Sunday, June 27, 2004 Have Libraries Lived up to Brown V
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ALALALIssueAL 2 AAAACognotesOrlando, FL Sunday, June 27, 2004 Have Libraries Lived Up to Brown v. Board of Education? Today: Carla Hayden, president of the Board of Education decision? How the release of American hostages 63, which established him as an American Library Association close are we to realizing the goal in Iran. He joined National Public authority on the civil rights (ALA) will celebrate and reflect on of equity of access to information Radio’s award-winning “Talk of movement. The second install- Amy Goodman the 50th anniversary of Brown v. for all? How can information pro- the Nation” in 1993 and is the ment of his King trilogy, Pillar 9:00–10:30 a.m. Board of Education with a panel fessionals ensure that all library author of The Old Neighborhood: of Fire, appeared in 1999; Branch OCC Auditorium of speakers and writers that will services and materials are avail- What We Lost in the Great Sub- currently is working on the final include Cheryl Brown Henderson, able to all people, regardless of age, urban Migration, 1966-1999. He volume, At Canaan’s Edge. Arthur C. Clarke whose father gave his name to the ethnicity, physical ability, income, is also a contributing editor for Si Josey was elected to honorary Supreme Court case; veteran jour- language, location or type of li- Magazine, a new national publi- membership in the ALA in 2002 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. nalist and commentator Ray brary? What gains have we made cation for Latinos. “in recognition of his tireless com- OCC Auditorium Suarez; Pulitzer Prize-winning in the last half-century, and Branch won the Pulitzer Prize mitment to the association, to Sponsor: CITA's author Taylor Branch, and where do we go from here? for history in 1989 for his 880- equal access to information re- Imagineering Group ground-breaking library leader Henderson is one of three page Parting the Waters: sources, and to the education and E.J. Josey. The five will share the daughters of the late Reverend America in the King Years 1954- employment of librarians.” ALA President's stage this afternoon, in a discus- Oliver Brown, whose desire to en- sion of “Equity: Are We There roll his children in an all-white Program Yet?” The President’s Program elementary school in Topeka, 3:00– 5:00 p.m. takes place from 3:00–5:00 p.m. Kans., led to the historic decision OCC Auditorium in OCC Auditorium (Room 320). overturning the concept of “sepa- “This decision affected not only rate but equal.” She is the co- Farenheit 9/11 education but every aspect of founder of the Brown Foundation 10:00 p.m. American life, including librar- for Educational Equity, Excel- OCC Auditorium ies,” Hayden said. “Although we lence and Research, which, since have made great strides in help- its founding in 1988, has provided (Ticket required) ing all people gain access to qual- scholarships to 40 minority stu- ity library services and resources, dents and sponsored programs on I believe we still have a way to diversity and educational issues. go before we can say there is true Suarez, a senior correspondent equity of access.” for public television’s “News Hour In an effort to illustrate what with Jim Lehrer,” is a 25-year vet- true equity might look like, the eran of the news business and has Exhibit Hours panelists will address questions covered stories ranging from South such as: What are the lessons and Africa’s first all-race elections to Today/Monday: opportunities of the Brown v. Northern Ireland’s peace efforts to 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Tuesday: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Registration ALA President Carla Hayden, left, and President- Hours elect Carol Brey Casiano, right, cut the ribbon to open the exhibits as John Ison and Executive Board members observe. Today/Monday: 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Tuesday: Saturdays With Mitch 7:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. By Michael Byrnes Tuesdays with Morrie de- Embry Riddle tails the visits Albom made to Changes Aeronautical University an old college professor dying Celebrated author, journalist of Lou Gherig’s disease. He Program Changes and humanitarian, Mitch originally planned on meeting Page 13 Albom gave a heartfelt presen- with Morrie for a Tuesday (sin- New and Updated tation Saturday discussing the gular), not the remaining Tues- Exhibitors back-stories of both his literary days of Morrie’s life. After Former White House Terrorism Advisor Richard Clarke juggernauts, Tuesdays with learning Morrie’s biggest fear Page 13 addresses ALA attendees during the Opening General Session. Morrie and The Five People You was leaving his family in debt, Look for the full story in tomorrow's issue of Cognotes. Meet in Heaven. Continued on page 4 Visit us at Booth 1432 Page 2 Cognotes Sunday, June 27, 2004 New Council Members Get Oriented ALA Hosts By Rochelle Hartman elect and all members to let him know, Council. One hundred of the seats are Special Bloomington (IL) Public Library personally, of any issues or concerns, for Councilors-at-Large who represent Newly-elected ALA and ALA-Allied regardless of how small, so that he can the entire membership. The remain- Screening of Professional Association Councilors work with the ALA staff and Council to ing Council seats are divided among gathered Saturday morning to learn solve problems. President Carla Hayden division, chapter and roundtable rep- Fahrenheit 9/11 about the duties and charges expected also welcomed the group, saying that resentatives and the Executive Board. of them when they officially take office in addition to the responsibility of serv- Any active member of ALA is eligible The American Library Association at the close of this year’s Annual meet- ing Council, it is “fun to see democracy to run for Council. Petitions for the will host a special benefit screening of ing. Beth Bingham, Chair of the Coun- in action.” After Hayden spoke, other 2005 elections are available in the ALA Fahrenheit 9/11 for members and at- cil Orientation Committee gave a broad members of the Executive Board and office. A complete petition includes 25 tendees at the 2004 Annual Conference, overview of Council protocol, history, and ALA staff were introduced. Councilors signatures of current ALA members, today, 10 p.m. in the Orlando Conven- culture, offering an insider’s perspec- also received a brief tutorial on parlia- biographical information and a state- tion Center Auditorium. The screening tive as someone who served on Council mentary procedure from Parliamentar- ment of professional concerns. They is an encore of sorts for Moore, who pre- for over ten years. ian Eli Mina. are due in the ALA office no later than viewed Bowling for Columbine to a ALA Executive Director Keith Council is the governing body of January 28, 2005. Those interested standing-room-only crowd two years ago. Michael Fiels welcomed the group and ALA and is comprised of 182 elected in or undecided about running for While Moore will not accompany his said that he has always had tremen- members. Each year, over 30 ALA Council are urged to attend one or newest movie, he and distributor Lion’s dous respect for the work and actions of members are elected by the member- more of the Council meetings during Gate are donating the use of the film to Council. He encouraged the Councilors- ship to serve a three-year term on Annual. the ALA for a screening that will benefit the association’s First Amendment, in- tellectual freedom and USA PATRIOT Act education efforts. Admission is by $10 do- nation, which may be made on-site at the ALA Registration desk. Seating is limited. ALA Immediate Past President Maurice Freedman, who also chairs the ALA-APA Better Salaries Committee, will open the program and share a short film that advocates for better salaries for all library workers, “Working @ your li- Online journals should be brary — for love or money.” ALA Coun- cilor Ann Sparanese, who is thanked in 100% full text–including Dude, Where’s My Country for her ef- forts in rallying support for the distribu- all graphics and images. You read tion of Stupid White Men, will follow and introduce the film. our mind. Via his Web site, Moore also has helped publicize the ALA’s efforts to raise aware- ness about how Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act undermines reader privacy in U.S. libraries and about the impact of library funding cuts nationwide. Visit Swap and Shop ALA attendees’ access to top examples of library publicity just got easier. Swap and Shop, an invaluable annual confer- ence tradition, will take place in the Special Events Area on the Exhibit Floor (behind aisle 300) today from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Hosted by the Public Rela- tions and Marketing Section of the Li- brary Administration and Management Association, Swap and Shop provides an virtual explosion of ideas and informa- We think like you do. And give you more. tion by showcasing samples of the country’s hottest public relations pieces, Project MUSE was co-founded by librarians with librarians’ unique wants and needs including winners of the Swap and Shop in mind. Only 100% full-text, peer-reviewed arts, humanities, and social science jour- “Best of Show” competition. nals. A library-friendly license that delivers exceptional value. Flexible subscription In addition to sampling hundreds of options and a tiered pricing structure. And complete stability—once journal content publicity pieces, attendees will have the goes online, it stays online.