Corporate Governance Statement
AIR NEW ZEALAND GROUP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT The Board considers its governance practices to be consistent with the Principles of the NZX Corporate Governance Code. This Corporate Governance Statement was approved by the Board on 25 August 2021 and is current as at that date. Code of Ethical Behaviour Air New Zealand has a published Code of Conduct and Ethics (“the Code”), as a statement of our guiding principles of ethical and legal conduct. The Code applies to everyone working at or for Air New Zealand – directors, executives, employees, contractors and agents. Mechanisms are provided for the safe reporting of breaches of the Code or of other policies or laws, and the consequences of non- compliance are made explicit. The Code is supplemented by a number of other documents, including the Board Charter and specific policies on key matters. As a whole, these documents address all matters in recommendation 1.1 of the NZX Corporate Governance Code. Air New Zealand also has a Securities Trading Policy, which identifies behaviours that are illegal, unacceptable or risky in relation to dealings in Air New Zealand’s securities by directors, employees or their associated persons. This policy provides a framework that reduces the potential for insider trading. No material policy breaches have been reported during the 2021 reporting period. Air New Zealand makes these documents, and other significant governance documents, available on its website. Board Composition and Performance The Board has a formal Board Charter detailing its authority, responsibilities, membership and Board Cadence operation, which is published on Air New Zealand’s website.
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