Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism Working Paper Series Number 3 Bibliographies of Richard Lewis Nettleship (1846-1892), James Hutchison Stirling (1820-1909) & William Wallace (1844-1897) (2018 version) Compiled by Professor Colin Tyler Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism University of Hull Every Working Paper is peer reviewed prior to acceptance. Authors & compilers retain copyright in their own Working Papers. For further information on the Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism, and its activities, visit our website: http://www.hull.ac.uk/pas/ Or, contact the Centre Directors Colin Tyler:
[email protected] James Connelly:
[email protected] Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism School of Lae and Politics University of Hull, Cottingham Road Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom Table of Contents Acknowledgements 3 Richard Lewis Nettleship (1846-1892) I. Writings 4 II. Reviews and obituaries 5 III. Other discussions 5 James Hutchison Stirling (1820-1909) I. Writings 6 II. Reviews and obituaries 10 III. Other discussions 12 William Wallace (1844-1897) I. Writings 16 II. Reviews and obituaries 18 III. Other discussions 20 Notes on Henry Nettleship (1839-93) 21 2 Acknowledgments for the 2018 version Once again, I am pleased to thank those scholars who sent in references, and hope they will not mind my not mentioning them individually. Future references will continue to be received with thanks. Professor Colin Tyler University of Hull December 2017 Acknowledgments for the original, 2004 version The work on these bibliographies was supported by a Resource Enhancement Award (B/RE/AN3141/APN17357) from the Arts and Humanities Research Board.