
; , BUTLER'S CATECHISM JUNK , 1807. N E W S P R I N G G O O D S. ^ M H STEAM C0MMVNICAT10N PdMetl every *rida d Evenbigat ?&« CLERGY , TJOOKS.'-.'LLKKS, &c. ' *%£&} TO CATfTOf.fC ilTERFORO STEAM COMPANY Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford, Jtaro just completed oar PDJJCHASES tot tho Opcoiag of tlia SPUING TRADE, and wo Bolfoit AucTib*^6^ iPutt»tttrKB. •n,: > r»yh :,Ip»srtpt^r»v^.JJlretj, .flat| y r, IXTKXVKl) OJlDnn of SA ILING—JUN E, 1W7. Carrying Goods nt Through Hates to Lmr.r.icK, Ttri'RBAIiY ¦ ¦ PRICE TBBEB PBRCX BAELT On Sale at The News (I/f ire , an early inspection of tlio GOODS, vich compriso every Novolty of tho Soaaou in j mo BE 'j siH^fesSft ; Y (a ADVAHOB I 1S«. „ H.1 M"OTICE.—The Waterford Steainslii p C AIIIIS , CLOSMHI., C.•.uUlCK-o^•-SuIR, and K ILKENNY . Rdif i-to Atro^^'^ S i n /¦.-¦•>¦ Rivoiiiini'iiiliiliiiii of the Bishop of Watrrford and JL ; thk rtofji ,-Mw^ow,s;-nDuai': ...,...... fofo'p;;?*.;; YEa^V/ lW^ (Witli llic 011J-* Company receive (ioods for Shi pment BLACK SILKS, TWEEDS, MANTLES, • nLANKETS, i . fp;Dtt^t I.i-tiiuu 1, the Hiitlil Ucv. Or. O'lJKIK.v ,) SIoHy^^s. tlic ' ¦ FERR ,. ' 1 " x following Terms only:—They reserve *I m'" ' New ami Powerful Screw FANCY DKKS.SI CLOTHS, HUGS, • = FLANNELS, j TBAtifc W>^^¥»«?W» wWw* A QiEKXSljrro n s ALBor T n ^3tii\£ SS^ A ' Esq., who d ef hi« Xhtiiest la the Harm,- ' ,zSBi»fi •' i£S=ir-Sj?T*x=the- i-i ht to carry III mil/, by particular "W>%sx -I- Steamers "KlNSALrV'KAl.TKF.," COIIUUOS AN1J IIOSIEHY, DOESKINS, QUILTS, Ju^d^poi^ WATEiiroaD—Mr. ^ A Catechism for the Instruction of Children , ^ ' '">t «r ' ' ' WM. Kzivt, LMi GeSf^rf*. V essels with lil^rty to Tow Ships and call at other 1'orl.s, VT '} hJk^" SAN'I>A," "TUSKAll ," or other Fiist- MKUES, MUSLINS, SHIRTS & TIER, CALICO, ; THli HOUSEHOLD TitO RNtTyBE;/ r.v TUK and will mil ^ arc intended to Sail as under . . . i he accountable for injuries or losses arising fr»m v-Jr?3^&Class Vessels, WINCKYS , GLOVES, COLLARS, UATS & CAPS, 1. which is of .n very, good deacrtpllonr" " « .b-l.ii-, nmd< -ii(s 1 's Knc. (miles* prevented by any unforeseen ci rcunislnuce), willi or irAUEUDASflEHY ,' ' i r^o Type. l-' al Ono o'C'lockp.ui : SiiT«Waid, Scfof Telte«p4*IWi ttaw ! I" " Kaillirul of these Dioceses. of 4 7 — pRINTn*G - -.ill' and h.-ld not only for Fiei^ht the same, but for all Arrears Cor!; and Waleiford Friday, l-llli „ Fondnra nm1 Sfnnla. Wfriiinw irATjaTnm «< >;&>fTitY4 i, £ I) O-niMKX K.C.ll. ; ' ' • " £4 . , nl l-'ri-ijrlit , Slornjre, or other rlmrxcs duo by the Importer , U'ateiford and Cmk Mftiul.-iy, 17th „ II., O'D. it CO. liaving secured tlio services of n, First-clasa Dressmaker, Mantlo Cutter and JlilHuor, cut b^ :i': . .' .! il 1; .' •: • :i lftKi. ' 1 Waterford and Cork Wolncsday I'.llh „ oi^^s' io^p^^mti " Waterfonl June i!, Owner , or Consignees to the Coinnaiiy. Uicy confidcnlly solicit Orders for these Dopartments. , . . • Clock, StairCarpcXainaK oib:^»5ag«nT A!b#FBfe3- • ; -EVERT:DESCRIPTION : . .. , Cork and Watirlord Friday, '21st „ ' ' 1 :l ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ - r WATKUKOHI) I,. steads aniJ H •Frim4l ibd ¦ ¦ i- ¦, . -< ¦ J-" Orders from any part of llio Diocese, sent in AND 11 HIS TO . onging*. .¥«ihtt 'B«cte ll»]i ;¦ : < . . : : : - : - -\ Waterford and Cork Monday, 2ttb „ «» ' . . . . i. g. PiiMishiT Gipsy or Vesta direct. Mattresses,- Dressing Tobies-add alaie i ftsi in ftttnii »nl ilirecti-il to C. liliiiMOxn , l'rinlcr :ui«l l- ' : Wntorford nnd Cork Wednesday, 2lilh „ " . 1 PUBLIC : :^V ,,T I' iim W Walcrfonl OLD ESTABLISHED CHINA HALli, ;. ,. BOLijES ' lo '¦ ., , ¦ " alrrford to Ilristol : I Kroni Ilrislol ' . ' and WaroyCanb ancI dihttChairs, Chitdroaa-Bedstead*, " ¦ ¦' ¦ " ' ' ' " ; ¦¦ Cork and Waterl Friday, 2blh • ' ¦»!> promptly at" Tuesday, June 4 Morn . oid „ • Wntcrfanl Scus Olli cc, King-street, , ... !) M.'ru'Friday. Jm:o < ,... -' 'i ' ' ' . . , I'uov.lay, •• i| A fin FUOM CO IMC TO GO, MERCHANTS' QUA Y, WATERP011D. Ac, Mohogany Ncsta or Orawbrt, Tow«l Alreffi Bathi , ' , ... a Afl'n Friday, „ H .~. *l ; "' ; • INDIVIDUALS;¦ ! tended to. The Trade supplied on nnvkrale terms. Tnesilay, <• 18 SI ,... SJ Morn Glasgow (direct) Halurday, 1st June 2 p.m Carpots; Hugs, Fenders, Ttpn»,'ftc. . ' ; '; "- ' ¦*' || i ,V: . . PRIVATE . . < ; ; , ... !i Morn Friday, „ ; 1 \ Tuesilav, " 2j ... 3 Ann 'ii Friday, „ 2?.». -1 Afi n'ii Waterford nud Hid -1- p.m A TUrco-horso , Tfijishing Macbino Mxd'3 ¦ ¦ ¦ lie Inil Iiclail from every Catholic Houkscllor in Glasgow ... Monday, ,, as, wa^i)fi« May (il.iscoiv u p.m - ,^4: ; Mowibg'Machine;by • MERCHANTS, AND ' Cali/p 'O. (direct) Friday, 7tli „ o J s :H J A., 3sr .. ; '\V^8.(^good tfewJ^tJffljgjM - ' '¦ - $.. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' the Diocese. Kruiii Walrrford to lVislol I From V.ristol lo Walerford, Waterford and (ilasgow ... Monday, Kith „ K p.m r Plimtou, withaaomiDodatiDn-fo«Blr;to4JaBy,BycritijeJ1 h - -V- T -- . . - , BECiS UESPECTl.'ULLY to iniforin his Friends ah^y4ri»--l*n^1>libi tliat:lioJla8"BI3^)PENBD tho abovo ' Direct. calling at lVinbrokc Dock. Glasgow (dirccl) Friday, Mill ,, S p.m " IUPQ4 Farm '! TRADERS IN EVERY WARE Eslaljlialiment with a, choico selection of Goo Jo comprising— ' TW* >1 f^. ' OFFICE Friday, Jimo 7 Juec I ... 7 .Morn W.-itciforil and (llargow ... Monday, 17lh ,, 1 p.m , JW«^fi*«=S8*»i!?S.'l!i:V^", . _%', ¦ ' ' ' ' "' ' CULLETOKT'S HERALDIC , ... 10 Morn Timlur, «ulc at 'l'wclvo o'Cloofc." ¦ ¦<¦ ¦ ¦:¦ Alinn ^ - • ¦ ¦*:- . •>; ;;. . , • F O 11 F A 31 1 1. Y A 11 31 S. /•Villay, „ !( , ,.. 4 AfInii Tili CJ.ISJ OIV (i)iicct ) Thursday, 2Dlh „ 3 ji.m ' ••< . , '7V <) ' n] Morn DISXEll, DESSERT, TOILET, BREAKFAST, anil TEA SEUVICES, THOMAS WAI.SU, Auctioneer. : ^^EXECUTED WITH Friilaj, „ 2 MnrnfTncmlay, - „ Is ... Olasgoir (diicet) Saturday, 82ml „ 6 p.m Fri.hy. '.=,... :i Aflll ' 'TllCMlny, „ M ... 11 Mom Waterford, May 31, 18G7. [m31-2t] „ ll Waleiford and (ilasgow ... Monday, 21th „ B p.m Of Iho Newest Designs. Amongst tlio TAftLK 0LASS will bo found WAT13R JUOS siua (JOBLETS TASTE , IMPORTANT TO IllHRY ONC—JUST COMTLCTED. '" On Karl Morniu- Sailiu;;* the Cabin of the Steam- IP* y , Glasgow (direct) Thursday , 27lh ,, S p.m Cr.Alliyr JU0 3 and UECANTE11S j Sl'IltlT SQUMIES, &e., in great variety. HASTE , ers will he O Passcn^'eJ'Sarriving from London A VALUAHI.K INDEX, cont;.ir.iuS pen Io receive Glasgow (direct) Saturday, Jth „ 2 p.m TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AND J) by llu: .\i_-hl .MailTrain. 2' Tlio PANCV and OltNAJIENTAfi Department contains a Riiporior assortment of BOHEMIAN UIiASS 5 CnJ) x\_ llio AKMS of marly Kvi-ry Family in Wateifurd and lilas^oiv Moiulny, 1st .Tulv, -1 p.::i (or DltlKCTlOH S OP THE MaSTOR IN Clll.VCEJlT), ' Cabin Fare, los. Oil.; Servants and Children, 10s. 0.1. ... Hare ClllMNKY LUSTEIIS ; PARIAN and FltENCU l-'IOUItKS ; SIIADKS nnd STANDS of nil sizes. fl^A Knishml , lri'lnml, and Scotland. Tlio tcsul t ol l-'UOM WA'i'KUFOliD TO ritlCES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, j Iteluni do.. 2,"s. ; or with lilicrly lo return from Dublin for and ON TUESDAY, the Ulh day of JUNE Next, ij^ TiriTiiiKTY YKAI;-' I I .MHIUU , ixtr.ictwl fium l'ul .lii Glasgow (diictt) Tuesday, 4 tli June D p.m WATEIt PIIJTKKS, and every requi^ito Kitohon Culinary purposes, all of which will be sold at Cork , or Wi-nlord His. (id., Steward's fee included ; Dee). 1 (Tho Quality of the Work Contiderei), >Ja:"l Private lirronls, Cli uivh Window?, Mcmu. , Cotk aiid (ilasgniv Thursday, fib ,, 1 p.m llie lowest remunerative prices. At the hour of 12 o'clock (noon), on the Premises, Vv^lr . *s. (i.l. I'cmahs attend the Ladies' Cabin. f> *-y mcnt.il llras.-is, County llisli.rire, and oilier fihvguw (diiixt) Tuesday, lllli ,, .'i p.m N.I) TIJIUEK, principally OAX in CHURCH- AT Vf 1) I V K R I' OOI.. .—(Joodo Hired out to paiiica at the shortest notice, and on Hie most Keasonalilo Terms. THE , 5v/ sourer- Hiro-jRliCul tin Kiusdoin. Kamilirs ilr- W A T K 11 V 0 U 1) A X I' C'lik and Glasgow Thursday, ltllli ,, 1 p.m TOWN WOOD, which contains of (MIEST h about 20 Acres M^Sjk siri.u-i knowiu- tluii- l'KUI'EK or Camilla, Vesta, cn-l Zep yr. Glasgow (direct) Tuesday, l^lh „ :i p.m Or.si-r.vF.-GO , Merchants ' Quay, Waterford . (ml-l3t) Irish Plantation Measure Tho Nows Book and Job Printing, <..\V 01' AK.MS » rci|iipstril to son.! Xameairl County. ri: .M \r.\Ti:i:Fui:i>: 1" BIIM i.tvr.urooi.: ('.ilk nud Glasgntv Wedne.-.d'y, l'.llh „ 1 p.m ,-\M:i.l:iy, .hino " S.ilni.Viy, Juni- I , ... 9 AUn 'n The TIMBER , principally OAK , with portion ol MACHINE IiULlNG, Mr C LI.LI .TON luv::i- ik-vu'.iil many years lo tin- >l inly ol . , ... 11 .Vorri (,'jik and (ilasgow Friday 2lsl „ 1 |>.m . I'n-lay,' •> Alln 'i, Wc.lllr-day ,, !i, ... VJ N..on large MUCH in C0OLNAMUCK WOOD lo.usmr all qut - xliuiK runmrlc.l willi „ 7, ... 2'.th ii p.m which con- AND JBOOK-I3INIHNG llnal.iiy, is I'liaMid M..: .l:iy, A III 'II SaliuOay. „ H , 11 Altll 'n Glasgow (diicet) Tuesday, „ ESTABLISHMENT, Ar,n< sli.ml.l be lmnio „ 10, ... :i T ... la.ns about 18 Acres Irish. dial licautifiil M- CCIICC, r.v|il.iiuiii;:I IOIV Trnlay, ,1(.MI , Woliu-s.lay ,, Jl1,... 7 M.irn Cnk and Glasgow Wi-dntad'y 20lh „ 1 p.m 49 , ( I f t ... :i Tho UKUSII-WOO U now Cut in Nos. .$• 50 Kins fc y tin: In ail cf i-:n li family, and ail the ilitl'ori-nt lir.i!iclu-« M. n.lay, 17 , ...11 Mun. Salr.l.iay, ,, IS, ... !> Morn Ciik and (ila'Kuw Friday, 2Slli „ 1 p.m MAN GOU) AND TURNIP SOWING SKASON Ohurchtown Wood Street, Watetf ord. ' ,, . ^ tl ii-n- 'if—hoiv the Anus- of J'an ainl Wife .-liouMto lie U. ii'lcl Wednesday ,, J.'i, ... I Afln 'i, M. n.'.ay. „ 17 ,... in jMoru (ilasgow (direct) Tuesday, 2nd July u p.m will be sold in lots. of ]i!.mtl li.^itlirr—tin: vaiisiv marks mli-ncy W on l-'liilay, ,, 21 , ... 2 Afln 'n Wrilncwlay „ If , ... 11 Mom. FAKF.S :- Also a 'luantity of TIMBER in tho Timber Yard'in Mi. II .lay „ 21 ' I'riilay, „ L'l, ... ]2 N /"ii r.ich (Vit—llie |uu{-c: Heraldic Culuiirs for Si-ivanl-,' Live- , ... 3 Afl n n GLr-gow to Walerford or Cork...Cabin 17s.0d.; Deck , ]0.s. CAltRICK-ON-SUIU, principally 1'itwood Writ iK-Mlay „ '.'il , .1 AflM 'n Mon.lay ,, 21 , ... 2 Atin 'ii , , Larch, THE MART ! li.s—what lmtloiisto In. i-*cd—and how Iho Carria -f sliouM ... Cork to Waleilord Cabin Us. lid .; Ikek, Is . Ash and Oak ^ Friday, „ K, ... K .Mom Wednesday ,, 2ii, ... s Mum . , TOP DRESSING OATS. , now ready for shipment—say CO touB ; In 1 paiolctl , arrordin? lo the rulrs of ll<-ralili<: Hi'iuclU Kri.la}, ,, 1H . ... 7 Morn. Return Tielctt available f ar one 3f outli, not transferable. nud also the Plant in Yard. 76 QUAY, WATBRPORD Plain Sketch ol any IVrson's Anns, [U. M. ; (.'..lourol do;. l), Cabin 2"is. (Id. ' Cabin Fare, Ms.; Servants and Children , 11).*.; -ck , 7s. Glasgow to Coi l; or Wadiford... , i'lie L'liurclitoirn and Cooluamucl; IVoo.lsarc situato Cn , and Knuiily Moito, 12s,; Arms ol Man (id.; (!.;. C- . : Arms, *t 01. ; Children. 4s. Females a'.tend the Ladies' Cabin. Walerloid to Cnk Cabin , 12-1. Deck , about two miles from Carrick-on-Suir, and the DEPARTMENTS. and Wile hlrndnl togi-llicr, 1S~ .; llj., largr MZP, Miilal.V !"i Uoule (or (ioods to Oak Hoods received at Clarence Dock. SSi* This is Ibe Cbe.ipi^t Kilkenny, timber is now in fine condition for barking. . n Inur.0 tn lians a Library or Hall , i"l :)- •; si Sinslt Ciriitk-on-Sua- Clonnicl FANCY DUESSES, GLOVES, '" WAT F.i: FO11 1) AND LONDON*. Ivillarney, Tralev, Xt-w Uos.s, , , The Purchaser Coat of Anns (l.ir^e si/.c), .(."2 2s. Anns Qu.irlc ivil ai.'l Km- Calier hvcii an I llic South to p.iy onc-four'.h of the purchiso I'liENOH C'ASHHEUKS, WOOL SHIUTS. Aurora, lli tn , Anra, or ollior eligible Vessels. , Tippcrary, Alalluw, Fcrmoy, Clug , ; bla/.onctl in the most rlog.mt. .style. Family I' lMijrrtrs o:' Ireland gcncMll A:U riLOSPIIO GUANO.0UAN- M(VJ'uvn money on l/cing declared, and the balance wiiliiii ten AHKKDKEN W1NCIES, TIES, SCAUPS, F'iOM WATIUIFOUD : PUOM I.ON IIOS : y. tracrd from aiillicntie llcrords at the Colleire of Arm- , STV.AMSI IIV Jays and belurc tho cuttiDg or removal of any portion PAISI.EV SHAWLS, COLI !A 11S TI IIII !iy, June « ... 4 Ari n 'll W.'dnosday dune S , ... S Morn For l iaics of Fn.^ht , &.c, ;>|>i>ly In -CORK , Museum , Uc-corJ Olllce, and other plarrs. Corirci l of ihe timber. QUEENSLAND rin.ition -d.-iy „ eil ... 1 Alm ii Wcillii-nlajr „ l!l, ... i: Morn laiLW.ir OFFICI:;I. I.I.UI:I:ICK and Ku.Kr.Nsvj C KAIIAM m A\i \ I or further particulars appl y to lliciiAno O'D ONNELL, , and bow lo add or chanse one's name. lYiliiMirs Tlnir-.lay 'ii WiducMlny „ in, ... 8 Mom ' ¦' '¦ ' SHEETINGS iu all ,. cf same, „ V7 ... -I Afin liltV.MNEK, (i rci'lioi.;. j Tliu.MA:l V. llVli:, 'J, Oswald Slrcrt , " . '/ / . •I To bo luid /rom our AuCtioi-i.iCcl Aycniy oaij Solicitor.C'ain'clc-on-h'uir ; to M ESSRS Voaurs & T ASD T , Widths, LACES Wills searched and rvcry Kind l^\ HOS1EUY illuminated on Varchinrlit. , Cabin Fair. 20s.; Heck , Ills. Glasgow ; or to MIC11A1CI. DOW.NKY, ' ' ¦•i ' v : liolicitnrs, Waterford , or to , I PEUt'UMERY. &c. oMainril from l'aii.-.h Ki-c.inU°. |:I KTII-; . vj ttarounhoul Ireland. of crneaWieal infoiniitioil Luu.isi; : —London—lirilish and Foreign Steam lnt2.H-tf| 01 Ciislom House (liiay. Walerford . \ . \ THOMIS H'ALSII THE MANU AL 01" 1IKUALKUV , Four llniulrrd Wharf, Lower Kasl Siiiilhlield , and West Kent Wharf, . Auctioneer, MILLINERY S; FANCY WAREHOUSE , [n»31-^ij ioi Quay, Waterford. EiiRraviiiRs , 3s. Cd., pn.t fur, hy T. CULLKTO.V, ticni-M.i- Southwarl;. » W TUB QUAY. ' fi A TMOSPHEKIC CHUIIN. TPAUE MARK ist , nnd Lecturer on Heraldry at the Mechanics Institute, I) I 1 LY MOUTH. TRADE MAKK R ' WATKUFOIM) AX H ±Y. CLIFTON'S PATENT. B ON CACH DAG. M. BOLGER. V'I Craul>ouriic-stieet , corner of St. Martin s Lane, Lon- ON EACH LAU. AUCTION OP HORSES, Aura, Hanger, Aurora, or other eligible Vessels. ll' rrjntidInmate don W.C. ' t| a Mutterin \0 Miunlcsfrom 6 TRAVELLING MACHINES, FARMING IMPLE- . _ _ PROM \V.\Ti:ilF0Ul>; FROM fJ.YMOUTn : Fresh Mill; or Cream in ;l or li Minutes, LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING ' ' " Tliurs.lay .lunc c, ... 1 Aftn'n Tliiiruluy, June fi , ... SA. ftn 'n ;.T> £-&, MENTS, STOCK , &C-, &c. and CRINOLINES ,7 IST o1' 1'iticKS l'on i:,\- ' ' " tlio Improved Shapes ejo1 \>T S •riiurs.lay „ 13, ... 4 Allii n Tliursduy , ,, 13, ... R Afln n - -. Without the use of nny chemical preparation , jjJSj*; jlii. ^ Cjiiaito dai Cecil proocD to {¦". noi l cjl'sr 'iiaf Hi foicnii) )fic i)iowili o| tlic , in all Sizes. (619) Mi^F IE** %#J-Li CUAVIN CCKKsTonSKA . , 'riiur.s.l.iy ,, -JO, ... 4 Aftii 'n lliuih.t.-iy, ,, •!•), ... S Ailo 'n ? leaviiig lhu milk perfectl y sivei-t ami MiitahleKig Mil . THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horics, Cl< <»l. ; ' > , S»vV /\ /TnSKlXfiS, or DIMS , fiuin 7s. Thursday, ,, -J7, ... 4 Aftii n Tliuri-day, ,, 27 , ... s Alln 'n {jlur liimily use. Produces inora huKir, andBjg| ' Travelling Vehicles, &c., Sc, will take plaeb ; . ' . i|ouii^ Turnip awaij ("tom llic tovagcj of llic *«\.>J S «-y ,,i, Soal« or VU- lL'<.; Anns, CiKt , a! ' ' " > , , Aura, llcta, Aurora, or other eligible Vessels. il'^tii c.ill ll!i, Xr.w l.'.i.Mi--Tui:i:r, L(ixi)o.v,ffiS| ON MONDAY , 1ST JULY , 1307. C. A. JONES from V.U. ; Arms and Supporters from J auO Icccp iiuj Ili-lmct and Motto, VUIJM WAruiFoui): yitoM JJKI .FAST : a^j ^S iThere churning takes place daily. Tliusu dc prcpctlici. with it em (wu K^^ ORDER OF SALE: EXTENDS to all parts of tho South of Ireland, £'•1 Is.; Monograms 12s to lHs.; Livery llullciri Diis Saturday, June 1 , ... 2 Aftii 'n Tuesday, June . 1 , ... 12 \..on. fX^jiriug hiiiig (heir mill.', ivhitli ivillJjBg W VIT Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Doys, &c, ut tho THREE YEARS' SYSTEM OF HIRE Cresl , 12s.; Livtiy Uuttonso-. per dnzi-u ; Kn^ravilc Salnntay, ,, «, ... 2 Altn 'n Tuesday ,, I' , ... 5 A Ttii 'il *2*^ he churned in I heir presence and buller and ] ' V2 Noon , , Twelve o'clock precisely. after which , aud without further Payment S| KJOI , S , crest , "is. pur dozen; Cust and Motto, IDs. per Salllldny, „ IS, ... 2 Altn n Iliesday, „ ll< , ... By Top Dressing tho Com Crop, tho seed, when harvested, v/ill be found lo be , tho PIANO - ' ' 'n r-illk r':luiued freo of charge. ijrcatly diiwn ; l'.ook Plate, Aims Cr.'st , aad Molto, 21s. ; dillu, S.llurday, „ 2-'. ... !i Afln n Tuesday, „ 2 i, ... 5 Afln Hunters, Hilling, and Family Horses, at One o'clock rouTB or UMutoNiuM bccomeB tho Proporty of the Saturday, ,, '£i, ... M Att u'n ' MUCKS. increased in i/nnnti!//, leuf/ lu and i/utiliii/ . elegantly finislieJ , '12s.; llouk 1'late, the. Anns of Man mil , Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately after. Hirer. Special terms Of Hire payable Cabin Kire, ... 15s. Deck , ... 7s. Od. Children, ... -Is Xo. ».—1 Gallon, to Churn } (iallon His. Cd. quarterly, in Wife Wended tnprtlicr, C3s., liiftldy fnii-hed ; Kuok l'l ites ¦; iCJ1 ' Persons intending properly for this Sale will bo advance. C. A. JONES Steamers lii-ircekly between W ATUKFOUL N EW- 00.-1J „ „ UKfi.1. with quarterly Coals ot Arms, from £1 Is. ftV , OBBIN'S or .Seals engraved • (MIO. -2 „ „ 1 UK (id. Bowaro of Spuriouu Imitations. ~| required in have il culered at Mr. D , or at Mr. Buys from tho moat eminent makers only, Ds'n proof according to Iho mnnlicr of quartcr'nigs. rouT, and CAUDIIF. I mid upwards, 1.—3 „ „ li ,, ....'..l"s. O.I., complete, WALSH'S Office , 101 Custom-house Quay, on or before of which the increasing demand and tho fact that all J SKALS willi Kliony Handles, Is. ; I' ory WATF. I : FOI : D AXD NEW UOSS . M KTAI , • 2.-1 „ „ 2 „ Ill- , (id. „ Nine o'clock the morning of Sale, i'ce for entry , 2s Gd. Iho iustrumcuU sold b him during 0.1. ; Apatc and Cormlian Seals from 4s. ('« . to Fr.oM WATKKKOHII —Hail y, Sundays cxceplcd, al 1.( 1 I'.M. y tbe past nine years Handles 7s. ¦ 3.- "> „ „ 2i „ 215. (/d. Purchasers lopay Auctiuncci 's Fees of Five n>cr Cent. have, in crcry instance 12s (id.; Stmw Seals, Silver Mounted , from IDs . e n-l>. F HOM X KW 1!OSS —Daily, Sundays rxccplcd, al 8.30 A.M. , given satisfaction. . i -1,-li „ „ •'! ,. 2:)s. i..l. Auctioneer. S.als from 12s. to Cl 1-. each. T. Ci'u.Ktos, lMT | Wa^OH,, ^QloiflOl* D.,Cf W THOMAS WALSH , C. A. JONES has just retornod from London with a Cold Watch , WATKUFOl! I) AND 1) I! X CANNON. : o.-a „ „ 1 „ 'Jsj. (1.1. , . MajiMy, hy n].poiutmi nl , :imb of Auctions attended in any part of Country or Town. largo assortment or Pianofortes Seal KiipraviT lo Her F UOM W ATI KV OUII —1'aily, Sundays excepted , at -1.0 r.M. '. Wbeu or.b-uil fur Ibe c.-unlry, crates 2.-*. extra. Lar^( i " , including Semi-grand, the 21st of .May, 1WI- and a-ain lsili May, ' 101 Custom-house Quay, Watcrford , 18UU. (tf) . Grand Squares Apiil , 1W2, . , Fi:o.M I>f.\c.>x.xo>"— D.i ifi , .Suudais i sc.-iiled , al 8.15 A.M . six. s ivitfi pinup iKiiidii-s nnd clank ; prii ej on :i/.p )i.;aliuii. C^co. 'yciiijiiiii o 1)) (ov., i iucijioof , Grand Trichord Obliques, Scmi-Oottago 1K', tin. 1'iinre and l'rinci-ss of Wfiles, ii - ^. To their K.ll.ll. lii-iths sccurid and i vi-ry iufonoaUon ^iven hylhcA gents. '. To I..: bad at ail rt-] erlable Ironmongers ihiou^'baiL tli nudl'iccoloPiano -ibrto, with all recant improvements, the Dukeof Caml.ii.li:.\ and tin: Trinu's Mary, the Anh- Itrislvl—The (l.ai-ral Steam Ta.-Lit Olliee. Livcrpnol — liiii K.h.ui. Lih'.ral discount allowed to llic trade. Dai: " by Messrs. Broadwood, Collard, Erard, Kirktnao, Ac. bMiops of Cantcrl.ury, Vork , and Arinagh , and (IIIiei.il Hie " Walertovd S:.:;iu Sbiji Company, -3, iiniiisu iclv .street , b'leiisiUof evei v ib-ji-iipjiuu. Descri ptive Pamphlets, nait t C. A. JONES has a largo assortment of Harmoniums Sinker to the lliMid i>f 'J'r.i.le, 'Jo, Crjlilnanue-btllLt , culoer . U'asliiu^tcii Iioildin ^s. Is W'tun—AxTiioyy. '¦'. K OHINSON , all p.iilsofthc IJttitcl Kingdom free. —English and French mako ; Second-hand Pianofortes of St. Martin 's Lane, W.C. CAUTION TO FARMERS ; 20 Mark I/ine; Uriti-h and Fon-ii:u Slcam Wharf, Lower ; All orders sb-jull be aecompanii-d with I'.O. orUrs payable DUNMORE EAST HOTEL , English and Gerniau Concertinas Ol'EXED ON 1st MAY 1SG7. , in great rariety; CUI.I.rrON'S I'A I KNT LKVKIt ICMIHHS- Kasl Siiiilhlield , and Wc-l ICnit Wharf, Suiilliwark Vl.il- to J. Mll.l.ia:, Si-erLlary.—Atmospheric Churn O.lnp.iny , Violins, Flutes, Cornets, &c., &o, A fine-tonod Organ Xew llund-street London. I uihi>-lUil , IXO l'Klv^Sl-.N SIs., f,,i Slaiopio- l'aptr»illi C csl, mutiM— II I :NKV .1. W AUI .M . , ibeWharf , Milhay. llclfa*t~ Liuiiled , ll'J, , with Podals and modern imprOTomcuts, Nen . ] (^nav ADELP111 HOTEL WAIVE 11- , by Arms or v\'ldress. Anv pLi. can UT lliiin. ('.or a^e U. Hi:.vni:iis.(s & SO.VJ , Pour-a ; fi'-il-tH JOHN POWER, , Uevington, will l>o Sold a Bargain. , J Cr.iiibouriiL-,lui;i r.irnirr i.: St. And at tin- Company 's Olliie tliu MALL , WATKUFOllD , tVlll), begs most respectfully to intimate Dial paid . T. CULLKTUN , 2 , , . THE SMOKER'S BON BON *9 I®" New Music at half marked price. (my4.3m) ilartin-.'s Lane. EFFliCTUALl-Y removes the Taste and Smell ol the Most Noble tlio M AT.QUIS of W ATEUFORU has WATKIU'ORD AND MILFOIM ) HAVES ive him possession of tho U UNMOIIK MUSIC WAREHOUSE , 120 QUAY. 1 Tobacco from the Mouth and lircalli, and renders been pleased to g l'UliLISHKl) in K cli cf, in Vai!mt3 JUS! , ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS :iuiol;ins agreeable and safe. It is pleasant , ivbolcsomo, Horn., affording lirst-clasa Acconimodation for Ladies Colours, the fullowiug Monograms, Crests, &e., suil- and al most tasteless. Prepared from llicorigiual recipe unil (Jentlcmeu dosirous of visiting the Sea Side. nll e f'"- Albums:— j DAILY COMMUNICATION of an eminent Physician, hy a patent process, by The above Hotol i>osccs3ea advantages rarely to bo W HEELER AND WlL SON'S Monogram?, Arms, .Mid Crown, of'llic PIIOSPIIO 'olUANO 'J Sheets—The (Suntluiix JCrcciileil,) S'JHUOUNU S CO., Wholesale C'onfcciioiicrs, IJ KTH - found—it commamfa an unintcrruptod view of the BIOnEST PBEHIVSZ Quci'ii , lhu late 1'iiuce Consort , and all the lofioyal Kamily. and downs the -VAI . Cir.iiLS, LONDO .V . (n20-ly) .Sea and ia cuuoidcrcd a most Picturesque Mntino 0 Sheits—Til-! Moni^rauib Kmperur, 1SKTWKT.N TIIK SOUTH OK IKKr.A NM), , SEWING MACHINE- (id, and Is. | KT l!ox. Post free 7 and 11 Stamps. nil the Vrcneh Koyal Family, and Xohi'.ily of France. SOUTH WALKS AND KXCJLAND Uetreut, at one of tho Iinc3t Bathing Places iu tho G Sb.its—The Anns of the Anlil.i.-hops of Canteibury : fcSJ" Observe llic Name an I Trade Mark on each South of Ireland. Always Highest over all Competitors. It tat f oEqual Via ^Viiicrfunlanil Milfor.l Ilavrn , in connection will; Tobae f rom 1' ITO to ISCM . l!ox. Sold by Chemists, -onists , Grocers , Fancy The comfort and elegance of the above Hotel , com- It ia perfectfor all description* of FaitUy Nu&leuork ICiroii lf.i!^. I" '.jins> Trains mi the Or?at Wc.-:lsrii, South W;iles GSIi.ts—llitlo, ditto, Arcldii>linp« of Voik , obo/iliccpers, iNc, and al Tin; W »TI.IIKOI:D .\ i:ws Office, Trailo .Mar] on each Ea? bined with the salubrity of its situation, renders it a S3" It has been Awarded tho HIGHEST'PRE- in Oxluid and Wiiterfurd and Limtrirk , Watcrfonl and Kilkenny, '* r 1 Sim-is—The Anns of eviiy College Tlio .suicll of llic brealli ol baid smokers is by i;i) means most desirable Summer Ucsideucc for the Gentry. ¦ It MIUMS whorever Exhibited for tbo last Ten Years nud oth.jr Trains in the South of Ireland. !)lc.is:at and Ibe taste is disagie. able lo llic :> IIIO UT himsill Caml'iidce. , , Uiic titiiycwaf aucccM tfii» Quauo iJutiu.j tfic faot Icit ij cara it now foffowcD is within a short drive of the City of Waterford, be- Over a QUARTER of a MILLION (250 f'rcsl - and Mi'ttm., used l.y Her M.ij. sly 's •sp'.-ri-illy llie 11 uiains of a previous ui^hl'.s smoking. (Jui: ot of ,000) hare 1". Shnts—The M , . rilllKSK Fa.st and W.-U-appointed Steam- ' tween which place and the Dunmorc Hotel a well- been made and Sold. , Kcjimcnls ihnnl.-lcoiit I In- iri/rid. <-i-s t-.-irryiii;,- Her Majesty'.-; .Mails Sail .\li:,srs. .Scil0CM\.i;\> lill 'e: pills, wbiel i Ib'y call the Smoker';. ia(c. ^-WJ^'iKx JL , , <5if Spurious Imitations (aomc of a grow cfiaraClct) ficiu.) oj'jacJ ("ot lppoiutcd Oinnibud will run daily. 11 Sh.Ll.i—Tliu Cu-il» and Mottoes lisid by the lintish a .l)ail y (Sudays exeepted), i!..:i-hou , dis-olvi d in ll.<: uiouili , not only takes avvaytb. IT IS THE POPULAR AND STANDARD MACHINE j %/5f, > \^ There nro spacioua Livery Stublea attached. Tho Narv. ^^ aa ^^v F KOM WATiiurfiRi)—From the Ad.-l i-hi laste and smell of the tob:icco, bill It leaves liotbiu^,' in it, «Ju otDcK lo protect ific coumiucr J'totti llic cliaucc v[ ttitpoiitiou, we f.aui; tl'tii THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ! and C.rouels of LVi-ry N I.ICI : bill the natural breath ol llic siuokia 1 nnd .Sublca luive uudcrgouo a thorough rupair C, shn-ts—The Arm;, Support.-, Wharf immediately alter tlm arrival ol Ibr Limeri.-k Train , a c;reat advantage (] (5c 11 oust CrlS" Iuetruction Gratis. Prospectus Free. Machines J)ul. i ;.:id M.i:.|v:is . at M o'clock in The \f'.crnoon. reaeliiu^ Milford Haven over other preparations we have tiicd which merely di-(-iiiM .- ocaaoti tssucD a (Jufij ai jucO Certificate, framed atiD faxcD, wfiicCi wiff oufif in lately. Warranted. (' - c. -r.im- :i:id Am;-i of * in lu ¦ ¦iJi. ' odour ol :p'ces almost as lC'i Shu ts—The i. niii.. ;- , M.ii. , (wind and weatln.r perinillili^) liiiii- enable I'assi-riiriTs )fie >loell ul xiL- ill .1 btron^ ollell- .Mr. P OWKI I, in returning thanks for past support, Miss CH HKB, Agent Tor Waterford and Vicinity, <" ¦u- whiili .in: ' ific anD c.xfiifjttci) fiif, cm authorized Jl ailt. Kail- , Haroii s, and liiitMi .ii ..i:. i-, u.auy of to pro. -, t-.l by the H 'Sj a.m. K\pr.-ss Train lo Lon Ion , r.-aeh. :.\\t: Messrs. NiiiouLlMi s inveiilioii is Ibor..u .;lily illtclive, poMcwtoa of, q respectfull y invitee his numerous JTrieuds aud thu Chamber of Commerce. ('¦¦'¦!. •. ¦ .1 Aim- Uiili-li ' [al26-Cm] rii. moii^iu:il iii.iuii .cii| .I- , l' asi-u ,-IIS arriving at MilPird Haven on .Sunday uioriiin;;s r'UKMOX, ]:noTm;i:s ivith the above. PLUMBERS aud GASFITTERS, 3, LITTLE IILV. I I. fi .ri- lui.ttii In ll.e puhlie, ar. now -M at K pn will h-avi; prr I h.' il lo a.m. Tr.iin. TUK GREAT UK.MKUY Ol' TUK AGK. , DnWin. - i!../..:li Sb..:l- L'!. IMi.;: ll ¦ :\ - J!cougliaiii3 , Open Curriagcj, and Saddle GEORGE'S-STREEET WATERWBU, bog leavo Bh.,:-. 12 Shut-, II- .; 12 , l-'ioiu Ni:\y -M i LI'oici) , from t!;<; llaiKvny l'i.- r, at R. "» 'l ^_p (if .ll-and dii'fi -ril.t Ci. -t- , i».-l tin - GEO. SKAGRAVK & (JO., Liverpool always ready. (uiy3-tl'.) to inform the Nobility and Gentry of tho Counties of »h..li- Si riis T*u Th' a in , Sin,days exivptrd , alter tin: arrival of tlie II l"i i t.m K\- HorscJ, Ki^r.:vi-r ai.d )>i. - Siidi.r l.y ..; - HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Waterford and Kilkonuy that, l.\ T. fri.I.I-TON , .Seal |.r. -sai.d (ilia.in. Trains from i'a.ldiii^'toii Station , London, thoy have OPENED a |.. * iit to lkr M;.i.--iy, Il'i '.h Aiiiil , 1^2 I'. 1I .1MI. th. /J\in; KtrLC-r UK TIII: OIKTMKST »S 1111; SYariiM ,— , BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT at inlmi. r. a> .-hi'i .s" Wat.rf.ir.l (win-l and wi -illu-r p.-ruiiltio;i) to i-.ure To WINE TEA and KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL No. 1. KOSE INN. and 11. i" .>!} '» li.ivviuiiii n! .(• - ., .'.•:. ' ' 1 _L To llie Very tore and centre of all ili:;casu» which , WHISKEY, 1'riii. • • of Wai.-, M:.j- , Ibr d.-p.iituiv iif tin; I, 'I a.m. Train to Linn ru-k , Cur : , and MONEY MONCK STUEET, WliXL'ORD. STREET, KILKENNY. • . 2" .Yiidi..iiriit->liit.l i.-oriicr of .St. Mai '.iu 's I.au. - , W.C. iidi'vl tlii; liuuiun b..dy, tlii¦* rein;.rl.able picpaiation SUGAR MERCHANTS. i, < 1 South 'I' II. laud ; and tin- 11 1 J a.m. Train lo Kilkrouv ai.d is a Central nnJ Comfortable Hotel , in which W'J 1 ' All Orders punctually attended to. (3-f -:-s, i.i- ., - Third Class Train from [icnclriiti-ii . It ilisapj-uirs uiidur the IViilion (if the LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT THIS l> iih!in . l'. . .s by tin: 1! a.m. LL I)i;TVAi:iiE COOnS Waroliouscil liy It. It. everything cuu be had on tho most Moderate terms. * (iuiue.'i. i-ai raddiii -.-liiii will als.) ho tt.:ivey»l by thesu Sleamers at Ue- iaii -1 lib salt dis:i|i]iiars when robbed upou meat. Th e •SIX 1'KR CUNT. INTIiRt'ST. fj 7'K , M 5., 1" >« ., S,-ven t iuiinas, and Ti-n .h. IH nl A SAllCiENT, in his lioND SxoiiliS Coilee ilouuc Drat Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Iirandic3, " JII ^' perform* il- , hralin'^ irruiid rapidl f-al'ely, and , l£y FOR SALE, All I s carat Hall marled, u'anantul. The II..11 i.i. -r . i- duetd Kalis. KAUUS. y, (aul5-tf) 1st Class and 2nd Class :wilhoul pain. Siiu;>lr (iii]iliuii.s ojifu Lane, Walerford, al Hie following rales :— WincB, Porter, Ale, &c. LARGE QUANTITY of GUAN ITE STEPS the only puaraotec for puie (iold. Solid siz.r ol lio^-ir, l y , vrc.1, hard rpiriv nillKCTOUS of tlic Waterford and Kilkenny , " Cabin. and Saloon serofuluiis .I all kinjs WINK mi KI'IMT.S— $y Cars ou Hire at the ahorlcst notice. A WINDOW SILLS and LANDINGS. fitlio-' a pirn1 'if ll.re.ir,l :i>id ment ion the pri. " liin^ re- Jtuoiirs, dcvcloinienls ' , abscesses, X liailway, fur the purpose of replacing tbe IN- •'()¦*. quired . T. Cljl.l.KT().N', SKAU THIS-Nli :ii.li;inss :uid Ilcck, Watcrfonl lo I/Oudou, i4s. Cd. in its deitruclivi- curse anl pi noaiiei.tly curi-d willnxit Months' Notice, or Six per Cent, upon six n.outhu' rT^UE EUROPEAN largest, the best situate, Die with Crest , Mnnn/ram or nddn-s (as i laiv.d FECTIONS, whether tho. result of early errors I L) , li' i-.TCii .v T ICK I', i s- From Wattrftnl to London , Ox- danger; by rubbing in this iiiesiim.ible Oiutmi-nt. Chests Id „ notice. JL and most comfortable Hotel in the City. All y oilier houses), it an ordrr he JMV . n for a (Suim-a liox ' or otherwise, oro by very simple and inexpensiTtqieans for h ford , or Hireling, IA cl asa and saloou, 7..s.; 'Jnd Class • li.'U IJ K.IH , liAU U K I'.A J IS , SllKI'.S ASM) UlCI '-KS. — HairCliesU OJd They will also accept Money on Mortgage Uunds, modern improvements have been recently introduced, Statiouerv*, conlaiuinK a lleam of the very biM I'-i j- . -r , „ quickly cured in both France and Germany. Th«advcr- of and cabin, lid*. In aany Hospitals in liurope lliis cchbiatcd remedy h at 0 per Cent., for Three or Five and the culiro house papered, painted, and decorated. Five Hundred Knvch.p' S to match , all stamp' d plain , Quarter U^d „ , Years, uud for the a resident in this country, will be and lAUta DY SII-.AMEU. i:r.Ti:tiN IICKKIS aow used for the cure or.ild wound.! sores . • p Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Drawing tiaer, happy to eend charge ; if stampeil in colour, Is. (Id. per liuu.ir.-d , , ;iud ulcci. Debenture Stock , bearing interest nt 0 per C nt. for free of Cabin , llerl, Cabin |j,rk. SUUAlt— Uoomson the ground froe to all appliconta . full particulars of the mode of c.xlra—the 1 >it* remaining here for future onl. rs. iu Sjiaiuaud Portu^.al , and in many pails of Ital y, tbe Three Years, anil 5 per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. Roams from 2s. Gd. lo is. Sitting •beets <¦ Wnterford to Milford...VJn. nd. 7s. lid. ]Hs. !l,l. lls. .ld. Hogahcads 2jd „ treatment thoro adopted, on receipt of a directed onto- I'lijiirr Is. »., S-i . "•!•, l"f M 12'., and 1 \: , p-r lic.un , first physicians refill.uly pie:{ciilie its use. Jt i, a For the year ending the 2!)lh September, 1SCC, tho Door free of cliaruc. Note a->i iuTi< willi 2nd Cl.iss Tickets can cu-liangc frum llic ud 'IVrccs ljd „ lope. All persons may cure themaoives, and thus not arri.rlina !<• qiwli!}". Kuvelope lid., 'J.!., Is., Is. 111., 2-.; I' sovereign rviiu-dj for ba.l bi ca-:ts:iiid had Ic^s ; a li;.e Tradic Receipts were X*23,0IU 3s. 3d., the Work- Kg" Soup, Fish, Joiuts, Fowl, aud Entree , in Coffee Cabin 1.. iln- Saloon on payment of li.s. ( Id . carh. No extra Clwnjc vuuh v/mtcter for lr.iiis.tcliiifS o'clock daily, run the iiak of being victimised. Address . Moos. A. »irv l..»l . 2-. ('I. P'r !""• wise lor all ikin Ji.scaiis. ll is lo be found iu the th;st ing and other expenses being .£11 ,42!) 7s. i)d., Room and UesUurant, from Two to Seven ' '1'biou^h Ti.ki:ts allowing Passengers (o break the joiirin'y * llouoe work U UVAL , 13, Newmorkct-street, Birmingham. VlSl TlNii I '.Mil IS.—A C-nll.ni.in s Cnil I'l.ili! Co- of nearly every sailor, sobliir, and ( uiijri.ini . MerchanlH liiirinc-ps, nor Jbr d.jin^ Ciifltom leaving a lialancc of £11 ,080 l.',s. Oil., for Interest on lied, including Servants, 2a. Cd., 2s., and Is. Cd. In.. ' may bo had at l'addinzluii IJailway Station, and al ll..: I'irst- HEALTH AND MANLY VIQ0R. PTavid and Filly Cards Piiot.d , 2s , p.-t . l.a.li s ' Pn.i:.s, I' I:. TI; I.A S'iuii:rtKi:s —The above for them, c.\c.-|it 2.H Gil , a Custom Ilouso Entry. |in31-tf.] J. M0LONY, Proprietor. -A ATcdical CI U MS Stations of Ibe (ireat We.-tcrn and South Wai. s, Water- -* , . cla.-:., of Luuns, after the ]iaymcnt of which there is a consider- Car.lsls. oxtra Fifty Ili.K k !i..r.len-il I 'aids fi.r 2-N W.d- ' llrduri! jMurning'B l'ost, Man of 20 years' experience in tho treatment oi . ford and Limerick and Walerford and Kilkenny Kailwajsj complaints is surely removed by nightly foiucntii.:; ihi Merulianls n-crivcJ hy llie able surplus , anil the opening of the New Line from cVnig Card- '.!) i-.ih for Lady and (i.nlb-mao , ' / > b.st , Coods NERVOUS DEBILITY, Spormstorrhoe and other af- , aho, at flu: O/lic-s of .Messrs. .l.tcKDO .v .t Co., :(i;, Caiiiion- jiarls with w.ii- m water , and llu-n by luost iil'eclo;.-h c:m lie cxcviilcd and despatched by the lu'til Kilkenny to Maryborough, will materially increase COMMERCIAL HOTEL, imWjswl Kiivel..).!' nmidni name prinliil iusidr, all com- fections which are often acquired in early life -, slrn-l , L..udoo and Milford Haven liailway Slati..n ; or of rubbing in this Oiiilineiit. Persons Millering fri.iii Train without trouMc or 0.110113c to them. llic Receipts. SQUARE, DUNGAR VAN. , and unfit 1-lvlc 13« . r,\. Any of Hi..- ahov.- p..-t fre.'. , sufferers for marriage, nnd (other social duties hjia pub- Mr. M. liowMiv , (Juay aad Aih lphi Wharf, Wat.-rb.rd. these direful coiuplaiuls iibould lose 1101 a uwmeiii. in rns tf] They will every half year a best part ol , OKFICK SKAI.S , I) IKS , KNIKMtSlX Ci , , send to each creditor, THIS HOTEL is situated in the very a Book giving tno full benefit of bis I.' ITCUN Tiekels, available for 30 days, at a Fare and a arresting their progress, ll should be understood t '. lished long expo- STAMPS, Ju-., f.,r Si.- .n.i.io- li;:..k .Vol.--, I J.II s , and ,ai statement showing the full particulars anil amount of the Town. The House n clean and airy, . tho ball for the Double Journey, are issued at Waterford, Lime- rienco gratis, with plain direotioDS for.the roconry of Cl..MU(s; Fire liian.U (,,r M,ukiu^ Wii.»l ; Slenril I'la 'es it id not siillicicnt inercly lu smear I he Uiniu.riit on the the several Loans duo by tho Company. Charges very Moderate, and every attention paid to the rick , '1 i pp'.-tary , Kilkenny, iVc. SPECIAL NOTICE Health anil Strength. A single copy sent to.iny ad- fin l'.ir.k.iiic Citscs.-d.i. f,,r M.uki:.:'Aiehil. -tur.-d llrawin^j allctU-d pail.t, but il 1OU-.1 bi- well rubbed in for somi- Applications lo be addressed to tlio undersigned at the comforts of Visitors. A Good Waiter in attendance. t'ht: Sfa t 'ui/ titjr f.s null/ Scretttif JWi/rs, dress on receipt of ouo . Stamp. Adareas.to tbo Secre- Mnvi-aldc Tyiic fw ilirti-.. |hH,r 1'l.it.', tn^r.ived willi Nairn , ' considerable time Iwo or three limes *duy , thai il may Company's Offices, 2 Bank Place, Mall Watorford. j $£TExcellent Livery Stables arc convenient to the ' Vessels " GREAT 1J00N to Uio Public baa been , tary , Iustitulcof ]Anatomy, BirmlnEham; (jl-y) VJs. (il., do. willi Name . liusiii">- Calth' iiiiil Live Slock of all kinds Bent by these he taken into the system whence it will remove B aad Pp.fi -ion , 21- ' , any y Order, Hotel. (m31 tf) Cards printed fr'iir. an: at Shipper s Kisk. G OIH IS and Cattle, Parcels, FMi , .';<- ., A Coppir-plat.;;, SOI lor 12s (id. Kill hidden sore or wuuuij us effectually as though it HI re achieved iu the NEW WORK DT TUB AUTHOR o? " MANHOOD" il.ads from l'lati s GUI) (jilL-e will I-.- ciiv.yid by Ibese Steamers at Low Katus, wbi.-h can WILLI A M WILLIAMS, Secretary. , for IIK \ K,^Ki Seal, with palpable to the eye, Urta l and water poultices, after CITY MANSION HOTEL, Just out, lBmo. PocM Edition, Pott Fret, 13 IS tamp initiaW , ., Hailway Station, Miifoul llavtu, aud 30, LOWEIt mUDGK STKKET, DUBLIN. . T. CULLKTOX , Engravtr. a.J CraiiUuriic-atncI' , corner ^ 'S MEDICAL GUIDE TO. This is the only proi'i r treatment for female:) in case? of 1) y ouo of the BESP SITUATE DB. CURTIS ^IAR- of St. Martin s Lane, London. MIC 11AK.I. DOWNKY , 1 M 1TT li L , cancer in tin htoniach, or for those uhu sullVr from a enabling mo to quote my SPLENDID SPECULATIONS AD RIAGE : A PBACHCAL TRBATISB QH ITB Ad.-I |.hi Wharl , and Custulll-llilll.su Quay, Waierlord CHEAPEST, and MOST COMFORTABLE AIIK VOUU general bearing- down. PlITSICAL ASD PEHSO.YAL OBLICATlOf'Sj -jWitb JMtrUC- ^C*T>a *. 1\'l 1.1NKN. — could never meet with a more advisable FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTELS in tho CITY. ' I MI ' UUI > I -: NCII :S OF YHUTII — Sonus AND U I .CKKS. UKSTTKA , lor general pur- ) , .. YOU Is. Gd. tions for removing tbo special disquaniicatigns.an,d im. fflgga&f r- *- ™ ' 1M:N hUl'Eli-sl-liKli . i,ivi:i:i 'O()L , M-:W VOHK , AM . I'IIILAUKU 'IUA ^ |J. cr lb. Opportunity lo try THE FAV0 U 11S OF DAME Bed, la. ; l'-rcaUfast, Is. ; Dinner (Ordinary), ZjS , 1 Ul'iiclies, as al-o swellings, can willi . irlainly bu i;u!i- pfuic use, at .u ... J pediments whioh destroy tho bapphpafl-pf Vfduoa life. STKAMSllll CUM l'AXY. MHTUNK—.Cr.,000 can bchad for ONB SHILLING ! DiuitiS .in>l Silling Rooms, set apart for Ladies and r-all ciircl 'I lli f Ointnienl be used IVeely, and i) ;c By Dr. J. L. CURTIS, 15, Albemarle-etrcpCPiccadily y .i'25Oil« for iil > £2C, SQ0 0U0 for Families, Free of Charge. Accommodation for Seventy- KO as to privrnl the Ink S ht and morning- as iieiimineuded , , for £8 ! .3. A M pnx.n can U'e them, lly ' ¦'" (;.MI'A .\ V '.S iiiii.|,.,>v.wi Ointment iriil delay, to Air. K UUE.VT. TILLOT, General Merchant , AUo ly Out lane Author, a New aad Bevlud Editionof «• •' •• I'x rjini-; C ill another ; wluiea.s this remc/vc ll.c 1 IllCOs of this II'JVI -I iiu. :.!;..ii , a ll. .!.-:nil pii -n . 1,1 In,. I, ' - Uiiernsey. (my lO.131) 'ANflOOD: A MEDICAL ESSAY li. .. T ;~\ S~ Str-amr-rc will l.e di;.|.;:li;l.i . d humour from llu: sy.-.Uni , and leuu-llic |»ilii-iil a \i;;oious M 1 L !•' O II D II AVEN •jtJl on tho I'lili I..- iiiiirki.d »illi ii.i' .d- . ' . -n.r IT i li-l , ill I l.-w lionrs , * • . 'iiu&:- :i?:J'.-- :::i under : and bi- .i'ilby Uin:',. It will ri-ijuiie lion- , uijid by Ibe W. MASON , 1 1VJ Causes and.Cura oi Premature DecliminMan ; r.- ilroi!i*td hy Her MujiV.y, -'A tlu.-ir ll uy.il ll:^bms».s, , u ..• i,r lli. I'ilN In iiisurr a la.-.lin:; care. IMPORTANT NOTICE. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL tbfr TrtatQtnt'bfNertous'DeWllty, 8pen»»torrh«ea, |!i. Ili.kc .-I I'.m.l.ii.lp', :n.d li...- l'riu.-. vs Mary (hy vp.,, ,1 From (JllKliNSTOWN (C(JIIK) lo NKW YOliK. ' , I'tA M LUCJUKT AMB K IUST-C LASS F AMILY Oi;t.ci:u , ADJOININU the Torminu3 of the South Walos Impotence, «td those pccttUir/biflrmlties whioh result 1K*.2 I lie 21>t .lime ls' :o.-! : :. ,!,, Hii'TliKK lA , l.'co.vciirns, SOI; I; TIICMTS. H OVCHS , UON.VFIDE MONEY SPECULATION of il. -in-), the ."."lh April, , , .l, CI'I V OF XKW VOKK ... -Muiidny, lull, June. Jtailwy Company nt New Milford, and the Lend- abuses, czoesses tropical bjm l'alar.- ASH Coi.Ls-^Anynf the above elas.sof diseases A £12,000,000 sterling, Guaranteed by Govern- from youthful * l!o.ii.. i cc will .'11011 peucliate (lie iio.i sterling. For I*rospcctu3 (which will be sent gratis), extensive Author's Prcflcriptioa (his InJalllbJaLo ^top.)-r% Dt \v AMI O NHAV the paliiht The unguent .i lii-liops of liniham Lund n i:i. AM, I:\ L U V Tiu i;si> . M . ino.latiou. Coffee, Commercial, aud Sitting Roams ; C.i idinal WisCiu.i'i . The , , l. and ive immediate relief. To allay the fever and U-e .en &%• No. 6i MALL , ,6"-3 appl y l/y letter, addressod Mr. J. A. UiNCK , 14, Duke- J. L. .CoariSrlS! Mbimi/:l9Stre«t,^U>piea,jW,i K' Cabin Passant: by ibe Mail Steamers Sailing every ^ Smoking Rooms. The Booms- are large, coin, Manehi stir, Norwich and y, nnd more ol lhu Nul.i. Pills should be London Dilliard and REVUSWB OP: tna .Woaa.—¦!!M» pl>ocid." 1 ,.We feel oc Thur>.l:iy, 10, 17 ;u ,d 'Jl (uiiiii.n-, accoidiii ,; lo Ibe accoui- inl!animation, ci-ht or ten taken iii y bl WATEHl'ORI). |dll atrect, Adcl phi, , W.C (my3-Gt). li ly and Ontrv tbiou^bout lhc Kiii^bnn. t lofty, and airy, beautifully decorated, .elegantly | fur- hesitation in Bfljing. . tta^ tbcr?"m.;no. member ofiioc^tyb] m.nlatioii. ui.d muriiiu^. The (Jiiitment will produce peripi r.iii.iii , ( .'. itifieatt f.om the einihi-nt |)r. .SmciilliA.vMe .SIT: W . MANUKACl'UUEUS nished , aud are otherwise fitted op with every regard, to whoai tho boot .will not to. foona, oMfal—whether such Forwaid lV'sagc iuthnUs. a full supply of cuok.al t'io- wl.ieli i'; so i.-r. i nti:il for removing fever:;, soro ibroal.s, STAKCII TO II. K. II. THE F. lt.S.C , Trof' -sorol Cbeinislry, Ac. :— STALLION FOR 1867, comfort and convenience. person bold tU» relation of , n Parent,'Yttccpier, or Clergy ' \i> i(.lis . those (ippressioiis of the chc-it w-hiih aiiic fioiu PKINCESS OF WALES. j ' 1 ' ; "Several trials with Mr. Culkti.u .s l'.itr-nt Klirlio-S'li-r an-l man.—Sun EitningFavtr. ' :\'\ - :¦•¦> Pii-i-ns. is -oked MOUNTAIN,CASTLE FARM near CAIT0QU1N , This Hotel ia situated on tho banks of tho far-famed , . . pronoun.v Ihun excellent ; the 1- II. is for Canada , and Iho United States, h' A.iibma, liiouchitiS j Uii l other causes. \t OETIS "boon 1'l.iti s, induec me lo GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH. Milford Hfivcn, and commands a most extensive viqw. of " Dr. C has conierreda great by'nobtnbing d.-rp lliroiii'li nn very aiKanla;'...us linns. co. wATKitronu. USED IN THE KOYAL LAUNUKY. art- bi. -.i.tifully tnarkid in a hh.k colour, will mil 1.1..1- Hulk lhu Ointment unil l'ilh should bo used ill tin Dockyard and of Iho romantic and ic- this littlo work , in which is dnetibea ,tb*:io(irca«(S.:orv > f : bv the Author : also sold by WUXJAMAI IO. dnelritmt [all-"-H. ; TI1O.MAS HAliVKY. WaUifoid. U..r»s (.S./ll) J.u./il.a 1, .. .S',ir-fi. '|.| '-^ W to a HniiiccI nnraber of approved has tried Wlicatcn , Rice, and other Powder Slarcbcs, combine! with Moderate Charges surpassed ' ¦ ¦ ¦ the finest fabric. Illinium ' ' '. « ^Tff- ft ' • comfort, , l''''»°. . ¦ ] ¦ - taftfrlp willnot huit Hit.:.if M»s- 1 :uicurs 1'iRs Tiiui...iis 's she has fouud mine of them equal to tbo OLENF1KLD, ...... „; .yiH *! "SlIf.KllMX Ml'srilATT, ¦^Sssrs *':ircs > at Three U'liucas each Maru . Uioom by no other in thu Principality. eb.:l..'-% and U'i:ilrai'teilaiul UliiMiin ati ^in Uleun. IB the FINEST STARCH abo over need. TO ALL—New Work- " " College of Cbemistiy, Li\.i|Kol. STEAM PROM Fee included. which Cold, and Shower Baths. IMPORTANT by. Ue Au "May 1. , If™ I . CHARENTE TO CORK. S.ind Flie.i SthrJcillU Ki-al.ls Women SCP Hot, ' ' ', ft*" When you ask for GLEN FIELD PATENT * tbor of " Tho People'a'0«U«'.to:H«aa)," &o.— IXwucnius Tetlinifinials from Hotel Kiipers, Cin lions, s, Cueoaliay Kleplianlia^i., Sx).: Nip).I.*!. Vaw.s MOUNT ZlOJf was the fisiest two.year-ohl of liis All communications should be addrosscd to . ' STAllCII sec th:it yuu get it as inferior kinds arc of ton UITH had^ft-YeaTB^ been UM IIS (hoc I'lak.s lor ) e.u-, s . s (; , • • ' i , »5 - Dr. 8 , who has pnoiieaVQneriotioQ "nl others , who have . " ' l- x . ¦SiM uli'ie J.sl.'iblishuicut til I' rvbw.jr Iloi.MiirAr year, ami U'imici" of iJie National I'roducc Sl.ilica nt (jy tf) E. WILLIAMS, Manager. ' ' wb aabatitutcd. (auld-tf) ii> tho Treatmont' iid Ooro «f >Hombi:ted iPbysloal rrcaj Mery olhcr method failed. m-iK I;.\ DI:I :SK ;\ I : D I, - i- ,..,,,c(:iriiii y i<» inr.-nn 211 Slinml (near TVmplc liar), l/nidnn ; :il:;( , , ,a y/,t the Cumuli. He is by MOUNTAIN' DEICIl by The public arc cautionrti a^'aiu-l |mrrlia.-i i :: I' .' .ti . (r WOTIIEUSPOON & CO., Glasgow aud Undon. ¦ Debility, Loss of AppctiicrPaina in the Book, Indiges- X llic Trado thai ll..-\- hav.: j dai-cd On: :i!i"Vi: Seies Ollici' , -III King si reel , W:ili:rfoid. ami |,y :,|| rva _ TilUCUSTuNK .outor UKVOTION (UUUll)'Sdam), Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Stamjn from nny travell. rs, who only t. II ha-.; im l.il . The tion; Xrrow of-Youth,: Sp(*matMlioBai';^«., kn8 just 1 ¦» STKAMKIi onlhe L.-1-tb , -,r,.l int. n.l 1,, ,- !„ clear li-.m celaldc Drii. isls iinil DealeM in Medicine:;,thror; i wu by llARKAWAY by ECONOMIST, the Siroof the C OMP .A . N Y , l.eiuiiuc Inconodilile I'lalc. r.m IJ'- >• "I fi<<' '-.. I -"', '¦ ¦'- '^ ' SUPPER NO LONGER published a;New EOITIOR of. lo.eoj Cop)**of W^Warn- . c tit I,.; u-.- CIIAItKNTK on llm H.Vii! MAY. tin civilised wurM , :it the ("llowiug |irir.es:—.is,. Cd HAKON'S l>am , nnd grand dam jf STOUKWliLLand eiyt CMU or Stamp-, ui ih ].rinled dim-ii'.us . BARTHOLOM EW LANE, LONDON. Voice j or. Pilvnte Medical FrieadK13 $ lu (ir.h - i¦: I!:):;. ea. SPEKMATOUUHCEA , WASTING UIS- ing jr^gp. lMl«l» l IniliaU l- . iilj .r lo t-n..iii- .: dv3 |i.! '.. , Mcr.-bani:-, ivill oldi-jc Js. '.ld., Is. Oil., lls., i'is., and .h Pui. There- UATAl'LAN. FUOM ''" . cacli;N(iim. L'*. t;-l. ; Xiiin : .Mid ( CHAliaKS, NEKVuUS DEBILITY, or UN- CAPITA L :-FlVK MILLIONS STERLING- : This Work contaiu»'hia.highl y, auojswfulapjtoaly ' J °'I 'I« Nmnkts, from 2s. CJ. lo *>•= .; Civ t ."„.; l.y Ki-ndiiiB their uidcru iv C-n.ic, l\n tl.ii vttscl, nl is a consi.lcvahlo suvitig l.y taking the larger .:i/es. MOUNT-'/IONis the Sire of ROCICVIM.K GAME- ¦ • T> ! J. ' FITNESS for MAKUIA0.E, as indicated by Loss of rBESIDBSI : • soft) tteatmcnt;a8 their carliesl COII VL- H II utc. ¦S'.ll. —Ui red ions for Ihegiii'hinci of pal ie.nl >; in every COCK , and other cclcbralod Steeplechase Horses, ami 10 ' Strength Langour, Melancholy, Absence of Mind , Sir MOSEB MONTEFIORE, Hart-, FiUftJ and iaBliBontalB.twapstieoU.flitti rt|loijlree%tafor 8 CUU'CTOX, S',a! |-:,^-r.,ver :,.,l /• ' So'.er UALY ,c roi,i:>'. i!i :ioider :il'c:il)ixt'il lo each Pol. Hie Winner of (he Moauo unj (jardo i'-VJ Challenge , In. T!Her Majesty^^ »nd ' Defective Sight, Hearing, Memory, kc, sineo these, (rT" Prospectuses, Rato of , Awurtntti and every. porttc»»sto«Uoi» ta,BB»lil»u to>\:p#tt f tterpj adi-v the Ituyal Family by Sj.-. ".. ' A; P int. Crk , K.lli A pril , ]S07. (invS-lf.) Cup, " as tho best ihorough-brcd Siro for getting ¦¦: ' •' ' ¦ men , 2.. , including iuformation may bo had of ., ... , . ;.' . \ i_ -\ i dress,' securefro m obMrraUoq.fip -jewPAsfi» port- . tranboorncst rcct , corner of St. MaiMi 's. L , rcrrybank Timbci' and Coal Stores. Hunters," at the last Cork A gricultural Show. aud all diseases of the Gcnorativo System London, W.C hilis Gonorrhoea Stricture Gleet &c, arc effec- Mm RI CHARD HARRIS, Agcnt.j :• «-. a%t BUmj)*.,iiA4iU«M,;Dr,^ itp.'d,M Pnoml, '\ Coffin Factory & Undertaking Establishment r^llli: Uhdi-r.- .igiinl have at j.i-i^-cjil on SALK a Good accommodation for Marcs at 8s. per week. Corn, Syp , , , , Wtj Tlio Heraldic Sludio ami lil r-irv (•p'-" •! ' v V t tually Cured, and vigorous health established, hy Dr 15 Qooen-Btroet, Watccfoid- London^W.0. :Dt.BwTH w tMrnffff l ^mom V^Ji Collection of ' ' ¦ ' X II . 1 , ALKXAXDKU-STUF.F.T, WATKi:l'Qi:H. X Huiieriorguaiilily of 1IF.II ami Ylvl.LOW PlXK , He , &c, if ordered, at market prices. LyKest Heraldic ll^ks i,, ,!,, Kn ' ,.. ¦- .il lo h. ELLIOTT'S WONDEUKUIi 8ELF-UE8TOUA. MARINE A'S8U.ttAN0B . : this Offico for finding Arms . EICHAltD FU'WiEKALlJ l.e^a i u | -.,rm hie UAK , ASil , PI PI-:, and lUKirf HIO A lJ STAVKS; also , Tho Proprietor will not be accountable for accidents ^ , lw Oiria. „„,,, , ;.. >,., , T1VE APPLIANCE.—Sent froo for ©no Btamp. Ad- . Cargoes, por Steamer and Sailing Vftsel, to any P«l doaUU.caso»//dL«. da. i s. d. into the bank to-day. aro guilty of nothing that would of the Catholic University for (he other pro. CNDEB CLOTHING iu all SIZES and descri — White - - - .18 0 I" 39 0 On a IB 0 at 70.36 flat. The it is clear that they Undersigned have boen Appointed AGENTS OBSERVE: PABIS, Jnm 6.—The Bourse opened , lished vince, Lcinster, in tho metropolis, and therefore THE & CO., BELFAST, — Red . - -37 0 38 010 O 000 Bourse has been better, but quiet, on account of the review , warrant their detention, and unless accomp GENTLEMEN'S HO- COLLARS, by Messrs. ANDERSON No. 6, Corner of Mary Street ani Bridge Street. — Shipping do, -00 0 00 000 0 000 yesterday. for all Ireland. Unlike the Church question, there and Durablo ROOFING BARI.F.Y Rentes closed at 70.60, or 16c. higher than spies—such asCoRYDON , M AHEY, and SIERY, BRACES * READY- for tho SALE of tbeir Cheap , per ImrreKor IB I br informers and is no difficulty at all ubout this. It is so plain and FOOT. — Gninrlinir - - - 19 0 30 0 00 0 CIO 0 identificn- MADE SHIRT8. FELT, at ONE PENNY per SQUARE THEATRICALS. E TEIU AT be brought down lo search for just, and so essential to the Catholic GLOVES, GRAVES & CO- Malting . - 23 0 II TO « 00 0 LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE—Y 8 » . TALBOT— jouth of this J (all2-6t-i) J. P. ZATiOB ROOX TOWN HALL, WATERFOBD. OATS would 80ARFS, TIES , , perhaiTel nfinolbs. OPEKINO PBIOXS—Consols for Money, 01J • Consols tion-and who lias a doubt but that they country, that eVen the Tory Government may not Waterpark Timber Yard and Saw Mills. — Black . - 15 O IS 300 0 00 0 for Acconnt, 10th July, 94i; Now 3 per Cents, 93 j. most of them, if further resist it , if the screw be put upon them. Sir Large Stock of LADIES' and CHIL- CONTINUED AND INCREASED SUCCESS — White . . 15 f) 16 000 0 on 0 possess an intimate knowledge of P.S.—A DAY TOR TICKETS — Grey - 15 « Is OoO 0 00 0 Ctosiwo PRICES.—Consols for Monoy, OljJ; Consols sooner the taxa- J OHN G RAY is just the man to take up the question TUESDAY, J UKI 18, is TBK LAST OP THE 00. the price was good f—we think the DREN'S BOOTS and SHOES. —1867. FLOUR , per Snck, ol «XH1>s I fnr Account, 94H ; New lurecs, of the burden and the sooner he doe3 so the better. ' 1867.—FIFTEENTH SEASON. Theatre Royal Dublin Dramatic Company. — Sunerlinet - - 47 0 48 OoO 0 M0 tion of the city nnd county is relieved BEITAIN I — Inferiors . . . 00 0 00 O'oi, n on 0 DUBLIN STOCK EXCHANGE— Y ESTERDAY of their support by their transmission to America , AET UNION of 0RE&T . OATMEAL, per Sock . . 110 0 00 0no 0 00 0 This Celebrated Company lias had tho distinguished ! Pd. Citsli. Acct. the better. LOCAL THEATRICALS. , QUAY , WATERFORD. ONE SHILLING PER SHARE ! BRAN, per hnrrel .nf 81I U. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 of Performing on Bevoral occasions—by com- 3 per Cent Consols 91 — connection with their maintenance, it is worthy QQQ f \-t-i TICKETS have been SOLD honor In Tho fcllow-cilizons of Charles Kean have long on- mand of their New 3 per Cent Stock 92ji 93U when a number of benevolent ladies in 1 «OOOjUJ.X in the Fourteen Previous FOIiRIGN. Free. 0U} — of note that joyed the reputation oi possessing a XCELLENCIES THE LORD LIEUTENANT or IRELAND, National Banlc 30 a mark of their senaitivo dramatic Drawings, and 16,848 PRIZES distributed, including E 100 — — Dungarvan , anxious to evince ! CARPENTRY ! AND THE M ARCHIONESS or ABEECORN Bank of Ireland taste, and, indocd, if it be any proof of the fact CARPENTRY 890 Paintings in amounts varying from 200 guinea" , 25 — — gratitude towards America for the hospitable wel- , wo 3, , WFIBAT rl Hibernian Rank BIZE each Tickets. and during their Provincial Tour last Summer, wero , perlmrri!l , 0 s old thoatre at or PORTER. [Particulars, in Prixs Lists.] Commanding tho Artillery. Kilkenny j the Officers of INDIAN MEAL , American,per hrl. nr lOSlhn. no 0 strangers wh« were neither connected nor yet even the end of to act as M ESSENGER , entitling tho Holder to ( Home Mnnuracture, ) „•* . lieau-strcet, now somo thirty years sicca from Tickets, ONE SHILLINO each tho Garrison, Kilkenny ; tho Officers of the Garrison, ~ ~ 30nn n n charged with any crime, we think it was a groat , ly at tho Office , bringing a recommendation J per snck , or 2R01b». J I " - " oxperionco coald have App One Chance in the Drawing, may bo had from the under- Kilkenny j » 8Katetfortoi $etos« done but littlo to croato or foster rcspcoteblc citizen. The oituatiou will be per- Clonmel ; the Mayor and Corporation, RYE MEAI,, " tufl 0 00 « Clj e stretch of magisterial authority to continue to con- BOIUO mentioned Agents ; or will bq forwarded direct by tho ; Edmond Smith- worth it. At length an opportunit , if the Boy gives satisfaction. tho Mayor and Corporation, Clonmol demn them to bread and water. The fact is y for tho manifestation innncnt Secretary,o'n receipt of envelope (stamped and directed), Kilkenny ; and most of and tbo thoroug wick, Esq., Sheriff of tho City, " BE JUST, AND FEAR NOT." parliamentary attention. h onjoyment of thia taste has been WANTED togctber with postago stamps or post-office ordor for tin pal Families residont in the Counties of Kil- REPORTER tho princi Import * nnd Exports for the Week ending Thursday x afforded by tho advent to our city of the very number of Tickets required. kenny and Tipperary. talontod for this Office, nn efficient JAMES G. LAW, Secretary, tht Glh inst. WATERFORD AND KILKENNY RAILWAY dramatic corps of tho 1'heatro Royal , WANTED, Immediately $3- GRAND FASHIONABLE NIGHT IMPORTS . RXPORT3. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1867 Dublin. This who can be well recom- 39 Oxford street Manchester , company, uuder the SHORT H IND WRITER, [m30-3t] , Whpat. 260 Qaartors- Wheat - - - R.irrela temporary management of Mr. LOCAL AGENTS : THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, 7TH JUNE, Indian Corn 384} do. O.lt* - - - 2flll do. The announcement made at the last half-yearl y mended, Samuel Johnson, have, in accordance with our A the Oflico, enclosing Testimonials, ie. Mr. W. CKOKEB , Bookseller, 11 tho Mall. By desire, and under tbo immediate) Patronage of the Parl ... do. Barley - - - do. former pply at Ilnrlc.y.- . do. Indian Corn - — do. LATEST NEWS. meeting of the proprietors in this company, that the announcements, taken possession Mr. EDWARD BRBNNAN , Postmaster, Dungarran. Right Worshipful of tho Largo Koom in m,_. ( R Backs. Flour ...I»4 Sacks. h to Maryboro ', INTELLIGENCE floor { narreis. Oatmeal - - 32 do. extension line is now opened throug the Town Hall, which th9y havo fitted up WANTED, Sir BENJAMIN* MORRIS, D.L., Mayor of Waterford, IMPORTANT FROM AMERICA as an ox- ATRICK D ROI-IIT , Meal ... R Racks. Indinn meal - — do. after many difficulties had been overcome, and that A YOUNG MAN named P ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE, wlion will be performed S HERIDAN 'S eolcbrated treraely pretty littlo provincial tboatro. Tho stage OP a native of Watorford or its vicinity, solo Bur- 06, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAJt. Comedy of the the entire line from Wat6rford is now worked with Carl Corrected this Da;/ for tJie Watcrford Newt. PREPARATIONS TO INVADE CANADA appointments are most admirably contrived ; the vivor of tho Crew of tho lato Norwegian Ship SCHOOL FOR SOANDAL with LARGE , PROVISIONS. The New York papen up to the 25th of Ma; con- their own rolling stock , &c, was received scenery good, tho net drop being especiall wrecked off Scilly I.hnd, in March last. DAWSON is now SUPPLIED with a AVID THO y an excol. Johann, Sir Peter Tenrls ...... Mr. D B . ACON H 0d Inin hi hly exciting intelli gence of the preparations ONS Ship Agents. ROOM and HALL B Pros per cwt S2i nd to 62* g mmked satisfaction by those who are mainly lent iece of painting in its own BENJAMIN MOORE & S , E ASSORTMENT of Lady Teazle ...... Miss A SHIH I'ABKBH . O FFAT. do 5f!n od — Mi Oil p peculiar lino; • SALE made by trie Fcniann nn a g iganti c scale, for the in- the PAPERS, in Great Variety, which ho offers for Other Characters by F FF.T do ... .„ „ flu on — 10a td tho shareholders whose money the Company. vasion of Canada ; and the remarkable feature in interested—namel y, dresses aro a portion of tho wardrobo of tbo " Royal " COUNTY OF WATERFORD, TO WIT U LOW PRICES. To concludo with tho favorito Musical Farce, called ITF.Ans do Mi od — 2»1 M AI T OW w,i3 lavishl expended in the construction of the and aro necessarily of tho beat r^- HOUSE PAINTING, DECOKATINO and PAPEB T . . do ia% fid — 4Si 6'l the accounts is, the accord which pervades them. y description ; and in and at Moderate LOVE LAUGHS AT LOCKSMITHS. Iitrto (cbnndler'e) ... .„ ... 40s 0d — 4lK Od Arms and ammunition have been transported to the Watcrford and Kilkenny line, at a time when rail- fact, every requisite has been provided to mako ' The GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS HANOINO executed with Noatnees, 1 tha fmlS-tO Charactori by the Company. niTTntircns MKAT. borders, nnrl some actuall y landed on Canadian soil , different dramatic representations as completo the COUNTY or WATKRFORD, will be hold charges. Bltltr , nor Ih ... M to Rl I I, AMB , por nr... R.1 to 0i ways in this country were in their infancy, and and EOR ON SATURDAY EVENING, 8TK JUNE, por and according to tho AW York Herald attractive as possible. Tho serios opened on at tho times and places following viz..— Do. n«r joint IA to fid I ^rAT., Ib... Id to M , Gen. Sam thousands went where hundreds would now do the Monday First and only night of Shakcspcaro's colobratod Tra M OTTOM , p«rlb. 7d to I PonK 4Jd lo fid night, when was porfonned beforo a crowded At LISMORE , for tho Division of Lismoro, en S ATUR- fl'l „ ... Spear.of Army of the Jnmes cavalry fame, will lead the audience gedy of OTHELLO. POTATOES. work in a better manner. Had the Waterford and Bulwcr Lytton's celebrated play of tho Lad DAY 22nd June, 1807. EXTENSIV E new Fenian campaign in person. The indications y of Lyons , Otuello ...... Mr. WIILIAM R IOBOLD Average price, ...... M. to Od. per stone This drama affords the most amp for tho Division of Dnngarvan, on arc really portentous, and B (IOW that the approach- Kilkenny railway been constructed at the same cost le scope for depicting At DUHUARVAN, Iago ...... Mr. FIUNK H URTLBV. somo of the most tender and 1867- Military Tailoring Establishment. lmrcAn. ing attack upon the loyal provincials will powerful emotions of onr TUESDAT, 25th June, Ciisiio ...... Mr. FBAHK HARYBIT. W UITF, per .. 7 J.I I HnniiHi.n ,prill) 0d lo 6d partake per mile as what was paid for its continuation—the nature. Tho part of Claudo for the Division of Witerford, on of the character of something more than nn Molnotto was borno by At WATERFORD, (WAY, WATERFORD. 74 Dctdemona ...... MissE. GirpoBDB WHISKKY. ill-con- Junction—all shareholders would now be Mr. Rignold, and iu a manner which ATURDAY 29th Juno, 1867. 74 Kilkenny drow down the S , Emilia ...... Miss A NIUB FABKBB. Dttnr.iN .iirrca) ... 17n Od I Oi.n , Oork , gal, 17s Od ceived and still more ill executed raid. A few weeks repeated plaudits of tho entire houso. Dated this 1st day of June, I8G7. Other Characters b tho Company. fMRK,ptinoheor7 ... ISa 64 I receiving handsome dividends, particularly with the Tho passionate A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT y will witness a concentration of 30,000 well armed workings of lovo, ambition, resentment W J. DENNEHY, Clerk of the Peace, To conclude with tho laughablo Farce of the REN FISH and well provided troops on the Northern frontier increased traffic which tho extension line is sure to , and rcmorso in Connty of Watorford, *TrNnr.Nn ,pr cwl 23* to 2Hs 1' r.Ai., Od to Oil tho breast of tho youthful peasant woro dolineated fj c7] OP DEZVOUS. Characters by the Company. HrRnlMCR , pr l»rl 17« to Sni.r. " 0d ro «'l I also learn from Canada that the heaviest prepara- 70* bring upon it, The meeting was so convinced of the with such a force and a fidelity to naturo as to mako READ Y-M ADE CLOTHING , ON MONDAY EVENING IO TII JUNE, S AT.VON per Ib ...0s to In 61I Tunnor, Od to Od tions in rebuttal of a Fenian attack are being made, the hearts of tho entiro nndionco throb 's Patent Candle Co. (Limited), FOWL AND WifiS. very valuable services rendered to their property hy throughout Price Anothor Shakcsporian Night! First and only night and that there is an entire absence of the old popu- like that of an individual In the scono following NIGHT LIGHTS, Fowl., per «1oz 24i nd to 21s I Foofi .per isn ... ,1s 0,1 ELAIIUNTY of this city, at Widow MANUFACTURE tho Cut by Myself, Mado by my of Sbakespearo's celebrated Tragedy of lar fears that were wont to accompany tho announce- Mr. J AMES D , that they Molnotte's cottage, when Paulino discovors which arc retailed by all (irocera, Chemists, &a: C.rrnr.,0». to f>t. Od. each. | Turkeys O«. Od tho secret MACBETH , WOOL AND HIDES. ment of Fenian concentrations on the border last evinced the greatest pleasure in ratifying the selection of her husband's lowly birth and position, his acting IOIIT LIGHTS, burnlin a glnns. own Workmen, and PRICE'S N EW PATENT N with all tho Original Music. Hocget wool .. Is 3d to Is 4d I nicies ... S.It to 24 H per cro«s yoar. was masterly in the oxtreme, whilo the fervid S IOIIT IGHTS burnt in a of him by tho Board of Directors, at the instigation earnest- PBICE'S PATENT CHILD ' N L , Macbeth Mr. WI LLIAM K IRBOLD WntherARwo ... In 21 „ Is 3d Kipi ... 2d „ ?{d pnr Ib. ROY ness with which ho marked tbat AT MODERATE PRICES. Skin wool ... la Od Is Zd I Oalf ... 2]d T , N.Y., M AY 22, 1807.—My adtices to- beautiful passa™ water. Macduff Mr. FBANK H DNTLKV . „ „ 4d par Ib. of tho retiring chairman , Mr. C. R. COLMAN , of- ¦aucer with a littlo . night from the West, ns far ns Chicago inclusive, where Claudo tears himself away from his youne hts ar known to be the best in Banquo Mr. FBANK H ABVKV. SOAP AND OANDI.KS, Tho above Night Lig norcwtSiTim ,pcr do 10s Cd to 21s to-day for New York , after several secret interviews VOUS LADIES' RIDING HABITS AND WALKING . local gentleman of experience and energy, such at soft and clear ; his enunciation distinct; his rnauu>>r chrute a quarter boforo Eight o'Clock precisely. GOALS. with Fenian senators and other leaders nt Albany . WHOLESALE WINE TRADE natural, nnd restrained. Th.ro is in his acting n notable JACKETS TO ORDER ONLY. PRICES or A DMISSION —Reserved Scats, 2s Cd; Front OolL (arornar) Id, 0d to 16s Od I noKK , prir ton ... 3h and this city. It is both intimated the new chairman admittedl y possesses. I inJ believed absenco of those obtrusive efforts to be clever, hy which some onr LONDON OFFICES, 23 GREAT TOWER «n2i-H Scat»j 2s ; Seco^ Seats, Is; Gallery, Od. FODDRR AND GRKKN OROPR. that ho is the medium of certain favorable govern- Since the first of the present month, the company^ distinguished pcrformsrs very often succeed in drawing H AV, por Inn, ... !)3s to 1059 I TnRlflPR , ... Olin „ on< away AS , E.C., aro boing RE-BUILT, ment assurances to the cause. tho attoiAionof tho house from the play lo tlio ' STREET, LONDON BTRAW , wlieaten 50s — 52s I CARROTS , ... Ofi „ OOs have been working the line with their own rolling, player.' His TO 41 MARK LANE, GRAZING Do. (oaten) 60s — 7ns I MAnnoi.D*, ... OOs „ 00s By a visit to the iron foundry of M'Dermott anil identity entirel y disappears in that of the character I10 as. WE HAVE REMOVED General VICTUAILING ESTABLISHMENT, stock through to Mary boro', and it is by that route!- anrues, aud he reveals the outline of that LONDON, E.C. [12t. 17, GEORGE 'S STREET. Co., in Eighteenth-street , near avenue 15, New character with a a29J THE GRAZING of about EIGHT STATUTE Butter Market. passengers from Waterford and intermediate stof, fullness and a faith which Kivo no room for personal man- , York , it was observed and learned that since the 1st peculiarities. W. & P. THOMPSON ACRES of PRIME LAND, within a Milo and Number of f irlina weighed at the Pubtia Tiulter Marlcel ucrimn or Thoso characteristic, of Mr. Kir. DUBLIN. JOHN STAFFORD January, 1800, the most active preparations have tions proceed to Dublin; and are afforded an oppotv nold's acting were abundantly clear in his ' 85, Lower Gardiner Street, a-half of tbo City ; would bo Let from the present time fnr Hi * Week ending Friday Cth h Hay) , the 1th intt. renderiug of tba to inform tho Nobility, Clergy, nnd Gentry to the end of the year. (It) No. of firkins for week, ending this Hay ' ...... 15.15 been in progress in the way of manufacturing ord- tunity of going to, and returning from Dublin inj part of tho heroin the drama of Monday nig ht. Miss Aonis BEGS I'urkcr who played Riuline BROWN" MUSTARD of Waterford and surrounding districts, Hint he ly to THOMAS S. LTAIIVEY , 12 Littlo George's-st Prim nor cwt., ...... «s, i0 jnj. 0,l. nance and arms for the Fenians under (lie leader- , .is a great favorite with the Dob- COONEY'S App one day. This is a great boon long mid anxious!*; lin critics, and sho richly deserves the acknowledged to be a MUST ' L S II \S OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING KSTA- ship of President Roberts. During ttiia time they distinction: Her Universally ° T TV manner is c:isy and gr.iccful, and in tha IS for STRENGTH , PURITY , HMSHMENT AT 17 GEORGE'S STREET wished for, and no doubt when the arrangement ii] trying rolo sbs ARTICLE , unrivalled , , COUNTY OF THE CITY OF WATERFORD Births, MHMiH $c$, & BeztWi have been manufacturing at this foundry large undertook upon this occasion—that of poui traying (mh8 cow) »licre ho offers for Sale tho very Host descri tion well known nnd properly understood in this quartetj the sereril and FLAVOUK. p numbers of twelve and twenty- four pounders, of beautifully-defined phases of that intense itrugglo between Grocers Druggists; Xc. MUTTON PORK , AND VEAL. ADJOURNED ROAD SESSIONS Announcement! ejHi rlht, Mirrlaga$ Dealht, |j. eaeh-pre-paM, loa»e furnish all particulars IV O T I C E JelTrey Quin Kiq., Anbroy, counly Dublin little suited lo bring out his very best traiU ' "¦? , Car- Intending , , to Ann in, rldcll and ammunition to equip 100,000 men, and supply by a well-appointed coach from the Adel phi Hotel , he kept ti« •; CLOCKS For Dining and Drawing-Rooms THE MAIL CAR from WATERFORD for NEW daughter of James Milo Ilurkt, Esq., J.P., Queenstown T«dge lioiise in mojr uproarious mirth. Ho was well l on or beforo the 9th Juno to insure duo pmblicity. 1 them with the material of war for six months. at 11.30. The return to Kilkenny ond Mary- sustained oy :: riages, Churches, &c. THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. ROSS will lcavo COMMINS HOTKL at SIX Dalker. Miss Kinil y (Jilforde, who pUycd Dolly in the most piqumt "'¦'; in Monograms, Diamonds, till further Notice. These are made on greatl y improved methods, borough leaves at seven, and thus six or seven hours manner imaginable. On tbe whole " JEWELLERY—Specialities Watcrford , 24th May, I8R7. [It] O'Clock in tho Morning, [3tJ DEATHS. , the performance Passed h Crystals, and Fine Gold for Bridal and At Tincholrai, Normandy, Franco, on tho 23rd May.need 20 which make them immeasurably superior to those nt the sea side can be obtained by panics living at over with the greatest ectnt. '?, Other presents. LATEST MARKETS. years, thre e months, and tbirloen day*, of •lcclino, Margaret used in the great rebellion. These arms have cost a distance of GO miles for a very small cost , whilst On Tuesday evening, befoioa verj large and respectable '^:' Presenta- PHOSPHO GUANO Maria Power, only daochtor of Hugh and Hula Power. of Carrlg housn, Shakspcare's beautiful tragedy of Komeo " SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE—For LONDON CORN EXCHANOE-WLDKF.SDAT. Castle, county Watorford, and Sulr 7/xige, county Kilkenny. the Fenian organization 500,000 dollars, and (he we have no doubt the property in the railway will and Juliet £- , or Tea Arrival! of wheat lod»j from Iis6ex and Kent very moderate, wan produced with tho greatest possihln success. '^' tion, Racing, Diners a la Russc „,.. < FENNESSY & SON At St. Paul's Content , Seller Oak, Birmingham, in tho 31th ammunition for six months over 1,000,000 dollars. be bencfitted by the public facilities thus afforded. Tbi WA , but in lolerably good condition. Very little business pining, Mrs pait of Juliet was admirably snstained by the :' Table. Sold by TERFORD. yoar of her ace, . Elltu Salmon, of Dublin , iu religion No doubt the Waterford and Kilkenny Company is populsr M ia Bronze, by tlic beat Artists. ^ nevertheless Llio rates current 00 Monday were ia every in- Sister Mary Oonitantia. MASSEY , THE INFORM HH , IN CANADA. actress, Miss Annie Parker, ns was testified by the oft- 'M' WORKS OF ART Puritan brothers Dublin ; stance realised. A good show of forei gn vrhcat nn the siandf. June 3 In the 69th year of his age now in a position which, a few years ago, no one repeated plaudits which greeted her. TJia , , , , William ICoory Ahernethy M ONTREAL , M AY 21. — General Massey, alias be.iiif.ifu! ani -^ PRICES AND DESCRIPTIONS of Wat ches , Clocks, Fin? ri>rcel» >a f>could attain. touching paunges were delivered by Miss (a!I2-tf) Geo. Aeagrave fy Co., Liverpool tiamtctlons were, much restricted but no is reported here in disguise and Parker with as f&^ , sec Illustrated l'araphlct howevrr, , chance May 27, at his rcsldonca, 30, Falls Road, Rolfast, Henry Greer, Condon, hiding from unaffected and pa'liclic earnestness, displaying Plate &c , took place In the quoistions. Flouting cargoes of grain moved ag«d 21 years, stndenl of Queen' in her eloeo V&3ur Post Free. Esq., s College, Belfast. Fenian avengers. Two suspicious strangers arrived tion graco an'! fervour. The sceno with tbe ; SUPERPHOSPHATE oft* slowly at about late rales. Uarley trade firm , and prlcct At Bally frory, liannow, on Iho 30lh of .May, Mr. John Barry, IMI'IiOVEMENTS IN LAND — WANT OF LKASKS Friar (Mr -3r^ WatcheB, Clocks, &c, sent to all parts of the World. LAWE'S ¦tetilr; supply moderate. Milt doll on rormcr terms. In line aged 80 years. from New York lo-day. At first they were thoug ht Frank Huntlcy) wna admirably rendered. Mr. Win Riirnoli as ltomeo ^sK OR PATENT MANURE FOR GREEN CROPS parcels of out* u (air average business transacted, al full quota- May 30, Anna, daughter of Robert Dowse, Esq., of Barndown , to be Utlcclirc.i, but they are now believed to be , proved his claims to public approbation as a clever 3P- W: BENSON , tions; heated >nd inferior produce commanded very little atten- Kvery ons who goes to Dunmore must feel J. CEREALS, AND GRASS. co. Wexford, aged 18 years. Roberts' men on the traitors ' trail. legitimute actor. His conception of the charnctei was most lit Steam Factory and City Show Rooms, tion. Deans in limited supply and •lendy request, at late cur- June 3, at Panonstown, Miu Deborah Piriio, formerly for lo behold a tract of land near Belle Lake correct ; his action , gesturo nnd dress wero rendies. Peas held st previous quotations, with a mmlerate N KW YOKK , J UNB 4, (fl r.M).—Closine pric" : (told , gratified , , perfect in tba %f *v 58 AND CO LUDGATE HILL, many years a rnsldont of Clonmel. highest degree, whilst Ins sentences wero : , TWENTY-SEVENTH SEASON. demand. Flour trade steady, on lormcr icrmB. Sued* quiet 137. Sterling exchange, 0:1 London, 110J. G-20 United which , tip to a recent period , appeared almost delivered with am. M - and cakes dull. ' ; Illinois llflj ; Eriu siderahlo judgment, pathos nnd effect. Throughout Mr.Jp- AND AT 25, OLD BOND STREET; [m29-Cm) is not possible, neither is it necessary, to say any- States IliindH 109 , , , fi9j. Cotton , Hignold displayed much IT ' Upland 28c Petroleum, refined barren , unfit to graze anything but goats, now ad- pootic fervency, and made thaSSg Paris Exhibition , 1807—English Section, Clasi, 3 thing new regarding the Manure of Mr. LAWES' I Wl'eat. Barley. Ms S|3ovt Ttfeto*—tyxztixQe middliiik', , , 2k. lt. Oats. Flour. with various points in the character of Koraeo tell with adrairaMe Manufacture ; its unvary ing excellence for so long a En^li.h and Scotch 520 — 1170 1C0 1991) mirably cultivated , and smiling promising crops. offict. Tho character of Friar ^B^ A RRIV ED Lawrencu .rg. a nerfect i'm! ^- FARM FOR SALE series of years has secured for it the unlimited confi- Irish... .„ ~ ... — — — — — 1st—Mary, Kelly, Cardiff, Walorford, coals; Cypress, Ailam- ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE THE CZAIl land is made dry, ant! stony land personation and as such was appreciated , Foreign .- 15lbO — -. MOO 600 Hero marshy by tb0 audi.ncs.#i Agriculturists throughout Great Britain nnd Hon, Purt Lagos, do, maize ; Hannah, Collins , Cardiff, Waterford , IN PARIS. Mr: bamuel Johnnon, as Mrrcutio AT RATHPATRICK , COUNTY KILKENNY, dence of Ditto barrels ...I — — — — — changed into a garden. A person who had not , as is tbo case OT 5r#5: , and the widespread demand is unexampled in ARIS HURSDAY UNE occasions with this very clever actor, was (About Three Mile$from Waterford), Ireland LONDON CATTLF. MAItkKT— Y F.STKKDAT . 2nd—MalakoH (al, Aylward , Milford, Watorford , gc; Amity, P , T , J C.—As the Emperor oxcellout. Capuld 'lM this road for'years, would scarcely recognise bud an efficient exponent 111 Mr. David vn any similar undertaking. Xumbcr »l market: Iltasui. S'JO; sheep and lambs, 1.1,540: Browne, Cardiff, Waterford , coals : Thomas Edmonds, Nealh , Napoleon nnd the Czar were returning from the passed U ,. ,7ii, «fe- nnWENTY-ONE ACRES, Irish Plantation Measure, Morris Frank Harvey, a, tbo Count do Dn. APJOHN hns completed his Analysis and Re- ealvei , 392 i III KS. 70. Dcef , 3, 8d to 5s 4il ; muttun. .'Is M 10 do do ; Iphigeoia, , Callao, do, guano ; Rachnol Ann, had he not the lake lo guide him. Paris, d dTuMiratofh.- ^ J_ subject to the Yearly Rent of 25s. per Acre, wild eoils j Camilla (s i review held to-day in Bnis de Boulogne, a young the locality now , nobility of hi. character. Mr,. F ' port for 1807 , and states that— " This celebrated ferti- Ss 2d; veal , 4s (M to As 4'I ; pirk , 3s Od 10 4s -U ; lambs, 5» 6d to Rablen, Ituncoro, do, . , Coffcy, J,i rtrpool, - Strangman. Of course the land is his own. He for wnion , h, of about Two Acres tillage. Buch dull. Bowden, a carriage with his two ions and the Emperor ef the received deserved applauie. Miss Emily Giflbrde 1 growth of Green Crops of torfnrd, coats. as Lady ifV promoting the every descrip. LONDON PRODUCK MARKET— YBBTERUIV . has a long titlo of it. Going on farther we were Capulet, performed her part with taste and di An excellent N EK DWELLING HOUSE and SUTEO OUT Oliemicul evidence in its favour is iu some «th—«re»t Wosl«ro (s), Pcarn , Milford, Waterford, g c ; Raltoo French. The pistol being over-loaded , burst , and gni-.y ond the J.S tion, that de- No public sales ; privnle transnetions small; prices unaltered; Olasjow, do, B c. remaining characters wero efficiently sustaiued * 1 OfTiCEs havo bcen rccontly erected. at prcTious rated : (s) , Stirling, the hand of the would-be assassin was carried away glad to find drainage and other improvements. We by other* nlH gree superfluous. Tbisspccimcu has a somewhat higher fuir business in BUfar, some line plantation 5tb—Nony Kirwan, Da?ies, Newport, Waterford, coals ; Mal»- the cuinpany, as was testified by tbe A ppl y to TnoMAB BAHRINOTON , Kathpatrick. Coffee suld at full terms. audience when tU tM^'- money Talue than any former sample of Mr. LAWKS' Ceylon. kofT (si , Aylward, Miltord , do, gc; Calyiuo (e), UrisUd, Waler- by the explosion. He fell down crying " long live enquire whose land is this ? The Leper Hospital curtain finally fell al tbo closiug scene of this JS'*-'' 4th Month (April 18), 18G7. [airJ-131] colliers. very no™,!.* Superphosphate analysed by me." LONDON TALLOW MARKET— Y SSTBBDIT. fnrd K o ; 9 Poland." Both Emperors escaped unhurt. The le leases on it? Yes play. Ihe performance or tbe evening closed at 43s (M on the s-pot. (s), Bel fast, Waterford , B c ; Oroat WcVcrn (s), property, Have the peop , any with tho fares Dn. CAMERON, in his report for 1867, states :— Tallow—Kirm, 6th—Aurora crowd wanted to hang the Pole on the spot, and the of " No Song no Supper," in wbich the musical Milford , Pearn , K c i ". M.'s cultor Cromwell, Plymoutli , (juecnu- them. Who is draining this canabilillai TO BE LET , " The Superphospnte of Lime and other Artificial LIVKKPOOL CATTLK MAKKKT-M OHIUT. became louder than ever. who wish can have of tbo coinpauy wero brought out, Misi Giffordo of cattle was lamer : of Hlitep town.prorisloaa. __ cheering bgvinir is THE COMMODIOUS HOUSE, No. 51 KING. AWES The show and lambs ubout the HAILED. it t " Our landlords an especial manner, n large »bare of work Manures, prepared by Mr. L , have acquired BO Monday last ami tbe dernaud very land—it certainly requires . Are to her Int Cv STREET, in excellent repair, and admirably same an on , nlow fur both j,t Great Western (s) , Milford , Pearn, g 0 ; Olodagh, Neatb, which ah. had the satisfaction of great a celebrity amongst Agriculturists, it seems al- »nd sheep at much lowrr prices. Fat lambs in , yes very receiving the appUnao of suited for the immediate reception of a respectable callli good re- Edmonds, ballast ; Aurora ,s;, Belfast, Applolon, e c. THE MYSTERIOUS LANDING they good landlords t Oh , good ; they the audience. n ": most unnecessary that I should do more than simpl quest at lull prices ; middling dull and lower. 1'ricei -Heef , 7d y. Appl y 2nd—Antelope Newcastle, Drejmcr. bjllasi ; St. Catherine, improvements and ive full time to On Wednesday night poor famil y at next house. (tf Composition of the Samples submitted to me. to «W p l»l 1» 8 48 9 8 101 16 3 sing le fire-arm was in possession of the whole body, no leases and therefore no improvements. Imvo never yet enjoyed. •• ' GRASS MANURE. usual cave tomctbliif extra. Tlie geuernl run at cattle by Iho There are lURrl POTATO MANURE. Sis to 70s to T2t CM periwtin sink ; nl elieep, not a treasonable document that such Justices as one is put out who pays his rent. " From tbo experience afforded b GRAIN MANURE. lot was from 8Jj. Total....- „ 1575 12 1 HO t 1 III II I 3J4 14 S " But no That . y Iho last few nights, WJ NICH0LA8 KENNY, Proprietor, pledget himsel f TURNIP MANURE. O.I , und 7J per Ib; Iambi, 24s to 36s esch. A number of inferior 10; ibut even it it were think we can safely prognosticato that this very eo«i? p^r Ib Oorres ponding those who presided at the Cork Commisiion could is not always , who has the clever that no material is used in making his FRIEZE, BONE COM POUND. FLAX MANURK. Tesl ealves, from Cork , brought 6d to 9d . Prices—Beef, weeklastysar 1541 18 S 353 8 111 184 13 5 HI 17 4 l.any of artistes will meet with such a success in Wtlaf oti Ms Od to lit Sd, top Oils to 00s per cwt; mutton Bjil to heart to improve without a title ? Will the landlord TWEED, "DOUBLE DYE FLANNEL, SERGE GROUND BONES AND HONE MEAL. in lots, , ~ decide deserved twenty years or the term of a ss will ensure, at least, tbeir yearly return to our city. l 7d per Ib ; veal, (Id t* od par Ib; lambs, 22s to 34s each. JUNE FAIR? himself? No. Will the agent ? Not he indeed. BLANKETS, 4c., Ac, bnt PURE WOOL. CAKE AND MEAL, At Smithneld Pig Market to-day tha suppiy or pigs was small , WATBRFORD natural life for their possession, were found with LINSEED At (his fair on Monday beef «°1<1 »' 16s to £3 6s per Will the driver? He will have a lease if In- can. Somo doubts being expressed in certain quarters ar Warranted Genuine. killing season; our prices merely nominal. 'J'ho demand con- *2 fierce resistance CATHOLIC CHURCH Of Superior Quality and tinues for cattle. Prices—l'igs sold from 43s (0 48s per cwt ; cwt; multou, Old to 8J per Ib; lambs, 6s por quarter; M them, and instead of a , tluy showed The industrious farmer hoards his gold in bunk to the- GENUINE8S of those articles, from the low CORN FEEDING CAKE, , lo The Month's Mind for the late William WyM Murpbfi sprinter cows from l\i to £20 to 122 each ; thrie year old »enl , 7Jd per Ib. Store cattle wero in n low condition. Mut- no unwillingness to proceed to the uncomfortable be uied up by Englishmen or strangers ; he l')sq., wna held at Killea prices at which they are ofiered,and also as to whether Cake made from Linseed, stores, £11) to £101 two year old do, £9 to £12 , and ons year appenrs parish chapel, on Monday but, IM A New Compound Feeding , ton fcry plenty. Cjpt. Dillou sold n lino lot of 2-year.uld his landlord ; he won 't improve 3rd June, nt which they could be brought to the FINISH here, thereby Ac. JE6 0sto £8 : young c«lts > , ISi to till to 70s each. There fsa to Mr P. Casey, for £10 u peicojand quarters which the Duiignrvnn bridewell must ne- poor before his laud, the Itcv. K. O'Donncll, l'.P, sod Beans, Indian Corn, Locust Beans, arrivals of breid stuffs heifers, of (torxl quality, blame him 1 number of clergy ¦¦ J insinuating that they may be English-mode Goods considerable , especially Indian corn. sold a lot of young and who can lie has no lease ; he is 11 attended. * B EANS, B KAN M EAL, and other Feeding Stuffs; Turnlpiiell at3Ss0d 10 M>i per 450 lbs. No ch.mge h) flour Mr Michael Sbultoe, IUIIinfohcr, prims cessaril y afford to so Urge a number. as IriBh, I feel called upon to slate, that I S ELL , bullocks to the same buyer. mere slave. If he displease the agent or the §old (JHT Analyses, Price ListB, and BcporU, ov ipplicalion. oaltaeal , pollaril , or bran. H AT —3i Od to 4< 81I per cwt; straw , Ai the case now stunds, the lauding of so many bailiff TO TI1K ED1TOU OF THE WATKRFOBD NEWffi NO G OODS BUT MY OWN MAKE, all made and finished 2s to 2s 8d per cwt. Uunia—Cools, lOd to l!d per Ib; firkins, he may " walk the plank. " Ho merel y A OK NTS:— (jll-6mj HUIUES UB UMP —This fair was held ou Tni-sday, vegetates 011 biR-Many of yout readers, clerical and lay, will bf FACTORY, at MILLVALE • 9d to 10d. T R —S . Irish-Americans preients, no doubt, a mysterioui just ns hit caltlo or in my A. STEPHENS & SON. Waterford. and was largely attended. Tbe cattle exhibited wcro in a the farm horses. Until ibis stnte plensed, 1 make no doubt, to learn from your jourual lbs* Work in the DIE-HOUSE is carefully att ended CLONMEL MARKETS—WBuKBsUiT is entirel y changed a high huuor lut The \. 8TJSH1IEN8 , ptn:cipnon, Co. Wcilord B DTTF.B—Tlieie were about 200 firkins at market to-day. Tory low condition. This is strange io R country whero there aspect, and how to account for it is llio diHiculty of things , us they were changed just Imo conferred on t worthy conotymilt allcoloara donein Flannel, as well as LADIES' De- of theirs. to and mand Iri.k , at from 100s to 103s per owl. Court—While wheat, is so much grass. The baying was Tery sluggish. Tbrra It may be true, aB they stale , that they were on a in Franco, and still later in Prussia, in vain may we The vacancy created in the cbspUr or the diooss* DRESSES, in SCARLET, M AGENTA , R IIBT , BLUB, NOTICE 33s per barrel ; red do, 33s Od per do; black oats, ISa 6d pon dn ; was sn unusually large sheep fair; so largo that numVrs look for improvements—a contented of Salford by the recent death of Cuon Irvini, of Blackbnra« while OBIS, !C» 6d per do. WOOL—Supply rather largo, but Ihe from which they were taken people—or a 1>« H been KBEN , BLACK , YEILOW , 4C, 4C. went borne nnbuuirlif, tbougli olTcrtd nt reduced prices. Iu voyag e in n ship when prosperous country. filled up daring the past week by tbe Rev. W. J.j G demand was somewhat ara in promotiug the jrowtbof truervligioo , and RAHILLAKEEN , m F , ; «2. Tbe beef, which we have seen iu the adiaaciul WORK , just published by Dr. J. A. BARNES , ATATKEMOItK J OKE {.—100 Grklns it market. Piices from 90s to 90s pei demand good at 64i to 601 per cwt. which it is clear some of them are acquainted. market wai primo the cause of a curely Catholic •duration aruougut ANEW BALLYK1LI.A B6Y, Pie MABMT. . thosetf fi M.P.C., U.S., Corresponding Member of the NICHOLA8TOWN, UP- CWt WiTr.BBOED 1*10 AKD DOTTSB lliBKBT, THOrHDiT.—A -At tbo pig market on, Uallvbrickcn fidi-d to his pastoral carr, and lliU distinguished PER and LOWhR " Another suppositious case is, that they may have Wednnday. there wore on rccogtdj Medicin, Paris, and Eclectic Colleges of AIRMOUNT, , TIl'PERAKY 11UTTEK MARKET. good supply of pigs at market, in brisk demand at 669 per about 1200 offered for «ale, 1,1 L'ecoile da M1LTOWN, WtomsDiT, Juxc 5. -50J firkins at markat. Pric«s—from 65s and iven away for lie Tnatp»rtofKilmurry called cwt. 671 Itrkius of butter at market in good demand Ht had «omo connection with the parties engaged in the to 681 per cwt* ot honor, must be to bird a canse of jtulifUble pride New York and Washington, g BALLINAMORAHAN, 07l to 60s per flrkln. , sad1t£ are suffering from Indigestion, Loss , 98s to 103s per cwl. riling of March last, and having taken shi ing TH « YBIBS lie THE IIOUSE.-A girl named many friends and sdmiren «ii occasion of deep benefit of all who BALLINCREA , FAHY, pp Ellen Hol- UunkfeUl: Nervous Debility, Pains in the Back , M AJOR KSMONOE, or THE CONSTABULART. — We den left the Watorford uuiou on From bis worthy bishop, bis brother priettv iud Hri of Appetite, TINVANCOOSH , HALLlNCUttRAGn, TUB "TswoBipa" os THE CKABTKB .—The Dailf from America in a sailing vessel, were so long at Wednesday, wbo on, tfo votedly attached flock ha. he already ht. Lassitude, 8emioal Weakness, dis- deeply regret to learn that owing to the conlinueJ ill- {ultimate years in the house. At ill a yesr for support received ceugnUi t> Dimness of Sig CHABLESTOWN, BISHOFS HALL, Telegraph of Tuesday says:-" The hope of the tea, owing lo the prevalence of north-east winds in and clothing; warm snd sincere on his appointment to Ibe to society, and numerous other ailments canted by BALLYMOUNTAIN, NEWTOWN , health of Major Esmonde, Deputy Inspector Gcnoritl of Roman Catholic* is, of course, to ohtaiu a cuarUr for tbeir rU WCr' t7 B " itCiiiinM like Constabulary, that distinguished and gallant officer the JoorT,'. " ° > > '<"'»«• fo a Amongit tba o.ny who thus wiluess to f ottopSSl the folliea of yontb, which if negleoted result in prema- MOANROE, CAPPAH , the own uoiiersily, and we see no resson why we aboalj not Atlantic Ocean, that they knew not of the com- * '* worth, rejoice-at recognition ' about to retire from his post. Col. Hillier, it IB naif], degrees trranted b CiW. M'Cn7BB.-It i. reliably stated it* in bigu clneaLJiMl It tare old age or on early death. Hundred* of cases HALLYHOlJlOCK , OAULSTOWN. is grant their request. People say tbat the y plete annihilation of the abortive attempt, and ex- that Mr H«,ard tlwir feliciUtious, there u not one more °'%^R , U to be his successor, and Major Hayes will suoceedK'ol that body would not carry so much weight as those oettowed m r.ply to C.pt M'CW. brother ' si«m 9 which have been thought hopeleis have been lestored to BAUNNAGELOUE pected to find Irtland , who t0had an int.™, tbe worthy Canon many additional. jmt B following the advice following LANDS in the COUNTY of tht Hillier as commandant. by older and less narrow universities ; but tint is the concern in a blaze. If, however, that 1' 11 /1 UhSwj ^ iw»tf act health a d mnly vigour by Also the " !^ """1 at W"llinB ». immediately useful lifs Iban the writer of tbtM fei-pfOHjiwfiC'&jiSJ work. Sent free on receipt of of WATERFORD :— CKICKET.—Thero will bo a cricket match belwtta the of tbe particular institute, not ours. Should proferiloDal wero their idea, they would scarcely land on a foil Jur rt.i^r bt 11 p^ed \Zytn in his Taluable 0ITY anil Ross CO., on Tuesday, 11th init, en tha men 6nd tbat a Ca'.bolic Unirersity degree is not s psssport I^ nte r,l ' ilf G"k. o<»»«utea to ue bis stamps. AddreM, Dr. J. A. BARH M, JO, CHRISTENDOM UPPERI NEWTOWN, and Waterford where rebellion was rife without being armed even lUl fh E gli h 8°""»»«" to procure . re. C 0 0 VAMH IA, two Hostage ANNEMOUNT, WaUrford ground, Mallinabro'. Wicketa to be pitched it 11 to sueceu, they will not bo rery eager to sock it. Ibn state , ES?i«5^? S. .' " ' ^° ,. .' -i Mn< ^-^i^bBBm Crtawit Caledonian Eoal, **«[»* * AND LOWER, I boofld to fair pUr betweea tbe rival lystauw, Th' i6nUnC" received tbi. week from Bw»^l^#.gqBfigfHHBI jEiSli . Sept. 8 18(6. (iMQ. (I'rlock. is oi»ly H * " wer» it for no othor purpose than their own protec- beS SL """- * d"th ¦»" «" BallymouDtaiu, , Z&S tanning porpow. ^ - "*:?***fjfBffl| upon this imporlant occasion b of Sir Nugent liumblc—If any of you , prisoners TIIK MVSTKltlOfS JaXMNC AT lJlWliAKV A.V y his por-onal capture , llui being again and again repeated until the pro- without a; division, • original retolution not byjpg t wo of t!ic men iioir Hall ynacai t , besides being of great desire to nsk tlie 'vitnrss nny now question, you will cession had driven out of Big ht. Tho sig ht was most preiied.. •: . . - ,., • ....• , - . : , :.,,..| i: ;. ., ;(, TUBSl)iT,-l^foro use I • t!.i- pi-lii-e , he knowing of the be pleased . . , Vl r . . tfiiiam«ji«Wpitef^ A Jbrtf ttm '- IE well the caliri; to do BO . nffeclinu, the women wring w«j ALMOST A I' \ M -1' ing their handi and : Thomas Nagle. agfel 80, and his, wife , e 8povf t.-^ilr,,^raliht,pj1;Ba^.iHiL>bo up fo Istr.ssr. KxciTi-.Mr.NT ANI > Biirroimding m-iuuiain districts, and being thoroughly Augustus Costelloe , 70 appli d 'W «':r '«E , one of the accused, came bursting into torrents of tcarB. Whatever fate br- for out-door relief. . dranke.nnoo. wu bijhlj rccomminaeiM-inl 'ticaDpluihei ft^rflitliop general uu-imT ANI » C.irTi-i:r.- I-:x\MiN*TniN aei|uamtel wilh the mother tongue peasantry ho The relieving officer (aid they copici of all ord^rW t to or I' - of the , ,i-i I in a clear voice, with an American ac- tides thiKe. " ¦ ¦ ' trih-DMlier, hiiiig pmdtlioaWk dikhnbiiiitmiVaodw CUMMITTM. <" Tin. -I young men. I am sure tho socno never will | iad two pig«. •¦' .,/ • - -: •!...... ,.;., ., other officeri (ot'VluJrg« o upon mhkh ,acti recorded. It j3 larg.) nunilicr in front of their prison, nud nho had shown to Rejected. . CASE OF A'; BELt-nmoCR. :. - .: ' itealing from Gcorge'M'Dcmald, atailoTfeUo bni O*,2*r thin- created f-.r the moment S' '' ) tliat a now respectfull ' bench ..I m,^- y enquiro why wo are prisoners, and them acts of humanity, kindness, and generosity Mr. Grubb—Is. the member fo» Tramore there ? turia,wbl<*M. iwi |l n.i...... ncf>ncnt nntlc to the of the lady inhabitants of the town, taking into con- (Belurn f rim[\m.;[\iMty #,&g(fimx\tQjl>eCam, .an the by what authority? during ' lift oat t»{drr . on tb« wiodIaM,t|8«nt,to petty K»I|CD».;.C W d : '» u 0 sideration tho condition in the hridcwcll of thoso men, their incarceration to the hour of their de- M r. Holly: I am, air {laughter).,, ;: .; . ;, .. . . ; ::.. irate, in petty «.•.«».«« *««'» f " "» ".'M'/ " The Chairman, having consulted his brother . WBUjiEiDAT.—Before JJoDiaiainMortU Majroi ;, against whom there appo.irei] no charge, and the fict parture . Great credit is due to the constabulary An old thin man, In a black seedy su)t| nam«d *ir ,4-1*0 ma:ristraf?s, snid il was their inion the prisoners Henry Golwoy Esq., and O. I. Ooold, Eiq., K.sl.; ,j). Be that they ni.iy have bad hardshi ps to contonl with at op and .military for the quiet nnd conciliatory manner John Qulrkc, bell-ringer in the church of Tramore, could onl fractory Soldier.— Michnol lloran, a private of'tbe 67tl> ' ' sea, aud wishing to pay a compliment to llio nativ«a of y interrogate! the witness ; they should de- in which they acted upon the occasion towards the for which he is paid 3s. per: week lied for .out- " SIB— Witii raiunnea to. jrpurs Utl^f Cjf ijio JJStb iusUut, cline to , app wag charged with being drapk add auanltlng Sob-CDOttabl C)ihaions ¦ a country who had treated tho Irish race so hospitably answer the question. people, never interfering wilh them in tho sli htest door relief. ¦ : . - enclosing copy of ah.'0*3«V of |tlio 'HooM ,«. , and l«V'«' lll |;l |ir°- g : . Tbomaa'Unrloy on tho previous'«Tenin«;Sii Mkluvil-ttrett rcnuestinc:to ha fnrAlkiiafi uritii '.flitf rpinrnii ifipmin rcnuircd. f«afal,!»S '' " on Columbia's ahore, prepared for them on Sunday an l'risiincr— I will ask now, that (hat question of degree hut merely (elling (Item to movo back to : and comt ; .1 ««isj»i L-i.Kis-l.,.-.kiiij.' v.'« I , r.-imo, , Mr, Holly, in an indiganl attitude, rose and (aid Ths soMicr piodacod b» tonic, wbwh! was torn,, to far u relates' ' tljo honor bjr fri-i-l" froti, but mine, ami your answer lo it be recorded. lo tliW Drpstrtmcn>, 'MiaTC , do* U !.c. tlit an- excellent dinner of roast beef, mutton, ham, itc, , make room, which is gratify ing lo record. that ho would not stand to ive a pension lo any one plained that tho policeman did it, 'David CollfD, BoronBl desire of'Ocriernl Lord.Stratbnaimvto"traaafflt tbo nccora- ....I ohj,cl unknown. g 'soldier entangled irith.tbi Salion . ; the officials refused to allow it in. This speaks in the Mr. II. Fitzgerald—We have not the least objec- THE ARRIVAL IN WATEHE0RD. in Countable, stated that be saw the . panying copies of requijitioits, nud rttnrniof: raiUUrr escorts had been privatel y IIM J P , a.,.1 that .he good health. He would not support any ponsioner policeman nnd bs vrtut to his n)»lit«nc« as he wai by himl nounecmeiit highest terms of praise of tho goncmsily of thoso tion to the press taking il down. We don 't think it A few persons who had learned of the intended , , for voters, it tbo last election of;tho coODtj'of-'WnUrford, . ,.;„,„ square-toed slran;;ers had sepnrsiteil a-.id or pensioner 's wife who drinki whiskey (laughter). self; tho soldier was Tcry violent'ami struck at both him ladies for the services rendered by tho American lieceHsary to take it down. arrival furnished boforo tba day, of poHinc—J baf«, 4xi—Signed, ra|inll y, in (lilleient ilirec , nnd others attracted by the movements of He could not stand any one looking for a pension and tbe policeman ; ho boliovm bo wts lrrincto takeoff bil -¦ • wcre makins il«'ir «'ay people to (be starving poor of this country in the years ('li.-iirm.iti — ft is not necessary thai we should :.-- - ••. .1. : • "USiiHiryCol/, Mii. 8ec. lhe consternation was great the police, went out some miles on tlie Dungarvnn who line) stimulants in (laug hter). He (Mr. Hally) belt to atriie tbcm ivitli it; be threir. binijelf-doirD, ni .(• tioiutlirouali •'"' cmmtry. of famine, when they supplied money, food, and cloth- take any wish to " Tbo Under Sccrotarf^DoWin C«tl»." •, !l notice of the matter. Do you road to meet them. Tho procession, ni above de- would not be bullied out of it by any woman kicked most furiously ; the; had to carry him to the itation j ¦• ip , anil witli the exaggeration and coiilr.ulielmy ing for our poor people. " Carrick^n-Sp , 28th, December, 1808. ind'ed question the witness.? scribed , arrived soon after one o'clock at Hutlers- a piquet wns scut for, and ho was given in obarge-to them Bin—P.|cnsi! furnTjir 25 drsv500n which were nioiiieutsuil ) In-iiijj ilinnr-l Constable Norris and another constable on watch at (lauehtei). . .il for Carrick-jata of itatanicnts Prisoner—No. As regards hi* statement it is town, where County Inspector Loch was in waiting, tho tunic must havo been lorn in conuquenca of hii owl Currsighraofe, to protect votorVfroui' violenbtV;I bare sent f.-i rji it nns not to be wondered sit the Ibe Wooden Hrid;»e beyond Yongltai at the Dnngarviin Mr. Manning suid it was not a enso for out-door resistance. Head-Constnblo linrry, on tbo part of tbe police^ inlu tliesr , , perfectly correct , as far as 1 have lieaid it. nccomprinied b .M'C'iillocb, S.L The escort our police,' aud will accompany the drasroVu.—8lgned, iierjdexcd .mil ho.vil.l. idl , si.I. encountered two men very much travi-1-staincd y Mr. relief, and it vr.-is rejected. Tlie old bell-ringer withdrew the charge of assault. The cbargt of drunkenncaa ' autlmrilit's were terribl y *, , Patrick lirowne , fisherman , deposed—I was a- „ . " ' ".'G. riA3»A. B.M. ' wliirh wrvi- fh'hi-d wl;.»:n force had also been joined at Kilmacthomas by six then left , looking daggers ut the lion, member for wan dismissed, ns it would be dealt with br tun military ""'':r " ' and it i' saiil that tin- nu' Wigcs they arrested on susp icion. When questioned hoard Wiiolnn 's boat on last Saturday ; while out "To Major Drew, 75th Uej{unent. , . tboii- names as John Palmer and mountod police from this city, who rode three at each Tramore. DI.KCTION OP COLLECTOR. nutboritics. John Murray, a gardaner at Sab-Inspector ' ' ' ' ' ' ' al.mp the wires to the hesid sent ni" (ioveiiiincn: i:i they ^ave Donovan , fulling " Clonmcl, 27tk Dt-cshibcr, 1800. n vessel came alongside and asked us lo drop side ; the Unngarvan constabulary were in chnrgo of Elrington's, wns charged with being drank on Ust night. "SIB— 1 bavo to n-quest you fornUU mo with ouo won- si>!ii!-lhi»» niarveihnisly aslotn din;;. and Raid they wanted to get on to Cork. They also The Clerk then read the advertisement fur the *ill Ireland our nets , lli.it they wanted to buy a few haaks ; I K. M'Dcnnotl, S.I., and the entire were under the Fincl 2i. OJ. and rosla, or 48 hours' impiisonuie'u:. Paid.' full troop of cavalry ou to-morrow raoruin« for,tho purpoia wi-silhor thick , the csisist- volunteered , without limitation, a story which differed appointment of collector in room of Mr. P. presided. Larceny.— Catberiiw Ivnly mi S.itiirilay, ill' - w-.-nt on board lb.it vessel. control of .Mr. II, Iv. Kcilinonil R.M. On arrival YssTEaDAY.—Xuo JInyor of escorting . voters on Ibcir way to Dangarran. The " 1 i.ul slsitinii , whose l'ro!ii the versions of their companions. 1'aliner said ho , Cdrrigau, who had resigned. The remuneration wa» cbarjrcd by Acting-ConstaWc cuard 011 look-out :.t th- l!:illinaS What KC TC M'Ciirtby, of rotor-street, escort will sl.irt from this at iix o'clock a.m., and will bo and tho others were bound on a fulling voynjje ; that did you see when you on board ? at Iiall ynancesha cross-roads, tho prisoners were met is Od. in the pound ; security of , perceived lhriMI»h the fn;', .1 lon» , £500. The ap- Dooly with stealing from Catherine llanuiBan, widow, accompanied by myself nail 25 of tbo Constabulary.—I name is .loin'* ; (ire 1 xwv nothing but four men em the deck ; I was by thirty of tlm cilv constabulary, under command protious dny, a pettico.it , a vest, triml hu !t wilh ian> I heir vessel took , and that they were succored pointment is reckoned lo bo worth about £70 a Lower Grange, on the have, &c—(Signcil ) low, rakish looking vessel , y liri ah;.lit two minutes on boaad ; I did nothing hut of Ilead-Cotistnble. and armed with breech- and an apron which bad been left ont drying: She wok Sho exhibited no while, in this perilous situation by the g.iutiiic Harry, year. A pplications were read from Mr. I'hili p , " E. 15. WAKDUBTOS, Hosident Magistrate. ri.'"ini! anil Ciipper-uotii.med. look there ; I spoke to the man 1 supposed wai Ihc seen by another woman, wbo pave information, siud llio police which took them on board , and landed them as stated. lo.iders. Here ihc order was given that all should Shech y, at present a guardi.111 ; securities, Messrs. - "To the Officer Commandiu?, Clonrnol." hut her fji-m-r.il huilil hclr.iycd .in the i>|ni.nm captain ; I told him beinj sent for, arrested her. The siccaseil, who is A returned colors, Donovan is a man of middle, height, was well dressed , to get down the two men wbu'u march the rest of the way, about two miles, the main O'V-iil and Patrick M'Donald. From Mr. John • " County Cork (lie. in oriq.) American misin. The mi« lining tin- Wlielan convict, w.13 sent to next St. Patrick's Hall petty sessions. \ " Dongsuran of imlccs , an 1 carried on his arm an extra coat of superfine broad- agreed to put ashore. What did the roail being abandoned for the bye-road which leads Murphy, also a guardian ; securities, Mr. Michael , 28tb December, I860. - water as to prevcnl the M OSDAT.— (Boforo tbo Mayor and Messrs Jacob and "SIB— Having been appointed to cjcott dav lay so ibid; UJ...M ill. cloth. Palmer is a man of a splendid person, being captain say to you ? He told me it was time more directly Whilst this change USIB totoM from a luntiiu.f nf Ihc to the gaol. Murphy and Mr. Patrick Morris. From Mr. Martin Wilson)—A Breach in the- Force.—Thomas Bfrue, better place called Bhccrjr'a Cross into ciiiist'Mianl from observing the considerabl over six feet in height , and exceedingl y ctinug h ; ] then came down on my own boat, and Dongnrran on this day, I y being effected, the few who were present hid ample Harron ; securities, Mr. Thomas Barron and Mr. known in tbe circle of which he is a lUiuing light ai have the honor: to request Hint you will furnish mo with a " ami at times she was nit.igclhcv lost in the between thirt immediatel lit) vc-sel well proportioned. Ho is apparentl y y' y about men followed me down ; they opportunity to view the prisoners, and if so disposed William liarrou. From Mr. John Mackey, at " Oldy Uyrne," nas charged with drunkun and disordcrlj troop of cavalry Jot thu protection of such voUra.—I have circiim lauc- ol her having powerful in pre- , him-; so that the actual live and fort y years of age, roinarkaldy came froni the vessel ; Ihcy came down as last as to convene with them. On a little stud we saw conduct ou tbe previous evening in High-street. Suli — Stench, .' . OBEBS OOTG - y, sent asaistcnt master «f the house ; securities, Mr. &*. " B C. C , K.M . the service* of a fulling ho..l lu lan l her build , and of decidedl y military hearing. The other they conic] into Ihe boat ; wo told them we would constablo No 20 stated bu saw prisoner nnd another mac "OIBccr Comuiauding tbo Troops nt Dnuga'rvan." enlisted that nil had undoubtedl y been in America, hut some Peler Mackey and Mr. Andrew KecIFe. The ¦ Whs ilmie in a cl-vcr an cii.ist rci.-ioli; fion ' in p 'a Wharf, Mary-Rtreot: Hobert Signed, AMKS EJIBY OOSRS to be landed oil a appear. and il is needles.') to s.iy, lua not been sinco Tlic wi!iiisi Inuked around and said he could not trating dark eyes. They were both certainly of n vessel, lying at Strangman "J II U , U.M. and from nny coastguard injury lo Ihc house ; hence he would second the river wntclimcn, " Oflicer Cominhudiinr Tmops." the town of Pungarvaii , _ lioard from. recognise any of them ; they wcro about I hours in indicated. ICiiricil.i , °no of the quay and deposed, J hig her order than their present condition nomination of Mr. Mackey (hear). that on llio previous morning, about aix o'clocl, wheii " Watorford, 27tb December 18CC. Italion. The shi p in the meantime set sail , and bore have have been captured the boat. , Two more of the patty There was no similarit y in the dress of the pri- bo was standing at bis own door in tbo Glon, alter "SIB— I hereby require you to Bend half a troop of towards Wnlerfuid. The ownrr of the honke. Mr. Hudson doubted if it would effect n saving : nway near Carri ptwohill , county Cork. They gave their To Ihc Chairman—The boat was full , nnd ap- soners, only that they all appe»reel lo have coming off duty, bo saw four girls coxing from towards cavalry, accompaniod by Mr. Munro, K.M., for tho pnrn«so getting to land , and one of the nun there were already too few checks in the house, and lost no lime in names as Tatrick J. Kanr , late Captain [i.9tli New peared In bo in a dangerous position ; she cuuld uol bold uny abandoned slouched hots for caps, and ercry the wharf; they bad bundles nnd baskets with thorn ; liu of escorting oleclors coming into Watcrford, to sisscmblc at of the bti.it appeared to be well more ; In; unly saw uiu,- of the men strip o(T hi-* trou-iurs this would onl y lesson them. He denied that a bet- who sat ill the bow York Volunteers , and Frederick Filzg iiiunii. They , man wore a pair of trans-Allantic equarc-locd suspected they had stolen some corn, nnd ho ran affcr them ; tbo hour uf tbreo o'clock p.m., the 28tli iottuit , nt the with ibe harlmr, and directed him to blmts and sluckin,;*. ter feeling had arisen amongst the officers (hear, but be held prisoner ; iho bad otrout four cross-roads, in the townlnnu of Crossbog, otberwino known BctiUiiinied said they had been at aea since February, about boots. 'Ihcy bore the fetters like men prepared for tlnco got nway, the strand at the bead of " The C'utinc- ('Inirnian - Ihi yuti swear thai dining the hour and h;d f hear and no). stono weight of oats in her shawl ; suspecting whom the oafs ns Kelly'a public house, oil the Donmoro road, about three make for fifteen weeks, and onl y reached the coast on Satur- you wero with men in iho twat thai you cannot fate and joked with each other about the sand bar stretching for llto*o re* a.iy , Capt. Power denied that this move would result were stolen, bn brought prisoner and the oats with him to miles from Wsitcrford , with such a number of police ns tbo ear," a tongue vl land or in a s'a(e of starvation. They nre com- cognise .1111- one uf llirm ? Wilne-H .- I n-uiiM not knoiv ;my day lust , '• ntl.icli.-ncnl" which existed between them. When in economy. Hcscid tho master, would, as usual Ibo vessel bclotiRinj; to Captain Shepherd j ho then found County Inspector may supply lo yuu ; nnd also a truop of miles from Dungarvnn towards Uingagnonnh , Unit of them. , mitted to Cork "aol. in they had lu cu ranged in file of two deep, and rcquiro assistance fro m tlm assistant, master who was a most that the tarpaulin was cut on" the hatchway, nnd part of tlio cavalry, accompanied by Mr. Hart, U.M., for the like pur- llclviek Head , where there inn coas'gunrd T|inu _'h you were so lon^ with them a close boat ? Yen , pose ' way to orrici.u. RBI-HUT OK Tin: l.VNni.v.. counted over hy Mr. Redmond, R. M., lo the num- important oflicor. If they wanted economy in the bou-c Ilu-y hatch taken up; on examination the oats was found to ho , to assemble at tbe hour of two o clock p.m., on the The nun on passing llelvick Head hy sir, I was (laughter). the ?nmc ns that on board ; witness picked up about nine 28th instant , at a place called the Sweep, on the Duugnrvaii station. The report received by the constabulary ofiicor from ber of a dozen pair, a square of g listening bayonets .should wsitcb the nihnminn board and the bookn. There ii in the hooker, so as to escape detection , and Chairman—I,,,ok around and see can you identify any of wlicro the 11 un economy was to bo cITectcd stone weight of what was thrown awsiy. Capt. Shepherd rosul , sibuiit six inilen from Wnterfurd, to proconl from thenco down the coastguard station :il J/rlviek- is as follows :— tlio.-ii ? iti-jronM / don't; 1 never saw tliem betbro any iv.iy was formed round them, the police making the sides, , not hy getting came to the place where* they were to , cbe-.i]) olu'ci-ra or reducing tliom (bear, hear). gavo corroborative evidence, and said his vessel bad been to tbe cross rosuls nt liutlerstown, called tho Holy Cross, to when the boat "llulvick Ilead . 'JmlJiine, lSii7. tint I'd ktHm- Hi,'111. and the military iho front nud rear. As the ex- ' tlim; feet and a-hall of Sir It. Paul—Ihc question now U not economy ; but it h robbed five times out of the six he c.iuio to tliit port ; the. he there nt half-past three o clock . The said troops to re- , they jumped out into "Sin — T aal ren/irslcd by Cipl.iiu Williams, Inspcitlini; M r. S. I! . Fitzgerald— I).) yuu know Ihc exact number cf land traordinary procession inarched towards the tout., between four candidates lor tho olEco (hear). fault is owiiu; lo tho nisbt watch goin,j off licforo tho day main at the respective stations until relieved by tho resident waded for nc.-.rl y half a mile up thi-«u»)i e'.itnutnidL-r .i, Vim^l'ul , In f'lru'ard (In; lullti'.viii^ Kt.-ili-innit men tlmt yon urtitirfhl «-i!li you In l.i:rl ? Wo di ht ' water , ami t count the audience momentarily increased, nnd the women Ttu: board then pruce-cded to vota as follows : — conic on ; tbo valuo of tho oat s was I H . SI stone. The pri- magistrates respectively accompanying each.— Dated this the shore. On landing, mule to meliy two ii-diennon , vir... Pat. Wbtlaii aud Patrick thi-in .it all sir cxivpl a litthi buy who was with in. l)i the surf and 6iml.cn rucks to . , 1 Messr. . Conn soner said the otlur girls had offered her 2d. to carry the ^7lh December, 1800.—Sizucd , of lidlincul, tliil landed tlm iin;n fnim the vess-l vim li. - in the streets, at the doors, and out of the windows , For jlf ttrke•/— - , Duzcau, (Jallwey, Hazard, an hour and a half in the boat , tin llrnwni", .ir Mm c.unul. them p .\u, liut In.- said bo emutol t!ie.m od' a.il.11111 to a house where they said they woro going to soil " KOUEKT Tuoa\3 CIUBW, High Sheriff, after being liribMiiline ; almut 11.30 a.m., II luilcs utf, them their benediction, prayed " Ood to hel Jacob, K. Roberts , G , Elliott , K. Walsh , llloomfwld, and fours nud pro. vr-lpvd.i)' 1 ' S:iu* 11 to himself. Ilid you si t.- any 1uc.11 oil hoard Ihe shi p besido gave p it for 0.1. a stoae, but she denied all knowledge of tho rob- County Wsitcrlord. entire parly divided into threes , askdl us if wo hiulany full In Armstrong, W. Morris, 1'. M. IS UITOII — 13. , I In' ca|il.iin of which :i-li"l the. cruu* ? Xo, 1 d i.'. nut t:ike uolieeol any hut Ibu fnur niru them, " nud clapped their hands in manifestation of bery ; ultimately sho pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to a "To tho Culuncl Cnuminling at Wats.forJ ." different routes towards Youg linl , Aril Wu were out with nets and wcrr i.r i.l For llnrron. — Messrs. Norwood, J OIIM , .Manning, cceded by sfll. We paid we bad. , and the masts hi.l you s<-e nny ^uns fire-arms atiy pity and symputhy. At the Artillery IJjrrackj, the mouth's iiuprisumneul. Shot with ISccr.—Michael Gorman, (Conclusion in our next). Slradball y, fcc. All li.nl di»- once. The shi p's crow f.istciiL-d imr - Fit/.ze-rald, I'. \V. Power—5. more, Dunj;nrvaii, told to drop lluan at kiud mi hoard ? She w..s a copper one (l.mR likr). Question in a variety of undress casue lo ihc a pensioner, belonging to Stephen-street , was char ged with ' and iinundiately thirly inrn Carabineer-, , li'oi- Murphy.— Mew*..I. Povvor, O'Shc.i, Morris, ll sillj , appeared before the coasl^Uards, who had left lluii l»>.it to II IL- sidu ol the >!np, rep.-atrd : I did not sen nuy mins there. hcins; ilruok iu ISarracliwtrcct—indeed fo drunk ami ho that , gate to witness the sig ht, nnd at the I nfantry Ii ar- Plielau, C'jgliliiu, Ilud3OU 1 Cle..uy,i:hc.a3ty) Jf . Power, P. M. ST. PATRICK'S HALf, PErfYSESSIOXS-SATUBDAY of reeonnoiteriii ^'the suspi- frmn the shi p iuini.nl in-o uur hoat , nnd tht-ialcn 1 to cat Tho Chairman : Mid you luuk to see what the uaini; of tbn Constable on ftccin;; thu station for the purpose Power Claui|iclt—12. iu the lan^ua^c of M'Connack, Tlio Ilight Worshipful tho Mayor presidiii!; Ja-ji our lui ids i.li if we said a w«nl. t)in: mail, in ]iarticul.ir , shi p w. is ? Witness : I did nut. Di you know when) tbr racks, the guard turned nut with fixed bayonets to , ; cs strangers , could arrive on the spot. The coast- For Sliccli;/.— Messrs. firuli!', IIoKan ,Stranxe,Corcoraii— I. burly figure of the. protector approach , " bo fell as if he wer e Kearney , Ksq.. U. Wall Morris cious .ippeared to know lln.- ro:i- « . or .13 hours. A Lunatic.—Ilcad-Cotntablsi guards instantl y hastened , We wanted In Kind iindi-r ll .ia>t-Kiianl station, and they (laucllir-r). As ucilher Mr. . Mor).liy bail a clear ma- nnd 0. J. Goold, Esq., U.M. li-H.l ^l , and was Riiiiu; to Cilacar at which was the cry, who was evidently insane, the poor fellow having ex- strand wheru tliuy all l.mdc-1, and Sho w;H in the barrack square were recruits , Far llttckcg.— Mussrs. Cirnhb. Conn , Du^gaii, Slranso , were fined Id nnd costs of court for having dugs without a the intelli gence, gave the necessary directions uulil llicv Eot to !iin^ , if she had cou'.e on a Ionic v iya-^e ? Witnuss : vmy hibited symptoms on the previous da}'. Mr. Andrew Kcltci', heard ' fact. A little further on down Iiarrack-strcet , the .IIIIICII , ijsilhivv , Il.issarl , Jsii-ob, E. Kobe-its, M.iiioiii.-. (loll', license. .aiy under anus, which was :; t p.ud us ii'itliiu),'. —Siunod. cl'-an. Do you know her ll.iuii; ? N'n, sir. Did you tiy tn with whom Monissy lodged , said be broko out violently to place the constalm' ' " and the excitement Kitx^crald , \V. Morris, Elliotl , Corcoran , Walsh, 1*. M Lieut William Wbattly. of tbe Royal Artillery, '•THOMAS IS KU CKMAN , Chief ilualman in Cbarire. fuid il oul F No, sir, I did nut. Did she look Ilk.: a man-of- crowd had become immense, he had never noticed symptoms before was mm- once carried into clfect in IJrid gc-ntrecl , and an iui- li.n rnii , Itlooinfiuld , Amislroiis—10. last ni^lr. ; any . inoned for the same offi'iice. -Mr. Hsmndiaii, C.P.S., raid Mr. t of Ibis Mr. MMIcriimll , S I , proceeded war f A ycli ! imt lit sill , sir; I llmiulit alic 11.11 ;i Kitlo c,i,,| found vent in a cheer. This was taken up, and con- The court desired him to ho detaincsl in custody fur a fuw persons iisscmhleil , it bi-inn a '.In recei p , s-uv For Jf«r/)A;y — Hoxan, I'o-.ver, O'.Shra, Xorwood, .Morrissy, Wh.ltcly's CJSO was a peculiar cue. Ho nrrircd hero meusv jiumber of smack Wlon^iie,' lo Duu^.irv.in until 1 tin; eohp-r. tinu.-d until tbe prisoners drew before gaol on toms did not abate they wuuld Iry from to llelvick , where be had an interview with Wln-lau up ll all y, I'hclan, Cih'hlao, H11.U011, Cleary, Clmsi&ty, N. ihiT« , and if the symp , Hiiglaud On of April , and went immediately market day here. Immediatel y eats were callrd 'J'ho privniers wire tuld Uny IIUR I I I qnestiuu the witur-^,^ ¦ the 10th to get and the other fishermen,and placed the matter in train- li.ill y brickcn , each cheer being more enthusiastic 1'uwe.r, P. M. I 'uwcr, P. \V. Power, Clsmipuit—15. and / ?< him into the asylum as soon M a vncaucy occurred . out a license but he (Mr. Hsmrnbnn) told him ho bad not requisition and the constabulary, accompanied if they thnu^ht piop^r, and thero bi.-:iu: 1111 response, tti,- Constable Ahi-ani brought up an old mail, named Walili , , into iiij} for the to and loud than its predecessor. The military and A Id. Cox did not volt; in cither division. the power ivo him one. Ho then wont nt A. I-'itzgerahl J. l' witiii-ss was hiniii- 1 in bis own lecn^ui/. inco apjiu.ir against whom bo slated he took up fur drunkenness a fortni ht ago to g one* to a by Mr. Redmond, U.M., llniry , .M r. .M.-'ckr-y wsis tlii .-u c.illcd befom the board, wlien .Sir g , police asked him to tako out a ^ INQUMIY m.Ior.K TIIK MAlilSTIlATnS. the prisoners " to pru-cculi! tl": charge." po ice formed at each side of the prison door, cud i'' countable nnd summons against Samuel R. Fitzgerald , J.I'., and Ilcait-Cuiistabk- Itnln-rt informed him that Ihe U'uirdiitn bad eh-clml him , nud took > 17s. from him ; bo was going to Uiiatol next him to ensible him to got a license. Tho Court ordered, At one o'clock , on Monday, an investi gation was Allolhc-r of tbe accuse 1 , a 111.01 Irluii d WaUhc, addii.'lHin^ the peop le pressing in , the mounted police put them day with S'ltue sheep, siud he leturnt'd him hig i:;i;ii--r , de- Thompson , Mr. M'Dernsott , S.I., h.-inj; cngajied on slate lli.it he (witneu) and were snislicd with his sureties. IIu (Mr. M.) bowed under thcuo circumstances, tlmt the license be taken out, and bi-'ld before tin- following mag istrates at tin; court- the cbnii 111:111 . said*-You . w.is to li-dd hack . The gales being opened , the prisoners and tstiuiu^ 2* (i 1 as a vouchor tlutt bo w.aiUl npprar cforo iho The police , fifteen in number, " his sicknowk-il^inciits wilhdicvv. that .Mr. Whately be put lo 110 othoi- expense. duty at Stradball y. Duiiiiarvan : — hiinseU h"iuid in C'20 to pr.wc.uli: the. charge ii^ain-.t tli.t 111 iicho l in with admirable niilit.iry precision , sind of Mr. c.iuri wheu ho tclurncd. -Mayor : How many seep hnd house, " Tlie lesi^nation l'bilip Shcohy, uu.irili.Tti for A SSAULT.— Constable Grant prosecuted John Grant and divided into two parlies, au uf as to S.iiiiii. -1 K MMiuin-, .IP, Cloiu-:i lliu^ ; U.lcll , .IP. What 1 wished lo convey was th.it you could . i 5 lj tin: wit. lime. The peoulu then quickl y and orderl y ilb peisc.il. grant nf clolhiui! uii n'lit he- y ivrn to 2S women and M rfiil- reluctance, deposod tint lie was returning home from the Ardmore. Mr. Samuel It. he cnsihlcd to leave the house. court. went into n const to llelvick and L'.iniilea ; K Foley .I P, Knorlalua : Julm 1! Iknvi-r , Win .M lie*-, any irn-Ntioii -i , but wean- 11.1t line, to Im vsile.'liivd. dnii , in order tlisit they may fair on tho night in question ; public-bouso at tlio I SI- J . t!iiiiii Fitzgenilil acci'iiip;::u> , and .I'.il ni (J-iiul.iii , t'l ..iiliir.lnn . K-ip«. l'io"WT~- / .loa 'l knoiv til l. t]: v uitin- --i .sai.l .'niy.'liiu^' in Th" co'niuiltec were M ^ KHi'ill , , and Hally. The Mile-post ; Grant went to the table he was silliog at and report waK arcipted 011 motioa ol' Mr. .Isicob VT IIO also " illing the beer ; .il'.;vpy, .I IBI'M S Kii]., J.l' .t in the clisiir ami subsequently ineuU as may lw necess.iry relative 10 thi: imsiliuii of .isii>t-uit bis bead and blond (lowed ; knocked Grant down tricu j C.nic and 1'itz-d.vons , were mitted lo hi" presiMir. T!u- n]iprosichrs to the court- Wi!li;i!ii C. .VIIKI - II I — I fhoiiM lik i- to a-k a i|iivsliini. Hy S. T I , , .M-ickr I'. K. Ue-id r.itrick JJ . Walsh , Ti,-j-.ii..> W. J.icub' , gave their names as Hir Ii. .1 AUL -sr, , who,!; authority -in- uc arrested , ami it I\'L- ar.; .irnst(;.l , i- jt . P , Hut. master, which will bs so >oon vacated by the appointment of Wnlsh ngaiu struck him. and lie w.is knocked down ; they , ami Jmlgod in btiiii wr II. A litlic farllur hon-e and bridewell wen: guarded by police aud (Sallw.-v 1' 1. 0. (iuold, nnd Aid. Maclicsy. arrrrd'il l.infu i ' { f-.r injseU ii'iw , and I w.tui l-i IV :I.I;V i^ Also prr-^nt—Henry , .1. ., dpi. lWe.r, I'. t.i Mr. Mackey as collector. both kicked him while on tbe ground ; could not tell what he were also discovered going along the who were armed with loaded guns and fixed toi ^p. 'ak it O KUNKENXCSS. — 'J'licrc wero kavi- r il pirties on , two others soldier.", le^.d If.- tri.'I li' f.iro you -, anl il *u npi.n what charge r Sli-angi- , .1.1'., -I. '¦• Conn, J. II. J OIIM , .1. 1'., Thomas A letter was read from Dri. Elliott niul linrkilt , slatinir struck bira for ; got over a ditch to got an-siy from thorn, and Midiaol O'Shoa U,,botl WI IO charged with drunkenness on the provicu* day, aud road. Their names wire William C. Nugcrt and bayoin-is . There was a great nhsence of excitement l.'liairnrlli —Wi; are not try ing tbe caso at all . V MII shuubl Du—an Waltw llally, , Morrissy T. that 12.1 ({las:cs, not 1222, : consumed pe-r week , sis stones were thrown nfter him; thero wcro others present at pnrl W. .l.icoh , .1.1'-, M. D. Hassard , J.I' ., Midiael Uohiats, K. crroucuusty .slated at the hist uiccliui; of tho IK- H'I!. Sonic fined ; amongst them w,i3 a blind man, a struugcr in tbo row. Tbo witness was cross-oxamiued by Mr. Strange Laurence Doy le. The search was continued for sc- of any kind , bill in the y part of the dhy conside- retnrmbi;r this in uicn-ly :i pn-liuiinnry investigation. 1 I'iiton-r — liut I khould certainl like lo know what IMicrls, el.ip t. Arinslruu?, J.I ., John Norwood , John of tbe giunliaus m-euied to think that even 123 were loo wiiom the court asked would hu leave if for defendants, and said bo b.id drank no more than bnlf a vei.il mil's into the very town of Yuughal in one di- rable numbers of ihc populace assembled outside y llio the city, invcsliriiiiii'ii is for. llavo I donu any wnuis; ? llavn 1 Hi cl-i N , Patrick II OKSIII , W111 . l-'itzuorald, J.I'., l.'.iptain many togivo sick pe-ojde. gallon of beer tlmt dny ; wns not in company with Grant nlong which ro-ite Mr. S. It. Fitzgerald was the templn of justice , and when they found there wus silloncd out ? Prisoner : Not to-d:iy, sir; I am not rection , broken any law th.it I uliuiild lie k-.-pl hi-n: surroundril with Co-hboi , .1.1'., I'.itrick Maiiniu-, W. ei . I) , (iuff, AIJi;r-inii or Wnlsh ; felt the stone in bis band, but did not set it j did i-ickins up twclv or fourteen Aiueri- no ndmivsinn they retired graduall y fri-in the place. I I I I III (}. well -after that drink yesterday (laughter). Ordered most sueci-fhful in (.•lliii aii.l b:iiniie-l»? If I mil to l.u k.'pl here guarded wi;h Cox , T. Klli' -li . J.P.. J ! : I lu I - , l'\ I!lo"infielil , J.I' ., CARI.I' fIC IlOAItl) Ol' UIJAHMANS—SATCKUAT. not strike n blow till struck by Walsh. John Bragg deposed . NcariiiR the foiry, they arranged along three lnrpc forms .-wcr M- .m-iVi: 1 "¦ to be discharged siud leave the town to-mori ow. cans and liisli-Ainc-iicaii" The prisoners were film and haynucls 1 shoid.l like lo know ivh-it for. Nicholas I' . . • is'y, M. Clcary, It. W. I.i(!iit.-Col. \V. Vir.i.lKits KTUAUT, chsiirinau, presidiinr. , to being present; he considcicd the whole, affair a drunken wlnnn ho had ovry re ison 10 V. eanu- up with two others placed around the room , and while they Mere in- Sir Nu^.-nt IIutiiMi ;—If you DMIIIIJ your MM | , I shall Morris .11'. V.. Walsh, . U.icurau, 1". II. l l.in-.ni , D. I,., 1'. Other gnirilisins prc.sint—Tho Karl ol i!e.sshor.iu;ii , II. W . UouDCRY. —Jolin Ilynn chargod Aunc Murjihy, a rquabble; one was as bad as another; they were too eloVatod to the same piny but Mipji'^c liclojifieil ; , owing 'o tlie vited 10 question the witnesses , the inquiry was con- consult with inv irotli'.T nia/istralus. M. l' oWcr. J.I'- Urisco, J. ]'., V.C. ; John Kicli.-ti-.lson, D.V.C. j T. IJ . \Vi|. woman of the town , with robbing him of 5s on the to do each other much harm. Snb-constable Pallia deposed In- has not iumlliciciicy of lh<- ]»l'"1- f"i'cc at bi.-f coimnaiid , be ducted wish great fnirne«!i and impartiality, no point .Mr. Ili .-niy A l-'it^ersiM — lVrhaps luaid oftlic ouT-miort RKi.inr. son, J.l'.j Jubn -Shea, .Mr. Wall, Mr. Qui 1 ke, and James ni ht previous on the Mall . He stated he cnug ht to mooting Doyle, on the rond that evening about eigbt o'clock 1 hi-lmi- tliem to Yi.iHinl , fcUS|ieu«i3oti ul the I lahe.is CIII| IUS Act. STATI: ^ be wns cnt about tlio head and was bleeding;lie wns faofdiDg pawed them by aii'l r..de "n bciii" strained ngainft them, and nothing in tin- way Mrs. Murphy, wilh ei g ht children , applied for Ilickcy. cil' Tiiu 1I0U3E. her hand just as she was withdrawing it. Constable lJ>c mn-.tabiilary to keep a Mr. UeliM.md— Tlici... has |.era [in out;,ie.,k h.-rc l.it.lv , lieuiainini; last .Saturday, ¦171; adusittcd during week, 3-'l; on by a donkey's cart ; took him lo tbe station, andbejtben nu-rely giving dirielions to hi: g ivi-n not strictl y le;;:.I. ' out-door relief. Her husband worked with Mr.M y ler , Mercer deposed that the man came to him and ' '1 of [evidence allowed t" nnd tell them Ihey b sve b«ii r.-.risl'-d under ll,,: lli ' .'); discharged 12 ; total in house mentioned Walsh as ouo of tbe pirtics wbo strpek him.-, To BHiiip loo lc-oiitnfirr ihc l\v> •' ^ii^'CCl.i. Having ar- (lining Uk-h .o..s boat owner. A pplicanls.iid he «as three weeks sick .lied , , , 2liJ j in fever The inquiry lasted fully fo'ir hours, « ('or|ius Stl-j.eii -loM Ael. l!) iln. iiifin.i.iry, 170 ; average cxnr made Ilis complaint of being robbed ; he went with Mr. Strange: He was nearly drunk. Mr. StraDgo : .' Was b« rived at YotiL'hal, the iii:i!;i.-irali .- f 'im'l that inlilliii'ie- ' before hi: went to hospital. Aid. (" lin-piml, ; , 2<. !>J. linn; the. prisoners evinced not the h-.-.st anxiety as Tlie (.'h.iuiii.iii- I am diic.li-d lo convey to y.,n that there in the hoii-'O ox l-'lNANCn. —KccririHl during week , £IX) 0< . 01.; paid dtir- him to Ibo .Mall, and ho pointed out tin woman; to..It her tbrco quarters f Witness : No; bo was: within a qastter of ol' the landing ha-l ! .a-i L'ur/itis 1 .3- virtue h;;d ;;' iiionry ' .she gave n purso and Id ; be noticed sho had inumy in bur drunk (laughter). Mr. Strange : A liice calculation certainly. view the entire H flair wi:h perfect iniliU'ercncr , if not , of uhich ivv ii.'he.! i" i"> in the saving s bank ? A p- oulslsindiiiif , C158->. a». &l. graphing to the ai.ilioiiiics -it Waterf-ml an-1 other mouth, and asked her lor it; she said she bad unly Is -J I. Mr. Strange adMrossedtbe bench-and said he would iuk thorn ' give their mines as follmis:— have jKiwer to arrest any |.er>on llpun uhoiu sie-pieinuact falls . plics.nl ( HI Aid. Cox) : Your reverence , we are very AiTUCASTS i ott K CLICF.— John Kyau , n farm plae'-s ai oini'1 I' lingaiviii:- with a view " ' culling olftln- coiitempt. They tin: airu-ed)— Thai took the money f rom her, .Did found it .imonntcd to Os -14'l ; to look on the alTiir as a tipsy squabble and dismiss tho case. Ml. lilibiiolel (addle.^in^ is .,till badl oil'. Mr. Oinbb : You sec she knows Ihe laborer, who applied for relief, was told he could of the parti 1.-', wh" l.a'l laiide-l at I.'ins. In I'm- Michael I'Slzgcrald , (I.irriglw eihill , county of Cork ; in force find we havr 1 power ol arre-tin^ un y plaint iff wns not drunk, hut bad somo taker.. I'naonor Mr. Haiir.diau said tlmt tho constable, proscutcd on account Cfeape , Ih- suspicion, hter). The , obtain work if he tried ; but it appearing he onl sppicnceol Sir Nugcni's lilesmi", two pcr.-mis, l iU-!y Micbai . l (ireen , Massachusetts ; Denis O'Connor, l'li-oner—On RU'pieiou ot vibal ? pioiH turn (laug A* per week for two y elected lo bo tried by their worshi ps, and pleaded guilty. of tbe unwillingness of the witness Doyle to ponish the' par- agici-d lo wanted, temuorary relief whilst sufTeriuu from dis- 1 reninied fiom Ais.'-rici , hail been alicvly arn^t'.dciM- Cork ; William F. Milieu, New York ; Jerry Mur- Mr. Ki-hiHiial-Of beiu;; IVniim. weeks , wsis . Then- were a few oilier ap- Two moull.8 imprisonment, at bard labor. ties. Tlio bench considered Walsh the worso of tho two, I'eter (i- .ul leii ntid Tiic prisoner hel't: lusiioitil bis seal Mnilin;;. lications of no importance. ease, . was admitted. Mr. Quirkc : We can 't get A LUNATIC— A poor insane woman, nho had liecn taken baring used a stone, and tbry fined him £1 or a month'!) ing into the-town, by IU-.A ConM il le ' p hy, Cork ; Arthur Downey, New York ; Janus , p h'' ¦ D.uiii-1 ColliuM dL c ' into custody 11 few days previous, hy Cosittablo Grant, ivbilat imprisonmont, and Grant lib or a fortnight in gaol. Grant a parly of tin- Yi-ugiial j.r>!ii.-i-; the ii -imes they ; ivc wore Lawless, Now York ; Daniel Lee, Castlecouncll , co. 'p" .L'd that be wai on lionrd Whi.'taii u \ TIIAMOIIU IXTTKR. ! men less than Is. fid. or 2i. per day. boat on Saturday , 'flu- wilue-s was rupii-sled crossing tho bridge, wsis up ugnin to-day. 'J'ho Cjiibtal.lt paid the Cnr. those ul lionovannii'l I'uhner. Mr. l-'i'.zyralil having from America but declim .s to look round Th.; following uni que letter was received from .1 John Corbett , aftect 93, from Ardmore, who said Limerick ; John Ilarlcy, , and inspect tin; .i- oiiti- . He. nvuigiiiir.l onl y oni> said he bsid tuadii euquirios about bor since, but could nut rcatlilj procure'l a -mull a'Miiiuiial force of constabu- 1' man , resilient of Tramore, who, if not relieved , threatens he had been jobbing about , and is now knocked up, to yny «hat part ; Robert Kell y, from America , but who pave his uauio a* llan 'el .1. liuekley ; he was hear niiylhin;; of her friends ; he believed elm had none ntiiriicd to his. parly, in;'!, in ihc ferry-lm it , le tliu hut SAM-: OF UOUSKS AND LAND PROPERTY. lary, derlines to say what part; John Ituuncy, New Yolk; pcr-1,11 tlisit Ici't Ihe l.'u, sir. DRAII DOCIOR— I will ci-itainl y order ait investigation oil lied fur relief. She has ei ht children uud 'two of dischnrgo ; Mr. Triphook, governor oi tbo gnol, told him she t»i CIO ' Join Cade , llngland ; Michael J. Green, America ; p g , The |.ri.soi(L-rs are all men of Irom til yearsol a^c , I11I111 11 liley objected tu brill:: Compelled to partaltcof onl my body aitev my death to certify to tho world thai I'm stif. was so violent wbilo there, that he did not think it would bu Ryan. The attendance, was numerous, the bidding William Shci-han , Nehon- • y them arc at work in the factory ; one o.nns 2i. Gd., of mililary a| I.en ranue, and deeidC'l inlelli^eiicc, liu t Jeremiah .Murray, Cork ; brea d and water or ;i tin-full uf milk. U was rallier b.ii ( j fcrinj in tbii lifu fur want.of nourishment .mil food ,—Your'd Hufo to have her at hirrfO. Tlic court ordered that she bo ratdi- brisk , and the scvcrnl lots quickly disposod of,! in a I'hilndcl and llic other Ss. per week ; she w.is unable to cally examined, with view to ascertain her mentoi condition tliry all di-elint'l to give a salislaetory aceuunl of th'-m- pl ice , Oirk ; Augujtine A. Costelloe , phia ; upon ui'-ii who were turd to bi-lli-i fund, llu desired hi ho trul y, Ac, KLLE.1 QUIUK. * satisfactory and buainess-Iike manner, by the auc- ) work on account of sickness. Three shillings relief SnuKOE LAW — DttSTBUCTio* or I'uori'EKry NO telvcs, and those win dil vjluu'ecr stati-un-iiU at 10 Daniel J. liuckley, New York ; Patrick Cogan , do.; I'Avcd lo supply hium-lf. TiMinurc, June !!, A.I . 1907. tioneer. The lota sold as follows : — granted lor one week. IU IIM .—Mr. John I'cndcr, nnclioncer, summoned a very thi-ir my-'criuu- lan-liug, varied in the acciunl" they Miibacl Fitxgerald , do. ; Robert Kell y, do. ; Michl. The Ciiaiiuiau , having cuuleiied wilh Mr Ktdinoiid and CASI; of Tin: ni.u WOMAN AGAIN. Tlio house, offices, nnd lauds of Knockhouse, containing Ihi- iillu-r lii:ii;i -,liali:' incorrig ible bill-sticker, named Michael llul ly, for do- gave. S" aims utility Uh,<] wti-i. found in in them, nor \V«l.-h liiieciistown ; Patrick Roche, Cork; Andrew . , .said lb.it everything that could bo Mr. Carroll , |{..O., sigain brought Inrward tho case A respectabl y-dressed young woman came before about EH acres statute measure, held under Icaso from tbo , il'ino would I,. - carried mil. They would suo llic. facing certain bills which complainant bad caused to be were any doi. uiiK tits of an ubj'Cii»nalde ii»lure disco- l.iidtwell- of the old woman, Mrs . Xcill , aged 81), from A y l- llic hoard seeking relief; she was (lie widoiv of a corporation of Waterford, for an uneipired lcrm o/20) years J. Lronard New York. kcrp.;r about tin: matter. posted. Mr. J. K. Uarrou sippcnicd for Mr, Puudor. .Mr, , vered. Several of tbr ni bad disci arg<-.i fr-m the Aiat- —Wo ward's-towii. Her son works with Mr. Strange J.I', tradesman who died with paralysis ; she. has two at £101 81 4d per annntn—Mrs Qa Id por side nt ]},ill ;i)»goul ; was out to sen on Saturday last Chairman — Do you w nh to be all-nvi -d to proviso your- garden rent free. The earning is barely sullicienttu annum—Mr M Casey, £503. of them iiudhtnull l.uirllraoi-varp-t-lngs in their lian.ls. selves with other food l;.:-,idcs what is 'lowe i Ijy any employment outside to supplement nny out- plaintifi had caused lo bo posted in tlm city, but when n hill the I st instanl , to take up Irnmniel nets ; nlinnt mid- 'o tin: priiou support Ihe family without the old woman. Gracediou, containing 17} statute acres, held under samo The ]-risoiit-i-s»crc lodgi-ii in l.rrlewil!, Mr. Miaw , the regulation ? w.\i onco posted it becamo public property, and all pi-ivnta da y saw a vessel coming from sea ; she wasahiigau- Mr. O'Sbeii moved that she bo allowed 2<. per our relief, Grunted. for an nnoxpircd term of 48 year;, at £32 Si perannum— bridewell knpir, nmkiiig all the i.cinssiry ariunse- Ilarley ^ Yo-i, sir, 1 t-|-i*ak f-ir niys.-lf—a c-.uple of pounds interest iu it ccwed. T'licio could bo no malicious injury • ¦ ' line and bad new while soils set ; tin.- vessel was week ns heretofore when it wsis carried hy a major- Mary Sliorti?, an old , dccicpid woman, applied when there was no property 10 destroy. Mr. Barron : 1 say Mr It G Purcell, £215. . • mi ntf , wl.ili- a party ol the I7th I'. i -^nn'.i.i was plactil , i.f hiTad aud a little milk for all tlm day lout; ! We don't containing and njijie.ned to have; ball.ist in ; ity of 18 to 6. On a subsequent occasion the motion to be rc-admittcd. She had left the house u few llally cannot fullow Mr. 1'eodci 'a bill-sticker, and oblitcrato Oracedlcn, 621 >crea statuto measure, held under 011 giiai-il li y f'apt. y/ael'lii-rwii. All lie pikoHiT.-, on ilt-rp in the water, bk- it , sir. same for an unexpirtd term of 15 years wan 1 ejected by a majority of only 0 to G. (1 lys before, kitowint*, ns sliv snn)' , she wits f,'u the bills inimcdisitelr after being posted. Mr. .II.itirAhau, , at £80 per annum- litiug searcbid , Mtnu-.l l.Mf amn-elnnd half :i»louirhi«l she hove nii 'side us, and a person on board asked Tin: tnuxistialc* -aid ihcy W'.io not avrrso to the uqupst , '"£ '" Mr Slaltery, £370. hut liny cou'.d ii'/l iiileifen: wilh iho ri-iini rc^ulation-i . sttitl he would no , die, and she went to get her " habit" in which she C.l'.S., said—being nwaro that n similar case WHB heard at 111 tin- i.perniion , l.m tll'ci<-il 1.0 H'i l.mce. 1 caring ib- me if I had any fish ; be called to me, and I did i Mr. Conn * siijaiu go over the ar- Skibbcreen, containing 28 acres statuto measure, held (Ji 'ini;i) Jinii' %, i :.i:iil^llild III.01 , stationed at Ilelvicls , de- is to be buried and which al.e now had under her petty sessions about two years ago, nnd was dismissed—bo indi gnity wilh u rimarkalili- •!• gn-e ''I "pi ".unity of like to 10 tun near fur fear the vessel would stave guments he before used against this app lication ; he , undor same for an unex pired term of 10 years, at £30 Os 3d (. p'.M-d that oil S.iMiril.,}' bo saw l.ind a uuiuher of nn-n at Iho told Mr. I'cuder when bo went to him for tbo summons that ()i.e cil' lhe stories ihey t'dd of their advetiiurc be I.ad two would now leave it in ihe hands of the hoard. arm. Admitted. per annum—Mr John Fcnnelly, £270. ' tiiiif.i r. me ; a man in the bri ganlinu told me indicated by tin: other witnesses ; lm could tho magistrates had no jurisdiction, but be look out the sum- -anH p'lillt nut sei: Tbe grass far 12 months of llallycordrea »us, iluit tiny wcie part of a tioo-. i uf i-iuiL. m ro//- men to on shore , and asked rue what price I .Mr. O'Slica contended that (lie question should Tilt M EAT CoNTrucT.—Dr.. Kyan reported that mons 0:1 his own rcsjiuudibilitj-. 31 r. Goold: There is a , 00 acres statnto put what they were, .oid Utt took il for granted they w-r.ro fisher- measure hold under George L. Fox "uc to tin- liniils or llucn-.s .A yre.- , Ilial their shi p I said be decided on its merits ; that the. wages paid h the beef suppli ed by the contractor w.14 not, ill his special clause with respect to destroying her Mnjosty* pro- , , lisa., at £80 per annum would charge fur taking them ashore ; .C2 ; men ; tlic'Kj aj.pea l ed to be b.tWeell thirty aud loll y thorn ; it y —Mr John Ryan, £100. having thi-y were trai^f.. rred for safi-iy opinion fit for Ihe me of tlm Hick patients. He bad orderod chiinatioii s but I don't BCO how wo arc to proceed with your vpruiif! a hak, was told lo come alongside then ; went alongside , was about a quarter ot a uiil<: at tho llelvick side of " Coll Mr. Strange had nothing to du with the matter, (inil , , Oftica nnd store in Thomas.strtet inio a Nurwi|:ian gantiiu which wus c-niip< Ili-d to " thr-iU^h a it back. Mr. Quirke: Ii there a record of tho number c.ise, Mr Barron. Mr. Barron : It is a mnliciom injury to , held for an uncipiral Lri , and the man threw me I bis end of a rope ; he then Am: lluu-e ; looked K )'", but did not. ¦,.« that it was more humane to support ihc old noiuan term of 67) ycara, at £10 13s Id per annum ; bncon cellar bi nd ll.ciii t.n ihe -b cuast in criii '/ui"ricc of .-liort- tlic bripaniine rclei ri d lo, .1-. il was souiL-wb.il lo^-jiy ; ob- of limes thn meal contractor':! supply has he-en rc- destroy tbe bills as soon ns they aro posted up. Mr. Strange : Iii. , took the shi 's boat on hoard , nnd held my limit outside at her advance-si period of life. adjoining, held for an unexpired term ol 10 years, at £22 per 111 s^ of piovisiuis; dielincd, j.rolnbl troni p served the lishiuc-h'ial pa-s llervick some time W-forc thu turueil ? Clerk : No. M r. Wilson : It oualit to liu krpl , You know Mr. Hally U an established institution in tlio city In', tbi-y y position in which Mr. llogan, as guar liau of the district said us annum—Mr John Hjsin, £05. * f.ist ; when my boat was in the men landed Irom hi-r hut did not sec an T , like tin: milk contractors. At a subsequent period ol the (laughter), llally: Just so; I'm neatly thirty years post- l>id iueioory , to rtcijIUct. i!,e ii- .iiies li'berof the Nor- , llmi'ual iiuinU Houao add cellar, cast sido nf Thomas-street in pouession ihc shi p's boat bad been , one of the sailor 's came of turn in her ; In: Rent soon after a report of tho l.unliug of the ratepayers were in favor of giving the. old day Iho coulructor FciiL up another ftuppty, which was inx hilN, nud I'm chief bell ringer too (laughter). Whnt 's , wiuiar. bricaiitinc or of the vi- .-el in wbiLb lbe> had of Mr William Haursdnu, hold for an uocxpirid ternsof 4oJ : and brough t wilh him u rope, whi ch be the liuu to tbe pulic at Diuii;arvaii. woman oiil-duur relief, be would second the motion de«inr:l siifficiuutly COM] . Dillon to me F I can .speak lu Ibo magistrates like a man ; first , accruing to thr .r ow 11 htali ii'.tnt , lak'-n ji:is-:igi:— r>n hoard , years, at £22 15s, and producing a profit rent of £12 63 por " Chairman — Had tin; l»iuU-r lakm the imial ciuise ? Ycj A letter wsiR read from tin! commissioners, callin; for a what does render's man know about bill-sticking (laughter) P aiiswcii'ig iii luiiiiosj IlaUt'S ii|bu bein^ shaq l pi'S- el. mudt fast ; I . was at that lime employed in " fe nding , (hear, la-sir). annum—Mr William Hacraban, £00. y hir; clm^ The Chairman (Mr. Gruhb) was going to put the , Offico and cellar adjoining same y lnainiaii.iiig.-in ol slniiK -.ilujt'-. bey my craft from ll.e fci'le in il ccivd provisioii.il out-:tnor relief , in casos of sudib-n and , in tbo possession 6f Mr ' our station , we could nut ve a'-'y of lh" slr.in^'i-rs — bswini; no jurisdicti on. all submitted to iluir ancst m u UMIMIM :,'. mite gO'i'l- hook ; while we were fastened 1 told them to bring question , u heu urgent nccessitj', .stating whether in food inz medicine Joseph C'ampett, held for an nnoxpired term of 46} y?»ss, at IIIIIM .- hut tho usual e-rew. 'l'hc others must h.ivc. been l y iu^ , lu.hj , hninoured ai"l uni-onccriie.l . ainl us liny wi re being i-s- men that were lo be put on shore ; I diiecied Mr. Jacob rose hud explained the reason why tho or iiii;die'al nttfiulai.ee, from llic relieving officer. The request £12, and producing a profit rent of £3 por annum—Mr P the two down. FASllION.lli LF. NEWS. Mackoy, £105. curled on cars to l/mr.'arvaii ajj.iare.l 10 ioj .y it well, whose- name is IJroniie , lo go on bouid , eJn tin- afpiicatioii of -Mr If- liuuiel , tin: pris,,ners were motion was last opposed wi:s, because il w.u con- was in couiplisiue-c with an order eif the House of Commons. .> my limn , Two houses in Ilallybricken, bcld under le.isofrom tbo cor- and laughed and MHI . tl.c wln,le way. As t'.iv Were duing in one moment they remanded to en.ilil.- liiui locomuiliuie.ili: with llrj au'luiritics sidered that ihe 2s. per week was lu le- K.MIOISATION. —A let te.r was read i;ivh:j; their consent to Tho lion. Itobert Keut, of St. John's, Newfoundland, aiiil tee what they wi-ie- ; going supp poration of Waterford for an uooxpircd .torra of '63 years, »t condiK'tid to Ihr- bri'l'-wcll . tl,p crowds ivh-i i;- -T> :¦ l.J. .* un the sulj in.: . 'll<- ei:'piiry then el'iM-d . ' the- payment of ii lo J. UI :CM ];.uiie.l, to assist bij culi;i.iliuil and fai.iily, have s.ilived 111 Ibis city, rii Qcvei'^town , all jumped over the side of the vmel, luid got iiiio ment the wages of applicant s sou , who was not re £7 10s per annum ; let to two solvent tenants, kt ¦ £36 k year chidtd theln l.iMlii j, ami l.i >ci tin- police. A guard expeuscn. on a visit to big brothers, Jamea Kent, , .ind the ' • • ' ¦• 'i inv beat ; I should say there were more Iban lwei.:y DDi'AiiTui: ]-: or Tin-: PKISUXKUS KIIOM DUN . ceiving sulluient wages lo support Ins parents. Dr. lijan reported that tlic fever hospital required paint- E" —Mr M Casey, £205. - i,l cj»bt 11.'11 i.l ll.' P. 1!, l ti '.-iini I.I wt.a stnriniK'il ill tin Rov. I> . Kent, P.P. Possession of two ucrcs nt Gibbet Hill, left ihe vi-is--( l!ro»iii- haiid'd me two sovereigns, IJAIIVAN. Tbe sole question «a;, oug ht the board supplement iiur. Il was ordi-rrd to advertise for tenders to paint the held ai yearly ton- bridewi 'l duiii. -.; lie j.iiM.i.n.. ' il' tciiliuu tb-ic, :u,'l Uic ; The Karl ul Huntingdon Lord Ilritin; nnd the ant, at £10 per annum—Mr Bowe;£13. ¦ know where he g»t llitui ; h.iving Owing to the diHictilty of gelling conveyatice fur low wages ? (hear , hear). windows, inside, and out , witli whito paint. AdjuuiuuJ. , oil.cr soldiers ii: il.t- f.wn ivi n l;i-],t ria ly In guard bin I did not any we hoisted our ».,iis so large si iiuinber uf prisoners and escori , Air. IClliolt did not suppose- the sou Ladies Frances, Seliua, and Louisa Hunting , 1' ivo ar- a^ain^l siiri-ilsr . \\ l.'-n the in u- - , w:is Ic lu- p.irti d company wi'.h the ve-sel , the trans- would get ' KKUTV —The. .-cnlnice of death having been rived at Uunllicr Lod , Watcrford, fro.: the Koyal D EATH ot COMMANDBR ANTHONT, E.N.—We;regret Ud l Wiitdfi .rd on Sr.lurilay, or; I t uld the im » would put mission lu Watciford g'tol did not t.- , l,c plsice till most- wages in town. C.irr. M'A . ^e K1 a) " s tating i|,:,i and inadi- for > h ' ; ' Hotel , Kingstown. to hare to record this week the doath of a venerablo 'hc iii-i l ttl.idi bail .:i!. -!i'l ll.e lut-ii bv! prmci-Uid Di.ngai van, and ilie-y -aid mil ; I Tin .-.iuy, when ihe M I-J.SH. Cu!iimiu:i had two long Mr. Jacob—Vaslly more ; laborers sire paid from coimn'jted en Saturday List lo penal fCi'vituiK- for life, llic t ihriii ii>!iore at Colonel the Hon. J. W Wcetenr^, il . aud Miss and rcapcctcd citizen of Watorford, Commander Mark 1,11 in ll.e 'lii'eiii . si ".' '.!.!-. b.ub'i 'ir , a leviMu- onld put them ashore nt Ili-lviel: , c.irs in rvadiii i'S fur Ihe purpii.-", and a third of a Us lo ! -pul. The they . by Kingstown. Saturday morning laat, at his rcsidcuco in Catherine- jTi cmlld t" >••' , I" I i!ed tl. -.1 ai.j l-dllilfs »r tbe strand ou:,idi; ol DitngMvan. T!i- nevs having spread of their in- liua'sc here where there arc lenty of peop le to take prison van in which bo w-sts couvoy. d wasc^cuiled a strong ibere ; 1 l..ndcd tin-in on iht- King , p It is elated iliat Viucount, Usislings, inn lo ihc elrcct, as ho was proparing to loavo his boose for tho -st< ri' stay- the feir snrvivors' who fought under Nelfori at the were arresi' d in a K w minuti- .s nfioi- :»rri %r. I in tin- h. uti- about the boa'. along the causeway to Abbcyside , was literall y cov- every laboring man in Ihc country having three or until bis reception in the convict depot. A number of font ing in Itomc. battle of Trafal gar, whoro ho' was wounded': ' Ha was of .Mi-s Power, •Siiuaic, where they wi re lal.ing Mime ^ -in witli tbeni , ered with ii must of human beings anxious to get a four children wuuld ask for out dour relief ? (hear). police followed on jauutiui,' earn, and at Mountjuy tlu-vn was mate of his'ship, and wnsorio of those employes liitiiil and piiiKr ; and tl.c fir>l ll.ing e- . ;>! ir ...... ni To the chairiuati —I saw no nr. picking men glimpse of those Mippobi-sl Fenians. About half-past If Mr. Strange paid regular wages like d.iiwu up nu extra (tuard uf tlie U2ud Highlanders as if nn QUEEN'S ISENCII.— WBDSEIIMV ' gnnk Wi.a tliat ll.ey wore uf a respectable - .1: ai^i - when they Were leaving ihe boat one of the Captain COURT OK ap tho crews of the B renolt ^c««ls tttrtitfg tbe ibcin i-; , ' attempt Ml i:scuo wcro coute-inplatitl. (licfoie the Full Court.) not of thiit low 'a'S of young mcii ti.iy »i n ri- gave, me a sovi rei gn. 'J o clock , the cars were called into requisition , and Cog hlan , this application would not be made ut all action. He was pretfnttd Witlra mcdaljTrith-eercral and c DUNMOBS EAST.—Wo perceive lb.it an uumibus now ticantt ; Lord Litaorc, res- fi om immediatel drew up in front of the bride-well. The (hear lii-ar). Knox and Another, app clasps, beariug tho nanld of '-tholaclioDalin!-ithiohho presoitnl to be ly panics «!.u nut tlnni afici laii-iim; . To Mr. Dower— I broug ht them five miles, y , 'Thin cuso caino beforo the court 011 an appeal from constahulaiy were: under sirtns to k?cp Mr. Uloomficld opposed the motion runs every Sunday from the Adelpbi Hotel in this city lo pondent.— eorvad. Mr. Anthony, retired from actifo MiVicoin 'l'l.en it «:i- Maud il.at tli<-y tven.- dot Fcnia .-, I/"' « I-I <- tlie ship lo the place «hen; J lalideil , l.'ilt 1 l»"k "" order and re- , believing pecial Coinmiasioiifrs oflriali Fisheries iJuutnorc. It le.i vts Watcrford at eleven o'clock, and re- I ho decision of llio S b'-i 11 tiiki-n i.lf a wieel;, un-j l.un. -i l gave me gularity, lo see the piifcwiirx placed on their respec- that she was a peifecll y fair and leg itimate case to licant is owner of a weir iutholiilnl 1830, and wsi»:ra ised to the rauk of ocmmaiMer in ptr-ons wli-i bad y uoiiee of the mcii, uur of ti:i- pi-iaon who turns from Dumuurc at five. We have lii-urd this huurcoin- It nppourcd that the app on;-i !i- oil' 1843. - Ho aleo was in the enjoyment of a, pen*vonfrom order of tbe captain i-f n stiamer |^ssing il. i- the n.i.nry. tive cnr» , and to keep the pressure of the crowd conic into the house. liinrd of as huiiiB loo curl for persons to return. l)uu- portion of tbo river below Watcrford, in the coufincs of tlio ¦ p y Greenwich Hospital. The.. decea*e4.'gentfem«n was hurl/our. Jf Midi was the fait , il is reason il.lt- i.. :|. . - Winie.-f when .-^kiil to look at the prisot.cn, to as much as possible. A party of sixteen of the 17th Mr. M. Huberts asked w.13 thr.rc unythiiig new in moru is a delightful watering place remarkable fur its Norc, Suir and Harrow. On the 10th of March, 1801, the , , thcu commissioner: Mossm. liden, Houston and Morris related to the latp Pir.Thomas, ptid sitliaclivo feature lo visitura. We cipect Ibe town will co. Wexforr), Bnd o»h^r. ancient . ftnulie«. _ By,i}H who / tl> - onl pirs-,11 that 1 ibink iva.-, on boaid my boat ; IICIB were maiclic;) out throug h a file u( the- consta- of SO years of age than buiig her into Ibo house. on tbe ground that they n-ero injurious to navigation. Tbo 1 artiis from the l' .ca i- 1.1 y immediHlcly be-isiu tu fill. knew him be was highly itittiaf i and reeperted, and ihruiig h the eouiitry. I ' .y oilier bulary lo the seals, every two being handcuU'ed to Mr. Maiming took a Mmilnr view uf Ihc case. then nroso whether tbo partial nb^tou cut wou'd il w.-ii not he gave me the money ; tlure were question he had made many attached Triendi' thronab' bis long Uim; wlni saw them i-ios. "e country M't. d ihey wore iixi- EXCUUSIOH lull's.—We perceive thut Ibe Wulerlurd mid nut lemuvc all injury to the navigation , nud that wsis the fi.i?iin;; Mu .its out tint i- i ciiing, but none near i'ie ; each other , situl si policeman , with d bayonet , by He thought il was to the old woman , nut the son , life of over 80 joarg. On iftet IIltfh Mass Huveikiiiks, sliihg by their .-idr, liad no lire-am.-, and Kilkenny liailway Cumpnuy have commenced their Sunday only point which tbo court would bo troubled with for the , Toesaay, , she i..id new itbite sail.-, and was evijipi r fastened the side of each man on the cars. The military took that they were to direct their attention (bear, hrar). and Offico ' were cclcbraW for tfce 'repo«b''of' sonl >"U*l lu»e. In en Irr. m the district ol Iv'irj, '¦ •* tbos': excursion tri p*. They llavo ndvcitiacd tbeui from Mary- present. Mr. Hull , Q.C., now appeared for Iho applicant, . fio , name, front ami rear position in Ihe line , and thus the Mr, l-'ilxgeiald would support the motion for the 'k 'fo I'Ws vrlicri- the late rising look pi.icc. :iu-l 'b.il fn,m above water-mark ; looked at the stern for her borough, 00 miles, 3rd chw, double journey, 2i. 01. Tho nud stated that tbo cn&u bad bte.r provioualy. boforo tho his remains wore ta enV for/lKtertneni ' tno' family ' cavalcade ol seven cars slarlcd for Watcrford. The relief; Ibe pour old wuinuu in any case, could nut ' tbeir manner «f walking they seemed mueh I ui i gw I . A but could see none ; slit- Iri l no colors fly ing ; there trains will nnivc iu 1 Ilia city from Mary borough lit eleven court , but tho order thru insido had nol been ulicyod. lie burial ground at Ballylanecn; ^lmnclhomdlU-BJ.F. prison, rs are si very 11 spccUihlc lonkini! cl.(ss of live very long, Fxvoooiso w THB ABJII. womanfrum Kii^biti-1 --be iie.tr.i some -'.Imlj /ii» 'J in tb. - were /iboul Ibrn- ami u-ball fi-i-l ol v..iler i.b.re 1 young o'clock every Sunday morninc, mid lca»o nt seven in the now wishetl tlnirlordshi qs to refer it back again for re-con- —The anenfled trgolations ' as? to (lodging in tbo army l ira stt 1 forth ia n.Mricl -wLcro and that tin; jnopb- li,>L lauded tluiii :.i,d they el to » :i 'l c men, well dressed , and appurcutl y forei gners of the Mr. Hudson had great objection to give out-door evening, thus giviiiR eicursioiiists eig ht hours iu Wutcrfmd, sideration. Tbe court remitted tbocsuio b.ick to tbo Special .that revised ihcy hnded, , were obligi Mutiny Act.joit printed. A,.- coDrt-martiM thought, tbcj 'un-h-r on th- ir way »o:nu Yankee type. They l eeincd tu be in hi gh spirits , relief in such cases, lie had a workman with eleven lor the exceeding ly low charge of Ii. Od. Commissioners of Fisheries lor further inquiry. nny p»»« a sen. were dctcrmilicd to p thruug ii the water ; in doing so they got Mil ; toncp of corporal ppnUhment on. any . toUun-, guUtr of throuRh Ihc s saiy ly say now hed joked , and sn.oked their i pes and cigars, children , and when lie was sick he paid Ihc famil H OLLOWAY 'S PILLS. — Dyspepsia indigestion country; but il i, uniicce. of them took oil' thur trousers, bill 1 saw but one laug , p y , , mutiny or iniubordiuation dccompauitiil'bir penbnal »Wlenco that all those hcarlburn biliouaticM TUB M ILFOKD SitAMBBS.—Henceforward tbeso vessels 1 innoram prognoHlitaiioiis bad no f.uinda doing it. and bowed repcaiedl y to the hidica who occupied their full wages. flatulency, , , nsuscn, want of appetite. UndtT certain' prorUo*' the' eontt Is to Eanptrfcr to ten- tion. The Kreni.li philosophers I raco Ibe moral feelings of the wind to inhabitants likened attentively t., all ilio-e To the Chairman—The bri the windows in front of them. The people generally Mr. Carrull , K.O. said lliat llic medical officer of will not luavo Wsterford till six o'clock each nfiernoon,' bj teDcasny toldier. to ' corporal'bnnUbijeot-wtllona attire si wits told b gan '.ine wui coming tbe stato of the itoui.ich ; aud there is ranch wisdom in the y parties from ibe rural districts , h, which cominisHi ratcd thu position of those young men, on the district had reported thut her removal lo tho which two hoars and a balf will bo gained by passenger! •erfleeia tbe fijW or on boarda shlflnoUnxoarahlioo, for e did not straig ht from the southward—in from sea. (.peculation ; tho atoiuncb to the human body is more tbnu - th y attach much and «. re II ,;.|I r from tbii city. natinr>.iD$nbordiu«tiopl .dejoitugi dn)pl«»««»hincnt—bo it over so . tl,e jinprcsMonit ,„„ . . . - UB SCAFB OV on tbo hoe of inarch, dugracefnl a ffict( hmx Uj ,,;.,;, ,.„ ,,R ,;„„,, liticrisig steel re-flecting the rnys of a was some time since. Mr. Carrull : Yes, sir. Mr. T E Kinwis.—Tbo young man, Patrick ccfMOCt*or jpx.JbtwcBol ami weak minded- though liny did not interfere with me in the least ; couts and g •lightly disordered, the whole intornai economy ia deranged, tbe Article* of War, .ilo tepbnn c«D b» ¦• •¦ , but when, between nine and ten would change Tlio young may ssniloat iho aiiuilc Kelly, of tbo constabulary, wbo was on doty lu Mealb /e» nfcrttt«n •1 clock at night I should put them on shore where they told me. warm cun at the time. At the co'ninnnd nf Hudson : That my vote very much. , nnd bisbeliera tlio tre- fifty litbenl Ibis pabiiDment mjTuWbM «Ub««Uir4 ^ , Ibe constabulary arrived «itb 'In larger mendous sacrifice indi gcatiou exacts from its victim, Tho Hospital when Kirwan escaped and who was taken into - number «f (his witness' uud the. parting words, " move on," iho enlhu.iasiic I JMr. Dloomlicld then moved us an amendment , labohr.'iWhen floreHif Jbrtrn the wtiW^^Wtf i^t pi boncs, the noise of U, ,, _ ,,,| ,,.,,,,,.111,; This terminated s examination, dsiy will come when tboy will Umcut over thoir dyspepain, custody on charge of complicity, bas becom*a dcplorablo ; c c ' cheering of the hundreds assembled, in which that the woman get 2s. n week fur two weeks, the Unco, tneb,pn ouliment uay.U eaarmltimimmmmvX' 0 horses had a grra, effect on the , u»: he was bound in tho 6U111 of .€20 lo appear when as.thousand! stronger than themselves bjvo done wheu it lunatic at bis homo in Uisbop'a Court, oonnty Kildarr, llu " ECU- tlv v < of officer in the meantime to 1.11 the. , with hnrd l«bour.'no- M«o4in« forty;.t»Jj i»4j old Indies :.ml tim-d l.ouie liecpers .„¦ ¦ Ilis informations were first read over to the prisoners themselves joined, bafltlus oil descri p- medical rcputl will bo well for their comfort nnd bstppiacoa if they onl beforo bo was diichargod from * ^ ^ ai , y,M< 1 - < ,|.o required. y sbowod syiuptoms of inaauity wise mitigated. : As tU Uw .poW town w«s taken b tion ; hats were raised, handkerchiefs wnvvd , ca«eand produce a certificate. Mr. Hiietnuu secotielcel reuieiulur tln'oo propbnlic words he, nod discharged ^b^Tffipi; y those ferocious lrSb- Umuca.. him in Irish by Mr. II. A. Fitxjcrnld , ufierwaids , and hold iu readiuo«a gaol; tbcu waaai qaittcd of allcoiaplicity, flogging is conQnsd to ibe offooccs ^^Lae0twad,i&,Uu'M mig ns. 11. .y were let fl into the air , "• the inutiuii , w hich was put from the chair and poised Holloway s l'illi, e-Ji r 01 ' uuard. from tho gaol and tbo force. ' . icn.a_ _ Ml;. YiU Z e:M iUMu^WM h.^elf by the chairman, in the hearing of the piifuucts. and old caubcens y u Act, whist*i» (oeoiitiaUt b'forwi WiW^W&Ui^M ^ :••" ( -. SM ' OI -^',>".' ^.ifttsi 1(11? iiti.4{1 ITWtuJff ^SS y Pianuinf 8TATION8 l OF ,TH^BBl^|8H.,Aimy. ^ RAILWAY CO. company it all, hnt ss " Tlio Great DeUhant the al ' WATERFORD AND KILKENNY Limited" daughter), for in-tead of dividends tbet [Whero two places art mentioned^ Ustriarri is that st the greatest proof of the nutritious juices being IRI8II EDUCATION meeting of the propnet Company, which tbe Peuot i/l tile Itexnumt u stationed.] f tocttg agriculture IOHD OK TtHVS. Tbe half-yearly general He owned that he viewed the fntnra of tbj ©ngtnal preserved, which may be known by its fragrance ; TO THB EDITOR Or THB London Tavern cot promiMs. TUB 9ln op M T IR ortiolo on Ire- tors in this company wat held at the great ' diffidence, but ho hoped that tha ne* frogficciar n TO . , mqcuairtJ (From the Irish Farmen' Qazcltt) but an excess of heat, caused by tho hay being put S —This morning, In your leading ^ project with 2Q * o p land system as " the Bishop's Gate-street, London, on the 31st May, system would In fonad to realise tho predictionsof tbo prc OAVAtaT. „£?•'• ?»? «Ce>'0n. '">tor FAITHFUL. together not having ita natural juices sufficiently , you speak of the Irish educational ¦ ' 1st h Guards...Knightsbridgi 26tu...BeD Uanm; Preston FARMING OPERATIONS FOR JUNE. best system doms," and you JAMES DEIAHUNTT, Esq., Waterford, in the choir.' moters (hetr, bear). I SY ADA. ASOIBBOIT. evaporated , or damp, from having received rain, of odncation in the thrco king the remarks 01 Mr. Snd Ii Guards...Windsor artb HaEareobagh ; Shorn- pain Frequently swede turn sowing occupies the far- say that " doolftimors upon Irish The Chairman stated that as the railway was about Tbe Chairman replied to some of ^ - Oil trait mel If you know tbo _ ip causes it to be mow-burnt which renders the hay even the most ardent after some discussion, tbs motion fur tbe adopV Royal H. Gourds... Reg. Park cliBo 'er doubt again; mer part ol the month, , grievances have only two which they can specif/—tbo to enter into a Dew existence, it had been considered Arlam', and, You canso me, jou'd ne , especially during the early causing in both an ties of this report wes pat And earned turn. eon. _, 1st Dragoon Guards...Aider-28th...Mnllingar so wholly true, unfit for either horses or cows, Protestant Establishment and tho question of lenses local director should become For doubting me, and this season wo fcRr it will do so more than desirablo that the The retiring directors, Messrs. C. J. Colman, E. Power, ii shot 28th...MalU ; Chatham Bat teaches me to donbt you too. excess of urine. After the rick settles down it and 11 While agrcoing with presiding usual. It ia advisable, however, to get this opera- compensation to tenants. chairman, and that would account for his Smitbwick and W.C Venning, were then ro-electcd, and 1 2d Ditto.»MnUn;Canterbarr 30th... Montreal ; Chatham My fondest tbooghts ore ill your own, should be pulled, dresaed. and, if necessary, fresh much to whioh f. refor, per- , tion concluded at as early a period as possible ; and you have Baid In the artiolo that day. voto of thanks to tbe chairman, concluded tbe proceedingI. 3d Ditto...Abnwdm»ggnr, do 3l8t...Templ«more As in tbs sweet days that hare Sown ! topped, when it should bo immediately thatched! mit me to quoted above soemed to 4th Ditto... Aldeabot 32d... Mauritius, Colchester when turnip sowing lasts beyond the 10th ofths say that tho words DIRECTOR 'S RErORT. if I forget and roped, choosing dry weather for thic purpose, if bavo slipped from your pen without a fall consideration I 6th Ditto...Carragh; 33d...Knrraebse;ShefScid ' You a»k me, too, month, rather to sow Aberdeena, hybrids, &c , than William Williams, Esq., secretary to tho company, MALCOMSON'S FACTORY, BELFAST. The «pot where you and I Bret met? possible. of the subject. 8th Ditto...Cahir 94tli...On pan. boioo; Ports- Bwedes then read the report as follows :— Wednesday, tho ceremony of starting nnd How can 1 1 for my fooUtops atray , POTATOES should be particularly attended to now. Ton must not havo remembered that in January, On 7th Ditto...Benares; Cant. month The results of the working of the railway for tlio four new factory engines, recently erected 35th...Mooltan ; Colchester So often down that quiet way, H AY-HAKINO—MOKINO, AND THE PROPER TIME Hoeing, weeding, and earthing up, whether in lazy- 18CS, SO Irish Roman Cathollo Archbishops and Bishops naming two 1st Dragoons... Newbridge I'd gueu fair half-years, ending 25tli March , 1851, 1805, 1SG0, snd 1807, Messrs. Malcomson at the Milfort Mill, look 2d Ditto... Dublin 36tli...Suabjolianporo ; Pom- I nlmost fancy . TO DO so.—The proper time for this operation beda or drills, should not be lost sight of for a mo- presented to the lato Administration two m6morUls by the How many wild flowera flourish tlicro i of which presence of a large number of gentleman Sd Hussars... Hounilow broke varies considerably from soil , climate, state of the ment. It appears that in most localities, tho plant- fully explaining tho acrious grievances Receipts. Working Expenses. Balance. place in , Belfast and the ifh Ditto... York 37th...Bareilly; Pom'iroktj What was tfeo tima ? Even that I know weather, and the different periods at which the va- greatl on the Catholics complain with rcspcot to education—griev- 1801-£!)/100 12 2 £.(,,401 17 8 £1,095 11 G connected with the linen trade in ing of this moat favorite esculent is y about 5th Lancers...Lucknow, Cant. 38th...Soulkote ; I'nrkharst Toe time was ere—tbe irest aglow; rious plants of which is made are in their prime; ances which tho lato Chancellor of the Exchequerdesi g- 1805-10,«0 17 11 6,138 8 5 6,303 0 0 immediate neighborhood. The mill covers 6th Dragoons...Colchester ht hay increase ; we, theretorc, feel it our imperative duty 39th...Eoniikillen With ruddy (told it showered ita lig , at which it is best. nated in the Houso of Commons as tbo " imposition of 1866-10,701 3 0 6,377 12 2 6,321! 11 7 seven acres of ground, and all the plans and arrange- 7th Hussar«...8e ,i!koto;Cant. 40tli...])gTonport ht; each has its own particular timo to warn all to watch this most precarious of all crops, Around you as yon met my sig civil disabilities for religious opinions." Tho Timei 1887-11,!M8 1 6 5,789 10 8 6,458 2d...[>esbawor ; Aberdeen Has never uever left me yet 1 moment is not easil found ; but by care and at- the opportunity of still Robert C. Addcy, managing director. , y grcator breadth not to let slip flight of recent disturbances cannot, refuso to the half-year over 1800 131 13 3 10th Hussars...Duudalk i3d... Portsmouth. tention a great deal be done in having a much ings have been constructed to contain 20,744 spindles How did n-e moct ? I cannot tell, may sewing such green crops as suit the season ; should prelates the right of spoaking authoritatively in the Dalnnco in favor of this 11th Do...Mhow, Canterbury VWl...Aldershot get credit for. The 151 15 4 and 1,250 power-looms. Thero is a constant sup- We neither spoke, yet sotno deep spell better article than we usually tho necessary quantity of farm-yard manure run namo of tho overwhelming majority of your Irish half-year over 1805 ...... 12th Lancer8...Newbridgo 16t!i...Poonn; Chatham (That made ns both feel strange and grave), first that comes to use will be ray-grass : it is toe short for this purpose crops may be grown by Balanco in favor of this ply of water on the premises, and a beautiful pond 13th Hussars, Canada, Cant 40th...Lncknow; Pembroke , good fellow-subjects. 402 10 4 Secmod working there as wave and wave often allowed by the farmer to get too ripe, through the land is tolerated and with In the :— half-year over 1801 ...... has been excavated at the south-west corner of the lV.h Do., Edinburgh 47th...Halifax ; Pembroke ashes, where burning , letters alluded to tho bishops declare To balance of thir half-year £5,458 4 10 Meet and mingle on the shore, anxiety to save the seed in some coses, and in others guano, bone dust, or superphosphate. " That the Roman Catholics of Ireland bavo long labored building to supply tho requirements of the business. 15th Hussars, AUersbot I8tll... Dublin Oar hearts were joined for evermore! Add balance of last half-year C2 17 5 10th lancers D.mgsloro; Cunt l»tli...Docsa ; Colchester from an idea that the crop will be weightier. In ARROTS AND ARSNIPS well over under the greatest disadvantages with respect to education. The weaving factory, which is still in an unfinished , C P should be now 17th Do , Aldcrshot 50th... Now South Wales ; such cases it is almost as scourging a crop as corn , I D past tiraei all their educational establishments were mip- state, covers between two and three acres of ground. Wo neither spoke! but thoso soft oyos , ground, and no time should he lost in thinning them prcued £5,621 2 3 18th Hnssars...Sccundcrabnd, Chatham Like ; in summer twili ght sVics, as hay, becom- , and laws w«ro enacted prohibiting them to establith loan The roof is flat and covered with felt , and tho room and it loses all its nutritious qualities out to their proper distances, which in drills should ¦ehools nt for oducation to Deduct interest on Canterbury 51st... Dover Told a talc more sweet than words ; home, or to sond their children 787 3 0 lass rooflets, ing, in fact, moro like atraw. The proper time to be from 8 to 9 inches plant from plant, and in lazy- the Continent; Wliilo tho majority of tho Irish pcoplo wero capital 3, is lighted from the roof by means of g lOlli Do, Mernt ; Canterbury 52ml... Dublin I not it to tbo song tho birds rho otlitr. Op- cut this grass is when the apike is pretty well devel- beds, sown broadcast, from 8 to 10 inches every way. thus suffering, great educational privileges wore conferred which extend from one end of tho building to 20tb Do, KamiIpora;C:iut. 53d...Canada; Sliorncliflb Wore singing—oh , that sweet lay, Leaves to credit for rcveuno £1,733 10 3 tbo south sido of the oped—while it is yet green, and before it comes intc When they are grown something larger, the horse- by tho State on the minority of tho nation, and a Protestant posite tho weaving factory, and along 21tt Do, Uinballaj C.iiit. 51tli...Mauchoitcr I sing it to my heart all day ! Tho traffic of the line for tho half year exceeded that ol building, aro the stores next on tho west aido are the TUAIS. flower. Cut at this period, it makes a most excel- University with subsidiary institutions, was established, nnd ; aitiTAtir 55th...Lucknorf ; Sheffield hoe and scuffler may be used. tlio corresponding period by the sura cf £543 17s 9J. Tlic backling-rooms, nnd beyond thorn the preparing, spinning, Head-quarters, Woolwich ; 5Gtii...Aldcrs!iot And in your heart that soft refrain, requires but little making, amply endowed 'with landed property' to tho extent ol over weeks since 29tli March last, arc ( lent, nutritious hay ; it SWEDISH TURNIPS AND M ANOEL WURZEL, when of receipts for tho seven , and rceling-room«. Tho two latter aro in ono block of build- Tronp3— 2 and 3 Dublin : 57th...New Zealand ; Col know awakes an echoing strain ; 100,000 acres, or about 100th part oi tho wliolo acrcaga ,810 4i Gd, showing an increaso ol and the more it is kept together, with frequent air- sown early, will nowjrequire to he attended to, and Ireland." £3.031 8s 11, nzainst 12 ing four storeys in bcijrht, six rooms or throo flats being de- 1, 0, 10, 11, 12, 17, 22, Alder- Chester And every uoteand evtry tono £271 4s 6d for tho present over last year. The directors re- Will bo ns tender as my own ; ing, tho better its nutritive qualities will be preserved. the same directions that have been appended to the And again ' voted to spinning, and two rooms or ono flat to winding. shot; 4, Kensington; 6, 7, 18 58th...Benares ; Pembroke , referring to the Quoon s Colleges, tho tiring by rotation are Messrs. Charles Robert Coltnan, Ed- behind For lore's sweet lay when rightly set, Timoth when sown alone, requires the same Adjacent to theso are the boilers, workshop, &c., anil 20, 21, 21, Woolwich ; 0 and 59th...Curragh y grass, carrot and parsnip crop ars to be observed. Hoe prelntes say :— mond Power, Edmond Smitliwitk , and Walter Charles Vcn- took Slates always sncli a atreot duct 1 finer and better grasses this again the new- cngino room, where tbo ceremony 8, Curr.igh; 13, 14, 15 nnd 1G O0th...lst bat, Malta, Win treatment; but all the other and single them out from 12 (• 15 or 18 inched "The result of tho mixed system of ctincation in the ninir, all of whom aro eligible for re-election. Tbo auditor ' Mr. Win. Quota's Colleges as it does tbo influenco of reli- placo on Wednesday: Shortly nflcr three o clock New Zealand; 10, Portsm'th; Chester ; 2ml bat, Cork ] Then never let ono doubt of me —viz., cocksfoot, foxtail, poas, nnd fescues—are in apart. When blanks occur, they may be filled up by , excluding, , retiring is Mr. Charles II. Robinaon, who is also eligiblo for , , the lady of gion, is, we believe to train tho youthful mind in indiffcront- Malcomson accompanied by Mrs. William Lovo 23, Cliatlmm. 3rd bat., Mad ras, Winches. Mar love's own blissful harmony ; their prime when in full flovrer.and before they per- transplanting ; but the plants used for that purpose , re-eloction. The Kilkenny Junction Railway, delayed by the managiug director and a largo nninbcr of gentlemen, ism to every creed and in practical infijelity, which tend to was completed lust month into the , FOOT G(7AIIDS. ter ; 4th battalion, Cuiads, For if one note be lost, tba whole, fect their seeds. At this period the saccharine mat- should be taken up carefull so as not to break the financial difficulties, entered the engine-room, when the engines were started, 1st bat.. y, subvert tbe throuo as well as tho altar. Wo havo, thorclore, Maryborough station of tlio Great Southern and Western Grenadier Guards, Winchester Tumi to discord in tho soul ; ter is in the most valuable state, and easily preserved. Mrs. Love naming them respectively Fox and Pcnn—tbe Tower of London; 2nd bat., tap-root, and also to take care that it is not doubled deemed it our duty, in accordance with tlio teaching of our Railway, and uninir examiued on the 30th of April by tlio Gist...Bermuda; Cosport Rut trust me, and throughout all time, irom thistles docks &c, founders of the Society of Friends on each side of the Chelsea ; 3rd bat., Wolliug- 02d...(!uttev.int rh When the meadow ii foul, , , up in the act of planting; for this purpose dropping Church—and the wisdom of this teaching is confirmed by inspector appointed by the Hoard of Trade, it has been ninco 250 Oar litci will join in sweetest yme ! Atlantic. Tbo engines aro higli-pressuro horizontals, ton Birracks ; 03d...Glasgow a gang of weedcrs should keep close to the mowers, weather should be chosen, and dipping the roots of experience—to drclar* thcao institutions rcploto with Rravo sanctioned for opening, nnd your directors, with new rolling Bland and horse-power, and ncro manufactured by Messrs. Coldslrcarn Guards, 1st bat, 04th.." Parkhurst And tbsn that bless»d unity, to separate the weeds and lay them in heaps imme- the lants in a bucketful of rich compost, mixed and intrinsic danger to tuo faith nnd morals of oar nocki. stock obtained for the purpose, haw commenced running ines started most satisfactorily, und .Malta, harmony, p Under these circumstancos Catholics havo no confidence in Sons, Bury. Tbe eng St. Gi-orgo's Barracks ; 2uO 05th...AIdcrsbot Will mako such endless diately as the grass is cut. It frequently hap- trains thereon , under the fivo yearn' contract for its working, make a third pair supplied by the aame firm to the Messrs. That life will seem one sunny song, with soft water to a creamy consistence, will much them, aud can Dover, consistently with their religious prin- bat, Dublin dGth...Jersey pens that much loss is sustained by not cutting onterod into by both companies. Tlio working arrangemonte llalcorajon for the driving of flax-spinning machinery. The As with its tide we glide along; expedite their rooting ; or by transplanting cab- ciples, accept them." with tho Waterford and Limerick Itnilway Company being Scots Fusilier Guards, 1st 67tli...Wat«rord h for one inch of the bottom ceremony having concluded, tbe company proceeded to one bat 2nd bat, But oh, believe me still yonr own, the grass close enoug , bages, or sowing a later variety of turnip seed, that And, in fine, the bishops conclude:— detorrainod, your directors aro about resuming tho working where a splendid , Windsor ; 08tli...Alderah'>t but the loss of the rooms above the sortiug department, Wellington Barracks As in the sweet days that have Sown I will weigh moro then two at the top ; will suit the season. Some varieties of swede trmy "Considering these and tbo other circnmstnncis wo linvo of yoor own line, upon tueir rolling stock being handod over hundred gentlemen sat down flOtli...Covor 80th ...Manritius ; Gosport M ODE OF S AVIMI H AY.— The proper saving grain. In such cuses it will be belter to puslponc that there is not a shadow of reason for continuing 8tb ...M uat Malta Chatham ; 87th...Gibraltar; Dover of the working of tho line by them. various channel routes. To no man did ho feel more indebted . . Sco hor as she rises np each morn, " IAM ILLIAMS 2ml bit Malta Chatham 88th Park. hay consists in expelling, by evaporation , all the sowing the prass seeds till the corn is removed. them. W III . W , Ser.r1t.1r3-. than lo Mr. Malcomson for if bo wanted t'5,000 or .€10,000 , , ...Uawul i'indeft ; With roses to deck tho earth ; those, wero laid , Otb ...lstbat, Cape, ['outbroke.; burst watery particles, and, at the same time, to preserve W INTER VETCHES S OWN WITH O ATS OR R YE Now, roforring to documents, which The Chairman, in moving that the report be re- to promote any line, ho had only to name tlio matter to Air . With sweet flowers to adorn before the llouso of Commons in March, 1800, I would observed that on and after the Manufac- 2nd bat , Japan , Poinbroko 80th...Curragh ns birth. nod concentrate the saccharine •natter contained in should now be nearly consumed, and their place? ceived and adopted , Miilcninson. ilo was glad bo had come bore ns a The land that gave ask you some simple (jucitions. Docs not tbo stato of ing enlerprisc and in 10th...lit bat, Capo G. Hope, OOtli...Sttbjthoo ; Preston tbe plant. To gain this end tho grass should bo occupied with such of the turnip tribe as are most 1st of June tho Waterford and Kilkenny Hailw;iy turer, for ho look an interest in shi pp , all bet splendor, things thej represent conslituto a real grievaiico? lause). Chatham ; 2nd bat, Jbnga 91st... Dum Dura ; Stirling Horc sho is in carefully tedded and divided b hand (this opera- applicebic to the date of sowing. would be worked ns an independent lino. They tbe general prosperity of tbo town (app With her robes of fashion on ; y Euglond is Anglican ; Scotland is Presbyterian ; Ire- in proposing tho to»sl of " Tho Chairman," lore Chatham 02(1... Dublin CABDAOES where intended for agricultural pur- would be able !o run trains to .he very centre of I re- Mr. Preston, llth...l*tb.it Fyzabad Park- now in all her grandeur, tion cannot de done so effectuall y by the fork nt this , In England education is Protestant ; ' said tlio namo of Malcomson wan tho greatest in connexion , , 03d...Jhansi ; Aberdeen Sooher land is Catholic, hurst ; 2nd bat, C'npo do Ai she decks tho emerald lawn, stage, for the swathe will invariably lie in tufts or poses, should bejnow planted out in rows ; tho flat it is not land. They had now time-tables of their own , and with the linen trnrlo in tho world (applausi). Mr. Malcnmson , 9tth...Umbalh; Colchester in Scolland it is Presbyterian; in Ireland 12tb...lst hat, New Zealand. 95th wads) as soon after the scytha as the dew rises off Dutch from 2} to 3 feet asunder, and from 18 inches State to they would he able to work their Hue all through to bad tuld thoin l;c was comparatively a stranger among llicin ; ...Mhow; Pembroke Oh! what a. charming, pleasant maiden; Catholic. Would it bo DO grievaucc wero the (Jnsport; 2nd bat Sectapurc! 3Gth Poona ; Colchester (he to 2 feet plant from plant ; this gives a most abund- borough, from which place there was direct but, if so, bis Roods and his deeds iu fielfast ivon; nol , ... Is this joyful mouth of June ; grass. The hay-tedding machino performs this refuse I'rotcstant education in England, or Prosbytcrian Mary Gosport 97th...On p«i. home; Gospott operation admirably mid economically. By frequent ant and nutritious food for cattle during tho winter communication to Dublin. The line was hitherto an strangers amongst them (hear). His success lud not With her fruits so heavy laden, education ia Scotland ? And shall ivo be told it is no them am] I3th...lst hat, Kinsalf ; 2nd 98th...Portsmouth fullest bloom. months. to refuse Catholio education in Ireland ? instance of a block line, but now it was in all respects paralysed, thoug h it certainly had astonished , And hor flowers in turnings and exposure to the sun nnd air the glass gricvaaco wherever bo was known he was looked upon with wonder. Kit, Mauritius , SbornclifTo 09th...Capo ; Preston AVE lanting after earl for many long year to forco Pro- Mtillingar was com- Mtli...l3t lint Dontnubon. W. R. F becomes flaccid, and before the dews begin to fall , it R intended for transp y pota- England tried hard a a main line.and when the line to He was a dangerous competitor in linen , cotton, or shipping, , Tralco ; 2ml 100th...Canada ; Colchester should bo carefully and cleanly raked into wind- toes, spring vetches, corn stubbles, &c, should be testant education upon Ireland ; she did not succeed. plete, Wnterford would bo put in communication with although, perhaps, one of tbo most successful th:it cvci lint, Melbourne, Chatham 101st, Cavvnporo; Dover provided it be not lot!i...lst bat, N. IJruusrWck, 102ml Catinniiorc ; Sborncliflo rows by hand, or more exppdilintisly and cheaply sown not later than the 20th of June. Have a piece Now she will givo us any education, the whole of the Great Western system , by which entered the field (applause). When ho told them tbat Mr. , Chatham; 2d bat, Gibraltar, 103rd, Morar ; 9horncliflb ittterellaue* by the horse hay-rakc ; if the irc-atlier be fine, it of gronnd well dug or ploughed, manured, and made Catholic ; but the education that would be in accordance goods and passengers were forwarded from the Matcomson was 0110 of tho greatest men of the day ho need with 's feeling, with Ireland's faith—Catholic scarcely trcap.iss on tlicir timo further, but he was a gentle- Chatham 101th, Dugshaio; Wal mer may remain so fur the ni g ht , but in catching weather fine ; mark it out in beds \ feet wide, with 18 inch southern and midland districts to the metropolis of IOtli...lst battalion Canada THE D UCHY OF L UXEMBURG .—Originally ncotinty education—that sho will not givo to Ireland ; that she man of liberal mind, of large hc.irt, easy to bo approached, , , 105th, Dinapore ; I'arkburst it should he made into lap-cocks (a hunch taken up alleys ; sow the seed thinly, and cover cvonl y with the empire, and vieir versa . This was, he submitted, Colchester ; 2nd bat Iiar- Luxemburg was mode a duchy in 1354, and re- will not lot tho Catholics of Ireland have unless ou most and possessed all tbo qualities calculated to benefit a mercan- , 106th, Jullundur; Chatham laid down on the about one inch of fine mould ; they will be fine, object tn have attained bemuse there was hiidoes, Colchester 107th, Allahabad ; Preston mained under tlic dominion of its dukes, during the and lapped round the Arm, ground unfair condition.?, Is this no griovancc ? a great , tile community lika llclfust. Ilo, therefore, begged to give nnd the arm drawn out). Too much attention can- strong plants to transplant out in August and Sept. every reason lo believe that the traffic would be in- " .Success to tho Milfort Spiuuing Company," with which 17th...Ut but, Kilkenny ; 2nd 108th, Secuudernbad ; Gosport fourteenth and fifteentli centuries. Louis XIV. I3ut I trust I need say no moro, especially when I re- b;it Toronto, Cli.ltlmn not be paid to the first day 's work : upon it dependa Hundred-headed cabbages may be treated in the creased to an enormous extent under the new sys- be would couple Iho name ot Mr. Malcomson (loud applause). , 109th, Poona; Chatham seized the southern part of the ducliy nnd incorpo- mind you, sir, that on a former occasion thn Times, in 18th...1st bat, Aldcrshot; 2nd Rifle Brg, 1st bat....Quob« the systematic method necessary for the succeeding same way. tem of working. The directors had made throug h Tbe chairman, in responding, said tbo firm now estab- l rated it with France, the remainder being left language raoro forciblo than I can command, expressed of cotton in the hat, Now Zealand, Colcbcstoi Winchester; 2d bat.Calcntt* (do R AY-GIIASS and CLOVER will now succeed, nnd whicli they hoped would provc lished in llelfant were large manufacturers , under the rule of Austri a until the French revolu- rlay. Unless ground is kept cleanly raked, the this very truth. You said (in tlio Times of June 21 , working arraiigcmcnts, Suutli of Ireland, and lt.id connection with almost nil the IOth...lsl bat.Nowsliern, Sbef. Winchester; 3rd bat, Rawul take tho place of tho winter vetches in soiling ; great profit. Hitherto it hmi been field ; Snd bat tion, when the whol e of Luxemburg became a dews cannot rise off in time in the morning, and ii I805) :- a large source of markets of tbo world. Ono manufacture dcvelopcs another, , Tlij-etrnyco, Pindeo, Winchester ; 4th bat, caution must be observed in giving this or any other " Tho Koman Catholics liavo endeavored to supplement Sheffield Canada, Winchester French posssession. The Congress of Vienna again rain should fall, it ia more quickly evaporated when worked by theWnterford and Limerick Company at a and their correspondents sent homo asking them to sond out the ground is clean than when it is coated over with succulent herbage to cows, us when too fresh it cre- tlio system established by government by ono of their own. per ccntagc on the recei pts, but it was not to be .sup- linen on account of tho scarcity of cotton. They bad com- 20th ...1st bat, Dovonport; 2nd COLONIAL COBFS restored its separate existence, and the King of the liatt, Hong Kong, Sborncliffi 1st West I R...Sierra Leone a thin layer of and much valuable time is lost ates hove. The Catholic Uuivcrsity lias been the creation of that posed that the system of traffic could be developed monccd with tow, which they purchased from in.nnufactuicis Netherlands became its Grand Duke, (n 1830 it grass, priesthood which has declared unceasing war against 21st...1st bat, Dublin ; 2ud 2d... Bahamas S HCEI*.—The sooner sheop are washed and shorn obstinate in the North, anil, in courso of timo, they hail extended their joined tUe Bel gians in their revolution , and tho for want of this precaution, for it is useless to strive , tho Quuon's Colleges. Tlio Catholics declaro they have a to so great nn extent ns if the lino were worked their cuWts bat, Secunderabad, l'rcstou 3d...Jamaica where it has been omitted the belter ; the operation business to fl.ir. Success bad aliv.iy.1attended , London Conference divided it between Belgium and to dry grass upon wet ground. Some) aro in the , ri ght to educate tlio youth of their communion liy means of under their immediate supervision , and without pay- Biid be might say tbat success, not money-making, was the 22nd...1st bat, New Hruns- ltb...Barbadocs Holland, the portion falling to the.Iatter state being habit of letting (lie grass lie in awathc the firs t and should not be delayed beyond the first week in June, tcncliert of tlicir own faith, and that this right they arc ing a large sum to another company to carry on gui'lin; star of thei r firm. wick, Chatham ; 2nd bat, Ceylon Rifles...Ceylon and as the Grand Ducliy of the greater part of the second day. This is very re- and the perfect cleansing of the fleece is of the ut- determined to upliolil. They point to the reiterated declara- their trailic. The steps necessary to effect the pro- Tbo pleasant proceedings were shortly after brought to .1 Mauritius, Chatham Hong Kong the territory now known lish statesmen t) mt education ought to be reli- 23id...lst bat, Jubbleporc Do- prehensible, for the under Bide will rotain all its most consequence, as will he found when selling the tions of Eng posed arrangements had thrown much labor 011 the closo. , Cape Mounted Rifles...Caps Luxemburg. The rig ht of maintaining a garrison tljat tbo denominational as opposed to tho tccular ver ; 2d do, Montreal , Dover of Good Hopo moisture and if the weather is wool. For this purpose choose n running stream gf iou.s ; local directors but as the prosperity of the lino w,is in Luxemburg was conceded to Prussia by tlm , and lose its color, principle has received the doflnito sanction of tlio country ; , 21t)i...l«t bat. Malts, Shef- III Canadian Rifle*...Kingston of clear soft water G ENERAL T HOMAS BUUKI :. — CJencrnl Thomas treati«s of the 31st of May, 1815, the 8th of dry the upper side is scorched ; besides, there is no , , with a cloan , gravell y bottom, that tho ago at wbicli young men go to collcgo is ono which their only object, they did not scruple to make any F. field ; 2nd bat, Hangoou do Royal Malta KencibIe3...Malti f ree f rom of in the the count November, 181fi , and the 12th of March , 1817. time gained by it, but rather lost, for the sooner tho mud ; it trill he grea t advantage to Jet especially requires Iho logical guidance, nui tlio/ argue l)j:it sacrifice for its interest (hear, hear) , With regard Burke was born in Fcthard , y 25th...1st bat, Montreal , l'res- them stand on a hare to refuse tlicin a on the 10th of December 1810, of The population of the grand duchy, according to grass is rendered flaccid the sooner it will be won. pasture till the water drains it is impossible, with any regard to justice, to the rolling stock , necessary steps *ould bo Tipperary, , DISTWIJUTION OP THE UOYAL ARTILLERY charter for un university, iit which the aluilcuta belong ing to America the census ol "iSGG , is 206,571. When the meadow is surrounded or interspersed off them perfectly, nnd, if possible, do not drive taken to provide additional stock in excess of that respectable parents. They emigrated to HEAD QUARTERS, LOHDOH. with trees the grass should be immediatel them along a dusty road while wet. They may he their Church shall lie instructed liy tcacliors urlio profess its which hail been handed over b when (iencral liurko was twelve years of nge, and A Ilorso Brigade, Mccrut 12th do Gosport In n little town in California an ass made his way , y curried j means of these facts anil tlm rcaioning y the Waterfurd shorn in three or four days after washing, provided tenets. . . . I! active industry to realise a comfortable B Ilorso Brigade, Woolwich 13th do Dover into a justice's office, nnd although uses are often out after the scythe to the open ground and there tin: Catholics undoubtedly mnko out a very plausible casi>. and Limerick Company. This extra stock was contrived by Their son Thomas was sent to tlic C Ilorso Brigade, Woolwich 14th do Alnncdab.nl such lace9, yet this one was a veritable tedded out. It will be absolutel y a saving in the the weather holds dry. After being shorn, they They show that, though tlioy are the most numerous relt- required, atul rendered necessary on account of mode of living. D Ilorso Brigade B.ingaloro found in p New York by the late , 15th do Nova Scoii.i jackass. The ass was bestrided by nn liombro, who end to employ plenty of hands ut hay-making, and should be rubbed over with a wash, composed in the giuus body in Irel.mil, there is no public and recognised iusti. the increased distance which would have to bo seminary established in E Horso Brigade, Kirlico 10th do Dum Dum which they can can scud their BOIIS to be educated where he received a very was In vain endeavoring to get him past the house keep over jobs for their employment between times. proportion of 20 gallons good tobacco water, 1 pint tution to run, ns the company would have to work GO miles Archbishop Hughes, V I torso Brigado, Uinballagl 17th do Madras of spirits of turpentine 2 ozs. of corrosive sublimate in their own faith, aud that tlicir Univorsity is at present a liberal education. When at tho proper ago he wns Depot K H A, JIaidstono of justice. The donkey *as _ obstinato—donkeys A sudden shower just at this period, whon the mea- , , of line instead of 31. The directors had also 18tb do Karracbco and Ib. common salt. Let the sheep be well r ub- mere privato school, which can givo none of those titular laced at business, and he gradually rose In the 1st Brigade, Gibraltar 10th do Pcshawur generally are—and the rider being of the same mind dows ore covered with grass and hay, apread out in \ roirnrds for learning whicli aro valued both for the;social entered into an argecment for five years witli p bed with this mixture, lukewarm. Flies will be very esteem of his fellow-citizsns until at length he was 2ml do, Mauritius 20th do Kiimpteo of that celebrated poet, who wrote " If I had n. different stages of winning, will undo all that has ¦landing they confer and for tlio professional privileges the Extension Company. The additional plant and 3rd do Malta 21st do Mhow elected a member of the New York Town Council. donkey what wouldn't go, wouldn 't I wollop him— been done for the day or two before ; so that it is basy now with both sheep and lambs, particularl y which in many cases attend them."—I havo the honor to be, rolling stock woul'l he paid fur at different periods , 4th do Canada 22nd do Morar " belabored hia animal until he backed him necessary to have all your help within call ; twenty in close, shady places. Tho shepherd must be in- »ir, rour faithful servant, DAIITII. WODDLOCK , and the directors hail no doubt that I he increased His social influence and his well-known aflection 6th do Woolwich 23rd do Secuaderahad oh ! no, May 21. Hector ol tho Catholic University of Iroland* of his birth attracted the attention of into Ibe office, upsetting the table, books and judge. minutes' smart work will often save a week's vexation cessantly at work , and pick the maggots out the traffic would unablo them to pay not only for the for the land Gth do Portsmouth 24th do Mean Mecr that the jud and loss, as we have frequently experienced. The instant they make their appearance, otherwise they stock, but also to declare tho usual dividend, if not Stephens and other wily adventurers, who made 7th do Plymouth 25th do Allahabad Our informant says ge was greatly ass- I'HE 8II1 do Lucknovr second day it should be spread out on the cleanl quickly burrow under the skin , nnd frequentl y the IRISH FISHERIES much more. Tho directors, as before intimated, patriotism a trade to impose on the credulity of Depot Brigado R A:—II Q tonished, and aas-ured the rider that he wonld fine y 9th do, Dublin and lit Division Sheer- raked spaces between the windrows so soon ns the animal is lost. A little powdered white lead, shaken At the first meeting of the Select Committee of had mado through working arrangements with the their dupes. Unfortunately he was lured into the , him for contempt of the Court. 10th do, Montreal ness ; 2nd Division , Wool- in li htl will dry up the excoriation in th'j Fisheries, presided snares of the conspirators, who, ho believed, were THE N EW BREECH-LOADER FOR FRANCE .—A cor- dew is off, throwing two windrows into one, if the g y, skin tlio .louse of Commons on Irish Great Western Railway Company of England, nn lltli do .Sliorncliflb wich ; 3rd, Wurlty when that occurs, and the shepherd should have a , le wilness only was *]!) actuated by the purest motives for the redress respondent of the Figaro, rpeakiug of the new crop is not too heavy, and frequently turned during over Mr. Wake, M. I' a sing undertaking which hail no fewer than 2. stations, DISTRIBUTION OF Til 3 ROYAL ENGINEERS. Secre- of the grievances of Ireland. At the breaking out breechioading adopted in France, snys the day, and in the fall of the evening gathered up 8 .nail paper of it in his pocket alway s for that purpose. examined. The evidence of Mr. Ilornsby, and they hoped to be able to make similar arrange- IIKAD -QUAB.T MS, CQATHAU. rifl* :— " It America he joined tho Federal appears to unite all the best qualities of an offensive and made into grass cocks, about twice the size of T HE D AIRY should now be in full and profitable tary to the Board of Works, fully accounts for the ments with other companies. The princi ple of the uf tho civil war in A Troop, Chatham 20th, Curragh those of the first day, and the ground clennlv raked. operation ; great care is requisite in the management condition of tho Irish Sea Coast Fisheries. A rig id board was to keep iu harmony with all their nrmy, in which he rose from rank to rank until he H Troop, AldcrHhot 21»t, Shorucliffo weapon—long range , facility of management, grent 1st Company, Canada Tho third day it should be carefully shaken out of dairy stock , amongst which is clean milking, system of economy struck off two fishery com- nei hbours (hear , hear) ; hut, in making this state- reached the position of colonel and brevet general 22nd, Mauritius precision, and remarkably great penetrating power. g 2nd Vinuritius 23rd in thick beds on the clean dry which is a certain preventive to sore udders ; teats and there is now only one inspector ment ho would also add that, although they through his coolness and courage. After a aeries , Cape of Good Hope It can fire sixty rounds without becoming over- again , ground, which missioners, , 3rd AliK rsbot 2lth, Ditto arc often lost in this way, b which many Secretary admits of bloody campaigns he relumed with honour to heated ; it discharges twelve balls a minute, nnd was raked up the nig ht before, frequently turned y valuable with a voice at the hoard. The ilesircil to he on the most friendl y terms with tlicir Itli Halif.ir, Nova Scotia -->th, Dover Lhc city of his adoption , where his nged mother is lighter than the ordinary infantry musket. The during the day, and in the evening gathered up and animals become useless to the dairy. that the fisheries were not attended to with vi gour neig hbours , they were not afraid if it was necessary oth Bermuda SOtli , Wcyinoutu ECLAMATION ASTB AND not resided. lie was not long at home when he enter- fith troops have already rebantised the Chasscpot rifle , made into cocks of twico or thrice Ihc size of those R or W L .—Those engaged or regularity—that the fishery districts were Jliear), for they felt that their line was, to a great Chatham 27th, Malta of the day before, in which theymny in the reclamation of waste laud should let sli p no periodicall y visited—that no experiments, althoug h uxtiMit , a railway power in Ireland. The working ed with his accustomed earnestness into the Fenian 7ih Isloof CJrain 28tli , Ournigh and never call it anything but the ' Percepeau' remain for one rith Woolwich opportunity in acrawing and burning the roug h, by the Royal Commissioners, wero of the line involved of course the purchase of certain movement with Stephens, General Masscy, Curridan 2'Jlh, Portsmouth (skin-piercer.)" or two days, when they should be again broken out, recommended Otb licrmuila 30th sed rushy heath or furze-covered surface stafl" existed and others. lie was named Chief Centre of the , Gibraltar D RESS.—A drcsa with a trained petticoat is well aired, and made up again before night , always gy, , , the ever tried by the Hoard—ami that no stores ami equipments, and the directors propose 10th Chatham 31st , Gibraltar " Manhattan district and aided in the councils uf the now a-days a dress with two skirts keeping in mind to choose fresh ground to spread ashes of which are invaluable for growing potatoes, sufficient to perform the duty of inspection. When to meet this expenditure afttr the balance to '_ thc , lllli Dover :12nd, St. Helena simply ; but the laced nn the fulness of the lower skirt adds much to the effective and re-make the hay on , after which it may Lc made turni ps, and rape, g iving n full and quick braid , and the central authority was so weak , it is not strange credit of revenue , amounting to l ,733/> It mig ht, brotherhood, if any reliance is to be p 12th Capo of (Sood Hope :Wnl, Malta Masscy and Corridnn. lUlb into tramp-cocks, if suilicicntl y saved , of about forcing turni ps out of reach of the fl y. that out of 38 fishing districts in Ireland 29 had lie was .iwure, be said that in dealing with the evidence of the informers I'Miiihnrgb (survey ) 31t h, licrinuda grace of the toilette. To make the train flow satis- 1-t'h London (survey ) three-quarters of a ton each. If carried to the declined. The great miftake originally mado waa ex|>i'»ililuri! in this way they wnuld be taking Owing to the false and exaggerated statements :15th, Chatham factorily it is necessary that the skirt should be hay- loth Caunil.i .Will DEATH AMONG THE BACHELORS Board ns it is called , to which the preference share- which hnd been put forward as to the progress , Chatham perfectly plain in front, and gathered at the back, yard and ricked without tramping, it would add in annexing the Fishery , nway the dividend to lCtb Dublin (survey ) 37th The Registrar-General's report of births, mar- no Fishery whicli " the -movement" had made in this country , Chatham Small gathers arc now occasionall y to be seen on much to its nutritious qualities.atid save Considerable the Board of Works. There is reall y holders would be entitled , hut this really was nol 17th Gibraltar :S8th, Chatham riages and deaths in Scotland for the year 1 SOU a general rising was determined on, nnd (iencral the hi , and these gathers are sown very close to- expense and waste ; but to effect (his it would lie , , re- Hoard. A single inspector communicates with the BO, because when the line was handed over In the 18th Iteimuda .•Sinli, Chatham ps centl y published contains a table setting the Ti district and gether at the back. Small gores aro inserted into necessary to be provided wiih a good rick-cover , forth the Commissioners of Works, nnd then he and two Waterfurd and Limerick Railway to he worked by Burke , who was assigned pperary , I'Jth Glasgow (survey ) 40th, Chatham relative mortality in bachelors and married American leaders sailed from New the lower part of the skirt to widenjit.— The Queen. and the necessary apparatus for extending and ele- men, Commissioners hold council. The care ami super- them a quantity «f stores no longer rcqnirn] was a number of the which every pater-familiai would do well to have a Board of York for Eng a , where they arrived iu due course. TIIK FRENCH IRONCLAD THE CLIFDEN A GENCY * — The trustees under tb» vating the canvus suilicicntl y high to til low the free vision of the Sea Coast Fisheries require sold , and thu money was given in the shape of l nd FLKET illuminated on his fire-screens, embroidered on liis for some lime in London , he left for AHMOUB-ri^TED VESSELS AFLOAT will of the late Lord Clifden—Earl Grosvenor and escape of any moisture arising from the slight fer- at least three members unconnected with any other tlividciiil s to thu preference shareholders. The After remaining foot-stools, embossed on his invitation cards, and in- increased Ireland after the failure of the Chester gathering, Com- Condition OB Lord Bagot—have appointed John Hasell , Esq., mentation that must necessaril y ciiBue from even the department. They may be enormously board believed that it would be better policy to Ilorso> plo- 1st Jtn., serted b way of motto in his crackers. It in Dublin was met b Corridau , Namcp. Rato. POWQI second son of K, W. Hasell, Esq., of Dalcmnin best saved bay. y , is as in value by proper inspection , supervision, and apply the money to purchase these stores than to and on arriving y r. Cans, ment 186J. , follows:— to a most respectable hotel M.iitcnta — ... 000 S2 081 STACKING .—So soon as it is possible after the hay control. The whole con of the fishery administra- raise the sum required by temporary loans. In who proceeded with him , In emnmiuioa Cumberland, Colonel of the Westmoreland and TBB CBNTAGE OP D8ATUU. Solferino — ... OOO 62 081 In coramissioa dried or seasoned it i» hut ,£y50 a year, and it is scarcely conclusion he desired to say that it wuuld g ive him where the "lured informer, who alleged thnt he Cumberland Yeomanry Cavalry, and Chairman of is perfectly should be broug ht Years of Ago. Among Husbands tion in Ireland ABMOUB-rLATBDi PKICATBS AFLOAT. Among Government would suppose that any qucslioiis the share- was n medical student who had come from America Quarter Sessions for those counties, to the agency into the hay-yard and slacked or ricked. There is Between & Widowers. li.icln. credible that any great pleasure to answer 1'Maudro Kir^t-rato ... 000 3-1 680 In coromiuioo. -lor* regulated for to take out his di loma, was the constant companion of the Gotvran and Callan estates of tho infant nothing dutcriotratcs hay so much as tho usual prac- 20 & 25 0.BII7 1.171 3!) fishery districts could be properl y holders might like to put. p Gauloiso 000 14 680 Kitting out On the 12lh or 13th tice in this country of leaving it out for months in 25 „ 30 O hio 1..-W.J so small a sum. The motion was seconded by Mr. Charles Robert and bed-fellow of the general. Guyenno „ ... 000 14 580 Fitting out Viscount Clifden. 01)0 the meadows in tramp-encks. The losses sustained 30 „ 33 o.ow i.un Coluian. of Fcburary General liurke left Dublin and pro- Magnaniuic 14 580 In commission " Pa, do storms make malt liquors I" " No, - l'rovenco „ ... 000 1 35 „ W l.USO 1...H5 AMERICA been with ceeded to Cfonmel, where he placed himself 31 680 In commtssiol child : why do you ask 1" " Because I heard ma from so great a aurface being exposed, and the ro t- Several questions having put regard to Ilcvnncha „ ... 900 14 680 Fitting 40 „ 45 1.2 W UM iu communication with the leaders of the Fenian out g tell Jane to bring, in the clothes, for a storm was ting of tops and bottom", rarel y amount to less than 60 1.5!) 1 Tin: NKURO nisTimriEKS the purchase of the rolling stock , and with regard to S.ivoio „ ... 000 14 680 In commissiojrj 45 „ 'J.Wrt movement in that locality . The circumstances brewing." a cwt. each tramp-cock, and very frequently more, 50 „ G5 1771 2.0S1 N EW Y OHK , M AY 18.—TUe negro stevedores in the estimated increase of tniilic, Survcillanlo 000 It 580 Fitting out ]§ lo his ?rrcst by the soldiery near L IBEL A CTION —An action for the recovery of Good rick-covers are absolutely indispensable when 65 „ 00 2.4H B.85H Ne-.v Orleans became riotous on Thursday last, Mr. Adams regretted to find the company in sucli which followed up Valourcuso „ ... 000 11 580 Fitting out Wl (V. rath or fort, about three miles from Tip- llcroino „ ... 000 31 5SO In commfaaU damages to the amount of £1,000, by Mr. G. W. there arc large quantities of hay to he ricked. We 00 „ 3.365 +.330 beating the policemen and insulting the mayor, who a position that it was unable to declare .1 dividend. Ballyhurst or, 70 15.1 K> C. nrc too fresh in the public mind to be Invincible- 80:) 32 670 Dismantloirji Muir, of Glasgow , against the proprietors of the would recommend, as the simp lest and cheapest, to „ -J77 was endcavourning to restore order. The lattci He was aw.irc that nothing whicli he could say pcrnry , 70 „ 75 8.055 HUM Normaudic „ ... 800 28 670 In coramiwoijl North Uritith Daily Mail, on account of two alleged build three dwarf walls, of from two to three feet lied to the military authorities for aid, where- wnuld avail against the proxies iu the possession of recorded here. Cuurouno „ ... 88 UO 115 attentive Pricdland , first-rate ... 950 Court of Sessions, before Lord iiarcaple and a jury. the hay-ricks, by dragging up a well-roped barrel, „ ao.oia -vismu rako them with grape aiid canister. Upon hoar- which required the gravest and most con- of ciiflee, nnd insist that no other starch bo used in their 12 750 — 3$ or a sack filled with hay, so as to mako S13 „ 100 38.&'!5 6U.0O0 ' shareholders were now about to Marengo „ ... 050 It ended in a unanimous verdict for the defenders. chimneys at ing this tin rioters dispersed. The firemen s parade sideration. The Laundries but tlio GlcnfielJ. —French1' apcr. Ocean 050 12 750 — .* 100 „ above 53,671 — An-r OP BUVT QIT US to draw our —Horning Jnurnal. certain distances alung the centre—say from 15 to20 takes plucc in New Orleans to-day, and troops arc work their own line, and to incur all the respon- Umos U B . —We lwg SufTeren ... 000 12 750 — If This table is pregnant with significance. It B I IOWS readers' attention to the advertisumont announcing tho draw- W ASTE OP W AR —H AVOC OF L IFE.— M. Sarrnb, feet asunder, to prevent undue heating, and allow the held in readiness in case any riot should taku place. sibility which would attach to such a proceeding, and AttUOUU-l 'LATF.D 12 750 — :. -jo that between 20 and 25 the bachelors die off nearl ing of this Art Union, to tale place on tbe 20th of June. A CORVETTES AFLOAT. *' writing latel in the Economists llel free escape ol the warm vapor ; whilst some object y case lie thought it would have been Hclh gtieuso — ... 450 10 y gc, says that twice as fast as benedicts ; between 25 and 30 more SPAIN. such being the list of tbo prir.oe has been banded to ua, from which wo le.iru 300 In cotsmiSMO from 1701 to 18M , Frnnce, besides the 250,000 to it as dotnp more harm than good, by causing (lie only respectful to the Knglish shareholders to have Prizes dUtri- ARMOUR - PLATED COBVETTBS unimiao. - --1 in , than hal f as fast again ; between 30 and 40 nearl The Daily Hews says— " The Spanish Supreme that there will bo upwards of On* Thoiuand Alma ' then her unity, mined and liny in the neighborhood of the vent to y with the intentions of the board, magnificent oil painting by \V. ... 450 3 300 — the^men consu ncil get fusty. Court of Wnr *nd Marine has quashed tho proceed- acquainted them liutod. The first prii« it » Armido We have never found this to be the case. half as fast again. After that the difference ia not a meeting to express an opinion Detected," valuo i!160, and a ... .150 3 300 — i 4,556,000, of which Napoleon 's conscri ptions In closo, the Cadiz I'rizo Court in the caso uf the and to have called Maw Egley, Esq., entitled " Atahmlo so marked, but it continues up to 100, when the ings of very cursory glanco at tho picture reveals to us ono great and ... 450 8 300 — amounted to 2,476,000 ; in all, 4,806,000. If we confined liagyards, putting the hay together in lorge upon it. Referring to the policy of the board in IIIIIICIIIIC bachelors st length gel the upper hand. The tlireo Turnado." Lord Stanley must now insist upon due intrinsic merit it possesses — it tells its story plainly and ex- ... 450 8 300 — • add the 300,000 loyalists sacrificed in civil war, masses cannot be trusted to without sufficient ven- past years, he could not help expressing his disap- .iKinnn d'Arc the of them uver 100 who were alive in Scotland in indemnity. plicilly. A vary charming blonde, in the olegant costume uf ... *5O 8 300 — J tilation. The lan we adopted was mortification thnt they should "i-iiic Blanche T sum totnl must exceed 5,000,000. In the last ten p , to draw up pointment and have , i» confronted by an olilerly dame, who lirts ... 4- O 8 300 — 3 1863 appear to have given up dy ing fur tho year, Krnnce ill 1683 Tliutis ' | years Napoleon waa very sparing of the French those chimneys two-thirds into the head of the rick , T UB C ONVICTS M'A FFKKTY AND B UIIKK .—Gen. refused lo lease the line, as but for that refusal the jutt intercepted a bouquet, out ol which a letter, wbich is ... 4fK) 8 300 — . while of the 28 benedicts nn fewer than 15 shuffled ABUOUR-PLATeU soldiers, and used in his wars largely Italian , and have at hand cradles made of three long, Burke, sinco his sentence, had resigned himself to shareholders would have had , since 18G0, dividends lying on tbo floor, has dropped. It is iu tbo care an.l clHct COiSTOUABD VESSELS AVLO1T. ^ off the mortal coil. However , very few marriage- rendered tbo expansion on Ibe limrixin, Piral-cl.i the current year. Thin wa* ho cognised. the entire loss of Europe during her twent)-three impressed upon them, to recon- per cent, only I" , ploasure that darkou the features of tlio elder lady, would |)0 It'iulc IX'guo 530 laced tbe whole length of the rick horizontall ought, if properl y St. James's, ami the Sisters prospect after seven years of war must have been 2,000 a day ; in all, p y, cile them even to the abominations of " chi gnons" Canon Kennedy, I ' .P., submitted, a very gloomy years leu effective nml spanking but for tlio faco of the younger CVrbure 5J0 more than 1G OOO,OOO I Such is the waste of and into which the chimneys discharged their of Charity. As regards health. Burke lias not of wailing and hoping. In his opinion it would have whero annoyance, shame, and hal f rc'rolt aru «ccn Tigor, Ham , life and " gored skirts."— North British Daily Mail. one, in from war. The same writer givea in detail the war current of hot air, which escaped at either cud. declined since the day of his conviction. He still been more desirablo to have sought an alliance with visible contention Tho prutty and dimpled face snys as FLOATING SATTSBIBS AFLOAT. page that the Cougreve 282 Dismantled loans of England during twenty-three years The chief thing to be attended to in making the continues to suffer acutely from disease of the knee Bi.ino stronger company tlun to havu undertaken to work plainly ai tbo printed , fair offender has been , at a 1'RorosED R EOATTA ON THE SEINE.—A letter in tbe receipt of a contraband letter from a Devastation 282 In reserve discount vary ing from 24.37 to 52.75 hay-rick is, that it is properly shaken up, and not joint, but generally speaking he is rather ctitcrful the line thcimtlven, but, sinco that cour.10 bail been decided (urpriicd contra- per cent., an from Paris says :—" According to the circular which tbat 11 policy of peace would bo band lover With much grace in composition , Mr . t'oudroyaiito 282 Dttmintled average of nearly 40 per cent., left in hard, matted lumps, and the less hands om- than otherwise under the circumstances. .Captain upon , bo hoped pursued K"^y 282 In rwlrve until her war debt has been issued by the promoters of the British toward s all llit-ir nei ghbors, morn ranecixllv with the Walcr- combine! all that could be desired in Mani pulation ami , U e Lavo ployed on the rick the better, as it will sink gradually M'AfTerty, sentenced to be executed on tlic 1 2th cobra is masterly Tonnantd 282 In reserve reached in 1815 £804,612,000. What tbe rest of regatta, opened to all the worl d, to take place on funl .'atid Limerick and tbo Croat .Southern and Western armngoment of and effective. Tbe socond Europe spent and lost in tbe tame period of itself; for too many hands give too much weight, June, is confined in a cell adjoining that of General I-ouking at the absolute necessity of pean. priio of 100 guineas is "lliu V;lle of tbo Uugwy, North Paixbans 213 tu retcn* . , it would the Seine on the 9th July, the subscriptions already Company. , bo ": and tend to bring ou premature fermentation ; they Burke, in what is called " the new hull" of Kil- owned lie had heaid with some alnrin tbo sUtemont of Iliu Wale.," by Mrs. J. W. B,own , M .S.F.A., and is paintel Palestro 212 In reserve be impossible to calculate; but tbe result in 1840 received towards carrying out the object amount to Peibo 212 In reumi was an accumulation of nearl 10 000 should be kept moving continually, or the constant mainham Gaol. Both convicts occupied the places chairman, that, although anxious fur p.'hcc, they were not with all tliat care and attention nhich tin's artist nlvovs y , ,000,000 dols. between 12, 000f and 13,0001., the Prince of Wales aud which has gmnid for her tbo 8aigon 212 Disuuutlal wei ht on one particular spot will make the rick in whicli they had been kept prior to their trial nnd afraid ol war. Ho asked whether thu chairman referred to takei, prominent poiiti.,n debts. What a wholesale impoverisher is war ! g nnd the Duke of Edinburgh having each given Waterford line ? •ho now holds as1 be first funulo landscape painter of Arrngnuto 212 In reserv«| le over. The use of salt prevents unduo heat- conviction. Captain M'AfTerty, like General tliu lAmurick and tho A Quaker giving his evidence before a magistrate topp 2,500f. There are to be four classes of competitors Tho Chairman—Not at all, sir ; it wasn 't in iny mind at dny. The Valq of tbe Llugwy-tho f.ivoritn re»ort of artist, in implaatblu 212 In re*crr«£ who had been a carpenter, was asked why he would ing, by attracting the moisture, and we have found —one for amateurs comprising eight, four, and Burke, appeared perfectly resigned to his fute, the moment (huir, boar). North Wales-neb, ai it is in beautiful scenery, pommel no Opininlre 212 In rnerff'j , irUf not take off his bat. " It it a privilege," said he, the hay turn out in the best possible condition, and pair oared boats, sculls, and ennoes. The cups and conversed cheerfully with the officials of the Mr. Adamn was (f ind to boar it , as bo was pcr-u.iiled thai mure beautiful spot than tho ono this la ly hits selected ; Ibe Knjbuscade 213 Unfa j as Quakers, are allowed." •• all sorts of stock eat it greedily. We recommend prison on various matters. nothing could bn more futal to tlm interests of 11 line of niity coloring is sweet ami pure, and characterised by a inndmt Protectrice 212 Kitting «*j " that we, If I Imd it which form tbe prices range in value from 125f tu trutblnlueii1which some of the Rofugo 212 Pitting " said the angry mag from I( to 2 stones of salt, mixed through each W HO A RE lUrPY 1—Lord Byron said : " The mika only iu length than to be at variance with its neigh- disciples of the "daixling " 0* in my power, istrate, " I 3,000f. Another class for watermen, in whicli die not exactly nee from what source •cbool wonld do well to imitate. Tho introduciion FLOATING) DATTgBIBS BOILDIrBDlLmrTOTO:: . > ,. 'ft ton of hay as it is being ricked. It will be found mechanics and working men who can maintain tlicir bors. He could tlio in- of tb» would have your hat nailed to your head." " I prizes will be purses of from 300f to 2,50Uf. A c-iasod passenger traffic was to come, but ha quito agrccil in figures pljyiug with n dog in the mill-stream in tho furciro. Impregnahlt! ... 120 9 212 —• < that by using trends aud scaffolding the hay is put families arc, in my opinion , the happiest bod y of LOATING DUTTHUBSCAPABLE BEIBGTAKBH thoug ht," returned Obadia h, " thou hadit given third class for men-of-war' men, with money prizes the report of thn Commission on Railways, which stated tbat injt m troly artistif.. Tlio third i. a splendid Fruit ,««*, F or To rt * men Poverty is wretchedness, but even poverty ia » 2 — Laid up i over the trade of driving nails." up much quicker, and with less bands than with from 300f to 750f ; and the fourth competition will . , the railway traffic uf Ireland iv»s practically undeveloped, Kiel, and Hire," raluo £35, by Charles Stuart, KB. J> S A 11 in number ... 34 hearties; each each not in one position onl but in all ladders, which should not be used except in finish* ttSOf perlinps, to be prcfercd to the , unmeaning utid that I KKI .'IU of director* did not make pinpcr arrange- who paiuU fruit as no other liviugartiat can do. Pine mini..,' »tor»£ Be cheerful, y, ; be for yachtsmen , with money prizes of from lums melons, peaches however Providence may aeem fit to treat thee ing, and when out of reach of the scaffolds. In ' arrangements dissipation of hig h order." Another author says: ments to increase thei r trnlfic or to provido fur the wnnis of p , , nud grapes aro hero pilul into 01.0 and, , to 7.i0f. In addition to these sports, , hear). Ilo Imped harmonium group, with studied carelcMnea.—and Keep your lomper. The cool hammer jac large establishments a windlass with pulleys and the " I have no propensity to envy any one, least of all the company (bear , therefore, tbat the the beauti- so let thy light continue to shine. have been made for an ocean race of ynchta, Ciuverimicnt would tnko nil tlic railways in Ireland, anil no ful adjuncts, a rich tnnkard, and a sumptuous inoth,.r.o Mid masters red-hot iron. ' : tackle will save an immensity of labor, b having the rich and great ; but if I were disposed to iliis , '- : • -;.'/ '$ To be able to bear provocation, is an argument y start being from England on (fie 4th of Jul y ; ami tnc in Iw win mnurnm), I10 would du nil in liia (KJWW lo get pnul tnzzn give A charm to tbe pjcluro 11M! will weakness subject of my envy would be a cauno it to A Sin i> the dipper of the public pun^• of great wisdom ; and to forg ive it, of great mind four ropes, independent of thoso used in tying for rowing-boat races on the Seine, under French , the tbe Waterford nnd Kilkenny lino tnken up by any ono who bo remembered long after it i» noun. Tbo ,.f ' possession of his iitreiiglh remainder the all may drink at, but none carry a«ay. - -(.(.i'jS1- Theodore Clay, son of Henry Clay, ha» tot over down the loads, crossed in the cart, (with iron rings management, on 7lh and 8th July. The course healthy young man, in full wouM have it (bear). It the Government would ofTrr thu paintmss, of whicli there are 2»;, of tbe aggregate value of at the ends) and broug ht over the load of b ami faculties, going forth in the morning lo uoik original shareholders nny unnll sum for their jl/a-i's lit npwunh nf £.1000, have been crofnll A dull day end an empty pocket; »ni.W| thirty years been an inmate of the lunatic asylum hay, y which has been selected for the regattas is at St. , y selected-are by some ' which the whole load can be elevated at once to the for his wife and children, or bringing them home wnuld recoimnond them to take it, and for one would be of onr most promising artists, and will afT.ird delight and love, affect a man s spirit* most ieriouiljr.«ai/e of Lexington, Ky, He became insane Irom disap- Cloud, down stream, and about n mile and a quarter ailvics he waa loasure, wo are sure of the rick. Provided tbe hay be in order his wages at night." only too dlnd to act on the prepared to giva to p , to those wbo may bo fortunate enough pointed affection. top good , in length. It is stated that Mr. Bennett , jun., of others. With rogard to the Grout Wp<(crn iliilway of to obtain them. The ret of WATISVOKD.—Printed and 1'ublUlxd b^j the quantity stored together the better When you see a small waist, think how great a tho priwj me tUtuotie*, en- A County Court in Texas has been suspended the greater , New York , intends coming over to England in a Knglaml, he bad reason to know it was woll affectod towards gravings in handsome gilt frame., Ac., of thev.lue of t«o Ktmir, at The Wattrfari. Snot Goncntl-Jft because there will be less surface exposed, and less yacht, in order to contend with the Duke of waste of health it represents. tbe Watcrfori) and Kilkenny linn, but he had alto reason to guineas and upwardi. Each binding and Machine Italiog EatablifliBicnfcjM; on account of Indian depredations. How many of 08 ton ' —ft is said tlio Admiralt shilling ticket b«» «n equal trouble and expense in thatching. A gentle, h's Viking on equal terms in a match round . . An iRian I RON WAR Snip. y know tbat tho directors would have much more confWcnco chance for ovury prize, and we can only bopa tbat Ike lib.nl in the Parish of Trinity Within ;, :£¦$%& the jurymen were scalped is not yet ascertained. Edinburg A to build un inm " healing or sweating in tho rick renders have given an order lo Uclfast ship yard in tbuir Irish ally if an English director was clocted to tbe •election tnaue by tbe committee may b« as Ireely responded SuBscRiPTioaa-Yetrly (io «4Twe*),^n Jeff. Davit' lantation, with that of his brother moderate the Me of Wight." Waterford Neptuno Iron Works ought to get Ike p war ship. bonrd. lie did not with to go on the board hioiielf, but it to by the pabho, and that tbi> may prove tho mart IUCCMS- Os. Od. ; if not ,.aid in advance; the hay much more palatable to all sorts of slock , ONSTABULARY BUS.—Snb Inspector Kell y, l^ytwl ^ii Joe, have been sold to a former slave of JefFa for C TiUNsf next order. Why suouM all the war ships be built at tbe would give gri-nt confidence to tbe English shareholders lo fol season they liavo y«t bad. The names of ttis afenb from yearly, in advauco, 17s. 4 twpeclablo rlewi tl.UpUSTttSra BJSD U ># said "ill make 80,000 this rear. vertiHawn*, . . :-. .. . AgwVid