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HtumHSSsH ^I < cC i ^ ¦Ujj ^KH ^^ H '¦ ' WmmBM \r HjE//Qi ^skIb9b9 ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦^^^ " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' ^^^^^ X^ ^X^ ' ^^ , jK^M^KjB ^> ; H^R I I ssued on the 1st and 15th of each Month I S$& • J ^^ Hli ^^ BI^^^ H " ' ^H ^Sfl^^^ Sflk — i . • ¦^Ml ^^ H ^ i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ x^^^^^^ x^^^ x^^^^^^ ^^^^^ x^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^* ' > "¦ KBifhH pv^H ^^ Hl ^^ ^I lr ¦ h ^HSU ^aS] ' s, ' ^R9!i||flHnnl ' ' j hSi ^r ' i ^Hh ^ StII ^HUjI ; ^ H KSHI ^ra ^ ', ^^P^^ ¦ Kj ^lf i r' i ^^ ¦¦¦ B^H london \ iSam SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON | ^ CROWN UUILDINGS, 188 FLEET STREET, E.C. i^Pil ^ ja£LM*jy|l£^ ^'* ^v^ <9! P ^£££ j ^^^ M ^£ ^ g^^ ££ ?s?£3H ^^^ H i ¦ TME ; :: ¦ -Ilibl^aHHMi ^l ; ' ¦ .^ ! .. - . -" , TBEMA ^: ^ ^^^ ^!^ ^^!^. .^^., I " . > rpHB FREE PRBSS occupies a leadin g pla ce a&o& ||||*^ Momi™ k<J / : X /papers * Ita fwin«w opnnec tlonva3*ei^«^ la newispa per published in the North , ^and to eqi ^lled Srotlan ^ * of aBy other ' ; r ¦: ¦- ; i9 circt ^iw , —' - *f X' -- ;> / ^ ^ : r . > . > J !«J3 ^l-;v - v - *1 THB FREE PRES S has the Universit y City of Aberdeen as. a oenta» and fchft northern half of Scotlandis for its fl J - proper. Special attention in devoted to Art , literatu re, Mlusic, and the Bftto fia. Its Publishers' <^lnnm take n advanfaJ c of by the leadin g ptibllsners , and for New Wor ks and Business Announcements of a& fcinito¦ ; the FBBE PRifs s has no ri3 ¦ as an advert ising medium in the wide and important field in which it circulates. - '- " : > : 1 v "v^E3 ^ riis ;*GJ- v rj cjBas ES ; Ov4i ^iB5r TE 1 Has a wide and ra pidly-increasing circul ation. It is a Jil gh-class paper for family reading, containing a complete syno J . of the news of the day and a literary department giving the cream of Current Llteiffttara. It is an excellent adver tisy . medinm. Four Editioaa are published Daily, and Special &iitioas as required. / V _ . -- "1 •RftnX and Post Oflflce Orders payable to AAbx. Mark , the Pobllsher , Daily Free Pi ^ and Evening Gazette Officer , Aberdeej ST. STEFHEN'S RUpW • . ,; - ' OF TA.CTB Aljri ) FAKGIBS , THOFGHTS , REALITIES J ^P S^&ft Publishe d on Thursday every week. With a lar ge F&li-page Presentation Chromo-litho gra phCARTOON for framing. This Journal , while ^ealing with Social Topicsin a spirit of The St. Stbfhkn 's Bbvzbw *as the lar gest circu lation j good tas te, never falls to instruct. It presents each week a 'any weekly "Conservative J Hlostrated Pa per in the Uniu show of Facts and Realities, and throwB upon-them a light as B^ngdorti, India , or the Gdl ^nlea. j brtlliant as it is original. It is essentiall y a Review writte n The St. &raPHBn !e Review, by its special feftturea J for Men and Women of the Woyld. Its varied Qualitiesto of position in the Social and Political Wor ld, U able to afloj Gaiet y, HumauT *,^ an *- Satire will afford entertainment all the most reliable infoiimation. J 1 carin g for, amuse ment apart from infor mation. It will, in „*. jw , p i Opinio^nd BriglishSociety., - ^ , ^ . i*i*%rntorin *mu a vainaM nnH omt,rfJ fact.fe a mirror botb of Nationareal on the ST. n»S^'SSfcSJ ^^ ^SSffiS ^^^Bfor the 1 The most celebrat ^ AjiJists stlflfof STBPHKir 's 7 s « 2?? S , *v , J ftBV»w , wh»ettiosecontribatin g pictorial work fnclade&o. Tom The St. STBPHB ^ftjaBV^Wls sobroirU jed by lwdd Mbbb y, Habr y FoBNisfiC G-borob Ob ^k^hank; &c. families in the kingdom, and has an extensive circulatid among all classes of society. The Duke of Beaufort , tlie Earl of Lytton , Lord Boss- of morb , Sir Richard Cross , Lad y Florence Dixie, CoL &. B. The St. Stephen's Rev^bw Cartoons ar e themselvj Mallbbon , C.S.I., the Hon. H. 6. Nouthcote , M.P., Hon. alone worth trie cost of the paper , independentl y of the! household as a vade meeum of the corrd ¦ M. O. Fino h-Hattok , M.P., and many others contribute to evvalue inof everythe tim the St, Stephen 's Ravraw. _^ ents es. Price SIXPENCE. Sold by all Newsagen ts, and at the Railway Bookstalls. PUBLISHIN G OFFICES -21 qOHN STREET , ADELPr4l t LONDON , W.C. NORTH WALES PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED OA KEN MOL T, FL IN T. ' ¦ ^ •* 'i ¦ MIL L USTO.i » 2 6. i• r- MAKERS OF Fine Printin gs and Yellows. Telegraphic Address: * OAKEWHOLT , JFZj JJV T.' THE EUROPEAN MAIL. E STABLISHED 1848. (BE \rE N DISTINCT PAPERS XT^DBB THIS TIT ^Kl.) _ P X, .8PANlSa TTBLISHKID I 3ST JBi 3ST C3- I S H, PRENTOH, A^r f READ IN ALL. PART S OF THE ^TQBI jD , AND 1"H K ' .' *" ' . BE ST 1M3EI >XTJ ]M [ FOK , AlO'VBItflT'XS Ellfe--« All inform atio n In respect of Tariff for Advertisement s and oth er matter s to be obtained on »pplio«tion to the MA"A" 161 QtJEEN VlCflfOBIA STABfi T, IiplTSO^ |S.O* j p ostal and f nadepayabl e 1? R. SCO I Orders Cheques to he^ TT, and crossed MA RUN & CO. ^ A THE COLONIES INDIA ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CEMTURY. READ BY ALL INTERESTEDAND Iff THE C0U)«<te AK D INDIA Tub Oomwibs and India is read by the liulk of the Merchant* fttiid otHer^ 46lng biwijitt^fttoroad. I . 0* I PubliBhed TUFoekly ; Subs cri ption foi 52 Iasuea a^ Tear, poutage pft ^, 10b P^tal Orders and Cheque* made p ayableto Street. l *> B. 80O¦ "I? *r. Ofltoee¦ , iflKt Q,i*ee>n Vif^tiwrl¦ a * ' ' ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ' w ' ¦ ; ' : i " 1 ' : , ' - . - - . " •; .. •W : : • *¦' ¦ »l______ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦• ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ . i- t'i. ____~ ——-r22—' Sl . .. " . " " ' . " "" . "" ":. ' ¦ " ' '¦ '¦ ' •* '•¦ " — ' i » ^m . .» 1 1 ¦ ¦¦: ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ — ---^~ j ; / ; ; " ;,. , ; " (. " ' r ' ; *. '"y i y ' if . " ' :'j ' "" - " f ' fefr. " "^ 'f ' ' = M * \ \ " _ _r YT TY [Registered f or Transmission Abroad. 0 1179 _Vol. XLIX. ^ --^^ x^c v O«^ > i ^ ^ r ^ v\V ^ BkN > /^^^m^^ ^fjjfo 7 ^ ^ 16 01^^ AND arnrral ifotort i of 2fcriti£J) an& foreign Sitetatu rc CONTA1NIN O A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OP ALL NEW WOKKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN I AND EVERY WORK OF INTE RE ST PUBLISHED ABROAD I [Issued on the 1st and 15th. of each Month!] W- « r I "NT 1^ OO^ 6S. PER ANN. ¦i ce 3d. November I , 1880 8s. per post I CO2STTS3STTS ¦TERARY INTELLIGENCE 1282—1292 INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT ¦R LYLE'S ]• .vitLY LETTERS 1284 BEITAIN BETWEEN OCTOBEIi 16 AND 80 . 1292—1295 H T>n/Mr a TiTT -DT Tamin t\t QREATnnuiT BRITAINt>T5Tnr« a T"KT In .VCI- op CHIVALRY 1284, 1285 B00KS PUBLISHED IN M FROM: OCTOBER 16 TO 30 1295—1301 KTES AND NEWS 1285, 1286 rriT I VT'irrn RECENT FOREIGN WORKS 1301—1302 KTINENTAL^^ L^ i -r NOTES"»t /*n rn v *r** 1286-• *-» r~* •» , 1287-t c\r^ ^ I NEW BOOKS AND B00K3 LATELY PUB- iEPJCAN NEWS 1288 AND NOTES 1287, LISHED 1303-13 41 MS JOTTINGS 1288 MISCELLANEOUS 1342—1354 UAriY F 1288 > 1289 BUSINESS CARDS 1347—1351 ¦IDE CHANGE 1289 BUSINESSES FOR SALE 1352 fciESL'ONDENCE 1289 ASSISTANTS WANTED 1353 ¦XOUXCEMKNTS 1289 WANT SITUATIONS 1353 fcllKS AND ALMANACS 1289 BOOKS FOR SALE 1354 ¦HEWS, &c 1290—1292 BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE 1354—1359 I i hstidiej ix: to ^idttjeiR/TISIE^s mm k Sons 1351 Harper's Magazine iii Penny Library of Fiction iv mn< k Francis iii Hey wood & 8on ( Manchester) 134 9 Phillips (H. S.) 1354 I1' (W . H.) & Co, 1308 Hodder & Stougbton 131 1 Potter & Co. 1342 ¦l} md Navy Gazette 1352 Putnam's (Gr . P.) Sons 1318 iv Holmes & Son _m ^^^^^IV^Y P I . II / A I V ~ __ _ — — ___ ^m~— — ~f . , > rf .rfk ¦*y & Co. (Aberdeen) 1361 Hurst & Blackett 132 9 Religious* * Tract Society—^~ 1323-1325-^^ ^^ ¦antyne Press 1351 Hutt (C.) 1359 Rickerby (M. S.) 1350 ¦ ¦ (JO. Nottingham 1320-132 1 St. Stephen's Review il ^_ 1341 Iabieter & Co ^^ I H fL f ^ ^^^ ^.^ . _ . _ _ _ . _^_. ^m~~ . - m ^ ^K ^w ^ ¦ a ¦fff°n 1348 Isbiatcr (Wm.), Limited 1319 Scottish News Ill ¦*Vbon 1350 Kenny & Co 135 1 Seeley & Co 1805 —¦pod —,, v. aladon'•ta uuii , at vjo i-yiKJ oixvenooiv y, a..) loui. ^ ¦ 1 lair Ji. f~ \ & Co , .. 1329>\.&i\y Kentisj&txxt &<K Co(JO _ - 1340_ _ Silverlock _(H.) _ . _-1351 _ _ Wrey&Co^ 1350 Kitcat (G. & J.) 1348 Simmons & Botten 1350— ¦£MV) fc Co 134O Knight (E.) 1350 Simpkin, Marshal], & Co 1322, 1340 k S JQ E ; ' (Glasgow) 1338 Knight & Forster (Leeds) 1354 Smith. Elder, & Co 1303 ' M>) 1352 Lechner (R.) 1322 Sonnenschein & Co 1330, 1331 Ku Ln « 1:)12 U1 ; ) 1313, 1342, 1346, 136O Leighton, Son, & Hodge 1349 Spalding & Hodge 1343 1> c*ter borough 1 309 Spicer Brothers 1345 En»an i ) ' 1340 Lockwood (C.) & Co m & Jiaii 1307 Loveii (Walter), Cambridge 1347 Spottiswoode & Co 1350 ^¦PUIUI era Qa^; », /O ».

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