AAGGMMAAZZIINNEE Official Publication of the American Guild of Musical Artists A Branch of the Associated Actors and Artistes of America • Affiliated with the AFL-CIO Spring 2012 Volume 66, Number 1 Page 2 AGMAzine Spring 2012 The American Guild of Musical Artists Celebrating AGMA’s 1430 Broadway, 14th Floor New York, New York 10018-3308 (212) 265-3687 Fax: (212) 262-9088 www.MusicalArtists.org 75th Anniversary Lawrence Tibbett, Founding President Jascha Heifetz, Founding Vice President James Odom, President John Coleman, 1st Vice President Gregory Stapp, 2nd Vice President Sara Stewart Schumann, 3rd Vice President Maren Montalbano, 4th Vice President J Austin Bitner, 5th Vice President Keith Miller, Treasurer Louis Perry, Recording Secretary Alan S. Gordon, National Executive Director Gerry Angel, Director of Operations General Counsel Bruce Simon Cohen, Weiss, & Simon (212) 563-4100 Chicago Counsel Barbara J. Hillman Cornfield and Feldman (312) 236-7800 Special Counsel Gail Lopez-Henriquez Freedman & Lorry (215) 925-8400 Associate Executive Deborah J. Allton-Maher Directo r
[email protected] (800) 543-2462 Western Counsel John C. Russum
[email protected] (310) 215-9554 New York Area James Fayette Dance Executive
[email protected] (800) 543-2462 Area Representation Mid-Atlantic Eleni Kallas National Director of Organizing and Training
[email protected] (301) 869-8266 San Francisco Nora Heiber National Dance Executive
[email protected] (415) 552-2800 Editor Denise Baker MMRC Liaison Karen Grahn AGMAzine Spring 2012 Page 3 CONTENTS PrESidENT ’S MESSagE rEPOrT Ask Not... (Sorry, Mr. President) .........................................4 NaTiONal ExECuTivE dirECTOr ’S rEPOrT AGMA and Actors’ Equity Make Peace ..............................5 arEa NEwS Area 1: New York .............................................................6 p.