 876, 21s. I Gassell [4911 Wordsworth CBp. C.)—The Intermediate State of the fcoul between Dea th and the Resurrection : a Sermon. 6th Virgil's Georgics. Translated by R. D. Blackmore. edit. 32mo. pp. 32, Is Rivingtons [4928 ¦ ¦ Cheaper edit. 12mo. pp. 144, Is Low [4912 Wordsworth (W.)—Excursion. The Wanderer. Edited, ¦Takeman (H- O.)—What has Christianity done for Eng- with Lite, Introduction, and Notes, by Hawes Turner. fland ? Cr. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, Id. and 3d. (Orford House New edit. fcp. 8vo. pp. 77, Is. {English School Classics) mtopers, Ho. U) Rivingtons [4913 llivingtons [4929 ¦T alker (F. W.)—Practical Dynamo-Building for Ama- Yonge (Charlotte M.)—A Modern Telemachus. 2 vols. ¦ ¦ teurs. With numerous Illustrations. 12wo. pp 64, 2s. (Jr. 8vo. 12.s Macmillan [4930 I Iliffe [4914 A novel. walton (Mrs.)—Poppy's Presents. With 19 Illustrations ¦by W. J. Morgan. 12rno. pp. 96, Is. ..Tract Society [4915 Zerffi (Q. G.)—The Irish Question in History : an In- auwrural Lecture delivered at the Crystal Palace Company's ware (W.) -Rome and the Early Christians. Post 8vo. School of Art, Science, and Literature. 8vo. pp. 22, sewed, ¦pp. 3^G , 2s.; sewed, Is. (CasselVs Red Library) Cassell [4916 Is Simpfcin L4yiJ i waugh (B.)—The Children's Sunday Hour. New edit. ¦too. pp. 280, 5s Isbiacer [4S17 BOOKS R EDUCED IN PRICE. Weatherly (F. E.)—The Land of Little People. Poems by ¦F rederic K. Weatherly. Pictures by Jane M. Dealy. 4to. Church Handy Dictionary. Post 8vo. 2s. ¦boards , 6s Hildeshei mer [4918 Skefflngton [4932 Jebb(H. 8. Beresford-) — A Practical German Grammar. Flaubert (Q.)—Salarabo : a Realistic Romance of Ancient ¦P ost 8vo. pp. 372, 4s Rivingtons [4919 Carthage. 12nio. la Yizetelly [4933 ( 8 Be eflfor Practical German ram ¦WWS-^ .?' * r ^")— A G mar. Gasc (F. E. A.)—Le Petit Compagnon : a French Talk ¦«iiuith Lxercibesx..vercibes in Continuous Prose. Post 8vo. x>npp.. 124.124, 5h.5b. Book for Beginners. Sq. 16rao. 2s Bell & S. [4934 I Riving tons [4920 ¦ MatoAx (C. !•.)—The Wonderland of Work. Roy. 8vo. «bb (H. S. Beresford)— German Exercises in Con- 5s Ua88ell [4935 ¦tinuous¦UDUOU9 ProsePniSP , fromfl«/-» rr» *« AA PracticalDm»4- i/>« l Germanm «^ Grammar.i~i i -l e\ ¦ HI ' 12mo. PP. , Is. Gd Rivingions [4921 Sherwood (Mrs.)—History of the Fairchild Family. Post ¦e « 8vo. 3a. 6d Routledge [4936 llensms, from Pickwick ' and ' Master Humphry's [; ««*. Selected by Charles L iark F. Rideal, and Edited by Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. 8vo. 63. '3 xvont- 18mo. pp. 180, 2s Red way [4922 Bagster £<1937

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%&vzrtmtmtnt% xrf Mm %ul^ I ALMANA CKS FO R LOCALIS ATION, 1887. I Ai. T/TT B. DRAPER & CO., of Nottingham, announce that Sp ecimen Cop ies of their Trade ma^J • and Diaries for 1887 are now rea dy. Specimen Copies and Terms will be sent upon jippl'^-'W d ¦ ILL USTRATE D ALMANACK. Crown 8vo. 32 pages, 8 full-page Illustrations, tone white paper. H LETT ERP RESS ALMANACK . Crown 8vo. 32 pages*, toned or white paper. I DIARIES. Crown 8vo. toned or white paper. I The Almanacks contain a largo amount of judiciously selected matter, in closely-printed but clenr, re uiabll' ,^ ml Illustrations superio r '(/ consisting of popular subjects, engraved bj eminen t A rtists. Dkai'Kk 'b Almanacks are '") . ^^jb^H market, each year's issue comprising entirely new mattx- r, no standing ty]>c being worked up For pi ioo tin H favourable comparison . ^M Only one p erson in a, town s upplierl . Send early for Spec line p us. Ortlertt executed " ^M

W. B. DRAPER & CO., Milton Steam Printing Works, Nottingham. _^H 1304 The Publish ers ' Circ ular Nov. 1, l886 l Messrs. MACMILLAN & CO.'S LIST. EARIi Y LETTEBS OF THOMA S CABLYLE , 1814-1826- Edited hy Cha bles Elj ot Norton. 2 vols. with Two Portraits. Cro wn 8vo. 18*. * Altogether one rises from, a perusal of these letters with a f eeling that they have, as far as possible, served their purpose.'—Standard. LORD TENNYS ON'S WORKS. Miniature , Edition. A New Edition, printed by Messrs. B. & R. Clark, of Edinburgh. The POETICAL WOR KS. 10 vols. in a Box, 2ls. The DRAMATIC WORKS. 4 vols. in a Box, 10*. 6d. I [Short ly. THE ODYSSEY OI" HOMER TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH VEBSE. Books I.-XII. By the Bight Hon. the Exbl of Carnarvon. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. JPf ofuself / lilust rated by MandolpJi Cctldecott. OLD CHRISTMA S AND BRAC BBRIBG E HALL. By Washington Irving. With numerous Illustrations by Randolph Caldbcqtt. An Edition de Luxe on fine paper. Royal 8yo. 21*. DAYS 'WITH SIB ROGER DE COVERLEY. From the 'Spectator/ With numerous Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Extra gilt, crown 4to. 6*. HISTORY OF NAPO LEON I. By P. Lanfrey. A Translation made with the sanction of the Author. New and Popular Edition. 4 vote,, Crown 8vo. 30a. x N E 1ST NOVELS- fc BY THE AUTHOR OF ' JOHN 1NGLESANT.' SIR PERCIVA L i a Storj of the Past and of the Present. By J. Hbnby Shorthouse. Crown 8vo. 6*. NEJESRA : a Tale of Ancient Rome. By John W. Graham. 2 vols. 8vo. 24s. A NORTHERN LILY. Five Years of an Uneventful Life. By Joanna Habrison. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31*. 6/J. A MODERN TELEMACHTJS. By Charlotte M. Yonoe, Author of ' The Heir of Redclyffe' &c. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 12a. THE PRINCESS CASAM ASSIM A. By Hexrt James, Author of < The American/ ' The Europeans/ &c. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31*. (id. MARGAR ET JERMINE. By Fayr Mai>oc, Author of ' The Story of Melicent.' 3 vote. Crown 8yo. 31*. Gd. JUBILEE EDITION OF ' THE PICKWICK PAPERS. 1 THE PO STHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. By Chables Dickens. With Notes and numerous Illustrations. Edited by Charles Dickens the Younprer . In 2 vols. extra crown 8vo. 21*. [Immediately. MADA GASCAR : an Historical and Descripti ve Account of the Island and its former Depen- dencies. Compiled by Captain S. Pasbteld Oliver, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., late Roy al Artillery. With Map3. 2 vols. medium 8vo. £2. 12*. 6d. LECTURE S AND ESSAYS. By W. K. Clifford, F.R.S., late Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at University College, London ; sometime Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge. Edited by Leslie Stephen and P. Pollock , with an Introduction by F. Pollock. Second and Popular Edition. 1 vol. crown 8vo. Bs. 6d. THE NEW ENGLISH. By T. L. Kingtok-Ouphant. 2 vols. Crown 8ro. 21s. OUR NATIONA L INSTITUTI ONS. A Short Sketch for Schools. By Anna Buckland. 18mo. I*. I 2* E THT BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. MRS. MOLESWORTH'S NEW STORY BOOK. FO UR "WIND S FARM. By Mrs. Molesworth, Author of < Us/ 'Tell Me a Story/ ' The Cuckoo Clock/

NOTICE TO ( The FIN E-ART CHRIS TMAS {December) NUMBER of the ®je Crn gltsi) K ilust rattti i^iagajtn e L RAVhj. \ Price Onbj Shilling , will be ready with the December Magazines. It will contain Pictures by L. Alma-Tadema, R.A., Gborob du Ma»utiier, Miae Clara Montaida, G. L. Skymouh . Hu" 11 Thomson, and other Artists ; and Contributions by A. C. Swinburne, George Mkhedith, D. Christie Muriiay, Ii- L- Farjteon, the Author of * Meiiala h,' the Author of ' Bootle's Baby,' Grant Al*.en, and other Writers. This Fine-art Number will bo ready with the December Magazines. It may be ordered from any Bookseller or Newsagent, price One Shilling ; by post, Fifteenpence. ?«,* To facilitate rinifornilty in. the delivery of Orde rs the Trade are desired t-o send i>1 their JLlsts without delay. MACMILL AN : Robkiits, M.A., Minister of St. Peter's, Vere Street, London, formerly Vicar of Eye, Suffolk, Author of ¦ ¦ ^ * ' . * Law and God ,* * Reasonable Service,' &c. " I" NEW VOLU M ES OF SYMONDS' ' RENAISSANCE 1*1 ITALY. ' ¦ ¦ Now ready. 2 vols. demy 8vo. 32s. -. POCKET EDITION OF W. ivT THACKERAY'S WORKS. Ready this day. Price is. Qd. In half-cloth; or Is. in paper cover. THE HISTOR Y OF HENRY ESMOJSTI >. 1 vol. The following "Volumes have already appeared : Vanity Fa ir, 2 vols. | JPencEennis, 2 vols. | Harry JOj/tidon: a Little Jyittrver at Timmin,8*89 1 vol. The Netvcomes, 2 vols. And. further Volumes will belssued at Monthly Int ervals* • ; - NEW VOL UME OF SMITH, ELDER , & CO.'S POPULA R 2s. 6d. SERIES. Now ready- Cheap Edition. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. EXTRACTS FROM THE WR ITINGS OF W. M. THACKERAY. Chiefl y Philosophical and Reflective. NEW VOLUME OF ' THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY.' . Rnval 8vo . 12*. 6d. in cloth ; or in half-morocco, marbled edges, 18*. Volume VIII. (BuTton-Cantwell) of the DICTIONAR Y OF NATIONAL JBIO GRAFHY. Edite£ by J,ksjlie Stephen. *5* Volume IX. ¦will be published on January 1, 1887, and the subsequent Volumes at lktervkls of thTee months. Intending Subscribers can enter their Names with any Bookseller. NEW ADDITIONS TO SMITH, ELDER, & CO.'$ ' POPULAR NOVELL.' Ready this day. Cheap Edition. "With 8 Illustrations by "George flu Maurier. Crown 8vo. 6>. COUR T ROYAL. By the Author of • John Herring,' * Mehalah/ &c. In November. Cheap Edition. Grown 8vo. 6s. DEMOS. A Story of Socialist Life in England. NEW VOLUM E OF THE UNIFpRM EDITION OF MISS THACKERAY'S WORKS. In November. With Vignette Title-page, large crown 8vo. 6.?. MltS. D YMOND. By Miss Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). NEW NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR OF ' MOLLY BAWN ' ETC. Early in November. In 3 vol?. post 8vo. LADY RRANKSMERE. By the Author of ' Mol ly Bawn,' ' Mrs. Geoffrey,' &c. NEW EDITION OF FERRIER'S ' FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN.' Now ready. Second Edition, He-written, with many New Illustrations, 8yo. l&j. THE F UNC TIONS OF THE RRAIN. By Davi d Fbrbibb, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Forensic Medicine, King's College ; Physician to King's College Hospital ; Physician to the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic. V* 7Vn .s-, though termed a Second Edition, is essentiall y anew book,, having been a lmost en tire ly re-writidn, an d embracing t'i<- f aults ( ,f yww investigations by the Author, as well as a critica l survey of the more important physiological and pathologica l '' "¦'urchr * on the fun ctions of the b rain that have been publ ished within the last ten years. Tixe number of illustrations has o"« tlo utiinl , and the chap ters devoted to the structures of the ru 'rve centres and the functions of the spinal cord have been 'id ar

Just published, price 21 s. cloth, gilt edges. IMAGINATION IN LANDSCAPE - PAINTING. By P. Q. Hamerton, Author of ' Etching and Etchers,' ' The Graphic Arts,' •Landscape,' t published, price 2 Is. PIC TURES QUE ARCHITE CTURE. T wenty Plates by Ernest George, Lalannk, LHERitiTTE, &c. &c. Imperial 4to. cloth , gilt edges. In a few days, price 7s. 6*7. JAMES HANNINGTON , First Bishop of Equat orial Africa. A History of his Life and Work , 1847-8 5. By J3 C. Dawpon, M.A.. Oxon., Incumbent of St. Thomas's Church, | Edinburgh. With Portrait and Illustrations, after the Bishop's own Sketches. 8vo» cloth. j Just published,-price 5*. STORIE S OF THE MAGICIANS. By Professor A. J. Church. With Coloured Illustrations. 8vo. cloth. **" BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ROMAN LIFE IN THE DAYS OF CICERO. 5s. STORIES FROM LIVY. 5s. TH ST °FJHE LAST DAYS °F JERU" STORIES FRO M HOMER. 5s. ? A T i?i5Y STORIES FRO M THE GREEK TRAGEDIANS. A TRAVELLER'S TRUE TALE FROM STORIES FRO M VIRGIL. 5.. HEROE^AND KINGS. ii..6d. STORIES OF THE EAST , FROM HERO- THE CHANTRY PRIEST OF BARNET : A DOTUS. 5s. Tale of the Two Roses. 5s. THE STORY OF THE PERSIAN WAR. 5s. WITH THE KING AT OXFORD. 5s.

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London : SEELEY & CO., Essex Street, Strand ; and all Booksellers. I h —— w ^ w ¦—**^—^"^T^^T* ™""""^^^^^^^^^ . ._.TJ. _ . ^_ j J^^ _ fc MJ fc M ^^ .. h M ajj, ajj ^,ji J^_aj MM "J-j_ ^ _: ' __ ' • JhMWir *fc— ^— -ctf ——-» ^-.-^ ^ ^ ^ >^^ ^ ^— ^ j ^ i^_jj ^_i^^ - ^ ** ¦ ^ w ^^^ Mfc ^^^^ H I ff ' ^ 13o6 The Publisher s Circular x | ¦; -¦'¦'¦ ¦ m ^ ^H J&aeijj for 1| r0m0i% C|riste pn»tol^ge I ——= — I PUBLICATIONS. I NEW _ ¦ . j—- - HIGHLY ARTISTIC VOLUMES FOR THE Three Courses forThreepence Oookeiy I 0 By J * YOUNG-, PRINTED IN COLOURS. rictm^d ' yS^Y^J?** ** - - L I Home Sunbeams. With. Coloured 37^ Xdketiessof Christ bein Illustration s. 4to paper boards, 6 MUKAK I V Crowh 8vo. doth boards , 3*. 6d. ¦ . Household Health. A Sequel to EARLY BRITAIN (New Volume). I ' The Guild of Good Life.* By Dr. B. W. Richardson. -^^ - -»t- * „ -w xn • ¦ Cr pwn 8vo. cloth boards , Is. Nine otler volumes of J?OSt-]¥Omian^ J> $rt ~*±^.a~t€ltn. Forei gn ¦ this Series have appeared. Influences upon the History of England from the I -m/r -m -I--*-• -tit if • t -r» Accession ot Henry III. to the Revolution of 1688. ¦ JzL aM; and ±L%S ±L.c.l. crown svo.cioth boards, **. ¦ THEODorK Wood F.E.S., Author of « Our Insect rp jte lAttle -o^^Vagabond I and ! Enemies ' &c. With numerous Wocdcuta . Large - nu,^. „ rroio \ a t*~ it ^^ctjtve. b-s ¦ postt>oBt »vo.8vo ciozn.oloth hoardsooaras , w.bs Checco : a Tale ^of Perugia. By Kathebinr Macquotd, Author of ' Under the Snow ' &c. With ¦ at Home. B. e .pw woodcut Post svo. cioth boards, u. -, m The JPilgr i^n By bevelledp? boards, gilt edges, id, ¦ ¥alford. Post 8vo. cloth boards, 2*. 6d. Pilgrimages 1* to Shrines famous in English Histor y. A. Garlan d Of SeVe^lMa I/llieS * i>y ¦ THE LAJ3T SBBIAL WORK WBITTEN BY f' T e o te '/ "' ^ 1fT) a t,WTXTn 4 pasre^ ^^Woodcuts. ^^^ Crow-n ^8vo. clothf f^ boards, 3*.n 6d.rT-, mI MRS. KWTNG. bevelled boards, gilt edges, 45. ¦ J&ary' s JHeadow and Letters JOFew Series of l*hoto-JRelie vo m from a Little Garden. By the late Juxiana Horatia Mjetps (Patented). Presenting each Country as if in I Ewing, A.uthor of * Jackanapes ' &c. With several • actual relief , and thus affording an accurate Picture ¦ Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Small 4to. paper of the Configuration of the Earth's Surface. , ¦ boards, I s. 19 in. by 14 in. No. 1. Names of Places and Eivers ¦ and ¦ nrh 7 "\T,vr left to be filled iu b^ Scliolars, 6d. 2. With Rivers JLtieo %^H%lir*l*tlil1l S* ±'%CtOr%aimT>t *> + ***•*rtl VoJumer.™«, Names of Places, 9d. 3. With Names of Places and ¦ January to December, 1 886. Small 4to. ornamental witb County Divisions, in Colours, I ji. England and ¦ paper boards, 2a. ; cloth boards, 2s. %d. Wales, and Europe, same size and price. ¦ ALMANACKS FOR 1887. I f cr M The Churchma n' * Almanack. The Churchman ' s Jtem enibrati W an Engravl ff0 0royIbeyi ¦ on aiarge Bh " ' an& Clergyman' s Official Plat !h ect . . ! .. o f ¦ roller, cloth back 10 Limp clotty 1*. 6rf. ; with Blotting Pad , price 2s. 6d. Calendar, red and black, in glazed frame .. .. 0 8 H —— in seParfl -te pap es, mounted 03 . ¦ o The Children' s j Umanac/c_ _ Small 8vo. red and black 0 2 w.,, _„ . A1 _ , , Wrnppcr.winner H¦ interleaved for Accounts, cloth gilt .. 0 10 WIfch numerous Illustrations . and Coloured Royal 32mo. stitched 0 0i 4to- Pri<» ld- ¦ ' " interleaved for Accounts, cloth gilt !. 0 6 The J^UTOChial Offertory* I TOan tncK <&c 10 Poat 4to. the leaves perforated . Stitched in paper cover. H calf tuck 18 Price gd. ¦ The Churchman' s jPoclcet-B(m7c. ,> ' tu<> **°™7rn >» e JU/i /tw >ma/inati /i^t,K. MI Price, Boan . with Tuck or Elaetic Band, I s. 9d .; French ,^ T11 *? * Wocdcm _ Morocco, 2s.) Morocco, 2.9. 8c*. With Illustmted Title Pnffe, and Bix Large .j Price Id. ¦ The JPrayer t-jyeHTu AltfowntWDic. ^ . 4 ^ crt - . k-s '^n ^k,• H For xxbo in ti.e Prayer -Desk , Lectern , or Vestry, with The Cottager^ ' s Sheet^ j £tm^ *na

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Nov. i, 1886 The Publish ers ' Circular 13 , 7 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. THE SALE OP THE OX FORD BIBLE FOR TEACHERS, ALBEADY EXC EEDS THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION COPIES. CLARENDON PRESS NEW AND RECENT BOOKS. NEW BOOK BY THE BISHOP OF CHESTER. SPECIALLY PREPAR ED FOR THE OXFORD LOCAL Just, ready, 8vo. cloth, 10*. Gd. EXAMINATIONS, 1887. Seventeen. Lectures on the Stud y of Just ready , extra fcp. 8vo. suite covers , 1*. Gd. ; cioth , 2s. Mediaeval and Modern Histor y and Kindred Subjects. NiebllhjP' S GpieehiSChe HeFOen -GeSCllieh - Delivered at Oxford, under Statutory Obligation, 1867- ten. Tales of Greek Heroes. Edited, with English 1884. By William Stubbs, D.D., Bishop of Chester, Notes and Vocabulary, by Emma S. Buchheim. late Begius Professor of Modern History, Oxford. <0f altogether exceptional value It brings within NEW BOOKS BY GEORGE SAINTSBTTBY. the reach of all the teaching necessarily addressed to limited ' Mr. Saintsbury's proper character is well known as that audiences.' Times. of one of the most accomplished and thorough students of French literature to .be found in England.' , BY THE "SAME ATTTHOU The Constitutional Histor y of England in its Padl ***! * Gazette. Origin and Development. Library Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Just nublishea, extra fcp. 8vo. cloth, 2s. £2. 8s. ~ Racine ' s Esth er. Edited , with Introducti on ' The standard work on the subject on which it treats.' and Notes, by Gkoroe SaintsburY, Author of 'A **-Times. Primer of French Literature.' * * Also in 3 vols. crown 8vo. 12,*. each . * , Select Charters and other Illustrations of _, Jj st piihiished. extra fcp. 8vo. cloth 2* English Constitutional History, from the Earliest Times Tneopnil e GautlGF .—Scenes Of TPaveL to the Reign of Edward. I. Crown 8vo. 8s. 6d. Selected -aedrEdited, with Introduction and Notes, by ' Beyond the reach of living competition.'—Saturday George Saintsbtjry, Author of AN?'A Sh ort History of Review. French Literature.' SLOMAN 'S Ja rt ^ ^ ta ^ V ^ SSS hJSSS -paper. TTNTFOKM WITH ^BBBMA^

y ' "w£S3K3SS&£=By A. Sloman, M.Am Head Master of Birkenhead ^SsMSsisfeSSaA ay,Iv J£™une o«zb , iY««i»»b. School , formerly Master of the Queen's Scholars of a PRIMER OF POLITICS FOR THE PEOPLE. Westminster. Th ird Edition. Just published, extra f cd. 8vo. stiff covers, Is. T0 8v __ J reri y e °* C 2 " Elementary Polities . By Thomas Ralei gh, *** * ^T' w^t, *V 4. M.A., Fellow of AJ1 Souls' College, Oxford. Horace. —Selected^ OdeS. With Notes *for \* In this work the author has att0mpted to define the the Use of a Fifth Form. By E. C. Wtckham, M.A... terms which are commonly used in political argument. Master of Wellington College, Editor of * The Odes of Its object is not to satisfy, tut to stimulate inquiry ; not Horace.' ! PiniOn3 bUt to lndUCe Mm t0 f rm 6, 1ZZ ^^^ ° ' ° „, Jn * PHbitah g, extra fcp. «- 9loth , 4, • Vow books of late years are better calculated to diasomi- ClaPendOIl S HlStOry Ol tlie K6 06111011 . "fctc aound political knowledge and ideas.'—Scotsman. Book VI. Edited, with Notes. &c, by Tftomas Arnold, ' There are not many shilling books which contain so M.A., Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland. much excellent matter.'-Sx . James's Gazette. , Jusf refldv crown 4fco pftper h0ftrd < 10, M ^ J ust published , rovai 8vo. cio^h, 25*. A Record of Buddh istic Kin gdoms ; bein ^ UeolOgry : Chemical , Physical , and StPatl- an Account by the Chinese Monk Fa-hien of his graphical. By Joseph Prkstwich, M.A., F.R.S., Pro- Travels in India and China, a.d. 399-414, in Search of fessor of Geology in the University of Oxford. the Buddhist Book* of Discipline. Translated by James Vol. I. CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL. Legge, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Chinese, Oxford. ' Every geologist will turn with interest to these pages, ^^^^-^.oo.^t* » ^r tmT T un ami will rende? a just homage to the great learning and EDITED BY PROFESSOR - MAX** MULLER. judicious 2 vols. 8vo. 21^. thought which are everywhere conspicuous in w t> them. -NATURE . A History of German Literat ure. By „„. . . Q W. Shkkkr. Translated from the Third German Tnat JMW1- ^n ^i^fv, K. Da^oh. p by f Max The Weiih ^f H ^ ^wSi Tj T- J»™SSA«»• -°- 0oN— Edlted " —^ ^h ^SffiSffiSMay do good with its modest J m e o m 9e ; ^- JJ^^^catholic, and modern.'-PALL^^SS^S^^S^ Mall Gazette. ^^ r K ' R^ clot NEW BOOK BY SIR WILLIAM R. ANSON.^v COMPANION VOLUME TO THE ABOVE, J^ s\°- 2 v«ls n,. JuRt ready, 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d. m - ^' %*¦ . ,, The Law and Custom of the Const itution : The^ German^ ^^Classics , from the Fourth to^ the a Statement of the Law relating to the Existing Logis- Nineteenth Century. A German Reading Book con- lative fcaining Extracts arranged Chronologically, with Bio- and Executive Inetitutiona of this Country, with and Notes Historical Explanations. By Sir W. R. Anson, Bart., graphical Notices, Translation^ By F. Max H.O.L Mttmm, M.A., Follow of All Souls' College, Oxford. Warden of All Souls' Colleee Oxford < er's Vol. T. PARLIAMENT. { Vol. lT.y The Executive,to follow. New Edit Revised, Enlarged, and Adap t*d to S^jer An excellent exposition of a very difficult subject. For History of German Literature,' by F. Lichtenstbin. "JJ?1118 the work will be invaluable/—Timks. -' In range, variety, scholarship, and tasto it altogether i he most compendious and Bcientiflo treatise on the "* surpasses anything of the kind yet attempted in England.' auoject.'—Spkctatoh. Academy. rd - London : HENRY FROWDE ^Oxfo Universit y Press Warehouse , Amen Corne r , E.C . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ . : ffi mm mm mm I i ii m~~~ ~~ mmm m m m m m t " ¦ jfiR-T* ,. . i _ i. . ^ _.. i .. -. - " ~—~ ^-—~—-~~~~~ * '^^ ~ ~* ~~~ ^*!!' *T ^T* ~~ T!?* ~r?*~*+^^ i~' ^^^ —^^-^—,- ' Circular I 131S. The Publishers Nov. h l886 8. P^ PUTWAIW'S SONS' NEW UST. ; FRANC E UNDER MA2ARIN. Witfy a,£kqtch of ^©Administration of Hichelieu, By-James 3beck Pebkins, 2 vols. large 8vo. -with^ Portraits of Mazari n, 11 Richelieu, Louis XIII., and Oond^. 21s. - £f is of t The perlocF covered by the adniiniift:?ati<^ Richelieu and J£aza|i!i one both interest and importance. Yet I am not awflre tjiat^ any full history- of this time has been written in English. The career and character of Richelieu are, 1 to a certain extent, fatniltefcr, but perhapsmost have a general idea of his admin Jstration rather than a famUiarity with what be actually did. Both the character and administration of Masjarin are, I think, little known to most English | readers. Yet the eighteen years which embraced thie Fronde and the treaties of Westphalia and the Pyrenees cannot be ' deemed unimportant.'—Extract fhom Author's Pkefack. "„ FLIGHTS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF PARADISE. Sketches of Travel jn .Japan #n4 JSlse^here.. . J3y Gbo. Cullen ,Pjeabson., . 10mo. cloth extra, 5s, ' PeculiarlyL ¦ :valuable for tjhip insight tliat it gives into the everyday nlanliers'- . - and/ customs of the Japanese,.' • - - -4 -' .. * -. ; - •* ... - tf.Y. Examines. * Mr. Pearson is a delightful travelling companion.'—Pittsburgh , Chbqntcl?- , . . CONSTANTINOPLE. By Edmondo dp Amicis, Author of ' Holland and its People,' '-Spain and the Spaniards,' ' Morocco : its People and Places,' &c. Bosphorus • - . Edition. With 32 full-page Illustrations. Beautifully printed aiid "bound in extra cloth. bevelled boards, 10^ 6^. ' A remarkable work...... The 'author is a poet, an artist, a wonder-worker in words, a writer of rare skill.' Hf '.-Y.Evening Post. THE PEACE OF UTRECHT : an Historical Eeview of the Great Treaty of 1713-14, and of the Principal Events of the War of the* Spanish Succession. By James W. Okrabb. With 3£a£>§.' 8vo. cloth, bevelled boards, gilt top,~ uncut edges, pp. xv.- 420, 12s. 6^...... Mr. Gerard has given his attention to the periods embraced In the reigns of William III. and, Queen Anne of England, and the latter part of the reign of Louis XIV. of France. •' ' ' ' ' '' * The Treaty of Utrecht, which closed the "War of the Spanish Succession, brought about greater changes .in the map of Europe,than had occurred airiee the'Treaty bf "Westphalia, which terminated, three-quarters of & century earlier, tbe long struggle of the Thirty Years' War. The influence of tne Treaty of Utreckt upon the history and the conditions of Europe of to-day has proved most significant , and in the present discussion concerning the vexield questions of contraband of war, neutral cargoes, the seizure of munitions, &c, the principles established by the diplomatists in 1713 form the starting-point. . : f - Mr. (Gerard's narrative is forcible and picturesque, and is enlivened lby ( inuch , curious-anecdote and previously i uuprinted correspondence. A History of HALF A CE NTURY OF AMERI CAN HISTOR¦ Y, . the United States from 2846 to 1Q86 V By ^lexandee ' Johnston, Professor of Jurisprudence I . and Political Economy in the College of New Jersey, Editor of * American Orations.* OOJVTJEJVTS. £/w prepara tion. Territory and Physical Characteristics of the United States in 1840—D evelopment of the , EaUway System, Manu- factures, Public Lands—Social Life, Education, Morals—Politics, Slavery, and Sectional Division-i-Tne Tyler and Polk Administrations—Texas, the Mexican War, and the New Western Territories—The Taylor, Fillmore, and Pierce Admin- istrations, Compromise of 18$0—Foreigndelations afi Effected by Slavery—Economic Development, 1840-185$— Railroad I and other Corporations in the fcTorth and West, 1845-1860—13116 Influence of Immigration, 1848-1860—E conomic Aspects of Slavery, 1860-1860—Buchanan's Administration, The Irrepressible Conflict—Secession and. Outbreak of the War- Conclusion of the Civil War —, Reconstruction and Home Rule,' the T^rial of the Constitution — Corporations and Manufactures, 186(M873^-Financial AfEair8/l870-18fi£—Corporations, Manufactures, and Labour, 1876-1885—The Grant , 1 Hayes, arid Arthur 1 Administrations—The United States in 1885. AMERI CAN LITE RATURE , 1607 - 1885. By Charles F. RiCHAitDSOif, Professor of English Literature in Dartmouth College. , [jn preparat ion. The first' volume' which will be complete in" itself, will have for its subftitlg 4, Tlie Development ,of , American j Thought/ and will trace the progress of American pro.se literature from its huirible beginning^ tp the present time, in its varioufl 'departments of history, politics elieved 1 , theology, philosophy, the essay, criticism, science, humour, &c. It is b that no more interesting subject can be found than tbe study of the growth. o€, our n ational , literature, resembling, yet widely differing from , that of England, and naving an important history and character of its own. The author feels that the time lias come to ,tiy to cribiciaeAmerican literature, aa compared with the other on bcoad ajid Literatures of the world ^ philosophical grounds, recognising its real merits, but withontof undue national pride. Beginning with ' Tbe Race Elements in American I^teratur*/ and ' The New Environment the Saxon Mind,' the whole literary period of America passes in review, down to the days of living writers, prof. Richardson, whose less am bitious ' Primer of American Literature ' Has reached a sale of 48,000 copies, has often been aeked to prepare a more extended treatise ;• but tine present work ha* been written on a wholly different and much enlarged critical plan, af tar long preparation. The decond »rid concluding volume, on ' American Poetry and Fiction,' will appear two years hencq. .. ','" , SCHILLE R'S AtJ SGEWAHLTE BRIEFE . Selected and.Edited with an Introduction and Commentary. By Pauline BucmrErM:. 16mo. 35. 6d. LIF E OF RO BERT FULTON , and a History of Steam . Navigation . By Thomas W. KInqx, Editor of ' Travels of Marco Polo,' Author of ' Boy Travellers in the J£ast,' &c. Profusely illustrated. £ost 8vo. cloth, Jp . &d. I AN INVESTOR 'S NOTES ON AMER ICAN RAILROADS. Ity Jo^N Swann , JVI.A. Oxon.» CounseXlor-at-Law, and Bometimo Manage Alabama G roat Southern Bra,ilr9ad. Popt 8yo. cloth, 5s. I * + * Current American Books imported promptly to ord er. I 27 King William Street, Sfcrand Londop , ; &nd New^ York. I 1 ' / *~ - r^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^jl^^^j^M^j^ l^MjijB^jJJJ^^M^P^^^^B^^B^B^P^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^yj^^^P^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^MW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^ : |f * < Nov r > l886 The Publishers' Circuit I3I9 M ESSRS. 1SBJ STER8' ANNOUNCEMENTS, THE COMMEDlA AND CANZGNIERE OF DANTE ALI GHIERI. A New Trans lation, with a Biograp hical Introducti on and Notes Cr itical and Historical. ' ~ . By iEij Hr ^BUMiPTIlte, D.D., I)ean of Wells. 1 With Portrait's. Two vols. medium 8vo. Vol. I. 21s. \In November. Vol. II. in the press. AUTOBIOGRAPHI CAL NOTES RESCUE THE CHILDREN. A \m ~t X?^'TTT T3H?C5 ' r Twelve Years7 ' Deali ngs with Negleeted Girls Ami LJ ^i trK J ^b* ^ - artd Boys. ' By the late SAMUEL EDGEE, B.A. (of Auckland), By Wl. MITCHELL, Yice-Chairman of the Author of ' The Problem of Life Considered .' School Board of G-lasgow. a ' Demy,8vo. 7s. 6#.. ; ' - F. jriih 3-j Illustration. . Crowa 8vo. 2s. 6d. SENTENTI ^E ARTIS : I FIRST PRINCIPLES OF ART FOR PAI NTERS AND PICTURE LOVERS. " r :F: By HAHRir ^QTJIIiTE B, M.A. 416 pp. small demy 8to. gilt top, 105. 6d. CONTENTS. GrENEBA.1, PbBCBPTS AND EXAMPLES. ' TECHNlCAIi HlNTS FOB STUDENTS Contemporary Abtists and Schooxs . and Amatexihs. op Painting. ' Old MasteeS anT> Schools of Painting. ~ BRITTA : DINAH MITE : A SHETLAND ROMANCE. A STORY FOR T.O-DAY. I Bfy GEORQE TEMPLE, By BR ESTDA, I Author of ' Lancelot Ward, M.P.' Author of ' Troggy's]?y Little Brother ' &c. Smyths I With Illustrations by "\^. Lockhabt Eogle. Witii Illustration^ E- M- on. * ; I • QjfoFm$v© . 6i. " ¦/. " Crowa 8vp.- 2s. 6d. I New and Hevised Edition (Second Thousand) now ready. | ' I JOHN BUNYAN: I HIS LIFE , TIMES, AND WORK. I By JOHN BROWN, B.A., Minister of the Bunyan Meeting, Bedford. ¦ ¦ With Portrait and Twenty-five Illustrations by Whymper, Facsimile of Will, &c. 8yo. 21s. 1 ^ Medium I the SPIRITS IN PaiSONT ^THL CHIL DRE N'S SUNDAY HOUR. I And other Studies on the Life aft er Death. By the Rev. BENJAMIN WAUG-H, 1% E. H. PLUMP'tRE, D.D., Dean of Wells. Author of Sunday Evenings with my Children ' &c. I Kovis ecJ and Enlarged Ed if foil', with additional With numerous Illustrations. I Notes, Indicep of Subject s, Texts, &c. New and Cheaper Edition. Fourth Thousand. ¦ ¦ Fift h Thousand. Large post 8vo. 7s.' $d. ' Square 8vo. 5s. I NEW VOLUMES OF HALF-CROW N SERIES. I ; ' . FOR YOUNG READEKS. I Profusely Illustrated, crown 8vo. gilt edges. I From, the Eqxiatov to the role. Up the Wile. I By Eminent Travellers. ' By H. MAJOR, B.Sc. I With 40 Illustrations. With 40 Illustrationa. Ifrr oes Band of Three. I

1 I32O The Publishers Circular nov f j i886


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¦ r^— . , , ^ j ^ ^^ Juqt publis hed, in post 8vo. board s, price Is. THOMAS CARLYLE'S COUNSELS; TO A LITERARY ASPIRANT. A hitherto Unpublished Letter of 1842. With a Brief Estimate of the Man, by JAMES HUTCHISON STIRLING, LL,D. ¦ ¦¦ . .... —— ¦«-»? ¦ — Edinburg h: JAMES TELlX Publisher to , the* XJniversity. , London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. .

PRESENT BOOKS. —5, W. PARTRIDGE & CO;, 9 Pate rnoster Row, London, beg to announce that Complete Lists of their Annual Volumes atid . Nefkest, Illty$tmted wnd other Books, adapted f or ' School Prizes, Presents, &c, may be obtained fr ee on applica tion. Saloon Showroom, u* above, open from S) to € ; Saturdays till 2. I » i8g6 The Publishers' Circular i323 j


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THE RELIGIONS TRACT, SOCIETY,. 56 Paternoster Row, London. 1324 The Publishers' Circular Nov 1 ¦¦¦-¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ !¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ii 1 ¦ 1 »^—— ' ™*^* ^*^* 1^—^^ ^— » ^—^ ^ ^ H §fa jgUKfltQHg jfra rt JJ ffaetffg lSi] ILLUSTRATED TABLE BOOKS. I «? 8s. hand some cloth gilt, or 25*. in morocco. New Edition, . handsome doth gilt, or 25«. in moroc- Australian Pictures. Drawn with Pen- - Scottish Pictures. Brawn with Pen j ^ and Pencil. By Howard Wiixoughby, of • The Pencil, By Dr. S. Gk Grken. Profusely Illustrated and IIlustra- : * Melbourne Areus.' With a large Map, '"Scottish Pictures " contains a large number «i tions from Photographs and Sketches , engraved by E. admirable Illustrations of Scottish scenery and Whympeb Imperial 8vo. bniMfn and others. and tne8e ^-e "brought together "by means of a text wK ' A concise yet singularly complete account of Australia, ig always brightly written. The volume will be prized in hardly a point of interest being missed by the writer. To Scotland as an evidence of what Scotland is, and out d make the book nearly perfect, it is enriched with an Scotland as affording knowledge of places and of scenery excellent Map, and more than a hundred graphic Illustra- of singular beauty.'—Tht: Scotsman. ' tions.'—St. James's Gazette. NEW BOOK BY THE REV. J. G. WOOD. 'With. 224 Engraving s. A SPLENDID BOOK FOR BOYS. The hand y i*jhlTtj:r jp l:l History, By the Rev. J. G-. "Wood, Author of ' Homes^rtthout Hands ' &c. ' Small 4to. 8*. handsome cloth boards, gilt edges. * An excellent book for the young, handsomely illustrated, and written in fluent and lucid style.'—Saturday RkviewJ Wi lliam Ty tidale. A Biograp hy. A Con- THE CHUR CH HISTORY sebtes. I tribution to the Hijfory of the English Bible. By the 1b Preludes to the Reformation : Fro n Rev. R. Dbmatjs, M.A., Author of ' Hugh Lattmer : a T>A.rlr +r» Tinwn f n Turn™/ -Rtt tv,* tw n

gsimiles,s^SBftssassssBVK o.s. clotn. I=™-H-iS%£S»- Christ and the Hero es of Hea then- 2. The Reformation , in France. Fro n dom. By the Bev. James Wet;ls, M.A., Author of itg Dawn to the Revocation of the Edict of NanteJ « Bible Echoes ' &c. With Five Illustrations. Crown By Richatjd Heath, Author of « Historical Landmarll 8vo. 3*. 6tf. cloth boards. in the CThristian Centuries ' &o. Dlusta-ated. Crowl The Gospel in South India ; or, Illus- 8vo r 2s- 6d - cloih boaxds- I trations of the Religious Infe. Experience, and Oharac- THE I ] °|H nd Ch B th CHRISTIAN CLASSICS SERIES . I ^rF.Li.S., Authori ^ of" ^rV' The Land^ ofJ Charityor ^ ^, ' ^Native^^ Lire 5 I in Travan core,' &c. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 1. CJltr DettS Homo. Why did Q-od "becoml Zs. 6d. cloth boards. Man ? By Anselm, Archbishop of Canterhury. Tran J 0 1 the riginal Latin Cram 8v clOt Livingstone Anecdotes. A Sketch of the boards* * ° * °' ^ | Career and Illustrations of the Character of Davtd * I LrviNGflTnNE , Mifisionary, Traveller, Philanthropist. A translation , with analysis, introduction, and notes m By Dr. Macatjlay. 1*. 6d. cloth. Anselm's Great Work on the Atonement. I ALMANACKS FOR 1887. I The R.T. S. Pocket-BooTc and Scrip- The Illustrated Sheet Almanacm ture Calendar. Containing a variety of Commercial, With fine Engravings, and with handsome coloured Political, Municipal , and Social Information. En- border. On a Sheet. Id. I larged to a more convenient size for the Pocket. I Frontispiece in Oil Colours. 1*. 6d. roan tuck, gilt The YocUet-ttoolc Almanack. Intel edges- ' leaved with ruled paper, gilt edges. Adapted fofl The Yonnq People' s I*oc7cet-]Boo7c. Pocket-Books. 20. I Enlarged - Con taining- a variety of Useful and In- I terestinp Information. Frontispiece in Colours. 1*. The Tract Society' s JPe ntty AlW(m roan tuck, gilt edges. nack. A neat Book, with cover . Id. I The Child 's Companion Almana ck. T Pa (T I For the Home and Sunday School. With high-class The Peop le' s AlmunaCK. -Largo r&m and Engravings by Whymper, Barnes, Lke, and others, Engravings. For General Distribution, sP^'^ J and handsome Front Page in Oil Colours. One Penny, adapted for localisation by purchasers printing tneij coloured cover. own wrapper. One Penny, in a cover. J

Scenes,' I n TT TVTmo f\ T? IXrATTTIM Author of ' Little Dot,' * A Peep Behind the Mjy lTirS. il« r • YV ALd1 V/ IM , • Christie's Old Organ, « Was I Right ?' &c. I

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THE RELIGIO US TRACT SOCIETY , 56 Pa ternoster Row, London - I ^ J I «. The Publishers * Circular IZ2 , lov. I , 188c 6 __ > 1325 ^ fltf lUlaguKts ©ratt Jluctetp JKst NEW STORY BOOK S. Die Head of the House , A Story of Nearl y in Port ; or, Phoebe M ostyn's Victory over Passion and Pride. By E. Life Story. By Mrs. Coopkb, Author of Evekett Gbbbn, Author of ' The Mistress of ' Ruth Oliphant ' &e. Illustrated. OroTrn lydgate Priory' &c. With Five Illustrations 8vo. 2s. cloth boards. by E. W™E*. Sunflowers Series. No. 13. B cloth boards. Ma ggie DaWSOn. y the Author of Crown 8vo. 5*. ' Wind and Wave futtlling His Word 1 &c. fcor al an d Beryl. By EglaM'ON THORNE, Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 2s. cloth boards. F Author of 'It's All Seal True,' ' The Two fPOm Fr ench Second Illustrated. Imperial StoHeS History. I Crowns,' &e. 16mo. geriea By Mrs. Dixon, Author of 'The I 3s. M. eloth boards. Martyr's Victory ' &c. Volume for the KOUng' Sir RlChara. By B. FREDERICK: Young. No. 179. Illustrations. la. cloth I Chablbs, Author of ' The Doctor's Experi- boards. I menV ' Under Fire,' &c. With Illustrations A Year and a Day. A Story of Canadian hy E Whtmpbb- Crt>wn 8vo- 5s ¦ ¦ I u !™T ' Life. By the Author of ' Christie Eedfern's cloth, boards. Troubles ' &c. Large Type Series. No. 84. Manuscript ; or, Ajiaise Robi-ia Illustrations. Is. cloth boards. ¦he Old enots u H st0I7: A Tale fch H The Banished Fa m ¦ ¦ Vendee.v A ByR -R-BlancheJ l M.M Moggrid ge, . ^ ily,\,. and the Bofc. e- I Lar ^ n c -vT * Ninepenny Serieso . I Author of • Hid in the Ceyennes. ' With five n \, W^ ' Col(>uredr I A F^^spiece. I Illustrations by E. Whtmpeb. 8vo, JI U. ^B _ •« ,i 1 j Crown ^fCIO XXIc LDOcir Q.8. ¦ ¦ 5s. cloth boards. __ ,.-, , Ja Sl leigh s Temptation.m ... Ida Nieolari. By EaLA™ Thoene, <* .tn }yer ¦ ¦ , **$ * ?^ Se"es- *0' Coloured Author of ' Coral and Beryl ' ' The Two Front.spiece. 6d.f i cloth, boardsf ". I C-owns,' ' The Old Worcester Jug,' &0. ffl C ¦ne lown s °benerae tor. a SLbtory m m wta CMdrej1' 5 BoolLS ¦ ¦ LH 1.LT?w£.L1 s t-i *™J£1 ^k a • ^ ' -r>T -r~\ -r Printed¦ *¦ ' I 'ltclt/-* in0 71/ JLvin LllCiOmu - about the Sunday Question. J3y E. L. -i m-,-^ t «x*1/. t>^^ w« -d t o a T I Davis, Author of < John Stiles among tlie U TWO Little ROOkS. By L. C. SlLKE^^ , I Freethinkers ' &c. Crown 8vo. Illustrated. l8' cioth- I is. 6d. cloth boards. 2. A Peep through the Keyhole. By lee Chester ; or, the Bells of Dumbarton, Mrs- Henby Keaby. Is. cloth. I A New England Story. By Lucy Lincoln 3. Poppie 'S Presents ; or, Do Try. By I Mont q omeby. Illustrated. Imperial 16mo . Mrs . Waxton , Author of ' Christie 's Old I 2s. Qd. cloth "boards. Organ ' &c. Is. cloth. I NE W VOLUMES of PERIOD ICALS for 1 886. THE GIR L'S OWN ANNUAL.— The COTTAGER and ARTISAN. The Seventh Volume of the Girl 's Own The Volume for 1 886. Pro fusely Illustrated. Paper . Containing 832 pages of interesting Is. 6(1. in cover , printed in Oil Colours ; and useful r eading , profusel y Illustrated by 2s. 6d. cloth boards , gilt edges, eminent Artist s. 8s. in handsome cloth ; Strong cloth Cases tor -Bindin g, Is. 9 ; hal f vL^, ^Ji ^r 12S- 6d- The CHILD'S COMPANION and Cases for Binding tJ Voi^me, 2s. each . JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR.-The Volume The Set of Fr ontis pieces given with the for 1886 ' Sma11 4to ' Emhellished with jQth ly Parts Is numorous superior Engravings , and hand- eome Oleograp h Frontisp iece. Is, 6&. in HF PHV'C rh\X7KT ANNUAL.A MMTTAT — 1 tT £ OYS OWN ornamental cover ; 2s. cloth board s, with a He Eighth Volume of the Boy's Own Pa per. beautifull y coloured and embossed Design ; ^ontaining 832 pages of Tales , Sports , Travel , 2s. 6d. cloth elegant , gilt edges . Adventure , Amusement , and Instruction. Cases for t*le Volume , 8d. cloth boards. Coloure d and Wood Engra vings. 8s. hand- ^txtt- j some cloth ; 9s. 6d. gilt edges ; 12s. 6(i. The^^ TRACT MAGAZINE^^ , and half-morocco. CHRISTIAN MISCELLANY. —Th e Volume ^ Cases for Binding the Volume , 2s. each. for 1886. With many Eugravings. Is. 6d. The Set of Fro ntispieces and Titus- page, cloth board s ; 2s. extra , gilt edges. s> 6d. Ca8bs for the Volujme, 6d. cloth boards. The Boy's Own Paper aad The Girl's Own Paper. EACH ONE PENNY WEMXLY , OR SIXPENC E MONTHLY . The Fir st Monthl y farts of New Volumes , each wicjbi handsome Frontispieces , now read y. London : 5& Paternoster Row. The Publishera Cltcidar *, ; I I32e• ^ ¦—- , .—— — . • *) i *m WARD, t OGK , & CO.:S AlKUAlsl X8S6—7. I «T BEETON'S CHRISTMAS ANNUAL. I Twenty-seventh. Season. Demy 8vo, ; Pictiu*e Wrappers, One Shilling, I WORTH HI S WEI GHT I2ST QOLDI A Story of Thr illing and Pathetic Int erest.- By Jf L, ApHMO3 ^$3 I J < i fl , feEETON'S CHRISTMAS ^KK trATi Will also conUdtH ' ' ' " ' I AN ORI GINAL DRAWINQ-ROOM PLAY (availa ble alsl as an Acting Charade). ' " 1 A NEW OPERETT A FOR AMATEU RS. I

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Kirton. 12mo. Ernest Dacent. By Mrs. Batty. Crown 8vo. ^/"illiam Tyndale's Vow. By Frances E. Cooke. Crown 8vo. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS . The Best Books. The Polk Songs of Italy. Specimen Songs, with Translations of each, and an Introduction ana Notes by Mies U ±£. Busk, Author of * The Folk-lore of Rome.' 18mo. Guide to the English. Lakes. By Professor Willjam Knight, of Sb. Andrews University. Illustrated by Harhy Goodwin. Thoughts of a Life-Time. By F. A. White, B.A. The Tea-Planter' s Companion : a Guide to the Management of a Tea-Garden. By F. T. R. Dbias, with Plates and Plans. Poultry. By R. O. Edwakds. Minor Pets. By R. O. Edwakdh. Practical Bee-Keeping. By Wilua m Chitty. Illustrated. SWAN SONNENSCHEUST, LOWREY, & CO., Paternoster Square, E.O. mi -r*k i ¦!• i '» /-*• "I ¦ I332 The Publishers Circular nov i I ¦ --¦ ¦ ¦ ^^ _ ~—jj SUNDAY SCHOOL UNIONJ 7^ I ' The publishers deserve great credit for issuing this excellent set of gift-b ooks for the young.' I EaSTBOVRNE GrAZETTE. I NOW READY.

NEWJ BOOKS. The Horses Of the Sun: their Mystery and their Mission. By James Cjbowthe b, Author of ' The Five-barred Gate / ' Solomon's Littl e People,' &c. Crown 8vo . Cloth boards , gilt edges. Price 3s. 6d. c The Kingf ' s Army. By Annie G:ray, Author of Denny,' * On Rocky Soil,' &c. Crown 8vo. Cloth board s, gilt edges. Price 25. 6d. AVakefordbrid gre. By Benjamin Clarke, Author of ' First Heroes of the Cross ,' and ' Prom Tent to Palace / &c. Cro wn 8vo. Cloth board s, gilt edges. Price 2a. 6d. of Villegragrnori ^ a Tale the Huguenot Persecution. By W. H. G. Kingston* Author of * The Boy who Sailed with Blake ,1 ' A True Hero / &c. Crown 8vo. Cloth boards , gilt edges. Price 2s. 6d. Stories for the Band of Ho|>e. By J. l. Nye, Author of ' Boys worth Noting, ' &c. Cro ^n 8vo. Cloth boards. Price 2s. The Heroine Of BrOOkl eigfh. By Edith 0. Kenyon, Author of ' Daring Tom ' &c. Cro wn 8vo. Cloth boards. Price 2s. Gideon HooI e' S Secret : a Story of Trial and Truth. ('Young England ' Prize Tale.) By AV illiam J. L.acet , Author of ' A Life's Motto ' &c. Crown 8vo. Cloth boards. Pri ce 2s. Lad y Bird 's Tea-Party and other Stories. By James Crowtheb, Author of ' The Five-barred Gate * &c. Crown 8vo. Cloth boards. Price Is. 6d. Bertha Pernberthy ; or, ' The Gift that is in Thee.' By Horace G. G-boseb. Small crown 8vo. (Jloth boards. Price Is. Heirs Of Dene Royal. By Julia Chandler. Small crown 8vo. Cloth boards. Price Is. Tom Winter' s Life-Work. By A. Werner. Small crown 8vo. Cloth boards. Price Is. Our Little Friends' Picture Book. 48 Coloured illustrations, with Descri pti ve ietterpress. bma.ll 4 to. Price 1#. No Royal Road. By Florence E. Burch. Small crown 8vo. Cloth boards. Pri ce 9d. HlS Hea rt 's Desire. By Emilie Searchfield. Small crown 8vo. Cloth boards . Price $d. Rob's Broken Leg and The Little Mother. Small crown Svo. Cloth boards. Price $d. The Riband Oat h and The Lighthouse Keepe rs of Antic osti . By Mrs. Ba/ttersb y. Small crown 8vo. Cloth board ts . Price 9d. IS He Clever? Small crown 8vo. Cloth boards. Price 9d.

Anecdote s On Bible Texts . Gospel according to St. Luke. By J- h' Nyb. Foolscap 8vo. Price Is. Christian DlSCi pleship. Words to Young Disciples. By Mrs. Dyson H oyal 18mo. Price Is.

London : SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56 Old Bailey, E.C. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

I , .oo < The Publishers' Circular rm tfov. ^___ SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION ANNUALS For SEASON 1886-7.

NOW READY. J ^ISTISTT-A.IIL. J "VOZE -TCnMIIEJ S, 1886. YOUNG ENGLAND. A Handsome Present for Boys and Girls. With Six Coloured Plates, profusely Illustrated with Engravings. Contains three New Serial Tales, ' Under the Northern Lig-h ts,' by Dr. Gordon Stables, R.N. ; * That New Town in Texas,1 by Grace Stkbbing ; * Who was Guilty ? ' by William J. Lacey. Cloth extra, 5*. CHILD'S OWN MAGAZINE. Enlarged Series. Well Illustrated. Paper boards, 1*. Cloth , extra gilt, Is. 6d. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER. Cloth boards, 3*. NOTES ON SCRIPTURE LESSONS. Cloth boards, u. 8d.

NEW YEAR'S ADDRE SSES, 1887. 'A HAPPY NEW YEAR-' Address to Scholars. By J. E. Kennedy . Price 65. per 100. 'THE YOUNG YOKE-BEARER S.' A New Year's Address , to Elder Scholars. By Rev. Henry Simon. Price Id. or Ss. per 100. 'MORE LIKE THE MASTER. ' A New Year's'Address to Sunday School Teachers. By Rev. Robert Tuck, B.A. Price Id. or 8j. per 10Q. 'GIVE THEM A FAIR START. ' A New Year's Address to Parents. By Bey. R. H. Lovell. On tinted paper, 6*. per 100. 1 NEW YEAR 'S REQUISITE S, &c , 1887. THE NEW YEAR'S GOLDEN TEXT MOTTO CARDS. 'MY PRESENCE SHALL GO WITH THEE. ' Beautifully chromo-lithographed, with space for inserting" holder's name. With or without the words, * Wishing you a Happy New Year.* In packets of Twelve each, 6d. per packet. With Name of School printed in blank space:—50 copies, 3*. 3d. ; 100, 5*. ; 200, 9s. ; 300, 13s. ; 400, 17*. ; Si»0, 21*. net. __ Same Text, Floral Design, for Teachers and Elder Scholars, fifteen Colour Printings on Enamelled Paper. Size 13i in. by 7 in. Price 3d. eacb. Same Text, suitable ior School Wal l, on Stout Paper, printed in Colours and G ilt, with a background of Chocolate. Size 41 in. by 10 in. Price Is. each.

NEW YEAR 'S REQUISITES. THE SUNDAY SCHOO L ILLUSTRATE D ALMANACK FOR 1887. Comprising a Calendar, List of Lessons, a Text for Every Day in the Year, with Coloured Border, a Centre Km graving, entitled ' The Morning Call.' With six other Engravings. Price Id. or 8*. per 100. This Almanack niay be localised. THE INTERNATI ONAL DAILY TEXT BOOK FOR 1887. Containing the Inference for Home Readings for each Day in the Year, a Dail y Text for the Year, and each Sunday's Golden Text from the International Lessons. Limp cloth, flush, 4d. ; interleaved, price 8d. THE LIST OF LESSONS, 1887 - Small 4to. for pasting in Bibles, Is. per 100. THE LIST OF LESSONS, 1887. Larg6 Type, printed on Card, in two Colours, for nangiug on walls, 3d. THE LIST OF LESSONS , 1887- Printed on a slip of Tinted Card, fox use as a Book- Mark, Id. or 6*. per 100. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER 'S POCKET BOOK AND DIARY , 1M7. Contains Calendar, List of Lessons for tho Year, Diary for every 6unday and Week-day, with additional page fur Memoranda, besides much useful information. "With flap and elastic band, 2s. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER 'S DIARY, 1887- Limp cloth, 6^. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER 'S CLASS REGISTER , 1887 . Con- tiiining a Calendar, List of Lessons, Ituled Pages for marking the Attendance of the Scholars, &c. Limp clotb, 4d. THE SMALLER C LASS REG ISTER , 1887. Smaller size. Paper Covers, 2d.

London : SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56 Old Bailey. ' Circular ' r334 The Publishers Nw. , , J SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, & GO/SI NEW BOOKS , NOW READY, ¦ t . -- •

N EW WORK OF MOUNTAIN TRAVEL BY MRS. MAIN, FORMERLY MRS. FRED BURNABY. HIGH LIFE AND TOWERS OF SILENCE. By Mr S Ma in, Author of ' The Hi gh Alps in Winter. ' Crown Svo. cloth extra , with Illustration s. 10s. Qd.

ILLUSTRATED BY CHARLES O. MURRAY. LAMB 'S ESSAYS OF ELIA—SELECTIONS FRO M. With over 100 "Woodcut Illustra tions by Charles O. Murray. Cr own 8vo. cloth extr a, 6s. THE WARS OF QUEEN VICT ORIA'S REI GN. By the Hon. Mrs. Arm yta ge. Crown 8vo. cloth , 5s. A COUTBIsTTS... : , THE WAR IN CANADA. THE ABYSSINIAN WAR . SYRIAN WAR. SOUTH AFRICA. THE CRIMEAN WAR. EGYPT. WARS IN INDIA * Part I. NEW ZEALAND. WAR S IN INDIA. Part II. THE WARS IN BURMA. INDIAN MUTINY. APPENDIX : THE GOVERNORS-GENERAL OF INDIA Bri gade Ord ers by Briga dier- Gen. IN QUEEN VICTORIA 'S REI GN, AND Herb ert Stewart . THE SPECIAL EVENTS UNDER Victories Added to Regimental THEIR RULE. Colours since 1837. CHINA . Services of Regiments. THE WAR IN ASHANTEE. I INDEX. MYTH-LAND . By F. Edward Hulme, F.L.S., F.S.A., Author of ' Familiar Wild Flowers ,' &c. Small crown 8vo. cloth extra , bevelled boards , 5s.

.4 , . WISDOM CHIP S. Gathere d togeth er by F. Edward Huimk, F.L.S., F.S.A. Small crown 16mo. cloth extra , Is. 6d. * NEW NO VELS AT THE LIBRARIES.

CLARE OF CLARESMEDE : a Eomance. By Charles Gibbon , Author of * Robin Gray ,' * By Mead and Stream ,' ' Queen of the Meadow ,' &.c 3 vols. Oottd 8vo. 31s. 6c?. HALF - WAY : an Anglo-French Eomance. By Miss Betham- Edwabds , Author of ' Kitty ,' • Dr. Jacob / * The White Houae by the Sea,' &c. 2 vols. Crown 8yo. 21 «. A BIRD OF PASSAGE . By Mrs. B. M. Grokeb, Authoress of 1 Proper Pride ,' ' Pretty Miss Neville/ ' Some One Else/ 3 vols. Crown 8vo. 31s. 6d. ' The most hackneyed forms of encomium are far from being the least eloquent , and when , as m the case of "A Bird of Passage," it can be jconscientious ly said that it is a charming book , vivac iously wr i tten , the interest of w^ich never flags d,uring a single page, but little praise remains in tho back- groun d . To all who do not in fiction eschew incident , as in music exaggerated Wag neria ns dr ead melody, it will be a genuine pleasure to peruse this bright and engrossing tale .....Startli ng scenes and (unlooke p!-for adventures abound in this fascinating story, the grea test meri t of which is lts atmos phere of genuine rea lity The novel is thr oughout del igh tful readin g/—Mobnih g Post.

London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SBARLE , & RIVINGTO N, Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , B.O. _J 1 1 ¦ 1 1 ¦ "' ' - ¦ ¦ «¦¦¦ r i ' i3=i isfe .r; '' -"" , -; " ' , , "; !, ¦ ••¦; . '^ ;; '.: ;: ' ".::. " .: ;/ " :. ¦. ': . .... , ' , ' . .- . .. v ; "" . . "; f r[:^ "^: ':v^/^\ A^ -- ^--—" *sJ l \ T ^ ^ I ¦ ¦ " ¦ ~J " ¦ -,- -iu~i-i gaa -" "" ' '• ' " '¦ ' ¦' " - ' . - = ^ -

oc0 The Publishers' Circular m<: tfov. i , 1T **6 i, SAMPSON LOW, MABSTON , & CO.'S NEW BOOKS NOW HEAVY—continued.

THE FAR INTERIOR : & Narrative of Travel and Adventure, from the Cape of Good Hope , across the Zambesi , to the Lake Eegions of Central Afri ca. By Walteb Mon ta gu Kerb , C.E. , F.R. &.S. Illustrated with. Sketches by the Author , engraved by Mr. J. D. Cooper and others , and containing a carefull y-prepar ed Map fro m a special Survey by the Autho r. 2 vols. Item y 8vo. cloth , 32*. ' Ther e ar e some good things in the book , amusing incidents -with the natives , hunting adventures , and surp rises of various kinds. Of special value , in our estimation , Is the information wh ich Mr. Kerr gives of the new countr y throug h which he passed on the South of the Zambesi, as well as of the inter esting region between that river and Lake JN yassa. The num erous woodcu t illustrations are exceeding ly satisfactory, and there is a very useful map showing the feature s of the new country throu gh, which Mr. Kerr passed. *—TttE Times, ' 3Ir. Kerr is a man of observation , he is not prone to exaggerat ion , and his . account of his journ eyings among the Ka ffir races of South-East Equatorial . Africa contains much that will interest many readers -.Throug hout the great par t of his journ ey he had no white companion , nor had lie a regular company of black followers ; in fact, in a more distinct sense th an the general run of wan- der ers in Africa , he went alone among savages , carry ing his life in his hand. He was the first Euro pean to cross from end to end the great territory between the Cape Colony and the Lake Nyassa , and in this resp ect may claim a place among the pioneers of African exploration /—Mornin g Post * ' )Ir. Kerr is a man who is possessed by the jgenuine exploring instinct , and the peculiarity of the present yolume is that it is the record of an adventurous journey which was undertake n and accom- plished alone Mr. Kerr has a bri ght vivacious style, and it is unnecessary to say tha t he has many things to tell that are well wor th telling. '—Manchbstbe Examinee. ' Traveller and travels alike are interesting. The story is a gr aphic one grap hicall y told/ Pall Makl Gazet te. THREE THOUSAN D MILES THROUG H BRAZIL. By James W. Wells , M.Inst.C.E., F.R. G.S. "With Map s and Illustrations , and an Appendix of Statistics. 2 vols. demy 8vo. cloth , 32s. Olr. Wells has made a very careful stud y of the resources and prospects of this American empire. He is familiar with its past history and present condition , social , industrial , and financial . Throu ghout the book , but especially in the appendices , Mr. Wells gives much informati on that ought to pro ve useful to any one desirous of knowing the actual position of affairs in this much-neg lected countr y . Such are a few of the more solid features of Mr. Wells's work . But the hook abounds with amuse ment. It is written in a gay and rollicking spirit , sparkles with grap hic sketchesi of the curious mixed life of the villages, towns , and haciendas of the interi or .....He has thu s succeed ed, not only in maki ng a rea dable and amusing book , but in conveying a fairly adequate conception of the social ~~ condi tions of Brazil . His sketches of Rio Janeiro and other coast towns, and of pr ivate and public life therei n , are quite as interesting as those which deal with the interior. '-—The Trarfcs . 1 These handsomel y illustrated volumes are full of i nterest and instruction ; and , if Horace was not mistak en , Mr. Wells should carry the vote of every reader who cares for travels and explorations. ' Of the stat istical portion of the work , which in no way interferes with the narrative , the reviewer rem arks : — 'In a short but instructive appendix Mr. Wells lays his finger on the causes of so many Eng lish Sugar Compani es failing in Brazil while the native compan ies flourish. The ch ief of these he considers to "be the fact that the nati ve companies supp ly higher-priced local or hom e demand s than what is offer ed hj th e forei gn mark et to which the English companies have hitherto sent their produce. Here , we have once mor e a proof that the merch ants of mer ry England are not so alert and so wise .as their forefathers ! *ere . The rai lways of Brazil fill another interesting appendix ; Tmt the appendix on gold and diam ond ¦ minin g in Br azil is more interesting still. The past , present , and future of Brazil are tersel y and Vlgoro u8l y handled in Appendix G; and Appendix H conta ins an admirabl e sketch of the physical ~ gtogniph y of Braz il/—St. James 's Gazette. . ; ' The wor k furnishes a life-like picture of what the au thor has seen ; his narrative is embellished Wl th pre tty illustrations fro m his own pen.'—Athkxjeum. ' The best book of travels in Brazi l which has yet appea red. '—Paix 3Ia ll Gazette. ' Two fascinatin g volumes. '—Scotsman. ' AVe may safel y say that these two volumes will be a standard work on a little known and ve ry ln ten>sting subject. '—Gra phic. LIFE AND LIFE WOR K OF SAMUE L PHELPS. By "W . May Phei. ps and John Forbes-Robe rtson. Demy 8vo. with Portra its, cloth extra , 12*. 'A ppeals irresistibl y to all lovers and students of the stago. It is a perfect atorehouse of fact , and by enth usiasts will be read from the first page to the last. '— G lobe. ' As a contri bution to the hi story of the stage the work will have an enduring value .' —Daily News.



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f^ y J' ^ P^^^^^ J^^^^ IHr I The Publishers ' Circu lar h oy. i 3 i8«x6SP 1337. Tu rper'S Ma gazine Christma s Number , 1886, I ay///

JPfxESS - Ox INIONS. ^mmKil ' fl^^^ HI ^^ Kiiff ^HPSBIflJ e H§^^^^^^ H!lflifllHI ^Bl^B^BI^RH)IlEa ^H' xnjii x xai.jd.I3* - ^^^^^^^^ 2» SS^^^^^^^ HKlBfl ^^ v^^ Cfl^lB^D^KBlBiliUfl ^H The Scotsman. a ,, . ^ >BP^^ flfii^fi ^KI ^^^ USsBIISS ^BOrwy

' The neatest little edition of Shakespeare JB ^HBH JIBtJ ^w^^ M that the ingenuity of publishers has ever M ^J ^ ^^^^ Hwtf pH^lPW 'S&^Eifliifl* ^^ i^^^^ Bfe^B^^^ k^

1^* ^^^^^^^ B^^^ B^^ SiBi^BBB^^^ ~!^^^^^^ 5^^^^^ BiBH^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^BJ ^^^ ?^^^^^^ 3B k^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^ l^BHiU^HnuX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BMHiMlfiill ^B

Brass-mounted Bookstand . 3I8. 6A "Lidlew* Box . Fren ch Jlor. , 21s. I ILL USTRATEO PO CKET EDIT ION OP I &fyake$peaxe'$ pjramafic ^orfe anb ^ocmd With Glos8ary 9 Life, and Itidecc to Familiar Quotations. I By J . TALFOU RD BLAI R. I Carefully Edited fro m the beat Texts. "With 40 Line Block reproductions of Westell and others* well-fajown EngravingJ 8 volumes crown 32mo. set up from a new fount of Nonpareil Type and beautifully printed by the Glabgow Untv eesitI Press on thin opaque paper, specially made for this edition. I The Eight "Volumes, in a suitable cloth case ...... 10s. 6d. I In French morocco and Lidless French morocco case, with spring lock ...... One Guinea. I Morocco Case, 31s. Qd, Russia Case, 42j. Brass Mounted Book Stand, 31*. 6d. I Thoogh there are many Editions of Shakespeare, the Publishers feel confident that there is a real want for one smallm in size and price than any which has yet appeared. The ' Illustrated Rocket Edition* adds to its other advantages as clem a letterpress as the other smaller editions, although these latter are almost twice as large and more costly. 1 NEW IiARGE-TYPE SERIES. Two Volumes, oblong crown 4to. 32 pp. One Shilling ead| ' edges 3s. 6d. I Extra foolscap Bize, limp clotli, One Shilling and or bound together, cloth , gilt , One Shilling and Sixpence. The Good Thing' s Of * Life/ (An America! I. Punch.) 57 Humorous Illustrations. I Give us this Day our Daily Bread : being More Good Things of ' Life.' 54 HumJ Thoughts on the Lord's Prayer, translated from the rous Illustrations. I German of Alban Stolz. By M. A. C. With Preface "Tis trifles such as these I by the Rev. Andrew Melvillji, G lasgow. 1*. That make a happy life.' 1 ¦r-r * For an hour's good fun, no one can find in a long d ajj __ . journey po much as is contained between these side-spUttm HOUFS 01 KeiPeShlll^. Translated from the covers.' —Chkoxjcle-Tej^egraph. I German of Mulleii by M. A. C. With Preface by Eev. * Exceedingly clever.'—New York Times. I Andrew Melville, Glasgow. Is. Qd. * The whole collection is a worthy exemplar of America* art-humour ia its best —Philadelphia Lnqhue* m moods.' ' I 0UOur Homo Kpvnnd thA Tirfft &nnri t inrlrprl UNIFORM WITH ' MB. LAMBKIN. ^"^ Pott 1*~- ta r r IUaetratl0IIS P Po^Compn^ E^E. M^l. U ^ ^ 1 ^ " ' "] p us o f e The lQ B^ad °4^ BatemaJ i SK SeT ^L°I 8u^ Byy R KSHANK With Humoro for melodious sweetness and devout simplicity.' ¥ ^o ! £ R - | - ^Charles Dickens.^ ^ The Christian News says .- ' This l ittle volume of aw,ynsn »and ¦ I sacred poetry is of its kind a perfect gem.' P°fct 16mo. in cloth boards, price Two Shillings ^ Sixpence. M ^ n iv. Xhe Loving" Ballad of Lord Batemaa Golden Thou ghts from Thomas Kempis' and the Bachelor 's own Book. b> wl Imitation OI Christ. Selected by T.^ M. Lindsay, Ckuikshank. ' , M D.D. 1j . ' Excellent examples of the work and talent of tne z^w * caricaturist.'— Fun. . Most valuable nuggets.' grt a mJ-m Nottingham Daily Guardian. ' Oaa of tlie most amusing works of our bgow caricaturist.'—Gi^a Heraljo. t arart 'B¦ V. • A welcome addition to the gallery of CruiksnanK • Sure Resting * Place. Being Selected Sayings BniMixanAM Daily i'J **d jM ' We need only add thftt Mr Lambkin is as tres i . of our Lord Jeftu s Christ arranged as a Hanual of - ag«- ¦ Faith and Practice. 1^. 6d. of f un to-day as he was a quarter of a century Dublin Even'sg Jl ¦ VT- Crown 82mo . doth gilt, Oae ShilUng eac1'- ,M Being the recorded A collection oi The Divine Teaeher. Our Native Songs. n ^M¦ Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ during his Ministry Scottish Lyrics, with Melod ies in Sta ff » on Earth. Fourth Thousand. Is. 6d. Notations. Edited by WiiXiam MoopEtt- ¦ ~ Glasgow : DAVID BBYCE & SON. ___ ^^JL ¦ Ii __ - -mm ^^ =-^ —^ l886 The Publishers' Circular • I339 j fARION & C0.;S NOVELTIES. -J iXLL mif»iiii UJJjM.if t inau.! ^ M>MMiiiMiiiinnM^iiii i in ^ uAX ^ 2TOW READY. / Irafe (tinMrnut /O/ /O / 3rd Department. : ^ / / / A& I ->% 5th Department. / wF / \

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i34o * The Publishers ' Circular Nov 1 1 . h ^ ^ " ^^ ^ ^ ^ l 18 87 . 1 WIL L BE BEADY ON" , ITOVBMBBB 1. I PAWSEY'S LADIES ' POC KET - BOOK] Roa n tusk , 2*. 6c?. I PAWS EY'S POCKET DIARY. Paper , 6d. ; roan tuck , 1$. ; roa n tuck , gilt edges, and pencil , 1«. 6c?. PAWSEY 'S LONDO N DIARY. Cloth lettered , la. London : PEACOCK & CO. ; Messrs . SIMPKIN , KENT , and HAMILTON . Ipswich : Published by PAWSEY & HAYES (late Haddock) .

_^ i_ . . . - DIARIE S FOR 1887- WILLIAM BROWN E CO., 38-40 St. Mary Axe, and 40-41 Old Broad Street, London, E.C I. THE FOLI O DIARY, J polscap size, 6s. 6d. n. THE DIART , post 8v(fc 6s, 6d. HI. EOTSTOB'S IMP ROVE D COMMERCIAL DIART ^nd BILL DUE BOOK , 2s. IV. OFFICE DIART , Is. ; interleaved Wottin g, Is. 6d. V. DAELT MEM ORANDA and PATMENT and EECEIP T DIART (Scribblin g Diary ) Is. 6d. ; interleaved Blotting, 2s, 3d. ; half-bound , 3s. 6d. Pocket Calendar , Imperial and Desk A lmanacks , do. dc. Plan of the pages , with, form of order , may be obtained of WILLIAM BROWN & CO., 38-40 St. Mary Axe. an d 40-4 1 Old Broad Street ; HAMILT ON , A DAMS, & CO. ; and W. KENT & CO., Paternoster Row.

NOW READY, price e&. ORION'S ALMANAC FOR 1887 . London : SIMPKI N, MAR SHALL , & CO. ; and W. KENT & CO. Peterborou gh : GEORGE C. CASTER , Market Place . TAYLOR BEOTHEES , I PUBLISHERS OF CHROMO SHEET ALMANA CS, AS USED BY GROCE R S, Fifty Choice Designs. Sa mple Set 5s. allowed off £5 order. OFFICE CALENDARS FOR STATIOMERS, &c , ON SUPERFINE ENAMELLED CARDBOARD. Sample Set Is. 6d. post-fj 'ee. EXAMINATION CERTI FICATES FOR SCHOOLS . Samples now read y.

£F Chromo Lith ographers and Letterpress Printers to the Wholesale Trade.


London : J. & K. MAXWELL : and at all Booksellers. | i THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE VOYAG E OF JE LL'S DIAJRY CALENDAR, size 15 H . M.S. CHALLENGER. -*-* by 10.—Neatly printed on white cardboard. ftow ready, Zoology, Vol. 3tV. royal 4to. price 50s. The day of the week and the month only is printed cloth , and Vol, XVI. royal 4to. price 40s. cloth. in the calendar, with a sufficient space allowed each. the SCIENTIFIC RESULTS day for a short note. The information given at the DEPORT on bottom is concise and practically useful. Price, on It of the VOYAGE of H.M.S. CHALLENGER cardboard , Fourpence. ¦during the YEARS 1873-6 , under the command of London : Simpkin, Marshall Captai n G. S Nares, R.K F.RS. and Captain F. T. , & Co., Paternoster Row. I ¦T homson, R.N. Prepared under the superintendence Nottingham : James Bell, Carlson Street. | Ef the late Sir C. W. Thomson", F.R.S., and now of Sous' Murray, one of the Naturalists of the Expe- dition. A RLIAMENTARY REPORTS : an I * * These Volumes may also be had in separate ¦¦P - assorted Stock of all interesting subjects. I fcrts^ , XLI.-XLV11. of the entire Work, as below :— Olyett, 5 Endell Street, Long Acre, London, "W.C. I .XLI. The Marseniadce. By Dr. Rudolph Berg, I price Is. 6d. i I XLII. The Scaphopoda and- Gasterop oda. By MR. GEO. NEWMAN, TRADE VALUER I Rev. R. Boog Watson", F.L.S., price 4;' s. and AUCTIONE ER of over 30 years' experience, ¦XLIII. The Polyplacop hora. By Alfred C. Had- offers his services in all matters of Sale, Transfer, ! don, M.A. M.R.I.A., price 3s. 6d. or Partnership. His intimate knowledge of the XLIV. The Cep halop oda. By William Kvans various branches enables him to render very valuable Hoyle, M.R.C.S. F.R.S.E., price 1 8s. assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser on moderate XLV. The Stomatopoda. By W. X. Bicouks, terms. Valuations for Probate at exceptionally low price 9s. fixed charges, any part of the kingdom. j XLVI. The Reef Corals. By John J. Qitelch, Offices removed to 102 London Wall, E.C. h B.Sc. ( Lond.), price 8s. 6d. XLVII. The Human Skeletons. Second Part. By Sir William Tu rner, K nt LL.D. GENTLEMAN who has had some ex- j F.R.SS.L. & E., price 4s. 6d. A perience in the Retail Book Trade desires to ; trint cd for H.M. Stationery Office ; publ i shed by enter a first-class London Publishing-house. He Order of H.M. Government ; sold by Longmans would be willing to invest from £500 to j£l,000 in I & Co., John Murray, Macmillan & Co. , Simpkin & the fame, with a view to ultimate PARTNER- Co., Trubner & Co., E. Stanford , J". D. Potter, and SHIP (all communications treated in tlie strictest Kegan Paul & Co., London ; A. & C. Black and confidence) . Write, giviDg fullest particulars as to Douglas & Foulis, Edinburgh; and by A. Thorn salary, &c, to W. L. 0., Publishers Circular Office , & Co., and Hodges, Figgis & Co., Dublin. 188 Fleet Street, London. I

___ __ It fAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. b RE-ISSUE OF THUJ EDITION DE LUXE AT A LOWER PRICE. BLAOKMORE'8 LOR2STA DOONE : a Romance of Exrnoor. Containing numerous Pull- page and other Illustrations by Mr. F. Armstrong1 , Mr. W. Small, and Mr. Boot. In 1 vol. crown 4to. cloth extra, 528 pages, gilt edges, 2\s. A few copies still remain of the 31*. (id. and 355. Editions. THE GKEORGICS OF VXRGTiL . Translated by R. D. Biackmore, M.A., Coll. Exon., Oxon., Author of ' Lorni Doone ' dec. Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. limp cloth, Ijt. | OW'S HANDBOOK! TO THE OHARITIEB OF LONDON. Fiftieth Year. He vised according to the latest Reports, giving Information concerning over a Thousand Charitable Institutions, I 1HKG-1887 . Small post 8vo. paper covers, 1*. ; cloth, 1*. Gd. J STRANGE VOYAGE. By W. Clark Russell, Author of The Wreck of the " arosvenor,"' ' A. bailor's Sweetheart,' ' A Sea Queen,' &c. fafioner , 3 AM EN CORNER , PATERNOSTER ROW , LONDON , E.G. EVE RY DESCRIPTION OF NEWS, PE OTINGS ANirWRITI NGS.



I London Agent : V. Y, BOWATER , 28 Qaeen Stree t, Cfre apside , E.G. __, ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' tgjjfr —--•^ 111— ' * ' •' i£ttl ^^ —— —— I ' - gRzr The Publi shers Circular 1*4* >ov. i, i^_ ^ r

Telegra phic* Address , ' SPALDING / LONDON , ] [Telephone No. 2520. SPAL DING and HODGE, 145 , 146 , & 147 DEUEY LANE , ** LONDON , W.C./H* QJi)ofesate fy t ationerz & IDanufacfurcrs.

1 1 • Hold the Lar gest Stock in the World of every description of Papers.


PRINTINGS, of eve ry Quality and Price.


LITHO ANTISTRETCH. Regi sters perfectly.

WHITE and TINTED WRITINGS, of the Best Known Mills.




HAND-MADE PAPERS and LOANS , their own Manufacture . &c. &c. &c .

¦ ¦ ¦

> v


JOHN MUIB'S i ' South Esk' Note Paper. A TUB SIZED PAPER, \ SUPERFIN E FINISH!, Prices : CREAM LAID, 5 Quire Box Eetails @ Is. PUKE QUALITY, 1OO Court Envelopes, boxed to match „ @ Is. 22 lbs. WEIGHT, I CABINET. packed in a f neat Cardboard Box, GO Sheets Paper with Customer's JSTame 5O Court Envelopes ...... - „ © Is. Printed in Gold i Blotting Pad on Steel Blue Enamelled. J ' Four Lines for Printers; SOUTH ESK , TRETSTT , AVIEIVEOI^E ... Writings. STRATH ENDRIEK DPrinting. One of the larges t Printers in Lanca shire says : — ' Since using these four good regular pipers, my customers have Leon muc h better pleased. J°k linen , however cheap, are never eatisfactory. 1 Samples ami l*rices on application, JOHN MUIR , Wholesale Manuf actu ring Station er , 31 Gannon Street , and 12 Greenwood Stre et , MA2STOHE STEB. l8g6 The Publishers' Circular 1345 SPICER BROT HER S, 19 NEW BRIDGE STREET , LONDON, E.C.

, __ ¦ ¦¦¦Mll lll _... _ ' ..._¦ . I _ . . ._


¦¦ JM > -¦ ¦¦*¦ ¦ -mt ¦ J J -T- — * • g-r ¦ f - t ii ii ¦ ¦ ¦ t •» - — ¦- - i~ - " T~i nitr *"—*- t |tll Bmm*m 11 ifn in i *> ^-^ t— -- t ^^ i t \ mm f -m^r- ^ t -- ifniin ttm m rt i ¦¦ *^***—r-—*' ¦ ¦ ¦ iw iirrin i ^ mT ^^ rM ^ l ^^ Mfc ^ HAND-MADE. WRITING, BANK NOTE, ANTIQUE DRAWING, POINTINGS, BILL OF EXCHANGE, AND LAID ACCOUNT BOOK AND AND PAPERS. LOAN PAPERS. WOVE.

MACHINE -MADE. Wi'itings and Accozint Book Papers. Loft-Dried, Tub and Engine-Sized. Tinted V\friti7tgs y Cartridgey Blottings, and Tissues.

p ins • .nsiszs'' T^_v7.r7_r7_n_v7_n*i7_n_5" / r-7 nnr:r? r? n n n n .n: .\ 7_xtj7j r7 jf TJZJr7_JTXA7_!T7_X'7_v~7. v7_r7-jrv_xT * 7_v~7 ' 7_r7_s7__r7. • 7_r7_r 7 v v FINE AND COMMON PRINTIN GS. JUl ^Jualiltes. FINE PRINTIN GS, Highly Glazed and Soft-Sized for Dry Printing and Woodcuts. COLO URED PRI NTINGS and PAMPHLET COVERS. NEW S in Webs and Reams. CHROM O, ENAMEL , and SURFACE-COLOURED PAPERS. ENVELOPE S, CARDS , and PASTEBOARDS, White and Coloured. BR OWN and PACKING PAPERS of every descri ption. MILLBOARDS and ST R AW BOARDS. ¦ ?• ; ' I / < " " • . I 1346 Th e Publi shers' Circular Nov , I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 111 , ' i l *^H _ . . : — — __t ^^^^^^^^^ i 1 ^^^H STEEL AM) WOOD EN6MMGS. TO AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS. CO. TIRTUE iQ^^ TM g S. & , Limited , beg respe ctfull y to draw the atten tion of Autho rs and Publishers to the large Stock of Engravings which have ISKaI flffl in the previous series of The Art Journal and in other Irr Jbl K^l appear ed Illus- fte ] trated Works issued by them , and to give notice that they are pre pare d to IH ^S' qu from most of IP ^B^sllll suPP1y ^©st alit y liLECTROTY PBS them. They also embrace this opportunit y to announce that special terms will be mad e with Authors or Publishers for the use of these Engravings when books are committed to them for Printing ,©r Publication. They have every facility for the production of a book , on the lowest possibl e terms , at their offices , where Printin g of all kinds, Engravin g, Repro- ductions , Electrot yping, Stereot yping, Bookbindin g, &c , are carr ied on extensively. A great saving of time and expense is effected by their produci ng a book complete in one establishment . - They hav e a very extensive stock of En graved STEE L-PLA T32S, in fine con- dition , many of which are also available for printing from on very moderate terms. Etching Printin g: has recentl y received especial attention and care , and they are now prepa red to undertak e all classes of work . For specimens of work they would refer to the Etchings appearing in the Art Journal. j Copper Pla tes Steel-surfaced with great promp tness and at a modera te charge for the Trade and for Amateurs. Their collection of WOOD-ENGRAVINGS comprises many thousands , an d impres - sions may be seen at their offices.

J. S. VIRTUE & CO ., Limit ed, 294 City Road , London.

®* TO PROPRIE TORS OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICAL S, BOOKS , &c. For Sak —Electrot ypes of upwards of 180,000 Wood Engravings. Specimens and Term s upon app lication to CASSELL & COMPANY (Limited), La Belle Sauvage Yard , Lud gate Hill, I#ondon , E.C. N.B.—Examine thi s Stock before ordering new subjects.

The Trade is cautioned against a servile copy of our Cata logue at advanced prices. WILLIAM G. STONEH AM & CO., Limited, l?Sf)oIesate anb &xpotl 12$ounb ^Soo&settetfs anb ~g$oohf tinbexs, PEAR TREE COURT , (adjoining 53) PARRING DO N ROA I>, E.C CATAIiOa iTE (No. 7) ON APPLICATION ".

M essrs. S. W. PARTRIDGE & CO. ARE OFFEI&N a FOR SALE ELECTROT^K " Jr * IE ^ of 36 9 OOO JEngravi ngs of High- Class Merit. hJJL CJOMMUNICATIO NS SHOULD BB ADDKE88ED TO S. W. FAE TRIPaE & CO. (Clich e Department ), 9 Paternoster Row , London , E.C. I ss6 The Publishers' Circular r34r I van, one of these spaces be had for a less period Law Society. tPian %2 wvonths. I0HN DICKINSO N & CO. I LIMITED.

^B . .m _ .. _ 1 I MILLS 400, 401, 402,- 403, 614, 693.

I Wholesale ani> Export Manuf acturers op ^H \ I Printing, Plate , and Iith o Pa pers ; lan d and Machine-made Writin gs & Printin gs; I Tinted Writin gs, Cartri dge, & Blotti ngs ; I Tissues and Copying Pa pers ; pamel Pa pers ; Cards , White and Colour ed ; Envelo pes and Note Papers.

London warehouse : 65 old bailey, e.c. ¦ .. , I R. T. TANNER Wholesale &c export st^tio:£t:e ]:e&, SALISBURY SQUARE , FLEET STREET , E.C. ETVTffillY DESCRIPTIO N OF MACHINE -MADK "r nting y New8 7 and Flats Tempers; Hand-made Waitings and Printings, Tinted Writings, Car tridge and Blottvng Pap ers ; Tiss ues, Straw an d- Mill Boards.

^ ~ ^ *T 1 i U^^^Jfc i BH^BnBBrB ^ ^ * ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ jl * ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ B ¦ . iq4s The Publishers' Circular Nov ¦ i - ^ -' im ^ BUjSflNEjSijSf + CA^Djg dsT | OF I | PUBLISHERS ' BOOKBINDER S ETC. I

—"" —~—————"——~———~—————————^ i^— ^— ^—— ^——— ^——— m«ii — ^^ — fl j G. & J. KITCAT, J. W. NAPPERj

so hattoist G-^ DEezDiKJiEsr., I -i J± l&JE22Sr LONDON, E.C. COK1TEI2 Established over 80 Years. LONDON. Designs supp lied, and Estimates on applic ation . j e8tabi,I8h:x:i >50 years.

h ¥®§T O T T FT r~) jPT KSSi/~MVT Ilii].oJrlcr\ Cx ^^vJIn ! Bookbinders^ g^F ^ g¥. ^NN'g E^M W6^Kg, (^hurch Gntry, Barter Lane, e.c.

¦» — ~ — ^^^ m ^. x T T~\ / " x TV. T "¥—"* C~} C ^* / * \ TV T _^,. . . - ;• ^2^^^^k* fcJ? Wv v K (v ^y) 1 N11 jl_>H v»a^r\7 ^(j v_y ) 1 \n ^^"^^^"^S i^/^8 K a»B6% • x>^ BOOKBINDv^ 9 4§Sff ^SSt"*^-\ : WHOLESALE ERS, \^^^^P^ ^^^^^S ¦ l85'- 76 Fleet Street, LONDON, 76 Fleet Street. i862-

Publishers Booksellers and Tra de t?i tozvn and coicntry are herewith info rmti ; ^ ^ ' that this f irm execute rap idly^ p unctually, and in J i?'st style, all orders for Plain, \ Elegant and Ornamental Binding ; original designs by good a rtists. Additional I steam power and new machinery enable them to co?np ete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and price. Estima tes and sa mples by return post when practicab le. ' -< \ . —-— Till l^^^^jRINTING.— CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO., OF I nt CinswiCK PRESS {Established J 789), 21, Tooks Court, Chancery L« \ $!1 IX>%fI nters ffj x iSJnSjS}^ Londo?i , have pleasure in offering their services as Genera l Letterpress Pri pQ TSn&zzsb*^ITa vixg a la rge and experienced staff, and a lso a unique and beautiful collection of i'u ' letters, head and ta il pieces\ aitd orna mental borders , in addit ion to la rge fountsof O'A' ! l modern and old style, and an assort? ;ie7it of foreign and English, hand and ?na chine-made p apers - 1 catalogues of libraries or private collections. Telephone JVo. 2704 ; telegram, " Whitting ham, Lorid" ' OQ, Tlie Publishers ' Circular r ,4Q ,v. I , *886 _____ L Jll ZBTT SIU-TIESS OAE/DS i I OF ! WHOLE SALE ; fUfospptr, |J *ra&kaI, mtfr Uta^im Agents, I ! 3 Amen Coenbb , J i, I1RIB0R0UG-H & CO. Pateknostbk Row, E.C. j l MARSH ALL BR OTHERS, I 5^ OZtf Bailey, E.C. WHOLESALE . ^SoofescIIcrs an& ]2P u blisters. || O IST APPlilCAT IOIT. I TERMS No Commission on Miscellaneous Orders . j

H —^——¦»—i——————————— ESTABLISHED 182O. \ \ Established 1837. GEORGE VICKERS, ; liENRY WILLI AMS , WHOLESALE AND EXPOBT j I 48 OLD BA I LEY, JBOOSSELLEM & XTEWSA GENT , L tKK StTI'LY OF AN6EL COURT , 17? STRAND , LONDON, W,C. ¦p spa:pcrs per flrsf trains , ails £I p Dail y Pa pers despatched per earl y Morning : Trains. ¦eekly newspapers , eriodicals , Count ry Trade supplied with Newspape rs , Books , I and MONTH LY MAGAZINES. Periodicals , and Magazines , on best terms . Completed No Commission on Miscellaneous Orders. Utecellanco iis Orders3iT Carefully , &c- ¦ ¦ APPLICATIO2T All Orders despatched same day as received. Terms on TEl ^^ CS O . application. j G. GOLDING, j g^^oIcsalc 'gSoo^ anb IZicxvcctQc nt, | IS HO UGHTON STREET , \ N EAVCASTLE STREET , STRAND, W.C. j The Country Trade are respectfully informed tliat they can be supplied early and punctually with all goods required in their business FOR CASH. TERMS ON APPLICATIO N. Established 1850. mMI [EXPORT ONLY.] HENRY VICKERS , Impson Low , Marston , Searl e, & BiYington , 317 ST^e.^k. IsrX), I Exp or t ^Soo^cUcrs & ^ubUzfyexz , Supp lies "g&eeklg ^eviobicals anb 188 FLEET S T ?R 33 IE T UJ Taga aines I LO N DON , ON THE LOWEST TEEM S. odcrta ke the Collection and Despatch of Indent s ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 6O YEARS. of Book s and Stationer y of every descri ption. Enclosures Received and Packed. Miscellaneous CA TALOGUES FORWAJR&ED. Goods Collected. LEIGHTO N, SON, & HODG E, ^S™™!^ WHOLESALE BOOK BINDERS, telephon e E G H bGE ' KNDo N° > *6 HEW-STREET SQUARE, FLEET STREET, E.C. ^fz"'

L -> S. f & H. ] beg to intimate to PUBLISHEK S, PBINTEK S, AUTH O RS , &c , that they execute \ e beet style and on the most reasonable terms every descri ptio n of "Wholesale Bookbin ding, ' er Cloth, or Leather . Their Stock of Engraved Brass Dies is most extensive |.l ^ and varied , aud { * powerfu l Machin ery and Steam-power give them unrivalled advantages in the rapi d execution of \ bor ders. or , 8., & H . have a separate Department for Account-Book Bindin g:, and are prepared to under- ever y descri ption of work , including the supp ly of Pa per, Kuling;, Printing;, Porfotatin ^r and King of Booka for Commercial purposes. - ; Applications for Estima tes will meet with p rompt attention. • " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' M - • -^ .w^sssJ ncO The Publishers' Circular 1 : :^i ; ; __ -N^vXT . {¦ Pjg «P BUj SfrN BgjSf -*• GA^ Jj ¦^Printers . I ¦ p O GRApH o »c **o cE < ^, ; -o > r7r^ss ;^o wma ^l y j ****m * 'fW$ •*- o O H ew-street Square * Q^n pO Sew-street Square ^ f J X> London, E.C. Sv London, E.C. ^ - ^ ¦^ ¦¦¦¦ ^ ¦^ ¦iHai ^ H ^ i^HaiBaBMBaMHMMHmaHaB ^ aaaHaaaBHai ^ BBanMBBi^ ^ H- ^ ^

I ¦ «» ¦ mm ¦ ^aa* .> # *-"*¦ **Sa£K^^ ^* ^ ^^ ^^ ^ m %• ^ 0 Itl A, ZVviT^Wj • ; . TS4«8* C30S>0 ^ . ^^ i ^ pp | CA8UI&M E ^ ^

Jlolklin> frpuj n ' nU4U TIP EsaV^ ^flBHEl p * * tMtht/fu *~y t i "• i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SB^ ^l C HBt^Bia ^ - KlVt * : O W rds K' ©totaT -v de. ^ j Tiu fhoki No. 669C. ^ GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, LIMITE D, ^rientai Cla00tca i, anti General &tinttx$ ST.^ JOHN' S S QXJ -AJEWB , I^O1NX> O]V. SPECIAL FACILITIES FOB ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. MARY S. RIGK ERBY BRADLEY & CO., {Daughter of the late Jo seph Rickerby), ITEWSPAPEE A2STD PERIODICAL JI^CJIINK , fcET¥E ^P^EJ SjS , § GE]VE^ printers, printer, HOUSE, E.C j JT ^ ana 13 FETTJE U LANE, 4 WALBROOK , MANSION Estimates given for Commercial, LeRal, and every desenpj \ LONDON , E.G. of Letterpress, Copperplate, and Lithographic Printinj \ ALFRED BOOT & SON , SIMMONS & BOTTEN, j l^rtttfers & ^iifI)OQrap^crs $5tett*5paper, igSoofe , 8c 1£>eneral ^rinW TO THE TRADE, 4a SHOE IAIEf FLEET STREET, 24 OLD BAILEY , E.C. :LON DON, E.C

Tel ephone ITo. 658G.\~ [ JEat. 1848. ^Tagaainc anb 'gSoofe l^viniing. MERRI TT & MATCH ER, c Irttajrras * f itfrxrsw ln | E DWARD KNIGHT , PRINTERS TO THE T RAD Steam Prin ting Works, Grocers' Hall Court , Pdultry, E.C I j 18 & 19 MIDDLE STREET , ALDERSGATE , Very Low £st»mate3 for Long Number! LO NDO N, E.C. Telephone No. 1, 708. I

k H — ...... ^^ OQ, The Publishers' Circular l 1 Xoy. i , i 885 _, _ : :—: _ Ltfi^ ; sp BU$IN Ej Sj S * GAI£DS <*© ^xxnicxs &c.

—¦ —- ; YT, B. WHIT TIHCHAM & CO., TKfi CRgSHAM PRESS* 91 TRADE * H /^S" ^w GSACB ° PRINTERS. reet ^ M ^ Unwin Brothers, jjritttt rs , wor ks- CATALOGUES . STEREOTYPERS &* LITHOGRAPHER S Sq. >5i#^ifc»^^ SSw ^ 44, cha rte rhou se «2*?75[S >i iP^ ' books. LONDON a CHILWORTH . Lon don. JJJ& MAGAZINES. . CHARLES EASON & SON , MANUSCRIPT S "gf rittiers CAREFULL Y FAIR-COPIED F OR THE PEESS AND (In all Languages ) BY. -A.:b:r ,.a_;m: cSc so nars, All Classes of Aecount Books, Catalogues, Price Lists, &c, Indexed ancl Printed toy special Sato gfaiioncrs anb ^irinters, Machinery. MIDDLE TEM PLE 0ATE, LONDON ^ ^ (ESTABIiISHBl ) , 80 MIDDL E AiBEY STiEET, DUBLIN. OYEB 20O TEARS) . ESTIMATES PER HETTJRN" OF POST. KENSINGTON NEWS AND " HAY NISBET & CO., WEST LONDON TIMES. 3oofc , ^agasinc, Newspaper, anb general printers, A HIGH-CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPEH. Has the largest -**¦ circulation of any Kewspapfer in. "West London. Pub- lished every Saturday. A first-class medium for advertising ^5 J_A^ayC^AuXC-A^38 STR1 EET ,' New Works &c. Por Terms; &c., address—J. Fakehaj i & (Late of Stock well. Stbeki), Son, Kensington News Office , 4 Bedford Terrace* W. GLASGO W . Estimates supplied for every description of Job and Book Best Work manship. Goods delivered free in London. Printing. JOHN AVERY & CO., Ld., KE INTNTY Sc anbGO. * printers, SL\l , @ , ^QpoQtapfycal ^Ttt ^ic general < ^ograp^crs n^rat>cirs JE > 12. bookbinders, ^c, . tt X 35T T ^3 & 7 -A. B^] 33 ^ ! ] 1ST . 25 CAMDEN ROAD , LONDON , N.W. ^^ ^ (Telegrams— * Re:nnico, London.') Every descri ption of BOOK PRINTING executed FIRST-CLASS BOOK & PERIODICAL WORK. with TASTE, DESPATCH, and at ver y Machines up to and including Four-demy Perfecting. LOW PRICES. Hot BoLLTNa by Gill's Machine (Price List on application). "Designs and Estimates for Printing or Bookbinding on PAPER BINDI NG, ETC. annlication. HARE & CO,, ALEX. MALCOLM , and I^rmfetrs, Pifitvfe^ J^fe^eotppc^, JVND ENGRAVE ItS O JV WOOD, 36 ANN STREET, CITY, OLA SGOW. 31 ESSEX STREET , STRAN D, Books, Periodica ls, and other Public ations LONDON, W.C. from Plate or Type.

™ ™ v TT TT TVVTVvvvTVTVTTY ^ r^ irvirirvw ^ vv ^ ' oofe ^ ^oxh. H. j SfilveifloqS, | t O» Electrotyper and Stereotyper, \ BALLANTYNE PRE SS, 79 KNIGHTRIDER 8T., DOCTORS' COMMONS , E.C. J EDINBURGH ; ' ^ AND 92 BLACKFR IAR8 ROAD , 8.E. < CHANDOS STREET, LONDO N. I1C2 The Publishers' Circular Nnv I ===== ' —r=—-J Messrs. HOLM ES <& SON", Mr. A. M. BTJ BaHBa VALUER & ACCOUNTANT Wl &lmtB & QtctmnixntB , I To Publishers -Booksellers, Station ers, Pr inters M TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONBBS, PRINTERS , N&WF- la PATERNOSTE B PAPBR PROPRIETORS, &c. BOW , | Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses • —¦ 66a PATEENOSTEE BOW, PRINTIN] G and MANUFACTURlJ Are instructed to sell thefo l lowing businesses ;— J- STATION ERY.—Prosperous Business in Midi! county town. Centra l premises . Rent £60 (\M "DOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and lease). Profits quite .£200 a year net. £850 req uij JL > PRINTING BUSINESS.—Situated in one of the A genuine and very safe concern suitable for pra ctil finest Town s in England . Establis hed ovdr a centu ry . man. Excellent plant. j Retur ns bet ween £3,000 an d £4,000 per annu m. Net pro fits £700 per annum. A fine opening. (STATIONE RY, PKINTTNG, &c—HiJ *J class Old-established Business leading Midlal QTATIONERY PRINTING BUSINESS.—In spiendid Business, in main street. Rent £150 ; very low. Returns, Town , Midland Count ies. Ren t £40. Returns last good pro fi ts, last year £5,337. Excellent stock, w year nearl y £1,200. Agencies ' att ached pr oduce a fi tted shop. Old-established, well-known Busine profit of £50 per annum. All at valuation. About Abcut £3,000 req uired. Highly recommended. £700. WHOLESALE FANCY STATIONER] T>OOKSELLIN G (New and Second-hand), City Busine ss, established 7 years. Increa -13 STATIONERY . PRINTING , and BOOK- ing returns, £3,000, good profits. About £1,000 1 BINDING BUSINESS, in a Cathedral city in the quired for all , or a partnership could be arranged. Larj Midl and Counties. A well-known , and long-estab- and high-class connection. A good opening for lished business. In same hands for upwards of half steady pushing man of business. I a centur y. Church connection. All at a valuati on of stock and fixtures . About £700 to £800. STATIONERY, LIBRARY, &c.J ^ Flourishing1 West-End Suburb. Attractive pi "nOOKSE LLING,STATIONERY,FANCY, mises in good position. Rent £70. Good Agen< J3 attached producing £90 a year. . Returns of busine MUSIC and PI ANOS.—An excellent Busi- over £1,000, and increasing. Valuable lease and coi ness, situated in one of the most fashionable Sea- nection. About £900 required for all. Thoroug h! side Towns, Sout h of England. Splendid prem ises. sound worth Net pr ofits about .£300 a-year. Abou t £700 required. , seeing at once. STATIONERY, FANCY.—Central Busi STATIONERY & FANCY BUSINESS.— ^ ness in favourite part of Surrey. Rent £\{ ^ A very high-class concern in fashion able South cleared by lettin g 2 rooms and part of garden. Larg Coast Town. Splendid premises. Beautifully fitted house and shop. Returns £12 a week, capable of muc shop. The average net profits for the past 10 years increase. Death cause of sale. £350 required, exceed .£550 a-year. Total purchase about .£2,500. rare opening for a young man who knows the trade. Proprietor retiring. STATIONERY, BOOKSELLING, &c- T)OOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and ^ West End , London. Thorou^hfare very prominen JLJ FANCY BUSINESS.—In excellen t position of Premises in good position. Rent £70 ; very 1«* busy and fashionable thoroughfare, West-End. Busi- Long lease. Keturns exceed £1,000 a year. JE45 ness established over 40 years. Very good house and required for btock and fixtures. No premium o shop on long lease. Net profi ts over .£400 a-year, goodwill. proof. About £1,500 required. STATIO NERY , &c—High-class Business T3OOKSELLINGK STATIONERY, and Superior shop in crowded main thorough^ J-> PRINTING BUSINESS, with Weekl y News- Pro fi ts quite £350 net. About £550 required. Wei paper attached.—An old-established and high-class selected stock, handsome fixtures. A very desira w Business, situa ted in cap ital business Town , North of opening. Highl y recommended. England. About £1,500 required. STATIO NERY , PRINTING , &c— Fini STATIONERY and PRINTING BUSI- ^ corner premises ; market town in Somerset. Bnsj ^ NESS, in excellent business Town, North of ness established over 100 years. Returns over £lM England ; the leading business in the town. Returns a year. Excellent profits. Rent £90. About XI ,- about £4,000. Net profits quite £600 a-year. No required . A pood opening-. Proprietor retiring, yve"' premium required. All at valuation. About .£1,500 70 years of age ; recommended. (part may remain). STATIONERY, FANCY, &c. — OldJ l > t) S STATIONERY , FANCY, and PRINT ING ^ established, High-class Suburban Business J *3 BUSINESS, situated in lovely district in Devon- Office attached for manv years ; very superior p*<' |lU "fj Rent" only £73 Aodj W shire. Rent only £50. Good dwelling-house and business ; worth double. Most attractive 1 premises. Returns about .£1,000, at very good profi ts. fronted shop. Returns lost 3-ear were over XI , ' ym A thoroughly genuine concern. About £600 required. proof ; have been higher. About £800 requ'rwi lu 1 all. A well-known, highly respectable business. I 1 * Monthly Register of over 150 Businesses for Dis- 4 Monthly Register * of Businesses for Disposal f irf posal, forwarded post -free on app lication to Messrs. warded post-free ow| app lica tion to Mr. A. M. i3inio»KSfl Holmes & Son , 6(ja Paternoster Itow, E.C lA Paternoster How. London. E.C- J 11 —in ¦¦¦¦¦—¦¦¦ ¦ ' ——I w,»i tm*i m hi ¦ 1 M i, 1 a, — ^ +n» —^—^ -— ¦¦ ** — ^ ^H I iS86 The Publishe rs' Circular ,3S3 ¦¦ ¦¦ Hv • - ... . ¦- i - - ¦ - — — —--. — DURO-FLE XILE BOOKBINDING. WANTED , a reall y stea dy ASSISTANT t to the Book, Stationery, and Fancy trad e. Please send carte and salary required to John C. I pTTBZIC APOLOGY. Chapman , 36 Coney Street , York. I t the unders igned , Robert Rogers , of 1 & 2 Lov er 1 Bristol, here by admit that I have infringed ^ T IBRARIAN. —Wan ted, in one of the Ef Letters Patent gran ted to Mr. Cedric drivers , ¦*-' largest Provincial Circulating Libraries , an I f 39 Gay Str eet, Bath , by binding certain books , effi cient and experienced Young Man as Senior 1 rg &c. in, or representing the sam e to be ' Librarian. Must be t all , active , and of good Emd in, the styl e of binding known as ' DURO- address , and a neat , - quick writer. A thoroug h K eXIJuE.' I apo logise to Mr. Cedrie Chivers for knowledge of modern literature indispensable. —Ad- done so, and I undertake not to ifiBg wr ongly dress , Miss Lang ley, ' Lorejoy 's Library / Reading. I ¦ epea t tho offence in the future , and I agree to pay Ke costs of the said Mr. Cedric drivers in advertis- Kp thi s notice in such papers as he may think ¦roper . BOOKSELLERS ' ASSISTANTS WANTINB I Dated this 22nd October 1886. SITUATIONS. I K. ROGERS , I 1 & 2 Lower Arca de, Bristol. , a SITUATION as Junior I Witn ess, Thomas W. L. King, for Bird & Moore , WANTED Solicitors for Mr. Ced ri c drivers . Assistant to a Bookseller and Stationer , with ¦ray 's Inn , W.C., a view to an eventual Partnersh ip. Age 21.—H. H., Chronicle Offic e, Doncaster. ing ¦dw ^s reading and protect covers , STATI ONERY , BOOKSE LLING , and PRINTING. —Young Man , age 22, ( seeks RE- IrOTECTING COVERS for NEWS- ENGrAGEMEN T as Assistant. Nine years ' expe- ¦ ¦ PAPERS , MAGAZINES , KE VIEW S, and rience. Good references. —J. B., W. Britten , Printer ¦UBLICATIONS in limp bindin gs prese nt all the and Stationer , West Bromwich . ¦vantages of a removable binding of a substantial ¦lar acter and effectuall y protect the ori ginal cover ¦bile in use. Half-bound , roan , lettered gilt— T IBRARIAN requires SITUA TION. Long Bun, 2s. Jud y, 2s. -^ London experi ence. Excellent references. —H. fc phic, 2«. 6d. Punch , 2s. T., 140 Broug hton Road , Fulham , Iqf.W. ¦lustrated London News, Others on Applica tion. I 2*. 6rf. JUNIOR ASSISTANT , t- SITUATION ¦Dndon: Sampson Low, Mars ton , Searle , & Kivingt on *J wanted by a Young Man , aged 20. Five years ? experience in the high-class Bookselling, Stationery, I &c , trade. Good references .—A. J. Flack , 15 Mont- I GENTLEM AN of mental activity, much pelier Vale, Blackh eath * S.E. W- experi ence, and thoroughl y acquainted with mrj phase of typogra phy, is desirous of taking the ¦ana gement DERMANENCY desired by Middle -aged of a Newspaper , and , if necessary, to -*- Man , as Manager or Head of Department. isist in the Editorial department. The Advertiser ¦ ¦ the aut Long experienced. Highest reference. —Eastwe ll, hor of several works , a copy of each of Theakston 's Library, Scarboroug h. jhich. wou ld be sent as a proof of his capacity and inera l liter ary qualificati ons. —Address , A. B., c/o ¦essrs. Holmes & Son, 66a Paternoster Row. TO PUBLISHERS and BOOKSELLERS. A RE-ENGAGEMENT is desire d in the above , ns Firs t Assistant or otherwise , or Town Traveller. POXSELL ERS Lon g experience. G ood testimo nials. —App ly, Alpha , , ETC., WANTINB ASSISTANTS. 15 Esher Street , Kennington Park , S.E.

ATALOGUING.—WANTED , for a few TO BOOKSELLERS and PUBLISHERS. . week s , to assist , a YOUNG MAN who can RE-ENGAGEMENT wan ted by an Assistant , nte readil y and neatl y. One who has been accus- aged 24. Ten yeais' first- class London experience I toed to (seven years with Messrs . H. Sothera n & Co.) [ the work would be prefe rred. —Address , 9 f letter , stat ing terms , Messrs. Samp son Low & Hi ghest references. —Addres s, R., Publishers Cir- H 0 > ' Catalogu e Department , 188 Fl eet Street , E.C. cu lar Office. fl J OOKSELLER' S ASSISTANT , especially TO BOOKSELLERS , Second-hand and experienced in Math ematical , Scientific , Ph ysica l , New.—A Young Man with good knowled ge of P f rofessional Books, good appearance and ad- books is open to immediate ENGAGEM ENT. Six pss, clever and careful in ord ering, good window- y ears ' experience in first-class country houses. Is pBser , and expert salesman, wanted at once. State used to cataloguing. Highest test imon ials.—X., Fperienee , age , salar y required , and send carte to c/o Frank Murray , Bookseller , Derb y. f' -k . Fra nklin , 4 Belgra ve Terrace , Newcastle-on- r^ —— _ PRINTER'S ASSISTANT WANTING SITUATION. IUNIOR A SSISTANT wan ted for a West- knd Librar y and Bookselling Establishment. TO MASTER PRINTERS. —Wanted , a PP'y by letter , in first instance , stati ng full par- SITUATION by a News and Job bing Hand. , to S. ^a rs G. C , Farques & Co., Printers , Good reference. —Typo, 7 High Street , Buxton , rw i ck Str eet , Regent Stre et , W. Derb yshire. F^-^^ ^ nm——— ———— I354 The Pub lishers' Circular Nov I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i , . . __^ H ' " 1 ^

^URBUH ^H^BHHIIIHi ^^ llil^Hm ^^^ l S^flBQS9iHE^^^3/f F£Ry Gross Iln iverf itsffien,' * ^^^HI^h^Mh^I^^^^H^^^B^^^II^^^I^^^^^^HHIIIIh^I 2j-perGross .^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H ^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m I^^ I^^^ I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ H^^^^^^^^^ I^^^^^^^^^^^ I JedgerZPen,y ^ns ^oint ^^^^ IHIHIRr ^^ SrbBHIIRIIH ^I Cziezyb ock/^yen,

^^^^^m/^^B^^yemmmm JiRQs& ^m? ^*^^^^^itm. '4h Gross. t Lmdon-Straker* Sqn*J24FenchurchS WANTED, Second-hand copy of m)J orp ostjreedirectfromff u,tffqJcerf , BOTANICAL BOOK, COLOUR ED ILLll ~ TRATIONS.—T. Hawkins, Bridg e Libr ary, eJ XjczsiTig/lvciZlL(foTic&

BOOKS FOR SALE. Advertisements are inser ted under this heading at 3d. per lin e, prepaid *

Burgis & Cclbourne, Leamington Moore, P. IF., c/o *4. H. Goose & Co., Booksellers, Norwich I , Pnnch. Vols. 46, SO, 51, 53, 54,"unbound Dryden's Original Poems and Translations, 2 vols. comjiletj Vols. 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, full bound, printed for J. & B. Tonson , 1743. del 45, 47, 48, in publisher's covers. Offers wanted | Life of William Forster, 2 vols. 8ro. cloth, 3*. ./ d k Leed s I d Shaw, ., Bookseller, Vovere Mar et, (^en/, Z. C., 40 Gratton Road, Lon on, W. Oliver's Landmarks of Freemasonry, 2 large vols. roy. im Charles Swain's Poems, Svo>. half-bound, 1850 fine copy, £1. 10s. I D i "Works 1st ed it. cloth, Home's ramat c , Neale's Westminster Abbey, 4to. cloth, 15*. I Whitaker's Whalley, Vol. 2, S. P. and L. P. ' 4 vols. folio, 8s. 6cf. I Dag-ley s designs Bayle s Dictionary, Death's Doings, ' , 1826 National Portrait G-allery, 3 vols. large 8vo. full scored <*¦ Hayes, W., Grotto Hill, Mar gate £1. 2*. 6d. Lane's Arabian Nights, 3 yols. £3. 3s. Forster 'e Life of Dickens, 3 rols. cloth, fine copy, £1. U Sterne's Sentimental Journey, £2. 2s.

CVMl FuJk. i klllWlllarton VVU' sU GazetteerVI UMi ViUI/V^' * ofX^ «. theVL1V> WorldTV V

W. GLAI8HER , Wholesale Bookseller , 265 High Holborn , London .

BOOKS WANTE D TO PUR CHASE. l^Tote. —It must be distinctly understood that lists cannot be inserted for others than subscribers except at (t chary $ 6d. per line, prepaid. Books in Print are not Advertised for, but must appear in the ordina ry Cohm Advertisements and at the same rate.

A. B., Publishers ' Circular Office , 188 Fleet Street, B.C. Atkinson Free Library , Southport Harper's Magazine. May, June, and Aug. 1881. Several Intellectual Observer. Vol. 6 to end copies of each Encyclopaedia Bri tannica. 8th and 9th edits. 1 Keepsake. 1844 and 1862 | | Abram 4c Sons, Middle Tempi* Gate, London Any Old Books published at Middle Temple Oate Ba ily & Son , Booksellers . Cirencester Cripps' Laws of the Church and Clergy Acock, J. A., 21 Broad JSt?vet, Oxford Bickers ,{• S'>n , 1 Leicester Square . London, W.C. Literary Churchman. July '2, 1886. Six copioa KnightV Pictorial England. Orig-inal ed it. Vol . 3 Stephen's Indian Evidence Act H.B. Sketches Holy Teachings. 1877 . Key to Nos. 800 to Bcenes of Clerical Life, 2 vols. crown 8vo . Hakluyt'e Travels Freer' Harleian Miscellany. "Vol. 11 s Jean ne d'Albret, 2 vols. Banke's History of Prussia Ollentforff's German Method, 8vo. 8th edit. lngleby'8 Ontlines of Theoretical Knowledge Allman & Son 67 New Oxford Street , , W.C. Blackie A Son, 49 Old London Wilkinson's (W. M.> The Revival. Three copies Bailey, , E.C. Graphic. July 22 and Sept. 2, 1882 I Ashton, J. P. 8., My lor Brid ges Penryn Title for T/ ol. 26 I I Spinney's Offertory Sentences. 0- N* edit. Illustrated London News. Aug. 23, 188* _^J $*- - — . r =^=^\ *$ I 6 The Publishers' Circular I35S

— ^ M ^— ^-i^ — *I^H^ —— * 1—— I —i ^ — ^ — BOOKS WANTED TO PURC HASE— continued.

, » « 52 High Hotborn, London ' Cclwell, J. y Devizes ».. , .. ,.. ,. .., Architecture, folio Holinshed's Chronicles of England. 1587,j ,; ; . .,. : mbersJI UCJ o ' Civilv • — £ .. '¦• . .. .,_., . , , s Stu d Farm f !M l' Horsemanship , ' L^r's Practical Cambridge^ O., 32 The Mall, Clifton , Bristol J . < Hun ting Field • Evill (Thos.) on Song of Solomon. 1832 -DUll^uilding Construction • Hewitt s (Sir G.) Lectures at Cardi ff ; OSODnn 'sS B rp -n ^ao ^f.i^-a 1 8ftA_ftS ' Sh Shipbuilders^ '^ Transactions. 1884-85 Apostles alway8N"ecessary (Jones, Cardiff) ¦ Poison 's Five Orders, 4to. Hooper's The Bcclesia. or the Called. 1837 v . Passover. 1851 (Masters) ' - , . n/^a/n TT.. Plymouth Trial of the Rev. E. Irving : a Cento of Criticism.^ 1823 ? Windows of St. Neot's Church Stand'* s 1 Windows of St. Neot's Church by Boz. Original edit. CooJces ff . T., & Son, 9 High Street, Warwick , |' teles Butler's Harrow Sermons, 2 vols. I tell._« Bn II//., ,50ov pean Magazine. Any vo7s. Bartlett's Pamiliar Quotations. 1889 ion News. Jan. 20 and Feb. 3, 10, 1866 Shakspere "Wood's Ancient and Modern) Eome Oct.Oct. 24.24, 1868 July 22 and Oct. 21, 1854 Cornish, J. E*,16 St. Ann' s Square, Manchester t's History of Hull Hemyncr's Eton School Days Holl's The King's Mail

¦ ¦ ) TTt % ¦ >•> A • V t*t\J\*V «VV» <-V V} JL ^ «-%. *(VV MTV , ., 2f i Princes Street, EdinburghIf Thomas' Dan gerous Secret Deer 's Canterbury Tales, 3 vols. 1775 Eeid's Hero in Spite of Himself son 's History of the Art of Printing. 1713 .i ier• *-i s Montrnse.nwiitl' in i, JLJJLCtA ViCkUVJL V-^ il-t lL/ ^ High Street & 101 Queen Street, Exeter ^(Maitlan d Club) Crofs & Johnson , 223 ler's Moray Floods. 1st edit. Statutes of the United Kingdom, 5 & 6 Wiliiam IV. 1834 s .U-ts of Parliament, folio. Vol. 1 Dale, J., & Co., 17 Bridge Street, Bradford , irii ., rf- Co., 38-438-400 St.Sr. WaJ/«ryrv 4a*>Axe,, LondoLondon,n, E.B.C. Cloncurry (Lord) Life and Times of, by G-. Pitzpatrick. 1855 esman 's Year-Book. 1885 L written by himself. 1849

w—i, 7\* . tf.,*.»., 2-i. GTeorpev»cv j/c Fard..< 14/ 14. LombardAj\jin\svnu. Streetioi r rri , E.x^.WtC. Deiphton Bell, 4c Co.. Booksellers, 18 Trinity Street, Cambridge * ' ini;'3 Annals of the Artists of Spain, 3 vole. WilsonWr -51 ci ^wi 'sa (Heath)/ X-I /%•-» 4-V* \ MichelangeloTITt /*V» £kl o v» rTT^ Ir^ Vs Catalogue Raisoime, 8 vols. Gildas* Historical Society ninton Series : Hunting. Large paper s Political Economy, and Locke on Moneys 1870 ( McCulloch' irp<-. iol- Lord)iiv> >«/ onvui theuuc Coins\j\.flAXB ofUl the1/ JJ. O RealmXVCcbAi-U Harvey's Roman Law of Contracts mi is Archaeologist' 1853 (Camden Soci ety) 1 s Handbook Ancren Riwle, ed. Morton. ill' '* Memoirs, 3 vols. 1st Series Douglas A Fouli *, Edtnburah K F. . 29 RVfit ^r^e^, Afaidstone Balfour's (J. H.) Class-Book of Botany, 2 vols. 1854 teen th Century. July 1882 Perrier'a (Mias) Marriage, 3 vols. l' s ; J jritish Beetles, cloth. 3*. 6tf. (Koutledge) Gulliver's Travels. Nimmo's edit. >« Mission to Gibraltar. 1844 Lang's (Andrew) Ballads of Old Prance Motley's (J. L..) Butch Republic, demy 8vo . Vol . 1 4 Colbourne, Leamington Spa Murray's (Dr. J. H.) Dialect of the South of Scotland »ogia fJermanica Owen's (A.) A Lost Love Parkinson's (J.) Parnrl ifli in sole paradisus terraBtris. 1656 Hod gson, ^ 5 Gallowtree Gate, Leicester Mudie's (Mary) St. Michael's Priory, 2 vols. ss Manners and Customs 1K-1 of Modern Egyptians, 2 vols. >• 7, or Vol. 1 only (Murray) DoioninQ* W.% 74 New Street. Birmingham »)i>ctO ' lC FathersI- athe rS ,- 8vo.Rvn . (Clark'/T!l«T-lr ' a Anfa TSJ i rt ^_« r ih»nw\ "Women »er a s Ante-Niccne Library) Klob's Pathology of A\ orld bef ore the Deluge, 8vo. 1869 Ttuskin's Stones of Venice, 3 vols. 1874. Vol. 2 r Villon's Poems > - : Rristol House % Harlesden, N.W. Wills (A.) Any Alpine Books by -Tviiie 'si fWn).) The Chase amton , cuts by Bewick. 1802 Library : Hunting. L. P. Drayton .8., A Sons, 201 High Street, Exeter > r J*t on Duelling. s 1821 Lear's Book of Nonsense j e; Canine Pathology. 1841 Lake's History of Cornwall. Vols. 1, 2, 3, or a aet -•« Moun-uui ntaintain , er . Meadow,Meadow, and Mere. 1874 Pascal's Thoughts Angler. N. D. Hogg's (J.) Natural Philosophy. 1854 (Oook) ] JA 7 G'wa* Portland Street, W. Baton, C, A Sfrn , 80 Afiddlit Abbey Street, Dublin A tox» "^OCi^ atlnil Reports.noru»4 a 1838lOOO *. 1 DOR 1007 *.^« 1 QJ f \ 's (W. Plerning, D.D.) Praying and Working i 1iMB^10"1 1835 , 1837 to 1840, Stevenson J.,, ??. * W88aj, and 1885 • n "^rt A.nlmaliiim. S volB. Edwards, F.. 83 High Street. Marylebcne. W. Infuaiom tWeTe , 79 plates Stephen's Playground of Europe. 1871 »berir?^0 ^SS2! ? *E^ -^l8 Infa8ior,8thierchen, 64 plates Ewald's Israel. Vola ". 5, fl Gardiner^ History of England, 16bB-16 2 vols. 1868 8 in6 t ^nh S Jf ^lo?ie micro erraphfqae , Prince Charles, 1617- 23, 2 vols. 1869 ^J^oct B Microscopical Works, by Hoole, 2 vols, Aronoeologia OambrenBls. Oct. 18«O AJL ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ i - . .. . [i ^m

¦ ¦ .

—:=:=:!« „ r,e635 The Publishers ' Circul ar N^-»

Evans, J. R., 14 Magdalen Street. Oxf ord Hayward , T., Strutt Street, Or «J»«^ W «T s•>* New^ » ^^ » » Testament*» ^^">* ,y 2 vols. Waa gen's Art Treasures. Vol. 4 Higham, C , 27a Farringdon Street, B.C. v«. .. a_B «»^y V*V| XI Robertson 's Bath Road s. Vol. I Goodwin-*-n -w^rw- A 'si^ Works»» , 12m. mm volsT . VolV ^/A .• 12JL« CNichol)I >1^' I|^P| 1 "Wood' s Shaks peare . 1806. Vol. 5 Buxtorf' s (Joh.) Trac tatus de punctora m 4JL &MW& J *** . VUV J_*\/A«\*VfAJi MedicaA»» VA*»«»>A l SocietyPk ^W^SAV wj Lingiue Histor y of the London „ ^^ aitate Hebrae ormB Notes and Qaeries. N"o. 82 of 1869 : Title and Index , Vol. 8, Lovet '>s Soula i> s Cordia^ L 1653 1866 ; Title and Index , Vol. 8, 1853 — ^— Love's Debauched Cavalier. 1642 I Feva l's Duke's Motto Hirschf eld Brothers, 18 Paternost erRow , London, JE. C. I Fielder, J. R,. 51 Church Street, Camberwell Journal of the Royal Geographica l Teachers ' Aid. Vol. for 1885 Society. 1831-35 I Proceedings of the Royal Geogra phical Society. 1879-M Forster, T.t Museum Street, Colchester QuarterlyVju arceriy Journaljournal oiof MicroscoMicroscopical pical Science, frfromom oofcJ Coote 's Roman s in Britain mencement to 1884 | Proto plast, by Mrs. Baillie (?) Jo urnal of the Chemical 8ociety. 1847-84 I Ham ilton s Elements of Quaterni ons ' ^^_ _ A B M ^B ^k ^h^k. ^& I Gait, J., A Co., 2 Corporation Street, Manchester Anthropological^ Review^ and Journ al of tire Ant hwJ^^H Hinton 's Art of Thinkin g logical Society. Vol. 7 j Oant , S. E., 61 High Street, Belfast Hiscoie A 'Son, Richmond, Surrey I . History of Greece ("Encyclo paedia Metro., Griffin & Co.) Yongre's France , 2 vols. 4to. I Histor y of Greece and Macedonia (ditto ) Rossetti' s Early Italian Poets I Vanity Fair. Part 1 I Gent , L. C, 40 Oraf ton Road , London, W. Pic-Nio Papers. 1841. VoL 1, uncut Whitaker ' s Whalley. Vol. 1. B. P. and I* P. Martin Chuzzlewit. Par t 12 George , E., 231 Whitechapel Road, E. WMI MVA VtVH9« A.W«T«« Hodges, Figgis, & Co., 104 Grafton Street, Dublin Boccaccioa^VVVIWV&V' sO DecameronJ ^ \/Uf, boards.K-rV^WVB. 1822. Vol.V WAV 2«¦* Campbell' s Chancellors , cloth. Small edit. Vol. 6 Anster 's Faust. 1835. Part 1 Strickland' s Queens of England , cloth. Vol. 11 Balzac 's Contes Drdlati ques (C. & W.) Craik' s Romance of the Peera ge, cloth. Vol. 4 Corner 's Crown Practice Napier 's Florentine Histor y, cloth. Vol. 1 Horace (Delphin), with Index Vexbornm Londor 's Vork s, 8 vols. 8vo. green cloth . Vol. 3 Jack Sheppard . 1st edit. Indian Antiquary. Vols. 1, 2 George ' s Sons ( JF .), Bristol Britis h Medical Journal. April 3, 1886 VTA. UVUUv fc^ J^&X/UVA A«VlA& DigbyA/A|^ T 'sO (E.)^^-W« y Broad Stone of HonourO.k \/ ,y 4•* vols.V \^«W Scott' s Novels, 25 vols. 1854 Jardine 's Naturalist 's Libra ry. 1840. VoL 13 of Ornitholo gy Furlong 's Landlord and Tenant Upham *s iife of Guton Alpine J ournal. Vols. 5, 11 Fronde 's Short Studies , 8vo. 4th Series Heame' a Adam de Domerham Holmes dr Sons, 66a Paternoster Row, B.C. Cricket Scores Gilbert & FUld, 67 Moorgate Street, London Any old Books on Cricket SpencerMpVA4VVli 'sKM SP^WVIMAocial StaticsP^VMVAVW Burke 's Political Works , 16 vols. (Bivington ) Howell, E., 26 de 28 Church Street, Liverpool Bscott' s The Club and the Drawin g Boom Illustrated London News. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 9, 14, IS , 19, 29 Stanley 's Study of Modern Histor y in London Wor dswort h, 7 vols. (Moxon) »^M Stanley^-—' mri Til ¦ » 'sa« Scripturep>>_s^'* ^ »^r «r «.« » ^t Portraits-*^ ^^m. mv^ ma w^« Gladd ing, J. % 28a Paternoster Square , London, E.C. Foxe's Book of Mart yr s. 9th edit. 1684 Stedman 's Victorian Poets Anecdotes and Con versations of Stephens on HHUHutt , Cu.,, CleKs itrrtKment'ni sb Inniiui Gateway,vraitrwut/, Strax xruiia,,nd, Londonj uvruwn, W.Cir .^.. Successful Men of Modern Times Gil Bias (Nimtno) Riches of Spenser Don Quixote (Nimmo) Ph enomena of Nat ure Scott' s Roke by, 4to. 1st edit. Griffith s' Scenes from the Rama yana Lan g^s Prose Translation of Homer s CCam) Letters on Byron and Napoleon Goldinff, 0., 18 Houghton Street, W.C. Hobhouse ' Publi shers ' Cir cular. May 1, 1886 HuU t TV., 53 Clement's Lane, Str and , W.C. Arnold 's Stra yed Reveller. 1849 Goose, A. H., & Co., Rampant Horse Street , Norwich Pauline , a Fra gment. 1833 -^/^, Nights ww sa^rf >w mm. vm-m ¦ Burton 's One Thousand SwiW*-f «Anburne*^^ •-•• 's Q^£ ueen»-~^ ^* Moth^mm X^ er (Pickerin^l. ^m^JJ ^^j'jc f ^JfcJ " g)f^> # La b' s Blan k Verse. 1798 Grant , J., 2fi A 34 George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh m Chambers ' Encyclopaed ia. Ori g. brown ol. ed. 1860. Vols. 5, 9 Notes by an Oxfor d Chiel ( Parker) Publi c Genera l Statutes relatin g to Scotland. A set Ir edale, A., Cary Plac , F leet Street , Torq uay Nisbet' s Heraldry, 2 vols. Phillipps ' Mahometan ism in relation to Pr ophecy Grant , R., A Son, 107 Prinas Street , Edinbur gh Newman 's Work on the Turks , 3 vols. 18mo. 1st Series. Vol. 1 only Malcol m's Memoir s of Central India Tales of a Grandfather uiiui jLianuinj .u 1 YJL oungVJUU(£ 'sa (Arthur)^ ai Travels in Francei.'iaiivo, 4to.^iwt Vol.• Gray 's Bird s of the West of Scotland ^ l. 1 Banner of Faith. Vol. 1 Quatrefa ges' Rambles of a Naturalist. Vo Portrait of Delia Bacon ¦ I Harding, G.f 6 Hyde Street , Bloomsbury, W.C. Wri ght' s Letterpress Descr iptions to Gillra y, 8va Household of Sir T. More, 12mo. 8rd edit. Thre e copies London, W. ¦ Brydgea' (Sir B.) Mary de Clifford , 12mo. 2nd edit. 1800 Jackson , A., 224 Great Portland Street, ¦ Fitz-Albini , 2 vols. 12mo. 1810 Alken' fl National Sports. Large or small edit. —————¦ SymOyill ptompi/OIUBs m¦ Bohn 's Persiua , Juvenal , Petr onlua , «fec. ¦ New Annual Begistor. 1810 Life fn London , and the Finish to ditto Egan 's Book of Sports , with coloure d plat es ¦ Hawkins , T., Bridge Libra ry, Newbury Shirleyouiiiuy '8a Deeri/oui Parksl muj h¦ Btainer 's Life of Nelson Rico's Tiffer Shooting ¦ Orme 's Histor y of Nelson, by F. W. Blagden. 1808 (Lond.) Scr ope's Salmon Fishin g, roy . 8vo. m Stevenson 's (B. L.) British Admirals and their Biograp hers Boxiana.J3OJ11UIIU. fiU volVVU).s. ^H¦ Old English Mansions Collyns* Wild Red Deer ¦ Williams * (Helen Maria) French Manners and Opinion s. 1801 Jorr ocks' Janhts and Jollities. 1843 - -U . . _ * pk .. ^—— ^* ^**^**^^^^^^^ B ^ ^ ¦ ¦ • ¦• ' .

-Bi,JH. V-» U VAAW^KVA U V^JUL V MJIWJL JZtTT I^H OQfisfi The publishers^ | ' Circular I3s7 ¦ ¦ I BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHA SE—continued. r v^^ ^»-» of^^^ Southr* *- ^j «* w ^l« America^^^^^ k&A ^ i^ avm Beale's Liturglology Orton 's (James ) The A.ndes and the Amazon Moscheles' Patriotism as an Incentive to Warfare 'Z o Aing Williamtr tuiam oireei, StrandTi rana, , Wvr .u. L*Bru / W.TV., Jt

_fi ^B BV BjBB> ^^^^^^^^^^ bb^^^^* _bb^^^^^™^ J \ W ^r ^^^f ^b* ^ ^ B 1 ^b ^pbv ^™^» bbi ^bf .^B" ^bf ^^^ ^^* ^^^ ^v bb» » BB1 bbp . ^L B» ^^™ V ^^^ B^^ ¦ ^b> ~ ^^ ^^^ ^V __ ^^ Doctrines^^^ ^ of a Middle State. 1721 (? 1731) Dictionary of Mechanics. Part 90 to end Brgyll's Instructions to a Son <&c. 16<>l Ford's Handbook of Spanish Painting ¦ peed's Theatre of Great Britain. 1676 Graphic. Jan. to June 1886. Vol. 33. Bound or Nos. Homilist. Vol. 2, 3rd Series ; Vols. 3, 4, New Series ; Vol. 3, B/. C, Olde Bole Shopp e, Torquay Editor's Series

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Al » " ¦ «¦»bbW — ¦ » ¦ »¦ ¦• bb» '• ^ - ¦¦ »» bvbtb.bb»-¦> «¦ * ¦** M \J\\ l< K V ' ' ' 1 *J .l. «! *, 1 * __"^ "-™b» * "— — Mon^^^^ tgomery, 's Manuscripts. , 12mo. 1830 and 1832 ¦we n's Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrata. 186fl . Vol. 2 Luyster, A. L., 10 Silver Street, Londo n. W. C. Mitchell's Three Expeditions into Australia, 8vo. 1838. Vol. 1 Oiril Service History, edited by H. A. Dobson. 1st edit. Ristory of Lyme Regis Civil Service G-eograpliy, edited by H. A. Dobson, 1st edit. Gosse's Shakspeare to Poe, cloth. 1st edit. ¦ Bg, H. $., d' Co.,

\f I . W% w W -B* ¦"- t. *i»* B^ ¦ IB- Bb rf^ ^ bbbb>bb ^b- ' Earthly Paradise 3 vols. cloth. 1st edit. Bonge^^^^^^ p 's History^^ ^ of Rome^^ Morris , Batba m's Comparative Philology 1 Barents Popular Tales of the Norse MacLehose , J,, & Sons, Glasgow ¦ Hehelet' s (J History of the Roman Republic Price's Currency and Banking -) Principles of Currency W/an , F. C , 14 Canonbury Terrace, N. Pal grave's Notes on Banking j ¦auntcr in the West End McLeod's Lectures on Credit and Banking

JB> J ^^^^^ B» ** »4 B< » -' ** *• ^W ^Bk A Bh^ ». ¦ W^ W « |' l W 886 ¦enrietta Temple^^ ^ ^ , 3 vols.b^ Engineering. Jan. 1, 1 ¦tofa mund Gray. 12mo. 1796 Blank Verse, 12mo. 1796 Macmillan & Bowes, Cambridge ¦ Caird's Landed Interest mgley, }fiss, Lovejoy' s Library , Reading Janet, Histoire de la science politique, 2 vols. Bornhill¦k mifiill ., JulyJul y ttoo Dec. 1871 Chesterfield's (Lord) Xetters, ed. Mahon, 5 vols. ¦ ¦ July to Dec. 1876 Smith's Old Testament in the Jewish Church W Jan. to June 1878 Eden's State of the Poor, 2 vols. 4to. ¦e nnyson 'a Ballad s, green cloth. 1st edit. Macm illan A Co., 29 A 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garde n , W.C. mrir, R. II ., 53 Fleet Street, London , E.C. Charlton on the Greek Septuagint Baven?bourne River, 4to., with lithographs. About 1810 Caleb Field, 1 vol. ^_ ¦ourneyj ^^wW u. vf 1. Ult^XCkUU UL.KJHU LUIS « JL KJ^td LkHig U. V W Book of England (Kent),\ J ^ 12L* mo. 1842 (Knighty & Co.)V^V^»/ IVTerkland , 3 vols. ¦-rch-Eologia Cantiana. 1880. Vol. 13 Fielding's (Sarah) D^vid Simple. Complete edit. r 1 Ity,Wy, H» . ZA'. //., 38 O/i^om; GardensOar dens., S.W. Hoggs, U., Bookseller, 159 Ch urch St.t Paddtngton , Londo n, TT. Correspondence of the Duke of Rutland and Pitt. 1781-8 7 Boss' Red River Settlement s Travels in Canada , /¦ Henery' W*/ ¦ ¦ ™ ™ ^ » ™ ^^^ ~~ w ¦» ^^ v v Bre wer Street. Golden Square , FT. ^mm w^ ^v^^ ' ^ ^ ^b v^ ^ ^^^^^^v ** ^ ^^^ * ^^ Richardson's Canadian Brothers,^ 2 vols. ¦fifiH' s fE. ) Works. Any Irving's Indian Sketches, 2 vola. Poyle'8 (Sir F.) Poems Robson's Hudson's Bay. 1782 unual Register. 1865-86 reacott' Any old Works relating to Canada ¦ ¦ s Peru— —- »*•. LibrJ-^*VJ. ary««*. T edit.VUlUi Philip II. Marks Brother *, 107 High Street , Barnstaple * A»tf rf/ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^**^ { ^ ^ et Fruticetum Britannlcum, cloth. gaiston Loudo^^^ n's Arboretum s Russian Polk Tales. 1st edit. Vols. 1, 2, 3 (Bonn) ua« -nt••> s 1 1854. - " Popularoyuiar Nor^eiN orpe Talesrales. . 1st edit.caiz. Calvin Translation Society. Vol. 3 of Isaiah ; Vol. 3 of Tales of the Fjeld. 1st Series. 1st edit. Jeremiah. . # _ ^__^ - ^ ^ ^ * . A « Receipt««^^k. P 1 Book"W\ V and^P. Domestic^b"^V ^ ^mana A Co. ( Forei gn Depe.), 39 Pnttrvoster Row. E. C. Huish 's (R.) Alphabetical "Crated Sporting and Dramatic News. Vola. S to 13 Adviser »i • ¦ v»» .» j k a a, v^ - ^r v J^ V V» fcJ 1* ^1 1 ftj _*X- *tJt'W--»*X> and>-^ Lilies^w" »j .• 1865^ Ruakin's Sesame 1 ^^^^^ ^ a B^ > i^ ^^ ^% d^ *. Ma rston, Sea rle, Jt Rivington ( Export Department) , 188 -— Unto this Last. 1802 *lM Strr et , E. G. Birthday Book. Large paper 'v^ ¦ ¦ 1 B B j W^ .44 B^Bh B. r **r ~* m b b ^^i» -*^ .» ^ b^bt m ji p» - » B ¦ ^ »-B. ~- ^-— -» — — ¦ - ¦ ^cartes p £^ Vi ¦> * fm r ^J " TT M ^ *S V^ • -^ » *r - " ^ — »-v^ , ^^ ^ ^ ^^ , ^ and%m t.JL Hymn^ Book containing Words and Music on Mothoi- ** " • % V* -ULVVAIUUiJm\J mL y JLJlUf v ¦ * »• V^ V**-* / Home and School 4 Meditation (Blac^wood _^ b^ f - w *i ~m bT t *v~^w ¦ ) ^ ^ ii.r~7— on Meditation (Sutherland & Knox) of 111 Popular Tu nea and Hymns (London, MubIc Pub- anfione s (Gil bert) Walks of a Naturalist lishing Co.l ' uris by Night Willfar (H., M.D.) Benedict de Spinoza i Ilia life, Corre- H Cl * K)r1/1 t-A. « . _ r;' J°f tho CommlsHion of Inquiry into the State of spondence, and Ethics. 1870 l Wl y , rrona tne I 1 in , 100 of New South. Wales, printed by order of tho Spinoza s Tractfltus XnooJoxlco-roliticus l^aun. L^ vjomrnons, 182 2 2nd edit;. 1868 \ , :,,gr :, , ¦ The _ ¦ r^«-s Publishers' Circular H ^_ Nov'MM BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE— continued. ^ ^

Meehan,B. &J. F., 32 Gay Street, Bath Reeves &. Vols. 4., 5 . 8 9ia0 la ¦ Treatise on Military Carriages. 1876 Collier's Ecclesiastical History. 1845 . VoL 3 ¦ Report any Works on British War Medals Mill's Political Economy. 1862. Vol. 1 ¦ De Brack's Light Cavalry Outpost Dickensuicitens ' Works.w oi-ks. Househo-ldjtaouseno-ia edit.edit, Aa get., unbound ¦ I Good Words. 1860 , 1861. Parts or voi.* I Murra tf, F., MorayHouse , Derby Sunday at Home. 1863, 1864, 1867: Parts or vols I TJeberweg's tlistor.y of Philosophy, 2 vols. Feb. 1869 ' ¦ Cornwall's (B.) Life of Kean Fielding's Work*, 10 vols. 8vo. I Caldecott's Bracetmdge Hall. 1st edit. Fullerton's English Nation. 14 to ¦ Art Journal. 1870. In parts Scotochronicon . 1867. Div. 5.5, 7.7, 88., 9 ¦ Blades' Enemies of Books Monasticon. 1867. Div. 4, 6, 6, or VoL 2 ¦ Knight's Penny Encyclopaedia. Vol. 6 ¦ Murray, T.t & Son, 31 Buchanan Streett Glasgow Quiver. Jan. and Feb. 1881 Robson iuro IH Adolphus' Memoir3 of Queen Caroline, 3 vols. 1821 fc ^ Rebecca and Kowenu ¦ , Gentleman's Magazine. 1820 Chamberlayne's Anglise Nbtitia Roche, J., 1 Southampton, Row9 jffolborn, W.C. I Keith's Church in New England. 1691 Russell's Memorials of Fox;. Vol. 3 I Valpy's Shakspeare. 1835. Vols. 4, 5 ¦ Nisbet, /., & Co., 21 Burners Street, W. Strickland's Queens of England. Index to I Bonar's (A.) Development of Antichrist Van Sybel's French Revolution, 4 vols. ¦ Freer's Henry IV. Part 2 ¦ Nntt% Z)., 270 Strand, Zotidon, W.C. Heine's Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos. 1879 (Snodgrass) Routledge, G., & Sons (Export Dept.), Broadway, Ludgatt Sm Field's Ot ium Norvicense London, E.C. ¦ Life of Margaret Catchpole, 3 vols. 1845 (Saunders & 0.B Ogle & Murray, Edinburgh Marryat's (Capt.) Settlers at Home, 2 v. 1844(LongmanH Broughton's (Hugh) Works, folio The Peep of Day. 1844 I Steel on Brewing Vestiges of Creation. 1844 (Churchill) I Logan's Scottish Gael. Vol. 2 Haydn's Dates. 1844 (Moxon) I Browne's History oi the Highlands. Vols. 1, 3 Sterry *8 Works. Any Sabin, F., 10 Garrick Street, W.C. I Cotterill (Bishop) on the Seven Epistle3 Paris Sketch Book. 2nd edit. Vol. 2 or both I Parker & Co., 6 Southampton Street, Strand , London, W.C* Pendennis. Parts, olean I "Williams' Holy City. Vol. 1 Humphrey's Clock. Uncut or clean Nos. I Hore's Eighteen Centuries of the Church in England Second Funeral of Napoleon 1 Broke Hill Papers. Vol. 1 Lovel, a Novel, by John Hill (?) About 1770 I Scratchley's Benefit Building Societies Heptameron frangais. Vol. 3 I Martin Chuzzlewit. Frontispiece and Vignette Title Paul (Kegan), Trench ? & Co., 1 Paternoster Square, E.C. Pardoe's Marie de Medici, 3 vols. King's Italian Valleys of the Alps Salisbury, J., 4 Paternoster Row% E.C. Pawson & Brail$ford , High Street, Sheffield Cesnola's Salaminia. 2nd edit. 1884 ¦>-<¦ Rhine Panorama, plain or coloured SundayMuuvAnjr att«u Home.jua.vaaau« 1.* 855uxjir anduijvt 1857.av-*»« Cloth¦*_ - *vv»—. or— j^parts Clio and Euterpe. 1762. Vol«. 1, 4 Pearson , J., & Co., 46 Pall Mall, 8.W. Pills to Purge Melancholy. 1710-20. Vol. 6 Lytton's Disowned, 3 vols. 1st edit, uncut The Masque. 1770 Eugene Aram, 3 vols. 1st edit, uncut Ladies' Polite Songster. 1782 - ¦ Godolphin, 8 vols. 1st edit, uncut Last Days of Pompeii, 3 vols. 1st edit, uncut Sampson, J., York Last of the Barons, 3 vols. 1st edit, uncut Waverley Novels. Library edit. Vols. 17, 18 Goldsmith's Life of Parnell. 1770 Nimrod's Northern Tour Finish to Life in London Phillipson, G.y Bookseller, Kingston, S. W. Sandell & Smith, 136 City Road , E.C. Early English Text Society. Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24,26 Winerw iner' s Greekureeic Testament.xestamenc. i»ov.185J). Vol.vol 2j 1854. \ ol. J Phillipson A Golder, Booksellers, Chester Mantell's Medals of Creation, red cloth. Seebohm's Siberia in Europe Lewin's St. Paul, cr. 8vo. Vol. 1 v , , Joseph us' W6rks, by Isaac Taylor, imp. 8vo. low. Kemble's The Saxons In England , 2 vols. (Longmans) , 4 Lingard's Antiquity of the Anglo-Saxon Church Hardwick's Christ and other Masters. Vols. 2 Priest's Prayer Book of Private Devotion Satchell, R. W., King ton, Herefordshire Kemble's (Prances) Recolleations of my Qiilhorxl Pink, J. W., Bookseller, Cheltenham Later Life Miala' (J. G.) Memorials oi Early Christianity Records of Adam Bede, 3 vols. 1st edit. Vol. 3 Siegle, Aug.,80 Lime Street, E.G. Voltaire's Works, translated by Smollett and Francklin. Philosophical Magazine. 1873 ' Manual Vola. 1, 2, 4, Dramatic ; Vols. 1, 2, 6 , 6, 1L , 18 , Proae Works Tennant's (Heroulea) The Notary s . .^j Daily Weather Reports of the Meteorological Oflia- Poole, J., Btedman's Victorian Poets Barlow's How to make Money by Patents I totraoliey 'a Mnances and Public Works of India WallisWftllis' Church ofhf RomeHome and.and the New Roman V

^ The Publishers' Circular „<*


;„» BooMler. Leeds The Librarian, The County. Librarv, Wepmouth r Pagesrajjw 8o tow 16 Books an the English Navy, or Lives of Distinguished Sailors sli'i :s Geurg£;JzeelV.!V. — Arnold' ¦ s Strayed Reveller. 1849 London Street , Readinff Empedocles on Etna. 1852 \ * 07 of the Atonement ' hT" ' - rafcholic Doctrine ? ?% n; ta KeVa»5 Wales Tilfor ,J.% 14 Burton CrescenU W.C. ^Xt"Court oe William IV. VoL T Davenport Dunn. Parts 21. 22 *" Goold. Vote. 17, i18 Knight of Ghvynne. Part 17, 1st sheet, pp. 513-528 Works, by - ¦- — — . m —~ ——w- ^ — ^-^. — - — — -i — — -— —~ — -. ^^_ - ¦ ¦ " . South Wales Can you^ Forgive Her ? Parts 19, 20 „ New Almanack of the Month. Parts 1, 8, 9, 12 jQs* Folio Tomsoix D. R., St. Neotx, Hunts I it a- Co 49 Cro w -Sfcr Economy, 8vo. 1840 ^^^_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^.^ K neon 's Social and Political Page's GloasaTy of Geological Terms Ibana n 's Taxation of Great Britain, 8vo. 1844 1__ x-^nv en Political Econornv.Economy, 8vo. 1873 Watson's History of Wisbeach Lies'- Es?a y on Pol itical Major 's Eton Latin Grammar Lings' Social Delusions concerning Wealth, 12mo. 1858 tree's Studies in Political Economy, 8vo. 1874 Washboume, 18 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. Sermons by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. Vol. 1 Ln, //., A Co., 135 & 136 Strand, London. W.C. Kt's Spartan Manual. 1785. Boards or nncut Waters, Q. E., Bookseller, 97 WeslbQume Prove, Bayswater 11 1 Remarks on Shakspeare. 1783. Boards or uncut Foster's Pedigree of the Wilsons of High Wray 1— Cursory Criticisms on Shakspeare. 1792. Bds. or uncut t- Literary Examiner. 1823. Boards or uncut Watts, J.. 50 Robertson Street, Hastings Importing Magazine. Feb. 1845. Boards or uncut Co»JOimUmic Engl-EjII ^LUUUand, cloth.VlVJbU. Vol.V K)i.. 2J> Bell's Lizzie Leigh. 1st edit, doth or uncut edges '^German Romance Specimens, boards. 1827. Vol. 2 W . Cousin Phillis. 1st edit, cloth or uncut edges Virginians. Vol. 2 I.— Norland College. 1st edit, cloth or uncut edges Inuroldsby Legends. 1st and 2nd Series. Imperfect K Twain 's Tramp Abroad. 2 vols. cloth. 1st edit. Hasted's History of Kent. Odd vols. Kr\at's Frank Mildmay, 3 vols. cloth. 1st edit. ¦croft's Tales of the Colonies Weobfr , W., Dial Dane, Ipswich ¦inger's "tf orks, by Giffard, 4 vols. boards. 2nd edit. Sowerby's Botanv, 1 vol. ¦herine Heigh ts and Agnes Grey, 3 v. cl. or uncut edges Arnold's School Sermons Bey'3 Evelina , 3 vols. boards or uncut edges. 1778 Thring's Uppingham School Sermon s Key Married , 3 vols. boards or uncut edges Pusey on Minor Prophets (Zechariah) Kile Journals. 1st Ser. 3 vol3. 1st ed. cl. or wncut edges Webster , A., A Company, 60 Piccadilly, W. Finden s Illustrations to Byron ; Ir , Jr., 270 Ilolloway Road, JV. ' ¦jy 's Shakspeare. 14 Wood's Common British Beetles. 3s. 6<2. edit. Kola^ N ickleby. 1-11 Wesley, TT.. & Son, 28 Essex Street , Strand , W.C. fcer;iolil. 8 Dactyliotheca Smithiana, 2 vols. 4to. 1787 Kan.Unn ' s Scarborough.-«. Plate, ' The Warm Bath,' and Westwood's Thesaurus Entomologicus. folio ¦pp^^^ _-|- . 137- - > ¦ &v ¦. A and 143X. KJ Hooker's Icones Plantarnna, 4 vol«. 183r-40 , or Vols. 3, 4 ¦conjcs. 12-22 Harvard College, Annals of the Observatory. 1862. Vol. 3 Boyle's CRobert) Curiosities in Chymfsfcry, 12mo. 1691 m£¦£. xN.,, 11l! MecklenhuraMecklenburg Street.reet , W.C.W.C. Cassell's Magazine of Art. Any Nos. »r . May 1881 ¦in University Magazine. 1860. Yol. 2 Wheaton , A., & Co., Exe ter - x •on ".-? Workp . Vol. 13 Hawkins on the Psalms ¦Marlon. Vol. 9 Cassell's Family Magazine. April 1883 • stcr ".s Kaleidoscope ¦fc Wi l liams & Norgate , 14 Henrietta Street. Covent Garden. W. C. -uboan l Parish Cartier's Lifeof Beato Anprelico. Engliahtrans. 1865 (Lond.) Nature. Nov. 14, 21. and Dec. 2C, 1878 ; Jan. 2, 9, 1879 Wj, E., tt Charing Cro ss, London. 8. IV. s Wallace's Nataral Selection I V 00^ '>n Central America. 1850 (E. Stanford) ¦a min * Atlantic Islands Chips from Tunis Json's Roads. 18th edit. Wilson, A., 18 Qracechurch Street, E.C. ¦on 's fCapt.) Arabian Nights Lauder'B (Sir T. Dick) Rivers of Scotland

—_- -.— _ — __^^_ ~ — — — ~_ - — — _- — v — - ^^j — ¦ Badminton Series. Large paper.^^ ^^ Hunting,^^^v 0 Racinga w ,y Fifth-"^ —'—^ m ' , A .JIillhead, Glasg ow ¦ ing, 2 vols. h.PinpsLossons ¦' """ ¦i onmi Treesi i tea ¦Jrandt1 and his Works Wy llie, D., & Son, Aberdeen Wti -'s Lectures, il lustrated Lotze's Metaphysics »er and his Work s Dobell's Balder. Part 2 to end ellp Palestine Exploration Fund Statements. 1870 ; July and li" li ' m r t 130 ofPortland Street, Ma n chester Oct. 1871 ; 1872 : Jan., April,aud July 1882 ; April, July , ^ mance the fc '! '^ Forurn. 1852 and 1854. 1st and Oct, 1883 ; Jan. 1884 (/• V1 - 2 ; 2nd Series, Vol 2 Ll 'C ivilisa. . Yates, James , Public Libr a ri a n, Leeds I K ] tion , 8vo. 1861. Vol. 2 W h . ll ( > liberal. No. 2 Payne's Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 1 N ores au(i Rollins' Ancient History. 9-vol. edit. Vols. 1, 2 W Biographies. Vols. 1, 3, 4, G to 12 Scott's History of England. 5-vol. edit. VoJ 1 // - - '. 2t />ri'w »'-»« S«r<*»*. Manchester Smollett's History of England. 7-vol. edit. Vol. 1 Up v \ ien Wai ford's Londoniana. Vol. 1 Eo FnVr!" i jears of Missionary Life Yule, J.t Scarborou gh l--:;;!!u: 8 Tri i) in the Paciflc Maca.ulay'8 Bnprl and. 1858. Vol. 8 ^' Sidney aBel History of Holderness, 2 vols. ev , 2 vols. National Encyclopcedia, 13 vols.

¦ 2 : FIRST EDITION S, clean and T PEAKSOJST & CO., 46 Pall Mall, S.W., C ? Lever O Kh ]° ' Thackeray » Alnsworth, Marry at, George • aro desirou s of PURCHASING, for good Cash Prices, Shelley. Keats, Lamb. owning, FIRST EDITIONS of Smollett, Sterne, Swift, Fielding, fcrkR¦ iiT Br Jesse. Goldsmith, Johnson , and English Classics generally ; also of rated b Rowlandson, Leech isH U ^ , Doyle, &c.~ Shelley, Keatp, ©yron, Lamb, and Lytton ; Autogbaph ' Clcmcnt'a Inn G ateway, Strand, W.C. Lettkk3 and Manuscripts of Celebrities, and French illus- I trated I)ook8 of the last century. Booksellers Issuing aoHcited Cata- I l^,, . logues will oblige by forwarding an early copy. I ^^^ -. \ M

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