>-j:-m .y^^ft:';''.'-l::^

OSk»-«J*Ui Br«* and Ajtrary • fla ****** p ^ • play «• to be aae! la AMBHEBT ... „ f« need aet'fHat tl* fitJ* en jt** TW ftUktf will of fe!%igQ ma tob e planed In & aft • finefi * ud >ayy,. ito bwfc, «JH) ^sIMfW*»1 HrtaTS," Ah, me!

p 2^ At otfaat LICENSED AUCTIONEER, fbaf y^w* toilahrays' tbe»tw. SWEKfD AND l paint id ^ JOHN BROWER BO dart, ttey wateb DO y«Bf men, Tbemaawbo No. 721 Asbury Aoenue, Ocean City, N.4*m aagfci is the Glazier, 0OEAN N,a,, THUKSDAY, DEOEMBBB 3,1896. i bay»B nod eotiake* fcf rent in »U ptruia tit* sty IntobsRpita). and snirt lie was going to He eipeoted te aei Oe fin te Hewbo «ud#***as jwtp bkij Oil C*r«rs. fln Unpardonable khiLiarp him .to England right •waf, Iboagb loTed and wronged ttia day. He tiHgricnraJknvaito « o freav bit la to ttfrwltbsM^ W«lcf 30 j™#> bu baa vmmlttrt to tlEnR CITY SENTINEL fie tbinka bo can't lire. Vessel? farther anticipated it with • kind of ^ Rret Qoality Hard Oil and THE OCEP CITY REE ESTfiTE EXGHJNGE.S j* S, WAGGONER, I^OttGAN HAND, for. If he had wiSBged her, he felt that ife aft of at Gttf ptf SB aatin sad faith Is «• attatenKOi P^blbsgB^L'V ARCHITICT, BUILDER, • Bj GILBEET nsurka that the man Isaboonder, And 'c*m "flr jfe» awwf of tfcy end bineif iawti fiBsatboa. "B#fel«, O rte&r sn, to m wiian.T ATTORNEY AND Fairfax DeUor* Waa that ha too had been wrmged, thoogh be Bfee atood bt>fora bim uow, could never, aod would aewr, justify premonition—wme SBch ssioiiter t™pt»Uaw, Tistns an amgBifi- 77™>b , ud let tbybegty t B P-tACTICAt 8LATEK, W. B. MASSBY & Physician and Druggist, CODSNELUIH AT LAW lOepf rltbi, HOi, to&• Aather, her bnsband'i name?" _ brfcm «cb ttii e dsjd i off iibby featllt BBotkwtrtl™ Baberis' Fire and Water fttifHiuF, iiaaWr Alii! Esimiorr in Hagtr had had a blow. Everything himself. He came down froni the path> at tlie heart us Hanitot knew—eimi« to cent O City, S. J. ocan cm H, j S-ljii^iii!' youn Ueililnlaiaiwr, Wotmrf way and wandered throngb thf lm§ it- hia then, made bint almost Btanielike be illoind tsgalafs of ib* itoot b«rt. »ud tte tftb«e thins.QodwfUbrin, JFreif Faints. Real Estate and Insurance Agents! b, 731 JUhri AtliBi, Beta Cftf, 1, J, •eemed to gome at one&—bapplness and g Abel WBStbawflJ- nd the boaadiBf n>trrt. CAPE MAY C H., N, h ine fOBBI pri ran fonBrt WltD defeat all in a niomrnt. There was grim lent cloisters. In his qniet and filled hia fue* with s The 4nel i waa Itrnjifr Lots for gale or iiehanfi. HOBSM to rent, Died*, beads sf Fan BniH Flos 8t*H«ter There wero no TWtflta about; ttwat Ufid of fiaglciil beaatr. Hngar SB# It aim tb» tmttittm W* all l fod Kbi«Te-) Pure Metallic Paints for Tir He, «guUnEl; oa BUBIJ. iOH Piih Blrtj tofiu watar ai Hagar pla«d Mn. Dttlw ii <'¥ts, that was the naae," hSHi aad WM stmck by it, l£ he Jind knowtt sest, Oad for joatboj THE UOUFLQN IS 0AHE, 0E0. A. KOttR&EOIS A SON, and Shingle Roofs (and nt Leans Begniisted, A numbir of bargains la tots. co tba iofs. It wni QDIJ B raddea faiat> he said, "Will yon leavs the telling to part the anal hear. Ho came into tba 1 Jack Gladaey and bow he worsMped field, aadtb^ e i sad (be fonifiea- gn. The water revived ter. Baroo Be!' old refectory, and tho kitchen with ita other 'should be used where H. C. H0B1M, j, Es PRYOR, LAW OFFICES iffisease ohimuey, paeed in and oat el Ihja man, bo would haw BndcrstOod the tat t&fi das set «UBH »U » Iit«, Who i« 00 ti* Lcrd'a nde? A Carpiilin ltdod damfnBded, « picture of belpleB tkw. \ E, MASilY St CO, "That*! whnt I came for, Ton'U do the little chapels, exploring almost ae- ease of the inspiration. It -raa all tb@ tf f tb* Ibe atadst'it wtfat io kOdeDt tJSiH, tOCBOHOragfi rain water is caygtt for famUj BBxietf. M PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, it as it onght to be done; I couldn't," chaalcftlly, jfet remembering what he of • nioinont Shm tfaik,Tri - OCEAff use). 811 Asbury AYC, Ocean City N. J. G *'I aaghto'l to faaTe driTeled aboat "AU right, Barot" ford itepped down, still nnsveredt end •* lbs NftBBjsg muf •- hard T that asoidint,'* be atid. * 'I «lwBr( wa saw, and everything was mingled al« Oeean'CIty, If« J. Bagar leaned againgb tbe mantel, ont- moit gfotesqnBly with three sse&s in came to them. He did not offer his hand, bat jiftff nfUk tbo« tUsfi wJU All brands of Ready Mixeo in the P«i !• «*••«* afooL" f P Speeikl BUedlioii ilven to dlfleuM Ol Ihe 3 la nurfeci at,, CHMn, s» J, ftrdly Bjjmoved, sate for a ntimb kind his life=twoof which we know; the feat bowed gravely *M said, "I hardly nn«V< fa" wiJI M f«Er Hfa, DeUof sat OR pale, bat imtling '*mm NmKi Ud Thirat, and ef UBIIdKB, of expnwlon. Baron came Awkwardly other, when his aged father tareed fces specied to meet yoa here, Mrs, Betlsr* • fef Ood'i t^stesee irill b* f. iTANTONj Window Glass of all kinds In a wan faahion, "I am all fight to bint and spoke with aatttmbling kind bl ld" i too* I JONATHAN HAND, M him dying and wonld not speak to him. tly g fa wlU ba di* * and patterns. Reference given C HUTCH1NSON, M, D, »6w, she »Bii "II w«a silly of of friendline&s, "Hagar, I wish tbe (las JOB ban a tsato to let u gOf its?," tbe hyg Tbi aacieflt peaee of this place mocked He then tawed to ffagar, wearidL ._„ bad get him, so help me!" these other gcenes and plBow, He ease --^Jftiak aod sanda tewotfc unmsUB odd* againrt yoa. 1« ftfftooe, ; bnaUBg psmia gad paspattm, g NTOBEOW AtfiVRY *VI. Ifirl; "I •hall tie better for the open air Ma, Detlor bowed as graTely and re- the ebih, Wtii Hotnceopatliist. , Htrtef ID ChlnMry, Sotify Public, "For God's sake think what yon arein to the long, nuroofed, aisle, with Its ! * 1 walk with* fori n yoor oust ja was! «f edacatittj, are on, ra dtr«. tbaa a diaaarwith foe ^•sdiJB DRAaGHTSMAN, O_T —I hare bad a headache all morning, plied to an MI tgnmtieiU tone, 'One is the s«k. asying." battered lidea and Boor of soft tnrf, fit, against jqo, ttioiigh lbs anlfitgds! espfnd from a brigaad hmsS, by * ity, ft,J . OCEAN CITY N. L UAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, 1?= J,* • • No, please, don't seeass yowsolf, aeually glad to meet one's eenntryweB of It . 69T Wesley Avenue, **Of ooaras It d«in?t sound right to broken only by game memoriflJ branea Pni jno«rtmtiBGod and rf aaitfa ant bfU confront j^ nmi] p own gendanaa kjdsaa fqr tbsb^t wlH, U Mr, Baron, JOB sre ost at all to blamo,' * is, a strange land," V , ; target Unuttbe tfrda4i S OCEAN CITY, H, J, la, and it wo&lda't sonnd riglit from over grains. He looked np nudnw opou do your tat,ebJJ d bad fj to ibs charge. With 1,000,000 agaisA fi« gelds to be pot at tfaeir dapcMBi III OCEAN em EWnf IEDIESUI "I iriab that waa all the bad news 1 •'Qnite so," he said, "and it is fir form Of Too g ,, g g OCEAN CITY ASSOCIATION yon; bat I'm a rowdy colonial and I'm thewsJIi flm aned inrea of litO* wbs Ibe bjsriwran aw«y witb tits loti jqo ibib c suttcb fa JsrJrt t«*s , KayK . yoo ii Wb Wbatt ia be pett a cmaQ •sea d o ff DINING fieeideut Physician, Lntt of Pblla. •I offles, B?»i E*fite Bed Law bate," tajd BorM to himself as EpffW ili" damned if I take it havkt^and I like •hawed Mn, Detlor te a landau. Mn, gnnsiag flemong betweea oompla«Bt It is not so far as it waa yesterday, nwk. . .. . _ sf weqd, ud M pit 00 it Wba atbd d! f If GGo d b&ior'esnlxfmt,i'l Otebt atrrtoe to y Leander S. Corson, Its tirgaDbtatioD, and also yoo, linear!" e&d, tarning, he horritd angels. The assoelntion of theaa With'1] WgJrteBtd.be aid, "Ho-, I wbo eaa be afaiiut M? Thai pro-1 a^eber of the papy as BufortmsalB at OCEANCITY . N. HOWARD BURT. fJARRY S, DOUGLASS, Detlor asked to be drivea to her hoteL ant of the boose, 'b npiteof the amfewfiWti "I ahajl gee you thla aftemoon at the his OWB thongbts stirred him to laagfr A% teat they began te walk toward fa God «nd bsug as Utt •teetedd, yes seedd set t!! fpaa d aac b ti j| f toa N b eapsi td jas dd hd hldd torf Mrs, Detlor h&d sot staid at the hotel ter—a low, sold langfa, which inone on fa answering yoor assailants. . who CONTRACTING BUILDER. No. 1321 Market Street, esrcniaa if yon aiewellenoiigh to go," tbe garden ieatUng to the cloisters, Hoitday Oottog#, long; bat, as SOOB aa she had recovered, his white tooth, Hagar wondered whether Mrs, JDetio? Ami MaDjjean ago word came tame that wa» a good oaa. Be ksew the mmine, Magm avid to hft, for a walk, fehe made her waj - ii» Sabbat* wUl ba toth e OFFICE. West "F^fctpt" She Hid with a stfaaiie Outsido a few people were coming wiihed to be left alone with Telford, ystM* as tsiperanee ieofnr^n^ or wilii mosiitasi sn^ep, pe^spt^yp and A Moral REAL ESTATE AGENT. It, 809 WESLET AVENUE, OCEAN OITY, N. i.' to thi moor. She wandyfed about for a toward the abbey from both parties! of ^1 . . MM . ._ speaking ia Ohio is miens < it waa throogfl his efforts mainly that mile, lien, aj the drove away, " ¥QS AM if diTining his thongbts, ihe looked CAPE MAT COURT HOUSE I, J. half honr or so and et last came to a escnrsienists, Hagar and Mrs, Del lor np at him and answered his mnto qnes* e*iL Ood CH tbnat Into Oie toil asd plaew asd givinpg g their experiencep, , and jthepartpyy was sasasfaL Thawritef ear- Ocean place where she had been acens- TtryWei VM^&m i lifeia Kaaafita day, wi Seaside were walking by theBjelvea, Mrs, Del- tion, feliawing it with andther ef in>from theh? bos «a8 fold tfieir BBdieacs tlmt tbey bud | ried a 88 ^libi^ doable barreled H_u thniii-snd? of Building I_ott for RaJt at vaiioiia pflew, gome Q A, BOURGEOIS, tomed to nit. An nln> niored. it she saw lor was speaking almost breathlesBrj, nataslable geutlraess, tfcc sol U tapedaUy to bt feLU itso in utlaate w«b a» ud bad; pns rifle. ihoatiBf a hard had Chfap aiid liH»Bted in all part* uf Ocsaa City, TEMPERANCE. ^T., ABBOTT, M, D,, ( pieces of an envelopo lyfai on the emplojwa of Resort "f es, I rt'cogjii&'d the writing. She is Raising his hat, he said coriTentional- etandlng bejtwea Ot anataWi by dioicg at By ta- i A tons hard ciinib In the ateep Kfiwii the tinie tn [lUR'lmee pr>;perty before the second nUroad comma* [uethiug in tbe writing nothing, then,' to yon, nor has era T. MtiislBftiistlonqtabUabed tile, whin I always tad liquors of all tains, with tf&psit fornaing Hurgeon. Counsellor-at-Law, enough; '*Old friends shoaid have reffiisda them I l i h f f hhea prfipefty will grimily advaBi-e, - "^ OiU TO OBP1B TSOK 8 A- M. TO « P, ¥. eaaght her ^e- Siie sloppf>- ia ^ew J#i«/. Philrfeiphi* BBd the pleeea find pnt thVra tngcifhc>r, "Kothlngp oa my hosorJ I did her a 1 nindsiotal iawa m banwinknTi tbai qatarrj sisTing is a patch, of Not Excelled 1 hiive a pxid maiiy Jrnjuiries for Property betw«n 8th and l&b atrctte L' nitsi HiuUM Umtrict Bad Uireait court*. f! V tbey may! went down to Patrick Campbell, ebie STEEUMN I EMSUSM, Ohj" shs Mid wiib misrry ia herservice efl, She asks me tedosnotber, tbe body an wtU a* tbe anJ jWD^ali which frequently bid ^es» Anyone Ijavjag propvrty fai «slt sfghl do well to give me their prloa, 'V^yi Good Roast DiBEUFfi, with three Vtge- m. JjaoiBit S ud ffl, RSI t3*t«te and LAW til!!!d - 0B Mrs. Detlor instant^r repiieA in as of BSoofclyo police, saying that I TOice, •-Wbut doos it uli mvunf Lettem ef which I am as jet ignorant. That is : ibJa {aKHiBtieb. Oof balita an arres blea, fofS 6 einta, Turkey or Uhfekts lnS " a tenei "Bnt yon will wot fatog to staff that sight for Oslo All bnt the old rani fgf feeding' to a All .pensins di^irimr to Buy, or He)!, or Exchange property* would do wtl ;]Mii liku thi wriiiug oa the ! toll* as a tDfnS5C«nS5C«nUU , ' ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. alL Here ia her letter." ae| I shall be herettbonf, fliid- that sp lMr» these *iiiaJsaarnst#4, and I want itstl^' shifty manser,, Ha was peroteq befiire c!c»iflg uuv tranei-'tiiin IIJ L-HII OB I wali!M aa dirtctear Contractors-Builders, I^dlea Room ap^talf! with yea wiil take ui hack to the e«rbf * toaei saya: I at fbaf ortJxywill ran down. ed bim to «U w bow to Bake the 08 an orefli^iffjng l*^gg loo^ss oat foi ihe rwoffnized the writing as that ef Faija» Baft eoBie «nser er tos to the Health Restorer Itke comforts, '. CHAS, E. EDWARDS, A, HOWELL, CHAPTER Itt The asgnrnnee w&s gi^en, and thejonrplstola.' Be sstikd and saidi "Do The numflsn knows a thing or 'i'eiferd, iiifl initiaia were in thi« so omEe WAY, sn who laeafa tba gabbagi. insfrira- waste yoor HBH by ehaplsg two, and whffl • Bock an feedtag they * i, Ba LAKE, sen bowed to each other. Bagar flaw a "There iaa clicS, iba tb«nj; PUBE SPEING WATER, —nBNTlST,- corner^ The envelope was aiJdn^Ned to George Hagnr was the finit to move. mile play iroulcnllj OB TelfonJ's face tin baa ailed it tea Lord's day, and #, Ko, ml Ai-tiun-ATepue, Ocean l.'fty, T John Earl Oludn>y nt Trinity hospital, b* who deroHW it to the world ia gnilty He tnrned mid looked at Mm Detlor, twit followed by a stepliike fierce* threel' 1L Abel aermantii thai eas do yea so harm. "I took his coon When it ESS see the ooannybiluw beat jlMter and Hollf !H)r In Cb»ne*ry Hew York, She saw a strange tangle of Fineat facilities for 1QI4 Waiiiut Street, His mind was fall of the Htrungenetw of Bess in the eye. He replied to bdtb iti far, almost iumediately,«ft«:ttfi:|j^l| wA, asd alt wai welL Zdng age I nude They are aa wild aa, pahaps wilds bu Earl GlaJnc y wu the the litnation-^fbiN itian and womnii dtb» is tbla werJd or tbe ipBf miod thai if ene will pat bitthan, any of their kind, bh f (Utorii i iteal EsUteapit L*wBBtidlB(f.Oeei!n like fashion, but oae woald have said 'Feo!' tbe PriuiSB d^~ "" PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS PHiUAPELPHIA, olty Mj, same of tlie aaa who had married an meeting nnder saeh cireimiFraiierH nfter the adTflntage, was with felford--hej 9^d SP ^MH^ . tret is God asd te faithful to dsty he inEarqpe, Aai* or Ajssica; b«. like Betresfl callMl Ida Folgef, and Idaf olger •Dens' afld 'Ttate* ;&,.,„.«„, Tba> It tbe atateaest *f a BAKERY, ReoiBit*w. 13 years, in whicb no lines of their live* had the sore remarkable penanalitf. | honettes stand sdU in frost of'«adl| KdHt fear any eriL Have God othsa, thtj msy be approached frem J. Laban Headley, was the motliersf ilaskToiford's child i had ever crwsed. Bnt he Raw, almost ibia dt)nse year side, joog man, and all the com abort, wind ami grooadpSfmittiBg, Ho BOl South Twenty-aeoond Street. M'CLURE, HERITAGES CO., The two were left alone. They passed \ er, 1L da Dion iaks froa She had ietH tltn Jiiotbrrin Louden; site mneoBiciOuaiy, that she hnd dropped hi* tnroagb the cloisters withont s word, pdd ffa iffactBrtBf os tbe bined of eaxth aad bell eao do bBsgl9 nert tape fer ooe, u they an CARfEHTEH AND JOBBER unnine.etc. bad nlso ereii tiie child with tho Mur- pistols^ fetnT: nee. He stooped, pieked it np and pree Hagar saw the figures dliappear dcrwij aad the - seed you as consianOT booted by aatini as tob e HpKtM Mtontjon |rlv*B (O jobhjpg_ AIw Building Lots and DnUCGIGTS AND CHEMI3TG who rlij) »et know her origin, if to her. With a niupnliir «jol!!e«= lorams. Hesji HaWtnn, WIQIOW ui M C. THOMAS, the long Tiflta of grolucd BH-hes, "I •aes, presdedbythi ana H^t, list scrtf rennkd God Is it One slwajs on the lookout The nstfra kill rnaei, *ad nl klcsU sf mill wort Set Ice 'Ic«h bat who had Uikpn her onee wh«?n liur for, though pale, piits idinwed us ejeite- beattrtfid aabbart, wben tbe Bejat n 112 Market Street, frtiladelphia, i wiss to heaven J coold see hew this mand, Tliii time at all times, aad kiU all things fran »erw_J(M|?fdt.__=. NtopspJstoPM, Furtiltnre Bcf ^jiT iip Id the efti dfip& • Baother was ill and bud afterward edn= mgnt—she qaietly nrrangfd the flower ail hnabed wad tbed^wH aU And tbk lesd| isa to hj {faat the Dealew la Furs Drugfp Chemicals, will all end," he muttered. Then he wut until th*. wqid lambs to raaa. The ftr«t kill wM feyftpiirtf. naun JMBH, __pd all fciod* The liquor TMffio wd itsi Improved Properly hate not rood yonr letters this morn- her with tiieir own flnupliter. at her threat, still looking at ibe igon Bighticsg t detente its a yonng man ia Satinet woj-k, Patent Medleln^, PftiiiM.Oiis, sin- No. 108 Market St., hate not rood y t joined Baron and Mildred Margrave, ! carefully, Kelt b prineiple, good lack, ass by reaaoa of aUll, lot tba edding asd Evening Entertain- ing," He lookedkd aftef f hherfof r anio What bad Ida FolRpr to do with Gi-orge On the platform; A plg«sni*erveif would iisd west to wotfc tbe pposirtrio n of g pp H«_, ilh ui W«ft MLl, KXh and Wwt kindred evils ire forever pr©= i » Tellfori and Mrs. Detlor paaspd en|' f i H i^ p ggf of |pe party, wbo tJiii Specialty, BvefytliiBI to tut* mmt, puzzlwl by what sbt «iud and by Uagnr, tbg Binn who (it WM a joy ami occasionallr hitv-g fonad 1 seftbs mapptd te KotblnKbl g ai tmkak tfas pla« of it He shot at SO yards, miopJ the big ran ud tbc t»hto asd let free of charge, npon a little bridKngpannliigthe fitrvaw, "AH is ora, TbftJf assy bare laaniiars that ppnt to hibited by deed. ! - FOR SAMS BIT TREATMENT the eipKSBion on her f KT. yet an ngfiH? fa her) was nien^ to her ical—eTen iiaiBler^-iu liork still not ipeBkiiig, As if by mntnul con- DOT drin* till tbe aaa west devB, S^ b h hit another, which bsppeoepp d Ps be jjaat PHILADELPHIA, Bbont thm tpabakefasnoav ^ ih h fl NOTHINO flOLP OB DILIVIRID Ho went back to tbe. house abstract- than she dared to think? Was this clear cat, smoothly ehij»*ltil faeei bat wait, they made their way np the bank | tba* Osie I bad the fsfestfs ccepkt* gfacefttlnew and conrtesy of y in the ask Tbe tbnt abob ti is Every lover of Temperance! it y QQ^ijtip FOURTH BT, AND A«««« /11*w W I —BY—- aeesnds bow, and the I Meal Camenter ani , = , ./•OH MIND*?. edly, Bann wu ntting ia a chair, woman for tllu Mpnnd ' time 15 pi ay a at the nioment when he wheeled slowly asd the hillside to the top of a nre^ ed, Tbe next atoning J shjbfted Jtud a Lori Chwterfela, Foreifo Jaopmget aright good one tomake . It kflls qsfck* way drop ttam Us fengae. Be may be and Morals should combine tojn, H, PQ^INC, wEflLEV AVE,, UCStiD .fallj, H, J, If t-iMlimnrU-m of HQHtll Janiey lor u&otiDe hard, .Neither mrn epeke at aiid wltut kitid qf pnrt^u her and fneed these two there wu in itterrace, where was ft nitie stat nmong bnatcrt of nsy day'a w«t sod wu ap> te U tr than #ItS9 bead or shonldiT b Uyhff- dueess liteatens aad kii and ; flfst, Hagarwefit over to the mantel Ufef What was Msirk Tislford to Jehn nothing but what wss Htronjf. reflned the trees, Wh™ tbey reached It, be plaBded, Tbe ihattb WIM tried and which a» somewhat easief to make. help us. =. . • .^ .... , • .- = — INHALATION I easterns. He Day wield a te_i_ BmidJoplfrectnJbyc andadjuted the mirror, tliiukiiig the GladneyJ The tlliiig wasnot plfawiiit to end even noble. His ?*(•*, dark and fall,motioned te hur to sit/ She shook be* •Bfad wtll, but that Sabbath day*, The gnids Rfnjed to dress the kJUtJ of sntqaaled polish and power, Jobblflf pTQBptl? itUnditf WWrt/LHrnl while of Mn. Detlor's Ittst wordA "YOB Vf. The Hnra were crb^ing and were set deep nnder well hnug brows,; bead, howeter, and reauined standing woli Mat B# jSftOOft Wshruehed animal. !*Whf iboaM he waste the has thinly peopled and qafebess and tact may qaaUfy him for 1529 Arch St., Phila., Pa. baTBB't read jonr letter* this moruiBg," reerswing. Tifnuble ranst ncainf Sfflie* and a dnskiness in the fle#h rflnnd them clcsejo a tree, «at aad Rilanie4, aod tba esiaa of the highest salary el tbe coon ting honae. pan?" he aated, So he cttried tba T* Iff g'tf TMrnirMaF*- ~~ HOWELL it STEELMAN, Fioe Family finceiies. be repeated to hjt&self. Be glanisd where, fihe sat 6emn nniut and »ld, gave them •uftiM18S as wrt! an power. oped. Great as baa bengi waa ppm » iha that day on- L, JB STONE, Water buppliji j •'"What yonwisfh to iay=sfor I Rnp- ppoandfl gn miles to camp, whs* h* down and taw the letter which hud so Ho one could have ffiiPsMsl her < niind. Withal there was asielaufholyBJistiik^ .wi*4.."-S.- -,;.: * :•; •,.•:•.•> •: li T itartled Mnn,, DDetlort . She was disciplining litwflf for elitsks. ing as it wns nnnsnul in hiai, Wbila (fee dJTffie ftown M re** Bng aa gam son, with aa foeleek s i gothischoiDB and tho Aailraad, \ on?eyancine AIwByilliefr«ihHtBBd bait te Be foona la will be briaf, of eonr«r' • Mrs, QladnPFild " he Baia to She fonglit bufk evfrjthiiig bnt her Ia spite of henclf Mrs, Detlnr felt her they bat faintly fonabadow trpm bia wbo trsaipks spoB tbiastit- tbose which bnngAliaaltttn, aUU t» ftetti IblttBi |#»pe|tsia,c«t«iTh. May He looked at her almost eariitaily. p^ t Room % ^TfllvlredTeM, eso!«. hlmieii He glimced ai tha ethnr Jet- eenraga, Sho had ulwiajs hu»P^*l fafofwfl! ba upon sot sals from contamination. The more Steamboats] "Have JOB nothing kind to , 4> f p at the edge of a clwnp of pin* tree^ at rever, Hesflathe Hunn of all i»te,.Ci9M4. ^m!!*! £ tsr% They were ebriQnsij bwinefia let- it was easiw to rsfn*i»e It whrn she whaterer this nan WBH to her new, he that jobsjobsg BMS ho snlJ b ekgast bis manner and the sore faseJn SBf^, ilaliiimi, Dried H«r, Bn«« ud ho asnpolouJj ob- least 130 feet highg , sea a babbUngg OCEAN CITir, N, J,__ tea Us was ewtnin MM, Dctiof had her life- rilnus^with an empty qn« was her lover. She grew hot to her And all other Ifaiaii of r^t gBa«iy. WelrtwJ wBea liti , Xbia daj, pnpPJjy starvedbd, atisf sfaidiHBtfae mew peril, Bataofios tomf sta, jmt IS miles from Coft*. SEASHORE WORK A SPECIALTY heart, Kow snnipthiiig had foaie into Bet a» fof tbe aUepaBee of a oowsrd* tomfto stream, jmj t IS mileil s ffro mC Coft*. Charged to BSKbaHH. not tmched then ftadhadj therefore. fingers. As ulie lrnked tbo air w>r? What Sat George Hngur saw that through the bad seen in George Hagar'n Ftnilio that blood we are, we sonthcrnets. We do p ^ y y, If waa sot same cxaiy erafI creeping to hoti of the herdars, which abowa tb* OCBAN CITY, N. J. agination in i •ksf the coast with a TB]ne!§aa cargo R8BGRT FISHER, It in taen Is DH for awrir m giurur of * bad tha to do with Um Oladney, et pretty mfwqnpnvl'i f here played a eari' teaming. At that monient Mildred tore to popbfay, wUl saarMtb neper- best way to &»t the natifea of msj re> Ke, 868 Asbury Awn us. TTiousands ol lots for sale LOW MB, Glaflnej with hPrl" = Margrave and Baron were entering at ndtrhange," ajasotit God'Gds esa' e wilill (U Hat the pirate attacked, bnt the shin. gion. more espedaLy in a ngiaa, when "SonehMigffl" Ho knew ho ought hp anqth If nw eeotespijit* *r«_rnr • ane OB DAY,. , ud non HUM ins phymicitni fens With thlj inqniry ihowing in hia eyen That aftoniocn thrf went ru the fi« the other end of the long, lonely nave. To t apes bbis ddp, Uaftasi , Mi offlee, bU Ml winged and flagged, plying between ilil at various prices, iocated in a! PAIHT1N0 BY BOt to hare Said that, for he the fntnHL In meh j parta carrying fta millions ef fpe= ppy It VUl pSF JOO to HBlnJi U. RE.Au ESTATE ANB INSaRANGE, U»d It j|Sd PMQBlBlBdBd If • he tnmed ronnd and lookrd at fiaren to Kivere aUlinj—'Mrs, Detlnr, The girl stopped nil BE nigeeaad pointed ftndio, hia body asd bis am], Tbewaj good mumed oB^iali, If they bad pnt parts ol the jheditfltively bat BnconsciotHly, Baron, toward Telford as be ftfood nirtTionlew, what she meant. population and wedtb imnyvL of the wicked be fianrtlj hpdde flown, eie, Tbe inae your natural aodacqoitTd It It ifTB**bJ6, TJssH t( SB BauisQUi lute, Hagir, Bsron, Bichujnnd und many "Ko, I did not cbiingfe tbenueivea os pinnacles for tbe bardara liOTELS ABO sUBBdsratudiiig the look, smA, 'Oh, nneorered* "See," »ho mid, "how toe, gwwration baa ID on* of tbe old fail™ it was saM that the BOB need of the Ail feiuds uf real esUie UjugliE, eold ami eieliaD^. Propertiw on bud S. Risley, nor ifteriHta, IM i!ek«inf imell. others. They wore to ii'tarn by moon, fea do not understand? Or did yea to lock at, half the fnn of tbe trip woeld For information apply to M Wt i|*s below • fs* flfifc i if»iii Bonitopel don't mind me. Bead yoor letten, My how noble he looks I" its raea Blifjoa of Java, That does not sot in Joseph G. Champion, light. Baron did not tell tlif-m tiiut a te be a pontheruer when yon bo» • wcoderfol efiild win Ism in Bagdad, hsTe been kit OF gained in man hunt- in all desirable iDmtlwiK. If ym have saything to 4iawm Of at a banoUn ens* REAL i « an eorui*Diijf r*c*i*jne l" Mrs, Detlor tnrned for an instant and thongb the snigratlaB Of ud • ntagjciaa sosM hear Wa footsteps spas or bask ap any smeotfaneBi of dis- alneMlllECsp. coach from the View hotel had also ingg. argaii,Iwiaeuitj J Sr AHT> frem tSBMihilfi tried(t,pnbtllb«4-|ttried(,p h |fas THE EMMETT, saw her, shonld eesse, gsttosal Uaea i, Off IDE: SEVEWTH .TB.ET AND ASIURY AVENUE. that mfawp*. «i Besnrreetiotis are a aiitake, bellore oontribntea to its aafety, Tha uimalu fBliaytllKB the View Hofttt. tht.ro him—Le%vttHon the Lqit wat^juid so far sworn that hf wonld ec&se. to remember, Moo of approxiinating to it seu infaJ= pnaaia the ijoage of Odd on tbe hesft, get Into place* when tbeb* eslof tteab .:!i,; WltJl^ii tbS *larfT»T«t , wholB, llHi f think, JOB me," She was eompesed and deliberate Ocean City Asso'n, HOTEL ATGLENf gained the it jUfiiicuce uf tlie rtrivt-ra s to bat her voice ran iangbiiig throagh then eaneqga and Atlanta Uble dtfeme, Tbe artist o™,pletei is ba doss ftot april tbe> caoria, If in all with that of the bskgnund—an eaaf QB W»t know, f IB gelsgaawii iujnorrow, asd now. Her nerve hah d allll como bacbkk feelingreelig . It hat iemaias for tba i Real Estate i Insaraoce Will tatrwJtiBBJO B til to «I£B oth*r, llay I induce him to resign the reigiiH into his as it did thnagh the blotuwnm of the t&e aaititades of OUEAN UITY.N.J. There had been one swift wave of the Wa Sjtod the gint tbgaght tbat be thing for tbcm to do In that eeitntry trf aak fen teal l eft »• ihen-f diire or iwl» buds, Thrre WBA niithiug in the way locflst trees a^Telluvie, and he eonld of tha north to some asd sha* "*U pentral coton or taadw and therf"*""^ *rtiti«of f«d Ibllt S anfaaor tita suiNiiiRi.il>:. in *l! Bf life. F^r thsy«f. TSW bin deoe me B great irrrtee, mid I »tfof hones niifamiliar to Telford. As s not forget. When the mist* t%ma from itaud wsitiBgfor the bunco- to E. CTXBTIS EOBIJfSON, Ctntrallyy i^tlrf^tl , p SX iKd^Sdiih^n! ™*-^^fe aged, I wcfsld yield thia proportion. o up MSS gDlif tn emss ini d hrtltB, Saw Will tfata iriiMn ?ott ATLANTIS CiT¥, M.J.". mtafoUy ySBH, and hii skill had iucrtwed with yean. Which she bad smiled, at what cost be* away they go, daahiflg orer tbe recks JTONE PAVEMENts. 1 tspiclentioutlr neon- GOFF. he said that lie would Uiiuk no more of practice la Kontncky. aad t*U'\ i to gran wicltedneai which assail CONTRACTOR AND , IS fto eu« (pro.idri He thoughtfully folded the letter np, This sis in hand wiu, m he mid, "nnts foe the worlal' Oome what woald, he 1. If they wfte lawn. York ud w i»r*Sd), but » te to Jacko," Wildm) was delighted. her; bnt, PtOopiiig to drink, ho saw her •tahesof hi! exptrfeeoaf t& tba i0mm- 1 : fast I do DOC taiow io what strait Real Estate and Insurance, ef Deeds for Penn- aod pnt it IB hia pwket Then ha said shonld sever ksow tiiut,. oven now, the tains of „_._„,_ ...__. , , , ."&.•** V: -*'- rj is c^r.*-: *_*-«•' ^srsro fee S The ewe secretta her y&ung In cares face in the water, as in the hill spring juamt&tm thtut at fosie fatan time. 1 BLUE STONE FLAGGING.^* to Baron, '-What did yon nay WIM the From the flnt nmmt'Ut i*ht- had seen this "Iwent toreeoTttaBMtof ind among the prtsipieea tt^ inhabit , , Plans and ajlFUila, GARWOOD HOUSE, atTellsvie, and he ooaid not forget. cm be once was wmained ai the nic-ni- Notbiog abttf of tbe grace of U» e««s ; «oi«iHiii, fiorMt" BMBB of the pntfy girl at the View nian she budUtn aitraetwi to him, bat 11 else long ago they woold hare ctnaod MsDajL to leaa es Fin! Mortgage, TiajPcBinl A Tense, When he rode rftviftly ihsettgh the long ory of • beantifnl doad thins—not this | Bell coniity, be eaid, « mtf tha be- able iff dtlirw -JOB ODD mshed. *-Tli« 0*Tfen Tr»«mftBt *nii va% us forp. O, HOBBf" in a fashion as to pruy botttlcd Mr, Mar* i eiiat,' They an antamable and Lota tor aalent South AtlaoUe City Wrti iW«gO. eM Sf BIT BHrtiOIBfl* frsB prairie grass, eat'h poise afire, fe. mu come to ter like a ghost, tbe door of thaeabin lbs lima. ¥on are Dot meeker than JOHN MeALEFSE, Nog, 744-46 Asbiuy Avenue, OCEAN CITY, New M gra?li, who sniiE his praigrs to evitf- naing ibflir boms on *** ™™| ^a> Terms ftasoiuble* Joyful wind playing on fiim as h* tracked "I always believed yea," he answer.! the u&D against \ te baaJM is cbima tba tot msto of than DaTidj nor more •jgilt'fey AVE.J (H-EAS CiTV, N, J. l^HwiioQ. Ail toe 'qometh np as ft flower, * and all that boiiy=-not iiifn-qucntly to the widn open M by oy client, a wl'iew, il tre HouM tluted r the buffalo, he said he had forgot ten, ed qaiet^, and I see BO reaflon to •tnnseto B beftlih. awrftd » wife, Tan'UaeBlierionigbt," ea»a of Barctii. At last she hiut<4 f ery claim Uusngh her dcaraMd OrTJCt: HJU. ESTATE «n Uf BUlLDlIU, J Hagar looked at hlmdebatiBpiy, then faintiy to the military oftieerwhe sal he fell her riding beside him ufl tlie aaj, tho* ae ueowhoattanpt to bolld . . thesi from baUering doors OQEAN OITY, M «/. ' *In that ose we need say no mere, •' proceed. I accosted nbay t r s lUi,™ WILLIAM 7*«f. , q Aft WOOD. said, "Ton an in luvo with lit*, Buna on the hex seat that BhpfiiTieil him, nsd *M*»h««tBrwitbBOtJaWwJn«wb*th- J. M.Chester &Co. she said, opening her red parasol asd the nature of my ftaft, tfi £«#^f ^ *'Moafloa , Tenisqn, flav^i B. |TJTEp 5 CO 150 fifth A?*™*, Hew ¥«*,». Y, Iss'iit-^er^™me—iio't if.it prot^ hegaYe herfais plaffi, Miuk Tolfprd fl teibteod it dull tea . DlREOTOBB, stepping slightly into the itu»- aettto ths matterfaaias thyme, ia a tasteful dish to all, hat tta mad hanalcap?" • • wonld hardly have driwnso cwlly that TOfr-«r« tonapecting, the Ocean City, _Wa.J. •binensif toga . • '•'gtranger,* naaaid ftttivw dn not eara to aat It •••ai Ox7KBii lUl* of « boolc child WAS beside bim. Ho told her, cf tfaeirllh-wftboirt is yoor good habitt, ~IiT B. C. IN8ERS0LL, an embarraHBed faBbion, then {rot np, She was harder, more cruel, than he lively, ^_"" itahaU be 9 »i £ FMt langbed nervous^, bat s?lih a braTe efc however, amoving stories us they went ioar pride of whicft fiie* w»ii InqBireri futi iafsnnnioB M DCS*. i'BI jr g ia^MeneytoioanQn Bond and fort, •adrcplirii "ttindiean, mr IOB, aloSB, Once or twins he tnrnfd to look bad of tbe dunel fcbi ffctt™ ilBBr, and • r«wrd don't want no troa °tu* rent fa Lmdtai n&H Funeral Director, handicap? Of counw, it's ell, handicap, at her. Something fumiliaritiher rangfa" "aSr~"Waik" he said angrily, and pnt pebUshoi fa La nAeIM CHE3TI0T STMCT, PBlUDELPBIi, padfuat otmi hjiri p Insurance tfjFadUate Mwa, MmBBliniflE C^lies^ Bat what difff-renoe does tliat make caught his nUinticm, Mueoniii not trace nt hia band M if to etophor, "If mm *• It appeal* tbat ia AHa I_a ftfF ^ini a6*B4oorf to dje an thar' Benied tofisA toa look fcrward to tbe world irheo it Btrikw JTO? Yon can't help it, it Be tnald not toll that it was like e .ypathalli" of _f.950,000 pajt t or •! WU! b# Billed free la HF •bant tbe tii)4 Fflrt an Tart, I fng pf yt,aouacBt *ad ioit tot HU«< ren can jmf It's like loading joarself with faint who of bis own, "Ton are saddcB and fierea," die I* Cbsr Bp; I will |§ii JOB bow joo maj jamb fat HLJ ifa I Hni RNthM if Hitm nd Dud WlfM. tbar war MB , wiffa twice tl* at Mom DIALERS IN gold, croaainir an ogiy rivet, bat jes do joined coldly, "What do yon wiaBina *SJ ASBVKtr , When thrf rtswlied the park where hyar no mots * host tba ttttt Mllttd; k ff•taifc 9nt tte Mar ODSbHr tf T__e iet80,00§ _ui(t it. f ^ |n db it just the sanies." to aayf Whnt I did mi nnisb=tbat * PALES, tbe old ahbej wais Tea ford detaebed dead, whea • f«Ua> com tsf# y 83,000 d NtxtdWrtsFuMiSee, HeBpokswith an affected clnsrfnl love nllogui her or—hate al- to lire is, while tbe pninbef of himself (nan the tmi of the party and war us* tropbla, C. MYERS, ness, and dropped a bud on H*gar's wandered alone through the patha with • % • FLAGGING ksowyse do aot *ant to be that tlw StODQ.QOfl Leodtsa* yant that tbs^o,-^. .^^ I CURBIN& iw*|UUam ibnddsf. It was now Hognr'a tarn. He their many beaatifat surprises of water O&i Give God the t« tinna u inairj. In " •Then two ^Kigd mm dnw down tne baud and wrnng it as s roe will sot when thtbe peoplle HIi™ fia flflats. U UMM'B* Tista •?»« i« riservBd for ; and wood, pretty gretiees, rastie bridga. i-Upnauricr HtfdgbiiiH of the Grand M, as bis wldte, ll " —' Justice of tte Peace (MSiHirSL Su Ffiftctuo Cil. BBOI bad wrung bis In tho morning. and incomparable tnrf. He follrtwrd the TFoi railway Haya that iii nil his tine hm A* Matt to dtiak dsva th* iaim- on aa avtzagi OTH 170 psarma restdisg QUALITY OF "toa'rs s brick, Bs»n " liesaii eop ef lifa'and then poor the'i*n each bomshoosee, I"n *Landb "s - BUILDING LUMBER. W. L. BERRY, e Windings of a strenin, fill, saddenly, be be hat never known a woman who paid I'm a psaosaBte M&l MEAtlQUARTEflS FOR •"I tell yon what, Hagar, I'd lite to " " ~ ^ _ ^osh/swfo pexaadB ton _ came oat into n ntniight open valley, at her fare oil the BB» to toil when "he want no OCEAN CITV, N-J. Manfuacturtng Jeweler, talk tne thing owr SUM with Mrs. Del* the end of whlrh WE» the rnnssivo rains . fss heart Urn ranch las eoatfort and tba Siding, Flooring, , Pennsylvania and North River was going withont being asked, One of this byai FLAntBEW NO, mm SOUTH SK0ND ST., Jar, Ibe'i a wlm woBian, I beiiofe, if uf |he eld abbry, with its fiteni Nenu bis amniing experiences of this kind That boctbran; tbat fferMans |HT« fe ^af tfttas AM of HAVE YOU TRIBD W^l ever there was one; * my d as the ongels, tows Be come on s\fm\f i liiiiking bow tt wtiMoly,. Arable the iHit laid by l™dflSis*T&a Window IVames, mm was with a dignified lady, who got sn or Vm • Inla, I fenf-y she'd piw a fel- strange it was tbat be, -whs had I id alltbewcrMis totel sonaal nut sf ftria, aayt La at the RwiifsjtiV transfer station, \ WheS CHEW'S Blinds, Moidings? low food adTies, eh?^-a woman Uks years ia the remotest comers of tbe Oandneter Hodgkins came to bet, ibe _ JoernsA, la BOW f?§,OOO,Qg0"" worid, hBTlBg for hia companions men AM jM filewd Spirit paasei.'|J,^6 .^0 p0p, white Sh§ m kity airnnffeif the flum* at palled oat her wnllett sad in aastera ( t To bear Mr*. J>ctlor praised waa astdvaitnnas as himNelf, a»d barbaraas 1 asd frifiit^raf Sash, Doors JTONEHILL ft ADAMS, , tJifWtl, lasgnpie said, "How mneh is Ii! * "I wins nod milk to Sugar, Be was stoat tribea, Mhonld be hrre, Bis life, since cf tbfl faolj boot rtt tba mp Of Ufa 1185,000,000 f ts far mae bad done on the wide «avaiinns of don't know," replied the conductor, w _ Pluterlug, BnnK* Setting, to speak, bnt Baran, Nvhowo foible wu the dv he Irft his beoe ta the Boats, Bonth, and be knew tbat he esald uet "Isomed ^Dsrotit iweUnigMsoBioieaatia. prackets, TumiDgs, ••It'a yoar dnty to know," jesponded Brl«kX»>lug, Ae. hnrtedlr fibM^ng fntt one BBbjret to bad been sometimes aa nseles as credit forget, When h& Mt before some ledge the woman, and followed this with IJBS|. •ettliag it, K ni pnNn t IMi M ppinf ffit f| 1 ML-ffliingleg, Pickets, asotfee, puHfd a letter on fco f JifR ^ket able. Howe?er, he vim not of seen staff in a plfasanf Tillage and waa waited en ramarka. about officials not knowing iwaiaiin Part, it U neartrim E, CLINTON * id., «sd sidd; "Bnt niHjbe thia is tit MM as to spend an honr in &»1HS remorw. by «ft voiced Indian maidens and saw thelt dn^: "If yea WBBM hnpWtMOi W U)fc ^tlw titan iny fosl- Lath^- - Be had niade his bed, and be bad lain aronad Mm the solitary content of Us where yw im gtini^ r tahnesfc I won't ask f mi in mid it I'll on ii withont grumbling, bnt he was a listb, be believed that he had oeaaed toiaetor, "pwhsps I might Bake • gusst T W. OCEAJI crrr, x. tell yea wbat'a in it. Bar, flrgt,it' ssas whecrantfd his life backward=he •otti-^oWtdo Bowsy M ibva ta * cb« factor- r ^/\. ;-> T ^ J A full supply constantly on : think; bnt, as the mujdenji danefd with tt11—RBtoCJfe,}fiaMHt, j OOS illlET, Ul S 8, TEITB ST^ isppostd, Un'tit, " ' •• * --'••--• bad ss hope f«r the fntorf Tbethcnght alow jnojiotony and graTe, nutodi I. % OH, laUdmr nl Fr»»ffaa)r. hand, and tinder cover. HARRY HIADLEY. of whit he might ban bees came Tdlooi, there came in among them as Ordefi left at fefip Real Eatate and "Ya, off the Coast of Madagascar. him sen is npito o| bimaclf, aumehited a&f, aprighUy flgnre,. singttg sa U» Bat it WU He?tf known btfond donbt vita the •weaias—>io him always tte do over the pebble*, and be > world ivenue mil receive it •tfeai p, HDI OPEH FOI BliWI OF m tta'^ae! was wmteA ud it waa asM ho» happineaa be bad wreelM ooaldBot fqtfet WWheh n toto ^a^ * pimm diate despatch by Telephone, ;nts, bat two *aUwB wfre l«t," /th* otber wtnuD, tbe tastbte ' b tsratifelttifl , Ui E ^ff™1? Bot tag-—_'_!. mr ttiatlifn BELLEVUEHPT BATHS, telling me mmrn&m into WM felili§j^^ *TUHT1C C0UNT7 GL£ANINGS. Their objijit Ia to remsy? om#t, MpwbWwpttiWr.. a*^ tow* fcy tU «JaUB«J' all of thcJt itfaeturaa, ionls Of them THCBSDAY, An InnBi n Dtid as on Uokoown JN«w» of; the ConBty Oiitb>v« from very old, and to eonsert the land Into eottalB aiiea. The tjnpp •: -; • '• • ' Uawosd, ' / " the t of Intemt to run a flower bed down the centre of Wben the new Ajfyiuai ib| jbi Insane ind readert Mfi. L. A, Rflw haa ntomed to her at amlth'H Landlug, Atlanlle eoutity. the avenue and enlertaln the |d«a of A dweltloi ha«w occupied by jt, homvert till iier has been too warm to home after an absenoe of tlx months, fliiiSBed and the county fa charge* More than a Million in Good Ctothi n odd t» ao making ft a bon-ton cottage Qeorge Godfrey was deltroyed by Ctcmile lay bttwren thani and th«ir tie- make the producer!; -' MB, Attba Johnson, of Atlanlle were bfought to if froni thff Btata it hid ;•: MmmHtt*Jai£8&iM& the faU uamo and ad- City, ji fliliiog her parents heie. Tbi rapid boilding up of the upper Moon afler mldufahrHuuday tnoruln^, pp ^ ,iW]u iiii, feti IWdyJ '4 Na®^ then^ when ' not ueowaiirtly for (tectlon of the elly with new cottage* toAsylurn at Treutoa-there ciuae ose John A, HardlDgabd ion were down Tbe stalrwayi were enveloped in Mima pad «rtng no one ID pUirSult, lb* ;aBothat iriaabed at coat-wearing weather com^ it At Lowest Prices Ever Touched but > guaWaate* of good making m demand for iites that te hard who WM Htmply reeotdedi ' li(a .few days last week rabbit hunting, befure the Bre was discuvered,, and the is likely! to find tie marfcem to Oil, The scheme, however, while "Helnrlcli Neeen, insane pauper, t'aptafo Oe<^rge' Di^lnsin, of U*» = Lewis Steel man haa a new wheel, three intnatw eseaped by Itapliig from exploited In the local papers, to not Ineominift«d from Atiantic City on 8ep- yacht Liiitaii, dj^BUddenly Tpuradaj of" stock, afld" then, In , With: £ke coming ofwinter we- redouble , MKBaoka and family, of Camden, the ttecond=»tory window, Iu doing '^m §ueh an auvanced stage an to osure Hi teinber 9t liSSp aged 59^ night at bla boms at' Ooifl Hprjng of lhe BepPcine fjyyrt, in place rusht prices will to sell Good, Warm^ Dtfendall© Winter and bin, D, Edwuda, of Pleasf ntvllle, £ which the aged Mrs, Godfrey wls seri speedy realization. Then was notlilng unusual in the , and p«flibly fitaliy, i apipleayi aged TO'''jjmiu.jdtptalnSf^ - i-BS,t HUB to sf Fl^ t November Abel & Scull ha* purchased five loUVisited B, B, Hmlth last week. toffldeoUj to give the p g vance, , ~bnrmake7 ¥euTlTii?ir buy for less money than man's appearance or form of Insanity : IBSOD waa weU know u anu}nf ear iiip* or in catching* train. , jHOOft. .Each of Una office* baa a on Haveo avetme, north of Tenth Common Coum-ll la consldarjog tbe Green Creek, descripOmi of ht« anUiatsf* AB at- queaUon of turning the fire departmeul to dlstiugiiiiib him from the two poore metsmpUlatteBBsa moot iklllnit and Tfeat imt. is profitable to BOW. We've, lowered prices oa Snits, •treet, ','.,., _ _ ,V, ,. While Mrs, J, M, Beliellenger WBB in teinpt ww made to tieai tUe Gapt Alfred Bevia, aged 75 years' formerly >trom a voluntary to a paid Hystem, It of otben removed at the 'earne lb [ i A Joatfcft of ttm Supreme Court IJI you If yetr are guided by it. 1 tJouDctlnco 1. B, Ohanpioa aad ifewdjiy* a«o someone w«eii,buibe&iigfiEbra%tir,ai1d Boys Clothing. We've got aa Immense stock, of this place, and well known throiigh- cOHts bitween »10,000 and 115,000 fur Superinteudeut MejUfiuiKil itaiea that her of Per pocketbitok c mtaiu on ardent B4* ptape of Sennet V*daytkiet fik i '' The Coats we are family 9peat a portion of last week In most keep the goods moving quickly, out Atlaulie and Cape Jlay counties, the department, and ft Is claimed the the patient's mind eeeuietl to heft blank fng thlEty dullHTH, publieaB, and Joseph 8. Btltta, as fin* ww w«th doing, or even is, emtfmow: Rh proaclsed, .ieytn «f ihts ^ at Sj, (7,30, Jio, $12 and i FhUadelpbia, •' " died In North Uarulina ou the 10 th ult. and he could nut colleel his tluiUKbtH right to do. There MS of ihe, ermm in expenfte would be lighter if the firemen There is a IM*|M gmwth of yuuii thuslantie Democrat, madis a Mt uoon t • l%e£zcontOQ Hoaie property, were af fMitd Frfday nigiiL Oue af the are sold at a money-foss to froni a fianeer on the faee, His remalne suftlclently to give any intellifiiblt} the efeetion reHuIt m Ktw |eWBy* A!* . n* ASBUHY AVENUE. oa thtoipkJity of projects, which tit plaeeof EdwardJ. Anderson, June 11i/ eaib atreet and Wesley avenue, baa were kept oil regular aalarliB. 'lynierHUhifitf the nhotn lid* fall titan H J Smith, ifl yean old, some one. The gain is yours Were interred thin nt hit request, ser- count of his anteeed^ntij, lie was ever mmn before. They adhere tu ter the State eanvawteni announced the CBtr ndBioqB*UiB ecrrted oat t? tte jsde aa well a* S*!«y*.pOW, Terni, three yesm. , Well take $850 for Excellent Suits, really worth $12.00. changed hands, • • nettee, aba ter Tr***, *i» in Cftind^B,. The —if vou come while anv of the vices being held in the church of which ally referred to the body of water known hetj ths two fixed Thursday Bight fer bsry .T-•••••• Tbe earns to nanght; and we must Two members of ibe SUte Board of Btwtwd-Aikn and wife, ef Ffauk- canaeentloB eg anytiiiuK »" tins Ml*, and jtlttheat mm gave thtir nani^s a» Th**. Wii! take $12.50 for Black Worsted Suite, wsrH. $16.50. ^ he had been a member fur flve yean. SH Ibe Lake'ti Ray, lu full view of tilt the carrying out of ihelr fut Htita, tbe former to be aammm, and Salary, $m&, TeRU, four garments remain. font, ipearm few days hen looking af- No secular or religious event that has and piling ure cstvered with Bpswn wbtek la to hm Jh fffulit, WiilfaBemnh, W» Deceased Jesv,es a daughter, Mrfl, Anitie attyitim, m tbe lilver Hhlne, H dialed In overaltH «f wbfte,,wheeled FITTER MURDOOffr; latter faUans,. though both may be We'll *ell tt.e Btsf Black Suit for the money, $(0.00. tertbeircuttalM. ever occurred hf re Plnee the fouartiiig Cierraont, ; awlMday of the aoud, Julin> Williaaia, TU<»iiius WU- M, Cain, who resides on Tenma afier tiie pntitnt'H. admi^iou the al- Itowlonfl up aiid down Washington HEN'S CLOTHING l r HDprofltabi*, Bo, alto, • BMUJ ef the Baron de HIrseh Colony hai at Duck shnotiiifft the nwtlniejif local HMhw-. •.•• *''."l - '•••'• by Ikinjs and Jumes atnitiJ. Tliyy Miu Flora Lee, of Philadelphia, teudautfl olwerved that lie wan rapidly •orange, NOOO, Term, SEIIM Thousands of $20.00 Kersey Overcoats to go ftr$45.00 . |i iristid tfi South Jersey BO many people street. Borne of ihs ojl^bfevoua 0B» any bis awrewtfal y or BWHH the kesauJr, but elaim Jhut, none uf Men's made from all- aBaoday guwt'at 'the hooue of MTB. declining phyHlcuSJv n|n| uieutally, unsi, diar, OF yeas. of prominence in Jewish circles aft did Misa jullu ght'rfy bos giine to Ot-eau lookem prepared for tiie wbeelbanow t&aagh bta triumph ch«r pufiy eul Bomer?. The wouuded wool fancy Cheviots, $4,50, Thousands of $25.00 Kersey Overcoat! to go fbr S2Q.Q0. Fanny Burroogtin, having at-certairiid that Iif wan a natty psimwi Mi p«n character Uounty Judaea . far Ewer, Captain L. H, Bsb&icfc f*ud ttlit rumliy, the consecration Sunday of the u City, where she will leiuain ride with many small bags of Dou?, l andd Salary, fUaftJ tnatt it ffi|«jned in 4 prwarlous tumdi* No, wn are not yfi]MsnmM= >lri B*, T» Ahhott baa rein raed home of Haddoufleldi were the gue»H of the man Catholic, Rev, J, j, Ferdlgan, >iT Stitea and Rowland begun their featu, fajfnaT^s swjmaoity. Thousands of $15.00 Kersey Overcoat! to go for $12.00. after niaSlng an extended vjnit to her gftgue of the Woodbine Brittlierhftsid at Orden i*ft « m Aj^uf Mm wfll rts*(n tloa. Thrtfeuf the were ar= H nr>i riifht, nrov-sn In- brother, Cap lain Atluntlo Ulty, wuB teut for and tlieu the yuung men begau to pelt. When, however, we speak of a nc- Woodbine. < J, H. Bliiiii l« HII fieri rig frnin injuries .'• ' . .k &£•! and may Mt *M nwCbW ia Camdeo. ter vpirittial coiiHoinliou, To the •fM life, it b no loriger so SIIB§IU; a uf ihe Flam fur by Omcer Miller la & hay loft, j Boys' Clothes—Half Saved: $2.50 up. If big boy, $5.00, aad hia wlfa un ThankHgivlng Day, The pirrior'Htorie of the build lug wu rer-tLveil wliUs on a bust, But the actors were prepared, and both bill •nil Munoioutb, Toe Own t'ity Volunteer Fire Com* jiriest Nrt*en (itwliRtd bUlflehiity Iii or ens ao easily defined, Uau Ia they Md buritd oe- Harry Bojeeshut an oponsuin whleh laid October Si, 1SS5, and the structure, jamis H, Tuwnseud, of Atlantic stopped and picked up taaga of flour #f Utv people sfll thee nit ;mhric rh* pmy, No, t, will hold a regular meet* one of btu lucid imMueulH. ikurn ttfltr- • seat easptis being, with various and of ibe iUmti of hay. L be fiurpflned lu Captala Frank Bah 34x51 feet, and. H4 feet high, although t'ity, is vi^iUiijf r*Ifltlves here, they had lit their b&mtw asd lilted Railroad Fare lamt as before. We pay it on ' lag to-morrow #veninff, wutd riudScii , HIHJ hiH bociy wan luirkil eftea SBfitoUng desires and poaaibUi- and AppeaiB in Elie place of Ui cock's chicken mny but w^ek, not yet finished, is miillL'ieiuly iieHr l£ev, M. Hwm was In Oeeaii City last the ouiookere, who noon diacovered A priHinc pr'E Mafto H. Moore weut on duly on iu a pauper^ grave, tto. The areas* of win* of iheae la- and Jean Ws Jjj^ert. * purchases of reasonable amount. Capiaiu Jarutw DOWDB, a wheeliTian Ciinipletloii to be used for regular mi orKuniziiig a Juiiliir Epwonb wby the belt f« bad overalls on? A bsbiaij Corpus proceeding wbieh, If: Tuetday iviinlBf u the eighth man at in 'the faJlas of others, and upob *Uout #1000, Terni, sis yeare, of Atlantic- (Jity, *u run down by vises, ; That WUH haek In the latlic part of Tbe Oraud Armymeu ef ibis place will have moid t fleet on ihfe! tbe Llfs Iftviag Btntlon of whleh be will T*o rnwtets of tbe Ikforai Sehel put mtu Captaiu W, E, Lee's feed wagon OH P/inr to the furinal cuiiHecrution aer- July lust, und iiiiW tlie »upttlmeiideut Pctefsbuff, are making prepafaiioua for a carup-Ure faaTOmaDjrdis- far Buj'o, sis (J«Biiuuy,Ujucis of Pilot* of the Siaie pFis.iii, Las bwtl \ MfK WUtoa WiileH ha been enter- Thanksgiving Day, Injuring the geniie- is iu rorrtHjioiiiit'inu wltb )H'TKe, recuver, tui a former instdiguished (jurioun Yet how seWoni lt(tr?f cos'ef-t being laid fiir ubout eighty the Icev, Willium G. HoliluHon,H^in.-er dent HitfeH, carrted off the honors at a terving %t$i duyx n hwh he i-it? George Hayduy, ir, of AUanije City, JebBtBf prstaptly attendM to. recognized lo •peaking of • §yc- F 011a JuHilue, of MgyM I persons. Hcholar und iiiuskian. On ik'iober 7 H, Hwuu to hlUii Uyythis h\ Uiirwii target practice on Tbaufcsglving My, fli Mf pfettkei ba«tbea wera couiinnttd to him. Anil the good shape stays, be- was in ihii city ou WedBtsday Igukinf M»' The ide«coojtMBljai, aod a Harbor Aia»t#r fur OiBui WM. H. WANAMAKER •fpeBtaatyrday and aundBy with D, & The services opeiied with Hinging ill MtA'oiitiell reft-lvt-d H PbiljidflpliiiL The bride wse J, Cllfiord Wllsou has p«rclis*ed a ForBoaaea and lit bbjn tdal» Wooght to t In ISD^WltdHerwasrtqnrsBu&l after hla property laleres'H, tacbed to the paraae are by no Is to genftrajjy beljevsi that tnltae! cause the'elothri are EaiioFtjiL Til (on and wife. Hfiw rieaiitiful are tiieTeutnof Ju«ili, lyiter frym uue Funny Meyer, nf Du»- fiiruier resident of thU jiiace aiid Uer lot fin JeSeruou Htfeel aud will huiid a 638 Asbury Avenue, Tbej adstt, State prison ffuin mis county for PHILADELPHIA MUalutie Mull IM entertainlog a tjerujniiy, w hit Hiihi hlie was a ofkooplicated nature. Often all ihar giokea will aueceed By the way, we've just Captain Ffaak BabcDck Bpeiit iftHt Thy DHeiliyg Playe of Israel," by n friends wl>-h her a lung aiid yutiage oil it at once, , OCEAN CITY. N. J. power and Ita pstinaeiij of ymta, whieb he served, and waHnllqwed yoabf Udy ftleacl from Pbltadelphla at Bister of Neeseu's late wife; thai his t 'to tbat he haa gained,-or fa Kelsey as Secreiafy af atate; i readjf more of thii .-?!. wtek at home, mule (jiiarlette from Philadelphia, fui liappy tiiarriid life, W; J, BeBnatt, wife and son have for daughter lived wifti tier, and thtu they ipdly calnfo& a fortune, The BUMJB H, Grey, 3lf, giogktod her boBe on Wealey avenue, Arabella Babeock and Siillle iowed by the H«t dreult'with the Tim eutertftinment given In Bedgone to Florida, where they will remain eaimml asstJoo tor jooto, bat Black ChcvioE Htiits at f were anxious to weure particulHrrt of stagnated by hia credit at tbt ilsj^r AoiJt-ftuii hitustlf Nathan Haye aad family on Tflen- CuBOver, our repre*ntfttlveH at I Lie of the law. The chanting of Meij'ti hall ou Tliuriidiiy evening was during the winter months with their But hurry; if you'd share I hit) death and ijurlul. At a later date bask, by tn« ai» of bis bifcduesa, by ef Lhe auie Pria«u, daf togk poeeesHisB of their bouse on Normal Hcliool, Trenton^ Hpvnl Tlmnkft- "Raise Your Heads, O Ye Oatea, onri jiifCrtiM liuimciiilly. y, William Bennett, another letter arrived from OIIH H.Flflk, the real state or ateeka 0? buna* o BarSKf, uf - the lot, ior i conir hi all I" Twrlfih itnti, near Haven avenue, iviajE at home. Be Uplifted Ye Everla^HtiB DoolfH, elid Albs ioiik AlBMiii, of Oceim City, wm Philadelphia capitalist^ it Is aald, but he la in j < renreNeutiiii I ha law fuL-uliy of Heidel- mortgsgs la hi* posewskiD. Now, ituDunty, will btf appointed t0Q s mv ThqniaffiBawkBd wife left Tuesday Some of our lowiiBBen are busy Let the Kltig nf Glory Enler" wui fu)- ariMitig relttlivts und friends in thbwill Invent conniderably ln;bullduig J.N.jqHNSpN, ^' * LFiiivenlty, (ierffleuy, til whleh it fat wmy probable tbat BDCIJ resuiw havetie State Biart of A&.e*siB to fill the aftetnabB fat FUladelpbla, wbere they hu-tilngarouud fur the jMHt-otUte, tj luwed by the By&iiid circuit wjih tbe uperationa here when the eonuolldalluri the State priwn ruies, which © jv.st Shut NtrvHcii waa prmiui^teiJ bss [ha ehjef desire and the chief eu- by tlie r&igaatiuD of will leaialu duflog '.be winter m., ami that a diipltoattj tif hin dl* feapeet baacpiwnsl hut eSorfct BQI to slated forUaufity .judge uf Uaiuden y Philadelphia, were tbe guesta of N,U, Ejg Harbor City, L«i!d o| Hi«irt pleurisy. HU w;ii Pali I Is at bnuie loijk* yeHru ago aud tamed an a pet by John tBC exfEfkssd us often tu would bw forwanlud if rieecHhury, STEAM AND 6AS FITTER. alUMHigh be ban set nucb Barrow houuiia U» succeed O'eorge A, %'ruoa), acet>rdipg Wiedaer si=|nit^ thus thj* ; proper Cast;-. S4S- Clelland and wife on fliank^flying While Juhn WintirbOitoBi, aged U The third circuit eiiditl with dep.iH- illg after hlii bucilienrt. W Megray, dlsappared ThaiiiBigjviBg ttne *bo aeapt is Ksuerai iep,jr& (jeprge Wuru will rul#and liut a *»t itu-1 1 Ou Novemtyr il onuihtr letter was re ta his dears and limited hkeSorb to toiy law. He further euutyhdN that I o««KS yean, was out gunuing nitb a uuny uf itiug the piTullB ct!Dta(uli!g the Jfoukx Mm & V, atiul! la HpeiidinK twoDay- FORTH* COMING 1 are often aton be •ppuiaied for a full term a« Cum. Dastel B. Frailer, of aiaj's Land- ueived fruni A, Feijfyl, O^rnjiiii CJuli^lii with frit-ndN In Phil Repairing a specialty. a single sphere, be baa not thus made p Wieduer wmmul buiik.by.tUr fuiiet! friends Tbunday ufieruwju he WBMof tsli>ms wtttilng the urk ttuil the Vice Chancellor Grey on Monday nUduber tit fiuuking I ha Horn-- Lti.ra Russell & Adams, ing, has commenced the erection of a fjenerai Ht New York, Baking for a ger- Bath Tubs and Plumbers* sf MB life,. Before pronouncing eaot through the right arm by the HUIJ- Fjiiurtette (tang "Praise Ye the Lnrd, Eliza iiiiDuelHULick, of granted au order fer the issue of SIOOO as aeea- Jiemoi.rBtt will be appointed m Starts! Court, and that tiitf oi51e«B bave of tfiji elotlvhound tirh-uie of the de^th uiisl buriui uf wemut ask, haa be seen, •ueee*. cottage on Weit avenue, near Becund deo dfflcliarge of bia gim. The Him In the Bauetuiify." county, 1H viahlng at tiie re«Idface qf of receive!'« ce/ilficates to preserve the Supplies, SUITS AND the pudbfin of eesHjrs jg Judaea Krue^r and OLJ Fifflif to add nny pufL iif a Stale Uuurf full iianie WHM Dr. fol In bia domestic and social aflalrs, in ,. In a Ui ea-?. tinet , Dr. 8. Murals, of PUiiiiaslplllu, Mr. und Sirs, EIHs NIckorHou, property of the Cape Slay and Dela- *T*Mi;i^1MWFj^p* Oft, Jt»p«dietfo»af»aotaJ of the Court uf Err,^ and io a UtiiUd Siatcw Udurt entered hia baud and came out bury at Bunu, ctttauhlp, in bi» KlatiuBa tu 817 ASBURY AVENUE, AduJphusCTownueiid baa purchased pKiyer, jn whk'U be thanked DtfiinUvills M, E, cburch hue ware Navii(Biluo Company, ralnlkdi |b«l*Uer whs. It i» believed, will UuS be reiwmi the elbow. Dr, Theodora H, O T high. DMO' a lei eu Asbury avenue, between Thirty wh > WaHHUmninned, dresned the wuuud tbe God of Israel for having "delivered ny, Ot-iiotierS, iSEii.iiudwL» left u [ old- be? n repainted aiid rejiaired Hud will bt TheHberiff*H sate of the Hotel Uhal« ficqsatlj Bpto^sl byaosietbJ&g bet baled, A Repubtifan aiay The iaiB# iiivaiTB! a fjUmt,er iif plinl^ ;IiV now life inHurMniH p,,liey fur imtKH) iii j Don't fail to sail and £3rot M, Uni'wMiiaii, of Kolii, Tiie caWail gathefiyg iyduBlry Is ctmflrmed, fattk Of all bop**. Mei IOSHM) In privinf to the world Judge ViUiSyekel eu tile UiDi-h uf thetime, JuNtiiii} Viiu^.-kJe, tif the Itev, Ueorge Van ROHW, whu bm just KIH iLein tu ibis beautiful land, Uourt, The sUL-es.*ir to the of" Jacob Us Bteelman hu purehaMd ft inutiy. Diiiiiig In iliis vlisluhy. Pickers A movement hss been started hen to tbat of tbi BUI* ^114 excellent ud honorable work, thus L*u!itt, LMi.uiJ(i" th# writ »f returntd frum a European tour, by» re- UIHI fnvured iiJUBtryf'' and earning tie property be has F, L«, Clprk ef tjic i5j V lot oa West avenue, between Fourth •Igiied BH putnr uf the Slou Lutheran ih»t they "uilght LitLtime good Thin eiirrtHpuiiJeiire led in,further Biiik# frimi ii to 13 a day gntheriiig thi the liceimmg power from C'tty QteftaiojybewUI hii|iiiry as to the unfiiriuiuiteuld DUinlr Has he teen faithful to Jib Will CfJDie ftom tiie upper end of R, B. CORSON, and Fifth Jrtreetiij and wtil erect a cot.ctiurch to accept a Likli frunj Hurrls- aad BE yll tinisi confurin tu the lawH of ffom the t;tilN, It U whipped to to in the attespt bit s the giate and »Ul tea he[iUtj(iiMn, llH ]iKVJUlirt In his [nail, aioeere In hla professions, jusi ta«e thereon at once, burg. Pit,, whtre be will UBHUilif pasto- their atlitpied land," tic made up tiH (Hllng f..f {illiiiws, j Heatere,Ranps? J* and kind ia hia dealing, true and loyal Who feewil l be >^nn>.[ ae* tie foreUiId. At itieAigleiii TnwjiwiadOautly Hiid Mark Lake, of this eity, todt hit* bi= ral relations on Janiiary I, rs Huiihia NGUHtiidt prcfsttned the ment to- ilieTpenKin ABjiuiu, It w»n Eidora, Injured on tb« wife, Jiumer Anj.s Uaniij, SeavUie; A. # 1 la bfa firicnasbif*? All tbse and mire The GuveruoF *iii get r!a of all these , j Uaniij, SeavUie; A. cycle from gositra Point to Uamden ou key iif the ttyiiBKiigue, lit the cinelu- ieiifried that fiirHBverui years he was a JHisiiie UhrlHtitin \\m returned Sillier, em ployed a* bag- PUMF3, the tomtom diaap- oCIi?ai an aiiuH Htf potHjtilf in L tjLumi Bridaf} H H MG fflf Aiiit-Hesn Chiiwn*, Ej* While Henry LuhiieUN, of th!a city, enter Into a trslf •usairbi life, and L. tjLumi, Bridaefnn} H, H, Muu»(G. FWRERAL BlREeT©^ TbaskHgivfug Day, covering the dia- tif which iloii. A, H, HulotiiuUH, uf very fiuniliuf Hgure In after «|'#itUli)K ft delightful sea- on the sccommodatiuu jaaa d J fifis, * • WBH ridliiji iip PhiUdttlplilB uveiiue «HI 408^10 shere may ta a ithiirt ses^ioa *uf L. H, Timiiitirt and wife, Qi%itu iance ID about als hours. wlierv tie pli'kyd Uji a win with relnthuHhi iHvan ijlty. Tbe bow, tbes, can we all aojont* a «uc- €u!(t»)i f f hla bk-ycle Huiiday afieruiHin, \tu New Viirk, kiodlud thepBrjiSiualianip, train i.n the Ot¥an City brapeh of the ^mmm£mmm If he iiaa hie way l|^ « jlay CainfilipH, Hil»t!iir P.*: UH i4 Mtnillln^ mimician, tslwnyp nuo, aloiply faecaune be Or, j. W.Tbaiehirud wife, of Phii- with a priinftil accident. The Ttis (JeilhUitiiry HeriUfiii, by llubbl' hUu* P>!«ell, Jr , Urn bi'vii W. J. It, R,, met with an accident st OCEAN CITY* K J. yeetMhcrpmlBrm. acbohnbip or an ad- will last unly At itle Emrnertt Eiwfjoii Allan w WhilFi- EvfuiiisfJ- By f rvudy lo jijiiy the piano .for any Tinfwof*r ild mhmt^fm workw. All Hada 1B acqaittng eeruiu WA5HINQT0N VANQILDER, Manager, * itdelphta, Were amoug Saturday » vtai- were muddy from a heavy ruin, aud he was in EtiglUh, aiid was full «f thin place Friday morning, whicli will Wwtloii.wiJBS otbtret . Jiilly company tit u mihHMi or euut'eri Ana? Another idea of a sufiwwful life tors. The doctor QWDH a haiidHome wa» riding at a high Nowd, wheu uta palUori and puiriutlnui. The choir The Hui!d»y»Nuhi!ijl AHMtyintlnh flf IncHpaoliste him for duty fornonie time aiiH Bisna a tpmsmtr AH iwt pm^Ktit tim woild'a pziaea oQtre4 no femptfttfjf in* warden How tu Get bn ia ,tlja World. hull, where he WUH kimwii as "Pnifts- MHpMiPtnii is thai of Bfflinaiqfe If oae bas risen _ iJHJiiF L-jiihuiiiii «ttage on OC¥BO avenue, wheel suddenly hilpped und landed iiiiii imtiled "Tiits H.mg G>r the iJediaaikiu tmvjinhlj in the M. to U vieWr Tbefe are mmj Audei*,u priiprietur uf j " He WMH a heavy drinker, but mn, and be fiitia to obt^n ft, into poblic noiice m &uy sphere, if he Aliiiviiier j, n. PilFiof AmastsBiyiita, By SjihfiUn j.nieph U. Smith will, It ^nald, build against the curbhtone, Lnaking liiH oil- )f the HoUf* of tbe Lisrd," uiid Bev, K, tshiircih KHV. L. li, Air, Miller wasasHtatiug in "making Ibt H. O, Steeimab A L'o, jumyeryard, L\ p-juiility, At- fiitsif.iJ Stgrts, Bf IiitWtij!i!Tie. was iiuver m Hjiujileiely iiveruiiiiiB m be a flas •tatwman, or a popular eratur, 1 si. Petersburg, N. J. ao addition to h!i itcire it Twelfth htr-bope and otherwise brulHlng his firne Dr, MurriN JiHtniw, of PhilBiJelphiii, Hf of tUe up*' the train at the time, and while baa Modiei bant of woikad Eighih«feet aiid VV#»t avenue, thi^ . Tliy Ctjiiilrt-n , Pc.rtiiifl, I h> be beyoud coiupiete absorption In the a apteodld miiaJciao, or artiBt, er atnet tsd A>bury atreaue, and iDfage ahd body. HIB aipdillitu IN crJiii-aj, eflSijd the lirOtberlUBid lu German. coupling cars at the freight house was > hie ferns tun be» MU eity, Had a leading DemtH.ratlc peiitt= lie play.ed, The Uiitruffleht aatbor—If be bs won the platidfts af in the poultry aud egg buBjness, Hammonton, Dr. MoraiH Hald the "Hunhhaba" in Duvlrt Dawsciii vlaltid (jape cuiight between the platform asd the Mi fi elan, fBsidibi at Estilville, was urgst* H pjirt uf himself, jnijob Xat» lbs nailitnae for his ginhis, ut his F, £L Uhsnplob hu added to hi« of Baruli de HirHch, mi ft House and Outay t*ity «si«iitl¥ r-afti in euch a manner as to break the If yuu have quktised, He k agg a byy Cianie Wardeiardei! Frank PigglaUo, a well tfnto furruer, ter, with » hum Nee^u made tiU liume r phUautbropj, or bb power ia uy di- real esute hoiding» by purchaifiUK a whleh Dr. Jastruw { the hen* j.itiii [iiuKhiiiii and family right cbiviule. That the young Dun m- LM1D1H6 illl DEIUI OF betttt material Heury Mciineidir, of AilautiL' City, fur W. C. SMITH & SONS. siarted «ut guunlug Friday ninriiliig. fur Hume time, HittieU ttiut !ie WUH H rtctisQ, then be tocalled , without fear y WORDS ON WO.IEN'5 SHOES I. B. POYER number of Jota OB Haveu aveuue (east In Eitgllah aiid Uermaii, in= uf last week iu i fiperi mure ncriuuH injury neeius mincu- A Place to Sell; wftb whleh ie work fi» talon JOBS, SSuudad y i Th 1 As he approached a bedge not fur frum niuii of high breed ing Hud a thnrjiiigh ofdl»ptite,aBaccaiifulmao, Bui here, The game wsuden, Shoe man gleans knowledge Hide), running north from Tenth dtreet. the divine nil the Pr«( «f our ulilisenH ure , as bbtuiidy wan aimpresned wttbln If you have , " ssd Wa HpskiE cqtffBHt la worth In cumpaiiy wltU Jarfle* tiliifm,, HGITH STSEIT AjfB ASBPR¥ his home he saw. an liukuowu planter of music utiii the Saiiguiigew, He •ani» tft hfal jlMBj JIM a», nmstis eae depannjent doa from ail sources—he is a wiz- Mm Naomi Murdoch, Blwood^Steel. ident of the United anil the [heir time very ptcdNiHlly fil warden, wsa en reBii far GrisMB*! dudfe behind to vonceai hjaiself, • hud token to drink after some domtHtfL' not airy with It aiicr-eat is lbs otben, man and Benjamin Champion, who Gii¥«Biif of New JerBey, Cape May Court House. Mr. .Miller was takeu to hiH A House to let; «• be bofedlbr valid b«v«bi¥n. So SwsBp Id searflh of ii legal bynier.^ ard of leathers, in ftict i saw glaaohad not gone fur wheu a in in blew iu hi* uaiive laud, and and If we an dealing witb ibe life, no -PflACTICAL SUTI ROOFER an enjoying a vacation, spent Thank** Among the promliient >*f tlse H, Mjirliigur IIBS'w'lii Ibe West avenuy, belwewu Eleventh ud If you have tlieaerEhutbopisfbr a gnd year's when he an acru*i Bgurgegid In anthat bicyd« wat., had"pliable ASB DEAflRR w from tbe hedge brought him down. ibis ijtiuuiry to begiu life aisew. put an bi omitted, giving with their partnU in tliln city. Brotberhoiid were Judge Hiitul pfniMTiy to TiiomaH tjlay, streets, and Dr, j. a, Wag- tra^iradwqtfcvtothvtesdTtbeBXUat old Held, oirryinff a fiin, m The charge entered bii head aud nedk, gut (be BiBHteiy, h«wever,f(Ji', Itmtf be Hid that If this tew there nes; w«nt toftdfk to nfet that Hoarim/* eta« dent i)C the Hlrsuh Huu,Jtt' : HumiDoucd, After setting the Some Funds to Loan; hops lotsbodj-nte Ideal oa tbi a& with bbTd dogs, mar bia jjiime, K David Austin and rnuBliy, of Mm*-aad, though badly wounded, be inum (Met) iu tik iiup?, lie eiiuhi Uirgei. svh'i will lake o to ao tBch thjng a* a sucoaHful mo, pliablen*-K. for ,ho« ,o!«S, rte ^!^M^k^^m cob H, auhilt, vlL'&presideuU t«puef the dtjctur reported tbe patients* If ynii have ?M ec the uibli, and •ulvs to do Ii; wardens went up to B>iUfgeiiiBp ai,d af. ley's Poiat, have rtuted and taibea oe- to Lfitwl buck tii bj» hi.me. A Oue time Net-Hen aliOWiid Natlt-r llie lJBL'eiliher 1.1, lor no one toflo thorough I j rounded and SUCcefifltiij. tliQiltrh lerithyrs Beai^TEHs, STEPS, PkaTFQBBta «HB! Sash, .Doors, Blinds, Moldings, Bmckete,Columns, Newds, , hfiBorury Becretury; Huu, A doing nicely. in* Mttbor bspatQ noTof bis thoughtii him several q cupaocy of F, patby% eittage on As-doctor was Hurumuned, who fyunil the (liKunjeiitfleBULiiirtlihigllit! fart that he The law o!)k* uf evenlj balanced at to perforna ever; B 8 9, Holnnuons, general muaygtr; Philip Mr, Miik-f seems to be particularly Some Funds to Get; to mottitadca; the *pakti bsps to to bis EHfryjBg tbe gan, iuforniwl had to U .pecijTy'-iftniitd "to ™^^^|^S^.^ ? j ''hite Pine and Cedar Shingles constantly on hand and under faury avenue,, bftween Sixth aad Sevfarme- f badly wounded- uirried A piild-u|i [Hiliey of iiimtniiice ott rer llatid, DUH Ueeii very muuli Anrtna « lupin bai uidkencr; ibeduty equally well, therefore, no one enth strwtn. Coweu, editor of the ABienuauHebfew; unfiirtuitate, as this Is this third lime If you want him that he would be arrested. Bonr- j cover. Orders left at , * "l "•"."••" Contractor Barlillueei espeutfl to have bis life fur imfim, hi aiii«:aiaiiet. pfaOaephn bops topn n hk theory, S bops ftir exslleas in every ipheie Of tbelh4fty-fogrpoit'Ofltoe»inCBpe Arthur Keichuu, geoerai mHnager of B. L. Kn?& WBH it) Treiitiin lie li«» beeu injured while in the service tuld tbiB to go ahead, statlag tSTiMAHS FURIHiHtO AND BAMiSISfl the yew county road from tbb plaut to Tbe uuihoritien will uow deuiaiid of ftf Ifey fiulf So, taoseo f them Inof lift, But •B»SH does not that "Ma? county, tee Me held by bold-overs the BgrieuUufsl lutereats uf the Hir«-h hvtugoue of tiie State Board uf the rallruad company, ' tewM Doigunniusbut ahsply you can btmtl it PHOSPTLr aniMiB m AUanticL'ily completed In a few daya. the tierniau Consul GeiitT*! un muuunt Tb^rnvornujDot fiUl In perfeetlon, either regards a aingli 807 ASBURY AVENUE from the Harrison AdmlclatraHoD, and fund; ait- B, Abrsms, ut the New uf If a DEEP gap hnnie fmai the house of It's right: ifs sensible, Same With ghe exception of about 1500 leet Hutituielit in rtfliuliurse ilieiu for tbe ban M actJoo or an an tin* life, for that Is never a friend, Heveral ^Bya after tbrw are managed by wldowe who are T!rue«; Qsirge W-Viiuland, pres- Otcaii City Is repret*e!ited dally on wafm Board or Taxation, tola ekie of Dacoatu, the nmd is vuto. ill the esire of luelrdis : KM faehed! what It des mean k so strong waa arrtated in this city by result .has hmn trittl for by will reeeive immediate attention ident uf lilt New V«rk Btiroi! Hl»eh Ltur Htret-tfs by tutug from (but You Heed to Sign; botlf th^j bin itfivtn arwaUjr to not likely 16 be disturbed, pleted ie the HammoBttiB Park, juet [latietit, mid whi take ini- The Mtate Biiard of ^axailoB will adeain aad ma atsat an indeavur ihat Barry, of Atkatic Ulty, They many makHrB. They notch trade HCIICHJI; Joseph jacotm, of ar rt>H(>rt on the Cooti* If you want oMato ifaem they tmn p0o«d Harry Frailer aud Mis? Saille Jester, half a mile frgia the fiiiisbiiig pulai. Httpri to reunvef it. hold a Heasjun at Cape May City MO Hurt tbe wtar wa» bettflr ndb tbdr a labr degree of the remits at wbieh we beff.re Justice of the Ferns CJI -ies i both of Tjukaboe, were married Uua- don; Wm, B, Haukeuberg aud wife, uf Deceinber 10, 1886, at 10,30 a, m,, fur the inntr sole to produce the Rev, o; D, Coiemua, who mysterl. nut* «te*gr akUl, wtodoo aad •im will be attamed, f here it, inde«d, Myers, and he RUted bm wide <,. the Yard day^eaiogby ihe Bev. Mr, Frayoe. the Jiwlslt HuMpltiii, of Pbilndelphta; Itev. U, B, (if Cajs Slay City, tiie purpose of bearing complaint* qf Insurance Placed; f "gfive"=aml make ir bad for I PHACTIGAL WORKMEN, St auBly dbapueafed froni this place ten | After sue kind of «£«•• wblcb !• more vain, leaai-H, Airs, Philip Cwwtn, Come to me , oftb* ease, and aa Ihe game warden failed hi B«th are well known In this city, The remain? of Atidrew at ihe idlHt chunHi Hun- froua esceHnlve or unjust as- able to the world than ii nually reco^ wear; they use 'cheap leathers j weeke ago, flu been heard from, A J. Cioidnjflu, 3HBS Entiier Morals, to im and appear he WBH exonerated of the cbarjfe. where they, have resided during the at one tiuie owned ueurly ail thy day evcuiuif. Appeals may be brought olicd=tbat of aimpteobedienee toduty . for inner soles. We use the i letter wan Monday received by hiH wife A, B, Loeb, Louis E. Levy, BerBarrt At Any Tims. to that. Bat Bourfeob was anaysed at the ppjqeedl ASBURY pattyaf, " . • (in which Ailautic Ulty.'.uuw Bertha 1H nptiiiding before the State Board of Taxation at Theft are very few leaden Jo the wurld, Runt him, and he ia now near the Cily B* Ropeiiblutb uud iitbere, of te the hop* that lifted then op to ingB aad determined to git even with we can have tanned A geatleman named Moore, of Phll- and wbu died thirty yv*pi sgi;, were few dHys ivilh here. tbia wtslon by filing with Thomas B, bat a freat maaj fbUswen, ju»t as la of Slexl&j, enipliiyid as s eivil eugl Philadelphia, fif^ahal'ba^ the warden, and caused a warrant to be So much for the winter shoe adeldhjs, tea purehaeed a vaat amount Maiurduy tukerj ftoin » vault In Allaii* , TuePcaho*, 1'sher, clerk of the Board, an appeal an »RDJF the nldleB vasUjr ouEDumber ueef by a company bulidiug a rail mud R. CURTIS ROBINSON, been aUaiHd,ud to- taned aatiirday fur Hebaefder 1 ol meadow land lying between Haven Hiiiltli Tipmlln, of aud serving a copy of the name, with a" stock in general, in and around thecoaee-pmlucingd^- ToHtii, tiut'ity and removed to Atenn l»f wm Hi tBfi aebJenaiatt wsoU he lropo«Ibl*, of • battle cbargipg him with wiling liquor LUMBER I BUILDERS aveuaFaaAlhe b*y aod Fcurth aud nitermeut beside his lir« wiTu. Thy own laHt wtek un notice jn wr|ting, upon the clerk ora> Here is a special hint^-a tricte. He arrived tliere November fl, In punuauee uf its aiitiunl custom 74MI ISIURf Mim Tteonlj kind of boss thatiaworth- eleetfett day at bia botel Ja Atlan Eighth atreetj, and WiU hegln early In Imrtlyhad been buried ID' a metallic Hteelttimi aliil wife are tiltoruey of the Using district where tbe •Kee-feole shoe made better, where he ImniediateLy secured tbeeru= the PeiinHjlvBuia RailfOaii Company !• tnatwfaJeti for asd obedkssof the aaidlen u uo the City. Con^toble Keiidill, of Slay's PLUMBING, Jabnarf fllilng ID tbia tract with * aaad casket, and was uealed iu m vault on , viHitliig Mrs, property la situate. Such appeals must wham and geacfabhip e| tae qfllcirs, ployaient at which be is sow engaged. has arrauged for two Chrlitmsa Holi- flaid Ibtag to drop from tbe akt^ LeBdiBf, placed Sihoelder under The Kee procesi gives "§pri ng" All kinds of Building Material fumiihed pumping machine, upeeLiag to &jm- the old Leeds houiesiead, a short bf iji her*,' Huuttfiil lie presented to the Board at least three and m the wej&n of the world to more Special induce- 1 He clainjB to have gone to phtiadeUibia day Tours, une to Old Point Comtort, tombitUp of tb* kflar, TOt» are rat. He waB lakta before Magigtrate and ease to the shoe by build piete the work prior to the opening of tauc« from the bouw, the site A festiyal was held in (Jeufennta! dsyt» before the linae designated In the la the nUtbful dbebarge of mentsto all Builders^ . IS SMK& of work, but But being sue- Richmond and Wftahlugtou, and the : John Qtjuldey,at AOaatlQ {Jlty, and, ing up an inner sole of '' another leaflDD, Tbi hmd will be put been hclectcu by Ltsda befDre he dlt'il, Hall on ThurBdiiy uiid Fridiiy. The notice for bearing, • thouaauda whs lead eeHful be kept on until at last be coii- other to Waahiugtiin direct, to Uav§ after bearing the complaint, he plai-ed up to gnde, sad the ttreeu and •ide- aiiit'e his death there hss al»aya been* proceeds were fiir She benefit of the NUMs JTARY S» of felt. French Buck Lead and Ready flixed Paints. «lved the Idea of goipg to Jlealco, New y«rk and Piiiladelphla Deetmber, b Ward Btilie, Jr.. 1H HufleriiiH from'an OrHce and feiildenai 845 every life to full of tbe Span LBU language, he felt reason* standard of esLelltnee which tia-4 made and 64? Aebury aveuue. Tbe latest Bat Lhat • a BWB •tteBtfuq, avenue, hen i*th* one that Ja doindi g mcbb won* the city, fiir his wua tb# only njury to his back. "- , I'IAON,OHGAN and HARMONY, ably sure uf being employed. By tem-these tours su popular in pa>t yvus style casteet alwuys on band. Bodies of inlsd, qsita ebwottby thoggfi a!l are limited Atlaotic comjtjr have work at Atlantic City. Absecoii Irtluui^ «f which John Dukta has taken pusseffiliin of porsiy paiilona he earued ouiiBldec. will be malutrtiued during tbe present removed from hofete bosrtling houset Wfaea MI ability ud eireonutaaes; aad he who ed up uoiices all ihiir AtiautlcCity &.veH the greatest part, me of Ward Siilie'n huuiwa, and cottage* and kept until burial. _„„ City, N. J. Far tarnw, rtc,, SdtffeM ml know* Wi own limit*, and within them able, aad when be waa unable to travel Beaaou, Tourlbtt will travel in hsud- forbidding gunners on DRAINAGE, by rail be rode hla wheel. Mm, Cole- tihurtiy uftbr tbi burial the rumor nuigan whlb|iccl a large make the m»t of hlnnelf H G. STEELMAN & CG someiy appointed traiuti, atcompanied torn Urn all thsii flavor r their grooosJs. A uaeU of anoke led totbe diaeovvry quantity of puiiiiry to New York last ana to do the asvfs which liai waitiojc maa sayii ihiit a great welfbl of car« y Agent sod Chaperon, and became, current thai tiie city bad «w- mp& gains. Battfae h^vtb^tiupira WenllB ID of a •mouldering fire at the ftBideuce, cretly caused the body tu by taken week, for hi* ptrfoimanw la the best pOMibto baa beta taken from ber, sa the sus-wilt be accorded accomrnc^atloiia at tbe (dtort Jt alwijria btcatiog,' Hot oolj sf Jerome B, Buih, Aibury aveaue, away. When the Viuilt won brukeii Mrs, Leiike host greatly iaaprnved the niainr, Ja the truly aae»aiaJ maa, uf the 47 pense WM terrible, eapeelidly as theleading hotels. Tbe social eeasou at SATISFACTION ASSURED. near Tenth atreet, ahortly after noon idea thai he was married wu prevalent open Bat unlay the caikei was fmujd, appearance of her store by a aiat of thoiifb hto name may never become Atlaullc 'ire.; borb WaHhiugton and Old Point CatiJ- PirtSprtaffitalic*. Tuaday, The flames were quickly but the reiutlves weic milHalipilvd with paiut, pnHBhMDtand bfe power* ower become mated by Mayor Htuy and la tbia town, fort will be at ill height, : OJciaJ* Friday, Thereby baam u . ,-> •ubdued, but not uuiil eUght daaagv this evldtnce ot Ihe uutruili of th,* ru- A iiiimhir of taiuks will be added to ML ;' " . • AUanUeCity, Kiiund-lrlp rate from New York for PULL THE INSIDE bad been doue the Interior of the mor, aud eau»ed the qoflin to be R-lie public suliuol library soon, The aKeariM life, then, to a 1 Satente pfeparatlomi nad beta my . Frank Peters, entered,'was atriick by ths Old Polpt Oomfort tour, returning kitchen, The file was anaed by toe moucd to a uelgbborlog blackBrnlth Tuckaboe Lodge wua represented by aWeBt Jenay and Seaahore ItiUft»d via Klohrqoud and Wttfhingtou |.T,3.()0; aad enpta matttf thaa the range, which b*d bete placed too dam ! uliujj, where tbe ild was aadeftakJai, he it ever to offlclftla, who were to certify to train enteriag the city Thursday evea> iai.00 from Philadelphia, Returning •wsMwrniim^m ODD-SIZE MILL AND STAIR WORK, to a light pmtillon, Mr, Rifch, a» aoon the skeleton espossd,' A number iif f tiie UraBd LoUgtt, I, 0. O, IV, I Important or nJaahte, for the former is (hfir iacinemUoD, w#« wmembltd, lag. He wtt femoyid is the City Hm* direct, iitt,00 (rou New Yorh= $14,00 wbea II waa ripsrted by CemptrDlier ; M tneflamea were extlugulahed, started people gathered to get n giirujiiw of the w&q held In Trentiiii reeehily, bate, of which the latter to only a In eithep hard or soft wood, -u^ pital In an uneflnneioHfl condition, and Philadelphia, Hato th*t bunds to Uie-sm(iunt*nf. ontfaBfiBrnfyra thiamlib, determined Might, "Aunt" Huntlfth Cajituln P. M, Wtiealotj hwt, It Is {•sail part One man may have to ran no rtafc of being cremated It hi feared that he toInjure d iuteruBlly. Rates tor (he Waahlngtiin touri 1100,00 of Ihe ioi*j Isaas uf Ko bones ale broken, however, the Hutvlving, widow, who Is &1 employed coimttel (» reHint the IB* upon the wade an through ttocanlea wiling of ft stove. from New Yofki ill 50 from years pld, WKH radlually Op^wd to the crease of Soi^TOO In the swmftwd valuc Oft! whfle Mother may were not is tbe city vaults nor eu'uld T fheOoVefanientThoraday began the Phlladelph'la, Prtsporllonate rales fnsm tfa te ld patented process added to , Tt«aaie,faa ft ta M# put up, » M rumuVttl of the bsidy, aud was hi» hya- if tils pnijwrly. He in promluenE 1B they be located at the tanks, Office.Yard and Mill: 8th and Wesr Sts r binsMaf ftilBfs, yet hto life inay he 4 work of laying a caWe aerflst_Ahaeenb other pointj. nati«D seized the for tbe j" ^''!^ ''ihe iho'eg with an gi«i* B«nao3taiUeaBU the didn't- (erlcal sittte while tbe detail* were work. Independent In hii • ne^nfUoae. Hewnodoa thettrv know-tt-wai-ioaded gun, Tula te the between the Atiantle City uid For tictietB, liiBerariesp and other half boar tTefy the tra sole of cork. Ideal winter SoVh BripBiioe Lift SayingitatlgBB, am! thinkrt Uts work on these KEATING beat he gin, in erery iphejet who siakea la tbi paper you OCEAN CITY, N. fuartbWamuigjand.aswearereJiBhly informatluu apply to the ticket agenti*, ha» •sometliing to dn with the ad* 1H vain sho«s, that make their weaftir BBptrtaitDdeiii Blake iiia dharge,a* ddreea tieo. W, Boyd, AHsislaut The site of the vault Is in a court during the , informed that there a»*nomber of ree- vance, "* ' • fearless of dampness; The listed by* large M of workniea. P«i»enger Agent, Broad Street faniiirfg off Arkansas aveaue, bttween Jden^ where the sme dangtr threat- Aictlcaud Bultic avenues, aud known Cape May fclly, BEAFING3 ARE SUPPERV. d «Hffl(a#f to r eaa, f MU 1| not to an act of wJadorn When the project Is pompleted all ihe Philadelphia, Jeraey soast ilationa will as AdaruH plaq@. It was within slglit Eldfidge utidLiiiriniii in tuueb with to adopt BOOM precautionary measures of the doorway DfAuiit" Leeds hum- j (Ln=un, iif tbh i*lfy, got R severe shtsck eSbfta Mi to bolid np h|a own pcwible to tranimlt a and e»e« are ground ud the Biniag paper*. These are. clearly better, the iBliTWM by a acrioiu and it will be bte home ami was built of brkd^aboiit WediiefHitty i)«ujfgw&lutuwi! Buhiml Mid pftanqM tlie welttfm of h* fellow af Aa euee Qt prevention from SjadR Hook to Cape Vice fhangellOE Pitney, at Trentuu, The boodt wsfBinperfet iliape ferjioles, flexible and right and last week, tiled an opinion advising a eight feet In lenitU, and raised in ia >, a mile »t more irom Benneli'H to that Biffi touea of gtusl-

•*# neguU*tloo and for the lime beiflV the) ihe price i.H , J,» arch abuut three Met above ground, Station, They were making tbe inn to ( II * pound of c««. TbanksgiviBg Day WM quietly ob- decree letting aaide K couv^vanee of whieh |1va ttat llMe=lB«t ld#a was entertained tbat proBerty «t Atlanta'City made by Bis* Leeds wan born within a few hundred Court Hqube ini their bicycles, and kHf mlataks or Wa lWlafeaF served iii this city. Borne of tbe botelj tt ltoIeB •;• ;. tHimlng to a mther lonely piece of ; &et of thii spot hi JTftl, and he died ut CUAJ& • >; ley Barlow to Andrew J. Wltheisw, isBaprmiWaswrtaBef^ailoraifB|yjS *•fr,*#toehIatheiftMO!j&ttthftaifcte ^ ' .Howew/lidt^_feHo 4[ WOMEN',, ;S! had •peeEal minus aad maoy vliiten e«ygiidcMijrfi»iHtiiiiheiteiia& KEATINO WHEBt Per year ••!& Uupld ha- on bBiy far Suit was brought by Cornelius* fk War the age of 7o. The Leeda family weie wutidH, they were gmldinsly face tofacs g pljr natural •ill attended the terviea, in tiie churches. with a bad'iijoking trBmp,iwh(i, In a " by a manage from Utghm L l the flptt settlers on the bland, uud a In advance n • yoHuR people daring t piit ner, a judgment «esitor of Barlow, who |6| days ahead ef then aJL -^fc^^MOLYOICE, MA5S- gfoniy to linppen, Womea'i Tufday^wn a perfect on?, in'fact ai« hundred or nioie residents are relttteil rude voice, order* d thein to get oft their 4TDa*o»,Df|hfiHeeu) $i nsntha/tbe Wt tt -to hla alleged that the conveyauee wii made ttoH a BUEBOMr day, and tee pnnitna> •tUiBf thai tb* bond* were __„„ to the fawlly through tits yf bliMni urwheels. Miss Johnson wasin advance of eir?yuong den OL tbe walk were remarkable in wiihuDiauy cotiFlderatlon being paid E^lrcad Voa^i away aafdy to tistFaait of ths Bafe & marriage, ' and Hueeeetied hi eluding B grab the baIida»HJu*epb; ft Cham polBiof adnhen, - "- ' • by Wilherow and was deigned'til aid fer U97 It wQf »tp«dt arid Treat Company, Be aald ii JAMES G. fertanatt^M lady •beoi rirttiuit made for her otnsU-liilne bag, J, Ptmtt Cnfoer, Junior member of Barlow to escape paying bis debts. would ie difficoli ft* hbs la J, Labad Headley makes a specialty which she carried st her side, Bath tekcted to ioin hla tha rad state flnn of gblnn * Cramer, The Vice Chancellor saya tbe proofe of net'Sereeufl, Old frames repaired and tbaft wltbouvOte npeadinre of some 1 yotipg women are adept* on the wheel, WM muffed In WaahlBgios on Thnn fully etabllsb the allegation, and that netted. Res,, Cor, Stb and Weai; Shop, jfftk tlHie, lib) b why Ihe whale i»- sf Qma city a receipt that llgund lu the sae was a for, lOih aud Watt, ,. WIs^Kldrldge wasiuretbe tnunp wan Plurnber and Gas Fitter, day to Mtoi EdUh F, BrattetJ, of tbat giiiag toehool her when be thrust bis not deMoy^~m directed by ny ooe that bad baa robbed Th« ateamer Creacent leaves OeMD ! city. Mr, sad Mrs. Cramer will take b*nd into bis pocket, and witU, the CityCnincU. •.-•••:,.•.• :.,'. in the bauds to give 1( an old appear- (Jity fur Losgpirt at 7*90, i*.20and 10,4V Up their mtd«BCB In th|B dty. other attempied to arrst her progna* A ^Bfioai€t of tb* dtt ana. A decree is advised thai tb# com a,^, and SCO and 8.30 p, m,\ sturuiiig, NO. 1046 ASBURY AVENUE. Another pcojwt #qiiiaiju gnat an leave, Longport at Sjl, Ml -ad 11M m she delUy guided her wheel iat»th« tbe ar-1 •** pUUnant have leave tofedes m the prop- a, m, aod 2 SS and 4,01 p, m. It also the sftetfcn of tbe new IIBB pier at th« 1 bifthway aadfltw tojoht tlw* bond* in Car erty by paying WttberowlSWO. If Ocean City tor iomiH Pol« : 1 foot of Fennaylvula avcone ooniau V it ttaaptsin te aoiifled her companion; Whs bad berWaOlj experience in the business warrant* me i Wi extmt wiifratoIaUoiis of apropoiiiionoiJiByndfeate, with a iit f totaJH«debdea«e tnrued tack to fese ihe mutual daofef, In |l» bulte ruoiB qf tbe I capital of fI60,«00, Un»tth*» thft Al - liuw followed the mat jemtilpWi mmium.- «i; th* feoDd»f bfaa, ihaptm BalUL Mfltropolltu, c»U on Una yet nuide TO t% bleyda pWh Wbil* Hcw« and other hotel. ai.d cot. A It waa opened to

: J ."'. :'.'•• - "r f:- '-•' ' ' : ; ,- *•• . „• ;. • -I •,-•-. ... " . " . , mm mm-wmiiWi

I b*-rd th. ihw»d*» of Wm- Contractor eiLBERT S LIKE;; mm p m wakfraearty i,»3$y9«H oflbs Usga aod pao* J b«n Sip Painters. Therefore iMftsaoeBU ml -.=;L:SI^: mtmmjfim T* wosur t ii« tooeeaa; a bfllow of feriTal Joy In 1157, *^p ivna»Htliest Hid a biiisw m mboa is is«4. ik A^HITECT, a," law iBBHadcMof tbe bnOHn 8119 ANBIKV thbi world and pp COMUMCTOR AND BUIIDFR, Imr tbelr eradJa loefceaud tbclr «#*^ cit i j^ mMmjm prwn* dag: 1 ban bstd ib« wedding muitod oilei-oafbre the toteran eatsry quit* Mlk aad tbe daattaknUiof near a bos. died,yearn IbaTectappednybiudafor' m jfca™(a*ttefOUiBa»diU«BbrBeint f Bfl«(JaJ to, EBlmstSi kw Lutu fxyisg toaife tba world fepsf ajiUiODC Of Joya aad WTBBE thtiB in B«*Bt«s d fl^H orlt th»top,asflUEaBBott»duDelflatway, mfllunt of agonlea, I mw Jlaejaidy LICENSED AUCTIONEER, aad K ww Fofrsrt act asd Edward Pay* Ufcakfot to he aavad froa the toctom. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, •tii '._',' sqght to be only pray, Ib^ni the first e&Iaw of JOHN BROWER, f ibytbtoa, aifii tofocean y OCEAN CITY, N. j. No. 72! Asbury Aoenue, Ocean City, BL beailread the flzat list aii Glazier, OCEAN 0ITYrNe J^ TnUHBBAT, DEOEMBER 10,1896, of *BascroTE*i Bittorf,'and the flat FUaa aad ng beoge* mi «*»!*• »» »•* IB •« i from age toigt a the BMSBV PEALZR IS '" ' Ho, nef sThey «• of Bryanri 'TBaBatorMia,' aod tbt int word rfTfete r Bnge'i aJooat npetv Lewi* Bf**, PUT* Bill* t*»iit1 !• asdOhapal' ATTORHEVS.4T.LAW, • sail MnotDcrea crfaaa had ereF bfed aj a maton mas hi wit ao macs tbe trae famitter NOUND BUILDS Tbe bMf gnu![tattls for (fed k OiCHB City, IT, J, p. MAIEPF Alii! KiAmlQpr in pat the thought from him aa nngenfit- to be taaghtanths anpn of a «1at*n pnt together, • Proof FsftilM, OOIAN PIT? N. (jMUft UmnmUsiBHSF SaFary PuBil asawarsisi to ffle—my dailj cracifli- ena, namanly, bnt them ia • maggo* for SOB djUlj newt* Eonflnt S»t* emmUf ou bud, , Real Estate and Injurance Is. 731 fcborj Atnge, Oeetn Citj, N. J, !! Hot J. kgiiatttJawBBf aebarofe, It « to be ^byiidi Which gsm into men'a haina al tisMt, tnlBet WHUs TOOT Batasrfi O Pure MitalHe Paints forTir Lots for salt or eiteiiftiifre. Housa io rent, Deedii, bonds or Puns Draft*. Fin* u , C«Bf*eHensfT, CAPE MAY C. HM N. J. Sli fsee became like atone. At last, f Before all you who hear or read tfcis •te, CoMlsntlf on }i»rid. fQUjiinil* I'ul.il DUUdii Bh# drew it oir and handed U to him. aad Itwofka ifa will in spite St them. tad* Frofeeof A jisiiVe jMtetrTft'i' 4yiof e*af«<7f Baa ben tfceapnsiaof vaJedictiary I nava kindled all the do- . A. BOURGEOIS & JON, and Shinglg e Roofs (an( d drawn. Loani B^»tUted. A aumtef of bargains In iaCat, ssnrce above a whisper, he ittld: "Am 1 MB took it aad RS4 tbt worda, "Ym ^!UtM U m iwsOBed with himsnlf. Be jewUfli bead watera of the Itef grffsg the forenoon of the Sabbath SKttie firrtidea by which yon ever eat hld b d where - J- E, PRYOR, LAW OFFICES to nadcrataiid that jott hate ait that —told—s—Uo," This wai the cittsat thvlookof perfect eonidene M ftownr tal a adept in i*tk>t At lded«D MSB, March ?, ISM, to tteeherebe i and the afternoon anandd nosed ail the bailees and rounde- aid Biildcrs, other should bt used H. C. ROBINSON, Edilor and rrapnetor nstbiisg ma wipe it DBt—no repentance moment in * fata life, We was oolj to Britf* and AMfipi HUa sadatj waa rain water is eaughMsr familj Es MASSIY & CO, bsfbfs ebtm ihMi t tbeewnin«of tiia Ssnbaib to gospel lays and m«rimenei you bavB PTBT beard aBd DO remorse? . Yea neTcr gate me a koow oae more hitter, and it would tbtj parted jut now, He talked gajly •5,1a l§!« American BiMe aoetety OCEAS CITY, M. J. use). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ehaaoe fsr & werd at eiplanntioa of ex oomeaooa. Bo weighed the ring 5p sod wort in tba hall* sod theaters and and unrolled ail the pictured sunsets 811 Asbury AveM Ocean City.N. J. G, to Buon and Mildred Maggm, told wm^m.^ miSmtaiBm Sunday S&eett and fields and slnss and wilder- and starry tanners ef the m idiiigb i bea*. All brands of Ready Mixed ti» Yon rcfuHcd to see me. Vom te« down in hk paba asd lasgbed A dry, tttni to what different period* of uron! Ocean City, S* J, toned my lotto? unopened, Bnt ^a^as L'akw^BE«C ~^^F jjlajaal aaai ^aaailjlii-alapal WB^BB* W^BB^IM^* neaaes of sin and aornnr, Why do Chris- ens that yos nave ster gated at. But Sext to the P«wt offlee. ' F saokliag laugh, tmtwe the rolna belouge4 ud by abes ere I go taka this admonition and tone- Paints. HpKiftl fittrntlon |iv*n to d|UU« fliIb e 3IP Jtll^d Sf., Cand«B* 9, you asaM fifr—tlie woman—the "reV'he aald, "yoahaTs kept the . «i«»oo-. which has |*i Its taring hand tian* who fane staffed tbeuatlves with Nc»e maa TbrOftt, sfl4 f Ulild tisse of will dnre away n napioioB • UUUJi "4i«w«S9t of the word" and all diction of a dying century; The losgest W* STANTON, Window Glass of all kind* teb" faith—that yon bada' Ubf fear—» nnreMsnahle ai It waa fooUia, mAndt an di^ar^^T^- twtmf BUfloBOftteroafld earth, lifelike, sine. Bast clom Oppornuii- JONATHAN HAND, JR welL A liar, a coward, aad oae who gospel viands on Babbatb forenooas want Gsnf rmctJng Builder C, HUTGHiNSON, M. D, i "If it C*JBW BJftJce Yet, aa be talked the remembroDoe of Tisy ire otropoied «f fitfeii^ to came np te a second service and stuftietf gone never come back, u I and patterns, Reference given S. B. ask her tofflprrew atrUre* from behind—that fait , im't il? the newa he had, to.ttill^Mm Dttfs, end were TheSatUMl TemperaneB aodery, the JAlffi themarivw againf These old gormand- prove from sigh a hundred yews of OTOREOV A*Bl Kl AVI. HomcBopathist, Be did not miderstmid. Be tbongbt ¥ou kept the faith, and I didn't fight which m^gbt—proUably wooid—»be abip^ PfflpSMt,! hffli at Ihe gospel feast need to get•trvation. The eternity that will Soperintendent of ^ J '. HUflter in Ghaheerf, HsiaiT Public. •he wii speakiuK ironicallj, the good fight, ehf WeU, let it itaad n wroek to hi* hope* of marriage, earn* ths«^tattperasei movements born Hd CcntFBl, Deem* # lly, B, J, MABSHAIX'S ' km to;wBtom^ttmm into JMidoorwarkwith the outdoor take me will sees take JOB. The wieted OCEAN CITY N. !. No, 89^ Wesley Avenue, CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, S, J, "Yon are hitfder tfiss yiia know," he Will JOB permit ni to keep thia ringr opoa him, aad preaently made him ii- people who b*t» Bow,jM^if]jr|»»f io thto cwtflry, Africa, hidden to ether fit tbat wu pieaebed oa tbe baafa of life sot ear half their day* as I have aid hearty, "Bnc 1 will speak. It UThaaalnt needed it to remiad her to lent, ao that he wandered away from theBe til a and iHiEqAect ihe coach IfisBibe faee of tbs mieQ^^m tbt |adu ftpd on theafhing naacka of •een in 10,000 ioitaoee*. OCEAN dlTY, N, J, in mm CITT'EVERT IEDNISMY £« the lafii time. Will f« hear me!" the aisnw, The ainuer wqnld other* He WM concerned a* to whether W kH fee* pot at the Jar! sf eMliaaiies. OCEAN CITY ASSOCIATION p Tbli monad ' lfeGWJair "Tbe ooly influence for making the ROOMS Pu}s!elftB. Late of Phllii. Kt ofner, RFSI Estate and La* BuildiBE. "I do bnt wiidi to, but I will not ga" liks to keep it now, far then be would he aboald tell In. DeElor at oaoe what probably, in Mr. Btow*'! MS BJ BB i I! ba esnkl take Ma defeat whea be world happy is an inflow nee that I, the I hod met ber flveyear s twfors there sioastaiba, I anfeid I-'RIBJ JtH orgBBlisatlon, aiid aim have a hops that the aaint WOBU for- fatton bad told him or hold it fill nett Wbewosfif tiaaity. nineteenth Seiiiary, inherited from the Leander 8. Corson, f BE LABIM AH» lies BDyihfiig between |os Hid ma. She knew it WM defeat quietly, Tet,tbe all oaf American OCEANCITY. T, ABBOTT, M, D,f fJARRY S, DOUGLASS, gLje his aome day,*' 3»y, when the might, perfaapa, be betttt •t least t aS0y«r» aft Stbbatb «riet la Use int esntary of the CnrUtiaa era—tie accepted the situation when she under- The bittsseaiof hhi tons waa sieged pepgBd to hear It, though he sonld nn| Dew defeat waa eren harder os^Us ( Mrrkr, BOW teaaiMea t jsle cf rtone this the eld. All thrdegh ihg ye«iered nni e^smk the*i of e&nebei U ipanelj—j-ea, p aJI the centime*. Be not de- CONTRACTING BUILDER, i, 1821 Market Street Ptaystcian and Surgeon^ stood that I wonld not marry her. The'it lajt Into a rtrange tenderne* and Bclp • amil» M thia, tat Woald Bet enf between Oia great lakea* and brick, 0srAjssien nation at the by the fdet that I ba« lived so ehiid WM bom. Time ssmt on, I lewd afnes he had aeen her there had been ddi the OFFICE Corner Gantn! ud Elgbtb Street. woman—onght net any womajtt tsebe iippi bi Thnitr this ePBturyoorya slice of aad eloqaeut puten wbo for a century ia a huge wheel that OFFICEi west 4M,, near Stb Si,, A Moral REAL ESTATE AGENT. yuu, I told her. Sh» f gemd togu awgy did no* look rthim . Bhedidsst gUd that ha huband wai kUvef Ho the ngne cen?ietle^ wider all big de»^ perior toan y «i tte Atfaatie egast, sow the briBf tbeif learning ud pieU b> Oa newyajiit prwC W»B *J. inf »Bff!«• in all rtie charcbta be turned and each one ef these f4 baun tin. in ognlia, S^a looked do^n toward the ab- looking at them, "The king ij dead, lend floly • jpnp^b «f Ibna or fonr ^ liieii properly wilt 4 A, W. TO B P= M Counsellor-at-Law, f a Hio to Mil ma"- feotly (1111, hat handi folded In her tap ^y resided iyi Isto the soft Jjopolar ttyle of Frsagel- smaHef wheels, which are the minutes, *'Sa, D4 I did sot send aaj one. I b^-. The girl waa walking there be- Loag live the kingl" Ilse^ sow ^d the aoliiass of the teen- and those 80 mbntea turn •till smsi 1« Mot Excelled j I ttiauy liiquirim fur Prftftfty betwteB it bud IltB •tilfft pffieilciH! in New JPrteiTi PftllsdKiphln ami tween eld Mr, Mstfmn and Bus, apoB ber parssol, ber feafnrea held IB Ha Jit * cigar and watched the coach b^ll aad iitksBieFtlagtforoiiMidei. Sarelj that STEELMiN £ ENGUSH, uniteaHtat«t Uiitd uit! tiuM oiglit hn^s killed Jon—or hex—had I Imt jpEWtaatl |be eftM ttfeva witte wntwLj, which are the seconds. And ail : Aayoiie pfo(*riy for mk oiiglii du well to give me tbeir priaa, •; ." Good Bowt Dinners, with ttarte Vege- iai4 Walnut Street. -Bbo had ouee hated bulb the if on&n conttol* sate that is bef eyM wu m n away,, then saw the Coach in la-aflBipmnieai worth maHug. jf tbit H bees SBftblBf sen tbu a child, bat I bright, hot in« which ea many ban pp the bow and arrow I. md tin; w«*M for » y«a, with of this fait machinery- is in ptrpetnal I All wiriiiK io Buy, or Heji, of Exehsagg pmperty, would do wtl table*, for 25 cents, Tuitoj ef Chicken and, the child. She kntiw that to to.est which be-had come driv&npal« and ti ir a lk dsn not HcmJ, tneo it doai aaem to as a PHILftDlLPHlA. ATLANTtU CITY, Si J-* leaf na aim, Waa bilkve that, doyoo desired to Web in the sym of thoae they implemn ti of wgam' Th^y aje *J1 tbe qbarcbsa whica cannot »cs» motion ui pashas si en and on toward Iraiiagtiiiu tUts BB'i iJiw MB) tying, 11 Ait woman's hasband. ftoin whom ahe When they bad gone, Telford rose asd d 1B tbe ajorniag, go foith in tbe aft- PROFITABLE INVESTMENT* Bams to kill me —* been seeing, dreadfal thitigs," She portion of the M&ileiippl l% nopb Eradfc, aad tbe iaberituoa 70a tsred roses, I read, 'All tfiat which FISHING, '• Medie!de«!PaitjtB,OUB,«ir!! uity.s.J, had been Bepara(«i—no oue knew why walked back to the ruined abbey. Be •of linB ^BSH pKn pu?6rty d erraing to f«d tbt mniri- BAKERY, "Hi •went to fishfcyou, " libe uld, smiled sadly at him. gesta the general dissibutltHp at pleases as il hot for a moment, * Ortr J. La ban Head ley, —for jesra, What complication and west to the spot where he had first seen prehistorio day of thuirafiscii, _ poorly tetarf OBtf iden ittrrJBg fer the brsd another door, aronisd a snlptored cro«s, lookisg at bin son; intently than (he fraah misery might be here! "No, I eonld iiDt ihiek it. I ere Both- Mra, JJetlsf that day, then took the r of wbicb if a ra&n eat he ihajl setff had yet done, lag rnOTB, than a kind of ladnew, ~ *£m whoso other work vtelbnwlb li I read, 'All thai-which aoaeles us isCARPENTER AND JOBBER. "Yon nuf kwp the ring," ihe said, path op ttehillsid e to the place where aad whoa* origin f of pbon Ms nMM »ot Ml woftby, g than clear 4owjj bat for a moment' Bat ever the central plnJ ataail A sardonic maile^plajwl for a mo- restisaJlbeantj," they haf stood. He took from hii pock- te i6l!!if, luilding Lots and ment it hu lips. Ho Kemed abost to "Thank yea," wu hii TepJj-,^and hp la comnwn By«tery dbidlUdi tfea gospel weald make mon rapiii «Ht* door J read, "That cniy is important Turning, Scroll nwicff, WiRUqw sad r pot It en hiri flngcr, looking iiown at it "Oh, hnab!" ihe replied aoleninly. et the ring she had given bacitohim, 1 F fames, and kind* of in ill -noik, Set lee Chee«m, !©€•» Frosen •psak throngh it Preieiitiy, of the Hmlstfan, qaat than aawng tbeae who know to which it eternal - Hplm^prnHf Niiif^FiaiiiFP*. Karflilure with ad enigmatical eipffftiien, "And "Do not lay those tbsuK» BOW, " lead the words inside it slowly, and, fan fsbrtM ttm irt noeta asd aato BD ranch that Uod can- KHlttd, Pirtnre tfmn&i, issd ail kind* ui The Liquor Traffic and its his eyes half clofird u with "I will not if yna do not wi(h to looking at the spot where ibe had stood, not teacb or help them. In fbose lower eabirurt worN. thought ho did set return her gnze, bot ui there BOthiug inore?" H Ah A&d Wat iilll, jOth an4 Improved Property No. 108 Market St., She willfully mlKoutnpd bii qo« hear thenil What dnfadfftl things hare asMaloadi * The famous Japas My hfaRnt m the nineteenth cealsry kindred evils are forever pro- WoddtDgB and Evening Entertain looked down towher e the gntret ef deptb* iplendid fellewi la tbe rrogh, 1523 Arch St., Pliiki, Pa. tien, Bhe took the torn pipfe* of enTel- yon Been?" * , "I met a man enee who imagined he wortcd only when be waa in tbemoOdtA.i Esi*, sod Isdlai) sd j like tbe mbocbUck tbtt • Rpettn HI waa bars while the face ef this nation ments * Specialty. Everything to tat- monka afid nhbota, and sinafra majlw, "¥on know im ranch yon should anil the most mnnifloent i ------»M yet w§I witb teara becanm of the hibited" by deed. SAID II¥ Blah tbt toblc and set ftee or charge, ope from hst pocket and handed them uarrled to the spirit of ftwoma n mill illi ma Hew fork city halL HP atkift 4 Were M stepi npea the river bank. ! know everything," ahe said, "at least living at the north pole, WeU, I vHU indnee him to fatal hansbask fide that Waihington : NOTHING SOLD OB DELIVERED , I :. PHILADELPHIA, "What does it matter?" ha t to him, * Ths» ara yonrt," §]» NJIL 1 bl«er wild bffSBd mnfc boy to black bfi boqti The boy tame op Every lover of Temperance FOURTH JT. AND orCOHiiaui|iHcin,*iiltiBiiifl, Broii He niKd hii ejnbnrwa. "Thrmk jam all ef what nni happen," / marry mywlf to the ghost of Marion Iss the npirit 1 to bis Wfltk pRftokinglf ilow asd batood k ont hen at Monnt 7emoD, throngh -:Weal Garjentar aii BHUer, OH UNDAY "She hatea me," fiath e 1 ui which again. But I do nnt i« thflr valnP, Then she told him who Mildred Mof- Ob ' admirerB.Mr, Kato ehoyo of: Jut bffvC wlwn • large boy fhored a December inowitorm, I with the next and Morals should combine TOH. H. ,, WBJLEV AVE,, Ocean City, N. J. i airbi Haj "Then, as you SRJ, be mme to flgbtme . gni^e was; bow yoara before, when tbe MfBtomt a satkul g 1628BB tan domasd ibt hoy npllsd- "Ob, ibit'i till Hirn I, Swiliitt. the heart tomee t her; scorn with Kim bad takao theohitd and pitJmigfd that p an^pnt intot*settonaKh^v al of the Great DeliTeiw of Ksiim, of As be Bftid, it didn't matter if she hated aaked. pear in the loaet as weakness, for hii ^ well, ccedderlna joarpaea« ffgntfI I am pjhiji f tdo di it for 'im. •be Bhoald be u their, awn and a oom- faoo wii strong and cold, "Till death novel plan. He bought iKk «Bd yonr «gly wiiifoniugnt. It ii ase, ke1! &m ifefcin tfai hospital tnore'n wbem St. Jpho wrote with apocalyptic HOWELL * aTEEUMAN, all Chronio and Fine Family Groceries. him It would be worth while rexnetn. "He in an nnlackj manf like mjaelf, to their own child; ^bat thita mono, or "hanging i L.J. STONE, Water Supply, Ba do part, so helpmeGodi" b« added. aDHBtb, as» toff teaJ B and gkn ^m pen, "And I aaw, ud behold a white oering, when ho hod gpne, that be had •nd my bat friend. He helped UIH eft own child hid died, and Mildred Mill the tit id i«i.^«Mn:M to be tbe bone, and bt that at so him had & Nervous Disorders, of battle, marder and Boddf-n dmtb mmr He tarned and wandered ens more cgatniy of iff Ifee, Too bad a lift" "DB aJI the bojs help him?- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Railroad, been gentle with her asd had spared remained with them. Ail this «hs knew p bow, and a crown waa given nnto him, Real Eslsle, InsorancR udOoiiTepoUg Alwftvstli«ff«ihcfitiind &«t isbsfaand in her the shame of knowing that aho hnd than opee, and wo dhnped tfae innr threngh the abbey, strayed in the • bid BH^hfT M* a Jnfl MBBifaafiJliag aafesi mt reporter, "fm, lit When HMOniFltLB CAMDEH COHIfn, W.J. blanket tlnfH withoat nnn ber, *' from one whs wu aware of tbe eirrenv groands^and at last same to the park Kato declared that the Soais of . tba pestdlas .aentBflei wee they ais't got ao job thenuelrs, and and be west forth coaquering ami to brAndii si Cofl«. inarried nut onlj a Belflah brato, fast a •tanset, Then she went oa to fell bin ooaqmer." E«tltn*t** itivfn. f'lnnit and • , . , Steam boats Btal EfikJ* aad Law Baitdlnt* Room it Il bu bmB low far ne*fij • quarter of 4 HdeiiyiiBned FfUita, fickleii. "When is he now?" tks Hid in • gates. Then he walked to the town a s4 fitt o ifn ln--theb sunli wee H Jia geli me, the; tan in and help 'in, t Cihl coward and a woald be astaMn m well who Mildred's mother and fatter wen, bauds. In Tain the Rjsiflini Uriea Btef, liutiiF and t*ffl. whisper, not daring to look at him t^t eonple of mile* away, went to tbe rail* bad, Ibete fiAiOH ISB» oattBgeoaji, fora*aiB't «tronijfet, joaae*," "Bow And all other -'.•". OCEAN CITY, N, J, Mid, and tbKD iooo ph/i!Eiui b**s of bail qaaiity, wfeigiiea when mt* Em bid only heard femora ef her lift what wen TeUori's , BIBH9H to John prolcflted that it wait - , T&* MHI sf %h* iaiiaak fhimeJ by CH-tflmerB, Ko ie« in wSlfBl iloco he bad last seen her, 13 yean te> ahe ahonld show how distorted ahe wai, way station and took a train fsr Herri- Ibeir ipsoas wit to dfmie. their in. snefa peroeatege daea he firs roar* chsrged toparehiuiert . . • Gladsey and of his search for Glad* terfeit finally he fashed Tie saltern hu so oosiden« in anj Ion, tatb e know enough to ba mtf "Be is in » hospital in New Yak " don. He arrival there some times before said tha reporter, The boy replisl: "1 Li, S. SMITH & OO., ii Is Ifmttir, Thweline B*ii»e*)Di t*»», hloplnnnd mnMB aetHtioan from IBe BeSli ney'e wife. tba coach did. He went straight to the rage, while K»to robbed hi ioa't km/p BOW of it I ain't no inch of bis palaeei oeept that of YiUlti GODFREY & mGlRSOLL, Oof •fiertuie, nOPi'tkenlnif ifflpi!, that she WBI iwan of Fairfax Detlof'i "Eta he on friends!" , the Poccosa of his rnso. ', ' .- ~ " T«anaf If HIIII Modern Conveniences. iHi-KHtand^fpe»neHi siaek in Phiinaeipiiit "Do X connE u nothinK at all!" w^" ihe said, "yon nndfrHtand View Been, proceeded to his loom and O dyio^ Binetsntb OEStarjt before aaeaa: aa that. All tha fern giro np which he thinks he has so fntifled thai AReHiTECTS, Iffll EJTHTE ED HSHfllGE BGFJT3, We MITO btlew • few of thp (frcM rmn,b*r 6f UfderU bpinail pFfltia tttif attsnasa to. Alltrue ohanvoter, Ebebad known leu itill aJL They ttmrt meet, *' Confident of the iymoBUli «leb we •» «n.»ntiy rre'-Linit iO^H ts IBS amount of l« and qpwafd[dfe "I moan no othera—no wife Sf faai. !l ami down to write some letters, Present whit tney fito n hii >,h. I'd I£ke toreToiatiaa aanbt eadanger him, He Of Us life, for «nca htr marriage she "He doei not know who she ief amisitndsfar the't-miH4«>vv...... ,.,.," foo fo we tafca this sppstaaitj of tell' 1x40 Mbin JLwmaum, llvereiJ free of cb»rg« et any rnllroad BUIIIOH lyhe go* ap, went down to the offloe 1 iBjjjoattjBtyonareihe beat and thecatch any feller tseikiBg an a siek boy, was frightened alnjout te death when CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS freia Ibou W&o ban Irinl!;, puumhrt with Ue la AtUpUc or g«pa,MB aBBijf had nerer set foot in Louisiana, asd her "Ei does not. He only, knows as yet and Mated toihss the*'^Msi'^i^SpV-Mim I wealdS" the nportgf gate him a 86 UJB CiarAJeiander H of Bassia wu eiprsa pefm'itlQa ID wHtjnf ef the pstledis. mother, while she lived, never piontion- "Ee has a wife, and aba hai g asd asked the porter ifjlrf. John Glad* " of all tbe eeaiiifai of Uw No, 853 Ashury Avenue, Thousand! of lots for FISHER, OCEAN Qp-Y. N, J. that abets thedanghter of, Mra, Glad- uey had arriTed from JJoDdon. Tbe por- employing, They waited for the BtWif!] -rj- -T-rr-j gt-- j|-_f- vi-lfeb assastinited soae jean ago, and bii e4 Ma name or told her more tbuo tha| t«r, That is all I know, TheyhaTe been «t pi»8 and iaJd, "f oa keep JO cent* aoe»i n; Moerfe mtltuda far the LOW who, he thinks, it a ptiangerto tar aald ahe bad. Ho then felt In hi* of Kjoeai, and at last, bat not antil tb« 6ra> .^a^^pi .fipje.^^^s^ wfiios life hai been one of eratlafioas nnieat If jam contemplate erect! Qg a ftae H*iden« fe ef ¥«ppliiPi« Mil h-aUh «Brt fiiBF the TeKord plantation hadbftu gold for parted throo'gh wmeeanse. Why do few ywraelf and gin the rest to Jim," at various prices, located In all pocket for a card, hot changed his II boon of thomorBing, b&appifW.j tbeCkriat.aBd'TOiii rinl that **Can't do it, sir. It's hia enifonvs'. He baa, all told, from go to 40 pulaeea, ji will p*j> fan KJ eonnuit as. BY OB #Mfh*l me COBipi'UDd Ox;if»D Urn a song, WbiB Ssgsr had told aim that yon vk? Do yon know him?" ' "Ym know his Datum What will he cd. He held inQ la hii hand, # JWbfc^ parts of the city. REAu ESTATE ANB INSaRANGC, f PS B«- . . . - "No, I do dot know him," mind, saying tohimsel f that hi* name : fn the fast that jm. Mi than Bare, Jim." Snob trig touls as that a nnmber of which an oa the hnnJon of .Whltil-wai *i*»T« WMMpfpI <» he-lthy Delia? was dead, a wild kind of hope do!" roqnof ell which wai depicted • ftlooli I \ hild, I WMkoown io be p Look at tinned IH qiun, «fai.| wh^B HmppFB-iLl re "Ds not speak of that," she said In • felope .and, addpeajing it, tent it np to£atettitl poraistM, in «*triba|la#^b«-; ; what yoo hate doae, i land frJUariqo woaJd he kft fer the nest Kot far froiii it is the great Kaissoi Land ui •nRsHtsd ofhof n ri$U« aisflrdcni. hope. He did not quarrel with the act. lyand slowly. "Yon need search no okinif whisper. "God gave women J other plctiiro to hint Tfet wUeatQe^deVn tNBURANOfi My Mffldiui pnyidclnns iheBCht I wsuid ndl Tbe gams was lost long ago,- aad it was longer, ihe will be at yoor hotel to- her. The aarvant retnriied, Baying that All the faeifle fleatnrj. Before thia agitnry eipirea let Dolrna lagteheF where AbdnlAiJa, the | Best Home and Foreign Companies, KT T*dav 1 *H enl!«ijr eUF-d of dyn OCEAN OITV.N.J. pity to keep men from beeotning de- lighted with the anccaa 4 hii jAw: ttea bo a qoinbitied eff.wt to Ufe theinther of tbiisalUn, committed inf ride i BLAKE, IIS HAREM OT.,CAMDEN , anlnrwielMer feed thill I B«TII fooliih to have dreumed fer ia iaitaat night." Mra, dladney bad takes a sittinjr room wUbthe' agaiBat the K0a- &% before in >ll rarlife . For llw p»* Opeii alt the ysaF, Rooms heated mons, Yoa can pity the eiecntioner : Rsntlng Unae is « hand, If yflU want a summeF home, write mt that the rtenni could ba reversed, He started. Then he said: "I'm glad m B none aagacent to the hotel and b^ln to ttigB, sow all Am«rlca and Otrat Brit- ta order tbat another brother named *a*iJ fiBTtb^sdiUllUii BolOgln m ifld hfillli, for ttHBi dastrips it, Fdf term, «&, when, fciiHng yog he salt kill himself ing he bad Mnrad might be raised ts the throne. pnce.llat. Free Dturiflge Bervirt to pwpoelng favstoFB, irilB u&eteh! liter ts (akn tflrae(«fl indflmm Her answer eama quickly: "I do Bflt of that. How did yon come to know? Aw wai probably there. He took tbe note Ef oral spisi, ud of tbetn DOieOh?l«tian- •Mindof all Chthflenaoitt. What an Secretary, Ufi «epil of Itn- hiMV taborieu* nnluPB. Jli m» addretw , • . • • fd1 end went to the place indicated, sent o writ, mm onee •wfnl thing It wenld be for yea, O Hand wa»s pnlled down by atber cen> h ftHBIWI d» imppgie l!ne« 'Mfinf know*hat mf liwhand is deed. It faai "I do not nnderstand yon quite, hot p ^ SI, A, BOYLE. never been ferifled," " Though her face waa turned from is the note and waited. donfa • £9 Oppt fljini century, to toqaeatBt o the «an-iplraton, who declared that he WBJ OFFICE; SEVENTH STREET AND mtmt AVIWIE. ISRAEL 6. ADAMS & CO. Oxtms, I f*»i "ill I e» WMSe ill yon layis wise." its dark elondt, and fa •«« MoBBli^iW him resolutely, he saw a flusft creep up When Mm, Qladney reeeind the r Ookoy, "DQJB asd Bottentota not ad- Inf notary, aa jet InaeesBt aad nnscar- OMy, aod it is said tbat he fi pining fa Ocean City Asso'n, m«pd ibe in*imBnt, OOt enlt Is curpfpnuldtil He wai tempted again, but only for "DeBot^rtoontettanditorme, 1 that he had beenworkiBgdaJ'andnigBl,, 11 aeto, ahe wai arranging the few knkk> Bitted," At Mt Mr. Danrin eotwd irtth a aingle ain or bordeoal with the dugeuniof one of the palaces along ihs docloni' lipsstioiiiiiM.able™!), but is be HOTEL ATGLEN, an instant "It is an nnfortnnoto pqei- bar seek tohe r hair, •BBotwathit, in order to produca a picture ttat ahonJd a, single »rrow, tba blasphany, tbe l*w= the Bapgrna, tion for yqn;" he replied. "We are sot friends," she said vague- j™*«fa» abe bad bronght ihe read the jJutfaUf« M"jf «11 * Heated rooroBf Electric UghL Al Bhe TsiKd her parasol toward tht O«dO«li" Medial stndanfe, inw What we ought to seet O dying ees- BOnths expended £130,000 oo picwre* Iteu 1,4 i I, now t«tln™ Bftgif**i!F teBefllrf Wms He BB- wee, theeanffbt a hidden meaning.. Ibe torj, fi a reiiralef religion that woald •lone. The rooasi—and there are acoree STONE PAVEMENTS. *fliirelf re«TerSl all hfftllh, unrrted fe sift, witer. gauitary drainage, i •pet when Mildnd Ma^pmTS itood pnt saf ber hand, S PfO IS tAWllNL'JLifil both at Athena end MmmnaWMtSmi q ftpmM of them—are walled with iatln, while CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. l«tif'*nril 'a AfriM, 6Bd takeii Bi* •nd iaid, "That is be daaghta'," these indeed (as tl» ancient Greek; fc fuinajs fsiFj HIS wrap the eantineBtajB *smllagratioiH of Ifciitqaalitj'of Sew,York una w o, _ • "IBB have something to tell me. nliglqna iwakeala& and that wonld the hall Is orniniinted with crysti* Reaj EstateVid Insurance^ "Mini Marp»Te! Why has ahe e, dif« TMI IULU illLl, toriau loTud to pnt it) boaa«fltolad «* a« alife Mirtai atatim tba <$ of tor Speak it, flay it quickly. Let me know Bake lefiilatioa and nierebaadise and posts u Urge ronnd aj the body of a •-BLUE STQNI fgnathaffis?" ' it now. One more shock men OF ]«• had been admitted into ptlbM lifeboat to tak«lb s nun and more than ids feet talk The Plans and specifications fur- GARWOOD HOUSE, "I*t Mrs, GladDer isplain that to n it OH «f MM; Prfat*4 by Ik* fgity, bnt words a Mien off a dJp going te pk all styles of worldly bnri was wait awhile HolEfKiirsnfei, Luwwt prliw* ! cannot matter." !««• BlttUi Bscimtf, pakis has Ininriona coaches And mt§* nished, Money to lo*n «D Flnt Mortgage, K!»HHa"_i9 the tide of m 6ook yOa, Do not sake yonrself known tn ire diHfltisflf d with i attte g ld aad dy in| ai the M^raah oBeea and the tele- She had »n intflirlon at to what it The Znlft Bible i* one of tbe gp nlfiont fnmitnre, bat Abdal jHaoid Idtt for«l e at South AUanUc City ef 200 p*f« pubirtbrf hjF BH, Klarkej £ P»ienF the daaghtar till yon •» her mother. gnt, Is toe Acropolis c«y the i _ all heaven thanks yoo, aad Termi rtason.1 JOHN MeALEESE, i Nos. 744-46 Asbury Avenue, OCEAN O1TV, N«w Jsfssy. WBJL "I warn you, dear," he said, ing. formi of the BEriptnfe among the Bbont oOsH taeanit th^ an occupied has feared it NCMBM it won too near the hie!lEl»*i»*ii ioqyi™™ full iBfOrmillon in Believe me, it will be better for tbf"Oat 1* will nakf) a difference. * min were divided, tbe ilen») asf^ ail the ntfoHftf ti» earth oafM with tolling tbe •tray &f cltia and na- water, and be has only seed it for pah' io this renurtrtia mi»iife «Btf, *od • r*«nJ Tjsaiiiso, AU tbt fdrftct daughter's Bake,'' = ™t nnmber of Bible* printod is theeoBiiBg belween theai, te Uiuk yod, , I pat before your 11 6 HOMO nested • T& tot oiftererwe, between BJ, iJoH bora is a day. Newly all the »n= Ho reeeptiong. It ii Hid thai Abdnl RIAL ESTATE AID UW BUILDING, af nrpri^reiiHiJsati^ P * ef e»»»= ibe now tsftifd Ud looked at bin "Kct George"—Jt was the tottta w Bible boBie in Kew ¥ork by the Amer^ to accept tbe n«oeaaary «ll apd CITY. N, J. IUBJ or them after Miii •b»«oBBd.te ai« 6y Jean Bible society, f be ttatiitis sf tbe tBri«* cJoted witb •ot>bi&g tnnio> Aifs waned biffl to keep oot of it if be MM, B,,aABWOOD. Prop. with • pity tbrovgh which trembler ibe bad ealled bis thai—"nothing P*O nUedadieesrdofdlBiBfc *)M. Why Bay not tUa eentniy cloe«s shonld «gr become n If an, sad there= TITEp It 00, J.Mt Chester &Co. dtkar pftyMetiHW Will be m»lltd free » Ml methiog like a troobkd feaf, "Ynv make any diSsmn with that," Bsiety art interesting and nrpriijBg to tea criiii in the ehenlsil bi tin afratien of Amerioar 1 do not •altfi that he has eonflned himself te OeeanCi^N.J. asked me to forgive yon." »he aald. Be told her rimply,br» f eiy—she wanany one nnfamillar with them, Tbe ag- when two ttadent*—on* ft ksowwbithw OH theological friendii sty'i to cent Bible and 6 cent Testa- the pakee ef ¥ildifc—ConttaEtinoph REAL ESTATE "Goodby. Mark tfelfiad, I do fo^iTi heneif to byaTe^what there wu to (strange contest? and tba/ who ban •tBdied tbe mi/jest mas than ESTABLISHED IS31, , HTAUHEi * PALEST, B. C. INGERSOLU JOO-" ibe held out bet bud, Be toot 1*11, that two week* ago her hstbiimd ment are probably the eheapett books Aifn Miner—dii™i«d tb9 : ttap M riibi or wi-qog when ihey ia^Money to lo^n on Bond and Mortoga,^ it, ihaking hit head a little eter it, bsi was alive, and that he WM now on bii in the world. The TettamBnt f0*5 canto one renhref betwea ihaBiBd^ ay Chritt will come in penoa Io aet up 1529 ArobSL PWljdi!phli PJ. jglppf WM Egrrf*a nM-J Ua|diigr1aBii|g B thbi world 1 bat , thonggUU F Funeral Director, Wffhad better part here and meet type it elear and plain, and theooTer,* CMBlff'.-FBlfi.-..B>'d«il> tte p 101 CBESTIUT ITBEET, FilUDELIBH, She teak it with an nnnatnral W« wcwld be oterwhelnwhl ai withh oar nn= Insurance Agents, (UrsdHiile Mww. EfabalitiiBg Cql]e!fe> no non," she added. qnietnems. She grew diatrewiinglj pale, soft one ef oloth, is ant and attractiTO- In lioaeow ths, IwaBldllke to jatsmis of Aotaia, is Uie K® of a cook. 120 Sitter SL Sit Friaetes CaU ThefigurH on the inside of ihelBflt Hit fiittaa', wig «aa the chef of meat "Panioo, bot Laauhnfot, ',* henifl bnt that wai all, Hef hand lay clinched set thia« iuus In oEds, fir tba f tbt cloods m he let her band go, edition show that 11,441,000 coplei sf of tbli morning aadplwirtnghii fet-t on the Jart kfnfiji of Pobnd, was cre«{e4 a (rent's ForoliUii BoQi and Notions. Hsiett, «wnai aaa Usii *r •*»». «B» Sf «* 1 HIT. Recsiied mr Hurts ind Osad Wagon. tightly on tbe seal beside her. He reach- V*BBght BOl "Tbere-ianuihSng el«e prwrtble in thin ed got, took it, and pressed it, but she the book hate been printed, Tbe Bible e him tbJa eartb, which be saine eentnr1« BRO essflt, T6en All iPt, tbe famong Ger- ana Retail, • - 11 it in the lliS edition, and the K rp ntten two v ttoea IUO aetrtaa, Anna Wferar, left litm tbe World, she rpjofnod Inn muflied voioe. •book her head, court pbyiltfaa, Ihey raf ..jForflMthhafe to am, decJanbtf reign of IOTF and "Nothing in this world," fasn-plied . 1 show that at in* time of ittltnti his lestnnt, hsl 8-iarin mer^y and mmitmtim at eartb begnn. half of her krga fumiBa, Jo mil he "flsaie do net(rympathitewith m^* 000 had bt?n pruited, ThtUmunbef bu maad eapitaL hsae diBtHci ebief of Zolfcirw, and C- MYERS, •Ooodby till we meet again—iom*- tht •aid, "I cannot bear it. I am not usrked, ** il And what BHH appropriaie plaot»I say "Ifnrirm, t^nu isear 1 now been liirgely Jncrrased, It hii bees two yean JBt« entend |h« aisii^ c| FLAGGiNGANpURlll Ht«ttf«f h" • o ""•; adamant, 7on are «ay Rood—#o good then)," aDd giv*hil] II mez«ptta]iy~*fdr nub adivine lantt- •tbey, and an involmitjirr bat nltertor MtimAied th)tE-in buy times an average i b tbe capital of scosfintntnefer the Interior, For a tint tie wu attached •;V. ^^ fcj^ SiliOf Rail meaning crept totq the worts, B ld Soaayisg, he taned and walked Hip- to me thai no nnhappinom om be alt in mi emp^njost justice of tiie Peace f Big *pM* ill «»f vri for Idly1 awaj. Her ey« followed him, a of me Bitile ami three or fear TestM Erst' o(Sifer*noB, ai* 6y tbe tyrnnia asd •nptBti ts tbs «dniBlatwUon qf Iba StattbaltB OUALITY OF STONEHILL & ADAMS, aad be could detect lore, M b nnhapplneK Bnt let u look net ooe nmti ire tnmed mat ertry minata by la Qaliela, tat betednd froa «ta o®« cBtap Atfldsvlu, D£t-da,£ii> fie knew b^ the l«k that ibe sweploot k of tntaery, htaror and sorrow apdp atep farther into the fnmrt," tknaof tbeoldwcrldf BUILDING LUMBER, / W. L» BERRY, l! th* plant in ilia boate for erarydayla to (are for a large etuis tbalbad teeo HEADQUAKTER3 ft Range Setting, from Hogar to him that the lefed the len be had d|Hppe«»d In the "What yoa wish I shall de always, who ame wet» OCEAN CiTV, N, J, teues, ahe iat down on the tench, "It is tbe year, About two-thirds of all the tttt djringiiliKteaitb istruted to hit Buajjengnf Bpon tbs Siding, Flooring, and North River Brick Manfuacturing Jeweler, artist. She was agitated sow, and ii "Hot what I wish, b&t what yam and Blbfn printed are fi¥ea away, ud the dtt ef bii tmibs, Ia 1888 b« *u ^M dndfal," ibf whigpfjwl, nwestricfcim, lonphttodoiiplain," We UI WSHi In wnsn •!•• her agitation began to poll off bet others art arid at mat, Laat ynrthi goreraor' of OaUeia, so office tigHAVE YOU TB1ED NO, 33 SOUTH SECOND ST., glare. For the* moment the ftitoarkn "Hi* friend her bmbaiid! EUdaaghter "I aak one thing only, Iba^aid Window Frames, then, and he den mm know her! What aortes itned 1,750,888 Bibl« and Te»* f and nutil to wa« moewiy CT STONE wat hit = tbat I km yw, eld it aalihaU tanieahi. The English editions asd edi- talk. WefaiWanisnd ttm prtev stofAcf of ABrtrtabjtha CHEWS indS Mldi OCEAJI CITY, "I can BBderrtaad your being wick< will the end ef it ha*'* say It toanothe r woman, as 1 HHWH gUdahe nadfoTfiTeB htm tion* In the aommoo EniopoKn las- ud fiataa till il te&r« p Frsaa Joaeph. Be la laJd trrc, *r ed," ihe said keenly, "bnt not JOOT be Bay to me eees hss, be» gnagea n all printed >t the Hbt« wortfi aboot £600,000, tat fail JR Sash, Doore ingsjwardly. .That i» uiiM»p» and glad he had the ring, BhohadiBBtfr fora we know what the fotnre will be, thing la her Ufa ni)w ibat helped to of the laagoagBf ©fth* b who bu nseeded Us H gor HARRY HIADLEY, doaaUe," ' ' ^at you lore ne. Then loan bear alL" like the Cbmeiis, ramb t Olid baa bwq f«F more qon- Brackets* Turaings, wipont thnpnit atlll, a aoaeihing of 6ITY HOUSE, "That ia and was," ba rt^eated after ' GbBtaned and looked hisi fall in the priated more cheaply bf aatirt wo*k* Io bia BipqjditBn ud Ii whloh ihe dared not tfinkfifeilv Tbt' 1 9 itsiai ad £fr« B i ttl htr, "i^iis was I eowardiyl" HewM eyea, that iDflnlte flame in her owns^B IB IDS cosniiy 10 wsj^n ^BS^^BB wftfa beisf lbs powHorof * in^es, Picketed E. CLINTON & CO., eonrpwed, though there waa 'a low fist bef on ah* bad sat la ber ronoi whifih bqzns all pastiobs into one. "Ilag. The Gantn Biblti whJditl In th* It esm ail CBJTJOIC aad Lisfetumt C inhiaeyos, , = ig tt the uan who waa giving ejmaoti deaf," she Bid, ' rthiB* BwPciMtto InSuniniBtlaii lath j Lime, Cement, "Then anil Dtrw," her what abe had loat ataaj Teafa paa^ Then rt»Hi»ifrieaiy nse, her f«*tarw O(0»» H C. B.EOLES& ^B^BBS^BB " vlav l^asB ^^aj^jff^wjij^ij ^^^Bl^9 ^Usvft^a J^LUV fl^^h^^^s S«C Tim» and ieeeR In tbe (3MA, Be ssdenteed welL '% ton,wa s a , Witbont • word they west j Vf ligMB of fliii •"••:•/ '. • A lull supply constantly en ispAftm ti" BHUoiiEo j Attal fnod he* afldbhi Jjpt ?,, " " t^fe-hW en^fid hand{ !• ^ PMt OAlf hM£, < 3 • ft" • ••v:?gf..,)t"^'-yt^-ii lTL. -*

FTfrfr- • ."^ -jj* *~ ™ =?= '.

t*:>. fattritd it thnogh i ATLANTIC COUNTY GLEANINGS. faan<1« Urribljr burnfd, - REC0HD0FTW0CENT1 CAPE MAY COUPm NOTES Oant«r«d by tte "ScnUoel" rtswhni of th* Thomai Bill*, for BIBB SUte r*pcrt Md Bookt Uiat H«te Loaf Woawn's nemstiKiied two lieuae keeper at BarDegat, : : - - • Been FOrfQtttD- , : the pobllo d*bl M It dt- the glad to receive chuge 6f AbKeun light Bund»y Monla^ mU of Major Wolf, who baa been tiatloned is Bepjamia F, L«, deffc of th* rla* :, E».f«»tma8ter F«rfflBB L. Rteni noteyvQdlitorbed. and our readers William W, Ooiineii? and Kin Anna haQJMpiiip t ^ A thii city for twenty.tnreeyf are, fejit prime Court, is engaged upon *• nit Jobti Taylor, George J, •ou !• talked uf In epBopctloh with S Gougb, both sf thii flw, mm ltj, wblcb Btood it ib* wrwr ^tvo benefit* flair tbf wldowi of Flrt More than a Million in Good Clothes should be ao* iHSQlIy tntteferfed to iht psw light it that ia of gfcat imporiiuiBe to the 1st ind C'h«i« Howard kilted thirty fur (lie jnayoraity.of'tlito Mfn's pUIn white htoaitehrf liiirried in Uaaden on tbe M lp»t, hy Be Is gathering tbe eonrt docunaaill ^ William Dohertf and Thomas L; Jd i UBineand «1- Squao Beach, will leave for this new rtvewlldducfc.Frld.y, ,> H ttev. W.H,;Vwilton.' that hgf e accumuUtid In the Wt two who toit Ibti* livta la the flit plain wbite Japanese Stflt Hsnkstlifefj— post of duty tomorrow, May Point. , ttw rffa «a attested by Ui* hemstiichsJ, At Lowest Prices Ever Touched May's Landing While sintarlta or more/and U flltinf them in 1 from "blind stag* _ have heeB biHklng win Aeoufe**Iiiu which JobrrJkch, the SportHmaQ Di»vld MoUiure, raid lug BUGQ order (bat they may r«diiy he it j Father P» J, Petri oq Friday opened gtti" a uor«i owned by BoteJukD Otto dow» fni tba Catboll© qljapel* A reward mu rteff r yf Ii Is wile, Besuie Weaver lit DougUty*8 TtLY^TB, has bagged ays found if^eedid In » aeajeb for a eottrt fi#nx.tt aiid n«t ^|of winter we redonbleou r pu^h Baydef SundBy afternoon ' b» been oStiM for theirappreliensioD Bflch,ii fosrnd it empty, it had been open way Inta the basement nf the St. Paul Juliuiidii, leaked out Monday. IQj al^LSll pricts liavs been,, put to idl Good, \Vfinn, J^eiWMe Winter Clones of McClure repofU that he uever saw tab- enUjcytHjaDdUlHl to ^ptewt^ad during tb* ed and lobbed. There wen no artldes Presents The «bool Cblldren *U1 devote the] it shows tbst he was a tWud in huniaii Ujwn iilks at WsMs bite eg plentiful, ;— ——^~ now. Above ths court anrtged U war » of ralocla iiaxospt a few cujns ittr fflake, Yotti! aewf buy for less money than «ei and itagpr while he was trotting towcrk until January form whu dpeiyed tlie gallows lasiMd Uart Uiile:worM «wld maker's, recentiyy thanks to van- y ' Riwpod, office Is • Hnali raes, reached by •oajeebofcb record*. -m tip Atlantle avenue, when tha money they eain will be of the BBUtenee of twrnty yearn Iu nqe, The OUi €ontributin| eausei—and now BOW. Wetvfr]0we6(.price6s eOn Sttiti, Ove«oatst, This visinlty.iii lopg ooted for * puts spiral Inn stall way, Thi* room |a fire- ihs Wanda of J- Si Huah VIHIKII frieiidB fo and the driver deserted hli post. The lomtd lu» m fuod to pnrehue a library. prisou which was iinpueeil Upou UIBJ. agid 48, the most popular lilks of ,ihe ita* and liUuBdaui water supply, Is now uuf- proof, aud in It all tbe old books and Boys' ClotWng, We*ve got an immense stock, and ^ week. equine then turned toward the sidewalk No bogging will be allowed. • - Recb, it will be femeuibered, choked New Jersey baa 20,017 penBlimera who I fonatf HEtta&t engineer of ihe Fire P, Hew«B, of Vineland, is an en-son have bken put in convenient ftjrlug frum drought, Msuy wills bave papers are itsred. Hundreds of thim shape for holiday selling— •• • In fthapp y frame of mind wend your and plunged itralght for the fmraework Woodbine. his wife to death at l'jitelvillc, Atlantic Nursery, Job Gardening, Florvers, , Tt* QKt Hrlth wbjtt pdaful or difficult, iheltat with iwMl ptwiuiifii, to whoa Wilt Hook sn~d Ladder Company, and frequent vlsltur, He^is investing Iu deuii gencraliy are Qbilged In cart htitit pofeli. He atruek it violently wail, hundreds are etniwu over it Thomas L.Blakoey, aged 25, mejnlKr Ocean City property 1o quite an extent, Shirt lengths Kotsen CaftoH, uf FrBtikfuid,' was wuler ioug tUHtituees, Ftan nreeiiter= two years tu forcibly eject Morris Jtera tured a fewday s later at BuBtleiou, on ont mower*Aad BnanHets injiBlipd atHBHH U» interest of $l6tm,im We'll take $8 JO for Excellent Suite, really worth $12.00. with heid down and bla hody that ii an loug as the room; and thuu csfUheUeaUneiBlMi Engine Company, and hia Judgment Is largely relied up- here over Sunday recuperating, tallied thai thy' water supply at the beim from temncy of a hotel on ifaelr the outskirts of Philadelplila. Her QlIan, Urdsrl taten flfr Trt*»i Vinnittnil «M j half through the opening, . " sands are plied'on the floor awnlting tUfBlrtbb jfeva, ^ ' ' — .-;—-•• - - on by capltaltotB who have ac-coropa* n&atiy boxed, THi prietl are Dr, J, LaVerluBi uf projierty, tlie Woodbine improvenaeu body was found wrapiied Iu guuuy ThfcdWlnctloa entirely etetleeltf'tfnw 112,458,588, New York Writ take $1150 for Black Worsted Suite, worth $16.50. Uoiiiiiy Intsane AHyium Hafry P. Owen, an upholaierer, »• amorliuent and flllng, utedhhrn Among these are the prom* not a cent more for thi^ heipfulness, (jiient n f(SW • year. hide the grave. ought to ftiiflli, The Jd nearly every foreign country, with to the limited Dumber ol atteBdasta WA!STS= of MfH. Barah Bmlth unTljuiRday la«t two men spraDg from out ef • hiding as the day they were written; murt COAL and WOOD, dent of the above firm; James Mac Thousands of $25.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $20.00, |^ Diamouii a.ad Wife are entottain= and Grand Army veteran, bad his left At the trial Hecii claimid that lie of hoDger lid tblnt, off tbtf tbe assfpttoa of Rmtla, there an to- week-day aervios the Man was 5 yds, m liigh iHioii, Tlie ciiutruttiug parlies place and seized him, Oae of them at than two hundred yean ago, while gowap, of the Board of Education; J, S yJi HgureJ TilfeU fflr Si hand badly injured In a runaway aeei* bad clinked hIs wife lu a sudden fit of Ooeati Oity,N. jf*-••. ..; for ftwb *Jr, ctnsHiKsi, ud da? QJiiDy penslostii to whom ebecki thsaaeriity, a rather large room ing friiiidn ut tlieit Central nviinii? rim!. were ItlBiinrd liigersoU aud Mn.F.J. others ar# BO dim*that It Is nesenary to Tor NWIAIIII WMlilM*^" • a yjs, fiifKy MriiH^l Tafrsiii fur a Thousands of $15.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $12.00. tispted to rifle his pocketa, while the deilt on Saturday, mi IBS AsbuiT ml*niiS #Hi OB* aide of the altar. The mala Thompson, aalesmftn, and If, Bra Kb, biitti at tUl« place, !u thy prett- paceloa, aud as the Biate could not itBaava«ll »if>pre*cjfv»Uoi> aod an regularly Beat. Mexico has SSf 3 yd-i, film? t=i3(!(:l li>r &i.%\. other held his bands threateningly over Htudy ihem carefully to , uiidefstand ii which had a wmUog bd Tbe Cape Mity foiitity (Jiiiirt eipnveiie!* Tbe Ladles' Miieiunary Society has prove prerflediiatiou tt verdict of mur- weU bettif, «e pWUj of France, #l| Sweden,, bead, real wtate agent. Tliey ail S > J^ fjiiiy ^In^d T;ifif!J tuf'S!.2i Boys' Clothes-Half Saved: $2,50 up. If big boy, $5,00. L'C of a few ffleudB. Kev.WlckwanJ, him BH if lioldiag a weapon, Owen tliFB, ou Monduy y*st at Cape May Court just shipped two barrels ef clothing to der In the sec»iid degree was accepted Tbee? deaJNi are In aewrd- 444 As«tnlU,32; Auetrla.Huugary, Sf; of pretaed theBuelva as highly uf Eti^li).!) Urtyk, perfurtned the eere. sayti be wrested himself free and fortu- in ihifl rofim Mr,' I&e Hpendt from T;ifl*t;i fur S3.30, home In Danvilie, Va aad the full penally of the law wa» im» tdm with duty, they ut SJSODJmoil* Britbh Columbia, £4; Italy, i$; .Nor- The ftjlemn Ben-Ice bad proceeded for wlta the outlook, Tbi?, wilh ihe House, iuoiiy, nately got away without the I«HH of any four to six hours each day overhauling CONVER i BUZZARD, before. We pay EMora, Wftrter With It; to B*oy ibeffl* would Und t*way, 87;. Dtumaik, IS; Cuins, 13; about OUten miautm wbea.father ceptioji of one of their nuuil*r, Railroad Fare same as it on L'aptain W Uiets U ul frej*, w liusy 111 new* U. W, Fireht HjHjiit TIiankHpiviiiK at valuables, Jiyan impulHlveDinveme'nt, these ancient doeiimenm, Tue oldest Our citizens wen ibocked ou Friday When Mm. Reuh'a body WBH found Sanitary Plumbing* Md death, and, in the pntist Hawaii, m Japan, M;, West Indies, 10. Felfi ohBefved a tfalu cloud ofamofct tbeU flret visit. purchases of r amount. we noted I ant wotih, ii UIULII int|irnvcd bis hdiiiB iii FotiHviile, Pa. He waa toOwen Bayn, lie grabbed ai the hands of are read under • magnifying glawi, aud W*«£ evening to bear of tbe death of Mrs two handkerchief* were knotted llgliUy irould at rase to& prboounoed Teele are ateo twu peniiioneK is A|-fluoting In the Bin He first thought Dr. James JenNluH, also a frequent iohciiltb, returued Huuday evening, but all one of tbe highwaymen and sueueeded the work ie tryiug, but it has become o that it wai caused by a defect of the aids BlJik TitfkU liif S3, Mary Springer, wife of Lewis Springer, sround her tbroai, aud there was no ud Tbe'polDLM^tilcb they «pa* gieriy four in Argentina, two in fiaha* visitor, at cue time a heavy property Nicholas,Gildfrey, of Ulaytqo, WM a.acoldeiit tu the niHehlnery nf, ibe IQQQ,in pulling away frum him an articlebobby with lilin. stovepipe. A few minute* later the nwnw at Atuintie C'lty, and who has Biiiiday viitlor at i be lionie at Ma (mlmr, of Trinidad, Coiorado, Mrs, Springer eatuifayiiiry explauaiion of tbe pafl Stoves, Heaters » imle is where we dsin wncthlog ma, five in Bermsdi, three ID BmslJ, iuiiiive pfcveiitwj bis iiiaklng coiiuee= which turned out to be bin own wateh In lhts*e papers are found records of rfttff cloud had thickened and canted appre* wai the oldest daugyter of Mr, these haudkervbletH played In liyf wfateh fqjigfi' IqPteifl of benefiiing lour in Central Atneriea, nine iu Chili, iraveled esujnalvely on both eootluents WANAMAKER ft BROWN witli the trslu in Uuiudeii, ttiUH and chain. acts aud tramaeiioDi Iu the Stale of TIN nOOFINQ ind SP0UTIK6. beosion Id lbs priiJl'a'injDd. He Jtept givea It as bis opioion that Ocean City FOR jsave beeu fllpd Him, Isaiah CarlstJflu, of this place. death, Kech, who waa a cunning pria< hoUth, Tben, iodced, duty niHtt her twq m UueU Bia, six !u Uu la, three hU arrivui until Mdiiday. , All hough several weekn w New Jersey two eeHturlw w&\ wbleb on with the Waas, bat sent one of tbejf paaeaafg one of the flast bmehes in ]3 vJs. Hack Un^s Grain. 2f in,, ftif Si!. i rniinwdH ftir tbe mqudnw areasHiranfeaH they are liilereitlug, She leaveaa huiibaad aiid tWiidaugnlera uuer, and in whoae cell BheriU Julinsou Jobblau proaptiy aitended to, dais), ul W» conyd^J«oie moil ia jjanlsfl West JndJes, three lo Grvew, # LJnwofflJ, before £fie eattveutiait far rheelex'Uon af iiiia#£ altar buyp for the aexton to make an Iu* the world. Black HoRTV-ijitjHT distinct ; Hurmmr. is mourn her low, found a dosen sleel aaw* after oe had illiKihai three In Guatemala, three la Market WM. H. WANAMAKER Jllr-H Mena Uoiee, ui L'amdeii, bBH a chief enilneer of the flre departmenl and wliile reading them.one feete like ve*tEgatlon, The volume ef smofce oou- styles and weaves of Bealty'l Point, made an attempt to saw hii way to .But that there ia tbb point of IH, lwo irj India, three to Llhertf, two bin, F, R. QrahBin imd E. B. Lake beeu vlnltiug tbe Misses Adams, congratulsting hlmaelf that hit pit 898 Aabnry Ayenne, tiaufd to iae»aae UDill It beams ' •peciai will be called together, there are already Blobard gapp )• •till very ill, liberty, knew tbat hta yaae bad twtn Bfack press (Joojs — PHILADELPHIA are Loving hot water heat Srig uppttraltiit grlttjHgeou earth did sot begin until OCEAN CITY, N, j. sly that we hive sot in Mnejn, two In Malta,elf litiij the tfejntJy diute, and when the priest The servlcw in the FlrirM, E, MUM Carrie ItHey will allmd ihe live cauUidstes ia the race, and the irtim tlie best maker in placed ID tbelr cotiugtw, people outgrew some of ihe queer no- Miss Eva Young ta on an extended dkpwed of aud ihat he could not be yctreallwl Ibe value of heajiiL When NetherUnda, BU In Eew Zealand, four ibnw a cursory gUuce arouud ta» unday evenIpg were under the cbarge wedding of bsr coutiii, MIHB Juiia conttNt rmiruistB to be a close BUB, Chief ail France nre here to seil at an 3, B, imilh k Bunn are jialiiHiig Ilev, tions that were rooted lo the headi of visit io felativea in Fbiladelpbia, tried for his life again, HU lual ye felt s, «n ahaU take man pleasure IuJn Fern, five Ui Fvrtugal, three lo Co- hia of the Epworth League Society, Biid tk-hex'k, of Wand Helght'i, tbu week, Engineer Whjppey has announced bis DO YOU , average hulf prke. This seemr. W, H, Burrell's enttyge, vmnet HiKth Hurry Young and wife an visiting no constraint ill talking with tbe Bherlfl It" Ibis we obw do lo any-lumbia, aU consisted sf addresses by Pnaideot Mrs. JJuucii TownseiicJ will epeud the condidacy for a seeond term. The other intQ.who lived in the seventeenth an strange, for the ,ywds enibrawe a relatives tn Baltimore, about his crime. Keen explained why thtoff whieb'aa hart It Mtpstime H to Thona» gttph#n»n, B," C. IpgerBoll ilieet uad Ahbtiry ft venue. winter Qioiitiis with her uotttir lit eendidates an ex-Chlef Edward 0, tury. In une of the court records of longue of flame shooUog from a crevice iarge share of tlie stapis.' stuffs of Mrs, Enoch Clouting and children, he MA tied the knotted handkenihieni tt wM to recollect that the region i AfHa Republic, elx 1 u Turkey *rjd one W, E. Ma*ay and W. £1 well Lake Tilt cunduci of Hoaie nf our IUIH on ('uniden while (Japttiiy TowiiBtnd IHIU ftttitt, Piiiman Carter Inaac Wle* ISK1 appettra the fact that Lorenzo Mot Do You Want Goorf, Reliable * high up in the cellhig. He quickly this anJ iVery >tar. It is us 'ihiiui'ii who were guest* at tlie hums of George around bis wife's ueyk m folluwH! otiibction coincide* with each ia the Acona, British Tt» church choir, under direction uf I by fitfeet» afiet nightfall dunmiiJft Ibe Uiiba wurkiutf In the iuteieat of theen thai and Bernard Con way. rie, of Hurllugtou, had the temerity J, N, JOHNSON, Mass to a close, and in m your grocer offered ygu sligiir ai Clouting and will last week, have re* "After eiiukltig her into jn«eiiilti!jity pbyiksl welfare it greater Bulgaria, Cumoni Island*, Dutch Choirmaster H, H, Like, rendered 1 ' * curfew law. wrecking company, City Council Monday night instructed tu build a stack sf bay at the dbmieaed the noniilppe», half ftks. But we ;iri? thief d!s* turned to their home in Ocean City. in ihe house,{aud after placing tbe two Indira, East Indies, Eeuadur, Egypt, woe exeelliiit music. Me?, L. 0, Bar licit Hud family, nf Cunj. Fred lrelau Is moving hlg bouse Mayor Btoy to suspend Sergeant of head of John Hollinpheatf't house, PLUMBER. Th§ Bextoo bad meanwhile made the tributorF |n AmericA of tfye^r ynuj*t Men's Clothes, Youths and Boys' Suits. Tuskabfli, Jd Sunny aayka ovt'r*her bead aud feel la £ inland, Sura, Mauritius. Kiesrau- MaucheBter spoke In an eucguragliig den, came down on Tuesday and from tbe lut recently sold to I. Levin, Police J. R. Leedi until December 18, and lit fcueh ptwltloo thai it prevented diecDveiy that a fire was raging be- and svhen the makfr dfCiJ^d on ;i Mr, Heilifigghead from looking down John jBgfnoU will move to Ocean I found, ou carryiug her mum tlt« lot k Bbumsnja, TiniU, Uruguay and vein of the labors of this society. An ed iljelr collage fur a season, of Phiiuiiel|:ihia, to a lot adj.ilDlug the when lie will be arraigned beforeC*iuu. Vau wtni to iea.u .MeiytkiiW^*"*-^^^^^^ enrf sdva&esef tntslli- neaih the Rjof, The Cbelaea Fire Com quick deafante uf ths CiinUTSlis at Ctly&oon. u the oueii air, that she was recover* STEAM AND GAS FITTER, uuusually large congregation was prea= QiiiuEoy Cbam|jiitil, who hm elimen to ahswer charges preferred the Mad. Mr. Hoillngihesd brought PMMU, wbieti an gawuMK asf tftlft^ - „,., panyiB located within 100 fat of the his stq.:kroam uf course the ygoo? the matier before the grand Jury, aad Sanjuel Btselman intands cutting • ing. Bhe was moaning aud gasping oaf recardfor th«J—tglfhlilliJMtfc-^t:fffl Wherj we ooaiidef the wldef fealm of ent. _ seriouHly ill fur several wsekn, we are , I, U, AduaiH and dimgbters him by Chief Eld ridge. The cburch, and the sextoa turned In the came. here. Within *isty Jays the they fuund a ppesentment Rgtlnat the large •mount of wood thia winter. for breatu. In order tu make a sure Repairing a s «Mal good, the'aamg troth prgvaJts, Aitantic cit*»» fro«pectl*e Half. pleased to note !« ImprovtnK. a purl of Itutt h»b In Is alleged to have left the eiiy 'FOR'THE'OOMljfVPatlijp^r alarm there, The chemical enginV FOR ltt^r.=Three snail cuttagts Tot looms wiJ! whi? ii^iin, making morv Russell & Adams, man who owned tbe haystack. Hi was An entertalpmedt will be given In tblug of it, 1 had tu knot the handker- Bath Tubs and ^Plumbers' S?ely ann*a hand to not against hi* It tho AugK»tioiia embtsdled iu a re. the wlBier, Apply to K, U, BW 3, M.SimpklfiH ifiiU wife, iirViiiBlaiid, and to have violated the rules by «fu* a moved promptly over to the btiUdlng. of these staple stuffs—to ut ordered to take It away within a Centennial hull oa Christmas eve bychiefs aud tie them around her uevk m neighbor, no* in hhj persons! detire* purt of the City Hall OomDiiiiouen to 7#l Asbory avenue. were guealH at tlie reflideiscfl nf H, Tl, Kisiey, uf PIcMadlvilie, fa Ing on his return to take the beat of the Supplies, SUITS AND uwtKGUAU theeooi- but the flame was too bh|b to be reach. ore than Jrjubl - today's p at or pay a fine of f5Q. The haystack waa Miss Auua Champion, of Mlilviiie, aa tightly as I euutd, so ahe could not opposed" to hta iocUl dulfca. City Cuuucil Munday nAght are ac- iioitb Hud wife nver B«nday, Mts> MuOarSgle's tiew house, ntllcer wbo was called into the aLatlon §d by the engine, Sfelojf the aessHity Wanamiiker's, 817 ASBURY AVENUE, removed, and Mr, Holllngsbeid't flew stated by Min Callver, a vocaibl from come to life again, I then put ner in Tbe teotbe 1B fendinf and aoiiEbbtag cepted by (hilt bLjdy, and the filgii tiow Mrs, J, i. How, of Minville, one of Johii WHrtbivan preaqlwd | hifUge during bis absence, Leeds clalme for prempE action an alarm waa tOmea fi,f«j Hrehth S^rg D Of (hi turnpike wan madi cleat, NiwYufk, - B shallow grave'I had dug about two bet chlia; in ftMiefbig Mm ftona barn, us foot la eu-ried into eflect, Ali&nijy our BiinimeF visitura, WUM badly Luriied that there Is a coBsplraoy on foot to get PHILADELpHU, Montoy, Pet 7, BIM Miihair Uuig Utiiirui tliuhfli autiday morning, Rgv, South Seaville. HeqVl Enllaat iu calling out the flrat district appara- ; "Rooters" did not have the freedom hundred yards from tbe house iu tin* «nd mlnlateritag to' hk bapptnat ud City will, before the year 1100, duniber i 1 Don't fail to call and examine them*. Prices are the lowest, last week by s dusoleue esplofiou. ilim ofl (he fiirce,and he he will employ HMI tus Thb arrived on the ground a* TWi store is the SI,(Hi Wide \Vu!t;' lJU! JiJii,il 30;. H. M, Smilh jifeaehed, b^ H|ijMj|ut. Bin, Unarles Lloyd spent a portion |t of the woodtt, covered her up and •el£ue hi molUtodtriooji ways, hi nul aaong Its attrscUona one of the finest Charlw MatliowN, Jr,, of PliHadel- goutiNe! to defend hint n those days that they have, now, be* the pastor aud bis congregation em%rK= Christmas ^tter store for be- Sl.iHi Ffeiiwh Cu»v,js flu;, , at Port Reiiublle, , of last week with her brother, Lev!L*Ut down the iree ta hide the grave." at MlMl,tm rtk EffipeHed ta tneae.MCTtlOUs by a wme pliiiii was OH the Inland Buturduy Icxik- cause faaae ball had not then taken hold aa BtilU att f 66 municipal building* iu the fjiate. It S™ ing so much btsldes, *i.-»5 Piincy Cunv.H, fiti,;, Mrs, aifttSlda UaHkiil, an aged lady Tlie failure of F, Elmer Post, a drug' Once, at Ocean City, : ed fHim the chureb. Chief Eugineei on the BenthnenIB of tbe American A few days after Rech IH Bald ig have O* S. iAMPgON, Meit'i Bultl at il of duty; ate to doing what she *as dtaidtd some tune ago that the S1.2.J Paiky Cheviot, iiiii.% \oe after the movltig itT his cottage,' gist of this cily, to BBtlsiy a ehatiel t* Pl f t Charls Whlppey, the moment he saw storm Beauty reigns, and =| of tblM jilat'e, was buried oil Monday people. In a court record of 1890 the DM, PrlscllU Corsnu lis* gone to made ihia coufeiliun tu Stierifl John- bat to do—what Abe fnid not idle of the old City Hal), which ll.^J F-igurt-d CiUiVJs;, T^«, R. B. CORSON, William B, Uurfia and Pblllii Hill, of mortgage held by Henry geott, the location of the fire and the Lead- from the hi| Orchestrion that keept Atlantic City, fact corneii out that Ualeb Hunt, of Phiiadeiphia and will be abnent neveral son he was uktn to Trenton to serve ubdone wltbodt deepdlitreii.' Yet, what aegtroysd by Hre eevenii years ago, l»hi!udtl|th!tt, were litre on 'rnoNdiiy adelphla, reeulted in his place of ; Way it was making under a Binjng the Basemlnt tuneful to the Toy! ©i.Til WorsteJ iJia^ynal, 7.* weeka, bis aentenoe. After ihe trial Stoves mil'flHte* bnldlulUi ^£& duty can be mm ptaln, what obliga- «nBRbr too cfamped for such IrHiking after their rfeH|ieu!ivi: prtijier ] t'liftrgeil wiiU niurdeftius smiuH ou uet-H, Atlantic and Illinois avenues, be- tiurllngtun, awoke one morning aud Diirihtut breeze, turned Iu a genera! Store Anne3E=third floor, Chestnui' 81 »."HJ Uiityon;!! Cheviot, TJ H, O, Delp baa moved his family In- tor Ferry mysteriously hinted at tion eaa be mm Uodifig than thto one itire as the pnsent grvwth of ihe city Uiiptalii Hnrry Soinera, the felgljiue - found two uf bh uelghbor'B hogn roain. alarm, summoning the whole depart, street=the holiday spirit of life and; lift. ing dosed Monday ou an aitachmeul, to tbe house recently vacated by Mau- PUMPS, liSKi ofpaniilal^ref BotheothrfrrelaUoafl demanda, and the Coiumifcjjign hM *«*• FWRERAL her W» Utim, ilnrry Rpuu^a, William Hani, ngaround In bis frsat yard and amus- nt-e which would have meat to the scene. gladness pervades the buiidinga Uhnrles WaggoneF, arrested for " rlee Miration. of life, both douertie apd ndaj,* de- between FmntU 'Himdt Jtihu WilliuuiH, Thtuiiiw vVli- ug theniHelvefl by turning Mr, Hunt's Keck to the gallows, aud It is probable 408-1O Asbury' Ayenii© cured ouilunfl upuo and la its report to Dojls hold court everywhere i ley Bvenue proprty, gazing," on feialurday, was lined 111,90 L. R. Beckett returned to his Cam Father PetrJs with several of his eon* t wiili a ufut | iirtujM, Juliii TruiM, Wllfiniii Snilth, Hower garden upside down. Mr. Hunt that lie referred to pend fuman |br their welt-beiag upon CCouncil Monday nsjummtndtd and Fiflii by Itecorder Inger«oll. OOEAN O1TY* N. J> gregatlon, bravely went into tba burp. thou|htht greatest afray of them! S?i.5u WiJ^ Jttiues Siuiiii and J, Jones, wbo were Houglit jedrem in the courts, and theden home Saturday, after spending fjs isd ifanN^on werker, All ktp0i ihe •yntpalhtefl, the afleotlom) and thetbe pURhMe of the entire blott of land Af SUJ*» Cajdeg furnished at iiliorl Bfttlpf. tl»P- Ingbulldlug and saved the priaatjy U in the Basement Toy Store« J WASHINQfON Wrested lust week, were held luauBWir re«u 11 was an order Uaued from tlie several -days with relstlvefl In this Tired or de*tres,than apon the^enaaof obliga- Iu the ssiire of the city bounds by Carpenter work nil H, L. Smith')* -. ue&tH came ll Hl a op«>laltj All #nrl£ guaranteed vatmeiits, the sacred veasela aud the Mechanica! foys=all ssrti of! Canvas 81, for Urn t-rline at tssurt, Uaptain flstirl- bench thai from that time on "hogB, vicinity. John W, Leeds, of Atlantic Uiiy,who •IthoBih, the bbUgaUoa and the North aud aoutbCanilina^and Atlatitty % building, Anbury avenue, bet ween'He Thin community wu startled allar deeoratioas, tugether with some contrivancfs that 'go"—are in the j pM French Wliip^orJ, |J. era, wbu WHS sy badly ea\ und uia!» ROWH and Bucking pigs must be riioii Ocean View, regblered at the lildgeway lluuiw, kindnen and bumoni- •ud AMiie aveuuai. Tne expeo&s of third floor Toy Store—reached eas=; oiithaud Eiglub nlt^M, was aeHday of last week by the Inleiligeuce S!fi§, I, E, Wheiia la amisg (hose ininur funJilure, 6S,m Diiij-uriA! Cheviot, $1, j. m trealedj wa« preReiit lu-fourt aud Win. and kept wit bin the boundary lines of re avenue and Market street, uusllvlrig bevef IOHI tbtlr bindirift f«as, uiiKhHioK the eutire block will bt Uy by eltvalors running from the I Petersburg, N. J, Monday, that William H, Oarretson, a njember The lire bad nude considerable bead, iiflea the jirlBtiHirs, The prlsgairs, be property owned by their proprle- whu have Rcently purchased blcytjteir, Philadelphia, Friday evening commit- FbtaBdatt that lore, ayiBpatay and 1115,000, The wport ^*i "Jt this Chestnut street Arcade, ; Ltunder B, Uorwin iiat the ci>iuract of the Ocean Uity Life Saving Crew way on the east aide of the building, .InHN however, deny ibni ibey did the cut, ntn." If a hag WBB found where hi Ikuben HI lien in undergoing treat ed BUiclde soon after retiring to bin gmamity dtetete !• the not which pmu la carried out it iithuugbt by ihe forbulldliiKa flue on Asbury and a weihknowii citizen of thin town, leaviag the west side free from flame. Would you have just a moment L ting, laying ibe blanieon anullter aud had no right Jo be tbe tsmelal waa au-dieul In Phiiadeiphia for a di«-a*e of room by inhalinir Illiiminating gu. duly defluada, bat who would not Den that a. munieitmi build* = avenue, belnw Twelfth (u had died suddenly at the (Jovernmeat If you have Through a door ua the latter side Fire- ef quiet from the good'natyred huh- Hiltiaiijg iueiuber of tbe gHiigj wbuin lu drive It to pound and keep tbe ear, The chanibermaid, while pii«liig I f*tbe* have such ceedact procMd fton> log iltouM be enstied coeilog uai ifeik bub? Step into the Art Gallery hy! B, Hniid, huUNv, Tills news wa» readered the men Bohirty and rJlokney entered, to> L B, FOYER, W. CTSMITH & SONS. lUey t'ttitod "Yellow." t there until the owner paid $-i, Tbe revival nervine* at South Heavllle along the corridor, detected u strong ft Place 10 Sell; the heart that take* pteaauie in It thau JIsS.OOo, makiug tue Uiial esiieus the Toy Store Annex, Restful-! W.U^aiHltli A »m* are tliia weak more startling by reason of Mr, Oar- areBtill In pngRM, and the Interest is getherwlth several Others, with a line For arieinuiiusf is m% guj»riiii#u= Jiingiiig a ting IN explained •• being smell of gas about 7 o'clock Hfltuniuy Ml the oqmpol&loa of the lue eke of tue uld City Mall beautiful, I EIGHTH STBIIT AND putting lufDber'osi the ground for Mis* reteoit having been seen on our HlreeiB Dcreaiiug nightly. 11 you have '•• • ' of hose, with tile object of attacking deut WilliuiU A, .VieAHister, of tlie an operuilon in the [ierformaiiet of morn lug, which appeared (» come to Mtld aud the piutteds applied A share of the carpet store k\ Helalet's cottage, Wesley avtnsie, h& only an hour previous to the aad occur, Jepse Wbitaker IH making tio!liable the seat of the Bre,, 1 he churali was Cniudeti and Atlaiiilu Hireet Hulhvay, which a mau lies a hug's legs, aud, "roni Leeds' rntm. She knocked on to the purcbtee of the aew altfe" • givin over to a Christmas Bazaar hiw KiBth hi reel= reuce, when, to all appearaucea, be wai ImprfivemenU to Idu dwelling. A House to Let; entirely aiagtraoted of woedi and was PBACTlCfll SUTE RODFIB,-* witb a knife, Janie* Taylor, a newsboy, mining nil aw! through the edge of its lie door, but, setting no answer, rush' tao&r Mlow-oeo, and in Mcb euem\ "With a view of making ibe prop, sorts of ysetul and decorative! ASft IS Miaa EinmatJirH,iii will leuil the Kp In the enjoyment of perfect health, Mt, Vaujfillder hu commenced the If you have K easy prey, the flre aweepfog over Lumber was Bt-LitenLtd to live dayg in JiijI Fri» m.ut, putH into tbe hole thus nude ed down to the vft\m and liotitlni Ulerk l am welfare; erty mote attractive the CJonimisHiuu. Wtffth Ijeagui meeting next Sunday Ou the day of his death, deceased erectloii of a large l»rn on the site of aud around it with startling rapidity. ROOFING SLATE, BUTI Uayi Taylor was avirubargliig MeAU short pieces iif wire which are twilled Pltigerald. "thenport cynliuues, "Liave been evening, ''AHBrylce from the Hymns" hid visited the post' even renuarking to one geBlleman that Tbe court Judgea In tbim olden times there, as the roof was observed to be plication or palBt, fmiH Rh'iug tlii blow, The Epworth eocial wag held at thebeen niade to stop up the cmcks or in w ttoeh eelrdtslall , ^01 e^entnaJly be- nugulat lot ypou wLkjli their ljaggBge PAriMPTLf AHSIIDID TO. he was feeling unusualiy weli.-HtJpiiu wersdlgnifledefeatures. They Insisted A Mortgage Drawn; trembling nd threatened to collapse The DeeeiQber meeting of tlse Oqean M. E, parsonage Tuesday evening last. other ways prevent the gas from e*eip dftUght, from which weWuld Htation, the Kntekifbocket Jce Uuin- ^upriuieodeaL Jseil«ua Huliues, of relurjiiiig tu the station aud delivering upon belBg treated ia a manner wurtby if a DEED at aay moaenL MeAdams conveyed City Building sad . Luaii AHHtidathJU Captain Leonard Hand has beeu SD- ng from the room, aud there is, there, not willtpglyy partp , &g& 807 ASBURY AVENUE Rlebsrd MeAllUter'B eoal yard, Keu- of their Btation. Nu matter how plain pauy's odloe and the Union Tiiinster the order, but Itoherty and Blakney will be held iu K. of P, hall, nest tbe mall he passed up-sfaln, Hhortly pgliited master of the large tug Wind i I tueky and JJalliu hveuus, iearuetl Fri= a mania judge might be when •eated 'ale, a serious doubt iff In whether it You Need to Sign; > Itoniam KM BBttoMd In the pfqpaa of character. Company's building tiow ilaud, Tueu, will receive immediate attention. Haturday evening, after a icream wu heard, n II some lowing between Philadelphia and tod iosUfWi^M refased to rBtiri, while several of tbeif IllJYA.I.SMIf day that two men with a horee and on a cracker barrel in the poBt^fHce or was suicide or accident. The uodtliin f S*i mwt Him, W« havt IM im **«*!• &T ••ample, an cpployer who oy vacailng a Btuall street nonh of At , Bead thi adwrtlsemeuta wjiiuh a[h one wa§ in mortal agony, Maria H, fijiton. ,< If you wont haBlily ami out, Me- Cart have been visiting tbe yard hi tbe OD a shoe box in t be grocery alore, when of the body find the fact of his still be- denes that the mmt «u pjod osay be nippga^i to paw through then untie avenue, between Kurth and pear wisfeiy in tlie SENTiSKh, aud thus Moore, closely followed by Captain j, Jonathan Hand, Jr., makes frequent were f 1.20. , : ; . Adams ptat« that lit bad butlf clewed inornlug befurethe em ploy e«i get ihere be tthik hie plat-eon the beijeh ha waia ug lortlally clothed, combined with : : Olflereat atac» of moral advaneement. fluuLh Carolina, known aa HatlTiiad av- PRACTICAL WORKMEN, be properly guided when you leave M, Corwu.aud other members of the trips through the county on hia wheel. Insurance Placed; Unit*« all ftlsns fall, ( tfie tbrsbold of the door when then aud carry ing oil a ton or mqn of eoal inan to be respeeted aud looked up Is, open gas burner, were, however, Hi* chief pleasoKliesatflnt in accy- enue,»uijj*n,park will be obtninea Yard: Corner Fourth St. and West Ave. home for snopplitg purpose*. crew, rushed up stairs, hut whea they The Douglasi Glass Company, of Come to me rams the asyfjl eraah of the ftiof fuJUng aktn ae fllrong indleatluiiB of suicide. Hertgaida bk men chiefly exttnding fota n entire Hquure on AL- wltlujfit leaving tie price at the fjllke reached tbe bedside of the stricken An uld New Jersey recurd §ay§ thit in; f , Uonduetof D, \V, Hickey is niaking thia place, has been incorporated, and Life was not quite exilncl when the 1 Dieant to tbbend, aBd treato them rii §48 ASBURY or uiider the duur, A waioljuiau Is now man they tound life extinct. Every In 1084 Judge Lawreuce, in Burlington, The word wts pused smsog the fire- very noticeable improveuieutH to his material for building the factory Is be* wss found, but, although a pliy-! eofdingl^ Faifat ndUonji of duty to- engaged to pnivent futtierdeprtdatlonB, eflort was made to reiture vitality, but wai holding court One day when Jeter At Any Time. Nearly Half the equate, the purchue men of the dlsaatM and henjlc eftorts eoltafs property on Central:avehiie, he- ns hauled to the premises. was promptly fiummnncd, he: ward* tbeaa aomttims occur lisinc Weihoutha!, LKindsuian of Ed' Groiime, one of the plain people, wan- FRANK Luf which u rteomnitndtd, fa at prestiu tween Eighth aud NInth streets, without avail, and when fir, J. B, , p wete put forth ieufe the two men tm- ward Kline, accused of being aboit la dered Into the court room with bto bat Deanlivlllf. could do nothing, nud death dime in a hmi; pot, belDg repugnant, they aje td b ? pfiaoned id tbf fursaa, Thej wtW »11, Waggoner, who bad been' hastily sum. Ui-upted by aebauiier s Motel and Ogn L, K, Brtkeiti of Uarafiea, Hpeiit iev- hifl accuunta with the Firemen's Belief on. Thejudgeapled Peter, and, catch- fiobjrt Hutton bow occupies the bort time, Leeds had only 54 cents | R. CURTIS ROBINSON, " m bto mtoi Htm, ten, and owned Is Vila, however. The COIIIIJJH of the | things that can be sold at Fifty (50) LUMBER m.jned, arrived he pronouBeed it a case SUPPLIES, eral daya Jmt week with relatives in AsBOylatioii, Fftday withdrew bis flame ing hit* eye, pointed to the hit and tndl> house owned by Ogden Gaudy on Bea* n bis pockets and a pawn tibket for IS, - in varloua way*, they noay new wlih Alehrer. 'ins plans tor vf heart tolly re. 74448 ASIURV AVENUE. roof and walls only served to sake the Cents and One ($1 y Dollar. This PLUMBING, Ibis city, Mr,: Beckett te »as nfsw eated by a serlH of pantomimic motlopa Nlli avenue, received on a watcb, iie waa about 60 j As seeurlty aud delivered Kline over to •nd then • yjf tlie eieyuon of flamei flercer and T Coroner Jshu i. Doughs, of Tueka* is a collection from rtguFar stocks, _____ WEST.' mnsit eflleeraed Hiiuiiner reaiiieuh*. of the autbtiritieB, that be would like to have him remove UapuUB Aaron Ntekeraon haa laid up years old, and a carpenter, but had re- i la whleh da^y at length tit the sew UiUDicipid building on what fat Hoe, WBH uoliiled, and, upon vlewlug S2O A8BUKY under BrotecUorj, at aa^efnbled for your convenience. 51 ins Laura M, Heuuett, duiighter of Freeholder John Bowen, It, CJrobpawaaaiowofesmprehenaitin, hU vasel for the winter and u now at cently been uufortunate in seeking em= tbeaitsof lothutel, of Material furnished, Special induct lbs budy auU hearing the evidence of diiUnceofone huudred feet, ' Thebeat Ready this morning. Second floor. Joseph Bennett, Eighth street and As* or tbls city, narrowly escaped dead) and, believing that the judge was going bin home, ployment, being compelled to "knock menrj to Builders/ ihoM present, deemed an inquest Uu- that could be done was to play almaa Market street, : bury avenue, is suflering from a severe y while ou a gunulug trip, He through the pantomime tus hii aranie* iin, Harry Fldlerts visiting her uls-about" for odd bits of work. nftmilrnaalhit upon \ full line ot ornaann wtUgeta PbUadeJphfi in abody iu. I of water over the spot where the msu Every one within a hundred HEATING, cold contracted about two weeks ago, ceHury, aud issued a eerliacate of ment, grinned enthuaiaatically and ter in Philadelphia, S. had suited down the beach and wai itlatlou ts hia Bio IUW morning fur tbs French Buck Lead and Ready flixed Paints. death iu aeeordiuoe wlih the Above 1 Hits p ej|»e»iuppo8id to bmj Boon the erawd miles of Philadelphia should tee and Lewis Lipplneott and family, of lhit= walking on the track* of tlie ljongpoft nodded hit head approvingly, where- The painting of tbe Methodist church, UIO LAKE'= Undertaken and TEACHER OF wot*h» Bud jswelrj, ainJening wfUi ihe bad bscame aware of toe affiWeati and theenjoy the Christmas Wanamaker's, Ujd^, pa,, Bheppard Hliziard and wife, fticta, upon the Judge became Indljjnmt and, embalBirs. Otllcoand reeidence 845 kll For eonvanience, orders may be lef^at 746 Anbury trolley line, near Veutnor, when he together with other iuprovemeate, has i84T Asbufy avenue. The latest t Brtad eiolteineyt was lnt*nw. It w«ru- UnKjut, ' of (Jerffian'awn, Pa,, were here last Tue fu&eraj took place en Saturday smltlug the desk with hli cane, be or- PIAON.ORGAlfaiidHARMONr, avenue. was a tucked with heart failure and fl been completed. tyle easket always on band. Bodies nuied that beildeDuhert^ud BUkney, week to atterid^he fuueral'of W, R. morning "d was largely atUuded by dered Peter Qrooine io pay a flue of M he beoomei touebed Handkerchiefs fell iincisuhcious) aonfea iha rails. The Paul Carroll ban returned to hisremoved from hotels boarding houses flu opened: n Stiidlo nt Tlie wlfifinor, geMrally sported ihat tilt that Lewis Donnelly, tneloal tbulrj. DRAINAGE. Uarretsoo, ativM aud friends. I&iefment at for daring to come Into the preaenee at ud cottages and kept until burial. O«*n City, H, J, Vat Uf Ri", etfi nddfemt at morning was a very cold sue, aad Mr, tudiet at the Pierce Buslne« CoUege, ftbCp M ty S J tympathy and Wnd J&eling, aud cal manigif, had aim b«n aught in Beesley'a Point- Tnenieinbaifaol Oceao May cunnty, S. J. i&rPnmntM erIand| FraWii J, U, Bmltli annoiiiiees, by posler, Bowea was UiicoiisdloiiB aud nearly fro= the court with his hat en. Gnome wai Phiiadeiphia, alter spend lug a few ;•geoolM pteaipalB what wM on» pa the coUajifle, but tbls wn aoan proven Uity aud Peek's Beagii Life Baving the srecUon of • magaiflaait China and Japan we have gathered H G. STEEpAS & CO., that he will diBposeof his entire siotk mn when he was discovered by J*'ba not eopitalUed to tbe ex lent of the floe, dayiathome, - --. wvert a UUJ. Om UM« ba «sy dsubt tatotlng on Atlantic avenut, andeleva> UDtrue, i nearly Thrtt Thousand SiyJts, and of groetrls aud taimed good« by ven- crewa viewed the remains ou the dayand when he explained to the Judge tnat, awue peeaid ttafB kfeigbs thao Human, u member of Abawjii Life Jonathan Jarnw, well known through* " of it* tfaclu from Ibe II was 10 o'cioek before the depart. the counters devoted to the selling due, cflrjimenciiiK tfrday (ThurHday), of the fuperal. lt#v- L. O. Manchester thai the crime be had committed waa pm fln^ »tba third whlgbert ban tbe SATISFACTION ASSURED, Havlag eres, ' out this county, met with a serious aecb Ihe new depot. In return for meiit uad liieeeedHl in sabduing {be would reach from Thirteenth street and con tint! Ing from day to day unlit preach^ the funeral service la Trinity unintentional aud explained how high iT If WU i good tblBg to do Thieves broke into tbe handsome dent lut week while operating'• saw tola pbSeh the eorporsUiju has flameB tiyaieteDtly to permit neareh ferto the Mint and half as far again, if s M. E, church, anfl was awjluied hy thea regard be had for the court, the Judge'* Pun Spring Wilt; lot, Bttl disposed of, summer RHldenee of AIM, Jostephlne L. n his saw rnJII. Hu Injuries may prove oSpMlHlsMJdtbat Ihe eilj will be tbe mjaatug flremen. Ahgut nton they placed in a line, * Enoch B, Campbtll has bsun sp< Itev. EzmU, Luke, of thta elty, andheart softened, and be told Peter that tblnt todor%ht hi Ocean uf Pliliac!eli»bla, oil Belmgnt ratal. «ked |o CICBS up Tenfl^see avtaue, dtoeoverwl the Ufeiea hgdla of both And there isn't a poor lot in the polated "rtveuth man'4 at the Ocean ttev. It, Mi Wapies, of SeavUle ubiUKe, he need not pay the One that time, but PULL THE INSIDE Cape May uty. condition *I,»O aveoue, Cbelsea, Mmetime Kcenily, A hasdiome wreath, jirtfltniid by which at, presentla open btilfur^ half a men, buruk and charred bejond re& coliectien, from the most rhodest City Life Saving gttitiuii, a Viieauey de* to be i-areful in the future to uncover The Cupe May Wave announced Fri« Wliiiam Tlmfler,a wBtchmau, iiotjolng the Oi*i.n City Lin Saving Urew, at= . . wtahel and equate, and lo tell to the EompaBj w ognltJon. They were found about 26 everyday Pure Linen Handker- €urrlng thrDugli the death of Surfmao his head whenever ba came Into tbe d»y that John M, Campbell, of Phils- aHturuidwropen, made all Investiga- tated the hlgu eatees in which they dulle. corrwpond, hw every p«t of Urn depot iile the old IJitjF Mai! feeUput, and buried undet a heap of chiefs it Be toth e finest linen Hbd- earretsbn, MKiCiiBipbeJi biMMi duty presence of a court. y : deiphla, wUI aasume its general man. f*r tor^jotw. It Honly wtwre they City ODD-SIZE MILL AND STAIR WORK, tion add dUeovtrtd that tue ootttige y debris. Blako^ had fate haad!i iifere kerchiefs made—and they are IT on Tuesday, \:: held their dead comrade's memory, ^ OUTSIDE, Thed6up*ny had been brykiu into, the thief or In iflW Lawrence Morris *wa»deteeted ageraeut, commencing with tbe next do aotthui harffloaba bin face, aa if trying to proteet It, Theapiece. Two groups— .... ' = f Decayed had long been a coaiistent that *haf w* a Urge block of property jujt In either bird or soft wood* • Frederick Ireland, one of Ocean Uity B breaking the plats glass by a religious seighbor iu the act of remains were placed fa bbtnkeB^aad the member of the M. E. ehurgh. Tlie •hat Janoar Teuqease avenue. At 12 Y-2c Each-^ young business men, WBH niarried MOB* floating a raft of logs in the Delaware gocietf here is interalesJ is the pre» bnnible sight iepl trom the ?lew of the oiuJii door and turning ihe latch. From Ocean City Lodge, No, 16, K, of P., of R« Hs«itsh^. HanakHEhiefi (M WO. Sentinel day evenjnjr, flt iboM. E. parsonage, s river on Sunday, and a eomplalht waa paratloua for the ansual huUday dance -i : public Etoheriy IHIV€B i widow ud alt appearances tbe haum had been whlcu.be was a meuiber, su present ttmt higoer life May's Landing, to Mfn, Jennie Tneu, thoroughly tanaaekecl, but it is impos- made against him. He waa brought to be ^ven between/Christmas and be BlMtney a widow and one child. Good gutity white HurtJk*«fiiefs for .Yard and Mill: 8th and West Sts. In a body and conducted ius daughter^J'pBiiJii Trten, of Gravelly sible tu tell bow much plunder was I ii to court, charged with breaking the New Year. Thi aSair Is given alier- be, asd where It was fqnututte thai the direcUoo wcoen; I : servisatthfiBive, Wuntn's BUB, bf %hi Be*,Joseph H, Hftyd, carried out. There aje evidences, how- Sabbathabbath. ., ,_ t*ly by ladiei and gentlemeu. This KEATING which H rliht «aa par- of the wind wai ngfiheaBt, otherwke > Is thi Mr. OarntaoB was born at 1 OCEAN The MBooijir J, Fox, ladeu wjlb ever, tliat ilit btds in ths cottage were "Were you floating logs on the Hab-year It la the ladles turn. !!^^^ iop latge tmUm of the btdlt-np ponJoD of Poiutau Jiilyll, 1851, He soutluued duriflg , bfieli ecrtiajgiied to Abel D, feull,, occupied for MVeraJ eights. The dot- bath day?" asked the Judge, Cmpe May voters will again dtoeusi - . of tUf opastfap ii u 1ollowa t CLekea would have ten dertruyad. MUi prettily eabrolJeral initial toreaidB»tineplaajof hia birth until gfoundid Bunday While bentiug up the tags U woe diataBee from woupied "I was," replied MdrrU, tbepubllotchuol building Empruveuient SEARINGS ARE omal Berlla nprwntaHvi of onr £rjf&3 The wind auifM the flames KFOH AI- Msfi hemstiiyhed Hflndbershlef keep in tfjiieh wilh until Tuesday, When it waa floated with CK*an City, lo, ml he euteted the k work witliout fear of lutsFfuptftin. \ only Violating tbe civil law but a motml m* '.'.. " '"' • •••" - '" AlAaj bbct ipot in bw land #af U» feet, and Bred the building occupied by !ife=tyivlog service, becomlug * member , Cones and east my, Sei^A fut tBB assistance of the Ocean City Life law as well?" ', , Funelal Hrvlcefl over the remattin of the tjhaiea Cbemtal Eogin* Com* Jipinse Silk Hsndkerehtefs- TheflablngHClio nerMftttleKebeec*, of Peck's Beach. Life Saving Crew, ••I suppHe I was,'' BBswend Morris. tbf iat» William J. Halplu were held poKshed to that high Much si oap^ Oatbeothet ilde the pMtofal d ; mhltg. specimen. • OsptBlu Dolpli ftirkisr, of this dty, Captain L, Oodfrey. Jo Iffi lie re- Jipanse Silk HHartdhefshhlefs JaunaS, BArfHtey, aged S-5 yearg, son •'@t4 intended the Sabbath day to be InSL M*ry'» XL Q* church Sunday. (See that eurve?) fgaJdenos of lather Pwil, within is BtraudedOD the Brlgan tine ahoalsFtl. signed and engaged in other pureuiu bnrf(iH?d and SCallopesl; of Blmssn and Anna £. Oardsley, who a day of rest," said tbi judge. In a tOBe Bequlem Haaa was eoaducted by thineu which give* that glide-that feet ef the buiidtag, eatupedirtth only day luurnlng and the crow wen taken until iftM, When he sgajn entered the ART CATALOGUE,' 46. ' pOGupy tht|r cottage on Central aye* Intended to be impreaiive, rector, ttev. Father Degau, The music -light MOfchlag, * of! by the Burfmen froto tbe Atiantie Qoverumeut empiuy as one ef the Ocean f Womsfi heastitthsd Handkerchiefs _ BUB, wrath of Twelfth iitreoti.svery sefr '•Why does he allow the rlVef to'iaa wu Iu charge of Ms4lD d» Caatel, HO- eaay glide oafy found tn the Keating Oi(y Life Saving Station, The Bchooner Uily Life Baviag Uisw. He is survive KEATINd WHEEL CO,f Father Fstrfaajw that th# clinreh cost Uc* edged. Pzr; year son, died lit the ^hiladilplii^ home of •It day Sunday iheuf" iuquUtd ft!orris. of AM, Braill, who was assist .boat f30,000, and Hb*( it pounded badly on tbe bar, but wuby a wife, son, mother and sisters, who 365 day* ahead of them «!!, WJ Women's scalloped and ffnbnilJer&J Hani. in advance hut parents on* Wedutsday, Tne' fun- The judge miiit have been a pelwn ed by i£dam A, Pattl BarJll, soprano, later floated and proceeded into tbe have tbeipympaihy of the eoii« d of great breadth of mind, .beauas he niece of liaduge Adellna P»tU; fctenor The Uity Seiieitor Endjeelt iiibaiitied *a discharged Morris, taueb to tiiedbigUa? Armondo Barill, bail tone j Iftas Boas g ia Stltei BrmAy, contrmlto| Thomu Mane, ba^so, will give opinion to (Jlty UOUBQII filpuday evett-1 of the persaaa who had caused bis arrest. flue, a JAB/IPS G, evening. Thf cW#f [ WiUlMn B. it! Mb Agatha's church, PhUadetphU, Hall tatiof that the !« of Mil "^ l ud U» fatare of the syentng will _* the , desire u» to ratom tbanki to Hotel arid1 Wliliini Fortsf, organist. A Uige imposed by the ffhen U«nf»Ad U» Kbfl f Th* « iht! treufpi dT Ihf WffladsB** Tribe nf Ahs membets Of Ocern CW Utf ^eqk't At the EmniettV Dr. W. A. Burns, Bumher of FhliadilpUans, who reside UpOH the City Wj was balit Iu IS85 by Her. Ae4 Meri.iof ^tkburf. Toe band Be«ii Ufe Bavhig ihtim, atae Meni* Emory P. Day, Robert Cursou, John B, In itimmBr, wir« prnent, : haibeen reheardlag •peclal musle fur located ben of Omm City lodge, Ko, 86, KKeudrtck. , Paljadllphlai John H, Mor Mra, Bi U, Moore, wife of the Wilt theooiJiffiiJo.ondproBQlfle all wbu at- of P., ud all (bOHwhs naai'&tted tm, Bridgetou; John B Dl Tk Jeruy BaUrdad agent at tlili pla^w«r tend thelf kindly sytopathls*, :t>g ^nfd;gr ab«; J\ K. BU bwlly brolted .nd muOUrrtd prot-ble —, __. Wichea of aet, toward then {a iheif hour of Millvllle; PlBhw's hotel exploded ftuadiy iJJT.". Mat, Monday evening by a >yp'i i Mr, aftemoou. The blaidng fluid WM eett- Uwil/! Uamdelt« br»ucb«byoom 'V&i^l^riiprfwlc*ija ^e business warrants ore in tuaraa- . •--•-. V &"'; &it: tered OVBF the floort, MtUng fire to tbe J. L*bfto Hwdley niakw a .belt* control ^-^^ ^ -^ ^ AJyU fWat^^Htt i^rpst, Bni dslwi; SaAaidSMbtt damue Old! J. of b« wb*»4 and lnU» attain pt to i&mm?^ ItARKLAIl. ..(•jji'^Jli £,>?;.!.•• :Y lyoabsartf S. B. SAMPSON, mm BILBI IT. 1( tbr/wkDt to known.** r pf abeei ihe; flm pvadJi^ Gontmotor «nd Builder .• . Jhii what •; tm oof ' mstteuiatteal s fffnOf to do Ja tbs m?« worlds They; th^ h«TB oalj to go' ~ au& apd uk Ai* OcvmiCltT H, J- Jnai ttfrtr jay and d»Ught in ffiathe-•atrlf thB| want fa JEaoirao* th*«a 5 Oewa nuticm Tb*rfi w*f nttr« poiiry to tbe&i ud tbenioon halted, tbty t»tB biJ>^ to So^id lima io John Miltqit TbeygooTtr ond'Mk Joshaa, if #BJI r JOB'Cm' »m they had to 1VT« to Imsw hn|r UiOT Btarn* iKl, IB thInipt ^ Bather: may,' "I aa were a* paaiiaiJBtaljrfQiMJ of tnBih*riiiat. tbv haw onj/ toga oter «)d «k Ufc F. MASD, partis. hs a* PUtc^ whowrote over bis, door, II they want to know ffion nbaat |fc« STORE »flO» lurter li«rB whu U not-*e- Hiunaa, j jj I, ^ ARCWTECT, qoainfed with geometry.M What, an wI)? foand to aaocb Joy JB the kMe»l If they want r ara:bflsj.fdtb to kpow bcBf the"p«aWft Kflea *Ben mrnmm ND mm all tha nnivmria Xajcmbonrs* wlatiat ii wiM UoVea, thtytawi onJy to go ore? like heaven lot figure* Ndaiberg tnB. ud aik Uw, If they want to JWBW WoridniT A'nm«t«eefHinj>nsi) pn jrauarfc again thai all ear dipafftd nitBj distance* infinite, calculations in- ilwafl on bfllliL Utve at a • Cbfiftiaa frf ehd* who In this.,V tha pnftiealaw ahqat the fiethishea ciHmlni( rJsewbei*. finite; if they want them, aritiinietia adTEDt, Utej bate onlj |Q, pfs j \VorK4onc bythedaJroFMnlraii JpBJi!iJ|r were p**pinnnti»jy fond ol noils an} and algebra* cud geometries ui trig* gQ U aw ConoD, prgmpUy uitended in. Ksiiniui™ r!i«*f! Mill tegmJing that fatte in th* world uk tha •opyiadjag Kagila who ftivun. tjuiirBBtee IB do llrstilnsa *urS ooBetries for aU eternity. What Held* g Kagil who Mod UH the bimt mStcrlfll. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ; wfeatJaJ, ,Thf> BiWe aayf p sf spaas le be smmyeuT What magni- that Ohriibnaa aight. in the haleoaiei CARPENTER AND BUILDER, tlM jBotft el heaven thai Whatdlamiten, what of cryitaL L lIf they want to know mot* JOHN BRUVVER, "fee iMMfite, Why ajl tbb talk about rbrtt triangles, wb*| of the pariicolors of the crneiflsian, OCEAN CITY, N, j. No. 721 Asbury Aoenue, Oceao City, N. J,; iU}tlBifBSt mM : ebeiig on ths glut whaf epkyeJoidi, what tbtf hBTi eoly In go ote? Bad ktkvaa T?r^?lH£?r-~ and euinpHs and harpa and oratorio* Painter aud Glazie itga-tew t, wbmt eoalo m wets peraonal ipwUtow whija tic t Fiut Ud 6p^Ulc«t g bqBwi eai esi!«|« 1st sn* la ail putt ef the tiiTi OOBAN N. J« THtJKSDAY, DECEMBER 17,1896, and orggHf The Bible ever and orer The didactic * DP, Disk said he mountain* enaeasd and thti heaven* iogt put Up 6y c&Blraet or l? IN vou again tp«alH«f the aosga of heaTen. Ifthought that the redeemed iti got black io the face «t the ipecjtaelo. Hrll. tutr HhUr til JPJCW RAI8lr*a heaven bad no Mp of it* own, m rtmt •pint some sf their tun's witn tbe high If they want to know more abonttha O.P. and for by people who BM better, infinitely i4gni--wwn( Bmng, «na wits say coBipaoy tnai iw of tboii on «rtb weald tans atehfnl eyesnuk imp undor tht pow- ceortain. •:• '• " ..ii-,v:< ; 'V '•'• :•'•- er Lranohe* sf inaUieBiUlics. So of oof •offerings of the Bootoh covenanter*, THE OCEilN CITY REAL ESTATE fXCHANGE. 1 bettOT, than her father and mother were ; btia taken op by tbo earthly emigrants. and trampof ted inetaphyai- they hare only to go over and ask Aa> F'mt Quality Hard Oil and OCEftS CITY 8EHTIHEL. An unpardonable uar. said be. She bellevu h« father it «fal brows, Tbe artyrt in him became The will, found In hi* pocket, left ov« ffi* ARCHITECT, BUILDER, 1 iiflfe tS tgQB. fati th Christian at death dees sot dana. Wtiatarfitbej doing now? Study- drew Melville, If ibey want to know , J, S. WAGGONER, ORGAN HAND, dad, Andboiadwidt ' tho miiD, Ho puintwl is m sything he ownsd toMildtfd Varnishes. M M Ion JOf mommy. Then there But be ing the taomsnniiod , only nmler belter men atont the eld tine revivals, they , w. E; MASSEY & ca, i *f REHIitENT— Ari'ORNEY AND J^ehild! H^shUdi'* t»«ion alsg. At lu«r —Hhat life hia Interest ,ia, .ihs I billlou of soali in heaven who know His liiifld ttvaioled, "I euu Laikts Bupi'riw, Vvhieh to atadyhave only to go OTBT to ask Whitefleld Fire and Woi?f Physician and Druggist, AT LAW, okenly grer the piiotofruph, |"Qo«oaHon" and "Antioch Ocean City, N. J. 1 wilJ teU her that bar fathur in not dead. •basaid, pliant divld.-itd. Tils girl fliii not ^n ft. They used %o nady ibe minIUH1B.UId sheath- ^ Wesley and UHngitoB and Froor Fnlnfn. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. IIM , .ynHli-r and Kiiinjnrr In C3l»nc«-i7 tnoru, "Moani Hsgib" and "Old Handrei" b«iy How the Keteha and KeitieiBa and Fiaaey, F on h*nd. emr N. J, H Cuyfl Coiiiiiiliilonrr, NsiBrj rubllc, [eoirrisoiD.1 ae iue sketeh with a derrtand why (his was, bill •a'p]Va*d" it Tb« leader M the ifenal nrchtatra seed Pure Metallic Pafnti for Tir Lots for silt? or escbaitp. Housw to lint IteedB, bond* or taer RD, 731 Asfeofj AHBU, Oilu Cftj, I. J, ShsintoiTuptsd, "Wbersia that phi- eold mile, "YLI. timt1ifigl!t,''hesald, wai becanm he was a frleiifl (f JobH •pifii 7 CAPE MAY C, H.t N. J. Oladoey, bur siepfiifher, ftiid ]ierhnpi only once tap fata baton, and all i*« HMT Bjty wgnofl e ,minaie 6E0. A. BOURGEOIS & SON, and Shingle Roofs (and ntdfawn. Loaoi iiegutiatcd. A nunibtrof biirgRlnsin lott, Brush Fine Btitlonery, moinent tbe toemUsd loMpby wbieb yoa pmiehod to ine, Murk "You've paii;f«l in agon! bit of the 1 ing |h§ award snUide the etc , tohsUntiy on b&rd fOf>!M«i!i* publfi' ' Ij and ran her flngors tbrongh lor devil too. You owe me soinuthtnff lor bnt thlisho novtr Sniil) tovfOw na» bu- will ba ready for tat haUelniab, If yon any doabE far Telford, when yon e&id yoa wore going partionlaf to beaten ihenld evagetsaE of jntwie, whai other ihould be used where golden bftir diatrastedlj, bat sbn partlj to many another wooian and told ma thii I bavu helped yna to a piotB» Hamilton is Carpeiiers and ."\V. E. MASSE V & CO. . j, E7PRYORT OFFICES sgaiaed her compoBufe, aiu forward And bave giv«B yon a sitting. There ta ft Tboois Hurting* aud Idwell MMOB or what jumthyii Edwards ii doing in passionately tunft of flowers tern- rain wateF is eaugbt for i G, ROEUiH, Cilitor m that we niMt oartf Ymf child bus no and fn the ud Bradbmy wonld ttart np a hondred ed into paradise, Tbink of oaf friends OOBAX ^. J. use). and told tbs HfTWtt to show him into Yea Bhall not tsU her. Yes will no rtuison why yoa shonld paint tbe old nuisinant cbowbt Bat what with heaven, o? (be xnnltttBdes ea earth who 811 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, N. J. the nom, ibe wan a WDID&B of instant truth to the world. But I ask you thi« thn fifth d.j of who wen very fond ef raising nnirb B PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, gu away and nOTOT ij»iUi to her. Think sad" u tt*v«ts r sad a passion for metapayiicg sane tiled rrretfil fey Ail brands of Ready Miser SGHtlYUER C dfltenriination, She drew tha eoFtalna When yen buow that fanr husband Is have bad vision* of the new song that Jobs mention*, and by tae grnco nf Usd? No difficulty in fruit tnrnsd into the orchard wbna tncim to the l nsit''fflae, P. O, Box, el the iitnatioB, Spare her, If yen do trees into the apra ipiiM lbs variant dasolegigt alluded to. aad each tree fau JO kinds of fruit at one Paints, Ocean,City, H, J, . » test tee room would be al*net spare me or yonr friend John Glud= lead and she breomni your Wife, tail guessing. 3 ia mmrUtii «t*, Caaa MTOBEOS A Will It V A VK. ward and faswed, not at fint lookiDi She Invei yen, Yoa will have every» ouaiotSoD, wjtb vision mierosespie and iftry? They &n viiiting their old «n> Stiperlntendent or Homcesopathist* iittk, and praimtlT a tear drop» thick enough far teS6 are jqp therefore to eon. gregationa M«t of these old miaiittrii CITV N. 1 , Muter in Cb*ne*rj-, Hourj Pubde. olcwlj st tho faw, ped on hhi chwk. thing, I nothiiig^iiDihiiig at all" planta are afbtgb • dads that ifan spirit will have no pow- teliteepia si the aamo time. A eoiiti* I hnvo came from jess hHiband," There was n note BO ihrilling, a gnM> at a gljince, n world is a second, floTo got thoij people aroaod them al- MAHSHAtL'S No, 037 Wesley ATsnui, CAPE MAY TOURT HOUSE, N, J Bat *ho did not Bfif. She was think- Boim nearly aa high *• er to make or eaten sweet Bounds? Qas> ! ie»dy. Whw J get to hisven—ai faySpee!Beiiiton»fqinIilied, be *aJ4 "My nuns li Mark Tolford"— her child, "Had joa not better en timbre to the VOICTH au planetary sygtem in a day, Ohriwti&n WILL •• ed at regolar IntervaniBndrilii not tbe BJHBI ting? Bow often we com. the grace ef God I am destined to go to OCEAN CITY ASSOCIATION OCCAH diT¥, H, 4, tjji I know," ihe jjitomiptcd. the Hiid at last "My dinihtw eisnnhoiy » nffwtiuf that f liueot snms tiquUite singing by say- John franklin, no more jn d tabled Em* IN OGfM CITY EVfBV WEDHESMT etarted, came a little nearer sad grasped tbo otliof's baud and fluid, "80 branqhai carefnHy . bns pnshiflg towKd the north pelt; that piaBe=,I will come asd see yoa aJL Kesldeut Phyaigjan, Lite of Phlla, may come at uy mdmont^" fag, "There wa* » innejj lODlfsbs Yea, I will came to all the people te Leander S. Corson 1(M organiiatltiD, aud ulso DIKING it ofBeo, H*»l Estate nd Lfti CBTiqualyathw, "Irto—lilft Roy- Be HH aad stood before her, " I bad help me Qod, I wilU" • his an rjrchaitipf anjaU ftaJte i Christian de hong, no more trying to OCEAN CITY al 1" ba eielftimed, ' '•All right," the branchoB forHug - whom I bate administered in the goi= FOB tABiES AUD QESTH, i all, aad I have lest it all." hi said. free bloekadtd JcauecttB from the i«; T, ABBOTT, Mi DM it la not an cr" pel, and to tha miJHoos of sonU to [JARRY S, DOUGLASS, John GladflPy/B wife?" Qoodby," He did apt offer bis band, HepK!p«rvd togo. At tbe deer Haps Christian LmtjgHtooe, no more amid CONTRACTING BUILDER. "He ii naj batband," (aid to him, "Shall I see yon again?*' iltntlar to t . In beans it will be all teal until tbe African maliuiaa, trying to make reve- whom, throngb the fciadueas of the No, 1821 torket Street, Physician and Surgeon, "Geodby, Where are yon goiag!" tody after awbJle come* np in tha tm- ptlBtiDg press, I am pertained to preaeh near Sin Ht,, Telfort folded his atmi, and, tbngh "Fur enough away to foj^ot," be rs= "Probably ia the morning, Good o nrTectioq, and thta there will be anlation of a dark mntinent, but all of A Moral REAL ESTATE AGENT. Tkrev pa«n EHI «f Cliy Hall, OFFICE Comer C^ntml and ElgbUl SlreeL Camii ellor »o,t - Law, pa^easd haggard, held himself firm)/, night" tvery week in this land and in the et< plied in a BhakJng voice. He niqked up Sfr ftflhd i«a imttttmeed in hit firm clsip additieBal beann, Cannot the soul them in ibe twinkling of an eye taking 'leonldnot hsTowiihed thta for my Telfotd went hsr>k to the hotel asS ia that which was once nnopproaehabift, tfirmast parts of tbi earth, I will visit Ocean City, K°, Jm PBILADSLPBIA, the photograph, moved bit hand ever it f l Msr? If it can bear, then it so bsr them s!L 1 gi¥e theni fair notice. Oar Seaside vest enemj," be nld at last, "GUd- wftly ii though he wen caressing tha onnd the hotso he bad ordered at tho Moat Blanc souled withnut aipcDflteek, thntifc&Eido Loth for eale at various prises. Some CAPE HAY GOURT HOUSE • J. minded him of some one, Both she nad maiia fie Hi therefere lei libs In departed fricuiis of the tuhiistry BIB BOW oey and I ban been nan than broth- Birlberaelf, lified it to hU lips, pnt it door. Ho get npat nuiTe. People looked Oho Glndney wheu they are in Bag? the coral duptns of • the ocean expiosd si d IiKUltd lu iill uf Q«aii City. t bim curiouslT, it waa puealiar to see etralgbt lows along the flat ptfild1 your boaKfaotd when tone stenbeE without a dicing bell, the mountains ' i» that dcketaLle eutertalB, given. FIRDI tfjd Resort STRICTLY TEMPERANCE. A BOURGEOIS, down, and thea siloutly left fha leem, land go once a year to Herri Ion. and an onfamiliu lo^. tet If^:"if'$$„ j!i the (iniH lit pn>i*rty L*fore theeeeood raUratd coaiB. t A B&n riding at night for pluaSBre, laves for heatftn, as it is in sema unbarred and opened without tiir Huni. pR, CHAS, Ef EDWARDS, "In nlart fcfbalin g "= sot looking bock. hey aro coiiituntly w-nding flowers mate, and BOt n mssh tb* "toy of> boasehnldd. that yon close the piano Bat what are our departed ChrMi^n Leu "Httsh!" fas intomiptcd. , "Dflfffl He went to bis rooms aad sat writ' aad, of course, it said be for no ether purey Davy's safety lamp. - KKiLs TO OEDEB raoM e A, M. TO S r, M. Counsellor-at-Law, "When will yea be back, altf' land," that foster* them," Bightt 2nd Bmiring tbe harp for IWD yean to- CHenOi wna la BH dtpattmentt of «• J huve a gond ninny liif]Uirie« fiir Pro|*rty between 8th and llth itrftb —DENTIST,— think anything JOB UKJ «ay can make Ing for a long tfrnn Bteadily. Ho did Atphena Riohniond sbriwed ' peet CaraliDa tetat thfttsmpeatni* I ' ' jbe flngera thit BSed to plsy on n« Ubnrjr of tha LfnJwn*, STEflMAN £ ENGLISH. Not Excelled PhJlidBipBia ui ma ftel worse than I do? I toll JOB wa folnR* were b&ff, flndiug their chief liuvSut? jirojM riy fur sale might do well to (five me their prios. p™eti«« in Hew notieetn e»iti*1 ofnervoBft Once of •or him by wciiriug a silk smh nudef to be tbs best in the SOBBI are still, Yoa matt What are oar departed friends who Good Roast Dinaeffl, with three Vefe- 1S14 Walnut Sti f^ bent on tho flfWf,^* *nto the groom's hand. "Sit up for ma, •hare* In the Aurora company. now! Stfldying yet, dot, iustead of a ing newf doing right on with ths as a jtfbre iin ti> (•»!! usi iir uddrwa " "•'' - PHILADELPHIA, ATLASf 10 urTY, N, J. and just abont BQ Basiownfn they am. Von uk ae, wort John Haward visiting dungeons; Contractors laiierB, 86 «nls«nls. Hfc" BBR saifiaJanoHi rijftntmng tiib The beast is • good one*" = "hia MarTi Telfam luy fleafl, George oombtned with oioiatnrt, I* .thA t! *'Do they ban mil harps and real few tboniaml volannjs uu a few Hbelns, (he dead women of northern and sontll- Ladles' Boom up-etiUre with LiOD3e» "What la tbe mefmago jen bHBg? company he bnfi flimtosl in Leudos and "The bat we have. Been a hunter, Hagar tried to take from bis Onset tho 1 all the TolnnjM of the universe open Health Restorer Ilkesamrofta, M'CLURE, HERITAGE & CO., to sake ttumpeii aad real organsr Ida set eru battleflelds still abroad looking for E, B. LAKE. A, HOWELL, oertain ether inttEtun Whnn he had fln-dr." ring which earrinl thn tale of bii life leaves, TheSOasi know, inaie winasna say poeititeiy before them — gipQkigio, gtuithologic, lueHBtH IS f Innerty, HeClun &. Co., He bep yoa to Uve with him again, iihed writing, three let ten lay sealed Telford nodded, itroked Ibe horsj'B and death inside it, bnt the hand waa ^S^^^MtftatBiMBB.Cttif eeuehelegie, botanic, RHttonnmin, phi- tl» wonndtd; George P#abe3y stili A?f*iu iitiioii Oflice, No, sail U^ Aveiiue, Oerap City, H. PURE SPEING WATER, tain sovenl thcnuand *•$ tbere an so saeb tbingi ia wtisbiDg the poor > Thomas dnrkgofi DRUGGIST! AND CHEMISTS , and joe? ehUd, ^opepBrtybe and stamped opOB the table. One was neck and fltartod. He redo down toward ilinehed so that it oonld net bri openei tha owiiff hope* to •ujiui do not know, but I shanld net be inr- Ko more need of Leydea jars or PJiH, ud wofklDg Finest lacilities ior SlfiHT, d" to Jehu Oladuo?, eiie to the tbe gate. He saw Mildred Margrave Two years afterword, when ha bad wan pi Us or electrio batttries, stand- •till leoking aftfif the enslaved, all ef lt 112 Market Street, Pniladelphli, •ettled on yon for yonr lifetime he'will year sbrat 1,000 poundaof ptispd if ibe God who made all the tsetewfaodid B .-id on earth bosier sinoft Jabbln •ettle on yonr chili tfnUl thia part fe* HadBon Bay company and one to a eo» coming towiiTil him. his fame tbrongh two pictnrni called tag as they do face to fate wjtb the fasts PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS Dealers! In Pure Drugs, O, 1 which will retail at $t and soaaaiBP, and all the hills, and all death than bflforec ^he tombstone not Room 2. K*S»I iai»i* aoit Lin? Buiiaini, Oi**n day* bs wit himaolf poor. Today ha is lisiter in Jj^ndon. There waa another "Oh, Mr, Tclfoifdr' she said, "Yen The Dlseevw" oiid *'Tho SaqHel,' of the BDivtfsA P Mdid Painta, Oils, ete. citr.N. j, poBiid, lart y«ii bl«arpp tbe fOHstB, and all the mine* of the the termiBU, bat the starting post J. Laban Headley, hontatly, a* yon inav unsealed. This he put in taii pocket, He •orsook os toslfty, whieh was unkind. ho told hii newly married wife of this. COO ponads froin an ai«a of 16 earth, and all th* growths of tbe ui. What ani ths hi^toriana driiig now? What are ear departed Ghrintian friend* BAKERY, it«t! Faint*. iBinirSDEe 0sn«¥TilBilBC> ook the ether lottefl! Bp, wrait down Mamma saTH^he h«» Been* yon, »he And he also eiourod Murk Tolfgrd'i tittidying history yet, hot not the bk- This ifl eonsidijfably betto. Into wai I flhonld.no t be rarpriBwl if be ! who fonnd their ebief jay in stBdjisi CARPENTER AND JOBBER, Sailinggunninffetc- 801 South Twenty-Beoond Street "And If I n not willing to be roeoa- stain and p»)t«| tbeni^ Thttn ho asked teUa me^tiiiit yon iiro a fneiHl of my aams of cownrHiee in ht>r sight, for cotton at thepreajntprioaB,!ioto could, if 1» had a mind to, make a few tery of a few ttnturirt of our plaijeE only. 'God doiogDQW? Studying Gori jet. No i f dlsd!" the ball porter to order a linrso for rid> tepfitther, Mr, Oluduej, Thufg njca, which she Waa gnii^fiili . • bnl Hit hietery of the etiisitiii—wliole uttrfitiDn to Jobbing Building Lbts and The garden oontolns shsabi bsrpa and tnunpets aud organ. Grand " need Of revelation sow, for, unblarjched, Hirul! s Wlndr.w iind "There was ne eonditifln." ing—the L«-t*t muunt in the stables—to tor I jikeyoa evx'p Huiuueh, yoa know," It is fKBuibln flint JoliB Qlndney and BUlennmBjs bMfor« Xenophon or Ho- pBd M fclndii r from tea eld Sayan, sick and wornoat, was ear- jthiy Mi faeejo faa KowthiFMB ef milt w»rk. Net G, THOMAS, bo ready at tbo doi:r in an hoar. He She zaUed hi-r wunn, iiit^lti^unt oyus to Qeofge Miitfju* understood Murk To!ford rpdotus or Mo^e* or Adam Was born, lee Cream, 1C«M, Frozen "Do JOB know all tha clreoniataQesaT rirf for the last time into lie mono handle the omnipotent thuaderbblts repiilrcd, Picture ifiiiii?*; bud nil kiiidN qj The Liquor Traffic anJ Its: again went fe his rqoni, pnt on a riding Ji "I've felt giij»s you J-UJUI* ytalef. better tbau the woman who ball, There be heard his oratsria ef ths History of oue World, history of all inelwork. Fruit* and Jellies. INHALATION I Wd ho tali yuHf" •nit, ease down und walked ont norora ay that I'd seen yon bofurv, imE iuuin= Asia 1 also what afa tbim aU just as a child handles the iword of a Improved Property "No, he did sot tell me. Hs laid him- At least they think so. bride, wbicB art considered "Oreatios," History says that a* the worlds. What are eat departed aatrono* father came bask from victorioa* bat, Jlllt.lOth at] kindred eviJs are former pro-j No. 108 Market St., Jie caplanade aflrt Into the street where mo siifg that's iniptwiblc, You don't *lle«thjy mera doing? Studying oitroiioiny yet, WeddlB)^ and Evening Euttrtttln- that he left JOB gnddetily for s reaeun. prqiltalile, and Oeyliffl hyhrida, snbeitn eame to that famous pasaee, tie. They hive no sin; BO fear, eonse- hibited by deed, j FOR HALE UV menla a Specialty. Evfryihhig to fur. IB29 Arch SI, Phila., Pa. Hagur's roduis •»*• ni They wure Hght- remember nie?" to emng to"Let there be light!" the whole audl. bnt not tbndgh the dull lens of tanh= E. LAKE and whea ho wlalifd to ftstura yotdn. He went to the hall flour, uiiyued it are obtjilned by mUlng tbe Md o£;' • i*s qtiesUT, StndyinH Uhtist. not tbrongh filNh the table and net free «f charge, wosld not have liiui That wiu HIL He "I didn't ii'meiiitef yna," hs said, pbroAstUn or CeyloB enee row ang cheere4 and Bajda ly observateiT, bat with one itrske of a reTelatiSB iafe the revelption of the Every lover of Temperance | quietly and entcrttl the hall. He tupped "I wlsb I Wt-re going ftiir a ride, too, wing going right out to Jupiter aad HOTHIRO SOtP OR BELIVIBED PHILADELPHIA, neTer spofca bnt kiudly of jyt" , The pfutiiidtiiif unnisouieins for tha grade, . . waved bis band toward beaten and , sears—that deep lettering which brings anl BniUer FsiconiH in ptiou, Asiiiaiiia, Bron. p " the. door Of Hagar'a sitting loam, Aa in the monullKJft- I nit-aii luumuiii and Mats and Mercury and Saturn f and Mbrals should combine to j OH He was a good man.' British priviiita, liiuii i^cFJ The throbs grow tls ftat •aid, "It eases from there!" G?tr* f it all ttp quiek esoagb, itndjiBg tbt ^ Ocean City, I. J, K he did so a BUrriuit ciitut! oflfi aud, in and yen, Vim ritk m wvll m you itwt fa* Orion and the Pleiades, AshnfjAienui, Oiiin'CHf, NJ. eblllm Dyspepsia,Camrrti, i" ball, rarely OUHBIHI ilio ri they reqnir* a large emoBnt of nonrish;' whelmed with bis own mnafe, bs WM i Chriit of the Bethlehem caravansary; help us, I' "I will toll TOO wli* be left nn BB K qnofition, said that Mr, Hugiir drive, of cqamji'' 1 tbej aad passing the swiftest comet i REAL ESTATE AMD officer*, and tho nAMcr. when od dittf, ment and cxhaast a large area of gronirt: 1 „ 'tipft eat to be tha aarried eat jn bis chair, and si ba euna | tbi Chriit of tbi awful rnataaope. with Enllmiitefl g[V#n. BolldifiBB crppii'd by COB Fever, M learned, no niuit* how, thai I had ast had gone to the T*mpe heti*! and would "I wish yuu WflTii poing with Bio," to the dear be spftad his hand toward Sight. Bfirsebel died a Christian, tract or aay, Jebblng pFornptly uttf ntlcU t< • hack directly, lie went in and siit finding atliHtid lufjjjirttouliiroeonpatidn Shingles or straw a» plaeBd;-ov«-.tbB:^^;i:.., its faimfflrzhsgio f head and haad and beea married, aa I toirt I had," he replied, He KiuliliTiiy rvurhmi dwwn plants when the first ihoota appear;'md^y;^^ the orchestra as In faeaedtetion, Haydn yea any dotibt about what Hcrsehs! U feet and side; tbe Christ of tbe shit, She looked op, u if etpecring him todown. The eBTtuiiM were dniwii hack bis band, "HIKM uight," Hi-r hiind hieh Was niirinloM. witi indirectly doing? Isaae Kiwtoa died a Uiiristian, driven te Ibat whk-li was tiejons. He eycrycafe Is lakes ta protest tben ftom> waa right when he waTcd his hand to- tered aatisoleum; Chriit tbi iasriflse, HOWELL 6L STEELMAN, •peafa. He said sethiBg, bat fltood with between tbe two rooms. He gaw thewas iwallowni in his lirtii fhiKpfiif a wajd heaven and said, "It come* from flan roe any donbt about what laCB LJS STONE/ iihd all Chronie and berefdFe frequently huiook himself to froet notil they have reached m*fttiffiih&m the Star, the Son, the Man, the God, tk* Fine Fain ei teed on tbe ioofa , . eaflcli, with tbeir baflw to the archway. moment "Gi>d bh«H you, dwu!" he li of two a three fart, wfctt fl^r r ther*L" Minis was born in heaven, and Kewtoo k doing? Joseph Henry died a Sod.Man, the Mui>QqiL CONTRACTOR ANQ BUILDER! -1 ftdHttittefl,too , that I kept nlivs He rose, went in and looked ut tlie addedj then riiiwd liis imt quick h* aiiil the (ro# onsi eaay" eDftirfatnnients of Cbriitian. MATS yes any dosht atost Railroad, JfervQiM Disorders, robber jiablicans, whoss yi-MTig hardy aad ean withsta it will if ef have its highest throne in the memory of a man who bud played iketehca in tht> dim liplit, was gone, •••/•^Sfli what Joseph Henry is doing? They wi« Bat hark! The bell ef thn cathedral HADQQHHELD CAMOEH eSUNTY, H. j. Alway-ttiefnabaitapa i**l lobe found In af stBpid uud coarse fnu was f t » heaven, and I want yoa toaiidersun d an'evil part la mf life; that I UolioTed ^ started, flimln cl aud )ii» Hps dfrw "I mart hitve winiitilfil hiin of some g In diseassion, ail these sstronaoers ef ringi=>toe cathedral bell of binViB, Eltltnatai ifi , PJHBH anSpe Steamboat* Las BulldlnK, Hooiii 3, n«* ored T#H, choice bfsBdB of tSBee, by heavy ejEponditiire in dfiuk, at to tfaat oar departsd friends who were pas> r,ir lih«L Can f Ive [wet of rtt. H bu bttuitt u» for B«rlj •qytrter of a I cared for him itill, more than for my back OTCr hi« i«th with un aniin:i!lik« oae,"th« prJHitid tahvm-lt "Hu mid, dartag the ywr. The •iOBBtsly fond of Basle bete are now at earth, abont wbat the aurora benalia Whatii the matter BOW? There isge< D agus meevfin more diBWpntnliln resort. The Ing to be a great meeting in the temple. And all other Spice*Spice, HHftlsin-, Dried H«f,, Hnttef and flereenew, htif iBi'medintuiy b God blosa J-IJH, dciir!' " fitewn bypfaftiBg, bat a» the headquarters of harmony. I think wu, aad none of then could gaesi. SEASMOBE SPICIALTY, OCEAK CITY, N, J, »nd Bore thin 1®S phjujelans tftmi'ei f faesi aaRilty, WelfBsd wntn oar- (at Ged'g gako, yea do not poeed npain. He got two, pieanre of Krirdening WUH egld shofll* than 11 raised by the needing proses, They knew BOW; they have biea oat Worshipers all eqming threoph the hiiMd by ctutoffiert No loaa In lt Abont tii at tii«« Mrs, D-'tlnr n*wi¥fd dared, for enrrifHR art inoTitubly nttonft- that tbe grand old rhnrefa tunes that iBflid IS pyrehaaerji. brought them and *>t tlmiu f>n 11 k telcifnim rruiii the dnr>ti>r (if a Louden When the shrab U aboat thnsfwl died when yoor graadfathers died ban there to see for thems s!?es. aiiles. Moke room for the Conqueror. L, S. SMITH & CO,, Htiip In and raskB MlectlanH Ito bat, M with wwds. atld wnesis refasa W* Christ staudifiR in the temple, AJj GODFREY & INGERSOLL, II Ii »Ki=(>f*bls. There Is SO ¥e#, I meant you tbsQ, Bnt when between the (•iisvls, Tiii'ii he wit down hcflpital. It niiii . . high, the hnFTBitini al; tbeitta bfto gone with them to hearen. Wben thosa Modern Conveniences. nep iftertante, eef «!ckeB!n rji«t Bba frfflbMi -uicii in PWisailpbialbi , fas went awny, when he prtwfsl himself pgw Byniinetrically, so n ehtnial blafl* and this is perhaps the nwrt inter*BtiHf What an ear departed Christian ud Rtndicd rii» piiim'<"f« Alt huBbftiiil hiB>, Wfta Isaiiiy inlnr«6«P 6? Order* By mall pretaptly aileBaedIJQ^ AU of grass was expelled as nii im ea]sr Ja« !^WI; taaa died, they did not stay on earth, ahemuts deiagjf Following eat their IEHL E3THTE MO IMSURRKCE goods to the KmoBBt Af 110 and upward a*, fo noble, I changed. I learuod to faato.He laughed enoy willi « dry SgjiiiiUia l.lHt nlniit. Wlah™ ta •« stage of alL Afmedwlttfl^kMfc^ and they eoald iiot baFa biea banished Who loffd the benatifBl eeme to look eltimcnlail whieh wi in coniiknlly fecslUac flvertd free of ChirgS *t an¥ nttlnad ttntlon the memory of tho other miUL Bnthe the fleldband eatt off in MsyabMt h^t own science, following oat and follow, at the EosBOf Shama, Thesawho loved IB AliaoUs Of C*pS«ay «BBty, , "Thii ti'lls bur Ptnry to perdition, acd so I think they mustlag oat forever. Sines they died they CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS R0B6RT i FISHER, raw those she hits Mf4 |f,publ|»hed with the amo bask fas awn, I said things mad' There «u a train leaving for London la ISfJi 1 rnniToly petirroil with af tbe iea^ aad saalte bfinotai'?!|f BBRio sons to listen to bii voice, eiprnia pemlHlsil in wfitiHE of tbe pttienU. He iii equal to hia inhji^r. To bt< the. growth has been healthy, 1 be In theeerfIdsasf aJtbastar and Lib- bave solved ! 0,000 question* which pa«V So, 6S Aiburj Avenue, , Thousandi of lots for sale OCEAN CITV, N, J. yngsl did not mean. He wen| in tht aendfWi Wiitl, well!" m half boar later. She made ready hu, fsw raigyniiiitte msisli- nl!ni« (he uulaide Those who were mathematiciiins conja edging ef my hat, and wnh i in mediately throws out a new foliage of aaoa eedar. •ltd the earthly laboratory- They stand If SBB contemplnteprft-tlngnnhe fesiiJeiiFe Plea,* ftfisppt mr H!B«N) tstltyds fer the LOW IRIOBi. •gals. And then afterward I knew that Hi hporti the flnttT rlnnr itptn; tily. ineloied tbe telegram in an envel- to count the yeara ef his reign, Thqsa at various prices, located In al REAu ESTATE ANB ,^dr>d life orTiippiilMil anil B«lsh •nd *leor nllod to order by the onca These an the tea luva«f eom>: In BleedlH* BHtlfc' on the ether aids of the thin wall of |L will pay j6n to eeniiult HH. OR Il ope addressed is George Hagar, and, BY atid UHfBlnB* IhU ibe CJompound OjyK<*B nil merca. They will ran from one to iwte' I remark that those of OBF dfr- parts of the city. U!n!f sifrB iiie. "X in Klad of that, upon my »ml!" ana ease forward to where be aat Tueirhen Ae wa§ •tarting, sent it orer to f ^#titta^ftwmalltt« the depth and the While I wa* a!WSJ1! SoBiili1*rM a laid Telfofd, letting go u long breath. hto rooma. When be feeeiTCd H, inohra in length, according to |bs i jrarted Chritiiui friends who ia thia divide the pbviieal from the spiritnal All kjnd" of real e-f ie Lou«bt.riou« dlwrdf-rt. bad prsved blmsdl a Mind tolean , if grafel drearinons, jinil when bin sqct-ea= ed "fiaihisg,'' The i It, j They belong to KgIrnents in times pbonio aud iileirBphlo apparatBi, bro= law come to look at him who it tha Best Home and Foreign Companies, INSURANOE AOES I', Iff friiiiiit'uid phpieliinii Hwegntl would efl band toward tho piefares, "I hope dfawingaway, "PerhiipBit is bet= ^BdnolDdfttbat to d peace. The? eannet bear a drm^ a • ken tbrongh froa the ether side by KB. LAKE, 6i« THJIf I atn *Bllr*Iy eusd ef dr»» OCEAN OITY, N,J, posalble, when bi was in America. I ter w," be nid, "fof her Bake," tor, Hir James Scurtpif. sofforod Foaie oics nro nurtrally those that 413 ilARKET ST., UAMWEK, JOB lad them truthful," jndge of quick aad dean. The men who Reiitf ug t[Ri«'lN at hand. If you w«t s 8uba,« hone, write m# enjay afl(6l» af food thfti I fi«vij 1 the most flushing, ' At Pinehnr** ! fife without !fjing to keep step to the mange iuflnenoes wfaiefa mid in tbeur SlBi»> b*.ft« lii all mi Hfs. For tBe n»t Open all the ymt, Raeffla hoe to ist bin and my dattghtw." • That Bight the solitary ranch) abnat vagranr heather lo obtrude its pp healed the tick comotojook at his wha aud .price list, Fr^e rarriap itrvk-e te p«i)o« g iaveilOB, Ff^wUM !w »1* Mi to if Dt, M BBPJ te l»n "I End tbeni( a* I said, intcfeaHng. •BBtia, They are Christian, ud when ignorant call iplritualiitfo tnaLiifeata- Secretary, H jnr I lTa»e brtB up aid lEelBg la iue>nd hfalth, for tliise d«lfIng it, For mma, et«,. "WholitteBaur' \ TheywillruakeaHenHltiow. And ia then rrfdoa were traveled by a solitary bl poor Sir John flpnrativtly is the largoit nuinher of tJont A11 that natter eleared np, They WBB . wounded for am tfansgrasiaas. Nlh (liffletent • If or H lafea IOIDB part In doai™ "Ms, Qeet^H^ir," = wept at the deMfhstiun. "the sight tte 66*808,-*"^ they light they fight ea the right tide. AH dJnVreiit fltid differEBt forever in Ue *prk of ins iMo#t lateriou B«un> *• m* addreau anything sore ne«awaiyT Ton are aHorseman, riding bard. Mark Telford's la the i Mow, when these our Christian friends laughing at ug u older brother* wiU SgfejJTH STBiET AND ASBUPiy AVENUE, -ir*fi(rth iwntlnuw ia imprq?e, ilBee invtiiK oH Mi«« M. A. BOYLE. AttiiEge light shot from Tolfad'i lucky man, and yoo have the ability totot aBbitiea when a Bhild wa^^» rideqnite pfliai me," he oiclainiod in pite- den" hi Boston i teaay reipfpfa, ye| yi alike in admlta. ISRAEL B. ADAMS & CO. OiiPb I fe-I tual I ean cdljielelitlBBSlr rmro- "Hagar y a. fortunate man," he OBBtonwand with avertwiojM,—BladM Wbb bad natural aad powerful military laugh at ineiperieneed brotbirfl, aa thej tioa fef Ciirist, is womhip for Chriit, Ocean' City Asso'n, EBRBd ihti»aiiii*Bl,Bnt onir Ifl euw (prof Idjd take advatflge of it. fw, 1 greatly ad bone, As a man he liked honsoi nl« •pirit entered heaven, they ttitsred the ieeniwlth contracted broweKpfifinent* V domtort' 1lp«ilaiiiafegoi*r«d), bat to Be Mid, Ths dreamily: "Yoa bftve a mire your ability. I ean do that, at molt better thnnniPB, The cool, itirnng wood's Ihs and all alike in joinfuginlhodoiolggy, danghtffi. Iwiih to God that—flat ean thisoigiuiiEatiQn of thsfteej oilwtial anay. The door of beafen ing aad eipsrimenting, only wishing "Unto him who waihed an from OH \ HOTEL Al^LEN, ]taj>thongb we aweuenites, I iniipoie," rash of wind on tali fose oa ho rode was waa a notable event if Ithalihek •oMettr apeni totyo o hear a aj| they eoald show BI tbs way to open all Real Estate ? Insurance ._.j; Flnfi.lt" idlivii" .••".* Hia words woro utterly wthout of the keenest of delight! Ho was enjoy A He* t thaa 1st* •iaa in hii own blood and madade eii kiap '•The Oljpn TBUfntPHl I fiu *-nt M fer C, O, OCEAN CITV, N, J. life, Early last yeai the t teafiBmttii!B> David erfed oat, "Ths,the mjiterlM, AguaiE, ffanding BSid d i "Yoo did- set asem to fjars when I nss. A melancholy smile played on bis lag. the ride with aa iron kind of bn So much has been said of late abori* were madoto prodnes, ebarint* of God an 10,0001" ] bJa ftudent expIofrifK down in Brazil. j. aad priests goto Gdd, to hitn be glory R, CURTIS ROBINSON, Sir H», s^Sf •«», eB* of PIT mNoiiiris from wrote and told yoa teat the waa dead, the blackboard and thy slate as jucon- ia the efaareh throafihouf ftllogoi, wsld Wnt Afnca, wbfli« llfeWJlio jBO>*rnron »e= Centrfilly located. Open all the year. Upi- Agata Hagar bowed, bat did netmat, fef there was ia his tbesght* a tistio playft and althoagh {__.__. «W the ntonntain* filled with aejestial soming acrwi ismo great iioTelty in tha ARCHITECT, EDnnl ef lung inufalB asd > i Heated roome. Eleetrie light, Artealu "I da sot fliink that 1 cared then, •peak pictnre., "The teaad'• sequel for Hi Teuient aud in sanitary that n notelty wilhont end." Amen. , 1,411, Inl biati ft Uw Building, now !«ilflHi fiM spjlly bPB*il„_-_ blaekbonrd is wurth mentioning. Thii RgBlor cgnipany, the de^oeof i ttrmlry, it, John laid, **Tijfl armiei nokf, taking off hii hat and saying j water, Bsnltsry dalnBge,. Baides"— Telford went era, "Ws are gar's Brash tomorrow, '* be aald a* he attaiBfd wits gtatifying. Ama, ms0^;^\ *BJe& an ja beavm foUowad him on "@estiemsH, let as J raj, WemUtbave To ihow JOB that yonr departed BeaidMyoa lowd that other woman, la made ea the fallowing principles A friends are more alive than they eftt CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. ATLANTIC CITV, N.J, to hi* wnr¥ IB AffJefc and taleft^Is udyet I ban done yon BO harm. YOB panfled en && topo f a hill to which he plays prodnwd vtem "BmtfVf" m^ wbitohottBSL" Sam, when those who Bm quality sr sew Verk und ud my ehUd wu nothing to 700, *• the •beet Of ferentid glass of mitnblo else Js 1 divine illBmiBafiob, We want wigdota were, to mako yoa hqnjnsiok tot hetw, Real Estate and Insurance, .9.C.G0FF. '_ injured me, have innlted nxe, and bad ootne from the highroad and look bthe HliakeipFueiiB dramas. GafifjiSal^^ bad tfipf afUtef spirit« earth *aoeti- Item the Greater to study these neks. STONE •aM with low Born. "I have swoher edroand npon the widaiit vUl rt •et Into a very firm, tbla frame, Thii ^to** ea, to give yan aa enla^pd TJIW> ef of Deeds for " • l*eBUH, Has YnrS* Hs T. yet 1 do sot resent it, whieh is stmnge HiKiplniftaB'ii "Hnanele" followed, iptfl;^^ Plans and sppc!fieit?ons fur* ly lt 1 i MsnteMClorr, Isnppose they right He made then, tmt na praj," .^gaaii 3^ "& CB grdjrs GARWOOD HOUSE, la London. I am glad—glad that *be as my friends iu a wilder eonsrry weald most tpietnUil qaiet in the i frame h hinged PO BI to iwing Into aa> hod to ba given 18 timek ttwii--—— '^-" awnymlirted in iome bftavenly sam- the gloria to be reTealed, I hata pniah* .other frame attached to the walL This going right on with bii 'itudtes fytevs ed tliia Bernea, nished, Money to loan on First Mortgage. He got[off bii hone and took eat a ro= being large and eathnsiastio. p*Jgn. They velBnteered right away, •BdlofeVir, If os, 744-46 Asbury Avenue, AalopiBw i* tbs tit!« sr*b»k 7!9,**CHtnl i It olieked in Ms han4 itatiooary portion is fitted with a hpok Teniii JOHN MoALEKS'E. IA** for ide at South Atlantic City of ae pas|ii pubtlibed hy DPI, Btarkey £ Balsn, Ha^rwaiimpfa»ed,aff«te4 "How aged bylblssigB of Th*n rnert needs bo la baven aoldieis n« Ma* at th* £>•• 1 board, covered with black canton flan- 14S A^BUHV AVB, OaSiAS CUV, N, J. trhteb elfil to all inq.ulren full iBfamiMfeB aa aclAN ClTYi New Jaraey. have I injured yon! By paiBtinithewr Ko," he said, patting 1% np again, aanageiB leased, a T«B|fl Ban)* Waf BUa, nei, ^olvoteeu er eergc. f civet*™ giving M «ltt a soldierly spirit. Then an grand Bat what are the men of the law Diilibtful LMMIOB. Ail1 thilUtai, IB "sit here,. It wonld be too damned Kgaii& enmpaay pttpde daja, whtm a» King sevtowith* Ihe last of Arthur Yonag'a tar*j anri to this rem»rlf»bls euralif i ai*nf, and * f*«rd nrnrenispts. UOOM Heated Throughout. "The injuty i§ thin: I loved a woman the fiest effect. When the swing ing gloss who in thii world fonnd their eliief joy OFFICE: HEAL ESTATE AMD UW BUILDING. | of iyppplafBifeUPBaiBPWWs I»M* »I ea»»= toagb on the bone, after riding ie harf, series ef reniarlsableL teoeiBL "Then BSM b* arjatd taeetl name, Mr, Arthur Yonag of Bradflela OOMAN Q1TY, N, J, Open ill th«J-Mr. ud wrongfld her, bat not beyond repa- i« pnuhed firmly into ths frame, it prwses Jn the. legal piefeawiea, what HI ibej .(Opposite nepet) , laer of them aft*r asiBt abaBdoBea te die fir ration. Yearn passed. I saw her andto leave bin otitall night" siaft pUyR, new and old, -mat wm to briag up froa, garth todoing BOW! Studying bw ii a onivasi Ball, Soffeli, having Kctfitly died," thJN MM, H, QARWOOD. On the ?el¥oteon backing, the gronnfl lystorio property is fa ailg, lie orig- J.M. Chester &Co., otliiif phy*|BiilM Will b» nmlled lr« Bur her BtilL She might still Donated again. Ho saw before "Ptfiver of Darkm*" WB* wberi eVferythiBi ii eqnrrdliid by law Ocean City, N. Jm addfeH DB appiteatlBB, * him a fine stretch of ineer at an msf ah •arfaoa is, of morss, dnttide. This makes thifl aleso was'tt Inwiitlfijl ran : the flight of hsmmiog bird te itud manor honsa. in which tho great loved me, bnt another BIBB cams in. It a blagkbonrd that may be and eithe^ fof moat be oraaades era laana-received naesf tho nmstdis- waa yoa. that was pne tnjnry. Tbit_ cent, He pushed the horso on, taking a _wgilits Uteratwa; flight of woiJd—law, not dry and hud REAL ^TABKiHf A 4iiJ enssed wide^- toisg ittod put f& mas partof GaTi and drolgiBgt bat righteona and mag. tingdished men sad women of thii* Ha took np a dandle aBaTiia it lo bs, Thar* ig abiD a white back, which daMinfeoi battle*, bloodla^ Money to loan on the sketoh of tbe discover/, "Thii ii <%me OTOT the highest point of the hii imrtw^^r An. nifleent law, vbifore which ttsn and trrn^. wna replaced many jma ago by » si full speed, ttt1 hleed was np; like it nay be nsad. This forms an anmirable (MM. naliittas—angftl, of evil (a bs _ ___ Gothic Baefiso, bat the iuTronndings 1S23 Aroh SL, Phllidalphli Pi. peifect in it* art and chivalry, ebirnb and seraph and archangel ud CHESTHDT STMET, PHILADELPHIA,! Heaths girt. That U right" He hold aasta's, Ths hill below this point gild •arfaoe ttr eolm*neolmdd erayefiserayefi.. If i t ipi (Wthoritiw to I down aadfoBght out other febtllioei God binge!f tew. The chain of laware little ehanged since Fosav Barn Funeral Director, euary to copy or practici e In geometricat l warJdi te be eoQfiQe&a, wflfld* tote the Daks de Liiiseourr, and manj rn Insurance Agents, the eandte above the neoond sketch. donly ended in a quarry. Neither, hone D phty by It^tekhui rlt i long enough to wind around the in» -SKU1B IS— 120 SoiKf St Sin FrinoUoo GlL (Oradnat* Mat*, Bubal ming College^ nor man knew it BStii the yielding air designs or flown™, eboeta of papet con* pattotbi tettt, wartdi to bs«a?ed, 1 hktfiric pewfjiusgta Tiuitcd it in (he - "This," he mid, "is Rdmirablo as art that Bqit&tfef ^e jjli^i^ meuJtia and infinity and : taining thenT pre plaeed betwiaa the ta be nak, world* tobfthotot. ecitnrj. \ ajat*U, eottaga and lots tor HiSi rent er K< and firtion. Bat it IJ £etion. I have no cried over their beads like water over a bavt been stHg%d _ _ Chain of law.. What a place to aM Hettflos, I Hart R«itnd af Hum mil Dili fftgii. drowning man u they fell to tin) rocky booking and the gloss, iha outlines show- Beddei that luOQr own world then Bmdfleld Ii a gwmi rustic spot, ss> PI hope that yomwlll ehaijgelt. I think A aomber of great foreign' law, where all thfl link* of tbsahaiy ym wonld make s mistake te do so. ted far beneath, lag tbrangh perfeel Iy, ^-Kew ITofk Ledf- MBtettletfortberfghlud •re in tbe hsarL, '"'. „,;' • "",•polled by the speeniativQ builder. Glow JBAN Bi|il5ii Vmrn,; mm taait tentha JnaHB> Ton Wild sot have the situation, if the An hour »f tef Telford breams con liiiek, Victor Hugo What are eat departed ChritHaa to the park gata of BradHeirt HttU ia tht •dons. ' The harm was breiilliing pain1 old London rood fellowi-d by Arthni O. ADAMS tenth was painted. Year nudieueo win ?2 Btrftttmaijcoa wero friend* wbo in thii world had their Joy BOt biife the villalB aj the iBjsrtd BOB, > fully and groaning beside him. With the healing art doing now? Boijai Teong wh»i Betting fiwth for hiflBnmy William Woodwiird of Baliipore average receipts 1 of Franco on the eve of Ae rerolntiot " We» yoa the injnred man?" bia unbroken am * tlkirold bunnw, NodfclEMs* i heaT- justice of &e Peace Sill or RML Bs lifted U to htt Up*. who recently died in taat ei^ was ; B And fwk opposite those gats is tbt OUALITY OF Atfleflpti, STONEHILL & ADAMS, f Bi* ipaee tt ««f«fl »» TeUbd put the candle in Hagar'i , madJatod. Thoiie glorified aonli Ufa" 'She ballet wound I received on tha! He then drew the revolver to his own willingly' eoming down, not to laiy doetor'* glf, HAVE YOU (II VtS*ti (H HHBn line praMfIf} , NO, ii SOUTH SECOND ST., Ha *•1 verr quiet ud •peke ia=s temple, but paused, "He, (fipalian, ajiil wart connected, aa toiiehcr , _ ^_ ioaBjotion, Yon Aithw Tenog bsesoia blind In Jju Window Frames, fUM the back." bs said, and HUperiHtgutlcnt, wiih the. Swiday ki at OU ago and eiahsinfod apecnlatiTS agri STONE Beal Estate anfl insurance, ui|End«| is, dear, meditative TOU*. "Yon aro right "Th6 other man tried to play bg," he said. "I'm a dead mas any fact thiit* ainttOt DDdaatand why that patient got CHEW'S 1 thin* aha hatta me. Bnt ym aa " aad ftll back, leheoi ef It, Potcr's Episoopiil ehnrct »eU •itw^ tWakjlllBl doctor. b*d cHltorefw prtachlBg, When enjoyiflg Blinds^ MoIdingSj CITY, ]f. Jf, dn. HmsUtha soar. Ho posed aa the BaltimOH, ftom 18 Ifl niifil eie year agOi tie liospISaillty of Bradfleld Ball {a |889, wrong, too, for *he hai forgiwn M& " avenger, the ben, and the gentleman. I hsaiing whea the agony oJd ba mm dia, Ffcrhipf A v SashjDoom "f OB bin HBO betr* ibe e^A him He felt the gray damp light on K pcrigd of 16 years. In inhgth ef serv*' '----' hin^-AhnEHiabie, wbnt iffff I learned tliat a oosAgeflai'lan ltTlijg a! n oiled the eoward and the vaga los tliiB recdrd in thodght to be f Bay St. Eftmnnds still b i bend! Ho Bafrted the girl." bit eyes, though he could not see, dsotoiing tha boaiai BraeketSj TumingSj HARRY HEADLEY, * y Bif teofcfraaderedte half raised his head, "God—bk«—yen, patted, ,£0 autt his vote fnr pnsidont •Hha blind sqoirt" LAKE BROTHERS toble frheKsa WM a photograph Bd rtirttd to pot so hl| fee Jobs Qnjnoy ; Adams In 1824. and to fi t till p^ l House, agald.' Hagar caught his anh and held dear!" ha said. And that endeS it. Perhapt A iDgleSPIkte herdanghter. Ho glaueed «tt it Jtew He was fonnd by the workers at *Bted at every iiatieiial. election since, J, In France" a few A look rf ainfrttlar nt^t«nent «prang W it The elnsp tvai emotional and iriend Daring the war he was a I ansnld sol naadcf If A?§nw«. E. CLINTON & CO., ly. •'Will yon stand to for a moiuentl' qaarry. In Herriden tothi s day-*-ft al biieya. "That to ywf daa#tiW" sl hafeppned yean ago—they speak ol theihefoderal cataeassee, $$A ;j& ' wm* moeh bctta- fawwa BbaMelfstdher oead,/ ba laid, VJuat K, that I Bay = yotsd the tk-pabitemi'flfiket. taungftoeb peopk than ata«i( "Th»t:jott,may paint in the trott Hadioa, Bay eompaBy'i m»n; who mewold»mdif'f Hpp aade thai terrible leap, asd, biokea all A full supply conitantly on W. Ho, Ion tti. talking as tho man. As an , TW. OrniBKfflUl?srl I photosroph nd held it. lerntiiiising it aktiat yoa were wise to «dck io yonr to pieces himself, hod hoart enough to MmMnMr tM Preprietor. hand, and under cover, «*abei» i?^1 tbarep^ Jn * eoU ^ * miBrafy. Theitary It 1»» aatratl thai ihs pope intflndi to 1008118111,11(1 8 8. TEITB3T,, fl«t ooneBpttoi = It bad the beat of io * now iiripulsa to Ontlioliri Boeial Orders left at No, 759 As= All uana if stawtlHlnriE asd and 90 nineh in- ayun Oetsa titj- S buiy avenue will receive Imme Real Estate and Be turned ftwor n fseefmm p excited because the Hudson ill tore to the wmyaa, "Sfe* !• a*jr cibiU. B^f eompanj seat an 1 officer down diate despatch by tdeph 101 OPEH FOB 8E1S0IJF ISM. bOiy Mm, .and OIB sew fottaed A laol only 6a ; Insurance nuidono aittspn toyott that 'eompany WM; reprtseated by *-*• and daties of ; Lnmber Yard and Cffice thjw ttrtea: dlr»torsy that.;." THE PIONEER BAKERT MM it n fonl'8 bwljwa* followed to i SAMUEL SCHURCH w oobatft #em;Maga* went to weft •" """ •": ~ '" ' WUitwii.n> * «*^^l^W*«dl«eh^a ,•,.;;•;-\.&j:$/^X^* **&??*;fj^^f^!:',:' ' fVBrHnowtnflUtb* ^W^;Mmimi!&mh^

&i^Me^^v^^^ ATUNT1C the GLEANINGS. Ttm asd iaiad* by twogn^ett in tht Ci* Haj dlj TbDfm»j wd testd bythfl Monday night dwplte dPllliiIiI^6l ehJectiaB apefl tbe put of towoiblp, •evenU dsyi igoi tt furnish. fifUroid, btJd eDifnUD Ttoefc at a|i Average half pricp e 1*6, whs MM fttienttoB te the MM Ing i topkj of donverwUen. bx Jmuiy v i pr«Mnt U«»Uugbtrr of " IndtS^Ghvdda Shwls qre an of intirat tbat the eltyr B option on the boaseiiold tttere is to tbe mysteiy tu IH' th* l KJ^ tbtt* W. t.T.,U. ball , pquare and new ftwt of pnint adorni Dr taxation, on the Mid, OUfreaderi ilte wUl exbjre with tbe cl«« of theravndliig tbe dlrtpp^fMic* ;6r jere and US, Values #18 •Idinoe, sf vtitefc ] jpWM= tlMt m for Hand, of tbjg oounty, aome House, to biving bli lce bouse pat l«ao COIIIUB baa added * new hamsm,;.. ' ' r MulttUe tbe JKI Imported Wrapping Shawls—45 &b«P9fo>filling. n.:.;'° .\- [l'!l j uame and ad- WlillatB Clwaiploii, a bnlldlng op*- and #6Jqjidsat<2,no,;Suif9ttirni, Hudwut withered *nd *riuhl«l Tbi Mltfi.BoclfttyheldmMwon Wfd< writer, -oot««tii«irily forThe W, U,T, U, held • parlor meet atef, residing it No. 121 NorthTenn* Vtivtt Shawl^^f* and IS, in- At Lowest Prices Ever Touched but t td old wUowef, who watnex« known to •ueaday eveomg. ' ' In^atthe r*fllden« o| Mm. A. P. Rift, •teAvcBDe, WM awakened lut Bund*? htnlfttafs the vicinity and hot •; On Sunday nrst there wilt be • re- ley on Thufidfty evening. sight by tame sue In tbe bouie, and, Wool Shawls, square, re* noqtiUdUnw., At the d«tb of opening service »t the M, B. shupqb. It TbecmfaeDEe : Wi^^ecOTing ef Stater we redpntle our pttsh Mn. lijAdana bis renvired from m getting qp.be wmed bimHif.wttb m .: : yJ iDV»tlgitkn, As Wi wifsj« laatled blttuelf In ahtntly Berlin rttniyconib: Zeph to^E&^j Wte, Dependable Winter Clothm of Ge gKifled the luUrwiy ba was con-«blu at DlUlog-, * little vUlage ju Bey. w tnv««eskatbiHiforanL> % Barttott has liielaflal hit p»er MMM Mwfaf 75t, Colors and black, ; , our mate- YouTl new buy for less money than fronted by • •tnnge m»n, who fted. tbe Sunken Cvdar Mwuipi, ef DennUf pre«lilo tbe morning FalidDlutf petkxi uf llm« fam grdll property with ft ami fence, : of tfe illy OoumJI »t Ze^yr Shawb for ate, Utuuuplon fired, tbe ball wounding townthip, At that tfiue tba swrnnips Bder WrightIn tbaeveaifup now, Vf^m lowerefl prices on "Suits, Overcoats, • np rnmwyfa r May'i Undlni , him ajndtheD burying Itaeir In • doot were the scene of much activity, rlot- White Uien» is yet remaiuingtw o Hkndf. HANDKERCHIEF store The BI, E, Mite Bodety met Tuesday ^ to Wtjvfce «i M Boys* Clotting. We've got an immense stock, and panel, Tbe burglar ei»ptd, however, ousganp of cedar "mlnera," ae ihey vJiHmat tbe x^deaei of Leslie Lud- week* of the opey BMIPII, which clom for > t I rite. evening at the nddenee of Lewli E, Jaauary 1, it I* not likely, with lbe a rW i There i« i HUgprclou abrtmtf that win tbmngb an open door, which was found were termed, eongregatlug tbewi to Jam and wife. - hdtb mnit tetp tte gwds moving quickly, / Jeflria, Tbi progrunne was very so- preMat klud of weather, that mauy iyi| yuuuiEl| IBS l^lfif- held the ntariy three thQusand to have beeB jimmied. delve forU » woud, wblcn was then lo Cope May Court ear judgment «t eoraaoo tertaiuing. "ootton laltB-'will be aiBUIhtend, M togelMr mm•itmiluonefrsai Bomb' styles of Handkerchlefi we gathered The Sunday-sehooU art great demiind tot shingles, Bines Court haa been ID •ewiuii here this bjtl*r»llro»d i An infant elilld of Jtonjamhi Tou& eompasBd with tbe number during the q &pe May w» put ofl ios date to I*for holiday selling. Well take $8.50 for Excellent Suite, really worth ., brawls were frequent among the rough week. takan &r Trw*Vinw-w) Mi ^spring &y puiclwe ftsu tbelflsed upm by thebo«d waflld it do to have a |iraotl« our and wife died on Thurtdsy Iu The Atlantis county COUHB convened workmen, sod drunken curse ud Jeer past month. In'fact, ibere will uot be != And net's Handkerchief in the tot and was burled Saturday, Interroen FroftSBor J. A. W bit flock sttll con *" "' •. J James Moowy, owner of K#w that te less good than pure linen of We'll fakg $12.50 for Black Worsted Suite, worth $16.50. at May'i Landing Ust week, Judge Lud- marked many s niUulgbt hour. Here, one rabbit killed now where ft soon being made in thi Presbyiirlau (kmt> low presiding. Judge Gaaklj), of fiar> tines toImprov e In health, were killed.during tbe four weeks of PfTTRR MURDOCH, ted pre¥iw»Iy piadt Silk, surrounded by such companion^ old Mn, Horace E. iMehardwn,who baa We'llselltie Best Black Suit for the moiey, $10.00. •••vB tery, llngton county, Oiled the place of Law the open Hasan jual past. This per- m ell will be Iwiatwnorrow evcnipK, Jere lived In aolUudei of the property lo exchauge f«r FOR WDMIN-^ beeu critically III with appeudlciUi, Is i^ too high Might thousands of $20.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $15.00. F. D, Niwberry, of FmiNtnnl, spent Mrs, Miirle DaVlu and Mltw Mary Judge Thompson, who has been aeri- Buaior bad It that 11 was a danprv ceatage, of course, will be entirely sub- y at itaueMee te dOi=Raifi wh«f haastitchaJ rtioJ- HudHOii Hneut a few days last week iu now eonvale«cliig, j Ibenue iimt, tefehiefe, fure Bnea. afew dsy » l)«n *•» flrHl of {be week, oiiflly til, TbeQraud Jury, late Wed- ous thiug for a person to venture ject to weather conditions, forI f • mow •fid to Mag Hum Iota tbatfAttaaiii tbe site of the AtiHiitlcCity, , uesday afteruoun, returned twenty»Bve JowHh Champion, of Ocean CUy,w«a of Bufflelent depth to lack a rabbit SI a defc—MfTiite hemstitched Honker Thousands of $25.00 Keraey Overcoats to go for $20.00. Tlie In Jif-alloHB aro for a white IMirkt alone and upproteeled Into the clear- pntetioU wofkin|cjuity Mall, wfak«Ucb nwasj burutburned duwn,| '«IM*ted • Fedem bins of indictment, in tills plaee sii Saturday attoitdliig to sbootd fall between uow and Jauuary Ocean Olty, N. J, ^^iii-ji-^SssSisaa^S PIBHifibopresent wpatlier enstluufg, Ings In the swamp, but old Jere took uufllnew, Thousands of $15.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $12.00. The Juiilnr EndeavorB gave a Mela] These agalnat whom Indlctmenui 1, lite Hlaugbier of the "eoltou lalla" Thnmai Beta, of port Republic, wsa with neatly MtftHJemi initial in Scr.pt no need, pally he Sauntered forth up- Leslie Champlan vbilted his brutl«r, g iwdb may Hniftll boyH With aiveye is the future In tsHiiiet-iioii with their regular bush were found were arraigned Thursday would oommenoeagain in earnest, aud, - — T- - »- —-=„,, e™* --—-— «oiBiittid to lbe t%ffid#|i county jail SJUC HANDKHRCHIPS— Boys'Clothes^Haff Saved: $2.50 up. If big boy, $5.00. on hH errands, always wearing a tilgb Quiubm Cbampluu, at Ocno City,who ©w, dsllar will are wlllliig lo wear HtuckliiRB meiiy on Saturday, at the honie and entered pleas as follows- where sue rabbit would be slaughtered fcr me of tteat judgment, and eaeiBoQ swit that Thia lot w«sewiiidg«J entirely too I»t ntundaj fc «£h«ia» Japanese fiik Hmlker- fur hat sf uuuHual shape and Is lying dangerously ill at his boate too big fs*r th™, of the Huperiiitendciit, Lewis (jnO, embezzlement of $%• by the hunters with dug aud gun, scores fr«n lbe federal sinful otpbaoa tor " It whfch {tenons of ordinary ™*U taimmmmtutiAiag whku the Mtate CbmiiiMosef Caiwady far a dihrfs, efflbfyj Jereij ieraer an j Kjlkrjvd color, returning at nightfall io seefe re> there, eJgtSL Tlwv sfiaylj go in a Jav, Rmlroad Fare same as before. We pay it an D. Han? tjhnudl&r, nf V'iiit'tnmi, wan srvfeing Pfluciipal D, % Blmsl 103.13, fundH of the Firemen's Relief would be tracked In the wow to itwlr tvdts ddDan will **wl eapaetty are sippasd "wWghpriseaei upon tueirtoperty, tw Mafein, who alleges Hut Iteiie oa it. V. liinghwp, of (1amrteii, ThiirHUay eveiiiiig at Bar-used at moo and John B, Cbamplon at Absecou visiting hia parenyi, Dr. E. of tbe county, who turn out by tbe )ls sppaj abooia not te B> lion of swamp bind. Ckra^lpnallyt if Madden aad wife. thatm certain person basa iiwtdoJ of Tte Offer of the ralimad company vw Juij S last took a letter out of tbepssi- " " " jtt wWfe, few dsyir iwt week It) IIIIH city looking giiliilnwii. The Bchonl bnard audww ai^cepted an his surety, hundreds at tbeflrBtsuowftaland track HW^torHttal l« not tb : the oner were a g«wd one, lie sold stripw In Tain. w« ftc! awiicd Uat u ooomjoD nui, OF thai another baa bat ^ euMdHid, ud Friday waa mt for oft1« at I^rt Repablie addr&wd to afftr liii am who are are prrparing tu teneh Kdward F, Kline, embezzlement of HtnUh Graves, of thin place, spent a the "cotton talk" ftom early morn until & Market WANAMAKER & BROWN of tuts property. few dayti lut week at May's Landlug. nsMtr feeling*o f tbe great body of ttelittle, abswiBg ft tob e a> vanahto a po* • iseafereaa, At It the dty was nspie. Us^ O'DeoDell ud opfatd If Men's PASSIKG ai! holiday Henry Tiiugs, of lenity, Ps., WBS a were pre«e»t. $1774.02, funds of the Firemen's Relief ulghifsJ], seemingly experieuctDg as Aaierfen people wiU be tombed, ud He never believed la banks, bui A fefltival will be held ju CentennuU ^^oa^*to n ams aoj «ierether., AMA* generallgea«aliy ap=- N«te«uted b?by jfajjfaj™w> FrankliFraokiin p,. Sloj, At -— x• ^, ,T vinttvr litre on ThtifwJay, He MM, Loufaa Casio has rejumed frnin Association of Atlantic City, of which much pleasure In the slaughter of game -=BQ!Rf pnmptijr attend*! loit ti»ropplnai of ourewaChrfct- Clippers = stbre, you'll .know either hfd his money away in his cabin hall on Christmas eve for the benefit of plfcd it Mates lo praellpall! i Ba|ten,|damd u SegiiiwiekSi, kL'tairmaf l U&ife Fsrailjob«r^nteFsralljob«fpenter wart alalll ea J why if you look around. We have ohuHCHl ft I (it of ail extended vtaittuNgw York, where he was secreUry, There were six in iu this manner—when the rabbits are «0I be ireuly enhanced by tbe l TW.IA. i .a** WM. H. WANAMAKER or carried It about Upon his person, It the MethodlHt chuK-Ii. All are Invited i ratter Umab«um«kflowkdg6 or UMw-tflng ud tbe Fioaiia Commltlet yf **JH*dlej'HsdIeyi'Ruthanf ftyihMi^ WeWsL AA pogtai W, U, HiaHIi have the pou« te wiJH tlie gue«i of her Hill, dietmeiitSBgaJuHt Kijueand he pleaded hungry and snow bound—«s the average 898 Asbury Avenue, _...... JptaB/jifee no f^l c«mpetition ns shoe sellers began to be rumored that a onnBidir> to attend and help a good cause, that HSlai ipeEUlstleBa, Tftgre mmy beJuiiuocU ud C|ty H.11 <•,,tnin1«Wr« *"* ^"^mi '"Itoriiighil hHng himm teyoutoyouf door tract far furiifelifug the lumber fur Dr, Oehrlng aiiU Wife left litre lut Hiit guilty to all, (rue sportsman Audi in following a OSEAN eiTY, N. J^ =-the Wan.imakt'f shot store is PHILADELPHIA 1 able fortune was hidden til lbe rickety Samuel Albertsoo has gone to Port i»U bi,, !«„ ^ tiBaiaf Utae Ar kamed mo and pfofAuad phlI.K»pbe« John M, Cbaapion, Charts £pua and Pliillp Hk Hand * new week f»r Wa«liliigtoii, to be present at Eugene lloeeo, M, de Augmlmo asd pack of hounds when the rabbit has flfone at the top. And the Stocks cabin walls, but Jere could never be in- Norris far a few weeks. baa been sad* to paaa foBj In whs fa their tpcciai tpbera l FruklM P. Uaok, The railroad'• h> WAKAMAKEHi, rlilldren are eoUiiiltiB Hie days un= the opening of Uuugre«s, They are en Joseph ToDieelle, habitualiy some chance for his life. of holiilay*fimt(nget cor- W. Ifabcock ami wife, of charge. They siibwameotiy retracted vita nprtiestatfn Dwney, OF fitted with rubbish and earth. Thomas Headley will move into one their umpo,t«naniike way of bunting nprti In common sense. Th*i la B After eonaidefable dlKQ^fctii, a Mtn'S ies-sE.QF&fflfjjpsfs S3R at iiif Twelfth ^triil and West aveiiiie. I*i¥#k, Hpeiit a cfiupie of days litre with and plead guilty, encreditsts , nnMM b Hail I STORt attracrJons SLao, asd bj-e35j> msp$On pna fes One hot August day, Hand emerged of Bamucl Hteelmaurs houses ou the game and killing what rabblis and owiog to tte &ct that tteir atleaiioB _,— ^__,,. we entered toto by V't Hand and family have Mhi. Frank Italwock and family, WlHiato Hpenee, John Tnmt, W1U octtbeiiotb, teEBpaptfearita^, Webaneeeba from bis cabin, the old fur bat pulled Cape May aide, birds have been UU by the hundreds of PLUMBER, ud loterrtt have bsn ooMentnited whteb tbe niiruad eBSpw y will %-mate Men's Clothes, Youths' and Boys' Suits. ocrupanry of Ihelr new fflitlagp IkvivaJ HervlceHat the M, E. chufcu Ilain Hammond, Albert WliliRmi,john [ be « httrtft,! to theconeney now, lucking oiljMmJfotmiiy, Of eeur!*, plenty of thehigh •adit covm ppnrttjireJj tel tte «edd o f tte Slippers, tuo—plenty of JII H=,intt*J weather, and a tin dinner pall swinging M|H) RlcCallen, a vocfillHt froin Mew STUM AND6AS RTTEft. tte «ed of pracUal afflalrs, for which their very front aj t!ie BcbsuHer pior*rty, remove Ctaui qf Jong ago, aided by his will- Rev, J, H, Payron-H cottage, Anbury FratnbrR fpenl a day hi UoodwiR, atrocious aseaitlt nnd battery Jaceiit counties. rarlen^ aa an ageof of adonp. But kinJsa Tl.f leathtTs ID his hand. He nodded to one or two York, expeeltj to give an enterlalnnieut different habit of thought las and tied their track* aud express abeda in tbe ing gnemes, and then a terits of avenue, (telow Twelfth Htret*t, Is rei*iv [jipon Thomas ReyBblds, iu Atlantic It Is generally admittetl by old bunt, UfettotauoKorm simmey. Dscrip- " Russia ailfskin p !a»t week. acquaintances who pasted blm, andin Hteelman's hall ou the evening of them. Most people, PB tte otter hand, rear of this and grant • srlalB Dumber tebl^iix ihewing the busy Santa ing a nint nf |»iist at the liaiitlH nf (III. City, all defendants plead not guilty, ere that there b sill! plenty of game in Repairing a tiraly, ft te U» rtsient of ooitsmi, te» pnits kin Auiile K. iiabeoek gave a dinner WHS Been to puili his way Into a clump December 24. bare had tteat ordlauj mattm today of tm et tbe gehaufler purcbue, Citus of today, with his sprightly Russell & Adams, \mtl & Lake, William Spent*. Witwn Goodwin, the big woods ud swamps, which, Bath Tubs and umbem* tpgeniMd of greenbackt, Tremry kitlskin party to friendH and relatives on Sat of huckleberry bushes near the out> Cape flUyUty , Vita ammntij ud hare Ibej#fon de- , In retuin for this the city will vaate Brownie helpers, and the time»iav» Mrs. M. It, ('ampbell will lead (he William Hammond, Albert Williams, under ordinary cireumstaDces, without Supplies, soMa, l teak notes ud tUnr patent unlay IBHI. skirts of Diliinga, the old fur hat bob- At a public meeting In tbe auditorium veloped a eapadtj ofjadftog aod actlog and deed IQ the nllroad cgmpaiiy the in| telephonf, typewriter and other K|)Wiirtb Lengiio meeting next Sunday James Smith, John Trultt and John a snowfall, will eacape the hunter's gnu Tbae dlfftBiit Mu of tlie cn]or?~h!ai:ki brown, Hualnesii people here are complain bing toan d fro at intervals, until it was Thureday night the eefaool building within the» ilaltB, althooifa qoi property at labfr-saving maehintry. 817 ASBURY AVENUE, evening. The "Birth of UhrlHl" will Willjamg, assault wlia attempt to kill atid be Bufflelent forbreedin g purposes e auney aje kept at a par. isd jate, o: liig of business being mtlwr quiet at swallowed up iu tbe buahes. pro|eet was tbaroughly diseussed. A *^ to fiUlKHi tbe Owugbti orsbaftln Atlantic arHittss, By „, The story of Ctnderella=ftld *in te the subject. upon Captain Harry Homers, in Allan* to aflord plenty of sport forfshootlug Ity with gold, aad are correat erify. up fcl Feh i warn alii Mtn's, 73; tlitH time, there appearing to be very Jere never was seen again, committee of live was appointed to tbt eatbnkran of the philoM>phcr|s gtwr-^ t stretc, h -ef. «^u««™T*OB « avenue, *iux-^egond floor, Thirtefnth Edward W, Klliey and wife, of Plill little money in circulation. tlo Clty.all defendants plead hot guilty. neityear, *nd It Isearueslly hoped by Where In tberjnrtodlctkjo. Tte note- Indeed, the ttttn common tenee h*i and Market—will interest thou* Don't fail to call and examine them. Pricei ire the lowest. went byj tbeeonjeetures as to WB confer wilh the Schnol Board to fix now uaelrte, except for railroad and city JOHN WANAJHAKIR. atleiphla; wereameug Tn^dny'R VlsiU Mrs. John Price has been visiting her J. Frank Devlne, ei.poHtmaBter of abou ts became fewer, and filially the true spartsmeu that there will nut .a£ W fafatelhIl sands, upuii a site and tbe dost of a building. Mill**1 fisia mi mj.mSi HtH fteffi defibed aa "ulive pisctkal tntel- purpunefi, thJg timu*r#r will give to tut an. They, are numbered ainong our sun, D, H. Price, whii la In the oyster Abseeon, forging a note and u Her Ing the be a BBowfall until tbe close of tbe open Wen ! Soli! •( U.Sot «e«» tram dtpneUikm, ud that In a. p*». what money was found about I Candidates formunicipa l dflkto«U pactiad perMna, that «tton ef character, et& lo nutraM to shows Santa Glaus surrounded by R. B, CORSON, disappearance was furgattea, Beuatnr Walter •&,' Learning, itepubll ( princltjal utreet, and thta, if tbe pUn* •!GHTH STliiT AHD ASBOTY AViHUl gin tlie erMtlon ot n large store am) A party of club men have reiited the of clothing, etc., pot guilty, ima comparative few vloUUona of tbe »ftffl|ef tfaeearrtBcjfttaKlB]. habitt of aajnlfed larslng, or of Bpsa- the forest dwellers in fancy cos- luteretit would probably never h can; ex-MayurT, J. Melvlu, Democrat, Stoves, Heaters,Range3, ie thrwiga, they ptopoas to dtilise for dwelling at tlif eonier (tf Fourth railnsid priiperty, known here as tbe John Palmer, larceny of a bicycle, game laws In the way of trapping or . Jea;ind m«n» of distribution bUoa away Asm the aflalri of life." tumes. From the wise old owl to t been revived had not two gunneH in and Mayor tedraunds. Independent, depot purposes aad eftet ttiereon a pas- and AHbury avenue, Dlw'nn, fur a tern of yean, guilty, passing by- the old abandoned well Hhooting game ou Sunday, although It (o tbereraolst deaand,, tbat baa te be It to •meilines supposed that tbtt the most timid animah^ll are mak- "PR/IDTICAL SUTE ROOFER," decline to be candidates, which BIBJ- aeugcr siaiiou which will be more fo FWRERAL NieliolaS(CorftrtU (iu thedontftiRt tn Hammonton. Benjamin Btreet, larceny of goods chanced upon an old hat the fur worn is impossible for tbe Game Wardens tu 408-10 ronjddei«L For we ahlll st»r baw iodswmeat |B HmethiDg apart from ing merry for the children's dear old ASB IS plint-s tlie Hituatlim so far SH the Demo> guuM^cf theeredlt kind tetter thui keeping with the geuem! «e#ll«n« of friend, build a Mltage on FM ... .% REBIBTCRS, SfEPI, PLATFBBHS 4*1 D hiK'kj of Latiftdowne, Pn, mlwiug Jere Hand. The sportsmen nomination. Mayor Edoliiiids has Of Btaws UUUBK funilahed SI i •U argusiiBU seem to fall, w« often avenue, ffljs plan of elevaUog the ©theer dynamo to furnisiurnishh the nlmostt\ ' WASHINGTON VANGILDER, Manager, was paid for the burial expenses of each Donnelly and James Carrlgan, in At- people who live in tbe vtciuii Jes of lbe W#hav* no doubt tbftt the Oorem- i'thousand exiru elettfit: lights tliat HEARTHS, tUTI FLOSflS FOB UNSER Ji*eph I. Bcull IH having IIIH lot an had seen that article years ago, and arealways run as a Demiicrat, and bis • ~ >P«i*iir ill mait will have to go out of the bank* tracts euteriog Into the populous sea. WATER CtSStTS AHB MtRTM Anbury avenue, above Bevenlh Htreet, paujHT, but Hie Council deemed this lantic City, and petit lareeiiy, ubt sure their find marks a mystery deeper withdrawal leaves only ei-Senator big woods and swamps, and they trap if that at leait must be alike in every •Ms resort it stab being saaldered. add to the ban uty oi the store Mt is f or too high. It adv#rtlN#d for bldi, and guilty, game for lbe markets without much tag brafoea, mmit tate. It it. enly a |Our Public's ehjayinent=a length- fiieliiwd with a fenee, SichiilBH Uursm than was at Drat supposed, • Lemuel E, Miller as the Democratic one and superior (n auibority to every Io addttioo to Been ring a lung desired one of p was received, but the mem George Davis, larceny of clothing fear of being detected by the officers. qtKatloD of wheo nd bow it» wJtb. ening of Chistmas happini?ks by i FunmsHEo AND mmm Petersburg, N, J. iiaH eharEC of the wnik, The belief now prevails that Hand it Among the names men- Hue of tBasenlBg, But wrtataly sense d#put«lte the rail road company will hern coiiHldcred even this too high and from a store dummy, not guilty, tawmtsball be emeted. We do not starting the holiday glaJness u fyw PROlPtlV ATTiNDED TO, Incesti avenue, between Eighth and was murdered by sume one who knew tiuBed for the Republican nomination There have been quite a goodrmany uf every Und, oommgn OF uncommon, rejected the bid. Then a rnolullon was Agree with Mr, (levi-Und that a w^ also acquire by the trausfet largely In, days before time, Ninth Hlrwis, li belnf graded and Ira Ford, assault and battery on Re- of his having hidden money, and after are ex-Pjiriimahter Furman L. Ricliard- nice buueuesof birds killed diiring the must be aJlkd with feann or It IOBB its crtased back &dlitlai for the handling adopted limiting the cost to 17,50, butbecca Ford, not guilty, Same defend, If youhavg} . ^ Uettea of tbe eomncy to any eeurid. And stillill,, this is just aa store graveled, Flagstotte rnveineiiti! on Hit being robbed was thrown Into the oldHOU,eiMsyor Hiidretb, and Thomas past month, aud It ts known that there slgnffslgnffiaaeei ,TO niay he no sou« of freight, white It will allow of the at the laat Bieetiiigof Council this H*O- er|Me extfDt-~aod te fbiid the fretn* y g, ite it will allow of the witth itts missioii n off buyinbi g and sell w@tt Hide are alwj being laid, ant, assault and battery on Sarah well. Many of those who knew old W, Millet* The frlendB of ex-Mayor fa s( 111 a good many quails left, which hicks wsuU be to Jjusely dhnlni«y iht -prqces B a—f —reasuain• Bg awe vu, abuiishstes•"--iniiruti omf am numbeHumcer ofi gangeroUdangerouas W. C, SMITH & SONS. Tlie cntertftlnmeut given by the W, luliuu waa nwoluded, and the natter Gibbs, guilty. He was tried on Mon< Jen are dead or removed to other loca- Hlldrelb claim that be sbould bo given will escape If the open weather con- A Place to Sell; ig A hlfl b in?. mau* of exeloase—vodld sot raocb hut it BlwayiiiffioidawllhreasQBable Pade^craMiagi and remove tte drilling A Manahan Band and tlie Jtud Men will be left with, the Overseer of the day and acquitted on tbe eharge of as* tions, but || Is believed that sufficient a Hecoud term, tinue*!, but with SHOWS to usiflf in their If you tmv Poiir, who Is instructed to UHC Ntriet sault and battery on his wife. abbuns t«f4. It woold do more, eondiuioua^Boreasonable, la fiict, tbat farther ftsoi Atlantic avenue. It is PRACTICAL WORKMEN, iif PetiRburg In Btltes Hall ISHI Friday evidence may be secured to warrant an Captain John Webb is the oldest destruction they will be almost eittni-t econoiny, ;ftf It *doid aflord fr«h atlmiilBJ to ttty are afltn eaUed salfevidenL It l» ittted thai tte Fennsylb Cfe evening was a very cnjnyable allalf On motion, counsel for Councilman investigation being made In the matter. May pilot, be being iu bis 00th by tbe close of the season. ,'" " ' == 1*1 .1 ': ' the fl.t money CIWB ud pf^jpJt.te ratter a matter of exUat than of kind, h pia B aumber of oilier and a lltiahelut hiieeew*, Monday morning a bicyclist, who re-Edward Kline and ex-Counellman If you havp year,* Bourgcat* Set* •ulliiteetloiif . another erfsla. The flnt" thing io beand its limits are those of ordinary impreveinenl* at their Atlantic City 848 ASBURV AVENUE, Lumber I^WIH Ulipincolt and family, of Hut fused to give Ills Dame, lout control of LOWIB OroS, of AUantle City, charged Hold Councilman F. 8. Townsend In about The css« nf Henry Schneider, who done l« to destae a hrqadsraystetnof niindi,ja^glnfoferdiaarfaiattifs. It terminus sod that an eflort wilt te ledge. Pa,, nave rented T, J, Tlinrii'tt big wheel on the county road aud waswith emheBilDg funds of the Fire* The last load of gravel was placed on Some Funds to Loan; ALL KINDS. again, after a severe Illness, was •charged wUh Bulling HqutBt on elec- 1: satieoal bwkiiig, with ludu^menta t» may te Qjbjd one dtgree pf reason— made, lobuUd the Biwilalloh aud ef ciitlage on the rear of a Cenlral avenue thrown to the ground. He struck upon men's Belief Assoeutiou, secured a tbe new county read on Saturday, thus tlon day, was tried at May'^ Landing If you bavo f ; ffeet t ththe otheth r James C. Bennett and wife bave gone ^a^^oiJ F«"*WlWto™bifliIn the bud.thatdsgree to which mort men can afc ,„. ,OT «„, EUUE(, pnoprior to the lot, Hoiith of Eleventh street: and will his head and was 'rendered uncunicloui. postponement of their eases until the completing this thoroughfare acrow Saturday before Justice of the Peace : 111 1 Sash, Doori, Blinds, Moldings, Brackets, Columns, Newels, to Herklmer. N, ¥,, fo spend the win- USE, - ^f ^ tii—«Janes tnd dtotributen of tbe tain, and without wbleh ttej wgald te opeaiaf of the eomjag numaitr Be&wn, move here in a few days, He waa finally restored «ad ajwiated toApril term of court. Atlantic couDiy, a distance of twenty- Moore, and be wu found gullyr. The ! Some Funds to Get; White Pine nnd Cedar Shingles constantly on hand and under ter with their daughter, Mrs, A, JO,cotuplalnt In the ease waH made by When that 1B dose, fbf eoMldsred mist unreasonable. It does Tte exact ternis of the agreement Thoman Watsoiii of C'BBidpii, a dl=the railroad station, where he departed Judge Richard T. Miller presided in two miles, The new highway was be- fit you waat PLUMBING, by trali] tefAUanti e City, .. the Circuit Court Thuwday and Friday Miller, Andersou Bourgeois, and a civil acUon gradoally go out ofnot aUs to enter tte arena of nhUwophy pi«p«^ a» regards moaey payment by I cover. Orders left at rectof 61 the Central Tnmt Ui»mpany, gun on the 20tb of last July, Tbe road Egg Harbor City, and disposed of the following etteei Ctinductor Harvey Shaw has been was brought under the law. .• The pen- J the banking hfstasm, ud - bank* or speculation; it don aet expect to eitter nde were witJibeid, owbif to And chairman of the building CUBJ- I« opened tu travel and fa a bard, improving bis cottage. ally is a flue of |100, on&Kalf revert- tte IHU6 Ho, 2, Charles E. Pile va, Enni IwUIbcmMwhit thfjibonld •elfe tte probleais which tax tte blgi* tte ftot tht tte i niltiee, WM dtiwii on Tuesday viewing Two wheelmen, giving their names smooth turnpike, thirty feet wide, with Spring election Is already being talk- ing to the State and the other half to If a DEED 007 ASBURY AVENUE L, Bhafleretal., onantraet, < eat UMH ef ii h j the wurk ou the bank building, u George Lesfeburg aud Frank Herrly, ten-foot sidewalks. The total cost of ed ever, ' \ • ' the complainant. >' Suit was brought to recover damagea Ktd -^T,- — ,™_ ing «f the Council manic body Robert Fisher Lx griding a rari at met with a HerloUH accident on the new the Improvement will beabout $31,000. Alexander W. Springer, aged 02, an Tliis suit was brought against Bchuel- some inteUJfenei, tn pre iaatleCT^, Ho doubt ww HEATING, will receive Immediate attention. conuty road, two mllea from Ihla elty, for the non-fulfilment of a conlract be> der, who la the game warden «f At- turn, w* h»vs Faurlli Btreet, abulliug IIIM properly. It Is the inteutlon of the Board of ardent llepnblleau and prumluent man, If you want ; ! ' nuklDg h.m*elf rkUcailqij,, to by the soferrea that (l.elr ween Emma L. and John Sbafler, lauUc county, by Bourge*klBi who waa that the wear -wu Other owtieiH on that MiflHiUglifare Monday afternoon. They collided while Freeboldeis to place mlle>ston« along died at his bomb at t'ape Way Point ftf «p acbanffg of property and BID gnWe htotsmdott in relation to hie fct would be ratified. Healleged that Pile, through fus agency arrested by by Bebneider aeverai weekH Rlioiild follow T the ciam pie, Ftjiirth riding down grade, and a* they were the route and to rail .all open ditches, Monday evening. He was a son of the ago for tfunday gunriing. It Is said Insurance Placed; nil *!gns full,, %ttnimMms wh wbacems cem* tSijiJ^s^^ fli ^ tnatssieHHloDB Atlantic Qty aeciirA low-meo, to jodfe with sane appraach 1 of I. G. Adams ft Co., bargalued for Yard: Coroer Fourth St. and West Ave. tsireet, bflng ^ ^raftituent awnue. both rldliigat A, high speed each was Shade trees wili also be planted. Upon late Sherltt Samuel Springer, and aI bat Schneider will appeal the cue. Come ts ne M *a*ptablP die for * new djjr halJ. to mnmiaam aud is decide with some oar t brown quite a distance, Herrly landed he purchase of a house from the Hhaf* S, H, MByberry, of tlie completion of the Camden county nepltew of the late Alexander Whii! *BA timFtntafltmaltnaaxma in gryen frJadsm in matters tomman to DRAINAGE. on the bald grave! road headforemost, fen tn Atlantic City for 16600. When road in the spring, there will be a sm= D!«M4l - whti [lurched the Wtuley Houi«, aif= din, the Philadelphia merchant. He • tatfip frontige « Atlantic HTsnue tat wlille Lewburs Ml down the embank' day arrived for the payment of At Any Time. pIyitetidwiih S^'*'*'/ Laffiont has wtit lo the iier Biglith street and Wenley artinUB, llnuous turnpike of alone and gravel was at various times assessor, collector Nolle* U ombf tivea tbiii u» nMntnUp I-•—TfplMfcD. ftetM ihitenUrgftl punoita. Hmmot Jttprtsentatives ai Waa!iing= pthtrs and distributes goods from me tit, Uoth were badly tut aud briiiHod money Mr. Pile made tbe proper tender from Camden to Atlantic City, lately HUbdlltlLigWwfiflp ALBKHTA. HOVV- WM here i*veniIdBi« thin week Inok- and treasurer of Cape May Point, SLLTHd UAHRVilJ. HTKELMJN.ftl Oivstt BpodMlsBt are to be aflbrdai tbe Yetlter«ult»*illnotbetheBamein ^ * **?"« from Major Aa^'moud, evtrywhere at least cost to life con. kbuul the head and body. Their wheela but the Shaflere Were not able to give The building of this highway lias N. J., under lbe nrmnaUle Of Hawell * wlwhle l hh Ing after the imphiveinentB lie IH ttiak. HtwlmaB, WM disdlved SD IU third day of CURTIS ROBINSON, iWHJei* to llsJf* point rtf InteroL «™nrjyo «"•»* h* ponena iL What to ^«( UmimL indofaa, of sumer^vinrsumer^vin ent t to nearll y SATISfACTIOH ASSUA|D, Hie to the pniperty and the sale could An Ocean cltjf «^o l)*«m»)*r, 1*6. b» muttml eoBMnt. Ail I iii io ihaUinsfelr already BtlmulalKl public and private B«t wliiB thto fact ia couple with a • *«*iMl to one oay tounknow n llo *» , eianiinatton of iLejfive thousand people in doing this LUMBER ^ BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. not be consummated. PlalatlB claimed TwoexAttemblymeD of Cape May debt* owing to lbs HM tartnerihlp are to be 744-46 6 Itev, H, Wesley *jfthe, pfemdeiit of Tlie Egg Harbor Commercial ImprovemenlB. Egg Harbor City is reeetvrf b/uu Albert A7How«n, mod all de. W^Mtton to ehsvatf th* y^ks tbtbe ^toiM^wbM by a thirdthird , withwith- « tharougbflire at or pear tbe tlds work best. Enjoy it all, hat he had ts rent a house and waa 1 Oct-aii IJi'ly/ AmselaUiiUi haa Betured waa eiiiupleled Muuday and the key* building water works and putting In bounty, Messrs. Cole and Hildreth, ap- d th6 Hid pnriHtr*b!p «re to be pre «>*» ^T lapatoltoa of . want of Hartw laltt, Mr, RS COli, TENTH AND WEST, •II caused additional, unnecessary and un- peared before Vice UiiHliceHor Orey In Bads Pufi Py at their Intrinsfc value the service of Weaver and Sw«;ti>n fitr of the new utrueture til rued over to the eiwtrie HghlR, Hammonton is also eg. "* m « ttemoa^a I ith are good to have, and this direelom by tjniitrarlor Speare; The xpected expenae. ThUi he desired to tablbthlug an eleclrle light plant. While the Court of Chancery, at Csmden, * ^mmHARRY a. that We PV»n ylv«][i who All kinds of Building Material furnished. Special induce- Mi the ten days' aiiap meeling next Hii!n- reenver, ; . « . ,, •' . Dated s IHS M ntwly.bftter way of selling fur gar« ments to all Builders, Bier, They are netting With great BUe- biillilhig In hrfated on Philadelphia new hotels are projected for both of Monday morning as opposing counsel, U "the V in«t»*ia»!ipeclaloaaijaUooma^ "c™nqB.jnving a bottom width of mints has made thfm more than They were there In a suit Involving the Reward. A (niiu,l. hnKB* *orori!BBlml^cloiWil»leli^Mf1^# flf di h 11 \ avenue, A banquet was held In the Counsel far defense argued tbat an these places. The road Is Immensely Miss HARY S. YOUNG,. Phltfidtlphis. jewel fy nttd •! Iverware SBKisd In iw8fc*i^i39iJrsSifea» g , to U» adept JQ It like n dtficlHiey ^ ™* P* *' s '«»•( low water ever desirable for holiday giving, directiirH* rnidi of the new building In attempt waft being made to recover popubir, not only with city wheelnaea, sale of a lot In (his city valued at WO. iraLhARH REWARD ftp tbe ar- I give tpwl*} BUfiBUomtotI»«BiiU!lBM0t*;%u ^ eD|Ua te Frenefi Buck Lead and Ready Hixed Paints, T. (.nianipion, of Allauttf reni and eonvkilon sr HI penwn or pemoi TEACHER OF *« a nort n™^ wt*, but it is aat •& The ***m ibroufh the ohstrue*. The fur store Is. full of suggestions. damages on a tschnlcul failure on the Mrs, Elizabeth A, Lipplneott, who nnd jB«Bity( k ftwuwotb . «BD Mt lbe n, father of UiiiiiielimHU I. H, tbe aflernooii. Addressst* were made but with tbe entire population of the euUtnf llliilMairef(or removing, tree* (runt tbsemeadowa. ^i e baa narer bgeu In a ^ * ^ WoWibftre fw ©6,00, Four price hints— . . •• , part of Mr, and Mrs, Bnafler, because as repHSeiited by Mr. HHdreth, al- our inner pn^ftiS l! the north Mint of «B««WMrid#at Md For convenience, orders may be left at 746 Aibu>y avenue,. and Frank R, Champion, flf thbt elty, by city itjllelalg. The haute eon* |20,000," county as well, ^ HAON.OltGANaQdHARinONV, the city boy wto bat sever <« ™I»bte toral l snueKJal pur- e&SNCanada gal Collarrtts, with hey wen not ready at the very hour leged In her bill of complaint that last IH a cftndldale fdr Grand Prelate of the While slilngllug a new house here nH • Hiudin RI fie Wlndnr, aad HeadlDf sath^l into tacfa fitter ^^ wJflWfeB«Dtertolii|Jhls P™^ edging of natural lyjui Ugh stern coj- and day promised, It WM claimed no cape Way Conntjr year sue purchased from William IHCALLlHtEH, !SR fall swe^ and lined with fans* (inud lAtdge of KnlghlH «f Pythian, Monday morning Uhrlatlan Hehiaohii, liny, N. J, 9ai U>nim. etft. nddratm al U *« uo fault of ihe,«Mi,, Aneugi- < . «ch ef the other, SMB oag B«IH «r Mr, damage had been Buflered, aod also The December term of tlie General' Bridge water a lot at Ocean City valued WILLIAMS bC Mnyeonnty, N. J. ta wlortdtatitaSIk, He turn tbe sudimjeinent of seveiity- a earpeiiter, slipped and fell head flnt *'-*' —^— "te ^HKe* mte HKtrJs Seal Cotlireits Itfty feet' to the ground, HIM bead that Pile agreid If ffflo were returned Quarter Sessions and Gonimba Pleas at 1500, on which the pajd Ifi on ac- : tlght l«MJg«t, Ocean Vblb OffieaMd reakJenoe MS PIuitib6r aria Gas Fitter, $aver damages for tb« aad fill Aaboty avende,^ Tne Utort property wbteh he%ln#d wuei- md y«tordiiy morning, ifllgnt bmni,wbo,lt style cwkeTllwmya m hand, Badlei Piiittn ni dUidhuid oatoooorred « the Qemnihty bninoh removed ffm boUH» bowfiBg MUM ' """ t andoDtb^a^^i^natUbarUl, Ipwted UuU trtlOJwIH berunulng Olt> BrlL^|mrt!it^e,ft20M>fl <^mltt«topn^»pIiuMBiHl*t*dfl. m. mid fLOJafidSJWjpTW; returning " ' ' "" ""tJ1"" newbaardwalk HOUDAY 101 RDJ. 1^*1** fiRa-Flne tiemeri uidl mmmm iW AH GontFootor and Builder s cat* of the principal lodfu frifli It jbsf Ut Impottanee, ?i i aka^' pawn up a iMfv between thoTffloewai tribe* beaded by * Chief Ra*v «si the Geoitfl*. tribe*. Iffeyfej^ntst tho«il!/aeif is.fee CONTRACTOR AND BUILDFft, ma •wjtlj a Tp|ceIgsOtf than thai ability as tbtinsw " wfjBi the lEmltsof their ?***?§m tans, ua I, CARPEMTER AND BUILDER, LICENSED AUOTIONBSER, .MM' W pm JOHN etV it the ipin ^ the ladiam igfc(» tacking CITY, N. J, No, 721 Asburij Acenue, Ocean City, % He was phtc^d aader anwt ka u OITYVN, J., THURSDAY, DEiOEMBER 24( IBOfit •"; :;v ' V r-. V--'" "• ^^H^^ K%-<*ft^ iod nna, ud dl i d canled to the coanoU P|inter*iilfi!iiiierp Bo*fi3lni hoo»» utf «tu«w fcr rut la all parti m taai^,'j VOL. XVI. dart daywbsa she Isy ale p put up fey Biwa prOtt OEALXBUt HMDt that WtuBiiii eutertd the city the U«(i Km, Fan T» talldf 1,1) BETB seportca the matte)-at home ana ehlld died. Jnjfai it *«' jnoplieaitd, ATTOSH EY»* AV-t, A W. BOH paiuica ntuiiuw, and ousjea niea , CHAPTER IL of TnA-a-!(s»eh«eKJ»e to the O* P. MOORE, with the farpfit gaas of hoiWiHuy »p- to hsre §aid nothing at OrfflJfA Ithtuk ao it tamed oat, aa i% always ftarsj oat, easily pronornKsd of Bed Chw, beeams& hd OCEAN. CITYSENTINEL. .[•',-* .49 raa CLUB, , .\ he went' dnm immediately, sqihat Saia Rret Hari OU THE OCE1N CITY REAL E8T«TE IXCHANfif J S, WAGGONER,, IN DEACO^ORDERS. rt Two men gat tu the snioking rosm of 1 Tha «ViSt ofjeam, ili« death of the color of the soil in thai ARCHITICT, BUILDER, t HAND, When the sermon was finished, the remainedfinohalletjged,* ;. - , ''• • ^^ q th* batkin a boru. tiw de*potl*ai U ASP the Graftstnau dub,' Their uauiea mat- While Payne was held there one of AP Varnish^. 1-UULiaiIKD AT nnerableonhdeaoon aroso In his plftos. "Bs nut have psaiented a false bap wat tbeqeab! ¥(neamx*tiiiiik of her Of erthinwu at ih ap|wintisl HHISS. By WALTBB BEgAHT, ter Httijj, but they were called Homer- B Qw first hand* urited, add among tho W. E MASSET & CO., candidates all rao in theirs, and ti h'! drires (be Bui*erts with a stiff n IndffiM was the ebiff, Oo-ehee. or Eat- Fire mid Waiter Physician and Druggist, AT ton Smith and Eaaton Jones, If wai in "Hs w*s equal toHatanple a thing, y tfimid. and yes feel City, H, J- 196B, by th« Author.] without any pttifesiaaal orilor, yet the evening and at a time^Uitween 8 ! ^M^ Eteli!a dn not jssi happna mx Thiugi a brntea hearted man. Be Proof Paints* OPIAN OITV N, J, JU«t*r aiMl Ksamlfl*F III ddaDefrj nare myself ficca the eollc-Bti roKiitL'r. Mtf yoasQldcryas thoughjouwfert do i»t go alijrtbc-d. In all tjie Loyk uf ily » hmsd. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. do, 711 Atbyrj Annul, Oeiio CHJ, 1,1, oyn qamiiilaisper, Nstarf i-ybllo, CHAPTER L without cQafrjsiou, the hittor arranged and 10—when the room is not generally moodyy and abrtraetfd fje themselves, being all "fleccntly habit' thMgb stthotinie I did no^kaitnv i%. DO» iltliflf ioiafaiK? ee her lap, and eadypteriaeiiHktfjHe ii aaf ™W"iL" Pure Metallic Faints for Til Lots far salt or exchange. Houses to feat, Deeds, bonda or Piin Prjiea, Finn gutlonerr. OB HQTABLE CEIMB. er0wd*d. It ii the largtit aJid pleaiant- all iavitation» to the snaeU hdoae and CAPE MAY C, H,, NJ j, " obctlienHy to tile wbric, in •nr- Waj faba. He is enters w born in the Sll«0»Bi If JOB nail bar hackto spnk .ybajrBate* Ood'a proTineut« are ye«tr caogbt in GEO. A. BOURGEOIS & SON, and Shingle Roofs (mud ndfawut . Loans n#goiiatid, A number of bargaitis In lota. ete, ciimlfliitlj on tiiiid, There it alwaya a eoostdsnbk eoa- atroom ia the whole hqitiHjt fcmnerly ,^.__|*ia^: itt thettoferwai wiUt>Iiieo aba ease weald partake of no fntiTfi enjoymentjy * p and htmtl. before the altar rails, the drawing roan when old Lady Look* island of Ceylon—QHaa Edwardi Oan= dkfiaUlle, To God tain Wht , hhntt eppat thhe most off h hii p & fegatioa in tho old ejithodmi on the nington Lelghiin jgeneroSi et snnJgfiri, i/abamigfliliart p, yoa *«J# ( t» vJilistg ^ow. to other should be uied wherf OFFICES while the archdeacon admueed and in worthy lived here and gave her purtieft cideuta, ti» at the praws of his wife and ehfld and Bnilders H.O.BQBIMiONjEiQraDllFropEiitDF, day Bppoiated for tho ordoriag of priesta few and well chosen worda pro- crf agenttenian, a mf ee planter—1 throw yyounslf onlbs sod thatesvirS The ajdrt f rain water Is eaugbt for famllj W, B- MASSE Y M CO, If tb6 wholu town won to aaaiit atihs Thue were only two or tue* groups of p ef eiit flniig out farthemp tha Yalfc.y( At lartonemoia- Beribed in the prayeF book for hia guld* argst f« the momeut tho Latin for bof • • bw (rats, M mothifSV: iagheTras niitw^l fiflm his accnstonjetl list), PHYSICIAN AND lURIEON, the euonaonfl uiive vonld B0 men in the Ktom. The two with whom !« planter and Island of Q^loa Trsn* Ah, •bfrw^ua:aaeeBt femt father kne* Ut the ag«a is iirt etiUBwiing liuk be* Asbury Ave.T Ocean City, N. J. SCHUYbER ones proflonted them to the bishop M we are eensened were both yonsg—not tp Itfo gie*S chain*—UJO stalls of plaee by the srapfn, sad an alarm was All brandi of Ready Mlxeo be halt filled As it ia, tlio ehaiicel on It penoufl, BO far as he, by pononal «• ofase, isitt So that ne must, u you iL ¥oc kw^it. Sb*wa* the QaMs, temity part sud ih« of -immediately raised that Batting Gaud erect*! Bf#»t to thf Foal Ocean City* M. J, osuini InalwoyB fnll, find u good more than flvo or rii and twen^, lay, have brought with him a false bap> ai.Oftper T«»^*trieily in uaiuation, hod been able to disooTor, They Sad be™ ainlng together, They 11 tnl ths queen ia disguise. The world tdoome. hd a Thldi HpwliU fillt'iHion given to dlwnsofl o! II* B, J. ^ of tbfi spaoo uiidor tho central tower ^ifl 'y Sum mid TbFDiit, uitd rI fe obtain the order of priathood in the had been talking on all possible topics I am BO fataliit, bnt Isbould be com- try direction in search of him, and sfuue Window Glass of all vl y»r. Ii iprinkled with peoplo, nearly all ofGhoreh of England, "Qeoiu YoBrstmy, thorn Indies, The ordering of priest* Is for two honrs and were Hitting in si< pJetely wretched if I did net feel that of ttam bethought them of hiafaodoeas C«af rm«tlng Builder JONATHAN HAND, JR., Then the binhop arose, and also in • 'His fnOther, I snppum<; fonsd «Bney Haft there was a grade* dltgaiajsg, Jill tbs affair* of nyf Ufa tmIa God'a IQF the apot who* his lored one* slept and patterns. Reference given C HUTCH1MSON, M, an impTOKi-re and m mhma certjnony, lenoo, a thing which proved old friend* i Um,: Hs alwtfftt B^aHi?d !o have Ttefavsriie of a great honseiooksd ont e.B.LAK€y words laid down "for hii gnfdancoHoI- ship. Men who are merely ac^aaiut> hand, and all that pertains to rfifl and and vent in search of him there. And Tho powers conferred by the htsliop npon ea^. Bhs died two or threu ji'iin ago, 0 tha window of h£i palace and he M tttOBEOM AHRi RV AVF, imyly allied npon all present in that anoes foree the talk, Hen who are mine, jsst a* eamiuly us all the affair* there they found him. Welterinjr ia, hit s Superintendent of v^ Rotloitor. HjtHBr In ChaneBrj, KoUrJ Fublic, the ydtmg warn thaa ofdonxl BTO by BOEQS and I know not what idou she had ol that tte people, ve» canying heavy nnti umt enntj, •n|grp«tea literally to Is eeally M ttfr chnreh to observe the eaudidatei thus itrangera shatter eontinoally. Old of thij woman erf the teat, as this child own blood, kia body lay betwets tho lit' OCEAN CITY N. T. UAPE MAY CXJURT HOUBB, N, J. pttsented before their gaze, and if they her aon's nal eburacter. So much far ttnneof them were hob- of the text, as this king of the test, were tie mounds No, CiQT Wesley meadoBi u the worfa ef the rnbria Mends sit iotnstimes, for the most port • WILL SI knew any ittipediueiit or notable eriato prelndo. Kow for jay ste^, Yoa know Msgmmatstm, ui be H •one ly in God's hand l*Od may ask me it hon- papOasR, 1 „, It is, again, iiitertsting and offfB iaiilonce. yon don't know—that I li&¥# BK by reason of which any one: of them Ons of them—It WH Homerton Smith Jltf attfaftfats exhibiting their •ana, dfed question! I cad not answer, but I a bayoMt when the Indians were being OCEAN CITY ASSOCIATION (I OCEAN Cm EKJff tMthotio to ws a Imdy of yonug meu—for e?e? eJuoo I oonld, write, beea i) tbeaiibi a bhoard d teittair llamentatioi n andd mu OIHiKG Pliysiolflii, Late of Phila, t omee, Rral feUta and Lk* DulldlrtjE. tha inOBt pafI uot fits aiirl tweu^^ ought 'not to be received and ordered, —teok np an evening paper and eare> gftther en cm] is) snail until the day of my death betiere dlsanned, and brooding over hi* feBjOrai ho wished them, to step forward and trjiag mj Jvand at veraiw"— j?i iafoV "J will Jnt pot on the clothes Ibat I am under the unerring rare of Leander S, Corson, Frum tit orgfloUatlon, aud alto solemnly and ia the face of the world en- lealy turned over the pages, BuddeBljf •hart wotlE ef v^« he became dwperate, and setking that OCEAfKITY r«R T. ABBOTT, M, D,, show what that impediment or notable be cried oat: "Good heamns! You re- it profluRtioiis tit tboat trapuftl*; and IwUl BO down JJARRY S, UOUGLASS, tering upon TOWS by ?trf BQ of whirh they trf ita leavat, leki*W God, sod the htaveoi may fail, sud the lose spot ho chanted hi* death song, fell crime might he, to nnderstnntl so iimch,' thoagh of eld I and |ei what their attrfowa i», and I weld may bam. and ths Judgment may BTO to giTo np the wholo of their livi-s, member the man Leighan, of youyeat the rtem, and it mifht open the point ^ the bayonefe whfch CONTRACTING BUILDER, anil Surgeon, After lhi* formal invitation the can* year above nig=>interasting nun maatfiijno one woald hate belietsd will •yapatabai with them, and 1 wiil thunder, and eternal ages may roll, bat pierced his he-art, and died on the spot No. 1321 Market Street, Wiib all their time, nil their intellect, lhat yoa were going to blcwnni into a. broed while they lira • - - • of O^WdliW help &m." OFFICE) 'Went **e,, BCBF StB SI,, Hail, didatoH retired to thnir Beats again. In Mt, dreamer, ffiosioal mtaiV' sot a bsjf shall fall from my bead, not where he had cften espffsuda to flbr#* OFFICE Corner Central and Eighth Street. all their Hal and oil their fltreugtli. to pott" ^ Janniih and ', thedarjeann f« hist to itart. A Moral REAL ESTATE AGENT. tha •work of the cliurch and to niiiko of general the strvieis, withont pnnsihg To be sun I remember Che man a ihadaw shall dntp on my pith, not a be laid for hia lait long sl«|L "Jut so, Jfaw? yoars ago I wrote s The Itfda «f tba l«d eaate. (o aee him PHlliADELPBlA, ( Tilt On, in. themselves! "wholnamq exnhiplci and long for a n'ply. proceeds with the say- Leighsn," replied hia friend Emton Qrttbm aotnw shall iraniMx my heart without Tise affaiF caused gFHit s orriee HBUBS ;\ {Jn"" 1 pta a p p.. mm.. GAPE MAY COURT HOUSE 1, J. ing of thq litany. for the Newdt3gat«-=yna know *in« Joined itf tfaa fating dir ineiy arnfl|6d=ur&nged by a Seaside (!• mill fj Uf s (i. in, pflttama to the flock Of OliriHt." It is Jones coldly. He was a man with WmtbjPftil and indignation. Ths maleoatents took ills thousands of BulldiBg Lots for sale at vailous '_ ^ OH this OdciMioii awiy rrmatkftble whom Hfttnra had dwelt rather hardly, there ia a role that no poum will be m> tc ^ vbicb abooai the hllJt ud p Father. Ms d ths distressing c taownmiciiitiono! (ho world; it in a sived if it la in thu caudidntu's baud* Unlilce th? old bug, U Trill i woks op tte abephenU. Ths fiat f s* Chap aud !,x&ttt1 ID all pails of Ocean City, ' STRICTLY TEMPERANCE. E. EDWARPS~ 0( A, BOURGEOIS, okiug of tho veil; thoffli young nien tss thing happeiR-d=for a woman, closely giving him a short and wjuut flgnre, a pounn, Mr, iQnilniaztiasiii;' oar teart, hs cstcbet sat Htnwi, dp strife and fears were enter- PlaBl ud Resort veiled anil drowtd in bluck, nroso from writing, Hi> when it was finished I took felghii be fen bees deling with the to the oipbon be will be a Fatter, «&d Now i? the time to purchase propffty before the second railroad com*a,*4 ' hflneeforth set oport; thok f-otnpanioiiH, inubaoHeand an insignifleant appear, green and oUtaf. nieth^aa'dfj tained of a mutiny. A grave was dug ; ho congregation in thu nave, wolked it to Lelfhan—I was vory chummy witt. boitJas ud tb€ euieldiit^n, fs DO then pniperty will greMdy advance. i ^ TO QRW.tl KBOM B A, M, TO H P, M, Counsellor-at-Law, their oouvermtiou, tlielr wtmlieii, thoir aneel ~I would explain sHignlflctuioe if W 4#hng, bnfeaiiBBtti „ to tb» widow he will be a haibaod, andon the spot where he lay, and tha chief —nENTIST,= qniekJy into ihe diaiiciil, the venerable I sould, bnt it tobeyon d ta». Sis has him at Uetine, WonBodtdrcadHhelley dec taew then wu a king in town, fit to lbs oatf i*t be will be a honrt, and to WSJ bmried by the soldiers, doe of the Not Excelled I have, a good roauy Isqulilis for Property between flth and 11th •Ui'i1|f' ' Irnctlccf IB New Jfrw i'liiindplphin and peereatioris ena UOTEf ajrain ba us tlifsy together and Byron—he was Tciy fend •priiikl^ aa tii* pUn* thol went asssg the dsstan of the law, STEEUMN i ENGLISH, iiiitwl HliitM IHNlfletmpd W lttjturtll . wete; eveu if they ihonlsl bec-uiua biuik- g trottiujt aftur licr in vain, little or nothing to do with it. The 1 the nioit uusmbJi wretch that tain day Moravian miarfgn&rieg officiating. Aft- Anyqnf haviiig property tot tale might do well to give me their prigs, '^ 1314 VVoln«t Sii-eot, W Hull!! of certain bita In 'Don Juan in spite of " aad Bakefl traeka l« Mfflffiti tbem, tm, witboBt aqf RtiftHt Dlniifni, with tlipee V d , K«t! Kt rnpta In faith—-a moat terrible dtstutor thnqph tlie uMoniflliud lintH of canons, most inRtgnifleaiit looking person t ever * «iilah to Ti™k cwwbi op sal of the OiLen of bii abom- er the services was evs John Howard AJ! pefsons desif lag io Buy, or foil, or Exchange property, won 1*1 do «a|':* ,T«rM§ to Tk rUIie prieshi, ininor eanona, hoiiririity tqiiiuns, hiaapirituolity=*il took the thing, I tart caws, be ksew more jaw than the ination otying for tneiej be will be as as a PHILADELPHIA. ATLANTIU CITY.N, J. 'or ana whs has thai boon nnl«K(l=aud aaw was a giant. This man was short, poiaon; remedy was Payne, wha had been a, silent witne« before closing uny trantetkm to L-ail on or addreafl * ^ Seeut, , faoyn and I tidies, Rtraigltt to the and yet he was insigniueant of upset tay, to Leiibu ftftd asked him to oopy damn. B* fiahed wish tha isbsmen,all pattJOHUig God, Thufocksflliall tqra of the pathftio scene, began Bifitfinft Contractors-Builders, were to "take the boneflt of the net" ifarme," . he ia &ta Ipau ( be Bom mm hlBewn hamma in the lUwin"iiiHitalnt With archdeaeoii, and to liiui, aniasedi she "I remember the man Leignan very graf with age, &B& the fonsta ifaall be softly to tjimself the soog which hag Health Restorer : M'CLURE, HERITAGE & CO., abd pnt off the Htylo and title, tho "Qsod he&TSOBt" The other man the bag, tojM earpftats'a abop. be ate BW SOW out of g EB Si aUAlVEf .'.;: A, HOWELL, and profession, pf elorie, they wmid handed it folded paper. weUinaeed," ho replied, '•ihayeffift. to them the field of flamgerej in the la§i bnrriBana, asri the ainoo g y Hyec«jiHni to Flnhertj, MtCLlirR £ USij This done, die turned and walked started in his ehalr. "You don't post tfaa field, he fried fan on fht bank!*]! aan ihall •hot Ita flety eyelid, and the I echoed tnrongh every land PURE SPRING WATER, main still separate and npftrt from BOB to remember tha man Leighttn all on tho earth. GeneraGl l BiBishoph , whho hahdd j Assjeigiion Qfllct, Ko, 601 Aibury Avenue, tk«a City, N, J, * back again, but not to her seat nude* the daya of my life. If fon come to that, He fy bowled at by aaty •taa (h»ll drop like blasted figa, and the ' DRUGCtGTS AND CHEMISTS men {they cnu tievw again bo the tonifti "Yea Bhall hear. Ho nndcrtook to bat dne* thefl I people is the tombs, be was splashed of kept a closo «rntiny on htajja aotjonj,, Fineit facilities for Ni«iir. the eeelofliMtio neviT Iteconita really s the tower. Hhe walked straight down I have no orijiiotion to say and to pray sled, end 'they< cootiuttits •bsU so down like auchore hl tbtbs nag and cdledl d Payne to him 112 Market Street, Pniladilphli. Muter andHollellaf la uhflB«ry, the navo aud out of the church. —Hang the man Leighant" espy it ont for me. Re inftde a beaaCifnl I the ml of the sea, a pilgrim wi is the deep, and tiie oman shall heate Joibln proaptlj. kltended ts, n In I'lire titugii, ChenihalH, layman s he falli into extrfl¥ugan«>s oopy. He sau write us beBBtifnily as he aaureaf potatoes pUisav a akk aan withoot g man. ** said the stem old Is> JPROFITABLE INVESTMENT! [loom a, lies) Kstateaud idiwBaiiaJngiOeaBB when ho mokea the attympt; for th& rest The priest who was abont to begin •'Well, I don't know why ym bear a llastgtoaii udhuhitHlf wilh eipix- Patent Mwticitirti, PilniH.OilH. etfi GltjvN.J, enn sing, We agreed npon a motto, and Ths eld bg U i uafflH*- a aoaruer wita •. ga.gfB' dfan fighter, "whfae did JOB learn that of hia Ufa ho ia hunnted With the mem- the litany psttH«1, aet'ing this marvel. gmdg* against the man Lsighiiii, at agony, and the wojld nhall Wrap it- aoafj" J, Laban Headley, BAKERY, iDHuninee The arohdeaeou oppued and read the pa- he undertook to send it in, *' < got at, but this I patbetk jxmm iir wfaitfr be *Bnld poor •elf in a wiuuiag shtat of flams and leap ory of big fonuor profemio!!. Act of par• yon call him; bnt, in fact, yunr prayer mi £B takes,to bia that song ny»lf4» per, Then he stepped *e the altar rails, hu been already answered," "Oh!" the other, man ga?ped, "It I Ida lean, Dfcaralae eognptete! I know SB the foflenj pjfe of. the jadgaeut CARPENTER 1 AND JOBBER, 801 Skiuth Twenty-second Street. liamontor sot, this otdcriug. oum so cannot be. Why, ho brought me hisdisturbed,', iu». ^ I Ibat oocaaksally his/dUios royalty Sailing,gunnineetc.l j Lots nd ecptcd, 1B a life Routcnco, like a ijourage. whero the bishop met him, and also wad Anr 'ine man removed the pipe which ths Insect Ima j dayd , BuiQod'sidb dd' EK isallll not did a iit "And wh.-re did you get ths tun< Al«e Bu lding a tho pupi*. They eoiiforred together for pooni dearly written oat and begged me m la the iteftB oo Toning, Heroil ABWIDB, WlBaow and 0.THQMA3, ftoai his lips and inhaled a deep breath Qnllmirtin has niW* wjli kindle its sens alter all other lights "I compeerd that aim " ftlB Ud »i! klndi of milt Wort Ht This wai itu ordiuutloii in spring. • few iiiomi'iiift Thun the archileacou, of satisfaction* "Yon mem that he iso copy It for him under pwaiiso of se- GaJUes, aa is tbs ted wine at tbe wed* ban gout sat It will be a billowy sea fE»Jiltj- HlelK-iil F Emm Qntside in tho quiot, lifuntifn! olosc, crecy, Audi did it, und it won thasytMne s Uk> it bofof din* baaqeet, ai when he' fresfl tbs "Would yoo let tee have of E»Jiltj, HlerelKiiilgHts, FUfUlture INHALATION I with grave, and trOHMi'd face, svhile all fiy fras.per-eell? Thai is, to be after the but ocean has wtpt i imt away. pftfftL Flelure. ihsmw. agd all kindi qt The Liquor Traffic and Its: witb ita great tttv-a and level HWUK! ntid deahwoaof having an •hackled demoniao of Oadtfa. a* when it?" -ruilM and Jellies* hn pcoplu Iflokcd en with bated breath, •ore, only what might have been ex- It will warm itself by the fire of a CUB. tM" fli h *nrj WML 1] 111, jfHh and West. Uffi Old lionsert sHitbniHlisl by flower "It won ths prise. Thai is true, Ho the imectmads, in the baps be tamed a Whole school of fljh into the kindred evils ire forever pro- Improved Properiyi No.108 Market St., ieppwl to the sctitfl of the candidates. Bnt I hardly expwted it BO •amisg world. It will sing while the Wei], a »as who ^ ilaf and writ* Wwidi!Jk*« ami:Evening IB29 Arch St., Ptiila., Pa. gardens and covered with crc<9popi, tfic was the first niun who brought me the mean*of effestnajb/datoyta it net of the duteomnged hostmsi, as when ln a g|iePiiUty, EveryllilijB t» Ha itopped hi frnn t of the young man to diacmerorL Sbs^a th« bog archangel's trnniDeE u pealing forth and like that ii no inwudiiirj. Appf-aran«s hibited by deed. FOR BALE Bt Lhi table ami set ftee of charge. retonlttg gwalldwa darted uLrfjnt, the whose beauty und fervor had awak> "Not quite th&t" The man read the aswi And it was with my poem," be throbbed Ufa into the sbrivtltd aim the air Is filled with tbe crash of brokea ttaj be against yqe, feat 1 am goififf to Ittbnrunma and the lilaea were ill hlOH« "With yourpoeaif Wonderful I And a foothold on the teoek fasmi I tbe paralytic; bat for the most part NOTHING SOLD ©B DlLIVlRiD PHILADELPHIA, enwi loniunu fttliiiirntioii, and showed pafagnpb firom the evening paper nar- aepalohres and jbe fash of the wings of set joa free. I shall ivrite ont jattr dia- Every lover of Temperance par f mm, the wistaria was begitiuingi The him the piiptT, whiipQriiiS. yon sat down in patience and endured eonnty, potato planH6ld >:Meaii Cirpnter anfl Bmlder, rating the extraordinary incident at 1 be was In Biagnise, No sne saw the the rising dead,: Oh, may tied a h inunedintelidij y andd a pass for yon H.H. " OH priinfoee and the first flowers were In It' • ' ' fl-riooflly. It king's jewels hi bu ft&dal; no one aaw and Morali should combine to; etilllH, n*»penHlrt,CaiaiTli, Heaveim! Thin eaiididjiio mart it; he Avoumiuster cuthedruL that tha Truck Qrowa** all this people with thisGbrinian anywhse yeacho*jse through * ndijiinrtfraof HOOtb jftnwr !or blossom irftqf a leiig winli*, Light betrayed no esiiotion; he did not change "Pine situation," said the other, He ; , [to it costnraxp,! tbe toyd fobs Is his plain coat; no ens Dent! tiea" , , I.J, help us. It HA I, FJ1XATR AKP tSMlKA?»s:K» olondJ iew nenws the sky, with n north- take the matter in bjuid inew that Ibat abeltsteai Christ color"; he wad the pnper calmly, and he was a jfraninliat. jnat beginniiig, wiih Payne aad been housed at the borne Ytn. Bqllrtlnt* Sreeled by s ittieuiUitllHtii, west breese funking BhoAd imrt qhnalug all the mansions in whteh im*tofd*y Jqhbing promptly attsndsi returned it tu the arehdeaeim Then he dreams of the drama—highwt and no* hit k F*£k la of a family Iking par by, and on hii BnnBhine oa Uio trjrf. In the callietlral orate ami \va!k»Nl dawn the ehnneeL blest Icind of play—and of Hotion, epie Florence, the Athens of Italy, had tf Mans had their hahitationr none Walking down & ropd one morning return thpro he exhibited his pass and the IOB lit op the woodwork anil fdiowed banished the Medici family, after hav* itndj, with * yiew to that thai bmmjered And all Chronio and Heard ono evtr the like? This woman fletion, grand action, elemental notion, bew tbat that hmngeied €hck th' a neighbor ws BnJdenly rioticed a related the cireumstanees, This was tbf L, J. STONE, Ml FSTflTE Fine Family the Bplendor of the RUTVIHI niurblts iUid must have firatid wjiue imp(4f!neut « ing pnt them in power, anil had just Ii ta'Tnf tHdnt. tbaUt, , _TO aU tbti dHe gtwrei asg afl the faarvati Waier bupplyf truly human fiction—and of. poutry^ ' befoiB«methii« will h«fB ttrtfe tall of fluff betf^ai ay feet, knl first time thai "Hotae, jfervaiis Disorders* severed the beads of the caiicUdiite* notable criniR, When he iuw»d throngh grand poetry, epoeh making, "Very flue bnrned Savonarola at the stake, after whteh ibaok tbei* pild oa the bill* of I ssald hsrdlj atojd,it§ppiag oa it, aj and prer teen snog in CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER! Railroad, with glory or with a halo of promises. having regarded him as an idol and a done, Isr the iniect* are --.—• •—* BO: one knew toat be who Alwnjn the (reshcutiind fesrt to be found11 1 the serein, Ijo walkyd'.Blawly down the lituation indet>d Our friend, the man ft »tackcloeeto roe; almort j^l Louis HAJDQHFIELD CAHDEH COUHRMJ. The ehancol, I SBy, waa qiiita.fall, steps, stopped at tho bottom, threw off prophet. The city was governed by a rapidly, aud their, eqaahiltt KUH Hnvored Team choice bmnitN aiV called Leighaii, would nu doubt enjoy warfc o| dattoying i , p p l apparwl at my friead's E-tlnuit™ elTittt. FJaBi and Sieamboais It hit IHWD In UP* far wmt\f • quarter of a Ths Yenerablo bliliopHat in the chnir surplice otul hnciti, folfM them, laid grand coanelL ^ada was prosperous; Srffn Uffattiiojc uKurrtof nllKradf^LUtLiued KfUlt«i lj^ % OthM men would find ituhuuiefnl." ai hi« own cbaliee; BO one knew feet, and we aw th^ was Btwly rhL CibS PAINTINQ BV COHTBACTJlK PAV. nturj. Thoiwand* of pailBnt? h**n been pyj, iinisin*, itried Bwf. IIUHM nna within the altar mils on the iiorth Me them solemnly tin the atone*, and then. "The paper snjs that he took off his certain families had immense riches, [that the seas lay in the f bia Octavna FlanBaghan is doll eyed, r»1IM or bail iiunllly. WetKbed wlien pur. th l i h J f i hatched pbefleanfe, Ihf mother probat^ s SEASHORE WORK ASPECIALTY And all ether re.led, Shi) mure th»a IUW Phjric!»n« hits t —milttw it was tho Hontb pbrluips, or nrpltee and hnrlwi himself fucedown< One Rucellai spent 1,000,000 franca | band like a 4e*rtrop IntheTaaeof a upd Ii »ni) feeemlllfBdeil It, luued i.y ciiKtoiissm. So IWH In w arried of by some wildest Aa it was ntt ^ of 05 JOBS ef ige who liurged to plinUiucni. ^_ . the weat, or the vmt The Teiieinhle opon bis weddingi while a merehant no sue knew that the s^ars and It is ftgn«aliie. Thffe In OB n*u».™« t»«t#, ward en the steps in mi agony of self dJSsnlt to walk with taeas little thing* p for figures.g Threhee Wallace S. Risley, Htap in'wTd mai!B fciediiooii frsm the dean was in his piacc^-the left liund 1 named Luon Pitti oommenoed the erec- i and sans and gtliries and eon- GODFREYS i* Sonisflf these almanaaametti«j running » elo« and in thu way, w» years ago Fluonaphan could not ealeti- rtriffat and rrwliart Itoofe Is fUllBOiipl"! AU •tall aa yott go in, auder a niiruoulons "Something of the Bfltne sort in Hy=tion of o palace which, it is tun, he •telhttiona that, uarched en age after Modern Conveniences, BiTATK y/e Bi*(i tmlow » few of lhp(rre»t nun.ber af popolarltjouthep&engthof apel IS an : lifted them, into the short gran along, kte what two pounds of esion wonid ARCHITECTS. Tde« yy mull pMhiBtiy «it«Barf te iOpf ear?od whea there were giiinta was unable to flnlsh, but whioh has, age yism u onpared wltb his life, * AHIJ eaUmoniili wlil^ we IN conit»nt!F raeelf Init i patio, isn't there? I have already Sees gneis.end IlUUik it Utoldoff aide, and hurried on soae SO yards, bring if cottoti w&a 5 cents a poacd, ^aLi to OIB (iiiiuunt of IIS a to the world. The veaeriiblo archdeueou the man onlied Lelglian In HI agony of made its founder famoui. thae, the sparkle of a firefly ^ a ssta- Tb jaw ajfa, howeTift while Plan. HI thorn who b»*a tried irt pybliahn] with the Fivcred (we of ci)H«e M » tridge'ii almanno, or tome" OB retnming we bid forgottenths a, i , - ,,, CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS INHUBANOE AGBN r, iXpriHK pSrWlBien (n wrlUneof the p*lletiU. In AtlnutlcorOatsj M ial la bis pluos ready to (ret np »"d «!' gelf abawmcut I wonder who tho woni- drew tlie plans for it, but cssrsigBti no one knew that the sen in n m WaB F FISHER, Tanos to file bishop. Th« viiiierulilo can- that it owed Iti tat cae ran eat, and so psrtiHaeioiip b i *f» «eadiI| ehopping No, 653 Asbury Ayenoa. Thousands of loti lor sale 418 MARKET HT.( GAMM, u wM—eherehi* la femnie^HpeeiBlly thii Pitti has received all the credit bidbsano wanaly tbe ibadow of his Ba tofa. M pt mr p!n»ra grmtltude far tbe enriooi ptopMey of t fttiek toto ^ ^ iXMjts that, to i»§ itit,, I p3' LOW COM and the venerable hoyorury cauona with Phoebns Appolio Lelphan. I won- Bis edifies is the most perfect specimen threne; DO cot knew that UM down of te th# Be „ Ujfpv eenteiBpl*!* ereetlDg a fine rMldone* at varitfus prices, located in all PropsrllesforsatfUBd ijJrelrt, MoB*J to li»n fSMtortsd life of liippliiM" H »nd hffllili knet *!(for •ai is their stalls i the minor eiuiona, er for July 81, when' it latl e mr »eli6t, iad «-oaf ininl at 2 ^e awnst 10 bin asd F#]1 REAo ESTATE ANB thti the Ceflipound psfgm bu der what be hat dooe. If he ware here, of Tufcan nrehflectors axiant. It be* eta,. bflvnaaJdnmlnlafini «mmjdip with thtadidfi^ ed eat, "A bale er mtm dal wefght it will pmW FOB Iq SntBll Bfc niHtiliij | if to toe, net»•veucrable. in theirs. The verier* came the pa lace ef the Mcdiols and isUimider, eta, we» parts o! the city. "WhllS I «u »l» . Md#»4 • r he woald tell ut fnuiklywith another Forgot ting that the month fatd.Si 800 poaad w'en eortoa t« gwiaeatf djfppeplle fffim h»ay^ able Vittgers, in long black gowns, etooa agony of seif Kbasemyut,(i today one of tho flneit mnsenma in the 18 1 Ull l 8 ISRAEL 6, ADAMS & CO. •»'• I WH kisnwH to „ r r _ the alnisifoo maker hsd bii^i' For information apply to It •»» InbsHfcd. peParr tIff e JSfttygnii I! W«wUl IIDTBIJI ASP onMde "the chiinot-L TJwy also were Said the other mani "What do yeaworld, and the only cneuf which it eon IdtslB a bamaa eye, lnflnlta Jovs fcai £ bo s« proTe« d a «..„.„. Joseph G. Champion, M »ifni«t esiMiiiBiiif to ins iennire, TOT Tencrnble, becanse nolndy at this euthe* that it contains many master- sert the weather preaiotini inn™ thftii fiillP je*n> I did Dot kdow • moment mean bf repuating about Leighati and day, and A boy wna sent fra Hi was given tbu following sum jes» - (MHI p»(n. Ail tiii* time dr«p*p»l», eeo dial OBS hold siiyoffi™ under .lie nao «lf abaaemeiit? BocanBe 1 myiwlf—bnt, pieces and not one poor picture, sadaji If one=third o| g & S, whsl Real Estate a Insurance THE EMMETT, of 80 eioept the minof eanona aforesaid Wealth and s love- of art were not the lag efflce to know how BaabB#,|[rand*Hia of beans comet tell me yonr story, and I will tell be filled nji, Th Is sne-foarta of 20? Fhmnsglian's fln- amis and phjdleiMiH thenftil I!WDB OOMNOITV,N.J and the choir boys, Tho ehoich is very yon mine." only features which dlstiflguishid the j pp diil! bB,**aa I eoaJd trtget then to •wor Iras 7%. FJaOMghan sayi that Best Home and Foreign Companies, To-dav I BE - *nlir«!- - f curfd ol y old. The trees, the garden, the housea tBhAftanti of this enter of the Italian too busty tn aUend to hitt, bB* rt Ujrt E.B.LAKE, e* of food that I nef11 "I look snob & beastly fool in mj i:i •sitsMid, "Tuny must bo tanght, God gave him his power. The negro is aHTHMbriSniiiatt •» life, Wrthei»* t)pen all thi year Booms of Uis elate ary old The tembi iu tha atory that 1 ftbi ashamed"^ ance. They did not confine them a paBiaB'Mid, ••Rit,dawali"^ hmiviilf Clifton Niwtsof Demopolis, I time is « hand If you want a mmmn homt. writ. »• ft*. «i teoms !, 4 « 8, Inl fttlto ftU * Mr 1 h»BlH«n up and going !n HI« lid hrilth, p church an old. The clergy ars old, It Bt pat the pia wia to Oat f Us and beat orer. watohing ARCHITECT, M .iaiWrowni, Bleetrle light, Arteflan below the atnll*, They wen fev tho " long na«C itanoe—utjpLtrfoot education—duletmi Ift the way of keeping a mUtieifl. ol o«rrf tyn meit part quite young tneii=not nois thengli they were mom in favor of «r the tapping, and, to BBT astoniihrnent, At an entertainaeat in- DnbHa a hi* work ta«»B hU water, Ban Mary draliiage.! kneeling, threw ^ nation to devote himself to thy chtiwh- ftitriek U^^ begag n ttretof.wltbretof.wltb tbeftbefff lltttllttto STONE PAVEMENTS, than flw and twenty a» an awnige—Of Sain unions, iegitiiuitto bnt ill nisaortod ba able to ensal an af- reader bnuted that bs eoold CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. J.M. hii ofiiifl ont, in iiu .attitude of flbjOCftaBpiratlom— poctry= mtisio—HBthetle weaUjfir almnnao, and tads thh a Bine way, find befors kag Sew Yflf k nod B..U.UOFF. taaunal honest Eiigiish |tauip=that U which coutribntiil to tsoeioty iho Bcdnq;J find a. Duked pin hidden bj one of th# Real Estate and Insurance! i£6 nflh *w Vnri, > T. to lay, large of limb, square of shunl iolf debatiOHJtfiit niid prnjcr. In a fnw —.all the ruat of it-^you know," Hve elemeutit of wit and beauty. Bond"] to ha?8 emniiB i bad bsgna to feed sa tf moments he, tirose, aud, 'with bunging "¥es=I rcmqniber, Vml tq aceonnl one of the earliet laiaeil TbereiiatiatflralprMiawtotb* • "haba" had ^ andienpBi The pla was hidden by a -BLUE STONE d deep of dsest, their funs awed If Boeoaeeio, and ynii will obtain a suffl fllpi itihartfttttgindkarttnariiJiHffi aod TjinUygtndGut La as adjoining room is Hans and specifications fur- REAL GARWOOD HOUSE, hsa4,wiilfc«! dawn the louguam for hia dark littit and pftle fasti by hii dieated whleh wonjd after that 1 ws bid BO the Bolertinity of the ocoufliou and the eiontly csnet idea uf what was Raid and nished. ASB mi is l*e Mils of a fieefc people turning, vfflhiug thuir necks to M*ih in tbe tropic*;' of the year, Ther* i»lioapf | Natom the presence of a oamaittes, gra^itj f the TOWS they were about to dans in thosflhhtiHijs filled with works of ! whom was' aeoaf^derota Ksi JOHN MoALEKSB Nos, 74446 Asbiuy Avenue, ; p« p mate, When the bishop, Bitting in hi see him, MHI fo out of the wi'stoni gate. "Well, his humo is not Paul Can art and handsome women,—Nineteenth nadaaforieaB la OCEAN C1TV. New He emno t« tlie cutliodml wrupppd in an nington Leighan at ail. Nut efeu fun! : suspecting the mm from bis loob, sly Terms reasonable, U3BUBY AV&, OCKAS.: CITY, N,.j. which Ci*« t-i »'l l ehair, ahonld pat eertaiu uionientoui Oeulury, . •.,.•- "' oioty, and Boms Insurance Agents, cestaw of ft#«ii lie left it clothed la It ifl SBBU>1 Canning, Muiu of Msinmy An inTentar of a new form of^ lyiflofc away the pin Inan its hiding u, ihU rBBiMiml ti m*nt, ftiid * r»ord prnveinint*. ilsuis qnestioaa totheni and theyflhouirt reply deutlytaken thai place. Oo his retuM to thaplatfBrs lbs af BirprtaiBi eSB« In a wide nuufB of Open all tbe yt visible Hltmiie olid nn«)Dcrnlcd- p—he* atswered to uiiher name—Salt! TU us ifefllii actual weatbW oppoiii«>toi Wifatoa OOMAN OITY, N, J* HDtSH,*ssit^ksB!l ioU.fcr»sle,™iiHiroi- In eertaimiomontona words pletiglug nent, Biith. to some who scoffed, Oannitig, Uie only child uf hla moths', thottght reader Based into (he bidet's OFFICE: HEAL ESTATE AID LAW gUILDilg, imuiy of themaftsFWiOEahiBddnfd to die hg MM.H. UAUWUUI), Ifop. then) to thlnga very sorionH itidued, Advattsing sfiema nowddaya to *&• ,ea.-~ '•' """"" " If B. pTITEp 5 dO,, phrMehina Will be mMlrt 1re« to ui ed theatrieni, , and ths waa ft widow. The father dk«J iaoo, and pnt ting bis band to h\$ brow quire as' much trnhiing and flneseas tatin, 80 i Ocean City, N, OCEAN CITV, N. u tinapplication . Wljeu ha bad goao, the people with when he wns an infant, aud the widow to be waiting |S be [ own inunedhsto 'friends ihsnM ever WAS blisdfoldod and led theihidentto fan attracted the nttoutioiiof uvsry am the diplomatio servise. The old time fnl and the iwt J the hiding pb«, but of eenrsa csnld one consent «lghe4 hMTilj-, «id aomo of lept on the buaiiiesa ittll=bopkseller is said to be re. Dni,1ITABKEV A PAI.BV, He was a tall yoaug man with the girls, especially in the chnn&el, and stationur in Eautelieatfi', The l»y method of 'giving, away crockery, slnmhition of find no pin, Heretarned, acknowledged father narrow snonldbrii bis hair, so : framed pietnroft and literature with ifajf defeat, asd looked dflgBers at bis B. C. IHflERSOLL, when he had shown to gueh great ad had a ioVeiy fB« und a lowly toloa, Itii 1 ^^Money to loan on Bond and dark os to ba Dourly bhusk, was parted ponud of tea in new considered a erode eon(edHai6 "How, gtnttoaa," taid 1529 Aroh vnntagR, beg-^ softly aa^ teeretly to They took lilui bilo tbe choir, aid he the y Flritiortgige. lite ar Ren!. at tbs aid% ifbleh lainorueffocll™ than used to sing Mlos with; -m ninch fen or asd nnegiivineing way of inducing the ptsaetit, "I'll nndrttake tony Oat 101: CBESTIDT STREET, PHIIiDELPBlJI, Funeral Director, shed tears. What hod, this lovelj? fismg njnoh study and research i Eitesdhsgdownwars tns usual down the middle! itylc Dur- uss done tlint, on the very threshold of —men Bpiritual raptnin to the attention of would bo purchaasrt mffwoaagi the road, Tbg'woBhl ibini I fr«B wbae the •nkla ^onld ba to aif tail diviner of the hnatt Bind will 120 iatftr SL SiiFrmttw (Urnduate Ma». Kiiilwiiiiltig UoISegc), ing tbe Boming prapfTi wWeh precedes Haw It hiu) beeonio the happy iilea if metehrtjlrjgy, the holy of liylies, he slitiulit i« O0Bntanane&—that all the ladl« ftU bs Hak«v Th^ «*l^dkafeouto eftani thennmberIpoinMba|mldwarbetw«nthst midway betwMQ thehm beell saAddd t&a» dsn I tell bis half iheawileoe*, witi. HEADQUARTERS FOR the ordering, no flhownd. npsarcfitif nf a f ra merehnnt W retain on pm% ft single hint, will Jmow where the u»y* IUIU easi npon the world f Thnlodal lOTewithhlm, Hew&flednoatodat (oal aoolety aa lata ilii Jnrtep aim atssi rodg-plated withoat ttae least knowlodgB that wf weakly, wlU:h appthared next day; de- the services of ft medical pnetitlimeP frontdtj£t&otbaR* OpfsjUi pin !«,'* and turning te the thought DEALERS IN one WM obserriag him (nltboagli one w granuiar eohpol, and the niasteni wera ud gi?e to every customer a coupon en Kaibedtbe inoideat briefly, It wi apt fond of him. He erihbed hia exer* af rollefthili^mnd-allows Ma readurhoffiiid, "altdown." HedidBa two aftWfm fiid that io J»4 been aU titling bim'flr Iwr to free: advice led • There was a yell, and jrjtnping sptba ana Insurance, thing beyond the powen of the local daea, So lied whenefer it wai oonven- gH«'eri^>i&''eirfitafL' 2. the tbma acting), a fetvw of idevoUoa reporter—ha neither saw the wonda net bottle of merilchift : --• •' *' matwm ths purpose of brbagJni the foot * baati^ pulled frein his W, BTOHIHILW Q.O. ADAMS eimoet to rapture In tlie lent The boyB did ndtliko him. Hewu Thfl medital profegsif n, whilorc the tragtidy of it. To hiui It was only a too daluty tot the playlgg field. Be tack lots plaosafser the step baa beea paslnti he wesm. tatwit h fiotosmb d thing SUBSBSL lie hud not e?en jog',. the regisWjs, a»d. maiw of a ftaa ^m i ftriag the prayere tho sun Bade np lltUs malignant fietions about method of eauring cngtmuaw, has. y f thai Peace STONEHILL & ADAMS, f mi «P»M is iwefifea tor able to lonru the eireanistaiices of thsthofellDwi and ipnadtheia ttnroad. He enftd -kg the aids of tbs tiot OUALITY _» throogh the pointed vlndows^Ml npn case. So one knew the natare of ths eboed fhat lh« tea rnerehuut hi tietp whlehtbeymore, A remarkable cam* ia. BUILDING LUMBER, LAKE BROTHERS Ufa nptnmfdfabsi so that It glowed Btald at the »hool, howww, nil he wM Ing on its prf gsrvoa, tBorefgre has ap- tt the in Wi L, BBRRYt fspedlafat or notable criino charged la Shan Boincthlng happonaL ,411 this ; wUh s. lbjtht •rinrtrthlyj: And fenuh Upon the eaadldato by the Veiled wotnaa, p«jiled to Its own catutei! id cheekthii nwaga. lirloh Manfiiacturing Jeweler, fads! It w*s ^s, the tertnreswe n I heuri from a maa who is a autflf ebDllitlou of iuveutive geiftiuB and order y Flooring* ^DDsylyaDi^DdHdrth the* Tha arohdeaeon presBfred rilena tipoa them. The head sent for hini ant ill WS*b In MIUPB l!n« praH HQ, aa SOUTH SECOND St * Liid regalu', ths fotehead wai those poinfai, So did the bUJiop. Neva* the tradesman to desiMt from misinghU WAVE YOST it high and nBrrow .Jlhe oyft . Ing, and in five m!nnt« bo wa* fired •Skwifh Its medicine,-—L^ L oMe» In |ha torn m Winldow Frames, ( thohsak, 'partly, hecaasa the young nun tmVflC the front d^, I hsidly Wow Sy tho pladng c?Jtiflai^ bad beea liinpid add dark, the cheek and lip and was not s atrsagor to all the other ca»- la Chicago Ttmes-Herald. taab a mi6n& u fa iacorjorate itinb- STONE CIT¥t J¥. Jf. Clrtn wcri, nnooth *&1 «JTO»ri with tha what he did, "The head ttill sayi abont artiflcUJ lwel tend™ withiii a the foot a W. dldfttea, it tecaino known .among tbeni bin that for the flrrt and only time ill rta fU witith tthah t af thhe aataL 9Sf light down ef boyhoo*! tintntiehed thai hta BMHf wap FUUp' Oiuuiagtoa It wai m itm & * P«& el Ut life he came s acroa a human In ipitd of the eoflriif'a fflartariesl in- f«£l iBfoagb ay Mia fa the 1» to m nttt WlADLEY, '" '" , haDhelor of arta, formerly Of a tar64ppa«atlywithontaiml—wlthoBt ••-• ""*-•'- ">i*|rfwi est bad been •qneead ont to <*» who bell ri I Nl hd b thrtd twJc* it* Ofiginal ,.*«» Brackets, FIWMBR, Real Estate AH mmtf 0isgs. at; Qiford, and lately he said, Qneer thing to gay dsaeof ia& ea*nte of aehiiKli iBftoei-^ ehl": JBJ *tst«B)mt adeonpaolad it to thmrfHt, -novti ta«k « tain intrarbof ijondon, It wan -" t= Jt^tt all Chronieaad XJmerln wu > fMd pwaete^flu^fe o *SaHf^ej Adhma, Bfmeiiitu, iBnau and a owpoller. at, tenn. It Waa a post ud had . A full supply constantly on ^—- •.— -• - • • • -• hand^iand und^f} left at ,^;,,,1t!fv. -, T,i^-rr ^,,| • Trf::;m •/' mmmm poas of inipipilQg the flew etia^ Nad toAtUntlbOUy, Owlog ti* the IBPW, Qulnton E. Ohimpton, one of Oc«n the lnipecttou wu pMtpoued UBtl) CityVypuof bihiin^« m*n, who, fcf ssesssssssss^ h thep*itt«n WMkihad be*n fUrt.rinf earl to.winM. J from typtwld fever, .uccuiubel to Of Codrt HviUHf We •hall be gU4 M twelve Itettui of Uawood. them dot? « • finally approf M and accepted. > * : ^fe^taBBtlD 4m- Gtorge H. q fleWi*and eombjunl^tloiDB of lDtei&t Mortsu and Mabl* Adam* are home g w, Wiadath aepytrtd th*ch*nW keeping .dUonlerly bmw ^ tbl ^a»ttni^ »nd out A pteuUarsiiaBapg«VB MuwFloreDts i from aqhssl and will smalb until after TheWoodl Kduu. i-ns < 1 • Will, at a 46 Sunday morning, m% hU late trn- *t Cmps May P^bt Tl» complaint »Mid tiki: mm in tb* «r. More than a Million in Good Clothi Crawfonl a dote all for her lite at her * >^ oomni U •heuld to ao- thi ijolldayiL .; .uiver«afyoB .ry y, Asbury art Due, Ftb Mr* Balei wia Biatti *f * fm dem that wiada*, OBOBQE W, s home bui Friday, night MM Ciaw. g -jnipanled wltb the full name aad ad- Through the pneraltj ot Elmsr •fleet, Mlsr tWenty-lourhnorb t of iBtenae Hmry Edmund., ot Cape Mar, l p Sfitarasd dftta of tbt writer, not necessarily for ford lighted a puoient atove and west Themgaf plantattoit I, r@ Is Ifee wotk of nutlnj wfll be At Lowest Prices Evar, Touched publication, but * guarantee of good Harding, of C&mflen, tbe qburefa re-IstaratUsaei after aome article- Bud- •yflarlnf: Although h\» death wMOot whom bebaa bad eontld«rtble U cetved flftf bound eopla sf the FwdBa improved by tht expendilpre of a tbe«TH«t fwiblB QEOKGEW dsaly a tongue of flame abot out from unexpeeM, It hucml a gloom ov#r tha MOB in the Court of Chancery. 4 faith. ttt be used ID the esrvlea. tbsusand dollan, ' town, to fey bta ^»B# virtu** ef bead The iult of Chr« , It hVatated that coming of winter we redotihle oar thebiovs directly aerots the entranoe ., Ones Creek. The iult of Charl« L. BteUer A Bnv, red fatWk«1 A ^ni date sf MM m.% Smith Is puflfring with aaavire to the closet, efltctuaily blocklog MU* and he«t deetawd had watt a boat of of Oc*an'City' , va* ChartChts F, TtTutU*U , eff tbeBawkE^ to sell Geod, Warai, Depradablfe Winter Clofli^ f celd. , f A tblrteen-moathiMQld child of Balpb friendi, wboibad hoped that the young Cmmden, resulted In^fc verdict f |W bl tlld thu the PUMJC LEDdBS to iai «f «U «t o Urawteipd'a BMU and holding her BobaUf nger gal add of an oil can and ©fa 1 ^^Mn^ JaBote-TswnieBdi ipeat Mop. n«n'i ?lgoroui constitution would #n* m for the plaintIfl, lbe aMAIlaMiBl plant of tbe Bind ^pfa gtrtns all 4be oewa of the mr i^ai . ¥o«Tl never bmy for less money than Rhfl att^niptwl tn ftnrigfi ^r6thfbfriBehild acted Indias eUef vfao. in the Mey day la Atlantic City, ~ ywriiilWr •U tte tfdstf edaatsn and p, «fl| be d*y, danlSed ud ia euDplcte & flame, but it came so dote to her d ablelilm to of tlitfiMia fa extending and d BO little toeUA nsm We're loirered pnpes on Suits^ OTrt»e©ati, Mrs. hi. Bird gave a dluuel te some to In a sertoua condltton, the chdm was for a haJiBda due te fill* feUowed hi the wait of eon. In t^ Tlw Bank will be clused tbat Abe was unable to &»¥& Aftei mueb-dfMdid dliSMS. TO* building: wfll be b of htr frlendB ou iuiiday, The funeral took 1-lace lug up tw^ lots owned by Tutite. Its oewa thejefarg U Boys* ClgtBmg. We've got an immense stock, anil •be bad been held a prUoner thus for Several robberlw have taken plaee in WnQtrastsMitg this and, «on« to Mgbt asd «ill have a depth 111 Now lltT ftaleiidari are nppairlug and AUlirisimfta tntertaiament will be aenicea being held In the First M. E, In the ate of flftvld Bflrohv*. iriiaUe, mnst keup the goods moving quite a period the flams ilswlf eub- tbiavleieliy recently, Outhouses are J, Btnrmer Uwu »bo*n that Tfaomaa to emldtt to what way of two hnndftd feel, aot Indudlag the Ooaflde of m newa depifisiHit gn sufih Bought after, given on iunday evenliig, eouilallngof ohurch, Bev, U O. MaDOhatsr, the SHOES AND we are UJ look at or to read of tb«e ex- teafn ibtd, Ontbe ow &w «1U be ilded and she was able to go and itop broken Into at will and one man lost P. Srrlaon obtained • Judgmst before (wbJeb indndes *p*dil ft«e*pomlen« Cutas are lbe fasbiunable fad In tbli Cliristinas songs aud reeltatlouB. the flow of the treacherous fluid, paitor, preflohlng the fuuerml «rmon Ne, DO, We aomeUnoi fcfgst thh e tittettitt oflfew, HAD, •U of bis winter's meat. Justke Bpslding against one Armour , *taad«, expna Women's Asm all tbe important aties and towns neighborhood at tbt present lime, Steelmanviile, Andrew K. Mroihouse wsat fox 1 he body was luismd at Seaside G tbat there are In pwite In frey fa, d business been better Well take $8.50 for Excellent Suite, really worth $12.00, Holly Beach, etery. Paiermo, Hackney; thai' execution wu Issued and fiegfbt' offlee*. ba£pg« IOOIB, and Coats in PeuMjrlraola, N?» Jersey and Dd- A. P« Hinry.'of Millville, a. property The ruusnilcjfMftriad.lnfantdauKhter floeuee—ih* oae * hsetsrta ti asd lbe huuliag on Tbunday and killed a fine Ida Clark, 18 yean old, of this place, and that on August 14, i§86, CoiiMable a wagiHi w.j benatb the tialn tbed, ^™^" , you would •nare), tbe LEDGEft to as illustiafed Wei! take $12.50 for Black Worsted Suite, worth $16.50, Here, WBH Bttioug Tuesday's vLsl- ofJolin U, and Liliti SteelniM, took Deceased was a member of the era wbo irslfB It To* latter la no : full-grown fox, On Friday he tried ft was burned Monday about the face and David 0, Bureh levied on » quantity of which will bs HiM by - tide en* found the prices of thfst newspaper of eiceptiocal lo- place sit Sunday, fiervtea were «m» A. Manahan Hilitary Band and Iota OEOROC J. LEE, *«d Waiting to be filial, a* Well sell tbe Best Black Suit ftpth e money, $10.00. family are in again and returned with a young live cheat by per clothing catching Are from oyitets lying eu the fli|ta in Delaware and which v>U do ud TaJuj?, gixiag special illen^ dueled at tbe home of the parentj. Sea fox. Uouncli, No, I1B,Jr. O,tJ,A,M!i of photsmtrnphie {date waiting for an Image the uRstut bo* add back ^Oa In one ef tbe View, by Rev, H, M. Smith, later- an oil lamp. She was removed to thethis plaee, both grg*nl»Uoni attending Bay. Afterward John iturmer bad the lien to domestic aSairs, reUfloua news The Mends and relatives of Bev, G. Jar this «1L Belief *tU . It Is u active the MX»ad floor «UI be a big walUug Thousands of $20.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $15.00. mebt at Eloo Cemetery. Thi bereaved Cooper Hospital, Camden, where her oy aten "taken up" and aUpptd to Phil and BDttal, teciil events, gam**, D, UdlemBB, tbt long mlsaing praeber the funemi III a body. The service, at Nursery. Job Gardening, bdgbim ar, with its own put mom which will opes apoa lbe taiu VV ill lam Mtwon, 0/ Philadelphia, !• parents have tLesyrupathyuf this cutti- Injuries were dpNHed, •delphia, Bureh sued to reeorver value sporta, the fuhtou* ef (be day, titerarj, Thousands of $25,00 Kersey Overcoats to go ftp$20.00 . wbo flnally announced hla whereabout! the grave, were In charge of tbe Me- : m ASSURV ^fjJL ptaUbmi. On osetide of tnte will be lbe holidayB with relallvea Iu tnuritiy In their great afitlctlun. Dlaa e«sek. of the btvalvffl, 1300. Sturaier claiaied of tbifiaur art, farm and gardes, stJentlne asd from Mexico, are dlimayed at bla re- chanics, • ' we do not de- lite well tolkteo to thethouznia o*a l*dkm> pwlonud reUring rooma and Thousands of $15.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $12.00. m Frank tJiark aud family have Ubeo The family of William Errtckeon la to have bought tba oysters of Hackney *Suln!bfTr»i,' labor note, boildms eorfiijp news, #l& y fusal to return to llito town, Mr, Cole, Mr. Champion was the third ROD and ato to dkenoat iteMvaiitagi-a ef eds, gnat mad, to adslfe hit deed*, to hum* «j theothwilde |H*ftestlou of the Myers farm. having mom than its share of trnuble, on July m, lSW.aud ptoduc*d bill of To Its special New York and Says' Qlottea-=Haif Saved: $2.50 up. If big boy, $5.00. A Urge boatdltig hiiuae will man, in a letter, declares that he will youngest child of Lorenzo D, aud Har- ___.aUoo to people in all the ntta of life esa bfaefuncter, to nd with avidity and tutlet fognu. The elilef BiauHement at prtseut In A daughter wu« reeently- burned to said, wltnewed by Joseph 8. Lttdiam. ingroo correspondeo*, long sis ed on Weflley avenue, betweeii Fourth not rejoin hb wife here, preferring to riett 11. Champion, He was born in ^"fjAi prapafi tn the mlnttt, when ih#ihe meorda of h»lift anddsfaga. But thia plAee li nfcatlng. death, the mother and a daughter ate it took the Jury ten minula to find The third and fourth floors wIU be dered famoufl. It now adds letter* from aud Flflb BlreetB. live only In a illver standard country, Salem, this State, In July, 1SS8* About COHVER S BUZZARD, baa Us oat Jstatut. tbe ve bin Hm^hiBf to briog a* *eU B llld bjf the local offldaja and afc HI with nervous prostration, aud tbe that Bturmer owned the oysters, the tne chief Capitols of Eu wp?. Rdlpsad Pare same as before* We pay it an The 12!"t HttoliHl of the New Jeriiy The diflereiit eburehta are making three years ago he married Miss Eva where he saya wages are high aud father has been slleken with paraiyala, 1 verdict beliiB "us cause of action," To taebteatiftberdid, On tie fonii'rth e purchases of reasonable amount. will conveue at TrenUiu UD pre{«tratlaiiH fur tbe annual OhriHlrauM Ang, of this "pisee, bv wrioni be bad to« trtmtbtf, asd tfala ban hit ehfjdren be lui financial news aad market reports prices low, Mrs, Cnleman is m teacher South DenaU, Then was no defense oflered hi the w» ffliiat buainen ofBeea wln ta iaaiad anndd o onn January 12, enteftatnttienU). two children—a sou and daughter^ torn all aneW talseoane, as, trtKi ta drink In rttallty from others are cornptets aad relUUe. in German in the High Behool of this Captain Edward Wllllami la home ease of Trickett vs. Harrison, a» lbe Utter mmi will be fitted op for the Mrs. E B. YOUUK i§ Heriuue!^ Ill at Ruftia Booze and wife, of Allan He wbe, with bin wife, father, mother and - bill It weald bar the*n fhn we sist ouneJrea be Holt. Their The tiai urday issae is a f rut t-omptn» crty. An efflort will be made to induce quenlly the Court directed the July to Htllttt. eoodBto bbrak^tik n and bbine? tbe residence of her brother, Parker City, «ad relatives frdffl New York from a perilous Voyage, HU ecbooner two brothers, survive nua. .. ,opon aaj adnnad aghosli tbat might tbo^ts BUM sect an assverliig in, dinm of every phase of social lite, con Colemau to come bsek, render a verdict for the pUlntifl, rhlle oD duly, MUiir, 728 Aabufy avenue. wire lbe guests of Mr». Charles Btwie waa Blruek by a gate aad commenced ^[beertaWl-bedtiitfaelf fstersla, <«« WligeriYs In na; tbefr emotlooa must taintnf reading Batter is *nit every WANAMAKER & BROWN L'hArlaE, Fowler, who was found sinking. The captain iaabed himself For tbeaecond time hi twelve months Tne beUding sf the Bev depot wtij C. T, F. Ban def lid, ef FltHndelpblB, ou Bund ay last m wmm m srainm womb, id Bea Mend with ears; tbeir aetkna must taste, of.rnpil#d »psklly for lbe gaiar* nude and insane wandering the streets a (Ape Bla? county jury Friday gave • neesaflate the rabdjig uf aU of ibgcom- wai ben a few day» lost w^k lutiklug May's Landing fcj tbe ngging. Several hours elapsed Ati adjuurned meeting of Borough to- to belten fab children wfllcourage oar an? their spun day EdKten of the LEDGER. Its of C'amden Saturday morning, Is a verdict against tbt Camden, Gioncta* P«ny'a paaienger tract* withm the dty Bfier bis pruueftjf ialereaia, Oeorge Prauk Dayton, of Elwwd, befure aanUtttuee came. The schooner Council was held on Friday evening, In loafer, ud that hia animate ours, if they an to do us any treatise of the Internatiuna! *•« WM.H.WANAMAKER welt-known Inventor, residing hire. was lost. Mayor Moure presiding. Councilman ter and Woodbury RaUway Company UBUuiar at i«tailoflbsarjinf on Mre, L, S, Smith bai been Bpenfllng this county, wbo waa sentenced Iu tbe real good, go tteatrengEr, the pore* seboal Jesaon fa aJiiDe vunb (be He has been working lately upon a for f2500 in favor of Souaen E, Young, 898 Asbiiry Avenue, better ibe seaward tide of Mediterranean PHlUDtLPHIA eevenl drtyn with her daughter, Mr*. Atloutle e.iunly eouito by Judge Jo Bledman, Champion, Lake and Head- and the higher la tbe Hie which seek* ofmbecrlption. new Invention, to which he devoted whowaaaerlouilj, and It li claimed, OCEAN eifVi N, J, areaee, and all trains will cater tbe Luurt FOBHHO, iu Atlantic Cjiy. (Mph Tbompfton, to two yearn* MM, Elteia Ubunbill U visitinn her ley were pr^nt, tne influence of m truly gnat man ha Its cUfliified advertifeflMnU «e as many hours of uneeaBinf t»U Had periuansnily hnjured while w«lklu« on The regular December gtwlua of iiuuiijut at hard labor In giaii's prfnon daughter. Ma, Frank Dare, at Ocean Coundlmau Bteelrnan, committee on Mty sphere, Uw sue freely asd abun- Intents ting M new? and as wMdy read. study. The Btrain on his mind and ttie tracks of tbe company, near New- Use of the traska will to be Council will not be held on aucimutof at Tw&tuii fur committing an fliro- City Fourth strrtt wharf, reported that ail T&sfafaj vote fcr dantly will that Influence be poured The public hsj fur jars made the of Bleep caused him to lo«e his y, bald, Qioueester county, (ate ou Christ ebangtb d . however, «• they the time fulling on ChristniaH Day, cloua BMBault Iti Hepiember, 18SS, upon refute dirt had been hauled thereon. UtoeketKawas a foUowai EcpubU. PUBLIC LEDGER its thief v*hjrfe for His brothif Horace, of Gef. HarryFfaaler is quite ill with typhoid mas eve, IBM. Young waa a. pa*en- giatlun Agent Adulph Edwards in Unvitl Httad, a sportauian of Egg Uar> fever, The committee on repairing Twelfth There Is out danger to which aJJ, and rub wtthhi ten fntof tbe pnpDsed the aunounceaien!a of births, mar* man town. Fa,, came down today to ger on one of the eompany's ears, and depot site. The railruad autburiUa (aklug a week's vacation. James L. bur City, lias beeu paroled by I he Slate William Jester, of Ocean City, spent Bireet wharf reported the .work fin- EMloiBl Democrat, spfdajfj the jwog, are exposed in flags and deatlis. took after his affairs and arrange for his according to his testimony waa artled J. N, JOHNSON, hardly eundder It paalble ihat tn^ ^ of Anglesija, In the aubstltute. Board of Purdoui, The app#al in Day- Sunday witn hla mutlier In this place. ished. Both HimmltttiM were du> AipiiiiMp , Wjmj Btralgng t ihfa aatier=that of trying to imitate Reefsi of basket dett aM Write for rales for «H*»i fled adrenfe*. removal to the Atlantic eouuty asylum past Newbold, after having twice notl- will be able to uta) ul of the required lsre§ tat, , L, O, Manchester will preach lon'si behalf wan slgoed by buudreda of The otlleial board of the M.E, church charged. Protoiblifciti, m,Qt8-t BUret PtaUb%. mente. 8utjM-ripti«n price aa foLIosta: The Camden doctors believe that his fled tbe conductor to let him ofl there* PLUMBER, tbe masts whom we HghUy admire chases fa Ume fer gat wntnier^ i stofatoOin bfbx Men's Clothes, Youths' and Boys' Suits, a BgraiQii appriipriate to (JhHHliims OH Sjduty rtHldyiita, who. alilrouKh lie EH dsirous that Bev, 1. H, Haun be re- Two eymmunicatluns in reference to t Fnssdj task; doufete sntcbel Tli# DAILY LEDQEB .gaaday «• trouble 1* only temporary. He say* the conductor directed him to tfitd, but will mass every eflwt to do raotulug In the M. K. ehurcb, woi given a fair irlal, bad duubts of turned for anutber ytar, borough governmental requesting that Tbe pefaatafRa of tbe total Hife aie by H^ tt^ with i, bv mail, to aay add res in lbe Mrs, VVufreiJ Sampson,iMradTQyeapi, "leave lbe ear and walk back on the exhibition of Fux, uf HAlem, rttunnnl ta her Eajt Cr«k and Bldon^ Oceau City §eud a representative, were STUM ANDJAI FIHER. O MeKlolej, cepUonal tUli or excel ienee.aaBie noble 6tftt» of Casada, gonots per oue of the oldest residents of this place, track," While crowing a trestle be s ai home oil Tueuday after »leugtuy visit Ay uukuDwd tramp early Monday Daniel Qott and wife were among read and filed. Solicitor Neweomb was ,4SH| FaJwr characteristic,»» fine Rsnltof genius. LOOM tly-ffont ; $o.oo per JHT. suddenly Monday of apoplexy. was struck by a north-boundaranrl se if heavy U with her Bitu, Juhu P, Fun, la thin ully, moruiiig entered the houHe of Juliana recent visitors to ibfe pla™, Instructed to look after the borough's Repairing a specialty, ; SuslihtFspiilkt, JOIOBI Straight tbat m proeetd straightway Jo eepy the Hsdbtrfet In Ameria prwenta, Etetn, beuosl wita mohair Saturday's LEDGER fw«kly serlouflly injured that he w« In the ,_ Warreu Mitehell, of Clranuipt, waa Ktiiir, a widow living s few iuHea from Frank H, Powell and bis wife spent Interests, - ; Bath Tubs and Plumbers' one ao gifed. In eomparlson with him fug the winter sewa, m many vi taikif ta£k; toed wftfa Mitk home journsl, H hkb ihodtd tm in every Russell & Adams, BnlliHttB projeei Silted, doctor's bands for months. The de> SUITS ANIr OVERCOA vleiturs bereiii) Fiiduy,' Mr, this plaee, arid ordered her to prepnre : two days lately wltn relatives at Tuek< A eommunioatJqn; from VVllllam Labor, ,G0§i; oar own life aeenu so MBJUI and DqoatmBUonsastheBuieof FietWa. Be- ludaBe, home, Ii.oo per jisr. Wit bout even five m I nula'dlstUBalon fentieclalmtd tbat the conductor lu- Supplies. OWUH two houeea in thin city. breakfiwt for him, Mrs, Kelro refused ahoe. Lake, seerelary «f Ocean City Volun* that we ate anxious to rink it altogether Mm iu delightrul cllnmie, whjch to one Tight-fitMng flj^hwrt CeifeM Atlantic City's Council, Monday night, Histed OD Young remaining In (he car Hut boris cheviot=butiBii hj^ it 8i7 ASBURY AVENUE, The Oceau City public geltiwhi w|]l tii fmiiijily with tbe BIBB'S request and Sirs, Adams, wife of our pastor, in teer Fire Company,No. j, askingUoun= 73O ABbnryAvetioe. tbat WeKlnley and begin another, which we nope may ipjog from the cold and uoUealthfol ^ with tw hwdsooe peal byaaa; ptjsHt to ; by a vole of 20 to 7, gave the movement until he met one going north, when be wert* batt aiMaH i Ilinu Uwlay fur the UlirlKtiiKiH ordered him out of tbe home, gtiyTrijr. spendlug several days wUh ber pareniB ell to turn over to said company the un- HH'«enttaat#4«««,V HofcanraxJvtd a dw majority of tbe be a frithlnl of the North seeau alooBt fiJasJied Milan tafler bafk; tined tBraueh* QEO, W. CHILDS DREXEL, to secure possession of the square bou rid* expended balsuee of fire company'B could ride back to Newbold, and that one we oyt wftJi bUdi s»tin rtwdanie, ng on MouUny, JBUU that Hlie was alone, Tue Intruder in Burlingtnu, Omitting the wahonorr . It J* true that ta this ethereal, it Es pre^emtHnUy a land of Don*t fail to call and examine them. Prices are the lowest, Bprttug at tbe woman and a Htruggle ed by Allautio and Arctic and North have gone to approprliitlou was read and the request he flnsliy warned blm undel no elr> gerind, when there Along Ha Rsfifi of Wads We»-|Iy front finiaKd D, imlta and wift maoy get no further than with ns sf rtteMni 00 iSajsel tile enBued, during wlilcb heverftl mvete and South Carolina avenues, that city, Bridgeton, where they will rem»iu dur- granted, tbe clerk being Instructed to eumstanses to walk on the track, but IHUTM, noPraklenL baa sad bundnd milt* of aalt water «ast ..,. d^ sOar, [alaid wfth ChftPiploii hus brluk uli the as a City Hall site, its quietus, saptifldal eeeentrieittet: like the young otw dad^ sOar, [alaid wfth L woiiudt! were luflictcd ou her bead, and ing tbe winter months. draw an order eu the collector for theto take • drive road whieh parmJlelid popular majofify mam 1832, wben ho, atrjviafr to be an Emerson, tn im twelve hundred fresh water I iks i Uned thfesghsnt with satin I yruuud prepttraitiry Iu the erection of a Tbe city bad obtained options on all the railway, WUllam J, ThompaoD 1>. S. SAMPSON, rhadame, aiie was bt*gly beaten, Her BereaniB Cape AUy Court House. amount, Ptoee badMJO pa eat of the total enljsneeteded in mtapjadnaj hfa nets are fish of aJmoJi every esoceJvabli ?a> RB.CORSON, cottage 011 Wesley avouuu, UenrB«ci)ijd real stale in the square except that and oeversl employees of tbe defendant RHfwtt Rsfssol eMnslijna^ Wgft sesm EIGHTH SniET A5D altraeted a iielgbbor'a attiiition, wlio The Dougiaw glass factory expects to A petition, praying for an are lamp !«*•••••:•-•••••••.••••• . •• • and paulnf bj htoapeeeh Is teatnnge rietjf,, from the mi^atofy trUm COOJ- sltan Sap pockets; miw bads? Said eaue to htr aid. Tbe man made his owned by the Pennsylvania Bailnad •it Eleventh street and Wesley avenue, eampauy testified positively to the ex>Stoves, Heaters,Ranges, nion io hurtheru waters to the tarpon, tfirwjfhout with chiaefeitle taifet*. - Daniel B, Frdzier, of May's Landing start Up business early Iu the new year. Is lie aereund bad 4S.1S per ent. ibem=« peeBiiarfty eaaiiyy ppardonable •PRACTICAL S1ATE ROOFER,- gtHfUpe through a klteheu window, and Company, aud the latter corporation was read. The prayer waa granted. iBtence of sueli s foad, white Wallace poinpuno,, and uthere of a mare Uoui- # (iii» eonittienced the ertcliiiii ofaniither The Unlen Hotel has been a temper " Bcfifno had ilM per cent, to the gist pbilvoptKf, bat py Coats for more and tor less. $4 no trace of him hia ton weured, agree! to put the city In poaaeS8lon of All electric light!} on the board walk McOeorge, uf Woodbury; Mr, Godfrey, PUMPS, al. character. Huwbae In all «if to as much as you please. Prices FWRERAL UD Weat aveuue, uear Second mice tavern for 100 consecutive >*»» and w^o, ttwtigb dereJaod bad 48,®ridleulon In bis iinlt«tor. fiat the though tbe police autborltles at Eggthis if the city In return would agree were ordered efl for the winter. of Uimden, aud others werejuitaspo*, 4OS-1O ABbiiry AT#nu© Loftta- total. Jo J884 Clew. broad Undan tbeangirrfl dagre*tFr Jean your way on almost every gar- ROOFING SLATE, iMn UUH&RT previous to last week's session of the straggle to be tome one else In any par- D Harbor are wurklog On a cluf, (o take favorable action looking to tbe Bills to tbe amount of I12U.47 were itive tbat no such drive foad ever exist- land bad 4S4g per eeat, and Blatoe variety «f game or better sport. ment Prices are never hlghfcf than TUB*, UHINALS, BL*eRBO*BDS. CUTE county court, when it was gnu ted s OORAN OITY, N. J, tkotar In always fatal to ral eiceJIeuce, ntGiartfta. STEPS, puTrspHa a»B fharles JIuthewa, Jr., of Atlantic City, paving of Atlantic avenue on the basis reud and ordered paid, ed and that the only way Young could sent In ISBO Garfldd bad fairfair. pliii, hai pureiiBSed the park proponed by the company—that Is, the retail liquor Heeuse, get back to Newbold was by crossing 40 Evi-ry faoman being b diflferent from Hen also tbe moat eothnsiasile bnn- Ht*RTHB, IUTI FLBSR5 FB8 UNB(H WA5HIN0TON VANQILDER, Manager, Harvey Hunskker, « worhmau, lost The clerk was ordered to draw quit- __ =tiot, == HannekffiJi par ant. Id WATER aimer Hlsth street audUeutral avenue, company and city each to pay one-half The new glass factory Is being built, tbs trestle. Lawyer J, Willlafd Mor* wow r»r*ot«d everf eiber, and e*cb «M must net terfindaaeiiety, B^r, turkeje, has, Petticoats MELTON Petticoats, the eight ef an eye whlli at Hurk in lbe claim deed to Edward Boland for lets IKS Hajrea bad 47,95 per cent, and TU* of j. H. Siawter. and to withdraw certain suils pending. Con Use tor Charles F. Garnison Is dying gan, counsel for the railway sompauy change himself, bat develop hlmadf, If panthers and wud aU) fnm at large lined with rustJing plmit of the Atlantic Uliy Uoulliig Cum- Noe. 659 aud 560, Section F, they hav- got the place In There was some doubt as to the legality the work, gave notice that they would again «p- be bi to anuwnt to aujthing. When through tbe more spanely setUfd r#= cambric—some finished witithh 7 ini , ISTlUTEi FURNISHED UD R1PURW9 Peter Murdueh'K family will b(sld » paiiy Thursday. A flying ajlsslleiiiuik ing been purehatsed by the borough at tbe eMMaa of m% IMeand ISSi there ryffle, gihefs with 12 in, fldunce= »* J. of doing the latter, and Monday night's John S, T, Burke is home (rum a sea peal to the Bupreme Court, ! originality b, syabed eat all hope toft.ns,wbitebinJiiofaJl klsds rniy be PROMPTLT Petersburg, N. J. Teuulon at the reaidenee of his (laugh* him, destroying the lilglit of the eye. a tan sale. fyuud In abundance tbrougbuut the l3,Kand 12.60- Wannth and a|. ter, Mrs, Maggie Johuwru, Ailautlc meeting was called for the purpose of voyage, gone. The shapes aatnmed, however For an ulleged derellcUon of duty Council adjourned. in 1190 JUodeln had a ?m$ huge elec- Slate. The more novel sportlefaliiga. most the frou froa of si|k. There giving t he matter- a thorough discussion, EdmuudJ, Benrett, of Bucks count* Wcrtfon FitikutenT Sne in themwlva or In anutber, are C'ily, to-mono w« City Council Friday niabt snupended taaU majofltj, bntoolj mtl per oeat. tor and manatee bunting m^ he alsoisn't a skip in the stocks of Petti, Pa,, has comedown |ospend tbeholi* Membem of tbe Atlantis City If you have bat forma wltboQl life or reality, and Joseph Button and fumily huve renled Patriii Etergtani J, K. Lwda from duty The matter had just been taken up of the total Tote. DonglH had Indulged in by the more coats, from the Flannelette and days with bis parente In ibis plaee, Saving Station crew are flrmlj? Imp! will BOOB lads away, laving ealf a. and taken ocuupaugy »f «ue of George for two ffliiBlh^, The oulyevldfliis prowhen a First Ward representative A Place to Sell; Woven Skim at 25e to the dainti- W. C. SMITH & SONST 1 ed with the belief that a small steamer BneUnrtdg» ISM ud M 1SJ1 vacaum behind. We mujl real is thta I BLiUrgeois cottages UJ Central aveuue, moved that the propositions of the nil- Howard BOM left last week to re- Wilh est in silk that French wit has con* du«d weft that L«dH bad been an which stopped off that cltv for a short If you have lifaeoln bad tbe ansallert per- natehleiH cilnaate, its aljove Fifth Htreet, road company be sot eoueuired in. enter Pelfce'a Business College, Phila- Yeilerday morBing, at io'cloek, Miss jured. PRACTICAL WORKMEN, bour late for duly, apd so opeuly was it Ume on Bubday afternoon, was bound eeataie of any Praldmt ehtmi bj atasd giatoeai or lo profit by it. It taloiaagepovea, its riven and lakes, iu j R, Kendlldk is hnvlng bte nture Members favorable to the project asked deiphia, Dora Bpiker, daughter ve Fourth street, him into disfavor with his fellow-of- Atlantic City an added attractron In aCemetery, #• The bride and groom, during their Hamaoa had * poptdv majority, as consider ha action*, honor his charac- 807 ASBURY AVENUE The M, E. church, after being lm= honeymoon, wiU visit Pniladelphla, see without his long-range glass that will admit of* sojonni of two wteka in proven to be of pure wool and fade- William Lake li the owner of a ruBty lleera, ' driveway in full view of the her deck was literally alive with men. You Dsnpjla Kid BsUoud dM VVa n SSai« n andd 4 both ter, kt It fill our soulu with netTlielt tuia dtJifhtfiil land; tieketi ftr the liff dye, Satin sleeve and shoul* HEATING, cmunon ball taken from alt old fortiflea- ocean, _ . , proved and beautlQed, was reopened New York City, Brooklyn, Hewark t set «8i* aim, W»I*T* will receive immediate attention. Then he observed tbat three men stand- be was deettd. IE absBld be admiralion, love and jgiopnthy. Jet ftfourth tour wiU be valid to return until Rev, F, J. MUBdy, «f Qllvei Frsby- «lib an aUnlay service Sunday, and other places of Iplereat, after which If you want dnoe _ der lining; fancy body-lining. iii ii ou the mainland, a relic of an en- big on tbe boardwalk were intently that Bon tb tiipUna chose foapire ta to make the most of our- MBT SI b l terJan rjbureh, prayed Sunday sight prot>oa«ii Hew psrsngli 1 Mr, aud Mrs, Stephen Jefferson are they will take up their residence in by regular tains. Or, pay iig, 116,50, $m, |25 or gagement of the war of 1812. that God might open the eyw of Presi- watching the steamer through marine Insurance UflitH ail ilfH fciit Wm 9 by the g from the gs, M fae h» dose, bat let all nig- ye a garrritmt more Holiday noun* will he observed at the TTher e was a meeUngag t the Ana, lean doing well for education In Soulb Jer- Opean Ulty, where Mr. Smith is a goirJon* of taltatton be banlsbsl. If NeRaeeifsw Yurkr, the roundm trip, so 00 fras | M© and you'vt a gamient more dent Cleveland and show him the d sey, Three of tbelrsgnsBre prineipals member ef the firm of B, B. ' glasses and this further increased his Cone to u« adoption of the amatltuHoa down to Mom Pbjladelphia luxurioui, and of equally good value post-office iiit ChrlBtiflM Day, I be em- rightfuiuenB of reevgnlzliig tbe cause HouHe In; Trenton Monday of delegates suspicions and caused blm to report we would neablfi him, M it be hi the and proportionate ratet s f DRAINAGE, ployees, like all the rent of uiankiud, from of the State tbat of pabllo BcbooiB at Sea Isle Otty, Eldo- Sous, painters. other fom several boroughs of the State tbat the matter to Keeper Parkef, The It ttooj appear, thai will «df realiiatlon which he h»attained, points, of thi Uubana flffhtllig for (heir liber- promises to result in an organization of ra and Petersburg, while a fourth t§ y being entitled Ut a day's vacstlou. ties. "AmeUb" echoed all over the steamer, which appeared to be about It Injf Tirni," enter the eaalf baefead by a maJaNiy •nd whleh each one may attain in bis For Ueketa, iUneaujti and other in. What 1« being done toward lueifper- borough^'delegates and the passage of a prepsriug aimself to take a position as The residence of Mrs. WUllamBmlth, 4fie->• tnam«H egalpmea digging nuck out of a eraanerry bog eerl^a ef €«» meeUngs will take place, euue sebeoi, Allanlle City, Q! which he d*| Pftr year b an organization for the improvement, tevif havegalBtaex- M4 aslaidld termlaal JOHN Mqiiday, killed a rsttieMiiike. The rep- commencing with the new year, b a pupil, every Monday for three tpl in advance including codification, of the borough Thomas B, Brooks and wife will cele- through htaai, A " for the occasion; tde lay still, and when Koster nude aa Uws In tbe State 0! New Jersey is nec- weeks past asd foreiug open the teach* HI*, m=i. mm, wuo Msupis aattempt to pick it up it made a wild brate the thirty-fifth anniversary of ere* desks with a penknife blade during i,Yard and Mill; 8tb and West Sts. essary; therefore, be it tbeir marriage at the home of their n that McKloley baa a * gnai actenll^t may awaken AUTHORIZED IfBffi 1)1: 0 itiags bto ^Uflutra! avenue, between spring and cba»d him, fltnjaniin "Ikeolved, That a committee of nine tne noon recess. The teachem receive F«id, a uelgbbor, ami to goiter's a» daugbter; Mm, Stuart H, Thompson, money from the scholar! every Monday KEATING Blita and Beventb at recta, la apendjpg be appointed for tbe purpose of eon. ef Jersey Uity* ' OCEAN CITY.-.ri.'-J. a part of toe winter in Camden, elosiug e\*tiM in Hew York Ulty, taWi ^a anrttf TOST by lbs meoibera uf the Ladle*' Aid Moudiv, alottl the oid May's Lsndiug mbeUevou* or detrimental legtalaWon- dent that he was delected, A broken H, M. KALBACH ____ i feUBd a wan's «ieib ing haug. knife blade wu louiid iu one of the QQntm aa4 «aaea are gnwiut and anrptaed' m | *«* tn keep tbe gup ilmrt, 5 Society at'tbe Vanttalla was well at- and if tbe committee deem It desirable l£iigln» Dels? wm gndoaj|y bring oa • treee . Everythinygg frum fast to desks which bad been brokeu into, and teiidri, cnuaidBriag lbs indimeyiy of to prepare ft bill codifying tbe act of Tbe Cape May express train, doe at poltshed to thatWfhtoudi et ^uwl- wheo SIM * A,, the weather. The prweedii,wbieti were ebJrt wawass tthere, Is the vest peelst April 6,1878, and buppliBtentt thereto, t Boyer, whe was (Se* that curve?) 1 tbe Camden station at SJip. m,, was PAT OH MiHT, fdr the benefli of the First M, E. cliuiob waa 81 centt In change, and In thh e coatt p that the chalraian have power to all delayed Thnrsday evening for nearly the matter, learned tbat young which fivea tmt gjlde-tbit eSEAN CITY. NEW JERSEY, 11 to be a fluancial iuceeas. pocket they found iwu sigan and t ART mr orrtcm msMt mm future meetings of npreseniaiiva of two bouts, The delay, it wassaW, wai had a knife lacking a blade, h dhlf The eiotb« was al cUd« oaiy found Ifl tftflditRh ail the barougba wlthlo ths State,when caused by a serks of aecldeuts whlob procured &nd the broken Made flttei vaa returned to __ j locandaosit Lamp*, aaj Foliage gF sdtirf Uliai would be a very appropriate Cbrjalmai m advised by the committee." it perfecUy, The hay was arrtated Sat- Bbada. E'«tr*c BeJln, f^la, AniiuucUfors, UatteitH Mid all mostBiw, but,no* ruined, owing to happened ts the engine,, Tbe engine .M^^lWMMtw ahseut .felatiw «r iflead. tbe wet waiter, Aa lnvntlgatlon Is This committee was appointed by the urday on * Warrant sworn out by, the365 days aBead of then all. •Materiali. " attached te the twin gave out at Cape ey wbieb JOB aubeing paBe, but it is difflyuit to find chair, every delegate pnaent getting Board of ikiucallon, and flniiliy ad* May Court Home, and the kcbmbUve »wlth foot rot njake place upon it, . milled hfs guilt after several bourn of liSi, used on the Five Mile Beacb branch walk, one tafyt stiid/a* There will be aaotber mwUnf en dogged alienee* Hto father aays he Is seripi&nH j 2iii B m^ ... . was attained W the teln, and iftsr JAMES G. PORCH Januarys . coniiderablsdiffleullf Sea lile Junction luoorri|rtb]e and wlU; aak that he be the hotitd et brnMhad &a Richard Town Council ban pawed an ordinance aeiittoifae flefonn aohdoL Heointly H, Toms, af Boston, was reached, when this engine wu ev*BpilsUc sftvloa ^ibiUng-bifflclf *i«lo«eB lbe aide- liAE*--tJndeHaj5en and the younpter farced pp^iiav drawer a( NOHKeR alk* ID any p*rt*)f tbe town. Riding i OffleBaod rwMejsce m •tailed, ' _-.. hla borne and scoured; pgawiaioq of • # r ihe The locomotive ar tbe OeMn City fi*b tedkwllhotit a 647 revolver, shlsh -\lii0atit. to Sunday* I | ? S ttyle ^ket alwaywaya 00 hand, :JJo4U:JJo4U» ram was coupled to the train it thli bait,... m«| IfywfOd gentieman liBi been sahooi with blm> White he wai pfuodly MI bbilf art removeo d ftom nsMlMla saajriingjriigbem. bemw point, ahd tb© train moved In gw^ , engaged M sJmHaf irt*'SB;ttilIi*U place tb*efl«» Ld rtUaa kept nntii tmriaj paalbna tha AVENUE: pbUWid dih*t tutl* •bape mitU FraokitavUl* waa reached, d when" Itiflfid fte aJ^Mn. f fbe M and _ .p: and there we» BOif '. '- " .^ - ' rTtifi- tbe highest order ai to hta special flfr- um Olne were tldMrtcked *t thl« point liOiB for courtly Uuu«V«Y before, W^: Atb»U« City exDrew traJu na fur thlaparttailaf Uoeof UhrUtUya- ithat-'tatj CM-

"'• .<- ' /• Cor, 10th *wfWi pAini'^au AHD BiLAttmnm

_ ir emhango 1 id Ja * fanuhouift. ahahad akny ehletb> the faypocriHeal "no* il BbmB ' fOr Ibe _. || fork and miaeh baid work. otttraofOP and gyiWer u l ; 1 the moll ?*!• " " ^ ^Mad«n; i0b' *i«*a» ^ "too Titfls rolled oo, and she married ihe SE*'i. l-V.' -; : : ' fc f 3iWnlir A**«# qtiBBClir S, 3* ItM ftrjrare. tfte ycw'^ajbd will keep innocent eda flTii wearer of Halifax. -, Winmiibnw of m^MfB|ary PBbJl^^skrjai?n|ai 1 from rbecoming JntoiJeaMd indtfkrHout; tboy saved' taoBty- after a*blle to balld then a home. Oa House & Sign Painters. listii BLr«t »n.1 AHburv uv«nu& I', O, lkul^, there i»,:g»M. t tbeaioiUiluB of tbe day when tbiy Wi» mifd^-b^ W>fkiB wbap are cailfldthe to/e&tQr.lhat home fhe yoong wife arosr JOSEPH W, , nebgssfal o|osse« of sooiely. fit some of ,*t4 o'dook, suterfd the front dootyard, 'ARCHITECT' the oitfp.it Is iio rare thlnj tiow to §« knell • 2swn, oonjeanted the place to m faaiilfiuablo wefli auiniosli fa in tho God, ajjsi there iaade tbl« toleain vow; CONTRACTOR AND DUILDFR, the rail ear, !ar thn restaurant, "O Ltod, if thea Jilli_blaB ra ia it in taken, to Aleppo, pad (be merahant TBg^Dunaber of flue ladis tone drink too €ipliB; the pom- aball have A than ft a Ii ec-mes datoihswholesale drag. find ii#r; at the rwseptiou in nest uxaj fed hFrt. rolled ia:, Children grew tip anuad by Ujeday or ponifnft, J *• ?» ' 1 • ^- i ' I fist in London pe, 3fe w Sol Ik. lU hecespany^ b^t she bas 4 Quids tee - JB &ny theB^aBd teey all became afiiKni One, sadEii tlfc" KfitlljliiicH i' ; Tiiifs to jtbe wiusroom, aiirt HOW, her glvoft; Qilftfafiieg to da HnMlnH ftorit mises « wHh 4 ch#»jjsr inlteffil; tLea « member el parliataent, in a pnhlio nee Ilia beat material. it come* |y the retail draggliS, and and after awhile her cheek place declared that bis snecaB came CARPENTER AND BUILDER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, inttiirti milk M i^lnpiptf i material flushed, "and then she frojn that pnyex of hi* mother in tho JOHN BRUWER, brttfa tiinfc ttw i*br liok-mnn J iatofiis of eternnlating laqghter dooryard. All of: thom were afflnont i open tDtohii,bottle It ismae! and chalk and about BQthiug, and then she pffffl sick' Fonr ibOBfand hands in the fBeterios. OCEAN CITY, N. J, No, 721 Asbury Apenue, Oceah City, E J- eniog. flattetlefl, • telling; some homely Painter and Gla/jer, end, and tome of whafeha* boon sailed They Milt dwelling hcHuai for laborers SiilMkl jtnn, FMUM utd VOL.XVI. pwo Boammony «ft« analyaii has been, man how well he lookn, and thin she is at cheap rente, and where they wen in- tflratabsd, BiUit PmpSriiW for MIIP, HnnrJins !'»•"«* IMIfl cgltfl^* far SBt IB B|l part" at theelij. u O01AN 0ITY,• N. JH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31,1896. fonnd to be no «sojinonr st all helped into the carrisfe, and by thevalid and could net pay they bad the gjwMUtiea nod BAIUH«. time the carriage, gets to her boras it honges for nothing. One ef those sous IIHd Oil knd tba inot thit takes the boibayd and the coachman tosame to this ooontry, admir«d one ilTTOltSEVS.AT.LAW, then aoospted fail blind with a forwd bar •erviot E*her'i feel •loag the nar- their No*, pTBotlcal fetigifiB If iU j»t reo- rowbaJL She heard the opening of the tlff ftU tfafaL ^ tt *tlt go to tb«e bjp getbor np tbe ataip. The report is she parks, want back, bought land, opeued ARCHITECT, BUILDER, First Quality Hard Oil andTHE OCEJH CITY; REE ESUTE, EXCHANGE i ' : ti&tii CITY SENTINEL. gmile and glaand guiltilj atonob othw, Wai taken sudrteyly ill at a gonnaia. ft great public park and made it a pres- - J* S- WAGGONER, HAND, IN DEACOl^ORDERS. "Seo are mspicioaB," said the yonng doorasd theaQJaTiaosof fl manly atop, eritlal pjofcasora of religion who sot Varniihti. ^itiitbs lait time,"iha wdcL *'ltim a,,>*«m«" iB oofB^ioa #baat itiUI Ah, BO! Sba took too lunoh ehanipaguB ent to the city of Halifax, England. FRACTICAI* Hl.ATKU, WBEKLT AT ATiORNEY d^Tgynjan, ''Indeed I nia net •urpfiicd, and tailed Jiquots and got drnuk Toil They endowed an orphanage; they en- W. E7 MASSEY & CO. WALTEB wites lbs pamgroph in today's paper." theTery last time that I will tee him," ctgo and Kow yoik, Mudlfls pp Oc«iui City, IT, J, Wtve and Physician and Druggist, AT LAH, and » yielded and gave way. d np Bntil tboi"i?b« ttegesft Wewas all, <>i '. - dowed two almabouses, .All England I'rooT "Wo were talking about It ' has hoard of tbe generosity and the good Bm Bsf>SBf gbte eoufutif ay hsnd. OCEAN cm N. J, 18B6, by Ui9 Aotlior your eard ytsm tmi op," HOT caller, the young gentleman ^ of the poor, keeping Real Estate and Insurance Agents 1B, 731 Aibcn Aienue, Ootia Git}, 1, j. named l%ol Lqighan, stood Is the door- ttflffi in tbeif own hoiidi, or seotnl* religion will ha?e works of lbs Grossleyg. Moral: Oosge- Pure Metallic Paints for Tir "I dare gaf, Well, yon flea't mat • to coiBQ iu aud fix op the manias^ w-oraio toOod your Small means and your L»iH fiir Hiile or lfp iftuseB to rent DWCIB, ImutlM or i*Ufs DrUR Fida Butlenerr, CAPE MAY"C. Hi. N."jl long oiplonation. Tho person who placed way for a moment, hesitating. Ha was litsg them nniil the prleea going np end GEO. A. BOURGEOIS & SON, A liiiniLwr (if bargaliiH tit Iptu, latioti in AffiMina. There a» inetaban humhje snEioundinB*, and yon will and Shingle Roofs (arid, nt, etc, eonnlsntfj on hand. in.»,.^i., Pahu,, gyllrtiBsii,» "Uocamo to me overwlifjliiiod tbs paper in the nrrhdt'iifoii'd basda boautifflllj dressed in elericahi »nd look« tap attd np, fbej; weife, iiftcr awhile. have larger mianl aud grander surround* other should be used where «d ahnoi^ai holy M ho had beea two d t ili and they"iold bnt, ihnklBg of ehgrehoa who have too munj wives Carpenfers and ltnilil remember that faith without Works is trmetoi dsi. to the Vtmt oHIce. F, O, B«x, alienee. He said (hut Lo waa poor nod fingers touching, with a smile—ifit the dfi DO.-.uiiilHi_voyage, ^Noiv, the foes Ifaa'i- tbe ^ bnt to take hoM of what are called dead," Paintg, 11.89 pef aweet, aad anile of a penitent, tat * wonld bs so pleased with the gift he : OCEAN' eiT*. H- J. 310 CTuktt lib, candea, a, J, tfanl hi a only ehaBSQ was to "A, certain charge. Neve? mind of iis gol tiled of this, and it thd biihcr shusea, tim tronble is that Window Glass of all kind? hisnlfi tbut tbe p what character, it eonocmaothers; not cheerffll smile. Kot s touch of ahama "^ ^ -i^sinijVwwk'iBto wi would feffef the swindle. How^namch people itava m jdsa they can ds si] Phyylelan, Late pf Phlla, or repentance or 8orrow=» eheorful, a nan say not hate any liturgy in A NIW ART PBOCISS, and patterns. Reference ^Iven, JONATHAN HAND, JB wonld be of the greatest poelbJe BIO to myself. Had I known it Ishonldoor- heir nligfcn on Sonday with hymn- B. M bin i that if 1 oiptwcd him he would bo toitily not hiivo preeented myself, Aa 1| ftsppy iraile, of life. We do not which -te lay toil pfajfiH, 1 will eoffli book and prayer book ni;d liturgy, and VM B Puts ta OKEOnf ANK1 itV AVF. ;a T. ABBOTTi Ms Ds> "How Can yoa earns faefdf" Ac pose for aim one whlob bo pfaotleslfy Attorney«>at-L.aws spelled. Hit whole eareel would bo was, the waruing proved fortunate, be- notneof thom lit in ehnroh rolling op Snr tlen. Superintendent of earns it has given BIO timo to cleat aiksd. springing to her feet sod tap ta t*ks bet haafli bdti is making r-O Lord, we, by getting An effeetlTfl departure in art 1M tho OCEAN CITY N. I. l*h>nlclaii and Surgeon SoHettof. Hutar in Ctuueiirj-, Rotary naWle, Wto^* aifssno 1 their eyei as though they wore leady MABKHATX'S "Tei So It would doubtless." myself aliHolurely. Ilcm is a letter frorn ping the floor with her foot "How "Withme? O a 'eofser la hnjadatuite, swindled tha or tnmlatinn, when their Sabbath is BOW nionatjpo that in beglutiiui to find OFFICE Corner Central and Eighth StniL sappote iiu, bat •oaebowlam peopla ef the United States out of (10,. CAPE MAY OQVm HOUSE, N, J "And then he pointed out thut if I tho bishop's chaplain." So took out & dan fm ooms here? Bow dare yon?' iteep its way to America from Paris, wlitiie fTllj 9 a, in. charged him with the foot bo ilibnld be poskctbook aud produced a note from "Yen bate uid something like that Bat very «ny about it Yet I am ienf '.000 asd made goffering all up and 11 has cjijojed for going months a v\o- OCEAN CITY ASSOCIATION HdUHS 'A Viaai Ito3p.ni. that you ahonld have had m much ttoB- life, and while JOB are aipectiug to IN QOEM CIH mWl WEDNESDAY obliged ta defend himieJf tooth and the palaoo signed by the chnplaia to the •feral times before, Maggie, remember, -O^sr _ down the land, and we wonld like to leat popBlurSty. Tliuphsasa WIH ciiacov= It^rDhi )i lo B p. ni. fit fm have forgiven me. 'V feouHt. Maggie. BoUeve BIB, I mtn oomprotnlsa this matter with ttaeel come oat froin under tboif arms the Leander S. Corson, I-mjii itH orgaiii/jitiiiii, mid naiL No one, he laid, wonld bollove effect that the bishop wu perfectly est» inotnfflg battilk iboot it. wings of BU angel there come out from ertd by Hobort Herkiiiiw, Tho nrtistio OCEAN CITY al omee, K-al E»Uta ind Lftw lajidlBjc. that I waa a poet, whorcaa of erybody isfled by tbe confession, duly ilgned "Oh. he hu» dono—dnnfl th{#=>and toy Mrry toeans e ym—yoa—any di«- Thou knewHt it wag a scaly job, bat worn tAmea AHO eESTs. 1 their forehead the boras ef a beast. folk of Paris w«r@ qsjck to nee its INM- . CHAS, El EDWARDS, knew that ho professed to be a lover of and witneased, of the erimina] aeuE totttBt—ana everytningl ' Sneclasped bet then It wai afiiart Sow,' hsro w&%otn-' glbilities, aad tbe fume therctif flow CONTRACTING BUILDER, [jARRY S, DOUGLASS^ There has got to be a new departure TeW Ht Icnat And now ho bud in hia him by the vicar sf his parish; that be hands, twinging herself to and fro, "Oh!" ghoahdok hw ahffflldsfs With promhfS It Take 1 pet centof the prof- like wildfire through the hiflatumuble No, 1821 Market Street, -=DENTIST,-= "Oh, he ii oovored with thamel Hii impatienfle, ' ' its, and with thai 1 per oent yon can In religion I do not sayanew rellgien. , npnr Stii Si, desk the gerapfl and bits uf the poeai in himself, the He?, Fun! Leighan, was paintera' qnartcre. MimntjiKs |iortli» A Mora] dlsa^Hefnl u» is in all the papenl t _ WfiKl O^^ bnild an Mglealfn# them pdoi tolscra- Oh, no, hot tho old religion bfoogbt to REAL ESTATE AGENT, fbrem Iteora Hat of CHy n»II, Ui own haiidwritinB while I bad noth- clearly innocent in the tnnttef, and that have br*n DUD of the latent fuels of tlicst 1914 Walnut Sti^et, U yomsg—I ani*Btill ysnng—life i* fall Itbiwnot ble hgamnfans sf the itreet, and ~ new appliance*. In our time we have peeon City, IN- *T» ing. 1 bad not, in 'fact—I mppose he he, tho bishop, wag fcAdj to ordaid Hiioareeriirninedl Ho SBBWI* had tbe dagasiffotype and the Mubro= appreciijtive people. ArtiHta itifectud , PHILADELPHIA. bud itoln them ail from my dost I him, the Rev. Paul Leighftn. priest, at eoTtr, and dares to coma how si ifolthssioaf ltflrtly thingH, IwautUiMa either lido. takeayachtandgo.toBmropo, Seaside WE MAY COURT HOUSE (L J. 111 ^peand the photflgraph, but it is the with the croze and their enrioni JI sis iliniif-rnniH of [iiiildiiig fiir'waie at VnfloiiN prieefl. Some very PHiLADELPHIA; bad not a nerap of ovidouoe—notbing a special service. nothing serioBS bad happened! •1L I hsTQ a right to (hem all II loaa nod(rfet. Amen," , . f -•-',-.•< gather in eoae aecfufflible stuilio iu •'Calm yourself, Haggie, Remember gtt them. They ore nil for the yoang Ah, my friend^ Its man bath gotten same eld snn, and these arts are only U Olifcrrnily gtvrn. fiin) i aiitl I(H>aUKl in all jiariN bnt By &BB word. Well, yon know (ha "The trouble was chir fly," Mr, Leigh- dent groups to torn oat thfm p H|IH>jl!l3!ttfn!!iniFtllHlll>iI. Resort STRICTLY TEMPERANCE. M'CLURE, HERITAGE & CO., J A. BOURGEOIS, neo. Old tnon ongbt sot to bare siy^ sew appliances of the old sunlight. Bo liefore the Hggniiti railroad # test, I gave in, aud bo recited gpke quitelioiv tiny will tnm Wilt gri-aliy advanit?, OR&EE TOOM 6A, BJ. TO 8 P. I Counsellor-at-Law, tall jm how mueh I losg for thea »1L bore to Alaska, he cannot atonifortt, want to pbetogrApb tbe isage of God DnUGCIGTS ASD CHEMIGTO meet magical voice and mth atnaiteis= to set at rest tho mindi of certain goodout Of them without rnnch difficulty. toflktwith en one soul and dagasrnetypu it on an- out; the plearare, not in the novrlfy, STEELMAN & ENGLISH, Mot Excelled giHH( nntny (iM)!ilrii'H for Properly lK?twet;ii fitli and12tL qoenfc deii¥c^ befero tlie Prijief-ss sf people who were horribly ecjindulised This time things do look a little foggr, I want loto, fBaating, wine, ilnging, awhile this man who has been Oiongh that. Of course, contributes to Anyone having iiro|t(: to Jiuy, orHf-ll, or Kxriiaupe |ifnperty, would di) wit Oilers in Pure Diugg, Uhemicaii, lEoums -20 ud % Real Eataie and LAW Batti •—I *tqqd in the Kalkry mid uujoyed it, fatiifuetiirj parygmph in tomnrrow"* by- the mist will lift, SHU, 1 didOne roomi ud rich raiment—eTfiiytMng than jatoa geti/a "cornw" in bin.. HB ANP (ablw, fur 26 esoU, Turkey or ehleheu Ptt MsdielnM, PuiiiiH, OISB, ele. lag, bilfdi to time we have bad the telegraphic in- In no other way can the Rams effects of SOB may imugiuo how ipneh I ciijoyed paper. The ntnttef hm caused mo u great think, Maggio—oh, I am net going to that tbe wife of mu oreatai and the goH into a peat, long Blink Friday, light and riiado be obtained. 4Jiniiire185 sals, ,•/•.••-• ATLANTIC crrY, N, J, reproach yeol—bnt I did think-when I Drain of oia deaiwa. Aad, oh, bow lit- y boaom of There is a "break" iu the market. Ae, Tention, and the telephunio Invention, Health Restorer Ladle* Room yp^Uls with home' It. Ha looked qvCTy iijeh ii poet. Every, deal of distress, I must confess—an- and tfasi olectrjo light invention, but To prmluce the Bianotype tha artiit ssay said so. Do I look like u poet?" merited BufToriugi one wonld say. Batsaw yon. marehing up theehaasl that tle 1 pti how moderate I mmV* Heiboet prejtidioel's Bording to Wall stnget parlanea, ho •• • ' -\ • E. B. LAKE, k"ft" THGATMK^TT they'are all children of old electricity, paints hii study upon a iiiie plate, Ocean €?|iy, W» J* A, HOWELL, with the mraioiy ef Mi!s=ot eariy sius" Nemesis might have come in another waa altttBf up and loaning forward, Wiped others out, and new be is him- =BY= "ThatiB H finer itory tlma inine," quits -o much in th*t , »n element taut tbe philogophcrBhnvo a which is put throufih a rrefia. As the Ofllof, No, 001 AiilHiry AVeiiilr, Os¥in C %yt PURE SPRING WATEE. •aid the other man, "I will tell it, ^^he looked frem one to the othof us if ihape. It did look like an ill ti«o4 visit looking up at her faM, tat die ittfl self wiped out. No collateral* en which name implies, only One impression is to the interesting cathedral; that is all turned awaj and would sot m»» hll haT9b«ii diffeL I to make a «pirftnal jean, Etrsanl dsf > long while known aneh about, So this Ud verkiBif Finest fncflitms for Attorney-at-Law, however, nnder tiio Banie BCU! of Bccreoy. meekly rcmiinliiig rise of the poem and pg mill gospel needs to flash its ligbt prodnotd, Thoao thut oro dose in one You remeniber, poihrtpa, thut there was the other of the parae=* 'early iins, Otherwise you did, no doubt, the right •yea. 'Than alwim," ho went on, ot that alcaUon. .-...;,, color are tlio aosi eoeegggfal u jet, Jobbia INHALATION I • ilaaier and Solicitor In L'BsD«FF, "beea hnngry Cor thoeo thing! UI can What I Aid ^ it M it! Bat this practical religion will not the eyet aod ears and senis of men PROFITABLE JNVESTMENTS a good deal of unplouHontneaa one term still fresh ill the heart. No suffering," thing in •topping tba ordination—6 and te beeoaifl a telopUohio moqinm to though some of tbe two color nttempti* Itoam 2, Rt-alEBlatBM.1 L#w BBlIdlDK, O«aB about thiMgfl dUappeorihif in ths coliuge he retnrned,1 "is toe great, dramatis thing too," git them in any way—in any way, p hy * Only reotify all merchandise, it will are very charniipg, The nbtlcty of err- J. La ban Headley, City, H, J, 1 M mind—I wilL What! Thao are thetandi of ttmfti. also rectify: all meDhanism and all toIL make tbe deaf hear, a telegraphic me- BAKERY, 1529 Arch St. Phita., Pa. R«aIEatAte. JUHHBH —clockB, watches, fiitp, meuyj, all ties too heayy, for the« raflj "IU chosen timer *a repeated, IG dium to dart iuvittttiou and wurning to tain' delicate itiesis, as, for iastauce, kindfl of thiliga, Y(% • • « andnone, non&" Ho dropped his houdfc* another five ninatos yon would haw thiaii for whloh ire wore barn. Let A time -will oonni when a man will naiigbt on water, Ii rendered by this CARPENTER] AND JOBBER, 801 South Twenty-Mound Street, sash, fpfficumtioD driuk itg full ni*1i«ure, K; all nations, on electrio light to itlu> .gunning, etc. nothing ertr fotuid oat, wsis iheni jt beta an ordained priest of tho church, work M faithfoliy by the job a» he don new lihase of art in a trnly maFveloBi ;slvcn !o JnlihJnj,', Aim FTjaninf crrer, of thos joya before it or rthnort e y ? aj"of'the an« nine the eastern' and wegtetn hcnii= Tiiriiinij, pfil Wi Wiiiiiaw »nU |i ir Building Lots and ' Draft Weili onfldoj Isuiuoniifrfiai tJififivsr man who had not WOB ud with that behind yon," r by the day. Yea say when s thing Is IH manner, Although the cordiality of iinil i.u of iniij "My deaf Maggie, it doesn't matter goes away wi tone BOS »en. Toanothing bat thr«a*lloa. The rfliwrt > W^te ohoienf ipheres. Not a new gospel, hut the old , THOMAS, and found that inj wiiieh and chttin. g , bnt not with : m iligbtlnglf news, "Ob, thstwuddni by Paris niay sot be esp^tid, perhap, in iy, Htisri rLNtnn Fnfii|l"r.' Cream, |c#s , Hay blame*man forwanHsgtnsnf Why, fe ^| rho had ad- gospel dring a new work, mj ponet whiuh had in it a £5 note Moil, Then lie got up and went uwny the least in the world what is behind, fdti f it tt tt^H the jab)" yea eaa lell by the swiftness America for the nohoiype, tUere tarn be IMi'lure irnniPN, nhrt iiiltainilH n | The Liquor Traffic and its we an like the wild erestnrei; we hnn- toot herbads or Jlowness, with which a sackmia = How yon say, "Tfcat is a «iy bean* and Fever, and some gold, two or iht&s riiign olid with the eoldiBt snlntiitioii poRsiblfc rhere would have been a good deal gie, if I bad b«n brooghtnjj lUrt* d no family, tiful theory, bat is it poMible to take so doBut thut they will be wiirmly re- ,, ijiii imd wwt, siiii, mm mui kindred evils are forever pro- : Improved Properly of her odda and enda ivcru f-*-iit>. I wild When the tvie men were left together, mpra OiaO that, as JOB call it There ger and-Jght for tbcao food things, r drives whether he* Ja hired by the hour eeived bore when they lure once nt lionio No. 108 Market St., They a» the food of youth. Yonr eoo>, large family said: or by the eieunien. If he is hired by One's leligioa into all the avocations Weddings and E^taing *.«-..«»!«- notbing at all, beennso rul.ang nbout Leighan recovervd his spiritfl. He even would have been those"—ha folded hji other san. wm; * 1 in our ait exhibits, and wheii, too, the .Hibited by dend, VOIt SALE 1EY HIBHS, that you talk aboot an mueh. I; with, no fatally, tbe hour, he drives very slowly, eute and bnginesaes of lifer Yes, and I will 'mento* Specialty, Everything to fur- Cfironio and the low wOflld prtibubiy do more liiirni laughed and joked. Ho was persuudeil hrads and laughed pleasantly—'*those, and X will tty te give yon some specimens. Medical doo= public haa learned to understand Uiew nlsh tbe table and set free of chute. And all than gwjeii bat I fpt about ijniotly, und ftjrgia Some of thomyoo know, Some Wonld sot laffa me to fight for what Nothing lid nuke M ma&y hours u possible. If he sufficiently to npprednto the fast that Every lovor of Temporancn to take a oigamttfl and a drink. The old I want, and so X should hare to gohnn* Want deae U is hired by the eaonnrion, ha whips up toia who took tiieirroligiOH Intoo?orj'= lOarjentop aafl NOTHittO SOLO &ti DBUVBRED Disorders, PHILADELPHIA, I had dp wll a detect ivy, und wu fiiltrd charm returned toliiiu, tho gentle, fomi- of them yon don't know, Now tell me, day lifei'Dr* Jehn Aberetnabie ef Ab« a fBTorits itndy, pioduqcsl ia this way, and.Morals should enmhine toH, H. ON " orer the Blatter, Tho watch was found Maggie, my Mend Maggie"-~ebe began gry and empty. Don't Nrorry me abont bj nKaBi^f;,deHtfi li the hqrsea so as to get around and get will not be fonnd duplicated inaueish- ^; Ocean City, N. J. pine, winning mfioner, tho sympathetic aeonwimBfi," if ;:tfioni oref on ht$ fata aad •nether castomer. All styles of work erdeen, the gre&teit Scottish physicisu H.I. help us, •: •,' , to have been pawned hy one person, the TOiee, the little iflufleent insinuations^ to feel the old magic of bis fsioe; she of hl# day, hu book en "Disoak-fl of the bor'i drawing room. This is now the HsBdqBBften Of Sonlh JerHf lof law. have te be Jmpected—shipa iaipected, KHUitint£B ifiyEn, !!ni]fl|nss .'Fpfiwr !i* Phil It bis bwnlnupe fapneariy aq'uaHer ef touehea of tho prigtino fervor. The other WHS afraid te look at him en account Of "Andyon areaeJor^niBn," fear of the caielesii urt patron who HOOIUH 1 rfcgi bj noother, and the sote had bew Brail)auBrain "aud SpitiaSpinal CorCordd "n noo more won- tnti'i OF diij ; Jobbing proisiptly jitU'iiiU'ti n« ThoiH»nag #f paUeol* hafe b**q the magia of his eyes—"how yon came "I wai. Whether I ahall be ngain ia ll™f« him«lfi l» hones iafpected, mBObineBry inspected, to hate Bone baiy Idea vt etcliiHgs iu prennted by Leighau himBelf, whoso man quite forgot the episode of the bim to; boss to watch the josraiynani. capital- derful than his book Oil "Tbe Philoso- and inure than 1000 phj-sieUni wntoh and tho pnim He abandoned to be the uessnger of eviL " donhtfqL feuhaTeaade it, pwhap*, can for hlm»lt Ob, 1 hit mind. UMd Hand rf)Mm»*pd*rfit. acqnaintanoi with tnoao other two per* Wm ist ©oming down nueipeetodly to waten phy of the Moral FeelinRs," and often L. J STONE, s. BOna wai sleafij pmod," himself te the mugio and "Had it not been fot me yon would tewBitlB." thingi. If yoa kneeling at ths bedifde of bis patlenti The prnctJcal wife *$ an artist who s Water It in BBjiwabie, There la DO nauHQiU ttite, " Jfon are a Christian at leaim Sou tbe bosSi ©ondoctbr of Bijij^yjcsr soflod= Fine Family Groceries. "Than yon ghonld liavO gong Btraight of bid former friend, uiid when g have been arrested oncoming cat of the 1 hai lately retBrsed from Paris wfth the Mf *{tarti*t«, Irtr jilekeBluff lilieli. '•No, nok*' Be ing the panes hell to Bran his honesty tooonsiead them to (iod in prayer; Dt, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER! to the tBter," departed, at 11 O'CIOCIE, it was with a cathedral—a newly made prieit—and go to ^Mehf mm monotype fever rug) ug iu his blo-jd eoin We- Mire b*tnw g few of tbe gnut nHo.lwr of "Igo toohnreh, I have aJwayi beOn earneit end reak H a paawnger bands to htm a clipped John Brown of BdifibDfgh, imtnortal as itimonUla wiifdiwe are conSUnHj n "So should yon, old man, Bat jm check for £Ti0 la his poekfit, taken before a magistrate on the plaini ruefully,, "'Wby, my bu HADDDnnElD HflMDEH COUNn. H. J. AlwajB the frwbwtana best tobftHad in to ehnrgh. Nobody has ever bees to old mocking tm», "1 nickeL All things must be watehed and an astfaor, dying jmiee the benediotion from IboBB *bn h«e tried it,pabliph#d wltH tbe themurkst,. didn't, asd I didn't Why? 1 weakly Thoro was no piiragrapu hi neit day's argfl of forgery, with another charge, took the clotheswrlnaer away froai Katltliftlt* g e I'innB pnd gneign. Tae Wiekedwi ii JnipefiteVt Imperfections in the wood of. tbe iick of Bdiuborgi), myself ro- eiprsa perm'itioD fkHriijng ef th* patient*, Full OtiVOred Tens, choice tinman o( Coffee, went to tho man's rooms, accompanied paper. A fortnight later the twoolnb- not criminal, yet it sheald be, as theohnnb sore than I hate* I am Tery nMaabaring him as he nt in bis itody maids for a press to produce those pic- fnfij|Hii heitithr The chaplain's letter was a foigerf, "yetfc I was only able to stop it at baa always bees in ehnreh, Aa a boj I are not attractive toj ^ ARCHITECTS, ehiid-1 wll known 10 be dytpspife from h*W- urteni by SHII prgmpllraUflniled to. All bad bad nothing—riotijing wbatevor— paint with turpentine every tiiue thST BEAI, h»d. It -fii* lateFi«a, For (Mrail I «( uedto turn sp my fine eyes sad put a yon, Cnrion*. it ii i read the third " liawyerawho carried their religion 1 Hoods to Me naiDdni qf llOanclnpWnrt flfe to do with other robberies 1 this wa* the I'TO made inquiries. The man's charac. tho last moment by prDmlBing todcclaro used It" With a sigh, "I hare bought AHP ounflnrf aimsat eoiiRipnils to ilia lounge. FSF Ivfrp3freaof Charge at any railroad nlslion mind whleh deltfbia into their prof Mies; Ijard Cairai, the more ibu fftur jean 14\i pat kneir m ffieraSBt ter U rninu4 The slsry is leaking oat an impediment In* the open eathedraL •as spiritual mptore into my face, by sUllfal "doee of Jookeys, for forersl p a aawwriager," go there is a sordid CONTRACTORS So BUILDERS In AUKBtie or Cape }|-- —--'" flrst—the only time ha bad been tempt wicked men. 1 Aba Maya made to look ipry- wigoa tires qnosn'a adviser for many yesn the R0BSRT FISHER, INSURANOE Iree froni pain. All Ihii time djiptpilft tee ed| he had fallen. Oh, he told nre the It isn't going to be a ease for the confta, Better that thaa a prison, Remember, which uade the women iigh , and cry, SWIM WjUttrfid that it y py g qnosn'a adviser for many yesn, the aide even to snch gems of art as this . No, fioS AtiiBiiit m. ESTATE ANB prison as any man erer was, and asdent to nplift their hearts and to U! DBfo Uon and falls off, plumbing that needj id, eaa enjbjf •rtiele. of f«fl init I sen i give him, he ahonld bo ruined r his life wheff "fee aaSB those piens ramarta 11 Tftostioa preaohhjg as an evangel lit attrk gu btfori In all mjr life, i'w (he pat. thmTritofaitrt to be plnmbod, imperfcet ear wnesl that parts of the city, <• , * would be blasted; ha wonld teaout- about unmerited suffering trad early near a jnstRnteneoof penal servitude," Ihedetails." anting the poor of his eoantry- John rear 1 h»S Men up Md ffoing ifl Hilt ani he«ilh, ' '*Ya,bflt Iaffllnii ialta th@ wholi trtin withji hot boi— The asthotio side is Venetian with lufieiaiil tfesr to take ssme pmrt ia domrs oway. He wept 1 ho knelt; he Uitew sitL Oh, PUHI Phcobna Apoltu S "It ia like an eseape en ft glacier, "It was a fatal gift," Hetean, judge of the Bupreme court of For Information applyto ( All kinclK«f real mitm \mmhU mhi and exdwttgnl. PmwrtiM on BO little praoticul rellgiqn in tbe niecb- to browu, as old stouo bridge in grny, Joseph G, Champion, ISRAEL 6. ADAMS & CO. U6ftt>lH ef the niMV laborious mtura, As air HOTEI4t AMD hlm«lf on the floor, I wept; top; I was Oaaaiug Leighan, Paul tho pset, Isn't it? Giwfl one a thrill jost to re- "Thej n«d to load me with presonta. •I me, Maggie. *' Htiiood the tfnited Stata ana president of themouPHOn peaks and a Mnscsipo iu hide ill all fktrimtile Imwhinft. ,"K-j'dii have miythiiig to dlHp»B of at a baraiy •tfenirtii fwnUDUri Is impre»e, *BS« leafing OB They mod to get mo is their hooeet tried to take hw ha, si the world. I "fsll"yeB, my Aioan gnHday School solos, feeling bVCMi, I fMl itilt I US eotiielEntlgiiiilT fecsjrn= giwitly distressed, I swore thnt nothing tho ^eacQOi what a hnmb%-you arel" member It, OB tho edge of a preaiplce. and a olnster of picturK^jue willuwi ill hM!kP,Hii!Ufy»ii waiitiilMirpiinlemiHuHyoii. IhHimiiice wriltea In"'" biand !h!» ireaimeBt, not galRiO eur* (pra*!d*d Might have gone over It, So the vicar and make me ainff. They gave mo kijBcs •way, "Yonaremfrftid. Icnda, the law of Bin will HOTCI reo- morn aaOsfaction is tbe latter ofaw flip flaefoni* 1iff(iion« are elsartsd), but » be hld be Baidr the wholo business l\ts fhow thinii* It will hs'th0 all por- green. Who could mind the ]hes of eae Real Estate ? Insurance THE EMMETT, be buried slid forgotten. I dis= CHAPTER m, took the money and gave np his revenge, and money and books and, all kinds ef t am intasting stUl,V than in the forme*, asd BOOMS of Chri*- jolly things. And I liked their kien lioal^, "Yoa g^ fading influence of the practical religion l^wyera ss arom™t is the ehareb wringer after feastinR the ty-iM f,n HUCII miaod the doteotive, whs nsod coa< aaoitEN TO nscm. eiquisito shading, partlcBlqfly if it isn't E. BLAKE, Best Home and Foreign eompanies, OCEAN OITY, N,J. A girl stood before tho fire in 1he lii' is the dreadful thing. Yon had Hit. Then they had my photograpb WeU, Maggie, wiatsnt 1 am, »ow pi J phrirt lh d they moenjiBcnt nt the bar, temptnooa language about tears and re* bsf wringer ^New York Tinitsi. . . '•TkaOxWfi Tre*«in'*nt *eu Ml me faPC. O, Open ait the year. Booms heated p, and then, in order to pro-tie drawing room of a little Jjondon Ny it at erne," Ihs threw , and It was told In the shops, of doing, yoQkncr^tha^'my hrt Isemi 3,416, Ittl EeUlB 1 Uff Building HiFFlf, MM' *««. one of B? BJlsuloiiMlpS ff8B ana is Jjondea they sold it—ths boy ben, Nobody taqn th Qa la Merohaats who took their religion Secretary, , \\nl Zit&A, U» «U in jedpaM; SB ae- for tboM dairing It, For terms,etc. Ten,t MB from falling into temptation flab It was ftftoruoon-^nn afternoon in him a Wm, which fell fluttering at «» S«iJapi»B MUnt of lurtjfiFonblB »Bd • ietere eoueh he May—bnt then was an yet no warmth his feet It*feaked liko a check. In the irarpliM with hi* mucth opon and real roan—except yearieU f Te«, thir jffiBtioil-reiigipn will also Into flrerydftj life: Arthur Tappan, de- The celebrated interrogation of the- new MstlOpn HH grf«iy Dsnaatea him. Mi kn --T- 1.1ns hU eyea gaslng apward filled with a "Nobody oould M^ ^o Into agrlouNure, wnioh is proverb!- rided in hig day because he etteblnihed Bilrelr r»«W«a nil iHjtti. BaPfltd • wife, cf spring in tiie London air, and the fine NotBtonHj. j,Ilike to bo reminded to go into •mered writs', "Gun the Ethiopian OmCEiliVENTH STBIITANP ASBURY AVEHUE. rrturnld Ui nit WOfk In Africa, and taken Blf Mlfla M. A. BOYhE, Of thingiiomoUmcS^jjeriUanddangera light not of thU world-" rit"j* ally honest, but needi to be reotiflod, that sySfiim by which we enme to find (lopnnl«lQDere of D«di for Mtt was burning M merrily as in January, "I reraeaiba', Ma^Io*?*-** feat wpanl*. tbe chanp his flkinf" can be tratWoIly an- Ocean City Asso'n, «ifS wftb him, m. The rwm was prettily aiid artistically Of the deep," Ho pnllilont his peeked Howooald they? How wold yoni lK pad it will keep the farmer from send- out tho commercial standing of business swered in tbe afflrmatlTO—that is, if : sylvanla. ISOUtth i himself at the plaso, i fe 1 men, •tarting that ontlw system, de= HOTEL ATGLEN, furnished, It was bright with hangings, book. "It was vindictt™'*to exact that mother let them do it?" •- • ing to the city nmrkot TOO! that is too pretest prospects and recent aeoompJiah- Blnney to IPBB on First Mortgsif, oonditioHp very vindictivo, "^Von said flttgen lightlyws the ^ ^J WU, »a whan the farms tided for It then, himself, as I know pictorei and flowers* o sida table wo* •'She wu proud ef It, Sometimessh* eompanlnent to bli word*, qpH ments B«S a criterioo to what way be Lgta for eate at South Atlantic City OCEAN GFTY, N. J. covered with books; there was a KVOIT* iopiithlng, Maggie, about—abont an- thought it well to put in a word ftbont Ot, Bhn^i^wUl kirip thfliaili him well, JB jjjqnU eaaraeter AL, Mon» AcllH ini lieaalil" ia the tills era expected in the sear future, getenl Re CURTIS other qharge." Be turned his face ud having one's head tuned, but it was in now a bit of Schnbert an| now * jS; who does the work froni uaklog hb day momings iaTitingto a room in the of M)Op«rnpub]l»htKj hy »«, fUarfcejF S Bllsn, Centrally located. Open all tbe year. ing bookcase, Through the open dom Hendelflobs—"1 remembsr te^ s years ago, in 1880 or- 1SS1, one St. John was caught a glimf«e 01 another room, looked into the flm"Wha t baa beosmc • faint hearted way. On tho whole the half tbiHJ-fonWh*, and it will keep the :tgp- of his Moruhosse tht slerki of hhi which gi*Mit**ii iBquirert fullInformniiun •» Heated reoni. El«trip Hgbt AffalM the day and pluoe when 1 Edge of Beading, Pa,, esperimented in where were shelves laden with booka. of—of tbe other chargef" wu proud of all the flattery, Sho used ^j^MljijfMijkjjm/jk pott vtfjtfll oftabliahnienti asking fhea aboot tboir akin grafting ielenM, using patches Of STONI PAyiMENTS, to ihjsreRHrkaiiie eurailfe sgenf, ABd *r*Oord water. Sanltafy drainBge.f yoa •b&nt-mysett" v-"-^f^^ wordly interoflts and their spiritual In- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, J.M. Chester &Co, of iurpriliBf euwa in a wlda Hnp Bf {•»»*• the dining room, Margaret "The ether 'charge,' as yoa call her, te come to the cathedral her»lf and sit on bii ueigh bat's pnaulseB, and It a negro's black akia to ooTer an ugly VnrN iiiiil "It was the flrat d*j WB met;!* , r — ? 5 : manf ef them »fWr utiat *ban wUl rajdte Ithii tftoitcr Mr oaltteis tbe teresti, tben giving out a hymn, leading Estate and Insurance, -§;c, OOFF. Oholmeloy was a girl with a "cortaiu H f Vlikl wound on a white mis'i leg. The ebon —BLUE STONE other phjjICUoi Will bfl raalM free td Uf amount" of money. She was a girl order to bo with you." tomen in the (hop atoat her saintly l( itb and. irwilt keep tho old in prayer, gitiag them a few words of hued patches "let" all right and wen Plans and spPclficatioiiB fur- adirsn GO application, irays begin with ,girU jppd adyigft asking fhaai what chorch AiMKiyiihii ji: iiHii ruriiin'if, without parents Her brothers were "Withmet Oh, dear, no) lafisureyon boy. She had many of his sayings to ikg os Suaday . RUSL- •ous adhering w flrmlyas the adjoining ili-tle ••-- — • •••-- REAL GARWOOD HOUSE, myself, They like % *:. they attended on the Sabbath, what the nished, married. Bho-was emancipated eHQqgh not The incident is clesed=I wish it relate. She really believed that her ion nooa in tbenew grdnnd where nobody epidmaie, bat it wu not many days be* closed—and forgotten. My address for a saint, I believed it loo. She ued Si* flnaori ambled abuai || hiu And thin pTaotleal religion text was, whether they had auy oep&- Terms rtasonable* Nos. 744-46 ABbury Avenue, Dm. STARKEif A FAI.EIf, to desire personal freedom, ghe had it Is* they begin to fade, and by the timi 3. - - . j. • • ' the moment will be best kejt. a •esret ta«tp&otaa andibla sail like that sf B!B1 troublca «f their own, Arthur Top- OCEAN CITY, New Jert6|f.l with a latchkey, and an old servant te will hofer ore.* the honiB, and orer the tb* woBud was oompletoly healed wen look after a young ftorvuot in this flni I think, howeirer, that it was wtreme- Samuel She wonld net ha^e tees in bin), and aver tba field, and ofn tba pas. I nerer h«ard hii snlo^ pro= as white as the mtlgle which the injary Insurance Agents, 1529 flr^h SL, Pbllidfllphli Pa. . Uellghtful Location. All ihi Latest I m- .nooaosd, I proaOBBSO it aow, Andotb. OFFICE; RIAL ESTATE AND UW BUILDING provomoPtii, H01U6 H»ted Threqgnout, of six sr Beren roonm It is an ideal lift lj iensible-rthoughtfnl oven—nud con- the leajt •urprifltd at the oppearanw of Let mo had remoted from that portion of a OOSAN O/TY. N/J, OpoB all the femf. Tht mailer hnt muted me a great dea\ for those who like perfect freedom and sldaato beyond what is generally fonnd IL- Indeed, I did think of trying ^fiftnti ju8t alF good, ?Williihi ^, w partiohJarJy the man's anatomy/ This of Itself was a iiOiaflirSL SiaFriirtiM OiL MM. 8. GABWOODi f ait" • in iuoh cases for that person to go clear one Or two. Unfortunately I had net In |tbo iron ^busine•% Mnmi fi, Hotels, eatMgga and ista'fer »J«i nni «- of aittrits. do not mind occasional loneliaea aud igainst the type revelation to tbe niesMfts, who had, to Ocean City, HT- for Mfk I had plenty of nD&ej, yoti have friends, ccenpatioiis and plenty t* ontoftheway. I ttust that person will thea » mueh coun^ at I hare aoqnirod ii it tho lElpplDB tuisiuMH, PD- eeaaby who, no sqoni that date, ocmtendod that negro skin, OCEAN CiTVi N taow- Be had a way with him—what tblnk aboat, .Margaret bad all ttfflgi keep out of the way eltogether. It iinco. Otherwise I might buvo risen to tor Cooper in the glue buwioesa, wa'ereTtr trusplasted, would retain lit ha«wt np a fegasB wi Itf=-a eloTOr, enpsgiug way—ho requisites for Me in chnmbere. Above •Booths BO many difflcultieSi yon seo, fame Tffly early.'* . den^y disentn ta to CJ gpodaB thoy were. PIASTEREBS, IBICSUTEBit, ll when one of two parties tospa out of "Again, a fa^l gift," iairt the gtrL mmwtar im1 iMfiii K3?Money to loan on Bond and Mortgage, B. 0, INGERSOLL, did what hi liked with eteiybody. Uj^ sho had plenty to think about ttmM which, lil» An flcular dmienitraticai ttnl theeol* Hootn far "I nally ahomld pot like to iny which ibewaa a seriees girl. The lines ef the way. I &u Tery glad, Maggie, that "Why, Maggie, yen would not like run BDdergroand fattJslr ing for briefs oooiapptiani^,,Wby, this minnto (ring inaitar in tbe negro'* oniiolt WM 0,0, ADAMS her fas were set, for serious purpose, yen did not interfere with that other the man yon lore to he a 181107 haired, tl ha Bersmade, and fcir pwwut- their horses and wsgoni ataad around STREET, PHILADELPHIA SIIB or lint Funeral Director, was the weaker of the two—yen ort" lemember, T^f^rffe Dot u: p«rttiati«ii aa nud been iQpppaed "It wMittBtiirfQH ha fell ill. They Btie looked ftlrto a" resclnte girl, and iOie party, It might bmo pained and dis< pimply Httle wretch with boiled fish pgel lie Mrs earned, and from robbing all the meeting hnnsea in Astriea Mass. Embalmlog Uflliege). they are thinkimj of, g caoisd a radical change to scientifla npin- •aid it was too rigid faBting in Lent,: I appeared to bo a elsar headed girL Tht bestdyen. lam glad that yen have ey« and snob nose and flvofootnoth- andwoaU Bkatlgj Wid and orphan beeanaa they are de> They began tfalpi day by a pmyer to God, IOD'.as to the mw> of difference in eoloi regular, clear cot features., nnd diebeen spared. Some of our too tender and' isg high, would yni" ^f hi il l Il STONIHiLL & ADAMS, thonght hia illness was caused With JOB. and when they gel home at BOOS, after in tBodifferent raow and niakeBBdn)^ ot ani NOHODI DEALEKB IN ig, Bange Setting, Mm RNilMd •! NNm mi DiU Wigee. ilf SW. °jes showed so iaByh=-a Sensittve sisters -allow Uiemsolvea to be "Goon, gooa. I*t HI flniah." a they haw pot their borsesnp, sill offer the suitea§dts in Ute medieai and mtrgl- Is ©mrBalntlj girl •whom some men wonld call beauti- eHjeasively pained—needlessly pained-- "Hers U my apologia, Mnggto, 1 are g at U» a pays to flofl at *the tpble, geetiiig a cal fDitbobki MOJid Bmawbat ftnagt. Itrlck ^oJ, Otherwiie Saiofliy, So ho took his ful sad most men would &tll sold, a hy BSsnmiBg that other • penoss share don't1 think yep qnita nodentand the which yen are iapsml wm'} blinsiajf, atid next' iuiamet /ttiere will Bat lbs diicorery «u one QI ralmTk d^r» whon the rat of u did, aud he girl whom women would ca}I not pret- thelE ideaL" kind of earl; life I had. Well, jm tee, bdl nit«6 thai, 6 tlHif»oi*tha(CIiriit iDSDiaiCS, ill WBfat in MHti he in their fields oot one dishonest head Biesoi, «ea if it did diBprore u mush - . aitHacetfis. wnfe down, Lost year I beard, thai ty—"certainly act pretty"—'bnt good , Jfl it imposiible=qBite impos* it wai all very well at hose and in the iaOi of rye, sot one dishonest ear of com, u It profed, Latalj a vise V»H ikin 60NVITAN61N6, ««., *T he was a curate in a London gnburhnn looking, opt what ia called a man*! aible—to awaken anything like con- cathedral, but at nohool it was different not OBfl dishonest apple. Worshiping pafting experiaent hM bees pads ia justice oi thfe Peace OCEABf CITT, N.Jf. M; that ho w*s working himself woman—engaging, winning and eager science In you?" the boyfr—they wore a rmgbv-cearie God ^ttday aWay flp amnng tbfl I^k Barliu m a nBgrp who bad biJ fisi ud m death and preaching with exrraordi* to j)lease=-nor, on tho other hand, quite set who bad no iaintline« of HBI and saif sioqnoaoa. Iwenl to lieiir him, "I like to bo quite open with yon, libire bills, or away down amid the l nflpk badly salded. SlieqnireinohM oi BUILDING LUMBER. LAKE BROTHERS a WOfflnn'sTVomnn, Tills afternoon she m/uear Maggie, booanse yon are car* p t Wblfcakin hate been transplanted, asd HARRY HEADLEY, Bf tali time I had ceased to beltove In was in tronUio. ghe (tailed into the rod OCEAN Pennsylvania and North River Inf peaitenop ovor the Hervdcguto jotv talnly the test friend—Just for fho mo- ban sy gifts and graoea at any p now hai ssfrhall of biifaoe Siding, Flooring, CITY HOUSE, Manfuacturing Jeweler, and fonnd in tliem no selaee or meat BTSI tho only friend—that I ham They gave ine nieknsmoa, I WM Soaps where oee*N diit 1 bad board something about tnggMtion of oousoliit ion. She twisted to wWte Bad tire other bias*. bii early histoty. However. I went to And therefore I venture to reply that I Bam, ¥011 know that my flwtnam e wai, ffiSbniB* declared that if pt Window Frames, Jkabmry NO. aa SOUTH SECOND ST., apiece of note paper in her flagen Iu do not think anything would give ne Mtaally Samnel—Samnel till I ehangefl STONE the church,, I fenad. the. maka tipad - The note contained on!/ lGS who took their wiU«tanlithey will gin faisf • ifJDslf CHlW'S BlindSjMoldinga, th& pale cheeks perhaps a little what yon call a cowoicaee. What ii ii 1 wai St. Snivel, I was Holy Joe. to tbflir oooupaticBia; James BHndley U Mit« aa; that of mj W.BRIDGEWATERSCO. pi as iSotofB nndentjind, in ortiur the timple worts; yeu oontdenoe? Something tbat ebjecta • I WM tbe Piom Warbler—flU -• kinds flf l I will odi temQmJw, to your hartng what fern want and de>naam, Iwasnetbappf atschooL Thea Mitite aUTwirgBf I Ntl t: Sashj Doom, irrtai' pb bring oni their Ballot; tho eyog large P*nr, ditoh, fbafaBoujBipehandler; liiho i&d bright, pwbap* srtiflcially, to wake 'I will nftt s» him,'* teg what yon wonld like - to do. It ialesalea'lfight, and they wonldnH let l Leek at me, for Instanee, I 1 h bliicttmllh, m& them bi|tg« and mom inaiinoBs; white "It Jg an emtrago that Tie sheuld oven me cry. Bfm thi head master. WOHMH ! /The largat canal in the world Is eaa ^ Turnings rrm Real Estate wajjted money a week or two age. I taantiwbmt began to pntoo any- Ijy the EOBJUM, ; This is to binds, flgnre tall, TOis mojilcail and attempt toseo toe: Ho IspQhlidjr, open H ml procure i tettit at tmart gt« It i les, Ficketej fnli, thonsb of hig'hpiteb, J&oproaph^d If dU^aeed, tai ^f ffle, floqanoovBi tery oftm want moniy, Aoother msii thing like the real •pirltaal gasi bf the e the Bininiif, ond the Hj (WWinofflii. wstfrwuy of 1,000 had, I fmnd ent, soney lathi bank photograph. Called aie tf mlsertbfe IIIW _ a^eonaeeting^thf :iBalt|a>ia lbs ttfi&^s aiicititnBff^abd'Linf^fliiffC^pje it ! t dlBBnls that did act inovo rao a bit,; again lift np ibis head. And I hatt Bsliitlft, inntuiijpjiMoq, Ins E. CLINTON & CO., fl It—I who waa going to be bbBo I borrowed isnusf it, BeWettUBOt m lmdcrito eaee when I waa; iitg h B]aek «g; jmti the eost wonld only be a uOQiiiijlinifb in butltiotSBeWtbo women. And iH 1 (bat ia all thatHnownhoot him," ; gtiATdinn nngoll He will think, I tup hefe lent me tea money for tb« mMng, Uid b ^t*iI« - *' Mm of' igo;©pp,oeeL it wmid j ImhsMnniid* to I not hia name 4m * bit of numrmnA •kn into aqr ^t Hid the portof Riga, in ths Bal- A full supply con^antiy ©n "I woadtr what he hm deae B6tf,*'' p that the uf wM 0DO ef feminism 1 m^BBTJB.Y JealooByond ipito. As if X was notgot what J seeded milet the Bank, Pr*jer., And b*« tbCN B»d then fill tic, arttf nw m rtf era DwlnaV BereainJa* f, GHIWi afinataebinr M indi itrtd nrjder toVer, / THE PIONEER "I wonders eofnathiug very 4iagrao&' M«t foolishly I went openly and Inth# Book of p t b at •ad Dnieiier ™ 11* rente, entering the 1008BUI1TV«d 8 fol indeed,.» ddabt. Well, U b# we» b thatl Bnt to call Bponme, to ! Qrdm left at No^ 759 As- hewoold tellns hiinielf In an after, what he h« to calfc ttat ch^-ftna JWM ~ * •»»*^»ttia«a portsf r Oh, it is incredibio! Ob, what a to the pay olerk, Tfho Stngi ta SlkmSm Uii* ft ^o|sBi^^sjfhfeb a fivenufi will r^iqive immt pgoay of ielf abmonsent," ,- , , t ii M jateh Jart then tht wsilor brought np :* bl I am tbitl ahcmld fc. HS*a^J foiaplfltoWii1' Mid t^ a leycd «shi ami t *W W» tq whom, it wai teni "H^e is the. Erthfltl He shall not bs admittod. Iball ibfefer b^nb to tho pSaoo •'' '—' J! ' ' ~i ^ „ -^ _ _• _i • • ' '_. , • L - • "' '. "• ;" "'•..•• '• ^ ' • - "'•• ' - •="• I' ": ' "•• • ' ' '•" • ' ••••-••—'._ -—••£ •' i -'-»-- - — ^—• • • ——-^^^—^^^jBj^^^HMJ^^^^M^^^J^M^MMMMMM^gBHia—B^^^^B

not; provided wh#el on Allantw »veaue, Friday, te$ y COOHTY GLEANINGS. Itded with a cab tad wnathro^tito tbf «»l|, llluitrttlntf the bynrn by tbe "Smtlnei" Cor«*- pound, frartoriag talk right kg; * ta'i CMrtlui TempenDcs Ironldam Chapter, Royal nptlljitiff «he A twll#y car e» U^^ etbisb r day $ yJi Wna,SB Thonday ckctad fb*ti offlctit'. elwt th.t be b« b«o apfl woisasW one of my waderswaders, shall Mitfad to raoelwtIM M of wafpnof fifvH.imiib'i bajEefy lqthe «MtoiM»ind inrttherah n embarrass md oommunlMtloni} of tnterert lowereecUoti of theclty BAttiiday cwrri- ftbb Thoniu thlt ptaa, was on 1 from n^uly *U MAltotf* Mr Oown Clly «od AU*ti(k! City, with ^w»yt*ld; 'I MI goiug to tblj ammtaijtj tod our readen ing, demollihlng the wagon aad badly The youog men of tbla vicinity ha« tbto4«iyoDBiual kkmm Iia ajmoit Biturtay held to noiweri at eoart by Injuring |be botM, ibe or having to t* nwt^llol.tblDgin Ihe couiiructlouof view t o itist inipro^auenti^t, ThTeh pr»l!ilD ! beenutUlringtbelripa» time Inpio. 1L A. u» carriage Lieutiuant if pea eery of the Engineer delphla, whae summer cottage Ln Cheb •be retorted, with Hi tgBetajed GEOBOEW.UiIlLl>Sl)It£XEL, Pomona, weela with ielmtlv« in Prjlladetpbla, F, ftuldorh W. lit V,, H, B> Bbaw- •tronger and k« llkdy to eraek. pltoh Thin tute bwjonebv Corps, The reportha s been aubnilited . EdltoYiyidFiiblUhery ^ waa robbed about two weeMa ago, •I Byr gnefsiiig paws*. 'I am going to John Sproel, one sf ths ploueen sf The Court HOUH land Irnprove- Chiplaln, Samuel E. EwlUg, woodtn latha an'nailed loathe .._, to Congress with the recommendation itndyttsolagy,' She reahy meant It too, -winterWe redouble our vlslled tbs houae Satutday and AUaotja county, » man of ?0 yeas, meut Company have bought the flam William Snydet, • veteran sf the etuddiu^ wbUe itUl green or wet Iran i In that t£» contemplated ID provetnent be TfjePUBUCLEDaBRIaflrttofftna mm oovered that clothing and other gooda, SP*PP«iSi» !e Wiater jClothei of -f-.t lived In * uuli cabin la the deep occupied by D, JO, Blrob, , Twenty-flnb Eeglmeut, Hew togto weatbtrJ It woyld FSd upon. Beach Ti lewepapsr giving all half the female population of the lower flower and steep all day In a gallon of out, and ibe waa alone wltb the corpse dutl» al the public school, and weakening tbe wall. The wooden doubtful or Dndetermlued state, the p in the proai&M Qtf leaxuing Mnd other point* along the coast, it (e(whicb h includedess specia p l correspondencp e Dr. section of this City for several nlghla x«ucBieut HAiHt Vcatrared W water: itnla and botils, and teke a tills elly, until late Monday afternoon, when Heveril of our citizens attended the lath todoumt d weept for the con« perpetimtioo ef such an act by some one giving Way aud belai rapidly giiofl navigation .for ftom all tbelmporUat cities aud towns Ing past, Tbe women are if raid to ven* n» at Atlantic clt?. ptessurmbie aud InteKfltlu c&pfol night and morning. Thhjwaia We'll take $8.50 for Excellent Suits, really worth $12.00. , sen of ex-Mayor Bobt aba was able to afgnal a panbig woods, funeral of Qulnton Champion at Ocean BtructtoD of the cheap kind of byUd> elliiaeeiiu tobeallthJit la nquhsd ta ceded by ptessurmbie aud vestela at all sieged of the tide, except £af orito nmedy ha the early part of the In Pennsylvania, New Jtrsej- and Del- ture out at night sltine, as tbe beatta A deatrueijve flre of myilerloui origin Thg eliUtlfip of a fofnier gvn liter a severe til.man* Cufw'iin ieBll, of this el^, was Citylutweek, Ing*, The advantages of any form of force turn Into the eonimfwlon of the E l f fur a dlstanef of about two'miles, centBrj, and it la said to have been used iHin), tbe LEDGER hj ay Illustrated We'll take $12.50 for Black Worsted Suit*, worth $16.50, chase them. Complaints have been Obristmaa afternoon deal royed ten tene- eratlun "srept unwilljngiylo sebel uotllled, and will hold an Inquest, Italpb BeoezeMiu aocepled a po«l- metal laths are » great that architects •aniiataiI deed, "".--r-; —.'n* --•—••-»'*, — T^—'t where It Is narrow and shallow. It can KDontij with good remlbi by some on* lodged with the police, buteSorts upon ment houses ID Natter's alljy, Atlantic hil b f b family uewBoaper of eicoptiouat In- Weymouth. tlorr Iti Morgan Hand's law offlc*. have no difficulty lu pernuadlng pros* whne loose; of « To the former it was p of Hie ttiglatsreffl«B Is ibal, look hadfidlfin.=I hihtdeiphia InqoireE Vllle, aff tie gusta of relatives In tblt mules have beta unavailing. At mi eraergfnt eommunleallou of that city, aud rendered one hundred SHOEJ AND RUBBER pbyaiciina taught and believed that tldu to dottiwtfe aflalra, rellgloui news Thousands of $20.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $15.00. ago that one of tlie paper mills belong. iluslou of wood, . toll and torment: to in view of the large (ruffle teat would Two small boys playing on an open Arbutus Lodge, No, 1J0, P, and A, M,( tenants homeless, The iufleren were No. 8(6A»*ary „ thea waa no sooh dlaeaae a* hydro. Wsr tac and comment, social events, ganjfB, Clt Ing to the Weymouth Manufacturing Tbe evolution of ibe lath ia rather the latter It Is a welcome scene of In- be bfuefllted at a moderate co«t by fie Thousands of $25.00 Kersey Overcoats to go Air $20,00. |he qastien will sooti be asked: lot In the rear of tbei Hotel Berkeley, held ben, these olflcsre weM lnitaliedi alleulored people, who lived like ben F. phobia^ and that the biteiof • mad dog "We have to part, Homes, fth usporte, tbe fashlona of the day, literary, Cumpuuy, at thtt plats, bad been robbed IntetMUng, In tbe early days, Just at spiring work and pleasant variety. p-opc*ed work, tbb,waterway ie mwtpat hii foot daws, aud'*— "What klud uf l on South Kentucky avenue, Buuday Worihlpful Master, Harry H, Douglaa; In a blve In tbe hoysee that were gutted waa aot fttal to human beings, except art, farm and garden, Bcientiflc aud of • Urge amount of brass fittlrjgt, ttr the log cabin era in ibis country, a Doubtless much of this chaugeisdue worthy of Improvement by the Gov- "Tbataittla it,".aid Eoraee «ah« Thousands of $15.00 Kersey Overcoats to go for $12.00. afternoon found a woman's hand m an Senior Wardin, Hiram W, Uodfrey; by fire and water, Friday night they Mthe tmaglnaUona were eiEcIted to a labor notes, building society news, etc, pumpB, eipper cylinders and lead pipe. plastered wait was looked .upon as a tb the study uf psychology in ita prats ern tiient, Bade an iuglotioM tstoat ^-Defe^* A, H, Bafcer and wile are apeiiriliig old tin can. The member seemed toJuulnr VVarden, Alfred Cooper; Secre- were, quartered temporarily in hams fatal strain on luelF nervous systems. Tn Iti* special New York and Waeh- Boys' Clothes—Half Saved: $2.50 up. If big boy, $5.00, The m!|] has been idle for1 1 long tine, luxury. StuddlngH were hewn from tlcal bearings. One of the muat sound fee* Pfeii. ; ,••"•• the hulldsy^ In WUllamHtowu wltb 5ire, have been anipHtated but a short time, tary, William j, Tyler] Treasurer, Ah and outhouse* adjacent tu tbelr ruined In simpler language, they beld that Border ana I lngton correspondence, long flinee reu- and M no watchman waa employed the hard wood and the laths were riven by and definite truths whMi it him taught Bakt rt parenli. ai it showed little Mgus of decomposu blud T. Hall; Beulor Deaeon, Edmund homes, many of tbem without even a such victims were actually seared to James Williams, the colored polltlcai densl famous, it (low fldda lettera from thieve* had no difficulty |u outaiulug hand from the stralghtest grained Urn. is that the hnmin. mind, and partlcu- Railroad Fare same m before. We pay it ©a The Ocean Reat Hotel, Thirtieth atreel tlon. The gruesome object was taken Li. HOSS; JuDtor Deneou. Philip thlitdi, ore to keep warm. Nothing waskBSwn death,, Were was, and Ie yet, much leader who shot his wife, attempted lo the chlff Capitols of Europe. iiigrng, Twu strangera had beea seen ber obtainable, and oceaetenally dressed Hursety, Job the child's mind, Is receptive In sod Wesley aveuue, In recelvlug an til- to pulls headquarters and an eflort DenntsvUle. of tbe existence of the Ore until smoke force In that contention, for then can kill his mutherluliw and who shot y, Defe m, IPS, Iti flnanelal news and market reporta purchases of reasonable amount, loitering about tbe premises for teveial Wltb Ibe drawknife or ipokeihave OFFieif T1* AttBURY •rtlon toit s peaceful und bappy tsytlva Coat of paint, p will be made to fathom the mystery. Our town haa a aeuaatlon iu the formwas seen pouring from tbe basement of be no doubt that many people himself In the lenipie in Washlugtou, The Wanamakf r way of fur sell are complete and reliable. when too thick for am Tbey were Cut Flower* Md Beaq. j p y condition. When it is filled with the have purehas. days. The plunder was taken away In of myBterluUB bell rlngiugi. The ring. the house known as •Wo. ISO," wbieb notice, UfdtM.MlUB IbP en Wedneflday last, still remains alive, Ingmakes your buying easy and safe. The Saturday taue la a great comjwu= Jiihn Hughs, a Phlladelphian, bad fastened to the studding by band-made too bile dte «f teat andescltrment of enduring present dtstrtM between T#euty-U»t •{two-horse wagau, which was tracked Ing begau hi a vasat barn in the noftb- was noted by a man named Gee and though uni-onacluus, says a dUpatob Rich furs at right prices* dlum of every phase of social life, coil* a narraw ea ape from death by eipos- nalla costing two or three shllllnp a mental strain; but tbaf and fearing future pals, It Is practically aud Thllt^'flfth stMSU. for several miles. The value of the ern part of the village. No one seemed sub-let to about twenty tenants. The Jsaaiii fntm thkt city to hU brother and part- Modtst furs at very low prlets. tainlug reading matter to suit every & »>** WANAMAKER & BROWN un early Sunday morulng, Hughes pouHd, and before the tough esat of saw well shut nut from the imprtsslons which Tne Ocean City Voluntew FlreCtiu atulen artlelefl Is rtHmateda t tSOO* started forbi s boajdjog bouse on Ken- to are about making an Invtstlgatloentirn e rlre departmefit was ailed out, eaubllihed. The failure qf ibe Pmteujr the teacher may be ever so lfiborjausly ner, Horace Williams, taste, compiled sp«Wiy far thegatur' moHmt and hair was put on the lathed CONVER S BUZZARD, day Ediilon of lbs LEDGER, Its y# Na, h *IU fflst lu rvgulaf May's Laadiitg, tucky avenue, but got turned in thewhen the dlatlnct Utties at tbe bell were and the flremeu worked like heroes, but James Will laBUb 43 yesl9 old and & wall presented a rugged appearaDce, trestfflent for it In • few earn, wuld ui thing to impknt. The mental power to-morrow eveniug. May's Landing Council, No. m,,Jr. wrong direction and Anally brought up heard late In the evening. Nervous they were handicapped by a blgb wind trefltise of tbe International Sunday* WM. H. WANAMAKER having no straight llntt any where, and many cuts, gos toprov e tbls, ua» thus exhausted fails to grasp sew Ideas was a leader aujoug the cuiuKd people : all part* ef tbe enmity, come 0. U. A, M., baa elected tbe following among the saud bills below Cbebea. women and timid men related their ex- and dense smoke, aud were lucky to aehoul lesson is alone wurlu tbe prfet showing chinks varying from a mere the Ueatme nt la baeed oa tb* weJi-Hiisb. or to store away new facts, Tbeesorm- at Cape Alay, being president of the reports of the ravagn of typhoid fevsr, oiQ«ir»: tJiiunetllor, Benjamin Cain; There be apparently became imbued perience** the next day and tried bard cauflne the conflagration to the block ofiubserlptlon. PHILADELPHIA crack up to a full Inch when a crooked liahMpnuelpIeol inocolaUon, and both sus difference of result between the two Xrtudfnslager Repuhllcau Club and of Wfiflt 1« the cause of 11? Senior Ex. C, WUllam Bmallwod; V. with tbe Idea that be bad arrived borne to account for thii uunBual vlaltation. of tenement!. The alley Is the most Its b)!ul^ and Its mim go to aUbtlab methods is an abundant proof of this the Workiugmen's Club, a social organ, Its daaifled advertiHemenUf are as lath came In juxtaposition Witt a mod' fjhfl pluBben ha^ had av«yh By C, Howard Runueyi Bficordlng See- and proceeded to disrobe, taking offal! Later the dtallBct, bell-lliw tones have densely populated section of the city. ititerwUng as dewa aud m widely read, U erately straight one. Then fame the tbfl tut tbit Jl bu a very dangeitJUH troth. Not only In the extension of the hiatlntt, retary, J. L, Vale; FipaiielaiSecretHry, bis clothes but hla undergarments, In been beard lo broad day, apparently Families lived ID * single room. Many m mm mt mnm Tbe public has for yeare made the week, a number of waief pl]^ having •awed laths, each one ripped, from tbe to combat. lu&L««e now ground covered, but ID tbe thoruugh- Williams' wife left him last autumn. Daniel MeUlure; Tressurer, L. W. Cm this condition, with hands, feet'and out of a clear sfey, Thire li s general of these were still enjoy lug their Christ- PUBLIC LEDGER Its chief vehicle far bunt durtug the wld snap, edge of an Inch and a quarter plank Jol ttaetlng attention m Baltimore eight oess of the kuowltdge gained, and the In a written staieajent hesayBheaBked tneri Couductor, Geuge Riptey} Exam' face badly fnHtbliten, he was found disposition to Ignore the whole buBt- inas dinners when the flremen fan idling tbe BDOOuncemeuiH of birthH, mar. Mlss«fl Mary and Atby Thorn, daugh. with a baud saw. Next eame the lath*, boys were bitten and subjected to the ability to use it lo sdvaulagH, Is tbeher to return to him, aiid, being re. Iner, Obarlei F- Herbert; Truateee, wandering hdple&dy about by the po- ne«*, hut, like Banquu'a gbmit, the ring- tbe bail *ays of the tenements, banging rinse* and deaths. ten of P»tBi»ler Tbora, *B) eujoying made one at a tlma with circular aawa, 898 Asbury Avenue, Paatenrcure. Three of them have died, new way Immeasurably superior to tbefugetl, he dfeternilued to kill her. He rknjamln Cain, Howtird Bumsey and lice and taken tint to tbe pollei station ing will not down, and returns at BUJSI mi fne doors, and so fast did the flre Write forHte»rordfaiNrn#dBdv«rllse= |BpildIli and then came tbe gang-saw machine, OCEAN QtTftHt j, all with the sans symptoms, aud the old. went to the house uf his molhehlu law, J, L. ReptesentMUve to Hiate and later to tbe hospital. He will re-uuejEpecled plae«. It I* Biit clearly Hpfead that they were fortunate to es- others are thought to be fn great danger. Qred a bullet at bb wife, breaking her tniiiti, Hubaeription price m foitown: Tliurnday lant was Ibe ftildeat day Hi which made score* of laths at one cui. Mdt There is still a lurking fear In some Men's Clothes, Youths' and Boys' Suits, far thii winter, the tbermoaiettr Council, J, L, Veal, known whetber the Round* come from cape Blive, Many saved only the One ef the three, however, gave strong quarters {hat, In carrying out this Idea, jaw, and thin attempted to kill tbe Tbe DAILY LGDOER (gynd^ ex- h bt te a supijflatural aouree or are the work These laths were eat from the jog with psWipipei.,oora6 tt-rlng W degrees *ib«ve a»R«, ColfinelJahnfiIcK«,of Philadelphia, clothes they wore, support of tbe"scared.to-deatb" theory. work may be saqrfllwd to play and mother. Tlie wife interfered and re* eeptcd), by mail, te any addresa in the City Tax tajllector Gudfrey Mondsy a •having knife and cut Into widths u Oiivif M. Oandy vi«Htd frleiid» at owner and founder of McKee City, as la of some practical juktr who may be a 1B the basement where tbe flreetuted Hi was doing very well and bade fair kuowltdge to pleasure, and the pupil cclved another bullet In her hand, United States or Cauada, go cents per paid to Uounty UvlIeytuF A, B, KndU toothpicks and cigar lighters are. Beavllif, Crowftwl and vlelulty on Hun= bis annual eujrtotn, made tbe hearta of Daniel Mills and bl« wife were sleeping to recover, until some Injudicious friends then shot himself In the month; $6.oo jier year, ' cott tliiR city's sbare uf tbe county and The nest Innovation was a metal thus lose tue discipline which day, retumlDK home In ibe evening. iiiN tlftyor more tenanla happy with Mttfcia Miller la spending the aguiidly when the firemen arrived, and called lo see him, who talked fteely head and has been uneJUSClauH ever Saturday's LEDOER (weekly), a great State BL-houj tax, amounting tu PS,< lath made of thin sbeetlron strips, rib* J, N. JOHNSON, would have fitted him ta fightth e seri- Russell & Adams, Ourttenator and AM#mblym#p SK Ubristmas gifts, hoildayt at hume, abtiutthe other cases and,, as usual. since. home joilrual, wbleUghDuid be in every 9,15, The total amuUDl of taxes thus little child was play Ing ou the floor.ted or having the edges turned over to ous battles of Life, This fear would not besieged with applifationd fur the sub- Absecon, MB, Margaret Haneock, of Pliiladel. They did not know of their danger painted the situation in the darkest eouulry honje, $i»oo per yeor. far collected la $150,000, . _ give slrength. 'Perforated ahfetlnn PLUMBER, be out of place were the two pitted ordinate positions In tbe Ltglilaturt, Fred Spelkermin, son of Martin pbla, ie here for a few weeka' slay,after until roughly awakened by the flremeu. colors,- Boon after their departure tbe wltb nigged punctures, In which the agaJust each othir, and were the change 817 ASBURY AVENUE, Rev, Rlebard S;ToB» cunduited r#- Bpeikermau, died at bis fitiier's AuKBlIAtfa strnv which she will return to New York, Like the ut her tenants, they bud been lad was taken with the same symptonM of base in method to lead the teacher Women who have suffered year tits Of elKtric ssal. 90 in. long. 133 In, simp, all remittfiijeeH payable to mortar would clinch, succeeded the STEAM AND GAI FITTER. 1 feu from these aanoyirjg blcuikhu, l!g"Bi«sirvl«iattheOrtau City Life deuce on Sunday niornliig. He Flight alone saved Michael Qlorgett!, Captain J, D, Nkkereou has laid bli drinking heavily, as Is chaiaeterisUe of M ihedibett and died wltbla twenty- lined *1th figured silk. SB, W, CHILD! OREXEL, fllrips, and wire netting laths were in. 10 subordtuaie tbeeudu of education to frectloa^-wno have seen them come un- Short Capes ot sstrilfhan with velvet laymg Station Ust Bunday afleruoon. buried on Tiendiy anemooii, servleeH a (ruli merchant doing business on At* vessel up for the winter, the alley's denizens, and were nit even /ourhburs. So It teems tl^at there Is the whims or fancies uf tbe pupils. In- Editor anJPubllflber. Don't fail to call and examine them, Pricirsfe the lowest, troduoed. It was generally strengtbened do? Use rays of the etuntnet son and dis- yoke, triBaied with jet, S3i Dt, 3, 11* Frygr, who had been in being held at the bou^e, aud luiemieni lanlls avenue, AUanlto City, from be. Martin Wells, of Sea Me City, I* the awakened by the suflocating smoke Repairing a specialty, such « disease aa bjdfopbobhi, but that Capes of PirsJan lamb pa*% 15 In. Step, with fibs of coarser wira, aud la ftlll deed, there have been eases where this appear when tie yeartj riign of king lu the pRSbyterlitD cemetery. iug funtd iuto the army of King Hum owner of the old homestead of Jagob that filled tlie room. The day was In It may be ^ntenslfled and made mure 130 in, sweep, silk lined. S23., Bruukiyn forthretfreek*paBf,rtturnid extensively used, not only for partitions Bath Tubs and Plumbers' has been dose and a lamentable result Sol is over—.aro.ilisBiea! enoogh to eon. i. Cards are out fur tbe wedding of bart uf Italy. Giorgetti started on aWtllH, deceased, tgnsely cold and Ibe flremen surtered fatal by working on the netvge of the aider the glowing monarch aosouiaole of Persian lamb, various lengths, iidiufinii Mpuday greaily beueillted iu but for concrete floors as well. Supplies. ' _ "' has followed. All artificial pieajturts tETi Mias Georgie Townnend and Mr, £s»t> yayage tu tlie Fatherland about two JaruesL. Hand, Jr., Is spendlBg a terribly, tlie water freezing as It fell patteDt for onr annual crop of freeMes. 411 sort* EIOOTS snt^r AIID AVENUE R. B. CORSON, health, Within a few yean scores of patents are of this kind. They, as well u arti> Mtnk Capes, S65 to S300. burn on Juniiary 0,1887, at 7.S0 in tbe inonihaago, to settle up an estate that week at O«au City. u|»n then. White mourning an loe- flclal pains, have nothing tod o with of nasaos have been given Is these an- Miss Emma Morris !e entertaining have been granted tot metallic lathing, noying pigmentary diseolorationa. One SHORT CAPIS— evening. It will be a brilliant aflsif, had been left to bis wife and to visit Our young* people are enjoying the cttvered ladder William B. Wilson tbe subject on hand. It Is the pleasure of white thibet with fancy vilv^yoki,^ PRACTICAL SUTi MOFIR two of ber uieew, lh# Mlw™ Urquhart, aud in almost every Instance they have well known dermatologirt deolarw they m man than three hundred Invitations the home of bis childhood. He reach- flue staling,. : slipped and fell, receiving painful in- There eeenmtobeft&nfusedldeafibout which naturally attends me satlsfac Of black thibet, Persian lamb cellar, velvet of Philadelphia, al hef Asbury awnus been for making sheet iteel plates pro- are the result of too Booh iron in the : DKALKH IS have been iisiifd. ed bis destination all right, but had TuekBhoe, j u rles, Jsmes Ilu-uiil!, a mem her of the the meeting of the pectoral Cdtlege, tlon of cu rioHity, and coma ineiden tally, yoke, $10 . reHldenee. vided with slits 'or pejforatlonu to hold MENDEL'S blood, and that the son's rajs bring the of electric seal Mrabined with moufflon, $13 RGOFINQ SLATE, BLATI MM. Mary H. Waters lisa been wpeud- been there but a short time when be Otb Madden, poatmaeter at Uulted BtateS Fife Uompauyi was over- and many DewHpapgri have been, pub- without any pre-arranged effort, which N. there are but one or two ©f a sort. J,U, Borrtdaile and wife, ef Phila* Captaiu John TUomaH b home for the pateal* nere and abroad. The sales run OO BAM CITY, N, J, B^ys: "It is a fast that lontlfio (freo, and Beverai brittbefti aud sisters utill re* Otorgetti protested that be was sn flrtt Wednesday -jn X^eniben ^h|s FUR COATS — delphla, hive bees OPcupyiBg tbflr winter, having laid bin vesael up at tried at court arise from assaults up |o ajnatderably more than a mll< klea) fieither appears in the newly born siding her, HbAinenltook place on Ameriean eltlaeu, and produced papers waasnhieguBnily cbBLgal to the sec* net In shildren nnder the age ef "S or 8 Stylish Walking Codfe^flHroht, Wat W«t ayiQueoutta^i abuve First Hlrwt, Friday nioniing at Hamrnonion. New York, aud robberies committed In ibe tene- Hun dollars a year iu the United Stats, AUvert uuiie IILI &nui orociu cmr Doubtless many conscientious teach- ' back, silk HneJ, $15 to $73. C. SMITH & SONS, to prove his claim. He was told that end Monday In Jabnuy. ot bliek opyssum, 10 tails, §3,50 charge of the servlcea at the M, gunning for rabbits. OFALL KINDS, by the Judlcloug expenditure of money, county criminal Court waa held In the Ing, AlnhiB is dear gaiij, and the ef- A Place to Sell; Custom Inthls Slate has telected the compJlshment. Ways and means grad- of natural opo*iuni, a tails, S3 ehureb next auoday evening, A frightful •eeidenl occurred Mon- Harry Bleelnasu, who had been erlll- of bUck mnxttn. 10 tails, IS procured a physician's certificate to his court house at May's Landing last fort is being directed to getting Ihe If yon have Supreme Court room In the Stale ually open up tothos e who are deter, Sem* time »go. In ooapany wita a Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moldings, Brackets,Columns, Newels, nlng a week's revival at that lime, day un tbe Arm of A Pole named Na- cally III fur severs! days, died at his friend^ I w«»earehing farfomlbjamcag of mink, 10 Mils, $8 disability, which had tbe efleet sf sav- home la Clayton Saturday morning. week, with Justice Ludlow presiding greateal stiitnss with the Ugbiest Hobje fur the miethig, TndllJan r has mined to compass an end. It may be of stone marten with head and tail*, 512 M. V. Adams, of New Grains, who watzkl, raldlug near this city. Two the debris of an absudoned limeaton* PLUMBING, White Pine and Cidar Shlnglfs constantly on hand and under ing him from further Interference for He was a un of ei-Bherifl Anthony Following tbe usual formalities for njetal, which means more gain toth e A House to Let; uitsaihed tbe order of events at tbese that too great a distance exists between Lang N«ck Siarts of stone marten with has been purehanlng pwperiy hire,was children, aged 4 and 6 yean, were play- f. The owner, bearisg u ohip- three weeks. Then It must have be-Steelman, of this plaee, and was about opening court, District Attorney Perry makem, ^ _ If you have fiinaal mteUnn, The ooUep toialled the general trend of the child's mind htad and duster of 13 tails, S21 —— Orders leftat ' among TuMday's vIsitorH. Mr. Adam§ ing up-stairs, and the elder one at- , _„ aad pogndiBg nmong thersefcj, come known that the certificate was of 44 yean of age. He was promluent in moved the c&se of the State vs. Wilson to eider 6y the 8eerfttary of State, anandd the subjects thit are presented to •pproashed u and inqnired what we COLLARETTES— expects to leeate here pf roianentlv in to carry his little playmate , card of wool seal with astrakhan fflllar, £3,50 doubtful authenticity, for he was sum- secret aociety and church work mud inGoodwin, John Will lams, Albert Wll> the eefiUfleates, fiped* by tbe Btaie him suddenly in school life,' Too much Win looking for. On being answered thelpling. * down-aialri, when he slipped, falling ilauts, William Smith, William Spence EBITOB OF SEKTISEL, of dyed brook mink, $2.50 807 ASBURY AVENUE moned toappea r tbe following day be- polltlcfl and was interested In the DearBlr; With j-our kind penalsslou If you hate . ,. .,. , -,- electosMre baste in forcing the change may defeat "foalls/* he gald: "FOHIU? What'i of wool seal or of electric seal, full sweep, We will Step open housi, every d^ down the entire flight of ituis head, and James Smith, all colored, charged HEATING, fore the military commander. Moure Brothers* Glass Company, He I lake the liberty, through the ctilumns read. Then tbe roil of electors is ailed, Its awn end. Every child la them for—to keteh flah with!" I do dot lined with handsome fancy silks, high wlil receive immediate attention. except Sundays, after the first of the foremoer. Tbe •mailer boy tag nh with atrifcSoUSaGsBult aud battery upon temeubov what answer hi Meeived. tat nlling item collar, cape and collar Well knowing what the result would leaves a wife and five children. of your paper, ou behalf of my deceased Some Funds to Get; a pMBident lu tametbinf, ssd is eurtoue to know year, and shall be pleased to have ail ikull fwetured,andlflotherwlsesevere- Captain Harry Sonaers iu Atlaulld U ij note than probable that some of trimmed with genuine hUck marten. Hi be, Giorgetti placed his business In the UaptaiB Joseph Campbus moved into brother** widow and myself, lo express If yoH want : . One of the deeton ia etfUJu things, cad he may ofttn be led ly Injured. JHto itiwvery is doubtful. the fOidli wonJd have mads excellent O* electric seal, lull sweep, lined with fancy who are indebted to iis to ail aud stl- hands of a lawyer and fled that night. the B, D, Madden heuie, ue«r Corbln Cjltyon Thauksgivtng Day, The case chosen president and the Secretary of gradual Maps from ihese to higher silk, high rolling storm collar of black The elder brother escaped ""wits lesser our appreciation and gratitude toal l of r was of the gtnaller trilobitsi tie their bllki. He arrived home last week and the Station, consumed several hours, and the Jury A Mortgage Drawn; Slate aa tecretary, A oiasyman opetia wlien ihe mind would bays re- marten and fronts trimmed with spa Corner Fourth St. and West Ave. hurt. Pr, the friends who, during ihe trying ON - they only hate been ased hi Oul merehaaiH report the bu*in^ of injuries, although badly story of his sdvenfaHS became public. rendered a verdict finding Albert WIK If B DEED :, ID iplte of suy ^SittU to make * fur. 111 DRAINAGE. An eBtertalnraent wta given In the deal of a lingering illness and a sad e Mailon with prayer, and custom re- 0ms, Imt, nnfortnnatelj, we wen a tbe holiday* better than for sonat §ea-Theodore H,Boy»en, of this city, at* He was adverse to discussing it at any Hams guilty of atrocious assault and vlolen I leap. Among other suggestions of electrk seal, 13 jn, deep, lined with neat Centennial hall 00 Thursday evening, bereavement, so nobly and geyerously ittWfi peUtlori for tbe tnajmlog ad- faw thotannd decade* late. figured silk, high rolling collar, yoke sonspaat,owing ta a majuil^ cif the tended tbem aud dedarwl their coudl- length, but verified the bets given John Wltiuuas and William Smith Mntttmiteb, The eirUflcate Issued by pq thbi polni Is one mads by Dr. the prewfda of which were tor tbe ben. tendered thslr aaslflUnceaud sympathy. The certlflcate Issued by Anothet time, while wandaring an and points ef bmok mink, $18 raldiuti diiing the If Uhristoias Bhop- tion to beyety etUleal, above, and also said a pour Italian has guilty of simple awault. Tbe others If you wast the Governor,< to the electors Is then In bli Os rugged Derooian ilopa of the Set- of grebe, eoi&r of electrk seal, eyt full, -UEaLGR eflt of the Methodist; chureb. Iksptctfully, work on '•Atneiltan ping at hom& JteelnaBvIlIt, Very little chance of escaping Impress- were acquitted. read, and »fesolaUoD k adopted pro- He tags! daberKnoontaliu, in^iiBgM|B> lined with filtlred silk, m SATISFACTION ASSURED. Harry FtMer Is very 111 wltb typhoid Joa, O. CHAMPION, gs flPjiB tEBly psycho Of chinchilla, full iweip, high rolling eo!- 1 Ocean City abould be incorpoiafed aa Wheatijn.of Cape May Court ment in the Italian army, even though The ease of John W. Scott, for break. Insurance siding Ibr any potalfate «acancyf after Hfi who pavely inforaed at that tbt he y, fever. We hops fte may speedily re- logical and nnt eeonomlciicll methoethod of bf, lined with steel gray sitin.Miao. LUMBER (Bg and entering Taylor's cigar store In Comit© iae . _ WaltJBg for any BQteing ejector one miriona,erooiBd foui! ihella (™phrentlf 1 l iUILDERS WPPUm a fourth elass -clly, Tbe LeMtaiiitufe House, paid bis annual vMt to the old he may be * citizen of the UiUnitedd eoser, I take this methnd of Moving my dll la thatht wlitoltoh oakk s the raoat ROUND MUFF^- ,, Atlantic City, resulted in the acquittal hour: Th* president •ppohite ima teU there petrified COR. will nwl lu tweivt dayj^ and Botbing homestead en Chrfatmaa Day w theStates, Edmund Madden, Jr,. is spending sincere thanks to Mrs. William Lake, T* president •ppohite ima teU of all the BeaeeB, Tb§ krai of brook aiok, S1.S0 Ocean of the defendant. This • ease was tried At Any Time. ttooln tb* Hb.pi, of d{llte id of black opossuoj ar black Ijmg, m has m been done. Let us get to work guest nf hli sistir, Mis ]$. Whtaton, the bulldays with bis parents at Abae- J. Monroe Ludlani, and the bust of ^d{»iallte niadefbr nominations falgblr evolved aentte, and it Is tob e fed at the September session of the county either 0< black eurty astrmkhan, SiSO, • Immediately. - returning home oa Saturday by way af con. kind, sympathetic friends who, during to fill «acflncirt, Motlonfl atekade to aud developed from Ibe route ttpwafd, Ofelectfjtseal,*? Special induce- !,»* a New York weekly p»per courts and the Jury failed to agree.. ••aayip niotrilnH, after fainlj &* New life hn been Inspired into the Atlantic City, Captain Bern Smith baa loaded his Quinton A, Champion's protracted ill H .• tree draws Iti naufliuoiflnt tmm of black thibet, »7,50 devoted to the interests of the mercan- Tneae went ibe only cases tried dur- R. CURTIS ROBINSON, ,. *r* »pi»lnUd *B(1 • Hepaste M to ileep, I went ontridfe The young people'* socleiy sine© It was Tbe UhristnlM fniertalnmeiit at vessel wilb wood Air Hsventmw, N.Y. ness, rendered such kind oniCes to tbe : ; tbe •oil- Tbe education of tbe whort^s of nouSlon, f10 tile woild, lives the following bit of ing the skiing, and prior to adjourn- ballot Is tfttarj far Fraklait. Tbe nh Mn WBB ihiBiBf is a akj of dark, rielr ef PetsJaH lAfflb, tlf ud m ehasxed from *P Endeavor to the E»Bethel U> E, church ttsofc piaot Ubrist Joseph Wolleyia home fl» the winter. deceased and to his fatuity. And after h&fl BoughU » far M 0104- bef tonverw French Buck Uad and Ready nixed Paints. timely advice: ment until tbls week, the following 74441 AHURT MlHUE, iiuJI ef thU biiltot li ADDOuiKsd, snd paflple iigbteaing to a yellowish iont af natural beaver. $13 worth LiBgufc They will held a week's mas evening, Tbeeiereiia OOnilsted Cap* May Uty, his death, for the many acts of kindness the tawi uf naiUrs, aad tofee d the tree On the northern horffSB; the vast desiirt of gray krimnnef, S7 A word to the young man preparing sentences were Imposed by Justice Lud- tna fmiu« fonri Is followed In bmietlug For convenience, :Orderi may be hffat^^ Aibury ^ revival B*f¥le# coniBBeiieilig Suuday, of reeiUilons iod ffiusie. JtWanavery The Bunday-schools hejd entertain, shown the bereaved family, through tbe l«tvea and hnBebea. * wai B great mass of daiioate lilaa and , of chlnshilla. ta ' f to open a store ot hli owni When you luw upon criminsiH prevtouBly convlet« for yiegVresldsnt, A certificate ?f!lie •• of mink, Sio to$18 ; • January 8. , Bredllibleaflairioail eonsnied. The ments Thuwday evening and distri- MHi, GODFREY ABO, The Bjitem gfinstructJon by lecture gpeen, mi the igloo a brlghteF nets of Sentinel get ready to teU the public what you edand tbose vvhq pleaded guiliy to riauHaf the talJotlng ta tberi gfgaed of real sealskin, S12. ' " Joaepb Bennett, Eighth sireet and Khelara were tfeated. The ehufeh was buted glfte to the children. Mother uf Mrs. Q. B, Champion Mid reeltatluna Is unjj^ebQlegieiil as the same Dolor. The dogs, enrlod up in are going to do, tell the public what eharga as Indicted, Abiry^en, who hue been couflntd attiistlcajly deeonted with dislgns in This city will again vote on a site tor well aa rally aad waritppuf b ttacber ,talliaiidrslBqat«ts^ly tha laow, Thin there are hosts ef ifaney muffs you are gotug ta do. Use plenty ef ad> j, F. Divine, ei-poetmaflter at Abse- and . learner. * # Botb tnetbods of were no aany llaok spots, Tha wind, of Persian lambj of grehej of elee» H G. SimEANIt CO. to the house for some time, suflenng evergreens, a new school building at mast meeting vertlBlug space to tell ypar §tory well cou, who pleaded guilty to forging a blew abfiil Md chill, and the mow Is the paper you need ttam the efteeto sf a eoid ceniraeifd Mr, and Mn. Frank Ctark tove giine Oil the evening of January 4, ednotioa are out of harmony wltu the trie seal. tlMtoms, ibarougbly, but teU it simply, note fur pOO aud uttering tbe same, ops, and wbeu It ns ban placed *Ith •tMarned and oddied in long Telia OTM PURSETS-» = • about three wetks ase, is "lowly KiWn* Codflah are two. eeufs a pound along p, t li ban placed ICh laws uf Ibe mind, and ahe Innovation during tJ» wtaier, to (Jedar Lake to visit MM, Clark* n't whoop. Don't tarn verbal fllp- one year In Btate Prison. Muff and Boa of silver fqjs, natural sis liig UlR accuBtomed health. the Ikpi May shores, •«?llnitiU!dil»enraJojJB aated with mix uf haying the teachef'recife" ind the spring and aum&aer to parents. ' 1 ps. Don't make m, Jumping-Jack of : Frank Brown, wbo pleaded guilty to "ttii^p 1 00h the pupils ask the qu^itloiia U one of the head sn sachf $50* The (JlirlBtDH entertiilDoient In the C, VV, Foeht ia «pf ndlog th# h.iiid»yi Mrs.J, M. CwWus is visiting rela. Itopt npamonotoudn Mufl and Boa of the pelt of the fisher. M» &"ehureh ThuBdsy evenrag wa§ the EngilBb language. Don't tear your Btegllng a bicycle frum Captain R. C, feW gleams at light In the gteat darkette- r leusittiai and = I teep In touch with »J 4UUIU] at hi* home in PutuwiHe, He will » Uves In Pittsburg. "" * • bi n««Hl slit head, daws Md toll M*, Lair and froth at the mouth. Ivory, of Atlantic City, six months In PULL THE INSIDE quite an tnjoysble affair. The little nas by which thii whole subject al the fccne were n peuetratiair thai 1 wan CHILDREN'S SETS—Muff and Neck OCBSH Albert Haijd, a student at Mm'e children did ihelOBeives e^it by thett turn ou January 8, Juat get down to bulseaa, and tell ibe county jail, education has beeu enveloped. • * *f lad to croop ovet the recttmbeiit forni* Pitct= • • . . William H, Sooers fell Uhrlitmaa people in short, simple words, all about Business College, Philadelphia, is of my companiorja Into Chn ahelter of reoltntluns and slngipg. M». fc B, Albert Williams, convicted of atro- i0. ad It 1« by reading and cotistan t reviewing, qf American ermine ot thllet, SLS0 . Day. injuring hiwielf stverely. He liyour new store and your new goods. •pending the holidays at home with cious assault and battery upon Captain ^p iMy «f UfeBeDJite, by eoBvenring Informally' with tho» i •Issping bag vrhire I shivered anrt ofitsbi.it Tbomts trained the little onra. oouttued to tbe bouse, Act like a solid busine*> BID, not like bis parents, Harry Homers at Atlantic City, one MdanoUierfQjthe Judge of tha Unite who know more than we, by wriUnf-» m antil the bright auii eallad u ef Canadian seal, St ODD-SIZE MILL AND STAIR WORK. TtempeiSB talks,, under tbe Harry Btltea Is ggya^ent from an «aln to life ud aetian^FftHik of Wool sial, 13, j, A, Dlson erected a vm • ny'by.n)gnt Ifkir. The man who year in SUteTriiefiTftMrdTiblfrr^' " 8t Court for Uie Ohtrlct oT^ above all byjeelng aud Ijearing, and : of the W. U. T, V,, will togive n thin attack of typhoid malaria, tetStobilatttolB^, , in either hard or soft wood. * ChHatmaa tree In bis home, upon whlcb merely jumps up aofl down might as John Williams and William Bmltb, fisolallona to elect a tn«gen tasting, and amelllDK, and touching, And various others up ta 815* Par year (TiiUisday)evenlngln the M, E,thnreb4 well •tend illlL "Soft and fair goea finF. W, Wolfl has put a bandsome convicted of simple artatilt upon Cap- and b> refleetlng on what we iee and Rev. Biehard H. To»». **' Boston, and was to be found «» ffiaonir of afasom Efftflaw, JOHN WAN* »MCIRS in advance John P,!^, of ih« elty, will twamong plate gUss front tohi s store, tain Harry Homers at Atlantic City .. ^le, and •miil.iiid fonch able ftulii. Bant* Clan* did not forget In a day," tins bta jort died at Kirto^f, lo put on some uaiftil artlds. The , solid busiu by Muc itt three months each In county jail and that we b#come trulj wise.Work of tti Bsffiai* esait rf SaftoliBfl, MM. Office.Yard and Mill: 8th and West Sts. tbe ipeaketi. Everybody Inyited, _ Work up a metboda. and day by tbe banging of General Weyler ttJnd !• healthful as we11M liuplf. Betiy Mackay, at the *go of 101. Sit I Henry D. Moore, of Haddenfleld little one* enjoyed the day, , Bolfd huslnesi coals, : .,-'*,'-* KEATING AUTHORIZED BY RRE UNDERWRITERS, MIDDLE DEPARTMENT, FOR wheedle, and suggest aud *rgue=dott't lu effl^ In full uniform of a Spanish „ ladfavonslougevhyiithtounom. "" sittfs of BtfatinaTer. ud *u who santtMted to purehaw ft ™t AtlantkClty. Lev) Van, Convicted oi breaking aud OCEAN CITV, N.J. try is yank trade in by the hair. As oilloer. A cipe was placed across Wash- leal add maka it po*ib!e for ui tu be- fffown npwoaiaii when t^sttettlcM ELECTRIC UIQHTINQ/ amount of meadow land betwetn Jotfph C. ^vlne, a wtU-kHown real- enuring John Donnelly's saloon at At' Bill Nye onee aagejy remarked:» Wbeu lngtun street froni the HeutSBt Botld. learned wltboul Nconilug rv. fines popnlmi ttratb—aboal 18 alia Fourtb and Eighth stitett, with the |iB^ died latt Wednesday, after a lautlc City, one year In State Prison at BEARINQS AfiE SLIPPERY. ne lfin =waa ruthleialr oletred of Iti ln you want to ki» a girl, don?t grab tut Ing to the Uapitol Hotel, and when all a ALL MATERIAL A«D WOitE intention of Dliirig up the properly ibort iilna*- The denied i«msh#re, uard htbor. babituta in the asoood dewlo df thii It Take yoi^if time—it's there." was ready It wasMtacbed (o the neek STWihxy FIRST wlth*wnd pump, was ©n tbe Islaufl some twtn|y yearaago,aadhad bfiBj Uwlge Davis, convicted of receiving CMea and euu in grauod never lo be Joal She had i H. M. KALBACH, Td lkppi o,v tbe ppremi ^ BeplpinlBetUWmbtr of tb# United of the figure and hauled Just over the not indwledge itoelfl V>d meaj malm to teU of iha hanow. Tueaday looking over tbe premises A •*• Cii^iiiio Matins, centre of the street. A hugs crowd stolen goods, one month In the county Kmm p ^ ©ptriUonB htre about States F1M Company tit many 3^™. polUfud to that bit* touch of tlaaalp pbo#l be ihe atni of eduaUon, I "*« yitaatpd wbaa oM «sd b iU htre a No little exdtement mad a great deal bad ajsembjed, add with eager interest Jail and costs. . (See that curve?) th* middle of January , Ne«rly one hundred collages are Iu of anxiety eitlita lu this county over watchedjhe proceedings. A, squad of M, de Auguillno, Eugene LaBocco PATORmGHT. Short Chrtelmw Mf Wfe« were beW iuf which ttvM that fl'de-that to giM It ttd to ttse It aa ocxuioo re course of eraeUDB, «. the RBorted disappearance of Captain and Josepb Toinasello, tbrea Italians 4% hesu'M notieo to OCEAN CITY, NEW JERSEV, by Wel^sTaiief^e Ftttt Preabyte- men fieta the Independent Rifles, some qiilrt* thfong b life, Ths weSNduaitedI k op their be ome* aeif# are The WiUlam M.feuai Hew Year a J, D. Nkkerssn, mastor of the •ehooaer of Iheni wearing the blue of the Na- who pleaded guUty W aeUtag llquw „ iM before the . itfn Banday-tehooi, nrevlsiii to the wilboul a lUsnue at UammontuB, M,y gild* only fo««d In th*K«UnE. KEATINO WHEEL ^- •• bf the fnlUfe will not be the one] to the ibatah of tbelr Seetriatl Supplies, iQcandeseeiH I-amps, any voltage or color; Asodatlou wUl parade New Yett ere Looy. Tbe myBlBg Man iwlda •* tlaual ttoMdamen, preoeded by fife regular «rdc«c«. Eunda. Edy g fined ISO and MUV Jaifsd ill ilils of Shades, E'ectrle Bella, CHIIB, Auouuelatort, BaiteHeflaud all MrfSaw Yesr ^ys Qwf one btt» South Seayltle, and, according tu a note and drum, marched from the armory day* ahead ef ttem all, -^•^^fc^a-BOLYOKB, MJ^& Me mm Materiftie. - , a#eryke of mm* and= brW dred aiembera will parlldptiie. Several received by H& Nlckersou Monday under command of Lieutenant Bailey, Bella. ^ mdfh Vim, M hM i msfBlng ftaM the et*ward 'of her bt» and, swinging int&lme, flfed a> volley Joyous wedding belLt rang but 1 lo pemm I A fay diff«*or«.« of DBI the play •Dhool und oolkge, but be w band's veswel, ihe captain dropped at the suspended figure of theO.pi*lu Ohriai y the rssldsuce of Mr. sf Muslofortne OliristmaalJayat anchor In Hamptoh Boada, Va, ou the OtenenL Bx ienator Mill h land Mb. George Ripley, Hay's Land- twowidowBof areffltn jnornlng of Ot&anber^, going ashon apWnof the esmnanyi WM W, Smith, of thk shoteeeonfcrttonerf 'd AfteAftr the flrtnge fl theolty,my, t li o'olock, led their daughter X • flodilihlBg OODdlUon, v ««• Nat irturalaf to tho schooQir the sheeted, aa It' Ml** fUnnee, ftt Hymen'* HIM AnewmMi61 iharw wttl bt ittrnMtSB luid PBlura Christ- over the town Bev. Jsaspph H. Boydy, of, May' s Landy . ind^as Fitfer, wl 6 i W^ d^ AMo , , „...,,.-..,... , p Ing M. B, church, was the sfflelatinli g m of boms, hat aaiD^ *«*™'^ ^- |wiU|^MmWj]rM^^K 4a^^;y:>::':^^;{"'^-^y^^- Si^^f^Ss'^^s'H^- • ^-^ •-:• ^^s^^l^fSfffP™ ™-^ rF&^^^fc^k-^ Qontraotor 6iid j» On which ear JJora in wated. And no Mm t» WMlUr AM,, DMB Sl«r * iwipknelaf. (be1 aayidsinnofCSH gaif.BO,".'{'" thai wblto' wlUttut' reniem Htin.BPEtlng into the thoogh bis s(i» wsr« onofl too they hits become whirof tbao mow, , so Wilt, ailfl 't.fiefeekJ tsii so Ob; those eetgstial cavaleadai whom out w in ocHlti shalj Jead on •wift, -.ad the 'dayr art so (iwift, and through the QtrSetii of hparent Win's !tb* Iraurw "are KJ swift,! «ed tbe Uinntea 609 AHBURY AVBWCE. s,rr,«, «ftt grand tnea and> hundreds of mouuM CONTRACTOR AND BUILDFR, -.**• i' with bglddftih and For f litkeE tfais apprepaits fs«d many dff'|»WVi™i;«»f» "snaiBai IB iighl -— Ocean fiy^Xir J, «k of cainw u£ P* •\ s *• MI .«t. into h«vou att inall . HerRJ.e we . fallowed by eealug f thousands throng gb fnd' Worldnf Snwinp Ol iuC Gift m « m in fas last iabbatb of thejreor, Did the long day of hoaTen which bnth no = BottiDg mn. Mind yea, only tho oaTsliy chsalfif elMWbwa, • you ever, know. a twehemontb qpicktr Warf am* By ib« to be gsBel The •goldgarod of ono an« aw in-that shining prueeaibn,' toosa Conon, fins. dukHBtee to do Bnn-cuwworfi u MmMr:.^-^- -who did work eatside tbe fores, tboss UH the bat BiiiHrliiL .•• r . tBom to cb«ep Uwm, to clejtr the tttmn spaaki to thg gdUfntod Of tho : MCENSBD AUOTIONBIH; f Be£| :aMtama, and tb^ crjQsas.' of one'who dared all things fof God, then whs CARPENTER AND BUILDER, way for them,." Seme of them yon Hi hid in them tbe spirit of holy dash. We JOHN BROWBRj •f •'•{ , v WP©flnwIUtloB, ; •priagtisie to Jhe < procofl of anoUier of th«iny0ftdiino6Ji*a, Tonsay who did easy work may look at that seriugtiBe, arid t bo snow banks of ad> OCEAN CITY, NJ, Ho. 711 Asbury Aoenue, Ocean City, , i- CITY, N, J,, THUHSDAY, JANUARY 7.1897^ : JtYL- •one an too. »p«ationnl, afid BOBIS of bneesiiea,? but will set he a part of ii Painter and ' ' •••' ' then are not enough learned, and some joiniog yuan.alniOBt rfttch each other'Jn aabroken carve. We a™ in, too much Thera tbfy- pas, tbfl eqaesMaas ud {nut Bad BoardiniE baMM and «««(» »r nai la aU pkfti el t&t #»* ef them are erratia,and: seae of them equestriennes of beaveo, regimenti of 1 pump by f |N p euaaflos by ^hXh1wid"« harry about most things, Kjsaca inft T the editor teat ha BM "j itteU ro tabvehement , and some of them evaDgelists, /Of tract dlstributflrs, of bcwla BM, if ever tinea. They have might be useful pray tor isod, 'Ob; foH up year exit! ia too raooh horry rueh into nd color*. daahedli off." Pnol' the dosoon did nor 'Ton bmre not tloiuj that rain thein and roiu "oihew, street prcaobeni, of salvation armies, G. P. MOOBE, nri Uii OCEM CITY SEHT1NEL, |ust as much. They work slippers and la. the letter vtbiea ho wrote to the and lei then* do that which we, of onoo fa'alf narved homo miiiionarie* WAGGONER, MORGAN HAND, IN DEACON^ORDERS. do ML He knew a Uttk fkboaf thinps " ybMtfc; pBOpte fim?e from place to place in tee j Pint Quality Hard Oil and THE OGEJN CITY REAL ESTflTE brspea for met They give me boplak* Usaop be ooTflplainod that a charge of He knew, tor instance, thai a ittoryidi great baste, and they wear put their j on the froaiiers, of those who did fo-ARCHITECT, . BUILDER, *T ATiORNBYAND WALTEE BEQAHI, Oh, there wqs't bo any scandal I It ii forgery and teed bad been made out of id I will g | eoaipisnoQsnrf iea for Christ and never o very, very wldcuiJ springi| i rit, m and weaken the Bean's action, I Varniihes* AT LAW, only a thousHiid pities tbat the thing s perfectly innocent and well meant anee at a leap, tat that bo growi . Bt> •eta drbeard, ThiJ ate bfliy now; they But the only filing In whieh they are | had their name in tbe newipspf» bet 8LATEB, Physician and Druggist, came out just whoa It did, However, I aeti that, in Bhbrt, ia the absence of sis bttiy^tefy-d|y-6f thi week, While once, and that In the aotiee of tbeif Iteberto* Wire and Water w. B. f & ea I OCEAN CITY N.J., M,SfSf RiHi KximiWr jo Chan eery in, by teeABtker, ] akoknew'"at" the outset that he hsdisp afraid Of being tog hasty is Ihe matter Ocean City, IT. J. Ki. 731 Altar) AIIMI, OMM GNJ, 1. J, i un Coiiiinlalanpr. horary pyblte don't despair, KupcutaH»-=openrerjent- tbe vicar, he had signed his name ia or- power whatever of creating Ihe smalleit wtitJH pastors, •erT« Uod bj Mdig of the sopr« salvation, ¥et iliii any one own cl»eqoie»—a notice not nooompa- Proof Palnta* ance^ohva.Tfl winitlioday. Yon hoard, der to get some mouoj neoesary for tbofortrwBof rigntBOninras nnd drilling aied by the rcqoeat, f Seud BO no were," B«rt Bflffloj filiM ooMfMtly eu tuini Real Estate and Insurance Agents Fun Srun Fine SUUsiterj, CAPE MAY C, H,# N. I."" WOfkof imagiuotion, This feiiowledgs ever get daufiged by toe quirk repent Pure Metallic Paints for T!f •te, WBKUiitlf Oft bild, As EOO gift leaBQd her liend sudlj 00 pcrliapB, of tho way In whJeu I left tho parish purpose*, not for himself at all and him much dla&ppolutmcut He the ObriiUan Mldiejry, {ind by marshal* for then was no danger that there Lota for sale or exchange. Houses to rent. Deeds, booda or (Oppwlt* IHiblli BuiiditMi berhand aod gii&Ml info tbo lire, whilo cathedral, Perhaps yon saw it, I Rod Ai rogarda tho other matter, be nbased IngimtbfliBiaBliefiOBHiuid" ordiDaneei •nee sr too quick pardon or too quick GEO. A. BOURGEOIS & SON, Med m sew and an ingcnfgds plan, < It emonoipiatiou? The Bible reeoinmisds Would be a profosioa of flowers. and Shingle Roofs (and ncdrawn. Loans ufgotiited, A namber ef bargalBS Io lela, the BUIB fell apou bor cars, she enw a It in the papers—that it was really flue hinuelf. Bo asked to prove hii repent. As from tbe windows and doors of tbe , C, HUTCHINSON, Mf D,LAW OFFICES U no*new. tnasn the thingJiai been tardijiHfs, doiiberation and Tision—it t«.ik OHty a tuiuate OT t\vof and touched all hearts," aa» by hard work—tlie hardeit—in a 'house ef mauy rnnnsions" we look oa other shoyld be used where worked before, bal in a mom fudtmen. in frohio things, M when it Carpenters and Biilders, rain water is eaugH for famil) bet it covered five jean, Shu HW this "Oh, if you had a heart to be touch- poor parish^the pdorttst-HUnng tbe tary manner^) His mothod was tbia i He B9 to be slaw Is apeak and slow the passing spectacle Bflnjo of us will man, fonng and beautiful us ft dreuiu, Worst sinners, himself a sinner. And to them? The falter op t£e tetter wlsa tbat on earth we ha<1 bad less HJ> OCBAWCITY.tf.J. SGHUYUER e ed!" went to the British ronfcam; ho hunted, towsath lad alow to do evil, hut it use). 811 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, Ii. J. No* 69T Wesley Avenue, more ethereal than any murvoj or juiro- "I one* hud a boart, but It is now up old migaiUaes, eipociully American ,?e thing. The I like it The ,, the Jancas they •ryand more hardship, le»icomfort and clo io mt, "whoso cjea were like eUttdcd The rteor, wbea he got, this epistle, lEjig tho Bjo» I admire them, We care ill* us, "The king's bwiBtiSfl reqnireth 6jf All brands of Ready Mixed OCEAN 6(T¥, N. J- 31O BHk«l Sfc, Giniltii, JI, j. yours, Mitggn.!. You bftvu had It for flve mBgaiinwh °f SO years ago, when they id great Don wpofBro, less oanUon and mere to tli« Pnitpfflee, P. O, B fsBBtalna in whoso waton l«y life for tosed it across the table to bis wife, 1 ooi what oonvtnNehality they infract aste." and that enr daja are as the met or years—ever BIUOO you were a awet^ hardly era same to this country. Ho know how to tight of a weaver's shnttie anil ejaea couragu, less shelter and more storm, Paints, Reoldeut Pbyslcton, Late of Ph tin. lbs soul, wlitso voieti WAS soft wlih tha "An impudent bjpoerite!" he said, "I 9 if they only; gain the tiptory. Moody less smooth saiiing ud ruors cyclone, blnihing, innocent, open eyed durllng foanittoriai thoro which, with 6 very Knd Ban > Iatesr"E)ieapo for thy life. Look not - M/8TANTON, Window Glass of all kinds JONATHAN HAND, JR, Pauls el hgareiilj harmoaiei, ofBcventcen." •ball write aud tell him so," Aod be thaa apfijsn and IQIb^S Jooes find and that we had dared all at the front little sJteruiiOB, asswarpd his pufpoBe Nhifld thee. Neither utay thoa ia all T, ABBOTT, M, DSJ heart iraa filiwl with faith, h py Hue kept her fnw averted, but shedid, perfoptly, , He oopied them out, chang- in i Mtiplflill «iJil ifejof Cole instead of taking good care of onrmlvci and patterns, Reference given. for liothlng bnt ID bo in the churoh,ul Tbe bishop read the letter with a i. end •.. fandfed others the plain," Oifajr eavnlry troops may blushed, and she dropped her head, The ing names and jploeetv and poiaetia» fall back, but moontid years never re* in the rear. Forward, luonuted trospii Fbyslclaa add Surgeon, SUder in cbinair, Hot*ry Public, wayala tho church—alwuyu i» tho terv brow of corrugated iron, fwU A l the cMalij charge, and of ht'aven! Cavalrymen and STORE09T AHBUK1 AVI. soft music of his voice touched her Mill filtering tho dlalegBO, When tho first treat. They arsalways going ahead, not Superintendent of CAPE MAY ratfRT HOUBB, H. J,i« ef thysfcorsh—to coiisucrut*} himself and as much as met.... "Thifl letter roveala avcryonwroal that a gtat dwl of »e*lled tbistmiment taking Hajg cavalry women of the Lord God Ah OFFICE—Comer CaatnU ud Eigblb ItntL fine was quite ready, ho sent it ^e.the : ioa an easy OBUtor, bat at full nn, JM&er OCEAN CITY N. I." wiu si —all hiipreeiomgiftt—his lifu, iiis ull, "itahdupf gtand up, I sayl" Be mind,"hesaid to his chaplain. "One Sditu* of a cwtfliu mentbly niaguziuo Is made f ^t^ * regiments hear the com maud of "HaJt!" nighty, HO chargers of beavnn too fTIHBu. m. to the gcrvioo of the church, Aud lie Blight Wish to have the writer here as take oar white or too arched of nosk or too OFFICE HSUM :• Kroui i to a p. m. IK OCEAK CITT EVERY IEDKESDAr spoke in a voioo of eommaad, Shopbey. witt m irttex. He caid in this Istteri "I H9^8cJ*t and pitch tbeir tiBts fur the night. The Ltroiuttfl 8 p. m. was poor, and abo was rich. ed and stood beside him, ''Qlve me in a hoepital^we want a hospital of Bear the tremendous prauoiBg'of gait for* those Boated on DINING ROOMS >t era™, F*»I Eaiats and La iond yon what I am oertain fa a really regiments ef the years Dover boar the OCEAN CITY ASSOCIATION Then in her Tiiion ahe «aw haw ihe soaked sad crippled minds—and to ao# is this them, if Job's werberse, while the bat* year hand," Apia shaobgyed, "Leek good story. I bave BS nmno In litera- eoihmandof "Halt!" and sever pitch Leander S. Corson, From its organlzatioD, aud also )R, CHAS, E, EDWARDS, went to her gnqrclisyi nudjiujilaied him in ay faeo," Sho raised her eyes, She Watch the development of him. Whoture, or I ihoold make a bargain with nearly 100,000 church taut for the aight, : .< tie was going on, said, "Ha, bal" ahall IJARRY 8, DOUGLASS, to give ths youiig mau snnagh for hii Wai it eaid" that the study of mankind ".:: B«rv 11,000,000 ,__, aot thc-Bfl chfu-gers, BOW that the day is OCEAN_CITY was eoiiqaoFod, So staipeil and kiwt>d you. Aa it is, I will let you have it at to moke It from grmpw ttnU &0ttt1 / The contnry leids on its troop of 106 p^ ef her luouoy, ahuconld la a mathematical problem, and that and Besting capacity in cEarch for mete WOB, Btter s aiere jubilant iSHa, ha!" So. 1821 Market Street, —DENTIST,— herlipt, liis eyes wore fnll of lave, yeer ordinary price, ¥e_a will do woU yean, and the year lends on iti troop of CONTRACTING BUILDER. well spare It The joaug mail fontid Wai It renl, or was it HlniBlatal? Thea every nan is an enigma? HeroiBacrea. to read it; I do not laelose stoffipifbr thoa 48,000,000 peenl&Ma other word* B86:dayf, aad the day leads on its troop Forward, under arches of triumph, by qnt who gave the money. Ho game to tue who commit* a common and slam. rooo^ Ja the ihurqbes for thrcofcwtbi fountains raifibewed of etfrnul joy and Hr««t Bear flit St., 1914 Walnut Street, he langhcd, tha langIt of onq who wiBft ittrBturn, btBnnso you wHi net return of 34 hours, anil the boor leads on its A Moral REAL ESTATE AGENT. thank her. Ha wa moved to tDara, Ho "Whatds I care,*' ho iaid, ''whether sy forgery, Than is sot the least reason iteisept la proof," He signed himaelf of the popniaUoa of thiaeoaatry, and •mid garduiis nbioorn with unfadiag troop of GO miuBtts, and all are dasblflg PHILADELPHIA. CAPE MAT COURT HOUSE 1, j. nnld sever thask her eunugh. Ho they tan rne out or not, provided I wave for believing that be finis the smallest Faallifffn, ; abont ono-thirdof the population of thla: oat of sight, perhaps then are two asd along palaooa woere, Oitys N, J, csmld fliid no words, Auditftcr that BIIO il shame or npe&tasee for it. So shows country already OhrisMaa. In other sools Seaside nf Bioggiuf My doiir ^thora was a ffti u Hag thousands of Building Lots for sale at various prices* Bout THJ STRICTLY TEMPERANCE, M'CLURE, HERITAGE & CO., A, BOURGEOIS, weinod to boloug ta him. At «ra| aht mirror iii the evsriBWitel«-iiwn shall that he has so sash feeling. He stoalt words, we will have only to average was fiflitd with bappineaa. No dirl over aad is doteetod. Ho doosa't feel any EflltnaU* ehecrfnlly nnd Uheap and Icaafcd In all pam uf Oeeta Ulty. make a lovulj puir when wo are uiar- bridging two souls to God during the arms, we watched the light iJ Resort Bueaaen itt Biaasrty. MeCiura £ Co., had a lover so diviuts. H« WM !KT idol 1 shams, Ha thinks tho matter will be "Sile^ylispsBB^; ear tatintry?i s rov eelQalltflill KJJW ii the time tbnurruaHe propefty tefert the second rallrbad Counsellor-at-Law, riOd,' ef the first. With wondering eya we gained bloodleft Tletoryi and they MEALS TOpSDi K imo» 11 if, to a p, a Little bylitUo, in her TiHiua; aho irt« roTohfifsplf frenihiiBi ^MarrJedf jflst paiBed over, ^ay, he BOW pctends ?Wt» eaunbt, guttt tab'pews f I« In itlrrnpi of geld to greet all the tutn ptnptrty will gftatly advance, ORUGCISTO AWD CHEMISTS rMfa is HosJ l*aiis*iipht**Ba a contributor to The Youug all watch the coming of tbe Jfiit The how the idol WM gmdually brokcu te No, net that, Paul, Nevor=BeverT-iiot that the Baeuey was wanted for parish •tdry of bow he canie to be an aitkt m p of tha Holy Ghest, brist two souls to rest of beaten gazing npon them frea Not Excelled I have agfjod many Inqufrhfl frtr Property between flth and 12thitt«tb 112 Market Street. Philadelphia, UnitHl Hiutai Pl*trlet ireuivUourlA name of (bat advBuciug jtar we caunot STEEIHAN INGUSH, Rd«t Dlooiff, with ihmi V^ piee« Fifit, thefo wore Ihe litflo rifli that, Oh, I IUU dffirtidod by wufft riag purposes. Ho is a moat aooompHjhed In his youth paintlag wai sot consider* br&jad and God ilB 'thlM fjtarflj A# SO many will fla]]. It pjuy be in the nineties of this the affletbystine balconies. A gleriOBB Anyone having property for sale mlglit do well to give me their pricea, Oealera In Pure Drugs, ChemtcalB, in the perfect umior of TightfouMm-BB, Uar—a brasen liar, *, • * I woader Sparklina briaf han^rtds "MS thauiauds to God, CITY, N, yon to i-cmuili in n;¥ prffieflea, I inn ed reflpeetablB, and lir Iredsie'l par* centary, it may IJB in the t*nsdr twea* beaTea it will be for all of ns who aby> "All pereunb iJe*Ir)Dtf to liuy, «f Sell, qr Eichange property, would do ml Patent Medlclnea, Paints, Oils, etc. the diHcfepaaer botwocu wonla and aoro dpgrnrti'd Btiil by luiliug yon apeak what hia industry has been. It is indeed have, to bring only One seai where and anyhow •erved the Jtjofd, bat as a enti shared, in some degree, ia that ties ot thirties of the nest century, but Itcfore ctofllng uuy traiifiction to call oij or address Room upatalri with bsm@. deeds, the nadiignised pursuit nf tho to no of lovL'—you, a niau such aa nnee animpudeut iotter. As for thoseooad strange ptejudlce, but during arajourn taOdi and taj gMpel canjjtJHP for tbla an flipeoinl heaven, a mounted beaten, Contractors •Builders, TRBATMK^T part of it, the alleged penitence is the It is coming at fall gallop. Health Restorer tti- A, HOWELL, world and her two famous ooinpiuiiona, I thought inipoasibjo—*3hl What words in Florence, when he Wasal«jnt U years continent will be ended. If yen cannot a proGesaional beavea, for thae wbo •ids by aide with quite contrary profca- most palpable sham. There ia no trno bring. one seal to God, or two seals, « Bow to Meet It, E. B. LAKE, eaa I find? What can I sny!" of age, the lad prevailed on bit fatter hate done oot*ide work, exposed work, Ocean City, IT, PUR1 SPRING WATER, •tana and BBpiriitiOBa, thulr trcmblos "Why, Mamie, you HUI ssy the truth. ring about It, Write to him in reprj, three swl* in three years, yon are no With -what rooed will we meet it? Ia aod belonged to the Lori's cavalry. to Bubmit the qBeatioa of his futnra pro- Edsity, aa did Thomas Hood ia hia last AiBoeiatlon Offlet, Ke, qOl Agtatjiy Avenue, 0«an City, N4 J, • SFfll ALL SIGHT. aod eonfcsstpiis. nutil tbivHuhit WHB ull Yea can eay ibat you love aie, ** fell him that ho must coutinue torepea t fession to Mr, Hlrsm Powers, the oele- genoraled in Christian and deserve yeorseif te be M "Ths armfes which were In heaton fol- INHALATION I Muter aiiil Nul UJllor In IJhancDry, foni, and tUerowai left, iuitUiUil, aereft- fli ordt* to save his soul alive, nnd not Bven |he cbam shut out of heaven. The reiigieai pca- moment, gay lag, I am dvisg out of P!»n§, ui working dn«lBK> Fintat facilities Jor "Yes, I lovo you as you shoflld be, brated American Kolptor. He said to lowed him open white horses," urnlitie loom 2, Real EJtut* anil Law BultdlBf ,6e«B tue to whom sin and crlmo aud BLUIMO in order to get priest's orders. Tell him leflt ta oontidf ef - this country are all the time Charity to tise undertaker, who wishes Jobbts as God Bipaitt yon to bo, uot what yea Mr, Leigh ton. "Let me hava a portfolio to,earn a live[y Hood,'.» Or in fear, as Then, let the creaking deor of the d«. PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS Clly.N. J. wen words nnd nothing bnt wonl^ Ju«t are. Go, Doa't speak to me of love also that nnder no clreoai«tancoi will brewing of m bottl«"dDiing U* PTOCK- depleting the otatsejej as so great and 1529 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Ileal Ertiits. laiymnrt co&veyftnelng. of yoBr son's dnwiBgSi and if yon will did Thomas Faine, saying in his last ing year go shut. When that cloees, bet' BAKERY, M, righteooiUHB aod fiiith weie slsf again till the words—tha sacred werds I allow him te oBoiate again in mycall on me at the end of a week I will as of fstmenUtlon, Sstb^iBJ^ian rfr • K our ferees' at so small tliat we half of J. Laban Headley, wordi and uotblug but Wordi, aioeese u a deacon, uor will I beslow chBajpflgns U fllted frep the Hue feel that we are attempting an moment, "Oh, how Idread this hiysfe> tor doors will open. The world'i bright- with vhieb you have Bported—mean give yen an opinion si them." . rious leap in the dork!" Or in boflRifnl- est and happicit yeara aro yet to come. She taw his in tbe vision, a satyr, a things, the BinaniBgleM, idlo words, upon hiai the order of ths priathood, '* after tte j/eeiem^t'~''~' impoBibillty, ' . • , i BWP' " "B was an nnriooi time for me," Toward them we speed on in swiftest CARPENTER J AND JOBBER. Caliban, a mocking spirit, a spirit uot the "protensei and the stanH, beeome Thii iastraetion the chaplain, faith, Take out of your prayers and preach' aess, as riid Yospasiaff, faying in his •ayi gir Fredoric, "I remember so will last moment, "Ah, mtfbinks I am be-itirrnp. Cavalry charge at Inkerman _ , — ntteatlOB Blven le jobbing. Aim Building Lots and Bpep*la.C*i«rr»i, Hay G. THOMAS, tncrcduloni. bat iuMpublo of bislief in real and living tflillg«M=Uli yon nndrally, even zualoajlf, carried sub sethe afternoon oa which my father went bottMd is ing seme of yonr staffing of groans and was not so rapid. At last tbe equojatri- Turning, New!! Sawing, WindBW nnfl Door lee Cream, Ice* higher thiugi ¥ct she saw hdrsflf fol« fpnr soul and your judgo, and ucrbapa that the young man was for a short time brand than inietbing ol; qrfilamptiDa sad noing a god!" Or in frivolity, aa did l-ramw, and all IcintU of mill «Wk, N«t to see Hiram Powers to npsin the Aempnax, the infidel pailosbpher, sny- ans eqoal tbe chargerg. At last the Bcr(»jBiaif«rln!iy. Htorpt'lstufeii. Furnlturu lowing him, tied to him, cougtraiijcd to /ew Bcdeciner, Go, I gay!" heavy in spirit, because ho kaew nst Vltm a triumph, and the Usi'tid Sfatos will be ropiiireai rieturo fmmeii, nnd nil kinds of The Liquor Traffic and its Frnlfa And Jellies. momentous verdict I sat down to ray iag ia his last moment, "for aiay go i-ldcra are &• many as tbe faorfiet, ciililnct work, , . No, 108 Market Bt,, be with hinij alwuyfl tryiuif to uwaken Hs liiBgbed, oanght her hand, kissed .outside the church, he was to live. Mfltomical studies as the test rueans of gospeUaed, and if the United States bo Re«., etb nod Weit, S!i!t, loth and Wat. Weddings and Evening Bntertaln- his eQUBciojuce, always bufflud, always it "Fttruwgll, uiy Myggif," he said Whoa he had flnished these letters, it the table toerafloaiWMiffo geSpslitod ArntrleaJwill be gotpeliiid, hsniei tbe ghowii over," Or coaspionGe kindred evils are fbrever pro- passing away the time. Then eraa the strickin, as did Churloa IT of Franee, A OI** aUatsB la Hewportl meati a Bptclalty, f^^^l^ Chronio and beaten back, lightly Hid left tho room, Was close npon 1 o'clock. At thii time sound of wheeb ea thi gravel outside, feettle qt..Af^^iNi on4. America, KOSpeJiscdj. we will take hibited by deed. FOB SALE BY nleh ths tabls aud set ftw of charge. M iayisg in his last moniont; "Nurse, A mftgnittcent dwelling hoose, bflflt PHILADELPHIA, ¥ou eftDOQt mfi Msifie," tho nmii the mind of man iiatnrally turns in the and I threw down my work and ran to floweri It bad .f^ Airia from tea Pfieiflo besetr aad Europe woolly of colored glass hrickg, baa been NOTHING SOLO ®R DIWVIRE» Nervous Disorders, wtrit «, itlll at the piaiiSi "thai; I toW CHAPTER IT, dirootioa of diuuor, Thia ictl him to la Fnwoe md w« •»1<1 to bo from tbi Atlimtin_ beach, and. not farnursel What aiarder I What bleed J" Or Every loyer of Temperanee thewifldow, Wa« father stepped fraM •hall we meot it is gladnee! of Chris- planned to bs built at Nowpott far a Pa- OH yon unythiDg bat tha trntli. It is al =* TOE iJOWSWABB WAT, think Of bis rewjureca, boennje dinjior theesriage be was looking so pleated bottle of champftgse.Wsi[M *-"— iow tbeioststar we live oa will Ciflo coast Biillionairo, The arohiteota %Rietioa! ICarpantcr and and Morals should combine ta «MdasafUn ef ieaih Jerwy (of wayg a comfort to mo to thiuk that I cannot bo obtained without mouoy. Ho QKJt BritaiD. M&"feotil iti plaee ikmoug, the -coBitellations tian hope, like thnt of Julios Ohsrles H, H. B03iNE,"3KiiFxiK Ocean m, I J. When Pfliil fouud hiaRelf in the that I felt sore that ho bad brosght good Ban, who said iti bis Inst moment. are not jot permitted to diecloso the It fau h«n In an IOF flnrif » qmrtef ef » bavo Borne one who will hour the truth spread put bin nioacy oa the table and admired by the gn*«l, * that never felL tat tuemore than Sl,. H.J. help us. he walked away with a well gat- fltws>» "Upward, Bpwardl" . Or like that ef namoof the prospective owner of thin rttyw. Tfcoiuwdi ef E»MSB« B*t^ been me," look Oil his faee and a walle on counted It, Then were ten £5 notes, ©00,000 ctmrflnniesntt. aa they lift the unique awhiteotunil oddity, flrati be» fcnt!tnut*i! given. HaUdlngB erected by CDO re-ted, Hi BPfS tt»BIB B i! * "II tfaere reason to expect, Mr. Fow- Richard Baiter, ill his lost moment fifty- tRut or iliil*. Jobbing promptly aUSHded tt. Yoa told fiao that yoa weroniihappy his lipi There had Men moments since which he bad bomwed ef his friend at sMfameBtai cup to their lipa, take oath canso ho ig itil) abroad, and, second, be= the elub, and there was the earn of- £3 Bif" hia father hid aslmd.'-'thai my that they wilt not reatatitil the other lng, "Almost well." Of like that of If II wnsable, Tbenltsa D«u«ftUt tMt*, beoaaie yonr heart—year wliule hearts that tiaio in tho cathedral whea he felt SOB weald attain ts emuenei If be tpV Hattiu of Tours,' saying in his lout mo- BBBBS wrtain detail! of eonitrnetioa ILIL EJTflTt BIB 111110161 IftpTl, 14s. fid. in gold and silver—tutaL £G8 1 40,000,000 an saved. The opportunitiM oor af ItrtHtfl, Mf •SekeSlOif IBiBli, tlio church and yon were kept some aariety about his relations with lowed the pf«fe**lon of u lltiltf' B3TB aol been determined, L;J. STONE, Water bupplyf 14s, 84 The money conititutyd his l( am all saddled and bridled, Where are msafe '1 go toABrabam' s basoai," Ot 1140 **#••«» W« tfnbalDWk Fewef ths gnat mafeer e Dot ef it, Ton iaid that if jeBCOBldnel the girl who ruproiiGhcd him contiaual. .«air, waa th*6reply, "yonr «a may like tbat of polished Addlioa, who said Kowport bnilding, whlsh will Always the fnsbeititid beat tob e found ia be in the ehnrch aa a priest jea woalfl ly, yet nevor quito thrtw him over. It whole possession& Thero.waA nimall the men and women io guide them! "I OCEAN CITY, N, J. (MtJaidntiti which we an MU*i*Bf!j rHel*!g be as eminent a* be ohoosa." "Then in bis last aiotnent, "See with what ease be deaigned soHowhat after the style of CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Mailroadj frool tbaw who h*re tried (f, publltfeed wllb tbe bo in it as a tenor in tlid choir, and if was all right fine loved hini. It is al> sum duo to aim from ins lute vicar; out, It is y%^ will deliver thee 3,000 horses if then be Tflllorsd Ttaii, ctoieir b»Bai ei Coffw, then, he owed mofO than that at bis for- you think," pressed Mr. Leighton, able to sot riders upon them," what aOhrifltian can die,".• Or like that of an eld FonipeilaB palace, ia tob e began HADDOWFIELO CAWDEK COUKTT, H. J. eipttm ^rmlHteB to wriilBf sf tt* EnUt n ef all frrtsi. Uimnfd Knll* rievlej, that .was impossiblo as a migm " ways siitisfuetery for a pquiiiiysa adven- "thai I ihould make aa artlit of my other haad, thai chajtaaagB** George Whitefleld, who felt that he hid during the coining win tor, OB account Steamboats IMilu, Dried Beffi fatter and Lnrt? taw lodgings. Well, 438—thora Boomed ii JlMy to: be .•tettaf 3HL^^ two mea can do for good or evil Isfm< Estlnintfi! given. Pins* nad SpcclflfBttoni B¥ FS miiwia far lb| I teld jBBiill I hat It #aiturer to fcel that he is! octnally loved aoaf • ''That, dr," was theToply, "It furnlflhed, Can fflve b«t of K'ltrenccB, at brat quality. WSlffied when pur- a good deal of spending in £50<^our pressed Hpoa^je bf tbo foot that, two •aid all tbat he could of Ohrist, dcclar, of tbe elaborateness ef the deiign and taS by^U«to|A He'Wi IB WS&lliand it is quite tree, 1 BBI nevi* truly by a girl of indepcnrtsnt fortnuc, fliid is o&t of your power to do; nature bai obHopagnfl in pint*, besnss C Ing in bis last moment, "I shall die il- tbe grout eare and flkijl rt-qoired in the SEASHORE WOnKAiSPEClALTY. And all other theQoBpauniO»t«a fi« happy, I bcliove, ftisept ot tho church this without respot't to his morals or his montba* fipendiag pprlmpa. Ho would matures better fa tasJarg^ bottle ? Scotchmen going to California, each Wallace S. Risley, ritopfnafid B» best, fi havs a little holiday, Hodiued eejafort- dene It to yon," An artist of lea tan* lent." Or like thut of MM. Sehimnisl- eonntractjou of tho building it will not Urg«t and f«jb« •sniset, Thoj aft a piirt of IBO, Eti priiiciiilfts or bis practlot Mo had no the di|!iQ*noB:ii ^ti took something that would remind htm AH kblyif set Innrioafllf at it w^t end qQestionablo modesty I ban the president of his ufttiTa, coiintryVi .Ihe one took a pennleb, who said in her last moment; bo ooajplflted under two years. G0DPR1Y & INGERSOII, city, REAL hlid. I wM feHVD to ^ 4»Ip«pl!e freni b«yf- ordifi brawn pMiapt tenehed tbo toys agiiiti to Homothiog desire to mntry her, Mfirrlugo with one ef the Boyal academy might have shrunk by rt "Do yea not hear the voisesr And the Thoarcbitects say that tho ground Modern Conveniences. snggeative ef part of a serf iea "I wish so full of prejudiee would bo Ito wear- resteuraBt with a plat of "£•• m^[ the amount ot was at that time no drinker, but ne from relating an anecdote to eminently 1 thiMrts's an the loudest." Or like that plan of tbi boBn will in some respects ngra th»D fAU F JMPI I did Bet kaa# • msmeat bad been a ^man Oatholie, The ing a hair ibirt, » Uiiug whieh Fan! al- nggefltlve of predostined dLUBCtioa.— laad. The other toot a hive of bees, AGENT, n AtiM«e or Cape M liked, in gmall quantities, dainty winefl, leaff:¥fent fc^jafidjhswgrk of the two of Dragonnatt!, sayiBg in big last mo. resomblo that of tbe henna of Faata, fa. WSUBANOl KTi™" Vila. AU thta tiBeajfif«p^ «D faaantffni, loug Ksrvioo, with all itssiBg> ways regiirdtil as tUe height of fuelish> London Telegraph. < meat; "Stand aside! 1 BOO my fathermiliar to readers ef "The Last DUJB of CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Inufd lit WMSfc eWS« when tB»M«^| re- ing, wonld have pleased »ae e?ey mere ness, but he cOBld stills lie thought, bor= iueh as Hook, Still Jtfmfclle, Sautorno and ScbtchuMn Is widely" Soen. The eurso of K@B6RT FISHER, 41S MARKET tfl lend d LOW BueclhiB. After dinner he remembered the Paoiflo slope Is the thijtle, nnd the and my mother ceaing to kiss is " Ponjpeii," The bricks will be of ¥ori- No, 6M Aatiiirj Avenue. Thousands of .lots for sale «i.tiw« than ear own. YOB, 1 ought to ham row mouey from her. This ruiteeHon, Adu»«nt«d CoSfee In Or at did the dying girl who, hatina ons sizes, shapes aad colon, Bad thocf- Praperdet forHi * Mfl » *«fe cuffed ef f BOHpiedwitli a Batoriil biioyaiicy of fli* a place whieh ho had not Kan siuoa he ; af *HielM a tninian Caibolly prlugt, I woi Coffco hu long been a favorite mb* blesgtngof the fKiap alcpe fa tho honey If you cotltctnpltitc erectin at various prices, located in= all V !l MertfB** " ibit I HST.1 flrst assumed the roapousibilltiMof a : a few evenings before sat en a bench ia feetwill boof an oriental riehnesawhloh II will (jay feu la eoBsult un. ™ IB *!l BJ lift fit ths PM. tera to be a Bouiati (Jatholic priest, I position, enabled Paul ta koep up his stance for adulteration, and it Ia thought fonnd ev#ry«Bere in woods and fields. RCAu ESTATE ANB ? deaceB, It was a palaeo in a aerfain In your life are you responsible for honey a London raisflifln, was sees to have will defy doswiption. , parts of the city. an 6«B u ! 1 in told yoa the truth, Maggie, l of ine te Eoariige even at tjilR dark moment, by some that this fact has tola'esBitia- fearfl of ooatrltioa rolling down her This will be the flrgt teaidenee In tbe ISRAEL I, ADAMS & SO, l if OfEM >•» be iiiigiug at concert &^to be wastiiitr a if hen tho ovwaiiig jnipurf li(W the little square whore they have a woaderful cnibly against any ineriase la tte aale or thisiies, and if one man can do sy ballet metf evening, a most admin* cheek, and who, departing from the world constrodted of each matrria] and For information apply to , ,. iP «, eold and i, mperUi* os coble voice In setitimeutiil aongH, when ineidoiit in their billn aud all tho world of thebeveraHe. ^e intereeiinf esperi* Hjn0|j,goal afla'-aabjheFiso much eviJ, Joseph G. Champion, bly eoadncted palnee, yet not quite the river BUS! be aU tbi pomp that how mucn coalrf-be done for tho ransom: room, had put in her hnad by a Ohria- on then lines. It ia to bo ha jit la the Ia all daifable loatldna, Itym have anylhluf to dtipMe of at a bfti«ln eal I might bo siiigiug an flijthoin in a oa- was tiaking Hbout it aud many reudy meat spoken of by the honorable ieer*- tlan woman a Biblo, wilh the paasaga Real Estate i Insurance THE EMMETT, writers wero invontiiig stories ceuouni. place for the spiritually minded, Thiitt« faet, Mmd Gkiftfu Muds Of this country by Sl^OO.OOft people all form of s •qnare, inolosing aa open to me, aud if you waat a bargain I «y auk you, iDiurttmt Written ta^ thedfai^l WSH thrown amif, Maggie," toy of the Coffee assoolatien of London marked, "Tbe blood of Jesus Christoonrl, inside of which a fonntain will OOEANOITYiN "Yon told me so, certttiuly." ing the yanse of thiit iUBiduut, er he fared aud gueed at the stage and may be referred to? . _ dtrcngly by f sleansoth fnua all sip," Though having ploy. By moans of electrJo UehtR ill tttkKllf^Bflifc ^Theu yea favo me meuoy for Ox- at the company, which in its tun gaaod i Beat Home and Foreign Companies. "ftis SURD ffMlm™! jea MA BIB IBr & ft Open all the year, BOOHB tit He went homa to liis Iqdgiiigfl, H« npoa him in wonder Mid in joy, bocau&e "Some yean ago a lot of samples ef livtt W ttat ift te be at the aest moetiag. she many colored globes coueeftled at the E. BLAKE, f«4 You led me back to tne eiinryli, I coffee wort collected by different clerla Get ont fit the way with yonr dolor* did not eotne. The Christian woman •onrea of the fonntain tbe water will ff ^ W*«MIB ISSpHflFon »» for those desiring It. For teraa, had taken two rooms hi n first fleoi " was really and unmistakably * ¥&• hul even been of fomid aU the old omotinns rctUEiiiiip to near Busseli square. First ho («k efl of a city firm in different parts of Lon- *HI fmbflpBji and ^ange yoa* dlrga who gave her the Bible waaviiitiag the fall io a Bbower ef tarieelered taaea, It Free caalagi mtvlm |o propwlBg inviaton, ' »TLANTie^iTY, N.J. ale jBit aa cauily and pleasantly as be< sea, and so fowjuwBona were tsver seen teg stbkimfi bswi* UMdons for tbe pasd Secretary, vtsW his clerical garb. Om% Bad wiiistcoat la tbat palttM. TVhca the performance don, sad wen. aBS^BS by tt* Pfku!, in SB& g&eani, u >t bospital, anrt the nnrae iaid to her; "I ii laid that the owner of tbil fountain cnUnlf !H«t^ fora. At th0 aiiivrjrtitF them in flue with a ranit that totoniihed ss.' Than marsh of wbat we mAydVi and will da Wish you had been here a little while contemplates on ecrtiiin occasions hav- returned to hi-! Wflrt and fsiljiif he luid naidis with Bomething was ever, hs went oat into the square. emnple. «tt saSsoti lioniDalHioneM el Juews iwr mips far a man like BIS, mid I uiudt? like a groiHi, '' Wbeo,'' he aakod,' 'shulj wen 43 samples eaUeoted, andHL Pas* Sbewefflln at Sedan, in wbose bsaie «gb. We bad a young woman who bad ing porfuined water flow from thft foun- jeyiNTH ITBEIT AND isauiir AVENUE. IN ft k» LftR, iaaay frieodi, " He did not want to go home i his lodi= «iii P«. back intomw WB^BI™ ttii'JMrwjfe WnitlLfi to Byivsnia, ISO iifto AWBBB, HB» Tart I Wear Ibis* thiiiKSaguiuJ" Hu thought ings would be tee dull after tho bias lour made tha following aetei 'The av- been run over by a wagon. Poor thing, tain, thai BCenting th* entire conrt, asd City Asso'n, HOTEL ATGLEN, • "Whe tlire* yon ovef when thpy erage proportion ef eofiet Inthaobovs m *voldth ^»r^rtreama, ior«Bdef of bJadlf and bit anny, she was fearfully' crushed and died al- on eeeaiiosi of fefitivitj a continuous Money to loan on First Mortgage, of tho saintly liMuru ylad ill whito ftud of light, tbi blare of the lnuMo and the e OOBAN UITY,_». J. fgaiidyoneBt," the npturuLHl VJIM and tha 4& samples is joet 50 per rant, with 60 artbEom most at enee. She irad a Bible in hercurrent ef California wine of his own litafor wle at loath AUanUeCity Action *Hd H««ttlt>" U tb« tills of » beck "They leave mo froin tirae ts time," of dancing girls, Then her* thjf isftfast of y in prayisr w uJEteniled in aealhcred a plaoe where be bad been per «at of chicory, buraecl sugar imd 0 band, with your name in it, and she flotage will flew f»ni ihe pitesef beld of 3»i«t»iiiBii!Wi«i HP itkf s Pins Centrally located, Opeli all epjied lightly " but utheni aiaye," other vegetable BBtBtaBees. Beartugin •ense ol imell 0^ saia when she was broaght ia i 'Thaak be repjied lightly, " but utheni and be sighed a ac«p nuil liearffeit onoe taken,n plaoe sot far from Hay. native ritsr. In the npiilted bandof the bacchanto in R. CURTIS ROBINSON, •blenElfMWtJ) iBqu!r«™ Healed rooms. Electric Light Artesian "And now yen have turned y mind that good, pun roasted coffee can g ei>uonArda replied, "Nothing Clod, I found Christ as my Saviour lut tbe center of the fountain,^—Chicago ARCHITECT, "Tha TindietivwieHS of that -»iG«ri" hf market Oould he flnd it agaiaf for tbe rn6st part islinon to thb remaflnible ey«i!« «BBF water/ Ban!lary drainage,. eat of the church by yoar own mt uud mid, inhere iiehariry? Where fo*- be retailed at lOd. per pound, with a knt draw ^qwn, tie blind loUistl night! .The, blood of Jests* Christ, bis of aorpftainf turn !n fc*W s mails ef Tho efltablishment called itself aelub, fair profit to the Mller, and that ehioory their own riTeW, bat th« L not bl stitud Bfc*" la this gospel sm STONE PAVEMENTS. JIM. g. C, GOFF, 4864" SOB, pleann|^h as from all sin, * " OOh. , aim™iwr»iag»bt^oB«a» Doubtless, therefore, it SB a eluk habit ms soA BiaeskarUr I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. "I aa not« SBP& I have name been ?eaenr ; hi about DOB'third of the price of coffee, paign we ban plenty to draw dawn tbe »ny friends, if all right for the noit Bothta TlmepU«t«, Heal rjunllty of Sew Yert ana Real Estate and Insurance, oih« pby*ld«i WUI b* nuM ftw to anr He put en a short black juste* and mAt the entranoo stood a funetlonary it il Cosy to see, that the sellers of allWe know tb£fight*oertfJalj:! iiJlnda, In Ood'i UEM, I iay. palj np wofld^ tie yearyears cannocannot galloallop pspast to t o A hnttonbola watch ia obvIeBalj a li in quite fttoh a scrape bt^oro, it is true. black tie, so that to now looked like on. with a gold stripe down his legs and a aistansea along ooast U •-B1.U1 STONE FLAGGING. GARWOOD HOUSE, Still, mm I* fell of resource, partica. these French and other coffee raixturoi tiro bliadi and lit the morning rane fnpidfy, If II wete pen] Me for tbe een- *ery nssfol asd ornamental fashion. Plani and specifications fur* ly half a olerio, bouuttBO no di«sniflS gold band round bis cap, who invited must be leoUsiiig profits ef something are esphabd iajrtakf Mtt Jhjimo{jaif ?tetep sbjne upon a* Wbaj AND A**Bne, Urly a man who ii not tnubk-d with it nay well be the «u» tm-Iea to take the ipegd of the years, and Thisj oniqnfl tinjepieeo can always be Wwik guaranteed. Utvat pfJctt somlil possibly take from his faco the "members" to sign their names in a like 100 per coat by the sale of their wa Was! in "tnfg campaign for Oed & nished. laws forbidding thia Mid that Wo shall then a fl-h wftlTlafiaTF^ the jean tbi speed of tbe dayg, and the kept ia sight and enables one to answer Terms reasonable, JOHN MoALEKSE, Nos, 744-46 Asbuiy Avenu^ :| OCEAN GiTYi Ni* took which belongCHt to liono otlier than book Pan! signed the name of hii vio- wretched Mmpouuds. The WOMB tie the lelf Bbnegfltion and conrage of thedays the gpeed of the hours, tbey said a question a to the time with the tnin- MIghtful LeaMoo, Ail tn* t*t»t 'eft of the eloth. Every profuiHlou has ar, witt bis addreaf clearly written, tniiture the greater the profit} hence mtn of Bir CoHn Campbell, who, u do O8 no harm. The ihoiter our life ti» ioB amoont of tronble. Large qnan- ABBtJrtY AVIC,, OQBAN CITY, N, J, Insurance Agents. He played rtleatly ter abont ten M typieal faw, f on may, lf» instaBee, and mounted the red oarpoiea stain, Opep all the y«ft nta. Then ho elosod the plans and got the aaijety of sellers to push thsif bade mm choplslBishopn oCowiff bigt of New Zealand, Joager onr beaven,' The sooner wa get tit!« ef thfiso mJBfBtnre watches were Mustrnet the epical biirris^ by pho A olnb indeed it was—a moet beauti= tad in find atteaetive bamia to take ta hll told OFFICE: REAL ESTATE AND UW BUILDIH8, OCEAN GiTY, N, J. Hdt«Uh «lt«« ud loti for !20Sitt»tSL CiL B, QABWQQPi Prep, npj, , • ... gt the perils of; this Itfa^if oor work iaported from Franee fof the Christmas tographing one npon the other all the fnl olnb, There wm a band playing in •u fgBerant find caeily deluded poblla* •slmoa beginj to seOOBc bure • . "I suppose I fiiait loa¥e ysn," ho Bali they* e, the bettftft Ms maWaisafo till Tho bittOBfiela watch fan r plBEtlTOHB, faceflin aU thewigniu all Iheesorts, one room—a small bund—play ing softly, That was written by M. Fastenr in treash ta tbe gravel of tboi fideaoWltetter rtBo-than we have j^ Tfi^f WSH first Warn OCEAN fciTY, N, j Ton will give IBOOHO kina word bo» b il is seldom that yon find any one a band diseourstBg a wonderful waits. •he effeets! wrecked, and at all ages. Lard by bicyclists In tho sleeve or in one of feie I go, VOB will wish nio gnod lack, mas possessed of the typical fiiee. So There were dancers in, that ream, The withies I Temporary sM Lady papier were on hdrsoback on the lower Luttflnholes ol the oast, thef B. C. INfiERSOLL, I ahall seed all the good look I cau pt with the youug olergyniiut. It is sel» ysBBg man looked on, aad bis brain The witnesB added that the same trade S raad In Inilia, Lord Napier suddenly HNMtfsr If I am to get back into the church," dem, indeedi that yon flud iiiona gnitb reeled. Music, and feasting, and wise, tricks go on still, wbile another made in tha fnrrqw Wbai enablod the oyolist (0 teeth e time with' S, aTOHifllLL, 0, O. AD4MS l,t(t.Li^y Sapief, "Bide on andfeteh Out ineoflTBiienca wblle riding at full to ioan on Bond and Mortoge^ Funeral Director, *'Oh, ftnjj I qanaoti Yon break my t%^pieal rfericiil faas. Dot Pnnl had it. and maideaa fair—every thing wafl hem. the siteniihing deohuntion that much tha male Salmon flftistaneaariadonot askmowby." Stja FMl heart I moat abnadon yoB, This lost The Bhange effeefai, he spread o&t Then was another room where supper of wbatiscalled "ftiocB eeffea"her* filled in by the that bloody meaat Amerisaa Independ. UBM, EmbilmtPK College), {a not French, and sot coffee!—Wat- rtartod for its grandest asblew- sped on and WBS •DOB eat ef Bight. Tho la Amerida they will be wem, how- CHESTBOT STREET, FIIUDELFili, fauinBH U tso dreadful. Yon ntust DBV* blotting pad and paper - tables were laid ont Here there •were a the egg* are STONEHILL & ADAMS, m some hese any moro. Go—goftiidTifl« minster Gaietto, oftbeaasBof fact w;|fl a tiger'* eyes glared on them trer, in fas lapel of the coat Tho «- —DEALEB IN- "EepaatBueei**' iaid Rmlthn deacon* bar and a young lady* dispeasiag driuks the jnoand thof it—that ether peraon, ** Ood a« incipient f tbs thietot, aud he did ne| dare to dinar? form Of Lultonhoia wntoh has a I Hni Rwatiii m Hiiry nil Bud 1 "opens all doom I ihall mnko haste to and a waiter opening enanpagne and "I wrote a letter to tha float," hs WlnU* c^ lest, itffrigbipd, aht fill in tbeface aboot half aa inch Ip diamotor, Brick iaylug £•3 p , partiei of two or of fonr or of Ms taking One of the ( pi ad,p»bapi ]» bet life, Rtsa or avan less. It may readily be Been tost Meiall, iaid, "I told him that Wandals are fll* sapper, with laughter aud merrhaeat, Ho inf downf therefom, and wrote tempted in tlilBPtute is tho reclaiming Met Of of, OB'tbli toad of lifo, there Wfifflt tbcte tiLiyfae*s are tastcfuJlj dee- Estate anfl insurance. ill wayi caused by tha second pofQ', yea And la another room won a pair of ta« tth other maa^-uot tho mantwo letters. One of thBtti he addressod of 18,000 Kiel ef land ay fhsr^eidew fie perili glaring ea ttgj f»in tigers of pratcH they'ff ill be highly omammtal to bis lato Ticar, It was thi Booud lot. bloa where they wore having a little tetti d ti f i the thlrig. About bia own lit- quiet baccarat, and another room whore Land iuiprovcmwtceffipaBji Thelanil temptattun, and tigers of accident, to the lapel of most costs. At a dlftanee ANDCDRBINi ITe.8 tes. Yen hava heard of Uio Brflt, Ba de OCEADi CTTT, JT. J. wbieh this comity If reclaiming ii» p tigers of deifb, and the sooner we get they alpbt roadjlf be jnistafcon fat A Ihfiy wer* enjoying rather noisily a lit- plortd deeply any eaers=Ba eanaiiwy eyprtrt poad near Orange fake; between ttaeter pntirfiafr pefili of this life tbe bettor, badge of the Lqgioa flf Hnnor OF nine Justice of tiie Peace sailed them errors—which ho inight tle nap, and aasther room where then prevailed a deadly quiet while a few Oitru and B^rn, Bear the Akchua esm* inoh, and it !• hetl897 take the plads of 1800, aad •Jmilar de?loa, OUAUTYOP LAKE HARRY HEADLEY, W. L, haveoorntnitted. He hinted that as «• %f lias The land il to be teetaimed by 1191 tbe place of 1817, sod enr souls letnowledjrmentii, A(Hd«!U, DwdB, efc BUILDING LUMBER. gontleraenin pairaplayed eearta, -• Xtae works of theia ns?e] wateheB are Manfuacturing Jeweler, fazds money he cdnld not understand digging! cabal IB feet toflOfset deep Isnded when thers shall be abont the sisa of in crdinaf/-lady's OCEAN CITY, N, J, OCMN that ajuy harm had been done, "I«s& A beaatlfal little club, so gentlemaa> snd,eo to §0 feat Wide at tbe t^ Toe "aothing to butt or destroy la el] Obd'i waifh. The fas, shieh ii aboot One- Pennsyl^Dia and North River ly~them&aager himself, who was there l ' MO, ii SOUTH'llSONp IT,, ^ beosBwed of yea, m tem our eoin. canal will ran from the pond tottjf, holy mounl. » *'No lion suflJl N there, fotirtbtbfldluieterDf j^s work*, is con. H AVE YOU TBI B Window f If Bioa Cheat, cflrtain mouoyi wanted fof every night and know the plasy made Oeklawaba riTef, • dirteaes of oUw nor any ravenooi beast shall go tipnected with tbe mtcpini by a tbln parhia purposes. I forgot to tel^on of thi*roinark—«ooaipiet9 s little hoavoL Bilei TheoornplsUf th' tWWtB. - Jt- sbaJi'Bot'bfrfound there, The hQttontfSl watahes njay be STONE PUfiTtflllB, : HoldiDf it 'Wlai erime kma I eonins|tttidf AM beldw. •.,' • ••-.'., :• ftaoal intern fran bflttfaflredeetBed ihall walk there. And. g for $10. ftltfihioghHnn a of the regard* ffia'ether inddoat, jmthmight Foul looked ruefully *t and PnUnlarvtaJund as the ^ o^ni aiort elaborate dsjfmi are worth tin OmaMtil !•* •! lnr| BwrlpUn. be pleaded an Sseuje. Bat I plaid non& Out of tho £il there was thronga thBtnati adirtMcsaf 11 and seme to Zion, with •eop and ever- ttaea thai flgBHL=Hi# Vawk World, I *at;d«ply penitsat. !"M asf Boleft'oalj M, flis hDlldfly, no refleelod. to the famed Ooklawafl* fife;« la*tio« joy pptrn Jb«(tfcMdf<.;%JjU more, Meanttmo I haw ^m diagraged bad luted uaeb le* time thaa be m<> ^-willgive!! i aud, gladoea^and M ; by bsisi toraed away from tbo blchsp d ll fl'k*f ' ' teasposnfnl of alnrn in> If lit, proem 1 tiBh Insurance at the last moaGat in tho faea of the i Wnfln told, wholecongrctatioa, Ia not Uiat enough? to «l«s if 'ffi Cement it little £)JQ JOD-4 told 1 BOW ask fm. ftrtt to writs tai the bisb* cream, being carefal to hbn iw« fiady to send him the money. ^s withdRswingthB ohargodf tend and 6«rt sp dl ths Ifanpat A lull iupply conitontly on I got iti in fart, from an old friiOd— •ofteaiHg m ttndh a* you can—if not dowd n clomal t and ttix to ai ami paw* one ot tha frienda wbo ibre^^o owr, withdrawini altagottwr^ whieh'woald daredfiatta am^ ^and ^ fld,and undercover. * ra taew. I «ld 1 was wry smry it bs tho ujere sharitable lins—the othm JE^qr the Jnnr mlshne Into onlnl Ieft-at"No."750 As- had bnpesed, but I wanted the monej, basineas. TWs, dona, be wiU doubtl i M boiling w*t«r, stirring well Ul the arMvihat beiag ao; whyh I wroto thii, ^WtbltdUtl " Hew to taa» BS^K how ao« • rosttg ist faawiflg ttat, rott had settled Vie csr ayonsg woman, ttofaf* r a : < T i • . ^' - •- +. ^*- .' :.= ^ ^ --• - • • — = . i> ^_ 1- ' ~ » r Bo I.mppoB iihmt^, doaft ^ iw tteetBB Matter'^ it Into an «rth%ii or BELLEVUE HOT B "thee*o- p# OorerUaod |m« to a *ool ptaoa ^Whin aeriid im Liabtf Yari ind Ollc«