Proof of an Increased Ability on the Part of the State to Make Good on Its Promises

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Proof of an Increased Ability on the Part of the State to Make Good on Its Promises UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The clamor for schools: Indigenous communities, the state, and the development in indigenous education in Bolivia, 1900-1952 Brienen, M.W. Publication date 2011 Document Version Final published version Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Brienen, M. W. (2011). The clamor for schools: Indigenous communities, the state, and the development in indigenous education in Bolivia, 1900-1952. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). 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D.C. van den Boom ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapel op maandag 12 december 2011, te 14:00 uur door Marten Willem Brienen Geboren te Utrecht Promotiecommissie Promotor: Prof. dr. J.M. Baud Overige leden: Prof. dr. H.W. van Schendel Prof. dr. C.G. Koonings Prof. dr. W.F.H. Adelaar Dr. M. Irurozqui Victoriano Dr. A.J. Salman Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen Acknowledgements This work took significantly longer than I had anticipated, largely because life intervened. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to my advisor, Michiel Baud, as well as to my abnormally patient wife, Rebecca Parker Brienen. Their tolerance for delay, it seems, knows no bounds. I would also like to acknowledge Eugenia Bridikhina of the Archivo de La Paz for allowing me to sort through the bags of volumes of the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, I would like to thank Edmund Abaka, Rebecca Biron, and Traci Ardren for their faith in me and their continuing support. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the now defunct School for African, Asian, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS) for its financial and intangible support. 1 Table of Contents Acknowledgements ................................................................................................1 Table of Contents ...................................................................................................2 Table of Figures......................................................................................................4 Introduction............................................................................................................6 A Dark Age in Educational Reformism...............................................................6 Prejudice Made Brick and Mortar......................................................................12 Framing Indigenous Education..........................................................................20 Regarding Indigenous Education.......................................................................27 Problematizing Indigenous Education ...............................................................33 Making the Case for Education..........................................................................37 Organization.......................................................................................................41 Chapter I: The Prehistory of Bolivian Indigenous Education.........................45 Neither Real nor Serious....................................................................................45 A Grand Design .................................................................................................50 An Incontinence of Reformism..........................................................................54 The Birth of the Indigenous School...................................................................59 Wouldacouldashoulda........................................................................................63 A Weak State .....................................................................................................72 Chapter II: The More Things Change...............................................................76 The Significance of Liberalism..........................................................................76 The Invention of the Indigenous School............................................................80 Reconsidering Liberal Reformism.....................................................................90 The Re-Creation of Institutional Chaos ...........................................................100 The More They Stay the Same.........................................................................107 Chapter III: Chaos Reigns, The State of Education Prior to 1931 ...............110 A Blind Spot ....................................................................................................110 Remarkably Unremarkable ..............................................................................112 A Quiet Revolution..........................................................................................121 A Rather Confusing Numbers Game ...............................................................131 Change without Reform...................................................................................138 Chapter IV: The Dawn of the Age of Warisata ..............................................145 2 THE CLAMOR FOR SCHOOLS The Symbolism of Warisata.............................................................................145 Changing Attitudes ..........................................................................................153 Old Problems ...................................................................................................166 An Official School ...........................................................................................170 The Theory of Warisata ...................................................................................175 True Innovation................................................................................................187 Not What It Seems...........................................................................................193 Chapter V: The Nuclear Age Begins................................................................198 The Legacy of Warisata...................................................................................198 A “New Bolivia” Indeed..................................................................................201 Military Socialism and Education....................................................................210 The Expansion of the Núcleos .........................................................................217 The Deadliest Núcleos .....................................................................................222 The State of Education.....................................................................................228 The Expanded Reach of the State ....................................................................236 Order out of Chaos...........................................................................................244 Chapter VI: Internationalization .....................................................................249 A Verdant Wasteland: 1940–1952...................................................................249 A Deconstruction of the Destruction of Warisata............................................252 The Rule of the CNE: Informed Continuity and Subtle Change .....................261 The Americans Are Coming ............................................................................277 Competing Indian Policies...............................................................................293 The Progress of the Schools By 1952 ..............................................................298 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................307 The Dawn of the Revolution............................................................................307 The Weak State................................................................................................310 Indigenous Communities .................................................................................316 Cultural Conflict ..............................................................................................319 Summary.............................................................................................................325 Samenvatting......................................................................................................331 List of Abbreviations .........................................................................................337 Bibliography.......................................................................................................338
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