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This week on .com This week in the paper Norwegian pop star Celebrate Norwegian ’s guide Blomster er Guds sendebud fra en Constitution Day! to Norway annen, fullkommen verden. Calendar of Events - Elmer Rutherford Read more at blog.norway.com Read more on page 15 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 121, No. 17 April 30, 2010 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Tel (800) 305-0217 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Russia’s president visits Norway Norway provides assistance to Dmitrij Medvedev China following earthquake “I am deeply saddened that makes Russia’s China has once again been hit first official state by an earthquake. The Chinese Red Cross has considerable ex- visit to Norway in perience of dealing with natural disasters, and is assisting the 14 years Chinese authorities in the rescue efforts,” commented Minister Co m p i l a t i o n b y of the Environment and Inter- Norwegian American Weekly staff national Development Erik Sol- heim. “The Chinese Red Cross Russia’s President Medve- is providing its own search and dev’s flight actually landed a few rescue teams, health personnel minutes ahead of schedule. Offi- and ambulances. It is also hand- cials in charge of all the practicali- ing out blankets, tents and warm ties around the important if largely clothing.” ceremonial visit could heave an au- (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) dible sigh of relief. Dmitry Medvedev and his wife Congo to start anew in case Svetlana made a two-day state visit against two to Oslo. This is the first official visit by a Russian president in Norway Col. Kosolo Muyombela says a for 14 years. Boris Yeltsin visited Photo: Liv Osmundsen/The Royal Court military court in Kisangani did President Medvedev, his wife Svetlana, and the Royal Couple paused to say hello to Norwegian and Russian children who not follow proper procedures CONTINUES PAGE 6 came to the Royal Palace. when it convicted the two men in May 2009. The two men, both The youth of Sigrid Undset former Norwegian soldiers, were A city remembers convicted of murdering their driver and attempting to murder Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Heidi Håvan a witness. The alleged motive Writer’s Center celebrates Undset’s Grosch reflects behind the killing is unknown. The court also convicted them of book of poetry “Ungdom” on the 70th spying for Norway because they anniversary of the were carrying military ID cards at the time. The Norwegian gov- Steinkjer bombing ernment has denied the men were Norwegian spies. He i d i Hå v a n Gr o s ch (Associated Press) Sparbu, Norway

I was out in the garden today What’s inside? pulling weeds and watching the clouds drift across a clear blue sky. News 2-3 A plane engine interrupted the soli- Photo courtesy of festningsverk.no Business tude and then I remembered. On a Solid brick houses were crushed by 4 shock waves during the bombing. Sports 5 CONTINUES PAGE 14 Op-Ed 6-7 New leadership for skiing Taste of Norway 8 John Aalberg named Travels to Norway 9 Photo: Christine Foster Meloni as director for the Roots & Connections Translator Harold Hanson (right) and his son Steven Hanson at the Writer’s Cen- 10 ter in Bethesda, Md. Harold Hanson translated Sigrid Undset’s poetry “Ungdom/ World Cup 2011 Faith & Religion 11 Youth” to English. Af t e n p o s t e n Arts & Entertainment 12 sary of the publication of her single Ch r i s t i n e Fo s t e r Me l o n i John Aalberg is named the new book of poetry, “Ungdom/Youth.” In Your Neighborhood Springfield, Va. director for the skiing World Cup 13 This year also marks the pub- Championships 2011. He has lived Norwegian Heritage Norway’s literary giant, Sigrid lication of Dr. Harold P. Hanson’s 14 in the United States and Canada for Undset, winner of the of Undset’s poetry, the years, and was very involved in the Research & Education 15 for Literature in 1928, is known for first-ever in English. The Writer’s Vancouver Olympics. The Norwe- her novels, in particular, her “Kris- Center in Bethesda, Md. and the gian-American left Vancouver and Photo: Kurt B. M. Haugli tin Lavransdatter” trilogy. She is Royal Norwegian Embassy in John Aalberg: from the Olympics in the Olympics behind April 13, and $1 = NOK 5.8752 less well known for her poetry. Washington co-sponsored a cel- Vancouver to the World Cup in Nor- updated 4/26/10 This year marks the 100th anniver- way. CONTINUES PAGE 8 CONTINUES PAGE 5 2 No r g e - Uk e n s o m g i k k Nyheter på Nettet Hver åttende konfirmasjon er humanistisk Lar seg ikke stoppe Denne våren blir det gjennomført 733 hu- manistiske konfirmasjoner i Rogaland. Det Vinteren er triste saker for nordiske innebærer at 12,2 prosent av 14-åringene i flyselskaper, og askeskyen gjorde vondt fylket konfirmerer seg utenfor kirken. An- delen humanistriske konfirmanter i Roga- verre. Men Norwegian og Bjørn Kjos land har vært stabil de siste fire årene, bort- satt fra en liten nedgang i 2008. Rogaland vokser seg stadig fetere i luften også i år er et av de fylkene der andelen humanis- tiske konfirmasjonerer lavere enn lands- Af t e n p o s t e n tjene penger på flydrift. Færre passasjerer, is gjennomsnittet. og snø gjør sitt til at Norwegian alltid taper (NRK) På bare tre år er antallet passasjerer penger i dette kvartalet. Denne gangen ble som reiser med Norwegian mer enn doblet. det 275 millioner kroner i minus før skatt – Forsøkte smugle et halvt tonn dadler I vintermånedene i 2007 hadde selskapet 1,3 mot 150 millioner kroner i samme periode Ifølge TV 2 skal mannen ha forklart at da- millioner passasjerer. I årets første kvartal i 2009. Normalt henter Norwegian inn langt dlene var kjøpt i Göteborg for 2.000 kroner. satte 2,7 millioner passasjerer seg ned i et mer enn vintertapet utover året. 2009 endte Foto: Stein J. Bjørge Men kvittering hadde han ikke. 52-åringen Norwegian-sete. med et overskudd før skatt på 623 millioner –Jeg liker aldri å tape penger, slo en som van- har ifølge tollerne blitt tatt hele femten Det er særlig i Danmark, i Norge og på kroner. lig lattermild Bjørn Kjos fast etter tapet på 275 ganger for smugling over en tiårsperiode. norske ruter til Middelhavet at gründer Bjørn Askeskyen denne måneden har likevel millioner kroner i første kvartal. Han vet godt – Han er tidligere tatt med 250 kilo dadler, Kjos nå får nye reisende. Han tar sikte på å kostet selskapet 100 millioner kroner hittil, at pengene kommer tilbake senere i år – om ikke vulkanutbrudd strander hele flyflåten igjen. 576 kilo ost, over 1.300 liter juice, 25 kilo øke produksjonen med 30 prosent i 2010, opplyste Kjos i går. Men selv etter en lunken etter hvert som splitter nye Boeing-fly kom- tobakk og noen tonn med kjøtt – i tillegg mottagelse i aksjemarkedet på resultattal- ske Ryanair. I første kvartal var selskapets mer inn i flåten. Det kan bety en utrulling av til vaskemidler, sier Wenche Fredriksen i lene, er Norwegian-aksjen mer verdt enn i kostnad pr. setekilometer i luften 9 prosent nye ruter i , utover rutene fra Oslo og Tollvesenet. Beslag i et slikt omfang gjør at begynnelsen av mars. Flyselskapet hadde ved lavere enn i fjor, selv om drivstoffprisene er Stockholm til den finske hovedstaden, som Tollvesenet ser på denne smuglingen som månedsskiftet 1,6 milliarder kroner i kontan- økt med 20 prosent i perioden. Med nye fly starter neste uke. mer alvorlig enn å ta med seg «litt over til- ter. Selv et nytt storutbrudd på Island vil tro- og større flåte håper Norwegian å krabbe ned – Finland er et uberørt marked, sier Kjos latt kvote.» lig ikke knekke selskapet, mener Kjos. til en kostnad på 40 øre setekilometeren, mot til Aftenposten. (NTB) – Det er ikke mange flyselskaper igjen i dagens 51 øre. Gründeren holder fortsatt døren åpen Europa når vi går tom for penger, sier han. Bondekrav på minst halvannen milliard for langdistanseflyvninger til Asia og USA Kostnadene ved å ha samtlige fly på bak- English Synopsis: Low-cost Norwegian Air Kravet Norges Bondelag og Norsk Bonde- allerede i år – men mye tyder nå på at opp- ken anslår han til 9–10 millioner kroner da- has doubled the amount of passengers in three og Småbrukarlag legger fram for staten starten av Norwegians interkontinentale rut- gen. Men det er før permittering av ansatte. years, and continues to find more success. It blir en hard nøtt å forhandle om. Målet er er først vil finne sted i andre kvartal neste år. Hovedambisjonen for Kjos og hans has expanded its growing fleet with European Passasjerveksten til tross, gjennom vin- menn de neste to årene er å bli det nest bil- routes. They aim to cut costs to 40 øre per seat- å få dekket økte kostnader, sikre samme kilometer, down from 50 øre currently. inntektsutvikling som andre lønnsgrupper termånedene i Norden er det så å si umulig å ligste flyselskapet i drift i Europa – etter ir- – og helst knappe noe inn på gapet til an- dre grupper. Tilsammen borger dette trolig Etikkutvalget fornøyd Politimannen knivdrept i tjenesten for et krav på mellom halvannen og to mil- liarder kroner. Etter kjøreplanen skal staten med Riebers avgang Olav Kildal (58) skulle snart gå av med pensjon svare med sitt tilbud 4. mai. I fjor krevde – Det var en klok beslutning bøndene 2,2 milliarder. Staten tilbød 950 av Paul-Christian Rieber VG millioner, mens den fremforhandlede avtalen hadde en ramme på 1,2 milliarder å trekke seg som NHO- Med det samme politiet kom inn til den kroner. president, sier Sten Magnus psykiatriske pasienten gikk han til angrep (Aftenbladet) med kniv og påførte politioverbetjent Olav NRK Kildal (58) dødelige skader i Mo i Rana på - Slutt å brenne bråte Utvalget var enig i at Riebers avgang 21. april. De siste dagene har flere gressbranner var klok med tanke på NHOs omdømme. Kildal var på et rent rutineoppdrag sam- kommet ut av kontroll i Trøndelag. Både – Han viste omtanke for NHO-familien, men med sin kvinnelige kollega. De skulle en gård, en garasje og en bil har måttet gi sier Magnus til NRK. hente en psykiatrisk pasient for behandling tapt for flammenes rov, og brannvesenet ser Det har stormet rundt den nå avgåtte på sykehus. seg lei av folk som tenner på tørt gress eller NHO-presidenten etter at NRK i forrige uke Med gjerningsmannen bare få meter bråte for vårens skyld. — Den spesielle avslørte at selskapet hans, Rieber Oils, har unna utsatte ambulansesjåføren seg selv for vinteren med mye tele og lite snø gjør at det brutt tollreglene i flere år og kan skylde flere umiddelbar livsfare ved å gå inn på åstedet. ikke blir like fort grønt som vi har vært vant hundre millioner i tollavgifter. NHO-direktør Etter det VG erfarer, var det ambulanseper- til de siste årene i Oppdal, med det resultat John G. Bernander mente saken kunne skade sonalet som bare få minutter senere kunne Foto: Politiet at brannfaren i skog og utmark er stor, sier også NHO, og selskapet ble anmeldt. konstatere at politimannen var død. Politioverbetjent Olav Kildal (58) ved Helgeland politidistrikt. brannsjef Bjørn Andreassen i Oppdal kom- NRK fortalte også at Rieber Oils skjulte — De ble overrasket med en gang de kom inn døren. Det er grunn til å tro at mune i en pressemelding. den omstridte handelen med Vest-Sahara, et familie. Kildal var en høyt respektert og (Adresseavisen) avdøde ble utsatt for flere knivstikk og at han område norske myndigheter fraråder handel verdsatt polititjenestemann, som var nær ved døde momentant, sier politimester Håvard med, ved å oppgi Marokko som opprinnels- å gå av med pensjon etter 34 års tjeneste i Ambulanse kolliderte på vei til ulykke i Fjærli til VG Nett. esland i tollpapirene. politiet, skriver Helgeland politidistrikt i en — Hvordan opplevde kollegaen det som Akershus Møtet i etikkutvalget var opprinnelig pressemelding sent mandag kveld. skjedde? Ambulansen som var på vei til en trafikku- oppsatt på 27. april, og Paul-Christian Rieber Politidrapet vekker sterke reaksjoner. — Meget dramatisk. Hun trakk seg lykke på Neskollen i Nes kommune i Ak- skulle da komme og forklare seg for utval- Politidirektør Ingelin Killengreen reiser tors- tilbake akkurat slik hun skal gjøre og kon- ershus mandag kom aldri fram— like ved get. Men på fredag ble det bestemt at møtet dag til Mo i Rana for å støtte politimesteren. taktet politikolleger, sier Fjærli. Årnes bru kolliderte den med en personbil. skulle fremskyndes til 26. april. På 24. april — Det er med stor sorg jeg har mott- Mens politiet bevæpnet seg, gikk ambu- - Ambulansen var i utgangspunktet på vei trakk Rieber seg som NHO-president. att beskjeden om et en polititjenestemann lansesjåføren inn i huset og fant politiman- til en trafikkulykke, men kolliderte selv, Etter det NRK erfarer, understreket etik- er drept på oppdrag i kveld. Mine tanker nen Kildal død. sier operasjonsleder Bjørn Jahr i Romerike kutvalget, som gir råd til NHO-styret, vik- og medfølelse går først og fremst til de Uforvarende kom livredderen midt oppi politidistrikt til NTB. tigheten av at NHO tar lærdom at Rieber- pårørende i denne vanskelige tiden, sier Kil- den uavklarte situasjon der politioverbetjent- (NTB) saken, og at virksomhetene må jobbe sys- lengreen til NTB. en lå livløs i inngangen til leiligheten. tematisk med åpenhet. Det pågikk i natt en langvarig politiak- Flere ansatte ved Mo i Rana politidistrikt Ranet bensinstasjon med pistol Før Riebers avgang ble kjent, var det sjon for å pågripe gjerningsmannen. Man- har vært samlet i sorg på 21. april. Det ble ar- To væpnede menn ranet natt til 26. april en også opprinnelig planlagt et ekstraordinært nen ble pågrepet klokken 05.50, bekrefter rangert en minnestund på politistasjonen. bensinstasjon i Oslo. —De hadde hver sin styremøte i NHO på 27. april. operasjonsleder Roger Andersen i Helgeland — Hele politidistriktet er sterkt preget pistollignende gjenstand og truet betjenin- politidistrikt overfor VG Nett. gen. De fikk med seg penger og stakk av av hendelsen, og spesielt de som er tilknyttet English Synopsis: Paul-Christian Rieber, Mo i Rana politistasjon, sier politimesteren English Synopsis: Police officer Olav Kildal fra stedet, opplyser operasjonsleder Even CEO of Rieber Oils and president of Norway’s Jørstad i Oslo politidistrikt til NTB. Ranet til VG Nett. was stabbed to death by a psychiatric patient largest business lobby and employers’ group, April 21 in Mo i Rana, and the community was skjedde på en Esso-stasjon i Ullevålsveien. stepped down April 24 amid an ethics scandal Kildal etterlater seg forlovede og to barn. left in shock. Kildal is survived by his fiancee (Dagbladet) when NRK broke the news that his family- and two children. owned company dodged customs duties. —Våre tanker går til Olavs nærmeste NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 30, 2010 Ne w s 3 Review of IMF Hello , this is Oslo calling! This week on Norway.com program and Nordic Many households have high debt burden Eurovision Song A total of 273,000 Norwegian households loans to had a debt more than three times the size of Contest 2010’s their household income in 2008. In 74,000 take a theme is “Share the of these households the debt exceeded the second review for Iceland’s annual income more than five times. (Statistics Norway) economic recovery Moment” Norwegian plays part in royal drama Eu r o v i s i o n Norwegian handball player Tora Upp- strøm Berg (21) admits she has played a The theme art design of the 2010 Eu- role in the royal drama involving Swedish rovision Song Contest was designed by the Princess Madeleine and her now-ex-fiance award-winning Norwegian design firms Jonas Bergström. Berg told Norwegian Gosu, Handverk and Snøhetta, based on a magazine Se og Hør last week that she had detailed brief of NRK. Photo: Eurovision.tv “intimate relations” with Bergström during During the press conference, Executive an Easter holiday last year in Åre. Producer Jon Ola Sand of NRK explained lar thing that makes the Eurovision Song (Views and News from Norway) why they chose “Share The Moment.” Contest such a unique event is the fact that Svante Stockselius, Executive Supervisor of it’s the only time of the year in Europe that Gustav Lorentzen dies of cardiac arrest some 125 million people are doing exactly the contest on behalf of the EBU, told the Gustav Lorentzen of music duo Knutsen the same thing, at exactly the same time. Photo: icenews.is press that he “never saw a host broadcaster and Ludvigsen died of cardiac arrest April Whether you’re in Iceland or in Armenia, being this well-prepared at this time of the 21 in . Lorentzen was a vocalist, in Portugal or in Finland. Or here in Oslo,” Mi n i s t ry o f Fo r e i g n Af f a i r s year.” guitarist, composer, writer and presenter. Lindmo explained. “What do some 125 mil- “We want to share the Eurovision Song He was best known as a musician, but was lion people look like? That was one of our The Nordic countries – Finland, Nor- Contest, rather than just broadcast it,” Has- also an ambassador for UNICEF, the author main questions.” way, and – support Ice- se Lindmo, TV producer of the contest for of twelve books and a persistent proponent The colored spheres represent gathering land’s efforts for economic recovery by pro- NRK, said to Eurovision.tv. “One particu- of culture to children. Lorentzen received viding bilateral loans totalling 1.775 billion CONTINUES PAGE 15 Grammy Award six times. euro for disbursement in four equal tranches (ABC News) in the context of Iceland’s economic pro- U.N. debate on non-proliferation gramme with the International Monetary Norway’s Deputy Unique Munch appears in Geilo Fund (IMF) and under the condition that A unique collection of fifty art pieces by Iceland will honour its international obliga- Permanent Representative Edvard Munch is shown to the public, and tions. Mona Juul moderated first organized by a private collector. “What We welcome Iceland’s Letter of Intent is special about this collection is that it in connection with the second IMF-review of panel April 19 is so concentrated with what appears as its economic programme, in which Iceland Munch’s main production,” says art his- clearly reaffirms its commitment to honour No r w a y ’s Mi s s i o n t o t h e Un i t e d Na t i o n s torian Ina Johannessen, who has written its obligations in regard to the insured retail the book on Gundersen Munch collection. depositors of the intervened Icelandic banks The U.N. General Assembly held a the- “The number and varieties makes me think and its preparedness to conclude – at the matic debate April 19 on disarmament and this is one of the finest and strongest pri- earliest convenience – negotiations with the non-proliferation. Deputy Permanent Rep- vate collections,” says Johannessen. Governments of the and resentative Mona Juul moderated the first (NRK) the regarding settlement of this discussion panel under the theme: “Disar- matter. We strongly support Iceland’s con- mament and world security: Challenges for Photo: UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz Støre meets Josef Begun the international community and the role of tinued efforts in this regard. Mr. Begun spent most of the decade be- the .” contribute in order for the 2010 Review The Nordic countries welcome the IMF fore the collapse of the in a Ambassador Juul opened the meeting Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on Board’s approval of the second review of labor camp in Siberia for promoting Jewish by stating Norway’s goal: to work towards the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Iceland’s economic stabilization and reform culture and the Hebrew language. During a world free of nuclear weapons. She em- (NPT), which will take place in New York in programme April 16, 2010 and the broad the same period, Mr. Støre was engaged phasized that disarmament and non-prolif- May, to be a success. international support thereof. We have now in human rights work in the Soviet Union, eration concerns not only the countries that “We are now seeing signs of optimism made the second tranche of the Nordic loans which also involved the situation of Soviet possess nuclear weapons. All countries must available to Iceland. CONTINUES PAGE 13 Jews. Celebrate Syttende Mai with a gift subscription to the Norwegian American Weekly! In celebration of Norwegian Constitution Day on May 17th, we have Norwegian American Weekly canvas bags for all new subscribers!

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. APRIL 30, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Statoil drops (April 26, 2010) Vinnere Navn Siste % Suppliers required to use English to save money Dolphin Interconnect Solutions 1,99 13,71 Norsk Kr. 5.8752 TTS Group 7,60 13,43 Af t e n p o s t e n Reservoir Exploration Tech. 0,10 11,11 Dansk Kr. 5.5803 AGR Group 16,50 10,00 Statoil recently sent a let- Nio Security 1,45 9,85 ter to its largest suppliers to no- Svensk Kr. 7.1700 Tapere tify that all the contracts in the Navn Siste % future will be made in English, Canadian $ 1.0005 Golar LNG 65,00 -15,03 and that starting right away, all Protector Forsikring 10,80 -7,69 invoices will be sent in English. Havila Shipping 64,00 -7,25 The reason is to save money. Euro 0.7499 Aker BioMarine 2,38 -6,30 “In order to reduce the Yara International 211,00 -5,64 costs of maintaining the use of two parallel languages in Norway, Statoil has the desire to focus on using English,” the letter reads. e Scandinavian Hour A number of companies Photo: Thu Høvik/Bergens Tidene Invoice, not faktura. Photo shows the Mongstad refinery. Celebrating over 40 years on the air responded that a Norwegian KKNW - 1150 AM public company will not use and doesn’t create problems. I would think the Norwegian language with their Norwe- Statoil has good reasons in terms of efficien- Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am gian suppliers. cy,” says Jan Dypedal, general manager of “I do not think much about it. We live Mongstad Elektro, Industry and Energy AS. Streaming live on the internet at: now in Norway, and I think it is unnecessary In an explanation, the Statoil group www.1150kknw.com to take this to our suppliers. We’re so big in shows the company is increasingly becom- Norway that they should have two-language ing a more global company. system if they absolutely must have it in “Since our business is largely in the oil English too,” says Øystein Hope, Managing industry, it is natural that we use English in SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. Director at Statoil. many contexts. By producing the invoices He fears that there may be linguistic in one language, we hope for cost savings,” Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, misunderstandings. says Lars Bjelvin, Vice President of Com- Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo “Why should we put ourselves into the munication, Projects and Procurement. to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations English language to get it correct? Some- He points out that most Norwegian sup- times invoices need explanation, and then pliers that Statoil works with are also active 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 there’s cause misunderstandings. It will not internationally. Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 offer great difficulties, but we had a system “It is therefore natural for us to en- that worked,” says Hope. www.seamates.com courage the use of English, although we “Of course it’s stupid that we need to acknowledge that this may be unnatural for Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] use foreign languages, but Statoil is part of some... we realize that there will be invoices an international company and we have to in Norwegian in the future, but our ambition Proud to bring you the work with,” says Erlend Gjerdevik, general is to increase the proportion of English,” said Norwegian American Weekly manager of Tess Vest AS. Bjelvin. The company, headquartered in Kok- Dag F. Simonsen, a senior adviser in the To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation visit: http://noram.norway.com stad, supplies hoses and welding products. Norwegian Language Council, is very criti- Tess has already a number of international cal of the group’s new practice, and points Sons of Norway Building, B-20 customers, and language transition will not out that smaller companies do not necessar- Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street be so great. ily have good English skills. (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 “It will create some extra work for us, “Statoil pushes the extra costs onto their but it’s not a big problem. But I see that some suppliers. There may be a financial challenge www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] small businesses will have greater challeng- for small businesses,” said Simonsen. By appointment please es,” said Gjerdevik. “As a state-owned company, Statoil Others believe using English is just should be the last company to resort to such fine. steps,” he said. AIR - SEA - LAND “We have foreign customers as well, so For all your travel needs: cruise specialists, domestic and international English is part of our everyday work here travel for individuals, groups and conventions Always at the best possible prices! Business News & Notes Grieg Seafood purchases Shetland firm and an environmental perspective,” explains Norwegian Grieg Seafood ASA’s subsidiary country manager for Statoil Canada, Lars Grieg Seafood Hjaltland UK Ltd has signed Christian Bacher. After production ramp-up Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • toll free @ 1-800-822-5838 an agreement to acquire Shetland-based the project will attain an initial production of 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209 • [email protected] Full Service Agency With Experienced Northern Aquaculture Limited. Grieg will ac- 10,000 barrels-per-day (bpd), with the pos- Norwegian Speaking Consultants! quire four production sites on the west coast sibility of an increase to 20,000 bpd, pending Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! of Shetland with a total combined discharge regulatory approval. The next phase, called information will help you make wise travel consent of 2,900 tons. The purchased produc- Corner, is planned to be a 40,000 – 60,000 Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! tion sites fit into Grieg Seafood Hjaltland’s barrel-per-day facility. Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Eu- VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE current production areas. With headquarters (Statoil) r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 in Bergen, Grieg specialises in farming salm- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] on and trout and produces about 80,000 tons Yara reports strong first-quarter results Verrazano TraVel & leisure gutted weight annually. The Grieg Seafood “Yara reports strong first-quarter results. Fer- 1 (718) 979-6641 Group is present in Norway, Canada’s Brit- tilizer markets have improved substantially MULLAVEY, PROUT,[email protected] GRENLEY & FOE ish Columbia, and Shetland with some 410 from the downturn witnessed in late 2008 [email protected] employees. and 2009. Yara has increased production to a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w (Grieg Seafood) full capacity again in the first quarter, and prices have continued to increase. “We did Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Ambition to reduce oil sands emissions not succeed in acquiring Terra Industries at commercial transactions and estate planning. Statoil has launched a new technology plan to an attractive price for Yara, but our growth help reduce carbon emissions from oil sands. ambitions remain firm, with a scalable busi- The stated ambition is to reduce emissions ness model geared for profitable expan- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 by more than 40% by 2025. “The ambitious sions,” said Jørgen Ole Haslestad, President Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 application of technology is vital for this type and Chief Executive Officer of Yara. of oil production, from both an economic (Yara) NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 30, 2010 Sp o r t s 5 Round 8 brings frustration to Tippeligaen In round 8, Daniel Berg Hestad admits day, and we’re not quite where we were last results Standings Molde has a defense problem. year. We are struggling with their interaction. 4/21 Tromsø 2-1 Sandefjord Tippeligaen PLD PTS The goals continued towards Molde’s Yet I think there are small margins determine 1. Tromsø IL 8 19 4/21 Stabæk 0-1 Hønefoss goaltender. After eight games, only Høne- the match in Tromsø’s favor today,” said the 2. Ålesunds FK 8 17 foss, in last place, has allowed more than last captain. 4/24 Viking 2-0 Stabæk 3. Rosenborg BK 8 16 year’s silver medal winner. After 3-2-loss Molde coach Kjell Jonevret believes against Tromsø, Molde has a goal difference the team should have had with him at least 4/25 Vålerenga 6-1 Odd 4. Vålerenga Fotball 8 15 5. IK Start 8 15 of 13-17. a point from the April 26th match at Aker 4/25 Haugesund 3-0 Kongsvinger “We are not at all solid at all defensively, Stadium. 6. Strømsgodset IF 8 13 and avoid the all too easy target. We strug- “We created eight chances and scored 4/25 Brann 4-0 Strømsgodset 7. FK Haugesund 8 12 gled with pressure across the board,” admits twice, while Tromsø came to six chances and 4/25 Start 2-0 Hønefoss 8. Lillestrøm SK 8 11 captain Daniel Berg Hestad. scored in half. It is clear that it is goals that 9. Viking FK 8 11 Djiby sent Molde in the lead with a pre- count, but what we do today should be held 4/25 Sandefjord 0-1 Ålesund cise goal at the 38 minute, but cheering had to the point,” said Jonevret. 10. Stabæk IF 8 9 hardly settled before Tromsø backfired. “Tromsø has great momentum at the mo- 4/25 Rosenborg 0-0 Lillestrøm 11. Odd Grenland 8 9 “With a 1-1 draw, it was a hard blow in ment, and the team has a lot of confidence,” 4/26 Molde 2-3 Tromsø 12. Molde FK 8 8 the face. I think we play an average game to- he points out. (Aftenposten) 13. SK Brann 8 8 14. Sandefjord Fotball 8 4 To read more about Football in Europe visit: 15. Kongsvinger IL 8 4 expedition begins www.norway.com & 16. Hønefoss BK 8 3 Twelve women trek across Greenland in 20 www..com days for the Stine Sofie Foundation Karmøy Club of Washington and Nordmanns Forbundet Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e On April 24, 12 women began their Syttende Mai Dinner trek across the Greenland ice, following the tracks of renowned polar explorer Fritjof Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 5 p.m. Nansen. The trip is guided by Cecilie Skog at Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW 57th Street (in Ballard) and Bjørn Sekkesæter from Fram Adven- tures. The 600-kilometer trek is for the Stine Featuring musical guests from Norway Erlend Hetterud and Ole Morten Velde Sofie Foundation. and guest speaker Rolf Pedersen from Karmøy The team reported by satellite phone RSVP BY MAY 12 that the first day of the expedition went very On the Menu: Gro Brekkaa (425) 742-9133 well, thanks the the good påskevær (Easter Stuffed Pork Loin Dinner Door Donation: $25 Betty Nes Wabey (206) 542-8161 with Marzipan cake for dessert Please wear your Bunad! Berit Nes (206) 789-3011 weather). On the first day, the crew traveled 10 kilometers. The Norwegian American Weekly will be following the progress of the expedition in future issues. To learn more, visit www. Seattle, Washington Norwegian Commercial Club Photo: stinesofiesstiftelse.blogg.no stinesofiesstiftelse.blogg.no. May 13th New leadership… together on a world cup competition. Coop- (…continued from page 1) eration with the municipality and the tourist Premiere of “The Statue of Liberty” industry is unique and makes the event big- Premiere of the film, “The Statue of Liberty”, about went to Oslo to being his work with prepara- ger and better,” said Aalberg. the mystery of the statue’s copper (it came from tions for the World Cup. “I see that the World Cup organiza- tion has a very good cooperation with the Karmøy, Norway!), produced by Steinar Hybertsen. Originally from Stjørdal, the 49-year- Interested members of the Scandinavian-American old Aalberg went to the United States as City of Oslo, Holmenkollen project, NRK, an exchange student in 1983. He became Visit Oslo and Innovation Norway, and it is community are welcome to join us! an American citizen in 1991. As a skier, he unique. Such close cooperation is not in any eventually appied to the U.S. national team other sports city,” said Aalberg. Dinner menus: Roast Pork Loin, hasselback pota- He aims to organize the world’s best ski- and competed in the Olympics in Albertville toes, vegetable, salad, dessert and . ing World Cup. “To succeed, the organization needs to Aalberg has been involved in every 6pm at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street Winter Olympics since Nagano in 1998. In work towards a common goal, and we are Seattle, WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact 2002, he assisted in course development in right on track. Obviously, the sports con- Salt Lake City. ditions are good. We must also ensure that Ozzie Kvithammer at Viking Bank (206) 297-4254. In recent years, he has had plenty to do the framework around the competition is for the Olympic organization in Vancouver optimal, such as ceremonies, culture, stage supporting local Norwegian business since 1932 to prepare for the Olympic Games. He was production and broadcasting,” said Aalberg, who also stresses the importance of having a head of the ski resort in the Callaghan Val- Proud to bring you the ley. close cooperation with the International Ski Norwegian American Weekly Now he is back in Norway, and prepar- Federation (FIS). ing for the upcoming tournament in Oslo. Aalberg likes the close contact between “He has been here for a week, and got the athletes and spectators at Holmenkollen. the inspection to the International Ski Fed- “The unique trail system in Holmenkol- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. eration (FIS) in the last week. This week we len, in both the inner and outer areas, is great have evaluated the sections, such as jumping, because the athletes get close to the specta- Sales and Service combined, hotels and transportation, to name tors. They love it! Our goal is to recreate the some of the sections,” said Lasse Ottesen. mood of the Olympics in Lillehammer.” Ottesen will be Aalberg’s right hand, Åsne Havnelid, CEO of Nordic World and has the formal title of assistant sports Ski Championships 2011, is proud to have a director. very experienced director on the team. Lasse “Aalberg has extensive experience and Ottesen will continue in his position as as- sistant sports director. Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK will focus on cross-country and the devel- phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 opment project. I’ll take care of jumps and “We have the world’s best sports team. fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 combined,” says Ottesen. John knows more about major international Both have their offices in a building out- events than anybody in the Nordic ski arena. side the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oslo. And Lasse has a unique jumping skills, and Aalberg is impressed by the impressions he did a very good job during the trial World [email protected] has received to date: Championships,” said Havnelid. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 “I have never seen an entire city working APRIL 30, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 6 Op Ed Norwegian American WEEKLY Editor’s Notes 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 with Editor-in-Chief Jake Moe toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 local:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] The Flying Dutchman: Foremost opera with a Norwegian locale Publisher & Editor-In-Chief New York is a city I truly love. Last stances that Wagner set his forthcoming Following its 1843 premiere in Dres- Jake Moe [email protected] week, I spent a long time talking to my good musico-dramatic work in the unlikely Nor- den, “The Flying Dutchman” (“Der Flieg- Managing Editor friend and Weekly contributor, Donald Me- wegian fjord site of Sandvika. This tiny ende Hollander,” in German) eventually Christy Olsen Field [email protected] hus and he described in detail his love of hamlet lies on the Skagerrak, a little over became, a staple of the operatic repertory Assistant Layout Editor the city as well. “There is so much going on a hundred miles southwest of Oslo, near everywhere. And so the work is, in fact, be- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] in this city it just takes your breath away,” the town of Tvedestrand. Sandvika, which ing presented right now in a powerful per- Subscriptions exclaimed Mehus. And, then he followed this writer has visited, looks very much as formance at New York City’s august Met- (206)784-4617 [email protected] up that comment by saying, “I am off to see it must have been some 170 years ago when ropolitan Opera. If you are in New York Advertising the Flying Dutchman tomorrow night and Wagner came there, which he described in City anytime until the middle of May, by (206) 441-3044 [email protected] I’ll send you my report.” As it turns out, he some detail in his classic autobiography, all means do try to attend it. practically discovered the spot where Wag- “Mein Leben.” The remaining dates of “Der Flieg- Contributing Editors ner stayed in Norway – a place that much Wagner chanced to visit Sandvika ende Hollander” this season at the Met are: of the Flying Dutchman was based upon. (“Sandwike,” as it is called in the opera) Monday, May 3; Thursday, May 6; Mon- Anita Alan Carmel, Calif. Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. in the summer of 1839 during a stormy, day, May 10; and Friday, May 14. All per- Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. As Don tells it: drama-filled voyage from Riga (Latvia) to formances start at 8 p.m. For tickets, call: Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse , Switzerland . As the small sailing vessel pro- (212) 362-6000. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman” at ceeded calmly near the coast of southern The production offers a very strong Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Metropolitan Opera: Foremost Opera Norway, a fierce storm suddenly forced cast: Finnish bass-baritone Juiha Uusitalo Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. with Norwegian Locale Reflects Sandvika Wagner’s ship to seek refuge. This the cap- as the Dutchman; the lustrous American Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. tain did the best he could - and the refuge dramatic soprano Deborah Voigt as the Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, Conn. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Last night I attended the season pre- happened to be the nearby fjord hamlet of Norwegian maiden Senta enamored of the Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. miere of this opera at the Met. Very im- Sandvika. Dutchman; the splendid American hel- Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. presssive performance, with the audience While the composer’s arrival in Sand- dentenor Stephen Gould in his Met debut David Moe Juneau, Alaska applauding enthusiastically several times in vika came under highly traumatic circum- as Erik, the hapless Norwegian huntsman Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Lisa Portelli Bradenten, Fla. the middle of the performance, right where stances, travelers today can readily visit (keep an eye on Gould: first-class helden- Roman Scott Herre, Norway you’re not supposed to in Wagner. It doesn’t the picturesque site - and over dry land at tenors -and Gould is one - are a rarity at John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. happen too often in Wagner, but they just that. The tourist can even make it a pleasant any time). The cast of principals concludes Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway couldn’t hold back, the performance was one-day excursion from Oslo and back. The with the sterling German bass Hans-Peter Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. so good. They couldn’t hold back. The visit is certainly well worthwhile, for Wag- Konig as Senta’s mercenary father Daland; CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives foremost of all operas ever set in Norway ner’s sojourn in Sandvika, brief as it was, American tenor Russell Thomas as the to make its news report fair and accurate. If you is surely Wagner’s dramatic tale of “The had a profound effect on his forthcoming sleepy watchman; American mezzo-sopra- have a question or comment about news coverage Flying Dutchman.” The story concerns a opera - and indeed on his subsequent ca- no Wendy White as the housekeeper Mary; call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Dutchman, who because of blasphemy, is reer. More about this in a later article from and the dynamic, warmy applauded Japa- style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right compelled to sail the seas until Judgment this writer, who, as mentioned above, has nese conductor Kazushi Ono. Yes, by all not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Day, unless he can find a woman who will visited Sandvika and has researched in sig- means, do try to attend the Met peformance taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and be faithful to him, even unto death. nificant relationships between the Norwe- of Wagner’s “Der Fliegende Hollander.” It letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian It is due to some remarkable circum- gian hamlet and the Wagnerian opera. will be quite an evening! American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor- couple was welcomed by Norwegian school their meeting concluded. in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published Russia’s president… children with Norwegian flags and Norwe- Medvedev also laid two wreaths dur- weekly except the first week of the calendar year, (…continued from page 1) the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks gian-Russians with Russian flags. Only a ing his visit, one at a war monument at the of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Norway in 1996. In 2002, then President small group of protesters were present with Vestre Gravlund in memory of the fallen So- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. banners on environmental protection, as well viet soldiers in World War II, and one at the NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Vladimir Putin visited Norway, but this was Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, not a formal state visit. as a group of Chechens. Nasjonalmonumentet at Akershus. The Rus- US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. The president and his wife were wel- After the palace visit, the group went sian president also met with representatives down to the , where Storting presi- of the Norwegian business sector, as well as SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & comed by Crown Prince Haakon, Foreign dent Dag Terje Andersen greeted them. with Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . Minister Støre, and Russia’s Ambassador to Comprising Norway Sergei Andreyev as they stepped off “President Medvedev seemed interested Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Nordiske Tidene, Decorah-Posten og Ved the plane. in discussing human rights and the good co- Political observers have said Medve- Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Medvedev traveled with a large delega- operation between Norway and Russia,” said dev’s visit is more important for Norway Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven tion of government and business leaders and Andersen to Aftenposten. than in it is for Russia, but others note that It was President Medvedev himself who Medvedev is also eager to present a friendly NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. faced a busy day of courtesy calls and diplo- matic duties, ending with a speech at a large raised the issue of human rights during the face towards Russia’s Nordic neighbor and business seminar April 26. He was later the brief meeting. Since 1959, Russia has been that he views Norway as a good ally. He’s guest of honor at a state banquet at the Royal convicted of multiple violations of human keen to modernize Russia and has a special rights than all other European countries interest in energy and resource issues in both Proud to bring you the Palace. Norwegian American Weekly The theme of the visit included business combined, of which 134 of the cases are Norway’s and Russia’s far north. conditions in Russia, human rights, the High from Chechnya. Medvedev travels often as Russia’s To learn more about the “Medvedev is emerging as a strong president, as both he and Russia’s foreign Norwegian American Foundation visit: North, and the environment. http://noram.norway.com At the Royal Palace, the presidential leader who will challenge Russia to face ministry mount a major offensive to boost its problems seriously,” said Andersen after Russia’s image in the world. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 30, 2010 Op Ed 7 Letters to the Editor Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief • [email protected] 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115

Dear Editor, drew. It was a military decision to not to fight Dear Editor, I loved your April 16th Editor’s Notes on two fronts, one being in Europe and one I have been a subscriber to the Nordiske about being a counter. I am one too, since being in Norway. Tidene for many, many years (firs tunder 30. april birth. We just had our son, John, put in a new Historically therefore Hitler did not win Berseth and now under Hedlund). When the Agot Heistein Poulsbo WA bathroom in our home and laid the bathtub- but was handed Norway as a tactical deci- Nordiske Tidende-Norway Times decided it Genevieve Riddervold San Leandro CA shower, the bathroom floor, the counter and sion. was not able to continue on its own, I was Henry Nosback Des Moines IA the splash board around the sink all in tile. under the impression that they merged with Inga Mahles Oakland CA I counted every one and every part of one Sincerely, the Norwegian American Weekly. When the Heidi Lydon Vacaville CA tile. Some tiles were 5 inches square. Some John Brock-Utne first merger took place, I seem to remember Ruth Pedersen Loucks Allentown PA 1. mai were 1 inch square. When friends and rela- Stanford, Calif. the banner on the cover reading Norwegian Clara Lansverk Murdock MN tives come, I always ask them to tell me how American Weekly including Nordiske Ti- Marit Holland Appleton MN many tiles they think are in that bathroom. Dear Editor, dende-Norway Times. Emma Isaacson Johnson Iola WI The best guess was 600 tiles and usually not I have really appreciated the Norwegian Many people were upset by this situa- 2. mai over 250. I counted and know there are 1809 language lessons in the recent Norwegian tion, but I continued my subscription since Norma B Hanson Poulsbo WA tiles in that bathroom. The point of count- American Weeklies. I am a half Norwe- it still had contributing reporters from New Rebecca Anderson Woodburn OR ing is not only fun, but it gives a whole new gian and struggling to master my mother’s York, a large ad from the - Arnold Skifton Houston MN dimension of thinking! We often, I believe, tongue. Every little bit helps. I date back to men’s Church in Manhattan, other Brooklyn Ståle Gyldenås Åndalsnes Norway think way smaller about many things un- the time that the Western Viking had a lesson church news, and news about Seattle, where Mabel Hoffman Cashmere WA til we count! Two hundred telephone poles on the Scandinavian Hour. That was really I have relatives and visit frequently. 3. mai means you have gone quite a ways and it was good! Please keep up the lessons and I heart- A recent column of Brooklyn trivia in Chris Pedersen Seattle WA no small matter to install all those poles! In ily thank you for them. my local Brooklyn Heights newspaper had a Olga M. Rogers Denville NJ the same way, 1809 tiles means that our son notation, “There were so many Norwegians Evan Tor Nordby Boston MA really worked hard and made the bathroom Sincerely, at one time in Bay Ridge (Brooklyn) that 4. mai beautiful! Dennis White the area supported two Norwegian-language Anna Sveipe Fevang Norway newspapers: the Nordiske Blad and Nordiske Victoria A Sangrey Seattle WA Sincerely, Dear Dennis, Tidende.” That prompted me to give a copy Alfred Makebakken Cuyahoga Falls OH Pastor Orv Jacobson We are glad you have enjoyed the side- of the NAW to the author. That’s when I no- Petter Dehli Tacoma WA Port Orchard, Wash. by-side language features! We have received ticed the banner now reads only Norwegian John Tollefson Tacoma WA many requests for language practice, and will American Weekly, In addition, on the inside Theresse Lundby Greenbush MN Dear Editor, continue to look for new language features it indicates SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway 5. mai I was a proud employee of Norwegian for you. Your feedback is appreciated! Times & Western Viking & Washington Pos- Ruphane Leider Kent WA Shipping and Trade Mission and Elek- ten... Comprising Decorah-Posten og Ved Oscar Erlandsen Seattle WA trokemish A/S with their Manhattan offices All the best, Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidene, Minnesota Pos- Rolf Sollie San Francisco CA during the 1940s-1960s. Editor ten, Norrona and Skandinaven; NO MEN- Arlene Watland Surprise AZ I wonder if any of your readers worked TION OF NORDISKE TIDENE. Ellen Jordheim Denver CO for these fine firms during these years and Dear Editor, 6. mai Olav K Underdal Great Falls MT how they are faring in these “golden” senior Going through some of the newspapers Sincerely, Hildur Erlandsen Mosjøen Norway years. I kept, I found the article on the Nordlend- Lois Berseth Hedlund Svein E Strand Seattle WA inger having the best dialect. Well I concur Brooklyn, N.Y. Ms S Nelson La Crosse WI Sincerely, with that, as my husband came from a town Petra J Miller Minneapolis MN Marie Petersen Maffie near Sortland in Vesterålen. Also, second on Bernhard Westrom Elbow Lake MN Staten Island, N.Y. the list was Sørlandsk, which is very dear Dear Lois, Eiler B Pederson Thunder Bay Ont Can to me, as my father and his parents came Thank you for your letter! We appreciate Gunnar Presthus Vancouver WA Dear Editor, from Brevik in the Telemark area. My other you bringing this to our attention. From now Erik Paul Løberg Edmonds WA It is with surprise that I read your article grandparents came from Vestre Moland and on, Nordiske Tidene will receive its proper Evelyn Pedersen Gordon Baldwin NY entitled: “9 april. Krigen kom hit” Norwe- Lillesand. So I guess I am well represented credit as a predecessor to the Norwegian gian American Weekly vol 121. no. 15 April in the best dialects in the country. American Weekly. Want to see your birthday in the April 16. 2010. The article was taken from The coverage you gave for the Win- We appreciate your continued support Norwegian American Weekly? Aftenposten, who should know better. ter Olympics was terrific and I looked each of the Norwegian American Weekly. It’s Give us a call at (206) 784-4617 or email In the article, of an unknown author, it week for the pictures and articles. Norway because of subscribers like you that we can us at [email protected]. says that it took two months to beat Norway. did us proud with all their medals and the continue the wonderful tradition of the Nor- Birthday listings are free, but must be It is correct that the battle lasted two months. United States too. wegian-American newspaper! submitted at least one month in advance. But it is not correct that Norway got beaten. Have a great summer and keep up the In the middle of , Norwegian and good work! Med vennlig hilsen, allied troops recaptured . This was Editor Hitler’s first defeat in World War II. Since Sincerely, Hitler attached central Europe, at the same Claire Olsen Proud to bring you the time as the defeat in Narvik, the Allies with- Palm Coast, Fla. Norwegian American Weekly Han Ola og Han Per

APRIL 30, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y The sweet taste of spring is here! Strawberry snow Rhubarb and strawberry soup From Andreas Viestad’s “Kitchen of Light” From Andreas Viestad’s “Kitchen of Light”

Take advantage of this year’s bumper Ingredients crop of strawberries and whip up a sweet 1 pound young rhubarb stalks, trimmed and treat! cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces 1/2 cup sugar, or more to taste Ingredients 2 1/2 cups water 1 pound strawberries, hulled and halved 1 cup dry white wine 1/2 cup to 1 cup confectioner’s sugar 1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise in half 3 cups heavy whipping cream 1 small cinnamon stick (approximately 2 1 to 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice to taste inches) Photo: Andreas Viestad’s Kitchen of Light 2 tsp cornstarch (optional) Combine 2/3 of the strawberries and half the sugar in a blender, and puree until smooth. 12-16 strawberries, hulled and sliced Add more sugar to taste. Press the puree mixture through a fine sieve to remove the seeds. 1 Tbsp fresh mint Just before serving, whip the cream in a large bowl until stiff. Coarsely chop the remain- Sour cream for serving (optional) ing strawberries. Dust the chopped berries with a little sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice. Gently fold the pureed and chopped strawberries into the cream and serve. In a stainless steel pot, combine the rhu- Variation: You can make all kinds of variations of this mousse by adding either some barb, sugar, water, white wine, vanilla bean, Photo: Andreas Viestad’s Kitchen of Light vanilla seeds or some finely chopped fresh thyme, basil, or even rosemary to the cream. Or and cinnamon stick (do not use a copper, serve in ice cream cones or caramel baskets for a nice, crispy contrast to the smooth mouse. iron, or aluminum pot, and they can be discolored by the strong acidity from the rhubarb and may affect the taste of the soup). Bring to boil over medium-high heat, reduce the heat to medium-low, and simmer gently for 25 minutes, or until the rhubarb is very stoft. Remove the cinnamon and vanilla and discard the cinnamon. Scrape the remaining seeds out of the vanilla bean with the back of a knife and return them to the soup. Discard the bean. If you want the soup to have a thicker consistency, add the cornstarch and bring to Nordic Delicacies a boil. Remove from the heat. Add half the strawberries to the soup and set aside to cool. Pour the soup into deep bowls, garnish with the mint, the remaining strawberries, and “A taste of Norway in the heart of Brooklyn!” sour cream, if desired, and serve at room temperature or chilled.

6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 his heart is in... April 8. Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 (…continued from page 12) Saetre’s friend (and his fourth-grade www.nordicdeli.com teacher) Carol Anderson asked him at least who was engaged to Maria Theresa of Spain. two years ago if he’d sing for a WAO Edu- (The Spanish princess was not known for her cation Foundation fundraiser. After all these good looks, so this opera may have been a years, Saetre said, his connections to the dig to her, although she and the dauphin ac- Warren and Thief River Falls communities tually had a happy but brief marriage — she th are as strong as ever. His best friends include Seattle’S 17 of May died when she was 20.) “Platée” has been a Jean Larson and Jane Anderson, who are hit, and Saetre will return to it after he goes among the leaders of the Thief River Falls Calendar of eventS back to Europe in May. Arts Council, and David Beito, a banker who The 17th of May is celebrated with a full day of To Saetre, it feels like his career has he’s known since seventh grade and who was Norwegian-American activities in Ballard. never been better. He remembers one of his his roommate at St. Olaf. Saetre (who also Please join us for a day of fun and celebration! teachers who told him in graduate school: teaches singing at the Hamburg Conservato- Luncheon “You will reach the peak of your power ry) even has a student here: Catharine Rutz, 12-2 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge when you start to sing Wagner.” Next year, 11, of Grand Forks. Admission: $25 per person for the first time, he’s scheduled to sing from Saetre knows not everyone has that kind Join us for a traditional Norwegian lunch with our Grand Mar- Wagner’s “Ring” cycle. of feeling for his hometown after so many shal Dagfinn Høybråten and Honorary Marshals Astrid Karlsen “I’m on stage, and I’m aware of what years of living elsewhere. Even though he Scott and Waldo Bueing! Entertainment by Erlend Hetterud and I can do and not what I can’t do,” he said. Ole Morten Velde. Tickets available at Viking Bank. hates flying, he said, he’s always eager to re- “That’s thrilling, to be on stage and to know turn to the flatlands of the Red River Valley. you have all these different options available Barneleker (Children’s games) But it’s more than the topography that brings Grand Marshal 3-5 p.m. at Ballard Community Center to you.” him back. Dagfinn Høybråten Children can enjoy traditional games from Norway and the This trip home is Saetre’s second this “That plane can’t fly fast enough,” he United States. The games are free and all participants receive year. His mother had been ill for some time, said. “I love looking down on that flat. I awards. A surprise guest is usually on hand to delight one and all. Children must be and he was at his parents’ home March 20 love it here. This is the last place in America accompanied by an adult. when she died. The night he arrived, two where people are real anymore.” days before she passed, he sat at the piano Entertainment at Bergen Place and played and sang her favorite songs, then This article was printed with permission 2-5 p.m. at the intersection of Market St., Leary Ave., and 22nd Ave. sang at her funeral. He returned to Europe to from the Grand Forks Herald. On parade day, there are public performances at Bergen Place from 2-5 p.m., fea- work and then flew back to Grand Forks on turing a number of acts with Nordic flair! The youth of... sor at the Museum of Cultural History at the Norwegian Cafe (…continued from page 1) University of Oslo. In addition to the 29 po- 4-6 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge ems, in Norwegian and in English, the book Join us at the Leif Erikson Lodge before the parade for Nordic food, which is avail- tion of this significant event on the evening includes Astrup’s 12 interviews with Blind- able for purchase. of April 21. heim, providing a wealth of personal family Hanson, son of Norwegian immigrants information. Astrup is also responsible for 17th of May Parade 6-8 p.m. and a Fulbright scholar to Norway, is a re- the book’s illustrations. The highlight of celebrating 17th of May is the parade! The parade route begins tired Professor of Physics and was at one When poet Patricia Garfinkel, Hanson’s near Adams School in Ballard, at the corner of 62nd St NW and 24th Avenue NW. time Staff Director of the Committee of Sci- former colleague on the House committee, The route follows south to Market Street and eastward to Bergen Place. Come ence and Technology of the U.S. House of heard about his book, she contacted the Em- early to save your spot! Representatives. bassy and the Writer’s Center and both en- Hanson is the person primarily respon- thusiastically agreed to co-sponsor the event. sible for the of the poems. He Hanson and acclaimed actress and singer Visit us online at www.17thofmay.org was assisted in the preparation of the book Michelle Alexandra also readily agreed to by two collaborators, Undset’s niece Char- participate. lotte Blindheim and Evabeth Astrup, profes- CONTINUES PAGE 13 NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 30, 2010 Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Landmarks on Kristiansand’s seaside Two new building projects in Kristiansand create excitement in Norway’s southern coastal city

Sv e i n Ve r s l a n d Fædrelandsvennen

Kristiansand will build the endpoints ters. It will also include a hotel with a res- on its seaside—the south promenade. Nor- taurant, business areas, spa-center, training way’s fifth biggest city on the southern coast studio and a health center. In Norwegaian is developing. And now the city gets two terms, the project is called “a health- and landmarks like mouments in both ends of its sport project” on a national level. popular, well- known and beautiful seaside. Aquarama is less expensive to build The theater- and concert hall called than Kilden, but it costs close to NOK 1 bil- “Kilden” (means the “source”) is now rising lion. The cost brought about a big discussion on the western part of the promenade. The among in the local politicians in Kristiansand price to build Kilden is over NOK 1 billion. before they made the decision and said yes It is close to the fish market, Fiskebrygga, with 33-20 votes some months ago. and the island Odderøya close to the city. Kilden and Aquarama are the two big- Kilden is located where the huge cruise ships gest entrepreneur-projects in the Agder- arrive the harbor during the summertime, of- region now when the main road from Kris- ten with Americans as guests! tiansand to Grimstad will be completed and And on the other side where the river opened September last year. Otra from Setesdal meets the sea, “Aquara- Kilden with its characteristic wavewall ma” will rise in a couple of years. It will con- made of oak from the forests in the Agder- tain a 50-meter swimming pool, as well as region, will open in March 2012. That will all kinds of pools and slopes that can give be a cultural jump for the southern part of people an inside water experience with a Norway, with different scenes and arenas for beautiful seaview. all kinds of cultural activities on its 16,000 Photo: Svein Versland Aquarama will open Jan. 1, 2013, and square meters. This is the Kristiansand seaside seen from the west, with the famous restaurant “Sjøhuset” (“The the old swimming pool in Kristiansand is You can follow the developing of both Seahouse”) in front and Christiansholm Fortress with the orange roof in the back. In the end of this scheduled to close in June 2010. Then the projects on the local newspaper Fædrelands- seaside, Aquarama will be built. building process for Aquarama will begin, vennens Web site at www.fvn.no. with an estimated size of 28,000 square me- Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly

creative media alliance

Photo: Svein Versland This will be the view from the lower part of the Aquarama, along the seaside in Kristiansand. In the background we see the island Odderøya. powering norway.com

b r a n d i n g p r i n t w e b v i d e o

Photo: Svein Versland c r e a t i v e m e d i a a l l i a n c e . c o m Here the new theater- and concert hall is rising in Kristiansand. Kilden will open in March 2012. APRIL 30, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 10 Ro o t s a n d Co nn e c t i o n s Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week Hvem er dette? with Sölvi Dolland

Photo: Norwegian American Weekly archives This photo of the Norwegian Male Chorus of Seattle with director Alf Knudsen was found in the Norwegian American Weekly archives. We have no details about when or where this photo was taken. Do you have any information about this photo? Write to us or email [email protected]!

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32GB iPod Touch 32GB iPod Touch at Eplehuset at the Apple Store The NAME Game in Norway in the United States APRIL 30: Gina, Gitte MAY 3: Gøril, Gjermund Gina is an abbreviated version of Regi- The original form of Geirhild is com- na from the Latin regina, meaning dronning/ posed of Geirr/spear or hildr/dispute. Gøril is queen. Another version is Gine— an abbrevia- a newer Danish version. tion of names like Jørgine and Regine. Gitte is Geirmund is also the original name com- an abbreviated version of the Swedish Birgitte, posed of geirr or mundr/protector. Geirmund Birgitta, derived from the Irish Brigit, name of became the prevalent form. Did you know? the saint who died in 523. Birgitta has been in use in Norway since the 14th century. Random facts about Norway MAY 4: Monika, Mona Ole Variations include Birgit, Birte (Danish), The actual meaning of Monika is uncer- Bitte (Norwegian), and Bitten. Trygve Lie tain, possibly of Berber origin. and Mona may be an abbreviated version of Trygve Lie was born MAY 1: Filip, Valborg Monika, comes from the Italian Monna, or an July 16, 1896, in Oslo, Filip, which comes from the Greek Phil- abbreviated version of the Spanish Raomona Lena Norway. He served in a lippos, consists of philein— venn/friend and or derive from the Irish Muadhnait, the di- number of political po- hippos— hest/horse. The name has been used minuitive muadh— edel/noble. One night, a torrential rain soaked sitions as a member of in Norway since the 1100s. May 1 is a tradi- northwestern Minnesota. The next morn- the Labor Party, and was tional holiday for the Apostle Phillip. MAY 5: Gullborg, Gudbrand ing the resulting floodwaters came up about Minister of Supply and Valborg comes from the Old German Gulborg is a version of Gudbjørg, an Old six feet into most of the homes there. Waldburg— hersker/ruler + berging, hjelp/ Norse name composed of gud and bjørg— Shipping at the outbreak of World War Mrs. Johnson was sitting on her roof rescue, help. Valborg has been used in Nor- hjelp, vern/help, protection. Variation: Gull- II. He became acting Foreign Minister with her neighbor, Lena, waiting for help to way since the 14th century. Variation includes bjørg. in December 1940 and was appointed come. Mrs. Johnson noticed a baseball cap, Valbjørg. Foreign Minister of Norway in Feb- floating near the house. MAY 6: Guri, Gyri ruary 1941. In October 1945, he was Then she saw it float far out into the MAY 2: Åse, Åsa Guri is a newer form of Gudrid, which named Foreign Minister in thenew front yard, then float back to the house; it Åsa is an abbreviated version of Old was originally the Gudfridr, where Government in October 1945. Norse feminine names starting with Ås— Ås- fridr stands for skjønnhet/beauty. kept floating away from the house, then Mr. Lie led the Norwegian del- gerd, Åshild, Åslaug, Åsveig. Variations: Gudri, Gyri(d), Gurine. back towards the house. egation to the U.N. Conference in San The name derives from the Old Norse Her curiosity got the best of her, so she Francisco, April 1945, and was Chair- aas— gud/god. asked Lena, “Do you see dat der baseball man of Commission III for drafting cap a floatin’ away from da house, den back the Security Council provisions of the again?” Charter. On Feb. 1, 1946, Mr. Lie was Lena said, “Oh yeah, dats my husband elected the first Secretary-General of Ole; I tole dat lazy-such and such he vas- the United Nations, and served until his gonna cut da grass today, come hell or high Proud to bring you the resignation in November 1952. water!!!! Norwegian American Weekly

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 30, 2010 Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Weekly Wisdom Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Excerpts from the book “Faith for the Journey” by the late Pastor Bruce Larson. Dagfinn Grung Johnsen November 16, 1923 - February 26, 2010 The Last Road On that first Palm Sunday, the man in Assuming the parade represented Je- the street might have assessed the events sus’ last hurrah, what was the purpose of from that human perspective, that it was it? I think it is consistent with His purpose one last try. With courage born out of des- in all the other events of the gospels. He peration, Jesus was staging a royal parade is proclaiming a Kingdom of which He is that might at last make His identity clear. the King. Perhaps the last hurrah is for His Meanwhile, let’s pick up the second disciples as much as for Himself. He knew camera crew, photographing the principal they had bet everything on His Messiah- actor, Jesus Himself. What about the Palm ship. If only for their sakes, He wanted to Sunday events from His point of view? try one last time to establish His Kingdom. Dagfinn Grung Johnsen passed away No longer sailing the seas, Dag still Perhaps Hebrews 4:15 explains it. “For He was giving all those frightened follow- peacefully Feb. 26, 2010, surrounded by his worked as close to salt water as possible. He we have not a high priest who is unable to ers one last chance to respond— the sick, family. His life, which began in Bergen, Nor- was employed by Foss Maritime and Marine, sympathize with our weaknesses, but one the weak, the outcast, the lost, those who way Nov. 16, 1923, was one of grand adven- Manson Marine Construction, and Seattle who in every respect has been tempted as were standing in the shadows, only dimly ture, and deep love of family and friends. Public Schools. Finally, nearing retirement, we are, yet without sinning,” (RSV). When understanding what was happening, and Raised in a bustling household of five he “settled down” on land. For Dag, his re- God became man in Jesus, He became to- without the courage to be numbered among brothers and two sisters, Dagfinn loved ac- tirement years were among his most joyful. tally man. It seems likely that the first Palm the faithful. That parade would give them a companying his father, Hagbarth Johnsen He traveled extensively again visiting fam- Sunday looked about the same to Him as it chance to stop wavering and come out and Grung, on his postmaster rounds aboard ship ily and friends in Norway and England, and did to the man in the street. It really was His be counted. while his mother, Nanny Nikoliasen Grung, devoted time to his children, grandchildren, last hurrah. Being totally human, He did not Recently, I received a postcard with managed the home front. So enchanted was and the development of Leif Erikson Lodge have that divine perspective to see ahead to no return address, signed simply, “Terry.” young Dagfinn with the sea, that he shipped and the Norwegian Seaman’s and War Veter- the events of the week and the ultimate tri- It said: “Mr. Larson: I am writing to thank out at age fourteen on a Norwegian Merchant ans Association. He held various offices in umph on the cross. The wonder of it! God you for your sermon. Just when I think I’m Vessel. “This is my son,” said Hagbarth to both organizations over the past twenty-five making one last, desperate attempt to reach going to hang it all up, the Lord puts people his friend, the ship’s first mate, “He wants to years. us to try to make us understand who He is. and events in my life to give me the slap in be a seaman. Take care of him.” With that, Dagfinn’s life and the experiences of Those Palm Sunday events filled the the face that I need to get my life back into Dagfinn’s life of adventure began. other Norwegian seamen at sea is detailed Old Testament prophecy that a king would perspective. This past year has not been as Name a port of call, and Dagfinn would in the book “Torpedo” by Norwegian author come seated on a donkey, but I don’t think wonderful as I had been planning it to be. regale you with stories of Africa, Asia, South Ragnar Stene. that was the primary motive for Jesus’ ac- These days I am still in school, but spend and Central America, the Pacific and name- An avid reader, Dag was seldom seen tions on that day. En route, He wept over a lot of time on the Avenue [the Univer- less ports across the globe. He saw the world without a book, or even two. He was well Jerusalem, desolate that hearts continued to sity of Washington’s main street] with my through young eyes, and grew up quickly versed in history and contemporary affairs, be hardened to His message. I think the pa- friends. I am one of those obnoxious char- in a world on the verge of war. He was se- world issues, and remained fascinated all his rade was a calculated attempt to give them acters riding a skateboard, whose aim in lected for officer training at a young age and life with all manner and methods of commu- one last chance. life, many think, is to run down old ladies completed telegraphist schooling in London. nication. He held a deep commitment to so- Sören Kirkegaard writes: “My com- with canes. I do live at home, and my folks When World War II erupted, he and other cial justice and an admiration for numerous plaint is not that this age is wicked, but are rather calm about my temporary rebel merchant seamen aided the allied effort by historical figures, such as , that it is paltry. It lacks passion.” Sydney lifestyle, and we get along rather bully. I try transporting fuel and supplies. He earned Martin Luther King, Jr., John Adams, and Harris, the columnist, writes: “Movements to listen to your messages every week on the nickname “Sparks” for his skill as a tele- Franklin D. Roosevelt. are so often taken away from the conceiv- the radio and hope to come some morning graph operator. He was not only remarkably Dagfinn Johnson was a loving father to ers and captured by fanatics because ordi- [but] I need someone to come with me for adept at discerning Morse Code signals de- his three children, six grandchildren, thirteen nary persons lack the single-mindedness moral support.” I couldn’t help but think spite audio interference, but his deft touch great-grandchildren, and three great-great- that characterizes the zealot. A balanced that there must be a lot of Terrys out there, on the key caused others to remark that “he grandchildren. He was happily married for personality will not devote all its energy to just as there were on that first Palm Sunday, made it sing.” over sixty years to the love of his life, Bjorg a single cause and so leadership passes by men and women in the shadows, listening He was only 19 years old when he mi- Nygaard Johnsen. He was preceded in death default the energetic extremist.” Jesus was and watching, intrigued by the King and raculously survived a torpedo strike on one by his sister Hjordis Harkestad, and by broth- the ultimate passionate leader. Would that His Kingdom, but without the courage to of his ships. He and fellow seamen spent sev- ers Odd Grung, Alf Grung, Asbjorn Grung, we could be as single-minded and passion- do anything about it. eral weeks adrift at sea in a life raft, where and Capt. Bjarne Grung. He is survived by ate about His cause. Our lack of zeal creates every so often they would hit sharks on the his sister Siri Saman and her husband Kahlid that vacuum Harris is talking about, and the To be continued... nose with oars to scare them away. His fa- of Teddington, England. He is also survived crazy radicals are left to carry the day. ther was mistakenly informed that his son by many dear friends and nearly a hundred had perished at sea. In the meantime Dag- beloved nieces and nephews. finn had been misinformed that his father This was a man of quiet dignity, warm perished at the hands of the Nazis during the generosity, and an open mind. There was no Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church occupation of Norway. In truth, his father, room in his heart for ethnic, religious, or ra- Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke mother, and his two youngest siblings had cial bias. He listened deeply and compas- The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians and others escaped across the North Sea to England. sionately, and counseled with wisdom which who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly Rescued at sea, Dagfinn was dropped off on came from life experience and his devotion family of members. Please visit us soon and help support this Norwegian tradition. a dock in Liverpool where he came face to to learning. He approached life with a warm face with his own father. It was a surprising smile, a sparkle in his eyes, and an open May 2010 and joyous reunion for both. heart. He accepted all, and praised without May 2 Pastor Leif Gordon Kvelland, Norwegian Following the war, Dagfinn continued distinction. Gregarious, outgoing, giving, in his seagoing life. While on a brief stop loving, wise, and remarkably kind, he was over in Seattle in 1949, he attended a dance famous for saying, “Be good to yourself.” May 9 Mother’s Day: Pastor Anne Birgitta at a local church frequented by the growing He was good to all who knew him. He will Kvelland. Norwegian/Communion community of Scandinavian immigrants. It be greatly missed. was there he met Bjorg Nygaard, of Otroy, “Others went out on the sea in ships; May 13 Ladies & Mens Aide Luncheon, 12 pm Norway. They were married in October They were merchants on the mighty waters. 20th, 1949, and moved back to Norway in They saw the works of the Lord; His won- May 16 Pastor Leif Gordon Kvelland, 10:30am the summer of 1950. It was in Norway that derful deeds in the deep. Then they cried out service, 1 pm 17de mai parade in Park daughter Britt Elin, and son Keith Hagbarth, to the Lord in their trouble, And He brought Ridge were born. The family immigrated to the them out of their distress. He stilled the United States in 1957 where their third child, storm to a whisper; The waves of the sea Annual 17de mai celebration concert, Dean Erling, was born in 1961. Tragically, were hushed. They were glad when it grew May 17 Dean suffered an accidental death at the age calm, And He guided them to their desired 7:30pm of six. haven.” (Psalm 107: 23-24 & 28-30) APRIL 30, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 12 Ar t s a n d En t e r t a i n m e n t Celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day His heart is in the valley and share your love of Norway! William Saetre, a Minnesota native who has lived 20 years in Europe, can’t say no to Give a gift subscription performing at home to the Pa u l e t t e To b i n Norwegian American Grand Forks Herald Weekly For 20 years, Minnesota native William to friends, family Saetre has lived in Europe, making a career members, or a fellow singing for major opera houses. But when it comes to requests to perform in the Red Norwegian, and River Valley, he can’t say no. Saetre is the opposite of the favorite son get this great grocery who makes good and then never is seen in bag for free! his hometown again. He regularly makes the 16-hour flight from Hamburg, Germany, to Amsterdam to Minneapolis to Grand Forks, See page 3 for details. returning to visit family and friends in War- ren, Minn. and Thief River Falls, where he grew up. Photo: Grand Forks Herald/John Stennes While he’s here, he often joins with William Saetre grew up in Thief River Falls and theater groups or sings at local events. Two Warren, Minn. He now lives in Germany and has years ago, he directed the Thief River Falls made a career out of singing for major opera Arts Council summer production of “Any- houses. thing Goes.” In September 2008, he was Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly one of the featured soloists with the Greater professionalism, he said. Gone are the times Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra for the when he’d cram for a role by learning it on To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation, first performance of its 100th anniversary the plane on the way to his performance, he visit http://noram.norway.com season. Thursday, he’ll be the guest per- said. former at a fundraiser for the Warren/Alva- Saetre said the singers who are his he- rado/Oslo Education Foundation at 7 p.m. at roes include the Swedish tenor Jussi Björ- the school in Warren. ling; Norwegian soprano Kirsten Flagstad; Discount Car Rentals in Norway “I’ve turned down things with the Se- Peter Kazaras, an acclaimed operatic tenor now the artistic adviser for Seattle Opera; We work exclusively with HERTZ attle Opera, but I’ve never turned down any- thing in the valley,” Saetre said during an and American mezzo-soprano Mary Ann Scandinavian owned & operated interview at a Grand Forks coffeeshop. McCormick. Also on the short list: the late, 1.800.870.7688 Saetre was born in Warren to Warren great Luciano Pavarotti. Saetre (now a retired judge) and the late “If I didn’t mention him, I’d be an Margaret (Strunk) Saetre, who liked to tell idiot,” he said. “Unlike Placido Domingo him that he’d been born to perform. He spent — although Domingo I admire for many, his elementary school years in Warren be- many, many things — but when you listen 1 week 2 weeks fore his family moved to Thief River, where to Pavarotti, you hear this amazing joy, this Category / Period NOK / Approx $ NOK / Approx $ he graduated from Lincoln High School. joie de vivre. That’s why all over the world A - VW Lupo 2415 / $ 403 4222 / $ 704 He first sang in public at age five with people loved him.” B - VW Polo 2528 / $ 422 4425 / $ 738 the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church choir. And Saetre is a warm and congenial man, animated and ebullient when he talks about C - Ford Focus 2844 / $ 474 4994 / $ 833 he has a perfect memory of the first musical music, Minnesota and his family and friends. E - Ford Mondeo 3341 / $ 557 5888 / $ 982 he ever saw, Warren High School’s “My Fair Lady,” directed by Ken Sherwood. “I’m a tenor. I could talk all day,” he said J - Ford Mondeo Automatic 3320 / $ 554 5850 / $ 975 “I was spellbound,” he said. “That did when asked how much time he had for an P - Ford Mondeo Wagon 6684 / $ 1114 3783 / $ 631 it.” At five years old, Saetre was officially interview.

*All prices are in Norwegian Kroner, rates include unlimited km’s, liability insurance & VAT tax hooked on music and acting. As a youngster, Saetre’s parents took Please see www.ViKiNgCARClub.COm He wasn’t the first notable musician in him to Minneapolis every year when the for a complete listing of vehicles & rates his family. Saetre said he is the fifth genera- Metropolitan Opera was in town to see the shows. After high school, Saetre earned 108 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ 08512 • [email protected] tion in his mother’s family (going back to Norway) to have produced an opera tenor. bachelor’s degrees in theater and music at His great-aunt, Gladys Grindeland, was the St. Olaf College (where he sang in the choir) first woman to conduct in Carnegie Hall. His and then his master’s at the San Francisco grandmother, Synneva Grindeland Knapp, Conservatory of Music. In 1990, he moved was an opera and musical theater buff, and to Europe where he’s lived since, mostly in he spent many hours listening to music with Germany. There, he is employed by the gov- her. ernment, as are many singers. When he has The Saetre family (William has five breaks in his official schedule, he sometimes siblings) were neighbors in Warren with performs with other companies. the family of Sherwood, a longtime music His career has taken him to performanc- teacher, now retired from the Grand Forks es from New York City to Los Angeles, and Public Schools. William grew up playing from Dallas to Seattle. In Europe, he’s sung with the Sherwood children, Brad and Con- in , Vienna, Copenhagen, Brussels and nie, now music teachers in Grand Forks, and Rome; in Graz, , and in Germany at he spent hours putting on shows with them the opera houses in Dusseldorf, Essen and in their basements, he said. Gelsenkirchen. He’s sung roles in many op- At school in Thief River Falls, Saetre eras: “Die Fledermaus,” “Falstaff,” “Billy had roles in all the musicals and plays, from Budd,” “Salome” and dozens more. “Carnival” to “Our Town,” and also took Most recently, he played the lead in the piano lessons from age six. Vienna Opera House production of Jean- “I had perfect pitch, so I could sight-read Philippe Rameau’s comic opera “Platée,” anything,” he said. That’s a wonderful talent about an ugly little frog that falls in love to have, but not one that encouraged him to with Jupiter, the king of the gods. The piece practice, he said. His teachers and years of was first performed in 1745, commissioned experience taught him responsibility and by the French king, Louis XV, when his son CONTINUES PAGE 8 NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 30, 2010 In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 The youth of... poem. Hanson’s son Steven read the original (…continued from page 8) Norwegian version and Hanson his English A friend to Norway translation. Steven became fluent in Norwe- The evening began with a warm wel- gian while attending public school during his come from Charles Jensen, Director of the father’s Fulbright time in Norway. Congressman Keith Ellison talks about his Writer’s Center, who then introduced the Alexandra then took the stage and mes- work in the Friends of Norway Caucus Honorable Wegger Christian Strømmen, merized the audience by singing one of the Norwegian Ambassador to the United States. poems in Norwegian. She then gave mov- The Ambassador acknowledged that he is a ing, dramatic readings of numerous poems Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y lover of poetry and has himself written many in English including “About Love,” “Ever- poems (He modestly admitted that only one lasting Love,” “Eleusis,” and “The Golden- of them has actually been published). wood.” Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) is The Ambassador raised the perennial The program concluded with the play- a member of the Friends of Norway Caucus question, “Is it possible to translate poetry?” ing of a rare recording of Undset reading an in Congress – a forum for dialogue and ex- Although the answer is usually no, he be- excerpt from a text called “Hjemme på Vær- change of views between the United States lieves it is possible and declared that Hanson skjei,” broadcast from London on Easter Eve and Norwegian politicians on issues, inter- has done “a brilliant job” within the limits in 1945. It was a unique experience for the ests, priorities, and policies, between Nor- of the two languages. He expressed his deep audience to hear the voice of Undset. way and the United States, and globally. gratitude to Hanson for his work in making Distinguished poet Myra Sklarew, cur-

Undset, one of the pillars of Norwegian lit- rently professor emerita of literature in the How did you find out about the Friends of erature and of Norway’s national heritage, writing program at American University in Norway Caucus? more widely known. “Undset,” he said, “is Washington, D.C., summed up the evening’s Minnesota has nearly 1.5 million Nor- a striking figure in program with these words: “The program, in wegian-Americans who have proudly called Photo courtesy of Norway.org but she will always be better known for her a brief hour or so, attempted to convey the it their home for generations. About 70 Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) novels than for her poems. Her poems are courage of this extraordinary woman, her percent of the 5th Congressional District is significant, however, also as a source for un- immense talent, the gift of her great works comprised of folks with Norwegian, Swed- derstanding her novels, which garnered her that live on today, and the most generous act ish, and German heritage. Naturally, I as- dialogue and strengthen diplomacy with the Nobel Prize.” of Harold Hanson who thought to devote sumed there must be a Norwegian Caucus in other countries around the world. We should In his opening remarks Hanson ex- long hours to translating Undset’s poetry.” the Congress. And if there wasn’t — I would also cooperate in developing our respective plained his philosophy of translation. He start one! As it turns out, I found out about green energy industries. agrees with J.M. Synge who wrote, “A trans- To purchase a copy of “Ungdom/ the Friends of Norway Caucus from my con- Who is your favorite Norwegian poli- lation is no translation unless it will give you Youth,” visit www.nortransah.com to down- stituents. tician? the music of a poem along with the words load an order form, or send a $29 check to: Why did you join the Friends of Nor- I admire Gro Harlem Brundtland, for- of it.” Harold P. Hanson, Delos, 2261 NPB, P.O. way Caucus? mer prime minister of Norway. In addition to The poetry reading began with a mov- 118440, University of Florida, Gainesville, It was a natural choice since many Min- mastering Norwegian politics, Mrs. Brundt- ing recitation of “Credo,” the volume’s first FL 32611-8440. nesotans are inextricably bound to their land is also a diplomat, physician, and an in- Norwegian heritage. Additionally, Norway ternational leader in sustainable development has long been a facilitator of peace and di- and public health. She is now making great plomacy — two causes about which I care strides in the fight to stop climate change. deeply. Norway also sets a great example Why do your constituents of Norwe- of how a country can sustain both a vibrant gian ancestry care about Norway now that economy and a high quality of life for all of they live in America? its citizens. Minnesotans hold their heritage, with What are the areas of concern to your its rich culture and traditions, close to their constituents in regards to Norway? In hearts. Most Minnesotans share common what ways do they wish to have links to progressive values with their Norwegian kin, Norway? tirelessly striving for a peaceful global com- My constituents are passionate about munity. Many still have relatives who live environmental issues, and Norway is on the in Norway and they wish to preserve family cutting edge of green energy research and ties. climate change advocacy. Norwegians and There are also connections to Norway Minnesotans agree that climate change is a through our educational institutions such as global challenge. Augsburg College in Minneapolis, which I wish to strengthen the relationships I was the first seminary founded by the Nor- made on my first visit to Norway in 2007. wegian Lutheran Church in America. An- That trip was an enlightening experience other prominent connection is the Sons of because it reinforced the many new oppor- Norway organization in Minneapolis, which tunities to strengthen the bond between Min- helps promote and preserve Norwegian heri- nesota and Norway – economically, socially, tage and culture. Minnesotans are enriched and politically. by their connection to Norway. In what areas do you think Norway and the United States should cooperate? We should cooperate in efforts to build U.N. debate... change and poverty. While the world is well (…continued from page 3) armed, he said, development remains under- funded. and a clear shift in international politics in Alberto G. Romulo, Foreign Minister of support of a comprehensive disarmament the Philippines, also stressed the internation- agenda, with public awareness and increas- al community’s responsibility with regards ing support for new disarmament measures,” to disarmament and the United Nations’ cen- Ambassador Juul said. tral role. At the start of the meeting, U.N. Secre- The ambassadors from Russia and Unit- tary General Ban Ki-Moon, made a strong ed States informed the meeting about the appeal for progress in terms of disarmament new START agreement. The agreement re- and non-proliferation. He also pointed out duces the number of warheads by a third and the connection between disarmament and was described by the Russian ambassador as other major global challenges like climate a historic milestone. hello europe... Contest, as well as in the events in the weeks (…continued from page 3) and months leading up to it, such as the welcome reception in mid-May and after- rounding the . parties. The theme “Share The Moment” will be For more information, visit www.euro- closely embedded into the two Semi-Finals vision.tv. and the Final of the 2010 Eurovision Song APRIL 30, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e Portelli’s Ponderings Settling into everyday life in Oslo

Photo courtesy of festningsverk.no Steinkjær Church was dedicated Dec. 21, 1902, and was destroyed by a bomb April 21, 1940.

Photo courtesy of Lisa Portelli A city remembers... (…continued from page 1) 185 civilians died as well as thousands of Li s a Ja n e Po r t e l l i day such as this, seventy years ago, the peo- Bradenton, Fla. British, French, Polish, Norwegian and Ger- ple of Steinkjer may have been enjoying an man soldiers. Displaced Norwegians from equally beautiful day when planes dropped Steinkjer took refuge in barns, garages and Continued from March 12 the bombs that destroyed 82% of the town. farmhouses throughout thirteen neighbor- No one was hurt, the town had been evacu- ing communities. Today, 70 years later, we Having met the King, making the initial ated a few hours earlier, but just knowing remember with memorials, lectures, photo trip over to Norway, and being exposed to that your home was about to be destroyed displays and speeches in the square attended some 17th of May and holiday traditions, and you were powerless to stop it must have by all the local school children. our family finally made the trip over to Nor- been a terrible feeling. I know it’s not nice to say your town is way. We left in the early spring of 1969. Our Stories of World War II are still fresh ugly, but the utilitarian block structures that trip was delayed by several weeks by a late in the minds of the Norwegian people. It were common in the 1950s and 60s don’t do snowstorm in Brooklyn. Bestemor og Beste- wasn’t something that happened on foreign justice to the wooden structures that once far (Grandma and Grandpa), Pappa’s par- soil – it happened here, literally in their very hugged the waterfront; we have to go to ents, were very happy to see us! We made own backyards. Late that Sunday morning, the nearby town of Levanger to get a feel our home with them at Josefinegaten 11 for April 21, 1940, the church bells rang and the for what it was like before the bombs fell. several months. evacuation plan went into action. Two hours My father-in-law remembers piles of rubble It took us a while to get settled into a Image courtesy of Lisa Portelli later the bombing began and lasted until existed for years as Steinkjer slowly rebuilt daily routine. Mamma and Pappa decided Getting around Oslo with our handy Pocket about 7 p.m., resuming again the next morn- itself. What takes a lifetime to build can take Map! to enroll Alex and me at the Oslo American ing. Fires raged and buildings were turned to only moments to destroy. I hope that by re- School in Bekkestua. There was a teacher’s rubble. 535 of the town’s 708 apartments and pekort membering, it doesn’t happen again. strike going on at the time, so this year we (punch card), and when you got on, three out of five private homes were gone. they used a specific punch depending on did not get as much schooling. As you can 2,000 of the town’s 2,700 residents found Here are a couple of excellent resourc- imagine, this really didn’t bother my brother where you were going and what route you themselves homeless, refugees in their own were using. I thought it was rather ingenious es about the bombing of Steinkjer and the and I very much! We had a plentiful supply country. German occupation of Norway. of activities and new experiences awaiting myself. Once my brother and I learned the The Allies had been planning a three- magic phrase, “to voksne, to barn til ___” • www.gamlesteinkjer.net us. We hadn’t even begun to explore every- pronged attack (called Operation Hammer/ • www.t-a.no/nyheter/krigen/ar- thing the city of Oslo had to offer. (“two adults, two children to ___”) we pretty Hammerforce) in an attempt to get to Trond- much had it made. We found that most of ticle105661.ece (an article in the In terms of daily living, we had to learn heim. Namsos was a port of entry and bomb- Tronder-Avisa in Norwegian about how to get around town using the public the bus drivers and streetcar conductors were ing it after the allies had landed left them more than happy to give us an opportunity to the 70-year anniversary of the transportation system and just the simple act without a base (and the bombing was a pres- Steinkjer bombing) of grocery shopping opened up a whole new practice our newfound skills. ent for Hitler’s 51st birthday from Hermann After successfully navigating to the • http://tinyurl.com/tronder (a spe- world to us. Now we got to apply some of Gøring). But Steinkjer? It didn’t seem that cial addition to the Trønder – Avisa the many things we learned before leaving grocery store, we finally had our first full- significant. But … the Germans were hot on fledged Norwegian grocery shopping im- newspaper with pictures and stories the states. Try to imagine what it might be the trail of the Norwegian and British troops, about the war in Norwegian – avail- like for a young child to make an outing from mersion. Again, looking as through the eyes and followed them here, 80 miles (130km) of someone who has never experienced this able for purchase for NOK 15) point A to point B to do some basic everyday from Namsos. • www.krigsbilder.net/coppermine grocery shopping out in Oslo community us- before, it’s a major culture shock. I had Between April 9 and June 4, 4,000 never shopped using the metric system, and (pictures taken by German soldiers ing basic Norwegian skills. First you have to buildings and 300 bridges were totally de- in Norway 1940-1945) figure out how to get there, then you have all the packaging looked and was totally for- stroyed, 10,000 buildings were damaged and to decide how much it’s going to cost in the eign to me. Since when did you buy mayon- new currency you are using. When you fi- naise and caviar in a toothpaste tube? What? nally get to the grocery store, you have to Blood pudding? You eat blood pudding? buy items using a whole new system, the How could anyone want to eat blood pud- metric system! To say that I felt like some ding? Now, that really got to me, OK? And kind of an explorer navigating uncharted wa- of course, Pappa had to buy some. It was ters is an understatement. Oslo has a fantas- one of his favorite staple foods. And then tic transportation infrastructure, and you can there was the infamous Norwegian cod liver tran pretty much get anywhere you want using oil, . I would become intimately familiar the public transportation system, a bicycle with this quite soon, but that’s another story and, yes indeedy, even a pair of skis. I have all unto itself! So I think by now you’re get- traveled extensively in Europe, and to this ting a picture of what it was like. The plus day, I feel Norway’s transportation system is side of it was, of course, the baked goods one of the best I have ever used. It is simply and all the Freia candy. Did I mention the fantastic! ice cream and Norwegian soda pop? We’ll Pappa rehearsed with us how to use trik- come back to that later on. Probably the ken (the streetcar) and the public bus route. single most educational part of the whole He gave us an idea of how much it would experience was going to the deli purchasing Norwegian cold cuts and salads. I finally got cost for two adults and two children and told Photo courtesy of festningsverk.no us exactly what to say. The catch with trik- to use the metric system. It was fun, logical On April 21, 1940 German bombs fell on Steinkjer. The Germans wanted to prevent mobilization ac- ken was they used something called a klip- and a TOTAL smørgåsbord! tivities in Sannan. The bombing ruined 242 houses, and the Steinkjer residents searched for refuge in neighboring towns. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 30, 2010 Ca l e n d a r o f Ev e n t s 15 Celebrate Syttende Mai!

Choir, Grieg Ladies Singing Society, Bjørn- ish Institute at 6:30 p.m. Program: Fjell og Alaska son Male Chorus, and Nordic Voices of Chi- Fjord Dancers, Traditional Norwegian open- • May 13-16: Little Norway Festival in Pe- cago. For more info, call (773) 252-7335. faced sandwiches and coffee. A $5 donation tersburg. Petersburg’s Little Norway Festi- • May 16: Norwegian Constitution Day Pa- is requested and appreciated. RSVP: Louise gian Seamen’s Church of Houston from val has grown over these last 49 years to span rade in Park Ridge at 1 p.m. Grand Marshal Bakken at (763) 545-4827. 2 p.m. Family service, speeches, parade, the third weekend of May and celebrates not is Jorunn Scheiderich. Call Barbra at (847) May 16: Syttende Mai Concert in Wayzata: food, games and lot of fun. Admission: $15 only Norway’s Constitution, but U.S. Armed 823-7596 for more information or visit www. Featuring music by the Edvard Grieg Soci- (adults) and 10 (children). Location: 4309 Forces Day, the coming of spring and begin- nnleague.org. ety and Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis at Young Street, Pasadena, Texas. For more ning of the fishing season. With true home- • May 17: NACC Luncheon: Hosted by the Wayzata Community Church at 3 p.m. info call: (281) 998-8366 or e-mail: hous- town flair, “The Little Norway Festival” is a Norwegian American Chamber of Com- • May 15-17 5:30 - 9:30 p.m: Norwegian- [email protected]. celebration of Southeast Alaskan life and all merce. 11:30 a.m. at Willis Tower in Chi- American Heritage Celebration in Spring are Velkommen til Petersburg! For more info cago. Speaker is Jan Aage Larsen from the Grove. Don’t miss the Grand Parade at 1:30 Washington see: www.petersburg.org Norwegian Embassy. Call (630) 336-1974 p.m. on Saturday. There’s also music, danc- • May 15: Karmöy Club of Washington and • May 16: Syttende Mai Salad Potluck at for more information. ing, crafts, horse-drawn wagon rides and Nordmanns-Forbundet celebrates 17th of 12:30 p.m. at Sons of Norway’s Bernt Bal- May 17: Syttende Mai Celebration Concert: Norwegian food. For more info, visit www. May with a pork loin dinner at Leif Erikson chen Lodge in Anchorage. More info: www. 7:30 p.m. at the Norwegian Memorial Lu- sgsyttendemai.org. Lodge in Ballard) at 5 p.m. Featuring mu- sofnalaska.com. theran Church. Featuring the church choir, • May 17: Syttende Mai Banquet: Hosted sical guests: pianist Erlend Hetterud from • May 17: Syttende Mai Parade at 6 p.m.. Grieg Ladies Singing Society, the Bjornson by the Honorary Consulate at the Minnesota Bergen, and vocalist Ole Morten Velde from in Anchorage. For more info, call Dan Lein/ Male Chorus, Nordic Voices, and Chicago Valley Country Club. Reception begins at 5 Karmöy. Our guest speaker is Rolf Peder- Terri Gryting at (907) 696-6199. Spelmanslag. Call (773) 252-7335 or www. p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker is sen from Karmöy. Door Donation: $25.00. nnleague.org. Ambassador Wegger C. Strømmen. $50 per RSVP by May 12 to Gro (425) 742-9133, Arizona person, and reservations required by May Betty (206) 542-8161, or Berit (206) 789- • May 15, 9 a.m-noon.: Join the Norse Fed- Iowa 10. Contact Christina Carleton at the Hon- 3011. Please wear your bunad! eration chapter for a 17th of May Breakfast • May 15: Syttende Mai Parade and Celebra- orary Norwegian Consulate, 17maicommit- • May 17 at 12 p.m.: Lunch at Leif Erikson in Phoenix at Shepard of the Valley Lutheran tion at Vesterheim Museum with free admis- [email protected] or (612) 332-3338. Hall, 2245 NW 57th St. Cost: $25 per per- Church. The Leikaringen, Trollungarna, sion all day! Call (563) 382-9681 for more son. Special Guests: Grand Marshal Dagfinn Barneringen will perform. Admission: $8.50 info. Vesterheim, Norwegian-American Mu- New York Høybråten, and Honorary marshals Astrid for adults, free for kids 12 and under. To seum is located at 523 W. Water St., Deco- • May 16: Celebration at the Norwegian Karlsen Scott and Waldo Bueing. RSVP, mail a check to the Norse Federation: rah. www.vesterheim.org, Seamen’s Church in Manhattan. 1 p.m.: 17th • May 17 at 6 p.m.: Parade in Seattle. The Dorothy Randolph, 1045 W. San Miguel of May service. 3:30 p.m.: Children’s pa- parade starts near Adams School in Ballard, Circle, Tucson, AZ 85704 Louisiana rade with music around the block. 4 p.m.: at the corner of NW 62nd and 24th Avenue • May 16: “Syttende Mai Fest” at The Nor- The family performance, movies, songs and NW. The route follows south to Market Street California wegian Church in New Orleans, Mai flag games. 7 p.m.: Festprogram. Bergen politio- and eastward to Bergen Place. For more info, • May 15: Celebration with the Norwegian hoisting and Mass followed by a parade. rkester (The Bergen Police Orchestra) will visit: www.17thofmay.org. Seamen’s Church at Crissy Field in San Music and food! Enjoy laks, karamellpud- participate at the service and in the parade. • May 17 at 8:30 a.m.: Flag raising at Pa- Francisco from 12-2 p.m. ding and pølser. Location: 1772 Prytania Erik Solèr will be the main speaker at the cific Lutheran University’s Red Square, fol- • May 17: Nationalfest at 7 p.m. at the Street, New Orleans. Call (504) 525-3602 or celebration program. Free entrance. The lowed by a Norwegian breakfast. For more Church, speech by Consul Geir Tønnesen. email [email protected] for Norwegian Church, 317 East 52nd Street information, call Emily at (253) 535-7111. The Norwegian Seamen’s Church, 2454 more information. (between 1st and 2nd Ave) Info: Call (212) Hyde St, San Francisco, Phone: (415) 775- 319-0370. 6566, email: Sanfrancisco@sjomannskirken. Maine • May 16 from 1:30 p.m.: Parade in Bay Wisconsin • May 14-16: Celebration of Norway’s con- no • May 16, 1 p.m.: Maine Nordmenn #3-664 Ridge, Brooklyn, arranged by the Norwe- stitution day in Westby. Events include dem- • May 17: The Norwegian Seamen’s celebrate Syttende Mai at Pineland Farms gian-American 17th May Committee of onstrations for Hardanger -making, Church in San Pedro (LA) celebrates 17th of in New Gloucester. Admission is free, but Greater New York. The parade starts at 5th weaving, tatting, a bunad display, delicious May at Nansen Field in Rolling Hills. Church bring a Norwegian cold table item or dessert Ave. at 83rd St. and proceeds north to 67th Norwegian food, a craft tent, a half marathon Service 11 a.m. at 1035 South Beacon Street, to share and a fold up chair. Come and enjoy St. to Leif Ericson Park. Rain or shine! The run and 5k run/walk, and more. Don’t miss San Pedro. For more info, call (310) 832- a parade, music, games, fishing derby, scav- theme this year is “Ja, vi elsker dette landet.” the Saturday night show, the rømmegrøt 6800 or email: [email protected] anger hunt, and a video of Syttende Mai in This year’s honored musical guest is the Ber- eating contest, and more! Entrance to most Norway. Contact Carolyn Browne at (207) gen Police Band. For more info: www.may- events is a $3 pin. Call our “troll free” num- Florida 622-3096 or email carolynbrowne@gmail. 17paradeny.com ber at (866) 4WESTBY or online at www. • May 16: Church service and 17th of May com. www.pinelandfarms.org Party in Miami from 2-5:30 p.m. Speeches, North Carolina westbywi.com. May 14—16: Syttende Mai festival in music, parade and lots of food. Everyone is Massachusetts • May 16: Syttende Mai - Constitution Day Stoughton. Arts and crafts fair, quilt show, welcome! New location: 2950 S. Flamingo • May 16: Norwegian Constitution Day - 2009! Norsk Carolina Lodge in Charlotte, Village Player performances, street dances, Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33330. For more Syttende Mai. Join us to celebrate Norway’s N.C. welcomes all to our annual Constitution Viking encampment, canoe race, 20-mile info, call (305)358-2814 or email miami@ Constitution Day at the Viking Club, 410 Day Celebration at Reedy Creek Park from Run, 17-mile Walk, a sailboat race on Lake sjomannskirken.no. Quincy Avenue in Braintree, Mass. on May 2-5 p.m. We will have a parade, hot dogs and Kegonsa, a huge Norwegian parade, and • May 22: Syttende Mai Regatta in Safety 16, 2-6 p.m. Dinner, Dancing, Music by Nils ice cream, games and contests for children of local food stands everywhere! A king and Harbor, Fla. Viking long-boat racing and Lundin, and more! Call Barbara DeCarli at all ages. $6 for adults, $5 for kids. For more queen, and prince and princess are chosen to more. Races are free, lunch and dinner re- (508) 586-5059. $15.00 per person. info, email [email protected], or reign over the festivities. For more info see: quire reservations. $6 for lunch, $35 for din- visit www.norskcarolina.org. ner. For more information, call (727) 712- www.stoughtonwi.com/syttendemai. 2261, email: [email protected], Minnesota Soutb Dakota and visit www.suncoastlodge.com. • May 16: Mindekirken Festival Service. • May 17: Gjøa Lodge celebrates Syttende Ontario • May 17: Norwegian Embassy in Ottawa Concert with local Norwegian Glee Clubs Mai! Join us as First Lutheran Church in will be celebrating 17.mai at the official Illinois 11 a.m.: Syttende Mai Festival Service. Sioux Falls for a Scandinavian buffet and residence hosted by Ambassador Else Berit • May 15, 6 p.m.: Banquet hosted by the Following Service: Syttende Mai Parade— program “Growing up Norwegian in Min- Eikeland. There will be a parade, a band Norwegian National League at Atlantis Ban- bring your kids, bunads and flags. Festival nesota.” The program begins at 5 p.m. with playing, games and fun for the children, ice quets in Arlington Heights, Ill. $45 per per- food for purchase following parade. 1 p.m.: a reception. Admission: $15 for adults, $6 cream and hot dogs will be served and hope- son. For more information, contact Carol at Celebration of Heritage folk dance groups, for kids 6-12, and free for kids under 6. For fully lots of people will be wearing their na- (847) 358-1527 or visit www.nnleague.org. players, and Norwegian more information, call (605) 338-5160 or tional costumes. There will be celebrations RSVP by May 10. folk art demonstrations. Call (612) 874-0716 email [email protected]. • May 16: Concert at the Norwegian Memo- or visit: www.mindekirken.org. in other Canadian cities as well organized by rial Church, 2614 N. Kedzie Boulevard in • May 18: Celebrate Syttende Mai with Sons Texas the various Norwegian/Scandinavian Clubs. Visit www. emb-norway.ca for more infor- Chicago. Music by the Minnekirken Church of Norway Lodges at the American Swed- • May 17: Celebration at The Norwe- Looking for the regular calendar of events? Visit our online calendar at www.norway.com/calendar APRIL 30, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY There’s no place like Norse Home A neighborhood... landmark built to serve the community.

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