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GUANO. M(VJ'uvn .-ifc ; , BUTLER'S CATECHISM JUNK , 1807. N E W S P R I N G G O O D S. ^ M H STEAM C0MMVNICAT10N PdMetl every *rida d Evenbigat ?&« CLERGY , TJOOKS.'-.'LLKKS, &c. ' *%£&} TO CATfTOf.fC ilTERFORO STEAM COMPANY Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford, Jtaro just completed oar PDJJCHASES tot tho Opcoiag of tlia SPUING TRADE, and wo Bolfoit AucTib*^6^ iPutt»tttrKB. •n,: > r»yh :,Ip»srtpt^r»v^.JJlretj, .flat| y r, IXTKXVKl) OJlDnn of SA ILING—JUN E, 1W7. Carrying Goods nt Through Hates to Lmr.r.icK, Ttri'RBAIiY ¦ ¦ PRICE TBBEB PBRCX BAELT On Sale at The News (I/f ire , an early inspection of tlio GOODS, vich compriso every Novolty of tho Soaaou in j mo BE 'j siH^fesSft ; Y (a ADVAHOB I 1S«. „ H.1 M"OTICE.—The Waterford Steainslii p C AIIIIS , CLOSMHI., C.•.uUlCK-o^•-SuIR, and K ILKENNY . Rdif i-to Atro^^'^ S i n /¦.-¦•>¦ Rivoiiiini'iiiliiliiiii of the Bishop of Watrrford and JL ; thk rtofji ,-Mw^ow,s;-nDuai': ...,. .... fofo'p;;?*.;; YEa^V/ lW^ (Witli llic 011J-* Company receive (ioods for Shi pment BLACK SILKS, TWEEDS, MANTLES, • nLANKETS, i . fp;Dtt^t I.i-tiiuu 1, the Hiitlil Ucv. Or. O'lJKIK.v ,) SIoHy^^s. tlic ' ¦ FERR ,. ' 1 " x following Terms only:—They reserve *I m'" ' New ami Powerful Screw FANCY DKKS.SI CLOTHS, HUGS, • = FLANNELS, j TBAtifc W>^^¥»«?W» wWw* A QiEKXSljrro n s ALBor T n ^3tii\£ SS^ A ' Esq., who d ef hi« Xhtiiest la the Harm,- ' ,zSBi»fi •' i£S=ir-Sj?T*x=the- i-i ht to carry III mil/, by particular "W>%sx -I- Steamers "KlNSALrV'KAl.TKF.," COIIUUOS AN1J IIOSIEHY, DOESKINS, QUILTS, Ju^d^poi^ WATEiiroaD—Mr. ^ A Catechism for the Instruction of Children , ^ ' '">t «r ' ' ' WM. Kzivt, LMi GeSf^rf*. V essels with lil^rty to Tow Ships and call at other 1'orl.s, VT '} hJk^" SAN'I>A," "TUSKAll ," or other Fiist- MKUES, MUSLINS, SHIRTS & TIER, CALICO, ; THli HOUSEHOLD TitO RNtTyBE;/ r.v TUK and will mil ^ arc intended to Sail as under . i he accountable for injuries or losses arising fr»m v-Jr?3^&Class Vessels, WINCKYS , GLOVES, COLLARS, UATS & CAPS, 1. which is of .n very, good deacrtpllonr" " « .b-l.ii-, nmd< -ii(s 1 's Knc. (miles* prevented by any unforeseen ci rcunislnuce), willi or irAUEUDASflEHY ,' ' i <anSsUwf Rev Or. JAMES UUTI.KR , ArcM^hopof of [he Seas, Hirers, Kin , the (in.en HONNKTS I.ACRS, STAYS, Ballpdn-taekod Chdirs in HfirVlftft: WtPSSSf MOST mn-s, defu-live cause without I'ilots and willi liberty to Tow Vessels, and to LADIES' HOOTS ft. SHOES , Wi^ C:ishel aii'l I'ml Xavination , or accidents from any ot her , mnnoNs, SHAWLS, SHEET I NGS, / . y. inn fur Distress:— '. to maleh- r"BoW, 'too-, nnd -Piis«y'iTatt«8\£ta8hognn clear any loss which mi-tlit havp hren covered hy Insurance, render Assistance to Vessels in KLOWKHS SILK HANDKIHANDKGK TOWELLINGS, &c., &o.( Ac :• | l'ritik-.l on good Taper, ami in l;>r^o Type. l-' al Ono o'C'lockp.ui : SiiT«Waid, Scfof Telte«p4*IWi<nIiaHfai,^g!tnftiq PoRMAw—Mr-.W, DAwaoH .Uto«!r. nor fur Leakage, I'.reakaxe, Condition, (Juality, or contents of UOM Ci LASflOW (Clyde-streel Ferry, . PWN'fS. I OIIIEIi'S'S., LINENSLINKNS., J . ]ii:c»MM]:.NIMTION. any l'arivl. and ad ra. each dale), to Mirrpr» -M»bpgopr fti lop, 1 ' " or I'.irkaVes, nnli^s s;in:iallv enlered and hy Kail lo (iroeuod at o.DO p.m., ; ^PfVSfil^»VkfXad V^T^ NEW BoM-Mr. GODWIN, Pt/nler." ' ' Waterford and Hh June. Squaro Piano, in rjoif^ct-ord of. Xerj-jUtb ;niedl " I approve (if Oils Edition of Ihe Ui»lit I'.iv . Or. Inrcm Freight r.a-J. (inoiist not rcmovi-il to be Slur .il at the Cork Tuesday, ][ AZLETON , O'D ON NELL & : CO. ri-k and i-\prnsr of the Consi Cork and Waterfird Friday, 7th „ several Valuablo Wks,-Print ^;ai^i^{iS*r<Iaj rfiTil J A MBS lluTLKit 's Catechism and rccoiiii'U'iid il lo tlie gnees. , All (iiiodt will lie considered as subject to a lien Walerford and Oo.k Tuesday, lllli „ QUAY, WATERPOED and Tea Storo, BruB3olBpttrpe^aadjR,^^^ rT> ttaw ! I" " Kaillirul of these Dioceses. of 4 7 — pRINTn*G - -.ill' and h.-ld not only for Fiei^ht the same, but for all Arrears Cor!; and Waleiford Friday, l-llli „ Fondnra nm1 Sfnnla. Wfriiinw irATjaTnm «< >;&>fTitY4 i, £ I) O-niMKX K.C.ll. ; ' ' • " £4 . , nl l-'ri-ijrlit , Slornjre, or other rlmrxcs duo by the Importer , U'ateiford and Cmk Mftiul.-iy, 17th „ II., O'D. it CO. liaving secured tlio services of n, First-clasa Dressmaker, Mantlo Cutter and JlilHuor, cut b^ :i': . .' .! il 1; .' •: • :i lftKi. ' 1 Waterford and Cork Wolncsday I'.llh „ oi^^s' io^p^^mti " Waterfonl June i!, Owner , or Consignees to the Coinnaiiy. Uicy confidcnlly solicit Orders for these Dopartments. , . • Clock, StairCarpcXainaK oib:^»5ag«nT A!b#FBfe3- • ; -EVERT:DESCRIPTION : . .. , Cork and Watirlord Friday, '21st „ ' ' 1 :l ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ - r WATKUKOHI) I,. steads aniJ H •Frim4l ibd ¦ ¦ i- ¦, . -< ¦ J-" Orders from any part of llio Diocese, sent in AND 11 HIS TO . onging*. .¥«ihtt 'B«cte ll»]i ;¦ : < . : : : - : - -\ Waterford and Cork Monday, 2ttb „ «» ' . i. g. PiiMishiT Gipsy or Vesta direct. Mattresses,- Dressing Tobies-add alaie i ftsi in ftttnii »nl ilirecti-il to C. liliiiMOxn , l'rinlcr :ui«l l- ' : Wntorford nnd Cork Wednesday, 2lilh „ " . 1 PUBLIC : :^V ,,T I' iim W Walcrfonl OLD ESTABLISHED CHINA HALli, ;. ,. BOLijES ' lo '¦ ., , ¦ " alrrford to Ilristol : I Kroni Ilrislol ' . ' and WaroyCanb ancI dihttChairs, Chitdroaa-Bedstead*, " ¦ ¦' ¦ " ' ' ' " ; ¦¦ Cork and Waterl Friday, 2blh • ' ¦»!> promptly at" Tuesday, June 4 Morn . oid „ • Wntcrfanl Scus Olli cc, King-street, , ... !) M.'ru'Friday. Jm:o < ,... -' 'i ' ' ' . , I'uov.lay, •• i| A fin FUOM CO IMC TO GO, MERCHANTS' QUA Y, WATERP011D. Ac, Mohogany Ncsta or Orawbrt, Tow«l Alreffi Bathi , ' , ... a Afl'n Friday, „ H .~. *l ; "' ; • INDIVIDUALS;¦ ! tended to. The Trade supplied on nnvkrale terms. Tnesilay, <• 18 SI ,... SJ Morn Glasgow (direct) Halurday, 1st June 2 p.m Carpots; Hugs, Fenders, Ttpn»,'ftc. ' ; '; "- ' ¦*' || i ,V: . PRIVATE . < ; ; , ... !i Morn Friday, „ ; 1 \ Tuesilav, " 2j ... 3 Ann 'ii Friday, „ 2?.». -1 Afi n'ii Waterford nud Hid -1- p.m A TUrco-horso , Tfijishing Macbino Mxd'3 ¦ ¦ ¦ lie Inil Iiclail from every Catholic Houkscllor in Glasgow ... Monday, ,, as, wa^i)fi« May (il.iscoiv u p.m - ,^4: ; Mowibg'Machine;by • MERCHANTS, AND ' Cali/p 'O. (direct) Friday, 7tli „ o J s :H J A., 3sr .. ; '\V^8.(^good tfewJ^tJffljgjM - ' '¦ - $.. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' the Diocese. Kruiii Walrrford to lVislol I From V.ristol lo Walerford, Waterford and (ilasgow ... Monday, Kith „ K p.m r Plimtou, withaaomiDodatiDn-fo«Blr;to4JaBy,BycritijeJ1 h - -V- T -- . - , BECiS UESPECTl.'ULLY to iniforin his Friends ah^y4ri»--l*n^1>libi tliat:lioJla8"BI3^)PENBD tho abovo ' Direct. calling at lVinbrokc Dock. Glasgow (dirccl) Friday, Mill ,, S p.m " IUPQ4 Farm '! TRADERS IN EVERY WARE Eslaljlialiment with a, choico selection of Goo Jo comprising— ' TW* >1 f^. ' OFFICE Friday, Jimo 7 Juec I ... 7 .Morn W.-itciforil and (llargow ... Monday, 17lh ,, 1 p.m , JW«^fi*«=S8*»i!?S.'l!i:V^", . _%', ¦ ' ' ' ' "' ' CULLETOKT'S HERALDIC , ... 10 Morn Timlur, «ulc at 'l'wclvo o'Cloofc." ¦ ¦<¦ ¦ ¦:¦ Alinn ^ - • ¦ ¦*:- . •>; ;;. , • F O 11 F A 31 1 1. Y A 11 31 S. /•Villay, „ !( , ,.. 4 AfInii Til<i«ii3j', <.j, 11 5- >i CJ.ISJ OIV (i)iicct ) Thursday, 2Dlh „ 3 ji.m ' ••< . , '7V <) ' n] Morn DISXEll, DESSERT, TOILET, BREAKFAST, anil TEA SEUVICES, THOMAS WAI.SU, Auctioneer. : ^^EXECUTED WITH Friilaj, „ 2 MnrnfTncmlay, - „ Is ... Olasgoir (diicet) Saturday, 82ml „ 6 p.m Fri.hy. '.=,... :i Aflll ' 'TllCMlny, „ M ... 11 Mom Waterford, May 31, 18G7. [m31-2t] „ ll Waleiford and (ilasgow ... Monday, 21th „ B p.m Of Iho Newest Designs. Amongst tlio TAftLK 0LASS will bo found WAT13R JUOS siua (JOBLETS TASTE , IMPORTANT TO IllHRY ONC—JUST COMTLCTED. '" On Karl Morniu- Sailiu;;* the Cabin of the Steam- IP* y , Glasgow (direct) Thursday , 27lh ,, S p.m Cr.Alliyr JU0 3 and UECANTE11S j Sl'IltlT SQUMIES, &e., in great variety. HASTE , ers will he O Passcn^'eJ'Sarriving from London A VALUAHI.K INDEX, cont;.ir.iuS pen Io receive Glasgow (direct) Saturday, Jth „ 2 p.m TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AND J) by llu: .\i_-hl .MailTrain. 2' Tlio PANCV and OltNAJIENTAfi Department contains a Riiporior assortment of BOHEMIAN UIiASS 5 CnJ) x\_ llio AKMS of marly Kvi-ry Family in Wateifurd and lilas^oiv Moiulny, 1st .Tulv, -1 p.::i (or DltlKCTlOH S OP THE MaSTOR IN Clll.VCEJlT), ' Cabin Fare, los. Oil.; Servants and Children, 10s. 0.1. ... Hare ClllMNKY LUSTEIIS ; PARIAN and FltENCU l-'IOUItKS ; SIIADKS nnd STANDS of nil sizes. fl^A Knishml , lri'lnml, and Scotland. Tlio tcsul t ol l-'UOM WA'i'KUFOliD TO ritlCES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, j Iteluni do.. 2,"s. ; or with lilicrly lo return from Dublin for and ON TUESDAY, the Ulh day of JUNE Next, ij^ TiriTiiiKTY YKAI;-' I I .MHIUU , ixtr.ictwl fium l'ul .lii Glasgow (diictt) Tuesday, 4 tli June D p.m WATEIt PIIJTKKS, and every requi^ito Kitohon Culinary purposes, all of which will be sold at Cork , or Wi-nlord His. (id., Steward's fee included ; Dee). 1 (Tho Quality of the Work Contiderei), >Ja:"l Private lirronls, Cli uivh Window?, Mcmu. , Cotk aiid (ilasgniv Thursday, fib ,, 1 p.m llie lowest remunerative prices. At the hour of 12 o'clock (noon), on the Premises, Vv^lr . *s. (i.l. I'cmahs attend the Ladies' Cabin.
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    University of Southampton Research Repository ePrints Soton Copyright © and Moral Rights for this thesis are retained by the author and/or other copyright owners. A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge. This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the copyright holder/s. The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g. AUTHOR (year of submission) "Full thesis title", University of Southampton, name of the University School or Department, PhD Thesis, pagination UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN SRI LANKA DURING ITS FIRST CENTURY AS A BRITISH COLONY, 1796-1901. by JUSTIN BERNARD GNANAPRAGASAM B.Th.(Pune), M.A.(Hull) A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES 1988 DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT REVEREND DR. B. DEOGUPILLAI Bishop of Jaffna A wise and generous bishop who knew a very great deal about how people can suffer pain and also find healing from It - truly a great Christian. PREFACE The purpose of this preface Is to thank those innumerable institutions and individuals who have furthered my studies in so many different ways. It is impossible to mention all by name, but I hope those not singled out here will recognize their contribution to what I have written and accept my gratitude for their help.
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