![GUANO. M(VJ'uvn](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
.-ifc ; , BUTLER'S CATECHISM JUNK , 1807. N E W S P R I N G G O O D S. ^ M H STEAM C0MMVNICAT10N PdMetl every *rida d Evenbigat ?&« CLERGY , TJOOKS.'-.'LLKKS, &c. ' *%£&} TO CATfTOf.fC ilTERFORO STEAM COMPANY Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford, Jtaro just completed oar PDJJCHASES tot tho Opcoiag of tlia SPUING TRADE, and wo Bolfoit AucTib*^6^ iPutt»tttrKB. •n,: > r»yh :,Ip»srtpt^r»v^.JJlretj, .flat| y r, IXTKXVKl) OJlDnn of SA ILING—JUN E, 1W7. Carrying Goods nt Through Hates to Lmr.r.icK, Ttri'RBAIiY ¦ ¦ PRICE TBBEB PBRCX BAELT On Sale at The News (I/f ire , an early inspection of tlio GOODS, vich compriso every Novolty of tho Soaaou in j mo BE 'j siH^fesSft ; Y (a ADVAHOB I 1S«. „ H.1 M"OTICE.—The Waterford Steainslii p C AIIIIS , CLOSMHI., C.•.uUlCK-o^•-SuIR, and K ILKENNY . Rdif i-to Atro^^'^ S i n /¦.-¦•>¦ Rivoiiiini'iiiliiliiiii of the Bishop of Watrrford and JL ; thk rtofji ,-Mw^ow,s;-nDuai': ...,. .... fofo'p;;?*.;; YEa^V/ lW^ (Witli llic 011J-* Company receive (ioods for Shi pment BLACK SILKS, TWEEDS, MANTLES, • nLANKETS, i . fp;Dtt^t I.i-tiiuu 1, the Hiitlil Ucv. Or. O'lJKIK.v ,) SIoHy^^s. tlic ' ¦ FERR ,. ' 1 " x following Terms only:—They reserve *I m'" ' New ami Powerful Screw FANCY DKKS.SI CLOTHS, HUGS, • = FLANNELS, j TBAtifc W>^^¥»«?W» wWw* A QiEKXSljrro n s ALBor T n ^3tii\£ SS^ A ' Esq., who d ef hi« Xhtiiest la the Harm,- ' ,zSBi»fi •' i£S=ir-Sj?T*x=the- i-i ht to carry III mil/, by particular "W>%sx -I- Steamers "KlNSALrV'KAl.TKF.," COIIUUOS AN1J IIOSIEHY, DOESKINS, QUILTS, Ju^d^poi^ WATEiiroaD—Mr. ^ A Catechism for the Instruction of Children , ^ ' '">t «r ' ' ' WM. Kzivt, LMi GeSf^rf*. V essels with lil^rty to Tow Ships and call at other 1'orl.s, VT '} hJk^" SAN'I>A," "TUSKAll ," or other Fiist- MKUES, MUSLINS, SHIRTS & TIER, CALICO, ; THli HOUSEHOLD TitO RNtTyBE;/ r.v TUK and will mil ^ arc intended to Sail as under . i he accountable for injuries or losses arising fr»m v-Jr?3^&Class Vessels, WINCKYS , GLOVES, COLLARS, UATS & CAPS, 1. which is of .n very, good deacrtpllonr" " « .b-l.ii-, nmd< -ii(s 1 's Knc. (miles* prevented by any unforeseen ci rcunislnuce), willi or irAUEUDASflEHY ,' ' i <anSsUwf Rev Or. JAMES UUTI.KR , ArcM^hopof of [he Seas, Hirers, Kin , the (in.en HONNKTS I.ACRS, STAYS, Ballpdn-taekod Chdirs in HfirVlftft: WtPSSSf MOST mn-s, defu-live cause without I'ilots and willi liberty to Tow Vessels, and to LADIES' HOOTS ft. SHOES , Wi^ C:ishel aii'l I'ml Xavination , or accidents from any ot her , mnnoNs, SHAWLS, SHEET I NGS, / . y. inn fur Distress:— '. to maleh- r"BoW, 'too-, nnd -Piis«y'iTatt«8\£ta8hognn clear any loss which mi-tlit havp hren covered hy Insurance, render Assistance to Vessels in KLOWKHS SILK HANDKIHANDKGK TOWELLINGS, &c., &o.( Ac :• | l'ritik-.l on good Taper, ami in l;>r^o Type. l-' al Ono o'C'lockp.ui : SiiT«Waid, Scfof Telte«p4*IWi<nIiaHfai,^g!tnftiq PoRMAw—Mr-.W, DAwaoH .Uto«!r. nor fur Leakage, I'.reakaxe, Condition, (Juality, or contents of UOM Ci LASflOW (Clyde-streel Ferry, . PWN'fS. I OIIIEIi'S'S., LINENSLINKNS., J . ]ii:c»MM]:.NIMTION. any l'arivl. and ad ra. each dale), to Mirrpr» -M»bpgopr fti lop, 1 ' " or I'.irkaVes, nnli^s s;in:iallv enlered and hy Kail lo (iroeuod at o.DO p.m., ; ^PfVSfil^»VkfXad V^T^ NEW BoM-Mr. GODWIN, Pt/nler." ' ' Waterford and Hh June. Squaro Piano, in rjoif^ct-ord of. Xerj-jUtb ;niedl " I approve (if Oils Edition of Ihe Ui»lit I'.iv . Or. Inrcm Freight r.a-J. (inoiist not rcmovi-il to be Slur .il at the Cork Tuesday, ][ AZLETON , O'D ON NELL & : CO. ri-k and i-\prnsr of the Consi Cork and Waterfird Friday, 7th „ several Valuablo Wks,-Print ^;ai^i^{iS*r<Iaj rfiTil J A MBS lluTLKit 's Catechism and rccoiiii'U'iid il lo tlie gnees. , All (iiiodt will lie considered as subject to a Ken.T.il lien Walerford and Oo.k Tuesday, lllli „ QUAY, WATERPOED and Tea Storo, BruB3olBpttrpe^aadjR,^^^ rT> ttaw ! I" " Kaillirul of these Dioceses. of 4 7 — pRINTn*G - -.ill' and h.-ld not only for Fiei^ht the same, but for all Arrears Cor!; and Waleiford Friday, l-llli „ Fondnra nm1 Sfnnla. Wfriiinw irATjaTnm «< >;&>fTitY4 i, £ I) O-niMKX K.C.ll. ; ' ' • " £4 . , nl l-'ri-ijrlit , Slornjre, or other rlmrxcs duo by the Importer , U'ateiford and Cmk Mftiul.-iy, 17th „ II., O'D. it CO. liaving secured tlio services of n, First-clasa Dressmaker, Mantlo Cutter and JlilHuor, cut b^ :i': . .' .! il 1; .' •: • :i lftKi. ' 1 Waterford and Cork Wolncsday I'.llh „ oi^^s' io^p^^mti " Waterfonl June i!, Owner , or Consignees to the Coinnaiiy. Uicy confidcnlly solicit Orders for these Dopartments. , . • Clock, StairCarpcXainaK oib:^»5ag«nT A!b#FBfe3- • ; -EVERT:DESCRIPTION : . .. , Cork and Watirlord Friday, '21st „ ' ' 1 :l ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ - r WATKUKOHI) I,. steads aniJ H •Frim4l ibd ¦ ¦ i- ¦, . -< ¦ J-" Orders from any part of llio Diocese, sent in AND 11 HIS TO . onging*. .¥«ihtt 'B«cte ll»]i ;¦ : < . : : : - : - -\ Waterford and Cork Monday, 2ttb „ «» ' . i. g. PiiMishiT Gipsy or Vesta direct. Mattresses,- Dressing Tobies-add alaie i ftsi in ftttnii »nl ilirecti-il to C. liliiiMOxn , l'rinlcr :ui«l l- ' : Wntorford nnd Cork Wednesday, 2lilh „ " . 1 PUBLIC : :^V ,,T I' iim W Walcrfonl OLD ESTABLISHED CHINA HALli, ;. ,. BOLijES ' lo '¦ ., , ¦ " alrrford to Ilristol : I Kroni Ilrislol ' . ' and WaroyCanb ancI dihttChairs, Chitdroaa-Bedstead*, " ¦ ¦' ¦ " ' ' ' " ; ¦¦ Cork and Waterl Friday, 2blh • ' ¦»!> promptly at" Tuesday, June 4 Morn . oid „ • Wntcrfanl Scus Olli cc, King-street, , ... !) M.'ru'Friday. Jm:o < ,... -' 'i ' ' ' . , I'uov.lay, •• i| A fin FUOM CO IMC TO GO, MERCHANTS' QUA Y, WATERP011D. Ac, Mohogany Ncsta or Orawbrt, Tow«l Alreffi Bathi , ' , ... a Afl'n Friday, „ H .~. *l ; "' ; • INDIVIDUALS;¦ ! tended to. The Trade supplied on nnvkrale terms. Tnesilay, <• 18 SI ,... SJ Morn Glasgow (direct) Halurday, 1st June 2 p.m Carpots; Hugs, Fenders, Ttpn»,'ftc. ' ; '; "- ' ¦*' || i ,V: . PRIVATE . < ; ; , ... !i Morn Friday, „ ; 1 \ Tuesilav, " 2j ... 3 Ann 'ii Friday, „ 2?.». -1 Afi n'ii Waterford nud Hid -1- p.m A TUrco-horso , Tfijishing Macbino Mxd'3 ¦ ¦ ¦ lie Inil Iiclail from every Catholic Houkscllor in Glasgow ... Monday, ,, as, wa^i)fi« May (il.iscoiv u p.m - ,^4: ; Mowibg'Machine;by • MERCHANTS, AND ' Cali/p 'O. (direct) Friday, 7tli „ o J s :H J A., 3sr .. ; '\V^8.(^good tfewJ^tJffljgjM - ' '¦ - $.. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' the Diocese. Kruiii Walrrford to lVislol I From V.ristol lo Walerford, Waterford and (ilasgow ... Monday, Kith „ K p.m r Plimtou, withaaomiDodatiDn-fo«Blr;to4JaBy,BycritijeJ1 h - -V- T -- . - , BECiS UESPECTl.'ULLY to iniforin his Friends ah^y4ri»--l*n^1>libi tliat:lioJla8"BI3^)PENBD tho abovo ' Direct. calling at lVinbrokc Dock. Glasgow (dirccl) Friday, Mill ,, S p.m " IUPQ4 Farm '! TRADERS IN EVERY WARE Eslaljlialiment with a, choico selection of Goo Jo comprising— ' TW* >1 f^. ' OFFICE Friday, Jimo 7 Juec I ... 7 .Morn W.-itciforil and (llargow ... Monday, 17lh ,, 1 p.m , JW«^fi*«=S8*»i!?S.'l!i:V^", . _%', ¦ ' ' ' ' "' ' CULLETOKT'S HERALDIC , ... 10 Morn Timlur, «ulc at 'l'wclvo o'Cloofc." ¦ ¦<¦ ¦ ¦:¦ Alinn ^ - • ¦ ¦*:- . •>; ;;. , • F O 11 F A 31 1 1. Y A 11 31 S. /•Villay, „ !( , ,.. 4 AfInii Til<i«ii3j', <.j, 11 5- >i CJ.ISJ OIV (i)iicct ) Thursday, 2Dlh „ 3 ji.m ' ••< . , '7V <) ' n] Morn DISXEll, DESSERT, TOILET, BREAKFAST, anil TEA SEUVICES, THOMAS WAI.SU, Auctioneer. : ^^EXECUTED WITH Friilaj, „ 2 MnrnfTncmlay, - „ Is ... Olasgoir (diicet) Saturday, 82ml „ 6 p.m Fri.hy. '.=,... :i Aflll ' 'TllCMlny, „ M ... 11 Mom Waterford, May 31, 18G7. [m31-2t] „ ll Waleiford and (ilasgow ... Monday, 21th „ B p.m Of Iho Newest Designs. Amongst tlio TAftLK 0LASS will bo found WAT13R JUOS siua (JOBLETS TASTE , IMPORTANT TO IllHRY ONC—JUST COMTLCTED. '" On Karl Morniu- Sailiu;;* the Cabin of the Steam- IP* y , Glasgow (direct) Thursday , 27lh ,, S p.m Cr.Alliyr JU0 3 and UECANTE11S j Sl'IltlT SQUMIES, &e., in great variety. HASTE , ers will he O Passcn^'eJ'Sarriving from London A VALUAHI.K INDEX, cont;.ir.iuS pen Io receive Glasgow (direct) Saturday, Jth „ 2 p.m TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AND J) by llu: .\i_-hl .MailTrain. 2' Tlio PANCV and OltNAJIENTAfi Department contains a Riiporior assortment of BOHEMIAN UIiASS 5 CnJ) x\_ llio AKMS of marly Kvi-ry Family in Wateifurd and lilas^oiv Moiulny, 1st .Tulv, -1 p.::i (or DltlKCTlOH S OP THE MaSTOR IN Clll.VCEJlT), ' Cabin Fare, los. Oil.; Servants and Children, 10s. 0.1. ... Hare ClllMNKY LUSTEIIS ; PARIAN and FltENCU l-'IOUItKS ; SIIADKS nnd STANDS of nil sizes. fl^A Knishml , lri'lnml, and Scotland. Tlio tcsul t ol l-'UOM WA'i'KUFOliD TO ritlCES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, j Iteluni do.. 2,"s. ; or with lilicrly lo return from Dublin for and ON TUESDAY, the Ulh day of JUNE Next, ij^ TiriTiiiKTY YKAI;-' I I .MHIUU , ixtr.ictwl fium l'ul .lii Glasgow (diictt) Tuesday, 4 tli June D p.m WATEIt PIIJTKKS, and every requi^ito Kitohon Culinary purposes, all of which will be sold at Cork , or Wi-nlord His. (id., Steward's fee included ; Dee). 1 (Tho Quality of the Work Contiderei), >Ja:"l Private lirronls, Cli uivh Window?, Mcmu. , Cotk aiid (ilasgniv Thursday, fib ,, 1 p.m llie lowest remunerative prices. At the hour of 12 o'clock (noon), on the Premises, Vv^lr . *s. (i.l. I'cmahs attend the Ladies' Cabin.
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